import require$$0 from "stream"; import require$$0$2 from "zlib"; import require$$0$1 from "fs"; import require$$1$1 from "path"; import require$$2 from "os"; import require$$0$3 from "buffer"; import require$$3 from "net"; import require$$4 from "tls"; import require$$5 from "crypto"; import require$$0$4 from "events"; import require$$1$2 from "https"; import require$$2$1 from "http"; import require$$7 from "url"; function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) { return x && x.__esModule &&, "default") ? x["default"] : x; } function getAugmentedNamespace(n) { if (n.__esModule) return n; var f = n.default; if (typeof f == "function") { var a = function a2() { if (this instanceof a2) { return Reflect.construct(f, arguments, this.constructor); } return f.apply(this, arguments); }; a.prototype = f.prototype; } else a = {}; Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.keys(n).forEach(function(k) { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, k); Object.defineProperty(a, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function() { return n[k]; } }); }); return a; } const { Duplex } = require$$0; function emitClose$1(stream2) { stream2.emit("close"); } function duplexOnEnd() { if (!this.destroyed && this._writableState.finished) { this.destroy(); } } function duplexOnError(err) { this.removeListener("error", duplexOnError); this.destroy(); if (this.listenerCount("error") === 0) { this.emit("error", err); } } function createWebSocketStream(ws, options) { let terminateOnDestroy = true; const duplex = new Duplex({ ...options, autoDestroy: false, emitClose: false, objectMode: false, writableObjectMode: false }); ws.on("message", function message(msg, isBinary) { const data = !isBinary && duplex._readableState.objectMode ? msg.toString() : msg; if (!duplex.push(data)) ws.pause(); }); ws.once("error", function error2(err) { if (duplex.destroyed) return; terminateOnDestroy = false; duplex.destroy(err); }); ws.once("close", function close() { if (duplex.destroyed) return; duplex.push(null); }); duplex._destroy = function(err, callback) { if (ws.readyState === ws.CLOSED) { callback(err); process.nextTick(emitClose$1, duplex); return; } let called = false; ws.once("error", function error2(err2) { called = true; callback(err2); }); ws.once("close", function close() { if (!called) callback(err); process.nextTick(emitClose$1, duplex); }); if (terminateOnDestroy) ws.terminate(); }; duplex._final = function(callback) { if (ws.readyState === ws.CONNECTING) { ws.once("open", function open() { duplex._final(callback); }); return; } if (ws._socket === null) return; if (ws._socket._writableState.finished) { callback(); if (duplex._readableState.endEmitted) duplex.destroy(); } else { ws._socket.once("finish", function finish() { callback(); }); ws.close(); } }; duplex._read = function() { if (ws.isPaused) ws.resume(); }; duplex._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (ws.readyState === ws.CONNECTING) { ws.once("open", function open() { duplex._write(chunk, encoding, callback); }); return; } ws.send(chunk, callback); }; duplex.on("end", duplexOnEnd); duplex.on("error", duplexOnError); return duplex; } var stream = createWebSocketStream; const stream$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(stream); var bufferUtil$1 = { exports: {} }; var constants = { BINARY_TYPES: ["nodebuffer", "arraybuffer", "fragments"], EMPTY_BUFFER: Buffer.alloc(0), GUID: "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11", kForOnEventAttribute: Symbol("kIsForOnEventAttribute"), kListener: Symbol("kListener"), kStatusCode: Symbol("status-code"), kWebSocket: Symbol("websocket"), NOOP: () => { } }; var bufferutil = { exports: {} }; var nodeGypBuild$1 = { exports: {} }; function commonjsRequire(path) { throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.'); } var nodeGypBuild; var hasRequiredNodeGypBuild$1; function requireNodeGypBuild$1() { if (hasRequiredNodeGypBuild$1) return nodeGypBuild; hasRequiredNodeGypBuild$1 = 1; var fs = require$$0$1; var path = require$$1$1; var os = require$$2; var runtimeRequire = typeof __webpack_require__ === "function" ? __non_webpack_require__ : commonjsRequire; var vars = process.config && process.config.variables || {}; var prebuildsOnly = !!process.env.PREBUILDS_ONLY; var abi = process.versions.modules; var runtime = isElectron() ? "electron" : isNwjs() ? "node-webkit" : "node"; var arch = process.env.npm_config_arch || os.arch(); var platform = process.env.npm_config_platform || os.platform(); var libc = process.env.LIBC || (isAlpine(platform) ? "musl" : "glibc"); var armv = process.env.ARM_VERSION || (arch === "arm64" ? "8" : vars.arm_version) || ""; var uv = (process.versions.uv || "").split(".")[0]; nodeGypBuild = load; function load(dir) { return runtimeRequire(load.resolve(dir)); } load.resolve = load.path = function(dir) { dir = path.resolve(dir || "."); try { var name = runtimeRequire(path.join(dir, "package.json")).name.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, "_"); if (process.env[name + "_PREBUILD"]) dir = process.env[name + "_PREBUILD"]; } catch (err) { } if (!prebuildsOnly) { var release = getFirst(path.join(dir, "build/Release"), matchBuild); if (release) return release; var debug = getFirst(path.join(dir, "build/Debug"), matchBuild); if (debug) return debug; } var prebuild = resolve(dir); if (prebuild) return prebuild; var nearby = resolve(path.dirname(process.execPath)); if (nearby) return nearby; var target = [ "platform=" + platform, "arch=" + arch, "runtime=" + runtime, "abi=" + abi, "uv=" + uv, armv ? "armv=" + armv : "", "libc=" + libc, "node=" + process.versions.node, process.versions.electron ? "electron=" + process.versions.electron : "", typeof __webpack_require__ === "function" ? "webpack=true" : "" // eslint-disable-line ].filter(Boolean).join(" "); throw new Error("No native build was found for " + target + "\n loaded from: " + dir + "\n"); function resolve(dir2) { var tuples = readdirSync(path.join(dir2, "prebuilds")).map(parseTuple); var tuple = tuples.filter(matchTuple(platform, arch)).sort(compareTuples)[0]; if (!tuple) return; var prebuilds = path.join(dir2, "prebuilds",; var parsed = readdirSync(prebuilds).map(parseTags); var candidates = parsed.filter(matchTags(runtime, abi)); var winner = candidates.sort(compareTags(runtime))[0]; if (winner) return path.join(prebuilds, winner.file); } }; function readdirSync(dir) { try { return fs.readdirSync(dir); } catch (err) { return []; } } function getFirst(dir, filter) { var files = readdirSync(dir).filter(filter); return files[0] && path.join(dir, files[0]); } function matchBuild(name) { return /\.node$/.test(name); } function parseTuple(name) { var arr = name.split("-"); if (arr.length !== 2) return; var platform2 = arr[0]; var architectures = arr[1].split("+"); if (!platform2) return; if (!architectures.length) return; if (!architectures.every(Boolean)) return; return { name, platform: platform2, architectures }; } function matchTuple(platform2, arch2) { return function(tuple) { if (tuple == null) return false; if (tuple.platform !== platform2) return false; return tuple.architectures.includes(arch2); }; } function compareTuples(a, b) { return a.architectures.length - b.architectures.length; } function parseTags(file) { var arr = file.split("."); var extension2 = arr.pop(); var tags = { file, specificity: 0 }; if (extension2 !== "node") return; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var tag = arr[i]; if (tag === "node" || tag === "electron" || tag === "node-webkit") { tags.runtime = tag; } else if (tag === "napi") { tags.napi = true; } else if (tag.slice(0, 3) === "abi") { tags.abi = tag.slice(3); } else if (tag.slice(0, 2) === "uv") { tags.uv = tag.slice(2); } else if (tag.slice(0, 4) === "armv") { tags.armv = tag.slice(4); } else if (tag === "glibc" || tag === "musl") { tags.libc = tag; } else { continue; } tags.specificity++; } return tags; } function matchTags(runtime2, abi2) { return function(tags) { if (tags == null) return false; if (tags.runtime !== runtime2 && !runtimeAgnostic(tags)) return false; if (tags.abi !== abi2 && !tags.napi) return false; if (tags.uv && tags.uv !== uv) return false; if (tags.armv && tags.armv !== armv) return false; if (tags.libc && tags.libc !== libc) return false; return true; }; } function runtimeAgnostic(tags) { return tags.runtime === "node" && tags.napi; } function compareTags(runtime2) { return function(a, b) { if (a.runtime !== b.runtime) { return a.runtime === runtime2 ? -1 : 1; } else if (a.abi !== b.abi) { return a.abi ? -1 : 1; } else if (a.specificity !== b.specificity) { return a.specificity > b.specificity ? -1 : 1; } else { return 0; } }; } function isNwjs() { return !!(process.versions && process.versions.nw); } function isElectron() { if (process.versions && process.versions.electron) return true; if (process.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE) return true; return typeof window !== "undefined" && window.process && window.process.type === "renderer"; } function isAlpine(platform2) { return platform2 === "linux" && fs.existsSync("/etc/alpine-release"); } load.parseTags = parseTags; load.matchTags = matchTags; load.compareTags = compareTags; load.parseTuple = parseTuple; load.matchTuple = matchTuple; load.compareTuples = compareTuples; return nodeGypBuild; } var hasRequiredNodeGypBuild; function requireNodeGypBuild() { if (hasRequiredNodeGypBuild) return nodeGypBuild$1.exports; hasRequiredNodeGypBuild = 1; if (typeof process.addon === "function") { nodeGypBuild$1.exports = process.addon.bind(process); } else { nodeGypBuild$1.exports = requireNodeGypBuild$1(); } return nodeGypBuild$1.exports; } var fallback; var hasRequiredFallback; function requireFallback() { if (hasRequiredFallback) return fallback; hasRequiredFallback = 1; const mask2 = (source, mask3, output, offset, length) => { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { output[offset + i] = source[i] ^ mask3[i & 3]; } }; const unmask2 = (buffer, mask3) => { const length = buffer.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer[i] ^= mask3[i & 3]; } }; fallback = { mask: mask2, unmask: unmask2 }; return fallback; } var hasRequiredBufferutil; function requireBufferutil() { if (hasRequiredBufferutil) return bufferutil.exports; hasRequiredBufferutil = 1; try { bufferutil.exports = requireNodeGypBuild()(__dirname); } catch (e) { bufferutil.exports = requireFallback(); } return bufferutil.exports; } var unmask$1; var mask; const { EMPTY_BUFFER: EMPTY_BUFFER$3 } = constants; const FastBuffer$2 = Buffer[Symbol.species]; function concat$1(list, totalLength) { if (list.length === 0) return EMPTY_BUFFER$3; if (list.length === 1) return list[0]; const target = Buffer.allocUnsafe(totalLength); let offset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const buf = list[i]; target.set(buf, offset); offset += buf.length; } if (offset < totalLength) { return new FastBuffer$2(target.buffer, target.byteOffset, offset); } return target; } function _mask(source, mask2, output, offset, length) { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { output[offset + i] = source[i] ^ mask2[i & 3]; } } function _unmask(buffer, mask2) { for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { buffer[i] ^= mask2[i & 3]; } } function toArrayBuffer$1(buf) { if (buf.length === buf.buffer.byteLength) { return buf.buffer; } return buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.length); } function toBuffer$2(data) { toBuffer$2.readOnly = true; if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) return data; let buf; if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buf = new FastBuffer$2(data); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { buf = new FastBuffer$2(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); } else { buf = Buffer.from(data); toBuffer$2.readOnly = false; } return buf; } bufferUtil$1.exports = { concat: concat$1, mask: _mask, toArrayBuffer: toArrayBuffer$1, toBuffer: toBuffer$2, unmask: _unmask }; if (!process.env.WS_NO_BUFFER_UTIL) { try { const bufferUtil2 = requireBufferutil(); mask = bufferUtil$1.exports.mask = function(source, mask2, output, offset, length) { if (length < 48) _mask(source, mask2, output, offset, length); else bufferUtil2.mask(source, mask2, output, offset, length); }; unmask$1 = bufferUtil$1.exports.unmask = function(buffer, mask2) { if (buffer.length < 32) _unmask(buffer, mask2); else bufferUtil2.unmask(buffer, mask2); }; } catch (e) { } } var bufferUtilExports = bufferUtil$1.exports; const kDone = Symbol("kDone"); const kRun = Symbol("kRun"); let Limiter$1 = class Limiter { /** * Creates a new `Limiter`. * * @param {Number} [concurrency=Infinity] The maximum number of jobs allowed * to run concurrently */ constructor(concurrency) { this[kDone] = () => { this.pending--; this[kRun](); }; this.concurrency = concurrency || Infinity; = []; this.pending = 0; } /** * Adds a job to the queue. * * @param {Function} job The job to run * @public */ add(job) {; this[kRun](); } /** * Removes a job from the queue and runs it if possible. * * @private */ [kRun]() { if (this.pending === this.concurrency) return; if ( { const job =; this.pending++; job(this[kDone]); } } }; var limiter = Limiter$1; const zlib = require$$0$2; const bufferUtil = bufferUtilExports; const Limiter2 = limiter; const { kStatusCode: kStatusCode$2 } = constants; const FastBuffer$1 = Buffer[Symbol.species]; const TRAILER = Buffer.from([0, 0, 255, 255]); const kPerMessageDeflate = Symbol("permessage-deflate"); const kTotalLength = Symbol("total-length"); const kCallback = Symbol("callback"); const kBuffers = Symbol("buffers"); const kError$1 = Symbol("error"); let zlibLimiter; let PerMessageDeflate$4 = class PerMessageDeflate { /** * Creates a PerMessageDeflate instance. * * @param {Object} [options] Configuration options * @param {(Boolean|Number)} [options.clientMaxWindowBits] Advertise support * for, or request, a custom client window size * @param {Boolean} [options.clientNoContextTakeover=false] Advertise/ * acknowledge disabling of client context takeover * @param {Number} [options.concurrencyLimit=10] The number of concurrent * calls to zlib * @param {(Boolean|Number)} [options.serverMaxWindowBits] Request/confirm the * use of a custom server window size * @param {Boolean} [options.serverNoContextTakeover=false] Request/accept * disabling of server context takeover * @param {Number} [options.threshold=1024] Size (in bytes) below which * messages should not be compressed if context takeover is disabled * @param {Object} [options.zlibDeflateOptions] Options to pass to zlib on * deflate * @param {Object} [options.zlibInflateOptions] Options to pass to zlib on * inflate * @param {Boolean} [isServer=false] Create the instance in either server or * client mode * @param {Number} [maxPayload=0] The maximum allowed message length */ constructor(options, isServer, maxPayload) { this._maxPayload = maxPayload | 0; this._options = options || {}; this._threshold = this._options.threshold !== void 0 ? this._options.threshold : 1024; this._isServer = !!isServer; this._deflate = null; this._inflate = null; this.params = null; if (!zlibLimiter) { const concurrency = this._options.concurrencyLimit !== void 0 ? this._options.concurrencyLimit : 10; zlibLimiter = new Limiter2(concurrency); } } /** * @type {String} */ static get extensionName() { return "permessage-deflate"; } /** * Create an extension negotiation offer. * * @return {Object} Extension parameters * @public */ offer() { const params = {}; if (this._options.serverNoContextTakeover) { params.server_no_context_takeover = true; } if (this._options.clientNoContextTakeover) { params.client_no_context_takeover = true; } if (this._options.serverMaxWindowBits) { params.server_max_window_bits = this._options.serverMaxWindowBits; } if (this._options.clientMaxWindowBits) { params.client_max_window_bits = this._options.clientMaxWindowBits; } else if (this._options.clientMaxWindowBits == null) { params.client_max_window_bits = true; } return params; } /** * Accept an extension negotiation offer/response. * * @param {Array} configurations The extension negotiation offers/reponse * @return {Object} Accepted configuration * @public */ accept(configurations) { configurations = this.normalizeParams(configurations); this.params = this._isServer ? this.acceptAsServer(configurations) : this.acceptAsClient(configurations); return this.params; } /** * Releases all resources used by the extension. * * @public */ cleanup() { if (this._inflate) { this._inflate.close(); this._inflate = null; } if (this._deflate) { const callback = this._deflate[kCallback]; this._deflate.close(); this._deflate = null; if (callback) { callback( new Error( "The deflate stream was closed while data was being processed" ) ); } } } /** * Accept an extension negotiation offer. * * @param {Array} offers The extension negotiation offers * @return {Object} Accepted configuration * @private */ acceptAsServer(offers) { const opts = this._options; const accepted = offers.find((params) => { if (opts.serverNoContextTakeover === false && params.server_no_context_takeover || params.server_max_window_bits && (opts.serverMaxWindowBits === false || typeof opts.serverMaxWindowBits === "number" && opts.serverMaxWindowBits > params.server_max_window_bits) || typeof opts.clientMaxWindowBits === "number" && !params.client_max_window_bits) { return false; } return true; }); if (!accepted) { throw new Error("None of the extension offers can be accepted"); } if (opts.serverNoContextTakeover) { accepted.server_no_context_takeover = true; } if (opts.clientNoContextTakeover) { accepted.client_no_context_takeover = true; } if (typeof opts.serverMaxWindowBits === "number") { accepted.server_max_window_bits = opts.serverMaxWindowBits; } if (typeof opts.clientMaxWindowBits === "number") { accepted.client_max_window_bits = opts.clientMaxWindowBits; } else if (accepted.client_max_window_bits === true || opts.clientMaxWindowBits === false) { delete accepted.client_max_window_bits; } return accepted; } /** * Accept the extension negotiation response. * * @param {Array} response The extension negotiation response * @return {Object} Accepted configuration * @private */ acceptAsClient(response) { const params = response[0]; if (this._options.clientNoContextTakeover === false && params.client_no_context_takeover) { throw new Error('Unexpected parameter "client_no_context_takeover"'); } if (!params.client_max_window_bits) { if (typeof this._options.clientMaxWindowBits === "number") { params.client_max_window_bits = this._options.clientMaxWindowBits; } } else if (this._options.clientMaxWindowBits === false || typeof this._options.clientMaxWindowBits === "number" && params.client_max_window_bits > this._options.clientMaxWindowBits) { throw new Error( 'Unexpected or invalid parameter "client_max_window_bits"' ); } return params; } /** * Normalize parameters. * * @param {Array} configurations The extension negotiation offers/reponse * @return {Array} The offers/response with normalized parameters * @private */ normalizeParams(configurations) { configurations.forEach((params) => { Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => { let value = params[key]; if (value.length > 1) { throw new Error(`Parameter "${key}" must have only a single value`); } value = value[0]; if (key === "client_max_window_bits") { if (value !== true) { const num = +value; if (!Number.isInteger(num) || num < 8 || num > 15) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid value for parameter "${key}": ${value}` ); } value = num; } else if (!this._isServer) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid value for parameter "${key}": ${value}` ); } } else if (key === "server_max_window_bits") { const num = +value; if (!Number.isInteger(num) || num < 8 || num > 15) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid value for parameter "${key}": ${value}` ); } value = num; } else if (key === "client_no_context_takeover" || key === "server_no_context_takeover") { if (value !== true) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid value for parameter "${key}": ${value}` ); } } else { throw new Error(`Unknown parameter "${key}"`); } params[key] = value; }); }); return configurations; } /** * Decompress data. Concurrency limited. * * @param {Buffer} data Compressed data * @param {Boolean} fin Specifies whether or not this is the last fragment * @param {Function} callback Callback * @public */ decompress(data, fin, callback) { zlibLimiter.add((done) => { this._decompress(data, fin, (err, result) => { done(); callback(err, result); }); }); } /** * Compress data. Concurrency limited. * * @param {(Buffer|String)} data Data to compress * @param {Boolean} fin Specifies whether or not this is the last fragment * @param {Function} callback Callback * @public */ compress(data, fin, callback) { zlibLimiter.add((done) => { this._compress(data, fin, (err, result) => { done(); callback(err, result); }); }); } /** * Decompress data. * * @param {Buffer} data Compressed data * @param {Boolean} fin Specifies whether or not this is the last fragment * @param {Function} callback Callback * @private */ _decompress(data, fin, callback) { const endpoint = this._isServer ? "client" : "server"; if (!this._inflate) { const key = `${endpoint}_max_window_bits`; const windowBits = typeof this.params[key] !== "number" ? zlib.Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS : this.params[key]; this._inflate = zlib.createInflateRaw({ ...this._options.zlibInflateOptions, windowBits }); this._inflate[kPerMessageDeflate] = this; this._inflate[kTotalLength] = 0; this._inflate[kBuffers] = []; this._inflate.on("error", inflateOnError); this._inflate.on("data", inflateOnData); } this._inflate[kCallback] = callback; this._inflate.write(data); if (fin) this._inflate.write(TRAILER); this._inflate.flush(() => { const err = this._inflate[kError$1]; if (err) { this._inflate.close(); this._inflate = null; callback(err); return; } const data2 = bufferUtil.concat( this._inflate[kBuffers], this._inflate[kTotalLength] ); if (this._inflate._readableState.endEmitted) { this._inflate.close(); this._inflate = null; } else { this._inflate[kTotalLength] = 0; this._inflate[kBuffers] = []; if (fin && this.params[`${endpoint}_no_context_takeover`]) { this._inflate.reset(); } } callback(null, data2); }); } /** * Compress data. * * @param {(Buffer|String)} data Data to compress * @param {Boolean} fin Specifies whether or not this is the last fragment * @param {Function} callback Callback * @private */ _compress(data, fin, callback) { const endpoint = this._isServer ? "server" : "client"; if (!this._deflate) { const key = `${endpoint}_max_window_bits`; const windowBits = typeof this.params[key] !== "number" ? zlib.Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS : this.params[key]; this._deflate = zlib.createDeflateRaw({ ...this._options.zlibDeflateOptions, windowBits }); this._deflate[kTotalLength] = 0; this._deflate[kBuffers] = []; this._deflate.on("data", deflateOnData); } this._deflate[kCallback] = callback; this._deflate.write(data); this._deflate.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, () => { if (!this._deflate) { return; } let data2 = bufferUtil.concat( this._deflate[kBuffers], this._deflate[kTotalLength] ); if (fin) { data2 = new FastBuffer$1(data2.buffer, data2.byteOffset, data2.length - 4); } this._deflate[kCallback] = null; this._deflate[kTotalLength] = 0; this._deflate[kBuffers] = []; if (fin && this.params[`${endpoint}_no_context_takeover`]) { this._deflate.reset(); } callback(null, data2); }); } }; var permessageDeflate = PerMessageDeflate$4; function deflateOnData(chunk) { this[kBuffers].push(chunk); this[kTotalLength] += chunk.length; } function inflateOnData(chunk) { this[kTotalLength] += chunk.length; if (this[kPerMessageDeflate]._maxPayload < 1 || this[kTotalLength] <= this[kPerMessageDeflate]._maxPayload) { this[kBuffers].push(chunk); return; } this[kError$1] = new RangeError("Max payload size exceeded"); this[kError$1].code = "WS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_LENGTH"; this[kError$1][kStatusCode$2] = 1009; this.removeListener("data", inflateOnData); this.reset(); } function inflateOnError(err) { this[kPerMessageDeflate]._inflate = null; err[kStatusCode$2] = 1007; this[kCallback](err); } var validation = { exports: {} }; const __viteOptionalPeerDep_utf8Validate_ws = {}; const __viteOptionalPeerDep_utf8Validate_ws$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: __viteOptionalPeerDep_utf8Validate_ws }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); const require$$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getAugmentedNamespace(__viteOptionalPeerDep_utf8Validate_ws$1); var isValidUTF8_1; const { isUtf8 } = require$$0$3; const tokenChars$2 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0 - 15 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16 - 31 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, // 32 - 47 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48 - 63 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 64 - 79 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, // 80 - 95 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 96 - 111 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 // 112 - 127 ]; function isValidStatusCode$2(code) { return code >= 1e3 && code <= 1014 && code !== 1004 && code !== 1005 && code !== 1006 || code >= 3e3 && code <= 4999; } function _isValidUTF8(buf) { const len = buf.length; let i = 0; while (i < len) { if ((buf[i] & 128) === 0) { i++; } else if ((buf[i] & 224) === 192) { if (i + 1 === len || (buf[i + 1] & 192) !== 128 || (buf[i] & 254) === 192) { return false; } i += 2; } else if ((buf[i] & 240) === 224) { if (i + 2 >= len || (buf[i + 1] & 192) !== 128 || (buf[i + 2] & 192) !== 128 || buf[i] === 224 && (buf[i + 1] & 224) === 128 || // Overlong buf[i] === 237 && (buf[i + 1] & 224) === 160) { return false; } i += 3; } else if ((buf[i] & 248) === 240) { if (i + 3 >= len || (buf[i + 1] & 192) !== 128 || (buf[i + 2] & 192) !== 128 || (buf[i + 3] & 192) !== 128 || buf[i] === 240 && (buf[i + 1] & 240) === 128 || // Overlong buf[i] === 244 && buf[i + 1] > 143 || buf[i] > 244) { return false; } i += 4; } else { return false; } } return true; } validation.exports = { isValidStatusCode: isValidStatusCode$2, isValidUTF8: _isValidUTF8, tokenChars: tokenChars$2 }; if (isUtf8) { isValidUTF8_1 = validation.exports.isValidUTF8 = function(buf) { return buf.length < 24 ? _isValidUTF8(buf) : isUtf8(buf); }; } else if (!process.env.WS_NO_UTF_8_VALIDATE) { try { const isValidUTF82 = require$$1; isValidUTF8_1 = validation.exports.isValidUTF8 = function(buf) { return buf.length < 32 ? _isValidUTF8(buf) : isValidUTF82(buf); }; } catch (e) { } } var validationExports = validation.exports; const { Writable } = require$$0; const PerMessageDeflate$3 = permessageDeflate; const { BINARY_TYPES: BINARY_TYPES$1, EMPTY_BUFFER: EMPTY_BUFFER$2, kStatusCode: kStatusCode$1, kWebSocket: kWebSocket$2 } = constants; const { concat, toArrayBuffer, unmask } = bufferUtilExports; const { isValidStatusCode: isValidStatusCode$1, isValidUTF8 } = validationExports; const FastBuffer = Buffer[Symbol.species]; const GET_INFO = 0; const GET_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_16 = 1; const GET_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_64 = 2; const GET_MASK = 3; const GET_DATA = 4; const INFLATING = 5; let Receiver$1 = class Receiver extends Writable { /** * Creates a Receiver instance. * * @param {Object} [options] Options object * @param {String} [options.binaryType=nodebuffer] The type for binary data * @param {Object} [options.extensions] An object containing the negotiated * extensions * @param {Boolean} [options.isServer=false] Specifies whether to operate in * client or server mode * @param {Number} [options.maxPayload=0] The maximum allowed message length * @param {Boolean} [options.skipUTF8Validation=false] Specifies whether or * not to skip UTF-8 validation for text and close messages */ constructor(options = {}) { super(); this._binaryType = options.binaryType || BINARY_TYPES$1[0]; this._extensions = options.extensions || {}; this._isServer = !!options.isServer; this._maxPayload = options.maxPayload | 0; this._skipUTF8Validation = !!options.skipUTF8Validation; this[kWebSocket$2] = void 0; this._bufferedBytes = 0; this._buffers = []; this._compressed = false; this._payloadLength = 0; this._mask = void 0; this._fragmented = 0; this._masked = false; this._fin = false; this._opcode = 0; this._totalPayloadLength = 0; this._messageLength = 0; this._fragments = []; this._state = GET_INFO; this._loop = false; } /** * Implements `Writable.prototype._write()`. * * @param {Buffer} chunk The chunk of data to write * @param {String} encoding The character encoding of `chunk` * @param {Function} cb Callback * @private */ _write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (this._opcode === 8 && this._state == GET_INFO) return cb(); this._bufferedBytes += chunk.length; this._buffers.push(chunk); this.startLoop(cb); } /** * Consumes `n` bytes from the buffered data. * * @param {Number} n The number of bytes to consume * @return {Buffer} The consumed bytes * @private */ consume(n) { this._bufferedBytes -= n; if (n === this._buffers[0].length) return this._buffers.shift(); if (n < this._buffers[0].length) { const buf = this._buffers[0]; this._buffers[0] = new FastBuffer( buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset + n, buf.length - n ); return new FastBuffer(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, n); } const dst = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n); do { const buf = this._buffers[0]; const offset = dst.length - n; if (n >= buf.length) { dst.set(this._buffers.shift(), offset); } else { dst.set(new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, n), offset); this._buffers[0] = new FastBuffer( buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset + n, buf.length - n ); } n -= buf.length; } while (n > 0); return dst; } /** * Starts the parsing loop. * * @param {Function} cb Callback * @private */ startLoop(cb) { let err; this._loop = true; do { switch (this._state) { case GET_INFO: err = this.getInfo(); break; case GET_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_16: err = this.getPayloadLength16(); break; case GET_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_64: err = this.getPayloadLength64(); break; case GET_MASK: this.getMask(); break; case GET_DATA: err = this.getData(cb); break; default: this._loop = false; return; } } while (this._loop); cb(err); } /** * Reads the first two bytes of a frame. * * @return {(RangeError|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ getInfo() { if (this._bufferedBytes < 2) { this._loop = false; return; } const buf = this.consume(2); if ((buf[0] & 48) !== 0) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "RSV2 and RSV3 must be clear", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RSV_2_3" ); } const compressed = (buf[0] & 64) === 64; if (compressed && !this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$3.extensionName]) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "RSV1 must be clear", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RSV_1" ); } this._fin = (buf[0] & 128) === 128; this._opcode = buf[0] & 15; this._payloadLength = buf[1] & 127; if (this._opcode === 0) { if (compressed) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "RSV1 must be clear", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RSV_1" ); } if (!this._fragmented) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "invalid opcode 0", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_INVALID_OPCODE" ); } this._opcode = this._fragmented; } else if (this._opcode === 1 || this._opcode === 2) { if (this._fragmented) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, `invalid opcode ${this._opcode}`, true, 1002, "WS_ERR_INVALID_OPCODE" ); } this._compressed = compressed; } else if (this._opcode > 7 && this._opcode < 11) { if (!this._fin) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "FIN must be set", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_EXPECTED_FIN" ); } if (compressed) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "RSV1 must be clear", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RSV_1" ); } if (this._payloadLength > 125 || this._opcode === 8 && this._payloadLength === 1) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, `invalid payload length ${this._payloadLength}`, true, 1002, "WS_ERR_INVALID_CONTROL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH" ); } } else { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, `invalid opcode ${this._opcode}`, true, 1002, "WS_ERR_INVALID_OPCODE" ); } if (!this._fin && !this._fragmented) this._fragmented = this._opcode; this._masked = (buf[1] & 128) === 128; if (this._isServer) { if (!this._masked) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "MASK must be set", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_EXPECTED_MASK" ); } } else if (this._masked) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "MASK must be clear", true, 1002, "WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MASK" ); } if (this._payloadLength === 126) this._state = GET_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_16; else if (this._payloadLength === 127) this._state = GET_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_64; else return this.haveLength(); } /** * Gets extended payload length (7+16). * * @return {(RangeError|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ getPayloadLength16() { if (this._bufferedBytes < 2) { this._loop = false; return; } this._payloadLength = this.consume(2).readUInt16BE(0); return this.haveLength(); } /** * Gets extended payload length (7+64). * * @return {(RangeError|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ getPayloadLength64() { if (this._bufferedBytes < 8) { this._loop = false; return; } const buf = this.consume(8); const num = buf.readUInt32BE(0); if (num > Math.pow(2, 53 - 32) - 1) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "Unsupported WebSocket frame: payload length > 2^53 - 1", false, 1009, "WS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_PAYLOAD_LENGTH" ); } this._payloadLength = num * Math.pow(2, 32) + buf.readUInt32BE(4); return this.haveLength(); } /** * Payload length has been read. * * @return {(RangeError|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ haveLength() { if (this._payloadLength && this._opcode < 8) { this._totalPayloadLength += this._payloadLength; if (this._totalPayloadLength > this._maxPayload && this._maxPayload > 0) { this._loop = false; return error( RangeError, "Max payload size exceeded", false, 1009, "WS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_LENGTH" ); } } if (this._masked) this._state = GET_MASK; else this._state = GET_DATA; } /** * Reads mask bytes. * * @private */ getMask() { if (this._bufferedBytes < 4) { this._loop = false; return; } this._mask = this.consume(4); this._state = GET_DATA; } /** * Reads data bytes. * * @param {Function} cb Callback * @return {(Error|RangeError|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ getData(cb) { let data = EMPTY_BUFFER$2; if (this._payloadLength) { if (this._bufferedBytes < this._payloadLength) { this._loop = false; return; } data = this.consume(this._payloadLength); if (this._masked && (this._mask[0] | this._mask[1] | this._mask[2] | this._mask[3]) !== 0) { unmask(data, this._mask); } } if (this._opcode > 7) return this.controlMessage(data); if (this._compressed) { this._state = INFLATING; this.decompress(data, cb); return; } if (data.length) { this._messageLength = this._totalPayloadLength; this._fragments.push(data); } return this.dataMessage(); } /** * Decompresses data. * * @param {Buffer} data Compressed data * @param {Function} cb Callback * @private */ decompress(data, cb) { const perMessageDeflate = this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$3.extensionName]; perMessageDeflate.decompress(data, this._fin, (err, buf) => { if (err) return cb(err); if (buf.length) { this._messageLength += buf.length; if (this._messageLength > this._maxPayload && this._maxPayload > 0) { return cb( error( RangeError, "Max payload size exceeded", false, 1009, "WS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_LENGTH" ) ); } this._fragments.push(buf); } const er = this.dataMessage(); if (er) return cb(er); this.startLoop(cb); }); } /** * Handles a data message. * * @return {(Error|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ dataMessage() { if (this._fin) { const messageLength = this._messageLength; const fragments = this._fragments; this._totalPayloadLength = 0; this._messageLength = 0; this._fragmented = 0; this._fragments = []; if (this._opcode === 2) { let data; if (this._binaryType === "nodebuffer") { data = concat(fragments, messageLength); } else if (this._binaryType === "arraybuffer") { data = toArrayBuffer(concat(fragments, messageLength)); } else { data = fragments; } this.emit("message", data, true); } else { const buf = concat(fragments, messageLength); if (!this._skipUTF8Validation && !isValidUTF8(buf)) { this._loop = false; return error( Error, "invalid UTF-8 sequence", true, 1007, "WS_ERR_INVALID_UTF8" ); } this.emit("message", buf, false); } } this._state = GET_INFO; } /** * Handles a control message. * * @param {Buffer} data Data to handle * @return {(Error|RangeError|undefined)} A possible error * @private */ controlMessage(data) { if (this._opcode === 8) { this._loop = false; if (data.length === 0) { this.emit("conclude", 1005, EMPTY_BUFFER$2); this.end(); } else { const code = data.readUInt16BE(0); if (!isValidStatusCode$1(code)) { return error( RangeError, `invalid status code ${code}`, true, 1002, "WS_ERR_INVALID_CLOSE_CODE" ); } const buf = new FastBuffer( data.buffer, data.byteOffset + 2, data.length - 2 ); if (!this._skipUTF8Validation && !isValidUTF8(buf)) { return error( Error, "invalid UTF-8 sequence", true, 1007, "WS_ERR_INVALID_UTF8" ); } this.emit("conclude", code, buf); this.end(); } } else if (this._opcode === 9) { this.emit("ping", data); } else { this.emit("pong", data); } this._state = GET_INFO; } }; var receiver = Receiver$1; function error(ErrorCtor, message, prefix, statusCode, errorCode) { const err = new ErrorCtor( prefix ? `Invalid WebSocket frame: ${message}` : message ); Error.captureStackTrace(err, error); err.code = errorCode; err[kStatusCode$1] = statusCode; return err; } const receiver$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(receiver); const { randomFillSync } = require$$5; const PerMessageDeflate$2 = permessageDeflate; const { EMPTY_BUFFER: EMPTY_BUFFER$1 } = constants; const { isValidStatusCode } = validationExports; const { mask: applyMask, toBuffer: toBuffer$1 } = bufferUtilExports; const kByteLength = Symbol("kByteLength"); const maskBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); let Sender$1 = class Sender { /** * Creates a Sender instance. * * @param {(net.Socket|tls.Socket)} socket The connection socket * @param {Object} [extensions] An object containing the negotiated extensions * @param {Function} [generateMask] The function used to generate the masking * key */ constructor(socket, extensions, generateMask) { this._extensions = extensions || {}; if (generateMask) { this._generateMask = generateMask; this._maskBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); } this._socket = socket; this._firstFragment = true; this._compress = false; this._bufferedBytes = 0; this._deflating = false; this._queue = []; } /** * Frames a piece of data according to the HyBi WebSocket protocol. * * @param {(Buffer|String)} data The data to frame * @param {Object} options Options object * @param {Boolean} [options.fin=false] Specifies whether or not to set the * FIN bit * @param {Function} [options.generateMask] The function used to generate the * masking key * @param {Boolean} [options.mask=false] Specifies whether or not to mask * `data` * @param {Buffer} [options.maskBuffer] The buffer used to store the masking * key * @param {Number} options.opcode The opcode * @param {Boolean} [options.readOnly=false] Specifies whether `data` can be * modified * @param {Boolean} [options.rsv1=false] Specifies whether or not to set the * RSV1 bit * @return {(Buffer|String)[]} The framed data * @public */ static frame(data, options) { let mask2; let merge = false; let offset = 2; let skipMasking = false; if (options.mask) { mask2 = options.maskBuffer || maskBuffer; if (options.generateMask) { options.generateMask(mask2); } else { randomFillSync(mask2, 0, 4); } skipMasking = (mask2[0] | mask2[1] | mask2[2] | mask2[3]) === 0; offset = 6; } let dataLength; if (typeof data === "string") { if ((!options.mask || skipMasking) && options[kByteLength] !== void 0) { dataLength = options[kByteLength]; } else { data = Buffer.from(data); dataLength = data.length; } } else { dataLength = data.length; merge = options.mask && options.readOnly && !skipMasking; } let payloadLength = dataLength; if (dataLength >= 65536) { offset += 8; payloadLength = 127; } else if (dataLength > 125) { offset += 2; payloadLength = 126; } const target = Buffer.allocUnsafe(merge ? dataLength + offset : offset); target[0] = options.fin ? options.opcode | 128 : options.opcode; if (options.rsv1) target[0] |= 64; target[1] = payloadLength; if (payloadLength === 126) { target.writeUInt16BE(dataLength, 2); } else if (payloadLength === 127) { target[2] = target[3] = 0; target.writeUIntBE(dataLength, 4, 6); } if (!options.mask) return [target, data]; target[1] |= 128; target[offset - 4] = mask2[0]; target[offset - 3] = mask2[1]; target[offset - 2] = mask2[2]; target[offset - 1] = mask2[3]; if (skipMasking) return [target, data]; if (merge) { applyMask(data, mask2, target, offset, dataLength); return [target]; } applyMask(data, mask2, data, 0, dataLength); return [target, data]; } /** * Sends a close message to the other peer. * * @param {Number} [code] The status code component of the body * @param {(String|Buffer)} [data] The message component of the body * @param {Boolean} [mask=false] Specifies whether or not to mask the message * @param {Function} [cb] Callback * @public */ close(code, data, mask2, cb) { let buf; if (code === void 0) { buf = EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } else if (typeof code !== "number" || !isValidStatusCode(code)) { throw new TypeError("First argument must be a valid error code number"); } else if (data === void 0 || !data.length) { buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2); buf.writeUInt16BE(code, 0); } else { const length = Buffer.byteLength(data); if (length > 123) { throw new RangeError("The message must not be greater than 123 bytes"); } buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2 + length); buf.writeUInt16BE(code, 0); if (typeof data === "string") { buf.write(data, 2); } else { buf.set(data, 2); } } const options = { [kByteLength]: buf.length, fin: true, generateMask: this._generateMask, mask: mask2, maskBuffer: this._maskBuffer, opcode: 8, readOnly: false, rsv1: false }; if (this._deflating) { this.enqueue([this.dispatch, buf, false, options, cb]); } else { this.sendFrame(Sender.frame(buf, options), cb); } } /** * Sends a ping message to the other peer. * * @param {*} data The message to send * @param {Boolean} [mask=false] Specifies whether or not to mask `data` * @param {Function} [cb] Callback * @public */ ping(data, mask2, cb) { let byteLength; let readOnly; if (typeof data === "string") { byteLength = Buffer.byteLength(data); readOnly = false; } else { data = toBuffer$1(data); byteLength = data.length; readOnly = toBuffer$1.readOnly; } if (byteLength > 125) { throw new RangeError("The data size must not be greater than 125 bytes"); } const options = { [kByteLength]: byteLength, fin: true, generateMask: this._generateMask, mask: mask2, maskBuffer: this._maskBuffer, opcode: 9, readOnly, rsv1: false }; if (this._deflating) { this.enqueue([this.dispatch, data, false, options, cb]); } else { this.sendFrame(Sender.frame(data, options), cb); } } /** * Sends a pong message to the other peer. * * @param {*} data The message to send * @param {Boolean} [mask=false] Specifies whether or not to mask `data` * @param {Function} [cb] Callback * @public */ pong(data, mask2, cb) { let byteLength; let readOnly; if (typeof data === "string") { byteLength = Buffer.byteLength(data); readOnly = false; } else { data = toBuffer$1(data); byteLength = data.length; readOnly = toBuffer$1.readOnly; } if (byteLength > 125) { throw new RangeError("The data size must not be greater than 125 bytes"); } const options = { [kByteLength]: byteLength, fin: true, generateMask: this._generateMask, mask: mask2, maskBuffer: this._maskBuffer, opcode: 10, readOnly, rsv1: false }; if (this._deflating) { this.enqueue([this.dispatch, data, false, options, cb]); } else { this.sendFrame(Sender.frame(data, options), cb); } } /** * Sends a data message to the other peer. * * @param {*} data The message to send * @param {Object} options Options object * @param {Boolean} [options.binary=false] Specifies whether `data` is binary * or text * @param {Boolean} [options.compress=false] Specifies whether or not to * compress `data` * @param {Boolean} [options.fin=false] Specifies whether the fragment is the * last one * @param {Boolean} [options.mask=false] Specifies whether or not to mask * `data` * @param {Function} [cb] Callback * @public */ send(data, options, cb) { const perMessageDeflate = this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$2.extensionName]; let opcode = options.binary ? 2 : 1; let rsv1 = options.compress; let byteLength; let readOnly; if (typeof data === "string") { byteLength = Buffer.byteLength(data); readOnly = false; } else { data = toBuffer$1(data); byteLength = data.length; readOnly = toBuffer$1.readOnly; } if (this._firstFragment) { this._firstFragment = false; if (rsv1 && perMessageDeflate && perMessageDeflate.params[perMessageDeflate._isServer ? "server_no_context_takeover" : "client_no_context_takeover"]) { rsv1 = byteLength >= perMessageDeflate._threshold; } this._compress = rsv1; } else { rsv1 = false; opcode = 0; } if (options.fin) this._firstFragment = true; if (perMessageDeflate) { const opts = { [kByteLength]: byteLength, fin: options.fin, generateMask: this._generateMask, mask: options.mask, maskBuffer: this._maskBuffer, opcode, readOnly, rsv1 }; if (this._deflating) { this.enqueue([this.dispatch, data, this._compress, opts, cb]); } else { this.dispatch(data, this._compress, opts, cb); } } else { this.sendFrame( Sender.frame(data, { [kByteLength]: byteLength, fin: options.fin, generateMask: this._generateMask, mask: options.mask, maskBuffer: this._maskBuffer, opcode, readOnly, rsv1: false }), cb ); } } /** * Dispatches a message. * * @param {(Buffer|String)} data The message to send * @param {Boolean} [compress=false] Specifies whether or not to compress * `data` * @param {Object} options Options object * @param {Boolean} [options.fin=false] Specifies whether or not to set the * FIN bit * @param {Function} [options.generateMask] The function used to generate the * masking key * @param {Boolean} [options.mask=false] Specifies whether or not to mask * `data` * @param {Buffer} [options.maskBuffer] The buffer used to store the masking * key * @param {Number} options.opcode The opcode * @param {Boolean} [options.readOnly=false] Specifies whether `data` can be * modified * @param {Boolean} [options.rsv1=false] Specifies whether or not to set the * RSV1 bit * @param {Function} [cb] Callback * @private */ dispatch(data, compress, options, cb) { if (!compress) { this.sendFrame(Sender.frame(data, options), cb); return; } const perMessageDeflate = this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$2.extensionName]; this._bufferedBytes += options[kByteLength]; this._deflating = true; perMessageDeflate.compress(data, options.fin, (_, buf) => { if (this._socket.destroyed) { const err = new Error( "The socket was closed while data was being compressed" ); if (typeof cb === "function") cb(err); for (let i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) { const params = this._queue[i]; const callback = params[params.length - 1]; if (typeof callback === "function") callback(err); } return; } this._bufferedBytes -= options[kByteLength]; this._deflating = false; options.readOnly = false; this.sendFrame(Sender.frame(buf, options), cb); this.dequeue(); }); } /** * Executes queued send operations. * * @private */ dequeue() { while (!this._deflating && this._queue.length) { const params = this._queue.shift(); this._bufferedBytes -= params[3][kByteLength]; Reflect.apply(params[0], this, params.slice(1)); } } /** * Enqueues a send operation. * * @param {Array} params Send operation parameters. * @private */ enqueue(params) { this._bufferedBytes += params[3][kByteLength]; this._queue.push(params); } /** * Sends a frame. * * @param {Buffer[]} list The frame to send * @param {Function} [cb] Callback * @private */ sendFrame(list, cb) { if (list.length === 2) { this._socket.cork(); this._socket.write(list[0]); this._socket.write(list[1], cb); this._socket.uncork(); } else { this._socket.write(list[0], cb); } } }; var sender = Sender$1; const sender$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(sender); const { kForOnEventAttribute: kForOnEventAttribute$1, kListener: kListener$1 } = constants; const kCode = Symbol("kCode"); const kData = Symbol("kData"); const kError = Symbol("kError"); const kMessage = Symbol("kMessage"); const kReason = Symbol("kReason"); const kTarget = Symbol("kTarget"); const kType = Symbol("kType"); const kWasClean = Symbol("kWasClean"); class Event { /** * Create a new `Event`. * * @param {String} type The name of the event * @throws {TypeError} If the `type` argument is not specified */ constructor(type) { this[kTarget] = null; this[kType] = type; } /** * @type {*} */ get target() { return this[kTarget]; } /** * @type {String} */ get type() { return this[kType]; } } Object.defineProperty(Event.prototype, "target", { enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Event.prototype, "type", { enumerable: true }); class CloseEvent extends Event { /** * Create a new `CloseEvent`. * * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Object} [options] A dictionary object that allows for setting * attributes via object members of the same name * @param {Number} [options.code=0] The status code explaining why the * connection was closed * @param {String} [options.reason=''] A human-readable string explaining why * the connection was closed * @param {Boolean} [options.wasClean=false] Indicates whether or not the * connection was cleanly closed */ constructor(type, options = {}) { super(type); this[kCode] = options.code === void 0 ? 0 : options.code; this[kReason] = options.reason === void 0 ? "" : options.reason; this[kWasClean] = options.wasClean === void 0 ? false : options.wasClean; } /** * @type {Number} */ get code() { return this[kCode]; } /** * @type {String} */ get reason() { return this[kReason]; } /** * @type {Boolean} */ get wasClean() { return this[kWasClean]; } } Object.defineProperty(CloseEvent.prototype, "code", { enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CloseEvent.prototype, "reason", { enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CloseEvent.prototype, "wasClean", { enumerable: true }); class ErrorEvent extends Event { /** * Create a new `ErrorEvent`. * * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Object} [options] A dictionary object that allows for setting * attributes via object members of the same name * @param {*} [options.error=null] The error that generated this event * @param {String} [options.message=''] The error message */ constructor(type, options = {}) { super(type); this[kError] = options.error === void 0 ? null : options.error; this[kMessage] = options.message === void 0 ? "" : options.message; } /** * @type {*} */ get error() { return this[kError]; } /** * @type {String} */ get message() { return this[kMessage]; } } Object.defineProperty(ErrorEvent.prototype, "error", { enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(ErrorEvent.prototype, "message", { enumerable: true }); class MessageEvent extends Event { /** * Create a new `MessageEvent`. * * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Object} [options] A dictionary object that allows for setting * attributes via object members of the same name * @param {*} [] The message content */ constructor(type, options = {}) { super(type); this[kData] = === void 0 ? null :; } /** * @type {*} */ get data() { return this[kData]; } } Object.defineProperty(MessageEvent.prototype, "data", { enumerable: true }); const EventTarget = { /** * Register an event listener. * * @param {String} type A string representing the event type to listen for * @param {(Function|Object)} handler The listener to add * @param {Object} [options] An options object specifies characteristics about * the event listener * @param {Boolean} [options.once=false] A `Boolean` indicating that the * listener should be invoked at most once after being added. If `true`, * the listener would be automatically removed when invoked. * @public */ addEventListener(type, handler, options = {}) { for (const listener of this.listeners(type)) { if (!options[kForOnEventAttribute$1] && listener[kListener$1] === handler && !listener[kForOnEventAttribute$1]) { return; } } let wrapper; if (type === "message") { wrapper = function onMessage(data, isBinary) { const event = new MessageEvent("message", { data: isBinary ? data : data.toString() }); event[kTarget] = this; callListener(handler, this, event); }; } else if (type === "close") { wrapper = function onClose(code, message) { const event = new CloseEvent("close", { code, reason: message.toString(), wasClean: this._closeFrameReceived && this._closeFrameSent }); event[kTarget] = this; callListener(handler, this, event); }; } else if (type === "error") { wrapper = function onError(error2) { const event = new ErrorEvent("error", { error: error2, message: error2.message }); event[kTarget] = this; callListener(handler, this, event); }; } else if (type === "open") { wrapper = function onOpen() { const event = new Event("open"); event[kTarget] = this; callListener(handler, this, event); }; } else { return; } wrapper[kForOnEventAttribute$1] = !!options[kForOnEventAttribute$1]; wrapper[kListener$1] = handler; if (options.once) { this.once(type, wrapper); } else { this.on(type, wrapper); } }, /** * Remove an event listener. * * @param {String} type A string representing the event type to remove * @param {(Function|Object)} handler The listener to remove * @public */ removeEventListener(type, handler) { for (const listener of this.listeners(type)) { if (listener[kListener$1] === handler && !listener[kForOnEventAttribute$1]) { this.removeListener(type, listener); break; } } } }; var eventTarget = { CloseEvent, ErrorEvent, Event, EventTarget, MessageEvent }; function callListener(listener, thisArg, event) { if (typeof listener === "object" && listener.handleEvent) {, event); } else {, event); } } const { tokenChars: tokenChars$1 } = validationExports; function push(dest, name, elem) { if (dest[name] === void 0) dest[name] = [elem]; else dest[name].push(elem); } function parse$2(header) { const offers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let params = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let mustUnescape = false; let isEscaping = false; let inQuotes = false; let extensionName; let paramName; let start = -1; let code = -1; let end = -1; let i = 0; for (; i < header.length; i++) { code = header.charCodeAt(i); if (extensionName === void 0) { if (end === -1 && tokenChars$1[code] === 1) { if (start === -1) start = i; } else if (i !== 0 && (code === 32 || code === 9)) { if (end === -1 && start !== -1) end = i; } else if (code === 59 || code === 44) { if (start === -1) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } if (end === -1) end = i; const name = header.slice(start, end); if (code === 44) { push(offers, name, params); params = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } else { extensionName = name; } start = end = -1; } else { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } } else if (paramName === void 0) { if (end === -1 && tokenChars$1[code] === 1) { if (start === -1) start = i; } else if (code === 32 || code === 9) { if (end === -1 && start !== -1) end = i; } else if (code === 59 || code === 44) { if (start === -1) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } if (end === -1) end = i; push(params, header.slice(start, end), true); if (code === 44) { push(offers, extensionName, params); params = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); extensionName = void 0; } start = end = -1; } else if (code === 61 && start !== -1 && end === -1) { paramName = header.slice(start, i); start = end = -1; } else { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } } else { if (isEscaping) { if (tokenChars$1[code] !== 1) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } if (start === -1) start = i; else if (!mustUnescape) mustUnescape = true; isEscaping = false; } else if (inQuotes) { if (tokenChars$1[code] === 1) { if (start === -1) start = i; } else if (code === 34 && start !== -1) { inQuotes = false; end = i; } else if (code === 92) { isEscaping = true; } else { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } } else if (code === 34 && header.charCodeAt(i - 1) === 61) { inQuotes = true; } else if (end === -1 && tokenChars$1[code] === 1) { if (start === -1) start = i; } else if (start !== -1 && (code === 32 || code === 9)) { if (end === -1) end = i; } else if (code === 59 || code === 44) { if (start === -1) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } if (end === -1) end = i; let value = header.slice(start, end); if (mustUnescape) { value = value.replace(/\\/g, ""); mustUnescape = false; } push(params, paramName, value); if (code === 44) { push(offers, extensionName, params); params = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); extensionName = void 0; } paramName = void 0; start = end = -1; } else { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } } } if (start === -1 || inQuotes || code === 32 || code === 9) { throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of input"); } if (end === -1) end = i; const token = header.slice(start, end); if (extensionName === void 0) { push(offers, token, params); } else { if (paramName === void 0) { push(params, token, true); } else if (mustUnescape) { push(params, paramName, token.replace(/\\/g, "")); } else { push(params, paramName, token); } push(offers, extensionName, params); } return offers; } function format$1(extensions) { return Object.keys(extensions).map((extension2) => { let configurations = extensions[extension2]; if (!Array.isArray(configurations)) configurations = [configurations]; return => { return [extension2].concat( Object.keys(params).map((k) => { let values = params[k]; if (!Array.isArray(values)) values = [values]; return => v === true ? k : `${k}=${v}`).join("; "); }) ).join("; "); }).join(", "); }).join(", "); } var extension$1 = { format: format$1, parse: parse$2 }; const EventEmitter$1 = require$$0$4; const https = require$$1$2; const http$1 = require$$2$1; const net = require$$3; const tls = require$$4; const { randomBytes, createHash: createHash$1 } = require$$5; const { URL } = require$$7; const PerMessageDeflate$1 = permessageDeflate; const Receiver2 = receiver; const Sender2 = sender; const { BINARY_TYPES, EMPTY_BUFFER, GUID: GUID$1, kForOnEventAttribute, kListener, kStatusCode, kWebSocket: kWebSocket$1, NOOP } = constants; const { EventTarget: { addEventListener, removeEventListener } } = eventTarget; const { format, parse: parse$1 } = extension$1; const { toBuffer } = bufferUtilExports; const closeTimeout = 30 * 1e3; const kAborted = Symbol("kAborted"); const protocolVersions = [8, 13]; const readyStates = ["CONNECTING", "OPEN", "CLOSING", "CLOSED"]; const subprotocolRegex = /^[!#$%&'*+\-.0-9A-Z^_`|a-z~]+$/; let WebSocket$1 = class WebSocket extends EventEmitter$1 { /** * Create a new `WebSocket`. * * @param {(String|URL)} address The URL to which to connect * @param {(String|String[])} [protocols] The subprotocols * @param {Object} [options] Connection options */ constructor(address, protocols, options) { super(); this._binaryType = BINARY_TYPES[0]; this._closeCode = 1006; this._closeFrameReceived = false; this._closeFrameSent = false; this._closeMessage = EMPTY_BUFFER; this._closeTimer = null; this._extensions = {}; this._paused = false; this._protocol = ""; this._readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING; this._receiver = null; this._sender = null; this._socket = null; if (address !== null) { this._bufferedAmount = 0; this._isServer = false; this._redirects = 0; if (protocols === void 0) { protocols = []; } else if (!Array.isArray(protocols)) { if (typeof protocols === "object" && protocols !== null) { options = protocols; protocols = []; } else { protocols = [protocols]; } } initAsClient(this, address, protocols, options); } else { this._isServer = true; } } /** * This deviates from the WHATWG interface since ws doesn't support the * required default "blob" type (instead we define a custom "nodebuffer" * type). * * @type {String} */ get binaryType() { return this._binaryType; } set binaryType(type) { if (!BINARY_TYPES.includes(type)) return; this._binaryType = type; if (this._receiver) this._receiver._binaryType = type; } /** * @type {Number} */ get bufferedAmount() { if (!this._socket) return this._bufferedAmount; return this._socket._writableState.length + this._sender._bufferedBytes; } /** * @type {String} */ get extensions() { return Object.keys(this._extensions).join(); } /** * @type {Boolean} */ get isPaused() { return this._paused; } /** * @type {Function} */ /* istanbul ignore next */ get onclose() { return null; } /** * @type {Function} */ /* istanbul ignore next */ get onerror() { return null; } /** * @type {Function} */ /* istanbul ignore next */ get onopen() { return null; } /** * @type {Function} */ /* istanbul ignore next */ get onmessage() { return null; } /** * @type {String} */ get protocol() { return this._protocol; } /** * @type {Number} */ get readyState() { return this._readyState; } /** * @type {String} */ get url() { return this._url; } /** * Set up the socket and the internal resources. * * @param {(net.Socket|tls.Socket)} socket The network socket between the * server and client * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream * @param {Object} options Options object * @param {Function} [options.generateMask] The function used to generate the * masking key * @param {Number} [options.maxPayload=0] The maximum allowed message size * @param {Boolean} [options.skipUTF8Validation=false] Specifies whether or * not to skip UTF-8 validation for text and close messages * @private */ setSocket(socket, head, options) { const receiver2 = new Receiver2({ binaryType: this.binaryType, extensions: this._extensions, isServer: this._isServer, maxPayload: options.maxPayload, skipUTF8Validation: options.skipUTF8Validation }); this._sender = new Sender2(socket, this._extensions, options.generateMask); this._receiver = receiver2; this._socket = socket; receiver2[kWebSocket$1] = this; socket[kWebSocket$1] = this; receiver2.on("conclude", receiverOnConclude); receiver2.on("drain", receiverOnDrain); receiver2.on("error", receiverOnError); receiver2.on("message", receiverOnMessage); receiver2.on("ping", receiverOnPing); receiver2.on("pong", receiverOnPong); socket.setTimeout(0); socket.setNoDelay(); if (head.length > 0) socket.unshift(head); socket.on("close", socketOnClose); socket.on("data", socketOnData); socket.on("end", socketOnEnd); socket.on("error", socketOnError$1); this._readyState = WebSocket.OPEN; this.emit("open"); } /** * Emit the `'close'` event. * * @private */ emitClose() { if (!this._socket) { this._readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED; this.emit("close", this._closeCode, this._closeMessage); return; } if (this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName]) { this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName].cleanup(); } this._receiver.removeAllListeners(); this._readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED; this.emit("close", this._closeCode, this._closeMessage); } /** * Start a closing handshake. * * +----------+ +-----------+ +----------+ * - - -|ws.close()|-->|close frame|-->|ws.close()|- - - * | +----------+ +-----------+ +----------+ | * +----------+ +-----------+ | * CLOSING |ws.close()|<--|close frame|<--+-----+ CLOSING * +----------+ +-----------+ | * | | | +---+ | * +------------------------+-->|fin| - - - - * | +---+ | +---+ * - - - - -|fin|<---------------------+ * +---+ * * @param {Number} [code] Status code explaining why the connection is closing * @param {(String|Buffer)} [data] The reason why the connection is * closing * @public */ close(code, data) { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSED) return; if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) { const msg = "WebSocket was closed before the connection was established"; abortHandshake$1(this, this._req, msg); return; } if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSING) { if (this._closeFrameSent && (this._closeFrameReceived || this._receiver._writableState.errorEmitted)) { this._socket.end(); } return; } this._readyState = WebSocket.CLOSING; this._sender.close(code, data, !this._isServer, (err) => { if (err) return; this._closeFrameSent = true; if (this._closeFrameReceived || this._receiver._writableState.errorEmitted) { this._socket.end(); } }); this._closeTimer = setTimeout( this._socket.destroy.bind(this._socket), closeTimeout ); } /** * Pause the socket. * * @public */ pause() { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING || this.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSED) { return; } this._paused = true; this._socket.pause(); } /** * Send a ping. * * @param {*} [data] The data to send * @param {Boolean} [mask] Indicates whether or not to mask `data` * @param {Function} [cb] Callback which is executed when the ping is sent * @public */ ping(data, mask2, cb) { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) { throw new Error("WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)"); } if (typeof data === "function") { cb = data; data = mask2 = void 0; } else if (typeof mask2 === "function") { cb = mask2; mask2 = void 0; } if (typeof data === "number") data = data.toString(); if (this.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { sendAfterClose(this, data, cb); return; } if (mask2 === void 0) mask2 = !this._isServer; || EMPTY_BUFFER, mask2, cb); } /** * Send a pong. * * @param {*} [data] The data to send * @param {Boolean} [mask] Indicates whether or not to mask `data` * @param {Function} [cb] Callback which is executed when the pong is sent * @public */ pong(data, mask2, cb) { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) { throw new Error("WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)"); } if (typeof data === "function") { cb = data; data = mask2 = void 0; } else if (typeof mask2 === "function") { cb = mask2; mask2 = void 0; } if (typeof data === "number") data = data.toString(); if (this.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { sendAfterClose(this, data, cb); return; } if (mask2 === void 0) mask2 = !this._isServer; this._sender.pong(data || EMPTY_BUFFER, mask2, cb); } /** * Resume the socket. * * @public */ resume() { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING || this.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSED) { return; } this._paused = false; if (!this._receiver._writableState.needDrain) this._socket.resume(); } /** * Send a data message. * * @param {*} data The message to send * @param {Object} [options] Options object * @param {Boolean} [options.binary] Specifies whether `data` is binary or * text * @param {Boolean} [options.compress] Specifies whether or not to compress * `data` * @param {Boolean} [options.fin=true] Specifies whether the fragment is the * last one * @param {Boolean} [options.mask] Specifies whether or not to mask `data` * @param {Function} [cb] Callback which is executed when data is written out * @public */ send(data, options, cb) { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) { throw new Error("WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)"); } if (typeof options === "function") { cb = options; options = {}; } if (typeof data === "number") data = data.toString(); if (this.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { sendAfterClose(this, data, cb); return; } const opts = { binary: typeof data !== "string", mask: !this._isServer, compress: true, fin: true, ...options }; if (!this._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName]) { opts.compress = false; } this._sender.send(data || EMPTY_BUFFER, opts, cb); } /** * Forcibly close the connection. * * @public */ terminate() { if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSED) return; if (this.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) { const msg = "WebSocket was closed before the connection was established"; abortHandshake$1(this, this._req, msg); return; } if (this._socket) { this._readyState = WebSocket.CLOSING; this._socket.destroy(); } } }; Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1, "CONNECTING", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("CONNECTING") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1.prototype, "CONNECTING", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("CONNECTING") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1, "OPEN", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("OPEN") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1.prototype, "OPEN", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("OPEN") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1, "CLOSING", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("CLOSING") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1.prototype, "CLOSING", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("CLOSING") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1, "CLOSED", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("CLOSED") }); Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1.prototype, "CLOSED", { enumerable: true, value: readyStates.indexOf("CLOSED") }); [ "binaryType", "bufferedAmount", "extensions", "isPaused", "protocol", "readyState", "url" ].forEach((property) => { Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1.prototype, property, { enumerable: true }); }); ["open", "error", "close", "message"].forEach((method) => { Object.defineProperty(WebSocket$1.prototype, `on${method}`, { enumerable: true, get() { for (const listener of this.listeners(method)) { if (listener[kForOnEventAttribute]) return listener[kListener]; } return null; }, set(handler) { for (const listener of this.listeners(method)) { if (listener[kForOnEventAttribute]) { this.removeListener(method, listener); break; } } if (typeof handler !== "function") return; this.addEventListener(method, handler, { [kForOnEventAttribute]: true }); } }); }); WebSocket$1.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener; WebSocket$1.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEventListener; var websocket = WebSocket$1; function initAsClient(websocket2, address, protocols, options) { const opts = { protocolVersion: protocolVersions[1], maxPayload: 100 * 1024 * 1024, skipUTF8Validation: false, perMessageDeflate: true, followRedirects: false, maxRedirects: 10, ...options, createConnection: void 0, socketPath: void 0, hostname: void 0, protocol: void 0, timeout: void 0, method: "GET", host: void 0, path: void 0, port: void 0 }; if (!protocolVersions.includes(opts.protocolVersion)) { throw new RangeError( `Unsupported protocol version: ${opts.protocolVersion} (supported versions: ${protocolVersions.join(", ")})` ); } let parsedUrl; if (address instanceof URL) { parsedUrl = address; websocket2._url = address.href; } else { try { parsedUrl = new URL(address); } catch (e) { throw new SyntaxError(`Invalid URL: ${address}`); } websocket2._url = address; } const isSecure = parsedUrl.protocol === "wss:"; const isIpcUrl = parsedUrl.protocol === "ws+unix:"; let invalidUrlMessage; if (parsedUrl.protocol !== "ws:" && !isSecure && !isIpcUrl) { invalidUrlMessage = `The URL's protocol must be one of "ws:", "wss:", or "ws+unix:"`; } else if (isIpcUrl && !parsedUrl.pathname) { invalidUrlMessage = "The URL's pathname is empty"; } else if (parsedUrl.hash) { invalidUrlMessage = "The URL contains a fragment identifier"; } if (invalidUrlMessage) { const err = new SyntaxError(invalidUrlMessage); if (websocket2._redirects === 0) { throw err; } else { emitErrorAndClose(websocket2, err); return; } } const defaultPort = isSecure ? 443 : 80; const key = randomBytes(16).toString("base64"); const request = isSecure ? https.request : http$1.request; const protocolSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let perMessageDeflate; opts.createConnection = isSecure ? tlsConnect : netConnect; opts.defaultPort = opts.defaultPort || defaultPort; opts.port = parsedUrl.port || defaultPort; = parsedUrl.hostname.startsWith("[") ? parsedUrl.hostname.slice(1, -1) : parsedUrl.hostname; opts.headers = { ...opts.headers, "Sec-WebSocket-Version": opts.protocolVersion, "Sec-WebSocket-Key": key, Connection: "Upgrade", Upgrade: "websocket" }; opts.path = parsedUrl.pathname +; opts.timeout = opts.handshakeTimeout; if (opts.perMessageDeflate) { perMessageDeflate = new PerMessageDeflate$1( opts.perMessageDeflate !== true ? opts.perMessageDeflate : {}, false, opts.maxPayload ); opts.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = format({ [PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName]: perMessageDeflate.offer() }); } if (protocols.length) { for (const protocol of protocols) { if (typeof protocol !== "string" || !subprotocolRegex.test(protocol) || protocolSet.has(protocol)) { throw new SyntaxError( "An invalid or duplicated subprotocol was specified" ); } protocolSet.add(protocol); } opts.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocols.join(","); } if (opts.origin) { if (opts.protocolVersion < 13) { opts.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Origin"] = opts.origin; } else { opts.headers.Origin = opts.origin; } } if (parsedUrl.username || parsedUrl.password) { opts.auth = `${parsedUrl.username}:${parsedUrl.password}`; } if (isIpcUrl) { const parts = opts.path.split(":"); opts.socketPath = parts[0]; opts.path = parts[1]; } let req; if (opts.followRedirects) { if (websocket2._redirects === 0) { websocket2._originalIpc = isIpcUrl; websocket2._originalSecure = isSecure; websocket2._originalHostOrSocketPath = isIpcUrl ? opts.socketPath :; const headers = options && options.headers; options = { ...options, headers: {} }; if (headers) { for (const [key2, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { options.headers[key2.toLowerCase()] = value; } } } else if (websocket2.listenerCount("redirect") === 0) { const isSameHost = isIpcUrl ? websocket2._originalIpc ? opts.socketPath === websocket2._originalHostOrSocketPath : false : websocket2._originalIpc ? false : === websocket2._originalHostOrSocketPath; if (!isSameHost || websocket2._originalSecure && !isSecure) { delete opts.headers.authorization; delete opts.headers.cookie; if (!isSameHost) delete; opts.auth = void 0; } } if (opts.auth && !options.headers.authorization) { options.headers.authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(opts.auth).toString("base64"); } req = websocket2._req = request(opts); if (websocket2._redirects) { websocket2.emit("redirect", websocket2.url, req); } } else { req = websocket2._req = request(opts); } if (opts.timeout) { req.on("timeout", () => { abortHandshake$1(websocket2, req, "Opening handshake has timed out"); }); } req.on("error", (err) => { if (req === null || req[kAborted]) return; req = websocket2._req = null; emitErrorAndClose(websocket2, err); }); req.on("response", (res) => { const location = res.headers.location; const statusCode = res.statusCode; if (location && opts.followRedirects && statusCode >= 300 && statusCode < 400) { if (++websocket2._redirects > opts.maxRedirects) { abortHandshake$1(websocket2, req, "Maximum redirects exceeded"); return; } req.abort(); let addr; try { addr = new URL(location, address); } catch (e) { const err = new SyntaxError(`Invalid URL: ${location}`); emitErrorAndClose(websocket2, err); return; } initAsClient(websocket2, addr, protocols, options); } else if (!websocket2.emit("unexpected-response", req, res)) { abortHandshake$1( websocket2, req, `Unexpected server response: ${res.statusCode}` ); } }); req.on("upgrade", (res, socket, head) => { websocket2.emit("upgrade", res); if (websocket2.readyState !== WebSocket$1.CONNECTING) return; req = websocket2._req = null; if (res.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase() !== "websocket") { abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, "Invalid Upgrade header"); return; } const digest = createHash$1("sha1").update(key + GUID$1).digest("base64"); if (res.headers["sec-websocket-accept"] !== digest) { abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept header"); return; } const serverProt = res.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"]; let protError; if (serverProt !== void 0) { if (!protocolSet.size) { protError = "Server sent a subprotocol but none was requested"; } else if (!protocolSet.has(serverProt)) { protError = "Server sent an invalid subprotocol"; } } else if (protocolSet.size) { protError = "Server sent no subprotocol"; } if (protError) { abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, protError); return; } if (serverProt) websocket2._protocol = serverProt; const secWebSocketExtensions = res.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]; if (secWebSocketExtensions !== void 0) { if (!perMessageDeflate) { const message = "Server sent a Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header but no extension was requested"; abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, message); return; } let extensions; try { extensions = parse$1(secWebSocketExtensions); } catch (err) { const message = "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header"; abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, message); return; } const extensionNames = Object.keys(extensions); if (extensionNames.length !== 1 || extensionNames[0] !== PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName) { const message = "Server indicated an extension that was not requested"; abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, message); return; } try { perMessageDeflate.accept(extensions[PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName]); } catch (err) { const message = "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header"; abortHandshake$1(websocket2, socket, message); return; } websocket2._extensions[PerMessageDeflate$1.extensionName] = perMessageDeflate; } websocket2.setSocket(socket, head, { generateMask: opts.generateMask, maxPayload: opts.maxPayload, skipUTF8Validation: opts.skipUTF8Validation }); }); if (opts.finishRequest) { opts.finishRequest(req, websocket2); } else { req.end(); } } function emitErrorAndClose(websocket2, err) { websocket2._readyState = WebSocket$1.CLOSING; websocket2.emit("error", err); websocket2.emitClose(); } function netConnect(options) { options.path = options.socketPath; return net.connect(options); } function tlsConnect(options) { options.path = void 0; if (!options.servername && options.servername !== "") { options.servername = net.isIP( ? "" :; } return tls.connect(options); } function abortHandshake$1(websocket2, stream2, message) { websocket2._readyState = WebSocket$1.CLOSING; const err = new Error(message); Error.captureStackTrace(err, abortHandshake$1); if (stream2.setHeader) { stream2[kAborted] = true; stream2.abort(); if (stream2.socket && !stream2.socket.destroyed) { stream2.socket.destroy(); } process.nextTick(emitErrorAndClose, websocket2, err); } else { stream2.destroy(err); stream2.once("error", websocket2.emit.bind(websocket2, "error")); stream2.once("close", websocket2.emitClose.bind(websocket2)); } } function sendAfterClose(websocket2, data, cb) { if (data) { const length = toBuffer(data).length; if (websocket2._socket) websocket2._sender._bufferedBytes += length; else websocket2._bufferedAmount += length; } if (cb) { const err = new Error( `WebSocket is not open: readyState ${websocket2.readyState} (${readyStates[websocket2.readyState]})` ); process.nextTick(cb, err); } } function receiverOnConclude(code, reason) { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; websocket2._closeFrameReceived = true; websocket2._closeMessage = reason; websocket2._closeCode = code; if (websocket2._socket[kWebSocket$1] === void 0) return; websocket2._socket.removeListener("data", socketOnData); process.nextTick(resume, websocket2._socket); if (code === 1005) websocket2.close(); else websocket2.close(code, reason); } function receiverOnDrain() { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; if (!websocket2.isPaused) websocket2._socket.resume(); } function receiverOnError(err) { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; if (websocket2._socket[kWebSocket$1] !== void 0) { websocket2._socket.removeListener("data", socketOnData); process.nextTick(resume, websocket2._socket); websocket2.close(err[kStatusCode]); } websocket2.emit("error", err); } function receiverOnFinish() { this[kWebSocket$1].emitClose(); } function receiverOnMessage(data, isBinary) { this[kWebSocket$1].emit("message", data, isBinary); } function receiverOnPing(data) { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; websocket2.pong(data, !websocket2._isServer, NOOP); websocket2.emit("ping", data); } function receiverOnPong(data) { this[kWebSocket$1].emit("pong", data); } function resume(stream2) { stream2.resume(); } function socketOnClose() { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; this.removeListener("close", socketOnClose); this.removeListener("data", socketOnData); this.removeListener("end", socketOnEnd); websocket2._readyState = WebSocket$1.CLOSING; let chunk; if (!this._readableState.endEmitted && !websocket2._closeFrameReceived && !websocket2._receiver._writableState.errorEmitted && (chunk = !== null) { websocket2._receiver.write(chunk); } websocket2._receiver.end(); this[kWebSocket$1] = void 0; clearTimeout(websocket2._closeTimer); if (websocket2._receiver._writableState.finished || websocket2._receiver._writableState.errorEmitted) { websocket2.emitClose(); } else { websocket2._receiver.on("error", receiverOnFinish); websocket2._receiver.on("finish", receiverOnFinish); } } function socketOnData(chunk) { if (!this[kWebSocket$1]._receiver.write(chunk)) { this.pause(); } } function socketOnEnd() { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; websocket2._readyState = WebSocket$1.CLOSING; websocket2._receiver.end(); this.end(); } function socketOnError$1() { const websocket2 = this[kWebSocket$1]; this.removeListener("error", socketOnError$1); this.on("error", NOOP); if (websocket2) { websocket2._readyState = WebSocket$1.CLOSING; this.destroy(); } } const WebSocket$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(websocket); const { tokenChars } = validationExports; function parse(header) { const protocols = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let start = -1; let end = -1; let i = 0; for (i; i < header.length; i++) { const code = header.charCodeAt(i); if (end === -1 && tokenChars[code] === 1) { if (start === -1) start = i; } else if (i !== 0 && (code === 32 || code === 9)) { if (end === -1 && start !== -1) end = i; } else if (code === 44) { if (start === -1) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } if (end === -1) end = i; const protocol2 = header.slice(start, end); if (protocols.has(protocol2)) { throw new SyntaxError(`The "${protocol2}" subprotocol is duplicated`); } protocols.add(protocol2); start = end = -1; } else { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${i}`); } } if (start === -1 || end !== -1) { throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of input"); } const protocol = header.slice(start, i); if (protocols.has(protocol)) { throw new SyntaxError(`The "${protocol}" subprotocol is duplicated`); } protocols.add(protocol); return protocols; } var subprotocol$1 = { parse }; const EventEmitter = require$$0$4; const http = require$$2$1; const { createHash } = require$$5; const extension = extension$1; const PerMessageDeflate2 = permessageDeflate; const subprotocol = subprotocol$1; const WebSocket2 = websocket; const { GUID, kWebSocket } = constants; const keyRegex = /^[+/0-9A-Za-z]{22}==$/; const RUNNING = 0; const CLOSING = 1; const CLOSED = 2; class WebSocketServer extends EventEmitter { /** * Create a `WebSocketServer` instance. * * @param {Object} options Configuration options * @param {Number} [options.backlog=511] The maximum length of the queue of * pending connections * @param {Boolean} [options.clientTracking=true] Specifies whether or not to * track clients * @param {Function} [options.handleProtocols] A hook to handle protocols * @param {String} [] The hostname where to bind the server * @param {Number} [options.maxPayload=104857600] The maximum allowed message * size * @param {Boolean} [options.noServer=false] Enable no server mode * @param {String} [options.path] Accept only connections matching this path * @param {(Boolean|Object)} [options.perMessageDeflate=false] Enable/disable * permessage-deflate * @param {Number} [options.port] The port where to bind the server * @param {(http.Server|https.Server)} [options.server] A pre-created HTTP/S * server to use * @param {Boolean} [options.skipUTF8Validation=false] Specifies whether or * not to skip UTF-8 validation for text and close messages * @param {Function} [options.verifyClient] A hook to reject connections * @param {Function} [options.WebSocket=WebSocket] Specifies the `WebSocket` * class to use. It must be the `WebSocket` class or class that extends it * @param {Function} [callback] A listener for the `listening` event */ constructor(options, callback) { super(); options = { maxPayload: 100 * 1024 * 1024, skipUTF8Validation: false, perMessageDeflate: false, handleProtocols: null, clientTracking: true, verifyClient: null, noServer: false, backlog: null, // use default (511 as implemented in net.js) server: null, host: null, path: null, port: null, WebSocket: WebSocket2, ...options }; if (options.port == null && !options.server && !options.noServer || options.port != null && (options.server || options.noServer) || options.server && options.noServer) { throw new TypeError( 'One and only one of the "port", "server", or "noServer" options must be specified' ); } if (options.port != null) { this._server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const body = http.STATUS_CODES[426]; res.writeHead(426, { "Content-Length": body.length, "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); res.end(body); }); this._server.listen( options.port,, options.backlog, callback ); } else if (options.server) { this._server = options.server; } if (this._server) { const emitConnection = this.emit.bind(this, "connection"); this._removeListeners = addListeners(this._server, { listening: this.emit.bind(this, "listening"), error: this.emit.bind(this, "error"), upgrade: (req, socket, head) => { this.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, emitConnection); } }); } if (options.perMessageDeflate === true) options.perMessageDeflate = {}; if (options.clientTracking) { this.clients = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this._shouldEmitClose = false; } this.options = options; this._state = RUNNING; } /** * Returns the bound address, the address family name, and port of the server * as reported by the operating system if listening on an IP socket. * If the server is listening on a pipe or UNIX domain socket, the name is * returned as a string. * * @return {(Object|String|null)} The address of the server * @public */ address() { if (this.options.noServer) { throw new Error('The server is operating in "noServer" mode'); } if (!this._server) return null; return this._server.address(); } /** * Stop the server from accepting new connections and emit the `'close'` event * when all existing connections are closed. * * @param {Function} [cb] A one-time listener for the `'close'` event * @public */ close(cb) { if (this._state === CLOSED) { if (cb) { this.once("close", () => { cb(new Error("The server is not running")); }); } process.nextTick(emitClose, this); return; } if (cb) this.once("close", cb); if (this._state === CLOSING) return; this._state = CLOSING; if (this.options.noServer || this.options.server) { if (this._server) { this._removeListeners(); this._removeListeners = this._server = null; } if (this.clients) { if (!this.clients.size) { process.nextTick(emitClose, this); } else { this._shouldEmitClose = true; } } else { process.nextTick(emitClose, this); } } else { const server = this._server; this._removeListeners(); this._removeListeners = this._server = null; server.close(() => { emitClose(this); }); } } /** * See if a given request should be handled by this server instance. * * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Request object to inspect * @return {Boolean} `true` if the request is valid, else `false` * @public */ shouldHandle(req) { if (this.options.path) { const index = req.url.indexOf("?"); const pathname = index !== -1 ? req.url.slice(0, index) : req.url; if (pathname !== this.options.path) return false; } return true; } /** * Handle a HTTP Upgrade request. * * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object * @param {(net.Socket|tls.Socket)} socket The network socket between the * server and client * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream * @param {Function} cb Callback * @public */ handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, cb) { socket.on("error", socketOnError); const key = req.headers["sec-websocket-key"]; const version = +req.headers["sec-websocket-version"]; if (req.method !== "GET") { const message = "Invalid HTTP method"; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 405, message); return; } if (req.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase() !== "websocket") { const message = "Invalid Upgrade header"; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } if (!key || !keyRegex.test(key)) { const message = "Missing or invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key header"; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } if (version !== 8 && version !== 13) { const message = "Missing or invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version header"; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } if (!this.shouldHandle(req)) { abortHandshake(socket, 400); return; } const secWebSocketProtocol = req.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"]; let protocols = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); if (secWebSocketProtocol !== void 0) { try { protocols = subprotocol.parse(secWebSocketProtocol); } catch (err) { const message = "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header"; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } } const secWebSocketExtensions = req.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]; const extensions = {}; if (this.options.perMessageDeflate && secWebSocketExtensions !== void 0) { const perMessageDeflate = new PerMessageDeflate2( this.options.perMessageDeflate, true, this.options.maxPayload ); try { const offers = extension.parse(secWebSocketExtensions); if (offers[PerMessageDeflate2.extensionName]) { perMessageDeflate.accept(offers[PerMessageDeflate2.extensionName]); extensions[PerMessageDeflate2.extensionName] = perMessageDeflate; } } catch (err) { const message = "Invalid or unacceptable Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header"; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } } if (this.options.verifyClient) { const info = { origin: req.headers[`${version === 8 ? "sec-websocket-origin" : "origin"}`], secure: !!(req.socket.authorized || req.socket.encrypted), req }; if (this.options.verifyClient.length === 2) { this.options.verifyClient(info, (verified, code, message, headers) => { if (!verified) { return abortHandshake(socket, code || 401, message, headers); } this.completeUpgrade( extensions, key, protocols, req, socket, head, cb ); }); return; } if (!this.options.verifyClient(info)) return abortHandshake(socket, 401); } this.completeUpgrade(extensions, key, protocols, req, socket, head, cb); } /** * Upgrade the connection to WebSocket. * * @param {Object} extensions The accepted extensions * @param {String} key The value of the `Sec-WebSocket-Key` header * @param {Set} protocols The subprotocols * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object * @param {(net.Socket|tls.Socket)} socket The network socket between the * server and client * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream * @param {Function} cb Callback * @throws {Error} If called more than once with the same socket * @private */ completeUpgrade(extensions, key, protocols, req, socket, head, cb) { if (!socket.readable || !socket.writable) return socket.destroy(); if (socket[kWebSocket]) { throw new Error( "server.handleUpgrade() was called more than once with the same socket, possibly due to a misconfiguration" ); } if (this._state > RUNNING) return abortHandshake(socket, 503); const digest = createHash("sha1").update(key + GUID).digest("base64"); const headers = [ "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols", "Upgrade: websocket", "Connection: Upgrade", `Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${digest}` ]; const ws = new this.options.WebSocket(null); if (protocols.size) { const protocol = this.options.handleProtocols ? this.options.handleProtocols(protocols, req) : protocols.values().next().value; if (protocol) { headers.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ${protocol}`); ws._protocol = protocol; } } if (extensions[PerMessageDeflate2.extensionName]) { const params = extensions[PerMessageDeflate2.extensionName].params; const value = extension.format({ [PerMessageDeflate2.extensionName]: [params] }); headers.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: ${value}`); ws._extensions = extensions; } this.emit("headers", headers, req); socket.write(headers.concat("\r\n").join("\r\n")); socket.removeListener("error", socketOnError); ws.setSocket(socket, head, { maxPayload: this.options.maxPayload, skipUTF8Validation: this.options.skipUTF8Validation }); if (this.clients) { this.clients.add(ws); ws.on("close", () => { this.clients.delete(ws); if (this._shouldEmitClose && !this.clients.size) { process.nextTick(emitClose, this); } }); } cb(ws, req); } } var websocketServer = WebSocketServer; function addListeners(server, map) { for (const event of Object.keys(map)) server.on(event, map[event]); return function removeListeners() { for (const event of Object.keys(map)) { server.removeListener(event, map[event]); } }; } function emitClose(server) { server._state = CLOSED; server.emit("close"); } function socketOnError() { this.destroy(); } function abortHandshake(socket, code, message, headers) { message = message || http.STATUS_CODES[code]; headers = { Connection: "close", "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Length": Buffer.byteLength(message), ...headers }; socket.once("finish", socket.destroy); socket.end( `HTTP/1.1 ${code} ${http.STATUS_CODES[code]}\r ` + Object.keys(headers).map((h) => `${h}: ${headers[h]}`).join("\r\n") + "\r\n\r\n" + message ); } function abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(server, req, socket, code, message) { if (server.listenerCount("wsClientError")) { const err = new Error(message); Error.captureStackTrace(err, abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError); server.emit("wsClientError", err, socket, req); } else { abortHandshake(socket, code, message); } } const websocketServer$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(websocketServer); export { receiver$1 as Receiver, sender$1 as Sender, WebSocket$2 as WebSocket, websocketServer$1 as WebSocketServer, stream$1 as createWebSocketStream, WebSocket$2 as default };