wechatllama2 / channel /wechat /wechaty_channel.py
lewisliuX123's picture
Duplicate from lewisliuX123/wechatgpt35
# encoding:utf-8
wechaty channel
Python Wechaty - https://github.com/wechaty/python-wechaty
import io
import os
import json
import time
import asyncio
import requests
from typing import Optional, Union
from wechaty_puppet import MessageType, FileBox, ScanStatus # type: ignore
from wechaty import Wechaty, Contact
from wechaty.user import Message, Room, MiniProgram, UrlLink
from channel.channel import Channel
from common.log import logger
from config import conf
class WechatyChannel(Channel):
def __init__(self):
def startup(self):
async def main(self):
config = conf()
# 使用PadLocal协议 比较稳定(免费web协议 os.environ['WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'] = '')
token = config.get('wechaty_puppet_service_token')
os.environ['WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN'] = token
global bot
bot = Wechaty()
bot.on('scan', self.on_scan)
bot.on('login', self.on_login)
bot.on('message', self.on_message)
await bot.start()
async def on_login(self, contact: Contact):
logger.info('[WX] login user={}'.format(contact))
async def on_scan(self, status: ScanStatus, qr_code: Optional[str] = None,
data: Optional[str] = None):
contact = self.Contact.load(self.contact_id)
logger.info('[WX] scan user={}, scan status={}, scan qr_code={}'.format(contact, status.name, qr_code))
# print(f'user <{contact}> scan status: {status.name} , 'f'qr_code: {qr_code}')
async def on_message(self, msg: Message):
listen for message event
from_contact = msg.talker() # 获取消息的发送者
to_contact = msg.to() # 接收人
room = msg.room() # 获取消息来自的群聊. 如果消息不是来自群聊, 则返回None
from_user_id = from_contact.contact_id
to_user_id = to_contact.contact_id # 接收人id
# other_user_id = msg['User']['UserName'] # 对手方id
content = msg.text()
mention_content = await msg.mention_text() # 返回过滤掉@name后的消息
match_prefix = self.check_prefix(content, conf().get('single_chat_prefix'))
conversation: Union[Room, Contact] = from_contact if room is None else room
if room is None and msg.type() == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT:
if not msg.is_self() and match_prefix is not None:
# 好友向自己发送消息
if match_prefix != '':
str_list = content.split(match_prefix, 1)
if len(str_list) == 2:
content = str_list[1].strip()
img_match_prefix = self.check_prefix(content, conf().get('image_create_prefix'))
if img_match_prefix:
content = content.split(img_match_prefix, 1)[1].strip()
await self._do_send_img(content, from_user_id)
await self._do_send(content, from_user_id)
elif msg.is_self() and match_prefix:
# 自己给好友发送消息
str_list = content.split(match_prefix, 1)
if len(str_list) == 2:
content = str_list[1].strip()
img_match_prefix = self.check_prefix(content, conf().get('image_create_prefix'))
if img_match_prefix:
content = content.split(img_match_prefix, 1)[1].strip()
await self._do_send_img(content, to_user_id)
await self._do_send(content, to_user_id)
elif room and msg.type() == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT:
# 群组&文本消息
room_id = room.room_id
room_name = await room.topic()
from_user_id = from_contact.contact_id
from_user_name = from_contact.name
is_at = await msg.mention_self()
content = mention_content
config = conf()
match_prefix = (is_at and not config.get("group_at_off", False)) \
or self.check_prefix(content, config.get('group_chat_prefix')) \
or self.check_contain(content, config.get('group_chat_keyword'))
if ('ALL_GROUP' in config.get('group_name_white_list') or room_name in config.get(
'group_name_white_list') or self.check_contain(room_name, config.get(
'group_name_keyword_white_list'))) and match_prefix:
img_match_prefix = self.check_prefix(content, conf().get('image_create_prefix'))
if img_match_prefix:
content = content.split(img_match_prefix, 1)[1].strip()
await self._do_send_group_img(content, room_id)
await self._do_send_group(content, room_id, from_user_id, from_user_name)
async def send(self, message: Union[str, Message, FileBox, Contact, UrlLink, MiniProgram], receiver):
logger.info('[WX] sendMsg={}, receiver={}'.format(message, receiver))
if receiver:
contact = await bot.Contact.find(receiver)
await contact.say(message)
async def send_group(self, message: Union[str, Message, FileBox, Contact, UrlLink, MiniProgram], receiver):
logger.info('[WX] sendMsg={}, receiver={}'.format(message, receiver))
if receiver:
room = await bot.Room.find(receiver)
await room.say(message)
async def _do_send(self, query, reply_user_id):
if not query:
context = dict()
context['from_user_id'] = reply_user_id
reply_text = super().build_reply_content(query, context)
if reply_text:
await self.send(conf().get("single_chat_reply_prefix") + reply_text, reply_user_id)
except Exception as e:
async def _do_send_img(self, query, reply_user_id):
if not query:
context = dict()
context['type'] = 'IMAGE_CREATE'
img_url = super().build_reply_content(query, context)
if not img_url:
# 图片下载
# pic_res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True)
# image_storage = io.BytesIO()
# for block in pic_res.iter_content(1024):
# image_storage.write(block)
# image_storage.seek(0)
# 图片发送
logger.info('[WX] sendImage, receiver={}'.format(reply_user_id))
t = int(time.time())
file_box = FileBox.from_url(url=img_url, name=str(t) + '.png')
await self.send(file_box, reply_user_id)
except Exception as e:
async def _do_send_group(self, query, group_id, group_user_id, group_user_name):
if not query:
context = dict()
context['from_user_id'] = str(group_id) + '-' + str(group_user_id)
reply_text = super().build_reply_content(query, context)
if reply_text:
reply_text = '@' + group_user_name + ' ' + reply_text.strip()
await self.send_group(conf().get("group_chat_reply_prefix", "") + reply_text, group_id)
async def _do_send_group_img(self, query, reply_room_id):
if not query:
context = dict()
context['type'] = 'IMAGE_CREATE'
img_url = super().build_reply_content(query, context)
if not img_url:
# 图片发送
logger.info('[WX] sendImage, receiver={}'.format(reply_room_id))
t = int(time.time())
file_box = FileBox.from_url(url=img_url, name=str(t) + '.png')
await self.send_group(file_box, reply_room_id)
except Exception as e:
def check_prefix(self, content, prefix_list):
for prefix in prefix_list:
if content.startswith(prefix):
return prefix
return None
def check_contain(self, content, keyword_list):
if not keyword_list:
return None
for ky in keyword_list:
if content.find(ky) != -1:
return True
return None