var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => { if (!member.has(obj)) throw TypeError("Cannot " + msg); }; var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"); return getter ? : member.get(obj); }; var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => { if (member.has(obj)) throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once"); member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value); }; var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"); setter ?, value) : member.set(obj, value); return value; }; var _currentLine; var fn = new Intl.Collator(0, { numeric: 1 }).compare; function semiver(a, b, bool) { a = a.split("."); b = b.split("."); return fn(a[0], b[0]) || fn(a[1], b[1]) || (b[2] = b.slice(2).join("."), bool = /[.-]/.test(a[2] = a.slice(2).join(".")), bool == /[.-]/.test(b[2]) ? fn(a[2], b[2]) : bool ? -1 : 1); } const HOST_URL = "host"; const UPLOAD_URL = "upload"; const LOGIN_URL = "login"; const CONFIG_URL = "config"; const API_INFO_URL = "info"; const RUNTIME_URL = "runtime"; const SLEEPTIME_URL = "sleeptime"; const SPACE_FETCHER_URL = ""; const QUEUE_FULL_MSG = "This application is currently busy. Please try again. "; const BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG = "Connection errored out. "; const CONFIG_ERROR_MSG = "Could not resolve app config. "; const SPACE_STATUS_ERROR_MSG = "Could not get space status. "; const API_INFO_ERROR_MSG = "Could not get API info. "; const SPACE_METADATA_ERROR_MSG = "Space metadata could not be loaded. "; const INVALID_URL_MSG = "Invalid URL. A full URL path is required."; const UNAUTHORIZED_MSG = "Not authorized to access this space. "; const INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MSG = "Invalid credentials. Could not login. "; const MISSING_CREDENTIALS_MSG = "Login credentials are required to access this space."; const NODEJS_FS_ERROR_MSG = "File system access is only available in Node.js environments"; const ROOT_URL_ERROR_MSG = "Root URL not found in client config"; const FILE_PROCESSING_ERROR_MSG = "Error uploading file"; function resolve_root(base_url, root_path, prioritize_base) { if (root_path.startsWith("http://") || root_path.startsWith("https://")) { return prioritize_base ? base_url : root_path; } return base_url + root_path; } async function get_jwt(space, token, cookies) { try { const r = await fetch(`${space}/jwt`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, ...cookies ? { Cookie: cookies } : {} } }); const jwt = (await r.json()).token; return jwt || false; } catch (e) { return false; } } function map_names_to_ids(fns) { let apis = {}; fns.forEach(({ api_name, id }) => { if (api_name) apis[api_name] = id; }); return apis; } async function resolve_config(endpoint) { var _a; const headers = this.options.hf_token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.options.hf_token}` } : {}; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.gradio_config && location.origin !== "http://localhost:9876" && !window.gradio_config.dev_mode) { const path = window.gradio_config.root; const config = window.gradio_config; let config_root = resolve_root(endpoint, config.root, false); config.root = config_root; return { ...config, path }; } else if (endpoint) { const config_url = join_urls(endpoint, CONFIG_URL); const response = await this.fetch(config_url, { headers, credentials: "include" }); if ((response == null ? void 0 : response.status) === 401 && !this.options.auth) { throw new Error(MISSING_CREDENTIALS_MSG); } else if ((response == null ? void 0 : response.status) === 401 && this.options.auth) { throw new Error(INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MSG); } if ((response == null ? void 0 : response.status) === 200) { let config = await response.json(); config.path = config.path ?? ""; config.root = endpoint; (_a = config.dependencies) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((dep, i) => { if ( === void 0) { = i; } }); return config; } else if ((response == null ? void 0 : response.status) === 401) { throw new Error(UNAUTHORIZED_MSG); } throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } async function resolve_cookies() { const { http_protocol, host } = await process_endpoint( this.app_reference, this.options.hf_token ); try { if (this.options.auth) { const cookie_header = await get_cookie_header( http_protocol, host, this.options.auth, this.fetch, this.options.hf_token ); if (cookie_header) this.set_cookies(cookie_header); } } catch (e) { throw Error(e.message); } } async function get_cookie_header(http_protocol, host, auth, _fetch, hf_token) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("username", auth == null ? void 0 : auth[0]); formData.append("password", auth == null ? void 0 : auth[1]); let headers = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } const res = await _fetch(`${http_protocol}//${host}/${LOGIN_URL}`, { headers, method: "POST", body: formData, credentials: "include" }); if (res.status === 200) { return res.headers.get("set-cookie"); } else if (res.status === 401) { throw new Error(INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MSG); } else { throw new Error(SPACE_METADATA_ERROR_MSG); } } function determine_protocol(endpoint) { if (endpoint.startsWith("http")) { const { protocol, host, pathname } = new URL(endpoint); if (host.endsWith("")) { return { ws_protocol: "wss", host, http_protocol: protocol }; } return { ws_protocol: protocol === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws", http_protocol: protocol, host: host + (pathname !== "/" ? pathname : "") }; } else if (endpoint.startsWith("file:")) { return { ws_protocol: "ws", http_protocol: "http:", host: "lite.local" // Special fake hostname only used for this case. This matches the hostname allowed in `is_self_host()` in `js/wasm/network/host.ts`. }; } return { ws_protocol: "wss", http_protocol: "https:", host: endpoint }; } const parse_and_set_cookies = (cookie_header) => { let cookies = []; const parts = cookie_header.split(/,(?=\s*[^\s=;]+=[^\s=;]+)/); parts.forEach((cookie) => { const [cookie_name, cookie_value] = cookie.split(";")[0].split("="); if (cookie_name && cookie_value) { cookies.push(`${cookie_name.trim()}=${cookie_value.trim()}`); } }); return cookies; }; const RE_SPACE_NAME = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/; const RE_SPACE_DOMAIN = /.*hf\.space\/{0,1}$/; async function process_endpoint(app_reference, hf_token) { const headers = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } const _app_reference = app_reference.trim().replace(/\/$/, ""); if (RE_SPACE_NAME.test(_app_reference)) { try { const res = await fetch( `${_app_reference}/${HOST_URL}`, { headers } ); const _host = (await res.json()).host; return { space_id: app_reference, ...determine_protocol(_host) }; } catch (e) { throw new Error(SPACE_METADATA_ERROR_MSG); } } if (RE_SPACE_DOMAIN.test(_app_reference)) { const { ws_protocol, http_protocol, host } = determine_protocol(_app_reference); return { space_id: host.replace("", ""), ws_protocol, http_protocol, host }; } return { space_id: false, ...determine_protocol(_app_reference) }; } const join_urls = (...urls) => { try { return urls.reduce((base_url, part) => { base_url = base_url.replace(/\/+$/, ""); part = part.replace(/^\/+/, ""); return new URL(part, base_url + "/").toString(); }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(INVALID_URL_MSG); } }; function transform_api_info(api_info, config, api_map) { const transformed_info = { named_endpoints: {}, unnamed_endpoints: {} }; Object.keys(api_info).forEach((category) => { if (category === "named_endpoints" || category === "unnamed_endpoints") { transformed_info[category] = {}; Object.entries(api_info[category]).forEach( ([endpoint, { parameters, returns }]) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const dependencyIndex = ((_a = config.dependencies.find( (dep) => dep.api_name === endpoint || dep.api_name === endpoint.replace("/", "") )) == null ? void 0 : || api_map[endpoint.replace("/", "")] || -1; const dependencyTypes = dependencyIndex !== -1 ? (_b = config.dependencies.find((dep) => == dependencyIndex)) == null ? void 0 : _b.types : { continuous: false, generator: false, cancel: false }; if (dependencyIndex !== -1 && ((_d = (_c = config.dependencies.find((dep) => == dependencyIndex)) == null ? void 0 : _c.inputs) == null ? void 0 : _d.length) !== parameters.length) { const components = config.dependencies.find((dep) => == dependencyIndex) (input) => { var _a2; return (_a2 = config.components.find((c) => === input)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.type; } ); try { components.forEach((comp, idx) => { if (comp === "state") { const new_param = { component: "state", example: null, parameter_default: null, parameter_has_default: true, parameter_name: null, hidden: true }; parameters.splice(idx, 0, new_param); } }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } const transform_type = (data, component, serializer, signature_type) => ({, description: get_description(data == null ? void 0 : data.type, serializer), type: get_type(data == null ? void 0 : data.type, component, serializer, signature_type) || "" }); transformed_info[category][endpoint] = { parameters: (p) => transform_type(p, p == null ? void 0 : p.component, p == null ? void 0 : p.serializer, "parameter") ), returns: (r) => transform_type(r, r == null ? void 0 : r.component, r == null ? void 0 : r.serializer, "return") ), type: dependencyTypes }; } ); } }); return transformed_info; } function get_type(type, component, serializer, signature_type) { switch (type == null ? void 0 : type.type) { case "string": return "string"; case "boolean": return "boolean"; case "number": return "number"; } if (serializer === "JSONSerializable" || serializer === "StringSerializable") { return "any"; } else if (serializer === "ListStringSerializable") { return "string[]"; } else if (component === "Image") { return signature_type === "parameter" ? "Blob | File | Buffer" : "string"; } else if (serializer === "FileSerializable") { if ((type == null ? void 0 : type.type) === "array") { return signature_type === "parameter" ? "(Blob | File | Buffer)[]" : `{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}[]`; } return signature_type === "parameter" ? "Blob | File | Buffer" : `{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}`; } else if (serializer === "GallerySerializable") { return signature_type === "parameter" ? "[(Blob | File | Buffer), (string | null)][]" : `[{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}, (string | null))][]`; } } function get_description(type, serializer) { if (serializer === "GallerySerializable") { return "array of [file, label] tuples"; } else if (serializer === "ListStringSerializable") { return "array of strings"; } else if (serializer === "FileSerializable") { return "array of files or single file"; } return type == null ? void 0 : type.description; } function handle_message(data, last_status) { const queue = true; switch (data.msg) { case "send_data": return { type: "data" }; case "send_hash": return { type: "hash" }; case "queue_full": return { type: "update", status: { queue, message: QUEUE_FULL_MSG, stage: "error", code: data.code, success: data.success } }; case "heartbeat": return { type: "heartbeat" }; case "unexpected_error": return { type: "unexpected_error", status: { queue, message: data.message, stage: "error", success: false } }; case "estimation": return { type: "update", status: { queue, stage: last_status || "pending", code: data.code, size: data.queue_size, position: data.rank, eta: data.rank_eta, success: data.success } }; case "progress": return { type: "update", status: { queue, stage: "pending", code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, success: data.success } }; case "log": return { type: "log", data }; case "process_generating": return { type: "generating", status: { queue, message: !data.success ? data.output.error : null, stage: data.success ? "generating" : "error", code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, eta: data.average_duration }, data: data.success ? data.output : null }; case "process_completed": if ("error" in data.output) { return { type: "update", status: { queue, message: data.output.error, stage: "error", code: data.code, success: data.success } }; } return { type: "complete", status: { queue, message: !data.success ? data.output.error : void 0, stage: data.success ? "complete" : "error", code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, changed_state_ids: data.success ? data.output.changed_state_ids : void 0 }, data: data.success ? data.output : null }; case "process_starts": return { type: "update", status: { queue, stage: "pending", code: data.code, size: data.rank, position: 0, success: data.success, eta: data.eta } }; } return { type: "none", status: { stage: "error", queue } }; } const map_data_to_params = (data, api_info) => { const parameters = Object.values(api_info.named_endpoints).flatMap( (values) => values.parameters ); if (Array.isArray(data)) { if (data.length > parameters.length) { console.warn("Too many arguments provided for the endpoint."); } return data; } const resolved_data = []; const provided_keys = Object.keys(data); parameters.forEach((param, index) => { if (data.hasOwnProperty(param.parameter_name)) { resolved_data[index] = data[param.parameter_name]; } else if (param.parameter_has_default) { resolved_data[index] = param.parameter_default; } else { throw new Error( `No value provided for required parameter: ${param.parameter_name}` ); } }); provided_keys.forEach((key) => { if (!parameters.some((param) => param.parameter_name === key)) { throw new Error( `Parameter \`${key}\` is not a valid keyword argument. Please refer to the API for usage.` ); } }); resolved_data.forEach((value, idx) => { if (value === void 0 && !parameters[idx].parameter_has_default) { throw new Error( `No value provided for required parameter: ${parameters[idx].parameter_name}` ); } }); return resolved_data; }; async function view_api() { if (this.api_info) return this.api_info; const { hf_token } = this.options; const { config } = this; const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } if (!config) { return; } try { let response; if (semiver((config == null ? void 0 : config.version) || "2.0.0", "3.30") < 0) { response = await this.fetch(SPACE_FETCHER_URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ serialize: false, config: JSON.stringify(config) }), headers, credentials: "include" }); } else { const url = join_urls(config.root, API_INFO_URL); response = await this.fetch(url, { headers, credentials: "include" }); } if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG); } let api_info = await response.json(); if ("api" in api_info) { api_info = api_info.api; } if (api_info.named_endpoints["/predict"] && !api_info.unnamed_endpoints["0"]) { api_info.unnamed_endpoints[0] = api_info.named_endpoints["/predict"]; } return transform_api_info(api_info, config, this.api_map); } catch (e) { "Could not get API info. " + e.message; } } async function upload_files(root_url, files, upload_id) { var _a; const headers = {}; if ((_a = this == null ? void 0 : this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a.hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.options.hf_token}`; } const chunkSize = 1e3; const uploadResponses = []; let response; for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i += chunkSize) { const chunk = files.slice(i, i + chunkSize); const formData = new FormData(); chunk.forEach((file) => { formData.append("files", file); }); try { const upload_url = upload_id ? `${root_url}/${UPLOAD_URL}?upload_id=${upload_id}` : `${root_url}/${UPLOAD_URL}`; response = await this.fetch(upload_url, { method: "POST", body: formData, headers, credentials: "include" }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG + e.message); } if (!response.ok) { const error_text = await response.text(); return { error: `HTTP ${response.status}: ${error_text}` }; } const output = await response.json(); if (output) { uploadResponses.push(...output); } } return { files: uploadResponses }; } async function upload(file_data, root_url, upload_id, max_file_size) { let files = (Array.isArray(file_data) ? file_data : [file_data]).map( (file_data2) => file_data2.blob ); const oversized_files = files.filter( (f) => f.size > (max_file_size ?? Infinity) ); if (oversized_files.length) { throw new Error( `File size exceeds the maximum allowed size of ${max_file_size} bytes: ${ =>", ")}` ); } return await Promise.all( await this.upload_files(root_url, files, upload_id).then( async (response) => { if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } else { if (response.files) { return, i) => { const file = new FileData({ ...file_data[i], path: f, url: root_url + "/file=" + f }); return file; }); } return []; } } ) ); } async function prepare_files(files, is_stream) { return (f) => new FileData({ path:, orig_name:, blob: f, size: f.size, mime_type: f.type, is_stream }) ); } class FileData { constructor({ path, url, orig_name, size, blob, is_stream, mime_type, alt_text }) { __publicField(this, "path"); __publicField(this, "url"); __publicField(this, "orig_name"); __publicField(this, "size"); __publicField(this, "blob"); __publicField(this, "is_stream"); __publicField(this, "mime_type"); __publicField(this, "alt_text"); __publicField(this, "meta", { _type: "gradio.FileData" }); this.path = path; this.url = url; this.orig_name = orig_name; this.size = size; this.blob = url ? void 0 : blob; this.is_stream = is_stream; this.mime_type = mime_type; this.alt_text = alt_text; } } class Command { constructor(command, meta) { __publicField(this, "type"); __publicField(this, "command"); __publicField(this, "meta"); __publicField(this, "fileData"); this.type = "command"; this.command = command; this.meta = meta; } } const is_node = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && process.versions.node; function update_object(object, newValue, stack) { while (stack.length > 1) { const key2 = stack.shift(); if (typeof key2 === "string" || typeof key2 === "number") { object = object[key2]; } else { throw new Error("Invalid key type"); } } const key = stack.shift(); if (typeof key === "string" || typeof key === "number") { object[key] = newValue; } else { throw new Error("Invalid key type"); } } async function walk_and_store_blobs(data, type = void 0, path = [], root = false, endpoint_info = void 0) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { let blob_refs = []; await Promise.all( (_, index) => { var _a; let new_path = path.slice(); new_path.push(String(index)); const array_refs = await walk_and_store_blobs( data[index], root ? ((_a = endpoint_info == null ? void 0 : endpoint_info.parameters[index]) == null ? void 0 : _a.component) || void 0 : type, new_path, false, endpoint_info ); blob_refs = blob_refs.concat(array_refs); }) ); return blob_refs; } else if (globalThis.Buffer && data instanceof globalThis.Buffer || data instanceof Blob) { return [ { path, blob: new Blob([data]), type } ]; } else if (typeof data === "object" && data !== null) { let blob_refs = []; for (const key of Object.keys(data)) { const new_path = [...path, key]; const value = data[key]; blob_refs = blob_refs.concat( await walk_and_store_blobs( value, void 0, new_path, false, endpoint_info ) ); } return blob_refs; } return []; } function skip_queue(id, config) { var _a, _b; let fn_queue = (_b = (_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.dependencies) == null ? void 0 : _a.find((dep) => == id)) == null ? void 0 : _b.queue; if (fn_queue != null) { return !fn_queue; } return !config.enable_queue; } function post_message(message, origin) { return new Promise((res, _rej) => { const channel = new MessageChannel(); channel.port1.onmessage = ({ data }) => { channel.port1.close(); res(data); }; window.parent.postMessage(message, origin, [channel.port2]); }); } function handle_file(file_or_url) { if (typeof file_or_url === "string") { if (file_or_url.startsWith("http://") || file_or_url.startsWith("https://")) { return { path: file_or_url, url: file_or_url, orig_name: file_or_url.split("/").pop() ?? "unknown", meta: { _type: "gradio.FileData" } }; } if (is_node) { return new Command("upload_file", { path: file_or_url, name: file_or_url, orig_path: file_or_url }); } } else if (typeof File !== "undefined" && file_or_url instanceof File) { return { path: file_or_url instanceof File ? : "blob", orig_name: file_or_url instanceof File ? : "unknown", // @ts-ignore blob: file_or_url instanceof File ? file_or_url : new Blob([file_or_url]), size: file_or_url instanceof Blob ? file_or_url.size : Buffer.byteLength(file_or_url), mime_type: file_or_url instanceof File ? file_or_url.type : "application/octet-stream", // Default MIME type for buffers meta: { _type: "gradio.FileData" } }; } else if (file_or_url instanceof Buffer) { return new Blob([file_or_url]); } else if (file_or_url instanceof Blob) { return file_or_url; } throw new Error( "Invalid input: must be a URL, File, Blob, or Buffer object." ); } function handle_payload(resolved_payload, dependency, components, type, with_null_state = false) { if (type === "input" && !with_null_state) { throw new Error("Invalid code path. Cannot skip state inputs for input."); } if (type === "output" && with_null_state) { return resolved_payload; } let updated_payload = []; let payload_index = 0; for (let i = 0; i < dependency.inputs.length; i++) { const input_id = dependency.inputs[i]; const component = components.find((c) => === input_id); if ((component == null ? void 0 : component.type) === "state") { if (with_null_state) { if (resolved_payload.length === dependency.inputs.length) { const value = resolved_payload[payload_index]; updated_payload.push(value); payload_index++; } else { updated_payload.push(null); } } else { payload_index++; continue; } continue; } else { const value = resolved_payload[payload_index]; updated_payload.push(value); payload_index++; } } return updated_payload; } async function handle_blob(endpoint, data, api_info) { const self = this; await process_local_file_commands(self, data); const blobRefs = await walk_and_store_blobs( data, void 0, [], true, api_info ); const results = await Promise.all( ({ path, blob, type }) => { if (!blob) return { path, type }; const response = await self.upload_files(endpoint, [blob]); const file_url = response.files && response.files[0]; return { path, file_url, type, name: blob instanceof File ? blob == null ? void 0 : : void 0 }; }) ); results.forEach(({ path, file_url, type, name }) => { if (type === "Gallery") { update_object(data, file_url, path); } else if (file_url) { const file = new FileData({ path: file_url, orig_name: name }); update_object(data, file, path); } }); return data; } async function process_local_file_commands(client2, data) { var _a, _b; const root = ((_a = client2.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.root) || ((_b = client2.config) == null ? void 0 : _b.root_url); if (!root) { throw new Error(ROOT_URL_ERROR_MSG); } await recursively_process_commands(client2, data); } async function recursively_process_commands(client2, data, path = []) { for (const key in data) { if (data[key] instanceof Command) { await process_single_command(client2, data, key); } else if (typeof data[key] === "object" && data[key] !== null) { await recursively_process_commands(client2, data[key], [...path, key]); } } } async function process_single_command(client2, data, key) { var _a, _b; let cmd_item = data[key]; const root = ((_a = client2.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.root) || ((_b = client2.config) == null ? void 0 : _b.root_url); if (!root) { throw new Error(ROOT_URL_ERROR_MSG); } try { let fileBuffer; let fullPath; if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && process.versions.node) { const fs = await import("fs/promises"); const path = await import("path"); fullPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), cmd_item.meta.path); fileBuffer = await fs.readFile(fullPath); } else { throw new Error(NODEJS_FS_ERROR_MSG); } const file = new Blob([fileBuffer], { type: "application/octet-stream" }); const response = await client2.upload_files(root, [file]); const file_url = response.files && response.files[0]; if (file_url) { const fileData = new FileData({ path: file_url, orig_name: || "" }); data[key] = fileData; } } catch (error) { console.error(FILE_PROCESSING_ERROR_MSG, error); } } async function post_data(url, body, additional_headers) { const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; if (this.options.hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.options.hf_token}`; } try { var response = await this.fetch(url, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: { ...headers, ...additional_headers }, credentials: "include" }); } catch (e) { return [{ error: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG }, 500]; } let output; let status; try { output = await response.json(); status = response.status; } catch (e) { output = { error: `Could not parse server response: ${e}` }; status = 500; } return [output, status]; } async function predict(endpoint, data) { let data_returned = false; let status_complete = false; let dependency; if (!this.config) { throw new Error("Could not resolve app config"); } if (typeof endpoint === "number") { dependency = this.config.dependencies.find((dep) => == endpoint); } else { const trimmed_endpoint = endpoint.replace(/^\//, ""); dependency = this.config.dependencies.find( (dep) => == this.api_map[trimmed_endpoint] ); } if (dependency == null ? void 0 : dependency.types.continuous) { throw new Error( "Cannot call predict on this function as it may run forever. Use submit instead" ); } return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const app = this.submit(endpoint, data, null, null, true); let result; for await (const message of app) { if (message.type === "data") { if (status_complete) { resolve(result); } data_returned = true; result = message; } if (message.type === "status") { if (message.stage === "error") reject(message); if (message.stage === "complete") { status_complete = true; if (data_returned) { resolve(result); } } } } }); } async function check_space_status(id, type, status_callback) { let endpoint = type === "subdomain" ? `${id}` : `${id}`; let response; let _status; try { response = await fetch(endpoint); _status = response.status; if (_status !== 200) { throw new Error(); } response = await response.json(); } catch (e) { status_callback({ status: "error", load_status: "error", message: SPACE_STATUS_ERROR_MSG, detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); return; } if (!response || _status !== 200) return; const { runtime: { stage }, id: space_name } = response; switch (stage) { case "STOPPED": case "SLEEPING": status_callback({ status: "sleeping", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is asleep. Waking it up...", detail: stage }); setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(id, type, status_callback); }, 1e3); break; case "PAUSED": status_callback({ status: "paused", load_status: "error", message: "This space has been paused by the author. If you would like to try this demo, consider duplicating the space.", detail: stage, discussions_enabled: await discussions_enabled(space_name) }); break; case "RUNNING": case "RUNNING_BUILDING": status_callback({ status: "running", load_status: "complete", message: "", detail: stage }); break; case "BUILDING": status_callback({ status: "building", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is building...", detail: stage }); setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(id, type, status_callback); }, 1e3); break; default: status_callback({ status: "space_error", load_status: "error", message: "This space is experiencing an issue.", detail: stage, discussions_enabled: await discussions_enabled(space_name) }); break; } } const RE_DISABLED_DISCUSSION = /^(?=[^]*\b[dD]iscussions{0,1}\b)(?=[^]*\b[dD]isabled\b)[^]*$/; async function discussions_enabled(space_id) { try { const r = await fetch( `${space_id}/discussions`, { method: "HEAD" } ); const error = r.headers.get("x-error-message"); if (!r.ok || error && RE_DISABLED_DISCUSSION.test(error)) return false; return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } async function get_space_hardware(space_id, hf_token) { const headers = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } try { const res = await fetch( `${space_id}/${RUNTIME_URL}`, { headers } ); if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error("Space hardware could not be obtained."); const { hardware } = await res.json(); return hardware.current; } catch (e) { throw new Error(e.message); } } async function set_space_timeout(space_id, timeout, hf_token) { const headers = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } const body = { seconds: timeout }; try { const res = await fetch( `${space_id}/${SLEEPTIME_URL}`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", ...headers }, body: JSON.stringify(body) } ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new Error( "Could not set sleep timeout on duplicated Space. Please visit *ADD HF LINK TO SETTINGS* to set a timeout manually to reduce billing charges." ); } const response = await res.json(); return response; } catch (e) { throw new Error(e.message); } } const hardware_types = [ "cpu-basic", "cpu-upgrade", "cpu-xl", "t4-small", "t4-medium", "a10g-small", "a10g-large", "a10g-largex2", "a10g-largex4", "a100-large", "zero-a10g", "h100", "h100x8" ]; async function duplicate(app_reference, options) { const { hf_token, private: _private, hardware, timeout, auth } = options; if (hardware && !hardware_types.includes(hardware)) { throw new Error( `Invalid hardware type provided. Valid types are: ${ => `"${v}"`).join(",")}.` ); } const { http_protocol, host } = await process_endpoint( app_reference, hf_token ); let cookies = null; if (auth) { const cookie_header = await get_cookie_header( http_protocol, host, auth, fetch ); if (cookie_header) cookies = parse_and_set_cookies(cookie_header); } const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${hf_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", ...cookies ? { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") } : {} }; const user = (await (await fetch(``, { headers })).json()).name; const space_name = app_reference.split("/")[1]; const body = { repository: `${user}/${space_name}` }; if (_private) { body.private = true; } let original_hardware; try { if (!hardware) { original_hardware = await get_space_hardware(app_reference, hf_token); } } catch (e) { throw Error(SPACE_METADATA_ERROR_MSG + e.message); } const requested_hardware = hardware || original_hardware || "cpu-basic"; body.hardware = requested_hardware; try { const response = await fetch( `${app_reference}/duplicate`, { method: "POST", headers, body: JSON.stringify(body) } ); if (response.status === 409) { try { const client2 = await Client.connect(`${user}/${space_name}`, options); return client2; } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to connect Client instance:", error); throw error; } } else if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error(response.statusText); } const duplicated_space = await response.json(); await set_space_timeout(`${user}/${space_name}`, timeout || 300, hf_token); return await Client.connect( get_space_reference(duplicated_space.url), options ); } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } } function get_space_reference(url) { const regex = /https:\/\/\/spaces\/([^/]+\/[^/]+)/; const match = url.match(regex); if (match) { return match[1]; } } class TextLineStream extends TransformStream { /** Constructs a new instance. */ constructor(options = { allowCR: false }) { super({ transform: (chars, controller) => { chars = __privateGet(this, _currentLine) + chars; while (true) { const lfIndex = chars.indexOf("\n"); const crIndex = options.allowCR ? chars.indexOf("\r") : -1; if (crIndex !== -1 && crIndex !== chars.length - 1 && (lfIndex === -1 || lfIndex - 1 > crIndex)) { controller.enqueue(chars.slice(0, crIndex)); chars = chars.slice(crIndex + 1); continue; } if (lfIndex === -1) break; const endIndex = chars[lfIndex - 1] === "\r" ? lfIndex - 1 : lfIndex; controller.enqueue(chars.slice(0, endIndex)); chars = chars.slice(lfIndex + 1); } __privateSet(this, _currentLine, chars); }, flush: (controller) => { if (__privateGet(this, _currentLine) === "") return; const currentLine = options.allowCR && __privateGet(this, _currentLine).endsWith("\r") ? __privateGet(this, _currentLine).slice(0, -1) : __privateGet(this, _currentLine); controller.enqueue(currentLine); } }); __privateAdd(this, _currentLine, ""); } } _currentLine = new WeakMap(); function stream$1(input) { let decoder = new TextDecoderStream(); let split2 = new TextLineStream({ allowCR: true }); return input.pipeThrough(decoder).pipeThrough(split2); } function split(input) { let rgx = /[:]\s*/; let match = rgx.exec(input); let idx = match && match.index; if (idx) { return [ input.substring(0, idx), input.substring(idx + match[0].length) ]; } } function fallback(headers, key, value) { let tmp = headers.get(key); if (!tmp) headers.set(key, value); } async function* events(res, signal) { if (!res.body) return; let iter = stream$1(res.body); let line, reader = iter.getReader(); let event; for (; ; ) { if (signal && signal.aborted) { return reader.cancel(); } line = await; if (line.done) return; if (!line.value) { if (event) yield event; event = void 0; continue; } let [field, value] = split(line.value) || []; if (!field) continue; if (field === "data") { event || (event = {}); event[field] = event[field] ? event[field] + "\n" + value : value; } else if (field === "event") { event || (event = {}); event[field] = value; } else if (field === "id") { event || (event = {}); event[field] = +value || value; } else if (field === "retry") { event || (event = {}); event[field] = +value || void 0; } } } async function stream(input, init) { let req = new Request(input, init); fallback(req.headers, "Accept", "text/event-stream"); fallback(req.headers, "Content-Type", "application/json"); let r = await fetch(req); if (!r.ok) throw r; return events(r, req.signal); } async function open_stream() { let { event_callbacks, unclosed_events, pending_stream_messages, stream_status, config, jwt } = this; const that = this; if (!config) { throw new Error("Could not resolve app config"); } = true; let stream2 = null; let params = new URLSearchParams({ session_hash: this.session_hash }).toString(); let url = new URL(`${config.root}/queue/data?${params}`); if (jwt) { url.searchParams.set("__sign", jwt); } stream2 =; if (!stream2) { console.warn("Cannot connect to SSE endpoint: " + url.toString()); return; } stream2.onmessage = async function(event) { let _data = JSON.parse(; if (_data.msg === "close_stream") { close_stream(stream_status, that.abort_controller); return; } const event_id = _data.event_id; if (!event_id) { await Promise.all( Object.keys(event_callbacks).map( (event_id2) => event_callbacks[event_id2](_data) ) ); } else if (event_callbacks[event_id] && config) { if (_data.msg === "process_completed" && ["sse", "sse_v1", "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3"].includes( config.protocol )) { unclosed_events.delete(event_id); } let fn2 = event_callbacks[event_id]; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined") { setTimeout(fn2, 0, _data); } else { fn2(_data); } } else { if (!pending_stream_messages[event_id]) { pending_stream_messages[event_id] = []; } pending_stream_messages[event_id].push(_data); } }; stream2.onerror = async function() { await Promise.all( Object.keys(event_callbacks).map( (event_id) => event_callbacks[event_id]({ msg: "unexpected_error", message: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG }) ) ); }; } function close_stream(stream_status, abort_controller) { if (stream_status) { = false; abort_controller == null ? void 0 : abort_controller.abort(); } } function apply_diff_stream(pending_diff_streams, event_id, data) { let is_first_generation = !pending_diff_streams[event_id]; if (is_first_generation) { pending_diff_streams[event_id] = [];, i) => { pending_diff_streams[event_id][i] = value; }); } else {, i) => { let new_data = apply_diff(pending_diff_streams[event_id][i], value); pending_diff_streams[event_id][i] = new_data;[i] = new_data; }); } } function apply_diff(obj, diff) { diff.forEach(([action, path, value]) => { obj = apply_edit(obj, path, action, value); }); return obj; } function apply_edit(target, path, action, value) { if (path.length === 0) { if (action === "replace") { return value; } else if (action === "append") { return target + value; } throw new Error(`Unsupported action: ${action}`); } let current = target; for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { current = current[path[i]]; } const last_path = path[path.length - 1]; switch (action) { case "replace": current[last_path] = value; break; case "append": current[last_path] += value; break; case "add": if (Array.isArray(current)) { current.splice(Number(last_path), 0, value); } else { current[last_path] = value; } break; case "delete": if (Array.isArray(current)) { current.splice(Number(last_path), 1); } else { delete current[last_path]; } break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown action: ${action}`); } return target; } function readable_stream(input, init = {}) { const instance = { close: () => { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }, onerror: null, onmessage: null, onopen: null, readyState: 0, url: input.toString(), withCredentials: false, CONNECTING: 0, OPEN: 1, CLOSED: 2, addEventListener: () => { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }, dispatchEvent: () => { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }, removeEventListener: () => { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } }; stream(input, init).then(async (res) => { instance.readyState = instance.OPEN; try { for await (const chunk of res) { instance.onmessage && instance.onmessage(chunk); } instance.readyState = instance.CLOSED; } catch (e) { instance.onerror && instance.onerror(e); instance.readyState = instance.CLOSED; } }).catch((e) => { console.error(e); instance.onerror && instance.onerror(e); instance.readyState = instance.CLOSED; }); return instance; } function submit(endpoint, data, event_data, trigger_id, all_events) { var _a; try { let fire_event = function(event) { if (all_events || events_to_publish[event.type]) { push_event(event); } }, close = function() { done = true; while (resolvers.length > 0) resolvers.shift()({ value: void 0, done: true }); }, push = function(data2) { if (done) return; if (resolvers.length > 0) { resolvers.shift()(data2); } else { values.push(data2); } }, push_error = function(error) { push(thenable_reject(error)); close(); }, push_event = function(event) { push({ value: event, done: false }); }, next = function() { if (values.length > 0) return Promise.resolve(values.shift()); if (done) return Promise.resolve({ value: void 0, done: true }); return new Promise((resolve) => resolvers.push(resolve)); }; const { hf_token } = this.options; const { fetch: fetch2, app_reference, config, session_hash, api_info, api_map, stream_status, pending_stream_messages, pending_diff_streams, event_callbacks, unclosed_events, post_data: post_data2, options } = this; const that = this; if (!api_info) throw new Error("No API found"); if (!config) throw new Error("Could not resolve app config"); let { fn_index, endpoint_info, dependency } = get_endpoint_info( api_info, endpoint, api_map, config ); let resolved_data = map_data_to_params(data, api_info); let websocket; let stream2; let protocol = config.protocol ?? "ws"; const _endpoint = typeof endpoint === "number" ? "/predict" : endpoint; let payload; let event_id = null; let complete = false; let last_status = {}; let url_params = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined" ? new URLSearchParams( : ""; const events_to_publish = ((_a = options == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _a.reduce( (acc, event) => { acc[event] = true; return acc; }, {} )) || {}; async function cancel() { const _status = { stage: "complete", queue: false, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }; complete = _status; fire_event({ ..._status, type: "status", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); let reset_request = {}; let cancel_request = {}; if (protocol === "ws") { if (websocket && websocket.readyState === 0) { websocket.addEventListener("open", () => { websocket.close(); }); } else { websocket.close(); } reset_request = { fn_index, session_hash }; } else { close_stream(stream_status, that.abort_controller); close(); reset_request = { event_id }; cancel_request = { event_id, session_hash, fn_index }; } try { if (!config) { throw new Error("Could not resolve app config"); } if ("event_id" in cancel_request) { await fetch2(`${config.root}/cancel`, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(cancel_request) }); } await fetch2(`${config.root}/reset`, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(reset_request) }); } catch (e) { console.warn( "The `/reset` endpoint could not be called. Subsequent endpoint results may be unreliable." ); } } const resolve_heartbeat = async (config2) => { await this._resolve_hearbeat(config2); }; async function handle_render_config(render_config) { if (!config) return; let render_id = render_config.render_id; config.components = [ ...config.components.filter((c) => c.props.rendered_in !== render_id), ...render_config.components ]; config.dependencies = [ ...config.dependencies.filter((d) => d.rendered_in !== render_id), ...render_config.dependencies ]; const any_state = config.components.some((c) => c.type === "state"); const any_unload = config.dependencies.some( (d) => d.targets.some((t) => t[1] === "unload") ); config.connect_heartbeat = any_state || any_unload; await resolve_heartbeat(config); fire_event({ type: "render", data: render_config, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); } this.handle_blob(config.root, resolved_data, endpoint_info).then( async (_payload) => { var _a2; let input_data = handle_payload( _payload, dependency, config.components, "input", true ); payload = { data: input_data || [], event_data, fn_index, trigger_id }; if (skip_queue(fn_index, config)) { fire_event({ type: "status", endpoint: _endpoint, stage: "pending", queue: false, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); post_data2( `${config.root}/run${_endpoint.startsWith("/") ? _endpoint : `/${_endpoint}`}${url_params ? "?" + url_params : ""}`, { ...payload, session_hash } ).then(([output, status_code]) => { const data2 =; if (status_code == 200) { fire_event({ type: "data", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, data: handle_payload( data2, dependency, config.components, "output", options.with_null_state ), time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), event_data, trigger_id }); if (output.render_config) { handle_render_config(output.render_config); } fire_event({ type: "status", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, stage: "complete", eta: output.average_duration, queue: false, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); } else { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, message: output.error, queue: false, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); } }).catch((e) => { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: e.message, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, queue: false, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); }); } else if (protocol == "ws") { const { ws_protocol, host } = await process_endpoint( app_reference, hf_token ); fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "pending", queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); let url = new URL( `${ws_protocol}://${resolve_root( host, config.path, true )}/queue/join${url_params ? "?" + url_params : ""}` ); if (this.jwt) { url.searchParams.set("__sign", this.jwt); } websocket = new WebSocket(url); websocket.onclose = (evt) => { if (!evt.wasClean) { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", broken: true, message: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); } }; websocket.onmessage = function(event) { const _data = JSON.parse(; const { type, status, data: data2 } = handle_message( _data, last_status[fn_index] ); if (type === "update" && status && !complete) { fire_event({ type: "status", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...status }); if (status.stage === "error") { websocket.close(); } } else if (type === "hash") { websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ fn_index, session_hash })); return; } else if (type === "data") { websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ ...payload, session_hash })); } else if (type === "complete") { complete = status; } else if (type === "log") { fire_event({ type: "log", log: data2.log, level: data2.level, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); } else if (type === "generating") { fire_event({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...status, stage: status == null ? void 0 : status.stage, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); } if (data2) { fire_event({ type: "data", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), data: handle_payload(, dependency, config.components, "output", options.with_null_state ), endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, event_data, trigger_id }); if (complete) { fire_event({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...complete, stage: status == null ? void 0 : status.stage, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); websocket.close(); } } }; if (semiver(config.version || "2.0.0", "3.6") < 0) { addEventListener( "open", () => websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ hash: session_hash })) ); } } else if (protocol == "sse") { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "pending", queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); var params = new URLSearchParams({ fn_index: fn_index.toString(), session_hash }).toString(); let url = new URL( `${config.root}/queue/join?${url_params ? url_params + "&" : ""}${params}` ); if (this.jwt) { url.searchParams.set("__sign", this.jwt); } stream2 =; if (!stream2) { return Promise.reject( new Error("Cannot connect to SSE endpoint: " + url.toString()) ); } stream2.onmessage = async function(event) { const _data = JSON.parse(; const { type, status, data: data2 } = handle_message( _data, last_status[fn_index] ); if (type === "update" && status && !complete) { fire_event({ type: "status", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...status }); if (status.stage === "error") { stream2 == null ? void 0 : stream2.close(); close(); } } else if (type === "data") { event_id = _data.event_id; let [_, status2] = await post_data2(`${config.root}/queue/data`, { ...payload, session_hash, event_id }); if (status2 !== 200) { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); stream2 == null ? void 0 : stream2.close(); close(); } } else if (type === "complete") { complete = status; } else if (type === "log") { fire_event({ type: "log", log: data2.log, level: data2.level, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); } else if (type === "generating") { fire_event({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...status, stage: status == null ? void 0 : status.stage, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); } if (data2) { fire_event({ type: "data", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), data: handle_payload(, dependency, config.components, "output", options.with_null_state ), endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, event_data, trigger_id }); if (complete) { fire_event({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...complete, stage: status == null ? void 0 : status.stage, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); stream2 == null ? void 0 : stream2.close(); close(); } } }; } else if (protocol == "sse_v1" || protocol == "sse_v2" || protocol == "sse_v2.1" || protocol == "sse_v3") { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "pending", queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); let hostname = ""; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined") { hostname = (_a2 = window == null ? void 0 : window.location) == null ? void 0 : _a2.hostname; } let hfhubdev = ""; const origin = hostname.includes(".dev.") ? `https://moon-${hostname.split(".")[1]}.${hfhubdev}` : ``; const is_iframe = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined" && window.parent != window; const is_zerogpu_space = dependency.zerogpu && config.space_id; const zerogpu_auth_promise = is_iframe && is_zerogpu_space ? post_message("zerogpu-headers", origin) : Promise.resolve(null); const post_data_promise = zerogpu_auth_promise.then((headers) => { return post_data2( `${config.root}/queue/join?${url_params}`, { ...payload, session_hash }, headers ); }); post_data_promise.then(async ([response, status]) => { if (status === 503) { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: QUEUE_FULL_MSG, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); } else if (status !== 200) { fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); } else { event_id = response.event_id; let callback = async function(_data) { try { const { type, status: status2, data: data2 } = handle_message( _data, last_status[fn_index] ); if (type == "heartbeat") { return; } if (type === "update" && status2 && !complete) { fire_event({ type: "status", endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...status2 }); } else if (type === "complete") { complete = status2; } else if (type == "unexpected_error") { console.error("Unexpected error", status2 == null ? void 0 : status2.message); fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: (status2 == null ? void 0 : status2.message) || "An Unexpected Error Occurred!", queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); } else if (type === "log") { fire_event({ type: "log", log: data2.log, level: data2.level, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); return; } else if (type === "generating") { fire_event({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...status2, stage: status2 == null ? void 0 : status2.stage, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); if (data2 && ["sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3"].includes(protocol)) { apply_diff_stream(pending_diff_streams, event_id, data2); } } if (data2) { fire_event({ type: "data", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), data: handle_payload(, dependency, config.components, "output", options.with_null_state ), endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); if (data2.render_config) { await handle_render_config(data2.render_config); } if (complete) { fire_event({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...complete, stage: status2 == null ? void 0 : status2.stage, queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index }); } } if ((status2 == null ? void 0 : status2.stage) === "complete" || (status2 == null ? void 0 : status2.stage) === "error") { if (event_callbacks[event_id]) { delete event_callbacks[event_id]; } if (event_id in pending_diff_streams) { delete pending_diff_streams[event_id]; } } } catch (e) { console.error("Unexpected client exception", e); fire_event({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: "An Unexpected Error Occurred!", queue: true, endpoint: _endpoint, fn_index, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); if (["sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3"].includes(protocol)) { close_stream(stream_status, that.abort_controller); = false; close(); } } }; if (event_id in pending_stream_messages) { pending_stream_messages[event_id].forEach( (msg) => callback(msg) ); delete pending_stream_messages[event_id]; } event_callbacks[event_id] = callback; unclosed_events.add(event_id); if (! { await this.open_stream(); } } }); } } ); let done = false; const values = []; const resolvers = []; const iterator = { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => iterator, next, throw: async (value) => { push_error(value); return next(); }, return: async () => { close(); return next(); }, cancel }; return iterator; } catch (error) { console.error("Submit function encountered an error:", error); throw error; } } function thenable_reject(error) { return { then: (resolve, reject) => reject(error) }; } function get_endpoint_info(api_info, endpoint, api_map, config) { let fn_index; let endpoint_info; let dependency; if (typeof endpoint === "number") { fn_index = endpoint; endpoint_info = api_info.unnamed_endpoints[fn_index]; dependency = config.dependencies.find((dep) => == endpoint); } else { const trimmed_endpoint = endpoint.replace(/^\//, ""); fn_index = api_map[trimmed_endpoint]; endpoint_info = api_info.named_endpoints[endpoint.trim()]; dependency = config.dependencies.find( (dep) => == api_map[trimmed_endpoint] ); } if (typeof fn_index !== "number") { throw new Error( "There is no endpoint matching that name of fn_index matching that number." ); } return { fn_index, endpoint_info, dependency }; } class Client { constructor(app_reference, options = { events: ["data"] }) { __publicField(this, "app_reference"); __publicField(this, "options"); __publicField(this, "config"); __publicField(this, "api_info"); __publicField(this, "api_map", {}); __publicField(this, "session_hash", Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)); __publicField(this, "jwt", false); __publicField(this, "last_status", {}); __publicField(this, "cookies", null); // streaming __publicField(this, "stream_status", { open: false }); __publicField(this, "pending_stream_messages", {}); __publicField(this, "pending_diff_streams", {}); __publicField(this, "event_callbacks", {}); __publicField(this, "unclosed_events", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); __publicField(this, "heartbeat_event", null); __publicField(this, "abort_controller", null); __publicField(this, "stream_instance", null); __publicField(this, "view_api"); __publicField(this, "upload_files"); __publicField(this, "upload"); __publicField(this, "handle_blob"); __publicField(this, "post_data"); __publicField(this, "submit"); __publicField(this, "predict"); __publicField(this, "open_stream"); __publicField(this, "resolve_config"); __publicField(this, "resolve_cookies"); this.app_reference = app_reference; if (! { = ["data"]; } this.options = options; this.view_api = view_api.bind(this); this.upload_files = upload_files.bind(this); this.handle_blob = handle_blob.bind(this); this.post_data = post_data.bind(this); this.submit = submit.bind(this); this.predict = predict.bind(this); this.open_stream = open_stream.bind(this); this.resolve_config = resolve_config.bind(this); this.resolve_cookies = resolve_cookies.bind(this); this.upload = upload.bind(this); } fetch(input, init) { const headers = new Headers((init == null ? void 0 : init.headers) || {}); if (this && this.cookies) { headers.append("Cookie", this.cookies); } return fetch(input, { ...init, headers }); } stream(url) { this.abort_controller = new AbortController(); this.stream_instance = readable_stream(url.toString(), { signal: this.abort_controller.signal }); return this.stream_instance; } async init() { var _a; if ((typeof window === "undefined" || !("WebSocket" in window)) && !global.WebSocket) { const ws = await import("./wrapper-CviSselG.js"); global.WebSocket = ws.WebSocket; } try { if (this.options.auth) { await this.resolve_cookies(); } await this._resolve_config().then( ({ config }) => this._resolve_hearbeat(config) ); } catch (e) { throw Error(e); } this.api_info = await this.view_api(); this.api_map = map_names_to_ids(((_a = this.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.dependencies) || []); } async _resolve_hearbeat(_config) { if (_config) { this.config = _config; if (this.config && this.config.connect_heartbeat) { if (this.config.space_id && this.options.hf_token) { this.jwt = await get_jwt( this.config.space_id, this.options.hf_token, this.cookies ); } } } if (_config.space_id && this.options.hf_token) { this.jwt = await get_jwt(_config.space_id, this.options.hf_token); } if (this.config && this.config.connect_heartbeat) { const heartbeat_url = new URL( `${this.config.root}/heartbeat/${this.session_hash}` ); if (this.jwt) { heartbeat_url.searchParams.set("__sign", this.jwt); } if (!this.heartbeat_event) { this.heartbeat_event =; } } } static async connect(app_reference, options = { events: ["data"] }) { const client2 = new this(app_reference, options); await client2.init(); return client2; } close() { var _a; (_a = this.heartbeat_event) == null ? void 0 : _a.close(); } static async duplicate(app_reference, options = { events: ["data"] }) { return duplicate(app_reference, options); } async _resolve_config() { const { http_protocol, host, space_id } = await process_endpoint( this.app_reference, this.options.hf_token ); const { status_callback } = this.options; let config; try { config = await this.resolve_config(`${http_protocol}//${host}`); if (!config) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } return this.config_success(config); } catch (e) { if (space_id && status_callback) { check_space_status( space_id, RE_SPACE_NAME.test(space_id) ? "space_name" : "subdomain", this.handle_space_success ); } else { if (status_callback) status_callback({ status: "error", message: "Could not load this space.", load_status: "error", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); throw Error(e); } } } async config_success(_config) { this.config = _config; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined") { if (window.location.protocol === "https:") { this.config.root = this.config.root.replace("http://", "https://"); } } if (this.config.auth_required) { return this.prepare_return_obj(); } try { this.api_info = await this.view_api(); } catch (e) { console.error(API_INFO_ERROR_MSG + e.message); } return this.prepare_return_obj(); } async handle_space_success(status) { if (!this) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } const { status_callback } = this.options; if (status_callback) status_callback(status); if (status.status === "running") { try { this.config = await this._resolve_config(); if (!this.config) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } const _config = await this.config_success(this.config); return _config; } catch (e) { if (status_callback) { status_callback({ status: "error", message: "Could not load this space.", load_status: "error", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); } throw e; } } } async component_server(component_id, fn_name, data) { var _a; if (!this.config) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } const headers = {}; const { hf_token } = this.options; const { session_hash } = this; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.options.hf_token}`; } let root_url; let component = this.config.components.find( (comp) => === component_id ); if ((_a = component == null ? void 0 : component.props) == null ? void 0 : _a.root_url) { root_url = component.props.root_url; } else { root_url = this.config.root; } let body; if ("binary" in data) { body = new FormData(); for (const key in { if (key === "binary") continue; body.append(key,[key]); } body.set("component_id", component_id.toString()); body.set("fn_name", fn_name); body.set("session_hash", session_hash); } else { body = JSON.stringify({ data, component_id, fn_name, session_hash }); headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; } if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } try { const response = await this.fetch(`${root_url}/component_server/`, { method: "POST", body, headers, credentials: "include" }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( "Could not connect to component server: " + response.statusText ); } const output = await response.json(); return output; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } set_cookies(raw_cookies) { this.cookies = parse_and_set_cookies(raw_cookies).join("; "); } prepare_return_obj() { return { config: this.config, predict: this.predict, submit: this.submit, view_api: this.view_api, component_server: this.component_server }; } } async function client(app_reference, options = { events: ["data"] }) { return await Client.connect(app_reference, options); } async function duplicate_space(app_reference, options) { return await Client.duplicate(app_reference, options); } export { Client, FileData, client, duplicate_space as duplicate, handle_file, predict, prepare_files, submit, upload, upload_files };