import type { ApiData, ApiInfo, ClientOptions, Config, DuplicateOptions, EndpointInfo, JsApiData, PredictReturn, SpaceStatus, Status, UploadResponse, client_return, SubmitIterable, GradioEvent } from "./types"; import { view_api } from "./utils/view_api"; import { upload_files } from "./utils/upload_files"; import { upload, FileData } from "./upload"; import { handle_blob } from "./utils/handle_blob"; import { post_data } from "./utils/post_data"; import { predict } from "./utils/predict"; import { duplicate } from "./utils/duplicate"; import { submit } from "./utils/submit"; import { RE_SPACE_NAME, process_endpoint } from "./helpers/api_info"; import { map_names_to_ids, resolve_cookies, resolve_config, get_jwt, parse_and_set_cookies } from "./helpers/init_helpers"; import { check_space_status } from "./helpers/spaces"; import { open_stream, readable_stream } from "./utils/stream"; import { API_INFO_ERROR_MSG, CONFIG_ERROR_MSG } from "./constants"; export class Client { app_reference: string; options: ClientOptions; config: Config | undefined; api_info: ApiInfo | undefined; api_map: Record = {}; session_hash: string = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); jwt: string | false = false; last_status: Record = {}; private cookies: string | null = null; // streaming stream_status = { open: false }; pending_stream_messages: Record = {}; pending_diff_streams: Record = {}; event_callbacks: Record Promise> = {}; unclosed_events: Set = new Set(); heartbeat_event: EventSource | null = null; abort_controller: AbortController | null = null; stream_instance: EventSource | null = null; fetch(input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise { const headers = new Headers(init?.headers || {}); if (this && this.cookies) { headers.append("Cookie", this.cookies); } return fetch(input, { ...init, headers }); } stream(url: URL): EventSource { this.abort_controller = new AbortController(); this.stream_instance = readable_stream(url.toString(), { signal: this.abort_controller.signal }); return this.stream_instance; } view_api: () => Promise>; upload_files: ( root_url: string, files: (Blob | File)[], upload_id?: string ) => Promise; upload: ( file_data: FileData[], root_url: string, upload_id?: string, max_file_size?: number ) => Promise<(FileData | null)[] | null>; handle_blob: ( endpoint: string, data: unknown[], endpoint_info: EndpointInfo ) => Promise; post_data: ( url: string, body: unknown, additional_headers?: any ) => Promise; submit: ( endpoint: string | number, data: unknown[] | Record, event_data?: unknown, trigger_id?: number | null, all_events?: boolean ) => SubmitIterable; predict: ( endpoint: string | number, data: unknown[] | Record, event_data?: unknown ) => Promise; open_stream: () => Promise; private resolve_config: (endpoint: string) => Promise; private resolve_cookies: () => Promise; constructor( app_reference: string, options: ClientOptions = { events: ["data"] } ) { this.app_reference = app_reference; if (! { = ["data"]; } this.options = options; this.view_api = view_api.bind(this); this.upload_files = upload_files.bind(this); this.handle_blob = handle_blob.bind(this); this.post_data = post_data.bind(this); this.submit = submit.bind(this); this.predict = predict.bind(this); this.open_stream = open_stream.bind(this); this.resolve_config = resolve_config.bind(this); this.resolve_cookies = resolve_cookies.bind(this); this.upload = upload.bind(this); } private async init(): Promise { if ( (typeof window === "undefined" || !("WebSocket" in window)) && !global.WebSocket ) { const ws = await import("ws"); global.WebSocket = ws.WebSocket as unknown as typeof WebSocket; } try { if (this.options.auth) { await this.resolve_cookies(); } await this._resolve_config().then(({ config }) => this._resolve_hearbeat(config) ); } catch (e: any) { throw Error(e); } this.api_info = await this.view_api(); this.api_map = map_names_to_ids(this.config?.dependencies || []); } async _resolve_hearbeat(_config: Config): Promise { if (_config) { this.config = _config; if (this.config && this.config.connect_heartbeat) { if (this.config.space_id && this.options.hf_token) { this.jwt = await get_jwt( this.config.space_id, this.options.hf_token, this.cookies ); } } } if (_config.space_id && this.options.hf_token) { this.jwt = await get_jwt(_config.space_id, this.options.hf_token); } if (this.config && this.config.connect_heartbeat) { // connect to the heartbeat endpoint via GET request const heartbeat_url = new URL( `${this.config.root}/heartbeat/${this.session_hash}` ); // if the jwt is available, add it to the query params if (this.jwt) { heartbeat_url.searchParams.set("__sign", this.jwt); } // Just connect to the endpoint without parsing the response. Ref: if (!this.heartbeat_event) { this.heartbeat_event =; } } } static async connect( app_reference: string, options: ClientOptions = { events: ["data"] } ): Promise { const client = new this(app_reference, options); // this refers to the class itself, not the instance await client.init(); return client; } close(): void { this.heartbeat_event?.close(); } static async duplicate( app_reference: string, options: DuplicateOptions = { events: ["data"] } ): Promise { return duplicate(app_reference, options); } private async _resolve_config(): Promise { const { http_protocol, host, space_id } = await process_endpoint( this.app_reference, this.options.hf_token ); const { status_callback } = this.options; let config: Config | undefined; try { config = await this.resolve_config(`${http_protocol}//${host}`); if (!config) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } return this.config_success(config); } catch (e: any) { if (space_id && status_callback) { check_space_status( space_id, RE_SPACE_NAME.test(space_id) ? "space_name" : "subdomain", this.handle_space_success ); } else { if (status_callback) status_callback({ status: "error", message: "Could not load this space.", load_status: "error", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); throw Error(e); } } } private async config_success( _config: Config ): Promise { this.config = _config; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined") { if (window.location.protocol === "https:") { this.config.root = this.config.root.replace("http://", "https://"); } } if (this.config.auth_required) { return this.prepare_return_obj(); } try { this.api_info = await this.view_api(); } catch (e) { console.error(API_INFO_ERROR_MSG + (e as Error).message); } return this.prepare_return_obj(); } async handle_space_success(status: SpaceStatus): Promise { if (!this) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } const { status_callback } = this.options; if (status_callback) status_callback(status); if (status.status === "running") { try { this.config = await this._resolve_config(); if (!this.config) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } const _config = await this.config_success(this.config); return _config as Config; } catch (e) { if (status_callback) { status_callback({ status: "error", message: "Could not load this space.", load_status: "error", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); } throw e; } } } public async component_server( component_id: number, fn_name: string, data: unknown[] | { binary: boolean; data: Record } ): Promise { if (!this.config) { throw new Error(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG); } const headers: { Authorization?: string; "Content-Type"?: "application/json"; } = {}; const { hf_token } = this.options; const { session_hash } = this; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.options.hf_token}`; } let root_url: string; let component = this.config.components.find( (comp) => === component_id ); if (component?.props?.root_url) { root_url = component.props.root_url; } else { root_url = this.config.root; } let body: FormData | string; if ("binary" in data) { body = new FormData(); for (const key in { if (key === "binary") continue; body.append(key,[key]); } body.set("component_id", component_id.toString()); body.set("fn_name", fn_name); body.set("session_hash", session_hash); } else { body = JSON.stringify({ data: data, component_id, fn_name, session_hash }); headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; } if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } try { const response = await this.fetch(`${root_url}/component_server/`, { method: "POST", body: body, headers, credentials: "include" }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( "Could not connect to component server: " + response.statusText ); } const output = await response.json(); return output; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } public set_cookies(raw_cookies: string): void { this.cookies = parse_and_set_cookies(raw_cookies).join("; "); } private prepare_return_obj(): client_return { return { config: this.config, predict: this.predict, submit: this.submit, view_api: this.view_api, component_server: this.component_server }; } } /** * @deprecated This method will be removed in v1.0. Use `Client.connect()` instead. * Creates a client instance for interacting with Gradio apps. * * @param {string} app_reference - The reference or URL to a Gradio space or app. * @param {ClientOptions} options - Configuration options for the client. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a `Client` instance. */ export async function client( app_reference: string, options: ClientOptions = { events: ["data"] } ): Promise { return await Client.connect(app_reference, options); } /** * @deprecated This method will be removed in v1.0. Use `Client.duplicate()` instead. * Creates a duplicate of a space and returns a client instance for the duplicated space. * * @param {string} app_reference - The reference or URL to a Gradio space or app to duplicate. * @param {DuplicateOptions} options - Configuration options for the client. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a `Client` instance. */ export async function duplicate_space( app_reference: string, options: DuplicateOptions ): Promise { return await Client.duplicate(app_reference, options); } export type ClientInstance = Client;