# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import os import time import random import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np from torch.cuda.amp import autocast import hydra from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf from hydra.utils import instantiate from lightglue import LightGlue, SuperPoint, SIFT, ALIKED import pycolmap # from visdom import Visdom from vggsfm.datasets.demo_loader import DemoLoader from vggsfm.two_view_geo.estimate_preliminary import estimate_preliminary_cameras try: import poselib from vggsfm.two_view_geo.estimate_preliminary import estimate_preliminary_cameras_poselib print("Poselib is available") except: print("Poselib is not installed. Please disable use_poselib") from vggsfm.utils.utils import ( set_seed_and_print, farthest_point_sampling, calculate_index_mappings, switch_tensor_order, ) def demo_fn(cfg): OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) # Print configuration print("Model Config:", OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)) torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # Set seed seed_all_random_engines(cfg.seed) # Model instantiation model = instantiate(cfg.MODEL, _recursive_=False, cfg=cfg) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" model = model.to(device) # Prepare test dataset test_dataset = DemoLoader( SCENE_DIR=cfg.SCENE_DIR, img_size=cfg.img_size, normalize_cameras=False, load_gt=cfg.load_gt, cfg=cfg ) # if cfg.resume_ckpt: _VGGSFM_URL = "https://huggingface.co/facebook/VGGSfM/resolve/main/vggsfm_v2_0_0.bin" # Reload model checkpoint = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(_VGGSFM_URL) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=True) print(f"Successfully resumed from {_VGGSFM_URL}") sequence_list = test_dataset.sequence_list for seq_name in sequence_list: print("*" * 50 + f" Testing on Scene {seq_name} " + "*" * 50) # Load the data batch, image_paths = test_dataset.get_data(sequence_name=seq_name, return_path=True) # Send to GPU images = batch["image"].to(device) crop_params = batch["crop_params"].to(device) # Unsqueeze to have batch size = 1 images = images.unsqueeze(0) crop_params = crop_params.unsqueeze(0) batch_size = len(images) with torch.no_grad(): # Run the model assert cfg.mixed_precision in ("None", "bf16", "fp16") if cfg.mixed_precision == "None": dtype = torch.float32 elif cfg.mixed_precision == "bf16": dtype = torch.bfloat16 elif cfg.mixed_precision == "fp16": dtype = torch.float16 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"dtype {cfg.mixed_precision} is not supported now") predictions = run_one_scene( model, images, crop_params=crop_params, query_frame_num=cfg.query_frame_num, image_paths=image_paths, dtype=dtype, cfg=cfg, ) pred_cameras_PT3D = predictions["pred_cameras_PT3D"] return predictions def run_one_scene(model, images, crop_params=None, query_frame_num=3, image_paths=None, dtype=None, cfg=None): """ images have been normalized to the range [0, 1] instead of [0, 255] """ batch_num, frame_num, image_dim, height, width = images.shape device = images.device reshaped_image = images.reshape(batch_num * frame_num, image_dim, height, width) predictions = {} extra_dict = {} camera_predictor = model.camera_predictor track_predictor = model.track_predictor triangulator = model.triangulator # Find the query frames # First use DINO to find the most common frame among all the input frames # i.e., the one has highest (average) cosine similarity to all others # Then use farthest_point_sampling to find the next ones # The number of query frames is determined by query_frame_num with autocast(dtype=dtype): query_frame_indexes = find_query_frame_indexes(reshaped_image, camera_predictor, frame_num) raw_image_paths = image_paths image_paths = [os.path.basename(imgpath) for imgpath in image_paths] if cfg.center_order: # The code below switchs the first frame (frame 0) to the most common frame center_frame_index = query_frame_indexes[0] center_order = calculate_index_mappings(center_frame_index, frame_num, device=device) images, crop_params = switch_tensor_order([images, crop_params], center_order, dim=1) reshaped_image = switch_tensor_order([reshaped_image], center_order, dim=0)[0] image_paths = [image_paths[i] for i in center_order.cpu().numpy().tolist()] # Also update query_frame_indexes: query_frame_indexes = [center_frame_index if x == 0 else x for x in query_frame_indexes] query_frame_indexes[0] = 0 # only pick query_frame_num query_frame_indexes = query_frame_indexes[:query_frame_num] # Prepare image feature maps for tracker fmaps_for_tracker = track_predictor.process_images_to_fmaps(images) # Predict tracks with autocast(dtype=dtype): pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score = predict_tracks( cfg.query_method, cfg.max_query_pts, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, query_frame_indexes, frame_num, device, cfg, ) if cfg.comple_nonvis: pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score = comple_nonvis_frames( track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, frame_num, device, pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score, 200, cfg=cfg, ) torch.cuda.empty_cache() # If necessary, force all the predictions at the padding areas as non-visible if crop_params is not None: boundaries = crop_params[:, :, -4:-2].abs().to(device) boundaries = torch.cat([boundaries, reshaped_image.shape[-1] - boundaries], dim=-1) hvis = torch.logical_and( pred_track[..., 1] >= boundaries[:, :, 1:2], pred_track[..., 1] <= boundaries[:, :, 3:4] ) wvis = torch.logical_and( pred_track[..., 0] >= boundaries[:, :, 0:1], pred_track[..., 0] <= boundaries[:, :, 2:3] ) force_vis = torch.logical_and(hvis, wvis) pred_vis = pred_vis * force_vis.float() # TODO: plot 2D matches if cfg.use_poselib: estimate_preliminary_cameras_fn = estimate_preliminary_cameras_poselib else: estimate_preliminary_cameras_fn = estimate_preliminary_cameras # Estimate preliminary_cameras by recovering fundamental/essential/homography matrix from 2D matches # By default, we use fundamental matrix estimation with 7p/8p+LORANSAC # All the operations are batched and differentiable (if necessary) # except when you enable use_poselib to save GPU memory _, preliminary_dict = estimate_preliminary_cameras_fn( pred_track, pred_vis, width, height, tracks_score=pred_score, max_error=cfg.fmat_thres, loopresidual=True, # max_ransac_iters=cfg.max_ransac_iters, ) pose_predictions = camera_predictor(reshaped_image, batch_size=batch_num) pred_cameras = pose_predictions["pred_cameras"] # Conduct Triangulation and Bundle Adjustment ( BA_cameras_PT3D, extrinsics_opencv, intrinsics_opencv, points3D, points3D_rgb, reconstruction, valid_frame_mask, ) = triangulator( pred_cameras, pred_track, pred_vis, images, preliminary_dict, image_paths=image_paths, crop_params=crop_params, pred_score=pred_score, fmat_thres=cfg.fmat_thres, BA_iters=cfg.BA_iters, max_reproj_error = cfg.max_reproj_error, init_max_reproj_error=cfg.init_max_reproj_error, cfg=cfg, ) if cfg.center_order: # NOTE we changed the image order previously, now we need to switch it back BA_cameras_PT3D = BA_cameras_PT3D[center_order] extrinsics_opencv = extrinsics_opencv[center_order] intrinsics_opencv = intrinsics_opencv[center_order] if cfg.filter_invalid_frame: raw_image_paths = np.array(raw_image_paths)[valid_frame_mask.cpu().numpy().tolist()].tolist() images = images[0][valid_frame_mask] predictions["pred_cameras_PT3D"] = BA_cameras_PT3D predictions["extrinsics_opencv"] = extrinsics_opencv predictions["intrinsics_opencv"] = intrinsics_opencv predictions["points3D"] = points3D predictions["points3D_rgb"] = points3D_rgb predictions["reconstruction"] = reconstruction predictions["images"] = images predictions["raw_image_paths"] = raw_image_paths return predictions def predict_tracks( query_method, max_query_pts, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, query_frame_indexes, frame_num, device, cfg=None, ): pred_track_list = [] pred_vis_list = [] pred_score_list = [] for query_index in query_frame_indexes: print(f"Predicting tracks with query_index = {query_index}") # Find query_points at the query frame query_points = get_query_points(images[:, query_index], query_method, max_query_pts) # Switch so that query_index frame stays at the first frame # This largely simplifies the code structure of tracker new_order = calculate_index_mappings(query_index, frame_num, device=device) images_feed, fmaps_feed = switch_tensor_order([images, fmaps_for_tracker], new_order) # Feed into track predictor fine_pred_track, _, pred_vis, pred_score = track_predictor(images_feed, query_points, fmaps=fmaps_feed) # Switch back the predictions fine_pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score = switch_tensor_order([fine_pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score], new_order) # Append predictions for different queries pred_track_list.append(fine_pred_track) pred_vis_list.append(pred_vis) pred_score_list.append(pred_score) pred_track = torch.cat(pred_track_list, dim=2) pred_vis = torch.cat(pred_vis_list, dim=2) pred_score = torch.cat(pred_score_list, dim=2) return pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score def comple_nonvis_frames( track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, frame_num, device, pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score, min_vis=500, cfg=None, ): # if a frame has too few visible inlier, use it as a query non_vis_frames = torch.nonzero((pred_vis.squeeze(0) > 0.05).sum(-1) < min_vis).squeeze(-1).tolist() last_query = -1 while len(non_vis_frames) > 0: print("Processing non visible frames") print(non_vis_frames) if non_vis_frames[0] == last_query: print("The non vis frame still does not has enough 2D matches") pred_track_comple, pred_vis_comple, pred_score_comple = predict_tracks( "sp+sift+aliked", cfg.max_query_pts // 2, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, non_vis_frames, frame_num, device, cfg, ) # concat predictions pred_track = torch.cat([pred_track, pred_track_comple], dim=2) pred_vis = torch.cat([pred_vis, pred_vis_comple], dim=2) pred_score = torch.cat([pred_score, pred_score_comple], dim=2) break non_vis_query_list = [non_vis_frames[0]] last_query = non_vis_frames[0] pred_track_comple, pred_vis_comple, pred_score_comple = predict_tracks( cfg.query_method, cfg.max_query_pts, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, non_vis_query_list, frame_num, device, cfg, ) # concat predictions pred_track = torch.cat([pred_track, pred_track_comple], dim=2) pred_vis = torch.cat([pred_vis, pred_vis_comple], dim=2) pred_score = torch.cat([pred_score, pred_score_comple], dim=2) non_vis_frames = torch.nonzero((pred_vis.squeeze(0) > 0.05).sum(-1) < min_vis).squeeze(-1).tolist() return pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score def find_query_frame_indexes(reshaped_image, camera_predictor, query_frame_num, image_size=336): # Downsample image to image_size x image_size # because we found it is unnecessary to use high resolution rgbs = F.interpolate(reshaped_image, (image_size, image_size), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) rgbs = camera_predictor._resnet_normalize_image(rgbs) # Get the image features (patch level) frame_feat = camera_predictor.backbone(rgbs, is_training=True) frame_feat = frame_feat["x_norm_patchtokens"] frame_feat_norm = F.normalize(frame_feat, p=2, dim=1) # Compute the similiarty matrix frame_feat_norm = frame_feat_norm.permute(1, 0, 2) similarity_matrix = torch.bmm(frame_feat_norm, frame_feat_norm.transpose(-1, -2)) similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix.mean(dim=0) distance_matrix = 100 - similarity_matrix.clone() # Ignore self-pairing similarity_matrix.fill_diagonal_(-100) similarity_sum = similarity_matrix.sum(dim=1) # Find the most common frame most_common_frame_index = torch.argmax(similarity_sum).item() # Conduct FPS sampling # Starting from the most_common_frame_index, # try to find the farthest frame, # then the farthest to the last found frame # (frames are not allowed to be found twice) fps_idx = farthest_point_sampling(distance_matrix, query_frame_num, most_common_frame_index) return fps_idx def get_query_points(query_image, query_method, max_query_num=4096, det_thres=0.005): # Run superpoint and sift on the target frame # Feel free to modify for your own methods = query_method.split("+") pred_points = [] for method in methods: if "sp" in method: extractor = SuperPoint(max_num_keypoints=max_query_num, detection_threshold=det_thres).cuda().eval() elif "sift" in method: extractor = SIFT(max_num_keypoints=max_query_num).cuda().eval() elif "aliked" in method: extractor = ALIKED(max_num_keypoints=max_query_num, detection_threshold=det_thres).cuda().eval() else: raise NotImplementedError(f"query method {method} is not supprted now") query_points = extractor.extract(query_image)["keypoints"] pred_points.append(query_points) query_points = torch.cat(pred_points, dim=1) if query_points.shape[1] > max_query_num: random_point_indices = torch.randperm(query_points.shape[1])[:max_query_num] query_points = query_points[:, random_point_indices, :] return query_points def seed_all_random_engines(seed: int) -> None: np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) random.seed(seed)