import * as readline from 'node:readline'; import { CancelablePromise } from '@inquirer/type'; import MuteStream from 'mute-stream'; import { onExit as onSignalExit } from 'signal-exit'; import ScreenManager from './screen-manager.mjs'; import { withHooks, effectScheduler } from './hook-engine.mjs'; import { CancelPromptError, ExitPromptError } from './errors.mjs'; export function createPrompt(view) { const prompt = (config, context) => { // Default `input` to stdin const input = context?.input ?? process.stdin; // Add mute capabilities to the output const output = new MuteStream(); output.pipe(context?.output ?? process.stdout); const rl = readline.createInterface({ terminal: true, input, output, }); const screen = new ScreenManager(rl); let cancel = () => { }; const answer = new CancelablePromise((resolve, reject) => { withHooks(rl, (store) => { function checkCursorPos() { screen.checkCursorPos(); } const removeExitListener = onSignalExit((code, signal) => { onExit(); reject(new ExitPromptError(`User force closed the prompt with ${code} ${signal}`)); }); function onExit() { try { store.hooksCleanup.forEach((cleanFn) => { cleanFn?.(); }); } catch (error) { reject(error); } if (context?.clearPromptOnDone) { screen.clean(); } else { screen.clearContent(); } screen.done(); removeExitListener(); store.rl.input.removeListener('keypress', checkCursorPos); } cancel = () => { onExit(); reject(new CancelPromptError()); }; function done(value) { // Delay execution to let time to the hookCleanup functions to registers. setImmediate(() => { onExit(); // Finally we resolve our promise resolve(value); }); } function workLoop() { store.index = 0; try { const nextView = view(config, done); const [content, bottomContent] = typeof nextView === 'string' ? [nextView] : nextView; screen.render(content, bottomContent);; } catch (error) { onExit(); reject(error); } } store.handleChange = () => workLoop(); workLoop(); // Re-renders only happen when the state change; but the readline cursor could change position // and that also requires a re-render (and a manual one because we mute the streams). // We set the listener after the initial workLoop to avoid a double render if render triggered // by a state change sets the cursor to the right position. store.rl.input.on('keypress', checkCursorPos); }); }); answer.cancel = cancel; return answer; }; return prompt; }