import json import sys from typing import IO import click from import remove from ..session_factory import new_session from ..sessions import sessions_names @click.command( name="i", help="for a file as input", ) @click.option( "-m", "--model", default="u2net", type=click.Choice(sessions_names), show_default=True, show_choices=True, help="model name", ) @click.option( "-a", "--alpha-matting", is_flag=True, show_default=True, help="use alpha matting", ) @click.option( "-af", "--alpha-matting-foreground-threshold", default=240, type=int, show_default=True, help="trimap fg threshold", ) @click.option( "-ab", "--alpha-matting-background-threshold", default=10, type=int, show_default=True, help="trimap bg threshold", ) @click.option( "-ae", "--alpha-matting-erode-size", default=10, type=int, show_default=True, help="erode size", ) @click.option( "-om", "--only-mask", is_flag=True, show_default=True, help="output only the mask", ) @click.option( "-ppm", "--post-process-mask", is_flag=True, show_default=True, help="post process the mask", ) @click.option( "-bgc", "--bgcolor", default=None, type=(int, int, int, int), nargs=4, help="Background color (R G B A) to replace the removed background with", ) @click.option("-x", "--extras", type=str) @click.argument( "input", default=(None if sys.stdin.isatty() else "-"), type=click.File("rb") ) @click.argument( "output", default=(None if sys.stdin.isatty() else "-"), type=click.File("wb", lazy=True), ) def i_command(model: str, extras: str, input: IO, output: IO, **kwargs) -> None: try: kwargs.update(json.loads(extras)) except Exception: pass output.write(remove(, session=new_session(model), **kwargs))