declare namespace cliSpinners { type SpinnerName = | 'dots' | 'dots2' | 'dots3' | 'dots4' | 'dots5' | 'dots6' | 'dots7' | 'dots8' | 'dots9' | 'dots10' | 'dots11' | 'dots12' | 'dots8Bit' | 'sand' | 'line' | 'line2' | 'pipe' | 'simpleDots' | 'simpleDotsScrolling' | 'star' | 'star2' | 'flip' | 'hamburger' | 'growVertical' | 'growHorizontal' | 'balloon' | 'balloon2' | 'noise' | 'bounce' | 'boxBounce' | 'boxBounce2' | 'binary' | 'triangle' | 'arc' | 'circle' | 'squareCorners' | 'circleQuarters' | 'circleHalves' | 'squish' | 'toggle' | 'toggle2' | 'toggle3' | 'toggle4' | 'toggle5' | 'toggle6' | 'toggle7' | 'toggle8' | 'toggle9' | 'toggle10' | 'toggle11' | 'toggle12' | 'toggle13' | 'arrow' | 'arrow2' | 'arrow3' | 'bouncingBar' | 'bouncingBall' | 'smiley' | 'monkey' | 'hearts' | 'clock' | 'earth' | 'material' | 'moon' | 'runner' | 'pong' | 'shark' | 'dqpb' | 'weather' | 'christmas' | 'grenade' | 'point' | 'layer' | 'betaWave' | 'fingerDance' | 'fistBump' | 'soccerHeader' | 'mindblown' | 'speaker' | 'orangePulse' | 'bluePulse' | 'orangeBluePulse' | 'timeTravel' | 'aesthetic' | 'dwarfFortress'; interface Spinner { /** Recommended interval. */ readonly interval: number; /** A list of frames to show for the spinner. */ readonly frames: string[]; } } /** 70+ spinners for use in the terminal. @example ``` import cliSpinners = require('cli-spinners'); console.log(cliSpinners.dots); // { // interval: 80, // frames: ['⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏'] // } ``` */ declare const cliSpinners: { readonly [spinnerName in cliSpinners.SpinnerName]: cliSpinners.Spinner; } & { /** Returns a random spinner each time it's called. */ readonly random: cliSpinners.Spinner; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release default: typeof cliSpinners; }; export = cliSpinners;