import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components from streamlit.components.v1 import html import chess import streamlit_scrollable_textbox as stx from st_bridge import bridge from modules.chess import Chess from modules.utility import set_page from modules.states import init_states import datetime as dt from gradio_client import Client import random set_page(title='Chess vs LLaMA 3.1 405B', page_icon="♟️") init_states() st.session_state.board_width = 400 # Initialize the LLaMA 3.1 405B client llama_client = Client("xianbao/SambaNova-fast") # Initialize all session state variables if 'player_color' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.player_color = 'white' if 'current_turn' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.current_turn = 'white' if 'game_started' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.game_started = False if 'curfen' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.curfen = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1" if 'lastfen' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.lastfen = None if 'moves' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.moves = {} if 'curside' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.curside = 'white' def get_ai_move(fen): board = chess.Board(fen) legal_moves = list(board.legal_moves) if not legal_moves: return None prompt = f"You are a chess engine. Given the following chess position in FEN notation: {fen}, suggest a good move. Respond with only the move in UCI notation (e.g., e2e4)." for _ in range(3): # Try up to 3 times to get a valid move from the AI try: response = llama_client.predict( message=prompt, system_message="You are a chess engine assistant.", max_tokens=10, temperature=0.7, # Increased temperature for more varied moves top_p=0.9, top_k=50, api_name="/chat" ) move = chess.Move.from_uci(response.strip()) if move in legal_moves: return move.uci() except ValueError: pass # If the AI produces an invalid move, we'll try again # If the AI fails to produce a valid move after 3 attempts, choose a random legal move return random.choice(legal_moves).uci() def reset_game(player_color): st.session_state.player_color = player_color st.session_state.curfen = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1" st.session_state.moves = {} st.session_state.current_turn = 'white' st.session_state.game_started = True st.session_state.lastfen = None st.session_state.game_over = False # If player chose black, make the first move for AI if st.session_state.player_color == 'black': ai_move = get_ai_move(st.session_state.curfen) board = chess.Board(st.session_state.curfen) if ai_move: move = chess.Move.from_uci(ai_move) board.push(move) st.session_state.curfen = board.fen() st.session_state.moves.update( { st.session_state.curfen : { 'side': 'white', 'curfen': st.session_state.curfen, 'last_fen': "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", 'last_move': ai_move, 'data': None, 'timestamp': str( } } ) st.session_state.current_turn = 'black' def check_game_end(board): outcome = board.outcome() if outcome: st.session_state.game_over = True if outcome.winner is None: return "Draw" return "White" if outcome.winner else "Black" return None st.title("Chess vs LLaMA 3.1 405B") # Game controls col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1,1,1]) with col1: player_color = st.selectbox("Choose your color", ['white', 'black'], key='color_select') with col2: if st.button('Start New Game', key='start_game'): reset_game(player_color) st.rerun() with col3: st.write(f"Current turn: {st.session_state.current_turn}") st.write(f"Your color: {st.session_state.player_color}") # Get the info from current board after the user made the move. data = bridge("my-bridge") if data is not None and st.session_state.game_started and not st.session_state.game_over: st.session_state.lastfen = st.session_state.curfen st.session_state.curfen = data['fen'] st.session_state.curside = data['move']['color'].replace('w','white').replace('b','black') st.session_state.moves.update( { st.session_state.curfen : { 'side':st.session_state.curside, 'curfen':st.session_state.curfen, 'last_fen':st.session_state.lastfen, 'last_move':data['pgn'], 'data': None, 'timestamp': str( } } ) st.session_state.current_turn = 'white' if st.session_state.curside == 'black' else 'black' board = chess.Board(st.session_state.curfen) game_result = check_game_end(board) if game_result: st.success(f"Game Over! Winner: {game_result}") elif st.session_state.current_turn != st.session_state.player_color: # AI's turn ai_move = get_ai_move(st.session_state.curfen) if ai_move: move = chess.Move.from_uci(ai_move) board.push(move) st.session_state.curfen = board.fen() st.session_state.moves.update( { st.session_state.curfen : { 'side': st.session_state.current_turn, 'curfen': st.session_state.curfen, 'last_fen': st.session_state.lastfen, 'last_move': ai_move, 'data': None, 'timestamp': str( } } ) st.session_state.current_turn = st.session_state.player_color game_result = check_game_end(board) if game_result: st.success(f"Game Over! Winner: {game_result}") else: st.error("The AI couldn't make a move. The game may be over.") # Main game display cols = st.columns([3, 2]) with cols[0]: if st.session_state.game_started: puzzle = Chess(st.session_state.board_width, st.session_state.curfen) components.html( puzzle.puzzle_board(), height=st.session_state.board_width + 75, scrolling=False ) board = chess.Board(st.session_state.curfen) # Game status status_col1, status_col2 = st.columns(2) with status_col1: st.write("Game Status:") st.write(f"Check: {'Yes' if board.is_check() else 'No'}") st.write(f"Checkmate: {'Yes' if board.is_checkmate() else 'No'}") with status_col2: st.write("\u200B") # Invisible character for alignment st.write(f"Stalemate: {'Yes' if board.is_stalemate() else 'No'}") st.write(f"Insufficient material: {'Yes' if board.is_insufficient_material() else 'No'}") if st.session_state.game_over: st.success(f"Game Over! Winner: {check_game_end(board)}") else:"Welcome to Chess vs LLaMA 3.1 405B!") st.write("To start a new game:") st.write("1. Choose your color (white or black)") st.write("2. Click 'Start New Game'") st.write("3. Make your moves on the chess board") st.write("Enjoy playing against the AI!") with cols[1]: if st.session_state.game_started: st.subheader("Move History") records = [ f"##### {value['timestamp'].split('.')[0]} \n {value['side']} - {value.get('last_move','')}" for key, value in st.session_state['moves'].items() ] stx.scrollableTextbox('\n\n'.join(records), height = 400, border=True) else: st.image("", caption="Chess pieces", use_column_width=True)