import torch from tqdm.notebook import tqdm from . import scheduler from . import share from src.utils.iimage import IImage class DDIM: def __init__(self, config, vae, encoder, unet): self.vae = vae self.encoder = encoder self.unet = unet self.config = config self.schedule = scheduler.linear(1000, config.linear_start, config.linear_end) def __call__( self, prompt = '', dt = 50, shape = (1,4,64,64), seed = None, negative_prompt = '', unet_condition = None, context = None, verbose = True): if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) if unet_condition is not None: zT = torch.randn((1,4) + unet_condition.shape[2:]).cuda() else: zT = torch.randn(shape).cuda() with torch.autocast('cuda'), torch.no_grad(): if context is None: context = self.encoder.encode([negative_prompt, prompt]) zt = zT pbar = tqdm(range(999, 0, -dt)) if verbose else range(999, 0, -dt) for timestep in share.DDIMIterator(pbar): _zt = zt if unet_condition is None else[zt, unet_condition], 1) eps_uncond, eps = self.unet([_zt, _zt]), timesteps = torch.tensor([timestep, timestep]).cuda(), context = context ).chunk(2) eps = (eps_uncond + 7.5 * (eps - eps_uncond)) z0 = (zt - self.schedule.sqrt_one_minus_alphas[timestep] * eps) / self.schedule.sqrt_alphas[timestep] zt = self.schedule.sqrt_alphas[timestep - dt] * z0 + self.schedule.sqrt_one_minus_alphas[timestep - dt] * eps return IImage(self.vae.decode(z0 / self.config.scale_factor)) def get_inpainting_condition(self, image, mask): latent_size = [x//8 for x in image.size] dtype = self.vae.encoder.conv_in.weight.dtype with torch.no_grad(): masked_image = image.torch().cuda() * ~mask.torch(0).bool().cuda() masked_image = condition_x0 = self.vae.encode(masked_image).mean * self.config.scale_factor condition_mask = mask.resize(latent_size[::-1]).cuda().torch(0).bool().to(dtype) return[condition_mask, condition_x0], 1) inpainting_condition = get_inpainting_condition