import requests import zipfile import tempfile def group_tests_by_duration(file_path: str) -> dict: # Define the buckets and their labels buckets = [(0, 5), (5, 10), (10, 15), (15, 20), (20, float('inf'))] bucket_names = ["0-5s", "5-10s", "10-15s", "15-20s", ">20s"] test_groups = {name: [] for name in bucket_names} # Process the file with error handling with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file: try: parts = line.split() # Extracting duration and test name, ignoring lines that don't match expected format if len(parts) >= 3 and 's' in parts[0]: duration = float(parts[0].rstrip('s')) # Remove 's' and convert to float test_name = ' '.join(parts[2:]) # Join back the test name parts # Assign test to the correct bucket based on duration for (start, end), bucket_name in zip(buckets, bucket_names): if start <= duration < end: test_groups[bucket_name].append((duration, test_name)) break except ValueError: # Skip lines that cannot be parsed properly continue return test_groups def extract_top_n_tests(file_path, n=10): test_durations = [] # Reading and processing the file with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file: parts = line.split() if len(parts) >= 3 and parts[1] == 'call': duration_s = parts[0].rstrip('s') # Remove the 's' from the duration try: duration = float(duration_s) test_name = ' '.join(parts[2:]) test_durations.append((duration, test_name)) except ValueError: # Skip lines that cannot be converted to float continue # Sort the list in descending order of duration test_durations.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Extract the top N tests top_n_tests = {test[1]: f"{test[0]}s" for i, test in enumerate(test_durations[:n])} return top_n_tests def fetch_test_duration_artifact(repo_id, token, run_id, artifact_name): # Construct the API URL owner_repo = repo_id.split("/") artifacts_url = f'{owner_repo[0]}/{owner_repo[1]}/actions/runs/{run_id}/artifacts' # Set up the headers with your authentication token headers = {'Authorization': f'token {token}'} # Send the request to get a list of artifacts from the specified run response = requests.get(artifacts_url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for HTTP error responses # Search for the artifact with the specified name download_url = None for artifact in response.json().get('artifacts', []): if artifact['name'] == artifact_name: download_url = artifact['archive_download_url'] break if download_url: # Download the artifact download_response = requests.get(download_url, headers=headers, stream=True) download_response.raise_for_status() # Save the downloaded artifact to a file zip_file_path = f'{artifact_name}.zip' with open(zip_file_path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in download_response.iter_content(chunk_size=128): file.write(chunk) # Extract the duration text file with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref: # Check if the specified file exists in the zip zip_files = zip_ref.namelist() for file in zip_files: if "duration" in file: zip_ref.extract(file, ".") break return file else: raise ValueError("Error 🥲") def format_to_markdown_str(test_bucket_map, top_n_slow_tests, repo_id, run_id, artifact_name): run_url = f"{repo_id}/actions/runs/{run_id}/" markdown_str = f""" ## Top {len(top_n_slow_tests)} slow test for {artifact_name}\n """ for test, duration in top_n_slow_tests.items(): markdown_str += f"* {test.split('/')[-1]}: {duration}\n" markdown_str += """ ## Bucketed durations of the tests\n """ for bucket, num_tests in test_bucket_map.items(): if ">" in bucket: bucket = f"\{bucket}" markdown_str += f"* {bucket}: {num_tests} tests\n" markdown_str += f"\nRun URL: [{run_url}]({run_url})." return markdown_str def analyze_tests(repo_id, token, run_id, artifact_name, top_n): test_duration_file = fetch_test_duration_artifact(repo_id=repo_id, token=token, run_id=run_id, artifact_name=artifact_name) grouped_tests_map = group_tests_by_duration(test_duration_file) test_bucket_map = {bucket: len(tests) for bucket, tests in grouped_tests_map.items()} print(test_bucket_map) top_n_slow_tests = extract_top_n_tests(test_duration_file, n=top_n) print(top_n_slow_tests) return format_to_markdown_str(test_bucket_map, top_n_slow_tests, repo_id, run_id, artifact_name)