# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import os import time import random import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np from torch.cuda.amp import autocast import hydra from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf from hydra.utils import instantiate from lightglue import LightGlue, SuperPoint, SIFT, ALIKED import pycolmap from visdom import Visdom from vggsfm.datasets.demo_loader import DemoLoader from vggsfm.two_view_geo.estimate_preliminary import estimate_preliminary_cameras try: import poselib from vggsfm.two_view_geo.estimate_preliminary import estimate_preliminary_cameras_poselib print("Poselib is available") except: print("Poselib is not installed. Please disable use_poselib") from vggsfm.utils.utils import ( set_seed_and_print, farthest_point_sampling, calculate_index_mappings, switch_tensor_order, ) def demo_fn(cfg): OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) # Print configuration print("Model Config:", OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)) torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # Set seed seed_all_random_engines(cfg.seed) # Model instantiation model = instantiate(cfg.MODEL, _recursive_=False, cfg=cfg) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" model = model.to(device) # Prepare test dataset test_dataset = DemoLoader( SCENE_DIR=cfg.SCENE_DIR, img_size=cfg.img_size, normalize_cameras=False, load_gt=cfg.load_gt, cfg=cfg ) # if cfg.resume_ckpt: _VGGSFM_URL = "https://huggingface.co/facebook/VGGSfM/resolve/main/vggsfm_v2_0_0.bin" # Reload model checkpoint = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(_VGGSFM_URL) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=True) print(f"Successfully resumed from {_VGGSFM_URL}") sequence_list = test_dataset.sequence_list for seq_name in sequence_list: print("*" * 50 + f" Testing on Scene {seq_name} " + "*" * 50) # Load the data batch, image_paths = test_dataset.get_data(sequence_name=seq_name, return_path=True) # Send to GPU images = batch["image"].to(device) crop_params = batch["crop_params"].to(device) # Unsqueeze to have batch size = 1 images = images.unsqueeze(0) crop_params = crop_params.unsqueeze(0) batch_size = len(images) with torch.no_grad(): # Run the model assert cfg.mixed_precision in ("None", "bf16", "fp16") if cfg.mixed_precision == "None": dtype = torch.float32 elif cfg.mixed_precision == "bf16": dtype = torch.bfloat16 elif cfg.mixed_precision == "fp16": dtype = torch.float16 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"dtype {cfg.mixed_precision} is not supported now") predictions = run_one_scene( model, images, crop_params=crop_params, query_frame_num=cfg.query_frame_num, image_paths=image_paths, dtype=dtype, cfg=cfg, ) pred_cameras_PT3D = predictions["pred_cameras_PT3D"] return predictions def run_one_scene(model, images, crop_params=None, query_frame_num=3, image_paths=None, dtype=None, cfg=None): """ images have been normalized to the range [0, 1] instead of [0, 255] """ batch_num, frame_num, image_dim, height, width = images.shape device = images.device reshaped_image = images.reshape(batch_num * frame_num, image_dim, height, width) predictions = {} extra_dict = {} camera_predictor = model.camera_predictor track_predictor = model.track_predictor triangulator = model.triangulator # Find the query frames # First use DINO to find the most common frame among all the input frames # i.e., the one has highest (average) cosine similarity to all others # Then use farthest_point_sampling to find the next ones # The number of query frames is determined by query_frame_num with autocast(dtype=dtype): query_frame_indexes = find_query_frame_indexes(reshaped_image, camera_predictor, frame_num) raw_image_paths = image_paths image_paths = [os.path.basename(imgpath) for imgpath in image_paths] if cfg.center_order: # The code below switchs the first frame (frame 0) to the most common frame center_frame_index = query_frame_indexes[0] center_order = calculate_index_mappings(center_frame_index, frame_num, device=device) images, crop_params = switch_tensor_order([images, crop_params], center_order, dim=1) reshaped_image = switch_tensor_order([reshaped_image], center_order, dim=0)[0] image_paths = [image_paths[i] for i in center_order.cpu().numpy().tolist()] # Also update query_frame_indexes: query_frame_indexes = [center_frame_index if x == 0 else x for x in query_frame_indexes] query_frame_indexes[0] = 0 # only pick query_frame_num query_frame_indexes = query_frame_indexes[:query_frame_num] # Prepare image feature maps for tracker fmaps_for_tracker = track_predictor.process_images_to_fmaps(images) # Predict tracks with autocast(dtype=dtype): pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score = predict_tracks( cfg.query_method, cfg.max_query_pts, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, query_frame_indexes, frame_num, device, cfg, ) if cfg.comple_nonvis: pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score = comple_nonvis_frames( track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, frame_num, device, pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score, 200, cfg=cfg, ) torch.cuda.empty_cache() # If necessary, force all the predictions at the padding areas as non-visible if crop_params is not None: boundaries = crop_params[:, :, -4:-2].abs().to(device) boundaries = torch.cat([boundaries, reshaped_image.shape[-1] - boundaries], dim=-1) hvis = torch.logical_and( pred_track[..., 1] >= boundaries[:, :, 1:2], pred_track[..., 1] <= boundaries[:, :, 3:4] ) wvis = torch.logical_and( pred_track[..., 0] >= boundaries[:, :, 0:1], pred_track[..., 0] <= boundaries[:, :, 2:3] ) force_vis = torch.logical_and(hvis, wvis) pred_vis = pred_vis * force_vis.float() # TODO: plot 2D matches if cfg.use_poselib: estimate_preliminary_cameras_fn = estimate_preliminary_cameras_poselib else: estimate_preliminary_cameras_fn = estimate_preliminary_cameras # Estimate preliminary_cameras by recovering fundamental/essential/homography matrix from 2D matches # By default, we use fundamental matrix estimation with 7p/8p+LORANSAC # All the operations are batched and differentiable (if necessary) # except when you enable use_poselib to save GPU memory _, preliminary_dict = estimate_preliminary_cameras_fn( pred_track, pred_vis, width, height, tracks_score=pred_score, max_error=cfg.fmat_thres, loopresidual=True, # max_ransac_iters=cfg.max_ransac_iters, ) pose_predictions = camera_predictor(reshaped_image, batch_size=batch_num) pred_cameras = pose_predictions["pred_cameras"] # Conduct Triangulation and Bundle Adjustment ( BA_cameras_PT3D, extrinsics_opencv, intrinsics_opencv, points3D, points3D_rgb, reconstruction, valid_frame_mask, ) = triangulator( pred_cameras, pred_track, pred_vis, images, preliminary_dict, image_paths=image_paths, crop_params=crop_params, pred_score=pred_score, fmat_thres=cfg.fmat_thres, BA_iters=cfg.BA_iters, max_reproj_error = cfg.max_reproj_error, init_max_reproj_error=cfg.init_max_reproj_error, cfg=cfg, ) if cfg.center_order: # NOTE we changed the image order previously, now we need to switch it back BA_cameras_PT3D = BA_cameras_PT3D[center_order] extrinsics_opencv = extrinsics_opencv[center_order] intrinsics_opencv = intrinsics_opencv[center_order] if cfg.filter_invalid_frame: raw_image_paths = np.array(raw_image_paths)[valid_frame_mask.cpu().numpy().tolist()].tolist() images = images[0][valid_frame_mask] predictions["pred_cameras_PT3D"] = BA_cameras_PT3D predictions["extrinsics_opencv"] = extrinsics_opencv predictions["intrinsics_opencv"] = intrinsics_opencv predictions["points3D"] = points3D predictions["points3D_rgb"] = points3D_rgb predictions["reconstruction"] = reconstruction predictions["images"] = images predictions["raw_image_paths"] = raw_image_paths return predictions def predict_tracks( query_method, max_query_pts, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, query_frame_indexes, frame_num, device, cfg=None, ): pred_track_list = [] pred_vis_list = [] pred_score_list = [] for query_index in query_frame_indexes: print(f"Predicting tracks with query_index = {query_index}") # Find query_points at the query frame query_points = get_query_points(images[:, query_index], query_method, max_query_pts) # Switch so that query_index frame stays at the first frame # This largely simplifies the code structure of tracker new_order = calculate_index_mappings(query_index, frame_num, device=device) images_feed, fmaps_feed = switch_tensor_order([images, fmaps_for_tracker], new_order) # Feed into track predictor fine_pred_track, _, pred_vis, pred_score = track_predictor(images_feed, query_points, fmaps=fmaps_feed) # Switch back the predictions fine_pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score = switch_tensor_order([fine_pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score], new_order) # Append predictions for different queries pred_track_list.append(fine_pred_track) pred_vis_list.append(pred_vis) pred_score_list.append(pred_score) pred_track = torch.cat(pred_track_list, dim=2) pred_vis = torch.cat(pred_vis_list, dim=2) pred_score = torch.cat(pred_score_list, dim=2) return pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score def comple_nonvis_frames( track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, frame_num, device, pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score, min_vis=500, cfg=None, ): # if a frame has too few visible inlier, use it as a query non_vis_frames = torch.nonzero((pred_vis.squeeze(0) > 0.05).sum(-1) < min_vis).squeeze(-1).tolist() last_query = -1 while len(non_vis_frames) > 0: print("Processing non visible frames") print(non_vis_frames) if non_vis_frames[0] == last_query: print("The non vis frame still does not has enough 2D matches") pred_track_comple, pred_vis_comple, pred_score_comple = predict_tracks( "sp+sift+aliked", cfg.max_query_pts // 2, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, non_vis_frames, frame_num, device, cfg, ) # concat predictions pred_track = torch.cat([pred_track, pred_track_comple], dim=2) pred_vis = torch.cat([pred_vis, pred_vis_comple], dim=2) pred_score = torch.cat([pred_score, pred_score_comple], dim=2) break non_vis_query_list = [non_vis_frames[0]] last_query = non_vis_frames[0] pred_track_comple, pred_vis_comple, pred_score_comple = predict_tracks( cfg.query_method, cfg.max_query_pts, track_predictor, images, fmaps_for_tracker, non_vis_query_list, frame_num, device, cfg, ) # concat predictions pred_track = torch.cat([pred_track, pred_track_comple], dim=2) pred_vis = torch.cat([pred_vis, pred_vis_comple], dim=2) pred_score = torch.cat([pred_score, pred_score_comple], dim=2) non_vis_frames = torch.nonzero((pred_vis.squeeze(0) > 0.05).sum(-1) < min_vis).squeeze(-1).tolist() return pred_track, pred_vis, pred_score def find_query_frame_indexes(reshaped_image, camera_predictor, query_frame_num, image_size=336): # Downsample image to image_size x image_size # because we found it is unnecessary to use high resolution rgbs = F.interpolate(reshaped_image, (image_size, image_size), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) rgbs = camera_predictor._resnet_normalize_image(rgbs) # Get the image features (patch level) frame_feat = camera_predictor.backbone(rgbs, is_training=True) frame_feat = frame_feat["x_norm_patchtokens"] frame_feat_norm = F.normalize(frame_feat, p=2, dim=1) # Compute the similiarty matrix frame_feat_norm = frame_feat_norm.permute(1, 0, 2) similarity_matrix = torch.bmm(frame_feat_norm, frame_feat_norm.transpose(-1, -2)) similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix.mean(dim=0) distance_matrix = 100 - similarity_matrix.clone() # Ignore self-pairing similarity_matrix.fill_diagonal_(-100) similarity_sum = similarity_matrix.sum(dim=1) # Find the most common frame most_common_frame_index = torch.argmax(similarity_sum).item() # Conduct FPS sampling # Starting from the most_common_frame_index, # try to find the farthest frame, # then the farthest to the last found frame # (frames are not allowed to be found twice) fps_idx = farthest_point_sampling(distance_matrix, query_frame_num, most_common_frame_index) return fps_idx def get_query_points(query_image, query_method, max_query_num=4096, det_thres=0.005): # Run superpoint and sift on the target frame # Feel free to modify for your own methods = query_method.split("+") pred_points = [] for method in methods: if "sp" in method: extractor = SuperPoint(max_num_keypoints=max_query_num, detection_threshold=det_thres).cuda().eval() elif "sift" in method: extractor = SIFT(max_num_keypoints=max_query_num).cuda().eval() elif "aliked" in method: extractor = ALIKED(max_num_keypoints=max_query_num, detection_threshold=det_thres).cuda().eval() else: raise NotImplementedError(f"query method {method} is not supprted now") query_points = extractor.extract(query_image)["keypoints"] pred_points.append(query_points) query_points = torch.cat(pred_points, dim=1) if query_points.shape[1] > max_query_num: random_point_indices = torch.randperm(query_points.shape[1])[:max_query_num] query_points = query_points[:, random_point_indices, :] return query_points def seed_all_random_engines(seed: int) -> None: np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) random.seed(seed)