# `@socket.io/component-emitter` Event emitter component. This project is a fork of the [`component-emitter`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/component-emitter) project, with [Socket.IO](https://socket.io/)-specific TypeScript typings. ## Installation ``` $ npm i @socket.io/component-emitter ``` ## API ### Emitter(obj) The `Emitter` may also be used as a mixin. For example a "plain" object may become an emitter, or you may extend an existing prototype. As an `Emitter` instance: ```js import { Emitter } from '@socket.io/component-emitter'; var emitter = new Emitter; emitter.emit('something'); ``` As a mixin: ```js import { Emitter } from '@socket.io/component-emitter'; var user = { name: 'tobi' }; Emitter(user); user.emit('im a user'); ``` As a prototype mixin: ```js import { Emitter } from '@socket.io/component-emitter'; Emitter(User.prototype); ``` ### Emitter#on(event, fn) Register an `event` handler `fn`. ### Emitter#once(event, fn) Register a single-shot `event` handler `fn`, removed immediately after it is invoked the first time. ### Emitter#off(event, fn) * Pass `event` and `fn` to remove a listener. * Pass `event` to remove all listeners on that event. * Pass nothing to remove all listeners on all events. ### Emitter#emit(event, ...) Emit an `event` with variable option args. ### Emitter#listeners(event) Return an array of callbacks, or an empty array. ### Emitter#hasListeners(event) Check if this emitter has `event` handlers. ## License MIT