hash,copyright,explanation,title,date,explanation_len,explanation_word_count,polarity,day_of_year,month,year,day,cluster_pca,cluster,cluster_transformer 6774f7463c2a4e02ebd0edb7d11cd7b88dff1881dcdfa81eb9c1a833a066d0fa,none,today picture explanation earth could somehow transform densiti neutron star might appear comput gener due strong gravit field neutron star distort light background sky look closely two imag constel orion visible graviti particular neutron star great part neutron star block view light pull around graviti even back neutron star keep archiv file astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert nemiroff jerri bonnell,neutron star earth,1995-06-16,465,68,0.2964285714285714,06-16,6,1995,16,6,1,4 e6bc17cdb39620b905c5d7a60a285f643af3ea776e2e50b3e324541d59046569,none,today picture june 20 1995 pleiad star cluster pictur credit mount wilson observatori explanation pleiad star cluster m45 one brightest star cluster visibl northern hemisphere consist mani bright hot star form time within larg cloud interstellar dust gas blue haze accompani due fine dust still remain preferenti reflect blue light stars keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,pleiad star cluster,1995-06-20,500,75,0.2345238095238095,06-20,6,1995,20,6,1,3 ae95356506f8da8ec33708995fca0c46613e1352b9bbfb3115595af5fb292d4c,none,today picture june 21 1995 aftermath great supernova 1987 pictur credit hubbl space telescop explanation 1987 star one milki way satellit galaxi exploded 1994 hubbl space telescope orbit around earth took detail pictur remnant explosion picture above show unusu unexpect rings astronom sure formed inform see hst press release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,supernova 1987a aftermath,1995-06-21,489,73,0.4333333333333333,06-21,6,1995,21,8,1,4 0cf110d9b7403d7070f0208c98841321c245cfec030a9d69a24e528d4fc83164,none,1972 astronaut unit last lunar mission apollo 17 took pictur look back earth way moon contin antarctica africa visibl delic wisp white clouds inform see nasa nssdc press release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day sky fill breathtak pictures mani avail world wide web day featur differ pictur part fascin universe along brief explan written profession astronomer astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,earth apollo 17,1995-06-22,489,75,-0.02,06-22,6,1995,22,8,0,2 386475502fb57fd7efda9f5a0262b186220e73f516077c763f0de04373e7baef,none,could see gamma rays comput process imag repres map entir sky photon energi 100 million electron volts gammaray photon 40 million time energet visibl light photon block earth surfac atmosphere earli 1990 nasa compton gamma ray observatory orbit around earth scan entir sky produc picture diffus gammaray glow plane milki way galaxi clearli seen across middle natur even distanc fainter sourc remain unknown inform see compton scienc support center release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day sky fill breathtak pictures mani avail world wide web day featur differ pictur part fascin universe along brief explan written profession astronomer astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,gamma ray sky map,1995-06-23,767,116,0.0166666666666666,06-23,6,1995,23,8,2,4 deef471daee9cf7a469265b28e8404e937e3030cb23b3aebcfe6046aeb3b807a,none,crab nebula geminga gamma ray pictur credit nasa compton gamma ray observatori explanation could see could two spin neutron star pulsar would among brightest object sky comput process imag show crab nebula pulsar below right center geminga pulsar abov left center gammarays gammaray photon 10000 time energet visibl light photon block surfac atmosphere imag produc high energi gammaray telescop board nasa orbit compton observatori satellite inform see compton scienc support center release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day sky fill breathtak pictures mani avail world wide web day featur differ pictur part fascin universe along brief explan written profession astronomer astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,gamma ray,1995-06-24,802,118,0.0495238095238095,06-24,6,1995,24,8,2,4 ef7f944f82a8cdfc896b50365edda0777b0c4002bd27bf389227742f3903ac24,none,today picture june 25 1995 jupit voyag pictur credit nasa jpl voyag explanation imagin hurrican last 300 years pictur planet jupit taken voyag 1 spacecraft pass planet 1979 jupiter ga giant planet solid surface largest planet solar system made mostli hydrogen helium clearli visibl photo great red spot giant hurricanelik storm system rotat cloud jupiter larg three complet earth could fit insid it astronom observ giant storm jupit 300 years inform see nasa jet propuls laboratori release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,jupit voyag,1995-06-25,652,101,0.15,06-25,6,1995,25,8,2,4 01ab688aed1da9fa59bffd1e860797fb8cce48cddf7921320fccfdeb77b1fa28,none,today picture june 26 1995 spiral galaxi m100 pictur credit nasa hubbl space telescop explanation m100 galaxi larg spiral galaxi similar milki way contain 100 billion stars 150 million light year away light see left dinosaur roam earth pictur taken 1993 wide field planetari camera 2 board hubbl space telescope inform see nasa space telescop scientif institut press release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,spiral galaxi m100,1995-06-26,537,83,0.14,06-26,6,1995,26,7,1,4 0fbd0b7dff110a24392327f7b235f7e04c75355864a4d6720dfc766d3e58492a,none,today picture june 27 1995 ultraviolet imag messier 101 pictur credit nasa ultraviolet imag telescop explanation giant spiral galaxy messier 101 m101 photograph ultraviolet imag telescop onboard space shuttl endeavour astro2 mission march 2 18 imag comput process color repres intens ultraviolet light pictur galaxi like one show mainli cloud ga contain newli form star mani time massiv sun glow strongli ultraviolet light contrast visibl light pictur galaxi tend domin yellow red light older stars ultraviolet light invis human eye block ozon atmospher ultraviolet pictur celesti object must taken space inform see nasa astro2 uit release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,ultraviolet imag m101,1995-06-27,803,120,0.2166666666666667,06-27,6,1995,27,8,2,4 68905e7bbe16c7a8342934547286b378080e1f7a2e3dde825dfeb7d5635def23,none,today picture june 28 1995 cat eye nebula pictur credit nasa hubbl space telescop explanation three thousand light year away die star throw shell glow gas hubbl space telescop imag reveal the cat eye nebula one complex planetari nebulae known fact featur seen imag complex astronom suspect visibl central star may actual doubl star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage evolution latest apod featur image juli 4 1996 inform see nasa space telescop scientif institut press release keep archiv previou astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,cat eye nebula,1995-06-28,802,124,-0.0289999999999999,06-28,6,1995,28,4,2,4 7f5c137a1b841c8aa3089b05a2bc2e07baedf19cdc5217d746cb09a99e7e7abb,none,june 29 1995 earthmoon system pictur credit nasa jpl galileo project explanation doubl planet 4 million mile away decemb 16 1992 nasa robot spacecraft galileo took pictur earthmoon system bright sunlit half earth contrast strongli darker subdu color moon moon one largest moon solar system even larger planet pluto picture earthmoon system actual appear doubl planet inform see nasa jet propuls laboratori press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,earthmoon system,1995-06-29,574,87,0.1333333333333333,06-29,6,1995,29,8,1,2 c817c012a27a4c785793ffe488ef9c22029ad4a2f81ec65ccd3bc33d8df5fcfd,none,juli 1 1995 hooker telescop mt wilson pictur credit mount wilson observatori explanation 1920s pictur hooker telescop mt wilson fundament chang understand cosmos astronom edwin hubble use photograph took telescope demonstr object call spiral nebulae actual huge system star spiral galaxies similar milki way galaxi incred distant prior hubble work argu spiral nebula mere cloud ga along everyth els universe contain galaxy hooker telescop mirror 100 inch diamet nearli size mirror orbit hubbl space telescop name hubble mount wilson observatori offer virtual walk histor telescope inform see mount wilson observatori histor imag archiv keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,telescop mt wilson,1995-07-01,791,116,-0.0333333333333333,07-01,7,1995,1,7,2,4 584116d584b8b5e5813af279c0a8ce3ef6276cda1cb4f2d5703f8c7277a6a13b,none,juli 2 1995 cartwheel galaxi pictur credit nasa hubbl space telescop explanation cartwheel galaxi show ring result collis small larg galaxy small galaxi move big galaxi case one probabl resembl milki way star format wave move impact point like rippl across surfac pond galaxi collid rare two star actual collide gravity however caus densiti wave move galaxi turn trigger format hot bright young stars produc ring see picture inform see nasa hubbl space telescop scientif institut press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,cartwheel galaxi,1995-07-02,650,101,0.10625,07-02,7,1995,2,7,2,4 2d9fc293dab9a2b3187bbecaade48fd0d1a7ffcafe0eaec1ef0bc6c49c732417,none,juli 3 1995 great nebula orion pictur credit nasa hubbl space telescop explanation great nebula orion m42 found night sky left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion nebula one closest stellar nurseri young star form even now clump ga mostli hydrogen dust nebula togeth graviti collaps form stars star see partial obscur nebula 100000 year old compar 5 billion year sun inform see nasa hubbl space telescop scientif institut press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,great nebula orion,1995-07-03,610,96,0.31875,07-03,7,1995,3,4,1,4 f134300d864ce79b6a9f31398511bb1e6f481642bad06575d3f569c6e3ffa656,none,juli 4 1995 firework nebula pictur credit wiyn telescop explanation firework nebula known astronom result type stellar explos call nova nova compact star call white dwarf blast away ga accumul surface case nova occur year 1901 call nova persei 1901 nova becam bright one brighter star see night sky fade telescop could see it soon astronom could see expand shell ga eventu becam spectacular nebula unusu type featur nebula still matter research discussion inform see wiyn telescop press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,firework nebula,1995-07-04,649,102,0.3875,07-04,7,1995,4,4,1,4 7f4d9dfd6539de0cdae86a04a8d47bde2e89d9630ac6297719471187fbc967d5,none,juli 5 1995 night side saturn pictur credit nasa jet propuls laboratoryvoyag project explanation imag saturn made novemb 1980 voyag 1 spacecraft flew past ring ga giant planet spectacular vantag point look back toward inner solar system robot spacecraft record view night side saturn cast sharp shadow across bright rings earth base telescop could ever take similar picture sinc earth closer sun saturn day side planet visibl earth inform see calvin j hamilton saturn page keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,night side saturn,1995-07-05,627,98,0.0138888888888888,07-05,7,1995,5,0,2,2 666577c4bcb26254a12b082f54c39271c4bdc7930e397b639c37e35cff9818dd,none,juli 6 1995 saturn rings two moon pictur credit nasa jet propuls laboratoryvoyag project explanation imag saturn made nasa robot spacecraft voyag 2 began explor saturn system 1981 saturn famou ring visibl along two moons rhea dion appear faint dot right lower right part picture astronom believ saturn moon play fundament role sculpt elabor ring system inform pictur see nasa jpl press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,saturn rings two moon,1995-07-06,548,86,0.0238095238095237,07-06,7,1995,6,0,0,2 9f3e62e7004abbc16668c464cff2882c4f6f03bcec84aed625599d8c12d15cfa,none,juli 7 1995 lunar farsid apollo 13 pictur credit nasa crew apollo 13 explanation april 1970 explos damag spacecraft apollo 13 astronaut forc abandon plan make third man lunar landing still coast around moon desper attempt return earth abl photograph moon far side large dark smooth look featur left pictur known creat lava flow fill larg impact crater lunar surface suggest name mare moscoviens first photograph earli soviet lunar probe inform pictur see nasa photo caption keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,lunar farsid apollo 13,1995-07-07,628,99,0.1163265306122448,07-07,7,1995,7,2,2,2 0be9228766ed29aeda2ca2e9bbc928b0862e0b92b23a5ac65ce59183305c9afd,none,juli 8 1995 damag apollo 13 pictur credit nasa crew apollo 13 explanation april 1970 oxygen tank explod damag servic module apollo 13 astronaut forc abandon plan make third man lunar landing extent damag reveal photo taken crippl modul drift away jettison prior reentri eventu safe splashdown entir panel right side modul seen blown away damag intern structur apparent inform pictur see nasa photo caption keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,damag apollo 13,1995-07-08,561,88,0.1671428571428571,07-08,7,1995,8,8,1,2 9f494334369f44f90a8bc8c9084b85f726521aeba7b70c02abc6a298163629a6,none,juli 9 1995 meteor view apollo 13 pictur credit unknown explanation meteors also call shoot stars normal begin bit dust tail comet even small piec asteroids fall toward earth particl enter atmospher extrem high speeds friction air heat make glow brightly rapid motion across sky caus show bright streak photographs picture however bright streak appear meteor trail believ two larg piec apollo 13 spacecraft servic lunar modules atmosphere inform pictur see nasa photo caption keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,view apollo 13,1995-07-09,630,97,0.2942857142857143,07-09,7,1995,9,8,1,2 f338478204884e7926c0123b19bd7cd8dd452ffe4c100ef6d02521ee05f6fdde,none,juli 10 1995 abel galaxi cluster len pictur credit nasa hst wfpc2 w couch explanation sometim one largest concentr mass known act like lens almost bright object imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact bend light galaxi lie behind it caus mani appear stretch arcs mani dim elong arc visibl photograph pictur taken wide field planetari camera 2 board hubbl space telescope inform pictur see space telescop scientif institute press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,abel 2218 galaxi cluster len,1995-07-10,610,96,0.14,07-10,7,1995,10,8,2,4 898994d4bafa4dfc84575a353fa8b3c4ac754d1953dacd8823d07a9e82b5d4fa,none,juli 11 1995 microlens einstein cross pictur credit lewi michael william hershel telescop explanation famou einstein cross case singl object seen four times distant qso happen place right behind massiv galaxy gravit effect galaxi distant qso similar len effect drink glass distant street light creat multipl images star foreground galaxi found act gravit lens too star make imag chang bright rel other bright chang visibl two photograph einstein cross taken 3 year apart inform pictur see home page iau astrophys applic gravit lens melbourne australia july 1995 keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,microlens einstein cross,1995-07-11,717,110,0.0969780219780219,07-11,7,1995,11,6,2,4 0bbcf2111738be16e43d958f938a899f51db371129c945d4a4e23be54d1d270a,none,juli 12 1995 eta carina explos pictur credit nasa hst wfpc2 j explanation star eta carinae center photo like destroy spectacular explos million year current one brightest massive least stabl star known much ga hubbl space telescop photograph blown star itself ga cloud similar size solar system astronom cannot yet fulli explain motion surround nebula continu studi system space telescop scientif institute press release keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,eta carina explos,1995-07-12,576,87,0.0249999999999999,07-12,7,1995,12,8,0,4 f4ff5e0befa87f791f1e9c1fb503822230f60e40c5ef7c1f17048359e6e97442,none,juli 13 1995 string pearl pictur credit nasa hubbl space telescop courtesi h explanation comet shoemakerlevi 9 name codiscoverers often refer string pearls comet famou unusu appear well collis planet jupiter comet origin singl nucleu torn piec jupiter strong graviti close encount solar system largest planet 1992 piec seen composit hubbl space telescop imag pearls strung along comet orbit path juli 1994 piec collid jupit uniqu spectacular seri events inform pictur see split comet studi page keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,string pearl,1995-07-13,649,99,0.5166666666666666,07-13,7,1995,13,3,1,4 e13fcb5e2697f9c2da585e30895f282b6fbb7a743303f76d6e2234757dfe25a9,none,juli 14 1995 comet impact jupit pictur credit nasa hubbl space telescop explanation juli 1994 piec comet shoemakerlevi 9 also known string pearls comet collid planet jupiter comet fragment smash jupiter result explos scatter larg quantiti dusti cometari debri jovian atmosphere cloud debri creat multipl dark smudg visibl picture jupiter rotat caus success impact site strung along cloud band strong wind caus appear smudg chang time jupiter famou red spot also visibl left center inform pictur see comment hubbl space telescop comet team keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,comet jupit,1995-07-14,693,106,0.0805555555555555,07-14,7,1995,14,3,2,4 6a61c8f7244ae8a7dff1202512fe747d7deb370fbd891206d78a89fb333d8ed5,none,juli 15 1995 crater chain pictur credit nasa voyag team explanation nasa robot voyag 1 took closeup imag surfac jupiter crater scar moon callisto 1979 mysteri chain crater seen extend diagon across imag upper left lower right could caus crater line regular scientist loss explain crater chain along sever chain like featur observ callisto surface fifteen year later discoveri comet shoemakerlevi 9 also known string pearls comet mysteri solved comet whose orbit stray close jupit torn apart strong gravity individu pieces strung along orbit path comet hit object like callisto sequenc impact produc crater chain inform pictur see split comet studi page keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,crater chain,1995-07-15,807,125,0.1198412698412698,07-15,7,1995,15,3,2,4 9d7c2eeac3168a15e1db513780220067207e2cad9225b6fbca90b057a08e9427,none,juli 16 1995 explor mar pictur credit nasavik project usg explanation thirti year ago nasa explor mar began juli 1965 marin 4 spacecraft flew within 6000 mile mar return 21 pictur mysteri red planet nasa continu explor mar produc detail view red ting martian surfac like one shown composit 102 imag vike mission mar composit construct us geolog survey inform pictur see nssdc photo galleri mars explor mar chronicl center mar exploration keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,mar,1995-07-16,593,95,-0.0333333333333333,07-16,7,1995,16,5,0,2 3d935a474d03367728a371fa715a1dc37ef1b26e4ea3ff0874547ef0c791f216,none,juli 19 1995 mountain mar pictur credit nasavik project explanation volcan activ mar produc tower mountains largest one olympu mons pictur vike orbit image olympu mon shield volcano nearli 15 mile high 300 mile wide base comparison earth largest volcano mauna loa hawaii 5 mile high 12 mile wide inform volcan mountain mar see calvin j hamilton mar page explor mar chronicl center mar exploration keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,mountain mar,1995-07-19,551,88,-0.1299999999999999,07-19,7,1995,19,5,0,4 1b2762309489d9cf00586b8f09da23d8b9ea70274c52cb069a434ab0fd1b15ef,none,juli 20 1995 grand canyon mar pictur credit nasavik explanation marin valley also known vall marineri canyon system appear mosaic imag nasa vike spacecraft huge goug across red planet mar 2500 mile long 4 mile deep comparison earth grand canyon less 500 mile long 1 mile deep inform mar see calvin j hamilton mar page explor mar chronicl center mar exploration keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,grand canyon mar,1995-07-20,515,84,0.1033333333333333,07-20,7,1995,20,5,0,2 08c5e268782eb1160028a0294e7c8400101b7566967f333b052141fd11190ca7,none,juli 21 1995 search life mar pictur credit nasavik project explanation although imag mar taken space reveal planet barren crater surface scientist give search martian life 1976 nasa vike project land two robot probe surfac mars lander abl carri sophist chemic experi look sign microscop life martian soil however experi fail produc convinc evid life mars camera onboard vike lander also return spectacular photo rocki martian landscape like one above show sign martian anim plant life inform pictur see nssdc mar photo explor mar chronicl center mar exploration keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,search life mar,1995-07-21,716,111,-6.938893903907228e-18,07-21,7,1995,21,5,2,2 ca85757b6fe96fb2826efe186fc67db373d052818a1151f9527ed31f2aa2310d,none,juli 22 1995 face mar pictur credit nasavik project explanation image show look human face sculpt martian surface produc use data nasa vike 1 orbit 1976 describ press releas caus offer sensat specul artifici construct built intellig civil mars result imag splash across cover mani store time detail analysi multipl imag featur reveal natur look martian hill whose illusori facelik appear depend view angl angl illumination inform pictur see nssdc photo galleri mars detail discuss face mars see calvin j hamilton face mar page keep archiv astronomi pictur day astronomi pictur day brought robert nemiroff jerri bonnel origin materi page copyright robert j nemiroff jerri t bonnell,face mar,1995-07-22,681,107,0.0,07-22,7,1995,22,5,2,4 5fda9a30455f76bb45ea27cc6010496ddf511c3d9e7a4597e850587bdff6b687,none,juli 23 1995 trifid nebula credit hopkin observatory karen gloria explanation vivid blue violet color present trifid nebula result abund young star there light young massiv star quit blue abil remov electron surround gas electron recombin gas radiat rich blue violet light emitted nebula light also result reflect star light extrem small carbon speck known object known astronom m20 twentieth object charl messier list diffus sky objects imag taken refract telescope inform m20 see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m20 trifid nebula,1995-07-23,602,90,0.1576923076923077,07-23,7,1995,23,4,2,5 03a779ef78985935a97ed28b66039cc14431d165124514608f61bce6d54b8567,none,juli 24 1995 andromeda galaxi credit electron univers project explanation andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take 2 million year light reach us there inform m31 see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m31 andromeda galaxi,1995-07-24,621,93,0.1513888888888889,07-24,7,1995,24,7,2,3 011e7e1c0bd0a4e2db3916fe01a78904c215fb5d0f52fac04278c12095d150db,none,juli 25 1995 crab nebula credit electron univers project explanation year 1054 star constel tauru explod spectacular supernova bright appear domin sky except sun moon mani days left behind one brilliant nebulae list first charl messier list nebul sky objects today know center nebula hous remnant explosion spin neutron star call pulsar crab pulsar visibl almost everi part electromagnet spectrum use astronom tool still unclear pulsar emit light see inform m1 see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m1 crab nebula,1995-07-25,584,88,0.2937499999999999,07-25,7,1995,25,6,1,5 1a55338ec6aa7fabd0a15f2bf3655596a9582e4c1a82e2f321f4ece41ef08f25,none,juli 26 1995 great globular cluster credit electron univers project explanation globular cluster system one million star togeth orbit galaxy one brightest globular cluster milki way galaxi pictur m15 fifteenth object messier list diffus object sky star globular cluster older redder sun 5 billion year old inform m15 see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m15 great globular cluster,1995-07-26,440,65,0.3555555555555555,07-26,7,1995,26,6,1,3 819759b0b55af2804504df611f2c45898a1cf4dd2932ec1c2670edb99ed83ce9,none,juli 27 1995 ring nebula credit electron univers project nelson caldwel explanation star mass similar sun throw outer gass fusion stop core possibl visual spectacular planetari nebula pictur ring nebula appear ring realli illus project nebula actual spheric shell center blue dot visibl old core star known white dwarf still known exactli star throw ga becom nebula inform ring nebula see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m57 ring nebula,1995-07-27,509,77,0.075,07-27,7,1995,27,4,0,5 0675a3279ea6447390ce9bff03624ecf08ec52070ec91837bc3716b49e6878b1,none,juli 28 1995 irregular galaxi credit electron univers project explanation galaxi spiral structur like milki way mani smooth ellipt shapes also mani irregular shape bright sky object m82 object messier list strang structur galaxi thought caus young star eject ga energet bubbles lane absorb dust inform m82 see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m82 irregular galaxi,1995-07-28,429,64,0.4000000000000001,07-28,7,1995,28,7,1,4 df5034618e28e1074ae76d1e52756d2334c0e91edc2a9dec40c5de35f3081b30,none,juli 29 1995 dumbbel nebula credit electron univers project karen gloria explanation dumbbel nebula beauti red blue planetari nebula constel vulpecula 27th object charl messier list diffus sky objects refer m27 high surfac bright make good target small telescopes term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes astronom determin star surround cocoon ga blown late stage evolution inform m27 see electron univers project writeup mani imag messier object found electron univers project galaxi gallery messier objects,m27 dumbbel nebula,1995-07-29,592,85,0.0622222222222222,07-29,7,1995,29,4,0,5 9d77f8e97e9d7e418a8effd788f1a470394dab4bae71ffff61630593daf6e869,none,juli 30 1995 ring saturn credit nasa jet propuls laboratory voyag project explanation saturn spectacular system bright ring subject studi wonder sinc galileo first turn telescop ring planet 1610 galileo blurri imag produc small telescop saturn appear appendag thought might larg moons eventually larger telescop reveal incred truth saturn surround bright rings imag above made nasa voyag 2 spacecraft reveal intric structur ring system imag comput enhanc color code bring subtl details inform pictur see nasa jpl press releas ,ring saturn,1995-07-30,527,79,0.2291666666666666,07-30,7,1995,30,0,1,2 0d68744be532976c1c158743a1a1563fc758171b35ae073a6c3004d84324b1d4,none,juli 31 1995 explor saturn ring credit nasa jet propuls laboratory voyag project explanation watch star flicker fade pass behind saturn rings nasa voyag 2 spacecraft abl explor ring system amaz detail data produc voyager instrument star delta scorpii occult outer ring use reconstruct imag show detail almost 1000 time smaller normal possibl voyager cameras inform pictur see nasa jpl press releas ,explor saturn ring,1995-07-31,398,62,-0.0833333333333333,07-31,7,1995,31,0,0,2 c0682bec354db4e35ac9f8c979cf24c7a66111d7e0603b26acc52abdbb7b2a53,none,august 1 1995 cross ring plane credit nasa hubbl space telescop explanation i know say case surprising announc galileo saturn ring appear vanish fact everi 15 year saturn ring seem almost disappear view earth happen orbit earth cross plane saturn rings edg perspect temporarili rob astronom spectacular sight however ring plane cross opportun measur thick search undiscov moons imag saturn produc may 22 1995 nasa hubbl space telescope two saturn known moon visibl star like object left planet inform ring plane cross see saturn ring plane cross web page ,cross ring plane,1995-08-01,555,89,0.111111111111111,08-01,8,1995,1,0,2,2 78bfb52791c6599f834b52d90267fc6429ab7adb4f6cea4edd7b9fb33cc839b6,none,august 2 1995 jupiter ring credit nasa voyag project explanation astronom use nasa voyag spacecraft search ring system around jupit discov faint ring 1979 unlik saturn bright ring compos chunk rock ice jupiter ring appear consist fine particl dust one possibl dust produc impact jupiter inner moons fals color imag comput enhanced ga giant planets jupiter saturn uranus neptun known rings inform planetari ring system see planetari ring,jupiter ring,1995-08-02,436,68,0.1233333333333333,08-02,8,1995,2,0,1,2 1942c2e785eb5a3ac0f78eddba50109f800fcbf3f132bf9621eab19467ab938b,none,august 3 1995 volcan moon credit nasa voyag project explanation 1610 galileo turn telescop heaven discov planet jupit four bright moons innermost galilean moons io turn one exot object solar system size earth moon io cover volcanoes mani current active materi expel volcan erupt may contain compound sulfur take varieti color could account appearance report recent erupt io volcano see nasa infrar telescop facil press releas photo ,io volcan moon,1995-08-03,432,67,0.1416666666666667,08-03,8,1995,3,8,1,2 eee80cca371819e07b0a6625bd502e006177f31039e4a0ccff816cd39566b216,none,august 4 1995 closeup io volcano credit nasa voyag project copyright calvin j hamilton explanation 1979 one nasa voyag spacecraft made spectacular unexpect discovery io innermost galilean moon jupiter cover volcano erupting all voyag 1 observ nine volcan erupt encount moon voyag 2 flew past four month later abl confirm least six still erupting voyag imag ra patera larg shield volcano show color flow 200 mile long eman dark central volcan vent inform volcan io see calvin j hamilton io page,closeup io volcano,1995-08-04,493,81,-0.0214285714285714,08-04,8,1995,4,8,0,2 3dfc9c584ce528d74fb767bdb5393aa202dc668728f3329a4fab809b0a0e96a5,none,august 5 1995 geyser triton credit nasa voyag project copyright calvin j hamilton explanation august 1989 nasa voyag 2 spacecraft pass neptune distant solar system ga giant planets encount neptun closest approach neptune largest moon triton distanc 24000 mile robot space probe survey triton surface whose temperatur averag nearli 400 degre fahrenheit discov surpris evid complex activ world example promin dark streak imag seem come small volcano may consist nitrogen frost mix organ compound eject geyserlik eruptions inform triton see calvin j hamilton triton page ,geyser triton,1995-08-05,568,85,-0.16,08-05,8,1995,5,8,0,2 699f7256d3fb3f6f03de13b14feedebbd0cfb29b478e8583bb145dd71db28af4,none,august 6 1995 liftoff space shuttl columbia credit nasa kennedi space center explanation april 12 1981 space flight enter new era first launch space shuttl columbia shown above nasa space shuttl land like normal plane carri heavi carri larg crew make use solid fuel previou flight man orbit space ship ever land runway space shuttl nasa space go rockets inform nasa space shuttl missions see nasa space shuttl launch page,liftoff space shuttl columbia,1995-08-06,421,70,0.0727272727272727,08-06,8,1995,6,8,0,2 60d2d78a75c9f814624d037122ebb6b02882ee0ecf0e110e75a0ddd49055133b,none,august 7 1995 night launch endeavour credit nasa kennedi space center explanation space shuttl endeavour orbit rare night launch march 1995 mission famou oper set astronom telescop known telescop observ univers ultraviolet light light blue human cant see it astro2 measur amount ultraviolet light emit sever interest stars galaxies planets analysi data nasa mission yield first clear detect helium creat begin universe inform nasa space shuttl missions see nasa space shuttl launch page,night launch endeavour,1995-08-07,487,73,0.1944444444444444,08-07,8,1995,7,8,1,2 374209a5076c5f39c6d724626a6f8fb763e6442c95bd009b86ff22b6927f0171,none,august 8 1995 columbia discoveri launch credit nasa kennedi space center explanation space shuttl discoveri launch space shuttl columbia futur mission space shuttl launch kennedi space center florida date four oper space atlantis columbia discovery endeavour mission famou carri hubbl space telescop orbit hubbl space telescop largest public optic telescop ever oper orbit earth atmospher photograph clear ground base telescope hubbl continu make fundament discoveri planets stars galaxies comets qsos univers live in,columbia discoveri launch,1995-08-08,517,73,-0.1272727272727273,08-08,8,1995,8,8,0,2 e47a6eda3a1040207ebef0eb390178bcfe42c3b874bcfd7a32f97f8833dcceff,none,august 9 1995 challeng launch spacelab 2 credit nasa kennedi space center explanation space shuttl challeng jump launch pad 1985 begin success mission main purpos mission test new space base laboratori name spacelab 2 spacelab 2 take advantag effect weightless condit orbit carri experi area astronomy physics life science materi science atmospher physics challeng crew lost 1986 booster failur result breakup vehicle previously challeng crew flew nine success space shuttl mission made signific contribut america scientif growth,launch 2,1995-08-09,529,77,-0.0233766233766233,08-09,8,1995,9,8,0,2 5578bd9649c078d884732737002f6798d0f89a48cc701d5ab5284d5310646f26,none,august 10 1995 orbit hubbl space telescop credit nasa space telescop scientif institut explanation hubbl space telescop hst largest orbit public optic telescop history 24 meter diamet reflect mirror perch earth atmospher allow creat except sharp images origin launch 1990 hst optic repair intend accuraci 1993 first sever regular servic missions astronom use hst continu make numer monument scientif discoveries includ new estim age universe previous unknown galaxies evid massiv black hole center galaxies previous unknown moons better understand physic process universe,orbit hubbl space telescop,1995-08-10,571,82,-0.0032196969696969,08-10,8,1995,10,8,0,2 d1038d58de95c83eeb1a01a499b14f9f9361406eafab2a0e0b2a6c871b6c03eb,none,august 11 1995 compton gamma ray observatori credit nasa compton gamma ray observatori scienc support center explanation compton gamma ray observatori cgro massiv instrument ever launch nasa space shuttl continu revolution gammaray astronomy orbit observatori see sky gammaray photon light blue human cant see it photon block earth atmospher reach earth surface result cgro shown entir univers violent rapidli chang place view gammarays astronom use cgro data continu make monument discoveries includ show mysteri flash gammaray much power previous discoveri whole new class discoveri object strang astronom cant yet figur are,compton gamma ray observatori,1995-08-11,628,91,-0.0144781144781144,08-11,8,1995,11,8,2,4 01833e846b9434510b96d63c2faf1f3e81260ff422cb009870943d8551ca56f1,none,august 12 1995 atlanti land credit nasa kennedi space center explanation space shuttl atlanti land edward air forc base california space shuttl first orbit space vehicl land runway like airplane space shuttl sometim land white new mexico shuttl land facil kennedi space center florida shuttl land among longest world shuttl land florida must gener back 747 airplan flown back,atlanti land,1995-08-12,375,59,-0.0767045454545454,08-12,8,1995,12,8,0,2 4f04220f6a139eec76895296c02c3fd0f8e43d3cb084884c65b672101cdfc9b8,none,august 13 1995 sun erupt credit nasa skylab explanation sun captur 1973 throw one largest erupt promin ever recorded sol sun normal star form 5 billion year ago last anoth 5 billion years sun never explode solar flare never destroy earth eventu sun becom white dwarf star sun made mostli hydrogen helium sun center hot hydrogen nuclei collide stick togeth releas energi process call nuclear fusion one know center sun emit neutrinos,sun erupt,1995-08-13,433,72,0.0428571428571428,08-13,8,1995,13,1,0,2 992995c91f7d80608b151b981c92e3c32e93522beda600a563f96c0c6d33e41e,none,august 14 1995 mercury closest planet sun credit nasa marin 10 explanation pictur compil imag taken nasa spacecraft marin 10 flew planet three time 1974 mercuri closest planet sun second hottest planet venu get second smallest planet mercuri rotat slowli one day mean normal time take sunset sunset last 176 day earth difficult see mercuri dim alway appear near sun therefor visibl short time sunset sunrise mercuri made rocki materi like earth one know mercuri magnet field does,mercury closest planet sun,1995-08-14,481,78,-0.0513888888888888,08-14,8,1995,14,1,0,2 a702018d19f094767cafce7f4982e595fc1b1bc99458f6cb7f9d3e52c7fe2d35,none,august 15 1995 earth sister planet credit nasa galileo copyright calvin j hamilton explanation pictur visibl light taken galileo spacecraft venu similar earth size mass sometim refer earth sister planet venu quit differ climate venus thick cloud close sun onli mercuri closer make hottest planet much hotter earth human could surviv there life sort ever found venu visibl usual brightest object sky sun moon 20 spacecraft visit venu includ venera 9 land surface magellan use radar peer cloud make map surface still mani thing venus unusu atmospher astronom understand,venus earth sister planet,1995-08-15,570,89,0.0083333333333333,08-15,8,1995,15,8,0,2 6d43d088d8e45e3544322a56abee6a86dd183f5677a225af9e851929ee7f9b23,none,august 16 1995 tilt planet credit nasa voyag 2 explanation pictur snap voyag 2 spacecraft 1986 spacecraft ever visit uranus uranu third largest planet jupit saturn uranu mani moon ring system uranu compos mostli liquid water methan ammonia surround thick ga atmospher mostli hydrogen helium uranu peculiar rotat axi greatli tilt sometim point near sun remain astronom mysteri uranus axi tilted uranu neptun similar,uranus tilt planet,1995-08-16,415,64,-0.05,08-16,8,1995,16,0,0,2 640f684a89c599ba59e486015b83b5cb72f2a6c28f6bb710c33a542c2ee4d442,none,august 19 1995 solar system voyag credit nasa voyag 1 explanation take spectacular pictur outer solar system planets voyag 1 look back six planet inner solar system venus earth jupiter saturn uranus neptune visibl across sky each however small speck light dimmer mani star sky voyag 1 one four humanmad object leav solar system three voyag 2 pioneer 10 11,solar system voyag,1995-08-19,355,60,0.15,08-19,8,1995,19,1,1,2 1cd24a80e8931e49101d0255aa2948e00ed11360ed0c6155f4d174cb8287ef59,none,august 20 1995 announc comet halebopp credit erich meyer herbert austria explanation pictur fuzzi patch may becom one spectacular comet century although hard predict bright comet become comet halebopp name discoverers spot farther sun previou comet good sign could becom bright easili visibl nake eye pictur taken juli 25th 1995 two day discovery comet bright enough see without telescop occur decade larg coma long tail bright comet unusu impress consid chang mani cultures comet streak second may chang posit structur notic night night,announc comet halebopp,1995-08-20,539,83,0.3325757575757576,08-20,8,1995,20,3,1,1 08b82c53e4fbf84387a6348149d23ab2362ec861a1123d9303a0774e029fa9b9,none,august 21 1995 orbit iceberg credit european space agency giotto camera team explanation comet nucleus form primordi stuff solar system resembl dirti iceberg orbit far sun remain frozen preserv billion years occasionally chanc gravit encount alter distant orbit send nucleu toward inner solar system 1986 european spacecraft giotto visit nucleu halley comet approach sun data giotto camera use produc enhanc imag show surfac featur dark nucleu bright background cloud gass produc ici materi vapor sun heat potato shape nucleu measur 10 mile across,orbit iceberg,1995-08-21,547,83,0.06875,08-21,8,1995,21,1,0,2 399dbb8e16841d95d8495d5d79f2cb87f8199104671c5cd93ad12704726da6ea,none,august 22 1995 venu credit nasa magellan project explanation surfac venu perpetu cover veil thick cloud remain hidden even power telescop eye earthbas astronomers however use imag radar technique magellan spacecraft abl lift veil face venu produc spectacular high resolut imag planet surface bright area run across middl pictur repres largest highland region venu known aphrodit terra larg highland region analog contin earth scientist particularli interest explor geolog venu similar earth inform venu imag see venus,venu unveil,1995-08-22,517,76,0.1655555555555555,08-22,8,1995,22,8,1,2 abfde1984396d072f0237bd720480abc27693c8ce62c176265ebba64265c2b0a,none,august 23 1995 venusian credit nasa magellan project explanation data magellan spacecraft shown face venu contain host volcan features imag show exampl fairli common type venusian volcan feature known repres volcano 20 mile wide summit ridg valley radiat side lend insect like appearance scientist particularli interest explor geolog venus similar earth size density overal locat solar system venu may offer key insight work planet familiar process volcan plate tecton occur sister planet well own detail radar map planet perform magellan probe gone long way toward answer question,venusian,1995-08-23,581,87,0.0749999999999999,08-23,8,1995,23,8,0,2 c9e7174904f4381a100b22aa9789a361bc722e71ceba3c6b0f83b84f995e37fa,none,august 24 1995 radar imag planet earth credit nasa jpl imag radar program explanation imag mt rainier washington usa planet earth produc spaceborn radar laboratori flew space shuttl endeavour 1994 radar short radio detect techniqu coordin oper radio transmitt receiv measur direction strength time radio echo surfac distant objects actual imag object construct record analyz mani one advantag use radar imag planetari studi imag made regardless cloud cover light conditions earli nasa magellan spacecraft abl use radar imag produc similar high resolut map surfac venus inform pictur click here,radar imag planet earth,1995-08-24,593,89,0.0766666666666666,08-24,8,1995,24,8,2,2 dbf0eec1895ef5a6e0c7bcd583a815faac6bf9434fca5e314bd100a186f09c4a,none,august 25 1995 world explor credit nasa jpl magellan project explanation ferdinand magellan world explorer mani consid greatest navig europe 16th centuri age sea go explor credit expedit first circumnavig planet earth nasa venu probe aptli name magellan spacecraft shown artist provid global view poorli known surfac venu magellan expedit provid begin global perspect earth ferdinand magellan expedit 5 ship men left spain search western rout island indonesia one ship 17 men returned nasa launch magellan probe may 4 1989 place polar orbit magellan mani result detail radar map 98 venusian surface pictured radar antenna resembl larg invert bowl power radar produc wing like solar panels octob 1994 magellan probe enter venusian atmospher ground control lost contact spacecraft,world explor,1995-08-25,779,118,0.1666666666666666,08-25,8,1995,25,8,2,2 d8c76c6eedadff68dbfa3191364b924c660db4e397fb17eef847b7b4fb3940ea,none,august 26 1995 two tail comet west credit observatoir de franc explanation comet west seen show two enorm tail wrap around sky ion tale comet usual appear blue alway point away sun dust tail trail comet nucleu prominent comet west visual spectacular comet reach picturesqu march 1976 comet bright occur decade comet realli larg dirti shed materi reach inner mani astronom hope comet halebopp look spectacular spring 1997,two tail comet west,1995-08-26,420,68,0.26875,08-26,8,1995,26,3,1,1 1d459d5a2e1e2630c843c51d8072c775ab6a9d61ef657ab6a86c4f233e67c970,none,august 29 1995 saturn nasa largest rocket credit nasa kennedi space center explanation pictured nasa saturn v rocket blast juli 16th 1969 carri crew apollo 11 moon saturn v rocket largest rocket ever use nasa one abl lift larg mass need land astronaut moon return safely saturn v rocket launch apollo moon missions sever earth orbit well,saturn nasa largest rocket,1995-08-29,337,57,0.2,08-29,8,1995,29,0,1,2 87435e4925960a0523a17180a6101ba0a0432b35e5d55053294e52267b097e0d,none,august 30 1995 skylab earth credit nasa skylab allen explanation skylab orbit laboratori launch saturn v rocket may 1973 skylab visit three time nasa astronaut sometim stay long two half months mani scientif test skylab includ astronom observ ultraviolet xray light observ yield valuabl inform comet kohoutek sun mysteri xray background radiat come sky skylab fell back earth 11 juli 1979,skylab earth,1995-08-30,389,61,0.0458333333333333,08-30,8,1995,30,8,0,2 ed1683fefa91c4f11f759ac9637316e91a5c14a9077556f53f3fce1dc9955e60,univers right reserved use permission explanation august 1995 one view famou discoveri star white today known wide astrophys black research univers press www tomorrow picture ga dark archiv archiv glossari astronomi pictur day tm creat copyright 1995 robert nemiroff jerri bonnel sole respons content point astronomi pictur day 5 world wide,august 21 1995 one greatest astrophysicist modern time pass away subrahmanyan chandrasekhar creative prolif whose abil combin mathemat precis physic insight chang humanity view stellar physics famou discoveri star end white dwarf stars mass certain limit today known undergo collapse detail mathemat paper wide varieti astrophys subjects including example black holes classic research everi level avail univers chicago press news service www page record person,,1995-09-01,461,65,0.2293650793650793,09-01,9,1995,1,6,1,2 e31cab2ded7059a13f226225988877f738b068d9dce1517648550caba6c2eba6,none,graviti galaxi high enough contain glow hot gas superpos optic pictur group galaxi imag taken xray light xray picture taken rosat show confin hot ga highlight fals red color provid clear evid graviti exert group cluster galaxi exce individu compon galaxi combined extra graviti attribut dark matter natur abund biggest mysteri astronomi today,hot ga dark matter,1995-09-02,342,53,0.1122222222222222,09-02,9,1995,2,7,1,4 c152b6e3d14af4580965b67234888e3096df46d3473d1a3bf0a764eb88f74b1e,none,mosaic earth moon compil photo taken spacecraft clementin 1994 imag repres side moon familiar earth moon revolv around earth everi 28 days sinc rate rotat axi also 28 days alway keep face toward earth moon travel around orbit earth base view half moon face sun chang caus regular monthli progress lunar phases human first crash spacecraft moon first human reach moon land 1969 golf ball moon,earth moon familiar face,1995-09-03,391,66,-0.0114583333333333,09-03,9,1995,3,2,0,2 3e074a603173f5fbba29af0f9e4b767430293808a58019782dff11fa5fc6903e,none,ganymed probabl undergo frequent ground event unlik terrestri ganymede largest moon jupit solar system thick outer coat water ice pass voyag spacecraft found larg number crack groov ice thought ganymede like earth larg shift surfac mass call tecton plates ganymed discov galileo mariu 1610 larger planet mercuri pluto nasa spacecraft galileo schedul arriv jupit decemb 1995,ganymede world,1995-09-04,373,56,-0.0666666666666666,09-04,9,1995,4,8,0,2 ac660dd9c4359a917a080469a92716e2f64f4977e4abc3c6b3a316253fa05e72,none,beneath cold ici surfac jupiter moon europa probabl ocean water solar system outsid earth oceans possibl 50 kilomet deep might also like local place find extraterrestri life europa smooth surfac unlik known planet moon give evid rel crater mountains europa discov galileo mariu 1610 nasa spacecraft galileo schedul arriv jupit decemb 1995,europa ancient water world,1995-09-05,338,52,-0.0499999999999999,09-05,9,1995,5,8,0,2 3ad781fea106049066a9a1ecd2105dd34cc42deaa9362a0ea0281f0871bba3d4,none,callisto dirti batter world show surfac jupiter major moons made rocki core cover fractur ice callisto past collis larg meteor evid larg crater surround concentr rings four largest moon jupiter io europa ganymede callisto discov galileo mariu 1610 earli telescop known galilean satellites nasa spacecraft galileo schedul arriv jupit decemb 1995,callisto dark,1995-09-06,344,51,-0.09375,09-06,9,1995,6,8,0,2 fbb9e32f5845f19214541408dafde5374ef5b774f75634546181ffed3313b6b6,none,hubbl space telescop imag group faint galaxi far snap shot univers young bluish irregularli shape galaxi reveal imag eight billion light year away seem commonli undergon galaxi collis burst star formation studi object difficult faint howev may provid clue milki way galaxi formed,distant galaxi,1995-09-07,279,43,-0.15,09-07,9,1995,7,7,0,3 9967ae8f5a0edbcf9493b43b26a8474a1f65f9f1460b153e2feb1a8990ada600,none,septemb 9 1995 last moon shot credit nasa apollo program explanation 1865 jule vern predict invent space capsul could carri people scienc fiction stori from earth moon outlin vision cannon florida power could shoot projectilevehicle carri three adventur moon 100 year later nasa guid wernher von braun vision produc saturn v rocket rocket turn verne fiction fact launch 9 apollo lunar mission allow 12 astronaut walk moon pictur last moon shot apollo 17 await night launch decemb 1972 spot light play rocket launch pad full moon loom background human walk lunar surfac since return moon,last moon shot,1995-09-09,586,95,0.125,09-09,9,1995,9,2,2,2 6ffa8e4e00de7b10e1c57e18779868267e68a51ce3311b8ce977680ec43c75d2,none,circl star pictur class hard see white dwarfs entir photo cover small region near center globular cluster known m4 research use hubbl space telescop discov larg concentr white dwarf m4 expect low mass stars includ sun known evolv white dwarf stage white dwarf usual evolv further gradual cool high temperatures hope studi star cool could lead better understand ages age parent globular cluster hope even age universe,white dwarf cool,1995-09-10,417,67,0.0378888888888888,09-10,9,1995,10,6,0,3 c2cf5abbf30759b94a533f8a5aa566f014effb091c1007bbfb1467c4eddd3626,angloaustralian telescopeboard explanation ellipt galaxi m87 galaxi much milki way galaxy ellipt galaxi m87 much center cluster galaxi known show number globular globular bright center ellipt star spiral spiral ga pictur number list angloaustralian telescop tomorrow picture side archiv glossari educ apod astronomi pictur day tm creat copyright 1995 robert nemiroff jerri bonnel sole respons content,cal galaxi m87 type galaxi look much differ milki way galaxy even ellipt galaxi m87 peculiar m87 much bigger averag galaxy appear center whole cluster galaxi known virgo cluster show high number globular clusters globular cluster visibl faint spot surround bright center m87 general ellipt galaxi contain similar number star spiral galaxies ellipsoid shape spiral mostli flat spiral structure littl ga dust pictur number sixti publicli post list imag angloaustralian telescop,ellipt galaxi m87,1995-09-13,475,71,0.0531818181818182,09-13,9,1995,13,7,0,3 bf9e7dceabb142a31b7fd85d63084008353ef95f0f74094bd44d0bffa88c0da2,none,histor pictur humanity first glimps far side moon taken soviet spacecraft luna 3 octob 1959 luna 3 follow close heel anoth soviet probe luna 2 becom first spacecraft impact moon septemb 13th year moon far side gravit tidal forc within earthmoon system synchron moon period rotat around axi orbit period 28 days so moon move around orbit rotat exactli keep face toward earth,far side,1995-09-14,373,63,0.1399999999999999,09-14,9,1995,14,2,1,2 d2864bd843b990c9194a95dd21fc2858dea5eae3d38b918d0e9fa04929485255,none,pictur russian space station mir pacif ocean record space shuttl discoveri februari 1995 mission discoveri perform rendezv mir prepar futur dock mission mani scientif experi astronom observ complet jointli american astronaut russian imax camera took mani pictur histor encounter cosmonaut spent year board mir longest anyon ever live space work intern space station progress,space station mir earth,1995-09-15,374,54,0.0072727272727272,09-15,9,1995,15,8,0,2 8084a419a059ebcd0d82a576606c6aa27d8b45ab0c12e3e133e5d4ae7867daa1,royal observatori edinburgh angloaustralian observatory aura explanation galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur cluster mani mani galaxi mani star milki way galaxy light coma take million year coma cluster big take light million year one side pictur creat www view sky radio tomorrow picture larg cloud magellan archiv glossari educ apod astronomi pictur day tm creat copyright 1995 robert nemiroff jerri bonnel sole respons content,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur dens cluster contain mani thousand galaxies mani galaxi contain mani star milki way galaxy although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other pictur creat www site skyview virtual possibl view part sky wavelength radio gammaray,coma cluster galaxi,1995-09-17,395,62,0.0535714285714285,09-17,9,1995,17,7,0,3 43d6f9d48046d1995784d161ea6dbdf6bdcaedaffe2a178986eb6e55a37149a8,angloaustralian telescopeboard explanation magellan crew southern famou southern cloud magellan cloud small milki way spiral larg magellan pictur galaxi milki light magellan cloud milki way ga tomorrow picture small cloud magellan archiv glossari educ apod astronomi pictur day tm creat copyright 1995 robert nemiroff jerri bonnel sole respons content,magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky famou voyag around world result two fuzzi cloud like objects nestl among southern constel doradu known cloud magellan magellan cloud small irregular galaxies satellit larger milki way spiral galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc pictur closest galaxi milki way distanc 180000 light years magellan cloud join milki way stream cold hydrogen ga whose origin still controversial unusu effect call gravit lens recent detect lmc stars hope could tell us import inform true composit universe,larg cloud magellan,1995-09-18,522,80,0.05,09-18,9,1995,18,6,0,3 34e6c9cf141cffad6a2350a94f70f6341b7ee33637eb6b6b2e05002486ff8c5f,none,dim star upper right falsecolor pictur coolest possibl normal star recent pictur hubbl space telescope astronom estim mass high enough fuse hydrogen helium core general higher object mass higher core densiti temperature certain point intens core condit caus hydrogen atom move fast mani stick collision releas enorm amount energy object less massive object would shine gravit term brown dwarf rather normal mainsequ star left much brighter star creat white streak dramat pattern visibl image inform given space telescop scientif institute press release,gl star,1995-09-20,552,82,0.1024074074074073,09-20,9,1995,20,6,0,5 b15a3c75769f1c6761c991fdf1641c4da1e7129f0d8a6dcda1315069a2ad01fc,none,juli 20th 1969 human first set foot moon pictur first lunar footprint footprint distinct first person walk moon belong neil armstrong estim one billion peopl worldwid watch armstrong first step make live transmiss camera mount lunar lander highest rate televis show ever upon set foot moon armstrong said that one small step a man one giant leap mankind apollo mission moon describ result greatest technolog mobil world known,one small step,1995-09-21,426,68,0.1987603305785124,09-21,9,1995,21,2,1,2 6614387ae4c6271bcf6b203cdb6fd36d539b0d4a0f763e1637b282114c06bf00,none,largest moon saturn rare wonder titan one saturn moon atmosphere one two moon solar system distinct neptune triton other titan thick cloudi atmospher mostli nitrogen like earths contain much higher percentag smoglike chemic methan ethane smog may thick actual rain gasolinelike liquids organ natur chemic found titan atmospher caus specul titan may harbor life thick cloud cover however titan actual surfac properti remain mysterious voyag 1 flew 1980 take picture recent much learn hubbl space telescop observations cassini mission current schedul launch 1997 map titan surface help solv mysteries,titan saturn smog moon,1995-09-23,598,89,0.0019230769230769,09-23,9,1995,23,0,0,2 eb5b3fcfe0032ea9f7a46f2b5b776725f509c2803ee59c590875ba6c921392b7,none,mima one smaller moon saturn show one largest impact fact impact much greater would disrupt entir satellite larg crater name herschel 1789 discover mimas sir william herschel mimas low mass produc surfac graviti strong enough creat spheric bodi weak enough allow rel larg surfac features mima made mostli water ice smatter rock accur describ big dirti snowball voyag 1 flew 1980 took picture,mimas small moon big crater,1995-09-24,392,63,0.0697916666666666,09-24,9,1995,24,5,0,2 86f83c2fdff52eae5729d285bf0d67147e2f1947b8acc04214976039c462e5da,angloaustralian telescopeboard,black indent red emiss nebula seen right center photograph one famou featur nebula sky shape known horsehead nebula bright star near center locat belt familiar constel orion hors head featur dark realli dens dust cloud lie front bright nebula block light like cloud sky cosmic cloud chanc assum recogniz shape thousand years intern motion cloud alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms also visibl pictur blue reflect nebulae type nebula contain dust preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars,orion horsehead nebula,1995-09-25,542,84,0.1629365079365079,09-25,9,1995,25,4,1,5 ea8ecb8c0703ff42f2a10c4d2859f119a46d2e97ed54578005e8437be12d09ee,angloaustralian telescopeboard,earth spin axis sky seem rotat around us motion produc beauti concentr arc trace star time exposur night sky foreground pictur dome angloaustralian telescop central new south australia middl pictur south celesti pole easili identifi point sky center star trail arcs,star trail southern sky,1995-09-26,265,41,0.0121212121212121,09-26,9,1995,26,6,0,1 30f4ba8ac436122501498b7f5bbea3fe512d935922ef8868cc4ef3ce64824994,none,comput gener view venusian volcano creat use data nasa magellan spacecraft magellan use onboard radar map surfac venu hidden telescop observ perpetu cloud cover use radar data provid three dimension information comput abl produc view mons 5 mile high volcano dramat perspective color use render surfac base earlier color imag transmit tv camera soviet venera 13 14 venu landers,venusian landscap,1995-09-28,377,59,-0.2016666666666666,09-28,9,1995,28,8,0,2 4569e146fa3c9c05c423d0e7c963fa29a363e6de91a0d0f0e4e476c1a6e93c56,none,intern ultraviolet explor iue launch nasa delta rocket 1978 provid space telescop ultraviolet astronomy collabor project among nasa esa british now iue estim lifetim 3 5 years amazingly 17 year 8 month later continu operate made 100000 observ comets planets stars novae supernovae galaxies quasars iue stori truli remark littl known success stori continue reduc septemb 30 1995 iue team gsfc turn scienc oper esa ground station spain team continu make astronom observations gsfc team outstand servic astronomy good luck iue best wish continu tomorrow picture energet radio galaxi,intern ultraviolet explor,1995-09-29,579,89,0.4333333333333333,09-29,9,1995,29,8,1,2 adde4f182c310a3ce16ea9ca5e27ff268e0d3cf56e9a57a71eca6772bf7cc66e,none,radio optic emiss seen superpos imag radio galaxi indic energet process work radio galaxi galaxi visibl radio telescopes larg radio signal usual indic power phenomena optic light shown red radio emiss blue contours currently one guess caus unusu radio optic features scientist work hubbl space telescop specul radio emiss might result jet materi thrown center galaxy optic light come ga dust remnant burst star format trigger radio jet,energet radio galaxi,1995-09-30,435,68,0.0642857142857143,09-30,9,1995,30,7,0,3 07cc3a3b8448d82bedab50c62444f28bf43582e9cb77e3938e1bae1fe2799ec2,none,pictur core galaxi ngc 253 show except high rate star formation center densest knot star ever found surround glow ga dust lanes galaxi high star format rate seen call starburst galaxies unusu color combin light emit young hot blue star associ emiss reflect nebulae,central galact star burst,1995-10-01,264,44,0.1385714285714285,10-01,10,1995,1,6,1,3 e5ebb6c2bc4ec821d7257f9dc790ed773f067e63d42fc45e5749139a05861788,none,mar two tini moons phobo deimos pictur deimos smallest moon mars fact deimo smallest known moon solar system measur 9 mile across diminut martian moon discov 1877 asaph hall american astronom work us naval observatori washington dc exist two martian moon predict around 1610 johann kepler astronom deriv law planetari motion case kepler predict base scientif principles write idea influenti two martian moon discuss work fiction jonathan swift gulliver travels written 1726 150 year actual discovery,deimos small martian moon,1995-10-03,499,76,-0.2666666666666666,10-03,10,1995,3,2,0,2 b101b41149801ed762eeabb792d1f25a104fbc82d5c41c88c33ae65acc798f33,none,sun realli hot sun outer atmospher hot emit much light xray band unexpected xray usual emit object temperatur million degrees mere thousand degre sun surface xray pictur show sun one particularli activ day august 1992 evid hot spot solar surface show area sun surfac realli reach million degrees possibl puzzl broader xray glow visibl surround sun glow attribut sun xray corona origin current subject much discuss debate sun one photograph objects frequent updat pictur avail www fact xray pictur yohkoh taken earlier today usual avail www compar picture,sun xray,1995-10-04,554,88,0.0294871794871794,10-04,10,1995,4,1,0,4 0ea45cdf37482103cae3dbf76bb2ef37733e40bf7d4ba758b90d74c45e11bd7d,none,month apollo 11 histor moon landing apollo 12 command charl conrad jr command modul pilot richard lunar modul pilot alan bean return geograph scientif exploration took pictur command module stay mission conrad bean lunar modul descend lunar surface landed collect sampl conduct scientif experiments,apollo lunar modul,1995-10-07,298,44,0.0,10-07,10,1995,7,2,0,2 23f47eb8e81805910cd905b4296a37a0dc7eb87f2fd7f5db1d32805ce61eb63c,none,dione one saturn larger moons remark bright surfac streaks streak run across dione mani craters indic process creat streak occur later process creat craters dion made mostli water ice rel high densiti indic contain much rock inside dion discov giovanni cassini 1684 nasa cassini mission saturn current schedul launch octob 1997 dione orbit remark also hous much smaller moon moon design preced dion orbit,saturn moon dion,1995-10-09,404,64,0.1514285714285714,10-09,10,1995,9,0,1,2 7354bb52b067f957b5e40fe87c2591f9b6676e9810e4cd614f67bc7d908bfa64,none,saturn moon helen unusu circl saturn near orbit bigger moon dione helen situat call point dion place stabil creat dione gravity helen stray slightli orbit 16 ahead dione larger moon graviti would caus helen move back toward lagrang point mani massiv orbit bodi stabl lagrang points includ earth moon helen discov ground p j 1980 photograph taken voyag 2 pass saturn 1981 nasa cassini mission saturn current schedul launch octob 1997,moon helen,1995-10-10,434,71,0.02,10-10,10,1995,10,0,0,2 9d02633378da289e47e4e04681c5e666ab3d60e1eb079da04d29d2378b262b8d,none,pictur cloud young star form arc nearbi larg magellan cloud nearest galaxi milki way galaxy star situat star form region known star young shine mostli blue ultraviolet light massiv lifetim million year much shorter billion year lower mass star like sun pictur taken ultraviolet light nasa ultraviolet imag telescop march 1995 reason arc observ shape current unknown,lmc star cloud,1995-10-11,366,57,0.1375,10-11,10,1995,11,6,1,3 7e57946e5e102a268ab4be24957177e4e323c5fcba8854ee8b03159c68b3e020,none,star mask dust cloud left photo expel energet beam charg particl interstellar space jet move left right much interstellar material expand interstellar space although jet particl move nearli three hundr kilomet per second still see daili movement enorm distanc involved fact jet trillion kilomet long stellar jet occur system call locat near edg gum nebula,star jet,1995-10-12,356,55,0.0982142857142857,10-12,10,1995,12,8,1,3 f800c6defbabda05115e707a31f314b100a428d5daaecd6adfcf2608826f178d,none,jupiter solar system largest planet seen next io closest galilean moon cloud top jupit near left edg pictur seen dark circular spot caus shadow jupiter largest moon ganymede jupiter cloud top show light band dark belts cloud primarili compos hydrogen helium intens color probabl caus small amount heavier element sulfur organ compounds,jupiter io ganymede shadow,1995-10-13,335,52,0.1055555555555555,10-13,10,1995,13,8,1,3 96073350df9295148d4242937da98c91f1301b065f9cc592de4eff16a4c8a9b3,none,rhea second largest moon saturn behind titan largest without atmosphere compos mostli water ice small rocki core rhea rotat orbit lock togeth just like earth moon one side alway face saturn consequ one side alway lead other rhea lead surfac much heavili crater trail surface photograph taken voyag 1 spacecraft 1980,rhea saturn second largest moon,1995-10-14,315,51,-0.1149999999999999,10-14,10,1995,14,0,0,2 2dba77d34fe51e5110601a7fab4382f890f082b09186b0806782dd25c791f355,none,iapetu unusu surface one half dark half light caus discover cassini iapetu could seen one side saturn other reason differ hemispher present unknown iapetu third largest saturn moon behind titan rhea iapetu compos predominantli water ice,iapetus saturn disappear moon,1995-10-15,236,36,-0.0787037037037036,10-15,10,1995,15,0,0,2 7eee38c7e706116756ed82b6cdc3e52f7632124ccc3da15a40b6dea00f57a27c,none,spiral galaxi m94 somewhat unusu show great ring bright young star particularli appar observ ultraviolet light shown above high abund young blue star may caus galaxi design starburst galaxy like mani star seen ring creat densiti wave move galaxi compress exist galact gas pictur taken ultraviolet imag telescop astro2 mission march 1995,starburst galaxi m94,1995-10-16,336,52,0.2825,10-16,10,1995,16,7,1,3 6e7d25335aa7ab3e87a5203654a8243d08849c51dd9294b0f4cb8eb12ab72baf,none,look close center photograph see spiral galaxi behind field stars name dwingeloo 1 nearbi galaxi discov recent 1994 much light obscur dust ga bright star milki way galaxy fact individu discern star photograph galaxy dwingeloo 1 turn larg galaxi locat five time distant closest major galaxi m31,galaxi dwingeloo 1 emerg,1995-10-17,294,47,0.0803571428571428,10-17,10,1995,17,7,1,3 12baa6a12886d58404069d54d5bc18a7bed746b83b340d7690cc81e553ee1c4f,none,white wisp shown saturn cloud top actual major storm system discov decemb 1994 saturn cloud compos primarili hydrogen helium storm white cloud actual ammonia ice crystal frozen upon top atmosphere storm may look small extent similar diamet earth pictur color composit sever taken hubbl space telescope saturn second largest planet solar system elabor ring system,storm saturn,1995-10-18,362,55,0.08125,10-18,10,1995,18,0,0,2 53c725333caa66d148811ff49157700164f793b9f3056f72946dce33c779fe17,angloaustralian telescopeboard,globular cluster pictur above contain roughli 100000 stars star form togeth gravit bound star orbit center cluster cluster orbit center galaxy far 160 globular cluster known exist roughli spheric halo around galact center globular cluster appear spheric distribut view earth fact key point determin sun center galaxy globular cluster old straightforward method determin age provid interest lower limit age univers 14 billion years,globular cluster,1995-10-19,430,63,0.0194444444444444,10-19,10,1995,19,6,0,3 f5a1eb53fad523797afd9c8c0079c01c6d0045e273f46b6b9a225bb9a436be3e,none,best yet color imag asteroid gaspra base data return nasa galileo spacecraft color variat ad high resolut imag enhanc highlight chang reflectivity surfac structur composition illumin portion asteroid 11 mile long galileo encount gaspra octob 29 1991 cruis phase mission studi jovian system arriv jupiter decemb 1995 robot spacecraft atmospher probe descend jupiter atmosphere becom first ever probe enter atmospher ga giant planet updat galileo progress found,asteroid gaspra best face,1995-10-20,459,67,0.0933333333333333,10-20,10,1995,20,8,0,2 f4fb583f377d0ba727dc28c2251a2fd82e03b2492a571a2fffc216260aa850d8,none,surfac titan saturn largest moon normal hidden view thick hazi atmosphere however first time astronom abl see surfac featur imag like one above made nearinfrar wavelength hubbl space telescope wavelength visibl titan smog like atmospher begin transpar enough allow glimps surface bright featur seen 2500 mile across similar size australia astronom still tri work bright dark area repres oceans continents craters features imag repres import inform plan cassini mission schedul launch 1997 cassini spacecraft explor saturn system parachut probe titan surface,glimps titan surfac,1995-10-21,558,81,0.1183333333333333,10-21,10,1995,21,0,1,2 8e7cec1d7baafe86067a0decead4c2aef573ddeae13f59aa0ec25da8568ec802,none,astronom astound discov certain faint starlik object larg larg redshift impli objects known quasar quasistellar lie near edg observ universe visibl extrem distanc billion light years must emit tremend amount energy energi come from wide accept model quasar bright nucleu activ galaxi power central supermass black hole,quasar galaxi,1995-10-22,318,47,0.0809523809523809,10-22,10,1995,22,8,1,3 767323b94b4ebfebd428f09e04b206ded51bddfc198b7f1be992eb44b56f94c0,steve alber,pictur total solar eclipse sun corona clearli visibl surround moon pictur composit differ expos photo eclips occur juli 11 1991 today anoth total eclips sun last march 1997 path today total eclips begin middl east move though southern china end pacif ocean south marshal islands near path see partial solar eclipse nasa keep detail map predict path eclipse,total solar eclips,1995-10-24,356,58,0.0,10-24,10,1995,24,1,0,1 7b4d1f0ac9bdfe166a77626538459448d93fe879504c740607fdbc36052237da,none,orson becam instant legend halloween 1938 radio hg wells war realiz product driven near panic fiction account invad mars story hubbl space telescop image mar point closest approach earth distanc 65 million miles imagin good time astronomers opposit good time studi red planet hst image repres clearest view mar ever earth telescope ici north polar cap visibl top pictur well veil white cloud along planet left edge dark mark repres area reddish ting dust characterist surfac blown away martian winds,halloween mar,1995-10-31,499,80,0.1766666666666667,10-31,10,1995,31,5,1,1 0628ebdf63578db4de904f91471746b6191968ccbc1e68f49264e47bb77f9214,angloaustralian telescopeboard,unusu geometri stellar nebula creat somewhat mystery nebula center young binari star system probabl creat nebula how type nebula show carri signific amount mass away central stars specul central star creat pair jet precess like spin top jet might throw ga thick disk see edg appear us rectangle nebula emiss also unusu infrar light emit might associ unusu carboncontain molecules,red rectangl,1995-11-02,380,60,0.10625,11-02,11,1995,2,4,1,5 9fab8ff9181ba848d2b4b0186f6acaf02c741b59170207699507ec21f4fdbe1b,none,amalthea jupiter fifth largest moon much smaller four galilean satellit io europa ganymede callisto orbit amalthea insid moons long axi alway point toward jupiter dark surfac color probabl due sulfur expel io amalthea massiv enough intern graviti make spherical amalthea discov edward barnard,jupiter moon,1995-11-03,292,43,-0.065,11-03,11,1995,3,8,0,2 e29e8ddae68f691b80939cbaace5d7c3bed221fad0c1b8502eba71e97aa4b056,none,proteu second largest moon neptun behind mysteri triton proteu discov 1982 voyag 2 spacecraft unusu sinc neptun smaller moon discov 33 year earlier earth reason proteu discov sooner surfac dark orbit much closer neptune proteu odd boxlik shape even slightli massive graviti would caus reform sphere,neptune moon,1995-11-04,300,46,-0.0645833333333333,11-04,11,1995,4,8,0,2 48c6422ae60c0acf39509652df42765d1c45131910210bb134bafd77099ee925,none,star form stun pictur taken recent hubbl space telescop give us first hand evapor gaseou globul eggs captur emerg pillar molecular hydrogen dust eagl nebula m16 pillars dub light year length dens interior ga gravit contract form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti ga boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed,m16 star upon pillar,1995-11-06,346,57,0.2428571428571428,11-06,11,1995,6,4,1,5 625bc421dcfb505b09c1a7919532524cfa31d44d060cd4590a1adb6c24354402,none,star form region known eggs uncov end giant pillar ga dust eagl nebula m16 eggs short evapor gaseou globules dens region mostli molecular hydrogen ga fragment gravit collaps form stars light hottest brightest new star heat end pillar caus evapor ga reveal yet egg young stars pictur taken wide field planetari camera board hubbl space telescope,eagl egg m16,1995-11-07,345,56,0.0893939393939394,11-07,11,1995,7,4,1,5 1b70b06b1c1ccebdf45a738ceabaa22b042608329291e738fdc39f26ab4a1113,none,cube repres chunk univers simul grand challeng cosmolog cube huge would take light 500 million year cross it low densiti ga shown blue high densiti ga red begin,univers,1995-11-08,161,28,0.1825,11-08,11,1995,8,8,1,2 398824b1196b57a78fb38e204da054b4cf17d5a2376cb4dd59826ae62387a671,none,famou sombrero galaxi m104 bright nearbi spiral galaxy promin dust lane halo star globular cluster give galaxi name someth energet go sombrero center much xray light detect it xray emiss coupl unusu high central stellar veloc caus mani astronom specul black hole lie sombrero center black hole billion time mass sun imag taken blue light 09 meter telescop kitt peak nation observatory,m104 sombrero galaxi,1995-11-09,385,62,0.1313888888888889,11-09,11,1995,9,7,1,3 9905ce46f025c422338b8e8e1321c9011225771c89a01448f14a265b51aec2c8,none,mani thing lightn understood lightn seen atmospher venus earth jupiter saturn lead theori collis particl cloud caus larg area posit neg charge larg opposit charg area get close enough together electron andor ion race creat path charg particl follow lightning average 100 lightn strike occur everi second surfac earth lightn strike near space shuttl launch lightn extrem danger stay open area thunderstorms,lightn space shuttl,1995-11-10,407,62,-0.0099999999999999,11-10,11,1995,10,8,0,1 8b342ec6c6d1394691040357fc6f13a6ce6be07804037dc49b13624a088e0245,none,recent two new type lightn verified red sprite blue jets atmospher discharg occur high earth atmospher much higher familiar form lightning red sprite appear red color go top cloud high ionospher ioniz layer 90 kilomet earth surface last small fraction second exist red sprite suggest previously 1994 aircraft flown massiv thunderstorm high speed video equip necessari verifi spectacular events scientist unsur caus natur red sprites,red sprite lightn,1995-11-11,434,65,0.1012998405103668,11-11,11,1995,11,8,1,4 76e9b0b8e05feb4f5f0764865370f609b69273bc631fea7d55a135a5c2931cd2,none,recent two new type lightn verified red sprite blue jets atmospher discharg occur high earth atmospher much higher familiar form lightning blue jet appear blue color go top cloud height 50 kilometers blue jet typic last almost full second one easili see jet rise cloud fast video camera blue jet appear narrow cone travel 100 kilomet per second exist blue jet suggest previously 1994 aircraft flown massiv thunderstorm high speed video equip necessari verifi spectacular events black white pictur show sever blue jet rise thunderstorm simultaneously part aircraft visibl silhouett right scientist unsur caus natur blue jets,blue jet lightn,1995-11-12,625,97,0.0919905403238736,11-12,11,1995,12,8,2,1 0c09ec58d910a8c1293696b229f080de8a013b998a0f7bda3889cd7a3f1ec432,angloaustralian telescopeboard,pictur sever galaxi virgo cluster closest cluster galaxi milki way virgo cluster span 5 degre sky 10 time angl made full moon contain 100 galaxi mani type includ spirals ellipticals irregular galaxies virgo cluster massiv notic pull galaxi toward it pictur includ two galaxi also messier m84 m86 m84 bright ellipt galaxi center photograph m86 bright ellipt galaxi right,virgo cluster galaxi,1995-11-13,371,59,0.3871428571428572,11-13,11,1995,13,7,1,3 b837b4578929d757e018151fd20a2c572e9f08754d5124b0635bd155af6ecba8,none,look toward south low earth orbit crew,aurora orion,1995-11-14,38,7,0.0,11-14,11,1995,14,8,0,2 688e181b2fd09f6997f72e8da060f2f4a4d14746313dbe97fb871432255405c7,none,five close group galaxi visibl imag made use,quintet galaxi,1995-11-15,44,8,0.0,11-15,11,1995,15,7,0,0 52ccd918b922940aec5e483c6737d2c3836aef6e6da4d618c07378002481a516,none,first hubbl space telescop hst servic mission one complic shuttl mission ever planned launch decemb 2 1993 space shuttl endeavor astronaut requir make 5 space walk repair,hubbl,1995-11-16,170,27,0.25,11-16,11,1995,16,8,1,2 8268f1cb73c4110e16d4618e015bf7f774b1a9247de4c0999d8fedc81c1e1d7e,none,great nebula orion one interest astronom nebula known fifteen pictur hubbl space telescop merg show great expans divers natur nebula addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds much filamentari structur visibl imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas shock wave visibl near one bright star lower left picture orion nebula locat spiral arm galaxi sun take light 1500 year reach us there,m42 orion nebula mosaic,1995-11-21,555,88,0.2711764705882353,11-21,11,1995,21,4,1,5 fb612ac734fe7df02da5879c6a574df4580d49609ed2b66853f29f789ae3efa5,aatb caltech david malin jay pasachoff,crab nebula result star explod supernova outer layer star thrown violent space inner core collaps form neutron star neutron star visibl us today pulsar rotat star center nebula emit visibl flash light crab pulsar flash 30 time everi second although stellar explos caus crab nebula seen 900 year ago nebula still expand shines nebula obtain energi need shine mysteri eventu solv note energi could releas slow pulsar rotation,m1 explod crab nebula,1995-11-22,425,68,-0.0785714285714285,11-22,11,1995,22,4,0,5 8dd6788aebfd5f9bd5726f3312b30fb4a5833ad753fdc28b3f8e8b1e85b54451,aatb caltech david malin jay pasachoff,crab nebula result star explod supernova although stellar explos caus crab nebula seen 900 year ago nebula still expand shines much emit light found light wave polar vibrat plane light wave polar reflect surface effect familiar wear polar light also emit region contain strong magnet fields area differ polar highlight differ colors map polar help astronom deciph physic process creat observ light,m1 crab,1995-11-23,398,62,0.2029761904761904,11-23,11,1995,23,4,1,5 5c112e990067483e1c2e250fa0acc1046f94543ebb5324d0c60d23e048608d7d,none,tethi one larger closer moon saturn visit voyag spacecraft voyag 1 novemb 1980 voyag 2 august 1981 tethi known compos almost complet water ice tethi show larg impact crater nearli circl planet impact caus crater disrupt moon taken evid tethi complet frozen past tethi two moon name telesto calypso orbit ahead behind it tethi origin discov giovanni cassini,saturn moon tethi,1995-11-24,357,58,-0.2166666666666666,11-24,11,1995,24,2,0,2 a501f8d5f351a95cacdcbca6196a73092c94f04e525ea020b14d9c1bc9833f91,none,enceladu orbit saturn smaller mima larger tethys enceladu compos mostli water ice ice surfac solar system surfac therefor appear nearli white surfac also mani unusu grove rel craters like jupiter moon ganymede indic surfac young andor newli explain this astronom specul enceladu suscept sort volcan activity enceladu origin discov 1789 william herschel,saturn moon enceladu,1995-11-25,352,52,0.025,11-25,11,1995,25,8,0,2 f0b531f49e8357ac62e8e745742b0b7fd072ae2f725436e211ee7b85b81c86d6,none,name nobel laureat physicist arthur holli compton compton gamma ray observatori cgro satellit launch april 1991 aboard space shuttl atlantis mission explor univers gammaray energies massiv space base observatori seen held upright shuttl payload bay behind smile astronaut jerri ross colleagu jay apt finish successful unplan spacewalk free antenna prior releas cgro orbit cgro oper success since provid first allski survey gammaray energi along excit new observ sun quasars pulsars supernova black holes gammaray bursts,compton,1995-11-29,519,75,0.1245179063360881,11-29,11,1995,29,8,1,2 496939ebeb7669ec5b50b01e8f9adbf7a0ac9ae14be47eee0c9208fc3a780b52,none,center photograph lie star one hottest surfac temperatur yet confirmed bright white dwarf star surfac measur greater 200000 degre celsiu 30 time hotter sun white dwarf extrem heat make glow extraordinarili intrins 250 time brighter sun star center planetari nebula titl ngc 2440 lie insid milki way galaxy comput sharpen imag taken hubbl space telescope,ngc 2440 nucleus star,1995-11-30,354,55,0.1999999999999999,11-30,11,1995,30,6,1,3 84f02338d4715bfeefe23585bec76c145126c05a11e816045bdcf1dd25f92f06,royal observatori edinburgh angloaustralian observatory aura,alon universe star planet too human took one step closer answer question octob 1995 announc star 51 pegasi harbor least one planet pictur 51 peg planet visibl detect notic small chang star motion claim planet orbit star rare perhap credibl neutron star star much differ sun new ground broken planetari detect claim around normal sunlik star 51 peg confirmed planet discov michel mayor didier thought like jupit except orbit close parent star year last 4 pictur line center 51 peg caus telescop relat star planet,51 pegasi new planet discov,1995-12-01,514,85,0.012396694214876,12-01,12,1995,1,6,0,2 71c9bbd032a0755ab7d62ee2e8a13c6163f0d81e83549a03ca76cd51e328e557,none,1993 star galaxi m81 exploded pictur hot materi eject supernova explosion pictur taken xray advanc satellit cosmolog astrophys sinc m81 rel nearbi galaxy examin close detail observatori near earth sinc earth atmospher protect surfac interstellar photo taken space studi natur distribut xray allow astronom determin composit temperatur expand supernova gas,xray hot supernova m81,1995-12-03,355,50,0.175,12-03,12,1995,3,8,1,4 7aa5572280ff4e32636fe2afe09a3ca2b97beac4132ed701c16bc3ee3f67b651,none,type matter make universe question arguabl perplex astronom mysteri time lead candid type dim low mass star call brown dwarf star univers could contain brown dwarf type star dim far escap detection dramat photograph above taken octob 1994 shed new light dark matter problem seemingli inconspicu companion right overexpos imag normal star thought elus brown dwarf exist brown dwarf key remain question abundance,gl elus brown,1995-12-04,411,63,0.1435064935064934,12-04,12,1995,4,6,1,3 15492de3a435f5bf9350538a3fae099de4c7ffa5ba8401695868c1cae9aa5dfa,none,evil lurk heart galaxies pictur hubbl space telescop center nearbi galaxi ngc 4261 tell us one dramat tale ga dust seen swirl near ellipt galaxy center almost certainli massiv black hole disk probabl remain smaller galaxi fell hundr million year ago collis like may common way creat activ galact nuclei quasars strangely center fieri whirlpool offset exact center galaxi reason remain astronom mystery,swirl center ngc 4261,1995-12-05,402,63,-0.1516666666666667,12-05,12,1995,5,7,0,3 4aa91389ca79be381e7640c34a73906e4f6ddaf9615fbc190d2b8bf6556bfe53,none,glare brilliant sun reflect lunar modul apollo 14 mission moon rest lunar surfac februari 1971 astronaut alan shepard edgar mitchel walk moon surfac astronaut pilot orbit command module come month apollo 13 mission apollo 14 famou long exploratori moon collect sampl lunar bedrock cone crater deploy apollo lunar surfac experi package hit golf balls slope rise rim cone crater visibl left edg photo,apollo 14 moon,1995-12-09,398,63,0.2833333333333333,12-09,12,1995,9,2,1,2 ddc06775371f650b80e417cbf8b90f9baa80835ad576a78e9625127296fe5303,none,lunar modul apollo 14 set moon astronaut alan shepard edgar mitchel deploy apollo lunar surfac experi packag alsep collect sampl lunar material alsep scientif experi includ seismomet sensit slight lunar surfac charg particl detector measur solar wind seismomet success measur surfac tremor interpret moonquak meteoroid strike moon solar wind experi sensit enough detect element alsep experi help classifi intern structur magnet field earth moon shepard mitchel also made geolog travers rim cone crater carri tool sampl modular equip transport pictur alan shepard core tube hammer surface,apollo 14,1995-12-10,587,86,0.0444444444444444,12-10,12,1995,10,2,0,2 96e89643341b2dc86f734187c84acbb90efa0d0f417a3af28e03e367156692a6,angloaustralian telescopeboard,sunlik star longer support fusion core center condens white dwarf outer atmospher layer expel space appear planetari nebula particular planetari nebula quit strang chaotic structure inner part nebula contain unusu expand ring ga see nearli edgeon exact mechan expel planetari nebula ga current topic astronom specul research,ngc 5189 strang planetari nebula,1995-12-11,324,47,0.0527777777777777,12-11,12,1995,11,4,0,5 9d908702af961cb35273da44260938ed11225ed65ff12c6a9826cf575c6e1507,none,delta rocket seen launch 1988 use sinc 1960 delta rocket launch success 200 times scientif satellit place orbit delta rocket includ rosat wind delta rocket schedul launch xray time explor satellit xte near future commerci launch includ mani recent delta launch place global posit system satellit orbit delta rocket manufactur usaf nasa dougla space system co,delta rocket launch,1995-12-13,358,56,0.08,12-13,12,1995,13,8,0,2 12173d89dbaabd44e3d3e10adf1a004a6781f136a6aee3ad938027d94bf90fff,none,atla centaur rocket launch 75 success unman missions mission includ surveyor seri first vehicl make soft land moon pioneer 10 11 first mission fli jupit saturn first manmad object abl leav solar system vike mission land mars sever satellit high energi astrophys observatori heao series pioneer venu circl map surfac venus numer satellites recent scientif interest atla launch soho mission continu observ sun atla rocket manufactur lockhe martin co,atla centaur rocket launch,1995-12-14,449,69,0.1871428571428571,12-14,12,1995,14,8,1,2 ad84b0176739b673575725d9ac8081c75a305b09289964534423787195b9859d,none,aloha grace arc earth limb background entir hawaiian island archipelago visibl stun photo taken astronaut onboard shuttl discoveri octob 1988 along popular beach tropic resorts volcan island offer extrem elev dark dry cloudless skies consequ also becom popular site,,1995-12-16,265,39,0.2166666666666666,12-16,12,1995,16,8,1,2 c3e50e37787b233827d19262f32debe5dd12b6a76c745d155e89669008fbbf34,none,hundr kilomet earth surface unit state space shuttl atlanti russian space station mir photograph taken russian soyuz spacecraft juli 4 1995 mission astronaut answer question school student amateur radio perform life scienc experi aboard spacelab spacelab experi design understand russian space program effect human bodi space,space shuttl dock mir,1995-12-17,325,46,-0.05,12-17,12,1995,17,8,0,2 d6bb15c64e83f7486dc4f637e690d977c9aec3f00e2e26bbdd9b15e08a71bcdd,none,sometim take keen eye see good mirage around center red galaxi imag photograph lie four blue smudg actual differ imag background quasar central galaxi happen fall directli light path quasar huge mass galaxi abl pull separ imag quasar around effect call gravit lensing henc see gravit astronom hope use light differ quasar imag central galaxi even provid clue expans rate composit universe,galaxi gravit len,1995-12-20,389,62,0.18,12-20,12,1995,20,7,1,4 077d546b916940b9e5c28c1d05942d2a0008b51217b4c165f8e7b0cc8cee88bc,angloaustralian telescopeboard,center glow red ga trifid nebula lie open cluster young hot stars energet light star strike hydrogen atom surround nebula caus lose electrons electron find way back hydrogen proton emit light specif color one red color nebula seen here red glow thu indic emiss nebula dramat dark sheet made interstellar dust grains tini needl shape pellet thought creat expel atmospher cooler stars,hot star trifid nebula,1995-12-21,383,62,0.0818181818181818,12-21,12,1995,21,4,0,5 4154e5ae7f3a8eb163d19943a02868b4104b27b9cacea62dd0e3421811ecd0d2,none,decemb 22 mark,summer south pole,1995-12-22,14,3,0.0,12-22,12,1995,22,8,0,0 beda4e77ea0358f53b13b08f5e0f9e0a57ea4f1a8e3fe0d3cf22bbac312b3c97,none,third fourth innermost moon saturn unexpectedli discov gravit inner moon prometheu outer moon pandora use gravit attract defin saturn outermost ring smaller chunk ice rock compos saturn f ring ring particl would gravit pull back place one pass moons complex interact creat ring structur two narrow sever unusu knots,pandora saturn f ring,1995-12-23,315,49,-0.0714285714285714,12-23,12,1995,23,0,0,2 d97191c543d93ff0c853b32b0474d040876b18806d30d44a6e47b48951e881d8,none,nasa robot spacecraft voyag 2 pass planet uranu moon 1986 cloud top uranu prove rather featureless surfac miranda innermost uranus larg moons show sever interest features voyag 2 pass closer miranda solar system bodi henc photograph clearest resolution miranda heavili crater terrain show groov like jupiter moon ganymed sever valley cliffs miranda made roughli equal mix ice rock miranda discov gerard kuiper 1948,uranus moon,1995-12-24,414,63,0.25,12-24,12,1995,24,8,1,2 e18abdb993b48609f81537facf9012938c3d613be61b30e1c454dbd0ba2bd922,none,1968 christma season frank borman jame lovell william ander flew apollo 8 command modul earth moon back dec 21 achiev 10 lunar orbits land dec apollo 8 mission impress list first first man flight use saturn v rocket first human journey earth moon first photograph earth deep space,earth rise,1995-12-25,280,48,0.1428571428571428,12-25,12,1995,25,2,1,2 748eb529134239eebf62047dc707c669cd3cfe07f415af559bc693af91b7f2c2,none,sun unusu alon star occur multipl binari systems binari system higher mass star evolv faster eventu becom compact object either white dwarf star neutron star black hole lower mass star later evolv expans phase may close compact star outer atmospher actual fall onto compact star case diagram above ga blue giant star shown strip away accret disk around compact binari companion ga accret disk swirl around heat up eventu fall onto compact star extrem condit frequent occur surfac compact star ga fall in mani time caus detect xrays gammarays even cataclysm nova explosions studi extrem condit system tell us inner properti ordinari matter around us,accret disk binari system,1995-12-26,650,105,0.0183333333333333,12-26,12,1995,26,6,2,5 a0d5cff2ff5f50ec213f3b24b67f8c53db81ea7027e8a4e7480092875fb85e1e,none,1992 tremend explos occur constel cygnus dub nova cygni 1992 event probabl occur accret disk binari system astronom hypothes system white dwarf much ga dump onto surfac condit becam ripe nuclear fusion result thermonuclear deton blast much surround ga expand shell hubbl space telescop photograph expand shell 1994 nova cygni 1992 brightest nova recent histori brightest could seen without telescope observ everi part electromagnet spectrum,nova cygni,1995-12-27,441,65,0.1,12-27,12,1995,27,8,1,4 9d8b31ded65ddf0ba39907a0932da8145c0e52d3a183191183ea5e0971324180,none,sometim even galaxi suffer fatal attraction graviti caus two galaxi collid spectacular display energet gas dust light galaxi collid rare star galaxi collide chang seen human lifetime rather structur one galaxi get slowli disrupted interior ga condens new star form regions stellar motion center ngc 6240 mix among highest stellar system galaxi merger may emit energet radiat across electromagnet spectrum galact jumbl is fact extrem bright infrar light,ngc 6240 galaxi collid,1995-12-28,452,68,0.2936363636363636,12-28,12,1995,28,7,1,3 16e6d1d5b122401ab2d0597d2aaee203b372dc7d207f77306e5911b0bfa36bad,none,glow red light emit hydrogen atoms planetari nebula,ngc galaxi shape planetari nebula,1995-12-29,51,8,0.2,12-29,12,1995,29,4,1,3 e0e42c81679550cc91b9c4b1dbcf7003c20d179f04c9f583faf1d3668b00fb94,none,strongest sourc xray larg magellan cloud origin unusu energet binari star system strong source dub lmc x1 thought normal compact star orbit other ga strip normal star fall onto compact star heat up emit xrays xray shine system electron atom light year around caus atom glow notic xray electron motion binari system indic compact star probabl black hole sinc high mass roughli five time sun enough caus even neutron star,lmc x1 black hole candid,1995-12-30,421,70,0.1252083333333333,12-30,12,1995,30,6,1,3 012ef417b65a98a3ef3fbb5b3dec531295ebf4d74b1dbd0bd826d2d69ca52b64,none,like milki way galaxy nearest major galaxi m31 mani star system spew high energi radiation high energi visibl certain satellit earth orbit rosat took picture xray sourc m31 occur globular clusters spiral arms near galaxy center probabl sourc accret disk binari star systems m31 xray sourc near center galaxy reason current unknown,xray m31,1995-12-31,331,52,0.0496785714285714,12-31,12,1995,31,6,0,3 de5c9f91bd823e9d05916b25f022645998bfcb32fb7f7603b00ee33a1a45f90e,none,could see xrays could,xray sky,1996-01-02,21,4,0.0,01-02,1,1996,2,8,0,0 032327bf865538fdb38c562330f7742c59bcefffbe38fcd6b534aae55f6b8419,none,launch saturday delta rocket xray time explor xte watch sky rapid chang xrays xte carri three separ xray telescopes proport counter array high energi xray time experi provid best time inform widest xray energi rang yet available observ stellar system contain black holes neutron stars white dwarf well studi xray properti center activ galaxies sky monitor scan sky everi 90 minut find new xray transient track variabl old ones xte plan life time two years,xray explor,1996-01-03,455,75,0.1977441077441077,01-03,1,1996,3,6,1,4 9c0046687266fe56b3966f4f9c120dc695852dd8c19da05d168ef78c4bc809e0,angloaustralian telescopeboard,sometim star work togeth creat spectacular display case binari star system r aquarii star system two stars variabl giant white dwarf companion creat nebula jet light giant star unusu shape nebula visibl photograph two visibl shell nebula like result two separ outburst events much symbiot star system remain unknown,symbiot star system r aquarii,1996-01-04,317,49,0.1571428571428571,01-04,1,1996,4,4,1,3 bb5997217e3278510f7bd822d860b53b493251669dfe31dbdddc25fdc80f7ead,angloaustralian telescopeboard,thing unusu nebula shape pictur ic nebula reflect nebula surround normal red giant star reflect nebula shine light reflect central stars nebula appear creat current phase central star normal ga dust compos nebula nebula peculiar photogen shape however continu make popular object study,nebula,1996-01-05,287,43,0.1444444444444444,01-05,1,1996,5,4,1,5 02c46a5d94d30048eba0489b0996897193ea78a9b6398827c3869d0f9c8df6db,none,largest galaxi around sometim make popular pictur m31 companion galaxi m31 andromeda galaxy largest galaxi local group galaxi even tremend milki way galaxi smaller littl m32 visibl pictur m31 small circular spot north m31 center m32 dwarf ellipt galaxy ellipt galaxi littl measur ga dust compos complet star typic appear red spiral galaxies ellipt galaxi disk gener oblong shape therefor show ellipt sky,dwarf ellipt galaxi,1996-01-06,407,63,0.0416666666666666,01-06,1,1996,6,7,0,3 b454b4dd1445e374faef09b1d114e226d50b7a973a9e8e4f444d41d842bec776,none,space suit project mercuri astronaut john h glenn virgil i grissom alan b shepard jr left right pictur pose front redston rocket 1961 nasa public photo project mercuri first us program design put human space result 6 man flight use oneman capsul redston,mercuri astronaut redston,1996-01-07,253,43,0.1071428571428571,01-07,1,1996,7,8,1,2 9059f07730cb645e71d72376e90c7c76ab0cba6eb51c6fac18542987908da859,none,milki way galaxi alone part gather 25 galaxi known local group member includ great andromeda galaxi m31 m32 m33 larg magellan clouds small magellan clouds dwingeloo 1 sever small irregular galaxies mani dwarf ellipt galaxies pictur one mani dwarf ellipticals ngc 205 like m32 ngc 205 companion larg m31 sometim seen south m31 center photographs imag show galaxi unusu ellipt galaxi contain least two dust cloud at 7 11 oclock visibl hard spot sign recent star formation galaxi sometim known m110 although actual part messier origin catalog,local group galaxi ngc 205,1996-01-08,540,87,-0.0435185185185185,01-08,1,1996,8,7,0,3 b52d117e69b8e9c761eba90bbc299a4f441ec3144faab2edc75bfb5c32eec259,none,distanc swirl grand design spiral m100 caus quit among astronomers mani believ hubbl space telescope recent distanc measur galaxi accur calibr expans rate universe other believ distanc measur misleading universe expans rate usual given quantiti call factor divid wellmeasur recess veloc galaxi give actual distance scientif debat valu hubble constant ongo sinc first measur edwin hubbl real live debat involv valu hubble constant titl the scale universe occur april 1996 washington dc,m100 expand univers,1996-01-09,484,72,0.0643939393939393,01-09,1,1996,9,7,0,4 b6b5b3946671f4abdf6569ee48416466d6a72861ade856b6f392ff0b93d77df1,none,blink star tell us fast univers expanding mani astronom also believ may also tell us age universe photograph star m100 brighten dim cours day atmospher expand longer blink cycl mean intrins brighter star cepheid variabl star therefor use distanc indicators note exactli long blink period exactli bright star appear be one tell distanc star henc star parent galaxy distanc use easili measur veloc distance hubbl determin galaxi henc tell us fast univers expanding exact magnitud calibr real live debat involv valu hubble constant titl the scale universe occur april 1996 washington dc,cepheid m100,1996-01-10,584,92,0.143560606060606,01-10,1,1996,10,6,2,4 8ad26cf9c287b697764969065490b9dd763e9fc81b46a18ed3cb45951c64bfbe,none,heard great laser light show sky well nobodi announc yesterday team led k davidson u s johansson u research team discov unusu variabl star eta carina emit ultraviolet light specif color probabl laser light artist concept shown depict possibl model hubbl space telescop observations model eta carina emit mani laser beam surround cloud energ gas infrar laser microwav maser extrem rare astrophys phenomena ultraviolet laser first kind discovered,laser eta carina,1996-01-11,444,68,0.45,01-11,1,1996,11,8,1,4 fcf2dd500d248ab51ade281d31f5ef3fd857b72a79bccbbf52b1a8e3d9c1b59e,none,look like target ring bullseye mare oriental one strike larg scale lunar features locat moon extrem western edge impact basin unfortun difficult see earthbound perspective 3 billion year old 600 mile across form impact asteroid size object collis caus rippl lunar crust result three concentr circular featur visibl 1967 photograph made nasa lunar orbit 4 molten lava moon interior flood impact site fractur crust creat mare dark smooth region moon call mare latin sea earli astronom thought area might oceans,mare oriental,1996-01-12,508,80,-0.03,01-12,1,1996,12,2,0,2 2e55d19b5bc12ec71323163d4934e3d5ca2c6d4f4bdaae936f83ebf5a22223c6,none,bright object 1994 photograph hubbl space telescop galaxy oddli object spiral galaxies rich cluster galaxies name cl 09394713 almost half way across visibl universe photo like indic cluster past contain higher fraction spiral nearbi clusters usual domin ellipt galaxies,distant cluster galaxi,1996-01-14,270,39,0.1097222222222222,01-14,1,1996,14,7,1,3 8da28d5e9b8f1b8da75d789d8be3729b3bbc7adbee4034c3fc2f401ce67d97aa,none,univers look like near excit photo hubbl space telescop one deepest ever taken show galaxi far away ever photographed univers back one third present age strang violent place back larg fraction galaxi collid fact shape mani galaxi photo distort nearbi galaxies earli univers epoch mani cluster galaxi forming bright twist group galaxi photograph center contain energet radio galaxi,dawn cluster,1996-01-15,382,58,-3.0839528461809906e-18,01-15,1,1996,15,7,0,3 7842858a8c465ab9ce8878e645234d84bbec2e9f39c157f17df5ff85b9dd733e,angloaustralian telescopeboard,mani star like sun form open clusters open cluster m11 contain thousand star three thousand light year distant star cluster form togeth 150 million year ago mani bright star cluster appear blue open clusters also call galact clusters contain fewer younger star globular clusters also unlik globular clusters open cluster gener confin plane galaxy,wild duck open cluster m11,1996-01-16,346,54,0.1111111111111111,01-16,1,1996,16,6,1,3 0c3f5dc1fa230667c928b8d85f162c3e294f3c5caed07eaf4b9934e45a55ca2b,none,composit two recent hubbl space telescop imag pictur sunlik star near end lifetime exquisit detail visibl planetari nebula indic star pass red giant phase initi shrug outer atmospher gentli evenli produc outer faint spheric shells process materi appar eject dens clump produc dust cloud bright inner regions whole eject process amazingli rapid take thousand year compar 10 billion year lifetim typic solar type stars end hot stellar core white dwarf star left seen white dot center nebula middleag sun experi similar fate 5 billion years,ngc die nebula,1996-01-17,539,85,0.06,01-17,1,1996,17,4,0,5 3553a6ea619831180d427b8cc80da6c1fabb6d4b2beb2e85dac4c45cbfca8665,none,sand time run central star hourglassshap planetari nebula nuclear fuel exhausted brief spectacular close phase sunlik star life occur outer layer eject core becom cooling fade white dwarf astronom recent use hubbl space telescop hst make seri imag planetari nebulae includ one above here delic ring color glow ga nitrogenred hydrogengreen oxygenblue outlin tenuou wall hourglass unpreced sharp hst imag reveal surpris detail nebula eject process may help resolv outstand mysteri varieti complex shape symmetri planetari nebulae,mycn18 hourglass nebula,1996-01-18,528,77,-0.025,01-18,1,1996,18,4,0,5 af35813d513145de386da0b1aa49b5f5125531b225ace487706ee7768261db41,none,dusti disk view edg surround beta pictoris star 50 lightyear distant may signal presenc infant solar system beta pictori young sunlik star complet form stages 10 year ago made news astronom detect disk around star planet expect form circumstellar disks planet form around beta recent hubbl space telescop imag offer support evid did fals color image overwhelm light star mask featur inner disk revealed inner part appear slightli warp respect line center axi outer part disk warp could caus larg planet orbit within inner clear zone faint seen directli stellar glare so indic planetari system common galaxy there,dusti disk beta pic,1996-01-19,612,98,-0.0124999999999999,01-19,1,1996,19,6,2,5 66df83a2fadd5edb1b8a10c5fe5a381ce5f0ffbd5df6ff5911bb5e19fc24c856,none,mercury closest planet sun surfac mani crater resembl earth moon largest surfac featur mercuri calori basin result collis asteroid basin 1000 kilomet across visibl larg circular featur bottom photograph similar features mare orientale seen moon calori basin get hot near point point mercury surfac directli sun mercuri closest sun,mercury calori basin,1996-01-20,331,49,0.1166666666666666,01-20,1,1996,20,1,1,2 dbddfd117b46e063a61beec101532017e8d127e81d6bae6b8782f3b63ae0eb31,none,surfac planet mercuri without fault case however refer unusu surfac featur topic much speculation fault line call santa maria run mani promin craters meander featur thought result huge forc compress mercury surface rupe probabl origin larg impact gener shrink mercury turn caus part crust push parts,mercury,1996-01-21,299,46,0.3,01-21,1,1996,21,8,1,2 ef0be673214fd566a5ea5a265460ab40adc41b4c3cbd3cf9238e93ce03eb16f3,none,betelgeus sound lot like beetl juice red supergi star 600 lightyear distant shown hubbl space telescop imag repres first direct pictur surfac star sun betelgeus cooler sun massiv 1000 time larger place center solar system would extend past orbit jupiter imag reveal bright yet unexplain hotspot surface betelgeus also known alpha orionis one brightest star familar constel orion hunter like mani star names betelgeus arab origin deriv phrase refer hunter shoulder armpit gener area occupi star draw figur constellation massiv red supergiant near end life soon becom supernova,betelgeuse betelgeuse betelgeus,1996-01-22,576,88,0.1,01-22,1,1996,22,6,2,4 49c3c7e5ed9c080c11e39e071c1c3d373693bd07700e7678d0ae141b7b9906cc,none,nearinfrar imag jupit made use instrument nasa infrar telescop facility locat summit mauna kea hawaii support galileo mission jupiter,beneath jupiter cloud,1996-01-23,133,19,0.0,01-23,1,1996,23,8,0,2 6387b72ff0bfd08f2f8ff68ca9cfecef2e00de2f05b863c5c82a4a7c44dab756,none,imag part hubbl deep field repres humanity distant yet optic view universe galaxi like color piec candi fill field faint 30th magnitud about four billion time fainter star visibl unaid eye dimmest object distant galaxi reveal univers look like extrem distant past perhap less one billion year big bang make deep field image astronom select unclutt area sky constel ursa major the big dipper point hubbl space telescop singl spot 10 day accumul combin mani separ exposures addit exposure fainter object revealed final result use explor mysteri galaxi evolut infant universe,deep field,1996-01-24,572,91,-0.0961805555555555,01-24,1,1996,24,7,0,4 530614fefac8e3067bbe8e9a032ae2b38db2c9f00fde86526f054d092d13de8e,none,carrot shape track actual littl 5 hundredth inch long trail meteroid expos space low earth orbit shuttl launch eureca european recover carrier spacecraft meteoroid itself thousandth inch diameter visibl came rest beyond tip carrot far right chemic analys interplanetari dust particl similar one suggest may bit comet repres sampl materi earli stage format solar system nasa stardust mission plan launch 1999 attempt directli collect dust tail comet return earth,catch fall stardust,1996-01-25,461,69,0.0479591836734693,01-25,1,1996,25,3,0,2 859efb874aa66471e54695310c0794ec39fd7c5dfb113fda8d779b93e979600d,none,meteor shower caus stream solid particles dust size larger move group space mani cases orbit meteor stream identifi dust tail comets earth pass streams particl leav brilliant trail night sky burn atmosphere imag meteor shower known quadrantids made januari 1995 use movie new system make video meteor observations make image frame video tape comput process superpos show rel path mani meteor shower meteor path parallel other effect perspect caus trail appear origin distant radiant point sky contrast elong meteor trails brighter star familiar constel ursa major the big dipper visibl point lower half image,meteor perspect,1996-01-26,608,94,0.0983815426997245,01-26,1,1996,26,8,2,1 81cc1ab74bee5573ba9f02c88b47660442aa177226a8d14926e3ac2ce1894614,none,larg majest lagoon nebula home mani young star hot gas lagoon nebula larg bright seen without telescope form sever million year ago nebula open cluster known ngc 6530 whose young star show high temperatur blue glow nebula also known m8 ngc 6523 name lagoon band dust seen left open cluster center bright knot ga dust nebula center known hourglass nebula star format continu lagoon nebula wit mani globul exist there,m8 open cluster lagoon,1996-01-27,415,70,0.1508333333333333,01-27,1,1996,27,4,1,5 c573e2d7f783cabc267b5b5664fc455781421662d48b4cb8b71af2e0c40d989f,none,decemb 1993 astronaut stori jeffrey perform orbit 400 mile earth seen photo perch end space shuttl endeavour robot arm make final repair four stori tall hubbl space telescope coast line western australia visibl below complex highli success repair mission allow hst see univers unpreced,orbit,1996-01-28,285,44,0.0,01-28,1,1996,28,8,0,2 d114fed334bb2314d64bca40ffed0bef9560711b849143593c74f5353df78b7d,none,dramat mysteri look object reveal hubbl space telescop imag known egg nebula age star 3000 lightyear distant enter planetari nebula phase evolution surround expand cloud ga dust dens cocoon dust seen dark band run diagon across center star block direct view searchlight appear creat light star shine easili thinner part cocoon dust particl expand cloud scatter reflect starlight make beam visible sharp hst imag reveal wealth detail help understand complex spectacular part stellar,beam egg nebula,1996-01-29,481,73,0.0638888888888889,01-29,1,1996,29,4,0,5 53c17781e756be521e4a98a34de175d63b3dfc0504618ba534d441697f0e1e69,royal observatori edinburgh angloaustralian observatory aura,star 70 planet recent discoveri second known case planet orbit normal star sun itself first case involv 51 pegasi announc last year star 70 shown center falsecolor picture much like sun planet visibl unusu structur surround star caus telescope planet design 70 b short discov slight period shift colors defin characterist planet includ least eight time mass jupiter orbit much smaller jupiters temperatur allow water exist liquid form like earth life earth base liquid water could life exist too,b new water planet,1996-01-30,498,79,-0.0638888888888888,01-30,1,1996,30,8,0,1 2a796a81ba66f55afc458881f8c0ef0102692107558dbce55e6d03a2b6752254,none,mani sunlik star planets specul point ongo sinc humanity realiz star past year however answer discoveri plot four known case normal star planets case are solar system 51 pegasi 70 47 ursa majoris later two case discov astronom led geoff marci paul butler part greater project inspect 120 star orbit planets interestingli enough planet around later two star temperatur right rang allow liquid water henc may condit ripe develop life,planet around sunlik star,1996-01-31,432,70,0.0979591836734693,01-31,1,1996,31,6,0,2 b0cd988ffdc654cebdc923650eeca02fb50179db11f49db7d53182803127385f,angloaustralian telescopeboard,shape composit milki way galaxy question would easier answer much obscur however astronom walter identifi near center galaxi compar littl opaqu dust call sky region contain million star use mani studi distant milki way one clever devis monitor million star galact bulg mani baade window sudden brighten due gravit lensing current observ ogl macho collabor identifi dozen gravit events unexpectedli larg number support previou claim galaxi star across central nucleus point nearli sun,lens baade window,1996-02-01,485,73,0.0157407407407407,02-01,2,1996,1,6,0,3 2588d2632baaad35d0b50c27ea0dee9fefaa1884249b12c7717c58688803d4bd,none,galaxi made of stellar motion indic much mass star gas photograph like two shown may yield clue dark matter however pictur first record instanc dim star galaxi move front bright background star shown arrow deflect light around it caus background star appear much brighter right galaxi made predominantli massiv compact halo object mani similar gravit lens event would expect photograph larg magellan cloud lmc henc indic presenc macho lens galaxy research team led charl month claim enough lmc gravit lens event indic least half dark matter galaxi compos spectacular claim may well correct await crucial test futur observ,view galact dark matter,1996-02-02,623,98,0.1386904761904762,02-02,2,1996,2,7,2,3 859570006bb4d9799d51c3b0ab98bdc4372a9d761266074ee4e2192a4e4517c4,none,hit mars impact crater near center imag like caus collis object size asteroid also evid full face mosaic mar numer crater mani impact smaller object billion years lower right white carbon dioxid frost seen hella basin frost form temperatur drop low degre celsiu mars martian regions however occasion reach high 20 degre celsiu typic room temperatur earth,huge impact crater mar,1996-02-03,355,57,0.0994642857142857,02-03,2,1996,3,5,1,2 0d0b99d6cb04528f4d4b2628a0cf46ff33e0da6656ea679d40165b6013cb61b9,none,two microwav imag sky look north south galaxy equator base data nasa cobe satellite comput process remov contribut nearbi object effect earth motion show spots spot oldest structur known probabl oldest structur human ever know also distant univers expand cooled conglomer mass form first confirm million year bigbang occur roughli 15 billion year ago part univers visibl hotter parts studi size distribut spot found cobe futur missions astronom hope learn matter process caus spot form henc determin composition density futur universe,cobe hotspots oldest structur known,1996-02-06,539,81,-0.1625,02-06,2,1996,6,8,0,4 7e009ebec7ea1ea28919b18b9c8f00c1774338368d6e5910fe3e92db1d186311,none,could stand mar would see vike 1 robot lander answer question 1976 pictur like one shown above dark rocks red soil greenting sky grace rendit normal martian afternoon bottom corner pictur portion vike spacecraft red color rock caus abund iron soil martian surfac cover rocks huge craters fantast canyons gigant volcano dwarf earth life found specul sinc spacecraft reach mar earth fulli earth born microb might live now,could stand mar,1996-02-07,420,68,0.0766233766233766,02-07,2,1996,7,5,0,2 3ae3743ff2ef285c71a4a3b90b8486f1d53c461c0a0d92a8e3bfd2e87343867f,gordon use permission,get readi one impress least anticip light show modern astronom history next month newli discov comet hyakutak pass closer earth recent comet unknown discoveri yuji hyakutak 30 januari 1996 fuzzi spot photograph comet predict becom bright enough see without telescope although comet act divers way predict frequent even conserv estim indic comet like example even comet hyakutak remain physic close pass near earth late march 1996 caus appear brighten 3rd magnitud still bright enough see unaid eye next two months though comet continu approach sun henc becom brighter still optimist predict includ comet hyakutak chang physically develop larger coma tail brighten dramatically move notic sky singl night may ultim becom known the great comet move halebopp,hyakutake great comet,1996-02-08,756,116,0.1157894736842105,02-08,2,1996,8,3,2,1 7bd696b8b12bbc2edfdde954bdaa04ef28222d6c713bf8fe653acffbac46ae8a,none,what happen eyelik center planetari nebula geometri reveal hubbl space telescop view central part hourglass nebula known mycn 18 present puzzle first axi central region line well outer hourglass structure next hot star the white spot left center eject gaseou nebula evolv toward white dwarf phase exactli center unexpect result leav astronom look miss piec eject process creat unusu beauti structure,eye hourglass nebula,1996-02-09,399,61,0.0166666666666666,02-09,2,1996,9,4,0,3 8280d34ca6acf93855e490135b76eb58b1ab23d8b3c620e75dee86fa5bd543ab,none,sputnik mean travel companion stark contrast sound name launch earth first artifici moon sputnik 1 soviet octob 4 1957 shock free world set motion event result creation nasa race moon sputnik 184 pound 22 inch diamet sphere four whip antenna connect batteri power transmitters transmitt broadcast continu beeping signal astound earthbound audienc 23 days short month later novemb 3 soviet follow success launch dog orbit aboard sputnik 2,sputnik travel companion,1996-02-11,437,68,0.1046875,02-11,2,1996,11,8,1,2 a52e60783dc6fc48109501264c970baf47321947efcc76e07d33f4d512e5553e,none,cold distant pluto planet solar system visit spacecraft earth stori goe legend pluto yet us stamp depict tiny mysteri world inspir jpl develop plan pluto flyby plan evolv current pluto mission intend launch earli next decade type small hightech spacecraft propos depict artist vision approach pluto mottl surface tenuous transient atmospher visibl blue haze beyond bright limb pluto companion charon loom distance imag data mission would incred boon studi bizarre inaccess world evid mount pluto largest mani small ice dwarf dub yet unexplor plutocharon system last note pluto discoverer astronom clyde tombaugh celebr birthday februari 4,pluto yet,1996-02-12,638,96,-0.009090909090909,02-12,2,1996,12,8,2,2 d8c8af3547b278f4077121312e021f77614b1f45ca649cbcb2713925e1b7c188,none,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star recent form nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow,ngc rosett nebula,1996-02-14,339,55,0.1745920745920746,02-14,2,1996,14,4,1,5 463e9e630a495fd67be8e0051dda840de6967e17e1cda519ad72fb0af871f16b,none,mount nasa near earth asteroid rendezv near spacecraft near launch current schedul et februari 16 near mission becom first spacecraft rendezv orbit asteroid asteroid design 433 eros achiev ero orbit 1999 project plan explor asteroid 1 year premier vantag point perhap approach within 15 mile surface comparison imag limb asteroid ida made galileo spacecraft distanc 1500 miles highest resolut imag asteroid surfac far hope near go far toward answer question natur origin near earth asteroids object thought contain clue format inner planet influenc evolut atmospher life earth asteroid meteorit related asteroid ever strike earth,near asteroid,1996-02-15,631,94,0.0875,02-15,2,1996,15,8,2,2 f0399c775cb934b349a3faac5980b6a407f6a606e9ed335321901f9d0f3569e2,stsci aao ukpparc roe,galaxi near center largest gravit bound concentr mass yet known previously cluster galaxi known abel 3627 larg unstudi dust disk galaxi obscur much light sever galaxi abel 3627 appear fuzzi blue patch behind mani star galaxy recent observ observatory collaborators however indic cluster galaxi near center huge nearbi conglomer mass known great attractor evid uncov new accur measur larg extent nearbi distanc abel,abel great attractor,1996-02-18,414,63,0.0974747474747474,02-18,2,1996,18,7,1,3 2c577e4bef1c42f624dc59ef1d84620a79d9c9b48521e597696001ebcfa64acd,none,comet swifttuttle shown fals color largest object known make repeat pass near earth also one oldest known period comet sight span two last seen 1862 1992 spectacular comet becom bright enough see mani locat binoculars creat composit telescop image four separ exposur combined compens motion comet result star appear slightli trailed inset show detail central coma unseen nucleu essenti chunk dirti ice ten kilomet diameter comet usual origin oort cloud distant solar system well past pluto never ventur inner solar system perturb perhap graviti nearbi star comet may fall toward sun comet approach sun rocks gas dust boil away sometim creat impress look tails fact debri comet swifttuttl respons perseid meteor shower visibl everi juli august comet swifttuttl expect make impress pass near earth year possibl similar comet hyakutak year comet halebopp next year,comet,1996-02-19,864,134,0.0533333333333333,02-19,2,1996,19,3,2,1 8dafad7176018fdd28eee35bfc9dc3629cbe82b133dc4d36c55ec92783ae03dd,none,today mark third anniversari launch advanc satellit cosmolog astrophys renam astro seen superpos galaxi m31 japanes satellit nasa provid scientif equipment asca carri four xray telescopes focu two telescop ga imag spectromet imag spectromet focu two asca provid recent evid high energi cosmic ray form expand ga supernova three year operation also yield valuabl data quasars supernova remnants dwarf novae pulsars cluster galaxies mysteri xray background radiat appear come directions,xray observatori,1996-02-20,484,70,0.0533333333333333,02-20,2,1996,20,8,0,4 b3948c2d5fb76eb7be22b6f513b74b9cc5a1133377d5a6031b47abe4391c81a5,none,pictur largest ball star galaxy 10 million star orbit center globular cluster name omega centauri giant globular cluster orbit center galaxy recent evid indic omega centauri far massiv 160 globular cluster milki way star globular cluster gener older redder less massiv sun studi globular cluster tell us histori galaxi age universe,million star omega centauri,1996-02-21,333,51,-0.0142857142857142,02-21,2,1996,21,6,0,3 e76e276d5a92c193c8cbf6ad8b35b3cc5e5306fd251b5782c9abeeec3001df7f,none,sixteen minut liftoff space shuttl discovery jettison extern tank et seen here photograph shuttl astronaut jame p fall back toward earth 154 foot long et largest compon shuttl system carri 500000 gallon liquid propel feed shuttle main engin liftoff ultim fate reent atmosphere break descend remot ocean area side et show normal burn scar caus separ one reusabl solid rocket boosters,lift,1996-02-24,382,61,0.0533333333333333,02-24,2,1996,24,8,0,2 29776c87e4f37eee2d92e1ae7a42d8a05d005d718beb2262edcceeca11638e17,none,rare spectacular occasions fireballs meteor brighter brightest stars flash heaven sometim make audibl sound occasion surviv strike earth surface path one fireball record last year januari sky germani shown above brilliant meteor easili outshin star constel orion visibl far right fact brief moment sirius brightest star night sky overwhelm imag firebal graze it dramat event record video camera observ techniqu known movie interplanetari space litter meteoroids ten yard diamet less strike earth atmospher high rel speeds leav visibl trail known meteor or trail creat intens heat caus friction vapor them firebal caus weigh small fraction ounc surviv reach ground remnant larger ones reach ground run fieri call meteorites though firebal rare meteor visibl clear night year even outsid predict regular meteor shower events patient observ dark sky area see sever hour look up sight firebal reported,,1996-02-26,899,136,0.1432804232804232,02-26,2,1996,26,8,2,4 f2674cc2196419b674e98c5f78f6934d9196be981e13d4b590adf384a948716a,none,xray star wink behind moon view lunar occult galact xray sourc design gx51 fals color imag made use data rosat orbit observatori show high energi xray yellow mostli gx51 lower energi xray red the moon reflect xray sun gx51 binari system consist neutron star companion star mutual orbit system center mass ga companion star outer envelop fall toward neutron star accumul disk around it disk materi swirl deeper neutron star gravit well final dump onto surfac process creat tremend temperatur gener high energi xrays,xray moon xray star,1996-02-27,515,84,-0.0257142857142857,02-27,2,1996,27,6,0,4 433fe30f3e419fdd1add7464ef3a93fedac5bfeb2c408bf4bda90310c0b16ba9,none,tremend explos near center galaxi discov past decemb announc today paper natur press confer nasa burst like never seen before exact caus unknown like sourc astronom specul observ year come much power explos human create erupt like involv extrem condit found surfac neutron star binari system possibl similar xray binari system depict drawing new source dub gro discoveri spacecraft position current produc multipl puls burst energi per day last sever seconds burst quit promin xray light discoveri team leader includ usra nasa,explos discov near galact center,1996-02-28,526,82,0.053030303030303,02-28,2,1996,28,8,0,4 977fb681d3f5cb81ffba686c1106a628cdf769f75d63279240dfd078236b62ff,none,today februari 29th leap day rel rare occurrence alexandrian astronom sosigenes roman juliu caesar pictur selfdecre mint coin creat calend system 46 bc contain one leap day everi four years reason ad leap day year defin time take earth circl sun actual take exact number day defin time take earth rotat once fact one year astronom 36524219 days calendar year contain 365 days would drift actual year 1 day everi 4 years eventu juli name posthum juliu caesar himself would occur northern hemispher winter make year 365 day everi fourth year days calendar year actual year remain nearli step calend system use year 1582 pope gregori xiii ad leap day occur year end except divis provid fine calend system one common use today,juliu caesar leap day,1996-02-29,726,123,0.0833333333333333,02-29,2,1996,29,8,2,1 911182c626fffe4a216fa0fdfc5c301b441f807c84917777c83b852f8a1faee0,angloaustralian telescopeboard,sometim simplest shape hardest explain example origin mysteri coneshap region locat center pictur remain mystery dark region clearli contain much dust block light emiss nebula open cluster ngc 2264 behind it one hypothesi hold cone form wind particl energet sourc blow past bok globul head cone information scale univers debat april 1996,mysteri cone nebula,1996-03-01,337,52,-0.0428571428571428,03-01,3,1996,1,4,0,3 9de6d3741a5fb2e322bb56ff11ff2abff9f59e7b86461d5e8160b29ac17ccec2,none,form question present voyag 2 pass satellit uranu januari 1986 specul includ heat caus ancient tide uranu caus moonquak massiv shift moon surface event huge network valley found cover frozen moon unknown materi coat bottom mani channels ariel second closest uranu outsid miranda compos roughli half water ice half rock ariel discov william lassel information scale univers debat april 1996,uranus moon valley world,1996-03-03,389,60,-0.0055555555555555,03-03,3,1996,3,8,0,2 ba35f3f158f7c1996849475ec4789730f371ac0bb4a67cebf2c53d6262c3afd8,none,titania tortur terrain mix valley craters nasa interplanetari robot spacecraft voyag 2 pass moon uranu 1986 took photograph photograph transmit back earth valley titania resembl ariel indic titania underw unknown tumultu resurfac event distant past although titania uranus largest moon still much smaller triton largest moon uranus sister planet neptune titania essenti larg dirti icebal orbit uranu compos half wateric half rock titania discov william hershel information scale univers debat april 1996,uranus largest moon,1996-03-04,505,72,-0.1119047619047619,03-04,3,1996,4,2,0,2 81704e14536b32dd26492d81fb029e9e1cc64d671eb9276a39f1374717db9593,none,center nearbi giant galaxi m87 dens violent place 1994 photograph hubbl space telescope disk hot ga found orbit center massiv ellipt galaxy disk evid lower left photograph rotat speed ga disk indic mass object ga orbiting size disk indic approxim volum central object observ yield central densiti high hypothes object could live black hole pictur also show highli energet jet eman central object jet compos fast move charg particl broken knot small 10 light year across information scale univers debat april 1996,black hole m87,1996-03-05,512,82,-0.0418939393939393,03-05,3,1996,5,8,0,3 b9c0dac6b9a4b2ae0efababf7263548add65a15f2f73cccac1a4816c867b2677,none,supernova explos highmass star result fast move blast waves front wave shown above ioniz ga veil supernova remnant explosion sweep material break mani atom constitu ion electrons observ hubbl space telescop 1993 indic blue shock wave away stellar explos red shock wave yet catch regions veil supernova remnant larg angular size six time diamet full moon differ part known catalog number ngc ngc 6979 ngc 6992 ngc information scale univers debat april 1996,rampag veil nebula,1996-03-07,457,73,0.1333333333333333,03-07,3,1996,7,6,1,3 c706f75625672062eee071988ce20b7933b28214a028ecb1bff2d70ab8e6314b,none,jodrel bank england home telescop one largest radio telescop world complet 1957 direct bernard lovell 250 ft diamet dish largest steerabl radio telescope telescop use monitor extrem faint radio emiss space includ transmiss pioneer spacecraft distant solar system telescop use mani astronom investigations includ determin structur local interstellar gas search pulsars determin molecular abund toward galact center map hydrogen emiss galaxies currently telescop realli information scale univers debat april 1996,76 meter radio telescop,1996-03-08,510,70,-0.0999999999999999,03-08,3,1996,8,8,0,2 b6c88341c93243c2a59656ac8688dcff948b501fb66ab90132a1b87770590927,none,first modul russian space agency mir space station launch orbit 10 year ago on februari 20 mir sinc substanti expand orbit ad addit modul includ astrophys modul recent dock module nasa space shuttl atlanti modifi allow dock mir 1995 st begin seri shuttlemir flight schedul continu 1997 wide angl view pois planet earth sunlight glint solar panel mir atlanti seen connect via dock modul perspect shuttl payload bay imag imax movi frame taken st 74 mission late 1997 build jointli develop understand experience us russia launch first modul intern space station information scale univers debat april 1996,mir 10,1996-03-10,603,97,0.0166666666666666,03-10,3,1996,10,8,2,2 65b8a8383b9338e0981c52798fc1f6b8fa327931d343c8a5490689882240b899,none,spacecraft earth yet explor pluto astronom found way map surface stun map distant diminut planet first base direct images reveal late last week hubbl space telescop press release two opposit hemispher view comput construct map pluto surfac north up grid pattern due comput techniqu use grid element 100 mile across map base hubbl imag made pluto mere 3 billion mile distant show strong bright variat confirm substanti improv upon ground base observations bright variat may due surfac featur like crater basin like caus region nitrogen methan frost frost region show chang track futur hubbl observations yes pluto planet even though 23 size earth moon information scale univers debat april 1996,hubbl telescop map pluto,1996-03-11,694,110,-0.0977777777777777,03-11,3,1996,11,8,2,2 c7486f58a92897d8222df448f2ef7560d492da4cb138a9068bca999d6b7cd9af,royal observatory observatori,mani spectacular color rho ophiuchi ohfeeyukee cloud highlight mani process occur there blue region shine primarili reflect light blue light star rho ophiuchi nearbi star reflect effici portion nebula red light earth daytim sky appear blue reason red yellow region shine primarili emiss nebula atom molecular gas light nearbi star particularli bright star antar case knock electron away gas shine electron recombin gas dark region caus dust grain born young stellar atmospher effect block light emit behind them rho ophiuchi star clouds well front globular cluster m4 visibl far lower left even color human see cloud emit light everi wavelength band radio gammaray information scale univers debat april 1996,color cloud rho ophiuchi,1996-03-12,712,109,0.1714285714285714,03-12,3,1996,12,4,2,5 a85fbd0dc2bb3fb2cbce04099a04a678ec07a97b7aa624a42d0ccecf1c25536d,none,reaction ancient peopl appear bright comet taken sign great thing come probabl comet get bright comet hyakutak next two weeks like everi major news organ soon cover comet hyakutak comet hyakutak shown alreadi show tail dust image taken directli photograph show star black spot bright comet coma tail dark cloud white background space closest approach earth march 25th comet hyakutak appear northern hemispher diffus ball light brighter stars comet hyakutak visibl night even without binoculars pass star handl big dipper comet hyakutak best seen dark sky far citi lights tail possibl extend 20 degre easili visible comet hyakutak reced earth fade brighten near sun later april time best seen southern hemisphere chanc comet hyakutak hit earth information scale univers debat april 1996,come comet hyakutak,1996-03-13,787,122,0.2629385964912281,03-13,3,1996,13,3,2,1 a27411fbbeecc8653231aa4e3d33b6ac3278cc480ab9fe109e8f9bb5b5a27fd4,none,comet hyakutak come from orbit earth brighten comet shown diagram blue disk bound circular orbit earth central sun comet path outlin green shape shape comet orbit close parabola comet come outer solar system pass near earth late march pass near sun late april comet hyakutak appear bright late march close earth appear bright late april close sun late march comet earth visibl northern hemisphere inform see comet hyakutak avail mani univers astronomi depart information scale univers debat april 1996,comet hyakutake orbit,1996-03-14,501,79,-0.0083333333333333,03-14,3,1996,14,3,0,2 2c7933a95aecd238178177bb54d3409c97d609900e57d5d99dbb56d0576ab95d,bill keel univers,structur silhouet foreground hous three largest solar telescop world locat kitt peak arizona largest telescop insid mcmathpierc facil diamet contain mirrors telescop contain window lens focus bright sunlight would them visibl background sunris photo moon venus telescop use mani research project includ determin sun structure research caus solar corona monitor solar flares observ bright planet comet near sun telescop even help monitor earth atmospher content ozon information scale univers debat april 1996,mcmathpierc solar observatori,1996-03-15,508,72,0.5000000000000001,03-15,3,1996,15,1,1,2 dd84df18e24c6e5bd251a446cf47bb3414ee1ed651b660d534243506e3ec068a,bill hall telescope lowel observatori,spiral galaxi m90 near center virgo cluster galaxi closest cluster galaxi milki way galaxy also dub ngc galaxi compact bright nucleus proxim motion insid virgo cluster m90 actual show indic move toward us rather away galaxi show redshift indic move away us calibr exactli redshift relat distanc would indic scale univers topic much debat recently information scale univers debat april 1996,spiral galaxi,1996-03-16,392,61,0.15,03-16,3,1996,16,7,1,3 32204f893fa21afad71ee9d3080d254ab0b6a703cdc99fd29abbda91767321e6,none,closeup top saturn cloud taken voyag 1 robot spacecraft pass giant planet novemb 1980 saturn cloud mostli compos hydrogen helium gas small addit element give cloud colors color comput enhanc photograph usual cloud divid band belt center photograph show addit red oval cloud origin remain mystery although color indic composit slightli differ surround clouds new spacecraft cassini visit saturn current schedul launch 1997 information scale univers debat april 1996,saturn cloud,1996-03-17,466,69,0.0045454545454545,03-17,3,1996,17,0,0,2 21288f009802539f483e695cc7c62094f6f5721c038ac1129b9c53305892e157,none,pictur comet hyakutak taken march 14 1996 structur ion tale comet hyakutak clearli visible ion tale form comet near sun sunlight caus ga dust boil comet solid nucleus charg ga call ion acceler away sun solar wind fast move particl stream sun corona ion tale appear blue glow fluorescence comet hyakutak get closer sun next month dust tail expect visibl well dust tail shine light reflect sun comet tail point away sun even comet move away sun observ northern hemisphere comet hyakutak appear tonight eastern part constel virgo magnitud comet look impress darkest sky citi like see fuzzi information scale univers debat april 1996,ion tail comet hyakutak,1996-03-19,633,104,0.1166666666666666,03-19,3,1996,19,3,2,1 a306eb5fdc093c880a2fee5937bcf4dfcae3bcd508c64b08a47649cd4893469d,none,march 19th falsecolor pictur comet hyakutak one sophist ground base telescop captur area surround comet nucleus comet nucleu directli visibl solid dirti icebal probabl 10 kilomet across imag shows first time featur irregular bright coma surround nucleus begin ion tale visibl bright featur eman right approach 1000 km nucleus distanc comet whole field captur roughli size earth clear comet hyakutak may easili visibl tonight information scale univers debat april 1996,near comet hyakutake nucleu,1996-03-21,469,70,0.1484126984126984,03-21,3,1996,21,3,1,4 878b9d3e83735d54038b7abc975523031c252b40799f6b12d3db24c70c4fe69c,ken,peopl world prepar wit closest approach brightest comet past twenti years comet hyakutake discov two month ago pass nearest earth monday morning come week comet hyakutak visibl northern sky unusu extend fuzzi patch see comet difficult go outsid look telescop comet locat sky late march chart above horizon drawn 8 pm local time 11 pm comet hyakutak high sky well place viewing although comet hyakutak whizz past earth blister speed almost 100000 mile per hour practic streak across sky astronom standards appear move degre given night night weekend come week comet visible pleas miss rare excit astronom latest comet hyakutak images crni vrh observatory slovenia fayettevil observertim,see comet hyakutak,1996-03-22,687,107,-0.0377777777777777,03-22,3,1996,22,3,2,1 e44c56a6f6e644331cf13aa6ba1dcb0774ab43291be7cafb301875d40691824a,herman mikuzcrni vrh observatory slovenia,falsecolor pictur comet hyakutak taken two day ago show rapidli develop tail comet substanti coma bright center lend dramat eyelik appearance comet hyakutake first visit inner solar system recent orbit determin clearli show comet hyakutake before although previou approach estim year ago epoch first record human cities comet first trip inner solar system probabl would appear bright first time comet typic shed much lumin ga make approach inner solar system comet hyakutak dormant oort cloud outer solar system billion years along hundr thousand similar comets comet hyakutak predict becom brightest comet sinc comet west 1976 rival brightest star sky tonight comet hyakutak seen best 10 pm near big dipper latest comet hyakutak images crni vrh observatory slovenia fayettevil observertim,comet hyakutake past futur,1996-03-23,791,119,0.2105263157894736,03-23,3,1996,23,3,2,1 6b1d9607c025021a83e1e34436fc4091a37e9f635e98accae0c62b2587bf94f9,herman mikuzcrni vrh observatory slovenia,true color imag comet hyakutak taken night march tonight comet hyakutak make nearest approach earth close mere 10 million mile pass planet northern hemisphere dark sky areas tail may seen cover 20 degre sky 40 time appar diamet full moon correspond well 3 million miles distanc comet word comet refer tail deriv greek mean star hair comet hyakutak continu grow near sun tail grow sun heat sublim directli solid gas materi ici surfac comet nucleus send jet ga dust space materi swept back solar wind comet tail usual point away sun rather simpli trail along behind orbit predict tail grow next day nearli 50 degrees rest march april comet hyakutak visibl northern viewer weather tail visibl dark sky areas moonlit sky tend washout comet april 3rd full moon approach however april 3rd lunar eclipse latest comet hyakutak images crni vrh observatory slovenia fayettevil observertim,comet hyakutake closest approach,1996-03-24,880,144,-0.0066176470588235,03-24,3,1996,24,3,2,1 5ed080cfb0368463c9cd549b06c5c1569ec36d73a34676f66bb1890b11d5922c,peter u comet,pictur comet hyakutak taken night march illinois usa show enorm tail alreadi developed silhouett right foreground tree superpos green circl left show size full moon today comet hyakutak make closest approach earth comet move inner solar system pass earth 40 time distanc moon closest comet ever come though recent comet irasarakialcock came three time closer hyakutake comet got yet twice closer asteroid usual less massiv comet frequent whiz insid moon orbit four far decade distant past asteroid even struck earth comet hyakutak much brighter comet irasarakialcock ever fact brightest sinc comet west 1976 comet hyakutak easili visibl week latest comet hyakutak images jpl crni vrh observatory slovenia fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet,comet hyakutak pass earth,1996-03-25,748,112,0.0446031746031745,03-25,3,1996,25,3,2,2 54f61d02850336d4646da35db9f6186c8ce4857b073afb48dac3dc14debed4af,none,tail comet hyakutake visibl recent color image compos dust ga driven ici comet nucleu sun heat blown away solar wind bath solar ultraviolet light ga molecul break excited produc characterist glow glow respons visibl light tail astronom use identifi compound involved close passag hyakutak present excel chanc use techniqu explor composit tail typic comet ga tail constitu simpl hydrogen carbon nitrogen oxygen example h20 co cn common fact poison co cn compound seen spectrum halley comet 1910 apparition caus public concern time earth expect pass halley tail however stretch million miles comet tail extrem thin tenuou pose danger earth atmosphere latest comet hyakutak images jpl crni vrh observatory slovenia fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet,comet tail,1996-03-26,754,114,0.1083333333333333,03-26,3,1996,26,3,2,4 8e44ef35e9e35d7cbe22cfdd2c8c2810ca6e165590b3cdf5f471b6c569c1d6c1,none,nasa hubbl space telescop captur imag region comet hyakutak march 25 comet approach within million mile earth cover rel 2000 mile wide area sunward direct toward lower right upper left imag show larg amount dust sunward side nucleu sun heat surfac dirti pressur sunlight eventu push dust dust product increases alreadi visual impress tail grow even actual size nucleu uncertain estim miles similar comet halley seen here brightest point probabl tip strongest dust jet rather nucleu itself dramat dust jet featur also appear aris nightsid true angl line sight difficult larg fragment broken away comet nucleu visibl upper left image produc dust tail own comet dust may repres primordi materi format solar system nasa plan comet dust sampl return mission latest comet hyakutak images jpl crni vrh observatory slovenia fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet,near nucleu hyakutak,1996-03-28,857,134,0.0557142857142857,03-28,3,1996,28,3,2,4 b9e129b7e09a596ac503440953c87ee2d55066bd29e17f88ec44bab739e35404,angloaustralian observatori,color comet hyakutak caus action sunlight dust ga produc warm nucleus microscop dust particl reflect sunlight sun ultraviolet radiat excit ioniz ga molecul caus glow fluoresc rang visibl colors enhanc color pictur reveal subtl color chang across cometari coma faint multicolor tail made night march combin separ green red blue photographs 15 minut exposure color featur tail may well repres real chang structur one exposur next color star trails creat angloaustralian observatory uk schmidt telescop track rapidli move comet indic order separ exposures cometari hue reveal seen directli due human lack color vision low light level involved latest comet hyakutak images jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars crni vrh obs cent mich u,color comet hyakutak,1996-03-29,747,114,0.0625,03-29,3,1996,29,3,2,4 d3a99a31505f99e6714dc18929fc3776cdc71f70c93f114b2bbbcce03cb32c6d,none,sun flood comet hyakutak ultraviolet light gase coma scatter radiat fluoresc make comet bright sourc ultraviolet sky imag made use data nasa extrem ultraviolet explor satellite repres intens comet invis high energi band fals color imag 34 degre high 2 degress wide offer insight composit visitor distant solar system obtain highest energi band ultraviolet spectrum intern ultraviolet explor iue satellit also examin ultraviolet light comet report detect mani band molecular emiss particularli due molecular carbon carbon monoxid co dioxid ion well indic rapid increas product water latest comet hyakutak images jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars crni vrh obs cent mich u,extrem ultraviolet view comet,1996-03-30,689,103,0.1894999999999999,03-30,3,1996,30,3,2,4 8ca3fc86c490b4d59d2807b80ec63d520b4319d116277e0dd9b22b30c9447bc7,none,april comet hyakutak head toward sun pass earth time comet orbit place north earth remain visibl northern sky near sun set progress earlier evening earli april moon glow diminish view comet tail except lunar eclips april comet reced earth appear dimmer even though get intrins brighter near sun late april intrins brighten effect comet appear brighten possibl get even brighter last week point comet appear near sunset low northwestern horizon see above far comet hyakutak exceed expect bright length tail impress hyakutake probabl seen dark location latest comet hyakutak images jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars crni vrh obs cent mich u,comet hyakutak april,1996-03-31,660,103,0.0958333333333333,03-31,3,1996,31,3,2,1 5c86a4546260a0af0078ca219a81bcdb4700574180b67c93ecb9bff3ab686e02,vic winter courtesyicstar,one spectacular pictur yet taken comet hyakutak shown march 26 high dark missouri sky foreground observatori complet dim red light glow insid dome star background move slightli exposur caus appear streak instead point light nevertheless constel ursa major includ big dipper visible spot it hyakutake tail flow dipper photograph recogniz foreground background object visibl quit strike add angular perspect contrast outworldli unfamiliar comet dare anyon tri compet citi light captur eiffel tower new york skylin front comet latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs cent mich u,hyakutake big dipper observatori dome,1996-04-01,682,100,0.217405303030303,04-01,4,1996,1,3,2,4 b7c9699d97ca632b4a0cbd50ef17c52fdd79bfb95d07d4a60a3f8b06b95aa76c,none,imagin fli though space approach mir space station crew space shuttl atlanti mission end two day ago mir 10 year old equip scientif experi astronomy physics materials top modul mir unman suppli ship use send food supplies next modul long boom carri telescop essenti flight equip connect core modul live quarter solar panels left modul carri solar array scientif equip right scientif modul also carri dock modul seen bottom ultim destin atlantis sts76 mission left astronaut shannon lucid plan five month stay four shuttl flight current plan mir keep nasa astronaut continu space late 1997 late 1997 build jointli develop understand experience us russia launch first modul intern space station latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs cent mich u,atlanti approach mir,1996-04-02,849,133,0.0863136863136863,04-02,4,1996,2,8,2,4 9d268abc71b643898ca114ad9da87152939e0befddcc354c9ee904d53c566f23,andi steer,tonight full moon would normal washout spectacl comet hyakutake love tail even far light pollut skies except tonight comet observ luck danc planet call total lunar eclipse lunar eclips caus moon pass earth shadow although dimmed eclips moon may appear complet dark sunlight scatter earth shadow pass around planet edg dusti atmospher make moon take dramat shade red total demonstr photo novemb 1993 lunar eclipse tonight total begin pm est last hour half weather permitting eclips visibl comet moon watcher lucki enough earth nightside latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs cent mich u,lunar eclips,1996-04-03,693,107,0.1202380952380952,04-03,4,1996,3,2,2,1 593aa483fe452c61a5b4f7ea8cabc9515d56ce7124a8cbc5de043b12ff1800bd,angloaustralian telescopeboard,dark dusti keyhol nebula get name unusu shape design ngc 3324 keyhol nebula smaller region superpos bright eta carina nebula eta carina nebula largest nebula angular extent sky larger famou orion nebula southerli locat make less familiar northern hemispher skywatchers star eta carina extrem variabl fade mere 150 year formerli one brightest sky invis without telescope nebula creat star 19th centuri outburst photograph hubbl space telescope latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs cent mich u,keyhol nebula near eta carina,1996-04-04,600,89,0.0947916666666666,04-04,4,1996,4,4,2,5 3e5419b26695dcb35cb92f2c34d49c75b37f42bb9e9ece187aa078d1cf020544,none,1920s use photograph plate made mt wilson observatory 100 inch telescope edwin hubbl determin distanc andromeda nebula decis demonstr exist galaxi far beyond milki way notat evid plate shown the imag neg star appear black dot white background plates hubbl search star underw sudden increas brightness found sever plate mark n later discov one actual type variabl star known cepheid cross n wrote var upper right thank work harvard astronom henrietta leavitt cepheids regularli pulsat stars could use candle distanc indicators identifi star allow hubbl show andromeda small cluster star ga within galaxy larg galaxi right substanti distanc milki way hubble discoveri respons modern concept univers fill galaxies information scale univers debat april 1996,andromeda nebula var,1996-04-06,755,114,0.0378968253968253,04-06,4,1996,6,6,2,4 ec9caed298550428caef9ea5703b8e16fb89fbaca132aa1ffc6b1a2dfbc3c0a7,none,umbriel dark dark moon reflect half light uranus moon bright ring unfortunately nobodi yet knows question present voyag 2 pass satellit uranu januari 1986 voyag found old surfac unusu larg craters determin composit half ice half rock umbriel fourth largest third distant uranus five larg moons umbriel discov william latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs cent mich u,uranus moon mysteri dark world,1996-04-07,473,72,0.0214285714285714,04-07,4,1996,7,3,0,2 e9c1d5445c05d1af8acb8eea636489509f36b6b91b4d9c9d8d2f1cf7541706b1,none,oberon distant second largest moon uranus discov william herschel 1787 properti world remain rel unknown robot spacecraft voyag 2 pass flybi uranu januari 1986 compar uranus moon titania miranda oberon heavili cratered way resembl like uranus larg moons oberon compos roughli half ice half rock note oberon least one larg mountain visibl limb lower left rise 6 km surface latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs cent mich u,uranus moon impact world,1996-04-08,528,82,-0.0416666666666666,04-08,4,1996,8,3,0,2 56c364c2be508816567b12be693e038bad8b1438ff8f622b608be41a618a9e74,nick martin astronom onlin,comet hyakutak still visibl continu orbit around sun comet brighten late april earli may fascin pictur taken three minut exposure middl exposure photograph set flash momentarili illumin foreground tree pictur taken march 24th mount teid canari islands record tail length 50 degrees discover yuji hyakutake whose last name mean amateur astronom japan interest comet sinc age 15 discov comet sit rural mountain top search dark sky huge binocular earli morn hours origin check comet discov one month earlier hyakutak initi worri new fuzzi spot locat realli yet anoth comet one unexpect result comet discoveri famili troubl make phone call telephon alway information scale univers debat april 1996,comet hyakutak tree,1996-04-10,693,107,0.0023863636363636,04-10,4,1996,10,3,2,1 423d65fbd3a0dc868b40047cf2720f3719fe075af4a55f19926dd6536a34c77d,none,first xray ever detect comet discov comet hyakutak rosat satellit march 27th discoveri particularli surpris littl previou indic comet emit signific xradiation comet pass earth late march repeat observ rosat also show xray bright chang hours crescent shape xray emiss also one possibl explan xray emit sun absorb water comet coma caus fluorescence anoth possibl explan involv interact solar wind fast move particl stream away sun information scale univers debat april 1996,unexpect xray comet hyakutak,1996-04-11,472,72,0.15,04-11,4,1996,11,3,1,4 0f3420d6de5f842c201effe85f82000ba79beae5c5c38d8f458dd2608d8654b5,none,thirti five year ago today soviet cosmonaut yuri alexseyevich gagarin becam first human space april 12 1961 remot control vostok 1 spacecraft loft altitud 200 mile carri around planet earth strictli onboard control lock secret combin case emerg carri combin seal envelope reentry gagarin eject vostok altitud 20000 feet parachut earth first view space reportedli commented the sky dark earth bluish everyth seen clearly coupl spacefar accomplishments flight seem confirm soviet technolog first us astronaut would launch almost month later compar short suborbit flight born march 9 1934 gagarin air forc jet pilot chosen first group cosmonaut 1960 result histor flight becam intern hero legend kill mig jet crash train flight march 27 1968 gagarin given hero funeral ash inter kremlin wall information scale univers debat april 1996,man enter space,1996-04-12,833,128,0.055,04-12,4,1996,12,8,2,2 8cccf43562a4c348c3cefa51a6e05887227bbaf7a477c562bbdb7057b6c0186f,none,rlier april nasa compton gamma ray observatory complet fifth success year orbit explor gamma ray sky pictur astronaut jay apt perch shuttl payload bay massiv observatory compton largest civilian instrument ever flown whole observatori roughli size school bus apt colleagu jerri ross spacecraft unexpect problem success stuck high gain antenna unplan space second nasa plan great observatori space astrophysics first hubbl space telescope compton gamma ray observatori exceed expect scientif discovery compton continu search depth univers high energi phenomena gammaray bursts blazars pulsars compton still monitor new sourc discov last decemb spectacular near center galaxy information scale univers debat april 1996,compton observatori turn five,1996-04-13,718,101,0.2737575757575757,04-13,4,1996,13,8,2,4 3d909458882a595e7be152ccef1792826775f29cfefd45550ac394dc9e3f0450,none,comet hyakutak reach closest point sun may 1 pass well insid orbit mercury time comet dust ion tail greatest physic length comet near sun ga dust driven surface sometim shot jets although much materi end tail interest featur seen close comet three kilomet nucleus comet nucleu rotates jet seen form arc around comet center resembl pinwheel photograph taken april 8 show two expand arc cometari materi two sourc jets outermost arc project distanc 12000 kilomet nucleus inner 8000 kilomet nucleus expand nucleu km per hour inner arc end brightest comet hyakutake mani jets information scale univers debat april 1996,rotat jet comet hyakutak,1996-04-14,613,99,0.1999999999999999,04-14,4,1996,14,3,2,2 2943ab6210f96850aca8979d07e4ef955a2b2224b15bbbb33f5a27763afe745c,none,univers made of rapidli univers expanding galaxi form questions among import baffl astronom sinc begin modern astronom era might well answer new space satellit mission microwav anisotropi probe design inspect universe microwav background radiat detail ever before map record frequency size temperatur bump 20 time smaller cobe astronom comput bump would expect sever model universe compar result map data may yield new understand composit structur universe map nasa class satellite current schedul launch year 2000 information scale univers debat april 1996,nasa mission map univers,1996-04-15,557,81,0.0945454545454545,04-15,4,1996,15,8,0,2 b831a8faf29c6266935abd9797eac273d205daede6021934cfed712552c51417,none,four hundr fifti lightyear earth wind dying sunlik star produc planetari nebula popularli known helix explor helix gaseou envelop hubbl space telescop hst astronom discov indic 1000 strike cometari like shown above call comets actual much larger head sever billion mile across roughli twice size solar system tails point radial away central star stretch 100 billion miles previous known ground base observations sheer number cometari knot found singl nebula caus form hot fast move shell nebular ga cooler denser slower shell eject star earlier expans may produc condens two shell fragment intrigu possibl instead dissip time objects could collaps form bodies so ici world creat near end star life would numer galaxy information scale univers debat april 1996,cometari knot helix nebula,1996-04-16,760,118,-0.0378787878787878,04-16,4,1996,16,4,2,5 50f0cf03c937363de60b541db4e9e8c5d4967dd1604de9935f7cfade39477378,angloaustralian telescopeboard,helix nebula gener catalog number 7293 estim mere 450 lightyear sun direct constel aquarius distanc may well closest planetari nebula offer dramat snapshot brief final evolutionari stage life solartyp star color imag nebula glow red light nitrogen hydrogen atom energ ultraviolet radiat central star main ring themselves though faint angular size half full moon span 15 lightyears close prime subject studi astronomers hubbl space telescop focus near inner edg main ring 12 oclock posit image resolv spoke like radial structur visibl intrigu cometari knots information scale univers debat april 1996,ngc 7293 helix nebula,1996-04-17,599,90,-0.0033333333333333,04-17,4,1996,17,4,0,5 bef38b9800a9a4741c8dca256fa20f64aca99eb188b4eb7cf25c0b97421664e0,vic winter courtesyicstar,find comet hyakutak picture gorgeou photo starri night sky april 9th pictur new comet visitor foreground pond light kansa city missouri western horizon upper left constel orion visible center brightest object pictur planet venus venus reflect seen pond right halfway venu photograph edg seen two bright object fairli close other two look close lower right object see tail comet hyakutak still visibl northern observ western sky begun brighten near sun latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs,hyakutake venus pond,1996-04-18,598,90,0.1679070929070929,04-18,4,1996,18,3,2,1 3e807f6a9296c728d787a09877c0fcc8658c8966c0c26cc3fcdf3e18fce63aaf,none,rosat imag virgo cluster galaxi reveal hot xray emit plasma ga temperatur million degre pervad cluster fals color use repres intens xray emission larg area xray emission left center 1 million lightyear across giant ellipt galaxi m87 biggest member cluster center area cluster member scatter around it ad amount xray emit ga astronom found total mass 5 time total mass cluster galaxi yet matter still produc nearli enough graviti keep cluster fli unseen mass galaxi cluster largest structur universe mysteri dark matter must domin cosmo natur still open question information scale univers debat april 1996,virgo hot plasma dark matter,1996-04-19,605,95,-0.01,04-19,4,1996,19,7,2,4 433610ed4e25e492049a2e5f43ba7a4c736182d53efdfe21ca40d126df9e2a43,none,buzz aldrin apollo 11 lunar modul pilot second human walk moon describ lunar landscap a magnific desolation dramat pictur apollo mission moon surfac testifi apt turn phrase near apollo 17 land site famili mountain center background edg south massif left frame lunarscap photo astronaut harrison schmitt work alongsid lunar rove vehicle schmitt fellow astronaut eugen cernan last walk magnific desolation information scale univers debat april 1996,apollo 17 lunarscape magnific desol,1996-04-20,446,66,0.0857142857142857,04-20,4,1996,20,2,0,2 d98fb172bfc49df1e3861231f3104eb854ce9e466e530e0c9540d7618f884831,none,1994 new star distant galaxi seen amateur astronomers alert world discoveri supernova near nucleu spiral galaxi m51 popularli known whirlpool supernova identifi bright spot indic arrow lower left hubbl space telescop image supernova violent death explos star eject radioact debri clouds often discov amateur observ dedic systemat search sky intens interest astronom hope learn kind star gener explos chemic element produc mix space distanc intrins bright event also provid crucial yardstick measur scale universe,supernova whirlpool,1996-04-21,512,74,0.0760330578512396,04-21,4,1996,21,6,0,3 a49c5a27fe302b3717c584a4a58aed6ed1732fe948bd18daaddc62725a74619d,vic winter courtesyicstar,starri night april april 9th 1996 pm cdt near lone jack missouri comet hyakutak grace astronom rich field make appear brilliant even star venu overexpos far left venu slightli right pleiad star cluster m45 right hand side image comet show bright blue tail extend upward past nearbi star cluster constel perseu top right alpha persei hyakutake reced earth sun sink western horizon sunset late april disappear northern hemispher skies latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs,comet hyakutak starri night,1996-04-23,577,89,0.2321428571428571,04-23,4,1996,23,3,1,1 7dd1e9217793928b48f1692c25343b7a4b5dea99d1c596d06394f5e0b33c205d,none,center m51 spiral galaxi 23 million lightyear away astronom identifi dens region young stars grace swirl arc galaxy spiral arm inspir popular name the whirlpool galaxy hubbl space telescop imag nucleu reveal light million stars perhap one tenth age sun pack bright central region area mere 80 lightyear across star crowd view hypothet planet orbit one distant sun would continu bright sky dark y shape visibl within region indic lane dust present partial block intens starlight,center whirlpool,1996-04-25,478,76,0.1291666666666666,04-25,4,1996,25,7,1,3 7d60263b64ea82cfe793c2c206ba6647e1d962fdead59ddd8cbe8c81088dd38b,none,g1 pictur above brightest known globular cluster whole local group galaxies also call mayal ii orbit center largest nearbi galaxy m31 g1 contain 300000 star almost old entir universe fact observ globular cluster show star old oldest roughli 250 known globular cluster milki way galaxy imag taken hubbl space telescop juli 1994 shows first time fine detail distant globular cluster discern groundbas telescop globular cluster galaxy,giant globular cluster m31,1996-04-26,431,66,0.0962962962962963,04-26,4,1996,26,6,0,3 97e825f22087d481f825de72705cbd1fad69f7743c836a160a4eee548ddb10ee,none,brilliant sunlight glint track gentli wind across moon highlands track made apollo 14 equip transport fondli known met design aid surfac exploration serv place lunar also carri cameras sampl spare film lunar surfac path outlin lunar soil lead away alan shepard edgar mitchell lunar land module trace path first ventur across lunar landscape,apollo 14 track across moon,1996-04-27,340,53,0.575,04-27,4,1996,27,2,1,2 c480d912745575e75e564a98007ea6f499dffd88f395a0aa6daafda89f2f46a6,none,comet hyakutak seen sun set april 22 april draw close comet hyakutak visibl sunset hard discern brightli lit sky unfortunately comet hyakutak brighten much hope journey inner solar system suppos get bright pass earth late march nevertheless comet hyakutak still bright comet spectacular sight latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs,sun set comet hyakutak,1996-04-28,437,64,0.1787037037037037,04-28,4,1996,28,3,1,1 0fad120b064d3ec4b94e58c5a6e219a02f76cf353f22d39e05adb1450e7c08d2,none,ring uranu thin narrow dark compar planetari ring systems brighten artifici computer ring particl reflect littl light charcoal although realli made ice chuck darken rock falsecolor infrar pictur hubbl space telescop taken juli 1995 show ring conjunct planet infrar light allow one see detail differ layer uranus atmosphere digit enhanc fals color three planet solar system known jupiter saturn neptune four uranus moon visibl outsid ring plane ring uranu discov groundbas observ 1977,uranus ring system,1996-04-30,483,73,0.0099999999999999,04-30,4,1996,30,0,0,4 9746b27e11c38489d16735bec8af86526edf6740a7c96ffd0ccdfc784dd1c1c1,none,comet hyakutak shown photograph night march 27 arizona usa cactu foreground polaris north star bright star seen upper right comet head today comet hyakutak reach closest approach sun comet hyakutak intrins brightest distanc earth appear less bright us closest approach earth late march fact due comet angular proxim sun difficult see earth comet hyakutak reach less one quarter earthsun distanc insid orbit mercury comet hyakutak ventur near sun anoth 15000 years latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs,comet hyakutak,1996-05-01,609,91,0.0933982683982684,05-01,5,1996,1,3,2,2 a2205d7657aa0d0ac5f344b24c27ee58a141e8c953b133bc87a62bc6c7418317,vic winter courtesyicstar,make comet tail colorful photograph comet hyakutak taken night april 18th highlight differ compon tail gold red tail featur dust made predomin littl bit rock carbon dust tail shine reflect sunlight extend past dust tail comet ion tail shown glow blue ion tail compos mostli ion water carbon cyanogen ion tail glow emit light recombin electr charg ion make molecules photograph taken north kansa city missouri usa latest comet hyakutak images apod hyakutak archive jpl fayettevil observertimes nasa night comet icstars jerri lodriguss scienceweb crni vrh obs,tail comet hyakutak,1996-05-02,557,87,0.1583333333333333,05-02,5,1996,2,3,1,1 f7ebf9d3eb3cfec2e22a70457f2d4daca4f97932942d7ae3d295105ea9483e14,courtesi societi,breathtak patch sky would stand south pole earth right photograph center four star mark boundari famou southern cross top constellation also known the orang star gamma crucis band stars dust ga cross middl photograph part milki way galaxy center photograph dark coal sack nebula bright nebula far right eta carina nebula southern cross famou constel depict australian nation flag,milki way near southern cross,1996-05-03,379,59,0.1086734693877551,05-03,5,1996,3,4,1,3 b5b0e580a5fe51abd7d5699fc9ffed824d3f50282d5733091b1a01fd6f9f8f29,none,decemb 1990 space shuttl columbia carri array astronom telescop high earth obscur atmospher observ univers ultraviolet xray wavelengths telescopes known acronym uit hut wuppe bbxrt seen columbia payload bay spectacular view constel orion ultraviolet telescop mount common structur hut visibl view along star tracker the silver cone left mission studi solar system sources,astro 1 orbit,1996-05-04,372,53,0.115,05-04,5,1996,4,8,1,2 292a8e1bd02f698bfa044eef572df58a9b11a63c5e6be28b99354dfee98b90c7,none,would night sky look like live planet near center galaxy imagin galaxi hous black hole billion time massiv star spectacular vantag point sky might look like illustration draw base recent observ center ngc made hubbl space telescope result indic disk dust year wide surround black hole hypothet planet depict lie within disk black hole heat ga temperatures gener light redden reflect dust jet shoot pole black hole perpendicular disk however friction dust ga would caus planet near black hole spiral disappear forever nasa recent announc new initi search earthlik planet galaxy,planet near galaxi core,1996-05-05,576,91,-0.0270944741532976,05-05,5,1996,5,6,0,5 6862262a727aa5fa6f97253d39fb49932106b5f3761e9b1135fda1c51b595bcb,none,background distant stars sinuou spiki band southern light aurora australis faint glow charg plasma ioniz atom gas surround space shuttl discovery engin give photo sts39 mission eerie otherworldli look imag reflect discovery april 1991 mission well payload bay plb fill instrument design studi celesti objects aurora atmospher phenomena low earth orbit environ around plb itself aurora seen height 5080 mile caus charg particl solar wind channel van allen radiat belt excit atom oxygen upper atmosphere,southern light shuttl glow,1996-05-06,502,75,-0.0999999999999999,05-06,5,1996,6,8,0,2 fdec76c923816d51ede83bf2af3fb9223d5e37a5dd7acdf81456dcb7c537aa68,none,hubbl space telescop hst imag reveal glimps dynam atmospher neptune solar system distant ga giant planet first closeup neptune cloud provid nasa voyag 2 spacecraft august 1989 flyby give tantalizingli brief look vantag point earth orbit hst patient watch detail planet massiv weather system chang time three pictures taken octob novemb 1994 neptun billion mile distant show planet characterist aquablu color atmospher highlight pink high altitud cloud streak dark bands aquablu color caus gaseou methan absorb red light here high altitud cloud intent given pink tint indic imag near infrar light true color imag would appear white,cloud neptun,1996-05-07,631,97,0.079375,05-07,5,1996,7,8,2,4 2fdc08b512aabd55e280db080fb7bb510f263f9a9103c592a6d81deb472b1cb5,none,nasa voyag 2 spacecraft flew distant neptun august 1989 astronom shocked sinc neptun receiv 3 percent sunlight jupit does expect find dormant dark frigid planet instead voyag imag reveal evid dynam turbul world one spectacular discoveri great dark spot shown closeup surprisingly compar size rel southern latitud jupiter great red spot appear similar rotat storm system wind near spot measur 1500 mile per hour strongest record planet voyag data also reveal great dark spot vari significantli size brief flyby hubbl space telescop view planet 1994 spot vanish replac anoth dark spot planet northern hemisphere,neptune great dark spot gone forgotten,1996-05-08,610,94,0.088235294117647,05-08,5,1996,8,8,2,4 dbdcc520dcda985a08681e672c86988741e182de5c2bfa1c6c3c2e30ca067103,none,massiv star cook element core nuclear fusion start light element hydrogen helium central temperatur pressur produc progress heavier elements carbon oxygen nitrogen etc iron end live explod spectacular supernova scatter element space contribut materi format star star systems fact element make life earth bake stellar hubbl space telescop imag supernova remnant known n132d larg magellan cloud lmc allow astronom explor detail nuclear process reveal lumin cloud supernova debri energ shock singli ioniz sulfur appear red doubli ioniz oxygen green singli ioniz oxygen blue region shown 50 lightyear across,supernova remnant element lmc,1996-05-09,604,88,0.1482954545454545,05-09,5,1996,9,6,2,5 a782439ccc614f31f67641e9893dc90af5dcd7a7ae0a16a548cdc05a8143736c,angloaustralian telescopeboard,massiv star time mass sun profoundli affect galact environment churn mix cloud ga dust stars leav mark composit locat futur gener star star systems dramat evid beauti illustr neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc love ring shape nebula heniz 70 also known n70 dem301 actual lumin superbubble interstellar ga 300 lightyear diameter blown wind hot massiv star supernova explosions interior fill tenuou hot expand gas superbubbl offer astronom chanc explor crucial connect lifecycl star evolut galaxies,heniz 70 superbubbl lmc,1996-05-10,501,76,0.2,05-10,5,1996,10,4,1,5 3d6ee3eae29aad2a8b8942d1a380a1bef819dc542a0c1203ade6acb216b1e5bf,none,normally earth base astronom view saturn spectacular ring system fulli illumin reflect sunlight however novemb 1995 hubbl space telescop composit imag made take advantag unusu perspective sun actual illumin ring below three bright ring featur visibl ring solid compos mani separ chunk rocky ici material ring allow scatter sunlight pass offer dramat demonstr continuous uninterrupt band material,sunlight saturn ring,1996-05-11,396,57,0.1083333333333333,05-11,5,1996,11,0,1,4 0dfa63f958cf9241bcf9127d183addab424acc42df3bd7b7a624634dfb3431ce,none,five pair hubbl space telescop imag track saturn moon orbit ring planet pair imag taken everi 97 minut novemb 21 1995 wide field planetari normal bright ring system appear nearli edgeon top pair larg bright moon dion hang center smaller moon pandora prometheus mima top right image appear near planet disk close outer ring second third pair images moon rhea epimetheu join saturn ring plane light edgeon ring provid opportun astronomer explor saturn complex moon system search elus undiscov satellites,saturn moon,1996-05-12,501,80,0.2025510204081632,05-12,5,1996,12,0,1,2 42cea4b1c4e510592995b9a0f70395e2ae2a6d5dbb29d56ed16d1a2da8955085,none,univers expanding distant galaxi appear reced us speeds rate expansion long expanding ultim two group astronom search vigor answer fundament question use hubbl space telescop hst team recent announc conflict measur hubbl constant number repres expans rate universe astronom wendi freedman collabor use pulsat star call cepheid measur distanc galaxi like fornax cluster bar spiral galaxi shown above ground base photo left show inset locat hst imag right freedman team use identifi 50 cepheids distanc veloc measur determin hubble constant 80 kilomet per second per megaparsec mean galaxi one megaparsec 3 million lightyears distant appear reced us speed 80 kilomet per second conflict result indic substanti slower expans rate hubbl constant report astronom allan valu hubble constant recent subject popular public debat titl the scale univers 1996 valu hubble constant,hubble constant expand univers,1996-05-13,869,130,-0.032172619047619,05-13,5,1996,13,7,2,4 38ea8e76674b3a53e45bd69ae4f0d10d3df09c1e7c1947dfcf67b892b7d46350,none,century discoveri univers expand produc revolut human thought cosmos american astronom edwin hubbl play major role profound discovery hubbl constant singl number describ rate cosmic relat appar recess veloc extern galaxi distance two group astronom tri measur fundament constant use hubbl space telescop hst continu report conflict results one group led astronom allan measur distanc galaxi use pulsat cepheid variabl star supernova observ galaxi like virgo cluster spiral galaxy shown above galaxi distant one determin made also site wellstudi 1990 supernova result favor rel small hubbl constant expans 55 kilomet per second per megaparsec mean galaxi one megaparsec 3 million lightyears distant appear reced us speed 55 kilomet per second substanti faster expans rate larger hubbl constant report astronom wendi freedman collaborators also base hst data valu hubble constant recent subject popular public debat titl the scale univers 1996 valu hubble constant,hubble constant expand univers ii,1996-05-14,962,142,-0.0427536231884058,05-14,5,1996,14,7,2,4 7f6b5cd1f8055f28045aaee942102314128e85e355d7f4f42d6ad564187c7c89,andi steer,beauti imag sky near bright star deneb just center reveal stars nebulae dark cloud along plane milki way galaxi seen northern hemispher near columbia missouri deneb lie suggest shape north america emiss nebula deneb brightest star constel cygnus locat tail celesti swan cygnu contain aster known northern cross mark one side great milki way seri dark obscur dust cloud stretch constel sagittarius deneb defin top northern cross bodi cross extend past upper right corner picture cygnu also harbor famou candid black hole galaxy cygnu x1,milki way near northern cross,1996-05-15,535,85,0.1418154761904762,05-15,5,1996,15,6,1,5 e38e268fcfd2a9acc4fe3d7298ffa8806e84f38b699867475f3ad0c23824acee,none,may 1 comet hyakutak made closest approach sun time possibl view comet astronom instrument bright nearbi sun orbit solar heliospher observatori soho spacecraft contain telescop meant look directli sun abl track comet crucial time picture taken may 2 show tail comet hyakutak point away sun expected closest approach comet hyakutak pass insid orbit mercury comet hyakutak return inner solar system anoth 14000 years,comet hyakutak pass sun,1996-05-16,414,63,0.15,05-16,5,1996,16,3,1,2 a51f82f9ee06a2567391ea1cd91a0ebe36bdc37941f84b64c5426da78c0dc035,none,rare coincid recent captur orbit soho spacecraft closest approach sun comet hyakutak may 1 soho photograph comet accid time photograph taken solar flare eject sun therefore top falsecolor picture comet hyakutak visible emiss left sun solar flare sun center picture block artifici occult lasco telescope allow object much dimmer sun observed soho launch decemb 1995 contain mani instrument studi sun,comet hyakutak solar flare,1996-05-17,400,60,0.15,05-17,5,1996,17,1,1,2 87f61ed80fe272047086dde587294606f4b8924ca2e16eda85bcf1a6e090716e,none,sun show differ face everi day pictur taken may 15 similar pictur sun actual taken today found here pictur taken red light shown red bright spot right center activ region known plages currently sun show activ region sunspots consid solar minimum solar activ pick next six year solar maximum reached sun goe cycl maxima minima everi 11 years sol sun hundr time massiv planet solar system combined however sun contain small amount total angular momentum solar system,sun today,1996-05-18,464,77,0.0863095238095238,05-18,5,1996,18,1,0,1 141152a464c51b12d4ebc8d5a226cd0e1209735eac6f6fa6a81d33e31034c1d2,angloaustralian telescopeboard,leo dwarf spheroid galaxi local group galaxi domin milki way galaxi m31 leo thought distant eleven known small satellit galaxi orbit milki way galaxy besid lmc smc milki way satellit galaxi small dim dwarf spheroidals includ closest galaxi sagittariu dwarf leo distant them thought 250 kpc away analysi star leo show contain mani star 3 billion year old much younger galaxies,nearbi dwarf galaxi leo,1996-05-19,377,61,-0.0625,05-19,5,1996,19,7,0,3 1138ff6cc2c01e4b081dad59104689567cb1459bd729bbd85b20ad0701a36749,none,ultraviolet light emit eleven time ioniz iron temperatur 2 million degre farenheit use record pictur sun may 16 imag made eit camera onboard soho spacecraft space observatori continu observ sun eleven time ioniz iron atom iron eleven electron strip away electron strip frantic collis atom electron occur extrem temperatur solar corona sinc electron neg charged result ioniz iron atom highli posit charged astronomer shorthand eleven time ioniz iron written fe xii chemic symbol iron follow roman numer 12 fe neutral iron,iron sun,1996-05-21,520,81,0.4,05-21,5,1996,21,1,1,4 763e41072624c5c9e8067629a4c711acbd76b5259c879d5098076b1ec314390f,none,center color photogen rosett nebula bright young open cluster bright blue star cluster label ngc 2244 emit ultraviolet light knock electron away hydrogen atoms electron fall back emit red light distinct defin glow emiss nebulae rosett nebula thousand light year distant light would take 100 year cross it rosett nebula difficult observ and although faint actual appear larger full moon,star cluster rosett nebula,1996-05-22,385,60,0.1275,05-22,5,1996,22,4,1,5 5bb52288e3ff7b7abdc537627ceea41816a9efb2fc2dfaf437b58a60a788d7ed,angloaustralian telescopeboard,largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxi lie neighbor galaxi lmc 30 doradu distanc orion nebula local star form region would take fulli half sky also call tarantula nebula red ga indic massiv emiss nebula although supernova remnant dark nebula also exist 30 doradus bright knot star center call r136 contain mani massive hottest brightest star known,stellar 30 doradu,1996-05-23,374,60,-0.0316666666666666,05-23,5,1996,23,4,0,3 d5c550dfe387ba2989df315b3a4ecdf794886186072ea9a9e5f4eb56d504f5b9,none,high earth space shuttl endeavor launch new type instrument inflat antenna offici design inflat antenna experi releas monday may 20th part spartan satellit contain mani scientif experiments antenna roughli size tenni court even visibl earth end mission antenna jettison rest spartan recov shuttle function antenna broadcast radio larg dish end help focu radio wave narrow beam detect long distances,shuttl launch,1996-05-25,400,59,0.0092727272727272,05-25,5,1996,25,8,0,2 7331dc269e4e1d509ac26067528403169430826bec887fbc086cf6bbb1e8191f,stsci digit sky survey angloaustralian observatori,closest star system sun alpha centauri system three star system dimmest call proxima centauri actual nearest star bright star alpha centauri b form close binari separ 23 time earth sun distanc slightli greater distanc uranu sun picture bright star overwhelm photograph caus illus great size even though star realli small point light alpha centauri system visibl much northern hemisphere alpha centauri a also known rigil kentaurus brightest star constel centauru fourth brightest star night sky siriu brightest even thought twice far away excit coincidence alpha centauri type star sun caus mani specul might contain planet harbor life,alpha centauri closest star system,1996-05-26,638,97,0.315,05-26,5,1996,26,6,1,3 017e52cde5a911fb6638aa7eea81c5790d7d044a812752ad051929c11bc3204f,none,aurora look like space polar spacecraft answer photograph auror oval surround north pole earth caus display night day side auror pictur falsecolor above develop within 15 minut may last long hour aurora caus charg particl stream away sun toward earth particl fall earth spiral along magnet field line caus color radiation uvi experi onboard polar spacecraft equip special filter allow see aurora band ultraviolet light sunlight rel dim red emiss depict photo intens radiation earth contin drawn clariti,aurora crown earth,1996-05-27,502,78,0.0711640211640211,05-27,5,1996,27,8,0,1 5b9d75c9f2b1851217de8390afd67df39d6b9bdee93ca9b65367623969336d30,jerri lodriguss,dark nebula predomin lower left photograph known pipe nebula dark clouds suggest shape like smoke rise pipe caus absorpt background starlight dust dust cloud trace way rho ophiuchi nebular cloud right brightest star field antares mani type nebula highlight here red emiss nebula blue reflect nebula dark absorpt nebula pictur digit enhanced,pipe dark nebula,1996-05-28,340,52,-0.023469387755102,05-28,5,1996,28,4,0,5 fac2f162e54bd88cdd0f6aec222f5c13967468069698713570c6c63c82d7f34d,none,premier gammaray view sky produc comptel instrument onboard nasa orbit compton gamma ray observatory entir sky seen project coordin system center milki way galaxi plane galaxi run across middl picture gammaray intens repres fals color map low blue high comptel sensit gammaray 1 million time energi visibl light photon reveal locat galaxy exot objects brightest source crab pulsar locat near plane galaxi far right move along plane crab halfway toward galact center anoth bright gammaray source vela pulsar appears galact center itself along famou black hole candid cygnu x1 near plane halfway center left edge also seen bright sources plane spot gammaray emiss due distant activ galaxi also visible,comptel gammaray sky,1996-05-29,700,109,0.1238972431077694,05-29,5,1996,29,6,2,4 a48618304dccae3c2967138ae874a2489375d30dfbc47ec002cf94c4d82cc930,none,dramat imag moon edg background distant star perspect imposs groundbas telescopes taken star tracker camera onboard clementin spacecraft solar corona sun outer atmosphere visibl shine brightli behind lunar limb moon surfac illumin earthshine sunlight reflect earth moon pictured part moon shadow lunar farside side visibl earth highli success unman clementin probe explor moon lunar orbit march april 1994 star tracker camera normal use celesti navigation produc wide angl imag show rel posit stars,sunshine earthshin lunar limb,1996-05-30,498,73,-0.03,05-30,5,1996,30,2,0,2 26b9d58cf4c69f6799585729d8798429190fbad93cf53f653e07dff468d9e0a6,none,summer 1054 ad chines astronom report star constel tauru suddenli becam bright full moon fade slowly remain visibl year understood spectacular supernova explos deton massiv star whose remain visibl crab nebula respons apparition core star collaps form rotat neutron star pulsar one exot object known 20th centuri astronomy like cosmic lighthouse rotat crab pulsar gener beam radio visible xray gammaray energi which name suggests produc puls sweep across view use stun seri visibl light imag taken hubbl space telescop hst astronom recent discov spectacular pulsar power motion within crab nebula highlight hst crab movie show wisp materi move away pulsar half speed light scintil halo intens knot emiss dancing spritelike pulsar pole 6 mile wide massiv sun pulsar energi drive dynam emiss nebula 10 lightyear across hst imag above pulsar left two bright central stars,pulsar power crab,1996-05-31,869,135,0.2122222222222222,05-31,5,1996,31,4,2,4 5ab9e9b6648d0e0fef7c379bee6850e564f57a1f69388f569cc3a2b58860ce29,none,march april 1994 unman clementin spacecraft demonstr techniqu prospect moon lunar orbit accomplish this clementin turn array camera sensit nearinfrar light toward lunar surface produc first global imag moon use data scientist abl creat map show concentr iron lunar strike differ near left farsid right hemisphere offer clue moon earli history,iron moon,1996-06-01,342,51,0.1726190476190476,06-01,6,1996,1,2,1,2 fe1c140657aca5daa9293d1bd7bd6beb5e61c0ad6fb04beea5bc49b2b2fb4bac,none,fishey view dramat night launch shuttl atlanti mission sts76 record march 22 1996 mission carri 6 astronaut return 5 deliv one crew member shannon lucid mir space station lucid current onboard mir cosmonaut guest nasa shuttl flight mir part phase 1 program construct intern space station,6 5,1996-06-02,288,46,0.0,06-02,6,1996,2,8,0,2 fe8b8b9fd91ab4567a4e8556b4e7ffa960bdcfb70a8e963e3fa86ad0dfd0a17b,none,dreamlik imag mir record astronaut space shuttl atlanti approach russian space station prior dock sts76 mission sport spindli appendag solar mir resembl whimsic fli insect orbit new zealand south island near cook strait atlanti shuttl astronaut shannon w lucid mir 140 day visit increas mir occup 2 3 return pick lucid drop astronaut john blaha sts79 mission present schedul launch juli 31 1996,mir dream,1996-06-03,394,63,0.0472727272727272,06-03,6,1996,3,8,0,2 27c8613301fd7fa9a2b512213daddeff6feb56c025a5c16f0691e19b4cd2d5f7,dave palmer,center milki way galaxi look like one knows possibl see galact center light eye sensit thick dust plane galaxi obscur it one look direct galaxy center toward constel sagittariu mani beauti wonder becom apparent though center milki way behind center photo larg dust lane star cloud domin picture mani 30 messier object visible includ type nebula star clusters two notabl nebula includ lagoon nebula m8 small red patch center slightli red blue trifid nebula m20 line pictur caus airplanes dark object foreground trees,sagittariu central milki way,1996-06-05,517,83,-0.071875,06-05,6,1996,5,4,0,5 1ebf0554ec773b51e1fa63bec1dae1f568555406b4bf6f837ca6ba639e032ac0,dominiquedierick dirk de la march,here familiar shape unfamiliar location emiss nebula famou partli resembl earth north american continent right north america nebula less lumin pelican nebula let grate realli two emiss nebula locat 1500 light year away separ dark absorpt cloud nebula seen without telescop dark location look small nebular patch northeast deneb constel cygnus still unknown star star ioniz redglow hydrogen gas,north america nebula,1996-06-06,393,59,0.0271164021164021,06-06,6,1996,6,4,0,5 c34c84668943e7183f0afb9131732eae8572174bba9bf4836950753462052cf1,none,first lunar astronom observatori deploy apollo 16 crew 1972 far ultraviolet camera spectrograph use 3inch diamet telescop photograph earth variou nebulae star clusters larg magellan cloud camera seen place shadow lunar modul would overheat leg lunar modul enter pictur left camera took pictur ultraviolet light would normal block earth atmosphere far ultraviolet camera creat georg carruth nrl field view 20 degrees could detect star visual magnitud brighter 11 imag record film cartridg return earth observatori stand moon even today,first lunar observatori,1996-06-08,535,79,0.1428571428571428,06-08,6,1996,8,2,1,2 13ddea9b295fdf1a148a439a20b0d276d8da2ecdbdac588c9954511bf37b08aa,none,here switch pictur earth taken lunar observatory fals color pictur show earth glow ultraviolet uv light uv light blue human cant see it littl uv light transmit earth atmospher sunlight make caus sunburn far uv camera spectrograph deploy left moon crew apollo 16 took picture part earth face sun reflect much uv light perhap interest side face away sun band uv emiss also apparent band result aurora caus charg particl expel sun spiral earth along magnet field lines,ultraviolet earth,1996-06-10,466,78,0.1944444444444444,06-10,6,1996,10,1,1,1 54377095397b2c3072e88e3be46e527c2b89b8c731ded11707b9b5bfb92c5bbb,none,happen star explodes huge firebal hot ga shoot directions ga exist interstellar medium heat much glow xrays pictur rosat satellit captur xray shown first time vela supernova explos roughli spherical nonuniform interstellar medium caus vela appear size xray emit spheric shell immens 230 light year across cover 100 time full moon supernova creat nebula occur 1500 light year away 11000 year ago coincidently complet differ supernova shell also seen xray picture visibl bright patch near upper right puppi supernova remnant nebula actual four time farther vela nebula,vela supernova remnant xray,1996-06-12,569,87,0.2779761904761905,06-12,6,1996,12,6,1,5 020ae3f066fbfe8112f5c078384ef7615fd2d1a55053065f07cf8a33e1570b88,none,first astronomi pictur day apod appear one year ago today pictur robert nemiroff left jerri bonnel right engag creat apod web pages apod start specul ultim valu world wide web view www closest thing yet think import contribute proud say apod annot famou astronom pictur time made avail gener public index searchabl archive first year apod main daili pictur page serv one million times apod mission continues space scienc progress pictures fresh insights new link becom available therefore long public interest nasa support continue apod continue thank whose graciou email continu sourc,apod one year old today,1996-06-16,585,92,0.1875957375957376,06-16,6,1996,16,8,1,4 8627e2319194ade62ed5d29a9ad6268f167422752ee6526cbedeb65b6f2387de,dominiquedierick dirk de la march,lower left corner dress blue pleiades also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest easili visibl open cluster sky pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across surround star spectacular blue reflect nebula made fine dust common legend one brighter star fade sinc cluster named upper right corner dress red california nebula name shape california nebula much dimmer henc harder see pleiades also known ngc 1499 mass red glow hydrogen ga 1500 light year away,seven sister versu california,1996-06-18,481,79,0.1438988095238095,06-18,6,1996,18,4,1,5 6dcc9fde1f449ebc37665e2555e02d1a6b04b67eb5d66c6e6c82b97e4a1508c0,michael,look lake superior dusk see venu lower left curtains like ant look window curtains aurora frequent appear huge flow light displays colorful often spectacular phenomena frequent visibl locat near earth poles aurora caus electron solar wind funnel earth along magnet field lines strike atom molecul atmosphere auror color determin atmospher ion struck recombin form neutral atoms hourli updat auror sight post www still controversi whether aurora make sound audibl ground think pleas report it,aurora sky,1996-06-19,492,74,0.31,06-19,6,1996,19,8,1,1 b72ce2810f26986a4d466940425e736c534f541cc5e3766f9be972794c9e2dc4,none,novemb 1969 homeward bound aboard command module apollo 12 astronaut took dramat photograph sun emerg behind earth distant perspective part solar disk peer earth limb direct light produc jewel like glint sunlight scatter atmospher creat thin bright crescent today pm eastern daylight time summer solstice earthbound perspective solar disk climb greatest northern declin mark northern hemisphere first day summer creat longest day 15 hour daylight near latitud degrees,apollo sunris,1996-06-20,468,68,0.1833333333333333,06-20,6,1996,20,1,1,1 75aaa197fb3f66b471e0daedf9e049076990878c6fcea34f612e56c3c48bf7a4,none,imag voyag intrepid galileo spacecraft pass moon north pole long journey jupiter made 60 year byrd becam first fli earth north pole within superpos frame longitud line much moon familiar face domin smooth dark mare brightli lit near pole itself harsh shadow reveal rugged crater lunarscape,north moon pole,1996-06-22,289,46,0.115625,06-22,6,1996,22,2,1,2 5888f69764eebb95c1956d1353d5b30b1fd5c6bddac27da5f438a79b11b75da4,none,color inform soviet venera lander radar data magellan spacecraft use construct strike perspect view venusian landscape in comput gener image vertic scale foreground edg rift valley creat crust venus valley run way base mons 2 mile high volcano seen right 450 mile distance left anoth volcano mons use radar pierc dens cloud continu face venus magellan abl explor 98 venusian surface reveal divers tantal topography,view venus rift valley,1996-06-24,414,65,-0.0885714285714285,06-24,6,1996,24,8,0,2 0a203c8c9f8a062289ca0251b2de7faf090b71a164d23824d2518e929ecaea47,none,french astronom charl messier born june 26 inspir sight comet solar eclips visibl home town becam astronom comet hunter kept care record observations hunt comet sky franc made famou list posit 100 fuzzy diffus look object appear fix posit sky although object look like comets messier knew sinc move respect background star could comet search for object well known modern astronom among brightest strike nebulae star clusters galaxies object messier list still refer first object catalog m1 pictur also known crab nebula record search return comet halley 1758 messier die home pari,happi birthday charl,1996-06-26,581,92,0.15,06-26,6,1996,26,3,2,1 f262cdbf84995c83bdb80458f8f51c0e0919440179a616c6c1726c5bc6c6183e,none,nasa robot spacecraft galileo began long voyag jupit octob 1989 decemb last year arriv jovian system begin unprecedented detail explor drop probe ga giant atmosphere earli morn accomplish anoth mileston ambiti mission orbit around jupiter galileo make first close flybi ganymede jupiter and solar largest moon am edt planned approach within miles make seri high resolut imag surfac reveal featur small 33 feet across closeup color imag voyag 2 flybi 1979 sight galileo see greater detail show featur small 3 mile across reveal varieti terrain ganymede ici surface includ impact crater bright ray long strip light groov structur suggest larg scale motion frozen crust galileo flybi imag store onboard avail week juli 10,voyager galileo ganymed,1996-06-27,718,113,0.1675,06-27,6,1996,27,8,2,2 d4616d156c13c734f992d0f4189822c7eb4a1a30b51227582e7c364550c05c11,none,research believ faint reddish smudg indic arrow imag candid distant known galaxi may exist hundr million year big bang imag part hubbl deep field hubbl space telescope deepest yet pictur universe made decemb 1995 stare ten consecut day hubble astronom intent studi result deep field imag fill remot galaxi clue galaxi univers look like distant past nearbi galaxi easili detect imag seen visibl ellipt even spiral structur distant and therefor galaxi must identifi examin appear differ wavelength light base technique six distant galaxi deep field appear farther away even quasars,distant galaxi deep field,1996-06-28,581,90,-0.0678571428571428,06-28,6,1996,28,7,0,4 3145ab2d3e32b21c5ab3ab70052a16c636f9a2bc3889bd49acad8865d805c897,none,launch summer 1977 nasa voyag 1 2 spacecraft 45 billion mile sun still operational voyag track command deep space network travel beyond outer planets remark spacecraft third fourth human built artifact escap solar system follow footstep pioneer 10 11 12inch gold plate copper disk pictured contain record sound imag repres human cultur life earth affix voyag messag bottl cast cosmic sea record materi select committe chair carl sagan cornel university disk intend play like phonograph record 16 23 per second cartridg needl along simpl diagram visibl above repres symbol spacecraft origin instruct play disk exot construct disk provid long lifetim coast interstellar space two spacecraft make close approach anoth planetari system least 40000 years,voyagers messag bottl,1996-06-29,750,114,0.005,06-29,6,1996,29,8,2,2 de51f69ba3b4a370a6f4126384d470c738da7f4a11be2f0f3548db3f721a6567,none,launch earli 1970 pioneer 10 11 appropri name becom first spacecraft travel asteroid belt first fli jupit saturn first human artifact ventur beyond solar system coast interstellar space carri greet form gold plaqu draw illustr above male figur drawn scale pioneer spacecraft shown behind them immedi left map posit sun respect nearbi pulsar center galaxi draw solar system indic planet origin upper left two fundament state hydrogen atom diagram along detail plaqu design carl sagan cornel univers intend spacefar extraterrestri civilizations,,1996-06-30,543,81,0.0227272727272727,06-30,6,1996,30,8,0,2 cbd6c1fe2bf5ecec47368c0f4cf54b531252b7847c02836f0c7da1e576025fdd,john whatmoughextrasolar vision,within last years observ astronomi given human evid exist world beyond solar system indeed solartyp star infer harbor planet approxim jupit mass resid temperatur zone could conceiv support liquid water therefor life hypothet scene near one planet whose sun 47 ursa majori 47 uma yellow dwarf star class similar own sky appear faint inconspicu star cup northern hemispher asterism the big dipper our sun would equal inconspicu view 47 uma astronomer g marci p butler announc discoveri planet associ star 1996 report mass 24 jupit orbit period 3 years artist vision pictur detect planet refer 47 uma b ga giant surround ring materi analog ga giant saturn foreground lie hypothet moon 47 uma b could moon support life 47 uma 44 light year distant fairli close astronom standard yet evid planetari system closer still nasa plan explor nearbi planetari system use spaceborn observatories apod news rjn mtu,world distant sun 47 ursa majori b,1996-07-01,904,147,0.0357142857142857,07-01,7,1996,1,8,2,4 0740c20801a75fe714d03b108e5cbada6dcc12435f74de95ec6af1f782a1645f,none,nasa rocket look like future today announc gave one today presid al announc lockhe martin corpor work nasa produc reusabl rocket remot pilot current design x33 program flight demonstr rocket design util singl stage rel littl per launch readi within days expect x33 type rocket use nasa year 2000 pictur artist depict candid vehicle apod news rjn mtu,nasa latest,1996-07-02,349,58,0.1999999999999999,07-02,7,1996,2,8,1,2 425d23be34175310d8b423dc48c1367814b7f01a494565e173e981d720b2a04e,c michigan curti schmidt telescope chile,hole center nebula lead explan caus stellar wind star live there star includ sun expel electrons protons charg ion steadi stream stellar wind wind ion push normal hydrogen helium ga found glow nebula star form region locat larg magellan cloud pictur composit three separ photographs sensit one specif color light color distinguish specif chemic element current known star emit stellar wind,superbubbl lmc,1996-07-03,393,61,0.1670454545454545,07-03,7,1996,3,4,1,5 10a7bcd6ac7db2e2b987f46704ce0dd15193969df7fa1403825305eaa57205b2,none,three thousand light year away die star throw shell glow gas imag hubbl space telescop reveal the cat eye nebula one complex planetari nebula known fact featur seen imag complex astronom suspect bright central object may actual binari star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage stellar evolution apod news polici pictur,cat eye nebula,1996-07-04,479,74,0.0145454545454545,07-04,7,1996,4,4,0,5 d8e8258e3840f75939006613911ea19215bee5cc0b9e1e74e4a418b23651085e,none,what caus odd ring supernova 1987a 1987 brightest supernova recent histori occur larg magellan clouds center pictur object central remain violent stellar explosion hubbl space telescop point supernova remnant 1994 however curiou ring discovered origin ring still remain mystery specul caus ring includ beam jet eman dens star left supernova superposit two stellar wind ioniz supernova explosion,mysteri ring supernova 1987a,1996-07-05,394,57,-0.0708333333333333,07-05,7,1996,5,6,0,3 9441fb1b8e672273ee0ab5aad7772e69bcd69244fd3c426bd8a530e725a70974,none,sir edmond halley quit discoverer born comput 1705 bright comet period would make anoth appear 1758 comet appear predict known comet halley unfortunately halley die never saw predict come true halley propos two type dive would enabl peopl explor deep sea halley pioneer understand trade winds tides naval navigation stellar proper motions halley propos earth made concentr sphere size inner planet might contain life perhap halley greatest discovery however contemporari isaac newton discov power mathemat gravity,halley discoveri,1996-07-06,513,76,0.225,07-06,7,1996,6,3,1,2 1213f6611854f04d7b584f08c1f26764657ad4d88e7894eee85db11bd48706cb,none,spiral galaxi m33 midsiz member local group galaxies m33 also call triangulum galaxi constel resides four time smaller in radius milki way galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 much larger mani local dwarf spheroid galaxies m33 proxim m31 caus thought satellit galaxi massiv galaxy m33 proxim milki way galaxi caus appear twice angular size full moon visibl good pair binoculars picture visibl light shown red ultraviolet light superpos blue star m33 distant ever studi,m33 triangulum galaxi,1996-07-08,459,72,0.159090909090909,07-08,7,1996,8,7,1,3 997bcbe5c2fea76d5291f0d157dbbc2cd0243e2ee6fd676dc50ab9de81740aea,none,m74 size milki way galaxy like milki way m74 classifi spiral galaxy m74 sweep lane star dust combin small nucleu make classic grand design spiral hubbl sequenc galaxies m74 list picture visibl light shown red ultraviolet light superpos blue general older star red younger star blue studi ultraviolet imag telescop show disk m74 undergon signific star format past 500 million years,m74 grand design spiral galaxi,1996-07-09,380,61,0.091025641025641,07-09,7,1996,9,6,1,3 7a74e9258091c757e8189d6614ab4b066c3978f71833e7ba760480314a2e9b25,none,ganymede surfac slowli pull apart photo ganymed releas earlier today galileo team nasa galileo spacecraft arriv jupit decemb 1995 late june spacecraft pass within 10000 kilomet ganymede ici surface took pictur show complex surfac detail first time featur photo sunlit ridg rise ganymede circular featur impact craters ganymed largest moon jupit henc largest four galilean satellites io europa ganymede callisto apod archiv galileo ganymed,galileo ganymed,1996-07-10,438,64,-0.0875,07-10,7,1996,10,8,0,2 ebafc40de788833a256ba853aac776881c91244d0234f3f0cd7d8c63732f0472,none,ganymede surfac wrinkl mess larg shift moon surface part surfac buckl caus high ridges deep furrows parallel photo taken galileo spacecraft current orbit jupiter releas yesterday larg circular featur near pictur bottom larg impact crater impact caus larg crater also caus strang dark ejecta seen crater right sun illumin scene lower left galileo spacecraft also discov ganymed region orbit charg particl call magnetospher first moon ganymed abl gener magnetospher mystery apod archiv galileo ganymed,ganymede moon,1996-07-11,500,74,0.0470714285714285,07-11,7,1996,11,8,0,2 9e5db5d92e81b14514c0419c3227ebe6a613d8b9d0d3f10c788f87c7b51c1904,none,largest moon solar system show region ancient high densiti crater demonstr patch ganymed inde billion year old photo one seri releas nasa two day ago galileo spacecraft orbit jupiter larg impact crater left 19 kilomet across dark indent ganymede run ganymed compos half rock half waterice galileo spacecraft continu orbit jupit next 16 month send back data jupit four largest moons io europa ganymede callisto apod archiv galileo ganymed,ancient crater plain ganymed,1996-07-12,437,69,-0.0279166666666666,07-12,7,1996,12,8,0,2 c202ab0cba2f56db2d2ae8f18afde37fe2aef0db9a536c601eb3e14d4134b75f,none,star still form old giant spiral galaxi m81 blue region pictur repres ultraviolet light highlight region bright young star star format appear rare m74 m33 red region repres visibl light show larg popul older less massiv stars m81 therefor classifi spiral galaxi type hubbl sequenc galaxies one distinguish featur type galaxi rel larg central bulg surround center galaxy massiv densiti wave around center spiral galaxies well understood bulg m81 glow bright ultraviolet light specul includ may due hot evolv star found ancient globular cluster omega centauri,m81 spiral galaxi,1996-07-13,561,86,0.1680555555555555,07-13,7,1996,13,7,1,3 08132d4f5c252553464356d8f8ea2f41458d7faeffebf8cc511636f5b7534df7,none,build eight stori tall rest mirror ten meter across slowli allow human map universe alone world largest optic telescope keck together twin keck telescop resolv power singl telescop 90meter diameter abl discern sourc milliarcsecond apart sinc open 1992 real power keck left enorm lightgath abil allow astronom studi faint distant object galaxi universe keck ii complet earlier year twin locat dormant volcano mauna kea hawaii usa distanc maui volcano haleakala one reason keck built astronom get fund smaller telescope,keck largest optic telescop,1996-07-15,518,79,-0.0444444444444444,07-15,7,1996,15,8,0,4 4e3e43c4eb4c3cca258e9acf2763522df6905fc33a2a26e424b94af17c0928af,none,artist portrait saturn depict might look titan saturn largest moon foreground sit esa huygen probe releas nasa cassini spacecraft cassini mission saturn current plan launch late 1997 cassini reach saturn 2004 releas huygen probe later year titan one two moon solar system atmosphere suggest titan might gasolinelik lakes may even harbor life,portrait saturn titan,1996-07-16,341,52,-0.0999999999999999,07-16,7,1996,16,0,0,2 d327966b74c6b8f34d1423096351da43504ca41252f714f2b513beda62ecddf1,none,first color imag jupiter volcan moon io releas galileo project sound like imag made june 25 galileo spacecraft approach within 14 million miles reveal featur small 14 mile across compar resolut best 1979 vintag voyag images voyag flybi discov activ volcano io mottl surfac imag indic dramat chang occur since notabl region volcano locat io southern hemisphere region appar cover new deposit sulfur sulfur dioxid frost deposit volcan eruption seen pronounc white area bottom picture scientist continu analyz imag recent galileo data robot spacecraft continu explor jupiter moons next schedul close encount set septemb 6th moon ganymede higher resolut imag io also expect ongo mission,galileo first color imag io,1996-07-19,683,105,0.1786363636363636,07-19,7,1996,19,8,2,2 24e09bf6cb5f394f7195252d0713763f9ffa401591326a7a400f94ef53af07b5,none,juli 20 1976 nasa vike 1 lander becom first spacecraft land mars follow week later twin robot explorer vike 2 lander oper martian surfac earli 1980s vike took thousand pictures conduct sophist chemic search life studi martian weather geology dramat detail imag above field rock boulder view vike 1 land sight chryse planitia the plain chryse vike 1 dusti foot pad visibl lower right imag creat combin high resolut black white imag lower resolut color imag area nasa plan continu extrem product well chronicl explor mysteri red planet mar global surveyor mar pathfind missions what mar like today,20 year ago vike mar,1996-07-20,595,98,0.0314761904761904,07-20,7,1996,20,5,2,2 731bde079af7e05a645f79dc37bb16a9fba17ca18ea724cffdfd20205713d082,none,juli 21 1969 apollo 11 astronaut neil a armstrong edwin e buzz aldrin jr lift lunar surfac ascent stage lunar modul dub the becom first walk moon seen eagl soar toward rendezv orbit command modul pilot michael smooth dark mare area surfac mare locat equat extrem eastern edg lunar nearside earth visibl hang moon western horizon,eagl,1996-07-21,329,56,0.125,07-21,7,1996,21,2,1,2 62547addf07a2bf1938fb9989b36cbf283ac2dc0b59f21d597ec8bf60e95e363,none,vike 2 spacecraft launch road utopia septemb 1975 30 year august 1976 make second success martian landing vike 2 lander began record data use produc exquisit detail imag martian surfac area utopia planitia the plain visibl lower right protect shroud cover lander soil collector head eject descent along one lander dust cover seen near center shallow trench dug sampler arm mar look red surfac cover reddish iron oxid dust rust dust suspend thin carbon dioxid atmosphere also filter sunlight caus surfac view take reddish tinge vike made first success land mar 20 year ago mar look like today,utopia mar,1996-07-22,591,98,0.0170995670995671,07-22,7,1996,22,5,2,2 b4b07e0b5ee32382983977e1c7147ef3fec29e4da22720f4cc0357e43e4ed726,w keel,shine brightly mighti jupit rule gorgeou photo milki way near sagittarius astronom bill keel took pictur earlier month juli 7 stand near summit hawaii mauna kea contempl sky direct center galaxi right pictur center addit ga giant planet well place even viewing imag contain impress sampler celesti mani famou emiss nebula visibl reddish patch m16 eagl nebula right center horsesho nebula m17 farther right also look lagoon nebula m8 brightest red patch right pictur trifid nebula m20 left milki glow distant unresolv star plane galaxi term milki run imag cut dark interstellar dust clouds much anticip comet halebopp also clearli visible where comet click pictur view comet locat flank superpos vertic lines comet discov still beyond orbit jupit year ago today independ alan hale thoma astronom monitor halebopp activ report brighten almost 6th magnitud still track becom extrem bright nakedey comet earli 1997,jupiter milki way,1996-07-23,911,143,0.1312030075187969,07-23,7,1996,23,3,2,4 7d4369eb836ea0033567808344d5e2bcd191bce25ad50b04222eaf195f5314a8,none,diffus ga cloud lace radioact aluminum atom line plane milki way galaxy see them reli compton effect comptel instrument onboard nasa immens orbit compton gamma ray observatori see 18 million electron gamma ray emit radioact decay comptel first ever survey imag entir sky light gamma ray produc exot shown above galact plane horizontal pass galact center middl picture indic superpos coordin grid radioact al26 cloud seen lie clump near plane slightli it brightest featur look like mysteri invert left center come from al26 decay magnesium million years short time compar age galaxi cloud must produc rel comptel astronom explor sever origin radioact cloud includ nuclear process age massiv star supernova explosions gener thought associ short live massiv stars radioact cloud expect locat near site recent star formation note ad worri aluminum atom foil kitchen,comptel explor sky,1996-07-24,863,134,0.065530303030303,07-24,7,1996,24,6,2,4 7c3cd4043a34fed96d2558139bc0d314c39264f88eb0eccb4e8bc2c33aa77bf3,none,late march earli april 1996 mark season view spectacular nakedey comet hyakutake spring 1997 could well offer similar cometari wonder comet halebopp discov last year approach inner solar sytem halebopp eagerli watch sign inde brighten spectacularly far thing look recent imag comet made may 14 european southern observatori comet 340 million mile earth shown use fals color indic rel brightness star visibl expand coma recent report level activity rate dust ga product solar heat ici nucleu expected analysi orbit indic comet approach within nearli 120 million mile earth march 22 1997 orbit calcul also reveal halebopp visit inner solar system year ago,halebopp,1996-07-25,654,102,0.0153846153846153,07-25,7,1996,25,3,2,1 4248735324a6ddafc919c00d391a3908a187cd5576f3adf3ae9769a3fae665cb,none,long would take drive sun brittany age 7 age 12 ponder question dinner one evening also age 7 suggest take realli fast race car age 4 eagerli agrees jerry realli old guy use estim drive time famili trip base distanc divid speed offer numbers let see sun 93 million mile away so drove 93 mile per hour trip would take us 1 million hours long 1 million hours one year 365 day time 24 hour per day 8760 hours one hundr year would 876000 hours still littl short 1 million hour drive time sun realli quit far away christoph impressed grow older be got impress someth that 93 million mile away still hurt eye look it,drive sun,1996-07-27,612,116,0.074074074074074,07-27,7,1996,27,1,2,1 55f2f5cb4c73e1ad61dc4168fb89b81cbf6eef5c28a8d7fd8fd52454ecefb284,none,we sky there speckl stars use lay back look them discuss whether made from mark adventur explanation even faintest star jim could see drift mississippi galaxy faintest object astronom see today distant galaxi entir system star compar milki way fill universe despit sens wonder simpli express muse still same,new sky view,1996-07-28,308,49,-0.0333333333333333,07-28,7,1996,28,6,0,1 6447c583c7bb5c8ba7eae45d21275463e1599767d034992309e21999bc30093d,none,approach inner solar system comet halebopp ici nucleu heat sunlight acceler product dust gas shroud result cloud known coma cometari nucleu remain hidden direct view however astronom use 22 meter telescop european southern observatori may abl detect enorm jet dust extend northward nuclear region seen fals color image dust jet may aris vent surfac nucleus earli estim size halebopp nucleu indic could larg 40 kilomet 24 miles diamet sever time larger comet halebopp copiou dust product bode well becom bright nakedey comet spring 1997,dust jet halebopp,1996-07-29,536,84,0.0666666666666666,07-29,7,1996,29,3,0,4 3cd0afda6087da9aec730576078bf0b53374f3311817d9bdbfd90251f4ffe5f9,vic,often full moon occur twice singl month exactli blue moon fact modern usag term blue moon refer second full moon singl month tonight blue moon univers time first sinc septemb 1993 blue moon typic occur everi years reason rariti blue moon 2953 day full moon slightli shorter number day averag month dont however expect moon look blue tonight term blue moon thought deriv common languag use hundr year ago possibl moon appear ting blue hue sometim caus fine dirt circul earth atmosphere possibl volcan explosion pictur moon taken taken dark blue morn sky bright crescent part directli expos sunlight rest moon glow sunlight reflect earth dramat photo however planet jupit also visibl along four largest moons,tonight blue moon,1996-07-30,707,116,0.1140350877192982,07-30,7,1996,30,2,2,1 4590d76217a688afabf59b22cbe4cc2867800a2b057306f40606806f2a4878c1,none,check galileo spacecraft camera decemb 1992 flybi earth moon control took dramat illumin pictur violet filter view look moon north polar region sun shine left low angl direct toward moon north pole toward lower right across imag upper left stretch smooth volcan plain mare imbrium pythagora crater 65 mile wide near center imag mostli shadow central peak catch sunlight yesterday moon made closest approach earth full second time juli a ut closest point moon orbit refer lunar perigee mere mile 8 hour ut second full moon month known blue moon,violet moon,1996-07-31,544,90,0.0309523809523809,07-31,7,1996,31,2,0,2 6987c0cf14625ba1f4f1def0022f728bea2f6575fee99d65f34cd0f30b021dae,none,imagin hurrican last 300 years jupiter great red spot inde seem giant hurricanelik storm system rotat jovian clouds observ 1655 astronom cassini seen 300 year later still go strong mosaic recent galileo spacecraft images great red spot cold high pressur area 23 time wider planet earth outer edg rotat counter clockwis direct everi six days jupiter rapid rotat period brief 10 hours solar system largest ga giant planet present well place even viewing thank alan preliminari mosaic galileo,great red spot,1996-08-02,491,78,0.1128888888888888,08-02,8,1996,2,8,1,2 eaac165dc926af32956192770f43a2e5a92c4981e60ac82172cdf671792b7e50,none,plane no pictur someth physic much larger fli much higher move much faster either these is fact seyfert type 2 spiral galaxy s actual lane stars ga dust circl core design ngc bright core make galaxi seyfert infrar glow central dust help distinguish type seyfert galaxi extrem energet nuclei similar power quasars seyfert thought black hole centers line small spot imag due cosmic ray strike imag unrel structur galaxy,ngc super,1996-08-04,417,69,0.0608333333333333,08-04,8,1996,4,7,0,3 7febd9cc3682050d54806e2f5a98d385b5d5af20eab45806bc26a91514f3058f,none,jupiter moon io activ volcanoes voyag spacecraft caught sever erupt pass energet moon 1979 picture sever io volcano visibl one seen actual erupting debri explos event seen upper left photo beyond io edge io volcan thought caus larg tidal distort rais jupiter europa ganymede tide stretch io caus intern thu heat interior hot interior expand forc way volcanoes currently spacecraft galileo orbit jupit photograph jupiter galilean moons,erupt volcano io,1996-08-05,434,67,0.05,08-05,8,1996,5,8,0,2 9bdc18dbad5a15adbbda8b7903e7aa98000dc808b7a3d20bfc21d57ae0b30dfa,none,life beneath europa frozen surface believ ocean found water best chanc life outsid earth solar system europa fourth largest moon jupiter recent discov thin oxygen atmospher scientist use hubbl space telescope although earth atmospher abund oxygen indic life astronom specul europa oxygen aris pure physic processes interest pictur taken voyag spacecraft 1979 spacecraft galileo current circl jupit photograph europa first pictur releas two day today show late news nasa releas new europa jupit pictur thursday late news new evid suggest microscop life exist mar,europa ocean,1996-08-06,561,84,0.0670011806375442,08-06,8,1996,6,8,0,2 d49f16a83d4b1d47fc544199a88af9d3369f69b32ef4d4153135fa1e28fc7e92,none,today team nasa stanford scientist announc discoveri strong evid microscop life exist mars dr david dr nasa dr richard stanford led team found chemic evid past life mar includ interpret possibl microscop fossil remain structur pictur above meteorit thought origin mars small fraction mani meteorit fall earth space composit similar martian surface mani scientist believ meteorit inde martian rock catapult space catastroph event mars asteroid impact escap rock would circl inner solar system fall earth meteorit contain evid land earth 13000 year ago may indic exist mar billion year ago team find publish august 16 issu scienc even skeptic scientist look forward futur research confirm excit,earli life mars,1996-08-07,694,106,-0.0111111111111111,08-07,8,1996,7,5,2,4 3f0f7a6299f5fd11ed862f84b7403094b5ad415ab573b767ba47372ebd2d0174,none,alien alien ancient martian look like tubelik form highli magnifi imag believ mani fossil simpl martian organ live 36 billion year ago extraordinari claim true alien could hardli less intimid fossil measur less 1100th width human hair reconstruct event indic meteorit hous potenti fossil catapult mar huge impact 16 million year ago fell earth antarctica 13000 year ago evid support claim earli martian life includ organ molecul miner featur characterist biolog activ found meteorite nasa mission mar next year includ mar global surveyor mar pathfinder may uncov data help confirm refut excit,pictured ancient martian,1996-08-08,592,92,-0.0179063360881542,08-08,8,1996,8,5,0,2 3e66987896c2a6feb9f5c1f216841cd8415586eae4c086244186568a19828306,none,radiant point constel perseus comet swifttuttl present perseid meteor shower come night sky weekend e c new haven connecticut correctli suspect meteor shower annual event inde known regular august shower caus yearli passag earth orbit debri left behind period comet swifttuttle sinc bit comet debri move along parallel orbits enter atmospher leav fieri trail appear origin common radiant point sky case constel perseus dramat illustr composit video imag made use movie meteor 1994 perseid streak across sky frame three bright star aster known imag show bright perseid record year august 9 14 trail appear nearli parallel camera center sky 90 degre radiant point year european north american observ abl view shower near maximum 90 meteor per hour earli monday morn august 12 shower enjoy clear weekend night august well midnight gener best time viewing what best way enjoy meteor shower get warm jacket comfort go outsid look up,perseid meteor shower,1996-08-09,930,148,0.2168181818181818,08-09,8,1996,9,3,2,4 d2d00fca8b61ca85add08e8b2725cb8141e7e21a48a28b25c0239f88176cfa2a,angloaustralian telescopeboard,spiral galaxi m66 largest galaxi group known leo triplet m66 somewhat peculiar asymmetr spiral arms usual dens wave gas dust newli form star call spiral densiti wave circl galact center creat symmetr galaxy graviti nearbi leo triplet neighbor however probabl distort galaxy m66 intric long dust lane seen intertwin bright star light spiral arms recent research indic m66 unusu older star thought heat dust galaxy central bulg job attribut young hot star mani galaxies m66 famou power type supernova observ 1989 stellar explos like thought nearli ident note bright appear astronom estim true distanc therefor calibr scale universe,unusu spiral galaxi m66,1996-08-10,633,98,0.1935897435897436,08-10,8,1996,10,7,2,3 c1fd92aaf192931841fa2f7369dc5ffeea7a6057ab1b933d1bc1b1a93e4991f7,b walli r provin,slither there dark curli lane visibl part constel ophiuchu belong snake nebula snake nebula seri dark absorpt clouds interstellar dust grain compos predominantli carbon absorb visibl starlight reradi much infrared infrar band light red human cant see it absorpt caus star background block view henc appear notic void sky,snake nebula ophiuchu,1996-08-11,323,49,0.05,08-11,8,1996,11,4,0,5 e16e9df8bd1e266c4c564e8aa557509561ce00b235f40b6373d5da07598f2619,angloaustralian telescopeboard,spiral galaxi m65 normal spiral galaxi unlik milki way fact m65 typic spiral galaxi type could found anywher local universe given type m65 show tightli wrap spiral arm larg nuclear central bulge central bulg star older redder disk stars appear blue star bulg milki way galaxi also typic older redder star disk sun resides m65 member leo triplet galaxies along neighbor m66 ngc 3628 although appear m65 graviti distort m66 m65 symmetri seem unaffect m66 m65 locat roughli 35 million light year away light record today left fall dinosaur mani land mammal evolv earth,leo triplet spiral galaxi m65,1996-08-12,564,94,0.1283333333333333,08-12,8,1996,12,7,2,3 f640505e004d6616c17517d312e597c49c7716bf605bd6ab06ae229b3dc5b618,none,voyag spacecraft imag europa surface like one above suggest sea ice earth crisscross dark streak may inde crack icecov surfac caus jupiter tidal stress accompani freez expans underli layer water tantal prospect ocean liquid water beneath frozen surfac help make smallest galilean moon jupit plan focu galileo spacecraft ongo mission explor jovian system new europa imag result galileo mission releas today reveal detail suggest europa ici surfac may still support slush liquid water,europa surfac,1996-08-13,484,73,-0.0045454545454545,08-13,8,1996,13,8,0,2 a09967849d5834bd47c8774cb7df84ece43d29d329ec40c65262b8ac716ad3ff,none,detail craze crack crisscross europa frozen surfac appar mosaic galileo spacecraft latest imag jupiter icecov moon curiou white stripes also seen voyager clearli visibl mark center wide dark fractures one theori suggest erupt along crack deposit darker materi follow flow water ice produc stripe imag also show impact crater mile diamet surround white ejecta lower left curv bottom left suggest fractur ici plate fill slush frozen place ever liquid water beneath europa surface latest result still hold possibl possibl life europa along mar saturn moon titan consid one place solar system beyond earth primit life form could developed galileo close flybi tantal moon schedul decemb year,galileo explor europa,1996-08-14,687,106,0.075,08-14,8,1996,14,5,2,4 624b7d5fbc4b71c10ecb01ac6966df29b74878fc47d1f5e66bbedfe666ed5da2,none,io surfac active geyserlik erupt volcano jovian moon seen voyag spacecraft 1979 also spot year late june galileo camera distanc 600000 miles blue plume seen moon edg inset aris ra patera larg shield volcano extend 60 mile surface blue color attribut condens freez sulfur dioxid gas galileo imag also reveal plume glow dark perhap due fluoresc excit sulfur oxygen ions io surfac cold temperatur averag degre fahrenheit active like caus gravit tug war io jupit galilean moon perturb io orbit orbit chang would result tidal forc variat heat io interior gener sulfur volcan activity,galileo view io erupt,1996-08-15,579,94,-0.1802083333333333,08-15,8,1996,15,2,0,2 32d8c2d64ab4950f9dd8ccef10aee95317fac36615c8839ac9d92d0a2357e8d9,none,nebula catalog ngc 604 giant star form region 1500 light year across nearbi spiral galaxy m33 seen snapshot hubbl space telescope 200 newli formed hot massive star scatter within gaseous interstellar cloud star irradi ga energet ultraviolet light strip electron atom excit produc characterist nebular glow detail nebula structur hold clue mysteri star format effect evolut galaxies,ngc 604 giant stellar nurseri m33,1996-08-16,382,57,0.21,08-16,8,1996,16,4,1,3 ec6e4e4c2d54636fc22a9eeaa61e2ab5dd82ee61f31934da049f4bc8156466cd,none,famou martian meteorit pictur hous microscop structur interpret mani fossil ancient martian life find meteorit mar earth typic day sever larg rock fall earth space usual wind oceans burn earth atmospher call meteorites fall meteorit averag person would repair meteorit damag home everi 100 million meteorit fall land never locat identifi appear similar rock eye certain place antarctica however meteorit stand white frozen ice snow beneath them left yesterday meteorit found antarctica consid unusu grey color far 12 martian meteorit similar miner found one contain minut pocket gase ident isotop composit martian atmospher determin vike measur impli rock inde origin mars martian meteorit typic 13 billion year old less however one contain potenti appear age 45 billion years,meteorit mar,1996-08-17,778,118,-0.0052380952380952,08-17,8,1996,17,5,2,4 61d45ef94a477794c7dde9e5e12217c4e2387c48b9b1bd36dc98747307b07119,none,rather typic quasar sinc quasar unusu quit atyp familiar objects two bright object center photo quasar left bright imag quasar right star faint object quasar ellipt galaxy appar interact pair spiral galaxi near top quasar appear unresolv point light stars henc quasar thought type star 1960s know brightest quasar lie far across visibl univers us includ distant object known quasar may occupi center galaxi may even much brighter host galaxies fact center mani nearbi galaxi similar quasar includ center milki way galaxy exact mechan respons quasar extrem bright unknown thought involv supermass black holes pictur repres mileston hubbl space telescop pictur number taken june 22 1996,mileston quasar,1996-08-18,685,106,0.1449546485260771,08-18,8,1996,18,7,2,3 10b42decfc2477a9655d68b522f89788d6c2e88bd29cba3e97780b66a1947cee,none,ribbon redglow ga dark dust surround massiv young star closeup lagoon nebula taken hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula rel close bright appear larger full moon visibl even without telescope light take 5000 year reach there lagoon nebula hous open star cluster m8 photograph combin exposur taken red green ultraviolet unusu bright central part lagoon nebula lower left image known hourglass nebula,closeup lagoon nebula,1996-08-20,397,61,0.1583333333333333,08-20,8,1996,20,4,1,5 e23c6be4a15f6b14aa56a905c99edc96a65c04a7400f54119077d20ed081e9ee,none,central part lagoon nebula lie pictur hourglass nebula region recent star formation obscur dark lane dust permeat redglow hydrogen gas block ga cloud view chanc creat glow shape appear vantag point like hourglass upper right pictur hubbl space telescop bright young blue star open cluster ngc 6530 visibl center yesterday apod recent studi lagoon nebula m8 shown emiss nebula hous larg magnet field unusu larg dust particles,closeup hourglass,1996-08-21,425,67,0.0759740259740259,08-21,8,1996,21,4,0,5 d847de078ed1b13ca0825e19c17c45323a8e5ea27adb7d3e279254cc3bc2c6d0,none,one galaxi two analysi arp 230 shown evid seemingli singl spiral galaxi actual result recent collis two spiral galaxies slow motion collis took place 100 million year induc burst star format begun collis appar mani similar collid galaxi sequenc imax movi cosmic,arp two spiral,1996-08-22,261,42,-0.075,08-22,8,1996,22,7,0,3 6616864d4b5ee64ed420bd5aa3be41c6fd763fc926d7739aed9f263f1443fc7e,none,caus center bar spiral galaxi light brighter almost anyth universe quasar good fraction way across observ univers appear bright astronom use high resolv power hubbl space telescop hst see host galaxy hst resolv someth interesting qso 1229204 core unusu bar spiral galaxy galaxi process collid dwarf galaxy ga collis quit possibl fuel supermass black hole caus qso 1229204 shine brightly,qso,1996-08-24,386,60,0.3616666666666667,08-24,8,1996,24,7,1,3 6ad5b29b9a27f52c4cc665dde06c7c2bae0f8a773c34f1ba46becec43882d8ef,none,luna 9 spacecraft perform first soft land anoth planetari body follow seri soviet probe touch moon oceanu procellarum region februari 3 1966 accomplish mileston lunar explor shortli death sergei father soviet space program colleagu wish luna 9 mission unabl role design still state pole visibl extend lower left impact lunar surface trigger spacecraft eject eggshap capsul upper right 250 pound capsul struck surface roll unfold four spring petal steadi itself transmit first view lunar surfac back earth,luna 9 first soft lander,1996-08-25,504,77,0.1265306122448979,08-25,8,1996,25,2,1,2 53d11300d956b126c72c9b81b23ffab8eb08a25f40b6ae67944f668a02d39d14,none,largest storm system ever record look like storm system jupiter great red spot captur recent detail robot spacecraft galileo orbit around jupiter use real imag three color filters galileo team abl comput person would see abl float ancient rotat cloud system get close rememb jupiter great red spot cold high pressur area twice wide planet earth,galileo jupiter red spot,1996-08-27,345,56,0.14,08-27,8,1996,27,8,1,2 d900930d56b4e986848905490345514b1f389fcc341a35d488809d036a587e86,none,star one day look like this pictur planetari nebula ngc captur hubbl space telescope although planetari nebula appear similar planet like uranu neptune actual ga cloud surround star typic hundr light year away planetari nebula form typic star complet fusion core eject outer envelop ga usual 10 percent star initi mass ga shell dim 50000 year short compar lifetim stars therefore although 1000 planetari nebula known galaxy thought star go phase green light emit oxygen ion acquir electron surround gas,ngc small planetari nebula,1996-08-28,504,80,0.05625,08-28,8,1996,28,4,0,5 e126a0b3899a58a03d5293fe07dabf6815bfc8d43c9cc1d4fd5d0d5848cf2f83,b walli r provin,unusu egg laid majest star form region above known swan nebula home hot redglow gas dark lane dust bright young star star visibl swan nebula sever quit unusu color hypothes young star still shroud ga cloud form them swan nebula quit larg massiv contain roughli 1000 time mass sun bright central region 15 light year across lie 5000 light year away toward constel sagittarius distinct shape caus region sever names includ omega nebula horsesho nebula lobster nebula,m17 majest swan nebula,1996-08-29,465,77,0.2545454545454545,08-29,8,1996,29,4,1,5 592453acec434e6cbc078ce7f263e1ed329527bf5ef7a148c43d5b56922fe9c3,none,galileo galilei made good discoveri great upon hear age 40 dutch optician invent glass made distant object appear larger galileo craft telescop turn toward sky galileo quickli discov moon craters jupit moons sun spots venu phase like moon galileo live 1564 1642 made mani discoveries galileo claim observ made sens planet revolv around sun champion aristarchu copernicus earth commonli believ then power inquisit made galileo publicli recant conclusion today know correct,galileo demonstr telescop,1996-08-30,471,71,0.3072727272727272,08-30,8,1996,30,1,1,2 968b506fc73377d6d0664484219fbbe645e0490fe8346b16789ac78d612c82f3,european southern observatori,largest telescop world optical titl long held hale present held keck telescop hawaii even larger optic telescop built dub larg telescop vlt european southern observatori eso build four 82meter mirror chile togeth act singl telescop mirror diamet first telescop complet 1997 four complet work togeth sometim year 2000 vlt use activ optic creat resolution this combin enorm lightgath power allow astronom explor dim object galaxi earli universe,new largest optic telescop,1996-09-01,442,67,0.0428571428571428,09-01,9,1996,1,8,0,4 e019a4e1912ac3b29715151d49e3db7715c5fbc911c6246e41e96d81752bedb7,univers,siriu brightest star night sky intrinsically siriu 20 time brighter sun twice massive siriu 87 light year distant closest star system alpha centauri system hold distinction siriu call dog star promin constel cani majori big dog 1862 siriu discov binari star system companion star siriu b 10000 time dimmer bright primary siriu a siriu b first white dwarf star discovered type star first understood subrahmanyan chandrasekhar 1930 studi siriu 1718 edmond halley discov star move respect other siriu system shown captur xray light,sirius brightest star night,1996-09-02,529,83,0.1977272727272727,09-02,9,1996,2,6,1,3 60bc3ec9d515865978f929e2978888335ad857a10e66f1c21a0a6fe77c98bb85,none,above nasa infrar telescop facil pose front starri background locat top hawaii tower volcano mauna kea irtf premier telescop observ near infrar light telescop establish 1979 spend half time observ solar system objects 1994 example irtf record piec famou comet shoemakerlevi 9 plung jupiter last year irtf record outburst volcano jupiter moon io observ success outsid solar system includ understand infrar emiss dust premain sequenc star even identif faint galaxies,infrar sky,1996-09-04,464,70,0.0791666666666666,09-04,9,1996,4,8,0,2 f40beb9e4f75d076d89d63649cccd574d0e20c871d68498913de39193c9bf31a,none,dog tails galaxi made of report releas yesterday soon publish nature astronom imag interest distant patch sky orbit hubbl space telescope found mani merg group star ga dub particularli dens bunch small blue merg object visibl picture may snapshot galaxi actual although peculiar present standard galaxies blob may normal distant past mani billion year ago add evid galaxi form conglomer smaller object instead fragment larger objects,watch galaxi form,1996-09-05,433,66,-0.05,09-05,9,1996,5,7,0,3 704eea97221c2462f408c27d18511fbbcea705d642c148f7c7b9a080c9d9040a,none,largest known impact crater solar system 1300 mile across south poleaitken basin farsid earth moon hold distinction circl fals color mosaic clementin imag caus asteroid comet size object crash surface penetr lunar mantle general rocki terrestri planet moon scar batter frequent repeat bombard larg object solar system earli years earth continu geolog activ hidden much damage surfac smaller less activ moon bear share histori fierc frequent impacts present time vicin earth bombard continu fortun greatli reduc rate,largest impact crater,1996-09-06,516,77,0.0145833333333333,09-06,9,1996,6,2,0,2 6a6f41f1397c042891bd00dedd4d73c3d9cd09dcb127f180eabb29fda5fbd8f3,none,univers look like two billion year big accord comput model univers fill irregular look object like one shown above simul predict blob star ga collid form galaxi similar one see today fact simul bear much resembl recent pictur distant galaxi taken hubbl space telescope galaxi format complex phenomena becom understood galaxi form 5 billion year ago 10 galaxi fragment larger sheet matter conglomer mani smaller simul like one help determin answer,two billion year big bang,1996-09-07,447,71,-0.0222222222222222,09-07,9,1996,7,7,0,3 9b0dbec03d1a9db7017865f196e1f27795fb586103eaac65f4b246c88a49bd41,none,jupiter moon io turn solar system geolog churn moon photograph recent june 27th show sign violent activity shown photograph volcano euboea fluctu taken differ times black white photograph upper left taken voyag 1 spacecraft flew 1979 upper right lower left photograph taken 1996 galileo spacecraft lower right photograph color imag taken voyag 2 also 1979 upper right galileo pictur chang simul color sensit voyag 2 mission mark differ two imag highlight new red yellow deposits mark may indic euboea fluctu erupt unusu fashion possibl caus near volcan vent,volcano io,1996-09-08,557,88,0.0079274891774891,09-08,9,1996,8,8,0,1 533c12cc13cf9a8d0327ebdde8da2161ece65eef8ca3c88462cf81e0d4f48e7d,none,m77 surround ultraviolet glow m77 also call ngc 1068 appear first sight rel normal bar spiral galaxy photograph ultraviolet shown fals color galaxi sport ultraviolet halo shown violet photograph blue spiral structur closer picture center indic normal ultraviolet emiss bright young star recent form there astronom hypothes outer glow aris uv light emit galaxy activ center reflect us cloud ga dust ga dust cloud obscur activ center seyfert galaxi black hole thought live,m77 spiral strang glow,1996-09-10,472,73,0.1092074592074592,09-10,9,1996,10,7,1,3 94357fa8d384331762fe1ae79ff3d6b90df8761d3d2aae9ea628b85eaacd7204,none,happen center nearbi spiral galaxi m77 find out astronom use hubbl space telescop peer deep dusti chao activ galact nucleu 1994 found network filamentari ga opaqu dust provid clue central monster left mess due presenc hot ioniz ga cloud near core chang bright take less week ultraviolet halo surround whole galaxy lead hypothesi supermass black hole lie center seyfert type 2 galaxy also known ngc 1068 galaxi lie 50 million light year distant visibl small telescope,center spiral m77,1996-09-11,466,76,0.0291666666666666,09-11,9,1996,11,7,0,3 4c795c2ac4b14ab704e7cb5517b4e9753b9275049d68ffc9077d4cf2c8ea247c,none,planet mercuri resembl moon mercury old surfac heavili crater like mani moons mercuri larger moon smaller jupiter moon ganymed saturn moon titan mercuri much denser massiv moon though made mostli iron fact earth planet dense visitor mercury surfac would see strang sights exactli three time everi two orbit around sun mercury orbit elliptical visitor mercuri might see sun rise stop sky go back toward rise horizon stop again set quickli horizon earth mercury proxim sun caus visibl short time sunset sunrise,southwest mercuri,1996-09-13,508,81,0.05,09-13,9,1996,13,2,0,2 d505a7fdad7f721367e55bc46054801e42e578b6852bb4b8db2452f880d91da6,none,comet halebopp fade past weeks halebopp promis great comet 1997 bit entir unexpected comet halebopp continu approach sun make comet brighten earth move away make comet appear dim expert disagre bright halebopp become hope eventu outshin comet hyakutake expect better 3rd magnitud hardli visibl welllit cities comet halebopp still appear be however larg comet sure show much activ near sun comet reach peak bright march 1997 imag taken august 18th show ga shed nucleu comet,comet halebopp fade,1996-09-17,476,75,0.3136363636363637,09-17,9,1996,17,3,1,1 e1461c910304f0e4e2df62ff9e05c24f702648578cce0d94c9b956ff19f84990,none,could see infrar light light less absorb dust visibl light could peer center milki way galaxy star normal hidden direct view interstellar dust cloud line galact plane fals color imag entir sky made dirb instrument onboard nasa cobe satellit use infrar light wavelength 35 micron 7 time longer wavelength visibl light galact plane run horizont along middl image wavelength cool star galaxi shine brightli seen defin plane milki way central bulge interplanetari dust tend lie along plane solar system scatter sunlight emit radiat wavelength too faint glow produc result s shape appar infrar allski view,star infrar sky,1996-09-18,601,95,0.1282051282051282,09-18,9,1996,18,6,2,5 6835d6c90ea8bb2aed390afdb340dbd4806e2e2053f9f5071e6551e9d80c2342,j observatori,clear blue summer sky final grow dark new telescope set gener i bought kid dad two young effort center bright first quarter moon evening first target jame adjust focu fall suddenly wow look like apollo younger brother christoph take turn do see jame eager provid guidanc base observ experience christoph echo yes see crash view share differ imag six day old moon record juli 1995 rhode island amateur astronom jim along terminator line lunar night day shadow outlin advantag spectacular crater caus information thursday septemb 26 total lunar eclips,moon crash,1996-09-19,551,89,0.0609625668449198,09-19,9,1996,19,2,0,1 e492f0e0d5f53fefd19d54f73b017556355496633fb513a0a6c60db6665f3277,none,two week ago hurrican fran pictur above struck east coast unit states hurrican huge swirl storm cloud system typic larger state tropic cyclones call hurrican earth western hemispher typhoon eastern hemisphere get immens energi warm evapor ocean water water vapor cool condenses heat air lower pressur henc caus cooler air come swoosh in wind reach 150 mile per hour becom dangerous hurrican fran example kill 30 peopl destroy mani million worth much remain unknown cyclones includ form exact path take,hurrican approach,1996-09-20,501,80,0.1,09-20,9,1996,20,8,0,1 257f72bebc028359d00543e8a4763febc6d3453974397def8921f55f34f839ee,none,today sun cross celesti equat head south mark autumn equinox first day autumn equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earthl experi 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness then northern hemisphere day begin grow shorter sun march lower sky winter approaches week autumn equinox 1994 crew shuttl endeavor record imag sun pois earth limb glare illumin endeavor vertic tail point toward earth along radar equip payload bay information thursday septemb 26 total lunar eclips,equal night,1996-09-22,471,74,-0.0125,09-22,9,1996,22,1,0,1 2cf12f36c7d53f27ba7f02096856ca6c8617349ecafd3951e41237a75dc9feae,none,venu cloudi would similar earth pictur galileo spacecraft show cloudi venu is venu similar earth size mass sometim refer earth sister planet venu quit differ climate venus thick cloud close sun onli mercuri closer make hottest planet much hotter earth human could surviv there life sort ever found venu visibl usual brightest object sky sun moon 20 spacecraft visit venu includ venera 9 land surface magellan use radar peer cloud make map surface visibl light pictur venu taken galileo spacecraft orbit around jupiter mani thing venu remain unknown includ caus mysteri burst radio waves,venus earth cloudi,1996-09-23,589,94,-0.00625,09-23,9,1996,23,8,2,2 21ca883eb3acaf918afb01860ed218b8f9628b1087d893834b149dea00c62d00,none,thick cloud cover venu removed would surfac appear use imag radar technique magellan spacecraft abl lift veil face venu produc spectacular high resolut planet surface red falsecolor map repres mountains blue repres valley 3kilomet resolut map composit magellan imag compil 1990 1994 gap fill earthbas arecibo radio telescope larg yellowr area north ishtar terra featur maxwel montes largest mountain venus larg highland region analog contin earth scientist particularli interest explor geolog venu similar earth information thursday septemb 26 total lunar eclips,beneath venus cloud,1996-09-24,563,81,0.0657142857142857,09-24,9,1996,24,8,0,2 d70a1a49e4a3424285214de2392e01a26ca7f52e0739c764319eff778227958f,angloaustralian telescop board,ever feel like black cloud follow around well feel bad even happen bright young star open cluster ngc left cluster bright blue stars form million year ago much recent ancient sun form billion year ago right absorpt nebula star might formed nebula contain much opaqu dust block visibl light mani star would seen background studi open cluster valuabl mani reason includ understand star format calibr distanc scale universe information thursday septemb 26 total lunar eclips,bright star dark,1996-09-25,474,75,0.1085034013605442,09-25,9,1996,25,6,1,3 47c0b626582232f18b6c06b1e3aaf5aba8c23a8d523fc1b3293cf473253c8707,none,tonight bring last total lunar eclips visibl north america year 2000 moon becom complet immers earth shadow timelaps photograph show lunar eclips occur april 1993 tonight eclips begin pm eastern daylight time total extend pm pm north south america moon rise begin eclipse west europ africa tonight lunar eclips visibl dawn septemb 27th moon expect becom complet dark usual slight red glow caus sunlight refract earth dusti atmospher everi lunar eclips slightli different year eclips enhanc proxim bright saturn 3 degre away,tonight total lunar eclips credit copyright,1996-09-26,526,82,0.0148148148148148,09-26,9,1996,26,2,0,1 2d44f43ca64eafa4582a21807356bfb2bcf218ca90ed9bfc9bef5b96ab6a2898,none,today shannon first day planet earth six months stay aboard russia mir space station record length longest stay american space ever time orbit around earth lucid biochemist mani thing includ experi effect human body pictur above lucid astronaut replac mir john blaha,welcom home lucid credit,1996-09-27,267,42,0.0625,09-27,9,1996,27,8,0,2 79186cdfc419e3e37b8cecd80804cc36a563c6f6057b0ff711738c7c57e5fb22,none,pictur three person russian soyuz capsul winglik solar panel extended join mir space station russian soyuz mean inde one mileston achiev soyuz spacecraft orbit union us apollo command modul first intern space mission 1975 soyuz spacecraft special modifi use mir cosmonaut astronaut also need arise imag electron still camera use crew space shuttl atlanti latest mir visit pick astronaut shannon lucid drop john blaha,soyuz,1996-09-28,416,64,0.1324404761904762,09-28,9,1996,28,8,1,2 c5307c7bb7ed82d108f6c6f06550d15c6dc4be47c1a62fe2d11ce5b309781452,none,xray imag moon made orbit observatori satellit 1990 show three distinct bright xray sky bright part moon rel dark part moon bright xray sky due diffus cosmic xray background bright lunar crescent shine reflect xray emit sun dark lunar face shadow stand stand rel bright background but surprisingli complet xray from current thought result energet particl solar wind bombard lunar surface,xray,1996-09-29,388,61,0.3375000000000001,09-29,9,1996,29,2,1,1 7ac36ab62778c4cb25fb7842ecda0b64459cc8c7f16fc95e32847982a27104f2,none,planets stars galaxi form evolve intern ultraviolet explor iue satellit launch 1978 oper nasa help provid answer fundament question content universe iue serv geostationari orbit observatori next 18 year acquir 100000 observ onboard ultraviolet prodigi scientif output hint allski plot show locat iue mani point observ long oper history bright point sky repres number iue observations plot galact coordin the plane galaxi run horizont reveal posit distant quasars galaxies stars star clusters nebulae novae supernova testifi iue broad rang capabilities eclipt plane also visibl run diagon center trace mani observ solar system objects 18 years iue scienc oper offici end today final command transmit age satellit control nasa goddard space flight center astronom around world whose touch iue express fond product longest live astronom satellit thank made iue remark voyag explor possible news flash bats detect huge gamma ray burst,explor univers,1996-09-30,931,140,0.0862603305785124,09-30,9,1996,30,8,2,4 9433ce1a5d79d311619364a45386e72223351fe043b04e2b77cde09c128e73f9,none,someth big explod astronom idea septemb 24th burst transient sourc experi onboard orbit compton gamma ray observatori record intens gamma ray burst five year history mission bats record mani gamma ray burst one per day none powerful sinc discoveri 25 year ago origin even distanc gamma ray burst remain debated burst sure mysteri flash exist suddenli domin entir gammaray sky typic fade second never seen again possibl intens wave gamma radiat caus satellit glitch may even caus unusu nois earth atmosphere know pleas report it,biggest gamma ray burst credit,1996-10-01,528,85,0.2,10-01,10,1996,1,8,1,4 2b91abc1714a1e52fbe3eccca1f41f6dbd209954da4377cfb789a0f705840cd5,none,galileo spacecraft orbit jupit continu return impress results galileo team releas three photograph jupiter volcan moon io taken june three photo reflect bottom picture digit enhanc better show import features area io appears truli red usual green yellow hue record previously fact last major mission voyag camera sensit red light red materi appear associ recent volcan eruptions red color appear fade time comparison photo 17year old voyag photo show dozen surfac region size affect io activ volcanoes,three view jupiter io credit,1996-10-03,504,77,0.031845238095238,10-03,10,1996,3,8,0,1 be8cee91382bd0aadf310551b92373bb01c76dff8114a2da0ae941e72d4645a5,none,old red globular cluster hot blue stars rightmost picture taken ultraviolet imag telescop ultraviolet light show inde does pictured omega centauri largest known globular cluster galaxy contain well million stars mani star evid visibl light photograph left photograph ultraviolet light however differ less numer star emerge evid photograph right star thought evolv past current stage sun star longer fuse hydrogen helium core rather fuse helium carbon star soon shed outer envelop end smolder carbon ember known white dwarf stars,globular cluster omega centauri credit,1996-10-04,528,79,0.1091575091575091,10-04,10,1996,4,6,1,5 09c8ea04d607fc0e553655744e4a510a0cdbe98678ff104bbab44d8634227b96,none,1500 light year away lie nebula quit peculiar shape dark dust cloud shown come shape like horse head nobodi knows barnard 33 region known some sure dark dust cloud absorb light bright red emiss nebula behind it horsehead nebula also thought region lowmass star form reason shape univers frequent poorli understood perhap simpl explan case star thought effici dust other much better destroy it horsehead nebula dust distribut might result specif irregular distribut star ga,closeup horsehead nebula credit copyright,1996-10-05,472,75,0.13125,10-05,10,1996,5,4,1,5 4620ddcd4b90d01872f69f77d6a3d7a74d7cbc3140a5a8e1fc8b620dad2d1eea,none,earth northern hemispher appear outlin sunlit crescent dramat view goe 8 satellite imag made near midnight geostationari oper environment satellit june 22 year two day summer solstice summer solstic time year sun reach greatest northern declin arctic region near top pictur experi 24 hour daylight look south along earth limb atmospher scatter sunlight caus bright crescent visibl beyond area directli illumin sun,crescent earth midnight credit,1996-10-06,413,62,0.4800000000000001,10-06,10,1996,6,1,1,1 ae8a06416e33f6639ef7dd21ed144263de1fb61594852705e9c745428f10caf8,none,caught act earlier summer hubbl space telescope volcan moon io abov right center shadow black seen jupiter clouds io shadow mile diamet about size race across swirl cloud top 38000 mile per hour perspect inner solar system dramat scene like one possibl jupiter io sun line up would scene look like view jupiter cloud shadow pass jupiter observ along shadow track io disk would appear eclips sun situat familiar earth dweller seen solar eclips visibl along track moon shadow pass across surfac earth,io shadow credit,1996-10-07,499,83,0.1277210884353741,10-07,10,1996,7,8,1,1 3d87b55fe3d56e5ac1b7762a54eb5c9838476b80112f7db81a6f009acec75c28,none,launch 1990 orbit rosat observatori explor univers view entir sky xray photon 1000 time energi visibl light rosat survey produc sharpest sensit imag xray sky date allski imag shown plane milki way galaxi run horizont center xray bright rel energi repres red green blue color indic three xray energi rang from lowest highest bright xray spot near galact plane within milki way brightest region right center toward vela pulsar puppi supernova remnant bright sourc beyond galaxi also apparent notabl virgo cluster galaxi near top right larg magellan cloud lmc lmc easi find sever black stripe blank area caus miss data seem converg posit lower right larg area sky gener diffus background xray dominates hot ga galaxi provid much background give rise grand loop structur visibl direct galact center imag center unresolv extragalact sourc also add background particularli plane despit xray sky exot appearance familiar featur visibl ga dust cloud line plane galaxi absorb xray well optic light produc dark band run galact center,rosat explor xray sky,1996-10-08,1025,163,0.1755527210884354,10-08,10,1996,8,6,2,4 592c33df47744f71f408dfb03d5aa726d4d23dc98087af46fae309743b64fd7f,none,center m31 twice unusu previous thought 1991 planetari camera onboard hubbl space telescop point toward center milki way closest major galact neighbor andromeda m31 surprise m31 nucleu show doubl structure nuclear quit close togeth consid galact m31 150000 light year across show central 30 lightyears subsequ groundbas observ led specul inde two nuclei exist move respect other one nucleu slowli tidal disrupt other one nucleu may remain smaller galaxi m31 nuclei mani galaxies includ m31 known quit violent places exist massiv black hole frequent postul explain them,doubl nucleu m31,1996-10-11,568,87,-0.0850694444444444,10-11,10,1996,11,6,0,3 456042bf1fa43dc631e10195e6251c20c245d280b326a146c42dc36987491db0,none,lunar orbit 1 spacecraft launch 1966 map lunar surfac prepar apollo moon landings nasa robot explor perform job well pioneer classic view earth pois lunar horizon first human directli wit similar scene apollo 8 astronauts orbit moon decemb 1968 also record earth rise photograph becom one famou imag histori move portrait world deep space,earth also rise,1996-10-13,339,54,0.0833333333333333,10-13,10,1996,13,2,0,2 93a133cbd1b74bf30963ed8eae3d27b08c9430e95cb31d0c66f1bf9037af67d9,none,two cluster bright newli form star surround glow nebula lie 10 million light year away dim irregular galaxi catalog ngc 2366 hubbl space telescop imag show youngest cluster bottom one 2 million year old still surround ga dust cloud condens from power stellar wind star older cluster top 45 million year old begun clear away central area give entir nebula appar hook shape compar sun star cluster massiv short lived brightest one near tip hook rare lumin blue variabl 30 60 time mass sun similar errupt eta carina variabl milki way star massiv extrem variable comparison ground base imag indic three year star bright increas 40 time make current brightest star dim galaxy studi distant divers galaxi yield clue relationship star format galact evolution,bright stars dim galaxi,1996-10-14,752,124,0.1358333333333333,10-14,10,1996,14,6,2,5 ba30ae025c5a27384c78689d82d8f03e01c4f96a2139e1d13ac2f213c33be400,none,hurtl space mere 3000 mile martian surface diminut moon phobo below left center imag backdrop larg shield volcano vike 2 orbit 1977 dramat pictur look orbiter viewpoint 8000 mile volcano ascraeu mons phobo 5000 mile orbiter north toward top sun illumin scene south black dot refer scale ascraeu mon 200 mile across base asteroid size phobo 15 mile diameter spectacular image volcan caldera visibl summit ascraeu mon impact crater sunlit side phobos surfac also,phobo mar,1996-10-15,461,74,-0.0666666666666666,10-15,10,1996,15,8,0,2 6b39244df3d52cf31d5e7da5e00c6118775d295931557c7ef30b69471c6a60c7,none,research balloon flight conduct 1912 austrian physicist victor hess reveal earth constantli bombard high energi radiat space came call cosmic rays cosmic ray come from known mostli subatom particl predominantli proton electron origin long stand mystery almost centuri study cosmic puzzl may least partial solv new xray imag spectra asca satellit observatory piec togeth show region around star observ go supernova 1006 ad overlap xray snapshot seen fals color reveal bright rim explod star still expand blast wave asca observ show first time energi spectrum bright region like produc extrem high energi electron stream magnet field nearli speed light a expected high energi proton associ energet electron supernova remnant like sn 1006 sourc hess puzzl cosmic rays,sn 1006 piec cosmic ray puzzl,1996-10-16,767,117,0.1763636363636364,10-16,10,1996,16,6,2,4 78b355b5cb66c5170ab6fa6a3f802684aef6e8454a604bd95f0ac71b8b95e546,none,planet common galaxy strong evid answer provid 1994 imag made hubbl space telescop closeup orion nebulae reveal seem disk dust ga surround newli form stars fuzzi blobs call appear infant solar system process formation five star field span light years four appear associ proplyd three bright one one dark one seen silhouett bright nebula complet survey 110 star region found 56 proplyds extrasolar planetari system common place extraterrestri well,infant solar,1996-10-17,448,69,0.2119047619047619,10-17,10,1996,17,4,1,5 0f10fcc578620842f07fbfb6b422aae0b1e6550f82e7943921ccca366e7a8ec5,none,aurora especi larg jupiter pictur releas yesterday hubbl space telescop imag unusu light display detail ever before jupiter aurora link volcan moon io io volcano releas particles becom ionized trap jupiter magnet field rain ga giant result auror display may thousand time brighter auror display earth involv unusu spots pictur show extend auror emiss rotat jupiter auror spot stay synchron io circl jupiter,jupiter aurora credit,1996-10-18,406,63,0.2,10-18,10,1996,18,8,1,2 a2c748d6fad2598f2f4a224a0253472a0251a09ec8820d9e04657a583eecbf1a,john whatmoughextrasolar vision,what closest extrasolar planetari system may well planet dim red dwarf star catalog laland mere 8 light year distant star faint seen nake eye planet imag directly instead presenc infer long seri telescop observations track star wobbl mutual gravit respons mass orbit planets planetari system would detect techniqu use data obtain frequent observ star last 50 years univers astronom georg recent announc much laland wobbl like due unseen planet approxim 90 mass jupit orbit period years work also indic second possibl third planet similar mass could well present system massiv planet orbit red dwarf star would differ earth illustr artist vision jupiters planet ring moon lit cool dim sun nevertheless exist planetari system near suggest intrigu possibl planet common galaxy,nearest planetari,1996-10-19,776,120,-0.0056818181818181,10-19,10,1996,19,6,2,4 e17dce41b58a3fef300c498c2f830747d8932b8aec9fbbce02771d04d16b1628,none,caus crack giant jupiter moon europa smoothest surfac solar system compos mostli crack waterice falsecolor pictur releas last week nasa team charg galileo mission blue hue repres ice plain divid dirti red brown band mottl terrain robot galileo spacecraft orbit jupiter back reveal pictur jupit larg moon includ europa io ganymede callisto region europa highlight known linea caus mani crack remain unknown may involv shift stress graviti temperatur new galileo pictur increas evid liquid ocean may inde exist giant icesheets place possibl ripe develop life,ice plain europa,1996-10-22,556,85,-0.0197691197691197,10-22,10,1996,22,8,0,4 ca3c813141e5f7a2c7bd8e6659c86ad9f54ec966537c3f0a546a17ac35a856e3,none,star form even today lagoon nebula bright nebula visibl constel sagittariu binoculars photo result new sensit camera attach one world largest telescopes curtain collaps hydrogen shown green highlight special filter isol light specif atom mani young star evid open cluster m8 lagoon result previous collaps ga clouds mani star appear red high amount dust lagoon nebula red light penetr dust cloud best although enough dust block visibl light leav dark nebula,starbirth lagoon nebula credit copyright,1996-10-24,457,71,0.1960524891774892,10-24,10,1996,24,4,1,5 feb22beed9d8c0e78b62161997fb103512c2cfc9a4070928c6ec86c025c15a96,none,would look like fli surfac jupiter moon ganymede nasa robot spacecraft galileo recent approach 6000 mile frozen icebal moon imag digit reconstruct two imag taken flyby blue color sky deep furrow cover ganymede surface sever impact crater also present galileo continu orbit jupit send back breathtak photo ganymede io europa callisto and course jupit itself,flybi view ganymed,1996-10-25,356,55,0.0,10-25,10,1996,25,8,0,2 ab5416a7c16a995474fbbdf4377b3a1974f426242d894700e156a9f762309af4,none,russian space station mir photograph last month high new zealand return astronaut shannon lucid space shuttl atlanti crew took breathtak view space shuttl atlantis atlanti undock mir prepar return earth,mir new zealand credit,1996-10-26,202,30,0.0740909090909091,10-26,10,1996,26,8,1,2 41b644cf436ff4bd8336e12e5d588f7aa94094634eb06f3a53b58153337f6603,none,io green night justreleas nighttim pictur jupiter moon io red spot clearli show io current volcan activ regions caus global green tell pictur taken autom galileo spacecraft current orbit jupit io jupiter shadow one hypothesi green glow caus differ type aurora result highenergi particl interact io volcan plumes,io activ volcano credit,1996-10-27,311,48,-0.0857142857142857,10-27,10,1996,27,8,0,2 e3af46a4aeeb8e4721346354393eee118cc78f8255535c082343e2d3e3d6d426,none,today weather neptun typical high upper atmospher wind rang 900 mile per hour near equator much learn recent neptune weather releas last week timelaps pictur distant ga giant solar system pictur show weather differ two hemispher neptune overal blue color neptun caus methan ga preferenti absorb red light yellow spot highest clouds still known neptune great dark spot disappeared,weather neptun credit,1996-10-28,379,59,0.0828888888888889,10-28,10,1996,28,8,0,1 675091c0009e36737025012297ae1fffd1094c9c4ecb721b21cdd9bda31cfa7e,none,io color place closest larg moon jupiter io volcan moon solar system surfac complet buri volcan lava everi thousand years black red materi correspond recent volcan erupt probabl year old imag autom spacecraft galileo highlight side io alway face away jupiter imag releas last week pictur color adjust enhanc contrast base real composit infrared green violetlight images,io full face credit,1996-10-29,369,57,-0.1083333333333333,10-29,10,1996,29,8,0,2 c7e6f9d69b840989b1651d0e82a0e91ce4e9a549633f972820a1c36312daa78b,angloaustralian telescop board,ngc 2997 grand design spiral galaxy small nucleu sprawl spiral arm give type sc designation ngc 2997 speed away us 1100 kilomet per second would place 55 million light year distant given current estim expans rate universe ngc 2997 thought mass 100 billion time sun probabl less massiv milki way galaxy ngc 2997 seen faceon thought tilt 45 degrees ngc 2997 particularli notabl nucleu surround chain hot giant cloud ioniz hydrogen,grand design spiral galaxi ngc 2997,1996-10-30,429,71,0.0703703703703703,10-30,10,1996,30,7,0,3 960c8edbf7845a90e96a0c23d398adeb223ea37877cd1bc73cabe1e6876f851b,angloaustralian telescop board,spiral galaxi look like sideways view ngc 3628 nearli resembl milki way galaxy also known spiral dark band across center absorb starlight caus galaxy interstellar dust ngc 3628 faintest member leo triplet group galaxi domin m65 m66 leo triplet lie 35 million light year distant center ngc 3628 emit variabl xray radiat perhap indic presenc massiv black hole,spiral galaxi ngc 3628 edg credit,1996-11-01,357,58,-0.0361111111111111,11-01,11,1996,1,7,0,3 6b60e907477ffd101b2c41bcab607440007ba2a6b9383dbb1482de6b725809d6,angloaustralian telescop board,ngc 253 normal spiral galaxi seen almost sideways largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest group local group galaxies ngc 253 appear visual one brightest spiral sky easili visibl southern hemispher good pair binoculars type sc galaxi 10 million light year distant ngc 253 consid starburst galaxi high star format rate dens dust cloud nucleus energet nuclear region seen glow xray gammaray light,spiral galaxi ngc 253 almost sideway credit,1996-11-02,400,62,0.19,11-02,11,1996,2,7,1,3 a57a5544685c1e9915f282c8ae569866d20c5d1ba1ccde39b5d5089a384f3d07,none,earli novemb 1967 dramat night launch atla centaur rocket cape canaver loft success surveyor 6 spacecraft toward moon surveyor seri robot probe carri first us lunar soft land prepar apollo program still use today atla centaur rocket launch mani lunar planetari probe 60,surveyor night launch credit,1996-11-03,269,43,0.2166666666666666,11-03,11,1996,3,2,1,2 0297459eac58c826de32c9cd3372253f6236353930b9a1e8f5a8e5d9a4f1785d,none,spring come northern latitud mars increas solar heat bring warmth chang weather wind produc larg temperatur differ reced polar ice warm region south may caus dust storm like one visibl hubbl space telescop imag made septemb year left north martian polar cap seen top dark region along southern border dust storm 600 mile wide visibl white polar ice salmon color imag right present data show dust storm map grid center north pole mar famou planet wide dust storm studi local weather pattern difficult without high resolut imag like provid hubble nasa prepar futur mission mars detail studi martian weather pattern becom increasingli important,martian spring credit,1996-11-04,642,103,0.0414285714285714,11-04,11,1996,4,5,2,4 5d1565808cdd9e23a6c635bcaaedf9e3bff7ccb52198ce9c06dba98c66e28872,none,cal galaxi unlik spiral galaxi henc unlik milki way galaxy giant ellipt galaxi name ngc 4881 upper left lie edg giant coma cluster galaxies ellipt galaxi ellipsoid shape contain spiral arms contain littl interstellar ga dust found mostli rich cluster galaxies ellipt galaxi appear typic yellowred oppos spiral spiral arm appear quit blue much specul continu type galaxi form whether ellipt evolv collid spirals spiral creat collid ellipticals both besid spiral galaxi right imag pictur galaxi lie well behind coma cluster,ellipt galaxi ngc 4881 coma credit,1996-11-06,521,81,0.0237012987012987,11-06,11,1996,6,7,0,3 cbdd04be989db0f0ca3f3307308785caefd7eafdaff2834d8476d139837250b8,none,treasur lie surfac last week nasa releas map jupiter largest moon made galileo orbit highlight ice miner deposits leftmost photograph voyag show surfac featur visibl light rightmost photograph taken infrar light galileo show locat miner red ice grain blue nim team work identifi miner preliminari hope find emiss indic,field ganymed credit,1996-11-07,318,49,0.16,11-07,11,1996,7,8,1,2 c59140ff86bcffadb5c84854bf4eb4f19b49e71a4f638776f13ebaa3c840d4f9,none,sun would nice place spend summer one reason besid extrem heat explos common there picture magnet field buckl releas previous constrain hot materi upper atmospher sun result hot ga stream solar system impact planets moons spacecraft make space danger place astronauts known coron mass eject cmes billion ton scath plasma acceler million mile per hour cme common less intens solar flares,solar corona eject credit,1996-11-08,386,61,0.0208333333333333,11-08,11,1996,8,1,0,2 9c8bc0a89289a78694aaf57fd70e47c12d715e94b069c513889c43501d72491e,none,rocket engin blazing space shuttl columbia arc florida morn sky lift pad kennedi space center seen januari 1996 space shuttl oper 15 year rack 20 flight 77 million mile orbit spend day space first member nasa shuttl fleet columbia share name anoth famou spacecraft launch pad apollo 11 command module begun career april 1981 columbia also orbit vehicl 102 prepar mission schedul launch month,columbia launch,1996-11-10,392,64,0.075,11-10,11,1996,10,8,0,2 bbeb88a76ebf99d62c252d1e76346e6834dcde80cec6a1fc88354f2438f33c69,angloaustralian telescop board,great varieti star color open cluster name jewel box bright central star kappa cruci red contrast mani blue star surround it cluster contain 100 stars might older 10 million years open cluster younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular clusters jewel box lie 7500 lightyear away light see today emit cluster even great pyramid egypt built,ngc 4755 jewel box star credit,1996-11-11,365,59,0.2397435897435897,11-11,11,1996,11,6,1,3 bbd38beb88f59b2d073cf378983266dedf7d733360890fef1e44808901ad2732,none,comet halebopp continu slow trek across night sky seen superpos near bright globular cluster m14 comet halebopp becom bright earli 1997 comet hyakutak earli still earli tell current halebopp curious hold 5th magnitud bare bright enough see without binocular dark location size coma specul nucleu halebopp unusu large actual nucleu obscured however recent specul includ nucleu compar size comet halley km across,comet halebopp pass credit copyright,1996-11-12,412,62,0.1295918367346938,11-12,11,1996,12,3,1,3 5176a6eb9742947c8ec83f659c49c4d138e23eeefdc07453ca77e9b41b3a20e1,none,comet halebopp turn quit unusual one reason great amount jet activ larg distanc sun falsecolor image less seven jet seen eman halebopp coma comet near sun surfac warm caus jet previous trap ga dust stream away nucleus astronom continu studi comet halebopp unusu jet activ wonder much earli solar system halebopp teach them bright halebopp ultim become,seven jet comet halebopp credit,1996-11-13,351,57,0.2407407407407407,11-13,11,1996,13,3,1,1 2f71d9e703bcb60c9dee424b9b8a2539e4660b22b5a06f7e980d57202960a9af,none,observ astronomi recent provid evid exist massiv jupiters planet orbit distant suns protoplanetari disk ga dust surround newli form stars planetari bodi orbit exot stellar corps known pulsars indeed format planet seem broader vari phenomenon previous imagined nearbi solar system earthsiz planet well mani would answer yes small rel low mass planet orbit sunlik star might capabl support life extrem difficult detect one possibl approach daunt observ problem regularli monitor light mani solartyp stars search slight decreas bright signal transit small planet front stellar disk propos spacebas instrument engag program kepler mission illustr above monitor space telescop orbit sun slowli drift away earth goal mission would discov earthsiz planet habit zone solartyp stars take step toward answer profound question life exist world beyond solar system watch leonid meteor shower weekend,search solar system,1996-11-15,890,130,0.0178571428571428,11-15,11,1996,15,8,2,4 95370b5fc3df363bf79ab5169432d646a3928e2a8ac96c267624ca3b2b95eaff,none,mysteri might solv peer crystal ball crystal ball quit unusu actual moon jupiter crystal ball dirti opaqu crack beyond repair nevertheless specul rampant ocean exist tortur iceplain could support life europa smallest jupiter galilean moons photograph last month natur color robot spacecraft galileo orbit around jupiter brown patch one might think dirt otherwis white europa nearli size earth moon similarli keep one face toward home planet hemispher europa shown one alway trails europa surfac smoothest solar system europa craters,europa full face credit,1996-11-20,533,79,0.0,11-20,11,1996,20,8,0,2 7882133ab8a6f8ff6a515ef9cce7e63f633e5218948a303d247ddf7cf6d2e116,none,sun one day look like blue blue snowbal planetari nebula 5 billion year sun throw outer layer go planetari nebula phase star appear normal long suffici nuclear reaction core soon thereafter graviti win compress stellar core higher temperatures eventu core becom white dwarf high temperatur somehow caus expuls star outer layers creat planetari nebula blue snowbal pictur above although blue snowball also known ngc 7662 appear blue picture color real chosen highlight emiss certain ion nebula mani thing still known planetari nebula includ detail physic mechan creat nebula reason fast knot ga outer region known,blue snowbal planetari nebula credit,1996-11-21,614,95,0.1358928571428571,11-21,11,1996,21,4,2,5 d6d998904935bf738536e6056f7ee4e061986fa71204ed0e044458ea8c8e4960,none,planetari nebula strange first ga cloud noth solar system planets next although hundr planetari nebula catalogu thousand sure exist galaxy aspect format process still debated yet anoth mysteri come light creat fastmov ga cloud appear around planetari nebula dub flier fast emiss regions knot dens ga appear eject central star cast planetari nebula currently model account either format falsecolor pictur ngc 7662 blue snowbal planetari nebula flier featur imag,around blue snowbal nebula credit,1996-11-22,460,69,0.1444444444444444,11-22,11,1996,22,4,1,5 632760706232e70c0fc11771ac909f460b930e91d015e984f35bcc15d6aac493,none,gamma ray burst grbs pose one greatest mysteri modern astronomy day gammaray sky light spectacular explosion one know caus explos even far away are map repres entir sky coordin center galaxy milki way show posit 800 mysteri burst energi detect bats instrument board nasa compton gamma ray observatory astronom thought grb occur disk galaxy sky map show littl sign this distanc scale grb topic histor debat april 1995 posit map current studi great detail effort uncov clue natur grbs 3b map creat r spot size proport peak flux spot color indic,gamma ray burst unknown credit,1996-11-23,542,91,0.375,11-23,11,1996,23,6,1,4 d64f69ffe41c9132be18f60d21fccdde0abf6db37f044e5621550c4656c8a815,none,apollo 12 second mission land human moon land site pick near locat surveyor 3 robot spacecraft land moon three year earlier pictur above apollo 12 astronaut conrad bean retriev part surveyor lunar modul visibl distance apollo 12 brought back mani photograph moon rocks among mileston made apollo 12 deploy apollo lunar surfac experi package carri mani experi includ one measur solar wind,apollo 12 visit surveyor 3 credit,1996-11-24,387,62,0.0166666666666666,11-24,11,1996,24,2,0,2 88779f2b9c6352ae6ab96f485b0fa3a1a1d04cf55b738aed5217841bd583767c,none,storm clouds similar familiar cumulonimbu earth appear present jupiter mosaic imag show region near rage edg jupiter great red spot 2 3 earth wide observ galileo spacecraft june year fals color repres altitude low altitud cloud blue high thick cloud white high thin cloud pink box upper right contain high cloud featur liken storm cloud earth scientist specul featur evid abund water least region jupiter atmosphere earth atmospher water vapor play import role drive wind could well true jupiter wind reach 300 mile per hour,storm cloud jupit credit,1996-11-27,525,85,0.0595357142857142,11-27,11,1996,27,8,0,1 1206e9bf7d51e26a5fcb13c7826154353425e94d4725027a2121f1d40d6fcfb8,none,galaxi far far away huge cometshap cloud ga discov race nucleu 700000 mile per hour aptli name cartwheel galaxi actual 500 million light year distant suggest shape creat headon collis smaller galaxy research studi disrupt galaxi use hubbl space telescop data recent discov immens gaseou structur head hundr light year across tail thousand light year long fast move dens ga cloud appear blue cometlik shapes mostli along upper edg nucleus fals color closeup cartwheel central region shape like bow wave probabl creat dens cloud move less dens material,cloud cartwheel galaxi credit,1996-11-28,550,88,0.1052083333333333,11-28,11,1996,28,7,0,4 453c1e349f1beb301765a8e5c7c914f047fb17113c1bb3e0b29ea9b4ceed94e5,none,io solar system fissur well probabl activ volcan moon activ volcano jupiter moon io surpris discoveri voyag mission late 1970s extent io volcan activ today investig closeup galileo spacecraft current explor jovian system two frame show roughli 300 mile squar area around io volcano call lefthand view made voyag 1979 righthand view galileo earlier year comparison reveal dramat chang includ creation dark linear featur run diagon galileo imag probabl huge volcan,io credit,1996-11-29,463,71,-0.0099999999999999,11-29,11,1996,29,8,0,2 b360bfd4357c7281287db3f5e55cb646a19edb1dc35df99ab52b9007f65b552f,none,sail upsid down 115 nautic mile earth crew space shuttl endeavour made spectacular time exposur southern aurora aurora octob 1994 aurora also known northern southern lights appear lumin band streamer light extend altitud 200 miles typic visibl earth surfac high latitud caus high energi particl sun delic color caus energet electron collid oxygen nitrogen atmosphere picture rear structur space shuttl visibl foreground vertic tail fin point toward earth star trail visibl small streak earth horizon,aurora credit,1996-11-30,499,75,0.1143055555555555,11-30,11,1996,30,8,1,1 f8ff650f3346373c9db29a2f5057bf1930ea4a036996f6563cf0f032568254a1,none,earth spin axis sky seem rotat around us motion produc beauti concentr arc trace star time exposur night sky middl pictur north celesti pole ncp easili identifi point sky center star trail arcs short bright trail near ncp made star polaris commonli known north star,star trail northern copyright,1996-12-01,265,45,0.175,12-01,12,1996,1,6,1,1 d22887c067d7d730c65ae0830869e806b8a7fba493d1c17424cedd07b4042f50,none,determin star color temperature red star cool temperatur around 3000 kelvin k blue star hotter temperatur 30000 degre k love yellow sun temperatur comfort 6000 k differ star color dramat illustr photo constel orion made use star trail stepfocus technique technique time exposur use creat star trails exposure focu chang steps brighter stars blur imag produc satur color photographs upper left cool red supergi betelgeus stand other hotter bluish star compos bodi constellation bright rigel blue supergiant lower right,orion star copyright,1996-12-02,517,79,0.1585164835164835,12-02,12,1996,2,6,1,4 5009e848be56749e5a76e13f4a9a45c9e68e32baae8cad3851e6ef0f7434934b,none,ice moon prospect clementin spacecraft may well discov it 1994 clementin spent 70 day lunar orbit map moon surface shown dramat detail composit view center lunar south pole construct 1500 clementin images area contain part south poleaitken impact basin largest known crater solar system probabl caus impact comet asteroid depth basin crater wall lunar south pole creat perman shadow region visibl larg cold enough trap water brought moon cometari impact surfac ice indeed recent analysi clementin data area found signatur water ice water moon present excit possibl resourc futur lunar exploration,ice lunar south pole credit,1996-12-04,598,91,-0.1333333333333333,12-04,12,1996,4,2,0,2 bd2f21ed40370f7a0d56c0061437f175c44b5c342015f6130bf9430361c6f5fe,none,io larg volcanoes one largest evid near center photograph name pele mytholog polynesian fire goddess galileo spacecraft orbit jupit took pictur jupiter activ moon june although releas last week evid around pele larg red ring thought evid recent volcan activity red color indic presenc sulfur although sulfur produc precis known,io giant volcano credit,1996-12-05,327,50,0.0,12-05,12,1996,5,8,0,2 af8911270ef70ad67d236784c2d788e46d3a3e20d48592661f2d2bc6a2cf9d73,none,planet form astronom find studi one interest astronom nebula known great nebula orion inset mosaic show sever planetari system formation bottom left insert show rel size solar system orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds much filamentari structur visibl imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas shock wave visibl near one bright star lower left picture orion nebula locat spiral arm galaxi sun,planetari system form orion credit,1996-12-07,517,81,0.1935714285714286,12-07,12,1996,7,4,1,5 43270054212a3af3402cb6fb6fdccbd5b2fbf7c2e6769e53c038342982fb87fc,none,like earth moon mercuri scar craters testifi intens bombard earli histori solar system 1974 marin 10 spacecraft survey innermost planet close produc detail imag tortur surface mosaic bright ray eman 27 mile wide dega crater almost appear paint on ray consist light color materi blast crater formation numer smaller younger crater seen superpos dega crater itself,dega ray crater mercuri credit,1996-12-08,362,56,0.2,12-08,12,1996,8,5,1,2 8d1c5663726a366ae20a74c5aa660545eea2ca52c7ff0c4fe4e74d4a3709e68c,none,callisto surfac show age probabl form time io differ surfac two moon jupit could hardli greater io surfac young show practic impact craters continu repav lava explod mani larg volcanoes callisto surfac old show highest densiti impact crater solar system harbor volcano even larg mountains callisto surfac one larg icefield lace crack crater billion year collis interplanetari debris highresolut vertic band mosaic taken robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupiter rest mosaic compil pictur taken voyag spacecraft pass callisto 1979,callisto full face credit,1996-12-09,534,79,0.175,12-09,12,1996,9,8,1,2 ffbd00035affc9cce3fe9ca73ded67347f5a98fc509fe63d5307d56b4f4a54de, mpae,comet nucleu realli look like activ comet except halley possibl see surround opaqu ga cloud call coma comet halley recent pass inner solar system 1986 however spacecraft giotto abl go right comet photograph nucleus imag composit hundr photographs although famou comet halley achiev 1986 110th bright comet hyakutak last year similar comparison like next year pass comet halebopp everi 76 year comet halley come around again time nucleu shed 6 meter ice rock space debri compos halley tail leav orbit trail that fall earth call orionid meteor shower,comet halley nucleu credit,1996-12-10,548,88,0.1107142857142857,12-10,12,1996,10,3,0,2 affd4ae9cda5fbce7a18de842f1bedd584cf42fe087bea467970ac2892dc5a8e,none,star form typic place area dens nebular ga common arm spiral galaxies sometimes however burst star format occur unusu geometry nearbi galaxi ngc 1317 show unusu ring star format surround bar nucleus image older star appear red evid leftmost photograph visibl light rightmost photograph taken ultraviolet imag telescop ultraviolet highlight star younger bluer show starbirth ring unusu ring may evid gravit encount anoth galaxy caus densiti wave rippl galaxy center,starburst ring galaxi ngc credit,1996-12-11,464,70,0.0277777777777777,12-11,12,1996,11,6,0,3 0227cff76e7a3ec09b7f3df469ebff7a5faf4fab73a66eb77f4e6058e000d4f2,andi steer,star galaxy light mani combin appear wisp faint light across night sky milki way northern hemisphere away citi light summer months part milki way seen behind summer triangl star deneb vega altair brightest three star photograph list left right respectively could collect light eye 10 minut time usual 110th might see someth like photograph behind summer triangl lie vast star field milki way galaxy contain liter billion stars dark band across middl seem divid star actual interstellar dust absorb visibl light emit appear dark,milki way summer triangl,1996-12-12,529,84,0.0272321428571428,12-12,12,1996,12,6,0,1 64ce5563ee061a563954a466fbbb118cd90db4181c4d3bd48b9897e1a9edd425,none,famou einstein cross case singl object seen four times distant qso happen place right behind massiv galaxy gravit effect galaxi distant qso similar len effect empti wine glass distant street light creat multipl images star foreground galaxi found act gravit lens too star make imag chang bright rel other bright chang visibl two photograph einstein cross taken 3 year apart,microlens einstein cross,1996-12-15,374,60,0.1050595238095238,12-15,12,1996,15,7,1,3 4c828cc030a96d2ec8aeca92040200050be33d63f82ecba9ba8654ab39c6962b,none,old photograph show evid nebula 1992 white dwarf star cygnu blew outer layer classic nova explosion event call nova cygni 1992 light flood local interstellar neighborhood illumin exist ga cloud excit exist hydrogen henc caus red emission ga actual expel nova seen small red ball photograph center eventually light nova shell fade nebula becom,nebula nova cygni turn,1996-12-16,342,54,0.0651515151515151,12-16,12,1996,16,4,0,5 8dc6dfb5b6cdd1115d6bcc6a1a616be208ea508f19578e1b4c2cfa6e442cf666,none,interstellar space fill extrem tenuou cloud ga mostli hydrogen neutral hydrogen atom hi astronomer shorthand consist 1 proton 1 electron proton electron spin like top two orientations spin axe parallel antiparallel rare event hydrogen atom interstellar medium switch parallel antiparallel configuration emit radio wave wavelength 21 centimet about 8 inches correspond frequenc exactli 1420 mhz tune frequenc radio telescop map neutral hydrogen sky imag repres allski hi survey plane milki way galaxi run horizont center fals color imag star visible diffus cloud ga ten hundr light year across cluster near plane ga cloud seem form arching loop structures stir stellar activ galact disk,sky full hydrogen credit,1996-12-18,685,103,0.1611111111111111,12-18,12,1996,18,6,2,3 ef84f0525fedc88edf878d8dbaa416a469cdf7103af0df6e5166436208c7a9cc,none,head toward inner solar system much anticip comet halebopp promis put big show next spring comet appar bright current approach 4th magnitud inbound journey close follow mani observers near sun posit sky difficult target larg ground base optic telescop well orbit hubbl space telescop hst seri hst imag hint comet evolut last year illustr activ quiescent phases hidden direct view dusti cometari coma halebopp nucleu center frame singl telescop imag comet recent caus substanti activ internet base fals claim exist mysteri companion however mysteri guest turn 8th magnitud star mani predict next spring telescop larg small need appreci true spectacl halebopp blossom nakedey astronom wonder,comet halebopp credit,1996-12-19,689,105,-0.0666666666666666,12-19,12,1996,19,3,2,4 eb7e862f5d234043e4158f7017de65bcb37d1e907b3ca0bf2a326c4b34a908bb,none,translat acronese titl read ultraviolet small magellan cloud ultraviolet imag telescope fyi four ultraviolet imag use mosaic nearbi irregular galaxi known small magellan cloud taken uit instrument astro 1 astro 2 shuttl mission 1990 1995 separ imag field slightli wider appar size full moon ultraviolet pictures shown fals color must taken earth absorb atmosphere highlight concentr hot newli form star million year old reveal progress recent star format smc,uv smc uit credit,1996-12-20,459,69,0.0333333333333333,12-20,12,1996,20,8,0,3 093ccd723e093031e2158ceb8b6e9f0ef9badfe3ca57e24d8d47d3ad2422f299,none,today winter solstic 1996 steadili sink northern hemispher skies sun lowest declin mark first day northern winter but southern earth actual closer sun season fact usual appreci planet northern half two day ago eit camera onboard soho spacecraft record imag sun light highli ioniz iron atoms extrem ultraviolet pictur emphas magnet field line activ region hot plasma solar surface today solar imag mani wavelengths check solar data analysi center web site,sun winter solstic credit,1996-12-21,455,71,0.0479166666666666,12-21,12,1996,21,1,0,1 33403841d7948d4f760d4750106dfedb152a0353018f483279214a0bdc20af96,none,comput gener 3d closeup view jupiter larg moon ganymed creat use imag data nasa galileo spacecraft simul stereo vision combin two recent imag record differ angles 3 dimension inform reconstruct section ganymede surface result show furrows craters hill region appropri known resolut 250 feet current explor jovian system galileo spacecraft complet flybi europa schedul return ganymed april next year,hill ganymed credit,1996-12-23,398,59,0.0,12-23,12,1996,23,8,0,2 108e6b4f55c97f40e791daf609bcd25505233bf90f4f97144f6edf61e0e5a548,none,think spend holiday season low earth orbit astronaut john blaha cosmonaut colleagu alexand onboard russian mir email season blaha replac lucid mir resid sts79 mission flown space shuttl atlanti schedul replac jerri atlanti make anoth shuttl run mir mission mir seen 200 mile earth sun set follow latest atlanti nasa shuttl flight mir part phase 1 program construct intern space station,christma credit,1996-12-24,385,61,0.1666666666666666,12-24,12,1996,24,8,1,2 a2c13225cfe15c44752422a8895d2f20003202b1f60a9b17686e43071713e31d,michael,carl sagan die last friday age sagan world famou astronomer among mani activ contribut discoveri atmospher venu hot dense found evid saturn moon titan contain ocean build block life sagan search extraterrestri life includ send probe planet listen larg radio telescop signal intellig aliens outstand abil explain allow almost billion peopl better understand cosmo live,sagan,1996-12-26,367,55,0.2215909090909091,12-26,12,1996,26,0,1,2 b6f7c4197a85b2b3d0f3ae710eadf11869c0da9d5a262e2fab091411742272cf,none,univers dim see peer unknown astronom must deploy new tool classic new tool larger telescope pictur new hobbyeberli telescop recent declar first light western texas current largest singl mirror optic telescop 11 meter diameter telescop space like hubbl space telescope much smaller avoid earth atmospher blur fine detail het huge size hand allow see dim object determin spectrum het unusu design allow primari mirror stay put smaller focus instrument suspend primari move track astronom object,new largest optic telescop,1996-12-27,495,75,0.1260249554367201,12-27,12,1996,27,8,1,4 bd87659420faba3643fc2bb6bc53118e27ec40d90a5aab179d621b40f28892aa,david malin anglo australian observartori,odd look creature right center photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different cometari globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi left center far distanc place near cg4 chanc superposition,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,1996-12-28,395,58,0.0265873015873015,12-28,12,1996,28,6,0,3 a5bfcc9cbf5891d412657c6b44fb36a44ae3defa1a1d5d8d3b298d95f25aad61,david malin anglo australian observartori,dark spot pictur photograph unusu type interstellar cloud known bok globule bok globules name astronom bok studi extensively small dark cloud made ga dust typic condens form star stars bok globul found front glow h ii region known ic,dark globul ic,1996-12-29,233,39,-0.1833333333333333,12-29,12,1996,29,4,0,3 9498f45ee7b06cab80814cdc525867f2f84958e50c40a9953c99feb678ae3108,none,earth glow mani kind light includ energet xray band actually earth glow aurora produc high earth atmosphere first pictur earth xrays taken march orbit polar satellite bright xray emiss shown red energet ion sun caus aurora energ electron earth magnetosphere electron move along earth magnet field eventu strike earth ionosphere caus xray emission xray danger absorb lower part earth atmosphere,xray earth,1996-12-30,394,60,0.2533333333333333,12-30,12,1996,30,8,1,2 6c0c0370fe1b3c5f29afeaf52143d466242b56ff079d83c4b73e9fa904a744ea,none,volcano io current help answer this scientist instruct robot spacecraft galileo take hourli pictur moon jupit prior recent encounter obviou chang io due chang amount sunlight reflect moon spacecraft care inspect verifi continu volcan plumes promin plume visibl prometheus visibl io equator plume first photograph 1979 voyager prometheu appear erupt continu least 18 years browsers pictur appear stop movie click stop,io rotat,1996-12-31,416,61,-0.0291666666666666,12-31,12,1996,31,8,0,2 03da5d0a082280babaf6c71f03e8f0d77ddbc284c7a3f0a7f0ed5e951495b396,hutchinson,aurora make spectacular sights particular aurora photograph hover town circle alaska although aurora might first appear moonlit clouds add light sky henc block background star view call northern northern hemispher earth aurora caus charg particl stream sun enter earth atmosphere view space aurora glow xray light well sever www site tell aurora predict visibl area,aurora alaska,1997-01-01,365,55,0.3633333333333333,01-01,1,1997,1,8,1,1 b524188198b0d5d175a3c04b38576ea331c657ada695bd122d115c8c5be7cbf7,p berlind p challi cfa 12m telescope whippl obs,caus bubbl arc ngc main suspect wolfrayet star center one bubbl visibl slightli right center photograph wolfrayet star known massive highli lumin star continu cast materi stellar wind commonli form bubbl interstellar medium unusu structur ngc 2359 arc indic someth complex go on star move anoth energet star futur observ may give piec picturesqu puzzle,bubbl arc ngc,1997-01-02,354,55,0.0289115646258503,01-02,1,1997,2,6,0,3 32ed8fbd38acc351240054e6248928547543fdeb44406b5c9b121578ec6e18f3,p berlind p challi cfa 12m telescope whippl obs,wolfrayet star blow bubbles unusu star much hotter lumin sun extrem massiv star eventu evolv though wolfrayet phase approxim 200 wolfrayet star known milki way galaxy wolfrayet star gener bubbl continu eject outer atmospher stellar wind outgo wind particl typic carri away mass earth wind caus atmospher particl absorb outgo starlight although mani detail process unknown wolfrayet brightest star pictur center larg bubbl nebula known ngc 2359,wolfrayet star bubbl,1997-01-03,443,67,0.0624999999999999,01-03,1,1997,3,6,0,5 d7afa5c624c60a582ad4a177cfaa1348be91bde1ccf00ddb59e359febf54e6f4,robert,comput anim pictur depict compact star would look nearbi observer star pictur actual compact known except black hole observ situat photon sphere photon orbit circle help viewer better visual great distort creat gravity map earth project onto star map familiar night sky project above one either look see sever duplic imag entir surfac star look see sever duplic imag entir night sky look along photon sphere see back one head,star orbit,1997-01-04,425,70,0.1885416666666666,01-04,1,1997,4,6,1,1 667fc763b18f09553c16473e690ccffbfb7d08e2b2ec8844b0fe1ad5aae63e5e,robert nemiroff,would see went right black hole two comput gener pictur highlight strang thing would look left normal star field contain constel orion notic three star nearli equal bright make orion belt right star field time black hole superpos center frame black hole strong graviti light notic bent toward caus unusu visual distortion distort frame everi star normal frame least two bright imag one side black hole fact near black hole see whole sky light everi direct bent around come back you black hole thought densest state matter indirect evid presenc stellar binari system center globular clusters galaxies quasars,close black hole,1997-01-05,610,98,0.1021062271062271,01-05,1,1997,5,6,2,3 4ace2716b7c3106d45a15a99a138a8ad5ec0546f1b95fc850f0efc9fc633046d,none,sun bubbl ball extrem hot gas falsecolor picture light blue region extrem hot 1 million degrees dark blue region slightli cooler camera filter use highli sensit emiss highli charg iron ions trace magnet field sun rich structur imag show great complex sun inner corona small activ region seen right center pictur taken ultraviolet extrem blue light imag telescop eit board solar heliospher observatori soho spacecraft orbit sun ahead earth point soho launch 1995 continu monitor sun sever years,blue sun,1997-01-06,494,78,0.1307142857142857,01-06,1,1997,6,1,1,4 1888097cedfc7f191e50d58f93e2f42b1a2db90c34e64c1da503ee7f905c0a5a,none,sun fact particl stream away sun hundr kilomet per second particl strike earth caus aurora particles however either surround sun huge solar corona glide interstellar space solar wind worri sun total evapor lose littl mass last effect falsecolor pictur taken larg angl spectrometr coronograph board solar heliospher observatori soho instrument block central solar disk imag region surround sun larg streamer visibl typical charg ion get enorm stream energi still,red sun stream,1997-01-07,462,69,0.0388888888888889,01-07,1,1997,7,1,0,4 6a8d50e2bd291f6f534a09d8c0f0b26293cdc0973d3c2ee7b0536e970234bd13,none,sun surfac smooth thousand bump call granul usual dark depress call sunspots numer granul size earth continent much shorter lived granul expect last minut dissip replac newli rise way granul act much like rise bubbl boil water black white visiblelight pictur quit unusu usual rel darken visibl near edg solar disk digit removed visibl near center two larg sunspot comput enhanc bring two bright plage close right solar limb,sun seeth,1997-01-08,423,69,0.0668253968253968,01-08,1,1997,8,1,0,1 9ac04aafc377a31b3adbe1d1fd38fa0c047246fa68113228b4f41f86c7a6746f,none,dramat mosaic recent imag galileo spacecraft reveal detail swirl cloud thick stratospher haze atmospher jupiter solar system largest planet fals color represent altitud red indic cloud featur near top ga giant extens atmospher blue correspond featur depth north mosaic center 50 degre northern jovian latitude limb edg planet arc across upper right line sight look toward limb emphas high altitude red haze caus red may well creat energet electron charg particl swept jupiter magnetospher funnel along magnet field line bombard atmospher near polar regions charg magnetospher particl also creat aurora,jupit,1997-01-09,602,90,0.0441587301587301,01-09,1,1997,9,8,2,4 b101c9ffb4389a8886515be2d947250725d903ad0f45b0199189d8fa85163ed9,none,last september total lunar eclips disappoint mani observ eastern midwestern us cloudi skies however midcours space experi msx satellit spectacular view earth orbit spirit iii onboard imag infrar telescope use repeatedli imag moon eclipse one imag taken 70 minut totality moon complet immers earth shadow infrar light wavelength longer visibl light see feel heat bright spot correspond warm area lunar surface dark area cooler brightest spot left center crater tycho dark region upper right mare crisium seri spirit iii imag allow determin cool curv geolog differ areas explor physic properti moon surface,eclips moon infrar,1997-01-10,605,92,0.2096938775510204,01-10,1,1997,10,2,1,2 3214ee9a001acb9e01c48a3cde7676d102cb4ece2a20ff76854face01f6ce7b1,none,british astronom sir william herschel discov titania oberon 1787 210 year ago today read shakespeare midsumm night dream though make first telescop observ moon planet uranu a planet discov januari 24 1986 nasa robot explor voyag 2 becam spacecraft visit remot uranian system voyager highest resolut pictur titania uranus largest moon composit two imag record distanc miles icy rocki world seen cover impact craters promin system fault valleys nearli 1000 mile long visibl featur near termin deposit highli reflect materi may repres frost seen along sunfac valley walls larg impact crater near top known 180 mile across bottom 60 mile wide fault valley chasma cut crater titania 1000 mile diameter,,1997-01-11,697,110,0.0875,01-11,1,1997,11,8,2,2 e2e3ae2df1a2e97de1f8c4dd9ec778e2761818e2c28db9535065433613067b10,none,stereo imag pair crater mercuri produc use data nasa robot explor marin 10 perform three close flybi sun closest companion two 1974 one 1975 however spacecraft equip stereo instead stereo pair creat use two imag region record slightli differ angle imag left actual taken first flyby one right second crater within crater visibl upper left outer one 70 mile diameter embed crater within 230 mile wide crater segment rim run lower half image get 3d stereo effect left eye see left imag right eye right one tri place one edg piec paper screen pictur touch nose edg,mercuri crater within crater,1997-01-12,562,97,0.0646520146520146,01-12,1,1997,12,5,2,2 039f7df85a9651c3c5a3ffa0d6b969a0c8789e97ffd662c7b6369cdb07036542,none,black hole look like alone black hole would inde appear quit black mani black hole candid part binari star systems black hole binari system look differ neutron star binari system draw indic difficult recent theoret work however provid new way tell accret flow black hole system equip would appear much darker similar neutron star system differ caus hot ga adaf disk fall event horizon black hole disappear ga would emit much light central object neutron star recent observ soft xray transient cyg yield spectrum much like adaf onto black hole perhap brighter adaf onto neutron star,black hole disk credit,1997-01-15,583,96,0.0026515151515151,01-15,1,1997,15,6,2,5 601caa553112135025448c93a23d83d4d8ec2647e72de964869d5b813d52bd21,none,today nasa reveal recent result galileo probe decemb 19th flybi europa jupiter icecov moon includ closeup imag fractur frozen highest resolut pictur ever made europa snapshot show complex array surfac featur x mile area near moon equatori region north toward top sun illumin region right imag made distanc miles upper left linear crisscross ridg groov probabl caus movement surfac ice serpentin valley lumpi featur unknown origin also visible impact crater appar though impli geolog young surface far galileo find lend support excit possibl liquid water exist may still exist beneath europa surface,europa latest galileo,1997-01-17,599,92,0.0685714285714285,01-17,1,1997,17,8,2,2 6c2337fc32479424d3528d792fe7f4e75e1c6dd42fd1157426763082fe68dc06,angloaustralian telescopeboard,photogen m16 shown compos young star cluster associ spectacular emiss nebula line cloud interstellar dust gorgeou spectacl lie toward galact center region 7000 light year distant constel serpens star cluster seen offset right photograph center type star cluster call open cluster typic hundr young bright members red surround emiss nebula ga caus electron recombin hydrogen nuclei dark region dust lane absorb light background sources dust absorb much light allow astronom determin star insid nebula foreground star form within nebula also known eagl nebula,m16 nebula star cluster,1997-01-18,557,83,0.1811224489795918,01-18,1,1997,18,4,1,5 f0ed9d0779c5c6f9cabaaed2b7b33f1d4a9395d7519600e1f5915d336444ddb0,none,novemb 29 1996 earth came within 33 million mile asteroid comput simul pictur spectacl surfac toutati a 25 degre field view look toward earth earth sky toutati appear faint object move background stars also known earthcross asteroid 4179 toutati eccentr 4 year orbit move asteroid belt mar jupit insid earth orbit earth pass near 1992 toutati imag radar seen two irregularli shape lumps perhap join narrow neck bizarr object 15 mile wide 29 mile long tumbl space year 2004 septemb 29 earth pass near close within million mile 4 time earthmoon distance closest approach predict asteroid comet studi toutati earthcross asteroid help reveal connect solar system asteroid comets asteroid also offer tantal target robot explor and time repres potenti collis hazard planet earth,earth near asteroid toutati,1997-01-20,773,123,-0.1083333333333333,01-20,1,1997,20,8,2,2 63e892d0485be1f6c062b806a29f3bbe96d2212a2d2f52bb2501a3c534ca6a13,none,jule verne scienc fiction classic journey center earth professor hardwigg fellow explor encount mani strang excit wonders wonder lie center galaxy astronom know bizarr object exist there like vast dust clouds bright young stars swirl ring gas possibl even larg black hole much galact center region shield view visibl light interven dust gas explor use form electromagnet radiation like radio infrared xrays gamma rays beauti high resolut imag galact center region infrar light made spirit iii telescop onboard midcours space experiment center appear bright spot near middl roughli degre field view plane galaxi vertical north galact pole toward right pictur fals color starlight appear blue dust greenish grey tend red cooler areas,journey center galaxi credit,1997-01-21,732,112,0.1247857142857143,01-21,1,1997,21,6,2,4 303e9514672bc643f14bb8f07d6133d03a83ef70fbe5da6ea0b86ece4ee3683e,none,bigger bread box fact much bigger bread box put together abel huge fact close larg cluster galaxies contain sever thousand galaxi center around central domin galaxy however rel cluster galaxies sinc light take 50 million year reach us fuzzi object pictur galaxies galaxi contain matter cluster studi cluster like astronom conclud form dark matter domin motion bright galaxies what exactly dark matter pose one greatest astronom puzzl modern times,galaxi cluster credit,1997-01-22,446,69,0.2090909090909091,01-22,1,1997,22,7,1,3 fe10b649069784569e641cb61fa34048ba81d6ad5ad6b42e6e6b2dc0fd11d1f3,none,ten year ago notabl supernova modern time observed februari 1987 light reach earth star explod nearbi larg magellan cloud galaxy supernova 1987a remain closest supernova sinc invent telescope explos catapult tremend amount gas light neutrino interstellar space observ hubbl space telescop hst 1994 larg strang ring discov whose origin still mysterious although thought expel even main explosion recent hst observ shown inset however uncov someth actual expand firebal explod star high resolut imag resolv two blob flung central explosion,supernova 1987a firebal resolv credit,1997-01-24,537,79,0.1326666666666666,01-24,1,1997,24,6,1,4 d3b121c88919d81631fc901c008e41ccebb522f8e61d9021249ae3de3106fe75,none,whirlpool galaxi classic spiral galaxy 15 million light year distant m51 also catalog ngc 5194 one brighter picturesqu galaxi sky smaller galaxi appear right also well behind m51 infer dust m51 spiral arm block light smaller galaxy astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact smaller galaxy,m51 whirlpool galaxi credit,1997-01-25,312,48,0.0627380952380952,01-25,1,1997,25,7,0,3 fa51af3dabd75cbb13c7fe98314f8c18aed1a51d053113e6350b141ed99b26fe,none,one spectacular solar sight prominence solar promin cloud solar ga held sun surfac sun magnet field earth would easili fit one loop promin shown picture quiescent promin typic last month may erupt coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system although thought mani relat magnet field energi mechan behind solar promin still unknown,promin solar promin,1997-01-27,332,54,0.125,01-27,1,1997,27,1,1,1 e828e318881c51dcf97f7767e0c8b85fbec60f74203ced0e8df75ca1c7d6e821,none,mani star form clusters two type star cluster visibl milki way galaxy open cluster globular clusters open cluster like m50 shown above typic contain hundr stars mani bright young blue fact bright blue star pictur belong m50 dimmer red star not lie 3000 lightyear earth 20 light year across open cluster tend irregular shape mostli found plane galaxy,open cluster credit copyright,1997-01-28,349,58,0.1727272727272727,01-28,1,1997,28,6,1,3 2ea8acfed072ada853642cc678fbd94c88cf8288fb7215a38bfafeb2bc1c2cb6,none,star cluster singularli impressive open cluster ngc 869 ngc 884 doubli impressive also known h chi persei rare doubl cluster shown above bright enough seen dark locat without even binoculars although discoveri sure predat written history doubl notabl catalog greek astronom cluster 7000 light year distant toward constel perseus separ hundr light years,ngc 869 ngc 884 doubl open cluster credit copyright,1997-01-29,352,53,0.3115384615384615,01-29,1,1997,29,6,1,3 e1ae376d5e7b60af02bde2e5bd4abb6a5087c10f056bf00654fd9d13d1dfdc9b,none,what temperatur matter earth map tell you global montag creat use temperatur data numer satellit orbit earth map indic temperatur record earli januari 26th 1997 even recent map updat everi 6 hour usual available ocean color map lighter shade blue indic warmer temperatures land red hue indic rel look map one see summer warm earth southern hemisphere winter earth northern hemisphere key bottom temperatur degre easili convert degre,earth temperatur credit,1997-01-30,434,68,0.0833333333333333,01-30,1,1997,30,8,0,1 903ca1f7cf48b8b9d04d17331a6e606fd4d08d7dd4d0e6170f669a0025d1fe5a,none,human walk moon pictur second person stand lunar surface edwin buzz aldrin apollo 11 mission neil armstrong the first person walk moon buzz aldrin land moon michael collin circl command modul above lunar team erect plaqu surfac reads men planet earth first set foot upon moon juli 1969 ad came peac mankind apollo mission demonstr possibl land human moon return safely,stand moon credit,1997-02-02,368,61,0.1428571428571428,02-02,2,1997,2,2,1,2 5bc7a4d1256be0906735b80eaf9b09159274e331710c6966b64533362725ae1a,none,astronom clyde tombaugh discover pluto die januari 17th inspir mani long except live la new mexico wife 60 years today would birthday pictur 1995 backyard telescop knew well 9 inch newtonian reflector built discard farm car parts use telescop dark night sky western kansas made draw mar jupit submit lowel observatori hire work lowel tombaugh embark systemat photograph search long sought planet x newli construct 13 inch 1930 tombaugh struggl find 9th planet discov faint distant pluto orbit edg solar system found father new mexico state university astronomi retir professor 1973 continu tour health prevent it alway activ stargazer ask smithsonian could telescop use make 1928 i told still use,credit copyright,1997-02-04,697,110,-0.0489898989898989,02-04,2,1997,4,8,2,4 5d0efb0238111778933cd9e2c28b5adc812eb9cade078f51ab55b91ff0ad941e,none,jupit rings too unlik saturn bright ring compos chunk ice jupiter ring darker appear consist fine particl rock six pictur taken infrar light infrar telescop facil hawaii 1994 cover time span two hours quit visibl jupiter rings band spot outer atmosphere also visibl photos however two small jovian moons metis 40 kilomet across appear second pictur dim spot ring right jupiter amalthea much larger brighter appear third frame far left seen pass across face jupit frame four origin jupiter ring remain unknown although hypothes creat materi scatter meteorit impact onto jupiter moons,run red ring around jupit credit,1997-02-05,582,92,0.1376984126984126,02-05,2,1997,5,8,2,1 72be9323164d3e8e3a9daf2a0f2f7141bf9892218e0f4fedbcaab6d4dbc0c36c,none,comet halebopp return behind sun decemb earli january comet halebopp near sun easili visibl earth comet grace morn sky visibl dark locat even without binoculars photo taken januari 31st show two emerg tail comet halebopp blue wisp point ion white dust tail trip inner solar system comet halebopp show sign could brighten next month becom spectacular comet modern times,comet halebopp return credit copyright,1997-02-06,368,59,0.0388888888888888,02-06,2,1997,6,3,0,1 c08e6160791923ca5ed70c3836be365ffe2854b386118e786e7adc95c6796322,none,famou sombrero galaxi m104 bright nearbi spiral galaxy promin dust lane halo star globular cluster give galaxi name someth energet go sombrero center much xray light detect it xray emiss coupl unusu high central stellar veloc caus mani astronom specul black hole lie sombrero center black hole billion time mass sun,m104 sombrero galaxi credit,1997-02-08,316,51,0.1176666666666666,02-08,2,1997,8,7,1,3 44e4de5427d0c033eff25cdc58ea56b2c52875c196fd9b950dd1d9efc412572d,none,astronaut carl walz wave colleagu aft end space shuttl discovery payload bay 1993 spacewalk evalu tools tethers foot restraint slate use first hubbl space telescop servic mission today success launch discoveri begin second servic mission hubble discovery crew rendezv orbit telescop captur shuttle manipul arm hubbl payload bay crew conduct spacewalk replac two exist instrument new ones instal space telescop imag spectrograph near infrar camera multiobject spectrometer hardwar also replac upgrad includ telescope fine guidanc sensor improv instrument extend hubble abil explor distant universe,space walz credit,1997-02-11,597,84,0.1575757575757575,02-11,2,1997,11,8,1,2 fe5bb38dcb0ec968eca231f579dcb22aed4b2388f752c301bc1f390fef1a9dde,p h b vrh,comet halebopp quit tail tell remark comet first discov 1995 even comet hyakutake sinc then erupt snowbal continu fall inner solar system start put quit show comet known throughout histori show tail spread across sky picture blue stream ion tail consist ion push away comet head solar wind ion tail alway point directli away sun comet halebopp visibl morn sky move degre day comet halebopp expect best brightest late march earli april,comet halebopp tail,1997-02-12,434,72,0.19,02-12,2,1997,12,3,1,1 5e762754386b13c2eaa4796b129a0b178cea76231afc1f5a790e3b6269f1250e,none,comet becom fountain ga dust get near sun solar heat vapor outer layer spectacular orbit expos cavern pressur ga erupt jets digit enhanc imag comet halebopp taken januari 29th highlight sever dust jets here background star appear faint rais streaks comet halebopp current brighter stars visibl morn sky comet halebopp continu brighten develop extend tail april,jet comet halebopp credit,1997-02-13,360,56,0.0499999999999999,02-13,2,1997,13,3,0,1 d7ba03c3005b0535cdcae9f10e81927788fc52aad412c836ef2ec6de363f4dfd,none,happen star run nuclear fuel center condens white dwarf outer atmospher layer expel space appear planetari nebula particular planetari nebula design shapley 1 famou astronom harlow shapley appar annular ring like structure although nebula appear like planet sky henc name actual surround star far outsid solar system,shapley 1 annular planetari nebula credit copyright,1997-02-15,316,47,0.0333333333333333,02-15,2,1997,15,4,0,5 3266927a4f2fb2c0fee2fef3e666a4ca9c6d2c065e0092c72ba0e0845cc5c7ec,none,betelgeus sound lot like beetl juice red supergi star 600 light year distant seen hubbl space telescop imag first direct pictur surfac star sun bright yet unexplain hotspot reveal surface betelgeus cooler sun massiv 1000 time larger place center solar system would extend past orbit jupiter betelgeus also known alpha orionis one brightest star familar constel orion hunter like mani star names betelgeus arab origin deriv phrase refer hunter shoulder armpit gener area occupi star draw figur constellation massiv red supergiant near end life soon becom supernova,betelgeuse betelgeuse,1997-02-16,564,87,0.125,02-16,2,1997,16,6,1,3 1de24e41e27ff983da8f3bd0d0829a0e770459ec03273159ce53739f16dbbe8c,none,wind sun blow solar system comet tail wave interplanetari breez gave astronom first hint existence stream outward electron ion boil sun incred hot tenuou corona account solar wind known affect earth planet along voyag spacecraft root solar magnet field structur corona visibl composit imag eit instrument onboard soho spacecraft extend million mile sun surface dark areas known coron holes repres region highest speed solar wind,wind,1997-02-17,429,65,0.1166666666666666,02-17,2,1997,17,1,1,2 6ec4077e3c4f516d516bc3b42639f0e4ae232ca7ad5f93dd0f8dc484a770a04c,none,callisto surfac without fault fact explor cross surfac larg moon jupit would need climb equip pass large recent discov fault pictur releas last week taken novemb 1996 robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupiter sun illumin callisto surfac left unusu cliff scarp stand shadow cast right cliff other probabl form larg object collid callisto earli history mani visibl crater photograph smallest visibl footbal field across largest kilometer,big cliff jupiter callisto credit,1997-02-18,440,66,0.046875,02-18,2,1997,18,8,0,2 b3d3535f4ccc733e8cc77adf42d64931dce30b5514c724dcf0f64a2d08fc0263,none,mizar sound like binari star fact star binari stars binari star system star pair follow ellipt orbit path mutual graviti caus stellar companion glide around orbit tie end elast string pass balanc point them balanc point system also known zeta ursa mizar middl star handl big dipper distanc 88 light years first binari star system imag spectroscop observ mizar system show period doppler reveal stars mizar mizar b binari stars but companion close directli observ separ stars even largest telescopes develop new optic interferomet capabl extrem high resolut peer earth blurri atmosphere us naval observatori naval research lab astronom abl detect companion star mizar a composit imag observ show daili monthli rel orbit motion binari system binari star boon astronom star weigh orbit provid direct measur star masses,binari,1997-02-19,816,128,0.2120454545454545,02-19,2,1997,19,6,2,4 27e839f2d3fa30253ba2034797b1ce5c28ce9507d1a2942cfd6a36810d12961b,none,comet halebopp slowli move across morn sky trip inner solar system comet pass front sever notabl objects comet halebopp photograph februari 11th superpos nearli front picturesqu dumbbel nebula visibl upper right comet halebopp first magnitud one brightest object morn sky apod alway search interest accur astronomi pictures follow inform challenge comet halebopp photograph color easili recogniz foreground background objects instance late march might possibl photograph comet eiffel tower foreground andromeda galaxi m31 background superposit would contrast human cosmic elements give angular perspect size comet tail,comet halebopp dumbbel copyright,1997-02-20,619,85,0.0392857142857142,02-20,2,1997,20,3,2,3 1abcda7cfcd4128c1e71d0dd306df9c101501560b816fde00c9bd8f851fa7e0b,none,hubbl space telescope second servic mission completed everi years telescop visit space shuttl allow astronaut switch old instrument new time goddard high resolut spectrograph faint object spectrograph replac near infrar camera multiobject spectromet space telescop imag spectrograph new instrument act like eye share 24meter telescop mirror remain instruments wide field planetari camera 2 faint object camera hubbl space telescop take clearer pictur ground base telescop imag blur earth atmosphere pictur final phase space walk second servic mission astronaut mark lee right steven smith work hst perch shuttle remot manipul arm,new eye hubbl space telescop credit,1997-02-21,629,90,-0.0755044955044955,02-21,2,1997,21,8,0,2 39ffc9059150d6a83620f109bb6a41ad9875100ae29490c895f1a86fc2b241ab,none,yesterday episod cartwheel galaxy surviv chanc cosmic collis small intrud galaxi trigger expand ring star formation hot trail team multiwavelength compil evid track galaxi scene present composit show visual imag cartwheel galaxi at left smaller galaxi cartwheel group superpos high resolut radio observ neutral hydrogen green neutral hydrogen trail suggest lead culprit galaxi far right present 250000 light year distant,trail credit,1997-02-24,421,60,0.0496703296703296,02-24,2,1997,24,7,0,4 fe055f9a70e2235dac2f9da2ec475c8dd702541a16424ecc0d0cf685e635bb0b,none,arc toward fieri fate sungraz comet record soho spacecraft larg angl spectrometr coronagraph lasco dec 23rd 1996 lasco use occult disk partial visibl lower right block otherwis overwhelm solar disk allow imag inner 5 million mile rel faint corona comet seen coma enter bright equatori solar wind region orient vertically spot blemish imag background star camera streak caus charg particles posit space continu observ sun soho detect 7 sungraz comets base orbits believ belong famili comet creat success break up singl larg parent comet pass near sun twelfth century bright comet 1965 ikeyaseki also member sungraz family come within 400000 mile sun surface pass close sun sungraz subject destruct tidal forc along intens solar heat comet known soho 6 survive,sungraz credit,1997-02-26,758,120,0.0380952380952381,02-26,2,1997,26,3,2,4 e0cfff2cf1cd7516552826a692ab618039729cbdd6dc9bef1c12ae6dee86959e,none,what fuzzi star star comet halebopp comet halebopp becom easi see morn sky becom hard see it bright morn sunrise look toward east comet halebopp one brightest object up domin presenc shown dramat photo taken west north carolina usa comet halebopp shine telephon pole line highway 70 tire get morn see comet worry less month also visibl even sky sunset longer tail space shuttle dr steven look,comet halebopp bright credit copyright,1997-02-27,392,67,0.0805555555555555,02-27,2,1997,27,3,0,1 60e0902d4f50666405f9cd76d1ba3f05c6c7e8bef5be9bf0e2456c2958fd4f8b,none,sun bright bright overwhelm light star even telescopes lasco coronograph onboard spacebas soho observatory use occult disk block intens solar light examin tenuous hot gase million mile sun surface lasco imag decemb 24 1996 occult disk center mechan support lower left visibl along billow solar wind appear background faint star obscur dust cloud toward center milki way galaxy field view cover 16 degrees correspond 28 million mile distanc sun half diamet mercury orbit promin dark interstellar dust cloud cut milki way starfield run approxim south lower right north blemish imag camera streak caus charg particles,solar wind milki,1997-03-04,615,95,0.1432539682539682,03-04,3,1997,4,6,2,5 e4749265f70c1558d353be2922692dd0b1581f14b00a18dee0c404769c18339a,none,put observatori space telescop ground ground deploy heavier telescop upgrad easily troubl earthbound telescop must look earth atmosphere first earth atmospher block broad rang electromagnet spectrum allow narrow band visibl light reach surface telescop explor univers use light beyond visibl spectrum onboard compton observatori gamma asca satellit xrays new ultraviolet infrar instrument abovepictur hubbl space telescop hst need carri absorb atmosphere second earth atmospher blur light let through blur caus vari densiti continu motion air orbit earth atmosphere hubbl get clearer images fact even though hst mirror 15 time smaller larg earthbound telescopes still resolv detail almost 100 time,hubbl float free credit,1997-03-06,697,99,0.1882196969696969,03-06,3,1997,6,8,2,4 432a25088d8091457e683583eb40fcf0b732c98729e20f8063a14e7ba9e7efa6,none,longer earli see comet halebopp mani northern locations go outsid sunset see comet halebopp horizon apod impress bright comet halebopp become easili visibl is central coma visibl almost locat even bright city blue ion tale visibl dark location comet halebopp coma rival even last year comet hyakutake tail appear increas length daily,comet halebopp enter even sky credit,1997-03-07,334,52,0.1166666666666667,03-07,3,1997,7,3,1,1 53cdbd8165113f60152693d73b8c77ae637ce5f26932758b178ae28f90261285,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel microwav background allski map radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there,cobe dipole speed univers credit,1997-03-08,457,72,0.0143333333333333,03-08,3,1997,8,6,0,4 bb70624b97abc0d110b6e9b10138351a1ced17fc16ab0dec30d6d256fde0cb08,none,two imag microwav sky north south galaxy equator base data nasa cosmic background explor cobe satellite comput process remov contribut nearbi object effect earth motion show spots spot oldest distant structur known repres temperatur variat earli universe univers expand cooled conglomer mass formed cobe imag confirm million year bigbang occur roughli 15 billion year ago part univers visibl hotter parts studi size distribut spot found cobe futur missions astronom hope learn matter process caus spot form henc determin composition density futur universe,cobe hotspots oldest structur known credit,1997-03-09,558,82,-0.45,03-09,3,1997,9,8,0,4 34a6e7bf283dfb6f5db8bc5c07a52df9d02c8a475463313032bd9833046d735e,none,jupiter thick atmospher stripe winddriven cloud band remain fix latitud dark color band known belt light color band zones jupiter beltzon boundari shear wind veloc reach nearli 300 mile per hour near infrar imag recent return galileo spacecraft map visibl color closeup beltzon boundari near ga giant equator color map reveal differ layers lower cloud bluish higher one smallest featur seen ten mile across,jupiter,1997-03-10,407,64,0.0444444444444444,03-10,3,1997,10,8,0,5 a2c99bd03a8ddb67fa49f744f974589cc285e8d2f6215a10142b6d7cfb1022b5,none,happen jupiter great red spot oper chilli 55 degre kelvin galileo spacecraft near infrar map spectromet record composit imag jupiter great red spot late june 1996 red green blue color chosen repres three differ infrar wavelength detect nim instrument result yellowish green appear massiv jovian storm system cold high pressur area 2 3 earth diamet wide indic lie high surround cloud features blue correspond region cloud rel thin featur lie greater,jupiter great yellow,1997-03-11,450,71,0.0423529411764706,03-11,3,1997,11,8,0,2 d9fde769c536aeba4d326d6bfdc924ad2e65dbff12a15deddf76b084c070fa85,none,saturn unusu photogenic second largest planet solar system behind jupiter easili identifi night sinc histori recorded invent telescope however evid majest ring system becam apparent saturn compos mostli hydrogen helium gas saturn ring compos mani ice chunk rang size penni car pictur saturn one earliest taken hubbl space telescop digit reconstruct three color images cassini mission saturn schedul launch later year reach saturn 2004,saturn color credit,1997-03-12,434,64,-0.0875,03-12,3,1997,12,0,0,2 71b393eb1d9b9bddd3184ac1236ac9f5b3fd62cf4482af1458837dae995bf575,none,great comet 1997 brighter great comet 1996 ever was fact brighter almost everi star sky yet comet halebopp still two week away maximum light comet halebopp well north plane earth orbit side sky sun therefore comet halebopp visibl earth northern hemispher sunset sunrise pictur comet halebopp taken last week italy mani milki way star nebula visible left rock face partli illumin artifici light,halebopp comet decad credit,1997-03-13,393,63,0.3999999999999999,03-13,3,1997,13,3,1,1 44aa0fed860216700c69248315e692dc2bc7c0bac1cf2e75ca8a382926033c12,none,comet halebopp live expectations besid bright coma comet typic rememb length tails visibl pictur taken last week comet halebopp blue ion tail show dramat extension current report 20 degre dark locations comet white dust tail far shown modest extent appear grow significantly comet halebopp closest approach sun occur two weeks although get much closer sun earth comet halebopp like tell even spectacular tail then,comet halebopp tail credit,1997-03-14,413,64,0.1508741258741258,03-14,3,1997,14,3,1,1 ae8e52eed80bc168c6df37cddbd576fb6d914a846ca200da535cc39a6cf2f31d,none,although earth round galaxi appear truli flat shown dramat fashion cosmic background explor cobe satellit produc premier view central region milki way galaxi infrar light milki way typic spiral galaxi central bulg extend disk stars however ga dust within disk obscur visibl wavelength light effect prevent clear observ center sinc infrar wavelength less affect obscur material diffus infrar background experi board cobe abl detect infrar light star surround galact center produc image course edg perspect repres view vicin sun star locat disk 30000 light year center dirb modul use equip cool liquid helium detect infrar light which compos wavelength longer red light invis human eye,milki way center credit,1997-03-15,683,105,0.1199074074074074,03-15,3,1997,15,6,2,4 f876d97cd986029ee6d185c4c1ab82bf3e8db3e22b544334513be6faeb7f6693,none,gammaray sinc discoveri earli 1970s nobodi abl explain caus mysteri flash gamma ray come seemingli random direct sky yet even unclear whether high energi explos origin galaxi distant galaxi across universe late last month burster known gammaray flash counterpart seen wavelength februari 28 italiandutch satellit known bepposax detect may well xray burster eight hour gammaray flash discoveri imag shown above still hour later use posit provid xray image groundbas telescop recov even better locat variabl optic sourc also seem relat burster dramatically optic transient fade now place lie steadi sourc appear dim distant galaxy gammaray burst origin distant galaxy so answer one facet one modern astronomy greatest not would first fortuit coincid astronomers futur satellit groundbas observ tell,gamma ray burster credit,1997-03-19,797,118,0.0806666666666666,03-19,3,1997,19,8,2,4 39c47bcd5ce626315a0e84394d998b7b42fd2ea34675289044d8f78d3d783d2f,none,today mark vernal equinox first day spring planet earth northern hemisphere despit recent attempt spectacular dramat celesti event take center stage comet halebopp remain popular object sky apod access like make spring memor many gorgeou pictur comet delight tail one taken march 16 make outbreak earth pass love tail halebopp no earth made similar past fact tale often told planet 1910 passag comet halley tail anticip event caus follow close heel spectroscop detect cn poison gaseou constitu cometari tails however stretch million miles aweinspir comet tail actual extrem tenuous nearli perfect vacuum pose danger life earth,springtim comet credit,1997-03-20,628,96,0.2576388888888889,03-20,3,1997,20,3,2,1 ab55a93954a18e6f6d7ab6dc7bbfd9df96e52388c817998497b98de3232688f2,none,like downtown area favorit city road drive work on selfrespect web site io surfac constantli construction moon jupit hold distinct solar system volcan activ bodi bizarr look surfac continu form reform lava flows gener use 1996 data nasa galileo spacecraft highest resolut composit imag io center side io alway face away jupiter enhanc emphas io surfac bright color variations reveal featur small 15 mile across notabl absenc impact crater suggest entir surfac cover new volcan deposit much rapidli crater created drive volcan powerhouse like energi sourc chang gravit tide caus jupit galilean moon io orbit massiv ga giant planet heat io interior pump tide could gener sulfur volcan activity,io surface construct credit,1997-03-21,693,109,0.1409090909090909,03-21,3,1997,21,8,2,4 d404b5545e1ff279d748ebedb87376ab13700e27de04ec558d387fa69e49ced6,none,would mar nice place much mar undergo sever chang climat orbit around sun rang extrem cold temperatur enjoy humans mar usual nice place visit hardi spacecraft fact mar pathfind mar global surveyor mission current head red prepar schedul mar pathfind land juli 4th 1997 earthorbit hubbl space telescop recent took high resolut photograph pictur show onset martian summer northern when apparently northern polar cap reced uncov dark sand dunes,weather mar credit,1997-03-24,441,69,0.0661904761904762,03-24,3,1997,24,5,0,2 4f14a42bcc179f96b15d25c5a5297dd919854ac9eda70128c266a03234174808,none,comet bright comet halebopp rare comet emit reflect much light sinc possibl great comet however sinc comet halebopp across inner solar system us appear bright comet west 1975 great comet 1996 comet hyakutake rel dim also appear bright sinc pass close earth above comet halebopp photograph high town la spanish canari islands march 11th,halebopp brightest comet centuri credit,1997-03-25,335,54,0.3883333333333333,03-25,3,1997,25,3,1,3 977cd816fa65e2fcd5c023a24ebdb24087d86607e76ead41c182d1abbd225891,none,undaunt artifici glow one famou urban earth comet halebopp shine citi new york usa photograph march 23rd view new jersey show hudson river foreground empir state build right georg washington bridg left comet visibl tail above comet lie distanc 120 million mile new york bright comet turn be might even brighter may 6 halebopp orbit take within 10 million mile point earth orbit occupi planet earth earli january comet also reach point january would come almost close earth comet hyakutak last year distance halebopp might 100 time brighter now reach,citi comet credit copyright,1997-03-26,549,90,0.154978354978355,03-26,3,1997,26,3,1,1 fafc3f8d1dd31c23f8fcb738750007caac2e019ba8e0a7393983636ad6548aa9,none,moonlight illumin landscap lend qualiti beauti photograph absaroka mountain range locat along border near usa yellowston nation park foreground lie north fork shoshon river snowcov peak rise feet left jim mountain comet halebopp grace western sky inspir painter american west like charl georg smith photograph cody wyom taken advantag doubl bright moon bright comet produc breathtak image,comet countri credit copyright,1997-03-27,388,57,0.25,03-27,3,1997,27,3,1,1 94b9fee0f1148623039ee36d742093487dfa3cb3f886518e63d63bb32bedf040,none,suggest comet halebopp becom view comet human history presently denizen earth northern hemisphere bright comet certainli love inspir sight visibl sky cortina dampezzo itali march 20 base orbit comet last passag inner solar system approxim 4200 year ago chang caus gravit influenc jupiter halebopp pass way mere years comet come outer reach solar system frozen astronom analyz structur composit comet swing near sun seek glimps condit solar system form years,comet sky credit,1997-03-28,458,70,1.5419764230904953e-17,03-28,3,1997,28,3,0,2 69a0a69f08607edea611488efa6ddec5874573ec7d2d174d48447dd2e39ce360,none,what closest galaxi milki way mani year astronom thought larg magellan cloud lmc seemingli fuzzi patch shown turn part galaxi even closer deem small galaxi went unnot discoveri 1994 r g gilmor m irwin reason sagittariu dwarf discov earlier dim spread sky mani milki way star front it distanc sagittariu dwarf recent measur one third distanc lmc astronom believ galaxi slowli torn apart vast gravit forc galaxy,closest galaxy sagittariu dwarf credit copyright,1997-03-29,409,67,-0.0249999999999999,03-29,3,1997,29,7,0,3 7104411ba495e900a685f17c0d34825f74288d52ba00c220ddc87a4e80c954a7,none,one unusu galaxi known centauru a pictur above cen mark dramat dust lane run across galaxy center dust lane thick almost complet obscur galaxy center visibl light milki way galaxi contain dust cen also unusu compar normal galaxi contain higher proport young blue stars strong sourc radio emission uniqu structure cen thought result collis two normal galaxies,dusti galaxi centauru credit,1997-03-30,358,57,0.0893939393939393,03-30,3,1997,30,7,1,3 d7d981a9b6a64a07cd37de8e12bc45824c4385f3069e871f54969ba88d8f5898,none,jupiter actual planetari nebula ngc star like sun complet fusion core throw outer layer strike display call planetari nebula ngc 3242 planetari nebula stellar remnant white dwarf star visibl center nebula sometim call the ghost similar appear familiar planet ngc 3242 much farther away however measli 40 lightminut distanc jupiter fact compar appar expans rate actual rate determin doppler astronom estim distanc ngc 3242 1400 lightyear away red flier visibl near edg nebula remain mysterious,ngc 3242 planetari nebula credit,1997-03-31,493,75,0.075,03-31,3,1997,31,4,0,3 2cf3bab57a68c9d57e4e39cf541f6ca6581a37d104e9639dcae49e2d141c9ce7,none,closer comet galaxy answer comet trek inner solar system comet halebopp pass nearli front andromeda galaxi m31 seen lower left time picture march 27th comet halebopp 10 lightminut earth m31 remain 3 million lightyear distant contrast light cross earth second light take one second reach earth moon comet halebopp one largest comet ever recorded although nucleu never photographed estim bright spin measur 40 kilomet across contrast comet halley 1987 measur 15 km comet hyakutak 1996 estim 10 km,halebopp andromeda credit copyright,1997-04-01,494,78,0.1555555555555555,04-01,4,1997,1,3,1,2 aaf895b2e9917466b138ae0f287c5884b570c25b20a0f14cc8e6dc7afd67c601,none,aurora frequent make complet ring around pole earth particular visibl orang near top image taken orbit polar spacecraft one year ago releas nasa last month complet auror oval normal hard photograph part usual occur brightli sunlit portion earth polar earth camera however program filter certain type ultraviolet light atmospher oxygen glow brighter reflect sunlight peopl normal live near great lake north america would abl see aurora,complet aurora credit,1997-04-02,434,66,0.1318114177489177,04-02,4,1997,2,8,1,1 53cfd35aff180c5a3bfbcb156e7b43cf260f9bfff21141d3b9e865b50ef73f86,none,comet dust tail alway orbit behind it sinc comet rotate shed ga dust direct small ice dust particl expel comet however liter push around sunlight smaller greater effect comet head inward sunlight slow small particl orbit behind comet comet head back though sunlight speed up small particl orbit front comet comet halebopp big orbit affect momentum sunlight therefore sinc comet halebopp start back outer solar system two day ago expect dramat dust tail shown shift front come days,earth clouds sky comet credit copyright,1997-04-03,480,78,-0.1041666666666666,04-03,4,1997,3,3,0,1 c06e323970a3ad403750865774fde39828f36624127666e1b0033ec63d3f1399,none,stereo pair halebopp imag combin two pictur slightli differ view angles simul stereo vision differ gener comet appar motion cruis inner solar system camera locat shoshon nation forest wyoming usa planet earth two pictur taken 45 minut apart march 25 digit version care crop adjust background star product internet collabor j m frost pair meant view comfort distanc gentli cross eye imag merge,halebopp stereo credit copyright,1997-04-04,392,63,0.0,04-04,4,1997,4,8,0,1 829f5b6bc6b374c5b916dc2b97f9d91cd201571f585f89fab08eee582c91ba8a,none,center nearbi giant galaxi m87 dens violent place 1994 photograph hubbl space telescope disk hot ga found orbit center massiv ellipt galaxy disk evid lower left picture rotat speed ga disk indic mass object ga orbiting size disk indic approxim volum central object observ yield central densiti high hypothes object could live black hole pictur also show highli energet jet eman central object like cosmic jet compos fast move charg particl broken knot small 10 light year across,black hole credit,1997-04-05,478,78,-0.0418939393939393,04-05,4,1997,5,6,0,3 5cb68ae3b519bcdb8afa2bc47e7ccfc4cee30a5933c18ba4e4745787bca99b8c,none,could fuzzi blob key whole gammaray burst grb astronom world scrambl determin true natur extend emiss seen lower right bright sourc image bright object center rapidli fade thought first true optic counterpart grb hous galaxy so central emiss faded galaxi today follow observ blob plan hubbl space telescope extend emiss come galaxi would bolster indic februari 28th grb occur galaxy across univers us this turn would impli grb truli power explos ever known,credit,1997-04-07,457,73,0.2735714285714286,04-07,4,1997,7,7,1,3 53314b6001311c5a0dde4b8058972c6bea54c83571cd9cae074c13bc19133c43,none,what point light world trade center comet halebopp faster speed bullet abl tall build singl orbit comet halebopp also bright enough seen even glow light one world premier cities foreground lie east river much new york city lower manhattan seen river comet comet halebopp move away sun earth however remain visibl even northern citi least month find comet halebopp look brightest object northwest sky sunset wait return 2400 years,comet halebopp new york citi credit copyright,1997-04-08,430,69,0.1766233766233766,04-08,4,1997,8,3,1,1 c98bb8dfac33faf0e5b93e7ea5534d12306f2fdfd018ed9553fc054521d7c8b0,none,life beneath today new result announc at 2 pm possibl ocean jupiter moon europa exist ocean increas likelihood sort life exist beneath fractur ice plane jupiter smoothest satellite result februari 20th flybi robot spacecraft galileo past europa clearli indic either larg bodi water slush exist rel thin ice sheet cover moon surface least regions area surfac mark craters indic water flow time sinc crater formed,ocean jupiter credit,1997-04-09,411,65,-0.1627272727272727,04-09,4,1997,9,8,0,2 9f542b584a1419479bca52aba6113c063e1b38fd935a3d74a84826d6a3d8a701,none,surfac jupiter moon europa photograph releas yesterday europa surfac taken spacecraft galileo show smooth moon ici surfac sometim like giant scrambl puzzle piec europa surface identifi above raft new locations also visibl larger area clearli shift origin alignment could caus surfac one lead explan water ocean water beneath europa ice plains discoveri fuel specul life might exist far earth,europa ice raft credit,1997-04-10,392,59,0.106060606060606,04-10,4,1997,10,8,1,2 4adf927097c1c13a76cb90a4cfe3155547b485d639dac565262c481e67440609,none,earth endur burst particl sun latest storm began monday one best document solar storm date 10 ground monitor soho spacecraft continu monitor sun notic weak spot solar corona buckl again time let loos large explos coron mass eject cme almost simultaneously nasa wind spacecraft began detect burst radio wave electron involv magnet storm superson wave rippl though solar corona puff high energi ga shot solar system imag show two photograph sun taken 15 minut apart subtracted highlight explosion cme ga littl last effect earth might make good weekend see aurora,sun puff credit,1997-04-11,560,90,0.3141836734693877,04-11,4,1997,11,1,1,1 28a2d0d36387bd76ae48607f00533c51c529f20ff5817d8c08d8c32c4debd065,none,ss433 one exot star system known unremark name stem inclus catalog star emit radiat characterist atom hydrogen remark behavior stem compact object black hole neutron star produc accret disk jets illustr artist vision ss433 system base observ data massive hot star left lock mutual orbit compact object materi transfer massiv star accret disk surround compact object blast two jet ioniz ga opposit direct 14 speed light radiat jet tilt toward observ radiat jet tilt away binari system complet orbit 13 day jet precess like top period 164 days jet ss433 relat black hole center galaxies,jet credit,1997-04-13,585,95,0.0016666666666666,04-13,4,1997,13,6,2,4 c43e95e85a67ec69cd6e4a6c81ffe844bb982022e9fc041c70aeff22c218a16b,none,comet halebopp nucleu comet dirti snowbal 25 mile diamet spin everi 12 hours comet halebopp spins part comet surfac shoot away jets eject materi therefor make rings appear photograph coma even though central part comet halebopp coma quit condensed nucleu visible comet halebopp head south away sun get dimmer brightest last week even brighter comet hyakutak last year although less promin tail comet halebopp still easili visibl northern observ sever week northwest sky sunset,halebopp credit,1997-04-14,476,74,-0.0611111111111111,04-14,4,1997,14,3,0,1 bb1da8a6bcf4e8f75d14a9fffc3b3b7aa68311fb44b76f0041eaae33ecbf17a2,none,comet halebopp observ mani differ telescopes comet pictur behind array radio telescop compos plateau de interferometer telescop use detect presenc differ molecul coma tail comet halebopp molecul detect comet includ carbon monoxid sulfur dioxide abund differ type molecul comet halebopp coma give clue composit history well clue composit histori solar system comet halebopp round sun head back out still seen northern observ sever week northwest sky sunset,halebopp plateau de credit copyright,1997-04-15,455,67,-0.16,04-15,4,1997,15,3,0,4 26948d9c7e7223122aa1704ae4719365b0bde165fea06d76e0d0420d37eb363d,none,comet halebopp continu look impressive photograph captur comet april 7th pass nearli front m34 star cluster constel perseus mani star open cluster seen comet halebopp white dust tail bright blue ion tail show sever streams reced sun earth comet halebopp still remain impress sight week come slowli fades,star cluster halebopp tail credit copyright,1997-04-16,303,48,0.34,04-16,4,1997,16,3,1,3 0dcaac689af4e3170f29d9c8979ca0e2091bf672c3511f75622156f8c90d7650,none,impact crater pwyll a name celtic mythology thought repres one youngest featur surfac jupiter moon europa combin color high resolut black white data nasa galileo spacecraft use produc view look crater sun illumin scene right pwyll visibl dark central region 24 mile diameter brilliant white ray debri blast impact site extend outward hundr miles white debri ejecta clearli overlay everyth els surfac indic format younger surround features interestingly bright white color suggest composit fresh water ice particles water liquid form exist europa ici surface,pwyll ici crater europa credit,1997-04-17,558,84,0.156080586080586,04-17,4,1997,17,8,1,1 d38d8b9eb95235af6ce767dac16b1bd7b80f04595ad9cc5727a369821da0e4fe,none,april 7 soho spacecraft spot solar storm eject cloud energet particl toward planet earth plasma cloud center miss earth high energi particl swept earth magnetospher still creat geomagnet storm resid northerli treat spectacl brilliant aurora curtain green white light danc across sky imag april 11 polar ionospher xray imag experi onboard nasa orbit polar spacecraft record strongest xray aurora seen year operation fals color imag overlay map north america reveal xray gener upper atmospher shower high energi electrons,solar storm xray,1997-04-18,519,78,0.1153333333333333,04-18,4,1997,18,8,1,4 313b15b8567650c7b5a14989c2299f7e1752c205ab5ed44dcc6f062c7c600b91,none,long wind arm nearbi spiral galaxi defin southern m83 quit typic spiral much like milki way galaxy spiral galaxi contain mani billion stars youngest inhabit spiral arm glow strongli blue light dark dust lane mix star help defin m83 mark spiral structure space spiral arm also fill star star typic dim red m83 shown unusu amount stellar supernova explos six sinc turn centuri messier galaxy,spiral galaxi m83 credit copyright,1997-04-19,393,65,0.0833333333333333,04-19,4,1997,19,7,0,3 9dce1d5d44e9ebba410cf423c95d207f0c021f615ab72148404f6037219775cd,none,novemb 17 1970 soviet luna 17 spacecraft land first rove remotecontrol robot moon known lunokhod 1 weigh 2000 pound design oper 90 day guid team deep space center near moscow ussr planet earth lunokhod 1 actual tour lunar mare imbrium sea rains 11 month one greatest success soviet lunar explor program futurist look eight wheeler pictur artist concept atop land module ramp extend side spacecraft allow altern rout surfac one side block boulders,moon 1 credit,1997-04-20,446,73,0.2214285714285714,04-20,4,1997,20,2,1,2 5d19176cb4c250d3f46f525e696bf1243b426dca36aaa5afb6612df1d7c42606,none,april 17th big sky countri sure live name dark sky us state wyoming montana quit busy shown photograph featur comet halebopp foreground absaroka mountain rang wyoming lit reflect moonlight left jim mountain peak comet halebopp unusu color visibl far right aurora remnant recent solar storm record sun across middl photo numer bright stars across top pictur clouds,big sky comet credit copyright,1997-04-21,363,57,0.1974616292798111,04-21,4,1997,21,3,1,1 1d2599906dd005b8872c64a118ad201d317532fe6e7fea08ebe0871081f41416,none,largest telescop world scrambl point toward faint fade object why may well first activ optic counterpart ever found gammaray burst could hold clue distanc scale enigmat class astronom objects past two months multiwavelength observations torrenti astronom wait impati see set hous fade two pictur optic transient one taken februari 28th week later march ot arrow show sourc fade view time ot examin larg telescop includ hubbl space telescop keck yet research still scrambl get answer fundament question true nature ot actual move proper faint galaxi superpos behind ot extend emiss fade too face intens scrutini world capabl telescopes origin gammaray burst far remain,histor optic flash fade credit copyright,1997-04-22,667,103,-0.095,04-22,4,1997,22,8,2,4 ba6e9121829232df6ae8b0b2c1f6ba0334ec5161ddbb731a260dc81bb814621a,none,meet antlia newli discov neighbor milki way galaxy announc last week faint member local group galaxi one million stars late notic hard see bright sky faint galaxi seen background bright star visibl galaxy antlia dwarf galaxi actual dwarf spheroid galaxy similar nine known dwarf orbit milki way galaxy antlia name constel unusu hover near either two major galaxi local group milki way galaxi m31,new galact credit copyright,1997-04-23,396,64,-0.0022435897435897,04-23,4,1997,23,7,0,3 68a6cdb279830a5cc450a67f2b982f801580badfa2b8a7c511508a5d920ec929,none,light polar familiar mani outdoor enthusiast use polar sunglass cut glare reflect light two view comet halebopp also demonstr effect polarization left intens image halebopp coma taken april 14 right similar imag made polar filter repres intens polar light arc visibl polar view probabl correspond concentr eject cometari dust produc polar reflect sunlight sort reflect clump comet dust surfac favorit lake ski slope light caus light wave vibrat plane defin reflect surface,halebopp polar credit copyright,1997-04-25,474,72,0.1287946428571428,04-25,4,1997,25,8,1,1 0459ff7d3513e6dbd34e52215d61e1c657cd5bf4a126eddf91ed0ddbe1efb6a7,none,sputnik mean travel companion despit innocu sound name launch earth first artifici moon sputnik 1 soviet octob 4 1957 shock free world set motion event result creation nasa race moon sputnik 1 184 pound 22 inch diamet sphere four whip antenna connect batteri power transmitters transmitt broadcast continu beeping signal astound earthbound audienc 23 days short month later novemb 3 soviet follow success launch dog orbit aboard sputnik 2,sputnik travel companion,1997-04-27,438,69,0.1482142857142857,04-27,4,1997,27,8,1,2 0b9e83ea55a5c7832474c2b875138e75c6d365eecebe3804b4eb515787bf822c,none,io cloud jupiter activ moon visibl left falsecolor photograph left side illumin sunlight happen io right side plume ga activ volcano prometheu also reflect sunlight second activ volcano pele also visible mark red spot io center surround moon yellow haze origin ga eject io volcanos sodium atom ga cloud effici reflect yellow light sever point light background stars,io sodium,1997-04-28,365,58,0.0985714285714285,04-28,4,1997,28,8,1,1 01d573b947f0726a1035687af1b439475015e9c5f49003505e2923f42995c183,none,comet halebopp still brighter constellations fact comet halebopp may hold record stay bright last week comet photograph field constel orion visibl photograph center well sirius brightest star night visibl far left comet halebopp right volcan caldera known white comet head south becom visibl world includ mani observ earth southern hemisphere,hale copyright,1997-04-29,342,50,0.1232142857142857,04-29,4,1997,29,3,1,3 40f85d4521ccaae60201baa664a6cfcec071c9a904c4bdbe887013b480b5f75c,none,milki way ga cloud going star form ga clouds motion ga cloud tell us size rotat speed milki way galaxy ga cloud hard detect compos mostli nearli invis molecular hydrogen helium fortunately least small amount heavier gase one carbon monoxid rel easi detect radio wavelengths therefore past decade team astronom care map molecular sky unpreced clariti four time previou resolut eight time previou sensitivity result map shown above rescal fals color dark blue rel low emission band milki way galaxi span middle data help understand galaxy highlight mysteri too example caus rapid speed ga near galact center,milki way,1997-04-30,607,97,-0.1128787878787878,04-30,4,1997,30,6,0,4 4f5d3300752b72e56adbcad17a1de763d1cca005a458c7c868feba130ef3199b,none,center milki way galaxi full surprises latest spectacular mysteri cloud glow gamma ray produc antimatt star trek fan familiar consequ mix matter antimatt particl catastroph convert mass energi accord einstein famou annihil energi emit gamma ray photon energi electron volts search high energi photons instrument onboard nasa orbit compton gamma ray observatori recent produc map galact center region anticipated show annihil gamma ray bright spot fainter horizont emiss galact plane also reveal larg unexpect cloud annihil radiation probabl 4000 light year across extend nearli 3500 light year gc could creat cloud associ previous known object seem impli fountain antimatt positron stream gc present guess sourc positron includ violent exot environ surround neutron star collisions black hole gc cloud galaxy,galact cloud,1997-05-01,809,119,0.1434444444444444,05-01,5,1997,1,6,2,4 35cb2e2efb013721835345691d87c13605a392d40233673ce233367a00a58293,none,star help drive galaxy processing matter massiv star reach spectacular evolutionari supernova explos blast outer layers violent merg stellar materi ga dust milki way supernova remnant ic 443 typic aftermath seen fals color xray imag shocked expand shell ga star explod thousand year ago known interact galact molecular clouds expand supernova remnant also recent discov region intens higher energi xray emiss blue near molecular cloud boundaries xray emiss may indic electron acceler within remnant gain energi surf back forth across expand shock wave so ic 443 could also one sourc galaxy puzzl high energi,xray ic,1997-05-02,608,94,-0.014,05-02,5,1997,2,6,2,5 f4aa18fcb0786e73ae81bfcbf0edf78ab2cf9ddef3d5d53b41d4bba8963cc2b9,none,1865 jule vern predict invent space capsul could carri people scienc fiction stori from earth moon outlin vision cannon florida power could shoot projectilevehicle carri three adventur moon 100 year later nasa guid wernher von braun vision produc saturn v rocket spaceport florida rocket turn verne fiction fact launch 9 apollo lunar mission allow 12 astronaut walk moon pictur last moon shot apollo 17 await night launch decemb 1972 spotlight play rocket launch pad full moon loom background human walk lunar surfac since return moon,last moon,1997-05-04,534,85,0.0875,05-04,5,1997,4,2,0,2 5f094919a3e65b7273a4c0a20da45ec9f706146e71741e4288b9f3d40f77dac5,none,famou star cluster observatori highlight pictur comet halebopp taken last week observatori summit hawaii mauna kea volcano dome new 10meter keck ii telescop appear silhouet lower left comet halebopp visibl upper right pleiad star cluster visibl comet normal sunset cloud avoid make astronom observations comet halebopp normal astronom object fact professor keel would insid nasa nearbi irtf dome prepar observ someth else comet halebopp continu look impressive although fade move toward south,sunset halebopp,1997-05-05,492,72,0.2152597402597402,05-05,5,1997,5,3,1,4 1f947808b75cc9c320a23f446540589829f09eecacd6e4ab1fd46443a3ceb580,aura,star cluster form galaxi collide quit possibly accord hubbl space telescop observ antennae two galaxi thought earli stage collision ngc 4038 ngc 4039 slowli merge combin graviti pull apart huge ga cloud collide new bright star dark dust dispersed mani blue knot star appear newli form globular clusters red star knot particularli interesting might globular cluster yet expel earli dust system pictur center around smaller two interact galaxies ngc color contrast threecolor mosaic chosen highlight extend features,starbirth galaxi,1997-05-06,513,77,0.1486363636363636,05-06,5,1997,6,7,1,3 e418b9c20badd1d41a95bb178d30d8f402df1364ec20d3c40163a6dc00d4cf0b,none,forecast venu cloudy cloudy cloudy although similar earth size mass venus slightli closer orbit sun creat much thicker atmospher much hotter surface thick atmospher photograph ultraviolet light 1979 pioneer venu orbiter whether venu moon center great controversi 1800s today know venu natur satellites venus extrem climat like caus runaway greenhous effect could earth ever undergo runaway greenhous heat like venus,ultraviolet,1997-05-07,415,60,0.1714285714285714,05-07,5,1997,7,8,1,2 7d1be175407279374d2409678ef50bc33a98a2a3e80c7b1212763d6c2ddfaf5e,none,enhanc composit imag detail structur coma dust tail halebopp record may 5 one day comet passag north south across plane earth orbit comet descend murki twilight northern hemispher observ becom increasingli easi view south along southern hemispher observers astronom fleet spacecraft intern physic program anxious await comet interact chang equatori solar wind magnet field cross expect produc distort halebopp ion tail structures probabl part ion tail visibl extend lower left bright coma,copyright,1997-05-08,489,72,0.0357142857142857,05-08,5,1997,8,3,0,2 d2261497b76759f56d98b81f5cfb84ea5819c545ffa7a944b86d8782db9e9216,none,art novemb 1969 apollo 12 astronautphotograph charl pete conrad record masterpiec document colleagu alan bean lunar soil collect activ oceanu procellarum imag dramat stark bean harsh environ moon ocean storm echo perfectli compos reflect conrad lunar horizon work photojournalist intent record human condit planet earth lewi w margaret wide regard photograph art similarli mani documentari astronomi space imag appreci artist esthet appeal,apollo 12,1997-05-09,440,62,-0.125,05-09,5,1997,9,2,0,2 482e2b8408e277f8319d2e3501f72d220dcd102aaec548e63548513a0eddf451,none,lightn occur earth spacecraft solar system detect radio signal consist lightn planets includ venus jupiter saturn uranus neptune photograph optic flash jupit photograph recent galileo orbiter circl dot indic lightning number label line latitude size largest spot 500 kilomet across might high cloud illumin sever bright lightn,lightn jupit,1997-05-12,326,47,0.2866666666666667,05-12,5,1997,12,8,1,2 d26edb92537e59bf723508bf2a42b90596874f39279ad3dcd701d3ac6d283b0a,none,grb distanc scale controversi may end flash gamma ray burst grbs power explos occur seemingli random posit sky featureless poorli resolved however distanc could determined last thursday may 8th orbit bepposax satellit detect precis locat grb quickli posit astronomers within hours mani world power telescop direct new grb found faint variabl optic potenti counterpart gammaray burst get brighter importantly continu scrutini show optic transient absorpt line redshift 08 distanc scale galaxi quasars sourc grb970508 related grb must mani billion lightyear away controversi distanc scale grb draw dramat close grb could move realm astronom mysteri use beacon earli universe negative imag grb970508 field locat near north celesti pole taken hour initi flash gamma rays faint optic transient sourc insid box north imag 25 arcminut across about tenth size full moon,optic transient near grb970508 show distant redshift,1997-05-13,862,129,-0.0648760330578512,05-13,5,1997,13,8,2,4 da4f197b56629272fcaf863da90e42fdf93d6230b4ec81908f6c3640778aacc0,a dimai d r col drusci obsacc,what happen comet halebopp blue ion tail comet ion tail fluctuat rapidli pass region chang solar wind comet pass north south cross plane sun equator solar magnet field chang direction ion solar wind caus comet halebopp ion tail act unpredict here therefore comet halebopp ion tale may show unusu structur even disconnect tail appear break later picture taken april 30th inde show unusu structur blue ion tail,halebopp ion tail,1997-05-14,409,67,0.0,05-14,5,1997,14,3,0,1 0b5e0700e967cd6931e82a917b7fe2414168bd2f305e3d61308033d12ed9dd57,none,artist imag actual signatur supermass black hole center distant galaxi m84 base data recent record hubble new space telescop imag spectrograph near black hole forc graviti strong even light escap presenc black hole also reveal watch matter fall it fact materi spiral black hole would find speed increas drastic rate extrem veloc increas provid black hole presence sti reli doppler effect measur ga veloc rapidli increas nearli 240 mile per second within 26 light year center m84 galaxi virgo cluster 50 million light year away sti data show radiat approach gas shift blue wavelength left centerline suddenli redshift right center indic rapidli rotat disk materi near galact nucleus result sharp sshape effect signatur black hole estim contain least 300 million solar masses galaxi central black holes,black,1997-05-16,802,126,-0.0191519789734075,05-16,5,1997,16,7,2,4 2aef71663fd199d367f27874a770b84a00fd4865576b325eedf0dee457b6baba,d malin aaoaatb,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought bar perhap promin one ngc 1365 shown above persist motion bar impli rel massiv spiral arms placement bright young blue star dark dust lane also indic strong rotat densiti wave star formation ngc 1365 member fornax cluster galaxies ngc 1365 rel nearby simultan measur speed distanc possible help astronom estim fast univers expanding,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365,1997-05-19,400,64,0.1604166666666666,05-19,5,1997,19,7,1,3 2aa601bed520a1e1dab7097361d9e206a3e14708545eb84334a0224673fb2742,none,new evid bolster controversi claim gammaray burst grbs power explos ever found humanity two week ago averag grb becam instantli histor coincid xray optic emiss identified glow visibl light particularli interest show color gap indic absorb ga distant redshift grb occur far universe radio emiss predict peak week optic emission now late report indic radio emiss detect peak week later add claim burst gammaradi inde occur far familiar home galaxy shown two photo highlight chang optic emiss grb970508 increas brightness light enigmat explos fading,grb970508 predict radio emiss,1997-05-21,546,84,0.1234848484848484,05-21,5,1997,21,8,1,4 67d1c8d9319370f5996924e5438b49504545625c84f3475da55cc131d0094a6c,none,two nasa spacecraft mar global surveyor mar pathfinder present approach red planet pathfind schedul land juli 4th global surveyor due enter orbit september recent studi martian impend invas spacecraft earth indic mar weather chaotic previous thought show abrupt swing hot hubbl space telescop imag march 1997 show northern hemispher earli martian summer reced polar cap whitish wateric clouds left imag center are valles pathfinder land site right image tower tharsi mountain extinct seen poke clouds stretch eastern edg righthand imag at lower right vall marineris immens canyon system martian weather report play import role mission planning spacecraft reli martian atmospher brake maneuv pathfinder lander rover solar,mar,1997-05-22,721,106,-0.0119047619047619,05-22,5,1997,22,5,2,2 7ddf8fac1dcee7ee6971e4496a10d427c826eca7c33cdc54bf0cae74696aa62e,none,newborn star lie heart orion nebula hidden view dust ga giant orion molecular cloud number 1 sensit invis infrar wavelengths hubble recent instal nicmo camera explor interior detect infrar radiat infant star cluster interstellar dust atom energ intens starlight fals color picture star glow dust cloud also scatter starlight appear yellowish orang emiss hydrogen ga blue dramat imag reveal wealth details includ mani filament arc ga dust evid violent motion emerg stars bright object near center massiv young star name discover pattern rippl surround bright star imag artifacts,heart orion,1997-05-23,578,88,0.0533333333333333,05-23,5,1997,23,4,0,5 6276e9b63d66b86820be08f10590a1beca660fd5b290d677bc2555d48eaeca91,none,look like fleet futurist starcruisers nasa highli success seri high energi astrophys observatori heao spacecraft appear pois planet earth label a b c vintag illustration spacebas telescop known heao1 heao2 heao3 respectively heao1 heao2 respons reveal earthl wonder xray sky discov 1000 celesti sourc highenergi radiation heao2 also known einstein observatory launch near date famou physicist 100th birthday first large fulli imag xray telescop space heao3 last series launch 1979 measur high energi cosmicray particl gammarays satellit observatori roughli 18 feet long weigh 7000 pounds mission completed fallen orbit burn harmessli atmosphere,high energi fleet,1997-05-25,644,92,0.126031746031746,05-25,5,1997,25,8,2,4 166a84864e32c414927497867ab973881cab21bc4ea97a5f7f2219bc0420e0bf,d a,comet halebopp leav northern skies provid us yet anoth burst may 11th fade comet photograph behind famou old water geyser yellowston nation park wyoming usa planet earth perhap familiar earth dweller dark geyser neptune moon triton ga geyser jupiter moon io dirti water geyser hypothes jupiter moon europa earth old faith also reliabl everi minut plume water steam high air comet halebopp continu visibl observ southern hemispher move away sun toward outer solar system,old faith meet halebopp,1997-05-26,470,74,0.0264285714285714,05-26,5,1997,26,3,0,2 243f509c589bc1440f9ca1ef43c69e34044dadb3644efbc5a61a5c430e04e488,none,astro1 astronomi mission december 1990 space shuttl astronaut photograph stun view full moon rise earth limb foreground tower cloud condens water vapor mark extent troposphere lowest layer planet lifesustain atmosphere strongli scatter blue sunlight upper atmospher layer stratosphere fade dramat black background space moon cloud strong visual element mani well known portrait planet earth includ ansel adams famou moonrise hernandez new mexico photograph novemb 1941,moonrise planet earth,1997-05-27,468,65,0.1075757575757575,05-27,5,1997,27,8,1,2 d46979a07c76505b860dae8ef655f69af168f092d14b7ecaf34e66a59f5caae7,none,centuries astronom observ mars patient compil mani fact theories like distant mirror earth hope future mars fourth planet sun inspir profound work fiction well scienc fiction vision earth allur planetari neighbor includ hg wells terrifi war edgar rice john carter adventur seri mars god mars princess mars mars robert youth ray reflect the martian year scientif theori mar sens wonder adventur embodi work fiction remain us two spacecraft earth draw close red quest knowledg bound mars,mars,1997-05-28,486,76,-0.0033333333333333,05-28,5,1997,28,5,0,2 db58c569490c61427bca8870720b7de8fb930e5c3d071164d64e810c9c9dbb51,none,like cosmic snowballs fluffi cometlik object size hous compos mostli waterice may planet earth 5 30 time minute controversi theori origin propos 1986 dr loui frank u base data nasa dynam explor 1 support recent report find one year old polar spacecraft repres previous unknown class solar system objects propos small ici comet disintegr upper atmospher altitud 600 15000 mile pose impact threat earth surfac even spacecraft low earth orbit break up however produc fleet trail cloud water vapor trace transient extrem high altitud cloud detect look spacecraft design monitor nearearth environment suspect trail one cosmic snowbal vapor atlant ocean western europ altitud 5000 15000 mile seen above record 54 second exposur polar visibl imag system septemb 1996 map ad background locat continu histori earth formation rel gentl cosmic snow shower would major sourc water earth present ocean possibl even sourc simpl organ compounds,cosmic snowbal,1997-05-30,929,144,-0.0725520833333333,05-30,5,1997,30,8,2,4 ea8ceeeea787b6d956aff0e4f731857a9ba29d4f899533d2ef1caea30df264b6,none,saturn two larger moon tethi dion photograph voyag 1 spacecraft flew planet novemb 1980 pictur give indic saturn extens ring system seen cast shadow planet tethys saturn ring compos mani chunk ice rang size pebbl car ring sever larg gaps largest clearli visibl pictur name cassini division discoverer saturn appear brighter star sky ring discern small telescope new spacecraft cassini visit saturn current schedul launch later 1997,saturn moon tethi dion,1997-05-31,435,67,-0.0227272727272727,05-31,5,1997,31,0,0,2 62c962c29ed5e6c6c74df7b1a279272673e09a1537ab780468b56cb7c27e25d0,aura,galaxi bad millennium fact past 100 million year good probabl next billion quit tumultuous ngc 4039 normal spiral galaxy mind business ngc 4038 crash it evolv wreckage known antennae pictur above graviti pull galaxi apart cloud ga slam bright blue knot formed knot larg cluster star imbed vast region ioniz hydrogen gas high abund rel dim star cluster quit unlik milki way globular cluster system though perhap young star cluster go form globular clusters other dispers close gravit encounters pictur center around larger two interact galaxies ngc diagon streak across upper left unrel collid galaxies color contrast threecolor mosaic chosen highlight extend features,bright star knot,1997-06-02,667,103,0.043235294117647,06-02,6,1997,2,7,2,3 33187eca759b4115de65d8394b71e89cb6333983b8b14a06de1e148982402cb2,none,ngc 2070 immens star form region nearbi galaxi known larg magellan cloud spideri appear respons popular name the tarantula nebula except tarantula 1000 lightyear across 165000 lightyear away southern constel dorado distanc orion nebula nearest stellar nurseri earth would appear cover 30 degre sky 60 full moons spindli arm tarantula nebula surround 30 doradu star cluster contain intrins brightest massiv star known celesti tarantula also seen near site closest recent supernova,,1997-06-04,479,71,0.2166666666666666,06-04,6,1997,4,4,1,3 8af982cff2065396fa5f965ca5bc74caf225c8c45e4a0855bd0c96adecc88fb3,none,ven great observatori need boost time time includ orbit compton gammaray observatory sparkl reflect bright limb earth visibl 1991 window view compton releas orbit crew space shuttl atlantis name american arthur holli compton compton observatori spent last 6 year make spectacular discoveri explor univers extrem gammaray energies post 240 mile earth surface 17 ton satellit still experi enough atmospher drag caus orbit time nasa control complet complex two month long seri compton onboard thruster rais orbit altitud 300 miles reboost second 6 years allow continu voyag explor distant highenergi univers 2007 could see gamma rays,,1997-06-06,631,95,0.1208333333333333,06-06,6,1997,6,8,2,4 72ae79f55aafb415121890ccfa6ce651903ecb53aa2ac83c1ad583b79ec2e7c4,none,apollo 15 astronaut jame irwin work first lunar rove vehicle fellow astronaut david scott take drive slope behind lunar modul left lunar mountain hadley delta apennin front 5 kilomet behind irwin st georg crater explor conduct apollo lunar mission discov much moon includ moon made ancient rock moon composit similar earths life evid there moon underw great hot melt distant past moon suffer numer impact shown craters moon surfac cover layer rock fragment dust,apollo drive moon,1997-06-07,461,74,0.0349999999999999,06-07,6,1997,7,2,0,2 35c3776d8e0158dedfa4fc37a05e4c56f5da4cea1ceeb38782237b77ea0c7dca,none,giant spiral galaxy messier 101 m101 photograph ultraviolet imag telescop uit uit flew orbit part astro 2 mission onboard space shuttl endeavour march 1995 imag process color white repres increas intens ultraviolet light pictur galaxi like one show mainli cloud ga contain newli form star mani time massiv sun glow strongli ultraviolet light contrast visibl light pictur galaxi tend domin yellow red light older stars ultraviolet light invis human eye block ozon atmospher ultraviolet pictur celesti object must taken space,m101 ultraviolet,1997-06-08,523,80,0.196969696969697,06-08,6,1997,8,8,1,5 63c68b29f3c03960cf808eddb7ce7911781b8995bbe5a10aaab6442ee10ef00e,none,planet aurora terrestri spacecraft observ found evid aurora venus mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune falsecolor photograph good portion auror ring captur recent optic light galileo spacecraft orbit around jupiter auror ring encircl planet magnet pole result charg particl spiral magnet field lines although surround near jupit much differ earth auror ring appear similar,auror ring jupit,1997-06-09,370,53,0.2333333333333333,06-09,6,1997,9,0,1,2 1a382f11cbe7a2173bc6cc81dcefffab8c14546e8f3ee5b094cd8d6652e2e2f8,g col drusci obsacc,halebopp may photograph comet history above photogen giant fli snowbal appear last month backdrop mountain near dampezzo italy although comet still fairli bright fade reced sun easili visibl earth southern hemisphere shed meter ice rock surface comet halebopp coast outer solar system return anoth 2400 years,halebopp mountain,1997-06-10,308,46,0.1333333333333333,06-10,6,1997,10,3,1,1 58657359cf9d3744143ff3e829f4f6ce5d519ed75bd13d7cd8748a4a2c6a23c0,none,star catalog ngc2264 ir normal hidden gaze optic telescopes resid midst obscur ga dust nearbi star form region popularli known cone nebula imag penetr infrar light hubbl space telescope newli oper nicmo instrument young massiv star found surround six sunlik star within less tenth lightyear big diffract spike ring surround big brother imag artifacts astronom believ high speed wind gener massiv star compress nearbi materi caus format smaller star text book exampl trigger star formation newli creat sun appear lie along otherwis invis boundari high speed ga collid wall denser molecular cloud ngc2264 ir also seem sourc outflow creat strike cone shape optic nebula,young sun,1997-06-11,667,104,0.0636666666666666,06-11,6,1997,11,4,2,5 12e6689d977f0e4742e7c3b9ac06129c0ae4eb8de35bfee2251f17d5d442db5c,none,known spectacular imag jupiter moons io ganymede callisto europa robot spacecraft galileo also aggress explor jovian atmosphere decemb 1995 galileo atmospher probe descend jupiter cloud report surpris absenc water believ probe enter one jupiter dri spots similar dark region imag swirl jovian cloud deck smallest featur visibl ten mile size dri region appear correspond locat wind converg creat gener local cloudless jupiter deeper warmer layer dark area extrem dry surround full moisture contrast analog desert earth,jupiter dri spot,1997-06-12,517,76,0.0759259259259259,06-12,6,1997,12,8,0,2 56feef9ebbf174e1dbe8edc8ed875df48fa5011deda70db740d91fea1023a934,none,glow ga cloud stream core galaxi hundr thousand mile per hour power tool hubbl space telescope new sti instrument make possibl map cloud veloc produc fals color central region horizont line light intens bright region near galaxi nucleus emiss two wavelength characterist oxygen atom ga cloud visibl along line line emiss displac left indic motion toward us blue displac right indic reced motion red cloud come from evid wide accept explan energet nuclear activ galaxi base materi spiral central black hole million time mass sun rotat disk interstellar debri develop thought blast high veloc jet along axi disk galaxi contain supermass black holes,stream black hole,1997-06-13,647,103,0.0365829725829725,06-13,6,1997,13,7,2,4 837b27eaf083f5ab3e6395ea15ac87a37f5e36d89c5a261f3b1ffdb9098118fc,none,univers look like young answer this cosmologist run sophist comput program track locat million particles anim frame result show univers might look current age univers start smooth matter light spread almost uniformly time progressed graviti caus slight mass accret ever greater conglomer formed galaxi long filament form shown bright patch streak frame imax movi includ hundr frame academi,earli univers,1997-06-14,391,58,0.2354166666666666,06-14,6,1997,14,8,1,1 8c8eb4751ecca0e1d1dd1528cd679867c3034b09f9166e712163a692c162adee,none,first astronomi pictur day apod appear two year ago today pictur scene surround creation earli apod depict famou astronom tycho brahe demonstr celesti globe emperor imag possibl optic counterpart gammaray burst appear back wall tycho day human discov natur earth geometri solar system time live even fascin explor natur solar system geometri whole universe apod continu event finding present import astronom pictur time index searchabl archive link apod discov five million page thank nasa michigan readers continu,apod two year old today,1997-06-16,514,77,0.0977272727272727,06-16,6,1997,16,8,0,4 f2cd8fce7a00b425855f8600173ff3a1730c5a8a8a39b15c2943cb9b8977f1c2,none,arp 220 brightest object local universe shine arp 220 catalog peculiar galaxi 1960s late 1980s discov ultralumin infrar galaxi head list compil observ nowdefunct ira satellite new observ hubbl space telescop quit photo nicmo infrar taken april releas last week better resolv two collid spiral galaxi center arp result spiral collis fantast knot new star format visibl bright spot photograph shape knot right massiv disk dust possibl hide die spiral central black hole bright knot left center broken spiral galaxy galaxi core 1200 light year apart orbit other,arp spiral collis,1997-06-17,558,88,0.0980455818691112,06-17,6,1997,17,7,0,3 e5c33b489430ac7e8a43a637fe4a09798f77f6c658c7761f716f6a77a1b7e159,p u et al,rth alone orbit sun small asteroid first discov 1986 design 1986 five kilomet rock recent found orbit sun strang danc earth portion asteroid complex orbit shown above earth orbit once asteroid 3753 follow yellow line also orbit sun time around however yellow trace asteroid 3753 shift slightli eventu go trail earth lead earth everi 385 year cycl repeats plane orbit tilt compar earth orbit two never collide autumn 1997 asteroid 3753 pass earth south pole 100 time distanc moon will however faint 15th magnitud 10000 time fainter dimmest star without telescope suggest taken good name asteroid,asteroid earth curiou companion,1997-06-18,598,96,-0.0111111111111111,06-18,6,1997,18,8,2,2 7548b1f4f754b342bb9cf937ac416e1051b9267da9aa02d390d8d9687c83233f,none,cloud interstellar ga dust collaps star born core temperatur rise nuclear furnac rotat dusti disk form surround newborn star accord current understanding materi continu fall onto disk heat blast back along disk axi rotation form pair high speed jets hubbl space telescop imag show two nebulos end oppos jet young star bright blob either end jet materi slam interstellar gas tip tip distanc one lightyear locat near orion nebula nebulos catalog design hh1 hh2 discover astronom georg herbig guillermo nascent star produc jet middle hidden cloud obscur dust yet structur detail visibl star jet offer clue event also occur solar system sun form collaps interstellar cloud 45 billion year ago,star jet,1997-06-19,689,110,0.1116666666666666,06-19,6,1997,19,4,2,5 f62787cb50c71719bbb82f7a229f347426b0332514dc516a47a46cc1b8e80264,none,larg cluster star locat mere lightyear earth neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc color beauti hubbl space telescop composit imag cluster reveal differ popul stars yellowish star main cluster stars sunlik main sequenc hydrogen 50 million year old white star massive hotter younger 4 million year old radiat strongli ultraviolet light repres loos cluster themselves perhap within 200 lightyear main cluster massiv star form older main cluster long sinc disappeared end live spectacular supernova explosions expand debri supernova trigger format nearbi younger cluster probabl so event million year similar fate await massiv star younger cluster burn brightli briefli explod send new cloud stellar debri space,star cluster lmc,1997-06-20,711,105,0.1003030303030303,06-20,6,1997,20,6,2,5 49afdf8d03184881bd6a5ededc3b839b7767ab75eb994f5398d24699d94a5785,none,goe again ga rock catapult hundr kilomet space jupiter volatil moon io show yet anoth impress volcan display justreleas photograph hubbl space telescope time culprit pele volcano thought previous inact sinc photograph pass voyag 1 spacecraft 1979 explos visibl io lower left falsecolor photograph taken juli 1996 io thin atmospher low graviti allow volcan plume rise higher would earth,erupt io,1997-06-23,385,59,-0.0633333333333333,06-23,6,1997,23,8,0,2 95cc15560c1db6c76d262e1a4cbf8d5aec89fd890dba435aca6e8c5a9b632379,none,gammaray burst grbs originate power explos univers recent locat record accuracy grb occur galaxi alon deep space pictur taken hubbl space telescop field surround grb might provid clue appear show extend structur lower right grb identifi arrow mani astronom specul extend structur distant galaxy color subsequ steadi emiss indicate astronom worri extend emiss variabl cannot galaxy astronom hope case studi reward last monday new event grb locat burst determin unpreced collabor involv use nasa satellit compton ulyss,grb,1997-06-25,516,77,0.0536796536796536,06-25,6,1997,25,8,0,4 ca6da041520aa43f1a6271ed6b525c91870fcb3b2cbf338dbbdedc8e58b461bb,none,mars planet orbit 137 million mile sun 15 time earthsun distance two diminut moons tower extinct volcanos immens canyon system thin atmospher compos carbon dioxid frigid averag surfac temperatur degre celsius perman frozen co2 polar cap contain water ice mars surfac present lack liquid water reddish color abund oxid iron compound rust small terrestri planet fourth sun mar surfac graviti earth example tip scale hefti 200 pound earth 75 pound mars low martian graviti good nasa mar pathfind spacecraft schedul land mar next friday juli 4th use rockets parachutes airbags mar pathfind first spacecraft touchdown planet sinc vike lander 1976 pathfind also schedul begin first ever mobil surfac explor releas robot rover,mars,1997-06-27,719,112,-0.0694444444444444,06-27,6,1997,27,5,2,2 12b09016e4a76ddbed04934cb925aefd4fd463a8ae6d8735f8dce03eb93c4e9d,none,asteroid moon robot spacecraft galileo current explor jovian system encount photograph two asteroid long journey jupiter second asteroid photographed ida discov moon appear small dot right ida picture tini moon name dactyl one mile across potato shape ida measur 36 mile long 14 mile wide dactyl first moon asteroid ever discovered name ida dactyl base charact greek mythology asteroid moons,ida dactyl asteroid moon,1997-06-29,391,60,-0.0714285714285714,06-29,6,1997,29,2,0,2 cddcb74e8303a338e0ea9384ac787dac76f7fb6a90da655125ccafff668444c4,none,earth look way visit asteroid 433 ero februari 1999 near earth asteroid rendezv near spacecraft flew right anoth 253 mathild last friday shown one pictur encounter mathild larg chunk rock roughli 60 kilomet across orbit sun mar jupit main asteroid belt mathilde surfac dark heavili near pictur mathild receiv far indic asteroid undergon spectacular collisions one creat huge impact basin center estim 10 kilomet deep,near,1997-06-30,416,65,0.133531746031746,06-30,6,1997,30,5,1,2 638e2b441062f536d4e74a84951de8185cae72ae3bef2564a56b402e61bfcbe6,none,zip solar system pass asteroid 253 mathilde actual happen nasa near spacecraft last friday pictur previous unresolv asteroid releas yesterday mathilde larg crater irregular shape indic undergon huge collis larg space rock past mathild larg crater asteroid 243 ida 951 gaspra photograph galileo spacecraft orbit jupiter imag center crater 20 kilomet across asteroid rare enough spacecraft travel even main asteroid belt need fear collid let alon one larg mathilde,asteroid 253 larg crater,1997-07-01,464,69,0.045,07-01,7,1997,1,5,0,2 eed01390c39236210c4bebccbf481444a005257946a932c7d5cb68bf5016e39e,none,gammaray burst grbs discov accident fact grb alway seem scientist least expect them thirti year ago today satellit first record grb burst data plot histogram show count rate gammaray instrument abruptli jump indic sudden flash gammarays vela satellit detect grb develop test technolog monitor nuclear test board sensor watch brief xray gammaray flashes telltal sign nuclear explos vicin earth found flash gammaray nuclear deton near earth instead flash came deep space dub cosmic gammaray origin unknown still controversial however gammaray surpris over explor highenergi sky nearli 25 year later orbit compton observatory burst transient sourc experi intent design detect cosmic gammaray bursts search clue grb mystery second burst bats record come deep space came near earth worry terrestri grb nuclear bomb exploding new phenomenon thought relat recent discov type high altitud lightning explor new horizon continu yield unexpect results,gammaray mileston explos,1997-07-02,941,139,0.0645454545454545,07-02,7,1997,2,8,2,4 a75f94ae8a6106c583bdcf93f19e114a9cc3a9f5689d17bf53d313a7876c992b,none,mar pathfind near end 7 month journey robot spacecraft schedul use parachutes rockets airbag red planet tomorrow juli 4th hubbl space telescop imag mar taken day ago check weather pathfind land site ancient floodplain are vallis right center 500 mile southeast vike 1 land 1976 along martian north polar cap water ice cloud visibl northern southern hemisphere 600 mile south land site dust storm seen brownish ribbon stretch vall marineris contin size canyon system fortunately dust storm expect serious affect oper land site,mars end,1997-07-03,527,83,0.0336309523809523,07-03,7,1997,3,5,0,2 a0d8ad97fe4a10d3c5d3164c563528cfb8a0aa79b746010686c140413a908018,none,today juli 4th pacif daylight time mar pathfind spacecraft land mars nineti minut reach surfac pathfind begin flurri activity robot spacecraft schedul vent cool fluid jettison cruis stage deceler 20 gee atmospher entry deploy 24 foot parachute jettison heat shield slide 60 foot bridle fire solid fuel brake rockets deploy cocoon airbags separ bridle impact martian surface bounc time travel 300 600 feet bounces settl surface airbags right itself deploy land petals resum commun planet earth autonom control onboard computer goe well 430 pm pdt pathfinder camera spring action record frame frame panoram view surface dub mosaic laboratori simul plan first imag sequenc downlink surfac mars,land mar,1997-07-04,691,106,0.1642857142857142,07-04,7,1997,4,5,2,2 e5457f0ddb701eab14f61d92143337efea0d571156403d77b5222b3504fc75db,none,day mar 40 minut longer earth day pathfinder first day mars sol 1 accord local calendar event one still late martian afternoon sol 1 camera board mar pathfind spacecraft record panorama ancient floodplain are vallis two three land petal lie foreground edg scene surround deflat partial gather airbags martian soil near spacecraft disturb airbag petal hold robot rover sojourn left one sojourner plan rout surfac ramp seen roll edge mission team overcom rover commun problem care plan roll sojourn onto martian surface nasa announc pathfind station mar renam honor astronom carl sagan,martian end,1997-07-06,584,92,-0.0083333333333333,07-06,7,1997,6,5,0,2 fc785fc5b07f4d5f906489cda082a0caa98ec2c0664990d32bd933bb289ef542,none,six robot rover mar sojourn roll onto martian surfac juli 5th sol 2 pm pacif daylight time imag confirm descent lander rear deploy ramp successful click imag download construct 9 imag taken sagan memori station imp camera show rover roll rover move short distanc ramp spent night analyz martian soil alpha proton xray spectrometer next destin tantal rock 1 foot away scientist name slow steadi vehicl power 19 squar foot solar array rover tilt 45 degre angl travel less half inch per second nearli mile per hour,sojourn mar,1997-07-07,511,87,0.0020833333333333,07-07,7,1997,7,5,0,2 87cef998551894e925fce1610c6312d2fbf363650048e71f6b1163c521dd4d48,none,deploy popup mast full height sagan memori station imp camera stand 5 feet surfac are valli mars one first imag new vantag point show rover sojourn near rock name barnacl particularli interest rock varieti surfac appear 8 10 inch high sojourn perform analysi barnacl bill maneuv place alpha proton xray spectromet instrument rock locat rear rover visibl picture sojourner next destin rock name yogi result describ composit barnacl bill martian soil color panorama land site present pathfind press brief today schedul 1100 pacif daylight time,sojourn,1997-07-08,543,85,0.1245454545454545,07-08,7,1997,8,5,1,4 b41acd49284bda4bbe31c17c57f4f2e210aaa24a5562eef7f5bb538dd0fede07,none,mosaick imag form color panorama region immedi surround sagan memori station mars recent imag record sol 4 4th day oper martian surface composit view reveal reddish soil rockstrewn terrain ancient martian flood channel top panel left unus forward rover deploy ramp seen extend bottom frame farther right sojourn rover visible larg dark look rock top panel near righthand side call famou martian rock barnacl bill seen left rover itself sojourner analysi show barnacl bill unexpectedli similar common quartz contain volcan rock earth bottom panel yellowish materi airbag use land seen along region martian soil disturb deflat airbags,sol mar color panorama,1997-07-09,633,97,0.0935714285714285,07-09,7,1997,9,5,2,4 b5f22ed2fd93440d9b16351a9b2efdfd4f33e19c5ac165afdac2f5d8aabee0f2,none,robot rover sojourn see mar perspect hous 7 month cruis mar aboard pathfind spacecraft sojourn measur seven inch tall posit prowl martian landscap stretch full height 1 foot 30 mosaic imag sojourner camera look back mother ship sagan memori station seem loom it deploy ramp visibl along deflat airbags instrument track left martian soil robot six aluminum wheels far rover direct analyz soil composit two rocks barnacl bill seen right yogi human oper select sojourner target robot rover reli navig destin click download movi gif sojourn toward yogi,view sagan memori station,1997-07-10,548,88,0.1193877551020408,07-10,7,1997,10,5,1,2 bb00d87fbc6fb9dcdaa55eb7426eb7eb8df612388213898e42914e0af1e5538c,none,portrait yogi rock famou boulder mars record sol 3 imag mar pathfind big friendli look like earth cartoon namesak yogi bear yogi rock promin visibl featur pathfind land site yogi surround soil examin close sojourn robot rover initi attempt approach rock place sojourner alpha proton xray spectromet met minor unusual difficulties specul light color terrain around yogi result evapor surfac water deposit ancient,yogi rock,1997-07-11,411,63,0.1375,07-11,7,1997,11,5,1,2 66eb6689defc09dd5a0c42bb4a382c7d2e4ed2bb8c8be78f3df39cca03696577,angloaustralian telescop board,11000 year ago star constel vela exploded bright supernova may visibl first human today vela supernova remnant mark posit rel close recent explos galaxy roughli spherical expand shock wave visibl xrays optic photograph upper left corner spheric blast wave shown detail ga fli away deton star react interstellar medium away close held electron even heavi elements electron recombin atoms light mani differ color energi band produced,vela supernova remnant optic,1997-07-13,431,66,0.1928571428571428,07-13,7,1997,13,6,1,3 73fb6d63dc721447628eac7ab1eac746ed1ba0b1827e6b1c8dddf0728a6fa474,none,get redblu glass gaze across surfac mar stereo look south west across ancient flood channel are vallis land site mar pathfinder rover deploy ramp lander petal defin foreground field rock seem stretch horizon upper right half mile distant hill known twin today sol 10 tenth day pathfind lander sojourn rover oper martian surface period mission return wealth imag data otherwis success rover activ recent hamper commun comput difficulties,mars twin peak stereo,1997-07-14,436,68,0.0531746031746031,07-14,7,1997,14,5,0,2 2033f9093354118aeb273a11abf3f0be4e82393583ecbf0482a8419d72a63900,none,ramp pathfind lander sojourn robot rover airbags couch barnacl bill yogi rock appear togeth 3d stereo view surfac mars barnacl bill rock left solarpanel sojourn yogi big friendlylook boulder right couch angular rock shape visibl horizon look imag redblu glass hold piec clear red plastic left eye blue green right get dramat 3d perspective stereo view record remark imag mar pathfind imp camera imp two optic path stereo imag rang equip array color filter spectral analysis oper first astronom observatori mars imp also record imag sun deimos smallest mars two tini moons commun problem comput pathfind transmit new color imag avail juli 18,mars yogi friend 3d,1997-07-16,641,103,0.0779811097992916,07-16,7,1997,16,5,2,4 f6ae37342202bfcc3b923d5e2fe4420cfc22c0565856a6488639a58638da24bb,none,earthl tri tell us messag broadcast earth toward globular star cluster m13 1974 dedic arecibo observatori still largest radio telescop world string 1 0 repres diagram sent attempt extraterrestri commun mostli ceremoni human regularli broadcast radio televis signal space accidentally even messag received m13 far away would wait almost 50000 year hear answer messag give simpl fact human knowledge left right number one ten atom includ hydrogen carbon interest molecules dna human description basic solar system basic send telescope sever search extraterrestri intellig current underway includ project phoenix direct dr,messag earth,1997-07-17,622,90,0.0441558441558441,07-17,7,1997,17,8,2,2 844c6cafc3482cf77d23887ca711e6961c548d2bceed5e1e984eff0282cfa381,none,bright blue star still form red pillar eagl nebula made famou pictur hubbl space telescop 1995 eagl nebula show dramat process star formation upper right nebula pictur lie heart open cluster m16 pictur close depict true color star nebula bright blue star m16 continu form eagl nebula gas recent famou ga dust pillar seen photo center young star m16 massiv shine brightest bluest typic age star cluster 5 million years make 11000 age sun light take 7000 year reach us m16,blue star red pillar,1997-07-18,470,81,0.1873626373626374,07-18,7,1997,18,4,1,5 fa237483c99b2307ab1bf88724a21c32e8a79b4c21265249d5fc9e3fd544320c,angloaustralian telescop board,southern sky contain wonder almost unknown north wonder includ larg small magellan small irregular galaxi orbit larger milki way spiral galaxy small magellan cloud smc pictur here 250000 light year away smc contain mani young hot blue star indic undergon recent period star formation possibl due collis lmc 500 million year ago bright object right globular cluster near outskirt milki way,small cloud magellan,1997-07-19,388,61,0.0573809523809523,07-19,7,1997,19,6,0,3 3b0bccad066d74917faaee610c89049704ab8dbef47c65ad5293641b9df68715,none,explor inner edg helix nebula hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 astronom abl produc strike imag rich detail exot environment planetari nebula creat near final phase sunlik star life compos tenuou shell ga eject hot central star atom gas strip electron ultraviolet radiat central star radiat light characterist energi allow specif chemic element identified image emiss nitrogen repres red hydrogen emiss green oxygen blue inner edg nebula the direct central star toward bottom right clearli visibl close inner edg finger shape cometari,edg helix,1997-07-20,553,84,0.0712184873949579,07-20,7,1997,20,4,0,5 a12cea873ee0cb071629844bbc0f38aae33b3c4a4c79a67f8edae82abea17574,d malin aaoaatb uk telescop,stars like people alway go gentl good night keyhol nebula result die star eta carinae violent cast dust ga final centuries eta carina mani time massiv sun eventu undergo tremend supernova explosion eta carina emit much light color outsid human visibl range past week xray emiss eta carina orbit rossi xray time explor periodic peak everi days this along previous hypothes year period indic die star might part multipl star system,center keyhol nebula,1997-07-21,429,71,-0.0166666666666666,07-21,7,1997,21,6,0,3 9832e32c3cfd0e7e79dfa9b8edda793e85caa9ca676b9b0622a8614acd96936a,none,scroll right unfold latest panorama surfac mars best viewing click hold right arrow icon bottom browser window image releas yesterday dub presidenti panorama mar pathfind team show color detail surround sagan memori station look close big rock midway scroll picture rock call yogi left robot sojourn rover take measur it nowfam rock also visibl includ barnacl bill flat top pictur taken sojourn went analyz rock name scoobi doo intermitt commun problem continu caus occasion delay download data imag mar pathfinder,presidenti panorama mar,1997-07-22,514,80,0.3183035714285714,07-22,7,1997,22,5,1,1 7e225ede3647a40d907ff91a213e9f4f35700d8203bfe1f6eee2d73c8e208a35,d,truli busi sky one spectacular photo yet submit astronomi pictur day new hampshir caught sun moon earth night sky pleiad star cluster comet halebopp one frame first leg exposur sun taken pm april 10th 1997 dark filter sun appear bright dot lower right image second filter exposur taken sun set one hour 40 minut later time featur moon moon appear crescent superimpos oddshap dark circl protrud left image shadow actual silhouett driveway reflector mount aluminum rod use block bright moon allow third exposure time background night sky beauti sky is highlight includ comet halebopp right pleiad star cluster near center what may wonder bright light near center picture worri cant guess porch light hous across,halebopp tripl crown,1997-07-23,711,115,0.1979901051329622,07-23,7,1997,23,1,2,1 a2f880a34f039459fcf80e2daf4fe30564da838745857aafeeca59f317ea7bee,none,mar follow arrow pictur taken vike orbit 1976 surfac mar appear cover rocks orbit mar appear cover craters however sever familiar featur visibl photograph left west sagan memori station twin peak domin horizon mani pathfind photographs hill one kilomet land site twice plan rang sojourner two crater loom small one east easili visibl here big one south pathfinder land site dri flood channel name are vallis,mar land site,1997-07-24,407,66,0.03125,07-24,7,1997,24,5,0,1 62cab3d852a24c66b0e4078df21ef995f093cfe0be7c8a74ce660540ae95dbd3,none,tomorrow picture m81 true color,stellar lmc,1997-07-25,31,5,0.35,07-25,7,1997,25,8,1,0 7bee1d8b58ca15b23a771ac3529bcf4818742a904798e20b5d295f4dda3a6594,none,here spiral galaxi true colors previously m81 shown two color only m81 real color picture note blue spiral arm indic presenc hot young star ongo star formation also note yellow hue nucleus indic ancient popul star mani billion year old m81 actual domin member group galaxi includ m82 sever galaxies unlik local group galaxies larg galaxi m81 group actual colliding possibl m81 interact m82 creat densiti wave gener m81 spiral structure,m81 true color,1997-07-26,436,71,0.0694444444444444,07-26,7,1997,26,7,0,3 65f5f42a87a0c35de06ce903d0e1395cc993d8af584171705af15f0b2fc11044,s michigan nrao,pictur one world premier radio astronom observatories larg array vla antenna dish big hous 25 meter across mount railroad tracks vla consist 27 dish togeth capabl span size citi 35 kilometers vla sensit radio telescop ever and interferometry resolv golf ballsiz radio sourc 150 kilomet away 004 arcsec vla continu make new discoveries includ determin composit galaxies pass comets quasars hii regions cluster galaxies vla also use receiv weak radio signal broadcast interplanetari spacecraft vla locat new mexico usa signific upgrad vla capabl planned,larg array radio telescop,1997-07-27,552,84,-0.0255681818181818,07-27,7,1997,27,8,0,4 3ab569bb3a53f9bb8503571e6df5e068cb601dc4686d4d5925eee81775bc8301,f b,turn go outside becom astronomer tomorrow morning moon pass directli front aldebaran brightest star pictur entir constel taurus aldebaran visibl left comet halebopp photograph taken april 30th tenerife spain occult valuabl disappear time differ locat use map height lunar terrain occult points help click here site detail tape familiar cabl channel take camcord outsid tape occult aldebaran moon donat tape scienc mail leav plenti time practic run sure check weather go lot trouble,help map moon,1997-07-28,481,73,0.135,07-28,7,1997,28,2,1,1 47b44d5dec189dfdb40d05e10b15f728bf2cb2af1ad70acc5e646c3039f1ac89,none,rock mar tell us stori past deciph stories scientist must becom search clue fit theories photograph rocki martian surfac northeast pathfinder land site provid mani clues example least three type rock evident mark red white blue arrows red arrow point smooth rocks pathfind scientist hypothes erod tumbl ancient channel water evapor long ago blue arrow indic differ type rock rag one sharp edges hypothes eject nearbi crater form volcano erupted white area mysterious might sort composit material sojourn recent divert studi white area gather clue continu detect work yield better insight martian past,strang rock mar,1997-07-29,600,93,0.0319444444444444,07-29,7,1997,29,5,2,1 fb22bbd186986520a48c513ff3091972926135d0bb1cb6fbd1c8a8f72762b736,none,light castl star formation familiar eagl nebula glow much like neon sign mani color once photograph composit three glow ga colors particular glow red sulfur ga nebula nice outlin denser star form knots energet light young massiv star caus ga glow effect boil away part dust ga birth pillar mani star explod sever million years return element back nebula form them process form open cluster star known m16,eagl castl,1997-07-30,404,68,0.2241666666666666,07-30,7,1997,30,4,1,5 24b748b22c93cd3763507214edab2281b43e2e05972fde04d11d62f4909a0299,none,could see back begin universe one tenth universe present age might see galaxi forming galaxi look like forming question took step toward answer yesterday releas analysi hubbl space telescop hst photograph distant object yet discovered pictur box above galaxi appear us billion year later across univers faint red smudge technic terms galaxi lie record redshift practic yellowwhit object photograph galaxi nearbi cluster togeth act len light ancient galaxy followup pictur groundbas keck telescop actual measur distant redshift,behind new farthest object,1997-07-31,528,77,-0.0299999999999999,07-31,7,1997,31,7,0,1 5d35f2edb08a230f4d25f53a15fe9e9de435ebc3efbdfb839858ca7f81ffa2b0,none,hard day roll past martian rocks enjoy martian sunset pictur taken mar pathfind highlight cloud vari end martian day atmospher mar much thinner earth domin carbon dioxid rather nitrogen cloud mar water carbon dioxid depend conditions wherea earth cloud water night temperatur sagan memori station dip degre celsiu fahrenheit degre celsiu temperatur cold bother sojourner,martian sunset,1997-08-01,370,55,-0.1083333333333333,08-01,8,1997,1,5,0,1 a88f0351a0342b6c16848505a22ecc43690a311f908f13d91ed3c9ccdb4ba003,none,mars sunset appear salmon pink unusu color partli due oxid iron martian dust circul martian atmosphere cloud appear morn evening usual evapor midday sun day mar last hour similar earths martian year last almost twice long earth year panorama mar pathfinder shown releas last friday imag team mar pathfind success complet goal plan mission nevertheless sagan memori station spent weekend batteries anticip possibl still product week explor ahead,sunset mar,1997-08-04,445,68,-0.0325,08-04,8,1997,4,5,0,1 98ba5e723fcec2629a4dfd7fdf111ff410bfaceea7193f7685113702ff1aa487,none,mani galaxi appear spirals strike exampl m101 shown above whose rel close distanc 22 million light year allow studi detail recent evid indic close gravit interact neighbor galaxi creat wave high mass condens ga continu circl galaxy wave compress exist ga caus star formation one result m101 also call pinwheel galaxy sever extrem bright starform region call hii regions spread across spiral arms m101 larg immens graviti distort smaller nearbi galaxies,m101 pinwheel galaxi,1997-08-05,452,71,0.21,08-05,8,1997,5,7,1,3 684147f36ae47679a0b277b6689c2876c2e594b283c52d0e1ff06da4f8e88174,w pacholka,good camera abl obtain impress photograph comet halebopp brightest earlier year photograph taken april 5th comet halebopp imag indian cove campground joshua tree nation forest california usa flashlight use momentarili illumin foreground rock 30 second exposure comet halebopp still visibl unaid eye earth southern hemisphere observ report 4th magnitude comet pass nearli front star sirius show slight dust tail,halebopp indian cove,1997-08-06,410,59,0.1066666666666666,08-06,8,1997,6,3,1,1 dd63a5a1a5cda93561e47b723556bba10f93ee91f18f61aca5b8fecdf8c8eabb,none,small particl hover around jupiter rings particl form previous unknown ring halo recent discov robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupiter galileo obtain imag far side jupit orient scatter sunlight make halo ring visible amount scatter indic halo particl small perhap 100 time smaller width human hair particl small believ surviv years must somehow replenish jupiter ancient ring system one possibl explan unusu halo electromagnet field around jupit gentli push small charg particl ring plane fals color imag artifici stretch vertic direct highlight ring halo,jupiter ring halo,1997-08-07,564,84,-0.0888888888888888,08-07,8,1997,7,8,0,4 a0816c3a77f65e47d617d42bf75bba2e4e5a04f4cb4fd48f3204c3f9f597aeba,none,white oval jupiter jupiter cloud swirl rapidli rais highpressur storm system circl planet pictur white oval locat near great red spot persist jupit sinc great red spot persist least 300 years currently one know oval last long do white oval confin circular belt around jupiter interact caus nearbi chaotic cloud regions,white oval cloud jupit,1997-08-08,318,51,0.1125,08-08,8,1997,8,8,1,3 a2989b7cd1e21074d4c4af18beb8e2643dba5280ff0a7bba674276af7cac7ea5,stsci aao ukpparc roe,fli space come hydra cluster galaxies list abel 1060 hydra cluster contain well 100 bright galaxies cluster galaxi largest object universe bright extend imag pictur galaxi hydra cluster except unrel diffract cross center bright stars sever cluster galaxi group might togeth creat even larger entiti superclust clump matter fall toward other fact hydra cluster thought part hydracentauru superclust galaxies similarly milki way galaxi part local group galaxi part virgo superclust galaxies,hydra cluster galaxi,1997-08-09,491,71,0.2083333333333333,08-09,8,1997,9,7,1,3 81a361caf7ec5435951356e11b97acd3a696e864b5f7b41fc9e991f4695de8b7,d malin aaoaatb,caus color beauti nebulos dub ngc 6589 ngc color nebulosity caus ga dust blue color nebula nearest bright star caus reflect interstellar dust dust emit littl visibl light absenc nearbi star dust would appear dark block light background stars red color nebula farthest bright star caus glow hydrogen gas energet light central star ioniz hydrogen ga glow red recombin local electron,sagittariu,1997-08-10,382,61,0.2227272727272727,08-10,8,1997,10,4,1,5 c8dcce3538170bee6bf271f0ebfef21ecf2cbc9fef87f137f0689f20c60d1233,s kohl b koch astron u bonn,tonight perseid meteor shower reach maximum grain rocki ice streak across sky evapor entri earth atmosphere ice shed comet swifttuttle perseid result annual cross earth comet swifttuttle orbit perseid typic activ meteor shower year clear dark sky observ might see meteor minute pictur perseid meteor 1993 color repres digit enhanced meteor streak across night sky differ excit atom emit differ color light origin green ting visibl right current unknown however might result oxygen earth atmosphere perseid meteor best seen relax position away lights,perseid meteor,1997-08-11,549,83,0.1484126984126984,08-11,8,1997,11,3,1,1 e4f0e1c432805d59000a0bf0b6f216efa0fdffb59c866a3ec772c688fb34a71a,w brandner uiuc u et al eso 154m telescope chile,supernova ever predict yet dramat stellar explos destroy stars creat dispers element compos peopl planets light night sky well understood astronom accur predict star explod yet perhap sher 25 first sher 25 design arrow blue supergi star locat outsid open star cluster ioniz region name ngc 3603 sher 25 lie center hourglass shape nebula much like one surround last bright supernova visibl earth sn1987a hourglass shape ring around sn1987a emit blue supergi exploded mayb sher 25 expel bipolar ring step close preced supernova mayb not so sher 25 may within thousand year spectacular finale,sher 25 pend supernova,1997-08-12,591,94,0.175,08-12,8,1997,12,6,2,3 5604cc988287f5d99d5dcdde7bc16cf3eb2b9d52a9edb38622d6a190d31228c7,none,pattern mark impact mountains comet asteroid ici surfac jupiter moon europa record galileo spacecraft april year composit fals color imag clearli reveal telltal concentr fractur cover 86 mile roughli equival island hawaii reddish finer bluegreen line overlay impact fractur must therefor younger surfac featur form impact dark red color may result rel dirti wateric possibl liquid water ice fuel specul life may exist larg distant moon,impact europa,1997-08-15,436,66,-0.0625,08-15,8,1997,15,8,0,1 75e6e3ea9e0f437a84ae1f3bae6a87762939ec031749c6101daaa5eb8d9d0666,none,alien alien ancient martian look like tubelik form highli magnifi imag believ mani fossil simpl martian organ live 36 billion year ago extraordinari claim true alien could hardli less intimid fossil measur less 1100th width human hair reconstruct event indic meteorit hous potenti fossil catapult mar huge impact 16 million year ago fell earth antarctica 13000 year ago evid support claim earli martian life includ organ molecul miner featur characterist biolog activ found meteorite nasa current mission mar mar global surveyor mar pathfinder though design look martian mission may reveal inform condit earli mar might favor life,pictured ancient martian,1997-08-16,630,97,-0.0179063360881542,08-16,8,1997,16,5,2,2 8e7af37038025b4c06729a0b41e3acb2dae094395ec0b7165b2d07a905484474,none,two sulfur erupt visibl jupiter volcan moon io color composit galileo image left io limb new bluish plume rise 86 mile surfac volcan caldera known pillan patera middl image near nightday shadow line ring shape prometheu plume seen rise 45 mile io cast shadow right volcan vent name greek god gave mortal fire prometheu plume visibl everi imag ever made region date back voyag flybi 1979 present possibl plume continu activ least 18 years imag record june 28 distanc miles,io prometheu plume,1997-08-18,472,80,0.0277597402597402,08-18,8,1997,18,8,0,1 427e73c5f05652cad5ca0cbfb6a23e3c0b7bf0c2ed018210c52c0d0cc884be92,none,super typhoon winni rage part eastern hemispher last week swirl pacif ocean wind excess 160 per hour winni becam one stronger storm system modern times categori 5 hurricane picture taken august 13th crew member space shuttl discovery show extent huge central eye measur fulli 8 mile diameter last week winni hit northern mariana island full strength weaken head toward china studi larg storm system planet give insight work earth bound storm like,super,1997-08-19,446,72,0.1604166666666666,08-19,8,1997,19,8,1,1 ddbddc36705dfad6897370955d07367237c824385f5ec093059fc962a62d1d42,w pacholka,orion hunter acquir new turn head sideway might notic familiar constel orion particularli three consecut bright star make orion belt addit star compos sword orion appear ad sort futurist possibl attempt final track tauru bull actually bright streak meteor perseid meteor shower shower put impress display last tuesday morning photograph taken meteor like small ici pebbl shed year ago comet swifttuttl evapor enter earth atmosphere,bright meteor dark sky,1997-08-20,431,65,0.2373376623376623,08-20,8,1997,20,6,1,1 be284608dfdd0364ad55af7fd70f47ac9854fd28e83a979cde6c2d583c7df0f1,none,universe possibly one guess ga univers distribut billion year ago redshift 3 univers quarter present age use nation center applic composit begin universe team abl reconstruct hypothet universe cube univers cut displayed side 8 million light year across color repres temperatur hot gas bottom singl slice cube displayed helium abund superpos small structur appear give insight past present structur intergalact medium matter inhabit region galaxi cluster galaxies,univers box,1997-08-21,462,67,0.00625,08-21,8,1997,21,8,0,4 c8cb6b8dbdc83942675c29af45d75726fe1e554432a17af0b7f62aafe0145f11,none,spiral arm galaxies hot disk ga surround compact white dwarf star constel pegasu recent reveal imprint dramat pattern white dwarf part interact binari star system ip pegasi disk ga accret disk form materi lost companion star fall toward white dwarf disk smaller sun diameter spiral pattern imag directli telescopes instead spiral disk ga map seri observ use spectroscop techniqu known doppler left panel show directli measur ga veloc map system rel bright correspond intens light emit hydrogen ga move indic velocity posit center panel repres veloc binari system center mass middl panel simpl model veloc field consist measur shown right calcul posit map ip pegasi accret disk reveal strike two arm trail spiral pattern,pegasi spiral star,1997-08-22,719,114,0.1196428571428571,08-22,8,1997,22,6,2,4 36bc48c711a46b13c2f7d98ee2ce13506a192fc868e316848d4c08df4abd72f0,none,star sometim form color ways pictur small region nearbi lmc galaxi star forming star born may sever thing energ immedi neighborhood may develop strong wind push away nearbi may hot intens emit light boil away nearbi dust gas may massiv soon goe supernova element back interstellar medium astronom studi region like name better understand process pictur composit three separ photographs sensit one specif color light color distinguish specif chemic element,star form region lmc,1997-08-23,458,70,0.2476190476190476,08-23,8,1997,23,6,1,3 7a0bff7ce3ce225db5feff68784345ca5c45c441082d1e96baadf841d2dea025,b walli r provin,slither there dark wind lane visibl part constel ophiuchu belong snake nebula snake nebula seri dark absorpt cloud made interstellar dust interstellar dust grain compos predominantli carbon absorb visibl starlight reradi much infrared absorpt caus star behind cloud obscur view henc appear starless void sky,snake nebula ophiuchu,1997-08-24,309,45,-0.125,08-24,8,1997,24,4,0,5 afc8565de365a0d31f20ac0df62ab4303bb75036924812de3572ec51335a9b62,j c casado,thousand stars sever constellations planet comet grace western horizon spain sunset april 4th 1997 pictur taken fishey lens much whole night sky visible comet halebopp tail blazing appear right center brightest star siriu near edge well left constel orion red star belt orion betelgeuse red star near center aldebaran left bright pleaid star cluster mani interest astronom object visible includ zodiac light diffus triangular glow center even planet mercuri appear horizon,view comet halebopp,1997-08-25,472,71,0.1061224489795918,08-25,8,1997,25,6,1,3 38c8e7b41228a96ac426abb233797fae3a5f440bee2e17c813e6ff4f03e5839a,olivi staiger,lunar eclips view leisur fashion visibl anyon night side planet earth weather total often last hour moon glide earth shadow solar eclips fleeting total last minut fortun enough stand path moon shadow race across earth surface april 29 1995 annular solar eclipse photograph olivi staiger stand partial cloudi skies maximum annular eclips phase record dramat moment bird flew near sun accur predict eclips long possible next solar eclips occur septemb 2 visibl australia new zealand antarctica next lunar eclips septemb 16 visibl eastern hemisphere,fleet eclips,1997-08-27,546,84,0.0071969696969696,08-27,8,1997,27,2,0,1 2f7cb4e54446519b35f203a6015b47b0d3e5b3c67ef90dfbb2d9b6be7e4773a0,none,trifid nebula m20 bright star form region sagittarius 5000 light year earth visibl light interstellar ga cloud cross dark obscur dust lane roughli divid glow emiss nebula three major parts trifid nebula well known appear dramat revers infrar view longer infrar wavelength dust lane brighter radiat energi gas imag record liquid helium cool infrar space observatori,infrar trifid,1997-08-28,364,56,0.2517857142857143,08-28,8,1997,28,4,1,3 ae2d6cb5788151487cc3e25d947a2d933f3d3e585bb99da0dafa0fadb77a802f,none,schedul launch october cassini spacecraft spend seven year travel solar system destination saturn arriv cassini begin ambiti mission explor includ parachut probe surfac titan saturn largest moon artist vision offer dramat view cassini engin fire saturn orbit maneuv pass ring plane develop telescope ga giant saturn distant planet known astronomers ten time farther sun receiv 1 percent sunlight earth does oper faint sunlight cassini spacecraft cant use solar array so like mission outer solar system power radioisotop thermoelectr gener,cassini saturn,1997-08-29,539,79,-0.15,08-29,8,1997,29,0,0,2 923715d9b45e32f4650eeb786643bbb16b4d025c73f3dbf0f4bffde2cc4154ec,noaangdc dmsp digit archiv,unit state america look like night find favorit us citi image surprisingly citi light make task quit possible pictur actual composit 200 imag made satellit orbit earth scan made usaf defens meteorolog satellit program dmsp oper linescan system dmsp satellit continu help understand predict weather phenomena well provid key inform popul patterns citi light levels even rural forest fires,unit state night,1997-08-30,387,59,0.2142857142857142,08-30,8,1997,30,8,1,1 23801e1c95021193c392e73c71719d30e8a0e9d08c737fce9f0c5702d9268b6d,none,five hundr light year earth constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution emiss infrar space observatori imag helix nebula come mostli expand shell molecular hydrogen gas dust normal expect nebulae also radiat strongli infrar wavelength mysteri seem absent here culprit may may well helix central star contract white dwarf small extrem hot star radiat energi short ultraviolet wavelength invis infrar astronom suspect time intens ultraviolet radiat may destroy dust sun expect go planetari nebula phase anoth 5 billion years,infrar helix,1997-09-01,625,93,0.0545454545454545,09-01,9,1997,1,4,2,5 5b11ef3cdfce5874183538f55fbd04306fdbdc715af2d18fdbdc008030ee0a0e,olivi staiger,locat everything especi want see solar eclipse fleet event visibl path moon shadow race across earth path usual less 200 mile wide cover fraction percent earth surface chanc are much water view septemb 2nd eclips record olivi staiger island south australia use video camera equip solar filter solar eclips partial one seen near maximum location deepest eclips almost 90 percent sun surfac eclips moon visibl antarctica want see total eclips sun locat near northern tip south america februari 26 1998,partial eclips southern sky,1997-09-03,501,80,-0.024074074074074,09-03,9,1997,3,1,0,1 635baf63f0586bd56786108792647dcde236e235932d092f81fe6a01eb45f020,none,surfac sun shifting watch sunspots long known sun rotates also known center sun rotat faster poles now recent measur solar oscil investig group soho observatori found surfac sun move ways too hot electr charg ga flow along beneath sun surfac depict comput gener diagram speed solar river falsecolor code red hydrogen move faster blue cours year plasma move equat poles intern eddi circul ga deep insid sun one surpris similar motion air earth atmospher indic scientist might learn earth global weather studi sun,sun,1997-09-04,512,83,0.0111111111111111,09-04,9,1997,4,1,0,1 fbe72fb6ed087452d4e67051a046da1d74987b82c72a354d6d4bf981f1fb2818,none,twenti five year ago human roam moon pictur last moon landing harrison schmitt photograph stand next huge split boulder apollo 17 one six mission land human moon return safely apollo 17 explor unusu dark terrain tauruslittrow land site deploy explos test intern geolog moon return rock lunar mission,apollo 17 boulder moon,1997-09-05,299,48,0.1071428571428571,09-05,9,1997,5,2,1,2 63f11a43995fdbdc4217e3ace5a02011866a6c2c6618dd3bb27775a15dba5dcd,none,vesta huge rock 500 kilomet across orbit past mars last week map vesta creat use hubbl space telescop releas show rug surfac highlight singl crater span nearli entir length asteroid larg crater domin lower part falsecolor conglomer image blue indic low terrain red indic rais terrain evid indic vesta underw tremend splinter collis billion year ago octob 1960 small chunk rock believ origin vesta fell earth recov australia,map asteroid vesta,1997-09-08,423,68,-0.0142857142857142,09-08,9,1997,8,5,0,2 8565aa71e57ba29cd43ee5d286e35ab90df8a3f793360c34de9a68b5659d9a26,j c casado,mani think myth other think true caus known adventur pride seen it green flash sun truth green flash exist caus well understood set sun disappear complet view last glimmer appear startlingli green effect typic visibl locat low distant horizon last seconds green flash also visibl rise sun take better time spot slight variant caught photograph much sun still visible top appear momentarili green sun turn partli green effect caus layer earth atmospher act like prism,green flash sun,1997-09-09,466,75,-0.0026041666666666,09-09,9,1997,9,1,0,1 4aefa88cafb8ba53ed750c8d0a0e52a6d79f43b323124e16a3f8f3ec9682be56,none,halebopp comet century leav inner solar system outbound 12 mile per second present near main asteroid belt mar jupiter falsecolor imag repres recent view low earth orbit show comet surround shrink coma background stars construct fraction data taken aboard space shuttl discoveri august small innov telescop camera known southwest ultraviolet imag system sound like imag particularli interest astronom wish continu follow great comet interact solar wind bright halebopp fade 4th magnitud still visibl earthbound observ south 35 degre north latitude,comet halebopp outbound,1997-09-10,547,80,0.1513888888888889,09-10,9,1997,10,3,1,2 bdce77214047cd687a1f242ea29c6e982b69faf2755eb0d52d1dee4a3df92477,none,complet 10 month journey anoth spacecraft earth arriv mar today mar global surveyor mgs schedul fire main rocket engin 22 minut pm pdt enter highli ellipt orbit low point 186 mile high point mile surfac mars robot spacecraft aptli named mission detail planetwid survey mars first mg must orbit lower high point 250 miles instead reli sole rocket engine mg mission control use techniqu known aerobrak dip spacecraft martian atmospher encount increas atmospher earli artist concept emphas drag creat winglik solar panels cumul effect find mg circular map orbit march 1998 success use aerobraking mission control must achiev exact orbit limit knowledg thick martian atmosphere may even need alter spacecraft cours compens chang martian weather,mar global,1997-09-11,741,115,0.0806060606060606,09-11,9,1997,11,5,2,2 927152719ad6ef7e1b61feb9db77b6c65ddf3f22a6de339b875a1f2db87378f3,none,someth light center galaxi ngc lead specul hold larg black hole shroud ga dust typic found near center galaxy observ taken hubbl space telescop releas earlier week indic new perspect strang beast rule center galaxies bright central object illumin surround materi disk shown blue lack reflect upper part disk indic disk warp shape although visibl composit image huge plasma jet stream central object perpendicular warp disk,center ngc glow,1997-09-12,422,66,0.0906926406926407,09-12,9,1997,12,6,0,3 d1c8da98b8f9a13455e35d51b2b2d59519bc1e2e1c274a9ee0e237c4d109b5b3,none,sand time run central star hourglassshap planetari nebula nuclear fuel exhausted brief spectacular close phase sunlik star life occur outer layer eject core becom cooling fade white dwarf astronom recent use hubbl space telescop hst make seri imag planetari nebulae includ one above here delic ring color glow ga nitrogenred hydrogengreen oxygenblue outlin tenuou wall hourglass unpreced sharp hst imag reveal surpris detail nebula eject process may help resolv outstand mysteri varieti complex shape symmetri planetari nebulae,mycn18 hourglass nebula,1997-09-14,528,77,-0.025,09-14,9,1997,14,4,0,5 e42f25098f458cd6bd0022b7bbb063660753b690582a6c44e31452facac0de88,none,largest volcano solar system mars olympu mon rise 24 kilomet high measur 550 km across comparison earth largest volcano mauna loa hawaii rise 9 km high measur 120 km across larg volcano exist mar low graviti lack surfac tecton motion olympu mon shield volcano built fluid lava next three years mar global surveyor arriv mar last week photograph planet high resolut object 100 meter across visible imag taken marin 9 orbit photograph mar 1971 1972,olympu mon mars largest volcano,1997-09-15,446,75,0.06,09-15,9,1997,15,5,0,2 658559fae03ad96a9c9e8250ec9d7fb9c50d4389229f75a46a5e8d2f71b513cb,olivi staiger,fight cloud glow citi lights young moon shine western horizon capit thin sunlit crescent 15 day old strongli expos imag taken march 10 night side moon also visibl due earthshin sunlight reflect earth moon moon bright saturn shine clouds earli morn riser see moon near saturn week fact north america moon seen pass front ring planet thursday morning septemb,moon mongolia,1997-09-16,357,59,0.0678571428571428,09-16,9,1997,16,2,0,1 97d7672988293e6eea64cc9ae95c807c37e8443b7adf4b7f904db2b71e1480e5,none,still there optic counterpart instantli famou gammaray burst grb occur last februari 28th fade completely astronom commun wait patient month earth far enough along orbit sun glare longer ruin inspect locat histor flash pictur grb taken septemb 5th releas yesterday show extend structur center changed however arrow indic point upper right five time dimmer preced months fade point fit model grb origin firebal across universe constant bright extend featur indic reflect emiss grb might host galaxy even so great grb mysteri yet one thing come grb appear occur galact,grb firebal,1997-09-17,567,89,0.2077922077922077,09-17,9,1997,17,8,1,1 6b0fef1dc93078775d9cb3a1b2c87e0f65af8fd06f0087c25eecd4147fd6101d,none,august 27th twist magnet field propel huge erupt promin hundr thousand mile sun surface seeth plasma ioniz gase temperatur 150000 degre farenheit span 200000 mile about 27 extrem ultraviolet imag telescop eit onboard spacebas soho observatori record exquisit detail imag light ioniz helium atom vantag point halo orbit largest solar promin observ soho instrument sinc began explor solar phenomena earli 1996,erupt sun,1997-09-18,407,61,0.4,09-18,9,1997,18,1,1,2 1f1b8ebc1f2f8c4890a5753452d262ccb307c65325e6eba6e3480348052b0639,none,make color jupiter clouds mean temperatur 120 degre kelvin degre celsius composit domin hydrogen about helium about smatter hydrogen compound like methan ammonia blue orange brown cloud band salmon color red spot hard explain troubl cool cloud temperatur jupiter atmospher constitu suggest color hydrogen compound well warmer region atmosphere cloud tops alternatively compound trace element like sulfur may color clouds jupiter color indic clouds altitudes blue lowest red highest dark color band call belt light color one zones addit belt zones voyag mission reveal presenc intric vortic visible example 1979 imag voyag flyby centuri visual observ jupit reveal color cloud ever changing,cloud jupit,1997-09-20,689,102,-0.0004166666666666,09-20,9,1997,20,8,2,5 252d7ddc020541a5f6b541595d2a613c5292a0eeec104a6b9a14b28d68961100,none,pictur saturn could taken earth earth base pictur could possibl view night side saturn correspond shadow cast across saturn rings sinc earth much closer sun saturn day side planet visibl earth fact photo taken voyag 1 spacecraft flew saturn novemb 1980 next spacecraft approach saturn cassini current schedul launch later year reach saturn 2004,look saturn,1997-09-21,344,54,-0.12,09-21,9,1997,21,0,0,2 fb379ad6a68d0313da757d76d8cab1369369b277ef03b65e8452f6d9c055c7dc,d malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,sky near antar rho ophiuchi colorful color result mixtur object processes fine dust illumin front starlight produc blue reflect nebulae gaseou cloud whose atom excit ultraviolet starlight produc reddish emiss nebulae backlit dust cloud block starlight appear dark antares red supergi one brighter star night sky light yellowr cloud upper left rho ophiuchi lie center blue nebula right distant globular cluster m4 visibl antares left red cloud engulf sigma scorpii star cloud even color human see emit light across electromagnet spectrum,antar rho ophiuchi,1997-09-22,536,81,0.0913165266106442,09-22,9,1997,22,6,0,5 1e737a859a23e02892a8d64684a6fe3e4f61f0ae4d5731dcb2f685883ab2f60f,none,today first day autumn northern hemispher planet earth autumn equinox occur yesterday pm edt sun cross celesti equat north south mar season reason earth like earth mars axi rotat tilt respect plane orbit around sun eleven day ago autumn also came mars northern hemispher hubbl space telescop record imag red planet look season chang martian weather cloud appear cover north polar region dust storm rage south subject weather mar import arriv mar global surveyor spacecraft use innov techniqu aerobrak establish suitabl map orbit around mars,martian autumn begin,1997-09-23,541,85,4.625929269271485e-18,09-23,9,1997,23,5,0,2 f27f325f44c267f48f1603b856e9a32efe0b6131d17f019e65d4ba2573495cdf,none,happen thermonuclear blast occur surfac white dwarf star year astronom watch at safe distanc as 6000 light year earth southern constel binari star known repeatedli produc explosions hubbl space telescop imag nova pyx captur appear blob rather expect shell materi expand interact star system like binari star system produc nova outbursts pyx compos dens white dwarf close companion star outburst occur temperatur densiti sea matter dump companion onto surfac white dwarf reach nuclear flash point hydrogen materi violent blown off white dwarf disrupt soon begin accumul matter companion repeat cataclysm year later,recurr nova,1997-09-25,614,92,0.0111111111111111,09-25,9,1997,25,6,2,3 54b0df168d53c9aa3af10f22b53257f2805bede6a4ec16b7ef3640db92dad63b,angloaustralian telescopeboard,what wolfrayet star creat spheric bubbl sweep arc wolfrayet star star origin mass 40 time sun extrem hot lumin star sinc expel shell materi strong stellar wind could account bubbl shape nebula surround it astronom unsur central wolfrayet creat bubbl arc seen above even whether act alon so together bubbl arc known ngc 2359,wolf star bubbl,1997-09-28,323,54,0.1866666666666666,09-28,9,1997,28,4,1,3 38880b2eb7f2afe0a001df60c301882da295eace3ba7ce4bfaae4b3e3b254031,none,tomorrow picture half dome rock mar,jupit famili,1997-09-29,35,6,-0.1666666666666666,09-29,9,1997,29,5,0,1 983d5789fc809f9be78797e2d2d1ce5614afc618e1cf39214713654048499a26,none,order martian mar pathfind mobil robot sojourn continu explor mars new interest rock discovered even though primari mission success completed rock pictur dub visit sojourn late august shape textur half dome still studied part extend mission sojourn sent longest journey yet 50 meter stroll around sagan memori station,half dome rock mar,1997-09-30,318,48,-0.0075757575757575,09-30,9,1997,30,5,0,2 9218bf10573b8fab127aa779531bdf388780340ce83730c42935868b88dbf054,none,massiv star nuclear fuel explodes stellar supernova vast amount outwards initi million mile per hour anoth 100000 year expand supernova remnant gradual slow sweep materi ultim merg ga dust interstellar space short live cosmic standards stellar debri cloud rel rare valuabl object astronom explor life cycl stars yet doubl bubbleshap nebula 160000 lightyear away larg magellan cloud may repres someth rarer still collis two supernova remnants imag light excit hydrogen atom along imag xray radio optic wavelengths suggest bubbl inde two separ region hot ga surround cooler dens shell begin interact expand make contact,collid supernova remnant,1997-10-02,618,94,0.1429292929292929,10-02,10,1997,2,4,2,5 cfa35c2162ba31496e0c7c2eab17e902db1cce4814484f7ba9c4873a5064c595,none,comet halley photograph superpos front disk milki way galaxi 1986 kuiper airborn observatory comet halley bright white streak near photograph center comet halley famou comet history return inner solar system everi 76 years star visibl milki way galaxi typic lie million time farther distanc orbit galact center everi 250 million years billion comet thought orbit sun get close enough us see similarly billion star orbit milki way center get close enough us see,comet halley milki way,1997-10-03,460,73,0.05,10-03,10,1997,3,3,0,3 97278fcd55cda18a452871465c5bcfeab97db185888460fca2afb200eee2ff4a,john whatmoughextrasolar vision,last years observ astronomi given human evid exist world beyond solar system solartyp star infer harbor planet approxim jupit mass resid temperatur zone could conceiv support liquid water therefor life hypothet scene near one planet whose sun 47 ursa majori 47 uma similar own sky 47 uma appear faint inconspicu star cup the big dipper our sun would equal inconspicu view 47 uma astronom g marci p butler announc discoveri planet associ star 1996 report mass 24 jupit orbit period 3 years artist extrasolar vision pictur detect planet 47 uma b ga giant surround ring materi analog ga giant saturn foreground lie hypothet moon 47 uma b could moon support life 47 uma 44 light year distant fairli close astronom standard yet evid planetari system closer still nasa plan explor nearbi planetari system use spaceborn observatories,world distant sun 47 ursa majori b,1997-10-05,830,136,0.0384615384615384,10-05,10,1997,5,8,2,4 a89aec6c20265d796c5328739ed18cfaf81df8d72d6e88780d96cca8708f74d2,none,mar global surveyor achiev martian orbit septemb 11 began aerobrak final map orbit process take march next year anticip ahead mar orbit camera oper begun acquir test images dramat detail recent imag show 10 mile wide swath highland valley part valli system origin imag record altitud 250 mile resolut 30 feet per pixel rotat repres camera perspect view valley form flow water collaps eros caus ground water produc process time tell plan map orbit four time better resolution mar global surveyor imag provid answer question mars,surveyor mar,1997-10-06,527,86,0.0571428571428571,10-06,10,1997,6,5,0,2 2b320dae055c20ecf609677d04a101f30e0bbc27834c9e0f0da610c4c4939b48,noaangdc dmsp digit archiv,europ look like night find favorit european city although europ shown citi light might make task possible continent outlin artifici drawn yellow pictur actual composit 200 imag made satellit orbit earth scan made usaf defens meteorolog satellit program dmsp oper linescan system dmsp satellit continu help understand predict weather phenomena well provid key inform popul patterns citi light levels even rural forest fires,europ night,1997-10-07,422,63,0.1,10-07,10,1997,7,8,1,1 748511dac7369d7776decd7757d9f8ffc4e307fdc4156f1ba6eaae6b5896a784,none,star light star bright new brightest star discov night new brightest star far away obscur dust however took hubbl space telescop confirm it 1990 star name pistol star known lie center pistol nebula 1995 suggest pistol star massiv throw mass actual creat pistol nebula now observ hubbl space telescop releas today confirm spectral relat star nebula dramat implic includ star emit 10 million time light sun 100 time massive astronom current unsur star massiv could form act future,brightest star yet known,1997-10-08,478,78,0.1611570247933884,10-08,10,1997,8,4,1,5 9d2d6e95def11b84630016d91ab67f269d88828bab41b3b612bf2e0ecf9e36c8,j c casado,comet halebopp recent encount inner solar system allow mani breathtak pictures above comet halebopp photograph march 8th constel cygnus visibl right red north american nebula bright emiss nebula observ dark locat binoculars north american nebula 1500 light year away much farther comet 8 light minut away sever bright blue star open cluster m39 visibl comet blue ion tail,halebopp north american nebula,1997-10-09,371,58,0.1584821428571428,10-09,10,1997,9,3,1,3 825b2bb315f582fcf820f1a387fa06b05091c28cea970298f3c6cccbae7aa2bf,none,spectacular detail rover tracks winddriven soil textur rock martian surfac fill color mosaic view sagan memori station pathfind land site mars imag part panorama detail color stereo imag data set compil pathfinder imp camera data set use deriv detail topograph map land site explor mineralog martian rock soil forward rover deploy ramp rock name barnacl bill appear foreground left larger yogi rock partli visibl upper right crisscross track made cruis sojourn robot rover spike wheels three wheel side two foot long rover make track 15 feet apart,mar pathfind super pan,1997-10-10,548,87,0.1392857142857142,10-10,10,1997,10,5,1,2 3ae97946b88f97478e1608aa78eeacbbfb34a104dba7c276b8a2603e93f8bf40,none,nasa astronaut float free space without connect spaceship astronaut bruce mccandless maneuv outsid space shuttl challeng fire nitrogen ga thruster man maneuv unit pictur taken 1984 record first unteth spacewalk mmu develop astronaut found tether restrictive,free space,1997-10-11,257,36,0.325,10-11,10,1997,11,8,1,2 373c9f59a855805ca6913c8de3563c3c6e18260a55378337bc5284bf5d8ac1f5,none,kill dinosaurs sudden disappear 65 million year ago along 70 percent speci live earth known kt event cretaceoustertiari mass extinct event geologist paleontologist often entertain idea larg asteroid comet impact earth culprit besid firestorms tidal waves earthquakes hurrican wind impact would debri thrown atmospher would seriou global environment impact creat extend period darkness low temperatures acid rains 1990 dramat support theori came cosmochemist alan hildebrand revel 65 million year old 112 mile wide ring structur still detect layer sediment yucatan peninsula region mexico outlin structure call chicxulub crater name local village visibl represent graviti magnet field data region addit right age crater consist impact asteroid suffici size 6 12 mile wide caus global disruptions regardless true caus kt event fortun impact present believ happen everi 100 million years,65 million year ago,1997-10-12,885,128,0.0209290709290709,10-12,10,1997,12,8,2,4 5a5f2a857f38712a28e4880c92f8be6c68b8db78b98f9cfb45e62fb46a7b6857,none,mar cloud too true color imag taken august mar pathfind show cloud ice high martian atmosphere unlik earth atmospher compos predominantli nitrogen oxygen mars atmospher compos mostli carbon dioxide nevertheless trace amount water freez visibl cloud night becom particularli appar day reflect sunlight contact lost mar pathfind last sunday reestablish later week,ice cloud mar,1997-10-13,361,52,0.1275,10-13,10,1997,13,5,1,1 4490937424d308db86f0ea0df9a09f569fda0b5ad38198e40b46db663362bab9,none,cold wind blow central star boomerang nebula seen fals color imag dust reflect starlight nebula lie 5000 lightyear away boomerang shape cloud appear creat highspe wind ga dust blow age central star speed 300000 mile per hour rapid expans cool nebular ga degre fahrenheit 1 degre absolut zero make coldest region observ distant universe frigid boomerang nebula repres uniqu object astronom believ star stellar system evolv toward planetari nebula phase,cold wind boomerang nebula,1997-10-15,451,70,-0.1428571428571428,10-15,10,1997,15,4,0,5 95ede8e95c7ed9fb6f6cf8c3f6021aa816e6afbf7b4fedea56ab0c887b6174eb,none,nasa saturn explor cassini esa titan probe huygen attach success rocket sky earli yesterday morning mighti titan centaur rocket seen across water grace arc away launch complex 40 cape canaver air station cassini bussiz robot spacecraft way venus first planetari way point 7 year 22 billion mile journey saturn mission profil call cassini swing venu april 1998 june 1999 earth august 1999 jupit decemb 2000 graviti assist encount six ton spacecraft pick energi need reach saturn juli 2004 cassini mission ambiti voyag interplanetari explor ever mount human huygen probe plan descent surfac titan distant land ever attempted,cassini venu,1997-10-16,623,97,0.03,10-16,10,1997,16,0,2,2 2894d72382338e97467f5914e64d0ff9f37948ff2e9da6f6c49f51bd14dfb67c,none,ici mist late afternoon cloud cover much section vall marineri mars vall marineri marin valley huge canyon system 2000 mile long 5 mile deep test imag produc use data mar global surveyor wide angl camera view canyon distanc miles color synthes use imag record blue red filters mission control recent rais spacecraft aerobrak orbit studi unexpect motion one surveyor solar panels,mars mist marin valley,1997-10-17,378,61,0.015,10-17,10,1997,17,5,0,2 427929a8dc0e5f75c4a117f1d592cbd8fbfa20dec12bc3288f48b6956d9fcc7d,j h w b u 22m telescope,star age throw outer layers sometim highli symmetr gaseou planetari nebula created case m29 also call butterfly planetari nebula show bipolar appearance although appear nearli spherical unusu characterist butterfli spot appear move slightli years pictur taken three band infrar light comput shift visible much remain unknown planetari nebulae includ appear symmetric creat knot emiss known exactli star creat them,butterfli planetari nebula,1997-10-21,413,59,0.1666666666666667,10-21,10,1997,21,4,1,3 5c9ae8a71cad0257449ad1d4293351657c5f5a19ca3c247c33d1eb6d99458dda,none,groundbas telescop view left collis galaxi reveal long arc insectlik lumin matter flung scene accident investig use hubbl space telescop cosmic wreckag near two galaxi core recent announc discoveri thousand bright young cluster star result burst star format trigger collision green outlin show area cover higher resolut hubbl imag right distanc antenna galaxi about 63 million lightyears pixel imag correspond 15 lightyears dust cloud around two galact nuclei give dim redden appear massive hot young star newli form cluster blue collid galaxi evolv time determin age star cluster form galaxi collis provid signific clues antenna galaxi seen southerli constel corvus,antenna galaxi,1997-10-22,667,100,0.1168367346938775,10-22,10,1997,22,7,2,4 aab64f1faa26f812685926e7ea827d41495b30924b11cb5adf7dde11496ecf05,angloaustralian telescopeboard,find supernova 1987a hard occur center bullsey pattern although stellar deton seen decad ago light continu bounc nearbi interstellar dust reflect us two ring thu echo power supernova time goe on echo appear expand outward center imag creat subtract pictur taken 1987 pictur taken after,supernova 1987a,1997-10-23,286,45,0.0316666666666666,10-23,10,1997,23,6,0,3 e777277cac05781f94ccad5cd6c6175664a5d9806753d046e4a8bbfc72c8d0ec,none,yesterday imag highlight reflect ring light emit supernova explosion today pictures taken year apart highlight echo seen move time visibl left pictur part reflect ring exist dust cloud momentarili illumin light supernova 1987a note nebulos reflect light occur farther left lower photograph look closely see actual locat sn 1987a right photograph appear center small yellowish ring appar motion bright echo help astronom understand abund distribut interstellar nebula lmc galaxy stellar explos occurred,move echo around sn 1987a,1997-10-24,501,72,0.1896103896103896,10-24,10,1997,24,6,1,5 15a8164b1fc4f731ad014443ad9ea615a2411af090744e7310fe0b1c31d7236b,d malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl black indent red emiss nebula seen right center photograph bright star near center locat belt familiar constel orion horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright red emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms also visibl pictur blue reflect nebulae preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars,orion horsehead nebula,1997-10-25,523,79,0.1362698412698413,10-25,10,1997,25,4,1,5 0935a5cf10546fd880374ed43e418b1115ef454d8099b259f604a80a80a349c0,none,clash two galaxi squar corvu latest pictures two galaxi collide however star compos usual not galaxi mostli empti space and howev bright star take small amount space slow hundr million year collision one galaxi rip apart gravitationally dust ga common galaxi collide wreckage dark dust pillar mark massiv molecular clouds compress galact encounter caus rapid birth million stars,closeup antenna galaxi collis,1997-10-27,378,58,-0.0071428571428571,10-27,10,1997,27,7,0,3 62de7dcc572707fa909976989a031f16f25287c69823873b3d61ea9c5e5be4da,none,neutrino gone long time pass sinc question first ask increasingli larger divers detector sensit neutrino sun found fewer expected why above scientist check equip surround huge tank extrem pure water superkamiokand experi japan design detect collid neutrinos larg detector need neutrino elementari particl goe right practic everything reason lack solar neutrino may includ complex theori interact current use futur result detector like superkamiokand may help us know more,solar neutrino,1997-10-28,471,68,0.109090909090909,10-28,10,1997,28,8,1,4 7ae2048c5ba185706ae16856657c130788f00a4ea7099bce4d950c2dfcf7776a,none,day cloudi day jupiter solar system reign ga giant 3dimension visual present simplifi model view jovian cloud deck base imag spectral data record galileo spacecraft separ cloud layer height variat exaggerated upper cloud layer haze ten mile thick height lower cloud layer color light bluish cloud high thin reddish cloud low white cloud high thick streak lower layer suggest lead dark blue area rel clear dri region similar site galileo atmospher probe made first entri ga giant planet atmospher decemb 7th 1995,3d view jupiter cloud,1997-10-30,511,82,-0.0657142857142857,10-30,10,1997,30,8,0,1 e4c593e8cb9bb1d9ab026bc764c20643ffef449780c7f6e45c9939243dd3213b,none,halloween news mar good news mar global surveyor resum aerobrak map orbit around haunt red planet wide angl camera onboard spacecraft recent record shadowi imag olympu mons solar system largest volcano altitud 100 miles summit depress caldera olympu mon 40 mile across 15 mile martian surface halloween night 1938 mar also made news orson radio hg wells war worlds fiction account invad mar live news report perform convinc heard broadcast felt treat happi safe halloween,haunt mar,1997-10-31,474,75,0.1462121212121212,10-31,10,1997,31,5,1,2 4a6f90e7314ba0e51b3e730b123b280750b09fd1753ead22921495444c0119aa,jason ware,andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take 2 million year light reach us there much m31 remain unknown includ center contain two nuclei,m31 andromeda galaxi,1997-11-01,469,73,0.1135416666666666,11-01,11,1997,1,7,1,3 af85dc756baacffad503e7891d4459c3f03cca751623c72125e1b3c59ace94e6,none,diminut stellar standards white dwarf star also intens hot cooling longer interior nuclear fire burn continu cool fade away hubbl space telescop imag cover small region near center globular cluster known m4 here research discov larg concentr white dwarf star circl above expect low mass stars includ sun believ evolv white dwarf stage studi star cool could lead better understand ages age parent globular cluster even age universe,white dwarf star cool,1997-11-02,432,68,0.1115384615384615,11-02,11,1997,2,6,1,3 918960131b5ea5693f3812a6e8f7dff82c35facdaf9c46329518ee83875ee33c,none,two irregular moon uranu originate last week two previous undiscov moon distant ga planet confirmed first irregular orbits fifteen previous known moon uranu circl near planet equator discov pass voyag 2 spacecraft 1986 newli discov moon thought oddshap 100 km across consid irregular though orbit odd direct far uranus uranus irregular moon origin orbit jupiter saturn neptune probabl caught orbit around sun moon like discov motion one moon shown circl point light move left right to stop movi click stop,irregular moon discov around uranu,1997-11-03,505,80,0.0796703296703296,11-03,11,1997,3,2,0,2 166e003aa38d51d9e3336dd287bf4e121da59a0d3398a1a070c67fcdad993d34,none,old dog new left ancient globular cluster 47 tucana form mani billion year ago right closeup dens stellar center hubbl space telescope releas last week circl mysteri star call blue star bright blue blue straggler live short lives much shorter age host globular cluster itself evid globular cluster star form once although problem known almost 50 years mass spin rate blue straggler first publish last saturday new inform indic 19 rejuven two orbit star slowli coalesc dramat collision,blue straggler globular cluster,1997-11-04,485,78,0.1163780663780663,11-04,11,1997,4,6,1,3 4274271a2b9611a70f0d62904f2fabde001fca1fdd95922c1f1a671c3e07adc3,none,milki way galaxi appear surround halo gamma rays gamma ray energet form electromagnet radiation hundr thousand time energi visibl light known gammaray sourc account diffus distribut highenergi glow surpris result base data egret instrument onboard compton gamma ray observatory fals color allski imag center milki way brown green region indic brighter known sourc gammarays galact center plane clearli standout distant galaxi seen near top bottom picture dim blue region plane correspond galaxy unexpect gammaray halo caus futur gammaray telescop could solv mystery however excit alreadi inspir tantal specul solut including collis low energi photon highenergi cosmic rays high energi electron acceler previou burst milki way star formation exot interact particl make dark matter,milki way gammaray halo,1997-11-05,779,113,-0.0146153846153846,11-05,11,1997,5,6,2,4 d76f9dbe0add2ac52ce99a8a94b7f4c4b6b34580b7489a90bc410e020f4a6e91,j sky telescop,graviti floor you accord recent measur star system thought contain black hole spin too effect call promin near massive fast spin objects now team led w use orbit rossi xray time explor search near system thought contain black hole team claim matter system get caught spun around black hole rate expect discoveri help scientist better understand graviti itself,evid frame black hole,1997-11-07,359,58,0.0444444444444444,11-07,11,1997,7,6,0,3 a00a6244f23ea41cecc5c83b3b7c72e83387d7d86748606b217b2c2581ed023e,none,live one greatest human history aristarchu live greek island small island center pictur identifi good map aristarchus live 310 bc 230 bc postul planet orbit sun earth thousand year copernicu galileo made similar aristarchu use clear estim size earth size distanc moon size distanc sun even deduc point light see night dot paint celesti sphere star like sun enorm distances discoveri remain truli unbeliev peopl time stand today pillar deduct,discoveri,1997-11-08,443,70,0.1882575757575757,11-08,11,1997,8,1,1,1 02e91d0db470fa4e57c7888f0bdedb95da2a3f2b454ac37cbdf67c31ff6d30ed,none,surfac io chang even watch inset frame jupiter activ moon taken robot spacecraft galileo april last month larger imag taken new larg black spot reveal volcano name pillan patera erupt vast moonscap roughli size arizona cover dark material composit remain unknown although certainli differ color red materi seen surround volcano pele upper left,dark volcano activ io,1997-11-10,343,53,-0.028030303030303,11-10,11,1997,10,8,0,2 bea7036ad8b9a4f0c5ad6ff2ab6bf2c8b7230c9ba6863ee5fbea0f74b81296bb,none,niño temporari global climat chang result unusu warm water central pacif ocean el niño caus unusu sever weather locat next months warm water shown white falsecolor pictur taken orbit topexposeidon satellit late october pacif ocean color code sea surfac height rel normal ocean levels larg white area repres mass warm water 30 time greater great lakes flow toward americas although el niño occur everi decad so year first ever predicted caus full effect el niño still study,el niño earth,1997-11-12,472,77,0.2535714285714286,11-12,11,1997,12,8,1,1 e8619eab2f3fdfe9203594fe39c1d75d81174cfacc9a65567e7464172741daf5,none,mar global surveyor spacecraft maneuv toward final map orbit camera produc sharp view mars resolut better 30 feet per pixel imag portion immens canyon vall marineris highlight sheer mountain cliff 3200 feet tall near canyon walls strike extens layer clearli appar triangular mountain face total unanticipated excit new result challeng common theori surfac mar complex earli geolog histori respons current martian landscape,mars closeup,1997-11-13,422,62,0.0010330578512396,11-13,11,1997,13,5,0,2 6b719395d3fd7535ac3a91ca627e2767b8498f18f7508acaf6e660a95e961532,none,uranu third largest planet jupit saturn pictur snap voyag 2 spacecraft 1986 spacecraft ever visit uranus uranu mani moon ring system uranu compos mostli rock ices thick hydrogen helium atmosphere uranu peculiar rotat axi greatli tilt sometim point near sun remain astronom mysteri uranus axi tilted uranu neptun similar,uranus tilt planet,1997-11-15,320,49,-0.05,11-15,11,1997,15,0,0,2 f15f562bb582e36b1f63e61f0a50a4125c77f08cf0636cdee321c94a1c6dec01,none,leonid meteor shower like reach peak earli hour monday morning though moon bright leo shower radiant point well eastern horizon western north america pacif region period year leonid may prove particularli excit observ anticip legendari leonid storm activ occur sometim next apparit annual meteor shower although expect meteor storm occur 1998 1999 meteor shower result debri left pass comets leonid specif small piec comet tempeltuttle seri timelapse 1minut exposures 1995 leonid seen leav train hot air glow persist sever minutes,leonid meteor shower,1997-11-16,531,80,0.1166666666666666,11-16,11,1997,16,8,1,1 2d6a24e98fef91bbc5308dc502603b669ca3b37d4c62042db8a3176ad4d855bf,none,start constel orion orion belt fuzzi area known great nebula orion m42 nebula bright star cluster known trapezium shown above new stellar system form gigant glob ga dust known proplyds look close pictur also reveal ga dust surround dimmer star appear form structur point away brighter stars fals color imag made combin sever exposur hubbl space telescope,center trapezium,1997-11-18,354,57,0.3772727272727272,11-18,11,1997,18,4,1,5 3564444ed02f73b58855bbac515d430c6844da2aa4944d4f6ebadd0bb3426780,none,unusu appendag around bright star commonplace never seem mentioned they first telescop bring starlight fall larg area small area get small area however one must go insid reflect telescope done support rods right view telescope wave natur light caus deflect pass near rods light scatter away origin destin point end elsewher appear diffract spikes annoy spike steal preciou light central imag hide light fainter interest stars above astronom interest halfcircl point near imag center coollook diffract spike bright star bottom apparently halfcircl new stellar system form lagoon nebula,diffract spikes star look like cross,1997-11-19,584,88,0.1984487734487734,11-19,11,1997,19,6,1,1 a1b7660832256f024ff54cba72152f6be661a94d82f147a568a82adc290a4e4b,none,twist magnet field arch solar surfac trap ioniz gas suspend huge loop structures majest plasma arch seen promin solar limb septemb 14 dramat detail imag record eit experi board spacebas soho observatori light emit ioniz helium show hot plasma escap space fieri promin break free magnet confin hundr thousand mile sun awesom event bear watch affect commun power system nineti three million mile away planet earth,sun,1997-11-20,411,66,0.3625,11-20,11,1997,20,1,1,4 c3994d75c95bec71b55d2aaaa4a176333086956d1662efc14f446ad85325d265,none,inner moon edgeon planetgirdl ring high altitud cloud band visibl mosaic infrar imag ga giant jupiter moon metis 25 mile wide 80000 mile planet bright spot upper right meti lie within jupiter faint tenuou ring may sourc ring material record septemb 17th nicmo instrument board hubbl space telescope pictur also emphas atmospher featur high main jovian cloud deck methan ga jupiter atmospher absorb near infrar light caus deeper cloud appear dark wavelengths cloud ride atmospher methan bright circular dark spot brightest cloud band imag artifact,jupiter moon cloud,1997-11-21,546,85,0.1181587301587301,11-21,11,1997,21,8,1,5 4e6258a7fe567f1557535b0f544fb86c3ba263b287ef28930e8aa8c24f2aa88c,none,octob 10th 1846 william lassel observ newli discov planet neptune attempt confirm observation made previou week neptun ring time discov neptun satellit well lassel soon prove ring product new telescope distortion satellit triton remained pictur triton taken 1989 spacecraft ever pass triton voyag 2 voyag 2 found fascin terrain thin atmosphere even evid ice volcano world peculiar orbit spin ironically voyag 2 also confirm exist complet thin ring around neptun would quit invis lassell,triton neptune largest moon,1997-11-23,487,74,-0.2212121212121212,11-23,11,1997,23,8,0,2 2c9ade6cac9c20b7c35d33b1d366807169651745b06908b19e6434ce6fd495d6,none,special theori rel noth travel faster speed light jet proton electron shoot away object quasar black hole appear travel speed approach maximum speed though jet carri tremend energi ram straight interstellar material frame comput simulation jet travel 98 percent light speed ram mix interstellar material even higher energi jet might well explain structur seen around cygnu a,jet near light speed,1997-11-24,374,57,0.2400793650793651,11-24,11,1997,24,8,1,3 aebdd2d7a4dda10a769e1f18e7fc2d05291849fae34c60358c8d2ad406efdc1d,none,giant planet uranu faint featureless view visibl light pair nearinfrar mosaic hubbl space telescope nicmo camera reveal moons rings cloud distant ga planet color code imag highlight differ atmospher layer blue repres deepest layer highest cloud featur reddish tinge race around planet high bright cloud seen move substanti two pictur taken nineti minut apart ring system common solar system giant planets main uranian ring seem vari width clearli brightest near top eight speck beyond ring system small uranian moon also show counterclockwis motion nineti minut trace arrow right hand image,moons rings cloud,1997-11-26,591,90,0.0830272108843537,11-26,11,1997,26,8,2,5 02f2a611be0e0be1b4627e9b50a26ff0b6b2024229627e9951d8237d8c42c2ec,none,potatoshap inner moon jupit linedup mosaic tini jovian satellites individu imag record last year nasa galileo spacecraft scale rel sizes left right increas order distanc jupit meti 37 miles 12 miles amalthea miles thebe miles moon orbit zone io jupiter rings bombard highenergi ion within jovian magnetosphere probabl lock synchron rotat jupiter strong gravity shape like like asteroid diminut moon mars graviti strong enough spheres,jupiter inner moon,1997-11-27,433,65,0.164625850340136,11-27,11,1997,27,2,1,2 b1bc73592565146040cd789204be5fa5ec97adbf4ffbf47ec205ffecfaa0a119,none,earli 1980s beta pictori becam one import star sky satellit groundbas telescop observ reveal presenc surround outer disk materi inner zone size solar system strong evid format planets beta pictori 50 light year away orbit planet small faint imag distance evid continu mount star inde cometlik bodi disk jupiters planet orbit within central zone shown fals color recent highli detail pictur obtain european southern observatori block overwhelm direct starlight imag nearinfrar light disk disk warp bright inner region indirect evid orbit planet,beta pictori revisit,1997-11-28,544,82,0.0987179487179487,11-28,11,1997,28,6,0,3 b5295fbe56271a316be85d1b375b4abffc94d51fd27eb162976efca20ba79622,none,heard great laser light show sky team led k davidson u s johansson u discov variabl star eta carina emit ultraviolet light narrow band probabl laser light artist vision depict model could account hubbl space telescop observations model eta carina emit mani laser beam surround cloud energ gas infrar laser microwav maser extrem rare astrophys phenomena natur ultraviolet laser first kind discovered,laser eta carina,1997-11-29,398,62,0.36875,11-29,11,1997,29,6,1,4 dcc8908d4ee2fc134312b7217b1af55c67ba5294f8d36c4aac010bbe5f82a7c7,none,mercury surfac look similar moons heavili crater made rock mercury diamet 4800 km moon slightli less 3500 km compar 12700 km earth mercuri uniqu mani ways mercuri closest planet sun orbit 13 radiu earth orbit mercuri slowli rotates surfac temperatur vari unbear cold 180 degre celsiu unbear hot 400 degre celsius place nearest sun mercury orbit chang slightli orbit fact use albert einstein help verifi correct newli discov theori gravity gener relativity pictur taken spacecraft ever pass mercury marin 10 1974,mercury crater inferno,1997-11-30,512,81,-0.1291666666666666,11-30,11,1997,30,8,0,2 d31f21f8899e89c4b5d3a229cbf69450429b382b5256447ba860ab1fbe5c6987,j c casado,orion big star form constel orion part giant ga cloud complex stretch 100 light year appear 50 time diamet moon compon cloud includ horsehead nebula orion nebula trapezium open cluster small disk contain stellar system forming 1500 light years orion closest star form region earth close inspect photo center reveal three star form belt orion,orion big pictur,1997-12-01,341,55,0.0444444444444444,12-01,12,1997,1,4,0,5 fa8115b1f73f45e13f1b7bcd034957110309030504d7e5a8263ce4d4557f9b19,none,far side galaxy ga cloud explod away small black hole might seem peculiar black hole suppos attract matter materi fall toward black hole collid heat up creat environ similar quasar far stable timelaps sequence expel bubbl hot ga spectacular jets comput enhanc radio imag show one plasma bubbl come almost directli toward us 90 percent speed light anoth move away four frame mark passag one day origin detect octob 29th bubbl fade view,puff,1997-12-02,434,73,0.07,12-02,12,1997,2,8,0,3 d34f3a4ac7dcf160afa97bcae76d3b6e4af4ca8627bce2f27171285f823199a6,none,look tonight sunset crescent moon five nakedeye planet mercury venus mars jupiter saturn visibl lie near solar system eclipt plane venu jupit shine brightest stars sky mercuri near horizon hard see pair binocular also reveal uranu neptun observ telescop good site may even abl glimps faint pluto western horizon fade twilight not shown chart above enjoy love spectacl clear night decemb 8 similar gather expect may 2000 planet hidden view solar glare night sky full planet one occur though 100 years,sky full planet,1997-12-04,500,81,0.0993589743589743,12-04,12,1997,4,8,0,1 881781e6c950185ec933110f4766f0379d16d15b91f032824bb798140e48a5fb,none,dramat picture spiral galaxi ngc appear foreground tilt nearli edgeon dust lane spiral arm clearli visible larg ellipt galaxi ngc lie beyond 100 million light year distant southern constel centaurus see spiral galaxy detail answer question import implic determin natur dark matter measur star format rates compar overlap part pair galaxi offer neat way find answer,see galaxi,1997-12-05,365,56,0.0375,12-05,12,1997,5,7,0,3 b00992f57b33395849e369bedd8e61c90c7b11ce8eb756b7b9d9f0820da8b5ac,none,quasar quasistellar lie near edg observ universe discov 1963 astronom astound object could visibl across billion lightyears impli must emit prodigi amount energy energi come from mani believ quasar central engin giant black hole fuel tremend amount infal gas dust stars galleri quasar portrait hubbl space telescop offer look local quasar appear bright starlik object diffract spikes imag center right hand column reveal quasar associ disrupt collid merg galaxi provid plenti debri feed hungri black hole,quasar portrait galleri,1997-12-06,504,76,0.0724867724867725,12-06,12,1997,6,6,0,3 0a42b76ea58c3dd56e88b198f4769d4d696e169a668132280174fc20eaadd299,none,1994 hubbl space telescop photograph everi bright object galaxy oddli spiral galaxies rich cluster galaxies name cl 09394713 almost half way across visibl universe photo like indic cluster past contain higher fraction spiral nearbi cluster usual domin ellipt galaxies,distant cluster galaxi,1997-12-07,268,39,0.1097222222222222,12-07,12,1997,7,7,1,3 f938961bb9a8d1c3739699caba3d616af144afd11a2b2fbfa65ed4927e523923,jason ware,three dark dust lane give picturesqu trifid nebula name red blue color trifid nebula present differ region creat differ processes big bright star near center red region appear white hot emit light energet knock electron away ga surround it electron recaptur proton red light frequent emitted blue region center anoth bright star region dust reflect light us two region thu call emiss nebula reflect nebula respectively trifid nebula seen sagittariu toward galact center small telescope,trifid nebula red white blue,1997-12-08,485,75,0.1068181818181818,12-08,12,1997,8,4,1,5 091f9eba6f96d467bdd5195d3111476146c5edce2277f8639a2a532b54abe60a,none,rest jupiter largest moon ganymed truli unusu terrain includ pictur half circl cut nearli parallel curves full circl easili explain impact craters partial circl impli resurfac occur sinc origin impact diamet half circl 32 kilometers also interest dens linear crater chain cut across top mysteri like typic solv hard work reconstruct sequenc natur case may yield better understand ganymede interest past,mysteri ganymed,1997-12-09,402,61,0.0416666666666666,12-09,12,1997,9,8,0,2 73eeb01aac397472889d4a7750d9751353ff2b5e306eb76e15527764415bec0a,none,yes soccer ball this ball near middl photograph actual robot camera design float space shuttl intern space station take pictures name nasa first autonom extravehicular activ robot camera test earlier month crew space shuttl columbia diamet actual 50 percent larger soccer ball astronaut make goal kick it,fli space camera,1997-12-10,304,47,0.0583333333333333,12-10,12,1997,10,8,0,2 f8a09371c09bd37f0af9f7695c9637473a8b0b57b5f01ee2de092cd24c5c2b8b,none,look closely mar global surveyor imag martian surfac south schiaparelli crater dark line appear light color one tantal possibl simpli featur near center similar lake bed planet earth light color miner deposit left water evapor crack produc ground potenti martian lake bed roughli 34 mile across may provid evid mar surfac water recent announc result mar pathfind mission also point martian past includ denser atmospher surfac water condit could support life,martian lake bed,1997-12-11,458,71,0.04,12-11,12,1997,11,5,0,2 b18b59714814a53ff20bfccec29947419910c3f4cf78b7dec5e8a2176bd8ae3a,none,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur one densest cluster known contain thousand galaxies galaxi hous billion star milki way galaxi does although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other galaxi coma cluster ellipticals galaxi outsid cluster spirals natur coma xray emiss still investigated,coma cluster galaxi,1997-12-13,422,64,0.0194444444444444,12-13,12,1997,13,7,0,3 2a82fc033f1b60e697ab4b80665701c517883bf9219a106b1b81c8346a1ed54b,none,tune radio telescop 408mhz 408 million cycl per second check radio sky find frequenc dial somewher us broadcast televis channel 13 14 1970 larg dish antenna three radio observatories jodrel bank mpifr park observatory use data combin map entir sky near frequency cosmic radio wave gener high energi electron spiral along magnet fields result fals color image galact plane run horizont center star visible instead mani bright sourc near plane distant pulsars star form regions supernova remnants grand loop structur piec bubbl blown local stellar activity extern galaxi like centauru a locat plane right center lmc below right also shine radio sky,radio sky tune 408mhz,1997-12-14,647,102,0.1601098901098901,12-14,12,1997,14,6,2,3 d844e7dff0d2338878316af1554b46acfe3f15df26ef124ed747d51be6bc5b5f,w pacholka,1997 fades great comet comet halebopp discov even great comet 1996 comet halebopp becam brightest comet sinc 1976 mani rememb comet halebopp comet coma bright could seen eye even near moon other rememb spectacular photograph appear web inspir beauti comet took photographs particular today apod walli pacholka took famou photograph pacholka report repeatedli drove 150 mile nation park stay half night took hundr photo care wave flashlight momentarili illumin foreground equip consist standard camera which point telescop bought age 12 earn paper route,farewel tail,1997-12-15,552,83,0.2775,12-15,12,1997,15,3,1,1 9794704e13ab4ce802ee1af6f677f96caa37997546ec9afb18f106c97345719b,none,lightn jupiter lightn sudden rush electr charg particl one locat another creat lightning charg must first separ insid cloud earth draft collid ice water droplet usual creat charg separation happen jupiter mani astronom theoriz jovian lightn also creat cloud contain water ice help investig this photograph taken octob galileo spacecraft orbit jupiter cloud dimli lit sunlight reflect jupiter moon io bright flash appear origin activ region level water cloud would exist illumin even lower cloud level contain ammonia one thing sure lightn jupit lot brighter light earth,night lightn jupit,1997-12-16,569,87,0.2666666666666666,12-16,12,1997,16,8,1,1 07dbc5445cc6063cd7811badd6d81570f43ae98743187131c89d6f5e1333b8ac,clive ruggl,stoneheng consist larg carv stone assembl 4000 year ago long modern england established ancient inhabit somehow move 25 ton rock nearli 20 mile complet it similar construct era peopl could learn time year watch sun moon rose set rel accur place stone pits placement boulder stonehenge however impress accur today standards even standard time therefore modern scholar interpret stoneheng coloss monument sun celebr predict seasons,stonehenge ancient monument sun,1997-12-17,429,65,0.1583333333333333,12-17,12,1997,17,1,1,1 ec67f26f933d62e0ed1c0e9c4a8d73434717a2b80265ca112557175dc920faa7,none,gammaray burst seem power explos universe yet sourc continu research stand awe transient enigmat behavior blink gif illustr latest result quest identifi understand natur apach point observatori optic imag monday tuesday week help identifi faint fade object red near posit gammaray burst gammaray burst trigger satellit observatori sunday decemb 14th faint star near constel ursa major the big dipper also appear negative imag sky though thousand burst detect satellit sensit gamma rays like object repres third known optic counterpart gammaray burst,gammaray burster,1997-12-18,549,81,-0.05375,12-18,12,1997,18,8,0,4 d15b9aa6a45f267fdee8318b0f7dc60c0d97840de67fd4daeac16bcb245b3640,none,color planetari nebula phase sunlik star life almost cosmic speak star outer layer cast off form expand emiss nebula nebula last perhap 10 thousand year compar 10 billion year stellar life spectacular planetari nebula familiar object profession amateur astronomers still contain surprises instance love nebula ngc also known blink eye nebula mysteri red flier seen either side hubbl space telescop imag above also expand outward central star so bow point wrong,ngc eye,1997-12-19,462,71,0.0975,12-19,12,1997,19,4,0,5 b58c29d4a6fd0ab075b08e9c098f4b3ef554559155e828c32f86b3bbe49f0d15,none,apollo 16 spent three day earth moon april 1972 fifth lunar land mission six apollo 16 famou deploy use ultraviolet telescop first lunar observatory collect rock data mysteri lunar highlands picture astronaut john w young photograph charl m duke jr collect rock sampl descart land site duke stand plum crater lunar rove vehicl wait park background lunar rove vehicl allow astronaut travel great distanc investig surfac featur collect rocks high above thoma k mattingli orbit command module,apollo 16 explor plum crater,1997-12-20,489,77,0.2016666666666666,12-20,12,1997,20,2,1,2 b3a9c9833cf0b4259a9c946ecda259d0cd342bedac71a01e9d72ed986b42262b,none,today winter solstice shortest day year northern hemisphere yearli cycl season planet earth find sun lowest point northern sky sun 11 year cycl activ progress toward maximum occur imag sun light ioniz helium record spacebas soho observatori three day ago show mani promin activ regions,winter solstic,1997-12-21,285,45,0.4,12-21,12,1997,21,1,1,2 50977700764a0b0ec71e9d7c4d60270b96df732f456f30cb59752b28a09bf494,none,david n schramm effect combin big small among mani scientif schramm collabor success use big bang cosmolog predict three elementari particl exist universe subsequ confirm high energi particl accelerators schramm collabor realiz current rel element abund measurements combin nuclear reaction rates constrain amount normal matter much less impli movement star galaxies therefore univers might made sort dark matter schramm champion mountain inspir scientist students alon pilot plane crash last friday,,1997-12-22,499,70,0.0043333333333333,12-22,12,1997,22,8,0,4 17d970baa61883e0a7eeea7ebe128b96ed2b043372ae9f01c46b720fd73150dc,none,30 doradu lit like christma tree shine light across electromagnet spectrum 30 doradu glow energet process go there distinct region visibl milki way satellit galaxi call larg magellan cloud lmc 30 doradu hotb star formation supernova explosions ioniz plasma imag composit three pictur taken three differ wavelength band light red repres xray emiss creat ga hot 1 million degre kelvin green repres emiss ioniz hydrogen gas blue repres ultraviolet radiat primarili emit hot stars conclus symphoni star format light million years astronom expect new globular cluster formed,30 doradu across spectrum,1997-12-24,569,87,0.1936363636363636,12-24,12,1997,24,6,1,4 bee6a12a15a86f203e6f7a96812fa9765be7eaf85c4bc317a1622fe8ec8b5a6f,t credner,seen terskol observatori northern caucasu mountains comet halebopp bright star constel perseu hang snowy landscape although remind northern hemispher dweller idyl winter scene pictur actual record spring april 13th year season greet best wish apod,halebopp holiday,1997-12-25,248,35,0.425,12-25,12,1997,25,6,1,1 67316045382df81e2c58d2ea9df9dc222bb201e85e72be208fc973000aae6943,none,turbul region west jupiter great red spot highlight recent pictur construct data record galileo spacecraft imag color code show cloud height thickness white cloud high thick light blue cloud high thin reddish cloud low edg red spot appear blue lower right span mile along curv limb planet north up westward winds deflect north circul within great red spot collid eastward wind higher latitud gener roiling turbul structures largest eddi near northwestern edg red spot bright suggest upward convect high altitud cloud format take place there,west great red spot,1997-12-26,540,85,0.1483673469387755,12-26,12,1997,26,8,1,1 15a1eb566f7eb5ebd75e3cb51c75adfe3fde7054358ff11892342379bd53c686,none,build eight stori tall rest mirror ten meter across slowli allow human map universe alone world largest optic telescope keck together twin keck telescop resolv power singl telescop 90meter diameter abl discern sourc milliarcsecond apart sinc open 1992 real power keck left enorm lightgath abil allow astronom studi faint distant object galaxi universe keck ii complet last year twin locat dormant volcano mauna kea hawaii usa distanc maui volcano haleakala one reason keck built astronom get fund smaller telescope,keck largest optic telescop,1997-12-27,515,79,-0.0444444444444444,12-27,12,1997,27,8,0,4 b105f2f35a60c0370df4dafc52b43ea4c438a1a059cd3f737399556a557c1b11,none,hubbl space telescop imag pluto moon charon 1994 pluto usual distant planet sun orbit pluto cross insid neptune orbit 1979 cross back 1999 compar planets littl known pluto pluto smaller planet even smaller sever planet moons pluto sun tini point light pluto probabl compos frozen rock ice much like neptune moon triton pluto yet visit spacecraft mission plan next decade,pluto frozen planet,1997-12-28,370,60,0.025,12-28,12,1997,28,8,0,2 175276ffdc597af2aed574825c48f2ae13930618f2dda8dec39c6bdbe25a7a11,none,night dark location part clear sky look unusu swath dim light gener visibl month location invent telescope nobodi realli knew milki way was 300 year ago telescop caus startl milki way made stars 70 year ago power telescop brought revel milki way one galaxi among many telescop space allow yet deeper understanding pictur taken cobe satellit show plane galaxi infrar light thin disk home spiral galaxi clearli apparent star appear white interstellar dust appear red,milki way infrar,1997-12-29,464,75,0.1,12-29,12,1997,29,6,0,3 266bb1489fd08cea7c8632ab6ba0c80fc0370309db2700b1b35273685d39cfaa,none,layer saturn nebula give complex pictur planetari nebula created picture taken april 1996 releas last week allow better understand mysteri process transform lowmass star white dwarf star comput model indic central star ngc 7009 first expel green ga appear barrel shaped green ga confin stellar wind flow central star creat jet form appear red tips much remain unknown includ ga becom,ngc saturn nebula,1997-12-30,383,61,0.0307692307692307,12-30,12,1997,30,4,0,3 fc3004896c7a98620f7e4dd4a431173bf5f1ea989eab529ce2bb897d04d16fef,none,stellar nebula strang example everi major blob ga visibl upper left ngc 5307 appear counterpart lower right pictur taken hubbl space telescop releas last week ngc 5307 exampl planetari nebula spiral shape spiral planetari nebula thought caus bright central white dwarf star expel symmetr wobbl jet rapidli move gas take light 10000 year reach us ngc 6 month go one side other contrast light take 8 minut reach earth sun,ngc planetari nebula,1997-12-31,419,70,0.1644345238095238,12-31,12,1997,31,4,1,3 d2b09fa83a80de82cfa23f5008d5f3a9a6006d218e5544ec101581e330564f16,none,there faint dot center that largest rock known larger everi known asteroid moon comet nucleus larger rocki planet nobodi know sure size rock lie core jovian planets orbit stars voyag 1 spacecraft took pictur 1990 outer solar system rock larg graviti make nearli spherical hold heavi gase near surface today rock start anoth orbit around parent star roughli 5 billionth time spin 350 time trip happi gregorian calendar new year human inhabit rock call earth,largest rock known,1998-01-01,457,75,0.0170454545454545,01-01,1,1998,1,8,0,2 40a5591a0761f0ccbe8cfcf70e49ec50a202a68814171464a4dd1d1b6fe7ddc1,none,jupiter moon europa excit galileo spacecraft orbit jupit embark extend mission studi it ocean might exist beneath europa surfac thought one best place look life solar system galileo europa mission plan eight close frozen moon first close encount extend mission occur last decemb next occur february enhanc color pictur show small region europa region white blue color highlight region cover ice dust collis creat pwyll crater disconnect island ice visibl appar raft new positions,europa surfac,1998-01-02,479,74,0.1420454545454545,01-02,1,1998,2,8,1,2 2f1eceb33eefcb1230aa9b1996116994394a144c046f48e72c99c9c68a0a86a2,none,photo taken apollo 17 astronaut orbit moon 1972 depict stark lunar surfac around eratosthen copernicu craters mani similar imag moon devoid life familiar denizen space age contrari modern perception life moon report august 1835 seri sensat stori first publish new york sun appar intend improv paper circulation descript lunar life receiv broad credenc becam one spectacular hoax history supposedli base telescop observations stori featur full lavish account moon ocean beaches teem plant anim life climax report sight group winged furry humanlik creatur resembl within month hoax reveal newspap continu enjoy increas readership though barren moon remain popular set scienc fiction stori extraterrestri 25 year sinc apollo 17 end era human explor earth moon,barren moon,1998-01-03,757,113,0.1338474025974025,01-03,1,1998,3,2,2,2 0ff95df62e41e5d5e6d35a133fe47ea5c6657988aa8006c4b3ebc3c68ac3a2b2,none,earth that richat structur sahara desert mauritania easili visibl space nearli 50 kilomet across thought impact crater richat structure flat middl lack shockalt rock indic otherwise possibl richat structur form volcan erupt also seem improb lack dome igneou volcan rock rather layer sedimentari rock richat structur thought mani caus uplift rock sculpt erosion richat structur nearli circular remain mystery,earth richat structur,1998-01-05,407,59,-0.025,01-05,1,1998,5,8,0,4 acc7aff462665fa0c33b03235220aad9591474f453e144180f68061ad92ca43a,none,oh tangl web planetari nebula weave red spider planetari nebula show complex structur result normal star eject outer gase becom white dwarf star offici tag ngc 6537 twolob symmetr nebula hous one hottest white dwarf ever observed probabl part binari star system intern wind eman central stars shown central inset measur excess 300 kilomet per second hot wind expand nebula flow along nebula walls caus ga dust collide atom caught collid shock radiat light shown picture,red spider planetari nebula,1998-01-06,469,76,0.05,01-06,1,1998,6,4,0,5 e4f8f25ade4a304736afcb4b0fcdbf3ff9279dd0abb0230f9788d1a93a980c39,none,recogn earth moon see it crazy patchwork appear fals color imag make nearli full view moon familiar nearsid look strange imag taken 1992 galileo spacecraft enrout jupiter sea tranquil mare tranquillitatis blue area right ocean storm oceanu procellarum extens blue orang area left white line radiat crater tycho bottom center three filter use make three separ exposures combin exagger color scheme emphas composit differ blue hue reveal titanium rich area orang purpl color show region rel poor titanium iron nasa soon plan conduct extens remot explor lunar surface includ search water ice near lunar south pole lunar prospector spacecraft,color moon,1998-01-07,639,99,0.0239795918367346,01-07,1,1998,7,2,2,1 cbf8409c6f4a96ba64ba31a8fc4b8c30ef543c93bbe80bd0f4f5e8bce71200c4,none,tuesday januari 6 pm est nasa lunar prospector spacecraft climb sky cape canaver air station ride athena ii rocket repres nasa first moon mission sinc 1972 flight apollo 17 launch also occur 30th anniversari launch surveyor 7 lunar lander three stage launch fieri trail foreground time exposur moon near first quarter phase shown background 250000 mile cape prospector cover distanc 5 days enter lunar orbit sunday prospector carri camera imag wellphotograph lunar surface instead array instrument map lunar gravity magnet field intern structure surfac composition result detail global view current lunar properties expect dramat impact humanity understand origin moon solar system vantag point polar orbit 63 mile lunar surface prospector also conduct sensit search water ice may preserv perman shadow moon south pole,moon,1998-01-08,818,123,0.0861111111111111,01-08,1,1998,8,2,2,2 4777a574cdacf725a9ede508518dafd8796e106dc6d9b46f7e6280b717faeae8,none,five close group galaxi image group commonli known stephan quintet four galaxi show essenti redshift suggest distanc us larg bluish spiral left center actual smaller redshift others indic much closer probabl foreground object happen lie along line sight distant galaxies four distant galaxies three seem colliding show seriou distort due gravit tidal forces fourth normal appear ellipt galaxi at lower right edg recent result suggest collis play import role life cycl galaxies,disord stephan quintet,1998-01-10,476,72,0.0175595238095238,01-10,1,1998,10,7,0,3 93d3440a506831fd5f99e3e460d4cf3a2cbf24166fe887bbea69ef38f2913fd5,none,graviti bend light almost bright object hubbl space telescop imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact graviti bend focus light galaxi lie behind it result multipl imag background galaxi distort faint stretch arc simpl lens effect analog view distant street lamp glass wine abel 2218 cluster 3 billion lightyear away northern constel draco,abel 2218 galaxi cluster len,1998-01-11,357,55,0.0833333333333333,01-11,1,1998,11,7,0,3 7fa1b9891e105385e7e179578aa05122c80ccb7df38df9bc41690b034a22d7c0,aura right reserved,dark dusti keyhol nebula get name unusu shape offici design ngc 3324 keyhol nebula smaller region superpos larger eta carina nebula nebula creat die star eta carina prone violent outburst final centuries note discuss earli spectacular explos becam visible eta carina system appear undergo unusu period change emiss nebula contain much dust keyhol nebula roughli 9000 light year distant photogen nebula seen south even small telescope keyhol nebula recent discov contain highli structur cloud molecular gas,keyhol nebula,1998-01-12,505,76,-0.009090909090909,01-12,1,1998,12,4,0,5 3f37a96ea2a9a0f4a8f656d867989230656c89e53bd9e81a327e4ba096974dcd,none,year el niño strongest ever recorded larg amount warm water pacif ocean near equat caus unusu weather planet earth falsecolor imag earth show rel level warm water normal upper left compar mild el niño 1995 1996 red indic high water level detail measur year el niño indic warm water level rise fall fashion possibl respons chang wind patterns,el niño water,1998-01-13,342,58,0.2543333333333333,01-13,1,1998,13,8,1,1 ff6039f8e240db5e86cfcdf115b5f5d39d8229368be8358ff08c524ecb5be54d,none,watch galaxi observ astronom 20th centuri discov astound fact univers expanding continu expand speed light finit look distant univers equival look distant past three hubbl space telescop imag show distant detect supernova stellar explosions five seven billion lightyear away occur sun formed recent reported appar bright expans veloc associ distant supernova begin suggest expans rate univers slow increas time expans univers destin continue,distant destini,1998-01-14,443,63,0.0363636363636363,01-14,1,1998,14,8,0,4 7e4e93acdd2a2764f853303e912b158d3251c29eeacd6b3f63a938ebb93506da,none,shoemaker passion dream go moon credit branch within us geolog survey contribut field studi impact craters lunar science asteroids comet though career health problem help train apollo astronaut geolog investig lunar surface seen meteor crater arizona mid 1960s shoemak kill tragic car accid juli 1997 surviv wife profession children fit tribut conceiv former eugen shoemaker ash place onboard lunar prospector spacecraft success reach polar map orbit around moon complet scientif mission spacecraft ultim impact lunar surface,,1998-01-15,525,76,-0.0222222222222222,01-15,1,1998,15,2,0,2 d14e593a43bf025c91ee911dc7751048410c946051c019d702972e8f8627a079,none,much dust spiral galaxies block much astronom reli accur knowledg galaxi properti investig wide rang like galaxi quasar evolut natur dark matter answer simpl question like striking detail hubbl space telescop imag dust outer reach foreground spiral galaxi left back lit ellipt galaxi offer eleg approach provid expected dust lane foreground galaxi seem associ spiral arms surprisingly mani dust region complet opaqu dust smoothli distribut anticipated pair galaxi catalog 400 million lightyear away constel hydra,spiral galaxi,1998-01-16,512,75,0.1388888888888889,01-16,1,1998,16,7,1,3 a5d7373cdc77bf0d3486672a40df92cc7e1e1ff46b53c575a3046b602077c61b,none,dens pack star core globular cluster m15 shown hubbl space telescop hst image star color roughli indic temperatur hot star appear blue cooler star look region visibl 16 lightyear across compar 43 lightyear distanc sun nearest neighbor imagin night sky view planet orbit star near cluster m15 long recogn one densest cluster star galaxi outsid galact center itself even unpreced resolv power hst camera could separ individu star innermost regions however hst imag reveal densiti star continu rise toward cluster core suggest sudden runaway collaps due gravit attract mani close pack star singl central massiv object perhap black hole could account extrem density,core m15,1998-01-17,662,103,-0.0101851851851851,01-17,1,1998,17,6,2,5 97c3501df1f17e2bffcaf7d988582003fdb95edae6ae5b09d068ebea02bb5368,none,nasa robot spacecraft voyag 2 made imag saturn began explor saturn system 1981 saturn famou ring visibl along two moons rhea dion appear faint dot right lower right part picture astronom believ saturn moon play fundament role sculpt elabor ring system robot spacecraft name cassini launch last octob expect rendezv giant ga planet 2004,saturn rings two moon,1998-01-18,335,54,0.0142857142857142,01-18,1,1998,18,0,0,2 dedd2b0de5f6e81bb8a207396af080e956642cf69e2938f1681e05f0f34acee9,none,hubbl doubl bubbl planetari nebula bubbl excitement known hubbl 5 bipolar planetari nebula creat hot wind particl stream away central star system hot ga expand surround interstellar medium fashion similar inflat hot air superson form boundary caus newli excit ga shine electron recombin resid elements picture color assign accord energi radiation star system lie lightyear earth like includ sunlik star slowli transform white dwarf,hubbl 5 planetari nebula,1998-01-19,431,64,0.125,01-19,1,1998,19,4,1,5 28797a8ac5c0dc2fa0b55e817b108c5de0e75f772991c11c9222ec95f6cc4988,none,arachnoid larg structur unknown origin found surfac venus arachnoid get name resembl appear concentr oval surround complex network fractures span 200 kilometers radar echo magellan spacecraft orbit venu 1990 1994 built image 30 arachnoid identifi venus far might strang rel volcano possibl differ arachnoid form differ processes,venu,1998-01-20,328,47,-0.1,01-20,1,1998,20,8,0,2 4b1e85b5a63c285dff871ef7c8c908702ddf3ee2a87e1d0e7bbf8b58e3057b2d,none,what black white red add univers list adrift vast sea dark familiar bright star dust glow predominantli farinfrar light cosmolog dust recent discov data taken previous cobe satellite visibl diffus glow visibl image amount dust univers import measur number star creat it number star cloak it amount distort creat measur distant universe,dusti univers,1998-01-21,336,52,0.081060606060606,01-21,1,1998,21,6,0,3 bf18aea7958ad4223a83eedc0c97ec611a97d249d7eafde92523d5e7cf94c365,none,solar system look like planet forming sinc 1980s astronom point toward beta pictoris young sunlik star mere 50 lightyear distant like example beta pic surround disk dust view nearli edgeon dust disk shine reflect starlight examin ever increas detail search sign planetari formation trick follow disk close star possible without overwhelm direct starlight make hubbl space telescop image coronagraph use block direct starlight achiev closest view yet fals color pictur show inner section dusti disk within nearli 15 billion mile star itself scale orbit uranus obviou warp indirect evid planet orbit young sun slightli inclin disk planet gravit pull would produc visibl distortion,beta pic,1998-01-22,678,103,-0.025,01-22,1,1998,22,6,2,4 862328c457fdc4660ce208df47e839434dd5f1cb32efe4abd9fc3f9564d9bf9f,none,two recent releas hubbl space telescop closeup show northern southern light jupiter like aurora earth jovian aurora caus charg particl funnel atmospher planet north right south pole magnet fields jupiter magnet field extrem larg ioniz materi expel volcan moon io trap creat light show 1000 time intens earth auror storms charg particl releas io also funnel along magnet flux tube form direct jovian atmosphere result auror hot spot magnet footprint 600 mile across race jupiter cloud tops hot spot visibl imag cometlik featur outsid polar auror rings fals color ultraviolet images jupiter limb appear dull brown auror display shade white blue,aurora,1998-01-23,644,101,0.1092261904761904,01-23,1,1998,23,8,2,4 7d1a8e57d1c8ddd2289f0e22702d709ea814c80f41d90a1a83ba1e8ff9514fdb,d malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky famou voyag around world result two fuzzi cloudlik objects visibl northern hemispher dwellers known cloud magellan star cloud small irregular galaxies satellit larger milki way spiral galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc pictur 180000 lightyear distant known galaxi closer sagittariu dwarf lmc small magellan cloud smc join milki way stream cold hydrogen gas unusu effect call gravit lens recent detect lmc stars hope could tell us import inform true composit universe,larg cloud magellan,1998-01-24,518,78,-0.10625,01-24,1,1998,24,6,0,3 b3bd5b4280600a19130c5d2a969dadb6ae1b083c9fc03d5e54d3ce69f4e3f20b,d malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,almost unknown casual observ northern hemisphere southern sky contain two diffus wonder known magellan clouds magellan cloud small irregular galaxi orbit larger milki way spiral galaxy small magellan cloud smc pictur here 250000 light year away contain preponder young hot blue star indic undergon recent period star formation evid smc gravit bound lmc,small cloud magellan smc,1998-01-25,352,53,-0.0318181818181818,01-25,1,1998,25,6,0,3 d9af600194dcd6ce30cc2ffc1745e68f8d921f6c189520ff4ec26cd174c20593,p,last thursday interplanetari spacecraft flew right past earth imag show sunlight momentarili reflect spacecraft solar panels alien involv near earth asteroid rendezv near mission actual origin earth launch 1996 near zip past asteroid 253 mathild last june earth flybi gravit deflect near onto trajectori pass asteroid 433 ero next year above near appear move constel perseus cloud creat chang diffus white glow near visibl 2 minut san jose california video camera observ taken,interplanetari spacecraft pass earth,1998-01-26,477,73,0.0084821428571428,01-26,1,1998,26,8,0,2 cf2f79a64dbddbd116b490bfc62d9438ad489e1f53e82472aa194936f8fafe40,j ware,great nebula orion found left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion fuzzi patch contain one closest stellar nurseries lie distanc 1500 light years picture red region left consist nebula design m42 m43 contain bright trapezium open cluster blue region right nebula primarili reflect light intern bright stars recent observ orion nebula hubbl space telescop locat solarsystem size starform regions,great nebula orion,1998-01-27,411,61,0.2954081632653061,01-27,1,1998,27,4,1,5 0959825be097a2f7d7a6743af9d06c7caf4888883c055cfc22548d4406432b02,none,three major sourc contribut farinfrar sky solar system galaxy universe image repres colors project entir infrar sky creat year observ robot spacecraft cobe solar system evidenc promin sshape blue sash call zodiac light creat small piec rock dust orbit sun jupiter galaxi evidenc bright band light cross middl image creat mostli dust disk milki way close inspect imag reveal background complet dark indic univers provid diffus glow creat dust left star format throughout universe,infrar sky,1998-01-28,478,74,0.1291666666666666,01-28,1,1998,28,6,1,4 777c873b8e530f08438290b6ec263a82bd07ddc646855f9c54943d992f1465d2,none,evoc mosaic imag earthmoon system record nasa near earth asteroid rendezv near spacecraft earlier month rel size shown appropri view earth moon distanc 250000 miles although appar bright moon increas factor five spacebas perspect uniqu one bland somber lunar southern hemispher contrast strongli blue oceans swirl clouds bright ici white contin antarctica planet earth though lack atmospher ocean make rel dull looking earth moon one largest moon solar system even larger planet pluto recent flybi earthmoon system near spacecraft use earth graviti deflect toward ultim destination asteroid 433 eros schedul arriv ero januari 1999,earthmoon system,1998-01-29,631,94,0.0955128205128205,01-29,1,1998,29,2,2,2 bf13986b6d456975d755f03336258ead5f0f073bfbeededf7156bcfe81abee39,angloaustralian telescopeboard,orion nebula visibl unaid eye fuzzi patch near famou belt three star constel orion pictur captur part orion nebula primarili reflect light bright orion stars reflect nebula appear blue blue light neighbor star scatter effici nebula ga red light dark lane compos mostli interstellar dust fine needleshap carbon grains,ngc 1977 blue reflect nebula orion,1998-02-01,317,49,0.2266666666666666,02-01,2,1998,1,4,1,5 a26c49edeca662654691718514c83ed38ba0f18ded42bce9df222fc8d3d86886,none,part jupit missing actually three part appear missing realiti though three dark spot seen photograph shadows unusu align three jupiter moon jovian giant sun imag last novemb shadow io callisto ganymed move across jupit moon progress orbits note time eclips jupiter moon ole roemer becam first person measur speed light shadow earth moon cross earth surface peopl insid shadow see eclips sun,tripl eclips jupit,1998-02-02,390,62,0.0111111111111111,02-02,2,1998,2,2,0,1 2e8674ff3496e37fb2a544dc66a3bd9ad84ccc0b6641364ce0324a423ae33f32,none,two galaxi stand casual observ earth southern larg magellan cloud lmc small magellan cloud smc irregular galaxi two closest galaxi milki way galaxy recent observ lmc on left determin nearli circular orbit around galaxy even help determin composit dark matter galaxy photograph span 40 degrees visibl lower left lmc tarantula nebula in red foreground right smc globular cluster 47 tucanae appear bright point light,magellan,1998-02-03,413,64,0.0441558441558441,02-03,2,1998,3,7,0,3 483e2f842e319aef6fc6bdb77cc9aed818d3f5d0688c946b309e963f1685de90,none,earth appear pass spacecraft near near earth asteroid rendezv near spacecraft launch florida usa planet earth 1996 quick flybi asteroid mathild june last year near pass earth two week ago way asteroid 433 eros visibl representativecolor pictur western part earth southern hemisphere promin featur includ white snowcov antarctica swirl extend cloud systems ocean appear blue part south america visibl right,pass spaceship view earth,1998-02-04,405,60,0.0926406926406926,02-04,2,1998,4,8,1,2 935f5282c5c4d0957a7fefcc34dba80cc8d0fa0c41538ff89e41107fa125a652,none,canyon surfac mar appear carv flow water known vallis terrac channel visibl within canyon strongli suggest river water ran here lack smaller surfac channel featur argu valley form surfac collapse imag martian valley system help distinguish degre process affect martian surface imag record januari 8th mar global surveyor camera orbit red planet area pictur 6 mile wide high resolut version imag show featur small 40 feet across,martian river bed,1998-02-05,427,67,-0.0316666666666666,02-05,2,1998,5,5,0,2 44a2aaf0a3809e859878d6955daa1f6a18988ce5c0fb471bf7efbed0d0b5d155,none,sunday mark anniversari birth jule vern born nantes franc 8th february inspir lifelong fascin machines vern wrote visionari work extraordinari voyages includ terrestri travel around world 80 days journey centr earth twenti thousand leagu sea 1865 publish stori three adventur undertook journey earth moon verne charact rode projectilevehicle fire huge cannon construct florida sound familiar centuri later saturn v rocket nasa apollo program final turn work fiction fact propel adventuresom trio perhap verne extraordinari voyage stir view show apollo 9 spacevehicl atop saturn v launch spaceport florida 1969 apollo 9 crew first test lunar land hardwar space ,happi birthday jule vern,1998-02-06,660,97,0.1892857142857143,02-06,2,1998,6,0,2,2 054ae80239efa13210b9ad7e5c0ecd7456682f7b0965443cf9e4acd2306d3ffc,none,microwav imag entir sky plane galaxi run horizont center histor allski map base first two year data nasa cosmic background explor cobe satellite comput process remov contribut nearbi object effect earth motion map show temperatur variat earli univers red spots spot oldest distant structur known univers expand cooled conglomer mass formed cobe imag confirm million year bigbang occur roughli 15 billion year ago part univers visibl hotter parts studi size distribut spot found cobe futur missions astronom hope learn matter process caus spot form henc determin composition density futur universe,cobe hotspots oldest structur known,1998-02-07,599,90,-0.15,02-07,2,1998,7,8,0,4 1b6fdae02fdde388f75820f9d7771323010082b0ed5812425122e529e3a3a5f8,s kohle t credner et,crab nebula fill mysteri filaments result star explod 1054 ad spectacular supernova explos record chines quit probably anasazi indian astronomers filament mysteri appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion picture color indic happen electron differ part crab nebula red indic electron recombin proton form neutral hydrogen green indic electron whirl around magnet field inner nebula nebula center lie pulsar neutron star rotating case 30 time second,m1 filament crab nebula,1998-02-08,481,70,0.087037037037037,02-08,2,1998,8,4,0,5 5033e42a3eb7297f0d24946bf4adbea24c7b9f95a4aff85de58bf60c7d439c04,g greaney,double doubl toil trouble fire burn cauldron bubbl mayb macbeth consult witch head nebula suggest shape reflect nebula associ bright star rigel constel orion formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula glow primarili light reflect rigel rigel locat one imag right fine dust nebula reflect light blue color caus rigel blue color dust grain reflect blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter molecul nitrogen oxygen nebula lie 1000 lightyear away,witch head nebula,1998-02-09,485,77,0.1847985347985347,02-09,2,1998,9,4,1,5 8ec0f02aec41d8d78c23cbcfa232338f2e4b00a67041a5999edadc5515d9a567,none,mar global surveyor photograph mars robot spacecraft arriv last septemb continu use solar panel aerobrak help maneuv better orbit survey mar imag reconstruct sever photograph digit combin simul singl vantag point 2700 kilomet martian surface imag taken mar orbit camera wide angl mode late decemb 1997 visibl featur includ vall marineri canyon across top south polar cap frozen carbon dioxid bottom mani finer featur would normal visibl hidden dust remain planetwid storm subsid three week imag recorded,mar,1998-02-10,503,77,0.0555555555555555,02-10,2,1998,10,5,0,2 79181ec5076e4f840dd0a7d0b6f7a20c8c3a2b054c61169baa3ea483f6e49290,none,pulsar rotat neutron stars born violent crucibl supernova explosions like cosmic beam radiat surfac hotspot sweep past viewpoint creat puls reveal rotat rate incred dens stellar famou pulsar found nearbi supernova remnant crab nebula crab young pulsar fast rotat 33 time second radiat energ surround gaseou stellar debris use archiv observ orbit xray telescopes astronom recent identifi anoth pulsar even faster locat larg magellan cloud lmc xray puls newli discov pulsar supernova remnant indic even faster rotat rate 62 time second make fastest known pulsar associ supernova remnant fals color xray imag portion lmc show locat along core nearbi hot star cluster r136 site anoth pulsar snr mere 20 time imag 1500 lightyear across,pulsar,1998-02-11,732,114,-0.0454545454545454,02-11,2,1998,11,6,2,4 e6a7ee974ab2bec0b62528fc7c992edf14b875c70ea40058abda0cb4bd24774e,none,grand canyon mars steep slope fall away smooth plateau reveal strike layer rock formations canyon part vall marineris 2500 mile long system canyon cut across martian equator view record januari 1 orbit mar global surveyor show small portion vall marineri amaz detail imag 6 mile wide high resolut version show featur small 20 feet across process caus grand canyon planet earth sedimentari process result spectacular rock layers similar layer rock canyon hawaiian island creat volcanoes regardless origin layer mars extent suggest earli mar geolog activ complex,grand canyon mar,1998-02-12,560,86,0.1008333333333333,02-12,2,1998,12,5,0,2 fa4853f6ef13d2cbed8e6f4214df7f0220ab08123539b77bcf20e8915ec55477,none,inaugur era space explor us first explor launch earth orbit forti year ago februari 1 1958 armi ballist agency explor satellit weigh 30 6 feet long 6 inch diamet consist batteries scientif instrument built fourth stage jupiterc rocket foreshadow nasa adventur success explor program explor bolster nation wake sputnik satellit also contribut spectacular scientif bonanza discoveri belt magnet trap charg particl known van allen radiat belts,explor,1998-02-13,441,66,0.22,02-13,2,1998,13,8,1,2 cabf0d833fbef421b3a44ec373a8e47c2d35eac69c0b3f9d9b2f2a2c31ae6766,g greaney,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star recent form nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow,rosett nebula,1998-02-14,339,55,0.1745920745920746,02-14,2,1998,14,4,1,5 ad7f6eaaf5cfe0581e51396fac338656c88ed594d4894c355f8c005c8ea81024,none,galaxi recent observ indic next 100 million years sagittariu dwarf galaxi move though disk milki way galaxi yet sagittariu dwarf shown extend irregular shape galact center closest 9 known small dwarf spheroid galaxi orbit galaxy worry galaxi danger issu sagittariu intens gravit tidal forc might pull apart oddly however orbit indic galaxi sever time before one possibl sgr contain great deal lowdens dark matter hold togeth gravit collisions,sagittariu dwarf collid milki way,1998-02-16,443,68,0.019047619047619,02-16,2,1998,16,7,0,3 63db06311bd69ed58837fb7e87aacd78557421bcc26182cfd393832763815fcd,none,even year ago brightest supernova modern time recorded expand debri tremend stellar explos seen crash previous expel material onset collis shown arrow pictur yellow spot interior ring although collis occur speed near 60 million kmhour appear take year due vast distanc involved supernova blast wave move out shockheat ga encounters caus glow astronom thu hope blast wave illumin interest past sn 1987a perhap provid clue origin mysteri rings,shock supernova 1987a,1998-02-17,441,68,0.0010416666666666,02-17,2,1998,17,6,0,3 fd6d3790795ed4a2b1526b4459792ab57f6bb6bd4e6c950f5b7b749d1dbc5603,none,first hint becom sun discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list annoying diffus object confus interesting comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen constel vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf,m27 dumbbel nebula,1998-02-18,565,86,0.0999999999999999,02-18,2,1998,18,4,0,5 d74f1b6e6fbd26bfd548e7dd1817d59a50e07b4de0c2be874a2a22d8538cd86f,none,halebopp now great comet 1997 one largest activ comet ever outbound 400 million mile sun faint view without telescop binoculars halebopp present posit southerli constel negative imag black star white sky halebopp result 1 hour time exposur use european southern observatori schmidt telescop januari 5 clearli comet still substanti tail blown solar wind point gener away sunward direction look closely spiki also visibl point toward sun like antitail compos dust grain releas comet nucleu larg easili push solar wind halebopp reced sun activ astronom still uncertain long tail last swing outer solar system oort cloud halebopp pass inner solar system around year,halebopp tail,1998-02-20,662,102,-0.0196969696969696,02-20,2,1998,20,3,2,4 9cb392de315c53093d9eb9892490cc80e7890bcda81b4bce0c95b39ce3d4dc4a,none,pictur taken voyag 2 spacecraft 1989 spacecraft ever visit neptune neptun farthest planet sun 1999 ellipt orbit pluto caus resum status neptune like uranus compos mostli liquid water methan ammonia surround thick ga atmospher mostli hydrogen helium mani moon rings neptune moon triton unlik activ volcanoes natur triton unusu orbit around neptun focu much discuss speculation,neptune big blue giant,1998-02-21,376,56,-0.05,02-21,2,1998,21,8,0,2 684aa5d79ffe08a40a0b5ab56439c9870088c3371dfeaee8512108d243d20ae8,none,background distant stars sinuou spiki band southern light aurora australis faint glow charg plasma ioniz atom gas surround space shuttl discovery engin give photo sts39 mission eerie otherworldli look imag reflect discovery april 1991 mission well payload bay plb fill instrument design studi celesti objects aurora atmospher phenomena low earth orbit environ around plb itself aurora seen height 5080 miles aurora caus charg particl solar wind channel earth magnet field excit molecul upper atmosphere,southern light shuttl glow,1998-02-22,503,74,-0.0999999999999999,02-22,2,1998,22,8,0,2 b1a44265bd953a96e02668392610f70d07211508a1e09644d3d6e3c7bc712543,j shalf y zhang uiuc et al gccc,live forest strewn throughout univers trees hydrogen ga absorb light distant objects ga cloud leav numer absorpt line distant quasar spectra togeth call lymanalpha forest distant quasar appear absorb mani lymanalpha cloud nearbi quasars indic lymanalpha thicket earli universe imag depict one possibl comput realiz lymanalpha cloud distribut redshift 3 side box measur 30 million lightyear across much remain unknown lymanalpha forest includ real geometri extent clouds mani fewer cloud today,lyman alpha forest,1998-02-24,492,71,0.0670454545454545,02-24,2,1998,24,8,0,4 86fe3c2188c6e1b65f45a9fc66f4ac8adb3ecef8e7e5e78effa99790d7c3f42e,p c frischu c,here orang dot falsecolor draw repres current locat sun among local ga cloud spiral milki way galaxy ga cloud thin usual see right them nearli spheric bubbl surround region recent star formation purpl filament near sun ga shell result star format 4 million year ago scorpiuscentauru association locat sun lower left sun spiral arm move rel low densiti ga past 5 million years contrast sun milki way plane everi 66 million years circl galact center everi 250 million years,solar neighborhood,1998-02-25,471,79,-0.0558441558441558,02-25,2,1998,25,6,0,3 da7e5f2ed3b407c707628210eb30b8e4059f2f704820e7e27e1a6b590046caa8,g garradd,horizon horizon night sky loomberah new south wales australia photograph astronom gordon garradd march 22 1996 garradd use home made allski camera fishey lens result circular 200 degre field view gorgeou sky view domin lumin band milki way cut dramatic dark interstellar dust clouds along bright star galaxy larg magellan cloud visibl upper right about 1 oclock long lovely bluish tail comet hyakutak seen toward bottom image near bright star arcturus bright citi light nearbi tamworth glow along northwestern horizon,southern sky view,1998-02-26,517,80,0.2407287157287157,02-26,2,1998,26,6,1,1 a8719d6b2db92b63967fcb37e78c82850ce00f070ee97c6c880bb309fa99cd18,none,yesterday moon shadow reach touch earth larg portion western hemispher eclips sun composit imag combin pictur sun made earth space central direct imag solar surfac record yesterday extrem ultraviolet imag telescop board space base soho observatory surround telescop pictur sun seen island total eclipse surround view eclips sun reveal gleam solar corona visibl ground base observ totality combin imag help connect explos event featur sun surfac corona solar wind,solar eclipse composit view,1998-02-27,462,69,-0.25,02-27,2,1998,27,1,0,4 faf4e09aad80ede4d833e987fec4b0f19efcb8084af4c560bb51d60897224fc9,none,star form region known eggs uncov end giant pillar ga dust eagl nebula m16 eggs short evapor gaseou globules dens region mostli molecular hydrogen ga fragment gravit collaps form stars light hottest brightest new star heat end pillar caus evapor ga reveal yet egg young stars pictur taken wide field planetari camera board hubbl space telescope,eagl egg m16,1998-02-28,345,56,0.0893939393939394,02-28,2,1998,28,4,1,5 fad2212a5ad0b03aa92d3fe98d190b15f047912381f16f05c2a9b107c6898be6,none,meet california two week ago result present indic energi univers star galaxi tie space itself languag cosmologists larg cosmolog constant directli impli new distant supernova observations suggest cosmolog constant lambda new exist sinc advent modern relativist cosmology claim usual popular astronomers though lambda unlik known univers components lambda valu appear limit observations lessstrang cosmolog without lambda histor done well explain data therefor claim make news summari journal like science noteworthi seemingli direct reliabl method observations good reput scientist conduct investigation pictur supernova redshift 05 spiral galaxy taken collaboration however two team scientist independ studi distant supernovae last offici word team result consist cosmolog constant report two month ago extraordinari claim requir extraordinari evidence cosmologist world eagerli await results details data,rumor strang univers,1998-03-02,907,120,0.1016233766233766,03-02,3,1998,2,8,2,4 b9fd3f73281551d044bb9d42c69a40cb58a3b02a93d0b241d8ff2ea8d0760b07,none,tomorrow picture aurora alaska archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,kilomet europa,1998-03-03,230,35,0.2857142857142857,03-03,3,1998,3,8,1,0 ddca48fc3f5345f5bd30924317cc76e36971b482bc625b2c1356c0cc7993934e,d hutchinson,higher highest mountain higher highest airplane lie realm aurora aurora rare reach 60 kilometers rang 1000 kilometers aurora light result solar electron proton strike molecul earth atmosphere frequently view space complet aurora appear circl around one earth magnet poles photograph taken januari alaska show spectacular aurora boreali frozen landscap includ spruce tree photographer pictur taken quickli temperatur degrees,aurora alaska,1998-03-04,423,58,0.3166666666666667,03-04,3,1998,4,8,1,1 75e8a3b00682ba524e19bc6c68008c240bdb266e4c164c1617d299a93733f4e3,none,seven week lunar orbit instrument board nasa lunar prospector spacecraft produc strong evid water ice moon extens sheets ice could form crystals mix low concentr materi crater around frigid north south lunar poles much far estim 10 300 million metric ton about 3 90 billion water ice like result cometari bombardment use differ instruments clementin spacecraft also detect telltal sign ice orbit moon 1994 although lunar sampl return apollo mission suggest moon dry clementin result spark controversi hope water ice might still found hold tantal possibl substanti reservoir lunar water could use support human exploration mosaic clementin imag crater terrain surround moon north pole surprisingly lunar prospector data indic north polar region contain twice much ice south lunar prospector mission continues data help determin precis amount distribut water ice,water ice lunar pole,1998-03-06,861,129,0.0425925925925925,03-06,3,1998,6,2,2,2 54e5ff98af310d0569f4622c680d6d38809a3d2662376b4e31c8d2ef1f6f919b,none,space shuttl discovery orbit maneuv system engin fire produc dramat flare cruis low earth orbit discoveri name ship command jame cook 18th centuri english astronom cook voyag discoveri establish new standard scientif explor brought extens knowledg unknown pacif regions includ australia new zealand hawaiian island archipelago space shuttl endeavor also name one cook ships recent addit nasa shuttl fleet,shuttl blast,1998-03-08,404,59,0.0246753246753246,03-08,3,1998,8,8,0,2 aa8c3a8e4d0faf83d04393a450ed3155b5ecdb6f8b08c82276035eab6c4f68e4,none,yogi possibl best photograph rock mars combin mani pictur taken mar pathfind mission last year scientist abl creat digit enhanc imag better allow studi yogi surfac accur determin yogi formed smooth martian rock suggest previou interact water impli mar warmer wetter past,yogi rock mar,1998-03-09,270,42,0.3299999999999999,03-09,3,1998,9,5,1,2 b60320c179843bc703273f593cbb244352570b465ac9ac386f485a863dfa0a97,none,way interstate appear caricatur complex highway system earth actual system ridg crack ici surfac jupiter moon europa distanc parallel ridg photograph typic 1 kilometer complex crack ridg tell stori europa past mostli undecipher planetari geologist tri understand gener origin overal features one noteworthi featur overal white sheen possibl indic presenc frost anoth dark center parallel ridges might indic dirti water underground ocean recent well crack froze,crack ridg europa,1998-03-10,461,66,-0.11,03-10,3,1998,10,8,0,1 7c26886fb10e9c3f92e82a8795317fffa932f853137b93ddef7164fe5fb73f9e,j,februari 26th dark day total solar eclips last visibl america millennium total solar eclips excit partli short earth moon farther away total eclips would occur moon would appear small block sun moon much closer earth eclips would last much longer oddly sun moon almost exactli angular size even well locat observers creat minut total moon shadow move away total solar eclips 1919 minut long enough scientist determin sun graviti bend light star behind it dramat confirm accuraci new theori graviti postul 80 year ago,total eclips sun,1998-03-11,516,84,-0.0044612794612794,03-11,3,1998,11,2,0,1 3054fe97c9c7dd3e29547ef292e27572966d22b35e1ccfe8603a553d1386f51f,none,moon shadow reach touch earth last month result solar eclipse eclips total observ locat along narrow path correspond ground track shadow dark central portion eclipse race along nearli 1200 mile per hour moon umbra obligingli cross land along pleasant tropic local south america caribbean islands total last 3 minut less given location sizabl fraction north south america fell within lighter much wider outer shadow region wit partial eclipse movi gif follow moon shadow central south america eastward across atlant seen vantag point orbit geostationari oper environment satellit goes 22000 mile earth three frame anim span 2 hours goe satellit imag corner stone us weather monitor forecast operations,moon shadow,1998-03-12,701,107,0.0226190476190476,03-12,3,1998,12,2,2,1 7c0429c24fb02c1fd3db19e834d72630e479bf5834a6782c6647ca94c7621002,none,asteroid comet known collis cours earth asteroid design 1997 xf11 predict come uncomfort close new estim place pass beyond orbit moon asteroid discov spacewatch astronom jim decemb last year orbit use new observ suggest would pass within 30000 mile earth center octob 26 near miss consid radiu earth 4000 miles however recent refin calcul base new archiv data indic closest approach 600000 mile imag nasa spacecraft three potatoshap object larg mainbelt asteroid orbit mar jupiter shown scale left right mathilde gaspra mathild dimens 37 29 miles asteroid 1997 xf11 much smaller probabl mile wide yet impact asteroid size could catastroph effects last two decades team astronom begun catalog track nearearth objects,asteroid,1998-03-13,716,111,-0.0157842157842157,03-13,3,1998,13,8,2,2 4cd9152de1ee1f48666bb16b5ea43af29d9648fe9eaedbddd837ca6dc82a865c,none,progress beauti spiral galaxi illustr three photograph nasa ultraviolet imag telescop uit fli earth obscur layer atmospher space shuttl columbia astro1 mission 1990 camera abl imag distant spiral ultraviolet light produc hot young stars bright stars newli condens ga dust clouds give away locat spiral arm born in massiv time mass sun die fade move far birth place make excel tracer spiral structure left right galaxi known m33 m74 m81 progress tightli wound spiral arms astronom would classifi type spiral use galaxi classif scheme first work edwin hubble,spiral galaxi galleri,1998-03-14,556,88,0.2206349206349206,03-14,3,1998,14,7,1,3 e67d23071b70e8397a2c09b61ff3ee97a54494f845723b16b96d9b4cc3371edb,p challi observatori,someth strang happen galaxy what m82 nearbi galaxi group galaxi domin itself m81 ngc m82 thought away close encount m81 galact collis might stir inner star ga m82 caus unusu dark lane dust visibl photograph m82 starburst galaxi activ center contain star cluster far brighter milki way galaxy,unusu m82 cigar galaxi,1998-03-15,291,48,-0.0375,03-15,3,1998,15,7,0,3 70ead9624cf112abb9143641748551410c6270b84c912d1512f797f86ae0c6fd,none,rock space hit earth everi day larger rock though less often earth struck mani kilogram space dust pitter earth daily larger bit appear initi bright meteor baseballs rock icebal streak atmospher daily evapor quickli nothing signific threat exist rock near 100 meter diameter strike earth roughli everi 1000 years object size could caus signific tidal wave strike ocean potenti devast even distant shores collis massiv asteroid 1 km across rare occur typic million year apart could truli global consequences mani asteroid remain undiscovered fact discoveri sever announc last one shown long blue streak photograph interplanetari collis would affect earth orbit much rais dust would affect earth climate one like result global extinct mani speci life possibl dwarf ongo extinct occur now,asteroid distanc,1998-03-16,785,121,0.0107843137254901,03-16,3,1998,16,8,2,4 696179fc6bace3a254f938233e2c78d713c961f128c5fbccffb4f87ea1e13604,none,cloud form mars mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mar find out photograph releas last week show cloud form huge bulg mar 4000 kilomet across 7 kilomet high contain sever larg volcanoes cloud temporarili disappear larg dust storm emerg south first develop dust storm track orbit spacecraft mar global surveyor continu ongo mission survey planet mars,cloud tharsi mar,1998-03-17,359,56,0.1157142857142857,03-17,3,1998,17,5,1,2 b2572500aa50781b27427c865e97cc985d8c74994e41b8903a217c113c56a69f,wiyn inc 35m wiyn telescop,go ngc 891 galaxi appear previous similar milki way galaxy spiral galaxi seen nearli edgeon however recent highresolut imag ngc 891 dust show unusu filamentari pattern extend well away galact disk interstellar dust probabl thrown galact disk toward halo stellar supernova explosions dust fragile appear surviv disk expuls telling newli discov phenomena however sometim appear complex question rais answered,interstellar ngc 891,1998-03-18,406,59,-0.0361111111111111,03-18,3,1998,18,7,0,3 fc5fc8f28b1d7624b9ed81ee53ad586d624351efb2c83d3a33df34daf267f90b,none,high resolut mar global surveyor imag combin vike orbit color data produc stunning detail view martian canyon edge area pictur 6 mile wide repres tini part northern edg canyon vall marineris whose total length 2500 miles detail 20 30 feet across seen high resolut data composit thin welldefin layer steep canyon wall unknown presenc point complex activ martian geolog history later half 1970s nasa vike orbit photograph mar extensively yet surveyor sharp new imag produc strike unanticip results,mars edg,1998-03-19,495,78,-0.0168073593073593,03-19,3,1998,19,5,0,2 6c501180a013508877a38b79df6cbd6d9ea195cf27dbbd3c5b14db2bd30c8420,none,no breakfast look orbit spacecraft odd intersect ridg cover area mar present appearance caus ridg pattern unknown suggest complex layer deposit lie below south polar region mar global surveyor imag measur 85 12 mile spread layer bright season carbon dioxid frost mysteri dark spot area 60 300 feet across exact natur also unknown spot appar defrost earli lack bright layer frozen carbon dioxide,mars ridg near south pole,1998-03-20,395,63,0.0681818181818181,03-20,3,1998,20,5,0,1 b3c85e4bb9ac6fa349f203b7a945814c29a2b5b2ae487493ffabc3d42a85bab1,none,could see gamma rays could sky would seem fill shimmer highenergi glow exot mysteri object universe earli 1990 nasa orbit compton observatory produc premier vista entir sky gamma ray photon 40 million time energi visibl light diffus gammaray glow plane milki way galaxi run horizont fals color image brightest spot galact plane right center pulsar spin magnet neutron star form violent crucibl stellar explosions plane quasars believ power supermass black holes produc gammaray beacon edg universe natur mani fainter sourc remain unknown,gamma ray sky,1998-03-21,539,82,-0.0329931972789115,03-21,3,1998,21,6,0,3 7c2fc7ba75d037a03a0e5db91d0258a43bf8c31960ff437a56a08b1f3ce2bbaa,none,sun spot appear dark photograph like one above fact sunspot quit bright dark compar rest sun sunspot size earth frequent occur groups shown above sunspot occur concentr portion solar magnet field poke surface field slow energi enter sunspot region caus sunspot appear cooler darker lower surround surface sunspot typic last day dissipating number sunspot alway changing gener go maximum minimum everi 5 years fact sun pass minimum two year ago sun sunspot never look directly,magnet,1998-03-22,476,75,0.0333333333333333,03-22,3,1998,22,1,0,1 85854c7d154bb8e0f23f9c7b11f5f8c5c8ba564c09bd3f08ad0f7b7dba250842,none,center galaxi ngc 1808 burst new stars why bar spiral galaxi make ngc 1808 somewhat similar milki way galaxy disk ngc 1808 inset quit warped center unusu bright blue pictur ngc 1808 center repres color recent taken hubbl space telescop releas yesterday perhap gravit pull recent pass neighbor galaxi ngc caus matter move inward along ngc 1808 bar trigger burst star formation also promin blue cluster star filament dark dust obscur even activity,starbirth ngc,1998-03-23,445,73,0.0351239669421487,03-23,3,1998,23,7,0,3 49fac0f8aa3ba530909bea5adaaefc4d6faaf8112557fe4bc26420ac51458bb8,none,what farthest galaxi known answer keep chang astronom compet find new galaxi top list new record holder faint red smudg indic imag arrow detect light left galaxi billion year ago well earth formed univers younger 110th present age astronom measur redshift galaxy break first time young galaxi much interest astronom mani unansw question exist galaxi form earli universe although galaxy distanc exce even farthest known quasar still front pervas glow ga seen cosmic microwav background radiation,babi galaxi,1998-03-24,494,76,0.1018939393939393,03-24,3,1998,24,7,0,3 c83d46fe067e0cb1b8f089c7bd94ff299b8747d7244d1bbe08969bcf5b726773,none,ngc 7027 one smallest known planetari nebulae even so ngc 7027 14000 time larger earthsun distance planetari nebula name first discov appear similar planets planetari nebula actual die stars though recent run nuclear fuel outer gaseou shell expel unknown process frequent creat spectacular displays pictur infrar light hot central star visible sun becom planetari nebula 5 billion years,planetari nebula ngc 7027 infrar,1998-03-25,386,58,0.1363636363636363,03-25,3,1998,25,4,1,3 907705f9d532d53a2f7b7bae2a9e915796df3cc487cdd4489d46806a0c97f6c1,none,orbit mile earth 250 foot wide conceiv earli 1950 function navig aid meteorolog station militari platform way station space explor rocket pioneer wernher von station could easili rotat creat artifici graviti astronaut would suffer effect von braun team favor build perman occupi earth orbit space station stage lunar explor program 1960 nasa adopt apollo program call astronaut transfer land vehicl achiev lunar orbit construct von braun wheel,wheel,1998-03-28,443,67,-0.1,03-28,3,1998,28,8,0,2 dd8c1a54810c331a278e8c3a3619465cf193cfb9bab58d007abdc06a9f32cad9,angloaustralian telescopeboard,hot blue star shine brightli beautiful recent form galact open star cluster open cluster ngc 3293 locat constel carina lie distanc 8000 light years particularli high abund young bright stars studi ngc 3293 impli blue star 6 million year old wherea cluster dimmer redder star appear 20 million year old true star format open cluster took least 15 million years even amount time short however compar billion year star like sun live overten billion year lifetim mani galaxi universe ngc 3293 appear front dens dust lane eman carina nebula,ngc 3293 bright young open cluster,1998-03-29,535,89,0.1581313131313131,03-29,3,1998,29,6,1,3 eff99f9173f58188b031610977dbd813ee9b96a213222d50a51727c3711d63b7,none,one galaxi hide behind another case foreground galaxi act like huge gravit lens pull light background object around it keep visible align precis distant galaxi distort nearli perfect giant ring around foreground galaxy format known einstein ring bright peak center bullsey nearer galaxy cosmic mirag found initi merlin radio telescop array followup imag shown hubbl space telescop releas earlier today although appear extrem small 1 diameter einstein ring realli ten thousand light year across,einstein ring,1998-03-30,493,74,0.1708333333333333,03-30,3,1998,30,7,1,3 1b674a9eaed9198d1f3845de7c5504ec08b344627a55541be65e4517368fab6d,angloaustralian telescopeboard,unspeak beauti unimagin bedlam found togeth trifid nebula also known m20 photogen nebula visibl good binocular constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi light strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m20 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions bright young star light blue reflect nebula still investigated light m20 see today left perhap 3000 year ago light take 50 year cross m20,m20 trifid nebula,1998-03-31,469,71,0.2538461538461538,03-31,3,1998,31,4,1,5 ffe3377580cdbe45b7cef610f436167cb5abd5a33c4e5eb590698b46904ffbb1,none,score three point nasa time run late apollo 15 mission moon 1971 astronaut david scott prepar bring yet anoth dramat endofthemiss win nasa scott use special lunar design rug game held moon predecessor r2d2 sideline happi april fool day folk apod reality astronaut scott adjust one apollo 15 lunar experiments foreground devic actual measur highenergi particl escap sun,astronaut kick lunar field goal,1998-04-01,368,58,0.0914285714285714,04-01,4,1998,1,2,1,2 ffdde6f670a3fe83698ec552c1387859b7355176513a253a90534f7abe351562,chri,seen iridium flare satellit low earth orbit reflect sunlight often visibl glide across earli even predawn skies sun glint iridium commerci digit commun satellit provid spectacular iridium flare photograph septemb 20 1997 belgian amateur astronom chri reach impress 8 magnitud about bright half illumin moon one minut long exposur show star trail nearli perpendicular bright flare track satellit imag flare far right iridium element good name origin intend constel 77 satellites plan scale 66 satellit 51 orbit glint away typic flare last 10 20 seconds catch flare brightness timing direct flare depend critic longitud latitude satellit observ make accur predict day,iridium flare,1998-04-02,665,101,0.2265873015873016,04-02,4,1998,2,8,2,4 b1bd2b9ec68c04bf980c15f8495841bc5f9ec3b9f4c6a4b7e87685a3c7735d3e,none,hubbl space telescop pictur show hen1357 youngest known planetari nebula graceful gentl curv symmetri suggest popular name stingray nebula observ 1970 detect nebular material imag march 1996 clearli show stingray emerg bubbl ring shock ioniz gas ga energ hot central star near end life evolv toward final white dwarf phase imag also show companion star at 10 oclock within nebula astronom suspect companion account complex shape ring mani planetari nebulae cosmic infant 130 time size solar system growing 18000 lightyear distant southern constel ara,new born nebula,1998-04-03,551,84,0.0611111111111111,04-03,4,1998,3,4,0,5 6e175e0a78cea4ab6fce143bbff2af6e15dd8b50e2eb90f92951ba4d1c121d93,none,space suit project mercuri astronaut john h glenn virgil i grissom alan b shepard jr left right pose front redston rocket vintag 1961 nasa public photo project mercuri first us program design put human space result 6 flight use oneman capsul redston atla rockets shortli first us man flight may 5 1961 suborbit flight pilot alan shepard presid kennedi announc goal man lunar land 1970 goal achiev nasa apollo program shepard walk moon command apollo 14 mission virgil grissom die tragic fire apollo launch pad test 1967 senat john glenn fli 25th voyag space shuttl discovery,mercuri astronaut redston,1998-04-04,574,96,0.0051020408163265,04-04,4,1998,4,8,2,2 ead551a6600d3f3527e53486bdffa31e45015a9c88276e5ac99c1d4da90d59ef,none,image show look human face abov center featur cydonia region martian surface produc use data nasa vike 1 orbit 1976 describ nasa press releas format resembl human sinc offer extraordinari explan face artifici construct built civil mars however scientist convent view featur inde natur martian hill whose illusori facelik appear depend illumin view angle month mar global surveyor satellit posit take new pictur region controversi martian featur along area around mar pathfind vike land sites,face mar,1998-04-06,492,75,0.0072727272727272,04-06,4,1998,6,5,0,2 40fafd2ce7e71900d31e59a05ac2fc608f69499958fea6873812a2c5d5e12ec2,none,yesterday mar global surveyor project releas new closeup imag portion cydonia region mars crop process version show area 2 mile wide the full version cover strip nearli 26 mile wide 25 mile full resolut pixel size 14 feet rock format visibl famou featur seen face mars 1976 vike orbit images complex look landform cydonia region thought result eros weather ancient crust martian winds frost possibl surfac water mar global surveyor schedul take imag cydonia region mar pathfind vike land site month,return cydonia,1998-04-07,498,81,0.0420454545454545,04-07,4,1998,7,5,0,2 0fb689fde5733353c736730ac498a94f98712c9e9ff64e820f52d6c6885efd84,none,sahara desert egypt lie oldest known astronom align stone world one thousand year creation stonehenge local built stone circl structur shorelin lake long sinc dri up 6000 year ago stone slab three meter high drag kilomet creat site shown one stone remains littl known ultim purpos natur peopl built it,stoneheng,1998-04-08,301,50,0.0024999999999999,04-08,4,1998,8,8,0,2 eadbaeb636c223235b962685085f2e0a7a820ce03e4601c95c9dfddc39f9612f,none,quasar quasar brightest object universe bright seen across universe observ continu show quasar surround rel faint nebul patch astronom tri identifi natur patches falsecolor pictur show central quasar embed unusu ellipt galaxy galaxi gravit distort neighbor galaxy recent evid indic quasar live near center large ellipt galaxi even quasar host galaxi could found before quasar thought result matter fall toward supermass,quasar ellipt galaxi,1998-04-09,420,61,0.0688311688311688,04-09,4,1998,9,7,0,3 18d5bac1eb84030b07655925762e56fe211030ce29c290936f5c455dc18f5fa1,none,atmospher comet come approach sun swell materi ici cometari nucleu warm evapor increas sunlight immens tenuou fleeting inner atmospher inner comet hyakutak seen fals color picture orient sunward direct toward upper right pictur composit hubbl space telescop imag record april 3 4 1996 14000 km across earth diameter combin imag show dust reflect light red ultraviolet light scatter hydrogen atom blue hyakutake hydrogen atom produc breakup water h20 molecul evapor nucleus hydrogen data combin observations indic comet nucleus km across produc 7 8 ton water per second,hyakutake comet atmospher,1998-04-10,568,87,0.1623376623376623,04-10,4,1998,10,3,1,4 293423dcfdbf22f7f4aaf31916ca1af1ec63a785d46c9ac9924a080bdfed9ede,none,scatter within cavern nebula catalog ngc 200 newli form hot massive stars 1500 lightyear across expans cloud interstellar ga dust effect giant stellar nurseri locat three million lightyear distant spiral galaxy m33 newborn star irradi ga energet ultraviolet light strip electron atom produc characterist nebular glow detail nebula structur hold clue mysteri star format galaxi evolution,ngc 604 giant stellar nurseri,1998-04-11,386,56,0.1333333333333333,04-11,4,1998,11,4,1,5 bc5de4cfef94d8d3895091250ca99eb092097f961573de8b51025a4ab51de611,none,sun chang everi day recent pictur taken specif red color call hydrogenalpha dark spot might appear imag usual sunspots dark magnet depress slightli cooler rest sun surface bright spot might appear usual plages activ region slightli hotter rest sun surface next year averag number sunspot plage increas solar maximum occur 2001 sun usual goe maximum minimum everi 11 years however almost sunspot recorded reason unknown an updat pictur found here,sun chang,1998-04-13,445,70,-0.0469696969696969,04-13,4,1998,13,1,0,1 1a35fcf2653d5004a67e39f473e30dadc05123e8802634d60f16ce97d82ef273,g greaney,wisp dust fill space stars dust usual invisible subtli act dim light distant stars sometim dust thick promin dark patch otherwis bright emiss nebulae time dust may show reflect light bright nearbi stars bright star tend blue dust reflect blue light easili red result reflect nebula usual appear blue pictur reflect nebula sharpless constel scorpius,starlight reflect,1998-04-14,348,55,0.146875,04-14,4,1998,14,4,1,5 cee5fb218ef9b62d4470142ac2839f19c8ad6391e6f2a011293951fe574814ef,none,ngc 1818 youthful glitter cluster 20000 star resid larg magellan cloud lightyear away pick star star astronom might pick unassum bluishwhit one circled appear hot newli form white dwarf star make interesting standard astronom wisdom suggest star 5 time massiv sun rapidli exhaust nuclear fuel end live spectacular supernova explosion less critic mass evolv red giants pass rel peac planetari nebula phase calmli fade away white dwarf star like one except member ngc 1818 cluster new white dwarf would evolv red giant star 76 time massiv sun exploded discoveri like forc astronom revis limit mass estim supernova upward,ngc 1818 pick star,1998-04-15,619,98,0.112004662004662,04-15,4,1998,15,6,2,5 274705f7c0b9c1d02ca69b67552240513dc5127e4201bb00d017bdbea607f7e5,none,mar global surveyor spacecraft return anoth closeup cydonia region mars orbit clear martian sky rang 200 miles mar orbit camera look featur known mar produc high resolut imag cover swath around 15 15 mile pixel size 82 feet crop portion process imag show area approxim 15 mile wide heavili weather hill pock surfac suggest eros layer ancient martian crust,mars cydonia closeup,1998-04-16,355,59,0.04,04-16,4,1998,16,5,0,2 3b0f9a6975d444ef2ff99b8b1840f16f2b48aeed026b0358fd1ec655370bf8b4,none,juli 20 1976 vike 1 lander touch martian chryse planitia exact land site somewher white rectangl above unfortunately wide angl mar global surveyor imag taken april 12 reveal substanti dust storm area light color plume appar blow toward upper right picture attempt find first spacecraft land mar correspond high resolut narrow field imag success due part increas atmospher haze region shown 100 mile across,mars look,1998-04-17,405,64,0.0939010989010989,04-17,4,1998,17,5,0,2 e4246c06298805c7d5fac9a7f60d5eb54b8f8f1d62c690f38774f3dbe799f147,none,name december nasa third great observatori plan launch two nasa great observatori current orbit hubbl space telescop compton gammaray observatory name famou scientists advanc xray astrophys facil named submit suggest contest rule name power xray satellit ever built may even win prize axaf size strang mirror polish atom smoothness produc xray imag five time clearer object twice faint previou xray satellite allow axaf abil see xray emit near small black holes distant activ galaxies insid huge cluster galaxies astronom hope launch routin operations spectacular discoveries,name satellit,1998-04-20,575,85,0.2069444444444445,04-20,4,1998,20,8,1,4 3ef363c442c497969ad1567690b643feba1b542b4202d0509deaa4915f3f4e51,angloaustralian telescopeboard,orion recent observ confirm water molecul exist famou orion nebula still forming orion nebula shown above known compos mostli hydrogen gas atom molecul compar rare nebula vast though even measur minuscul product rate creat enough water fill earth ocean 60 time everi day specul discover led m water compos comets ocean earth even human may creat cloud like orion nebula,water orion,1998-04-21,369,60,0.0499999999999999,04-21,4,1998,21,4,0,5 54d26fb38bbb12134c84cb5ba6bb3876b841e4e8a7d2d64b49d7c9f3b8d35212,none,two hundr twenti light year earth planet forming recent observ binari star system hr 4796 shown one star surround dusti gaseou disk disk right size age densiti dust pellet accret surround matter hole disk center indic increasingli larger collid stick together coalesc moon planets pictur falsecolor imag system bright star hr 4796a indic cross disk measur five time size solar system seen nearli edgeon hr 4796 southern constel centaurus,hr 4796a planet,1998-04-22,437,69,0.1607142857142857,04-22,4,1998,22,6,1,3 1c08aecd07d34cbcc74e72b9371825d0f26e0259c24b261d27b27dd0d454d2e4,none,separ radio imag reveal three dusti debri disk surround three bright young nearbi star evid solar system formation left right star fomalhaut beta pictoris vega posit indic star fals color map show intens submillimet radio emiss surround dust next dust vertic bar illustr present size solar system observ like exampl solar system would look like distant radio astronom hundr million year astronom specul bright blob emiss near vega beta pictori may repres dust cloud around develop giant planets radio imag made use detector cool near absolut zero jame clerk maxwel telescop mauna kea observatori hawaii,three dusti star,1998-04-23,603,95,0.1863095238095238,04-23,4,1998,23,6,2,4 a8e17e4dfe9f9070643630a85fabdb489c9b0c6a94eb14d8df94a2c84f74889c,none,massiv star end life supernova blast outer layer back interstellar space spectacular death explos initi collaps becom imposs dens stellar core however core necessarili destroyed instead may transform exot object densiti atom nucleu total mass sun neutron star neutron star hard detect directli small roughli 10 mile diameter therefor dim newli form violent intens hot glow xrays xray imag orbit rosat observatori may offer premier view recent form neutron stars xray glow pictur supernova remnant puppi a one brightest sourc xray sky shock ga cloud still expand radiat xrays inset closeup view faint pinpoint sourc xray visibl like young neutron star kick asymmetr explos move away site origin supernova 600 mile per second,supernova remnant neutron star,1998-04-25,724,113,-0.0416666666666666,04-25,4,1998,25,6,2,4 9d8a3d69aa67a87f345ffa702eda1a7388485a1429fd9e4571325fbed7aaebb9,none,round star make squar nebula conundrum came light discoveri planetari nebula like ic 4406 ic 4406 probabl cylindrical squar appear result vantag point view cylinder hot ga known flow end cylinder filament dark dust molecular ga lace bound walls star primarili respons interstellar sculptur found nebula center million years thing left visibl ic 4406 fade white dwarf star,ic 4406 seemingli squar nebula,1998-04-27,371,58,0.0285714285714285,04-27,4,1998,27,4,0,5 2b45e6f70bd94b8f8ee42daa1b5e5fd0fcf77fab0eab58ed5271db3bfc378099,s barnes sky optic,crescent moon venus jupit appear togeth earli morn hour april 23rd locat earth abl wit rare doubl conjunct eclipse moon occult jupit venu time next doubl conjunct eclips involv mercuri mar occur februari 13,doubl conjunct eclips,1998-04-28,206,34,0.15,04-28,4,1998,28,2,1,1 f6150eaf9c3728aa2cf5cee0131db388fbaabf5aa1c5917e229b169f8a983b14,none,giant spin cloud gas similar earth tornadoes found sun solar tornadoes however larger entir earth sustain wind gust 1000 time stronger earth counterparts soho spacecraft found solar tornado start low sun atmospher spiral outwards gather speed enter solar system earthl fear earth weather phenomena though high speed particl result solar tornado easili stop earth thick atmosphere earthl may much learn solar tornadoes includ detail solar wind corona powered better predict futur solar particl storm could damag sensit satellites,sun,1998-04-29,528,78,0.0699999999999999,04-29,4,1998,29,1,0,1 be7ba0c49dc8dd8579589439e03af020692bec5be22d957dd6f9d1b67fadf78b,none,get redblu glass check stereo pictur big mars red blue green clear plastic do right eye look red stereo perspect creat combin imag mar global surveyor spacecraft taken two differ orbits slightli differ view angle mile diameter big crater big import landmark vicin mar pathfind land site ancient flood plain are vallis identifi correspond smaller scale featur pathfind surveyor imag help precis locat lander meanwhile line sight earth mar approach sun period known solar conjunction commun mar global surveyor difficult,mars big crater stereo,1998-04-30,518,80,-0.0377551020408163,04-30,4,1998,30,5,0,2 2dab24db49b981d7142025a2ef5f85333506016da03414f96e8f6832993799ec,none,human walk moon pictur second person stand lunar surface edwin buzz aldrin apollo 11 mission neil armstrong the first person walk moon buzz aldrin land moon michael collin circl command modul above lunar team erect plaqu surfac reads men planet earth first set foot upon moon juli 1969 ad came peac mankind apollo mission demonstr possibl land human moon return safely,stand moon,1998-05-03,368,61,0.1428571428571428,05-03,5,1998,3,2,1,2 0d1c83a4c9b0abf2f1fef0fea8aefebf74bf84a126c656a4e3505e0199160125,none,look like ring sky hundr year ago astronom notic nebula unusu shape known m57 ngc 6720 ga cloud becam popularli known ring nebula know planetari nebula ga cloud emit end sunlik star existence one brightest planetari nebula sky ring nebula seen small telescop constel lyra ring nebula lie 4000 light year away roughli 500 time diamet solar system recent pictur hubbl space telescope dust filament globul visibl far central star help indic ring nebula spherical cylindrical perhap ring nebula would appear differ view sideways,m57 ring nebula,1998-05-04,524,84,0.05,05-04,5,1998,4,4,0,5 59b3d3f947db49044ec21719a13ea8d1ca3db78f2e2002944f878cc7e72c38c7,j curti u alaska,what happen behind trees aurora pictur taken midnight near fairbanks alaska captur familiar trees common clouds glow sky markedli differ sunset particularli strang green auror ring caus ioniz oxygen high earth atmosphere small water droplet compos cloud reflect absorb aurora light give cloud reddish tinge pictur taken septemb 20th last year next year sun reach activ part 11 year cycle mean puff high energi solar particl released spectacular aurora occur particl strike earth,aurora midnight,1998-05-05,478,73,0.02375,05-05,5,1998,5,8,0,1 936b25a31633d86c232682000582a6ae8df4c480f83da3b044a3348a206b0bb9,none,observatori exist telescopes one exampl still stand today beij ancient observatori china start 1400 astronom erect larg instrument enabl measur star planet posit increas accuracy pretelescop observatori throughout world date back record history provid measur help determin plant crops navig ships religi ceremoni occur slide origin taken 1895,beij ancient observatori,1998-05-06,342,48,0.0,05-06,5,1998,6,8,0,2 04716401c4dce671d46497669a4fa5dacff088f15adbd0fd219552f1324ae11c,none,gammaray burst thought power explos universe yet caus highenergi flash remain mystery bright spacebas gammaray detector burst sourc faint visibl wavelength larg telescop sensit camera requir search them faint optic flash rel intens gammaray burst detect decemb 14th last year seem origin galaxi indic hubbl space telescop imag taken month burst fade view astronom recent announc galaxy spectrum record use larg keck telescop atop hawaii mauna kea indic lie distanc 12 billion lightyears energi requir produc observ flash gammaray distanc would estim suggest second burster releas equival energi sever hundr supernova stars erupt larg amount energi short time extrem even exot theoret model burster could burst caus cataclysm merger neutron star black hole someth yet,power gammaray burst,1998-05-07,768,115,-0.0583333333333333,05-07,5,1998,7,6,2,4 fc68f49681516ff6b7db08f918019bc30b6a3b5f63529513a7bc510afc2f6e90,none,gammaray burst preced supernova intrigu suggest came light yesterday discoveri evolv supernova potenti coincid posit gammaray burst grb occur two week ago true would tie togeth two violent phenomena known universe supernova indic arrow appear somewhat unusual one reason extrem bright radio emission host galaxi redshift place rel close distanc 125 million light year away today remain whether two event relat perhap evolut supernova next week provid clues,gammaray burst supernova,1998-05-08,457,68,0.1785714285714285,05-08,5,1998,8,6,1,3 f0f7976d1e5193c2169344ac06c4bf5242f0adff88fffe2dec3c903a6805be95,none,skylab orbit laboratori launch saturn v rocket may 1973 skylab visit three time nasa astronaut sometim stay long two half months mani scientif test perform skylab includ astronom observ ultraviolet xray light observ yield valuabl inform comet kohoutek sun mysteri xray background radiat come sky skylab fell back earth 11 juli 1979,skylab earth,1998-05-10,332,52,0.0458333333333333,05-10,5,1998,10,8,0,2 68cdd660db168d3c1a85c509e8cc296a8584fc32825a515a5699a30c77f8c5ec,none,callisto surfac mani stori tell distant jupiter galilean moons callisto show highest densiti impact crater solar system harbor volcano even larg mountains callisto surfac lace crack crater billion year collis interplanetari debris imag show callisto true colors taken novemb 1997 robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupiter,callisto true color,1998-05-11,326,46,0.0833333333333333,05-11,5,1998,11,5,1,2 ad21c05b577657f4f349e7484ed24bb47e256b05a00051837a0a64ba32cb565d,none,callisto half rock half ice moon jupit approxim size planet mercury make third largest moon solar system ganymed titan callisto ici surfac billion year old lack sign volcan activity dens cover rift craters featur particularli appar contrastenhanc imag taken galileo spacecraft releas last week visibl near imag center one largest impact crater solar system measur 4000 kilomet across ring size make appear similar calori impact basin mercury,callisto enhanc,1998-05-12,441,67,-0.0291666666666666,05-12,5,1998,12,8,0,2 549d778b6161efbdb6569084698f91d70d0843c7b0eb3c366515792e3489e0be,olivi staiger,april 23 rise crescent moon occult pass front of venu jupiter doubl occult rare event visibl certain locat trace path across earth surface dramat telephoto pictur taken one location ascens island south atlantic sunlit crescent overexpos reveal rest lunar surfac illumin faint earthshine venu emerg beyond tip jupit trail dark lunar edg spot light jupiter moon ganymede lunar limb planet disk look close jupit see yet anoth jovian moon io visibl jupiter,rise moon,1998-05-13,452,72,0.0528571428571428,05-13,5,1998,13,2,0,1 9f4321b47de6991a8531db11a4c67ec91795dad635d60db88a0be26710748a9c,d mcdavid g observatori,comet move field background stars appar motion slow track reveal orbits allow visitor inner solar system identifi old new recent new comet design 1998 discov observ patrick l stonehous michigan usa announc april 26 10th magnitude comet stonehous faint seen unaid eye present popular object comet watchers fals color pictur comet stonehous taken may 1st observatori composit 8 exposur 60 second long sequenc exposur made telescop follow background stars individu pictur align comet ad together comet rel motion combin multipleexposur show trail progress offset star imag nice captur comet coma faint tenuou tail,comet,1998-05-14,610,93,0.0087662337662337,05-14,5,1998,14,3,2,4 6e4715d3f2cb3d3cca5f58aa60d93b01b5d571c0a32acebce843ad6839dae059,none,dramat high resolut pictur look across edg sun taken april 24th telescop board newli launch transit region coron explor trace satellite show grace arc intens hot ga suspend power loop magnet field soar solar activ region color imag made extrem ultraviolet light radiat highli ioniz iron atoms temperatur mere 6000 degre celsius sun surfac rel cool dark wavelengths million degre hot plasma loop glow trace imag follow plasma magnet structur aris surfac sun merg tenuous hot solar corona outer atmosphere oper trace instrument sun increasingli activ phase scientist hope explor connect complex solar magnet field potenti hazard solar eruptions,activ sun,1998-05-15,642,99,0.0788888888888888,05-15,5,1998,15,1,2,4 f8f78e5f745f37a55bef3c7479a6d1f61d1b0a129c786f9660eac4ca7aad83e0,none,imag rel quiet sun made use ultraviolet light emit ioniz helium atom solar chromosphere helium first discov sun 1868 name fittingli deriv greek word helios mean sun credit discoveri goe astronom joseph norman lockyer born may 17 1836 lockyer reli recent develop techniqu spectroscopy dissect sunlight spectrum idea element produc characterist spectral pattern bright lines notic yellow line solar spectrum made eclips could account element known earth almost 27 year later terrestri helium final discov spectrum helium bear miner uranium provid exact match previous detect element sun helium known second abund element after hydrogen universe,helio helium,1998-05-16,642,95,0.0862179487179487,05-16,5,1998,16,1,2,1 7ad6940cc93413aa04e110317af7685cc27dc9da1ad154e20f4a10b01c9e79c3,none,take spectacular pictur solar system outer planets voyag 1 look back six planet take solar system first famili portrait venus earth jupiter saturn uranus neptune visibl across sky each however small speck light dimmer mani star sky voyag 1 one four humanmad object leav solar system three voyag 2 pioneer 10 pioneer 11,solar system voyag,1998-05-17,318,53,0.2,05-17,5,1998,17,1,1,2 357a3a56282e733934ad940ada51a7ef055ed2b9d30fc2e83dd83d35e543c2ea,none,star center nebula ngc 6369 appear fairli ordinari planetari nebula seen good telescop constel ophiuchus ga expel central star bunch shape donut cylinder planetari nebula phase central star shed outer atmospher evolv becom white dwarf star imag taken hubbl space telescope closer look ngc 6369 indic central star closer dimmer edg nebula oppos brighter edge,ngc 6369 donut shape nebula,1998-05-18,357,55,0.0999999999999999,05-18,5,1998,18,4,1,5 c293770620cf6f9c5f0e8631c73a3c7b1eec5026f8d5cb2aeb5cef8ab38bb5a0,none,human first set foot anoth world juli 20 1969 world earth moon pictur neil armstrong prepar take histor first step way lunar modul ladder armstrong releas equip includ televis camera record fuzzi image pictur voic transmiss broadcast live estim world wide audienc one billion people apollo moon land sinc describ greatest technolog achiev world known,apollo 11 onto new world,1998-05-19,350,55,0.256060606060606,05-19,5,1998,19,2,1,2 b7d61f1b8de9f8a0331d6a4f9b12a5ad6619610d8ab9d136018c6377f010c9ab,none,stare sun vantag point space tri solar heliospher observatori soho enabl discoveri much closest star also use discov 50 comets compet halebopp one soho recent discov comet prove bright enough see unaid eye may 4th discoveri imag shown enlarg inset comet color imag soho solar coronagraph lasco view region around sun block overwhelm sunlight occult disk disk visibl near bottom left sun size posit indic white circle bright solar wind region also seen along planet mar background stars comet enter field view upper right observ report comet soho seen low western sky follow sunset move south east becom visibl month progresses particularli southern hemisphere,discoveri comet soho,1998-05-20,659,104,0.1527472527472527,05-20,5,1998,20,3,2,1 3c4aaa6718ec0068d434b39db6059d226d9614a1028d6f0008d4c4de088f5075,michael horn,discov month orbit solar observatory bright comet soho emerg sun glare telephoto pictur new nakedey comet taken astrophotograph michael horn sunset western twilight lake brisbane australia may 18 comet seen constel orion long love tail stretch nearli 5 degre bright star bellatrix near top image southern hemispher comet watchers view comet soho improv month draw close comet climb south east journey outward bound februari 1999 nasa plan launch stardust mission fli close comet return sampl dust comet tail,bright comet soho,1998-05-21,507,78,0.2873737373737374,05-21,5,1998,21,3,1,2 26b0371eace158eb174b22d66d38ad97cc77f9fa09e282b167398f924fb10d93,none,panorama view sky realli drawing made 1950 astronom lundmark observatori sweden creat picture use mathemat distort map entir sky onto oval shape imag plane milki way galaxi along center north galact pole top 7000 individu star shown white dots size indic brightness milki way clouds actual combin light dim unresolv star dens popul galact plane accur paint on interrupt dramat dark dust lanes overal effect photograph qualiti repres visibl sky identifi familiar starters orion right edg picture galact plane larg small magellan cloud visibl fuzzi patch lower right,star milki way,1998-05-23,564,88,0.1314935064935064,05-23,5,1998,23,6,1,4 230c51b20227674ba797caac5fae348a375f0940b6543846ebf3f353b8a78d24,none,m83 bright spiral galaxi found small telescop constel hydra m83 member centauru group galaxies nearbi group domin massiv galaxi centauru a take light 15 million year reach us m83 spiral arm given blue color mani bright young star recent form there dark dust lane also visible star ga spiral arm seem respond much mass visibl here impli galaxi predominantli compos sort dark matter find natur dark matter remain one great challeng modern science,m83 bar spiral galaxi,1998-05-25,444,73,0.1846153846153846,05-25,5,1998,25,7,1,3 22a51b13ae721fa84f9f22ee1e1d89955a5976dec8d9928a6c56ec29b030b59e,t polaki,sun round yes picture earth atmospher make appear almost square layer air near earth warm act like giant lens creat increasingli distort path sunlight reach camera similarly long flat may appear road distanc cover water case light blue sky unusu refract warm air dri road matter earth atmospher make sun appear sun alway spherical set sun photograph lake michigan,seemingli squar sun,1998-05-26,363,59,0.1583333333333333,05-26,5,1998,26,1,1,1 84b02cc81b328ec1de639d53734b8b629e11610651f2c4fa05d21521580645f7,none,call neutron star magnet field guess magnetar imagin star mass sun densiti magnet field thousand trillion a one follow 15 time stronger earths sound exot strong evid exist magnetar recent announc base data orbit xray gammaray observatories neutron star form violent crucibl stellar explosions becom pulsar rel weak magnet fields spin emit puls electromagnet radiat rotat however astronom believ becom magnet field intens solid neutron star crust shift result star quak could repeatedli gener brief flash hard xray soft gammaray give rise rare mysteri soft gamma repeaters not confus gammaray still frame anim illustr spinning flash magnetar emphas loop magnet field line embed xray hot neutron star surface,magnetar,1998-05-27,708,108,-0.0309523809523809,05-27,5,1998,27,6,2,4 c9cb05ff1c0917404a9beb898bad1c0588966f930e8ad53e45e62ca646147fca,none,sequenc three fals color xray pictur italiandutch bepposax satellit follow fade glow gammaray burster burster trigger orbit gammaray observatori decemb 14 1997 within 65 hour sensit xray camera onboard bepposax turn record first imag left imag cover field size full moon posit afterglow indic white circle first two pictur taken 6 hour apart final pictur made 2 day gammaray burst initi unknown power explos event gammaray burst thought caus blast wave particl move nearli speed light expand cosmic firebal produc burst gammaray slow sweep surround material gener afterglow visibl mani day xray optical radio energies evid indic burst origin distanc 12 billion lightyear requir fantast extrem energi source could power gammaray burst,afterglow,1998-05-28,733,112,0.0944444444444444,05-28,5,1998,28,8,2,4 e64e04c2826383c9ee75b64194b79b82f101a418fa6327f77438f3ed0b4168bd,none,infrar hubbl space telescop view may contain first ever direct imag planet outsid solar system pictur show young doubl star locat 450 lightyear away toward constel taurus catalog tmr1 molecular ring star 1 binari system still embed dust cloud form it doubl star dust cloud brightest group picture glow strongli infrar wavelengths filament extend binari system toward lower left point toward spot light repres candid planet astronom believ planet object gravit filament trace path present locat 1500 time earthsun distanc parent star system model suggest planet binari system mere 300000 year old planet mass 2 3 jupiters futur observ look planet continu runaway motion spectral signatur abl confirm natur object tantal discoveri extrasolar planetari object protoplanetari disk seem offer direct exampl solar system like own strongli hint planet format vari common process update tmr1 like background star,extrasolar planet,1998-05-29,904,137,0.1208333333333333,05-29,5,1998,29,6,2,4 a201c37c1a49ee91c0b62ca3d01fde0350f01c72a71b97dcac79e9b0ff108edc,none,water oxide truli remark chemic fundament life earth earth planet solar system present surfac temperatur pressur allow three form water solid liquid ga vapor condens exist simultaneously water one form account everyth visibl view earth space look north sea coast alaska usa around bay,water world,1998-05-30,284,44,0.0,05-30,5,1998,30,8,0,2 f1215825545dfebb28286131757b6cf833bdb7a94fe9c209b7f68506f5ba94e8,none,phobo doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system 1977 vike orbit image largest moon phobos seen heavili crater asteroidlik object 17 mile across zip martian sky complet orbit less 8 hours phobo orbit close mars about 3600 mile surfac compar 250000 mile moon gravit tidal forc drag down 100 million year crash surfac shatter stress caus relentless tidal forces debri form ring around mars,phobos doom moon mar,1998-05-31,556,93,-0.087037037037037,05-31,5,1998,31,5,0,2 ebdcb0f748507a9011cf30aa04e38077d16f28f5f4335984fd149f229d43a4ae,none,11th magnitud quak record sun immedi follow moder solar flare quak first ever record sun astronom recent figur find use orbit soho spacecraft dark wave quak seen pictur spread explos bright flare solar rippl similar appear wave caus rock thrown pond magnitud evolut quak give inform physic natur solar flares surfac sun even sun interior,solar flare sun,1998-06-01,337,55,0.16,06-01,6,1998,1,1,1,2 7328ba8522584eaafa525bfec506f0e748c8941e4ba9a54774e2e9309663b80f,larg telescope eso,butterfli nebula thousand year old central star binari system threw outer envelop ga strong stellar wind remain stellar core hot ioniz previous eject gas caus glow differ color planetari nebula determin small differ composition bipolar nebula continu shine brightli thousand years central star fade becom white dwarf star pictur one first ever taken larg telescop vlt new 82meter telescop locat chile,ngc 6302 butterfli nebula,1998-06-02,400,61,0.1044191919191919,06-02,6,1998,2,4,1,5 fe83c394f9bd0f115eebd4905c3b59d6139d7d1e10d824a3d0440e35e8ed6f58,none,pond exist martian crater recent photograph spacecraft mar global surveyor current orbit around mars show featur unusu mar yet similar dri pond earth previously much evid suggest effect ancient channel flow water mars less evid found dri pool water island bay crater floor indic accumul however hypothesi consist channel found inset crater walls also possibl featur form mechan includ flow lava futur observ analysi need say sure,martian crater show evid pond,1998-06-03,429,67,0.0761904761904761,06-03,6,1998,3,5,0,2 00776f52b7bce9a85157ba0267683de5ce76585b59c3080f1282f18f13ec327b,m horn,astrophotograph michael horn captur gorgeou view comet soho dark night sky queensland australia may 23rd date comet soho move background nebularich constel orion south pictur show soho bright head coma long tail extend past glow ga cloud dark dust lane flame horsehead nebulae alnitak bright star right cometari coma also known zeta orionis three star orion belt southern hemispher observ report comet soho recent undergon dramat increas brightness,comet soho nebula orion,1998-06-04,448,68,0.0805194805194805,06-04,6,1998,4,3,0,5 f9da0a0a51dca79924c947911b760328cae808832aec97b2d1f22a3e25f7a9af,none,neutrinos along thing like electron fundament piec matter accord standard model neutrino hard detect readili produc nuclear reaction particl collisions easili pass complet planet earth without interact particle construct unus mine japan ambiti largescal experi design detect studi neutrino known superkamiokand 500 day worth data need produc image sun use superk detect neutrino nuclear fusion solar interior center sun pictur cover signific fraction sky degre brighter color repres larger flux neutrinos news tantal recent intern collabor superk research present evid ghostli neutrino undergo quantum mechan oscillations chang particl quantum properti time theorist consid neutrino particl oscil would impli small but mass astrophysicist take note even small mass nearli undetect neutrino would make substanti fraction total mass universe influenc perhap determin ultim measur mass neutrino would also make candid mysteri dark matter known affect motion star galaxies proof neutrino oscil would step toward resolv decad old solar neutrino problem even skeptic scientist wait impati see result independ confirmed,neutrino sun,1998-06-05,1112,157,0.025595238095238,06-05,6,1998,5,1,2,4 3458214137cf6c475e3a268e909cdd7fcfdae0944306b96a4da322a08fb90114,none,majest truli cosmic scale m100 appropri known grand design spiral galaxy larg galaxi 100 billion star well defin spiral arms similar milki way one brightest member virgo cluster galaxi m100 alia ngc 4321 56 million lightyear distant spring constel coma berenices hubbl space telescop imag central region m100 made 1993 wide field planetari camera 2 reveal bright blue star cluster intric wind dust lane hallmark class galaxies studi star m100 recent play import role determin size age universe,m100 grand design,1998-06-06,494,78,0.1,06-06,6,1998,6,7,0,3 4ca834ee5e7facfa3f89a1479a582f8a654954e81e820748550bb2c55ea306cf,none,galaxi like color piec candi fill hubbl deep field humanity distant yet optic view universe dimmest faint 30th magnitud about four billion time fainter star visibl unaid eye distant galaxi repres univers look like extrem past perhap less one billion year big bang make deep field image astronom select unclutt area sky constel ursa major the big bear point hubbl space telescop singl spot 10 day accumul combin mani separ exposures addit exposure fainter object revealed final result use explor mysteri galaxi evolut infant universe,hubbl deep field,1998-06-07,533,85,-0.0958333333333333,06-07,6,1998,7,7,0,4 519a1f9b4a8df30b67a90e11b044e165b42e06953131a4c67ceff48831bf3454,none,tomorrow picture ice europa archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,mar,1998-06-08,227,35,0.2857142857142857,06-08,6,1998,8,8,1,0 cfdbb435cec91d773e87541f8e5e24dc2a9824b0c9a1dae96c14d53d6712a406,none,ici crust mani unusu features pictur part europa southern hemispher photograph galileo spacecraft current orbit jupiter europa one largest moon jupiter thought ocean water underneath icecov surface among mani crack ridg appear dark featur run lower left toward upper right origin featur known sure shape thought indic larg portion europa crust move together similar tecton motion earth crust,ice europa,1998-06-09,391,58,0.0794642857142857,06-09,6,1998,9,8,0,2 ad7fc00f81263f766e870bcb51e3f86baa1bdcc70a75e5be207aaf7f3e6adebc,none,grace spiral galaxi ngc 100 million lightyear distant constel help astronom celebr first light the first test sky excit new telescop built perform ambiti sloan digit sky survey dedic survey instrument locat apach point observatori sunspot new mexico usa map 14 entir sky unpreced detail sophist digit imag data process technologies telescop observ tend offer sensit view small piec universe interpret result bit like watch basebal game drink tri figur what go scan sky five year plan operation sloan digit sky survey build 3dimension view larg portion visibl universe turn millennium big give human critic new detail field guid cosmos,ngc first light sloan,1998-06-10,634,100,0.0508264462809917,06-10,6,1998,10,8,2,4 f77f07715ea8e098d3ed97cbe94c000753e118b6c58925c310cf69412ba2e684,none,four frame anim courtesi d show two comet arc toward fatal fieri encount sun discoveri imag record lasco instrument board spacebas soho solar observatori june portion lasco circular occult disk block blind direct sunlight seen upper left along bright solar wind region extend right scale size posit sun edg outlin white quarter circl occult disk sungraz comet approach visibl tails lower comet coma bright enough caus horizont blemish digit image tail upper comet grow dramat close sun pair least sens like member famili comet thought result breakup singl larg parent comet member sungraz famili pass within 400000 mile less solar surfac many like pair survive,soho twin,1998-06-11,662,105,0.0870748299319728,06-11,6,1998,11,3,2,1 2d2c469fe68fd828fe570dd0ce1c3cfc233b346f559bbd161a04649d08deeb6d,none,astronom sight excit imagin like nearbi stellar nurseri known orion nebula nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away distinct detail imag orion nebula construct use data 2 micron sky survey underway telescop northern southern hemispher planet earth 2mass project map entir sky infrar light wavelength infrar light longer visibl light easili penetr obscur dust clouds 2mass camera near infrar wavelength around 2 micron inches visibl light wavelength inches survey observ three infrar band translat blue green red color produc composit image,orion nebula 2mass view,1998-06-12,597,89,0.1846153846153845,06-12,6,1998,12,4,1,5 238caf1ebaa90a33e1c1c6d2dc51e6966688db815f95da5e52840dd405cde3a3,angloaustralian telescopeboard,star ten time mass sun profoundli affect galact environment churn mix interstellar ga dust cloud leav mark composit locat futur gener star star systems dramat evid beauti illustr neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc love ring shape nebula heniz 70 actual lumin superbubble interstellar ga 300 lightyear diameter blown wind massiv star supernova explosions interior fill tenuou hot expand gas superbubbl offer astronom chanc explor crucial connect lifecycl star evolut galaxies,heniz 70 superbubbl lmc,1998-06-13,479,71,0.15,06-13,6,1998,13,4,1,5 61035af2eb13a5ae62ef68fc73efb17dae6d7dcd593802632dda67e8095a84c4,none,strang blue objects mani imag single unusual beaded blue ringlik galaxi happen lineup behind giant cluster galaxies cluster galaxi appear yellow togeth cluster dark matter act gravit lens gravit len creat sever imag background galaxies analog mani point light one would see look wine glass distant street light distinct shape background galaxi probabl form allow astronom deduc separ imag 4 8 9 10 oclock center cluster possibl even blue smudg left center yet anoth image spectacular photo hst taken octob 1994 first cluster len found unexpectedli roger lynd stanford 1986 test new type imag device lens arc around cluster first discov ground david uco 1988,giant cluster bends break imag,1998-06-14,661,105,0.0807467532467532,06-14,6,1998,14,7,2,3 df57b3e38a0b481e8100bf21d38d97cf8ebe2aaae0234dbcbc176e51bcf7a682,none,sun busi place falsecolor imag depict activ region near edg sun hot plasma seen explod sun photospher travel along loop defin sun magnet field red region particularli hot indic magnet field loop carri hotter ga others activ loop larg earth could easili fit one trace satellit launch april plan continu highresolut imag sun pass solar maximum next years,activ region sun,1998-06-16,352,58,0.1666666666666666,06-16,6,1998,16,1,1,1 a9f7f13d7b2278298f88724d0ae468b068f5eb0ea48d3a719ad6e9b260442acb,none,sloan digit sky survey sdss soon begin pictur 25meter telescop pois creat ambiti sky map histori astronomy sdss catalog one quarter sky past 23rd magnitud obtain redshift galaxi quasar brighter magnitud 19 sdss expect store 200 gigabyt data night astronom work inform unpreced threedimension view local universe however sdss may one day rememb hundr million object could see indic natur composit rest univers could see,sloan digit sky telescop,1998-06-17,419,65,-0.125,06-17,6,1998,17,8,0,1 14b829d0d520d38ead24dc26087cc43fd6b997e18ae30a9ec5d4475d66bc00ec,none,cosmic ray celesti high energi particl travel nearli speed light constantli bombard earth discov high altitud balloon flight 1912 sourc long stand mystery recent theori suggest cosmic ray particl atom nuclei blast dust grain form supernovae death explos massiv stars artist illustr show supernova explos at left conic section expand cloud eject material atom torn brownish band materi shock wave orang shock expand blast wave acceler atom near light speed fire interstellar space like cosmic theori support observ indic high veloc dust form nearbi supernova 1987a light element creat cosmic ray collisions found equal old young stars nasa advanc composit explor satellit also test detail theori directli measur cosmic rays,cosmic ray supernova dust,1998-06-18,722,110,0.1484615384615384,06-18,6,1998,18,8,2,4 9f27e1aeac9702b92160fd59e070ef5ff5188013df54b5d4985647b564336fd1,none,look northern hemispher mar june 1 mar global surveyor spacecraft wide angl camera record morn imag red planet mar global surveyor orbit orient view planet surfac morn hour nightday shadow boundari termin arc across left side picture two larg volcanos olympu mon left center ascraeu mon lower right peer upward season haze wateric cloud northern martian winter color imag synthes red blue band pictur approxim true color pictur mars,good morn mar,1998-06-19,432,69,0.0396103896103896,06-19,6,1998,19,5,0,1 62aa603e79fa978e99dd0be8713aebb13793410354a06cef7330817e5d162b20,none,q made human 65 billion mile away a pioneer 10 last year 25th anniversari launch 95 lighthour distant pioneer 10 present twice far sun pluto bound interstellar space 28000 mile per hour distinct first human artifact ventur beyond solar system one long list first spacefar including first spacecraft travel asteroid belt explor outer solar system first spacecraft visit jupiter first use planet graviti chang cours reach velocity first spacecraft pass beyond known planets pioneer 10 mission near end explor distant reach heliospher soon run suffici electr power oper scienc instruments however 570 spacecraft continu coast 30000 year pass within 3 light year nearbi star known ross ross 248 faint red dwarf 10 light year distant constel taurus note year voyag 1 launch 21 year ago travel faster pioneer 10 becam humanity distant,10 first 6 billion mile,1998-06-20,830,132,0.084090909090909,06-20,6,1998,20,8,2,2 bfed7e1feb162f4f685fc1eef995c2aca09239af372f77de45e689128a331014,none,person histori greater impact determin extent univers edwin hubble prove galaxi exist prove galaxi move apart one another hubble work defin place cosmos hubbl live 1953 shown pose 48inch telescop palomar mountain famou memori great work orbit space telescop name him rate universe expans quantiti known hubble constant modern debat valu hubble constant took place 1996,edwin hubbl discov univers,1998-06-21,368,56,0.2727272727272727,06-21,6,1998,21,7,1,2 e1dd996662d19f8ab8a9cc6edf38c89f3db9686c54bcee2cdc180ea0e05f2740,none,creat dust disk center ngc keep although disk might appear rel tame unusu center ellipt galaxi ngc probabl remnant titan collis galaxies what more disk spin indic tremend graviti massiv central black hole analysi recent releas photo hubbl space telescop indic disk thousand lightyear across rotat faster 100 kilomet per second distanc 150 lightyear center contain mass million suns central black hole thought yet 100 time massive may swallow entir disk next million years,doom dust disk ngc,1998-06-22,471,74,-0.0269230769230769,06-22,6,1998,22,7,0,3 2b70f1956f9a15be33a26842929754e49ac5dc60beb78ca97aa73050d10ee065,none,live era human univers help understand maps astronom comput estim appear sever possibl candid universes map real univers compared pictur slice one artifici universes display part univers seen time big bang map correspond area nearli ten billion light year across highlight red filament contain thousand galaxies darker region nearli devoid galaxies goodsiz milki way galaxi would hardli visibl map,slice artifici univers,1998-06-23,397,59,0.1373737373737373,06-23,6,1998,23,6,1,3 6f3420eb0da04738f31a0a7b9be11eb035330bd85b3a85fe91cce94de7af04d4,none,star photograph slightly would anyon would anyon astronom macho collabor notic one twinkl last week mani member astronom commun specif type sparkl smc star clearli indic multiplestar microlens event progress microlens rare phenomena graviti deflect light promin background sourc might appear mani imag appear mani time normal brightness studi precis detail latter part microlens event might reveal mass distanc lenses lens outer reach galact halo would add evid controversi indic good fraction normal unseen matter galaxi compos lens slightli less massiv sun,star may indic galact,1998-06-24,558,82,0.1518518518518518,06-24,6,1998,24,6,1,4 b48a7a2702b51dd495de118c0b7156451e2ab6a2f311ddab4c89c3e878d725c3,none,strang distort galaxi star catalog ngc lie 165 million lightyear away southern constel centaurus complex system seem least two parts flatten disk star dense bright central core sharpli tilt ring gas dust stars observ show star disk star ga ring realli move two different nearli perpendicular probabl result past galaxi vs galaxi collision observ motion within disk ring also indic presenc dark matter unseen sourc graviti movement system visibl stars decad evid univers larg compos dark matter grown natur dark matter remain profound astrophys mystery pictur construct imag made use part european southern observatory eso new larg telescop system undergo test phase,ngc strang galaxi dark matter,1998-06-25,666,102,-0.0271645021645021,06-25,6,1998,25,7,2,3 118302ea25c89e9e1bc2f72550840d0e59a4dfd97834d96a046b7bd948b85805,digit sky survey,center unremarkable 14 degre wide patch sky constel aquariu star glies glies 876 smaller sun 13 massive faint seen without telescope known one nearest stars 15 lightyear distant astronom announc find impli glies 876 planet least 16 time massiv jupit make one closest suspect planetari systems like mani recent discoveries planet detect base direct imag spectroscop measur period chang motion produc parent star planet orbits doppler wobbl glies 876 indic planet orbit everi 61 day averag distanc 15 radiu earth orbit,planet glies 876,1998-06-26,517,81,-0.18,06-26,6,1998,26,6,0,3 fc47b6a9fca838daf3d27261d8a935bf8df14be67e7769f87478456ee69ab08e,none,sun unusu loop shown actual part computergener sun magnet field anim frame construct use data groundbas us solar spacebas japanes xray telescop surfac constant magnet field strength loop sun corona break sun surface connect region magnet activ sunspots recently contact interrupt sunwatch soho satellite although soho complet two year mission attempt still made communication,solar magnet,1998-06-29,375,54,0.0,06-29,6,1998,29,1,0,2 10bff019f9fa75874ff0553cfdea9c196821d5c43f310a65913b3720cf3eebab,none,scroll right watch univers evolve comput simul depict evolut entir universe far left slice univers soon big bang 10 billion year ago time progress toward right initi smooth univers seen becom vertex near far right mark present day largest slice univers actual survey simul right artifici universe call hubbl design mimic human might see power enough telescopes compar differ comput simul reality might abl better tell kind univers live in,univers,1998-06-30,439,70,0.1811306340718105,06-30,6,1998,30,8,1,1 bbd23381624ee50a7875c34d87c5d593daed21ba854838eb3d86cbb458f60434,none,ngc 1808 galaxi bar spiral mark similar home milki way galaxy ngc 1808 distinguish peculiar nucleus unusu warp disk strang flow hydrogen ga central regions amidst this ngc 1808 undergo much star format deem starburst galaxy colorenhanc photograph region activ star format shown blue glow bright blue star recent form energ larg cloud surround hydrogen gas reddish brown region indic dens interstellar dust ngc 1808 rel close 40 million lightyear away stretch 35000 lightyear across peculiar state ngc 1808 may caus graviti neighbor galaxi ngc,ngc nearbi starburst galaxi,1998-07-01,542,85,0.1285714285714286,07-01,7,1998,1,7,1,3 36163b30bc12d8d78becd8712344aec518630272110b177e2d873dfe4bf8cc90,none,photograph approach space shuttl endeavour mir space station float cloud planet earth mir modular construction bristl solar panel lend slightli whimsical insectlik appearance astronaut andrew thoma drop mir endeavour januari recent pick space shuttl discoveri ninth last mir dock mission 4 12 month stay shuttlemir program seven us astronaut spent total day russian crew board mir experi gain appli toward construct intern space station schedul begin launch novemb decemb 1998,mir,1998-07-03,476,70,-0.0999999999999999,07-03,7,1998,3,8,0,2 9ae81b1e91d3121f2af66f91bf5fd520a127a46b7db4d5bb4e9070029393c403,wiyn,imag wiyn telescope firework nebula result type stellar explos call nova nova nuclear deton surfac compact white dwarf star blast away materi dump surfac companion star also known gk persei nova persei nova becam one brightest star night sky year 1901 faded astronom could see expand shell ga eventu becam spectacular nebula exactli predictable gk per undergo minor outburst everi three four years,firework nebula,1998-07-04,397,63,0.1199999999999999,07-04,7,1998,4,4,1,3 254e7aa5412a2341aa5d09a73c0c70e860fb70db5ab02d5d998d098cbc8851ee,none,could ever call place home lunar modul shown above name serv home apollo 15 astronaut david scott jame irwin stay moon juli august 1971 meanwhile astronaut alfr worden circl command modul overhead harsh sunlight grey lunar surfac lend imag eeri lunar apennin mountain frame background mount hadley delta visibl right visibl foreground track first lunar rove vehicle electr car enabl astronaut explor extend area lunar surface apollo 15 confirm lunar surfac featur creat impacts rock return apollo 15 crew includ green glass whose format mechan still unclear,apollo home moon,1998-07-05,557,87,0.0142857142857142,07-05,7,1998,5,2,0,2 fe74053257d3a652e49d9408ef30067b670724c2e9256a0c5b4e62635a73c9ad,none,what io activ moon jupit mark volcano spew lava known hotter lava earth highest resolut colorenhanc imag yet compos activ surfac solar system featur small three kilomet visible sulfur compound caus mani io unusu colors darker region probabl compos silic rock,sizzl io,1998-07-06,258,41,-0.25,07-06,7,1998,6,8,0,2 92a5b60892faa4978f66a69120654000c44c91299e73c00aa41b3a1b838c966f,d malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,bright lagoon nebula home divers array astronom objects particularli interest sourc includ bright open cluster star sever energet starform regions gener red glow caus lumin hydrogen gas dark filament caus absorpt dens lane dust lagoon nebula also known m8 ngc 6523 lie 5000 lightyear away lagoon nebula locat binocular constel sagittariu span region three time diamet full moon,m8 lagoon nebula,1998-07-07,377,58,0.2666666666666666,07-07,7,1998,7,4,1,5 0db5bb347f8230f1ea3b426f487182e0a2710b984464b29f34813704d7977328,none,pluto planet solar system remain unphotograph pass spacecraft distant pluto moon charon therefor remain somewhat mysterious addit direct imag hubbl space telescope care track bright chang occur object eclips allow astronom build black white surfac maps map depict face pluto left alway face charon face charon alway face away pluto rectangular pixel artifact map software plutokuip express mission tent plan launch 2003 encount pluto around year 2012,mysteri pluto charon,1998-07-08,451,67,0.0761904761904762,07-08,7,1998,8,8,0,2 33c169e2dcd49709bcb0f2d09dfccbfd508f0a5364b1fdf67878abad5d749b59,j orman,1997 bright comet halebopp may becom view comet histori visibl even casual skywatch light pollut citi around globe picture taken photograph joe orman even may 8 1997 halebopp easili compet near twilight sky crescent moon mobile arizona usa halebopp now still visibl telescop observ southern hemisphere comet outbound present million mile sun jupit orbit 480 million miles long lead time provid earli discoveri halebopp allow extens observ campaign produc bonanza inform primordi chunk solar system,halebopp comet,1998-07-09,498,75,0.0928571428571428,07-09,7,1998,9,3,0,1 81f1a93c2f2a49b657071493e413f26629d8830e0d1fa605006427f1871b5723,none,dramat imag interact pair galaxi made use 15 meter telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatori near la serena chile ngc 1531 background galaxi bright core center ngc 1532 foreground spiral galaxi lace dust lanes pair 70 million lightyear away southern constel eridanus galaxi lie close enough togeth feel influenc other gravity gravit tugofwar trigger star format foreground spiral evidenc young bright blue star cluster along edg front spiral arm though spiral galaxi pair view nearli edgeon astronom believ system similar faceon spiral companion known m51 whirlpool galaxy,ngc 15312 interact galaxi,1998-07-10,578,86,0.1375,07-10,7,1998,10,7,1,3 0bc015dc9b69da396aae214157111070fb8f1c02a741bb9a037f37492a13e895,none,sleep beauti galaxi may appear peac first sight actual toss turning unexpect twist recent observ shown center photogen galaxi rotat opposit direct outer stranger still middl region star rotat opposit direct surround dust gas fascin intern motion m64 also catalog ngc 4826 thought result collis small galaxi larg galaxi result mix yet settl down,m64 sleep beauti galaxi,1998-07-11,345,54,-0.0069444444444444,07-11,7,1998,11,7,0,3 fb154197e8f8dd0d07b6ce8afe1882a95edc0cc718e1d2f9514f99e192359cd4,none,asteroid 951 gaspra huge rock tumbl space gaspra becam one beststudi asteroid 1991 spacecraft galileo flew by photograph subtl color variat exagger highlight chang reflectivity surfac structur composition gaspra 20 kilomet long orbit sun main asteroid belt mar jupiter,asteroid gaspra best face,1998-07-12,268,39,0.1722222222222222,07-12,7,1998,12,5,1,2 8bde76a6f2fead407ffba7bff353e896d95cf7184411c9e652bce2f9eb48f236,none,old days year ago astronom littl idea true distanc gammaray bursts enigmat explos occur outer galaxy outer universe last may first tell distanc measur made grb show absorpt line redshift 08 indic gammaray burst grb enorm distanc away however alway convinc measurement sinc then though tantal coincid grb occur unusu near galaxi enorm redshift grb occur unusu near peculiar supernova skeptic now potenti definit implic abovepictur optic transient might even grb optic transient show wellmeasur redshift absorpt line emiss neg highlight uncommon transient sourc label letter design common comparison stars,grb redshift,1998-07-13,605,90,0.175,07-13,7,1998,13,8,2,4 067b544a8ed56964a97f215f72d4c8a4f2d74c8191b630f3c681acc3860505e5,none,learn histori ask rocks last year that exactli robot rover sojourn did seen above analyz rock nicknam tri discern past one signific discoveri mar pathfind mission conglomer rocks indic presenc run water past water turn indic mar much like wateri earth distant past visibl foreground colorenhanc mosaic part sagan memori station hill nicknam one twin visibl kilomet distance,work mar,1998-07-14,373,58,-0.0928571428571428,07-14,7,1998,14,5,0,1 212f1f927d2d5b7f8d3a5a2046253cf3057baec85f8aa13a5b1fe547bdc880d2,none,find nearli invis galaxy pictur blue compact dwarf galaxi ngc visibl light shown yellow galaxi appear normal dwarf galaxy indic yellow smudg imag center yet imag specif color shown blue whole spiral galaxi appears specif color radio band preferenti emit neutral hydrogen atoms much galaxi remain mysterious neutral hydrogen obtain shape drive current star formation much dark matter ngc locat rel nearbi distanc 15 million lightyear outsid local group galaxies,ghost galaxi ngc,1998-07-15,461,70,0.0538461538461538,07-15,7,1998,15,7,0,3 1b8ea7cf11427f0d43d1fc5a46b80698282bd6aa317b2e217c809a28afb3ec62,r scott j orman,comet cosmic icebergs follow elong orbit carri frozen remot outer reach solar system close encount sun heat sunlight layer materi ga dust form characterist aweinspir coma tails spring 1996 comet hyakutak inspir arizona photograph rick scott joe orman take pictur show faint star near constel ursa minor the littl dipper shine comet long grace tail blown solar wind comet tail gener point away sun,hyakutake star tail,1998-07-17,396,64,-0.12,07-17,7,1998,17,3,0,2 0bef20d96cd29d7d730441aad943a66989766ed7217a0884342bd359df12e707,p challi cfa 12m telescope whippl observatori,huge ball star predat sun long mankind evolved dinosaur roamed even earth existed ancient glob star condens orbit young milki way galaxy 250 globular cluster surviv today m3 one largest brightest easili visibl northern hemispher binoculars m3 contain half million stars old red exist young blue star m3 pose mystery blue straggler thought form via stellar interactions,globular cluster m3,1998-07-19,368,57,0.0733333333333333,07-19,7,1998,19,6,0,3 13d242d14324d39be818e496693d2861210e93b14bcdb1cc63bbf8590e0ec940,none,goodby el hello la scientist watch see evolv pool rel cool water midpacif ocean develop full past sever months water temperatur equatori pacif ocean slightli warmer normal winter condit call el much water slightli colder normal condit might develop la niña global weather consequences pictur falsecolor satellit imag show rel temperatur equatori pacif taken earlier month blue color indic rel cool water sinc littl chang sinc last month possibl situat last two la year 1988 1995,la watch,1998-07-20,479,76,0.1083333333333333,07-20,7,1998,20,8,1,1 f576acb17150ffff1c95ff1e9ecf4fba39adb049a18a75fcb18908999e0c6472,d malin aao iac rgo isaac newton telescop,m33 promin nearbi spiral galaxy nicknam m33 one larger member local group galaxies two massiv spiral galaxi domin local group m31 milki way galaxy m33 spiral galaxi known local group 3 million lightyears m33 second closest spiral galaxy m33 thought satellit galaxi massiv m31 m33 close enough appear twice angular size full moon view binoculars globular cluster m33 halo appear unusu might much younger globular cluster galaxy halo,nearbi spiral m33,1998-07-21,431,68,0.04375,07-21,7,1998,21,7,0,3 69b9a89bf2787c9d4340c0a006b615e9909eaeba1632d01421e947fa4ae292c1,none,ganymed crater within crater within craters old surfac largest moon solar system show age larg amount impact features pictur releas last week show two old crater dark floor locat rel bright region known facula region thought creat ancient collision strang dark floor crater creat long ago hous crater own crater left span 6000 meters half crater right robot spacecraft galileo took photograph flybi moon jupit june 1996,dark crater ganymed,1998-07-22,419,67,0.1153679653679653,07-22,7,1998,22,5,1,2 9d521b8844c54fc926ace9defb620dec5618449a995ef2d3560cd936509f9f04,none,dramat artist vision show citys neutron star center disk hot plasma drawn red companion star accret materi disk neutron star spin faster faster emit power particl beam puls xray rotat 400 time second could bizarr inhospit star system realli exist universe base data orbit rossi xray time explor satellite research team recent announc discoveri fit exot scenario well xray pulsar newli detect celesti xray beacon unassum catalog design locat comfort 12000 light year away constel sagittarius xray puls offer evid rapid accret power rotat provid much sought connect known type radio xray pulsar evolut ultim demis binari star systems,xray pulsar,1998-07-23,632,99,0.0388888888888888,07-23,7,1998,23,6,2,4 af715da1ad48dca9ec84adf70bf9e154c9fee2e0b9c5589aad281c45f0c2b7d0,none,anoth friday may 5 dawn space age nasa control lit candle sent alan b shepard jr arc space atop redston rocket pictur show shepard launch cramp space capsul dub histor flight first spaceflight american made shepard nation born east new hampshir novemb 18 shepard graduat unit state naval academi went train serv naval chosen one origin seven mercuri program astronauts consid first flight greatest challeng activ sought shepard accomplish career astronaut span remark period human achiev 1972 walk moon command apollo 14 mission true pioneer intrepid explorer alan shepard die tuesday age 74 lengthi,jr,1998-07-24,602,94,0.2837662337662338,07-24,7,1998,24,8,1,2 6c087e5ee5446330d9ba0ba55548c7ffbd0533d4aebc559fef550ca27d5ef634,none,aloha grace arc earth limb background hawaiian island archipelago visibl stun photo taken astronaut onboard shuttl discoveri octob 1988 along popular beach tropic resorts volcan island offer extrem elev dark dry cloudless skies consequ also becom popular site larg sophist ground base telescopes peak mauna kea big island upper left boast impress array astronom instrument includ keck canadafrancehawaii telescope nasa gemini telescop project dormant volcan cone haleakala maui just big island home air forc maui optic station solar observatory nui,hawaii,1998-07-25,548,80,0.0283333333333333,07-25,7,1998,25,8,0,2 7b66f697b1339662d14f8cd82020fb57f12dcd8130b868f1b6b3a89f3b23f956,d malin aaoaatb uk telescop,antar huge star class call red supergiant antar 700 time diamet sun 15 time massive 10000 time brighter antar brightest star constel scorpiu one brighter star night sky antar seen surround nebula ga expelled radiat antares blue stellar companion help caus nebular ga glow photograph above antar locat 500 light year away,antar,1998-07-26,320,52,0.15,07-26,7,1998,26,6,1,3 a21bb478051acbc83ba2d38c8eae19d4a49e2f05816bf7b896871217ef5fde48,none,young star cluster discov neighbor galaxy star found cluster dub n81 young massiv furious eject matter light surround nebula eject stellar wind combin interact sculpt beauti complex structures visibl near center representativecolor pictur two brightest stars lie dark knot dust ga massiv star probabl home galaxi stellar nurseri small magellan cloud smc locat 200000 lightyear away,n81 starbirth smc,1998-07-27,381,56,0.04,07-27,7,1998,27,4,0,5 48e488c2757eb8cd48a5ebbbb75688381f0133a9dfaa4303bd914ea0b3da1e2f,none,1993 strang string comet piec discov near planet jupiter unusu sight comet shoemakerlevi 9 quickli becam object much scientif curiosity studi show sun would soon orbit would actual strike jupit juli 1994 studi right pictur show impact site fragment g jupiter cloudtops size dark outer ring roughli size earth sinc jupit mostli gas comet melt evapor plung far jupiter atmosphere,impact jupit,1998-07-28,377,60,0.0892857142857142,07-28,7,1998,28,3,0,2 1eaa3ce225ed46bf0d18b95eee38074ddb1702b4679d595bd265560aab9d1736,none,high resolut fals color pictur galact center region high energi xray gammaray light result long exposur roughli 3000 hour perform 1990 1997 french sigma telescop onboard russian spacecraft imag cover degre field includ central bulg milki way galaxy xray pictur left reveal cluster sourc releas enorm amount energy probabl binari star system matter accret onto collaps object either neutron star black hole accord recent theories binari system black hole radiat xray energi gammaray regime case sigma sourc also shine gammaray pictur right betray presenc accret stellar black surprisingly high energi sourc seem coincid exactli galact center itself locat near brightest sourc bottom pictures indic larg black hole thought lurk unexpectedli quiet energies,high energi heart milki way,1998-07-29,754,112,0.0299523809523809,07-29,7,1998,29,6,2,4 04e37773a4bc84ec64b1862e96b66ff436beccd22512f5fb9fffabf9083dd413,none,color imag swath elysium volcan region mar record mar global surveyor wide angl camera juli 2 north sun illumin scene lower right bright cloud hover near northern domeshap volcano tholus shield volcano elysium mon lie 250 mile south near imag center farther south lie anoth domeshap volcano tholus broad summit basin caldera even though mar half size planet earth known volcano largest dwarf terrestri counterparts,volcano mars region,1998-07-30,415,65,0.0979497354497354,07-30,7,1998,30,5,1,2 5c116518e6a4224032a060fc8ad1d3b6c1b78a5e0a11c390f6f3bcef6d271b68,none,recogn constel orion strike unfamiliar look pictur familiar orion region sky produc use survey data infrar astronom satellit iras combin inform record three differ invis infrar wavelength red green blue color scheme cover 30x24 degre sky orion visual impress star stand out bright betelgeus appear small purplish dot center immedi right betelgeus promin ira skyview expand debri stellar explosion supernova remnant seen larg bright ringshap feature famou ga cloud orion sword glow brightli yellow region lower right longer operational ira use telescop cool liquid helium detect celesti infrar radiation,ira orion,1998-07-31,602,89,0.1711734693877551,07-31,7,1998,31,6,2,5 24d54eaae43ddf92f63786e6b89c5f1f23dd4d5a5e44a6a224be08d84488c698,none,sometim cant see forest trees look close center photograph see whole spiral galaxi behind field stars name dwingeloo 1 nearbi galaxi discov recent 1994 much light obscur dust ga bright star milki way galaxy fact individu discern star photograph galaxy dwingeloo 1 turn larg galaxi locat five time distant closest major galaxi m31,galaxi dwingeloo 1 emerg,1998-08-02,330,53,0.0953125,08-02,8,1998,2,7,1,3 5cd82e4c8240a1ad5b44b3e38a9f9e867218a259be25c5d44892ef91767e5ffc,wil milan,m44 promin open cluster stars nicknam praesep the one open cluster visibl unaid eye m44 thought nebula galileo use earli telescop resolv cluster bright blue stars star visibl image m44 thought form 400 million year ago larger older open clusters beehiv cluster lie lightyear away span 10 lightyear across view power telescope hundr star becom visible,m44 beehiv star,1998-08-03,350,56,0.1238095238095238,08-03,8,1998,3,6,1,3 365549852a80ca4beae576651fcd15c5821c5115e4f68bec693ad6ebf8c216ef,none,happen comet encount planet planet rocki surface huge impact featur form giant planet like jupiter however mostli gas comet shoemakerlevi 9 struck jupit 1994 piec swallow vast jovian atmosphere pictur timelaps sequenc result two fragment strike jupiter comet plung in creat larg dark mark gradual faded high temperatur ga jupiter cloud top sure caus comet fragment melt plung far jupit much massiv comet orbit jupit around sun chang,jupit comet shoemak 9,1998-08-04,432,68,0.19,08-04,8,1998,4,3,1,2 50dc186cc698bbb8e1ca3d570d16240c8b6bb2c6c2aece25f096ea78a5b5cc45,none,remark line 13 close space crater jupiter moon ganymed photograph galileo spacecraft 1997 pictur cover area 120 mile wide chain crater cut across sharp boundari dark light terrain caus crater chain explor solar system crater chain like one discov sever place consid mysteri dramat object lesson offer comet shoemakerlevi 9 1994 mani denizen planet earth watch huge piec torn comet slam jupit spectacular seri sequenti impacts like similar torn comet earli histori solar system respons crater chains,ganymede torn comet crater chain,1998-08-05,498,77,0.1464285714285714,08-05,8,1998,5,3,1,2 779c0d661fa92e82d4a3b952e9fab88aaef8d3b251ddde96b78d99475606c037,none,famou cosmic dust cloud imag infrar light european space agency infrar space observatori iso satellite falsecolor pictur show bright infrar emiss dust molecular ga part orion star form region surround horsehead nebula visibl light dust cloud look dark background bright glow gas image interstellar infrar glow engulf much horse head right center top remain crown bright newborn star bright object lower left reflect nebula ngc 2023 dens concentr interstellar ga dust also associ newli form stars,infrar horsehead,1998-08-06,495,76,0.3335164835164835,08-06,8,1998,6,4,1,5 68739d61d46f2666a2f36aabcbb6f8e966c1586cc4cb3fd684137515b28b4514,none,messier 65 bright spiral galaxi star 35 million lightyear away constel leo tightli wound spiral arms larg central bulge well defin dust lanes galaxi member group galaxi known leo triplet faint blue smudg along spiral arm m65 larg cluster bright newli form star within distant galaxi bright individu star foreground object milki way galaxy north left composit digit pictur taken use larg 4meter mayal telescop kitt peak nation observatori southwestern unit states horizont stripe digit blemish imag adjust remov creat work way camera filter wheel,m65 without,1998-08-07,546,85,0.1875,08-07,8,1998,7,7,1,3 84094cb55719dd40d1317bc23c3295425eece38db44f74673e9b1fe786350593,none,15000 year ago star constel cygnu explod shockwav supernova explos still expand interstellar space collis fast move wall ga stationari cloud heat caus glow visibl well high energi radiation produc nebula known cygnu loop ngc 696095 nebula locat 2500 light year away color use indic emiss differ kind atom excit oxygenblue sulfurred hydrogengreen pictur taken wide field planetari camera 2 board hubbl space telescope,cygnu loop,1998-08-08,417,64,0.2519999999999999,08-08,8,1998,8,4,1,5 6761521e5259e85c46632c711432fbb92f514be54a8f434177aad00d5f244f89,d malin aaoaatb,happen star run nuclear fuel center condens white dwarf outer atmospher layer expel space appear planetari nebula particular planetari nebula design shapley 1 famou astronom harlow shapley appar annular ring like structure although nebula appear like planet sky henc name actual surround star far outsid solar system,shapley 1 annular planetari nebula,1998-08-09,316,47,0.0333333333333333,08-09,8,1998,9,4,0,5 7d29a36097a2620403cc99f30bf07e306da1a2b76b076cdbf301df87a6a15eed,none,perseid meteor shower usual best meteor shower year peak next two nights cours hour person watch clear sky dark locat might see mani 100 meteors meteor actual rock broken comet swifttuttl continu orbit sun year however perseid may second best novemb earth predict move denser stream comet tempeltuttl debris possibl caus greater 10000 meteor per hour visibl locations pictur meteor outburst 1995 last week send name comet nasa plan stardust mission,meteor,1998-08-10,448,71,0.1636363636363636,08-10,8,1998,10,3,1,1 355797cb0325b06b9c7c311d00043105ea3dd59fc4775a11f85e6fc960da2d96,none,hot ga danc across surfac sun pictur orbit trace satellite temperatur ga color code blue repres hundr thousand kelvin red repres extrem temperatur million kelvin hot ga channel lane order sun chaotic magnet field pictur like shown plasma heat occur rel small regions,sun danc,1998-08-11,266,43,0.05,08-11,8,1998,11,1,0,4 2a128c0f3a2145d10e34ecad78a409b7156b76b4901742723df8c36edf06386c,none,icaru flew high sun would melt wings apparently nobodi gave erast pathfinderplu aircraft similar earlier month pathfinderplu fli higher previou aircraft wing convert sunlight power pictured pathfinderplu fli hawaii soon soar record height meters what more pathfinderplu prototyp futur aircraft erast program may fli higher pathfinder wing spread nearli 30 meters total mass 270 kilograms nasa pathfinderplu flown remot control stay aloft week time,,1998-08-12,449,64,0.15125,08-12,8,1998,12,8,1,1 3f5d2c7814f81c514742f176f9b7b63f6a224a77864c2bae0a710a8c60c7eb5b,none,orbit planet june 1998 mission crew space shuttl discoveri photograph view two moon earth thick storm cloud visibl love blue planet nurtur atmospher largest artifici moon spindli russian mir space station seen planet limb bright spot right mir earth larg natur satellite moon mir orbit planet earth everi 90 minut 200 mile planet surfac 4000 mile earth center moon orbit everi 28 day distanc 250000 mile center earth,moon earth,1998-08-13,416,68,0.1232142857142857,08-13,8,1998,13,2,1,2 64e29e8fa60aaa5ea3ee064fb4efc7483c4697981cd9437c4766ef2dc2b4e574,none,north pole mar ring sand mars northern hemisphere spring began mid juli increas sunlight shrink polar cap reveal dune camera onboard mar global surveyor spacecraft north recent releas closeup cover region 12 mile across 77 degre northern martian latitude dune form wind gener blow southwest still cover scatter white patch carbon dioxid frost near end januari 1999 summer begin offer even clearer view northern dune mars,dune mar,1998-08-14,420,66,0.0027777777777777,08-14,8,1998,14,5,0,1 6760801f134feeaa432e235742e7bddea1be835447845dfc6460f5147a1ad50d,digit sky survey,one largest object anyon ever see sky fuzzi blob pictur galaxy togeth make perseu cluster one closest cluster galaxies view cluster foreground faint star milki way galaxy take light roughli 300 million year get region universe see cluster exist age dinosaurs also known abel 426 center perseu cluster prodigi sourc xray radiation help astronom explor cluster form ga dark matter interact perseu cluster galaxi part piscesperseu superclust galaxies span 15 degre contain 1000 galaxies,perseu cluster galaxi,1998-08-15,483,74,-0.0875,08-15,8,1998,15,6,0,3 819c9d061e06b954970f445cb1ea2ef9a734da788abbe71297898364a28e0a79,none,carina may explode one know may next year may one million year now eta carinae mass 100 time greater sun make excel candid full blown supernova histor record show 150 year ago eta carina underw unusu outburst made one brightest star southern sky eta carinae keyhol nebula star current thought emit natur laser light image taken 1996 result sophist imageprocess procedur design bring new detail unusu nebula surround rogu star clearli visibl two distinct lobes hot central region strang radial streaks lobe fill lane ga dust absorb blue ultraviolet light emit near center streak remain unexplained clue tell us nebula formed better indic eta carina explode,doom star eta carina,1998-08-16,658,106,0.1991978609625668,08-16,8,1998,16,4,2,5 f1c90f434da5836287818d90c4c44ac370099eda7f8f5ef5ae6cf3c7fbb73ddd,t polaki,two year ago great comet 1996 comet hyakutake across northern sky long orbit around sun visibl bright spot faint tail near picture center comet hyakutak share stage part central band milki way galaxy promin picture upper right also visibl antares bright orang star upper right arcturus bright star lower left pipe nebula perhap harder find comet hyakutake unusu close approach earth allow astronom learn mani things includ comet emit much xray light,comet hyakutak milki way,1998-08-17,449,72,0.2012605042016806,08-17,8,1998,17,3,1,3 7b52152101adad25436a2b09a28ad053f851524910b0901e85772676e7173bb2,none,shine bright 100 billion suns recent discov quasar label apm 082795255 set new record brightest continu emit object yet known apm 082795255 great distance though make appear bright magnitud object seen moder size telescope quasar extrem redshift place far across universe impli truli impress energi one possibl explan apm 082795255 record luminos partli light highli magnifi interven galaxi act gravit lens alternatively apm 082795255 might activ known center intrigu class collid galaxi rich ga dust,brightest object yet known,1998-08-18,500,75,0.3457070707070707,08-18,8,1998,18,8,1,3 d1e7fd3f639db3e9a8d478bb0dcba9f57c0259f81c839d2f4eeae90e1d082265,michael,m13 one promin best known globular clusters visibl binocular constel hercules m13 frequent one first step beyond ordinari visibl casual sky m13 coloss home 100000 stars span 150 light year across lie 20000 light year distant 12 billion year old 1974 dedic arecibo observatory radio messag earth sent direct m13 reason low abund unusu blue straggler star m13 current unknown,m13 great globular cluster hercul,1998-08-19,373,60,0.1269230769230769,08-19,8,1998,19,6,1,3 4b17c3b200ef94d704caa0b7b77cf6e76f0a2a86b77e445a1f200dab3931ba27,none,complex composit imag omin spectacular event expand storm energet particl sun construct use data record soho spacecraft novemb 6 1997 four imag two soho solar orbit heliospher observatory instrument nest show ultraviolet sun center larg erupt materi righthand solar limb known coron mass eject cme expand cloud becom rel cool dark middl bright edg still connect solar surface high energi proton pepper soho detector caus craze streak pictur cover region extend million mile sun solar june 25 success complet plan mission contact soho lost recent hope soho soon abl continu oper extend mission phase,soho coron mass eject,1998-08-20,601,94,0.1733333333333333,08-20,8,1998,20,1,2,4 d259f3cc6e71c7a587747ed54455178578046b90f015538b26d197b65dd41530,none,convent theori suggest cluster galaxi exist fuzzi spot falsecolor hubbl space telescop imag central region newli discov galaxi cluster galaxi similar mass milki way cluster one massiv known contain thousand galaxies million lightyear across also 8 billion lightyear distant form univers half present age ironically total mass univers large modern theori predict cluster galaxi massiv nearbi cluster exist earli time great distances one explan cluster presenc univers live massiv enough eventu halt expans current standard view cosmology,massiv cluster young univers,1998-08-21,537,77,0.0833832833832834,08-21,8,1998,21,7,0,3 b0f1c653a24205b7f6a9c7972b3ca6471f68574c681398a25abf6edda1d834aa,none,vega bright blue star 25 light year away vega brightest star summer triangle group star easili visibl summer even northern hemisphere name vega deriv arab origins mean 4000 year ago however vega known one exampl ancient human astronom knowledg language 14000 year ago vega polaris north star vega fifth brightest star night sky diamet almost three time sun life bear planets rich liquid water could possibl exist around vega picture taken januari 1997 find vega summer triangle comet halebopp high victoria british columbia canada,vega,1998-08-23,531,84,0.1653125,08-23,8,1998,23,6,1,1 8b217fc84bb1e12789cc9d92dd68dfd37dfcb0730bf96467d7647e19e84d7112,o staiger,annular eclips sun visibl part eastern hemispher saturday pictur taken time video camera east coast apod yesterday internet annular solar eclips occur moon angular size slightli less sun angular size therefore moon directli front sun edg sun still visible solar ring bright moon surfac normal appear dark comparison angular size sun moon chang slightli ellipt natur moon earth orbit total solar eclips would occur moon much closer earth,annular eclips sun,1998-08-24,436,68,0.1222222222222222,08-24,8,1998,24,1,1,1 aea553ee07c381290f983b609e850be050f83296ce453dd63fad67d01ddf5805,t polaki,relax sunrise sky begin glow unusu view park phoenix arizona april glitter object visibl photograph are lower left upper right phoenix moon venus jupiter proxim somewhat unusual jupit visibl even sky rest year venu seen earli morn sky month september,moon venus jupiter phoenix,1998-08-25,250,40,0.1214285714285714,08-25,8,1998,25,8,1,1 6432a240b919ba44bcba4cb983030d356f92dbdb4071627cf0e2f298d35ccb0b,none,span sky behind majest cloud magellan unusu stream gas magellan stream origin ga might hold clue origin fate milki way famou satellit galaxies lmc smc two lead genesi hypothes stream creat ga strip galaxi pass halo milki way stream creat differenti gravit tug milki way measur slight angular motion hipparco satellit indic cloud lead stream now recent radio measur locat fresh ga emerg clouds bolster later tidal explanation probably hundr million years magellan cloud fall victim tidal force,magellan stream,1998-08-26,492,78,-0.0569444444444444,08-26,8,1998,26,6,0,4 7d25d87221ced1d613271c3e6e8d272abeeb7c22ad2249f67b6be17a2bd20e7a,none,galaxi hercul cluster archipelago island universes mere 650 million lightyear distant cluster load ga dust rich star forming spiral galaxi rel ellipt galaxies lack ga dust associ newborn stars color composit imag show star form galaxi blue tint ellipt slightli yellowish cast cosmic vista mani galaxi seem collid merg other seem distort clear evid cluster galaxi commonli interact time galaxi interact like affect content cluster itself research believ hercul cluster significantli similar young galaxi cluster distant earli univers explor galaxi type interact nearbi hercul help unravel thread galaxi cluster evolution,hercul galaxi,1998-08-27,620,90,-0.0277777777777777,08-27,8,1998,27,7,0,3 308334d3cb42a3dd274a72c10127823d1a47513bdc95fc82038cfa2696d6df5e,david mcdavid observatory,cloud glow hydrogen ga mingl dark dust lane trifid nebula star form region constel sagittarius similar emiss nebulae energet ultraviolet light embed hot young star strip electron surround hydrogen atoms electron atom recombin emit longer wavelength lower energi light well known characterist pattern bright spectral lines visibl wavelengths strongest emiss line pattern red part spectrum known hydrogenalpha halpha imag nebula taken use filter select light near halpha wavelength show region substanti emiss atom hydrogen rel strength emiss trace densiti atom within ga cloud,hydrogen trifid,1998-08-28,575,83,0.22,08-28,8,1998,28,4,1,5 cbe0b0420256c2c96b34582df79b7a2b6791a2f4eb39cc47e7b851daee1dee81,david malin,determin star temperature red star cool around 3000 kelvin k blue star hotter temperatur 30000 k love yellow sun temperatur comfort 6000 k differ star colour dramat illustr photo constel orion made use star trail stepfocus technique technique time exposur use creat star trails exposure focu chang steps brighter stars blur imag produc satur colour photographs upper left cool red supergi betelgeus stand other hotter bluish star compos bodi constellation bright rigel blue supergiant lower right,orion star colour,1998-08-29,496,76,0.1585164835164835,08-29,8,1998,29,6,1,4 f611af46e3cd77dc7742f6eb5377230c2282b9ae756ece012900137406f39495,none,sun seeth ball extrem hot gas above sun captur skylab 1973 throw one largest erupt promin record history sun surviv 5 billion years like surviv anoth 5 billion sun fire never explode solar flare never destroy earth sun continu present mani unansw questions example sun corona hot caus sun unusu magnet field sun center emit,sun erupt,1998-08-30,323,55,0.0833333333333333,08-30,8,1998,30,1,0,2 be317863a366bf906107b1cea979d81f36fb63c566c05392a7a0824ea148f4f5,none,galaxi cluster abel hungri cluster domin galaxi center seen fed breakfast includ five smaller galaxi unfortun enough wander close cluster central supergi galaxy remnant five galaxi seen center falsecolor picture singl massiv galaxi domin center mani compact cluster galaxies distant redshift 01 light take 15 billion year get there therefor see cluster exist 15 billion year ago five galaxi probabl huge cluster center,galact cannib,1998-08-31,418,63,0.03,08-31,8,1998,31,7,0,3 786574f0ff85a6c2ac0d61c0d34642315e3c85ad931d8d57c3ea8e60482972ba,stephen barnes sky optic,solar storm overtook earth august 26th earth surviv usual although mani northern report impress display aurora mani aurora chang rapidly pattern appear disappear sometim less second away citi lights observ also report unusu spectacular array colors color captur photograph above solar particl strike oxygen high earth atmospher caus rare red auroras oxygen lower ground glow familiar green ioniz nitrogen glow blue red,color aurora,1998-09-01,418,62,0.0681944444444444,09-01,9,1998,1,8,0,1 13feebcd19dd3182f935b47cc8dc91817c8df548a70602ee3901c7ddc6388e27,nordic optic telescop,saturn second largest planet solar system saturn easili visibl sky sinc histori recorded galileo use one first telescop 1610 discov saturn rings first thought moons maxwel show saturn ring singl solid sinc saturn graviti would break up saturn ring assembl singl body would measur less 100 kilomet across origin saturn rings unusu radial pattern appear call spokes still unknown representativecolor pictur taken earth infrar light robot spacecraft cassini launch 1997 reach saturn 2004,saturn earth,1998-09-02,484,73,0.0904761904761904,09-02,9,1998,2,0,0,2 a53f9e31267a48ab8b45c9a116b68423fbcdbe239db460b81648e9b36f3cdc84,none,august 27th intens flash xray gammaray swept solar system five spacecraft third interplanetari gammaray burst network ulysses wind rxte near bepposax record high energi signal signal strong satur detector wind trigger safeti mode near gammaray plot here count rate ulyss detector abruptli spike high level slowli show smaller peak roughli everi 5 seconds signal locat provid spacecraft observ lead research identifi sourc dramat one four previous known soft gamma repeaters exot sourc gammaray believ highli magnet spin neutron star call catalog sgr magnetar estim born supernova explos 1500 year ago magnet field time stronger earths,sgr magnetar,1998-09-03,636,95,0.0985185185185185,09-03,9,1998,3,8,2,4 04bcbc39f4e20299e88a9294ca87fb65074f3894660a160fd207b8b6698ed00c,none,japan launch first mission orbit mars nozomi juli 3rd space center island nozomi goal explor martian atmospher magnet field well region planet surfac moons formerli known planet b spacecraft use highli ellipt orbit success flybi help slingshot along ultim trajectori toward mars arriv red planet octob 1999 stun pictur crescent earthmoon system taken nozomi onboard camera juli 18 point space 100000 mile earth mile moon vibrant bright reflect cloud ocean earth contrast strongli dark somber tone lunar surface,earth moon,1998-09-04,510,78,0.1458333333333333,09-04,9,1998,4,8,1,2 a164f6f27da000a315867c5432d6775b181c151f14a34f7c841dcc6b5fc892a0,none,summer 1054 ad chines astronom report star constel tauru suddenli becam bright full moon fade slowly remain visibl year understood spectacular supernova explos deton massiv star whose remain visibl crab nebula respons apparition core star collaps form rotat neutron star pulsar one exot object known 20th centuri astronomy like cosmic lighthouse rotat crab pulsar gener beam radio visible xray gammaray energi which name suggests produc puls sweep across view use stun seri visibl light imag taken hubbl space telescop hst astronom discov spectacular pulsar power motion within crab nebula highlight hst crab movie show wisp materi move away pulsar half speed light scintil halo intens knot emiss dancing spritelike pulsar pole 6 mile wide massiv sun pulsar energi drive dynam emiss nebula 10 lightyear across hst image pulsar left two bright central stars,pulsar power crab,1998-09-05,857,133,0.2448717948717949,09-05,9,1998,5,4,2,4 2b629a1c989ee3ed2b24744c4c7788e1ec6a8e08cf451eab1074a51436c01576,none,mercury closest planet sun remain mysteri solar system inner planets hide sun glare difficult target earth bound observers spacecraft explor mercuri closeup marin 10 execut 3 flybi mercuri 1974 1975 survey approxim 45 percent surface marin 10 deftli manuev photograph part sunlit hemispher approach pass behind planet continu imag sunfac side spacecraft receded highest resolut photograph record featur approxim mile across recent reprocess marin 10 data result dramat mosaic like earth moon mercury surfac show scar impact crater smooth vertic band patch visibl repres region imag inform available,mariner mercuri,1998-09-06,599,88,-0.0166666666666666,09-06,9,1998,6,1,0,2 c0cbc0f7db98fbd1b6eb25a3b66f7d04651eb833993ef83f8c5a4ca1563e540a,d malin aaoaatb uk telescop,varieti star nebula found toward constel sagittarius dens field star lace dark lane dust crowd region degre center galaxy promin nebula includ red lagoon nebula m8 lower right multicolor trifid nebula m20 upper right recent highresolut imag nebula show unusu featur funnelshap cloud proplyd well understood,sky sagittariu,1998-09-07,306,46,0.0459183673469387,09-07,9,1998,7,4,0,3 3c76b801f5272ad1c537b13a832fc2aa8c0be5a1550e19033db6e8a93e6400cf,none,galaxi cluster red nearbi cluster galaxi color much yellow blue lead explan cluster galaxi lie far across univers cosmolog time significantli redden light true cluster might lie far away form dens universe impli univers dense hst one reddest cluster found hubbl space telescope medium deep survey astronom work confirm high distanc cluster contempl signifi natur universe,cluster far,1998-09-08,371,56,0.1233333333333333,09-08,9,1998,8,7,1,3 866a4b33f4061b9cb3dc7991c14028d9667add7bffcadfe2405573ee77c1e272,none,one promin crater moon name copernicus copernicu larg young crater visibl binocular slightli northwest center moon earthfac hemisphere copernicu distinguish size mani bright ray point it although copernicu rel young lunar crater form nearli billion year ago coloss impact center copernicu 93 kilomet across pictur taken 1972 last human mission moon apollo 17 prospect return boost recent increas evid ice deposit near lunar poles,crater copernicu,1998-09-09,429,64,0.0888888888888888,09-09,9,1998,9,2,0,2 3a827e00be38f8c5cf473803b90bad1f81af8f62eca6ff16e20bf38eee2b156f,none,larg jovian moon europa may harbor liquid water beneath frozen crust controversi surround idea recent fuel dramat imag europa surfac galileo spacecraft allur color imag produc combin low resolut color data higher resolut mosaic record three separ flybi cover 120 150 miles eeri terrain groov linear ridg crustal plate seem broken apart raft new posit could indic subsurfac water blue tint repres rel old ice surfac reddish region may contain materi recent intern geolog activity white splotch bright materi blast young impact crater pwyll locat 600 mile south to right area mani believ larg reservoir water hold tantal possibl organ live dim distant world,europa ridg raft frozen moon,1998-09-10,655,104,0.0872294372294372,09-10,9,1998,10,8,2,4 07cd3879b5db84584b4a04e0e9a8e328a833814436b0ba2fedce0a1e2a84f5a8,none,help map moon earli tomorrow morn septemb 12 moon pass front of bright star aldebaran view southern eastern area us well region caribbean sea nova scotia mexico central america aldebaran disappear behind bright edg third quarter moon reappear behind darken edge accur time home video camera record differ locat use make improv map height lunar terrain occult points follow instruct intern occult time associ detail tape familiar tv channel take run camcord outsid record occultation return tape minut tv channel determin occult visibl donat tape mail address leav plenti time practic run sure check weather go lot trouble mosaic map north polar region lunar surfac construct imag record galileo spacecraft 1992,help map moon,1998-09-11,710,111,0.1083333333333333,09-11,9,1998,11,2,2,1 bac5a1aa1c5e0bdaa60164af0f354313dadc5c6446cfa167c2953015942c106d,david malin,earth spin axis sky seem rotat around us motion produc beauti concentr trail trace star time exposur night sky middl pictur north celesti pole ncp easili identifi point sky center star trail arcs short bright trail near ncp made star polaris commonli known north star,star trail northern sky,1998-09-12,267,45,0.175,09-12,9,1998,12,6,1,1 7886ae7aa1eda0f3590d46dd4ae3a1b0f2a68e11e91b2d30d7e718434fcb102a,none,galileo galilei made good discoveri great upon hear age 40 dutch optician invent glass made distant object appear larger galileo craft telescop turn toward sky galileo quickli discov moon craters jupit moons sun spots venu phase like moon galileo live 1564 1642 made mani discoveries galileo claim observ made sens planet revolv around sun champion aristarchu copernicus earth commonli believ then power inquisit made galileo publicli recant conclusion today know correct,galileo demonstr telescop,1998-09-13,471,71,0.3072727272727272,09-13,9,1998,13,1,1,2 54d0335b172fe53fb2725f3bb5b806edef25de9aa1684c3f1812df7b82325356,none,land martian moon phobo might harder previous thought reason moon dust recent photograph phobo indic layer fine estim meter deep cover whole surface evid come infrar pictur indic rapid speed phobos surfac cool sunset highresolut pictur phobo taken last month mar global surveyor spacecraft orbit mars larger two martian moons measur 20 kilomet across orbit close mars graviti rip apart anoth 50 million years,dust phobo,1998-09-14,408,64,0.0699999999999999,09-14,9,1998,14,5,0,2 48383379a2c13786146f41f1b016b0511cd2665f8e05bb3d22dbdc40bbb31210,none,happen point larg telescop new technolog telescop deep field photograph isol small patch sky pick contain bright object all long exposur taken similar hubbl deep field order see mani faint object usual wash light bright foreground objects remain cosmic wallpap rich distant galaxies galaxi faint magnitud 26 found irregularli distributed sever unusu differ color objects deep field imag releas detail inspect anyon interested new deep field imag planned,deep field,1998-09-15,453,68,0.0582070707070707,09-15,9,1998,15,8,0,3 ec143e85640750070883cc20309fc49378a948d0a4d6d9bf35a9e794265b783f,none,jupit rings jupiter ring discov 1979 pass voyag 1 spacecraft origin alway mystery recent data galileo spacecraft current orbit jupit confirm ring creat meteoroid impact small nearbi moons small meteoroid strike tini adrastea example bore moon vaporize explod dirt dust jovian orbit pictur eclips sun jupiter view galileo small dust particl high jupiter atmosphere well dust particl compos rings seen reflect sunlight,jupit ring reveal,1998-09-16,416,62,-0.0983333333333333,09-16,9,1998,16,8,0,2 750333e94572456a92c96fd278b225b9acb80cce65b35220ab53c56631c86c5a,rick scott,sinc earli day radio televis freeli broadcast signal space time now listen too ohio state university radio telescope affection known the big one first largest listeners design john big ear about size three footbal consist immens metal ground plane two fencelik reflector fix one reli earth rotat help scan sky photo taken former big ear student volunt rick scott look across ground plane toward fix reflector foreground may final piec big ear torn down explor radio univers long start 1965 big ear use ambiti premier survey radio sky ultim find 20000 celesti radio sources chang focu 1970s becam first telescop continu listen signal extraterrestri civilizations excit moment august 1977 strong unanticip signal dub wow signal detect big ear alas heard once caus signal could determined,radio big ear wow signal,1998-09-17,786,125,0.0285185185185185,09-17,9,1998,17,8,2,4 968f661338acbe3564ae766a4e87a3a847e02f4e82a1b1ec7047852b5ad2ca93,none,launch januari 6th nasa lunar prospector spacecraft explor moon instrument design sens global properti orbit 63 mile lunar surface half way primari mission impress scienc result includ precis graviti map lunar surface global map element composition detect relat larg impact sites evid point toward small ironrich lunar core perhap spectacular recent announc prospector earlier detect substanti wateric north south lunar poles analysi data collect far consist water ice deposit residu cometari impact buri beneath much 18 inch dri dusti regolith estim suggest 10 time water polar region previous small prospector spacecraft carri camera lunar imaging moon rel well photographed detailed colorenhanc nearsid mosaic produc imag taken galileo spacecraft pass moon decemb 1992,lunar,1998-09-18,774,112,0.0294871794871794,09-18,9,1998,18,2,2,2 ccd6d5b1ae9aaca44a41a97d77c405d55b22794e2de0a93ec4aaab22eec62c7a,none,diminut deimo smallest two tini moon mars potatoshap bare 6 mile wide asteroidlik bodi visit vike 2 orbit 1977 imag made spacecraft approach within 18 mile surface one detail pictur celesti bodi ever taken orbit spacecraft field view less squar mile featur 10 feet across visible crater larg chunk rock seen scatter surfac crater appear cover layer powderi soil,18 mile deimo,1998-09-19,361,59,-0.0722222222222222,09-19,9,1998,19,5,0,2 35ddb1f337d704d6486d8949db58c85952e903207dafcc81d4be7973411fd04d,none,sir isaac newton chang world born newton aboveaverag student went home cambridg one summer 1665 thought lot physic natur world came back two year later revolutionari understand mathematics gravitation optics professor his upon understand newton done resign posit cambridg newton could it newton calculu provid new mathemat framework rapid solut whole class physic problems newton law gravit explain one simpl formula appl fall planet move newton insight prove overwhelmingli power first scientist ever knighted,isaac newton explain solar system,1998-09-20,510,74,0.1172727272727272,09-20,9,1998,20,8,1,2 44065ad34b53e33ff7b0a7fed0b0e883dc9c6d0d2730bada618fd9eb4c51c4b9,david malin aao iac rgo isaac newton telescop,ngc 281 busi workshop star formation promin featur includ small open cluster stars diffus redglow emiss nebula larg lane obscur ga dust dens knot dust ga star may still forming open cluster star ic 1590 visibl upper right form last million years brightest member cluster actual multiplestar system shine light help ioniz nebula gas caus red glow visibl throughout lane dust lower right might home futur star formation particularli strike photograph dark bok globul visibl bright nebula star probabl form right now entir ngc 281 system lie 10 thousand light year distant,ngc 281 cluster clouds globul,1998-09-21,569,92,0.1238095238095237,09-21,9,1998,21,4,2,5 8a9b2bf3f5fb1036cb5177f7025415a360d449cc491c4a99d322954c27f7deb6,univers press,m61 bar spiral galaxi locat nearbi virgo cluster galaxies visibl m61 host featur common spiral galaxies bright spiral arms central bar dust lanes bright knot stars m61 also known ngc 4303 similar milki way galaxy m61 discov telescop 1779 twice day one observ initi mistook galaxi comet light m61 take 60 million year reach us recent observ m61 detect unpredict high veloc ga move halo,virgo spiral galaxi,1998-09-22,384,65,0.2075,09-22,9,1998,22,7,1,3 c982b87b1a82922fcc4c19d8e4a683ee3adbd428d5f1cab553fe78bd5db60b76,none,sun head south cross celesti equat today am eastern time autumn begin earth northern hemisphere autumn equinox find increasingli activ sun steadili approach solar cycl maximum expect around year 2003 solar activ cycl driven period wind sun intern magnet field color pictur mosaic recent ultraviolet imag orbit trace satellit sensit light emit highli charg iron atoms grow intric structur visibl sun hot activ region temperatur million degre fahrenheit associ magnet loops,autumn activ sun,1998-09-23,471,71,0.1625,09-23,9,1998,23,1,1,4 afd116e738a6b7a89be4550ecbd8eb70490c9cf401be64564dfda7247f6f8053,none,north pole mar cap layer like consist ice dust deposit million years imag septemb 12 earli spring northern mar mar global surveyor camera synthes wideangl color view show erod polar terrain cover pinkish season carbon dioxid frost dark area border polar cap field sand dunes last pictur schedul taken surveyor camera resum oper late march 1999 past year operation camera taken 2000 pictur mars meanwhile spacecraft begin second round aerobrak achiev circular martian map orbit,north pole mar,1998-09-24,478,75,-0.1185185185185185,09-24,9,1998,24,5,0,2 03f3a92b787f274ccd4f3532889734bafa42fb3e854985cfb98d0b6b2fa4ac39,none,sunlik star form probabl planet hidden insid lynd 1551 interstellar cloud molecular ga dust constel taurus use new coordin radio telescop larg array near socorro new mexico usa sharpli imag dusti protoplanetari disk surround young star radio wavelengths announced excit exampl show falsecolor radio pictur twin disk doubl star yellow bar indic scale astronom unit one au averag distanc earth sun star near center 45 apart compar radiu orbit pluto similar protoplanetari disk seen around singl stars twin disk much smaller limit size graviti nearbi companion star fact larg planet form orbit near edg disk may eject binari system,twin protoplanetari disk,1998-09-25,630,99,0.0369146005509641,09-25,9,1998,25,6,2,5 635df5c6b0482feb5e98bd57b844063e7f4d29ff6ea8dd406c6ec5bad4c257d6,none,astronaut carl walz wave colleagu aft end space shuttl discovery payload bay 1993 walz tools tethers foot restraint design use weightless environ orbit planet earth,space walz,1998-09-26,164,25,0.0,09-26,9,1998,26,8,0,2 869640fd03668a54753407f6dfff9beb2c60b52e1cb9807b88e877e799ffd40d,none,albert einstein 18791955 consid mani greatest pictur swiss patent offic much great work einstein mani visionari scientif contribut includ equival mass energi emc2 maximum speed limit light affect measur time space special relativity accur theori graviti base simpl geometr concept gener relativity one reason einstein award 1921 nobel prize physic make prize prestigious,albert einstein describ space time,1998-09-27,370,53,0.3514285714285715,09-27,9,1998,27,8,1,4 79e56b5694f00b8f099d24e7e5a98cac95028cb50a9c4f027be3634c64fcfa9b,none,last friday hurrican georg photograph space enter gulf mexico immens storm system larger states expect make landfal today start slight pressur difference hurrican grow larg spiral storm system low pressure complet high wind drive rain hurrican power evapor ocean water typic gain strength warm water lose strength land current offshor atlant ocean hurrican ivan karl swirl like stay well away north america recent goe satellit imag,hurrican gulf,1998-09-28,431,66,0.0741666666666666,09-28,9,1998,28,8,0,1 87e836b3553c2756e9891a6919290ad6f258226c7d0e0d919535b1c7a6cb59d2,none,far across universe unusu cluster galaxi evolving divers group galaxi popul cluster including left unusu galaxi show equatori polar ring larg spiral loom larg ellipt galaxy reason small size galaxi right yet known galaxi might smaller might lie even farther distance almost everi spot pictur galaxy studi distant cluster like may help astronom better understand cosmic giant formed,peculiar cluster galaxi,1998-09-29,382,58,0.0502645502645502,09-29,9,1998,29,7,0,3 3435f41226f01a49779999955fde0495c1d1e29b5f460f5d39798b5147f1d349,none,galaxi fascin visible invisible grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232 recent captur detail new larg telescope good example visibl domin million bright star dark dust caught gravit swirl spiral arm rotat center open cluster contain bright blue star seen sprinkl along spiral arms dark lane dens interstellar dust seen sprinkl them less visible detectable billion dim normal star vast tract interstellar gas togeth wield high mass domin dynam inner galaxy invis even greater amount matter form yet know pervas dark matter need explain motion visibl outer galaxy what there,spiral galaxi ngc 1232,1998-09-30,562,88,0.1541945773524721,09-30,9,1998,30,7,1,3 39e2bab42950d35735454864dda4537882eb6aa70aafab02e84b99122ef69a40,none,happi nation space offici began oper octob 1 1958 absorb organ nation advisori committe aeronautics landmark achiev human spaceflight includ mercuri gemini project culmin apollo project moon land 1960 earli 1970s skylab 1970s space shuttl program 1980 1990s june 1998 launch space shuttl nasa scienc program produc robot explor solar system view univers across electromagnet spectrum valuabl meteorolog earth observations nasa prioriti larg driven pressur cold war look back 40 years sum accomplish produc need new technolog vital new perspect planet earth cosmos,happi,1998-10-01,563,83,-0.0378787878787878,10-01,10,1998,1,8,0,2 49026fb092964cb86f167946dad42416b45900e7287155c3612aff9efe3b89e7,none,indic infrar imag galact center region posit sgr 190014 strongest known magnet galaxy sgr 190014 believ citysized spinning neutron star magnetar strong magnetar magnet field earth magnet field deflect compass needl measur 1 gauss strongest field sustain earthbas laboratori 100000 gauss yet magnetar monster magnet field estim 1000000000000000 gauss magnet strong locat half distanc moon would easili eras credit card suck pen pocket distanc 20000 lightyears sgr 190014 recent gener power flash gammaray detect mani spacecraft blast highenergi radiat known measur effect earth ionosphere surfac magnetar power magnet field thought buckl shift neutron star crust gener intens gammaray flares,magnetar sky,1998-10-02,691,99,0.12,10-02,10,1998,2,8,2,4 363776f7771ad635c56a0b3d7e50e0196437c5aad4bb169bb97e2a3cb0992775,none,sputnik mean travel companion despit innocu sound name launch earth first artifici moon sputnik 1 soviet octob 4 1957 shock free world set motion event result creation nasa race moon sputnik 1 184 pound 22 inch diamet sphere four whip antenna connect batteri power transmitters transmitt broadcast continu beeping signal astound earthbound audienc 23 days short month later novemb 3 soviet union follow success launch dog orbit aboard sputnik 2,sputnik travel companion,1998-10-03,444,70,0.1482142857142857,10-03,10,1998,3,8,1,2 bf1cfa109c67940d17e096a67e1a82329a498393e6e5901d9a671060c31661f9,none,juli 20th 1969 human first set foot moon pictur first lunar footprint footprint distinct first person walk moon belong neil armstrong estim one billion peopl worldwid watch armstrong first step make live transmiss camera mount lunar lander one highest rate televis show ever upon set foot moon armstrong said that one small step a man one giant leap mankind apollo mission moon describ result greatest technolog mobil world known,one small step,1998-10-04,430,69,0.1987603305785124,10-04,10,1998,4,2,1,2 d7c2259064bf4c91543d21fed8c89cb809949713e25b708d447aa2785ad48552,none,sometimes small region sun appear unusu dark visibl closeup pictur sunspot depress sun face slightli cooler less lumin rest sun sun complex magnet field creat cool region inhibit hot materi enter spot sunspot larger earth typic last days highresolut pictur also show clearli sun face bubbl sea separ cell hot gas cell known granules solar granul 1000 kilomet across last 10 minutes that mani granul end exploding,sunspot close,1998-10-05,412,67,-0.0075757575757575,10-05,10,1998,5,1,0,4 8b41ef11357f8be39cfc9352aa4d1c093d8f89446e8baabb5770af0c79756643,gordon garradd,brightest comet sky right comet williams move slowli though constel centaurus comet williams magnitud 8 visibl southern hemispher observ binoculars ten days comet william reach closest point sun although still farther sun earth comet william becom visibl mani northern hemispher observ late november magnitud 10 however might requir small telescop see comet william discov earli august peter williams imag taken august 25th australia,comet 1998,1998-10-06,433,63,-0.0528571428571428,10-06,10,1998,6,3,0,2 a2384302e0bbcba76cec28782cdf44e0c15214aa38652bd09dc32d3280c664b2,none,seaview wide fieldofview sensor seawifs instrument onboard orbit seastar spacecraft map subtl differ earth ocean color north left south pole project base seawif measur made septemb 1997 juli 1998 strongli depend sunlight reflect freefloat phytoplankton organ contain absorb blue red light reflect green sinc tini phytoplankton tremend important form begin food chain sea life seawif color map help track activ ocean planet earth biosphere,ocean planet pole pole,1998-10-07,439,64,-0.0374999999999999,10-07,10,1998,7,8,0,2 f768ea19d4f5374357b3b45317dad910755cca5feadff111c8516fa369dd1902,none,lock synchron rotation moon alway present wellknown near side earth lunar orbit apollo astronaut also grew know moon far side sharp pictur apollo 16 map camera show eastern edg familiar near side left strang heavili crater far side moon surprisingly rough batter surfac far side look differ near side cover smooth dark lunar maria like explan far side crust thicker make harder molten materi interior flow surfac form smooth maria,far side moon,1998-10-08,430,70,0.0875,10-08,10,1998,8,2,0,2 df2187e4a18a69586c4426314c6a3ae8ab106d9f75d783530dd611d2bcc9e3a1,none,star appear point light earli last year betelgeus becam second star sun surfac resolved later last year mira ad list mira red giant star undergo dramat pulsations caus becom 100 time brighter cours year mira discov first variabl star 401 year ago today david mira extend 700 time size sun 400 lightyear away photograph taken hubbl space telescop show true face unusu extend featur lower left star remain somewhat mysterious possibl explan includ gravit andor heat mira white dwarf star companion,resolv mira,1998-10-11,495,81,0.0833333333333333,10-11,10,1998,11,6,0,3 60aa3beb0a8416077ed194eac511d9f6f992f390bf8db6d02fc52d6ab321f3ae,none,galaxi faint never seen before 1996 hubbl space telescop hst creat one famou pictur modern astronomy hubbl deep field hdf hst return piec hdf long exposur new nicmo camera sensit infrar light result image shown repres color show known galaxi new light previous unknown galaxi probabl farther anyth ever seen before galaxi dim magnitud 30 visible astronom hdf differ young univers familiar univers today,hubbl deep field infrar,1998-10-12,402,64,0.0793123543123543,10-12,10,1998,12,7,0,4 8b61ea2012afec760fa47e6ae5f70a093757233e27be2ce5537fd770b6748f89,none,here part dumbbel nebula cant see binoculars see this suggest sophist spectrograph attach telescop 8meter pictur central part dumbbel nebula also known m27 ngc dumbbel planetari nebula creat age bright star visibl right center nebula locat constel thousand year old visibl falsecolor photograph glow hydrogen ga green globul dens molecular ga dust red,center dumbbel nebula,1998-10-13,351,53,0.1122448979591836,10-13,10,1998,13,4,1,3 032a72499f3ed7f7451f988c89c346c7fd7554fd38e65ff78ef5d647d3c42441,none,back bigger ever ozon hole caus concern recent year reform earth south pole season recurr ozon hole expected although size hole never larg earli season ozon import shield us damag ultraviolet sunlight ozon vulnerable though cfc halon releas atmosphere ozon hole larg size probabl relat unusu low temperatures allow cfc byproduct like chlorin react atmospher ozon molecul greater efficiency falsecolor pictur taken earlier month low ozon level shown blue,world largest ozon hole,1998-10-14,453,69,-0.0099999999999999,10-14,10,1998,14,8,0,4 7de2a0fd014c92c3bcae1f51599c2d347360fb3c490e6de195effd8f0011b987,none,last 10 day great day soho spacebas solar heliospher observatory contact complet lost intern research spacecraft 3 month ago recoveri team control soho and begin octob 5th success switch scientif instruments octob 13th view sun light ioniz helium atom record restor eit instrument show bright activ region lofti promin solar limb north toward left rather top spacecraft orient yet fulli adjusted for full sun full resolut view click solar cycl approach maximum come years excit continu build becom like soho abl resum unpreced explor solar phenomena,great day soho,1998-10-15,550,86,0.34,10-15,10,1998,15,1,1,2 c5ecdc06bcdb371a949a3f305e410d3ac76c04700b5a13e978325e47a6b75900,none,allur aurora surround io appear ghostli glow volcan moon orbit within jupiter dark shadow ga giant jupit right image record may robot galileo spacecraft solid state imag camera distanc 13 million kilometers energet charg particl collid io atmospher gase creat vivid color produc red green glow analog aurora earth strike blue light caus dens volcan plume may indic region electr connect jupit itself,io aurora,1998-10-16,399,63,0.0511904761904761,10-16,10,1998,16,8,0,2 47138787381e910220bb3d88261eb1d59f6703394d8f5ccdeb7dee5db36575d7,none,cluster stars known g1 brightest globular cluster whole local group galaxies also call mayal ii orbit center largest nearbi galaxy m31 g1 contain 300000 star almost old entir universe fact observ globular star cluster show old oldest roughli 250 known globular cluster milki way galaxy two bright foreground star appear imag g1 taken orbit hubbl space telescop juli 1994 show detail distant cluster compar groundbas telescop view globular star cluster galaxy,giant globular cluster m31,1998-10-17,458,71,0.1285714285714286,10-17,10,1998,17,6,1,3 b19c789206e72a42dd0c5bf0bb58c585e0f834f31e2fd6a7e4ee5ff8b42fd1d4,none,saturn ring actual thin pictur hubbl space telescop taken august 6 1995 ring line sideway seen earth saturn largest moon titan seen left titan shadow seen saturn cloud titan look brownish color thick atmosphere four moon saturn seen ring plane are left right mimas tethys janus enceladus look carefully note dark band across planet actual shadow rings slightli displac real ring best seen away planet saturn ring solid compos ice chunk rang size grain sand house,saturn ring seen sideway,1998-10-18,464,76,0.0446428571428571,10-18,10,1998,18,0,0,1 3b541ec5cb5e398653308a7193129fa18600cd40cf14fc373927b1ce4b4ae4ca,none,tomorrow picture infrar uranu archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,olympu mon orbit,1998-10-19,229,35,0.2857142857142857,10-19,10,1998,19,8,1,0 9d8be7e6e1e103c1c4411ca7571e86351c1ae32a0864cd756c0c8e03d03a4299,none,sun third largest planet usual look quit uranu typic appear featureless small spot small telescop featureless larg orb larg telescope last august however hubbl space telescop abl photograph uranu infrar light distant planet better show unusu clouds rings moons recent analysi indic cloud seen orang appear circl uranu speed excess 500 kilomet per hour comparison earlier photograph show slight precess shift brightest uranus rings sever uranus numer small moon visible,infrar uranu,1998-10-20,468,70,-0.0305555555555555,10-20,10,1998,20,8,0,3 651d9534386be791e82d58f8f339c34a7006744f72c42578c8b9ef6510ae060e,none,sometimes near midnight aurora suddenli stop nobodi know why nightsid gap aurora confirm recent d u colleagu data ultraviolet imag onboard polar spacecraft gap appear space slight break full auror arc surround magnet pole earth pictur cloud aurora occur last august near wildcat mountain,case miss aurora,1998-10-21,287,44,0.0428571428571428,10-21,10,1998,21,8,0,1 0f739d36f289485e6d8181e1fb6ff039937b6da9dbee56332c3a75b82dcce408,none,sometim february two three longliv jovian storm system known white appar collid merg form like second largest storm solar system famou great red spot whitish ovalshap storm jupiter band atmospher telescop studi sinc 1930s detail surpris merger unknown jupit earth opposit side sun happened aftermath shown top panel hubbl space telescop picture taken juli part evid investig use reconstruct fact case center swirl white cloud newli creat storm system wide planet earth left remain smaller white oval seem drift away larger new storm atmospher temperatur data galileo spacecraft repres bottom panel falsecolor imag show new storm dark feature cooler surroundings,jupiter storm collid,1998-10-22,662,100,0.0701704545454545,10-22,10,1998,22,8,2,4 60364a1bf877a3d5f5440b35e51247d93233e5127bf71807875b3b9ba5443528,none,might resembl fri egg breakfast actual much larger fact ring bluetint star form region faintli visibl spiral arms yolkyellow center faceon spiral galaxy ngc 7742 3000 lightyear across 72 million lightyear away constel pegasus ngc 7742 known seyfert galaxi type activ spiral galaxi center nucleu bright visibl wavelengths across spectrum tremend bright seyfert chang period day month galaxi like ngc 7742 suspect harbor massiv black hole cores beauti color pictur courtesi newli inaugur hubbl space telescop heritag project,galaxi ngc 7742,1998-10-23,523,78,0.1476190476190476,10-23,10,1998,23,7,1,3 f05ecce810bc22e289e5e762e556fb75df422094b0a7ccb1bf8fdf65c44d7ea3,none,sunris seen low earth orbit shuttl astronaut dramat inde author use breathtak view sun visibl peak tower storm cloud whose silhouet top mark upper boundari troposphere lowest layer planet earth atmosphere sunlight filter suspend dust caus dens layer air appear red contrast blue stripe mark stratosphere tenuou upper atmosphere preferenti scatter blue light,sun also rise,1998-10-24,358,53,0.1125,10-24,10,1998,24,8,1,1 2ae4e61f22ecb554cd878aee98ed0407f04ca017a41869639f1c23bf07f73784,david malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across quit evid photograph blue reflect nebula surround bright cluster stars low mass faint brown dwarf recent found pleiades,pleiad star cluster,1998-10-25,338,53,0.125,10-25,10,1998,25,6,1,3 558d19b0949cc49e9220c25f5b41b60da07d216edf9c73cadaeec6daa6ce1a20,none,space travel enter age ion drive saturday launch deep space 1 nasa mission design primarili test new technologies deep space 1 bound asteroid 1992 juli 1999 although ion drive deep space 1 provid acceler much smaller feel toward earth gradual give spacecraft speed need travel across solar system propuls drive work ioniz xenon atom power provid larg panel collect sunlight ion expel strong electr field back spacecraft slowli gain speed pictur above hot blue ion emerg prototyp drive success test last year,ion drive deep space 1,1998-10-26,507,82,0.0933080808080808,10-26,10,1998,26,8,0,2 e415dc4ac200aaaa47b03968107088d8e1c073542906cfc27401fd490a1a5c94,none,humanity understand rel bright variabl star revolution work henrietta swan leavitt work harvard colleg observatory leavitt precis calibr photograph magnitud 47 star star could compared leavitt discov catalog 1500 variabl star nearbi magellan clouds catalog leavitt discov brighter cepheid variabl star take longer vary fact use today calibr distanc scale universe,star,1998-10-27,363,51,0.7000000000000001,10-27,10,1998,27,6,1,3 6aa1180ec88239d24d6733c9579a690974e4cd9dd1088f9eb94b1f0ac4af3b86,none,turtl space planetari nebula ngc 6210 may look like giant space actual much massiv fortunately ga cloud hercul lie 6500 light year away ngc 6210 investig hubbl space telescop show evid unusu rel abund nebular gas result detail representativecolor picture above show jet hot ga stream hole older cooler shell gas central star creat planetari nebula clearli visibl center inset image analys data involv recent releas pictur may help explain origin chemic abund nebula galaxy,ngc planetari nebula,1998-10-28,472,75,0.1196969696969696,10-28,10,1998,28,4,1,5 ed60f265a2ff44158b6ec20ab7ca9ce4eaf241e66c32a18574811ed9eea87478,none,rehears histor flight februari 20 1962 mercuri program astronaut john h glenn jr work cramp train capsul prepar voyag space dub 7 snug spacecraft launch atla rocket carri glenn three time around planet earth altitud 120 miles return safe atlant ocean first american orbit senat remark return space 36 year later payload specialist space shuttl discoveri mission sts95 discoveri craft carri crew 7 array scientif intern extrem ultraviolet schedul launch today 200 pm eastern time discoveri orbit altitud 320 mile land 8 day kennedi space center shuttl land godspe crew ,john glenn 7 discoveri,1998-10-29,568,90,0.13,10-29,10,1998,29,8,2,2 e1db4ec7dcef0d27ca2c5461245ab4c3fba9de3a050b30df86c320d52be76c19,none,left space shuttl discoveri wait dark kennedi space center launch pad right thursday octob 29 discoveri blast bright afternoon sky return senat john glenn space 36 year becam first american orbit way 1962 glenn flew today part crew seven astronaut shepherd scientif payload shuttl mission sts95 fellow mercuri program astronaut scott godspe john kennedi space center launch control wing discoveri lift us age 77 john glenn legend hero nasa first human spaceflight program becom oldest space orbit glenn commented feel,john glenn discoveri launch,1998-10-30,519,80,0.1135714285714285,10-30,10,1998,30,8,1,2 ee85f7e55ab1e1ceb9a847db48d31e322582b60739ff71d26a509f0dc86db942,none,picture taken apollo 17 astronaut orbit moon 1972 depict stark lunar surfac around eratosthen copernicu craters imag moon devoid life familiar denizen space age contrari modern perception life moon report august 1835 seri sensat stori first publish new york sun appar intend improv paper circulation descript lunar life receiv broad credenc becam one spectacular hoax history supposedli base telescop observations stori featur full lavish account moon ocean beaches teem plant anim life climax report sight winged furry humanlik creatur resembl within month trick reveal newspap continu enjoy increas readership safe happi halloween ,barren moon,1998-10-31,636,92,0.1478219696969696,10-31,10,1998,31,2,2,2 6922660f17887309db655fea9a2c12fd47b45ad6a6096f7710b2bba76ea16b91,none,tangl quasar galaxi lie clue expans rate universe diffus glow evid pictur left reveal normal ellipt galaxy directli behind galaxi lie normal quasar quasar directli behind galaxy however graviti galaxi deflect quasar light like lens creat four bright imag distant quasar imag digit subtracted distort imag background galaxi host quasar appear shown right ghostli white quasar imag trace quasar look differ time past time imag influenc expans rate univers itself assum dark matter ellipt len galaxi trace visibl matter expans rate character hubbl constant near 65 kmsecmpc valu close determin methods analysi imag shed littl light whether global geometri univers affect cosmolog constant,pg ghost lens past,1998-11-02,686,103,0.0521008403361344,11-02,11,1998,2,7,2,4 da64b5fd7d133eec1c7ea572aed5c3bc82f6efefa229a99eb13d0c2a2167d44c,none,what local galaxi sextan a small dwarf irregular galaxi span 5 thousand light year across sextan locat 5 million lightyear away name home constel diamond structur relat ancient unknown event 100 million year ago someth mysteri start new wave star format sextan a center massiv shortliv star explod supernova caus star format yet supernovae ultim result expand shell today young blue star highlight area shell edg high current star formation shell perspect appear roughli square picture bright orang star milki way galaxi appear superpos foreground,sextan a seemingli squar galaxi,1998-11-03,547,85,0.0951239669421487,11-03,11,1998,3,6,0,3 4333492d20261d27aebf7440fef2b11bcf1480d6391452f4e1736fcf2c9ba7a6,none,natur univers debat held last month smithsonian top cosmologist p jame e peebl michael s turner argu whether new data final resolv type univers live pictur speak above argu univers underw early rapid inflationari expans look particularli strong potenti explain even new data indic sort dark energy cautious evid big bang strong argu specif type still unclear peebl note big bang leav littl lowdens matter still could rule out turner peebl agre excit time data continu pour curiou astrophysicist decod geometri universe margaret j debat look on event smithsonian nation scienc nasa michigan technolog held honor david n,cosmolog,1998-11-04,618,98,0.1327505827505827,11-04,11,1998,4,8,2,4 de7419171bca2dcb000e688f2306ab2d849565eff83e4df1325a523976930f46,none,could see approach saturn aboard interplanetari cruis ship would close resembl subtli shade view gorgeou ring ga giant process hubbl heritag project pictur intent avoid overemphas color contrast present natur look saturn cloud bands storms nearli edgeon rings small round shadow moon enceladu near center planet disk course seat avail ship current enrout cassini spacecraft launch year ago schedul arriv saturn year 2004 extend cruis world 1400 million kilomet sun cassini tour saturnian system conduct remote robot explor softwar instrument design denizen planet earth,natur saturn cassini cruis,1998-11-05,570,84,-0.0687499999999999,11-05,11,1998,5,0,0,2 151504e489d442b562062dbe9d060dc3e9cdd079ce6b82a75a3d268afa533120,none,cruis past moon reign ga giant jupiter voyag galileo return tantal evid liquid water ocean beneath surfac europa research report telltal indic batter jovian moon callisto may also harbor subsurfac ocean view callisto show whitish 200 kilomet thick band ice beneath moon surface hypothet ocean indic underli light blue stripe potenti salti layer liquid water 10 kilomet thick rest interior seen jumbl rock ice salti subsurfac ocean magnet measur made galileo flybi far indic callisto magnet field variable analog result europa passes plausibl explan callisto subsurfac liquid layer liquid salt water could easili carri electr current produc chang magnet field,callisto,1998-11-06,660,100,-0.04375,11-06,11,1998,6,8,2,4 9ff1b571fc853ea1d49426761040c94429afb2eaf649e758003a6837a489e4c9,none,star come bunches 200 globular star cluster orbit center milki way galaxy 47 tucana second brightest globular cluster behind omega centauri known affection 47 tuc ngc 104 visibl southern hemisphere light take 20000 year reach us 47 tuc seen near smc constel tucana red giant star particularli easi see picture dynam star near center 47 tuc well understood particularli binari system there,globular cluster 47 tucana,1998-11-07,388,62,2.775557561562892e-18,11-07,11,1998,7,6,0,3 79e136bb91331d90942a90c08e816c26d6079599b0171e7ae7ad21adabe5e4b6,v winter icstars,rli next week spectacular meteor storm 1998 leonids wide thought meteor leonid meteor shower small piec comet fall earth pass near sun comet heat shed piec ice rock nucleus debri continu orbit sun either evapor swept larg solarsystem body piec comet debri strike moon creat small crater piec strike earth usual burn atmospher caus brief bright streak streak center pictur northern sky actual depict meteor perseid meteor shower usual impress display peak everi year midaugust,leonid meteor shower next week,1998-11-08,475,75,0.0166666666666666,11-08,11,1998,8,3,0,1 fc6057dedea96a718b68f239017daf2c818cef5e00fd322803c18d0ae07dc245,none,star explod slow motion rare massiv wolfrayet star tumultu hot disintegr right telescopes glow ga glob 30 time massiv earth expel violent stellar wind wolfrayet star wr124 visibl near imag center thu creat surround nebula known m167 star slowli blow apart past 10000 year remain unclear 15000 lightyear away toward constel sagitta,stellar firebal,1998-11-09,330,52,-0.0293650793650793,11-09,11,1998,9,4,0,3 5664fa7f3bb2c26b037704ddaebe0fc53ce031367dc229bea10d20f9cf786c1e,none,dim star bright one near center ngc 3132 creat odd beauti planetari nebula nicknam eightburst nebula southern ring nebula glow ga origin outer layer star like sun repres color picture hot blue pool light seen surround binari system energ hot surfac faint star although photograph explor unusu symmetries asymmetri help make ngc 3132 intriguing neither unusu shape surround cooler shell structur placement cool filamentari dust lane run across ngc 3132 well understood,ngc 3132 eight burst nebula,1998-11-10,467,72,0.1294871794871795,11-10,11,1998,10,4,1,3 3a9ab0000547d2dfb3621c0e32b7faa264c73771d6aa8c701879a30d0cc3cd45,none,night sky interest show town pictur captur particularli activ color display aurora occur month ago high alaska aurora commonli seen observ locat near earth poles aurora light result solar electron proton strike molecul high earth atmosphere planetari aurora activ sometim predict particularli activ solar coron mass ejections,aurora,1998-11-11,325,47,0.205,11-11,11,1998,11,1,1,1 550cf95109c7c460c141cfe307d1b8f13bbb53f4553b14b97d1dc85be9a84c19,none,simul imag model intens gamma ray 40 million time energi visibl light repres sky might appear propos gammaray larg area space telescop glast first year orbit familiar steadi star absent dramat degre field look directli away center galaxy instead geminga crab pulsar bizarre spin stellar corps known neutron star two brightest gammaray sources bright object field dens pulsars monstrou activ galaxies still unknown sources detect energet gammaray experi telescop egret orbit compton gammaray observatory however simul point sourc new current idea anticip discoveri result glast improv gammaray vision central broad band faint gammaray emiss due highenergi cosmic ray collid interstellar ga outer spiral arm milki way diffus energet glow promin molecular cloud monoceros orion auriga taurus intend explor extrem energi sourc distant cosmo plan launch 2005 glast mission develop nasa collabor u s intern,glast gammaray sky simul,1998-11-12,903,134,0.1099242424242424,11-12,11,1998,12,6,2,4 4214fc6e0a24426c04841749413eeb4d2c9d85a667d75935ebc9b7a377990cae,none,bright firebal meteor photograph tabl mountain observatori peak annual leonid meteor shower novemb 17 1966 good year leonid meteor watcher meteor storm produc earth swept dens swarm dusti debri tail comet tempeltuttle observ jim young report peak rate 1966 shower 50 meteor per second record 22 otherwis extrem rare bright firebal like one span 90 minut california mountain top location predict uncertain year might also produc intens apparit leonid shower peak 17th may need well place littl lucki see shower maximum leonid meteor easi see dark sky particularli earli morn hour two day peak watch meteor shower get comfort lawn chair warm jacket go outsid look up,leonid firebal,1998-11-13,668,107,0.3833333333333333,11-13,11,1998,13,8,2,1 a3446f646a9d15d3577e6e0ee8abf9905eaf3e6fb8696d040c85032b71f2777e,none,safe septemb 1967 regular season surveyor 5 lander actual slid sever feet make success soft land moon mare tranquillitatis equip televis camera soil sampl experiments us surveyor spacecraft intend determin lunar surfac chosen locat safe man landings surveyor 5 touch insid edg small crater inclin 20 degrees footpad slip dug trench visibl picture cover dusti lunar soil footpad 20 inch diameter,surveyor slide,1998-11-14,394,61,0.1642857142857142,11-14,11,1998,14,2,1,2 0e35990a3742c7ba91273319f5a8e87100d2f72fe662b47417269898795b90de,none,mar two tini moons phobo deimos pictur deimos smaller moon mars fact deimo one smallest known moon solar system measur 9 mile across diminut martian moon discov 1877 asaph hall american astronom work us naval observatori washington dc exist two martian moon predict around 1610 johann kepler astronom deriv law planetari motion case kepler predict base scientif principles write idea influenti two martian moon discuss work fiction jonathan swift gulliver travels written 1726 150 year actual discovery,deimos small martian moon,1998-11-15,502,77,-0.2,11-15,11,1998,15,2,0,2 c7906e8d6384e7bcbe5ae0a20c63b968fcb4b8af8d224393e3ee70a4984621f9,w pacholka,danger meteor storm occur tonight tomorrow thousand bit ice rock like rain onto earth few any hit ground tout potenti activ meteor shower sinc leonid 1998 track observ world over meteor storm caus earth move leftov debri comet peak storm best visibl tomorrow asia though increas activ visibl global mani hours even possibl monitor storm live web pictur perseid 1997 meteor streak across sky behind illumin california desert,leonid meteor storm,1998-11-16,423,68,0.1072727272727272,11-16,11,1998,16,8,1,1 b7a200a62fb044a3104a66a4dafd9c4656c7b27d63d893a68ee45b782afddcca,t et al astron u obs,creat huge space bubble massiv star bright blue also emit fast stellar wind ioniz gas bubbl nebula actual smallest three bubbl surround massiv star bd602522 part gigant bubbl network s162 creat help massiv stars fast move ga expand bd602522 push surround spars ga shell energet starlight ioniz shell caus glow bubbl nebula also known ngc 7635 10 lightyear across visibl small telescop toward constel cassiopeia,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula,1998-11-17,410,65,0.1875,11-17,11,1998,17,4,1,5 6b09da99a69bd9fce8797c5eee7240e43b6aa8fa02e77470f1f3fb880e2980db,none,bubbl versu cloud ngc 7635 bubbl nebula push stellar wind massiv central star bd602522 next door though live giant molecular cloud visibl upper left place space irresist forc meet immov object interest way cloud abl contain expans bubbl gas get blast hot radiat bubble central star radiat heat dens region molecular cloud caus orang glow seen above bubbl nebula 10 lightyear across part much larger complex star shells bubbl nebula seen small telescop toward constel cassiopeia,closeup bubbl nebula,1998-11-18,477,76,0.0066433566433566,11-18,11,1998,18,4,0,5 ec24caf7fdefbfa0372708e4fabb1371aff1aab41aea1a04bb641eb5680ba13a,olivi staiger,rich bright awesom fireballs leonid meteor shower came earli year fact judg meteor watcher report peak came nearli 15 hour earlier best predictions observ canari island probabl close ideal view locat record maximum effect 200 250 meteor per hour near dawn novemb 17 way peak rate 1966 leonid meteor storm display still bless clear sky dark earli morn hour planet earth treat first rate cosmic light show rove astrophotograph olivi staiger took stun imag two bright leonid sky thailand,bright leonid,1998-11-19,485,79,0.3977272727272727,11-19,11,1998,19,8,1,1 1d520b365b9de187aaa1552657d2f5718623af0ac80ef0a4b14e67894294f423,steve,green ball might appropri song titl 1998 leonid meteor shower mani observers like astrophotograph steve dunn watch cape canaveral florida usa report lot characterist bright leonid meteor greenish tint around 600 est novemb 17 photograph dazzl leonid firebal leav strike trail background star constel coma berenices dunn comment consid green observer anticip next november appear leonid shower,green firebal,1998-11-20,392,57,0.04,11-20,11,1998,20,6,0,1 f8e7135ef5776790bdb61a4a1bfd0fd0c537819debcd499eda3a36f5b43ad010,none,carrot shape track actual littl 5 hundredth inch long trail meteroid hightech substanc aerogel expos space shuttl launch eureca european recover carrier spacecraft meteoroid itself thousandth inch diameter visibl came rest beyond tip carrot far right chemic analys interplanetari dust particl similar one suggest may bit comet repres sampl materi earli stage format solar system,catch fall stardust,1998-11-21,378,55,0.0559523809523809,11-21,11,1998,21,8,0,2 bec938f74e2171782bd1b0e02cd5dd4a0c6b7de3e7740f5526bbf50aff5092b8,none,mess left star explodes crab nebula energet glow everi kind light known shown imag crab nebula visibl light xray band stand near ultraviolet light mean ultraviolet light mean visibl light center crab nebula lie power crab pulsar spin neutron star mass compar sun diamet small town pulsar expel particl radiat beam sweep past earth 30 time second supernova creat crab nebula seen ancient chines astronom possibl even anasazi 1054 ad perhap glow week bright full moon crab still present mysteri today total mass nebula pulsar appear much less mass origin presupernova star,high energi crab nebula,1998-11-22,572,92,0.1091666666666666,11-22,11,1998,22,4,2,5 2b89e40704457e370c40af752296df11e59bbe410f66706459c3efdb0f2418e4,none,click imag watch leonid meteor explode tremend heat gener collis small move 70 kilometerssecond earth upper atmospher caus heat up glow brightly disintegrate cases meteor liter explod leav visibl cloud dissip slowly imag show explos bright meteor recent leonid meteor shower click imag start movi thirti 1minut exposur show explos cloud dissipate movi frame taken telescop earli 17 november 8 degre across 16 time diamet full moon near middl sequence less bright meteor move field,leonid meteor explod,1998-11-23,481,75,0.1833333333333333,11-23,11,1998,23,8,1,4 00e586fc6be36802363aaa863ec78ff080c30f428362a00eb3bc1acf772be93c,none,leonid visibl place others earli morn 17 november rain meteor though clear sky observ report peak rate 1998 leonid meteor shower 600 meteor per hour visibl pictur fewer seven leonid meteor occur minutes can find all dome wise observatori visibl right earth rotat caus star appear arcs 1998 leonid might rememb numbers however unusu high fraction bright fireballs anoth event leonid meteor shower forecast time next year,seven leonid wise observatori,1998-11-24,419,67,0.3242857142857143,11-24,11,1998,24,8,1,1 8c916ed770ce8369ed044a896c0e3b4ee38884ec201a0a3794c6bb96f466ba5b,v winter j astronomi,tomorrow picture meteor sky archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,leonid bolid kansa,1998-11-25,227,35,0.2857142857142857,11-25,11,1998,25,8,1,0 01849168d4f97dad3bbd9379b6edd3e16abc15f837b127dec4b6e75bcc28a27d,jeff,bright star pattern orion right familiar sight even casual skygazers gorgeou color photo also featur subtler spectacl faint star milki way broad region milki way run vertic pictur strike red rosett nebula bloom left center cut across dim diffus band star lie along plane galaxi meteor streak seem pass giant star betelgeus orion astrophotograph jeff record beauti time exposur dark sky countrysid southeast sierra vista arizona usa november leonid meteor shower,meteor milki way,1998-11-26,462,71,0.0227678571428571,11-26,11,1998,26,6,0,1 4fdae369085be8176dc28c431ae6314d3941f7a59d51711305f699856292856d,tom astronom,blaze sky 70 kilomet per second 100 kilomet planet earth mani bright leonid meteor left behind smokelik trail glowing hot ioniz gas twist high altitud winds trail train typic visibl mani minutes iowa astrophotograph tom captur eerie wispi remain persist train firebal arc overhead yet anoth fainter leonid meteor flash across sky,twist meteor train,1998-11-27,329,52,0.03,11-27,11,1998,27,8,0,1 b6db53ba1c46c6151dd616f39b4d3b083ba9e2dc55516a59f86d617e29f5ee9f,none,massiv star get without implod black hole limit test discoveri lone neutron star space observ hubbl space telescop combin previou observ xray rosat observatori ultraviolet euv observatori isol star locat arrow astronom abl directli infer star size measur brightness temperature upper limit distance assum object neutron star typic mass previou theori neutron star structur would predict would creat black hole neutron star even exist therefor allow window extrem condit exist interior neutron stars,lone neutron star,1998-11-28,498,73,-0.1111111111111111,11-28,11,1998,28,6,0,4 d5fd2e2d07b44a42b9c9ed0f2791fd54129bcfb996761b7035207073e76cb47b,none,arecibo radio telescop current largest singledish telescop world first open 1963 meter foot radio telescop resid natur valley puerto arecibo telescop use mani astronom research includ search studi pulsars map atom molecular ga galaxi universe arecibo dish also use send radio waves bounc record radiat planet solar system even broadcast messag area galaxi might contain intellig extraterrestri life person world may use telescope provid propos select review,largest telescop,1998-11-29,457,67,0.0833333333333333,11-29,11,1998,29,8,0,2 01589aa1c7d17594fee38356bf8cecd5cea8c45530855fdd1f46e3e9416190f5,b yen comettrack,1998 leonid meteor shower perhap photograph meteor event history patient observ saw bright meteor streak across dark sky everi minutes frequent leav fade trail stretch across sky high anzaborrego desert meteor photograph streak radiant constel leonids leo meteor train cover 40 degrees chang color green red,annot leonid,1998-11-30,307,46,0.1016666666666666,11-30,11,1998,30,8,1,1 00b4ac5cb6f5a480a6ca03cecfd62077bfbb3c965b4eb32e43b872a603b4d349,none,galaxi hard find besid hidden behind dust bright foreground star milki way galaxy recent discov cepheu 1 miss previous uniformli dim fact first indic galaxi came radio band dwingeloo radio telescop netherlands close optic photograph like one reveal cepheu 1 lowsurfac bright galaxi center cepheu 1 turn 20 million light year distant one spiral galaxi live close by lowsurfac bright galaxi like cepheu 1 still studied known rel larg separ bright stars commonli found away galaxies,cepheu 1 nearbi galaxi,1998-12-01,479,76,0.1640909090909091,12-01,12,1998,1,7,1,3 97fee3a9c992d654b1bfee6c48785fc6b053b862d6a32cf587d4bd0c43f6b4d8,none,new deep view cosmo sequel 1995 hit hubbl space telescop deep field hubbl deep field south produc point space telescop toward patch sky southern constel tucana period 10 days mani separ exposur accumul combin reveal progress fainter galaxies origin deep field construct observ piec sky northern constel ursa major stare 12 billion lightyear long tunnel faroff still mysteri time young galaxi inhabit infant universe hubbl deep field south observ releas enthusiast audienc novemb 23 1998,deep field southern sky,1998-12-02,486,75,0.0248863636363636,12-02,12,1998,2,8,0,4 209dff9be4a281436df80c3996bc64ffb8180ebe6225ed8f3bca2b33c5db50b8,none,go gentli night deep space 1 ion drive run smoothli sinc restart novemb 24 power hightech spacecraft ion propuls system full throttl engin 2100 electr power gener solar panel produc 150th pound thrust roughli equival forc hold singl sheet clearli suitabl vehicl need rapid ion propuls use mission involv asteroid comet rendezvous long space voyag ultim requir lot energy continuous gentl nudg ion engin easili brief powerful less effici blast chemic rockets pictur ground deep space 1 craft three million mile planet earth,deep space 1,1998-12-03,522,83,0.0619047619047619,12-03,12,1998,3,8,0,4 2dedeab2b94c860505321a280e0beac8cdeaf40f6ecc04cd350fd1dce8b9990b,none,deep insid centauru a closest activ galaxi earth lie anoth galaxy cen giant ellipt galaxi mere 10 million lightyear distant central jumbl stars dust ga probabl hide massiv black hole composit combin optic pictur cen dark line trace lobe radio emiss infrar imag iso satellit in red iso data map dust appear bar spiral galaxi size promin nearbi spiral m33 discover believ giant elliptical graviti help bar spiral galaxi maintain shape turn materi funnel along spiral bar fuel central black hole power elliptical radio lobes appar intim associ two distinct dissimilar galaxi suggest truli cosmic symbiot relationship,centauru a galaxi deep insid,1998-12-04,614,97,-0.0652777777777777,12-04,12,1998,4,7,2,3 f888cdd49a338844b772ed7633a9a9869ec400bbb553ac14804ddbce1dcf613f,none,panorama crater lunar surfac construct imag return us surveyor 6 lander surveyor 6 first spacecraft accomplish soft land moon first land lift again touch near center moon nearsid novemb 1967 nasa control command spacecraft hop briefli fire rocket engin lift 4 meter surface surveyor move 25 meter one side set again hop success surveyor 6 essenti mark complet surveyor seri main mission determin lunar terrain safe plan apollo landings,surveyor hop,1998-12-05,437,69,0.1958333333333333,12-05,12,1998,5,2,1,2 234d0fbb1f0cd782f55656f9fc717a69a1b2b9db6f1e39abd7a6329da3b7e8d9,david malinaaoaatb,odd look creature right center photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different cometari globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi left center far distanc place near cg4 chanc superposition,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,1998-12-06,395,58,0.0265873015873015,12-06,12,1998,6,6,0,3 701753a7d4956b1a4fdf34a25b6323be2f8fcc020048dd5af162c9c6db7589fc,none,star cluster rcw38 hiding open cluster star locat 5000 light year away toward constel vela look normal reveal star cluster though reason open cluster young still shroud thick dust absorb visibl light dust typic accompani ga condens form young stars view infrar light however star cluster rcw38 revealed dust less effect absorb infrar light photograph one first ever taken new infrar spectromet array camera affix 82meter larg telescope,starform region rcw38,1998-12-07,435,68,0.1438228438228438,12-07,12,1998,7,6,1,3 754ca77e1134c3c495896b5e834d52435220fd545cec4095a0dd9ea3658641d0,none,leo leaking leo famou sky constel visibl left allski photograph appear sourc meteor seen year leonid meteor shower leonid point back leo surpris reason novemb meteor shower call leonids sandsiz debri expel comet tempeltuttl follow welldefin orbit sun part orbit approach earth superpos front constel leo therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear leo 150 meteor seen fourhour exposure geminid meteor shower appear constel gemini peak come weekend,leonid leo,1998-12-08,464,70,0.0,12-08,12,1998,8,8,0,2 35b04c7c86f8b78b4a7ccafecf528293d2b1c4ea2f94662298531fb21fb42f9e,none,ngc 253 one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest discov 1783 carolin herschel constel sculptor ngc 253 lie ten million lightyear distant ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest group local group galaxies dens dark dust accompani high star format rate give ngc 253 design starburst galaxy visibl photograph hubbl space telescop activ central nucleus also known bright sourc xray gamma rays,ngc 253 sculptor galaxi,1998-12-09,416,64,0.0871428571428571,12-09,12,1998,9,7,0,3 b949399e59adc516237cb7c3060e195ade95a793922c41f473f2f0e7f98c43f9,none,batteri solar panel includ version intern space station iss assembl still saturday decemb 5th crew space shuttl endeavor achiev orbit dock zarya uniti iss modules monday astronaut jame newman left jerri ross continu assembl procedur connect power data cabl first three plan ground control abl success activ iss orbit planet earth altitud 248 miles endeavour iss report excel shape crew member plan enter new space station today five americans one russian uniti modul lift orbit shuttl friday decemb 4 zarya modul launch proton rocket baikonur cosmodrom kazakstan novemb 20,intern space station,1998-12-10,572,89,0.1372727272727272,12-10,12,1998,10,8,2,2 5ce4102934c476da64a94fb3b00e304bef2511c3c262949cc17cf3e6ccfd8246,none,ch red speck indic power quasar estim 100 time brighter galaxy yet sloan digit sky survey discoveri imag quasar appear faint extrem distant distanc indirectli gaug note much light emit stretch longer wavelength expans universe red light longest wavelength visibl spectrum stretch come call greater distance greater redshift astronom use number known z cosmolog redshift quasar left z 5 new quasar redshift champion from left right measur zs what actual distanc quasar zs 5 15 billion lightyears give take billion lightyear depend favorit,high redshift,1998-12-11,539,83,0.1247752247752247,12-11,12,1998,11,6,1,3 47edddaad3fc0f68a6b78058778e9a12eb840cae32a32c9dc8762f8c81ba5333,none,astronaut get back moon lunar modul land two astronaut moon actual came apart top part contain astronaut carri addit rocket fuel allow blast away leav bottom part moon forever top part would later meet command modul astronaut continu orbit moon would return earth together pictur taken robot tv camera left moon crew apollo 16 frame captur top part lunar modul blast off,moon,1998-12-13,370,62,0.2142857142857142,12-13,12,1998,13,2,1,2 66af44ed5e4181cfc8a1e940f8d0314ab20c7dc9be719479441d5c1a2510351a,none,among faintest object unusu objects hubbl deep field south releas much anticip earlier month deliv uniqu view distant part universe part field shown above numer astronom current pore field tri find clue young galaxies cosmolog dark matter clearly visibl among galaxi dim magnitud 30 longdur exposur and origin hubbl deep field north mani peculiar look galaxies one interest artifact blue arc upper right larg galaxi near imag center arc may light distant galaxi focus gravit len effect nearer galaxy,hubbl deep field south,1998-12-14,499,79,0.0464285714285714,12-14,12,1998,14,7,0,3 e2aee63d54a18698f747477b336cc0b3179a1f09dd1adc18fcf5eb7c83518fca,none,ridg europa may caus cold water volcanoes europa one largest moon jupiter sourc intens scrutini sinc specul increas ocean beneath ici surface current galileo spacecraft orbit jupit extend mission designed part studi europa surfac greater detail imag highlight featur common europa surface pure blue water ice beneath lighter ridg run mani kilometers ridg may result volcan crack ice emerg liquid water froze upon exposur cold deep space reason color ridg remain uncertain,plain ridg europa,1998-12-15,471,72,-0.0982142857142857,12-15,12,1998,15,8,0,2 94f244dce0fe58524691c758111e5e761fc66e7beb19a93463f93c6e579230f5,none,dramat premier threedimension visual mars north pole base elev measur made orbit laser spring summer 1998 mar orbit laser altimet mola flash laser puls toward martian surfac global surveyor spacecraft record time took detect reflection time data translat detail topograph map mars north polar terrain map indic ice cap 1200 kilomet across maximum 3 kilomet thick cut canyon trough 1 kilomet deep measur also indic cap compos primarili water ice total volum four percent planet earth antarct ice sheet repres tenth amount water scientist believ exist ancient mars water go,3d mars north pole,1998-12-16,571,90,-0.169047619047619,12-16,12,1998,16,5,0,2 eede0c33fbecc2118fa10f2a06c557f890ee5d9743259cf18937e00a787ec430,none,orbit intern space station iss sun set everi 90 minutes work night spacewalk astronaut reli artifici lighting here eeri glow illumin space shuttl endeavor astronaut jerri ross night second spacewalk continu orbit assembl iss endeavor land kennedi space center tuesday night bring end success iss assembl mission final shuttl mission 1998,night,1998-12-17,337,51,0.0499999999999999,12-17,12,1998,17,8,0,2 cfe612878394383554a1a2c4ccbc431b649b7364a787705b8f0ab82f091429f4,none,tt cygni cool red giant star wind falsecolor pictur tt cyg made use coordin array millimet wavelength radio telescop show radio emiss carbon monoxid co molecul surround gas central emiss materi blown red giant hundr year thin ring radiu 14 lightyear actual repres shell ga expand outward 6000 years carbon star like tt cyg name appar abund carbon contain molecules carbon like ash nuclear helium burn stellar interior carbon star loos signific fraction total mass form stellar wind ultim interstellar ga sourc materi futur gener stars tt cyg 1500 lightyear away constel cygnus,star,1998-12-18,577,93,0.0409090909090909,12-18,12,1998,18,4,2,5 87cc796643e5bd5b4fd7f97d35e8ada70467e7a748e314e7884d69656eafe65f,none,chance collis two galaxi creat surprisingli recogniz shape cosmic scale the cartwheel galaxy cartwheel part group galaxi 500 million light year away constel sculptor two smaller galaxi group visibl right rim immens ringlik structur 100000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxi collid pass other individu star rare come contact however galaxies gravit field serious distort collision fact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus small intrud galaxi pass larg one compress interstellar ga dust caus star format wave move impact point like rippl across surfac pond case larg galaxi may origin spiral unlik milki way transform wheel shape collision happen small intrud galaxy,cartwheel fortun,1998-12-19,708,107,0.1127380952380952,12-19,12,1998,19,7,2,3 bf80671afff45e5cb7cb9db3e50b4407a9e4733d12cbc6646675cc63a9a5cd63,j c et al,galaxi thin believ so milki way like ngc 891 pictur above width typic spiral galaxy spiral bright stars gas obscur dust thin disk disk thin spiral galaxi appear edgeon like compact disk seen sideways dark band across middl lane dust absorb light billion star orbit center ngc 891 however appear move fast travel circles caus peculiar motion one hypothesi ngc 891 larg bar across center bar would obviou see galaxi faceon instead edgeon fals color pictur construct 3 near infrar images,edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 891,1998-12-20,485,81,-0.0136363636363636,12-20,12,1998,20,7,0,3 59ef141516b8f06dd73a86ef12847b3364529b52e5ce14ec065753d8aec01b6b,none,solstic occur today pm eastern standard time solstic sun reach southerli posit sky winter begin northern hemispher summer start south equator falsecolor imag sun made 48 hour solstic light soft lower xray telescop board spacebas solar observatory normal bright visibl solar surfac photospher appear dark xray light activ region solar corona lie photospher particularli xray bright solar photospher temperatur 6000 degre c xray bright coron region temperatur million degrees sun corona hot,solstic sun soft xray,1998-12-21,488,72,0.325,12-21,12,1998,21,1,1,1 e1f117b7cf3d020e144e3650936e555d67dc7ba79e9c8f61aeecf4cca4993d45,none,mani 1998 leonid shower meteor bright could seen even sunrise photograph taken near dawn novemb 16 close hong kong china however meteor fainter associ particular meteor shower given night dark locat would unusu see 10 meteor per hour predict meteor shower might featur 100 meteor per hour true meteor storm occur time per century actual intens meteor storm notori hard predict may featur rate upward 10 meteor per second,dawn leonid,1998-12-22,420,69,0.1093749999999999,12-22,12,1998,22,8,1,1 f6ada7130a5974b61ad66971d67c325095da814c2cdd555c01c843027bcc4da4,none,difficult hide one galaxi far behind another closer galaxy graviti act like huge lens pull imag background galaxi around sides case observ recent releas imag red galaxi middl foreground lens imag background green galaxi surround contort arcs imag sinc distanc background imag increas mass lens len mass turn much greater sum star indic presenc dark matter distort galaxi said appear einstein ring name albert einstein accur predict mani attribut gravit len effect although also guess effect unlik seen,ring around galaxi,1998-12-23,503,78,-0.0277777777777777,12-23,12,1998,23,7,0,3 17fca9577a14b85b8d621859d3df87176d2339d120d166be462ba3562c2fc9f4,none,look atop delta ii rocket blast skyward solid fuel booster fall away left earth limb slide view pictur launch mar climat orbit taken climb away cape canaver air station space launch complex 17 decemb 11 spacecraft arriv mar time christma though cruis red planet requir 9 12 earth month complete get use aerobrak help establish polar scienc map orbit studi martian atmosphere orbit also schedul act commun relay soon launch mar polar lander,mar orbit launch,1998-12-24,439,73,-0.0523809523809523,12-24,12,1998,24,5,0,2 e1512ac0b8df1524b9bee6548a01422e55ded84ec85ed08aa15a511fcc3b7ab0,none,galaxi christma tree planetari nebula would adorn like color light twinkl cosmic scale glow shroud ga eject red giant stars planetari nebula like ngc left ic last mere 10000 year swollen stellar giant transform fading cool white dwarf stars meanwhil happi holiday season best wish apod,nebula christma,1998-12-25,286,46,0.1363636363636363,12-25,12,1998,25,4,1,3 30367b536e440dd8173ec46ef6d9b7ec88973ed84d3179a06560f18c5745d92e,none,bright object center fals color imag quasar 3c279 view gammarays photon 40 million time energi visibl light like quasars 3c279 faint starlik object visibl sky yet june 1991 gammaray telescop onboard nasa orbit compton gamma ray observatori unexpectedli discov one brightest object gammaray sky shortli imag record quasar fade view gammaray energies astronom still tri understand caus enigmat object flare anoth quasar faintli visibl right center,gammaray quasar,1998-12-26,445,66,0.1142857142857142,12-26,12,1998,26,8,1,3 cb20fc8a0937133beebab096909b6181c5891b353858c57a2403793ffd549678,none,decemb 23 near spacecraft flew asteroid 433 eros near origin schedul brake orbit eros unexpect main engin caus plan near reset attempt return orbit ero earli 2000 imag sequenc taken near approach eros rotat asteroid visibl success frames near fulli operational like world largest telescop point toward asteroid ero posit indic anoth near instruments gammaray burst grb detector near distant grb detector happen uniqu posit contribut inform crucial rapid acquisit accur grb positions,near asteroid ero,1998-12-28,482,73,0.0969696969696969,12-28,12,1998,28,8,0,2 a6f0b62a4ac7d8076330ea79a35f6728a1af4dc4b8242b3d7d36030deb3625cd,b yen comettrack,leonid meteor shower good meteor shower season earlier month annual geminid meteor shower peaked featur mani 140 meteor per hour locations geminid meteor seen streak away constel gemini depict allski photograph origin geminid meteor somewhat uncertain thought small bit broken unusu asteroid 3200 mani observ report 1998 geminid typic less bright 1998 leonids appear group two three meteor sometim appear simultaneously next geminid might better yet,geminid gemini,1998-12-29,449,66,0.1354166666666666,12-29,12,1998,29,8,1,1 90075f07eb7e334807d17f098c542eeaac377b9d6954eceec10c6f690aaee603,none,far away long ago star exploded supernova 1994d visibl bright spot lower left occur outskirt disk galaxi ngc 4526 supernova 1994d interest differ was rather similar supernovae fact light emit week explos caus given familiar design type ia supernova type 1a supernova intrins brightness dimmer supernova appears farther away must be calibr precis brightnessdist relation astronom abl estim expans rate univers parameter hubbl constant also geometri univers live parameter omega lambda larg number great distanc supernova measur 1998 interpret indic live previous unexpect universe,supernova 1994d unexpect univers,1998-12-30,579,84,0.2025883838383838,12-30,12,1998,30,6,1,3 9f2b99b999380c0c1685f51fe2c6d9d0883e509ecb8af8b628c6bfc12b71ee99,none,distant supernova among topic forefront astronomi 1998 two independ group race deploy larg telescop scan sky discov analyz faroff supernova promis calibr geometri universe result surpris impli unexpect univers rich dark matter matter also dark energi skeptic remain cautious however wait redshift supernova light way other wait method vulner type systemat errors pictur sever distant supernova modern cosmology,year distant supernova,1998-12-31,413,58,0.04375,12-31,12,1998,31,6,0,3 3fcd99a4b744dbada104b8a7d0eff1921c13ea3ea961cec40f62c449f6e64041,none,color mess collis two galaxi take place hundr million years repres color give astronom idea go on visibl jumbl activ nucleu spew ultraviolet radiat light surround ga blue galact arm contort graviti collis star form complex left center blue dust red billion year mess might settl rel normal look galaxy,merg galaxi,1999-01-01,301,50,-0.0199999999999999,01-01,1,1999,1,6,0,3 4bd403648e9dc4081eaec26553b089b441e72d3d318c938fbb0635f18be1b926,none,difficult hide galaxi behind cluster galaxies closer cluster graviti act like huge lens pull imag distant galaxi around side greatli distort them case observ recent releas imag cluster compos mani yellow galaxi lens imag bluewhit background galaxi huge arc care inspect imag reveal least one lens background galaxi appear red foreground cluster creat smooth arc mass smoothli distribut dark matter therefor concentr yellow galaxi visible analyz gravit arc give astronom method estim dark matter distribut cluster galaxies,ring around cluster,1999-01-04,522,77,-0.0307692307692307,01-04,1,1999,4,7,0,3 f648b89772c2053114e9740a47585e31b1bb0da0a46643b5c9726fcf6b9811a4,none,ven jupit twist larg cloud system jupit rotate newli form oval pictur different new oval form earlier year collis two smaller occurr unlik two larg storm merg one huge hurricane even new swirl storm however small compar jupiter great red spot frame two pictur new oval taken roughli hour apart galileo spacecraft current orbit giant jovian planet captur pictures,new jupit oval rotat,1999-01-05,362,59,0.1132575757575757,01-05,1,1999,5,8,1,1 cdcc312a0d7139b2001b179167bf003767ffeeb795b765df5ed835e0bdcc1d6d,none,some outlin open cluster star m6 resembl butterfly m6 also known ngc 6405 span 20 lightyear lie 2000 light year distant m6 best seen dark sky binocular toward constel scorpius cove much sky full moon like open clusters m6 compos predominantli young blue stars although brightest star nearli orange m6 estim 100 million year old determin distanc cluster like m6 help astronom calibr distanc scale universe,m6 butterfli cluster,1999-01-06,404,66,0.1727272727272727,01-06,1,1999,6,6,1,3 179556eb3d210fdac15eebdbf3d7fd765c47ef8c8812979f0bd15d02af16be07,none,cept ring saturn ring nebula m57 probabl famou celesti band planetari nebula simple grace appear thought due perspect view planet earth look straight actual barrelshap cloud ga shrug die central star astronom hubbl heritag project produc strikingli sharp imag space telescop observ use natur appear color indic temperatur stellar ga shroud hot blue ga near energ central star give way progress cooler green yellow ga greater distanc coolest red ga along outer boundary dark elong structur also seen near nebula edge ring nebula one lightyear across 2000 lightyear away northern constel lyra,ring,1999-01-07,591,92,0.0470588235294117,01-07,1,1999,7,4,2,5 c961a877cc2ffe2aebab5e8c1232d9d47640b15c26ce67191e1741638d1e719a,none,technician work solarpanel mar polar lander yet anoth robot spacecraft schedul red planet mar polar lander part seri mission focus search evid past present life success launch atop delta ii rocket januari 3rd first make soft land near mars south pole arriv plan december springtim martian southern hemisphere ride along two separ microprob intend penetr 2 meter beneath soil attempt directli determin subsurfac water ice present mar polar lander also carri anoth first mar microphone,earth,1999-01-08,485,75,0.0357142857142857,01-08,1,1999,8,5,0,2 6aa8b07d4905a8357bcaa93a8e982a4ca3d16e0d50b21ed9328ec7872e52e805,none,novemb 17 1970 soviet luna 17 spacecraft land first rove remotecontrol robot moon known lunokhod 1 weigh 2000 pound design oper 90 day guid realtim five person team deep space center near moscow ussr planet earth futurist look eight wheeler rode top descent modul extend ramp side offer altern rout surfac case one side block boulders lunokhod 1 actual tour lunar mare imbrium sea rains 11 month one greatest success soviet lunar explor program lunokhod oper offici ceas octob 4 1971 14 year launch sputnik,lunokhod moon robot,1999-01-09,506,85,0.25625,01-09,1,1999,9,2,1,2 3f81b140743ef814e722c20bd8ac87ee9287b4b2f44ae0f690fc59d9a71ad6e8,none,could look venu radar eye might see comput reconstruct surfac venu creat data magellan spacecraft magellan orbit venu use radar map neighbor planet surfac 1990 1994 magellan found mani interest surfac features includ larg circular domes typic 25kilomet across depict above volcan thought creat domes although precis mechan remain unknown venus surfac hot hostil surfac probe last minutes,venus molten surfac,1999-01-10,388,58,0.0375,01-10,1,1999,10,8,0,2 eeb9003f9c6d88f24f779b103c80550c4b4c876ae1b76aae9d6e5102c37812a1,none,earth orbit perfect suncent circle aphelion distant point earth orbit sun 150 million kilomet away perihelion closest point earth approach sun within 147 million kilometers aphelion occur july perihelion planet earth come january fact inhabit northern hemisphere particularli weather winter storms may surpris learn earth reach closest point sun januari 3rd year falsecolor pictur record near perihelion earthorbit yohkoh solar observatory show increasingli activ sun light xrays neg color scheme used darker color repres intens xray light,perihelion sun,1999-01-11,539,77,0.3,01-11,1,1999,11,1,1,2 5961526f6c753c3b122925aedc90f4fa29637e6fa0ee067e17a6741e225b4ff5,none,wind eros discov mars pictur region surround north polar cap show sand dune cover frost places however frost erod uncov dark sand underneath sinc frost old martian winter long eros must taken place within past martian year established easi visual much appear region sculpt wind blown dust martian atmospher thin person stand mar would get blown martian winds,wind mar,1999-01-12,358,58,-0.0791666666666666,01-12,1,1999,12,5,0,1 d2b11d42d3636ba58ea4cc8bbb7d252dd0335516df19191604c6c4cdd19d4806,none,star come differ colors color star indic surfac temperature import properti use assign star spectral type star sagittariu star cloud orang red rel faint sun would appear blue greenish star hotter mani rel young massive bright red star cool red giants bloat star similar sun enter advanc stage evolution star sagittariu cloud lie toward center galaxi tantal cosmic jewel view rift dark pervasive interstellar dust famou stellar group hous oldest star known,sagittariu star cloud,1999-01-13,456,72,0.05,01-13,1,1999,13,6,0,5 c63dab1ad23a3c0e9a222b2cd9dfc284dc6454903659b3c0fe0b284453816072,none,firm alvan clark son becam famou make telescop optic near end last century near end century major astronom observatori still boast telescop lens mirror made includ lowel observatory 24 inch diamet refractor unit state naval observatory 26 inch refractor observatory 26 inch lick observatory 36 inch observatory 40 inch refractor largest refract telescop world small observatori claim link telescop histori mani offer gener public chanc gorgeous complet refurbish 8 inch refractor origin bought alvan clark son 1927 memori observatori dome atop maryland scienc center near inner harbor,memori observatori refractor,1999-01-14,585,87,0.046590909090909,01-14,1,1999,14,8,0,4 55789304dc12da3c2b30185e9b492877e9bd174595f5585bd345800cdbe2ced3,david malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,orion nebula surround present skygaz wondrou jumbl newborn stars gas dust emiss nebula glow energ cloud gas reflect nebula dust cloud shine reflect starlight abound photogen cosmic locat mere 1500 lightyear away telescop imag reveal intrigu nebulos seem consist dust cloud illumin starlight light orion nebula itself views bright group star near top appear northernmost star orion sword seen illumin nearbi dust clouds yet yellowish streamer dust across middl reflect light orion nebula lie bottom edg photo,reflect orion,1999-01-15,509,77,0.2285714285714286,01-15,1,1999,15,4,1,5 7f929b62b472e58a2f75985710eef097cf58cf7c2e79904e11ba2795d7d196b5,none,identifi wispi stellar nebula mani lightyear earth say resembl twist cloud ga dust star swirl form actual close spiral eddi form near north atlant gulf stream east coast u s ten mile across spiral eddi ocean current phenomenon discov observ man spacecraft imag challeng space shuttl crew st 41g mission eddi dramat visibl due low sun angl strong reflect sunlight reflect caus thin produc film surfac swirl water prior st 41g eddi thought rare understood signific dynam featur ocean however good explan origin persist exists,spiral planet earth,1999-01-16,524,85,0.104861111111111,01-16,1,1999,16,8,0,1 93f4433db37bbb95083de7b2c5f0f27ee55cefad922abf374bd1a880d243ac72,none,globular cluster rule milki way back old days back galaxi first formed perhap thousand globular cluster roam galaxy today perhap 200 left mani globular cluster destroy eon repeat fate encount galact center surviv relic older earth fossil older structur galaxy limit univers raw age few any young globular cluster milki way galaxi condit ripe form thing differ next door neighbor lmc galaxy pictur young globular cluster resid there ngc 1818 recent observ show form 40 million year ago yesterday compar 12 billion year age globular cluster milki way,ngc 1818 young globular cluster,1999-01-17,550,88,0.0101709401709401,01-17,1,1999,17,7,0,3 b1e29430c83b4919ce10da54cc055d8c302fc38c918bae902434cc39c310aa48,aura,top kitt peak mountain near tucson arizona lie one world great collect telescopes pictured dome far left lie 35meter wiyn telescope famou recent track distant supernovae next major dome right hous telescop use mostli imaging farther right besid thin tower 21meter telescop use current imag spectroscopy unusu triangular build hous mcmathpierc solar telescope front lie vacuum tower telescop back burrellschmidt telescop 09meter autom telescope far right lie one world largest telescopes 4meter mayal reflector kitt peak recent celebr 40th year help establish exist dark matter first gravit lens kitt peak nation observatori part unit states nation optic astronom observatori oper agreement nation scienc foundation,kitt peak nation observatori,1999-01-18,714,104,0.1055654761904761,01-18,1,1999,18,8,2,4 e650731b0aba104a88037b8915c64491f203e2dbdcf150133491aec3d515d6a4,aura,telescop use lightn storms nevertheless lightn illumin dark landscape picturesqu dome famou kitt peak 21meter telescop make dramat photograph pass car creat red yellow streak visibl foreground 21meter telescop mani import astronom discoveri includ discoveri lymanalpha forest first gravit lens first pulsat white dwarf,telescop lightn,1999-01-19,318,44,0.0583333333333333,01-19,1,1999,19,8,0,1 4227da434fb2c192ec086dd98e04ea6b32fb108076be24e74fe66b03ac9f7ea5,none,nearinfrar hubbl imag dust surround young star offer latest tantal evid planet beyond solar system left dark gap seen dust disk reminisc similar larg gap saturn ring believ sculpt orbit moons analogy gap dust disk hd may larger scale result unseen orbit planets right rel thin stellar dust ring suggest planetari ring held place orbit moons much larger scale ring around star hr 4796a could also indic presenc orbit planets bodi faint directli visible distanc comparison orbit neptun drawn lower right picture overwhelmingli bright starlight center block reveal dim dust features,possibl planet infrar dust,1999-01-20,579,91,0.0714285714285714,01-20,1,1999,20,0,2,5 a63997f6006912d7cf8ddd6ffa5c2268de6ba29fb944b39dc57865a37ad5cd6b,none,camera 67 million pixel pictur use record stun imag spiral galaxi ngc 253 known wide field imag camera latest instrument instal european southern observatory 22 meter telescop la silla chile construct exposur made wfi decemb 1998 pictur crop full field emphas galaxi contrast adjust follow graceful wind arm dramat dust lane photogen island universe rel bright foreground star produc sharp vertic streak seen higher resolut version imag show intriguing faint background galaxi like globular star cluster associ ngc 253 two faint satellit trail also visible ngc 253 sc type spiral 8 million lightyear away southern constel sculptor,spiral galaxi ngc 253,1999-01-21,630,97,0.0729166666666666,01-21,1,1999,21,7,2,3 822dd54002e6eb621488741ccf9e9d58496e46351c205547c50709ba74ec5ae6,none,pegasu dwarf spheroid galaxi small newli recogn member local group galaxies like satellit companion local group domin larg spiral andromeda m31 pegasu dwarf galaxi almost hidden glare rel bright foreground star milkyway still dramat keck telescop imag reveal peg dsph clump fainter bluer star 2000 lightyear across excit discoveri peg dsph nearbi dwarf galaxi reflect fact littl galaxi may loom larg process galaxi evolution thought build block larger galaxi constructed,pegasu littl galaxi local group,1999-01-22,470,70,0.0472222222222222,01-22,1,1999,22,7,0,3 49ba385f287640f7003361618c76b490c49d5b85db9abec4bb451094c442ec22,none,girdl second largest planet solar system saturn ring one spectacular sight earthbound telescopes imag orbit hubbl space telescope sti instrument offer strike view anoth kind ring around saturn pole encircl ring ultraviolet aurora tower 1000 mile cloud tops saturnian auror display analog earths energet charg particl solar wind funnel planet magnet field polar region interact atmospher gases follow ebb flow saturn aurora research remot explor planet atmospher magnet field fals color image dramat red aurora identifi emiss atom hydrogen concentr white area due hydrogen molecules 2004 nasa plan begin make closeup studi saturnian system cassini spacecraft,saturnian aurora,1999-01-23,658,96,0.1416666666666666,01-23,1,1999,23,0,2,2 645229562b437cb49680a6bedaf3edd50c5dadcf108ffd676a1756f25003a9eb,none,imag part first color panoram view venus transmit tv camera soviet venera 13 lander parachut march 1 1982 venus cloud compos sulfur acid droplet surfac temperatur 900 degre fahrenheit degre c atmospher pressur 92 time sealevel earth despit harsh conditions venera 13 lander surviv long enough send back seri imag perform analysi venusian soil part lander visibl lower right portion image earlier soviet venu 7 1970 first spacecraft return data surfac anoth planet,venu land,1999-01-24,463,73,0.0669642857142857,01-24,1,1999,24,8,0,2 08cdfe5891a31292c65972be80ee4eec661726721c74893092e5c9d58edb4d77,none,gammaray burst rule highenergi sky saturday anoth brief intens flash gammaray cosmo trigger spacebas detectors orbit compton observatory bats instrument quickli relay burst approxim locat groundbas camera search elus optic flash result coordin telephoto array record breakthrough detect 22 second burst trigger larger telescop captur burster optic counterpart right imag identifi candid 60 inch palomar reflector left prior sky survey imag region astonishingli show discern smudg near position like burster host galaxy galaxi bright burst suggest closest yet local gammaray still believ power explos universe sourc incred energi gammaray burst remain mystery update report redshift measur suggest burst instead distant one galaxi survey imag may gammaray burst host foreground galaxi chanc lie along line sight earth burster,galaxi gammaray burst,1999-01-25,825,117,0.1441558441558441,01-25,1,1999,25,7,2,4 f7e359a737710459ed131c8da6b98ba45fecd8806c1ff7fcfb2a3762ed44a706,aura,omega nebula contain glow gas dark dust unusu massiv stars also known m17 swan nebula omega nebula 5000 lightyear away 20 lightyear across visibl binocular constel sagittarius recent epoch star format creat massiv star yet time selfdestruct then star appear bright emit light energet break surround ga dust streak across bright star blemish caus digit camera,m17 omega nebula,1999-01-26,358,56,0.33,01-26,1,1999,26,4,1,5 cf6717b03f6d5a18c576904406fcfccbbd175d1a0924813ecc527c96c50184de,none,sixteen hundr year ago hypatia becam one world lead scholar mathemat astronomy hypatia legendari knowledge modesty public speak abil flourish era great librari alexandria hypatia credit contribut geometri astrometry thought instrument develop skymeasur astrolabe reserv right think even think wrongli better think all hypatia credit saying to teach superstit truth terribl thing,hypatia alexandria,1999-01-27,378,52,0.3964285714285714,01-27,1,1999,27,8,1,1 218ff52f2013b93da8b5b9c3cc37950abbd34f554f4c60ca8e9d4e433d5d5deb,none,center milki way galaxy radio astronom explor complex mysteri place premier high resolut view startlingli beauti pictur cover 4x4 degre region around galact center construct 1 meter wavelength radio data obtain telescop larg array near socorro new mexico usa galact center edg extrem bright object label sagittariu sgr a suspect harbor million solar mass black hole along galact plane run diagon imag tortur cloud ga energ hot star supernova remnant snrs hallmark violent energet cosmic environment perhap intrigu arcs filament abound scene uncertain origin challeng present theori dynam galact center,galact center radio mysteri,1999-01-28,602,90,-0.0246386946386946,01-28,1,1999,28,6,0,4 b24b8ad853698dbf62d433e91c9f585d467b56c1e050ddee3102b0f2f1acd975,none,tomorrow picture stereo saturday archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,moon,1999-01-29,232,35,0.2857142857142857,01-29,1,1999,29,8,1,0 08386340e5b1a638798238028c766fe17813eb159e9159958c50c443bfe9e431,none,get redblu glass launch stereo pictur saturn pictur actual compos two imag record week apart voyag 2 spacecraft visit saturnian system august 1981 travel 35000 mile per hour spacecraft chang viewpoint one imag next produc exagger pleas stereo effect saturn second largest planet solar system jupiter spectacular ring system wide would span space earth moon although look solid here saturn ring consist individu orbit bit ice rock rang size grain sand barnsiz boulders,stereo saturn,1999-01-30,467,73,0.0833333333333333,01-30,1,1999,30,0,0,2 1e2109296fbc7830b09e86898adea3b8e932a517d941c8e3899d24251ab0ef82,none,welcom planet earth third planet star name sun earth shape like sphere compos mostli rock 70 percent earth surfac water planet rel thin atmospher compos mostli nitrogen oxygen earth singl larg moon 14 diamet and planet surface seen almost exactli angular size sun abund liquid water earth support larg varieti life forms includ potenti intellig speci dolphin humans pleas enjoy stay planet earth,welcom planet earth,1999-01-31,395,63,0.0,01-31,1,1999,31,8,0,2 02ca7a39abf2a0ef7777d4824bc043a23eab32f3afb697a8d650564a975cee27,none,last week japan new subaru telescop made first observ sky gray build hous subaru visibl left white keck dome near photo center subaru latest class optic telescop use mirror diamet greater 8 meters 83meter primari largest optic telescop mirror yet made thin precis shape monitor adjusted subaru own oper japan locat top hawaii mauna kea dormant volcano famou hous sever world lead telescopes,subaru telescop,1999-02-01,390,63,0.1738636363636363,02-01,2,1999,1,8,1,2 63acb89d480993e0ae1843817294043d7dee46d9bddbf58da4dbf2f8deee79dd,none,orion nebula m42 show host treasur view infrar light star trapezium open cluster star center visibl infrar light orang featur center call nebula appear greatli affect newli form central star irc2 blue emiss repres color photograph caus hot ga ioniz trapezium stars one first photograph ever taken japan new subaru telescope,orion nebula subaru,1999-02-02,323,51,0.1236363636363636,02-02,2,1999,2,4,1,3 48ce6b1789e8290001534fb2ae5fe67aa085de83739b5ba526b682cca5222fba,jayann english,tomorrow picture spiral sunspot archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,galact cloud,1999-02-03,231,35,0.2857142857142857,02-03,2,1999,3,8,1,0 a3fdae51f3c72094426851642ea387b4fdbe4e6478ffb46852c19763299eb79e,aura,spiral galaxi abound universe spiral sunspot definit unusu twist distinct sunspot caught attent nation solar observatori astronom photograph februari 19 1982 vacuum solar telescop kitt peak sunspot appear dark rel cool 4000 degre compar 6000 degre celsiu surround solar surface associ surfac magnet fields number increas decreas regular pattern trace solar activ cycle maximum sunspot number occur everi 11 year next maximum expect around year 2001 sunspot actual 50000 mile across earth diamet 8000 miles held shape two days,spiral sunspot,1999-02-04,526,79,0.0702380952380952,02-04,2,1999,4,1,0,1 bfcdaba84be4cc2564628c8674ad4997e32e9e1d9807ebcd65fbee49272a7a9d,none,falsecolor latest observ saturn magnific rings instead panel show strikingli similar system much larger scale ring around young star hr locat 200 lightyear earth probabl compos dusti debri ground collid planetesimals ring confin zone less 17 au wide 1 au earthsun distance star radiu 70 au roughli twice orbit radiu neptune analog relationship saturn ring moons circumstellar ring could held place forc due planet shepherd planetari bodi gravit influenc larger planet orbit closer parent star event ring would surviv long without someth keep there astronom consid presenc strong evid unseen planetari bodi around hr top panel show falsecolor imag two infrar wavelength hubbl space telescope nicmo instrument bottom panel trace correspond imag contours center each overwhelm light hr 4796a mask reveal fainter circumstellar ring,hr 4796a saturn,1999-02-05,829,124,0.107051282051282,02-05,2,1999,5,0,2,4 b36bc6c2c1c9833e929708c9370bdf4c34beca29b4b5d25dd2dae5f4a369c585,none,first us spacecraft explor 1 cylindr 30 pound satellit launch above fourth stage jupiterc rocket a modifi us armi redston ballist achiev orbit januari 31 explor carri instrument measur intern extern temperatures micrometeorit impacts experi design jame a van allen measur densiti electron ion space measur made van allen experi led unexpect startl discoveri earthencircl belt high energi electron ion trap magnetospher known van allen belt explor ceas transmit februari 28 year remain orbit march 1970,first explor,1999-02-06,502,76,0.1025,02-06,2,1999,6,8,0,2 f6363fffcca6044a72d218fa25ee25936e75499dee1d1e6706d9f49652c9da32,none,largest moon saturn rare wonder titan one saturn moon atmosphere one two moon solar system distinct neptune triton other titan thick cloudi atmospher mostli nitrogen like earths contain much higher percentag smoglike chemic methan ethane smog may thick actual rain gasolinelike liquids organ natur chemic found titan atmospher caus specul titan may harbor life thick cloud cover however titan actual surfac properti remain mysterious voyag 1 flew 1980 take picture recent much learn observ hubbl space telescope cassini mission launch 1997 map titan surfac 2004 help solv mysteries,titan saturn smog moon,1999-02-07,581,88,0.0020833333333333,02-07,2,1999,7,0,0,2 28e2a51be733fe1e63f594ff613005cdd3b53f053c27782e24c1ebf716f03265,none,wind fast particl blow sun why astronom came step closer answer question recent make detail observ highspe wind sourc spaceborn solar heliospher observatori soho imag like shown isol region inflow gas shown red outflow gas shown blue particl electron proton flow speed near 3 million kilomet per hour wind typic enter one sun coron hole flow solar system analysi indic highspe wind escap edg larg convect cells drawn black soho recent run without use orient,solar wind emerg,1999-02-08,457,75,0.019047619047619,02-08,2,1999,8,1,0,4 f53afab70b594ab55a515a714ae59d29f981b9a7f09354033d92ca708d6ff1a4,none,bright star last forever bright star similar other field explod spectacular supernova wit earth 1987 result visibl even today unusu ring glow gas pictur composit recent imag taken sever years explos origin bright massiv star ran nuclear fuel sn1987a occur larg magellan cloud lmc satellit galaxi 150000 light year milki way galaxy ring sn1987a current excit light initi explosion astronom expect inner ring brighten next year expand supernova debri overtak it,supernova,1999-02-09,459,71,0.2596153846153846,02-09,2,1999,9,6,1,3 ca76884d9a5ed9ae5073b330d6ee324c3b7afbc7042a4b31302534e9c3955947,none,power explos known gammaray burst grbs origin galaxies subject took new light yesterday releas hubbl space telescop imag sky surround grb 990123 burst first detect two week ago catalog one power grb ever optic transient counterpart grb seen bright spot center bright briefli visibl binoculars ot sinc becom four million time dimmer continu fade now seen easili larg telescope diffus object particular interest appear host galaxi grb 990123 distant galaxi seem normal bright irregular shape discoveri increas evid occur galaxies host galaxi strange,grb host galaxi imag,1999-02-10,547,83,0.2321969696969697,02-10,2,1999,10,7,1,3 21d50a30011864600ebb8cb94fd823b4babf505e76bdea91168d1fa14192c760,none,planet condens disks sever new hubbl space telescop pictur star surround disk releas earlier week sinc glare central star usual make surround disk hard see prior observ radio infrar light use isol system disk edgeon block much central starlight one disk system haro shown fals color here central disk confin emit light hourglass shape complex dust cloud appear dark power protrud jet shown green bud planetari system measur 02 lightyear across quit possibly solar system look like 5 billion year ago,disk jet haro,1999-02-11,499,81,-0.0182359307359307,02-11,2,1999,11,6,0,5 cbaacdf0762ceba5b39e6939ddc94a47e086eb99a77b008147862ed44ac1f16f,none,late last month nasa lunar prospector spacecraft move closer look moon enter extend mission phase control reduc altitud polar lunar orbit 100 kilomet 30 kilomet miles map global properti record evid wateric lunar poles lower orbit allow prospector instrument gather valuabl confirm data higher resolutions new orbit without though maneuv requir everi 28 day maintain it maneuv fail spacecraft would impact surfac two day later lunar closeup record european southern observatory new wfi camera show dramat shadow contrast terrain near promin crater northern edg moon mare,lunar closeup,1999-02-12,570,86,-0.0217171717171717,02-12,2,1999,12,2,0,2 8bcac0843debaa8529d88c851f21e64bd19fd22af9e5269af709e1e7ab673c8f,none,portrait pluto companion charon taken hubbl space telescop 1994 pluto usual distant planet sun eccentr orbit pluto cross insid neptune orbit 1979 thursday februari 11th cross back out recov statu distant nine planets pluto still consid planet although littl known compar planets pluto smaller planet even smaller sever planet moons pluto probabl compos frozen rock ice much like neptune moon triton pluto yet visit spacecraft mission plan next decade,pluto frozen planet,1999-02-13,450,69,-0.0249999999999999,02-13,2,1999,13,8,0,2 21392ef8bf82129f90554553512982c83e5fb5ba7ce219b43d8d8f194a50644c,none,low earth orbit enough atmospher diffus scatter sunlight shadow black sky dark even sun shines harsh light produc dramat effect mission specialist gregori photograph colleagu joseph tanner second spacewalk servic hubbl space telescop februari 1997 aft section space shuttl discoveri visibl background sun hang delic crescent earth limb attach tanner left arm reflect visibl tanner visor,dark sky bright sun,1999-02-14,387,56,-0.0145833333333333,02-14,2,1999,14,8,0,2 5097c9da540a1b9bb20ab239b54f9f96edc8cd38ea671fb1c87c780625699ff4,none,la niña temporari climat chang caus unusu cold water central pacif ocean cold water top unusu low sea level shown purpl falsecolor pictur taken orbit topexposeidon satellit midjanuary cold water tend deflect wind around it chang cours weather system local natur weather pattern year la niña appear weaken past months indic slow return normal season weather full effect preced el niño present la niña still study,la earth,1999-02-15,411,66,-0.1125,02-15,2,1999,15,8,0,1 ac050656c51fe995825a4600ddfaeaafe3a1455ed31129f9959b87be463f537b,none,tomorrow picture galaxi group archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,larg small m87,1999-02-16,229,35,0.2857142857142857,02-16,2,1999,16,8,1,0 8ae0b1d0182f67da2d097c3a3e24a6505cf20f4bf5063cf4fdc15d653b6c2f87,none,galaxies like stars frequent form groups group galaxi system contain two galaxi less ten hundr typic found cluster galaxies notabl exampl local group galaxies hous 30 galaxi includ milki way andromeda magellan clouds pictur nearbi compact group hickson 40 group locat 300 million lightyear away toward constel hydra five promin galaxi hickson three spirals one ellipt one lenticular mani galaxi compact group either slowli merg gravit pull apart,hickson compact group,1999-02-17,445,68,-0.0166666666666666,02-17,2,1999,17,7,0,3 b96f3c964a4baf028443b5dfaf72d57ed96f6486039f8f046c8e512a6a572bb5,none,februari 7th honey aluminum cell fill aerogel launch stardust mission interplanetari space stardust goal captur dust comet tail return planet earth first sampl return mission comet structur repres 1000 squar centimet area collect dust trail within 150 kilomet nucleu comet pwild2 new inner solar system spent life orbit jupit uranus comet deflect 1974 close encount jupit orbit jupit earth dust pwild2 impact aerogel high speed come rest leav carrotshap track amazingli transparent densiti material return earth parachut 2006 cometari dust sampl analyz clue format primordi composit solar system,stardust,1999-02-18,596,88,0.0892727272727272,02-18,2,1999,18,3,2,4 a77dd7c03d7da0fd5c93f811952c5efea4ff8229d57ff94d971ae883263c6329,none,except bright firebal meteor trail photograph fishey camera czech republ station european firebal network januari 21 1999 star trail visibl exposure bright short arc upper left due polaris north star break seen near begin firebal trail produc shutter rotat 15 time second all three station record dazzl streak combin track inform reveal detail meteor brief atmospher flight previou interplanetari voyage example lumin trail measur begin altitud kilomet cover kilomet 67 seconds project prior orbit meteoroid correspond one typic apollo class asteroid cross earth orbit forti year oper european network record less 10 firebal bright one thought like small a hundr grams meteorit surviv fieri fall earth land near border,trail firebal,1999-02-19,718,109,0.1034313725490196,02-19,2,1999,19,8,2,4 b8a9c655f792be0d2b86b35a4e2ea73cd19c707f2a1faad1ea59e92cce4fb30c,none,center 30 doradu lie huge cluster largest hottest massiv star known center cluster known r136 upper right portion picture ga dust fill rest pictur predominantli ioniz hydrogen emiss nebula 30 doradus r136 compos thousand hot blue stars 50 time massiv sun 30 doradu r136 lie lmc satellit galaxi milki way galaxy although age star r136 caus best describ open cluster r136 densiti like make low mass globular cluster billion years,center 30 doradu,1999-02-21,428,70,0.1735714285714285,02-21,2,1999,21,6,1,3 166488aa8473aeb42772a58dcd89c659202b2131b51d69cd596e2750bfc13bd2,none,astronom turn detect tri figur caus unusu site like ngc 1316 preliminari inspect indic ngc 1316 enorm ellipt galaxi start devour smaller spiral galaxi neighbor 100 million year ago support evid includ dark dust lane uniqu indic spiral remain unexplain unusu small globular star clusters visibl faint dot photograph ellipt galaxi brighter globular cluster evid ngc 1316 yet observ globular old creat recent spiral collision one hypothesi therefor hold globular surviv even earlier galaxi subsum ngc 1316,ngc 1316 galaxi collid,1999-02-22,502,77,-0.1142857142857143,02-22,2,1999,22,7,0,3 0bd82d6c2852dcc3fc881a812f6be6093f69aea2263fd611dbcb67f61366a149,none,move mir come intern space station decemb 1998 crew space shuttl endeavour start construct join uniti zarya module close look photograph reveal two astronaut work earth termin night day visible intern space station low earth orbit caus experi one complet cycl 90 minutes,construct intern space station begin,1999-02-23,270,43,0.0,02-23,2,1999,23,8,0,2 661b8aed012348da2f66af093fa3e2c22a6e168d9985603c507bd141149a3f40,john p gleason celesti imag,bright star milki way galaxi resid disk sinc sun also resid disk star appear us diffus band circl sky panorama southern band milki way disk taken australia 40minut exposur used color digit enhanced visibl mani bright stars dark dust lanes red emiss nebulae blue reflect nebulae cluster stars addit matter see astronom suspect exist even dark matter cannot see,band,1999-02-24,359,59,0.1571428571428572,02-24,2,1999,24,6,1,3 63d19d03b8a5a6992f20a4c46bff810abf088b1cd76edf8565da8d8090fc2f46,none,follow orbit loop high galact plane globular star cluster probabl 12 14 billion year old truli ancient denizen milki way galaxy analyz new imag portion globular cluster ngc astronom report dens group 1 million star seem slowli dissolv steadili loos fainter lower mass star galaxy halo result offer strong evid gravit strip star cluster pass plane central region galaxy one 150 globular cluster known member milki way ngc 6712 thought cross crowd galact plane million year ago ngc 6712 23000 lightyear away southern constel scutum,ngc galact globular cluster,1999-02-25,531,85,0.1185281385281385,02-25,2,1999,25,6,1,3 2f3fdc9681c65bda93e1a17de7730d806c50252b28c9bab92072ebd30cdba734,none,omin foreshadow event come dark cloud obscur dust stand lumin star field milki way catalog object interstellar nebula rel close possibl 1000 lightyear distant near core dens enough block almost light numerous distant star visibl toward galact center region addit dust grains dark nebula abound plane galaxi like contain interstellar ga repres potenti raw materi futur star formation,dark cloud,1999-02-26,383,58,-0.033076923076923,02-26,2,1999,26,4,0,5 db77aef23d77d9ebc62d451f20cb2ea4a1e8963a4971b490eca319f07f007d73,none,what sinc 1919 intern astronom union charg task establish nomenclatur planets satellites surfac features remot uranian system moons namesak work thu oberon king night also uranus distant second largest moon tragic dark larg crater surfac right center imag repres known surfac featur oberon construct us geolog survey base data nasa robot explor voyag 2 1986 voyag 2 flew uranian system far spacecraft so,,1999-02-27,404,63,-0.1892857142857142,02-27,2,1999,27,8,0,2 d0110158794ccefc9e79d4230cbf76e9b71caca21448b98b7e1d349832756ad5,none,sometim unexpect come familiar shape picture seemingli familiar teardropshap object right center actual unusu situat disk ga dust fact teardrop size solar system race time condens form planets disk however unfortun enough lie trapezium also home sever immense bright stars bright star emit light power boil away ga dust planetform disks larg jupiterlik planet probabl never form hostil environment current unknown whether earthlik planet could form survive,trapezium sky,1999-02-28,456,67,0.2196428571428571,02-28,2,1999,28,6,1,1 8ef2d0fb6ec59d1b12976448c2e489c69842da183d7c8040b7ba12902727a89b,yuugi kitahara,reflect nebula reflect light nearbi star mani small carbon grain nebula reflect light blue color typic reflect nebula caus blue light effici scatter carbon dust red light bright nebula determin size densiti reflect grains color bright neighbor stars ngc 1435 pictur above surround merop 23 tau one brightest star pleiad m45 pleiad nebulos caus chanc encount open cluster star molecular cloud unusu area far left known merop nebula ic reflect visibl light unusu high efficiency,reflect nebula ngc,1999-03-01,476,75,0.213125,03-01,3,1999,1,4,1,5 6afbecc9232d7bd9e1f5f351a7eb8fe190edd5105f3dcc6ae731a3c2352200fc,none,activ part orion nebular cloud complex area known kleinmannlow nebula there cluster young form star embed molecular cloud fill dust visibl light dark dust block much orion light infrar light photograph area seem liter explode hot stellar wind flow massiv young star orion kl region permeat heat surround gas caus fingerlik near center orion kl irc2 particularli activ star estim 30 time mass sun radio telescop recent detect unusu emiss water molecul maser radiat kleinmannlow nebula,nebula,1999-03-02,484,76,0.1269230769230769,03-02,3,1999,2,4,1,5 6dab077d32802274442d36745d94f1f671cdd85f7df9b38d6b733fc598dd39f3,none,mar wetter earthlik distant falsecolor composit imag mar part mount evid liquid water play signific role martian surfac geology construct infrar imag data obtain hubbl space telescop juli 1997 north polar cap near top pictur larg reddish region indic potenti waterbear miner deposits mar pathfind land southern edg area known mare also find evid conglomer rocks larg scale surfac featur region appear sculpt massiv flood earli histori mars,infrar mar,1999-03-03,439,68,0.0833333333333333,03-03,3,1999,3,5,0,2 68460ac8ed4c72bc0878b950456f457bbc7396d41e503452fe20e83aaaa0d177,none,ganymede one four galilean moon jupiter largest moon solar system diamet 5260 kilomet even larger planet mercuri pluto three quarter size mars ganymed lock synchron rotat jupiter detail mosaic imag galileo spacecraft show trail hemispher planets moon speckl bright young craters ganymede surfac show mixtur old dark crater terrain lighter region lace groov ridges ganymede true color tend toward subtl mosaic color enhanc increas surfac contrasts violet shade extend top bottom like due frost particl ganymede polar regions,ganymed mosaic,1999-03-04,523,78,0.1546296296296296,03-04,3,1999,4,2,1,2 06e75f942d4e6d21bfa84a1e3587d495ff8d8122fd8d3823967de2addcec5485,wil milan,galact open star cluster rel young swarm bright star born near plane milki way number steadili dwindl cluster member strewn galaxi gravit interactions bright open cluster known m46 around 300 million year young still contain hundr stars locat 5000 lightyear away toward constel puppis m46 familiar object telescop stargaz also seem contain contradict youth status strike red patch glow ga center love photograph planetari nebula ngc 2438 brief final phase life solartyp star billion year old whose central reservoir hydrogen fuel exhausted fact ngc 2438 estim 3000 lightyear distant move differ speed m46 cluster members like repres foreground object chanc appear along line sight young m46,m46 ngc young old,1999-03-05,691,106,0.1208333333333333,03-05,3,1999,5,6,2,5 1209cad2c867dfe38962d792f3b7b0e42c29a4325cd42f0e7a5b879f553b53e5,none,miranda bizarr world sure past innermost larger uranian moons miranda almost 300 mile diamet discov 1948 american planetari astronom gerard examin close voyag 2 spacecraft 1986 dark distant world turn quit surprise miranda found display unique varieti terrain lead suggest fractur 5 time evolution along famou feature bright vshape area center composit highest resolut imag miranda show wild juxtaposit ridg valleys older crater younger smooth surfaces shadowi canyon perhap 12 mile deep larg crater below center 15 mile wide crater,,1999-03-06,532,80,0.0901041666666666,03-06,3,1999,6,5,0,2 f805d8b056c273a74f33798f564f545c15caa878a0ad113c5d1a624ed433d19c,none,often star explode look extern galaxies astronom guess events known supernovae occur everi 30 year typic spiral galaxi like milkyway however obscur ga dust disk galaxi probabl prevent us see mani galact supernova make observ event galaxi rel rare fact 1572 danish astronomer tycho brahe wit one last seen remnant explos still visibl today shockwav gener continu expand ga dust imag xray emit shockwav made telescop onboard rosat spacecraft nebula known tycho supernova remnant,tycho supernova remnant xray,1999-03-07,477,74,0.15,03-07,3,1999,7,7,1,3 bfa21b2268c644ba7686c6159d7cbf3f0d52c6be97fd05efb2ec86105ba568d7,t polaki,tomorrow picture vlt interferometr array archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,jupit venu conjunct,1999-03-08,240,36,0.2857142857142857,03-08,3,1999,8,8,1,0 c489b258948df4e192bd619cc5871ca11732d3b0bc91fab4b998a12744e58665,european southern observatori,larg telescop vlt interferometr array abl act individu telescop one huge telescope four plan vlt chile two reach completion first vlt oper visibl left photograph recent given name right kueyen achiev first observ last week vlt telescop one largest optic telescop world join new cadr larg telescop mirror greater diameter melip yepun complet next years four vlt abl combin light achiev sensit singl telescope resolut singl 200meter telescope next years vlt telescop explor univers unpreced detail search everyth ordinari planet orbit nearbi star extraordinari explos distant universe,vlt array,1999-03-09,582,87,0.1632367632367632,03-09,3,1999,9,8,1,4 f77b4afc6b8a2e69d8720f3e1b111cae368ee58232a7c5a0b06bb1c70a8e3df6,european southern observatori,add anoth 8meter telescop list modern optic telescop giants kueyen achiev photograph bright star march 1 ahead pictur spiral galaxi ngc 2997 taken antu first four plan larg built chile european southern observatory ngc 2997 thin spiral galaxi tilt 45 degre bright compact nucleu promin lane dark dust,ngc 2997 vlt,1999-03-10,300,48,0.1625,03-10,3,1999,10,7,1,3 82bf245719ca3ac4015100d4186570fad3be6f537bf479fbf07d9700c9343249,none,twenti year ago month nasa voyag 1 spacecraft flew past jupit moons sharp pictur moon io background ga giant jupiter diffus swirl cloud band record voyager camera distanc 5 million miles even earli imag show curiou round featur io surfac dark center bright rim 40 mile across known volcan origin featur thought like impact craters commonli seen rocki bodi throughout solar system voyag continu approach io closeup pictur reveal bizarr world devoid impact craters frequent resurfac volcan activity fact io volcan intens subsequ voyag imag produc astound discoveri first observ extraterrestri volcan eruptions,5 million mile io,1999-03-11,608,93,0.0125,03-11,3,1999,11,8,2,2 0f8b2a3c21f6c974b74ca3249f019d385e123e8b5bebd985b0ae63b6635647c1,till credner sven list observatori,star like sun use hydrogen fuel hydrogen helium core nuclear fusion happen hydrogen run out while hydrogen burn shell surround stellar core star expand becom red giant bright reddishorang star beauti composit pictur old globular star cluster m10 exampl phase stellar evolution yet bright blue star appar m10 evolv beyond simple hydrogen shell burn stage star becom giant core temperatur hot enough burn helium carbon image bare visible faint star like still burn hydrogen cores,hydrogen star,1999-03-12,477,75,0.1285714285714285,03-12,3,1999,12,6,1,5 0e6c57ac6a22c38389ccff5e0f060039b6a449e53263837c902685f6d8268468,j c casado,moon almost ruin photograph late march earli april 1997 comet halebopp pass nearli front andromeda galaxy great comet 1997 great galaxi andromeda photograph togeth 1997 march 24th problem bright moon moon full night bright long exposur meant captur tail halebopp disk m31 would captur instead moonlight reflect earth atmosphere time moon would set opportun would gone that pictur taken lunar eclipse,comet galaxi,1999-03-14,399,61,0.4285714285714286,03-14,3,1999,14,2,1,1 2ca2f4bd7c9fe37100b61e455926c45d72fa51639e2fbed9c694b88d1deadbda,none,ven mar put happi face martian crater gall intern mark reminisc smiley face symbol mark origin discov late 1970 pictur taken vike orbiter larg meteor impact martian surfac form crater convent wisdom hold mark insid crater place chanc natur processes mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft current orbit mar took picture mg recent start global survey phase mission,happi face crater mar,1999-03-15,359,57,-0.06,03-15,3,1999,15,5,0,2 52fbd2891aef4f09e2da3e3fd6a188761f103ecc9f449c0f8a93a37d443946bc,none,sun mark spot solar explos discov explod preferenti region mark surfac quiet sun maze hot ga flow magnet fields two region high magnet field strength approach other typic pass two region pass close enough right way however xray bright sshape region call sigmoid form quickli explod coron mass eject cme astronom conjectur center close somehow drive explosion pictur show sun xray light sigmoid shown left inset image arc shown right inset,solar,1999-03-16,438,71,0.1687662337662337,03-16,3,1999,16,1,1,4 c181de7c4ff9435b4808b1d170cea9e008db04250922f85d244ec4821a33022b,collabor,1996 scientist melt hole bottom world fact sever hole melt near south pole use astronom observatories astronom antarct muon neutrino detector array amanda lower vertic lake string knot basketballs light detectors water hole soon detector sensit blue light emit surround clear ice light expect ice collis highenergi neutrino emit object explos universe pictur taken 750 meter surfac look abyss instrument lower past 2000 meters data amanda alreadi collect analyzed,ice fish cosmic neutrino,1999-03-17,463,69,0.1642857142857142,03-17,3,1999,17,8,1,2 b7129bfbb5c6bdade03dcc1639a8e76e5d23e612d699fd4c7ae6e83faf2460dc,p,grip astronom spring fever week mani amateur stargaz embark messier marathon vernal equinox occur saturday march 20 mark first day spring northern hemisphere also mark favor celesti situat potenti view object 18th centuri french astronom charl messier catalog one gloriou dusk dawn observ run year interfer bright moonlight moon near dark new phase astronom paul creat master messier marathon grid 11 row 10 column messier catalog objects numer order grid begin m1 crab nebula upper left end m110 small ellipt galaxi andromeda lower right imag made digit camera diamet reflect telescope,messier marathon,1999-03-18,586,91,0.0747343565525383,03-18,3,1999,18,8,2,1 7c039124d4db821a175dad00c740fff2fc1fa124505ae8865f77c1266978e746,none,month mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft began primari mission red planet orbit everi two hour altitud 200 miles instrument onboard mg regularli explor martian surfac atmosphere mg polar map orbit set achiev favor imag spacecraft cross day side planet mars rotat allow complet coverag surfac roughli everi week map oper plan one martian year earth days two opposit hemispher view mar piec togeth mg wideangl camera scan made earli march blue red line mark scan wateric cloud seen hover surfac north polar cap visibl top image,mar,1999-03-19,525,86,0.0416666666666666,03-19,3,1999,19,5,0,2 772b0ae09ea2e4aa7456f975bd582706594ed633b53daa7c575977de323b03af,none,look toward south low earth orbit crew space shuttl endeavor made stun time exposur aurora australi southern light april 1994 aurora visibl high northern latitud well northern light known aurora caus high energi electron solar wind funnel atmospher near pole earth magnet field reddish color occur highest altitud about 200 miles air least dense lower altitud greater densiti green tend domin rang pinkish glow familiar constel orion hunter clearli visibl dark horizon background shuttle orbit motion bright star orion appear slightli,aurora orion,1999-03-20,534,81,0.165,03-20,3,1999,20,8,1,1 37608ed18f94e4ab12ba66b0987f063355be6820dd03b55ec0ddea99844c612b,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur above star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus planetari nebulae,m29 wing butterfli nebula,1999-03-21,553,86,0.05,03-21,3,1999,21,4,0,5 c126717f6c0160d78a8712a423b140f85c871462e4bc2fdc687f8c10f8bab28b,none,star form galaxies one way find look glow hydrogen materi common hot starform regions find larg area glow hydrogen hubbl space telescope nicmo instrument survey 100 nearbi spiral galaxies six galaxi shown above ngc ngc ngc 891 ngc 6946 ngc 4826 ngc galaxi mani million lightyear distant nicmo calibr isol specif type light emit hydrogen ga infrared emiss color red photograph rel free absorpt dark dust photograph show star form vigor part galaxi others,infrar galaxi galleri,1999-03-22,453,74,0.0625,03-22,3,1999,22,7,0,3 2bffc74f3f9fa198606769db4caab2a8c67c8c2a886ed5043f8974072768bbd4,none,photogen group nebula found chamaeleon constel visibl predominantli sky south earth equator toward chamaeleon dark molecular cloud bright planetari nebula ngc found visibl near center photograph reflect nebula surround young bright star lower right dark molecular cloud block light star behind it take light hundr year reach us objects,chamaeleon sky,1999-03-23,335,49,0.1714285714285714,03-23,3,1999,23,4,1,3 42426fed8bcb3919de043173f5907d58653bc13891b4ae8aabd8c4befa9d2a91,none,spot near bottom imag unusu type brown dwarf brown dwarf sometim call star enough mass shine nuclear fusion brown dwarf massiv planet though thought form nebular condensation brown dwarf planet like quit abundant usual difficult see glare brighter star orbit new techniques use coronagraph mask block light bright star allow detect faint stellar companions above much bright light central glies block digit subtracted leav clearest imag yet glies techniqu like increas abil detect still dimmer earthtyp planet orbit nearbi stars,brown dwarf glies,1999-03-24,528,80,0.1454545454545454,03-24,3,1999,24,6,1,3 24d9c24f4dd086712a203d732cbc82a14fa95e9cef69308b2a13c3b64d7db49f,rick scott,march stargaz treat eyecatch format bright planet western even skies march 3rd look toward beauti sunset beach hawaiian isl maui photograph rick scott record fleeting array mercury closest horizon immers fade sunlight easili visibl silhouet clouds left deepen blue jupit brilliant venu saturn shine darken sky near top image planet seen lie close eclipt appar path sun nearli perpendicular horizon hawaiian latitud time year,march planet,1999-03-25,426,64,0.275,03-25,3,1999,25,8,1,1 74bd774694401427dcda24973463eca6af052f489e343bf25f50762838c1b557,none,moon surfac cover craters scar frequent impact earli histori solar system now recent result lunar prospector spacecraft support idea moon form debri giant impact marssiz planetari bodi earth nearli 45 billion year ago impact theori lunar origin explain example moon rock return apollo mission isotop ratio earth rock moon seem defici heavi element like iron also explain critic find lunar prospector experi moon core proport small moon form simpli origin earth format primordi solar nebula similar iron content rel core size materi blast surfac earth impact bodi would lack iron heavi element settl earth core yet retain similar ratio chemic fraction debri cloud would remain earth orbit ultim form moon,impact moon,1999-03-26,704,110,-0.0249999999999999,03-26,3,1999,26,2,2,2 55e223124d364c71188408f2dc3727d537816fbd34a3d61fa37be67b499e993d,none,galaxi made stars star found within galaxies use hubbl space telescope research explor virgo cluster galaxi found 600 red giant star adrift intergalact space artist vision sky hypothet planet lone sun night sky world orbit intergalact star would stark contrast earth featur spectacl stars member milki way galaxy suggest illustration set swollen red sun would leav behind dark sky fleck faint fuzzy apparit virgo cluster galaxies possibl eject home galaxi galaxygalaxi collisions isol sun may well repres part large previous unseen stellar population fill space virgo cluster galaxies,star without galaxi,1999-03-27,585,88,-0.0952380952380952,03-27,3,1999,27,6,0,3 4973b96765bc215fd42baa7c713c574b7070d2bf517a15a6758f662afead8513,none,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur one densest cluster known contain thousand galaxies galaxi hous billion star milki way galaxi does although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other galaxi coma cluster ellipticals galaxi outsid cluster spirals natur coma xray emiss still investigated,coma cluster galaxi,1999-03-28,422,64,0.0194444444444444,03-28,3,1999,28,7,0,3 07d4a1ade67c3cdb68a9673d3c7510fc159068feae440d86f8d9521658061152,none,there noth like galaxy globular cluster young ngc 1850 exist here globular cluster 40 million year old still found neighbor lmc galaxy though perhap none unusu ngc 1850 close inspect photograph reveal two clusters right main group star known ngc 1850a smaller still younger group dub ngc 1850b cluster made star four million year old larg red cloud ga surround cluster may predominantli creat supernova explos star younger cluster red supernova remnant n57d visibl upper left,ngc 1850 ga cloud star cluster,1999-03-29,475,76,0.0626984126984127,03-29,3,1999,29,6,0,3 3eaf83479d61ecc3b1454e6661ccd78aad4bfb14bf3ec5f35171a07c65a39756,seti leagu,one know sure caus signal bright color blue background indic anomal signal receiv earth radio telescop involv search extraterrestri intellig seti search signal ongo sever group includ volunt member seti league time label vertic axi plot frequenc mark horizont axis although strong signal never posit identified astronom identifi mani attribut characterist manmad satellit low earth orbit mani unusu signal space remain unidentified signal yet strong enough run long enough unambigu identifi origin extraterrestri intelligence,anomal seti signal,1999-03-30,525,74,0.2240740740740741,03-30,3,1999,30,8,1,4 79d7025d1e23e35d4b2521b0832bb4b64c18e8827bce04a0d48c894bc15bcee4,none,four blue imag photograph object gravit len effect red foreground ellipt galaxi visibl near imag center creat cloverleaf imag singl distant quasar light quasar pull around massiv galaxi differ paths correspond differ images light take mani billion year reach us quasar sinc light take differ amount time travers path imag show quasar appear slightli differ time past creat time delay time scale days sinc time delay influenc expans rate universe analysi imag help reveal hubble constant calibr univers expansion recent pictur new subaru telescop perhap clearest imag yet famou optic mirage,pg gravit,1999-03-31,589,91,0.0821969696969697,03-31,3,1999,31,8,2,4 82401b9fe56b79d1dace2073634746a0422e67648576f04f3efc07a901eb577d,none,brightli reflect field snow frost slope crater rim northern hemispher mars 500 meter long last eight month red planet spring summer weather recent imag mar global surveyor spacecraft also seem rel uncrowd suggest april 1st lift mar extrem course vacat red planet could still offer advantag enthusiasts example mars low graviti 38th earth graviti would definit tend reduc happi april fool day apod,ski,1999-04-01,399,63,-0.0071428571428571,04-01,4,1999,1,5,0,2 3e9d92190c81c4d7c269d7ccfdcaad80e90a6d449c645c409a06350cdc561ba0,none,nestl within dusti arm larg spiral galaxi andromeda m31 star cluster ngc 206 one largest star form region known local group galaxies beauti bright blue star ngc 206 betray youth close systemat studi variabl star around ngc 206 also accur reveal distance astronom search variabl star ngc particularli pulsat star known cepheid eclips binari star systems distanc type star effect determin follow period chang bright 3 million lightyear away accur known distanc ngc 206 thu m31 critic larger understand galaxi formation galaxi evolution ultim distanc scale universe,star ngc 206,1999-04-02,563,87,0.28,04-02,4,1999,2,7,1,3 312076d97f776d550ec8031a9c4abb2c7b5a3ee4d3e8026be403ad600ba6b79e,none,tune radio telescop 408mhz 408 million cycl per second check radio sky find frequenc dial somewher us broadcast televis channel 13 14 1970 larg dish antenna three radio observatories jodrel bank mpifr park observatory use data combin map entir sky near frequency cosmic radio wave gener high energi electron spiral along magnet fields result fals color image galact plane run horizont center star visible instead mani bright sourc near plane distant pulsars star form regions supernova remnants grand loop structur piec bubbl blown local stellar activity extern galaxi like centauru a locat plane right center lmc below right also shine radio sky,radio sky tune 408mhz,1999-04-03,647,102,0.1601098901098901,04-03,4,1999,3,6,2,3 8dd53d32524ca59cf8f5699da7df9866065bbf5ee173d15adce3c83de492708c,none,graviti galaxi seen imag high enough contain glow hot gas superpos optic pictur group galaxi imag taken xray light picture taken rosat show confin hot ga highlight fals red color provid clear evid graviti exert group cluster galaxi exce individu compon galaxi combined extra graviti attribut dark matter natur abund one biggest mysteri astronomi today,hot ga dark matter,1999-04-04,351,55,0.1122222222222222,04-04,4,1999,4,7,1,4 3520f92e56094db7b59e693e4b303edec04c9488eb54655a2965dc855a8452fe,none,nasa launch power rockets one rocket delta ii recent loft stardust mission nearbi solar system stardust expect photograph comet wild 2004 zoom by return interstellar dust sampl earth 2006 currently much remain unknown size distribution primordi composition even shape dust grains above camera photograph separ solid rocket booster reced earth,launch stardust,1999-04-05,342,50,0.0333333333333333,04-05,4,1999,5,8,0,2 6df1212fdbc6c184718f2ed3bdd3d16cf8333c3bc4d0eae743299b1e59597fb2,none,ngc 6334 cloud ga dust appear form massiv stars 5500 lightyear away bear claw nebula also three time distant orion nebula still close enough detail study bear claw nebula found toward constel scorpius visibl light ioniz ga make ngc 6334 look quit red falsecolor photograph however taken infrar light there glow starlight absorb dust appar depict blue current research indic bright sourc young massiv stars star emit light energet intens fine grain dust immedi vicinity creat abund ioniz ga depict red,ngc 6334 nebula,1999-04-06,500,81,0.1930555555555555,04-06,4,1999,6,4,1,5 4808577d79954814615d077c7516b75dea9af485183c4393d127902ce663d198,none,star cluster lower right catalog hodg 301 denizen tarantula nebula evoc nebula southern sky sprawl cosmic tarantula energet star form region 168000 lightyear distant neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud star within hodg 301 form togeth ten million year ago massiv one quickli exhaust nuclear fuel explode fact red giant star hodg 301 rapidli approach violent final phase stellar evolut known supernova supernova blast send materi shock wave back nebular ga creat tarantula glow filament also visibl hubbl space telescop heritag image spectacular stellar death explos signal star birth well blast wave condens ga dust ultim form next gener star insid tarantula nebula,denizen tarantula nebula,1999-04-07,666,102,0.0373626373626373,04-07,4,1999,7,4,2,5 1156c28717a6498c0eedc287a9d837203b3c08e8856196c92150a7b94f9d9795,none,april 20 1967 nasa robot spacecraft surveyor 3 land moon touch insid slope small lunar crater ocean storms 2 12 year later novemb 19 1969 lunar modul pilot apollo 12 astronaut pete conrad alan bean flew overhead land nearbi second visit human lunar surface intrepid touch 600 feet away moon walk astronaut easili abl reach surveyor examin remot explor preced them intrepid seen background strike high resolut pictur surveyor 3 surveyor leftmost foot pad appear dug foreground foot pad made two distinct imprint powderi lunar soil clear indic surveyor slid bounc landing use bolt astronaut remov surveyor tv camera the cylind shape right tall solar panel sampl scoop on arm extend right return earth study,apollo 12 surveyor 3 intrepid,1999-04-08,705,115,0.0979365079365079,04-08,4,1999,8,2,2,2 39970fa8dd5e807e60186ed61a67ba1db0a6e27b4c8461d58dd4e5e70f89654a,none,like cosmic lawn dust stream rotat star system creat pinwheel pattern fals color infrar image astronom discov surpris star dust scenario use sophist interferomet 10 meter keck telescop observ bright wolfrayet star wr 104 wolfrayet star thought massiv object cataclysm supernova explos grown hot bright intens light begin drive materi away stellar wind problem is starlight would also intens dust destroyed possibl solut dusti companion star exist hidden bright central region gener wind interact shield rel narrow dust form region light wr 104 binari system rotates spray surviv dust particl appear spiral outward,wr 104 pinwheel star,1999-04-09,614,93,0.3033333333333333,04-09,4,1999,9,6,1,5 f8dc56face9e90c5a5c712189b1d965b9f5e6c5d273e850ee887762fe3785501,a li,gorgeou view stars nebulae milki way come dark night sky love island la palma archipelago pictur made group experienc astrophotograph travel take advantag ideal observ condit near la palma observatorio del roqu de lo skygaz easili pick sever favorit astronom object wide angl time exposur cover 40 degre winter sky faint star along plane galaxi compos delicate lumin band milki way stretch across imag bottom left familiar constel orion hunter also easi find glow nebula highlight hunter belt sword orion famou red giant star betelgeuse near pictur center yellowish cast rigel bright star orion lower right brilliant white sirius near bottom brightest star pictur and earth night sirius part constel cani major big dog across milki way left sirius slightli less brilliant procyon brightest star cani minor vshape group yellowish star upper right part tauru bull domin red giant aldebaran,sky,1999-04-10,887,140,0.1372236394557823,04-10,4,1999,10,6,2,4 1a0b161f5bcc9ae764492d465417dd277d3af664648f8f2a08adde2608a554ab,none,tomorrow picture shi galaxi archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,liftoff space shuttl columbia,1999-04-11,227,35,0.2857142857142857,04-11,4,1999,11,8,1,0 fb5ddab2fc57a72c5e075779c0658426d711f5b079058c789360a82f99820877,none,close galaxy ngc 4945 easi miss ngc 4945 spiral galaxi centauru group galaxies locat six time farther away promin andromeda galaxy thin disk galaxi orient nearli edgeon however shroud dark dust therefor search southern constel centauru need telescop see it pictur taken larg telescop test new wideangle highresolut ccd camera spot scatter frame foreground star galaxy spot globular cluster orbit distant galaxy ngc 4945 thought quit similar milki way galaxy xray observ reveal however ngc 4945 unusual energetic seyfert 2 nucleu might hous larg black hole,nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 4945,1999-04-12,555,86,0.0021885521885521,04-12,4,1999,12,7,0,3 724131872f08e27ea7da9be12d8ad20315e2c2f5bf6e6797fe26ec9728dff342,none,would notic second moon sky 700 year ago light tremend explos reach earth appear almost bright full moon bright spot last weeks yet notat occurr found histor records mysteri uncov neil studi sourc radioact element toward vela supernova remnant deduc explos much younger closer supernova caus vela must occurred even comput explos characterist amount radioact element present calcul grorx j0852 dazzl mediev perhap peopl busy surviv record explos somehow dim pictur grorx j0852 taken gammaray light compton gammaray observatori shown falsecolor astronom historian continu contempl clues,case miss supernova,1999-04-13,585,86,0.25,04-13,4,1999,13,8,1,4 05b816faffc7394d046e180c79ffd12fbb2b623f80101a7f25ff5c49c3f95b6b,paul,far see across solar system even across galaxy sight difficult recently however amateur paul boltwood gaze across universe record set imag shown fals color boltwood imag sourc faint magnitud 24 respons challeng made amateur astronom astronomi professor object dim tend galaxi billion light year away although profession recent recov object dim magnitud 30 imag rival even best profession effort decad ago sinc then charg coupl devic allow high effici frame ad together evidence boltwood use 16inch telescope coad exposur last two minutes,backyard univers,1999-04-14,537,82,0.0276923076923077,04-14,4,1999,14,8,0,1 54e0b8ed5b24adc361855d4479e0da528addb2e795eeac556e9e6527e90b2c72,none,awkward angular looking apollo 17 lunar modul challeng design flight vacuum space sharp pictur command modul america show challenger ascent stage lunar orbit small reaction control thruster side moonship bell ascent rocket engin underneath hatch allow access lunar surfac visibl front round radar antenna appear top spaceship perform gracefully land moon return apollo astronaut orbit command modul decemb 1972 challeng now descent stage remain apollo 17 land site tauruslittrow ascent stage crash nearbi jettison command modul prior astronauts return planet earth apollo 17 mission sixth last time astronaut land moon,apollo 17 moonship,1999-04-15,619,90,-0.0854166666666666,04-15,4,1999,15,2,0,2 e2dc3d45cbb4190a0af2c9f0586b1a6e92a966c7b3dd329bb4aba1540d54c426,lynett cook,yesterday astronom announc discoveri first system planet around normal star sun previously singl planet star system found subtl chang wobbl upsilon sunlik star constel andromeda allow astronom led r paul butler aao w marci make star system quit differ solar system however three detect planet mass near jupiter discoveri impli system quit common increas specul planet similar earth may one day found draw artist depict upsilon andromeda system innermost planet planet orbit unexpectedli close parent star,upsilon extrasolar system,1999-04-16,504,76,0.0055555555555555,04-16,4,1999,16,6,0,3 67045f7a2ba243669f25010d125f9e8cbe35c4d26424705e53f999b4616ef5c0,none,could see gamma ray 40 million time energi visibl could moon would appear brighter sun startl notion demonstr imag moon energet gamma ray experi telescop egret onboard nasa orbit compton gamma ray observatory sensit instrument kind even egret see quiet sun faint extrem gammaray energies moon bright gamma rays high energi charg particl known cosmic rays constantli bombard unprotect lunar surfac gener gamma rays egret gammaray vision sharp enough resolv lunar disk surfac featur sensit reveal bright gammaray moonglow background gamma ray milki way galaxy gammaray quasar still mysteri unidentifi sources imag gener eight exposur made wideangl picture cover roughli degre field view gammaray intens repres fals color,gamma ray moon,1999-04-17,718,108,0.191875,04-17,4,1999,17,2,2,4 8f484b41f2e956a2b1be157b79c584adad73bc27d59cf51c270062db11355bf6,joe orman,moon saturn venu shine citi light twinkl deepen twilight march 19 taken outsid california photo show citi light nearbi palm springs brilliant lunar crescent expos saturn 4 degre away upper right bright venu still farther right anoth 2 degre so sunday evening april 18 anoth dramat lunar spectacl easili visibl stargaz western midwestern us crescent moon pass front bright star aldebaran,moon california,1999-04-18,386,61,0.407936507936508,04-18,4,1999,18,2,1,1 dff129fe514b22d25d979758561681800acbd7a1a581971bfc618dafe2b20208,none,rth one moon symbol famou love movies folklore mani moon date back ancient history fact name monday origin moon glow light reflect sun frequent brightest object night sky moon orbit earth month moonth 1 light second away abovepictur full moon occur moon nearli opposit sun orbit moon diamet 14 earth earth surfac appear almost exactli angular size sun recent evid indic moon form coloss impact earth 45 billion year ago therefor similar composit earth human walk moon first time 1969,full moon,1999-04-19,483,80,0.1818181818181818,04-19,4,1999,19,2,1,1 3dab3caa7a4b931c9850eb79a631c783d4313178f11a59ec5d67b628d73f53a6,none,creat huge explos specul build recent outburst even power wellknown supernova might occur dub explos might result highmass star liber perhap ten time energi convent supernovae hypernova origin postul explain great amount energi seemingli liber gammaray burst search visibl remnant hypernova yield two candidates nearbi spiral galaxi m101 shown right two larg expand shell might origin remnant ngc upper left mf83 identifi unusu high amount xray radiat mf83 also one largest expand shell ever found research continu possibl natur visibl hypernova ga shell like leav behind,,1999-04-20,571,86,0.1384126984126984,04-20,4,1999,20,8,1,3 0cfcbd864d9e311baf47efdc3625cb616a6abf3f121bcd7a8ceaa1367aa7ebf0,none,star closest sun closest proxima centauri one three star orbit 4 lightyear away system alpha centauri easili visibl earth southern hemisphere next barnard star dim star visibl telescop constel ophiuchus sirius brightest star night sky part fifth closest star system light take 86 year reach us nearest 25 star system shown map 13 lightyears past probabl star dim proxim yet discovered research continu tri identifi estim 130 miss star system 32 lightyears,nearest star,1999-04-21,455,72,0.0583333333333333,04-21,4,1999,21,6,0,3 5f99ab94a34cc969f73e6d6f657334988a0cc29304c1c242d22aa369a395dca3,till credner sven kohl,astronom recent announc detect three larg planet orbit star upsilon andromeda first planetari system known orbit normal star sun planet directli photograph found doppler techniqu develop use larg telescop search nearbi star wobbl planetari signatures however upsilon visibl unaid eye shine earth sky northern constel andromeda 4th magnitude deep photograph imag show upsilon along fainter star sky object includ famou andromeda spiral galaxi m31 right triangulum galaxi m33 below star cluster ngc left 44 lightyear distant upsilon star littl massiv slightli hotter sun,upsilon,1999-04-22,569,83,0.0836734693877551,04-22,4,1999,22,6,0,3 e72720da093605e90fcce16e2e18d06b966d4e679bf3e4b57ab586c1404a4abc,none,orbit jupit everi 43 hours volcan moon io cruis 500000 kilomet swirling band cloudtops orbit earth everi 15 hours hubbl space telescop watch io accompani shadow cross face reign ga giant planet 1997 sharp falsecolor imag recent chosen celebr ninth anniversari hubble launch april 24 reflect patch sulfur dioxid visibl io surfac io round dark shadow seen pass brownish white region jupiter high altitud haze clouds octob novemb year galileo spacecraft current oper jovian system schedul make two dare close approach io possibl fli volcan plume,io shadow,1999-04-23,542,86,-0.0349999999999999,04-23,4,1999,23,8,0,4 9944384b138b4abfa63d6d62f01f4dbe09e81c84ca41babe626de5259b9f25aa,none,yes barsoom begin john carter edgar rice burroughs 1913 scienc fiction classic the god mars burroughs novel describ carter adventur mars barsoom local inhabitants name red planet long burroughs stori published mar continu inspir earthdwellers interest imagination soon invad spacecraft earth dramat pictur crescent mar taken nasa vike 2 spacecraft 1976,barsoom,1999-04-24,353,51,0.0291666666666666,04-24,4,1999,24,5,0,2 7d869c45b22317c4b27ca9d14406d3d4bc6acb7d4412fb45e8df74dd88cf4eca,none,mima one smaller moon saturn show one largest impact craters fact impact much greater would disrupt entir satellite larg crater name herschel 1789 discover mimas sir william herschel mimas low mass produc surfac graviti strong enough creat spheric bodi weak enough allow rel larg surfac features mima made mostli water ice smatter rock accur describ big dirti snowball voyag 1 flew 1980 took picture,mimas small moon big crater,1999-04-25,400,64,0.0697916666666666,04-25,4,1999,25,5,0,2 e8baea28c534b9fb123eb3815a954819d18f34afd58d0d250723caa0ee501fc3,none,lie 526230881 brightest star known us naval observatori deploy monster precis measur machin photograph plate cover whole sky creat map yellow correspond 150000 star per squar degree dark blue correspond 500 star per squar degree for comparison full moon take 14 squar strike featur whole sky project central disk milki way galaxy stretch across middle dark dust lane evid great number star two bright spot seen south milki way disk neighbor magellan cloud galaxies anyon order free copi data everyon fit data 526230881 star,digit sky,1999-04-26,523,84,0.2115384615384615,04-26,4,1999,26,6,1,3 def2c3fca3a38307d66904777f9ab5657951636d304170518de192e4e261fd28,gordon garradd,anoth larg snowbal fall toward sun comet lee discov two week ago steve lee aao australia expect brighten approach inner solar system comet lee expect becom nakedey object though recent project guess peak magnitud 7 july start may larg piec dirti ice offici known comet c1999 lee visibl northern observers comet lee fuzzi patch pictur taken april 16 loomberah australia,introduc comet,1999-04-27,368,60,0.0,04-27,4,1999,27,3,0,2 8fadb0e9d1d7c73991ccd97f65a997a0de06cde0a9c9a5eb0e6781986fe1cd5f,none,mar surveyor arriv mar 2002 carri sundial even though batteri solar array power mar surveyor lander sundial includ allow promin public display time sundial idea brainchild bill scienc notic post origin use camera calibr could millennia ago sundial stateoftheart human earth sinc sun cast similar shadow mar earth accur calibr shadow placement martian sundial tell curiou return imag time day season,sundial mar,1999-04-28,398,61,0.0,04-28,4,1999,28,5,0,2 496bc4724f72c10d748f2aca94fee8bfc27026c34f9d4e6e6b4674152f091dba,till credner sven observatori,new gener catalog star cluster nebula realli new fact publish attempt j l e work astronom john herschel along other use single complet catalog astronom discoveri measurements dreyer work success still import today famou catalog continu lend acronym bright clusters galaxies nebulae take exampl star cluster known ngc 2266 number ngc lie 10000 lightyear distant constel gemini repres open galact cluster age 1 billion years ngc 2266 old galact cluster evolv red giant star readili appar gorgeou threecolor image,ngc old cluster new catalog,1999-04-29,511,79,0.0978453364817001,04-29,4,1999,29,6,0,3 351348184d9df44016c5918c8df99be9467a2676986536e9a97a8493679fd3f4,none,septemb 24 1997 shock wave blast across surfac sun speed 250 600 kilomet per second planet earth observ barri photograph expand shock front left light emit hydrogen atom solar surface discoveri imag nice confirm spacebas extrem ultraviolet imag right shock sun upper atmospher record soho satellit observatory pictur bright solar flare seen near center circular arclik featur repres shock front shock front dark ground base photo bright ultraviolet image shock front believ tracer 3dimension disturb caus flare research uncertain exact physic mechan produc it along violent event call coron mass ejections solar flare known gener stream energet particl affect earth magnetospher earth orbit satellites,solar shock wave,1999-04-30,701,104,0.0846938775510204,04-30,4,1999,30,1,2,4 28ce89f2784a5cf796bafe5a720fbac6c3887c5ade05b30d63186262e8f82d12,none,moon dusty earth rock weather wind water creat soil sand moon long histori micrometeorit bombard blast away rocki surfac creat layer powderi lunar soil regolith lunar regolith could scientif industri apollo astronaut equipment pervasive fine gritti dust definit problem lunar surfac decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut harrison schmitt eugen cernan need repair one lunar rover fender effort keep dust away gear pictur reveal wheel fender dust cover rover along ingeni applic spare maps clamps grey strip duct tape,lunar dust duct tape,1999-05-01,509,78,-0.0208333333333333,05-01,5,1999,1,2,0,2 49942589b76c4ee1e8de0caffa7db57ab258ed3ca9cf7c992640bb17d26f10a2,none,newborn star form eagl nebula image taken hubbl space telescop 1995 show evapor gaseou globul eggs emerg pillar molecular hydrogen ga dust giant pillar light year length dens interior ga contract gravit form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti materi boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed eagl nebula associ open star cluster m16 lie 7000 light year away,star eagle egg,1999-05-02,395,65,0.23125,05-02,5,1999,2,4,1,5 64c1cce8dd8028d2485e51b75ffae437049018f4275fe73615e09f9319816b99,none,one largest coher structur sky known simpli loop best seen radio xray maps span 100 degrees part loop appear promin northern sky map known north polar loop i shown xray light thin bubbl ga 700 lightyear across center locat 400 lightyear away surprisingly caus immens structur still debated possibl relat expand ga millionyear old supernova loop ga impact nearbi aquila rift molecular cloud may creat rel dens fragment local interstellar medium sun pass one fragment next million years might affect earth climate,loop northern sky,1999-05-03,511,82,0.1796296296296296,05-03,5,1999,3,6,1,3 db2c0413050e5eac17e5ae53130fb5a93b1f91d44c58bb815dc36498bec76534,none,map mar orbit instrument mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft recent reveal band magnet field pattern startl unanticip suggest red planet earthlik distant past red blue region within mg orbit track across portion southern mar indic adjac area crust magnet field point opposit directions band seem run eastwest 100 mile wide 600 mile long pattern known produc earth plate tectonics crustal plate spread apart along midocean ridges carri band record earth chang magnet field similar pattern mar seen evid move crustal plate chang magnet field although process still activ larger planet earth thought long sinc die away high resolut measur martian magnet made possibl close aerobrak orbit mg spacecraft origin planned,magnet mar,1999-05-04,715,110,-0.0278571428571428,05-04,5,1999,4,5,2,2 af8e5b018c2c24d81524e3e37c2d7ac883474f20f610152ec51a4e050e341ac0,none,voyag 1 spacecraft head solar system look back took part famili portrait sun planets beyond pluto solar system look like bright star surround faint dots picture sun bright block contrast innermost dot visible label e v earth venus particularli hard discern ga giant jupit saturn much outermost planet visibl uranu neptun planet shown label digit enhanc inset image voyag 1 one four humanmad object leav solar system three voyag 2 pioneer 10 pioneer 11,solar system portrait,1999-05-05,451,74,0.1154761904761904,05-05,5,1999,5,1,1,2 0d95cc40312e0b32d25b95c2350292b41030caa4ecb53fd8c87d0cdc36ca4972,none,today space capsul liberti bell 7 rest 3 mile surfac atlant ocean juli 21 1961 astronaut virgil i grissom rode tini craft 118 mile earth becom second american space flight suborbit like fellow mercuri astronaut alan shepard first flight howev capsul different window new spacecraft control system explos unfortunately grissom brought liberti bell 7 success splash plan area hatch blew rough sea began flood capsule grissom abl get out militari recoveri helicopt could lift spacecraft dramat pictur taken helicopt shortli liberti bell 7 releas sank,liberti 7,1999-05-06,549,85,0.0107954545454545,05-06,5,1999,6,8,0,2 c50f09c4a9c8118c34cd753d2829acda043e0a040c9999c0c4b1c1aba61f662c,none,hot blue stars red glow hydrogen gas dark obscur dust cloud strewn dramat region milki way southern constel ara the altar 4000 lightyear earth star left young massive energetic intens ultraviolet radiat eat away nearbi star form cloud complex ioniz hydrogen ga produc characterist red hydrogenalpha glow right visibl within dark dust nebula small cluster newborn stars beauti color pictur composit imag made blue green hydrogenalpha filters,hot star southern milki way,1999-05-07,441,67,0.0053571428571428,05-07,5,1999,7,4,0,5 d32f4f3cd48f36c5fa7f2450c333e0ced32b4cf2b94800d6593c3508b8fc8390,k,septemb 18 1997 mani stargaz u s abl watch love earli morn lunar occult bright moon pass front saturn use 12 meter reflector astronom stanek excel view dreamlik event whippl observatori atop mount anim gif imag construct 4 frame taken stanek 35 second interv ring planet emerg behind moon dark limb lunar occult fairli bright star planet extrem rare events exact time depend critic observer location,moon occult saturn,1999-05-08,399,66,0.2375,05-08,5,1999,8,2,1,1 e64b7b6c5649ccfa4c832aa801594d40c7c818570c36f9cfbc405437c12f119b,e l wright ucla,univers dusti place dust usual show presenc block light emit star nebula behind it sometim creat illus horse head sombrero hat nobodi realli know typic interstellar dust grain look like studi dust absorbs emits reflect light astronom know interstellar dust much differ cell lint base dust found around typic house interstellar dust grain compos mostli carbon silicon oxygen usual less 11000 millimet across recent work indic dust grain spherical pictur show result fractal adhes model dust grain involv random conglomer spheric compound differ properties artifici highlight differ colors,fractal interstellar dust upclos,1999-05-09,587,88,-0.1366666666666666,05-09,5,1999,9,4,0,4 745c3e65554b2cc7d0b913528e8ec648ee915ffb3e40cc07082cc24c8879be24,none,tomorrow picture black cloud archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,polar ring galaxi ngc,1999-05-10,228,35,0.0595238095238095,05-10,5,1999,10,8,0,0 0f3dd8ab0b398baa7ede781d0d0fa554f9ecc13474d658945a6fb7f5132efc54,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form,molecular cloud barnard 68,1999-05-11,514,81,-0.0022558922558922,05-11,5,1999,11,4,0,5 87e0a74b353aefd5b3fdbc7eeb9f5f25bbc6122de8ef32f7f9ef7b555db6af9d,none,spiral galaxi get bent disk mani spiral thin flat solid spiral disk loos conglomer billion star diffus ga gravit orbit galaxi center flat disk thought creat sticki collis larg ga cloud earli galaxy formation warp disk uncommon though even milki way galaxi thought small warp caus spiral warp still investigated warp thought result interact even collis galaxies pictur above 150 million light year away 100000 light year across,warp spiral galaxi,1999-05-12,426,68,0.08,05-12,5,1999,12,7,0,3 ec3873960df2f93e50649eaa7ac0dc9603086a933644d2938743dbac462a0062,none,dwarf olympu mon immens shield volcano mars apollinari patera rise 3 mile thin martian atmosphere bright wateric cloud still seen hover around summit mars volcan structur known smaller shield volcano older well age estim around 3 billion years like apollinari patera narrow furrow typic extend central crater thought repres broad pile easili erod volcan ash wide angl view apollinari patera record last month mar global surveyor spacecraft larg central crater 50 mile across,mar volcano patera,1999-05-13,474,73,0.0208333333333333,05-13,5,1999,13,5,0,2 47cedc5387b42c6a35626e835376b54201f356a69ce4db77b0e0e88baf85bf93,none,launch last month nasa landsat 7 spacecraft orbit planet earth look altitud 700 km landsat 7 map planet surfac visibl infrar band resolv featur 30 meter across smaller example strike engin test imag color composit 3 differ visibl wavelength bands nice show detail urban area around san francisco california usa nestl surround terrain north up flow bluegreen color track spring runoff sierra west neighbor mountain bay pacif ocean landsat 7 current perform well check phase control prepar satellit regular operations,7 view planet earth,1999-05-14,515,80,0.0999999999999999,05-14,5,1999,14,8,0,2 e0f583349823ebcc3befd10efb89971bb651e8ec6476468cf783933748e0cb45,none,long ago galaxi far far away lock final desper struggl forc graviti two star exploded stellar explos supernova among power event universe estim releas equival energi 1 million trillion trillion 1 follow 30 megaton explosion expand supernova envelop observ brighten period day maximum light output rival entir galaxi fade view follow months trigger collaps core massiv star nuclear demis white dwarf supernova occur averag spiral galaxi everi years recent observ ngc spiral galaxi 300 million light year distant captur rare color perform two supernova galaxy monitor exposur two supernovae one reddish yellow one blue form close pair imag center to right galaxi color differ due temperatur blue hotter,star ngc,1999-05-15,705,108,0.0859243697478991,05-15,5,1999,15,7,2,3 76cb1561a80bbb8b6a69a667b5d159f920e961412851821a4c1027c455896a3f,dmsp digit archive ngdc noaa,europ look like night find favorit european city although europ shown citi light might make task possible pictur actual composit 200 imag made satellit orbit earth scan made usaf defens meteorolog satellit program dmsp oper linescan system dmsp satellit continu help understand predict weather phenomena well provid key inform popul patterns citi light levels even rural forest fires,europ night,1999-05-16,383,58,0.1142857142857143,05-16,5,1999,16,8,1,1 131d450e669412181dcf6f8494f3aab778c00b2a8f5fe5507c595e558dc65f14,none,use comput search last week setihom project releas free softwar enabl mani home comput search signal intellig signal may alreadi detect huge arecibo radio telescope gone unnot due larg amount data seti enthusiast david realiz enorm amount comput power people home might help result softwar work screensav download chunk data search alien signal comput otherwis softwar gener imag like shown above chang fast transform plot highlight strong period signals although like find like known earthorbit satellites comput find true et signal setihom promis given due,search,1999-05-17,558,85,0.1283333333333333,05-17,5,1999,17,8,1,4 14ae360ca03e1695192321f1313dcff32e14ffec41665930c3c69e157ef5b746,walli pacholka,tomorrow picture horsehead nebula archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,laguna triangl,1999-05-18,233,35,0.2857142857142857,05-18,5,1999,18,8,1,0 c59ccdcad95375a6215c41c8debeb6039b3b6acb8c03e0e5df826d9d9589f5ee,aura,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula imag taken 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatory,horsehead nebula,1999-05-19,552,85,0.0465079365079365,05-19,5,1999,19,4,0,5 b366be32843093b625c129e972612cdbec9e379f73e46df5efd047af2e8488de,none,late last month team astronom sight immens cyclon storm system rage near red planet north pole discoveri picture made hubbl space telescop april 27 seen left project inset right show storm surround areas martian midsumm state mars north polar cap appear top discoveri picture polar cap clearli smaller storm farther left similar spiral detect mar 20 year ago vike spacecraft storm mark system swirl bright wateric cloud instead billow dust typic martian wind storm measur roughli 1000 mile across cloudfre central eye span 200 miles compar size cyclon seen planet earth polar regions storm system imag more hour later seen may lifetim days,cyclon mar,1999-05-20,639,103,0.0903361344537815,05-20,5,1999,20,8,2,1 db7a3605046cef3ae1d088000cc33bb069755e6d5518316404ae4e6f99a50978,joe orman,stargaz like tri it weekend may chanc mani astronomi host public celebr astronomi day saturday may 22nd recent years open hous night observatories astronomi club star becom increasingli popular offer great opportun view sky varieti telescop swap stori time exposur star trail made last month arizona star party right brilliant trail track set even star venus star orion near center bright siriu produc promin trail left citi light nearbi glow horizon red filter flashlight creat eeri foreground effect red flashlight use provid safe level illumin still preserv night vision enjoy,star parti trail,1999-05-21,579,90,0.2697478991596638,05-21,5,1999,21,6,1,1 bc409c1deb7d9853a6ca5e94ad7ce18bbdb32fc85484790cd13714f3a6179537,none,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulae here 15 pictur hubbl space telescop mosaick cover inner 25 light year nebula illustr divers nature addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds filamentari structur visibl imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas shock particularli appar near bright star lower left picture orion nebula 1500 light year distant locat spiral arm galaxi sun,m42 mosaic orion great nebula,1999-05-22,589,90,0.2057894736842105,05-22,5,1999,22,4,1,5 1dad6d7d45f16a4390c1b2d400fbfeca061bf6968fd290190e06cd56cc90e309,gordon garradd,bright nova discov saturday current visibl unaid eye southern skies nova velorum 1999 record near visual magnitud 3 independ discover peter william alan c gilmor john u make lumin mani famou bright stars last nova bright nova cygni 1975 peak brighter magnitud 2 nova velorum 1999 brighter wellstudi nova cygni 1992 ever appeared nova occur surfac white dwarf star undergo tremend thermonuclear explosion throw outer layers nova appear next week uncertain explod debri like fade beyond next years photograph nova velorum 1999 taken yesterday australia like spike appear around caus photograph telescop camera,introduc nova 1999,1999-05-24,607,93,0.2,05-24,5,1999,24,8,2,4 ed1be1b0554e65ba25471510ed6456c299b84e995f182c77480766547ea0f71a,none,make ngc 6872 long measur 700000 light year across top bottom ngc 6872 one largest bar spiral galaxi known galaxy elong shape might someth continu collis smaller galaxi ic 4970 visibl center particular interest ngc 6872 spiral arm upper left pictur above exhibit unusu high amount blue star form regions light see today left collid giant day dinosaurs 300 million year ago ngc 6872 visibl small telescop constel pavo,ngc 6872 stretch spiral,1999-05-25,416,69,0.0817777777777777,05-25,5,1999,25,7,0,3 8f93108c00036ce7b6876ff70be182b732a64dc8a1231c7773d38bb8cde7feac,none,anoth huge explos lit universe astronom studi best light fade away two week ago bats instrument orbit nasa great observatori compton detect unusu bright flash gammaray point deep southern sky gammaray burst also record orbit bepposax satellite downlink accur posit follow world largest optic telescopes subsequ fade optic transient pictur above far univers light measur redshift factor least type power explos caus gammaray burst still unknown found fade unusu way,grb anoth unusu gamma ray burst,1999-05-26,464,70,0.2833333333333334,05-26,5,1999,26,8,1,4 94c9d9a6c4e49dda3bd16af334fd45baf8fe1fce02801977bd9089362a8b0a1d,none,ngc 4603 galaxi majest spiral arm intric dust lanes 108 million lightyear away distanc accur measur astronom use one fundament yardstick extragalact distanc scale pulsat variabl star known cepheids though intrins bright cepheid faint difficult find larg distanc the bright star seen foreground thank hubbl space telescope sharp vision 36 cepheid identifi ngc 4603 distant galaxi star fact use space telescop pick cepheid galaxi closer ngc 4603 hubbl key project team recent announc complet 8 year effort precis measur galaxi distanc expans rate univers hubbl constant base comparison galaxi distanc recess speeds report hubbl constant 70 kilomet per second per megaparsec accuraci 10 percent mean galaxi appear reced 160000 mile per hour faster everi 33 million lightyear increas distanc away accur measur hubbl constant one major goal hubbl space telescop launch 1990,ngc expand univers,1999-05-27,870,132,-0.0583333333333333,05-27,5,1999,27,7,2,4 b1389f797457c61e3eccf7006e120a2a1a79e811e51e6b529fc52f4ca2ba2dfa,none,contrast color trace chang elev new highresolut topograph map mars released data gather 1998 1999 mar orbit laser altimet mola onboard mar global surveyor spacecraft martian topographi seen rang 19 mile highest volcan peak white lowest region along strike differ red planet low northern hemispher top high southern regions one notic featur map larg bluepurpl southern depress correspond hella basin like result asteroid impact mars deepest basin 1300 mile across make one largest impact featur solar system explor rich topograph expect produc insight water flow geolog histori mars,mar,1999-05-28,581,88,0.100426997245179,05-28,5,1999,28,5,2,2 999b93c42c9335c367d79a115a057815391abf3787393cfb66ef4caf22ce52f8,none,plane eclipt illustr clementin star tracker camera imag reveal from right left moon lit earthshine sun corona rise moon dark limb planet saturn mars mercury eclipt plane defin imaginari plane contain earth orbit around sun cours year sun appar path sky lie plane solar system planetari bodi tend lie near plane sinc form sun spinning flattened protoplanetari disk snapshot nice captur momentari lineup look along fundament plane solar system,eclipt plane,1999-05-29,441,69,0.1671428571428571,05-29,5,1999,29,1,1,1 9ee3566410a7a1dfb573520481ab58e72f7ed95c793d7e3c510c6664fdb63339,none,tycho brahe meticul astronom observ time brahe live set solv day press astronom determin whether earth sun center solar system creat first major astronom observatori devis use accur pretelescop astronom instruments tycho brahe thu compil precis measur posit bright planet stars brahe never solv solar system problem left data impress accur assist johann kepler abl develop definit laws brahe also rememb wit supernova 1572 show great comet atmospher phenomena metal,tycho sky,1999-05-30,466,70,0.2641233766233766,05-30,5,1999,30,1,1,2 5cee16e90902203030552846ab8c3332b32fdee509e8e92090a21b61207c397d,none,discoveri imag uranu taken voyag 2 pass giant planet 13 year ago appar record moon sinc gone imag uranus 18th moon discov freeli avail nasa erich u arizona notic moon compar 1986 photo recent one taken hubbl space telescope newli identifi moon hard see mark photograph also visibl mani uranian moon background stars moon 18th known around uranus saturn around planet,uranus moon 18,1999-05-31,366,61,-0.0972222222222222,05-31,5,1999,31,2,0,2 63a02bea248bdb55f5eb841204d2f0426cd5bccc214df92538d0cd6af197d0d8,none,deeper peer universe harder see reason distant galaxi act gravit lenses deflect light pass nearby deflect result distort background sources case creation multipl images pictur above candid artifact gravit lens found imag medium deep survey done hubbl space telescope background sourc imag lens foreground galaxi includ quasars appear multipl blue galaxies distort curv arcs unusu interest candid gravit lens includ edgeon galaxi disk might act len upper left imag nicknam london underground far left could well distort background galaxi optic einstein ring,galleri gravit,1999-06-01,556,82,0.125,06-01,6,1999,1,7,1,4 45b70bd6600adc24fc3f18bec536f9c37615dd31f691392f1d3e2fc118d69a37,none,2 mar surfac temperatur rang measur thermal emiss spectromet onboard mar global surveyor spacecraft data use make detail temperatur map acquir pass night side red planet 500 map orbit mars temperatur shown white progress red yellow green color coldest temperatur blue map reveal northern hemispher summer south experi cold martian winter near mars equator variat nighttim temperatur relat surfac materials cold blue area cover fine dust particl warmer region cover sand rocks,mar,1999-06-02,475,72,-0.0736111111111111,06-02,6,1999,2,5,0,1 7b732d5b2e54c9603eec39a9bdb2704a63fde0f454758efcc06ce12633f1f79f,none,hunt sloan sky survey data search distant quasars princeton astronom fan michael came upon undiscov type object nearbi dub methan dwarf mark white line recent releas image isolated faint extrem red methan dwarf lie 30 lightyear away constel ophiuchus intermedi size star planet thought 10 70 time massiv jupiter monik dwarf deriv strong signatur methan ga object spectrum along red color presenc methan ch4 indic object cool cooler brown dwarf lack strong methan signatur yet known object mass range subsequ observ rais total three detect methan dwarfs difficult find far one know rare common galaxy,methan dwarf,1999-06-03,601,95,0.0154761904761904,06-03,6,1999,3,6,2,3 4052c5b2c0be6a6fd19fe90b6031befbdcd819cc0cc61f3be5eecb2f8a6835fb,none,begin end differ stage star life appear excit hubbl space telescop pictur environ galact emiss nebula ngc 3603 beginning eyecatch glow hydrogen right signal newborn star emerg dense gaseous nurseries less noticeable dark cloud top right corner like part still earlier stage prior collaps form stars pictur center lie cluster bright hot blue star whose strong wind ultraviolet radiat clear away nearbi material massiv young soon exhaust nuclear fuel near end life bright supergi star sher 25 seen left cluster surround glow ring flank eject blob gas ring structur reminisc supernova 1987a sher 25 may thousand year devast finale planets check two teardropshap object cluster toward bottom picture although larger emiss nebula similar suspect protoplanetari disk encompass star orion nebula,ngc 3603 end,1999-06-04,788,120,0.1598997493734336,06-04,6,1999,4,4,2,5 e381641948596d5040d8629ce220f81943cee24eab43e34569ed4dd1ba41136b,none,betelgeus sound lot like beetl juice red supergi star 600 light year distant seen hubbl space telescop imag first direct pictur surfac star sun betelgeus cooler sun massiv 1000 time larger place center solar system would extend past orbit jupiter betelgeus also known alpha orionis one brightest star familiar constel orion hunter name betelgeus arab origin massiv red supergiant near end life soon becom supernova histor image bright hotspot reveal star surface,betelgeuse betelgeuse betelgeus,1999-06-05,463,72,0.1442307692307692,06-05,6,1999,5,6,1,3 7a4454d3367c3ad83e4d15b6ddb3dacb7da24f15f7dbbbc31bd1246470c28c87,none,johann kepler use simpl mathemat describ planet move kepler assist accur astronom observ time tycho brahe kepler abl use data show planet move ellips around sun kepler first law planet move proport faster orbit nearer sun kepler second law distant planet take proport longer orbit sun kepler third law kepler live time discoveri telescope kepler one galileo discoveri copernican system planet orbit sun instead earth,kepler discov planet move,1999-06-06,416,65,0.0572727272727272,06-06,6,1999,6,1,0,2 b6f17727263d0f612201f5ca6f4709d5c36dbd1b578e88e8ea20c3d1eb556940,none,tremend pillar ga dust boil away trifid nebula center picturesqu trifid lie young hot star locat right picture soon born massiv star scorch surround bright energet light nearbi star tri form end starv ga swept away bright star light wind lower mass star continu form trifid nebula 1500 time mass sun still exist gas also known m20 trifid nebula 9000 light year away easili visibl small telescop constel sagittarius,starbirth trifid nebula,1999-06-07,414,69,0.2885714285714286,06-07,6,1999,7,4,1,5 ec250341a0875c247f0926b6a2027838a912b77f3b56f95f08d22fc2e794cb81,none,dust pillar like interstellar mountains surviv dens surroundings slowli erod away hostil environment visibl pictur end huge ga dust pillar trifid nebula punctuat smaller pillar point unusu jet point left pink dot newli form lowmass stars star near small pillar end slowli strip accret ga radiat tremend brighter star situat pictur upper right jet extend nearli lightyear would visibl without extern illumination ga dust evapor pillars hidden stellar sourc jet like uncovered possibl next 20000 years,trifid pillar jet,1999-06-08,499,76,0.0471861471861471,06-08,6,1999,8,4,0,5 fbd5f68433fa01f9ba617f643b89d7c02fefdafdfa00d15f2b64cffa10f35cdb,none,far away galaxy cosmologist world work hard find out spiral galaxi ngc 4414 contain mani cepheid variabl star way allow astronom estim distance analyz distanc galaxi like this astronom recent announc refin estim expans rate universe run debat rate yet over however anoth group astronom recent announc distanc correspond smaller univers expans rate complet new ngc 4414 show mani classic spiral galaxi features includ thick dust lanes central region rich old red stars wind spiral arm glow young blue stars even classic spiral contain new though unusu blue variabl object recent found ngc 4414,ngc 4414 spiral,1999-06-09,592,94,0.0382996632996632,06-09,6,1999,9,7,2,3 6dc56b766cc63de4f4b643556702f689d08a44a88d893ded4aab067614dc81c3,none,stark surfac earth moon pock larg craters record histori fierc bombard solar system form debris may difficult imagine nearbi planet earth endur similar cosmic though oceans geolog activ remov hidden mani telltal scars example fals color imag produc seismic data show recent discov ring structur 24 mile wide floor sea probabl result impact roughli 150 million year ago mile wide asteroidlik body estim indic energi releas impact could high million megaton result immens earthquak tidal waves draw nors mythology crater aptli name thor,impact crater,1999-06-10,535,83,-0.1133333333333333,06-10,6,1999,10,8,0,2 2695ae90d569c84639061a5fe76794c35727009d315fe6c088cc376e93f7f46f,none,enhanc hubbl space telescop imag show remark detail inner portion disk dust ga surround star ab aurigae knot material visibl first time may well repres earli stage process could result format planet next million years ab auriga young star million year old lightyear distant swirl circumstellar disk large 30 time size solar system astronom believ begin ab disk known disk surround younger star less 1 million year show clumpi structure disk slightli older star million years gap featur suggest planet alreadi formed window pane appearance wide black stripe pictur caus occult bar use block overwhelm starlight diagon streak due diffract spikes,ab aurigae planet,1999-06-11,643,101,0.0132783882783882,06-11,6,1999,11,6,2,5 5c38bcb212f02eadfd731607f4eead201ca73389c7b9a6d56eedeafa82b234ba,none,venus second closest planet sun popular waypoint spacecraft head ga giant planet outer reach solar system visit venu first use graviti assist maneuver spacecraft swing planet gain energi brief encount save fuel use end long interplanetari voyage color imag venu record jupiterbound galileo spacecraft shortli graviti assist flybi venu februari 1990 galileo glimps veil planet show structur swirl sulfur acid clouds bright area sunlight glint upper cloud deck saturnbound cassini spacecraft complet second flybi venu june 24th launch octob 1997 cassini reach saturn juli 2004,venus pass,1999-06-12,576,85,0.1666666666666666,06-12,6,1999,12,8,1,2 ec7aed047e22c99932ab7e190b0b5946b25eefe48892ac9bf562b297827b7466,d malin aaoaatb,sometim sky seem glow usually mean see cloud reflect sunlight moonlight glow appear faint band light run across whole sky probabl see combin light billion star compos milki way galaxy glow appear triangular near horizon might see someth call zodiac light pictur above zodiac light sunlight reflect tini dust particl orbit solar system mani particl eject comets zodiac light easiest see septemb octob sunris dark location,zodiac light,1999-06-13,420,66,0.1215909090909091,06-13,6,1999,13,6,1,1 fe0a05590cfed5aa3865131f05b086a65cb198444566056dd69ca9692dc9856c,none,search massiv stars hubbl space telescop peer yet anoth spectacular region star formation nebula known span 150 lightyear locat neighbor larg magellan cloud galaxy 170000 light year distant visibl pictur bright newborn stars dark filament dust redglow hydrogen gas aptli name papillon nebula unusu central compact cloud highlight inset reason bipolar shape papillon nebula current unknown might indic presenc unseen highmass star thick gaseou disk,n159 nebula,1999-06-14,447,65,0.1166666666666666,06-14,6,1999,14,4,1,5 c8d1a3449f01c79fca9dfd3ca91df8bf2f8e298472b3e64f1e88f290a5fd8fd6,none,sun continu state larg patch sun vibrat out back even sun rotates one mode solar oscil depict graphic above blue indic outward motion red indic inward motion although sensit optic solar observatori directli detect surfac motions give inform vibrat occur much deeper sun helioseismology oscil analyz reveal unpreced inform density temperature motion chemic composit entir sun,sun,1999-06-15,374,56,0.0333333333333333,06-15,6,1999,15,1,0,1 16966443983f4bc5e62cac912a03c7de0354e346e7dae8af22f2a3f09b559fc3,none,sometim lightn occur near space one lightn type recent document red sprite lightning photograph studi earth last years origin type lightn remain unknown scientist even tri figur red sprite lightn occur all known large posit cloudtoground lightn stroke occur millisecond flash appear red may also occur far upper atmosphere pictur above group red sprite photograph high resolution reason observ complex researched apod four year old today,sprite firework,1999-06-16,437,66,0.0182857142857142,06-16,6,1999,16,8,0,1 43505240b809c3fd20f9ff87f3c4b875c66a3444b48d74bb5445d1f1b1fb63bd,william observatory,present needlelik profil magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth core star bulg centr thin disk spiral arm dust core appear cut sharpli dust lane dramat effect composit image ngc 4565 obscur dust lane pronounc core typic larg majest spiral galaxies includ milki way make picture astronom bill digit combin high qualiti black white imag colour inform three separ exposur red green blue filters island univers 50 million lightyear away constel coma berenices,ngc 4565 galaxi,1999-06-17,473,75,-0.0785185185185185,06-17,6,1999,17,7,0,3 8fd581936d1bb3496b327103b58a2729a725093e14b34d62a910032aa868a09c,none,ice crystal cloud float immens tharsi volcano mar recent releas pictur nasa mar global surveyor spacecraft olympu mon upper left 340 mile across almost 15 mile high largest volcano solar system sunni afternoon scene cloud form warm martian air contain water vapour rise volcan slopes water vapour cool condens ice crystals reflect cloud common tharsi region togeth creat bright featur visibl earthbound telescopes,tharsi volcano,1999-06-18,414,63,0.1677777777777777,06-18,6,1999,18,5,1,2 bfd20441c51bd3161fe2aa5569011b4556c6b89fda4f23e95a155a84e131dd1c,none,venu appear brilliant even star besid sun moon venu brightest object visibl earth sky closer sun earth venu never stray far sun appar posit seen year either bright morn even star beauti sunset imag low earth orbit atlanti space shuttl crew may 1989 also reveal planet venu blaze earth horizon fit imag mission crew record follow success releas robot magellan first planetari probe deploy space shuttle,venu horizon,1999-06-19,401,66,0.3785714285714285,06-19,6,1999,19,1,1,1 8ecf658b04494569760f9ed3def074b4e2daf927f870343c91b697a5879cd47e,none,pictur one world premier radio astronom observatories larg array vla antenna dish big hous 25 meter across mount railroad tracks vla consist 27 dish togeth capabl span size citi 35 kilometers vla sensit radio telescop ever and interferometry resolv golf ballsiz radio sourc 150 kilomet away 004 arcsec vla continu make new discoveries includ determin composit galaxies pass comets quasars hii regions cluster galaxies vla also use receiv weak radio signal broadcast interplanetari spacecraft vla locat new mexico usa signific upgrad vla capabl planned,larg array radio telescop,1999-06-20,552,84,-0.0255681818181818,06-20,6,1999,20,8,0,4 8b94090f495efeb07abea77aecaf3056816defbc63ffaa6af544f0ee68530e24,none,center galaxi busi place visibl light much galact center obscur opaqu dust infrar light however dust glow obscur less allow nearli one million star record photograph galact center appear right locat 30000 light year away toward constel sagittarius galact plane milki way galaxy plane sun orbits identifi dark diagon dust lane absorb dust grain creat atmospher cool redgiant star grow molecular clouds region directli surround galact center glow brightli radio highenergi radiation thought hous larg black hole,galact center infrar,1999-06-21,509,77,0.0886446886446886,06-21,6,1999,21,6,0,3 7235e76e54293cba81bf5d670891c62a2e2faa7c1299c7365ceb61c2c22d9bc9,none,planetari nebula acquir exquisit investig this astronom use hubbl space telescop imag sever young planetari nebulae nebula outer envelop star like sun recent cast away space leav behind core fade becom white dwarf photograph red compos human thought creat red giant star eject cosmo planetari nebula like complex nebula lead astronom hypothes shell creat collim outflow late phase star evolution,young planetari nebula,1999-06-22,395,60,-0.09,06-22,6,1999,22,4,0,5 8130de5fe6156e5baf6bb6d3c8af21021cfe9b61be5712fb9c131976ecbb28ff,none,tomorrow picture bar galaxi archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,sudburi neutrino detector,1999-06-23,227,35,0.2857142857142857,06-23,6,1999,23,8,1,0 033b9b6769e6dbde01d85baefd76a5987368ab06d5cdd4142ac7338ce9f0de7a,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought bar perhap promin one ngc 1365 shown above persist motion bar impli rel massiv spiral arms placement bright young blue star dark dust lane also indic strong rotat densiti wave star formation ngc 1365 member fornax cluster galaxies ngc 1365 rel nearby simultan measur speed distanc possible help astronom estim fast univers expanding,ngc 1365 nearbi bar spiral galaxi,1999-06-24,400,64,0.1604166666666666,06-24,6,1999,24,7,1,3 409cc376dfc68c9584978cdb2122bfcd0d6ef0197678b7493ca559b6a7e67964,none,look care enough even see glow sun opposit direction night glow known gegenschein german counter glow seen faint glow extrem dark sky pictur above gegenschein sunlight backscatt small dust particles dust particl millimet size splinter asteroid orbit eclipt plane planets gegenschein distinguish zodiac light high angl reflection day phenomenon similar call glori seen cloud opposit sun airplane,gegenschein,1999-06-25,394,57,-0.0377777777777777,06-25,6,1999,25,1,0,1 030b6003bca5550416c3e7d7015d5d35097f32813866680d383057a103a44d3a,none,egg nebula take like babi chick peck way egg star center egg nebula cast away shell ga dust slowli transform white dwarf star pictur taken newli instal near infrar camera multiobject spectromet board hubbl space telescope thick toru dust surround star shell ga escaping newli expel ga shell escap beam seen origin hst imag imag shown above infrar imag code fals color highlight two differ type emission red light repres hot hydrogen ga heat collis expand shells blue light repres light central star scatter dust nebula take light 3000 year reach us egg nebula hundr time size solar system,shell egg nebula,1999-06-26,588,99,0.1192307692307692,06-26,6,1999,26,4,2,5 225e9be026cd273a392babc81a499bfcb5a783d73b2e0afd3b61edb839e7cc99,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel microwav background allski map radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there,cobe dipole speed univers,1999-06-27,457,72,0.0143333333333333,06-27,6,1999,27,6,0,4 7e764dde07838315350de288e7c1314b4fa756ba022ee3724230b5942fe82189,none,martian tri tell us indent recent photograph mar resembl heart common human symbol love intellig martian never known exist format similar found clearli result natur phenomena pit shown thought form interplanetari communication mani scientist believ instead rightmost wall twokilomet wide heartshap pit creat natur occur surfac drop caus expans along perhap love easier find earth,mar love,1999-06-28,379,55,0.0857142857142857,06-28,6,1999,28,8,0,1 269abba48ead1848ef0951820613fd8e2e744b62b2932015342046b987f7605f,none,new mammoth telescop begun inspect northern sky 8meter gemini north telescope pictur above dedic last week hawaii imag document unpreced released within two years sister telescop gemini south begin similar observ southern sky chile gemini telescop collect enorm amount visibl infrar light infrared gemini resolv object even appear blur hubbl space telescope achiev high resolution gemini use adapt optics techniqu continu flex gemini main mirror counteract effect earth turbul atmosphere collabor complet direct us nation scienc foundation,gemini north telescop,1999-06-29,539,77,0.107003367003367,06-29,6,1999,29,8,0,2 0390f50f8db2bd938496abdf393bd808b22e27bc964b8866f0ba764b845baad1,none,what go near center globular cluster ngc blur caus earth atmospher prevent astronom discern individu star unusu environment telescop space help new gemini north telescop took pictur ground infrar light gemini abl use adapt optic mirror resolv star even near globular cluster center ngc 6934 15 billionyearold ball hundr thousand stars date star ancient globular cluster like ngc 6934 provid valuabl minimum age universe,ngc 6934 gemini north,1999-06-30,419,64,0.0893939393939394,06-30,6,1999,30,6,0,3 cb32f9bfce3d88ab6de07bd5bc4f3317fa9b6377b49d33fca9e1e4554268f11b,none,decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour explor moon tauruslittrow valley colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead cernan schmitt last human walk ride moon aid explor lunar rove vehicle lunar rover 10 feet long 6 feet wide easili carri astronauts equipment rock sampl moon low graviti about 16 picture cernan stand back rover carri two astronaut style umbrellashap high gain antenna tv camera mount front power four 14 horsepow electr motors one wheel rover driven total 18 mile across lunar surface estim top speed nearli 8 mile per hour,apollo 17 lunar rover,1999-07-01,569,93,0.041,07-01,7,1999,1,2,0,2 8ad9df528230ebd19a8a6cb95d723d2eb0cbf06ce0c322e8d814a39fbda5e02e,none,halebopp great comet 1997 may view comet histori visibl even bright metropolitan skies astronom report magnific comet also cast shadow glare solar system ultraviolet haze falsecolor imag repres slice sky view swan solar wind instrument aboard spacebas soho observatory record march 8 1997 show gener haze solar ultraviolet light scatter interstellar hydrogen sun posit bottom center crop imag larg bright spot ultraviolet sunlight scatter cloud hydrogen ga surround halebopp nucleus left broad diffuse dark streak 150 million kilomet long shadow produc denser region hydrogen envelope comet surround hydrogen come breakup water h20 vapor releas comet nucleu approach sun observ indic halebopp nucleu produc 300 ton water per second,shadow comet,1999-07-02,733,108,0.23625,07-02,7,1999,2,3,2,4 c46d7d7ef56813c6eabf4c959c0983b5b38e7b05882399e319a9d4b1972c540f,none,like butterfly white dwarf star begin life cast cocoon enclos former self analogy however sun would caterpillar eject shell ga would becom prettiest all cocoon planetari nebula design ngc 2440 contain one hottest white dwarf star known white dwarf seen bright dot near photo center sun eventu becom white dwarf butterfly anoth 5 billion years fals color imag postprocess forrest hamilton,ngc 2440 cocoon new white dwarf,1999-07-03,387,61,0.0875,07-03,7,1999,3,6,0,3 9fae12636b1d2f478ea9ff88799f218444b00ca01c6f547cc916806868d9f604,none,juli 4th 1997 use array fireworks parachute airbag mar pathfind spacecraft success came rest surfac mar 1007 pacif daylight time nineti minut reach surfac pathfind began flurri activity robot spacecraft vent cool fluid jettison cruis stage deceler 20 gee atmospher entry deploy 24 foot parachute jettison heat shield slid 60 foot bridle fire solid fuel brake rockets deploy cocoon airbags separ bridle impact martian surface bounc time travel 300 600 feet bounces settl surface deflat airbags itself autonom control onboard computer mosaic imag transmit shortli pathfind commun oper earth solar powered two foot long 25 pound mar sojourn robot rover visibl unfold spacecraft beyond lie deflat airbags rockstrewn terrain distant hills dusti brown martian sky,land mar,1999-07-04,760,115,0.0833333333333333,07-04,7,1999,4,5,2,4 c801447f87de9ef9309ea29d94bded065336a6c87bcd59eeba8422d545313f83,none,mar rotates surfac becom visible earth recent pass mar sun hubbl space telescop abl captur detail timelaps pictur ever earth dark light sand gravel creat unusu appear red planet wind caus featur martian surfac shift time visibl pictur north polar cap made water ice dri ice cloud includ unusu huge volcano leftov ancient times mar global surveyor satellit orbit mar continu scan surfac good place land futur robot explorers,four face mar,1999-07-05,423,69,0.1583333333333333,07-05,7,1999,5,5,1,2 1b9cb3d4ef34b42db45c4920faefa628c5b0aa9ca048ecaffa105cd720628f9a,none,ever seen sun pillar air cold sun rise setting fall ice crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light ice sometim form flat stopsign shape crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground sunlight reflect crystal properli aligned creat sunpillar effect picture sunpillar trace cloud rain reflect,sun pillar,1999-07-06,345,53,-0.0099999999999999,07-06,7,1999,6,1,0,1 fe21656ac149475d6f2929fb70d7a01c02c3a43f7d1aaaffc37b6a5d1a2bae96,none,sun part m80 night sky would glow like jewel box bright stars m80 also known ngc one 250 globular cluster surviv galaxy star m80 older redder sun enigmat star appear bluer younger young star would contradict hypothesi star m80 form nearli time unusu star known blue stragglers analyz pictur like hubbl space telescop imag above astronom abl find largest popul blue straggler yet blue straggler thought due star collis captur rate dens center m80 must high,dens globular cluster,1999-07-07,455,76,0.0819696969696969,07-07,7,1999,7,6,0,3 d88a549ce5ec2627663d53968d3ff8f115ba57017cb92a790cabc2ee45f7dc4e,none,activ parent star continu increas sun approach maximum 11year solar cycle expect year 2000 june 14 week solstic spacebas soho observatori record stun view immens promin erupt sun southern latitud south up falsecolor imag made extrem ultraviolet light produc ioniz helium atom solar plasma earth dweller fortun enough well locat europe middl east asia may abl view activ solar limb upcom august solar eclips last total eclips second millennium,erupt promin,1999-07-08,445,69,0.0666666666666666,07-08,7,1999,8,1,0,2 15ed34a62c5c724443179d91ff7bb5b46f428bf665bc9462c275f7756a40b0b1,none,16 billion year old cluster star begin show age ngc 7789 open galact star cluster 8000 lightyear distant toward constel cassiopeia lie near plane milki way galaxy star cluster like born time brighter massiv one rapidli exhaust hydrogen fuel cores evolv main sequenc star like sun red giant star appar with love composit color image compar comput model observ red giant main sequenc star astronom determin mass henc age cluster star start turn off main sequenc becom red giants,ngc 7789 galact star cluster,1999-07-09,476,79,0.0846153846153846,07-09,7,1999,9,6,0,3 333c161809ba42fac3908b569e47b0f8862a98002dde964d2299cf9229ebf6ca,none,neptune solar system outermost ga giant planet 30 time farther sun earth twelv year 1977 launch voyag 2 flew neptun found surpris activ planet receiv 3 percent much sunlight jupiter brief tantal closeup glimps dim distant world robot spacecraft record puls radio emission zonal cloud bands larg scale storm system 1500 mile per hour wind strongest measur planet mosaic 5 voyag imag show neptune southern hemisphere cloud band late great dark trail white cloud locat 22 degre southern latitud clearli visible distanc great dark spot featur neptune south pole imag center 17000 miles,southern neptun,1999-07-10,582,93,0.0785714285714285,07-10,7,1999,10,8,2,2 ade6fc55060eadb4b95d784b9c1c57aed037006c00c567a865a728bb21c00753,none,happen meteor hit ground usual noth much meteor small indent make soon erod away year ago however larg meteor creat barring meteor crater arizona pictur above barring kilomet across 1920 first featur earth recogn impact crater today 100 terrestri impact crater identified recent comput model indic canyon diablo impactor melt impact creat barringer,barring crater earth,1999-07-11,348,53,-0.0083333333333333,07-11,7,1999,11,5,0,2 ba3398d6773859633c6b1889f72347174d2fbeecb78094bae47b8178ad2e28c7,none,tomorrow picture flame nebula archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,delta rocket launch,1999-07-12,229,35,0.2857142857142857,07-12,7,1999,12,8,1,0 d1676e9cb1079f872aed52843d7c6b4868c9a06d69166838d18b760df97df09c,none,light flame nebula fifteen hundr light year away toward constel orion lie nebula which glow dark dust lanes appear like billow fire fire rapid acquisit oxygen make flame glow rather bright star alnitak easternmost star belt orion visibl nebula right shine energet light flame knock electron away great cloud hydrogen ga resid there much glow result electron ioniz hydrogen recombine falsecolor pictur flame nebula ngc 2024 taken infrar light young star cluster becom visible flame nebula part orion molecular cloud complex starform region includ famou horsehead nebula,flame nebula infrar,1999-07-13,568,87,0.2941558441558441,07-13,7,1999,13,4,1,5 89532b00d0df133bd843345adf37ba2bf4c1e1bce9f12fc40ced74045d7656ca,joe orman,tomorrow picture charl conrad archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,moon planets rocket trail,1999-07-14,229,35,0.2857142857142857,07-14,7,1999,14,8,1,0 20637fad6eef84eb29c76ed60133880aaec547dcc55248e863492189e6ca7e8b,none,known sens humor charl p pete command apollo 12 mission third person walk moon tall man conrad step onto lunar surfac novemb 1969 commented man may small one that long one me born june 2nd 1930 philadelphia pennsylvania graduat princeton univers 1953 went becom navi test pilot select nasa astronaut 1962 conrad seen 1965 activ prepar first space flight endur record set gemini 5 mission final space flight skylab 1973 conrad die accid thursday juli 8,charl jr,1999-07-15,452,76,-0.0083333333333333,07-15,7,1999,15,8,0,2 33fe88d5dac114aa9fc387f454fe51499dd1521ab5d570f5f4de059f295307c9,steve alber,sun corona tenuou outer atmospher compos stream energet charg particles easili seen earth total solar eclipse example 1991 imag total atop mauna kea hawaii form fleet snapshot mysteri corona beautiful intric structur streams howev space instrument use occult disk simul eclips readili monitor corona beyond sun edge combin observ spacebas soho shuttleborn spartan 201 experi recent contribut major advanc understand highspe compon wind particl corona reveal evid magnet wave within corona push solar wind particl along like ocean wave give ride surprisingly heavier charg particl surf magnet wave faster oxygen ion found achiev speed 500 mile per second faster lighter hydrogen ion make solar wind,solar,1999-07-16,698,105,0.2303571428571428,07-16,7,1999,16,1,2,4 2a1cd7a083a6281b2f88d42f4fe03b1393107a704f023f12287f9c96a718fcc4,none,robert h one found modern born massachusett 1882 16 year old goddard read hg wells scienc fiction classic war worlds dream space flight 1926 designed built launch world first liquid fuel rocket career press suggest rocket could flown moon kept experi support part smithsonian champion charl pictur desert near new mexico goddard examin nose cone parachut one test rockets wide recogn experiment engin rocket mani year ahead time die hold 200 rocket technology liquid fuel rocket construct principl develop goddard land human moon 1969,rocket robert goddard,1999-07-17,534,84,0.1066287878787878,07-17,7,1999,17,2,0,2 4ea26ea8d7274a741d91c4091ec957e775373d5e562daa9154105a81e15d3c08,none,pictur planet jupit taken voyag 1 spacecraft pass planet 1979 jupiter ga giant planet solid surface largest planet solar system made mostli hydrogen helium clearli visibl photo great red spot giant hurricanelik storm system rotat cloud jupiter larg three complet earth could fit insid it astronom record giant storm jupit 300 years,jupit voyag,1999-07-18,331,52,0.1714285714285714,07-18,7,1999,18,8,1,2 02f5c2fee79fa7cf1a96b25fb10f070f03ea6dbc3659557b6bc95975485989bb,none,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebula eta carina energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically keyhol nebula visibl near center hous sever massiv star known also chang appearance carina nebula 7000 lightyear away constel carina ctio curtisschmidt telescop chile south america took photograph eta carina might explod dramat supernova within next thousand years even flare bright past two years,ngc 3372 great nebula carina,1999-07-19,499,77,0.2083333333333333,07-19,7,1999,19,4,1,5 c8a28e3c27720e8a2669dc5a28b4aef6111d4ee455df1834e64e6d2075bf4919,none,juli 20 1969 four day leav planet earth 250000 mile behind them apollo 11 astronaut land moon first human reach anoth celesti body saturn v rocket took actual journey two month travel blind speed one mile per hour seen dramat aerial view giant moon rocket ride top slow move vehicl toward kennedi space center launch complex 39 pad a nasa histori new apollo web site celebr 30th anniversari first moon land images collect link profound achiev peopl made possible,moon rocket,1999-07-20,463,79,-0.0271645021645021,07-20,7,1999,20,2,0,2 4aaa2317bab1161a0658cc5d8201eed97d314600be484a9d7586e7c32aa48780,none,8000 year ago star galaxi exploded ancient human might notic supernova temporari star modern human see expand shell ga even today falsecolor infrar imag supernova remnant ic 443 blue expand ga emiss domin excit iron atoms particular interest though wisp ic 443 color red impact otherwis normal molecular cloud emiss shockexcit molecular hydrogen allow astronom studi fast move supernova ga affect star format cloud additionally astronom theoriz impact acceler particl veloc near speed light horizont line across imag part nebula,galact supernova remnant ic 443,1999-07-21,528,80,0.1216666666666666,07-21,7,1999,21,4,1,5 d064333c52871720f20bfead2147addfa881f97e0d30b74766f255c7981e773f,none,hundr galaxi appear faint smudg light hubbl space telescop pictur galaxi cluster eight billion lightyear away cluster among distant known cluster galaxi report contain largest number collid galaxi ever found cluster exampl truli cosmic collis shown inset right disrupt gravit effects collid galaxi thought merg billion year form larger galaxi theori galaxi format seem results though galaxi collis appear occur much frequent distant earli universe still seen happen nearby universe,cosmic collis galaxi cluster,1999-07-22,482,70,0.0122448979591836,07-22,7,1999,22,7,0,3 b64e5a4aad9b3d88aae8c25f841bde4d1658fe162f26ee7c5c9bacf3484c3542,none,tomorrow picture saturn day archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,martian valley,1999-07-23,227,35,0.2857142857142857,07-23,7,1999,23,8,1,0 a4f2deca39f819f6d0d9f4942c373e367735e35dc53abc44c3653e1acbbe424f,none,delight detail fals color imag saturn celebr 8th anniversari orbit hubbl space telescope pictur combin three imag taken januari 1998 show love ring planet reflect infrar light differ color indic vari height composit cloud layer gener thought consist ammonia ice crystals eyecatch ring cast shadow saturn upper hemisphere bright stripe seen within left portion shadow infrar sunlight stream larg gap ring known cassini division two saturn mani moon also put appearance tethi beyond planet disk upper right dion lower left,infrar saturn,1999-07-24,520,80,0.2357142857142857,07-24,7,1999,24,0,1,1 b2a174c375d9c9d8e508b27ffd0029b3709af78b33df733e581d512ca12d0ce8,none,shockwav 20000 yearold supernova constel cygnu supernova explos still expand interstellar space collis fast move wall ga stationari cloud heat caus glow visibl well high energi radiation produc nebula known cygnu loop ngc 696095 nebula locat 2500 lightyear away color use indic emiss differ kind atom excit shock oxygenblue sulfurred hydrogengreen pictur taken wide field planetari camera 2 board hubbl space telescope,cygnu loop,1999-07-25,418,62,0.215,07-25,7,1999,25,4,1,5 8741bcc5aceed221de7836360504a72e04d8928868ae0cb5feabb3e7a65d483f,pekka parviainen colorado,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark pictur above network noctiluc cloud cast color eeri glow visibl dark although noctiluc cloud thought compos small iceco particles much remain unknown them,noctiluc cloud,1999-07-26,377,57,-0.06,07-26,7,1999,26,8,0,1 8128a374c7c11162598954fb14a1e80a77bd82ce58fa8ebc9e07a0d26da4cd8f,none,tomorrow picture asia night archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,chandra x ray telescop,1999-07-27,227,35,0.2857142857142857,07-27,7,1999,27,8,1,0 ad2a27e8dbbe7f4a89c55919f116f4abf3a4f66a1590ac6e613f54b4fdf27556,dmsp digit archive ngdc noaa,asia look like night find favorit asian city although asia shown citi light might make task possible pictur actual composit 200 imag made satellit orbit earth scan made usaf defens meteorolog satellit program dmsp oper linescan system dmsp satellit continu help understand predict weather phenomena well provid key inform popul patterns citi light levels even rural forest fires,night,1999-07-28,378,58,0.1142857142857143,07-28,7,1999,28,8,1,1 a631acef089a6629c959bdb7a569e45613e0488ec0b9ed6cd08f28e89a489714,none,bright blob hydrogen ga catalog n88a seen right measur mere 3 light year across emerg cool dusti interstellar medium nearbi irregular galaxi known small magellan cloud n88a hide hot young star core falsecolor hubbl space telescop imag record characterist light emit hydrogen atom ioniz young star energet ultraviolet light recombine region ioniz hydrogen ii regions surround new born star thousand lightyear across astronom recogn small ioniz hydrogen blob contain massiv star known,hydrogen blob small magellan cloud,1999-07-29,482,72,0.1632367632367632,07-29,7,1999,29,6,1,5 f78e58f7f49d98e9d5f6c2389c7913378b1a8d330b8f121a587403ca5b0e7a47,none,februari 20th 1965 ranger 8 spacecraft crash moon rapidli transmit seri pictur ground camera record one altitud 11 kilometers 5 second impact lunar surface two kilomet across 4 meter size object visible pictur area sea tranquil north apollo 11 land site ranger spacecraft repres first attempt us obtain high resolut photo moon fli crash cours toward select area send back pictur moment impact tomorrow anoth spacecraft intent crash moon success mission lunar orbit complete lunar prospector schedul crash crater near moon south pole effort confirm presenc wateric studi debri cloud,sea 5 second impact,1999-07-30,581,90,0.1137499999999999,07-30,7,1999,30,2,2,2 b1c5fd3b26139c9460cec2ab19ad0085e6d9e47ec3fc08f00acae7ef6f1dd44e,none,record juli 7 1998 anim use xray imag sun show amaz event three nearli simultan jet connect solar activ regions two frame taken sever hour apart soft xray telescop board orbit yohkoh observatory negative color scheme darker color repres intens xray corona activ region solar surface pictur clearli show two curv jet xray hot plasma appear solar equat one below sharp vertic stripe near jet center digit blemish overal shift imag due solar rotation sun approach activ part 11 year cycle numer singl jet seen appear three wide separ jet consid unlik coincid fuel current specul,xray tripl jet,1999-07-31,576,96,-0.0333333333333333,07-31,7,1999,31,1,0,4 2a1226ff50a9c72cdee53eae5416b897e5cb2a9bfba4625126089f4b28613405,none,pictur first american astronaut walk space edward white white seen float outsid gemini 4 capsul 1965 term spacewalk deceiv sinc astronaut actual walk float usual without feet touch anyth solid white connect spaceship thick tether carri unit expel ga allow move around maneuv devic necessari space sinc noth push guid,space,1999-08-01,318,50,-0.0333333333333333,08-01,8,1999,1,8,0,2 ea70cf51725d441762b6ed72aa14c72be54b1ba330585a8b2d90e5d1ad07ed2c,joe orman,tomorrow picture vela expand archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,regulu,1999-08-02,228,35,0.2857142857142857,08-02,8,1999,2,8,1,0 55fe36c97948aa537e97ea13cabfa78009169b219bf3079ca7d084b0d1583c17,david malinaaoaatb,tomorrow picture sail titan archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,vela supernova remnant expand,1999-08-03,227,35,0.2857142857142857,08-03,8,1999,3,8,1,0 73db61a95a254316207bee34d38b277bcb6ba970f95fa56658ddf4efbd3be66f,none,sail hydrocarbon sea titan bewar gasolin rain might travel advisori issu next millennium adventur visit titan largest moon saturn imag titan surfac releas last week keck 10meter telescop featur finest detail yet resolved peer titan thick smog atmospher infrar light complex featur interpret oceans glaciers rock becam visible highresolut infrar imag pictur made possibl use unblur techniqu call speckl interplanetari probe cassini reach saturn titan 2004 better explor unusu world,surfac titan,1999-08-04,480,70,0.0499999999999999,08-04,8,1999,4,0,0,2 78812f7e419a551bb81f76ba48abcd5ae26fade8c6b72a6ea95f1867436da8d5,none,nasa probe deep space 1 zoom past asteroid 9969 braill last week continu test new ion drive inner solar system flybi closest approach spacecraft ever made asteroid look back afterwards took picture formerli known 1992 asteroid discov renam honor loui pioneer written commun 9969 braill thought collid asteroid vesta distant past broken up provid debri mani meteorit fall earth asteroid 9969 braill rotat 9 days orbit greatli tilt rel eclipt plane planets,asteroid,1999-08-05,454,72,-0.0959595959595959,08-05,8,1999,5,8,0,2 bbfac6b00dfa70d00727d17e0d52254f538ca5fcba33e35e5788954baf0b9882,none,tomorrow picture asteroid moon archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,hubbl track jupit great red spot,1999-08-06,230,35,0.2857142857142857,08-06,8,1999,6,8,1,0 26647233376813afb725c79f1d96e46030d0eebfb2e0ebd603ecf406f845a97a,none,comet halebopp becam much brighter surround stars seen even bright citi lights away citi lights however put quit spectacular show comet halebopp photograph val parola pass dolomit mountain surround cortina dampezzo italy comet halebopp blue ion tail creat fast move particl solar wind struck expel ion comet nucleus white dust tail compos larger particl dust ice expel nucleu orbit behind comet observ show comet halebopp nucleu spin everi 12 hours,comet halebopp val parola pass,1999-08-08,448,70,0.1624999999999999,08-08,8,1999,8,3,1,3 b3d77fbdaad864985fe90c70d7ca935b94d2a354c03613000612c60b81531fe4,none,tomorrow picture sun block archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,martian dust storm approach,1999-08-09,226,35,0.2857142857142857,08-09,8,1999,9,8,1,0 813ff7c5391503fb20afc1fad4ea232297ae3f7bd8e4ccd6f1476facb67a4cf7,none,last total solar eclips millennium visibl minut tomorrow narrow path europ asia there million sightseer wit moon move directli earth sun cover sun completely observ cloud may get see sun larg flow corona first hand partial eclips sun part sun still visible wit throughout rest europ much northern africa asia precis locat total partial eclips shown map modern times eclips precis predict well understood fact anyon see total solar eclips live web ancient times though eclips frequent startl larg populations interpret way chang cours war,total eclips europ,1999-08-10,537,85,0.0451048951048951,08-10,8,1999,10,1,0,1 0e6cad142967c51357286fc6b271cbc8f9f8c486a3871339e9fa4a4fd4d714fa,jerri,meteor flash across sky next two nights specifically perseid meteor shower best morning dawn observ dark locat might see much meteor minute perseid meteor bit dirt blew comet swifttuttl burn fall earth excit expect new filament perseid might test year pictur meteor activ meteor shower last year leonids pictur above leonid meteor caught novemb outshin even brightest star anzaborrego desert california leonid peak novemb might provid ever better show,meteor desert,1999-08-11,451,69,0.2107954545454545,08-11,8,1999,11,8,1,1 e42383be08ae67b0695b77af0eb4c41ca569da3d5681b233f02caa340321b0d1,none,last octob space shuttl discoveri deploy spartan 201 spacecraft monitor corona sun instrument spartan 201 use estim densiti electron emit solar corona calibr data solar heliospher observatori soho satellite studi sun chang reach maximum activ next years pictur above space shuttle robot arm top left releas spartan center space tail fin space shuttl visibl right earth hover background spartan float near shuttl two day pick return earth,,1999-08-12,437,67,0.0982142857142857,08-12,8,1999,12,1,1,2 b44cc80d23fcee30f2e281989044392fdf81aff2e3dd5d02e807652870db727e,e israel,near shadow moon shadi tree dozen imag 1994 solar eclips progress visibl strike pictur campu northwestern univers creat multipl small gap leav act like camera project discern imag crescent sun onto shade below tree height multitud leav combin dramat produc larg size number images august 11 mani throughout europ asia chanc enjoy similar view last total solar eclips millennium moon shadow race across dens popul region globe,eclips shade,1999-08-13,425,67,0.0416666666666666,08-13,8,1999,13,1,0,1 54d34d3ebf5140080bc26088f1843f592517b704bbf938d81c987bc2664edc04,none,comet shoemakerlevi 9 name codiscoverers often refer string pearls comet famou suggest appear well collis planet jupiter comet origin singl nucleu torn piec jupiter strong graviti close encount solar system largest planet 1992 piec seen composit hubbl space telescop imag pearls strung along comet orbit path juli 1994 piec collid jupit rare spectacular seri events,string pearl,1999-08-14,365,55,0.4444444444444444,08-14,8,1999,14,3,1,3 f2b975b261abc407a8a676faf356aff094f7fe5eb156ce421c0bfdf6b6122879,none,what go center spiral galaxy name sombrero galaxi hatlik resemblance m104 featur promin dust lane bright halo star globular clusters someth truli energet go sombrero center appear bright visibl light glow xray light well xray emiss coupl unusu high central stellar speed caus mani astronom specul black hole lie sombrero center black hole possibl billion time mass sun,m104 sombrero galaxi,1999-08-15,369,58,0.1647222222222222,08-15,8,1999,15,6,1,3 461d7f695c8caf450569cc8412482e1ad7ac407ebf931972db63deb9adb616e4,none,mar may cold dri planet weather june 30 wide angl camera board mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft watch develop larg scale storm system mars north polar area frame record success map orbit interv 2 hours white north polar cap near center each high wind seem mix brownish dust cloud white wateric cloud storm front extrem northern landscape mg camera watch similar storm region month juli august reveal surprisingli complex weather mar climat orbit join mg spacecraft martian orbit late september decemb mar polar lander schedul touch near red planet south pole,mar weather watch,1999-08-16,560,91,-0.058235294117647,08-16,8,1999,16,5,0,2 b37ce1585ad4f993d10ac0e44eb424962e8ecef7f2a65e9bab2d47afb6cb6a0a,thoma,normally moon show phases sun not reason found fact moon shine reflect sunlight moon closer sun earth part appear lit result familiar phase last wednesday however mani viewer eastern north america treat unusu sunris sun appear rise crescent phase noth wrong sun viewer wit end solar eclipse unusu sight caught cloudi morn quebec similar sunris eclips record almost 3000 year ago allow historian attempt match ancient modern calendars,crescent sunris,1999-08-17,435,68,0.0375,08-17,8,1999,17,1,0,1 7c9c5582e0556625e3abcb55a2d5b27fad9e6b9f8af6676bb3929e1450e72de9,pavel roman,fleet dark total solar eclips light solar corona easili visibl earth normal overwhelm bright solar disk expans corona sun outer atmosphere allur sight subtl detail extrem rang corona bright discern eye notori difficult photograph seri imag record hungari total phase august 11 eclipse progress longer exposur top left bottom center use faith captur differ region elus solar corona final imag at bottom right show light solar disk emerg behind moon edg end totality,light dark sun,1999-08-19,464,73,0.1323809523809523,08-19,8,1999,19,1,1,1 f5f914a7b24d77e94e4342aae87617680d8a4d6db6b74039a3c30464244900b1,bob yen comettrack,tomorrow picture galaxi away archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,sun edg,1999-08-20,228,35,0.2857142857142857,08-20,8,1999,20,8,1,0 9024362014af61b067217a2df74e8a06ae555b6dfde62d6b174086d358341ffb,none,strike pair galaxi far far away 350 million lightyear earth catalog pair locat southern constel dorado background ellipt foreground spiral galaxi repres two three major class galaxi inhabit universe within disk spiral galaxies like milki way gas dust young blue star cluster trace grand spiral dust lane along arm particular spiral stand dramat hubbl space telescop imag obligingli sweep front background like central bulg spiral galaxies ellipt galaxi tend toward spheric shape result random motion stars spiral produc new stars star format ellipt lack ga dust seem stopped galaxi evolv cosmic time evid grow grace galaxi shape hide violent history,galaxi away,1999-08-21,650,100,-0.011205808080808,08-21,8,1999,21,7,2,3 1283f1ff9fb2c51e3b0b74b58d0132e0732bb13d0f6454c481c9bd04d0c65270,none,fantast jumbl young blue star clusters gigant glow ga clouds impos dark dust lane surround central region activ galaxi centauru a mosaic hubbl space telescop imag taken blue green red light process present natur color pictur cosmic maelstrom infrar imag hubbl also shown hidden center activ seem disk matter spiral black hole billion time mass sun centauru appar result collis two galaxi left debri steadili consum black hole astronom believ black hole gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru activ galaxies activ galaxi centauru close mere 10 million lightyear away rel conveni laboratori explor power sourc energy,center centauru,1999-08-22,624,97,-0.0697916666666666,08-22,8,1999,22,7,2,4 005320b6aa69d86e74631e92386275dedc66ad479d6bbb9ef4981b39d419d130,joe orman,one morn saw one sun sky probably would see sundogs sun creat fall icecryst earth atmosphere water freez atmosphere small flat sixsided ice crystal might formed crystal flutter ground much time spent face flat parallel ground observ may pass plane mani fall ice crystal near sunris sunset alignment crystal act like miniatur lens refract sunlight view creat parhelia technic term sundogs sundog photograph cloudi sky larg array radio telescopes real sun near center train tracks bright sundog visibl far right dim one far left icecryst creat strang illus sun moon includ halo pillar,vla,1999-08-23,582,93,0.0866071428571428,08-23,8,1999,23,1,2,1 e336e3daaee633cf39d61b578d00ca8d32f49a577c2a70aa90e0e410bce91285,joachim wambsganss ap inst potsdam,virtual sky map like would interest astronom studi gravit microlensing microlensing graviti star near line sight act magnifi light background object distant stars quasars nowher magnif greater near gravit lens caustic comput simul map caustic discern sharp bright curv lines background quasar move across microlens caustic appear dramat brighter mani astronom thought microlens event practic immeasur even ten year ago within past five year hundr found precis measur microlens provid uniqu inform composit distribut matter galaxi universe astronom predict futur microlens search might even isol planet orbit distant stars,network microlens caustic,1999-08-24,621,89,0.0019230769230769,08-24,8,1999,24,6,2,4 c259d051b80a6d3404c1c2f7daf75034e6cbbe67047fe2f916c330b1f1b7bc6d,david malinaaoaatb,ngc 6188 interstellar carniv young blue stars hot red gas cool dark dust locat 4000 light year away disk galaxy ngc 6188 home ara ob1 association group bright young star whose nucleu form open cluster ngc 6193 star bright blue light reflect interstellar dust form diffus blue glow center photograph open cluster ngc 6193 form three million year ago surround gas appear unusu rich close binari stars red glow visibl throughout photograph aris hydrogen ga heat bright star ara ob1 dark dust block much ngc 6188 light like form outer atmospher cooler star supernova ejecta,reflect ngc 6188,1999-08-25,569,95,0.1943181818181818,08-25,8,1999,25,4,1,3 c2e59c6bdc30e6014f8e32906a76d0da4ec0a193fc1efbc20264a6ce24ecce1d,gordon garradd,connect dot trace path cassini spacecraft took final turn earth way outer solar system dot in horizont row center actual success imag spacecraft pictur produc make exposur 10 minut interv cassini move rapidli earth night sky august 18 around time closest approach cassini ultim destin saturn far voyag consist seri fuel save graviti assist flybi venu earth design result increas spacecraft speed earth flybi cassini receiv 12000 cassini maneuv toward yet anoth slingshot encounter time decemb 2000 flybi ga giant jupiter receiv final boost toward saturn spacecraft slate arriv long last saturnian system 2004,cassini flybi,1999-08-26,609,94,0.0277777777777777,08-26,8,1999,26,0,2,2 7f7525e23585c883206a78dc98aaaf8757f096c424a76785b185373df8e784f3,none,cosmic wreckag deton massiv star subject offici first imag nasa chandra xray observatory supernova remnant known cassiopeia a produc star explod around 300 year ago northern sky constellation reveal unpreced detail light xray photon thousand time energi visibl light shock wave expand 10 million seen heat 10 lightyear diamet bubbl stellar debri xray emit temperatur 50 million kelvins tantal bright speck near bubble center could well dense hot remnant stellar core collaps form newborn neutron star first light images chandra observatori still undergo check oper prepar much anticip explor xray sky chandra launch aboard space shuttl columbia july,first light cassiopeia,1999-08-27,650,98,0.2448717948717949,08-27,8,1999,27,6,2,4 6b25b83bb8f2ab23f070428e9f994c9d785108f203d8778997d47c1e8c29ad74,none,pleiad star cluster one jewel northern sky unaid eye appear allur group star constel taurus telescop view reveal cluster star surround delic blue wisp dustreflect starlight xray telescop board orbit rosat observatory cluster also present impressive slightli altered appearance fals color imag produc rosat observ differ xray energi band visual color lowest energi shown red medium green highest energi blue the green box mark posit seven brightest visual stars pleiad star seen xray extrem hot tenuou outer atmospher call corona rang color correspond differ coron temperatures,xray pleiad,1999-08-28,577,86,0.085,08-28,8,1999,28,6,0,3 3de95724ce76b91eb2808c194366e89fda2c7955b062d42c965ad071105a4f7b,none,tomorrow picture eclips earth space archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,witch head nebula,1999-08-29,235,36,0.2857142857142857,08-29,8,1999,29,8,1,0 fb4a55d12315f01c3d3f8ff163c1ec739b5d6e766a2d6dd2bb9cd508670d4972,cne,earth look like solar eclipse shadow moon seen darken part earth shadow move across earth nearli 2000 kilomet per hour observ near center dark circl see total solar eclips other see partial eclips part sun appear block moon spectacular pictur 1999 august 11 solar eclips one last ever taken mir space station mir decommiss ten year product use,look back eclips earth,1999-08-30,344,58,0.0249999999999999,08-30,8,1999,30,1,0,2 5d35456118e4a42d246e364a125e500518863a5e7ad7fcc056b161c441c259d0,none,two star center nebula different one white dwarf star mass similar sun radiu small earth star red giant star also mass near sun radiu larg could fill orbit earth strang symbiot relationship two star system creat planetari nebula shape like hourglass within hourglass red giant star turn mira variable pulsat star dump mass accret disk surround white dwarf astronom specul enough mass fall onto white dwarf thermonuclear explos occur creat anoth expand hourglassshap nebula photograph taken wfpc2 instrument onboard hubbl space telescope two recent explos visibl last one highlight inset,symbiot star bubbl,1999-08-31,586,90,-0.0166666666666666,08-31,8,1999,31,6,0,3 1581bbdfb674a170e8698d94d943751d4225215f9b7d11fcd10921aee828a6bf,none,nearli four kilomet across huge rock known 1999 jm8 silent pass 85 million kilomet earth earli august small asteroid complet unknown may everi centuries rock like impact earth potenti disrupt modern civilization radar two largest radio telescopes arecibo goldstone track imag apollo asteroid approach 22 time distanc moon although 1999 jm8 miss earth thousand similar unknown asteroid like exist cross earth orbit fact four asteroid pass insid orbit moon within last decade possibl larger concern human numer rock near 100 meter across one strike ocean danger tidal wave might occur,1999 rock close,1999-09-01,582,90,0.0208333333333333,09-01,9,1999,1,8,0,2 97d7bec4b6470a14be547c41b2413c2f740b8e07132387a63012c2b99aa9f9df,mack h frost,undaunt world wide anticip august 11 total solar eclipse moon also perform lunar eclips two week earlier juli 28 cross edg earth shadow moon partial eclips spectacl could seen observ locat across earth night side example photo taken earli morn hour shortli eclips seen cody wyoming usa still illumin landscap obscur wisp cloud moon set behind mountain west enjoy celesti display astrophotograph frost report fairli clear sky ting littl smoke area grass fires,eclips mountain,1999-09-02,459,73,-0.0125,09-02,9,1999,2,2,0,1 077f3ff7502c262c185c79c9fec21de4eff816327099baaaffde1a03473d05d5,joe orman,tomorrow picture water vapor channel archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,venu fall even sky,1999-09-03,236,36,0.2857142857142857,09-03,9,1999,3,8,1,0 59023c033f8f908cb03dca054dbca312a658fa011ca8ff3df91466264256afb8,none,alien planet bizarr landscap lurk fierylook clouds planet earth cours seen water vapor channel hourly imag like one an infrar imag shown fals color brought orbit geostationari oper environment satellites goes multichannel imagers instrument produc imag infrar wavelength 67 micron 10 time wavelength visibl light record radiat emit water vapor upper troposphere bright region correspond high concentr water vapor dark spot rel dri areas atmospher water vapor invis eye produc evapor oceans upward tropic zone affect climat contribut substanti greenhous effect,water vapor channel,1999-09-04,560,81,0.1433333333333333,09-04,9,1999,4,8,1,4 c9c49663638b98b58f6c501829dea21cf124f674ec004dfb31063f298876214a,none,sometim galaxi form groups example milki way galaxi part local group galaxies small compact groups like hickson compact group 87 hcg 87 shown above interest partli slowli selfdestruct indeed galaxi hcg 87 gravit stretch 100million year orbit around common center pull creat collid ga caus bright burst star format feed matter activ galaxi centers hcg 87 compos larg edgeon spiral galaxi visibl lower left ellipt galaxi visibl lower right spiral galaxi visibl near top small spiral near center might far distance sever star galaxi also visibl foreground pictur taken juli hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 studi group like hcg 87 allow insight galaxi form evolve,hcg 87 small group galaxi,1999-09-06,679,108,0.0457142857142857,09-06,9,1999,6,7,2,3 befcf92dc32dbc3f3164f6faf545f2ced737c5fb9909571b4c65f5ff60264a31,none,would rain blue water space 1998 march 22 umbrella needed blue water came attach meteorit land texas meteorit fall seen sever care nasa scientist within 72 hours scientist discov unusu patch salt crystal surface turn blue radiat space insid blue crystal even bigger surpris small droplet water one water droplet visibl near center photograph water key factor life drop water like date 45 billion year ago earli day solar system salt water came attach asteroid still remain first lent nasa sold internet,water found space rock,1999-09-07,504,82,0.0,09-07,9,1999,7,8,0,1 fefb89bcc1f568571bae028a3d8933c81063b6d62c34377a86e8ed371ac31968,none,astronom parlance interior planet superior conjunct locat opposit side sun earth mercury solar system innermost planet zip past point orbit today fact recent pictur solar coronagraph board spacebas soho observatori show mercuri posit close sun seen near earth vantag point coronagraph use intern occult disk block intens solar glare otherwis hide sight groundbas observers shadow occult disk center sun size posit indic white circle mercuri bright dot horizont line a digit faint dot scatter throughout field stars bright region sun outer atmospher also visible mercuri continu orbit novemb 15 actual appear cross disk sun view earth,superior conjunct mercuri,1999-09-08,633,96,0.1227272727272727,09-08,9,1999,8,1,2,4 2aa4ac473c9e62d8a1a7d69abbadb610df516d595a65abc201105552cefa267c,william r,four year ago comet halebopp discov near jupit fall toward inner solar system two year ago provid spectacular pictur near closest approach sun still today spectacular pictur brightest comet 1990 above comet halebopp photograph 1997 behind mountain arizona clearli visibl comet white dust tail shine reflect sunlight blue ion tail shine glow gas currently sever comet visibl proper locat small telescope comet visibl unaid eye appear everi five years,comet halebopp mountain,1999-09-09,449,69,0.0624999999999999,09-09,9,1999,9,3,0,3 94de278aad5e73503443d682448310d9af66fe985dd98b1e8033534289ce006b,none,august 18 cassini spacecraft flew earth moon continu way outer solar system near closest approach moon distanc kilometers control test cassini imag system familiar celesti body composit pictur show three result lunar imag green blue ultraviolet region spectrum left right upper right imag dark round mare crisium sea eastern edg moon near side camera clearli function well cassini next waypoint jupit decemb 2000 expect arriv final destination saturnian system 2004,cassini imag moon,1999-09-10,465,70,0.0458791208791208,09-10,9,1999,10,2,0,2 dd4b8330f7a4ef561229cbb5f5f82d9ea8ba9b553a762073a8e1cc04096010e0,none,sky toward center galaxi fill wide varieti celesti wonders mani easili visibl binoculars constel near galact center includ sagittarius libra scorpius scutum ophiuchus nebula includ messier object m8 m16 m17 m20 pipe nebula open star cluster includ m6 m7 m18 m21 m23 m24 globular star cluster includ m9 m22 m28 forget baade window click photo get unannot version,annot galact center,1999-09-11,361,58,-0.04,09-11,9,1999,11,6,0,3 ecdf37638d9c71fa24d947ab37b6549fcaf0c38b78a36198ae2886978e4c69da,clive ruggl,stoneheng consist larg carv stone assembl 4000 year ago long modern england established ancient inhabit somehow move 25 ton rock nearli 20 mile complet it similar construct era peopl could learn time year watch sun moon rose set rel accur place stone pits placement boulder stonehenge however impress accur today standards even standard time therefore modern scholar interpret stoneheng coloss monument sun celebr predict seasons,stonehenge ancient monument sun,1999-09-12,429,65,0.1583333333333333,09-12,9,1999,12,1,1,1 d7e39f8ffd0702579e0ec7f5d92ef7906b9151f574a77f50c06d1c7e8ae7515b,none,thousand year star expand remnant may still glow brightly case n132d supernova remnant locat neighbor larg magellan cloud galaxy expand shell explos span 80 lightyear swept 600 sun worth mass bright region surround lower right xray imag result collis even massiv molecular cloud toward upper left supernova remnant expand rapidli less dens region space imag one first ever taken high resolut camera onboard orbit chandra xray observatory record detail analyz first time,supernova remnant n132d xray,1999-09-13,469,72,0.2479047619047619,09-13,9,1999,13,6,1,3 85e42b2ba8e1b7bd6cfd11a4011a8e20d915a73e7172b1a9941b9ab388b2ba7f,u michigan lucent,tomorrow picture big corona archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,color orion nebula,1999-09-14,227,35,0.1428571428571428,09-14,9,1999,14,8,1,0 df7d6b59281b7a873de0b83510a1a0c6bc9704133eac9d8e5e6a4546503cfbb5,fred espenak,photograph adequ portray magnific sun corona see corona firsthand total solar eclips best human eye adapt see featur extent photograph film usual cannot welcome however digit age pictur combin photograph digit process highlight faint features outer pictur sun corona digit alter enhanc dim outli wave filaments inner pictur usual dark moon enhanc bring faint glow doubli reflect sunlight shadow seeker need fret though sinc yet way digit imag process mimic fun involv experienc total solar eclipse,big corona,1999-09-15,497,76,0.0423076923076923,09-15,9,1999,15,1,0,1 1659d389ac7cabf985037b276802adae27687f243d76bb36752aaba8d0c070f1,none,watch closely anim blink two hubbl space telescop imag ngc 6543 first 1994 second 1997 intric filament nebula seen shift shift due actual expans gaseou shroud shed die star ngc 6543 popularli known cat eye nebula classifi planetari nebula complex interwoven shell expand ga central star evolv red giant final white dwarf phase planetari nebula phase star life known rel brief last 10000 year so fact combin data nebula detect shift three year period allow expans age bright inner shell estim around 1000 year distanc gaug 3000 lightyears,incred expand cat eye,1999-09-16,539,88,0.0375,09-16,9,1999,16,4,0,5 ebb51a8a6c04ed9e089d2dc23a1818d61be31f35a046a3afa475257bcd7a4dfd,none,immens ball half million star older sun lie 30000 lightyear plane galaxy catalog m3 and ngc 5272 one 250 globular star cluster roam galact halo individu star difficult distinguish dens pack core color appar bright star cluster outskirts m3 mani cool red giant star take yellowish cast love composit imag hotter giant pulsat variabl star look light blue,m3 half million star,1999-09-17,352,58,0.1318181818181818,09-17,9,1999,17,6,1,3 16cf5c40887bb13b3e61557a82bdf365cf3c22c7828e1004c58b5efd6c307671,none,space suit project mercuri astronaut john h glenn virgil i grissom alan b shepard jr left right pose front redston rocket vintag 1961 nasa public photo project mercuri first us program design put human space result 6 flight use oneman capsul redston atla rockets shortli first us man flight may 5 1961 suborbit flight pilot alan shepard presid kennedi announc goal man lunar land 1970 goal achiev nasa apollo program shepard walk moon command apollo 14 mission alan shepard pass away 1998 virgil grissom die tragic fire apollo launch pad test 1967 senat john glenn flew 25th voyag space shuttl discovery,mercuri astronaut redston,1999-09-18,603,101,0.0051020408163265,09-18,9,1999,18,8,2,2 170abd5c6fa484a44f7344a9b2e06985501ef6d7fc51f4ae21bd40fe1eebd45b,wiyn inc 35m wiyn telescop,tomorrow picture io true color archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,interstellar dust bunni ngc 891,1999-09-19,230,36,0.3178571428571428,09-19,9,1999,19,8,1,0 b883f273fc7e9e6470bda74871e49de0bb1eb7cc012eeefa9d4eeb5d2f58ca43,none,strangest moon solar system bright yellow recent releas picture show io true colors taken juli galileo spacecraft current orbit jupiter io color deriv sulfur molten silic rock unusu surfac io kept young system activ volcanoes intens tidal graviti jupit stretch io damp wobbl caus jupiter galilean moons result friction greatli heat io interior caus molten rock explod surface io volcano activ effect turn whole moon insid out io volcan lava hot glow dark,io true color,1999-09-20,454,73,0.1611111111111111,09-20,9,1999,20,8,1,2 63dffc97f2b171c0993d6fc11f09d0574afd9a3cb9b8762626a7281e133241e3,none,bright cluster star form dispers near center galaxy four million year ago quintuplet cluster pictur above form slowli dispersing quintuplet cluster locat within 100 lightyear galact center home brightest star yet catalog galaxy pistol star object near galact center usual hidden view opaqu dust recentlyreleas pictur abl captur cluster infrar light though nicmo camera onboard orbit hubbl space telescope young quintuplet cluster one massiv open cluster yet discovered still much less massiv ancient globular cluster orbit distant halo bright white star visibl may verg blow spectacular supernova,star cluster,1999-09-21,596,87,0.1009803921568627,09-21,9,1999,21,6,2,3 69361788edfc09720398b30fb275bcc5a6bae4ba726179f12cfe13c6cd4098b7,none,what happen ring nebula familiar ring seen small telescop take new look view dim light falsecolor imag taken giant subaru telescop show detail giant halo diffus ga seen envelop entir structure ring nebula also known m57 elong planetari nebula type nebula creat sunlik star evolv throw outer atmospher becom white dwarf ring nebula 2000 lightyear away main ring span one lightyear origin futur evolut ring nebula outer halo still investigated,halo around ring nebula,1999-09-22,441,70,0.1031144781144781,09-22,9,1999,22,4,1,5 098c14dec9070ebf0ca8fb30ca68a86dd857cec12a13d474472ae09ffad269ea,none,today sun cross celesti equat season chang summer fall north winter spring southern hemisphere defin sun posit sky event known equinox length daylight equal length night last week activ sun produc dramat erupt promin seen extrem ultraviolet pictur spacebas soho observatory hot plasma loft solar surfac twist magnet fields big click imag view larger picture scale planet earth would like still appear smaller,equinox erupt promin,1999-09-23,409,63,0.03125,09-23,9,1999,23,1,0,1 2140df973965011275a1d20dfdae7ce3281d36d069a9a02c5671fdc65a056373,none,intens ultraviolet light massive hot star orion region sculpt compress cloud dust ga distinct shape cometari seen ira infrar imag record wavelength sensit emiss dust elong globul easili visibl along bright region correspond trapezium star cluster otherwis known witch head nebula ic 2118 string globul near middl right suggest similar comet gener appear only cometari globul interstellar condens vastli differ scale like relat star format episod orion molecular cloud besid indic arrows cometshap cloud globul present image,cometari globul orion,1999-09-24,523,77,0.2035714285714285,09-24,9,1999,24,4,1,5 d555c466ec2fe25c0a448a1b3eacf16401e8cf64990846ab382514dc3e687f1c,none,awesom spectacl starbirth produc extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight bombard dusti molecular cloud insid lagoon nebula m8 least two long funnel shape clouds roughli half lightyear long appar form activity extend upper left closeup bright area lagoon known hour interstellar funnel cloud actual swirling twist analog earthli possible energi nearbi young hot stars like one lower right pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear winds pictur reprocess hst imag made 1995 research explor nearbi lightyear star form region lie direct sagittarius,lagoon,1999-09-25,582,87,0.0979365079365079,09-25,9,1999,25,4,2,5 9932e8762bd294efd5d6c731eec3e32b11b5410ffb5fcc7d37db92cc84e04fe9,none,m83 bright spiral galaxi found small telescop constel hydra take light 15 million year reach us m83 m83 quit typic spiral much like milki way galaxy spiral galaxi contain mani billion stars youngest inhabit spiral arm glow strongli blue light dark dust lane mix star help defin m83 mark spiral structure space spiral arm also fill star star typic dim red star ga spiral arm seem respond much mass visibl here impli galaxi predominantli compos sort dark matter find natur dark matter remain one great challeng modern science,m83 bar spiral galaxi,1999-09-26,525,88,0.1642857142857143,09-26,9,1999,26,7,1,3 8eb21a329ce4932472ff00caece1fe4fadf911d635edf31b89fcf25779f444e8,john p gleason celesti imag,disk milki way galaxi home hot nebulae cold dust billion stars red nebula visibl contrastenhanc pictur primarili emiss nebulae glow cloud hydrogen ga heat nearby bright young stars blue nebula primarili reflect nebulae cloud ga fine dust reflect light nearbi bright stars perhap striking though area darkness includ pipe nebula visibl imag top left lane thick dust mani time contain rel cold molecular cloud gas dust plenti obscur galact center visibl light hide true direct discov earli century diffus glow come billion older fainter star like sun typic much older nebulae mass galaxi remain form current unknown,galaxi stars gas dust,1999-09-27,613,97,0.1386363636363636,09-27,9,1999,27,4,2,5 8f90d53092f1714ab5f2316fb1a870c55e0cf3e5f767652b3f83d3c3070dd8bb,none,often discov unexpected case second palomar observatori sky survey chanc upon unusu object circl photograph socal mysteri object appear starlik display color unlik star quasars investig reveal object broad absorpt line quasar rel rare type activ center distant galaxy differ atom molecul absorb ga surround quasar center probabl caus unusu colors fortun enough live fascin age much univers investig first time excit often unexpect discoveri sure continue,mysteri object,1999-09-28,456,67,0.1040719696969697,09-28,9,1999,28,8,1,3 b4301da5e5ac139e89f5e6eaecb566eb357360ebec9cceb1816273a4fe326cff,none,crab nebula still glow year 1054 ad supernova observ left nebula even today glow brightli everi color possible across entir electromagnet spectrum nebula center neutron star rotat 30 time second power liber neutron star slow rotat match power radiat crab nebula pictur recent launch chandra xray observatori show new detail nebula center xray light yield import clue neutron star power nebula visibl ring highenergi particl flung outward near lightspe center power jet emerg poles astrophysicist continu studi learn unusu engin continu transfer 30 million time power lightn nearli perfect efficiency,crab nebula xray,1999-09-29,599,90,0.0863636363636363,09-29,9,1999,29,4,2,5 7bfe4edb93aac788f9dad17cc9fb2293bc5252d77006698f3c608c9567f80368,none,gorgeou visiblelight hubbl space telescop imag show young cluster massiv star center 30 doradu nebula ga dust cloud 30 doradus also known tarantula nebula sculpt elong shape power wind ultraviolet radiat hot cluster stars inset pictur repres correspond view hubble infrar camera squar measur 155 lightyear across penetr obscur dust infrar imag offer detail pictur star format within nebula collaps clouds reveal presenc newborn massiv stars 30 doradu nebula lie within neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud locat mere 170000 lightyear away,massiv star 30 doradu,1999-09-30,537,81,-0.0625,09-30,9,1999,30,4,0,5 d2f4832881cb1d931ab09ee6229c4a203f775c81c3b37d072877abf6a34d9540,none,compar match hubbl space telescop view top infrar bottom region starform 30 doradu nebula find number arrow infrar imag identifi newborn massiv stars example arrow 1 5 point compact cluster bright young stars form within collaps ga dust clouds wind radiat hot star clear away remain obscur materi make cluster easili appar visibl infrar images still shroud dust readili seen penetr infrar view newborn star star system indic arrow 2 3 4 perhap even remark infrar bright spot indic arrow 6 7 exactli line opposit side bright cluster arrow 5 may actual caus symmetr jet materi produc one young cluster stars lumin spot 5 lightyear cluster would correspond point energet jet materi impact surround dust clouds,new star 30 doradu,1999-10-01,706,116,0.3500000000000001,10-01,10,1999,1,6,2,5 c46d6468bb513b8c0e2dcb85bfaabb9a327f5a838bccbad5ef7f6d3d5cad726c,none,clear biggest star binari system base recent results artist vision doubl star phi persei 720 light year away show bright rapidli rotat massiv star surround disk gas small companion star orbit 100 million mile away bigger star present 9 time massiv small one alway way ten million year ago small companion actual massiv star system greater mass evolv giant star quickly lose swollen outer layer massiv star remain strip down intens hot core 1 solar mass anoth ten million years role may revers massiv star swell giant phase mass companion star end live white dwarf supernovae astronom consid ultim fate interact binari system open question challeng present theori stellar evolution,doubl star,1999-10-02,681,110,0.0401725589225589,10-02,10,1999,2,6,2,5 54e1240cdb6216069e9074b7c2954c59990fd9e35540d9cd72eb9af1b21f7860,david malinaaoaatb,leo dwarf spheroid galaxi local group galaxi domin milki way galaxi m31 leo thought distant eleven known small satellit galaxi orbit milki way galaxy besid lmc smc milki way satellit galaxi small dim dwarf spheroidals includ closest galaxi sagittariu dwarf leo distant them thought 250 kpc away although littl starform ga visibl leo i analysi star age show star form recent billion year ago,nearbi dwarf galaxi leo,1999-10-03,391,64,-0.0857142857142857,10-03,10,1999,3,7,0,3 c12dac651490eba6a4cbd16e70887dcc37f07cdd765218e11fe028da656e214d,none,ven largest modern optic telescop small compar light gather power central receiv test facil locat new mexico usa crtf 220 mirror diamet focus singl tower main use investig method collect use solar power crtf creat focuss sky imag like normal astronom telescope collect light much larger area recently astronom project begun use crtf collect secondari light emit highenergi gamma ray strike earth atmosphere photon rang might allow explor enigmat gamma ray burst explosions might emit cosmic ray supernova impact ga cloud interstellar medium,mirror,1999-10-04,540,83,0.1457300275482093,10-04,10,1999,4,8,1,4 a8ff4decbb1fcf45bfff0c683da395adb2cfefbd5fd401dae53d7d62fac5adb9,none,tomorrow picture polari archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,two hour neptun,1999-10-05,223,34,0.2857142857142857,10-05,10,1999,5,8,1,0 ddc91a348d8bf6aba59918e75dc09a3100d8e4ff35ec7db8984f07d6ef860eff,walli pacholka,polari quit unusu star first polari nearest bright star north spin axi earth therefore earth turns star appear rotat around polaris make north star sinc bright star near south spin axi earth current south star thousand year ago earth spin axi point slightli differ direction vega north star although polari brightest star sky easili locat nearli align two star cup big dipper last star handl littl dipper picture polari brightest star right fleet streak perseid meteor surfac polari slowli pulsates caus star chang bright percent cours days rare cepheid variabl polari is oddli enough changing,north star,1999-10-06,593,95,0.275974025974026,10-06,10,1999,6,6,1,3 77640bff037c4ea79f543cf5be57af28c678201a79b1c8bb1dcaaa99c55c3598,none,vintag stamp celebr dramat achievement octob 7th forti year ago soviet interplanetari station come call success photograph far side moon give denizen planet earth first ever view hidden hemisphere lack digit imag technolog familiar now luna 3 took pictur 35mm film automat develop board pictur scan signal transmit earth day later perhap also first interplanetari all seventeen pictur receiv provid enough coverag resolut construct far side map identifi major features depict stamp region dub sea moscow soviet mountains bay astronauts sea,side moon,1999-10-07,539,81,0.1270833333333333,10-07,10,1999,7,8,1,2 030a09130c70fb054a5d3b0360d681828dfd1a3259bd899e826f757b52d14f3b,none,ngc 1365 giant bar spiral galaxi 200000 lightyear diamet 60 million lightyear distant southern constel fornax three recent releas imag offer view majest island univers visibl infrar light middl optic groundbas imag show ngc 1365 dramat spiral arm trail away central galact bar superpos color rectangl defin correspond field inset images upper left hubbl space telescop near visibl light imag show young blue star cluster dark dust lane locat near center ngc 1365 bright yellow nucleu like hous massiv black hole lower right hubbl infrar view galaxy center also show young star cluster bright blue spot addit reveal spot correspond newborn cluster still hidden optic view dust clouds astronom believ graviti field ngc 1365 bar play crucial role galaxy evolution funnel ga dust central starform maelstrom ultim feed materi massiv black hole,ngc 1365 bar spiral galaxi,1999-10-08,838,132,0.0716931216931217,10-08,10,1999,8,7,2,3 2b59427fffa34a1f229126bb3806d31dd8dd8fe8695aaa7cce75ffa8b4adb533,none,astronom discov look dust along plane milki way galaxi bit like look glass beer dust star galaxi appear arrang like foam bubbl void churn shock wind gener star cycl lives process infrar image base data nasa ira satellite map radiat edg galact dust cloud reveal complex distribution imag cover area degre center galact plane near cygnu region show bright bubbleshap arclik dust cloud around supernova remnant starbirth region embed galact disk,milki way,1999-10-09,443,71,-0.08,10-09,10,1999,9,6,0,3 3b8f974ff48c71d4c14e0b08b889f5679d188f6b9c53658da1aba3133799babe,none,tomorrow picture eta horsesho archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,triton neptune largest moon,1999-10-10,229,35,0.2857142857142857,10-10,10,1999,10,8,1,0 f3831675dad854674e37af909fac1e442c1ad18b57f6a5dd22791fd70789c55a,none,carina one lumin star system galaxy radiat million time power sun eta carina also one strangest star system known brighten fade greatli sinc earli 1800s recently chandra observatori observ eta carina xray light ad even unanticip piec enigmat puzzle pictur above outer ring two lightyear across discov surround hot core measur three across one thing appear structur caus collis involv matter expel center superson speeds specul continu eta carina seen undergo supernova explos sometim next thousand years,eta carina xray,1999-10-11,503,77,0.0916666666666666,10-11,10,1999,11,6,0,3 9359ea6fa285359a5fae9dd566ebd778b42c4f62305a970b2494608f37d051db,none,may look like butterfly bigger solar system ngc planetari nebula made ga dust evolv familiar shape heart bipolar planetari nebula pair close star orbit everi sixteen days tale butterfli blossom probabl began million year ago star farther apart massiv star expand encompass binari companion caus two spiral closer expel ring gas later bubbl hot ga emerg core massiv red giant star becam billion years sun becom red giant emit planetari nebula probabl shape butterfly sun binari star companion,ngc planetari nebula,1999-10-12,492,78,0.078125,10-12,10,1999,12,4,0,5 1b790c3e7fccafcc94a35352126631b99038503356d1bd8b39134a0a8edb0a5d,none,although new ozon hole form year south pole time littl bit smaller year before ozon import shield us damag ultraviolet sunlight ozon vulnerable though cfc halon releas atmosphere intern effort reduc use damag chemic realli posit effect atmospher abundance year however slightli reduc size ozon hole mostli due rel mild weather reduc effici ozon falsecolor pictur taken earlier month low ozon level shown blue,ozon hole,1999-10-13,408,64,-0.0194128787878787,10-13,10,1999,13,8,0,1 0dd735586bd5dc0aa5a4c9c458cddcd589c85615c205779e774ecb9011b46a60,none,asteroid moon anim construct infrar discoveri imag system taken novemb 1998 use canadafrancehawaii telescop main belt asteroid repres central white patch mere kilomet diameter moon seen 5 separ posit around clockwis orbit estim 13 kilomet wide adapt optic system use cfht locat atop mauna kea hawaii counteract blur effect earth atmospher make possibl premier discoveri groundbas telescope one asteroidmoon system known dactyl moon asteroid ida discov galileo spacecraft 1993 flyby moon nearli circular orbit radiu kilomet complet days orbit appear ovalshap tilt 45 degre angl lineofsight know moon orbit allow astronom calcul asteroid mass combin mass size determin asteroid density case give surpris result eugenia found densiti 20 greater water low densiti suggest eugenia porou rock compos mostli wateric littl addit rocki material,moon,1999-10-14,836,123,0.0095238095238095,10-14,10,1999,14,2,2,4 471b96cf8e1aeb3de9bfc13d4c2bec4f3b890af1b79c97ec6eb0d5f4daa6fe94,none,juli 31 ranger 7 crash moon seventeen minut impact snap pictur first imag moon ever taken us spacecraft cours ranger 7 intend crash transmit closeup pictur lunar surfac final moments ranger goal begin high resolut map lunar surfac prepar futur lunar landing first imag cover 360 kilomet top bottom center mare sea larg crater middl right 108 kilomet diameter juli 31 1999 lunar prospector crash moon success 1 year mission map moon global properti orbit lunar prospector confirm indic wateric could trap perman shadow crater near lunar poles mission complete control intent target spacecraft impact crater wall hope water could directli detect result debri cloud although chanc success detect consid low astronom analyz data recent announc visibl signatur water found tantal case water moon remain open,moon,1999-10-15,804,126,0.143047619047619,10-15,10,1999,15,2,2,2 1dfc0e5b216406c2794018f1eb3eaeb293230dfb8b7dfe70fc92a7e8ca78b2aa,wright,do look star bright spot tri take vast universe octob 1 maria mitchel swept sky telescop discov comet comet mitchel recogn intern discovery live 1818 becam one famou american scientist day colleg mitchel first woman professor astronomi remain woman ever elect american academi scienc mitchel gener scientists fondli rememb abil we especi need imagin maria mitchel said,maria,1999-10-16,369,57,0.2694805194805195,10-16,10,1999,16,3,1,2 1d779b341c621c753cc896e0ef22c93644eda45accb5ffb97ece406b4695e436,none,galaxi black hole although even singl galaxi yet proven central black hole list candid continu increase result astronom use instrument like hubbl space telescop indic possibl even larg galaxi may harbor one dens beasts galaxi studied star speed continu increas closer center indic center million time massiv sun need contain stars mass combin limit size make case central black holes ever know,black hole galact center,1999-10-17,395,62,-0.0125,10-17,10,1999,17,7,0,3 e7fbc19c93020372080daf17e554eb5086f3c9ac1b7862e871223c0d0225bc06,none,ngc 3603 home massiv star cluster thick dust pillars star explode central open cluster contain 2000 bright stars much brighter massiv sun together radiat star energ push away surround material make ngc 3603 one interest hii region known ngc 3603 20000 lightyear away region shown 20 lightyear across possibl interest recent released representativecolor pictur larg number dim star visible star less massiv sun demonstr great number lowmass star also form activ starburst regions,ngc 3603 activ star cluster,1999-10-18,478,73,0.1481481481481481,10-18,10,1999,18,6,1,3 66e7b48a4debf52d5ecc6f1753268e0fc023c1a4a6b29850d677afe0ad16fe76,none,magnet compass point toward true north pole earth rather close point toward north magnet pole earth north magnet pole current locat northern canada wander ellipt path day average forti meter northward day evid indic north magnet pole wander much earth surfac 45 billion year sinc earth formed earth magnet field creat earth partial ioniz outer core rotat rapidli earth surface indic pictur island current locat earth north magnet pole,earth north magnet pole,1999-10-19,434,69,0.05,10-19,10,1999,19,8,0,2 7b953b4420b21f4f2fc246befdd9d129c07b12d8aa5d3a0a1e30570aa736cbc9,none,caus hubble variabl nebula vary unusu nebula pictur chang appear notic weeks discov 200 year ago subsequ catalog ngc remark nebula name edwin hubble studi earlier century hubble variabl nebula reflect nebula made ga fine dust fan star r monocerotis faint nebula one lightyear across lie 2500 lightyear away toward constel monocerotis lead variabl explan hubble variabl nebula hold dens knot opaqu dust pass close r mon cast move shadow onto reflect dust seen rest nebula,ngc 2261 hubble variabl nebula,1999-10-20,470,76,-0.0277777777777777,10-20,10,1999,20,4,0,5 a7baea1aedf32ec951d084a7e1adadb1283b1a94b50aa18415f6b4f7fae3788f,none,sun rotat axi everi 27 days tell follow sunspots composit pictur construct solar imag record daili mdi instrument board spacebas solar heliospher observatori soho show sun visibl surfac day august 1999 sunspot appear mani time solar rotat carri across face sun sunspot temperatur around 5000 degre c spot appear dark actual cooler surround region solar surface sequenti imag sunspot group show region high magnet field chang day day,spot,1999-10-21,432,68,0.0033333333333333,10-21,10,1999,21,1,0,1 9268a2afd2ab19d67f2146721e0d2099c9d5deaa6fc2bed4702f6c56a7ef91e0,none,tomorrow picture comet archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,iridium meteor,1999-10-22,222,34,0.2857142857142857,10-22,10,1999,22,3,1,0 b4f7dccac67fd163cd224b0003657b481326d2a325fbd3fbb53809733132ff17,none,search sky 18th centuri franc comets astronom charl messier dilig record object number 27 list thing definit comets it well 20th centuri astronom would classifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 known excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula gorgeou synthet color pictur m27 produc test one european southern observatory larg telescopes,m27 comet,1999-10-23,647,98,0.0785714285714285,10-23,10,1999,23,4,2,5 e3191fab36d4644f51870899738ec969f5ae8550a1ef4e1dacad2fd2ec5e00ad,none,sun magnet carpet visibl surfac appear ten thousand magnet north south pole join loop field line extend outward solar corona recently research reveal map larg number small magnet concentr produc use data imag spacebas soho observatory comput gener highlight effects white black field line drawn join region strong magnetism closeup solar surfac illustr inset small magnet region emerge fragment drift disappear period 40 hour so origin dynam behavior difficult reconcil present theori driven largescal solar magnetism unknown process possibly sourc mysteri may well solut anoth long stand mysteri outer solar corona 100 time hotter sun visibl surface soho data reveal energi releas loop break apart interact seem heat coron plasma,magnet sun,1999-10-24,731,110,-0.0736111111111111,10-24,10,1999,24,1,2,4 9d54dfb3b56386129e4439a0946557eaa28b709469af2600e0163ef553f58c2e,u,neptun never look clear infrar light neptun eighth distant planet sun thirti time earthsun distance neptun fourth largest planet almost four time earth diameter surprisingly neptun radiat twice much energi receiv sun fascin featur photograph taken far distant neptune earth normal blurri atmosphere great clariti recent releas imag made possibl rubber mirror adapt optic technology here mirror new palomar high angular resolut observ instrument connect 200inch hale telescop remov effect turbul earth atmosphere,neptun infrar,1999-10-25,511,73,0.1958741258741258,10-25,10,1999,25,1,1,2 dbd3c0d2364f0be5bfaf0071ad0d8a4a0ae64947aa0dfd927559c192c1a99a2e,u michigan lucent,30 doradu immens star form region nearbi galaxi known larg magellan cloud spideri appear respons popular name tarantula nebula except tarantula 1000 lightyear across 165000 lightyear away southern constel dorado distanc orion nebula nearest stellar nurseri earth would appear cover 30 degre sky 60 full moons imag taken big throughput camera shown repres colors spindli arm tarantula nebula surround ngc 2070 star cluster contain intrins brightest massiv star known celesti tarantula also seen near site closest recent supernova,30 doradus tarantula nebula,1999-10-26,528,78,0.1857142857142857,10-26,10,1999,26,4,1,3 6960c25c66cc4bdccab5cc7df1c1ed37586ef2bf5731ff3ec0ac46ea52608ee3,u michigan lucent,tomorrow picture xray jet centauru archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,heart tarantula nebula,1999-10-27,234,36,0.2857142857142857,10-27,10,1999,27,8,1,0 13487fd8ecb957962f514774ed3adb1bd5ee2a5caa807cf6169839c50cfe4fb7,none,span 25000 lightyears compar distanc sun center milki way galaxy cosmic jet seen xray blast center centauru a 10 million lightyear away centauru giant ellipt galaxi closest activ galaxi earth composit imag illustr jumbl gas dust star visibl optic pictur cen superpos new imag record orbit chandra xray observatory xray data shown red present theori hold xray bright jet caus electron driven extrem high energi enorm distances jet power sourc like black hole 10 million time mass sun coincid xray bright spot galaxy center amazingly materi vicin black hole fall in materi blast outward energet jets detail cosmic power gener explor chandra xray data,xray jet centauru,1999-10-28,649,104,0.1279254079254079,10-28,10,1999,28,6,2,4 306b4d60965506de2daab5e8dc5ce521b3687d8480a0101d13f4051e03b7d4a7,none,nineteenth century drop time ball promin locat practic way commun time surround countri side ship sea initi fledgl time servic unit states us naval observatori drop time ball precis noon everi day begin end twentieth century commemor tradit method time us naval observatori instal ceremoni time ball atop main build washington dc drop time ball midnight eastern standard time new year eve local culmin time ball mark begin year 2000 begin third millennium 2001 meanwhile forget year us daylight time end 200 sunday octob 31,millennium time ball,1999-10-29,526,85,0.0606060606060605,10-29,10,1999,29,8,0,4 6695551ff733d65aa45cee188549acf494c36002d94d8659e36d6a01baf66d7e,none,sharp color imag featur mar rock yogi roll sojourn robot show yogi twoton surface yogi appear lean wind caus suggest color contrast may caus accumul rust color dust windward face pathfind spacecraft sagan memori station end primari mission phase return scientif bonanza surfac mars sojourn robot roll hundr feet martian surface circumnavig lander produc wealth data images mar pathfind land juli 4 1997 last 3 months well beyond design lifetime,mar sojourn roll,1999-10-30,444,70,-0.0625,10-30,10,1999,30,5,0,2 c90611292bd02aeac9c0326d6de822cfa756ac607dd743cfd2209d6b4041c661,none,three thousand lightyear away die star throw shell glow gas imag hubbl space telescop reveal cat eye nebula one complex planetari nebula known fact featur seen cat eye complex astronom suspect bright central object may actual binari star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage stellar evolution planet earth course cat creatur may tonight keep eye safe happi halloween,cat eye nebula,1999-10-31,527,81,0.0236363636363636,10-31,10,1999,31,4,0,5 548b2e056f694e017cf0a50638c948d8d2804c3df955b83b950e6071556fe717,none,evolv star eject ga cloud look like people star much like sun ran nuclear fuel fuse core therefor enter planetari nebula phase throw outer atmospher space leav core becom white dwarf star everi sunlik star creat differ planetari nebula though look eerili like spectacular jet stream ga seen recent releas photograph hubbl space telescope ga cloud dub rotten egg planetari nebula contain unusu high amount sulfur element that combin elements like rotten egg young planetari nebula like chang appear next thousand year eventu disperse,rotten egg planetari nebula,1999-11-01,532,84,0.1514285714285714,11-01,11,1999,1,4,1,5 cd7577d79c07f5f87b0c5776431170d6139fa0f61d46a51765e7b100d230343e,jan curti u alaska acrc,night sky glow fascin ways clear pictur sky alaska shine reflect light nearbi city bright moon aurora night sky near citi appear contain rel star light reflect atmospher particles hide star diffus glow bright moon also creat diffus sky glow although much less bright analog glow creat day sun particl sun crash earth atmospher seen band aurora glow also illumin visibl clouds auror display becom frequent sun approach solar maximum,aurora sky,1999-11-02,431,70,0.3370370370370371,11-02,11,1999,2,1,1,1 ae28bbb4367ea78c970f177ef328dc6a324e44e13a646ebdc3f061d69e55160d,none,cal galaxi known old red stars old ellipt new tricks recent years center ellipt galaxi found emit unexpectedli high amount blue ultraviolet light blue light spiral galaxi origin massiv young hot stars contrast red light old cool star thought compos recent released falsecolor photograph hubbl space telescope center nearbi dwarf ellipt m32 actual resolv inde show thousand bright blue stars answer probabl blue star also old glow blue reach rel high temperatur advanc process fuse helium rather hydrogen cores m32 appear mani pictur companion galaxi massiv andromeda galaxi m31,blue star ellipt galaxi,1999-11-03,577,89,0.1252447552447552,11-03,11,1999,3,7,2,3 a6b09ee0e5432a72f1e8d97c3bc31763be65f08938f259b66cccad7c839c64fe,none,use graphic data nasa compton gamma ray observatory anim illustr one excit mysteri modern astrophysics gammaray bursts incred gammaray bursts sudden flash radiat 100000 time energi visibl light photons occur sever time day typic last fraction second mani minut appear random directions unexpectedli trigger spacebas gammaray instruments left burst suddenli appears fade falsecolor gammaray allski map briefli overwhelm sourc celesti gammarays right show correspond respons orbit gammaray detector count rate suddenli climb fall record passag mysteri burst origin far across universe gammaray burst known power explos sinc big bang may yet prove use tool explor distant cosmos futur space groundbas observatori also work discov natur burster sourc extrem energy,gammaray burst,1999-11-04,760,109,0.0321428571428571,11-04,11,1999,4,8,2,4 c7145d6763a53d3c2c815720fd13c6d267f77d97783db4c6e152c4a16df32356,none,hurtl space red planet potatoshap phobo complet orbit mar less eight hours fact sinc orbit period shorter planet rotat period observ see phobo rise west set east travel horizon horizon 5 12 hours three imag mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft record oval shadow phobo race western terra august 26 1999 area imag 250 kilomet across seen panel left right red filter blue filter combin color composit view mg wideangl camera system three dark spot easili seen red imag like small field dark sand dune crater floors stand shadow phobos would see martian version solar eclipse,shadow phobo,1999-11-05,571,95,-0.0359126984126984,11-05,11,1999,5,5,0,2 805a2b7bbebb4258a3150d9d47f3961fd049ea9c7a8619267ce976f2cdcb6a4c,none,sequenc fals color xray imag captur rare event passag transit planet mercuri front sun mercury small disk silhouet bright background xray hot solar corona appear right center top frame move farther right sequenc progress toward bottom dark notch coron hole near solar south pole flare coron bright point seen left notch top frames frame record novemb 6 1993 soft xray telescop board orbit yohkoh satellite transit mercuri and venus histor use discov geometri solar system map planet earth itself next transit mercuri occur novemb 15,xray transit mercuri,1999-11-06,533,85,0.2147619047619047,11-06,11,1999,6,1,1,2 f246a06b344b1197d467ade32737e3f0cf0be8feb28bdd6d42086a0c15f13b63,none,know evil lurk heart galaxies hubbl knows hubbl space telescop pictur center nearbi ellipt galaxi ngc 4261 tell one dramat tale ga dust disk swirl almost certainli massiv black hole disk probabl remain smaller galaxi fell hundr million year ago collis like may common way creat activ galact nuclei quasars strangely center fieri whirlpool offset exact center galaxi reason remain astronom mystery,heart ngc 4261,1999-11-07,397,62,-0.1895833333333333,11-07,11,1999,7,7,0,3 c0b395431064d455b4837ae18e03b0bd4ccbe9c0f03fab1008a3093e27ae72a0,none,moon appear chang nightly slowload timelaps sequenc show moon look like lunation complet lunar cycle moon orbit earth half illumin sun first becom increasingli visible decreasingli visible moon alway keep face toward earth moon appar size chang slightly though slight wobbl call librat discern progress along ellipt orbit cycle sunlight reflect moon differ angles illumin differ featur differently full lunat take 295 days month moonth,lunat,1999-11-08,435,65,0.02,11-08,11,1999,8,2,0,1 b050a2079fe8ede0e77266f39093bd432ccc97246b0329fdad617cbb0204287e,none,billion year now one two galaxi remain then spiral galaxi ngc 2207 ic 2163 slowli pull apart creat tide matter sheet shock gas lane dark dust burst star formation stream castaway stars astronom predict ngc 2207 larger galaxi left eventu incorpor ic 2163 smaller galaxi right recent encount peak 40 million year ago smaller galaxi swing around counterclockwise slightli behind larger galaxy space star vast galaxi collide star usual collide,spiral galaxi collis,1999-11-09,439,70,-0.0467532467532467,11-09,11,1999,9,7,0,3 e81b97b66ce13700a61a4506e8765fe63310ef4c250197566fc6fb83b49a6662,none,although sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli offcolor slightli pink visibl photograph offcolor band dark eclips sky blue sky best seen direct opposit sun call belt venus straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere belt venus however atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red belt venu seen locat clear horizon,belt venu,1999-11-10,399,62,0.1642857142857143,11-10,11,1999,10,1,1,1 71ab4c7a55e9c9c8375b6a47ae8732f4be128902d5c2d3bc8d0014f5ec77407f,tunc tezel,mercuri closest planet sun never move far parent star earth sky race around tight orbit welldon world littl 13 diamet earth often lost view solar glare but one day august 11 total solar eclipse astronom tunc tezel captur fleet view close conjunct mercuri soon silhouet moon seen turkey mercuri lower right shine brightli reflect sunlight thin crescent almost new moon directli illuminated rest lunar nearsid faintli visibl though illumin light almost full earth monday novemb 15th mercuri actual seen transit pass across disk sun well place observ pacif hemisphere,mercuri moon,1999-11-11,564,89,0.077056277056277,11-11,11,1999,11,1,0,1 02d9ff44e491539aa59dee40f27d2af34af8059a64b82b0aed3de5f386659be4,lorenzo,year last year leonid meteor shower produc meteor storm mani hope for still put dazzl show mani bright firebal meteors example leonid fireball photograph light clouds eerili flash across sky itali novemb 17 1998 year chanc storm thousand meteor per hour consid good expert quick predict tricky want see predict peak occur earli thursday novemb 18 utc meteor activ certainli observ day after night clear grab lawn chair warm jacket go outsid look up,1998 leonid firebal,1999-11-12,449,74,0.4047619047619047,11-12,11,1999,12,8,1,1 6716d530fdeff4fb2aaa6af5d45920c0fddc8d0e0f743ec0a66509060cabda67,t observatory,star trail streak composit time exposur comet tempeltuttl record t puckett januari 26 1998 pass inner solar system 33 year orbit around sun tempeltuttl brighten unexpectedly binocular small telescop still requir visual observ it tempeltuttl also call the leonid yearli leonid meteor shower result earth cross comet orbit plane encount cometari dust so rival spectacular nakedey comet like hyakutak halebopp tempeltuttl still put show earth plung debri tail novemb year mani anticip extrem activ meteor shower result perhap even meteor storm,leonid comet,1999-11-13,540,81,0.075,11-13,11,1999,13,3,0,2 5649cbb688b462e41827ea894312f44c64f790ddbb6f3c87e00e326a5c3e3ad7,jason ware,andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there much m31 remain unknown includ center contain two nuclei,m31 andromeda galaxi,1999-11-14,471,73,0.1135416666666666,11-14,11,1999,14,7,1,3 08ffa668495ba5653e2fe0a3438ad1e7ce30c42f056f6c359237e56dc309e79c,lynett cook,first time astronom recov independ evid distant planetari system exist last friday team led g w henri g marci uc berkeley announc discoveri shadow planet cross distant star littl known hd sunlik star 150 lightyear away suspect harbor planet slight wobbl found motion henri et al find wobbl exactli correspond planet cross face star creat slight dim effect partial eclipse astronom abl make estim mass radiu extrasolar planet find twothird mass jupit 60 percent larger radius draw artist depict planetari eclips hd system,shade histor planet,1999-11-15,520,83,-0.0257575757575757,11-15,11,1999,15,6,0,4 e10ca213db61f9db2c265d91ea91b86ee3cab40bfcc907fb58847c412e987df6,none,easi make map antarctica earth southern contin cold inhospit much remain space though possibl map entir region systemat note long take radio wave reflect terrain canadian satellit radarsat orbit earth past five year make radar maps recent releas detail map antarctica ever created computergener map antarctica rel low resolution radarsat map scientist abl better studi mysteri continent includ inform ancient iceshelv,map antarctica,1999-11-16,417,61,-0.0249999999999999,11-16,11,1999,16,8,0,2 de56afe78e372aace4af50a0dd1dcf35b89a77384b41dea9443465683e201915,none,tonight lucki may see meteor explode next 36 hour earth pass unusu close debri expel comet tempeltuttle caus mani sandsiz particl comet enter burn earth atmosphere yearli phenomenon known leonid meteor shower locat earth pass year hold promis provid particularli high activity 1998 leonid noteworthi mani bright meteors slowload sequence 1998 leonid caught explod lo new mexico last oneminut exposure anoth leonid streak past tonight clear grab lawn chair warm jacket go outside look up,leonid meteor explod,1999-11-17,486,75,0.1607070707070707,11-17,11,1999,17,3,1,1 01e2e356a5b63a7de985b25ce6345ed2e56bdc492bedb98db020719d7d368de2,walli pacholka,sky web watch year leonid meteor shower did meteor flash night sky familiar sight record last year 1998 apparit leonids sky around constel cani major big show trail spectacular firebal meteor meteor chance seem leap constellation brightest star sirius near top right foreground beauti desert sceneri joshua tree nation park year peak cosmic dust storm observ europ africa report intens rate 1600 meteor per hour brief period near novemb 18 awe inspir were leonid pose danger earthbound skywatchers,siriu leonid meteor,1999-11-18,497,78,0.2023214285714286,11-18,11,1999,18,6,1,1 6d674ff720a6b36336c61ef6ef29e2cd23f60c8a505bf3a32ec989fc271ca18e,none,day peak leonid meteor shower skywatch offer anoth astronom treat planet mercuri cross face sun novemb 15 view planet earth transit mercuri rare last occur 1993 next happen 2003 enjoy transit requir appropri filter telescope still event dramat diminut welldon world drift past domin solar disk slow gif anim base imag record earthorbit trace satellite falsecolor trace imag made ultraviolet light tend show hot ga sun visibl surface mercury disk silhouet seeth plasma follow trajectori near edg sun,mercuri sun,1999-11-19,498,78,0.009090909090909,11-19,11,1999,19,1,0,1 b6f105f7c5f5581eafd3d5106996af53fcd5179d34050b8b5f3f333c158aeb82,none,dim doubl star system catalog glies lie 25 lightyear earth constel hercules individu star binari system distinguish first time hubbl space telescope faint object camera record imag june 1994 separ 200 million mile twice distance right fainter glies 623b 60000 time less lumin sun approxim 10 time less massive fuzzi ring around brighter companion glies imag artifacts lowest mass star classifi red dwarf stars even red dwarf massiv enough trigger hydrogen fusion core sustain feebl starlight slightli less massiv objects known brown dwarfs shine briefli central temperatur low util hydrogen nuclear fuel present estim mass glies 623b right red dwarf border futur observ help natur one galaxy small stars dim difficult detect abund object like propos possibl solut mysteri dark matter universe,small star,1999-11-20,793,122,-0.0439285714285714,11-20,11,1999,20,6,2,3 5b16cc02c81c094b099391ec532229bd62ff45531ab2cb9f29154511366af5d2,none,cal galaxi unlik spiral galaxi henc unlik milki way galaxy giant ellipt galaxi name ngc 4881 upper left lie edg giant coma cluster galaxies ellipt galaxi ellipsoid shape contain spiral arms contain littl interstellar ga dust found mostli rich cluster galaxies ellipt galaxi appear typic yellowred oppos spiral spiral arm appear quit blue much specul continu type galaxi form whether ellipt evolv collid spirals spiral creat collid ellipticals both besid spiral galaxi right imag pictur galaxi lie well behind coma cluster,ellipt galaxi ngc 4881 coma,1999-11-21,521,81,0.0237012987012987,11-21,11,1999,21,7,0,3 0d2b9bb5cd4af749a31d358fa1c7a513334dc30f6d3ee636b473665e56640443,none,crab nebula fill mysteri filaments result star seen explod 1054 ad spectacular supernova explos record chines quit probably anasazi indian astronomers filament mysteri appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion pictur taken recent larg telescope color indic happen electron differ part crab nebula red indic electron recombin proton form neutral hydrogen blue indic electron whirl around magnet field inner nebula nebula center lie pulsar neutron star rotating case 30 time second,crab nebula vlt,1999-11-22,512,75,0.0983333333333333,11-22,11,1999,22,4,0,5 5da1601b8557f33456046236a0ffc042b3d6fe64850bec2c23ea7bf8f557aa11,juan carlo casado,1999 leonid meteor shower came tremend crescendo observ europ observ sharp peak number meteor visibl around 0210 utc earli morn hour novemb 18 meteor count exceed 1000 per hour minimum need defin true meteor storm time locat around world observ typic report respect rate 30 100 meteor per hour photograph 20minut exposur end main leonid peak began visibl least five leonid meteor streak high torr de la guaita observ tower use 12th centuri gorina spain,leonid torr de la guaita,1999-11-23,453,75,0.0503333333333333,11-23,11,1999,23,8,0,4 dfe9b876af7d0935162f43ddc58823cd0d7d6cd6e577f0e8adc6b403b281659a,juan carlo casado,1999 leonid meteor shower equal good observ europ middl east clear sky near 2 utc 1999 novemb 18 saw rate shoot meteor everi seconds above however pictur taken spain time dozen faint meteor visibl green streak leo six minut exposure although numerous 1999 leonid high proport bright meteor firebal 1998 leonids last year leonid firebal trace back 1333 passag comet tempeltuttle orbit jupit continu deflect one stream particl smallest meteor stream remov light pressur sun remain leonid rel large size larger compar sandsiz leonid common,leonid meteor storm 1999,1999-11-24,536,85,0.0858928571428571,11-24,11,1999,24,8,0,1 7df80575639f5480a23e4d3cee6f84a6d6cf7fe734a34e2b52915c85ceea1676,none,galaxi eat five billion lightyear away giant ellipt galaxi prodigi sourc energi radio wavelengths bright knot xray emiss also seen center falsecolor chandra observatori imag region xray radio emiss believ result explos event trigger much materi flow supermass black hole heart giant galaxy additionally chandra pictur beauti reveal extens cloud 50 million degre ga surround embed cloud cluster 100 galaxies cool seen xray picture two million lightyear across xray hot cloud contain enough materi creat anoth 1000 galaxi make cluster cloud among massiv object universe however xray data indic still enough observ mass hold cloud cluster togeth gravitationally suggest presenc larg amount dark matter,3c xray giant galaxi,1999-11-25,698,104,0.0984848484848485,11-25,11,1999,25,7,2,4 ec3fb27514c08c614cf3a4da8c9232bd7ada56a4f2beccd0a1ba1cca774b2ef2,none,glow hot lava heart io volcano pele visibl falsecolor infrar composit image record last month galileo spacecraft close flybi jovian moon pele near middl larg 1300 kilomet diamet ring yellowish sulfur materi deposit frequent volcan plumes dull dark red spot pele correspond hot lava volcano erupt center temperatur degre celsiu degre fahrenheit previous measur lava galileo close octob io flybi reveal volcan bodi solar system even activ previous 100 erupt volcanos yesterday spacecraft schedul perform even closer flybi io approach within 300 kilometers,io hot lava,1999-11-26,553,83,-0.0159090909090909,11-26,11,1999,26,8,0,4 64c57038b103ed928af99db7b862df6041c057fd498a46466be4d696ea453178,none,runaway star massiv star travel rapidli interstellar space like ship plow interstellar medium runaway star hd 77581 produc grace arc bow wave bow compress gaseou materi path locat near centr european southern observatori photograph hd 77581 bright satur sensit camera produc spiki cross shape star 6000 lightyear away constel vela appear move 50 mile per second forc could set star motion clue answer may lie optic invis companion star xray bright pulsar known vela x1 pulsar clearli remnant supernova explos seem given massiv star companion mighti,runaway star,1999-11-27,550,86,0.2142857142857142,11-27,11,1999,27,6,1,3 0bdb740edb1a4af9626470a64621001940d43ea507b62bfdf6d8f9126e958bcc,none,thick cloud cover venu removed would surfac appear use imag radar technique magellan spacecraft abl lift veil face venu produc spectacular high resolut imag planet surface red falsecolor map repres mountains blue repres valleys 3kilomet resolut map composit magellan imag compil 1990 1994 gap fill earthbas arecibo radio telescope larg yellowr area north ishtar terra featur maxwel montes largest mountain venus larg highland region analog contin earth scientist particularli interest explor geolog venu similar earth,beneath venus cloud,1999-11-28,517,75,0.0766666666666666,11-28,11,1999,28,8,0,2 0b5784b7b259bcd165221f3d76d6e016fa3d2caf64b77d66bf911e5046a8eddd,none,tomorrow picture superbubbl archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,arc jet haro,1999-11-29,227,34,0.2857142857142857,11-29,11,1999,29,8,1,0 a98e7aa267aa08ff5b02d7e4371990be9ab8982804204b693fc7e60553c74155,none,tomorrow picture three day mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,heniz 70 superbubbl lmc,1999-11-30,230,36,0.2857142857142857,11-30,11,1999,30,5,1,0 bf88e3587e320b460a6d9bcaefd2c62b83dd2a67cbee7afb03d4a0fee32ca32d,none,latest earth mar polar lander spacecraft schedul touch red planet surfac friday decemb 3rd goe well robot explor open parachute deploy land fire thrusters come rest amidst roll plain intrigu layer terrain near martian south pole orbit image grid overlay land region target site indic purpl oval 200 kilomet long 20 kilomet wide secondari land site shown white oval upper left inset show area relat pole polar land region layer terrain hope allow instrument view record climat chang martian history like read tree ring layer ice core landing drop two microprob intend penetr soil look water ice mar polar lander also carri small mar microphone,land martian south pole,1999-12-01,642,105,-0.0176190476190476,12-01,12,1999,1,5,2,2 06a2e5eaca1cbdb356a9eab8fb909e0f674a4c01f549748f84ffd9641ead4cdf,arn danielsen,leonid meteoroids bit comet debri produc annual leonid meteor shower rang mere millimet centimet diameter yet cosmic grain sand gravel put quit spectacular show someth small gener much light answer astronom speed particl enter earth atmospher around 71 kilomet per second highspe collis air molecules electron strip atom meteroid materi blast away electron recombin atoms light emitted dramat exampl brilliant 1999 leonid meteor photograph track star partli foggi sky novemb 18 locat near norway two bright reddishorang star visibl familiar giant star betelgeus left aldebaran,1999 leonid firebal,1999-12-02,576,85,0.2270833333333333,12-02,12,1999,2,6,1,4 bc8529d59a915a3a5c371ee0982e77506c7d9f2703ca0a4579b00eba36bf5631,none,topograph map southern hemispher mar gener use data mar orbit laser altimet fli mar global surveyor spacecraft mola bounc laser beam martian surfac 200000000 time produc wealth detail elev measurements mola measur colorcod so example white area left highest elev southern tharsi region snowcov peaks area 6 kilomet hypothet martian likewise deep water ocean correspond lowest elev more 4 kilomet like found within giant hella impact basin right fact liquid water present mars surfac today may past nasa mar polar lander spacecraft schedul embark investig role water climat histori red planet lander target touch within long thin ellips indic martian south pole today utc,southern mar,1999-12-03,670,104,0.0001587301587301,12-03,12,1999,3,5,2,2 3c63aa1980ca36ed1eee3bae80fbce8fd1062bf81c7d8651d36ea9c32af331dd,none,tomorrow picture saturnian moon archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,mar polar lander target,1999-12-04,231,35,0.2857142857142857,12-04,12,1999,4,8,1,0 c1afcf594a66d053c21b337763c2b453847983ea2bd4644cf4ec7c8242c97c43,calvin j hamilton,rhea second largest moon saturn behind titan largest without atmosphere compos mostli water ice small rocki core rhea rotat orbit lock togeth just like earth moon one side alway face saturn consequ one side alway lead other rhea lead surfac much heavili crater trail surface photograph taken voyag 1 spacecraft 1980,rhea saturn second largest moon,1999-12-05,315,51,-0.1149999999999999,12-05,12,1999,5,0,0,2 e1f591ea000aca11d20875cc062ed905cacf064f4d3566472f7b92e213f4e401,none,m83 one closest brightest spiral galaxi sky visibl binocular constel hydra majest spiral arm prompt nicknam southern pinwheel although discov 250 year ago centuri appreci m83 ga cloud bar spiral galaxi much like milki way galaxy m83 pictur recent releas photograph larg telescope promin member group galaxi includ centauru ngc 5253 lie 15 million light year distant date six supernova explos record m83 unusu doubl circumnuclear ring recent discov center m83 still investigated,m83 southern pinwheel galaxi vlt,1999-12-06,477,73,0.0571428571428571,12-06,12,1999,6,7,0,3 854c001bddf3640e703221d42940b177589d4e52843cf7f022805ada80781408,jason ware,soon find whose cat nebula famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble cat though could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius cat paw nebula glow red nebula near top pictur lower nebula ngc 6357 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years,cat paw nebula,1999-12-07,393,68,0.075,12-07,12,1999,7,4,0,5 0eba0655e2d955be2b5a52f33abb0eb0b5aae7d56bfa8983f0e0ab5cdb70a031,none,crater produc ancient impact airless moon long familiar sight observ seen elus optic flash lunar surfac like fleet result impact meteoroids orchestr david presid intern occult time associ video record made modest equip visual telescop observ have first time detect confirm total six flash moon dark side flashes initi bright third magnitud star seen within hour peak year leonid meteor shower locat indic red project moon appear night novemb 18 similar flash would difficult see view moon brightli lit estim brightest flash made meteoroid weigh around tenth result lunar crater one meter across next chanc observ lunar impact flash come up astronom interest long distanc lunar prospect monitor dark side nearli first quarter moon geminid meteor shower peak around decemb 13,moon struck,1999-12-08,775,121,0.0484375,12-08,12,1999,8,2,2,1 0fa7da4415f5f953b9e47bb553d9c3675d6a098499c279828f6c8badf1e2ba2b,none,cloud seen falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatori big 40 lightyear across hot too xray glow produc multimillion degre gas catalog e010272 cosmic q like sever thousand year old supernova remnant result death explos massiv star supernova dramat affect galact environment trigger star format enrich local interstellar medium newli synthes elements supernova remnant locat 210000 lightyear away neighbor galaxy small magellan cloud smc detail chandra xray imag impress particularli reveal appear strang structur radiat remnant center,xray hot supernova remnant smc,1999-12-09,539,76,-4.625929269271485e-18,12-09,12,1999,9,6,0,3 eec6c8350a71c78730e3c7ec97c3aa2999c2815854115e51178ae7faa1b715c4,rick scott joe orman,ok pictur sun spot planet course spot spot sunspots larg larger planet earth itself sunspot region strong surfac magnet field dark pictur rel cool compar surroundings past years number sunspot steadili increas sun approach maximum 11 year activ cycle also visibl photograph novemb 15 planet mercury 13 earth size mercuri pass front sun silhouett briefli creat diminut dark spot drift across enorm solar disk mercuri occur 13 time century one addit rare graze transit solar system innermost planet spot mercuri yet click pictur,spot planet,1999-12-10,526,83,0.1291666666666666,12-10,12,1999,10,1,1,4 c9a46dcc670faf29863b64de7100dc7bd44e76d3480cc9e22d9f3f3c0d9511a7,none,unassum star center sky view one day next door stellar neighbor faint 9th magnitud red dwarf current 63 lightyear away constel ophiucus recent discov approach solar system known catalog nearbi star glies 710 predict come within 1 lightyear sun million year now distanc star present much faint seen nake eye 06 magnitud rival appar bright mighti red giant antares ultim glies 710 pose direct collis danger although gravit influenc like scatter comet solar system reservoir oort cloud send futur stellar encount discov research robert collabor studi star solar neighborhood use data hipparco satellite star field shown base palomar digit sky survey 14 degre wide about half diamet full moon,close encount stellar,1999-12-11,690,109,-0.0287037037037037,12-11,12,1999,11,6,2,3 cd19701050ed875c34362eb7197aa7b490e450992d322df3392454812043b17b,none,old galaxi new tricks bar spiral galaxi ngc 4314 billion year old appear chang markedli past million years time nuclear ring bright young star evolving inset pictur ngc 4314 taken mcdonald observatori show whole galaxi box small region around core imag hubbl space telescope inner region appear much like miniatur spiral galaxi itself complet dust lane spiral arms even though thousand lightyear across studi ngc 4314 might help astronom understand inner outer part galaxi interact caus unusu ring star formation,ngc nuclear starburst ring,1999-12-12,512,80,0.0942148760330578,12-12,12,1999,12,7,0,3 15d5aab63f32d8f49e845e47c9410a7291a9762bbd99271c5a2b714b10225a51,none,star mani type color visibl hubbl space telescop vista larg magellan cloud lmc 10000 star visibl brightest giant stars sun 170000 lightyear distant among stars would hardli discernable contrast thousand star individu visibl night unaid eye mani lie within hundr lightyears typically light see nearbi star left age light lmc star start journey dawn record human history,magellan starfield,1999-12-13,369,57,0.1166666666666666,12-13,12,1999,13,6,1,3 f202bddb63c72abb3745abc336e6473ed60a981caec366e6649909547cea4c86,none,ga cloud go high veloc cloud ga seen decad origin destin remain mysterious recent measur place least one cloud halo milki way galaxy measur determin rel abund cloud elements two cloud measured appear chemic abund consist differ origin one hvc measur heavi element compar neighbor stars anoth hvc infer heavi element abund typic neighbor stars hypothes therefor investig hvc local ga remnant push away galaxi supernova explosions hvc ancient dwarf galaxi remnant fall toward galaxy latter possibl particularli interest might help explain galaxi continu make star observ rate fast move hvc circl falsecolor mosaic,high cloud milki way,1999-12-14,611,94,0.0085714285714285,12-14,12,1999,14,6,2,3 4d65b79be7c5a1704ae4c4e707b849274eb14cbbbe17827b75fa78ae02527ea7,till credner,decemb 1st experienc observ night sky binocular notic seem new star constel aquila the realli new star though comparison detail reveal amaz truth known star posit sky bright simpli increas 70000 times star fondli known variabl star observ nova continu grow brighter sever days becom easili visibl unaid eye start slowli fade away posit within constel indic wideangl pictur taken decemb 4th near time brightest would caus star undergo cataclysm change star appear classic nova classic nova thought interact binari star system one pair dense hot white dwarf materi companion fall onto surfac white dwarf build trigger thermonuclear stun increas bright expand shell debri result binari system like destroyed classic nova believ recur flow materi resum produc anoth outburst perhap hundr year time,nova aquila,1999-12-15,795,123,0.2293388429752066,12-15,12,1999,15,6,2,4 c66bd59d05917d3ac5a517ea1db352e50d0575bcfe19e1632431447c482f5595,none,falsecolor radio wavelength pictur expand stellar debri cloud product one largest radio astronomi experi ever combin output 20 radio telescop scatter around planet earth astronom produc amazingli detail imag supernova remnant 15 lightyear across m82 intens star form galaxi 12 million lightyear away radio astronomi techniqu creat earthsiz array telescop known vlbi veri long baselin individu telescop array far apart signal combin output record magnet brought singl locat techniqu produc highest resolut astronom observ current possibl allow explor distant violent galact environ unpreced detail,supernova remnant m82,1999-12-16,596,84,-0.0999999999999999,12-16,12,1999,16,6,0,4 a1a059049f699bd315e456cff89483dae114125ca3e9202ef0cd1d6b7e645674,none,hydra galaxi cluster realli big fact cluster galaxi largest gravit bound object universe individu galaxi cool record falsecolor chandra observatori xray imag show 40 million degre ga permeat hydra cluster astronom discov xray hot ga clouds million lightyear across common galaxi clusters expect ga cool smoothli flow clusters central region form new galaxi stars instead chandra imag show detail around xray bright cluster core suggest magnet field explos event disturb flow deflect ga loop long structur possibl inhibit format cluster galaxi stars,hot ga hydra,1999-12-17,548,82,0.1595959595959596,12-17,12,1999,17,7,1,3 a780ba6c5f4d10a4fa04d5705d923e1c46ef696f2d17ad223f8bf5878c196b48,none,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory newli formed bright blue star cluster found along beautiful symmetr spiral arm guarante attract attention small irregular galaxi form star too like lovely galaxy sextan a member local group galaxi includ massiv spiral andromeda milki way sextan 10 million light year distant bright milki way foreground star appear yellowish view beyond lie star sextan tantal young blue cluster clearli visible,irregular galaxi sextan,1999-12-18,435,67,0.2833333333333334,12-18,12,1999,18,7,1,3 89229e353fbf664c94535b45a809143594d6d4d5e0c710951a423aba9232e162,none,sun unusu alon star occur multipl binari systems binari system higher mass star evolv faster eventu becom compact object either white dwarf star neutron star black hole lower mass star later evolv expans phase may close compact star outer atmospher actual fall onto compact star case diagram above ga blue giant star shown strip away accret disk around compact binari companion ga accret disk swirl around heat up eventu fall onto compact star extrem condit frequent occur surfac compact star ga fall in mani time caus detect xrays gammarays even cataclysm nova explosions studi extrem condit system tell us inner properti ordinari matter around us,accret disk binari system,1999-12-19,650,105,0.0183333333333333,12-19,12,1999,19,6,2,5 7b2712761c0b976e311ac5f6a3ec84303bc31ca5804b2fbfe6fd2116017c63a6,none,lava fountain shoot kilomet high discov jupiter moon io robot galileo spacecraft orbit jupit photograph volcan erupt close flybi moon late last month fountain visibl mosaic imag flyby lava plume bright satur galileo camera digit reconstruct fals color hot lava appear shoot 20kilomet long canyon io activ surface,lava fountain jupiter io,1999-12-20,312,48,0.1266666666666666,12-20,12,1999,20,8,1,2 6150c33bf5734f39a4b40ac7429466439716c728dec5a5f97c6e49ab8005cd10,none,xray astronomi enter golden age earlier month success launch xray multimirror satellite xmm three huge telescop barrel hold 58 concentr cylindr mirrors togeth total surfac area rival tenni mirror gold plate less thick reflect normal penetr xrays esa xmm join nasa chandra xray observatori lead observatori xray astronomy xmm satellit also carri small optic ultraviolet telescope xmm unusu ellipt orbit around earth peak nearli onethird way moon xmm observ program plan twoyear mission includ monitor hot surround black holes fieri region surround center galaxies mysteri xray background light appear come directions hot ga glow galaxi stars,launch,1999-12-21,640,96,0.0761904761904762,12-21,12,1999,21,8,2,4 0cd34d46080d415f6ddeaf11e9e9a0dc18742299a2e516504047118681ad0546,none,tonight bless clear sky enjoy gloriou full moon last full moon fact tonight moon fullperigeesolstic moon reach full phase perige the closest point solstice first day northern hemispher winter anticip celesti event gener flood email chase fullperigeesolstic moon intens bright however calcul show littl brighter usual certainli dramat so would mostli moon appear bigger brighter perigee illustration base galileo spacecraft images show approxim differ appar size full moon perige left full moon apogee farthest point lunar orbit earth moon also percent closer sun northern winter combin effect caus tonight full moon appear 20 brighter averag full moon differ even like notic human eye,perige moon apoge moon,1999-12-22,684,103,0.1676470588235294,12-22,12,1999,22,2,2,1 884a9e4ae23ba1b0661fe3945db9cb1f560ccc937ca0161cd37de71c8ec900af,none,may 10 unknown reason solar wind virtual stopped normal sun emit wind five ten energet particl per cubic centimet move outward 500 kilomet per second late may 10 however gale reduc mere breez one particl per everi five cubic centimeters sun corona suddenli abl flow solar system rel creat beam energet electrons one beam appar reach earth north magnet pole seen unusu xray aurora digit reconstruct falsecolor image atmospher absorb electrons display gave direct evidence however earth north magnet pole connect sun earth south magnet pole connect distant solar system solar wind return normal may 12,unusu aurora solar wind,1999-12-23,599,96,-0.0666666666666666,12-23,12,1999,23,1,0,4 e04fd4a68fe1d8756e66976dc5704b211fcd90336059a6cc6e58d2301a57f8b4,none,would like spend holiday low earth orbit that crew space shuttl discoveri deliv six new faster main comput orbit hubbl space telescope telescop hold safe mode sinc novemb 13 use resum explor distant universe mission third mission servic famou space observatori place orbit discoveri april 25 1990 seen 1997 pictur second servic mission space telescope flank solar panels hang shuttl payload bay earth bright limb background discoveri close hubbl tuesday crew member conduct space walk instal new equipment discoveri schedul return earth decemb 27 land kennedi space center email season greet orbit crew,hubbl holiday,1999-12-24,603,93,0.1439393939393939,12-24,12,1999,24,8,2,2 f242383ab5c153b54f3b8c817dee7ad0ae0db6bf9943f0b903e8ec6151e6b4aa,none,apollo 8 astronaut spent 1968 christma season orbit moon return strike imag moon earth space pictur inspir world lunar orbit 1994 prospect clementin spacecraft also turn camera toward home world result mosaic 70 high resolut imag planet cosmic perspective swirl cloud dramat color give earth appear delicate paint hang space best wish season greet astronomi pictur day,earth,1999-12-25,369,57,0.19,12-25,12,1999,25,2,1,2 ea724eab82ba523cde3c072303ea1f35ee2389de0585d42017c6b41c1aa0cdbf,none,turbul region west jupiter great red spot highlight pictur construct data record galileo spacecraft imag color code show cloud height thickness white cloud high thick light blue cloud high thin reddish cloud low edg red spot appear blue lower right span 10000 kilomet along curv limb planet north up westward winds deflect north circul within great red spot collid eastward wind higher latitud gener roiling turbul structures largest eddi near northwestern edg red spot bright suggest upward convect high altitud cloud format take place there,west great red spot,1999-12-26,542,85,0.1557857142857143,12-26,12,1999,26,8,1,4 04223b0308d5e0635e9d89c1a0235c3023e7b8fe06729b83789b43939f3f02b2,none,discov recent closeup pictur sun nasa transit region coron explor trace spacecraft stuff temperatur 2 million degre fahrenheit dub solar falsecolor trace imag record extrem ultraviolet light octob 18 show solar moss associ hot magnet plasma loop arch one sun activ regions moss dark blue white seem cover area bright white base loops solar moss seen spread typic persist ten hours may form rapidli follow solar flare solar moss found grow sun north side rule seem lie photospher visibl surface transit region solar atmosphere complex previous unknown featur may provid clue long sought mysteri mechan respons heat sun outer atmosphere,solar moss,1999-12-27,635,100,-0.0154761904761904,12-27,12,1999,27,1,2,4 5d2a4bf3015d4507f37d06b168082c39f3988a2199046845188363f80180d577,none,fittingly 1999 saw decad astronom discoveri end thing come embodi new spacecraft telescopes perspect explor distant univers across electromagnet spectrum xray astronomi particular like flourish come years judg year success launch xray multimirror satellit spectacular first result orbit chandra xray observatory groundbas astronomi flourish larg telescop new instrument come onlin near completion radio astronom also achiev observ mileston year record break vlbi observ network radio telescop larg planet earth apod favorit astronom screensav 1999 growth internet person comput boom support search extraterrestri intellig setihom project like involv comput power project history news apod home switch transit,year new perspect,1999-12-28,710,96,0.2321548821548821,12-28,12,1999,28,8,2,4 5f8cd1c836f7f74cfd7ba2c52e09da9d5fa13eab8af05027ed0a7c19a238d31c,lynett cook,1990 began planetari star system known solar system first extrasolar star system discov orbit pulsar 1991 slight chang precis arriv time puls central small dens neutron star gave evid orbit planets jupiterlik planet around sunlik star found slight wobbl detect motion stars pictur artist sketch planet discov orbit decad come close two dozen planetari star system identified one recent confirm detect slight eclips planet itself unambigu discoveri sunlik star system contain earthlik planet still remain goal,decad defin star system,1999-12-29,508,76,-0.0714285714285714,12-29,12,1999,29,6,0,2 198ca50204ab580c9c3f3db403ac7ceae0173c83ca7de10d70ef19150021cf6a,none,twentieth centuri dawn debat rage whether milki way entir universe 1920 brought observ hous familiar faint variabl stars henc place nebula much farther anyth els ever found milki way apparently spiral nebula seen inside soon interstellar dust identifi opaqu materi block view distant spiral arms confirm sun well away center twentieth centuri galaxi seen form across universe milki way refer spiral galaxi quit similar ngc pictur above,centuri defin galaxi,1999-12-30,435,67,-0.009375,12-30,12,1999,30,7,0,3 38888cd5d242b00b0f0a4654e69e95b1cbcc37d5366c9cec89fe7dd3a2b9c1f3,none,second millennium began peopl gener knew earth round saw much beyond local millennium progressed human map continents circumnavig globe determin composit earth earth start center everything becam planet place solar system becam place galaxy becam place local group galaxies becam place expans vast call universe millennium two end peopl gener know earth look like afar human confin surfac fragil wateri globe,millennium defin earth,1999-12-31,408,61,-0.0111111111111111,12-31,12,1999,31,8,0,1 cfdea19d6ac5af208ae83728f96e82fb913ef8a19b770206f2a515b298732af1,none,there faint dot center that largest rock known larger everi known asteroid moon comet nucleus larger rocki planet nobodi know sure size rock lie core jovian planets orbit stars voyag 1 spacecraft took pictur 1990 outer solar system rock larg graviti make nearli spherical hold heavi gase near surface yesterday rock start anoth orbit around parent star roughli 5 billionth time spin 350 time trip happi gregorian calendar new year human inhabit rock call earth,largest rock known,2000-01-02,461,75,0.0170454545454545,01-02,1,2000,2,8,0,2 3e3bfa3330e8408139abd21478f3a9573ba1705cf2592ef84fe79efa3ae69e36,none,complex shell star seen explod 300 year ago help astronom understand star exploded recent releas imag supernova remnant cassiopeia ca a show unpreced detail three xray colors relationship brightness color posit materi imag indic star materi explosion bright knot left example contain littl iron hypothes origin higher layer outer red filaments iron rich blue region right seen absorb dust appear deplet lowenergi xrays take light ten year cross ga shell ca supernova remnant 10000 lightyear distant element make peopl planet produc supernova explosions,ca supernova remnant xray,2000-01-03,552,83,0.1239010989010989,01-03,1,2000,3,6,1,3 141a6de025e4b28cae27ea2a3643ae637d43736a2fd2f2fc8497ac536c848465,none,galaxi dot sky like jewel direct mass larg known simpli great attractor galaxi pictur part cluster galaxi call aco 3627 near center great attractor previously cluster galaxies also known norma cluster larg unstudi dust disk galaxi obscur much light great attractor diffus mass concentr fulli 250 million lightyear away larg pull milki way galaxi million galaxi toward it mani galaxi aco 3627 slowli head toward collis other,galaxi cluster toward great attractor,2000-01-04,423,67,0.2898148148148148,01-04,1,2000,4,7,1,3 8850c0ffe736bcde6aff12f51c8a227d49c5584aebc94efc234946f3a8f86235,none,tomorrow picture millenni mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,earth moon hubbl,2000-01-05,229,35,0.2857142857142857,01-05,1,2000,5,5,1,0 a10aa4e8d4f4c75f3f54898141801ca93439efce887c5bbf500a49155adf21ab,none,tomorrow picture archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,mar new year,2000-01-06,216,33,0.2857142857142857,01-06,1,2000,6,8,1,0 79f67c70015c2d389f1f645d27558489df23e8b08e801410d4525c5b116af324,none,dazzl display star format abound across face galaxi ngc 4214 mere 13 million lightyear away northern constel cane venatici 1997 hubbl space telescop imag show numer faint older star ngc 4214 eyecatch featur galaxy bright young star cluster surround fluoresc ga clouds sculpt bubbl filamentari shape energet explos stellar wind massiv cluster stars cloud fluoresc intens stellar ultraviolet radiation color spectacl massiv young star form cluster distinguish presenc fainter older stellar popul indic ngc experienc star format episod span billion years,ngc star form galaxi,2000-01-07,551,81,0.0983333333333333,01-07,1,2000,7,6,0,5 c4c811f22f94ef86e5105f68c53f78645deef8ae54b9053a3f63b5dbf8fceac6,none,albert einstein 18791955 consid mani greatest astrophysicist singl signific person 20th century pictur swiss patent offic much defin work einstein mani visionari scientif contribut includ equival mass energi emc2 maximum speed limit light affect measur time space special relativity accur theori graviti base simpl geometr concept gener relativity one reason einstein award 1921 nobel prize physic make prize prestigious,albert einstein describ space time,2000-01-08,420,59,0.1928571428571428,01-08,1,2000,8,8,1,4 650436b182dc94b2987d2ba3979d4ec77e3600ed0f131ded9d39d22f4391e624,none,sometim cant see forest trees look close center photograph see whole spiral galaxi behind field stars name dwingeloo 1 nearbi galaxi discov recent 1994 much light obscur dust ga bright star milki way galaxy fact individu discern star photograph galaxy dwingeloo 1 turn larg galaxi locat five time distant closest major galaxi m31,galaxi dwingeloo 1 emerg,2000-01-09,330,53,0.0953125,01-09,1,2000,9,7,1,3 94a95fe207ade94af859db122b7505932c98323dd341415db6d2870fe7e18ecc,robert gendler,sun may look like soft fluffy not sun extrem larg ball bubbl hot gas mostli hydrogen gas pictur taken specif color light emit hydrogen ga call hydrogenalpha granul cover solar photospher surfac like shag interrupt bright region contain dark sunspots visibl left edg solar prominence sun glow hot fire fire rapid acquisit oxygen littl oxygen sun energi sourc sun nuclear fusion hydrogen helium deep within core astronom still work understand however neutrino measur sun core,brown sun bubbl,2000-01-10,473,75,0.15,01-10,1,2000,10,1,1,5 6f5aae74fa94d06267652c5a05f4fd73438f93577782f0b3e07f27c681d0012d,none,rosett nebula larg emiss nebula locat 3000 lightyear away great abund hydrogen ga give ngc 2237 red color photographs wind open cluster star known ngc 2244 clear hole nebula center photograph however taken light emit three element ga ioniz energet central stars green light origin oxygen blue light origin sulfur red hydrogen filament dark dust lace run nebula gases origin recent observ fastmov molecular knot rosett nebula remain investigation,rosett nebula hydrogen oxygen sulfur,2000-01-11,445,69,0.1178571428571428,01-11,1,2000,11,4,1,5 bab81cab2acdf4a8d0702943c5e43e0fbf41c0ab4c5140e3881c93ca47ac0da4,none,ngc 6791 one oldest largest open cluster star known get open star cluster usual contain hundr star less billion year old open star cluster ngc 6791 however contain thousand star recent measur 8 billion year old what realli confusing though star ngc 6791 rel dirti minuscul amount heavi element call high rel star clusters older star suppos metal sinc metal slowli accumul milki way galaxy enigma make ngc 6791 pictur above one studi open cluster possibl exampl star might evolv center galaxies,ngc larg open cluster,2000-01-12,494,82,-0.0207142857142857,01-12,1,2000,12,6,0,3 3ed77965081d187033f17a33dd48f41e7007cb089aa0bdad904fcd38803f8cb4,robert gendler,dramat sharp pictur full moon record 22 december 1999 astroimag rob gendler big beautiful bright evocative last full moon pleas inspir even casual skygazers december moon special anoth reason full phase occur day winter solstic within hour lunar perigee first full moon year 2000 bring special treat well present denizen planet earth total lunar eclipse thursday evening januari 20 moon encount dark edg earth shadow pm eastern time total eclips phase begin pm last 77 minutes lunar eclips visibl north south america western europ phase begin januari,full moon,2000-01-13,550,87,0.1652255639097744,01-13,1,2000,13,2,1,1 d66b2c570c21c7518098420c561d685d1b62f4d2beb0b3353a1034edd8804bb4,none,everywher nobodi knew why everi direct times sky glow xrays xray background phenomenon discov 35 year ago soon first xray satellit launched sinc gone unexplained yesterday result releas use data recent launch chandra xray observatori appear resolv much mystery photograph show 80 percent appar diffus hard xray background resolv mani faint sources new question earli speculation much predat observations hold mani sourc activ center distant galaxies probabl involv massiv black holes still sourc may origin current unknown,chandra resolv hard xray background,2000-01-14,522,77,-0.0301406926406926,01-14,1,2000,14,8,0,4 fdd75bc8b02e3972fa9e4511f59187a712ad06520a109715c0b2161df9538c8e,none,compton gamma ray observatori cgro massiv instrument ever launch nasa space shuttl 1991 continu revolution gammaray astronomy compton lose stabil nasa consid fire onboard rocket bring control reentri ocean orbit observatori see sky gammaray photon light blue human cant see it photon block earth atmospher reach earth surface result cgro pictur above shown entir univers violent rapidli chang place view gammarays astronom use cgro data continu make monument discoveries includ identifi mysteri gammaray burst uniqu illumin earli universe discoveri whole new class qsos discoveri object strang astronom cant yet figur are,compton gamma ray observatori,2000-01-16,623,91,-0.009090909090909,01-16,1,2000,16,8,2,4 0777d830a871b7136c883ad33ab81d16f2866472cabd0bfcdf467869d9f5ae08,none,object mani astronom believ black hole found 1500 lightyear earth make closest black hole candidate although dramat explos eman object far enough away danger pictur above v4641 imag emit outburst radio band jets last minutes visible v4641 fourth known microquasar miniatur version massive matter spew black hole thought exist center galaxies explos thought eman within black hole locat neither matter inform around black hole matter companion star may heat fall in astronom work understand v4641 act strang even black hole explos creat fade within minutes appear differ time differ band light,closest black hole candid,2000-01-17,592,91,-0.0428571428571428,01-17,1,2000,17,6,0,3 959c89a5763ddf216255cd0ccdeef42e3bc93ee1ccc9c32910b305edaaf306a9,none,creat huge space bubble massiv star bright blue also emit fast stellar wind ioniz gas bubbl nebula actual smallest three bubbl surround massiv star bd602522 part gigant bubbl network s162 creat help massiv stars fast move ga expand bd602522 push surround spars ga shell energet starlight ioniz shell caus glow pictur taken hubbl space telescop releas last week show mani detail bubbl nebula never seen mani still understood nebula also known ngc 7635 six lightyear across visibl small telescop toward constel cassiopeia,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula,2000-01-18,519,82,0.1666666666666666,01-18,1,2000,18,4,1,5 2d0cd875b39547c169336cf39871c02e8f9e0454dbbd4f2ca267e9f96c8e150e,none,black hole glide silent space way know there last week object might black hole galaxi part binari star systems there ga companion star hypothes swirl around black hole heat up emit xray fall in last week however analysi releas mysteri dark object float front distant background star dramat increas star light len effect gravity pictur above high mass low light strang len astronom guess might detect lone black hole weigh six time mass sun exist isol black hole surprising end result core massiv stars,big black hole float,2000-01-19,501,84,0.0360416666666666,01-19,1,2000,19,6,0,3 173dc487b87ae675ad8a8a33180432218b7b0f68bf6983c8d177d5776bb38489,none,ring quasar activ galaxi distant universe astronom come believ galaxi massiv black hole centers swirl star strong variabl radio sourc offer convinc evid even milki way galaxy center harbor bizarr object mere 30000 lightyear away still long realiz massiv black hole lurk produc xray previous identified now though rel faint miss xray sourc may found take advantag sensit chandra observatori astronom record falsecolor xray imag galact center embed diffus cloud xray hot gas white dot center correspond xray sourc exactli posit strong radio sourc suspect black hole individu xray sourc also present pictur span 10 lightyear distanc galact center radio xray emiss gener infal material milki way central black hole thought mass 2 million suns news lunar eclips tonight,xray galact center,2000-01-20,765,119,-0.0666666666666667,01-20,1,2000,20,6,2,4 91543ee5141440586074dd64a388d00a325ab1a68a09194e0231b015e0b96efb,none,big beauti spiral galaxi 2 million lightyear away andromeda m31 long tout analog milki way distant mirror galaxy popular 1960 british scifi series andromeda even postul home anoth technolog civil us use newli unleash observ power orbit chandra xray telescope astronom imag center island universe find evid object bizarr would impress mani 60 scienc fiction writer and like milki way andromeda galact center appear harbor xray sourc characterist black hole million solar masses seen above falsecolor xray pictur show number xray sources like xray binari stars within andromeda central region yellowish dots blue sourc locat right galaxy center coincid posit suspect massiv black hole xray produc materi fall black hole heat up estim xray data show andromeda central sourc surprisingli cool million degre compar ten million degre indic andromeda xray binaries,x andromeda,2000-01-21,858,131,0.0158730158730158,01-21,1,2000,21,6,2,4 705d7db10e764c548fc1e59c99f7d646a3ce6420cfa39e7b2efe239e4fa7d605,none,1787 astronom william herschel discov ngc 2392 ground ngc 2392 resembl person head surround parka hood 2000 fixed hubbl space telescop imag ngc 2392 space nebula display ga cloud complex fulli understood ngc 2392 clearli planetari nebula ga seen compos outer layer sunlik star 10000 year ago inner filament visibl eject strong wind particl central star outer disk contain unusu lightyear long orang filaments ngc 2392 lie 5000 lightyear away visibl small telescop constel gemini,ngc 2392 newli hubbl,2000-01-24,478,75,-0.0095238095238095,01-24,1,2000,24,4,0,5 62682c157039bbfb4640b8fdc2be932f79fef5f771880383ccc787f459c43a5d,stephen,moon turn red last week reason night januari 20 total lunar eclips occurred digit superimpos photograph captur moon three time lunar eclipse moon enter earth shadow moon near middl shadow moon exited red tint eclips moon creat sunlight first pass earth atmosphere preferenti scatter blue light make sky blue pass refract red light reflect back moon differ amount cloud volcan dust earth atmospher make lunar eclips appear differently,lunar eclips three,2000-01-25,433,68,0.0884615384615384,01-25,1,2000,25,2,0,1 a37bbabfa540ae880cceb968fe6d373d34ee020e0c500950aa219862d079b5c3,juan carlo casado,last week lunar eclipse moon appear disappear earth move moon sun earth shadow fell moon make quit dark photograph earth rotat caus moon star appear streak fourhour exposure foreground abbey monasteri sant llorenc del structur girona spain stood sinc eleventh century earth shadow engulf moon moon streak becam less less bright practic disappear totality time moon normal shine reflect direct sunlight shone sunlight refract earth atmosphere later cloud obscur reappear moon,lunar eclips time,2000-01-26,474,71,0.0583333333333333,01-26,1,2000,26,2,0,1 0f87e497b919bf1c3b74f303e8bcb5d17c9c3843701ce592ab4a5e85bda23e09,none,era blossom ground spacebas observatories astronom also push envelop airborn instrument success captur asteroid occult high perform jet aircraft blink anim repres two digit frame data asteroid number pass front occult faint star near center field camera used known southwest ultraviolet imag system mount cockpit nasa fa18 jet inset lower left former us navi aircraft fa18 abl maneuv precis posit record occult cruis cloud much earth obscur atmosphere use swuisa data time occult reveal size asteroid otherwis small imag even orbit hubbl space telescope futur swuisa airborn mission may includ hunt suspect popul small asteroid circl sun insid orbit mercury,astronomi,2000-01-28,658,100,-0.034,01-28,1,2000,28,8,2,4 a1c9d1582ee04434d3b1de24c7e06b05ceb2fb6db814329a950b10a44db6bf6e,none,rth ocean planet low earth orbit seaview wide fieldofview sensor seawifs instrument onboard nasa seastar spacecraft global map ocean color track chang climat water world detail seawif imag also follow color chang earth landmass illustr closeup pictur planet taken januari 27 cover great lake region atlant coastal area north american continent spacebas perspect reveal extent fractal white season solid phase h20 recent sprinkl northeastern us unanticip intense delight school children caus seriou disrupt mani,planet earth,2000-01-31,510,74,0.1,01-31,1,2000,31,8,0,2 322a3f3736689d5a85293cb74b2e139302438be6097a59a454ba1bd540f78ee6,none,graviti bend light almost bright object recent releas hubbl space telescop imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact graviti bend focus light galaxi lie behind it result multipl imag background galaxi distort long faint arc simpl lens effect analog view distant street lamp glass wine cluster galaxi abel 2218 three billion lightyear away northern constel draco,abel 2218 galaxi cluster len,2000-02-01,379,58,0.05625,02-01,2,2000,1,7,0,3 bd214f486e5a313a41558814de7a73e101d422944880544f1eb44b3ca77b8ae9,none,mars atmospher rel thin still martian wind blow weather shape surface like familiar featur earth field dune within mars crater exhibit grace undul ridg shift windblown materi deposit windward face fall away steeper slopes indic arrow dark trail sign martian sand steep slope recent past rippl pattern smaller dune also visibl sharp highresolut view along crisscross dark trail may evid local imag 3 kilomet across record march 1999 orbit mar global surveyor spacecraft,mar,2000-02-02,468,73,-0.07,02-02,2,2000,2,5,0,1 08a9f7fbe606d57f21a8ec4e032d54f13b68e50c7d53024a41b0df06f228fb5e,none,tumultu cloud carina nebula 8000 lightyear away glow planet earth southern sky strike detailed closeup portion famou nebula combin exposur six differ filter taken hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 april 1999 dramat dark dust knot complex featur reveal sculpt wind radiat carina massiv energet stars picture color astronom imag produc hubbl space telescop data compos exposur made use rel narrow filter match color human eye filter even transmit wavelength light outsid visibl spectrum exposur made differ narrow filters case translat visibl color shorter wavelength assign bluer longer wavelength assign redder colors color scheme repres way present data rather natur color image,color cloud carina,2000-02-03,697,104,-0.0149999999999999,02-03,2,2000,3,4,2,4 001c245ae86333bd946261fba24a1d08efa0c0e98e2ce22787174673fdf0fec8,none,star orion shine brightli northern winter sky constel harbor closest larg stellar nursery great nebula orion mere 1500 lightyear away fact appar bright clump star near center chandra xray telescop pictur portion nebula massiv star trapezium young star cluster power much nebula visiblelight glow sheer number star seen xray image span 10 lightyears surpris delight astronom pictur recent tout field xray sourc ever record singl observation pictur dramat illustr young star prodigi sourc xrays thought produc hot stellar corona surfac flare young star strong magnet field middleag sun probabl thousand time brighter xray when like trapezium stars million year old dark line imag instrument artifacts,xray star orion,2000-02-04,699,105,0.1549019607843137,02-04,2,2000,4,4,2,5 1f094cf9ea7999cabcf715a516db3aa8ab8d3648844c2b34a33d5630f39b3340,none,what caus odd ring supernova 1987a 1987 brightest supernova recent histori occur larg magellan clouds center pictur object central remain violent stellar explosion hubbl space telescop point supernova remnant 1994 however exist curiou ring confirmed origin ring still remain mystery specul caus ring includ beam jet eman dens star left supernova superposit two stellar wind ioniz supernova explosion meanwhile astronom report possibl appear new ring feature,mysteri ring supernova 1987a,2000-02-06,457,66,-0.003030303030303,02-06,2,2000,6,6,0,3 b025fe7534d79d461ed23c3157618b3a202d361994db87f4f804eabd02c4d389,none,huge chimney vent hot cloud ga plane milki way galaxi recent imag radio waves canadian galact plane survey team use array radio telescop survey ioniz ga region known bottom w4 center imag young open cluster star known research continu star creat w4 superbubble possibl explan includ supernova explos strong stellar wind stars appear clear however hot ga expand outwards funnel rel cool dens ga fashion w4 lie 6500 lightyear earth span 250 lightyear across visibl compar dark area extend toward top image,,2000-02-07,503,82,0.1833333333333333,02-07,2,2000,7,6,1,3 2ee19baedf89fa66eece9045d3d5a33487037453efb4d4ae2f0820bc45694730,none,tomorrow picture galaxi war archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,ring around beta pictori,2000-02-08,229,35,0.2857142857142857,02-08,2,2000,8,8,1,0 57870d11f840c5386a2dcf215a76e8d60e7fa80d78d0fa17c51935286e0d4898,robert gendler,left corner wear red nucleu surround blue spiral arms m81 right corner sport light star dark dust lanes m82 two mammoth galaxi lock gravit combat past billion years graviti galaxi dramat affect hundr millionyear pass last goround m82 graviti like rais circul densiti wave rippl around m81 result rich m81 spiral arms m81 though left m82 messi explod star collid ga violent emit bright xrays galaxies collid ga creat recent abund bright new stars billion year one galaxi remain,galaxi wars m81 versu m82,2000-02-09,476,79,0.0931385281385281,02-09,2,2000,9,7,0,3 637c6fd0f0a0ffd7ea60550873c68bc4e7930566e58b9e0048af88577249a0ab,none,unanticip extra trip around sun near spacecraft approach asteroid eros rel speed 20 mile per hour still nearli 2000 mile distant near close within approxim 200 mile februari 14th valentine day goe well spacecraft captur gentl attract eros gravity becom first artifici moon asteroid ero round certainli heartshap either seen seri frame show roughli 20 x 8 x 8 mile asteroid hour rotat period differ perspect clearli show goug saddl larg impact crater rais rim near asteroid narrow waist frame record near spacecraft multispectr imag februari 4th rang miles,ero encount near,2000-02-10,556,89,0.0166666666666666,02-10,2,2000,10,8,0,2 7c77982042e5cd9d906973d8892bf668f2bea09e8a32b95d32c4c917b4756c32,none,recent european space agenc releas spectacular first light pictur new orbit xray observatory christen xmmnewton churn region star birth death small neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc field one sever chosen test xmmnewton xray imag capabilities pictur falsecolour one low energi xray translat red medium energi green high energi blue imag colour therefor repres rel million degre temperatur xray emit regions red coolest blue hottest remain star explod supernova 1987a appear white xray sourc lower right anoth supernova remnant catalog brightest sourc upper left bluish arc near center also appear supernova remnant whose expand debri cloud interact lmc local interstellar gas,first light xray lmc,2000-02-11,681,101,0.0658132343846629,02-11,2,2000,11,6,2,4 26ba0eac04637898e8231f86dcd254d74d00c8eb7335c95657986b7c4bfded2a,none,planet mercuri resembl moon mercury old surfac heavili crater like mani moons mercuri larger moon smaller jupiter moon ganymed saturn moon titan mercuri much denser massiv moon though made mostli iron fact earth planet dense visitor mercury surfac would see strang sights mercuri rotat exactli three time everi two orbit around sun mercury orbit elliptical visitor mercuri might see sun rise stop sky go back toward rise horizon stop again set quickli horizon earth mercury proxim sun caus visibl short time sunset sunrise,southwest mercuri,2000-02-13,522,83,0.05,02-13,2,2000,13,2,0,2 0e99aca200c37bc4caee30ab5205c4884dfb00cacb2416e39ed6c7fac4f961ae,none,mayb moon stop occasion asteroid send us friday surpris many near mission approach asteroid 433 ero photograph appear heartshap depression near reach asteroid today nasa plan seri maneuv make robot spacecraft first ever orbit asteroid detail pictur soon taken 33 kilomet long asteroid ero 5 kilomet long depression likely fortuit light view angl accentu appar heart shape tell moon,unexpect asteroid,2000-02-14,382,59,0.15625,02-14,2,2000,14,8,1,2 861be1124384cbccab6a8e0d9e4f20c5abc8010281f6cae061ebb0623a2e7c3e,none,what happen center spiral galaxi m106 swirl disk star gas m106 appear domin two bright spiral arm dark dust lane near nucleus bright newli form star near outer tip distinguish spiral arm photograph core m106 glow brightli radio wave xray twin jet found run length galaxy unusu central glow make m106 one closest exampl seyfert class galaxies vast amount glow ga thought fall central massiv black hole m106 also design ngc 4258 rel close 25 million light year away span 30 thousand light year across seen small telescop toward constel cane venatici,m106 spiral galaxi strang core,2000-02-15,547,92,0.1333333333333333,02-15,2,2000,15,7,2,3 4877cb10b17374e99e38691ed8084c7f1e7275273ba1cba9dbdfaa18429cce30,none,februari 14th near spacecraft becam first artifici moon asteroid captur gentl graviti 20 mile long mountain rock near record premier imag orbit asteroid 433 ero distanc 200 miles imag show featur small 100 feet across view domin 3 mile wide crater near eros narrow waist layer groov visibl within crater rim along enorm 170 foot boulder lie crater floor near pictur center although ero larg nearearth asteroid still massiv enough graviti shape planetlik spheric form comparison ero less thousandth earth gravity 100 pound object earth would weigh 1 ounc eros basebal thrown 22 mile per hour would complet escap space weak graviti irregular shape make orbit ero delic challeng near control plan year long explor program possibl close approach asteroid surface,ero orbit,2000-02-16,758,121,-0.0361111111111111,02-16,2,2000,16,8,2,2 c6c19bab6b8b3e475e6782917cc7ad9d13f645945b9c3aa1259597f03fef5309,none,februari 1987 astronom wit brightest supernova modern time supernova 1987a larg magellan cloud mysteri ring materi surround expand stellar debri soon emit visibl glow excit intens light explosion fade interven years interior ring seen sprout four new illustr two version hubbl space telescop imag record februari 2nd abrupt appear new featur suggest matter stellar blast wave begun slam ring ga produc bright hotspots lefthand pictur show glow ring initi excit light explosion along shock hotspots righthand pictur comput enhanc emphas hotspots brightest spot right first observ 1997 four spot left half ring new astronom eagerli anticip dramat glow ring blast wave material travel 60 million kilomet per hour continu plow it,new shock supernova 1987a,2000-02-17,726,111,0.1902092352092352,02-17,2,2000,17,8,2,4 62b7d686c30191b2d8e2d81ddab92d74a45c67a43dad4a53fd7d6c542738a877,none,earth surface neptun usual appear fuzzi blur effect earth atmospher clearer images distort mirror telescop time chang atmosphere however effect greatli reduced mani world largest telescop rubber mirror adapt optic system bring finest detail telescop resolve recent 10meter keck ii telescop hawaii came onlin imag neptun three infrar color demonstr clariti new techniqu compar imag neptun keck ii without,neptun,2000-02-18,404,59,-0.0378787878787878,02-18,2,2000,18,8,0,1 3467b9ae362a4aa977cc08dbea153d35e6838cbcdb54c582f42d54afe422e0f6,digit sky surveypalomar observatory stsci,pictur sever galaxi virgo cluster closest cluster galaxi milki way galaxy virgo cluster span 5 degre sky 10 time angl made full moon contain 100 galaxi mani type includ spirals ellipticals irregular galaxies virgo cluster massiv notic pull galaxi toward it cluster contain galaxi fill star also ga hot glow xrays motion galaxi around cluster indic contain dark matter visibl matter see notabl bright galaxi virgo cluster includ bright messier object m61 m87 m90 m100,virgo cluster galaxi,2000-02-20,468,75,0.37,02-20,2,2000,20,7,1,3 5d36df7b47ba9f711f746f92a72d3e3ae8f62d01d54472337320484972744a50,none,asteroid 433 ero pose sever nasa robot spacecraft near began orbit 30kilomet space rock last week new pictur beam back earth usual science arriv place never before see thing immedi understand scientist example caus abovepictur giant goug middl eros intrigu intern featur includ grove orient parallel asteroid length rel craters indic goug form well asteroid itself one question answer shape densiti that unlik asteroid 253 mathilde ero pile rock one big rock astronom hope data taken come year might indic natur origin baffl bright patches,giant asteroid ero,2000-02-21,539,85,0.0762626262626262,02-21,2,2000,21,8,0,2 fd1ec8fb32ccf2ab3a6bfb3f1c81a0414a585c5711ac6677a603e08d9d5e29bf,none,sun surfac continu changing timelaps movi show five second happen 20 minut sun surfac near sunspot visibl boil outsid sunspot inward motion bright grain outer penumbr region toward sunspot churn small magnet element solar granules sunspot rel cool region solar surfac depress magnet fields dark lane surround sunspot call penumbr filaments recent comput simul shown behavior also domin magnet fields sequenc taken new dutch open telescop last septemb focus sunspot measur 25000 kilomet across,sunspot seeth,2000-02-23,492,74,0.0745179063360881,02-23,2,2000,23,1,0,4 fd6e594e5913c47cf28c2db4348dfac4871f3e2c3881f711344ae35b823ba728,none,get redblu glass float next asteroid 433 eros 260 million kilomet away orbit sun everi 18 earthyears asteroid ero diminut 40 x 14 x 14 kilomet world undul horizons craters boulder valleys unsettl scale bizarr shape emphas pictur mosaic recent imag near spacecraft process yield stereo anaglyph view along dramat chiaroscuro near 3d imag provid import measur asteroid landform structures hope clue origin citys chunk solar system smallest featur visibl 30 meter across,stereo ero,2000-02-24,468,73,0.05,02-24,2,2000,24,8,0,2 f643bef88369fea25883a8f0a76d54658ad5611bbf4222bd3ecfb96f8666af3f,none,four year success spacebas solar heliospher observatori soho also becom success history rack 102 new comets exampl soho comet discoveri imag lasco onboard coronagraph lasco design monitor solar corona distanc 12 million mile bright solar disk comet discov soho belong special class known sungraz thought return fragment larg comet broke histor passag near sun subject intens solar heat tidal forces sungraz left unlik surviv close passage however ten soho new comets like right column comet pass sun safe distances fact outbound journey comet top right bright enough seen unaid eye discov year februari 4th comet bottom right hold distinct soho comet number 100,comet soho,2000-02-25,662,103,0.2622414622414622,02-25,2,2000,25,3,2,2 622663e51a310a917e1c07339a2eb0f3d4bd83bb12a4a6d0efbe75b34fdd643a,none,kill dinosaurs sudden disappear 65 million year ago along 70 percent speci live earth known kt event cretaceoustertiari mass extinct event geologist paleontologist often entertain idea larg asteroid comet impact earth culprit cosmic news would impact would gener firestorms tidal waves earthquakes hurrican winds bad news debri thrown atmospher would seriou global environment consequences creat extend period darkness low temperatures acid rain result planetwid extinct event 1990 dramat support theori came cosmochemist alan hildebrand revel 65 million year old 112 mile wide ring structur still detect layer sediment yucatan peninsula region mexico outlin structure call chicxulub crater name local village visibl represent graviti magnet field data region addit right age crater consist impact asteroid suffici size 6 12 mile wide caus global disruptions regardless true caus kt event fortun impact present believ happen everi 100 million years,65 million year ago,2000-02-26,950,137,-0.0551948051948051,02-26,2,2000,26,8,2,4 98be231a4964000caeb00593fc266f027edae9cdca898150d1fa36353200cf6c,yuugi kitahara,m13 one promin best known globular clusters visibl binocular constel hercules m13 frequent one first object found curiou sky gazer seek celesti wonder beyond normal human vision m13 coloss home 100000 stars span 150 light year across lie 20000 light year distant 12 billion year old 1974 dedic arecibo observatory radio messag earth sent direct m13 reason low abund unusu blue straggler star m13 current unknown,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2000-03-01,411,66,0.1642857142857142,03-01,3,2000,1,6,1,3 84abfbcaa8f4f818d70a1380bd7ee1e4c2bfeee19fa88e598b8ea04f8667c8fb,none,dusti bright nebula contrast dramat dusti dark nebula hubbl space telescop imag record shortli december orbit servic mission nebula catalog ngc 1999 reflect nebula shine reflect light nearbi star unlik emiss nebulae whose reddish glow come excit atom gas reflect nebula bluish cast interstellar dust grain preferenti reflect blue starlight perhap famou reflect nebula surround bright young star pleiad star cluster ngc 1999 stellar illumin provid embed variabl star v380 orionis seen left center extend right center omin dark nebula actual condens cold molecular ga dust thick dens block light perspect lie front bright nebula silhouet ghostli nebular glow new star like form within dark cloud call bok globule continu compress dens ga dust reflect nebula ngc 1999 lie 1500 lightyear away constel orion south orion well known emiss nebula m42,ngc 1999 reflect nebula orion,2000-03-02,842,131,0.1116883116883116,03-02,3,2000,2,4,2,5 793ee808e8f4c8825fea8723ac2b312d7a16438acdaf14fadcf725f491e3d7b6,none,low earth orbit nasa seawif instrument record ocean color track chang water world climat biosphere even ocean planet dust storms februari 26th seawif return dramat closeup view vast develop cloud saharan desert dust blow northwest africa lower right thousand mile atlant ocean indic effect saharan dust event includ declin coral caribbean increas frequenc atlant hurricanes also evid dust provid rain spacebas vantag points satellit imag also reveal storm transport massiv quantiti fine sand dust across earth oceans,dust storm planet earth,2000-03-03,516,77,0.175595238095238,03-03,3,2000,3,8,1,1 e9e40c7a8a18ae12c60b98e9ba47ec74bc895b10c57f7066e542658873d36722,jerri lodriguss,dark nebula predomin lower left photograph known pipe nebula dark clouds suggest shape like smoke rise pipe caus absorpt background starlight dust dust cloud trace way rho ophiuchi nebular cloud right brightest star field antares mani type nebula highlight here red emiss nebula blue reflect nebula dark absorpt nebula pictur digit enhanced,pipe dark nebula,2000-03-05,340,52,-0.023469387755102,03-05,3,2000,5,4,0,5 90bf9c9117e26da2e15b3a88ea62e1852c56f5218f7acc0341ffeb34c61568d8,none,cours billion years whole cluster galaxi merge xray imag abel result collis two huge cluster galaxies one massiv object known universe falsecolor imag show concentr ga 50 million degre hot near center result cluster oddly rel ga make situat particularli interesting center abel surround ga fulli twice hot temperatur thought creat energi releas coloss collision still sinc see snapshot time much remain unknown cluster galaxi form coalesce,abel clash galaxi cluster,2000-03-06,439,67,0.1303030303030303,03-06,3,2000,6,7,1,3 2d07a81dd8bb885c840e769fa846a73f360b082eeaf4643fb7cd193991889e1f,none,tomorrow picture closer asteroid ero archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,patera jupiter moon io,2000-03-07,238,36,0.2857142857142857,03-07,3,2000,7,8,1,0 ebad7859faa26a2a8ee829cb32532bfd0b082243c67a4c8505e638c701ca7302,none,robot spacecraft near lower toward asteroid 433 eros surfac detail becom visible last week maneuv brought near within kilomet float mountain surface increas resolution near camera document eros unusu shape crater larg small boulders mysteri groov similar asteroid gaspra martian moon phobos could stand eros would still small visibl recent image show featur small 20 meter across however would feel graviti 11000 earth could easili jump even larg 5 kilomet wide crater,asteroid ero,2000-03-08,468,72,-0.0549999999999999,03-08,3,2000,8,5,0,2 ed2691513a7be8ee2fd802ce38f7251df8364ef7e291817a593fa4e6ea80806b,none,late last month anoth erupt filament lift activ solar surfac blast enorm bubbl magnet plasma space direct light sun block pictur event sun rel posit size indic white half circl bottom center field view extend 2 million kilomet solar surface hint explos events call coron mass eject cmes discov spacecraft earli dramat imag part detail record cme develop present oper solar heliospher observatori soho spacecraft near minimum solar activ cycl cme occur week approach solar maximum rate two per day anticipated though cme clearli head earth strong cme seen profoundli influenc space weather direct toward planet seriou effects,sun storm coron mass eject,2000-03-09,624,98,0.0515151515151515,03-09,3,2000,9,1,2,4 77e4b52889581599a44717dbe73013f7d9fe3a89ed799e630e7e7518ec24a3ad,steve,februari 10th evoc even sky california usa inspir astrophotograph steve record remark sight five planet moon near first quarter phase bright moon intent overexpos saturn jupiter mars mercuri course planet earth horizon clearli visibl deepen twilight notabl absent group nakedey planet venu still put earli appear morn star month mercuri join venu dawn twilight saturn jupiter mar still shine brightli western sky nightfal make anoth gorgeou close group crescent moon,sky planet,2000-03-10,467,70,0.2625,03-10,3,2000,10,2,1,1 28e10c6ebe5d0cd74ba15e5f5444f3f7af24fae6bdf66d681db158a13ea20a9d,none,far away long ago star exploded supernova 1994d visibl bright spot lower left occur outskirt disk galaxi ngc 4526 supernova 1994d interest differ was rather similar supernovae fact light emit week explos caus given familiar design type ia supernova type 1a supernova intrins brightness dimmer supernova appears farther away must be calibr precis brightnessdist relation astronom abl estim expans rate univers parameter hubbl constant also geometri univers live parameter omega lambda larg number great distanc supernova measur past year interpret indic live previous unexpect universe,supernova 1994d unexpect univers,2000-03-12,584,85,0.1677738927738928,03-12,3,2000,12,6,1,3 536187ee251fdb58b866d002fd32735072727e08f3145311b471e77424aec9f3,none,new stars fast jets shock ga cloud occupi orion a giant molecular cloud south orion nebula bright object visibl slightli left center recent releas pictur reflect nebula ngc 1999 wind ngc 1999 central star v380 orionis appear creat surround billow red brown gas sever bright young star illumin reflect dust top right image jet shoot dozen young star creat glow compress shock wave known herbigharo objects one shock unusu waterfall bright streak upper right sourc unusu radio waves coneshap shock lower right may result jet emit hh1 locat 10 lightyear away ngc 1999 unusu energet odditi occur interact star form region often complex beautiful,panorama odditi orion,2000-03-13,641,104,0.2221753246753247,03-13,3,2000,13,4,2,5 baa8c743e737066ab01e6d400f67a725d25b5918dc75bbb8825fa694c4615f09,none,distant univers realli appear be astronom hope not interven dark matter normal invisible might show presenc distort imag origin distant universe much way old window distort imag origin side note degre background galaxi appear unusu flat unusu similar neighbors dark matter distribut produc weak gravit lens distort estimated recent releas analysi shape 200000 distant galaxi imag canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht indic presenc massiv network distribut dark matter futur result may even abl discern detail distribution comput gener simul imag show dark matter shown red distort light path appar shape distant galaxies depict blue,weak lens distort univers,2000-03-15,628,92,-0.0305555555555555,03-15,3,2000,15,7,2,4 c54407996f52d16ae509169f249c57adb8226f4d454f2ec04b710497379139a8,none,who mark mars portion recent highresolut pictur orbit mar global surveyor spacecraft show twist dark trail crisscross rel flat rippl region 3 kilomet wide martian surface newli form trail like present research tantal martian mysteri identifi like work miniatur wind vortic known occur red planet martian dust devils anoth exampl wind process activ mars dust devil detect pass near vike mar pathfind landers spin column rise air heat warm surfac common dri desert area planet earth typic last minutes becom visibl pick loos dust mars dust devil 8 kilomet high leav dark trail disturb bright reflect surfac dust,martian dust devil trail,2000-03-17,610,98,0.0596428571428571,03-17,3,2000,17,5,2,4 3db09c2f64480ef3b0f44e314c97e829a8ca22b047b6c96fef2083deecaac183,none,apollo 16 spent three day earth moon april 1972 fifth lunar land mission six apollo 16 famou deploy use ultraviolet telescop first lunar observatory collect rock data mysteri lunar highlands picture astronaut john w young photograph charl m duke jr collect rock sampl descart land site duke stand plum crater lunar rove vehicl wait park background lunar rove vehicl allow astronaut travel great distanc investig surfac featur collect rocks high above thoma k mattingli orbit command module,apollo 16 explor plum crater,2000-03-19,489,77,0.2016666666666666,03-19,3,2000,19,2,1,2 9797ad3d1e84ff678867212b726abecdc84df8637a275415d7037efb0716a269,none,ever seen planet mercury mercuri orbit close sun never seen far sun visibl near sunris sunset trail sun mercuri visibl sever minut follow sun behind earth lead sun mercuri visibl sever minut sun rise hide increas glare inform skygaz usual pick mercuri dark horizon glow littl determination above lot determin combin littl digit trickeri show mercury success posit middl last month pictur taken locat spain sun 10 degre horizon superpos singl photogen sunset,mercuri horizon,2000-03-20,457,73,-0.0375,03-20,3,2000,20,1,0,1 a0fa47ecfe21b98777981ce21ef8193e1df9d758dcd7e61d0ea41f004541cfe2,none,tomorrow picture spherul space archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,12 star jet,2000-03-21,232,35,0.2857142857142857,03-21,3,2000,21,8,1,0 a831bbe3ab3ce4383cc10d5e47a5ceb3a70c3e766ced8b6994d77cee1131c580,none,meteorit strike moon energi impact melt splatter rock fraction might cool tini glass beads mani glass bead present lunar soil sampl return earth apollo missions pictur one glass spherul measur quarter millimet across spherul particularli interest victim even smaller impact miniatur crater visibl upper left surround fragment area caus shockwav small impact date mani impacts astronom estim crater moon increas roughli 500 million year ago continu even today,spherul outer space,2000-03-22,458,68,0.0035714285714285,03-22,3,2000,22,2,0,2 4a327e1242363a5194b899648f8e58fe84491f3a5a57db01cb47e4e405cdb985,none,what insid mars orbit mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft record detail imag red planet sinc juli 1997 still camera look beneath surface minut chang spacecraft orbit veloc produc variat planet gravit field chang relat interior densiti subtl orbit chang measur use mg radio scienc experi combin accur mar orbit laser altimet topograph data research abl produc map thick martian crust color diagram results red color correspond thin blue thick area crust ride martian mantle global map crust seen rang 20 50 mile thick show dramat differ gener thinner northern hemispher thicker southern hemispher crust newli form planet thin crust would rapid cool may given rise larg northern ocean earli mars,insid mar,2000-03-23,692,110,-0.1125,03-23,3,2000,23,5,2,2 7b6f9869610506034414809ea32d3bf7faacab8b4d9ccf9916127e09b5812262,none,would look like fli asteroid spacecraft near shoemak orbit around asteroid 433 ero found earlier month record first sequence saddl region sunorbit appear zip past camera condens hourlong timelaps sequence spacecraft orbit 200 kilomet asteroid movi scientif use discern region natur dark region bright domin shadows week before bright xray burst sun allow near xray spectromet detect presenc sever element eros surfac xray fluoresc signatures,fli asteroid ero,2000-03-27,441,65,0.18125,03-27,3,2000,27,8,1,2 54b0ee13963064f2a576bb7ca16d1de836148fd4b12448438cb980077db95d40,todd boroson,unspeak beauti unimagin bedlam found togeth trifid nebula also known m20 photogen nebula visibl good binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m20 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions bright young star light blue reflect nebula still investigated light m20 see today left perhap 3000 year ago although exact distanc remain unknown light take 50 year cross m20,m20 trifid nebula,2000-03-28,518,77,0.2178571428571428,03-28,3,2000,28,4,1,5 271829b6f4ad178c0986f102ec98a263c8f8ac18ef522db3bdb715b933961cf1,none,last decad saw profound discoveri mani world beyond solar system none analog home planet earth exploit precis observ techniques astronom infer presenc well two dozen extrasolar planets nearli massiv ga giant jupit more close orbit around sunlik stars less massiv planet must certainli exist yesterday announc detect two new world potenti smaller planet parent sun 79 ceti constel distanc 117 lightyears constel 109 lightyear away least 70 percent mass saturn 79 planet orbit averag million mile star compar 93 million mile earthsun distance arrest artist vision depict newli discov world ring moons known characterist giant planet solar system planet least 80 percent saturn mass orbit million mile parent star saturn mass one third jupiters still 100 time earth dramat discoveri search smaller planet still come,world discov,2000-03-30,813,125,-0.0074592074592074,03-30,3,2000,30,0,2,4 7bb3e32cf75c984da46772a49178a51386227fa60b9ee857231a9f56a9908b4f,none,falsecolour imag young trapezium star cluster orion nebula made infrar camera wavelength twice long visibl light infrar data part sensit survey nearbi star form region astronom identifi 100 extrem low mass object candid elus brown dwarf stars brown dwarf fail star mass low about sustain nuclear hydrogen sunlik star main energi source brown dwarf thought still massiv enough burn deuterium energy thirteen low mass object show evid lie even deuterium burn limit about sun fall rang giant planets perhap littl 8 time massiv jupit like form along cluster star million year ago detect infrar still hot formation eventu cool fade trapezium typic young star clusters survey result suggest brown dwarf freefloat planet may fairli common enough solv mysteri dark matter universe,planet orion,2000-03-31,773,121,0.0568627450980392,03-31,3,2000,31,6,2,5 2da74f67f499cdd85064976fd0d7110505b6f5b0348b616e713bf4a30692e30d,none,televis infrar observ satellit 1 first weather satellite launch polar orbit 40 year ago april 1 equip two tv cameras tiro 1 oper 78 day demonstr monitor planet earth cloud cover weather pattern space tiro satellit eventu began continu coverag 1962 enabl accur worldwid weather forecast first tiro tv image taken altitud 700 kilometers crude contemporari standards repres begin still one import continu applic space technology,planet earth 1 first imag,2000-04-01,425,66,-0.0708333333333333,04-01,4,2000,1,8,0,2 961832efd2db7ac8b5212f200ab13b717827bf43f83b19b0a3e9dad7de07514b,none,huge erupt promin seen move sun condens halfhour timelaps sequence ten earth could easili fit claw seemingli solar monster larg prominence though signific size shape twist figur eight shape indic complex magnet field thread emerg solar particles recent evid differenti rotat insid sun might help account surfac explosion sequenc taken earli year sunorbit soho satellite although larg promin energet coron mass eject cmes rel rare occur frequent near solar maximum time peak sunspot solar activ elevenyear solar cycle,twist solar erupt promin,2000-04-03,516,78,0.125,04-03,4,2000,3,1,1,1 dde5b9a7c2091c54fac0389baa959017b5bc55bec2410bbf3d3f19aaada47ace,none,what light cigar galaxy m82 irregular galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand gas however recent evid indic ga driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind recent releas photograph new subaru telescop highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament gas filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel ursa major,superwind cigar galaxi,2000-04-04,556,84,0.1392045454545454,04-04,4,2000,4,7,1,3 f88ced5c336c545ff52e4c82494b45e269bfdaef3ab65dd21993976696f18c50,joe orman,rise sun februari 2nd astrophotograph joe orman anticip apparit bright morn star venu near love crescent moon hous suburban phoenix arizona usa fortunately align bright planet moon one inspir sight night sky one often easi enjoy share without special equipment take tonight example bless clear sky simpli step outsid near sunset view young crescent moon near three bright planet west jupiter mars saturn jupit brightest star near moon reddish mar jupiter north pale yellow saturn directli above course sky show creat evoc pictur planet moon appear near actual approxim line lie wide separ orbits unfortunately next month highli public align planet may 5th lost view sun glare planetari align occur repeatedli pose danger planet earth,venus moon,2000-04-06,734,115,0.1803105590062112,04-06,4,2000,6,2,2,1 4f2e502c70cdb2a09c7478c5700bde2d13a40a76ed2766c521d8748b180585ca,none,nine year ago massiv compton gamma ray observatori deploy low earth orbit sparkl interior reflect bright limb earth visibl 1991 window view compton releas crew space shuttl atlantis loft protect atmosphere compton instrument could explor extrem highenergi univers gamma rays photon 100000 time energi visibl light premier gammaray observatori far exceed expect two fiveyear mission recent gyroscop failur prompt nasa decid steer satellit safe back atmosphere compton last legaci discoveri includ detect 400 celesti gammaray sources 10 time previous known 2500 gammaray bursts,compton observatori orbit,2000-04-08,575,83,0.1703703703703704,04-08,4,2000,8,8,1,4 8a4abce5f1c561373c16806f80b4365adf8e71626df06f1c7406e0adf13262bb,none,pluto planet solar system remain unphotograph pass spacecraft distant pluto moon charon therefor remain somewhat mysterious addit direct imag hubbl space telescope care track bright chang occur object eclips allow astronom build black white surfac maps map depict face pluto left alway face charon face charon alway face away pluto rectangular pixel artifact map software plutokuip express mission tent plan launch 2004 might encount pluto earli 2012,mysteri pluto charon,2000-04-09,451,67,0.0761904761904762,04-09,4,2000,9,8,0,2 318336e8bccf8be727f6e7a6ee8a3a129a8dbc4bb6637ddcd7272cf31d1c4979,jan observatory,past week brought spectacular aurora northern skies aurora caus larg interplanetari shock wave explod sun april 4 shock wave reach earth april 6 result aurora could seen clear sky far south north aurora occur high earth atmosphere accompani unusu align planet far background pictur night unusu multicolor auror display grace sky dome brno observatori czech republic,aurora red yellow,2000-04-10,365,56,0.135,04-10,4,2000,10,8,1,1 6b4a88a954a0555fe7766564c1a2235e76fd383fc9974bc97fb1839d4f185612,joe orman,comet known tails spring 1997 1996 comet halebopp above comet hyakutak gave us stun exampl pass near sun extrem activ comet bright nakedey spectacl offer research opportun telescop explor composit primordi chunk solar system studi long beauti tails recent discov surpris experi onboard interplanetari ulyss probe last sever hour may 1 1996 indic probe pass comet hyakutake tail ulyss experi intend studi sun solar wind encount total unanticipated rel posit ulyss hyakutak date indic comet ion tail stretch impress 360 million mile four time earthsun distance make hyakutake tail longest ever record suggest comet tail much longer previous believed,explor comet tail,2000-04-13,647,99,0.087037037037037,04-13,4,2000,13,3,2,4 6f93c1009386389808a95ea5b2f3d95e1fd262e3c1e98e9cb7179b64f521e5df,none,star form big q explode shape supernova remnant e010272 however give astronom clue tremend explos dispers element interact surround gas imag composit three differ photograph three differ type light radio waves shown red trace highenergi electron spiral around magnet field line shock wave expand deton star optic light shown green trace clump rel cool ga includ oxygen xrays shown blue show rel hot ga heat million degrees ga heat inward move shock wave rebound collis exist slower move gas big q current measur 40 lightyear across found neighbor smc galaxy perhap would know even could buy,supernova remnant e010272 radio xray,2000-04-14,590,96,0.12,04-14,4,2000,14,6,2,5 5de51e76cafe519989e071bc47f198337ab0483b28ee2ba2953a2f70ea26ef86,none,panorama crater lunar surfac construct imag return us surveyor 6 lander surveyor 6 first spacecraft accomplish soft land moon first land lift again spacecraft touch near center moon nearsid novemb 1967 nasa control command hop briefli fire rocket engin lift 4 meter surface surveyor move 25 meter one side set again hop success surveyor 6 essenti mark complet surveyor seri main mission determin lunar terrain safe plan apollo landings,surveyor hop,2000-04-15,437,69,0.1958333333333333,04-15,4,2000,15,2,1,2 8e20bcdd5f4e52391d4ab79f6107392f0dc5d6f243ffb90835125af7fccb15ef,none,round star make squar nebula conundrum came light discoveri planetari nebula like ic 4406 ic 4406 probabl cylindrical squar appear result vantag point view cylinder hot ga known flow end cylinder filament dark dust molecular ga lace bound walls star primarili respons interstellar sculptur found planetari nebula center million years thing left visibl ic 4406 fade white dwarf star,ic 4406 seemingli squar nebula,2000-04-16,381,59,0.0285714285714285,04-16,4,2000,16,4,0,5 10e704a8e0435801554dc1e5fef9d7d94a95d7dc11d3a718088c4bcff3700297,none,robot spacecraft near shoemak continu orbit asteroid eros condens 40minut long timelaps sequenc taken last month show look like pass within 200 kilomet eros west end north pole rotat mountain toward bottom picture month nearshoemak close within 100 kilometers end month orbit 50 kilomet center long asteroid one reason move close determin 433 ero magnet field near shoemaker launch 1996 run comput similar releas 15 year ago 12,fli asteroid west end,2000-04-17,427,68,0.0,04-17,4,2000,17,8,0,2 9492f749489cea131ab6bccf9b9271f2c698335650a69f50ebbe75d5ac8841f0,none,distanc record quasar broken yet again present time object univers found distant recent discov quasar clock redshift exact relat redshift distanc remain present unknown although sure higher redshift mean greater distance quasar like billion lightyear away seen univers younger one billion year old less tenth present age like quasars object probabl larg black hole center distant galaxy close record book yet though redshift sever quasar current measured might redshift greater,redshift new farthest quasar,2000-04-19,477,70,0.0327083333333333,04-19,4,2000,19,8,0,3 0c861d57da21e811cdbbad708f6591e036192ee459daaf5f62444935206c2d5b,none,star format occur faster pace m82 galaxi 10 time rate massiv star birth and death compar milki way wind massiv star blast supernova explos creat expand cloud million degre ga fill chandra xray observatori imag remark starburst galaxy fals color imag even resolv bright spot like shock supernova remnant xray bright binari stars also observ radio galaxi bright celesti infrar source m82 aspect optic pictur led popular moniker cigar galaxy m82 burst star format like trigger mere 100 million year ago latest seri bout anoth larg galaxy m81,m82 starburst xray,2000-04-21,539,88,0.45,04-21,4,2000,21,6,1,3 c4be92736e5bd5ed068f177c3a98a3a4a9bbd87066a153384489dea6857b2cfc,none,jule verne scienc fiction classic journey center earth professor hardwigg fellow explor encount mani strang excit wonders wonder lie center galaxy astronom know bizarr object exist there like vast dust clouds bright young stars swirl ring gas even larg black hole much galact center shield view visibl light interven dust gas explor use form electromagnet radiation haunt imag galact center region infrar light made 1996 telescop onboard midcours space experiment center appear bright spot near middl roughli 1 degre field view north galact pole toward top pictur fals color starlight appear blue dust greenish grey tend red cooler areas,journey center galaxi,2000-04-22,638,99,0.1342105263157894,04-22,4,2000,22,6,2,4 21724a7dbfdf21ccde6612eeffea8e812ad3b29fb003f70acdc7f09b8da0b58f,none,eeri blue glow omin column dark dust highlight m78 bright reflect nebula constel orion dust absorb light also reflect light sever bright blue star form recent nebula type scatter color daytim sky enhanc blue color m78 five lightyear across visibl small telescope m78 appear 1600 year ago however long take light go here m78 belong larger orion molecular cloud complex contain great nebula orion horsehead nebula,reflect nebula m78,2000-04-24,411,66,0.1766666666666667,04-24,4,2000,24,4,1,5 fef65b83167b211dd6a7547e7b4e047cb59115b8a97985911551b179d185b64b,none,south pole mar stranger previous thought pictur unexpectedli complex layer photograph recent mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars layer probabl includ carbon dioxid ice water ice rock dust intric structur might indic eros pattern hold clue histori martian climat past 100 million years imag cover region five kilomet across resolv detail small 25 meter across,layer martian south polar cap,2000-04-25,372,56,-0.1380952380952381,04-25,4,2000,25,5,0,2 f06e7495969431b91642f5ca97b819d89d565970b18f4972fb8741be63f21694,none,brave intens radiat belts galileo spacecraft flew past surfac jupiter moon io sound like februari 22 combin high resolut black white imag flybi color data record last summer result dramat view region near volcan moon south pole activ alien landscape bright white area like due sulfur dioxid frost seem concentr near ridg cliffs three omin black spots mile across volcan crater caldera cover recent dark lava sinuou channel connect lower left caldera yellowish lava flow io small continu activ driven drastic tide induc jupit jovian moons estim result volcan complet io everi million years,cliff near io south pole,2000-04-27,588,94,0.0500925925925926,04-27,4,2000,27,8,2,1 8d65d6e49dfb02d11568317cc2acc579dde0a004e7e6e211b5cd89b5410c6855,none,recent leonid meteor shower rich bright firebal meteor leav linger trail stretch across night sky trails persist mysteri shine reflect light visibl mani minutes blown wind altitud 100 kilomet take progress twist shapes record november 1998 leonid meteor shower pictur show persist train dub astronom air forc optic rang make glow find out sor astronom engag uniqu experiment track probe 1998 1999 leonid meteor train puls laser light detect system instruments copper vapor laser produc intens streak seen shoot lower left image caus glow remain enigmat now sor result help unravel mystery,leonid,2000-04-28,588,92,0.3125,04-28,4,2000,28,8,1,1 09c6420a3fb5f8b8a3f3de2d5c3afa0b39558ab891e224aa880e12949850dc68,d malin aaoaatb roeuk telescop,almost unknown casual observ northern hemisphere southern sky contain two diffus wonder known magellan clouds magellan cloud small irregular galaxi orbit larger milki way spiral galaxy small magellan cloud smc pictur here 250000 light year away contain preponder young hot blue star indic undergon recent period star formation evid smc gravit bound lmc,small cloud magellan smc,2000-04-30,352,53,-0.0318181818181818,04-30,4,2000,30,6,0,3 a2ebf92bb506a21b0aa9a17c203cfb63052c0d2e7d9f524116149d086979a6ec,jason ware,here familiar shape unfamiliar location emiss nebula famou partli resembl earth contin north america right north america nebula catalog ngc 7000 less lumin pelican nebula two emiss nebula measur 50 lightyear across locat 1500 lightyear away separ dark absorpt cloud nebula seen binocular dark location look small nebular patch northeast bright star deneb constel cygnus still unknown star star ioniz redglow hydrogen gas,north america nebula,2000-05-01,420,63,0.0680059523809523,05-01,5,2000,1,4,0,5 074f76fbc5a4554320cec905d0f3785951a61a03ba13739e0481759a503c12d3,jon societi,see flash last 15 seconds possibl nobodi ask confirm it might seen sunlight reflect orbit iridium satellite satellit type provid streak glint visibl sinc launch sputnik 1957 these flare 66 iridium satellit particularli bright sometim even approach bright moon iridium satellit program reent earth atmosphere might provid even brighter flare burn up pictur above streak iridium satellit punctuat picturesqu sunset san sebastian spain again last second two might meteor,iridium flash sunset,2000-05-02,467,69,0.2333333333333333,05-02,5,2000,2,8,1,1 e7db9643e81d4636ae9fbcff5cd4bee5ec6efa903b391531bc3487f4fdc63510,none,drift stratospher antarctica late 1998 balloonborn boomerang telescop peer cosmo millimet wavelengths blotchi structur detect seen sharpest yet pictur univers earli age perhap mere 300000 year old falsecolor imag show subtl fluctuat temperatur hot plasma fill univers expans cool material produc familiar star galaxies dramatically size fluctuat boomerang imag convinc mani cosmologist univers contain exactli enough matter energi flat power predict popular theori inflat describ earliest moment big bang flat univers expand forev two light ray start parallel never spread solv boomerang result show clearli detail confirm suspect amount dark matter cosmolog constant,boomerang imag earli univers,2000-05-03,669,93,0.0716666666666666,05-03,5,2000,3,8,2,4 7ab6a3f9c3238ebf47753d8ef626bd1cb754c805a60789b982c0c221fa46776b,b magrath,cloud scatter faint orang ray set sun foreground breathtak photograph summit mauna kea hawaii taken april 7th skyscap featur dramat lunar planetari alignment overexpos crescent moon domin celesti scene bright star right saturn saturn close pair brilliant jupit fainter yellowish mars red giant star aldebaran almost directli moon near top imag bright blue star pleiad cluster visibl midway right line good news planetari align like one rel common clearli make inspir view casual stargaz astronom alike bad news world go end highli public planetari align occur tomorrow may 5th probabl go,planet cloud,2000-05-04,588,91,0.1357142857142857,05-04,5,2000,4,0,2,1 cf87385b780fdd7a3b447e9beec5906fb85d579c2e36de94dd7d26f3452f3d9f,none,today five nakedey planet mercury venus mars jupiter saturn plu moon sun least approxim lineup view planet earth cluster within 26 degrees closest align celesti bodi sinc februari 1962 solar eclipse planetari align dangerous except cours sun might hurt eye look it might easier appreci today solar system spectacl use spacebas coronagraph like lasco instrument onboard soho observatory recent lasco image occult disk support structur seen project lower left block overwhelm sunlight show three planet along sun locat bright solar wind region background stars mar venu unfortun outsid lasco roughli 15 degre field view horizont bar planet digit imag artifacts moon soho spacecraft posit well beyond lunar orbit view sun never interrupt moon,planet sun,2000-05-05,740,113,-0.0399999999999999,05-05,5,2000,5,1,2,2 f88c2fe7f7d761fd5f61b42dacd240fe50455d976e9b9ea0e98efade7267b2f9,juan carlo casado,mani think myth other think true caus known adventur pride seen it green flash sun truth green flash exist caus well understood set sun disappear complet view last glimmer appear startlingli green effect typic visibl locat low distant horizon last seconds green flash also visibl rise sun take better time spot slight variant caught photograph much sun still visible top appear momentarili green sun turn partli green effect caus layer earth atmospher act like prism,green flash sun,2000-05-07,466,75,-0.0026041666666666,05-07,5,2000,7,1,0,1 f6c11ef2b0ca07e2e71103e8d67c370d2ba378640abc14668af486f51f46455e,none,robot spacecraft galileo orbit around jupit recent photograph inner moon jupit greater detail ever before pictur thebe amalthea meti shown scale reveal detail small three kilomet across amalthea contrast total length 200 kilometers moon compos mostli ice much smaller jupiter famou galilean satellit europa ganymede callisto orbit io jupiter rings thebe appear domin huge impact crater 40 kilomet across astronom uncertain origin unusu white gash bottom,jupiter moon,2000-05-08,453,66,0.08125,05-08,5,2000,8,8,0,2 a1e8af4743ea4fdd7482c43ebc21e8831e891c322af70dbd96e95848a493d8f0,none,race underway understand univers background radiat produc increasingli accur balloon experi press futur satellit definit measur spot characterist cosmic microwav background cmb radiation boomerang balloon mission depict above report new result two week ago maxima group report new result even today cosmolog theorist submit flurri paper effort explain latest results balloon cmb measur appear impli univers consist geometr familiar perhap complex ways later year nasa plan launch map satellit studi cmb greater detail may determin geometri composit univers stay tune one greatest race modern scienc sure continue,univers,2000-05-09,613,87,0.2770661157024793,05-09,5,2000,9,8,1,4 5c9f61ed7eb7c489683201198955ecccc840eec522b16a9bce13f273287b120e,none,asteroid size new jersey orbit sun mar jupit discov unusu shape asteroid 216 recent map earthbas radar reflect radio wave well astronom specul compos mostli metal nickel iron unusu shape composit 216 kleopatra may deriv central region tremend collis larger asteroid billion year ago kleopatra complet solid surfac loos although core may contain larg kleopatra never strike earth may one day serv valuabl sourc raw build materials,shape asteroid,2000-05-10,430,67,-0.0157342657342657,05-10,5,2000,10,8,0,2 af244172dcdd7d20127fc5aec3b99d2221608de8a136a05c4c66efe5d01e9527,none,falsecolor imag chandra xray observatori reveal one lightyear diamet ring hot ten million degre plasma one detail xray imag expand blast wave supernova 1987a visibl wavelength sn1987a famou evolv rings superpos imag white contour line outlin innermost optic ring seen hubbl space telescope composit pictur clearli show xray emit shock materi lie insid optic ring fact xray emiss seem peak color close optic emiss peak space demonstr optic light produc blast wave plow surround material sn1987a look like future accord popular model come year expand supernova blast wave hit light even materi violent impact send revers shock back toward site explos light eject stellar debris event astronom watch eagerli ringsid seat new supernova remnant,xray ring around,2000-05-12,739,114,0.1363636363636363,05-12,5,2000,12,6,2,4 bf9c0a10cff1702ced9b8eb8433d73097834f7d59b719498acfdc748ad703539,none,scroll right unfold one great panorama ever taken surfac mars best viewing click hold right arrow icon bottom browser window image dub presidenti panorama mar pathfind team show color detail surround sagan memori station look close big rock midway scroll picture rock call yogi left robot sojourn rover take measur it nowfam rock also visibl includ barnacl bill flat top pictur taken sojourn went analyz rock name scoobi doo mar pathfind mission land 1997 juli 4 collect data three months analysi indic pathfind site like awash water distant past dri last two billion years,presidenti panorama mar,2000-05-14,573,94,0.2269480519480519,05-14,5,2000,14,5,1,1 d2cd990cdc15ca2f354db3c7dc70e989819278a153e70f17f86f091b5c39f7d2,juan carlo casado,ever seen halo around moon fairli common sight occur high thin cloud contain million tini ice crystal cover much sky ice crystal act like miniatur lens crystal similar elong hexagon shape light enter one crystal face exit oppos face refract 22 degrees correspond radiu moon halo similar sun halo may visibl day town foreground pictur san sebastian spain distant planet jupit appear chanc halo upper right exactli icecryst form cloud remain investigation,halo around moon,2000-05-15,453,72,0.0245714285714285,05-15,5,2000,15,8,0,1 8dbe87696003530747a12864a1f14ea1f5b261a62c39639e97d926f2ccb3f864,none,quasar slightli deplet specif color light may indic univers fill massiv amount ioniz hydrogen light qso pictur above come us quarter way across visibl universe detail analysi indic tini amount quasar light absorb interven ioniz oxygen astronom oxygen sure accompani much abund ioniz hydrogen would otherwis invisible oxygen thu thought tip tremend indic univers fill proton electron cloud vast like exceed mass star combined still small part longsought dark matter astronom search for univers thought fill much abundant much stranger form dark matter,qso indic univers hydrogen,2000-05-16,550,83,0.1791666666666667,05-16,5,2000,16,6,1,4 7b9e5d904d0811ea5cfdb66777cfaeae1360473275c4ae0b30d0fe2b6c2c72e1,none,three major sourc contribut farinfrar sky solar system galaxy universe recent releas image repres colors highest resolut project yet creat entir farinfrar sky 60 240 microns creat year observ nowdefunct robot spacecraft cobe solar system evidenc promin sshape blue sash call zodiac light creat small piec rock dust orbit sun jupiter disk galaxi evidenc promin thin band lightemit dust cross middl image cloud filament dust milki way also make intric pattern pervad sky close inspect similar imag reveal background complet dark indic univers provid diffus glow creat dust left star format throughout universe,far infrar sky,2000-05-17,608,93,-0.03375,05-17,5,2000,17,6,2,4 c502e896c853e55be23cced37d01b5d2fa506ba9b8f0ea26ca87f88601d00752,none,pictur taken outsid galaxy no composit taken earth orbit well insid milki way galaxy light littl red human eye see near electromagnet radiat disk center galaxi stand give appear like similar see galaxi outsid visibl light cobe imag recent reprocess higher resolut show red star dust galaxi superpos faint glow mani dim star distant galaxies faintli visibl sshape sash run imag center zodiac light dust solar system compar farinfrar sky littl galact dust visible two smudg lower right larg small magellan cloud neighbor galaxies,near infrar sky,2000-05-18,530,84,0.0521008403361344,05-18,5,2000,18,7,0,3 204196a733bed051488fc18fbcc0dd129befc409b642c3622108e7fe864ae30c,jan curti u alaska acrc,tomorrow picture comet close sun archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,aurora storm,2000-05-19,233,35,0.2857142857142857,05-19,5,2000,19,3,1,0 cd3e0f80ce72db54dfb3165b7c48f1673a2208c8db2523db43c8daeb5768bd93,none,bridg length planet form sun matter hours known light structur may form larg sunspot group decay above one sharpest photograph sun ever taken show two light bridg appear late last month long bridg connect moder dark penumbr region across cool abyss two dark sunspot movi show materi tend rise fall rather cross light bright bubbl granul surround sunspot group impress detail recent releas pictur swedish solar vacuum telescop made possibl new adapt optic correct blur earth atmosphere eventu becam light day progressed bridg region expand fill void sunspot move apart,light sun,2000-05-22,567,90,0.1330018939393939,05-22,5,2000,22,1,2,1 554618a4b07ef3a58358130a30301b08a7b7c7d8419c33c7ccd0cce58e85323f,kpno telescope noao aura nsf,m4 globular cluster visibl dark sky one degre west bright star antar constel scorpius m4 perhap closest globular cluster 7000 light years mean see m4 7000 year ago near dawn record human history although contain hundr thousand star span 50 lightyears m4 one smallest globular cluster known particularli unusu aspect globular cluster central bar stars m4 pictur above one oldest object astronom estim age directly cluster white dwarf appear least nine billion year old ancient limit youth entir universe,closest known globular cluster,2000-05-23,503,79,0.053125,05-23,5,2000,23,6,0,3 07d6d5c44410c6db9ddcf12bb84e3f6ca1c44adfeae8ae315098c2a4020947db,none,bright star pleiades four planets erupt solar plasma captur spectacular imag spacebas solar heliospher observatori soho foreground 15 degre wide field view bubbl hot plasma call coron mass eject cme blast away activ sun whose posit rel size indic central white circle beyond appear four five nakedey planet courtesi planetari align destroy background distant star famou pleiad star cluster also easili visibl unaid eye shine night sky distanc familiar celesti object are sun 150 million kilomet mercury venus jupiter saturn 110 1400 million kilomet beyond sun pleiad star cluster mere 3800 trillion kilomet soho orbit 15 million kilomet sunward planet earth imag record larg angl spectrometr coronagraph lasco instrument board soho monday may 15 ut,pleiades planets hot plasma,2000-05-24,749,115,0.1025,05-24,5,2000,24,1,2,4 fd6bd190c442a7a51118520340bdb136b1037925cf9516151c021f50c54776c5,none,sinc april 30 robot nearshoemak spacecraft orbit 31 mile asteroid eros cruis asteroid north south pole leisur 7 mile per hour spacecraft complet orbit everi 12 earth days dramat horizon view record spacecraft camera may 18 span 08 mile reveal featur small 13 feet across emphas long harsh shadow produc low sun angle roll surfac ero seen strewn boulder crater rang sizes boulder near pictur center 190 feet tall gather sharp pictur eros surface also take advantag close orbit explor asteroid surfac composit intern structure search magnet field,ero horizon view,2000-05-25,544,88,-0.0892857142857142,05-25,5,2000,25,8,0,2 c4684fb3d90b32c0061b35b8856ae4b9964c3082b5c4f7c7d058cc0a2ee6d019,none,center m51 spiral galaxi 23 million lightyear away astronom identifi dens region young stars view faceon constel cane venatici swirl arc galaxy spiral arm inspir popular name whirlpool galaxy 1996 hubbl space telescop imag nucleu reveal light million stars perhap one tenth age sun pack bright central region mere 80 lightyear across area crowd star view hypothet planet orbit one distant sun would continu bright sky dark y shape visibl within region indic lane dust present partial block intens starlight,m51 center whirlpool,2000-05-27,506,80,0.1291666666666666,05-27,5,2000,27,7,1,3 bc08ff4d1cc849b254c7fee64cd535063f82fd9dec08f29a94636895357e579e,none,skylab orbit laboratori launch saturn v rocket may 1973 skylab visit three time nasa astronaut sometim stay long two half months mani scientif test perform skylab includ astronom observ ultraviolet xray light observ yield valuabl inform comet kohoutek sun mysteri xray background radiat come sky skylab fell back earth 11 juli 1979,skylab earth,2000-05-28,332,52,0.0458333333333333,05-28,5,2000,28,8,0,2 de32f747545b9a8fbd0c2a926ab6726e9d003e7aec9a862429df903ab03e7ddc,none,scroll right virtual climb largest volcano solar system olympu mon mar measur three time higher earth highest mountain volum fifti time greater earth largest volcano caldera top 70 kilomet wide low graviti rel static surfac crust mar allow structur larg olympu mon form surround volcano cliff rang 10 kilomet high black white imag one 20000 justreleas imag taken robot spacecraft mar global surveyor continu orbit mars,olympu mon volcano mar,2000-05-29,419,66,0.1753679653679653,05-29,5,2000,29,5,1,2 107ca83bcc6700c2925494732c5bc1256241bc6bd5686c9939ec9351a9f4f412,none,photogen array radio telescop world also one productive 27 radio telescop larg array vla size hous move train tracks vla celebr twentieth year operation pictur compact format front new mexico usa vla use discov water planet mercury radiobright corona around ordinari stars microquasar galaxy gravitationallyinduc einstein ring around distant galaxies radio counterpart cosmolog distant gammaray bursts vast size vla allow astronom studi detail superfast cosmic jets even map center galaxy upgrad vla planned,larg array turn twenti,2000-05-30,507,73,-0.0327272727272727,05-30,5,2000,30,8,0,3 91e359c58c7cdee70b51e0cede374270c7aff3f9a69e15eb9cb822b8d2dd1599,none,black hole suppos inexor attract matter intens radiat gener materi swirl plung high graviti field also heat surround ga drive away fact measur made use recent chandra observatori xray spectrum activ galaxi ngc 3783 reveal wind highli ioniz atom blow away galaxy suspect central black hole million mile per hour display fals color bright central spot xray imag ngc 3783 line radiat away repres xray spectrum sourc produc chandra high energi transmiss grate xray spectrum analog rainbow spread color visibl light spectrum repres detailed spread imag xray color energi aris source ioniz atom iron magnesium oxygen nitrogen element produc pattern absorpt known xray energies pattern identifi spectrum ngc 3783 slightli shift energi measur shift indic hot wind velocity,xray wind ngc,2000-06-01,764,118,0.1578787878787879,06-01,6,2000,1,6,2,4 1fe1b93d5d53d025406cf616f75317e1fab37910ea070b0588063b92d285cb01,none,ic3328 otherwis unremark dwarf ellipt galaxi 50 million lightyear away virgo cluster hidden within ic3328 subtle beauti symmetr spiral team astronom recent made total surpris discoveri use detail digit imag european southern observatory 82 meter antu telescope numer model smooth distribut light galaxi left enabl accur measur distance smooth distribut subtract digit image startl spiral structur becam appar right typic large rotating disk galaxi densiti waves spiral structur unpreced star normal classifi ellipt galaxies creat spiral possibl consider includ tidal interact nearbi galaxi amplifi intern stellar motions,secret spiral,2000-06-02,620,87,0.1142857142857142,06-02,6,2000,2,7,2,3 162ae29f6bc04286dc6c67fce7303f438d7cc2852f2a07024f46ccb73c9c9cee,none,nine year ago massiv compton gamma ray observatory second nasa spacebas great observatories deploy low earth orbit loft protect atmosphere compton instrument could explor extrem highenergi univers gamma ray photon 100000 time energi visibl light premier gammaray observatori far exceed expect two fiveyear mission recent gyroscop failur prompt nasa decid steer satellit safe back atmosphere illustr above control reentri occur earli tomorrow june 4th remot area pacif ocean approxim 2500 mile southeast hawaii reentri location largest area about 10 million squar miles devoid popul land avail observatory reentry select virtual risk human compton last legaci discoveri includ detect 400 celesti gammaray sources 10 time previous known 2500 gammaray bursts,compton reentri,2000-06-03,756,109,0.1179487179487179,06-03,6,2000,3,8,2,4 5b88a49ec794a5dd39c191042ffb2405807b06369400387869cfa71b8aa20e9a,none,tomorrow picture erupt io archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,heart crab,2000-06-05,226,34,0.2857142857142857,06-05,6,2000,5,8,1,0 cd0e08c6cae54b7fb17568adfd78bcbd8223119f420e1a8883392e9c3330cabd,none,volcano jupiter moon io photograph recent ongo eruption hot glow lava visibl left representativecolor image glow landscap plateau valley cover sulfur silic rock surround activ volcano mani featur includ sever dark spot evolv februari 2000 robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupit took picture novemb 1999 io slightli larger earth moon closest larg moon jupiter imag show region 250 kilomet across intern structur io creat activ volcano remain investigation,erupt jupiter moon io,2000-06-06,460,68,0.0166666666666666,06-06,6,2000,6,8,0,2 242da6f129b6b27bb286a2c0f8269e735f8509deece031e341908dc750632ec5,none,highest resolut photograph yet taken solar system strangest moon surfac jupiter moon io home violent volcano activ turn entir moon insid out photograph show region four kilomet across resolv featur five meter across mani reveal detail well understood general bright area higher terrain darker areas area surfac appear erod unknown process although part io surfac near erupt volcano hot enough melt rock io cool well freez point water robot spacecraft galileo recent flybi io took imag 2000 february,close jupiter moon io,2000-06-07,498,78,0.08,06-07,6,2000,7,2,0,2 a06d42243cad7c17ef3963486a161da265035cce885af54ca661c9b0f8797bfd,none,space weather predict major storm condit next day activ sun produc least three strong flare larg coron mass eject cme sinc tuesday june 6th recent fals color xray imag sun show activ region gener explos events sun intens sourc xrays domin bright area center xray hot plasma suspend loop magnet field arc region catalog appear larg group sunspot visibl light images three intens flare xclass events sever class solar flare base xray flux measur earthorbit goe satellites energet particl cme associ second xclass flare direct toward planet earth could produc geomagnet storm earli today possibl effect rang increas auror display disrupt satellit commun system electr power grids wait there more come day carri slowli across sun from left right solar rotation like produc even solar flares,activ xclass flare,2000-06-08,787,126,0.1021031746031745,06-08,6,2000,8,1,2,4 a199b056a377e7bbd547aa00304d8991378063ae9ed9b8939adf7210dbb3ab94,none,stun imag orbit chandra xray observatori center vela pulsar collaps stellar core within vela supernova remnant 800 lightyear distant vela pulsar neutron star massiv sun densiti atom nucleus 12 mile diamet spin 10 time second hurtl supernova debri cloud pulsar electr magnet field acceler particl nearli speed light power compact xray emiss nebula reveal chandra picture cosmic shape 02 lightyear across compos jet eman polar region neutron star inner outer arc believ edg tilt ring xray emit high energi particles impressively swept back compact nebula indic neutron star move right picture exactli along direct xray jet vela pulsar and associ supernova creat massiv star explod 10000 year ago awesom xray ring jet reminisc anoth wellknown pulsar power system crab nebula,vela neutron,2000-06-09,772,120,0.1593650793650793,06-09,6,2000,9,6,2,4 b5ef9e56b3b4e752e65e17d370163ccfd8d7a879cad964dee83308ca3a18b7f5,none,pictur giant spiral galaxi messier 101 taken ultraviolet imag telescop uit uit flew orbit part astro 2 mission onboard space shuttl endeavour march 1995 imag process color dark purpl white repres increas intens ultraviolet light pictur galaxi like one show mainli cloud ga contain newli form star mani time massiv sun glow strongli ultraviolet contrast visibl light pictur galaxi tend domin yellow red light older stars ultraviolet light invis human eye block ozon atmospher ultraviolet pictur celesti object must taken space m101 mere 22 million lightyear away constel ursa major popular monik pinwheel galaxy,m101 ultraviolet view,2000-06-10,610,94,0.1270833333333333,06-10,6,2000,10,7,2,4 51673c7fb2636e3db5d9c4fd1eed3e5b385004c922526b1b80c4750c58737cb5,juan carlo casado,siriu brightest star night sky siriu visibl far left photograph left constel orion comet halebopp intrinsically siriu 20 time brighter sun twice massive siriu 87 light year distant closest star system alpha centauri system hold distinction siriu call dog star promin constel cani majori big dog 1862 siriu discov binari star system companion star siriu b 10000 time dimmer bright primary siriu a siriu b first white dwarf star discovered type star first understood subrahmanyan chandrasekhar 1930 studi siriu 1718 edmond halley discov star move respect other conflict evid siriu appear red 2000 year ago,sirius brightest star night,2000-06-11,604,95,0.1339285714285714,06-11,6,2000,11,6,2,3 326f6a0a10f4b77aba5c03ffe4bce1b0d873cb08cc17e6c7f3183b9b7c158e6a,none,what happen center galaxy close inspect center ngc 4438 visibl recent releas representativecolor imag hubbl space telescope reveal unusu bubbl hot gas color red astronom specul strang bubbl creat massiv central black hole resid there ga swirl around black hole graviti friction pull heat up hot ga fall black hole ga get hot shoot pole fast jets jet impact nearbi material heat caus detect glow galaxi ngc 4438 resid 50 million light year earth pictur central bubbl measur 800 lightyear across,bubbl galaxi center,2000-06-12,494,81,0.0464285714285714,06-12,6,2000,12,7,0,3 c081c27b21f212be2bc02e268adf5018835f93fb89df183bebb97e97fe20ddea,none,three million year ago star keyhol nebula began form pictur keyhol nebula also known carina nebula ngc 3372 show infrar light mani facet dramat stellar nurseri lie 9000 lightyear away fine dust reflect starlight heat emit light own open cluster trumpler 14 trumpler 16 visibl lower left upper right nebula bright star near trumpler 14 call eta carina one unusu star known candid supernova next thousand years eta carina fade one brightest star sky 1800s despit study astronom remain unsur whether eta carina part binari star system,carina nebula infrar,2000-06-13,531,87,0.2886446886446887,06-13,6,2000,13,4,1,5 5c7208d2a4c283d7a096178212a7916c5ad1ea66feb3fd42d14ce03f84c382b5,none,100000 galaxi tell you perhap structur composit universe astronom use two degre field 2df spectrograph angloaustralian telescop australia measur redshift 100000 galaxi thin ribbon sky result show galaxi scatter univers 4 billion light years huge clusters long filaments empti void measur 100 million light year across visibl result 2df map pictur above map interest show also show show even larger structur would expect univers fill critic densiti normal matter result contradict recent evid univers made type unusu dark energy however,slice univers 2df,2000-06-14,535,80,0.075,06-14,6,2000,14,7,0,4 b81e6db63163f5ab68a0b8ba1f41f6d5d1e1a03a5924d1ef9fce181de3a8f59f,none,perseu cluster thousand galaxies 320 million lightyear distant one massiv object universe core lie giant cannib galaxi perseu ngc 1275 accret matter ga galaxi fall it repres low medium high energi xray red green blue colour respectively chandra xray observatori imag show remark detail xray emiss monster galaxi surround hot 3070 million degre c cluster gas bright central sourc supermass black hole core perseu itself dark circular void galaxi center half size milki way galaxy believ magnet bubbl energet particl blown accret black hole settl toward perseu a cluster xray hot ga pile form bright region around bubbl rims dramatically long greenish wisp galaxy centr like xray shadow produc small galaxi fall burgeon perseu a,xray perseu cluster core,2000-06-15,726,115,0.0355,06-15,6,2000,15,7,2,3 7fa1cf5d30f08ffdd509b2db40f8da2aa60f7ebc22677c4a43dceab7f009cfb6,none,welcom sixth year astronomi pictur day industri robert nemiroff left persist jerri bonnel right still engag creat apod web pages suggest imageri recent releas vermeer apod origin deriv mani dramatic ultim valu world wide web view www evolv signific still grow collect human resourc think import contribute extrem grate continu larg volum graciou email apod submissions today would like offer sincer thank all certainli proud day last five year apod consist coupl expand univers hypertext inspir imag cosmos fact tomorrow pictur might actual ,apod five year old today,2000-06-16,541,83,0.0613756613756613,06-16,6,2000,16,8,0,4 009f3d25b5b20d6d7e3c6090baa2ec8decc635092c8bd04c8385965c63c2f27a,greg southern astronom societi,breathtak patch sky would stand south pole earth right photograph center four star mark boundari famou southern cross top constellation also known crux orang star gamma crucis band stars dust ga cross middl photograph part milki way galaxy center photograph dark coal sack nebula bright nebula far right carina nebula southern cross famou constel depict nation flag australia,milki way near southern cross,2000-06-18,375,58,0.117032967032967,06-18,6,2000,18,4,1,5 d5aef401fe89378aa082297004d3d4e4578d57310911c8c76483c1d48d70e603,none,jet stretch nearli million light year imag eman galaxi pictor a thin jet electron proton shoot nearli lightspe like vicin larg black hole galaxi center left imag xray radio galaxi pictor a known radio galaxi strong radio emission far end jet right hot spot glow intens particl beam bore ga cloud intergalact space jet hot spot pictor seen previous radio waves recent orbit chandra xray observatori confirm unusu power,long jet,2000-06-19,417,69,0.0738095238095238,06-19,6,2000,19,7,0,3 b49bd579d3ae1d77c9724c1fec30bf7253aec9b7975cd48b67c5b725636af3fb,none,tomorrow picture color sun archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,ganymede largest moon solar system,2000-06-20,227,34,0.2857142857142857,06-20,6,2000,20,8,1,0 7abb22bf21e251be046eaf01927cfc26e6a317024a2d235a1b845e8764e85298,none,season greetings univers time june 21 sun reach northernmost point planet earth sky mark season chang first solstic year 2000 celebration consid delight detailed brightli color imag activ sun eit instrument onboard spacebas soho observatory tantal pictur falsecolor composit three imag made extrem ultraviolet light individu imag highlight differ temperatur regim upper solar atmospher assign specif color red 2 million green 15 million blue 1 million degre c combin imag show bright activ region strewn across solar disk would otherwis appear dark group sunspot visibl light images along magnific plasma loop immens promin righthand solar limb,solstic celebr,2000-06-21,644,96,0.18,06-21,6,2000,21,1,2,4 3b5a28d8e3349c5f3bf385f3b8cc9c828d3166b9f1a19fd29874ad96b7f12236,none,neck galaxi star far apart danger colliding dens core globular star cluster star collis may rel common fact research evid row six close space blue star label hubbl space telescop imag form star directli collided pictur central region ngc 6397 globular cluster 6000 lightyear distant whose star form time ngc 6397 massiv star long sinc evolv main sequence exhaust central suppli nuclear fuel leav cluster old low mass stars faint red main sequenc star brighter blue red giants however spectroscop data show indic stars descript dub blue stragglers clearli main sequenc star blue massiv still there suggest straggler appear two occasion three time massiv lower mass cluster star otherwis present support evid format two even three star collisions,blue straggler ngc 6397,2000-06-22,744,118,-0.0131578947368421,06-22,6,2000,22,6,2,3 ffcb6b85c7ef8e9538982358a087594a91ce6d9b45cb85b7bf7929bd4b3bb0da,none,recent reveal gulli mar rare may prove site present day near surface liquid water hold tantal possibl martian life small seen past mar orbiters disconcert landform found 250 20000 high resolut imag oper mar global surveyor spacecraft gulli found far locat away martian equatori region middl high latitud south face slopes disconcert research compel bodi evid martian gulli relat groundwat and like terrestri counterparts liquid water runoff planet whose surfac thought cold atmospher thin liquid water exist gulli three kilomet wide area pictur south face wall crater southern terra crater overlay young surfac features gulli young themselves fact futur monitor martian gulli chang could demonstr whether flow form still activ today,gulli mar,2000-06-23,733,111,-0.03625,06-23,6,2000,23,5,2,2 d0539526a8d74486ee0af9c3f771241f457de086345426ceca5e8017937d84b3,none,normally earthbound astronom view saturn spectacular ring system fulli illumin reflect sunlight however intrigu pictur made take advantag unusu orientation sun actual illumin ring below three bright ring featur visibl ring solid compos mani separ chunk rocky ici material ring allow scatter sunlight pass offer dramat demonstr continuous uninterrupt band material pictur falsecolor composit base hubbl space telescop imag record novemb 1995,sunlight saturn ring,2000-06-24,441,62,0.1083333333333333,06-24,6,2000,24,0,1,4 c6a26c2fb77852e93e81448eb8fc617a6ea3a16b97eb5178492f4b47e0fefe27,none,could form unusu channels insid small crater lie insid larg newton crater mars numer narrow channel run top crater floor pictur cover region span 3000 meter across gulli found mar recent highresolut pictur taken orbit mar global surveyor robot spacecraft similar channel earth form flow water mar temperatur normal cold atmospher thin sustain liquid water nevertheless mani scientist hypothes liquid water burst underground mars erod gullies pool bottom froze evaporated so lifesustain ice water might exist even today martian surfac water could potenti support human mission mars research excit possibl sure continue,newton crater evid recent water mar,2000-06-26,618,92,-0.0272727272727272,06-26,6,2000,26,5,2,2 fbb842d73ef66ecf7e8d668a04450eef90bc79956204a2f1af465e5e4d07bf15,naoj subaru telescope,one bright spiral galaxi visibl north sky m63 sunflow galaxy m63 also catalogu ngc 5055 found small telescop constel cane venaciti visibl pictur long wind spiral arm glow blue bright young stars emiss nebula glow red hot ioniz hydrogen gas dark dust numer filaments m63 interact gravit m51 the whirlpool galaxy sever smaller galaxies light take 35 million year reach us m63 60000 year cross spiral galaxy star outer region sunflow galaxi rotat center speed high fli space indic sort invisible gravitationallybinding dark matter present,m63 sunflow galaxi,2000-06-27,535,85,0.100625,06-27,6,2000,27,7,0,3 bcf5b2e01efc7b87685f8bff6f9631f1084b4edc7806dd632119d8da3fa73c45,none,caus power explos universe bats modul flew compton gamma ray observatori allow insight enigmat gammaray burst grb explos ever before bats detect grbs much ever previous recorded final sky map grb locat and show occur random locat sky strong evid grb occur across univers sky band indic solar system galaxy success mission answer creat questions astronom continu puzzl object creat grb happen initi stage explosion legaci includ record gammaray flare sun discoveri terrestri gamma flashes unusu burst gamma ray eman earth itself protect peopl reentry compton recent crash pacif ocean,grb final sky map,2000-06-28,583,90,0.038095238095238,06-28,6,2000,28,8,0,4 bcdcaff0356fc37eae7afdbfee91db304aea9be534457c876bdf03ae079aacdc,none,thirti thousand lightyear distant beyond majest dust cloud constel sagittarius lie centr milki way galaxy hidden optic view dust galact centr region rel unexplor starscape infrar light easili penetr dust recent releas infrar space observatori iso mosaic togeth similar images show 100000 previous unseen star milki way central regions huge obscur dust cloud still seem crowd area especi left part infrar picture mark white circle centr miss mosaic bright would sensit camera star mostli evolv red giants intrins cool large bright star swollen exhaust central suppli hydrogen fuel detail properti red giant star reveal star contribut interstellar ga dust clouds enrich galact environ carbon elements motion also trace mass distribut galact centr may support idea galaxi grew smaller nearbi galaxies,galact starscap,2000-06-29,797,120,0.1226817042606516,06-29,6,2000,29,6,2,4 a173c048b0958c8e3767e540ebf3bf4313fd178c14c829564fed033d67f0aedf,none,here switch pictur earth taken lunar observatory fals color pictur show earth glow ultraviolet uv light uv light blue human cant see it littl uv light transmit earth atmospher sunlight make caus sunburn far uv camera spectrograph deploy left moon crew apollo 16 took picture part earth face sun reflect much uv light perhap interest side face away sun band uv emiss also apparent band result aurora caus charg particl expel sun,ultraviolet earth moon,2000-07-01,428,72,0.1944444444444444,07-01,7,2000,1,1,1,1 787616502d088309994b0892dcc309ba08a6b5c9a4de2f8cd64807efc25c0d81,none,pelican nebula slowli transformed ic 5070 offici designation divid larger north america nebula molecular cloud fill dark dust pelican however receiv much studi particularli activ mix star format evolv ga clouds pictur produc two specif color better understand interactions here hot hydrogen ga glow red cooler sulfur glow light young energet star slowli transform cold ga hot gas advanc boundari two known ioniz front particularli dens filament cold ga seen still remain million year nebula might longer known pelican balanc placement star ga leav someth appear complet different,pelican nebula ioniz front,2000-07-03,579,88,0.0291666666666666,07-03,7,2000,3,4,0,5 1ef2f33e2b9c106a35789db8b3461f3d84df41711847cb2361102e236e3ca75c,wil milan,possibly new comet may becom bright enough see without binocular later month comet c1999 s4 linear rapidli approach earth sun outer solar system brightest around 2000 juli 25 earli even sky northern observers comet discov chanc project linear last september timelaps sequenc comet linear taken 2000 juli 2 arizona show comet movement 19 minutes although comet linear posit known quit accurately comet futur bright tail length quit possibl neither becom impressive,comet linear approach,2000-07-04,463,71,0.3670454545454545,07-04,7,2000,4,3,1,1 321a16b50e0de3e62693468dcb4845c2504303fd526f62a2987e2ddc6dc11c92,none,what caus huge jet eman center galaxi m87 although unusu jet first notic earli twentieth century exact caus still debated recent releas pictur taken hubbl space telescop show clear details however popular hypothesi hold jet creat energet ga swirl around massiv black hole galaxy center result 5000 lightyear long blowtorch electron eject outward near lightspeed emit eerili blue light magnet spiral m87 giant ellipt galaxi resid 50 million lightyear away virgo cluster galaxies faint dot light surround m87 center larg ancient globular cluster stars,jet galaxi m87,2000-07-06,549,84,0.0872549019607843,07-06,7,2000,6,7,0,3 d014964916ef04df45aa4ee46dfddc0a449cd3255206fddcf1f050754e374d6b,none,left right enclosur yepun sirius antu sun kueyen melip southern pictur night fall paran observatori northern chile four 82 meter wide telescop unit european southern observatory larg telescop eso astronom engin plan combin light individu units achiev equival apertur 164 meter will while biggest telescop planet earth course individu telescop also function independently antu kueyen melip alreadi achiev first light yepun expect oper 2001 telescop name come mapuch language chosen base win essay 17year old castilla near citi,sun moon southern cross,2000-07-07,525,78,0.1025510204081632,07-07,7,2000,7,8,0,4 45e235e07e1403a105f376a94aca00e06a039d5de693e9dd19062a3de7472f27,none,unit state america look like night find favorit us citi image surprisingly citi light make task quit possible pictur actual composit 200 imag made satellit orbit planet earth scan made usaf defens meteorolog satellit program dmsp oper linescan system dmsp satellit continu help understand predict weather phenomena well provid key inform popul patterns citi light levels even forest fires,unit state night,2000-07-08,388,59,0.25,07-08,7,2000,8,8,1,1 a9bcf188df463c4944b5a3065d9beb4eff2863873f3b094945afc9bfe3a21cd9,bob yen comettrack,comet linear tail appear mani sky watcher close follow comet c1999 s4 linear develop impress tail becom visibl nake eye later month far comet move oddli indic explod cavern heat ga caus comet shift slightli orbit around sun volatil contribut comet linear newli visibl twodegre tail discern photograph neg taken friday california current bright estim indic comet linear bare becom visibl without binocular northern sky day surround juli 23 earli even hours,comet linear,2000-07-10,455,72,0.17,07-10,7,2000,10,3,1,1 2d8aff00f712edcb475a6afbedc3df71434816fa9f827234d07c17ebfc9db0a5,jay u wiyn auranoao nsf,crab nebula complex shell expand gas crab nebula form star seen explod supernova 1000 year ago two color composit imag taken wiyn 35meter telescop show great detail filamentari structur glow hydrogen gas also known m1 center home dens neutron star star massiv sun size city neutron star pulsar spin thirti time second energi power nebula nebula name like crab earli drawing crab nebula still present mysteri today total mass nebula pulsar appear much less mass origin presupernova star,crab nebula blue white,2000-07-11,485,78,0.0333333333333333,07-11,7,2000,11,4,0,5 d4e0c1463f4a29b5bd8ff3177200672c34ece3b5a802fbfc8ec91fc1a0e7268f,k u telescope auranoao nsf,could caus star larg spot sun frequent sunspots rel cool dark magnet depress move across surface hd however exhibit largest yet observed doppler imag use slight chang color caus rotat star use creat falsecolor image vertic bar right give temperatur scale kelvins giant binary rs star also known visibl binocular constel triangulum thought caus larg magnet field inhibit hot matter flow surface,giant hd,2000-07-12,395,62,0.075297619047619,07-12,7,2000,12,6,0,3 42dfedcdcf1fdfd094106a265f8ee0f12af96f27ef52ae3fb8146fd1968cb71e,none,tini spot circl right actual repres big astronom discoveri first detect flare fail star fail stars term brown dwarf astronomers parlance low mass ignit nuclear hydrogen burn cores yet still shine energi gravit collaps convert heat light fact dim brown dwarf catalog lp94420 estim 6 percent mass sun 60 time mass jupiter sun diameter mere 16 lightyear distant southern constel fornax well studied fail star recent startl astronom produc flare visibl xray energies chandra xray observatori imag lp94420 star field record decemb 1999 show noth left first nine hours brown dwarf gener signific xray flare final hour observation fail star produc highenergi flare magnet field twist broken turbul motion near surfac brown dwarf may culprit difficult detect otherwis faint brown dwarf star believ common throughout galaxy,star flare,2000-07-13,815,126,-0.1267080745341615,07-13,7,2000,13,6,2,4 44c1d06aa694b11d77f9b7144c58f8d111789964d385b188177e8b02441255b3,none,impact crater common earth moon jupiter larg ice moon europa rare time bodi subject intens solar system form debris geolog activ europa surfac seem impact scars falsecolor infrar imag galileo spacecraft nim instrument show newli discov crater europa light red ring featur near center surround dark core scale dark core 29 kilomet diameter seven compar larg crater identifi europa surface red color imag repres rel pure water ice composit blue color indic miner present crater central dark area may contain remnant impact body ici crust europa great interest evid mount cover ocean liquid water possibl provid suitabl condit life,crater ice,2000-07-14,628,99,0.0498511904761904,07-14,7,2000,14,5,2,2 b2194a18a944248240dd2e540d6276778f0e1434473b3d8036083a5e3839125a,angloaustralian observatori,earth spin axis star seem rotat around us motion produc beauti concentr arc trace star time exposur southern hemispher night sky foreground dome angloaustralian telescop central new south wales australia middl pictur south celesti pole project earth axi rotat southern sky bright star polari lie conveni close north celesti pole bright star similarli mark pole south still south celesti pole easili identifi pictur point sky center star trail arcs,star trail southern sky,2000-07-15,447,69,0.2051948051948052,07-15,7,2000,15,6,1,4 3c699e3aecb3f91a9a0438ac884f6c492e73202b5e6c5d92cf2f4d3590659cdf,adam block nsf,nobodi know caus lightning known charg slowli separ cloud caus rapid electr discharg lightning electr charg get separ cloud remain topic much research nevertheless lightn bolt common cloud rainstorms averag 6000 lightn bolt occur cloud earth everi minute above sever lightn stroke photograph behind kitt peak nation observatori arizona lightn also found planet venus jupiter saturn uranus nasa launch trmm mission 1997 continu measur rainfal lightn planet earth,lightn earth,2000-07-17,461,68,-0.125,07-17,7,2000,17,8,0,1 4238cff92e83aff932f786874fce6937f34182c989a6fd3bd0009c3fa36e1d92,none,tomorrow picture galact whirlpool archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,proton rocket launch,2000-07-18,234,34,0.2857142857142857,07-18,7,2000,18,8,1,0 39213d6a67801dc58b7ebb9b8a12b7167b435102ccd0e1de2f964a8cf1d1bc5e,d n a auranoao nsf,m19 appear typic globular cluster star except shape one look close cluster pictur above appear longer top bottom wide fact m19 globular cluster approxim 160 known orbit center milki way galaxy m19 lie 27000 lightyear away measur 60 lightyear across home 100000 stars cluster found binocular toward constel ophiuchus reason clusters odd shape remain unknown might relat clusters close proxim galact center alternatively shape might illus creat unusu lane dark absorb dust one side cluster,globular cluster,2000-07-19,488,75,-0.0270833333333333,07-19,7,2000,19,6,0,3 aafc73d6e5fd115f1c9c490c0396455176729763e7d4e5411efccb5e35d7369e,none,juli 14th solar activ region produc massiv flare event also blast enorm cloud energet charg particl toward planet earth trigger magnet storm dramat auror displays strike closeup ar9077 made orbit trace satellit shortli flare erupted show million degre hot solar plasma cool suspend magnet loops falsecolor imag cover expans 230000 170000 kilomet area sun surfac earth diamet kilometers record extrem ultraviolet light collect resembl popular enorm loop actual magnet field line trap glowing cool plasma rel dark solar surface flare activ decay carri farther across earthfac hemispher sun solar rotation activ region like ar9077 appear group dark sunspot visibl light,solar magnet,2000-07-20,666,100,0.2277777777777778,07-20,7,2000,20,1,2,4 da03cc927930b94f24316f005c5d97c2f7d77dc3e974faaa933fa9db3adff8d1,none,delic orbit around asteroid 433 eros near shoemak spacecraft camera imag entir surfac small world least once record juli 7th distanc 50 kilometers dramat view 18 kilomet across show wall rim two larg overlap impact crater horizon massiv boulder may debri impact perch along crater edges promin boulder horizon near pictur center 40 meter long fact near mission ero shown along crater boulders groov ridg also common asteroid surface crater clearli impact origin puzzl surfac featur still remain juli 13 control fire spacecraft thruster move near shoemak even closer 35 kilomet orbit enabl higher resolut surfac studies,ero crater boulder,2000-07-21,618,97,-0.0349999999999999,07-21,7,2000,21,5,2,2 80656e980a498184a92d6c52c59d02bb0bf0273ccf9291d9153f8debc5f0b22b,todd boroson nsf,whirlpool galaxi classic spiral galaxy 23 million light year distant fulli 65 thousand light year across m51 also known ngc 5194 one brightest picturesqu galaxi sky smaller galaxi appear left well behind m51 infer dust foreground spiral arm block light smaller galaxy whirlpool pictur above visibl binocular constel cane venaciti m51 spiral galaxi type sc domin member whole group galaxies astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact smaller galaxy,m51 whirlpool galaxi,2000-07-24,470,71,0.0724358974358974,07-24,7,2000,24,7,0,3 10af69098b846d1ffdddf0ca1fa58833fc759157adb4082a62b9a42829cc3941,none,star realli look like surfac earth best human eye see star far away appear would point light earth atmosphere however clumpy differ air pocket produc differ imag singl pointlik star atmospher alway windi changing number posit imag alway changing result star appear reality timelaps sequenc occur ten time faster close inspect reveal singl small imag star repeat over imag call speckl size realli determin strang quantum effect involv finit size telescope recent work adapt optic made spectacular advanc reduc atmospher blurring betelgeus star twinkl above space earth atmosphere realli look like this,star,2000-07-25,600,92,0.2055555555555555,07-25,7,2000,25,6,1,4 d7c344c74bd2ded131c4020a84f20724cfc01ccc80aae938566972501ad197d9,noel munfordpalmerston north astronom society new zealand,moon pass almost directli center earth shadow juli 16th sky gazer pacif hemispher grace linger lunar eclipse total phase last 1 hour 47 minutes longest sinc longer total lunar eclips occur year 3000 take advantag lengthi totality astronom photographer noel munford use small telescop record colour pictur eclips moon nearbi star sky north new zealand near top southern hemispher perspect 84 kilomet wide bright ray crater tycho moon look red even lie complet shadow still illumin sunlight redden dust refract atmospher along earth limb chang atmospher dust content mean eclips differ appearance experienc observer munford comment mid total eclips uniform delicate subtl colour one lightest seen,lunar eclips,2000-07-26,694,106,0.0233664772727272,07-26,7,2000,26,2,2,1 bd9cb67fe2c41f6dba8a459511e3adf70a74fa79787e266086ac8ce1d6d154df,tunc tezel,tomorrow picture star cluster archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,moon venu sky,2000-07-28,230,34,0.2857142857142857,07-28,7,2000,28,6,1,0 377070a5a28b5ab8342cb392641e3e40d26b2764de4882464a0a954c3f91e8c6,none,like butterfly white dwarf star begin life cast cocoon enclos former self analogy however sun would caterpillar eject shell ga would becom prettiest all cocoon planetari nebula design ngc 2440 contain one hottest white dwarf star known white dwarf seen bright dot near photo center sun eventu becom white dwarf butterfly anoth 5 billion years fals color imag postprocess forrest hamilton,ngc 2440 cocoon new white dwarf,2000-07-30,387,61,0.0875,07-30,7,2000,30,6,0,3 4a98a90ebbd8e6586a8a5c69f66168b66ddb53d4396cc63e71c3ff6347d42ca8,none,unexpectedly comet linear break up clue demis month new comet approach sun brighten dramat flares above hubbl space telescop captur comet c1999 s4 linear earli month blow larg piec crust recent specul hold nucleu complet disrupt juli 24 true elong train materi continu orbit sun may fade much quickly break bright comet unusu unprecedented comet shoemakerlevi 9 broke struck jupit 1994 comet broke apart near sun 1974 futur observ tell comet linear first trip inner solar system last,comet linear break,2000-07-31,483,78,0.2141414141414141,07-31,7,2000,31,3,1,2 fa5651b47abaaa4b6d32915106edd63a1d9f8bb168b979112ddee6cf62ef8a35,none,comet emit xrays first discov pass comet hyakutak 1996 reason cold comet would produc hot xray sinc remain mystery juli 14 however orbit chandra xray observatori abl provid imag pass comet shown above enough detail unravel mystery key solut turn unusu wind fast ion emit sun ion appar collid ga recent emit comet caus ion acquir new electron electron start highenergi state emit xray fall closer ion nucleus comet move inner solar system discoveri allow futur studi continu evolv ga cloud surround comet well composit solar wind,xray comet linear,2000-08-01,528,87,0.0236363636363636,08-01,8,2000,1,3,0,4 4701d7e45c0c7898fcf61da36f1b2ead404140ebef1589f93c74b26845b27eb7,none,crescent nebula rapidli expand shell ga surround die star recent releas imag hubbl space telescope bright dynam part nebula three lightyear across shown repres color crescent nebula began form 250000 year ago central wolfrayet star wr 136 began shed outer envelop strong stellar wind expel equival sun mass everi 10000 years wind impact surround interstellar gas compact seri complex shells light up crescent nebula also known ngc 6888 lie 4700 lightyear away constel cygnu seen telescope star wr 136 probabl undergo supernova explos sometim next million years,edg crescent nebula,2000-08-02,560,87,0.1854166666666666,08-02,8,2000,2,4,1,5 f34e1ff5455ffa5f6ca26b21791dc5afa4e9037f9537de05188e20bcd3a8d51b,none,last month near shoemak spacecraft swoop closer eros orbit 22 mile kilometers center asteroid two imag taken juli 19 left juli 24 right reveal diminut world pock mottl surfac amaz detail show featur small 19 feet 6 meters across ero thought asteroid base xray gammaray studi surfac composition left picture surfac layer regolith seen lace bright dark region right hand imag dark regolith appear fill crater floors left right imag span area 2600 feet meters 3000 meters wide respectively juli 31 near shoemak return familiar 31 mile 50 kilometer orbit circl ero seren 6 mile per hour,mile ero,2000-08-03,582,97,0.0323412698412698,08-03,8,2000,3,8,2,4 005b6a6f27cf63510503c593bc447ce1f42482f05e5d294b60c42fec879e1cd6,none,life might get dull core m15 sky would alway bright stars fact 40000 lightyear away constel pegasus m15 one dens pack globular star cluster milki way galaxy stun hubbl space telescop imag m15 show thousand individu star across central 10 lightyear cluster also catalog ngc yet even hubble sharp vision cant clearli separ star cluster core globular star cluster harbor hundr thousand million star roam milki way halo like globulars m15 fill ancient stars 12 billion year old compar sun estim 45 billion years cool red giant star appear yellowish color composit image unlik globulars m15 display planetari nebula briefli visibl gaseou shroud die star pick out catalog m15 planetari nebula round pinkish cloud upper left,m15 dens globular star cluster,2000-08-04,717,116,0.0484848484848484,08-04,8,2000,4,6,2,3 ff33cbefdcdc2eb385a19eae54414a860420b684635b2ebc68aa91268e826e55,mpae,comet nucleu look like form primordi stuff solar system thought resembl dirti iceberg activ comets telescop imag reveal surround cloud ga dust comet coma characterist cometari tails 1986 european spacecraft giotto encount nucleu halley comet approach sun data giotto camera use gener enhanc imag potato shape nucleu measur roughli 15 kilomet across show surfac featur dark nucleu bright background coma ici materi vapor sun heat everi 76 year comet halley return inner solar system time nucleu shed 6 meter deep layer ice rock space debri compos halley tail leav orbit trail respons orionid meteor shower,halley nucleus orbit iceberg,2000-08-05,604,95,0.05,08-05,8,2000,5,3,2,4 dc8baf65c8762c4b3cbec03f626890ce7d8308be5fed4f66ef2d898236572121,j b kaler uiuc,planet found orbit sunlik star 10 lightyear away direct pictur planet taken planet discov gravit wobbl creat parent star epsilon eridani discoveri mark closest sunlik star yet found hous extrasolar planet pictur above star epsilon visibl near belt orion unaid eye detect planet thought mass like jupit orbit slightli closer in ellipt natur planet orbit rais question whether nearli circular orbit planet solar system rel unknown whether planet exist around epsilon eridani,nearbi star planet,2000-08-07,473,72,0.025,08-07,8,2000,7,8,0,2 e55f7d8d4ee78645997b99f0f2f2e65ae2c688809feea623e4271338be8d576c,none,what happen nucleu comet brightest comet year unexpectedli broken mani smaller pieces breakup occur juli 25 note mani astronom around world particularli pioneer work mark kidger sinc astronom search vain find fragment left nucleus watch see fast remain debri fades three day ago hubbl space telescop maneuv photograph region recov disintegr fragment use compos comet linear nucleus imag cover tip elong diffus train slowli dispers gas dust ice fragments gravel largest bit remain fractur nucleu appear less 30 meter across debri train collid earth caus meteor shower interest astronom comet linear nucleu disintegr small pieces,comet linear,2000-08-08,627,95,-0.1027777777777777,08-08,8,2000,8,3,0,4 77c844a89200f5b7210e530261101b85f4afbd98073959a4fcb4d5514a7aff37,none,latest round discoveri list known world distant sun grown extrasolar planet discoveri sure continue none far point clearli anoth planetari system like own take example newli discov parent star shine earth night sky 6th magnitude sunlik star lie 137 lightyear away constel orion like known extrasolar planets planet discov detect telltal doppler wobbl parent star spectrum data reveal planet orbit everi day averag time earthsun distanc minimum jupit mass about 240 earth even evid wobbl data star one known planet addit massiv planet orbit them dramat artist vision newfound world view moon anoth massiv ring planet orbit farther out ring planet moon imagin thin atmospher surfac cover ici sheet ridg similar found jupiter moon europa,world hd,2000-08-10,736,115,0.1249999999999999,08-10,8,2000,10,8,2,4 343ebaec6ac591b0c0b0243c12c4422c883cc6150bbd595aa64141fe4b5c79b6,none,call bunch comet fragment flock swarm question definit relev comet linear c1999 s4 linear whose nucleu appar fragment late last month first trip inner solar system comput enhanc composit imag show faint star trail remnant linear nucleu flock embed cloud ga dust record astronom use european southern observatory antu telescop day hubbl space telescop hst also abl imag comparison hst subsequ antu imag reveal swarm cometari debri chang markedli 24 hour demonstr dynam behavior comet linear remains astronom keep watch comet linear fragment continu lose dust ga fade view result linear legaci may well insight makeup primordi piec solar system pictur comet linear curios fragment comet watch perseid meteor shower,fragment comet linear,2000-08-11,713,110,-0.0785714285714285,08-11,8,2000,11,3,2,4 95e035e05913817c33916a20f1f9f12477236f22cd54326d09ccaf6cd64448ab,none,carina may explode one know may next year may one million year now eta carinae mass 100 time greater sun make excel candid full blown supernova histor record show 150 year ago eta carina underw unusu outburst made one brightest star southern sky eta carinae keyhol nebula star current thought emit natur laser light image taken 1996 result sophist imageprocess procedur design bring new detail unusu nebula surround rogu star clearli visibl two distinct lobes hot central region strang radial streaks lobe fill lane ga dust absorb blue ultraviolet light emit near center streak remain unexplained clue tell us nebula formed better indic eta carina explode,doom star eta carina,2000-08-13,658,106,0.1991978609625668,08-13,8,2000,13,4,2,5 94eb0d38705b14622429417c3bbca1d1661f5960916d7d370491cd5916610148,none,unusu giant galaxi ngc 1316 help calibr universe quit possibl turn atyp galaxi compos typic stars ngc 1316 pictur above strang size shape common ellipt galaxi dust lane disk commonli found spiral galaxy attribut could caus interact anoth galaxi past billion years recently ngc 1316 monitor find novae explos eman white dwarf star standard brightness again ngc 1316 found atyp nova rate unexpectedli high if however star white dwarf compos ngc 1316 nova observ bright nova galaxi astronom use comput accur distance distanc use calibr distanc indic result accur scale distanc throughout universe,unusu giant galaxi ngc,2000-08-16,594,93,0.031,08-16,8,2000,16,7,2,3 b7ba6655e861f566079ba05d678fa69b649ad2cbd8ee946aa6571fd0b58064cd,sebastien du montmegantic,tomorrow picture xray antenna archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,mount magnet storm,2000-08-17,230,34,0.2857142857142857,08-17,8,2000,17,8,1,0 d8f26d216bda03e9523dbcb5283dcd17767d465f48bf6b214ae73d5e27f262ab,none,bevi black hole neutron star shine bright pointlik sourc bubbl million degre ga falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatory strike pictur show central region two galaxies ngc 4038 ngc 4039 lock titan collis 60 million lightyear distant constel corvus visibl light images long luminous tendrillik structur eman wreckag lend pair popular moniker antenna galaxies galact collis thought fairli common happen individu star rare collide instead ga dust cloud merg compress trigger furiou burst massiv star format thousand result supernovae explod star litter scene bubbl shock hot ga collaps stellar cores transfix cosmic accid astronom watch begin appreci collisiondriven evolut galaxies unlik own,xray antenna galaxi,2000-08-18,695,102,0.2069444444444444,08-18,8,2000,18,6,2,3 05a2e4157b0332db433fdeddc6a61d7ee08c154b3b20c387c3cc9d449c45d73d,none,launch 1990 orbit rosat observatori explor univers view entir sky xray photon 1000 time energi visibl light rosat survey produc sharpest sensit imag xray sky date allski imag shown plane milki way galaxi run horizont center xray bright rel energi repres red green blue color indic three xray energi rang from lowest highest bright xray spot near galact plane within milki way brightest region right center toward vela pulsar puppi supernova remnant bright sourc beyond galaxi also apparent notabl virgo cluster galaxi near top right larg magellan cloud lmc lmc easi find sever black stripe blank area caus miss data seem converg posit lower right larg area sky gener diffus background xray dominates hot ga galaxi provid much background give rise grand loop structur visibl direct galact center imag center unresolv extragalact sourc also add background particularli plane despit xray sky exot appearance familiar featur visibl ga dust cloud line plane galaxi absorb xray well optic light produc dark band run galact center,rosat explor xray sky,2000-08-19,1025,163,0.1755527210884354,08-19,8,2000,19,6,2,4 c300d66c4fd5ecdd6b75826b2cdb4a3028d3dfe2b11fd1028528c6210ca9e596,none,sail hydrocarbon sea titan bewar gasolin rain might travel advisori issu one futur day adventur visit titan largest moon saturn new imag titan surfac releas last week hawaii telescop featur finest detail yet resolved peer titan thick smog atmospher infrar light complex featur interpret oceans glaciers rock becam visible highresolut infrar imag pictur made possibl use unblur techniqu call adapt optics interplanetari probe cassini reach saturn titan 2004 better explor unusu world,surfac titan,2000-08-20,482,72,0.0727272727272727,08-20,8,2000,20,0,0,2 64aff9694d434eb6bd2c743a3d8cf5d869e19f22866fe895a364fdc001f1f4b1,robert gendler,ten thousand year ago dawn record human history new light must suddenli appear night sky fade weeks today know light explod star record color expand cloud veil nebula pictur west end veil nebula known technic ngc 6960 less formal witch broom nebula rampag ga gain color impact excit exist nearbi gas supernova remnant lie 1400 lightyear away toward constel cygnus witch broom actual span three time angular size full moon bright blue star 52 cygnu visibl unaid eye dark locat unrel ancient supernova,ngc 6960 witch broom nebula,2000-08-23,499,83,0.1517906336088154,08-23,8,2000,23,4,1,5 ce8b2d198593ab13c614df136509643262cb2e96a950e1fd26a0de7ad6b4023b,none,gleam ray set sun boulder litter rug surfac asteroid 433 eros brightest boulder edg large shadowi crater near picture bottom center 30 meter 100 feet across orbit around ero sinc februari 2000 near shoemak spacecraft camera record dramat view earlier month altitud 50 kilometers ero orbit sun perihelion astronom unit au aphelion au part class nearearth asteroids spend much time orbit mar at 15 au earth at 1 au alway way ero nearearth asteroid origin orbit main asteroid belt jupit mars time gravit influenc jupit planet perturb orbit send trajectori closer earth,ero sunset,2000-08-24,566,92,0.0972789115646258,08-24,8,2000,24,5,2,2 bf93fb83acbbfa597456f7ece89ca59d6e9ab3067c5cbcb2de4bcb67fec1500a,none,linea jovian ice moon europa broad smooth region run imag record galileo spacecraft 1998 pictur differ comput process version mosaic left small scale detail enhanc right larg scale featur bold crisscross ridg believ result upwel new materi crack surfac ice apparent easili seen right recent recogn gentl rise 15 kilomet across like form ici surfac compress addit new material evid stress europa surfac offer presenc smaller crack wrinkl easili seen left span width broad swell suggest familiar geologist planet earth though ice covered surfac europa thought geolog active ride substanti ocean liquid water,europa,2000-08-25,606,93,0.1090097402597402,08-25,8,2000,25,8,2,4 332808a160a45cc2b203dbd5b89195826f9ae52cf4221f610314e2543ab808bf,none,dreamlik imag mir record astronaut space shuttl atlanti approach russian space station prior dock sts76 mission sport spindli appendag solar panels mir resembl whimsic fli insect hover 350 kilomet new zealand south island citi near cook strait late march 1996 atlanti shuttl astronaut shannon w lucid mir five month visit increas mir occup 2 3 return pick lucid drop astronaut john blaha sts79 mission august year sinc becom oper 1986 mir visit 100 spacefar nation planet earth including russia unit states great britain germany france japan austria kazakhstan slovakia joint shuttlemir train mission support intern space station continu mir end august 1999 mir still orbit oper pursu commerci,mir dream,2000-08-26,693,108,0.1227272727272727,08-26,8,2000,26,8,2,2 b46db037e86f1652efd7605d72b3fc689804854d28bba7e54a6ec1d81fdf475a,aaoaatb roeuk telescop,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl black indent red emiss nebula seen right center photograph bright star near center locat belt familiar constel orion horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright red emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms also visibl pictur blue reflect nebulae preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars,orion horsehead nebula,2000-08-27,523,79,0.1362698412698413,08-27,8,2000,27,4,1,5 f4a51b80467b44dd20c4ba51254d795efa1f2693adebf479fe19cca758f82cef,cuillandr cfht staff,one day sun may look like this helix nebula closest exampl planetari nebula creat end life sunlik star outer gass star expel space appear vantag point look helix remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 450 lightyear away toward constel aquariu span 15 lightyears imag taken canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht locat atop dormant volcano hawaii usa closeup inner edg helix nebula show unusu ga knot unknown origin,helix nebula cfht,2000-08-28,527,84,0.0547619047619047,08-28,8,2000,28,4,0,5 861fb3868cf957a303f7df793eb5ffbfb05d735ca8ed471e7ae3ce912ed5c08a,none,tomorrow picture see orion archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,regolith asteroid ero,2000-08-29,227,34,0.2857142857142857,08-29,8,2000,29,8,1,0 d4f9ae95490ed9d3f7f27dda664611af3fc702b30b3f7517fe72d9e4d4a3bdeb,none,bright star well known heart trapezium open cluster star center orion nebula mani dim objects however well known come attent recent imag infrar light dim object thought brown dwarf freefloat planets brown dwarf star creat energi core fuse hydrogen helium although mani brown dwarf hot star found orion low mass make inadequ compos much dark matter expect galaxi universe falsecolor mosaic combin infrar visibl light imag trapezium hubbl space telescope faint brown dwarf mass small one percent mass sun seen infrar data also visibl complex lane hot ga blue cooler fine dust glow reflect nearbi starlight,brown dwarf orion trapezium,2000-08-30,603,96,0.0774509803921568,08-30,8,2000,30,6,2,5 e5909ed7096f5918f26e7a912826880fa371b9e141c9f0c5d0b0615a9654ad30,none,soho spacebas solar heliospher observatory becom far reign champion facil discov comets total recent reach might expect solar observatory soho discov comet sungrazers destin dive within mere 50 thousand kilomet solar photosphere rang intens heat gravit forc make unlik primit chunk ice dust survive base similar orbits first work 19th centuri german astronom sungraz believ origin singl larg parent comet broke perihelion passag perhap 2000 year ago time piec continu split produc famili smaller comet seem travel orbit frame soho coronograph taken two hour apart april 29 year show sungraz comet discoveri number long bright tail head toward fieri encounter sun hidden behind coronograph occult disk upper right,soho sungraz,2000-09-01,712,108,-0.0387301587301587,09-01,9,2000,1,3,2,2 1a52d1926dfb3a791dbc23850cc7e936698fcad5087cf64f605939d490182ff7,brent,last month skywatch treat unexpect bright aurora occur perseid meteor shower pictur taken august 12 captur eeri look aurora faint perseid meteor cross lake wisconsin usa near futur hold promis aurora better meteor shower aurora becom increasingli common trigger sun near period highest activ elevenyear magnet cycle come midnovemb quirki leonid meteor shower although one better studi meteor showers leonid surpris astronom mani time mani optimist skywatch promis outsid year hope memor show,aurora persei,2000-09-04,493,73,0.1222222222222222,09-04,9,2000,4,8,1,1 9a81372dc370b94dd899421ca78dc3d559a3fee0228c9b32ecd4be9eedb6919f,none,high atop dormant volcano hawaii eye wide faint light night sky unlik human eye collect light fraction second time telescop canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht collect light hours faint sourc becom visibl previous beyond human imagination meticul observ usual take long though earth spin caus telescop move sky spin visibl photograph star trail background cfht must keep target enorm size cfht dome gaug car foreground cfht one smaller telescop atop mauna kea,cfht star trail,2000-09-05,456,70,-0.0147619047619047,09-05,9,2000,5,8,0,1 b35dbb17b840132ee4b0ded0cc2aba207e3eb3d71d06b1f4d21acca7d759f855,none,tomorrow picture stellar spirograph archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,planetari nebula,2000-09-06,236,34,0.2678571428571428,09-06,9,2000,6,8,1,0 4320112f8e9c69e5917e1bd6a1d76a27eec3b45873121173a29c38cb94459f5b,none,xray star wink behind moon left view lunar occult galact xray sourc design gx51 fals color imag made use data rosat orbit observatory show high energi xray yellow mostli gx51 lower energi xray red the moon reflect xray sun gx51 binari system consist neutron star companion star mutual orbit system center mass ga companion star outer envelop fall toward neutron star accumul disk around it disk materi swirl deeper neutron star gravit well final dump onto surfac process creat tremend temperatur gener high energi xrays,xray moon xray star,2000-09-09,520,85,-0.0225,09-09,9,2000,9,6,0,4 224c61fda97652c6b12f03b59daff4eb6852d9748cef5ac02e544cc5dd1ffff1,none,diminut stellar standards white dwarf star also intens hot cooling longer interior nuclear fire burn continu cool fade away hubbl space telescop imag cover small region near center globular cluster known m4 here research discov larg concentr white dwarf star circl above expect low mass stars includ sun believ evolv white dwarf stage studi star cool could lead better understand ages age parent globular cluster even age universe,white dwarf star cool,2000-09-10,432,68,0.1115384615384615,09-10,9,2000,10,6,1,3 cbdafb7506285785565a458a080755aa57757af2ab4404959627e867002735a6,none,back bigger ever ozon hole caus concern recent year reform earth south pole season recurr ozon hole expected although size hole never larg earli season ozon import shield us damag ultraviolet sunlight ozon vulnerable though cfc halon releas atmosphere ozon hole larg size probabl relat unusu low temperatures allow cfc byproduct like chlorin react atmospher ozon molecul greater efficiency falsecolor pictur taken earlier month low ozon level shown red grey,antarct ozon hole,2000-09-11,457,70,-0.0136363636363636,09-11,9,2000,11,8,0,4 40f205646ab94d3a7956443e8724470999760394d2af528805884846487ee9af,none,could hover pathfind mission mar 1997 might seen directli control tower sagan memori station three dark solar array extend collect valuabl energy surround lightcolor deflat airbag protect pathfinder instrument directli collid rocki martian surface left solar panel ramp pathfinder roll robot sojourn start adventur nearbi rocks sojourn visibl inspect rock nicknam yogi 11 oclock rock cover martian surface twin peak visibl horizon 9 distant sky mostli orange imag recent releas digit combin panoram pictur taken pathfind mar pictur lander scale model back earth mar pathfind mission abl collect data three months send back inform indic wet distant past mars,slightli mar pathfind,2000-09-12,657,99,-0.0777777777777777,09-12,9,2000,12,5,2,4 4eb37dc7a03df4c616cef076877052dc5254e3d0b73ee789c24c963dd99617f6,gordon garradd,last month stage set comet linear linear becom first nakedeye comet fill role course turn dramat close follow astronom mark kidger colleagu isaac newton group telescop palma canari comet linear nucleu appar fragment extens night juli 25th faint fluoresc cloud fade background star still visibl august 21st telescop view loomberah nsw australia comet linear break up comet conglomer ice rock plausibl scenario substanti fraction linear ici compon leav littl hold rocki materi together event bright telltal condens remain so follow first tour inner solar system comet linear seem,comet black,2000-09-13,577,88,0.1,09-13,9,2000,13,3,2,4 12fb3e42431e061d89fd5351bc23f34e27c6226ad9a94fc0d955891a490f23d9,none,black hole probabl bizarr creatur modern astronom zoo year black hole either stellar mass object seen binari star system enorm supermass black hole center galaxies astronom strong evid anoth exot speci middl mass black holes lead candid middl ground indic falsecolor detail sharp xray pictur spacebas chandra observatory closeup xray sourc near center starburst galaxi m82 crop chandra imag span 4000 lightyears m82 around 11 million lightyear distant sourc recent convincingli demonstr exhibit xray characterist object whose gravit field hold 500 time mass sun within volum size moon astronom also note unlik supermass varieti thought lie center galaxies middl mass black hole 600 lightyear center m82 theori format middl mass black hole includ collaps form coalesc mani normal stars direct merger stellar mass black holes,mass black hole,2000-09-14,824,125,0.0132575757575757,09-14,9,2000,14,6,2,4 f9a987665a89c95b2322b26478cc6d1cd06457fea12f13633d7628274b3b0a76,chri,aurora borealis northern lights common sight southwestern unit states strong solar coron mass eject earli august trigger geomagnet storm aurora wide reported even west texa skies strike view aurora record site near el texa tank state histor park latitud shi 32 degre north polari brightest star visibl near top right center perseid meteor pierc auror glow left pictur center bowl littl dipper want see aurora dark sky high latitud closer north south help might keep eye space weather report last big coron mass eject head toward planet earth detect spacebas instrument septemb 12 may trigger geomagnet storm auror activ begin septemb 14th,aurora west texa sky,2000-09-15,638,102,0.0592176870748299,09-15,9,2000,15,8,2,4 3ee82b09e3e437963ce788b685d39ac9122be248cb387d58b57312245ed2aa14,none,pictur earth xrays taken march 1996 orbit polar satellite planet dark superpos contin coordin bright xray emiss near north pole shown red earth xray glow actually earth not aurora high earth atmospher glow xray detect spacebas instruments gust energet ion sun distort earth magnetospher allow high energi electron spiral along magnet field line slam upper atmospher magnet poles activ caus shimmer visibl aurora along xray ultraviolet radio emission xray danger life earth absorb dense lower atmosphere,xray earth,2000-09-16,502,76,0.0985185185185185,09-16,9,2000,16,8,0,4 1e526f677842c012982d693eb62ec694e3098e75f71d0c53515d8250f471900c,none,last monday crew space shuttl atlanti took view approach develop intern space station iss top bottom astronaut saw station current consist progress suppli module zvezda servic module zarya cargo module uniti connect module never astronaut seen station sinc remotecontrol addit progress energi collect flat solar panel seen extend modules soon pictur taken atlanti dock iss uniti end astronaut work hard unload supplies instal test equipment even plan reboost float space station higher orbit shuttl entir crew schedul return earth wednesday space shuttl discoveri schedul visit iss two weeks,approach intern space station,2000-09-18,591,88,0.0722222222222222,09-18,9,2000,18,8,2,2 f9ad90d2dfd3dfa7fe2848b3502ef4d9c6a3372f2f65d9c08d495e2692ff93ee,none,depth dark cloud dust molecular ga known m17 star continu form visibl recent releas representativecolor photograph m17 new technolog telescop cloud dark appear almost empti near infrar light dark molecular cloud result background starlight absorb thick carbonbas smokes dust bright massiv star form produc intens energet light slowli boil away dark shroud m17 unusu appear omega nebula horsesho nebula swan nebula m17 visibl binocular toward constel sagittarius lie 5000 lightyear away span 20 lightyear across,m17 omega nebula star factori,2000-09-19,510,75,0.0760330578512396,09-19,9,2000,19,4,0,5 37ee7571904240150fefa0c10117a87a49ff34922c2864ee3b4cc0167841421b,none,ngc 3184 larg spiral galaxi small nucleu long sprawl spiral arms although ngc 3184 contain hundr billion stars blue color spiral arm come mostli rel bright young blue stars galaxi empti matter spiral arm bright star highlight arm creat huge densiti wave circl center visibl small telescop toward constel ursa major light take 25 million year reach us ngc 3184 50000 year cross it ngc 3184 type notabl high abund heavi element supernova occur recently,spiral galaxi ngc,2000-09-20,451,75,0.1248333333333333,09-20,9,2000,20,7,1,3 2900fb65e0fc2e52725507938f608be7fd1799653e2df7918b3600cd2ee813a5,none,binari star system xz tauri emit hot bubbl expand gas although astronom present hubbl space telescop clearli document unusu behavior three dramat photograph past five years even without know why recent releas sequenc show unpreced clariti begin cool zone region expand ga bubbl cool emit light electron ion meet recombine xz tauri star system known resid tauru star form region locat 500 lightyear away xz tau compos two young star separ roughli distanc sun pluto bubbl expand past thirti year extend nearli fifteen time binari separation,tauri system ga bubbl,2000-09-21,539,86,0.1055555555555555,09-21,9,2000,21,6,0,4 101e2846e38ecd3e9713259b5d57a82fb7a2119e70606330b78eb6c394765383,none,fiftyfifth entri charl messier catalog m55 larg love globular cluster around 100000 stars 20000 lightyear away constel sagittarius m55 appear earthbound observ nearli 23 size full moon globular star cluster like m55 roam halo milki way galaxi gravit bound popul star known much older stellar group found galact disk astronom make detail studi globular cluster star accur measur cluster age distances result ultim constrain age univers must older star it provid fundament rung astronom distanc ladder stun threecolor imag made astronom filter span 100 lightyear across globular cluster m55,m55 globular star cluster,2000-09-22,590,89,0.2866666666666667,09-22,9,2000,22,6,1,3 dafa262545ecf4b926b616ea58f0bdeb0b0c8af5cb2388d09af0e6339b0f9ae7,none,yesterday sun cross celesti equat head south mark equinox first day autumn northern hemispher spring south equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earthl experi 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness northern hemisphere day continu grow shorter sun march lower sky winter approaches week autumn equinox 1994 crew shuttl endeavor record imag sun pois earth limb glare illumin endeavor vertic tail point toward earth along radar equip payload bay,equal night,2000-09-23,445,69,-0.015625,09-23,9,2000,23,1,0,1 b331bb1153e7e4c1f1b48e9fa4ba8baeb2239359d58e7e38a0c196bd95ccd727,ray gralak,one largest sunspot recent year cross sun domin activ region ar sunspot larg dark complex visibl west right center photograph sun taken last thursday although quiet far region around larg magnet depress watch explos eruptions ar 9169 hold largest sunspot yet produc solar maximum time greatest sunspot activ sun 11year magnet cycle sunspot ar 9169 twice diamet normal sunspot half area sunspot record 1947 rotat sun ar 9169 take 30 day make one complet circle slowli break time,ar larg sunspot,2000-09-25,477,78,0.0578754578754578,09-25,9,2000,25,1,0,1 dab757a998d15d7ea2f0a30eab418563fc36b4d6002422768a4206c16139d6ab,none,1979 voyag 1 spacecraft compil view approach ga giant jupiter snap pictur everi time great red spot properli aligned timelaps sequenc show spot rotat also swirl neighbor clouds sinc jupit take 10 hour rotate short sequenc actual cover sever days voyag 1 shot past jupit rapidli take pictur mani discoveri would made includ previous unknown cloud patterns rings moons activ volcano jupiter moon io voyag move fast one day leav solar system,approach jupit,2000-09-26,438,72,0.0537037037037037,09-26,9,2000,26,8,0,1 1a69b92547d71fbdc76343dac6d074c0d495939425755ea22542f6bbce8b0ee5,none,pictur septemb 3rd enclosur 82 meter telescop christen yepun glint dramat light set sun later evening dark sky paran observatory chile astronom engin success captur yepun first light images make yepun fourth final unit european southern observatory larg telescop vlt array reach milestone ultimately light three 82 meter unit telescop kueyen combin yepun achiev effect apertur 164 meter creat world largest optic telescope next major step combin beam two telescop creat interferometer upper part mostli interferomet lab build front telescop enclosure vlt unit telescop name taken mapuch language origin thought refer bright star sirius word yepun believ mean venu even star,,2000-09-27,674,101,0.1205882352941176,09-27,9,2000,27,6,2,4 608350b69034d6f5e5dec8020db3da7281c1a1e67e6de4ab15822810ab9b46e7,none,end photospher visibl surfac sun faint tenuou solar corona cant easili seen earth measur hundr time hotter photospher itself make solar corona hot astronom long sought sourc corona heat magnet field loft monstrou loop solar plasma photosphere still new dramat detail observ coron loop orbit trace satellit point close unidentifi energi source record extrem ultraviolet light trace imag indic heat occur low corona near base loop emerg return solar surface new result convent theori reli heat loop uniformly tantal trace imag show cluster majestic hot coron loop span 30 time diamet planet earth,heat coron loop,2000-09-28,594,93,-0.0077272727272727,09-28,9,2000,28,1,2,4 a0539760368a0f736a491f64cdf236045ba794a4a609bf35d3b10e9dc33ebd0d,stan richard,tomorrow picture titania trench archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,septemb sky,2000-09-29,232,34,0.2857142857142857,09-29,9,2000,29,8,1,0 2a65be2987e05a71fe2b8f69ef05afc6046183db9fe09034f899386a399ea80d,none,fantast jumbl young blue star clusters gigant glow ga clouds impos dark dust lane surround central region activ galaxi centauru a mosaic hubbl space telescop imag taken blue green red light process present natur color pictur cosmic maelstrom infrar imag hubbl also shown hidden center activ seem disk matter spiral black hole billion time mass sun centauru appar result collis two galaxi left debri steadili consum black hole astronom believ black hole central engin gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru activ galaxies activ galaxi centauru close mere 10 million lightyear away rel conveni laboratori explor power sourc energy,center centauru,2000-10-01,638,99,-0.0656862745098039,10-01,10,2000,1,7,2,4 31d17f1c973cee84fabe4489f5bd502266cee861f15f2d8766b2d6e96355a7ca,c r scotes u texa arlington paleomap,becom earth surface surfac earth broken sever larg plate slowli shifting 250 million year ago plate presentday contin rest posit quit differently landmass cluster togeth one supercontin dub pangea 250 million year now plate project reposit singl landmass dominates simul paleaomap project show giant landmass pangea ultima time atlant ocean distant memory whatev be inhabit earth abl walk north america africa,pangea ultima earth 250 million years,2000-10-02,409,61,-0.125,10-02,10,2000,2,8,0,2 41a66e79ba21f8914d46c4865ad7638a58268de62548c4208e8fc4639c2897b5,none,dramat rotat cloudtop saturn everi particularli evid orbit around ga giant planet good enough telescope however rotat visibl even earth shown timelaps imag sequenc hubbl space telescop taken novemb 1990 particularli evid time lightcolor giant storm cloud system complet encircl planet storm evid twenti year ago flybi voyag spacecraft storm magnitud last note studi complex atmospher saturn one object cassini spacecraft launch nasa 1997 expect arriv 2004,saturn rotat,2000-10-03,456,67,0.0666666666666666,10-03,10,2000,3,0,0,2 9dffd7431b644c53660b9b31571c5d27e5956670068e405f933cc9b52bb7b314,s lee d f malin aao,ngc 1300 larg spiral galaxi appear flatten figur eight huge bar span 150000 lightyear across galaxi center domin appearance picturesqu galaxi lie 75 million lightyear distant light see left age dinosaurs although well known fast differ part ngc 1300 rotate specif orbit mani compon star includ interact gigant bar remain topic research milki way galaxi spiral galaxi less promin bar ngc 1300 seen small telescop toward constel eridanus,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300,2000-10-04,437,68,0.0479166666666666,10-04,10,2000,4,7,0,3 c7803890690b18af047f64f7858e78a844b457ff48f351f874a04a681432e14b,none,dramat hubbl space telescop imag captur birth cluster massiv stars newborn star seen emerg natal nebula 12 lightyear across nebula catalog n81 lie 200000 lightyear away within neighbor galaxi known small magellan cloud smc nebula surround massiv star cluster thousand lightyear across but prior hubbl observations unknown whether n81 similar compact emiss nebula singl star star clusters case n81 hubbl data clearli reveal multipl hot stars nearli 300000 time lumin sun color imag emphas grace arc dark interstellar dust fluoresc ga sculpt young stars energet wind radiation,n81 star cradl smc,2000-10-05,574,87,-0.0214285714285714,10-05,10,2000,5,4,0,5 df4d981eb424dd754afd70f1f550bd3f6a7f65585dbf2fa8bb8e39d0f47fbdea,none,visibl light siriu alpha cani brightest star night sky close watch celesti beacon throughout record history part binari star system 8 lightyear away known modern time small companion star siriu b siriu b much dimmer appear close brilliant siriu actual sight 1862 alvan test large well made optic refract telescope orbit xray telescopes siriu situat exactli reversed though smaller hotter siriu b appear overwhelmingli intens xray sourc chandra observatori xray imag radiat siriu b imag fainter sourc seen posit siriu may larg due ultraviolet light star xray detector surfac temperatur 25000 kelvins mass sun radiu less earths siriu b closest known white dwarf star guess make siriu b like neptune sun distant ga giant planet still presenc celesti bodi detect base gravit influenc alon make earli exampl dark matter,xray siriu b,2000-10-06,815,129,0.0451636904761904,10-06,10,2000,6,6,2,4 2e139a9a741eb3f1463806556bc6a7e8b9e38752e6fe10dde47d304b3c670545,none,august 29 larg dust storm photograph erupt north polar cap mars dust storm uncommon summer advanc north pictur taken mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars white materi frozen carbon dioxid cover much extrem north north polar cap region begin thaw temperatur differ occur cold frost region recent thaw surface result swirl wind adjac regions visibl storm strong central jet 900 kilomet long creat symmetr swirl vortices although wind reach 100 kmhour thin atmospher mar usual make storm less destruct similar storm earth,polar martian dust storm,2000-10-09,531,83,-0.0124999999999999,10-09,10,2000,9,5,0,1 5b50ce2fc8b451f130afdc4cfcc8ce9c3ba6ce5d1e5b573c411e8a5a43f61c2c,none,new spacecraft enter outer solar cassini launch 1997 bound saturn 2004 cassini sent back imag last week approach giant planet jupiter cassini join galileo spacecraft current orbit around jupit studi ga giant moons fact observ involv spacecraft simultan plan come months color pictur taken cassini million kilomet jupiter altern dark bright band characterist jupiter cloud top easili seen jupiter moon europa also seen far right imag cast round shadow planet,cassini spacecraft approach jupit,2000-10-11,457,70,0.1143398268398268,10-11,10,2000,11,8,1,2 770e020069668f95254898a8b90b376dc1b195ccb1a4dc6bfb413086fc2288ee,none,stargazer modifi lockhe aircraft soar sky atol pacif octob 9th small satellit observatori known high energi transient explor 2 tuck wing pegasu rocket slung beneath larg jet drop mother ship pegasu success flew hete2 orbit hete2 mission hunt gammaray bursts brief random flash high energi photon distant cosmos gammaray burst impressive believ power explos universe well locat studi natur burster still shroud mystery hete2 xray gammaray instrument abl rapidli alert groundbas observatori point toward ongoing bright gammaray bursts commun antenna solar panel neatli hete2 seen care enclos pegasu nose,ride pegasu,2000-10-12,602,89,0.1633333333333333,10-12,10,2000,12,8,2,4 24ababcf0f0f3226f629bd7820e9fd03d681660fcc5eef7330cb426932ed2041,joe orman,tomorrow picture eclipt plane archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,eclips moon trail,2000-10-13,230,34,0.2857142857142857,10-13,10,2000,13,8,1,0 72bc67017a415c7c03e65d596ad40f718cefcea43f3135aec68d6a4495f999d2,none,old red globular cluster hot blue stars rightmost picture taken ultraviolet imag telescop ultraviolet light show inde does pictured omega centauri largest known globular cluster 200 galaxy contain well million stars mani star evid visibl light photograph left photograph ultraviolet light however differ less numer star emerge evid photograph right star thought evolv past current stage sun star longer fuse hydrogen helium core rather fuse helium carbon star soon shed outer envelop end smolder carbon ember known white dwarf stars,globular cluster omega centauri,2000-10-15,532,80,0.1091575091575091,10-15,10,2000,15,6,1,5 f0593e38827ebd4040fe4b043a1083e4c2eeea7547996b08b6a55b3eb3b921ab,none,young star r corona australi dusti home dust thick upper left photograph littl light background star come through thinner dust near star reflect light r corona australi upper right neighbor corona australis give surround flow appearance star massiv would emit light energet enough ioniz much nearli invis surround hydrogen gas caus appear bright red unusu structur center herbigharo object knot ga eject star impact surround gas r corona australi 500 lightyear away region shown four light year across,dust ga surround star r australi,2000-10-16,501,78,0.1616071428571428,10-16,10,2000,16,6,1,5 ba2a2fbec7ae5fcaff70fcd5ee32ccf928992907d2662e39d9ed774568a38cee,none,what go near center galaxy glow across electromagnet spectrum center milki way galaxi thought home massiv stars rotat ga rings massiv black hole central galact zoo got larger 8meter gemini north telescop hawaii first scientif observ imag galact center reveal star three light year collid ga dust bow shock similar caus boat move water appear visibl upper right photograph taken repres infrar colors gemini new technolog imag structure known finer detail ever before,gemini north imag bow shock near galact center,2000-10-17,465,73,0.0542624042624042,10-17,10,2000,17,6,0,3 5b2fff7d2432ce082b01a0f1cfba93697ae843a11c447b9d89f726e6dd83059f,none,space shuttl visit intern space station iss crew aboard discoveri alreadi deliv instal truss dock port grow orbit space station station prepar first perman crew current schedul launch kazakstan octob 30 pictur above shuttle dock ring extend enabl stabl connect space station,space shuttl ring,2000-10-18,274,42,0.0833333333333333,10-18,10,2000,18,8,1,2 d6301315aa5bd4ce3f307677916b990b6e08a24204be25c4fed651408de4af3b,none,happen far away common human distanc measur inadequ describ it furthermore astronom even claim know exactli happened known satellit across solar system report 2000 januari 31 tremend explos gamma ray occur toward previous direction soon one largest optic telescop earth vlt chile began peer direct gamma ray burst vlt record optic counterpart shown above also abl estim redshift astonish 45 place grb000131 farther across univers explos measured vast distanc indic grb000131 occur galaxi like milki way forming qualifi gamma ray burst uniqu probe ancient result bode well recent launch hete2 satellite may record help place explos distant mysteri universe,farthest explos yet measur,2000-10-19,656,99,-0.0407407407407407,10-19,10,2000,19,8,2,4 db816411e1aa6a083c903367513f3b7496ee2cc1512eb8ec3bdd084305e94338,none,orbit north pole planet earth may 5 modi instrument onboard terra spacecraft record view ice cap 700 kilomet below radial grid center pole shown top approxim true color imag pixel cover one squar kilometer frozen sea ice appear whitish open water newli ice look black impress crisscross network crack ice shift liquid water ocean visible trace meander dark lines fact dark network crack sea ice reminisc anoth world solar system may also harbor liquid water ocean jupiter ice moon europa,north pole,2000-10-20,488,80,0.0404761904761904,10-20,10,2000,20,8,0,1 4de60b4bee7e52f429f140e05debee89948fbcc1c558360345b168d640c6242f,d f malin aao,mani star like sun form open clusters open cluster m11 contain thousand star three thousand light year distant star cluster form togeth 150 million year ago bright young star m11 appear blue open clusters also call galact clusters contain fewer younger star globular clusters also unlik globular clusters open cluster gener confin plane galaxy m11 visibl binocular toward constel scutum,wild duck open cluster m11,2000-10-22,386,60,0.11,10-22,10,2000,22,6,1,3 c9081ebb4fb891cf6321e44bd913913a2e4a05780fa844387217eb16be4618b7,none,milki way galaxi alone part gather 25 galaxi known local group member includ great andromeda galaxi m31 m32 m33 larg magellan cloud small magellan cloud dwingeloo 1 sever small irregular galaxies mani dwarf ellipt dwarf spheroid galaxies pictur lower left one mani dwarf ellipticals ngc 205 like m32 ngc 205 companion larg m31 sometim seen south m31 center photographs imag show ngc 205 unusu ellipt galaxi contain least two dust cloud at 1 4 oclock visibl hard spot sign recent star formation galaxi sometim known m110 although actual part messier origin catalog,dwarf ellipt galaxi ngc 205 local group,2000-10-23,564,92,-0.0391666666666666,10-23,10,2000,23,7,0,3 1c6630ffd0820b72a9d6de35b4987c0960183655c1046f8e282f9abff529f8dd,calvin j hamilton voyag team team nasa,surfac io continu changing jupiter moon home mani power volcano activ effect turn moon insid out timelaps sequenc composit imag taken two space mission approach violent moon voyag galileo sequenc show io complet rotation correspond complet revolut around jupit sinc io alway keep face toward giant planet rampant volcan thought caus jupiter distant galilean moon ganymede pull io continu distort shape caus intern heating io compos mostli rock yellow color origin sulfur caus mani color remain topic research,io rotat,2000-10-24,508,78,-0.225,10-24,10,2000,24,2,0,2 17fa2f5b9512cc40bfe0d87fdfc3fc484451106fc51dde9de7be6566d3130ede,none,map ero construct mosaic imag record near shoemak spacecraft current orbit 40 x 14 x 14 kilomet asteroid simpl cylindr project irregularli shape world map individu imag alway match edges shown here place name propos describ geographi ero fit though base figur histori cultur planet earth largest feature himeros depress 10 kilomet wide greek mythology ero love today safe survey ero past eight months near shoemak schedul make dare close approach asteroid briefli fli within 6 kilomet surface imag return distanc expect show featur less 1 meter across,map ero,2000-10-26,551,88,0.0180555555555555,10-26,10,2000,26,8,0,2 67fccb13ae86a7821e17b40e5aed051a35d422f032862060a375130ac11bc4a5,none,scroll right fli close asteroid long mosaic construct imag return yesterday near shoemak spacecraft orbit within 64 kilomet spot southern hemispher rotat asteroid surface distanc about 21000 feet less cruis altitud commerci airlin flights digit imag show mani region appear smooth crater fill accumul loos much eros surfac litter rock boulders larg boulder glint sunlight far left center mosaic span approxim 25 meters highresolut view smallest rock visibl roughli humans 14 meter 5 feet across carsiz near shoemak spacecraft way higher stabl orbit 200 kilomet asteroid eros,close ero,2000-10-27,574,87,0.0932539682539682,10-27,10,2000,27,5,0,2 6dc991e292cc5fdcdd0dcd48fb88c75578cbe99bd697000b7cd761ebb2f03b62,none,astro1 astronomi mission december 1990 space shuttl astronaut photograph stun view set full moon earth limb foreground tower cloud condens water vapor mark extent troposphere lowest layer planet lifesustain atmosphere strongli scatter blue sunlight upper atmospher layer stratosphere fade dramat black background space moon cloud strong visual element mani well known portrait planet earth includ ansel adams famou moonrise hernandez new mexico photograph 1941,moonset planet earth,2000-10-28,460,64,0.1075757575757575,10-28,10,2000,28,8,1,2 a9933faade1ae7695e6988cb7db0ec0cec7077898bac886992d7d63a7f688f85,none,spot oldest distant structur known seen two imag microwav sky north south galaxy equator base worth data nasa cosmic background explor cobe satellit spot repres temperatur variat earli universe univers expand cooled conglomer mass formed cobe imag confirm million year bigbang occur roughli 15 billion year ago part univers visibl hotter parts studi size distribut spot found microwav background astronom hope learn matter process caus spot form henc determin composition density futur universe result recent measur cosmic microwav background consist univers stranger previous thought possibl fill unexpect form dark matter dark energy detail analysi might result nasa microwav anisotropi probe launch 2001,microwav hotspots oldest structur known,2000-10-29,709,102,-0.1523809523809523,10-29,10,2000,29,8,2,4 b772dbf436fbaa005e63ea39d72eea9d7e9ec11a86c25d5e94151a8e337c6bd9,none,acceler charg get electromagnet radiation light acceler mass get gravit radiation light seen time but far confirm direct detect gravit radiat yet made absorbed gravit wave creat tini symmetr jiggl similar squash rubber ball let go quickly separ detector use discern gw everyday bumps power astronom gw sourc would coincident jiggl even detector opposit end earth pictur arm one detector ligo hanford observatori washington recent achiev mileston futur gw detection sister interferomet louisiana come onlin 2002 may see gw sky strang immedi understood apod recent pass joseph visionari pioneer gravit wave detection,step toward gravit wave,2000-10-30,614,92,0.1433333333333333,10-30,10,2000,30,8,2,4 88fe597ca0c5c0d3764f7989272042f6b052af6968f7f424868e7138ccfbdd1f,none,haunt imag orbit chandra observatori reveal perseu cluster galaxi xrays photon thousand time energi visibl light three hundr twenti million lightyear distant perseu cluster contain thousand galaxies none seen here instead mere galaxies fifti million degre cloud intraclust gas massiv cluster galaxi combined domin xray view angle void bright knot xray hot ga cloud lend suggest appearance like eye skull two dark bubbl flank bright central sourc xray emission third elong bubbl at 5 oclock form bright xray sourc like supermass black hole cluster center bubbl blown explos energet particl eject black hole expand immens ga cloud fittingly dark spot form skull xray shadow shadow larg galaxi inexor fall cluster center hundr thousand lightyear across perseu cluster xray skull bit larger may see tonight safe happi halloween,perseu cluster xray,2000-10-31,824,127,0.1068627450980392,10-31,10,2000,31,7,2,4 8f2d67a5e7ed5244511b683071ce12024d0193b7bd47034eeac852101574c596,none,anim base first ever imag doubl formerli thought singl enorm chunk rock asteroid 90 antiop resid solar system main asteroid belt mar jupiter now premier imag reveal antiop actual consist two 50 mile wide asteroid separ 100 miles like weight end elast string pair mutual orbit center mass balanc point space them everi 165 hours binari asteroid asteroid moon believ rare observ orbit allow direct determin asteroid mass densities surprisingly antiop known asteroidmoon system found densiti closer ice rock despit rel dark surfaces sharp imag made keck observatori atop hawaiian volcano mauna kea use newli develop adapt optic technolog overcom blur effect earth atmosphere,doubl asteroid 90,2000-11-01,671,104,0.0219696969696969,11-01,11,2000,1,8,2,2 83970b13c4348707e8ed9436521db9bbd4ede92e307a8d0a5861e3e290fb3834,none,galaxi normal look like this ngc 6745 actual show result two galaxi collid hundr million years photograph lower right smaller galaxy move away larger galaxy pictur above use spiral galaxi damag appear peculiar graviti distort shape galaxies although like star two galaxi directli collided gas dust ambient magnet field interact directly fact knot ga pull larger galaxi lower right begun form stars ngc 6745 span 80 thousand lightyear across locat 200 million lightyear away,galaxi collis ngc 6745,2000-11-02,473,74,0.0912698412698412,11-02,11,2000,2,7,0,3 812564ec6d34deff02ecc892842c79adebca66ab452e4fbefa35c46f73d81d6c,none,tomorrow picture selfportrait archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,new moon saturn,2000-11-03,230,33,0.2857142857142857,11-03,11,2000,3,8,1,0 1eeff372ab1529c1d1fd2f47e186d0f583805735c7be184db03eff06a0786ba4,john gleason celesti images,gum nebula closest supernova remnant actual hard see span 40 degre across sky nebula larg faint easili lost din bright complex background gum nebula highlight nice wide angl photograph close much nearer front edg back edge measur 450 1500 light year respectively complex nebula lie direct constel puppi vela oddly much remain unknown gum nebula includ time even number supernova explos form it,gum nebula supernova remnant,2000-11-07,393,63,0.0434523809523809,11-07,11,2000,7,4,0,5 86c586df84ac92412f9230c2072b9072a0031178bd83cc75dbd6c3fd45a500aa,wade clark jr,tomorrow picture archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,octob skylight,2000-11-08,217,32,0.2857142857142857,11-08,11,2000,8,8,1,0 ea945ab496dadafbc5ae23d394e7b79701b4b3cb8e64dc952cf5e4e093a28f34,none,rli on xray satellit reveal surpris cosmic background glow xray astronom struggl understand origin now peer hole obscur ga dust milki way galaxy power orbit xmmnewton telescop record deep imag xray sky resolv mysteri background mani faint individu sources tantal imag red repres rel low energi xrays photon 500 time energi visibl light green blue color correspond increasingli energet xray 10000 time visibl light energies notably faint sourc tend green blue show xray characterist huge amount materi fall massiv black hole distant galaxies massiv black hole resid heart larg galaxies xmmnewton result add grow consensu that across universe xray produc matter feed black hole account cosmic xray background,cosmic xray background,2000-11-09,706,108,-0.0499999999999999,11-09,11,2000,9,6,2,4 9c4354b5908db187315ecd73653f97ba7e220118604422b9638a78b307a805c1,none,first far only lunar astronom observatori deploy apollo 16 crew 1972 far ultraviolet camera spectrograph use 3inch diamet schmidt telescop photograph earth nebulae star clusters larg magellan cloud tripod mount astronom equip seen above place shadow lunar modul right would overheat also shadow astronaut charl duke lunar rover background far ultraviolet camera took pictur ultraviolet light would normal block earth atmosphere creat georg carruth nrl field view twenti degrees could detect star visual magnitud brighter eleven one hundr imag record film cartridg astronaut return earth observatori still stand moon today,first lunar observatori,2000-11-11,622,90,0.1385714285714285,11-11,11,2000,11,2,2,2 a9fc369863fdd9872037dba5b1d68bb965273fb468761bbb23e4dc031819a317,none,four close group galaxi image group compos major larg galaxi stephan quintet fifth promin galaxi locat imag lower right three four galaxi show nearli redshift indic resid distanc us three galaxi midst titan collision other apart gravit tidal forces larg bluish spiral left center foreground galaxi much closer other henc involv cosmic stephan quintet lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel pegasus,disord stephan quintet,2000-11-13,404,62,0.0283163265306122,11-13,11,2000,13,7,0,3 8efdc239e787d2180a8d6f27fbb1a97b9ac1d135336319b0e23c0214ba343364,none,ok fan classic scienc fiction might yardang newli discov edgar rice burrough tale adventur red planet fact term narrow ridges common land featur desert region planet earth landform common mar too recent releas mar global surveyor pictur show long sculpt yardang eastern aeoli region southern elysium planitia martian yardang may form deposit volcan ash cover swath martian surfac 25 kilomet high composit imag offer special effects though redblu glass red left eye view yardang mar astound,mar,2000-11-14,489,76,0.0238435374149659,11-14,11,2000,14,5,0,2 6570c4e1488b417e7dfd8c66f257252748b030b90504cac17eab6ad8a0ec2a2a,none,picture sun surfac quit dark frame movi record novemb 9th orbit trace telescope show coron loop loft solar activ region glow brightli extrem ultraviolet light hot plasma entrain sun along arch magnet field cool rain back solar surface hour earlier novemb 8th astronom watch particular activ region produc spectacular solar flare still mclass flare spew forth intens storm particles suddenli shower satellit near earth high energi flare event also associ larg coron mass ejection massiv cloud materi impact fair planet magnet field 31 hour later result strong geomagnet storm,coron solar storm,2000-11-15,575,89,0.2315384615384615,11-15,11,2000,15,1,1,4 15ef432328d289c1e13fc9d5b55df2e3ccd6b0cedc6127c40ca9e358a20c2bbe,walli pacholka,beauti thing begin grain sand lock granul grow iridesc pearl lustrou love behold hurtl atmospher 70 kilomet per second cosmic sand grain becom aweinspir meteor transient beauti display care watch frame perfectli orang cloud sunrise bright meteor trail photograph joshua tree nation park california usa 1998 leonid meteor shower appropri titl leonid pictur record highspe film 35mm camera strike color grainy textur appear suggest paint canvas course could see leonid meteor sunris clear skies next chanc come tomorrow morning,leonid sunris,2000-11-17,526,79,0.26,11-17,11,2000,17,8,1,1 f4e708c557227ea6d270fd21d106e8fca3cc5a4bbf02b9499df82d07e24a83c1,doug murray,leonid meteor shower year could describ good great novemb 17 18 earth cross sever stream sandsiz grit left orbit sun comet tempeltuttle sever distinct peak meteor activ reported rate approach 400 meteor per hour brief period dark locations pictur above leonid meteor caught florida streak constel orion morn 2000 novemb 18 visibl redting smudg left three nearli linear star compos orion belt picturesqu starform region known orion nebula next year leonid meteor shower expect mani much active,leonid orion,2000-11-20,492,77,0.1378787878787879,11-20,11,2000,20,8,1,1 404e80f3b7835b7ecb64667c0ce60ea6fdbdb8987f9b057c4924eff3157528e4,none,sometimes region planet earth seen lit fire sinc fire rapid acquisit oxygen sinc oxygen key indic life fire planet would indic life planet earth land scorch fire time past although caus mani tragedy fire consid part natur ecosystem cycle year 2000 fire season continent unit state one activ record burn area similar size new jersey larg forest fire earth usual caus lightn visibl orbit above stun elk avoid fire sweep montana bitterroot valley stand river,fire earth,2000-11-21,455,75,-0.0606060606060606,11-21,11,2000,21,8,0,1 3e170ea5e6b9b641091e8e32974def195ec18181ba9d3df4318929ec15a813a1,robert gendler,great nebula orion found left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion fuzzi patch visibl unaid eye contain one closest stellar nurseries lie distanc 1500 light years pictur highlight red light emit nebula hydrogen gas dark dust filament punctuat region glow hydrogen ga reflect light nebula brightest stars recent observ orion nebula hubbl space telescop locat solarsystem size region thought planetform circumstellar disks,orion nebula hydrogen,2000-11-22,437,64,0.2699999999999999,11-22,11,2000,22,4,1,5 dee9137704b7f51783beda29abedd56aa4b209908f954c8cd28a64e5657188f1,none,big jupiter solar system reign ga giant example jupiter great red spot hurricanelik storm system least twice diamet planet earth approach jupit earli octob cassini spacecraft record imag use excel movi swirl storm system planetcircl cloud bands seven mosaick frame make movi sequence separ one two rotat period jupit rotat everi 10 sequenc view simpl cylindr map project span 50 degre north 50 degre south jovian equator see small bright seem suddenli appear west left red spot data galileo spacecraft orbit jupit sinc 1996 suggest featur larg lightn storms cassini spacecraft take month fli jupiter jovian explor galileo pick speed final leg interplanetari journey,cassini jupiter red spot movi,2000-11-23,665,104,0.095,11-23,11,2000,23,8,2,4 22bdafb260b5e42067ac005cff5d7d5bda3c4c57a4ba70b61865e587ce7be780,bob yen,last week long love leonid shower meteor arc night captur novemb 1718 photograph bob meteor trail span 70 time appar diamet full moon sky mt california usa path flash outskirt constel gemini head tauru lower right course trail point back toward leo shower eponym radiant pass near night sky galact star cluster m35 upper left brightest star red giant aldebaran though sky rule bright wane moon brilliant jupiter leonid meteor shower still awe observ dark sky locat peak rate hundr meteor per hour,long leonid,2000-11-24,496,83,0.188265306122449,11-24,11,2000,24,6,1,1 1a860dbe5b90905991ef7f8d7c90a2649cd5e320bae529d23843e0395075f624,none,like fleet futurist starcruisers nasa highli success seri high energi astrophys observatori heao spacecraft appear pois planet earth label a b c vintag illustration spacebas telescop known heao1 heao2 heao3 respectively heao1 heao2 respons reveal earthl wonder xray sky discov 1000 celesti sourc highenergi radiation heao2 also known einstein observatory launch novemb 1978 near date famou physicist 100th birthday first large fulli imag xray telescop space heao3 last series launch 1979 measur high energi cosmicray particl gammarays satellit observatori roughli 18 feet long weigh 7000 pounds mission completed fallen orbit burn harmessli atmosphere,high energi fleet,2000-11-25,651,93,0.126031746031746,11-25,11,2000,25,8,2,4 e578a19a51e1dc2a1dd406cbb48ec4c6dc0c151661d92cbc5908375fe338dd93,juan carlo casado,last year 1999 leonid meteor shower came tremend crescendo observ europ observ sharp peak number meteor visibl around 0210 utc earli morn hour novemb 18 meteor count exceed 1000 per hour minimum need defin true meteor storm time locat around world observ typic report respect rate 30 100 meteor per hour year 2000 leonid somewhat less impressive although mani astronom hold much hope leonid 2001 2002 photograph 20minut exposur end main leonid peak 1999 began visibl least five leonid meteor streak high torr de la guaita observ tower use 12th centuri gorina spain,leonid torr de la guaita,2000-11-26,565,93,0.1427777777777777,11-26,11,2000,26,8,2,4 b9c73235b3e759b510e236bbeaf0bae5594ea6933def271789dd361f9a79aac4,none,earth look like night find favorit countri city surprisingly citi light make task quit possible humanmad light highlight particularli develop popul area earth surface includ seaboard europe eastern unit states japan mani larg citi locat near river ocean exchang good cheapli boat particularli dark area includ central part south america africa asia australia imag actual composit hundr pictur made orbit dmsp satellites editor note contrari recent press reports site rotat screensav version image also unfortunately sell prints however highresolut digit version imag avail click here earth night poster similar imag order click here web sites,earth night,2000-11-27,642,95,0.1374999999999999,11-27,11,2000,27,8,2,1 824a78b4a2c2d4619c0f0fe62aa88c3aa5adb7bb7a0654833128ab63d8164fe6,none,bz cam binari star system well understood cataclysm matter normal star accumul surfac companion white dwarf star eventu caus flare materi becom hot enough ignit nuclear fusion bz however light appear flicker unpredictably unusu larg wind particl expelled pictur above bz cam wind creat larg bowshock system move surround interstellar gas bz cam lie 2500 lightyear away toward constel camelopardalis,cam bow shock,2000-11-28,398,60,0.0904761904761904,11-28,11,2000,28,6,0,3 c9daf0d60d57a9b2d6cc1f32f195c03421798633516b317caa741b36244884b8,none,meteor shower look like orbit peak 1997 leonid meteor shower msx satellit imag 29 meteor 48 minut period enter earth atmosphere above meteor creat short bright streaks visibl beneath meteor cloud lit reflect moonlight visibl constel aries direct meteor streak nearli parallel confirm meteor origin meteor stream recent analysi 2000 leonid meteor shower indic mani astronom 2001 leonid may develop real meteor storm meteor rate perhap exceed one per second visibl part asia,leonid orbit,2000-11-29,472,73,0.125,11-29,11,2000,29,8,1,1 fee4b2ebbb0d7f09a707dc44622f808b1d17a791687e55b0a820a059a5cdc563,none,martian southern hemisphere autumn arrived planet earth cooler temperatur bring season frost landscape cours mars surfac temperatur realli cool reach minu 100 degre c detail mar global surveyor synthes color imag lowel crater 52 degre south martian latitud record octob 17 whitish frost begun accumul floor 201 kilomet wide crater crater weather wall suggest lowel rel old strike contrast two smaller young crater clearli superimpos older featur near outer rim,frosti crater mar,2000-12-01,460,70,0.0796296296296296,12-01,12,2000,1,5,0,2 1949acff637e5601bd070ba17d9e6eeadec9e80a06ccaf15ec7c8ad47608c09a,none,research balloon flight conduct 1912 austrian physicist victor hess reveal earth constantli bombard high energi radiat space came call cosmic rays cosmic ray come from known mostli subatom particl predominantli proton electron origin long stand mystery almost centuri study cosmic puzzl may least partial solv xray imag spectra asca satellit observatory piec togeth show region around star observ go supernova 1006 ad overlap xray snapshot seen fals color reveal bright rim explod star still expand blast wave asca observ show first time energi spectrum bright region like produc extrem high energi electron stream magnet field nearli speed light a expected high energi proton associ energet electron supernova remnant like sn 1006 sourc hess puzzl cosmic rays,sn 1006 piec cosmic ray puzzl,2000-12-02,763,116,0.1799999999999999,12-02,12,2000,2,6,2,4 15bf929c9bf3e9abd73a9a4ace2f993e7a7d92b5e1404dc410d5dcac40f6ae8e,none,power forc play nearbi circinu galaxy hot gas color pink eject spiral galaxi central region much circinus tumultu gas however concentr two rings outer ring locat 700 lightyear center appear mostli red home tremend burst star formation previous unseen inner ring insid green disk above visibl 130 light year center recent released repres color imag taken hubbl space telescope center activ galact nucleus matter glow brightli like spiral massiv black hole although 15 million light year distant circinu galaxi went unnot 25 year ago obscur materi plane galaxy galaxi seen small telescope however constel circinus,circinu galaxi,2000-12-04,611,95,-0.0018518518518518,12-04,12,2000,4,7,2,3 8c32a9b3a4c5214b2cb7d1122f50cb22a9a3f087c6fe2af6958b700ec32c023d,none,pictur above layer upon layer stretch across floor west candor chasma within immens martian vall marineris cover area 15 29 kilometers full imag mar global surveyor spacecraft show 100 individu strikingli uniform layer smooth hard enough form steep edges 10 11 meter thick press confer yesterday scientist michael malin ken present new imag show layer pattern exist widespread locat near martian equator result indic layer region may 35 billion year old planet earth layer pattern like form sediment deposit time larg bodi water likewise layer bed mar may sedimentari rock form ancient lake seas research however uniqu martian process may respons life aris ancient mars possibl associ water prime locat futur search fossil remain martian life would within layer mars,layer mars ancient water,2000-12-05,766,120,0.0449724517906336,12-05,12,2000,5,5,2,2 f2c71f77e3b868ccb97f73c8401dd37a72dc3faf5c135aa2ec86c2c761e8987c,none,tomorrow picture earth archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,reflect merop,2000-12-06,223,33,0.2857142857142857,12-06,12,2000,6,8,1,0 0e7309b60b8004be4ee9169f3af388f64ca2d23d0dc2f3a2751e5cdcf437735a,none,earth surfac crack earth crust known fault run hundr kilometers fault frequent site major earthquak tecton plate cover surfac earth shift pictur san andrea fault california one longest activ faults visibl linear featur right mountains san andrea fault reach 15 kilomet deep 20 million year old imag creat combin radar deploy space shuttl endeavour februari truecolor landsat picture along san andrea titan pacif plate shift rel huge north american plate averag centimet per year rate million years earth surfac look quit differ today,earth san,2000-12-07,533,83,0.1354591836734693,12-07,12,2000,7,8,1,2 e2325713d7821239da5d8cbc006192fcf5db1c5821e278f77ae345fd43589f00,none,throughout universe galaxi tend swarm group rang hand member cast thousands astronom realiz sinc earli 1970 larger immens cluster galaxi million lightyear across immers within tenuou cloud hot ga glow strongli xrays cloud may heat collaps earli universe mani galaxi clusters ga appear cooling chandra observatori xray imag reveal strike cool flow central region galaxi cluster catalog abel 1795 brighter pixel falsecolor imag repres higher xray intensities bright filament center indic ga condens cool rapidli loos energi radiat xrays top filament large xray bright galaxy move cluster ga cloud massiv galaxy gravit influenc seem creat cosmic wake denser cool gas continu cool cluster ga ultim provid raw materi form futur gener stars,abel 1795 galaxi cluster cool flow,2000-12-08,735,112,0.2631083202511774,12-08,12,2000,8,7,2,4 9e8beba29647fef1ced4bf05b38d24ada6080d036fd54bb0b61066d8f5d92650,k m,omega nebula massive complex cloud dust ga new star continu forming similar greek letter capit omega give molecular cloud popular name nebula also known swan nebula horsesho nebula m17 detail featur thin filament emiss diffus dust dark cloud absorpt dens dust visibl recent releas picture imag highlight infrar light emit larg molecul known polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs ga similar car exhaust trace carbon interstellar dust pah may intermedi step smaller molecul larg interstellar dust grains origin pah current unknown thought astronom form cool atmospher young carbon star dispers stellar winds,omega nebula,2000-12-11,600,90,0.052139037433155,12-11,12,2000,11,4,2,5 77f6ef7d07b03b4869f4a8d0e6bba24a0498fb13bf977382ab7cd5aa80b69bb3,none,keep eye largest moon solar system moon visibl lower right ganymede planet orbits jupiter seem keep watch eye great red spot appear serendipit nearby recent releas imag robot spacecraft cassini captur new detail incred intricaci jupiter complex cloud patterns featur small 250 kilomet seen counterclockwis rotat highpressur white oval similar great red spot appear red band spot spot darker system rotat hydrogen helium compos jupiter cloud nearli invis trace chemic give jupit color remain unknown cassini spacecraft use jupit pull toward saturn schedul arriv 2004,jupit eye ganymed,2000-12-12,566,85,0.1055444555444555,12-12,12,2000,12,8,0,4 ceb44e0115d92bf150829a7052e2237503e359c7a2f6ef32c7310509665a667e,doug murray,still construction intern space station becom one brightest fastest move stars heavens despit illumin cloud bright light nearli full moon lower left 5 minut time exposur easili captur space station trail arc earli even sky palm beach florida usa decemb 9 time space shuttl endeavour undock move away orbit platform shuttl crew complet instal larg solar panel power space station systems sunlight glint large shini panel like sourc brief flare visibl along track astrophotograph doug murray colleagu report shuttl space station visibl separ close inspect imag produc distinct parallel arcs extrem right hand edg picture trail pass near brightest star night sky venus,intern space station trail,2000-12-14,665,103,0.235,12-14,12,2000,14,8,2,4 a3061f26556a7d2eb3b25825170a271b531d7176fa7e144da4f6da17cb9e5a5d,none,use xray data orbit chandra observatori along radio data larg array team research discov evid new exampl one bizarr object known modern astrophys neutron star embed within supernova remnant ic443 suspect neutron star appear reddish sourc lower right falsecolor xray image perhap 20 kilomet across mass sun ultracompact object collaps core massiv star core collaps star locat reassur 5000 lightyear away constel gemini explod long ago long judg characterist bow wave shape xray nebula research estim speed neutron star plow away explos site compar speed measur distanc travel center ic443 team three high school student north carolina school scienc mathematics calcul light supernova explos arriv earth 30000 year ago,neutron star,2000-12-15,717,109,0.1227597402597402,12-15,12,2000,15,6,2,4 8c209cbf273445dd92595f1e33a47f656a26f3bd7f03e6a864bccfab3c605782,none,like earth moon mercuri scar crater testifi intens bombard earli histori solar system 1974 marin 10 spacecraft survey innermost planet close produc detail imag tortur surface mosaic bright ray eman 45 kilomet wide dega crater almost appear paint on ray consist light color materi blast crater formation crater older dega cover ray materi younger crater seen superimpos rays mercury graviti densiti twice earth moon bright ray crater lunar surfac tend much larger nasa plan launch messeng least explor terrestri planet 2004,dega ray crater mercuri,2000-12-16,522,81,0.1958333333333333,12-16,12,2000,16,5,1,2 1b25c88000a679b2b3e3a01f36f9fd15bc5e43ba5f2cbb692a1e1710db17da4a,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur above star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus planetari nebulae,m29 wing butterfli nebula,2000-12-17,553,86,0.05,12-17,12,2000,17,4,0,5 0f759398691419483968c21cfcad12850ea243cf1f4716d4794e7e9b020fe4fd,none,search extraterrestri life came back solar system last week announc may liquid ocean surfac jupiter moon ganymede ganymed join callisto europa moon jupit may harbor sea liquid water layer surfac ice ocean hypothesi surfac explan ganymede unusu strong magnet field ganymede largest moon solar system also largest measur magnet field moon exobiologist hypothes life may abl emerg ocean much ocean ancient earth above frame comput simul show would look like fli surfac ganymede extrapol photograph groov moon taken robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupiter,ocean jupiter moon,2000-12-18,558,84,0.1055555555555555,12-18,12,2000,18,2,0,2 fc3726a50ee4e30ac9cbd96cbd7f36615f6d5f8a67d60d1d5b56a70f2bd75eaa,none,jupit aurorae like earth magnet field ga giant funnel charg particl releas sun onto poles particl strike atmosphere electron temporarili knock away exist ga molecules electr forc attract electron back electron recombin remak neutral molecules auror light emitted recent releas photograph hubbl space telescop taken ultraviolet light aurora appear annular sheet around pole unlik earth aurorae jupiter aurora includ sever bright streak dots mark caus magnet flux tube connect jupit largest moons specifically io caus bright streak far left ganymed caus bright dot center europa caus dot right,closeup aurora jupit,2000-12-19,591,88,0.2654761904761905,12-19,12,2000,19,8,1,1 698507c45200a9da92a94d9c473e124f8ce21566a242ed6f5c943aaa5bf84a8f,sebastien gauthier,today sun reach southernmost point planet earth sky ut celesti event known solstice mark begin summer southern hemispher winter north year solstic followed decemb 25th anoth geocentr celesti event last eclips christma day eclips partial one silhouet disk moon obscur sun edge visibl much canada unit state mexico appear partial eclips sun might remind last holiday took bite from still exact time degre eclips depend much location image annular eclips 1994 show lunar disk cover around sun diameter repres could seen washington d c decemb 25 eclips maximum which location occur pm et view eclips extrem care protect eyes,solstic eclips,2000-12-21,621,99,0.05625,12-21,12,2000,21,1,2,1 e1efaa91f8b7b0e83d9e10c3f9eefef308f5530d88c4068d996277a94202cedf,none,look perfect holiday gift astronomer consid star course box actual comput box consist three dimension grid points star virtual one whose physic properti intern dynam numer simul point grid comput softwar capabl total realist numer simul complet star present exist research make progress pictur movi frame recent numer simul supergi star properti intend approxim real star betelgeuse singl frame show larg convect cell bright spot virtual supergiant surface simul movi show surfac featur chang substanti time telescop observ indic surfac betelgeus inde promin larg scale featur wellknown star bright variat detect unaid eye real supergi betelgeus 2500 degre cooler than 620 time size sun,simul supergi star,2000-12-22,686,104,0.3111111111111111,12-22,12,2000,22,6,2,4 539b9c2d2bb18bb83b9d570fff44bc455946dde9ec69643de9f72ab63325b756,none,decemb solstic bring begin winter earth northern hemispher summer time view earth southern hemispher near begin summer creat use imag galileo spacecraft taken decemb 1990 flybi fair planet dramat center south pole mosaic construct piec togeth imag made 24 hour period entir hemispher appear sunlight south america left africa upper right australia lower right visibl dark mass antarctica brightli center swirl cloud mark regularli space major weather system also prominent,summer south pole,2000-12-23,472,70,0.1319940476190476,12-23,12,2000,23,8,1,2 14d4cfd6ea4a42736a23e388ebb8f1386fc44606f20e7ad43464346992c3fc66,none,there noth like galaxy globular cluster young ngc 1850 exist here globular cluster 40 million year old still found neighbor lmc galaxy though perhap none unusu ngc 1850 close inspect photograph reveal two clusters right main group star known ngc 1850a smaller still younger group dub ngc 1850b cluster made star four million year old larg red cloud ga surround cluster may predominantli creat supernova explos star younger cluster red supernova remnant n57d visibl upper left,ngc 1850 ga cloud star cluster,2000-12-24,475,76,0.0626984126984127,12-24,12,2000,24,6,0,3 2f0d557c5f73146c24a4cf827a994d58d80dd8ec2e5813092b40fc6ae705873f,e israel,look close shadow tree see someth quit unusual compos hundr imag partial eclips sun earli today tree across north america cast similar shadow partial eclips sun take place partial eclipse moon cover entir sun effect creat small space leav branch act pinhol lenses look shadow involv eclips light rel safe look directli sun even eclipse danger proper taken pictur taken 1994 campu northwestern university,eclips tree,2000-12-25,404,64,0.0611111111111111,12-25,12,2000,25,1,0,1 2e9fd4fd3d11410f6e5f1517cb0e6d6f208c8d9b082fa3cbb922b1d56a787340,none,planet orbit sun jupiter moon orbit jupiter pictur closest jupiter galilean satellites io superpos front giant planet circles left io dark spot shadow tremend complex seen jupiter swirl atmospher studi may provid insight earth atmospher truecolor contrastenhanc imag taken two week ago robot spacecraft cassini current pass jupit way saturn 2004 engin continu studi cassini spacecraft understand requir forc normal turn one maneuv wheels,jupiter io shadow,2000-12-26,437,64,-0.0499999999999999,12-26,12,2000,26,8,0,2 c1a627fdc5dcd99a4e0da575f6cb3360b1053543d0f5ca72b9f1ce6bd767e483,peter,tomorrow picture cosmic cloud archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,moon mare,2000-12-28,230,34,0.2857142857142857,12-28,12,2000,28,8,1,0 80ae1c6e00a8c607e2520c00a3d94a0068dbe19040c87cb87f07215500818dfc,none,drift cosmo magnific interstellar dust cloud sculpt stellar wind radiation chanc assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula embed immens complex star form ga dust surround orion nebula 1500 lightyear distant dark nebula catalog barnard 33 visibl obscur dust silhouet bright emiss nebula lie behind it fact promin hors head portion nebula realli part larger cloud dust seen extend bottom picture potenti reward difficult object view small instrument gorgeou color imag composit exposur made digit camera astronom filter use 1meter diamet telescope,dark horsehead nebula,2000-12-29,556,82,-0.0833333333333333,12-29,12,2000,29,4,0,5 c548aea768b9245820b3401f6a38b31ff49377c4b4599ffec3dd6b969ede5fb8,none,matter direct look matter type light see sky glow why sourc mani background radiat remain longstand millenni year brought partial resolutions xray light recent launch spacecraft chandra xmm resolv much seemingli uniform xray background mani discret sources mani appear black hole center galaxi accret matter microwav light boomerang mission resolv new clariti seemingli uniform microwav background size distribut spot indic geometr flat universe which combin recent supernova results indic univers acceler expans rate fill dark matter dark energy pictur above map span ten degre microwav sky resolv microwav background hot cold spots indic,year resolv,2000-12-30,640,93,0.0330387205387205,12-30,12,2000,30,8,2,4 451542e123b753330487e2fa3fa7e3405d6f777e9e981b5c29455d1e51c9dc50,none,welcom millennium millennium two human continu concept first sphere center earth solar system centuri ago galaxy within last centuri matter eman big bang millennium three human may hope discov alien life understand geometri composit present concept universe even travel universe whatev accomplishments human sure find adventur discoveri space beyond possibl defin surround univers way color cannot yet imagin threshold millennium four,millennium univers,2001-01-01,434,61,0.04,01-01,1,2001,1,8,0,2 34818f972fcce6cd94d03dcb9d662bd71d980a09d32f492acc0e2f0d9453a0dd,none,robot cassini spacecraft round jupit way toward saturn taken sequenc imag ga giant four largest moons previous releas imag highlight ganymed io pictur two remain galilean satellites europa callisto europa bright moon superpos near jupiter great red spot callisto dark moon near frame edge callisto dark would hard see bright digit enhanced recent evid indic moon hold saltwat sea surfac ice might home extraterrestri life note time moon disappear reappear behind jupit ole roemer abl make first accur speed light,jupiter callisto,2001-01-02,512,80,0.1057291666666666,01-02,1,2001,2,2,0,2 d7e1e173bfc865898216ef01a3542638d141a7b24600b4a2be69d53aaa69d3be,yuugi kitahara,center lagoon nebula one find glow gas star clusters dens knot ga dust form stars young open cluster stars design ngc 6523 seen center image star emit energet light ioniz surround hydrogen gas ga electrons emit red light lagoon nebula lie 5000 lightyear away span 100 lightyear across nebula occupi area sky larger full moon seen even without binocular dark locat toward constel sagittarius,m8 center lagoon nebula,2001-01-03,390,64,0.09,01-03,1,2001,3,4,0,5 1de1be5f389215fec53cafad8c8dda2fec861541432d76e69e56a8a91c760e18,fred ofwwwmreclipsecom,first eclips third millennium come up total lunar eclips mainli visibl europe asia africa occur januari 9th full moon glide long dark shadow planet earth dark sunlight actual scatter refract earth shadow atmosphere help creat strike photograph eclips moon example imag composit photograph taken juli 2000 total lunar eclipse earli late phase eclips flank deep exposur made totality feebl sunlight still shine lunar surfac give moon dramat dark red cast juli 2000 eclips first last millennium remark longest eclips next 1000 years total last impress one hour 47 minutes total januari 9th eclips last one hour,millennium first eclips,2001-01-04,607,96,0.0024999999999999,01-04,1,2001,4,2,2,1 48752f12cf9707f3c8e6574984accec7d57725063957e0fd453ad3800bbdd63c,philipp,christma day 2000 featur final eclips second millennium partial solar eclips visibl much north america astrophotograph phil rau record entir event singl imag sun moon arc winter sky north carolina usa use well tripod mount camera solar filter rau made short exposur everi 10 minut 1100 130 pm est cover local durat eclipse result imag beauti illustr steadi progress dark new moon appear take bite golden solar disk location eclips maximum near pictur center less 50 percent sun diamet cover moon,second millennium last eclips,2001-01-05,496,81,0.0183080808080808,01-05,1,2001,5,1,0,1 5d4b6c69a8a41b208507918eaa41eacf4600958979c0f1e82312020cd92daece,none,larg martian crater left fresh crater degrad crater ghost crater complex imag task like current done reliabl human computer additionally mani crater mar nasa enough peopl classifi all therefore help humanity understand surfac mar classifi craters need pilot studi proper web browser ask classifi crater might best respond appear rel fresh exhibit sharp rim interior degrad crater typic older rim oldest faintli discernable,help nasa martian crater,2001-01-08,422,63,0.1219696969696969,01-08,1,2001,8,5,1,2 63051c4d2b7dff8bf2f189ba0709aca4bf139c6be705721ec4e3738f54e5233d,none,could watch sky entir night would see timelaps sequenc continu camera project show answer sky kitt peak nation observatori 2000 decemb 23 first foremost star appear orbit polaris star near top image actually earth spin sky camera affix earth diffus band light move across imag actual central disk milki way galaxy identifi object rotat across frame includ constel orion star siriu betelgeuse planet jupit saturn concam project deploy astronom qualiti major observatori goal start continu record sky help astronom use larg telescop monitor weather condit remotely,watch sky rotat,2001-01-10,562,86,0.1347222222222222,01-10,1,2001,10,6,1,4 8481382608b316ae3be9ffe5bc45b4237eccbcc50e32da7c8cc809bacb4089a9,none,haunt pattern within planetari nebula ngc 6543 readili suggest popular monik cat eye nebula 1995 stun falsecolor optic imag hubbl space telescop detail swirl glow nebula known gaseou shroud expel die sunlik star 3000 lightyear earth composit pictur combin famou hubbl imag new xray data orbit chandra observatori reveal surprisingli intens xray emiss indic presenc extrem hot gas xray emiss shown bluepurpl hue superimpos red green optic emission nebula central star clearli immers multimillion degree xray emit gas pocket xray hot ga seem border cooler ga emit strongli optic wavelengths clear indic expand hot ga sculpt visibl cat eye filament structures gaze cat eye astronom see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,xray cat eye,2001-01-11,752,117,0.154040404040404,01-11,1,2001,11,4,2,5 4acd880d3004174d66392528569d668020c2f22e775b6910a47cabb90230443d,none,two galaxi interact surpris way connect obscur materi run 20000 lightyear intergalact space silhouet starlight dark dusti ribbon appear stretch ngc 1410 the galaxi left wrap around ngc 1409 at right mere 300 million lightyear distant constel taurus pair recent collis like drawn rel thin lane materi 500 lightyear wide though hubbl space telescop imag dramat illustr galaxi exchang matter collide also present challeng current pictur galaxi evolution titan collis trigger star format ngc 1410 evidenc blue star form regions yet ngc 1409 remain devoid hot young blue star even though observ indic materi flow it bound gravity two galaxi doom futur collisions merg time one,ngc intergalact,2001-01-12,671,106,-0.0476190476190476,01-12,1,2001,12,7,2,3 f4356fb76c2ed93f7ccc698eb00200c4f2ff832a481274f3ed28381993c4d86e,none,interstellar space fill extrem tenuou cloud ga mostli hydrogen neutral hydrogen atom hi astronomer shorthand consist 1 proton 1 electron proton electron spin like top two orientations spin axe parallel antiparallel rare event hydrogen atom interstellar medium switch parallel antiparallel configuration emit radio wave wavelength 21 centimet about 8 inches correspond frequenc exactli 1420 mhz tune frequenc radio telescop map neutral hydrogen sky imag repres allski hi survey plane milki way galaxi run horizont center fals color imag star visible diffus cloud ga ten hundr light year across cluster near plane ga cloud seem form arching loop structures stir stellar activ galact disk,sky full hydrogen,2001-01-13,685,103,0.1611111111111111,01-13,1,2001,13,6,2,3 2fba25715b9860b4ad9bd323f2d7ee1e549a648797fadde51a7cc2c897058d1b,none,galaxi fill gas ga hydrogen helium trace amount rel heavi molecules includ carbon monoxid co compon smog wideangl radio co imag show incred divers structur molecular interstellar medium forms dens cloud show star may form open void may indic action strong wind massive recent form stars outer galaxi survey recent reprocess radio astrophys observatori inclus canadian galact plane survey intern effort map constitu interstellar medium larg scale high angular resolution,smog outer galaxi,2001-01-15,470,70,0.099047619047619,01-15,1,2001,15,6,0,4 d22bd1ae82d99cf20b0346ee9c2d90177f1ec1414583d079b5492e9691d1c3db,calvin j hamilton voyag team nasa,mount beneath vast plane ice cover europa lie water liquid ocean might home alien life smallest jupiter galilean moon which includ io ganymede callisto europa deep interior compos mostli silic rock upon close inspection mani surfac crack stop abruptli continu somewher els indic surfac plate might timelaps sequenc composit imag taken voyag spacecraft flybi moon twenti year ago region resolv high detail movi show europa complet rotation correspond complet revolut around jupit sinc europa alway keep face toward giant planet caus mani surfac color europa also remain topic research,europa rotat,2001-01-16,585,89,-0.018,01-16,1,2001,16,8,0,2 40069954b8d2f295507ac551d70ac7b9be8f5f407b2203a65330468a257c4670,none,ngc 3310 burst young stars brightest new star hot light spiral galaxi blue light light blue human cant see ultraviolet hubbl space telescop took photograph differ band ultraviolet light specul hold ngc 3310 collid one dwarf companion galaxi 50 million year previously merger sent densiti wave rippl around spiral disk caus mani ga cloud condens star form regions imag nearbi galaxi ultraviolet light allow astronom better understand imag distant highli redshift galaxi visibl light understand mani distant galaxi appear rel fragmented unusu smooth ngc 3310 span 20 thousand light year lie 50 million light year away toward constel ursa major,spiral galaxi ngc 3310 ultraviolet,2001-01-17,641,100,0.2141098484848485,01-17,1,2001,17,7,2,3 3e7365a112a02af5c5eb68d86ee8ef6f58dd02aa5d510feb201df8a3a142032c,none,first total lunar eclips year 2001 occur even januari 910 full moon glide earth shadow unlik total solar eclipse total lunar eclips visibl anyon night side planet event night side geocentr celesti event includ europe asia africa moon could seen immers umbra dark portion earth shadow 62 minut pass north shadow center dramat telescop photo eclips moon made near ankara turkey close time midpoint total phase fact northern top portion eclips moon clearli brighter even near demonstr earth shadow uniformli dark,total lunar eclips,2001-01-18,509,81,0.075,01-18,1,2001,18,2,0,1 83fdfb77c9313c785d5469d2caf4f080df105830c9e759ff899345380c967c3d,none,q black hole black a event horizon event horizon oneway boundari predict gener rel beyond nothing even light return xray astronom use spacebas chandra observatori believ direct evid event horizon therefor black hole binari star system detect xray light binaries sometim call xray novae known consist rel normal star dump materi massive compact companions illustrated materi swirl toward companion accret disk glow xrays compact companion neutron star right materi ultim solid surfac glow even brightli high energi xrays inde black hole defin event horizon xray hot materi approach speed light swirl past surfac return lost view recent work describ observ two class xray binaries one class 100 time fainter other result impli presenc event horizon fainter class caus extrem differ xray brightness,black hole black,2001-01-19,797,122,0.0649439775910364,01-19,1,2001,19,6,2,4 3d1724eb901f2cb9462b716b9ebbd4f02a0c55de86e9ad0083f89162b33a1f0c,none,imag activ sun made use ultraviolet light emit ioniz helium atom solar chromosphere helium first discov sun 1868 name fittingli deriv greek word helios mean sun credit discoveri goe astronom joseph norman lockyer born may 17 1836 lockyer reli recent develop techniqu spectroscopy dissect sunlight spectrum idea element produc characterist spectral pattern bright lines notic yellow line solar spectrum made eclips could account element known earth almost 27 year later terrestri helium final discov spectrum helium bear miner uranium provid exact match previous detect element sun helium known second abund element after hydrogen universe,helio helium,2001-01-20,638,94,0.0934027777777777,01-20,1,2001,20,1,2,1 109016e58d5bf5d8b02f35be206c7bbe9ac62e90ee30ed67c170891eaea4f6d0,none,tomorrow picture big space ball archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasagsfc michigan tech u,two crater asteroid ero,2001-01-22,232,35,0.1428571428571428,01-22,1,2001,22,8,1,0 78673d6e005d69c00db5e647274093737f897653215ec78f2fea9f8615cf4986,wiyn obs,one largest sphere galaxi give valuabl clue chemic composit star shape planetari nebula abel 39 six lightyear across sunlik star outer atmospher expel thousand year ago nearli perfect spheric natur abel 39 allow astronom accur estim much rel materi actual absorb emit light observ indic abel 39 contain half oxygen found sun intrigu surpris confirm chemic differ stars reason central star slightli center 01 lightyear current unknown abel 39 lie 7000 light year away although sever galaxi million light year away seen around nebula,spheric planetari nebula abel 39,2001-01-23,531,84,0.1848484848484848,01-23,1,2001,23,4,1,5 8427c2ab147b763d3cd6d3683f1cbf552f7ac319cea6c67ad83f9deed1bf40be,none,mere 20000 lightyear sun lie ngc 3603 star cluster resid nearbi carina spiral arm milki way galaxy seen recent falsecolor xray imag chandra observatory ngc 3603 well known astronom young cluster larg galact starform region imag color chosen show rel xray bright mani individu sourc present green faint red purpl hue bright sourc xrays star cluster form singl star format one two million year ago xray believ come massiv young star energet stellar winds sinc common galact sourc xray supernova remnant neutron star repres final stage life massiv star unlik present young cluster nearbi ngc 3603 thought conveni exampl star cluster popul distant starburst galaxies,ngc 3603 xray starburst cluster,2001-01-24,662,105,0.021875,01-24,1,2001,24,6,2,3 a2f7211a9c250f6bfdf74609e3a536a26d65b4aaf1e988d7cdce4fdf93aabdb0,gordon garradd,spacecraft long interplanetari voyag often use planet gravit boost along way launch februari 1999 histor voyag comet stardust spacecraft different 15 januari 2001 stardust made closest approach planet earth sinc launch come within 6000 kilomet surface use graviti assist maneuv increas speed alter trajectori toward encount comet wild 2 reach 2004 shortli time closest approach astronom gordon garradd record exposur stardust sail sky loomberah australia nearbi move fast spacecraft appear streak background faint star constel cetus stardust cruis within kilomet moon 15 hour later collect dust tail comet wild 2 stardust voyag continu return sampl earth 2006,sail stardust,2001-01-25,660,97,-0.0214285714285714,01-25,1,2001,25,3,2,2 4e482ed9b983e7ad47f4d674958f773dfecba9001a4168b8fc275bc9708cd8ab,matt bendaniel,well thousand galaxi known member virgo cluster closest larg cluster galaxi local group galaxi cluster difficult see cover larg area sky still excel telescop view record region virgo cluster around domin giant ellipt galaxi m87 m87 seen fuzzi patch near picture bottom center fact close examin imag reveal mani stars actual surround telltal indic virgo cluster galaxies mani galaxi pick out click imag label version includ ngc catalog number visibl galaxies average virgo cluster galaxi measur 48 million lightyear away virgo cluster distanc use give import determin hubbl constant scale universe,galaxi virgo cluster,2001-01-26,596,91,-0.08125,01-26,1,2001,26,7,0,3 7288d25430f78f9fc5df520d95a1528b0c868ce841546e826f07c351085f84cf,none,orbit planet june 1998 mission crew space shuttl discoveri photograph view two moon earth thick storm cloud visibl love blue planet nurtur atmospher largest artifici moon spindli russian mir space station seen planet limb bright spot right mir earth larg natur satellite moon mir orbit planet earth everi 90 minut 200 mile planet surfac 4000 mile earth center moon orbit everi 28 day distanc 250000 mile center earth russia plan mir space station 15 year operation,moon earth,2001-01-27,464,76,0.1232142857142857,01-27,1,2001,27,2,1,2 2c7a7cf949ac7564b8c64b2ba6677c434b38fd34ae68630e5cb4ccce29f707a9,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group galaxies local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel cosmic microwav background allski map radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there,cmb dipole speed univers,2001-01-28,473,74,0.0143333333333333,01-28,1,2001,28,6,0,3 fdd257522e6cc351161e22dfe5c0898122c8e6f7005feed112f2a3f52639b65a,thierri legault,sometimes good plane come experienc solar photograph thierri lagault notic plane cross front sun home suburban paris got idea photograph wait mani near two week ago got jet cross directli front sun solar imag equip set up result image shown above taken specif color red light call picture contrast digit enhanced dark promin seen lace sun busi surface airplan,airplan front sun,2001-01-29,359,59,0.1166666666666666,01-29,1,2001,29,1,1,1 5f44f471d90f06f2ddad6b715bf95c6ba2cd8970c9376e515e6234ad8ad63fc9,none,great nebula orion color place visibl unaid eye appear small fuzzi patch constel orion image representativecolor composit 81 nearinfrar light imag taken show orion nebula busi neighborhood young stars hot gas dark dust power behind much orion nebula m42 trapezium four brightest star nebula eeri blue glow surround bright star pictur starlight reflect nearbi dust dark brown dust filament cover much region whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years,orion nebula vlt,2001-01-30,497,75,0.1066666666666666,01-30,1,2001,30,4,1,5 76ef9ffdd22cf19cca1dfa253788cea939968f2c79f6f114f003823df03251d2,none,earth surround plasma overal shape ioniz ga plasmaspher take discov last year nasa robot imag spacecraft shown recent releas imag ultraviolet light arm plasmaspher point toward sun lower right hypothes never seen directly earth shadow seen point away sun bright region center full auror ring northern earth visibl northern light ground plasmaspher thought creat sunlight energ molecul earth upper atmospher contain earth magnet field imag continu studi solar magnet storm affect earth magnet field,earth,2001-01-31,497,74,0.2135714285714285,01-31,1,2001,31,1,1,2 a42a1283746147a5c9f5131916364f3320d7833c18473fd7b5239f366c00ea69,none,ga giant jupit solar system largest world 320 time mass planet earth famou great red spot jupit also known regular equatori cloud bands visibl modest size telescopes dark belt lightcolor zone jupiter cloud band organ planet girdl wind reach speed 500 kilomet per hour toward jovian pole though cloud structur becom mottl convolut until cassini spacecraft mosaic jupiter planet polar region begin look someth like brain strike equatortopol chang cloud pattern present understood may due part effect jupiter rapid rotat convect vortic gener high latitud massiv planet intern heat loss cassini spacecraft record dramat detail view jupit turn millennium flybi enrout saturn,jupiter brain,2001-02-01,669,102,0.0701666666666666,02-01,2,2001,1,8,2,2 ea068ed397dddb07232d948a33f6ab4806e36f940bed4b7349587f378e453451,axel melling,quit stun panorama entir sky mosaic 51 wideangl photographs made three year period locat california south africa germany individu pictur digit stitch togeth creat appar seamless 360 180 degre view use mathemat like one often use map whole earth surfac onto singl flat image complet digit mosaic distort project onto oval shape imag orient plane milki way galaxi run horizont middl galact center imag center galact north top strike band starlight multitud star galact plane cut dark obscur dust cloud strewn local spiral arms fact almost everyth visibl within milki way galaxy two fuzzi patch lower right quadrant mosaic correspond extern galaxies though known magellan clouds small nearbi satellit galaxi magnific milki way,allski panorama,2001-02-02,723,113,0.0460714285714285,02-02,2,2001,2,6,2,4 757bedfdb610d77277bfd2a2844d383d72f47ce8eb88109f522429d60cbd003f,none,ant big sphere planetari nebula mz3 cast star similar sun is surely round would ga stream away creat antshap nebula distinctli round clue might includ high 1000kilomet per second speed expel gas lightyear long length structure magnet star visibl nebula center one possibl answer mz3 hide second dimmer star orbit close bright star compet hypothesi hold central star spin magnet field channel gas sinc central star appear similar sun astronom hope increas understand histori giant space ant provid use insight like futur sun earth,planetari nebula mz3 ant nebula,2001-02-05,529,84,0.0221428571428571,02-05,2,2001,5,4,0,5 cdad2988d793292d4f131b8c5c3218419b3428f3db36feb71b04bf31fb4cb571,none,first control descent spacecraft onto asteroid schedul occur next week robot spacecraft nearshoemak orbit asteroid ero nearli one year februari 12 maneuv fuel nasa command craft descend right onto surface although spacecraft expect surviv impact hope transmit photograph show surfac detail small 10 centimet descent touchdown site shown yellow circle edg larg saddl shape featur known himeros near boundari two distinct type surfac terrain,touchdown site asteroid ero,2001-02-06,439,64,0.0979591836734693,02-06,2,2001,6,8,1,2 9c99e331f175770eccd0330f6261674c4818144621946fcfc199222c109cba9f,n a sharp,bright blue star highlight open cluster known m103 ga cloud star condens long dispersed star formed brightest bluest massiv alreadi use nuclear fuel supernova explosions 20 millionyear age estim find brightest mainsequ star still surviv comput lifetimes fact formerli blue star recent evolv main sequenc visibl red giant star near cluster center general yellow star like sun usual less bright henc less promin open cluster massiv blue cousins light take 14 year cross m103 although visibl binocular toward constel cassiopeia great distanc 8000 light year make appear four time smaller full moon,distant open cluster,2001-02-07,594,92,0.1173333333333333,02-07,2,2001,7,6,2,5 f6976b2f6a23fb226129456ad81bc335e0d8cce6e0dcde795f934bb7be495700,none,radio waves like visibl light electromagnet radiat radio telescop see signal translat radio imag cosmos individu even largest radio telescop blurri vision compar optic counterparts radio telescop combin signal produc sharper pictures fact use new mexico usa techniqu call vlbi veri long baselin european network radio telescop produc pictur distant galaxi resolut three time higher hubbl space telescope penetr obscur dust falsecolor radio imag inset accord rel locat optic imag famou hubbl deep field region sky yellow line superimpos optic imag radio intens contour singl bright cosmic radio sourc middl inset correspond galaxy impressively radio sourc appear small less 600 lightyear across actual size thought associ massiv central black hole distant deep field galaxies,distant galaxi radio,2001-02-08,775,114,0.0972370766488413,02-08,2,2001,8,8,2,4 b89a600c16b90bc7ebb80f6898c6b79ef61d1f1d86f85236ae3b1911afa785e9,larri koehn,far february even sky bless gloriou moon three bright venus jupiter saturn last week januari 30th extrem wideangl len allow astrophotograph larri captur twilight view moon four planet nashville tennessee usa major solar system bodi lie along eclipt plane follow diagon line picture start near upper left corner bright jupiter take slightli triangular shape due len distortion right jupit saturn continu along diagon toward lower right overexposed six day old moon brilliant venu seemingli embed clouds fourth planet pictur mercury notori hard see planet earth never wander far sun mercuri visibl lower right corner line jupit mercuri span 92 degre across nashvil sky,four planet skylin,2001-02-09,666,103,0.1884103641456582,02-09,2,2001,9,2,2,1 9477e065d527f34132485d8312263843e0b6fd2d68fc08543d41e765d2ef3767,none,orbit asteroid 433 eros 145 million mile earth nasa near spacecraft return stun view year long mission explor near completion mosaic near imag record rang miles pictur illustr amaz contrast appar exist within domain diminut world featur small 65 feet visibl here long shadow emphas differ crater region left smooth groov terrain right close undul surfac seem fleck bright deposit pepper enorm boulders last year nasa chang spacecraft name near nearshoemak honor late dr eugen m shoemaker legendari comet hunter inspir pioneer field interplanetari science tomorrow nearshoemak complet schedul mission command descend surfac ancient asteroid,view ero,2001-02-11,639,95,0.0873626373626373,02-11,2,2001,11,8,2,2 27603940687ceeb49d9bcda8098059b6c283c2b3919288be8f33d06bd7648fc3,none,today 3 pm est first humanmad spacecraft schedul touchdown asteroid impact speed 8 kilomet per hour probabl robot spacecraft nearshoemak surviv plan collis 433 eros primari reason descent diagram above take imag four hour way down goe well pictur show surfac featur small 10 centimet across scientist hope learn unusu rock is quit possibly older earth,approach asteroid ero,2001-02-12,351,56,0.0022222222222222,02-12,2,2001,12,8,0,2 bedebfb9a18a5efd1f7e9bed227a71a9339308407ec474785e3d4cf3ed05ed2e,none,yesterday nearshoemak becam first spacecraft land asteroid send signal back surface sinc robot spacecraft design success land asteroid 433 ero shown last pictur taken nearshoemak touchdown streak lower part imag caus loss satellit impact surface imag taken 130 meter surfac span 6 meter across rock small human hand visible engin continu tri commun carsiz spacecraft scientist work understand featur visibl highest resolut photograph ever taken asteroid,near spacecraft land asteroid ero,2001-02-13,453,66,0.05,02-13,2,2001,13,8,0,2 5fa5b79a81ef95a688590171bd1d9e2ae21f0076cc8f51a0f7f79b8145574436,none,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star form four million year ago nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow rosett nebula span 100 lightyear across lie 5000 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel monoceros,rosett nebula,2001-02-14,463,74,0.1553613053613053,02-14,2,2001,14,4,1,5 654976b55bcc8c2507b8c29c8ab37d6db82ecc09a667b9a69b69be9d6b85b1b1,none,nearbi galaxi ngc 6822 glow emiss nebula complex surround bright massive newborn stars mere 4 million year young star condens galaxy interstellar ga dust clouds nebular glow power bright stars intens ultraviolet radiat shape sculpt interact stellar wind radiat immens interstellar cloud themselves catalog mani skygaz find appear extragalact star form region reminisc famou stellar nurseri galaxy orion nebula hubblex intrins much brighter orion though distanc 16 million lightyear 1000 time farther away hubblex also 100 lightyear across compar 10 lightyear orion nebula call x roman numer 10 nebula design catalog similar object galaxi ngc,star form region,2001-02-16,641,95,0.14,02-16,2,2001,16,4,2,5 d242a8583fbf8f6f742fcb7a88813bd1d475fd020dd26aea2336e53e90110cc0,none,tomorrow picture massiv star archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,shuttl plume shadow point moon,2001-02-19,230,35,0.2857142857142857,02-19,2,2001,19,8,1,0 221a03851ab7c83fe6cc0064caf04b33be554f3ba35e67ca5e71ba822b1c54a7,none,larg cluster galaxi massiv object universe astronom realiz cosmic ga cloud temperatur ten million degre pervad cluster radiat strongli xrays chandra observatori imag center radio galaxi catalog 3c294 inde reveal telltal hot xray ga hourglass shape region surround domin galaxi show presenc massiv galaxi cluster distant universe pictur colorcod xray energy red low green medium blue high energi xrays cluster associ 3c294 10 billion lightyear away make distant xray galaxi cluster ever detected object extrem distanc exist univers young mere 20 percent present age impressively observ demonstr even earli time massiv cluster galaxi alreadi present,distant xray galaxi cluster,2001-02-22,647,95,0.034,02-22,2,2001,22,7,2,4 d717bc4b83d3e053325981fcae0c7b17236d9a144c28761bd1b7df507f11f02b,none,color globular star cluster m55 may look like star cluster ever seen still show fundament view student stellar astronomy picture color magnitud diagram m55 individu star repres dot whose color indic rel temperature red blue posit correspond star locat sky though instead correspond measur astronom color color read bottom scale bright magnitud left hand scale temperatur star also found read equival scale top sun would temperatur 6000 kelvin bright rel sun luminos sun 1 given scale right globular cluster star clearli fall distinct group dramat visibl broad swath extend diagon lower right cluster main sequence sharp turn toward upper right hand corner follow red giant branch blue giant found group upper left m55 star form time first locat along main sequenc mass lower mass star lower right time higher mass star evolv main sequenc red blue giant beyond exact posit sharp turnoff main sequenc red giant branch measur cluster age,m55 color,2001-02-23,935,150,0.1418242296918767,02-23,2,2001,23,6,2,4 4c67dcc5e29f4cf28121390d1a1fbdeb7bf06c5f2cb48e76b2634f1b90ea1e2b,none,sand dune mar appear dark dune might compar reality aris complex relationship sandi surfac high wind mars particular dune locat proctor crater 170 kilomet wide crater first seen hous sand dune marin 9 25 year ago pictur taken mar global surveyor robot spacecraft current orbit around mars mg recent complet primari goal take transmit detail survey imag red planet entir martian year earth days mg deploy studi particularli interest region mar detail,sand dune mar,2001-02-26,449,72,0.0026666666666666,02-26,2,2001,26,5,0,2 dd432273c443e999e9b3c127e49cadc4c7d991a4428d32c5c633f2d488d42cd3,gari steven,tomorrow picture space station archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,witch head nebula,2001-02-27,232,35,0.2857142857142857,02-27,2,2001,27,8,1,0 6e345667554fe727c22ad5086413c480de957dac20b313253a1eb12a5c8f3cde,none,intern space station iss date destini earlier month specifically crew space shuttl atlanti instal scienc laboratori name destini iss pictur here also serv control center earth orbit space station help instal module space shuttl astronaut conduct 100th space walk american event occur nearli 40 year ed white first ventur outsid gemini 4 spacecraft space shuttle crew took pictur spacecraft undock space station two hundr kilomet lie rio region argentina,space station meet destini,2001-02-28,453,69,0.03,02-28,2,2001,28,8,0,2 8e07992c3a178f09f65cc5b2853ef65ed9e4caeeebea3a204b84f96a094322a9,none,tomorrow picture space doughnut archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,sun,2001-03-01,233,35,0.2857142857142857,03-01,3,2001,1,8,1,0 5c9d7b5600e09c89163e0716419f0c95ec3c5538430bd97d49ef43bf566f91ce,none,need realli big cup coffe doughnut hole middl billion kilomet across center sun circl size would lie orbit mar jupiter fact doughnut known surround massiv newborn star catalog 101 lie constel perseus imag infrar light tantal cloud ga dust slightli tilt view cloud materi may well ingredi format distant solar system bright sourc ultraviolet light hot young star much fainter infrar visibl picture still star presenc indic intens stellar wind radiat appar carv hole premier closeup stellar system format accomplish power observ techniqu call interferometri planet earth largest singl mirror telescope 10 meter keck,hole,2001-03-02,614,94,0.2136363636363636,03-02,3,2001,2,6,2,5 80f885acd0debf09d8cb70f277e237d45081b0bba0fb4a1cc8207aa36df06dd0,none,apollo 12 second mission land human moon land site pick near locat surveyor 3 robot spacecraft land moon three year earlier photograph taken lunar modul pilot alan bean mission command pete conrad part surveyor lunar modul visibl distance apollo 12 brought back mani photograph moon rocks among mileston achiev apollo 12 deploy apollo lunar surfac experi package carri mani experi includ one measur solar wind,apollo 12 visit surveyor 3,2001-03-03,409,65,0.02,03-03,3,2001,3,2,0,2 c2e1727016a8240d72e7e9f0ebb2ef136959316f617df4b33380b5ccadcd3180,none,part televis game series near shoemak spacecraft surviv unpreced land asteroid last month suggest illustr inset above carsiz probe like rest gentli tip solar panel touch influenc asteroid eros feebl gravity fortunately spacecraft solar panel bath sunlight abl power near gammaray spectrometer perch asteroid instrument determin composit ero depth 10 centimet unanticip accuraci measur gammaray signatur atom nuclei present data return surfac ero plot show clearli featur correspond iron oxygen silicon asteroid regolith also briefli oper eros near indic surfac magnet field discernible turn off near shoemak could remain preserv present location vicin huge featur dub himeros billion years but asteroid orbits spacecraft solar panel repeatedli turn toward sun offer possibl survivor,near shoemak asteroid ero,2001-03-05,783,112,0.0727272727272727,03-05,3,2001,5,1,2,4 31d3c7a0dcb0ecbc8b02ca85c02c1f4f3b8b5e3937735011d2ae7d142afab492,michael,first hint becom sun discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list annoying diffus object confus interesting comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen constel vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 shown repres colors understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf,m27 dumbbel nebula,2001-03-06,585,89,0.0999999999999999,03-06,3,2001,6,4,2,5 95b1377e407ac74ee615b03660a7932c126c915bb443eccb01af8f63071d31e2,none,spectacular vantag point 14 billion kilomet sun voyag 1 spacecraft look back toward inner solar system record startl view saturn nightside pictur taken novemb 16 1980 four day robot spacecraft closest approach gorgeou ga giant crescent planet cast broad shadow across bright ring transluc ring seen cast shadow saturn cloud tops sinc earth closer sun saturn saturn daysid visibl earthbound telescop could never take pictur like one success flybi two decad ago voyag 1 continu outward bound present humanity distant spacecraft next spacecraft approach saturn cassini cours arriv 2004,saturn night,2001-03-07,582,89,0.15625,03-07,3,2001,7,0,1,2 62169c3c5b79281cd1fe279902b811fe4bcad820a54700de768bfe628170ff5a,thad k,tomorrow picture galaxi bunch archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,bright venu,2001-03-08,231,35,0.2857142857142857,03-08,3,2001,8,8,1,0 43b85bc6b4e49192426bd52c514ee05d0ab4a7665fc0251d2893636cb8b2ac5c,none,scan sky galaxi canadian astronom paul hickson colleagu identifi 100 compact group galaxies appropri call hickson compact group hcgs member galaxi per group hcg much smaller immens cluster galaxi lurk cosmos like larg galaxi clusters hcg seem fill hot xray emit gas fact group galaxi like hcg may build block larg clusters falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatori reveal xray emiss ga one group hcg startl detail image black green color repres low intens red purpl hue indic high xray intensities strike featur xray imag low bright blob upper left lower right flank intens central xray region hcg 62 lie virgo near group center resid ellipt galaxi ngc optic wavelengths hcg make reward viewing even modest size telescopes,xray hcg 62,2001-03-09,727,118,0.0705654761904762,03-09,3,2001,9,7,2,4 46d45c2bcf591017be7280c15848cc3c2867e2a15bd1436e25cc804ff0467e3f,none,put redblu glass gaze dramat stereo view surfac moon inspir last saturday apod patrick vantuyn offer stereo render apollo 12 astronaut pete conrad visit surveyor 3 spacecraft novemb 1969 creat stereo image vantuyn care pictur avail download apollo lunar surfac journal web site find two would make appropri found pair depict captiv scene slightli differ viewpoints approxim separ human eyes combin two separ pictures one tint red bluegreen correct offset produc stereo effect view use redblu glasses red filter cover left eye color filter guid eye see pictur correct correspond viewpoint brain interpret result normal stereo vision editor note got glass web sourc astronomi space scienc stereo imag includ mar path finder archiv 3d tour solar,apollo surveyor stereo view,2001-03-10,743,116,0.0249999999999999,03-10,3,2001,10,8,2,4 82229b796ab84b3afea9125a701af95a436781018891d65ed3dd7e4a282a81b4,none,cigar galaxi light up evid indic m82 cigar galaxy becam bright collid neighbor galaxi m81 astronom becom however tri figur collis occurred inspect hubbl space telescop imag indic massiv young globular star cluster form encounter star cluster 600 million year old exhaust central hydrogen fuel indic cigar galaxy brighten occur long ago m82 locat 12 million light year away visibl binocular toward constel ursa major shown span 10000 light years,m82 crash,2001-03-12,444,70,0.2347222222222222,03-12,3,2001,12,7,1,3 5b71befa241ad0bfeff8510147ee66611cb998bcb536394cc48f9f58d46f5f2f,stan richard,ever seen sun pillar air cold sun rise setting fall ice crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light ice sometim form flat stopsign shape crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground sunlight reflect crystal properli aligned creat sunpillar effect picture sunpillar reflect light set sun,sun pillar,2001-03-13,342,53,0.0583333333333333,03-13,3,2001,13,1,0,1 b7569fc468a92896238b7350e9f9640ccfefadb6ba27a5103e4123c4aa14c20c,brian lula,outbound climb plane solar system comet mcnaughthartley c1999 present soar northern skies telescop picture composit mani 30 second exposur made three color filters record delic color diminut coma faint tail februari 26th combin exposur produc final imag regist comet caus star appear evid comet motion rel distant stellar background discov southern hemispher observers comet closest approach sun occur decemb last year pass outsid planet earth orbit brightest comet sky primordi chunk solar system cross constel hercul draco continu fade never visibl unaid eye mcnaughthartley still 10th magnitud view comet seeker use small telescopes,comet,2001-03-14,635,93,-0.0636363636363636,03-14,3,2001,14,3,2,4 c14f50d0152514096d4062842956f8d82e377b9f18c9bd3a4db789a7f2faced6,none,tomorrow picture shuttl astronomi archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,rocket robert goddard,2001-03-16,235,35,0.2857142857142857,03-16,3,2001,16,8,1,0 5c79d75bf9e28e8838e5b6e147696871ed01e08b6d841cb4addaf2d02a1b72b4,none,six year ago cluster three ultraviolet telescop flew orbit astro2 mission aboard space shuttl endeavour seen perch endeavour payload bay 350 kilomet australian desert hopkin ultraviolet telescop ultraviolet imag telescop wisconsin ultraviolet experi hut front instrument star tracker left telescop cluster ultraviolet region electromagnet spectrum lie wavelength shorter blue light seen human eyes almost ultraviolet light cosmo imposs detect earth surfac absorb atmospher ozone cruis high cloud protect atmosphere instrument could explor univers wavelength beyond blue,orbit,2001-03-17,569,76,0.12,03-17,3,2001,17,8,1,2 cea0d0de62ae8164b9a00dca9b4cfaedadabd55806ecb8852bfd41ae80b9489a,none,welcom move northward earth sky today sun cross celesti equat univers time bring spring north fall south chang season known equinox sun rise due east horizon set due west provid equal night 12 night 12 daylight hours northern southern pictur march 8 sun peer eastern horizon space shuttl discovery dramat morn launch mission deliv suppli crew intern space station discoveri remain orbit first day northern hemispher spring discoveri schedul land kennedi space center florida earli tomorrow,discoveri spring,2001-03-20,490,76,-0.0142857142857142,03-20,3,2001,20,1,0,1 0b3a3489fc5f46ba3ffe157587a09554b976bfdbbb77071e649bb289abda51bd,none,ngc 2903 spiral galaxi similar milki way galaxy similar includ gener size central bar one strike difference however appear mysteri hot spot ngc 2903 core upon inspect imag similar imag taken hubbl space telescope hot spot found bright young globular clusters contrast uniformli old globular cluster found milki way galaxy investig indic current star format rampant 2000 lightyear wide circumnuclear ring surround ngc 2903 center astronom hypothes graviti central bar star format ring ngc 2903 lie 25 million lightyear away visibl small telescop toward constel leo,bar spiral galaxi ngc 2903,2001-03-21,563,86,0.0678571428571428,03-21,3,2001,21,7,0,3 0ffd9dde3ad86470336eab7434c9e004eb5fdb25ced3e343d79a566488d86b1a,ken webb,brilliant venu fall even sky march ends jupit saturn remain well western horizon jupit blaze forth left slightli fainter saturn telephoto pictur taken januari 19th near top lie love pleiad star cluster suggest characterist blue reflect nebulae planet pleiad similar easili recogniz orient spring night sky also known m45 45th object french astronom charl messier famou catalog pleiad like soon check mani northern hemispher observ weekend offer prime opportun complet messier marathon view 110 messier catalog object one gloriou dusk dawn observ run weekend also possibl complet allplanet marathon observ solar system planet singl night still need someth look at intern space station could also visibl arc sky depend location mir not,jupiter saturn messier 45,2001-03-22,734,112,0.2222222222222222,03-22,3,2001,22,8,2,4 51ddf56d47c612a55daaf9968f5e8ad94f7578959d11484c21cd422627d55be7,paulo,streak low across western horizon sunset russian mir space station make final pass even sky coastal citi salvador brazil 5 minut 20 second time exposur made 800 film wideangl len march 19 set star leav short almost vertic trails rapidli move mir travel horizontally trail toward left edg picture reflect sunlight low earth orbit histor space station chanc produc flare near end visibl track response hubbl space telescop appear brazilian sky within minut mir passag also left flare along trail move toward top picture light visibl horizon nearbi island 15 year service longliv mir space station safe deorbit today splashdown surviv piec occur remot area south pacif ocean,mir flare farewel,2001-03-23,671,108,0.1153846153846153,03-23,3,2001,23,8,2,1 8ed5faf2e72284dce536cafc98c983288745b263d82667c32be39cef79157660,none,translat acronese titl read ultraviolet small magellan cloud ultraviolet imag telescope fyi four ultraviolet imag use mosaic nearbi irregular galaxi known small magellan cloud taken uit instrument astro1 astro2 shuttl mission 1990 1995 separ imag field slightli wider appar size full moon ultraviolet pictures shown fals color must taken earth absorb atmosphere highlight concentr hot newli form star million year old reveal progress recent star format smc,uv smc uit,2001-03-24,457,67,0.0333333333333333,03-24,3,2001,24,8,0,3 24b28545c9ac1c05402bfc19f82bdb6fc581aff89fdf5cfeead56eea26b3d780,none,whatev becam comet halebopp brightest comet recent year continu outer solar system farther sun saturn surpris many comet halebopp still active continu spew gas ice dust particl space pictur earlier month comet halebopp seen southern hemispher moder continu activ comet halebopp may due larg size nucleu estim 50 kilomet across unusu dot appear star imag due 14 discret exposur center comet stars,comet halebopp outer solar system,2001-03-26,396,62,0.0020833333333333,03-26,3,2001,26,3,0,3 f12026892a7fda8c8beb4c7171a0995ae5f252f7314c11d42a2fc2c31e483017,none,part south pole mar look like swiss landscap featur flattop mesa nearli 4 meter high circular indent 100 meter across sinc topographi uniqu polar cap cover southern mars exogeologist specul mesa composit might high frozen carbon dioxid dri additionally dri ice might role strang landscape creation picture martian surfac illumin sunlight upper right pictur taken august 1999 robot mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars,swiss landscap mar,2001-03-27,430,65,0.065297619047619,03-27,3,2001,27,5,0,2 6268d2e57e877cc1167946a89c92e65bd3bf8b81e85f81785cee5f6551525e44,jan curti u alaska acrc,check space weather report lately coron mass eject cme head way immens sunspot group track across solar photosphere skygaz interact cloud energet particl activ sun planet earth magnetospher often produc signific geomagnet storm auror displays fact day ago march 24 photograph jan curti point camera straight captur awesom auror curtain tower clear cold sky fairbanks alaska usa now forecast indic recent earthdirect cme may also trigger moder geomagnet storm next days night sky aurora possibl extend middl latitudes would like march,aurora alaskan,2001-03-29,533,81,-0.0999999999999999,03-29,3,2001,29,1,0,1 71dc3bfaeefef3b4f95a4c64a039ab32f787f3581cdd2c771d8950748b422af9,none,yes barsoom begin john carter edgar rice burroughs 1913 scienc fiction classic the god mars burroughs novel describ carter adventur mars barsoom local inhabitants name red planet long burroughs stori published mar continu inspir earthdwellers interest imagination soon invad spacecraft earth dramat pictur crescent mar taken nasa vike 2 spacecraft approach barsoom 1976,barsoom,2001-03-31,370,53,0.0291666666666666,03-31,3,2001,31,5,0,2 d179f5bbd180774dbf093c344df364bb65256ecf147cd9e72212f4a42933d0cc,sigurdur h stefnisson,aurora usual occur high clouds auror glow creat fastmov particl eject sun impact air molecul high earth atmosphere oxygen molecule example glow green light reacquir electron lost collis solar particle lowest part aurora typic occur 100 kilomet up cloud usual exist 10 kilometers rel height cloud aurora shown clearli pictur iceland aurora rel common past weekend one largest sunspot group ever record associ explos solar activ expans terrestri aurora displays although earth northern hemispher aurora usual seen far north aurora preval imag continu nighttim camera oper southern,aurora cloud,2001-04-02,578,87,-0.0618181818181818,04-02,4,2001,2,1,0,1 44985db84d49fd5ecd2d8806d4cf2c52d81f10cc25871f0ff3f66c4e7a4a38e9,none,ngc 1748 cannot contain new star formed young stars massiv bright blue emit much energi push dispers ga dust compris star form nebula within past hundr thousand years star alter bubblelik shape nebula like destroy nebula next million years particular interest bright region surround pink ring dust ga visibl left recent releas pictur hubbl space telescope center region evacu wind brightest star nebula lane cooler dust connect ngc 1748 larger diffus nebula seen right ngc 1748 span 25 lightyear diamet found galact neighbor larg magellan cloud,new star ngc,2001-04-03,544,86,0.1024215367965367,04-03,4,2001,3,4,0,5 8780b9b716d3017fb5fee160777a42ab4e1e3a16d9e900a8c1a3d80ce2c3194e,none,pinpoint light star explod 10 billion lightyear away center panel lower right cosmic snapshot distant supernova ancient stellar deton detect digit subtract imag faint yellowish ellipt galaxi includ hubbl space telescop deep field imag illustr top left remark farthest known supernova measur bright provid astound evid strang univers one eventu defi graviti expand acceler rate unseen forc drive expans attribut dark discov fundament natur dark energi call challeng millennium,distant dark energi,2001-04-04,476,69,0.0946428571428571,04-04,4,2001,4,6,0,3 bedfc920ba83ea98d7a724b5c19eae1d0ac56d504c43c3db453966124686bd56,none,gold jewelri originate one complet sure rel averag abund solar system appear higher made earli universe stars even typic supernova explosions astronom suggest neutronrich heavi element gold might easili made rare neutronrich explos collis neutron stars pictur computeranim frame depict two neutron star spiral toward other collide sinc neutron star collis also suggest origin gammaray bursts possibl alreadi souvenir one power explos universe,origin gold,2001-04-05,442,63,0.23125,04-05,4,2001,5,6,1,3 c74a6102a4601f54a2f43b14d29ed94690d1b8f5c3266a630cbba739252091e3,chri,last weekend skygaz middl high latitud around globe treat expans auror display magnet storm rage around planet earth storm trigger solar coron mass eject associ giant sunspot group catalog activ region number example pictur earli morn hour april 1 sky new zealand aliv southern wideangl time exposure tower red aurora visibl suspend foreground well lit train station church steepl build citi april 2 largest solar flare last 25 year also erupt near activ region 9393 posit near sun edg effect larg direct away fair planet however recent solar activ fact solar maximum still us,aurora new zealand,2001-04-06,576,94,0.108030303030303,04-06,4,2001,6,1,2,1 33a6d50e03b7ac953be8d8522a08ddecd3f606f889eedd8cad3c6e6c760bdb2f,none,week stereo offer featur famou activ region 9393 largest sunspot group last 10 years view redblu glasses stereo pair imag merg one 3d represent sun ar9393 right center imag record extrem ultraviolet light ar9393 seen extens array bright patch lace larg grace loop arc plasma extrem ultraviolet activ region outshin solar surface revers appear dark sunspot bright photospher view visibl light record 96 minut apart march 30 spacebas soho eit camera pair produc exagger pleas stereo effect due solar rotat sun surfac move slightli two exposur offer differ perspectives,stereo sun,2001-04-07,567,89,0.2345238095238095,04-07,4,2001,7,1,1,4 97477e1f3207caf4f002fb55d4d1af601cefa981e391d698e30b9be0dfba58f2,none,tomorrow picture messi spiral archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,mar odyssey lift mar,2001-04-09,231,35,0.2857142857142857,04-09,4,2001,9,8,1,0 950c1d6ebcb801e45dbce2e60f9b0b3065b6484a6fac82d78ec5e4bb3f2fa290,none,whirlpool galaxi classic spiral galaxy 30 million light year distant fulli 60 thousand light year across m51 also known ngc 5194 one brightest picturesqu galaxi sky imag digit combin groundbas imag 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatori spacebas imag hubbl space telescop highlight sharp featur normal red seen anyon good pair binoculars however see whirlpool toward constel cane venatici m51 spiral galaxi type sc domin member whole group galaxies astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact smaller galaxi top image,m51 whirlpool galaxi dust star,2001-04-10,546,82,0.1805555555555555,04-10,4,2001,10,7,1,3 8ff62fc65d988e5b6e88a9d37419df691eb3e64b615d4613653c67bc27307ac1,none,largest sunspot group past ten year cross surfac sun late last month earli month group design activ region 9393 region identifi sinc count offici began 1973 number activ region sun high recent sun reach maximum current 11year cycl magnet activity timelaps sequenc show ar 9393 evolv 27 march april 2 becom 10 time larger earth end movie april 2 ar 9393 unleash largest solar flare last 25 years flare point toward earth flare particl might damag satellit even caus local electr yesterday morning however less power flare eject differ sunspot group ar toward earth alreadi caus radio interference solar activ monday caus signific aurora next two nights sunspot group remain region rotat back view days break far side sun currently one know sure,larg sunspot group ar,2001-04-11,743,123,0.0025490196078431,04-11,4,2001,11,1,2,1 7c0838a4a3055403f0d1b6da07290b2b4a5ff6177b2c29ba61d042e1c185989d,none,april 12 1981 twenti year ago today space shuttl orbit columbia becam first shuttl orbit earth gorgeou time exposure flood light play columbia servic structur left rest atop complex pad kennedi space center prepar first launch flown command john w young pilot robert l columbia spent 2 day aloft mission end smooth landing edward air forc base california ferri back kennedi modifi boe 747 columbia launch seven month later becom first pilot orbiter oldest oper shuttl orbiter columbia 1981 debut follow challeng 1982 discoveri 1983 atlanti challenger replac endeavour 1991 shuttl orbit fleet accomplish 100 orbit missions today also mark 40th anniversari first human space yuri gagarin,first shuttl launch,2001-04-12,685,107,0.04,04-12,4,2001,12,8,2,2 8a5798cf05718d16ebdefebcf35835322b82956798f81a00e0fca984c6dcfc3a,none,fade afterglow one power explos univers center fals color imag spacebas chandra xray observatory cosmic explosion bright gammaray burst origin galaxi billion lightyear away detect bepposax satellit februari 22 visibl second gammaray energies afterglow follow day xray optical infrar radio instruments chandra observ xray glow hour initi explos suggest expand firebal materi move near light speed hit wall rel dens gas true natur gammaray burster remain unknown mount evid grb afterglow indic cosmic blast may hypernova death explos massive shortliv star embed activ star form regions hypernova blast sweep dens cloud materi crowd star form region may also trigger star formation,gammaray burst xray afterglow,2001-04-13,679,101,0.16875,04-13,4,2001,13,6,2,4 2ae8f83cd9a9ec27c0972c5d1d2093c0df43cfdf0242e05f117503d6543c7f71,none,forti year ago april 12 1961 soviet cosmonaut yuri alexseyevich gagarin becam first human space remot control vostok 1 spacecraft loft altitud 200 mile carri around planet earth gagarin strictli passeng flight precaut unknown effect spaceflight pilot skill onboard control lock secret combination case emerg carri combin seal envelope reentry gagarin eject vostok altitud 20000 feet parachut earth first view space reportedli commented the sky dark earth bluish everyth seen clearly coupl accomplishments flight confirm earli soviet lead space race first us astronaut would launch almost month later compar short suborbit flight born march 9 1934 gagarin air forc jet pilot chosen first group cosmonaut 1960 result histor flight becam intern hero legend kill mig jet crash train flight march 27 1968 gagarin given hero funeral ash inter kremlin wall,man enter space,2001-04-14,850,130,0.0409090909090909,04-14,4,2001,14,8,2,2 bcdd9507af86010290b2a7920128566a2eba48b1bf5da23ec60a0d6daea642fb,none,unusu appendag around bright star commonplace never seem mentioned they first telescop bring starlight fall larg area small area get small area however one must go insid reflect telescope one good way use support rods right view telescope wave natur light caus deflect pass near rods light scatter away origin destin point end elsewher appear diffract spikes annoy spike steal preciou light central imag hide light fainter interest stars above astronom interest halfcircl point near imag center coollook diffract spike bright star bottom apparently halfcircl new stellar system form lagoon nebula,diffract spikes star look like cross,2001-04-15,596,91,0.2248462064251538,04-15,4,2001,15,6,1,1 29ce9fee1fa18a0a8a6d6349df27612ccbdcd24f666223707dc51d4c942cb4c8,aao,hydra cluster galaxi contain well 100 bright galaxi perhap fewer galaxi might expect mass cluster galaxi largest gravit bound object universe cluster mass however appear form dark see analys distribut xray light gravit lensing intern motion indicate abel 1060 cluster also known appear even higher fraction dark matter seen similar cluster situat astronom cannot easili reconcil cluster form sole gravit attraction hydra cluster galaxies name home constellation span ten million light years,hydra cluster galaxi,2001-04-16,491,72,0.1611111111111111,04-16,4,2001,16,7,1,3 1e4bdce56f778f4bc298f0896a64264be455ba649fdf54beba6d087acc3a8d09,none,one place water found mar clouds pictur color water cloud visibl sunris around maze canyon known nocti labyrinthu the labyrinth night scientist yet know however cloud formed stick canyons one excit possibl water sometim condens shade region canyons evapor cloud expos morn sun water form martian surfac might import life possibl futur human exploration vike orbit 1 visit mar 1976 took picture region shown 100 kilomet across,color water cloud mar,2001-04-17,425,67,0.0,04-17,4,2001,17,5,0,1 6b2a9da27871086c22ff5b11c512b0b763ae076ce11fcc296acdc060f8022e47,none,welcom multiwavelength top bottom stack panel show largest sunspot group decad visible extrem ultraviolet xray light taken march 29 around time famou solar activ region catalog ar 9393 peak size 10 time size planet earth panel illustr activ region changes imag electromagnet radiat light progress shorter wavelengths visibl light panel dark island sunspot stand bright solar surface situat seem revers extrem ultraviolet panel bright activ region seen darker background finally xray panel reveal majest loop glow plasma arc far sunspot group pictur part sun look different made differ wavelengths panel actual record differ layer solar atmosphere top bottom altitud layer along start sun visibl surfac photospher about 5 thousand kelvins chromospher transit region hundr thousand kelvins final solar corona,sunspot,2001-04-19,808,119,0.2730769230769231,04-19,4,2001,19,1,2,4 df63dbffa7721ccf5b45bcf21c396cf9cc7a3d6d5b2b8b3108502bf15551fb73,none,star come bunches 200 globular star cluster orbit center milki way galaxy 47 tucana second brightest globular cluster behind omega centauri known affection 47 tuc ngc 104 visibl southern hemisphere light take 20000 year reach us 47 tuc seen near smc constel tucana red giant star particularli easi see picture dynam star near center 47 tuc well understood particularli binari system there,globular cluster 47 tucana,2001-04-22,388,62,2.775557561562892e-18,04-22,4,2001,22,6,0,3 92ecf9bc0b20254f2aaf5a1ece9362bfe84d433a5dd015012a9de7de88a48a56,none,last thursday space shuttl endeavor lift cours latest round build intern space station iss orbit around earth one highlight mission promis instal canadarm2 robot arm assist futur construct util iss canadarm2 larger sophist version shuttle robot arm abl move around station exterior ninth shuttl mission build iss mani plan next sever years completed iss room passeng cabin 747 jet,space shuttl lift space station,2001-04-23,381,59,0.06,04-23,4,2001,23,8,0,2 9eb76ba22bf0461b439ede959a40edef9b78e974f99eeb6d41384cbcb338e012,michael bessel rsaa anu mso,nebula surround bright star mon fill dark dust glow gas strang shape haunt star form region origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars picture repres color isol northern part greater nebula design ngc 2264 lie 2500 lightyear away includ cone nebula blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star diffus red glow result emission starlight ioniz hydrogen gas pink area lit combin two processes small group star surround mon brightest star pictur star visibl nake eye toward constel monoceros,ngc 2264 stars dust ga,2001-04-24,576,91,0.1904761904761905,04-24,4,2001,24,4,1,5 96dc92492f8f523a46ba622cfe5c9c1f839e59b40ab5b4fcf0c572c60defb11b,shi u chicago et al aura noao nsf,astronom like stars bright star fluctuat indic earth atmospher changing mani time bright star exist direct atmospher inform needed rather tri exist star laser astronom creat artifici star right need laser subsequ observ artifici laser guid star reveal inform detail blur effect earth atmospher much blur remov rapidli flex mirror adapt optic techniqu allow highresolut groundbas observ real stars planets nebulae above artifici star creat laser richard b dunn solar telescop sacramento peak new mexico,space laser creat artifici star,2001-04-25,502,75,0.2902597402597403,04-25,4,2001,25,6,1,4 c14d78d4d0002c5d9920e908da5e50a1806a3d8eb0e55ee7bde3bc4f9f1324c6,tolga,tomorrow picture ice fish archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,moon crash,2001-04-28,227,35,0.2857142857142857,04-28,4,2001,28,8,1,0 75d32f58e31adff21dffb92895ef2ee19b32f0254bf0163d6af1dfbc15800146,none,rlier month crew us space shuttl endeavor took view approach develop intern space station iss endeavor iss crew instal italy multipurpos logist modul success deploy canada canadarm2 robot remotecontrol arm move outsid station shuttl undock iss yesterday schedul return earth today man russian soyuz spacecraft schedul dock earth busiest orbit outpost earli today,approach intern space station,2001-04-30,362,53,0.15,04-30,4,2001,30,8,1,2 a5056803a04352d43ae4f54ebc96aaeaa8001a1e9a1ed044a7cebf77587f8441,nsf,frozen ice near bottom world increasingli sophist instrument listen precis echo univers started sunday independ collabor behind three instrument announc evid heard consist univers five percent normal matter 95 percent dark matter dark energy amount normal matter expect univers undergon particularli explos earli phase big bang known measur actual made angular scale 110th degre detect slight fluctuat microwav light occur cosmic background radiation fluctuat thought caus sound wave move earli universe pictur remot receiv degre angular scale interferomet record one data sets similar result report sunday boomerang maxima collaborations,antarctica littl normal matter big bang,2001-05-01,638,89,0.0277777777777777,05-01,5,2001,1,8,2,4 95e9b30c00aa705509e5acbf93bb2cddd95d2e3ab995b2ed6e44af2d8870c8af,none,100 billion boulder may swarm disk around nearbi star hd scene thought similar earli year solar system ever larger rock grow collid accret dust messi planet format appear underway earthlik planet hostil environment sky would lit continu streak meteor ground would continu impacts pictur above swirl disk dust gas rock hd 100546 visibl dark region surround imag center bright light diffract spike central star remov falsecolor image hd 100546 visibl binocular toward southern constel musca rel nearbi lightyear away similar systems dub proplyds recent found orion mani emerg planet must surviv boil radiat neighbor bright stars,planet build hd,2001-05-02,626,96,0.1291666666666666,05-02,5,2001,2,6,2,5 044f401b43ccda8ec03e664f62546c66072de4523790e817a55e20363bbdcf0b,none,may think imposs see sun map sun far side made instrument board sunstar soho spacecraft one map april 12 right map project calcul magnet field earthfac solar hemispher yellow red indic high magnet field characterist solar activ regions left similar map solar hemispher opposit planet earth show larg activ region ar9393 solar rotat carri across far side largest sunspot group decade ar9393 easili seen track across sun earthfac hemispher late march ar9393 swung around sun far side soho michelson doppler interferomet mdi instrument continu map posit measur chang motion caus solar sound wave transmit sun influenc activ region strong magnet fields known helioseismology analyz solar sound wave like use record earthquak probe interior earth sun sound wave produc turbul convect cell seen surfac dynam solar granules,far side sun,2001-05-03,817,126,0.1485034013605442,05-03,5,2001,3,1,2,4 896c96083cbd3a53485919de97790c4553b84d7a68dd1921e57bfcb9a25c9f01,none,orion nebula stellar nurseri fill hot young star natal cloud ga dust planetari systems activ starform region present hazard inhospit birthplace format dusti protoplanetari disk seem common orion hubbl space telescop closeup imag dramat reveal condit must face tri grow fullfledg planetari systems case central young star surround disk substanti wider solar system disk like contain materi process planet formation however ultraviolet radiat one orion nearbi hot star rapidli destroy disk ultim creat cometshap cloud glow ga seen engulf protoplanetari systems planet format must occur quickli here all research estim 90 percent orion youngest protoplanetari disk surviv next 100000 years,protoplanetari orion,2001-05-04,687,100,0.045,05-04,5,2001,4,4,2,5 ec931a1faaeb29c52e57f5bcb53a5b745416fad6037a3043e6c0cbe47a44f6c9,aao,famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across quit evid photograph blue reflect nebula surround bright cluster stars low mass faint brown dwarf recent found pleiades,pleiad star cluster,2001-05-06,338,53,0.125,05-06,5,2001,6,6,1,3 505e719e8fcbc45dba0096e2d7d727137d4584e098ec265155aa2f0d094f607c,none,ven hot crack surfac venu roll hills although never actual photograph imag venusian surfac like shown construct recent year digit merg distant photograph radar isol 100kilomet wide swath insid volcan region known corona visibl frame numer fractur surface data miss dark lane upper right surfac venu hot robot spacecraft land last hours,one terrain venu,2001-05-07,335,52,0.0435714285714285,05-07,5,2001,7,8,0,2 7b8fbb30f2f48b3071b9b6c2e414d7c61f1f8db034e0e61cb70c785818904502,none,center swirl whirlpool hot ga like beast never seen directly black hole studi bright light emit swirl ga frequent indic black hole present also like attributes ga surround gro j165540 example recent found display unusu flicker rate 450 time second given previou mass estim central object seven time mass sun rate fast flicker explain black hole rotat rapidly physic mechan actual caus flicker slower quasiperiod oscil qpo accret disk surround black hole neutron star remain topic much research,gro j165540 evid spin black hole,2001-05-08,495,78,0.0677083333333333,05-08,5,2001,8,6,0,5 ccf0a3feda221f83e45c602288fdff1d74d3e98f91d1efe148e770ef13916998,none,intern space station iss continu grow last month crew space shuttl endeavor deliv new logist modul instal new canadarm2 grow outpost iss complet new arm photograph 400 kilomet planet earth space shuttl endeavor crew soon shuttl flew around station survey three member expedit two crew remain aboard iss run scientif experi two ton materi deliv shuttle next shuttl schedul visit iss atlanti june,space station show new robot arm,2001-05-09,396,63,0.0818181818181818,05-09,5,2001,9,8,0,2 0584d92558c58536c959db431fe86d210f61d173645c314013a1926e3d5bcafb,robert gendler,spiral galaxi view faceon display grand design grace spiral arm trace bright star cluster glow stellar nurseries seen edgeon appear differ less strike central region bulg dark cosmic dust lane appear silhouet starlight flatten galact disks master mosaic digit imag show nine promin edgeon spiral arrang top m104 perhap best known m104 whose monik sombrero galaxy notably edgeon perspect galaxi allow measur galact rotat speed use doppler effect plot rotat speed versu distanc center determin galaxy gravit mass histor led premier evid mysteri dark matter,spiral edg,2001-05-10,554,85,0.2621212121212121,05-10,5,2001,10,7,1,4 e67333bef75e4452a342078e86b74ec4c0157eaab8ec0e25bb2a47179a0f7ced,anthoni,gorgeou full moon rose eastern horizon februari 7 space shuttl atlanti streak skyward toward orbit rendezv intern space station watch florida 60 mile west kennedi space center launch site photograph toni captur digit image one seri pictur shuttle fieri climb foreground street light clear even sky grew dark shuttle path graze bright lunar disk mission atlanti carri us destini laboratori modul ad expand orbit outpost atlanti current schedul return space station next month,shuttl moon,2001-05-12,474,73,0.2111111111111111,05-12,5,2001,12,8,1,2 8947c26355b6d29d12026f72f3b549ec2477435d99170ea374675a36fe4fcdca,none,one promin crater moon name copernicus copernicu larg young crater visibl binocular slightli northwest center moon earthfac hemisphere copernicu distinguish size mani bright ray point it although copernicu rel young lunar crater form nearli billion year ago coloss impact center copernicu 93 kilomet across pictur taken 1972 last human mission moon apollo 17 prospect return boost recent increas evid ice deposit near lunar poles,crater copernicu,2001-05-13,429,64,0.0888888888888888,05-13,5,2001,13,2,0,2 190a59eb7bac3dc5c356b2d4723e53f64c8ba67c0c3b557a912ec6b217358c27,roger smith,high atop chilean mountain lie one premier observatori southern sky cerro pictur one premier telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatori ctio past 4meter blanco telescope far behind telescop thousand individu star diffus light three galaxies small magellan cloud upper left larg magellan cloud lower left milki way galaxi right visibl blanco right famou superposit four bright star known southern cross observatori structur lit sole starlight,cerro tololo sky,2001-05-14,446,64,0.0644642857142857,05-14,5,2001,14,6,0,3 5e03e06c181039737a94a77483c9ddd5c4c563e2eedaa41c295aeab0cb9b540d,none,largest radio telescop world work togeth creat new map surfac venus surfac venu unusu hidden thick atmospher mostli carbon dioxid gas thick cloud transparent however radar signal sent receiv earth two radio telescop gener power radar ever arecibo telescop puerto rico new robert c byrd green bank telescop west virginia new survey resolv detail fine onekilomet across inspect chang sinc last major radar map made nasa magellan spacecraft orbit venu 1990 1994 pictur part preliminari imag show detail small across,radar imag venu,2001-05-15,512,80,-0.0298553719008264,05-15,5,2001,15,8,0,2 6c6d98d31163c4acd6b091e0cf682d7b9e0478dd323b16b73818bbad1bd58fc7,none,black hole caus xray pour center circinu galaxy new highresolut imag orbit chandra xray observatori resolv inner region nearbi galaxi sever smaller sources imag shown extend xray emiss center appear match optic light appear consist model hot ga escap supermass black hole circinus center least one sourc vari xray bright expect binari star system indic system small yet massive give credenc model black hole surround ring region shown span 5000 lightyear across,center circinu galaxi xray,2001-05-16,461,72,0.009090909090909,05-16,5,2001,16,6,0,3 cbbb8c821afefbf930777df0a676f037727f25383f7092866c76c433f4d3df7d,none,neutrino subatom particl gener nuclear reaction power star like sun fli outward sun core easili pass sun and almost anyth detect earthbas neutrino still longstand observ flux solar neutrino less expected new twist solar neutrino analysi data neutrino detector find solar neutrino flux vari 27 day approxim match sun rotat period fact sinc differ part sun rotat differ rates neutrino flux variat match exactli rotat rate area shown red color map solar interior rotation could solar rotat affect neutrino theoret model say neutrino chang quantum properti interact tangl solar magnet field becom particl neutrino experi design detect then sun rotates neutrino sometim come us unaffect sometim come magnet fields diminish flux measured,solar neutrino astronomi,2001-05-17,733,112,-0.0325757575757575,05-17,5,2001,17,1,2,4 1f8f7523c24ea47119c401e3f68b9d5416f89fa6f697c9564c5e88feb00a1907,none,star like hd 82943 main sequenc g dwarf star temperatur composit similar sun also like sun hd 82943 known least two giant planets unlik ga giant solar system orbit nearli circular bring closer parent star astronom point strong observ evid hd 82943 use planet swallow past cosmic cataclysm illustr artist dramat vision result planetari debri would outer layer hd 82943 research use high resolut spectrograph european southern observatory kueyen telescop believ seen clear signatur contamin identifi isotop lithium6 sunlik star spectrum light element lithium6 readili destroy nuclear reaction star formation signific lithium6 exist hd 82943 perhap like explan presenc lithium6 today left planetari materi form separ absorb parent star,hd planet,2001-05-18,733,109,0.0364285714285714,05-18,5,2001,18,6,2,4 fa056131bee11dbd904750232748eab00ea5d7caa7fae96358818dfa254deab3,none,april 1970 oxygen tank explod crippl servic module apollo 13 astronaut forc abandon plan make third human lunar landing extent damag reveal grainy grim photo taken servic modul drift away jettison hour prior command module reentri eventu safe splashdown entir panel side servic modul blown away extens intern damag apparent visibl gut compart radio antenna large bellshap nozzl servic module rocket engine,damag apollo 13,2001-05-19,406,62,-0.0336734693877551,05-19,5,2001,19,8,0,2 52f8949e0ca2afce883e61e2e4d53f0eecafee64c1a39475d13cbc5e58e4f104,none,star come differ colors color star indic surfac temperature import properti use assign star spectral type star sagittariu star cloud orang red rel faint sun would appear blue greenish star hotter mani rel young massive bright red star cool red giants bloat star similar sun enter advanc stage evolution star sagittariu cloud lie toward center galaxi tantal cosmic jewel view rift dark pervasive interstellar dust famou stellar group hous oldest star known,sagittariu star cloud,2001-05-20,456,72,0.05,05-20,5,2001,20,6,0,5 d869fbb2ffa1c1e29878cbfb6fec4deade0940ce2c21bb188d11d37eaff78f11,none,last year differ comet linear c1999 broke up year comet first imag lincoln near asteroid research linear telescop new mexico 2001 januari 3 also break up new comet linear c2001 unexpectedli brighten edg nakedey week ago nucleu broke two observ taken last week indic one two remain nuclear fragment fragmented first piec break visibl upper left falsecolor imag larg telescope addit fragment infer bright elong spot lower right comet nucleu new surfac expos previous trap ice ga releas evapor brighten energet sunlight comet linear may remain visibl littl optic aid earli june contrast least two much dimmer comet discov recent appear stable,anoth comet linear break,2001-05-21,639,102,0.1080086580086579,05-21,5,2001,21,3,2,4 99a662e3b944820ba10472caaa5355992bd7247b0b7c2ba05ad6ce8f5fe47466,none,galaxi fascin visible invisible grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232 captur detail one new larg telescopes good example visibl domin million bright star dark dust caught gravit swirl spiral arm rotat center open cluster contain bright blue star seen sprinkl along spiral arms dark lane dens interstellar dust seen sprinkl them less visible detectable billion dim normal star vast tract interstellar gas togeth wield high mass domin dynam inner galaxy invis even greater amount matter form yet know pervas dark matter need explain motion visibl outer galaxy what there,spiral galaxi ngc 1232,2001-05-22,560,88,0.1627609427609428,05-22,5,2001,22,7,1,3 8a2f86daab4570d5f9f131960b72780b5848ce51600187c0add69008957a27d9,none,orang soil appear moon mysteri began astronaut harrison schmidt notic offcolor patch near apollo 17 tauruslittrow land site 1972 schmidt fellow astronaut eugen cernan scoop unusu orang soil detail inspect back earth pictur return sampl shown greatli magnified discoveri locat shown inset orang soil contain particl less 01 millimet across smallest particl yet found moon lunar geologist think orang soil creat ancient detail chemic date analys indic explos volcan erupt billion year ago small drop molten rock cool rapidli nearli spheric color grains origin unusu element found soil however remain unknown,strang orang soil moon,2001-05-23,605,91,-0.0111111111111111,05-23,5,2001,23,2,0,2 fa11466294627bb46016458775fb0258ff499cd669a8139bbf9adb9bc6892bcd,none,deep optic imag left 47 tucana show ancient globular star cluster dens crowd individu star distinguish close pack core xray imag central region inset right chandra observatori reveal wealth xray star hidden there colorcod energy low energi red medium green high energi cosmic xray sourc blue whitish sourc bright across xray energi bands xray star doubl star binari star systems call one pair stellar companion normal star compact object white dwarf neutron star possibl black hole chandra xray vision detect presenc unexpectedli larg number exot star system within 47 tucanae also indic appar absenc larg central black hole find suggest compact binari star system 47 tucana may eject cluster coalesc form larg black hole core,xray star 47 tucana,2001-05-24,727,115,0.0377248677248677,05-24,5,2001,24,6,2,5 8cf8f4133c635aa1e568a27417958b6f04d792f8a52be6b32ea70e418567f148,none,forti year ago today may 25 us presid john kennedi announc goal land american moon end decade kennedy ambiti trigger nearli unpreced technolog mobil one result saturn v moon rocket develop direct rocket pioneer wernher von braun three stage saturn v stood 36 stori tall cluster five first stage engin fuel liquid oxygen kerosen togeth capabl produc 75 million pound thrust giant saturn v rocket ultim hurl nine apollo mission moon back six land lunar surface first landing apollo 11 occur juli 20 1969 achiev kennedy goal bath light saturn v await april 11 1970 launch third lunar land mission apollo 13,saturn giant,2001-05-25,603,102,0.125,05-25,5,2001,25,0,2,2 1e1a8f13820f455dab366cd65ef82812dc88b4a7d2e6a1d5ab3e57ae9a882b1e,gordon garraddloomberah nsw australia,arc toward southern sky late march faint comet linear one offici design c2001 a2 linear brighten unexpectedly outburst appar due fragment nucleus delight observ comet eventu increas nakedey brightness comet linear tail also grew mosaic imag may 18 astronom gordon garradd care follow fluoresc filament linear ga tail stretch 15 degre the width three full moons along antisunward direction inset closeup near top clearli show two bright condens cometari coma indic presenc split nucleus comet linear made closest approach sun may 24 still show southern skygaz 5th magnitude becom easili visibl northern observ late june,tail two,2001-05-31,620,95,0.0354166666666666,05-31,5,2001,31,3,2,1 740996f84e0ec597ccdd6071f2853d2cadfbe4fb1bbdded051728ac5c4e1b3fb,tunc tezel,septemb 2000 march 2001 astronom tunc tezel patient photograph planet venu 25 differ date wander even twilight pictur taken spot campu middl east technic univers near ankara turkey time photo sun 7 degre horizon care regist combin pictures produc composit imag stun demonstr venus grand loop sky motion recent stint planet earth even star first picture taken septemb 28 2000 find venu close western horizon drift south left pass days decemb however venu climb well horizon sunset januari 2001 reach maximum appar distanc sun march found venu fall even sky move rapidli north final appear far right faint dot sunset glow march 24 month venu rise dawn brilliant morn star,venus even loop,2001-06-01,670,110,0.1487012987012987,06-01,6,2001,1,1,2,1 7d7a7cfe8d77fd6bc51cb7a132030b87801d76bf9f588fc8b401c5d5c89b7cf1,none,summer 1054 ad chines astronom report star constel tauru suddenli becam bright full moon fade slowly remain visibl year understood spectacular supernova explos deton massiv star whose remain visibl crab nebula respons apparition core star collaps form rotat neutron star pulsar one exot object known modern astronomers like cosmic lighthouse rotat crab pulsar gener beam radio visible xray gammaray energi which name suggests produc puls sweep across view use stun seri visibl light imag taken hubbl space telescop hst 1995 astronom discov spectacular pulsar power motion within crab nebula highlight hst crab movie show wisp materi move away pulsar half speed light scintil halo intens knot emiss dancing spritelike pulsar pole 10 kilomet wide massiv sun pulsar energi drive dynam emiss nebula 10 lightyear across,pulsar power crab,2001-06-02,815,125,0.2683333333333333,06-02,6,2001,2,4,2,4 8640f0f06aa3c8ab50a4766ade3cdfeb1ca85ad3e3c7d47f466b4850384c0b75,none,last march telescop instrument earth space track tremend explos occur across universe nearli unpreced symphoni intern observ began abruptli 2000 march 1 earthorbit rxte sunorbit ulysses near detect burst highfrequ gamma radiation within 48 hour astronom use 25meter nordic optic telescop chime observ optic counterpart soon confirm 35meter calar alto telescop spain next day explos pick radio wave european 30meter dish spain vla telescop us japanes 8meter subaru telescop interrupt maiden engin test infrar observations major telescop across globe soon began play along grb came view detail unusu behavior hubbl space telescop captur imag first obtain accur distanc explosion place near redshift 2 way across visibl universe keck ii telescop hawaii quickli confirm refin redshift even today one sure type explos was unusu featur light curv still studied host galaxi appear near posit explosion,grb symphoni,2001-06-03,894,134,0.15125,06-03,6,2001,3,8,2,4 696dd44a1fa05e6ce93fa92ce5bc3e16aa59f2151204fa83d6ab3b742256d604,none,sun look like planets prototyp laboratori format low mass star like sun tauri system one brighter star system toward constel taurus young systems graviti caus ga cloud situat usual becom quit complex infal ga heat much collis immedi expel outgo wind complex geometri includ jet disk form infal outflow ga collid interact chang magnet field pictur falsecolor imag tauri system itself turn binary million years central like becom hot enough ignit nuclear fusion time much surround circumstellar materi either fallen driven stellar wind time new star,tauri star form system,2001-06-04,547,86,0.0238636363636363,06-04,6,2001,4,6,0,3 2ea799ef54488627dd32b7738b5d99aefc0aa0262da821995bd98be4f9f19f09,none,orbit sun mar earth asteroid 433 ero visit robot spacecraft nearshoemak 2000 february highresolut surfac measur made near laser rangefind nlr combin visual base deriv 3d model tumbl space rock near allow scientist discov ero singl solid body composit nearli uniform form earli year solar system mysteri remain however includ rock surfac disintegrated 2001 februari 12 near mission drew dramat close crash land onto asteroid surface surviv well enough return analysi composit surfac regolith unless nasa near like remain asteroid billion year monument human ingenu turn third millennium,asteroid ero reconstruct,2001-06-05,585,88,-0.04,06-05,6,2001,5,5,0,2 1c1d17411af8f53b9fe87f7ded64b7be0a4516b3f9a902c52c27322a2534b9d2,none,spectacular color pictur core bar spiral galaxi ngc 1512 bottom panel composit seven hubbl space telescop imag array along top top panel imag made filter camera sensit differ wavelength band electromagnet spectrum arrang increas wavelength far left two ultraviolet imag hubble faint object camera next two visibl light imag wide field planetari camera 2 follow right three infrar imag near infrar camera multiobject spectrograph make pleas composit color image blue tone assign invis ultraviolet greenish color use visibl bands yellowr invis infrar band images imag show center ngc 1512 appear dramat alter view differ wavelength bands particular ultraviolet imag highlight cluster young hot star ring 2400 lightyear wide surround core caus cosmic starburst ring,ngc 1512 view,2001-06-06,762,114,0.1295518207282913,06-06,6,2001,6,6,2,4 acd644aff4e1601a128718d66ecee4cd5cd4d5b3e58f38aa91bac0f856f28a4e,none,astronom report chandra xray observatori observ galaxi known form star show galaxi also contain lumin xray sourc thought intermedi mass black hole immens cloud superh gas take love island univers ngc 253 example distanc mere 8 million lightyears ngc 253 prodigi starform activ well studi use highresolut optic imag like one seen lower left zoom energet galaxy central region chandra xray detector reveal hidden detail indic inset right falsecolor image xray hot ga cloud glow near core least four power xray sourc lie within 3000 lightyear center galaxy much lumin black hole binari star system galaxy extrem xray sourc may gravit toward ngc 253 center result ngc 253 similar starform galaxi could ultim develop single central supermass black hole transform core quasars,ngc 253 xray zoom,2001-06-07,771,122,-0.0223544973544973,06-07,6,2001,7,7,2,4 15a65b033bd44a128b073d29914dca276a335f199f62615350c9c5bc463b9f35,robert gendler,intrigu trio galaxi sometim call ngc 5985draco group quit reasonably locat northern constel draco left right faceon spiral ngc 5985 ellipt galaxi ngc 5982 edgeon spiral ngc 5981 within singl telescop field view span littl half width full moon group far small galaxi cluster catalog compact group galaxi lie roughli 100 million lightyear planet earth close examin spectrographs bright core strike faceon spiral ngc 5985 show promin emiss specif wavelength light prompt astronom classifi seyfert type activ galaxy well known tight group galaxies contrast visual appear make triplet attract subject avid astrophotographers,three galaxi draco,2001-06-08,620,92,0.1172161172161172,06-08,6,2001,8,7,2,3 4efeeda4c79371e25f691fa9da738ca89f566dd638d0619b21f0add8c23dce73,n a sharp,beneath south pole milki way galaxi lie ball 100000 stars m2 second object charl messier eighteenth centuri list bright diffus sky objects known globular cluster orbit center galaxi like nearli 200 globular cluster left earli day universe m2 pictur above span 150 lightyears lie 50000 lightyear away seen binocular toward constel aquarius determin distanc age globular cluster like m2 constrain scale age entir universe,globular cluster,2001-06-11,419,64,0.12,06-11,6,2001,11,6,1,3 991731d8d8df6e37f958b11e3ba8c107d48bfbabfdfc917af5cb362d7a00299d,s lee d f malin aao,chance collis two galaxi creat surprisingli recogniz shape cosmic scale cartwheel galaxi part group galaxi 500 million light year away constel sculptor two smaller galaxi group visibl left photograph cartwheel rim immens ringlik structur 100000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact galaxies gravit fields however may greatli distort collision fact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus small intrud galaxi pass larg one compress interstellar ga dust caus wave star format wave move impact point like rippl across surfac pond case larg galaxi may origin spiral unlik milki way galaxy transform collision recent astronom detect work indic becom intruder,cartwheel galaxi,2001-06-12,735,110,0.19375,06-12,6,2001,12,7,2,4 5bed6905373e247befa9b83922121ca97ea673a7c069882e6f745f62615348ea,none,today galaxy m94 ngc lie 15 million lightyear away constel cane venatici red light imag left bright nucleu tightli wound spiral arm seem slowli fade faint outer disk view wavelength shorter blue light ultraviolet uv light appear dramat changes red light imag highlight older cooler star m94 uv pictur right shuttleborn ultraviolet imag telescope domin cluster massive hot star mere 10 million year young uv bright young star cluster mostli arrang stun ring nearli 7000 lightyear wide around galact nucleus control star form explor wavelength beyond blue astronom evid star form activ galaxi like m94 orchestr symmetr structur galaxi instead titan galaxygalaxi collis suspect yesterday case cartwheel galaxy,m94 beyond blue,2001-06-13,708,108,0.1401190476190476,06-13,6,2001,13,7,2,3 8b7493a6892b17c4055b70b3faeaae492c29dbf474afd4d58f70398223edb764,none,compact cluster star known galaxy arch cluster boast 100 massive young star contain within diamet one lightyear seen toward constel sagittarius arch cluster 25000 lightyear planet earth lie within 100 lightyear supermass black hole believ lurk milki way galaxy center combin imag radio infrared xray light illustr star cluster bizarr galact neighborhood shown red radio emiss trace filamentari arch structur near galact center around arch cluster location within zoom inset box infrar imag data show cluster individu star bright pointlik sources diffus emiss blue surround cluster star falsecolor xray imag envelop cloud 60 million degre ga first time energet star cluster halo detected astronom consid tightli pack rel nearbi arch cluster analog furiou star form region galaxi million lightyear away,around arch cluster,2001-06-14,801,120,0.1075757575757576,06-14,6,2001,14,6,2,5 ea248585f9de2a0b2a90ff3513bae78d2e6492c812424f46fe79387b564c7036,none,welcom seventh year astronomi pictur day apod editor robert nemiroff jerri bonnel extrem grate continu larg volum graciou email apod submiss and also critic today would like offer sincer thank all certainli proud day last six year apod consist coupl expand univers hypertext inspir imag cosmos fact tomorrow pictur might actual ,apod six year old today,2001-06-16,328,51,0.2666666666666666,06-16,6,2001,16,8,1,0 f5ff3c8a96297182f2bb2ad02db82850bcd317993df53a4b5f43c4c9f4c8e7be,michael bessel rsaa anu mso,great varieti star color open cluster underli name jewel box one bright central star red supergiant contrast mani blue star surround it cluster also known kappa cruci contain 100 stars 10 million year old open cluster younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular clusters jewel box lie 7500 lightyear away light see today emit cluster even great pyramid egypt built jewel box pictur above span 20 lightyears seen binocular toward southern constel,ngc 4755 jewel box star,2001-06-18,471,75,0.2033333333333333,06-18,6,2001,18,6,1,3 83504ea37a69cebeb7d4dfdbd0c405edb7d83254973943cf06a1c02387739c8e,michael,total eclips sun special geocentr celesti event moon pass exactli front solar disk fleet minut totality fortun earthdwel locat within path moon dark shadow wit wondrou shimmer solar corona share sky star bright planets next total solar eclips occur tomorrow june 21 sinc sun still near maximum 11 year activ cycle care also like see spectacl bright solar promin loft activ region around sun edge fact telescop view could similar stunningli detail imag pictur solar eclips august 1999 taken begin total hungary upcom 2001 june 21 event visibl partial eclips south america much africa total along 125 mile wide path track across land southern africa madagascar course cant travel africa tomorrow and alreadi web site plan offer live view moon,total eclips activ sun,2001-06-20,741,120,0.1152191558441558,06-20,6,2001,20,1,2,1 8b6977e755e5d70cc6d31f599c8bb129538072b30025ab48f0534035adf74c47,fred espenak courtesi ofwwwmreclipsecom,today earthbound skygaz celebr solstice new moon closest approach planet mar sinc 1988 oh yes total eclips sun first total solar eclips third millennium cours some today spectacular celesti view eclips sun along path total new moon shadow track across southern africa madagascar pictur august 1999 total solar eclips captur shimmer solar corona eclipse total phase ended seen eastern turkey first ray bright sunlight shin edgeon lunar mountain valley creat fleet appear glisten diamond set ring around moon silhouette want see today solar eclipse eclips offer live webcasts,diamond ring sun,2001-06-21,574,88,0.1577922077922078,06-21,6,2001,21,1,1,1 483e7644148d790bdd0d1196885f9cbccfa00b472f1a1bf4225d08878852bf8a,olivi staiger,yesterday brief minutes total eclips sun brought dark southern africa daytim skies first total solar eclips third millennium webcast site along eclips path enjoy clear weather report fantast views enthusiast astrophotograph olivi staiger record pictur eclipse total phase zambia larg imag show sun tantal inner corona telltal pinkish promin around solar limb inset lower right reveal spiki outer corona inset also captur anoth celesti beacon share heavens bright planet jupit shine lower left next total solar eclips 2002 decemb 4 southern african skies,eclips african sky,2001-06-22,554,83,0.0880952380952381,06-22,6,2001,22,1,0,1 39a167ec908aa852090e872a24b5c79c18887427b09f1827c25b0b1155561a4b,none,shockwav 20000 yearold supernova explos constel cygnu still expand interstellar space collis fast move wall ga stationari cloud heat caus glow visibl well high energi radiation produc nebula known cygnu loop ngc 696095 nebula locat mere 1400 lightyear away color use indic emiss differ kind atom excit shock oxygenblue sulfurred hydrogengreen pictur taken wide field planetari camera 2 board hubbl space telescope,cygnu loop,2001-06-23,413,62,0.072,06-23,6,2001,23,4,0,5 9afd4c082bbabc330825e920a1524ecd3e75e87c6b0b213e452ab24b4edaa42b,none,dim star bright one near center ngc 3132 creat odd beauti planetari nebula nicknam eightburst nebula southern ring nebula glow ga origin outer layer star like sun repres color picture hot blue pool light seen surround binari system energ hot surfac faint star although photograph explor unusu symmetries asymmetri help make planetari nebula intriguing neither unusu shape surround cooler shell structur placement cool filamentari dust lane run across ngc 3132 well understood,ngc 3132 eight burst nebula,2001-06-24,475,72,0.1294871794871795,06-24,6,2001,24,4,1,5 5be02bdc7e2798ff6972770e575ba6203f2114ec8314ee48f53b642f7cded6ca,gordon garraddloomberah nsw australia,brighter ever expected comet linear know one design c2001 a2 sight see southern skies comet linear first brighten impress late march activ nucleu began fragment prompt specul comet might soon break completely still hang togeth closest approach sun c2001 a2 suddenli brighten report last week reach nearli 3rd magnitude easili visibl unaid eye delight telescop pictur brighter coma comet linear record australia june 20 star seen tenuou coma filamentari tail appear seri short trail threecolor composit imag regist comet north scene cover half width full moon move constel cetus comet linear north celesti equat juli 4 come view eager northern,brighter comet linear,2001-06-25,644,100,-0.0055555555555555,06-25,6,2001,25,3,2,1 f4d29afbdee8c962a660d82b6e8f8067ac3018e8f30dcf13c817f8eeaa4c8e04,none,pole pole east west mars pictur digit reconstruct 200 million laser altimet measur taken mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars imag strip mar cloud dust render whole surfac visibl simultan true daytim color particularli notabl volcano tharsi province visibl left taller mountain earth left center vall marineris canyon much longer deeper earth grand canyon right south center hella planitia basin 2000 kilomet wide like creat collis asteroid mar mani smooth lowland north mani rough highland south mar pass closest approach earth sinc 1988 seen shine brightli even sky,mar,2001-06-26,580,89,0.1096938775510204,06-26,6,2001,26,5,2,2 068ff9c39666cbe8dceea3e8fac1aa2ea64994fd4eb19f451bb4b0f66e6e6037,barney magrath,aloha welcom breathtak skyscape celesti scene four day old moon illumin dreamlik foreground bright planet mar abov center rule milki way cosmic cloud star dust seem stretch horizon horizon pictur taken may 27th may best amateur astronomi observ site planet earth near mauna kea visitor center feet sea level remark volcan foreground moonlit cloud star marker star altar built rock top white piec coral gentli glow moonlight near closest approach 13 years mar still linger milki way constel sagittariu scorpius high horizon midnight red planet except well place earthdwel admir it astrophotograph comment splendid sky view repres one photographi itself make time exposur realiz ahu would becom beauti element celesti composition,mars milki way,2001-06-27,729,111,0.2341025641025641,06-27,6,2001,27,6,2,4 562e00896d595a8ddb2cd0c189a919e47aa5695920300c39e464221ecacaf613,none,mar up downs visibl interact topograph map surfac mar giant volcanoes deep valleys impact craters terrain consid unusu even mysterious particularli notabl volcano tharsi province visibl left falsecolor red white taller mountain earth left center vall marineris canyon much longer deeper earth grand canyon right blue hella planitia basin 2000 kilomet wide like creat collis asteroid mar mani smooth lowland north mani rough highland south map creat mar orbit laser altimet mola board robot mar global surveyor current orbit mars mola measur height mar precis determin time take low power laser beam bounc surface zoom click anywher map,mar,2001-06-28,635,98,0.0603174603174603,06-28,6,2001,28,5,2,4 27ecf49b8c2acebadf32e466a03f9d3f8345544ff9e82813301b9dd1d8aa5026,none,caus unusu coneshap featur mars span averag 100 meter base small cone appear near massiv martian volcano olympu mons near cone also dri channel erod given clues scientist specul cone form lava heat ice lie martian surface lava heat ice would vapor expand punch hole cool lava flow interestingly nearbi volcano may erupt recent 10 million year ago indic equatori ice exist recent past therefor may also exist today,ice volcano mars,2001-06-29,413,69,-0.0277777777777777,06-29,6,2001,29,8,0,2 e9e7f33addbf88280a00f8f3ec0461f4519caab03d6ec97a61e9d50ae5164764,none,might resembl fri egg breakfast actual much larger fact ring bluetint star form region faintli visibl spiral arms yolkyellow center faceon spiral galaxy ngc 7742 3000 lightyear across 72 million lightyear away constel pegasus ngc 7742 known seyfert galaxi type activ spiral galaxi center nucleu bright visibl wavelengths across spectrum tremend bright seyfert chang period day month galaxi like ngc 7742 suspect harbor massiv black hole cores beauti color pictur courtesi hubbl space telescop heritag project,spiral galaxi ngc 7742,2001-07-01,509,76,0.1476190476190476,07-01,7,2001,1,7,1,3 e80a2e7ea466edda9ba276a8c1c5f8b4a73f81add337e1c51255c301a0727867,none,caus unusu flash behind globular cluster teem ball star brightest globular cluster visibl earth northern hemisphere m22 shown full inset span 50 lightyear lie 8500 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius center recent imag repeatedli high resolut hubbl space telescope behind m22 mani star near center galaxy unexpectedly sever star near galact center well behind m22 appear nearli doubl bright return normal within 20 hours one hypothesi pose explain quick bright chang gravit len effect larg planet roam freeli cluster one problem planetari popul previous futur observ plan better understand mysteri flashes,unusu toward globular cluster m22,2001-07-03,613,91,0.0848148148148148,07-03,7,2001,3,6,2,3 19700e0458f37b0d10765d04210a81a35edd8bcece264a2aeb96d4c5288e5b74,matt bendaniel,ever seen rainbow lit sun moonbow lit moon sinc sun much brighter moon sunlit rainbow much brighter commonli seen pictur moonbow stretch salt pond bay st islands visibl left bring exposur 30 second needed make pictur appear taken day sinc moonlight reflect sunlight color nearli same rainbow moonbow creat light scatter insid small water droplets typic nearbi raindrop act miniatur togeth creat picturesqu spectrum color seen,moonbow,2001-07-04,425,66,0.0785714285714285,07-04,7,2001,4,1,0,1 b007f2092b8775405e2875a3603d3bf84667d34024e57ecaa8ce18df1066c304,wil milan,comet c2001 a2 linear cross celesti equat head north outward bound primordi piec solar system still visibl unaid eye sight northern hemispher skygaz move constel pisces pictur comet combin 33 individu one minut exposur made june 30 small telescop digit camera situat central arizona usa composit imag bring faint detail comet tail report extend sever degrees beyond camera roughli 2 degre field view close combin exposur regist comet background star appear trailed produc end star trail two exposur near end sequenc left out result final dot nice reveal pattern background star field,c2001 comet,2001-07-05,583,92,-0.00625,07-05,7,2001,5,3,0,4 5f728b5b74965fd70394ab72bfcd0b40db7ddb0016ee1de10c439f3dd84cabef,murray alexand,start upper left sequenc imag follow progress magnific 21 june 2001 solar eclips clear sky zimbabwe pictur record use small reflect telescop digit camera approxim local time given frame simpl pair mount filter front telescop mirror remov totality earli late phase eclips activ sun sunspot group seen linger solar surface eclips totality pinkish promin visibl solar limb along detail normal hidden solar corona seen location total eclips phase last 3 12 minut moon shadow across northern zimbabw nearli 5000 kilomet per hour,eclips sequenc,2001-07-06,523,82,-0.0466666666666666,07-06,7,2001,6,1,0,1 59b75d782d2b5e14652867bb45e30f7c54f170ab09c3b774b5cd70e7e11136e1,none,earth air recent releas imag terra satellit show area high pollution also pollut air image locat higher air pollut shown red track carbon monoxid co height 5 kilometers clearly earth northern hemispher show much co south new data indicate however pollut move global scale half co emiss human origin much creat larg fires,air pollut earth,2001-07-09,320,53,0.0799724517906336,07-09,7,2001,9,8,0,1 c06d4c2051ac9ba3190c18798e8d4bc051dbd97a8be83a0af7985b2cc5e403ec,none,sudburi neutrino observatori detect neutrino sun standard model fundament particl univers may pictur sno built operating larg sphere beneath canada detect nearli invis particl call neutrino emit center sun sno appear measur rate expect type neutrino combin decid deficit electron neutrino result interpret bolster previou evid differ type neutrino chang other popular model fundament particles known standard model predict neutrinos implic includ neutrino mass therefor compris dark matter universe although probabl cosmolog signific amount,sudburi indic particl,2001-07-10,540,74,0.0375,07-10,7,2001,10,1,0,4 1a7bcb008acdf82c5b8f230ac5fccb7d6910f65c73f1228bf2a662476b867d34,cee,tomorrow picture found milki way archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,total eclips africa,2001-07-11,235,36,0.2857142857142857,07-11,7,2001,11,8,1,0 dc40337baae84d0c0547d420befb942d7c118ccd18afc8f4526a6201b08e1edc,none,mere 168000 lightyear distant large love cluster stars ngc 1850 locat near outskirt central bar structur neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud first glanc hubbl space telescop composit imag suggest cluster size shape reminisc ancient globular star cluster roam milki way galaxy halo ngc 1850 star young make type star cluster known counterpart milki way ngc 1850 also doubl star cluster second compact cluster star visibl right larg cluster central region star larg cluster estim 50 million year young star compact cluster younger still age 4 million years fact smaller cluster contain ttauri stars thought low mass solartyp star still process formation glow nebula left like supernova remnant galaxy violent stellar explosions indic shortliv massiv star also present ngc 1850,ngc 1850 found milki way,2001-07-12,775,119,0.0210526315789473,07-12,7,2001,12,6,2,3 1d0c602a85f8c5f19fda3c8de0d7c6a7df89a2f21c3d4b80cf05b6398c30d257,carl,detail propos far hotel resort destin moon prepar dutch architect harsh lunar environ pose seriou design challeng moon low gravity absenc wind boon allow much slender build would possibl earth illustr here structure two 160 meter high needlelik tower soar rim deep canyon planet earth hang lunar sky shield interior design 50 centimet thick wall two outer layer moon rock 35 centimet layer water held glass water absorb energet cosmic ray along rock help keep temperatur constant window frame hole rock layers construct materi intend manufactur moon itself moon hotel design welcom intern lunar explor society hope construct robot moon base 2015 ultim support lunar villag,welcom moon,2001-07-13,673,106,-0.0933333333333333,07-13,7,2001,13,2,2,2 028643990f5e6bc8fa08fb6e60823ca52a3e86262376965e06e2d7eefbe1ab67,geoff chester,rang throughout solar system pictur someth common taken 8 inch diamet telescope size popular amateur astronomi slightli modifi type wide use send imag internet result clearli remark inexpens readili avail equipment sharp imag produc 20 30 frame digit stack process use free software recently digit imag amateur astronom requir special camera advent lowlight video camera web present rel bright solar system objects want tri unconvent web cam geoff public offic us naval observatory offer imag account adventur suburban front lawn near washington dc,solar system web cam,2001-07-14,548,83,0.0808673469387755,07-14,7,2001,14,8,0,4 5b073dbf781061abb6c08c2aebfe787b1e6f56516b5206a8f7644e56f031574c,none,world outsid solar system ocean water like earth indic world might exist bolster recent new evid nearbi star system cw leoni harbor water recent observ submillimet wave astronomi satellit found signific detect light specif color emit water hypothesi quickli aros activ central star vapor water cloud comet surround star cloud may similar kuiper belt comet surround sun draw depict cw leoni system hypothes cloud waterbear comet situat ring closest comet depict show tail rich water vapor point away star far central star however comet show signific tail spars spaced central star also known age giant star locat 500 lightyear away toward constel leo,water found around nearbi star cw leoni,2001-07-16,650,103,0.0919421487603305,07-16,7,2001,16,3,2,5 fb274a7c0780a46a6f5d9377e70cfe903867461a6132f7fcb41a97c83bd26c95,univers,stars like people alway go gentl good night carina nebula also known keyhol nebula ngc 3372 result die star eta carinae violent cast dust ga final centuries eta carinae one lumin star known visibl bright star near center nebula pictur taken three distinct color light blue light emit hot oxygen green light emit warm hydrogen red light emit cool sulfur eta carina fade one brightest star sky 1800s still visibl binocular southern sky toward constel carina,carina nebula three color,2001-07-17,455,76,0.1944444444444444,07-17,7,2001,17,4,1,5 d0c2ee5e726bab278048b81e7e8d4e0d3aa8f161717e69b5c7000cf7b1de3823,none,last month mar earth right next orbits formal call opposition event highlight bright mar skywatch good photo opportun hubbl space telescope above hubbl snap highest resolut pictur mar ever obtain earth visibl mar ice cap pole white region cover sand gravel dark brown orange larg dust storm light orange particularli larg dust storm seen lower right pour hella basin storm sinc erupt huge planet wide storm continu even today pictur like allow planetari astronom continu compar weather pattern mar earth mar next reach opposit 2003 ellipt orbit caus even 20 percent closer,mar earth,2001-07-18,572,92,0.1939560439560439,07-18,7,2001,18,5,1,1 08dcbe784503ae20c48ef299df2eebf94660a1425e69ed57839b698656b01990,none,vela pulsar born 10000 year ago center supernova explod star chandra observatori xray image pulsar still produc glow nebula heart expand cloud stellar debris pulsar neutron star form stellar core compact nuclear densities strong magnet field approxim mass sun diamet 20 kilometers vela pulsar rotat 11 time second sharp chandra imag aid astronom understand extrem system effici highvoltag gener drive structur wind electr charg particles xray bright nebula creat pulsar wind slam surround material view span 6 lightyear across central region much larger vela supernova remnant,pulsar wind vela nebula,2001-07-19,577,86,0.1564814814814814,07-19,7,2001,19,4,1,5 512c93fb51bd0d27b4d7c0ead9ff0727b7cb51b05e67d3d07ecca0ec38f61439,robert gendler,like pictur galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus bright sweptback ridg compos suggest form outlin pocket interstellar dust gas embed dark cometshap cloud contain raw materi star formation 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover much larger region sky shown here appar width 10 full moons closeup telescop view delight color mosaic two digit imag intend follow curiou cosmic trunk,elephant trunk ic 1396,2001-07-20,470,74,-0.0142307692307692,07-20,7,2001,20,4,0,5 5c1d40a62ef2b0bce34e3282b6da559c5a143436427ac9814ee04cb0b9b56a25,none,juli 20 1976 nasa vike 1 lander becam first us spacecraft land mars follow week later twin robot explorer vike 2 lander oper martian surfac earli 1980s vike took thousand pictures conduct sophist chemic search life studi martian weather geology dramat detail imag above field rock boulder view vike 1 land site chryse planitia the plain chryse vike 1 dusti foot pad visibl lower right imag creat combin high resolut black white imag lower resolut color imag area nasa continu well chronicl martian explor program mar odyssey spacecraft schedul arriv mysteri red planet octob 24th what mar like today,25 year ago vike mar,2001-07-21,599,99,0.0349735449735449,07-21,7,2001,21,5,2,2 9bb8769deaa4dcf16af361c99d3950ba8c48e37af200ffdf6eef7e65b7d15ba5,aao,orion nebula visibl unaid eye fuzzi patch near famou belt three star orion pictur captur part orion nebula primarili reflect light bright orion stars reflect nebula appear blue blue light neighbor star scatter effici nebula ga red light dark lane compos mostli interstellar dust fine needleshap carbon grains,ngc 1977 blue reflect nebula orion,2001-07-22,309,48,0.2266666666666666,07-22,7,2001,22,4,1,5 e4ac442d1d6e4c80425bdfe2a21046bb41bcbf8f81578d8f9e0026b49f8a89a4,none,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description pictur above space shuttl atlanti lift visit intern space station earli morn hour juli 12 stand start two million kilogram rocket ship left circl earth outsid air thin breath littl notic onboard gravity rocket bound space launch somewher earth week,atlanti orbit,2001-07-23,428,69,-0.0258333333333333,07-23,7,2001,23,8,0,2 37119b5a0f135eb8c2b593eebff0b8a9cbb1a1971b9232076a48ff1e5980adc1,none,oh tangl web planetari nebula weave red spider planetari nebula show complex structur result normal star eject outer gase becom white dwarf star offici tag ngc 6537 twolob symmetr planetari nebula hous one hottest white dwarf ever observed probabl part binari star system intern wind eman central stars visibl center measur excess 1000 kilomet per second wind expand nebula flow along nebula walls caus wave hot ga dust collide atom caught collid shock radiat light shown representativecolor picture red spider nebula lie toward constel sagittarius distanc well known estim 4000 lightyears,red spider planetari nebula,2001-07-24,589,91,0.0363636363636363,07-24,7,2001,24,4,2,5 49f5efef7cb511b23652888b14f9a65bfca92633c94caf7ec73e5eb9010f48cb,none,milki way galaxi surround halo hot gas step toward solv longstand mysteri taken recent chandra xray observ nearbi galaxi ngc 4631 composit picture newli resolv diffus xray emiss shown blue superpos hst imag show massiv star red sinc ngc 4631 similar milki way observ indic galaxi inde surround halo hot xray emit gas although close clearli nearbi extend xray sources cluster massiv star probabl heat halo gas exactli ga get eject halo topic continu research,hot ga halo detect around galaxi ngc,2001-07-25,457,75,0.0833333333333333,07-25,7,2001,25,6,0,4 c0fd87a3e2f05df0d541f5e53f0442f1b3f37df9c1222b64296e7d3a278188d7,vic jen winter inc,moon shadow reach touch earth southern hemispher 2001 june 21 first total solar eclips 21st centuri began start atlantic dark central lunar shadow umbra trace path cross southern africa larg island end sunset indian ocean course lunar disk block sun total phase offer splendid view elus outer solar corona but seen stun telescop view southern also reveal activ solar limb bristl pinkish planets prominences taken total began imag last bright ray sunlight shine dip valley irregular lunar terrain give illus glitter jewel set pink celesti ring,total,2001-07-26,542,86,0.1022222222222222,07-26,7,2001,26,2,0,1 78910f55e1713eb1a67fdcb41dc2362e9626a9771d6369e96507da5c5f6e57d7,none,unhappi weather earth check mars planetwid dust storm above observ orbit mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft illustr storm progress juli 21 seri frame show measur mg thermal emiss spectromet determin temperatur amount atmospher dust dust data plot map martian surfac blue repres rel clear atmospher red color indic increas concentr dust mid june scientist first notic begin storm mars southern hemispher watch grow obscur planet unfortun time storm hidden red planet surfac view period close approach planet earth,martian dust storm,2001-07-27,512,78,0.0183333333333333,07-27,7,2001,27,5,0,2 657cddad4d39b6d33502324e91549fb4561f3e77f79beda24c420988e0077999,norman appleton,station central africa decemb 1944 norman wit meteor bright rememb entir life right eye tremend firebal streak across daytim sky year later accomplish member record painting sever day ago juli 23 pm edt daytim firebal visibl northeast unit state report mani person pictur event yet although quit possibl video secur camera somewher caught serendipitously bolid like caus sofas rocki meteor disintegr fell earth event occur area almost everi day,daytim firebal,2001-07-28,444,69,0.2464285714285714,07-28,7,2001,28,8,1,1 de80606600c8a023ab5a34627e1241a652a91395840e260401002e9e268c3b27,none,center starform region 30 doradu lie huge cluster largest hottest massiv star known known r136 cluster energet star break cocoon ga dust formed disintegr cocoon fill rest recent releas pictur hubbl space telescope predominantli ioniz hydrogen 30 doradus r136 compos thousand hot blue stars 50 time massiv sun r136 also known ngc 2070 lie lmc satellit galaxi milki way galaxy although young age star r136 make similar milki way open cluster high densiti star like turn low mass globular cluster billion years,star cluster r136 burst,2001-07-30,508,82,0.081,07-30,7,2001,30,6,0,3 40ce96bc36d2e7389a4972fa87c273abfe2df1904d43e2e5429b25f7aa542375,none,tomorrow picture flow mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,ocean jupit callisto,2001-07-31,227,35,0.2857142857142857,07-31,7,2001,31,5,1,0 1789db321eea5176b7caaecbf4aea740cd7d82a90935ca68cc30c93873a592da,none,caus ridges gulli otherwis smooth martian terrain one hypothesi water lack crater midlatitud locat indic terrain quit young geolog standards perhap 100000 year old terrain sinc satur water ice ice would soon evapor thin martian air left over however might fragil sand broken wind pit ridges consequ hypothesi includ even martian equat undergo epoch rel wet dry futur spacefar might abl find water rel mild climat near martian equator pictur terrain also show evid downhil flow,young martian terrain,2001-08-01,476,76,0.0066666666666666,08-01,8,2001,1,8,0,2 bbca1b7a042d97d2eda181c1a3477342b131f67df6acaae5bd090a852237b1a1,none,dramatic color imag captur lowlight level camera 2001 june 7 show appear nation cheng univers campu city taiwan burn tree actual fleet red sprite 300 kilomet away red sprite recent discov still poorli understood optic flash seen danc altitud 30 90 kilomet thunderstorms cousin lightn red sprite occur near edg atmospher glimps astronaut orbit ever cause red sprite flash usual last hundredth second characterist take shape research describ columns trees,tree sprite,2001-08-02,454,70,-0.053030303030303,08-02,8,2001,2,8,0,1 dc2923d92f612ef1153df2f56c511eb6bd62b04d9e73414a9f50b1adef109804,none,spiral galaxi eso 51013 get bent shape disk mani spiral thin flat solid spiral disk loos conglomer billion star diffus ga gravit orbit galaxi center flat disk thought creat sticki collis larg ga cloud earli galaxy formation warp disk uncommon though even milki way galaxi thought small warp caus spiral warp still investigated warp thought result interact even collis galaxies eso 51013 pictur above 150 million light year away 100000 light year across,warp spiral galaxi eso 51013,2001-08-03,452,73,0.08,08-03,8,2001,3,7,0,3 577e70bc11dbbc964c844a589f60cc6569fb0990204d2d6d7e2c979d42e2f5f8,aura,brightest galaxi visibl milki way galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc visibl predominantli earth southern hemisphere lmc second closest galaxy neighbor small magellan cloud one eleven known dwarf galaxi orbit milki way galaxy lmc irregular galaxi compos bar older red stars cloud younger blue stars bright red star form region visibl near top imag call tarantula nebula brightest supernova modern times sn1987a occur lmc,galaxy larg magellan cloud,2001-08-04,415,63,0.1180555555555555,08-04,8,2001,4,7,1,3 5d891d769487c21b4a4833b84e38098d93bf988cb3999d7ac66a0b2f1c58809b,none,hubbl space telescop hst largest orbit public optic telescop history 24 meter diamet reflect mirror perch earth atmospher allow creat except sharp images origin launch 1990 hst optic repair intend accuraci 1993 first sever regular servic missions astronom use hst continu make numer monument scientif discoveries includ new estim age composit universe previous unknown galaxies evid massiv black hole center galaxies protoplanetari star system star form regions better understand physic process universe larger next gener space telescop may launch earli 2007,orbit hubbl space,2001-08-06,558,81,0.0190025252525252,08-06,8,2001,6,8,0,2 4c827d52e81cc2a200e160412528a9980c4bde456409d43d87bb61e33221a35a,rick scott orman,like fall stardust cast bit comet swifttuttl upper atmospher time year planet earth pass near comet orbit path northern hemisphere regular celesti display known annual perseid meteor shower name meteor trail appear traceabl common point constel perseus gorgeou wideangl photo 1997 shower captur firebal meteor another fainter perseid meteor trail rich area northern summer milki way label version avail identifi shower radiant point surround deepski objects constellations easi view just go outsid look perseid meteor shower peak weekend maximum rate anticip earli sunday morning august 12 eastern north america despit interf moonlight last year faith perseid watcher reward bright meteor extens display northern lights,perseid summer,2001-08-10,720,104,0.125,08-10,8,2001,10,3,2,1 f52360cb0c80f00ecc1623e6efcd876ae558694b14e8b71c976efc4016aa1120,none,dust pervad solar system dust pervad solar system dust come comet asteroids wherea hous dust like lint dead cells pictur piec interplanetari dust caught highfli aircraft like origin earli day solar system store later eject pass comet particl compos carbon conglomer silic miner grains measur 10 micron across tenth width typic human hair nasa stardust mission launch 1999 schedul pass tail comet wild 2 2004 return mani interstellar dust sampl earth 2006,interplanetari dust,2001-08-13,454,72,-0.025,08-13,8,2001,13,3,0,2 66dc4ba4b8d554d1e8217e94f7880aaac8687fa77ff4172769611d71f7ff2d20,none,februari 2000 orbit chandra xray observatori spent 27 hour stare plane milki way galaxy target spot small constel scutum within milki way zone avoid galact ga dust cloud block visibl light make poor window optic telescopes howev penetr xray observ look reveal milki way univers beyond xray view reconstruct fals color distant activ galaxi emit high energi xray appear blue dots reddish dot sourc lower energi xrays like star within milki way itself intrigu diffus blue glow high energi xrays distinct individu sourc picture astronom long debat whether galact plane appar extend xray emiss due discret sourc diffus hot gas result suggest diffus interstellar ga temperatur ten million degre celsiu inde answer question arise heat ga incred energet ga linger galact plane,xray galact plane,2001-08-14,768,122,0.0175,08-14,8,2001,14,6,2,4 484cea3977c45de91c1b8c1cb7422003c0f6730e1fe77bf6dac7f7197b66dcdf,none,get redblu glass treat dramat 3d view sand dune mars field undul dune found patera volcan depress central syrti major promin dark featur red planet two differ imag orbit mar global surveyor spacecraft combin make stereo picture one taken march 1999 record april 2001 sculpt wind like sand dune earth particular martian dune show chang shape time separ two images period equival one martian year crop version 3d pictur span area around 2 kilomet across might cover distanc 20 minutes,mars 3d dune,2001-08-15,482,80,0.0017857142857142,08-15,8,2001,15,5,0,2 e847071e089f2e901a5b3bf18283aac93f1d4420c6cb487f60ba8c07154fdb0c,none,watch waiting astronom uncov presenc 70 planet orbit star sun far almost extrasolar planet elong orbits lie uncomfort close parent stars found bizarre inhospit systems yet report new planet discoveri indic first time nearbi sunlik star 47 ursa majori 47 uma least two planet nearli circular orbit reminisc jupit saturn familiar solar system planet distant faint photograph directly still 13 year spectroscop observ 47 uma reveal wobbl signatur second planet intertwin one previous known artist illustration world 47 uma hang rug volcan landscap hypothet moon moon orbit newli discov planet imagin rings previous known planet visibl tini crescent close yellowish star closer still 47 uma anoth tini dot hypothet earthlik water world 51 lightyear distant 47 uma found planet earth sky near big dipper,47 ursa majori system,2001-08-17,798,124,0.0085353535353535,08-17,8,2001,17,8,2,4 8155b38cf10c620f13fdd72db34e6fa2090369ecd0da3f09bcfa725a7ed98af3,none,neptun spots solar system outermost ga giant show nearli uniform blue hue creat small amount methan drift thick atmospher nearli colorless hydrogen helium dark spot appear however larg highpressur system swirl neptune cold cloud tops two dark spot visibl pictur taken robot voyag 2 spacecraft earthsiz great dark spot locat far left dark spot 2 locat near bottom bright cloud dub accompani great dark spot recent comput simul indic methan cloud might commonli found near dark spots subsequ imag neptun hubbl space telescop 1994 indic dark spot anoth created,dark spot neptun,2001-08-21,557,89,0.02,08-21,8,2001,21,8,0,4 47bbbf88340c156f3fef4077995ca7b4d94409d247f16d46d33f90a40b24d4c8,none,stun color deep sky view toward constel made data fast sensitive digit detector known big throughput camera oper cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile hardli notic origin pictur small cluster 15 galaxi nearli 3 billion lightyear distant circl lower right fact distant cluster discov notic appear imag all instead map subtl distort creat gravity predict einstein gener rel theory cluster gravit mass act like lens bend light distort shape background galaxies effect known gravit lensing comput map weak distort background galaxi shape across big throughput imag reveal larg scale distribut mass part sky concentr small region region turn correspond galaxi cluster first time object discov basi mass properti rather light,distant cluster,2001-08-23,727,109,0.0400510204081632,08-23,8,2001,23,7,2,4 5bc162a2bb89da0e59ecf87dea921022f3b811f2c637367aa4951885e73b1870,none,uranu third largest planet solar system jupit saturn uranu compos mostli rock ices thick hydrogen helium atmosphere blue hue uranus atmospher aris small amount methan preferenti absorb red light pictur snap voyag 2 spacecraft 1986 spacecraft ever visit uranus uranu mani moon ring system uranus like venus rotat axi greatli tilt sometim point near sun remain astronom mysteri uranus axi tilted uranu neptun quit uranu slightli larger less massive,uranus tilt planet,2001-08-26,447,69,-0.0216666666666666,08-26,8,2001,26,0,0,2 a42a6fa0f233f0066482770ddbed22017f813196a9eafd280c780d8cc8b4d827,p,dim star gone mani place earth includ major cities night sky reduc fascin display hundr star diffus glow hand star visible map indic rel amount light pollut occur across earth caus pollut artifici light reflect molecul aerosol atmosphere part eastern unit state western europ color red artifici night sky glow nine time natur sky area mark orang red central band milki way galaxi longer visible intern dark sky associ suggest common type fixtur provid rel littl amount light pollution,artifici night sky bright,2001-08-27,484,79,0.0829545454545454,08-27,8,2001,27,6,0,4 99dd3608f7ee6c840171bc1c7ef6a2812ea128450d31bbb0509b386e32ad7d2a,none,jupiter moon callisto unusu jag mysteri came light robot spacecraft galileo orbit around jupit sinc 1995 swoop past dark moon may result pictur highest resolut yet obtain jovian moon object small 3 meter across discernable strang landscap pictur show area rich bright sharp mound 100 meter tall like format hypothesi hold hill result ejecta thrown billion year ago violent impact lower inset region appar undergon epoch rel high dark rock fill regions nasa recent clear galileo continu swoop jupiter moon 2003 end journey spectacular dive jupiter atmosphere,jag hill jupiter callisto,2001-08-28,557,87,0.0469230769230769,08-28,8,2001,28,8,0,2 64bfa60aa6c8d27f4d5f7a7f62a46c9559cb0a809b63f9907cb3781bf09fd918,none,young star afgl 2591 put show massiv star expel outer layer dustlac ga graviti pull inner materi toward surface afgl 2591 estim one million year old much younger sun 5 billionyear age creat nebula 500 time diamet solar system past 10000 years imag infrar light one first new instrument mount one largest groundbas optic telescop world gemini north sharp detail discern block opaqu dust visiblelight images close inspect imag reveal least four expand rings indic origin mysteri activity afgl 2591 lie 3000 light year away toward constel cygnus,massiv star,2001-08-29,544,88,0.0646694214876033,08-29,8,2001,29,6,0,3 9ef6cc70c4cfca7a414b3ceee3051c61eda88ae92c60b1337d3c1c9a4f580558,none,newli discov minor planet 2001 kx76 circl top panel above recent composit imag european southern observatory 22 meter telescop la silla chile though 2001 kx76 appear singl point light unremark star field orbit accur measur newli oper virtual capabl mine mani year archiv data previous imag 2001 kx76 result show minor planet distant orbit beyond pluto charon realm kuiper belt distance appar brightness assum reason surfac reflectivity 2001 kx76 would 1200 kilomet across larger largest mainbelt asteroid ceres fact illustr bottom panel graphic compar size estim pluto charon largest previous known kuiper belt objects indic newfound minor planet second pluto diameter along evidence comparison suggest pluto charon close relat kuiper belt world like 2001 kx76,big 2001,2001-08-30,761,115,0.0211111111111111,08-30,8,2001,30,8,2,4 1326f3d34743e96387ec89dd073982b691c095ec8f1ad8d3b72208fa6d6bae99,none,mar two tini moons phobo deimos pictur deimos smaller moon mars fact deimo one smallest known moon solar system measur nine mile across diminut martian moon discov 1877 asaph hall american astronom work us naval observatori washington dc exist two martian moon predict around 1610 johann kepler astronom deriv law planetari motion case kepler predict base scientif principles write idea influenti two martian moon discuss work fiction jonathan swift gulliver travels written 1726 150 year actual discovery,deimos small martian moon,2001-09-02,505,77,-0.2,09-02,9,2001,2,2,0,2 07ac7dfafad610690d94344286e50957d7d0a0eccc1785bd1cab3367b78883b8,none,fast expand ga cloud mark end central star rotten egg nebula oncenorm star run nuclear fuel caus central region contract white dwarf liber energi caus outer envelop star expand case result photogen planetari nebula millionkilomet per hour ga ram surround interstellar gas superson shock front form ioniz hydrogen nitrogen glow blue complex shock front hypothes previous never clearli imaged thick ga dust hide die central star rotten egg nebula also known calabash nebula oh231842 like develop full bipolar planetari nebula next 1000 years nebula pictur above 14 lightyear extent locat 5000 lightyear away toward constel puppis,rotten egg nebula,2001-09-03,627,96,-0.0180555555555555,09-03,9,2001,3,4,2,5 9b59c10c5c1613d2f61a70e002689792bf94805431e8d4fd4ca8a4fe8213bb47,none,galaxi distribut universe question aesthet interest answer like hold clue composit univers itself map show distribut nearli 200000 galaxi latest answer obtain one complex astronom instrument yet twodegre field 2df system 2df system measur galaxi allow astronom estim distanc million galaxi visible henc make threedimension map local universe although distribut galaxi appear nearli uniform largest scale wave galaxi discern extend 100 million lightyears detail analys incom data indic creat network waves normal baryon matter must make 15 percent matter matter must make 30 percent need make univers geometr flat remain 70 percent dark,2df wave galaxi,2001-09-04,635,93,0.0291666666666666,09-04,9,2001,4,7,2,4 2383f75e26e3594abcc3fe292f40eca18a62f0ba90a4427c796a94151ff8e57b,alan,3c175 quasar particl visibl central dot quasar activ center galaxi distant light see emit earth forming imag record radio wave array houses telescop call larg array vla shoot 3c175 thin jet proton electron travel near speed light one million lightyear long jet act like particl cannon bore ga cloud path jet form narrow remain topic current research,quasar cannon,2001-09-05,349,57,0.005,09-05,9,2001,5,7,0,3 fef0eed006aeb1c7e5edc85dff820deb7179a4704a3ad45166d648dc015ccca6,none,here someth see often detail pictur full moon surround rich field background stars true bright moonlight scatter atmospher tend mask faint stars pictur sunlit portion moon made earthbound telescop even camera lunar surfac often fail show background star all why exposur time short short exposures last fraction second requir accur record imag bright lunar surface background star and visibl much fainter need exposur last minut hour would serious overexpos surfac moon so cours stun view realli combin two digit imag short exposure regist exquisit lunar surfac detail full moon superpos separ long exposure made moon absent star field final represent moon background star dramatic even though could captur singl exposure,moon star,2001-09-06,722,110,0.0635964912280701,09-06,9,2001,6,2,2,4 0d4e30f553a32e952865d02da80415c0248f88a1beefe3235598b9f563fd3a03,aao,hot blue star shine brightli beautiful recent form galact open star cluster open cluster ngc 3293 locat constel carina lie distanc 8000 light years particularli high abund young bright stars studi ngc 3293 impli blue star 6 million year old wherea cluster dimmer redder star appear 20 million year old true star format open cluster took least 15 million years even amount time short however compar billion year star like sun live overten billion year lifetim mani galaxi universe ngc 3293 appear front dens dust lane eman carina nebula,ngc 3293 bright young open cluster,2001-09-09,535,89,0.1581313131313131,09-09,9,2001,9,6,1,3 bce495c3ed6cf668a00a86de48226326f1f53da05fd084c46a43e031c52189aa,none,would center galaxi mani astronom believ credibl answer involv black hole observ sagittariu a orbit chandra xray observatory bright xray sourc center milki way brighten dramat minutes sagittariu a visibl bright dot near center image sinc larg object cannot vari quickly small sourc evid includ motion central star indic center galaxi massiv place however estim million time mass sun one known type object fit much mass small black hole short flicker therefor provid addit evid black hole inde resid galaxy center true flicker might caus object disrupt fell toward disrupt monster,galact center indic black hole,2001-09-10,579,91,0.0527777777777777,09-10,9,2001,10,6,2,4 be9564f2a9049a632c04c4eea9991a918140252f8e48130bb9cf1cbd19bd724a,none,parti still go spiral galaxi ngc 3310 roughli 100 million year ago ngc 3310 like collid smaller galaxi caus larg spiral galaxi light tremend burst star formation chang graviti collis creat densiti wave compress exist cloud ga trigger starform party imag composit hubbl space telescop use find age mani result cluster stars surpris many cluster quit young indic starburst galaxi may remain starburst mode quit time ngc 3310 span 50000 light years lie 50 million light year away visibl small telescop toward constel ursa major,spiral galaxi ngc 3310 across visibl,2001-09-11,524,85,0.2015624999999999,09-11,9,2001,11,7,1,3 44f290b1d372e5efb02608475e6138443c830dbd4bc825e0edae2493ef9e7c78,none,unusu triangl light particularli bright near eastern horizon sunris next two month observ earth northern hemisphere consid fals dawn triangl light actual zodiac light light reflect interplanetari dust particles triangl clearli visibl left frame taken mauna kea hawaii august 30 one develop global network fishey nighttim web camera call zodiac dust orbit sun predominantli plane planets ecliptic indeed triangl point bright spot jupit saturn saturn nearer center zodiac light bright time year dust band orient nearli vertic sunrise thick air near horizon block rel bright reflect dust zodiac light also bright peopl earth northern hemispher march april sunset,zodiac light fals dawn,2001-09-12,659,98,0.3,09-12,9,2001,12,8,2,1 5e8d3911d4e0e472d907b0c82358cde103de8d35021aa72526745ffeb31df202,none,bizarr stellar 19000 lightyear earth pulsar psr b150958 small southern constel circinus like cousin heart crab nebula circinu pulsar rapidli spinning magnet neutron star seen falsecolor chandra observatori image environ surround cosmic glow high energi xrays circinu pulsar itself thought gener 7 quadrillion volt 7 follow 15 lie within knot bright emiss near center picture stretch toward bottom left xray emiss trace jet particl almost 20 lightyear long seem aris pulsar south pole arc bright emiss central knot like shockwav produc particl driven pulsar equator near top picture lower energi xray emiss shown green ga shockheat million degre celsius shock ga produc debri blast stellar explos creat circinu pulsar,xray circinu pulsar,2001-09-13,716,109,0.144,09-13,9,2001,13,4,2,4 b63d5ad9407ff85d5329983075be271de1d3df7b8ac9d428ed484ff10c7699b8,none,star born m16 eagl nebula stellar nurseri 7000 lightyear earth toward constel serpens strike nebula star form pillar ga dust familiar astronom imag visibl wavelengths falsecolor pictur show nebula infrar light data esa infrar space observatori satellit iso use construct detail two color image domin infrar emiss cloud interstellar materi temperatur degre celsius blue color highlight emiss thought indic presenc complex carbon molecules known planet earth red color trace emiss cold microscop dust grains hot young star form frigid materi condens influenc gravity begun process take ten thousand year truli massiv star ten million year low mass star like sun,cold dust eagl nebula,2001-09-14,659,100,-0.0326923076923077,09-14,9,2001,14,4,2,5 ae96ee52235068c0081e72a7d2eb678e9d29ac0b90019194b74b5a715ce44606,naoj,new imag composit southwest region m31 subaru telescop show mani stars nebulae star cluster never resolved older popul star near andromeda center caus yellow hue visibl upper right young blue star stand spiral arm lower left red emiss nebula blue open cluster stars sweep lane dark dust punctuat swirl giant andromeda 25 million light year distant milki way largest galaxi local group galaxies understand m31 help astronom understand milki way galaxy sinc two similar,southwest andromeda,2001-09-17,467,74,0.0441444520391888,09-17,9,2001,17,6,0,3 5c912d6c23bff4074ee38b899935f010016107271ad61adcf7d8784659853ac0,none,land mar 1997 robot mar pathfind main station took quick first look around panorama taken even sagan memori station camera rais full view best seen slowli scroll right uniqu perspect captur mani mar pathfind instrument close foreground includ screen judg sky illumination commun antennae solar panels two ramp lead surfac robot probe sojourner take ramp right sojourn seen martian surface visibl surfac numer rock hill came better studied mar pathfind mission went return 16000 imag data result mani discoveries includ evid warmer wetter condit mar past nearli three spectacular month explor surface mar pathfind drop communication like result deplet batteri power,mar,2001-09-18,664,101,0.3521428571428571,09-18,9,2001,18,5,2,4 25e773d4d901fc6fac9ae29bd814d6a29742c0b11b8fabbeb15b46616554b999,lockhe martin space,nasa prepar launch next great observatori 2002 yet proper name help current refer space infrar telescop facil nasa seek add someth previously nasa name great observatori scientist recent past includ hubbl space telescope compton gamma ray observatori chandra xray observatory sirtf power infrar telescop ever launched imag everyth nearbi planetari disk distant galaxies enter one must rule includ essay 250 word less contest end decemb 20,name satellit,2001-09-19,438,66,0.0916666666666666,09-19,9,2001,19,8,0,2 fa35e944fc7a1b7ba87c084fe8eaee079ad0ee521005e698f4fa58b81060a0fe,none,side side two xray star greet astronom falsecolor chandra observatori xray imag region near core globular star cluster m15 pleasant surprise previou xray imag cluster show one sourc chandra sharper xray vision reveal two xray sourc model neutron star binari systems citys neutron star close orbit normal stellar companion xray gener matter normal star fall onto compact neutron star break explain observ previous recogn lone neutron star binari system m15 difficult reconcil singl model also suggest globular star cluster roam halo milki way galaxi seem contain one neutron star xray sourc may fact contain more optic hubbl space telescop imag dens m15 cluster inset upper right,xray star m15,2001-09-20,678,106,0.1502380952380952,09-20,9,2001,20,6,2,4 b6d392ad765586d52f403ebc8da38cc6d0d504770a3d70293cec0527a25070cd,none,black hole candid xte j1118480 known roam halo milki way galaxy exot system thought stellar mass black hole consum matter companion star discov last year flare celesti xray source suggest term microquasar recent radio archiv optic observ motion sky allow orbit illustr above black hole present galact locat indic purpl dot sun posit yellow mere 6000 lightyear sun now xte orbit trace orang line 230 million year past base model galaxy astronom note black hole orbit galact center loop high galaxy plane gas stars similar orbit globular star clusters ancient denizen galaxy seem like xte j1118480 origin earli histori halo milki way,black hole,2001-09-21,633,102,-0.0768627450980392,09-21,9,2001,21,6,2,3 1ea824fc4ffb9565e38db2b79e0be90edc8b6a47581c027015fbf47739b9af0a,none,full throttl deep space 1 spacecraft innov ion drive produc 150th pound thrust forc great would hold piec paper planet earth still power solar array ion propuls system run long durat space mission ultim win power brief blast less effici chemic rockets deep space 1 seen suspend assembl room fold solar array rest circular ion propuls module alreadi success technolog experiment autonom software spacecraft flew asteroid 9969 braill juli 1999 later year november robot probe nearli lost due failur widefield star tracker camera engin abl navig system util anoth onboard camera 28 june 2000 ion drive up now adventur deep space 1 continue steer stars deep space 1 schedul rendezv period comet borrelli today,full deep space 1,2001-09-22,706,114,0.1467948717948717,09-22,9,2001,22,8,2,2 7d1cef7eb859e7fddd9f3871620e6adc99bf19b0cc068025b82bfb40ab7c4fbd,none,sun still active last year sun went though solar maximum time 11year cycl sunspot explos activ occur sunspots solar cycle solar promin caus sun chang magnet field pictur solar promin erupt may 15 throw electron ion solar system imag taken ultraviolet light emit specif type ioniz helium common element sun particularli hot area appear white rel cool area appear red sun gradual quiet solar minimum occur 2007,solar promin erupt,2001-09-24,408,67,0.0629629629629629,09-24,9,2001,24,1,0,1 4b43138980d419b275c44ea10513c022c7ce50b97c82be1f68b34aafec0382bd,none,what planet earth truli global answer creat global land base elev project pictur best digit elev map yet creat home planet map took ten year make incorpor data provid mani differ countri around world relief map color code sea level shown black rel low area shown green higher area shown brown highest area shown white find click map bring higher resolut version even detail version also available,earth,2001-09-25,396,67,0.0611111111111111,09-25,9,2001,25,8,0,1 4ebe811cfc498cfb50499894d223234f3d6a1efcf9f3a9e939a5b042fec93f16,deep space team,comet nucleu look like answer question nasa control drove age probe hostil environ distant comet expect even comet fragment spacecraft would worth probe deep space 1 survived pictur detail imag ever taken comet nucleus obtain saturday deep space 1 releas yesterday nasa comet borrelly nucleu seen 8 kilomet long mountains grooves smooth roll plains materi vastli differ light color region present near center seem give rise dust jet seen borrelly coma visibl distant imag comet previously best imag comet nucleu came giotto mission comet halley 1986 deep space 1 imag borrelli add welcom bedrock understand solar system histori accur predict futur bright chang notori comets,comet nucleu,2001-09-26,674,105,0.1633333333333333,09-26,9,2001,26,3,2,2 9e4dbca67dfd152b0929ba095fd833be30a50587e306db876102172099f3806d,none,spiral galaxi m33 midsiz member local group galaxies m33 also call triangulum galaxi constel resides four time smaller in radius milki way galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 much larger mani local dwarf spheroid galaxies m33 proxim m31 caus thought satellit galaxi massiv galaxy m33 proxim milki way galaxi caus appear twice angular size full moon visibl good pair binoculars highresolut imag highlight light emit hydrogen red oxygen blue taken help separ star emiss nebulae therefor help studi galaxi form stars,element nearbi spiral m33,2001-09-27,505,79,0.1611111111111111,09-27,9,2001,27,7,1,3 a6cb6549c92a41c895240abcf20b5671e304a9133069edc7a7fc70b3e866c3b6,steve mandelhidden valley observatori,5000 years gorgeou veil nebula still turn heads catalog ngc 6992 glow filament interstellar shock ga part larger spheric supernova remnant known cygnu loop veil nebula expand debri star explod 5000 year ago color digit imag bit veil process enhanc reveal stun detail diaphan cosmic cloud seen perspect rich milki way star field veil nebula known lie 1400 lightyear away toward constel cygnus distance wit origin stellar explos would seen star heaven increas bright 8 magnitude roughli correspond bright crescent moon,ngc 6992 glimps veil,2001-09-28,517,81,0.4050000000000001,09-28,9,2001,28,4,1,5 6ce45a834e3ccd0627ad07479383878005198f9f83d97e6ae2bff901b362050f,none,dust storm mar involv nearli entir planet spring descend southern hemispher red planet june july global dust storm raged pictur storm juli 8 spread south orient lower right imag captur robot mar global surveyor spacecraft continu orbit red planet smaller dust storm visibl north left dark giant volcano ascraeu mons dust storm also occur planet earth,global dust storm mar,2001-10-01,350,56,0.0135714285714285,10-01,10,2001,1,5,0,2 90994508ff2d0343cd6268445727681caff14a6a79b8461ab3f657bcaa8bf7c6,none,would like fli free sea cloud earth 1994 astronaut mark lee found test simplifi aid eva system nasa safer backpack propuls unit incorpor small nitrogen thruster control hand computer pictured lee jet bay space shuttl discovery 200 kilomet earth first unteth space walk ten years lee danger shuttl could use retriev him smaller man maneuv unit design system help astronaut unlik event becom separ work outsid intern space station,fli astronaut earth,2001-10-02,429,69,0.08,10-02,10,2001,2,8,0,2 402037dc37a363bcc3a0ea14bda254a405bd65e6815a05cacd7bf7b26bd7f2fc,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers 100 billion stars 30 million lightyear away toward constel pisces ngc 628 m74 present gorgeou faceon view earthbound astronomers classifi sc galaxy grand design m74 grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes similar mani respect home galaxy milki way record 28 million pixel detector array impress imag celebr first light gemini multiobject spectrograph gmos stateoftheart instrument oper 8meter gemini north telescope gemini north observatori gaze sky mauna kea hawaii usa twin observatory gemini south schedul begin oper later year cerro pachn central chile,m74 perfect spiral,2001-10-04,645,96,0.1999999999999999,10-04,10,2001,4,7,2,3 dbfb50a5e3eee50c506f767cdabc4e17da24317f181a0e5629f57da3ca408bf1,none,hubbl space telescop snapshot show hen1357 youngest known planetari nebula graceful gentl curv symmetri suggest popular name stingray nebula observ 1970 detect nebular material imag march 1996 clearli show stingray emerg bubbl ring shock ioniz gas ga energ hot central star near end life evolv toward final white dwarf phase imag also show companion star at 10 oclock within nebula astronom suspect companion account complex shape ring mani planetari nebulae cosmic infant 130 time size solar system growing 18000 lightyear distant southern constel ara,new born nebula,2001-10-06,553,84,0.0611111111111111,10-06,10,2001,6,4,0,5 c16def4a7f8be4cbc2f15e1378c4d09710d38d679b47d6888c9013238cf8b0b6,none,graviti bend light allow huge cluster galaxi act telescopes almost bright object releas hubbl space telescop imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact graviti bend focus light galaxi lie behind it result multipl imag background galaxi distort long faint arc simpl lens effect analog view distant street lamp glass wine cluster galaxi abel 2218 three billion lightyear away northern constel draco power massiv cluster telescop recent allow astronom detect galaxi redshift 558 distant galaxi yet measured young stillmatur galaxi faintli visibl lower right cluster core,abel 2218 galaxi cluster len,2001-10-07,584,87,0.0946428571428571,10-07,10,2001,7,7,2,3 6cc04ce8b09dbab8f70417ade4728fb041880bb4638502decd2b6c2c0be6c52f,yuichi takasaka,last week anoth good week auroras stori began two week ago two larg coron mass eject explod sun wave elementari particl ion swept past earth septemb 28 29 caus mani auroras week ago sheet divid north south region sun magnet field pass earth caus auroras pictur particularli good imag one octob 1 northern lights taken canada citi light seen dark cloud twist green aurora,yukon aurora,2001-10-08,370,64,0.1714285714285714,10-08,10,2001,8,1,1,1 dee58cdfbcfc012b9c95ec36d73d25c4d851a02d4818a5676fb3cc2b7db62258,none,larg rock come scatter surfac asteroid ero stand proxim earth also visit recent nasa nearshoemak spacecraft arriv ero 2000 february robot probe maneuv control land earlier year although nearshoemak longer active scientist still pore imag data find new mysteries draw new hypothes ancient tumbl space mountain example analyz locat rock led hypothesi mani origin singl larg collis occur possibl billion year ago still unknown however includ ero unusu blue dust,past asteroid ero,2001-10-09,458,70,0.0056277056277056,10-09,10,2001,9,8,0,2 687498f0e7cb0c2697270b22bdce074c0df9d12ffa1945dfdc9de1fa712d368d,none,left star collide help answer question astronom studi center massiv ball star milki way galaxy center globular cluster omega centauri star pack 10000 time dens near sun pictur above hubbl space telescop resolv center omega centauri individu stars visibl mani faint yellowwhit star smaller sun sever yelloworang star red giants occasion blue star two star collid like either combin form one massiv star stick form new binari star system close binari star interact sometim emit ultraviolet xray light ga fall one star onto surfac compact companion white dwarf neutron star two binari locat omega centauri center star cluster lie 15000 lightyear away visibl toward constel centaurus,center globular cluster omega centauri,2001-10-10,679,106,-0.0188311688311688,10-10,10,2001,10,6,2,3 fe33256bda23bc71f82a76dbd658d7b166124142d7125309f68152bf33be7afb,none,gorgeou collect dust ga nebula northern milki way grace high far constel cepheus color base astronom filters close region highlight star embed curious shape cosmic clouds near central faint magnitude star image dust cloud reflect starlight creat bluish reflect nebula catalog 1966 vdb bright reddish emiss nebula indic presenc cloud atom hydrogen gas strip electron invis ultraviolet light hydrogen atom emit characterist visibl red light electron atom recombine cloud obscur dust dark nebulae silhouet bright background repres stuff star made of nebula lie within larg young star cluster complex ic 1396 3000 light year earth,vdb cepheu,2001-10-11,626,95,0.075625,10-11,10,2001,11,4,2,5 8d9685a37beb3302521f66479af98f4c927041bdc6c35b5c5458fb628c8fdd62,none,artist portrait saturn depict might look titan saturn largest moon foreground sit esa huygen probe releas nasa cassini spacecraft parachut titan surface cassini reach saturn 2004 releas huygen probe later year titan one two moon solar system atmosphere suggest titan might gasolinelik lake atmospher chemistri like found earli earth cassini spacecraft launch octob 1997 travel beyond jupiter,portrait saturn titan,2001-10-13,391,57,0.0,10-13,10,2001,13,0,0,2 f49c8c02d7345ba69792506a65c4bb6822ba035da987e8277a6b429ccb6830a7,none,galileo galilei made good discoveri great upon hear age 40 dutch optician invent glass made distant object appear larger galileo craft telescop turn toward sky galileo quickli discov moon craters jupit moons sun spots venu phase like moon galileo live 1564 1642 made mani discoveries galileo claim observ made sens planet revolv around sun champion aristarchu copernicus earth commonli believ then power inquisit made galileo publicli recant conclusion today know correct,galileo demonstr telescop,2001-10-14,471,71,0.3072727272727272,10-14,10,2001,14,1,1,2 3097b1567259afe4a4d232e273479c45388956836d7fe87dc8bd7618672ae51f,none,similar size earth moon dramat visual answer question found combin photograph taken marin 10 spacecraft head toward venu mercuri 1973 moon seen diamet one quarter earth rel larg compar planetari companion solar system pluto charon closer togeth size strike featur earth visibl pass spacecraft includ blue ocean white clouds show earth truli water world,earth moon planetari system,2001-10-15,352,54,0.0,10-15,10,2001,15,8,0,2 825fbd6f5c44f696efe4918e0fc1b82b9e8b1f6dd41a505f120d09f44b3b011f,none,would volcano plume discov januari jupiter moon io still activ month answer question robot spacecraft galileo current orbit around jupit maneuv imag plume site recent flybi io august found highest volcano plume yet discov complet differ previous origin plume tvashtar catena volcan area even visible pictur taken januari area surround tvashtar catena erupt shown enhanc color new pictur taken august shown inset care inspect two imag show newli promin dark volcano surround lightcolor ring visibl smaller recent image,newli activ volcano jupiter io,2001-10-16,518,78,-0.0257575757575757,10-16,10,2001,16,8,0,4 3500bca70b2767570fa98fbaaf3f7dd6f97b37f0670c54968cb85e7a7136c62d,none,month now mar engulf great dust storm biggest seen rage across red planet decades result two hubbl space telescop storm watch imag late june earli septemb offer dramat contrast view martian surface left onset smaller seed storm seen near hella basin lower right edg mars northern polar cap similar surfac view right taken two month later show fulli develop extent obscur global dust storm storm report waning planetwid effect warm upper martian atmospher cool surfac still monitor daili instrument board mar global surveyor spacecraft present condit martian atmospher also import aerobrak mar odyssey spacecraft schedul arriv red planet next week,mar engulf,2001-10-17,646,100,0.1072681704260651,10-17,10,2001,17,5,2,2 b64e5fedf5cb9e44a4f7dc66acb8b221cc8810cf80b70001547d6f76ea3cf4be,dan durdaswri,pluto horizon span foreground artist vision gaze sunward across distant yet explor world titl new horizons paint also depict pluto companion charon darkened ghostli apparit lumin crescent starri background beyond charon diminish sun immers flatten cloud zodiac dust here pluto ruddi color base exist astronom observ imagin scientif detail provid artist includ high atmospher cirru dark plume surfac vents analog neptune larg moon triton explor voyag 2 spacecraft 1989 crater suggest bombard kuiper belt objects newli understood popul outer solar system bodi like relat plutocharon system nasa consid futur robot reconnaiss mission plutocharon kuiper belt could reach distant world late next decade,pluto new horizon,2001-10-18,697,102,-0.1442045454545454,10-18,10,2001,18,8,2,4 67e3aa7b32613e21499247698fa271afa9b1078154707778f8969edada42bb84,none,mosaic xray imag cut swath across photogen rosett nebula stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear earth constel monoceros unicorn construct data record orbit chandra xray observatory mosaic span less 100 lightyear color code show low energi red high energi xray blue upper right young star cluster ngc 2244 central rosett nebula itself hot outer layer massiv star seen copiou sourc xrays diffus xray glow also pervad cluster newborn stars sinc star young less million year diffus xray emiss thought power energetic collid stellar wind rather remnant supernova explosions final act life cycl massiv star move away center south east across nebula upper right lower left hot environ give way dens molecular gas absorb low energi xray reveal penetr high energi xray embed stars,xray star wind rosett nebula,2001-10-19,763,121,0.0938302277432712,10-19,10,2001,19,6,2,5 4306de7ec258a5201ff5c389c39fe08aa6ecdcc10e73032f7cbf8ebe1266e8c6,none,sombrero galaxi look like hat reason includ sombrero unusu larg extend central bulg stars dark promin dust lane appear disk see nearli edgeon billion old star caus diffus glow extend central bulge close inspect bulg photograph show mani point light actual globular clusters m104 spectacular dust ring harbor mani younger brighter stars show intric detail astronom yet fulli understand center sombrero glow across electromagnet spectrum thought hous larg black hole fifti millionyearold light sombrero galaxi seen small telescop toward constel virgo,sombrero galaxi vlt,2001-10-21,548,81,0.0694444444444444,10-21,10,2001,21,6,0,3 9fb5151cc30003675efe5507931e093acbb801a570267081bac079bc586cd3ba,none,new chapter space flight began 1950 juli launch first rocket cape canaveral florida bumper 2 shown above bumper 2 ambiti twostag rocket program top v2 missil base wac corpor rocket upper stage abl reach thenrecord altitud almost 400 kilometers higher even modern space shuttl fli today launch direct gener electr company bumper 2 use primarili test rocket system research upper atmosphere bumper 2 rocket carri small payload allow measur attribut includ air temperatur cosmic ray impacts seven year later soviet union launch sputnik sputnik ii first satellit earth orbit response 1958 us creat nasa,first rocket launch cape canaver,2001-10-22,598,94,0.0489510489510489,10-22,10,2001,22,8,2,2 ec9e76e7db1b94c33a60cf1addf0ee302e0d01580557e115829de9acab48e1ac,none,bright ga dark dust permeat space star nebula known ngc 6559 gas primarili hydrogen respons diffus red glow emiss nebula energet light neighbor star ioniz interstellar hydrogen proton electron recombin emit light specif colors includ red hue observed small dust particl reflect blue starlight effici creat blue reflect nebulos seen near two bright stars dust also absorb visibl light caus dark cloud filament visible ngc 6559 lie 5000 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius,emiss reflect ngc 6559,2001-10-23,476,73,0.1653846153846154,10-23,10,2001,23,4,1,5 033397d633c4f90c9c5386aa6220587c07329c87d6ce746a31a2fb115c0bc725,none,situat two lightyear earth galaxi cluster abel top bottom seen right hand panel above falsecolor imag hubbl space telescope correspond panel left reveal cluster xray appear imag chandra xray observatory hubbl imag record cluster starfil galaxies xray imag show galaxi multimillion degre hot intraclust ga glow high energi xrays lie profound mystery total mass galaxi right plu mass hot ga left fall far short provid enough graviti confin hot ga within galaxi clusters fact best account date find 13 per cent total matter necessary gravit len arc visibl deep hubbl imag also indic cluster much mass directli identifi chandra hubbl data astronom conclud cluster matter dark matter invis even combin eye orbit astrophys observatories natur cosmic dark matter,matter galaxi cluster,2001-10-24,757,118,0.1393073593073593,10-24,10,2001,24,7,2,4 18d5408e8afc2beacd97a39917df1387225337ab1b9ed2a32bcd651c46c0a644,none,interplanetari journey last 200 days mar odyssey spacecraft enter orbit around red planet latest success welcom past mar often seem difficult planet visit begin first soviet attempt 1960 around 30 mission tri 10 gone without seriou mar odyssey arrived immedi futur involv cautious dip martian atmosphere spacecraft gradual adjust present wide ellipt orbit circular orbit 400 kilomet planet surface then instrument camera focu explor climat geolog histori mars includ search water evid lifesustain environments artist concept above spacecraft winglik solar panel imagin fire rocket engin mar orbit terrain seen natur falsecolor,odyssey mar,2001-10-25,626,91,0.02,10-25,10,2001,25,5,2,2 1f0d0c8136afa4f7cfbf53dcdb6d7b0d023ce95fadd8595b084863f04a5d6ee5,none,massiv star spend brief live furious burn nuclear fuel fusion extrem temperatur densiti surround stellar core nuclei light element like hydrogen helium combin heavier element like carbon oxygen etc progress end iron supernova explosion massiv star inevit spectacular demise blast back space debri enrich heavier element incorpor star planet and detail falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatori show hot expand stellar debri cloud 36 lightyear across catalog g292018 young supernova remnant southern constel centauru result massiv star explod estim 1600 year ago bluish color highlight filament mulitmillion degre ga except rich oxygen neon magnesium left center point like object chandra imag suggest enrich supernova also produc pulsar aftermath rotat neutron star remnant collaps stellar core,element aftermath,2001-10-26,799,115,0.1793831168831168,10-26,10,2001,26,6,2,5 244935f35481f8aa68bf404bcfb03d5008a3218a6a55bd8ef08a35123fec3802,w brandner uiuc et al eso 154m telescope chile,supernova ever predicted dramat stellar explos destroy star dispers element compos peopl planet well understood astronom accur predict star explod yet perhap sher 25 first sher 25 design arrow blue supergi star locat outsid star cluster emiss nebula ngc 3603 sher 25 lie center hourglass shape nebula much like one surround last bright supernova visibl earth sn1987a hourglass shape ring around sn1987a emit blue supergi exploded mayb sher 25 expel bipolar ring step close preced supernova so sher 25 may within thousand year spectacular finale,sher 25 pend supernova,2001-10-27,545,85,0.17,10-27,10,2001,27,4,1,3 dab1e439ed5941109768bfb0d53fb6892ce68dc9724f20aa2bfb76ee142e62e1,none,make core galaxi mcg63015 bright astronom believ answer massiv spin black hole so would first observ indic possibl make black hole act like batteri rotat energy mcg63015 distant galaxi recent observ orbit xmmnewton satellit xray light observ show galaxy nucleu bright also show evid much light climb deep gravit well spin black hole could explain effects strong magnet field could transfer rotat energi black hole surround gas pictur artist illustr black hole surround accret disk illustr includ distort gravit len effects,spin black hole,2001-10-29,523,81,0.1392857142857143,10-29,10,2001,29,6,1,4 525304f16b68cf3220ea8db6e657ddfbd9cafd2a153be4b8eb6367938e3bbed2,john britton,what happen horizon although scene may appear somehow supernatural noth unusu occur set sun well place clouds pictur anticrepuscular rays understand them start pictur common crepuscular ray seen time sunlight pour though scatter clouds although sunlight inde travel along straight lines project line onto spheric sky great circles therefore crepuscular ray set or rising sun appear reconverg side sky antisolar point 180 degre around sun refer anticrepuscular rays pictur particularli strike set anticrepuscular ray photograph earlier month move car outsid boulder colorado usa,anticrepuscular ray colorado,2001-10-30,577,83,0.1733333333333333,10-30,10,2001,30,1,1,1 e19b3d29f982628b6417b1a360fdbce1e46a3e01bec10fcca736a1715c7a08e0,none,ancient greek themi modern thermal emiss imag system remark instrument premier infrar imag mars newli orbit mar odyssey spacecraft taken octob 30th sharp infrar pictur cover indic swath martian southern hemispher show surfac temperatur falsecolor rang red warm 0 degre celsius cool purpl shade degre c striking cold circular featur mars south polar ice cap compos frozen carbon dioxide ice cap 900 kilomet wide shrink onslaught southern hemispher summer temperatur also seen drop bottom portion themi imag sweep beyond termin shadow line martian night thin light blue crescent along upper edg planet martian atmosphere themi imag data record test camera system altitud 22000 kilomet ,mar,2001-11-02,683,104,0.0463541666666666,11-02,11,2001,2,5,2,4 c86f9acaf4e0bc3ab87708b1b0e9ee6fafcbaa029146f9c6e2ef0f65f0862bac,none,two cluster bright newli form star surround glow nebula lie 10 million lightyear away dim irregular galaxi catalog ngc 2366 hubbl space telescop imag show youngest cluster bottom one 2 million year old still surround ga dust cloud condens from power stellar wind star older cluster top 45 million year old begun clear away central area give entir nebula appar invert hook shape compar sun star cluster massiv short lived brightest one near tip hook rare lumin blue variabl 30 60 time mass sun similar errupt eta carina milki way star massiv extrem variable comparison ground base imag indic three year star bright increas 40 time make current brightest star dim galaxy,bright stars dim galaxi,2001-11-03,669,112,0.1342592592592592,11-03,11,2001,3,6,2,5 386078eed20bb9c625620cdec85a82ad5e2c28f652fda7e2cbe0249c9a2c77bd,none,what happen city citi winnipeg canada phenomenon aurora past month activ one sun produc sever coron mass eject cmes particl swept past earth caus mani spectacular auroras specif case cme occur octob 9 impact earth octob 11 12 caus nearli 12 hour auroras abovepictur aurora bright seen light winnipeg citi well front cascad atmospher airglow light reflect slight haze caus unrel glow eman,aurora,2001-11-05,387,63,0.2047619047619047,11-05,11,2001,5,8,1,1 3830f8bcb6cc62545c9799e1a888dab7aae167a2a88a2bf870964c6f9b39f075,none,what happen center spiral galaxi m83 everything look it m83 visibl inset imag upper left one closest spiral galaxi milki way galaxi distanc 15 million lightyears appear rel normal zoom m83 nucleu latest telescopes however show center energet busi place visibl imag hubbl space telescop bright newli form star giant lane dark dust imag similar perspect chandra xray observatori show region also rich hot ga small bright sources observ larg groundbas vlt telescop show center like two separ nuclei,center spiral galaxi m83,2001-11-06,495,79,0.1316666666666666,11-06,11,2001,6,7,1,3 761eb19f836d72137900f3da57a9626fd1134d13a61de763756df9bddc4cad4b,jim kirkpatrick brigitt heiterkirkpatrick,sometim unknown beautiful 2000 februari near lake tahoe nevada two amateur photograph notic unusu red column light rise mysteri set sun next minutes abl captur pillar photogen sunset film pictur above red column seen seren lake taho snowcap mountain across lake tahoenevada state park mysteri column learn later sun pillar phenomenon sunlight reflect distant fall ice crystals,sun pillar red violet,2001-11-07,376,57,0.0818181818181818,11-07,11,2001,7,1,0,1 65d29d732c7c5686715595f76bd2235724bf459397bef562337781696d301d35,none,sun surface sunspot known dark planets region intens magnet fields lie use observ michelson doppler imag mdi instrument aboard spacebas soho observatory astronom deriv premier pictur flow materi beneath visibl sunspot mdi data indic immedi sunspot strong inflow current exists shown dark arrows converg pull nearsurfac materi toward spot prevent concentr magnet field fli apart like pole iron configur appear divert normal flow plasma bubbl solar interior creat sunspot mdi instrument explor properti solar interior detect motion produc sound wave interact solar surface,sunspot,2001-11-08,570,83,0.1138888888888888,11-08,11,2001,8,1,1,4 96978b816534b6aff9fcf84153b49c4fb207371f2cfe1838603751ab3a928f08,none,prolif comet discov instrument histori ride aboard sunstar soho spacecraft 15 million kilomet sunward planet earth course soho comet sungraz like one illustr dramat montag above three frame taken hour apart octob 23rd show bright soho comet number 367 plung toward fieri solar surface tail stream away sun locat beyond left hand border panel span one million kilomet distanc sun bottom top comet tail grow solar radiat heat frozen comet materi increas outflow ga dust orbits sungraz believ belong famili comet produc breakup singl much larger comet coincidentally sungraz discov shortli solar activ region blast cloud energet particles like trigger recent spectacular auror storms like soho sungraz far comet number 367 seen surviv close solar encounter,soho comet sungraz,2001-11-09,754,116,0.2375,11-09,11,2001,9,3,2,4 ab5916530b35ed83ba5501b2bc64dbd99b8e5a458089ee1f8ac5410cdfcd248d,none,1998 leonid meteor shower one photograph meteor event history patient observ saw bright meteor streak across dark sky everi minutes frequent leav fade trail stretch across sky high anzaborrego desert meteor photograph streak radiant constel leonids leo meteor train cover 40 degrees chang color green red intens leonid meteor shower 2001 uncertain may approach one per second locat novemb 18,annot leonid,2001-11-11,391,60,0.0871428571428571,11-11,11,2001,11,8,0,1 486fb35633104a5d0b5789bae7b50279fb3e1edf41ebfe9c41eb67aee1f3e132,none,unusu object astronom identifi object imag sky all pictur one current defi attribut object includ unusu colors appear fade month go by appear associ distant galaxy discover hold hope uncov first known orphan explos would classifi gammaray burst gammaray beam direction orphan exist could unparallel brightness henc visibl far away yield key inform earli year universe bit might however last mysteri object turn new member astronom rather unusu type quasar followup observ analysi next year may find object like andor solv mystery,mysteri object,2001-11-12,529,82,0.0482954545454545,11-12,11,2001,12,8,0,4 f1024210550006319c46c9090f3794afef56636a93101e242fd2122dcf8d5de3,none,graviti surfac earth turn place feel slightli heavier others relief map show exagger high low gravit field earth rel strong weak low spot seen coast india rel high occur south pacif ocean caus unknown sinc present surfac featur appear dominant scientist hypothes factor import lay deep underground structur may relat earth appear distant past better map earth graviti henc better understand interior past nasa plan launch graviti recoveri climat grace satellit february,graviti map earth,2001-11-13,470,72,0.0484523809523809,11-13,11,2001,13,8,0,1 0596fde3a061c3db940c9f8ed02619864ea5c992c972dc7a3fa350291bee51dc,none,aurora north south nearli mirror imag other mirror suspect centuri dramat confirm last month detail imag nasa orbit polar spacecraft pictur above timelaps movi show simultan chang aurora borealis top aurora australis bottom cloud electron ion move sun octob 22 creat auroras solar explos releas particl occur three day earlier,aurora earth pole,2001-11-14,326,50,0.0486111111111111,11-14,11,2001,14,1,0,2 30c9bb057ebda750530c34836e6a8b75b311db60206f7e3e5f00946ab9005e63,none,twenti year ago week space shuttl columbia becam first reusabl spaceship second trip low earth orbit back began novemb 12 1981 follow maiden voyag seven months seen columbia 56 meter feet long 24 meter foot launch mate extern fuel tank two solid rocket booster produc dramat exhaust plumes solid rocket one side extern tank provid thrust first 2 minut launch jettison later suppli main shuttl engin liftoff extern fuel tank separ 8 minutes largest shuttl element futur flight extern tank fall back toward earth break descend remot ocean area still oldest oper shuttle columbia pictur june 1992 rocket toward cloud bank twelfth flight offici design columbia fittingli name 18th centuri sail vessel becam first american ship planet earth,recycl columbia,2001-11-15,735,118,0.0666666666666666,11-15,11,2001,15,8,2,2 34161aa09963274d17afd3029fd5fd17787826621f0bd831dd70790ad46cacdf,none,leonid storm year annual leonid meteor shower peak weekend predict suggest storm rate thousand meteor per hour possibl observ locat eastern north central america earli morn hour sunday novemb 18 similar high rate also anticip western pacif region morn novemb 19th event 2001 leonid shower dramat easi watch leonid recent years top left bottom right spectacular exampl bright firebal meteor 1998 leonid shower record v winter j walli 1998 imag puckett observatori lower left featur sourc debri stream suppli leonid meteors comet tempeltuttle,leonid watch,2001-11-16,540,83,0.2041558441558441,11-16,11,2001,16,8,1,1 4e21de22ed7085ba28fa8b335954db78b7fa25fbd8eea1151f5b8111f2bb1e0d,none,carrotshap track actual littl 5 hundredth inch long trail meteroid hightech substanc aerogel expos space shuttl launch eureca european recover carrier spacecraft like ongo leonid meteor shower meteoroid thousandth inch diameter visibl came rest beyond tip carrot far right chemic analys interplanetari dust particl similar one suggest may bit comet thu repres sampl materi earli stage format solar system,catch fall stardust,2001-11-17,404,59,0.0559523809523809,11-17,11,2001,17,8,0,2 7f83210daee0a607a38f7c566ab91ab8974050237f8db85c56c1a070406fb612,none,2001 leonid meteor shower gave quit show mani part world yesterday earli morn hours mani sleepi observ ventur backyard treat sever bright meteor per minut streak across sky rate made 2001 leonid activ meteor shower three decades pictur bright leonid firebal briefli lit hawaii yesterday morning concam nighttim allski monitor mauna kea dormant volcano caught bright meteor seen bright streak across lower part fishey image meteor track cross galact plane the faint glow run lower left upper right pass planet jupiter constel orion hawaii arizona california record numer bright meteor year leonids,2001 leonid meteor shower firebal,2001-11-19,596,92,0.3285714285714286,11-19,11,2001,19,8,1,1 a924a2e254074b11417ecc21d474a879e13d492eadf0023f19dcb2d9bbdaeb48,none,spiral galaxi look everi color ngc 6782 demonstr color not visibl light ngc 6782 appear normal spiral galaxi bright bar across center ultraviolet light however central region blossom spectacular complex structur highlight circumnuclear ring shown repres color hubbl space telescop image mani young star form recent burst star format emit ultraviolet light astronom studi possibl relationship central bar ring light see today ngc 6782 left 180 million year ago dinosaur roam earth galaxi span 80000 lightyear seen telescop toward constel pavo,galact ring ngc,2001-11-21,541,81,0.1964285714285714,11-21,11,2001,21,7,1,3 843b927a489f1bf5935e53f5516fc4396c5e960fd6d353ea130e90b71d632858,jerri lodriguss,return orbit space shuttl enter atmospher 8 kilomet per second friction heat protect ceram tile 1400 degre celsius contrast bit comet dust becam leonid meteor seen novemb 18 move 70 kilomet per second complet vapor altitud around 100 kilometers singl 5 minut time exposure three leonid meteor shoot sky spruce west virginia usa background star near constel orion brightest meteor fireball dramat chang color along path leav smokey persist trail drift highaltitud winds extrem dark site elev 1200 meters astrophotograph jerri lodriguss reports we observ hourli 3600 1030 ut high rate ut well start astronom twilight ut quit spectacular storm go like green red firebal fainter leonid part sky,smoke meteor storm,2001-11-22,690,109,0.06375,11-22,11,2001,22,8,2,4 c6b05d14ae5c8f07e02b94f8a52c2508484ae310215936b6ca8d903486de68c8,rick scott,clear dark moonless predawn hour novemb 18 greenbelt local basebal field crowd stare skyward occasion how mani man asked long sinc lost track other keep score count hundr leonid meteor short worth skygazing farther west near florence arizona astronom also gather enjoy celesti show taken location single 10 minute wideangl exposur captur dozen leonid meteors shoot star clearli seen stream shower radiant point constel leo,count fall stardust,2001-11-23,423,65,0.0503571428571428,11-23,11,2001,23,6,0,1 9632bb16b1cbddec7083d68444cebe4cb7bb828df6ab8590c038cc011ed9cd1b,none,mercury closest planet sun remain mysteri solar system inner planets hide sun glare difficult target earth bound observers spacecraft explor mercuri closeup marin 10 execut three flybi mercuri 1974 1975 survey approxim 45 percent surface marin 10 deftli manuev photograph part sunlit hemispher approach pass behind planet continu imag sunfac side spacecraft receded highest resolut photograph record featur approxim mile across reprocess marin 10 data result dramat mosaic like earth moon mercury surfac show scar impact crater smooth vertic band patch visibl repres region imag inform available,mariner mercuri,2001-11-24,596,87,-0.0199999999999999,11-24,11,2001,24,1,0,2 9cc9f8a28760861a347218811fa323837993a14b5d39f4908adf747dbcf16af4,tom,sometim stop watch meteors earli morn hour novemb 18 band eleven peopl search flat cloudless site see 2001 leonid meteor shower start central iowa weather satellit imag indic southern might best chance although clouds found dark gravel road pull off settl rare celesti light show 4 am visual count 1000 per hour start increas photograph littl late catch realli bright fireball catch sever bright leonid meteor one car exposur last minutes news apod also avail spanish,leonid road,2001-11-26,467,76,0.1946428571428571,11-26,11,2001,26,8,1,1 4770278695d994cbe9583d7a157ebc497630406bd39f4834c17191dd3c6c078c,none,pictur mar earth oddli enough pictur mars may appear terrestri coastlin fact format ancient layer rock windblown sand mars abovepictur region span three kilomet schiaparelli crater creat layer sediment still topic research viabl hypothes includ ancient epoch deposit either run water windblown sand wind sandstorm smooth erod structur recently water appear near bottom actual dark color sand imag taken mar global surveyor spacecraft return 100000 images news apod also avail spanish,ancient layer rock mar,2001-11-27,483,71,0.04375,11-27,11,2001,27,5,0,2 1ddb8352c7b165ffc5021814b7dab38c541984e133b1956bc0231768aa5c1fa0,none,directli detect atmospher planet outsid solar system human taken anoth small step toward find extraterrestri life unexpect detect david caltech came hubbl space telescop observ sunlik star hd orbit planet cross star earth sodium planet atmospher absorb starlight specif colors planet origin discov two year ago 70 percent mass jupit orbit close in longterm goal type research detect planetari biomark would indic life oxygen water methane,extrasolar planetari atmospher detect,2001-11-28,438,66,-0.0833333333333333,11-28,11,2001,28,8,0,2 d9c10718a4f546ef69e0b60c3bce988a0f719dfec0b72d2f8d085696ba76fadc,none,activ sun thrown lot way lately includ storm particl stream outward solar wind cloud plasma trigger awesom auror displays still grow bodi intrigu observ lasco instrument board spacebas solar heliospher observatori soho indic materi also flow back toward sun start 2 million kilomet visibl surface rel hard detect outflow solar corona dark inflow cloud rel motion track two highli process imag record hour apart solar surface graphic shown yellow quarter circl lower right block view smooth occult disk fight solar wind outflow 120 kilomet per second cloud seem move inward kilomet per second occasion appear often per hour clouds seem drag collaps magnet field loop rather graviti alone research work relat surpris solar wind magnet environ sun,coron,2001-11-29,744,117,-0.0141774891774891,11-29,11,2001,29,1,2,4 4147eeca3e0b87745fa6e448bdee2c48f1f2d2f3ed86fa2b80760c06200538d7,paulo courtesi toni,dramat fourfram anim show firebal meteor develop persist smoke train record two week ago sky near salvador brazil inde similar sight astonishingli familiar worldwid wit november fireballrich leonid meteor storm skygaz even discov bright leonid firebal made faint surpris effect recent appreci understood account firebal meteor make nois long view particularli sound reportedli heard meteor seen overhead light travel much faster sound so like delay thunder distant lightn meteor produc sound heard long meteor streak seen sound explan support laboratori test turbul plasma creat meteor passag gener low frequenc radio waves travel light speed radio wave reach ground simultan visibl light strong enough oscil current audibl vibrat common object like grass glasses perhap even dry hair,meteor storm,2001-11-30,784,116,0.1539855072463767,11-30,11,2001,30,8,2,1 fd3f0d310362571473d4383c441fd14d87f167944dc7b4354e2cc522d9a93461,none,nasa voyag 2 spacecraft flew distant neptun august 1989 astronom shocked sinc neptun receiv 3 percent sunlight jupit does expect find dormant dark frigid planet instead voyag imag reveal evid dynam turbul world one spectacular discoveri great dark spot shown closeup surprisingly compar size rel southern latitud jupiter great red spot appear similar rotat storm system wind near spot measur 1500 mile per hour strongest record planet voyag data also reveal great dark spot vari significantli size brief flyby hubbl space telescop view planet 1994 spot vanish replac anoth dark spot planet northern hemisphere,neptune great dark spot gone forgotten,2001-12-01,610,94,0.088235294117647,12-01,12,2001,1,8,2,4 d3b3bb3007dca283b733c1e3a2a1f5029b4199efd7e9816d0dcb8bd5e220f84d,none,three year ago result first present indic energi univers star galaxi tie space itself languag cosmologists larg cosmolog constant directli impli new distant supernova observations suggest cosmolog constant lambda new exist sinc advent modern relativist cosmology claim usual popular astronomers though lambda unlik known univers components lambda valu appear limit observations lessstrang cosmolog without lambda previous done well explain data noteworthi seemingli direct reliabl method observ good reput scientist conduct investigations past three years two independ team astronom continu accumul data appear confirm unsettl result pictur supernova occur 1994 outskirt spiral galaxi taken one collaborations still extraordinari claim requir extraordinari evidence cosmologist world continu await data confirm independ methods,rumor strang univers,2001-12-02,828,109,0.0968614718614718,12-02,12,2001,2,8,2,4 bb8cd9c3e08885270d612ceec9ef3c172b7ece46e0e3b41e5b1fbc8f9aed51dd,none,star ae auriga fire although surround may look like smoke object known star creat energi primarili nuclear fusion like stars fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environ stars materi appear smoke mostli interstellar hydrogen contain smokelik dark filament carbonrich dust grains ae auriga region imag 09meter telescop shown fals repres colors star ae auriga bright young blue known runaway star sinc appear eject orion nebula region 27 million year ago,ae aurigae flame star,2001-12-04,522,78,0.13,12-04,12,2001,4,4,1,5 787ebf2e9b54429525b0cbc6d891760c38bd69da313a2aea3f2be8679a4db51b,none,comet bright enough seen binocular swoop southern skies comet c2000 wm1 linear continu brighten develop tail near closest approach sun late januari 2002 comet linear wm1 discov year ago past jupit still faint pictur curti schmidt 06meter telescop chile 30second exposur red decemb 4 captur detail comet linear emerg dust tail optimist sky watcher hope comet linear wm1 undergo even greater and brighten point coma tail easili discern unaid eye comet linear wm1 watch particular interest astronom ion tail might yield clue understand solar wind expel near sun poles,comet linear wm1 brighten,2001-12-06,564,89,0.0347222222222222,12-06,12,2001,6,3,0,4 b7b2e713a5a2542354375c9d8d19de578254210995599dc8eb7834354cec52d3,tunc tezel,road trip mediterranean coast southeast antalya turkey found clear sky splendid sceneri astrophotograph tunc view 2001 leonid meteor storm captur dreamlik imag firebal meteor near horizon twilight glow reflect calm ocean waters light coastal dwell nearbi island seen foreground brilliant siriu shine brightest star heavens visibl constel cani major upper right mani enthusiast made special trip view november leonid reward similar spectacl fireballrich storm airborn astronom much leonid observ special equip aircraft fli 40000 feet produc data chemic composit dust grain comet tail,mediterranean leonid 2001,2001-12-07,582,83,0.2996794871794871,12-07,12,2001,7,6,1,1 5d9b26a6c48d4d67fe6fdeead9f263ae9446cda3576abc39d931d31fb49563aa,none,although sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli offcolor slightli pink visibl photograph offcolor band dark eclips sky blue sky best seen direct opposit sun call belt venus straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere belt venus however atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red belt venu seen locat clear horizon frequent caught accid photographs,belt venu,2001-12-09,433,66,0.16,12-09,12,2001,9,1,1,1 60148b55a63da246688ba000485d0e81137205b5df73e85317bd98dbcbba998f,none,stars like bees swarm around center bright globular cluster m15 ball 100000 star relic earli year galaxy continu orbit milki way center m15 one 150 globular cluster remaining note easili visibl binoculars center one densest concentr star known contain high abund unusu variabl star pulsars image taken ultraviolet light wiyn telescope span 120 light year show gradual increas star toward cluster center m15 lie 35000 light year away toward constel pegasus recent evid indic massiv black hole might resid center m15,globular cluster m15,2001-12-10,514,81,0.1161111111111111,12-10,12,2001,10,6,1,3 0ac8a780a66c8ba6d86383736d4281433ba1b8858babf5815463c00776352a4f,none,venus second planet sun appear imag first time ever xray left orbit chandra observatory chandra smoothed falsecolor xray view compar optic imag right small earthbound telescope show venu illumin sun right half sunward hemispher visible least one strike differ apparent optic imag reflect sunlight fill bright center venu xray bright around edge venus xray produc fluoresc rather reflection 120 kilomet surface incom solar xray excit atom venusian atmospher unstabl energi levels atom rapidli decay back stabl ground state emit xray creat glow xray sunlit hemisphere xray emit materi seen look edg shell edg appear brighter xray image,venusian,2001-12-11,633,97,0.1119047619047619,12-11,12,2001,11,8,2,4 828b148d21dc1331a621cbb005f24f46a1f63538ca493249c3f1a3021c799024,chul observatory,two peak year leonid meteor shower first peak best seen earli morn hour novemb 18 north america second peak almost twice intens first occur eight hour later best seen asia pictur imag sobaeksan nation observatori korea second leonid peak start local time visibl background numer leonid meteor bright enough seen background light even 40minut exposure local observ report averag one meteor per second outburst next year leonid meteor shower might even intens compet glare nearli full moon,leonid observatori,2001-12-12,487,77,0.2633333333333333,12-12,12,2001,12,8,1,1 d0e8c26691c5221c97c1261660760b724261bc69ac4092e0ae46c078f2cebeab,none,south pole mar bright area near center detailed subtli shade color imag above record septemb year mar global surveyor mgs spacecraft pictur show region surround 400 kilomet wide martian polar cap midst southern hemispher spring season ice cap predominantli layer frozen carbon dioxid dri ice plu water ice begin ice chang directli solid ga hazi cloud ice crystal fog extend across bottom pictur darker defrost area visibl upper right near red planet night side wealth mg data allow chang extent densiti ice cap track time now research also report indic that addit season changes overal martian southern ice cap dwindl recent year dramat evid chang martian climate measur rate increas amount carbon dioxid releas could gradual rais mars atmospher pressure doubl hundr thousand martian years,south pole mar,2001-12-13,790,125,0.0813988095238095,12-13,12,2001,13,5,2,4 2b75c0fc0f9b57fd53fe208620104318680c6d9de78c30f327ecd7b9e37ed198,brian lula,like delic cosmic petals cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers still beauti digit imag show iri nebula rang color symmetri impress detail within iris dusti nebular materi surround massive hot young star form years central filament cosmic dust glow reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light yet domin color nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight dark obscur cloud dust cold molecular ga also present lead eye see convolut fantast shapes infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs shown here iri nebula 6 lightyear across,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2001-12-14,745,115,-0.0272727272727272,12-14,12,2001,14,4,2,5 acfd995f793900dd6c3d053acb87c4e8c7029b81e993079aaa68e8efee436a72,none,strike line 13 close space crater jupiter moon ganymed photograph galileo spacecraft 1997 pictur cover area 120 mile wide chain crater cut across sharp boundari dark light terrain caus crater chain remarkably explor solar system shown crater chain like one unique though consid mysteri dramat object lesson offer comet shoemakerlevi 9 1994 mani denizen planet earth watch huge piec torn comet slam jupit spectacular seri sequenti impacts like similar torn comet earli histori solar system respons crater chains,ganymede torn comet crater chain,2001-12-15,510,78,0.2388888888888888,12-15,12,2001,15,3,1,2 01e4d9b1879f7ae1010b224e6a4779385f8859517a9d1be24208df1747d8e236,none,time go home eight day aboard earthorbit intern space station iss esa flight engin haigner russian command victor russian flight engin complet sever experi success deliv new actual new soyuz capsul arriv return home older soyuz capsul left six month ago haigner expert studi develop micrograv conditions pictur octob 31 soyuz spacecraft iss dark space blue earth hover background,leav intern space station,2001-12-17,380,59,0.0589393939393939,12-17,12,2001,17,8,0,2 d58ca199845a958a58a91338890a5999eb353d485c703d9455f45c72104af628,de et al,massiv star form observ evid indic outskirt develop open cluster star primari locations pictur one open sharpless visibl imag center massiv star open cluster energet light star ioniz surround hydrogen atom creat hii region hydrogen atom electrons emit red light sharpless 212 also contain small amount dust heavi atom sulfur dust effici absorb light emiss sulfur highlight blue particularli strike welldefin boundari separ ioniz materi surround neutral materi visibl edg hii region sharpless 212 span 20 light year lie 25000 light year away,sharpless hydrogen sulfur,2001-12-18,540,83,0.1374999999999999,12-18,12,2001,18,6,1,5 5c4b1b68ef10fae4e147ee2d48650727b90e2edf8c4afa018b7bd3a46b962c5f,a j benson caltech et al u pparc,dark matter galaxi rotat move cluster tremend amount unseen matter present dark matter exist greater univers so answer found compar distribut galaxi observ numer comparison becam much accur recent 100000 galaxi observ 2degre field galact redshift survey frame comput simul universe 300 million lightyear slice show dark matter gray galaxi color circles red box indic locat rich cluster galaxies green box show typic universe analys indic immens graviti pervas dark matter pull normal matter it light matter dark matter actual cluster together,find dark matter,2001-12-19,543,82,0.045,12-19,12,2001,19,7,0,3 12be5a1ba1f19aeb60f54c338eb7fa90d57a7fbb5384f22aad93d9ddeb7e340c,tunc tezel,view earth solar system planet cosmic danc hard appreci singl night consid well plan anim sequenc combin 23 pictur taken approxim 2 week interv june 2000 may 2001 reveal grace loop retrograd motion bright wander jupit leftmost saturn among background star familiar pleiad abov right vshape hyad below left star clusters planet actual loop revers direct orbits though appar retrograd motion reflect motion earth itself retrograd motion seen time earth overtak lap planet orbit farther sun earth move rapidli rel closein orbit astronom tunc tezel captur jupit saturn retrograd loop remark seri made close align ga giant may 2000 next opportun see two planet danc de year 2020,jupit saturn pa de,2001-12-20,673,108,0.1298941798941799,12-20,12,2001,20,8,2,1 021f59b08aaab6ba6ca5bfc08defe7522f643c88ef6f88c3405393f0e40d5106,stan richard,welcom decemb solstice first day winter north summer southern hemispher planet earth today sun reach southernmost declin sky univers time short week ago sun approach end annual journey south eclips moon observ costa wit fleet annular eclips moon surround dramat bright ring cover 96 percent visibl solar surfac maximum phase america eclips partial sky often partial public televis engin stan richard captur view near de moines iowa usa taken close eclips maximum location sharp silhouet edg moon visibl cloud lower left quadrant solar disk,partial cloudi day,2001-12-21,540,84,0.0725,12-21,12,2001,21,1,0,1 d7c6648f97d92b0a55add519129b1123ae4cd312f57b3bf5ed31ca6376c13424,s j u observatori,last week asteroid approach unusu close earth pass well outsid orbit moon asteroid 1998 pose danger becam bright enough see binocular track radar pictur above kilometers asteroid imag cross sky decemb 14 two day closest approach everi years asteroid actual pass insid orbit moon larg impact featur earth testament asteroid comet actual impact earth distant past astronom continu discover track studi potenti hazard asteroid goal make planet earth safer place,asteroid 1998 pass near earth,2001-12-24,458,70,0.0388888888888888,12-24,12,2001,24,8,0,2 e9c1c12ccbfd7c565e07e6a0a89bf131f0e3ee3fbac6230385c9af36bf2b83f5,none,star form earli universe astronom gain insight studi ngc 6822 nearbi galaxi classifi irregular modern standard appear typic galaxi billion year ago inspect ngc 6822 show sever bright star groups includ two dub hubblex pictur above hubbl space telescop resolv hubbl v energet star light surround gas star central dens knot hubbl v shine brighter 100000 suns hubbl v ga cloud span 200 light year lie 15 million lightyear away toward constel sagittarius,star form region,2001-12-25,450,73,0.2428571428571428,12-25,12,2001,25,7,1,3 bde0f291b470db3a7225733295a5f051d69deb6577dc4b7f8613df70dfa77cc9,none,crab nebula catalog m1 first charl messier famou list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant expand cloud debri explos massiv star violent birth crab wit astronom year 1054 roughli 10 lightyear across today nebula still expand rate 1000 kilomet per second flip two imag made nearli 30 year apart anim clearli demonstr expansion smaller crab record photograph imag made 1973 use kitt peak nation observatori 4meter telescop 1973 expand crab made year kitt peak visitor center telescop digit camera background star use regist two images,incred expand crab,2001-12-27,542,86,-0.13,12-27,12,2001,27,4,0,4 c548c70a24c762a77a0ae0c09fdf9a94fbcc4f253b5ebaaa6329d01d4c5564a7,robert gendler,interstellar dust grain often find reflect near bright star cloud dust particl scatter short wavelength visibl starlight readili long wavelengths produc love blue reflect nebulae nine spectacular exampl dusty blue stellar assembl astrophotograph rob gendler left right start top row ngc 1977 orion the witch m78 also orion across middl row are m20 ngc 2264 monoceros star nebula along bottom ngc 2023 near ngc 7023 nebula final bright star merop surround veil dust ngc merop one seven sister pleiades,starlight reflect,2001-12-28,500,79,0.2053571428571428,12-28,12,2001,28,4,1,5 7e2cdffc78cc80d1f751662c9e56b00f743d78a722b9329881472f591aa04201,none,live excit time human natur entir universe year particular however quest cosmolog understand appear astronom dark dark matter dark energi becom accept invis compon universe much like oxygen nitrogen becom establish invis compon earthbound air natur origin formerli invisible however exit cosmolog dark age rel unexplor concept higher spatial dimensions string theori fundament particles new form inflat cornerston role complet theory understand invis air led use airplan oxygen mask perhap understand dark matter dark energi lead even spectacular use pictur above three largest optic telescop i keck ii prepar peer dark distant universe,year dark cosmolog,2001-12-31,636,93,0.0212121212121212,12-31,12,2001,31,8,2,4 d889e8387d8636d64fc2e9514fadbe77cb17abebc56a2f6df398ab1a68c6f8c3,jan curti,caus black aurora gap normal bright aurora frequent record rare recent research use data four cluster spacecraft orbit earth like found secret black aurora actual antiauroras normal auroras electron andor predominantli neg charg particl fall toward earth along surfac constant magnet field ioniz earth atmospher impact caus bright glows black however neg charg particl suck earth ionospher along adjoin magnet field lines dark antiaurora climb 20000 kilomet last sever minutes pictur above black aurora seen divid bright aurora fairbanks alaska usa,secret black aurora,2002-01-01,548,81,0.0879629629629629,01-01,1,2002,1,8,0,1 714b80af8ebc5ca19f07b82106d82d29793301d8417677286ecd410291ea3373,none,high cloudi earth intern space station iss orbit space shuttl endeavor crew took pictur depart space station middecember endeavor brought three new astronaut occupi iss carri home member expedit three trio hous iss sinc august highlight endeavor mission includ fix solar panel maneuv station avoid larg piec pass space visibl pictur space station robot manipul arm well sever modul solar arrays,intern space station earth,2002-01-02,394,61,0.1481818181818182,01-02,1,2002,2,8,1,2 1fd49b942e1e08e86933682e2699d7abbc9276b893cce7b4da50db3696cf9e74,none,hubbl space telescope 1995 imag pillar dust gas lightyear long within eagl nebula m16 three promin pillar closeup visibl light pictur also appear center widefield mosaic along massive bright young star cluster ngc upper right whose wind radiat shape dusti pillars made near infrar light european southern observatory 82meter antu telescope widefield imag make pillar seem transparent longer wavelength partial penetr obscur dust hubbl imag show pillars startl surfac detail 70 opaque lump materi dub evapor gaseou globul eggs near infrar view allow astronom peer inside compar two view reveal nearli dozen egg inde star embed near tips star within egg may detect longer wavelength observ region made came first star,m16 stars pillars eagle egg,2002-01-03,716,111,0.1366071428571428,01-03,1,2002,3,6,2,5 589b35d91ea71c35e9eceef7c1a99f0c52731ebf224c3b3e4f5d42dbbe47eac4,none,head interstellar ga dust cloud shown falsecolor nearinfrar view record astronom hunt star within m16 eagl nebula made famou 1995 hubbl imag 7000 lightyear distant star form region cloud surfac seen cover fingerlik evapor gaseou globul nearinfrar imag penetr obscur dust cloud edges cloud core appear dark opaque even rel long wavelengths still image made eso antu telescope reveal massive bright yellow star directli detect visibl light hubbl data young star light small bluish nebula dark twist central stripe it right sever much fainter less massiv star also seen visibl light newborn star lie within eagle eggs newborn star may alreadi collapsing form materi insid nebula intens radiat other nearby emerg hot star erod sculpt dramat pillar eggs event dusti cloud erod away star still form cutoff reservoir star stuff growth even develop planetari system like serious affected,m16 infrar star hunt,2002-01-04,880,138,0.0742481203007518,01-04,1,2002,4,4,2,5 85a0f5a1d54e88b4b77e967bfadba022d111d377a0e927d734cb704b7c143d90,robert gendler,sometim simplest shape hardest explain example origin mysteri coneshap region seen far left remain mystery interstellar formation dub cone nebula locat 2700 light year away featur imag includ red emiss diffus interstellar hydrogen wispi filament dark dust bright star monocerotis visibl far right blue reflect nebula surround brighter stars dark cone nebula region clearli contain much dust block light emiss nebula open cluster ngc 2264 behind it one hypothesi hold cone nebula form wind particl energet sourc blow past bok globul head cone,mysteri cone nebula,2002-01-07,541,83,0.0823809523809524,01-07,1,2002,7,4,0,5 5ac6bc44bbbabbc63b6256da5a3f41be77084eff2f3c8764a2bdd66093b1b96a,none,rich star field glow hydrogen ga silhouett dense opaqu cloud interstellar ga dust hubbl space telescop closeup ic 2944 bright star form region centaurus 5900 lightyear away largest dark globules first spot south african astronom a d thackeray 1950 like two separ overlap clouds one lightyear wide combin cloud contain materi equival 15 time mass sun actual collaps form massiv stars along data sharp hubbl imag indic thackeray globul fractur churn result intens ultraviolet radiat young hot star alreadi energ heat bright emiss nebula similar dark globul known associ star form region may ultim dissip hostil environ like cosmic lump butter hot fri pan shape pictur outlin detector hubble wfpc2 camera,thackeray globul,2002-01-08,702,111,0.15,01-08,1,2002,8,4,2,4 e6c9b3762ed4bd2e1b581eb4f9d13a1b54b499d536aab79da3fa3e83225ff83c,mario cogo,difficult observe momentari green flash rise set sun document phenomenon caus atmospher bend refract sunlight like weak prism earth atmospher break white sunlight colors bend red color slightli green blue color increasingli larger angles sky clear green flash sun edg sometim seen second so sun close distant horizon blue flash even harder see though atmospher must extraordinarili clear avoid scatter diminish refract blue sunlight still site near de lo muchacho altitud 2400 meters la palma canari islands astrophotograph captur dramat telescop imag blue flash color film octob 2001 imag set sun larg sunspot group surfac heavili distort atmospher layers linger green rim visibl tantal blue flash,blue flash,2002-01-09,698,106,-0.0787499999999999,01-09,1,2002,9,1,2,4 763721b91cf49a1d39257a317566db728201d27f4afdb06e82c4abf042731638,none,intens overwhelming direct glare sun block smooth disk center imag sunstar soho spacecraft taken januari 8 pictur show streamer solar wind billow radial outward million kilomet sun surfac indic white circle right inner planet venus bright imag sharp horizont stripe digit imag artifact also impress bright period visitor inner solar system comet machholz 1 abov left comet definit member sungraz comet famili often spot approach sun soho seen 18 million kilomet sun about one eighth earthsun distance substanti coma foreshorten tail machholz 1 pass perihelion outbound orbit return 5 years,,2002-01-11,589,90,0.1815934065934066,01-11,1,2002,11,3,1,2 8fa6704477ec79cb825b13743ee695cbb4772cc6124044a505ad9c9be1ce5b32,none,could see gamma rays could sky would seem fill shimmer highenergi glow exot mysteri object universe earli 1990 nasa orbit compton observatory produc premier vista entir sky gamma rays photon 40 million time energi visibl light diffus gammaray glow plane milki way galaxi run horizont falsecolor image brightest spot galact plane right center pulsars spin magnet neutron star form violent crucibl stellar explosions plane quasars believ power supermass black holes produc gammaray beacon edg universe natur mani fainter sourc remain unknown,gamma ray sky,2002-01-12,539,81,-0.0329931972789115,01-12,1,2002,12,6,0,3 c9f92e843192323613290cf6a3dc95a5d738c108e7c10880ab168d35526dd6f2,none,sixteen hundr year ago hypatia becam one world lead scholar mathemat astronomy hypatia legendari knowledge modesty public speak abil flourish era great librari alexandria hypatia credit contribut geometri astrometry thought instrument develop skymeasur astrolabe reserv right think even think wrongli better think all hypatia credit saying to teach superstit truth terribl thing,hypatia alexandria,2002-01-13,378,52,0.3964285714285714,01-13,1,2002,13,8,1,1 0d1c22f3f88158e3766e2096550ce045d8430fc44b77227412e7d67e28bb281a,philip appleton scienc caltech,sometim look like sun view larg lens case however actual million lenses ice crystals water freez upper atmosphere small flat sixsided ice crystal might formed crystal flutter ground much time spent face flat parallel ground observ may pass plane mani fall ice crystal near sunris sunset alignment crystal act like miniatur lens refract sunlight view creat phenomena like parhelia technic term sundogs imag taken morn 2000 winter solstic near iowa usa visibl imag center sun two bright sundog glow promin left right also visibl behind neighborhood hous tree 22 degre halo three sun pillars upper tangent arc creat sunlight reflect atmospher ice crystals,sun halo winter solstic,2002-01-14,652,103,0.0303571428571428,01-14,1,2002,14,1,2,1 4772baab621a7d35b4ef35b4d0c2ff96259b90298e2330acecc38da956475177,none,typic larg galaxi cluster billion lightyear away abel featur hundr galaxi embed cloud multimillion degre ga glow xrays chandra observatori xray imag show hot ga cluster central region also reveal two larg dark caviti within xray one right center left health abel caviti 60000 lightyear across thought remnant 100 million year old explos origin supermass black hole cluster core dim ghost caviti complet empti would collaps long ago instead like fill hotter gas high energi particles magnet field move away cluster center like bubbl rise life galaxi cluster explos may happen over creat seri caviti transport magnet field away cluster center fact radio observ suggest anoth explos sinc occur center abel,abel cosmic,2002-01-16,702,111,0.0092176870748299,01-16,1,2002,16,7,2,4 5feef124e2a966480fc111a1949827d9b4ef21d4fb3f06a74e31c7217295c71f,none,pick galaxy galaxy top panel choos myriad distant galaxi reveal deep hubbl space telescop imag narrow slice cosmo toward constel hercules pick distort reddish galaxi indic yellow box chosen one team infrar astronom recent place distanc 9 billion lightyears classifi extrem red galaxi time univers one third present age along bottom panel galaxy appear filter rang visibl infrar wavelength left right present seri neg images bright galaxi infrar compar visibl suggest light intens star format activity redden dust cloud within galaxi itself respons extrem red color astronom estim galaxi around 100 billion star may fact distant mirror analog milki way galaxi form years,pick galaxy galaxi,2002-01-17,670,103,0.0928571428571428,01-17,1,2002,17,7,2,4 b8f5a5aced46ffeb161a6ff106c24aa14b9dd1900c5b62d74cc06930c507e0c9,joe orman,last november skygaz toward constel taurus astrophotograph joe orman arrang time exposur includ love hyad pleiad star cluster field telephoto lens distanc 400 lightyear closeknit pleiad 150 lightyear vshape hyad put cluster gener galact neighborhood sun punctuat appearance bright yellow aldebaran 60 lightyear away actual member cluster taurus brightest star aldebaran even brighter saturn seen 12 lighthour fair planet last least massive one faint speck aldebaran mainbelt asteroid vesta mere 13 lightminut away still cruis taurus vesta steadili approach close align conjunct saturn march 19 need program follow players click imag label version,saturn vesta tauru,2002-01-18,646,93,0.0545454545454545,01-18,1,2002,18,6,2,4 1adcd1801df1f4cbc8404b8adccabd0e1286730422f9e83cef63af355eea744d,none,galaxi made stars star found within galaxies use hubbl space telescope research explor virgo cluster galaxi found 600 red giant star adrift intergalact space artist vision sky hypothet planet lone sun night sky world orbit intergalact star would stark contrast earth featur spectacl stars member milki way galaxy suggest illustration set red sun would leav behind dark sky fleck faint fuzzy apparit virgo cluster galaxies possibl eject home galaxi galaxygalaxi collisions isol sun may well repres part large previous unseen stellar population fill space virgo cluster galaxies,star without galaxi,2002-01-19,577,87,-0.0952380952380952,01-19,1,2002,19,6,0,3 5963de403c1e366006b0bcc6b70186469ca2b9be485804eea8f66181ba99bb38,none,callisto surfac show age probabl form time io differ surfac two moon jupit could hardli greater io surfac young show practic impact craters continu repav lava explod mani larg volcanoes callisto surfac old show highest densiti impact crater solar system harbor volcano even larg mountains callisto surfac one larg icefield lace crack crater billion year collis interplanetari debris imag taken 2001 may is far complet global color imag taken jupiterorbit galileo spacecraft,callisto full face,2002-01-20,473,72,0.1599999999999999,01-20,1,2002,20,8,1,2 b3467f7649935727f51aff0489dac1c4c07ddb4a6ed765f482a41f8638a865bb,none,first time earth graviti use isol quantum energi level effect may use futur test slightli differ effect graviti charg particl differ mass experi colleagu institute care drop neutron seen appear discret effect also interest involv intersect two branch physic remain formal theori known quantum mechan tell us univers work smallest scales einstein gener theori rel tell us graviti univers work largest scales effect itself however impli attribut possibl quantum field natur gravity pictur falsecolor surfac might creat evolut string describ fundament particl tini mani physicist work toward creation truli quantum theori gravity,neutron earth graviti,2002-01-22,626,92,0.25,01-22,1,2002,22,8,1,4 dfc1e536f1c41650a54ff367032453462b5e104e54105e09dea0387c8289930d,group galaxi survey team,nearbi galaxi ngc 6822 irregular sever ways first galaxy star distribut formal classif dwarf irregular small galaxi appear nearli rectangular strike astronom peculiar however ngc unusu high abund hii regions local ioniz hydrogen surround young stars larg hii regions also known emiss nebulas visibl surround small galaxy particularli toward upper right toward lower left bright star loos group arm pictur above ngc 6822 also known barnard galaxy locat 15 million light year away member local group galaxies galaxy home famou nebula includ hubbl v visibl small telescop toward constel sagittarius,local group galaxi ngc,2002-01-23,595,90,0.0818367346938775,01-23,1,2002,23,7,2,3 fd8b6eca6ea84a44d4b365751b8afff7fee509d30f64150116a24aa21089d150,none,small inner moon saturn enceladu 500 kilomet diameter cold distant world reflect 90 percent sunlight receives give surfac reflect snow seen mosaic voyag 2 imag 1981 enceladu show varieti surfac featur impact crater indic activ world even though ice moon complet cool long ago fact fresh resurfac appear enceladu suggest intern mechanism perhap driven tidal gener heat suppli liquid water geyser water volcanos sinc enceladu orbit within tenuou outer e ring saturn moon surfac may kept snowbright continu bombard ici ring particles erupt enceladu would turn suppli materi e ring interplanetari ski bum take note tini enceladu one surfac graviti planet earth,ski enceladu,2002-01-24,657,102,-0.05,01-24,1,2002,24,0,2,4 97eff480bd81e15cb67ba3b360e2bebdd12ac4bcfe80f4ed589ac04d228f26b3,none,1968 apollo 8 crew flew earth moon back crew consist frank borman jame lovell william launch atop saturn v rocket decemb 21 circl moon ten time command module land back earth decemb 27 apollo 8 mission impress list first includes first human journey earth moon first man flight use saturn v first photograph earth deep space famou pictur above show earth rise moon limb seen lunar orbit marvel gift world,earth rise,2002-01-27,404,70,0.1,01-27,1,2002,27,2,1,2 62d94f6f0e2ec866c569221d4f91e427e70bd792f2c54a8a3ce1c3ef84b8fd9b,none,would like stand surfac anoth world look around you tri figur world got there get scroll right 1972 apollo 17 mission astronaut harrison schmitt eugen cernan found first hand case world earth moon one famou panorama taken moon magnific desol barren moon apparent visibl rocks hills craters lunar rover astronaut schmitt prepar take soil day imag taken human left moon yet return interact version imag found here,apollo 17 panorama,2002-01-28,411,67,0.1171428571428571,01-28,1,2002,28,2,1,2 cb6fc8fd428c652d8278b14fe6c04ae5826872c3ae9d489f6b16b98eff24a71b,none,robot telescop red sunglass chile photograph entir southern sky years result shown above complet sky map common visibl light emit abund element galaxy hydrogen specif red color emit warm ioniz hydrogen observed although spectacular emiss nebula glow brightli type red light diffus amount warm hydrogen spread throughout galaxi glow nice indic darker hydrogen gass may located also complex histori interstellar gas ga track plane galaxi run across center huge ga clouds expand shell long dead stars also visible map deriv southern halpha sky survey atla show entir galaxi one big emiss nebula albeit quit faint level,southern sky hydrogen,2002-01-29,615,96,0.1075,01-29,1,2002,29,4,2,5 133145ec56fdbcc71a51c32185d37b53726aa1688824be87417c7beac2d11b34,none,star beyond sun distant galaxi undetect extrem ultraviolet wavelengths least convent wisdom first realiz space star fill hydrogen strong extrem ultraviolet light idea serious question becam appar interstellar hydrogen patchi distribut quest explor extrem ultraviolet sky culmin 1992 launch euv ultraviolet spacecraft allski map base satellite first six month operation appear show bright variat sky fals color north up euve scan orbit give pictur stripe look instrument artifact seen cross data gap dark multipl imag moon combin form short bright dash line wander along middl picture belt star familiar constel orion fairli easi make left pictur center euve scienc oper ceas 2001 ultim detect nearli 1000 celesti objects includ three dozen outsid galaxy euve voyag discoveri complete spacecraft reent earth atmospher yesterday approxim pm,sky map,2002-01-31,838,124,0.0838235294117647,01-31,1,2002,31,6,2,4 37199b2daeca716ed734df5a08e8c44a8d07279a5fcbdd3dab71fcc449a948e1,none,twoton tiger hang out well case galact element experi hang mobil crane far left panorama photo record last decemb near mcmurdo station antarctica balloon carri tiger aloft record set day stretch far right scroll right background majest mt southernmost activ volcano world cruis twoton payload 100000 feet scientif fulli inflat intern volum roughli louisiana wall thin tiger design detect unexplain galact cosmic ray atom nuclei move near lightspe imping earth outsid solar system make first sensit measur cosmic ray atom number 26 40 tiger investig seek identifi type astrophys environ could sourc galact cosmicray materi possibl way nuclei acceler high speeds,balloon tiger,2002-02-01,661,101,0.0892207792207792,02-01,2,2002,1,8,2,4 26b9d44e4551a0f7760af8e185e93b23ed469b5f71adcefd8a4b80af3fec8d6b,none,new comet brighten unexpectedli current visibl unaid observ southern skies comet c2000 wm1 linear report observ third magnitude make brighter although diffus visibl stars dust tail long 3 degre also reported pictur center comet linear taken morn februari 1 300 km north sydney australia bright coma start dust tail visibl despit bright nearli full moon comet pass closest approach sun earth move toward northern sky fades,comet linear wm1 south,2002-02-04,423,66,0.1636363636363636,02-04,2,2002,4,3,1,3 6c09b1bfdb8d4a9903c2276f31f71e2c0a283f865b755de5e9ec6601d60ba496,none,two largest storm system jupit colliding nobodi sure result larger storm famou great red spot smaller larg white oval swirl cloud system circul jupiter white oval part belt cloud circl jupit faster great red spot oval start slow great red spot two week ago collis could last anoth month oval like surviv could possibl disrupt two storm system went least 1975 caus spot red color fade sever years pass voyag 2 robot spacecraft took pictur jupiter great red spot 1979 differ white oval visibl spot,giant storm system battl jupit,2002-02-05,495,85,0.1722222222222222,02-05,2,2002,5,8,1,1 a394a238d0083ee3deed0792829149459f95b0d463ba404c7c7a7b2c7bb2ed41,none,cosmic wallpap sky answer depend type light wavelengths materi foreground make still unknown recently however background near infrar light imag high resolut 2mass telescope confirm earlier estim twice bright origin expected small section cosmic infrar background shown repres colors visibl light emit first star galaxi universe emit univers less half current age uniform present univers sinc star spread earli times bright background indic mani star form univers cosmolog redshift one seven,cosmic infrar background,2002-02-06,490,71,0.1368627450980392,02-06,2,2002,6,6,1,3 496db253f12203359d30fa6ae9a8e68ee052bf5b13cadd2859409b5d644bd52b,none,ominous dark shape sprawl across face activ sun coron hole low densiti region extend surfac solar magnet field open freeli interplanetari space studi extens space sinc 1960 ultraviolet xray light coron hole known sourc highspe solar wind atom electron flow outward along open magnet field lines period low activity coron hole typic cover region sun poles coron hole one largest seen far current solar activ cycle extend south pole bottom well northern hemisphere coron hole like one may last solar rotat magnet field shift chang configurations shown falsecolor pictur sun januari 8th made extrem ultraviolet light eit instrument board spacebas soho observatory,coron hole,2002-02-07,661,102,0.075,02-07,2,2002,7,1,2,4 fb64ed6f4b56ab26db87ec3dad03a75ef29ff6906b6b7bbaf626c6adabc2a436,none,quasar known pk 1127145 lie ten billion lightyear fair planet hubbl space telescop view left panel show quasar along galaxi appear optic light quasar brightest object lower right corner right panel chandra observatori xray picture exactli correspond hubbl field ordinari galaxi seen chandra image strike jet nearli million lightyear long emerg quasar domin xray view bright optic xray light quasar thought harbor supermass black hole power jet make pk 1127145 visibl across spectrum beacon distant cosmos,quasar view,2002-02-08,505,76,0.2231601731601731,02-08,2,2002,8,7,1,4 9bf7f354e9e00789718c39fb4724f5bcd4a3b5f88427b2477be738ff68994d2e,linda huff american scientist priscilla frischu chicago,star alone disk milki way galaxi 10 percent visibl matter form gas call interstellar medium ism ism uniform show patchi even near sun quit difficult detect local ism tenuou emit littl light mostli hydrogen gas however absorb specif color detect light nearest stars work map local ism within 10 lightyear base recent observ shown above observ show sun move local interstellar cloud cloud flow outward scorpiuscentauru associ star form region sun may exit local interstellar cloud next 10000 years much remain unknown local ism includ detail distribution origin affect sun earth,local interstellar cloud,2002-02-10,576,91,-0.02,02-10,2,2002,10,6,0,4 cf3f417d2b9d42d6e6e6d47851135f17da6a8df32297321e59c99ccac524aff4,aao,eeri blue glow omin column dark dust highlight m78 one brightest reflect nebula sky m78 visibl small telescop toward constel orion dust absorb light also reflect light sever bright blue star form recent nebula type scatter color daytim sky enhanc blue color m78 five lightyear across m78 appear 1600 year ago however long take light go here m78 belong larger orion molecular cloud complex contain great nebula orion horsehead nebula,reflect nebula m78,2002-02-11,432,70,0.1392857142857143,02-11,2,2002,11,4,1,5 64253ce6a23532205e1b69e98fa8ecd7ed40549d7489f9821f22bb27abda60a4,none,help reduc blanket methan ga warm earth recent evid hold methan ch4 second carbon dioxid co2 creat warm greenhous effect easier atmospher methan past 200 years 20 time co2 methan may even respons sudden warm earth seven degre celsiu 55 million year ago methan produc ga sometim associ largest abund releas us however creat bacteria break carbonbas therefore effect way help planet tri restrict methan emiss would effici ga,methan earth,2002-02-12,422,69,0.2214285714285714,02-12,2,2002,12,8,1,1 6888adab0f8210b993b52161cfc2a459dd8df4b152642a0a0bd741d5d9e07492,robert gendler,astronom sight excit imagin like nearbi stellar nurseri known orion nebula nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion imag contrast balanc bring orion detail spectacular fashion visibl simultan bright star trapezium orion heart sweep lane dark dust cross center pervas red glow hydrogen gas blue tint dust reflect light newborn stars whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years,great nebula orion,2002-02-13,573,87,0.1970588235294118,02-13,2,2002,13,4,1,5 9b3217565e794e64fb32a8656ec43fa5df119d6c0e679396660dd35a434e5154,linda huff american scientist priscilla frischu chicago,surround sun neck milki way galaxy current best guess depict map surround 1500 light year construct variou observ currently sun pass local interstellar cloud shown violet flow away scorpiuscentauru associ young stars resid lowdens hole interstellar medium call local bubble shown black nearby molecular cloud includ aquila rift surround star form regions shown orange gum nebula shown green region hot ioniz hydrogen gas insid gum nebula vela supernova remnant shown pink expand creat fragment shell materi like futur observ help astronom discern local galact neighborhood might affect earth past climate,local bubbl galact neighborhood,2002-02-17,604,90,0.0794871794871794,02-17,2,2002,17,6,2,5 6c1495459038a55ce656d21ffc3af791d1e9446d463c9bcd04df4cf2b1502aa7,jayann english,shell ancient supernovas cocoon surround newborn stars speck distant quasar highlight tremend vista toward constel cygnus repres color imag cover 10 degre across sky small part canadian galact plane survey radio light diffus band ioniz ga flow though domin region star formation locat 6000 lightyear away two promin supernova shell visibl includ brown globul lower left white bumpi sphere upper right left brown globul entir north america nebula promin stellar cocoon visibl throughout imag bright white knots star like gener futur supernova shells far distance visibl red dots quasar glow,radio vista cygnu,2002-02-18,589,90,0.1065934065934066,02-18,2,2002,18,6,2,3 bf383a5c215e0c7bea6ce511a8fc83e724b0de2bbb5ca301d761379da8351659,none,water exist today mars yes although place mar known water north polar cap water view potenti wateric usual obscur winter dark summer clouds last april however orbit mar global surveyor spacecraft abl get good glimps waterbear cap martian spring low dark layer imag thought contain larg amount sand high light layer like contain higher amount waterice imag span area 5 kilomet across,imag martian polar cap,2002-02-19,383,62,0.0796969696969697,02-19,2,2002,19,5,0,1 b758f5f3c51cf5570ff7a7c36a077be761a628e80e64bdd330e23d2601bed7d3,none,one star star member globular cluster ngc 6397 noteworthi blink fast companion star specul hold might neutron star spun rate 274 rotat second bloat red star orbits matter gravit pull bloat star like orbit millisecond pulsar make spin faster crash onto surface odd system might result neutron star captur normal star near collis near globular cluster dens center collis near center ngc thought produc odditi blue straggler stars hubbl space telescop took imag color globular cluster,odditi star cluster ngc 6397,2002-02-20,482,76,0.0257575757575757,02-20,2,2002,20,6,0,3 63d5f83449f4239d23cdb1cf60a37ff1553afba5bde251b6a77628c7ff375c85,andrew cooper,comet ikeyazhang present head north planet earth sky frame star constel cetus comet discov faint telescop object near western horizon even februari 1st independ ikeya prefecture japan zhang province china later observ salvador brazil ikeyazhang expect brighten significantli march april could becom visibl unaid eye picture taken near tucson arizona usa even februari 9th cover field bit less width full moon show comet condens coma narrow develop tail ikeyazhang pass closest sun march 18 point roughli midway orbit mercuri venus base preliminari calcul comet orbit ikeyazhang suspect period comet return inner solar system everi 500 year so fact specul ikeyazhang may directli connect histor bright comet seen,comet ikeyazhang,2002-02-21,711,107,-0.0397435897435897,02-21,2,2002,21,3,2,1 ec401f3f7e9821d229d2fe1e2a1fb44fb65a57d97901456bb4a4c03350d8677d,tom,glide sky wednesday evening februari 20th first quarter moon seem run bright planet saturn view much north america sharp sequenc telescop digit imag observatori near kansas usa saturn seen reappear behind bright lunar limb period 2 minutes ring planet emerg dark smooth lunar mare crisium sea lunar occult wide anticip part ring planet brilliant moon spectacular celesti sights now european sky gazer turn moon occult solar system largest planet jupit earli morn hour saturday februari 23rd,saturn lunar limb,2002-02-22,490,76,0.2196428571428571,02-22,2,2002,22,2,1,1 b9e80a7d4172da37bf636a03389506c9ef904571a9146ca2b356f14a9b27c027,none,fifteen year ago today brightest supernova modern time sighted time astronom watch wait expand debri tremend stellar explos crash previous expel material clear result collis demonstr two frame record hubbl space telescop 1994 left central concentr stellar debri clearli evolv period yellow spot ring righthand pictur announc collis outward move blast wave preexisting lightyear wide ring collis occur speed near 60 million kilomet per hour shockheat ring materi caus glow astronom hope collis illumin interest past sn 1987a perhap provid clue origin mysteri rings,shock supernova 1987a,2002-02-23,563,84,0.0348484848484848,02-23,2,2002,23,8,0,4 baf416e05052980bd63418dd7a34f0f9d42bcb39bf5aede72271b37d40493467,none,sir isaac newton chang world born 1642 newton aboveaverag student went home cambridg one summer 1665 thought lot physic natur world came back two year later revolutionari understand mathematics gravitation optics professor his upon understand newton done resign posit cambridg newton could it newton calculu provid new mathemat framework rapid solut whole class physic problems newton law gravit explain one simpl formula appl fall planet move newton insight prove overwhelmingli power first scientist ever knighted,isaac newton explain solar system,2002-02-24,515,75,0.1172727272727272,02-24,2,2002,24,8,1,2 9cbb5f9fa1f3c47cb3a13ca4f85cd6f1218594e6abe1e2fea02c48f0c4209745,none,tomorrow picture plasma jet archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,crescent europa,2002-02-25,229,35,0.2857142857142857,02-25,2,2002,25,8,1,0 176ea8d156c3046220507bab7852210e722b3051d1e3ed5de69e59bd89e44050,nrao,jet stream plasma expel central black hole massiv ellipt galaxi like light composit imag jet eman ngc nearli million light year long exactli central black hole expel infal matter still unknown clear galaxy however jet inflat larg radio bubbl could glow million years excit pass front radio bubbl even light billion years visibl light depict imag blue radio wave shown red radio map creat larg array radio telescopes,jet radio galaxi,2002-02-26,415,68,0.0935897435897436,02-26,2,2002,26,7,0,3 37939dd26b6aded9417f8c6f51b3fa9433362f925d297f6f56fbd806d248c2f3,none,modern astronom keep long list thing go bump night near top supernova death explos massiv stars gammaray burst power explos seen across universe intriguingly galaxi hubbl space telescop imag may host supernova gammaray burst one event eso spiral galaxi promin central bar loos spiral arm dot bright starform regions inset show expand view one starform regions 300 lightyear across indic locat extraordinarili power supernova explos whose light first reach planet earth april 25 1998 locat date also correspond detect unusu gammaray burst may repres peculiar class cosmic highenergi flashes far combin uniqu make bar spiral eso distanc 100 million lightyears closest known gammaray burst host galaxy,eso supernova gamma ray burst connect,2002-02-28,700,106,0.25,02-28,2,2002,28,7,2,4 0a5f46bf6b84bcddca38763fbb6297f9920d6e048542b570eb9442f3ff834436,none,solar system largest planet ga giant jupiter famou swirl great red spot right hand panel above familiar giant planet storm system cloud band shown optic imag pass cassini spacecraft left hand panel falsecolor imag orbit chandra observatori present correspond xray view jupiter chandra imag show clearly first time xray spot auror xray emiss poles xray spot domin emiss jupiter north pole top perhap surpris astronom today great red spot was previou theories xray spot far north associ heavi electr charg particl vicin volcan moon io chandra data also show spot xray emiss mysteri pulsat period 45 minutes,jupiter great xray spot,2002-03-01,604,97,0.2221938775510204,03-01,3,2002,1,8,2,4 4709c40fb7a6798f364740a1bb6a8f8b6dfc94859d155648c0fff86ba978a25c,none,tomorrow picture 5000 horsepow archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,regolith asteroid ero,2002-03-03,232,35,0.2857142857142857,03-03,3,2002,3,8,1,0 ee7245145e745f419659eac94a60512ca47c127a43771c4150968ece2a92ed47,none,nasa largest track vehicl existence although pack 5000 top speed less two kilomet per hour fulli eleven peopl need drive singl fuel mileag 350 per kilomet less mile per function move nasa space shuttl complet launch platform assembl build launch pad kennedi space center florida usa two massiv machin oper sinc apollo era 4000 kilometers keep content perfectli pictur crawler transport shuttl columbia pad prior march 1st launch latest hubbl space servic mission,shuttl,2002-03-04,464,73,0.0944444444444444,03-04,3,2002,4,8,0,2 805a241f46eac62cfda190097cf80e6c0910de03f4bbd700d50baaedda67bb2a,none,true color planet earth blue ocean domin world area green forest brown mountains tan desert white ice also prominent ocean appear blue water blue also seawat frequent scatter light blue sky forest appear green contain preferenti absorb red light imag composit gener predominantli data moder resolut imag instrument mount terra satellit orbit earth sinc 1999 december imag experienc cloudfre daylight occur june septemb 2001 earth look much differ night,earth true color,2002-03-05,452,69,0.1107142857142857,03-05,3,2002,5,8,1,1 c3abbb61ac9d1e9c4698d71dcaa94f5c0a0a24a165558db0b10080c949fb4b5f,none,stunningli detailed pictur comput simul view cluster galaxi distant cosmos large ellipt galaxi domin hypothet cluster central region surround swarm member galaxies galaxi lie far behind cluster seen numer visibl concentr arc lens enorm gravit field domin dark matter within cluster itself magnific imag expect achiev advanc camera survey one upgrad instal hubbl space telescop ongo servic mission compar hubble workhors wide field planetari camera 2 whose achiev includ current deep field view universe new technolog ac twice sharp imag twice field view five time sensitivity along extend view distant cosmos enthusiast astronom also plan use ac monitor solar system search planet orbit star beyond sun,simul galaxi cluster view,2002-03-06,703,106,-0.0095654345654345,03-06,3,2002,6,7,2,4 c34c99b4c2ba5c706c764eb136e4d630a7b9963f1281b41a29c90b82ea1d03cb,gerald rhemann,last week comet ikeyazhang becom bright enough visibl unaid eye base present activity observ optimist ikeyazhang becom substanti brighter composit color imag march 3rd captur widefield telescope show activ comet bright condens coma delight array subtl structur develop tail bluish tail stretch 5 degre background star constel pisces come day look comet hang low western even sky below bright yellowish mars eventu becom difficult see march twilight april begins ikeyazhang becom predawn object climb higher morn sky month progresses catalog comet c2002 c1 improv orbit determin make seem like comet ikeyazhang around before refin calcul indic comet last trip inner solar system year ago record bright comet,comet ikeyazhang brighten,2002-03-07,706,107,0.103125,03-07,3,2002,7,3,2,1 52fc092b54362b0b0c6f4eb1a8dd3258c0053c8d43797a7cd0177cc77143e169,none,trail thick column space shuttl columbia blast twilight morn sky march 1 rocket briefli flood cloud bank light fals dawn event mark start ongo eleven day mission upgrad hubbl space telescope hubble upgrad includ instal new solar array new camera columbia crew schedul complet work today last five space columbia launch also mark first flight oldest oper space shuttl receiv extens upgrad itself design increas capabl mission low earth orbit shuttl land expect kennedi space center march 12,columbia dawn,2002-03-08,489,78,0.065340909090909,03-08,3,2002,8,8,0,2 bafa1835032508f2c5a144e18a4c12c590ebcf20461523c013eac60129da3094,gordon garradd,1996 march 22 galaxi comet share southern sky captur together horizon horizon night sky loomberah new south wales australia astronom gordon garradd use home made allski camera fishey lens result circular 200 degre field view gorgeou sky view domin lumin band milki way galaxi cut dramatic dark interstellar dust clouds along bright star galaxy larg magellan cloud visibl lower left night sky also grace long lovely bluish tail comet hyakutake seen toward top image near bright star arcturus bright citi light nearbi tamworth glow along northwestern horizon,southern sky view,2002-03-10,556,87,0.2386946386946387,03-10,3,2002,10,6,1,1 cb27de91b63fd1987df84bfa2f7d7b290837c01fae6b5889f33b8f9aeb00040a,none,largest singledish fulli steerabl radio telescop began oper 2000 august green bank west virginia usa dedic robert c byrd green bank telescope devic weigh 30 time statu liberty yet point anywher sky precis one thousandth degree main dish larg could hous footbal game allow hear even faint quasar locat across universe anyon propos use green bank telescope although formal propos green bank telescope larg size innov design allow investig radio wave emit comets planets pulsars distant galaxies distant earli universe,green bank radio telescop,2002-03-11,515,80,-0.1925925925925926,03-11,3,2002,11,8,0,2 f55570f653f9aa569fe72622716ac5f19f4159f9ab9b53d590440438a19bc0bc,none,could caus huge cylindr mountain rise surfac venus featur occur venu known coronas pictur foreground 500kilomet wide atet corona found region venu known galindo imag creat combin multipl radar map region form computergener threedimension perspective seri dark rectangl cross imag top bottom creat imag procedur real origin massiv corona remain mysteri although specul hold result form volcanism studi venusian corona help scientist better understand inner structur venu earth,corona venu,2002-03-12,475,68,0.16875,03-12,3,2002,12,8,1,4 e166bce693f882bcf4963b119df089fda6474d17238d30eddde9a5002ab7de05,none,tomorrow picture neutron mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,mission hubbl,2002-03-14,230,35,0.2857142857142857,03-14,3,2002,14,5,1,0 8a4553c877855d0c6295a9ae89e089dcea989c5890a427e00c421c69e34299c0,none,look water mars research use detector board orbit mar odyssey spacecraft creat falsecolor global map energet neutron otherwis red planet neutron water cosmic ray interplanetari space penetr thin martian atmospher reach surfac interact element upper layer soil scatter neutron back space martian soil contain hydrogen serious absorb energet scatter neutrons track variat absorption neutron detector map chang surfac hydrogen content orbit hydrogen content taken surrog measur frozen water h20 like form hydrogen close martian surface blue shade map correspond larg concentr hydrogen indic particular martian south polar region high amount water ice near surface,neutron mar,2002-03-15,660,94,-0.0354545454545454,03-15,3,2002,15,5,2,2 3db18e87da1a9c57dad97513511f04af9f071945cc71202e6a06858aaaf245c6,none,recogn earth moon see it crazy patchwork appear falsecolor imag make almost full view moon familiar near side look strange sea tranquil mare tranquillitatis bright blue area right ocean storm oceanu procellarum extens blue orang area left white line radiat crater tycho bottom center record 1992 galileo spacecraft enrout jupiter pictur mosaic 15 imag taken three color filters imag data combin exagger color scheme emphas composit differ blue hue reveal titanium rich area orang purpl color show region rel poor titanium iron multicolor imag explor moon global surfac composit made 1994 clementin spacecraft,color moon,2002-03-16,609,93,0.0647321428571428,03-16,3,2002,16,8,2,1 a9a1fb51d784588e98295b4a4d3cc25eb0c1e12f020e6c8607e00569cfb2315f,j c cuillandr g cfht staff cfht,heart rosett nebula lie bright open cluster star light nebula star ngc 2244 form surround ga four million year ago emit light wind defin nebula appear today high energi light bright young star ngc 2244 ioniz surround hydrogen ga cloud creat red emiss nebula appearance hot wind particl stream away cluster star contribut alreadi complex menageri ga dust filament slowli evacu cluster center ngc 2244 measur 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away visibl binocular toward constel monoceros,ngc 2244 star cluster rosett nebula,2002-03-17,492,78,0.2258333333333333,03-17,3,2002,17,4,1,5 cccf8151cdb6651074d9df6a1793a8ffffe6b7066b6aa8d4010b556f099dbe91,gilbert jone,one brightest comet past five year like reach peak bright week comet ikeyazhang offici known c2002 c1 seen without dark locat western horizon shortli sunset recent luminos estim comet ikeyazhang place magnitud three four make brighter commonli visibl stars pictur taken march 11 near tucson arizona usa imag caught comet ikeyazhang show quit detail ion tail possibl disrupt magnet field sun outwardli flow particl wind activ comet notori hard predict comet ikeyazhang may still hold surpris round sun month start back solar system april,comet busi tail,2002-03-18,536,84,-0.0101851851851851,03-18,3,2002,18,3,0,1 ea6eb6b38bb6d2c13f624aa144ee8c678f40e0213cb21ea16598e1581b4126a8,none,distant universe time appear run slow sinc timedil light appear shift toward red end spectrum redshifted astronom abl use cosmolog timeslow help measur vast distanc universe above light distant galaxi broken constitu color spectra allow astronom measur redshift known spectral lines novelti imag distanc hundr galaxi measur singl frame use visibl multiobject spectrograph begun oper larg telescop array chile analyz space distribut distant object allow insight stars galaxies quasar formed clustered evolv earli universe,break distant light,2002-03-19,520,74,-0.0199999999999999,03-19,3,2002,19,8,0,4 caebe8d31f00047b152f071f563790cae3eb727d6effecc11b332c3c40d28b50,robert schwarz u,look bottom world strang spectacular sight sometim observed case long antarct night 1998 awesom aurora photograph scientif visibl left foreground photograph martin a pomerantz observatori defunct telescop canva dome visibl right outsid temperatur time photograph taken celsiu although slightli heat box camera,aurora antarctica,2002-03-20,309,42,0.2089285714285714,03-20,3,2002,20,8,1,1 122bf6c06aca5e6b980e9d671ec9f3eb5f9866dd5ea2da6da0fd05da574becb0,none,taken yesterday soho spacecraft falsecolor imag show activ sun near march equinox begin autumn south spring northern hemisphere record band extrem ultraviolet light emit highli ioniz iron atoms sun upper atmospher solar corona shine array activ region plasma loop suspend magnet fields bright coron structur loop seen temperatur 15 million kelvins chance sun earthfac side also seem mark twist complex dark filament channel shape like giant filament repres rel cool materi corona show promin seen sun edge planet earth recent solar activ made auror display like around year march equinox,sun,2002-03-21,588,90,0.1222222222222222,03-21,3,2002,21,1,2,1 9596036aaf8995efe974ba9fee76636ad2f4ff54cf8506a51e84d7ad65289026,none,scroll right journey 300 kilomet terra sirenum crater highland southern mars infrar view 32 kilomet wide recent record themi camera board orbit mar odyssey spacecraft begin north left edge scene sweep across floor rim kovalski crater continu southward right crater rim lava flow exhibit fractur numer smaller impact craters infrar imag made daylight hours sunfac slope still warm bright shadow area cool dark rocki region also tend remain cooler darker surroundings like correspond dark blotchi terrain along kovalski crater floor dark ring rocki ejecta surround smaller craters,odyssey mar,2002-03-22,578,87,0.1193877551020408,03-22,3,2002,22,5,2,2 ef445d992c5cb0337c839789d47a2eca44e6fc08d9de7fc5fa6d20e3408cd9b1,none,alien planet bizarr landscap lurk fierylook clouds planet earth cours seen water vapor channel hourly imag like one an infrar imag shown brought orbit geostationari oper environment satellites goes multichannel imagers instrument produc imag infrar wavelength 67 micron 10 time wavelength visibl light record radiat absorb water vapor upper troposphere picture planet dark region correspond high concentr water vapor storm high cloud tops bright area rel dry domin bright featur seen persist region dri descend air extend west pacif coast atmospher water vapor otherwis invis eye produc evapor oceans editor note thank state correct origin text,water vapor channel,2002-03-23,645,96,0.1837037037037037,03-23,3,2002,23,8,2,4 e86dcabfe92a59318ca3005de5823f027c88403f4107518617830569e3a12b9b,none,three thousand lightyear away die star throw shell glow gas imag hubbl space telescop reveal cat eye nebula one complex planetari nebula known fact featur seen cat eye complex astronom suspect bright central object may actual binari star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage stellar evolution,cat eye nebula,2002-03-24,453,69,-0.0239999999999999,03-24,3,2002,24,4,0,5 ac6a01c5abd136fda6ca88ab37fb10330cb5a1204b0d968c8c38d6456d5b8bad,francisco a rodriguez ramirezastroeduca,comet ikeyazhang becom bright enough stand night sky discov februari 1 comet round sun like attain peak brightness comet appear near sun next week move even sky just morn sky just sunrise mani observ report current bright approach third magnitude comet actual giant snowbal creat earli day solar system push gravit massiv planets comet ikeyazhang back inner solar system least above comet photograph tenerife one canari islands spain,comet ikeyazhang tenerif,2002-03-26,433,68,0.0714285714285714,03-26,3,2002,26,3,0,1 7bb44a5de9bbdbcb7ecf62a06083de72c99c72c6b214404d766b147f4a96b59d,none,would look like peer one volcano current activ jupiter moon io caldera tupan patera name brazilian thunder god reveal strang danger place replet hot black lava warm red sulfur deposit like deposit vent gas hilli yellow terrain also high sulfur robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupit provid vista late last year swoop activ world tupan patera actual volcan surround cliff nearli kilomet high width depress 75 kilometers galileo fill mission object run low maneuv fuel nasa plan crash spacecraft jupit 2003,look io volcano,2002-03-27,510,81,0.0454761904761904,03-27,3,2002,27,8,0,2 e26378dffdfeab7cb1158fb6961a97c88f3c811dde68f47fe6579d723f626cc7,none,centauru cluster swarm hundr galaxi mere 170 million lightyear away like immens galaxi clusters centauru cluster fill ga temperatur 10 million degre more make cluster lumin sourc cosmic xrays individu galaxi seen here falsecolor xray imag chandra observatori reveal strike detail central region hot cluster gas includ larg twist plume 70000 lightyear long color repres temperatur indic xray data red yellow green blue shade rang order cool hot plume ga alon estim contain materi equival one billion time mass sun may wake ga condens cool along path massive domin central galaxi move cluster,centauru galaxi cluster xray,2002-03-28,590,93,0.0678571428571428,03-28,3,2002,28,7,2,4 0617e1c4cc64752f62812bad7b2a4f02e739755e11080426b2f52f4307f8cc29,none,what caus odd ring supernova 1987a 1987 recent histori occur larg magellan clouds center pictur object central remain violent stellar explosion hubbl space telescop point supernova remnant 1994 however exist curiou ring confirmed origin ring still remain mystery specul caus ring includ beam jet eman dens star left supernova superposit two stellar wind ioniz supernova explosion,mysteri ring supernova 1987a,2002-03-31,379,56,-0.0185185185185185,03-31,3,2002,31,6,0,3 3a85da797435ed65aefc631b0759744883a7d5c783aaf5575b896f6d67fbadab,none,use new camera recent hubbl space telescope astronom abl confirm moon made green cheese tell clue resolut numer date moon may go bad controversi still exists however whether date resolv truli expir date sell by date to cautious complet devour moon tomorrow spokesperson advised happi april fool day folk apod imag slightli altered actual taken 1965 ranger 9 probe minut impact popular moon made green myth trace back almost 500 years use histor context indic claim clearli fals one even april fool believ it,hubbl resolv expir date green chees moon,2002-04-01,509,84,-0.0454545454545454,04-01,4,2002,1,2,0,1 3e6d5837e82273fb4da6de2fd0dae25d32aa034554e9000bd30c5c09094e25ff,nasa,caus water florida bay turn black mysteri black color could seen earli last decemb imag taken seawif instrument board earthorbit seastar satellite darkest period february imag taken visibl usual water drop three meters sampl taken current analyzed earli test show black water normal oxygen might unusu whatev cause black water real consequences normal abund fish complet absent recent seawif imag show black water break smaller,mysteri black water florida bay,2002-04-02,427,65,-0.0448717948717948,04-02,4,2002,2,8,0,1 a91f03c268d88b4df085ddac686e7355f1b73a4bdef36364e553c770cff598e4,none,much mass floccul spiral hide true color imag floccul spiral galaxi ngc 4414 taken hubbl space telescop help answer question floccul spiral galaxi without well defin spiral arm quit common form galaxy ngc 4414 one closest star ga near visibl edg spiral galaxi orbit center fast graviti larg amount unseen dark matter must present hold together pictur photogen center ngc 4414 bright foreground star milki way galaxi shine foreground image although ngc center like hold littl dark matter understand matter distribut help calibr rest galaxi and deduction floccul spiral general determin precis distanc ngc astronom also hope help calibr scale distant universe,ngc 4414 floccul spiral galaxi,2002-04-03,659,102,0.0428571428571428,04-03,4,2002,3,7,2,3 4daee0783821b207c3d1f4a127ce9a56c3be41b1dea287a2c83f5844dd9969ba,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,comet ikeyazhang becom photogen comet love earli even view comet rocki mountain sky look northwest ridg low clouds time exposur record march 31st 8000 foot elev near yampa colorado usa sport sweep yellowish dust tail blue ion tail eight ten degre long ikeyazhang nestl near horizon northern constel andromeda comet left bright star mirach beta andromeda stretch celesti comet right m31 andromeda galaxy nearest bright spiral galaxi milki way day pass comet ikeyazhang appar motion sky toward right image tonight cometwatch bless clear sky find ikeyazhang pose perfectli binocular camera m31 less two degre center bright galaxy,comet colorado,2002-04-04,626,97,0.197172619047619,04-04,4,2002,4,3,2,1 039167a68ae507f6adf7c0c5c49cb388010ff1111a7105c5325d5347e1c07459,none,caus mysteri gammaray bursts indic hubbl space telescop exposur otherwis unremark field constel crater dwindl optic afterglow gammaray burst first detect bepposax satellit 2001 decemb 11 burst host galaxy billion lightyear distant faint smudg extend left afterglow position rapidli catch fade xray light burst orbit xmmnewton observatory astronom report telltal signatur element magnesium silicon calcium materi like found expand debri cloud produc explos massiv star excit result evid gammaray burst link energet supernova explos may preced power flash gammaray days,gammaray burst supernova connect,2002-04-05,568,80,0.01,04-05,4,2002,5,6,0,4 f91714450450722ee7edd76ac98f20350a134649c55ce10b6b836c12409b4d31,none,gammaray energet form electromagnet radiation high energi photon penetr interact normal materi cannot focus lens mirror like optic telescopes make imag gammaray light one way use mask materi cast gammaray shadow digit detector array mask call code apertur result shadow pattern use construct gammaray imag source example consid pictur above place code mask familiar object posit front detector array illumin gammaray laboratori test recogn shadow image click pictur focus visibl light image destin fli intern gammaray astrophys laboratori satellit schedul launch octob year detector array part imag gammaray telescope,gamma ray,2002-04-06,617,89,0.2474999999999999,04-06,4,2002,6,8,1,4 b3c7706dc66f4a4ebbc26375940072bf38e7ba99aa7bda14e8308a649967e848,none,1787 astronom william herschel discov ngc 2392 ground ngc 2392 resembl person head surround parka hood 2000 hubbl space telescop imag ngc 2392 space nebula display ga cloud complex fulli understood ngc 2392 clearli planetari nebula ga seen compos outer layer sunlik star 10000 year ago inner filament visibl eject strong wind particl central star outer disk contain unusu lightyear long orang filaments ngc 2392 lie 5000 lightyear away visibl small telescop constel gemini,ngc 2392 hubbl,2002-04-07,472,74,-0.0277777777777777,04-07,4,2002,7,4,0,5 e6c55b7fec3083f88efa867c9865e5ed6e252afd656e6f74c731028760e4eeb0,none,lenticular galaxi suppos photogenic like spiral galaxies contain disk like ellipt galaxies usual short dust gas pretti spiral arms lenticular rel littl studied possibl seemingli nature famou galaxi histor classifi lenticular includ m84 m86 recent pictur evidence however indic lenticular photogen scientif interesting example imag ngc 2787 taken hubbl space telescop show center lenticular galaxi interest structure imag taken help determin lenticular galaxi formed happen centers span ngc 2787 imag 4500 light years galaxi lie 25 million light year away toward constel ursa major,ngc bar lenticular galaxi,2002-04-08,580,84,0.1265625,04-08,4,2002,8,7,1,3 81163545aa87f5335c89442bfcf05cab6715917198ab0c33f902c699abc58d4b,jeancharl cuillandr,slither dark wind lane visibl part constel ophiuchu belong snake nebula also known barnard snake nebula seri dark absorpt cloud made molecular ga interstellar dust interstellar dust grain compos predominantli carbon absorb visibl starlight reradi much infrared absorpt caus star behind cloud obscur view henc appear starless void sky molecular cloud like snake nebula place new star like form snake nebula pictur above lie 650 lightyear away span angular width full moon,snake nebula cfht,2002-04-09,472,72,-0.0019480519480519,04-09,4,2002,9,4,0,5 996ab94e9598453ca088ee8dec65ba095592a96fa26c6bd1884cdd9bd7c66ad3,joe orman,big rock end strang terrain one unusu place earth occur insid death valley california usa dri lakeb name racetrack playa exist almost perfectli flat odd except larg stones one pictur above flat textur larg playa like racetrack fascin scientif puzzl caus mud flowing drying crack heavi rain recently however viabl scientif hypothesi given explain 300kilogram stone end near middl larg flat surface unfortunately frequent happen science seemingli surreal problem end rel mundan solution turn high wind rain push even heavi rock across momentarili slick lakebed,unusu rock death valley,2002-04-10,559,85,0.0098611111111111,04-10,4,2002,10,8,0,1 1485f270189cba8a7ff1c85b529726230e5cb97da8ab1c8f7a1df996214bce53,none,happen galaxi collide one best studi exampl jumbl star clusters gas dust cloud produc cosmic train wreck interact galaxi pair ngc 4038 ngc 4039 antenna galaxies sixti million lightyear away visibl light images long lumin tendril materi seem reach galact wreckage lend pair insectlik appearance penetr view new widefield infrar camera attach palomar observatory 200 inch hale telescop shows falsecolor detail otherwis hidden features larg central nuclei two origin galaxi domin nearinfrar scene speckl bright sourc giant newli form star clusters remark northern nucleus obscur optic images also reveal barred structur reminisc mani spiral galaxies,antenna galaxi,2002-04-11,647,95,0.2524621212121212,04-11,4,2002,11,7,2,3 1a6e5c4c684862dcfb62ebee476c803f36882fab4199f433d3e039d62745ab1f,none,impact crater pwyll a name celtic mythology thought repres one youngest featur surfac jupiter moon europa combin color high resolut black white data nasa galileo spacecraft use produc view look crater sun illumin scene right pwyll visibl dark central region 26 kilomet diameter brilliant white ray debri blast impact site extend outward hundr kilometers white debri ejecta clearli overlay everyth els surfac indic impact crater younger surround features bright white color suggest composit water ice particles galileo instrument uncov substanti evid water liquid form exist europa ici surface europa subsurfac ocean could harbor life,pwyll ici crater europa,2002-04-13,634,94,0.1440873015873015,04-13,4,2002,13,5,2,4 1940c9d676c548e2657ef91eb36592bc75d60dbc102db58956a40679a364a823,none,rjx j185635375 realli previously compact star held claim closest neutron star 150 lightyear away new observ analysi indic larger distance roughli 450 lightyears small radiu pictur above one hypothes solut hold hope rjx j185635375 actual neutron star quark star someth new quark star truli strang may made transit type matter known strang quark stars exist intermedi neutron star black hole size density quark star also compact cool faster neutron stars fact might even ultracompact dens light orbit futur observ like settl controversi claim rjx distanc radi geometry henc determin previous undiscov type beast roam sky,candid star,2002-04-14,622,95,0.024793388429752,04-14,4,2002,14,6,2,4 3588f9cae272c17f5a835b9415bea8abc84ac0587cf7be3c90d508b13f3de544,none,intern space station iss fit present visit space shuttl atlantis astronaut instal huge truss grow space outpost truss 13 meter long 45 meter wide dub starboard 0 pronounc short truss rout electricity vent excess heat allow futur iss expansion pictur above truss lift shuttle cargo bay station robot canadarm2,new intern space station,2002-04-15,308,49,0.0928571428571428,04-15,4,2002,15,8,1,2 43ac88284149c39f269f2273e86eec10f139b500fafbc577c1e6e79691565a5e,none,pictur largest ball star galaxy 10 million star orbit center globular cluster name omega centauri giant globular cluster orbit galact center recent evid indic omega centauri far massiv 150 known globular cluster milki way omega centauri catalog ngc 5139 span 150 light year across lie 15000 light year away seen without visual aid toward constel centaurus star globular cluster gener older redder less massiv sun studi globular cluster tell us histori galaxi also limit age universe,million star omega centauri,2002-04-16,484,76,0.07,04-16,4,2002,16,6,0,3 ab7fc3efca5901a1dcf6855195d3e19259dcbbfa221e1a39615184a70fb6790f,jame b kaler,look window airplane might lucki enough see the glory direct directli opposit sun airplanes phenomenon known heiligenschein specter brocken sometim seen mountaintops there condit right one could look away sun see appear shadow giant surround bright halo giant turn observer modern version silhouett plane frequent occupi glory center pictur above sever concentr ring glori photographed caus glori understood recent rel complex briefly small droplet water reflect refract diffract sunlight backward toward sun phenomenon similar counterpart branch scienc includ astronomy look earth direct opposit sun yield bright spot call gegenschein,glori,2002-04-17,635,89,0.0959821428571428,04-17,4,2002,17,1,2,1 1d124d33355a3a2d7fa4c46f2df9da76831e09bb3fbbbff8d8f62d80fa35717d,john,seen bright planet lately chanc outsid clear sky sunset have shine west bright stars night sky five planet solar system known ancient astronom mercury venus mars saturn jupiter record holt michigan usa 40 minut sunset april 14th digit imag captur three them venus mars saturn along young crescent moon also indic pleiad star cluster bright red giant star aldebaran taurus mercury setting lost tree glow along horizon jupit top view come week see photo opportun five planet gradual move closer together pose sunset moon star western sky venus mars saturn form closest trio draw within 5 degre circl about appar size fist arm aldebaran may 3rd,planet west,2002-04-18,642,106,0.2272727272727273,04-18,4,2002,18,0,2,1 f4b5cee3875e8d7472f6561667d121b3b8f94eec655434cb4175b2990c9cbbcd,laurent laved,also known moon ashen glow the old moon new moon arms earthshin earthlight reflect moon night side dramat imag earthshin young crescent moon taken astrophotograph apod translat laurent laved remot pic du midi observatori planet earth view moon would stun too moon appear earth sky slender crescent dazzlingli bright nearli full earth would seen lunar surface earth brightness due reflect sunlight strongli influenc cloud cover recent studi earthshin indic pronounc april may descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean turn illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci,old moon new moon arm,2002-04-19,598,91,0.0679292929292929,04-19,4,2002,19,2,2,1 e7ea61fc51ad0dbb4d975c2e87589e044a5962a71387d02e5e94f05010dd7d11,denni mammanaskyscapes,spot comet flow across frozen alaskan landscap easili visible color aurora lower left however well background someth harder comet ikeyazhang brightest comet recent years although aurora fade minutes comet begin fade remain bare visibl without aid however sunris east comet actual giant dirtcov snowbal spend time outer solar system returns photograph taken march 20 comet ikeyazhang near brightest care inspect photo uncov sever sky delights includ giant galaxi m31,comet aurora alaska,2002-04-22,466,69,0.00625,04-22,4,2002,22,3,0,1 e52cfc4271593a7ecb7b1bc11037d3a118d5fbe171c94f7643ab8f521fc42e47,none,develop intern space station iss look like now deliv deploy crucial first compon last week space shuttl atlanti took inspect lap around space station newli instal truss visibl toward center image also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm sever winglik solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998 core structur place 2005,newli intern space station,2002-04-23,331,53,0.0375,04-23,4,2002,23,8,0,2 21b4a5c8eb6e71129b3ce69e9a0ebf70c319bc94f89f9c7085525c455130094b,barney magrath,gaze across gorgeou skyscape southern cross star constel centauru seen outlin mauna loa long mountain planet earth largest volcano unfamiliar sky gazer north 25 degre north latitude southern cross constel crux near horizon left mauna summit compact constel bright stars long axi cross conveni point south toward southern celesti pole top cross mark love pale red star gamma crucis fact red giant star 120 lightyear distant star grand constel centauru almost engulf southern cross blue giant beta centauri yellowish alpha centauri appear brightest star left gamma crucis distanc 43 lightyears alpha centauri closest star sun actual tripl star system includ star similar sun caus reddish streak foreground time alas mundan glow light car not molten travel road hilo hawaii,southern cross mauna sky,2002-04-25,770,119,0.0651724137931034,04-25,4,2002,25,6,2,4 887ad63d9eae998b2dc69d09e45eb34f1175e013049047c984cb881f1b4c7e76,jerri lodriguss,tomorrow picture 1000 word archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,planet,2002-04-29,228,35,0.2857142857142857,04-29,4,2002,29,8,1,0 eca338cd47dd3ec10b8d69a140492f56d2fe006bebb2838357b5001486aa7d11,none,two galaxi pull apart known the mice long tails spiral galaxi like alreadi pass probabl collid coalesce long tail creat rel differ gravit pull near far part galaxy scroll right show long tail one galaxies distanc large whole thing take place slow motion hundr million years ngc 4676 lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel coma berenic like member coma cluster galaxies pictur taken hubbl space telescope new advanc camera survey sensit imag larger field previou hubbl cameras camera increas sensit imaged serendipitously galaxi far distanc scatter frame,ngc 4676 mice collid,2002-05-06,561,88,0.0347402597402597,05-06,5,2002,6,7,0,3 abc7b17687d2c8265ae2604349e4618444e4073dca7d9af078dfb884142b435d,none,pretti picture word smog 2000 octob orbit space shuttl discoveri photograph new york sunset visibl golden sunlight reflect two great lake sever finger cloud top ground bottom however trap layer smog smog mostli ozon may contain small amount volatil organ compounds oppos smog upper atmosphere smog near ground creat mostli humans upper atmosphere ozon reflect back harm ultraviolet radiation occur near ground smog continu studi eye develop affect human,smog new york,2002-05-07,453,69,0.1533057851239669,05-07,5,2002,7,8,1,1 ebdeb8554fe125e30dd5687ab95b369ccb759f03e68bd0bd92abdb279cd0b83e,none,quiet day sun imag shows however even day sun surfac busi place shown ultraviolet light rel cool dark region temperatur thousand degre celsius larg sunspot group ar 9169 visibl bright area near horizon bright glow ga flow around sunspot temperatur one million degre celsius reason high temperatur unknown thought relat rapidli chang magnet field loop channel solar plasma sunspot group ar 9169 move across sun 2000 septemb decay weeks,sunspot loop ultraviolet,2002-05-08,434,69,0.24,05-08,5,2002,8,1,1,1 bcf2980b90311f8374d7e51d4e82d62ff9ff1fc6c0f664b69d9777a810643033,philip perkin,stonehenge four thousand year old monument sun provid appropri set delight snapshot sun children gather planet earth sky massiv stone structur date around 2000 arrang visibl planet record day ago even may 4th 2002 ad bright jupit stand highest horizon upper left remarkable almost equilater triangl form saturn left mar top venu right place stone near pictur center fight glow set sun mercuri spot closest horizon right planetari still easi enjoy casual sky gazers photogen slowli shift planetari group join young crescent moon begin monday may 13,planet stoneheng,2002-05-09,547,87,0.1872448979591836,05-09,5,2002,9,1,1,1 b10fdbff57a35fe4ab4d8fcf940f36d8142b00acbabe17c55327cc1b2fdadd17,joe orman,tomorrow picture archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,trail planet,2002-05-10,218,33,0.2857142857142857,05-10,5,2002,10,8,1,0 e346d37a21be491a1f376a23435a19de3b70251a3fbdd22c5781081653acf17b,none,explor inner edg helix nebula hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 astronom abl produc strike imag rich detail exot environment planetari nebula creat near final phase sunlik star life compos tenuou shell ga eject hot central star atom gas strip electron ultraviolet radiat central star radiat light characterist energi allow specif chemic element identified image emiss nitrogen repres red hydrogen emiss green oxygen blue inner edg helix nebula also known ngc 7293 direct toward central star toward upper right clearli visibl near inner edg finger shape cometari knots,edg helix nebula,2002-05-12,586,90,0.068984962406015,05-12,5,2002,12,4,2,5 25edd3653118454823a8f5f5cc282eb34ed58aaca3d6c387dc4ebbc9ea43aeae,none,caus unusu white rock format mars intrigu possibl could salt deposit left ancient lakeb driedup detail studi finger indic mundan volcan ash studi exact color format indic volcan origin light materi appear erod away surround area indic lowdens substanc consist ash hypothesis stark contrast rock surround sand compound unusu dark sand pictur taken thermal emiss imag system mar odyssey spacecraft current orbit mars imag span 10 kilomet insid much larger crater,white rock finger mar,2002-05-13,460,71,0.0375,05-13,5,2002,13,5,0,4 47c85ad399c398896a3f25aa31425adf397fc15ccfe2592619732a478d9006b7,none,glow star appear power nebula although young bright seem hot enough creat color observed search hidden hotter star xray come one hypothesi known central star neutron star companion wide orbit hot xray might emit brief period neutron star near known star crash disk surround gas futur observ might tell pictur hubbl space telescop image emiss nebula larg magellan cloud neighbor galaxi milki way galaxy flow filament color ga dark dust far brightest region like part greater n44 complex would take light 125 year cross,mysteri,2002-05-14,517,84,0.1052083333333333,05-14,5,2002,14,4,0,5 35e6caafba67d30caf7f8e21e9de08b9b4ae5c1949a356559171f59a13723996,michael,comet ikeyazhang approach sun two month ago develop complex blue ion tail tail compos ion boil nucleu push away sun fastmov particl solar wind complex tail creat comet nucleu rotation variabl comet surfac evapor rate variabl sun magnet field solar wind anim document comet ikeyazhang tail chang 30 minut ten consecut 3minut exposur march 11 comet ikeya zhang fade head back outer solar system remain visibl small telescop anoth month,tail comet ikeyazhang,2002-05-15,433,70,-0.1416666666666666,05-15,5,2002,15,3,0,2 e2359baa1feab5c7fb3deb5fd64aa0e3b450c00d4d746f640a7d23aa4ae3daf9,none,april may attent focus western even sky present spectacl bright planet crescent moon shortli sunset meanwhile sun sink quietli horizon exampl may 2nd two enorm cloud energet particl blast away solar surfac nearli simultan eruptions known coron mass eject cmes appear larg orient 2 oclock 8 oclock composit imag camera onboard sunstar soho spacecraft pictur center extrem ultraviolet imag sun record near time erupt superimpos scale blank region surround correspond occult disk one soho coronagraph cameras speed outward million kilomet per hour two cme miss fair planet impact earth magnetospher often trigger auror display disruptions,doubl solar bubbl,2002-05-16,635,95,0.175,05-16,5,2002,16,1,2,4 2d6ad1d5c504a493c5afbab99774f0dc397a3bb143db4416510d0d92bec66dab,none,21st novemb 2001 satellit detect yet anoth burst gammaray cosmos flash highenergi photon last less minute eager astronom follow fade optic light locat burst sourc ever since seen seri hubbl space telescop imag record decemb 4 2001 may 5 2002 13 day fade transient lie right fuzzy distant galaxy like home gammaray burster two constant pointlik object left galaxi foreground star within milki way transient simpli fade away though observ hubble larg magellan telescop chile indic brighten day burst convinc display characterist supernova death explos massiv star result add mount evid least mysteri cosmic gammaray burst produc violent event end live massiv stars,gammaray burst supernova,2002-05-17,663,103,-0.0495080676898858,05-17,5,2002,17,6,2,4 0041bcfab6692d7b913f5f4d481054b782dfa09ace0aeb99294f79930cff0d7e,robert gendler,far see distant object easili visibl unaid eye m31 great andromeda galaxi two million lightyear away without telescope even immens spiral galaxi appear unremarkable faint nebul cloud constel andromeda bright yellow nucleus dark wind dust lanes gorgeou blue spiral arm star cluster record stun telescop digit mosaic nearbi island universe even casual skygaz inspir knowledg mani distant galaxi like m31 astronom serious debat fundament concept 80 year ago spiral nebulae simpli outli compon milki way galaxi instead island universes distant system star compar milki way itself question central famou shapleycurti debat 1920 later resolv observ m31 favor andromeda island universe,andromeda island univers,2002-05-18,679,100,-0.0130952380952381,05-18,5,2002,18,7,2,3 7c036be7f3abf4def4d8fb0e56c1d34d9d13a4fff691310da8b3183f12e16804,digit calvin j hamilton,tethi one larger closer moon saturn visit voyag spacecraft voyag 1 novemb 1980 voyag 2 august 1981 tethi known compos almost complet water ice tethi show larg impact crater nearli circl planet impact caus crater disrupt moon taken evid tethi complet frozen past two smaller moons telesto calypso orbit saturn ahead behind tethys giovanni cassini discov tethi 1684 1997 nasa launch spacecraft name cassini saturn arriv 2004,saturn moon tethi,2002-05-19,423,67,-0.1625,05-19,5,2002,19,0,0,2 ddbf5513e284e38b02aef579983daf92ca08448f27252ccdddfbde4c181a0f55,jeancharl cuillandr,east lagoon nebula star field rich lower left cloud rich dark dust hide background star young star system still forming dark cloud includ ldn 227 left ic 1275 right bright star near tip upper right cloud rich hot glow gas includ part emiss nebula ngc 6559 right two regions nebula reflect light group massiv blue stars ngc 6559 complex pictur span 3 light year like common histori lagoon nebula complex lie 5000 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius,east lagoon nebula,2002-05-20,453,77,0.1301020408163265,05-20,5,2002,20,4,1,5 861d045634ceadb36d773aaaf6ce95c74a23144003ada8c824e9d8feee6c52d9,thierri legault,tomorrow picture color xray archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,moon planet eiffel tower,2002-05-22,229,35,0.2857142857142857,05-22,5,2002,22,8,1,0 b82321fc65eba3d0c1d1dec28e05618085a48fe255048317b6871a016883fdb9,none,supernova remnant n132d show complex structur sharp color xray image still overal cosmic debri massiv star explos death strikingli simpl horsesho shape n132d lie 180000 lightyear distant larg magellan cloud expand remnant appear 80 lightyear across light supernova blast creat would reach planet earth 3000 year ago observ orbit chandra observatory n132d still glow xrays shock ga heat million degre celsius sinc xray invisible chandra xray imag data repres pictur visibl color xray differ energies low energi xray shown red medium energi green high energi blue colors color choic make pleas pictur also show xray energi order visibl light photons rang low high energi red green blue,n132d color xray,2002-05-23,683,107,0.013,05-23,5,2002,23,6,2,4 da06e247232b3e067bbb1cb5dc0dbb327c84d73bdab20be468e9a86d35cc3edc,helmut innsbruck,gone mountains sprawl landscap ice lie mountain visibl disintegrated pictur taken antarctica top grey nunatak one three seal nunatak mountain border larsen b iceshelf two nunatak visibl pictur taken 1994 past sever year larg chunk 200meter thick larsen b iceshelf break disintegrating caus thought relat local high temperatur recent year and possibly global warming past years area disintegr roughli size luxembourg iceshelv break up unblock ice sheet fall onto ocean rais sea level everywhere scientist watch muchlarg ross ice shelf which collapses could caus global sea level rise five meters,antarct ice shelf vista,2002-05-27,594,90,-0.019,05-27,5,2002,27,8,0,4 96b0dc901e56d7bafd377c2c9106996b51165fdcc1d26361c9a112b90908d0d0,none,photogen array radio telescop world also one productive 27 radio telescop larg array vla size hous move train tracks pictur vla celebr year operation situat new mexico usa vla use discov water planet mercury radiobright corona around ordinari stars microquasar galaxy gravitationallyinduc einstein ring around distant galaxies radio counterpart cosmolog distant gammaray bursts vast size vla allow astronom studi detail superfast cosmic jets even map center galaxy upgrad vla planned,larg array radio telescop,2002-05-28,483,70,-0.0327272727272727,05-28,5,2002,28,8,0,3 70d02489e327356e17ed56501aba8c3738912bb3a20f7f41a6a6994dc829eb26,none,may appear fuzzi make thing crystal clear others cosmic microwav background radiat eman univers could fuzzi pattern contain clear amount dark matter dark energy conclusion base detail analysi temperatur space surpris felt previou evid strang universe base observ distant supernovae somehow inaccurate measur made novel group microwav telescop tenerife spain call small array bump appear oldest object ever seen,cosmic rippl dark univers,2002-05-29,410,59,-0.25625,05-29,5,2002,29,8,0,1 91edb7d4bc63accbaac05d71c050b17febdf5809870650c7b488dd9c35cb288e,emmanuel,tomorrow picture canyon mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,orion nebulos,2002-05-30,229,35,0.2857142857142857,05-30,5,2002,30,5,1,0 bcf9dbc449451170da35b1de8ecfa8cb5716c268997d7552d5d7a16394e5d7bd,none,scroll right dive spectacular canyon mars daytim infrar view recent record themi camera board orbit mar odyssey spacecraft cover 30 175 kilomet swath run along canyon floor north left end scene pois edg candor chasma part great vall marineri canyon system 4000 kilomet long 6 kilomet deep vall marineri roughli five time size grand canyon planet earth themi camera data record three separ infrar band combin make strike falsecolor image result color differ along intric section martian terrain attribut differ chemic makeup structur rocks sediment surfac dust,chasma mar,2002-05-31,559,87,0.2669642857142857,05-31,5,2002,31,5,1,2 d071b1ef367d19f933cad15b642740dafe1cf54f2c37d9c53b11b34583f75f4c,none,way interstate appear caricatur complex highway system earth actual system ridg crack ici surfac jupiter moon europa distanc parallel ridg photograph typic 1 kilometer complex crack ridg tell stori europa past mostli undecipher planetari geologist tri understand gener origin overal features one noteworthi featur overal white sheen possibl indic presenc frost anoth dark center parallel ridges might indic dirti water underground ocean recent well crack froze recent research indic enough carbon exist support underwat europa ice crust may three kilomet thick places,crack ridg europa,2002-06-02,568,82,-0.1076923076923077,06-02,6,2002,2,8,0,2 186bb166dfee36700cdb382dfb5fe7456c986678c1cd33d3966d7f03db8e4bcf,suprimecam,huge cloud ga billow spiral galaxi ngc extent ga clouds 100000 lightyears unexpect subaru telescop took image ngc 4388 bright energet nucleu classifi activ galaxy spiral rel close 60 million light years member nearest major cluster galaxies virgo cluster one hypothesi hold ga strip away ngc 4388 made way intergalact medium virgo cluster compet hypothesi hold ga remain smaller galaxi gravit larger ngc observ may better determin ngc past like contribut better understand galaxi evolv insid massiv clusters,galaxi ngc expel huge ga cloud,2002-06-03,507,78,0.2569444444444444,06-03,6,2002,3,7,1,3 25ec0cdef8101169d6e208a746db10adf5c4239957c638773a2a14240e4683aa,none,mars three differ type surfac visibl north polar cap mar morph way perhap reminisc work m c escher far left dark sand cover ground center show transit dune field far right transit made much lighter surface like contain larger amount ice shadow indic lighter materi hold higher ground steep cliff divide dune shape indic wind typic blow toward upper left mar global surveyor one two robot spacecraft current orbit mars took imag earli 2001 recent imag orbiter mar odyssey bolster hypothesi signific amount wateric lie beneath surfac near martian south pole,martian,2002-06-04,555,91,0.0438988095238095,06-04,6,2002,4,5,0,2 f465bec8e5c5e7748be8f7eb0397e1543e3066adcbfa16b89b792c28b33180f9,none,far beyond local group galaxi lie ngc 3621 22 million lightyear away found serpentin southern constel hydra loos spiral arm gorgeou island univers load lumin young star cluster dark dust lanes still earthbound astronom ngc 3621 anoth pretti faceon spiral galaxy brighter star use standard candl establish import estim extragalact distanc scale universe color pictur construct astronom imag data record larg telescop antu paran observatori chile origin resolution individual hot supergi star identifi studi across ngc,ngc 3621 far beyond local group,2002-06-05,516,76,0.0375,06-05,6,2002,5,7,0,3 3a3d1975132cdc83edd46dac4d5777b998f3da73505a71411af7da808daf0884,none,astronaut repair nicmo near infrar camera multiobject spectromet latest hubbl space telescop servic mission astronom quick turn sophist instrument photogen stellar nurseri known cone nebula remark nicmo closeup cone nebula dramat confirm hubble infrar vision ga dust cloud blunt tip coneshap starform region seen falsecolor cover area half lightyear across toward left hand side picture four bright star diffract spike also present visibl light imag front cone nebula 2500 lightyear away fainter star right embed behind nebula obscur dust cloud reveal penetr infrar view,cone nebula infrar closeup,2002-06-06,572,84,0.182034632034632,06-06,6,2002,6,4,1,5 7849222e868357b2442cd86d9abb017175158bdfaaf1928cdecfa990e8dda8b0,none,infant solar system discov pose along lone outskirt rho ophiuchi dark cloud star form region 500 lightyear earth enlarg infrar falsecolor portrait european southern observatory antu telescope dark dusti disk planetform materi lie edgeon neatli divid two small nebula reflect light youth central star nicknam circumstellar disk 300 astronom unit across 1 earthsun distance 5 time diamet neptune orbit twin reflect nebula clearli differ color reason still remain mystery rel isol neighborhood natal solar system stroke luck planet abl develop within dusti disk free destruct influenc radiat wind nearbi massiv hot star usual found young star clusters,portrait infant solar system,2002-06-07,648,97,0.0318181818181818,06-07,6,2002,7,4,2,5 3a0d0782e72d163993047e7cf3f3433b49049900b76edc3b83dc7779c2e9dcac,none,photogen group nebula found toward chamaeleon constel visibl predominantli sky south earth equator celesti object visibl includ blue reflect nebula highlight thin dust surround bright star imag center toward top lower right dark molecular cloud lace thick dust block light star background parent molecular cloud chamaeleon locat 450 light year earth,chamaeleon sky,2002-06-09,349,51,0.1335714285714286,06-09,6,2002,9,4,1,3 306b2a94d304b46b83175050ebfe2619c83f1e3c98ac4b58e7117ac8a27fb44b,lynett cook,solar system unique discoveri jupiterlik planet jupiterlik orbit around nearbi sunlik star 55 cancri announc yesterday give new indic planetari system similar solar system like exist elsewhere planet discov g marci uc berkeley collaborators one two new planet found around 55 cancri 1997 planet found orbit close in find involv note subtl chang speed star caus orbit planets draw depict planet might look like complet hypothet moon star 55 cancri 40 lightyear distant visibl binocular toward constel cancer,55 familiar planet discov,2002-06-14,507,78,0.1095454545454545,06-14,6,2002,14,8,1,2 9e631804c0f346b70533056d9b5202318bde8354a2eb1264af8b652d440b1513,none,sand time run central star hourglassshap planetari nebula nuclear fuel exhausted brief spectacular close phase sunlik star life occur outer layer eject core becom cooling fade white dwarf 1995 astronom use hubbl space telescop hst make seri imag planetari nebulae includ one above here delic ring color glow ga nitrogenred hydrogengreen oxygenblue outlin tenuou wall hourglass unpreced sharp hst imag reveal surpris detail nebula eject process may help resolv outstand mysteri varieti complex shape symmetri planetari nebulae,mycn18 hourglass nebula,2002-06-15,526,77,-0.028125,06-15,6,2002,15,4,0,5 dfdd51fe5533ef673dca2b55951e572a5b3b6ff15e56c49274564bd548fe8bd6,none,mani bright pointlik sourc chandra observatori xray imag lie within ngc ellipt galaxi 40 million lightyear away toward virgo like normal ellipt galaxies ngc 4697 spheric mainli older fainter low mass stars littl star form ga dust compar spiral galaxies lumin xray sourc chandra imag indic ngc 4697 youth power xray sourc neutron star black hole binari star systems xray gener matter ordinari companion star fall bizarre compact objects sinc neutron star black hole live massiv stars ngc 4697 must mani bright massiv star past except larg number ngc xray binari found galaxy globular star clusters suggest dens star cluster good place neutron star black hole captur companion stellar wind supernova explos massiv star could also produc hot ga respons galaxy diffus xray glow,ngc xray ellipt galaxi,2002-06-17,773,124,0.1930735930735931,06-17,6,2002,17,6,2,3 9ed60c02b30824720cbcf0cb20ab1efe1504e4d4760234eb51807141e8b96a81,none,round star make squar nebula conundrum come light studi planetari nebula like ic 4406 evid indic ic 4406 like hollow cylinder squar appear result vantag point view cylind side ic 4406 view top would like look similar ring nebula representativecolor pictur composit made combin imag taken hubbl space telescop last june january hot ga flow end cylinder filament dark dust molecular ga lace bound walls star primarili respons interstellar sculptur found planetari nebula center million years thing left visibl ic 4406 fade white dwarf star,ic 4406 seemingli squar nebula,2002-06-18,537,85,0.0545454545454545,06-18,6,2002,18,4,0,5 9701be2fe4ba1c26849f2c7f11d31ae34062dcd3488e3d0de6080f20c6a03e4f,robert gendler,big beauti spiral galaxi m81 northern constel ursa major one brightest galaxi visibl sky planet earth superbl detail view reveal bright nucleus grand spiral arm sweep cosmic dust lane scale compar milki way hint disorderli past remark dust lane run straight disk right galact center contrari m81 promin spiral features errant dust lane may linger result close encount m81 smaller companion galaxy m82 scrutini variabl star m81 aka ngc 3031 yield one best determin distanc extern galaxi 118 million lightyears,bright galaxi m81,2002-06-20,509,80,0.2398214285714285,06-20,6,2002,20,7,1,3 c710af745fb040806cde7922fc1c571e4f78040f53a4e6decf97ff1d4a203124,murray alexand,today schedul geocentr astronom event solstice sun reach northernmost declin 13 hour 24 minut univers time denizen planet earth solstic mark begin summer northern hemispher winter south course tilt earth axi rotat and chang earthsun distance mainli respons chang season sun yearli northsouth motion sky follow rise set point sun along horizon one way track sun progress along season cycle tall grass tint cloud frame dramat view set sun approach northern limit year season journey seen near zimbabwe,zimbabw sunset,2002-06-21,499,78,0.1,06-21,6,2002,21,1,0,1 58207d9a0556388dc1d57a39ce5f131c5b45171c7e913112c46098a5ac716b82,p c u chicago et al u,sun influenc end nobodi sure past orbit neptun pluto extend region name heliospher sun magnet field particl solar wind continu dominate surfac solar wind drop sound speed call termin shock depict inner oval computergener illustration thought surfac occur close au close pioneer voyag spacecraft may soon glide exit solar system 3 actual contact sheet sun ion galaxy ion call heliopaus thought occur 110 au depict middl surface sun heliopaus move local interstellar medium much boat move water push bow shock front thought occur near 230 au,sun heliopaus,2002-06-24,540,86,0.11875,06-24,6,2002,24,1,1,2 5d2db8beffcd741933feb8f07587134d14bcc1cbe43ef53cbe2ba49626fd458c,none,venu jupit appear glide right past earlier month slow march jupit sank sunset horizon venu remain high bright conjunct end parti visibl last two months jupiter course much away earth sun venus pass realli angular illusion pictur june 3 fade sunset find venu shine jupit clouds mountains citi light belfast northern ireland,venu jupit,2002-06-25,322,52,0.1328571428571428,06-25,6,2002,25,8,1,1 a058e4172ed2080bc19277a0844ed54ab5c78bf33881b9738bcc9547fc1a0148,none,cloud glow ga mingl lane dark dust trifid nebula star form region toward constel sagittarius center three huge dark dust lane give trifid name come together mountain opaqu dust appear lower left filament dust visibl thread throughout nebula singl massiv star visibl near center caus much trifid glow trifid also known m20 300000 year old make among youngest emiss nebula known nebula lie 5000 light year away part pictur span 20 light years falsecolor digit enhanc imag taken gemini north telescop earlier month,center trifid nebula,2002-06-26,511,83,0.0916666666666666,06-26,6,2002,26,4,0,5 1ea0231a3bfad1ba856aec0d065f086e8a844b666596a96d538454c5131eb449,none,eros colorado river carv grand canyon earth river flood water may carv maadim vallis one largest canyon mars research present strong evid scenario base elev data record mola mar orbit laser experi mar global surveyor spacecraft falsecolor detailed topograph map mola data show blue area enorm complex lake thought exist three half billion year ago southern highland mars largest lake low point boundari torrenti flood would move north along direct indic arrow carv sinuou maadim vallis north end maadim vallis flood water would pour large round gusev crater sinc stand bodi surfac water thought favor ancient martian microbi life gusev crater suggest land site futur mar missions,,2002-06-27,679,107,0.0129251700680272,06-27,6,2002,27,5,2,2 a9c69a7b7501bf8f91fb7ccfd598e78da2d80cae675e8ba8b3bd02fb13445ffa,none,hubbl space telescop take pictur show apollo lunar modul moon 24 meter diamet mirror smallest object hubbl resolv moon distanc around 400000 kilomet 80 meter across so low earth orbit even hubble sharp vision imag apollo lunar modul descent stages meter across left behind lunar land sites space telescop ten time size hubbl could much smaller telescop close lunar orbit fact pictur resolv apollo 17 lunar module challenger shadow crater floor tauruslittrow valley moon mare serenitatis taken 1972 apollo 17 command module america orbit 100 kilomet moon surfac cover area 11 kilomet wide use web site creat dan southwest research institute astronaut explor orbit view 5 apollo lunar land sites,lunar modul,2002-06-28,694,110,-0.0892857142857142,06-28,6,2002,28,2,2,2 552e7fa0cc3525596326a19fbf84ff22e423836a4a1fc225f84857a24c56389b,angloaustralian observatori,nebula surround bright star mon fill dark dust glow gas strang shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars region mon bright star picture nicknam fox fur nebula color texture blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star diffus red glow result emission starlight ioniz hydrogen gas pink area lit combin two processes mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel monoceros north cone nebula,fox fur nebula,2002-07-01,526,85,0.2260416666666667,07-01,7,2002,1,4,1,5 321d822f7b1bddcf57c19b80bcfa73181aa69b65de2369148a791dad7c6c40b4,none,color universe precisely entir sky smear out color would final mix be whimsic question came tri determin star commonplac nearbi galaxies answer depict above condit perceiv shade beige determin this astronom comput averag light emit one largest sampl galaxi yet analyzed 200000 galaxi 2df survey result cosmic spectrum emiss part electromagnet spectrum singl perceiv composit color color becom much less blue past 10 billion years indic redder star becom prevalent contest better name color notabl entri includ skyvory univeige winner cosmic latte,averag color univers,2002-07-02,546,82,0.1104166666666666,07-02,7,2002,2,6,1,4 a24b2dbf1ceb5aa0b93c81e50c4c492ca95a064197df0cb55256da1a34a6a539,jeancharl cuillandr,go ngc 891 galaxi appear previous similar milki way galaxy spiral galaxi seen nearli edgeon however recent highresolut imag ngc 891 dust show unusu filamentari pattern extend well away galact disk interstellar dust probabl thrown galact disk toward halo stellar supernova explosions dust fragile appear surviv disk expuls telling newli discov phenomena however sometim appear complex question rais answered,interstellar dust bunni ngc 891,2002-07-03,406,59,-0.0361111111111111,07-03,7,2002,3,7,0,3 564efc1555b22f13f160aa13786f5d13e6c2bc2a9a583888721cb09b39cf8e2a,none,cal galaxi ngc 4365 old probabl 12 billion year old like ellipt galaxies galaxi thought full old star too burst star form activ long sinc ended combin data hubbl space telescop european southern observatory groundbas antu telescope team european us astronom discov ngc 4365 surpris secret star cluster young composit image galaxy bright nucleu upper left ngc 4365 star cluster appear bright dot diffus glow unresolv starlight fuzzy distant background galaxies notch border outlin hubble wfpc2 camera field move cursor imag identifi individu star clusters rel young billion cluster circl blue anticip 12 billion yearold cluster circl red ngc 4365 60 million lightyear away virgo galaxi cluster,young star cluster old galaxi,2002-07-04,693,107,0.0944444444444444,07-04,7,2002,4,7,2,3 74817b5af71a1d4a15271e3bbf5aaf8d8ea5b1cd0e75ec6f50fc50a746ad829e,none,big jovian moon io volcan bodi solar system io usual pronounc eyeoh 3600 kilomet diameter size planet earth singl larg natur satellite glide past jupit turn millennium cassini spacecraft captur awe inspir view activ io largest ga giant backdrop offer stun demonstr rule planet rel size although pictur io appear locat front swirl jovian clouds io hurtl around orbit everi 42 hour distanc 420000 kilomet center jupiter put nearli 350000 kilomet jupiter cloud tops roughli equival distanc earth moon cassini spacecraft 10 million kilomet jupit record imag data,io moon jupit,2002-07-06,558,88,-0.12,07-06,7,2002,6,8,0,4 125cbc67b141e01e9efc3d362e287bf57e0bc59112b0fd53ad7594d53d32333d,none,center galaxi obscur visibl light dark dust rotat star galact plane century however sensor develop detect light red human see light call infrared pictur show galact center look like three increasingli red band nearinfrar light pictur result digit combin data recent taken 2mass msx galact surveys nearinfrar light shown blue dust less opaqu mani previous shroud red giant star becom visible midinfrar shown red dust glow brightly allow us view close tumultu mysteri galact center,galact center across infrar,2002-07-07,480,75,0.0958333333333333,07-07,7,2002,7,6,0,3 fdb670c1d60991c96250c7a80895a8e5627cac77f63a8c34c5d7b23a1f8e5f21,bell,sometim stare empti space useful pictur region sky pick had well bright stars bright galaxies picturesqu nebulas could however star galaxy mani distant galaxi strewn across universe distant galaxi light slightli deflect graviti nearbi galaxies caus appear slightli analyz gravit len nearbi mass concentr found regardless bright appear use astronom weigh entir cluster galaxi search larg group rel dark matter circl lower right imag cluster galaxi found light mass,empti space,2002-07-08,463,69,0.3135714285714285,07-08,7,2002,8,7,1,3 09a7ecae2d2efb1fc7ed7075d09caf4d72e3a743ad03fbc662e512c7bc066c45,vasilij rumyantsevcrimean astrophys obsevatory,tomorrow picture southwest big dipper archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,analemma,2002-07-09,239,36,0.1428571428571428,07-09,7,2002,9,8,1,0 cdb53ccadea2f470ece2703e9a8d6ec4f67c774bc8203d07cf45567e5a81e531,toni daphn halla,follow handl big dipper away dipper bowl get handle last bright star then slide telescop littl south west like find stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi left ngc 5195 pair 37 million lightyear distant offici lie within boundari small constel cane venatici m51 visibl faint fuzzi patch binoculars sharp color pictur made 14 inch telescop combin digit camera exposur total 3 hour 42 minutes,m51 cosmic whirlpool,2002-07-10,565,91,-0.0305555555555555,07-10,7,2002,10,7,0,3 fd3a8ca57ea9242d59d4da663105b450a64113eb2420584952369b784805e326,none,fresh yesterday episode popular pair interact galaxi known whirlpool debut beyond realm visibl light imag high energi orbit chandra xray observatory still turn remark performance 80 glitter xray star present chandra imag data region number lumin xray sources like neutron star black hole binari system within confin m51 unusu high normal spiral ellipt galaxi suggest cosmic whirlpool experienc intens burst massiv star formation bright core galaxies ngc 5194 ngc 5195 right left respectively also exhibit highenergi activ falsecolor xray pictur show diffus glow multimillion degre gas expand view region near core ngc 5194 reveal xray supernova remnant debri spectacular stellar explosion first detect earthbound astronom 1994,m51 xray whirlpool,2002-07-11,727,106,0.2368154761904761,07-11,7,2002,11,6,2,3 626a34074ecba5c323a63f8dd2543ccf6ed8f4d8800799c8619be314bf66853b,none,weekend stereo pictur find apollo 12 astronaut pete conrad stand lunar surfac near southern rim surveyor crater novemb 1969 redblu glass gaze beyond spacesuit conrad across magnific desol moon ocean storms conrad stand next larg chunk loos rock debri small impact crater sampl scoop right hand special design tool carrier rest left foot pose picture photographer fellow astronaut al bean captur two separ imag catalog someth like stereo take first pictur rest weight right foot second shift left first tint blue second red pair pictur offset combin creat 3d anaglyph don redblu glass allow result view stereo vision,apollo 12 stereo view near surveyor crater,2002-07-13,616,98,0.0852380952380952,07-13,7,2002,13,5,2,2 96019529ef49a126d58bedbc9b3a35470d45991314c5cebfe7a2194fd2143d48,david malin,closest star sun proxima centauri nearest member alpha centauri tripl star system light take 422 year reach us proxima centauri small red star captur center image faint discov 1915 visibl telescope star type milki way galaxi visibl background brightest star alpha centauri system quit similar sun known long record history third brightest star night sky alpha centauri system primarili visibl earth southern hemisphere,proxima centauri closest star,2002-07-15,418,63,-0.0555555555555555,07-15,7,2002,15,6,0,3 37bc8554e8e85f9303c41bcb7169f81a9c17be1d7f56fc9be6f4d7084193de54,none,pass mercury robot spacecraft marin 10 look back pictur saw mercury closest planet sun heavili crater much like earth moon mercuri slowli rotates surfac temperatur vari unbear cold 180 degre celsiu half face away sun unbear hot 400 degre celsiu half face toward sun mercuri slightli larger earth moon much marin 10 spacecraft swoop mercuri three time journey around inner solar system outbound view similar inbound view nearli half mercury surfac yet photograph detail,outbound mercuri,2002-07-16,468,74,-0.0409090909090909,07-16,7,2002,16,1,0,2 b1c698498b2afe5b4fd2000f1f4a2bb5efaa3616160acbdcd145bee72b5f71d9,none,star cluster rcw38 hiding look star form region rcw38 normal reveal star cluster reason open cluster young still shroud thick dust absorb visibl light dust typic accompani ga condens form young stars view infrar light however mani star rcw38 revealed dust less effect absorb infrar light representativecolor imag mosaic rcw38 taken 2mass sky survey infrar light show mani bright blue star star cluster cloud brightli emit ga dramat lane dark dust rcw38 span 10 lightyear locat 5500 light year away toward constel vela,starform region rcw38 2mass,2002-07-17,517,83,0.1738095238095238,07-17,7,2002,17,6,1,5 3fe8de4890f5550db7466fc63e9b8b368aac77192d5d5f507f980b68b3520e89,none,solar activ region design number or simpli region 30 appear visibl hemispher closest star dwarf sun disk group sunspot make region 30 actual cover enorm area nearli 10 time size earth panel record juli 15 16 17 top bottom mdi instrument spacebas soho observatori solar rotat slowli carri large dynam sunspot group across sun nearside juli 15 power solar flare erupt region follow coron mass ejection energet cloud electr charg particl swept past fair planet yesterday result enhanc auror activ possible,sunspot region 30,2002-07-18,503,81,0.194047619047619,07-18,7,2002,18,1,1,2 4ffa2483314eae2ed0666c1a70827c0bfcf8cbd7808223962256a9828528673f,none,bulg center milki way galaxy dark cosmic clouds thin galact plane even nearbi galaxi easi spot sky view pixel digit imag actual base star count alon deriv two micron sky survey 2mass 2001 2mass project complet groundbas survey entir sky catalog upward 250 million stars full allski pictur bright color individu pixel base correspond star count three nearinfrar bands crop image galact center toward upper left bright plane galaxi run horizont it dens region interstellar dust clouds still opaqu penetr nearinfrar light appear dark reduc 2mass star fuzzi neighbor galaxies larg small magellan clouds lower right scatter singl bright spot correspond intens concentr star milki way larg globular star clusters,count star infrar sky,2002-07-19,707,110,0.022689075630252,07-19,7,2002,19,6,2,4 d45023d571ccb402965fa83b8cf6aaa42913c1a3d92c7123e6f4492cba96b686,none,juli 20th 1969 human first set foot moon taken window apollo 11 lunar module eagle pictur show footprint powderi lunar soil made astronaut neil armstrong buzz aldrin estim one billion peopl planet earth watch armstrong step lander onto surfac anoth world make live transmiss one highest rate televis show ever foreground right rocket nozzl side eagl seen silhouette beyond unfurl unit state flag televis camera stand better view land area apollo mission moon describ result greatest technolog mobil history,anoth world,2002-07-20,506,79,0.3102968460111318,07-20,7,2002,20,2,1,2 3b25389d6280b2fb360a5af6d18ab9ed93f0dce51b5016ea20c0008865e05c28,jeancharl cuillandr,ever day felt like dark cloud follow around open cluster star ngc everi day like this left pictur mani ngc bright blue stars form million year ago much recent ancient sun form billion year ago right absorpt nebula molecular cloud barnard 86 star ngc 6520 sure formed nebula contain much opaqu dust block light mani star would visibl background surround ngc 6520 part tremend dens starscap bulg milki way galaxy extend halo star surround center galaxy ngc 6520 span 10 light year lie 5500 light year away toward direct sagittarius,open cluster ngc cfht,2002-07-22,530,90,0.1954081632653061,07-22,7,2002,22,4,1,3 16e3347bcb1302efa006eefbc5a1cc98e2a0faa56c044fd06f33506276a8fff2,none,astronomers element hydrogen helium sometim consid simpli really even togeth heavi element make small fraction universe still heavi element profoundli influenc galaxi star format mention format planet people tantal falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatory small dwarf galaxi ngc 1569 surround xray emit cloud ga thousand lightyear across ga recent observ contain signific concentr astronomers heavi element oxygen silicon magnesium support idea dwarf galaxies common type galaxi universe larg respons heavi element intergalact space mere 7 million lightyear distant toward longneck constel camelopardalis ngc 1569 undergon recent burst star format stellar supernova explosions furiou cosmic activ heat expand ga cloud temperatur million degre enrich newli synthes heavi elements,ngc 1569 heavi element small galaxi,2002-07-25,785,108,-0.1055555555555555,07-25,7,2002,25,7,2,3 9ab4a2c3d6b6f9d511d5b501b0fd601e4cff737a32e90c78ad4929e814a35060,domin cantin,clear even sky welcom sight stargaz clear sky good too gloriou occas record dramat photo taken cantin recent gather canadian astronom observatory locat 60 kilomet southeast citi quebec look toward west juli 13th exposur captur distant lightn flash pass thunderstorm far left right storm clouds uncov overexpos crescent moon share even twilight bright venu degre away below far right darken sky young moon familiar right triangl star constel leo cantin report clear sky followed night long,sky,2002-07-26,488,76,0.1813025210084033,07-26,7,2002,26,6,1,1 e6ce45c71caf1aefcfddf6aee3b7e0ad0b31e3e768b83a0e60c8b9f0d671c2bd,angloaustralian observatori,sun appear move sky earth rotates extrem bright sun however make difficult captur path sun trace sky captur picture dark filter cover camera len time allow light bright sun peek through sun horizon complet dark thick filter remov pretti foreground scene captured slight flare appear sun went behind thin clouds much easier image similar moon trail also recent imaged,set sun trail,2002-07-29,367,59,-0.0051282051282051,07-29,7,2002,29,1,0,1 ed67a00ac6bf6d4906655a2256ff0f4d295bd71bf9da1214b7eadf744d4cb5e0,none,star cluster swarm complex motions star compos globular cluster mani open cluster orbit cluster center occasion interacting gravitationally star orbit star around cluster typic circular orbit planet solar system cluster star frequent fall directli toward center mani time trace unusu complex loops vast space insid cluster result star collid rarely comput animation deriv type comput code call simulation show 100 ident star timelaps movi hundr year pass one second,star cluster motion,2002-07-30,465,69,-0.0444444444444444,07-30,7,2002,30,6,0,3 79bec0ce74e53dff4ff9c82167175f8161639aed253530948039e228b2253a16,none,die star eject outer star creat eleg planetari nebula like heniz pictur above unusual caus specul that one day sun may look like this heniz 3401 one elong planetari nebula yet discovered particularli odd feat seemingli round star perhaps astronom elong shape give clue expuls mechanism genesi hypothes includ outer layer ga funnel star magnet field second unseen star somehow involved ga dispers thousand years white dwarf star remain heniz 3401 lie 10000 light year away toward constel carina,heniz planetari nebula,2002-07-31,493,79,0.0333333333333333,07-31,7,2002,31,4,0,3 7f345e2590b0d3cd37e2fdcb584c9bab7fdd31d001a7eb8bbdfda6b4d1badf48,fred espenak courtesi ofwwwmreclipsecom,juli good month sunspot realli big sunspots fact full disk inset pictur show three larg group spots photograph day ago juli 28 togeth sunspot span region thirti time diamet planet earth rotat behind sun visibl edge group follow close heel anoth enorm sunspot group appear mid july july monster sunspot group could view without magnification use safe solar observ method course individu sunspot number group sunspots design solar activ regions given consecut number appear visibl solar disk number began januari 5 1972 june 14 2002 reach activ region number mark door given plagu fair solar system sinc june 14 activ region report often drop least lead make three activ region ar ar ar top left bottom right,sunspot solar activ,2002-08-01,707,117,0.2123376623376623,08-01,8,2002,1,1,2,1 924f871fa79e08d19797b8371197f4a37e91ef5bbd0e0ad4b362d500fa8c1b25,none,comet 57p fallen pieces least 19 them orbit sun everi 6 year faint comet also christen comet three simpli list comet known periodic begin comet mid july respond report new object possibl associ comet astronom abl construct mosaic deep sky imag identifi surpris 19 fragment circled strung behind cometari coma nucleu far left full mosaic span million kilomet distanc comet individu piec detect probabl ten hundr meter across stress produc sunlight warm icy rocki nucleu like contribut fact last seen pass inner solar system 1996 comet 57p brighten unexpectedly indic sudden increas surfac activity,comet fall piec,2002-08-02,598,94,-0.0066844919786096,08-02,8,2002,2,3,2,1 4b07925614a5f41e88c7a32e3403bbc3eda4aa7f7c869b94c6df929078cf2399,none,ngc 2997 grand design spiral galaxy small nucleu sprawl spiral arm give type sc designation ngc pictur above speed away us 1100 kilomet per second would place 55 million light year distant given current estim expans rate universe ngc 2997 thought mass 100 billion time sun probabl less massiv milki way galaxy ngc 2997 seen faceon thought tilt 45 degrees ngc 2997 particularli notabl nucleu surround chain hot giant cloud ioniz hydrogen,spiral galaxi ngc 2997 vlt,2002-08-04,437,72,0.0633333333333333,08-04,8,2002,4,7,0,3 848c5303e7065a12ef56e6de9c1c6d2a9fb574304f5468e867090c97c190a4dd,lyndon anderson prairi journal,aurora bit surprise starters last friday morning intens auror activ expect all possibl surprising however aurora appear show usual structur green ray locations image captur north dakota usa picket fenc green ray stretch toward horizon mirror green ray red band somewhat rare right light citi bismarck mandan visibl near horizon larg sunspot group indic activ current activ sun rel likely possibl caus stream energet particl cascad onto earth caus auroras,ray unexpect aurora,2002-08-05,454,70,0.0719780219780219,08-05,8,2002,5,8,0,1 b57b8c660f792b1c9c7c56cbbe0f5939921e907410ffec09a78f0997644399e4,none,what heaven that sometim astronom see thing sky immedi understand 1985 happen object becam known gomez hamburg distinct yet familiar shape investigation object identifi protoplanetari nebula ga cloud emit sunlik star central hydrogen fuel fuse helium gomez hamburg way becom fullfledg planetari nebula thousand years light seen the reflect dust central star although star obscur thick dust disk run across middl the gomez pictur recent imag hubbl space telescope fraction light year across locat approxim 10000 light year away toward constel sagittarius,protoplanetari nebula,2002-08-07,553,82,0.175,08-07,8,2002,7,4,1,3 cf99a2c54c52dd4329c43cce36b1001b75551a2876358aba7222e5ab1d7b0b86,none,find ancient martian microbi fossil meteorit liquid water relat featur mars surfac current controversi one thing long establish spacebas observ red planet presenc volcanos mar support largest volcano solar system synthet color pictur record march mar global surveyor spacecraft show two them cerauniu tholu leftmost tholus found north tharsi region truli larg martian volcanos actual two rel small volcanos cerauniu tholu size big island hawaii planet earth impact crater overlay volcan martian terrain indic volcano ancient north right scene illumin sunlight top left light region dust deposit recent global dust storm lie lower left flank cerauniu tholus whose summit crater 25 kilomet across,ancient volcano mar,2002-08-08,694,103,0.0632653061224489,08-08,8,2002,8,5,2,2 50f73aea0a469613644d9778972b9aca5e95d08c2993498a5514f5debf15305a,jim,new telescop camera photograph jim captur surreal festiv imag firework night sky oregon date juli 4th fieri streak part tradit annual celebr independ day unit states fieri streak anoth annual event revisit dark sky weekend shoot star arc night much anticip perseid meteor shower perseid meteor actual bit dust period comet swifttuttl year planet earth orbit swifttuttle cometari dust stream comet dust enter earth atmospher travel ten kilomet per second particl vapor leav bright sometim color trails perseid meteor view next nights year shower expect peak august 12 13 rate dozen meteor per hour visibl moonless earli morn skies,firework star,2002-08-09,629,99,0.1262626262626262,08-09,8,2002,9,3,2,1 e89cbcf0e8775732b1a23bc133f12b2b9ed4d7337b96e3707c59227979266912,s kohl b univers,ongo perseid meteor shower strongest august 12 13 best time watch 200 dawn monday morn so plan set tuesday dark moonless predawn sky may see dozen meteor per hour grain cosmic sand gravel shed comet swifttuttl streak across sky vapor entri earth atmosphere trace meteor trail backwards experienc skygaz find converg constel perseus thu annual meteor shower name pictur perseid meteor 1993 color repres digit enhanced meteor streak across night sky differ excit atom emit differ color light origin green ting visibl right current unknown however might result oxygen earth atmosphere,perseid meteor,2002-08-11,581,91,0.1765306122448979,08-11,8,2002,11,8,1,1 6492b68437d0b4858723a09e2f63c02c5acdcb7a7d5820ee1ac4e85cc50a27c0,none,spiral galaxi centauru much composit imag show differ clue unusu galaxy past differ band light low energi radio waves shown red lobe across thick swath dust glow brightly energet radio waves depict green bright jet seen eman galaxy center optic light shown white star compos much galaxi visible recently centauru recent imag xray light chandra xray observatory xrays depict blue show arc hot ga shoot center explos like happen 10 million year ago one hypothesi would explain turmoil would centauru devour smaller galaxi 100 million year ago,color centauru,2002-08-12,540,87,0.1149999999999999,08-12,8,2002,12,7,1,4 0fa127f53f38e224c2ebbc14d44c463df34dc8cf14ec90706c279db9c7c9ac49,none,ngc 3603 largest region glow ga milki way galaxy span 20 light year across giant emiss nebula hii home massiv star cluster thick dust pillars star explode ngc 3603 captur infrar light two micron sky survey 2mass telescope young star cluster near center heat region mostli hydrogen gas mani star cluster estim one million year old much less five billionyear age sun ngc 3603 lie approxim 20000 light year away toward constel carina,giant emiss nebula ngc 3603 infrar,2002-08-14,430,73,0.0933333333333333,08-14,8,2002,14,6,0,3 89b72e2211bf9d544bf317aa75ccef58de7389150aa8c99ee78e204297e7b974,wade b clark jr,skygaz report annual perseid meteor shower went pretti much predicted produc meteor everi minut dark earli morn hour august 12 13 constel perseu rose horizon night august 11 astrophotograph clark anticip record imag flash meteor trail mt ski area northwest washington usa clark also treat color display northern lights result star perseu array near center well compos skyscap along trail perseid meteor view auror glow allur scene might look familiar watcher bygon perseids many view meteor shower 2000 also coincid auror displays courtesi activ sun,meteor northern light,2002-08-15,549,85,0.2178571428571428,08-15,8,2002,15,8,1,1 d465a19f38b1f7ffc30553def78abb49f83e6f54990071ea57f9bf5984f7c9d5,dirk,meteor show colors color alway seen unaid eye still high speed color film record rainbowlik trail meteor streak earli morn sky august 13 arizona usa part annual perseid meteor shower bit dust tail comet swifttuttl enter earth atmospher 200000 kilomet per hour trail left glow briefli friction atmospher vapor dust grain ioniz atom along path initi green color thought glow oxygen atmospher altitud 100 kilomet so sodium atom constitu cometari dust grain contribut orang hues,rainbow perseid,2002-08-16,474,75,-0.0133333333333333,08-16,8,2002,16,8,0,1 24f56db1646ff38b113f180c25167a337e6e86fbcef3a871ffaf4db151d2ec3a,none,asteroid 2002 ny40 fli planet earth earli morn august 18 univers time even august 17 eastern daylight approach within kilomet 13 time earthmoon distanc 2002 ny40 definit close enough pose danger collision close enough bright enough experienc skygaz see 800 meter wide space rock small telescop binocular glide quickli northern sky past bright star vega also close enough radar asteroid hunter use larg arecibo radio telescop puerto rico expect determin three dimension outlin 2002 similar investig near earth asteroid reveal surpris shapes five minut time exposure record cerro tololo interamerican observatori august 14 2002 ny40 show long smudg move background faint star constel aquarius,asteroid 2002,2002-08-17,690,104,0.0269230769230769,08-17,8,2002,17,8,2,4 8bff677ac5b565e98e0cd8b9c6073c94742370fe3698d32c3e132a8a1eeec031,none,clouds atop island coast africa group cuttingedg telescop universe pictur telescop roqu de lo muchacho observatori la palma one canari islands spain site one premier observ locat earth telescop pictur are left right telescope william herschel telescope dutch open telescope swedish solar tower 25meter isaac newton telescope telescope pioneer observ made recent telescop includ star galaxi form earli universe comet break up evid planet around sunlik stars,de lo observatori,2002-08-19,456,67,0.0714285714285714,08-19,8,2002,19,8,0,2 30de1c4158a42024fed28b5005907ad0e6c16f54c491d5f012132526028a4ee4,jame u et al,normal matter universe recent observ chandra xray observatori confirm hot ga filament strewn throughout universe matter refer known element familiar fundament particles previously amount normal matter predict physic earli univers exceed normal matter galaxi cluster galaxies for chandra observ found evid massiv hot intergalact medium filament note slight dim distant quasar xray like caus hot ga imag deriv comput simul show expect typic distribut hot ga huge slice univers 27 billion lightyear across 03 billion light year thick distribut much abund dark matter like mimic normal matter although composit dark matter remain mysterious distribut natur even abund dark energi also remain unknown,univers hot ga,2002-08-20,695,102,0.0778985507246377,08-20,8,2002,20,6,2,4 9af2a65bab9963f8d184b73cb66a1384b7226a25f59eda7353cd2b5345b8220c,none,ngc 300 interest normal spiral galaxi nearbi sculptor group galaxies ngc 300 show typic flow blue spiral arms expect compact nucleus amount stars star clusters nebulae therefore studi ngc 300 indic how exactly normal spiral galaxi works toward goal ngc 300 surround area studi exquisit detail creat combin seri highresolut imag creat conglomer picture ngc 300 lie 7 million light year away span nearli amount sky full moon visibl small telescop toward constel sculptor,spiral galaxi ngc 300,2002-08-21,468,74,0.1333333333333333,08-21,8,2002,21,7,1,3 069574934e5820079301bb09810ae4a14f27f20ef85b380168280210c459e63d,none,featur color yesterday episode big beautiful faceon spiral galaxi ngc 300 seen narrow filter transmit red light hydrogen atoms ioniz energet starlight hydrogen atom emit characterist red halpha light singl electron recaptur transit lower energi states result imag ngc 300 domin region fill massive young star shellshap cloud hydrogen ga hundr thousand lightyear across form group call ob star like million year young hydrogen cloud glow nebula hii region sculpt strong stellar wind ultraviolet radiation pick favorit cosmic shell picture rel bright foreground star locat milki way galaxy often show spike ring caus telescop camera system,shell game ngc 300,2002-08-22,637,96,0.2333333333333333,08-22,8,2002,22,4,2,5 c02f707e8c5dcac686c5036b31e20dd7c47dabcf95c7a6132de483e1091707d4,none,complex shell star seen explod 300 year ago help astronom understand star exploded chandra observatori imag supernova remnant cassiopeia ca a show unpreced detail three xray colors relationship brightness color posit materi imag indic star materi explosion bright knot left example contain littl iron hypothes origin higher layer outer red filaments iron rich blue region right seen absorb dust appear deplet lowenergi xrays take light ten year cross ga shell ca supernova remnant 10000 lightyear distant element make peopl planet produc supernova explosions,ca supernova remnant xray,2002-08-24,558,83,0.1342261904761904,08-24,8,2002,24,6,1,3 2396c056bc692b168c984ea16dac3f0390cd0840684d72e13071e52131256374,none,spectacular 3d stereoscop view orbit flattop hill stand terra meridiani region mars seen best redblu glass red left eye structur reminisc butt mesa found southwestern area north american contin planet earth like terrestri counterparts layer martian outcrop appar form hard sedimentari rock surround softer materi erod away possibl surfac water laid format make terra meridiani region tempt target futur explor mar landers altern explan includ materi deposit wind accumul volcan ash area pictur 3 kilomet across mayb thirti minut walk flat ground terrestri rock climber take equip would weigh around 13 much lower martian surfac gravity,3d mars northern terra meridiani,2002-08-28,635,96,0.1854166666666666,08-28,8,2002,28,5,2,4 66d12f83c2283922c5b7581b9018951d53d83e45ebc0daf19f77ccbc26c7dfdc,robert gendler,pelican nebula also known ic 5070 lie 2000 lightyear away high faroff constel cygnus swan pictur span portion magnific nebula 30 lightyear wide fittingly cosmic pelican found east north america nebula anoth surprisingli familiar look emiss nebula cygnus fact pelican north america nebula part larg star form region two glow nebula appear separ vantag point larg obscur dust cloud run across upper left corner gorgeou color view within pelican nebula dark dust cloud also help defin eye long bill bright front ioniz ga suggest curv shape head neck even though almost close orion nebula stellar nurseri mark pelican north america nebula proven complex difficult study,pelican swan,2002-08-29,665,105,0.07375,08-29,8,2002,29,4,2,5 064b8d19b5889951e3cb7245111c94d1ae5a176db2f8f22c7b74c520c6b77be2,steve mandel,easi get lost follow intric filament stunningli detail imag faint supernova remnant simei 147 seen toward constel tauru cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moons sky correspond width 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears three separ night decemb 2001 januari 2002 astronom steve mandel accumul total eight hour exposur time compos image use astronom ccd camera telephoto lens special design allow widefield digit imaging also use narrow halpha filter transmit light recombin hydrogen atom expand nebulosity defin region shocked glow gas supernova remnant appar age 100000 year light origin explos first reach earth 100000 year aftermath massiv stellar explosion cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain star dens core,147 supernova remnant,2002-08-30,761,115,0.0351648351648351,08-30,8,2002,30,6,2,4 bd213e6d03c5ae336f3e446fb339ac9089a0ae00ac9de398fb5e685ed122935c,none,galaxi like color piec candi fill hubbl deep field one humanity distant optic view universe dimmest faint 30th magnitud about four billion time fainter star visibl unaid eye distant galaxi repres univers look like extrem past perhap less one billion year big bang make deep field image astronom select unclutt area sky constel ursa major the big bear point hubbl space telescop singl spot 10 day accumul combin mani separ exposures addit exposure fainter object revealed final result use explor mysteri galaxi evolut infant universe,hubbl deep field,2002-09-01,533,85,-0.0958333333333333,09-01,9,2002,1,7,0,4 87030b270b4dfddf761ba9052ebe0d53f286269eba14f8c2baff78a4d5bd1f88,walter tape alaska fairbanks figur 81 atmospher halo,aurora appear near ground pictur aurora nearbi light pillars local phenomenon appear distant one place earth lucki viewer see sunpillar column light appear extend sun caus flat flutter icecryst reflect sunlight upper atmosphere usual ice crystal evapor reach ground freez temperatures however flat flutter ice crystal may form near ground form light snow sometim known crystal fog ice crystal may reflect ground light column unlik sunpillar picture color light caus light pillar surround icesk rink fairbanks alaska,color light pillar,2002-09-02,515,77,0.1571428571428571,09-02,9,2002,2,8,1,1 467bac431bfe9aced08a00e01fe14fa337f62630710f6b4dcbc13aebfaccd540,none,surfac mar change inspect yearli imag martian surfac taken robot spacecraft mar global surveyor current orbit mars sometim new dark trail visible although origin mystery culprit usual known dust devil huge swirl similar terrestri tornado pictur above recent imag captur new dark trail actual dust devil climb crater wall dust devil creat martian air heat warm surfac begin spin rises dust devil stretch 8 kilomet high usual last minutes,dust devil mar,2002-09-03,436,69,0.0395454545454545,09-03,9,2002,3,5,0,2 412f6ac95e887e7081a48f761af6e2a22e3ed7dd7ddf630dbfe6ba0a39126e66,none,launch 1977 25 year ago today voyag 1 spacecraft histor tour outer solar system took past saturn late 1980 novemb 12 1980 voyag 1 record view look across edg titan saturn largest moon distanc 22000 kilometers seen fals color moon hazi atmospher appear orang layer blue haze suspend above titan mostli nitrogen atmosphere denser planet earths also contain methan thought lace complex hydrogen carbon compounds composit liken earth atmospher life began spot voyager detach layer haze hundr kilomet surface along detail titan atmospher intrigu earthbound research recent propos model link season variat haze winds sunlight model account earli voyag observ well subsequ studies test model anticip huygen probe carri saturnbound cassini spacecraft enter titan atmospher 2005,voyag view titan haze,2002-09-05,769,116,-0.1416666666666667,09-05,9,2002,5,0,2,2 8e5363b78ce5f2cae16d3b0e2a8e4f6933e27082c2b50756796f0b343220c09e,none,groundbas telescop lens mirror hinder earth nurturing protect atmospher blur imag scatter absorb light telescop design detect extrem gamma ray photon 100 billion time energi visibl light actual requir atmospher operate gamma ray impact upper atmospher produc air shower highenergi particles adorn separ mirror 60 centimet diamet equip fast camera telescop record detail brief flash optic light call cherenkov light creat air shower particles telescop pictur inaugur week intend oper part high energi stereoscop system array construct namibia initi phase hess consist four telescop work concert provid multipl stereoscop view air showers relat energi direct incom cosmic gamma rays,gammaray telescop,2002-09-06,682,99,0.2059999999999999,09-06,9,2002,6,8,2,4 433cf5977d418011a0b789144af1722861521fb6f7f40170dbaab793615f3eed,none,get redblu glass launch stereo pictur saturn pictur actual compos two imag record week apart voyag 2 spacecraft visit saturnian system august 1981 travel 35000 mile per hour spacecraft chang viewpoint one imag next produc exagger pleas stereo effect saturn second largest planet solar system jupiter spectacular ring system wide would span space earth moon although look solid here saturn ring consist individu orbit bit ice rock rang size grain sand barnsiz boulders,stereo saturn,2002-09-07,467,73,0.0833333333333333,09-07,9,2002,7,0,0,2 20113a9c2dd3ea7b4f0d768257641e437c1467eb4046ca973fb8f01226c82393,lyndon anderson,thunderstorm lightning bright star bright planet grace even sky short near north dakota usa two week ago thick pass storm origin strong cloud ground lightn small area rain darken portion orang sunset visibl horizon vast planet venu peek cloud lower left image blue sky shine high distant storm streak high white cirru clouds bright star arcturu near imag top left center minut later memori pictur remained,venu beyond storm,2002-09-10,405,66,0.1401666666666666,09-10,9,2002,10,6,1,1 98a5eb4b53bc8eaf26b2117f3e961a4c8979b6b75f2a97e51d647b6937611730,none,occasionally planet solar system pass front bright star sinc star planet take littl space sky event quit rare two month ago however pluto larg moon charon pass front compar bright tripl star system known note dimmed event use studi pluto rel unknown atmosphere larg telescop chile use deform mirror counter blur effect earth atmospher captur image,pluto charon eclips tripl star,2002-09-11,347,56,0.32,09-11,9,2002,11,8,1,2 8b8d7800ce8b9d1498111411a82d83f38ad6b8976d6ca54b522f8f3b7ac77dba,russel croman,anchor vast lava flow moon oceanu procellarum lie aristarchu plateau record backyard observatori planet earth sharp amazingli color view nice captur geolog divers area includ brownish plateau aristarchu herodotu craters meander valli bright impact crater corner plateau aristarchus young crater 42 kilomet wide 3 kilomet deep surround radial system lightcolor rays slightli smaller lava flood herodotu crater left valley rill featur like carv rapidli flow lava collaps lava tunnel valli schroteri begin right herodotu wind across plateau 160 kilometers eventu turn toward top pictur shadow lunar terminator aristarchu plateau like rectangular island 200 kilomet across rais 2 kilomet smooth surfac lunar ocean storms,aristarchu plateau,2002-09-13,716,103,0.1967261904761904,09-13,9,2002,13,2,2,4 0691de0dbe276154c9b4da9e1568b242f47ff34ccbdf209c957106807f8c8788,none,unusu triangl light particularli bright near eastern horizon sunris next two month observ earth northern hemisphere consid fals dawn triangl light actual zodiac light light reflect interplanetari dust particles triangl clearli visibl left frame taken mauna kea hawaii septemb 8 one develop global network fishey nighttim web cameras call night sky live project zodiac dust orbit sun predominantli plane planets ecliptic zodiac light bright time year dust band orient nearli vertic sunrise thick air near horizon block rel bright reflect dust zodiac light also bright peopl earth northern hemispher march april sunset,zodiac light fals dawn,2002-09-15,616,92,0.2909090909090909,09-15,9,2002,15,6,1,1 01b0294e065c6d26b99e1423ff43cd7179126ed49ff191b857806472694bfcae,eclipt enterpris,tomorrow picture hold archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,atla v rocket launch,2002-09-16,223,34,0.2857142857142857,09-16,9,2002,16,8,1,0 3c634f709cbd148acfdbfd6e0653e925a1101bf7175fcc5f156e535155e53568,aao,mani vast star field plane milki way galaxi rich cloud stars dust gas first foremost visibl pictur million stars mani similar sun next huge filament dark interstellar dust run across imag block light million star yet across galaxy bright red region left omega nebula emiss nebula mostli hot hydrogen ga also known m17 small bright group star near imag center open cluster m18 long bright streak star right center m24 far right imag picturesqu red emiss nebula ic 1283 flank two blue reflect nebula ngc 6589 ngc 6590 object visibl small telescop toward constel sagittarius,sagittariu starscap,2002-09-18,571,95,0.1402472527472527,09-18,9,2002,18,4,2,5 d0ff2b3bd370c01760c34eb8cc773ca5121852addce9382feafbfab2f73a58cf,none,day 11 minut long 1998 30 meter wide asteroid comput simul view lumpi surfac resolut 3 meter base radar optic observ click imag seri surfac observ made shortli discoveri diminut world pass within 800000 kilomet earth 2 time earthmoon distance june 1998 around 10 million asteroid similar size may exist orbit also come near earths littl known them however spin fast tini 1998 ky26 loos conglomer held togeth graviti alone instead like monolith chunk fragment larger asteroid radar optic data suggest 1998 ky26 high water content rel access asteroid could oasi futur space explorers,asteroid 1998,2002-09-19,581,94,-0.06125,09-19,9,2002,19,8,0,2 75585a0fa2db863fae368492f506da4c5754150eece893b136362ed84737b3c1,none,citys neutron star power vast crab nebula expuls wisp hot ga high speed appear least part answer yesterday timelaps movi taken chandra xray observatori hubbl space telescop releas show wisp ga move half speed light wisp like like result tremend electr creat central pulsar rapidli rotating magnetized central neutron star hot plasma strike exist gas caus glow color across electromagnet spectrum pictur composit imag center crab nebula red repres radio emission green repres visibl emission blue repres xray emission dot center hot pulsar spin 30 time per second,crab nebula pulsar,2002-09-20,562,88,0.0277083333333333,09-20,9,2002,20,4,0,4 44c14fbb65ffc736c1f44172f20c49a701f8129d3d54909063f90fe9c65937ba,none,astro1 astronomi mission december 1990 space shuttl astronaut photograph stun view set full moon pois earth limb foreground tower cloud condens water vapor mark extent troposphere lowest layer planet lifesustain atmosphere strongli scatter blue sunlight upper atmospher layer stratosphere fade dramat black background space moon cloud strong visual element mani well known portrait planet earth includ ansel adams famou moonrise hernandez new mexico photograph 1941,moonset planet earth,2002-09-21,465,65,0.1075757575757575,09-21,9,2002,21,8,1,2 948edffe84e53b898d5ca02a6e39d1152d6383b7353c9f70f189d77869cd1a34,none,two hour closest approach neptun 1989 voyag 2 robot spacecraft snap picture clearli visibl first time long lightcolor cirrustyp cloud float high neptune atmosphere shadow cloud even seen lower cloud decks neptune atmospher made hydrogen helium invisible neptune blue color therefor come smaller amount atmospher methane preferenti absorb red light neptun fastest wind solar system gust reach 2000 kilomet per hour specul hold diamond may creat dens hot condit exist uranu neptune,two hour neptun,2002-09-22,479,72,0.12625,09-22,9,2002,22,8,1,1 d6b904c7d67baa304e69e8303de5576a64b6039b592b01de5ab5a2ee0fc8b56d,marc,ever seen band milki way galaxy chanc never seen like could you clear sky dark locat right time faint band light visibl across sky band disk spiral galaxy sinc insid disk band appear encircl earth spectacular pictur bit digit trick though first shot taken juli 2000 camera counterrot earth star appear allow long exposur great amount detail could emerg background star field later moonrise much shorter imag taken locat catch detail french alp near mount highest mountain western europe reflect water later enhanc digitally,milki way french alp,2002-09-23,524,84,0.1272321428571428,09-23,9,2002,23,6,1,1 011c4539361fd8973e559a79c7f00fe64f3a78c997871ad0b98aa1533f104ccd,none,would like fli free sea cloud earth first experi unteth space walk nasa astronaut bruce mccandless robert stewart space shuttl mission 41b 1984 mccandless pictur above use man maneuv unit move around cargo bay space shuttle mmu work shoot jet nitrogen sinc use help deploy retriev satellites mass 140 kilograms mmu heavi earth but like everything weightless space mmu replac 2001 safer backpack propuls unit,fli free space,2002-09-24,407,65,0.2166666666666666,09-24,9,2002,24,8,1,2 97daa3d33996e6846314a864a5edc2333f8c4c3f07835c46f897e74a194428d7,russel croman,rise sun septemb 4 jupit old moon gather dim constel cancer watch hillsid near texas planet earth astrophotograph russel record view pass cloud grace dim brilliant moonlight earthshin illumin lunar night side close inspection bright jupit lower right appear tightli flank four larg galilean moons next jupit lie loos swarm star clouds star brighter member nearbi star cluster m44 popularli known beehiv cluster remark digit imag process slightli improv visibl earthshin region jupiter moons,jupiter moon,2002-09-25,490,74,0.2857142857142857,09-25,9,2002,25,6,1,5 25a2e69638a3b933982786a348f44e698ec030b72b82d235b77383b1e4dac871,none,bright light set sun pale glow rise moon contribut stun pictur rocket exhaust trail twist drift even sky look west digit telephoto view record tabl mountain observatori near wrightwood california usa septemb 19 four day autumn equinox rocket iii solid fuel missile far rang imag taken launch vandenberg air forc base carri test payload thousand mile pacif ocean color set sun dramat near top rocket trail sunset line bottom trail faintli illumin east nearli full moon still full sunlight bright diffus cloud top trail result rocket stage separation ting rainbow like produc high altitud ice crystal form exhaust plume astronom jame young comment cloud take appear white dove fli right left across sky,rocket trail sunset,2002-09-26,700,113,0.1853174603174603,09-26,9,2002,26,1,2,1 e031b95f241a16d541b948912090119a911a37628f5bb587e9646bf85065eeeb,none,drop water prism glass spread visibl sunlight rainbow colors order increas energy well known spectrum color rainbow run red orange yellow green blue violet xray light spread spectrum order energi drop water glass instead orbit chandra xray observatori use set fine gold spread xrays record result digit detectors result xray spectrum reveal much temperatures motion within cosmic xray sources fals color chandra imag show xray spectrum star system ursa major catalog xte j1118480 thought consist sunlik star orbit black hole unlik familiar appear visibl light rainbow energi order along radial line highest energi xray near center lowest energi near upper left lower right edg image central spiki region creat xray sourc spread array,xray rainbow,2002-09-28,734,113,0.1040674603174603,09-28,9,2002,28,6,2,4 6228c01c43db307bd62f0e0ea76da5bfb001b6ec2c0515fc1e4e6b816910df36,none,venus second closest planet sun popular waypoint spacecraft head ga giant planet outer reach solar system visit venu first use graviti assist maneuver spacecraft swing planet gain energi brief encount save fuel use end long interplanetari voyage color imag venu record jupiterbound galileo spacecraft shortli graviti assist flybi venu februari 1990 galileo glimps veil planet show structur swirl sulfur acid clouds bright area sunlight glint upper cloud deck recent intrigu controversi hypothesi hold live microb might exist upper cloud venus,venus pass,2002-09-29,543,80,0.1487603305785123,09-29,9,2002,29,8,1,2 6b2bc7b4c44fdee05499e300bc1b5ecea160c5f3d383b712fb4606c2be55eb61,none,could caus rectangular ridg mars data flow two spacecraft current orbit mars surfac structur seen immedi understood structur pose puzzl planetari geologist eager might provid clue past process shape mar billion years right imag unusu array ridg first spot marin 9 data 1972 ridg wall run 5 kilometers two compet progenitor theori includ harden sand dune oncemolten rock surfac crack cooled dub resembl stone wall ancient earth civilization new mar global surveyor imag show part larger circular pattern indic origin possibl relat impact crater origin hypothes conserv scientist unless clear indic exist natur process could work,ridg mar,2002-10-01,627,96,0.0652597402597402,10-01,10,2002,1,5,2,2 d2ac8254aae6766cc1b5c20e720ccadd561d9b5b791e76cc0a4b4f2956bf796e,david malin,flow trail dust toward corona australis constel southern visibl glow absorb dust appear bluer seen near bright star preferenti reflect blue light densest knot dust thick background star interior star seen them knot indic molecular cloud fill cool ga futur star like form imag span 5 degre reflect nebula lie 500 lightyear distant,star cloud toward southern crown,2002-10-02,329,53,0.14375,10-02,10,2002,2,4,1,5 901c461f097336f61c46596e21f7d4bab5248e234d62bfb1ee3629ca35012276,none,lead candid mysteri star found recent time variabl star v838 monocerotis distanc 8000 lightyears v838 mon discov outburst januari year initi thought familiar type classic nova astronom quickli realiz instead v838 mon may total new addit astronom zoo observ indic erupt star transform period month small star littl hotter sun cool supergi star undergo rapid complex bright changes transform defi convent understand stellar life cycles notabl featur v838 mon nebula appear surround it seen two separ imag south african astronom observatory 1 meter telescope nebula probabl light echo shell formerli unseen materi lost star previou evolution lightyear diameter shell progress reflect light v838 mon outbursts provid opportun look back histori remark star,v838 mon mysteri star,2002-10-03,751,112,0.1885353535353535,10-03,10,2002,3,6,2,4 50ead9d46f66ce3419fbecd815ae1399a1df462b9dc1edaa780dce24222e8faf,none,amazingli detailed falsecolor xray imag center galaxi cygnu a record orbit chandra observatory cygnu seen spectacular high energi xray source actual famou low energi end electromagnet spectrum one brightest celesti radio sources mere 700 million lightyear distant cygnu closest power radio galaxi falsecolor radio imag inset right show remark similar chandra xray view central pictures center cygnu shine brightli emiss extend 300000 lightyear either side along axis near light speed jet atom particl produc massiv central black hole believ caus emission fact xray imag reveal hot suggest locat particl jet stop surround cooler denser gas xray imag also show jet clear huge caviti surround gas bright swath emiss within caviti like indic xray hot materi swirl toward central black hole,xray cygnu,2002-10-05,786,120,0.1092339544513457,10-05,10,2002,5,6,2,4 3d67470bae4b43697c042eb9f04cc5fbbd9412330df2a97263ac9d326e432afe,none,bright lagoon nebula home divers array astronom objects particularli interest sourc includ bright open cluster star sever energet starform regions view eye cluster light domin overal red glow caus lumin hydrogen gas dark filament caus absorpt dens lane dust picture curtisschmidt telescope however show nebula emiss three exact color specif emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur lagoon nebula also known m8 ngc 6523 lie 5000 lightyear away lagoon nebula locat binocular constel sagittariu span region three time diamet full moon,lagoon nebula three color,2002-10-06,518,78,0.28125,10-06,10,2002,6,4,1,5 c42f2c1b7fd327ca58b129b323ef49eefae62259648294906eac843f02eff9ce,none,galaxi center connect quasar upper right disagr system like rage decad use challeng foundat modern cosmology believ quasar markarian 205 recent eject galaxi ngc indic high redshift markarian 205 indic distance astronom come believe however two physic high redshift markarian 205 inde indic lie across universe predomin view tree branch happen point toward moon juxtaposit imag coincidence,galaxi quasar,2002-10-07,388,57,0.1008163265306122,10-07,10,2002,7,7,1,3 149cbc1e6d228e62450b0997a6b84c9d5b3725288b4c2549d8dc15edea136f68,none,motion ultrafast jet shoot candid black hole star system document observ orbit chandra xray observatory 1998 xray sourc xte underw tremend outburst jet materi sent stream space near lightspe impact exist ga heat much glow xray light panel left imag show xray hot spot move three light year time sinc explosion left jet recent fade draw right depict binari star system like produc xray jets normal red star left dump matter accret disk around black hole right jet thought emit along spin axi black hole,xray jet,2002-10-08,501,85,0.1277310924369747,10-08,10,2002,8,6,1,5 ce4c33a39b3b6b4d27194011841fb029481fcca88999e27fec33832c321b4195,none,asteroid almost larg planet still discov solar system recent asteroid half size pluto found orbit distanc littl solar system distant planet larg asteroid move rel background star discoveri imag shown taken oschin telescop california usa name suggest space rock discoverers one sever larg asteroid discov recent roam distant kuiper belt size resolv imag hubbl space telescope like cold world cover ice sun appear particularli bright star,larg asteroid outer solar system,2002-10-09,436,66,-0.038095238095238,10-09,10,2002,9,8,0,2 35d2293ef12e7e9a4bd5f7b3dacf277cedf5a8e63ec3ed7707f697c8f604bfa5,none,one brightest star sky like planets fomalhaut actual 17th brightest star night sky mere 22 lightyear away fraction age sun recent observ far infrar light detector cool near zero kelvin indic dust disk surround fomalhaut hole center warp edge hole center indic dust fallen onto interior planet possibl like earth warp edg indic gravit pull planet like jupit saturn discoveri imag taken instrument jame clerk maxwel telescop hawaii usa illustr show fomalhaut dusti planetari system might look like near larg planet,fomalhaut dust disk indic planet,2002-10-11,514,81,0.0349999999999999,10-11,10,2002,11,6,0,3 8c9109dc9f6bcaac9ab77c754fe40cc15229ddbd1bfce4db3206887de6369c83,none,offici chandra deep field south pictur repres deepest ever xray imag universe one million second accumul exposur time orbit chandra xray observatori went making concentr single otherwis unremark patch sky constel fornax xray imag correspond visibl light hubbl deep field south releas 1998 chandra view color code low energi red medium green highenergi xray blue show mani faint sourc rel highenergi xrays like activ galaxi feed supermass central black hole larg cluster galaxi distanc 12 billion lightyears stun pictur support astronomers idea youth univers massiv black hole much domin present,chandra deep field,2002-10-12,596,90,-0.0336507936507936,10-12,10,2002,12,6,0,4 1e318b27a7aa22748826c2dd020db0174271d7369e38221d9c09cf862d461e4e,angloaustralian observatori,odd look creature right center photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi left center far distanc place near cg4 chanc superposition,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,2002-10-13,386,57,0.0265873015873015,10-13,10,2002,13,6,0,3 1a161b95f20168cf92ba5760da29ad4a7f661081ae4dda0cb42c88a3b10056d1,jeancharl cuillandr,nebula get created cocoon nebula catalog ic 5146 strikingli beauti nebula locat 4000 light year away toward constel cygnus insid cocoon newli develop open cluster stars like stellar nurseries cocoon nebula is time emiss nebula reflect nebula absorpt nebula specul base recent measur hold massiv star center imag open hole exist molecular cloud much glow materi flows star form 100000 year ago provid energi sourc much emit reflect light nebula,ic 5146 cocoon nebula,2002-10-14,443,70,0.055,10-14,10,2002,14,4,0,5 6ba9949eb563c10c7c0f8512425cc3d625c26850b4cb53b92618c10e025e4eac,none,almost lost cosmic jumbl stars ga dust faint definit blue arc stream young star whose format probabl trigger small dwarf galaxi torn apart approach giant ellipt galaxi centauru a 2000 lightyear long arc reveal upper right corner process color digit image dens central region centauru near bottom star cluster make blue arc like strung along incom trajectori small galaxi estim million year old remark result suggest astronom identifi spectacular exampl kind galact cannib progress process believ contribut format evolut larg galaxies includ milki way time star star cluster stream eventu dispers merg tumultu centauru a imag data record four meter blanco telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatory,centauru a young blue star stream,2002-10-17,703,106,0.049047619047619,10-17,10,2002,17,6,2,4 b0652dd7e95731e1feb92c8089f9ba0b1705f93e650dcd9c96391f1204b9910c,none,like downtown area favorit city road drive work on selfrespect web site io surfac constantli construction moon jupit hold distinct solar system volcan activ bodi bizarr look surfac continu form reform lava flows gener use 1996 data nasa galileo spacecraft high resolut composit imag io center side io alway face away jupiter enhanc emphas io surfac bright color variations reveal featur small 15 mile across notabl absenc impact crater suggest entir surfac cover new volcan deposit much rapidli crater created drive volcan powerhouse like energi sourc chang gravit tide caus jupit galilean moon io orbit massiv ga giant planet heat io interior pump tide would gener sulfur volcan activity,io surface construct,2002-10-19,690,109,0.1432954545454545,10-19,10,2002,19,8,2,4 4035ff53a26b5c7de1d506a61faeb6af8c0047fefc54b497683d602e9cb85b67,none,intern space station reign orbit spaceport russia mir pictur 1995 unit state space shuttl atlanti dock segment mir shuttl mission astronaut answer question school student amateur radio perform scienc experi aboard spacelab spacelab experi help increas understand effect longdur space flight human body last year 15 year success service decay mir space station broke enter earth atmosphere,space shuttl mir,2002-10-20,388,57,0.0124999999999999,10-20,10,2002,20,8,0,2 64e0d06de4f9dd41f18482898d70befe3691710740221411ad6b63cf4d117bb3,none,expected ozon hole near earth south pole back year time however smaller past two years unusu doubl lobe structure ozon import shield us damag ultraviolet sunlight ozon vulnerable though cfc halon releas atmosphere intern effort reduc use damag chemic appear posit effect atmospher abundance smaller size ozon hole year however attribut mostli warmer normal air surround stratosphere pictur ozon hole taken septemb 24 tom board orbit earth probe satellite,small doubl ozon hole 2002,2002-10-22,454,69,-0.075,10-22,10,2002,22,8,0,2 09058c3134c8e5f3fc7399585324879c41924f5d454c9b131f1205a891c09352,dan maa eclipt enterpris lockhe nasa,would look like see space shuttl liftoff shuttle answer valu spacecraft performance nasa attach small rocketcam side extern tank launch space shuttl atlanti earlier month movie longer video sequence show dramat fashion look like ride space look back earth final frame taken 15 minut liftoff shuttl seen separ extern tank orbit,liftoff space shuttl,2002-10-23,326,51,-0.0625,10-23,10,2002,23,8,0,2 6a597cce47e2f3d50bd1cde9be69a04ca9d9662e4a16076a87e134ee449cd1c2,none,gulli mar would probabl sensat enough titl vintag edgar rice burrough stori red planet would get attent planetari scientist today first identifi high resolut imag mar record orbit mar global surveyor spacecraft gulli interpret startl evid liquid water flow across martian surfac geolog recent times similar channel earth form flow water mar temperatur normal cold atmospher thin sustain liquid water still thought possibl water burst underground layer remain liquid long enough erod gullies altern explan suggest eros produc flow jumbl solid gaseou carbon dioxide span kilomet along wall impact crater high resolut imag mar global surveyor show typic martian gulli near top crater wall give way sand dune toward crater floor whitish frost visibl near top dark sand dune below mute color synthes wide angl imag data,gulli mar,2002-10-24,814,127,0.0295238095238095,10-24,10,2002,24,5,2,4 9f3000f7526b21e22ec5ac992ecfb07c5a774dda7b8f6009eaf3c9ac4a02a493,none,cal galaxi ngc 720 cosmic cloud xray emit gas seen fals color imag chandra xray observatory extrem temperatur ga 7 million degre celsiu make imposs confin cloud vicin ngc 720 base graviti galaxy visibl star alone fact xray cloud taken solid evid presenc dark matter surround ngc 720 unseen materi gravit influenc keep xray hot ga cloud escaping chandra remark vision clearli distinguish bright pointlik xray sourc diffus cloud astronom use detail shape cloud infer distribut dark matter ngc 720 even test theori fundament natur dark matter accord modern understanding mysteri dark matter whatev is far common form matter universe galaxi ngc 720 lie 80 million lightyear distant toward constel cetus,dark ngc,2002-10-26,701,111,-0.0458333333333333,10-26,10,2002,26,7,2,4 0110d9ae3fcaac1d00ec655237c7e7e602537843dafca15db3db61f3cfdb1f8f,none,asteroid 951 gaspra huge rock tumbl space gaspra becam one beststudi asteroid 1991 spacecraft galileo flew by photograph subtl color variat exagger highlight chang reflectivity surfac structur composition gaspra 20 kilomet long orbit sun main asteroid belt mar jupiter,asteroid gaspra best face,2002-10-27,268,39,0.1722222222222222,10-27,10,2002,27,5,1,2 8de7b6fd5d523b61c52908a8ab3b5f7a5f41541e3252dc45c1c2009354e775ca,none,earth that richat structur sahara desert mauritania easili visibl space nearli 50 kilomet across thought impact crater richat structure flat middl lack shockalt rock indic otherwise possibl richat structur form volcan erupt also seem improb lack dome igneou volcan rock rather layer sedimentari rock richat structur thought mani caus uplift rock sculpt erosion imag captur last year orbit landsat 7 satellite richat structur nearli circular remain mystery,earth richat structur,2002-10-28,455,67,-0.0125,10-28,10,2002,28,8,0,2 9500c714a9cb462b9c0d6a48a6b82d226f0a49117d3dbbc3e10fa5443e78f131,none,could caus long indent moon first discov 200 year ago small telescope rill appear moon three type rill sinuou rilles mani meander curves arcuat rill form sweep arcs straight rilles like ariadaeu rill pictur above long rill ariadaeu rill extend hundr kilometers sinuou rill thought remnant ancient lava flows origin arcuat linear rill still topic research linear rill photograph apollo 10 crew 1969 histor approach lunar surface two month later apollo 11 incorpor much knowledg gain apollo 10 land moon,lunar,2002-10-29,501,80,0.0375,10-29,10,2002,29,2,0,2 92d2c771f9127afb1f65953b9aa3eabc1ac584f09e8dbe136ad315708dfde701,vic jen winter icstar astronomy,year leonid meteor shower good last one know sure possibly however wane nighttim hour novemb 18 last throughout much novemb 19 sky gazer across globe may get last chanc ever see meteor storm although glare nearli full moon like hide presenc mani faint meteors plenti bright meteor may well streak across side sky imag taken 2001 leonid uluru australia imag actual digit composit 22 separ frames includ one sunset gum nebula visibl upper left,leonid uluru,2002-10-30,441,74,0.15,10-30,10,2002,30,8,1,1 50edeeef104d793465519d92e4a5bea845cbd1cda18a9f97cdf4efe319c2e3f4,none,one jupiter larg galilean moons may well possess ocean liquid water hidden beneath ici surfac hold tantal possibl life image construct data record 1996 1997 galileo spacecraft europa characterist surfac ridg crack seen along dome dark reddish spot call latin word freckl 10 kilomet across believ blob warmer ice gradual colder surfac layers analog motion lava lamp freckl repres materi deeper ice layer closer hidden ocean futur space mission investig europa interior could sampl rel access freckl rather drill europa potenti thick ice shell,europa,2002-11-01,542,84,-0.1958333333333333,11-01,11,2002,1,8,0,2 6675cb6a8dc1309d8906bfb43af750cae1aecc6ada6ddb47a67af0f927c5e5e2,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear yet again last month space shuttl atlanti visit iss instal third eleven piec compos integr truss structure new truss visibl right extend solar panel across top world foremost space outpost seen develop past year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm sever winglik solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998 core structur place 2005 yesterday iss celebr second anniversari continu human,intern space station expand,2002-11-03,471,74,0.0468975468975468,11-03,11,2002,3,8,0,2 af7b264e9a71fa58e3144e0921417de57bf6991c802333d446eda75d1c5554a1,none,cassini robot spacecraft launch 1997 nasa close enough resolv mani ring moon destin planet saturn spacecraft close two earthsun separ ring giant last month cassini snap sever imag engin test imag combin contrastenhanc color composit pictur above saturn ring cloudtop visibl far right titan largest moon visibl speck lower left arriv saturn juli 2004 cassini orbit begin circl studi saturnian system sever month later probe name huygen separ attempt land surfac titan,cassini approach saturn,2002-11-04,466,72,0.0482142857142857,11-04,11,2002,4,0,0,2 52581f2a9af764739d46962ba1273cfc24e81a0eef52f8ae57ecc5391883c0c5,walli pacholka astropics halla,year leonid meteor shower predict two peaks like last first peak come hour univers time ut novemb 19 primarili visibl western europ sunrise second peak predict occur 1030 ut primarili visibl north america local sunrise times leonid meteor shower might well develop true meteor storm rate possibl exceed measur last year storm meteor two peak come sandsiz particl eject comet tempeltuttl trip inner solar system 1866 respectively stuck without view still catch shower look streak caught web camera night sky live project pictur sever meteor 2001 leonid streak joshua tree nation park california usa,leonid tree nation park,2002-11-05,597,94,0.0736363636363636,11-05,11,2002,5,8,2,1 0ac4ec282e1ed7ec2ffc4eb3f0f50e80de065df47d06a02f9b01da534546e4f2,jerri lodriguss,brightest star form larg easili found pattern winter sky earth northern hemisphere dub winter hexagon star involv usual identifi even bright night sky big city six star compos winter hexagon capella castor procyon rigel sirius roll cursor imag identifi them winter hexagon aster engulf sever constel includ orion cani major,winter hexagon,2002-11-06,323,50,0.128125,11-06,11,2002,6,6,1,1 42ad6ed44a7f35538f5e5c561a68465883c3334ad39e0db112ef42366de96ed5,christoph,2001 leonid storm intens meteor shower radiant point sky fleet trail seem easi spot bit debri creat meteor realli move along parallel paths follow orbit parent comet tempeltuttle appar shower radiant point simpli due perspect skygaz look toward stream cosmic debris 2001 leonid storm radiant horizon sobaeksan observatori south astronom marlot made singl time exposur record star trail arc number meteors sinc marlot look away cosmic debri stream perspect actual show red ting meteor trail converg toward point horizon opposit radiant leonid shower,2001 meteor perspect,2002-11-07,549,83,-0.03125,11-07,11,2002,7,8,0,4 9293990981dea03e5b3824f069b36064353a2a810b66d4ab1ffcceddce5df851,none,caus surround shell peculiar galaxi cen a last month fascin imag peculiar galaxi centauru released process highlight faint blue arc indic ongo collis smaller galaxy anoth interest featur cen a however surround system shells better visibl recent releas wider pan four meter blanco telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatory faint shell around galaxi unusu consid evid previou galaxi merger analog water rippl pond unexpect attribut shell abund gas becom separ exist star collision,outer shell centauru,2002-11-11,484,72,-0.0714285714285714,11-11,11,2002,11,7,0,3 6204b91d8f71d320bed3f1906025c22617bb4de2a8f0b198958e686fefc6516c,none,domin top third africa largest band dri land earth sahara desert stretch across sahara vast plain sand gravel sea sand dunes barren rocki mountains 10000 year ago however grass cover region rich mammal lion two percent sahara patch land crop grow nearli two million peopl live usual center natur water springs pictur color rocki land span 50 kilomet near oasi,sahara desert,2002-11-12,359,60,0.0607864357864357,11-12,11,2002,12,8,0,1 b7ade1742ee0b56539b0f1fc2e594716c10d0699015ac882f0a74c49f3575fbe,none,nasa interplanetari probe stardust way comet wild 2 januari 2004 pass asteroid annefrank earlier month name victim kept famou member main asteroid belt mar jupiter prior closest approach km distant robot spacecraft took picture although imag obtain detail enough resolv much asteroid surface size reflectivity gener shape asteroid recorded 6 kilomet across asteroid annefrank turn larger darker expected send name mars,asteroid,2002-11-13,420,61,0.0191666666666666,11-13,11,2002,13,5,0,2 f195fcae23fef5e685cbf77827e68b25a6db6bf3703b3e9a1bc8fbba10250417,none,stun imag show remark mysteri detail near dark central region planets sunspot one sharpest view ever surfac sun released pictur made use swedish solar telescop first year oper canari island la palma along featur describ canal dark core visibl within bright filament extend sunspot repres previous unknown unexplor solar phenomena newli reveal dark core seen thousand kilomet long 100 kilomet wide resolv featur 100 kilomet wide less mileston solar astronomi achiev use sophist adapt optics digit imag stacking process techniqu counter blur effect earth atmosphere optic wavelengths imag sharper even current spacebas solar observatori record 15 juli 2002 sunspot shown largest group sunspot catalog solar activ region ar,sharpest view sun,2002-11-14,720,108,-0.0059523809523809,11-14,11,2002,14,1,2,4 aed95bd67685b9bf9d0132f48824ba1964bd51d431fe09f5c89ef3f7ec0814f2,leroy zimmerman,span southern northern skies star trail across panoram view african night equatori three hour long exposur made clear dark mid novemb even face due west cover 180 degre along horizon so south celesti pole center concentr arc left north celesti pole far right scroll right and guess star set along celesti equat leav straight trail near middl picture well illustr thought compos panorama star trail african night are course due motion individu star simpli reflect daili rotat planet earth itself,night trail africa,2002-11-15,494,80,0.0325892857142857,11-15,11,2002,15,6,0,1 e17cd11271dc61cee64f2bd1e2ef749023ee3287958accf3c766dce11dfe0e89,chen,leo leaking leo famou sky constel visibl left allski photograph appear sourc meteor seen last year leonid meteor shower leonid point back leo surpris reason novemb meteor shower call leonids sandsiz debri expel comet tempeltuttl follow welldefin orbit sun part orbit approach earth superpos front constel leo therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear leo 100 bright meteor seen halfhour exposure intens leonid meteor shower 2002 uncertain may approach one per second locat novemb 18 19,leonid leo,2002-11-17,504,78,0.1166666666666666,11-17,11,2002,17,8,1,2 9f3853fdbe978050f9893129b51b716f608d5416d54aa101a2a29a7057850952,pierr thoma lsten lyon,tomorrow picture 2002 leonid archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc nasa seu edu forum michigan tech u,car hole peekskil meteorit,2002-11-18,251,39,0.2857142857142857,11-18,11,2002,18,8,1,0 70caacd07cc48008d3599714785734b2d53afab9d25c4bb433c1fa133dae2d71,none,report 2002 leonid meteor shower come across world preliminari indic shower less activ last year impress peak seen 1100 univers time visibl much north america observ report mani meteor peak arriv groups pictur one meteor peak caught earlier today night sky live continu camera kitt peak nation observatori arizona usa memor event 2002 leonid town israel dim light allow better imag leonid meteor wise observatory,kitt peak leonid,2002-11-19,412,65,0.2077441077441077,11-19,11,2002,19,8,1,1 205baf88e90a4b87a05d1876a2fe5eea6b7aa94bacc76c8e3afb81490d00a96f,frank,beauti bright 2002 leonid meteor battl glare moonlight win example tuesday morn sky nevada usa find undaunt leonid streak familiar constel orion left overexpos full moon anticipated leonid shower pack doubl punch novemb 19 planet earth plung two dens cloud meteroids dusti debri left passag comet tempeltuttle european observ report 10 meteor minut first peak near univers time north american skygaz wit slightli lower rate near second peak around 1030 ut overall observ rate much lower last year leonid meteor storm mani sky still fill reward spectacl bright meteors perform may fond farewel year come annual leonid meteor shower like approach even rate end century,leonid vs moon,2002-11-20,666,105,0.2234375,11-20,11,2002,20,8,2,1 aee92e43f062f512ab21555fe806a93bb2947fee84e9dd32d65b701b6b22f8f8,noao,could caus center m94 bright spiral galaxi m94 ring newli form star surround nucleus give unusu appear also strong interior glow lead progenitor hypothesi hold elong knot star known bar rotat m94 gener burst star format form outward move ring m94 pictur digit sharpened span 30000 light years lie 15 million light year away seen small telescop toward constel cane venatici,starburst galaxi m94,2002-11-21,372,61,0.2638888888888889,11-21,11,2002,21,6,1,3 958711c2b3afa6213c26a0254722f1079e09be934eb78dbcad56c985e5e93f39,blake susan,full moon everyon look what 33 need stori photograph took hundr digit pictur earli tuesday morn order captur single gorgeou 10 second exposur leonid meteor flash full moon dreamlik foreground lake fog courtesi south carolina usa,full moon lake leonid,2002-11-22,230,36,0.1571428571428571,11-22,11,2002,22,2,1,1 9f9d56cd8b5a69a52282c1b3163f0dd4cb0a89a4f24b2788f4c0e29141a3f667,none,like target ring bullseye mare oriental one strike larg scale lunar features locat moon extrem western edge impact basin unfortun difficult see earthbound perspective 3 billion year old 600 mile across form impact asteroid size object collis caus rippl lunar crust result three concentr circular featur visibl 1967 photograph made nasa lunar orbit 4 molten lava moon interior flood impact site fractur crust creat mare dark smooth region moon call mare latin sea earli astronom thought area might oceans,mare oriental,2002-11-23,503,79,-0.03,11-23,11,2002,23,2,0,2 d3912d0485f6da3f73fa9f63b1d63206ae6e11aa2eef8803cb44c82d88091298,none,put observatori space telescop ground ground deploy heavier telescop fix easily troubl earthbound telescop must look earth atmosphere first earth atmospher block broad rang electromagnet spectrum allow narrow band visibl light reach surface telescop explor univers use light beyond visibl spectrum onboard chandra xray observatori need carri absorb atmosphere second earth atmospher blur light let through blur caus vari densiti continu motion air orbit earth atmosphere hubbl space telescope pictur above get clearer images fact even though hst mirror 15 time smaller larg earthbound telescopes still resolv finer details futur larg optic telescop space planned,hubbl float free,2002-11-24,662,95,0.1745833333333333,11-24,11,2002,24,8,2,4 c65a586d51e1320dbde7916c0b7ce49d08877a09aa27bd7a0e15d9ddca662196,gari a ucsc,earth magnet field electr molten plasma earth core abl damp current magnet field thousand years yet five billion year old earth clearli caus magnet point north mysteri still studi recent thought relat motion earth liquid outer core specifically portion outer core cool fall inward ocean liquid ironrich magma rise outward forc motion spin earth motion mani geologist believe earth magnetism pictur above comput simul show result magnet field line two earth radii blue line direct inward yellow line direct outward,earth magnet field,2002-11-25,513,80,0.0722222222222222,11-25,11,2002,25,8,0,1 844bab6313a0ca77b9cc88aef4afee0f21b94f5ef9dfab1fa40d9e595cfef6ea,none,nasa launch two robot mar next year help name them mar explor rover schedul launch near come june mar earth rel close orbits land craft expect touch mar januari 2004 deploy robot rover shortli rover capabl crawl 100 meter day plan 90day mission mission scientif purpos seek inspect interest rock terrain could give clue past mars suggest name sent here accompani short 2003 januari 31 note contest open school children grade,name martian robot,2002-11-26,424,71,-0.03,11-26,11,2002,26,5,0,2 ebaedc3eeab920d95c93ca5c30656c1ff4e849b743bbbe9569a91d383e5bb2ab,none,hubbl optic imag left show ngc 6240 titan galaxi galaxi collis 400 million lightyear away cosmic catastroph play out merg galaxi spew forth distort tidal tail stars gas dust undergo frantic burst star formation use orbit chandra observatory xray vision peer within bright central region ngc 6240 astronom believ uncovered first time one two enorm orbit black holes detect characterist xray radiat interstellar debri swirl toward them falsecolor closeup view right xray data clearli show black hole sourc shade blue separ 3000 lightyears einstein theori graviti predict pair black hole must spiral closer together ultim coalesc single even massiv black hole sever hundr million years final moment merg supermass black hole produc extrem power burst gravit radiation,supermass black hole ngc,2002-11-28,765,117,0.0254578754578754,11-28,11,2002,28,7,2,4 c0c56db172116d439de543460855cba38782d1e61e9708df28b7483d3601b859,noao,open cluster star near far young old diffus compact open cluster may contain 100 10000 stars form nearli time bright blue star frequent distinguish younger open clusters m35 pictur upper left rel nearbi 2800 light year distant rel young 150 million year old rel diffuse 2500 star spread volum 30 light year across older compact open cluster ngc 2158 visibl lower right ngc 2158 four time distant m35 10 time older much compact contain mani star roughli volum space ngc 2158 bright blue star selfdestructed leav cluster light domin older yellow stars cluster visibl toward constel gemini m35 binocular ngc 2158 small telescope,open star cluster m35 ngc 2158,2002-11-29,626,103,0.1278571428571428,11-29,11,2002,29,6,2,3 1d643dfca06bf945871b7c8df78e81d791b03bc9bd79c760d5c152c2bf87b578,t a rector,spiral galaxi m33 midsiz member local group galaxies m33 also call triangulum galaxi constel resides four time smaller in radius milki way galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 much larger mani local dwarf spheroid galaxies m33 proxim m31 caus thought satellit galaxi massiv galaxy m33 proxim milki way galaxi caus appear twice angular size full moon visibl good pair binoculars highresolut imag telescop kitt peak nation observatori fourcolor composite,nearbi spiral m33,2002-12-02,443,67,0.1749999999999999,12-02,12,2002,2,7,1,3 f3a8e54470887be07ea398164be012215eb8fc6dea6c5dd8ea2eb16b09caf816,fred espenak,decemb 4th second time mani years moon shadow track across southern africa bring total solar eclips african skies reach africa 600 univers time narrow path total correspond path moon umbra dark central shadow run eastward namibia botswana south africa nation park move across indian ocean ultim cross onto australian contin sunset around ut observ directli path could catch minut eclips total phase least partial eclips visibl much africa australia part eastern antarctica watch last year june 21 eclipse astronom fred espenak record seri exposur use construct dramat composit image sequenc follow 2001 geocentr celesti event start finish acacia tree near chisamba zambia,eclips,2002-12-03,673,102,-0.0281249999999999,12-03,12,2002,3,2,2,1 8457154356a8be52e4369528ee7a7b273935db5b03ab4d24f6829777435ba394,larri koehn,glide toward today total eclips sun crescent moon rise early dawn prelud close solar alignment moon also complet love celesti triangle close bright planet mar venu morn decemb 1 total solar eclips seen narrow skygaz around globe could appreci conjunction view near nashvil tennessee usa find brilliant venu lowest corner triangl much fainter mar immedi right moon moon sunlit crescent overexposed detail lunar night side reveal earthshine right trio spica brightest star constel virgo,moon mars venus spica,2002-12-04,484,74,0.261038961038961,12-04,12,2002,4,2,1,1 21faaf3c96de37e8fa815b0ab202a2956d0683af50596abfcb4204fa54233310,murray alexand,normal hide view glare sun shi solar corona came play wednesday total solar eclips grace morn sky southern africa telescop imag sun corona outer atmospher shimmer around silhouet moon record near centrelin total eclips path 10 kilomet north zimbabwe location near zimbabw south africa total phase pictur last leisur one minut 23 seconds photograph murray alexand report fortun cloud interf peopl present mani watch south africa side cloud out still miss geocentr celesti event wait next year two solar eclips two lunar eclips planet earth schedul 2003 along transit mercury,zimbabw solar eclips,2002-12-06,574,90,0.0349999999999999,12-06,12,2002,6,1,0,1 1cbef77d4b3d2d3d99f001f1a6cc38958b829e3dd4cdee2f8181e89ed0aa2bcc,none,pictur innermost jupiter galilean satellites io superpos front ga giant planet left io dark spot io shadow solar eclips would seen within shadow spot jupiter view planet earth similar shadow jupiter larg moon often seen cross giant planet disk next sever months galilean moon also seen cross front as while orbit lie nearli edgeon view earthbound observers truecolor contrastenhanc imag taken two year ago robot spacecraft cassini pass jupit way saturn 2004,jupiter io shadow,2002-12-07,457,72,-0.01875,12-07,12,2002,7,8,0,2 3a7273649fb1dddffade5c2a814eec5614399d1432cf8a4010437cba8a5b4bdf,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear yet again earlier month space shuttl endeavor visit iss instal fourth eleven piec compos integr truss structure new truss visibl left extend solar panels world foremost space outpost seen develop past year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm sever winglik solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998 core structur place 2005,intern space station expand yet,2002-12-08,411,65,-0.0606060606060606,12-08,12,2002,8,8,0,2 30a8ff48de2badd7028b09f4dd65bdcd4fd47c06a1841cdffd58d18fa060cc37,jeancharl cuillandr,depth dark cloud dust molecular ga known m17 star continu form similar greek letter capit omega give molecular cloud popular name nebula also known swan nebula horsesho nebula m17 dark molecular cloud result background starlight absorb thick carbonbas smokes dust bright massiv star form produc intens energet light slowli boil away dark shroud m17 pictur above visibl binocular toward constel sagittarius lie 5000 lightyear away span 20 lightyear across,m17 omega nebula star factori,2002-12-10,454,69,0.095,12-10,12,2002,10,4,0,5 52d702b0982f96c61183f90ed04f01ac459b401ac206e2dd21176e5741c9cb9b,pierr martin michael f,streak high diffus cloud well front distant star sandsiz bit ancient meteors bit comet tempeltuttl pass inner solar system 150 year ago far background star toward constel ursa major imag digit combin 12 exposur taken morn novemb 19 florida usa observ report strong peak faint meteor 600 est particularli strong minut come est 22 leonid meteor like less impress geminid meteor shower peak next three nights,meteor star cloud,2002-12-11,407,66,0.0422499999999999,12-11,12,2002,11,6,0,1 e6b2df57e6b6e8e2bdf0d968d3b655e8db2973ecc5b49ee63b8ed7577a5b09a4,carlo right,total solar eclipse sun extens outer atmospher corona awesom inspir sight yet subtl shade shimmer featur corona engag eye span bright rang 10000 1 make notori difficult captur photograph still singl five second exposur come close reveal crown sun glory color pictur taken special built coron camera telescop decemb 4th total eclips south africa camera design incorpor precis made filter whose density abil block light decreas markedli distanc filter center compens differ brighter inner portion corona sun edg much fainter outer regions central spot imag correspond calibr window center eclips sun,crown sun,2002-12-13,597,91,0.0797619047619047,12-13,12,2002,13,1,2,4 924c6f67c581a1b746bc797a57162f56b88acab9a52386ffa79e9bad96403a56,joachim wambsganss ap inst potsdam,virtual sky map like would interest astronom studi gravit microlensing microlensing graviti star near line sight act magnifi light background object distant stars quasars nowher magnif greater near gravit lens caustic comput simul map caustic discern sharp bright curv lines background quasar move across microlens caustic appear dramat brighter mani astronom thought microlens event practic immeasur even twenti year ago within past five year hundr found precis measur microlens provid uniqu inform composit distribut matter galaxi universe astronom predict futur microlens search might even isol planet orbit distant stars,network microlens caustic,2002-12-15,624,89,0.0020833333333333,12-15,12,2002,15,6,2,4 308d3d057c5ad4d7fdc973ebbf0be9307014c1bd5825ca6579da04205e3f981c,none,type terrain found mars part answer come thermal imag robot spacecraft 2001 mar odyssey current orbit mars pictur superposit two infrar images black white imag taken martian daylight falsecolor imag taken night daytim image dark color mean cool temperatures drop 5 degre celsiu low degre celsius shadow region appear particularli dark groov structur floor mela chasma indic success overlap nighttim blue area cool rel quickly indic composit dust sand,night day mela chasma mar,2002-12-16,450,69,0.0461805555555555,12-16,12,2002,16,5,0,1 1f11b8ac866a702bcff42d7d3877988750c7b8f9310ed53e426ee72639243724,none,intern space station iss largest humanmad object ever orbit earth station larg could launch built piecem larg section ad continu flight space shuttle function iss need truss keep rigid rout electr liquid coolants truss huge extend 15 meter long mass 10000 kilograms pictur end last month astronaut michael lopezalegria work instal right end canadarm2 robot remot control arm iss,intern space station,2002-12-17,379,59,0.1589285714285714,12-17,12,2002,17,8,1,2 637829048be4242019bb5596d61fa44dbdf37b11a9de799dba5807fb2ac0423a,none,caus unusu color surround io io innermost larg moon jupiter known tumultu bodi solar system approxim size earth moon io undergo nearli continu volcan erupt interior heat gravit tide jupit jupiter larg moons robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupit monitor activ volcano patera past years imag indic volcano produc red black color lava flows yellow sulfur patch explos plumes green color may aris process affect terrain white patch may part sulfur dioxid snow galileo mission object run low maneuv fuel nasa plan crash spacecraft jupit 2003,io volcano patera,2002-12-18,543,86,-0.0770833333333333,12-18,12,2002,18,8,0,2 15890f75de2674f92dc842fde06661da4b20c4daa445ad25e802d19014abef35,none,decemb 11 astronom found one brightest distant explos univers gammaray burst hide glare rel nearbi star earliest imag burst visibl light caught earthbound raptor telescop optic two exposur inset taken raptor unit 65 second left 9 minut top right highenergi radiat burst duti catalog grb identifi orbit hete2 satellite one two optic transient ever found time close burst gammaray emission fade visibl light sourc indic arrows blend imag foreground star toward constel cani minor raptor unit lower inset design peripher low resolut camera central sensit high resolut imager analog vision future raptor project expect innov instrument abl independ discov catalog host cosmic thing go bump night,imag grb,2002-12-19,693,106,0.1329761904761904,12-19,12,2002,19,6,2,4 56f44661de534561cc85d5147ed5a9d018cddaa3a5adc57b91aa310d17479a75,robert gendler,one famou nebula planet earth night sky astrophotograph robert construct stunning colorenhanc mosaic region surround great nebula orion seen here cloud orion domin reddish emiss nebula m42 near bottom image blue reflect nebulae includ ngc 1977 near top strewn dust lane dark nebulae strike cosmic apparit surround orion stellar nurseri 1500 lightyear away sever lightyear across locat edg giant molecular cloud complex span hundr lightyears nebula repres small visible fraction region wealth interstellar material within color cloud orion astronom also identifi appear numer infant solar systems,color cloud orion,2002-12-20,595,86,0.1409090909090909,12-20,12,2002,20,4,2,5 0c770ca03c1856be7223b8c04047a081f812c349d0008c9ee54ef56712a44dfc,aao,billion star light direct toward center galaxy vast major star billion year old rival home milki way galaxi raw age star much faint red occasion young blue star light galaxies togeth interstellar dust old star make yellowish starscape pictur above although opaqu dust obscur true galact center visibl light rel hole dust occur right image region name baade window astronom studi it use inspect distant star determin intern geometri milki way baade window occur toward constel sagittarius,star dust baade window,2002-12-23,487,77,0.0667076344707923,12-23,12,2002,23,6,0,3 cf8ddeb3dee66867d0c9ecce83acf3af13efe8e713a2575d19a06be383767de7,none,spring reach north pole mar may brought usual dust storms north polar cap begin thaw temperatur differ occur cold frost region recent thaw surface result swirl wind adjac regions imag mosaic mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars white materi frozen carbon dioxid cover much extrem north choppi cloud least three dust storm identified,spring dust storm north pole mar,2002-12-24,345,54,-0.1148148148148148,12-24,12,2002,24,5,0,1 381ba18b7d9a833fc956ed276ca3b5d40c7a38690768353e83d911d93c102f29,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,orion alway come sideway caught act earlier month astronom jimmi stargaz eastward rocki mountain north colorado usa make gorgeou image westlak place camera tripod two exposures first last 18 minut allow star trail rose mountain range minut long second exposur began last 25 second decor end trail celesti point light three bright star orion belt stand nearli vertic line mountain peak right center hang belt star nebula hunter sword follow slope right festiv yelloworang betelgeus brightest star peak left center brighter still planet saturn shine near upper left corner foreground planet earth frozen lake snowi mountain lit four day old crescent moon happi holiday best wish apod,orion rise,2002-12-25,682,107,0.1735714285714285,12-25,12,2002,25,6,2,1 64b9c5dede9b7bbc1aebcf9f70d2bbef3b1147d6cda14c47342fb35e4c402767,ralph p harvey antarct search meteorit nasa nsf,best place earth find meteorites although meteor fall world usual sink bottom ocean buri shift terrain easili confus terrestri rocks bottom earth however east antarctica huge sheet blue ice remain pure barren travers sheet dark rock stick out rock high probabl true meteorit like piec anoth world explos impact might catapult meteorit moon mars even asteroid yield valuabl inform distant world earli solar system small team snowmobil explor far found thousands pictur above icetrekk search field 25kilomet front otway massif transantarct mountain rang antarct summer 19951996,search meteorit antarctica,2002-12-26,576,86,0.1228571428571428,12-26,12,2002,26,8,1,2 44610c1a041f976b787b82c9989dbc4d005d26414fad7d07e5758318af48f9ef,none,globular cluster rule milki way back old days back galaxi first formed perhap thousand globular cluster roam galaxy today perhap 200 left mani globular cluster destroy eon repeat fate encount galact center surviv relic older earth fossil older structur galaxy limit univers raw age few any young globular cluster milki way galaxi condit ripe form thing differ next door however neighbor lmc galaxy pictur young globular cluster resid there ngc 1818 observ show form 40 million year ago yesterday compar 12 billion year age globular cluster milki way,ngc 1818 young globular cluster,2002-12-29,550,88,0.0108974358974358,12-29,12,2002,29,7,0,3 caa603e96837db250c53a8b477f9a9af643fdd48f0955ddc02b02b65db418ddd,none,could asteroid destroy civil earth mountains space rock could potenti impact earth caus global effects perhap even mistaken nuclear blast terrestri origin larg impact rare happen before modern telescop therefor begun scan sky sign approach celesti hazards past year project spacewatch continu discov previous unknown asteroid inde pass near earth project still rather however june 100meter asteroid 2002 mn discov whizz earth cross even within orbit moon year brought much discuss astronom commun expand technolog discov larg near earth object extend time discoveri impact potenti astronom hazards pictur illustr busi planetari system show view planet ring space debri recent form crater orbit moon,year astronom,2002-12-31,698,103,0.0152777777777777,12-31,12,2002,31,8,2,2 ccfa4254f018387717360ca5f59eb98c35e7f3d08b36004509ca5c798de1a5a2,none,mt etna erupt hundr thousand years late octob last year however earthquak trigger particularli vigor outburst well known volcano italian island sicily local school close hot lava pour ash spew settl far away libya pictur mt etna ash plume appear astronaut intern space station view look toward southeast light color smoke due forest fire caus lava volcano north face,mt etna erupt plume,2003-01-02,366,59,0.040625,01-02,1,2003,2,8,0,1 95f31a9b7bb059f2e821877df2269f424700bcdfa471a143e6d416c11d5a4ce2,olivi staiger moon,sometimes total eclips sun strang shadow dark seen stretch distance call shadow cone visibl earth atmospher complet transparent scatter sunlight henc appear blue day shadow cone particularli dramat eclips near horizon geometri creat long corridor sunblock air visibl shadow cone caught total solar eclips visibl last month south australia eclips sun still appear bright light surround corona digit camera left zoom show better imag actual eclipse,shadow cone total solar eclips,2003-01-06,446,66,0.125,01-06,1,2003,6,1,1,1 f61b83874df1fbe86051a253cf29c09b0793a82a5afb61a88864958cb7d16d76,noao,open cluster m38 seen binocular toward constel auriga m38 consid rich open cluster stars 200 million year old locat disk milki way galaxy m38 still young enough hous mani bright blue stars although brightest star yellow giant shine 900 time brighter sun cluster span roughli 25 lightyear lie 4000 lightyear away m38 pictur above found 25 degre northwest open cluster loos bound gravity open cluster spread time orbit galact center member star slowli,open star cluster,2003-01-07,449,73,0.0839285714285714,01-07,1,2003,7,6,0,3 e843b5f656b3ec16a857326a1f4a0c4b4ac9f50f20afa39e41e493e7400161fa,ron remot sky,wander constel taurus saturn made closest approach planet earth last month tilt love ring toward skygaz rise high midnight skies januari 4th 5th saturn also cross front high faroff crab nebula m1 cosmic cloud debri stellar explos first list astronom charl messier celesti sights saturn crab made poor light bright planet overwhelm diffus nebula hide crab transit taken januari 2nd day closest encounter composit digit imag illustr problem subtl nebula visibl right left light drastic overexpos saturn pixels composit imag correctli expos pictur ring saturn saturnian moon wellexpos saturn imag also taken januari 2nd captur exposur last fraction second contrast ten second exposur time requir reveal crab,crab planet,2003-01-10,704,107,0.1424060150375939,01-10,1,2003,10,0,2,4 c87ff0a5e56b6b5458dc9ef604e138e05ecd2e7eb75e4d6e220ca7917db94e36,none,human left moon thirti year ago don redblu glass red left eye share excel stereo perspect view last stomp ground record eugen cernan scene depict fellow astronaut geologist harrison schmitt next larg split boulder floor narrow tauruslittrow valley locat eastern edg lunar mare serenitatis park nearby lunar rover visibl beyond boulder right stay apollo 17 astronaut explor unusu dark terrain tauruslittrow land site deploy explos test intern geolog moon apollo 17 return lunar rock soil sampl lunar mission,apollo 17 boulder stereo,2003-01-11,506,78,-0.0071428571428571,01-11,1,2003,11,2,0,2 f8b7094d701f2cf07f592f3561717467c44bdbcd78742ac3a4f40fca650ad4b2,georg,first hint becom sun discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list annoying diffus object confus interesting comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen constel vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 shown above digit sharpened three isol color emit hydrogen oxygen understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf,dumbbel nebula hydrogen oxygen,2003-01-13,631,96,0.0857142857142857,01-13,1,2003,13,4,2,5 3b1932e3e8502c4ff397cd8a81cee28d06cd10952fde7eb8d801b7f26577695e,none,center distant galaxi one billion lightyear away radio emiss galaxi map nation radio astronomi observatory larg array shown red composit visibl light imag hubbl space telescope new advanc camera surveys dust lane featur hubbl imag well infrar gemini telescop data demonstr clearli 0313192 spiral galaxi seen edgeon note unrel spiral galaxi seen faceon years doubl cosmic cloud radio emiss flank spiral galaxy core studi but least now radio sourc known aris core giant ellipt galaxi violent merg galaxi systems make 0313192 wrong kind galaxi found scenario astronom search clue spiral galaxy potenti similar milki way show power activity,galaxi,2003-01-14,636,98,-0.0603305785123967,01-14,1,2003,14,7,2,4 23bcf23960d50ca192b33f109d576be68acec5b5f40042127ba0c2ea32326266,none,ye look like saturn saturn one four giant ring planet solar system saturn brightest rings system ring moon actual belong planet uranus imag nearinfrar light antu telescop eso paran observatori chile sinc ga giant uranus atmospher absorb sunlight nearinfrar wavelength planet appear substanti darkened improv contrast otherwis rel bright planet normal faint rings fact narrow uranian ring imposs see visibl light earthbound telescop discov 1977 care astronom notic unknown ring block light background stars ring thought younger 100 million year may form debri collis small moon pass comet asteroidlik object moon name charact shakespeare distant ring world uranu last visit 1986 voyag 2 spacecraft,ring planet uranu,2003-01-15,696,104,0.06,01-15,1,2003,15,0,2,4 2e6f87e951b85275cf7fb13183e71ae5c373636fdee65212db502859f197c7a6,none,spiral galaxies majest wind arm young star interstellar ga dust rotat disk around bulg galact nucleus ellipt galaxi seem simpler randomli swarm old star lack ga dust astronom excit find ngc young ellipt galaxi 160 million lightyear away show evid 90000 lightyear wide rotat disk multimillion degre hot gas evid come data record orbit chandra observatory whose sharp xray imag ngc 1700 seen above balanc gravity rotat xray hot disk largest type yet discovered give galaxi pronounc boxi profil falsecolor picture theori origin disk suggest ngc 1700 may result cosmic scale galact merger perhap spiral ellipt galaxy ngc 1700 visibl small telescop toward flow constel eridanus,ngc ellipt galaxi rotat disk,2003-01-16,672,106,0.0361111111111111,01-16,1,2003,16,7,2,3 2b43d5539c127f9614300d20d5c0d57396b502a6b50328a85c3fa9965c70ee9d,none,subtl delic appearance filament shock interstellar ga part expand blast wave violent stellar explosion record novemb 1997 wide field planetari camera 2 board hubbl space telescope pictur closeup supernova remnant known cygnu loop nearli edgeon view show small portion immens shock front move toward top frame 170 kilomet per second glow light emit atom excit hydrogen gas anoth pretti picture particular imag provid dramat scientif results 1999 research use substanti revis downward wide accept estim distanc age classic supernova remnant determin lie lightyear away cygnu loop thought expand 5 10 thousand years,filament cygnu loop,2003-01-18,614,92,0.0233333333333333,01-18,1,2003,18,8,2,4 6ac28cd7a83bc4316a54876ed4ef07c9365dfe8517efa685b83242ded53327e7,keith,scientist found unexpectedly tini time capsul billion year past discoveri involv small molecul appar becom trap format larg enclos molecul known collabor recent found fulleren ancient meteorit fell earth 30 year ago extraterrestri fulleren insid meteorit survived upon inspection empti inside small molecul trap insid give glimps solar system like formation pictur comput simul show rel small situat silicon surface fulleren formed survived els found els might found insid tini time capsul develop excit area research,cosmic time,2003-01-19,517,76,-0.15,01-19,1,2003,19,8,0,4 fe32fa918a2c3d9aee7553e58b2608b79844e396bcf1929e7f44552fe233518d,none,tall mountain jupiter moon io one way find view sunset tall structur face sun cast long shadows imag highlight mon far left sharp ridg rise high would among highest mountain earth violent chang surfac io show classic volcano cinder cone also mani thrust fault ground fractur creat dramat shear cliffs imag taken two year ago robot spacecraft galileo current orbit jupiter,io sunset,2003-01-20,371,61,-0.0685416666666666,01-20,1,2003,20,8,0,1 5c2b1ee9daa8270370a47c15b78a93046d6decc30e536921db827c8b8fec57b3,daniel verschatseantilhu obs,vast orion molecular cloud complex sever bright blue nebula particularli apparent pictur two promin reflect nebula dust cloud lit reflect light bright embed stars famou nebula m78 upper right catalog 200 year ago lower left lesser known ngc 2071 astronom continu studi reflect nebula better understand interior star form orion complex lie 1500 lightyear distant contain orion horsehead nebulas cover much constel orion,reflect dust cloud orion,2003-01-21,419,63,0.1423809523809524,01-21,1,2003,21,4,1,5 51455c575f45cf85510f331022899ee109fb2332ee673b8a07c1c5f0f65383d3,jeancharl cuillandr,mani star like sun form open clusters pictur open cluster m11 contain thousand star five thousand light year distant star cluster form togeth 250 million year ago bright young star m11 appear blue open clusters also call galact clusters contain fewer younger star globular clusters also unlik globular clusters open cluster gener confin plane galaxy m11 visibl binocular toward constel scutum,wild duck cluster,2003-01-22,392,61,0.11,01-22,1,2003,22,6,1,3 d55d51a2fa5269db5560201a2ee2bcaceb19ad261c7559a0fe678c75362a76a3,lauri a kanga,januari 16 nasa space shuttl columbia roar blue morn sky kennedi space center first shuttl mission 2003 pictur taken morn januari 16 though sunrise look eastward toward lake ontario outsid caledon ontario canada pictur sun pillar sunlight reflect ice crystal gentli fall cold air seem shoot fieri sun still low horizon chance fog cloud form rel warm lake look like billow smoke rocket exhaust plume complet launch illusion amateur photograph stop way work record eyecatch sun pillar launch,launch sun pillar,2003-01-23,489,78,-0.0142857142857142,01-23,1,2003,23,1,0,1 47de3dbe476fc38a5faacd01a81165c2e59a0826ea8869b6dce5c66f913e27e5,none,known seyfert sextet intrigu group galaxi lie head portion split constel serpens sextet actual contain four interact galaxies though near center hubbl space telescop picture small faceon spiral galaxi lie distant background appear chanc align main group also promin condens far right like separ galaxi all tidal tail star flung galaxies gravit interactions 190 million lightyear away interact galaxi tightli pack region around 100000 lightyear across compar size milki way galaxy make one densest known galaxi groups bound gravity closeknit group may coalesc singl larg galaxi next billion years,seyfert sextet,2003-01-24,595,89,0.0224867724867724,01-24,1,2003,24,7,0,3 83eace48aef470bd257ba3910970b3df5060ed5a21910cfd3956cd3613620bba,none,globular star cluster palomar 13 roam halo milki way galaxi last 12 billion years appar spars cluster star left center composit color digit image one smallest faintest globular cluster known the bright foreground star near bottom unrel creat spiki imag observ span forti year indic palomar 13 galact halo orbit highli eccentr one which everi one two billion years bring rel close galact center close approach milki way central regions gravit tidal forc strip away delic bound cluster stars fact detail present day studi offer evid dramat end dwindl cluster tidal tug war palomar 13 latest close approach 70 million year ago but palomar 13 approach galaxy could well turn cluster last,palomar last stand,2003-01-25,683,112,0.11,01-25,1,2003,25,6,2,3 0396a25e2b363a5fb8e243004f148bba4a2b94cd0f8fd4e2440490638a5d3c44,j shalf y zhang uiuc et al gccc,live forest strewn throughout univers trees hydrogen ga absorb light distant objects ga cloud leav numer absorpt line distant quasar spectra togeth call lymanalpha forest distant quasar appear absorb mani lymanalpha cloud nearbi quasars indic lymanalpha thicket earli universe imag depict one possibl comput realiz lymanalpha cloud distribut redshift 3 side box measur 30 million lightyear across much remain unknown lymanalpha forest includ real geometri extent clouds mani fewer cloud today,lyman alpha forest,2003-01-26,492,71,0.0670454545454545,01-26,1,2003,26,8,0,4 6ff2312d0eb2e41b4b77e120d597acffbbcd61e989bbcc73f7fc67df6d03b4eb,j alv e r stecf r stecf,happen molecular cloud bhr quit possible binari star system form inside star galaxi part binari star systems ever seen formation recent observ bok globul bhr however show evid two young star form deep cloud like close enough form binary isol bhr 71 span one light year lie 600 light year away southern sky brighter embed star visibl 10 time bright sun drive jet swept empti lane fourcolor imag taken larg telescop chile,stars clouds jet,2003-01-27,421,72,0.1777777777777777,01-27,1,2003,27,6,1,3 40236b703a3035daedcec43a87612b60f3ee1e42a74a2fd848c75a923260e179,starryscap,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl dark indent red emiss nebula seen right center photograph bright star left locat belt familiar constel orion horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright red emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms also visibl pictur blue reflect nebulae preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars,orion horsehead nebula,2003-01-29,515,78,0.1471938775510204,01-29,1,2003,29,4,1,5 2ad9192bc6819218ea015268b6be30e2418b7fe5c413beda4e8e7f4af08118a0,none,cruis inner solar system new comet kudofujikawa reach perihelion closest approach sun yesterday januari 29 pass within million kilomet sun comet came much closer innermost planet mercuri bask million kilomet parent star close sun comet kudofujikawa extrem bright imposs earthbound observ see solar glare still spacebas soho observatori captur view comet near perihelion use coronograph occult disk block overwhelm sunlight seri images size locat sun indic white circles arrow point travel comet bright coma develop tail though fade outbound journey kudofujikawa soon visibl southern hemispher cometwatch february even skies,comet day sun,2003-01-30,623,89,0.1929292929292929,01-30,1,2003,30,3,2,4 0eab1edf400a0cd4f2670b4920ffa77852183e3c83476b581b191ac0cb4c6517,chuck,strike image rocket climb skyward toward expans green auror display first launch 2003 univers alaska poker flat research range record januari 27th view summit near fairbanks alaska show fieri track solid fuel stage black ix sound rocket loft payload altitud 385 kilometers compar rocket launch payload earth orbit beyond sound rocket small rel get name nautic term to mean take measurements known high auror experi design measur aurora relat highfrequ plasma wave may origin thousand kilomet aurora visibl glow,auror rocket launch,2003-01-31,510,79,0.0323484848484848,01-31,1,2003,31,8,0,2 ccbac4f3e88f8d6ec9864cdf2bfcce6a9bae1269dd21ac045e984d5aa7633f0a,none,lone rx j185653754 form collaps core explod star distanc 180 lightyear closest known neutron star massiv sun 20 kilomet across tini stellar plow hydrogen ga dust cloud interstellar space 200 kilomet per second surfac neutron star hot around 700000 degre celsius make detect orbit xray telescopes optic astronom surpris discov rx j185653754 also surround coneshap nebula indic deep imag european southern observatory kueyen telescope nebula glow red light ioniz hydrogen atom recombin electrons cone shape analog bow wave ship plow water faint blue dot near tip cone neutron star itself nebula appear form near surfac neutron star astronom tri determin observ densiti temperatur explain nebula appearance,nebula neutron star,2003-02-01,703,106,0.0499999999999999,02-01,2,2003,1,4,2,5 a01ee42480bd3a7c324dbb03758db98196716521b553de683d5dd12338d14dc5,none,saturday morning space shuttl columbia broke pictur crew lost true space were left right david m brown rick d b michael p anderson william c debri shuttl may nasa ask anyth found report immedi local safeti futur missions investig caus underway video photograph may aid investigations nasa ask pleas see web page call send email,space shuttl lost reentri,2003-02-03,327,55,0.1589285714285714,02-03,2,2003,3,8,1,0 a99593396b435a77da55d28c6696514b4b28423269a1f9c644a1e24b8c321feb,astropixcom,wisp ga remain visibl milki way star mani thousand year ago star explod supernova leav veil nebula pictur above time expand cloud like bright crescent moon toward constel cygnus visibl week peopl live dawn record history remain supernova remnant lie 1400 lightyear away cover five time size full moon bright wisp right known witch broom nebula seen small telescope veil nebula also known cygnu loop,wisp veil nebula,2003-02-04,398,65,0.274582560296846,02-04,2,2003,4,4,1,5 c1bbad229d0510e718bbafee880755af41e363fbfbd9314605d4c262bb1ae7a3,none,could form unusu channels insid newton basin mars numer narrow channel run top floor pictur cover region span 1500 meter across gulli found mar recent highresolut pictur taken orbit mar global surveyor robot spacecraft similar channel earth form flow water mar temperatur normal cold atmospher thin sustain liquid water nevertheless mani scientist hypothes liquid groundwat sometim surfac mars erod gulli channels pool bottom freez evaporating so lifesustain ice water might exist even today martian surfac water could potenti support human mission mars research excit possibl sure continue,unusu gulli mar,2003-02-05,591,87,-0.005,02-05,2,2003,5,5,0,2 fb9dcf71d0a84d90e0fe30f237bf3fb63f7f2302a5a76eb80c28709ddec45e57,none,bright beauti spiral galaxi m83 lie mere twelv million lightyear earth toward headstrong constel hydra sweep spiral arms promin visibl light images lend galaxi popular monik southern pinwheel fact spiral arm still appar chandra observatori falsecolor xray imag m83 trace diffuse hot xray emit gas strike xray imag galaxy bright central region central emiss like repres even hotter ga creat sudden burst massiv star formation pointlik neutron star black hole xray sources final stage life cycl massiv stars also show concentr near center m83 offer evid burst star format galaxy core light burst star format would first reach earth 20 million year ago,xray m83,2003-02-06,650,103,0.1645833333333333,02-06,2,2003,6,7,2,5 b7368796eb9ea237c0cdfd792808b94114914468e24718fbcf90460db1694fc6,matthew,orion hunter one easili recogniz constel planet earth night sky orion star nebula look quit color eye love photograph taken last month south phoenix arizona usa celesti scene record five minut time exposur use highspe color print film 35mm camera mount small telescope picture cool red giant betelgeus take yellowish tint brightest star upper left otherwis orion hot blue star numerous supergi rigel balanc betelgeus lower right bellatrix upper right saiph lower left line orion belt left right alnitak alnilam mintaka 1500 lightyear away born constellation well studi interstellar clouds middl star orion sword look reddish fuzzi you should stellar nurseri known great nebula orion,orion,2003-02-07,682,105,0.1451127819548872,02-07,2,2003,7,6,2,5 6f35ffb2e777ec9cb3b636507ec18081fa1263035cd2fd899b05fd1d80bedf07,anton observatory,comet may like becom visibl unaid eye next day horizon sun set comet neat 2002 v1 discov last november brighten dramat approach sun next days quickli set comet could appear bright second magnitude februari 18 round sun well within orbit mercury surround days sun glare effect hide comet human observers quit though comet neat standout promin imag taken soho satellite pictur above comet complex develop tail photograph januari 29 top februari 2 sky enthusiast rememb never look directli sun apod update apod mirror onlin australia,comet neat approach sun,2003-02-10,530,85,0.0699999999999999,02-10,2,2003,10,3,0,1 a506330dabfe86f2bbab0b46c4e02267dae96f7ca4d35ce95d1aebc7cacb8917,none,caus unusu knot ga dust planetari nebulas seen previous ring nebula helix nebula ngc 2392 knots exist predict previous still well understood pictur newli releas imag dumbbel nebula hubbl space telescop show detail gaseou knots also visibl mani bright young star dark sheet interstellar dust dumbbel nebula also known m27 planetari nebula thought similar sun becom run core fuel nuclear fusion recent studi similar cometari knot indic includ concentr rel cold molecular ga chang significantli planetari nebula apod update apod also avail japan,dumbbel nebula closeup hubbl,2003-02-11,542,83,-0.0314814814814814,02-11,2,2003,11,4,0,5 146cc8ba3e9d2ab0552f1945a47ee3d935ba9c79d86cfab06d6858dcd38a8894,jeancharl cuillandr,bright blue star still form dark pillar eagl nebula made famou pictur hubbl space telescop 1995 eagl nebula show dramat process star formation upper right nebula pictur lie heart open cluster m16 bright blue star m16 continu form past 5 million years recent famou central ga dust pillar known eleph light take 7000 year reach us m16 span 20 light year seen binocular toward constel serpens,eagl nebula cfht,2003-02-13,389,66,0.1604395604395604,02-13,2,2003,13,4,1,3 0e4a7254f234c317f738c116481d17860593292f8a1f10a91553b7caf4c451e3,none,yes valentine day look toward star cluster ngc 346 neighbor galaxi small magellan cloud astronom note heartshap cloud hot xray emit ga cluster central region falsecolor chandra observatori xray imag also show strong xray sourc heartshap cloud correspond hd remarkable massiv binari star system lie within cluster hd 5980 known undergo dramat bright variations 1994 briefli outshin star small magellan cloud liken luminous erupt variabl star eta carina milki way galaxy 100 lightyear across ngc heartshap cloud probabl result ancient supernova explosion altern may produc past erupt hd 5980 system analog nebula associ eta carinae,heart ngc 346,2003-02-14,630,95,0.1729166666666666,02-14,2,2003,14,6,2,5 1587c5ebf007704bc9400cd7af201b4cfed7caa7712abdba58b0b362aee322be,none,one hundr year ago on februari jule vern born nantes france inspir lifelong fascin machines vern wrote visionari work extraordinari voyages includ terrestri travel around world 80 days journey centr earth twenti thousand leagu sea 1865 publish stori three adventur undertook journey earth moon verne charact rode projectilevehicle fire huge cannon construct florida usa sound familiar centuri later saturn v rocket nasa apollo program final turn work fiction fact propel adventuresom trio perhap verne extraordinari voyage dramat view show apollo 11 spacevehicl ride top saturn v rocket blast skyward launch spaceport florida apollo 11 crew travel moon back 1969 make humanity first land lunar surface,happi birthday jule vern,2003-02-15,701,105,0.2027777777777778,02-15,2,2003,15,0,2,2 647a74ed1da7a7a6f225661d78f45f1dc5c237475724d109c9f163c6b8a66e8b,none,planet mercuri resembl moon mercury old surfac heavili crater like mani moons mercuri larger moon smaller jupiter moon ganymed saturn moon titan mercuri much denser massiv moon though made mostli iron fact earth planet dense visitor mercury surfac would see strang sights mercuri rotat exactli three time everi two orbit around sun mercury orbit elliptical visitor mercuri might see sun rise stop sky go back toward rise horizon stop again set quickli horizon earth mercury proxim sun caus visibl short time sunset sunrise,southwest mercuri,2003-02-16,522,83,0.05,02-16,2,2003,16,2,0,2 ed133346fd532cbf9fa9124a39f3357a787798977b11fe281469880d57ff24ef,none,sky map tell us univers 137 billion year old how first look one see microwav glow ga milki way galaxy code red spotti pattern microwav emit earli universe code gray gray cosmic microwav background light use bounc around randomli came directli us expand univers becam cool enough nearli transpar atom form close inspect spot reveal slightli prefer angular distanc them one expect pattern gener sound eman slightli region earli universe sound wave take time gener pattern present age univers directli univers age estim accur better 02 billion years map taken wmap satellit orbit sun l2 point outsid orbit earth,univers microwav background,2003-02-17,609,99,0.24,02-17,2,2003,17,8,2,4 66a317a1cfe738c555a150a7579b6db4cc1747bf0968d19c4f9c8e989fee5767,none,first imag marin 9 spacecraft vall marineris grand canyon mars system enorm depress call stretch 4000 kilomet along martian equator look north canyon central regions candor chasma lie foreground spectacular view steep wall ophir chasma near top surfac collaps landslid seen part complex geolog histori dramat featur recent high resolut imag also reveal layer deposit within canyon system pictur repres mosaic imag record 1978 martian orbit vike 1 2 spacecraft full width pictur cover 800 kilometers,,2003-02-18,498,76,0.1903030303030303,02-18,2,2003,18,8,1,2 3123a09674556ab8319f5bd749b68c50b9f69567b04f334d0abc9644cefd8ff8,andrew truscott randal u,matter bunch up principl keep neutron star white dwarf star implod also keep peopl implod make normal matter mostli empti space observ reason known pauli exclus principle principl state ident fermion one type fundament matter cannot place time orientation type matter bosons property demonstr clearli recent creat boseeinstein condensates recently pauli exclus principl demonstr graphic pictur cloud two isotop lithium left cloud compos boson right cloud compos fermions temperatur drops boson bunch together fermion better keep distance reason pauli exclus principl true physic limit principl still unknown,pauli exclus principle implod,2003-02-19,610,87,0.1185714285714285,02-19,2,2003,19,8,2,4 416a3df0ed37ed209b1f77d627712dbb662cc179189fbf19dfeefbfff4ad05c5,none,cold wind blow central star boomerang nebula seen detail falsecolor imag record 1998 hubbl space telescope nebula lie 5000 lightyear away toward grand southern constel centaurus symmetr cloud appear creat highspe wind ga dust blow age central star speed nearli 600000 kilomet per hour rapid expans cool molecul nebular ga one degre absolut zero colder even cosmic background radiat make coldest region observ distant universe shine light central star reflect dust frigid boomerang nebula believ star stellar system evolv toward planetari nebula phase,cold wind boomerang nebula,2003-02-20,552,83,-0.009090909090909,02-20,2,2003,20,4,0,5 601404b981830d769ba304d273382bb512dfe16cac658bdd1a2ce090e4dd755e,none,tantal imag gulli mar offer strike evid recent flow liquid water mar cold atmospher thin liquid water exist surface still new compel explan gulli carv liquid water inspir recent releas imag mar odyssey spacecraft pictur section like snow cover crater martian southern hemisphere north top scene illumin left 16 kilomet wide patch smooth snow pack remain along northern crater wall structur resembl famou martian gulli appear emerg snow cover gradual disappears expos along crater western left wall melt snow run underneath snow pack crater wall would protect extrem surfac conditions remain liquid erod gulli time could life exist liquid water environ beneath martian,snow gulli mar,2003-02-21,667,103,-0.0053030303030303,02-21,2,2003,21,5,2,2 07972ff184d9f6304f1e421250513fb5a3d91ef0f8eb165cddb372604ff2f1a1,none,delight detail falsecolor imag saturn taken januari 1998 orbit hubbl space telescope pictur combin three imag hubble nicmo instrument show love ring planet reflect infrar sunlight differ color indic vari height composit cloud layer gener thought consist ammonia ice crystals eyecatch ring cast shadow saturn upper hemisphere bright stripe seen within left portion shadow infrar sunlight stream larg gap ring known cassini division two saturn mani moon also put appearance tethi beyond planet disk upper right dion lower left presently saturn shine brightli even sky pale yellow star near constel orion,infrar saturn,2003-02-22,601,91,0.125064935064935,02-22,2,2003,22,0,2,5 b1e8f41cd1c3f58aece934ac659a6ecdd1317264863c20e45b946abc9a51bb30,none,huge erupt promin seen move sun condens halfhour timelaps sequence ten earth could easili fit claw seemingli solar monster larg prominence though signific size shape twist figur eight shape indic complex magnet field thread emerg solar particles recent evid differenti rotat insid sun might help account surfac explosion sequenc taken earli year 2000 sunorbit soho satellite although larg promin energet coron mass eject cmes rel rare occur frequent near solar maximum time peak sunspot solar activ elevenyear solar cycle,twist solar erupt promin,2003-02-23,521,79,0.125,02-23,2,2003,23,1,1,1 cf7b160bf0f5e473d050af1ed966f2a6746a6f41ff5226be7024e5cc7b09d406,none,comet neat flare last week sun comet swoop insid orbit mercuri develop long flow tail ga dust sun emit huge coron mass eject cme neither fortuit hot ball solar ga intens glare sunlight appear disrupt comet nucleus action close sun easili visibl humans orbit soho satellit clear view celesti show imag taken februari 18 comet bright creat artifici horizont streak camera image encounter comet neat offici design c2002 v1 brighten second magnitude opaqu disk block sun image comet remain bright sure fade move away sun nevertheless comet neat like visibl binocular southern hemispher observ next month,comet neat pass erupt sun,2003-02-24,599,96,0.225,02-24,2,2003,24,3,2,5 d7a0d5cf55dc905987fabcbd249a3ec09a60e21c2423baffa369d14a09390786,john p gleason celesti images,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away deep image faint wisp sheet dust ga particularli evident great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,m42 wisp orion nebula,2003-02-25,590,92,0.245,02-25,2,2003,25,4,1,5 7a1c078bcc8cd1e6a4f82ff68cc57931b4659994d3419c958bd7d95c21f8abf1,we higgin,wonder jupit favorit target even modest earthbound telescopes massiv planet solar system four largest moon also boast famou great red spot giant hurricanelik storm system three hundr year old record decemb 15 2002 ut thousand digit imag process stack creat spectacular 21 frame anim jovian system south great red spot track across face jupiter innermost galilean moon io enter scene far right io occult front of edg orbit ganymed io shadow move quickli across ga giant cloud tops red spot moon callisto outsid field view large dark shadow also visibl cross jovian disk upper left view earth orbit galilean moon present lie nearli edgeon offer mani chanc observ similar danc jupiter moons,moon shadow danc,2003-02-27,687,112,0.15,02-27,2,2003,27,2,2,4 b82cd23573488bd324cb333330f6b3113b7b9c22a9d0ab324185428b89fb23c1,russel croman,glow hydrogen ga fill gorgeous detail sky view center variabl star mon faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn star form region ngc complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae wide vista span 15 degre nearli 3 full moons cover 70 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ cone nebula far left fox fur nebula whose convolut pelt lie mon christma tree star cluster triangular christma tree cluster appear sideway here apex cone nebula broader base center mon,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2003-02-28,653,105,-0.0428571428571428,02-28,2,2003,28,4,2,5 c027b0c6317dbb56c14ddb91cbf283ceccad3e5f0afee731da8f6cb82c56faf3,lynett cook,univers end recent specul includ pervas grow field mysteri repuls energi rip virtual everyth apart although univers start big bang analysi recent cosmolog measur allow possibl end big rip soon billion year now controversi scenario holds dark energi grow magnitud galaxi longer abl hold together that stars planets even atom might abl withstand expans intern force previously specul ultim fate univers center either recollaps big crunch big although universe fate still puzzle piec togeth like follow increas understand natur dark matter dark energy,univers end big rip,2003-03-03,548,83,-0.0651515151515151,03-03,3,2003,3,8,0,4 e1f3e1bfdf9502fe621dee145a80f13444f7442eb99df6999fd901f5fbcedec4,none,center lagoon nebula busi awesom spectacl star formation visibl lower left least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star hershel 36 light area vast wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 5 light years taken 1995 orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel sagittarius,center lagoon nebula,2003-03-04,534,85,0.1302083333333333,03-04,3,2003,4,4,1,5 27e2ac60aa8ffceb1709e23592d9775a0d936eb5196cd50a74aa076e4978e9f3,none,peopl live planet earth although peopl inhabit everi continent highest popul densiti occur asia spars inhabit region occur virtual everi continent however includ sahara desert africa great white north north america outback australia south america himalayan mountain asia colorcod map produc popul estim made 1994 world popul 55 billion current estim place world popul billion,planet earth,2003-03-05,375,55,0.2340909090909091,03-05,3,2003,5,8,1,1 0cc34f5657fd22134092172f8587377418ec9556eed8e331722d1db208942d18,noel munfordpalmerston north astronom society new zealand,last month dramat swoop past sun comet neat c2002 appear nakedey comet emerg even twilight planet earth southern skies march 1st new zealand photograph noel munford captur telephoto view outbound comet close southwestern horizon faint star constel sculptor report pictur good represent comet visual appear date estim impress tail five six degre long discov last novemb part nearearth asteroid track program specul comet would surviv close encount sun however comet neat return outer solar system dive southward fade fast,comet neat southern sky,2003-03-06,520,79,0.0236363636363636,03-06,3,2003,6,3,0,1 2728f10251ecd06fdd04145f3bea9b98184a9e95f8bf05b2f0aa466f14d55e95,dan,night moon star out 16000 feet mt kilimanjaro photograph dan record marvel 3 12 hour long exposure landscap lit mostli stars flashlight give tent eri intern radianc greenish glow distant citi light filter cloud below view famou equatori african mountain toward south put south celesti pole close horizon far left near center grace concentr star trail arcs thin air clear dark skies even ghostli milki way left faint triangular glow swept across middl dreamlik scene,star trail kilimanjaro,2003-03-07,465,75,-0.0461538461538461,03-07,3,2003,7,6,0,1 49a4854687afb779955f8e87dfe7ddd2a0065cf25aa206ec748947fc94d8bf29,none,tomorrow picture big pinwheel archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa technic rep jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc nasa seu edu forum michigan tech u,farewel jupit,2003-03-09,252,39,0.1428571428571428,03-09,3,2003,9,8,1,0 0d203a520bf9a9e90c95727e5229ead1fb7ae90afede81cd991809570ddcbcb0,jeancharl cuillandr,mani galaxi appear spirals strike exampl m101 shown above whose rel close distanc 22 million light year allow studi detail recent evid indic close gravit interact neighbor galaxi creat wave high mass condens ga continu orbit galaxi center wave compress exist ga caus star formation one result m101 also call pinwheel galaxy sever extrem bright starform region call hii regions spread across spiral arms m101 larg immens graviti distort smaller nearbi galaxies,m101 pinwheel galaxi,2003-03-10,459,72,0.1657142857142857,03-10,3,2003,10,7,1,3 d9cb8a7cb93bd2354d949bb38bfc411d2e9856be168b5ed98fcda27e4eaf393d,arn danielsen,would cloud appear differ colors rel rare phenomenon known iridesc cloud show unusu color vividli whole spectrum color simultaneously cloud form small water droplet nearli uniform size sun right posit mostli hidden thick clouds thinner cloud significantli diffract sunlight nearli coher manner differ color deflect differ amounts therefore differ color come observ slightli differ directions mani cloud start uniform region could show iridesc quickli becom thick mixed far sun exhibit strike colors pictur above iridesc cloud photograph norway two month ago,iridesc cloud,2003-03-11,557,81,-0.0130952380952381,03-11,3,2003,11,8,0,1 6a3b4850210d66c4c048657a65b3a541767bea3315fa1c51dd642e96595fae0f,none,far side moon rough fill craters comparison near side moon side alway see rel smooth sinc moon rotat lock alway point side toward earth human glimps lunar farsid recent last century light highland far side older dark maria near side thinner crust near side allow dark lava flow thought caus differ two sides caus crust thick differ still researched however larg impact basin pictur crater span 30 kilomet photograph crew apollo 11 circl moon 1969,lunar farsid apollo 11,2003-03-12,447,75,0.0511111111111111,03-12,3,2003,12,2,0,2 025bc164ba42d270ed4f026f915dedf3ffd623269e05b9434fdf9b51140c13b9,none,gaze wyom infrar observatori astronom recent record bizarr look imag solar system rule planet ga giant jupiter falsecolor pictur composit imag taken test sophist digit camera oper liquid helium temperatur sensit wavelength three time longer visibl red light infrar wavelength near 21 microns molecular hydrogen methan ga jupiter dens lower atmospher strongli absorb sunlight normal bright band planet look dark particl haze equat pole rise absorb layer jupiter stratospher reflect infrar sunlight also clearli extend jovian stratospher famou great red spot seen yellow equatori band right north view jupiter rapid 10 hour rotat soon carri great red spot behind planet right limb,jupit,2003-03-13,678,102,0.1857142857142857,03-13,3,2003,13,8,2,4 6b9213c5f59fb2887c678972bcb4e0f3c88e2505c3242b252df75cb1c3cbc9a4,none,large massiv star end furiou live spectacular supernova explos small low mass star may encount similar fate fact instead simpli cool quietli fade away white dwarf star binari star system thought draw enough mass companion becom trigger nuclear result standard candl stellar explos classifi type ia supernova perhap best exampl yet aftermath expand cloud shock stellar debris dem nearbi larg magellan cloud sharp falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatori show predict bright edg outer blast wave shock region xray glow inner region revers shock heat gas base chandra data estim composit total mass expand ga strongli suggest remain white dwarf star light small star explos would first reach earth sever thousand year ago,dem small star,2003-03-14,725,113,0.1238931523022432,03-14,3,2003,14,6,2,5 0f65f2c3e9a86b498e87965f6d85071aacfa94f5ad7ba060b3c7f1d8438781cd,none,ngc 253 one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest discov 1783 carolin herschel constel sculptor ngc 253 lie ten million lightyear distant ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest group local group galaxies dens dark dust accompani high star format rate give ngc 253 design starburst galaxy visibl photograph hubbl space telescop activ central nucleus also known bright sourc xray gamma rays,ngc 253 sculptor galaxi,2003-03-16,416,64,0.0871428571428571,03-16,3,2003,16,7,0,3 216dde8b145aa5c9cdd796743e82241e57a769a143a531d750ce5e82df93b815,none,suddenly year 1006 ad new star appear sky cours days rogu star becam brighter planet venus star like talk everyon could see it record peopl live area known china egypt iraq italy japan switzerland celesti newcomer known supernova took month fade modern observ use measur speed stillexpand shock wave allow better estim distanc henc better estim true bright supernova turn sn 1006 like achiev appar visual magnitud make brightest supernova record shock wave imag 1998 ctio left panel subtract similar imag taken 1986 right panel highlight rel expansion,sn 1006 brightest supernova,2003-03-17,551,88,0.2340367965367965,03-17,3,2003,17,6,1,1 4aec0c6b4cda211d54498dc763f929c55d98c400e6a715a1d82f0c94b42305ad,none,ominous dark shape haunt left side sun coron hole low densiti region extend surfac solar magnet field open freeli interplanetari space studi extens space sinc 1960 ultraviolet xray light coron hole known sourc highspe solar wind atom electron flow outward along open magnet field lines period low activity coron hole typic cover region sun poles coron holes however move view near sun equator particl escap alreadi caus notabl aurora earth coron hole like one may last solar rotat magnet field shift chang configurations shown falsecolor pictur sun march 9 made extrem ultraviolet light eit instrument board spacebas soho observatory,coron hole sun,2003-03-18,634,99,0.075,03-18,3,2003,18,1,2,4 049b83e642d12c787c77d0717cf5fdf29d4e6731faf12aeca288de1f50d5430e,none,seventeenth centuri astronom giovanni cassini astut observ jupiter great red spot seem fit namesake cassini spacecraft enabl detail observ anoth planets blemish jupiter great dark spot unlik red spot great dark spot lie near jupiter north pole seem appear disappear period month rather persist hundr years seen ultraviolet wavelengths dark featur resid jovian stratospher confin winds analog planet earth antarct ozon hole imag dark spot singl frame movi creat data record spacecraft year 2000 flybi jupiter project show jupiter north polar region data avail blank central area great dark spot lie left center white circl mark 60 degre latitud blue contour outlin persist jovian auror zone may relat format great dark spot,jupiter great dark spot,2003-03-19,723,112,0.1553030303030303,03-19,3,2003,19,8,2,4 261b0b664853bb28f1f6fd9c2605ff54d35fade0f71410224147d96744726a78,anthoni ayiomam,astronom speaking equinox march 21 ut march 20 pm season changes equinox sun rise due east cross celesti equat head north celebration consid spectacular sunris analemma figure8 loop get mark posit sun time day throughout year remark case 38 separ exposur and 1 foreground exposure record singl piec film januari 12 decemb 21 2002 ut tilt planet earth axi variat speed move around ellipt orbit combin produc predict analemma curve top bottom figure8 correspond solstic northern southern limit sun sky motion two equinox find sun point along curv exactli half way solstices here analemma southern portion partli hidden mountains foreground lie stone ruin ancient site greece,sunris analemma,2003-03-20,673,106,0.0802083333333333,03-20,3,2003,20,1,2,1 612e014f362b496d06a63f9f1ac92f2d6d8a52495824ac798d7bdd17ad64d0ce,lauri kanga,photograph march 13th caledon ontario canada bright moon surround love halo planet jupit star procyon castor pollux also appear within circl lunar light castor pollux twin greek mythology appropri bright star constel gemini procyon brightest star cani minor circular halo produc sixsid ice crystal thin highaltitud clouds refract moonlight give halo characterist radiu 22 degrees persist skygaz apparit rel easi see moon sun illumin planet earth skies,star planet halo moon,2003-03-21,451,67,0.23125,03-21,3,2003,21,2,1,1 83062edd28ef864a384767b92b7d80da31e54734a85e07d78c7de667862f214e,none,closest star system sun alpha centauri system three star system dimmest call proxima centauri actual nearest star bright star alpha centauri b form close binari separ 23 time earth sun distanc slightli greater distanc uranu sun picture bright star overwhelm photograph caus illus great size even though star realli small point light alpha centauri system visibl much northern hemisphere alpha centauri a also known rigil kentaurus brightest star constel centauru fourth brightest star night sky siriu brightest even thought twice far away excit coincidence alpha centauri type star sun caus mani specul might contain planet harbor life,alpha centauri closest star system,2003-03-23,638,97,0.315,03-23,3,2003,23,6,1,3 3fbe7f783ec9d3624a6a8eab0610294d4b0a36625c44ed6d7887e4a24e15b0ef,use permiss,singl spacecraft astronaut took picture digit composit archiv imag taken sever earthorbit satellit ships similar imag digit stitch togeth earth locat john earth moon viewer website specifically daytim land imag taken modi instrument nasa terra satellite nighttim imag taken dmsp satellites imag differ astronaut would see reason includ complet lack cloud unrealist exagger light contrasts imag becom internet wave continu circul digit modern urban legend anoth imag like earth night reason image continu popular might realli cool,digit sunset europ africa,2003-03-24,529,77,0.2583333333333333,03-24,3,2003,24,8,1,2 484a0505bca4a21b6321e211313b99131466da0c23f28189f71df33b4a7d5782,none,would gamma ray burst fade behavior record last october consid new clue caus gammaray bursts power explos known universe burst first detect orbit hete satellit later track numer groundbas telescopes show unusu slow tumultu decay visibl light specul caus unusu light curv includ blast wave strike windi medium blast wave refresh faster outgo shock nonuniform fast move jet pictur massiv wolfrayet star wr124 star undergo slow explos produc power tumultu wind popular candid progenitor sourc grb includ supernova hypernova explos massiv stars possibl one similar wolfrayet stars,slow explos,2003-03-25,576,87,0.165530303030303,03-25,3,2003,25,6,1,4 2a3eca4569add50334aebacc0d93effe2d1a7c0f5a78c7209378e3ba664bcb68,mark,cloud fli both although sure alien spacecraft lenticular cloud shape like saucer fli sens that like clouds compos small water droplet float air lenticular cloud typic form high wind rug terrain particularli appar cloud sky lenticular cloud take particularli strange layer shapes above coupl stop car near yellowston nation park wyoming usa photograph lenticular cloud behind picturesqu,lenticular cloud wyom,2003-03-26,385,57,-0.02375,03-26,3,2003,26,8,0,1 96eccac36d8b6d84d24e1657be66412e6bcc2dec2c811655befbc3b7251c25ab,none,tomorrow picture bright supernova archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,light echo v838 mon,2003-03-27,276,40,0.4928571428571429,03-27,3,2003,27,8,1,0 ccd42ad6aba9bfb62b0c41a8bbd08d79315c421a5812f88411bce6035abc8720,tun tezel,tomorrow picture shadow archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,1006 ad supernova sky,2003-03-28,266,39,0.2857142857142857,03-28,3,2003,28,8,1,0 e8d1b9ac34e5cd627bdb4f3241671d93e12497c16b061b9a908d261401ca2d2d,judi,observatori exist telescopes one exampl still stand today beij ancient observatori china start 1400 astronom erect larg instrument enabl measur star planet posit increas accuracy pretelescop observatori throughout world date back record history provid measur help determin plant crops navig ships religi ceremoni occur interest compar pictur one taken 1895,beij ancient observatori,2003-03-30,356,50,0.0,03-30,3,2003,30,8,0,2 78bd0ac55f3722c8e53e28d7b58c07d5d0135c8c6ce93b3571c8c2eb7a75a01e,stromboli onlin,mt etna erupt hundr thousand years locat sicily italy volcano produc lava fountain one kilomet high mt etna one activ volcano earth one largest measur 50 kilomet base rise nearli 3 kilomet high pictur 2001 may top two lava plume visibl near center frame hot lava flow volcano visibl left panoram shot also includ citi light left right earth rotat discern long durat imag star trails orang mar seen rise star antar far distance,mt etna lava plume,2003-03-31,426,74,0.0773626373626373,03-31,3,2003,31,8,0,4 aa0cc55a42c6053a38681cbfeec6e3388743d07856226e06ce04f7f2bffd0510,none,new constel taken hold sky much surpris mani sky constel owl suddenli start domin southern hemisphere shown above constel take place wrinkl unexpectedli vote sky constellations happi april fool day folk apod pictur above bird photograph take tololo sky camera perch situat would even bird plastic dome continu monitor entir night sky visibl cerro tololo interamerican observatori locat chile given unusu vantag point one guess bird great owl although hope properli email dr bird true,new constel take hold,2003-04-01,483,75,0.2123376623376623,04-01,4,2003,1,8,1,1 943c310971854fbd36326cb645d06b6b8861b2b6b2260a8cb1ed91158cb91d96,none,caus outburst v838 mon reason unknown star v838 mon outer surfac suddenli greatli expand result becam brightest star entir milki way galaxy then suddenly faded stellar flash like never seen supernova nova expel matter space although v838 mon flash appear expel materi space seen fourfram movi actual outwardli move light echo bright flash actual movi 8 month 2002 light echo light flash reflect success distant ring complex array ambient interstellar dust alreadi surround star v838 mon lie 20000 light year away toward constel monoceros largest light echo span six light year diameter,v838 light movi,2003-04-02,586,92,0.2099999999999999,04-02,4,2003,2,6,1,5 2302671881bed876fcc25262b8c441696be5b6404ef01c2b796cdab3e5c8d0eb,tun tezel,find planet jupit tonight sky also find m44 popularli known beehiv star cluster fact pair binocular casual skygaz find easi zero celesti scene easi sunset jupit present rule night brightest star overhead near stationari part wander path heavens jupit obligingli linger spot degre southeast m44 rel faint constel cancer seen photograph march 28 jupit lower left strongli overexpos star m44 swarm right pictur approxim correspond view look typic pair binoculars jupit 30 lightminut fair planet m44 one closest star clusters around 600 lightyear away,jupit hive,2003-04-03,547,84,0.0122448979591836,04-03,4,2003,3,6,0,5 a2e04031c32f57a66049fc951b82689a971e6d6acf91c68054b563781308da3c,axel melling,first bright star larg aster known northern winter hexagon might hard pick gorgeou deep sky mosaic decemb 2002 place cursor pictur reveal hexagon outlin bright cluster nebula along stun portion milki way opposit galact center celesti highlight includ m42 aka great nebula orion horsehead nebula rosett cone nebulae nearbi star cluster m45 gemini m35 now hexagon sink low western even skies,cluster nebula hexagon,2003-04-04,389,61,0.2287037037037037,04-04,4,2003,4,4,1,5 73631c4d138079d84c2452ff270b4901fe5d18bf73d5627de186a0f48e43b5db,none,sinc saturn axi tilt orbit sun saturn seasons like planet earth saturn season last seven years season saturn now orbit equator tilt ring saturn provid quit graphic season display fact month saturn ring reach open angl appear nearli edg ring planet also well place even sky provid grand view summer come saturn southern hemispher winter north hubbl space telescop took sequenc imag year apart start left 1996 end right 2000 although look solid saturn ring like less 50 meter thick consist individu orbit bit ice rock rang size grain sand barnsiz boulders,season saturn,2003-04-05,554,92,0.0319047619047619,04-05,4,2003,5,0,0,1 e506ee90bbccb08918ace9960e1d0ac949bc1a0cbc937295bd7bbb7672b5316d,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin main asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system 1978 vike 1 orbit image largest moon phobos inde seen heavili crater asteroidlik object 17 mile across phobo realli zip martian sky actual rise mars western horizon set east complet orbit less 8 hours phobo orbit close mars about 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down 100 million year like crash surfac shatter stress caus relentless tidal forces debri form ring around mars,phobos doom moon mar,2003-04-06,633,106,-0.0395061728395061,04-06,4,2003,6,5,2,2 35be0ca7a60a70c607b0fd884f3713a7e14c3ee6713e2bdb1f32517254c7e88e,jeancharl cuillandr,ngc 281 busi workshop star formation promin featur includ small open cluster stars diffus redglow emiss nebula larg lane obscur ga dust dens knot dust ga star may still forming open cluster star ic 1590 visibl around center form last million years brightest member cluster actual multiplestar system shine light help ioniz nebula gas caus red glow visibl throughout lane dust visibl center like home futur star formation particularli strike photograph dark bok globul visibl bright nebula star sure form right now entir ngc 281 system lie 10 thousand light year distant seen todays earth scienc pictur day,ngc 281 cluster clouds globul,2003-04-07,605,98,0.1057142857142856,04-07,4,2003,7,4,2,5 dfa4a3f64f59922e355afb3ad311f926b8e2f9d4a7c9f459c82036e09033797a,none,center unusu egg nebula like babi chick peck way egg star center egg nebula cast away shell ga dust slowli transform white dwarf star egg nebula rapidli evolv nebula span one light year toward constel cygnus thick dust though block center star view dust shell reflect light star light vibrat plane defin dust grain central star observ preferenti reflected caus effect known polarization measur orient polar light egg nebula give clue locat hidden source imag taken advanc camera survey hubbl space telescop falsecolor code highlight orient polarization seen pictur week,egg nebula polar light,2003-04-09,569,90,0.0625,04-09,4,2003,9,4,0,5 dbc2131ebdff082716a23be1ecf95c0b5ad3e2bbb6c523486494320849fb0114,none,blossom nearbi galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc gorgeou nebula energ radiat wind massiv star whose surfac temperatur approach 100000 degrees composit color imag european southern observatory melip telescop resolv detail energet nebula emiss helium atom blue hues oxygen atom green hydrogen atom red emiss nebula gener show familiar red light ioniz hydrogen atom hydrogen atom electron strip away ioniz helium atom tracer even higher energi interactions intrigu filament helium emiss make recent studi emiss nebula wolfrayet star massiv star power nebula creat cosmic bubbl stellar wind earli stage life part bubbl still appar larg arc lower portion image area pictur 150 lightyear across seen todays themi imag mars,nebula lmc,2003-04-10,715,108,0.0977272727272727,04-10,4,2003,10,4,2,5 4f38fbc9f28ca448239081759d9bf3a8f625bf920b673e1e56df1f48722dd0b7,none,recogn intrigu globular cluster stars actual constel citi light surround london england planet earth record digit camera intern space station taken februari 2003 north toward top slightli left nighttim view encircl highway m25 messier easiest pick south city even farther south light airport insid western left hand stretch orbit darken thame river fan city east particular two small dark nebulae park park stand slightli west dens pack light city core seen this nasa imag day,london night,2003-04-11,479,75,0.1333333333333333,04-11,4,2003,11,8,1,1 e4187c31b185db792b04948e2b3ac77e29d2ef37a12b383a296c1ddd948e487b,juan carlo casado,ever seen planet mercury mercuri orbit close sun never wander far sun earth sky trail sun mercuri visibl low horizon short sunset lead sun mercuri visibl shortli sunrise certain time year inform skygaz littl determin usual pick mercuri site unobscur horizon above lot determin combin littl digit trickeri show mercury success posit march 2000 pictur taken locat spain sun 10 degre horizon superpos singl photogen sunset middl month mercuri well place view western horizon sunset end april fade drop twilight may 7th mercuri cross sun disk,mercuri horizon,2003-04-12,538,86,0.0404761904761904,04-12,4,2003,12,1,0,1 52f5e77517890b631edcd99bee49e7162e13b2ae9963ed2d6fad8f7f8057ffb6,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought bar perhap promin one ngc 1365 shown above persist motion bar impli rel massiv spiral arms placement bright young blue star dark dust lane also indic strong rotat densiti wave star formation ngc 1365 member fornax cluster galaxies ngc 1365 rel nearby simultan measur speed distanc possible help astronom estim fast univers expanding,ngc 1365 nearbi bar spiral galaxi,2003-04-13,400,64,0.1604166666666666,04-13,4,2003,13,7,1,3 f72f61cc15368ea01a8118801b631dc5a8197cb602795dd967392bf20567ad72,none,new evid emerg mysteri type explos known gamma ray burst inde connect supernova type visibl image two week ago orbit hete satellit detect gammaray burst grb030329 extrem bright burst found hour later extrem bright afterglow visibl light soon set record closest measur distanc redshift afterglow bright allow unpreced coverag evolution week mani astronom suspect would happen afterglow began appear fade type ii supernova type ii supernova might appear coincid gammaray bursts however gammaray beam goe anoth direction spiral galaxy ngc 3184 home type ii supernova 1999 posit arrow astronom current press hard find host galaxi grb030329,gamma ray burst supernova connect,2003-04-14,635,96,0.2930871212121212,04-14,4,2003,14,6,1,4 eb26936a4c43ba24ea26ff324129cab54617a0e18ea29510f3b6a38dacbd374c,t a rector,caus crescent nebula look like emerg space cocoon crescent nebula visibl right creat brightest star center lead progenitor hypothesi crescent nebula begin form 250000 year ago time massiv central star evolv becom wolfrayet star wr 136 shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years wind impact surround ga left previou phase compact seri complex shells light up crescent nebula also known ngc 6888 lie 4700 lightyear away constel cygnus star wr 136 probabl undergo supernova explos sometim next million years,crescent nebula star field,2003-04-15,541,85,0.1076719576719576,04-15,4,2003,15,4,0,5 d0d022f7215899a06f2f5d9188be47d86f374b13066546dac8615b803344689b,stromboli onlin,mt etna erupt spectacularli 2001 june pictur above volcano photograph expel bubbl hot magma measur one meter across one reason planetari geologist studi earth mt etna like similar volcano mars mt etna basalt volcano compos materi similar mars produc similar lava channels locat sicily italy mt etna one activ volcano earth one largest measur 50 kilomet base rise nearli 3 kilomet high,magma bubbl mt etna,2003-04-16,384,62,-0.0557142857142857,04-16,4,2003,16,8,0,2 c459524fcb50315bf994e5a65121dce0a2d69c03c33b85531ea4d4f63d47e162,none,loft sun loop magnet fields larg solar promin compos rel cool dens plasma seen brilliant solar disk appear dark filaments enorm magnet structur bright view black space arc sun edge rare visual treat two solar promin aris sun southern hemispher captur extrem ultraviolet light eit camera board spacebas solar heliospher observatori soho march 21 scale pair plasma loop stretch sun height twenti time diamet planet earth matter hours promin appar erupt away sun surfac may associ flare coron mass ejection,doubl erupt promin,2003-04-18,503,80,0.2592592592592593,04-18,4,2003,18,1,1,4 a88abe92f515ee44fef612b2133c1a467d24d6ebac080e3eeb60617b1c8a0a0a,none,centaurus centaur one strike constel southern sky love milki way flow larg constel whose celesti wonder also includ closest star sun alpha centauri largest globular star cluster galaxy omega centauri closest activ galaxy centauru a embrac tightli wound spiral arm bright blue star clusters gorgeou galaxi catalog eso also fall within borders seen behind veil foreground star lie within galaxy faceon spiral galaxi 150 million lightyear away 200000 lightyear across brighter foreground star mark diffract spike caus telescop yellow vertic stripe due satur digit camera pixel larg telescop imag european southern observatory tantal wisp distant faint galaxi visibl background,spiral galaxi centauru,2003-04-19,675,99,0.0068181818181818,04-19,4,2003,19,7,2,3 85de86f89cd242e2477d4a561ce1ccb6462207b923ce91d9107adb2c7523922e,john gleason celesti images,gum nebula closest supernova remnant actual hard see span 40 degre across sky nebula larg faint easili lost din bright complex background gum nebula highlight nice wide angl photograph close much nearer front edg back edge measur 450 1500 light year respectively complex nebula lie direct constel puppi vela oddly much remain unknown gum nebula includ time even number supernova explos form it,gum nebula supernova remnant,2003-04-20,393,63,0.0434523809523809,04-20,4,2003,20,4,0,5 7929c20bdda708650863b51a8b63f52b07f608047290ec9ed6a84b1588aa35a3,sarah,tomorrow picture north mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,halo around moon,2003-04-21,269,40,0.2857142857142857,04-21,4,2003,21,8,1,0 b1561b49d8729ea69ac24c8c55dccc58a6b22dd745faed62339c045e6b243ee2,none,vast canyons tower volcanoes sprawl field ice deep craters high cloud seen imag solar system fourth planet mars orbit robot mar global surveyor spacecraft took mosaic imag springtim dawn northern mar 2002 may across imag bottom vall canyon three time length earth grand canyon four time deep left sever volcano includ olympu mons volcano three time higher earth mt everest top north polar cap made thaw water carbondioxid base ice swirl white cloud circular impact crater also visibl around mars two rover launch mar summer arriv 2004 january,springtim mar,2003-04-22,542,88,0.0405128205128205,04-22,4,2003,22,5,0,2 84be3f90503bf6c541b197cb10567e3fd7a71232359e69a2fac5a9bdf0aea73e,none,2000 lightyear across ngc 1705 small galaxi go similar milki way satellit galaxies magellan clouds much larger distanc 17 million lightyears star ngc 1705 still easili resolv beauti imag construct data taken 1999 2000 hubbl space telescope younger hot blue star galaxi seen concentr larg central star cluster older cooler red star evenli distributed possibl 13 billion year old ngc 1705 could well form star lifetim light recent burst star format reach earth 30 million year ago gradual evolv dwarf irregular galaxi lack organ structur like spiral arm thought nearbi analog first galaxi form earli universe,star ngc,2003-04-23,606,96,0.0705128205128205,04-23,4,2003,23,7,2,3 5bc13d225a2b93135ba43bbc82c0bd10bbb330cd616682da761f203ec2f8b478,none,reconstruct digit portrait planet reminisc pictur big blue earth space creat it research goddard space flight center laboratori atmospher combin data geostationari oper environment satellit goes seaview wide fieldofview sensor polar orbit environment satellit usg elev model earth topography stunningli detailed planet western hemispher cast heavi veget green spars veget yellow height mountain depth valley exagger 50 time make vertic relief visible hurrican dramat storm north america west coast moon lunar imag reconstruct goe data artist rescal visualization,big blue marbl earth,2003-04-26,562,78,-0.0092592592592592,04-26,4,2003,26,8,0,2 ba01a54bf70c888afc4575aebb648b8a80f3dcd2759564cdb9b380509fe6f97f,none,could look venu radar eye might see comput reconstruct surfac venu creat data magellan spacecraft magellan orbit venu use radar map neighbor planet surfac 1990 1994 magellan found mani interest surfac features includ larg circular domes typic 25kilomet across depict above volcan thought creat domes although precis mechan remain unknown venus surfac hot hostil surfac probe last minutes,venus molten surfac,2003-04-27,388,58,0.0375,04-27,4,2003,27,8,0,2 2e1234ccb83df2513e9f2e7e31878d53f7a1de616860e170573077c854cd19c8,none,take big rocket go space last weekend huge russian rocket launch toward earthorbit intern space station iss carri two astronaut make new expedit 7 crew seen rollout baikonur cosmodrome rocket white top actual soyuz tma2 recent version longest serv type human spacecraft base russian r7 rocket origin develop prototyp intercontinent ballist missil 1957 rocket span width footbal field fuel mass half million kilograms russian rocket like primari transport system iss nasa studi underli reason behind recent tragic breakup space shuttl columbia,rollout soyuz tma2 aboard r7 rocket,2003-04-28,542,81,-0.0635472370766488,04-28,4,2003,28,8,0,2 af714d7f29964b3dc2efbc62a66c23d7fc05aa06ccf01bb70eb6ce0dd9cda429,telescop,heart rosett nebula lie bright open cluster star light nebula star ngc 2244 form surround ga million year ago justreleas imag taken new camera show region unpreced detail although emiss nebula domin red hydrogen light imag exagger effect green light emit primarili small amount oxygen hot wind particl stream away cluster star contribut alreadi complex menageri ga dust filament slowli evacu cluster center rosett nebula center measur 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away visibl binocular toward constel monoceros,center rosett nebula,2003-04-29,520,79,0.1027972027972027,04-29,4,2003,29,4,0,5 3d989fd9b2804bfd6ceb8651bbc5d52aad33abfa3b75a984a663c2544136d422,j d j state colleg,cloud look strange actually pictur sever cloud stack one strike lenticular cloud normally air move much horizont vertically sometimes however wind come mountain hill rel strong vertic oscil take place air stabilizes dri air top oscil may quit stratifi moistur content henc form cloud layer air satur moisture result lenticular cloud strongli layer appearance pictur taken 1999 new hampshire usa lenticular cloud also look strang photograph 30 kilomet away,lenticular cloud new,2003-04-30,455,69,0.1956709956709956,04-30,4,2003,30,8,1,1 ed52f22c2c0a4dd73f59a3796a834e755d30797abfde2e34e30434746d392360,none,center wellstudi activ galaxi centauru hidden view optic telescop cosmic jumbl stars gas dust radio xray telescop trace remark jet highenergi particl stream galaxy core cen a central region lower right composit falsecolor imag show radio emiss red xray blue inner 4000 lightyear jet one detail imag kind pictur show xray radio emit site relat along jet provid road map understand energet stream energi supermass black hole galaxy center jet confin rel narrow angl seem produc xray bluer colors upper left farther core jet begin collid centauru a denser gas,energet jet centauru,2003-05-01,556,90,0.0117216117216117,05-01,5,2003,1,6,0,4 9fcc4b70d800174d12cb8d0bf27b605f2201d2c36c7643ee3bf1d932f0ca56f6,none,come decemb 2003 januari 2004 armada five new invad earth arriv shore red planet japanes nozomi orbiter european space agency mar express orbit carri beagl 2 lander nasa two mar explor rovers nozomi began interplanetari voyag 1998 spacecraft schedul launch window begin june clearly earthdwel remain intens curiou mar tantal possibl past present martian life robot mission investig planet atmospher search water mosaic 100 vike 1 orbit imag mar record 1980 project show perspect seen approach spacecraft distanc 2000 kilometers except view mar possibl earthbound telescop august september,five mar,2003-05-02,591,88,-0.0022727272727272,05-02,5,2003,2,5,0,2 597fb2edf698d268ce510f928884e10240168837ab4f024754f2cfca3dcdd4af,none,star cluster lower right catalog hodg 301 denizen tarantula nebula evoc nebula southern sky sprawl cosmic tarantula energet star form region 168000 lightyear distant neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud star within hodg 301 form togeth ten million year ago massiv one quickli exhaust nuclear fuel explode fact giant star hodg 301 rapidli approach violent final phase stellar evolut known supernova supernova blast send materi shock wave back nebular ga creat tarantula glow filament also visibl hubbl space telescop heritag image spectacular stellar death explos signal star birth well blast wave condens ga dust ultim form next gener star insid tarantula nebula,denizen tarantula nebula,2003-05-03,662,101,0.0404761904761904,05-03,5,2003,3,4,2,5 171bd00e5cafdbbb5f994954ec09e3b3433b56ffcd4dffba5587149b912b1ca9,none,mani peopl heard sonic seen one airplan travel speed faster sound densiti wave sound emit plane cannot preced plane accumul cone behind plane shock wave passes listen hear sound emit longer period sonic boom plane acceler break sound barrier however unusu cloud might form origin cloud still debated lead theori drop air pressur plane describ prandtlglauert singular occur moist air condens form water droplets above fa18 hornet photograph broke sound barrier larg meteor space shuttl frequent produc audibl sonic boom slow sound speed earth atmosphere,sonic boom,2003-05-04,552,85,0.18,05-04,5,2003,4,8,1,1 08be353337d3845530e674e6df0f28b25431ac05b49e0e68ad8a7ae7c2f5f9fe,none,ngc 1275 one galaxi slice another disk dusti spiral galaxi near imag center cut larg ellipt galaxy visibl predominantli lower left galaxi chang significantli collis like this gravit tide distort galaxi ga cloud compress light new star formation galaxi collis occur slow motion human eye singl pass take much 100 million years ngc 1275 member perseu cluster galaxi lie 230 million light year away toward constel perseus galaxi span 50000 light year across pictur composit imag taken hubbl space telescop 1995 2001,ngc galact collis,2003-05-05,512,82,0.1236363636363636,05-05,5,2003,5,7,1,3 e897435d58d4230988bd4ab3888c5243faa8b5219291ad7c8a91942a2095fbb0,none,look earth south pole stellar starscap might see alternatively patch sky also visibl mani southern locat well orbit intern space station imag recent recorded left photograph center four star mark boundari famou southern cross band stars dust ga cross middl photograph part milki way galaxy lower left dark coal sack nebula bright nebula far right carina nebula southern cross famou constel depict nation flag australia,southern sky intern space station,2003-05-07,418,65,0.0723809523809523,05-07,5,2003,7,6,0,5 858133853ee5cabaa5024ad6f8a62f394c5cabf49e245ed63b33643a906fba7e,tom,stun telescop imag intern space station cross front eight day old moon pictur captur april 11th wednesday leisur transit mercuri across sun entertain observ daysid planet earth audienc lunar transit like satellit low earth orbit space station move quickli sky glint sunlight near sunset sunrise path strongli depend observer longitud latitude so wellplac astronom tom track orbit space station site near south bend usa record digit movi fleeting dramat event singl frame movi enhanc bring detail space station seen lunar termin lower left intern space station appear distanc 400 kilometers moon nearli 400000 kilomet away,intern space station transit,2003-05-09,621,95,0.05,05-09,5,2003,9,2,2,2 9cec92c675484f460d6236df4bf0fca5bbe269f435f22c388896296d3439560f,none,sun look like one day helix nebula closest exampl planetari nebula creat end life sunlik star outer gass star expel space appear vantag point look helix remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 650 lightyear away toward constel aquariu span 25 lightyears pictur composit newli releas imag ac instrument hubbl space telescop wideangl imag mosaic camera wiyn telescop kitt peak nation observatory closeup inner edg helix nebula show complex ga knot unknown origin news today astronomi day,ngc 7293 helix nebula,2003-05-10,603,95,0.0104166666666666,05-10,5,2003,10,4,2,5 1458a09c9d2762f9ed4746d0fdaa19ac9d887759280bd25da64b4fdef4196ccc,t a rector,strang shape textur found neighborhood cone nebula unusu shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars brightest star right pictur mon region nicknam fox fur nebula color structure blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star orang glow encompass whole region result dust reflect also emiss hydrogen ga ioniz starlight mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel monoceros origin mysteri geometr cone nebula visibl far left remain mystery,vicin cone nebula,2003-05-12,575,89,0.2034920634920635,05-12,5,2003,12,4,1,5 cd470c490e8880cebab9a9fc945334e32f628d0c1a4ff0bd809392e9f7b53160,thierri legault,big sun sun larger planet larger planet put together sun account percent mass solar system mere sun diamet 1400000 kilomet justice last week chanc gain visual size perspect occur planet mercuri made rare cross front sun mercury planet third diamet earth dark dot upper right comparison sun mercuri small initi hard spot also visibl sun dark circular sunspots bright plages dark elong promin mani larger mercury contrastenhanc pictur captur last week france,mercuri transit sun,2003-05-13,457,72,-0.0108395989974937,05-13,5,2003,13,1,0,1 ad951b3d72ef23a62c4d943290dc53bfd63efc2075a1eb93c59a19597fc49c20,none,could look north pole venu would see magellan probe orbit venu 1990 1994 abl peer thick venusian cloud build imag emit radar visibl bright patch central north venus highest mountain maxwel montes notabl featur includ numer mountains impact craters ridges lava flows although size mass venu similar earth thick carbondioxid atmospher trap heat effici surfac temperatur usual exce 700 kelvins hot enough melt news readi tomorrow lunar eclipse time webcast photo tip,north pole venu,2003-05-14,465,72,0.0124999999999999,05-14,5,2003,14,8,0,2 80f4e380e9cb7ae3d7bd423074621ddeba1687ae878abfe55061b3557800d745,doug murray,special filter even telescop requir enjoy leisur lunar eclipse fact watch night side planet earth regular celesti perform entertain mani casual skygazers still eyecatch pictur lunar eclips may look unfamiliar make it astrophotograph doug murray set camera tripod lock shutter open total lunar eclips januari 2000 result imag record trail moon slide night steadili progress toward total eclips phase seen florida usa haunt red hue diminish moonlight common total phase lunar eclipse evid far right along slimmer portion trail least part tonight lunar eclips visibl clear night sky americas europe africa eclips last three hour start finish 53 minut totality lunar eclipse time webcast photo tip,moon slide slim,2003-05-15,697,106,0.0095238095238095,05-15,5,2003,15,2,2,1 0028a8acdfb07a82917d09d2372e8b10d44a884e5fe29ef1da6faf063f1e9fe9,brian lula,color telescop view toward northern constel lyra reveal dim outer region around m57 popularli known ring nebula modern astronom still refer m57 planetari nebula one lightyear across m57 planet gaseou shroud die sunlik star roughli appar size m57 fainter often overlook bar spiral galaxi ic1296 lower right would refer earli 20th centuri spiral nebula chanc pair field view appear similar size actual far apart m57 lie distanc mere 2000 lightyears well within milki way galaxy extragalact ic1296 like 200000000 lightyear distant 100000 time farther away sinc appear roughli similar size spiral nebula ic1296 must also 100000 time larger planetari nebula m57,tale two nebula,2003-05-16,656,101,0.0077922077922077,05-16,5,2003,16,4,2,3 4632d2cb7c9f677b005cd6114beeb3d3484a4a5f594cea9c959730a229db22c2,none,learn look depth space effort find true age star neighbor andromeda galaxy halo astronom stare galaxi giant new advanc camera survey hubbl space telescope result exposur three days shown above deepest exposur visibl light ever taken although shorter durat multiwavelength effort toward hubbl deep field final imag illumin andromeda m31 distant universe andromeda halo star turn wider rang age milki way halo stars like indic encount small neighbor galaxies visibl left one andromeda globular star clusters liter thousand background galaxi seen distanc universe far beyond m31,andromeda deep field,2003-05-19,575,86,0.0578512396694214,05-19,5,2003,19,6,0,3 52c1b7b780c0708267349310a7b347aea4341b90f0d58a569e2fd6125efbc348,none,first quasar look like nearest quasar known supermass black hole center galaxies ga dust fall toward quasar glow brightly sometim outglow entir home galaxy quasar form first billion year univers mysterious though even natur surround ga still unknown above artist impress show primordi quasar might been surround sheet gas dust stars earli star clusters exact observ three distant quasar indic emiss specif color element iron hubbl space telescop observations bolster recent result wmap mission indic whole complet cycl star born creat iron die within first hundr million year universe,primordi quasar,2003-05-20,584,89,0.1102564102564102,05-20,5,2003,20,6,2,3 90e4bebcf9b46e990cb0b926638863ca1a6802d496785cf694f7b1b7c435501d,sebastien gauthier,watch month lunar eclipse amateur astronom sebastien gauthier care compos montag telescop imag moon slide planet earth shadow deepest part total eclips correspond central exposure play light across lunar surfac nice demonstr planet shadow uniformli dark extend space fact lunar maria mont still visibl dimmed redden sunlight scatter coneshap shadow region umbra earth atmosphere eclipse moon trajectori took north umbra darker core seen cast moon crater southern highlands telescop camera equip set near colleg observatori quebec canada,eclips moon montag,2003-05-22,536,77,0.0875,05-22,5,2003,22,2,0,1 bfcf55cec261ba14b6c973f81dc3e343079d3551c116cf21692244315b0475b7,jay ouellet,earth moon take remark appear field star intrigu telephoto pictur record partial phase last week lunar eclipse pictur composite digit enhanc bring featur cover larg rang brightness moon itself surfac detail visibl bright uneclips portion direct sunlight much dimmer eclips region also much fainter moon sunlit surface background star field along unusu lighting seem contribut eeri percept lunar orb canadian astrophotograph jay ouellet took pictur lobservatoir de la decouvert val quebec city 200 skygaz gather enjoy celesti,eclips moon star,2003-05-23,524,77,0.2142857142857142,05-23,5,2003,23,2,1,1 7b20aa1330d46c5e928c73e631859e1f6940cb03aebea3aca99d303e244ddd8b,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers 100 billion stars 30 million lightyear away toward constel pisces ngc 628 m74 present gorgeou faceon view earthbound astronomers classifi sc galaxy grand design m74 grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes similar mani respect home galaxy milki way record 28 million pixel detector array impress imag celebr first light gemini multiobject spectrograph gmos stateoftheart instrument oper 8meter gemini north telescope gemini north observatori gaze sky mauna kea hawaii usa twin observatory gemini south oper cerro pachn central chile,m74 perfect spiral,2003-05-24,620,92,0.2181818181818181,05-24,5,2003,24,7,2,3 c338252a99beea07e3dc322b32bd060d5f0c79af932759f0c21feaa57680b0d2,jeancharl cuillandr,ngc 253 normal spiral galaxi seen almost sideways largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest group local group galaxies ngc 253 pictur above appear visual one brightest spiral sky easili visibl southern hemispher good pair binoculars type sc galaxi 10 million light year distant ngc 253 consid starburst galaxi high star format rate dens dust cloud nucleus energet nuclear region seen glow xray gammaray light,spiral galaxi ngc 253 almost sideway,2003-05-25,413,64,0.1709999999999999,05-25,5,2003,25,7,1,3 163101f98de10daefe59d288eff117c235de8e2dbe8adc68340e7f4d8ecc490d,none,earth look like mars first imag earth red planet captur earlier month camera onboard mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars featur visibl earth includ pacif ocean clouds much south america part north america earth moon visibl upper right crater tycho brighten lower part previously earth imag moon spacecraft across solar system,earth moon mar,2003-05-26,339,52,0.0632275132275132,05-26,5,2003,26,5,0,2 33f8478f7a26bce395ebd06e60a610f9a23c4e43073f1f003478f4be02716597,dominiqu dierick,rlier month planet mercuri cross face sun seen earth plane mercury orbit exactli coincid plane earth orbit mercuri usual appear pass sun timelaps sequence superimpos singl frame taken balconi belgium may 7 show entir transit solar cross last five hours 23 imag taken roughli 15 minut apart north pole sun earth mercury orbit although different occur direct slightli left image near center far right sunspot visible,mercuri transit sequenc,2003-05-27,414,66,0.0214285714285714,05-27,5,2003,27,1,0,1 006d5be5dd54d2b240f80e578a63013a517842d25b6f06d981860dd8bafe032a,denni mammanaskyscapes,rli saturday may 31 ut new moon slide across sun fieri disk annular solar eclips result sinc moon appar diamet littl small complet cover sun time celesti geometri produc broad region view annular phase extend far northern hemisphere rather creat thin track race across land sea characterist ring fire visibl northern scotland iceland part greenland otherwis partial eclips wide visibl across europe along part asia north america moon appear take sun northerli observ might certainli expect dramat view probabl look quit like one record foreground palm tree 1992 annular eclipse want watch saturday eclips check plan webcast,ring fire revisit,2003-05-30,624,97,-0.0787337662337662,05-30,5,2003,30,1,2,1 2775ee183321cd4bd0c6fb57b17d0b32405398ebc4c161e46810e9311f48793a,none,ngc 1818 youthful glitter cluster 20000 star resid larg magellan cloud 180000 lightyear away pick star star astronom might pick unassum bluishwhit one circled appear hot newli form white dwarf star make interesting standard astronom wisdom suggest star 5 time massiv sun rapidli exhaust nuclear fuel end live spectacular supernova explosion less critic mass evolv red giants pass rel peac planetari nebula phase calmli fade away white dwarf star like one except member ngc 1818 cluster new white dwarf would evolv red giant star 76 time massiv sun exploded discoveri like forc astronom revis limit mass estim supernova upward,ngc 1818 pick star,2003-05-31,626,99,0.112004662004662,05-31,5,2003,31,6,2,5 972e5ce88a40fe7c67a03a0ce92c80667c9c1d56399602a2e6ee49fcdce27a70,none,fog cloud dust cover part southern mar last martian winter giant volcanoes ascraeu mons central circular featur near top image surround larg water clouds slightli southwest pavoni mon mon also peek water clouds rough terrain center labyrinthu maze deep trough run 200 kilomet long directli south larg white dust storm fog syria planum larg plateau imag mosaic taken mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars soon five earthlaunch spacecraft arriv red planet name roman god war,mar,2003-06-02,484,76,0.025,06-02,6,2003,2,5,0,2 8b79f90960e759733b7f3ee7371655e43742fb1e79c746dc0a37fd01ea07dd16,juan carlo casado,what behind moon month moon pass front outshin mani interest star field except occur new moon total eclipse background new moon usual sun even brighter orb even easili outshin everyth behind it except total solar eclipse even longest total solar eclips last minutes sun corona still remain bright total lunar eclipse however full moon dim majest star field may present hour more case middl last month rare glimps eclips moon superpos front disk home milki way galaxi captured although fulli earth shadow eclips moon still brightest object right imag captur weather teid 2003 expedit del pico mountain canari islands spain northwest coast africa,milki way behind eclips moon,2003-06-03,646,103,0.081024531024531,06-03,6,2003,3,2,2,1 c91d1c1c1fd4c33d8ece9e2d9efc82215b1dd2caf7dd80f4507adf07f186f268,none,spiral galaxi eso 51013 get bent shape disk mani spiral thin flat solid spiral disk loos conglomer billion star diffus ga gravit orbit galaxi center flat disk thought creat sticki collis larg ga cloud earli galaxy formation warp disk uncommon though even milki way galaxi thought small warp caus spiral warp still investigated warp thought result interact even collis galaxies eso 51013 150 million light year away 100000 light year across,warp spiral galaxi eso 51013,2003-06-07,439,71,0.0888888888888888,06-07,6,2003,7,7,0,3 41706e535d04a6bd4c8ff77f89626e3ab7ba6b8324f29de459e4659145e27cd4,calvin j hamilton,rhea second largest moon saturn behind titan largest without atmosphere compos mostli water ice small rocki core rhea rotat orbit lock togeth just like earth moon one side alway face saturn consequ one side alway lead other rhea lead surfac much heavili crater trail surface photograph taken voyag 1 spacecraft 1980 nasa cassini spacecraft current rout saturn arriv 2004,rhea saturn second largest moon,2003-06-08,370,59,-0.0958333333333333,06-08,6,2003,8,0,0,2 7fcc5c469bd95cbdaa023405912fcb4d79c562b57e3c6d4290ee202c26821c8c,none,500000 kilomet per hour supernova shockwav plow interstellar space shockwav known pencil nebula ngc 2736 part vela supernova remnant expand shell star explod 11000 year ago initi shockwav move million kilomet per hour weight ga swept slow considerably pictur above shockwav move left right discern lack ga left region span nearli light year across small part lightyear span entir vela supernova remnant hubbl space ac captur imag last october,pencil nebula supernova,2003-06-09,442,69,0.0261904761904761,06-09,6,2003,9,6,0,3 0f4f613a258f4abc0abce3995f407cbe772dd6e021ea2f8be37b758c9454e038,ralf kaehler tom abel penn state tom abel penn greg bryan mike norman,becam first stars known star appear compos truli primordi ga star around us mani heavi elements sun thought third gener star mani star seen globular clusters year however signific progress made solv astronom mystery analys recent wmap satellit imag cosmic microwav background indic primordi light ioniz first gener star came went 200 million year big bang addit comput code track like creation evolut first star earli universe pictur scale one computergener model resolv scale first stars indic clean cocoon condens star alway 30 time mass sun star like quickli fuse pristin ga heavier element exploded univers element would becom part star know and ultimately,zoom first star,2003-06-10,661,104,0.1766666666666666,06-10,6,2003,10,6,2,4 3129f3d851b2b3804b9f7cc034b62cad2c2ade95c40e2246a9a5da884256448f,s maddox nottingham al survey astrophys dept oxford u,univers fill galaxies galaxi huge conglomer stars gas dust mysteri dark matter basic build block largescal universe although distant galaxi move away univers expands graviti attract neighbor galaxi other form galaxi groups cluster galaxies even larger expans filaments structur visibl one comprehens map sky ever made galaxies apm galaxi survey map complet earli 1990s 2 million galaxi depict region 100 degre across center toward milki way galaxy south pole bright region indic galaxies bluer color denot larger averag galaxies dark ellips cut away bright local star domin sky mani scientif discoveri result analys map data includ univers surprisingli complex larg scales,two million galaxi,2003-06-11,674,101,0.0673076923076923,06-11,6,2003,11,7,2,3 cd3170d2d6eff11a189ab4facd634cf00ef8d394807496f0df01b9f7052a7de1,none,owl cat eye ghost jupiter saturn theyr planetari nebula course glow gaseou shroud shed die sunlik star run nuclear fuel beauti look at symmetric planetlik shape cosmic clouds typic 1000 time size solar system evok popular names flip digit pictur made particip kitt peak nation observatori visitor center advanc observ program astronom adam block creat delight animation ten differ planetari nebula imag presented regist central star order catalog design ngc ngc 3242 ghost jupiter ngc 6543 eye ngc 7009 saturn nebula ngc 2438 ngc abel 39 ngc ngc m97 nebula gloriou final phase life star last 10000 years,planetari nebula,2003-06-14,603,98,0.0833333333333333,06-14,6,2003,14,4,2,5 31c9dabb0b807a308347b56928a832ac292c02054d3a951351c8c1888b1e660d,none,bubbl versu cloud ngc 7635 bubbl nebula push stellar wind massiv central star bd602522 next door though live giant molecular cloud visibl lower right place space irresist forc meet immov object interest way cloud abl contain expans bubbl gas get blast hot radiat bubble central star radiat heat dens region molecular cloud caus glow bubbl nebula pictur color neg help bring contrast 10 lightyear across part much larger complex star shells bubbl nebula seen small telescop toward constel cassiopeia,bubbl nebula,2003-06-17,498,79,0.0338252656434474,06-17,6,2003,17,4,0,5 745f967f75619850486bd2efd45efd8ccb0e87a055bbb48e3658c732ba19c513,peter wienerroith,tomorrow picture moon maiden archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,cloud moon move block sun,2003-06-18,271,40,0.2857142857142857,06-18,6,2003,18,8,1,0 3c860d7cf4b851431546e6a2707c252638f81c2d3326fb0ce8420cdfe1025fc6,luci,along northwestern reach lunar near side sinu iridum bay rainbow appropri lie edg moon smooth dark sea rain mare sketch lunar surfac around bay rainbows sun shine left illumin arc wall bay bay cape heraclides seen top sunlit arc histor depict moon maiden whose hair stream behind gaze sunward across bay origin moon race race map moon moon maiden first appear draw lunar surfac astronom giovanni cassini still gaze across lunar bay moon maiden inspir draw modern day astronomer done 14 sketch intrigu featur made countrysid northern england aid telescop equip digit imag eyepiec small televis screen,moon,2003-06-19,601,97,0.0722222222222222,06-19,6,2003,19,2,2,1 635bb2e08dda1a6de0fa82488a0c274d332e55f9aa417eef94a18891f629cbed,none,earth northern hemispher outlin sunlit crescent dramat view orbit record near local midnight geostationari oper environment satellit june 22 1996 date two day solstice astronom reckoning first day summer north winter southern hemisphere today schedul geocentr astronom event northern hemisphere summer solstice sun reach northernmost declin 19 hour 10 minut univers time make today also longest day year north arctic region near top pictur experienc 24 hour daylight look south along earth limb atmospher scatter sunlight caus limb visibl beyond area directli illumin sun,crescent earth midnight,2003-06-21,571,84,0.1583333333333333,06-21,6,2003,21,1,1,1 4124c3bbe588b209303533285627d7ab06a4c2f6da7a827fb02e4685ddee4aec,none,center starform region 30 doradu lie huge cluster largest hottest massiv star known star part surround nebula captur gorgeou visiblelight hubbl space telescop image ga dust cloud 30 doradus also known tarantula nebula sculpt elong shape power wind ultraviolet radiat hot cluster stars inset pictur repres correspond view hubble infrar camera squar measur 155 lightyear across penetr obscur dust infrar imag offer detail pictur star format within nebula collaps clouds reveal presenc newborn massiv stars 30 doradu nebula lie within neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud locat mere 170000 lightyear away,massiv star 30 doradu,2003-06-22,600,90,0.0125,06-22,6,2003,22,4,2,5 a298ea31b47e79bfe9136812ef82c099b06812f684df1a6f2669e8788818d523,none,larg sphere beneath japan help verifi humanity understand inner work sun sphere shown construct 2001 detect fundament particl call known emit nearbi nuclear reactor around japan failur best explain neutrino oscil differ types result bolster previou neutrino oscil claim includ sudburi detector similar larg sphere beneath canada design detect type neutrino sun thus lead astrophysicist consid long stand solar neutrino deficit problem final solved new mysteri find new standard model particl physic fulli explain neutrino,sun,2003-06-23,521,75,0.152840909090909,06-23,6,2003,23,1,1,4 48f04578528044a381eaa84331b9b06226746a83a68c6f61d070a24989bdf187,none,smooth sun new swedish solar telescope deploy canari island last year allow imag object less 100km across sun surface point toward sun edge surfac object begin block other indic true threedimension information close inspect imag reveal much vertic information includ spectacular rise nearli 500km floor sunspot near top image also visibl falsecolor imag hundr bubbl granules 1000km across small bright region known,sun surfac 3d,2003-06-24,414,62,0.2037247474747474,06-24,6,2003,24,1,1,1 faf1c5e7493b458959092ee49f89c103e40990095a7778d253bb3e9f4a8757b7,none,tantal view galaxi scatter near far part hubbl space telescope contribut good great observatori origin deep survey project goal studi galaxi format evolut wide rang cosmic distances therefor span time present earli universe join chandra xray observatori soon anticip space infrar telescop facil along major groundbas observatories project expand greatli past hubbl deep field region northern constel ursa major southern constel tucana across electromagnet spectrum sampl larg nearbi galaxies like interact pair lower left above compar distant younger galaxi search clue origin cosmos preliminari result project confirm birth rate star higher past galaxi inde construct grow merger accret small infant galaxi present day forms,galaxi,2003-06-25,726,104,0.0562499999999999,06-25,6,2003,25,7,2,4 e73c889e66f77fcc7aca0f7791d6666f14e529b7649a1d070233f1801cf7f30c,denni mammanaskyscapes,planet earth analemma figure8 loop get mark posit sun time day throughout year similarli mark posit sun martian sky would produc simpler stretch pear shape digit illustration base mar pathfind project famou presidenti panorama view surface simul show late afternoon sun would seen sagan memori station everi 30 martian day sols begin sol 24 juli 29 1997 slightli less bright simul sun two third size seen earth martian dust respons reddish sky mars also scatter blue light around solar disk astronom denni mammana offer illustr mark hope begin excit new era robot explor red planet two new mar mission enrout one prepar launch,martian analemma,2003-06-26,626,103,0.0106060606060605,06-26,6,2003,26,1,2,1 bb4a27f262a2a14c98e2c81446b83f7b04b6bbaa1ec0fcdc33d3653fa006ec43,none,slung equal innov mothership dub white spaceshipon ride planet earth photograph recent flight test spaceshipon design built cuttingedg engin burt rutan compani scale composit compet x prize 10 million dollar x prize open privat compani requir success launch spaceship carri three peopl short suborbit flight altitud 100 kilomet scenario similar earli man nasa mercuri program unlik convent rocket flight space spaceshipon first carri altitud 50000 feet twin white releas ignit hybrid solid fuel rocket engine climb space craft convert stabl high drag configur reentry ultim land like convent light plane speeds,spaceshipon,2003-06-27,611,91,0.0776923076923077,06-27,6,2003,27,8,2,2 0bec704a018e6c94f1ae7c52c6dff34051ef12eef17929e9badb4f4fcbf1a814,none,dens cloud ga dust likely within million years intens light bright star boil away completely star yet form molecular cloud interior stop growing cloud broken part greater carina nebula star form region 8000 light year away newli form star visibl nearby imag redden blue light preferenti scatter pervas dust imag span two light year taken orbit hubbl space telescop 1999 carina particularli strike partli clear definit human imagin eg could perceiv superhero fli cloud arm up save person tow,disappear cloud carina,2003-06-30,490,79,0.2166666666666666,06-30,6,2003,30,4,1,5 d6f5f03c2c011cc2fa608fdb37cc1e7e2165bc734220f8d08447c4370e9722d5,none,phobo dark phobos largest innermost two martian moons darkest moon entir solar system unusu orbit color indic may captur asteroid compos mixtur ice dark rock pictur captur recent robot spacecraft mar global surveyor mgs orbit mars phobo heavili crater barren moon largest crater locat far side mg imag like this phobo determin cover perhap meter loos dust phobo orbit close mar place would appear rise set twice day place would visibl all phobos orbit around mar continu decay like break piec crash martian surfac 50 million years,martian moon phobo,2003-07-01,531,87,-0.0399999999999999,07-01,7,2003,1,5,0,2 c2060d10092c5788eb81249efaf6cf4406e7cb3906195be9e5ce35c1968a1dd5,chri cook,activ pillar color aurora captur danc seren smooth nearli colorless cape cod bay last month north straight ahead town light near center origin massachusetts usa unusu red color aurora slightli reflect ocean inlet sever familiar constel visibl sky includ famou stellar w cassiopeia far right,aurora cape,2003-07-02,290,45,0.1827922077922077,07-02,7,2003,2,8,1,1 2e541070045e750ae8b0dc7abc0b259f8ad5ade622e5b7c0cb48866344aa8186,none,vela pulsar neutron star born 10000 year ago massiv supernova explosion above falsecolor xray imag chandra observatori reveal detail remnant pulsar xray bright nebula along emiss spectacular jet highenergi particles timelaps seri pictures jet seem danc around much like shoot along pulsar direct motion toward top right length half lightyear back forth half speed light highli magnet spin 10 time second vela pulsar thought cosmic highvoltag generator power xray nebula dynam cosmic jet mere 800 lightyear away pulsar locat near lower left corner four panels,vela pulsar jet,2003-07-03,558,85,0.1368253968253968,07-03,7,2003,3,4,1,5 aa03e4908aaf17d764c919acf48145aed50642d037010789e0af6150b8aaa4e8,none,scatter debri cosmic supernova explos light sky gorgeou composit imag base data hubbl space telescope catalog n49 glow filament shock ga span 30 lightyear neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud light origin explod star reach earth thousand year ago n49 also mark locat anoth energet outburst extrem intens blast gammaray detect satellit march 5 1979 date begin excit journey astrophys led research understand exot new class stars sourc 5th attribut magnetar highli magnetized spin neutron star also born ancient stellar explos creat supernova remnant n49 magnetar hurtl supernova debri cloud 1200 kilomet per second,n49 cosmic blast,2003-07-04,614,93,0.0643939393939393,07-04,7,2003,4,6,2,3 15b1fb2fdef5f0101029d5f742d6018cd851e2add4482f0392f9d640cce2387d,none,core hidden optic view thick lane dust giant ellipt galaxi centauru among first object observ orbit chandra xray observatory astronom centauru a appear xray make classif activ galaxi easi appreciate perhap strike featur chandra falsecolor xray view jet 30000 lightyear long blast toward upper left corner picture jet seem aris galaxy bright central xray sourc suspect harbor black hole million time mass sun centauru also seen teem individu xray sourc pervasive diffus xray glow individu sourc like neutron star solar mass black hole accret materi less exot binari companion stars diffus highenergi glow repres ga throughout galaxi heat temperatur million degre c 11 million lightyear distant constel centaurus centauru ngc 5128 closest activ galaxy,centauru a xray activ galaxi,2003-07-05,750,114,-0.0128205128205128,07-05,7,2003,5,7,2,4 bf1d1b9416f5e5612874e50889891b02dd45677a6cf2eed8cfefab89f9f6f1f6,e l wright ucla,univers dusti place dust usual show presenc block light emit star nebula behind it sometim creat illus horse head sombrero hat nobodi realli know typic interstellar dust grain look like studi dust absorbs emits reflect light astronom know interstellar dust much differ cell lint base dust found around typic house interstellar dust grain compos mostli carbon silicon oxygen usual less 11000 millimet across recent work indic dust grain spherical pictur show result fractal adhes model dust grain involv random conglomer spheric compound differ properties artifici highlight differ colors,fractal interstellar dust upclos,2003-07-06,587,88,-0.1366666666666666,07-06,7,2003,6,4,0,4 802b8d94a33335004f2e99601407343634de7bbcfe2ee1288b5ed20877989e68,stefan seip,dramat promin sometim seen loom beyond edg sun solar promin cloud solar ga held surfac sun magnet field earth would easili fit promin left quiescent promin typic last month may erupt coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system although hot promin typic appear dark view sun sinc slightli cooler surface imag fals color taken june 1 stuttgart germani amateur telescop camera,edg sun,2003-07-07,376,63,0.0714285714285714,07-07,7,2003,7,1,0,1 83f40c430697d39904dc177498e585403c094f286974af3f509d3e027b1c4cf8,david a pparc,astronom discov planetari system similar solar system known previously bright star visibl binocular toward constel puppis alreadi known star like sun planet twice jupiter mass discov nearli circular orbit approxim half orbit distanc jupiter orbit allow possibl habit earthtyp planet orbit in possibl like previous discov planetari system massiv planet occupi disrupt closer ellipt orbits illustr indic planetari system might look like hypothet moon orbit newli discov planet 90 light year distant extrem faint earli radio broadcast earth pass planetari system,star planet,2003-07-09,559,81,0.0238095238095238,07-09,7,2003,9,8,0,3 797b173aab01c2f7b33c49d120bdda8080955fc915cc27b52849351ec5b10a4a,none,almost mar near closest approach planet earth record history omin season dust storm begin kick up observ worri activ may develop planet wide dust storm attempt view mar come months situat similar red planet uncoop behavior 2001 example record midmay mar global surveyor spacecraft camera dust storm size contin sweep north east toward upper right across mars northern acidalia planitia meanwhile interplanetari robot explor mar beagl 2 twin mar explor rover opportun spirit bound mar arriv earli januari 2004,dust storm northern mar,2003-07-10,508,79,0.0408163265306122,07-10,7,2003,10,5,0,2 538bb2601b4754f50c19b9807b6ffdf6830f3997bca56e9fb69b66a7f969a9d6,none,night tilt flashlight chin hide glow bulb direct view friends light bulb still reflect face though give startl appearance spiral galaxi ngc 1068 may play similar trick cosmic scale hide central power sourc xray like supermass black hole direct view xray still scatter lineofsight though dens toru materi surround black hole scenario support xray data chandra observatori combin hubbl space telescop optic imag falsecolor composit picture optic data red show spiral structur across ngc inner 7 thousand lightyear xray data overlaid blue green hot wind ga stream galaxy core seen broad swath xray emiss materi lit hidden black hole sourc within central cloud intens xrays also well known m77 ngc 1068 lie mere 50 million lightyear away toward constel cetus,ngc xray,2003-07-11,756,120,-0.0267156862745098,07-11,7,2003,11,7,2,4 54341f654947b14cb1d7c21771bf3b58c19531b8a015010e770baa4fa5b510c4,none,xray vision center region galaxi would hidden view immens cosmic dust cloud opaqu visibl light instead milki way toward sagittariu might look someth like stun mosaic imag orbit chandra observatory pleas look at gorgeou falsecolor represent xray data show high energi xray blue medium energi green low energi red hundr white dwarf stars neutron stars black hole immers fog ga includ xray vista within white patch imag center lie galaxy central supermass black hole chandra sharp xray vision like lead new milki way activ neighborhood alreadi indic hot ga may temperatur mere 10 million degre celsiu instead 100 million degre previous thought full mosaic compos 30 separ imag cover 900 400 lightyear swath galact center,xray milki way,2003-07-12,717,115,-0.0235858585858585,07-12,7,2003,12,6,2,4 3d12f5d3eadbbb0dbc152099ee9bb2ddd36ac0b56ff6d5143f54a63f96059396,nigel sharp,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula imag taken 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatory,horsehead nebula,2003-07-13,552,85,0.0465079365079365,07-13,7,2003,13,4,0,5 27becc451c5a72e14982eea25ec737b7eeeaa3a74f4012098948a859642989e8,none,thousand satellit orbit earth billion dollars swarm high altitud robot vital communication orientation imag earth space one common type orbit geostationari satellit appear hover one point earth equator geostationari orbit high five time radiu earth possibl satellit orbit period exactli one day usual place satellit low earth orbit around 500 kilometers high enough avoid effect earth atmosphere anim sequenc start show halo earth satellites includ ring finish zoom one current host intern space station,satellit surround earth,2003-07-14,505,74,0.0033333333333333,07-14,7,2003,14,8,0,2 170514bd141acad5dde0be77e7e6048c98c816dc414e769dd9212b4898507259,walli pacholka astropics,mar head closest encount earth 50000 years although mar earth continu normal orbit around sun everi two year earth mar part orbit seen sun happen late august mar almost near sun ever simultan earth almost far sun ever mean great time launch space probe mars alternatively next month great time see bright red mar backyard mar close global featur visibl even small telescope look mar rise 11 pm remain brightest red object sky sunrise mar rise increasingli earlier closest approach late august mar captur rise arch rock valley fire state park nevada usa,mar rise arch rock,2003-07-15,552,93,0.0991666666666666,07-15,7,2003,15,5,2,1 b4d9d8e53cd29ffa90fffa988b6c06147d6ff8adf118791ad52ec25cc63ce05f,none,patrick vantuyn wonder home planet singl larg moon would look like view mar juli 17 jpl solar system course view earth date gibbou moon pass tantalizingli close mar observ north central south america actual pass front red planet locations includ much florida effort reward remark simul view crescent moon background darken earth martian vantag point lunar orb seen tip florida peninsula observ planet earth want watch correspond show tomorrow predawn sky note view time select cities,mars simul view,2003-07-16,483,76,0.05,07-16,7,2003,16,2,0,1 a84ada7ecb7e6ebecbac26f9222d82b7a8103cdf1656a8c0de2854a6f83dd78c,bernd volker,soon find whose cat nebula famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble cat though could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years pictur above cat paw nebula photograph astrophotographi expedit namibia,cat paw nebula,2003-07-17,395,64,0.0249999999999999,07-17,7,2003,17,4,0,3 9eb57219b0458af17d35e2e600400ce9156ecf6b0edce016278695d841ffcc4c,none,planet white dwarf neutron star orbit giant globular star cluster m4 lightyear away visibl member trio white dwarf star indic imag hubbl space telescope neutron star detect radio frequenc pulsar third bodi known present dwarf system detail analysi hubbl data indic inde planet 25 time mass jupiter system planet like 13 billion year old compar solar system tender 45 billion year identifi planet nearbi stars truli ancient world far oldest planet known almost old univers itself discoveri part evolv cosmic trio suggest planet format span age univers newli discov planet like one mani form crowd environ globular star clusters,planet white neutron star,2003-07-18,626,99,0.0375,07-18,7,2003,18,6,2,3 8da3c64ab0059ce0a6a8acf496e2e91ee0049eeb34d353a7ae1f512da2cf2c57,none,space travel enter age ion drive 1998 launch deep space 1 nasa mission design primarili test new technologies although ion drive deep space 1 provid acceler much smaller feel toward earth gradual gave spacecraft speed need travel across solar system propuls drive work ioniz xenon atom power provid larg panel collect sunlight ion expel strong electr field back spacecraft slowli gain speed pictur above hot blue ion emerg prototyp drive success test jpl 1997 deep space 1 success zoom past asteroid 9969 braill juli 1999 comet borrelli septemb 2001 obtain detail photograph ever taken comet nucleus spacecraft retir decemb 2001,ion drive deep space 1,2003-07-20,628,100,0.0899766899766899,07-20,7,2003,20,8,2,2 bc3607e99c9bf805844c8f095ef4440dca709698f64c697425d14a25aea18a71,gari steven,starfield photograph resembl impressionist painting effect creat digit trickeri larg amount interstellar dust dust minut glob rich carbon similar size cigarett smoke frequent start outer atmospher large cool young stars dust dispers star die grow thing stick interstellar medium dens dust cloud opaqu visibl light complet hide background stars less dens clouds capac dust preferenti reflect blue starlight becom important effect bloom star blue light mark surround dust nebular ga emissions typic brightest red light combin form area seemingli creat artist canvas photograph roughli one squar degre nebula ic 4603 near bright star antar toward constel ophiuchus,ic 4603 reflect nebula ophiuchiu,2003-07-21,661,97,0.2107886904761904,07-21,7,2003,21,4,2,5 f60fabba23883213e50e78a7ca3fef45df222f2109d2bbbcd0fedbe5b12e3b85,none,larg storm earth unusual small violent cloud known tornadoes tornado cloud swirl fast hundr kilomet per hour and touch down destroy nearli everyth long narrow path mani tornado last minutes largest danger endur hours image although somewhat appear show drop funnel cloud interact light pole so interpret controversial photograph would one indic clear distanc funnel cloud pictur tornado occur 1981 dallas texas usa tornado occur earth commonli found part central north america spring much tornado remain study includ predict occur,tornado planet earth,2003-07-22,530,80,-0.0003968253968254,07-22,7,2003,22,8,0,1 55b8ccb07d15058ca4ec3faff3a4df3fa32183ac514026f66248243d74bdf566,none,place earth higher graviti others sometim reason unknown help better understand earth surface slight distanc chang pair ident orbit satellit name grace use creat best ever map earth gravit field high point map also color red indic area graviti slightli stronger usual blue area graviti slightli weaker mani bump valley map attribut surfac features north midatlant ridg himalayan mountains other cannot might relat unusu high low subsurfac densities map like also help calibr chang earth surfac includ variabl ocean current melt glaciers,map graviti earth,2003-07-23,536,82,0.1098717948717948,07-23,7,2003,23,8,0,4 d5ec3402ab51f6a4a69f4fc1becf45cf43cfcb2bf5605073eb23346c7bfd0140,ron center southfield school,bright star near moon last week mar course red planet wander near wane gibbou moon earli last thursday morning pass behind lunar orb view locat south central america florida clay center observatori expedit springs florida produc evoc pictur mar graze moon dark edg digit stack process seri telescop imag event crater moon foreground bright planet mar seem alarmingli close global scale featur white south polar cap easili visible alreadi impressive appar size martian disk continu grow come weeks until august 27 mar reach closest approach planet earth 50000 years,mar moon edg,2003-07-24,564,89,0.1244444444444444,07-24,7,2003,24,5,2,2 9bfe8cf811e1cb8c368a330961348225a58f42cd174a923fe4730f79a4204d6a,robert gendler,french astronom charl messier sight gorgeou cosmic cloud describ oval nebula without stars catalog m27 popularli known dumbbel nebula substandard perform elong shape like bar weight end first caught messier eye deep imag bright planetari nebula reveal central star though array foreground background star toward constel vulpecula pictur composit includ 8 hour exposur filter design record light hydrogen atoms trace intric detail nebula faint outer halo span lightyears thought exampl fate await sun 5 billion year hence dumbbel nebula 1200 lightyear away,dumbbel nebula halo,2003-07-25,555,82,0.1214285714285714,07-25,7,2003,25,4,1,5 e5c0eb120e932c9d64ee68296b05a1db0d70d53b2b2dd375088241d738828309,a nordic optic telescop,milki way galaxi alone part gather 50 galaxi known local group member includ great andromeda galaxi m31 m32 m33 larg magellan cloud small magellan cloud dwingeloo 1 sever small irregular galaxies mani dwarf ellipt dwarf spheroid galaxies pictur aquariu dwarf faint dwarf irregular galaxi 3 million light year away earlier apod identifi imag sagittariu dwarf,dwarf,2003-07-27,357,55,0.0285714285714285,07-27,7,2003,27,7,0,3 5b29bf80b17a51e1e70f91448a60c9b2c709e5bec39c72d6cfa2451192b252bf,none,next stop mars last month first two mission mar launch cape canaveral florida usa boe delta ii rocket pictur above solid fuel booster seen fall away light residu exhaust reflect soar rocket mar explor rover dub spirit expect arriv red planet come january upon arriving parachut deploy slow spacecraft surround airbag inflate balloonlik packag bounc around surfac dozen time come stop airbag deflate spacecraft right itself spirit rover prepar roll onto mars robot spirit expect cover much 40 meter per day much sojourner 1997 predecessor spirit search evid ancient martian water implic might drawn possibl ancient martian life second rover name opportun success launch juli 7 arriv mar week later,launch spirit rover toward mar,2003-07-28,696,110,0.0954081632653061,07-28,7,2003,28,5,2,2 4eb38e749d6737bad6877f8011db3886fcea179ce09a9dcda1cb2de7302b5b19,ralph,ven quiet sun busi place image taken singl color light call hydrogen alpha record great amount detail simmer surfac parent star gradual darken toward sun edge call limb darkening caus increas absorpt rel cool solar gas edge giant promin visible differ promin seen silhouett dark streak near imag center two activ area sun mark bright plages amateur photograph sun taken last month small telescop standard digit camera contrast time sun appear much active,orang sun simmer,2003-07-29,454,73,0.1047619047619048,07-29,7,2003,29,1,1,1 35d082f26f2eb681026c91ec869fd9be8c2bbb91afa7f5937ba7017eb686a102,none,caus unusu white color martian mountains answer guess notic bright area disappear springtim take hold south mars dri ice dri carbon dioxid ice sublim directli ga frozen state frosti mountains name montes cover carbon dioxid ice martian winter seren scene pictur photograph rather comput construct digit illus result fusion two color imag mar orbit camera topograph data mar orbit laser altimeter instrument oper mar global surveyor robot spacecraft current orbit mars red planet continu grow larger terrestri sky earth mar move closer closest approach august 27,frosti mountain mar,2003-07-30,561,86,0.1166666666666666,07-30,7,2003,30,5,1,2 af146de83cfe2197f62d906e6eb2b6ba76caf902a87ac0aeb439b30d220a68d9,rick scott,august 13 2002 count perseid meteor dark earli morn arizona skies rick scott set photograph fleet fieri trails equip use includ telephoto len fast color film 21 pictur caught two meteors one them track sky ten minut long exposur show field mani star milki way galaxy faint seen unaid eye flash lower left upper right bright meteor would easi though friction earth atmospher vapor hurtl grain cosmic sand piec dust comet swifttuttle left center well beyond star milki way lie island univers known m31 andromeda galaxy visibl meteor trail begin 100 kilomet earth surface one closest celesti object seen sky contrast andromeda 2 million lightyear away distant object easili visibl nakedeye,island universe cosmic sand,2003-08-02,686,111,0.0238095238095238,08-02,8,2003,2,6,2,4 057ce1f7b21943b4a436d3bd8ad69a763cfc35a93cf9132830c3185744fdba22,none,scientist melt hole bottom world fact sever hole melt near south pole use astronom observatories astronom antarct muon neutrino detector array amanda lower vertic lake string knot basketballs light detectors water hole soon refreezes detector sensit blue light emit surround clear ice light expect ice collis highenergi neutrino emit object explos universe pictur taken look deep abyss instrument lower past 2000 meters analys data amanda ii detector recent use creat first map highenergi neutrino sky,ice fish cosmic neutrino,2003-08-03,501,75,0.1399999999999999,08-03,8,2003,3,8,1,4 7e460666b006eafbd926b483b490ba0021cef37bc5af91d03d5710784bfdfdcc,none,space shuttl land california get back florida next launch answer ferry nasa oper two commerci boe 747 airplan modifi carri space shuttl backs design offici shuttl carrier aircraft sca 747 made commerci flight bolster nasa sever struts stabilizers electron monitors span 70 meter length two aircraft combin mass nearli 150000 kilograms pictur above space shuttl atlanti shown ferri back nasa kennedi space center florida septemb 1998,shuttl ferri,2003-08-05,432,66,-0.02,08-05,8,2003,5,8,0,2 f1074f284242b8aa2200608876a455999243c550c350bd87699f1ba2a4a70c64,none,peculiar galaxi centauru dusty dramat dust lane run across galaxy center mark cen a dust lane thick almost complet obscur galaxy center visibl light particularli unusu cen a red star round shape characterist giant ellipt galaxy galaxi type usual low dark dust cen a also known ngc 5128 also unusu compar averag ellipt galaxi contain higher proport young blue star strong sourc radio emission evid indic cen like result collis two normal galaxies collision mani young star formed detail creation cen a unusu dust belt still researched cen lie 13 million light year away make closest activ galaxy cen span 60000 light year seen binocular toward constel centaurus,dusti galaxi centauru,2003-08-06,660,108,0.0385964912280701,08-06,8,2003,6,7,2,3 816e9b4c97ea49e5ec3dbdac5c112381a684fe23d251d220316b2cd77ebae729,greg nasa solar,what wrong picture summer night sky clear moonlight illumin dome hale 200inch telescop palomar observatory northeast san diego california usa familiar star teapot aster constel sagittariu shine dome right fact thing wrong pictur observatori dome two massiv close tight clear night extrem unusu situat precaut prompt presenc airborn ash smoke area juli 17 could damag histor mirror aluminum amateur astronom greg note year particularli bad one observatori mt australian observatori fire also threaten telescop mount lemmon near tucson arizona,palomar night,2003-08-07,542,79,-0.1061688311688311,08-07,8,2003,7,6,0,4 25e250e8ea387de4b1a8f3354a9f4886d039cba6f0d10a7afd012378224ea4e5,none,neck galaxi star far apart danger colliding dens core globular star cluster star collis may rel common fact research evid close space blue star near center imag taken orbit hubbl space telescop form star directli collided pictur central region ngc 6397 globular cluster 6000 lightyear distant whose star form time ngc 6397 massiv star long sinc evolv main sequence exhaust central suppli nuclear fuel leav cluster old low mass stars faint red main sequenc star brighter blue red giants however spectroscop data show indic stars descript dub blue stragglers clearli main sequenc star blue massiv still there suggest straggler appear two occasion three time massiv lower mass cluster star otherwis present support evid format two even three star collisions,blue straggler ngc 6397,2003-08-08,754,119,-0.0119047619047619,08-08,8,2003,8,6,2,3 71686aa6d07bc1e02abda184f8c14e98d31a7df2870662e88793abb9b63b841f,jimmi westlakecolorado mountain college,moon set sun rose earli morn hour 2000 august 12 meteor pelt earth direct constel perseus ion pelt earth sun meteor expect grain long left behind comet swifttuttl annual creat perseid meteor shower aurora unexpected however electrons protons heavier ion race larg coron mass eject occur day sun foreground peak extinct volcano colorado usa perseid meteor shower peak year next days much one bright meteor per minut visibl locations,perseid aurora,2003-08-09,431,69,0.0849999999999999,08-09,8,2003,9,1,0,1 d2abf4a5882cde2e4b0871f345523995fa125de141f1cd302554cad1984f8272,russel croman,depth dark cloud dust molecular ga known m17 star continu form also known omega nebula horsesho nebula dark m17 molecular cloud result background starlight absorb thick filament carbonbas smokes dust bright massiv star form produc intens energet light slowli boil away dark shroud color imag pick highlight specif element emit nebular light red indic emiss sulfur green hydrogen blue oxygen swan nebula visibl binocular toward constel sagittarius lie 5000 lightyear away span 20 lightyear across,element swan nebula,2003-08-11,495,75,0.055,08-11,8,2003,11,4,0,5 21f7754c9de5b25f6f85ca07537b61d5f0f3166334e78ae6453b9a2a87184b06,none,stephan quintet picturesqu clearli troubl group galaxi 300 million lightyear away toward highfli constel pegasus span 200000 lightyear distance composit falsecolor imag illustr power natur multipl galaxi collision show xray data chandra observatori blue superpos optic data yellow xray central blue cloud run vertic imag produc ga heat million degre energet shock cosmic scale shock like result interstellar ga larg spiral galaxy seen immedi right cloud collid quintet tenuou intergalact ga galaxi plung group central regions fact billion years repeat passag group galaxi hot intergalact ga progress strip star form material view larg spiral galaxi seen peek bottom edg unrel foreground galaxi mere 35 million lightyear distant,xray stephan quintet,2003-08-12,727,107,-0.0071428571428571,08-12,8,2003,12,7,2,4 e37d3d66e485076ea1310db33c3b8ff134297eb505315362ca5a5772bb7ddc31,walli pacholka astropics,seen mar lately earth mar near closest approach nearli 60000 year august 27 red planet begun appear dramat bright show interest detail telescop binoculars although yet visibl sunset mar seen rise increasingli earlier evening horizon mar easi spot sport distinct hue brightest object sky sun nearbi moon venus earth overtak mar respect solar orbits mar visibl right sunset although histor bright begin fade pictur above mar captur rise south east next rock valley fire state park nevada usa,mar rise behind rock,2003-08-13,489,78,0.1785714285714286,08-13,8,2003,13,5,1,1 78f2e972238588a9c4aae18b2844f6ffea356ec4d4f1dd79339949e7571f6d5e,none,total mass within giant galaxi cluster 45 billion lightyear away produc cosmic gravit len bend light predict einstein theori graviti form detect imag even distant background galaxies course total cluster mass sum galaxi themselves seen ordinari lumin matter plu cluster invis dark matter whose natur remain unknown analyz distribut lumin matter properti gravit lens due total cluster mass research solv problem trace dark matter result map show otherwis invis dark matter blue posit cluster galaxi yellow work base extens hubbl space telescop observations reveal cluster dark matter evenli distributed follow clump lumin matter closely,dark matter map,2003-08-14,636,94,-0.0883333333333333,08-14,8,2003,14,7,2,3 bf12956cec39f7e15f3a4d4bb44dad1c9a32ed11d01f313d250c6130977f93f1,none,highresolut imag area schiaparelli basin mar june 3 mg mar orbit camera produc stun exampl layer format within old impact crater planet earth structur would seen sedimentari rock materi deposit bottom ancient lake ocean subsequ weather away reveal layers sun shine left central layer appear stand other within 23 kilomet wide crater crater could well fill water mars distant past perhap rest bottom lake fill schiaparelli impact basin still layer might also form materi settl windi martian atmosphere satellit continu examin martian surfac orbit nasa spirit opportun spacecraft attempt land mar earli next year explor tantal histori water red planet,mar,2003-08-15,650,100,-0.0527777777777777,08-15,8,2003,15,5,2,2 064e5c139f35c4d832d69751f68851991ebcb1ed64707ed1a3a00a3bb7d02f89,none,rich star field glow hydrogen ga silhouett dense opaqu cloud interstellar ga dust hubbl space telescop closeup ic 2944 bright star form region centaurus 5900 lightyear away largest dark globules first spot south african astronom a d thackeray 1950 like two separ overlap clouds one lightyear wide combin cloud contain materi equival 15 time mass sun actual collaps form massiv stars along data sharp hubbl imag indic thackeray globul fractur churn result intens ultraviolet radiat young hot star alreadi energ heat bright emiss nebula similar dark globul known associ star form region may ultim dissip hostil environ like cosmic lump butter hot fri pan,thackeray globul,2003-08-16,653,104,0.15,08-16,8,2003,16,4,2,4 90d24d840d6df34bb5952dab70417e9c66dbe3d89624c2310b44109f728d6675,none,could see approach saturn aboard interplanetari cruis ship view would like resembl subtli shade imag gorgeou ring ga giant process hubbl heritag project pictur intent avoid overemphas color contrast present natur look saturn cloud bands storms nearli edgeon rings small round shadow moon enceladu near center planet disk course seat avail ship current en route cassini spacecraft cassini flew jupit turn millennium schedul arriv saturn year 2004 extend cruis world 1400 million kilomet sun cassini tour saturnian system conduct remote robot explor softwar instrument design denizen planet earth,natur saturn cassini cruis,2003-08-17,594,88,-0.0687499999999999,08-17,8,2003,17,0,0,2 5cfdec26c8d18f27b5ba9d347f596879d9d5fe25570549710c2cc4b0263386ab,bill rosen,last thursday million peopl unexpectedli good view dark night sky usually reflect citi light local air impur make hard casual observ see hand star bright urban area larg power northeast north america however dim citi light brought unfamiliar celesti wonder mani look up unexpect starscap perhap small perk face endur mani black out promin digit montag two celesti wonder seen even usual glare citi light moon mars appear far left mar upper right moon scroll right show eerili dark new york citi appear across hudson river new jersey 10 pm 2003 august 14 visibl light mostli cars local power,bright lights dark citi,2003-08-18,590,99,0.0783008658008657,08-18,8,2003,18,8,2,1 0e7807f4277630ed161296ef5dc14c53f30e5734e9495cbb5641adcf8616f2c3,francisco a rodriguez ramirezastroeduca,mar appear small telescope view unaid eye small telescope possibl strike part mars appear red color color deriv iron oxide compos perhap martian soil oxygen surfac iron mar origin predominantli carbon dioxid gas compos martian atmosphere mar near closest approach earth nearli 60 millennia august 27 red planet continu appear larger brighter good target sky enthusiasts pictur above mar captur canari island spain three day three differ orient earlier month visibl small telescop white polar cap water carbondioxid ice light red area rich lightli color craters dark red area domin rel smooth lowlands,mar small telescop,2003-08-19,600,93,0.0550925925925925,08-19,8,2003,19,5,2,1 2b05192fcdc550974756f2e21ed76df67f5feff03d04cd1c8e6cef08b653c935,chri cook,sever unusu strand dark promin toward constel aquila particular dark nebula known e nebula evoc shape list nebula compil barnard e nebula span roughli angl full moon lie 2000 light year distant nebula seen binocular particularli visibl summer month earth northern hemisphere name dark nebula includ absorpt nebula effici absorb visibl light emit behind them molecular clouds frequent attain temperatur low enough sever differ type stabl molecul exist low temperatur interstellar cloud format dens knot ga may collaps bright stars,e nebula aquila,2003-08-20,529,80,0.0833333333333333,08-20,8,2003,20,4,0,5 b56059e42f180c658d7aa94384fd4219c04eb74c4747224ca5203371d4c67538,none,5000 lightyear away toward constel sagittariu center galaxy lie bright star form region catalog m17 visibl light m17 bow appear result mani popular name like swan lobster nebula sculpt glow ga cloud chandra observatori imag xray m17 provid clue mani massiv young star respons pink central region falsecolor xray picture collid stellar wind produc multimillion degre ga cloud extend ten lightyear left compar visibl light images xray hot cloud partli surround nebula cooler gas fact carv central caviti hot ga seem flow horsesho shape like bottl suggest yet anoth name star form region m17,xray,2003-08-21,589,94,0.1964285714285714,08-21,8,2003,21,4,2,5 cf713b7778f3e503b78e66bc8805d3524edc2295cb7b0bf9607415018e0c0ff8,steve mandel,sun sets earth shadow rise east subtl beauti daili apparit often overlook favor brighter color western horizon gaze toward nearli full rise moon august 9 astronom steve mandel admir shadow rise driveway near california usa view look east northern tip monterey bay toward peak highest point small mountain rang horizon earth rise shadow cast dens atmospher seen pictur dark blue band along horizon bound pinkish purpl glow antitwilight arch also known belt venus arch love color due backscatt redden light set sun,shadow rise,2003-08-22,512,82,0.0916666666666666,08-22,8,2003,22,1,0,1 631640d796a577f8e456998cc7817753426499c9d852894dd4f3116b949d4f00,none,tarantula nebula 1000 lightyear across giant emiss nebula within neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud insid cosmic arachnid lie central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 whose intens radiat strong wind help energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments impress color mosaic imag widefield imag camera eso 22 meter telescop la silla observatory young star cluster seen still within nebula grasp also notabl among denizen tarantula zone sever dark cloud nebula outer limit well dens cluster star ngc 2100 extrem left edg picture small expand remnant supernova 1987a closest supernova modern history lie lower right corner field rich mosaic field view cover area sky size full moon southern constel dorado,tarantula zone,2003-08-23,705,108,0.111080586080586,08-23,8,2003,23,4,2,5 78224a56d63244f2a8975d14ebc76bdace154e4a89c5194f078329394fade6e6,none,largest canyon solar system cut wide swath across face mars name vall marineris grand valley extend 3000 kilomet long span much 600 kilomet across delv much 8 kilomet deep comparison earth grand canyon arizona usa 800 kilomet long 30 kilomet across 18 kilomet deep origin vall marineri remain unknown although lead hypothesi hold start crack billion year ago planet cooled recently sever geolog process identifi canyon mosaic creat 100 imag mar taken vike orbit 1970s news mar closest 50000 year wednesday,vall marineris grand canyon mar,2003-08-24,505,81,0.0999999999999999,08-24,8,2003,24,5,0,2 5da7785516b5a778d7146d77e74d6f8ade80de46091dffa2e5c733afc3e47e79,astropixcom,mani star home milki way galaxi appear togeth dim band sky pass nearli earth north south poles pictur part galaxi pass closest north pole place cursor imag bring name sever constel bright stars diffus white galaxi glow creat billion stars red patch larg emiss nebulas usual mark area bright star recent formed north light visibl night light creat imag emit within past thousand year within milki way galaxi except one upper right small faint patch design m31 andromeda galaxy m31 spiral galaxi similar milki way distant emit oldest light distinguish unaid eye light take two million year reach us,northern milki way,2003-08-25,598,99,0.113095238095238,08-25,8,2003,25,7,2,3 e03865298dc290b0c759a9816abc1e982510bf5a86768c91542148d54ef0204c,none,mar look good tonight next days mar closest approach earth nearli 60000 years might get best view ever planetari neighbor though expect see much structure expect see mar rotat much brief period 20frame movi creat 1000 frame backyard webcam meticul aligned digit pictured mar appear rotat timelaps sequence frame separ 30 minut real time reality one full martian rotat martian day 40 minut longer earth day access small telescope mar realli look,earth mar rotat,2003-08-26,446,72,0.275,08-26,8,2003,26,5,1,1 24cc736e5794fcb38a048f7ca2844ed917541cb6c459a5f76853999c1a275b51,none,10 univers time today mar earth pass closer nearli 60000 years mars notic red brightest object eastern sky sunset tonight much week mani around world run public mar watch 2003 campaign local telescop zoom red planet pictur imag mar taken last night hubbl space telescop orbit around earth imag detail view mar ever taken earth visibl featur includ south polar cap white imag bottom circular huygen crater right imag center hella impact basin larg light circular featur lower right planetwid light highland domin mani smaller crater larg sweep dark area domin rel smooth lowlands,big mar hubbl,2003-08-27,579,94,0.1023809523809523,08-27,8,2003,27,5,2,2 c161c192d6fe1d436ccc0a41bd351c80400cf4bb988d502ad17e81067d0eacc8,walli pacholka astropics,yesterday 10 univers time mar earth pass closer nearli 60000 years mars notic red remain brightest object eastern sky sunset best view mars however continu robot spacecraft current orbit mars mar global surveyor mar odyssey current pass spark launch four new spacecraft toward mars deploy lander earli next year like return even spectacular view planetari neighbor pictur above mar photograph rise southeast behind eleph rock valley fire state park nevada usa,mar rise behind rock,2003-08-28,459,71,0.1336363636363636,08-28,8,2003,28,5,1,2 27c4be1552f745a75a2224e6da70bb4da0054212040e592d1ef785616b28a3c2,none,ven moon realli made green chees probabl look still mosaic 53 imag record jupiterbound galileo spacecraft pass near larg natur satellit 1992 pictur record three spectral filter combin exagger falsecolor scheme explor composit lunar surfac chang miner content produc subtl color differ reflect light familiar earthdwellers lunar near side left spacebas view look moon north pole locat upper half imag near shadow line blue orang shade indic volcan lava flows dark blue mare tranquillitati lower left richer titanium bear miner green orang maria it near bottom imag right tranquillitati dark ovalshap mare crisium surround shock pink color indic materi lunar highlands,moon,2003-08-29,666,101,0.0274470899470899,08-29,8,2003,29,2,2,4 908458684d5f5e66c20d55babf6f4bc90be769b5d954d436bce0dd3c7edc4f18,none,billion years massiv star milki way galaxi live spectacular lives collaps vast cosmic clouds nuclear furnac ignit creat heavi element cores million years enrich materi blast back interstellar space star format begin anew expand debri cloud known cassiopeia exampl final phase stellar life cycle light explos creat supernova remnant probabl first seen planet earth sky 300 year ago although took light 10000 year reach us gorgeou hubbl space telescop imag cool filament knot ca remnant light specif element color code help astronom understand recycl galaxy star stuff instance red region domin emiss sulfur atom blue shade correspond oxygen area shown 10 lightyear across,recycl cassiopeia,2003-08-30,670,103,0.2143356643356643,08-30,8,2003,30,6,2,4 a6e2b745016d6a30444778b260a143c926bd3d6ecd1801499c168afca8897e87,jim noao aura nsf,beauti trifid nebula aka m20 photogen studi cosmic contrasts lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid alon illustr three basic type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark absorpt nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette bright emiss nebula right separ three part obscur dust lanes lend nebula popular name mani detail appar gorgeou highresolut imag trifid example lightyear long pillar jet sculpt newborn star visibl upper righthand corner emiss nebula appear hubbl space telescop closeup imag region,beauti trifid,2003-09-01,638,95,0.1964285714285714,09-01,9,2003,1,4,2,5 e5ae2f7bb7f5c19f4ab45669fdc2f0eed2c22e448fa27d2b6fdfac4d3d379329,mark,realli anoth world thousand peopl world line last week see mar telescop red planet earth pass unusu close togeth orbit around sun mar mixed peopl disappoint mar still appear somewhat blurry veteran sky gazer appear somewhat surpris popular phenomenon seem mani mar much brighter frequent appears event held littl promis real discovery observers though appear quietli take advantag uniqu opportun see uncommon sight mani awe simpl abl see face complet differ world eyes pictur above peer toward mar last week east astronom societi star parti big area north belfast northern ireland uk,contempl mar,2003-09-02,583,92,0.1583333333333333,09-02,9,2003,2,5,2,1 ae14a30ba8e61ac40b3503f8ee630b29dac65d8276638ee37d2e18a0c893e1c4,jeancharl cuillandr,8000 year ago star galaxi exploded ancient human might notic supernova temporari star modern human see expand shell ga even today pictur above part shell ic 443 seen compos complex filaments impact exist molecular cloud emiss shockexcit molecular hydrogen allow astronom studi fast move supernova ga affect star format cloud additionally astronom theoriz impact acceler particl veloc near speed light supernova remnant ic 443 also known shine brightli also infrar xray light,galact supernova remnant ic 443,2003-09-03,474,72,0.1111111111111111,09-03,9,2003,3,6,1,3 3daf6a312e4b30a69dda64fe810f943b97773152f3bf234775c8e6df2988525c,ben cooper,streak skyward boe delta rocket carri nasa space infrar telescop facil sirtf aloft earli morn hour august 25th dramat scene record time exposur pier jetti park northern end cocoa beach florida 25 mile cape canaver launch site sirtf sound like explor distant univers infrar light fourth final satellit observatori nasa great observatori program three larg astrophys satellit design higher energi electromagnet spectrum hubbl space telescop oper near visibl wavelengths compton gamma ray observatori instrument sensit gamma rays chandra observatori detect cosmic xrays sirtf launch earthtrail solar orbit reduc exposur infrar radiat fair planet cool board suppli liquid helium sirtf infrar detector oper near absolut zero temperatures presently sirtf system undergo 90day check out,streak,2003-09-05,779,113,0.25,09-05,9,2003,5,8,2,4 a69bdda9d1145f2e5d4a2597f363a4705c8e534197ad6a70131c3a41bb576d35,none,slice jupit pole pole back outer layer clouds stretch onto flat surfac troubl end someth look lot like this scroll right reveal full picture color mosaic jupit cassini spacecraft mosaic actual singl frame frame movi construct imag data record cassini leisur flybi solar system largest planet late 2000 engag movi approxim jupiter cloud motion 24 jovian make it seri observ cover jupiter complet 60 degre north south equat combin anim cylindr project map planet familiar wall map earth surface rel size shape featur correct near equat becom progress distort approach polar regions cassini movie also featur guest appear moon io europa smallest cloud structur visibl equat 600 kilomet across,jupit,2003-09-06,690,109,0.078042328042328,09-06,9,2003,6,8,2,4 0017293df4ab2678cd8b24d0f869d2114718fb5a62851123a0a0d6141c203fdc,richard crisp,larg majest lagoon nebula home mani young star hot gas span 100 light year across lie 5000 light year distant lagoon nebula big bright seen without telescop toward constel sagittarius mani bright star visibl ngc 6530 open cluster form nebula sever million year ago greater nebula also known m8 ngc 6523 name lagoon band dust seen left open cluster center bright knot ga dust nebula center known hourglass nebula pictur digit sharpen composit exposur taken specif color light emit sulfur red hydrogen green oxygen blue star format continu lagoon nebula wit mani globul exist there,star dust lagoon nebula,2003-09-08,579,95,0.1921052631578947,09-08,9,2003,8,4,2,5 390f784cd6660f35f7d69201c7353252972c562209af24a01a7e981956dd68c1,none,gemini take us tonight dusk gemini north one largest telescop planet earth prepar peer distant universe gemini flexibl taken alreadi effect taken human distant stars nebulas galaxies quasars tell us geometry composition evolut universe pictur actual composit 40 imag taken gemini dome rotated later ad imag star field taken location gemini dome transpar appear rotat exposur image constel scorpiu sagittariu seen dome well sweep band milki way galaxy includ direct toward galact center gemini north twin gemini south resid cerro chile night 2003 august 19 gemini north took us outer solar system observ pluto effort better determin composit thin atmosphere,gemini sky,2003-09-09,657,100,-0.0111111111111111,09-09,9,2003,9,6,2,4 b51e7f5eddd14492e5930eb05f0071c0799028ed397c19a72f01d8376ee798ad,domin cantin,aurora usual occur high clouds auror glow creat fastmov charg particl earth magnetospher impact air molecul high earth atmosphere oxygen molecule example emit green light reacquir electron lost collision lowest part aurora typic occur 100 kilomet up cloud usual exist 10 kilometers rel height cloud aurora shown clearli pictur taken last month near quebec city canada like time see aurora around midnight,aurora cloud,2003-09-10,404,62,0.015,09-10,9,2003,10,8,0,1 80dae7ce4a679680c23f244c679cafbba632426bbaebb1e81a9467fd7546817f,none,truli enorm collect thousand galaxies perseu cluster like larg galaxi cluster fill hot xray emit gas xray hot ga not individu galaxies appear left panel above fals color imag chandra observatory bright central sourc flank two dark caviti cluster supermass black hole right panel show xray imag data special process enhanc contrast reveal strikingli regular pattern pressur wave rippl hot gas words sound waves like gener burst activ black hole perseu galaxi cluster astronom infer previous unknown sound wave sourc energi keep cluster ga hot note perseu cluster estim distanc wave peak sound speed cluster ga suggest cosmic note 57 middl c,perseu cluster,2003-09-12,641,102,0.1469924812030075,09-12,9,2003,12,6,2,4 93538a4e5986de826a59e2e6150980cf0996f295e1e620b70b25b52b68206d2c,s kafka,huge ball star predat sun long humankind evolved dinosaur roamed even earth existed ancient glob star condens orbit young milki way galaxy 200 globular cluster surviv today m3 one largest brightest easili visibl northern hemispher binoculars m3 contain half million stars old red light take 100000 year reach us m3 span 150 light years pictur composit blue red images,globular cluster m3,2003-09-15,367,59,0.1183333333333333,09-15,9,2003,15,6,1,3 033fa96e72f8d6ca06eaf21b6392da45a78183f43f55897eba86eeccc18cb410,none,hurrican isabel go one stronger storm system modern time appear head one popul seaboard planet earth east coast usa hurrican isabel pictur pass east categori 5 status power hurrican category hurrican huge swirl storm cloud system typic larger state tropic cyclones call hurrican earth western hemispher typhoon eastern hemisphere get immens energi warm evapor ocean water water vapor cool condenses heat air lower pressur henc caus cooler air come swoosh in wind reach 250 kilomet per hour becom dangerous much remain unknown cyclones includ form exact path take,hurrican isabel approach,2003-09-16,563,88,0.13,09-16,9,2003,16,8,1,1 3abf85dd661fbde7ac2cda9afc716f5db70cb5f4213a8f074ba3f8845732e846,none,three view saturn record hubbl space telescop march 7th year southern hemispher solar system gorgeou planet reach maximum 27 degre tilt toward earth imag use construct falsecolor pictur made combin filter cover electromagnet spectrum ultraviolet top visibl middle infrar bottom wavelength highlight differ featur saturnian atmospher band rings well known bright ring system large mysteri moon titan ga giant saturn also planet dynam atmospher highspe winds fact 1980s voyag spacecraft measur equatori wind 1000 mile per hour giant storm systems compar size planet earth itself seen erupt saturn cloud tops,saturn three,2003-09-18,605,90,0.2020408163265306,09-18,9,2003,18,0,1,2 5d0f61cd2a425d339cc166fed48620e14504c4506289977880038c1d344341bf,none,launch 1989 loop jovian system sinc late 1995 voyag nasa galileo spacecraft soon come end spacecraft target plung directli jupit sunday septemb 21st 30 mile per second compon vapor ga giant outer atmosphere galileo long voyag explor result spectacular scientif spacecraft ultim fate relat perhap tantal discoveri strong evid liquid ocean beneath frozen surfac jupiter moon europa galileo almost complet fuel maneuvers collis jupit prevent unintent futur collis europa possibl contamin jovian moon microb earth hardi enough surviv interplanetari space color imag data galileo mission record 1995 1998 use creat depict europa crack ici surface inset show dark disrupt region dub,galileo europa,2003-09-19,677,101,0.0592592592592592,09-19,9,2003,19,8,2,2 10030d94bdcf909ccbd2dd854a2a20587a1e203b2f0ae7639ce7f3f8666b2cdd,none,bright sunlight glint long dark shadow imag lunar surfac taken apollo 11 astronaut neil armstrong first walk moon pictur mission lunar module eagle spacesuit lunar modul pilot buzz aldrin unfurl long sheet foil also known solar wind expos face sun foil trap atom stream outward solar wind ultim catch sampl materi sun itself along moon rock lunar soil samples solar wind collector return analysi earthbound laboratories,apollo 11 catch sun,2003-09-20,419,66,0.1399999999999999,09-20,9,2003,20,2,1,2 effa30b6e1d8427a3ed663283174cf40ec0e7b6ccbe62d52353c0d7c7aec8588,none,next stop mars two month ago second two mission mar launch cape canaveral florida usa boe delta ii rocket mar explor rover dub opportun expect arriv red planet come january pictur above attach rocketcam tm captur opportun separ lower booster stage rocket toward mars upon arriving parachut deploy slow spacecraft surround airbag inflate balloonlik packag bounc around surfac dozen time come stop airbag deflate spacecraft right itself opportun rover prepar roll onto mars first rover name spirit success launch june 10 arriv mar week earlier robot spirit opportun expect cover much 40 metr per day much sojourner 1997 predecessor spirit opportun search evid ancient martian water implic might drawn possibl ancient martian life,opportun rocket toward mar,2003-09-22,727,113,0.085064935064935,09-22,9,2003,22,5,2,2 4976a4903f36d715d39ab49fbea53fdb662143458529cbd5ce5c8766544a4dbf,none,today autumn equinox egg abl stand end longstand myth lose much mystiqu demonstr egg made stand end day year pictur above dr phil st act bad astronom balanc three raw egg end late octob 1998 later modestly wife balanc five more littleappreci fact eggshel small bump make seemingli imposs task achievable although equinox everi place earth experi equal length day night 12 hour each fact practic effect egg stability,eg autumn equinox,2003-09-23,416,69,-0.068076923076923,09-23,9,2003,23,8,0,1 037aee3fd11359fdb51c3f4c0376698d4573bfb6659a7a5ffc9f8cf8a48343c0,robert gendler,small constel triangulum northern sky harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 diamet span 50000 lightyears make third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 lie close andromeda galaxi observ two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp 27 frame mosaic m33 nice show blue star cluster pinkish star form region trace galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen here visibl along arm arc right galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 spiral galaxi triangulum,2003-09-24,721,113,0.1654761904761904,09-24,9,2003,24,7,2,3 0ef852cec6dddb7c095bdd12b420f3892b7931fe2f2fb3d4fbc54f107693630b,none,uncomfort close hurrican isabel left 30 million lightyear distant galaxi m51 actual much common starters isabel hundr mile across m51 the whirlpool galaxy span 50000 lightyear make vastli dissimilar scale mention extrem differ physic interact control format evolution look amazingli alike exhibit shape simpl beauti mathemat curv known logarithm spiral spiral whose separ grow geometr way increas distanc center also known equiangular spiral growth spiral bernoulli spiral spira mirabilis curve rich properti fascin mathematician sinc discoveri 17th centuri philosoph descartes intriguingly abstract shape much abund natur suggest strike visual comparison above logarithm spiral also example arrang sunflow seeds shape shells cauliflower,logarithm spiral isabel m51,2003-09-25,738,101,0.0375,09-25,9,2003,25,7,2,4 9030e88d4be5cca88e4691e5f6d18e3126f700a562ba62dcdc77cb0698be79b8,starryscap,ghostli filament interstellar ga small part expans veil nebula seen rich field background star longneck constel cygnus also known cygnu loop veil nebula supernova remnant expand debri cloud creat stellar explos whose light first reach planet earth 5000 10000 year ago 1400 lightyear away entir nebula appear span 3 degre sky nearli 6 time appar size full moon faint difficult see small telescopes region captur beautiful deep color imag locat southern tip veil eastern crescent cover 10 lightyear distanc veil catalog,eastern veil,2003-09-26,517,81,0.08125,09-26,9,2003,26,4,0,5 052a9473567a36f5b10a22624e6a1016c386edf5bd226b005fc53f9a9b4b9f3c,calvin hall,tomorrow picture milki way archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,aurora mountain,2003-09-29,269,40,0.2857142857142857,09-29,9,2003,29,8,1,0 3467efb5282bcb0a87f67136ae7d83cfc233817d79f89a4584c01e098f5642fc,jon,jon south wales uk photograph friend last week sky someth strange camera abl document rare sky event captur one spectacular sky imag yet recorded roughli four minut later took anoth pictur dispers trail it expert first guess sofas rock explod daytim fireball perhap better hypothesi unusu airplan contrail reflect set sun bright firebal occur someplac earth nearli everi day separ bolide like even dramatic struck india day ago editor note apod text updat 1,unusu event south,2003-10-01,457,74,0.2074074074074074,10-01,10,2003,1,8,1,1 78b8f72d0e87dcfe209fddab3ef86b987ee1561307e39b2fdc826f9a834dbb91,dean jacobsen,1970 often particular beauti group reflect nebula ngc 1977 ngc 1975 ngc 1973 orion often overlook favor substanti stellar nurseri better known orion nebula found along sword orion north bright orion nebula complex nebula also associ orion giant molecular cloud lie 1500 lightyear away domin characterist blue color interstellar dust reflect light hot young stars sharp color imag portion orion nebula appear along bottom border cluster reflect nebula pictur center ngc 1977 stretch across field center separ ngc 1973 abov right ngc 1975 abov left dark region lace faint red emiss hydrogen atoms taken together dark region suggest mani shape run man,reflect 1970,2003-10-02,648,102,0.0645989974937343,10-02,10,2003,2,4,2,5 1746de605c586208b713ced83bbfa59cb61dcd29e6b8f119d0cd99541e34789b,none,may esthet imag comet halley ever seen like tini cluster pixel circl famou comet along orbit 4 billion kilomet 28 au sun record distanc comet observation last passag neck wood 1986 comet halley present cruis dim reach outer solar system almost far away outermost ga giant neptune show sign activity captur march neg imag composit digit exposur made three eso larg telescopes exposur regist move comet pictur show background star galaxi elong earthorbit satellit appear dark streak top comet halley clearli extrem faint here larg earthbound telescop abl follow grow fainter still reach distant point orbit 5 billion kilomet 35 au sun 2023,cold comet halley,2003-10-03,638,103,-0.0055555555555555,10-03,10,2003,3,3,2,4 9645b4382d371291839cef21e192349612501d89b5285ad028981dfc2c1ccfa7,none,xray imag moon made orbit rosat observatori 1990 digit picture pixel bright correspond xray consid imag three bright hemispher xray moon darker half moon xray sky background bright lunar hemispher shine xray scatter xray emit sun background sky xray glow part due myriad distant power activ galaxies unresolv rosat pictur recent detect chandra observatori xray images dark half moon complet dark new chandra result also suggest xray seem come shadow lunar hemisphere instead origin earth extend atmospher surround orbit xray observatories,xray moon,2003-10-04,538,81,0.1252754820936639,10-04,10,2003,4,2,1,4 398701da580d736f8c5b6ff5f468fedd9a2b980d16acd9aa23f182474db9b42e,none,apollo 12 second mission land human moon land site pick near locat surveyor 3 robot spacecraft land moon three year earlier photograph taken lunar modul pilot alan bean mission command pete conrad jiggl surveyor spacecraft see firmli situated lunar modul visibl distance apollo 12 brought back mani photograph moon rocks among mileston achiev apollo 12 deploy apollo lunar surfac experi package carri mani experi includ one measur solar wind,apollo 12 visit surveyor 3,2003-10-05,441,69,0.02,10-05,10,2003,5,2,0,2 80a45378b847f026722bc45e07ece2beeaeea82c2d21a877bb49ce40f02f8fd9,none,expected ozon hole near earth south pole back year year hole slightli larger north america larger last year short record set 2000 septemb 10 ozon import shield us damag ultraviolet sunlight ozon vulnerable though cfc halon releas atmosphere intern effort reduc use damag chemic appear posit effect atmospher abundance rel larg size ozon hole year however attribut partli colder normal air surround stratosphere pictur ozon hole taken septemb 11 tom board orbit earth probe satellite,near record ozon hole 2003,2003-10-06,482,75,-0.0388888888888888,10-06,10,2003,6,8,0,2 dc0712836ab9a9686f797f59673f36e07238330ca605f57155296bc74dcc2246,canadafrancehawaii telescop,tomorrow picture galaxi hat archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,color horsehead nebula,2003-10-07,270,40,0.2857142857142857,10-07,10,2003,7,8,1,0 7ea4da0a6cb550b8de09890fd6a62d4fc900978c49a59749a9269d4900b666d6,none,view ga giant jupiter made data record larg array radio observatori near socorro new mexico may look familiar fact sign bright round planet stripe cloud bands sport great red spot instead radio wave map falsecolor imag produc energet electron trap within jupiter intens magnet field radio emit region extend far beyond jupiter cloud tops twice visibl radiu planet surround jupit like overs version earth van allen radiat belt glow strongli radio wavelengths jupiter radiat belt invis familiar optic infrar view show jovian cloud top atmospher featur reflect sunlight,radio jupit,2003-10-09,566,88,0.262396694214876,10-09,10,2003,9,8,1,4 870c60454865d404495314617d2088fe4248290142e15fa1ae0c8a8896152a52,none,spectacular bridg star ga stretch nearli 250000 lightyear join famou peculiar pair galaxi catalog arp 295 cosmic bridg galaxi long tail extend right pictur center strong evid two immens star system pass close past allow violent tide induc mutual graviti creat eyecatch plume stellar material interact drawn billion years repeat close passag ultim result merger pair galaxi larger singl galaxi stars although scenario look peculiar galact merger thought common arp 295 repres earli stage inevit process arp 295 pair largest loos group galaxi 270 million lightyear distant toward constel aquarius deep color imag region record septemb use usno 1 meter telescop near flagstaff arizona,peculiar arp 295,2003-10-10,681,104,0.0053113553113552,10-10,10,2003,10,7,2,3 6caa323163a2b9c625d1b7f9f4abd40edbce4b1769db51ac11f62f787fb88e93,o et al auranoao nsf,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur one densest cluster known contain thousand galaxies galaxi hous billion star milki way galaxi does although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other galaxi coma cluster ellipticals galaxi outsid cluster spirals natur coma xray emiss still investigated,coma cluster galaxi,2003-10-12,422,64,0.0194444444444444,10-12,10,2003,12,7,0,3 6045203650e540fc48d031fc00af4c56352514a5eb760d8c852266f6712a5b4a,none,what happen pelican nebula light young energet star slowli transform pelican cold ga hot gas advanc boundari two known ioniz front bright star lie top image part bright ioniz front cross upper right particularli dens intric filament cold ga visibl along front million year nebula might longer known pelican balanc placement star ga leav someth appear complet different imag taken mayal 4meter telescop kitt peak nation observatori arizona usa larg circular artifact imag center real nebula also known ic 5070 span 30 light year lie 1800 light year away toward constel cygnus,pelican nebula ioniz front,2003-10-13,574,92,0.1647321428571428,10-13,10,2003,13,4,2,5 e142629b051d2183dda857017222b0b11c5c1dcf9dfd7a0c98a2c29b168e44a0,heidelberg,sun rose mountains iridesc color danc across sky unexpect light show caus batch iridesc clouds captur film earli septemb switzerland peak foreground imag de la iridesc cloud contain patch water droplet nearli ident size therefor diffract sunlight nearli uniform manner differ color deflect differ amount come observ slightli differ directions iridesc cloud best seen outsid glare direct sun although occasion seen encircl sun,iridesc cloud de la,2003-10-14,425,63,0.525,10-14,10,2003,14,1,1,1 881ff9030a51b5651beff75dd24be7788564aab08ea774af63d7ddd00a37697b,observatori,see it undetect asteroid zip past earth undetect last month closest near miss yet record within quarter distanc moon close call actual quit common new see it although detect occur hour happened fact rock size strike earth roughli year smaller rock strike earth daily global danger bussiz space rock robert minor planet research inc discov asteroid 2003 sq222 data skyscan lowel observatori near earth object search pictur discoveri imag sequenc shown stretch vertic easili object like sq222 hard detect faint move fast abil scan sky detect catalog analyz object increas notabl recent years,space rock pass,2003-10-15,591,93,-0.057020202020202,10-15,10,2003,15,8,0,2 6e161aeff7772fc151c4b5a00fed86cfcdc1496e3da0da890a36957f09d83c01,none,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula cosmic bubbl interstellar ga 25 lightyear across creat wind bright massiv star seen near center composit image shock filament ga glow optic wavelength repres green yellowish hues xray imag data portion nebula view chandra observatori overlaid blue isol stellar wind bubbl usual seen produc energet xrays requir heat ga million degre celsius still ngc 6888 seem accomplish slow move wind central star initi transit red supergi faster wind driven intens radiat star expos inner layers burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life ngc 6888 central star ultim go bang creat supernova explos 100000 year so ngc 6888 5000 lightyear close toward constel cygnus,ngc 6888 xray wind,2003-10-16,689,110,0.0392857142857142,10-16,10,2003,16,4,2,3 58203ac2f319c3a27c0484a5ad0396a93f6edb7ee91e25e0e597d44fc8bb8a28,jeancharl cuillandr,monster ic 1396 known elephant trunk nebula part ga dust cloud star format region may appear take forebod forms nearli human real monster here however bright young star far earth hurt us energet light star eat away dust dark cometari globul near top image jet wind particl emit star also push away ambient ga dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover much larger region sky shown here appar width 10 full moons,unusu globul ic 1396,2003-10-19,435,76,0.1,10-19,10,2003,19,4,0,5 e7f1c4fb4791bebf996506331e39ef6925f55185b7780328d18276c4c1473579,d p d b j obs nasa,weather track major weather pattern solar system outermost ga giant help understand global weather pattern earth summer past five years neptun imag major weather pattern studied latest picture taken septemb 15 shown fals color visibl pink near neptune lower right new storm dub annabel sever time larger terrestri sister isabel storm system occur earth although isabel last weeks one know long annabel upper right neptune largest moon triton unusu moon sport volcano spew ice,neptun triton palomar,2003-10-20,475,74,0.0688528138528138,10-20,10,2003,20,8,0,1 bf48fa655b945f302a4ef0b3f0f3719f6942cbc83d9d55bd5ab5c8a2e9a45461,christin churchil,although sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli offcolor slightli pink call belt venus offcolor band dark eclips sky blue sky seen nearli everi direct includ opposit sun straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere belt venus however atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red belt venu seen locat clear horizon pictur above belt venu photograph morn fog valley moon famou wineproduc region northern california usa belt frequent caught accid photographs,belt venu valley moon,2003-10-21,538,82,0.0933333333333333,10-21,10,2003,21,1,0,1 2af1a8a05aefb0a2af2e05d71a957be10b9b3a1d9cab570f958e2a805c9719da,richard digit sky surveypalomar observatory stsci,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl right shape reminisc classic heart symbol nebula shine brightli red light energ hydrogen sever young open cluster star popul imag visibl blue includ nebula centers light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focuss massiv star form affect environment,heart soul nebula,2003-10-22,463,74,0.2452380952380952,10-22,10,2003,22,4,1,5 61ccd044e940a32308868c796448a72f294602db41b91d817079c181b094e353,steve mandelgalaxi imag,look toward constel cygnus stun complex region nebula strewn along plane milki way galaxi reveal uniqu wideangl sky view record filter design transmit light emit hydrogen atoms imag emphas cosmic ga cloud 34 23 degre field center well known northern cross asterism bright hot supergi star deneb the top popular celesti sight north america pelican emiss regions ic 1318 crescent veil nebula identifi place cursor image silhouet glow interstellar cloud crowd star fields dark northern coal sack also visible part seri obscur dust cloud form great rift milki way cygnu nebulos locat 2000 lightyear away along sun lie within orion spiral arm galaxy,cygnu nebulos,2003-10-23,644,103,0.27,10-23,10,2003,23,4,2,5 f5f8c7212d26ee739535f5d275a897420da61af0d30aca747dfb8b8034bf5b9d,johann schedlerpanth observatory,year record close approach mar inspir mani enjoy telescop view red planet mar bright hard miss spot mars two diminut moon still good test observ modest size instruments mars moon discov august 1877 asaph hall us naval observatori use larg 26inch alvan clark refractor record august 22nd innermost moon phobo outermost moon deimo seen planet glare digit composit image pictur consist long exposur captur faint citys moon planetari disk combin well expos imag red planet reveal dark mark surfac white south polar cap imag taken astronom johann schedler use telescop observatori southeastern austria editor note help find mars moons put cursor image,mar moon,2003-10-24,646,102,0.0687499999999999,10-24,10,2003,24,5,2,4 67302047aeca670e7c43f6bc283f198276ed98a50d7e813bdf7a102869857d40,juan carlo casado,two unusu larg sunspot group cross face sun group roughli size jupiter unusu size appear three year solar maximum peak solar surfac activity sunspot group appear near imag center sunspot group 10486 come left limb sun activ region associ sunspot 484 the shorter alreadi jettison larg coron mass eject cme particl solar system strike earth radiat sort power normal satellit oper simultan provid beauti auroras rotat sun sunspot 484 take 30 day make one complet circle slowli evolv size shape time use extrem care never look directli sun imag creat hold digit camera small telescope,larg sunspot 10486,2003-10-27,580,95,-0.0166666666666666,10-27,10,2003,27,1,0,4 98038e254909ba5e3ec854cb93abd8514885021858fec74168955b1185cc9414,none,latest map cosmo indic dark matter dark energi domin universe sloan digit sky survey sdss way measur distanc one million galaxies galaxi first identifi 2d images like one shown right distanc measur creat 3d map sdss current report 3d inform 200000 galaxies rival 3d twodegre field sky map latest sdss map shown left could show galaxi distribut univers compos evolv certain way tri match mani candid univers it univers best fit map 5 atoms 25 dark matter dark energy univers previous postul rapid recent expans explain distant supernova dim earli evolut explain spot distribut distant cosmic microwav background,sdss 3d univers map,2003-10-28,610,98,0.1517543859649122,10-28,10,2003,28,7,2,4 8d26b24299bef192a821d6efd240b69cb8e56f9f8531918a54f17e8176fcee57,none,yesterday sun produc one power solar flare record history seen across electromagnet spectrum sun briefli becam 100 time brighter xray normal next days energet particl emit region strike earth satellit commun might affect aurora might develop flare result cme emit giant sunspot group 10486 captur happen lasco instrument aboard sunorbit soho satellite disk sun cover accentu surround areas timelaps movi show tremend explos frame separ real time 30 minut each frame appear progress proton flare begin strike detector soho satellit put temporari safe mode avoid damag solar particl storm,power solar flare,2003-10-29,586,89,0.1699999999999999,10-29,10,2003,29,1,1,4 4ebb22eda389746215f732e33946ba6c5c00dd9f1e9be66f82d3f1c0db46d1fc,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,vivid auror display trigger cloud high energi particl magnet field sun collid planet earth magnetospher yesterday octob 29 univers time collis anticipated follow intens solar flare coron mass eject detect octob 28 mani skywatch reward enjoy light show aurora normal haunt sky southern unit states report locat missouri texas new mexico california earli morn hours near yampa colorado astronom jimmi westlak also spent earli yesterday morn enjoy stormi space weather impress color apparit northern light produc oxygen nitrogen atom excit collis energet particl magnetospher return lower energi states altitud 100 kilomet more brighter star shine extrem highaltitud glow show much lower cloud distant horizon silhouette,aurora colorado sky,2003-10-30,718,105,0.1979545454545454,10-30,10,2003,30,8,2,4 1d69366d6b6e77f45fdf3b33bb5b37512faec1b9c9733f167063d0b6335476dd,t credner kohle alltheskycom,dark stormi night august 29th red planet mars near closest approach earth almost 60000 years shone brightli sky background star constel aquarius foreground scari view huge thunder cloud lit lightn stroke within mars course noth storm earth though power excit imagin wonder earthdwellers know lumin sight might see go tonight safe happi halloween,dark stormi night,2003-10-31,345,53,0.17,10-31,10,2003,31,5,1,1 087176f24e872d99fced9ec9c4185eb45bc8586acc834b790a5c64ad1403d4e8,none,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky haunt symmetri seen central region stun falsecolor picture process reveal enorm extrem faint halo gaseou material three lightyear across surround brighter familiar planetari nebula made data nordic optic telescop canari islands composit pictur show emiss nitrogen atom red oxygen atom green blue planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star much recent however planetari found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier activ episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years,halo cat eye,2003-11-01,646,97,0.0520833333333333,11-01,11,2003,1,4,2,5 52a1a4ad9e564ed0f88836da76a4f55c311a53b647fd19cbbd7d8a5098595d74,none,star look like explode find out astronom take detail imag nearbi galaxi now supernova visible hopefully star one hundr high resolut galaxi imag explod come years so archiv imag like taken hubbl space telescop inspect find star look like inform like import better understand supernova occur well supernova appear brighter others pictur above beauti spiral galaxi ngc display numer spiral arm fill bright stars blue star clusters dark dust lanes ngc span 30000 light years lie 60 million light year earth seen small telescop toward constel ursa major,spiral galaxi ngc supernova,2003-11-03,548,88,0.18225,11-03,11,2003,3,7,1,3 af4a1ec2230de670421d5d7fc7c9b648bbc538cef1e53429769201c2cc988b2b,lanc taylor,northern southern local saw mani beauti aurora last week particl sever larg solar flare impact earth mani report unusu red auroras although color across spectrum also seen power grid orbit satellit littl last damag reported pictur above bar power plant photograph bank north river edmonton alberta canada small pond foreground reflect predominantli green aurora light far distance two day ago unexpectedly anoth larg solar flare occur sunspot group 10486 site recent major flares unusu activ solar region rotat far side sun,aurora edmonton,2003-11-04,523,81,0.0223214285714285,11-04,11,2003,4,1,0,1 eb4fd68a2f3ead4a13f537bf191feee60fe2ab9a43c29ea10c45d5d4dba5b4ab,none,chase spectrum mysteri arc cluster galaxi within obscur northerli constel lynx astronom stumbl upon massiv distant starform region ever discovered notabl red lie right center color imag galaxi cluster composit hubbl space telescop groundbas data galaxi cluster lie 5 billion lightyear distant spectroscop studi show arc actual distort imag even distant enorm starform region imag form closer galaxi cluster graviti bend light like magnifi lens effect explain einstein theori gravity fact monster starform region nearli 12 billion lightyear away million time brighter familiar stellar nursery orion nebula estim starform region seen lynx arc contain million massive hot stars compar four star power orion nebula glow star within lynx arc twice hot orion nebula central star form univers mere 2 billion year old still astronom believ first star form even earlier times,arc,2003-11-05,866,131,0.0700396825396825,11-05,11,2003,5,4,2,5 2a9fe3b13831e6e9950c506ef07e32ded7623d7a24d081a23edc4ca48b49de56,none,almost view fair planet rotat around sun western edge giant sunspot region ar 10486 lash anoth intens solar flare follow larg coron mass eject cme tuesday novemb 4th 1950 univers time flare seen lower right extrem ultraviolet imag sunstar soho spacecraft eit camera satur eit camera pixel detector satellites giant xclass flare among power ever record sinc 1970s third histor blast ar 10486 within last two weeks energet particl radiat flare caus substanti radio associ cme expect trigger extrem widespread aurora magnetosphere unlik direct hit last week say farewel mighti ar 10486 now next two weeks sunspot region sun far side,flare well ar 10486,2003-11-06,629,101,0.1077922077922077,11-06,11,2003,6,1,2,4 9a525e2f412a138e1e03dc549d9c79dfbfbfcd2430586149aeea865e6f16e561,larri koehn,moon slide earth shadow saturday night sunday morn novemb give skygaz americas europe africa western asia chanc enjoy total lunar eclipse lunar eclips go brief one though total phase last 25 minutes orient rel size earth shadow moon trajectori illustr thought anim show full moon move lower right enter penumbra outer portion shadow region pass well center darker inner shadow region umbra total eclips phase begin univers time novemb 9 est nov 8 moon complet within umbra offcent passag short total phase also make like november eclips moon dramat visibl color brighter rim along southern edge,lunar eclips,2003-11-07,595,96,0.0668367346938775,11-07,11,2003,7,2,2,1 375a98923c5fef1ebd994533f4ba1837355b885e1452c90e7111fdade907578f,none,buzz aldrin apollo 11 lunar modul pilot second human walk moon describ lunar landscap a magnific desolation dramat pictur apollo mission lunar surfac testifi apt turn phrase near apollo 17 land site famili mountain center background edg south massif left frame lunarscap photo astronaut harrison schmitt work alongsid lunar rove vehicle schmitt fellow astronaut eugen cernan last walk magnific desolation,apollo 17 lunarscape magnific desol,2003-11-09,404,60,0.0857142857142857,11-09,11,2003,9,2,0,2 e606e654717f4aaac0fe7aa112f62eeee7fb653f5fda0a32df4581e0d56ba4f1,mark garlick spaceart,two star creat strang intric structure star member multiplestar systems star member close binari system materi one star swirl around accret disk hand stars however member intermedi system featur white dwarf star magnet field significantli push inner accret disk allow materi fall magnet poles shown artist depict intermedi polar system also known hercul system foreground white dwarf close normal star strip away outer atmosphere white dwarf spins column infal ga rotat it name intermedi polar deriv observ emit light polar level intermedi binari system known intermedi type cataclysm variabl star system,polar binari system,2003-11-10,604,91,0.0333333333333333,11-10,11,2003,10,6,2,3 65adf3e07c75da36449f5b5e0de7cc523f8a27626212ef6296ab823598fc25cd,david cortner,sky springs north carolina usa mostli cloudy even novemb 8 fact mostli clear earli on allow photograph david cortner record evening schedul celesti total lunar eclipse cortner took telescop pictur moon everi eight minut enter partial eclips around 630pm est progress reddish total eclips phase rise higher sky near end eclips also record wideangl view long exposure bring cloud landscap silhouet still partial eclips moonlight later telescop view care combin along moon trail wideangl imag creat dramat composit eclips sequence,eclips moonlight,2003-11-11,527,80,0.0222222222222222,11-11,11,2003,11,2,0,1 beda92e2c401f1e7e3870a89e065e59861fe22fb42f68f7544009883a6a9fc99,tom lowel roy a nasa,mar hot debat topic late 1800s sever promin astronom includ perciv lowel claim see extens system long straight canal mars use indic intellig life exist there rel close opposit use make draw like one digit left map origin prepar eugen lowel hess book explor mars a modern times latest mar opposit allow hubbl space telescop captur pictur similar orientation comparison two imag show larg featur impress recorded extens system long straight canal exist satellit orbit mar shown red planet inde surfac featur similar usual smaller curved less extens previous real canyon system like nocti labyrinthu like crack caus surfac,mar,2003-11-12,619,99,0.0333333333333333,11-12,11,2003,12,5,2,4 183c911f903c9e38519cb7cdd02f87fb782906a7acbdd57b312898ca0c0830ed,dave,nestl central us state oklahoma note gorgeou prairi sky frequent northern lights still follow intens solar activ late last month aurora come sweep oklahoma plain skywatch dave ewoldt manag catch photogen apparit 40 mile northwest oklahoma citi octob 29 anticip aurora ewoldt spent even photograph nighttim view small town area keep eye toward north reports i readi call night show started did like someon turn wish would last seem like complet done 25 wateri reflect color show highlight foreground stun imag star big dipper northern sky shine behind dazzl oklahoma auror display note first two leonid meteor shower peak tonight,aurora oklahoma,2003-11-13,628,100,-0.0831168831168831,11-13,11,2003,13,8,2,1 b82b5bf913fcc1359df729615d60465a1539d651a59e00fba1c63b2fd2849b3e,none,day cloudi day jupiter solar system reign ga giant swirl cloud top see stunningli detail true color image portion larg digit mosaic portrait jupit record cassini spacecraft jovian flybi decemb 2000 smallest featur visibl 60 kilomet across jupiter composit domin hydrogen cloud contain hydrogen compound like ammonia hydrogen even water truli giant planet jupiter diamet 11 time diamet earth smallest storm visibl cassini jupit portrait similar size larg terrestri travel beyond jupiter cassini spacecraft schedul reach saturnian system juli 2004,jupit portrait,2003-11-14,545,80,0.1699999999999999,11-14,11,2003,14,8,1,4 6dc855c72e9b538cbde08b99ecf85e8028fa497e946ff3ef2ec19a9d7f3f8468,none,arcing grace structur actual bow shock half lightyear across creat wind young star orioni collid orion nebula flow adrift orion stellar nurseri still form years variabl star orioni produc wind energet wind middleag sun fast stellar wind run slow move ga shock front formed analog bow wave boat move water plane travel superson speed slower ga flow away orion nebula hot central star cluster trapezium locat lower right hand edg picture three dimensions ori wraparound shock front shape like bowl appear brightest view along bottom edge complex stellar nurseri orion show myriad similar fluid shape associ star formation includ bow shock surround faint star upper right part mosaic cover great nebula orion composit color imag record 1995 hubbl space telescope,orionis cosmic wind collid,2003-11-15,759,120,0.078042328042328,11-15,11,2003,15,4,2,5 913bc81c4d0427bcfb1a27f0d2609f73f4aab96f5f14111f557b397767dbfd24,r ibata strasbourg observatory ulp et al 2massnasa,closest galaxi milki way new answer old question cani major dwarf galaxy mani year astronom thought larg magellan cloud lmc closest titl supplant 1994 sagittariu dwarf galaxy recent measur indic cani major dwarf 42000 light year galact center three quarter distanc sagittariu dwarf quarter distanc lmc discoveri made data 2massski survey infrar light allow better view optic opaqu galact plane label illustr show locat newli discov cani major dwarf associ tidal stream materi relat milki way galaxy cani major dwarf satellit galaxi slowli gravit rip apart travel around galaxy,cani major new closest galaxi,2003-11-17,576,89,0.1533057851239669,11-17,11,2003,17,7,1,4 2494a99663443403172c5b1056fcc72efd8399f64c095e3cda92f91429335566,walli pacholka astropics,one year ago today impress meteor shower grace sky earth pictur last year least six bright meteor visibl part sky indian cove campground california usa exposure 2002 leonid pack doubl punch planet earth plung two dens cloud meteroids dusti debri left passag comet tempeltuttle year unfortunately main peak leonid meteor shower expect impressive earth pass though part meteoroid cloud predict much less dense main peak 2003 leonid predict tomorrow locat might see bright meteor everi minute,leonid indian cove,2003-11-18,489,76,0.2518518518518519,11-18,11,2003,18,8,1,1 781b70e96e666c455ab7194a32d15bde48d22df5500bcb721ae09ffd108098be,m j j u et al royal societi,light complic thought astronom measur light usual concern direction energy spin polar recently however realiz photon also orbit angular momentum attribut classic analog earth orbit sun well spin axis pictur above photon oam shown twisted contrast flat plane zero oam light light oam might use increas inform content commun discern specif type astronom sources pass common lens light without oam focus point wherea light oam focus ring light bounc around cosmos however expect littl or oam creat ring small measure even given promis method exploit oam astronom discoveri might much issu observ theoret apod update apod mirror onlin poland archiv,light well spin,2003-11-19,644,100,0.1034313725490195,11-19,11,2003,19,8,2,4 4774ab0f0e6b99a5215520afc525e12a0eecb717a2bcb4fe79304b15ac447b04,none,launch 1977 voyag 1 12 lighthour 90 astronom unit au sun make spacecraft humanity distant ambassador cosmos well beyond orbit outer planets voyag 1 believ enter realm deep space near edg heliosphere region domin solar wind magnet field caus debate new result instrument still oper given indic spacecraft could final encount fluctuat boundari known solar wind termin shock illustr above bubbleshap termin shock produc wind sun slow dramat pile run tenuou interstellar gas still farther out beyond solar wind interstellar ga begin motion interstellar space creat bow shock analog boat move water estim voyag 1 2 enough power fuel oper year 2020 spacecraft continu coast toward interstellar space 3 au per year,voyag 90,2003-11-20,707,112,-0.0204545454545454,11-20,11,2003,20,8,2,2 4fbbe04e8186fb1411ed953a7da87c93251f0c27cdbd2ad5cc120996a4b0b310,marku,november lunar eclips one shortest recent year also one brightest demonstr earth shadow complet dark eclips moon remain easili visibl totality reflect redden light filter surfac sunset sunrises seen lunar perspective around edg silhouet earth hope view celesti shadow play earth night side near cologne germany 400000 kilomet lunar surface amateur astronom pack digit camera telescop drove 10 kilomet outsid citi escap bright citi lights fortunately sky clear hour eclips began abl record sharp imag sunset illumin total eclips moon young ray crater tycho 85 kilomet across stand near moon brighter southern edge,sunset moonlight,2003-11-21,613,93,0.1057692307692308,11-21,11,2003,21,2,2,1 48a8d3167b67bcdf1c714a339aef10e8b3d1fb8e504d7fbc19ebbeedf29df895,fred espenak courtesi ofwwwmreclipsecom,composit imag made 22 separ pictur moon sun taken chisamba total phase 2001 june 21 solar eclipse multipl exposur digit process combin simultan show wealth detail singl camera exposur nakedey observ could easili strike incred flow streamer sun outer atmospher solar corona notori difficult see except new moon block bright solar disk featur darken near side moon also made out illumin sunlight reflect full earth giant solar promin seem hang beyond moon eastern left edg one diamet farther east eclips sun rel faint magnitude star 1 geminorum still activ sun total eclips moon tomorrow path total eclips mostli cross rel inaccess contin antarctica,moon sun,2003-11-22,647,103,0.0238636363636363,11-22,11,2003,22,1,2,1 3eb7d43b84002fff5983dcf503ab8b5bf907eeebc001c6aef1371e159deaa5b8,subaru telescope naoj,what light cigar galaxy m82 irregular galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand gas however recent evid indic ga driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind recent releas photograph new subaru telescop highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament gas filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel ursa major,superwind cigar galaxi,2003-11-23,556,84,0.1392045454545454,11-23,11,2003,23,7,1,3 4909acf192421331da981e72ce6329b29e56141758e1a61151f45c49dde47bd5,robert gendler,rippl dust ga lane give flame star nebula name red purpl color nebula present differ region creat differ processes bright star ae aurigae visibl toward imag right hot blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron red light frequent emitted purpl region color mix red light blue light emit ae auriga reflect us surround dust two region refer emiss nebula reflect nebula respectively pictur above flame star nebula offici known ic 405 lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel auriga,ic 405 flame star nebula,2003-11-24,559,91,0.1692857142857142,11-24,11,2003,24,4,1,5 695898ee7b44171bd2b1ed5b387bb490d99cfaa1cd1ff45782a5ba2bedce0896,none,2003 leonid meteor shower contain rel meteors expect unlik last years earth pass dens particl stream left sunorbit comet tempeltuttle preliminari report peak meteor rate high one rel faint meteor minut even good locat good times pictur one brighter leonid 2003 caught one continu oper night sky web camera concams global night sky live project fishey imag show night sky horizon horizon mauna kea hawaii usa imag annot sever bright star planets note meteor leonids appear eman constel leo label upper left although peak leonid year novemb 19 meteor flash sky next night,late leonid shower,2003-11-25,569,93,0.158030303030303,11-25,11,2003,25,6,2,1 cdea24a8f56aab032061a3652f54a1b3264e6432b99d26af1a5f82d2368cefca,none,violent star affect surroundings help find out astronom point hubbl space telescop region surround eta carina star show sign may explod sometim next million years nearbi nebulosity shown above home stream hot gas pool cool gas knot dark globules pillar dens dusti interstellar matter like form young stars imag explor three lightyears region size intermedi eta carina cocoon span light year great nebula carina span 300 light years april 1843 eta car briefli becam second siriu brightest star planet earth night sky even though distanc 7500 lightyears 800 time farther away,turbul neighborhood eta carina,2003-11-26,573,91,0.1227272727272727,11-26,11,2003,26,6,2,3 363f763c07f236abaa91fbb0634d830c065bc6be9fa87db42f1935d0479e225c,none,long shadow moon fell across contin antarctica novemb 23rd second solar eclips 2003 view orbit base data modi instrument board earth observ aqua satellite moon shadow stretch almost 500 kilometers record univers time shadow cast lunar disk silhouet sun hang 15 degre antarct horizon observ within central dark portion ovalshap shadow could view total eclips sun shadow mountain cloud also visibl norwegian name queen land antarctica south pole beyond lower right corner image,long shadow moon,2003-11-27,475,73,-0.0892857142857142,11-27,11,2003,27,2,0,2 c7264e552fde544316f7404e02b93cf18b183a46680fe68cb99fbb15c45a28bc,none,falsecolor xray imag inset upper left reveal emiss cosmic jet highenergi particles 100000 lightyear length emerg quasar estim 12 billion lightyear away appear distant energet jet known universe astrophys jet mani size seem produc rang environ signific infal matter thought arrang disk contract starform cloud supermass black hole activ galact nuclei here depict illustration accret disk thought surround supermass black hole acceler particl near speed light two jet right angl disk itself case quasar jet tilt toward us visibl xray particl collid low energi photon cosmic background radiation collis boost photon higher xray energi scatter direction,distant xray jet,2003-11-28,649,96,0.0602380952380952,11-28,11,2003,28,6,2,4 21e1a11c849570bc734176c101cb0e92e635e8d6294a43521a8d248aa8f74bc2,none,imag part first color panoram view venus tv camera soviet venera 13 lander parachut surfac 1982 march 1 transmit it venus cloud compos sulfur acid droplet surfac temperatur degre celsiu atmospher pressur 92 time sealevel earth despit harsh conditions venera 13 lander surviv long enough send back seri imag perform analysi venusian soil part lander visibl lower right portion image earlier soviet venu lander venera 7 1970 first spacecraft return data surfac anoth planet,venu land,2003-11-30,471,74,0.0669642857142857,11-30,11,2003,30,8,0,2 b6efcadcd660f81e5d3bd8548833a06f50b63e59167461294eb7dfca69132d47,michael,star cluster singularli impressive open cluster ngc 869 ngc 884 however doubli impressive also known h chi persei unusu doubl cluster shown above bright enough seen dark locat without even binoculars although discoveri sure predat written history greek astronom hipparchu notabl catalog doubl cluster cluster 7000 light year distant toward constel perseus separ hundr light years,ngc 869 ngc 884 doubl open cluster,2003-12-02,379,56,0.3125,12-02,12,2003,2,6,1,3 1784205827e307655ef44774e7e8acdf03186683a149c44c5d060287ae7def8c,michael u hawaii,moon rise mountain cannot photograph moonris shadow larg volcano volcano mauna kea hawaii usa frequent spot spectacular photograph sinc arguabl premier observ locat planet earth sun set opposit direction behind camera additionally moon pass full phase precis full phase would rise possibl eclipsed peak shadow refract moonlight earth atmospher make moon appear slightli oval cinder cone old volcan erupt visibl foreground cloud top mauna summit unusu flat tops indic decreas air moistur frequent keep air unusu dry anoth attribut stellar observ site,moonris mauna kea shadow,2003-12-03,551,82,0.1689393939393939,12-03,12,2003,3,2,1,1 5c34e4e7e3864ba77521a7f67b7d9ba6cd0d567612f70240d77ea1cc8140e4f0,dan durdaswri,head first closeup explor plutocharon system ici denizen kuiper belt nasa new horizon spacecraft pictur artist vision robot probe outward bound dramat scene depict kilogram spacecraft one year plan 2006 launch follow flybi ga giant jupiter jupit flybi use graviti assist maneuv fuel cut travel time outer reach solar system also provid opportun test instrument studi giant planet moons magnet fields sun seen eight hundr million kilomet away inner planet earth venus mercuri align left dim crescent outermost galilean moon callisto orbit jupit insid spacecraft trajectory appear upper right fade sun left jupit europa distant background faint unresolv star dust cloud milki way new plan arriv plutocharon summer 2015,new horizon jupit,2003-12-04,716,109,0.0237262737262737,12-04,12,2003,4,8,2,2 6e7169956e305db2b1dcb15b497c0a180db9e60765d77efb57fe2d6c6fa16d71,none,variabl star v838 monoceroti startl astronom januari 2002 undergo dramat outburst like variabl star known follow close groundbas instrument hubbl space telescop follow months soon realiz quickli evolv dusti nebula surround v838 mon fact made visibl outburst remarkably light outburst play across layer preexist circumstellar material give surround nebulos illus expand though nebula visibl appear chang dramat period months actual least 6 light year diameter good astrophys explan v838 mon behavior still unknown astronom continu follow mysteri star gorgeou image base data record octob 21 us naval observatory meter telescope adopt color scheme use previou hubbl imag easi comparison,star v838 mon,2003-12-05,684,99,0.0428571428571428,12-05,12,2003,5,6,2,4 0304b54a486ecfa02e1195b65517aca37d8dedb40f3b3d1697ff78d55cf117ac,tim,walk door begin journey along line india toward north celesti pole cosmic align abound marvel indian observatori architectur allow astronom measurements structur built citi eighteenth centuri jai singh ii rise 90 feet high actual form shadow part still perhap largest sundial planet earth testament jai singh passion astronomy design larg scale structur still provid impress accur measur shadow sight celesti angles,observatori sundial,2003-12-06,415,61,0.08,12-06,12,2003,6,8,0,1 885e51c454509a40b0725a5eb2cbc82b8845172bc1ad46a96a172ea4f48cd4d8,none,1787 astronom william herschel discov ngc 2392 ground ngc 2392 resembl person head surround parka hood 2000 hubbl space telescop imag ngc 2392 space nebula display ga cloud complex fulli understood ngc 2392 clearli planetari nebula ga seen compos outer layer sunlik star 10000 year ago inner filament visibl eject strong wind particl central star outer disk contain unusu lightyear long orang filaments,ngc 2392 nebula hubbl,2003-12-07,402,63,0.0166666666666666,12-07,12,2003,7,4,0,5 3dd67666335b2903e0de875e5cdae0e100708e25a1e4f5eca57a861241c8f3dd,none,star sometim born midst chaos 3 million year ago nearbi galaxi m33 larg cloud ga spawn dens intern knot gravit collaps form stars ngc 604 large however could form enough star make globular cluster mani young star cloud visibl imag hubbl space telescope along left initi ga cloud star massiv alreadi evolv explod supernova brightest star left emit light energet creat one largest cloud ioniz hydrogen ga known compar tarantula nebula milki way close neighbor larg magellan cloud,ngc 604 giant stellar nurseri,2003-12-09,477,78,0.119047619047619,12-09,12,2003,9,6,1,3 f613f2bd967b81e31469688afc855e1bf429a227965ed976a432d58e7bc17705,none,cassini robot spacecraft launch 1997 nasa close enough resolv mani ring moon destin planet saturn spacecraft close within singl earthsun separ ring giant earli last month cassini snap contrastenhanc color composit pictur above mani featur saturn ring cloudtop show consider detail arriv saturn juli 2004 cassini orbit begin circl studi saturnian system sever month later probe name huygen separ attempt land surfac titan,cassini approach saturn,2003-12-10,420,63,0.0,12-10,12,2003,10,0,0,2 8256a434e2b90da4008a3808b1d10e70c06d94ad32e39a860da0438532709822,none,planet earth view strongli interact pair galaxies catalog arp 81 100 million year mutual closest approach havoc wreak graviti omin encount detail color composit imag hubbl space telescope show twist stream ga dust chao massiv star formation tidal tail stretch 200 thousand lightyear sweep behind cosmic wreckage also known ngc 6622 left ngc 6621 galaxi roughli equal size destin merg one larg galaxi distant future make repeat approach final coalesce locat constel draco galaxi 280 million lightyear away dark vertic band seem run ngc locat camera artifact,arp 81 100 million year later,2003-12-11,556,87,-0.0928571428571428,12-11,12,2003,11,7,0,3 ea4b4e93aea4461f86cdeac509a9ea4c1dd604b4647b9308e2ba5623b8fb4ff6,none,fun cloud turtles fun laundri bedroom chair friendli monster fun rock mesa mar face interplanetari monuments clouds though small water droplets float air laundri cotton wool plastic woven garments famou martian rock mesa known name like face mar appear quit natur seen clearly recent releas photo shows realiti boring nobodi know cloud make lightning nobodi know geolog histori mars nobodi know laundri bedroom chair smell like root beer understand realiti bring questions mysteri adventur never far behind perhap fun discoveri beginning,closeup face mar,2003-12-14,537,81,-0.0555555555555555,12-14,12,2003,14,5,0,1 01cb81981d16ef73efacbfaef2635e853014f8129d7ddaf8e9198d916e95119b,canadafrancehawaii telescop,open cluster star near far young old diffus compact open cluster may contain 100 10000 stars form nearli time bright blue star frequent distinguish younger open clusters m35 pictur upper left rel nearbi 2800 light year distant rel young 150 million year old rel diffuse 2500 star spread volum 30 light year across older compact open cluster ngc 2158 visibl lower right ngc 2158 four time distant m35 10 time older much compact contain mani star roughli volum space ngc 2158 bright blue star selfdestructed leav cluster light domin older yellow stars cluster visibl toward constel gemini m35 binocular ngc 2158 small telescope,open star cluster m35 ngc 2158,2003-12-15,626,103,0.1278571428571428,12-15,12,2003,15,6,2,3 479984cb0a4a9ea4f3c469921afc440f79b55ce195d032dea5c4494cc89f0bed,tunc tezel,would mar appear move backwards time appar motion mar earth sky one direction slow steadi front far distant stars everi two years however earth pass mar orbit around sun recent pass august mar loom particularli larg bright also time mar appear move backward sky phenomenon call retrograd motion pictur seri imag digit stack star imag coincide here mar appear trace loop sky top loop earth pass mar retrograd motion highest retrograd motion also seen solar system planets fact coincidence dot line right imag center uranu thing,retrograd mar,2003-12-16,526,86,0.1357142857142857,12-16,12,2003,16,5,1,1 6ab61069ee352ee8e2216aa81c84513bd142b3ac2d7abd6a4d3ecc8fa5eac1f8,none,aurora made of trigger solar activity normal aurora caus collis fastmov electron oxygen nitrogen earth upper atmosphere electron come magnetosphere region space control earth magnet field excit oxygen nitrogen molecul return low energi state emit light seen auror glow sometimes however aurora caus collis heavier protons caus energet display strong ultraviolet emission addition proton temporarili captur electron emit light themselves proton aurora seen above record imag satellite special featur bright spot near pictur center embed ring auror emiss around north magnet pole planet earth solar wind proton never reach earth caus aurora complet deflect away great distanc earth magnet field bright spot auror ring indic particularli deep crack earth magnet field proton abl flow along temporarili connect region sun earth rel impact earth ionosphere,proton aurora,2003-12-17,851,124,0.2814625850340136,12-17,12,2003,17,8,2,4 c3d65fea10242f01a1eb036a1bf7e642cbc751c49a22a7921af27ab6c8957357,none,hurtl toward destination high resolut camera board esa mar express spacecraft record tantal view red planet earlier month decemb 3rd seen distanc 55 million kilometers featur across part mars western hemispher bath sunlight martian night side also promin spacecraft perspective view possibl earthbound telescopes launch interplanetari voyag explor earli june mar express carri beagl 2 lander schedul releas mar express tomorrow decemb 19th mar express beagl 2 continu journey separately schedul reach mar decemb 25th mar express enter ellipt orbit beagl 2 descend martian surface two invad earth nasa mar explor rovers arriv january,express mar,2003-12-18,632,94,0.032,12-18,12,2003,18,5,2,2 28208cd630ce227abb2ce14c4be42cd7871117af7f5f2920c8794855f1a866ef,none,exampl solarpow flight nasa helio aircraft flew almost one hundr year wright brothers histor flight decemb 17 1903 pictur 10000 feet sky northwest kauai hawaii august 2001 remot pilot helio travel 25 mile per hour essenti ultralight fli wing 14 electr motors aircraft built aeroviron inc cover solar cells helios impress 247 foot wide wing exceed wing span even overal length boe 747 jet airliner climb daylight hours prototyp aircraft ultim reach altitud short 100000 feet break record nonrocket power flight helio intend technolog demonstrator extrem thin air 100000 feet earth surface flight helio also approach condit wing flight atmospher mars,flight helio,2003-12-20,648,101,-0.1666666666666666,12-20,12,2003,20,8,2,2 5bc381c01c5779a858908081e15deda2d03b0f8cd7416a8a7764e1f3e563a3ca,none,andromeda galaxi giant ring view ultraviolet light closest major galaxi milki way galaxi look like ring galaxi spiral ring highlight beauti newli releas imag mosaic andromeda m31 taken galaxi evolut explor satellit launch earth orbit april image ultraviolet color digit shift young blue star domin image indic star form ring well star form region even galact center origin huge year ring unknown like relat gravit interact small satellit galaxi orbit near galact giant m31 lie three million lightyear distant bright enough seen without binocular toward constel andromeda news today decemb solstice,andromeda galaxi galex,2003-12-22,597,91,0.0866071428571428,12-22,12,2003,22,7,2,3 8094dd7f0f8444dc362063ed9286ff6a76f021c2d1db8e5cf22c068507bd8e2d,michael holloway,back everi 33 years comet enck swoop back inner solar system first offici discov comet enck 59 th document return make one beststudi comet sky comet enck discov millennia earlier sinc like becam bright enough see unaid mani time past thousand years comet encke ellipt trajectori reach outsid orbit mar insid orbit mercury pass rel close earth nov 17 reach closest sun 29 recent observ place comet enck bright visual magnitud six earli december make verg unaid human vision pictur above diffus smudg period comet enck imag small telescop novemb 29 arkansas usa,comet enck return,2003-12-23,559,93,0.0821428571428571,12-23,12,2003,23,3,2,1 2fbe94b63a9e00cf0adc61f6dd740c70571c92d17e426645db01566226b4041f,none,hill mar layered answer still investigation clearly dark windblown sand surround outcrop light sedimentari rock across floor crater arabia terra light rock clearli appear structur mani layers lowest like old although dark sand form dunes rippl dune lighter color sand easier see surround step mesas blown sand possibl erod oncelarg mesa layer hills layer shelv wide enough drive truck around image show area 3 kilomet across taken octob mar global surveyor spacecraft current orbit mars tomorrow first three robot spacecraft earth schedul arriv red planet,layer hill mar,2003-12-24,555,85,0.0681818181818181,12-24,12,2003,24,5,0,2 bf445994f2235c53b1988aa808654bc20bb0607aecd97e52f8d453bd4330b9cf,jame w use permiss,tabl mountain observatory near wrightwood california usa octob 26 wild fire approach east look toward west sunset astronom jame young could still enjoy comfort view young crescent moon brilliant venu fade twilight set horizon mt thin crescent 37 hour 37 hour exact new moon phase disappear morn twilight august venu becom promin role western sky even star similar love pair thin crescent moon stun even star seen toward west today even twilight happi holiday best wish apod,venu 37 hour moon,2003-12-25,473,77,0.199025974025974,12-25,12,2003,25,2,1,1 7e250a3d7ec283b2f6eccd51714c0f5c7e82cc9804fe276f6bb07c05c65aea89,none,highspe outflow molecular ga young stellar object glow infrar light reveal recent falsecolor imag spitzer space telescope catalog hh herbigharo infrar sourc lodg within dark nebula bok globul near lower right corner dark nebula optic inset larg opaqu view visibl light energet outflow featur extend nearli lightyear burrow dark interstellar material attribut earli stage life sunlik star may well repres phase sun evolut took place 45 billion year ago along format solar system circumstellar disk tantal object explor spitzer infrar capabilities young star system rel nearby locat 1140 lightyear distant nautic constel vela,young dark cloud,2003-12-26,625,93,0.0904761904761904,12-26,12,2003,26,4,2,3 0038d0b00fd1cf86b573c4f2b486a53c521af0b55b182193a406d542b882eece,robert gendler,perhap famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across quit evid photograph blue reflect nebula surround brighter cluster stars low mass faint brown dwarf also found pleiades editors note promin diffract spike ad imag aesthet reasons produc string donat rob kid place telescop dew,pleiad star cluster,2003-12-27,451,71,0.05,12-27,12,2003,27,6,0,3 270923cbd94d12e7ff582f9550d3b6d8fbc15a1f5a097aaa349401948f1c2928,rick astrophotography,tomorrow picture track mar archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,witch head nebula,2003-12-29,269,40,0.2857142857142857,12-29,12,2003,29,8,1,0 0d29757f8e6c6ed38cb18c4f5626d76ca348414d1ab114634b1b09d36bbf9e74,none,caus streak martian crater sinc imag show streak occur insid outsid crater sure creat impact newli form trail like present research tantal martian mysteri identifi like work miniatur wind vortic known occur red planet martian dust devils anoth exampl wind process activ mars dust devil detect pass near vike mar pathfind landers spin column rise air heat warm surfac common dri desert area planet earth typic last minutes becom visibl pick loos dust mars dust devil 8 kilomet high leav dark trail disturb bright reflect surfac dust,dust devil crater mar,2003-12-30,532,87,0.1609999999999999,12-30,12,2003,30,5,1,4 c4ca5326d619942802959d3f2a41176c5ed7e86d12daa6039079c8a62cf2ebed,none,year human learn univers 137 billion year old year universe age thought 13 billion years realli constrain 12 billion 15 billion year old differ made primarily small satellit name wilkinson microwav anisotropi probe collect data unusu earth orbit pictur sky map enabl data complet cosmic microwav background divid two detail never resolved record wmap first data release besid univers age new data analys spot cosmic microwav background bolster exist indic univers compos predominantli strang mysteri type dark energi remain matter 4 percent familiar atoms remain 23 percent somewhat mysteri type dark matter year much cosmolog research shift tri find paramet defin univers tri use paramet tool understand detail univers evolved,year resolv cosmolog,2003-12-31,728,110,0.0611363636363636,12-31,12,2003,31,8,2,4 516f6df33e20f062ea9be1fbcc71b7ee9d32ba08baa0c7a6650c817b96c5c297,none,shell arc abound falsecolor multiwavelength view supernova remnant debri massiv stellar explosion xray emiss blue ga heat 10 million degre c knot fast move materi cosmic blast sweep surround interstellar matter radio red optic emiss green brighter near central region xray seem absorb denser cooler materi side expand debri cloud face earth locat neighbor galaxi known larg magellan cloud appar age supernova remnant 2000 5000 years extend glow span 60 lightyears intrigu imag composit xray data orbit chandra observatory optic data hubbl space telescope radio australia telescop compact array,structur n63a,2004-01-01,593,89,0.0499999999999999,01-01,1,2004,1,6,2,5 a78e710d181aa7e96a1eb71240e4159c8b5074da5a54493b1e4b283b1174038d,none,apollo 12 mission second ever land human moon mission dedic studi moon develop techniques develop instrument could use futur lunar landings astronaut charl conrad alan bean spent two day lunar surfac novemb 1969 richard gordon orbit command module pictur digit stitch panorama alan bean work near lunar module scroll right reveal dark color panorama flat lunar terrain tall video camera visible apollo 12 mission astronaut visit site nearbi surveyor 3 robot spacecraft land moon three year earlier,apollo 12 panorama,2004-01-02,497,77,0.0138392857142857,01-02,1,2004,2,2,0,2 87b092d4ddee2747fe39c66f84c6927c233a6245276fb0e25ce048db5053334c,none,comet nucleu look like yesterday robot spacecraft stardust answer question return detail imag yet center comet ici center comet usual hidden earthbound telescop opaqu dust ga boil approach sun twice before however case comet halley comet spacecraft dove debri cloud comet coma imag nucleus pictur nucleu comet wild 2 taken stardust pass within 500 kilometers clearli visibl numer crater hilli terrain stardust mission yet ambiti captur particl coma jettison earth 2006 analys imag return particl like give fresh inform solar system back near beginning comet wild 2 formed,comet wild nucleu stardust,2004-01-03,572,88,-0.0196969696969696,01-03,1,2004,3,3,0,2 aecc01cffc13dd96d4194ec97002c5ce76c465284cf5e1a7026c4d7f9c817cb4,none,seven month voyag interplanetari space nasa spirit rover reach surfac red planet return first imag land site gusev crater entry descent land phase mission refer mission planner six minut terror began saturday night around 830pm pst spirit enter martian atmospher 12000 mile per hour depict artist illustration spacecraft final stage land sequence swaddl large protect airbag bounc soft land mars type airbag use mar pathfind land 1997 updat spirit statu post throughout day,spirit rover mar,2004-01-04,475,73,0.1128571428571428,01-04,1,2004,4,5,1,2 0bacd07776abcde9393edc787fe4855fbb28b2ad255f11665c8c4762db9dd0ff,none,seven month voyag nearli 500 million kilomet interplanetari space nasa spirit rover reach surfac mars scroll right see mosaic panorama spirit first imag return land site gusev crater taken spirit navig camera panorama cover 360 degrees spacecraft foreground floor gusev crater thought ancient lake bed extend horizon entry descent land phase spirit mission refer mission planner six minut terror began saturday night around 830pm pst spirit enter martian atmospher 20000 kilomet per hour updat spirit statu post throughout day,spirit pan gusev crater,2004-01-05,528,79,0.2678571428571428,01-05,1,2004,5,5,1,2 2b0eeee4abfb4208776a9d59941f722f70e4997016b1ebbb7fdde7aa9609cd8a,none,work tire mission member nicknam depress left center imag martian surface sleepi pictur portion 3d panorama spirit rover land site releas yesterday construct data mar rover navig cameras use redblu glasses red left eye get 3d effect sleepi hollow estim around 9 meter 30 feet diamet 12 meter 40 feet away possibl impact crater martian surfac featur tantal potenti site futur visit golf cartsiz robot rover ventur cover solar arrays rear deck rover also visibl view along top antenna right innov camera calibr target martian sundial seen left mount near edg rover deck,3d view toward hollow,2004-01-06,567,93,0.0619047619047618,01-06,1,2004,6,5,2,2 8b14cc52184b69f5579cb60c21430acc971944057ed3356ee4104c1d1de7b0b3,none,rock strewn across broad flat gusev crater floor sharp color pictur nasa spirit rover record rover panoram camera pictur part spirit first color imag mar highest resolut pictur yet taken surfac anoth planet alreadi reveal allur perplex detail appar windswept plain thought ancient lake bed stun view repres small fraction color imag data mission scientist expect transmit come days robot spirit rover prepar stand up roll lander explor geolog crater floor nasa announc plan land site columbia memori station honor astronaut lost columbia space shuttl accident,red mar spirit,2004-01-07,560,86,-0.050297619047619,01-07,1,2004,7,5,0,2 b044de6ab423f3e223c2982629d92906315fa475960c8b3745b17a96d1ee7cc1,none,distant hill rise rocky windswept plain sharp stereo scene spirit rover mars view redblu glasses pictur combin left right imag spirit high resolut panoram camera yield dramat 3d perspective hill estim lie 2 kilomet away approxim 50 100 meter high along featur landscape determin direct distanc help pinpoint exact locat spirit land site compar high resolut imag region taken mar orbit much stereo imag data allow import estim three dimension shapes sizes distances anticip rover cameras editor note redblu glass view stereo pictur simpli construct use red blue plastic filters tri it view image red filter use left,hill mar,2004-01-08,614,98,0.0584285714285714,01-08,1,2004,8,5,2,4 9e2f30fa40888e2fee1b2e697c2879252439f4cea72eb83ffe098e4b2f74a5bd,none,martian sol averag martian solar day 39 minut longer earth familiar 24 hour day oper martian time spirit rover recent sent back color postcard image record sol 5 stay martian surface crop version full highresolut mosaic look north across gusev crater floor 9 meter wide circular featur dub sleepi hollow lie center scene within round dark mark may left lander swaddl airbag bounc across martian surface exampl like made lander airbags seen foreground beyond spirit solar cell cover deck,sol 5 postcard mar,2004-01-09,488,79,0.0075,01-09,1,2004,9,1,0,2 46f80f94dd653ee072035279fa0bad576ac302cbb0ac79c8b89ee63f425d2eb5,none,two worlds one sun legend spirit rover camera calibr target rest rover rear deck also doubl sundial allow student determin solar time spirit land site mars exampl sundial marsdial shown left image captur near local noon show effect sun high martian sky right imag later afternoon sun lower sky show long shadow cast 35 centimet high central base comput gener grid student determin local time central inset imag 1217 pm local solar time face marsdial design astronomi artist jon collabor team members know marsdial idea brainchild bill scienc know ,two worlds one sun,2004-01-10,547,89,-0.0110989010989011,01-10,1,2004,10,1,0,4 11f0cdc62ba4f3a8fde13ebaf5154725228a1c387f5d3a0274b0206d302684af,none,apollo 15 mission earth moon dedic better understand surfac moon explor mountains valleys maria highlands astronaut david scott jame irwin spent nearli three day moon alfr worden orbit command module mission blast earth 1971 juli 26 first deploy lunar rove vehicle pictur digit stitch mosaic panorama david scott examin boulder front summit mt hadley delta shadow jame irwin visibl right scroll right reveal welllit divers lunar terrain apollo 15 mission return 76 kilogram moon rock detail study want pan across surfac mars too check color panoram view spirit land site,apollo 15 panorama,2004-01-13,570,90,0.2442857142857143,01-13,1,2004,13,2,1,2 923bfde67a491ed1de586ff68b1a864d189633222c2f3b39492ea860213b79da,none,could stand mar would see scroll right reveal full color 360degre panoram view nasa spirit rover land mar 10 day ago imag digit mosaic panoram camera show view everi direction annot imag direct distanc variou hill along horizon hill valuabl orient spirit sinc also visibl mar global surveyor mar odyssey spacecraft orbit high overhead visibl foreground sever instrument airbag around columbia memori station spirit attempt roll onto red planet next day explor interest features,mar panorama spirit rover,2004-01-14,478,74,0.1279591836734694,01-14,1,2004,14,5,1,2 d63ff5a9c1bdceda08d0e96f9c5fa228e79792e99546dc08f35aa203dcc47579,robert gendler,adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations glow orion nebula dark horsehead nebula contrast cosmic vistas appear stun composit digit imag assembl 20 hour data includ exposur filter record emiss hydrogen atoms view reveal extens nebulos associ giant orion molecular cloud complex hundr lightyear across magnific emiss region orion nebula aka m42 lie upper right picture immedi left cluster promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man horsehead nebula appear dark cloud small silhouett notch long red glow lower left alnitak easternmost star orion belt seen brightest star left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes fainter tendril glow hydrogen ga easili trace throughout region orion deep field,orion deep field,2004-01-15,757,114,-0.0042857142857142,01-15,1,2004,15,4,2,5 2f8dead42cc7db770ec89f8241ceb867f0c62a139493dde36b2dbee78c07b345,none,spirit move across mar yesterday rover success maneuv lander drive six wheel onto floor gusev crater planned robot geologist begin closeup examin rock soil around land site clue process form them perspect project spirit local martian rock soil shown above base 3d color imag data record rover still perch land platform airbag drag mark stretch across soil view surface scale rock upper left corner 20 centimet 8 inches high scientist anticip rover investig yield valuabl evid help confirm refut possibl floor gusev crater ancient lake bed,martian surfac perspect,2004-01-16,538,86,-0.0549999999999999,01-16,1,2004,16,5,0,2 71694f7fc8981184ab180d74f064739ca6b0a88f787b6bb17b90b9be68e1afc4,none,born galileo use telescop explor solar system 1610 becam first amaz saturn rings nearli 400 years saturn magnific ring still offer one stun astronom sights uniqu bright compar ring ga giants saturn ring system around 250000 kilomet wide place ten meter thick modern astronom believ ring perhap hundr million year young accumul dust interact saturn moons ring may eventu darken sag toward ga giant lose next hundr million years sinc galileo astronom subject entranc ring intens scrutini unlock decemb 31 2003 saturn made closest approach earth next 29 years mere kilometers remain tantal target earthbound telescop come months,saturn ring,2004-01-17,625,98,0.0152777777777777,01-17,1,2004,17,0,2,2 d1ff34e3dd9ad3c8f135fcaf19b70042b35763f6435b9d16ba3a859decbeb38e,none,make background closest imag mar yet spirit rover current roll mar taken highest resolut imag date anoth planet black white imag span 15 centimet across detail smaller millimet visible microscop attach spirit rover instrument arm took image close martian soil appear planetari geologist properti similar cocoa imag come spirit rover continu explor mars inform unusu floor gusev crater like emerge,closeup martian soil,2004-01-18,396,60,-0.0333333333333333,01-18,1,2004,18,5,0,2 69211bbb6f196e77cbcbb78cc11519943f88bb9f9e25cdc65f8f7a47e2461fe6,none,fli past comet nucleu dangerous januari 2 robot spacecraft stardust becam one first plow surround cloud dust grit photograph heart comet pictur short movi encount show unpreced surfac detail ici center comet wild 2 stardust camera remain point nucleu spacecraft passed heavili shield onslaught cometari debris stardust surviv excel condition surprisingly although nucleu appear solid surround coma appear highli fragment sever distinct stream particles captur spacecraft eject spacecraft pass earth januari 2006,stardust flybi comet wild 2,2004-01-19,511,72,0.0299999999999999,01-19,1,2004,19,3,0,2 2aff183c805acaaf992c5490f22d76f0ae5fa607da433eb8d802dcfef239b293,none,could long string galaxi form earli universe sever new measur galaxi cluster earli univers report structur involv galaxi cluster larger expect new standard cosmology controversi center inabl domin univers creat larg structures fan old standard cosmolog without pervas dark energi hope new measur rule newli popular strang universe previously however data taken sever independ sourc past year appear bolster bold new univers still possibl new data typic comparison comput simul properli pictur computergener illustr univers show string galaxi size measured size superimpos box 300 million light year side,unexpect galaxi string earli univers,2004-01-20,605,88,0.0822638146167557,01-20,1,2004,20,7,2,4 e7e15c2e2cc024967edc585e9b6740c031f87514d48587484bf4eedb6ad891a8,none,great pyramid mars actually pictur rock dub irregular shape size football form natur processes still rel larg size surfac made first destin robot spirit rover current rove mars spirit size golf attempt determin rock composit histori sophist mechan arm spirit arm program remot earth capabl bend photograph rock minut detail spirit twin rover opportun schedul land side mar come weekend,rock mar,2004-01-21,385,60,0.2625,01-21,1,2004,21,5,1,2 a9a4473350288d3e9408f6f0164fc2a80e31b42ae16c735080f0a182ac2ecc71,none,leav spirit rover turn captur spectacular view columbia memori station floor gusev crater 16th sol visit mars sharp pictur look toward northeast 2 meter wide lander platform surround deflat airbags ramp use rover complet journey martian surface foreground background lie spirit like futur destin initi toward ridg left border impact crater 200 meter across final toward hill visibl horizon right crater 250 meter away hill 3 kilomet distant search evid ancient wateri environments spirit scientif instrument begun return data composit surfac lander vicinity suggest ironbear volcan miner present,columbia memori station,2004-01-22,596,88,0.0700892857142857,01-22,1,2004,22,5,2,2 fa748b213a6283ebda440aedce0165814af026e943bebf18e90ccbf2e94b773f,none,ngc 4631 big beauti spiral galaxi seen edgeon 25 million lightyear away toward small northern constel cane venatici galaxy slightli distort wedg shape suggest cosmic her other popular monik whale galaxy either way similar size milki way gorgeou color image whale dark interstellar dust clouds young bright blue star clusters purplish star form region easi spot companion galaxy small ellipt ngc 4627 appear whale galaxy view lower left corner pictur lie anoth distort galaxy hockey stickshap ngc 4656 distort mingl trail ga dust detect wavelength suggest three galaxi close encount past whale galaxi also known spout halo hot ga glow xrays,ngc 4631 whale galaxi,2004-01-23,639,101,0.048076923076923,01-23,1,2004,23,7,2,3 52d9a8fd74a647bbe1c0fbe135377bd4dd0c24f7d5c432bb95a44f9cd0ed22f6,none,look orbit januari 14 esa mar express spacecraft scan 1700 65 kilomet swath across vall marineri grand canyon mar remark high resolut stereo camera spectacular pictur reconstruct part scan region stereo colour imag data record rug terrain resolut 12 metr per pixel join mar global surveyor mar odyssey mar express orbit red planet sinc decemb 25th return scientif data act commun even make coordin atmospher observ nasa spirit rover surface beagl 2 lander releas mar express make land attempt also decemb 25th signal receiv far opportun mar land news,vall marineri mar express,2004-01-24,552,89,0.2266666666666666,01-24,1,2004,24,5,1,2 4c692f721ff4f9d782a7d6c167f38528e9ce8e0a8786a7710103e71e399bd000,none,galaxi fascin visible invisible grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232 captur detail one new larg telescopes good example visibl domin million bright star dark dust caught gravit swirl spiral arm rotat center open cluster contain bright blue star seen sprinkl along spiral arms dark lane dens interstellar dust seen sprinkl them less visible detectable billion dim normal star vast tract interstellar gas togeth wield high mass domin dynam inner galaxy invis even greater amount matter form yet know pervas dark matter need explain motion visibl outer galaxy what there opportun land mar,spiral galaxi ngc 1232,2004-01-25,578,91,0.1627609427609428,01-25,1,2004,25,7,2,3 fb2a79839cba3aaca516f5ae3541030f896284feb5be4611544372429845f2c8,none,interplanetari journey nearli 300 million miles opportun bounc martian surfac pm pst saturday final plung airbags second nasa rover mars opportunity land site meridiani planum opposit side red planet twin rover spirit describ unlik ever seen mars dark undul terrain meridiani planum aka terra pictur first stun color view opportunity area thought rich gray ironbear miner form wateri environments part rover deck foreground circular impress drag mark made airbag visibl beyond it,land meridiani planum,2004-01-26,479,72,0.0535714285714285,01-26,1,2004,26,5,0,2 820a291f2d6cac3a411c7e14088a13855b2f77fe404f38624dcd994666bd16d6,none,small crater mars surround landscap barren strange never world before transmit pictur instantli home world eye billion people seek mission explor strang new world search sign life six wheels one arm xray eyes surround you pictur above iron sand lightcolor protrus might opportun rover land mar past weekend,opportun mar,2004-01-27,306,48,-0.0827272727272727,01-27,1,2004,27,5,0,2 453749c97ed783c03199ae5c37f02250f436f60a6c9db09b3bc1cf3454841abc,canadafrancehawaii telescop,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion image taken canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second,crab nebula cfht,2004-01-28,399,60,-0.0379629629629629,01-28,1,2004,28,4,0,5 ca500b7bd3c6539f7e395248b1c716b59c09a58527f6fdde3fbb4b391fc5d39e,none,mar express satellit start return detail color imag red planet first current armada arriv mars orbit satellit photograph entir martian surfac resolut 10 meter higher map miner composit 100 meter resolution investig global circul atmosphere pictur 3d perspect first imag releas satellit stun comput reconstruct part vall marineri region canyon nicknam grand canyon mars reality vall marineri four time longer five time deeper arizona counterpart imag show portion vall marineri roughli 65 kilomet across detail mani ridg valleys mar express schedul continu send back imag least full martian year,vall marineri perspect mar express,2004-01-29,595,89,0.1299999999999999,01-29,1,2004,29,5,2,4 e1dad18849b3c1e82f40016acf5ded0d720101393aa5bb273fee7dc89669abc2,none,xray ring appear eman gammaray burst surpris answer littl explos rather light reflect sheet dustladen ga milki way galaxy grb tremend explos gammaray burst occur far across univers radiat arriv solar system last decemb 3 sinc grb also emit copiou amount xrays bright flash xray like arriv simultan gammaradiation case xray also bounc two slab cosmic dust nearli 3500 lightyear distant creat unusu reflections longer path grb dust slab xmmnewton telescop caus xray light echo arriv well grb,xray ring gamma ray burst,2004-01-30,490,78,0.25,01-30,1,2004,30,6,1,4 537835d82bd35b19172826110af2b75f1ad22e99c1f9ee0c662fb6e7b66bab5c,juan carlo casado,gorgeou galaxi comet portrait record april 5th 2002 sky orient pyrene near spain site 1100 meters astrophotograph juan carlo casado use guid time exposure fast film telephoto len captur predict conjunct bright comet ikeyazhang right andromeda galaxi left stun celesti scene would also reward one influenti 18th centuri comet hunter charl messier messier scan french sky comets care catalog posit thing fuzzi cometlik appear move background star definit comets andromeda galaxy also known m31 31st object famou notacomet catalog notacomet object number 110 late addit messier catalog one andromeda small satellit galaxies seen m31 modern understand hold andromeda galaxi larg spiral galaxi 2 million lightyear distant photogen comet ikeyazhang love sight earli morn sky 80 million kilomet 4 lightminutes planet earth,galaxi comet,2004-01-31,815,121,0.1214285714285714,01-31,1,2004,31,3,2,4 e9774601f60905f5e1500f1e552ac7b1f12cb55c12abe7ffd1e60029ba195887,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur above star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus planetari nebulae,m29 wing butterfli nebula,2004-02-01,553,86,0.05,02-01,2,2004,1,4,0,5 f8250cee3a9fd5c522351969828dc3b89b3b193edf86cae5adfb8e1f06b0136e,none,heart monstrou tarantula nebula lie one unusu star clusters known ngc 2070 r136 home great number hot young stars energet light star continu ioniz nebula gas energet particl wind blow bubbl defin intric filaments new spitzer space telescop took representativecolor infrar imag great lmc cluster imag detail cluster tumultu center gas dust young stars 30 doradu nebula one largest starform region known creat unusu strong episod star format everi million years heart heart central knot star dens thought singl star,tarantula nebula spitzer,2004-02-02,513,80,0.2919696969696969,02-02,2,2004,2,4,1,5 03d652fa00e9d382798ae4be8976e3194645372c1042c9822faab548e70d9e84,none,bevi black hole neutron star shine bright pointlik sourc bubbl million degre ga falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatory strike pictur span 80 thousand lightyear across central region two galaxies ngc 4038 ngc 4039 lock titan collis 60 million lightyear away constel corvus visibl light images long luminous tendrillik structur eman wreckag lend pair popular moniker antenna galaxies galact collis thought fairli common happen individu star rare collide instead ga dust cloud merg compress trigger furiou burst massiv star format thousand result supernovae explod star litter scene bubbl shock ga enrich heavi elements collaps stellar cores transfix cosmic accid astronom watch begin appreci collisiondriven evolut galaxies unlik own,xray antenna galaxi,2004-02-03,739,108,0.2333333333333333,02-03,2,2004,3,6,2,3 3fda39433d96adff2bdf90505f10345608cbb1eaebe994d32ea028989b91967b,none,remarkably opportun mar rover lie small martian impact crater 3 meter deep 22 meter wide 360 degrees opportunity horizon stretch right new color mosaic imag rover panoram camera notabl view gener dark smooth terrain surfac imprint left lander airbag outcrop lightcolored layer rock 8 meter away toward northwest though look rock tantal outcrop centimet high dwarf cartsiz rover futur closeup investigations opportun roll lander and along restor spirit rover directli explor martian surface,opportunity horizon,2004-02-04,489,73,0.1232077922077922,02-04,2,2004,4,5,1,2 458c21325b54bb38b530f99f9417141a34590a682d5df1831c653a95bd7d15e0,none,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory flaunt young bright blue star cluster beautiful symmetr spiral arms small irregular galaxi form star too fact pictur here dwarf galaxi ngc 1569 appar undergo burst star form activity thought begun 25 million year ago result turbul environ fed supernova explos cosmic deton spew materi trigger star formation two massiv star cluster youth counterpart globular star cluster spiral milki way galaxi seen left center gorgeou hubbl space telescop image pictur span 1500 lightyear across ngc 1569 mere 7 million lightyear distant rel close starburst galaxi offer astronom excel opportun studi stellar popul rapidli evolv galaxies ngc 1569 lie longneck constel camelopardalis,ngc 1569 starburst small galaxi,2004-02-05,711,108,0.1318181818181818,02-05,2,2004,5,7,2,3 29f105a066ef65580bfe5933e6a292801332a284e8274f28c104a478d9cd9f31,none,first glance sharp color closeup give strong impress pebbl strewn sandi beach pictur one first microscop imag anoth planet captur opportun rover tenth sol martian surfac meridiani planum patch soil measur 3 centimet 12 inches across shown shade approxim eye might see obtain combin pictur soil without microscop imager dust cover place search evid past water mars research note volcan accret process could produc strike circular grain lower left however investig indic soil near lander contain ironbear miner common volcan rocks signatur iron miner hematit found soil around nearbi rocki outcrop planet earth hematit often form associ liquid water,magnifi mar,2004-02-06,647,99,0.0447916666666666,02-06,2,2004,6,8,2,4 0fbbec00bba920f2a49f2d7e17e4dc65587845dae29cd68431b4144a50f68eec,none,pretti planetari nebula catalog ngc 6369 discov 18th centuri astronom william herschel use telescop explor medicin constel ophiucus round planetshaped nebula also rel faint acquir popular monik littl ghost nebula planetari nebula gener relat planets instead creat end sunlik star life outer layer expand space star core shrink becom white dwarf transform white dwarf star seen near center radiat strongli ultraviolet wavelength power expand nebula glow surprisingli complex detail structur ngc 6369 reveal delight color imag compos hubbl space telescop data nebula main ring structur lightyear across glow ioniz oxygen hydrogen nitrogen atom color blue green red respectively 2000 lightyear away littl ghost nebula offer glimps fate sun produc pretti planetari nebula 5 billion year now,ngc 6369 littl ghost nebula,2004-02-07,786,116,-0.0333333333333333,02-07,2,2004,7,4,2,5 daa694c73baba4c4562aeab03d2b648cab2dd82c0fe0770979e28bea0cb92a0b,none,depth dark cloud dust molecular ga known omega nebula star continu form imag hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey show exquisit detail famou starform region dark dust filament lace center omega nebula creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions red blue hue aris glow ga heat radiat massiv nearbi stars point light young star themselves brighter 100 suns dark globul mark even younger systems cloud ga dust condens form star planets omega nebula lie 5000 light year away toward constel sagittarius region shown span 3000 time diamet solar system,center omega nebula,2004-02-08,566,90,0.0583333333333333,02-08,2,2004,8,4,0,5 663a658ab5a884269c93e37747d19b7f9415d0c0810d569db1665b89fd18366d,mike holloway,newli discov comet may outshin star sky may design comet c2002 t7 linear comet discov 2002 octob project linear mani report alreadi place comet brighter magnitud 7 mean seen binoculars report also indic comet alreadi visibl tail nearli length full moon sinc predict futur bright comet tricki business remain possibl t7 might never becom visibl unaid eye alternatively anoth comet c2001 q4 neat may also reach nake eye visibl nearli time make 2004 april may two busiest month centuries comet t7 seen right januari 20 airplan trail visibl left,announc comet c2002 t7 linear,2004-02-09,541,89,0.2046428571428571,02-09,2,2004,9,3,1,1 12ab80765d21e7081d12a30f9c8d540bf28a67c85e3fdba7e0c71b644e5b932c,none,unusu spherul mars mar opportun rover photograph sever unusu mar nearli spheric shape mani time spherul embed larger rock appear pictur inset one spherul embed rock dub stone mountain visibl opportun rover roll insid small crater meridiani planum opportun direct go right stone mountain get better look inset pictur span 3 centimet across reveal rock name shape actual size scientist current debat origin spherules one lead hypothesi hold bead oncemolten rock froze impact volcan eruption anoth hypothesi hold spherul hard rock slowli accumul around central core opportun work solv mysteri other next days,unusu spherul mar,2004-02-10,605,93,0.0199134199134199,02-10,2,2004,10,5,2,4 1de97d5dd393dded56dde80863a3ef30aeb821cb76fb09ecf619fb0e25e570af,none,sleep beauti galaxi may appear peac first sight actual toss turning unexpect twist recent observ shown ga outer region photogen spiral rotat opposit direct stars collis ga inner outer region creat mani hot blue star pink emiss nebula imag taken hubbl space telescop 2001 releas last week fascin intern motion m64 also catalog ngc 4826 thought result collis small galaxi larg galaxi result mix yet settl down,m64 sleep beauti galaxi,2004-02-11,407,67,0.0085858585858585,02-11,2,2004,11,7,0,3 1ba26cd148d647ac781fefc907ac6e3e68140486f47aa474bfef42ffcc01d07d,none,morn twilight came paran observatori chile astronom mark neeser peter barthel interrupt search faint quasars billion lightyear away moment use larg telescop european southern observatori appreci beauti nearbi universe one result stun view beauti bar spiral galaxi ngc 613 mere 65 million lightyear away southern constel sculptor 100 thousand lightyear across ngc seem fair share spiral arm lace cosmic dust cloud bright star form region near end domin central bar radio emiss indic presenc massiv black hole center ngc,ngc spiral dust star,2004-02-13,518,79,0.0212121212121212,02-13,2,2004,13,7,0,3 ad5dd11d6422aa77b54ea3bfe419ad93ff02bf5f912e9dff55c80cb492c46e39,none,spherul come moon meteorit strike moon energi impact melt splatter rock fraction might cool tini glass beads mani glass bead present lunar soil sampl return earth apollo missions pictur one glass spherul measur quarter millimet across spherul particularli interest victim even smaller impact miniatur crater visibl upper left surround fragment area caus shockwav small impact date mani impacts astronom estim crater moon increas roughli 500 million year ago continu even today,spherul earth moon,2004-02-15,476,71,0.0035714285714285,02-15,2,2004,15,2,0,2 07f0c659b958a53e0e0a40f05d3a844b7be6f9d16e4bf29e3561b9e6a8ab14fe,none,patch mar full mysteri tini spherules microscop imag board opportun rover mar recorded last week imag show imag taken near rock outcrop call stone mountain span roughli 6 centimet across typic diamet one pictur spherul 4 millimeters roughli size small blueberry spherul appear much harder surround rock debat rage origin tini spherules whether shape slow accumul sediment suspend water rock expel meteor impact volcan eruption layer ever found would favor waterbas origin meanwhile opportun program dig martian surfac meridiani planum see there,patch spherul mar,2004-02-16,544,82,-0.0333333333333333,02-16,2,2004,16,5,0,4 037bf639347b9572d8554e8331ba314b1209758feefa3797d81088f4ac266b66,none,graviti bend light allow whole cluster galaxi act huge telescopes almost bright object justreleas hubbl space telescop imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact graviti bend focus light galaxi lie behind it result multipl imag background galaxi distort long faint arc simpl lens effect analog view distant street lamp glass wine cluster galaxi abel 2218 two billion lightyear away northern constel draco power massiv cluster telescop recent allow astronom detect galaxi redshift 7 distant galaxi quasar yet measured three imag young stillmatur galaxi faintli visibl white contour near imag top lower right record light analyz keck telescope left galaxi univers five percent current age,galaxi cluster farthest known galaxi,2004-02-17,703,106,0.1229323308270676,02-17,2,2004,17,7,2,4 546bdfc810991b7e8518459395b0718260015316518d5a38e058c1453f4804e0,none,clear cold western kentucki night januari 23rd season amateur astronom jay tri recent acquir 3inch refract telescop imag area around familiar object m78 reflect nebula orion day later process images note substanti total unfamiliar nebulos littl help friends amaz discoveri recogn newli visibl reflect nebula surround newborn star mcneil nebula pictur center closeup mcneil nebula illumin young star tip appear imag area septemb 2003 emerg mcneil nebula rare event wit astronom eagerli follow development orion soon lie close sun sky interrupt observ sever months orion nebula complex around 1500 lightyear away distance imag span less 10 lightyears updat mcneil nebula seen previou images date back reportedli appar imag region record avail web site would indic intrigu reflect nebula illumin star variable rather emerging,nebula,2004-02-19,823,123,-0.0386904761904761,02-19,2,2004,19,4,2,5 b3708662dad12bfc32abed991a88fec50ce5798b05902c28f46ab3b15cb8cbb6,none,februari 1987 light brightest stellar explos seen modern time reach earth supernova sn1987a hubbl space telescop imag sharp advanc camera survey taken novemb 2003 show explos site 16 year later snap shot indic supernova blast wave continu impact preexisting one lightyear wide ring material nascent central supernova remnant continu expand like pearl cosmic bright hot spot produc blast wave heat materi million degre began appear ring mid 1990 follow across spectrum astronom ever since supernova sn1987a lie larg magellan cloud neighbor galaxi 170000 lightyear away realli mean explos event core collaps deton star 20 time massiv sun occur 170000 year februari 1987,cosmic pearl,2004-02-20,670,102,0.1147727272727272,02-20,2,2004,20,6,2,4 dec9bbce0f2fdb5da46b2923c732beba4aa55289091a26d1568fe100469f1621,none,stir morn cup coffe think cosmic thought mani astronom would glanc hubbl space telescop imag spiral galaxi ngc assum galaxi rotat counterclockwis picture one hundr million lightyear away constel centaurus ngc 4622 gorgeou outer spiral arms trace bright bluish star cluster dark dust lanes wind like well like swirl cup closer look galaxi reveal pronounc inner spiral arm wind opposit direction way galaxi evid combin groundbas spectroscopi sharp hubbl imag data surprisingli indic galaxi like rotat clockwis picture outer spiral arm open outward direct rotation indic past collis smaller companion galaxi contribut ngc 4622 bizarr rotat arrang spiral arms essenti uniqu among known larg spiral galaxies,spiral arm ngc,2004-02-21,703,106,0.034375,02-21,2,2004,21,7,2,3 65645a8614e1c6494cce34dee2abd359a59743179d66b5268afe991e1bed5b6f,n a sharp,m7 one promin open cluster star sky cluster domin bright blue stars seen nake eye dark sky tail constel scorpius m7 contain 100 star total 200 million year old span 25 lightyear across lie 1000 lightyear away color pictur taken 1995 burrellschmidt telescop kitt peak nation observatori arizona m7 star cluster known sinc ancient times note ptolemi year 130 ad also visibl dark dust cloud near bottom frame liter million unrel star toward galact center,m7 open star cluster scorpiu,2004-02-22,451,75,0.0555555555555555,02-22,2,2004,22,6,0,3 18ead0d02dfb034f3111402611d186fd70066b57b2e39368269340e4c9ba3592,richard astrophotography,sometim appear entir milki way galaxi rain head despair happen twice day sun rise east wonder night sky becom less bright sunlight scatter earth atmosphere fade view rotat back view earth eclips bright sun dusk battl heaven earth captur dramat digit enhanc mountain arizona usa 2003 may dark dust million stars bright glow red ga highlight plane milki way galaxy lie averag thousand light year behind earth mountains,heaven earth,2004-02-23,416,68,0.1981481481481481,02-23,2,2004,23,6,1,1 1f6312afcfed08fdf154a92efe8f8b9e8f3326a2aeeae83ec016623223425e59,none,could rip star black hole giant black hole right mass rang would pull front close pass star much strongli back strong tidal forc would stretch star like caus star gass fall black hole infal ga predict emit blast xray recent seen center galaxi rx above artist illustr depict sequenc destruct effect black hole somehow turn stellar remain would flung galaxy event rare occur perhap one 10000 year typic black hole center typic galaxies,xray indic star rip black hole,2004-02-24,433,73,0.0272321428571428,02-24,2,2004,24,6,0,3 f7d637fd14b0b503892747c0a8528196c1812660eff38a90d571e95d2bfa685c,none,caus rock unusu shape earlier month robot spirit rover mar stop examin rock dub white name unusu light color shape white boat larg rock near imag center image examin spirit rock determin compos volcan spirit resum scientif oper two week ago recov comput memori problem spirit twin rover opportunity side mars continu roam red planet search clue ancient past earth hospit neighbor,white rock mar,2004-02-25,379,62,0.01875,02-25,2,2004,25,5,0,2 053ccbe306dd6c4e01ef688e281fad1b3942b8871a7db3639f4b10d6a92b92f8,none,long mediev dream base metal gold stellar furnac massiv cluster galaxi catalog transform light element heavi ones falsecolor composit imag individu cluster galaxi seen optic nearinfrar wavelengths shown red yellow green colors xray data in purple reveal hot intraclust gas enrich heavi elements attract attent astronom use orbit chandra xmmnewton xray telescopes well hubbl space telescop ground base galaxi cluster lie nearli 9 billion lightyear away exist time univers less 5 billion year old measur mass 200 trillion sun make galaxi cluster massiv object ever found univers young cluster element abund consist idea heavi element synthes earli massiv stars current theori suggest massiv cluster rare earli universe,galaxi cluster earli univers,2004-02-26,719,107,-0.044047619047619,02-26,2,2004,26,7,2,5 fe98e32630fac865459816fd490338b08365e811bb175ed617d66a785d531201,none,short year ago apod editor graduat school pervasive cosmic dark energi even serious course appear strang energi domin cosmo a well lectur provid repuls forc acceler larg scale expans universe fact recent bright measur distant therefor ancient stellar explos supernova indic univers expans began speed four six billion year ago dark energy repuls forc began overcom attract forc graviti cosmic distances hubbl space telescop imag show sampl distant supernova explosions billion lightyear away top bottom pictur faint host galaxies hubbl measur supernova also hint dark energy repuls forc constant cosmic time could consist einstein origin theori gravitation forc actual chang time univers could still end big crunch big rip least estim 30 billion years,rumor strang univers,2004-02-27,752,114,-0.0196078431372548,02-27,2,2004,27,6,2,4 0ba026034e266ea03bfe7a05672e745bbfa8f09afb752d9a6adda86fabd27e33,none,long ago far far away galaxi born seen hubbl space telescop image island univers stars gas dust catalog pox 186 mere 68 million lightyear distant toward uncrowd region constel virgo pox 186 truli dwarf galaxi like milki way diminut galaxi 900 lightyear across around 10 million stars compar milki way 100000 lightyear span 200 billion stars cosmic speaking pox 186 also young hubbl snapshot reveal disturb galaxi like result 100 million year old collis two even smaller star systems fact pox 186 observ suggest isolated small galaxi may last form sinc massiv galaxi univers seem form billion year ago,long ago,2004-02-28,600,99,-0.05,02-28,2,2004,28,7,2,3 9391ecdf326cf65dd3b2d55154e4829ceeffdcbb14fa0d8e6c15cdcf41eaa695,none,today februari 29th leap day rel rare occurrence 46 bc juliu caesar pictur selfdecre mint coin creat calendar system ad one leap day everi four years act advic alexandrian astronom sosigenes caesar make fact earth year slightli 365 days modern terms time take earth circl sun slightli time take earth rotat 365 time with respect sun actual know take 36524219 so calendar year contain 365 day would drift actual year 1 day everi 4 years eventu juli name posthum juliu caesar himself would occur northern hemispher winter adopt leap year extra day everi four years calendar year would drift much less julian calendar system use year 1582 pope gregori finetun ad leap day occur year end unless divis 400 gregorian calendar system one common use today,juliu caesar leap day,2004-02-29,749,126,0.0047619047619047,02-29,2,2004,29,8,2,1 ed7c771d45033cb7233d07688e130acda8af7307016f141511bb311b477bbbd4,none,gone origin predict even there mysteri revolv around strang shadowlik spoke appear saturn larg larg middl ring complex system particl orbit saturn spoke discov 23 year ago pass voyag spacecraft attribut fine dust unknown origin miss spoke note image taken last month robot cassini spacecraft approach saturn launch 1997 distanc remain cassini saturn less half earth sun cassini expect enter orbit around ring jovian giant planet juli drop probe onto titan saturn largest moon,cassini saturn,2004-03-01,475,74,-0.0452380952380952,03-01,3,2004,1,0,0,2 24cbbb5071b823e5fdd7e9c2b2cc82b0872dd1e80a381a5cffb517f3996c438e,t a rector,ten thousand year ago dawn record human history new light must suddenli appear night sky fade weeks today know light explod star record color expand cloud veil nebula pictur west end veil nebula known technic ngc 6960 less formal witch broom nebula rampag ga gain color impact excit exist nearbi gas supernova remnant lie 1400 lightyear away toward constel cygnus witch broom actual span three time angular size full moon bright star 52 cygnu visibl unaid eye dark locat unrel ancient supernova,ngc 6960 witch broom nebula,2004-03-02,494,82,0.166969696969697,03-02,3,2004,2,4,1,5 fa7327c04f22e6f753741365705ea801409c25038b686ac247dd9e02445656b4,none,mar ever wet enough support life help answer question nasa launch two rover mission red planet land region satellit imag indic might cover water yesterday mount evid releas indic mar opportun rover inde uncov indic land site meridiani planum quit wet evid liquid water flow includ physic appear mani rocks rock crystal appear rock sulfates pictur above opportun look back empti lander visibl light rock outcrop yield water well rim small crater opportun landed rover continu explor surround tri determin natur extent water mold region,opportun rover indic ancient mar wet,2004-03-03,534,85,-0.0062499999999999,03-03,3,2004,3,5,0,2 701e023c93f1a083caf562774d9d77c046903fbdde350d83a386da9df9d5a0c5,david cortner,love celesti view sure familiar one winter skygaz northern hemisphere light silhouet tree nearbi town rutherford college north carolina usa scene may also look familiar fan movi cold mountain whose fiction charact discuss starri sky sport belt sword orion hunter easili identifi constel center right lie vshape arrang star hyad star cluster anchor bright aldebaran left hunter dog cani major cani minor respect alpha star siriu need program follow stars put cursor cold mountain sky,cold mountain sky,2004-03-04,482,75,0.1421703296703296,03-04,3,2004,4,6,1,1 d4b5067a69f12af738c88794fa9f797eaad7caab0e534d025908206e3c2908fc,none,variabl star v838 monoceroti lie near edg milki way galaxy 20000 lightyear sun still ever sinc sudden outburst detect januari 2002 enigmat star taken center astronom stage research tri understand fit pictur stellar evolution light stellar flash echo across preexist dust shell around v838 mon appear chang dramatically reveal sharp snapshot record februari hubble advanc camera surveys portion dust shell six lightyear diameter light reflect dust follow slightli indirect path compar direct lineofsight star light echo visibl two year behind outburst itself astronom expect expand echo continu light dusti environ v838 mon least rest current decade,v838 mon echo edg,2004-03-05,648,96,0.1183333333333333,03-05,3,2004,5,6,2,5 1e96e28c31fe2058288359f686af3a496607c6199c367282c3c2bc801b056636,none,scatter debri cosmic supernova explos light sky gorgeou composit imag base data hubbl space telescope catalog n49 glow filament shock ga span 30 lightyear neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud light origin explod star reach earth thousand year ago n49 also mark locat anoth energet outburst extrem intens blast gammaray detect satellit twentyf year ago march 5 1979 date begin excit journey astrophys led research understand exot new class stars sourc march 5th event attribut magnetar highli magnetized spin neutron star also born ancient stellar explos creat supernova remnant n49 magnetar hurtl supernova debri cloud 1200 kilomet per second,n49 cosmic blast,2004-03-06,643,98,0.0643939393939393,03-06,3,2004,6,6,2,4 76d67247522d02bb33659251a9102ab92ea7eb8f35efbdc97d82ef9a626ce453,seti leagu,one know sure caus signal slight possibl might origin extraterrestri intelligence bright color blue background indic anomal signal receiv earth radio telescop involv search extraterrestri intellig seti search signal ongo sever group includ volunt member seti league time label vertic axi plot frequenc mark horizont axis although strong signal never posit identified astronom identifi mani attribut characterist mundan ultim terrestri origin case lead possibl signal origin unusu modul gp satellit unidentifi earthbas source mani unusu signal space remain unidentified signal yet strong enough run long enough unambigu identifi origin extraterrestri intelligence,anomal seti signal,2004-03-07,662,91,0.2055555555555555,03-07,3,2004,7,8,2,4 d3e3f326f38601acba44920bda2316aa0be1cd6790c59ead0accd2c205d9fe6f,walli pacholka astropics,crescent moon pass nearli front venu two week ago close conjunct night sky two brightest object creat strike pose mani view even sky sunset shown above captur cloud corona del mar beach california usa precise moon appear pass three degre venu februari 23 similar conjunct occur later month march 24 venu appear near furthest sun moon pass 2 degre away,moon venu corona del beach,2004-03-08,351,60,0.1,03-08,3,2004,8,2,1,1 8497cc17772fb4096a4697a5236813dc141b3bda746eb8b49aed0fc9466dd83b,none,first galaxi look like help answer question hubbl space telescop finish take hubbl ultra deep field hudf deepest imag univers ever taken visibl light pictur above hudf show sampl oldest galaxi ever seen galaxi form dark ages 13 billion year ago univers 5 percent present age hubbl space telescope nicmo new ac camera took image stare nearli 3 month spot hudf four time sensitive colors origin hubbl deep field hdf astronom world like studi hudf year come better understand star galaxi form earli universe,hubbl ultra deep field,2004-03-09,504,84,0.1236363636363636,03-09,3,2004,9,7,1,4 83fdb258107674bd9ca9166b6ab4dc20acb484223504f5a981e4e5589825038a,none,preval water mars result spirit rover indic gusev crater like wet past result come shortli spirit twin rover opportun uncov clear evid past water meridiani planum side mars evid uncov spirit releas last week focuss larg rock unusu shape nicknam shown near imag bottom detail inspect rock reveal bright materi fill intern materi may water volcan rock amount mar cover ancient water remain unknown rover land region thought like spirit continu roll across mars recent pass 300meter mark way bonnevil crater,rock indic ancient martian water,2004-03-10,504,81,0.0222222222222222,03-10,3,2004,10,5,0,2 6a114defe947f8c286158d28ef1a80ceb1e1984622be3fb095148340b3feb87c,none,peer dusti nebula nearbi galaxi larg magellan cloud infrar camera board spitzer space telescop record detail view stellar nurseri heniz 206 fill newborn stars star appear white spot within swirl dust ga falsecolor infrar image near top sweep telltal arc supernova remnant also visible expand debri final explos massiv star proxim ancient supernova indic shockwav stellar death explos like trigger format new gener emerg stars compress ga dust within heniz 206 continu cosmic cycl star death star birth distanc larg magellan cloud lightyears imag cover area 1000 lightyear across,heniz cosmic gener,2004-03-11,578,89,0.1766233766233766,03-11,3,2004,11,6,1,5 03d9ad25f05aadc7b52e80c6e259e92314426bb5ac1015f1c3262f2ff4f38e6d,none,above ring planet saturn shine xrays otherwis beyond rang human vision eeri xray view creat overlay comput gener outlin ga giant disk ring system falsecolor pictur smoothed reconstruct xray data orbit chandra observatory data repres first clear detect saturn disk xray energi held surpris researchers starters xray seem concentr near planet equat rather poles mark contrast observ jupiter ga giant seen high energies saturn high energi emiss found consist reflect xray sun intens reflect xray also found unusu outsid planet disk faint suggest xray saturn magnific ring system visibl left,xray saturn,2004-03-12,587,90,0.0245454545454545,03-12,3,2004,12,0,0,4 e14d18bdf5352a85351c0f823d57d7704a2dfb88ccb57e319bc268c1427405ba,none,high atop chilean mountain lie one premier observatori southern sky cerro tololo interamerican observatori ctio pictur dome surround one site best known instruments 4meter blanco telescope far behind dome thousand individu star diffus light three galaxies small magellan cloud upper left larg magellan cloud lower left milki way galaxi right also visibl blanco right famou superposit four bright star known southern cross singl 20 second exposure digit imag record sensit detector intend astronom imaging observatori structur lit sole starlight,cerro tololo sky,2004-03-13,544,79,0.1342016806722689,03-13,3,2004,13,6,1,3 ba98acb549980b30590685cff9e62955cf807a1a4a5fccb4c1841931b7e0b2bf,a dimai col drusci obsaac,comet halebopp becam much brighter surround stars seen even bright citi lights away citi lights however put quit spectacular show comet halebopp photograph val parola pass dolomit mountain surround cortina dampezzo italy comet halebopp blue ion tail creat fast move particl solar wind struck expel ion comet nucleus white dust tail compos larger particl dust ice expel nucleu orbit behind comet observ show comet halebopp nucleu spin everi 12 hours,comet halebopp val parola pass,2004-03-14,448,70,0.1624999999999999,03-14,3,2004,14,3,1,3 e6e49580b88c7ecf5aec1d86582726b669307f3b16994111fadcafbb2bad517a,canadafrancehawaii telescop,astronom sight excit imagin like nearbi stellar nurseri known orion nebula nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion imag 36meter canadafrancehawaii telescop atop dormant volcano hawaii bring orion detail spectacular fashion buri complex nebulos bright star trapezium orion heart sweep lane dark dust cross center pervas red glow hydrogen gas blue tint dust reflect light newborn stars whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years,orion nebula cfht,2004-03-15,626,93,0.1694444444444444,03-15,3,2004,15,4,2,5 8f1777e69ad7e3541d3f90ae1b1547bb3863f294c794f77ae1543795ffdc71ef,none,distant known object solar system new answer question announc yesterday nasa discoveri dark red object dub although twice distanc pluto sedna near closest approach sun sedna highli ellipt orbit 10 times make candid oort cloud ici object thought extend solar system edge sedna estim threequart size pluto therefor largest solar system object found sinc pluto 1930 whether sedna ever design planet intern astronom union draw depict sedna might look face distant sun unexpectedli red color unusu orbit origin sedna sure topic much futur research,sedna outer solar system,2004-03-16,542,84,0.1186363636363636,03-16,3,2004,16,1,1,2 fbbb66202bb09f2ec0c824bc7ace8f8a6be45d52f29edb6fde8da7eb867324d1,none,what farthest galaxi known answer keep chang astronom compet find galaxi top list new claim record holder faint smudg indic imag 82meter larg telescop vlt oper chile detect light left galaxi billion year ago well earth formed univers younger 3 percent present age astronom estim redshift 10 galaxy first claim galaxy young galaxi much interest astronom mani unansw question exist galaxi form earli universe distant redshift confirmed would also give valuabl inform galaxi surround end universe dark age although galaxy distanc exce even farthest known quasar still front pervas glow ga seen cosmic microwav background radiation,redshift 10 evid new farthest galaxi,2004-03-17,627,96,0.0951048951048951,03-17,3,2004,17,7,2,4 f8d5b0f5d2243f8709339c997450f7bb60c902cd55cbd6ef7131972a4277f342,none,scroll right follow breathtak view martian surfac southern edg small crater dub nasa spirit rover record sharp 180degre panorama sol 68 69 stay red planet follow complet meter journey land site within mars expans gusev crater region bonnevil crater 200 meter across rock scatter area potenti debri blast martian surfac impact creat crater research eager confirm scenario sinc materi could guid geolog histori area what shini patch left beyond crater far spirit lander heat shield,spirit pan crater edg,2004-03-18,479,75,0.0015306122448979,03-18,3,2004,18,5,0,2 caee00fd9a45552a32847bdcb57c099a13e8dc296ef41439a60eab8254af0a00,none,dynam jet ga dust surround one activ planetari surfac solar system wildlook pictur comet nucleus comet design 2 cours sound like pictur composit two imag record stardust spacecraft navig camera januari 2nd flyby composit imag consist short exposur record startl surfac detail wild 2 nucleu longer exposure taken 10 second later reveal materi stream surface left edg nucleu appear extrem jag due strong shadow pit erod billion year outgass meteorit impacts nucleu pictur 5 kilomet diameter jet dust ga ultim leav trail million kilomet long stardust schedul return sampl wild 2 cometari dust pick flyby earth januari 2006,wild,2004-03-19,619,98,0.078030303030303,03-19,3,2004,19,8,2,4 dd13488f7ca47da4b44798ff8f7cd6b863637520106c6c651b44306cc2a41181,joe orman,twice year spring fall equinox sun rise due east emphat demonstr celesti alignment photograph joe orman record inspir imag sun rise exactli along eastwest orient western canal usa wait march 21st one day northern spring equinox 2001 photograph strike view rise sun due east one day equinox tempe latitud sun rise angle arc southward climb horizon distant mountain hide true horizon sun shift slightli southward time clear mountain tops wait 24 hour allow sun rise north east arc back exactli eastern align photo today equinox find sun celesti equat univers time,equinox 1,2004-03-20,561,91,0.0125,03-20,3,2004,20,1,0,1 01055ba207427bdb9a1cac8223a5cb883e2ee54476fd424967ed4c2c34ee055a,pekka parviainen polar image,mani think myth other think true caus known adventur pride seen it green flash sun truth green flash exist caus well understood set sun disappear complet view last glimmer appear startlingli green effect typic visibl locat low distant horizon last seconds green flash also visibl rise sun take better time spot dramat green flash caught photograph 1992 finland sun turn partli green effect caus layer earth atmospher act like prism,green flash sun,2004-03-21,431,70,-0.0442307692307692,03-21,3,2004,21,1,0,1 e554647c6a468771325fc3a36a0c629e55d7b9e1cc90da1cde617a0314441b82,s r obs,last week small asteroid approach unusu close earth asteroid 2004 fh pose danger becam bright enough see binoculars pass 7 earth radii away asteroid pass closest yet previous predicted although discov two day before pictur above 30meter size 2004 fh imag switzerland cross sky march 18 near closest approach asteroid center timelaps movi cover 30 minutes chang bright by asteroid size pass close earth everi two years 2004 fh struck earth would like burn atmosphere larg impact featur earth however larger asteroid comet actual impact earth distant past astronom continu discover track studi potenti hazard asteroid goal make planet earth safer place,asteroid,2004-03-22,650,102,0.0452380952380952,03-22,3,2004,22,8,2,2 56cb121d3f9b6ed0fca9e7acf176bd5bafec8ccf2880192983c202145317f146,none,hot surfac venu show clear sign ancient lava flows evid bolster robot spacecraft magellan orbit venu earli 1990s use imag radar magellan abl peer beneath thick perpetu cloud cover earth closest planetari neighbor pictur above lava appar flow top imag pool light color area visibl across imag middl bottom lava cut channel across darker ridg run horizont across imag center pictur cover 500 kilomet across lava origin caldera name lie 300 kilomet imag top hot dens climat make venu difficult planet land spacecraft rovers venu current sparkl brightest object western sky sunset,lava flow venu,2004-03-23,576,92,0.0916666666666666,03-23,3,2004,23,8,2,4 ae6ce40f555809675f62ca0cad777d2bccbdb03c5a667b8b43aa5d3302152657,none,unusu look look back toward eagl crater land place mars robot rover opportun spot unusu depress martian soil visibl imag left measur one meter across appear light color rock interior nearest dimpl dub next furthest one call first scroll right reveal magnific panorama includ rover foreground backshel parachut detach opportun land near horizon eagl crater center opportunity track roll away eagl crater wind blown rippl martian soil everi direction analysi rock photograph opportun yield evid opportun land evapor shorelin ancient saltwat ocean,near eagl crater mar,2004-03-24,544,82,0.0965608465608465,03-24,3,2004,24,5,0,2 d71155d38d2e6942b79b1eeb06b179577078e3445153d1cb2c03bc3f038ee821,russel croman,look sky tonight even good telescop come across sight quit like one familiar object though grand stellar nurseri known orion nebula strike pictur combin imag taken three separ filters design record differ emiss line light sulfur oxygen hydrogen atom glow tenuou nebular gas low sulfur hydrogen atom emit red color oxygen glow green distinguish contribut final image sulfur assign red hydrogen green oxygen blue color scheme use mappedcolor imag astronom nebula well result differ eye might see imag still beauti scientif trace element condit within nearbi star form region,orion color,2004-03-25,573,89,0.1520833333333333,03-25,3,2004,25,4,1,5 dd7696527e0f6202b2236354ca0f618a59ba0640323c9efcde8dee26a598ae8a,none,look sky tonight without telescop binocular might view like one moon planet stars love photo taken march 23rd captur crescent moon horizon venu it brilliant celesti bodi farther venu tint glow mar pleiad star cluster red planet right vshape arrang star left mar star cluster bright red giant aldebaran member hyad cluster mark top left v next week five nakedey planets mercury venus mars jupiter saturn along moon grace even sky togeth lunar planetari spectacl enjoy skygaz around world look sunset low western horizon see mercuri sets next similar gather planet 2008,moon planet sky,2004-03-26,568,92,0.2053571428571428,03-26,3,2004,26,2,1,1 a0a48be2f075b4958d3b8fbb4e23ddf534e39e36ddd6e33501513cbe071dfd18,brian lula,seemingli adrift cosmic sea star gas delicate float apparit catalog ngc 7635 bubbl nebula wideangl view bubbl nebula lie center larger complex shock glow ga 11000 lightyear distant fair constel cassiopeia ngc 7635 realli interstellar bubble blown wind brightest star visibl within bubble boundary bubble expans constrain surround material 10 lightyear diameter bubbl nebula center sun sun nearest stellar neighbor alpha centauri would also breathtak pictur combin telescop digit imag made broad color filter along narrow filter intend transmit red light emit excit hydrogen atoms,star bubbl nebula,2004-03-28,580,85,0.0260416666666666,03-28,3,2004,28,4,0,5 75b33209b6b5f3ba02dccc9239657a914d7a088676c5fe710d3be65535fae380,none,use oxygen air itself nasa experiment jet propel past mach 7 atmospher pacif ocean weekend small autom x43a craft drop huge convert acceler standard pegasu rocket mach 7 seven time speed sound x43a separ novel kick in atmospher oxygen scoop up combin onboard hydrogen flight propel x43a record air speed maneuv next 10 seconds engin design suggest satellit launch method without heavi fuel tank even interstellar space travel previous record flight mach 33 decommiss space rocket start high mach 36 atmospher them depict artist illustr above might well propel past mach 10 futur,nasa set air speed record,2004-03-29,578,93,0.0043333333333333,03-29,3,2004,29,8,0,2 a6c1fd4c76dcab0d8548113b376c453ca89e5de97020911caaf6f23fb625953c,none,one spectacular solar sight prominence solar promin cloud solar ga held sun surfac sun magnet field last month nasa sunorbit soho spacecraft imag impress larg promin hover surface pictur above earth would easili fit hover curtain hot gas quiescent promin typic last month may erupt coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system although somehow relat sun chang magnet field energi mechan creat sustain solar promin still topic research,promin solar promin soho,2004-03-30,436,70,0.2142857142857142,03-30,3,2004,30,1,1,2 fa38eb239925aa92f345536f2fc7639fc83194ca5d80b456a7ce6bbe9d93003d,none,today april 1st astrophysicist announc surpris discoveri april fool day intens mars though discoveri contrari accept theori april fool day research note sever like caus sever martian april fool phenomenon starters gravity forc throughout universe 38th strong mars surfac planet earth also martian day call sol last nearli 40 minut longer earth day well soon think reasons promis tell us happi april fool day editor apod editor note mar rover spirit record imag look toward eastern horizon columbia hill 2 kilomet distance journey across rocki martian terrain could take 60 90 sols,april day mar,2004-04-01,582,92,0.2166666666666666,04-01,4,2004,1,5,1,2 1a67badcb164d47094e19fbad1918c03db337b7b3f0cb928937565e3d480a3a1,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,part ongo danc planets mercuri venu reach greatest elong maximum appar distanc sun day ago march 29th eager record celesti astronom jimmi westlak snap view two inner planet shine western twilight sky yampa colorado usa pictur taken use digit camera mount tripod mercuri easili brightest celesti object near horizon appear right foreground structur thin cloud silhouet fade sunlight still near top pictur brilliant venu domin scene magnific even star climb western sky throughout month march venu lie pleiad star cluster tonight tomorrow night skygaz spot venu southern edg pleiades,mercuri venu west,2004-04-02,581,89,0.2259740259740259,04-02,4,2004,2,6,1,1 23a8abf08315a09b17aa84faf35613fdd0c986983e2c280f08989f689440fd1f,none,gamma ray energet form light pack million time energi visibl light photons could see gamma rays familiar skyscap steadi star would replac bizarr object known modern astrophys unknown egret instrument orbit compton gammaray observatori survey sky 1990s catalog celesti sourc highenergi gammarays research identifi exot black holes neutron stars distant flare galaxies 170 catalog sources shown allski map remain unidentified mani sourc gammaray mysteri map like belong alreadi known class gammaray emitt simpli obscur faint otherwis posit identified however astronom call attent ribbon sourc wind plane galaxy project along middl map may repres larg unknown class galact gammaray event unidentifi sourc could remain mysteri plan launch sensit gammaray larg area space telescop 2007,mysteri gamma ray,2004-04-03,781,113,0.0453703703703703,04-03,4,2004,3,6,2,4 95c1e662224f7046d80d6ad77a21c0e87c44f2afe9a21e2321953d60fc6e6f6c,thoma andrew nasa croman,lake hidden beneath 19 meter ice gravel found near bottom world might contain ecosystem complet separ own modern version sir arthur classic book lost world nasa fund scientist plot mission drill lake remov sampl water lake analysis lake vida buri antarct ice 2500 years liquid high salt content result salt expel water turn ice previously scientist drill within meter lake inde found frozen microbes exist bolster specul similar microorgan could found frozen brine beneath surfac mars live organ found lake vida may give indic life might even still exist similar frozen icesheets larger lake part mars even moon jupit europa pictur above robot meteorolog station continu monitor surfac condit lake,lost world lake,2004-04-04,697,110,0.0858080808080808,04-04,4,2004,4,5,2,2 4b618927fa721b7a34e96aa2ff807927ed7b13053d92b4e0dcc0ce38451b37c3,none,unusu martian spherul created thousand unusu gray spherules made iron rock dub blueberries found embed surround rock near land site robot opportun rover mars help investig origin opportun found surfac dub berri bowl indent rich martian berri bowl pictur above imag rover sol mars averag diamet blueberri 4 millimeters analyz circular patch rock surfac left densest patch spherules opportun obtain data show underli rock much differ composit hematit rich blueberries inform contribut grow consensu small strange gray orb slowli deposit dirti water,martian spherul,2004-04-05,546,82,0.09375,04-05,4,2004,5,5,0,4 230fb7846bfcb9f2fb08dc303846eaeb5f0d82afa99d63be814d980a9a404a61,none,huge cyclon form unusu strong storm perhap strongest storm record histori south atlant ocean cross coast brazil last week cyclon powerful classifi first ever categori 1 hurricane rare south atlantic tropic cyclon larg region low pressur littl vertic wind shear typic form region warm water power cyclon evaporation report rel cold air center indicate however storm storm dub local although formal name exist part world,unusu strong cyclon brazilian coast,2004-04-06,420,65,0.1319444444444444,04-06,4,2004,6,8,1,1 83bee0963440aaf38ec8cfb82ba9be83b893a9c58927901c911442bd14017ee1,canadafrancehawaii telescop,spiral galaxi m66 symmetric usual densiti wave gas dust newli form star circl spiral galaxy center creat nearli symmetr galaxy differ m66 spiral arm appar displac nucleu like caus tidal gravit pull nearbi galaxi neighbor m65 spiral galaxi m66 pictur above span 100000 light years lie 35 million light year distant largest galaxi group includ m65 ngc 3628 known leo triplet like mani spiral galaxies long intric dust lane m66 seen intertwin bright star nebula light spiral arms,unusu spiral galaxi m66,2004-04-07,476,78,0.1555555555555555,04-07,4,2004,7,7,1,3 2c9945739ce49c7a490d137a00c45a578a997421d635dcc8f8742d7bfd535f93,johann schedlerpanth observatory,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught spectacular widefield telescop view flank two yellowtint star foot celesti twin mu eta jellyfish nebula brighter arc ridg emiss dangl tentacl right center here cosmic jellyfish seen part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud explod star 5000 lightyear away also view emiss nebula ic nearli fill field upper left dot small blue reflect nebulae like cousin astrophys waters crab nebula ic 443 known harbor neutron star collaps core massiv star explod 30000 year ago,elus jellyfish nebula,2004-04-08,527,82,0.0206349206349206,04-08,4,2004,8,4,0,5 31ea6abbd67fa3ed8c499157272a62141685d376e9bc05b0edd9923b6db42494,none,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani springtim telescop tour northern sky lie faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy bulg central core domin light popul older yellowish stars core dramat cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane larg island univers similar milki way galaxy ngc 4565 30 million lightyear distant 100000 lightyear diameter fact consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2004-04-09,526,82,-0.0143939393939393,04-09,4,2004,9,7,0,3 4e343cee262a6aa84d3b96252210236b60a4d5349b639ac0bc4d65f74c266fe0,robert gendler,vantag point milki way galaxy see ngc 6946 faceon big beauti spiral galaxi locat 10 million lightyear away behind veil foreground star high faroff constel cepheus look bright core outward along loose fragment spiral arms galaxy color show strike chang yellowish light old star galaxy center young blue star cluster reddish star form regions ngc 6946 also bright infrar light rich ga dust exhibit high star birth death rate fact 20th century least six supernovae death explos massiv stars discov ngc 6946 sharp composit color digit image small bar structur visibl gorgeou galaxy core,face ngc 6946,2004-04-10,582,94,0.1023931623931624,04-10,4,2004,10,7,2,3 6389ec286bb6bdf743f49f2e59014c0e8213e00394b61d48cea845d897db5c83,none,jule verne scienc fiction classic journey center earth professor fellow explor encount mani strang excit wonders wonder lie center galaxy astronom know bizarr object exist there like vast cosmic dust clouds bright star clusters swirl ring gas even supermass black hole much galact center shield view visibl light interven dust gas explor use form electromagnet radiation haunt wide angl imag galact center region infrar light construct use data midcours space experi msx satellite imag map three midinfrar bands otherwis invis human eyes visibl blue green red color reveal thermal emiss dust cloud near galact center heat starlight galact plane run along middl imag galact center bright spot pictur center field view crop pictur 15 25 degrees,journey center galaxi,2004-04-11,742,116,0.0714285714285714,04-11,4,2004,11,6,2,4 3c02b5fed2ebd481e8c75d724f9a41814b2b366c19f73887758636a56bee873b,m constantin moonpanscom,would like explor surfac anoth world 1972 apollo 17 mission astronaut harrison schmitt found first hand case world earth moon recent compil panorama lunar photograph origin taken astronaut eugen cernan magnific desol barren moon apparent visibl scroll right lunar rock foreground lunar mountain background small craters lunar rover astronaut schmidt way back rover day imag taken human left moon yet return,apollo 17 panorama astronaut run,2004-04-12,406,61,0.0419642857142857,04-12,4,2004,12,2,0,2 124be440c41b804607589c7e634bfbfb25ca6f4a59bf0e68730ad10c0e1b7a74,michael koch,would cloud appear differ colors rel rare phenomenon known iridesc cloud show unusu color vividli whole spectrum color simultaneously cloud form small water droplet nearli uniform size sun right posit mostli hidden thick clouds thinner cloud significantli diffract sunlight nearli coher manner differ color deflect differ amounts therefore differ color come observ slightli differ directions mani cloud start uniform region could show iridesc quickli becom thick mixed far sun exhibit strike colors pictur above iridesc cloud photograph near franc last month,iridesc cloud franc,2004-04-13,558,81,-0.002579365079365,04-13,4,2004,13,8,0,1 c93720439451eb64e287ead391bd80e7f9653a4d7de7263ce54e4c9527b7f5ff,none,deep normal hidden giant molecular cloud stellar nurseri found creat massiv star yet recorded orbit spitzer space telescope infrar array camera open window cloud last year infrar light cloud opaqu visibl light dens interstellar dust notic repres color infrar spitzer imag huge bubbles complex tapestri dust gas massiv stars infrar filament actual glow organ compound known pahs intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity pictur region span 75 light year lie 6000 light year distant toward constel cygnus,massiv star form region infrar,2004-04-14,555,83,0.0958333333333333,04-14,4,2004,14,4,0,5 aef487b52429c0a292c4740a8c70769fb8481c8ff1c48f6e07e0d4c81e6f48b0,david cortner,venu still rule western sky sunset brilliant even star wander eclipt fellow nakedey planet earlier month pass near pleiad star cluster provid strike photo opportun earthbound skygazers catalog m45 pleiad star make love sight own often shown long exposur imag immers hazi blue reflect nebulae pictur though record even april 3rd brilliant venu close seven sister overwhelm light delic cosmic clouds view offer studi contrast venu appear 700 time brighter pleiad brightest star venu 5 lightminut earth pleiad cluster star 400 lightyear distant form contract nebula gave birth sun venu also roughli 45 billion year old star pleiad like age mere hundr million years,venu pleiad,2004-04-15,661,104,0.2035714285714285,04-15,4,2004,15,6,2,5 09ccb1c0a1ba568765545d096eae0fbb36caa4ad82f3cef3e57fc25e39163d29,kpno,astronom divid star differ spectral types first start 1800s spectral type origin meant classifi strength hydrogen absorpt lines type best describ temperatur star remain use today seven main spectral type shown spectrum singl star top follow two spectra progress cooler respectively historically letter rememb oh fine me frequent classroom however come correct bake appl sun spectral type,stellar,2004-04-18,387,57,0.3476190476190476,04-18,4,2004,18,6,1,5 4cf8b369aaab196870d0218947c96e6d9eba30c7c5d7f0939cc2e65d6241e1fd,none,today comet bradfield pass sun image taken yesterday direct sun soho lasco instrument show comet dust tail elong white streak sun would normal seen center block view comet c2004 f4 bradfield discov one month ago brighten dramat near sun care sky gazer see comet bradfield unaid eye near sun although nasa sunorbit soho satellit best view day comet bradfield continu shift insid lasco frame round sun even possibl comet break up not bright comet trajectori carri outsid field lasco sometim tomorrow along t7 q4 comet bradfield third comet current visibl sky unaid eye ever awar quit possibl record history,comet bradfield pass sun,2004-04-19,604,99,0.0727272727272727,04-19,4,2004,19,3,2,1 b3264f64768b5ea921983ebe9728672b5169d6d1be8fa60a2d564aa7364e8256,walli pacholka pacholka,comet halebopp great comet 1997 quit sight comet compar bright grace sky earth sinc then next month however even besid fleet comet two comet slight chanc rival halebopp good chanc put memor sky show unfortunately show confin sky gazer earth southern hemisphere comet alreadi visibl unaid eye there first comet c2002 t7 linear best dawn first week may south second comet c2001 q4 neat visibl earli may earth comet appear approach inner solar system first time hard predict bright become photograph taken 1997 april 6 comet halebopp imag indian cove campground joshua tree nation forest california usa flashlight use momentarili illumin foreground rock six minut exposure,comet halebopp indian cove,2004-04-20,669,106,0.2461111111111111,04-20,4,2004,20,3,2,1 35b1a97e727565333b657d0079b806dcf00cc8e9b55d200217abd40d2ae2be11,y g j j,could two young star power color interstellar ga clouds although hidden thick dust star spew forc ion energet radiat caus cloud fragment light up composit color imag european southern observatory melip vlt telescop resolv detail nebula complex known emiss helium atom blue hues oxygen atom green hydrogen atom red locat larg magellan cloud lmc largest satellit galaxi milki way galaxy one star central binari enigmat wolfrayet star massiv star wolfrayet star hottest surfac universe star massiv energet normal main sequenc stars,nebula surround wolfrayet binari,2004-04-21,528,81,-0.0115384615384615,04-21,4,2004,21,6,0,5 f5f48d5eabacf35aac811007489005ca02e292bc6d2fee4b65c853b3a74b72ff,none,discov lincoln near earth asteroid research linear project octob 2002 comet c2002 t7 visit inner solar system make closest approach see anim l sun tomorrow april 23rd emerg solar glare comet visibl unaid eye constel pisces near eastern horizon morn twilight gorgeou telescop view record dawn yesterday clearli activ comet develop extensive complex tail extend 2 degre antisunward direction pronounc antitail anomal tail later next month comet appear brighter make closest approach planet earth may 19th fact could share southern sky anoth nakedey comet also anticip brighten may design c2001 q4 neat,comet c2002 t7 linear,2004-04-22,599,92,-0.0124999999999999,04-22,4,2004,22,3,0,1 92c3211ee8108a87e340603cb065d17900cb73a3f808f215cdc888bad1af5441,starryscap,inbound distant solar system comet c2001 q4 soon pass insid planet earth orbit one two bright nakedey comet visibl southern sky may first pick nearli three year ago near earth asteroid track neat project q4 appear stun telescop view record day ago april 18th left 19th site near alcohuaz chile remark chang structur long grace tail seen compar two photos includ dramat kink seen near tail midpoint april 19th appar motion comet sweep across sky evid compar posit tail rel background galaxi ngc 1313 visibl smudg near top image closest approach sun may 15th closest encount planet earth may 7th see anim l,comet c2001,2004-04-23,604,103,0.1545454545454545,04-23,4,2004,23,3,2,1 12d6597a1789245f31ba08a7f473154d0ea7e19aa54e172fbe49c3a8d300e593,none,search sky 18th centuri franc comets astronom charl messier dilig record object number 27 list thing definit comets it well 21st centuri astronom would classifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 known excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula gorgeou synthet color pictur m27 produc test one european southern observatory larg telescopes,m27 comet,2004-04-24,655,99,0.0785714285714285,04-24,4,2004,24,4,2,5 86706e965bb50c87d517f2c7f06c264d3cffd28bfdf0fcf3b00f22f3333d83df,none,could galaxi becom shape like ring rim blue galaxi pictur right immens ringlik structur 150000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxy 0644741 known ring galaxi caus immens galaxi collision galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus entir small intrud galaxi pass larg one happens interstellar ga dust becom condensed caus wave star format move impact point like rippl across surfac pond intrud galaxi sinc move frame taken hubbl space telescop releas commemor last saturday anniversari hubble launch ring galaxi 0644741 lie 300 million light year away,ring galaxi 0644741 hubbl,2004-04-26,635,98,0.2294642857142857,04-26,4,2004,26,7,2,4 53f93844f5d8a01be055ed145cdab5896d584fbd31af434bae1afb1ecdb714e2,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,comet bradfield becom quit sight sunris binocular cameras although fade notic day sky northern location persist allow curiou sky gazer locat cosmic snowbal spectacular tail one might call bradfield comet extend tail long telescop caught nice normal camera capabl long exposur set rotat sky pictur yesterday comet c2004 f4 bradfield caught rose success exposur rocki mountain near yampa colorado usa visibl upper left bright fuzzi smudg andromeda galaxi m31 far distance comet bradfield discov last month briefli visibl unaid eye imag spectacular fashion soho spacecraft round sun earli last week,comet bradfield rise,2004-04-27,596,90,0.2156249999999999,04-27,4,2004,27,3,1,1 8ccddfe52535a08e0c9314978703c56f1de0269d08df177578c346653b30f755,none,graviti magnet counterpart spin electr charg get magnet field spin mass and accord einstein get slight effect act someth like magnetism effect expect small beyond practic experi even beyond laboratori measurement now bold attempt directli measur gravitomagnetism nasa launch last week smoothest sphere ever manufactur space see spin four spheres roughli size pingpong ball key ultraprecis gyroscop core graviti probe b gyroscop feel wobbl rate einstein would stay better understand space time graviti untold long term benefit well like shorter term benefit better clock global posit trackers,smooth sphere graviti probe b,2004-04-28,591,87,0.0962962962962963,04-28,4,2004,28,8,2,4 10847d58e040676e59314d007d334be994e77df8cee68bf4e6d2e0205d95526e,none,june rare much herald transit venu featur current brilliant even star silhouette inner planet glide across face sun januari 5 2003 even rarer transit took place titan larg moon ring ga giant saturn cross front crab nebula supernova remnant 7000 lightyear away titan transit orbit chandra observatory xray detector record shadow cosmic xray gener crab amaz pulsar nebula pictur above situat analog medic xray result imag inset left probe extent titan atmosphere so rare titan transit saturn pass within degre crab nebula everi 30 years next similar transit reportedli due sinc stellar explos gave birth crab seen 2003 titan transit may first occur ever,titan xray,2004-04-29,652,104,0.1383333333333333,04-29,4,2004,29,0,2,5 b677351effa8d55529eb32b60a7c7eba4bb04913fff0fe21c3e7d851558fda7f,none,bright speck light wander earth night sky magnific planet saturn lie nearli 15 billion kilomet sun interplanetari voyag seven year planet stun ring nearli fill field cassini spacecraft narrow angl camera imag record march 27 tip tip ring system span kilometers name discoverers large easili visibl gap ring known cassini division narrow outer gap enck division illumin right ring cast shadow saturn upper hemisphere interrupt sunlight stream cassini divis creat light blue streak left saturn also cast stark shadow across planet girdl rings juli 1 cassini spacecraft schedul fire main engin enter saturn orbit,saturn,2004-04-30,609,94,0.1305555555555555,04-30,4,2004,30,0,2,5 467bf3c319b0741a80c77a3dd017735b1c73caefbd2420110fb91124d06698a2,stan richard,april 23rd moon along planet saturn mars venu and planet earth cours visibl west twilight captur site near lake north de moines iowa usa put cursor imag label fellow solar system wander also reveal approxim trajectori eclipt plane defin earth orbit around sun western horizon sunset tonight western sky present similar arrang planets although moon move east picture pass bright jupit along eclipt head may 4th total lunar eclipse may could also good month comets,western sky twilight,2004-05-01,465,75,0.1875,05-01,5,2004,1,2,1,1 a677788e598b9a2ab77c6a9ee304729ea1eb5ad0620419996e5448e0fc25e471,none,strangest moon solar system bright yellow picture show io true colors taken 1999 juli galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 io color deriv sulfur molten silic rock unusu surfac io kept young system activ volcanoes intens tidal graviti jupit stretch io damp wobbl caus jupiter galilean moons result friction greatli heat io interior caus molten rock explod surface io volcano activ effect turn whole moon insid out io volcan lava hot glow dark,io true color,2004-05-02,445,73,0.2071428571428571,05-02,5,2004,2,8,1,2 0d6d5b4b4d046a972b05608dad9fa949fb087e2de078e3b68771704bce65b5ff,walli pacholka astropics,comet bradfield easi see left find comet linear right last week sunris northern hemisphere two bright comet visibl part sky time longexposur imag taken morn april 25 joshua tree nation park california usa comet c2004 f4 bradfield give unexpectedli good show reced sun earth fade view tail estim 10 degre long round sun itself comet c2002 t7 linear move toward earth although intrins fading t7 appear brighten midmay continu visibl unaid eye sunris southern hemispher observ june q4 third coincident nake eye comet becom visibl midmay northern hemispher observers,comet bradfield linear rise,2004-05-03,562,89,0.1595238095238095,05-03,5,2004,3,3,1,1 14de827c489feae17e4f3566da4c0f1947a9d0d247e1437c9faa060897042c9e,none,scroll right see rocks craters hill view spirit rover last week continu trek across mars crater take much frame appear orbit ejecta bonnevil crater insid it upon closer inspection however spirit find evid windblown drifts rock show numer small caviti may occur ancient water vapor evapor hot cool lava columbia hill distanc plan ultim destin spirit rover mar rover success complet origin mission explor topic opportunities lunar eclips today visibl europe asia africa time webcast photo tip,crater mar,2004-05-04,492,77,0.1622448979591836,05-04,5,2004,4,5,1,2 6993e1cd445cdb4f43e4c2a5417d5702e9c934688099856c98d77edf4b5e545f,none,bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c central star particular planetari nebula except hot though shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust dramat detail closeup die star nebula record hubbl space telescope cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star upper left corner view nearli edgeon lineofsight surprisingly miner includ water ice along complex hydrocarbon molecul detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpius,ngc 6302 big bright bug nebula,2004-05-05,613,91,0.1999999999999999,05-05,5,2004,5,4,2,5 743737a68a718bedc0810d1407a0f91bb893be88d7a6268865826761d7f81691,anthoni ayiomam,start finish impress digit mosaic cover may 4th total eclips moon astronom anthoni ayiomam report eclips view wonder greece sky clear shortli celesti show began mosaic includ images record five minut interv arrang arc trace progress inner portion earth shadow umbra across lunar disk seri depict surprisingli dark total eclips moon featur center may 4th total lunar eclips favor observ europe africa asia moon next trip earth shadow schedul octob 28 give skygaz america turn,lunar eclips mosaic,2004-05-06,474,75,-0.0187499999999999,05-06,5,2004,6,2,0,1 5cf317f5c670a11250c1f0fecee2b2595d69b5df8d7860fc8d818d8cc339db2d,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,may 5th scan western sky sunset astronom jimmi westlak spot visitor outer solar system comet neat eyes taken normal lens pictur record memor view comet clouds colorado rocki mountain backdrop mani faint star visibl unaid eye one bright one three minut time exposure comet seen fuzzi greenish smudg left center brilliant sirius alpha star constel cani major low cloud bank right comet neat c2001 near closest aproach planet earth tonight lie well bright sirius look comet third nakedey comet mani week sunset clear dark western skies,look west neat comet,2004-05-07,534,86,0.1405133928571429,05-07,5,2004,7,3,1,1 14999984c4533c1578eb26ace3126542ecfea916c3e84e6cbdeb9b744b5cb80b,stephen,rise dawn may 5th stephen look across skylin sydney australia leisur lunar eclips clearli progress vantag point planet earth moon set total phase eclips began still set moon hidden cityscap captur strike imag nearli eclips lunar disk slide past beacon light tower one familiar what star visibl right redden moon that zubenelgenubi course,good morn sydney,2004-05-08,337,53,0.1073412698412698,05-08,5,2004,8,2,1,1 073e76abadd8783c2c1407686642942df3f0b95edecd224ef836f1fe53e0c13f,none,scroll right see insid endur crater larg impact featur investig opportun rover roll across mars crater wall show area light rock might hold clue ancient wateri past martian region inspect truecolor imag shows however much interest rock type confin crater wall might hard even robot mar rover success complet origin mission explor topic opportunities,endur crater mar,2004-05-10,349,54,0.1073412698412698,05-10,5,2004,10,5,1,2 2731203bfc18f0cac6a290df2c7cf20ab5d457c56c7bca6a0b9223d85c73201d,eddi guscott,m13 one promin best known globular clusters visibl binocular constel hercules m13 frequent one first object found curiou sky gazer seek celesti wonder beyond normal human vision m13 coloss home 100000 stars span 150 light year across lie 20000 light year distant 12 billion year old 1974 dedic arecibo observatory radio messag earth sent direct m13 reason low abund unusu blue straggler star m13 current unknown,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2004-05-11,411,66,0.1642857142857142,05-11,5,2004,11,6,1,3 e06ee68e1004d6c61464da0d7179e0c9d32adaef029b867fa8b198e042fa93de,chri schur,comet neat q4 show tails larg snowbal offici dub comet c2001 q4 neat fall toward inner solar system alreadi pass earth reach closest approach sun come saturday report place comet third magnitude make easili visibl unaid eye northern sky gazer observ dark locat sunset imag captur last saturday happi jack arizona usa visibl long blue ion tail blue coma surround comet nucleus shorter brighter sunlight reflect dust tail q4 like drop easi visibl next month reced earth sun anoth separ nakedey comet comet linear t7 also bright third magnitud remain bright june,tail comet neat q4,2004-05-12,559,92,0.0916666666666666,05-12,5,2004,12,3,2,1 4cca33fa07d8f68874e863592d4051d12bdbacbbdd87ad95762104a21a4f5ed7,none,distinct rung appear hubbl space telescop imag intrigu red rectangl nebula dusti cosmic cloud origin identifi strong sourc infrar radiat believ contain ici dust grain hydrocarbon molecul form cool outflow age central star look like big like explan central star actual close pair star surround thick dust toru pinch otherwis spheric outflow tiptouch cone shapes view toru edgeon boundari edg cone shape seem form x distinct rung suggest outflow occur fit starts 2300 lightyear away toward fanci constel monoceros red rectangl nebula transform gloriou planetari nebula cool central star becom hot white dwarf next thousand years sharp hubbl pictur span one third lightyear distanc red rectangle,red rectangl,2004-05-13,694,106,0.0979166666666666,05-13,5,2004,13,4,2,5 795e80139292e8b920c581e3febcb5a2b3c61751784530b17cf77b5fb0bcb499,du,moder bright zubenelgenubi star upper right hand limb eclips moon telescop view port elizabeth south africa actual second brightest star constel libra zubenelgenubi fun pronounc tri reward spot night sky fainter companion star seen far right astronom du report star visibl unaid eye night may 4th moon total eclips phase orbit common center graviti everi 200000 year so two star larger hotter sun 77 light year away separ light hour 140 time pluto averag distanc sun zubenelgenubi consid southern claw nearbi arachnolog correct constel scorpius star northern course,friend,2004-05-14,567,88,0.1380952380952381,05-14,5,2004,14,6,1,4 e71e51540490f39e28753644ce90c6b8e65674c00aa7c41715aa4e97f84fdcfd,none,stun vista record hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys distant galaxi form dramat backdrop disrupt spiral galaxi arp 188 tadpol galaxy cosmic tadpol mere 420 million lightyear distant toward northern constel draco eyecatch tail 280 thousand lightyear long featur massive bright blue star clusters one stori goe compact intrud galaxi cross front arp 188 left right view slung around behind tadpol gravit attraction close encounter tidal forc drew spiral galaxy stars gas dust form spectacular tail intrud galaxi itself estim lie 300 thousand lightyear behind tadpole seen foreground spiral arm upper left follow terrestri namesake tadpol galaxi like lose tail grow older tail star cluster form smaller satellit larg spiral galaxy,arp 188 tadpole tidal tail,2004-05-15,737,111,0.0119047619047619,05-15,5,2004,15,7,2,3 11a8d207c127b9d6a495be3b99304c8779e5c5fdf53b8e9c32903c7536801146,calvin j hamilton,pictur galileo spacecraft show cloudi venu is venu similar earth size mass sometim refer earth sister planet venu quit differ climate venus thick cloud close sun onli mercuri closer make hottest planet much hotter earth human could surviv there life sort ever found venu visibl usual brightest object sky sun moon 20 spacecraft visit venu includ venera 9 land surface magellan use radar peer cloud make map surface visibl light pictur venu taken galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 mani thing venu remain unknown includ caus mysteri burst radio waves,venus earth cloudi twin,2004-05-16,558,90,-0.0071428571428571,05-16,5,2004,16,8,0,2 88af1609ec25dedd1ec14ba2aef38f288786cb30a64e79576b162f390f1ed550,starryscap,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebula eta carina energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically keyhol nebula visibl near center hous sever massiv star known also chang appearance carina nebula span 300 light year lie 7000 lightyear away constel carina imag taken la frontera alcohuaz chile eta carina might explod dramat supernova within next thousand years even flare bright past decade,ngc 3372 great nebula carina,2004-05-17,494,79,0.2357142857142857,05-17,5,2004,17,4,1,5 57300c41e0574670671a3e4ed9365eb26eaa5578a41175b126d3844d65cb6a98,walli pacholka astropics,comet neat q4 quit photogen earlier month although head part tail comet c2001 q4 neat visibl unaid eye best view color tail reveal later camera abl expos long periods human eye accumul light 110th second oppos camera image use exposur thirti second may 8 visibl long blue ion tail blue coma surround comet nucleus shorter brighter sunlight reflect dust tail q4 drop easi visibl day reced earth sun anoth separ nakedey comet comet linear t7 remain bright june,comet neat q4 indian cove,2004-05-18,458,78,0.1461538461538461,05-18,5,2004,18,3,1,1 719c9fd5b5040a80ce517a943c85e90f871938a62e8e07b9b3f144061ae8ce2f,none,caus unusu look crater floor mars appear first glanc resembl human brain natur phenomena creat unusu textur floor martian impact crater current investigation light color region surround region like sand dune sculpt winds mar global surveyor robot spacecraft orbit mar sinc 1997 took image meanwhile surface robot spirit opportun continu inspect landscape rocks soil clue ancient wateri past red planet humorously mar span kilometer make right size fit insid rock format dub face mars,brain crater mar,2004-05-19,483,74,0.1585714285714285,05-19,5,2004,19,5,1,2 7cc38d784ffcaf6d2b69227ffb2322b2b0a6fb2bfaac405906f996b83ab26663,none,three young massiv star eventu emerg natal cloud dust gas presenc alreadi reveal falsecolor imag spitzer space telescope pictur offer penetr infrar view emiss nebula catalog sharpless 140 lie 3000 lightyear away toward constel cepheus young star otherwis obscur visibl light imag dusti sculpt wind radiat hot star region majest arc structur pictur ten lightyear across contain surprisingli complex molecul polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs glow infrared amazingli detail record cosmic marker star formation imag hint wealth infrar data freeli avail spitzer space telescop archive,sharpless 140,2004-05-20,580,84,0.0916666666666666,05-20,5,2004,20,4,0,5 b39bf6ad40afa664eadcf488108ad26b2bb955556c75fd6cbd9e3df84e1a6802,none,1572 danish astronom tycho brahe record sudden appear bright new star constel cassiopeia new star fade view period month believ supernova one last stellar explos seen milki way galaxy known tycho supernova remnant expand debri cloud shown detail falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatory repres blue highest energi xray come shock region along outer edg supernova remnant correspond ga temperatur 20 million degre celsius xray cooler ga onli 10 million degre domin remnant interior unlik supernova remnants hot central point sourc found support theori origin stellar explos runaway nuclear deton ultim destroy white dwarf star distanc 7500 lightyears tycho supernova remnant appear nearli 20 lightyear across xray picture field view slightli cut bottom gener spheric cloud,xray tycho supernova remnant,2004-05-22,777,116,0.1268939393939394,05-22,5,2004,22,6,2,4 cabba2cd960247ac08dccb4ffd5c20eb766dd8302172012e7a5a86b4eede9ab0,none,high planet earth human help machine potenti touch story hubbl space telescope picture human astronaut steven l smith seen power tool handrail remot manipul system work hst 1999 december astronauts space place rather place hard work sinc mani space mission involv equip complic experiments astronaut usual peopl consider knowledg although hour may long work may one frequent report perk work space spectacular view,space,2004-05-23,414,63,0.0335416666666666,05-23,5,2004,23,8,0,2 82c69b8a926b6058e356036cfbab30dda56c0c9cdc49694a9141086a97f8c047,observatory,everi day planet line behind stone giant one thing help good planet lineup occur sky last month another help easter island 800 larg stone statu exist easter island statues stand average twice tall person 200 time much mass specif known histori mean unusu statues mani believ creat 500 year ago imag local leader lost civilization pictur above moon venus mar seen behind ahu famou easter island bright star aldebaran also visible,planet easter island,2004-05-24,428,71,0.0306818181818181,05-24,5,2004,24,8,0,1 172cf6a4c74647fd7b17311094f3809fc2754065cb35ff737a9ac96a285738b8,philip perkin,despit cloud rain shower astronom phillip perkin manag spot reddened eclips moon stone well known monument sun may total lunar eclipse stonehenge england record dramat picture rise moon 5 degre horizon conveni locat gap circl ancient stones although first glanc appear eerie lumin pool water foreground perkin note daughter produc artist light effect illumin fallen stone surround grass hide place behind larg stone right center pictur look toward southeast stone moon one inner rather famou mark northeast direct summer solstic sunrise,moon stone,2004-05-25,536,81,0.0039682539682539,05-25,5,2004,25,2,0,1 202960c616f71b9ca8ee3a28f92367168d1768d84c56801c72a3dbf43e07b712,none,martian orbit mar express camera look largest volcano solar system result stunningli detail overhead view caldera summit crater region olympu mons fittingli name lofti god greek mythology olympu mon rise 21 kilomet surround plain 3 time height mt everest area pictur 102 kilomet across caldera pit 3 kilomet deep comparison hawaiian volcan caldera rang 18 kilomet diameter outlin steep cliffs olympu mon 600 kilomet diameter,olympu mon,2004-05-26,424,65,-0.0714285714285714,05-26,5,2004,26,5,0,2 ae006bc99100cd6d92e49991764af70b9c9c48b0ebfc16d2ba334da36ac2c309,gordon garradd,wield wideangl lens astronom gordon garradd abl captur two nakedey comet one pictur look toward west loomberah new south wales australia far left lie comet c2002 t7 linear far right comet c2001 q4 neat record night may 20th area around comet separ enhanc here make easier discern extend tail stream away sun comet t7 linear brighter two comets fading still may visibl northern southern observ q4 neat easiest spot north course bright venu near center horizon light nearbi tamworth citi glow bottom right two comet alon heavenli view,two comet southern sky,2004-05-27,532,88,0.1673160173160173,05-27,5,2004,27,3,1,1 521d7af4d009fadfba174da4b3103f59ee9e0aed41696e1e450e35c2329c9dd3,neil degrassetyson amnh,today clear manhattan flood dramat sunlight sun set precis centerlin everi street usually tall build line grid street new york city tallest borough hide set sun effect make manhattan type modern stonehenge although align 30 degre east north manhattan road grid perfectli align east west today effect would occur vernal autumn equinox march 21 septemb 21 two day sun rise set due east west today sunset hidden cloud despair thing happen everi may 28 juli 12 none occasions however ever look directli sun,manhattan sunset,2004-05-28,503,83,-0.017550505050505,05-28,5,2004,28,1,0,1 67781877cce1471e848e53fc84334e311afd1dc7e0a044e0b77ff8fadea23b96,none,cones pillars majest flow shape abound stellar nurseri natal cloud ga dust buffet energet wind newborn stars wellknown example cone nebula within bright galact starform region ngc 2264 captur closeup view hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys cone nebula 2500 lightyear away monoceros around 7 lightyear long region pictur surround cone blunt head mere 25 lightyear across neck galaxi distanc half way sun nearest stellar neighbor alpha centauri massiv star ngc 2264 irs seen hubble infrar camera 1997 like sourc wind sculpt cone nebula lie top image cone nebula reddish veil produc glow hydrogen gas,cone nebula closeup,2004-05-29,606,95,0.1404761904761904,05-29,5,2004,29,4,2,5 b90819c4d6e8c773239c26e2bc2ad49890236f95854480f17379283e7d187430,none,ever day everyth got turn around tell way up fortunately happen astronaut jame s voss 2000 may 21 spent six hour prepar fix upgrad intern space station voss shown anchor space shuttl atlantis mechan arm maneuv outsid shuttle cargo bay high planet earth space walk us histori fifth dedic construct intern space station mission return success replac station batteries lift station higher orbit replenish need supplies,astronaut work,2004-05-30,415,66,0.202,05-30,5,2004,30,8,1,2 4ecb1ab3b1e4c3f562638816a90dbb069bee191b197a9ec16f00df1449dae0de,none,next stop saturn cassinihuygen spacecraft approach saturn fire engin break orbit around ring giant juli 1 robot spacecraft launch 1997 round jupit 2001 cassini orbit saturn next four years swoop past mani saturn moon unpreced closeup even drop probe onto titan pictur above cassini imag saturn two week ago close 24 million kilomet out visibl complex cloud patterns thousand rings shadow angl visibl earth moon find,24 million kilomet saturn,2004-05-31,415,66,-0.1071428571428571,05-31,5,2004,31,0,0,2 a2000d00f7ae3742a794b821ee96a20ca0bef90f7085001468bfd8d402152971,none,star format occur faster pace m82 galaxi ten time rate massiv star birth and death compar milki way wind massiv star blast supernova explos creat billow cloud expand ga remark starburst galaxy scientif colorcod imag highlight complex origin plume combin wide field imag wiyn telescop arizona smaller highresolut imag orbit hubbl space telescope m82 aspect optic pictur led popular moniker cigar galaxy m82 burst star format like trigger mere 100 million year ago latest seri bout neighbor larg galaxi m81,supergalact wind starburst galaxi m82,2004-06-01,505,80,0.0285714285714285,06-01,6,2004,1,6,0,3 4f99a5b828ee2b9bdfdbb5000e64cd68ec4db9bab8f7ee40bb2e8b268389c4e9,none,star planet appear construct dusti nebula rcw spitzer space telescop falsecolor infrar view nearbi stellar nurseri show known hot star well way clear nebula central regions also 300 newborn stars seen strewn throughout cosmic dust cloud filaments infrar data indic like presenc protoplanetari disc around infant suns among faintest farthest potenti planetform disc ever observed excit result give support idea planetform disc natur part star evolution mere 14000 lightyear away toward constel centaurus industri rcw 49 350 lightyear across,cosmic construct zone rcw,2004-06-03,539,79,0.0199999999999999,06-03,6,2004,3,4,0,5 5b08d0a11a3971b53e348fa432d5b42518afb8fbd8bd29a18f0a8b77fb1f7f70,none,stand sedna solar system distant known view sun high noon might look someth like this artist dramat vision pictur show sun suspend nearbi horizon bright star immers dusti eclipt plane within sunlight familiar member solar system includ planet earth distanc 13 billion kilomet 8 billion miles earth would visibl binocular small telescope sedna dark daytim skies sun also join faint star obscur dust cloud milki way suspend left ruddi terrain sky gazers planet interior orbit would remain close sun sedna skies course earthbound astronomers interior planet venu mercuri also remain near sun venu schedul rare cross solar disc june 8,sedna noon,2004-06-04,632,100,0.0577272727272727,06-04,6,2004,4,1,2,4 4f13dedc62856fd0da2106102c40a20684c2001665703b70e8734db88f7080c8,none,spot planet diminut disk mercury solar system innermost planet spent five hour cross front enorm solar disk 2003 may 7 view gener vicin planet earth sun horizon entir transit observ europe africa asia australia horizon certainli problem sunstar soho spacecraft seen dark spot mercuri progress left right top panel bottom four imag soho extrem ultraviolet camera panels falsecolor correspond differ wavelength extrem ultraviolet highlight region sun visibl surface first 14 transit mercuri occur 21st century next similar event much rare transit venu come tuesday need help spot mercury click picture news flash venu cross sun tuesday,mercuri spot,2004-06-06,633,96,0.0904761904761904,06-06,6,2004,6,1,2,2 174e1b95ee2d45e00f0a29066833ecb1b977af59794b54b0c5cbf2f0f4a170c6,raymundo aguirr,cloud bottom appear like bubbles normal cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet form air becom opaqu cloud conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm seen near top anvil cloud example result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud photograph last month monclova mexico news flash rare transit venu across sun tomorrow,mammatu cloud mexico,2004-06-07,526,80,0.175,06-07,6,2004,7,8,1,1 530109f4a5b9cf1b665b5bc36f6a45428b7ccb267df512999477926ee5a3a635,ronald f the clay center,today astronom event occur live person ever venu cross directli front sun venu crossing call transit last occur 1882 news around world today transit visibl throughout europ asia africa northeastern half north america see sun rise dark dot venu alreadi superposed never look directli sun even venu front mercury closer proxim sun caus transit everi years fact imag mosaic mercuri cross sun two transit ago novemb 1999 anyon live see next venu transit sure ye sinc occur 2012,planet transit sun,2004-06-08,473,78,0.0506734006734006,06-08,6,2004,8,1,0,1 a0a714d459262eee2fd17c79eddfe74bf321ab9da8bc6f34c2b62091c4cb9f37,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,see transit watch sky gazer europe middl east africa asia abl wit complet 6 hour journey venus silhouet disk across face sun seen north america much herald venu transit 2004 near final stage sunris yesterday telescop image view look across atlant island near georgia usa fact mani eastern north america experienc dramat view perfect dark round venu redden sun filter bank low clouds ironically sun take appear cloud cover planet venu march toward right dreamlik scene,venu transit sunris,2004-06-09,467,76,0.1484126984126984,06-09,6,2004,9,1,1,1 771699dd647db3579c4de4833742fa545c2774243a5fa64b82d7356893877136,none,venu transit sun edg june 8th astronom captur tantal closeup view bright solar surfac partial silhouet disk enhanc sharp picture delic arc sunlight refract venusian atmospher also visibl outlin planet edg black space arc part lumin ring atmospher first note offer evid venu atmospher follow observ planet transit imag record use 1meter swedish solar telescop locat la palma canari islands institut solar physics dan peter telescope produc final image excel movi transit includ one emerg venus atmospher aureol avail dutch open telescope also observ la palma,venu edg,2004-06-10,559,86,0.0797619047619047,06-10,6,2004,10,1,0,4 9c6aecb603031b46b4abf9c465e966cf9a9a599742cfc77551b69c55e3e3b61c,stefan seip,joy 2004 transit venu stuttgart germany astronom stefan seip record fascinating detail imag sun reveal network cell dark filament bright solar disk spicul promin along sun limb telescop pictur taken halpha filter filter narrowli transmit red light hydrogen atom emphas solar chromospher region sun atmospher immedi photospher normal visibl surface here dark disk venu seem imit giant sunspot look perhap littl round halpha pictur like one sunspot region usual domin bright splotch call plages solar chromosphere,venu chromospher,2004-06-11,512,76,0.225,06-11,6,2004,11,1,1,4 a69dd2c9c368dc785c0003bd8a15e068edad279458acbec97eeea26334ff3ce0,none,two mighti galaxi pull apart known the mice long tails spiral galaxi like alreadi pass other probabl collid coalesce long tail creat rel differ gravit pull near far part galaxy distanc large cosmic interact take place slow motion hundr million years ngc 4676 lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel coma berenic like member coma cluster galaxies pictur taken hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey sensit imag larger field previou hubbl cameras camera increas sensit imaged serendipitously galaxi far distanc scatter frame,ngc 4676 mice collid,2004-06-12,533,82,-0.0191558441558441,06-12,6,2004,12,7,0,3 e02b7ac1371ed8517d07678d788f2be07332e0540b9d1494b11dff9fca5fa62f,sigurdur h stefnisson,sometim heaven earth erupt iceland 1991 volcano hekla erupt time aurora visibl overhead hekla one famou volcano world erupt least 20 time past millennium sometim caus great destruction last erupt occur two year ago caus minor damage green auror band occur fortuit 100 kilomet erupt lava earth solar system planet aurora volcanos,volcano aurora iceland,2004-06-13,328,52,0.0,06-13,6,2004,13,8,0,2 542b548a341cd78789b4a6b2f8fe0186083b4384f1e7bd777488236ea5ea810e,none,caus unusu light dark layer saturn moon layer discov friday cassini spacecraft flybi small moon layer particularli evid crater imag center altern light dark materi make crater appear particularli cassini scientist specul layer might result impact dark surfac layer becom intertwin lighter subsurfac ice layer imag span 80 kilomet taken cassini 13000 kilomet end june cassini spacecraft instruct fire thruster deceler orbit around saturn,unusu layer saturn moon phoeb,2004-06-14,436,64,7.930164461608259e-18,06-14,6,2004,14,0,0,2 bab9823ba6dcd2cf1d57a35ce32a87091a5b3bc6beefb936959fc32f5d323cca, peter lawrenc,unusu type solar eclips occur last week usual earth moon eclips sun last week first time 100 years planet venu took turn like solar eclips moon phase venu becam continu thinner crescent venu becam increasingli better align sun eventu align becam perfect phase venu drop zero dark spot venu cross parent star situat could technic label venusian annular eclips extraordinarili larg ring fire thick cloud top venus earth appear fullest phase brighter venusian sky even mar appear earth last august hour later venu continu orbit slight crescent phase appear again next venusian solar eclips occur 2012,rare annular venusian solar eclips,2004-06-15,597,96,0.0988095238095238,06-15,6,2004,15,1,2,1 cb93e296d004e6a702f9d4d30d8f881d44c18cd56f0e4673391a80bea2d59472,canadafrancehawaii telescop,cal galaxi m87 type galaxi look much differ milki way galaxy even ellipt galaxy though m87 peculiar m87 much bigger averag galaxy appear near center whole cluster galaxi known virgo cluster show unusu high number globular clusters globular cluster visibl faint spot surround bright center m87 general ellipt galaxi contain similar number star spiral galaxies ellipsoid shape spiral mostli flat spiral structure littl ga dust imag m87 taken recent canadafrancehawaii telescop top dormant volcano mauna kea hawaii usa news apod turn nine year old,ellipt galaxi m87,2004-06-16,544,84,0.0856666666666666,06-16,6,2004,16,7,0,3 69ad085d7c69f43fa38bc0574892cafc3910410998c0b5b3c9b5a18dcbd3a0af,jimmi westlakecolorado mountain college,unaid eye appear similar fuzzi patches bright comet pass front bright star cluster last month binocular camera abl show mark differ dramat fashion pictur above bright comet c2001 q4 neat show mani detail coma tail far distanc beehiv open cluster m44 show mani stars comet q4 fade edg unaid visibl best found sky map binocular northern hemispher well june star cluster m44 remain impress star cluster toward constel cancer indefinitely,comet neat beehiv cluster,2004-06-17,434,70,0.31,06-17,6,2004,17,3,1,3 fc71a5e3be1cceef4d017b490f89dc09ada6c71412966c567100d050f8f00310,none,cloud glow ga mingl lane dark dust trifid nebula star form region toward constel sagittarius center three huge dark dust lane give trifid name come together mountain opaqu dust appear right filament dust visibl thread throughout nebula singl massiv star visibl near center caus much trifid glow trifid also known m20 300000 year old make among youngest emiss nebula known nebula lie 9000 light year away part pictur span 10 light years imag addit sever exposur hubbl space telescop taken past years,trifid nebula hubbl,2004-06-18,498,82,0.0946428571428571,06-18,6,2004,18,4,0,5 6841dd1b05becfe5fc9531c29a1e613e32ee90d5ff502face69841b5ed831e19,none,asteroid moon robot spacecraft galileo destin explor jovian system encount photograph two asteroid long interplanetari voyag jupiter second asteroid photographed ida discov moon appear small dot right ida imag 1993 tini moon name dactyl one mile across potato shape ida measur 36 mile long 14 mile wide dactyl first moon asteroid ever discovered name ida dactyl greek mythology mani asteroid known moons,ida dactyl asteroid moon,2004-06-19,403,62,0.0107142857142857,06-19,6,2004,19,2,0,2 860987768855ddd7b5a0c95b6f173b062dcdda307d47715ff02dbab8ebf91a38,none,season greetings today tomorrow depend time zone sun reach northernmost point planet earth sky mark season chang first solstic year 2004 celebration consid delight detailed brightli color imag activ sun eit instrument onboard spacebas soho observatory tantal pictur falsecolor composit three imag made extrem ultraviolet light individu imag highlight differ temperatur regim upper solar atmospher assign specif color red 2 million green 15 million blue 1 million degre c combin imag show bright activ region strewn across solar disk would otherwis appear dark group sunspot visibl light images along magnific plasma loop immens promin right hand solar limb,solstic celebr,2004-06-20,656,98,0.1896103896103896,06-20,6,2004,20,1,2,1 e5015332f3695e18409bf4d5cea96ab09be39bf66cf104656c4fa3849a4744e1,anthoni ayiomam,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day throughout planet earth year above 44 separ exposur plu one foreground exposure record singl piec film illustr regular solar motion task perform calendar year 2003 appropriately foreground ruin ancient hero greek mytholog pursu first twelv solstices like one occur ut june 21 correspond top bottom figure8 northern southernmost excurs sun sky tilt planet earth axi variat speed move around orbit combin produc grace analemma curve,analemma ancient,2004-06-21,481,74,0.2083333333333333,06-21,6,2004,21,1,1,1 b86a894287b1a81eaab3cde22b3b2cc0239601b2823334d75b4084a6e9418b5b,none,unusu spire form comet wild close inspect imag taken comet wild 2 pass stardust spacecraft januari show numer strang pinnacl long 100 meter long jut surface pinnacl unexpect closeup comet asteroid show features fact solar system object besid earth known show unusu structures unusu wild 2 surfac featur includ long cliffs deep pit craters numer activ jets togeth spires featur hypothes indic rigid surfac sculpt impact explos sublimation initially wild 2 expect mani held togeth quit stardust schedul fli earth 2006 drop sampl wild 2 detail,unusu found comet wild 2,2004-06-22,541,86,0.0388888888888888,06-22,6,2004,22,3,0,4 f5f7d001e3bf0a3a18ccc02b723c7f0fa69df1104e47fcd3df88e0dce900cde0,david cortner,rare transit venu across face sun earlier month one betterphotograph event sky history scientif artist imag flood area could see transit europ much asia africa north america scientifically solar photograph confirm black drop effect realli better relat view clariti camera telescop atmospher venus artistically imag might divid sever categories one type captur transit front highli detail sun anoth categori captur doubl coincid venu airplan simultan silhouetted venu intern space station low earth orbit third imag type involv fortuit arrang interest look clouds shown exampl imag taken north carolina usa distant orb giant venu might first glance small unusu circular cloud,picturesqu venu transit,2004-06-23,674,100,0.0666666666666666,06-23,6,2004,23,1,2,4 29dedfc0a75294e7f889c7fb71cae15b59738a709a4d2813775f7e67bb33f652,none,june 21st pilot mike made histor flight wing craft dub spaceshipon first privat man mission space spaceship reach altitud 62 mile 100 kilometers suborbit trajectory similar earli space flight nasa mercuri program so view video camera earlier test flight climb 40 mile record pictur look west southern california coast earth limb foreground nozzl hybrid rocket visibl along edg wing configur spaceshipon design built burt rutan compani scale composit compet 10 million dollar x prize,planet earth spaceshipon,2004-06-25,483,74,0.05,06-25,6,2004,25,8,0,2 c2d017260ff09f7ae375ecafadccfce13d58fc10eae55d910665f2b9fa4d1a14,none,1960 spring came southern hemispher neptune solar system outermost ga giant planet course sinc neptun orbit sun everi 165 earthyears still springtim southern neptune season last four decades astronom found recent year neptun get brighter illustr hubbl space telescop imag made 2002 compar hubbl pictur taken earli 1996 2002 imag show dramat increas reflect white cloud band neptune southern hemisphere neptune equat tilt 29 degre plane orbit earth 235 degre tilt neptune weather seem dramat respond similar rel season increas sunlight even though sunlight 900 time less intens distant ga giant planet earth meanwhile summer realli around corner come neptune southern hemispher 2005,neptune still springtim year,2004-06-26,682,103,-0.0222222222222222,06-26,6,2004,26,8,2,4 77d0454d738c23e25d6a8e02a6d1ac18e93c76f9ade5d07aa028972a61c7f458,none,two billion lightyear away galaxi cluster abel 1689 one massiv object universe view hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys abel 1689 seen warp space predict einstein theori graviti bend light individu galaxi lie behind cluster produc multiple curv images power enorm gravit len depend mass visibl matter form cluster yellowish galaxies account one percent mass need make observ bluish arc imag background galaxies fact gravit mass requir warp space enough explain cosmic scale lens form still mysteri dark matter domin sourc cluster gravity dark matter unseen presenc map lens arc distort background galaxi images,galaxi cluster abel 1689 space,2004-06-27,619,94,-0.0499999999999999,06-27,6,2004,27,7,2,3 19cae239554f41087d55e2a18c086677db40b029f6f3e03f8c903a577c4b8977,none,spirit robot rover mar reach columbia hill mars two hill shown approach near begin june truecolor pictur show nearli human would see spirit vantag point red color rocks hills even sky caus pervas rust sand spirit travel 3 kilomet sinc bounc onto red planet january robot explorer control program remot earth investig rock call gold side mars spirit twin opportun inspect unusu rock insid pit dub endur crater,spirit rover columbia hill mar,2004-06-28,408,68,0.025,06-28,6,2004,28,5,0,2 a5cda837ac6db0674817b37f59d0eae6fe317ded430f6addcee3161e60a9a090,none,bright ga dark dust permeat space star center nebula known ngc 6559 gas primarili hydrogen respons diffus red glow emiss nebula energet light neighbor star ioniz interstellar hydrogen proton electron recombin emit light specif colors includ red hue observed small dust particl reflect blue starlight effici creat blue reflect nebulos seen near two bright stars dust also absorb visibl light caus dark cloud filament visible ngc 6559 lie 5000 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius,center ngc 6559,2004-06-29,483,74,0.1464285714285714,06-29,6,2004,29,4,1,5 940b4f8631883b08637da865ef97930ffed88c2a48ff9e91198de748ce914e03,none,saturn moon phoeb comet imag robot cassini spacecraft taken two week ago enter neighborhood saturn indic phoeb may origin outer solar system phoebe irregular surface retrograd orbit unusu dark surface assort larg small craters low averag densiti appear consist hypothesi phoeb part kuiper belt ici comet beyond neptun captur saturn visibl imag phoeb craters streaks layer deposit light dark material imag taken around 30000 kilomet 200kilomet diamet moon late today cassini begin fire engin deceler orbit around saturn,phoebe comet moon saturn,2004-06-30,518,78,-0.075,06-30,6,2004,30,0,0,2 72f4e1f11cf8aab980eba99bab5a9f1da091eea577939659f36ef4c2cd0a2ee9,none,milki way galaxi 50 million lightyear away disk inclin slightli line sight would look lot like larg spiral galaxi ngc 7331 fact seen falsecolor infrar imag spitzer space telescope ngc 7331 interest part thought similar milki way light older cooler stars shown blue domin central bulg ngc 7331 spitzer data also indic presenc black hole within galaxy central region size black hole galact core shown red brown radiat complex molecul associ dust trace ngc star form spiral arms arm span around 100000 lightyears size milki way curiously star form ring visibl yellowish hues 20000 lightyear center ngc 7331 known structur exist within galaxy,ngc galaxi,2004-07-01,639,103,-0.0222222222222222,07-01,7,2004,1,7,2,3 2e184e9a4757464d33a7749b7ef28375bb205d9ca9947865d61f65f653639e59,none,yesterday cassini becam first spacecraft enter orbit around ga giant saturn rocket 25000 kilomet wide gap distant planet magnific system ici ring 15 kilomet per second turn snap pictures cassini narrow angl camera record stun closeup much smaller gap rings enck gap mere 300 kilomet wide enck gap flank amaz structur within ring edg pattern densiti wave clear sharp image ring saturn like debri breakup ici moon enck gap creat repeat passag tini moon 20 kilomet wide tini moon pan also detect cassini camera spacecraft approach saturnian system,enck moon,2004-07-02,545,88,-0.0729166666666666,07-02,7,2004,2,0,0,2 7fe888b60bfc571e2f3259c4950e2868cd630378605b819ea1bda0c721e8f179,none,cept ring saturn ring nebula m57 probabl famou celesti band planetari nebula simple grace appear thought due perspect view planet earth look straight actual barrelshap cloud ga shrug die central star astronom hubbl heritag project produc strikingli sharp imag hubbl space telescop observ use natur appear color indic temperatur stellar ga shroud hot blue ga near energ central star give way progress cooler green yellow ga greater distanc coolest red ga along outer boundary dark elong structur also seen near nebula edge ring nebula one lightyear across 2000 lightyear away northern constel lyra,m57 ring nebula,2004-07-04,597,93,0.0470588235294117,07-04,7,2004,4,4,2,5 d324cc6be5a1a3ec234d38257d427733cb321b2d71c11c342fc99f08965c2e5b,none,caus pattern saturn rings cassini spacecraft enter orbit around saturn start send back spectacular imag saturn immens ring system unpreced detail physic caus mani newli resolv ring structur alway understood caus beauti geometr type ring structur shown saturn ring however hypothes spiral densiti wave small moon systemat perturb orbit ring particl orbit slightli differ distanc caus densiti wave bunching also visibl imag right bend wave vertic wave ring particl also caus graviti nearbi moon closeup span 220 kilometers cassini schedul take send back imag distant ring saturn unusu moon next four years,cassini imag densiti wave saturn ring,2004-07-05,603,92,0.0765306122448979,07-05,7,2004,5,0,2,2 b2cd77eaada14d58c8afd6d1a20441be4e34352915b4e5d0c2bd4a10340fa50f,none,could build block life exist smog titan creat help answer questions largest mysteri moon saturn got quick first look cassini robot spacecraft soon enter orbit around giant planet last week although thick atmospher smog prevent detail surfac imag visibl light infrar light abl provid interest clue natur titan surface imag show titan three differ color infrar light energet left leftmost imag detail show surfac featur yet well understood smooth middl imag consist larg frozen ocean water ice contain simpl hydrocarbons darker region rightmost imag might indic area rel rich hydrocarbons white spot visibl near south pole hypothes persist cloud larg particl contain methane better understand mysteri surfac titan hope scientist studi imag plan 45 flybi next four years january cassini schedul drop huygen probe onto titan surface,titan cassini infrar,2004-07-06,828,127,0.1905555555555555,07-06,7,2004,6,8,2,4 f8541be0afecfb7e0c74e769656f3407dd3447b0df38194e04e2ef7a589fa049,none,massiv stars abras winds mountain dust energet light sculpt one largest picturesqu region star format local group galaxies known n11 region visibl upper right mani imag home galaxy milki way neighbor known larg magellan cloud lmc imag actual highlight n11b part nebula span 100 light year particularli active entir emiss nebula n11 second lmc size 30 doradus studi star shown actual hous three success gener star formation compact globul dark dust hous emerg young star also visibl upper right,star cloud lmc,2004-07-07,493,79,0.1062925170068027,07-07,7,2004,7,4,1,3 2a309fade5f40944ef560b51fd7484196cf2c35d0d1d9151cd308e7d89b33725,stefan seip,fix camera tripod lock shutter open easili record imag star trails grace concentr arc trace star planet earth rotat axis gradual chang focu camera len exposure could end dramat pictur like one outoffocu portion trail show star color case subject one famou constel night sky crux southern cross gacrux gamma cruci bright red giant star 88 lightyear distant form top cross seen near top center acrux hot blue star bottom cross 320 lightyear distant actual binari star system acrux alpha star compact southern cross lie along line point gacrux south celesti pole lower right edg picture ad separ short exposur end trail better show posit star themselves astronom stefan seip record remark imag last may dark night sky namibia,southern cross star color,2004-07-08,722,119,0.0887619047619047,07-08,7,2004,8,6,2,4 a643623ea65c016996a51a61ea4141e62376514800896418155135d40362c97e,none,get redblu glass gaze across spectacular crater terrain saturn ici moon phoeb stereo dramat 3d perspect span roughli 50 kilomet base two raw uncalibr imag cassini spacecraft narrow angl camera taken flybi june 11 rang 13500 kilometers phoeb 200 kilomet diameter stereo experiment patrick vantuyn note substanti overlap raw imag data abl assembl dramat view overlap region redblu stereo anaglyph look cool stereo glass easili construct use red blue plastic filters view image red filter use left eye,phoeb crater stereo,2004-07-10,498,78,-0.0511538461538461,07-10,7,2004,10,8,0,4 bd5aa5e63f9c393b75076dd7db801ada12767785f3bb3a84234cb1d9659696a4,none,analys new highresolut map microwav light emit year big bang appear defin univers precis ever before eagerli await result announc last year orbit wilkinson microwav anisotropi probe resolv sever longstand disagr cosmolog root less precis data specifically present analys wmap allski imag indic univers 137 billion year old accur 1 percent compos 73 percent dark energy 23 percent cold dark matter 4 percent atoms current expand rate 71 accur 5 percent underw episod rapid expans call inflation expand forever astronom like research foundat implic result year come,resolv univers,2004-07-11,563,87,-0.0391184573002754,07-11,7,2004,11,8,0,4 1be291e07a6ced47d8fc83c97b5f7ac83cf1bb7ff106cdef0e06d9b80053275d,none,saturn ring made of effort find out robot spacecraft cassini enter orbit around saturn two week ago took sever detail imag area surround saturn larg ring ultraviolet light image bluer area appears richer water ice conversely redder area appears richer sort dirt imag show inner ring dirt outer rings specifically shown above thin ring cassini divis left rel high dirt content compar outer part saturn ring shown right trend could big clue ring origin thin red band otherwis blue ring enck gap exact composit dirt remain unknown,cassini imag saturn ring,2004-07-12,527,87,0.015054945054945,07-12,7,2004,12,0,0,1 0305808c9501bb0a1666ed2d7b93b9dd404ff01b3a4921877326d5f7eb7179c9,wfi mpgeso 22m telescope la sillaeso,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region arguabl famou astronom nebulae orion nebula also known m42 shown ultraviolet blue filter augment three exact color specif emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain glow gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds mani filamentari structur visibl imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula span 40 light year locat 1500 light year away spiral arm galaxi sun,orion nebula oxygen hydrogen sulfur,2004-07-13,565,88,0.21625,07-13,7,2004,13,4,1,5 164eaa5319a993e221f31848814b016d694da8e8349cb7b3e9a7e10a321bb79c,malin space scienc systemsmocmgsjpl nasa,what best way citi center look like street map citi earth actual seri fragment polar polygon mars exist polar polygon mar particularli interest may indic region water ice lie within meter surface similar look polygon commonli found arctic antarct earth typic form repetit cycl freez imag span distanc 3 kilomet taken recent orbit mar global surveyor,polar mar,2004-07-14,349,56,0.0916666666666666,07-14,7,2004,14,5,1,2 3e1614f89c3ae2a636eb176696df939f211842ae3920797279833d6660f8fd24,starryscap,cosmic dust cloud sprawl across rich field star gorgeou wide field telescop vista look toward corona australis southern crown probabl less 500 lightyear away effect block light distant background star milki way densest part dust cloud 8 lightyear long tip lower left seri love blue nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust tini intrigu yellowish arc visibl near blue nebula mark young variabl star r corona australis magnific globular star cluster ngc 6723 seen left nebulae ngc 6723 appear outsid corona australi constel sagittarius actual lie nearli 30000 lightyear away far beyond corona australi dust cloud,star dust corona australi,2004-07-15,677,107,0.0951754385964912,07-15,7,2004,15,4,2,5 0f558a297af171d7c88a45279ef8a0b5cfaa0c456e201b9b088bd777e399e0c1,ken crawford,blown wind star tantalizing ghostli apparit catalog ngc 7635 known simpli bubbl nebula astronom ken strike view combin long exposur hydrogen alpha filter color imag reveal intric detail cosmic bubbl environment although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work seen left bubble center bright hot star embed telltal blue hue characterist dust reflect starlight fierc stellar wind intens radiat star like mass 10 20 time sun blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia,bubbl,2004-07-16,598,91,-0.0549999999999999,07-16,7,2004,16,4,0,5 27e84aa6954966e1af7e8e4675adea2ca90d14bffd919a9c70407e1f04f54bd6,none,venu glide front enorm solar disk two frame trace satellit imag inner planet 2004 transit arrang frame intend view comfort distanc screen eye gentli allow imag merg produc pleas stereo effect shown phase transit silhouet portion planet appear float dramat front sun surface course dens atmospher also scatter refract intens sunlight effect visibl across portion planet still beyond sun edg view black space,transit venu,2004-07-17,406,63,-0.0833333333333333,07-17,7,2004,17,1,0,1 2e8475edf66e646f56db19028c1791848aabd4a207069a0ca36abe54daf29695,robert gendler,andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid imag m31 digit mosaic 20 frame taken small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ center acquir two nuclei,m31 andromeda galaxi,2004-07-18,551,86,0.085576923076923,07-18,7,2004,18,7,0,3 0359b4ec209c839c4083f61e2a32e4fbc164995cf1dbf80ed37ffebcb0dd4b19,none,spirit rover attack mar late last month might look above like militari attack though scientif one spirit instruct close inspect interest rock near columbia hills spirit front hazard avoid camera captur rover instrument deploy devic guid microscop imag get closer look rock dub imag taken microscop imag show rock surfac consist basalt corrod ancient structur similar origin found example western desert egypt earth pictur taken june 30 martian day spirit rover red planet,attack mar,2004-07-19,472,73,-0.0285714285714285,07-19,7,2004,19,5,0,2 b3ac55ae34bb79df69ca318129c6d838047de36b1c8ac2fa75d94aa9b8a23ec1,toma,june 8 venu celesti object pass front sun photograph caught intern space station also cross sun simultaneously pictur uniqu timelaps imag unpreced doubl transit rare event visibl less second narrow band earth imag combin 12 frame taken second apart last th second imag taken small villag slovakia next time venu appear cross sun earth 2012 news today anniversari apollo 11 moon landing,space station venus sun,2004-07-20,385,62,-0.0287878787878787,07-20,7,2004,20,1,0,2 c1e43c248f79b972917ae568c6ae7a7a41d42f24230210528d452a852d565830,none,pictur saturn could taken earth earth base pictur could possibl view night side saturn correspond shadow cast across saturn rings sinc earth much closer sun saturn day side planet visibl earth rather pictur taken robot cassini spacecraft began orbit saturn earlier month dark western limb saturn loom larg imag right complex concentr small ring particl reflect sunlight imag left saturn enigmat f ring visibl around outside show mysteri knots small moon epimetheus 100 kilomet across also seen far left cassini schedul drop probe toward largest moon titan december,shadow ring saturn,2004-07-21,564,88,-0.0895604395604395,07-21,7,2004,21,0,0,2 95d1284b34304520a2ebcf4392b77c77a30314d40c26421d9e3a1f7010992ef4,rick baldridg,allur time exposure star trail arc across night sky monterey bay light santa cruz california usa sinc exposur began around pdt juli 15 also record long trail delta ii rocket loft nasa aura spacecraft earth orbit watch vantag point 200 mile north vandenberg air forc base launch site photograph rick report trail repres first five minut rocket power flight ignit addit solid fuel visibl liftoff near begin track rocket trail end first stage seen rocket path two brightest star trail mark alpha beta star highfli constel aura spacecraft goal comprehens studi planet earth nurtur atmosphere,launch,2004-07-22,587,95,0.0214285714285714,07-22,7,2004,22,8,2,2 e7e2b3dc6805fec08dc21b22b3a3ccd3b9e75817c71251cf7ccfa25171a2f9f1,none,color saturn rings recent imag cassini spacecraft orbit saturn confirm differ ring slightli differ colors imag show differ bright color ring reflect sunlight so even perfectli would appear color sun ring particl mostli light waterice although particl shade unknown type darker dirt thinner isol ring also natur appear darker brightest section pictur saturn b ring,saturn ring natur color,2004-07-23,363,55,0.25,07-23,7,2004,23,0,1,1 8feebc5c6ceff6a6933bda3c534362303fff612783a479b22612fff95940392c,none,comet shoemakerlevi 9 name codiscoverers often refer string pearls comet famou suggest appear well collis planet jupiter comet origin singl nucleu torn piec jupiter strong graviti close encount solar system largest planet 1992 piec seen scroll right composit hubbl space telescop imag pearls strung along comet orbit path ten year ago juli 1994 piec collid jupit rare spectacular seri events,string pearl,2004-07-24,391,60,0.3238095238095238,07-24,7,2004,24,3,1,2 2448df4c94da7c804ae9fb3615bcddff833189a56a346a33f2f2e8152ff502dc,none,hot ga frequent erupt sun one erupt produc glow filament pictur above captur 2000 juli earthorbit trace satellite filament although small compar overal size sun measur 100000 kilomet height entir earth could easili fit outstretch arms ga filament funnel complex chang magnet field sun lift sun surface filamentari ga eventu fall back power solar erupt emit particl reach earth disrupt satellites caus natur solar erupt topic much research,solar filament lift,2004-07-25,438,68,0.05,07-25,7,2004,25,1,0,4 0ba3f67a6c85bd130c9a3cd91f4114e25c40b47683aed44cc1a600e2e5cf902b,jack newton,unexpectedli larg sunspot region cross sun activ region home river hot plasma explos flares strong magnet fields power coron mass eject cme sunspot group larg seen protect eye without magnification fact region appear larger venu cross sun last month pictur closeup sunspot group offici tag ar taken four day ago region near sun eastern limb disappear view days energet ion sunspot group continu impact earth creat rare purpl auroras,larg activ region cross sun,2004-07-26,432,69,0.1354166666666666,07-26,7,2004,26,1,1,1 ba023e273e8052270e66fa90c4395f64162f0fd7db3d0dfce33f5a4325efaab9,none,one year launch robot geologist opportun spend recent sol mar way slope endur crater litter martian blueberries flat rock within crater also seem surpris narrow slab stick along edges like blueberries possibl sharp narrow featur relat water could form miner deposit water cracks surround softer materi subsequ erod away narrow they one pictur enhanc color imag opportunity panoram camera actual centimet high half centimet wide impress 3d view construct stereo experiment p vantuyn base camera left right eye imag region,endur crater,2004-07-27,521,80,-0.1054578754578754,07-27,7,2004,27,5,0,2 0a3b768ea9060f870c8690af91e8b9600e087881728adbb826182f58c9235b61,starrywond,constel swan near nebula pelican lie ga cloud butterfli surround star known hen star given proper name sadr visibl unaid eye found brightest object upper left sadr 1500 light year distant near center butterfli nebula ic bright region given compar label ic fantast starfield surround sadr contain star old young open cluster star ngc 6910 visibl imag left vast cloud hydrogen ga glow red picturesqu pocket filament dark dust imag digit fusion sever differ color imag gamma cygni sadr region,cygnu starfield,2004-07-28,489,80,0.071875,07-28,7,2004,28,4,0,5 903ce1a18da3b5e64b9c415537411ee86a8419e0f14d7dfade598d50636a5d49,none,steep cliff drop rug terrain mela chasma stun view mar express spacecraft orbit red planet scale 16 meter per pixel imag data orbiter high resolut stereo camera offer evid volcan activity water wind eros marsquak may shape region mela chasma lie along central southern edg larg vall marineris grand canyon mars vall marineri 4000 kilomet long 10 kilomet deep region pictur span 70 kilometers floor mela chasma seen sever kilomet surround plateau,mela chasma,2004-07-29,445,72,0.0871428571428571,07-29,7,2004,29,5,0,2 8daaa86926fe8c233d392b31bdcbeb0f3f2052c296079704809293a7a7f3e1d0,philippemoussetteobs montcosmos,enjoy spaceweath gorgeou summer even midjuly astronom philipp captur color fishey len view look north observatoir mont cosmos quebec canada planet earth foreground light along northern horizon give orang cast low clouds far clouds altitud 100 kilomet more allur green purpl hue aurora boreali northern lights glow power energet particl edg space background familiar star northern sky particular famou celesti kitchen big dipper left wshape constel cassiopeia right easi spot then follow pointer star big dipper polaris perhap famou northern light all,northern light,2004-07-30,550,82,0.1867216117216117,07-30,7,2004,30,8,1,1 2ed586208779531043f6b0be94e1deaaeb1687ad66b1f3a68152322421513725,vic winter icstars,often full moon occur twice singl month exactli blue moon fact modern usag term blue moon refer second full moon singl month tonight blue moon first sinc novemb 2001 blue moon typic occur everi years reason rariti blue moon 2953 day full moon slightli shorter number day averag month dont however expect moon look blue tonight term blue moon recent trace error magazin possibl moon appear ting blue hue sometim caus fine dirt circul earth atmosphere possibl volcan explosion pictur taken full moon morn sky appear dark blue bright crescent part directli expos sunlight rest moon glow sunlight reflect earth dramat photo however planet jupit also visibl along four largest moons,tonight blue moon,2004-07-31,678,111,0.1408333333333333,07-31,7,2004,31,2,2,1 7c0fb361f60d25f55184f48db6242bc09a7782f22ec1abc4164f61ef53cf7467,umar mohideen u california riverside,tini ball provid evid univers expand forever measur slightli one tenth millimeter ball move toward smooth plate respons energi fluctuat vacuum empti space attract known casimir effect name discoverer who 50 year ago tri understand fluid like mayonnais move slowly today evid accumul energi densiti univers unknown form dub dark energy form genesi dark energi almost complet unknown postul relat vacuum fluctuat similar casimir effect gener somehow space itself vast mysteri dark energi appear gravit repel matter henc like caus univers expand forever understand vacuum fluctuat forefront research better understand univers also stop micromechan machin part stick together,forc empti space casimir effect,2004-08-01,671,98,-0.0053571428571428,08-01,8,2004,1,8,2,4 b9c6d9e9ca554e9e924e1df49cb49f9fa68e576b2a2919248ebfbc725ac591b5,none,imagin pipe wide state long half earth imagin pipe fill hot ga move 50000 kilomet per hour imagin pipe made metal transpar magnet field envis one thousand young spicul activ sun pictur perhap highest resolut imag yet enigmat solar flux tubes spicul dot frame solar activ region 10380 cross sun june particularli evid carpet dark tube right timesequenc imag recent shown spicul last five minutes start tall tube rapidli rise ga eventu fade ga peak fall back sun imag also indicate first time ultim caus spicul soundlik wave flow sun surfac leak sun atmosphere,spicules jet sun,2004-08-02,558,94,0.0349206349206349,08-02,8,2004,2,1,0,4 704703824c06649c2c871048e92e060758f2347c60c40afe75db8a4e060d7b60,none,saw shadow mar human might opportun rover current explor mars opportun sister robot spirit probe red planet sinc january find evid ancient water send breathtak imag across inner solar system pictur above opportun look opposit sun endur crater see shadow two wheel visibl lower left right floor wall unusu crater visibl background opportun cautious way enigmat crater hope find new clue wet ancient past solar system second habit planet,shadow martian robot,2004-08-03,435,69,0.0065525383707201,08-03,8,2004,3,5,0,2 152da8a08e9cc6b85c3d85bae172a796b4bfeeafce3c3d8ae2159c33585250c0,richard crisp,sprawl across hundr lightyears emiss nebula ic 1396 mix glow cosmic ga dark dust clouds star form area 3000 lightyear earth particularli color view region composit digit imag record narrow band filters filter actual block light narrowli transmit wavelength characterist specif glow atom nebula fact color scheme use make easi trace element contribut emiss ic 1396 emiss sulfur atom shown red hydrogen atom green oxygen blue beauti use result still differ eye might see ic 1396 lie high far constel cepheus,emiss nebula ic 1396,2004-08-05,506,81,0.0122222222222222,08-05,8,2004,5,4,0,5 9c408c899e6aa2b14fc82976b6202ca1f9fdb19952ba463957d9dbc561d47d1c,none,strang blue objects mani imag single unusual beaded blue ringlik galaxi happen lineup behind giant cluster galaxies cluster galaxi appear yellow togeth cluster dark matter act gravit lens gravit len creat sever imag background galaxies analog mani point light one would see look wine glass distant street light distinct shape background galaxi probabl form allow astronom deduc separ imag 4 8 9 10 oclock center cluster possibl even blue smudg left center yet anoth image spectacular photo hubbl space telescop taken octob 1994,giant cluster bends break imag,2004-08-07,531,83,0.057563025210084,08-07,8,2004,7,7,0,3 a7a42e1393a1d5b1b19fce8c042629ef5a58710cd4de29cc60f55d3060d64646,sebastien du parc du montmegantic,contempl sky recently week good one midnight medit mani northerli locat meteor perseid meteor shower frequent streak through perseid meteor shower slowli build crescendo peak night august 11 12 pictur 2002 august 1 group celesti sightseer near quebec canada treat dark wondrou night sky contain bright stars green auroras band milki way galaxy majest moon rising intern space station slowli glide by occasion flash perseid meteor although meteor caught frame big dipper remain quit prominent,contempl sky,2004-08-08,491,75,0.1944444444444444,08-08,8,2004,8,6,1,1 766adcabbda2082c81b6d81bb8e181114a8fde0bfc10ea95c2b84a0b2cbda144,starryscap,connect pipe nebula bright star antar flow dark cloud nicknam dark river murki dark river caus absorpt background starlight dust although nebula contain mostli hydrogen molecular gas antares brightest star frame embed color rho ophiuchi nebula clouds dark river pictur across upper left span 20 time angular diamet moon lie 500 light year distant type nebula visibl includ red emiss nebula blue reflect nebula,dark river antar,2004-08-09,409,64,0.0363636363636363,08-09,8,2004,9,4,0,5 1d1c0c249baf76473016099b6d1f75536d8c1f5b22a91675d668e772e8552061,none,moon haze layer titan two imag cassini spacecraft slip orbit around saturn last month confirm solar system mysteri moon surround thick atmospher also two distinct sphere haze layer visibl purpl falsecolor ultraviolet image titan opaqu atmospher similar earth atmospher compos mostli nitrogen energet sunlight strike high level atmospher nitrogen methane trace amount organ compound ethan carbon dioxid appear form complex organ molecul like popul detach haze layer decemb 2004 cassini launch huygen probe land titan,doubl haze titan,2004-08-10,516,75,-0.0233333333333333,08-10,8,2004,10,8,0,2 3900325afc146ffd7785f4de51b723b3b0cc1d859a8d83713dc45fecdbfcb12b,walli pacholka astropics,ongo perseid meteor shower strongest tonight tomorrow night although meteor visibl night long best time watch 200 dawn night dark moonless predawn sky may see dozen meteor per hour sky enthusiast europ asia might see unusu burst meteor near 2100 hour ut grain cosmic sand gravel shed comet swifttuttl streak across sky vapor entri earth atmosphere trace meteor trail backwards experienc skygaz find converg constel perseus thu annual meteor shower name pictur perseid meteor 2002 rock format us southwest desert shadow blur caus long exposure brightest perseid seen anywher earth monitor continu return imag night sky live cameras,perseid meteor,2004-08-11,630,98,0.1643939393939393,08-11,8,2004,11,8,2,1 43f142dbcaec4596d0d6b800d9fc4bf3c8dcd9802476b827826546b071a2812d,p jenniskensseti et eso,chase brief flash meteor trail across sky larg telescop nearli imposs may 12 2002 astronom got lucky bright meteor chanc across narrow slit spectrograph paran observatory time spectrograph use studi light supernova separ record mani nearinfrar emiss line produc atom distant stellar explosion artist montag meteor streak larg telescop unit paranal panel show nearinfrar sky background spectrum may 12 meteor combined panel b show emiss spectrum meteor alone subtract away background meteor emiss due collid oxygen nitrogen atom molecul superh air along glow trail altitud 100 kilometers,spectrum meteor,2004-08-12,586,87,0.1572916666666666,08-12,8,2004,12,6,1,4 3c74aec71f55400766255485b04a7835c38f453a7f8d5de71c13ab82ab60b2b3,ben cooper,streak earli morn sky august 3rd delta ii rocket launch nasa messeng spacecraft interplanetari voyag mercury schedul becom first probe orbit mercury messeng begin loop inner solar system seri close flybi planet earth venus flybi design trajectori chang graviti assist encount ultim achiev goal orbit mercuri 2011 prior enter orbit messeng also flybi mercuri 2008 2009 first spacecraft visit solar system innermost planet sinc marin 10 mid 1970s dramat view messeng launch record pier jetti park north end cocoa beach 25 mile cape canaver launch site what errat blue streak right reflect camera blur time exposure,messeng launch,2004-08-14,612,96,0.0982142857142857,08-14,8,2004,14,8,2,2 7943bd2cd0237885537f1484ec354c009140d048eb114ca764d4f1b229f748d0,none,one galaxi two question came light 1950 astronom art hoag chanc upon unusu extragalact object outsid ring domin bright blue stars near center lie ball much redder star like much older two gap appear almost complet dark hoag object form remain unknown although similar object identifi collect label form ring galaxy genesi hypothes includ galaxi collis billion year ago gravit interact involv unusu shape core photo taken hubbl space telescop juli 2001 reveal unpreced detail hoag object may yield better understanding hoag object span 100000 light year lie 600 million light year away toward constel serpens coincidentally visibl gap at one oclock yet anoth ring galaxi like lie far distance,hoag object strang ring galaxi,2004-08-15,691,110,0.1869047619047619,08-15,8,2004,15,7,2,4 4514ac1c74f22914c97d802d30355b3409dc07b1ca4f1285eb9aab60eeb6d29f,canadafrancehawaii telescop,star battl ga dust lagoon nebula photograph winning also known m8 photogen nebula visibl even without binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m8 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions spectacular portion lagoon nebula taken cfht creat light emit hydrogen shown red light emit oxygen shown light m8 see today left 5000 year ago light take 50 year cross section m8,closeup lagoon,2004-08-16,521,80,0.2416666666666666,08-16,8,2004,16,4,1,5 614e6b4f4a19f073527bbeefbea1ad860bf17edb2f496157fe1ee6379c467970,none,martian rock round small rock dub blueberri found opportun rover meridiani planum mars one perch bylot rock unusu nonspher shapes strang shape blueberri rock shown imag taken opportunity microscop imag august 9 dark sand also cover much bylot rock one hypothesi lack blueberri round coat rel resist erosion averag diamet blueberri 4 millimeters studi rock featur allow better understand wet past ancient mars,unusu rock,2004-08-17,408,63,-0.0562499999999999,08-17,8,2004,17,5,0,2 dcd6ac5a2cff718f42a906579187f73f75e844acdf8609b5fceaa1de3dead6df,elizabeth,nobodi know caus lightning known charg slowli separ cloud caus rapid electr discharg lightning electr charg get separ cloud remain topic much research nevertheless lightn bolt common cloud rainstorms averag 6000 lightn bolt occur cloud earth everi minute above sever lightn stroke photograph starri sky behind kitt peak nation observatori near tucson arizona lightn also found planet jupiter saturn uranus nasa launch trmm mission 1997 continu measur rainfal lightn planet earth,lightn earth,2004-08-18,478,71,-0.08,08-18,8,2004,18,8,0,1 773f14c8f9b3437c3c472af7747b8002b8c290dc72ca683a220f58b05624aa2a,none,fast power wind hot young star creat stun bubbleshap nebula pois end bright filament hydrogen gas catalog cosmic windblown bubbl seen left hubbl space telescop image n44f lie along northern outskirt n44 complex emiss nebula larg magellan cloud mere 160000 lightyear away bright blue hot star center bubble peer bubble interior hubbl imag reveal dramat structures includ pillar dust align toward hot central star reminisc dust pillar stellar nurseri within milki way galaxy like contain young star tips expand surround ga dust 12 kilomet per second n44f around 35 lightyear across,windblown,2004-08-19,579,91,0.11875,08-19,8,2004,19,4,2,5 16b06e8ce69bb3b2416c004cdeb731f77f8830ac54bdbf0fe2fddbb4284d14b9,none,could solar sail becom futur olymp nearli 400 year ago astronom johann kepler observ comet tail blown solar breez suggest might likewis navig space use appropri fashion wide recogn sunlight inde produc forc move comet tail large reflect sail could practic mean propel spacecraft fact illustr repres concept explor nasa interstellar probe push along sunlight reflect nearli half kilomet wide delic solar sail would unfurl space continu pressur sunlight would ultim acceler craft speed five time higher possibl convent rockets quit readi nasa recent test solar sail technolog earth japanes space agenc deploy solar sail materi space planetari societi collabor space research institut moscow partner prepar launch cosmo 1 solar sail power spacecraft,solar sail,2004-08-21,746,113,-0.0306972789115646,08-21,8,2004,21,8,2,4 dfd0db45baa1f9ab85749c1b502d36d643e8b504642234d3a4ccd60182b22645,none,earth look like night find favorit countri city surprisingly citi light make task quit possible humanmad light highlight particularli develop popul area earth surface includ seaboard europe eastern unit states japan mani larg citi locat near river ocean exchang good cheapli boat particularli dark area includ central part south america africa asia australia imag actual composit hundr pictur made orbit dmsp satellites editor note imag becom also gener mani print requests unfortunately sell prints however highresolut digit version imag avail click here,earth night,2004-08-22,555,82,0.1649999999999999,08-22,8,2004,22,8,1,1 a320ca635c7b29ab80aa9f18cb6173b5ea7d4a1344a27005af731b6d8eeee101,none,would like climb hill look mars opportun afford spirit rover earlier month roll high perch columbia hills peer out roll robot spi interior plain distant rim gusev crater beyond outcrop rock call spirit continu find evid mani rock shape alter ancient water spirit sister robot opportun complet primari threemonth mission remain good enough condit continu explor mars,look mar,2004-08-23,365,57,0.0909523809523809,08-23,8,2004,23,5,1,2 d58cf65b575de9472ce9c387c86d163c295d0f1971b58d13cb6146c8fb3778c2,none,crew board intern space station sometim need supplies us space shuttl fleet prepar return flight suppli usual come robot progress suppli vessel launch kazakhstan pictur above progress ship approach iss may 27 deliv 2500 kilogram food water fuel import suppli ship soon dock zvezda servic modul orbit earth 300 kilomet central asia,suppli ship approach space station,2004-08-24,330,52,-0.0833333333333333,08-24,8,2004,24,8,0,2 c80061996c2040ad9d95bc7c7afe31913f042c3b7bfefccc08bd9385a1a0d018,stefan seip,tomorrow picture ca archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of lhea nasa gsfc michigan tech u,zodiac light fals dawn,2004-08-25,262,39,0.2857142857142857,08-25,8,2004,25,8,1,0 e383919f0dc8d07040bd9c3acda6fcb311b8f7654f4290631d4a43e0867aff12,none,one million second xray imag data use construct view supernova remnant cassiopeia a expand debri cloud stellar explosion stunningli detail imag chandra observatori allow unpreced explor catastroph fate await star much massiv sun seen falsecolor ca a outer green ring 10 lightyear diameter mark locat expand shock origin supernova explosion 10 oclock around ring structur extend beyond it evid initi explos may also produc energet jets still glow xrays tini point sourc near center ca neutron star collaps remain stellar core ca 10000 lightyear away light supernova explos first reach earth 300 year ago,cassiopeia million,2004-08-26,602,94,0.1277777777777777,08-26,8,2004,26,6,2,4 72c3c3a8a6b67cb79e2ae7c24036aa7644f9b5ae608b4ba1531ec41cd15b7434,none,discoveri sedna aka 2003 distant known object orbit sun present mystery pluto orbit averag 40 au radius au earthsun distance closest point sedna eccentr orbit come within 75 au farthest point extend nearli 1000 au someth larg sedna get far there explor problem comput simulations astronom suggest sedna form current location also move encount solar system objects instead find like sedna resid present orbit encount anoth star one scenario object like sedna closer orbit gravit pull star pass near solar system form years altern sedna could form materi anoth system captur earli encount much smaller star stellar encount scenario consist idea sun born ancient dense cluster stars,sedna,2004-08-27,679,107,0.04375,08-27,8,2004,27,6,2,4 0df402f628d18f42b0bf1da1ab788d1cf5149811627e799c6c2fd92dc4d31a71,none,sculpt stellar wind radiation fantastic undul shape lie within stellar nurseri known m17 omega nebula 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius lumpi featur dens cold ga dust illumin star upper left imag may repres site futur star formation color fog surround hotter materi indic m17 chemic make up predomin green glow correspond abund hydrogen trace sulfur oxygen atom contribut red blue hues pictur span 3 lightyear releas year hubbl space telescope cosmic voyag exploration,m17 hubbl closeup,2004-08-28,485,74,0.0111111111111111,08-28,8,2004,28,4,0,5 f89cc6ea045edb5301029ee32eee3bd65b9b9b7d29d313d21fa9050c8a0a9abc,mike holloway,comet discov last year brighten unexpectedli may becom visibl unaid eye within next month design comet k4 linear comet discov 2003 may project linear mani report alreadi place comet brighter magnitud 7 mean seen binoculars report also indic comet alreadi visibl tail nearli length full moon sinc predict futur bright comet tricki business remain possibl k4 might never becom bright current predictions however estim comet may approach fifth magnitud october k4 pass closest sun octob 12 closest earth decemb 23 comet k4 photograph van arkansas usa august 17,announc comet linear,2004-08-30,557,88,0.2053571428571428,08-30,8,2004,30,3,1,1 6e7a2bf22f340e719c49644788a45e2a3b9be609c7f5740cd5117d0facc8fc53,malin space scienc systemsmocmgsjpl nasa,caus black dot dune mars spring dawn northern hemispher mars dune sand near pole begin defrost thinner region ice typic thaw first reveal sand whose dark soak sunlight acceler thaw summer spot expand encompass entir dune complet thaw dark carbon dioxid water ice actual sublim thin atmospher directli gas taken midjuly imag show field spot polar dune span 3 kilomet near martian north pole meanwhile southern hemispher mars robot martian rover tri surviv martian winter peak,dot dune mar,2004-08-31,474,76,-0.05,08-31,8,2004,31,5,0,2 22dd9b5bdfad698bd884eb4b37105824148c34ecc9c8ec4409c51a5d44c3e774,none,solar system unique discoveri planet orbit around nearbi sunlik star 55 cancri announc yesterday along discoveri similar systems give new indic planetari system complex solar system like exist elsewhere planet discov data hobbyeberli telescop texas lick observatori california orbit hubbl space telescope one four planet known orbit 55 cancri other similar mass jupiter find involv note subtl chang speed star caus orbit planets draw depict planet might look like assum mass similar neptune composit similar earth star 55 cancri 40 lightyear distant visibl binocular toward constel cancer,inner neptun 55,2004-09-01,589,87,-0.0015151515151515,09-01,9,2004,1,8,0,2 ed38befc3177650a11192bdf7fce13ab7dca42e576937769fc6c8a72d88ce776,starryscap,portugues navig fernando de magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan course star cloud understood dwarf irregular galaxies satellit larger spiral milki way galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc pictur 180000 lightyear distant constel dorado span 15000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi site closest supernova modern times promin red knot right 30 doradus tarantula nebula giant starform region larg magellan cloud,larg cloud magellan,2004-09-02,547,79,0.0706349206349206,09-02,9,2004,2,6,0,3 7f087b7b0b19153c6987f5d013ab6647da3f32e3ee4dc78fa7160d1ab4830f19,none,major hurrican head florida hurrican one stronger storm system modern times may cross eastern coast florida sometim tomorrow path hurrican take example nasa kennedi space center complet shut down orbit goes12 satellit took imag hurrican earli yesterday hurrican huge swirl storm cloud system typic larger state tropic cyclones call hurrican earth western hemispher typhoon eastern hemisphere get immens energi warm evapor ocean water water vapor cool condenses heat air lower pressur henc caus cooler air come swoosh in wind reach 250 kilomet per hour becom dangerous much remain unknown cyclones includ form exact path take,hurrican approach florida,2004-09-03,624,95,0.0790674603174603,09-03,9,2004,3,8,2,4 7cdc6c7d0e18a9814b3fef5afe88e7f637253c5a7aa7a0d4ab8b9b6857d13d00,none,look water mars research use detector board orbit mar odyssey spacecraft creat falsecolor global map energet neutron otherwis red planet neutron water cosmic ray interplanetari space penetr thin martian atmospher reach surfac interact element upper layer soil scatter neutron back space martian soil contain hydrogen serious absorb energet scatter neutrons track variat absorption neutron detector map chang surfac hydrogen content orbit hydrogen content taken surrog measur frozen water h20 like form hydrogen close martian surface thus bluer shade map correspond larger presum concentr nearsurfac water ice water ice martian pole came surprise signific concentr also seem present lower latitudes melt nearsurfac ice could respons format martian,neutron mar,2004-09-04,746,106,-0.0916666666666666,09-04,9,2004,4,5,2,4 9cbcd0d291311c6cf2cd0a8424f35b6c0d187662808e7de3d8978a40c3b47d9d,none,whirlpool galaxi classic spiral galaxy 30 million light year distant fulli 60 thousand light year across m51 also known ngc 5194 one brightest picturesqu galaxi sky imag digit combin groundbas imag 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatori spacebas imag hubbl space telescop highlight sharp featur normal red seen anyon good pair binoculars however see whirlpool toward constel cane venatici m51 spiral galaxi type sc domin member whole group galaxies astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact smaller galaxi top digit sharpen image,m51 whirlpool galaxi dust star,2004-09-05,560,84,0.1805555555555555,09-05,9,2004,5,7,1,3 3b7fd312a02e3332d01322d42f07d84897d594275a7c61fb93afadadbd76a711,none,cometlik tail glow gas 200000 lightyear long stream galaxi c153 plung galaxi cluster abel 2125 nearli 8 million kilomet per hour member giant cluster galaxies c153 may spiral galaxi like milki way remark seri images falsecolor composit xray optic data zoom galaxy fate headlong passag hot intraclust ga central region abel 2125 seen strip c153 star form materi distort shape galaxi cluster suffer similar fate hot ga collect cluster core becom enrich heavi elements violent spectacl take place 3 billion lightyear earth thought illustr common process cosmic evolut larg cluster galaxies,take,2004-09-06,586,91,-0.08125,09-06,9,2004,6,7,0,3 1bc3b8215127cc01d0beb86961d12ca1e86df7191d35809cfe00bfbc6aff0df3,none,closest brightest supernova decad record month ago outskirt nearbi galaxi ngc 2403 offici tag sn type explos like blue supergi star central fusion could longer hold up supernova seen bright object imag direct arrow home galaxi supernova spiral galaxi ngc 2403 locat 11 million light year away visibl binocular toward northern constel camelopardali the supernova fade still visibl telescope peak brighter magnitud 12 supernova type chang bright predict way may search distant univers distanc indicators,supernova nearbi galaxi ngc 2403,2004-09-07,501,75,0.2571428571428572,09-07,9,2004,7,7,1,3 d70261c057ab0998a50527f295f1dd0cac0a6c0d8fa76cb79ca2d40c60db5c42,none,black hole surround appear brighter others center activ galaxies supermass black hole least thousand time mass sun dominate many call seyfert type i bright visibl light others call seyfert type ii rather dim differ might caus black hole accret much matter others alternatively black hole center seyfert type ii galaxi might obscur surround help choos compet nearbi seyfert ii galaxi ngc 4388 observ xray light recent mani recent earthorbit xray observatories includ cgro bepposax integral chandra xmmnewton recent data xmmnewton found xray flux xray color vari rapidly flux xray color quit constant flux appar absorpt specif xray color cool iron togeth give evid central black hole ngc 4388 seen thick toru compos molecular ga dust,molecular black hole,2004-09-08,731,115,0.0484126984126984,09-08,9,2004,8,6,2,4 68ef0695f27ba760895b55d4216a79e61d4ebebfb281b9c3b37ecdd274021387,robert gendler,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu view toward center milki way galaxy fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 nebula left center color m20 lower left third ngc 6559 right m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant expans m8 hundr lightyear across also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid gorgeou digit composition domin red color emiss nebula due glow hydrogen ga energ radiat hot young stars contrast blue hues strike trifid well ngc 6559 due dust reflect starlight,sagittariu triplet,2004-09-09,583,93,0.0825396825396825,09-09,9,2004,9,4,2,5 f41fc2ab73ee29e3f3b9ad821fc59e4be924ae8ae89e691b78a2f4b6080fc795,none,mercury surfac look similar moons heavili crater made rock mercury diamet 4800 km moon slightli less 3500 km compar 12700 km earth mercuri uniqu mani ways mercuri closest planet sun orbit 13 radiu earth orbit mercuri slowli rotates surfac temperatur vari unbear cold 180 degre celsiu unbear hot 400 degre celsius place nearest sun mercury orbit chang slightli orbit fact use albert einstein help verifi correct newli discov theori gravity gener relativity pictur taken spacecraft ever pass mercury marin 10 1974 new mission messenger launch mercuri last month schedul enter orbit around solar system innermost planet 2011,mercury crater inferno,2004-09-12,622,97,-0.0633838383838383,09-12,9,2004,12,8,2,2 ca7b580487195ee6c301c33901679534e9b1006f2ad9470d2f0790a198f04bd2,none,caus ring colors time physic professor walter lewin yet find someon give correct explanation apod wonder astut reader apod do match professor lewin took pictur construct area massachusett june 20 answer abl explain color sequenc bright area center shortli give explan decemb 7 lectur cours vibrat wave apod carri link it discuss page imag held apod forum additionally professor lewin answer appropri email question guess sent,identifi,2004-09-13,425,66,0.3,09-13,9,2004,13,8,1,1 72b96d9e0bc4ead4dc63778f400799c1558c978a3d68dcf140e198c37e20e538,none,fli saucer outer space crashland utah desert last week track radar chase helicopters space alien involved however saucer pictur above genesi sampl return capsule part humanmad robot genesi spaceship launch three year ago nasa studi sun unexpectedli hard land 300 kilomet per hour occur parachut open planned genesi mission orbit sun collect solar wind particl usual deflect away earth magnet field big question remain return sampl good enough condit recov inform real composit sun genesi team scientist engin work hard find out,genesi mission hard impact,2004-09-14,528,82,-0.0166666666666666,09-14,9,2004,14,1,0,2 e217ccd300310bf9f2a269500568b2547967f6f7ee3e0071447ae66950b185de,none,nineti percent hous grenada destruct forc hurrican ivan alreadi one power destruct hurrican record storm like make landfal southern usa tomorrow ivan current third largest hurrican set strike us hurrican season swirl eye hurrican ivan photograph orbit intern space station iss saturday storm sustain 200 kilomet per hour wind wreak havoc bad news hurrican season atlant typic last novemb 30 still two month away immedi bad news tropic storm next line come across midatlant ocean could pass puerto rico sometim today,eye hurrican ivan,2004-09-15,517,81,-0.1999999999999999,09-15,9,2004,15,8,0,1 ff5676b5e2ff4c9458deea196ce33e5d93091b69ee98a4e2afe96072c63a6847,none,bizarr binari star system gener highenergi radiat blast jet particl nearli speed light live milki way galaxy energet microquasar system seem consist compact object either neutron star black hole form supernova explos still coorbit otherwis normal star use long array radio telescopes astronom report least one microquasar lsi 61 trace back probabl within cluster young star constel cassiopeia 7500 lightyear earth star cluster surround nebulosity ic 1805 shown deep sky imag above cluster star identifi yellow box circles yellow arrow indic common appar motion cluster stars green arrow show deduc sky motion microquasar system red arrow depict motion rel star cluster itself seen nearli 130 lightyear cluster call home power kick origin supernova explos like set microquasar motion,microquasar motion,2004-09-16,783,118,-0.0153535353535353,09-16,9,2004,16,6,2,5 240039556af65e624e6b301ec25fbf60504dfa48982def297584395112ea54f9,richard crisp,sprawl across hundr lightyears emiss nebula ic 1805 mix glow interstellar ga dark dust clouds 7500 lightyear away star born region whose nicknam heart nebula deriv suggest shape seen gorgeous deep telescop imag nebula colorful could travel gaze across cosmic cloud eyes color would realli see short answer no even though imag made light visibl human eye light glow ga cloud surround hot young star come narrow band emiss characterist energ atom within clouds fact nebular glow often domin hydrogen atom emit light small fraction broad region spectrum see color red adopt artifici color scheme commonli use narrow band imag emiss nebulae beauti detail view show light sulfur atom red hues hydrogen green oxygen atom blue,ic 1805 light heart,2004-09-17,721,116,0.100625,09-17,9,2004,17,4,2,5 684d9324a3337fe1e2b3c2c90599e7d1ec2a83bb9ca471ac37c403fe808ceab4,none,saturn ring cassini spacecraft recent enter orbit around saturn confirm saturn ring transpar others pictur above saturn main a b c ring seen top bottom superpos ga giant planet although bring across top opaque saturn cloud top clearli seen lower transluc natur like indic less dens popul ring particl bring imag taken juli 30 cassini 7 million kilomet saturn,see saturn,2004-09-20,358,59,0.1874999999999999,09-20,9,2004,20,0,1,2 58bff6546dd0fa2a78a71df1306a501d697dc59a70ecec11ea6ee0efa36dc385,fred,mani vast star field plane milki way galaxi rich cloud dust gas first foremost visibl pictur million stars mani similar sun next huge filament dark interstellar dust run across imag block light million star yet across galaxy bright red region left part omega nebula emiss nebula mostli hot hydrogen ga also known m17 small bright group star near imag center open cluster m18 long bright streak star right center m24 far right imag picturesqu red emiss nebula ic 1283 flank two blue reflect nebula ngc 6589 ngc 6590 object visibl small telescop toward constel sagittarius,sagittariu starscap,2004-09-21,570,95,0.1402472527472527,09-21,9,2004,21,4,2,5 dd109469cf16727ca1772f5d2bcc00ddfe5c6b6639c939cc3bb468f6628965a3,none,art paintbrush spirit robot rover canva soil mars artist scientist engin mar explor rover mission pictur creat mostli unintent mer team primarili instruct spirit investig rock around hank hollow locat call engin flat mars creat ground display treads spirit rover instruct photograph area along silhouette mar rovers spirit opportunity back contact expect radio blackout caus mar move behind sun nasa also announc extend rover mission six months long keep working today day night equal durat,spirit rover engin flat mar,2004-09-22,491,75,-0.0958333333333333,09-22,9,2004,22,5,0,2 1868f05370f5bedd8e809c35260993746395abceae35c7e5eb7b0af453b20190,none,clear moonless nights star still come highaltitud la silla astronom observatory take advantag recent visit first european southern observatori eso site construct mountain top chile eso softwar engin record stun sky view difficult see light pollut areas faint star dark dust cloud along plane milki way galaxi arc across gorgeou photo foreground lie highli polish 15meter diamet dish antenna swedisheso submillimet telescop now beyond it silhouet starlight dome one la larg optic instruments 36 meter telescope dramat reflect focusing mirrorlik surfac vista behind photograph appear inverted dark horizon hang milki way starri night,la starri night,2004-09-23,631,93,-0.0375,09-23,9,2004,23,6,2,1 bf43a21143dc481e32d8e9bcdbbcfe3d852fc0b42e83b17ddc4bac3829a30ea7,none,reminisc popular imag love pleiad star cluster lie within milki way galaxy falsecolor xray view actual explor center much extend cosmic famili fornax cluster galaxi 65 million lightyear away span nearli lightyears chandra observatori composit imag reveal highenergi emiss sever giant galaxi near fornax cluster center immense diffus cloud xray emit hot gas whole hot cluster ga seem trail toward upper left view result astronom fornax cluster core move toward lower right encount intergalact sweep larger less dens cloud material fact along anoth visibl galaxi group outskirt cluster fornax cluster core galaxi seem move toward common point attract domin graviti unseen structur dark matter region,fornax cluster motion,2004-09-24,698,105,0.0825814536340852,09-24,9,2004,24,7,2,3 68d5d4e3eb7b6d4e2e6c388a8e06d7674e9a81d33c08666cca95e6ba71fc4124,none,ultraviolet light emit eleven time ioniz iron temperatur 2 million degre farenheit use record pictur sun septemb 22 2001 date year autumn equinox imag made eit camera onboard soho spacecraft space observatori continu observ sun eleven time ioniz iron atom iron eleven electron strip away electron strip frantic collis atom electron occur extrem temperatur solar corona sinc electron neg charged result ioniz iron atom highli posit charged astronomer shorthand eleven time ioniz iron written fe xii chemic symbol iron follow roman numer 12 fe neutral iron,iron sun,2004-09-25,554,86,0.4,09-25,9,2004,25,1,1,4 e290f4d165083828ed4a383b94c0fa15b1199f06bef29715da20647805863c0e,cne,earth look like solar eclipse shadow moon seen darken part earth shadow move across earth nearli 2000 kilomet per hour observ near center dark circl see total solar eclips other see partial eclips part sun appear block moon spectacular pictur 1999 august 11 solar eclips one last ever taken mir space station deorbit control reentri 2001,look back eclips earth,2004-09-26,338,56,0.0281249999999999,09-26,9,2004,26,1,0,2 bcc55d0c7161957e04733d62d5cdae64f362b90891647dd5881214b132886e79,stefan seip,great nebula orion color place visibl unaid eye appear small fuzzi patch constel orion long exposure digit sharpen imag like this however show orion nebula busi neighborhood young stars hot gas dark dust power behind much orion nebula m42 trapezium four brightest star nebula mani filamentari structur visibl actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula span 40 light year locat 1500 light year away spiral arm galaxi sun,great nebula orion,2004-09-27,454,74,0.0923076923076923,09-27,9,2004,27,4,0,5 44726e5a30f64e8c381e41b1dd198214d37e81dd1ba23afeacd4f1b89acba34b,tower,higher highest commun tower higher highest mountain higher highest airplane lie realm aurora aurora rare reach 60 kilometers rang 1000 kilometers aurora light result energet electron proton strike molecul earth atmosphere frequently view space complet aurora appear circl around one earth magnet poles pictur particularli rare purpl auror corona occur august 30 high harstad norway,aurora tower,2004-09-28,381,55,0.25125,09-28,9,2004,28,8,1,1 2c827d2d86d6f4bc6f01745591870add713df29be504659f98b82bcb86b044d7,none,galaxi form faint red smudg identifi deepest optic sky imag ever taken may well member first class galaxies detail inspect hubbl ultra deep field hudf taken advanc camera survey hubbl space telescope found galaxies circl above use distanc abund probe univers percent present age analys indic discov class galaxi exclus compos smaller dwarf galaxi larger modern galaxi must formed larg modern galaxi make color foreground first class dwarf galaxi like contain energet star emit light transform much remain normal matter univers cold ga hot ioniz plasma,dawn galaxi,2004-09-29,551,86,0.0499999999999999,09-29,9,2004,29,7,0,3 7c0fbe27a65a878ce14dcda13f9aa005a51f027fcee2e5146547128e3e1d68ef,none,dramat perspect view look along wall larg erod impact crater soli planum border mountain region mars stretch 50 kilomet scene crater wall around 800 meter high locat south west red planet grand vall marineris area featur mountain fault line seen evid surfac plate motion plate tectonics process plate tecton long shape surfac planet earth thought briefli activ mars imag construct use color imag data high resolut stereo camera onboard esa mar express spacecraft,crater wall soli planum,2004-09-30,462,73,0.154,09-30,9,2004,30,5,1,2 2a9f27b1f8b173a53a490297f5131329cdf23797f7c9a67898ee98f89ef72595,none,wednesday septemb 29 earth came within one million mile asteroid toutati closest predict aproach fair planet sizabl asteroid comet century come within one million mile 4 time earthmoon distance earth would appear nearli size full moon asteroid sky suggest illustration earth sky toutati appear faint object rapidli move background stars also known earthcross asteroid 4179 toutati eccentr 4 year orbit move asteroid belt mar jupit insid earth orbit earth pass near 1992 toutati imag radar seen two irregularli shape lumps perhap join narrow neck bizarr object 15 mile wide 3 mile long tumbl space studi toutati earthcross asteroid help reveal connect solar system meteorites mainbelt asteroid comets asteroid also offer tantal target robot explor and time repres potenti collis hazard planet earth,earth near asteroid toutati,2004-10-01,798,122,0.0428571428571428,10-01,10,2004,1,8,2,2 b7e37737fe3edab3bf87d9c67e043d03b65f503b677905e0dff744cc12daba94,john chumack juergen wolf,wednesday septemb 29 asteroid toutati came within one million mile earth closest predict aproach sizabl asteroid comet fair planet century come within one million mile 4 time earthmoon distance earth would appear nearli size full moon asteroid sky earth sky toutati appear faint rapidli move object even so asteroid toutati still bright enough see small telescopes astronom john observ near ohio wolf near palo alto california offer composit imag show progress asteroid seen seri background distant stars multipl exposur span two hour period two differ day week asteroid record close approach track night sky south celesti equator,toutati near planet earth,2004-10-02,631,97,0.1222222222222222,10-02,10,2004,2,8,2,2 4c1aa6aa060bc9c9f50bc0f0fc336659363fa6afe5c3e69f8b25d1081c742235,juan carlo casado,comet halebopp 1997 encount inner solar system allow mani breathtak pictures above comet halebopp photograph cross constel cygnus sport spectacular yellow dust blue ion tails visibl right red north america nebula bright emiss nebula observ dark locat binoculars north america nebula 1500 lightyear away much farther comet 8 light minut away sever bright blue star open cluster m39 visibl comet blue ion tail,comet halebopp north america nebula,2004-10-03,407,63,0.1709821428571429,10-03,10,2004,3,3,1,5 422117c24bd45daa83d21dfa35717db6bb0b68ba8f042ef9ad93369656fef451,canadafrancehawaii telescop,star cluster ngc 6823 readi closeup center open cluster visibl upper right form two million year ago domin bright host bright young blue stars outer part cluster visibl imag center star pillar emiss nebula ngc 6820 contain even younger stars huge pillar ga dust like get elong shape eros hot radiat emit brightest cluster stars strike dark globul ga dust also visibl across bottom imag 25 year old canada franc hawaii telescope open star cluster ngc 6823 span 50 light year lie 6000 light year away toward constel vulpecula the,ngc 6823 cloud sculpt star cluster,2004-10-04,527,90,0.1756302521008403,10-04,10,2004,4,6,1,3 544f8643cb8667a28ad191aeb90706376605bc816d52fa1f66db15b2b1f67060,c smith,unusu larg nebula form one largest nebula yet detect actual complex ring emiss nebula connect glow filaments unusu network known n11 span 1000 light year promin structur larg magellan cloud largest satellit galaxi milki way galaxy center imag open star cluster also known ngc compos 50 bright blue star emit radiat erod hole surroundings lead hypothesi format n11 shell success gener star form center bright region center n11b explos domain star form even today,n11 giant ring emiss nebula,2004-10-06,461,74,0.1363636363636363,10-06,10,2004,6,4,1,3 8ec661419c847f5e70574115bdf155a3106316255add7cd45156887328233bb5,none,light stellar explos creat energ cosmic cloud first seen planet earth octob 1604 mere four hundr year ago supernova produc bright new star earli 17th centuri sky within constel ophiuchus studi astronom johann kepler contemporaries benefit telescope search explan heavenli apparition arm modern understand stellar evolution earli 21st centuri astronom continu explor expand debri cloud use orbit space telescop survey kepler supernova remnant snr across spectrum tantal composit image xrays visibl light infrar radiat record nasa astrophys observatori chandra xray observatory hubbl spitzer space telescop combin give comprehens view still enigmat supernova remnant 13000 light year away kepler supernova repres recent stellar explos seen occur within milki way galaxy,kepler snr hubble spitzer,2004-10-08,769,109,0.2104895104895104,10-08,10,2004,8,6,2,4 f7babe8f3039b47baa13f6f53e3c74b9c19fc98fe8bf211cf81827ae757f70a0,none,martian rover explor possibl choic opportun rover team earth earli august send martian robot insid endur crater toward arcshap sand dune left unusu shape rock right slope dub lower part burn cliff top crater inner slopes opportun rover team earth chose 1meter diamet rock next target closer photograph alreadi returned center mosaic area alreadi explor rover opportun recent found rock endur crater network crack potenti indic dri bolster case mar wet ancient past,mosaic endur crater mar,2004-10-11,464,73,0.0373015873015873,10-11,10,2004,11,5,0,2 1c3c6f5251593a6800c180019ae03f47784fb491b4a679e822a5786716c36e56,none,artifici cloud made human may becom common chang earth climate long thin cloud streak domin satellit photograph cirru cloud creat airplanes exhaust airplan engin creat contrail satur surround air extra moisture wing plane similarli creat contrail drop temperatur caus small icecryst form contrail becom odditi may significantli increas earth reflect sunlight back space day heat radiat back earth even night effect climat topic much research help nasa measur actual abund contrail particip contrail count run next two days,contrail,2004-10-13,523,78,-0.0727272727272727,10-13,10,2004,13,8,0,1 53dfc189ec2ad7787ac472a8bdba47d09e6118cc878f89bbfade1e5e851b14be,none,glimps cluster star seen inset visibl light imag lower right still infrar view spitzer space telescop reveal massiv globular star cluster 300000 sun appar empti region sky constel aquila astronom use infrar camera peer obscur dust plane milki way galaxy reward surpris discoveri star cluster like one last star cluster found globular star cluster normal roam halo milki way ancient relic galaxy form years yet spitzer imag show otherwis hidden cluster cross middl galact plane 10000 lightyear away distance pictur span 20 lightyears fals color infrar image red streak dust cloud seem lie behind cluster core,glimps globular star cluster,2004-10-14,607,96,0.0336309523809523,10-14,10,2004,14,6,2,3 1259ec177e21b8a0b15e34986ebc4334e3c1aae6435e18bdf0bcea7fb6b91762,none,rare foggi night mysteri laser beam seem play across magic telescop roqu de lo muchacho canari island la palma laser actual part system design automat adjust focus seventeen meter wide multimirror instrument magic major atmospher gamma imag cherenkov telescop intend detect gamma ray photon 100 billion time energi visibl light gamma ray impact upper atmospher produc air shower highenergi particles magic camera record detail brief flash optic light call cherenkov light creat air shower particl ultim correspond cosmic sourc extrem gammarays magic telescop becam oper year dramat pictur show nearli complet version instrument octob 2003,night magic,2004-10-15,639,95,0.2663461538461538,10-15,10,2004,15,8,2,4 4c485a2bb66310acdc5752d6de286257815e7e32b6177e481399c28850ec1885,none,spiral galaxi ngc 3079 mere 50 million lightyear away toward constel ursa major shown stun falsecolor hubbl space telescop image galaxy disk compos spectacular star cluster wind spiral arm dramat dark lane dust span 70000 lightyears still ngc eyecatch featur pillar ga tower swirl cosmic cauldron activ galaxy center seen closeup inset lower right pillar rise height 2000 lightyear seem lie surfac immens bubbl rise galact core measur indic gaseou pillar stream away core 6 million kilomet per hour make galaxy cauldron bubble astronom explor possibl superbubbl form wind massiv stars so massiv star like born galact center underw sudden burst star formation,bubbl ngc 3079,2004-10-16,660,103,0.0122767857142857,10-16,10,2004,16,7,2,5 0baafdd6f1077a764fa5b569ee50b1087277d6cfae9f7b5d08e49a5ea27a5f37,none,creat strang textur ic 418 dub spirograph nebula resembl draw cyclic draw tool planetari nebula ic 418 show pattern well understood perhap relat chaotic wind variabl central star chang bright unpredict hours contrast evid indic million year ago ic 418 probabl wellunderstood star similar sun thousand year ago ic 418 probabl common red giant star sinc run nuclear fuel though outer envelop begun expand outward leav hot remnant core destin becom whitedwarf star visibl imag center light central core excit surround atom nebula caus glow ic 418 lie 2000 lightyear away span 03 lightyear across falsecolor imag taken hubbl space telescop reveal unusu details,ic 418 spirograph nebula,2004-10-17,656,104,0.095,10-17,10,2004,17,4,2,5 c84e4773dcf4d966387d4471498e1d932a28bf4ebbb89d76973423d7f3373be9,none,happen saturn pervas cloud south pole visibl imag saturn bright bands dark belt dark spot right south pole imag infrar light span 30000 kilomet taken earli last month robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn saturn atmospher 75 percent hydrogen 25 percent helium small amount heavier compound includ water vapor methane ammonia rel low graviti saturn cloud top result thicker haze layer turn make atmospher featur jupiter,southern saturn cassini,2004-10-18,426,66,0.1335714285714286,10-18,10,2004,18,0,1,2 40366ee53d895fe8a7cca9cac22ae186dab11142ef87a90b7f51b33027764e11,none,older star surround dust observ spitzer space telescop team led georg u arizona expect show young stars order one million year old larg dust rel older stars 10 100 million year old convent wisdom dust disk surround young star still form planets older system disk dissip planet alreadi formed unexpectedly found older star infrar glow impress ring disk dust possibl explan old disk remnant debri violent collis mani form planet rock result dust ring scenario depict artist illustr above,old planetari dust disk found,2004-10-19,485,79,0.0388888888888888,10-19,10,2004,19,6,0,3 31c5c0a018a1f8e6b372ba4078be7798907f089e5a4e66260f39c07e55fabffc,chri,ngc 281 busi workshop star formation promin featur includ small open cluster stars diffus redglow emiss nebula larg lane obscur ga dust dens knot dust ga star may still forming open cluster star ic 1590 visibl around center form last million years brightest member cluster actual multiplestar system shine light help ioniz nebula gas caus red glow visibl throughout lane dust visibl left center like home futur star formation particularli strike photograph dark bok globul visibl bright nebula entir ngc 281 system lie 10 thousand light year distant,ngc 281 cluster clouds globul,2004-10-20,549,88,0.0571428571428571,10-20,10,2004,20,4,0,5 43fd73fca53627863689bf600bc67d83e43f1f7865ca55b473b518ee02726616,none,appear hightech astronom mirror made special glass ceram materi call actual measur 27 meter across transpar surfac yet receiv reflect intern structur visibl attract blue yellow tint provid protect background lighting recent telescop mirror destin fli stratospher observatori infrar astronomi sinc water vapor earth tend block infrar light sofia oper modifi boe 747 altitud 40000 feet largest airborn observatori world sofia explor host cosmic environ includ site star birth death format distant solar systems black hole activ galaxies,sofia mirror,2004-10-22,534,78,0.0613095238095238,10-22,10,2004,22,8,0,4 e87c1a6a3feb4e6b5d484f64ad463ee20e8147e08c8f8dcc16c2c035a0baaf25,none,safe septemb 1967 regular season play surveyor 5 lander actual slid sever feet make success soft land moon mare tranquillitatis equip televis camera soil sampl experiments us surveyor spacecraft intend determin lunar surfac chosen locat safe plan apollo landings surveyor 5 touch insid edg small crater inclin 20 degrees footpad slip dug trench visibl picture cover dusti lunar soil footpad half meter diameter,surveyor slide,2004-10-23,410,63,0.1229166666666666,10-23,10,2004,23,2,1,2 715beaa5238d9eec9a9801c8f24ab69611e802edb931c07aee673ec9e6865483,t a rector,afar whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed caviti tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming alreadi visibl sever young bright blue star whose light wind burn away push back remain filament wall ga dust eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpens pictur combin three specif emit color taken 09meter telescop kitt peak arizona usa,insid eagl nebula,2004-10-24,582,94,0.088235294117647,10-24,10,2004,24,4,2,5 0358ceac3f12a29e10ea7b42db44f67c52350146c09fb1ba53f3305f60451698,none,one largest object anyon ever see sky fuzzi blob pictur galaxy togeth make perseu cluster one closest cluster galaxies cluster seen foreground faint star milki way galaxy take light roughli 300 million year get region universe see cluster exist age dinosaurs also known abel 426 center perseu cluster prodigi sourc xray radiation help astronom explor cluster form ga dark matter interact perseu cluster galaxi part piscesperseu superclust galaxies span 15 degre contain 1000 galaxies,perseu cluster galaxi,2004-10-25,483,74,-0.0875,10-25,10,2004,25,6,0,3 69a74c6d139d21def6d9e1a0b747d3ee78f0ff7dee8e53a5bf2d4aa1bfd156a3,none,surfac featur titan planets moon saturn much south polar surfac imag initi flybi saturnorbit cassini spacecraft back earli july imag mosaic digit stitch togeth pictur taken specif color polar infrar light color absorb littl scatter titan methan haze visibl light dark region yet understood surfac featur small 10 kilomet resolv kilomet away white region near titan south pole left center unusu thick cloud also thought compos methane today cassini swoop within 1500 kilomet titan may return data imag help human better understand strang world,titan haze,2004-10-26,542,84,0.0422222222222222,10-26,10,2004,26,8,0,2 dae0b0a3df72a1631733140a10329982982fcb5a3d875d9cdce29c39c3243910,none,go outsid tonight see total lunar eclipse tonight eclips easi conveni much world see anyon spot full moon see fade earth shadow engulf it protect glass expens telescop needed littl illustr show eclips appear across earth total lunar eclips start pm eastern daylight time equival ut morn sky enthusiast unit moment first part moon disappear moment last part moon reappear 3 hour 40 minutes unfortun enough suffer clouds eclips also follow sever live webcasts world seri lunar eclipse live tv shot make eclips possibl seen live eclips ever,total lunar eclips tonight,2004-10-27,537,88,0.1209090909090909,10-27,10,2004,27,2,1,1 c8e4f2ddd0004266fcd3715f5d582ca518dbbdd6fcf279b0972e5e83bc653ec2,none,normal hidden thick hazi atmosphere tantal featur titan surfac appear falsecolor view imag record cassini spacecraft approach first close flybi saturn moon octob 26 here red green color repres specif infrar wavelength absorb titan atmospher methan bright dark surfac area reveal penetr infrar band ultraviolet data show extens upper atmospher haze layer seen blue sprawl across 5000 kilomet wide moon bright continents featur known near pictur center border left contrast dark terrain saturn orbit cassini titan lander huygen plan explorations origin natur titan surfac featur remain unknown,titan,2004-10-28,591,87,0.0372549019607843,10-28,10,2004,28,0,0,4 a3214c8cb7bcd818a0da7d4f2aaa06b24c4c8f4026511bd6538d6657681f8a4c,fred espenak,thought basebal thought halloween octob 27th wide view total lunar eclipse slide earth shadow moon turn haunt shade red orang eclipse total phase reddish hue caus sunlight scatter refract atmospher earth otherwis dark central shadow region enjoy show usa astronom fred espenak record imag use composit photo pictur show moon begin right middl center end left total last 81 minutes though lunar eclips occur twice year eclips perhap remark first total lunar eclips occur world seri basebal,red moon tripl,2004-10-29,488,77,0.0418367346938775,10-29,10,2004,29,2,0,1 07855f1c1ac59078340ed4511ddf7fdbd173465b8376568093da65113eea3849,sebastien gauthier,look familiar red orang hue haunt face moon remind octob 27th total lunar eclipse creat exposur taken interv 85 minut total eclips phase midpoint eclips correspond central exposure play light across lunar surfac nice demonstr earth shadow uniformli dark extend space fact lunar maria mont still visibl dimmed redden sunlight scatter coneshap shadow region umbra atmosphere still process pictur composit image astronom sebastien gauthier anoth haunt orang face safe happi halloween,moon,2004-10-30,480,71,0.1916666666666666,10-30,10,2004,30,2,1,1 fa07dce6d8821fc63559f0854a45a03c77f874bf3f521422f9e14da9583abd6a,none,halloween origin ancient astronomical sinc fifth centuri bc halloween celebr crossquart day day halfway equinox equal day equal night solstic minimum day maximum night northern hemisphere modern calendar however real crossquart day occur next week anoth crossquart day groundhog day halloween modern celebr retain histor root dress scare away spirit dead perhap fit modern tribut ancient holiday abovepictur ghost head nebula taken hubbl space telescope appear similar icon fiction ghost ngc 2080 actual star form region larg magellan cloud satellit galaxi milki way galaxy ghost head nebula span 50 lightyear shown repres colors,halloween ghost head nebula,2004-10-31,631,93,0.0909090909090909,10-31,10,2004,31,8,2,1 adcc538bfe0856bd8ce478b9e08443201212b98b1d6256a85a46546913b924f7,none,could star form spooki familiar shape human first complex process star format creat nebula mani shape size human percept identifi skull shape next physic reason larg nearli empti caviti resembl skull eye mouth nebula dr 6 strong stellar wind energet light eman ten bright young star nebula central length central bridg 35 light years star form nebula dr 6 locat 4000 light year away toward constel cygnus spitzer space telescop took imag last year four infrar colors nebula dr 6 commemor today histor spooki hallow day follow hallow eve,spooki star form region 6,2004-11-01,537,89,0.1769607843137255,11-01,11,2004,1,4,1,5 33cb08055519e516631b3c4bf34adba885685dd6a85d8eadfd7f683b1eeccc7e,none,caus storm saturn help find out scientist command robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn inspect circul band cloud nicknam move cloud ring unusu activ sinc begin 2004 white swirl storm dark storm ring sprawl white cloud cascad around ga giant rogu band well part south saturn imag stun detail specif band infrar light pass saturn upper haze rel result digit sharpened show cloud detail creat fake imag artifact surround ring specul natur past saturn storm includ convect motion small amount ammonia water seasons shadow effect great ring system although imag provid data clues power behind saturn storm still remain mystery,storm saturn,2004-11-02,622,99,-0.0318181818181818,11-02,11,2004,2,0,2,4 f9bac4bf64ddce24735b22ba54d0fb4d232171cad0c906642cfc0984e0cbd2d8,j,last week lunar eclipse moon appear disappear earth move moon sun earth shadow fell moon make quit dark pictur earth rotation multipl exposures digit enhanc use creat timelaps effect dramat moon look fade reappear three hour lunar eclipse earth shadow engulf moon lunar imag becam less less bright practic disappear totality time moon normal shine reflect direct sunlight shone sunlight refract earth atmosphere next total lunar eclips visibl earth 2007,lunar eclips,2004-11-03,453,70,0.0518518518518518,11-03,11,2004,3,2,0,1 25e1368299f2e628be664f19745242edfa911221cbc616920182269ea7cdc970,none,gamma ray energet form light billion time energi ordinari xrays easili penetr telescop lens mirrors make difficult creat gammaray imag cosmic sources still array larg telescop design detect gammaray induc atmospher flash hess high energi stereoscop system experi produc resolv imag supernova remnant extrem gammaray energies astronom note premier gammaray view expand stellar debri cloud clearli similar xray imag remnant convincingli support idea site power shock wave also sourc cosmic ray within galaxy gammaray intens colorcod picture shown dark contour line trace level xray emiss object estim distanc 3000 lightyears supernova remnant measur 50 lightyear across lie near galact plane,supernova remnant imag gamma ray,2004-11-05,691,100,0.0371428571428571,11-05,11,2004,5,6,2,4 54a042d1b819f7e3647e29195cc9e2f002021d57ff0b842f6591c22cb271f5e2,none,use orbit chandra xray observatory astronom taken long look core milki way galaxy 26000 lightyear away spectacular falsecolor view span 130 lightyears reveal energet region rich xray sourc central source sagittariu a known supermass black hole 3 million time mass sun given tremend mass sagittariu a amazingli faint xray comparison central black hole observ distant galaxies even frequent xray flares suggest supermass black hole starv lack infal material fact sharp chandra imag show cloud multimillion degre ga dozen lightyear across flank upper right lower left central region evid violent event clear much materi vicin black hole,xray galact core,2004-11-06,634,96,-0.029047619047619,11-06,11,2004,6,6,2,3 525d70dcc3cbe2d0e964aca50bc81039eec1cd2025455a108219002f479ab7a0,none,center galaxi busi place visibl light much galact center obscur opaqu dust infrar light however dust glow obscur less allow nearli one million star record photograph galact center appear right locat 30000 light year away toward constel sagittarius galact plane milki way galaxy plane sun orbits identifi dark diagon dust lane absorb dust grain creat atmospher cool redgiant star grow molecular clouds region directli surround galact center glow brightli radio highenergi radiation thought hous larg black hole,galact center infrar,2004-11-07,509,77,0.0886446886446886,11-07,11,2004,7,6,0,3 820ef17167dd772f49facb025a468b95718eeed12f716a8727fd17d3c139af17,tun tezel,bright object morn sky earli morn dog among mani other across world northern hemisphere like notic tremend bright venu hang eastern sky sunrise look bit like approach airplane venu hold place sky never seem land last week impress less bright jupit appear within degre venusian orb creat dazzl sky might appreci bit dog night sky earli show chang slightli next week planet move past other mar move picture guest star like spica appear shift background even crescent moon stop pictur last week jupit venu photograph rise sun citi bursa turkey,jupit venu sunris,2004-11-08,540,90,0.1433333333333333,11-08,11,2004,8,8,1,1 1395c7adc466e1529ed46e5ebe2e4a7342f716c002b3bd9207b6d9b851f39466,philippemoussetteobs montcosmos,night sky interest show town fishey pictur captur particularli activ color auror corona occur two day ago lobservatoir de la decouvert val near quebec canada spectacular aurora unusu high degre detail rang colors breadth across sky vivid green red blue auror color like caus high atmospher oxygen hydrogen react incom electrons trigger event magnet induc explos sun sunspot region past days continu activ activ solar region could mean aurora visibl northern observ next days earli morn far background planets star moon simultan put show,full sky auror corona,2004-11-09,536,84,0.0402083333333333,11-09,11,2004,9,1,0,1 d13ff101aeb22f8884334bd2b5381e4d44c6154f1bd2c6af7ac44be43dd6b861,none,falsecolor imag band ga giant jupit show tripl eclips progress march 28 rel rare event even larg planet mani moons captur hubbl space telescope nearinfrar camera shadow jupiter moon ganymed left callisto right edge io three black spot cross sunlit jovian cloud tops fact io visibl white spot near pictur center bluish ganymed right callisto right hand edg scene view jupiter perspective shadow cross would seen solar eclipses analog moon shadow cross sunlit face planet earth historically time eclips jupiter moon allow astronom ole roemer make first accur measur speed light,planet tripl eclips,2004-11-11,576,91,0.1025297619047619,11-11,11,2004,11,2,2,1 f9b20b25f6d93b9fbb274091f2af3a934c5da520e0643cf907f27be0a35626d1,vic jen winter icstar astronomy,critic the best ever talk movie though instead even casual sky critic november stun auror displays visibl surpris intens well beyond confin high latitud auror activ normal observed fact exampl unforgett perform green ribbon auror light stretch horizon horizon record novemb 7th fishey len near missouri usa want see aurora rel display may continue trigger activ energet sunspot region,green ribbon sky,2004-11-12,386,59,0.1585714285714285,11-12,11,2004,12,8,1,1 b302a25212ce2738e35d21edddc1d542718876180297e7fa05c36df46d2ae805,juan carlo casado,1999 leonid meteor shower came impress crescendo observ europ observ sharp peak number meteor visibl around 0210 utc earli morn hour novemb 18 meteor count exceed 1000 per hour minimum need defin true meteor storm time locat around world observ typic report respect rate 30 100 meteor per hour photograph 20minut exposur end main leonid peak began visibl least five leonid meteor streak high torr de la guaita observ tower use 12th centuri girona spain year leonid peak twice novemb 19th predict less impress 1999,leonid torr de la guaita,2004-11-14,514,85,0.0141666666666666,11-14,11,2004,14,8,0,4 7a026aa9a3a6c4c65c4afb3cdf6642801ccf708d164b7b89995b995292c9de1e,none,majest wall endur crater contain layer clue ancient past mars fact deeper layer older clue particular crater wall imag dub burn cliff front robot rover opportun last week close inspect differ layer found slightli differ composit well interest trend rel compositions example deeper layer contain similarli decreas amount magnesium sulfur indic common reason declin possibl water today burn cliff block one exit direct opportun leav endur crater combin slipperi sand elsewher crater floor control decid program opportun back crater way came day exploration,burn cliff mar,2004-11-15,556,83,-0.0166666666666666,11-15,11,2004,15,5,0,2 52ece3d5d6a0210280d0d33b4df6102cf9cd14f2a869e0aa5b20b58bc34f3727,none,old galaxy nearbi local group galaxi dub sagittariu dwarf irregular galaxi small also rel element massiv helium lack heavi element might mean sagdig young compon star littl time creat dispers massiv elements conversely diminut size could indic form earli universe surviv build block modern larg galaxies detail imag hubbl space telescop resolv enough star solv sagdig ancient although sagdig group young stars mani star old galaxi whole help astronom understand univers evolved show least one galaxi almost old universe pictur above sagdig span 1500 light year lie 35 million light year away toward constel sagittarius,sagittariu dwarf irregular galaxi,2004-11-16,618,95,0.0558333333333333,11-16,11,2004,16,7,2,3 7afca1b74d8db2537c714a1cdfded8aa623cc2c9583a6b4bf950a94964daec10,chri,auror display past week report beauti memory particular impress auror band fan much eastern north america sunset novemb 8 multicolor aurora pictur caught reflect one mani small lake central wisconsin near time continu solar activ might creat aurora visibl next night leonid meteor shower peaks news flash nasa air jet set new air speed record,aurora wisconsin,2004-11-17,342,55,0.0128787878787878,11-17,11,2004,17,8,0,1 2d30b8196067d9c52335c3398fd4ad406df6ca6b66388ab6c7cd9fec5fba702d,none,sharp view tilt ga giant uranu show dramat detail planet atmospher ring system remark groundbas imag made use nearinfrar camera keck adapt optic system reduc blur effect earth atmosphere record july pictur show two side uranu pronounc both high white cloud featur seen mostli northern right hand hemisphere medium level cloud band green lower level cloud blue artifici color scheme lend deep reddish tint otherwis faint rings sever tilt rotat axis season uranu extrem last nearli 21 earth year distant planet uranu slowli approach southern autumn equinox begin fall southern hemispher 2007,sharper view tilt planet,2004-11-18,592,92,-0.0368681318681318,11-18,11,2004,18,8,0,1 34724d85bd09235bf6e163743b3c8cc57739bee5c3d077329b2f199fa9c58919,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin main asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system largest moon phobos inde seen cratered asteroidlik object stun new color imag mar express spacecraft record resolut seven meter per pixel phobo orbit close mar 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down 100 million year like crash surfac shatter stress caus relentless tidal forces debri form ring around mars,phobos doom moon mar,2004-11-19,565,92,-0.0075036075036075,11-19,11,2004,19,5,0,2 90bf27a409ce8750b3aabc543502c8d7b39286b1da75aeb5101c895d62887272,none,get redblu glass float next phobos groov moon mars also featur yesterday episode imag data mar express high resolut stereo camera record distanc 200 kilometers tantal stereo anaglyph view show marsfac side asteroidlik moon crater groov surface hundr meter wide mysteri groov may fractur relat impact creat 10 kilomet wide stickney crater larg crater left,stereo phobo,2004-11-20,354,55,-0.008,11-20,11,2004,20,5,0,2 8857dbf5e062056037dee47d4570b79316d9e7c651574198db2b5616bbd4a0c6,none,gamma ray burst help find out nasa launch swift satellit saturday pictur above swift design better previou satellit quickli locat enigmat explos sky posit distance gamma ray burst grb located swift rotat face headon determin distanc directly swift locat immedi beam earthbas telescop oper around world across electromagnet spectrum wait place sky point subsequ collect grb afterglow inform help astronom determin natur initi explosions also natur expand grb could turn distant transient event ever detected hold uniqu clue natur rate first wave star format earli universe,swift launch,2004-11-22,571,86,0.15,11-22,11,2004,22,8,1,4 530cc5418d85e0bdd2ca60d30ca01aca79b5247a0940cb38f1c8b5098b56f719,none,2004 leonid meteor shower up downs although averag rate significantli less mani previou years expected least two unexpect sever bright meteor minut reported pictur above bright leonid meteor imag night sky live camera kitt peak nation observatori earli morn novemb 19 one meteor appear streak left green move cursor imag show imag taken 25 minut later two bright leonid meteor second recorded visibl lower right left green word star appear shift two imag rotat earth night sky live frame show fishey images captur entir sky person would see look straight up includ peripher vision middecember geminid meteor shower give sky enthusiast anoth good chanc see live meteors,leonid meteor streak,2004-11-23,668,107,0.1435862383230804,11-23,11,2004,23,6,2,1 a310f06e88a7f2dd876318fdda5df47ecfa33488b66523f3e262f7e231fd4999,none,titan craters throughout solar system five billionyear history danger rock chunk ice continu slam planet moon usual creat numer long last impact craters robot spacecraft cassini swoop past saturn moon titan last month however radar imag show craters one image span 75 kilomet across shown above imag structur yet understood may involv sort flows titan alreadi known unusu moon sport thick atmosphere larg size small amount organ compounds crater sure creat surfac solar system might destroy later earth jupiter moon io crater destroy titan remain topic speculation might becom better understood consider data return futur flybi cassini probe huygen descend toward titan surfac december,radar view titan,2004-11-24,686,104,-0.0384615384615384,11-24,11,2004,24,2,2,2 075b0fcb6bcb3eba3ad95f1df50f8d2601ce402e8079aff9215989077d8801ba,judi w ross point roberts wa,strike 41 inch 38 inch astronomi enthusiast judi ross interpret hubbl space telescope best galact extragalact vistas featur past apods clockwis lower right are red rectangl nebula ngc 2392 sleep beauti galaxy v838 monoceroti milki way mysteri star supernova remnant n49 cosmic debri explod star course use histor repres astronom inspir imag cosmo incorpor ross report still littl intricaci cat eye nebula reveal hubble sharp vision,hubbl,2004-11-25,433,66,0.1821428571428571,11-25,11,2004,25,6,1,3 10f047b3ea393e4aa0bb6ec2efef586f262b9f010237e48950948b6ef115205c,none,indic infrar imag galact center region posit candid magnetar believ strongest magnet galaxy classifi observ soft gamma anomal xray pulsar cosmic like citysized spinning highlymagnet neutron stars strong magnetar magnet field earth magnet field deflect compass needl measur 1 gauss strongest field sustain earthbound laboratori 100000 gauss magnetar monster magnet field estim high 1000000000000000 gauss magnet strong locat half distanc moon would easili eras credit card suck pen pocket 1998 distanc 20000 lightyears one magnetar sgr 190014 gener power flash gammaray detect mani spacecraft blast highenergi radiat known measur effect earth ionosphere surfac magnetar power magnet field thought buckl shift neutron star crust gener intens highenergi flare,sky,2004-11-26,757,107,0.2085714285714285,11-26,11,2004,26,8,2,4 88fc1f8d5978cdb4aabc5edb022cf425101f4d9bbcbbd6713b39539806bfc86f,adam block,gorgeou island universe catalog ngc 2683 lie mere 16 million lightyear distant northern constel lynx spiral galaxi compar milki way ngc 2683 seen nearli edgeon cosmic vista distant galaxi scatter background blend light larg popul old yellowish star form remark bright galact core starlight silhouett dust lane along wind spiral arms dot telltal pink glow ioniz hydrogen ga galaxy star form regions,ngc 2683 spiral edgeon,2004-11-27,397,62,0.0571428571428571,11-27,11,2004,27,7,0,3 5436ab5701a4b0a6701fefd5c75a93d8588d62ac709d550a097ed281b68d757d,none,tethi one larger closer moon saturn cassini spacecraft orbit saturn pass near frozen moon end october captur detail imag sinc voyag earli 1980s tethi compos almost complet water ice show larg impact crater nearli circl moon crater disrupt moon tethi hypothes least partli liquid past two smaller moons telesto calypso orbit saturn ahead behind tethys giovanni cassini discov tethi 1684 cassini spacecraft schedul close tethi septemb 2005,saturn moon tethi cassini,2004-11-29,437,67,-0.1416666666666666,11-29,11,2004,29,0,0,2 42e13a68e10a608f04c548f9bd6f38e144f3b274b66cda72a728f3552ae11d9b,none,strang cloud stretch cloud caus cold air move warm water result band lakeeffect snow rise band warm air drop lakeeffect snow altern clear band fall cold air winter band creat hundr centimet snow area hundr kilomet away lakeeffect 2000 decemb 5 practic state michigan usa got covered cold wind great lake superior michigan creat unusu clouds imag taken nasa seawif satellite,lake effect snow earth,2004-11-30,373,61,0.125,11-30,11,2004,30,8,1,4 45dc9dc90544ebd9464a281caa52552b6e8eb62fdc22584d7fb633de6a482e0b,none,caus bright streak dione recent like futur imag unusu moon robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn might help us find out imag taken end octob distanc one million kilometers bright streak run across dione mani craters indic process creat occur later impact creat craters dion made mostli water ice rel high densiti indic contain much rock inside giovanni cassini discov dion 1684 cassini spacecraft schedul photograph dion higher resolut middecember currently highest resolut imag dion remain taken pass voyag spacecraft 1980,saturn moon dion cassini,2004-12-01,523,80,0.25125,12-01,12,2004,1,8,1,2 bdd0cb1fe0cf1b8341f7fe69136b4378edfb447ea6e7fa5b2417d4327973a734,none,caught sunlight ici moon mima shine broad shadow across ga giant saturn remark imag cassini spacecraft tini mima upper right broad shadow across giant planet cast saturn dens b ring intrigu shadow saturn inner c ring array below b c ring otherwis visibl here narrow outer f ring lie toward bottom imag well section partli transpar ring 300 kilomet wide enck gap ring shadows sunlight stream much larger cassini gap separ b ring respons bright band seen mimas cassini gap bottom crop view orbit well beyond saturn f ring mima mere 400 kilomet diameter,mimas rings shadow,2004-12-02,550,94,0.0258928571428571,12-02,12,2004,2,0,0,4 04015a4f146c82f1521bacff1a116af188ab2bb49abcc7a27bccf17b615f3129,none,milki way ordinari 12 billion year old spiral galaxy even middleag sun push 45 billion years star dwarf galaxi zwicki 18 much younger fact base hubbl space telescop imag data galaxy first star form 500 million year ago make youngest known galaxy view bright knot two major star form region zwicki 18 embed expand filament glow interstellar gas scattered much older background galaxi seen small red blobs companion galaxi lie beyond upper right corner crop picture astronom believ diminut zwicki 18 resembl earliest galaxi formed also want understand young galaxi 45 million lightyear away surround matur galaxi age universe tini galaxi mere 3000 lightyear across,zwicki 18 young galaxi,2004-12-03,663,105,0.0088369963369963,12-03,12,2004,3,7,2,3 df6f72a1e561f0c5d9004e8a0f6c2f624cc84ba3d5897aee67742d5b91f4b5ed,walter,picturesqu chain unrel star visibl strong binocular toward constel camelopardalis known kemble cascade aster contain 20 star nearli row stretch five time width full moon made popular astronomi enthusiast lucian star appear string direct milki way galaxy photograph kemble cascad made small telescop new mexico usa bright object near bottom left rel compact open cluster star known ngc 1502,kemble cascad,2004-12-05,389,59,0.2169696969696969,12-05,12,2004,5,6,1,3 cd06976a39deb0d0ab644ab7876374d02e3231d93618efdc258ed9035010a89a,greg piepol sungazernet,two unusu long filament cross part sun last week filament actual rel cool dark promin solar plasma held sun magnet field seen face sun filament typic last week fall back pictur above two filament visibl sun right side would take twenti set match length one filaments also visibl bright hot region call plage carpet hundr granul provid sun texture imag taken earli last week small telescop specif color light emit primarili hydrogen,filament across sun,2004-12-06,431,72,0.1023809523809523,12-06,12,2004,6,1,1,1 f1fbaa10f203a8e94973ce182e73852bbbd27ccaa5a44bf2c924ed90188218f2,wayn,meteor expert think meteor atmospher scientist think lightning photograph streak flash imag creat digitally it nobodi sure apod editor claim know one purpos post imag mine eclect brain trust apod reader help see unusu phenomenon caught serendipitously strang featur captur seri imag intend monitor cloud chang background imag taken frame show streak flash light pole near flash inspect show damage although light insid working think know go on instead send us email pleas particip onlin discussion convinc argument consensu answer post apod later date discuss consensus australian strang streak plausibl fli insect news answer lewin challeng apod found here,strang streak imag australia,2004-12-07,658,99,0.1999999999999999,12-07,12,2004,7,8,2,4 94c7eae10b8678a7f61093a36bb0fae26493897ce77149c04ccab1ce0795e56c,canadafrancehawaii telescop,power heart nebula larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like human heart nebula glow brightli red light emit promin element hydrogen red glow larger shape creat small group star near nebula center close span 30 light year contain mani star shown recent imag taken canada franc hawaii telescope open cluster star contain bright star nearli 50 time mass sun mani dim star fraction mass sun absent microquasar expel million year ago heart nebula locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia news answer lewin challeng apod found here,center heart nebula,2004-12-08,543,90,0.13,12-08,12,2004,8,4,1,5 053b4f84f900dabc699a83a5e9a377acf357448c9f1c56a61347fbedd5e612e5,jimmywestlakecoloradomountain college,rli tuesday morning decemb 7th june thought southeastern sky alabama usa beautiful watch moon rise gossam clouds noted crescent moon look like held sky star shadow star bright jupit course watch moon actual occult pass front solar system reign ga giant planet astronom jimmi westlak colorado jupit alreadi hidden moonris morning later abl record love image unlik view inspir seen gossam clouds jupit along larg jovian satellit ganymed callisto bottom top emerg behind crescent moon shadow horizon news answer lewin challeng apod found here,jupit moon shadow horizon,2004-12-09,541,84,0.2203703703703703,12-09,12,2004,9,2,1,1 5d1592658ce5ba4f8c150b6168c01c97a04020068d1534eadced448071661afc,none,dramat artist vision debri along outer reach planet form disk orbit glare distant sun inset actual imag disk around two nearbi star au top left seen hubbl space telescope combin infrar imag spitzer space telescop show debri disk around known planet bear stars data provid first direct link extrasolar disk planets suggest scenario evolv planet scatter debri produc collis giant disks time dusti disk may dwindl becom like solar system comet reservoir kuiper belt news answer lewin challeng apod found here,debri disk surround distant sun,2004-12-10,507,81,0.1071428571428571,12-10,12,2004,10,8,0,2 3f0381c1f568397026958b910449304862970bc90eec04e2c7b4eccf5fe2b6e6,none,energet jet core giant ellipt galaxi m87 stretch outward 5000 lightyears monstrou jet appear panel knot irregular structure detect across spectrum xray optic radio wavelengths bands observ emiss like creat high energi electron spiral along magnet field lines call radiation power cosmic ultimately jet thought produc matter near center m87 swirl toward spinning supermass black hole strong electromagnet forc gener eject materi away black hole along axi rotat narrow jet galaxi m87 50 million lightyear away reign larg central ellipt galaxi virgo cluster news answer lewin challeng apod found here,m87 energet jet,2004-12-11,597,90,0.006,12-11,12,2004,11,7,0,3 1b85051ce1656a3e5b44bb5ac071d29301824087a759216f0dbc33de0c8ea26b,none,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description pictur above space shuttl atlanti lift visit intern space station earli morn hour 2001 juli 12 stand start two million kilogram rocket ship left circl earth outsid air thin breath littl notic onboard gravity rocket bound space launch somewher earth week,atlanti orbit,2004-12-12,433,70,-0.0258333333333333,12-12,12,2004,12,8,0,2 60c7010f55597dbe9708f84329f98a3cb76507980ad2d0ff260aa3fb920ad011,none,comet discov summer brighten quickli alreadi visibl unaid eye comet c2004 q2 current best visibl earth southern hemispher observ report brighter magnitud 5 comet move rapidli northern sky continu brighten earli january coincidence comet machholz easi view nearli opposit sun appear brightest bright comet machholz becom remain uncertain sure stay northern sky much 2005 even approach polari earli march pictur above comet machholz captur earli decemb alreadi sport bright surround coma white oblong dust tail fade toward bottom long wispi ion tail toward right kink near end,announc comet machholz,2004-12-13,574,87,0.2565934065934066,12-13,12,2004,13,3,1,4 bb713666fcc21ca9ccc53caa214ee25b422e3d14b4e7230e2f1cde9107d8928d,richard hammar,spiral galaxi m33 midsiz member local group galaxies m33 also call triangulum galaxi constel resides four time smaller in radius milki way galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 much larger mani local dwarf spheroid galaxies m33 proxim m31 caus thought satellit galaxi massiv galaxy m33 proxim milki way galaxi caus appear twice angular size full moon visibl good pair binoculars,nearbi spiral m33,2004-12-14,368,58,0.1749999999999999,12-14,12,2004,14,7,1,3 a3129763404c2387ac522b2eec92191f61a6925084a2b0ead5317ce5bbb5e8ae,none,pictur above path robot rover spirit mar trace far distance spirit cross kilomet plain cover rock sand approach lip crater across climb seri hills spirit path one adventur discovery land insid vast gusev crater near begin year spirit along sister robot opportun across planet uncov key evid ancient martian water recent discoveri miner known form earth presenc water bolster case spirit opportun continu roam red planet search differ detail clue ancient past mars,look back mar,2004-12-15,463,73,-0.0264285714285714,12-15,12,2004,15,5,0,2 9c7588c115dbc2ed14b9ab4bed16bf5517978603ce17b2f889269893ab3921e0,none,grand wind arm almost mesmer faceon view ngc 7424 spiral galaxi promin central bar 40 million lightyear distant headlong constel grus island univers also 100000 lightyear across make remark similar milki way follow along wind arms mani bright bluish cluster massiv young star found star cluster sever hundr lightyear diameter massiv star born arm ngc 7424 also die there notably galaxi home power stellar explosion supernova sn 2001ig fade deep european southern observatori imag recorded,arm ngc 7424,2004-12-16,488,75,0.1772727272727272,12-16,12,2004,16,7,1,3 c0a01f7e565119a73bf44ba5dc47c3065cce3a8d3e01d3e187d77aca57b71f56,none,greek mythology prometheu known steal fire gods ironically stori modern time prometheu may also becom known time steal ici particl saturn rings eeri closeup cassini spacecraft show 100 kilometerlong saturnian moon prometheu orbit near inner edg saturn f ring dramat view clearli resolv potatoshap moon multipl strand narrow f ring also reveal faint strand materi connect prometheu rings one possibl tini moon graviti inde draw particl ring influenc format gap kink seen ring structure,prometheu ring saturn,2004-12-17,484,74,-0.0666666666666666,12-17,12,2004,17,0,0,2 bf48f3231cb1ebd20ad865e2ceaaadf5bbaa955e53726d9e30ab7def01b61d44,none,bright white swath cut across surfac ici jovian moon europa known agenor linea 1000 kilomet long 5 kilomet wide section pictur part combin color black white imag base data galileo spacecraft linear featur europa dark color agenor linea uniqu bright unknown reasons also unknown origin reddish materi along sides detail europa surfac format remain mysterious gener result galileo explor europa support idea ocean liquid water lie beneath crack frozen crust extraterrestri liquid ocean hold tantal possibl life,europa ice line,2004-12-18,508,77,-0.0055555555555555,12-18,12,2004,18,8,0,2 30082d612cf555d421630ea18f9dc733884b7d87b65e5cd0fad99aa05daebf19,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form possibl look right cloud infrar light,molecular cloud barnard 68,2004-12-19,552,87,0.0604919323101141,12-19,12,2004,19,4,0,5 e518404735686ba0c245f1e2ba752b749b088a359d6d2e5631cea4205e96fd8d,craig,surfac titan look like thick cloud alway made saturn largest moon mysteri seemingli hypothes like methan rain lake serious later week cassini spacecraft orbit saturn schedul releas probe name huygen actual attempt land shroud moon earli january sketch one guess huygen might find orang hydrocarbon color landscap cover lake peak frozen methan ammonia illustr purposes huygen probe drawn parachut overs cassini spacecraft orbit above saturn like clouds depict loom distance huygen realli find build block life frozen onto surfac titan truth stranger,titan,2004-12-20,548,82,-0.1266666666666666,12-20,12,2004,20,0,0,2 50475ee878e14eb780d3cd8cbc7d40f60970ab938cda560900df3e727ee180b3,mark garlick spaceart,huygen probe land splash next days cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn releas probe descend toward saturn largest moon midjanuary moon titan surfac normal hidden view thick methan cloud decks carsiz probe find unknown reach surface huygen may surviv long 150 minut take mani 1100 images imag beam pass cassini mothership subsequ transmiss wait earth huygen probe depict enter titan atmospher deploy uncov mysteri moon solar system may reveal surfac strang imag may immedi understood discuss consensus australian strang streak plausibl fli insect,titan,2004-12-21,549,82,-0.0583333333333333,12-21,12,2004,21,0,0,2 2bb07f9373afc6f44ba8cae495b0258f29a07d39c554fe86d7290fd1148c57c6,walli pacholka astropics,sever wonder northern sky appear togeth fleet moment decemb 13 bottom left hill blue sirius brightest star sky siriu slightli right belt orion red orion nebula one famou nebula sky right orion nebula streak yellow meteor although move wrong direct geminid meteor shower peak night finally right meteor comet whose coma appear rel green sinc time sinc imag taken californian hill geminid meteor long sinc evaporated comet machholz brighten move north sirius however remain constel cani major indefinitely,comet meteor nebula star,2004-12-22,503,78,0.0130494505494505,12-22,12,2004,22,4,0,5 7b1bd10c931c5b161d0352a165498a83146936fbeb98b1eb309e6a023e43ccb8,none,light star explod ten thousand lightyear away first reach fair planet year known supernova remnant region seen falsecolor imag glow xrays power rapidli spin neutron star pulsar dens remain collaps stellar core cosmic dynamo mass sun pulsar electromagnet field seem acceler particl enorm energies creat jets rings loop structur visibl stun xray view orbit chandra observatory ad 3c58 list pulsar power nebula explor chandra astronom deduc pulsar much cool tender years 3c58 show case extrem physic well understood closeup inset span six lightyears,pulsar,2004-12-23,547,83,0.325,12-23,12,2004,23,6,1,3 8dd9050a52e27a4623bac6006743e5cbcc33b6adb8930775323005db725144de,none,rocketcam tm mount insid payload fair delta ii rocket captur dramat video frame novemb 20th swift satellit observatori journey orbit 600 kilomet planet earth frame correct transmiss problems sequenc show fair separation second stage rotat past earth limb final 1500 kilogram satellit separ second stage observ optical ultraviolet xray gammaray energies swift design locat sourc energet gammaray burst watch afterglow fade distant universe still phase observatori alreadi detect high energi flash aweinspir cosmic,swift,2004-12-24,513,73,0.1344444444444444,12-24,12,2004,24,8,1,4 0748c4b97a4ccc3c2cbb47b8b5c9083978d16c57a64f6f47951aac609dc3bed1,none,present apod readers digit imag offer high resolut view big beauti saturn love full mosaic composit imag contain larg 5 megabyt file here download here span gorgeou ga giant ring tip ring tip piec togeth 102 frame record cassini spacecraft iss octob 6 2004 red green blue frame imag avail public cassini web site full panorama pixel size substanti crop version appear above enjoy view safe happi holiday,big beauti saturn,2004-12-25,403,68,0.1471428571428571,12-25,12,2004,25,0,1,2 2858408f20acd06afc019368c2ee53acef1e6e11c940c711a13ddd926981a0a6,none,center swirl whirlpool hot ga like beast never seen directly black hole studi bright light emit swirl ga frequent indic black hole present also like attributes ga surround gro j165540 example found display unusu flicker rate 450 time second given previou mass estim central object seven time mass sun rate fast flicker explain black hole rotat rapidly physic mechan actual caus flicker slower quasiperiod oscil qpo accret disk surround black hole neutron star remain topic much research,gro j165540 evid spin black hole,2004-12-26,488,77,0.0722222222222222,12-26,12,2004,26,6,0,5 c45b51143d799e70e94db7d2c4c2a49a404b7a829dc38265dc0eae38d743ee03,robert gendler,center andromeda galaxi beauti strange andromeda index m31 close milki way galaxi give uniqu perspect galaxi composit allow us see core billion star swarm around center two nuclei like hous supermass black hole 5 million time mass sun m31 two million light year away visibl unaid eye toward constel andromeda pictur above dark knot dust seen superpos inner 10000 light year m31 core brighter star foreground star locat milki way galaxy,core,2004-12-27,435,71,0.0259259259259259,12-27,12,2004,27,7,0,3 972c9c2625e858fc6d7270339ccfc5545dde2ffb276dfe47720a93c6b3419ad1,wfi mpgeso 22m telescope la sillaeso,tarantula nebula giant emiss nebula within neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud insid cosmic arachnid lie huge central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 partial visibl upper right energet light wind cluster light nebula sculpt surround ga dust vast complex filaments give tarantula nebula name impress color imag widefield imag camera eso 22meter telescop la silla observatory intricaci nebula complex array dust ga visible 300 lightyear portion tarantula nebula imaged tarantula nebula also dub 30 doradus lie 170000 light year away toward constel dorado,tentacl tarantula nebula,2004-12-28,560,83,0.0989010989010989,12-28,12,2004,28,4,0,5 e36f5b5e40d58a6cb83e144a5a6f62433a743504de9f5ad8098df70b45d47b56,none,star creat helix nebula shape planetari nebula like helix import like hold clue star like sun end lives recent observ orbit hubbl space telescop 4meter blanco telescop chile however shown helix realli simpl helix rather incorpor two nearli perpendicular disk well arcs shocks even featur well understood even so mani strikingli geometr symmetri remain singl sunlik star creat beauti yet geometr complex topic research helix nebula nearest planetari nebula earth lie 700 light year away toward constel aquarius span 3 lightyears,helix nebula blanco hubbl,2004-12-29,527,81,0.0333333333333333,12-29,12,2004,29,4,0,5 3dceb0b3e18aa9a4f474aaeae65001ad3a0e3b509698919af1471e2d550f270e,none,intrigu galaxi pair m81 m82 shine view orbit galex observatory galex galaxi evolut explor scan cosmo ultraviolet light view follow star format galaxi evolut universe near bottom magnific spiral galaxi m81 similar size milki way show young star wind spiral arms less 100 million year old young star blue falsecolor galex imag seen well separ older yellowish star galact core near top turbulent irregular galaxi m82 show result extrem rate star birth death supernovae death explos massiv stars contribut violent wind materi expel m82 central regions strike irregular spiral galaxi pair locat 10 million lightyear away northern constel ursa major,m81 m82 galex full field,2004-12-30,645,100,0.0473214285714285,12-30,12,2004,30,7,2,3 603e2618957f520d83bf6b8c9053eeb8d9df7f60a2f7573b74f774329c961439,none,land mar january nasa twin rover spirit opportun spent 330 sol rove martian surface still well extend missions size robot oper five time longer planned rang across floor gusev crater spirit rover reach columbia hill journey nearli four kilometers half planet away opportun spent much tour meridiani planum explor 130 meter wide endur crater opportun recent return panoram view rock outcrop steep crater walls rover uncov strong evid ancient salti ocean left mark allur red planet,year mar,2004-12-31,479,76,0.0185185185185185,12-31,12,2004,31,5,0,2 569011279bfaaddad4025f8d84c48c089f79803f6da0f8bc259b9171247cef2c,none,manicouagan crater northern canada one oldest impact crater known form 200 million year ago present day terrain support diamet reservoir telltal form annular lake crater worn away pass glacier processes still hard rock impact site preserv much complex impact structur allow scientist lead case help understand larg impact featur earth solar system bodies also visibl vertic fin space shuttl columbia pictur taken 1983,manicouagan impact crater,2005-01-01,417,63,-0.1972222222222222,01-01,1,2005,1,5,0,2 a48278513a38768ff92247972e60bc873eb361a8527cb8686a3e19c3ae1bdf9d,none,welcom planet earth third planet star name sun earth shape like sphere compos mostli rock 70 percent earth surfac water planet rel thin atmospher compos mostli nitrogen oxygen earth singl larg moon 14 diamet and planet surface seen almost exactli angular size sun abund liquid water earth support larg varieti life forms includ potenti intellig speci dolphin humans pleas enjoy stay planet earth,welcom planet earth,2005-01-02,395,63,0.0,01-02,1,2005,2,8,0,2 faab66253dda79056028979c9dff53a70149c91f10f4b47021ccccfc2ada67a3,matthew t russel,perhap famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across quit evid photograph blue reflect nebula surround brighter cluster stars low mass faint brown dwarf also found pleiades editors note promin diffract spike caus telescop may either provid aesthet enhancement depend point,pleiad star cluster,2005-01-03,445,68,0.05,01-03,1,2005,3,6,0,3 742ca94ec6fd6b0841a2909ab31cb6799fac5f874538ad3a804d045b93ae7d9a,mark garlick spaceart,milki way galaxi look like sinc stuck inside sinc opaqu dust view visibl light nobodi know sure drawn above however good guess base mani differ type observations milki way center bright core region center larg black hole milki way bright central bulg thought bar rel old red stars outer region spiral arm found domin appear open cluster young bright blue stars red emiss nebula dark dust spiral arm resid disk domin mass rel dim star loos ga compos mostli hydrogen depict huge spheric halo invis dark matter domin mass milki way well motion star away center,milki way illustr,2005-01-04,557,96,0.1231884057971014,01-04,1,2005,4,6,2,3 d824e61186be64b72d7121d0042f5ba79bbe25f461f5a8dd7650eae9a8e22691,jimmywestlakecoloradomountain college,good view comet machholz store northern hemispher comet watcher january make closest approach planet earth comet pass near love pleiad star cluster januari 7th doubl star cluster perseu januari 27th machholz move rel quickli even sky current visibl unaid eye dark locations comet easi target binocular small telescope fact telephoto time exposur januari 1 show comet machholz sport two love tail sky colorado usa extend left strand comet ion ga tail readili affect solar breez point away sun dust tend trail along comet orbit form tail jut right,comet machholz view,2005-01-05,545,88,0.1873015873015872,01-05,1,2005,5,3,1,1 564b779539888512e974b0e51d2da701514fc18748465f1619250f345fae53f5,none,edg dens molecular cloud filament gas cosmic dust multitud young star penetr imag orion nebula allur structur wellknown star form region reveal infrar light view new hawaiian eye power wide field camera commiss unit kingdom infrar telescop mauna kea fraction full field pictur cover 11 lightyear 1500 lightyear distanc nebula image otherwis invis infrar light map visibl colors red repres narrowband infrar emiss hydrogen molecul wavelength microns green emiss 22 microns blue emiss visibl light wavelength 05 micron,orion,2005-01-06,518,78,0.1486363636363636,01-06,1,2005,6,4,1,5 caefc910f9d83bd2c0e8816555ddcddd463aa7379e7a49f9de8c10ed62c8609b,tun tezel,planet venu trace shape earth sky 2004 follow second planet sun seri 29 imag record april 3rd august 7th top right bottom left year astronom tunc tezel construct composit illustr wander planet path background stars seri reveal venus appar retrograd motion brilliant even star morning celesti beacon course 2004 sink even twilight rise predawn horizon venu seen silhouett sun near center first transit venu sinc 1882 next time venu wander across solar disk 2012,venu,2005-01-07,461,74,0.1935714285714285,01-07,1,2005,7,1,1,1 2838e7718bea02cc3a651f7a9e3079a41a8a98e0e11dd9ca7dcc655b0bd3b988,none,mere 6000 lightyear distant sail constel vela star cluster rcw 38 full power stars surpris stars million year young hot outer appear pointlik xray sourc dot xray imag orbit chandra observatory diffus cloud xray surround bit mysterious imag color code xray energy high energi blue medium green low energi xray red lightyear across cloud pervad cluster color suggest xray produc high energi electron move magnet fields yet sourc energet electrons shockwav explod star rotat neutron star appar chandra data whatev origins energet particl could leav imprint planetari system form young star cluster rcw nearbi energet event seem affect chemistri isotop found solar system,xray mysteri rcw,2005-01-08,667,103,0.0246153846153846,01-08,1,2005,8,6,2,4 6063a1a7748134345d0db847f6fc284fa85010bc2143a98cb5bed74190e75f5e,none,jupit rings jupiter ring discov 1979 pass voyag 1 spacecraft origin mystery data galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 later confirm ring creat meteoroid impact small nearbi moons small meteoroid strike tini adrastea example bore moon vaporize explod dirt dust jovian orbit pictur eclips sun jupiter view galileo small dust particl high jupiter atmosphere well dust particl compos rings seen reflect sunlight,jupiter ring reveal,2005-01-09,411,62,-0.118,01-09,1,2005,9,8,0,2 61318945a21ed2d72be32fefdc64c738dd2ff65843c96d2f5ba6a048b5b71c4b,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,creat cosmic dust sculptur rosett nebula note common beauti overal shape part rosett nebula also known ngc 2244 show beauti even view close visibl globul dark dust ga slowli erod away energet light wind nearbi massiv stars left alon long enough molecularcloud globul would like form star planets imag taken specif color sulfur shade red hydrogen green oxygen blue rosett nebula span 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel monoceros,dust sculptur rosett nebula,2005-01-10,471,75,-0.0549999999999999,01-10,1,2005,10,4,0,5 e6bf7905da7fc004271fcc0eec9ba4dc531ed791c6fda4ee2d3e1a75f746bc3d,stefan seip,sweep northward planet earth sky comet machholz extend long ion tail pleiad star cluster background januari 7th stun view record telephoto len sky bavaria germany emphas faint complex tail structur scene love blue green colors merg blue dustreflect starlight pleiades color comet ion tail greenish coma produc ga molecul fluoresc sunlight reflect sunlight dust comet machholz trail along comet orbit form whitish tail jut toward right visibl coma span 500000 kilometers nucleu comet like kilomet across lie hidden within comet tail extend mani million kilomet nucleus appear substanti shorten perspective,machholz meet pleiad,2005-01-11,604,90,-0.0573593073593073,01-11,1,2005,11,3,0,5 870b69862c41102deecd7898f02bedfa2f260a409458157ffc452896cf51f46a,none,big beautiful bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300 lie 70 million lightyear away bank constel eridanus hubbl space telescop composit view gorgeou island univers releas week meet american astronom societi one largest hubbl imag ever made complet galaxy ngc 1300 span 100000 lightyear hubbl imag reveal strike detail galaxy domin central bar majest spiral arms fact close inspect nucleu classic bar spiral show remark region spiral structur 3000 lightyear across unlik spiral galaxies includ milki way ngc 1300 present known massiv central black hole,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300,2005-01-12,538,83,0.10625,01-12,1,2005,12,7,0,3 97b22df5c749a5ef863cdd42a090fed708d4a97f178d6af816e389396ccd5d4b,none,today descent surfac titan european space agency huygen probe distant land ever spacecraft earth ut est huygen enter atmospher saturn larg mysteri moon altitud 180 kilometers radio astronom report detect signal probe indic huygen began deploy seri parachut control 2 hour descent titan dens atmosphere huygens anticip land point mark yellow dot nearinfrar imag cassini spacecraft known solid liquid surfac await it outermost nest 1120 kilomet across outlin label altitud indic area coverag huygens imag instrument descent news updat huygen landing,descent titan,2005-01-14,548,81,-0.025,01-14,1,2005,14,8,0,2 217834bd099e9456577d9ccb1ceae23d716e3ce4e21264030d058d3c732b3f75,none,seven year interplanetari voyag board cassini spacecraft european space agency huygen probe parachut histor land saturn moon titan januari 14 two first raw imag huygen record mysteri moon surfac view altitud 16 kilomet left surfac level altitud imag resolv featur small 40 meters dramat surfac level vista light object left center 15 centimet across lie 85 centimet probe remarkably view titan surfac suggest similar erod surfac earth mars news huygen updat,huygen imag titan surfac,2005-01-15,458,71,0.0819230769230769,01-15,1,2005,15,8,0,2 763ea87817c4ad64cd389e3e6feac487532269b40f94a2b713fcab4b39978eb2,none,old photograph show evid nebula 1992 white dwarf star toward constel cygnu blew outer layer classic nova explosion event call nova cygni 1992 light flood local interstellar neighborhood illumin exist ga cloud excit exist hydrogen henc caus red emission ga actual expel nova seen small red ball photograph center eventually light nova shell fade nebula becom invisible,nebula nova cygni turn,2005-01-16,367,57,0.0651515151515151,01-16,1,2005,16,4,0,5 c919af19f498046b24f1d607929b65159e010262e2e8bc1e9b193a0fe404f8b9,none,color view titan gaze across suddenli familiar distant landscap saturn largest moon scene record esa huygen probe 2 12 hour descent thick atmospher nitrogen lace methane bath eeri orang light ground level rock strewn scene could well compos water hydrocarbon frozen solid inhospit temperatur 179 degre c lightton rock left center 15 centimet across lie 85 centimet away touch 45 meter per second 16 kilomet per saucershap probe believ penetr 15 centimet surfac consist wet sand huygen batteri exhaust probe transmit data 90 minut landing titan bizarr chemic environ may bear similar planet earth life evolved,titan landscap,2005-01-17,609,96,0.0175,01-17,1,2005,17,8,2,2 fd325be831a5565d4e0c82444fc2a5f79b981515d09176810ec5c397542dccc2,none,satellit galaxi milki way small magellan cloud smc wonder southern sky mere 210000 lightyear distant constel tucana found among cluster nebula ngc 346 star form region 200 lightyear across pictur hubbl space telescope explor ngc 346 astronom identifi popul embryon star strung along dark intersect dust lane visibl right still collaps within natal clouds stellar infants light redden interven dust small irregular galaxy smc repres type galaxi common earli universe small galaxi thought build block larger galaxi present today within smc stellar nurseri like ngc 346 also thought similar found earli universe,ngc 346 small magellan cloud,2005-01-18,608,92,-0.0409523809523809,01-18,1,2005,18,7,0,3 32712beb975b7875362e6f3074958b9e73eea8e659def0d41aa5c5c71059e316,none,surfac featur titan scroll right see panoram view captur last week huygen probe descend toward saturn mysteri moon scientist yet sure imag far left boundari seem exist sort smooth dark terrain type terrain distance imag center left white area cover imag might type ground fog huygen probe land dark area far right find portion titan surfac consist wet sand surfac temperatur degre celsius huygen batteri last unexpectedli long three hour beam back imag data saturnorbit cassini mothership armada earth sensit radio telescopes analysi huygens imag like continu year attempt better understand cloudengulf moon,eight kilomet titan,2005-01-19,607,93,0.090079365079365,01-19,1,2005,19,8,2,2 be10a236d51cd1a5e4818864e86b84d0b6032e68a607b7d0cf4c038962773918,none,what happen water pictur one better imag yet record waterspout type tornado occur water waterspout spin column rise moist air typic form warm water waterspout danger tornado featur wind speed 200 kilomet per hour mani waterspout form away thunderstorm even rel fair weather waterspout may rel transpar initi visibl unusu pattern creat water imag taken 1969 aircraft florida keys locat arguabl hottest spot waterspout world hundr form year peopl specul waterspout respons mani loss record bermuda triangl region atlant ocean,waterspout florida,2005-01-20,523,80,0.6,01-20,1,2005,20,8,1,1 cef1e5e0ea8065ba9d177dfa30bc81c97cf6c30314991064fd84abc0548c5d69,none,opportun rover found mars travers vast empti plain meridiani planum one earth roll robot found surpris visit locat metal heat shield discard last year descent surpris rock visibl lower left found made mostli dens metal iron nickel larg coneshap object behind flank piec right part opportunity jettison heat shield smaller shield debri also visible scientist think basketballs metal heat shield rock origin mars rather like ancient metal meteorite hindsight find meteorit vast empti dust plain mar might consid similar earth meteorit found vast empti ice plain antarctica find rais specul gener abund rock mar fallen outer space,metal plain mar,2005-01-21,629,97,-0.0630952380952381,01-21,1,2005,21,5,2,4 03411046041dab331410ff39b39c57a8324d2288333123bd38bda2c791b6a0e5,b e schaefer lsu,ancient text known title known author written known language say mani astronomi illustrations mysteri book bought emperor forgotten librari shelf sold thousand dollars later donat yale possibl written 15th century 200page volum known recent voynich manuscript rediscover 1912 pictur illustr book appear somehow relat sun book label patch sky unfamiliar constellations inabl modern historian astronomi understand origin constel perhap dwarf inabl modern codebreak understand book text eclect brain trust apod reader make progress think provid insight instead send us email pleas particip onlin discussion book remain yale rare book collect catalog number m 408,mysteri voynich manuscript,2005-01-22,659,94,0.1399999999999999,01-22,1,2005,22,8,2,4 638766ccb2dd800555adfafaec4015652fa3f8285ee97bbd7bda58963c084a48,none,like butterfly white dwarf star begin life cast cocoon enclos former self analogy however sun would caterpillar eject shell ga would becom prettiest all cocoon planetari nebula design ngc 2440 contain one hottest white dwarf star known white dwarf seen bright dot near photo center sun eventu becom white dwarf butterfly anoth 5 billion years fals color imag postprocess forrest hamilton,ngc 2440 cocoon new white dwarf,2005-01-23,387,61,0.0875,01-23,1,2005,23,6,0,3 eab50c584fe71902efcf583bc8eb00d5c17bfb52ad0346988b9825c5e2567bbb,none,methan rain evapor lakes flow water icevolcano like exist saturn moon titan accord preliminari analys recent imag taken success huygen lander snake riverb identifi dark channel near top image dark lakeb identifi across imag bottom riverb lakeb thought dri time imag taken contain flow liquid like methan recent past titan surfac found appear strang similar earth even though cold methan flow water freez ice although huygen probe run power imag return like studi decad come cassini mothership schedul continu orbit saturn return imag sever years,discov saturn titan,2005-01-24,547,85,-0.025,01-24,1,2005,24,0,0,2 4fe422563103c067470ae8eb446b4c4dde2b90f43b51a1040004412ec552ec9a,t rector,galaxi active nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 6946 undergo tremend burst star format obviou cause mani case spiral light interact anoth galaxy ngc 6946 appear rel isol space locat 10 million light year away toward constel cepheus beauti faceon spiral span 20000 light year seen field foreground star milki way galaxy center ngc 6946 home nuclear starburst itself picturesqu dark dust seen lace disk along bright blue stars red emiss nebulas fast move ga clouds unusu frequent supernovas 8meter gemini north telescop hawaii usa took image suggest explan high star format rate recent accret mani primordi lowmass neutral hydrogen cloud surround region,ngc firework galaxi,2005-01-25,642,101,0.152051282051282,01-25,1,2005,25,7,2,3 0c7d72e87c37e4a37aa468209e368b72c6c8ac25685c3aa80503ee17c2027aa0,none,new delta iv heavi launch vehicl largest rocket ever launch us air force delta iv heavi capabl launch 23000 kilogram low earth orbit first launch delta iv heavi occur last month larg success except booster shut sever second delta iv heavi largest delta iv series pack punch three rocket booster instead one pictur above delta iv heavi seen lift rocketcam perch side timelaps sequenc show launch one rocket booster test satellit lift away lockhe martin develop heavi lift version alta rocket seri conjunct us air evolv launch vehicl,first launch delta iv heavi,2005-01-26,531,88,0.098051948051948,01-26,1,2005,26,8,0,2 0059d07a0794dd9f5d87b65e51ecae8c96aab9b1c3474dbeccb3366678c62d17,none,nearli full moon planet earth shadow set togeth scene captur monday snowi mt jelm home wyom infrar observatory earli morn riser and late bed astronomers shadow set western sky daili apparit whose subtl beauti often overlook favor color eastern horizon extend dens atmosphere earth set shadow seen pictur dark blue band along distant horizon bound pinkish glow antitwilight arch also known belt venus arch love color due backscatt redden light rise sun set moon light also redden long sightlin atmospher echo dawn sky yelloworang hues,shadow set,2005-01-27,533,85,0.084090909090909,01-27,1,2005,27,2,0,1 b7c399abab9d42e81413a575d3fc6902de1e4a5cfe6ba499dfe7032c97b3a065,e winfree k fleischer a barr et al caltech,imag worth thousand words accord holograph principle inform get imag 3 x 1065 bit normal size comput monitor holograph principle yet unproven state maximum amount inform content held region adjac surface therefore counterintuitively inform content insid room depend volum room area bound walls principl deriv idea planck length length scale quantum mechan begin domin classic gravity one side area hold one bit information limit first postul physicist gerard t hooft 1993 aris gener seemingli distant specul inform held black hole determin enclos volum surfac area event horizon term holographic aris hologram analog threedimens imag creat project light flat screen beware peopl look imag may claim see 3 x 1065 bit might claim see teapot,holograph principl,2005-01-30,739,114,0.121875,01-30,1,2005,30,8,2,4 ca1b43f27f6e0114973d93c7b27d3872081b37947ecb429e9060864e88933d39,t rector,one might guess group star left respons shape ga cloud right probabl not observ mani star ngc 2467 show superposit loos group star differ distanc coher open cluster star energ nebula still imag captur variou stage star formation star far left alreadi form birth nebula alreadi dispersed lower left lie young star break free surround birth cocoon gas right image bright wall bright ga glow evapor energi mani newli form bright stars toward center deep dark lane dust hide part nebula sure form new stars 8meter gemini south telescope perch mountaintop cerro pachon chile took image ngc 2467 lie toward southern constel puppis mani star 17000 light year distant,ngc ga star,2005-01-31,660,109,0.1978896103896104,01-31,1,2005,31,4,2,5 f70387c836d859659155b2310c5e58685ec1c343a3bb9c0d6302a7f7510dbdd9,none,happen saturn moon iapetus strang ridg cross moon near equator visibl near bottom image make iapetu appear similar pit half iapetu dark nearli disappear view earth recent observ show degre dark terrain strang uniform like dark coat somehow recent appli ancient highli crater surface half iapetu rel bright oddli cover long thin streak dark 400kilomet wide impact basin visibl near imag center delin deep drop sharpli crater floor imag taken saturnorbit cassini spacecraft flybi iapetu end last year,saturn iapetus moon strang surfac,2005-02-01,498,78,-0.0291666666666666,02-01,2,2005,1,8,0,2 1fe38dd2b336351caa82e5b2c840a5ef9f144a40c5d17db8384949bf8a4c535f,jimmywestlakecoloradomountain college,meteor leav twist path meteor train twist notic rare even rare photograph note before underli reason unusu meteor train mani meteor markedli nonspher shape nonuniform composition meteors usual sand size grain origin comets disintegr enter earth atmosphere nonuniform meteor may evapor one side another may caus rotat meteor wobbl slightli path also spray fast move debri nearli spiral path fast move meteor debri ioniz molecul earth atmospher subsequ glow reacquir electrons sure meteor perfectli uniform spherical slight swagger like typical meteor may well seed earth prebiot molecul allow develop life,twist meteor train,2005-02-02,606,90,0.1145833333333333,02-02,2,2005,2,8,2,4 25585e10309adbee26a2390e87bd8f2d9dc60221caceb4fe37e33b93014378e8,none,stark shadow show central peak terrac wall 120 kilomet wide pythagora crater mosaic imag esa smart1 spacecraft characterist large complex impact crater moon central uplift produc suddenli molten lunar crust violent impact event propel effici ion engine innov smart1 spacecraft enter lunar orbit novemb last year leisur 13 month journey planet earth view lunar surfac altitud 1000 5000 kilomet smart1 small mission advanc research technolog spiral closer moon later month,crater,2005-02-03,470,70,-0.1435714285714286,02-03,2,2005,3,2,0,2 cebeba6f2c34b0e9a8aac0a03d873b204a606e923efcb73294f854e0543c0ac1,none,light echo continu illumin dusti environ v838 monocerotis mysteri variabl star near edg galaxy stun image produc hubbl data record octob 2004 add uniqu seri spacebased highresolut views detect sudden outburst star 2002 astronom follow flash expand speed light preexist dust cloud surround redden variabl star expand light echo dramatic astronom struggl understand v838 mon fit stellar life cycle studi indic v838 mon young binari system massiv star respons outburst hubbl imag span 14 lightyear estim 20000 lightyear distanc v838 mon,v838 mon light,2005-02-04,533,81,0.1796296296296296,02-04,2,2005,4,6,1,4 4840d1c33219a895972fcf075f442bcc32c49caaa5860c100f1bc15f3d77d945,none,tune radio telescop 408mhz 408 million cycl per second check radio sky 1970 larg dish antenna three radio observatories jodrel bank mpifr park observatory use data combin map entir sky near frequency cosmic radio wave gener high energi electron spiral along magnet fields result fals color image galact plane run horizont center star visible instead mani bright sourc near plane distant pulsars star form regions supernova remnants grand loop structur piec bubbl blown local stellar activity extern galaxi like centauru a locat plane right center lmc below right also shine radio sky,radio sky tune 408mhz,2005-02-05,584,92,0.1601098901098901,02-05,2,2005,5,6,2,3 8212f88ec4cc7e7b001214097e09180502b273cc5e5bffbd85dc047789ab9678,none,dim star bright one near center ngc 3132 creat odd beauti planetari nebula nicknam eightburst nebula southern ring nebula glow ga origin outer layer star like sun repres color picture hot blue pool light seen surround binari system energ hot surfac faint star although photograph explor unusu symmetries asymmetri help make planetari nebula intriguing neither unusu shape surround cooler shell structur placement cool filamentari dust lane run across ngc 3132 well understood,ngc 3132 eight burst nebula,2005-02-06,475,72,0.1294871794871795,02-06,2,2005,6,4,1,5 f463abf220cd39ccabfef25d0c37b6c7fb3d28008cba4535ab34ed7269b97b7a,adam,get combin one world power telescop power artifici star monitor fluctuat bright bright star indic earth atmospher changing mani time bright star exist direct atmospher inform needed therefore astronom develop abil creat artifici star need laser subsequ observ artifici laser guid star reveal inform detail blur effect earth atmospher much blur remov rapidli flex mirror adapt optic techniqu allow highresolut groundbas observ real stars planets nebulae earli universe above laser beam shoot keck ii 10meter telescop mauna kea hawaii 2002 creat artifici star,telescop laser creat artifici star,2005-02-07,558,83,0.3714285714285715,02-07,2,2005,7,6,1,4 32882f88a129f4600627899bd24117775c91e66ae4b71be444c4f27f68b52a84,none,that everyth seen night sky understood night sky live project keep global array continu web camera concams alway watch night sky night 2004 decemb 17 fishey concam perch top activ volcano haleakala hawaii saw someth move across night sky remain mysterious nsl team might disregard streak mauna kea concam next hawaiian island record thing nsl team might disregard streak satellite record found site usual document bright satellit events think reason explan streak pleas contribut onlin discussion current candid includ known satellit somehow miss recent launch rocket pass space rock volunt nsl project help monitor nsl includ look interest anomali this robert nemiroff collabor nsl apod discuss consensus unexpectedli bright fuel dump satellit launch,mysteri streak hawaii,2005-02-08,751,113,0.2169421487603306,02-08,2,2005,8,8,2,4 4a5e1cbd9a252ef1f8736ac8ec6c5c871305ec2f11b8755d1198608e1b73b12e,none,broken metal scorch mar make impact site opportunity heat shield one interest site inspect roll robot visibl imag left conic outer hull shatter heat shield expel opportun plummet toward mar last year scroll right show anoth section heat shield impact site itself site interest partli creation rel well understood impact subsurfac light red dirt darker materi appear track toward larg debris behind impromptu space exhibit lie vast alien landscap featureless plain sky,impact crater mar,2005-02-09,467,72,-0.0578571428571428,02-09,2,2005,9,5,0,2 9e53c5f6f0914358d8606bacf0bc507efec00a284206fc18b0f837d0d5d7ebec,none,strange falsecolor imag otherwis familiar planet saturn show temperatur chang base thermal infrar emiss ga giant atmospher rings record keck telescop mauna kea sharp groundbas pictur saturn southern hemispher mosaic 35 images base effect sunlight southern summer season gener warm trend anticipated surpris result infrar imag data clear indic abruptli warmer polar cap bright hot spot saturn south pole warm south pole hot spot may uniqu solar system explor region plan use instrument cassini spacecraft hot saturn hot spot upper temperatur 91 kelvin degre fahrenheit pole,red saturn,2005-02-10,572,86,0.0842592592592592,02-10,2,2005,10,0,0,2 3a13fe03b5cd93aa6e15d8a1a3a53fc026cce27a64b9f22f47c1fa85d9dc8f4f,none,seren blue hue highlight view saturn northern hemispher cassini spacecraft imag adjust approxim natur blue color visibl sunlight scatter ga giant upper atmosphere saturn famou ring cast dark shadow stretch across frame infam crater moon mima lurk lower left orbit beyond main inner rings mima 400 kilomet across lie nearli 200000 kilometers 3 saturn radii center planet still mima orbit within saturn faint tenuou outer e ring,blue saturn,2005-02-11,426,67,-0.0583333333333333,02-11,2,2005,11,0,0,2 bdb32ba252b61710f6fca9ebfa3a4a6171f59e69fc9ef450715496de3cd1cc18,none,12 february 2001 nearshoemak spacecraft gentli surfac ero first ever land asteroid descent spacecraft camera record success imag diminut world surface reveal fractur boulders dust fill craters mysteri collaps channel last frame seen montag far left taken rang 128 meters expand inset show surfac featur centimet across stereo experiment patrick construct montag final imag land sequence care identifi overlap area success frames frame overlap taken spacecraft slightli differ viewpoints allow vantuyn construct closeup stereo imag surfac asteroid 433 eros,near touchdown,2005-02-12,556,79,0.1357142857142857,02-12,2,2005,12,8,1,2 7295c03743ed1dfbf93eacb9fd378fe55e96d09402731493df30afa78db95c4e,jeancharl cuillandr,virgo cluster galaxi closest cluster galaxi milki way galaxy virgo cluster close span 5 degre sky 10 time angl made full moon contain 100 galaxi mani type includ spiral elliptical irregular galaxies virgo cluster massiv notic pull galaxi toward it cluster contain galaxi fill star also ga hot glow xrays motion galaxi around cluster indic contain dark matter visibl matter see pictur above center virgo cluster might appear human face includ bright messier galaxi m86 top m84 far right ngc 4388 bottom ngc middle,center virgo cluster,2005-02-13,514,84,0.175974025974026,02-13,2,2005,13,7,1,3 636cf9b2d8fa220378850d915037379d0c56a167cb14dfe8030d576fb219bd04,richard,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star form four million year ago nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow rosett nebula span 100 lightyear across lie 5000 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel monoceros,rosett nebula,2005-02-14,463,74,0.1553613053613053,02-14,2,2005,14,4,1,5 3dbfad31fbdc987015fd1f9c6cf8de4088c8ac8f3a7c443e330f44cc907e1d13,none,ch moon saturn seem come mystery rhea saturn second largest moon behind titan show unusu visibl light color streaks higher resolut imag similar wisp dion indic might made long braid fractures rhea compos mostli water ice like small rocki core rhea rotat orbit lock together like earth moon one side alway face saturn consequ one side alway lead other rhea lead surfac much heavili crater trail surface pictur above imag natur color taken last month cassini robot spacecraft orbit around saturn,saturn moon rhea cassini,2005-02-15,493,81,0.0022727272727272,02-15,2,2005,15,0,0,2 f28c678f89289818968c6f1c827c026f7fcad5d2065989331031c61f09add5e5,none,sunspot magnet size earth normal seen flat sun digit however show sunspot appear increas effect three dimensions falsecolor imag sequenc solar activ region ar taken three specif color effect isol differ layer solar surface first imag show sun photospher surfac normal appears cover granules larg dark sunspot sport clear dark umbra center surround lighter penumbra imag appear toward middl sequenc show sun light predominantli emit hundr kilomet photosphere height contin size bubbl granul appear reversed long line constant magnet forc begin appear last imag show sun thousand kilomet chromosphere magnet field line clearli follow outward sunspot distant regions,sunspot bottom top,2005-02-16,665,98,0.0365384615384615,02-16,2,2005,16,1,2,4 bc3daabc78177e022f01f8aeef8e0b99bd301f65872b4097f0d73ad3324e95e8,none,first imag marin 9 spacecraft vall marineris grand canyon mars system enorm depress stretch 4000 kilomet along martian equator look north canyon central regions dark mela chasma lie foreground spectacular perspect view behind candor chasma steep wall ophir chasma near horizon surfac collaps landslid seen part complex geolog histori dramat features layer deposit also found within canyon system record 2004 imag repres data high resolut stereo camera board esa mar express spacecraft candor ophir 200 kilomet wide 5 7 kilomet deep,marin,2005-02-17,531,81,0.0494444444444444,02-17,2,2005,17,5,0,2 40a133a4b868e3f7bb8fb0aa001ddf50a72628736289b1cf47e60f733471c3c4,till credneralltheskycom,star big dipper well known aster constel ursa major easi recogn dramat skyscape fact northern hemispher skygaz often follow along line indic two star far right extend top image line lead polaris north star conveni locat near north celesti pole follow arc dipper handl also lead anoth well known celesti beacon northern sky yet dreamlik scene take instead shine mountaintop castle big dipper castl might appropri name stun view tradit name castl hohenzollern pois sea cloud citi light below castl lie rang southern germany area reef ancient sea,big dipper castl,2005-02-18,544,88,0.1609126984126984,02-18,2,2005,18,6,1,1 a17fc81318a15b8402b11e04f61ad6e7e44354a4d885ba0133675f6d74c8d5b9,none,saturn ring one spectacular sight solar system still imag hubbl space telescop offer strike view anoth kind ring around saturn pole encircl ring ultraviolet aurora tower 1000 mile cloud tops saturnian auror display thought analog earths follow ebb flow saturn aurora hubble camera instrument onboard cassini spacecraft research report surpris results falsecolor imag made ultraviolet light dramat red aurora identifi emiss atom hydrogen concentr white area due hydrogen molecules,saturnian aurora,2005-02-19,480,69,0.2458333333333333,02-19,2,2005,19,0,1,2 f7e83a97372f2725186d900638aef138e36fcb80e51b80c107490073fd11c3ae,robert d,remnant nuclear reactor nearli two billion year old found 1970 africa reactor thought occur naturally natur reactor exist today rel densiti fissil uranium decay need sustain reaction pictur fossil reactor 15 locat oklo gabon uranium oxid remain visibl yellowish rock oklo byproduct use today probe stabil fundament constant cosmolog develop effect mean dispos humanmanufactur nuclear waste,oklo ancient african nuclear reactor,2005-02-20,389,56,-0.0625,02-20,2,2005,20,8,0,2 8dbfc5ae2d637d1d2a3276a1fd5b2765287a4047b61818594cf00e2a346765cf,robert,brightest galact blast yet record key connect two type celesti last december dens sheet gamma ray time wider earth plow solar system satur satellit notic reflect moon magnetar near galact center sourc soft gamma sgr unleash largest flare record bright tremend explosion initi peak made look quit similar anoth type tremend explos view away short durat gammaray burst short durat grb thought mani fundament differ long durat grb cousin like relat distant supernovas illustr seri draw depict outgo explos initi sgr fast move wave radiat pictur shoot away central magnetar possibl link grb becom better understood similar event detect earthorbit swift satellite,galact magnetar giant flare,2005-02-21,659,102,0.09,02-21,2,2005,21,8,2,4 8447e5860306c2aa894d1bd168592e931cb23f848e96f5dd4f74b7342dfe66c8,none,saturn aurora like earths help answer question hubbl space telescop cassini spacecraft monitor saturn south pole simultan cassini close ga giant januari 2004 hubbl snap imag ultraviolet light cassini record radio emiss monitor solar wind like earth saturn aurora make total partial ring around magnet poles unlik earth however saturn aurora persist days oppos minut earth although sure creat charg particl enter atmosphere saturn aurora also appear close solar wind either earth jupiter auroras sequenc show three hubbl imag saturn taken two day apart,persist saturnian aurora,2005-02-22,551,84,0.16,02-22,2,2005,22,0,1,2 ea974563855196b5cda2429834ab1a26dc48c82190acb88e0cbaa546a0da0bcc,none,part new york broke slam new anchor land masses unlik happen event size scale occur antarct coast last three months long island new york size b15a iceberg float across 100 kilomet ross sea struck expect impact massiv ice visibl bottom right last image summer earth southern hemisphere rel warm weather expect melt clear much surround ice b15a block much ice float sea creat problem ship servic mcmurdo station also penguin expect greater ross ice shelf b15a shed sever larg iceberg past years,voyag antarct iceberg,2005-02-23,492,82,0.1424860853432281,02-23,2,2005,23,8,1,2 4b4fee06be82f171e44c1c1d2c5e5414b804726e85d56d65d808ce809a398ad1,none,small icy inner moon saturn enceladu 500 kilomet diameter distant world reflect 90 percent sunlight receives give surfac reflect fresh snow seen sharp view cassini spacecraft recent flyby enceladu show varieti surfac featur impact crater indic activ world even though tini moon complet cool long ago fact resurfac appear enceladu could result liquid water geyser water volcanos sinc enceladu orbit within outer e ring saturn moon surfac may kept snowbright continu bombard ici ring particles erupt enceladu would turn suppli materi e ring interplanetari ski bum take note tini enceladu 1100th surfac graviti planet earth surfac temperatur degre c degre f,ski enceladu,2005-02-24,655,101,0.0027777777777777,02-24,2,2005,24,0,2,4 f86cd5d3d60d1129a1122084282f7c58ea71c255630425dead0e35633805b39b,none,dub storm swirl cloud featur tint orang falsecolor nearinfrar imag saturn southern hemisphere one seri discoveri announc cassini dragon storm found respons mysteri burst radio static monitor cassini instrument last year spacecraft orbit ring planet storm thought giant saturnian thunderstorm like storm earth radio nois produc highvoltag lightn discharges cassini observ also consist dragon storm longliv storm deep within ga giant atmosphere period produc large visibl storm regions,saturn dragon storm,2005-02-25,483,68,0.1020408163265306,02-25,2,2005,25,0,1,2 605029c854cfa8869100bf73eff82116846f39247371b81ee44f69ce50c67dae,peter space center,scientif imag cosmic dust cloud even frozen water esthet too fact pictur thin layer form ice crystal use scientif understand light wave properti sole artist titl pictur creat astrophysicist peter make picture crystal illumin light shine polar filter filter otherwis randomli orient light wave vibrat one direction pass ice differ color polar light refract reflect along slightli differ path delic layers view scene second polar filter bring wondrou display structur color paint law physics creat seri evoc ice imag refer frozen vision,,2005-02-26,535,82,0.095,02-26,2,2005,26,8,0,4 a2b40a9f93430051d00ed47c102eaabd24ee8a02d3602668856dcd5957227f69,nigel sharp,still known sun light miss colors shown visibl color sun produc pass sun light prismlik device spectrum creat mcmathpierc solar observatori shows first off although yellowappear sun emit light nearli everi color inde appear brightest yellowgreen light dark patch spectrum aris ga sun surfac absorb sunlight emit below sinc differ type ga absorb differ color light possibl determin gass compos sun helium example first discov 1870 solar spectrum later found earth today major spectral absorpt line identifi all,solar spectrum,2005-02-27,510,78,0.24125,02-27,2,2005,27,1,1,5 5aca9ab4475715d61d40c4ea4b80b190fef51a6578e5b61813005f0bc95ca805,none,unusu plate mars lead current interpret hold block ice float recent frozen sea cover dust unusu plate photograph recent european space agency mar express spacecraft current orbit mars oddly region lie near martian equat near either mars frozen polar without cover dust water ice near away pole would quickli evapor right atmosphere evid aboveimag plate realli dustcov wateric includ similar appear ice block earth antarctica nearbi surfac fractur underground water could shallow depth crater indic someth fill in correct low abund crater indic water may flow mar recent five million year ago,unusu mar,2005-02-28,591,92,0.0001587301587301,02-28,2,2005,28,5,0,2 d1d9808140a71bcee11eef1c0be527dbfebdfe6ec245d23fff9fa959b1e5fb12,t rector,dramat imag interact pair galaxi made use 8meter gemini south telescop cerro pachon chile ngc 1531 background galaxi bright core center ngc 1532 foreground spiral galaxi lace dust lanes pair 55 million lightyear away southern constel eridanus galaxi lie close enough togeth feel influenc other gravity gravit tugofwar trigger star format foreground spiral evidenc young bright blue star cluster along upper edg front spiral arm though spiral galaxi pair view nearli edgeon astronom believ system similar faceon spiral companion known m51 whirlpool galaxy,ngc 15312 interact galaxi,2005-03-01,554,83,0.1275,03-01,3,2005,1,7,1,3 6666b39eac8a4d4cc7f3897753716dfe6ca272553a6c88d3e416c461f8705ef7,none,december earthquak like shorten earth day three may also earth rotat wobble earthquak occur indian tecton plate slid beneath tecton plate earthquak fourth power sinc year trigger tsunami tragic kill 250000 peopl nearbi coastal regions map yellow star indic locat main circl show locat larg island effect earth rotat sudden much smaller accumul effect surfac event el,power island,2005-03-02,366,57,-0.0972222222222222,03-02,3,2005,2,8,0,1 978818c1ef014d4c72e81b736de8e1ffb10b8656e28013273e50ff431e522815,none,tantal image young blue star cluster pink starform region abound ngc galaxi motion small irregular galaxy swept back outlin point toward top pictur hubbl space telescop inde direct ngc 1427a move travel toward center fornax cluster galaxies 62 million lightyear away 20000 lightyear long similar nearbi larg magellan cloud ngc 1427a speed fornax cluster intergalact ga around 600 kilomet per second result pressur give galaxi outlin trigger beauti violent episod star formation still understood interact cluster ga cluster galaxi headlong flight ultim disrupt galaxi ngc mani unrel background galaxi visibl sharp hubbl image includ strike faceon spiral galaxi upper left,ngc galaxi motion,2005-03-04,671,100,-0.0483333333333333,03-04,3,2005,4,7,2,3 5a64e15d7218398e9c410e55482f11d97db7ce9e7ec01b38a54506a8ddd54a14,steve mandelhidden valley observatori,dazzl binocular small telescope moon pock impact craters partial lunar phases crater along termin cast dramat relief strong shadows moon full crater seem sprout system bright radial line rays detail closeup full moon featur two promin ray craters copernicu upper left tycho lower right extens ray system light color debri blast craterform impacts general ray crater rel young ray overlay lunar terrain fact 85 kilomet wide tycho far reach rays youngest larg crater nearside crater copernicus surround dark mare contrast nice bright rays 93 kilomet diameter,tycho lunar ray crater,2005-03-05,556,86,0.2040616246498599,03-05,3,2005,5,2,1,2 216024d4738f8bb3fe2eb4fff631b1f246020e4118210310b750c80d7c067a0e,toni cook,ever seen planet mercury week might good time mercuri orbit close sun never wander far sun earth sky trail sun mercuri visibl low horizon short sunset lead sun mercuri visibl shortli sunrise certain time year inform skygaz littl determin usual pick mercuri site clear horizon above lot determin combin littl digit trickeri show mercury success posit march 2004 pictur taken locat england exactli 33 minut sunset next two weeks mercuri well place view western horizon sunset third week march fade drop twilight,mercuri,2005-03-07,509,82,0.0970238095238095,03-07,3,2005,7,1,0,1 02798bc1db613f2bdfddac087d6d637a6f500e88525608934d71b1aedc67ee33,none,whatev hit mima nearli destroy it remain one largest impact crater one saturn smallest moons crater name herschel 1789 discover mimas sir william herschel span 130 kilomet pictur dramat light terminator mimas low mass produc surfac graviti strong enough creat spheric bodi weak enough allow rel larg surfac features mima made mostli water ice smatter rock accur describ big dirti snowball imag taken 2005 januari flybi robot spacecraft cassini orbit around saturn,crater mima,2005-03-08,464,72,0.0322916666666666,03-08,3,2005,8,0,0,2 f9efbd31178c90c29d27cb771bef798e4012fc9c0b4f02b8a6b0358fc43ef7d6,none,drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long glow red light characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons strip away ionized energet starlight case star like provid energet starlight bright hot bluish xi persei right nebula pictur center fittingly composit pictur made imag telescop california 48inch 12meter samuel oschin telescop taken part second nation geograph palomar observatori sky survey,ngc 1499 california nebula,2005-03-10,608,91,0.1911255411255411,03-10,3,2005,10,4,2,5 239bebbe9222044cd542980743791c18b95892f96431e64934f05355ea3ef92d,none,classic appear popular ring nebula aka understood due perspect view planet earth look center roughli barrelshap cloud gas grace loop structur seen extend even beyond ring nebula familiar central region falsecolor infrar imag spitzer space telescope cours wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star chance spiral galaxi ic 1296 also visibl upper right spitzer view toward constel lyra central ring ring nebula one lightyear across 2000 lightyear away however galaxi ic 1296 much bigger henc farther away 200 million lightyear distant,infrar ring nebula,2005-03-11,615,92,0.1002164502164502,03-11,3,2005,11,4,2,5 2b147791ce97683a1ac259f73e1095e70f703cc123c14d3d9ea4e6c8a87e1d14,none,fool familiar pattern grace spiral structur seen comput visual portray wind spiral arm distant galaxi stars instead graphic show spiral shock wave three dimension simul accret disk materi swirl onto compact central object could repres white dwarf star neutron star black hole accret disk power bright xray sourc within galaxy form binari star system consist donor star not shown above suppli accret material compact object whose strong graviti ultim draw materi toward surface known xray binari system size accret disk might fall somewher diamet sun about 1400000 kilometers diamet moon orbit kilometers one interest result virtual realiti astrophys illustr simul disk develop tend pronounc spiral,accret disk simul,2005-03-12,698,105,0.1241666666666666,03-12,3,2005,12,7,2,5 9d2fd7b4995ddd99bfeece83bbb5be56786f3c584f2a35bcfd07cce42018ae2f,none,earthl tri tell us messag broadcast earth toward globular star cluster m13 1974 dedic arecibo observatori still largest radio telescop world string 1 0 repres diagram sent attempt extraterrestri commun mostli ceremoni human regularli broadcast radio televis signal space accidentally even messag received m13 far away would wait almost 50000 year hear answer messag give simpl fact human knowledge left right number one ten atom includ hydrogen carbon interest molecules dna human description basic solar system basic send telescope sever search extraterrestri intellig current underway includ one use home computer,messag earth,2005-03-13,618,90,0.0385714285714285,03-13,3,2005,13,8,2,2 4b2642ab0f306a040545b9fe33854daf350c98fc24e70fa7494a366cec1ab340,russel croman,nebula surround bright star mon fill dark dust glow gas strang shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars region mon brightest star picture nicknam fox fur nebula color texture blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star diffus red glow result emission starlight ioniz hydrogen gas pink area lit combin two processes mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel monoceros north cone nebula,fox fur nebula,2005-03-14,529,85,0.1944444444444444,03-14,3,2005,14,4,1,5 d596ffde9dc8ca424f54d4a8083d225d26983a2bc61798cae82a9472336c64ca,none,vertic cliff nearli two kilomet occur near north pole mars also visibl imag martian north polar cap red area rock sand white area ice dark area unknown composit hypothes volcan ash cliff thought border volcan caldera although sheer drop martian cliff drop deep area solar system includ depth canyon earth 20 kilomet depth verona rupe uranus moon image digit reconstruct perspect view taken high resolut stereo camera board esa robot mar express spacecraft current orbit mars,cliff mar,2005-03-15,474,76,-0.0073333333333333,03-15,3,2005,15,5,0,2 4d4505120884d4d324fb33c7f296a388661cdd4ac49f8943c66e30363518d7c6,r gilbert j harvey et al,across heart virgo cluster galaxi lie strike string galaxi known markarian chain chain pictur above highlight upper right two larg featureless lenticular galaxies m84 m86 connect larg spiral lower left m88 promin lower right part markarian chain giant ellipt galaxi m87 home virgo cluster nearest cluster galaxies contain 2000 galaxies notic gravit pull galaxi local group galaxi surround milki way galaxy center virgo cluster locat 70 million light year away toward constel virgo least seven galaxi chain appear move coherently although other appear superpos chance,markarian chain galaxi,2005-03-16,566,85,0.0788690476190476,03-16,3,2005,16,7,0,3 287e067adb23787d838467522b80a919e3b3be996b27e72952643d9f5376634a,none,surfac enceladu white fresh snow still impress varieti terrain reveal contrast enhanc image resolut 30 meter per pixel closeup view span 20 kilomet record tour cassini spacecraft march flybi ici saturnian moon enceladu known reflect moon solar system recent cassini encount also detect presenc atmosphere make enceladu second moon saturn distinction fact enceladus fresh look surfac signific atmospher indic tiny 500 kilomet diamet moon active research suspect ice volcano geyser coat surfac fresh materi moon atmosphere ultim provid ici particl compos saturn tenuou e ring,enceladu closeup,2005-03-17,574,85,0.0958333333333333,03-17,3,2005,17,0,0,4 6394de93ea5b82040bbe5a34c0eeb3c17f998b4eeacbc02ec1feffca297c5869,vincent jacqu,low western horizon sunset slender crescent moon wander planet mercuri join light along french astronom vincent jacqu took advantag gorgeou photo opportun week ago march 11 moon mercuri separ sky three degrees course moon slender crescent phase alway seen near horizon mercuri bright planet otherwis difficult glimps never stray far sun earth sky come day good view mercuri inde fleet solar system innermost planet rapidli drop closer glare set sun tonight wax moon join anoth bright planet wander overhead even sky saturn,moon mercury,2005-03-18,523,82,0.22,03-18,3,2005,18,2,1,1 4f7af4d70403555f42a7f4a0477742b41de67e80dc251e89d4650b3170406d85,none,today sun cross celesti equat head north mark vernal equinox first day spring northern hemispher autumn south equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earthl experi 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness northern hemisphere day continu grow longer sun march higher sky summer approaches week northern autumn equinox 1994 crew shuttl endeavor record imag sun pois earth limb glare illumin endeavor vertic tail point toward earth along radar equip payload bay space shuttl expect return flight later year launch sts114,equal night,2005-03-20,516,80,0.03125,03-20,3,2005,20,1,0,1 66ac9fd10888433f33ca4cff0cba689869ff367383df814addc1cca9b4e1b41e,none,100 meter cargo bay space shuttl challenger bruce mccandless ii anyon ever before guid man maneuv unit mmu astronaut mccandless pictur above float free space mccandless fellow nasa astronaut robert stewart first experi unteth space walk space shuttl mission 41b 1984 mmu work shoot jet nitrogen sinc use help deploy retriev satellites mass 140 kilograms mmu heavi earth but like everything weightless drift orbit mmu replac safer backpack propuls unit,fli free space,2005-03-22,451,70,0.2166666666666666,03-22,3,2005,22,8,1,2 2dc2ac6ac9ac575c523168fad8dbd7d3022d9a7066b434cf04266891b2b38422,none,wisp horizon scientist think slight white apparit actual martian dust devil caught swirl across mars imag taken earlier month robot rover spirit swirl cloud found compar imag previou imag area fresh dust devil track seen mar before actual see one close surprise similar phenomena martian dust devil earth terrestri dust devils tornado ultim caus martian dust devil remain unknown might relat rise air heat rock soil previou day spirit power acquisit increas unexpectedly possibl result dust devil pass near spirit rover effect clean solar panels,dust devil swirl mar,2005-03-23,545,85,0.0545454545454545,03-23,3,2005,23,5,0,1 d9f1ff822247e514ed79a4d86f0717bd687916dffb4ea90aef23b9dc3bd0174f,robert gendler,easi get lost follow intric filament detail imag faint supernova remnant simei 147 seen toward constel tauru cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moons sky correspond width 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears color composit imag includ eight hour exposur time halpha filter light recombin hydrogen atom expand nebulos trace region shocked glow gas supernova remnant appar age 100000 year mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 100000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,simei 147 supernova remnant,2005-03-24,584,90,-0.0011363636363636,03-24,3,2005,24,6,0,5 cb0415243ef29befebb3bb14fe751db88f00a54c091284d40bc6d001d928f5a4,univ van carl,three hundr fifti year ago date dutch astronom christiaan huygen discov luna known saturn moon titan celebrate consid intrigu pictur telescop lens remain instrument used design construct collabor len measur 57 millimet just 2 inches diamet along border 3 focal length 10 feet date final 3 februari also bear vers roman poet brought distant star closer huygen use vers part anagram announc discovery use practic common time establish date discoveri kept detail secret wish reveal them anagram read a moon revolv around saturn 16 day 4 good agreement modern valu titan orbit period,huygen discov luna,2005-03-25,580,93,0.0166666666666666,03-25,3,2005,25,0,0,2 ecf6eed0a9e764b34195ffc639fe7dffd8d86227bffaa4a9be37ac61c3a38a10,none,crab pulsar citysized magnet neutron star spin 30 time second lie center composit imag inner region wellknown crab nebula spectacular pictur combin optic data red hubbl space telescop xray imag blue chandra observatory also use popular crab pulsar movies like cosmic dynamo pulsar power xray optic emiss nebula acceler charg particl produc eerie glow xray jets ringlik structur xray emit region high energi particl slam nebular material innermost ring lightyear across mass sun densiti atom nucleus spin pulsar collaps core massiv star exploded nebula expand remnant star outer layers supernova explos wit year 1054,composit crab,2005-03-26,615,94,0.0844444444444444,03-26,3,2005,26,4,2,5 8ccdd794264f79a38a36b1c6bda7aa840724e740b303782c8911e521cba43f7c,j rhoad et al wiyn auranoao nsf,galaxi singl nucleu galaxi four strang answer lead astronom conclud nucleu surround galaxi even visibl image central cloverleaf rather light emit background quasar gravit field visibl foreground galaxi break light distant quasar four distinct images quasar must properli align behind center massiv galaxi mirag like evident gener effect known gravit lensing specif case known einstein cross stranger still imag einstein cross vari rel brightness enhanc occasion addit gravit microlens effect specif star foreground galaxy,einstein cross gravit len,2005-03-27,522,74,0.075,03-27,3,2005,27,7,0,3 e17496911d95836d496accc7bbb8816eca415b00750652384abd2d945e416818,none,one greatest unrequit legend outer space tether tethers long strand material hold promis stabil satellites gener electricity allow easi transportation possibl extrem vision space tether space elev popular arthur c clarke tether construct connect ground geosynchron orbit one problem strength difficult make long use tether snap help realiz tremend potenti space tethers nasa issu centenni tether challenge promis reward best space tether exce minimum pictur deploy tether satellit system 1 tss1 space shuttl altanti 1992 like test tethers tss1 fail live promise although mani valuabl lesson learned,tether space,2005-03-28,599,87,0.2045454545454545,03-28,3,2005,28,8,1,2 1c8c054e4be05458ead4a1a1e96e9000eb2b47940392920f5e0d20106af4c864,none,would like see sky mani moons sky saturn appear close other moon show similar phase view two famou moon saturn crescent phase captur last month robot spacecraft cassini orbit saturn titan lower left among largest moon solar system perpetu shroud clouds recently huygen probe land titan gave human first view unusu surface dione upper right less quarter titan diamet signific atmosphere dione although appear smaller half distanc titan imag taken,crescent titan dion,2005-03-29,445,70,0.0064484126984126,03-29,3,2005,29,0,0,2 b626e56e18fc76c9ce3c105ab9a5e2eba89919863d04b9ce7a6f4592998c1b83,none,visual appearance m74 nearli perfect faceon spiral galaxy 30 million lightyear away toward constel pisces red seen composit view ultralumin xray sourc map chandra xray observatory ulx call actual radiat 10 1000 time xray power xray binari stars harbor neutron star stellar mass black hole fact watch ulx chang xray bright period 2 hour so astronom conclud ulx could well intermedi mass black hole black hole mass 10000 time greater sun still much less million solar mass black hole lurk center larg spiral galaxies intermedi mass black hole get there one intrigu suggest left core much smaller galaxi merg spiral galaxi m74,,2005-03-30,624,102,0.0843749999999999,03-30,3,2005,30,7,2,3 9ea042ff8233380d6c0d500573cb0dc1bb112d1ef0e02ccefb76865bc04b054a,none,format black hole collaps core massiv star thought herald spectacular supernova explosion extrem energet collaps also lead explan mysteri cosmic gammaray bursts research suggest milki way famou black hole cygnu x1 born massiv star collaps without supernova explos all dynam evid color imag gorgeou region cygnus show cyg x1 cluster massiv star yellow circles known cygnu ob3 arrow compar measur direct speed cyg x1 averag direct speed massiv star cyg ob3 similar motion indic cyg progenitor star cluster member path alter becam black hole contrast cyg x1 born violent supernova would like receiv fierc chang course supernova could format cyg x1 black hole produc dark gammaray burst milki way,x1 black hole form,2005-04-02,693,109,-0.0742424242424242,04-02,4,2005,2,6,2,4 9706ef8a17a687ea512a261ab8c07588505ec5111349a7a7b8b28037db186b7b,none,caus unusu structur near center galaxy long parallel ray slant across top radio imag known collect galact center radio arc jut straight galact plane radio arc connect galact center strang curv filament known arches bright radio structur bottom right like surround black hole galact center known sagittariu a one origin hypothesi hold radio arc arch geometri contain hot plasma flow along line constant magnet field recent imag chandra xray observatori appear show plasma collid nearbi cloud cold gas,galact center radio arc,2005-04-03,499,78,0.0511904761904761,04-03,4,2005,3,6,0,3 98891999ab9fc9525107eaaf05d9fc873a30b594432e4ba81a4b3dce58e06a69,none,strangelook galaxi form astronom turn detect tri figur caus unusu jumbl stars gas dust like ngc 1316 preliminari inspect indic ngc 1316 enorm ellipt galaxi includ dark dust lane usual found spiral imag taken hubbl space telescop show details however help reconstruct histori gigant close inspect find fewer low mass globular cluster star toward ngc 1316 center effect expect galaxi undergon collis merg galaxi past billion years collisions mani star cluster would destroy dens galact center dark knot lane dust indic one devour galaxi spiral galaxies ngc 1316 span 60000 light year lie 75 million light year away toward constel furnace,ngc 1316 galaxi collid,2005-04-04,635,101,-0.0399999999999999,04-04,4,2005,4,7,2,3 53e4f51051113ad960357873b6537c9d3f886c3520ff5a6e7e48b419b680a643,none,light emit planet far beyond solar system identifi first time planet illustr drawing light detect compar bright parent star planet behind star light emit planet parent star visible earthtrail spitzer space telescop made observ infrar light intrins glow planet outshin light reflect central star direct observ light allow measur temperatur size planet hd planet hd 209458b confirm larger expect mass orbit around parent star unexpectedli close circle,light distant planet,2005-04-05,449,67,0.2423076923076923,04-05,4,2005,5,6,1,3 59ef8526267b54910dd64628bc514f898cccbc054457a35872bead7a43071d12,adam block,m7 one promin open cluster star sky cluster domin bright blue stars seen nake eye dark sky tail constel scorpius m7 contain 100 star total 200 million year old span 25 lightyear across lie 1000 lightyear away color pictur taken recent kitt peak nation observatori arizona usa part advanc observ program m7 star cluster known sinc ancient times note ptolemi year 130 ad also visibl dark dust cloud near bottom frame liter million unrel star toward galact center,m7 open star cluster scorpiu,2005-04-06,460,78,0.05,04-06,4,2005,6,6,0,3 f4573a173a4a88ff9379f70baf73e1245df8f7fb9738fdae5f77945b5172150d,fred bruenj,friday solar eclips rare hybrid briefli appear either annular eclips total eclips view along narrow track moon shadow unfortun track never 30 kilomet wide lie mostli across pacif ocean begin south new zealand end skywatch along begin end shadow track see annular eclips sun moon silhouett briefli surround bright ring fire observ along middl track wit total eclips phase good news much broader region globe includ new zealand much south north america partial eclips seen moon appear take bite sun want view eclipse take care safely check time specif location so locat solar eclips view from pictur record novemb 2003 within track moon shadow across antarctica course,solar eclips view,2005-04-07,667,107,0.1902097902097902,04-07,4,2005,7,2,2,1 6573d3c55e9484c601a768eb1aa243981a26785683a1452feca418df029307e5,russel croman,dark dust lane cut across middl gorgeou island univers strongli hint ngc 3628 spiral galaxi seen sideways 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo ngc 3628 also bear distinct member well known leo triplet galaxi charl messier famou catalog otherwis similar size milki way galaxy disk ngc 3628 clearli seen fan near galaxy edge faint arm materi also extend left deep view region distort shape tidal tail suggest ngc 3628 interact gravit spiral galaxi leo triplet m66 m65 news solar eclips today,sideway galaxi ngc 3628,2005-04-08,509,83,-0.0357142857142857,04-08,4,2005,8,7,0,3 b4de2e4e5da53a39fc3184540979438ca5b0569f6d6ac92db3074be055fcb833,none,decemb 2003 world saw spectacular first imag spitzer space telescope includ penetr interior view otherwis opaqu dark globul known elephant trunk nebula seen composit infrar imag data record spitzer instruments intrigu region embed within glow emiss nebula ic 1396 distanc lightyear toward constel cepheus previous undiscov protostar hidden dust optic wavelength appear bright reddish object within globule shown falsecolor wind filament infrar emiss span 12 lightyear due dust molecular hydrogen gas complex molecul call polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs spitzer space telescop formerli known space infrar telescop facil sirtf present explor univers infrar wavelengths spitzer follow hubbl space telescope compton gammaray observatory chandra xray observatori final element nasa spaceborn great observatori program,insid elephant trunk,2005-04-09,813,111,0.131060606060606,04-09,4,2005,9,4,2,4 29cc3e670822a03e38178d7bed933658ab49b79ec9d30b58695594679755e319,filip mar imag credit,imag earth mars one imag taken robot spirit rover current climb husband hill mars imag taken human across desert south morocco earth imag show vast plain cover rock sand neither show water obviou sign life planet surfac complex one imag planet justice understand either one turn out help understand other one left look like home possibl not earth,earth mars,2005-04-12,346,58,-0.0913265306122449,04-12,4,2005,12,5,0,2 1f50ca19cbe5fc5f803f1a7909170f31e9d1afd7568803c77cf708965ba8ab22,peter wienerroith u wien,window nearbi distant univers would look it quit possibly is form small telescope local could rel stranger frequent proud show sky free charge window call eyepiece dark cloudless night see cluster stars ring around saturn glow nebula gas crater moon galaxi across universe technolog creat window secret sky reveal unknown 400 year ago modern sky opportun may occur saturday astronomi day local amateur astronomi scienc centers pictur small telescop deploy picturesqu 50 kilomet south vienna austria spin earth visibl photo long star trails,window secret sky,2005-04-13,542,83,0.003125,04-13,4,2005,13,6,0,1 f82b340554ad889433d16b2e8785d5cbdc24c92a43dc7bdd341cdac8387be11b,jerri lodrigusscatch light,part sun late last week april moon grace earli even sky slender crescent share love telescop skyview nearbi pleiad star cluster here moon sunlit crescent overexpos lunar terminator boundari lunar night day jag crater mountains lunar surfac featur also seen dim lunar night illumin earthshin light sunlit planet earth sister star pleiad group right allur blue reflect nebulae usual highlight telescop imag cluster washedout much brighter moonlight,moon pleiad,2005-04-14,447,67,0.1039682539682539,04-14,4,2005,14,2,1,1 986599397193a9304d6b04c7c1019434fde621c8f057e1075a170fbc0356d50c,none,cosmic bubbl ga dust rcw 79 grown 70 lightyear diameter blown wind radiat hot young stars infrar light dust embed nebula tint red gorgeou falsecolor view spitzer space telescope good 17 thousand lightyear away grand southern constel centaurus expand nebula trigger star format plow ga dust surround it fact penetr infrar pictur reveal group new star yellowish point scatter along bubble edge one remark group still lie within natal bubbl 7 oclock lower left anoth seen near upper gap 3 oclock right bubble center,rcw star bubbl,2005-04-15,512,84,0.1824675324675324,04-15,4,2005,15,4,1,5 1189d4be731a1963b94dabfc74800a1fc25a8219d1e4d75cee65b042e0297202,none,planetari nebula look simple round planetlik small telescopes imag orbit hubbl space telescop becom well known show fluoresc ga shroud die sunlik star possess stagger varieti detail symmetri shapes composit color hubbl imag ngc 6751 beauti exampl classic planetari nebula complex features select april 2000 commemor tenth anniversari hubbl orbit color chosen repres rel temperatur ga blue orange red indic hottest coolest gas wind radiat intens hot central star 140000 degre celsius appar creat nebula streamerlik features nebula actual diamet approxim 08 lightyear 600 time size solar system ngc 6751 6500 lightyear distant highfli constel aquila,hubbl ngc,2005-04-16,648,96,-0.0393939393939393,04-16,4,2005,16,4,2,5 8295e593adf48482d0ab1a3239c3a58a2c2cd99a0cea0a13a6335fe39af8fb08,none,rock space hit earth everi day larger rock though less often earth struck mani kilogram space dust pitter earth daily larger bit appear initi bright meteor baseballs rock icebal streak atmospher daily evapor quickli nothing signific threat exist rock near 100 meter diameter strike earth roughli everi 1000 years object size could caus signific tsunami strike ocean potenti devast even distant shores collis massiv asteroid 1 km across rare occur typic million year apart could truli global consequences mani asteroid remain undiscovered fact one discov 1998 long blue streak archiv imag taken hubbl space telescope 2002 june small 100meter asteroid 2002 mn discov whizz earth pass well within orbit moon 2002 mn pass closer asteroid sinc 1994 xm1 close 2004 mn4 pass 2029 collis larg asteroid would affect earth orbit much rais dust would affect earth climate one like result global extinct mani speci life possibl dwarf ongo extinct occur now,asteroid distanc,2005-04-17,944,151,-0.0039215686274509,04-17,4,2005,17,8,2,4 c909cb3683d9c5e08f9fe671bc6d80e65dfbb8bc4ce15090cd9c2dff049c096b,none,robot produc art glide past ring saturn robot spacecraft cassini orbit saturn cross outsid famou photogen ring plane expans planet ring imag outside nearli edg on shadow saturn upper left ring featur includ ring cassini gap b ring darker c ring includ titan gap gap yet last month imag taken glide spacecraft one million kilomet foreground enceladus small saturnian moon 500 kilomet across cassini schedul continu 70 orbit tour saturn next three years send back imag ga giant rings moon studi decad come,saturnian moon ring,2005-04-18,503,83,-0.05,04-18,4,2005,18,0,0,2 f503210d9517a38fefd977d80fd8cd0b1e082ddfc67029b7e6e37adee3cb7b80,none,recogn constel orion strike unfamiliar look pictur familiar orion region sky produc use survey data nowdefunct infrar astronom satellit iras imag combin inform record three differ invis infrar wavelength cover 30x24 degre sky orion visual impress star stand out bright betelgeus appear small bright purplish dot lower left bright region right contain great nebula orion bright region imag bottom rosett nebula surround region jumbl chaotic glow ga dark dust jettison star form explod million years,orion infrar,2005-04-19,497,75,0.350974025974026,04-19,4,2005,19,4,1,5 dc24a1513c3b4012428e20ef7f65ec5dddfa6b9c40bf1271b4f173ad53e5d930,w h wang,belt orion surround bubble although glow like emiss nebula origin bubble known barnard loop current unknown progenitor hypothes includ wind bright orion star supernova star long gone barnard loop faint identifi unaid eye nebula discov 1895 e e barnard long durat film exposures orion belt seen three bright star across center image upper two notic blue right lowest star orion belt slight indent emiss nebula that seen higher magnification resolv horsehead nebula right belt star bright photogen orion nebula,barnard loop around orion,2005-04-20,508,79,0.1303174603174603,04-20,4,2005,20,4,1,5 0ac2b97f7e0ffa0e05ecff573844a2a121496daaf8a0591632431563fa113859,none,pictur lovely pretti cosmic shell produc almost unbeliev violenc creat star nearli 20 time mass sun blast away outer layer spectacular supernova explosion expand debri cloud swept surround interstellar material shock wave heat ga caus supernova remnant glow xrays fact possibl supernova explos creat similar shells brighter others catalog shell supernova remnant rel faint requir 150 hour xray data orbit chandra observatori creat falsecolor image 20000 lightyear distant constel measur 30 lightyear across base remnant size astronom estim light origin stellar explos first reach earth sever thousand year ago,cosmic shell,2005-04-21,610,89,0.0666666666666666,04-21,4,2005,21,6,2,5 357ddf847694c47ebd2495139c5223d9afbc427953ab3d3288f48f3914892c79,greg piepol,albert einstein year one hundr year ago wrote four paper revolution understand universe paper idea light could particl a explan thermal motion atom molecul at time atom theori motion constant speed light special relativity idea equival virtual everi facet modern explor univers touch centuri old insights along later theori graviti gener relativity centenni celebration consid thought view small telescop besid einstein memori ground nation academi scienc washington dc usa marbl platform bronz feet embed map show posit planets sun moon star dedic date 100 year einstein birth albert einstein die 50 year ago april 18,albert year,2005-04-22,619,95,0.1508928571428571,04-22,4,2005,22,8,2,4 b6cc6d803f6ba845d04711a3a8eba70db7e1f062e12442e45ccf1794cabf17ed,none,septemb 1996 midcours space experi msx satellit spectacular view total lunar eclips earth orbit spirit iii board infrar telescope use repeatedli imag moon eclipse one imag taken 70 minut totality moon complet immers earth shadow infrar light wavelength longer visibl light human see feel heat so bright spot correspond warm area lunar surface dark area cooler brightest spot left center crater tycho dark region upper right mare crisium course sunday lunar eclips total even partial one instead moon glide subtl outer portion earth shadow penumbr eclips moon,eclips moon infrar,2005-04-23,559,87,0.1657142857142857,04-23,4,2005,23,2,1,2 209470a156c7e16583d44dbbcde03134262b3cb31a950306d4c8115b0df2bae7,none,newborn star form eagl nebula image taken hubbl space telescop 1995 show evapor gaseou globul eggs emerg pillar molecular hydrogen ga dust giant pillar light year length dens interior ga contract gravit form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti materi boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed eagl nebula associ open star cluster m16 lie 7000 light year away,m16 star eagle egg,2005-04-24,395,65,0.23125,04-24,4,2005,24,4,1,5 a44d7ceacbcbe901c77dcdcbf257e7ea7f3bf05eb474e4f31c2334d0fa193b30,none,dust sculptur eagl nebula evaporating power starlight whittl away cool cosmic mountains statuesqu pillar remain might imagin mythic beasts pictur one sever strike dust pillar eagl nebula might describ gigant alien fairy fairy however ten light year tall spew radiat much hotter common fire greater eagl nebula m16 actual giant evapor shell ga dust insid grow caviti fill spectacular stellar nurseri current form open cluster stars imag scientif reassign color releas part fifteenth anniversari celebr launch hubbl space telescope,fairi eagl nebula,2005-04-25,529,79,0.1346153846153846,04-25,4,2005,25,4,1,5 2a4649fa4cb991d03e70ea795fb4e0d96c263283fdc7dadd3e22b0b1d2e82d67,none,goe across plain mars dust first time definit movi famou spin dust tower creat ground level robot rover spirit imag sever dust devil hillsid perch within past two months imag sequenc taken 20 second apart inspect digit resiz imag show pass dust devil rais martian dust thick cast shadow new dust devil movi made possibl new hybrid interact system robot spirit mar take mani imag human earth inspect decid full resolut imag send back,martian dust devil pass,2005-04-26,432,74,0.0108441558441558,04-26,4,2005,26,5,0,2 717f03864f3a0ef0841885e4c0a6cc3b4c312e6dc8e9e83e68ebdce6589229f7,jim misti mountain observatory,galaxi hercul cluster archipelago island universes mere 650 million lightyear distant cluster load ga dust rich star forming spiral galaxi rel ellipt galaxies lack ga dust associ newborn stars color composit imag show star form galaxi blue tint ellipt slightli yellowish cast cosmic vista mani galaxi seem collid merg other seem distort clear evid cluster galaxi commonli interact time galaxi interact like affect content cluster itself research believ hercul cluster significantli similar young galaxi cluster distant earli univers explor galaxi type interact nearbi hercul help unravel thread galaxi evolution,hercul cluster galaxi,2005-04-27,612,89,-0.0277777777777777,04-27,4,2005,27,7,0,3 4655118bb2d01465c73cc004db69b7aeb61b523d6cdd48e80293f23ddd118253,none,small saturnian moon epimetheu 116 kilomet across crater surfac irregular shape highlight dramat shadow composit closeup imag cassini spacecraft however orbit kilomet saturn cloud tops epimetheu alone similar size saturnian moon janu occupi orbit separ 50 kilometers two actual approach everi four years instead colliding moon deftli exchang orbit move apart again fact coorbit epimetheu janu consist mostli porou water ice could form breakup singl parent body small moon also believ play role maintain outer edg saturn ring,small moon epimetheu,2005-04-29,524,78,-0.125,04-29,4,2005,29,0,0,2 c2c420c3a0972bc0acdfb0b962dde4c7c7e90f7419495130005b0be3792f5e95,none,orbit planet june 1998 mission crew space shuttl discoveri photograph view two moon earth thick storm cloud visibl love blue planet nurtur atmospher and earth largest artifici moon spindli russian mir space station seen planet limb bright spot right mir earth larg natur satellite moon mir orbit planet earth everi 90 minut 200 mile planet surfac 4000 mile earth center moon orbit everi 28 day distanc 250000 mile center earth,moon earth,2005-04-30,426,70,0.1232142857142857,04-30,4,2005,30,2,1,2 965fed82f187cb521806480f597135ee8bb920c6d57383704dc8b8cab682c751,none,ant big sphere planetari nebula mz3 cast star similar sun is surely round would ga stream away creat antshap nebula distinctli round clue might includ high 1000kilomet per second speed expel gas lightyear long length structure magnet star visibl nebula center one possibl answer mz3 hide second dimmer star orbit close bright star compet hypothesi hold central star spin magnet field channel gas sinc central star appear similar sun astronom hope increas understand histori giant space ant provid use insight like futur sun earth,planetari nebula mz3 ant nebula,2005-05-01,529,84,0.0221428571428571,05-01,5,2005,1,4,0,5 7924809d10ac5fed61d89f6fe412894a4fb73c9413d9ef197fcadc4a80e86565,none,histori outcrop rock call unusu rock group visibl left imag taken robot spirit rover current explor mars discov maneuv hilli terrain show unusu multipl layer caught attent rover scienc team sinc repres color imag taken three week ago spirit move get closer look also visibl imag anoth rock outcrop dub larry lookout upper right larger clark hill left background far right distant peak columbia hills,outcrop mar,2005-05-02,399,65,0.0634920634920634,05-02,5,2005,2,5,0,2 7ff3ed7f31cfb0aaa923c1b709a3643d0b554f822ed3dd9d364294fb66c1b81b,larri landolfi photography,wait long enough entir solar system rise you see sight however need look direct ecliptic planet moon orbit sun nearli plane eclipt plane earth mean day rise nearli direct later set opposit direction ten year ago seri time exposur left right sun venus moon jupiter rise eclipt plane behind fire island new york usa exposur taken everi six minut digit superpos imag taken locat sunrise smaller member solar system includ comet mani asteroids alway move along eclipt plane picturesqu fire island lighthouse visibl foreground built still use today,solar system rise fire island,2005-05-03,544,88,-0.0117018398268398,05-03,5,2005,3,1,0,1 60fa22471085ee55704eae13ca83eb8be17fb0ee61af2644b72eec56c1e14729,none,saturn rings saturn appendages disappear 1612 galileo understand why later century becam understood saturn unusu protrus ring earth cross ring plane edgeon ring appear disappear saturn ring confin plane mani time thinner proportion razor blade modern times robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn also cross saturn ring plane seri plane cross imag late februari dug vast onlin cassini raw imag archiv interest spanish amateur fernando garcia navarro pictur above digit crop set repres colors strike result saturn thin ring plane appear blue band cloud saturn upper atmospher appear gold dark shadow ring curv across top ga giant planet moon appear bump rings,cassini spacecraft cross saturn ring plane,2005-05-04,656,101,-0.03710407239819,05-04,5,2005,4,0,2,2 f6abbe3aa1f9373fa79c6d155d8c7748ed59fe638cf2a0b1745e9d9a596f9d30,leftfr espenak rightstephan heinsiu,april spectacular geocentr celesti event rare hybrid eclips sun total annular eclips could seen depend observer location fred espenak aboard gentli sway ship within middl moon shadow track 2200 kilomet west galapagos eclips total lunar silhouett exactli cover bright solar disk brief moments camera captur pictur total reveal extens solar corona promin rise sun edge stephan heinsius near end shadow track penonom airfield panama moon appar size shrunk enough creat annular eclipse show complet annulu sun bright disk dramat ring fire pictur two locat compar above rare hybrid eclipse calcul show 21st centuri 31 7 224 solar eclips hybrid hybrid compris 5 solar eclips period 2000 bc ad,hybrid solar eclips,2005-05-06,687,108,0.2076923076923077,05-06,5,2005,6,1,2,4 f1256d9bec878b167aa4afa4729ff1670ab63bab2d313a51233753e5d9b5a970,none,ngc 3314 consist two larg spiral galaxi happen almost exactli lineup foreground spiral view nearli faceon pinwheel shape defin young bright star clusters glow background galaxy dark swirl lane interstellar dust also seen echo faceon spiral structure dust lane surprisingli pervasive remark pair overlap galaxi one small number system absorpt visibl light use directli explor distribut dust distant spirals ngc 3314 140 million lightyear away multihead constel hydra color composit construct hubbl space telescop imag made 1999 2000,ngc 3314 galaxi overlap,2005-05-07,531,78,0.1166666666666666,05-07,5,2005,7,7,1,3 6632c215214d1e778bca6a3b67ae357525a7573ce7bfbcd6f7ff12ed1d3b7738,jeancharl cuillandr,star form pandemonium reigns textbook case star form region ngc 6559 visibl red glow emiss nebula hydrogen blue reflect nebula dust dark absorpt nebula dust star form them first massiv star form dens ga emit energet light wind erode fragment sculpt birthplace explode result morass beauti complex ten million years dust boil away ga get swept away left nake open cluster stars,stars dust nebula ngc 6559,2005-05-09,376,62,0.0222222222222222,05-09,5,2005,9,4,0,5 38d51c130c180b0c5ad2cb4ba013d02001a3a072d77d5e5aec2ea4ca0b2de2c5,none,faint red object bright white one might histor find white object sure brown dwarf star quit possibly however red object first direct imag planet beyond solar system intrigu possibl first report last year mani astronom convinc background star earlier year star system imag twice effort resolv issue delight scientif team object kept separation indic gravit bound faint red object therefor 100 time fainter intrinsically bright white brown dwarf characterist well explain planet roughli five time mass jupiter discoveri still subject confirm consid step toward ambiti goal imag earthlik planet orbit distant stars imag taken highresolut camera attach 8meter larg telescop yepun chile,first imag extra solar planet,2005-05-10,684,102,0.0649122807017543,05-10,5,2005,10,6,2,4 d0600cd3688a0c74d29c44095becc06b5c11c099432744b87305cff769dd702c,none,float ring size galaxy fact part photogen sombrero galaxy one largest galaxi nearbi virgo cluster galaxies dark band dust obscur midsect sombrero galaxi optic light actual glow brightli infrar light imag show infrar glow recent record orbit spitzer space telescope superpos falsecolor exist imag taken nasa hubbl space telescop optic light sombrero galaxy also known m104 span 50000 light year across lie 28 million light year away m104 seen small telescop direct constel virgo,sombrero galaxi infrar,2005-05-11,477,74,0.17,05-11,5,2005,11,7,1,3 8369b1f6bb2f1397ab49db9f24b7a3c0f3541c9f18c80704932b286c13735123,johann schedlerpanth observatory,faint comet tempel 1 sport fuzzi bluetint tail right center love field stars record may 3rd slowli sweep constel virgo period comet tempel 1 orbit sun everi 55 years also caught skyview two galaxi upper left ngc 4762 ngc 4754 member larg virgo cluster galaxies classifi lenticular galaxy ngc 4762 present edgeon disk narrow gash light ngc 4754 footballshap ellipt galaxy similar appar size galaxi comet make intrigu visual comparison tempel 1 3 lightminut planet earth two virgo cluster galaxi 50 million lightyear away nasa deep impact spacecraft schedul encount tempel 1 juli 4th launch probe impact comet nucleus,stars galaxies comet tempel 1,2005-05-12,617,99,0.0296703296703296,05-12,5,2005,12,3,2,3 c6dd0aef69d2ca88e6f20d013c4cfc23273d9c94c69d95ba6a84eec7b5f956e3,stefan seip,rememb moon young last monday may 9th slender crescent moon record tender age 34 hour 18 minutes well ok calcul lunar age lunat complet cycl phase new moon full moon back new moon moon never get around 295 day old still young moon reward sight even casual skygazers though slim crescent rel faint easi see low west sky grow dark sunset sight young moon last monday lucki astronom stefan seip also treat dramat telescop view airlin fli front distant sunlit crescent high altitude jet stun contrail reflect strongli redden light sun set western horizon,moon young,2005-05-13,553,94,0.0438277511961722,05-13,5,2005,13,2,0,1 edb884331487b1155d4d265b6311fade9aede05b3f965438ff04a51a70e59b8a,none,similar size grand design milki way spiral galaxi ngc 3370 lie 100 million lightyear away toward constel leo record exquisit detail hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys big beauti faceon spiral steal show sharp imag also reveal impress array background galaxi field strewn across distant universe look within ngc 3370 imag data prove sharp enough studi individu pulsat star known cepheid use accur determin galaxy distance ngc 3370 chosen studi 1994 spiral galaxi also home well studi stellar explos type ia supernova combin known distanc standard candl supernova base cepheid measurements observ supernova even greater distances reveal size expans rate univers itself,ngc 3370 sharper view,2005-05-14,676,102,0.009090909090909,05-14,5,2005,14,7,2,3 11df5ee707c410911695a7d1aeecdc0c3e05ed4bf5c14eccbc26c7edb5e03874,none,gold jewelri originate one complet sure rel averag abund solar system appear higher made earli universe stars even typic supernova explosions astronom suggest neutronrich heavi element gold might easili made rare neutronrich explos collis neutron stars pictur computeranim frame depict two neutron star spiral toward other collide sinc neutron star collis also suggest origin short durat gammaray bursts possibl alreadi souvenir one power explos universe,origin gold,2005-05-15,454,65,0.185,05-15,5,2005,15,6,1,3 d25b0c2938c0aea5c6a645e18b251965d612adcb76ce047f506a019d1e2f7ef5,none,happen crash comet question consid astronom design deep impact mission launch january come juli 4 deep impact spaceship reach target comet tempel 1 releas impactor five time mass person toward surface mothership photograph result remain crater may tell tempel 1 constructed if example comet tempel 1 extrem loos pile debris impactor may leav littl discern crater hand comet surfac rel impactor rippl may leav quit larg crater contest even held predict size result crater pictur artist impress initi encount spacecraft comet,deep impact spacecraft toward comet,2005-05-16,525,81,0.0,05-16,5,2005,16,3,0,2 cf39f07d087f6e496a0fdfbc0298a34660f90943a23e8949e31726693aea5235,none,scroll right see breathtak panorama mar larry lookout lookout occur near peak husband hill columbia hills summit husband hill visibl 200 meter distanc toward center 360degre picture robot rover spirit took imag compos mosaic four martian days take imag sequence spirit care pick way toward husband hill summit far right near distant rover tracks recent investig area dub found contain high amount sulfur,panorama mar lookout,2005-05-17,403,63,0.0923809523809523,05-17,5,2005,17,5,0,2 c0607ae980a0e0a02229364e82615c3e0b6912e75e0bf2e45a544774fccb6848,none,huygen probe see descend toward saturn moon titan januari robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn releas probe dens cloud deck one solar system mysteri moons clouds probe took imag approach surfac well sever imag surfac itself mani imag digit merg scale perspect 3000 meter high stereograph project show 360degre wideangl view surfac titan bright area toward top left imag thought rel high ground lace channel cut river methane bright shape right hypothes ridg ice gravel huygen land site appear type dark dri fed larg dark flow channel left huygen probe last unexpectedli long three hour titan harsh surface,three kilomet titan,2005-05-18,606,97,0.1504395604395604,05-18,5,2005,18,0,2,2 41cd8dba50fd3793cdd445195dee859178a3286c6bb0be09d36834926de46b65,none,middleag sun million year old thousand time brighter xrays fact like similar star found falsecolor xray composit orion nebula region chandra observatory imag center bright star nebula trapezium star cluster analyz chandra data astronom found exampl young sunlik star produc intens xray flares sound dangerous situat may actual favor format hospit planetari system like own energet flare produc turbul planetform disk surround star prevent rocki earthlik planet spiral uncomfort close even fall active young parent stars 1500 lightyear away orion nebula closest larg stellar nursery distance chandra imag span 10 lightyears,xray star orion nebula,2005-05-19,623,91,0.1180555555555555,05-19,5,2005,19,4,2,5 a2c3428640972d07133c8af715a58759b39c7ad929061dab720b15272145db10,stan richard,rli last sunday morn star light iowa skies northern light also shone heavens extend across midwestern usa locat often grace auror displays widerang auror activ trigger coron mass eject energet cloud particl blast outward sun day earlier collid planet earth magnetosphere alert condit ripe aurora photograph stan richard record saylorvil lake near de bright planet mar constel aquariu horizon near center view color ray seem end water actual altitud 100 kilomet more,aurora iowa,2005-05-20,467,72,0.21,05-20,5,2005,20,8,1,1 ce2382bce4e703e50defea14194363ebf1f7f77412852e751a57b6de8a4bed26,gari steven,dark nebula snake across gorgeou expans star widefield view toward pronounc constel ophiuchu center milki way galaxy fact central sshape seen well known snake nebula also list barnard 72 b72 one 182 dark mark sky catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard unlik bright emiss nebula star clusters barnard nebula interstellar dark cloud obscur ga dust shape visibl cosmic silhouett lie foreground along line sight rich star field glow stellar nurseri near plane galaxy mani barnard dark nebula like site futur star formation barnard 72 light year across 650 light year away,snake dark,2005-05-21,576,93,0.1173076923076923,05-21,5,2005,21,4,2,5 8685515dde3409eaf8cd743efe1ade8f12c705b01e4275a9e3a957a2040d2be3,john gleason celesti images,tomorrow picture around saturn archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of eud nasa gsfc michigan tech u,dust ion tail comet halebopp,2005-05-22,272,40,0.2857142857142857,05-22,5,2005,22,8,1,0 2ca5b6bafec1ac183a7db6f4820083827f143b479cc223062f9a8afc20c39ef1,none,caus small wave saturn rings observ ring border keeler gap saturn ring show unusu waves wave first notic last juli shown clear detail pictur digit foreshorten imag mosaic taken earlier month robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn rings made mani small particles somehow orbit saturn usual manner close inspect imag show reason small moon orbit keeler gap previous unknown moon estim span seven kilomet appear bright nearbi ring particles graviti small moon like perturb orbit ring particl come near it caus back forth moon passes sinc inner particl orbit quickli outer particles lead particl inner ring trail particl outer ring show wave effect,wave moon saturn ring,2005-05-23,644,102,-0.0229166666666666,05-23,5,2005,23,0,2,2 3ac108662be3c11ae7d59fb415430e617c1562de8f6aedd02e9444f53295a761,adam block,swirl ga dust enrich littl observ starfield toward constel sagittarius side often photograph lagoon nebula m8 trifid nebula m20 lie busi patch sky dub ic promin imag larg emiss nebula red glow ga highlight unusu bright red filaments left band thin dust preferenti reflect blue light bright star creat small reflect nebula right across bottom swath thicker dust appear dark absorpt nebulas block light star farther distance ic span 25 light year lie 5000 light year distant,swirl star ic,2005-05-24,472,77,0.159047619047619,05-24,5,2005,24,4,1,5 fc25a4ae151d0e8f9ce47fafa5587b2d0a5cb42e752fd8fe48f4f498f400c986,none,size particl compos saturn rings help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn broadcast radio wave three differ wavelength right ring earth earlier month experi sensit ring particl size ring particl much larger broadcast radio wavelength reflect radio wave away three differ wavelength approxim 1 35 centimeters 13 centimeters result code falsecolor digit reconstruct image image color purpl indic region popul predominantli ring particl larger 5 centimeters color green indic region signific popul small ring particl less even 1 white center saturn bring indic densiti ring particl high make good determination radio observ indic ring particl larg sever meter across impress natur clariti sharp imag may help determin clue origin saturn beauti enigmat ring system,particl saturn ring,2005-05-25,771,115,0.0253373015873015,05-25,5,2005,25,0,2,4 78e7529832986e7c0e7dd23284dc42db9767ed351ede4b55beccfcad670cccfa,dean jacobsen,beauti trifid nebula aka m20 photogen studi cosmic contrasts lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid fittingli illustr three basic type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark absorpt nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette bright red emiss nebula roughli separ three part obscur dust lanes lend trifid popular name gorgeou wide view red emiss region also surround telltal blue haze reflect nebulae lightyear long pillar jet sculpt newborn star visibl center emiss nebula appear hubbl space telescop closeup imag region,beauti trifid,2005-05-26,658,99,0.1196428571428571,05-26,5,2005,26,4,2,5 936a8cb351773eb0922bb54e073d218233e95c727cc9ad6ea98c9efc97bc6f93,none,titan odd spot could cloud so persist one peer thick hazi atmospher saturn largest moon camera board cassini spacecraft found bright spot locat titan encount 2005 2004 seen near titan upper edg falsecolor imag instrument spot almost 500 kilomet wide brightest infrar wavelengths addit suggest uniqu color spot persist cloud possibl control surfac features research also entertain idea spot caus unusu surfac materi extrem tall mountains also note bright infrar spot could hot clue odd spot natur come plan encount juli 2006 cassini camera look spot titan night glow night hot,titan odd spot,2005-05-27,575,91,0.1266666666666666,05-27,5,2005,27,8,2,4 22565a55bd9f97bea14d21f3335065cc2b00764d47960bff9baa34e3a049c8e9,none,stun aerial view show rug snow cover peak himalayan mountain rang nepal peak planet high point horizon left foreground lie southern tibetan plateau china but contrari appearances pictur taken airlin cruis 30000 feet instead taken 35mm camera telephoto len expedit 1 crew aboard intern space station orbit 200 nautic mile earth himalayan mountain creat crustal plate tecton planet earth 70 million year ago indian plate began collis eurasian plate himalayan uplift still continu today rate millimet per year,himalayan horizon space,2005-05-28,507,78,0.0533333333333333,05-28,5,2005,28,8,0,2 0f5f02a5539d17cececb8364668e03cde80571a81374bea478023b711fd77c73,david gabriel perez,milki way galaxi recent wide field imag analys indic home galaxi actual still process devour one closer satellit neighbors unfortun neighbor sagittariu dwarf galaxy seen part larger sagittariu tidal stream loos filament stars gas possibl dark matter milki way artist depict stream shown above specul also hold sagittariu dwarf pull milki way disk close sun current location import result realiz galaxi contain jumbl clump filament dim dark matter,sagittariu dwarf tidal stream,2005-05-29,446,68,-0.0333333333333333,05-29,5,2005,29,7,0,4 e363c978c88c2a1d5b6a4e9882c51826173806c2bc478ce19fcde7155174686b,none,caus great white spot surfac saturn moon spot first notic last year robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn cassini flybi rhea april imag spot great detail astronom hypothes lightcolor spot result rel recent impact surfac ici moon impact like creat crater also splash lightcolor materi interior onto darker surface rhea span 1500 kilomet across second largest moon saturn titan rhea sport sever light color surfac featur are yet well understood,great white spot rhea,2005-05-30,442,69,0.28125,05-30,5,2005,30,0,1,2 8d3907b3c9220a27442e22d4457f394d07e580b0988ff1b7d3c8769a15aa8b02,jeancharl cuillandr,unspeak beauti unimagin bedlam found togeth trifid nebula also known m20 photogen nebula visibl good binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m20 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions bright young star light blue reflect nebula still investigated light m20 see today left perhap 3000 year ago although exact distanc remain unknown light take 50 year cross m20,trifid nebula cfht,2005-05-31,518,77,0.2178571428571428,05-31,5,2005,31,4,1,5 dd312a221666d783b34e2d4c1fbbdd667db31b1ed167f07328e43aedb061d731,none,1600 lightyear away binari star system fondli known two dens white dwarf star orbit everi 321 seconds interpret xray data chandra observatori astronom argu stars alreadi impress short orbit period steadili get shorter star spiral closer together even though separ 80000 kilomet the earthmoon distanc 400000 kilometers two star therefor destin merge depict artist vision death spiral remark j0806 system consequ einstein theori gener rel predict white dwarf star lose orbit energi gener graviti waves fact j0806 could one brightest sourc gravit wave galaxy directli detect futur spacebas graviti wave instruments,white dwarf star spiral,2005-06-01,611,91,0.0,06-01,6,2005,1,6,2,3 10d8459dfde28dbcb967d0779e4f617afa4f40572f05a1ae058ca83f757a7f48,none,carinae one massiv unstabl star milki way galaxy profound effect environment found south pillar region carina nebula fantast pillar glow dust ga embed newborn star sculpt intens wind radiat eta carina massiv stars glow brightli planet earth southern sky expans eta carina nebula mere 10000 lightyear distant still remark cosmic vista larg obscur nebular dust reveal penetr infrar light spitzer space telescope eta carina top left falsecolor image brighttip dust pillar point suggest toward massiv star position spitzer imag span almost 200 lightyear distanc eta carinae,sculpt south pillar,2005-06-02,569,86,0.0547619047619047,06-02,6,2005,2,4,0,5 cd764a45f730c19f5e9f9dcafe8fe23c73d5d27205cf06b6258c4007c847369e,adam block,first hint becom sun discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list diffus object confus comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen constel vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 shown above digit sharpened three standard colors understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf,m27 dumbbel nebula,2005-06-03,594,91,0.15,06-03,6,2005,3,4,2,5 25d53bdbfd7e247aecb967d68155e3199a227f0953963e471e9ed1ae11f95355,none,1965 forti year ago june 3rd astronaut edward white made first us spacewalk tether gemini iv capsule white pictur hold compress ga maneuv right hand spacewalk began pacif ocean near hawaii end 23 minut later gulf mexico course term spacewalk bit deceiv white fall freeli low earth orbit alongsid capsul man fellow astronaut jame white abl control motion fire burst gun suppli compress ga ran out ultim returned exhausted gemini capsule,first spacewalk,2005-06-04,435,71,0.0214285714285714,06-04,6,2005,4,8,0,2 bbaa7520ad2a0f1a4e9ca5ee547d385425613e0c165ddc1ec6e04f9770ec29c3,john p gleason,bright star milki way galaxi resid disk sinc sun also resid disk star appear us diffus band circl sky panorama northern band milki way disk cover 90 degre digit creat mosaic sever independ exposures scroll right display rest spectacular picture visibl mani bright stars dark dust lanes red emiss nebulae blue reflect nebulae cluster stars addit matter see astronom suspect exist even dark matter cannot see,milki way band,2005-06-05,406,66,0.2482142857142857,06-05,6,2005,5,6,1,5 a6822384cc8a189201ce6b850572f30401fd90452683459128c3c855aa190775,none,g surfac ice enceladu might eat ice saturn ring certainli appear appar densiti reflect properties ring saturn moon enceladus thought compos predominantli water ice reason yet understood however mani saturn ring particl becom partli coat sort rel dark dust surfac enceladu appear compar bright contrast two seen imag taken last month robot cassini spacecraft orbit around saturn bright enceladu shine background contrast darker foreground rings reason enceladu bright current unknown might involv bring fresh water surfac water volcanoes,saturn ring moon,2005-06-06,537,78,0.26875,06-06,6,2005,6,0,1,1 968c15f075673bdf2f3707a22ee3f08fe072419b66848f3dcf1b5e15f33ee0a3,johann schedlerpanth observatory,galaxi abound cosmic scene well chosen telescop view toward northern constel ursa major notic strike pair spiral galaxi ngc 3718 right ngc below center mere 52 million lightyear distant particular ngc 3718 dramat dust lane sweep bright central region extens faint spiral arms seen 150 thousand lightyear apart two galaxi like interact gravitationally account warp peculiar appear ngc 3718 care studi deep imag reveal number fainter distant background galaxies anoth remark galaxi group known hickson group 56 found right ngc 3718 hickson group 56 contain five interact galaxi lie 400 million lightyear away,galaxi view,2005-06-07,608,93,0.0167162698412698,06-07,6,2005,7,7,2,3 48476bc2ecf87adf98a663530f5457ef66665be1096b8383c186d1f048b766d5,none,supernova left behind littl 2000 year ago light massiv stellar explos larg magellan cloud lmc first reach planet earth lmc close galact neighbor milki way galaxi rampag explos front seen move destroy displac ambient ga cloud leav behind rel dens knot ga dust remain one largest supernova remnant lmc n63a mani surviv dens knot compress may contract form new stars result star may explod supernova continu cycle pictur closeup one largest remain knot dust ga n63a taken orbit hubbl space telescope n63a span 25 light year lie 150000 light year away toward southern constel dorado,rampag supernova remnant n63a,2005-06-08,579,95,0.0760330578512396,06-08,6,2005,8,6,2,3 282c174d67a9dc98eb6005829f244013958d7531724410e7a1df5d8708993403,laurent de,seren imag boat harbor bretagne franc taken june 1st hour sunset also featur venus third brightest celesti object sun moon casual skygazers month mark venus return even sky brilliant shine low shortli sunset picture astrophotograph apod translat laurent laved note venu easili mistaken light atop tall mast give otherwis stun celesti beacon unremark appearance course year ago venus appear quit june 8 2004 venu cross sun disk first transit venu sinc 1882 late week venu share even sky young crescent moon next transit sun june 6 2012,venu return even sky,2005-06-09,534,87,0.0849999999999999,06-09,6,2005,9,1,0,1 89d478ddf84a2791d5900a88d59329aad2d7388957393537cbc99150ae8cdbe3,none,investig suspect dome featur detail ice volcano seen infrar light hazi atmospher saturn moon titan sinc titan surfac temperatur around minu 180 degre celsius lava well form volcan mound would ici inde possibl methane ammonia water ice combin ice hydrocarbons circular featur roughli thirti kilomet diameter volcan natur confirmed discoveri cryovolcan titan could explain origin methan titan atmosphere cassinihuygen mission saturn popular explan replenish titan concentr atmospher methan presenc extensive hydrocarbon sea cassini instrument huygen surfac probe fail find global ocean,titan,2005-06-10,584,81,0.15,06-10,6,2005,10,0,1,2 5ad06bc42fbd5f06dfd44a671675ff934937e4c2eb145e02b25ccc1adae2ea99,none,sudden sharp boundari mark passag day night gorgeou view ocean cloud fair planet earth instead shadow line termin diffus show gradual transit dark experi twilight sun illumin scene right cloud top reflect gentli redden sunlight filter dusti troposphere lowest layer planet nurtur atmosphere clear high altitud layer visibl along dayside upper edge scatter blue sunlight fade black space pictur actual singl digit photograph taken june 2001 intern space station orbit altitud 211 nautic miles,earth twilight,2005-06-11,491,74,0.1086706349206349,06-11,6,2005,11,8,1,1 2c61cf07dad46975b714a102de185994344fb6ba126e0fc1cae6afe3caa53134,eric nguyenoklahoma u wwwmesoscalew,scene might consid seren tornado last june kansas storm chaser eric nguyen photograph bud twister differ light light rainbow pictur above white tornado cloud descend dark storm cloud sun peek clear patch sky left illumin build foreground sunlight reflect raindrop form rainbow coincidence tornado appear end right rainbow streak imag hail swept high swirl winds 1000 tornadoes violent type storm known occur earth everi year mani tornado alley see tornado driving tri outrun park car safely go storm cellar crouch step basement,tornado rainbow kansa,2005-06-13,529,82,0.0746428571428571,06-13,6,2005,13,8,0,1 defbbbddd4958a4fe0a7196b91fe816d12de6e51cfe1516b4329f3b08fcd8ed7,lynett cook discoveri credit e nasa et al keck obs nasa nsf,earth unique continu effort answer question astronom discov earthlik planet orbit distant normal star previous 150 planet like jupit discovered slight fast regular wobbl nearbi small star glies 876 show evid planet like mass slightli higher minimum six time mass earth planet small mass indic like terrestri nature similar composit inner planet solar system inde made predominantli rock planet surfac graviti would even abl contain gass jupiterlik planet newli discov planet would make good vacat spot humans however orbit close surfac temperatur probabl top 200 degre celsius system illustr draw seen hypothet moon orbit one two jupiterlik planet alreadi known newli discov planet depict insert glies 876 lie 15 lightyear away visibl binocular toward constel aquarius,glies 876 system larg planet,2005-06-14,768,116,0.0886904761904762,06-14,6,2005,14,8,2,4 804950dcda89f165ca4ac35628c67be491bc4df1016bd7d7725f51e964b8e487,none,imag cassiopeia two imag nearbi supernova remnant taken year apart infrar light appear show outward motion tremend speeds unexpect sinc supernova creat picturesqu nebula seen 325 year ago reason like light light supernova heat distant ambient dust begin show glow time goe by distant dust light up give appear outward motion imag composit xray optical infrar light exposur digit combined infrar light imag taken orbit spitzer space telescop use discoveri light echo portion cassiopeia shown span 15 light year lie 10000 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,cassiopeia light echo infrar,2005-06-15,561,87,0.309090909090909,06-15,6,2005,15,6,1,3 6b8136220215ee2fdaf15f197522b51508d8882677ea83c78b23570df067e426,none,welcom eleventh year astronomi pictur day decad edit apod web pages industri robert nemiroff left persist jerri bonnel right enjoy explor compel imag cosmo limit taken earth orbit much less taken profession astronomers fact seen recent releas vermeer editor extrem grate continu larg volum graciou email apod submissions today would like offer sincer thank all apod editor definit get younger tomorrow pictur may actual ,apod ten year old today,2005-06-16,420,64,0.0741496598639455,06-16,6,2005,16,8,0,2 f3fa147d997db1b2cc967bc2fe157d324f526c761f01299f367e3b5e1995de88,josch gendler,portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two celesti wonder easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan cosmic cloud understood dwarf irregular galaxies satellit larger spiral milki way galaxy small magellan cloud pictur actual span 15000 lightyear contain sever hundr million stars 210000 lightyear distant constel tucana fourth closest milki way known satellit galaxies cani major sagittariu dwarf galaxi larg magellan cloud gorgeou view also includ two foreground globular star cluster ngc 362 top left 47 tucanae spectacular 47 tucana mere 13000 lightyear away seen right small magellan cloud,small cloud magellan,2005-06-17,681,98,0.0398809523809523,06-17,6,2005,17,6,2,3 cf80f5cdef623f4688b610b80d9f671dc14071213a6bb4d2161201ce07b5f1ab,none,tantal assort island univers assembl here top left bottom right love distant galaxi m61 ngc 4449 ngc ngc ngc ngc spiral galaxi less like milki way color imag reveal distinct pink patch mark glow hydrogen ga cloud star form region along grace spiral arms virgo cluster galaxi m61 perhap strike spirals interest galaxi pair ngc neatli contrast characterist spiral edgeon faceon appearance one except parad photogen spiral galaxi small rel close irregular galaxi ngc 4449 top similar larg magellan cloud companion galaxi milki way ngc 4449 also sport young blue star cluster pink star form regions galaxi galleri imag small 16 inch diameter reflect telescop digit camera public particip kitt peak nation observatori visitor center advanc observ program,galaxi galleri,2005-06-18,749,118,0.0658263305322128,06-18,6,2005,18,7,2,3 2df75236f96345136d8b3d33c4af54043ce139309a677bf8813c091320208042,pekka parviainen polar image,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark pictur above network noctiluc cloud cast color eeri glow visibl dark although noctiluc cloud thought compos small iceco particles much remain unknown them recent evid indic least noctiluc cloud result freez water exhaust space shuttles,noctiluc cloud,2005-06-19,458,69,-0.0763636363636363,06-19,6,2005,19,8,0,1 7550236da91ea9cae0c0d05109a80a6e0425e9ffeeeb49ccfb5f5368bab71f34,none,would like see sunset mars help find out robot rover spirit deploy last month park seren watch sun dip distant lip gusev crater robot it earth red sunset caus two effect blue light preferenti scatter sunlight oxygen nitrogen molecul atmosphere scatter small amount impur like volcan dust the magnitud first effect comput one albert einstein although mar lack oxygen nitrogen cover red dust frequent atmospher fast thin winds analys imag like photograph show least martian day cap sunset significantli longer redder typic earth two hour twilight sunlight continu reflect martian dust high atmosphere cast diffus glow result help atmospher scientist understand atmospher mars atmospher across solar system includ home earth,sunset gusev crater,2005-06-20,722,110,0.0046153846153846,06-20,6,2005,20,5,2,1 02f6acbaa924c5feeb73c8c4c6b5e1b061aa965e25ea2f1cce876b4e5442ecca,michael sherick,north america nebula sky north american earth cannot form stars specifically analog earthconfin continent bright part appear central america mexico actual hot bed gas dust newli form star known cygnu wall imag repres color show star form wall lit erod bright young stars partli hidden dark dust created part north america nebula ngc 7000 shown span 15 light year lie 1500 light year away toward constel cygnus news solar sail spacecraft launch,cygnu wall star format,2005-06-21,444,72,0.203030303030303,06-21,6,2005,21,4,1,5 4fca9a6691c4314e079fe25dd23ca3a4b953c0d659628faab4e9b699492803f2,none,saturn ring look like side earth usual see saturn ring side ring plane sun illumin them geometrically pictur taken april robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn sun behind camera side ring plane vantag point give breathtak view splendid ring system solar system strangely ring similar photograph neg front view example dark band middl actual normal bright bring ring bright record differ angl indic ring thick particl densiti ring particles imag like also interest show unexpect shadowi region record voyag mission pass saturn earli 1980 not far seen cassini extra credit spot small moon among rings,saturn ring side,2005-06-22,597,94,0.0666666666666666,06-22,6,2005,22,0,2,1 c89e5f8264840b2b758ee6ddd4a51b28c94d945e4c46588d3c99e0543393a855,anthoni ayiomam,moon full month june 22nd day northern hemisphere summer solstice sinc solstic mark northernmost point sun annual motion planet earth sky full moon rise near eclipt plane opposit sun farthest south year month earlier may 23rd astronom anthoni ayiomam record pictur anoth southerli full moon rise cape sounion greece twentyfour hundr year old templ poseidon lie foreground also visibl sailor aegean sea wellplanned singl exposure long telephoto len make moon loom large even without optic aid casual skygaz often find full moon look astonishingli larg seen near horizon power visual effect known moon illusion,moonrise cape greec,2005-06-23,608,94,0.1136904761904761,06-23,6,2005,23,2,2,1 c130243eadf105d76c6a3b0aaf4a90717ef2eb0f22217c27efa5cd135badf4b0,jimmywestlakecoloradomountain college,weekend three planet grace western sky form love trio easili visibl shortli sunset saturday even particular find saturn venus mercuri within 2 degre circl about size thumb held arm western horizon record last sunday june 19 imag show three planet array along eclipt plane colorado rocki mountain skyline venu easiest pick twilight brightest celesti beacon pictur center saturn left venus mercuri closest horizon right promin pinnacl peak saturday wander planet draw even closer together help spot planet here put cursor picture,planet west,2005-06-24,527,81,0.106547619047619,06-24,6,2005,24,0,0,1 9fda2a123414542213913e986d5fb34bbe944b7d8bf3b131e16ab9e096eb3216,none,venus second closest planet sun far brightest three planet gather weekend western sky sunset also proven popular waypoint spacecraft head ga giant planet outer reach solar system visit venu first use graviti assist maneuver spacecraft swing planet gain energi brief encounter save fuel use end long interplanetari voyage color imag venu record jupiterbound galileo spacecraft shortli graviti assist flybi venu februari 1990 galileo glimps veil planet show structur swirl sulfur acid clouds bright area sunlight glint upper cloud deck,venus pass,2005-06-25,533,79,0.16,06-25,6,2005,25,8,1,2 c14cdbd24da64acfa25508d1c5095510b80f827667602c7390708d7a57d65a39,2mass t h jarrett j carpenter r hurt,nearest galaxi distribut randomly plot one million brightest extend sources detect two micron sky survey 2mass show not vast major infrar extend sourc galaxies visibl incred tapestri structur provid limit univers form evolved mani galaxi gravit bound togeth form clusters loos bound superclusters turn sometim seen align even larger scale structures contrast bright star insid milki way galaxi caus vertic blue sash,2mass galaxi sky,2005-06-26,415,62,0.04375,06-26,6,2005,26,7,0,3 663f058189bd5b6edb31433dad453da04374f66defc87779ef8a197d7444bbb0,jeancharl cuillandr,globular cluster m22 pictur above contain 100000 stars star form togeth gravit bound star orbit center cluster cluster orbit center galaxy far 140 globular cluster known exist roughli spheric halo around galact center globular cluster appear spheric distribut view earth fact key point determin sun center galaxy globular cluster old straightforward method determin age nearli match 137 billionyear age entir universe,globular cluster m22 cfht,2005-06-27,417,61,0.0194444444444444,06-27,6,2005,27,6,0,3 bb9c218caa7eb6eb570d9d695e04090276b6651c6bd05d5d255dbaf41e6dfe4d,none,together radio lobe span one million light year caus them center larg peculiar ellipt galaxi dub ngc 1316 detail inspect ngc 1316 system indic began absorb small neighbor galaxi 100 million year ago ga galact collis fallen inward toward massiv central black hole friction heat ga 10 million degrees reason yet well understood two opposit point fast move jet particl eventu smash ambient materi either side giant ellipt galaxy result huge reservoir hot ga emit radio waves observ orang falsecolor radio lobe image radio imag superpos optic survey imag part sky strang pattern radio lobe like indic slight chang direct jets first annual radio astronomi imag contest,giant radio fornax,2005-06-28,664,107,0.0763888888888889,06-28,6,2005,28,7,2,3 8be733c559584129654c81e41163bd2079d29cf4251e1c296b9293f7a09f8133,none,deep impact spacecraft continu close comet tempel 1 comet roughli size earli juli 3 edt deep impact spacecraft separ two individu robot one call flybi call next 24 hours flybi impactor fire rocket undergo complex maneuv prepar impactor plan collis comet tempel 1 juli 4 edt everyth goe impactor strike tempel 1 surfac 14000 kilomet per hour impactor attempt photograph comet right time collision flybi photograph result nearby imag taken 19 june 13 million kilomet use help identifi central nucleu comet insid diffus coma telescop around earth includ hubbl space telescope also close watch distant silent space result may give crucial inform structur comet earli histori solar system,thirteen million kilomet comet tempel 1,2005-06-29,683,108,-0.0214285714285714,06-29,6,2005,29,3,2,2 ead1557034c7bec66993c54fce158b06042bc8e649e1cc06b3abc0bc0e8693ac,r jay gabani,venus mercury saturn wander close togeth western even sky last week june 25 astronom r jay gabani record snapshot eyecatch planetari conjunction histor lick observatori mt hamilton california usa view look toward pacif shortli sunset light san jose southern san francisco bay area foreground course venu brightest mercuri nearbi right saturn left closest horizon farther right planetari triangl pollux castor twin star gemini regulus bright star constel leo upper left corner picture come days venu mercuri remain close saturn continu drop them toward horizon,three planet mt,2005-06-30,559,84,0.1671428571428571,06-30,6,2005,30,0,1,1 b69af7325a47bd93de0a9b763de538d0fb6abdc19485c3903462fdcaa18d3405,none,fomalhaut sound like foamalot bright young star mere 25 lightyear trip planet earth direct constel pisci austrinus earlier infrar observ identifi toru cold materi surround nearbi star panel detail sharpest ever visibl fomalhaut dusti debri ring record hubbl space telescope ac camera overwhelm glare star mask occult disk camera coronagraph offcent ring sharp inner boundari taken strong evid massiv planet orbit far fomalhaut shape maintain ring inner edge start astronom unit fomalhaut dusti ring like larger younger analog kuiper belt solar system outer reservoir ici bodies,ring around fomalhaut,2005-07-01,578,86,0.0434523809523809,07-01,7,2005,1,6,0,4 15ac99fd72f4ac10986a8f566dfac3ef9c7fbf1a8d0e9790149c774a75f79091,none,comet tempel 1 target collis impactor probe nasa deep impact spacecraft 152am edt juli 4th other time camera impactor probe flybi spacecraft captur closeup imag event expect produc crater surfac comet nucleus course earthorbit groundbas telescop watch too includ instrument swift satellit normal use spot gammaray burst distant universe swift ultraviolet telescop record pictur tempel 1 june 29th imag regist comet background star appear short trails want follow media coverag event possibl view comet small telescop found deep impact website updat imag also avail kitt peak nation observatory,swift look tempel 1,2005-07-03,594,88,-0.0464285714285714,07-03,7,2005,3,3,0,2 13c27fe9c574a23037cf6cffddda095b8951f140bb5a39fc91f5db6dd018c1f9,jeancharl cuillandr,typically view mauna kea dark that famou dormant volcano hawaii arguabl earth premier observ platform complex ever chang night sky however daytim view across bright white snow white cloud seem blend togeth make alien landscape cinder cone extinct volcan outburst domin foreground scroll right reveal structur visual even here armada largest optic telescop earth observatori seen includ subaru keck distanc far left mauna loa earth largest volcano,panorama mauna kea,2005-07-04,446,67,-0.015079365079365,07-04,7,2005,4,8,0,1 debe4a1516cf90a468b526da6b595cd4e45e9f6f4958f525b3d2d9050947859e,none,firework came earli juli 4th when 152am edt deep impact spacecraft probe smash surfac comet tempel 1 nucleu ten kilomet per second impactor probe vapor blast expand cloud material seen 13 second collision imag part stun seri frame document event high resolut camera onboard flybi spacecraft tempel 1 potatoshap nucleu approxim 5 kilomet across seen perspective camera onboard impactor probe also abl imag nucleu impact site upclos 3 second impact course telescop nearer planet earth follow event detect signific brighten comet tempel 1,thirteen second impact,2005-07-05,536,83,0.0266666666666666,07-05,7,2005,5,8,0,2 4845cde1eb2b766833bb4f228dd79eca4ba7297c41063c3b64c6899cd942f29c,none,divers landscap surfac comet templ 1 nucleu seen deep impact probe impactor target sensor within minut record rug view landscap chang dramat though impactor smash surfac near two large half kilometers crater pictur center indic probe penetr well surfac send rel narrow plume debri blast back space research still specul final size crater produc juli 4th comet crash materi continu spew impact site caus faint comet brighten significantly determin crater dimens analyz debri eject comet interior provid premier insight format comet tempel 1 primordi chunk solar system,landscap comet tempel 1,2005-07-06,567,87,-0.0277380952380952,07-06,7,2005,6,3,0,2 2e59e53b23a9deb89e4c3d15eb187580f2a57a29a57616b08f11e32cbda1c336,rick scott,star grace arc glow distant forest fire dramat time exposure recent trip famili friend sunset crater volcano nation monument near flagstaff arizona usa produc opportun record subtl light earth sky point south shutter held open five minutes camera tripod fix planet earth produc gentli concentr star trail reflect planet daili rotat axis rise beyond forest glow slope sunset crater cinder cone produc volcan erupt 900 year ago,fire glow star trail sunset crater,2005-07-07,426,67,0.08,07-07,7,2005,7,8,0,1 4a5cd1db4856cb41eb0429df53599bb987dc7efe3b8af7d7f16c39eeb889b34a,robert gendler,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky lie faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy bulg central core domin light popul older yellowish stars core dramat cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane larg island univers similar milki way galaxy ngc 4565 30 million lightyear distant 100000 lightyear diameter fact consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2005-07-08,516,81,-0.0143939393939393,07-08,7,2005,8,7,0,3 bf3ec8f5f7bce69bee9539946ba9e322eca1f5cb55999a77591ad6d016a95325,none,mani spectacular color rho ophiuchi ohfeeyukee cloud highlight mani process occur there blue region shine primarili reflect light blue light star rho ophiuchi nearbi star reflect effici portion nebula red light earth daytim sky appear blue reason red yellow region shine primarili emiss nebula atom molecular gas light nearbi blue star energet bright star antar knock electron away gas shine electron recombin gas dark region caus dust grain born young stellar atmospher effect block light emit behind them rho ophiuchi star clouds well front globular cluster m4 visibl far lower left even color human see cloud emit light everi wavelength band radio gammaray,color cloud rho ophiuchi,2005-07-09,664,103,0.1636363636363636,07-09,7,2005,9,4,2,5 8d7f04651e0e83233b17d39df72739f7325d664faf4dc332819a769afcc558af,none,start constel orion near orion belt fuzzi area known great nebula orion m42 nebula bright star cluster known trapezium shown above new stellar system form gigant glob ga dust known proplyds look close pictur also reveal ga dust surround dimmer star appear form structur point away brighter stars fals color imag made combin sever exposur orbit hubbl space telescope,center trapezium,2005-07-10,365,59,0.331060606060606,07-10,7,2005,10,4,1,5 b2a51deb01109354ac02ca430f47fd1ba60f5775da9b3ce64a56e05e424ff1ef,u,roof africa fire group hike 6 near top mt watch rise sun peak cloud horizon light red worri case highest volcano africa even erupting spectacular sunris color caus light scatter atmospher small cloud particles scatter light make sky blue ad back scene sunris would appear red similar light scatter effect involv small airborn dust particl caus sunset mar red use determin size particl ring saturn trek 2000 november group 30 reach summit climb,sunris kilimanjaro,2005-07-11,444,73,0.1533333333333333,07-11,7,2005,11,8,1,1 bfe83c848225c0e14b66e529a9cf51a4142d735ae98e8f7cf2962dac92098337,none,glare exhaust three stage solid fuel rocket punctuat perfect launch astroe2 observatory dramat pictur taken uchinoura space center juli 10 jst dedic astronomers celebr definit order launch payload origin destroy launch failur februari 2000 check earth orbit innov instrument board satellit explor univers energet xrays follow tradit renam satellit success launch astroe2 newli dub mytholog associ southern part sky,launch red bird,2005-07-12,414,59,0.1666666666666666,07-12,7,2005,12,8,1,2 d9fa353d1404912bfb15b7b9c8bec5ccd622d57edc97dcfdd86026c825cb82b1,peter wienerroith u wien,earth spin axis sky seem rotat around us motion call diurnal motion produc beauti concentr trail trace star time exposures middl pictur north celesti pole ncp easili identifi point sky center star trail arcs star polaris commonli known north star made short bright circl near ncp full circl star trail pictur vienna austria image rel short exposur follow digit trick could taken singl night 24hour need one full rotation sun sure domin frame time,star trail,2005-07-14,446,74,0.2111111111111111,07-14,7,2005,14,6,1,1 659024a5892877836c79d515d71aea65089511c7f7d245ef26d3013a19b6c24f,jimmywestlakecoloradomountain college,mar miss reflect view major rocki bodi inner solar system captur juli 8th serene twilight pictur look flat top wilder area near colorado usa includ planet mercury venus earth earth larg natur satellite moon moon young crescent phase three degre bright planet venus forest fire contribut layer smoke earth sky almost hide planet mercury still visibl near horizon week earlier venu mercuri join saturn form notabl group west also enjoy skygaz across planet earth,reflect inner solar system,2005-07-15,460,74,0.19375,07-15,7,2005,15,2,1,1 43248f26a8f5bdbfab141e16b854e3c892379a8d8c4a47936835137c835a5189,none,pose cosmic famili photo galaxi hcg compact group four hundr million lightyear distant toward constel capricornus larg edgeon spiral near pictur center fuzzi ellipt galaxi immedi right spiral near top imag identifi member group small spiral galaxi middl like distant background galaxy event care examin deep imag reveal galaxi certainli lie far beyond hcg 87 exactli lock group hcg 87 galaxi interact gravitationally influenc fellow group structur evolution imag phase instrument gemini observatory south telescop cerro pachon chile compar view photogen galaxi group record hubbl space telescope,galaxi group hcg 87,2005-07-16,595,87,0.0535714285714285,07-16,7,2005,16,7,0,3 5e6c605efa6fd6543f811713d22ec815e6aa663ec7bec3f1c218a5448de86980,none,fantast jumbl young blue star clusters gigant glow ga clouds impos dark dust lane surround central region activ galaxi centauru a mosaic hubbl space telescop imag taken blue green red light process present natur color pictur cosmic maelstrom infrar imag hubbl also shown hidden center activ seem disk matter spiral black hole billion time mass sun centauru appar result collis two galaxi left debri steadili consum black hole astronom believ black hole central engin gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru activ galaxies activ galaxi centauru close mere 10 million lightyear away rel conveni laboratori explor power sourc energy,center centauru,2005-07-17,638,99,-0.0656862745098039,07-17,7,2005,17,7,2,4 84a9434f2fef5f2163329367597c7824786eadd4cc6139c5c17c21f989be8862,none,humanmad event visibl across solar system direct terrestri scientists refrigerators probe deep impact mission struck comet tempel 1 juli 4 35000 kilomet per hour unexpectedli bright explos nuclear rather origin larg plume reflect back sunlight pictur event look earthorbit hubbl space telescope larg cloud bright materi seen eman comet nucleu dispersing area encompass comet becam two time brighter hour impact astronom continu studi imag data return deep impact better determin natur comet tempel 1 discern clue format dynam earli solar system norwegian apod mirror avail,deep impact comet tempel 1 hubbl,2005-07-18,572,85,0.25,07-18,7,2005,18,3,1,2 cbf8b8c415b256b796a17f9f280785b659c47cd333692e54418448898d801009,r jay gabani cosmotographycom,one nearest supernova recent year discov late last month bright nearbi galaxi m51 visibl right imag picturesqu spiral spot it supernova discov origin wolfgang dub still near maximum bright visibl telescop toward constel hunt dog cane venatici supernova identifi type ii unusu bright history creat specul similar natur brightest supernova modern times 1987a progenitor star identifi bright blue star although hundr supernova discov year autom searches nearbi supernova rare import frequent becom bright enough studi mani telescop near enough host star immedi surround spatial resolved supernova may left behind core compress neutron star black hole,nearbi supernova m51,2005-07-19,647,95,0.1770975056689342,07-19,7,2005,19,6,2,3 10def6c9f79a723809638e5fbaf1a3458ae1c102b4ac60c95702bdfcbf6de765,none,visibl light imag show central region globular cluster 47 tucana close packed star less tenth lightyear apart chandra falsecolor xray view central 47 tuc also show cluster popular neighborhood xray stars mani normal star coorbit extrem dens neutron star star mass sun diamet manhattan island one remark exot binari system catalog 47 tuc w bright sourc near center image system consist low mass star neutron star spin everi milliseconds neutron star known radio astronom millisecond pulsars believ driven rapid rotat materi fall normal star onto dens companion fact xray observ 47 tuc w system link mechan observ oper xray binari star fast rotat millisecond pulsars,xray star 47 tuc,2005-07-21,665,105,0.1694444444444444,07-21,7,2005,21,6,2,4 7018a55db0c1b497d42561e7c38f456d00c7fdbfa5d819d0596d15ee64f92c7e,none,seen ice moon tethys ring shadow would play across fantast view saturnian system drop tethi lately gorgeou ringscap cassini spacecraft now caught sunlight left pictur center tethi 1000 kilomet diamet orbit quit five saturnradii center ga giant planet distanc around 300000 kilometers well outsid saturn main bright rings tethi still one five major moon find within boundari faint tenuou outer e ring discov 1980s two small moon telesto calypso lock stabl locat along tethys orbit telesto preced calypso follow tethi trio circl saturn,tethys rings shadow,2005-07-22,533,83,-0.0320833333333333,07-22,7,2005,22,0,0,2 6ed9e85f060f831de91bf9d45d242ca182de7c798524b660dd8550e4f4ccfbb2,toni daphn halla,gorgeou celesti vista center one milki way planetari nebulae m57 famou ring nebula wide view composit three exposures one record detail inner roughli one lightyear span familiar nebula one record surprisingli intric faint outer ring glow hydrogen gas one pick rich assort distant background galaxies chance one background galaxies ic 1296 upper left close enough show barred spiral structur make attract visual comparison m57 interestingly though ic 1296 200 million lightyear away compar 2 thousand lightyear m57 faint ring also appar around outer reach distant spiral galaxy,ring nebula,2005-07-23,576,87,-0.0107142857142857,07-23,7,2005,23,7,0,3 6b33d907e295657600f055b9303939bc465bffea23638d0a377c8a539c5d0cfa,ivan,wait long enough piec outer space come right you work computer rock space crash roof struck printer wall came rest near occur around midnight march 26 2003 park forest illinois usa near meteorite measur 10 cm across one sever fell near chicago day part tremend fireball pictur result hole inset imag show wall meteorit itself although vast major meteor much smaller burn earth atmosphere averag expect repair direct meteor damag everi hundr million years,meteorit,2005-07-24,454,74,0.0698214285714285,07-24,7,2005,24,8,0,1 eccc2b9c0b10a84163503c337e07883667a64bfee0783eba1536c6b24d8b6db9,c,unusu ga filament surround galaxi ngc 1275 created one sure galaxi ngc 1275 central domin galaxi perseu cluster galaxies cluster mani member galaxi visibl image visibl light ngc 1275 appear show spectacular collis two distinct galaxies galaxi cluster also bright emitt xrays unusu ga filament shown specif color light emit hydrogen artifici color pink possibl origin filament may involv detail collis two galaxies alternatively interact galact center black hole surround intraclust gas ngc 1275 pictur above span 100000 light year lie 230 million light year distant toward constel perseus,unusu ga filament surround galaxi ngc 1275,2005-07-25,588,89,0.2309523809523809,07-25,7,2005,25,7,1,3 acbb135241843bdebd03be889a44cb3c0249e9d285e7b38071ae563ab60e4c0a,none,saturn moon hyperion textur like sponge recent highresolut imag robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn show hyperion even stranger place thought before previously known length day hyperion moon highli ellipt orbit around saturn highli nonspher shape lock orbit titan hyperion around much hard predict sun rise next newli imag crater unusu surfac sure result impacts reason dark centers low densiti hyperion indic might even riddl tremend caverns,hyperion spong moon saturn,2005-07-26,444,66,-0.0154761904761904,07-26,7,2005,26,0,0,2 829746c229560ec02e35bf09d1f2190a1ed2c71544898946b26bddce7b76c26a,none,nasa launch massiv space shuttl discoveri yesterday brought known tremend space program back human space flight shuttl flight suspend two year previous follow tragic loss space shuttl columbia crew 2003 februari 1 complex power space shuttl discoveri lift crew seven earth orbit bring intern space station iss shuttl crew deliv suppli iss perform test new method inspect shuttle thermal protect system three space walk planned return flight mission sts114 pictur launch pad 39b cape canaveral florida,america return human space flight,2005-07-27,500,76,-0.180050505050505,07-27,7,2005,27,8,0,2 640b10a39597cd41e7c0c6037c14366debd1f15d102ed4930591f507c5f1eb9f,jim misti observatory,ghostli appearance abel 39 remark simple spheric nebula five lightyear across well within milki way galaxy cosmic sphere roughli 7000 lightyear distant toward constel hercules abel 39 planetari nebula form sunlik star outer atmospher expel period thousand years still visible nebula central star evolv hot white dwarf although faint nebula simpl geometri proven boon astronom explor chemic abund life cycl stars deep imag record dark night skies distant background galaxi found visibl right nebula itself,spheric planetari nebula abel 39,2005-07-28,505,75,-0.0314285714285714,07-28,7,2005,28,4,0,5 d6629cf3f74ce1c68763701967ccc5be8e3638d6f7d42892f55c76cb7ad6f516,anthoni ayiomam,larg sunspot near right edg sun actual sunspot all intern space station iss space shuttl discoveri mission sts114 past mani skygaz spot space station space shuttl bright star glide twilight skies still glint sunlight orbit 200 kilomet earth surface here astronom anthoni ayiomam took advantag rarer opportun record spacefar combin move quickli silhouett across solar disk snap pictur thursday juli 28th athens greece launch tuesday discoveri join iss thursday make alreadi larg space station seem loom even larger,iss discoveri transit sun,2005-07-29,513,78,0.1392857142857143,07-29,7,2005,29,8,1,2 bb2345c85edf7b1b4b8c01216dc0aa676c6b8e63fada98b3bdb3d57850c1fd5e,none,close great bear ursa major surround star hunt dog cane venatici celesti nebula discov 1781 metric french astronom pierr mechain later ad catalog friend colleagu charl messier m106 modern deep telescop view reveal island univers spiral galaxi around 30 thousand lightyear across locat 21 million lightyear beyond star milki way youth blue star cluster reddish stellar nurseri trace strike spiral arm m106 seen clearli beauti image galaxy bright core also visibl across spectrum radio xrays make m106 nearbi exampl seyfert class activ galaxies bright core seyfert galaxi believ power matter fall massiv central black hole news flash object larger pluto discov distant solar system,m106,2005-07-30,680,104,0.1747023809523809,07-30,7,2005,30,7,2,3 f435c9e0096b3e0362d7055734a06891e726388592d87d19a5a19a015f458776,none,tenth planet faint slowli move dot discov comput show clear sign deep solar system object least larg pluto object design 2003 ub313 current situat nearli 100 time earthsun distanc twice averag distance far out way singl round object could bright 2003 ub313 would least larg pluto complet sinc 2003 ub313 sure complet reflective could substanti larger one discoveri frame shown digit expand artifici 2003 ub313 identifi initi frame taken autom 12meter samuel oschin telescop palomar observatori california usa,solar system object pluto discov,2005-07-31,509,78,0.009090909090909,07-31,7,2005,31,8,0,4 bde677fd1c3c0cf614db6a0125d063c7b1e9de350df0eea19333095992f80048,none,tenth planet discovered newli discov object design 2003 ub313 locat twice distanc pluto expect least larg pluto probabl larger given current measurements 2003 dim highli tilt orbit degrees prevent discov mani astronom specul numer ici object larger pluto like exist kuiper belt far distant solar system so found closer 2003 ub313 may call 2003 ub313 tenth planet illustr artist draw show 2003 ub313 might look unusu bright star right sun much world eagerli await decis intern astronom union whether 2003 ub313 design planet given name without,2003 planet,2005-08-01,542,86,0.0985714285714285,08-01,8,2005,1,8,0,2 2db5b4d3a44e6e3f8453d1555cfb0ef5d2a5f7a63c5386a44f7bea2f4b30ea11,none,last week crew member intern space station iss watch care space shuttl discoveri plan unusu back upon approach discoveri command collin guid shuttl 200 meter iss pictur taken iss crew took detail imag dark heat shield tile underneath photo imag analyz assess condit dark heat shield later shuttl dock space station usual photograph top side space shuttle imag show discovery cargo bay door open toward distant earth below,shuttl back space station,2005-08-02,421,68,-0.0166666666666666,08-02,8,2005,2,8,0,2 ae332a7a28498f081ac0dd10bd6eb2c02bfcffc49f32f0789e9dda0ffc9be6a2,michael sherick,star battl ga dust lagoon nebula photograph winning also known m8 photogen nebula visibl even without binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m8 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions spectacular portion lagoon nebula creat color light emit specif color hydrogen silicon oxygen light m8 see today left 5000 year ago light take 50 year cross section m8,busi center lagoon nebula,2005-08-03,510,77,0.2499999999999999,08-03,8,2005,3,4,1,5 710ed62b8357c8930e934ac01d5bac124542e2cb7b95b9695183ae59f5f8fc63,chri hetlag,galact open star cluster rel young swarm bright star born togeth near plane milki way galaxy separ degre sky two nice exampl m46 upper left 5400 lightyear distanc m47 lower right 1600 lightyear away toward nautic constel puppis around 300 million year young m46 contain hundr star region 30 lightyear across age 80 million years m47 smaller looser cluster 50 star span 10 lightyears portrait stellar youth also contain ancient interloper small color patch glow ga m46 actual planetari nebula ngc 2438 final phase life sunlik star billion year old ngc 2438 estim 3000 lightyear distant like repres foreground object chanc appear along line sight youth m46,star young old,2005-08-04,655,107,0.1178571428571428,08-04,8,2005,4,6,2,3 d9d5b40ed865744df48ab2f8b0e44c7084d509b7253ad64808f95b9d70a573a8,none,although look like fiction artist vision sunset alien world base fact recent discoveri hot jupiters planet orbit tripl star system hd 149 lightyear away constel cygnus hd massiv planet detect astronom analyz detail spectroscop data keck observatory larg planet depict upper left imagin view surfac hypothet rocki moon perspective closest hottest massiv star tripl system star littl hotter sun set distant peaks two sun near horizon cooler farther larg planet hot jupiterlik planet known orbit nearbi stars multipl star natur system challeng current theori planet formation,hd tripl sunset,2005-08-05,573,86,-0.055,08-05,8,2005,5,6,0,2 4a6ee05f6890fde7b86016a88041e100d7268b7c4c03fc0bd2b36759792ce533,fred bruenj,comet dust rain planet earth last august streak dark sky annual perseid meteor shower so enjoy anticip space weather astronom fred bruenj record seri mani 30 second long exposur span six hour night august 1112 use wide angl lens combin frame captur meteor flashes produc dramat view perseid summer although comet dust particl travel parallel other result shower meteor clearli seem radiat singl point sky eponym constel perseus radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance bruenj note 51 perseid meteor composit image includ one seen nearli headon year perseid meteor shower peak earli morn hour friday august 12,rain perseid,2005-08-06,637,100,-0.015,08-06,8,2005,6,3,2,1 af871ea0331f66489d7ad0463fddf33a5a099ddd0ec7b89d893d40a3c7f62406,phil,curtain one quick inspect indic curtain both design well type aurora pattern pictured anoth type corona aurora result outburst particl sun last week 2001 september polar chang solar magnet field earth trigger aurora next days pictur taken 2001 octob 3 fleet space radiat pelt earth atmospher high yukon canada,duel aurora,2005-08-07,309,49,0.082,08-07,8,2005,7,1,1,1 99d9b45d78b6e565a0ef4933e712bc44db67a83f456530425ccc1b6f60455f3f,walli pacholka astropicscom,mar appear extrem close bright later month no regardless numer urban legend mar appear rel normal august octob best month see mar year red planet visibl morn sunrise earth catch mar respect orbit around sun mar keep rise earlier night 2005 octob 30 earth caught mar planet nearest orbit time around octob 30 mar nearli opposit sun rise sunset set sunrise appear highest brightest around midnight also octob 30 mar appear brighter past two years although still 10000 time smaller fainter full moon earth pass mars mar appear fade pictur above mar shown appear 2003 august 27 appear slightli brighter nearli 60000 years foreground set valley fire state park nevada usa ellipt orbit primarili determin close bright mar opposition,mar normal august,2005-08-08,727,119,0.2208333333333333,08-08,8,2005,8,5,2,1 272ab93994e5bd28ffc9ff27e3c4742f254f1ba48116884c0866d2247f1536cf,russel,although sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli offcolor slightli pink call belt venus offcolor band dark eclips sky blue sky seen nearli everi direct includ opposit sun straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere belt venus however atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red belt venu seen locat clear horizon pictur above belt venu photograph behind beach melbourne australia belt frequent caught accid photographs,belt venu beach,2005-08-09,502,76,0.0625,08-09,8,2005,9,1,0,1 011ead701caa117c188e7a655de2ad57b3f44d2209f9be3a4e598c41a8a83c66,richard crisp,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl right shape reminisc classic heart symbol nebulas shown fals color shine brightli light energ hydrogen sever young open cluster star popul imag visibl around nebula centers light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focuss massiv star form affect environment,heart soul nebula,2005-08-10,472,75,0.306547619047619,08-10,8,2005,10,4,1,5 e316ac250bd8738b6848385aab73b5f8e113aee3dd70618584ec32a4e94bcaad,robert gendler,young sun still lie within dusti ngc 7129 3000 lightyear away toward royal constel cepheus star rel tender age million year old like sun form similar stellar nurseri five billion year ago notic strike imag love bluish dust cloud reflect youth starlight smaller deep red crescent shape also marker energetic young stellar objects known herbigharo objects shape color characterist glow hydrogen ga shock jet stream away newborn stars ultim natal ga dust region dispersed star drift apart loos cluster orbit center galaxy ngc 7129 10 lightyear across watch perseid meteor shower,young sun ngc 7129,2005-08-11,575,91,0.1416666666666666,08-11,8,2005,11,4,2,5 95ec3050c18f64fafeb0a854a15c79d18ac83869fc6707802c837ec2ef2534ff,d n u wise israel,go outsid tonight see celesti light show later better tonight peak monthlong perseid meteor shower although visibl everi year time perseid expect appear particularli activ year due rel absenc glare moon peak tonight thin moon set hour sun leav moonless dark sky night sky meteor appear shoot constel perseu across sky rate meteor firebal known sure expect high one meteor flash everi minute lucki sky gazer might treat bright firebal like one pictur above firebal captur digit record wise observatori 2001 leonid meteor shower meteor shower pose danger few any sandsiz flare bit expect reach ground,meteor shower firebal movi,2005-08-12,599,96,0.17375,08-12,8,2005,12,1,2,1 9e6c278369261d0b62d3ce20e7fab54190085ca134f6d3b0a9762cc8b80e44d4,none,supernova explosion massiv star inevit spectacular demise blast back space debri enrich heavi element forg stellar core incorpor futur star planets element ultim necessari life seen falsecolor xray image supernova remnant snr reveal expand debri cloud neighbor galaxy small magellan cloud judg measur size expand outer ring shockheat gas 150 lightyears light origin supernova explos would first reach earth 10000 year ago hundr supernova remnant identifi much sought astronom laboratori studi cycl element synthesi xray data also show hot ga center particular supernova remnant except rich neon oxygen watch perseid meteor shower,snr oxygen suppli,2005-08-13,629,92,0.1946969696969697,08-13,8,2005,13,6,2,4 43630872b438d1bb98e28b739bf0621ba2caa157a66c083d6158091cebb30ab6,none,corona sun hot extend photospher visibl surfac sun faint tenuou solar corona cant easili seen earth measur hundr time hotter photospher itself astronom long sought sourc corona heat magnet field loft monstrou loop solar plasma photosphere detail observ coron loop orbit trace satellit point close unidentifi energi source record extrem ultraviolet light trace imag indic signific heat occur low corona near base loop emerg return solar surface tantal trace imag show cluster majestic hot coron loop span 30 time diamet planet earth,heat coron loop,2005-08-14,531,82,-0.04375,08-14,8,2005,14,1,0,4 28cdb4b8b1681ac203bb9c0959b07c9fe4503c66fa702b497cf5271cfa1ca1fb,stefan seip,next perseid meteor appear sky enthusiast trek outsid perseid meteor shower peak past day typic question mind movie digit altered captur part mystery eight meteor night august 12 morn august 13 identifi movi far seven perseids identifi nonperseid meteor sinc perseid meteor appear come constel perseus nonperseid meteor one streak differ direction earli report year perseid unfortun bit disappointing digit mosaic taken alsace france photogen band milki way galaxi far background,perseid meteor milki way,2005-08-15,479,71,-0.13,08-15,8,2005,15,6,0,1 0094b20d27f18ddef02297bb86b7285d11c41c67fa11c837ec115e340bd02777,none,intern space station iss largest humanmad object ever orbit earth late last month earlier month station visit resuppli space shuttl discovery iss current oper expedit 11 crew consist russian american astronaut depart iss crew discoveri captur spectacular vista orbit space city visibl compon includ modules trusses expans solar array gather sunlight turn need electricity,intern space station orbit,2005-08-16,371,54,0.0428571428571428,08-16,8,2005,16,8,0,2 ac8b984c1de1724b410c87c1dcdde339eedc5f7caf7650945f9da8e2e3a2b024,stephan guisard,bright planet larg telescop part sunset view paran observatory observatory four massiv 82 meter telescop unit situat top 2600 meter high mountain cerro paranal dri atacama desert northern chile individu unit telescop use separ combin name antu kueyen melipal togeth fittingli known european southern observatory larg telescope course bright planet venu near center join mercuri below saturn left late june western even skies,planet paran,2005-08-17,424,63,0.16,08-17,8,2005,17,8,1,2 5dbd8909c5bc9946829a626931edd09a9121065e104b36c6650b81f439e9ef8e,none,discov 1866 main belt asteroid 87 sylvia lie 35 au sun orbit mar jupiter also shown recent year one grow list doubl asteroids new observ august octob 2004 made paran observatori convincingli demonstr 87 sylvia fact two moonlet first known tripl asteroid system center composit imag data potatoshap 87 sylvia 380 kilomet wide data show inner moon orbit sylvia distanc 710 kilomet everi 33 hours outer moon romulu orbit 1360 kilomet hours tini remu romulu 7 18 kilomet across respectively 87 sylvia name rhea mythic mother rome discover propos romulu remu fit name two tripl system thought uncommon result collis produc low density rubbl pile asteroid loos debris,,2005-08-18,662,108,0.1411845730027548,08-18,8,2005,18,8,2,2 d300af4fdba7168dee6fa4a6856e4cc34519236c197f5c0386a4b93f973eb03f,gabani cosmotographycom,beauti nebulae clusters galaxi grace planet earth night sky often known new gener catalog design ngc number classic list compil john loui remark director observatori 1882 ngc 2266 is example new gener catalog nebula cluster stars note book first modern day astronom jay gabani wonder ngc 1 might look like found it along ngc 2 constel pegasus pictur above less thousand lightyear across spiral galaxi estim distanc 150 million lightyear ngc 1 top twice ngc 2 ngc order base astronom coordin system otherwis unremark spiral appear first ngc list locat sky translat smallest right ascens coordin catalog,ngc 1 ngc 2,2005-08-19,602,97,0.0871310507674144,08-19,8,2005,19,7,2,3 44802e5bf67b9a95c6d1b24f43fb25f70fb14fe3f836a977d4cfffb7ed707dd9,none,like grain sand cosmic beach individu star larg spiral galaxi ngc 300 resolv sharp imag hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey acs inner region galaxi pictured span 7500 lightyears center bright dens pack galact core surround loos array dark dust lane mix star galact plane ngc 300 lie 65 million lightyear away part group galaxi name southern constel sculptor hubble uniqu abil distinguish mani star ngc 300 use techniqu make distanc measur extragalact scales,star ngc 300,2005-08-20,464,74,0.0541666666666666,08-20,8,2005,20,7,0,3 556affd45c7618e50717c6e268fdf58008483124577d08c17a4bf966638aa94e,peter michaud obs,cloud that actually pictur sever cloud stack one strike lenticular cloud normally air move much horizont vertically sometimes however wind come mountain hill rel strong vertic oscil take place air stabilizes dri air top oscil may quit stratifi moistur content henc form cloud layer air satur moisture result lenticular cloud strongli layer appearance pictur taken near mauna kea hawaii usa,lenticular cloud,2005-08-21,389,60,0.2305555555555555,08-21,8,2005,21,8,1,1 365f707611dcaf0f5f32d54c0a3fdc92d03ae116f6faa9f9d1b7c7dd0ec36343,none,sometim mars noth see red sand travel two kilomet south endur crater robot rover opportun explor mar stop took 360 degre panorama desol rust martian landscape site dub rub al similar barren part arabian desert earth center frame track rover wheel seen reced far distance near bottom sever part opportun recorded including far right martian sundial nearli 100 imag three color gener spectacular imag mosaic display full highresolut imag would requir 300 comput monitor one good larg format,mars,2005-08-22,489,78,0.2135714285714285,08-22,8,2005,22,5,1,2 7708f60b46bc08bae489239a0e3165cf712fda397c4434112cf692f97a99c00e,starrywond,ngc 281 busi workshop star formation promin featur includ small open cluster stars diffus redglow emiss nebula larg lane obscur ga dust dens knot dust ga star may still forming open cluster star ic 1590 visibl around center form last million years brightest member cluster actual multiplestar system shine light help ioniz nebula gas caus red glow visibl throughout lane dust visibl left center like home futur star formation particularli strike photograph dark bok globul visibl bright nebula ngc 281 system dub pacman nebula overal shape lie 10 thousand light year distant,ngc 281 pacman nebula,2005-08-23,574,92,0.0571428571428571,08-23,8,2005,23,4,2,5 3298399530866a5014187c5431b279048feda58ef4788406a7dea5a2037d8159,none,epimetheu form one yet sure help answer question small moon recent imag great detail robot spacecraft cassini orbit saturn epimetheu sometim orbit saturn front janus anoth small satellite sometim behind falsecolor image taken mid july show surfac cover crater indic great age epimetheu span 115 kilomet across epimetheu enough surfac graviti restructur sphere,small moon saturn,2005-08-24,359,53,0.1333333333333333,08-24,8,2005,24,0,1,2 7a0a9f9409bb1ac030e04636a2d04c5a23f3f2613e144a497e85ed364f4587b4,none,recent survey star conduct spitzer space telescop convinc astronom milki way galaxi ordinari spiral galaxi look within galaxy disk true structur milki way difficult discern however penetr infrar censu 30 million star indic galaxi distinguish larg central bar 27000 lightyear long fact vantag point view galaxi faceon astronom distant galaxi would like see strike bar spiral galaxi suggest artist illustration previou investig identifi small central bar structure new result indic milki way larg bar would make 45 degre angl line join sun galaxy center panic astronom still place sun beyond central bar region third way milki way outer edge,bar spiral milki way,2005-08-25,640,99,-0.0428030303030303,08-25,8,2005,25,7,2,4 515a92abbb90aeedc4d3864cc840ecaddb6ad4dd1d20991781d86e18655a7ff4,laurent lavederphotoastronomiquenet,july full moon look strang darken distort remark telescop view imag one seri record moon near horizon long sightlin turbul atmospher give rise tantal optic effects includ thin shape seem float moon upper edge also seen more easili along moon upper edg notic green rim substanti atmospher refract produc prismlik effect relat commonli wit green flash set sun care inspect full imag reveal correspond red rim along lower edge anoth intrigu signatur atmospher refraction news bewar mar hoax,full moon green,2005-08-26,488,78,0.0409090909090909,08-26,8,2005,26,2,0,1 588013d0dfb49c20629456838c0c520bf0728b6746cb2f4ed44114425fee6f4f,none,get redblu glass float next intern space station iss planet earth largest artifici moon breathtak stereo view construct two separ imag record shuttl orbit discoveri undock iss august 6 seen here left right iss structur cover 27 meter 90 feet span autom progress suppli ship dock foreground destini modul hidden behind station structur 52 meter feet long full top bottom reach solar array left would cover 73 meter feet resuppli discovery iss current oper two member expedit 11 crew sergei john news bewar mar hoax,3d intern space station,2005-08-27,513,85,0.0519047619047619,08-27,8,2005,27,8,0,2 a89d9bff6e5cc317e3e49cc31d8a9753ddf48f8382f30d26452c0bab6b1f1adf,none,fast fundament particl wobble surpris answer seemingli inconsequenti question come brookhaven nation laboratori new york usa may indic standard model particl physic incomplet also univers fill previous undetect type fundament particle specifically muon particl similar heavi electron rel larg wobbl scrutini sinc 1999 experi known g2 pictur above result galvan experiment group around world confirm it pressur theorist better understand it rate wobbl sensit strang sea virtual particl exist everywhere unexpect wobbl rate may indic sea hous virtual particl includ nearli invis supersymmetr counterpart known particles so nearli invis univers real supersymmetr particl might exist around us,muon wobbl possibl door univers,2005-08-28,689,97,0.1087121212121212,08-28,8,2005,28,8,2,4 2fc2b10e8cb01c5c9ab325ee320f61d5a5beb916fcf09ab12b03b849bde2ed17,none,hurrican katrina go one stronger storm system modern time appear head landfal somewher southern usa sometim today katrina design yesterday rare categori 5 hurricane strongest design storm earth one indic sustain wind greater 250 kilomet per hour pictur digit process imag orbit goes12 weather satellit show massiv storm system yesterday gulf mexico start slight pressur difference hurrican grow larg spiral storm system low pressure complet high wind drive rain hurrican power evapor ocean water typic gain strength warm water lose strength land much remain unknown hurrican cyclones includ form exact path take,hurrican gulf mexico,2005-08-29,611,92,0.1766666666666666,08-29,8,2005,29,8,2,4 3ab97e9b399a6930e53f935bbf34b95729fb24d7d91e3f96ef1854fef6a5e480,richard,sometimes even small telescop help unlock hidden beauti heavens case bright doubl star seen even slight magnification albireo unfold bright singl point beauti doubl star strikingli differ colors 380 light year distant two bright star albireo compar far take 75000 year complet singl orbit brighter yellow star binari star system close togeth resolv even telescope albireo pictur above fifth brightest star system toward constel swan cygnus easili visibl unaid eye,bright beauti doubl,2005-08-30,463,70,0.1742424242424242,08-30,8,2005,30,6,1,3 782ba97736d4a7f846370ada781c1ebb86ef8c6d42b87f9120c2076c2b233955,jean,could caus ray dark dark sky ray caught spectacular fashion earlier month utah usa caus someth surprisingli familiar shadows cloud near horizon block sunlight reflect air make column outward sun appear unusu dark cloud shadow thought complement commonli highlight crepuscular rays also visibl above sunlight pour though cloud holes sometimes opposit side sky anticrepuscular ray also seen,crepuscular ray utah,2005-08-31,388,57,0.078125,08-31,8,2005,31,8,0,1 98a1ae4b33563b5f19d52c244fe33e96ff185447275ce1744d5d924ae4e8aa46,none,spiral galaxies includ milki way two spiral arms peculiar galaxi ngc 4725 one falsecolor spitzer space telescop infrar image galaxy solo spira mirabili seen red highlight emiss dust cloud warm newborn stars blue color light ngc popul old stars also sport promin ring central bar galaxi 100 thousand lightyear across lie 41 million lightyear away wellgroom constel coma berenices comput simul format singl spiral arm suggest either lead trail arm respect galaxy overal rotation,onearm spiral galaxi ngc 4725,2005-09-01,476,74,0.1428571428571428,09-01,9,2005,1,7,1,3 6d1cb468c386326362587a00608c5c7bc132b17c234b35206bd26f84ab00c931,none,wonder planet earth southern sky star cluster trumpler 14 lie nine thousand lightyear away carina complex rich star form region edg giant molecular cloud falsecolor xray portrait trumpler 14 orbit chandra observatori span 40 lightyear reveal stun detail cluster one highest concentr massiv star galaxy profoundli affect environment hot cluster star mere one million year old energet wind star clear caviti dens cloud fill shock heated xray emit gas still come next million year see stellar rapidli exhaust nuclear fuel explod violent supernovae flood cosmic neighborhood ga enrich heavi elements,xray portrait trumpler 14,2005-09-02,596,90,-0.0477272727272727,09-02,9,2005,2,6,0,5 fcb8d4eed0b063766991e5129a94909d377f88b96412989aebbcbaf81fda4434,none,surfac venu perpetu cover veil thick cloud remain hidden even power telescop eye earthbound astronomers earli 1990s use imag radar venu orbit magellan spacecraft abl lift veil face venu produc spectacular high resolut imag planet surface color use comput gener pictur magellan radar data base color imag surfac venu transmit soviet venera 13 14 landers bright area run roughli across middl repres largest highland region venu known aphrodit terra,venu unveil,2005-09-03,446,69,0.0322222222222222,09-03,9,2005,3,8,0,2 0d370336a1186a339e57759bdb1419e06cb6fe9ddc25b16140bacc992bc51d7a,a dimai col drusci obsaac,comet halebopp becam much brighter surround stars seen even bright citi lights away citi lights however put quit spectacular show comet halebopp photograph val parola pass dolomit mountain surround cortina dampezzo italy comet halebopp blue ion tail creat fast move particl solar wind struck expel ion comet nucleus white dust tail compos larger particl dust ice expel nucleu orbit behind comet observ show comet halebopp nucleu spin everi 12 hours,comet halebopp val parola pass,2005-09-04,448,70,0.1624999999999999,09-04,9,2005,4,3,1,3 e08d1eef65830b41b0c0d7acced8c5c9a09c5086925618aa1659ba9a95087301,none,star come bunches 200 globular star cluster orbit center milki way galaxy 47 tucana second brightest globular cluster behind omega centauri known affection 47 tuc ngc 104 visibl earth southern hemisphere therefor fit target first light observ gigant new 10meter diamet southern african larg telescop past week result imag shown above light take 20000 year reach us 47 tuc seen near small magellan cloud toward constel tucana dynam star near center 47 tuc well understood particularli binari system there,globular cluster 47 tucana salt,2005-09-05,503,79,0.0403743315508021,09-05,9,2005,5,6,0,3 ab844b85b3119e0047453ad584970ba2538a84a3c713fed46d2982d00c803a1f,none,tiger stripe saturn moon enceladu might active even today may spew ice moon ici interior space creat cloud fine ice particl moon south pole creat saturn mysteri ering recent evid come robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn cassini detect mark increas particl collis juli flybi 270 kilomet south polar region enceladus pictur above high resolut imag enceladu shown close flyby unusu surfac featur dub tiger stripe visibl left falsecolor blue enceladu activ remain mystery neighbor moon mimas approxim size appear quit dead,fresh tiger stripe saturn enceladu,2005-09-06,520,81,0.0177777777777777,09-06,9,2005,6,0,0,4 37899bb4e1bc32d739fa1698cd9e0b1b3a996f0bc66db8e72b144b6908beeca0,none,scroll right see breathtak panorama mar top husband hill imag taken robot rover spirit explor red planet spirit situat expans gusev crater explor columbia hill time includ climb husband hill last months way up spirit took color vista larry lookout visibl imag vast eastern landscap previous block view columbia hill themselves horizon mostli defin rim crater visibl 15 kilomet distance spirit examin rock soil top husband hill look clue hill local rock form distant past,view husband hill mar,2005-09-07,470,75,0.0769047619047618,09-07,9,2005,7,5,0,2 4cf96e590224a5abcf4df27cf2f74b911a0c1da4a823a4bea256282021a2081a,none,stun emiss nebula ic 1396 mix glow cosmic ga dark dust cloud high far constel cepheus energ bright bluish central star seen here star form region sprawl across hundr lightyear span three degre sky nearli 3000 lightyear planet earth among intrigu dark shape within ic 1396 wind elephant trunk nebula lie center gorgeou color view composit digit black white photograph plate record red blue astronom filters plate taken use samuel oschin telescope widefield survey instrument palomar observatory 1989 1993,ic 1396 cepheu,2005-09-08,504,79,0.0357575757575757,09-08,9,2005,8,4,0,5 7009270f135203e899bc011cbe6404f2ce861660c8462f1510b5812affc04622,jay ouellet,shortli sunset septemb 6th sky gazer around world treat love crescent moon western sky join bright planet venu jupiter color telephoto view near quebec city canada moon nestl wide st lawrenc river light horizon along river southern shore also known even star venu upper left jupit upper right anoth promin celesti beacon spica seen shine twilight venus spica actual close pair hot blue star 260 lightyear away brightest star constel virgo,moon river,2005-09-09,439,71,0.1525510204081632,09-09,9,2005,9,6,1,1 44370a2eedb59a981cfa93f2d2a5af4ef9809b3d30e1aa3d750383e1f0d7aa2e,none,begin full view beauti spiral galaxi m81 follow inset left bottom right zoom real survivor seen center final field right star identifi survivor cosmic cataclysm supernova explos companion star light cosmic like trigger core collaps star initi 10 time massiv sun first reach earth 10 year ago catalog supernova sn though supernova longer visible lightecho dust region still seen near companion first known survivor supernova binari star system astronom believ substanti transfer materi surviv companion star last hundr year stellar explos explain seen supernova supernova sn 1987a larg magellan cloud sn nearbi m81 brightest supernova seen modern times,supernova survivor,2005-09-10,652,98,0.1765306122448979,09-10,9,2005,10,6,2,3 39bcf328f6dab0c92fa2d21b92efeb08b9d7726e771ffc2cd85d94e6fbee0223,none,ga giant jupit solar system largest world 320 time mass planet earth famou great red spot jupit also known regular equatori cloud bands visibl modest size telescopes dark belt lightcolor zone jupiter cloud band organ planet girdl wind reach speed 500 kilomet per hour toward jovian pole though cloud structur becom mottl convolut until cassini spacecraft mosaic jupiter planet polar region begin look someth like brain strike equatortopol chang cloud pattern present understood may due part effect jupiter rapid rotat convect vortic gener high latitud massiv planet intern heat loss cassini spacecraft captur dramat detail view jupit 2000 decemb turn millennium flybi enrout saturn,jupiter cloud cassini,2005-09-11,681,104,0.0701666666666666,09-11,9,2005,11,8,2,2 c40766cab4ee5b3ae95f8674a88678fbf30a2a582e6c8f29b252029ad758cfc4,gemini obs,one galaxi two jumbl stars gas dust ngc 520 thought incorpor remain two separ galaxies combin observ simul indic ngc 520 actual collis two disk galaxies interest featur ngc 520 includ unfamiliar look tail star imag bottom perhap familiar look band dust run diagon across imag center similar look collis might expect disk milki way galaxi collid larg galact neighbor andromeda m31 collis defin ngc 520 start 300 million year ago continu today although speed star fast distanc vast interact pair sure chang shape notic lifetimes ngc visual magnitud 12 note one brightest interact galaxi sky interact pair galaxi known antennae ngc 520 imag spectacular fashion gemini observatori hawaii usa also known arp 157 ngc 520 lie 100 million light year distant span 100 thousand light years seen small telescop toward constel fish pisces,collid galaxi ngc,2005-09-12,826,134,0.1557692307692307,09-12,9,2005,12,7,2,3 bfeaf9cace25b4614a8ded599062b9e1e3248b822855fa161b8936935896897d,michael wilson,sky show kids all three children three planets moon star airplan mom captur one imag near great salt lake utah usa septemb 6 minu airplan quadrupl ground busi quadrupl coincid sky visibl last week world easiest object spot crescent moon easili brightest sky orb image venu highest planet sky jupit right bright star spica complet quadrupl venus streak far right airplane mom seated grandpa appreci beauti moment took picture,quadrupl sky great salt lake,2005-09-13,424,69,0.3244897959183673,09-13,9,2005,13,6,1,1 721b92ea26625da5932afe250e14d1252ba82d3551d71fd6d0ecdb37cb184477,none,approach nucleu comet tempel 1 ten kilomet per second deep impact probe target camera record truli dramat seri images success pictur improv resolut composit scale 5 meter per pixel includ imag taken within meter surfac moment juli 4th impact analyz result cloud debris research directli explor makeup comet primordi chunk solar system material describ recip primordi list tempel 1 ingredi tini grain iron compounds complex clay carbon thought requir liquid water form might appropri cosmic nucleu appar porou seen here tempel 1 nucleu five kilomet long impact site two larg crater near bottom,nucleu comet tempel 1,2005-09-15,595,93,0.0071428571428571,09-15,9,2005,15,3,2,4 16b4ce4256ecab27e81fd22c0cd139b2eb12f907f8af69bb15a647d6e6557c31,philipp,far aurora boreali northern light made remark visit september skies reason course sun particular larg solar activ region cross sun disk produc multiple intens flare larg coron mass eject cme trigger wide spread auror activ last weekend color exampl spectacular curtain aurora captur fishey len sky quebec canada septemb 11 also featur planet mars brightest object left center seen near mar just right tightli knit pleiad star cluster although appear quit close northern light actual origin extrem altitudes 100 kilomet earth surface,northern lights septemb sky,2005-09-16,532,82,0.132312925170068,09-16,9,2005,16,1,1,1 5443c150c156fac96913adc6775369355a316187a6e5409e5142f457189f505c,john p gleason,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away deep image faint wisp sheet dust ga particularli evident great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,m42 wisp orion nebula,2005-09-18,590,92,0.245,09-18,9,2005,18,4,1,5 c6c91143de0d830c3d8c965949bff5784e9d3c94bf3f8edad592a2328810a14a,isasjaxa,asteroid made of help find out japan jaxa space agenc launch hayabusa mission rendezv asteroid itokawa last week small robot hayabusa spacecraft arriv asteroid itokawa station 20 kilomet away although long term goal find much ice rock trace element resid asteroid surface shorter term goal determin mass asteroid measur attract drift hayabusa spacecraft next months hayabusa also imag map asteroid itokawa orbit sun timelaps imag sequenc taken hayabusa upon final approach show gener oblong shape asteroid november small size robot dub minerva schedul releas expect hop around asteroid take pictures also november hayabusa fire pellet asteroid itokawa collect debri return capsule december hayabusa fire rocket toward earth drop return capsul earth 2007 june,approach asteroid itokawa,2005-09-19,758,113,-0.0499999999999999,09-19,9,2005,19,8,2,2 6c6cb10d058f4446665e69722214700eae158fec16ed4b122478575f5587cd04,walter u nordic optic telescop,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion image taken nordic optic telescop three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second,m1 crab nebula,2005-09-20,388,60,-0.0379629629629629,09-20,9,2005,20,4,0,5 2f9c380446d53f90cf022b0b9292c2ae3998e9782b5074252437f264c9abe06c,none,could creat unusu terrain saturn moon titan robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop again earlier month past solar system enigmat moon radar imag rich unusu region appear sort shoreline lightcolored high region left appear channel cut move fluid smoother dark region right appear outlin result huygen probe land titan earlier year impli possibl liquid methan water might occupi channel bay radar imag shown span 200 kilometers,shorelin terrain saturn titan,2005-09-21,430,66,0.0467460317460317,09-21,9,2005,21,0,0,2 21b3369b81c6ed3031044e9c3e28da46bba4bfb4cf9629c01a46ca6a6ab6c0ae,stefanseip,remark telescop imag highlight deep orang cast wane gibbou moon seen close eastern horizon earlier week septemb 19 fact today equinox ut mark begin fall northern hemispher make view stuttgart germani almost autumn moon long sightlin atmospher filter redden moonlight also bend differ color light slightli differ angles produc notic red bottom green top lunar rims also captur float moon thin red mirag inset case magnifi distort imag red rim course tantal lunar red relat commonli seen green flash sun,orang moon red flash,2005-09-22,502,80,0.0041666666666666,09-22,9,2005,22,2,0,1 68550313157fce694932bb53754fe90f029d8917db1e52b3e83507e705087142,none,star emerg natal cloud ga dust tantal portrait ry tauri small stellar nurseri edg tauru molecular cloud mere 450 lightyear away illumin region span 23 lightyear youthful central star large cool known vari brightness still collapsing million year star wind like clear ga dust clouds settl becom steadi main sequenc star like sun remain could well includ planetari system imag data ry tauri gemini observatory mauna kea hawaii base observ propos astronomi club quebec,portrait tauri,2005-09-23,466,74,-0.0521164021164021,09-23,9,2005,23,4,0,3 842aa8fbb2f900941c91f8f258ae3a3253eed598d7cdfb3c9a295fcb31ce1fe9,none,stare across interstellar space allur cat eye nebula lie three thousand lightyear earth classic planetari nebula cat eye ngc 6543 repres final brief yet gloriou phase life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc simple outer pattern dusti concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful complex inner structur well understood seen clearli sharp hubbl space telescop image truli cosmic eye half lightyear across course gaze cat eye astronom may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,cat eye,2005-09-24,555,86,0.0386363636363636,09-24,9,2005,24,4,0,5 cf27327e980d286e3c737e368eefb96b643b91ded10517a0a0915a36f0b2ed5c,none,huge cluster galaxi evolve help find out astronom point wideangl burrellschmidt telescop kitt peak nation observatori arizona usa nearbi virgo cluster galaxies hundr exposur taken two month earli 2004 result dramat deep wide angl imag virgo closest cluster galaxi milki way galaxy bright foreground star digit remov imag still repres numer unusu dark spots inspect imag show unusu larg halo brightest galaxi well unusu faint stream star connect virgo galaxi previous appear imag allow better reconstruct past billion year gigant virgo cluster illumin dynam cluster galaxi general,stream star virgo cluster galaxi,2005-09-26,579,87,0.0483333333333333,09-26,9,2005,26,7,0,4 73a792f47136e2bca811387cdf1350933253504f0c7bce7a812cb0d85150e32b,none,tower pillar cold ga dark dust adorn center star form region sharpless 171 open cluster star form ga cold molecular clouds energet light emit young massiv star boil away opaqu dust region fragment picturesqu pillar remnant ga dust form slowli evaporate energet light also illumin surround hydrogen gas energ glow red emiss nebula pictur activ central region sharpless 171 greater emiss nebula sharpless 171 incorpor ngc 7822 activ region cederblad 214 much imag above area span 20 light years lie 3000 light year away seen telescop toward northern constel king ethiopia cepheus,star pillar sharpless 171,2005-09-27,577,92,0.0633333333333333,09-27,9,2005,27,4,2,5 4cbd699e858ed375434301000f11c79f4d2c5fc61d06306a18e56c7103d3b354,nick,kind cloud that last week sunset rocket launch lit sky photograph sky enthusiast far hundr mile away linger result photogen rocket plume everyon saw result plume knew caus minotaur rocket launch vandenberg air forc base california usa cloud visibl sunset 22 september fuel particl water droplet expel rocket swirl wind upper atmosphere creat expand helix noctiluc plume high still reflect sunlight lower cloud foreground appear dark imag also captur part plume reflect sunlight rainbow color iridesc cloud launch plume planet venus,rocket launch sunset,2005-09-28,531,81,-0.0128571428571428,09-28,9,2005,28,8,0,1 0da4e0eba04903f6f9ba294a0c5b6d59687d93b3729f3a613c2e2ea8faeba4d7,steve mandelgalaxi imag,combin light star milki way reflect cosmic dust cloud soar 300 lightyear plane galaxy dub angel nebula astronom steve 13 year old dusti apparit part expans complex dim rel unexplor diffus nebulae trace larg region seen toward north south galact poles along blue tint characterist commonli observ reflect nebulae angel nebula dusti galact cirru also produc faint reddish luminescence dust grain convert milki way invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light span 3x4 degre sky constel ursa major wideangle highresolut imag record part unexplor nebula project,nebula,2005-09-29,554,85,0.0291666666666666,09-29,9,2005,29,4,0,5 55eba01c76ff34cf90d0bbfdcd2d76d5bb8458368de96b15f9c48b6740023abc,none,cloud glow hydrogen ga mingl omin dark dust lane closeup ic 1396 activ star form region 2000 light year away constel cepheus similar emiss nebulae energet ultraviolet light hot young star strip electron surround hydrogen atoms electron atom recombin emit longer wavelength lower energi light well known characterist pattern bright spectral lines visibl wavelengths strongest emiss line pattern red part spectrum known hydrogenalpha halpha part iphas survey halpha emiss milki way galaxy imag span 20 lightyear highlight bright dens region within ic 1396 like site massiv new star born,ic 1396 halpha closeup,2005-09-30,584,89,0.2669421487603305,09-30,9,2005,30,4,1,5 50589d1462c3fd94926f2e3f8ffb0260fa69ff9234d69acf3b9094d311c4ea27,stromboli onlin,mt etna erupt spectacularli 2001 june pictur above volcano photograph expel bubbl hot magma measur one meter across one reason planetari geologist studi earth mt etna like similar volcano mars mt etna basalt volcano compos materi similar mars produc similar lava channels locat sicily italy mt etna one activ volcano earth one largest measur 50 kilomet base rise nearli 3 kilomet high news annular solar eclips visibl tomorrow europ africa,magma bubbl mt etna,2005-10-02,439,70,-0.0557142857142857,10-02,10,2005,2,8,0,2 53265ae2a7d7af43cd2801a264866134b0c16ac6eb5e3b2b3b8e74feca1287ba,serg brunier,disk milki way galaxi home hot nebulae cold dust billion stars disk seen dark locat earth band diffus light across sky band cross sky dramat fashion seri wide angl sky exposur chile exposur also bring light vast network complex dust filaments dust plenti obscur galaxy center visibl light hide true direct discov mean earli last century galact center though visibl thickest part disk diffus glow come billion older fainter star like sun typic much older dust nebulae one particularli photogen area dark pipe nebula visibl galact center dark dust dark matter domin galaxi dark matter remain form yet unknown,milki way star dust,2005-10-04,607,99,-0.0095486111111111,10-04,10,2005,4,6,2,5 d356f2f4143abf249cfc8f42d7811766ba19fe470e25d7348834a978c4f45a6b,stefanseip,monday part sun went missing miss piec caus concern moon momentarili way event total eclips sun earthbound sky enthusiast rather best annular eclipse moon block sun rel larg distanc moon alignment moon larg enough angular size block entir sun wit solar eclips narrow path portugal spain africa however lucki enough see covet ring fire dark moon complet surround brilliant light distant sun pictur ring fire captur two day ago unusu high resolut spain result imag show detail granular solar surfac well mani promin around sun,annular solar eclips high,2005-10-05,525,85,0.1645454545454545,10-05,10,2005,5,1,1,1 74a4122cf05a1384d202b989b6c23d7d1af678b6dda1c0a0c027a0c7c3372348,none,gorgeou island univers lie 85 million lightyear distant southern constel fornax inhabit young blue star clusters spiral arm ngc 1350 seem join circl around galaxy large bright nucleu give galaxi appear cosmic eye ngc 1350 130000 lightyear across make larg slightli larger milki way earthbas astronomers ngc 1350 seen outskirt fornax cluster galaxies estim distanc suggest cluster member sharp imag also reveal mani background galaxies visibl right ngc,spiral galaxi ngc 1350,2005-10-06,452,68,0.1194444444444444,10-06,10,2005,6,7,1,3 f50c7045875f5c23ef57087669a3d657b679706a50be317711a24fad98ce9ee0,peter den,walk park seem like perfect idea mani enjoy sunni octob morn madrid spain course octob 3rd ad attract moon seen dramat silhouett annular solar eclipse multipl exposur sequenc follow progress eclips monument king pleasant parqu del sun rise left move right picture ringlik annular phase near pictur center partial eclips visibl wide area includ europe africa western asia central line shadow track cross sun watcher capit citi annular eclips phase last four minutes,eclips,2005-10-07,465,73,0.1585034013605442,10-07,10,2005,7,1,1,1 2991c192f88da321f60d11cb121f91209dba6f8469a844a2f28ce3e366ee5a74,none,spectacular bridg star ga stretch nearli 250000 lightyear join famou peculiar pair galaxi catalog arp 295 cosmic bridg galaxi long tail extend right pictur center strong evid two immens star system pass close past allow violent tide induc mutual graviti creat eyecatch plume stellar material interact drawn billion years repeat close passag ultim result merger pair galaxi larger singl galaxi stars although scenario look peculiar galact merger thought common arp 295 repres earli stage inevit process arp 295 pair largest loos group galaxi 270 million lightyear distant toward constel aquarius deep color imag region record septemb 2003 use usno 1 meter telescop near flagstaff arizona,peculiar arp 295,2005-10-08,686,105,0.0053113553113552,10-08,10,2005,8,7,2,3 01d81b51fcdd66745ad3b4568ba46b4e981342652d8089f7f77835959b4bbf96,none,take big rocket go space 2003 april huge russian rocket launch toward earthorbit intern space station iss carri two astronaut make new expedit 7 crew seen rollout baikonur cosmodrome rocket white top actual soyuz tma2 recent version longest serv type human spacecraft base russian r7 rocket origin develop prototyp intercontinent ballist missil 1957 rocket span width footbal field fuel mass half million kilograms russian rocket like remain primari transport system intern space station iss last week similar rocket success launch spaceflight particip two expedit 12 astronaut space station,rollout soyuz tma2 aboard r7 rocket,2005-10-09,591,88,0.0231060606060606,10-09,10,2005,9,8,0,2 ab8d619783e22d8abfd88de2fcfd19c7a07cb13aeb0c9e8d4c52b770d043c888,none,storm larger hurrican continu dot upper atmospher planet saturn view mani storm occur simultan captur juli robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn imag unusu high detail made possibl time cassini isol specif color polar infrar light numer white dark spot visibl swirl storm systems saturn storm like typic last month even seen merging band cloud circl entir planet also clearli visible saturn complex majest ring system seen foreground background imag digit shorten along vertical,swirl storm saturn,2005-10-10,478,73,0.0029629629629629,10-10,10,2005,10,0,0,1 8b560531762ce680f16b39ba05bfd81a25197cb2bd9202f916424afab72b685d,thoma v davi,star cluster singularli impressive open cluster ngc 869 ngc 884 however doubli impressive also known h chi persei unusu doubl cluster shown above bright enough seen dark locat without even binoculars although discoveri sure predat written history greek astronom hipparchu notabl catalog doubl cluster cluster 7000 light year distant toward constel perseus separ hundr light years,ngc 869 ngc 884 doubl open cluster,2005-10-11,379,56,0.3125,10-11,10,2005,11,6,1,3 043d422ab470dbbef00786c1dbda38e046d6ddba810ddd97cc23d5f75e07add3,none,surfac saturn moon tethi riddl ici cliff craters detail imag ever taken tethi captur late last month robot cassini spacecraft swoop past frozen ice moon imag taken kilomet distant show jag landscap long cliff cover craters bottom mani crater appear sort unknown lightcolor contrast unknown dark substanc appear bottom saturn moon tethi one larger moon saturn span 1000 kilomet across densiti tethi indic composit almost entir water ice tethi thought predominantli liquid sometim distant past creat long icecliff crack,crater cliff ice saturn tethi,2005-10-12,517,79,-0.1208333333333333,10-12,10,2005,12,0,0,2 7552237d49ce675a8aa280de7a4cf733f99fb7814b8f2b92988a5be1b86ca136,philipp haak,course everyon concern wear solar eclipse need worri though natur often conspir project imag eclips stylish appropri pattern adorn mani visibl surfac includ cloth right time commonly small gap leav tree act pinhol camera gener multipl recogniz imag eclipse madrid view octob 3rd annular eclips sun astronom philipp haak met friend anoth inspiration result grid small hole kitchen strainer produc pattern imag eclips shirt,eclips shirt,2005-10-14,423,64,0.0571428571428571,10-14,10,2005,14,1,0,1 2d990a21f42abc84ecc66a83b88205a8e670942e0639e715c9324abbdab7ebab,none,car massiv star bright use be easili visibl binocular small telescope eta carina histori spectacular flare fade behavior fact april 1843 eta car briefli becam second siriu brightest star planet earth night sky even though distanc 7500 lightyears 800 time farther away surround complex evolv nebula eta carina seen near center falsecolor infrar image construct use data midcours space experi msx satellit map galact plane 1996 picture wispy convolut filament cloud dust glow infrar wavelengths astronom hypothes eta car explod supernova next million year so massiv eta car even consid candid hypernova explos potenti sourc futur gammaray burst,dusti eta carina,2005-10-15,642,98,0.15,10-15,10,2005,15,6,2,3 09c5c9dd6f50a14c9eaa9ef4eaa746f2b249f2f8aac639be7867d683219e1632,judi w ross point roberts wa,tomorrow picture short bang archiv index search calendar glossari educ apod discuss author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel usra nasa web site statements warnings disclaim nasa official jay norris specif right apply servic of eud nasa gsfc michigan tech u,astronomi quilt week,2005-10-16,278,41,0.1428571428571428,10-16,10,2005,16,8,1,0 2012b70d58b5e024faedb49890fda93657f106b44b21a2c2763a6101715d600f,none,caus gammaray bursts energet type explos known cosmo enigma sinc discov 30 year ago appear may one uniqu type long durat gammaray burst grbs past years blue region univers rich star formation massiv young star near end short live commonli explod regions astronom long durat grbs last second minutes type stellar explos common young massiv stars past months short durat grb final local found occur differ type region blue region rich star formation mani astronom therefor theoriz short grbs typic last less one second result differ progenitor process long grbs lead model short grb occur neutron star either impact anoth neutron star black hole collis may occur well starform region otherwis burn out pictur illustration two energ neutron star final approach orbits death spiral might end short grb,gammaray burst,2005-10-17,798,128,0.0052769070010449,10-17,10,2005,17,6,2,4 6d650e3c3ab105b8cb327402de6b21ba0c27501eb13ac2c05cfef912d45de7f8,thoma v davi,star ae auriga fire no even though ae auriga name flame star surround nebula ic 405 name flame star nebula region appear harbor red smoke fire fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environ stars materi appear smoke mostli interstellar hydrogen contain smokelik dark filament carbonrich dust grains bright star ae aurigae visibl imag center hot blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron red light frequent emitted seen surround emiss nebula pictur above flame star nebula lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga,ae aurigae flame star,2005-10-18,678,104,0.128125,10-18,10,2005,18,4,2,5 b73addd438c68067a064c6f5c67c5292e13298e1346a98f062b3995bf7d45cab,fred,anoth octob 19 17 yearold robert goddard climb cherri tree beauti autumn afternoon massachusetts inspir hg wells war world gaze across young goddard imagin would wonder make devic possibl ascend mars forev felt life purpos follow year entri record octob 19th anniversari ascent cherri tree 1926 designed built flown world first liquid fuel rocket mar visibl tree lower right dramat sky view also featur moon venu visit liquid fuel rocket construct principl develop,mar,2005-10-19,465,73,0.2119047619047619,10-19,10,2005,19,5,1,2 33c901017197d50e0b44f721d96ac966839c009182add76bc75ad0ca0bed76a6,none,andromeda galaxi realli like find out astronom look largest galact neighbor differ light infrared astronom train orbit spitzer space telescop messier monster m31 18 hours creat mosaic incorpor 11000 separ exposures result pictur above show m31 greater infrar detail ever before infrar light color band particularli sensit dust heat stars visibl previous undiscov featur includ intric structur spiral arms spiral arc near center center ring star formation unusu hole galaxy disk contrast andromeda galaxi appear much smoother visibl light even ultraviolet light analys comparison imag imag like yield clue violent past m31 milki way galaxi well,andromeda galaxi infrar,2005-10-20,643,96,0.0756410256410256,10-20,10,2005,20,7,2,4 06c8a3a384bc04c68aac3e7c04455e4d98d2ddf3d970b3dc7badff20f057728c,none,orbit plane saturn rings dion ici saturnian moon perpetu ringsid view gorgeou ga giant planet course pass ring plane cassini spacecraft also share stun perspective ring seen slice across bottom cassini snapshot remark thin bright ring still cast arc shadow across planet cloud tops pale dione foreground 1100 kilomet across orbit 300000 kilomet visibl outer edg ring,ringsid,2005-10-21,366,57,0.0225,10-21,10,2005,21,0,0,2 2d0c787b057179732937e4257d63b4fdcd302090054e5faafa1f85cb8fe45219,none,could galaxi becom shape like ring rim blue galaxi pictur right immens ringlik structur 150000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxy 0644741 known ring galaxi caus immens galaxi collision galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus entir small intrud galaxi pass larg one happens interstellar ga dust becom condensed caus wave star format move impact point like rippl across surfac pond intrud galaxi sinc move frame taken hubbl space telescop releas commemor anniversari hubble launch 1990 ring galaxi 0644741 lie 300 million light year away,ring galaxi 0644741 hubbl,2005-10-22,626,97,0.2622448979591837,10-22,10,2005,22,7,2,4 7ce709afecd4ab621326276ee2c9ecc9e3cb3089b23a97d336bc2964152e5492,none,center milki way galaxi lie black hole 2 million time mass sun controversi claim astound conclus virtual base observ star orbit near galact center use one paran observatory larg telescop sophist infrar camera astronom patient follow orbit particular star design s2 came within 17 lighthour center milki way about 3 time radiu pluto result convincingli show s2 move influenc enorm graviti unseen object must extrem compact supermass black hole deep nearinfrar imag show crowd inner 2 lightyear milki way exact posit galact center indic arrows abil track star close galact center accur measur black hole mass perhap even provid unpreced test einstein theori graviti astronom watch star orbit supermass black hole,center milki way,2005-10-23,711,111,-0.0966666666666666,10-23,10,2005,23,6,2,4 daa6752341d2ba97e70cc69b5f9cc786178e6b0b16b8d99b522af3c9409b7547,none,sand round robot spirit rover current roll across mar found notabl angular sand columbia hill mars previously small bit sand found plain gusev crater significantli round find indic angular hill sand less like travel shorter distanc correspond round plain sand tumbl gener effect make sand rock increasingli round fewer sharp edges pictur above taken last month angular sand grain magnifi spirit microscop frame span three centimeters,angular sand martian hill,2005-10-24,433,66,-0.1475198412698412,10-24,10,2005,24,5,0,2 b6723a423985a5b838c216dd08bede5ff726a5fc8d852566e60eb3b724dce110,none,thousand year star exploded expand remnant still glow brightli across spectrum case n132d supernova remnant locat neighbor larg magellan cloud lmc galaxy expand shell explos span 80 lightyear swept 600 sun worth mass n132d imag recent optic light great detail hubbl space telescope hubbl imag combin posit coincid detail imag xray light taken chandra xray observatory combination shown repres colors show nearli spheric expand shockwav highlight pink emiss hydrogen ga purpl emiss oxygen gas dens field unrel star also lmc image studi imag give opportun studi materi hidden deep insid star n132d span 150 light year lie 160000 light year away toward constel dorado,supernova remnant n132d optic x ray,2005-10-25,664,104,0.2433333333333333,10-25,10,2005,25,6,2,5 544203681f5685aca2606f3c54d61af01c0eaadb0d912655517ab4ef3fb4fc4b,none,surfac saturn moon dion look like find out robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn flew right past fourth largest moon giant planet earlier month pictur imag taken 4500 kilomet dione ici surface span 23 kilometers fractures grooves crater dione ice rock visible mani cases surfac featur caus unknown process mani crater bright wall dark floors indic ice brighter nearli parallel groov run upper right lower left fractur sometim across bottom craters indic rel recent formation lip wide crater run middl left upper center image crater center visibl lower right imag like continu studi better understand dion well saturn complex system ring moons,kilomet dion,2005-10-26,650,102,0.0435064935064935,10-26,10,2005,26,0,2,2 28d59063ad18cf673f9194ac2a6a4af7796347c98359e15ef986b188a09d7617,none,octob 19th rocket blast vandenberg air forc base last titan rocket carri payload us nation reconnaiss success titan iv b launch bring close titan program whose first launch 1959 origin design intercontinent ballist missile titan rocket ultim evolv heavi lift workhorse launch defense scientif payload earth orbit beyond fact mani histor space explor began titan includ man gemini missions vike mission mars voyag tour outer solar system cassini spacecraft orbit saturn cassini probe huygen accomplish distant land anoth world voyag 1 humanity distant spacecraft,last titan,2005-10-27,562,84,-0.075,10-27,10,2005,27,8,0,2 eef3ac5ed384451198847ee7e138e71d541bb325a0b0a280b1a9d5ba13d13127,chri cook,october mar becom bright yellowish star planet earth sky approach period mar earth pass close orbit sun close mars mere 70 million kilomet so close enough allow earthbound astronom excel view allur red planet example seri sharp mar imag follow develop dust storm planet rotat right left telescop view clearli show detail martian surface includ planet southern ice cap top hood cloud north pole bottom edge dust storm visibl light yellowish band across otherwis dark region southern hemisphere even telescop sure check mar continu shine brightli night come days,octob mar,2005-10-28,560,89,0.1239010989010989,10-28,10,2005,28,5,2,1 302a86ab3f0b5ae53597493ffd5da64143eb172d132437868f894d7b997842d6,none,star like sun complet fusion core throw outer layer brief beauti cosmic display call planetari nebula ngc 3242 planetari nebula stellar remnant white dwarf star visibl center nebula sometim call ghost jupit faint similar appear solar system rule ga giant planet ngc 3242 lightyear across however much farther away measli 40 lightminut distanc jupiter fact watch ghostli nebula expand time astronom estim distanc ngc 3242 1400 lightyears red flier visibl near edg nebula still bit mysterious though,ngc 3242 ghost jupit,2005-10-29,497,77,-0.0045454545454545,10-29,10,2005,29,4,0,5 9e47694a5914e307d7f55f44e256c53f8f79afdc88de56a0eade8196f36218b8,none,dark stormi night 2003 august 29th red planet mars near closest approach earth almost 60000 years shone brightli sky background star constel aquarius foreground scari view huge thunder cloud lit lightn stroke within mars course noth storm earth though power excit imagin wonder earthdwellers tonight night halloween mar also pass close earth closer come next thirteen years again red planet mar look particularli bright although much smaller dimmer moon even venus,dark stormi night,2005-10-30,464,71,0.13125,10-30,10,2005,30,5,1,1 e4521451026eb2388952d083931f9bf5b6cd75ec5434736b5c5a20bb94091df4,walli pacholka astropicscom,sunset sunrise unusu bright yellowish orb hang sky halloween mars yesterday earth pass mar orbit sun bring mar closer next thirteen years tonight though mar nearli bright last night beacon extraterrestri opposit sun mar rise sun sets set sun visibl entir night mar alway brightest object tonight sky though brighter even mars almost spooki venu light western horizon brief time sunset pleas safe happi,martian halloween,2005-10-31,401,64,0.2875,10-31,10,2005,31,5,1,1 88b37073888c60108c6609e54a5b84a5356f4465aab79fb0d1bef1da064c5521,none,last month soyuz spacecraft dock intern space station spacecraft launch day earlier baikonur cosmodrom kazakhstan pictur above approach soyuz spacecraft carri new expedit 12 crew earthorbit intern space station iss well spaceflight participant expedit 12 crew expect stay iss six months replac expedit 11 crew station six month themselves week imag taken expedit 11 crew return earth soyuz capsule along spaceflight participant expedit 12 crew carri repair iss explor new method live space conduct research space includ stone experiment,soyuz spacecraft approach space station,2005-11-01,536,79,0.0681818181818181,11-01,11,2005,1,8,0,2 38c95ded46107e1975580f1a0e109aa3745f0bece8f89c044506f09ef0ef0986,none,two moon chang places epimetheu janus two small moon saturn actual switch posit orbit home planet orbit radii moon strang separ less radii moon 50 kilometers one moon orbit saturn well ahead other first two moon gravit approach and everi years actual pass trade orbits strang danc creat specul epimetheu janu join later split other pictur above two moon photograph round orbit outsid saturn f ring imag taken earli septemb robot cassini spacecraft also orbit saturn,epimetheu janus moon saturn,2005-11-02,465,76,-0.0616666666666666,11-02,11,2005,2,0,0,2 ec79dbb448253b8a88c3ffa0ca11582680a081a99d9be02b26c7c36ea9cf6650,none,tiny ici world pluto discov orbit distant solar system 1978 rel larg companion charon detect groundbas observations year hubbl space telescop may well detect two member pluto system provision design s2005 p1 s2005 two potenti new moon seen orbit counterclockwis direct 44000 kilomet miles pluto deep hubbl imag record three day apart diminut faint companion also appar detect hubbl imag pluto 2002 come februari followup observ plan effort confirm discoveri new moons compar pluto charon diamet 2300 1300 kilomet respectively moon estim 60 200 kilomet across well within kuiper belt extens region beyond orbit neptune pluto system could first quadrupl kuiper belt object known,possibl pluto moon,2005-11-03,676,104,0.0025252525252525,11-03,11,2005,3,8,2,2 8f1dc0dfba835d28d4c98361f913f698e96febef587f0876678b49d8cdcab697,stephan,interstellar dust cloud bright nebula abound fertil constel orion one brightest m78 center sharp widefield view cover area north orion belt distanc 1500 lightyears bluish nebula 5 lightyear across blue tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young star region dark dust lane nebula easili trace gorgeou skyscap also includ remark mcneil nebula newli recogn nebula associ format sunlik star,m78 stardust starlight,2005-11-04,398,61,0.095,11-04,11,2005,4,4,1,5 9d49b303a5ab8d62fd8010c3fd5e3e9db7470ce244bd16ecfa80ff3ca477132c,none,ground spectacular aurora seem danc high above intern space station iss orbit nearli height mani auroras sometim pass them sometim right them still auror electron proton stream pose direct danger iss 2003 iss scienc offic pettit captur green aurora pictur digit sharpen image orbit pettit report chang aurora appear crawl around like giant green amoebas 300 kilomet below manicouagan impact crater seen northern canada planet earth,aurora space,2005-11-05,431,66,0.0932142857142857,11-05,11,2005,5,8,0,2 2a1b308ac4045dd85c300d7dc83385dba4ae691a4cc9c52b1c114bfc270d19cb,none,would small part sun appear slightli dark visibl closeup pictur sunspot depress sun face slightli cooler less lumin rest sun sun complex magnet field creat cool region inhibit hot materi enter spot sunspot larger earth typic last days highresolut pictur also show clearli sun face bubbl sea separ cell hot gas cell known granules solar granul 1000 kilomet across last 10 minutes that mani granul end exploding,sunspot close,2005-11-06,409,67,-0.0075757575757575,11-06,11,2005,6,1,0,4 889b9c8abd68c7914a47fd27fd65ff088f77cadf57b7f270726b22e2cca7c8d0,russel croman,bubbl versu cloud ngc 7635 bubbl nebula push stellar wind massiv central star bd602522 next door though live giant molecular cloud visibl lower right place space irresist forc meet immov object interest way cloud abl contain expans bubbl gas get blast hot radiat bubble central star radiat heat dens region molecular cloud caus glow bubbl nebula pictur scientif map color bring contrast 10 lightyear across part much larger complex star shells bubbl nebula seen small telescop toward constel cassiopeia,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula,2005-11-07,502,79,0.0338252656434474,11-07,11,2005,7,4,0,5 5b34f781afaf9d9a978744adec48b08ec554b30c4895bef024c5f03576bb15b4,none,would like walk across mars robot opportun rover current experienc like roll across part red planet alway easi rover instruct dodg deeper drift dark sand explor erebu crater rover stop took picture insid part erebu crater surfac mar cover dark sand also light outcrop rock scatter across expos rock numer small round pebbl known blueberri typic smaller unexpect unusu rock like form accret ancient wet environment also visibl strang protrud edg known imag taken earli last month,drift mar,2005-11-08,480,77,-0.045,11-08,11,2005,8,5,0,2 4904d816483d8aa048e31037d43994c1682d8477cb7335abd76ee132f2c0f51c,none,happen sun noth unusual strangelook solar lower left actual spectacular look version common solar prominence solar promin cloud solar ga held sun surfac sun magnet field pictur 2002 october nasa sunorbit soho spacecraft imag impress larg promin hover surface inform dub 40 earth could line along vast length flame hover hot gas quiescent promin typic last month may erupt coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system although somehow relat sun chang magnet field energi mechan creat sustain solar promin still topic research,solar promin soho,2005-11-09,526,84,0.1111111111111111,11-09,11,2005,9,1,1,2 cd0495e218b4a4d213aa97fa2536a77409328b3e83be7ae165e51c8a1099a996,none,fantast skyscap lie eastern edg giant stellar nurseri w5 7000 lightyear away constel cassiopeia infrar view spitzer space telescope featur interstellar cloud cold ga dust sculpt wind radiat hot massiv star outsid pictur just right still swaddl within cosmic clouds newborn star reveal spitzer penetr format also trigger massiv star fittingli dub interstellar cloud 10 time size analog pillar creation m16 made famou 1995 hubbl space telescop view w5 also known ic 1848 togeth ic 1805 part complex region popularli dub heart soul nebulae spitzer imag span 70 lightyear distanc,mountain creation,2005-11-11,575,90,-0.019047619047619,11-11,11,2005,11,4,0,4 76f9f7e1071cd53c41ac9c67980cb8109832db4c30b0c5918f274d0cf02fa018,none,could stand mar might see scroll right find out robot spirit rover current roll across mar climb top hill took seri imag digit combin 360 degre panorama three day earli last month spirit instruct take imag resolut human 2020 eyesight full panoram result found click imag level detail unparallel histori martian surfac photography panorama taken pinnacl husband hill dub everest panorama honor view tallest mountain earth visibl gusev crater rocks rust sand martian sundial vast plains nearbi peaks faraway peaks sand drifts distance fast move dust devil seen slight apparit red green blue color filter use build natur color vista,everest panorama mar,2005-11-14,630,100,0.0807539682539682,11-14,11,2005,14,5,2,1 565a89872f1eb715ca2f5d11ac97af380af8b43081d82d91f061bc3b08b9229f,none,ever seen bright meteor unexpected year taurid meteor shower result numer report bright firebal night surround halloween pictur above firebal momentarili rival bright full moon caught cerro pachon chile continu sky monitor novemb 1 sever bright taurid firebal identifi sky movi night imag digit version circular fishey frame show entir sky horizon horizon bright meteor seen swoop direct larg small magellan clouds band milki way galaxi cross horizon behind dome 8meter gemini south telescope taurid meteor firebal like pebbl size debri left comet encke next week leonid meteor shower peak although need seen glare nearli full moon robert nemiroff collabor astronomi pictur day night sky live,taurid meteor firebal,2005-11-15,692,106,0.2428977272727273,11-15,11,2005,15,6,2,1 00589824b1dbfc1f2245433014ed01d51c13f964ddb9e183992336a54e8782c8,isasjaxa,what unusu look spot asteroid itokawa shadow robot spacecraft hayabusa took image japan hayabusa mission arriv asteroid earli septemb imag maneuv around float space mountain ever since pictur taken earlier month asteroid itokawa span 300 meters one scientif goal hayabusa mission determin much ice rock trace element resid asteroid surface give indic asteroid planet form earli solar system robot minerva schedul hop around asteroid surfac not far hoped later month hayabusa schedul descend asteroid itokawa collect surfac sampl return capsule december hayabusa fire rocket toward earth drop return capsul earth australian outback 2007 june,shadow asteroid itokawa,2005-11-16,640,94,0.03,11-16,11,2005,16,8,2,2 0217e0a2a90fb29ab64d3b9f289c65ec4427859b97be7603b41301d704ac877f,none,star cluster ngc 346 embed largest star form region small magellan cloud 210000 lightyear distant massiv star ngc 346 short lived energetic wind radiat sweep interstellar cavern ga dust cloud 200 lightyear across trigger star format sculpt region dens inner edge catalog n66 star form region also appear contain larg popul infant stars mere 3 5 million year old yet burn hydrogen cores infant star strewn embed star cluster falsecolor hubbl space telescop image visibl nearinfrar light seen blue green light atom hydrogen emiss red,young star ngc 346,2005-11-17,531,85,0.0291666666666666,11-17,11,2005,17,4,0,5 6e9954e269a5fd24883e54be10462db70a92fc53ac15b9e79fae133b08ce957d,noel carboni,mostli harmless denizen planet earth brighter star open cluster ngc 2169 seem form cosmic expect course improb numer aster appear sole chanc lie estim distanc 3600 lightyear toward constel orion far galact open star cluster go ngc 2169 small one span 7 lightyears form time cloud dust gas star ngc 2169 8 million year old cluster expect dispers time encount stars interstellar clouds experi gravit tide travel galaxy four billion year ago sun like form similar open cluster stars,37 cluster,2005-11-18,479,79,-0.0062499999999999,11-18,11,2005,18,6,0,3 743d29028041b84567a11f862505f22cbe145f99e145a465f0c64a71cadb79d5,none,ngc 2359 strike emiss nebula impress popular name thor helmet sure suggest wing appear might lead refer duck nebula nebula name would choose name ngc 2359 bubblelik nebula 30 lightyear across blown energet wind extrem hot star seen near center classifi wolfrayet star wolfrayet star rare massiv blue giant develop stellar wind speed million kilomet per hour interact nearbi larg molecular cloud thought contribut nebula complex shape curv bowshock structures ngc 2359 15000 lightyear distant toward constel cani major,ngc 2359 thor helmet,2005-11-19,518,79,0.1302083333333333,11-19,11,2005,19,4,1,5 6f1bb3c123209bf3b0556857ddde19aff9949e751ff67ee1d19323a269b02ce2,lyndon anderson prairi journal,aurora bit surprise starters friday morn august 2002 intens auror activ expect all possibl surprising however aurora appear show usual structur green ray locations image captur north dakota usa picket fenc green ray stretch toward horizon mirror green ray red band somewhat rare right light citi bismarck mandan visibl near horizon larg sunspot group indic activ activ sun rel likely possibl caus stream energet particl cascad onto earth caus auroras,ray unexpect aurora,2005-11-20,450,70,0.085064935064935,11-20,11,2005,20,8,0,1 8c7bd26f85fbec8dd31749cce7675db46eeb37cfe2857061ce1bfa43f4a60dd1,isasjaxa,crater asteroid itokawa one knows japanes robot probe hayabusa recent approach earthcross asteroid return pictur show surfac unlik solar system bodi yet photograph surfac possibl devoid craters one possibl lack common circular indent asteroid itokawa rubbl pile bunch rock ice chunk loos held togeth small amount gravity so crater might fill whenev asteroid get jiggl pass planet earth case alternatively surfac particl may becom electr charg sun micrograv field move fill craters weekend hayabusa lower surfac strang asteroid effort studi unusu bodi collect surfac sampl could return earth 2007,miss crater asteroid itokawa,2005-11-21,598,89,-0.1625,11-21,11,2005,21,5,0,2 978ec2e47b6ed4eadd7cf06b9d9d5dcaff8fb2460b49468f6c3c3746402297d5,jeancharl cuillandr,guitar cluster galaxies colliding cluster galaxi sometim pack tight galaxi compos collide promin exampl occur left imag rich cluster galaxi abel least two galaxies catalog arp 105 dub guitar familiar appearance pull apart gravitationally abel hundr galaxi ellipt galaxies although spiral lenticular irregular galaxi clearli evident mani spot imag fulli galaxi contain billion stars spot foreground star milki way galaxy recent observ abel 1185 found unusu globular cluster star appear belong galaxi cluster individu galaxy abel 1185 span one million light year lie 400 million light year distant,galact collis cluster abel,2005-11-22,595,88,0.1221428571428571,11-22,11,2005,22,7,2,3 b6b78882176ad76f317c3811547d9940e4632d77ab08d10ae63064c6a9616d53,none,saturn small moon pandora look like help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn pass 50000 kilomet unusu moon earli september highest resolut imag pandora ever taken captur shown repres colors featur small 300 meter discern 80kilomet wide pandora crater pandora appear cover sort material provid smooth appear spongelik hyperion anoth small moon saturn curiou groov ridg also appear cross surfac small moon pandora partli interest because along companion moon prometheus help shepherd particl saturn f ring distinct ring,shepherd moon saturn,2005-11-23,528,79,-0.0499999999999999,11-23,11,2005,23,0,0,2 7ca02ce08a328b8dc94580accacffc98152f74a518d10df41b0c2c370d3df9eb,none,dusti ngc 1333 seen reflect nebula visibl light images sport bluish hue characterist starlight reflect dust longer infrar wavelengths interstellar dust glow shown red falsecolor spitzer space telescop image penetr infrar view also show youth star would otherwis still obscur dusti cloud form them notably greenish streak splotch seem litter region trace glow cosmic jet blast away emerg young stellar object jet plow cold cloud material all chaotic scene like resembl one sun form 45 billion year ago ngc 1333 mere 1000 lightyear distant constel perseus,dusti ngc 1333,2005-11-24,554,86,0.00625,11-24,11,2005,24,4,0,5 be553ccf8dab37128ef4cd04b8784ad77a7bacb335ba6c265c343d582a8f1246,jame institut,last week nearli full moon set along northern horizon seen davi station antarctica squash orang shape silhouett peak distant iceberg stun view moon appar squash shape due atmospher bend light refract effect sever closer horizon skim low along stark featur frozen landscape moon lower edg appear notic distort upper limb along 70 other present davi station dr jim chanc enjoy view studi ongo larg iceberg known,moon antarctica,2005-11-25,411,66,0.0545454545454545,11-25,11,2005,25,2,0,1 28ef13ec85a5d4c381823773c47e37a89f4c951bfff0dfbaa7dc322ad238211f,greg piepol,stereo view closest star creativ composit imag construct extens archiv pictur taken march 2004 april 2005 view redblu glasses sun disk surfac features includ sunspots filaments prominences stand exagger stereo perspective imag record narrow band hydrogenalpha filter design transmit light hydrogen atom solar atmosphere combin solar hydrogenalpha images 3d star field ad final anaglyph stereo view,stereo sun,2005-11-26,397,56,0.0666666666666666,11-26,11,2005,26,1,0,4 df386f2b9a6a3ed971dda58121bb3238db4cc4b2edea617c9f6fbd78da8e2254,none,caus outburst v838 mon reason unknown star v838 mon outer surfac suddenli greatli expand result becam brightest star entir milki way galaxi januari 2002 then suddenly faded stellar flash like never seen supernova nova expel matter space although v838 mon flash appear expel materi space seen imag hubbl space telescop actual outwardli move light echo bright flash light echo light flash reflect success distant ring complex array ambient interstellar dust alreadi surround star v838 mon lie 20000 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros light echo span six light year diameter,light echo v838 mon,2005-11-27,586,91,0.2249999999999999,11-27,11,2005,27,6,1,5 6e87155d9be01ee3669fa5b0042ff940703596dd4751c1f05cf509b5af753102,none,geolog histori mars help find out robot spirit rover explor terrain way top husband hill took pictur along way earthbound team member later combin imag one camera color anoth creat vista near top rug hill mani rock face imag probe along way imag captur high distant mar insid gusev crater also refrigerators spirit rover similar vistas visibl technolog includ wide array energyabsorb solar panels sundial circular high gain commun antenna,vista insid gusev crater mar,2005-11-28,438,70,0.1355555555555555,11-28,11,2005,28,5,1,2 94df8e457d6f6926566a4c80f913bc0d761baced8c082bac6267ac809ec31017,none,easi get lost follow intric filament detail imag faint supernova remnant simei 147 seen toward constel tauru cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moons sky correspond width 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears imag color composit 66 blue red color band imag nation geograph palomar observatori sky survey taken wide field samuel oschin 48inch telescope area sky shown cover 70 time area full moon supernova remnant appar age 100000 year mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 100000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,simei 147 supernova remnant palomar,2005-11-29,632,100,0.0413461538461538,11-29,11,2005,29,6,2,5 7e64911a2f3ce2cd95a5f34c635be7eecae186326ce7bc2e18b2d02f4c638cd4,daniel verschatseantilhu observatory,sculpt stellar wind radiation magnific interstellar dust cloud chanc assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula 1500 lightyear distant embed vast orion cloud complex five lightyear tall dark cloud catalog barnard 33 visibl obscur dust silhouet glow red emiss nebula ic 434 contrast blue reflect nebula ngc 2023 visibl lower left gorgeou color image horsehead ngc 2023 seem caught beam light shine beam actual intern reflect bright star sigma orionis upper edg view,reflect horsehead nebula,2005-11-30,475,73,0.0666666666666666,11-30,11,2005,30,4,0,5 6af01a86f2ebbae230f55c0a0ea2070633b10e18a331b8149394fcf4e1e4a75e,none,launch ten year ago week soho the solar heliospher observatory still enjoy uninterrupt view sun twelv instrument board spacecraft explor sun intern structure extens solar atmospher solar wind discov 1000 comet remark orbit around point 15 million kilomet directli sunward planet earth itself location known lagrang point gravit influenc earth sun equal scientif instrument team distribut around world soho oper center locat nasa goddard space flight center greenbelt mission oper plan march 2007 allow studi complet 11year solar cycle contribut soho instrument repres color montag image happi tenth anniversari,soho view sun,2005-12-01,610,89,0.04,12-01,12,2005,1,1,2,2 4f04fc8b82a0b3c9285ceebe0cc38469882fec5264d6761ada4a75abfc4b9d8e,none,crab nebula catalog m1 first object charl messier famou list thing comets fact cosmic crab known supernova remnant expand cloud debri death explos massiv star light stellar catastroph first wit astronom planet earth year 1054 compos 24 exposur taken octob 1999 januari 2000 decemb 2000 hubbl space telescop mosaic span twelv light years color intric filament trace light emit atom hydrogen oxygen sulfur debri cloud spooki blue interior glow emit highenergi electron acceler crab central pulsar one exot object known modern astronomers pulsar neutron star spin remnant collaps stellar core crab nebula lie 6500 lightyear away constel taurus,crab nebula mosaic,2005-12-02,640,98,0.24,12-02,12,2005,2,4,2,5 f9aa0291a859c88c104550bf3dc1cf13fed1c5a82ab4545b2f8e259c5bf5a239,none,fifteen year ago decemb 1990 space shuttl orbit columbia carri array astronom telescop high earth obscur atmospher explor univers ultraviolet xray wavelengths telescopes known acronym uit hut wuppe bbxrt seen columbia payload bay spectacular view constel orion ultraviolet telescop mount common structur hut visibl view along star tracker the silver cone left taken nighttim portion shuttle 90 minut orbit pictur show telescop structur illumin moonlight,astro 1 orbit,2005-12-03,454,65,0.115,12-03,12,2005,3,8,1,2 b0e662021972a7cfc5888c22d4aa6feb3cbe411114602c7475780bf86288783d,david malin,closest star sun proxima centauri nearest member alpha centauri tripl star system light take 422 year reach us proxima centauri small red star captur center image faint discov 1915 visibl telescope star type milki way galaxi visibl background brightest star alpha centauri system quit similar sun known long record history third brightest star night sky alpha centauri system primarili visibl earth southern hemisphere,proxima centauri closest star,2005-12-04,418,63,-0.0555555555555555,12-04,12,2005,4,6,0,3 0c79036975c9dac703379a7a4c2d303a79bfb4ef760cb3b625e0911349a0c57a,none,fountain ice shoot saturn moon enceladus clear discoveri imag fountain made use observ robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn recent pass cassini program look back toward sun enceladu would appear thin crescent vantag point particl emit surfac would better show reflect sunlight success frame show sever plume eman region previous known contain gash surfac dub tiger stripes cassini detect increas particl emiss region juli flyby ice particl like contribut make saturn mysteri e ring,fountain discov saturn enceladu,2005-12-05,491,74,0.0416666666666666,12-05,12,2005,5,0,0,2 a986ce4c7299f1cdc707768a4cbcafaa2cd0e27cd300783233ea051662edcc68,vision kevin m,find favorit european city digit fantasi europ night digit composit archiv satellit imag taken day night imag differ astronaut would see reason includ complet lack cloud unrealist exagger light contrasts even so geographi underli imag nighttim light pattern accumul usaf defens meteorolog satellit program dmsp oper linescan system,europ night,2005-12-07,331,48,0.2666666666666666,12-07,12,2005,7,8,1,1 6d8a0d7037ea7e45bf30157cf267186ffe5c05847b1704f34b18fe937ae100ee,none,perseu cluster thousand galaxies 250 million lightyear distant one massiv object univers brightest galaxi cluster xray sky core lie giant cannib galaxi perseu ngc 1275 accret matter ga galaxi fall it deep chandra observatori xray imag span 300000 lightyear across galaxi cluster core show remark detail xray emiss monster galaxi surround hot 3070 million degre c cluster gas bright central sourc supermass black hole core perseu itself low densiti region seen dark bubbl believ gener cyclic outburst activ central black hole activ creat pressur wave sound wave cosmic rippl xray hot gas dramatically bluegreen wisp centr falsecolor view like xray shadow remain small galaxi fall burgeon perseu a,xray perseu cluster core,2005-12-08,696,108,0.0547619047619047,12-08,12,2005,8,7,2,3 7d2e4666f07d9eddfb8fe5d99250c4db37e98d84d62bfd77d4f48138836fa6d0,dan skies,outdoor near sunset probabl notic venu low west brilliant even star sometim mistaken tower light near horizon venu third brightest celesti beacon sun moon planet earth sky distinct particularli easi appreci peac scene featur crescent moon venus sunset color captur decemb 4th near albany missouri usa season even star venu brilliant tonight decemb progress bright planet begin fall western sky earli next week december moon move meet anoth bright planet overhead mars,decemb moon meet even star,2005-12-09,468,72,0.3230769230769231,12-09,12,2005,9,2,1,1 3be4cf79359d96521594f1d557165da4371232d29bae3ba87def67b48b0c2030,none,1865 jule vern predict invent space capsul could carri people scienc fiction stori from earth moon outlin vision cannon florida power could shoot carri three adventur moon 100 year later nasa guid wernher von braun vision produc saturn v rocket spaceport florida rocket turn verne fiction fact launch 9 apollo lunar mission allow 12 astronaut walk moon spotlight play rocket launch pad dusk last moon shot apollo 17 pictur await decemb 1972 night launch,last moon shot,2005-12-10,453,74,0.0,12-10,12,2005,10,2,0,2 51802268e118acf1972872049cc050fe215d2414f953fe6565ba6ab8bfe0c713,none,center starform region 30 doradu lie huge cluster largest hottest massiv star known stars known star cluster r136 part surround nebula captur gorgeou visiblelight imag hubbl space telescope ga dust cloud 30 doradus also known tarantula nebula sculpt elong shape power wind ultraviolet radiat hot cluster stars 30 doradu nebula lie within neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud locat mere 170000 lightyear away,massiv star 30 doradu,2005-12-11,406,62,0.0125,12-11,12,2005,11,4,0,5 3f58110c98c9857b966371cbd69b543269fc9bd9497d3653193a4e7541e520fd,s,tarantula nebula 1000 lightyear across giant emiss nebula within neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud insid cosmic arachnid lie central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 whose intens radiat strong wind help energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments impress color mosaic imag curti schmidt telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatori ctio chile young star cluster seen still within nebula grasp also notabl among denizen tarantula zone sever dark clouds sprawl wispi filament gas compact emiss nebula nearli spheric supernova remnants area surround hot star known rich mosaic field view cover area sky size full moon southern constel dorado,30 doradus tarantula zone,2005-12-12,650,96,0.1458333333333333,12-12,12,2005,12,4,2,5 d3db726eed10467ed94c6d106bb6f9b46b7423a00e93fc4278abdd3bf964b654,none,surfac saturn moon rhea look like help find out robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn direct fli right past second largest moon ga giant planet late last month pictur imag taken 620 kilomet rhea ici surface span 90 kilometers rim old crater cross middl image mani smaller younger crater scatter throughout linear depress possibl tecton fault visibl toward right cross like loos materi compos rhea surfac regolith origin mani featur rhea current unexplain researched,kilomet rhea,2005-12-13,475,74,0.009672619047619,12-13,12,2005,13,0,0,2 79be02e067fd92382e6dce2e8bf3f2bee1eaf4ecbe8ce74dd85777e77171b048,none,could see one robot rover current roll across mars would look like gain perspect use plan explorations synthet imag produc digitally above digit model opportun rover ad real imag insid endur crater mar taken earlier opportun itself size sixwheel robot scale size track opportun rover actual created actuality opportun spirit rover current roll across mar span two meter similar size larg roll also visibl imag dark soil ancient light rock numer small gray pellet known blueberries,digit opportun rover mar,2005-12-14,480,76,0.02,12-14,12,2005,14,5,0,2 d9ba319ba55e742d6eba9e4c26a7d1256db031aaa803c3237c528365a676c172,russel,near northernmost declination tonight full moon special one arc high northern hemispher skies full moon occur calendar date anoth 19 years period known lunar meton cycle septemb lunar phase date notabl too mark return gibbou moon rise high sierra mountains scene captur ansel adams famou photograph autumn moon glacier point yosemit nation park earlier year texa state univers physicist donald olson russel student abl pinpoint locat formerli date origin ansel photo taken septemb 15 1948 astronom detect work predict lunar align wax gibbou phase would repeat thursday septemb 15 2005 exactli three meton cycl later day 300 photograph gather glacier point record ansel adams autumn moon,autumn moon,2005-12-15,687,106,0.1846428571428571,12-15,12,2005,15,2,2,1 d0e5d0635ff99dc83916af401ff17aa2cb6fc603748e144a546b07ef368f7a40,none,scroll right gaze dusti plane milki way galaxi infrar light cosmic panorama courtesi galact legaci infrar survey project spitzer space telescope galact plane run middl falsecolor view span nine degre about 18 full moons across southern constel norma spitzer infrar camera see much galaxy obscur dust reveal mani new star cluster well star form region bright white hot interstellar hydrogen ga pervas red cloud emiss dust organ molecules pock hole bubbl blown energet outflow massiv stars intens dark patch region dust dens even spitzer infrar vision,glimps milki way,2005-12-16,549,86,0.1974616292798111,12-16,12,2005,16,6,1,5 2ecadec754a11fc32e119e08f66259f46421a5c27c49a270e826b66fca58534a,none,decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour moon tauruslittrow valley colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead near begin third final excurs across lunar surface schmitt took pictur cernan flank american flag lunar rover umbrellashap highgain antenna promin sculptur hill lie background reflect made helmet apollo 17 crew return 110 kilogram rock soil samples lunar land sites cernan schmitt still last walk moon,apollo 17 last moon,2005-12-17,439,66,0.0,12-17,12,2005,17,2,0,2 008b17bfb03ba2dcbaef8a0b0dc45eda31de1e8bfc77ce7a0e9f6adf0a9f6ea4,none,m83 one closest brightest spiral galaxi sky visibl binocular constel hydra majest spiral arm prompt nicknam southern pinwheel although discov 250 year ago much later appreci m83 nearbi ga cloud bar spiral galaxi much like milki way galaxy m83 pictur photograph larg telescope promin member group galaxi includ centauru ngc 5253 lie 15 million light year distant sever bright supernova explos record m83 intrigu doubl circumnuclear ring discov center m83,m83 southern pinwheel galaxi vlt,2005-12-18,453,70,0.1571428571428571,12-18,12,2005,18,7,1,3 bd6f6e641e0db53ee39d66370aff1d2f98563a92d144e8d84cd459adf38c34a2,none,thin ring saturn bright measur differ angl shown saturn ring one kilomet thick make mani time thinner rel proportion razor blade thin sometim appear dramat fashion imag taken nearli along ring plane robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn captur anoth shot dramat highlight ring thinness artist look imag taken earli last month infrar polar light alon space unlit part saturn would much darker reflect light moon like enceladu pictured billion small particl saturn rings however give giant space orb unusu glow effect highlight polar light,thin ring around polar saturn,2005-12-19,537,84,0.0448717948717948,12-19,12,2005,19,0,0,1 2e9c9a7a95c7aef1894e26671d2a435cc51b43657530b1a083d19a3125ee9116,peter michaud,road stars possibl many physic road pictur lead top dormant volcano premier spot planet earth observ star astronom phenomena top hawaii mauna kea largest optic telescop earth includ keck telescopes gemini subaru cfht together 10meter eye made mani discoveries includ detail univers made familiar matter mysteri dark matter dark energy pictur compil 150 oneminut exposur digit camera time rotat earth made star far distanc appear long star trails foreground landscap illumin moon,star trail mauna kea,2005-12-20,478,72,0.203125,12-20,12,2005,20,8,1,4 f249a522a304577c44364074b9e9531144326184ad5b6391ba2d0a13ed0b7f8b,anthoni ayiomam,sun alway rise direction no season change direct toward rise sun change too sun alway rise set furthest south day winter solstice furthest north summer solstice today winter solstice day least sunlight northern hemispher sunlight southern hemisphere mani countries winter solstic bring chang season first day winter north solar heat store energi earth surfac atmospher near lowest winter make usual coldest month year brighter side north daylight hour increas everi day june pictur differ direct rise sun throughout year small town greece,sunris season,2005-12-21,538,82,-0.0312499999999999,12-21,12,2005,21,1,0,1 28846cad03e4f1a2e3930ac8812b5f3abe47bfe4ef8e3a778f8811ca5f5bcef7,robert gendler,distant object easili visibl unaid eye m31 great andromeda galaxi two million lightyear away without telescope even immens spiral galaxi span 200000 light year appear faint nebul cloud constel andromeda contrast bright yellow nucleus dark wind dust lanes gorgeou blue spiral arm star cluster record stun telescop digit mosaic cumul exposur 90 hours even casual skygaz inspir knowledg mani distant galaxi like m31 astronom serious debat fundament concept 80 year ago spiral nebulae simpli outli compon milki way galaxi instead island universes distant system star compar milki way itself question central famou shapleycurti debat 1920 later resolv observ m31 favor andromeda island universe,andromeda island univers,2005-12-22,692,103,0.0083333333333333,12-22,12,2005,22,7,2,3 757806725946697f3e7841dddd677036cfec36745bd33cfe53bcce42c388222f,none,edg larg molecular cloud monoceros 3000 light year away dark filament dust silhouet lumin hydrogen gas close view rosett nebula dramat suggest star format go process region dark filament sculpt wind radiat hot young stars ultraviolet radiat young star also strip electron surround hydrogen atoms electron atom recombin emit longer wavelength lower energi light well known characterist pattern bright spectral lines visibl wavelengths strongest emiss line pattern red part spectrum known hydrogenalpha halpha part iphas survey halpha emiss milki way galaxy imag span 25 lightyears,hydrogen dust rosett nebula,2005-12-23,579,85,0.1833333333333333,12-23,12,2005,23,4,1,5 1c1e0b0c3e43b49674df69c715bc423b9c0ac88c1ba2eeb405827f4e5e85ae2d,none,decemb 1968 apollo 8 crew flew earth moon back again frank borman jame lovell william ander launch atop saturn v rocket decemb 21 circl moon ten time command module return earth decemb 27 apollo 8 mission impress list first includes first human journey earth moon first man flight use saturn v first photograph earth deep space apollo 8 command modul round farsid moon crew could look toward lunar horizon see earth appear rise due spacecraft orbit motion famou pictur resulted distant blue earth moon limb marvel gift world,earthris,2005-12-24,524,88,0.0479166666666666,12-24,12,2005,24,2,0,2 18f8a1929c42eadbbded265bbb2a0d6ef40cc1daee8364b9f89d59b3c2c79f32,r jay gabani cosmotographycom,sometim simplest shape hardest explain example origin mysteri coneshap region seen far left remain mystery interstellar formation dub cone nebula locat 2700 light year away featur imag includ red emiss diffus interstellar hydrogen wispi filament dark dust bright star monocerotis visibl far right blue reflect nebula surround brighter stars dark cone nebula region clearli contain much dust block light emiss nebula open cluster ngc 2264 behind it one hypothesi hold cone nebula form wind particl energet sourc blow past bok globul head cone,mysteri cone nebula,2005-12-25,541,83,0.0823809523809524,12-25,12,2005,25,4,0,5 fd718278fb0096fadf98ffe31b984b11188d0dc031655735375f1743bc3bb330,none,huge puff ball star one thousand year ago year 1006 new star record sky today know realli exist star exploding result expand ga supernova still visibl telescop today continu expand span 70 light years sn 1006 glow everi type light imag sn 1006 captur orbit chandra observatori xray light even today everyth sn 1006 understood exampl particl shock produc bright blue filament visibl locations sn 1006 thought white dwarf explod ga dump onto binari star companion caus go chandrasekhar limit foreground star visibl noth supernova,sn 1006 supernova remnant xray,2005-12-26,527,85,0.3045454545454545,12-26,12,2005,26,6,1,3 dddd41f4b41b90301a618ce7d9eb397b2ebb5171efc2c2709a2e3d774f7fc184,bernhard hubl,double doubl toil trouble fire burn cauldron bubbl mayb macbeth consult witch head nebula suggest shape reflect nebula associ bright star rigel constel orion formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula glow primarili light reflect rigel locat outsid top right corner image fine dust nebula reflect light blue color caus rigel blue color dust grain reflect blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen nebula lie 1000 lightyear away,ic 2118 witch head nebula,2005-12-27,510,80,0.207312925170068,12-27,12,2005,27,4,1,5 1e3a07459612e9aba8f0f79dd2311b2a5fdabcdf487bd4e40d1a28291fd094c8,isasjaxa,part asteroid surfac smooth one yet sure may dynam asteroid loos pile rubbl rather solid rock unusu asteroid current visit japanes spacecraft hayabusa document unusu structur mysteri lack craters last month hayabusa actual touch one smooth patches dub muse sea collect soil sampl eventu return earth analysis unfortunately robot hayabusa craft experienc commun problem departur earth delay 2007 comput simul show 500meter asteroid itokawa may impact earth within next million years,smooth section asteroid itokawa,2005-12-28,481,71,0.0888888888888888,12-28,12,2005,28,8,0,2 fa1450418283dee825cfd09a721ce5badaf520def9f747f5f531eeec7a93ecf3,jeancharl cuillandr,like delic cosmic petals cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers still beauti digit imag show iri nebula rang color symmetri impress detail within iris dusti nebular materi surround massive hot young star form years central filament cosmic dust glow reddish photoluminesc dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light yet domin color nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight dark obscur cloud dust cold molecular ga also present lead eye see convolut fantast shapes infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs shown here iri nebula 6 lightyear across,iri nebula cfht,2005-12-29,746,115,-0.0272727272727272,12-29,12,2005,29,4,2,5 e33915ed4771cf059118bc56280e0edd7dd6b46056e017893e4143845a51f43d,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,one largest object anyon ever see sky fuzzi blob galaxy togeth make perseu cluster one closest cluster galaxies cluster seen foreground faint star milki way galaxy near cluster center roughli 250 million lightyear away cluster domin galaxi ngc 1275 seen left pictur center prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter ga galaxi fall it perseu cluster galaxi part piscesperseu superclust span 15 degre contain 1000 galaxies distanc ngc 1275 view cover 15 million lightyears,perseu cluster galaxi,2005-12-30,484,76,-0.12,12-30,12,2005,30,7,0,3 fda703bdeb6657048f16d1f65f7bfb06aa055153a76efaf172f3fcc429ef0723,none,arriv saturn juli 2004 cassini spacecraft spent year half explor magnific ring moon distant ga giant year 2005 began cassini huygen probe land saturn larg moon titan cassini continu seri close flybi also reveal detail discoveri across surfac smog shroud moon fact ringsid seat throughout 2005 cassini camera made spectacular pictur titan along saturn moon ring almost common place saturn provid dramat view saturn moon dion lie front edgeon ring ga giant cloud top drape broad ring shadows dion kilomet across lie 300000 kilomet ring edge,year saturn,2005-12-31,538,86,0.0550925925925925,12-31,12,2005,31,0,0,2 03b63772757464403fc45195df75453c0998cc65bcf6af52a16f2cbb016048a9,none,there faint dot center that largest rock known solar system larger everi known asteroid moon comet nucleus larger local rocki planet nobodi know sure size rock lie core jovian planets orbit stars use largest rock type known earlier last year voyag 1 spacecraft took pictur giant space rock 1990 outer solar system rock larg graviti make nearli spherical hold heavi gase near surface today rock start anoth orbit around parent star roughli 5 billionth time spin 350 time trip happi gregorian calendar new year human inhabit rock call earth,largest rock solar system,2006-01-01,539,89,0.0113636363636363,01-01,1,2006,1,8,0,2 0156f6e979dabc6c8f72ca4ba58f0076835f53418cc8794904d6647774bd0315,luci,ever seen sun pillar air cold sun rise setting fall ice crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light ice sometim form flat sixsid shape crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground sunlight reflect crystal properli aligned creat sunpillar effect pictur taken late last month sunpillar reflect light sun set maine usa,sun pillar main,2006-01-02,371,59,0.00625,01-02,1,2006,2,1,0,1 47f6121f3af1873868f0dc3906955191e5d03401d337c04e3d347cf5e883d6d4,none,vast section iapetu dark one know sure iapetus third largest moon saturn inspect saturnorbit robot cassini spacecraft swoop past enigmat world late last year dark materi cover surfac visibl image small portion near top appear almost white color reflect typic saturn moons unknown materi cover half 1500 kilomet wide moon materi dark reflect less five percent sunlight yet overlay crater indic spread crater formed iapetu unexplain features bright part iapetu cover unexplain long thin streaks orbit iapetu also unusual tilt plane saturn orbit unusu high fifteen degrees strang ridg 13 kilomet high cross much iapetu near equat visibl near bottom oddly ridg almost exactli parallel iapetus equator exact shape iapetu remain imag indic quit strang someth like walnut research format histori mysteri iapetu activ ongoing,dark terrain saturn iapetu,2006-01-03,818,125,0.019,01-03,1,2006,3,0,2,4 fbda6107f54cc2bcdaca765a807633c75a266dd18a27ca99ee451c5bde2b8e24,rob ratkowski,fade sunlight young crescent moon brilliant venu share western sky view final sunset top mount haleakala maui hawaii also known sacr hous sun haleakala maui dormant volcano 10000 feet summit ideal site astronom observatories scene also featur silhouett northern hemispher faulk telescope particular interest student faulk telescop 2meter diamet instrument dedic astronomi remot oper internet project joint effort faulk trust univers hawaii institut astronomy cours haleakala new would,,2006-01-04,484,68,0.3378787878787878,01-04,1,2006,4,8,1,2 a84bed734a2e80345ecfcc8c611afe1563721aeecc344270f35b8737e8b08cd6,none,accord earthbas calendar spirit rover spent first day 2006 gather data complet panoram view gusev crater mars day correspond spirit martian day sol red planet scroll right view span 160 degrees look slope across rippl sand deposit dark field dub el spirit rover travel hill direct reach summit husband hill month spirit opportun rover celebr two year mar exploration remark achiev consid origin 90 day time spirit travel 35 mile opportun 4 mile across martian surface,new year mar panorama,2006-01-05,467,76,0.0642857142857142,01-05,1,2006,5,5,0,2 66fd070d439f8dc1b8a5d22220c7025cdb9b486918f841744da42c2d9b15732b,brad moor,first catalog star 30 doradu actual immens star form region nearbi galaxi larg magellan cloud region spideri appear respons popular name tarantula nebula except tarantula 1000 lightyear across 180000 lightyear away southern constel dorado tarantula nebula distanc orion nebula 1500 lightyears nearest stellar nurseri earth would appear cover 30 degre sky 60 full moons spindli arm tarantula nebula surround ngc 2070 cluster contain intrins brightest massiv star known intrigu detail nebula core seen remark skyscape composit 31 hour exposur time cosmic tarantula also lie near site closest recent supernova,tarantula nebula,2006-01-06,606,89,0.19375,01-06,1,2006,6,4,1,5 f6e9b0130ad5a5b720c44af24cf785ddacf73bd6daf363ff3e975aca74a76deb,none,awkward angular looking apollo 17 lunar modul challeng design flight vacuum space pictur command modul america show challenger ascent stage lunar orbit small reaction control thruster side moonship bell ascent rocket engin underneath hatch allow access lunar surfac seen front round radar antenna top mission command gene cernan visibl dark triangular window spaceship perform gracefully land moon return apollo astronaut orbit command modul decemb 1972 challeng now descent stage remain apollo 17 land site tauruslittrow ascent stage intent crash nearbi jettison command modul prior astronauts return planet earth apollo 17 mission sixth last time astronaut land moon,apollo 17 moonship,2006-01-07,668,97,-0.0885416666666666,01-07,1,2006,7,2,2,2 1a89f1a0065557320dcf2f1c0a970a99114b5b166769c69c36a19bfbdb817dbd,wah,venu goe phases like moon venu appear full disk thin crescent venus frequent brightest object postsunset presunris sky appear small however usual requir binocular small telescop clearli see current phase timelaps sequence however taken cours mani month show venu chang phase appar angular size also changes middl neg image venu new phase phase occur rare partial eclips sun 2004,phase venu,2006-01-10,378,59,-0.0363636363636363,01-10,1,2006,10,8,0,1 420fa3f322cf2e24663c9881dec71ba2722e9877fd80cfb8d82f2b78da0878be,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,closeup view show portion otherwis faint emiss nebula ic 410 strike falsecolors also show two remark denizen glow ga cloud right ic 410 pictur composit imag taken narrow band filter intend trace atom nebula emiss sulfur atom shown red hydrogen atom green oxygen blue partli obscur foreground dust nebula surround ngc 1893 young galact cluster star energ glow gas compos denser cooler ga dust tadpol around 10 lightyear long sculpt wind radiat cluster stars tail trail away cluster central region ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away toward constel auriga distance imag span 70 lightyears,tadpol ic 410,2006-01-11,583,94,-0.0626984126984127,01-11,1,2006,11,4,0,5 444f781791ca1458aa92b6659b4f6f45fc5d4c5c390772372280684404513182,none,six hundr light year earth constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix nebula ngc 7293 well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution emiss infrar spitzer space telescop imag helix come mostli nebula molecular hydrogen gas ga appear clumpy form thousand cometshap knot span twice size solar system energet radiat seen come head redder emiss tails suggest shield central star wind intens ultraviolet radiation nebula 25 lightyear across sun expect go planetari nebula phase anoth 5 billion years,infrar helix,2006-01-12,549,84,0.13,01-12,1,2006,12,4,1,5 f7512d51aeb03cf4a8d99a8e3579175f9f91f1d3654bb3e7b92ad892f3f283d5,none,novemb 17 1970 soviet luna 17 spacecraft land first rove remotecontrol robot moon known lunokhod 1 weigh 2000 pound design oper 90 day guid realtim five person team deep space center near moscow ussr planet earth futurist look eight wheeler rode top descent modul extend ramp side offer altern rout surfac case one side block boulders lunokhod 1 tour lunar mare imbrium sea rains 11 month one greatest success soviet lunar explor program lunokhod oper offici ceas octob 4 1971 14 year launch sputnik,lunokhod moon robot,2006-01-14,499,84,0.2928571428571428,01-14,1,2006,14,2,1,2 4f737082691ba566d023e493b4a431ef710d0332900420c829c5f7296348980b,none,fli saucer outer space crashland utah desert yesterday track radar chase helicopt airplanes like last time space alien involved saucer stardust return capsule carri bit comet wild 2 captur two year ago rendezv stardust ancient comet capsul pictur enter temporari clean room utah part nasa johnson space center texas usa inset lower right artist depict capsul like look parachut land utah desert upper right insert show imag streak capsul taken yesterday dc8 chase plane bit comet wild 2 store stardust return capsul like older sun inspect next year clue earli year solar system you too help look dust grain stardust,stardust capsul return earth,2006-01-16,615,100,0.0867965367965367,01-16,1,2006,16,3,2,4 155b758edbeaf7a146efcf34f8d3d610d9619885d298ce2b5923c9ca591e0f1b,dan bushmissouri skies,kind cloud this roll cloud rare long cloud may form near advanc cold fronts particular downdraft advanc storm front caus moist warm air rise cool dew point form cloud happen uniformli along extend front roll cloud may form roll cloud may actual air circul along long horizont axi cloud roll cloud thought abl morph tornado unlik similar shelf cloud roll cloud complet detach parent cumulonimbu cloud pictur above roll cloud extend far distanc summer 2005 albany missouri usa,roll cloud,2006-01-17,474,78,0.1166666666666666,01-17,1,2006,17,8,1,1 b2249a0a47346ec19dc979b346a0572cedcf1274c3dd0d1087d97727ee030e2e,none,chance collis two galaxi creat surprisingli recogniz shape cosmic scale cartwheel galaxy cartwheel part group galaxi 400 million light year away constel sculptor two smaller galaxi group visibl left rim immens ringlik structur 100000 light year diameter compos star form region fill extrem bright massiv stars galaxi collid pass other individu star come contact however ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus smaller galaxi pass larg one compress interstellar ga dust caus star format wave move like rippl across surfac pond falsecolor composit imag cartwheel galaxi spacebas observatories chandra xray observatori data purple galaxi evolut explor ultraviolet view blue hubbl space telescop visibl light pictur green spitzer space telescop infrar imag red,cartwheel fortun,2006-01-18,758,111,0.1431818181818182,01-18,1,2006,18,7,2,4 316b1e45006f00c06aaae35e1d1bbe289d61fb70ad3e8b4b352935fdd1cae6ed,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula also known m42 nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away orion nebula offer one best opportun studi star born partli nearest larg starform region also nebula energet star blown away obscur ga dust cloud would otherwis block view provid intim look rang ongo stage starbirth evolution detail imag orion nebula sharpest ever construct use data hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey european southern observatory la silla 22 meter telescope mosaic contain billion pixel full resolut reveal 3000 stars appar size pictur larg full moon distanc m42 span thirteen lightyears,orion nebula hubbl view,2006-01-19,673,104,0.2928571428571428,01-19,1,2006,19,4,2,5 ff49a34d02efd142167dd71e5339145130ea295b9e3efd590821bc90cb6fdc75,none,esthet closeup cosmic cloud stellar wind featur orionis interact orion nebula flow adrift orion stellar nurseri still form years variabl star orioni produc wind energet wind middleag sun fast stellar wind run slow move ga shock front formed analog bow wave boat move water plane travel superson speed small arcing grace structur left center ori cosmic bow shock measur half lightyear across slower ga flow away orion nebula hot central star cluster trapezium locat upper left corner picture three dimensions ori wraparound shock front shape like bowl appear brightest view along bottom edge beauti pictur part larg mosaic view complex stellar nurseri orion fill myriad fluid shape associ star formation,ori orion nebula,2006-01-20,702,110,0.0208333333333333,01-20,1,2006,20,4,2,5 a8fd6b348e9cce7cbbece430a2caa6ca51fcd4b2d324a55cd6e451a261259f2e,none,novemb 1969 apollo 12 astronautphotograph charl pete conrad record masterpiec document colleagu alan bean lunar soil collect activ oceanu procellarum imag dramat stark harsh environ moon ocean storm echo bean helmet perfectli compos reflect conrad lunar horizon art work photojournalist origin intent record human condit planet earth lewi w hine imag new york citi earli 20th century margaret bourkewhite magazin photographi wide regard art similarli mani documentari astronomi space imag appreci artist esthet appeal,apollo 12 selfportrait,2006-01-21,517,74,-0.0606060606060606,01-21,1,2006,21,2,0,2 cfe308287e1ce7bcc5c8568b50e5dbff84a3c51b8c80f4878a26b86dd0c72181,none,bacteria could surviv anoth planet earth lab deinococcu radioduran d rad surviv extrem level radiation extrem temperatures dehydration exposur genotox chemicals amazingly even abil repair dna usual 48 hours known extremophile bacteria d rad interest nasa partli might adapt help human astronaut surviv worlds recent map d rad dna might allow biologist augment surviv skill abil produc medicine clean water oxygen alreadi genet engin help clean spill toxic mercury like one oldest surviv life forms d rad discov accid 1950 scientist investig food preserv techniqu could easili kill it pictur above deinococcu radioduran grow quietli dish,d rad bacteria candid astronaut,2006-01-22,636,96,0.1547619047619048,01-22,1,2006,22,8,2,4 5bc15550879322bd2e60e36fa6a9d6050b48af4c632e758bc204e36cd585b036,none,goe insid galaxy help find out astronom magellan cloud emiss line survey team imag neighbor lmc galaxi spectacular detail highlight specif color light emit glow gas mosaic 1500 imag larg magellan cloud lmc result click imag bring imag much greater detail color highlight mosaic light emit hydrogen red oxygen green sulfur yellow light individu star mosaic show busi violent place insid lmc realli is visibl imag mani small planetari nebula push low mass stars larg emiss nebula ambient interstellar ga set massiv stars huge gaseou supernova remnant cast massiv star exploding extend connect filament mostli connect supernova remnants lmc familiar sight unaid eye southern hemisphere span 15000 light year lie 180000 light year distant,lmc galaxi glow ga,2006-01-23,735,114,0.1485294117647058,01-23,1,2006,23,4,2,5 4d3da417ecb71b32f85f4d2d1cca8e143534d493150bb6e1bad65064bbd40d89,ben cooper,destination pluto new horizon spacecraft roar launch pad cape canaver florida usa last week toward adventur distant solar system craft one fastest spaceship ever launch humans pass moon nine hour launch track buzz jupit earli 2007 even travel 75000 kilomet per hour new horizon craft arriv pluto 2015 pluto remain planet never visit spacecraft photograph close pluto robot spaceship visit one kuiper belt object orbit sun even pluto pictured new horizon craft launch space atop power atla v rocket,new horizon launch pluto,2006-01-24,497,79,0.0618181818181818,01-24,1,2006,24,8,0,2 dfb5e8599f4596a0e62840d6881986f5452b0da9faa7eebc01e502b7bab1a778,none,find supernova 1987a hard occur center expand bullsey pattern although stellar deton first seen almost two decad ago light continu bounc clump interstellar dust reflect us today expand light echo record timelaps movi record four year blanco 4meter telescop chile first imag imag sn 1987a region next four imag creat subtract consecut images taken year apart leav differ images light echo seen move posit supernova team record light echo around supernova 1987a also found faint previous unnot light echo two lmc supernovas studi light echo enabl accur determin locat date two supernova explos first visibl hundr year ago,expand light echo sn 1987a,2006-01-25,620,98,0.1561111111111111,01-25,1,2006,25,6,2,4 248818c180cb544f1adb91bd0ad040c1a3b47faf67b50319db2fac0c5848a7ac,none,unusu martian rock form atyp twoton rock visibl lower right image photograph day ago robot spirit rover current roll across mars now environment process creat rock remain matter speculation find unusu rock unusu spirit twin rover opportunity however past two years example rover unexpectedli discov small gray pebbl dub blueberries rock middl nowher thought meteorite investig alien terrain found clear evid part mar wet past earthlaunch martian rover enter third spectacular year explor red planet,unusu rock mar,2006-01-26,498,75,-0.0103896103896103,01-26,1,2006,26,5,0,2 923b9b2f93087a53fb46855991f9d8b26103c05619fdd86ff8a4102524df467e,dauvergn,present opposit planet earth sky saturn well place telescop observations wednesday two amateur astronom took full advantag situat near paris france 12 inch diamet telescop web cam record sharp imag ring ga giant made excit discoveri new storm saturn storm appear white spot visibl saturn southern hemispher south toward top particular storm seem correspond outburst radio nois detect cassini spacecraft phenomenon like similar dragon storm record cassini instrument earli last year storm thought analog terrestri thunderstorm radio nois produc highvoltag lightn discharges,new storm saturn,2006-01-27,573,82,0.0675407925407925,01-27,1,2006,27,0,0,1 67a9487c55aaa0dad4f35dcbc3b9b230f43638186d1e50f61b45a8a59735d415,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,find saturn tonight sky also find m44 popularli known beehiv star cluster fact pair binocular casual skygaz find fairli easi zero celesti scene saturn opposit opposit sun earth sky so bright planet rise east sunset visibl throughout night near stationari part wander path heavens saturn obligingli linger vicin m44 rel faint constel cancer seen photograph januari 25 saturn lower right strongli overexpos star m44 swarm left pictur approxim correspond view look typic pair binoculars saturn 64 lightminut fair planet m44 one closest star clusters around 600 lightyear away,saturn hive,2006-01-28,574,88,0.1122448979591836,01-28,1,2006,28,0,2,5 9bb23781933d5f27c918f6205f1ec61f12790090e0165ee5679cacc4063b0873,none,sometim heaven earth erupt iceland 1991 volcano hekla erupt time aurora visibl overhead hekla one famou volcano world erupt least 20 time past millennium sometim caus great destruction last erupt occur six year ago caus minor damage green auror band occur fortuit 100 kilomet erupt lava earth solar system planet aurora volcanos,volcano aurora iceland,2006-01-29,328,52,0.0,01-29,1,2006,29,8,0,2 3d38a288ecc0bdc016b1d19bed908e7388c71837533a16da1d405fddcc103e2b,robert gendler,south larg starform region known orion nebula lie bright blue reflect nebula ngc 1999 nebula mark dark invert tshape lower left broad cosmic vista span 10 lightyears dark shape dens ga dust cloud bok globule seen silhouett bright nebula like site futur star formation edg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant ngc 1999 illumin provid embed variabl star v380 orionis region abound energet young star produc jet outflow creat lumin shock waves includ hh herbigharo 1 2 left ngc 1999 appar cascad reddish arc bow shock begin upper right stellar jet outflow push surround materi speed hundr kilomet per second,ngc 1999 south orion,2006-01-30,620,101,0.0932142857142857,01-30,1,2006,30,4,2,5 281c57b7f61d4d6211eb5e7ba0a440cb947bd1edcea1a6e5a7a19eeb0c4e0152,none,could stand titan might see one year ago robot huygen probe land enigmat moon saturn sent back first ever imag beneath titan thick cloud layers imag sent back artist impress huygen titan surfac foreground imag sit carsiz lander sent back imag 90 minut run batteri power parachut slow huygen reentri seen background attach lander strong strang light smooth stone possibl contain wateric visibl surround land analys huygen imag data show titan surfac today intrigu similar surfac earli earth,huygen titan illustr,2006-01-31,489,78,0.0883333333333333,01-31,1,2006,31,8,0,2 6dc9544b7c18762b33e41fe11036228e8f155950cf188f5b17682626c31cdcb8,tun tezel,venu airplane common ponder sky enthusiast decid bright spot near horizon planet venus usually airplan show move significantli moments venu set slowli earth turns still identif would easier venu keep shift posit night pictur above venu captur 38 differ night 2005 2006 bursa turkey earth sister planet appear exclus even sky averag space imag five days imag alway taken sun 7 degre horizon venus orbit around sun confin earth morn sky octob 2006,venu sunset,2006-02-01,445,73,0.05,02-01,2,2006,1,1,0,1 eb8668b56fe15529cc9771eb8fe196833e180d5e2481877450b0d08eae9bcc30,goldman,near pictur center helmetshap structur winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet catalog ngc 2359 strike nebula locat 15000 lightyear away constel cani major helmet actual like cosmic bubble blown wind bright massiv star near bubble center sweep surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star energet star blue giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution remark color composit combin broad narrow band imag includ deep exposur record halpha filter halpha imag trace light region glow atom hydrogen gas heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across,thor helmet halpha,2006-02-02,566,85,0.1149999999999999,02-02,2,2006,2,4,1,5 73e5e954244003a1a627953ca60512632a3ff7657e79dfac573e22eb37f4e787,none,nearli full moon planet earth shadow set togeth scene captur januari 13th snowi mt jelm home wyom infrar observatory earli morn riser and late bed astronomers shadow set western sky daili apparit whose subtl beauti often overlook favor color eastern horizon extend dens atmosphere earth set shadow seen pictur dark blue band along distant horizon bound pinkish glow antitwilight arch known belt venus arch love color due backscatt redden light rise sun set moon light also redden long sightlin atmosphere,shadow set,2006-02-04,504,80,0.0770833333333333,02-04,2,2006,4,2,0,1 94b0eca33de2ee54941a638ca148c8a2a5c0e39796eeb70dadf67e16cbb134e9,jim kirkpatrick brigitt heiterkirkpatrick,sometim unknown beautiful 2000 februari near lake tahoe nevada two amateur photograph notic unusu red column light rise mysteri set sun next minutes abl captur pillar photogen sunset film pictur above red column seen seren lake taho snowcap mountain across lake tahoenevada state park mysteri column learn later sun pillar phenomenon sunlight reflect distant fall ice crystals,sun pillar red violet,2006-02-05,376,57,0.0818181818181818,02-05,2,2006,5,1,0,1 76e31c2100798c619c980804a37810019eb882c902c80f012d742962f585f95e,gemini obs,creat gigant hole vast emiss nebula n44 neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud large 250 lightyear hole astronom tri figur why one possibl particl wind expel massiv star bubble interior push glow gas answer recent found inconsist measur wind velocities however anoth possibl expand shell old supernova sculpt unusu space cavern unexpect clue hot xray emit ga recent detect escap n44 superbubble image digit sharpened taken three specif color huge 8meter gemini south telescop cerro pachon chile,n44 superbubbl,2006-02-06,491,76,0.1377551020408163,02-06,2,2006,6,4,1,4 9c1e51554a67366a2620cf946a90d929461ae4926766ceffa83fe2d6d42ebd09,none,moon surviv collision tethys one saturn larger moon 1000 kilomet diameter surviv collision sport today expans impact crater odysseus sometim call great basin odysseu occur lead hemispher tethi show great age rel amount smaller crater occur insid tower walls densiti tethi similar waterice digit enhanc imag captur late last year robot cassini spacecraft orbit around saturn swoop past giant ice ball,great basin tethi,2006-02-08,399,61,0.1166666666666666,02-08,2,2006,8,0,1,2 f3eb7049fff8fdfee209451e3ff94a6adb89e2e6a11b4d2b12f4185e05839164,none,gorgeou spiral galaxi 100 million lightyear distant ngc 1309 lie bank constel eridanus ngc 1309 span 30000 lightyears one third size larger milki way galaxy bluish cluster young star dust lane seen trace ngc 1309 spiral arm wind around older yellowish star popul core anoth pretti faceon spiral galaxy observ ngc 1309 recent supernova cepheid star contribut calibr expans universe still get beauti galaxy grand design check array distant background galaxi also record sharp hubbl space telescop view,ngc friend,2006-02-09,499,78,0.049074074074074,02-09,2,2006,9,7,0,3 dc650f15f35da54d268d567c5c919e50ccd3d7ee2b7b80ad4a8105d0c87ad1e4,processing tom jim misti,beauti cosmic cloud popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius eighteenth centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog bright nebula m8 modern day astronom recogn lagoon nebula activ stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear distant direct center milki way galaxy strike detail trace remark picture process reveal lagoon rang filament glow hydrogen ga dark dust cloud along brighter turbul hourglass region upper right view color composit narrow broad band imag record dark sky northwestern arizona lagoon estim distance pictur span 30 lightyears,m8 lagoon nebula,2006-02-10,539,78,0.1152472527472527,02-10,2,2006,10,4,1,5 6e0d8d964c798b8a6ee137e5c5280d186341ae7173c4a9113aef321d619d78fa,alan friedman,darkfloored 95 kilomet wide crater plato top sunlit peak lunar alp highlight sharp digit mosaic moon surface alp planet earth uplift million year continent plate slowli collided lunar alp like form sudden collis creat giant impact basin known mare imbrium sea mare gener smooth lavaflood floor seen extend left promin straight featur cut mountain rang lower right lunar alpin valley 160 kilomet long 10 kilomet wide course large bright alpin mountain near bottom center name mont blanc reach 3 kilomet lunar surface lack atmosphere mention snow lunar alp probabl ideal site winter olymp still 150 pound skier would weigh mere 25 pound moon,plato lunar alp,2006-02-11,639,103,0.1367647058823529,02-11,2,2006,11,2,2,2 31609881f535edf86a0fb00bdc2c5f40665681ca4010ae2bc7d73327b0600323,none,saturn moon phoeb comet imag robot cassini spacecraft taken two year ago enter neighborhood saturn indic phoeb may origin outer solar system phoebe irregular surface retrograd orbit unusu dark surface assort larg small craters low averag densiti appear consist hypothesi phoeb part kuiper belt ici comet beyond neptun captur saturn visibl imag phoeb craters streaks layer deposit light dark material imag taken around 30000 kilomet 200kilomet diamet moon two week take image cassini fire engin deceler orbit around saturn,phoebe comet moon saturn,2006-02-12,521,79,-0.03,02-12,2,2006,12,0,0,2 677e7194b4cdab295eb9a5cfc9cd841f37eb9fd8acf9bf6266b277536ed88c9f,wfi mpgeso 22m telescope la sillaeso,n44 one largest intric nebula part universe locat galact neighbor larg magellan cloud n44 hous numer massiv bright stars lengthi lane dark dust vast cloud hydrogen ga glow red red color n44 emiss nebula come pervas hydrogen atom electron knock away energet light massiv stars central star also appear somehow creat huge superbubbl visibl lower left pictur above span 1000 light year lie 170000 light year distant,n44 emiss nebula,2006-02-13,412,67,0.1576923076923077,02-13,2,2006,13,4,1,5 7563160206f614928375f5f208fad5014de28123c323eb9f4fff7e760198cead,nicola outter observatoir dorange,creat cosmic dust sculptur rosett nebula note common beauti overal shape part rosett nebula also known ngc 2244 show beauti even view close visibl globul dark dust ga slowli erod away energet light wind nearbi massiv stars left alon long enough molecularcloud globul would like form star planets rosett nebula span 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel monoceros happi valentine day folk apod,dust light rosett nebula,2006-02-14,433,69,-0.0499999999999999,02-14,2,2006,14,4,0,3 d35d9d9e1820485b69068beb05db4ff48b5c1e8b19109aa66ead54dc59eed92a,none,titan one strangest place solar system moon known thick clouds unusu satellit saturn show evid evapor lake creat methan rain cloud make titan featureless visibl light pierc sever time infrar light robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn imag compil timelaps movie like earth moon titan alway show face toward central planet therefor take titan 16 day complet one rotation titan numer area light terrain larg area dark terrain visibl near equator small area brightest terrain might aris icevolcano high amount reflect frozen waterice titan surfac imag first time earli last year huygen probe surviv three hour cold sandi dark region,rotat titan infrar light,2006-02-15,637,100,0.0185714285714285,02-15,2,2006,15,0,2,2 9dddbec32bb58f4a4868f4d5a3dd90357b3a9f201b160bc2150f73b820bf5e36,johann schedlerpanth observatory,rth moon normal seen subtl shade grey yellow small color differ greatli exagger make dramat mosaic imag moon gibbou phase familiar sea tranquil mare tranquillitatis blue area right center white line radiat crater tycho bottom left purplish tone mottl crater copernicu left center though exaggerated differ color recogn correspond real differ chemic makeup lunar surfac blue hue reveal titanium rich area orang purpl color show region rel poor titanium iron calibr rock sampl apollo missions similar multicolor imag spacecraft use explor moon global surfac composition,color moon,2006-02-16,568,85,-0.0007518796992481,02-16,2,2006,16,2,0,4 3a16dd4540258ba1991c0e0af2e7a397afb42223b88041aaab3263c717b4ae09,none,massiv star end life supernova blast outer layer back interstellar space spectacular death explos initi collaps becom imposs dens stellar core pictur expand supernova remnant puppi one brightest sourc xray sky seen 10 lightyear diameter light initi stellar explos first reach earth thousand year ago record chandra observatory xray cameras inset view show strike detail strong shock wave disrupt interstellar cloud shock sweep material larger field rosat imag also captur pinpoint sourc xray near remnant center sourc young neutron star remnant collaps stellar core kick explos move away 1000 kilomet per second,supernova remnant shock wave,2006-02-17,612,92,0.1948717948717948,02-17,2,2006,17,6,2,4 4da7cca233de381a7871ddac856cce51901e10f6847c477c54806883b7f01a92,none,dreamlik imag mir record astronaut space shuttl orbit atlanti approach russian space station prior dock sts76 mission 1996 sport spindli appendag solar panels mir resembl whimsic fli insect hover 350 kilomet new zealand south island citi nelson near cook strait mir launch 20 year ago week serv continu occupi orbit outpost august 1999 mir visit 100 spacefar nation planet earth including russia unit states great britain germany france japan austria kazakhstan slovakia mir deorbit march 2001,mir dream,2006-02-18,493,76,0.2072727272727272,02-18,2,2006,18,8,1,2 f366dc005dc7cdee2e0f4264cbe0f947f9bdeab3d6f0d1f5cb4144a4d51d38b4,none,like scene space mysteri movie spacesuit float away intern space station earlier month investig needed push space station crew dub suitsat1 unneed russian orlan spacesuit fill mostli old cloth fit faint radio transmitt releas orbit earth suitsat1 orbit everi 90 minut burn earth atmospher within weeks suit circl earth twice radio signal becam unexpectedli weak pictur above lifeless spacesuit photograph drift away earthorbit space station earlier month,suitsat1 spacesuit float free,2006-02-20,454,67,-0.046875,02-20,2,2006,20,8,0,2 4e72e0f9e6615301beea0ed15ec5e75a01db907fc7ea394d46c1843c18907993,star shadow remot observatori,famou horsehead nebula orion alone deep exposur show dark familiar shape indentation visibl center part vast complex absorb dust glow gas bring detail horsehead pasture amateur astronom star shadow remot observatori new mexico usa fix small telescop region seven hour filter specif color red light emit hydrogen ad imag full color frame taken three hours result spectacular pictur detail intric tapestri gaseou wisp dustladen filament creat sculpt eon stellar wind ancient supernovas horsehead nebula lie 1500 light year distant toward constel orion two star orion belt found image,wisp surround horsehead nebula,2006-02-21,581,88,0.0850852272727272,02-21,2,2006,21,4,2,5 a02a7b3ad0c25a4060dd0a9e852ecfd820150202a645fb2570d43a3aef764f2b,none,saturn small moon telesto smooth possibl telesto cover type granular ici materi similar suspect cover pandora anoth saturn small moons so telesto might like pile rubbl solid body recent uncov solar system mysteri current topic research however unexpect find origin last octob robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn swoop past moon captur first ever imag telesto surface telesto orbit saturn alway ahead much larger moon tethys pictur above telesto unusu smooth surfac found show larg crater boulders high densiti crater found nearbi tethi saturnian moons,unusu smooth surfac saturn,2006-02-22,561,85,0.0306666666666666,02-22,2,2006,22,0,0,2 5a1991ae1657380bba2ac26fb15c6bba29d321c4bb0d1a5195392e0adf6b6932,none,imag night side saturn cassini spacecraft swirl storm cloud illumin ringshin sunlight reflect ga giant magnific ring system storm top actual spot last month amateur astronom rotat across saturn day side span 3500 kilometers storm side saturn cassini spacecraft burst radio nois detected suggest lightn discharg connect storm respons radio emission lightn seen directli cassini image scientist note storm appear along planet southern hemispher storm approxim locat saturn dragon storm report earli last year though new storm larger seem powerful could well dragon storm,saturn storm,2006-02-23,569,84,0.0686363636363636,02-23,2,2006,23,0,0,1 b3f0158122dd0416f16f426ffb0c2e15f0d3c39dccea8a8fccc8b040782a35d8,john chumack,pretti star field constel center star often seen rs fact earli last week rs oph suddenli becam visibl nake eye first time sinc 1985 type cataclysm variabl star classifi recurr nova rs oph dramat increas bright 11th magnitude faint appear star charts historically rs oph seen go four similar outburst sinc 1898 star model interact binari star systems compos compact white dwarf star coorbit swollen red giant materi fall away red giant collect rotat accret disk ultim fall white dwarf disk build materi compact star result occasion rapid releas energi nuclear estim distanc 3000 lightyears rs report fade rapidly telescop view span 2 degre 4 full moons captur morn februari 16 ra observatori new mexico skies,recurr nova rs,2006-02-24,708,116,0.0557575757575757,02-24,2,2006,24,6,2,4 468ce1537c02d6eedda066f5a2f820782eed909f4e8a7d5b58cf228256c644b4,none,rlier month 25meter diamet infrar telescop perman assign window look open fuselag histor boe 747 aircraft telescop mirror size hubbl space telescop mirror protect red known stratospher observatori infrar astronomi airborn observatori intend fli altitud 45000 feet atmospher water vapor water vapor strongli absorb infrar light altitud sofia abl acquir infrar imag possibl even largest groundbas telescopes sofia uniqu capabl includ abil trace complex molecul cosmic environ surround star birth death format new solar systems sofia aircraft oper pan american world origin christen airborn observatori design board teacher particip research flights,sofia window seat,2006-02-25,647,91,0.0393939393939394,02-25,2,2006,25,8,2,4 317e697fed263858619bb001d7c18176e6e7c3d56ac4caa28fcce2d2c700323e,none,it someth happen small portion sky toward constel aries telescop around globe track unusu transient chang day day one sure next entir space mysteri began februari 18 earthorbit robot swift satellit notic unusu transient began glow dimli gamma rays dub grb object type gamma ray burst grb way bright chang unusual sinc grb 060218 found emit light across electromagnet spectrum includ radio wave visibl light pictur above sloan digit sky survey sdss imag field grb 060218 well prior swift trigger shown left field taken orbit swift satellites ultraviolet telescop swift shown right grb visibl center right image subsequ observ found redshift transient show million light year away rel nearbi compar typic grbs whether grb 060218 repres new type gamma ray burst new type supernova unusu link grb supernova becom instant topic research,grb mysteri transient,2006-02-27,831,132,0.1820091673032849,02-27,2,2006,27,8,2,4 d84cffd6d18d68b6f52d100373a2fc86c2520160e1a57bb8ebb79e6e6f164943,jeancharl cuillandr,rippl dust ga lane give flame star nebula name red purpl color nebula present differ region creat differ processes bright star ae aurigae visibl toward imag left hot blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron red light frequent emitted purpl region color mix red light blue light emit ae auriga reflect us surround dust two region refer emiss nebula reflect nebula respectively pictur above flame star nebula offici known ic 405 lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga,flame star nebula cfht,2006-02-28,566,92,0.1549999999999999,02-28,2,2006,28,4,2,5 61d2787a11ab6bba18749bb06caf9e97de5f53b573c1bccf8ce543b8206c4265,clifford pickov,nearli exact copi exist universes one multivers hypothes correct quit possibl do computerenhanc illustration independ univers shown independ circl spheres sphere may causal disconnect spheres mean commun pass them sphere may contain differ realiz universe other may differ physic laws entir set parallel univers call multiverse human eye might repres possibl realiz multivers hypothes might exist human mind one critic multivers hypothes frequent difficult test multivers hypothes may therefor great fun think practic falsifi therefor predict scientif value,multiverses univers exist,2006-03-01,557,78,0.05125,03-01,3,2006,1,8,0,4 e62ad2cbefcb65a2e7bf2e64c8731435a794fbf7265f3a4962884278f141b200,none,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown assembl 51 exposur record hubbl space telescop 20th 21st centuries addit data ground base telescopes mosaic m101 tout largest detail spiral galaxi view ever releas hubble sharp imag show stun featur along galaxy faceon disk star dust along background galaxies visibl right m101 itself also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away,messier 101,2006-03-02,658,101,-0.0876785714285714,03-02,3,2006,2,7,2,3 b614601d548ab95179ced4e2c12ae1eedd6862279da4cf2333368965db01420e,tunc tezel,shine brightli east dawn venu domin sky view suburban landscap bursa turkey otherwis familiar scene astronom tunc composit pictur morn sky record march 2nd also includ surpris visitor inner solar system comet pojmanski catalog c2006 comet discov januari 2nd pojmanski univers astronom observatori poland time faint track southern skies comet move north grown bright enough good target skygaz binoculars enhanc frame picture comet tail also grown length sever degrees comet closest approach planet earth 100 million kilomet away march 5 northern hemispher observ next days begin morn twilight realli best time spot comet pojmanski,venu comet pojmanski,2006-03-03,629,94,0.1895833333333333,03-03,3,2006,3,3,2,4 59608fa83bc337ac62d0592d545fe4eb55ef29ca67c404eb27a14a85bc08b8fb,none,peer deep insid centauru a closest activ galaxi earth spitzer space telescope penetr infrar camera record startl vista februari 2004 1000 lightyear across twist cosmic dust cloud appar shape like parallelogram like result smaller spiral galaxi fall giant centauru a parallelogram lie along activ galaxy central band dust star visibl familiar optic images astronom believ strike geometr shape repres approxim edgeon view infal spiral galaxy disk process twist warp interaction ultimately debri illfat spiral galaxi provid fuel supermass black hole lurk center centauru a,galaxi within centauru,2006-03-04,569,84,0.0135416666666666,03-04,3,2006,4,7,0,3 24a8bf40d821ee41456f5a91f1874a3b100aa588ed2f891a00f95b48c603f78e,walter tape alaska fairbanks figur 81 atmospher halo,aurora appear near ground pictur aurora nearbi light pillars local phenomenon appear distant one place earth lucki viewer see sunpillar column light appear extend sun caus flat flutter icecryst reflect sunlight upper atmosphere usual ice ice crystal evapor reach ground freez temperatures however flat flutter ice crystal may form near ground form light snow sometim known crystal fog ice crystal may reflect ground light column unlik sunpillar picture color light caus light pillar surround icesk rink fairbanks alaska,color light pillar,2006-03-05,519,78,0.1571428571428571,03-05,3,2006,5,8,1,1 252e4cfa61b5a03c1f2903f521fb6e6c9fba373b9f23fa632edc92f1da6dc6b7,chri schur,ever seen comet comet bright enough visibl unaid eye appear everi years right now however new comet brighten unexpectedli visibl faint streak unaid northern observ eastern morn sky sunrise binocular may help comet offici design c2006 a1 discov january sport turquois tail sever time longer full moon comet ion tail due ga particl expel comet push away sun solar wind wind ioniz ga tail caus blue tint pictur appear last week comet pojmanski begun fade orbit around sun take earth,unexpect comet pojmanski visibl,2006-03-06,479,80,0.0941197691197691,03-06,3,2006,6,3,0,1 e05caecd63ac6ba1849c3c769591fd34d54bc09051e00f1f7f7c561ff9869f5d,none,one nearer supernova recent year discov last month bright nearbi galaxi m100 supernova dub sn still near maximum bright visibl telescop toward constel berenice hair coma berenices supernova pictur above identifi type ia indic white dwarf star picturesqu spiral galaxi gone near chandrasekhar limit exploded although hundr supernova discov year autom searches nearbi supernova rare import frequent becom bright enough studi mani telescop near enough immedi surround spatial resolved supernova host galaxi m100 resid virgo cluster galaxi locat 50 million light year earth,nearbi supernova spiral galaxi m100,2006-03-07,569,83,0.19375,03-07,3,2006,7,7,1,3 3246b3e1c3a48205fb4a35326b97e6a08cc3a893a68fb41632e59948af8a8a76,none,contin end earth slowli million years antarctica frozen contin southern end planet earth gigant sheet ice recently orbit robot grace satellit take sensit measur graviti entir earth includ antarctica recent analysi graviti recoveri climat experi grace data indic antarct ice sheet might lost enough mass caus worlds ocean rise 12 millimeters average 2002 2005 although may seem like much equival amount water 150 trillion equival amount water use us resid three months measur make mass loss uncertain 80 trillion pictur iceberg small part antarct ice sheet pictur taken ice shelf decemb 1995 futur research like focu tri better understand data take data predict futur understand possibl effect trend futur climat entir home planet,earth shrink antarct ice,2006-03-08,729,113,0.0375,03-08,3,2006,8,8,2,4 65151940faf5a1fc557e670138b6a118499d4dbc33e044d09ffbaf37e750e8d6,daniel verschatseantilhu observatory,popular group famou leo triplet gather three magnific galaxi one field view crowd pleaser imag even modest telescopes galaxi introduc individu ngc 3628 top m66 bottom left m65 bottom right three larg spiral galaxies tend look dissimilar galact disk tilt differ angl line sight ngc 3628 seen edgeon obscur dust lane cut across plane galaxy disk m66 m65 inclin enough show spiral structure gravit interact galaxi group also left telltal signs includ warp inflat disk ngc 3628 drawn spiral arm m66 gorgeou deep view region span one degre two full moons sky field cover 500 thousand lightyear trio estim distanc 30 million lightyears,trio leo,2006-03-09,630,103,0.203968253968254,03-09,3,2006,9,7,2,3 f4accf417aaec4408e8308d8e3b74e7e6763c2d608176d806cdf424b911d5fe2,none,base data cassini spacecraft instruments research argu liquid water reservoir exist ten meter surfac saturn small kilomet diameter activ moon enceladus excit new result center around tower jet plume materi erupt moon surface plume origin long tiger stripe fractur south polar region pictur here detail model conclus plume aris nearsurfac pocket liquid water temperatur 273 kelvin 0 degre even though enceladu surfac temperatur 73 kelvin 200 degre clearli import step search water potenti origin life beyond planet earth nearsurfac reservoir water would far access than example intern ocean detect jovian moon europa,enceladu search water,2006-03-10,615,92,-0.1308712121212121,03-10,3,2006,10,8,0,4 aba5d5f8a73a098df73eb7d8a50381b8d2e38b2370cdbf441f1620b3c757e2a7,adam block jay,comet pojmanski flew planet earth last weekend surpris trip inner solar system easi binocular target morn skygazers pojmanski ultim show long tail also present love greenblu hue ga molecul tenuou coma tail sunlight astronom adam block jay gabani record color highresolut view march 3rd dark twilight pictur span one full moon sky comet pojmanski c2006 a1 outward bound fade now still visibl binocular northern hemispher observers,color comet pojmanski,2006-03-11,429,66,0.0611111111111111,03-11,3,2006,11,3,0,1 6d8e0f963694b940b239ac6b58d9290f5b05c75d8bd6f66852a3f5508d974d78,s kafka,huge ball star predat sun long humankind evolved dinosaur roamed even earth existed ancient glob star condens orbit young milki way galaxy 200 globular cluster surviv today m3 one largest brightest easili visibl northern hemispher binoculars m3 contain half million stars old red light take 35000 year reach us m3 span 150 light years pictur composit blue red images,globular cluster m3,2006-03-12,366,59,0.1183333333333333,03-12,3,2006,12,6,1,3 a114f199e4bd5a75fc798d7995191fb91f1754b429fa878da531bc30fcbea19b,none,plasma hot physicist sure known sure z machin run nation laboratori creat plasma unexpectedli hot plasma reach temperatur excess two billion kelvin make arguabl hottest human made thing ever histori earth and brief time hotter interior stars z machin experiment pictur above purpos creat high temperatur focus 20 million electr small region confin magnet field vertic wire give z machin name unexpect power contain explosion z machin releas 80 time world entir electr power usag brief fraction second experi z machin help explain physic solar flares design effici nuclear fusion test materi extrem heat gather data comput model nuclear explosions,z machin set unexpect earth temperatur record,2006-03-13,646,100,0.1281818181818181,03-13,3,2006,13,8,2,4 d55cc995ac710041ea603be46cf61c6f34d158d8fa90e596a7d73c2d20a67e21,t a rector,ga cloud eat galaxy even close odd look creature center photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi left center huge far distance place near cg4 chanc superposition,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,2006-03-14,417,63,0.0361111111111111,03-14,3,2006,14,6,0,3 4e1287607f346e1ce6f649d6eedff707873238655c37cc44e3cd09ba63dc3447,none,make it winter rapidli advanc southern hemispher mars lack sunlight could danger unless find good place mccool hill robot spirit rover roll across mars told good place spend martian winter north slope mccool hill tilt solar panel toward sun enough gener power need keep run winter mccool hill unusu reddish outcrop rocks also visibl above unusu layer rock lie right scatter rock appear either smooth fortunately still time landscap may hold clue histori ancient mars,hill mar,2006-03-15,466,75,0.3107142857142856,03-15,3,2006,15,5,1,2 34548642df61ef0fab8627a52fd61d90b08d788a24a6c60b6b0cc900ac2be42b,brad moor,south toward top color closeup view great carina nebula ngc famou starform region southern sky cover area surround dusti keyhol nebula ngc near pictur center imag span 40 lightyear within larger carina nebula estim distanc 7500 lightyears like northerli orion nebula bright carina nebula easili visibl nakedeye dramat color telescop pictur map colors base three exposur narrow filter intend record light emit specif atom gaseou nebula sulfur shown blue hydrogen green oxygen red hues carina nebula home young extrem massiv stars includ still enigmat variabl eta carinae star well 100 time mass sun highlight diffract spikes eta right,eta keyhol carina nebula,2006-03-16,633,98,0.1057142857142857,03-16,3,2006,16,4,2,5 73686adbf2f1cc9b6fe1df853bfc695378fa8f62aaa81b99cc11024f82612685,noel carboni,wellknown aster northern skies big dipper easi recogn even view upsid down part larger constel ursa major bright dipper star name left right along dipper dubhe merak phecda megrez alioth mizaralcor course star given constel unlik physic related surprisingly big dipper star seem head direct plough space properti share star spread even larger area across sky measur common motion suggest belong loose nearbi star cluster thought averag 75 lightyear away 30 lightyear across cluster properli known ursa major move group,big dipper cluster,2006-03-17,518,80,0.0484454038025466,03-17,3,2006,17,6,0,3 a88396a145c0e8945bc22a9f0defe68783f0e6e1f53ba2e8e1eccbd6f1f3812a,mike salway,jupiter great red spot swirl storm seen 300 years sinc begin telescop observ solar system rule ga giant last month join red spot jr thought similar great red spot itself red spot actual seen form smaller whitish ovalshap storm merg develop remark reddish hue webcam imag show two red tint jovian storm record morn march 12 central coast new south wales australia part seri show jupiter rotation similar diamet planet earth red spot jr expect last while trail great red spot hour planet rotates astronom still exactli understand jupiter red spot red,red spot jr,2006-03-18,549,92,0.1207792207792207,03-18,3,2006,18,8,2,1 5f81836b2470505f1f3ae2dae2f9287ff4dde70461dda6ef287eff6df78ad3f0,cfa,solar system busi place although major planet get swarm rocks comets asteroid also exist plot show placement known inner solar system object 2002 juli 20 light blue line indic orbit planets green dot indic asteroids offici known minor planets red dot indic asteroid come within 13 earthsun distanc au sun pose increas although collis risk earth comet appear dark blue dark blue point jupit asteroid orbit ahead of behind jupiter note asteroid inner solar system orbit mar jupit main asteroid belt everi day plot shift object nearer sun typic shift most current locat object found here,busi solar system,2006-03-19,584,96,0.0111979166666666,03-19,3,2006,19,1,2,2 6b568da821f1bdb92b06e87c24fdbc660e29047524079bfcdad8e9b4951f818a,cfa nsf,common around star quit possibly unexpect evid came light recent planet orbit distant star gravit magnifi light even distant star assum planet parent star normal red dwarf brighten best explain planet 13 time mass earth orbit distanc asteroid belt solar system given small number object observ similar determin alreadi obtain star systems might rel common astronom specul planet might grown jupiters planet star system gas sinc planet observ directly signific uncertainti remain defin attributes futur research aim better understand intrigu system draw give artist depict superearth orbit distant red dwarf star might look like complet hypothet moon,may circl star,2006-03-20,649,97,0.0823529411764706,03-20,3,2006,20,6,2,3 410085be64991cef74dac71a4464e8f5e55ed779e45d94bd1bb41988bf62beba,none,imag saturn appear surreal earlier year robot spacecraft cassini orbit saturn took surreal imag ga giant saturn majest rings enigmat world enceladu one frame enceladus recent found emit jet ice possibl underground seas appear white surfac cover rel clean waterice enceladu ring saturn seen nearli edg on compar enceladus saturn ring show compar high densiti dirt color natur color image planet saturn background appear rel featureless except thin ring shadow visibl upper left termin night day seen vertic across face distant world,enceladu near saturn,2006-03-22,531,82,0.0438888888888888,03-22,3,2006,22,0,0,1 a838f9e138280d3f4e0b715a87e4701758dbb7c6a81916b141a543b618e5435e,none,univers expand gradual now initi expans almost imposs rapid like grew quantum scale fluctuat trillionth second fact cosmolog scenario known inflation report analysi three year data wmap spacecraft wmap instrument detect cosmic microwav background radiat afterglow light earli universe wmap amaz success explor first trillionth second favor specif inflationari scenario lie abil make unprecedented precis measur properti microwav background subtl properti distil condit earli univers relat first moment existence diagram trace 137 billion year plu trillionth second histori univers quantum scale format stars galaxies planets,univers,2006-03-23,626,85,0.2249999999999999,03-23,3,2006,23,8,1,4 90bec5eeed8c4ede590ed16db7434119ab73dc7782c0ae5082d8289fb16331a9,jay,rose red course still pretty likewise beauti rosett nebula star form region often shown astronom imag predomin red hue part domin emiss nebula hydrogen atoms hydrogen strongest optic emiss line known halpha red region spectrum beauti emiss nebula need appreci red light alone atom nebula also excit energet starlight produc narrow emiss line well gorgeou view rosette central regions narrow band imag combin show emiss sulfur atom red hydrogen blue oxygen green fact scheme map narrow atom emiss line broader color adopt mani hubbl imag stellar nurseries imag span 50 lightyear constel monoceros 3000 lightyear estim distanc rosett nebula,rose red,2006-03-24,639,99,0.0466666666666666,03-24,3,2006,24,4,2,5 4c861b6fab9a8c82a1bef143e237b059396fccdf70f831a52c11cf99e0509901,none,astronom spring came planet earth northern hemispher week and autumn south equinox march mars northern spring began januari 22nd still northern red planet current similar appear composit imag previou year taken longlast mar global surveyor spacecraft sprawl dark region near pictur center syrti major whitish hella impact basin below southern hemisphere four season earth last 90 earth days mars larger eccentr ellipt orbit result season longer vari wide length 140 190 martian sols,northern spring mar,2006-03-25,483,73,-0.015625,03-25,3,2006,25,5,0,2 c7a54225f746d4b52f8dd7c71b648ed98f218de5ba132bf4c7897259acac0269,none,mani moonquakes recent reanalysi seismomet left moon apollo moon land reveal surpris number moonquak occur within 30 kilomet surface fact 28 moonquak detect data record 1972 1977 moonquak strong enough move furnitur stiff rock moon continu vibrat mani minutes significantli longer soft rock earthquak earth caus moonquak remain unknown one hypothesi hold landslid crater caus vibrations regardless source futur moon build need built withstand frequent shakings pictur 1969 apollo 11 astronaut buzz aldrin stand besid recent deploy lunar seismometer look back toward lunar land module,moonquak surprisingli common,2006-03-27,583,85,0.0319047619047619,03-27,3,2006,27,2,0,2 39267dcf97b7c04f72badf3b1f12518dbe2e1e70c66ff8e98df613d12d229e50,none,often asteroid whiz earth timelaps anim follow orbit earth around sun two month 2002 numer asteroids also known minor planets approach pass by asteroid appear nowher plot discovered asteroid plot discov previou year although none plot object came insid orbit moon solar system fill object small bit sand usual left comet appear meteor streak earth atmospher everi day object display visibl earth closer 20 million kilometers color code threedimension distance comparison earth rel small target radiu 6400 kilometers one signific research area modern astronomi involv tri find major asteroid could pose futur collis threat earth,asteroid pass near earth,2006-03-28,627,95,-0.0767857142857143,03-28,3,2006,28,8,2,2 36cdb6f54bf465a609bc87d8eda833fc9cbcd3da4713b86dae526376be45dd13,anthoni ayiomam,track total first solar eclips 2006 began earli yesterday east coast brazil end half world away sunset western mongolia between shadow moon cross atlant ocean northern africa central asia came moment small greek island kastelorizo eastern astronom anthoni ayiomam report mani eclipsewatch visitor inde treat inspir display beauti solar corona total last three minutes total phase eclips ended abl captur strike diamond ring image it first ray sunlight shine edgeon lunar valley creat fleet appear glisten diamond set bright ring around moon silhouette,diamond,2006-03-30,551,83,0.0602564102564102,03-30,3,2006,30,2,0,1 b32e2a7faef0227cd373beefaa9d302df392411f373f7bfafc18f2635e8d44de,none,neither rain snow dark night keep spacebas solar heliospher observatori soho watch sun fact vantag point 15 million kilomet sunward planet earth soho camera alway monitor sun outer atmosphere corona total solar eclips earthbas observ see love coron streamer structur moon briefli block overwhelmingli bright solar surface composit view soho uninterrupt view solar corona solar photospher center corona far beyond sun disk shown orang hues middle donutshap region corona record william colleg eclips expedit kastelorizo island greece head jay march 29th total solar eclipse merg ground spacebas view allow astronom trace featur corona reach sun surfac solar wind,solar eclips soho,2006-03-31,662,98,0.13125,03-31,3,2006,31,1,2,4 e1fcaf345d3854ee9a3bb848af71aa8359e78185848793eef7a2d47bc5dc93be,none,use new camera hubbl space telescope astronom abl confirm moon made green cheese tell clue resolut mark date moon may go bad controversi still exists however whether date resolv truli expir date sell by date to cautious complet devour moon tomorrow spokesperson advised happi april fool day folk apod imag slightli altered actual taken 1965 ranger 9 probe minut impact popular moon made green chees myth trace back almost 500 years use histor context indic claim clearli fals one even april fool believ it,hubbl resolv expir date green chees moon,2006-04-01,507,84,-0.0519480519480519,04-01,4,2006,1,2,0,1 4f60a5bf92e05d597465792bb240eba7bc935b480d8283ec5373683104247931,yuvan dutil stephan duma,could send messag alien civilization would say peopl cosmic call project sent imag first page longer message messag broadcast toward local star radio telescop summer 1999 anoth messag sent 2003 singledish 70 meter diamet telescop send messag locat ukrain crimean peninsula near town first page cosmic call 1999 message shown above involv number easier puzzl solver decod famou messag broadcast toward distant star cluster m13 1974 the solut here,cosmic call nearbi star,2006-04-02,445,69,0.0357142857142857,04-02,4,2006,2,6,0,2 5de36bbc7d754fc6a048e2c81da78f69302b2aefffc89375c0946c4949293335,stefan seip,view last week total eclips sun better others one spectacular view occur near turkey captur industri astrophotograph stefan digit mosaic caught moon sever stage move earth sun center frame total solar eclips visible moon complet block sun area becam dark magnific corona sun becam visible foreground frame locat taken sunlight next total eclips sun occur august 2008 visibl part north america europe asia,total solar eclips turkey,2006-04-04,404,63,0.095,04-04,4,2006,4,1,1,1 cf0eb0a3c454a906c9e2814a3c4a16542bae6ccdc900b15ce2bb7ee141734757,none,orbit saturn sure watch breathtak superposit moons rings shadows one picturesqu vista visibl recent robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn late february cassini captur rhea second largest moon saturn look slightli beneath saturn expans ring plane signatur dark gap visibl nearli edgeon rings shadow saturn f ring cut across crater cassini schedul continu send back imag orbit saturn least 2008,slightli beneath saturn ring plane,2006-04-05,392,59,-0.0357142857142857,04-05,4,2006,5,0,0,2 569cbd4feeb2b6f8003b19e22edcd9449784fac6788f88fe024cc9fc11a89df1,none,bright soil mars sever time roll across mars robot rover spirit serendipit uncov unusu bright soil spirit uncov anoth batch unexpectedli last month roll toward winter hibern locat mccool hill physic chemistri instrument spirit determin soil shown above contain high content salt includ ironbear sulfates lead hypothesi hold salt record presenc past water salt becom concentr water evaporated,unusu bright soil mar,2006-04-06,391,58,0.2183333333333333,04-06,4,2006,6,5,1,2 47493ef6f56f9279308e2d8e13e2ef441d553d1036afd25a0531fdec3e9f4617,koen van gorp,total solar eclipse sun extens outer atmospher corona awesom inspir sight subtl shade shimmer featur corona engag eye span bright rang 10000 1 make notori difficult captur singl picture composit 33 digit imag rang exposur time 15 second come close reveal crown sun glory telescop view record side turkey march 29 solar eclipse geocentr celesti event wide seen nearli ideal conditions composit also captur pinkish promin extend beyond upper edg eclips sun,crown sun,2006-04-07,454,72,0.1428571428571428,04-07,4,2006,7,1,1,1 17780ee0376b13fc6678cef1bf2b2f3690b01d02991cd46032414cc10fa7b060,stephan heinsiu,march 29 total solar eclipse moon dark central shadow umbra vanish beyond horizon dramat view landscap kilomet southeast turkey large snow cover mountain distanc meter high volcano hasan foreground grow brighter eclips watcher begin see ray sunlight peek around lunar limb mountain horizon left hasan still complet shadow moon watcher along part shadow track total phase eclips last less 4 minut umbra race 3000 kilomet per hour,vanish umbra,2006-04-08,428,67,0.0064021164021164,04-08,4,2006,8,2,0,1 b5e4d3685770816153869f475a9aee30865e559063d8e0ccd5d9a5673a593175,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form possibl look right cloud infrar light,molecular cloud barnard 68,2006-04-09,552,87,0.0604919323101141,04-09,4,2006,9,4,0,5 917128574d19fd266acac05eacf09dd3867ff031e12291d83b8f393a8c40f25e,none,hiris high resolut imag scienc experi ride mar reconnaiss orbit arriv mar orbit march 10 sharp view martian surfac hiris camera includ imag data full resolut 25 meter per pixel record rang 2500 kilometers come months mro orbit circular repeat passag mars outer atmosphere process known aerobraking shrink orbit altitud 280 kilometers distance hiris experi abl imag red planet surfac resolut 28 centimet 11 inches per pixel first color image fals color repres visibl infrar imag data combined pictur nearli 24 kilomet wide cover area planum region southern mars,mars view,2006-04-10,563,89,0.0764285714285714,04-10,4,2006,10,5,0,4 e7ceb970287dc37a4a71f13533cbe80a9ef2b7b4a32b937af2472bb8c97aea4f,doug wilson,ever seen halo around sun fairli common sight occur high thin cloud contain million tini ice crystal cover much sky ice crystal act like miniatur lens crystal similar elong hexagon shape light enter one crystal face exit oppos face refract 22 degrees correspond radiu sun halo similar moon halo may visibl night pictur taken utah usa flock bird caught chanc foreground exactli icecryst form cloud remain investigation lecture apod editor give public talk princeton tonight april,sun halo utah,2006-04-11,478,76,0.0075,04-11,4,2006,11,1,0,1 d86ff2f67513d2102f56804c54795941315e03ac75857fddd43d2fcdcce33395,none,two bright sourc center composit xray blue radio pink imag coorbit supermass black hole power giant radio sourc 3c 75 surround multimillion degre xray emit gas blast jet relativist particl supermass black hole separ 25000 lightyears core two merg galaxi abel 400 galaxi cluster 300 million lightyear away astronom conclud two supermass black hole bound togeth graviti binari system part jets consist swept back appear like due common motion speed hot cluster ga 1200 kilomet per second spectacular cosmic merger thought common crowd galaxi cluster environ distant universe final stage merger expect intens sourc gravit waves,binari black hole 3c 75,2006-04-12,624,96,0.0014705882352941,04-12,4,2006,12,7,2,4 f2419447f7b9a98ab38ea08bf7abca644be5750b3c65f9e2a72f372794db7d17,jose,locat 7000 lightyear away toward constel perseus pair open galact star cluster realli visibl unaid eye catalog 130 bc greek astronom hipparchus known h chi persei ngc cluster separ hundr lightyear contain star much younger hotter sun famou doubl star cluster closer say 700 lightyear distant fair solar system sky stars astrophotograph jose also imagin clear moonless dark night sky warm even near tranquil waters foreground illumin starlight composit dreamlik imag cluster pair note solar system vicin rich cluster stars dark night sky warm even still inspir planet earth,star cluster dream,2006-04-13,572,89,0.1729166666666667,04-13,4,2006,13,6,1,3 06bb69d7ed7415f674add459172d58edc1dd8c1ac276036477e05fe3cfce4419,none,bright infrar light wellknown starburst galaxi m82 popular name describ suggest shape seen visibl wavelength cigar galaxy ironically m82 fantast appear spitzer space telescop imag realli due cosmic smoke infrar emiss dust featur blown stellar wind m82 luminous central star form regions falsecolor view highlight compon dust emiss complex carbon molecul call polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs pah also seen star form region throughout own much milki way galaxi product combust planet earth like trigger interact nearbi galaxi m81 m82 intens star format activ appear blow immens cloud dust pah extend nearli 20000 lightyear galact plane m82 12 million lightyear away constel ursa major,smoke cigar galaxi,2006-04-14,685,103,0.23875,04-14,4,2006,14,7,2,4 c7b1346cf9df2f7cd1b581861fcf1998aedf21d577b865b8b00cdca7a8f12031,johann schedlerpanth observatory,stun cosmic vista galaxi m81 left surround blue spiral arms right mark massiv ga dust clouds m82 two mammoth galaxi lock gravit combat past billion years graviti galaxi dramat affect hundr millionyear pass last goround m82 graviti like rais densiti wave rippl around m81 result rich m81 spiral arms m81 left m82 violent star form region collid ga cloud energet galaxi glow xrays billion year one galaxi remain,galaxi wars m81 versu m82,2006-04-15,409,68,-0.0486607142857142,04-15,4,2006,15,7,0,3 ed96831cc0991735d509afc25c52ae6080cfb3967aeafc96512dd51c6c9b9738,none,ga float sun twist magnet field arch solar surfac trap ioniz gas suspend huge loop structures majest plasma arch seen promin solar limb septemb 1999 dramat detail imag record eit experi board spacebas soho observatori light emit ioniz helium show hot plasma escap space fieri promin break free magnet confin hundr thousand kilomet sun awesom event bear watch affect commun power system 100 million kilomet away planet earth,solar promin soho,2006-04-16,423,68,0.3625,04-16,4,2006,16,1,1,4 033130b6c97e1852612644ceeb49874eccc9bd0ad7b6fb4090d8cf62fc8085f4,peter u,horsehead nebula surround bubble although glow like emiss nebula origin bubble known barnard loop current unknown progenitor hypothes includ wind bright orion star supernova star long gone barnard loop faint identifi unaid eye nebula discov 1895 e e barnard long durat film exposures imag taken singl specif color emit hydrogen bring detail left horsehead nebula visibl small dark indent near imag top photogen flame nebula,barnard loop around horsehead nebula,2006-04-17,423,65,0.0181818181818181,04-17,4,2006,17,4,0,5 f9093945660d1c63103b8bddc5dce6e63251e105de1805bbc6feaf70b853349f,none,appropri nicknam the skull nebula planetari nebula ngc 246 realli surround die star 1600 lightyear away constel cetus expel period thousand years lovely intric nebula outer atmospher sunlik star expand outer atmospher interact ga dust interstellar medium star itself fainter member binari star system seen nebula center enter final phase evolution becom dense hot white dwarf star nebula move rapidli toward top detail view suggest nebula brighter lead edge sharp imag span 25 lightyear estim distanc ngc 246 also reveal distant background galaxies visibl right nebula along bottom,ngc die star,2006-04-18,581,88,0.1345238095238095,04-18,4,2006,18,4,2,5 5e52ecb9ba017a472aa0428ce77a4303b5bc0d9c0e3bebc24a18274d35814b41,chrisschur,evening skyscap includ view similar one record western sky april 16 orangehu planet mar wander near rich open star cluster m35 also notabl fainter star cluster ngc 2158 left m35 group appear near constel gemini cours mar foreground 14 lightminut planet earth hundr star cluster m35 like 3000 lightyear distant ngc 2158 farther still 16000 lightyear away much compact m35 color imag show contrast hot blue star cooler yellowish star within confin m35 star ngc 2158 much older cluster light definit domin orang glow cool giant stars make interest visual comparison ruddycolor mars,mar star cluster,2006-04-19,579,93,0.1151041666666666,04-19,4,2006,19,6,2,3 e3f5ca841cdf4327793a536b1d2639a83d02bcb902aa3c6ddd002e1bd4c24a69,none,star creat huge intric dust sculptur dens dark molecular cloud born tool star use carv detail work high energi light fast stellar winds heat gener evapor dark molecular dust well caus ambient hydrogen ga dispers glow red pictur above new open cluster star design ic 1590 near complet around intric interstellar mountain name ngc 281 dust cloud ngc 281 dub pacman nebula overal shape classifi dens bok globul lie 10000 light year distant,dust cloud ngc 281,2006-04-20,436,73,0.1175974025974026,04-20,4,2006,20,4,1,5 45ab7c0c88cee17c00197e33dee41be8efc260d72a4d904c661973a38e060a82,r jaygabani cosmotographycom,shini ngc 253 sometim call silver dollar galaxy one brightest spiral galaxi visibl also one dustiest first swept 1783 mathematician astronom carolin herschel dusti island univers lie mere 10 million lightyear away southern constel sculptor 70 thousand lightyear across ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest local group galaxies addit spiral dust lanes strike tendril dust seem rise galact disk gorgeou view high dust content accompani frantic star formation give ngc 253 design starburst galaxy ngc 253 also known strong sourc highenergi xray gamma rays like due massiv black hole near galaxy center,ngc 253 dusti island univers,2006-04-21,617,94,0.0051666666666666,04-21,4,2006,21,7,2,3 c9399b76d80525f8c8560ae0b4e7f04b9c6ae062bfde0eb3c572ced81d3d54b6,tunc tezel,composit imag space week apart late juli 2005 bottom right februari 2006 top left trace retrograd motion ruddycolor mar planet earth night sky novemb 7th 2005 red planet opposit sun earth sky at date occur center seri mar near closest brightest mar actual revers direct orbit trace instead appar backward retrograd motion respect background star reflect motion earth itself retrograd motion seen time earth overtak lap planet orbit farther sun earth move rapidli rel closein orbit familiar pleiad star cluster lie upper left,z mar,2006-04-22,526,83,0.0800595238095238,04-22,4,2006,22,5,0,1 57e3c12caa7e49d6b80269973d00392467d88b3729f33d5d544c9c251d7ded0f,none,what light cigar galaxy m82 irregular galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand gas however recent evid indic ga driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind photograph mosaic releas yesterday commemor sixteenth anniversari hubbl space telescope highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament gas filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel ursa major,m82 galaxi supergalact wind,2006-04-25,599,88,0.1510416666666666,04-25,4,2006,25,7,2,3 9fec96eb4d28978319dce2d1b8ed8b397b7faa303f0255021fd10701b08106db,none,crumbl comet soon pass near earth comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 brighten may even visibl unaid eye fragment comet zoom past earth middl next month still small comet pose earth sinc pass earth 25 time distanc moon exactli bright comet schwassmanwachmann 3 get unknown even possible unlikely debri comet spread enough caus notabl meteor shower pictur above fragment b comet schwassmanwachmann 3 photograph two night ago 82meter larg telescop chile visibl lower right larg b fragment mani broken orbit sun separately shed ga dust appear hazi coma comet pass closest sun june 7,crumbl comet schwassmannwachmann 3 approach,2006-04-26,574,91,-0.0395604395604395,04-26,4,2006,26,3,0,1 2dc3d7201940b93523fdfec22f6a292e890e3bb806d545ea21049b251229c365,none,mani cosmic environments materi fall toward black hole energi produc matter blast back jets fact black hole appear effici universe least galact scale composit imag illustr one exampl ellipt galaxi effici black hole engine ngc 4696 larg galaxi brightest member centauru galaxi cluster 150 million lightyear away explor ngc 4696 xray red astronom measur rate infal matter fuel supermass black hole compar energi output jet produc giant radio emit bubbles bubbles shown blue 10000 lightyear across result confirm process much effici produc energi nuclear reaction mention use fossil astronom also suggest black hole pump energi heat surround gas star format ultim shut off limit size larg galaxi like ngc 4696,ngc 4696 energi black hole,2006-04-27,707,110,-0.0848484848484848,04-27,4,2006,27,7,2,4 3f13ef99d7176f646b77f065e71e627f79d0e56b6c714d508b8ee415c1a49d18,none,seemingli adrift cosmic sea star glow gas delicate float apparit near center next blue tint star widefield view catalog ngc 7635 bubbl nebula mere 10 lightyear wide tini bubbl nebula larger complex interstellar ga dust cloud found 11000 lightyear distant straddl boundari parent constel cepheu cassiopeia also includ breathtak vista open star cluster m52 upper left 5000 lightyear away digit color pictur base photograph plate taken palomar observatori 1992 1997 crop version span 27 degre sky correspond width 500 lightyear estim distanc bubbl nebula,ngc 7635 bubbl cosmic sea,2006-04-28,552,84,-0.15,04-28,4,2006,28,4,0,5 12a7fc60663ee953127026598f927d3adeb40cac1a0c3594ea703cb4de616019,none,skylab orbit laboratori launch saturn v rocket may 1973 skylab pictur above visit three time nasa astronaut sometim stay long two half months mani scientif test perform skylab includ astronom observ ultraviolet xray light observ yield valuabl inform comet kohoutek sun mysteri xray background radiat come sky skylab fell back earth 11 juli 1979,skylab earth,2006-04-29,345,54,0.0366666666666666,04-29,4,2006,29,8,0,2 d37505855b1c18e5ba0a1500ef9a8b05e14f4f5df54c5c77ec4fa359c4dfb093,tunc tezel,new star like brightest supernova record human history appear planet earth sky 1000 year ago today 1006 ad expand debri cloud stellar explos still visibl modern astronomers supernova look like celebr millenni anniversari astronom tunc tezel offer intrigu base photograph took februari 22 1998 site overlook mediterranean south antalya turkey date bright venu wane crescent moon shone earli morn sky adopt calcul put supernova appar bright venu crescent moon digit superpos appropri new star picture place star supernova posit southerli constel lupu use water reflect moonlight final image,1006 ad supernova sky,2006-04-30,588,88,0.1469696969696969,04-30,4,2006,30,6,2,1 5f3a2a353c688dd31fa187364eedc66d26a1d5d82be75e693c820de6412c2a1f,none,jewel shine bright star do like gem jewel box though star open cluster ngc 290 glitter beauti display bright color photogen cluster pictur above captur recent orbit hubbl space telescope open cluster star younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular cluster stars ngc 290 lie 200000 lightyear distant neighbor galaxi call small cloud magellan smc open cluster contain hundr star span 65 light year across ngc 290 open cluster good laboratori studi star differ mass evolve sinc open cluster star born time,open cluster ngc 290 stellar jewel box,2006-05-01,530,85,0.15,05-01,5,2006,1,6,1,5 ac5f8233a5f8ab2320be6815c960f491498eb085b3f83de1c66eb4f706f00b18,greg piepol sungazernet,unusu activ sunspot region cross sun region number 875 larger earth produc sever solar flare past week take day sunspot finish cross solar disk imag sun taken last wednesday specif color red light bring detail sunspot 875 midst erupt larg class c solar flare seen dark region upper right image rel cool region appear dark hot region appear bright far left solar promin visibl hover sun surface,sunspot flare,2006-05-02,393,67,0.0959821428571428,05-02,5,2006,2,1,1,1 7d8fe99fc51f5ff50479f6182fc4d1b882511d42a92f1d1f0f4b95bf5faaf06b,none,saturn partli blue pictur saturn approxim human would see hover close giant ring world pictur taken midmarch robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn saturn majest ring appear directli thin vertic line ring show complex structur dark shadow creat imag left saturn fountain moon enceladus 500 kilomet across seen bump plane rings northern hemispher saturn appear partli blue reason earth sky appear blue molecul cloudless portion planet atmospher better scatter blue light red look deep saturn clouds however natur gold hue saturn cloud becom dominant known southern saturn show blue hue one hypothesi hold cloud higher there also known saturn cloud color gold,saturn blue gold,2006-05-03,658,101,0.0222222222222222,05-03,5,2006,3,0,2,1 78ce152a7d959118cbbd4c7d926aafac1f8c57ced6f12f579bb4627af7f490a0,none,period comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 fallen apart before cosmic souffl ice dust left earli solar system comet seen split sever larg piec closein part orbit 1995 however time comet seem rapidli disintegr three dozen fragments name stretch sever degre across sky sinc comet rel fragile stress heat graviti outgassing example could respons tendenc breakup spectacular fashion april 18th hubbl space telescop record sharp view prolif fragment b trail dozen smaller pieces cometari coma tail pictur span 3000 kilomet comet april 18 distanc 32 million kilomet planet earth brightest fragment present faint seen nake eye comet schwassmannwachmann 3 pass closest earth may 13 distanc 11 million kilometers,schwassmannwachmann b,2006-05-04,698,105,-0.015625,05-04,5,2006,4,3,2,4 3e4bfe3e1bfda01acad671c1a50151eb2090e131f137fb8ca31944138c5442da,none,jupiter great red spot swirl storm seen 300 years sinc begin telescop observations februari 2006 planetari imag christoph go notic join red spot form smaller whitish ovalshap storm merg develop remark reddish hue sharp hubbl space telescop imag show two jovian storm record april half size origin red spot red spot jr similar diamet planet earth seen left ancient storm system trail great red spot hour planet rotat left right astronom still exactli understand jupiter red spot red think appear red spot jr provid evid climat chang solar system rule ga giant,jupit red spot,2006-05-05,559,92,0.088558201058201,05-05,5,2006,5,8,2,4 8ac5cfd57af50d4a2dcf2028ce10e941b331637ec7f9cd7910adbc219a5153be,none,intrigu trio galaxi sometim call ngc 5985draco group quit reasonably locat northern constel draco left right faceon spiral ngc 5985 ellipt galaxi ngc 5982 edgeon spiral ngc 5981 within singl telescop field view span littl half width full moon group far small galaxi cluster catalog compact group galaxi lie roughli 100 million lightyear planet earth close examin spectrographs bright core strike faceon spiral ngc 5985 show promin emiss specif wavelength light prompt astronom classifi seyfert type activ galaxy well known tight group galaxies contrast visual appear make triplet attract subject astrophotographers impress deep exposur region also reveal faint even distant background galaxies,three galaxi draco,2006-05-06,694,102,0.0449206349206349,05-06,5,2006,6,7,2,3 0c1d77a83c51578f8b74a1080dccd4049db3031b4108c5a576d544884e760ce1,none,like butterfly white dwarf star begin life cast cocoon enclos former self analogy however sun would caterpillar eject shell ga would becom prettiest all cocoon planetari nebula design ngc 2440 contain one hottest white dwarf star known white dwarf seen bright dot near photo center sun eventu becom white dwarf butterfly anoth 5 billion years fals color imag postprocess forrest hamilton,ngc 2440 cocoon new white dwarf,2006-05-07,387,61,0.0875,05-07,5,2006,7,6,0,3 a6ce646410b0ce8d7e0a5c03f6a133815a83de714714315fcbfbdc503a4d9623,none,first spacecraft ever descend titan see immedi huygen probe pierc cloud deck saturn moon titan last january took uniqu seri pictur one solar system mysteri moons pictur recent digit stitch togeth creat spectacular panorama dramat descent movie pictur panoram fishey view huygen obtain five kilomet titan surface digit project make local surface mostli flat appear ball allow one see directions huygen eventu land site larg dark area below right center rel featureless dark sandi basin appear surround light color hill right landscap fractur streamb canyon above recent evid indic titan streamb usual dri sometim fill liquid methan rare methan rain,descent panorama saturn titan,2006-05-08,648,100,0.0904017857142857,05-08,5,2006,8,8,2,2 4368069805a0312eb6e1f52a58576ad6cd5c879a7cf81c3cb3fd4046d12e8b23,none,new rock slab grow one meter day mt st helen volcano washington usa rock slab grow sinc last november extend 100 meter one volcano craters recent made time laps movi show rock slab growing pictur above helicopt examin steam hot rock slab late last month mt st helen underw spectacular erupt 1980 undergo compar seren erupt sinc 2004 september new volcan dome build 100 meter 1980 dome rock slab visibl ridg observatori erupt volcano,rock mt volcano,2006-05-09,432,74,0.0914141414141414,05-09,5,2006,9,8,0,4 3cccfa9684666247a1f829a084703f02a6e9f73d847e263d239025870acebf91,wang u hawaii,portugues navig fernando de magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan course star cloud understood dwarf irregular galaxies satellit larger spiral milki way galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc pictur 180000 lightyear distant constel dorado span 15000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi site closest supernova modern times promin red knot left 30 doradus tarantula nebula giant starform region larg magellan cloud,larg cloud magellan,2006-05-10,546,79,0.0388888888888888,05-10,5,2006,10,6,0,3 c9581d63a973bd4b7ecbd1f54c0c58143cf7ba2c28288d3fb53d2a1e2f7f90b0,stefanseip,dawn approach may 8 astronom stefan seip care watch fragment c broken comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 approach m57 ring nebula faint spiral galaxi ic course even though trio seem come close togeth truli cosmic photo opportunity comet inner part solar system mere 05 lightminut seip telescop locat near stuttgart germany planet earth ring nebula upper right like 2000 lightyear distant well within milki way galaxy distanc 200 million lightyears ic 1296 comet beyond even milki way boundaries comet close appear move rel rapidli distant stars dramat telescop view composit two set one compens comet appar motion one record background star nebulae,comet meet ring nebula part,2006-05-11,645,100,-0.1349206349206349,05-11,5,2006,11,3,2,3 571e11e855277283a268b74a0dd99f7345ac716ebda6ea3c8963d6c97d9c3442,sean,move rapidli planet earth night sky fragment c crumbl comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 pass almost directli front m57 ring nebula faint spiral galaxi ic 1296 may 8 fact gorgeou view bright head fragment c separ 01 degre m57 tail appar engulf nebula galaxy record elizabeth illinois usa pictur correspond cosmic scene 30 minut yesterday pictur approach alignment rel motion comet background star nebula easi see compar two images comet fragment near closest approach come days 10 million kilomet away none pose danger fair planet,comet meet ring nebula part ii,2006-05-12,527,83,0.25,05-12,5,2006,12,3,1,5 08e5bfbfdb4837d28923a7f496a4f5b203cf75c0cbb4884e26466eda71182f63,none,falsecolor mosaic crumbl comet schwassmannwachmann 3 span 6 degre 12 full moons along comet orbit record may infrar camera board spitzer space telescope pictur captur 45 60 catalog larg comet fragments brightest fragment upper right track fragment c bright fragment b left center look clue comet broke up spitzer infrar view also captur trail dust left comet previou passes emiss dust particl warm sunlight appear fill space along cometari orbit fragment near closest approach come days 10 million kilomet away none pose danger fair planet,crumbl comet,2006-05-13,539,85,0.2635714285714286,05-13,5,2006,13,3,1,2 a3921dce2842e3f8bf36fa6b35b4eab1b4b8c643ce46128e36e7343489bb5df0,none,photogen array radio telescop world also one productive 27 radio telescop larg array vla size hous move train tracks pictur vla inaugur 1980 situat new mexico usa vla use discov water planet mercury radiobright corona around ordinari stars microquasar galaxy gravitationallyinduc einstein ring around distant galaxies radio counterpart cosmolog distant gammaray bursts vast size vla allow astronom studi detail superfast cosmic jets even map center galaxy upgrad vla planned,larg array radio telescop,2006-05-14,474,69,-0.0327272727272727,05-14,5,2006,14,8,0,3 8c35bcbf51d640558dc73997221a8978f59b186960b0a34903974868a1afad93,none,creat unusu textur rock mars volcano dub bumpi boulder strang stone measur halfmet high found robot spirit rover current roll across mars pit rag rock like aris hot ga bubbl hot rock eject activ martian volcano sever similar rock visibl near bumpi boulder like similar past truecolor imag taken one month ago spirit rover third year oper mars weather low sunlight winter northern hemispher hillsid slope order amount sunlight,volcan boulder mar,2006-05-15,425,69,0.051,05-15,5,2006,15,5,0,2 4df9898d43f86a1c8798d371b2adaf7bad5e53ab95e9a2be57dd9568f1308777,none,intern space station iss largest humanmad object ever orbit earth last august station visit resuppli space shuttl discovery iss current oper expedit 13 crew consist russian american astronaut depart iss crew discoveri captur spectacular vista orbit space citi high caspian sea visibl compon includ modules trusses expans solar array gather sunlight turn need electricity,intern space station,2006-05-16,370,54,0.1266666666666666,05-16,5,2006,16,8,1,2 cce1fe8be9fb2ef603a3793455754e214e4b10b0d113a3c628cc08b73d367050,none,caus power explos known gammaray bursts astrophysicist still sure longest durat gammaray burst grbs seem involv massiv stars new clue indic uncov recent seri imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope images shown above indic long durat grb typic appear come galaxi region galaxi bright region rich star format bright massiv stars long grb therefor differ mani type supernovas occur uniformli distribut host galaxies sinc activ star form region rel rare milki way galaxy chanc nearbi grb affect life earth rel,host galaxi,2006-05-17,505,80,0.2611363636363636,05-17,5,2006,17,6,1,3 800d0b07b5d5b1137f6eb6f70e8a29c2e7797434d582725bebe490b6356010ff,john p gleason,allur sight dark southern skies larg magellan cloud lmc seen narrow filter transmit red light hydrogen atoms ioniz energet starlight hydrogen atom emit characterist red halpha light singl electron recaptur transit lower energi states result imag lmc seem cover shellshap cloud hydrogen ga surround massive young stars sculpt strong stellar wind ultraviolet radiation glow hydrogen cloud known h ii ioniz hydrogen regions high resolut mosaic view record 6 200 minut exposur time compos mani overlap shells tarantula nebula larg star form region near top center satellit milki way galaxy lmc 15000 lightyear across lie mere 180000 lightyear away constel dorado,shell game lmc,2006-05-18,658,100,0.0870833333333333,05-18,5,2006,18,4,2,5 ee766a5bf5417212e8f94df7d74da1bf3ef95698438cd4d9e5e03225cf5b4e95,robert gendler,spiral galaxies majest wind arm young star interstellar ga dust rotat flat disk around bulg galact nucleus ellipt galaxi seem simpler lack ga dust form new stars randomli swarm older stars give ellipsoid egglike shape still ellipt galaxi large 120000 lightyear diamet larger milki ellipt galaxi m87 domin galaxi center virgo galaxi cluster 50 million lightyear away m87 like home supermass black hole respons highenergi jet particl emerg giant galaxy central region,ellipt galaxi m87,2006-05-20,465,72,0.032564935064935,05-20,5,2006,20,7,0,3 91b51ff6714bc12455573f4fedbcd3eb86cad746f22e03c7c37fb757fa2b2ee7,none,arm 17 meter long sometim use human canadarm2 aboard intern space station iss canadarm2 multipl joint capabl maneuv payload massiv kilograms equival fulli load bus canadarm2 oper remot control human insid space station help task requir particularli high level precis detail astronaut anchor attach foot arm abl propel around outsid space station pictur above astronaut stephen ride canadarm2 sts114 mission space shuttl discoveri iss 2005 august space shuttl often deploy origin version robot arm dub next year second robot arm schedul deploy space station,space,2006-05-22,556,84,0.0157142857142857,05-22,5,2006,22,8,0,2 f9a48e916f587f32229838c2e42320f57414a45358476f9269aa7a6aac01a271,thad vsoskecosmotionscom,rare comet pass close earth last week dedic abl take advantag close approach crumbl comet schwassmannwachmann 3 make timelaps movi fastmov comet larg comet fragment pass 25 time moon distanc earth time laps movi fragment b comet schwassmannwachmann 3 colorado usa taken singl night may 16 83 consecut exposures observ report abl perceiv slight motion comet respect background star use binocular without creation digit timelaps movies fragment b comet schwassmannwachmann 3 becam bare visibl unaid eye two week ago appear fade comet move past earth near sun mani sky enthusiast watch particularli activ meteor shower tonight earth made closest approach orbit comet schwassmannwachmann 3 late yesterday,comet schwassmannwachmann 3 pass earth,2006-05-23,701,106,-0.038095238095238,05-23,5,2006,23,3,2,4 cf8cf6a75869e98b3f5382af8df359297af152cd72e11e1b379fb9e3d9a20eab,none,what happen near center cluster galaxies first glance appear sever strang elong galaxi fulli five bright quasar exist there reality entir cluster galaxi act gigant gravit len distort bright object occur far distance five bright white point near cluster center actual imag singl distant quasar hubbl space telescop imag detail even host galaxi surround quasar visible close inspect imag reveal arc galaxi 2 4 oclock actual gravit lens imag galaxy third imag galaxi found 10 oclock cluster center serendipitously numer strang distant galaxi dot imag like color cluster galaxi act huge gravit len catalog sdss lie 7 billion light year distant toward constel leo minor,five quasar gravit len,2006-05-24,664,105,0.1399999999999999,05-24,5,2006,24,7,2,3 cd70cf140d9ae40ae8cfc49a966a438d0b6b19c835c38c5750cc794fa86f2269,r jaygabani cosmotographycom,color ngc 1579 resembl better known trifid nebula lie much farther north planet earth sky heroic constel perseus 2100 lightyear away 3 lightyear across ngc 1579 captiv studi color like trifid ngc 1579 dusti star form region provid contrast emiss reflect nebula field characterist red glow hydrogen ga blue reflect starlight also like trifid dark dust lane promin nebula central regions fact obscur dust pervas ngc drastic dim visibl light massive young hot star still embed cosmic cloud,ngc 1579 trifid north,2006-05-25,487,78,0.175,05-25,5,2006,25,4,1,5 c1108e97af5f1a4a2be1eb9c85af624d1b844acfae592b5c953643d8aa42cb05,steve crouch,centaurus centaur one strike constel southern sky milki way flow celesti expans whose wonder also includ closest star sun alpha centauri largest globular star cluster galaxy omega centauri gorgeou widefield telescop view omega centauri show cluster 10 million star surround star field faint dust cloud distant background galaxies omega cen 15000 lightyear away 150 lightyear diamet one 150 known globular star cluster roam halo galaxy star globular cluster much older cooler less massiv sun,omega centauri,2006-05-26,491,74,-0.12,05-26,5,2006,26,6,0,3 8dd1f489a168d473649b535641bd01a1243bed943f3cff070a9f0a212d3fb1ec,none,could see gamma ray photon million time energi visibl light moon would appear brighter sun startl notion demonstr imag moon energet gamma ray experi telescop egret orbit nasa compton gamma ray observatori april 1991 june 2000 then sensit instrument kind even egret could see quiet sun extrem faint gammaray energies moon bright high energi charg particles known cosmic rays constantli bombard unprotect lunar surfac gener gammaray photons egret gammaray vision sharp enough resolv lunar disk surfac features sensit reveal induc gammaray far unique imag gener eight exposur made cover roughli 40 degre wide field view gammaray intens repres fals color,gammaray moon,2006-05-27,652,100,0.1463636363636363,05-27,5,2006,27,2,2,4 dd55452ab8185ecae08ca343db651da3de045ac3366641e236340c1801122c90,none,center swirl whirlpool hot ga like beast never seen directly black hole studi bright light emit swirl ga frequent indic black hole present also like attributes ga surround gro j165540 example found display unusu flicker rate 450 time second given previou mass estim central object seven time mass sun rate fast flicker explain black hole rotat rapidly physic mechan actual caus flicker slower quasiperiod oscil qpo accret disk surround black hole neutron star remain topic much research,gro j165540 evid spin black hole,2006-05-28,488,77,0.0722222222222222,05-28,5,2006,28,6,0,5 f47fc345f2e9dd80a3fc186df50e60ddb3e100b8fe37fdcf1253331ffb4cc93d,none,saturn rag moon rhea one oldest surfac known estim chang littl past billion years rhea show crater old longer appear round edg becom compromis recent cratering like earth moon rhea rotat lock saturn imag show part rhea surfac alway face saturn rhea lead surfac highli crater trail surface rhea compos mostli wateric thought small rocki core imag taken robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn cassini swoop past rhea two month ago captur imag 100000 kilomet away rhea span 1500 kilomet make saturn second largest moon titan sever surfac featur rhea remain unexplain includ larg light patches,ancient crater saturn rhea,2006-05-30,589,95,-0.0562499999999999,05-30,5,2006,30,0,0,2 09a97e9ca56b4b31ef1c62b136fc410fabb021c97f311c9921b00d6ec4206756,none,schedul launch 2007 gammaray larg area space telescop glast explor univers gammarays energet form light get ready consid dynam gammaray sky anim construct simul first 55 day seen one frame per day glast observ cosmic gammaray sources allski view project astronom coordin system show plane milki way galaxi broad center galaxi toward right shine gammaray sky besid diffus milki way glow astronom test skill simul data found flare activ galaxies pulsars gammaray bursts flare sun course gammaray moon,simul gammaray sky,2006-05-31,499,78,0.1830357142857143,05-31,5,2006,31,6,1,4 972d18c1c5c119c56fb9cab9c1fb1f658afbaff8cbe13b8f983d8772d52d8b01,robert gendler martin pugh,ngc 6188 interstellar carniv young blue stars hot red gas cool dark dust locat 4000 light year away disk galaxy ngc 6188 home ara ob1 association group bright young star whose nucleu form open cluster ngc 6193 star bright blue light reflect interstellar dust form diffus blue glow surround star photograph open cluster ngc 6193 form three million year ago surround gas appear unusu rich close binari stars red glow visibl throughout photograph aris hydrogen ga heat bright star ara ob1 dark dust block much ngc 6188 light like form outer atmospher cooler star supernova ejecta,reflect ngc 6188,2006-06-01,576,96,0.2083333333333333,06-01,6,2006,1,4,1,3 be96152dcc7103c294bd1738d4d99c89bfead2505bdfe0cba7069948b7658b98,none,ic 443 typic aftermath stellar explosion ultim fate massiv stars seen falsecolor composit image supernova remnant still glow across spectrum radio blue optic red xray green energi even though light stellar explos creat expand cosmic cloud first reach planet earth thousand year ago odd thing ic 443 appar motion dens neutron star collaps remnant stellar core closeup inset show sweptback wake creat neutron star hurtl hot gas direct align direct toward appar center remnant suggest explos site offset center fastmov ga nebula influenc wake wide view ic 443 also known jellyfish nebula span 65 lightyear supernova remnant estim distanc 5000 lightyears,ic supernova remnant neutron star,2006-06-02,651,101,0.0788888888888888,06-02,6,2006,2,4,2,5 0762cc2471cc651f0e9af0bce10e235c4e8321acd1d377f7c261effde0d03213,none,planet actual planet earth seen gamma ray energet form light fact gamma ray use construct view pack 35 million electron volt compar mere two electron volt typic visibl light earth gammaray glow inde faint imag construct combin data seven year exposur life compton gamma ray observatory oper earth orbit 1991 2000 brightest near edg faint near center pictur indic gamma ray come high earth atmosphere gamma ray produc atmospher interact high energi cosmic ray space block harm radiat reach surface astronom need understand earth gammaray glow well interfer observ cosmic gammaray sourc like pulsars supernova remnants distant activ galaxi power supermass black holes,gammaray earth,2006-06-03,666,103,-0.042051282051282,06-03,6,2006,3,8,2,4 ba5ac0a9b7f1de66f8049cce3b510d6236ce893231c1fdc20cf748c33f0a82a6,none,road never get victoria crater mars roll robot rover opportun must travers landscap shown above victoria crater lie one kilomet ahead interven terrain show seri light rock outcrop appear like sort road surround naturallyoccur martian road martian sand rippl must navig around inspect outcrop road show sprinkl mani small round rock dub blueberries opportun sister robot spirit continu third year explor mars within next month planetari scientist hope maneuv opportun across meridiani planum get good view diamet victoria crater,road victoria crater mar,2006-06-05,527,79,0.0928571428571428,06-05,6,2006,5,5,0,2 37e1eb99ba6a2a3c5064576f81a8e096f52994ecc82bd4b95c715c026d352f43,gemini obs,star form beauti nebula middl emiss nebula ngc 61645 unusu massiv star near end life star visibl center imag catalogu hd hot ultraviolet light emit heat ga surround it ga like thrown star possibl fast rotation like rotat lawn expel materi might channel magnet field star creat symmetr shape bipolar nebula sever cometari knot ga also visibl lower left ngc 61645 span four light year locat 4000 light year away toward southern constel norma,ngc 6164 emiss nebula,2006-06-06,439,74,0.1833333333333333,06-06,6,2006,6,4,1,3 70476970494c998821a133a9cb74878cc3ab789998eafb1ff683fa88af8248de,none,happen volcano erupting first person note aleutian cleveland volcano spew ash astronaut jeffrey n william aboard intern space station look alaskan aleutian island two week ago william noted photographed report spectacular ash plume eman cleveland volcano start imag taken cleveland volcano underw short erupt last two hours cleveland stratovolcano one activ aleutian island chain volcano fuel magma displac tecton pacif plate tecton north america plate,alaskan volcano erupt,2006-06-07,452,65,0.2125,06-07,6,2006,7,8,1,2 e6975a30beb92aff06d46441968fcf2c960aad5f48e192ef1d51dd5d5a26a363,michael carrol,stun saturnian vista one seri artist vision volcano alien world ici geyser erupt along narrow fractur inner moon enceladus majest plume actual discov instrument cassini spacecraft close encount bright shini enceladu last year research suspect plume origin nearsurfac pocket liquid water temperatur near 273 kelvin 0 degre c hot compar distant moon surfac temperatur 73 kelvin 200 degre c dramat sign tiny 500kmdiamet enceladu surprisingli active ice volcano hold anoth potenti site search water origin life beyond planet earth enceladus ice volcano also like produc saturn faint extend e ring,enceladu ice volcano,2006-06-08,595,90,-0.0111111111111111,06-08,6,2006,8,0,0,4 5de8f79cf5a8d56fcac26767e3fd2f8c8cc012b2c685fa2c0f6c9499a2184374,rob ratkowski,wax crescent moon shine caldera dormant volcano haleakala observatori dome dramat view clouds look west maui hawaii may 31st scene also record light honolulu horizon near strongli overexpos crescent bright planet saturn includ skyscap planet mar gemini star castor course skywatch also found star cluster m44 beehiv cluster earli even sky wedg saturn moon fact close saturn mar pass front beehiv june 15 keep look west find players click,moon haleakala,2006-06-10,437,69,0.4000000000000001,06-10,6,2006,10,0,1,1 602fcb57dac8242867c58a45b32151bbfbbd3fe303851825e13d88cc7635d237,none,quiet day sun imag shows however even day sun surfac busi place shown ultraviolet light rel cool dark region temperatur thousand degre celsius larg sunspot group ar 9169 visibl bright area near horizon bright glow ga flow around sunspot temperatur one million degre celsius reason high temperatur unknown thought relat rapidli chang magnet field loop channel solar plasma sunspot group ar 9169 move across sun 2000 septemb decay weeks,sunspot loop ultraviolet,2006-06-11,434,69,0.24,06-11,6,2006,11,1,1,1 98edbf528ca094de101f9e4bfb2ca7c4b0cb90f8f481aca5bc9c71229fd0fa18,none,galaxi thin mani disk galaxi actual thin ngc 5866 pictur above seen edgeon vantag point one galaxi situat edgeon milki way galaxy classifi lenticular galaxy ngc 5866 numer complex dust lane appear dark red mani bright star disk give blue underli hue blue disk young star seen extend past dust extrem thin galact plane bulg disk center appear ting orang older redder star like exist there although similar mass milki way galaxy light take 60000 year cross ngc 5866 30 percent less light take cross galaxy general mani disk galaxi thin ga form collid rotat gravit center galaxi ngc 5866 lie 44 million light year distant toward constel dragon draco,edgeon galaxi ngc 5866,2006-06-12,646,110,-0.0211538461538461,06-12,6,2006,12,7,2,3 40e5e37fbc198ee87d583d691964d20b33fd59ee39699d74a446af03e39e05ae,lauri,what happen sun sometim look like sun view larg lens case however actual million lenses ice crystals water freez upper atmosphere small flat sixsided ice crystal might formed crystal flutter ground much time spent face flat parallel ground observ may pass plane mani fall ice crystal near sunris sunset alignment crystal act like miniatur lens refract sunlight view creat phenomena like parhelia technic term sundogs imag taken earli 2006 februari near finland quickli deploy cellular camera phone visibl imag center sun two bright sundog glow promin left right also visibl 22 degre halo also creat sunlight reflect atmospher ice crystals,drive toward sun halo,2006-06-13,638,100,0.0632653061224489,06-13,6,2006,13,1,2,1 953d1c2dbbb151e95d8be0443cdca4f29e01bb5db85ded8346a366a207c9c67c,w p,scroll right enjoy 180 degre panorama across south african astronom observatory hilltop observ station featur saao telescop dome buildings along dark wedgeshap shadow planet earth stretch distance bound delic color antitwilight arch visibl along horizon sunset or sunrise pinkish antitwilight arch also known belt venus order signific structur left right giant salt instrument internet telescop 19 meter meter elizabeth meter reflector 05 meter reflector act building note saao view south hidden behind,van venu,2006-06-15,502,72,0.0283068783068783,06-15,6,2006,15,8,0,1 6f4288b9f7cae0d70f411cf609bcdc110b7e84eacc3cd35891c632fde7043266,herman,first apod appear eleven year ago today 1995 june 16 although garner 14 page view day proud estim apod serv 400 million spacerel imag last eleven years earli beginning along nearli unchang format allow apod consist familiar site web frequent fill change mani peopl know though apod translat daili mani major languages thank reader nasa continu support ask potenti congratulatori email go folk creat great pictur mani time consider effort apod fortun enough featur past year mani contact follow link found credit line image imag featur spectacular collag fantasi sky mar submit enthusiast apod reader skill digit imag manipulation mani apod imag identify,apod turn eleven,2006-06-16,655,103,0.27375,06-16,6,2006,16,8,2,4 72775ddfd11b796aab8132f5b17a6edfc2f20c3d5248c823a72758acc7dac74e,tunc tezel,grab pair binocular check saturn mar earli even sky tonight look west shortli sunset view could similar one record june 14 pictur show two bright planet saturn left separ around 15 degre neatli flank m44 beehiv star cluster tonight find planet even closer together fact saturn mar schedul achiev closest align near sunset approach within half degree beehiv still stand distant starri background still got binocular might well look mercuri jupit too,saturn mars beehiv cluster,2006-06-17,449,72,0.0888888888888889,06-17,6,2006,17,0,0,1 6a468ebac9ce7e8ae515550c626620e3cb58ce68939511bdddda95d150e1f996,none,glide silent outer solar system voyag 2 spacecraft camera captur neptun triton togeth crescent phase 1989 pictur ga giant planet cloudi moon taken behind closest approach could taken earth neptun never show crescent phase sunward earth unusu vantag point also rob neptun familiar blue hue sunlight seen scatter forward redden like set sun neptun smaller massiv uranus sever dark rings emit light receiv sun,crescent neptun triton,2006-06-18,406,64,0.028125,06-18,6,2006,18,1,0,1 17bb2fcdd4855c18278dd24238b94e6ae70fcc2c69b6741d3a6fa80145e1609a,russel croman,star upper left bright sometim hard notic galaxi lower right star regulus galaxy leo i found within one degre toward constel leo regulu part multipl star system close companion doubl star visibl upper right young main sequenc star leo dwarf spheroid galaxi local group galaxi domin milki way galaxi m31 leo thought distant sever known small satellit galaxi orbit milki way galaxy regulu locat 75 light year away contrast leo 1 locat 800000 light year away,bright star regulu near leo 1 dwarf galaxi,2006-06-19,455,76,0.121173469387755,06-19,6,2006,19,7,1,3 fa374a426b9493cb343a39c2f3b212db20a407271d4fe8ec02679500272ec820,inga nielsen,pictur sunset earth north pole regardless urban legend circul internet answer no scene drawn imaginari celesti place would calm therefor titl scene could exist anywher earth earth moon sun alway nearli angular size particularli apparent example solar eclipses still scene drawn quit striking crescent part shown approxim accur given locat parent star reality north pole earth look different start earlier month north pole even web camera return pictures,,2006-06-20,453,68,0.1416666666666667,06-20,6,2006,20,8,1,1 71179e2d19561884219221229d98ace277454eec3e16a1922c32e695320f8c90,pete,today sun reach northernmost point planet earth sky call solstice date tradit mark chang season spring summer earth northern hemispher fall winter earth southern hemisphere pictur 2005 summer solstic celebr stoneheng england event rare stoneheng alway open public recent summer solstic cloudy 2005 however thousand peopl gather sunris see sun rise 4000 year old solar monument even given precess earth rotat axi millennia sun continu rise stoneheng astronom signific way fact photograph abl find good spot rise sun appear one massiv stand stones,sunris solstic stoneheng,2006-06-21,546,83,0.1571428571428571,06-21,6,2006,21,1,1,1 e55c872a9e988f9eeeb557402fa6320ca8636ddda48f5b951052dad82988f99c,chrisschur,herald align wander planet saturn mar wellknown beehiv cluster took place last weekend saturday june 17 record dark arizona sky date view find mar right saturn brightest celesti beacon scene beehiv cluster star m44 lower right two planet appear conjunct separ half degree anoth half degre along line join two continu toward lower left lie third brightest object image giant star asellu australis asellu australi also known delta cancri bright star 136 lightyear away constel cancer crab course star latin name translat southern,planets,2006-06-22,529,83,0.0716450216450216,06-22,6,2006,22,6,0,3 2af840ef45eaba8a20f4cba7bc76e1e3dcccfbfc6bedd150a930458899c60797,johann schedlerpanth observatory,st antares dark mark seem sprawl crowd star field toward center milki way galaxy catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard obscur interstellar dust cloud includ b72 b78 b59 seen silhouett starri background here combin shape suggest smoke rise pipe dark nebula popular name pipe nebula gorgeou expans view record dark sky namibia cover full 10 7 degre field pronounc constel ophiuchus,east antar,2006-06-23,389,63,0.0571428571428571,06-23,6,2006,23,4,0,5 c7b696b5617fbb0604a8786cbb2165a552c81f88f9970576cf9b0111af58ad6b,none,discov pluto small moon provision design s2005 p1 s2005 offici christen nix hydra compar pluto larg moon charon kilomet diamet respectively nix moon hydra moon tiny estim 40 160 kilomet across pluto charon bright enough creat diffract spike hubbl space telescop image nix hydra 5000 time fainter pluto appear small point light still new name appropri distant pluto system mythology nix goddess dark night mother charon hydra nine head monster orbit solar system ninth planet cours nix hydra also share spacecraft new horizons,hydra,2006-06-24,525,83,0.0566115702479338,06-24,6,2006,24,2,0,2 8086908879c0db5014fc96f20b9e4350929b2490165288e831ecca5f21af49d8,none,look like ring sky hundr year ago astronom notic nebula unusu shape known m57 ngc 6720 ga cloud becam popularli known ring nebula known planetari nebula ga cloud emit end sunlik star existence one brightest planetari nebula sky ring nebula seen small telescop constel lyra ring nebula lie 4000 light year away roughli 500 time diamet solar system recent pictur hubbl space telescope dust filament globul visibl far central star help indic ring nebula spherical cylindrical,m57 ring nebula,2006-06-25,472,76,0.05,06-25,6,2006,25,4,0,5 fa519e077d4ed33b40699ac82509d30315edcb3ad02953acc021d321e41d6f55,none,paint starri night one famou icon night sky ever created scene paint vincent van gogh southern franc 1889 swirl style starri night appears many make night sky come alive although van gogh frequent portray real set paintings art historian agre precis star planet depict starri night style starri night postimpressionism popular paint style end nineteenth century origin starri night paint hang museum modern art new york city new york usa,starri night,2006-06-26,437,70,0.2191919191919192,06-26,6,2006,26,6,1,1 df8afdad4a510839f02e8b22d1420f18007a29ca07f57c2cf7b64e902d28d30b,none,moon saturn never stop space orbit ring giant planet would wit continu silent danc saturn multipl moon pass near numer like miniatur solar system innermost moon orbit saturn movi center saturn moon rhea moon mima enceladu appear glide by 1500 kilomet across rhea three time larger compar size mima enceladus sun illumin scene lower right give moon crescent phase time laps movi creat saturnorbit robot cassini spacecraft period 40 minutes,move moon saturn,2006-06-27,438,70,0.0476190476190476,06-27,6,2006,27,0,0,2 d0fffabfea917341ec211bb3a5f796a0fbfd0e0de46a67a01109a0664c02d066,robert gendler martin pugh,nebula perhap famou identifi familiar shape cat get trouble still known cat could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years deep widefield imag cat paw nebula photograph new south wales australia,cat paw nebula,2006-06-28,377,63,0.0361363636363636,06-28,6,2006,28,4,0,5 1a56b91fc555958d4dcb4a6778fa51b435039e6f7881952881a90cc0df0bd56c,vincent jacqu,old crescent moon share eastern sky franc sister star pleiad cluster earli morn skyscap record last friday june 23rd bright venu also near eastern horizon pictur here astronom imag wellknown pleiad often show cluster allur blue reflect nebulae wash bright moonlight still crescent moon overexposed surfac featur seen dim lunar night side illumin earthshin light sunlit planet earth course spot young crescent moon earli even sky tonight left pleiad behind love lunar crescent appear west line planet mars saturn mercuri along solar system eclipt plane,old moon sister star,2006-06-29,552,85,0.1916666666666666,06-29,6,2006,29,2,1,1 41b01bd37935f2c4a65da35e6d3eb764bd58159f20daf3dc01e5a8776f0996b1,daniel verschatseantilhu observatory,60 million lightyear away southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi collided star two galaxi ngc 4038 ngc 4039 collid cours ponderous billion year long event instead larg cloud molecular ga dust do trigger furiou episod star formation span 500 thousand lightyears stun view reveal new star cluster matter flung far scene accid gravit tidal forces course visual appear farflung arc structur give galaxi pair popular name antennae record deep imag region tip upper arc tidal dwarf galaxi ngc form cosmic debris,antenna,2006-06-30,510,81,0.1123376623376623,06-30,6,2006,30,7,1,3 6f35f79fcbb09f34cb8595b4f9f38c2fbbd74d7077621a79adee94c566e67719,none,binari star system gro j165540 consist rel normal star twice massiv sun coorbit black hole seven solar masses strike artist vision exot binari system help visual matter drawn normal star graviti swirl toward black hole also includ wind materi escap black hole accret disk fact astronom argu chandra observatori xray data indic highspe wind driven system disk magnet forces intern magnet field also help drive materi swirl disk black hole itself xray eye good could find gro j165540 11000 lightyear away constel scorpius,wind black hole,2006-07-01,519,83,0.0416666666666666,07-01,7,2006,1,6,0,4 6a8e009e5f5deb78125b45b0dbcd095fe06138be373461638e41a8563910a52f,eric nguyenoklahoma u wwwmesoscalew,scene might consid seren tornado last june kansas storm chaser eric nguyen photograph bud twister differ light light rainbow pictur above white tornado cloud descend dark storm cloud sun peek clear patch sky left illumin build foreground sunlight reflect raindrop form rainbow coincidence tornado appear end right rainbow streak imag hail swept high swirl winds 1000 tornadoes violent type storm known occur earth everi year mani tornado alley see tornado driving tri outrun park car safely go storm cellar crouch step basement,tornado rainbow kansa,2006-07-02,529,82,0.0746428571428571,07-02,7,2006,2,8,0,1 8fed7feff48443becf6c7b7a62978e857b974da1cc6bb01b2470eacedb6981ef,none,martian vista part one greatest panoram view mar ever attempted expans mosaic help keep robot spirit rover busi energi winter southern hemispher mars winter spirit constrain stay side mccool hill order keep solar panel point toward sun panorama far involv 800 exposures littl digit take month complete view shown toward husband hill hill spirit climb last year care inspect imag show track cross center right,view toward husband hill mar,2006-07-03,408,65,0.1732142857142857,07-03,7,2006,3,5,1,1 3a209f1ac92ee04a6a1960d146dc409d4002b4df24539ff5b2d60a7ea2583cd7,jeancharlescuillandr,peculiar galaxi centauru dusty dramat dust lane run across galaxy center mark cen a dust lane thick almost complet obscur galaxy center visibl light particularli unusu cen a red star round shape characterist giant ellipt galaxy galaxi type usual low dark dust cen a also known ngc 5128 also unusu compar averag ellipt galaxi contain higher proport young blue star strong sourc radio emission evid indic cen like result collis two normal galaxies collision mani young star formed detail creation cen a unusu dust belt still researched cen lie 13 million light year away make closest activ galaxy cen a pictur above span 60000 light year seen binocular toward constel centaurus,ellipt galaxi centauru cfht,2006-07-04,675,111,0.0366666666666666,07-04,7,2006,4,7,2,3 a877e3731931ab28e8f62efb7863ef7f628aaf2642a6cecacdc9c454eb9adda1,suprimecam,sprawl spiral arm dot bright red emiss nebula highlight new detail imag nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 2403 also visibl photogen spiral galaxi blue open clusters dark dust lanes bright rel small central nucleus ngc 2403 locat beyond local group galaxies rel close 10 million light year away toward constel giraff camelopardalis ngc 2403 design hubbl type 2004 ngc 2403 home one brightest supernova modern times image highest resolut complet imag ngc 2403 ever completed taken japan 83meter subaru telescop locat mauna kea hawaii usa,spiral galaxi ngc 2403 subaru,2006-07-05,526,84,0.1446969696969697,07-05,7,2006,5,7,1,3 a61e1ea2039c12be6d8fea30101dd13abf4d7b0e1055214c776967b8d3fb7af8,none,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula cosmic bubbl 25 lightyear across blown wind central bright massiv star near center intrigu widefield view interstellar ga cloud rich star field constel cygnus ngc 6888 5000 lightyear away three color composit imag creat stack exposur narrow band filter transmit light atom clouds hydrogen shown green sulfur red oxygen blue ngc 6888 central star classifi wolfrayet star wr shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion,ngc 6888 starfield,2006-07-06,584,92,0.1692708333333333,07-06,7,2006,6,4,2,5 9ca61ef41c90e1f4000c8dc827f94b393694e0bf713101cd02cf0186a7bf6471,none,big beauti spiral galaxi m81 lie northern constel ursa major one brightest galaxi planet earth sky m81 also home second brightest supernova seen modern times superbl detail view reveal m81 bright yellow nucleus blue spiral arms sweep cosmic dust lane scale compar milki way hint disorderli past remark dust lane actual run straight disk right galact center contrari m81 promin spiral features errant dust lane may linger result close encount m81 smaller companion galaxy m82 scrutini variabl star m81 aka ngc 3031 yield one best determin distanc extern galaxi 118 million lightyears,bright galaxi m81,2006-07-07,583,92,0.1498724489795918,07-07,7,2006,7,7,2,3 8eb6f3c3fda73c945e4a28f90a0ca638566623661a6d9d238db46685e3b7c305,none,juli 4th space shuttl orbit discoveri rocket space mission dock intern space station discoveri orbit planet earth 27 thousand kilomet per hour dramat sunset view taken may discoveri approach servic structur kennedi space center launch pad 39b blind speed less 2 kilomet per hour course orbiter booster rockets extern fuel tank ride one nasa workhors crawler built apollo program carri giant saturn v rocket crawler seen four decad,discoveri motion,2006-07-08,430,68,-0.1916666666666666,07-08,7,2006,8,8,0,2 5a1cd83fe474231026fa3c6f13309b2ecfe5d0dd184bd01609b551f468437f20,none,sun yes even normal day sun sizzl ball seeth hot gas unpredictably region strong tangl magnet field caus sunspot bright activ regions sun surfac bubbl hot hydrogen ga stream along loop magnet fields activ region channel ga along magnet usual fall back sometim escap solar corona space solar wind pictur sun three color ultraviolet light sinc activ region emit signific amount energet ultraviolet light sun appear dark color portion glow spectacularly pinpoint sun hottest violent regions although sun constantli changing rate visibl light emit rel stabl past five billion years allow life emerg earth,dark sun sizzl,2006-07-10,600,94,0.1311111111111111,07-10,7,2006,10,1,2,4 8736065bb9aebe84ad91fe1d82cc9cc6970b8f9081b5258aff9147077d735be2,neil degrassetyson amnh,today clear manhattan flood dramat sunlight sun set precis centerlin everi street usually tall build line grid street new york city tallest borough hide set sun effect make manhattan type modern stonehenge although align 30 degre east north manhattan road grid perfectli align east west today effect would occur vernal autumn equinox march 21 septemb 21 two day sun rise set due east west today sunset hidden cloud despair thing happen everi may 28 juli 12 none occasions however ever look directli sun,manhattan sunset,2006-07-12,503,83,-0.017550505050505,07-12,7,2006,12,1,0,1 8bb051aa0fc9055298581041d63fc72be1d9974ccf631f0334bf4d3ea3842e9a,none,go space new small camera allow anyon web browser virtual ride along space shuttle time numer angles launch earth orbit small camera mount tall thin solid rocket booster captur last week launch space shuttl discoveri uniqu perspect fascin detail movi pick space shuttl separ thin boosters tile bottom shuttl clearli visible movi progresses shuttl discoveri brown extern fuel tank break away booster continu upward new camera make cool movi help nasa monitor detail shuttl launch promis make futur rocket launch safer efficient,space shuttl orbit,2006-07-13,527,82,-0.0752525252525252,07-13,7,2006,13,8,0,2 1d7db272eda6ba40f962201794e63031cbb9231c11408828712317f3364f593e,jim mazlin acquisitionrobert gendlerprocessing,stun mosiac sky around bright star antar alpha rho ophiuchi reveal spectacular color cosmic starscape near top rho ophiuchi nearbi star immers blue reflect nebula dust cloud shine primarili reflect starlight cool supergi star antar lower left shed materi reflect evolv star yellowish hue characterist star form regions telltal red emiss hydrogen ga also permeat view along dark obscur dust cloud seen silhouett background star brighter nebulosities 500 lightyear away rho ophiuchi star clouds well front nearbi globular star cluster m4 visibl right center wide view span 6 degre sky,color cloud rho ophiuchi,2006-07-14,583,90,0.1821428571428571,07-14,7,2006,14,4,1,5 59bc860d9496bc23b4cc1387cec936a1a1e5139c35500a3f4089738bb2de329c,none,well known pleiad star cluster starlight slowli destroy wander cloud ga dust star merop lie upper left edg pictur hubbl space telescope past 100000 years part cloud chanc move close star 3500 time earthsun distanc starlight dramat effect pressur star light significantli repel dust reflect nebula smaller dust particl repel strongly result part dust cloud becom stratified point toward closest particl massiv least affect radiat pressure result gener destruct dust energet starlight,reflect merop,2006-07-15,484,72,0.0104166666666666,07-15,7,2006,15,4,0,5 f11204eb54924521e9542e26739f28bf8c044445273294c2b73aa15767426444,none,human spacecraft orbit venus robot venu express spacecraft launch european space agenc 2005 novemb arriv venu 2006 april venu express orbit earth sister planet return pictures pictur falsecolor timelaps movi ultraviolet light captur venu express spacecraft flew venus northern hemispher late may venu express schedul orbit venu three year collect data might help answer question includ venu continu gener winds venu becam hot past current volcan activ venus hope better understand venus hot inhospit climat help human better understand earth climat well,venu express arriv venu,2006-07-17,553,82,0.1227272727272727,07-17,7,2006,17,8,1,2 f2a7063f9df7f780e934646a54e961f930b801ebd5463ef5342d3916bb2df463,none,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark pictur last month network noctiluc cloud cast color eeri glow dusk near vallentuna sweden although noctiluc cloud thought compos small iceco particles much remain unknown them recent evid indic least noctiluc cloud result freez water exhaust space shuttles,noctiluc cloud sweden,2006-07-18,479,72,-0.0536363636363636,07-18,7,2006,18,8,0,1 295b28f578c2050a84edb825cbbfd3df310e79ba7901fee6df638366d378c759,none,catch sight reflect store window shini hubcap entertain occasion even inspir thought moment consid reflect view 300 kilomet planet earth pictur actual selfportrait taken astronaut michael fossum juli 8 space walk extravehicular activ discoveri orbit dock intern space station turn camera snap pictur helmet visor also record reflect fellow mission specialist pier sellers near pictur center one space station goldtint solar power array arc across top course horizon fair planet lie background,reflect planet earth,2006-07-19,492,72,0.24,07-19,7,2006,19,8,1,2 62dc433fdf2d891175d35b444302bd14071baa83eb03cd767cd615744ba027a6,jerri lodrigusscatch light,love twilight scene record last april find young crescent moon low west sunset it star shine darken sky soon drop western horizon star constel promin northern hemispher winter sky season changes slowli give way star summer slide pictur detail constel star view includ orion gemini auriga perseus hyad pleiad star clusters,constel construct,2006-07-20,321,51,0.12,07-20,7,2006,20,6,1,1 32f8635dcd29137cf9c3ab0d874bbdb9ff43210ef001f0160c0573b8121a0223,none,view winter station mar explor rover spirit look across rock strewn landscap gusev crater dark boulder distant hill characterist region two light color rock foreground crop imag like spirit probabl red planet believ iron meteorites inform name site antarctica dub antarct base people republ china allan hill ici locat mani martian meteorit found planet earth includ controversi suggest contain evid fossil martian microbi life,mar,2006-07-21,428,64,-0.13,07-21,7,2006,21,5,0,2 e7cff72812498f7b88eb4291af04019c2b88332076ca8bec336e75e60f0441fa,none,seventeenth centuri astronomers omicron ceti mira known wonder star star whose bright could chang dramat cours 11 months modern astronom recogn entir class long period miratyp variabl cool red giant stars 700 time diamet sun 420 lightyear away red giant mira mira a right coorbit companion star small white dwarf mira mira b surround disk materi drawn pulsat giant doubl star system white dwarf star hot accret disk expect produc xrays sharp falsecolor imag chandra observatori also captur cool giant star strongli flare xray energies clearli separ xray emiss accret disk place cursor chandra xray imag mira reveal artist vision still wonder interact binari star system,wonder star,2006-07-22,670,106,0.1006302521008403,07-22,7,2006,22,6,2,4 368d8fa551e3e64c070430c60bccdc179638c08a5074329644e4da642ad2f88f,none,home last week sts121 crew space shuttl discoveri undock intern space station iss return earth shuttl depart space station took image visibl iss numer modules trusses long winglik solar panels space shuttl crew spent 12 day call space station home shuttl crew resuppli space station prepar futur iss crew two expand three shuttl visit includ one russian one american one,intern space station horizon,2006-07-24,370,60,-0.03,07-24,7,2006,24,8,0,2 8d7e5cabe16b829718d65541a7709f6eaa8cf89b36a754721cdec9e17ca41d9d,chad trujillo,two storm system larger earth nearli collid right planet jupiter one sure would happen far storm survived falsecolor infrar imag taken last week gemini observatori hawaii red spot appear white cloud top tower clouds blue color repres lower cloud white cloud color red smaller red spot sometim call red spot jr oval ba turn red earlier year reason unknown jovian hurrican continu survive sure pass near year sinc revolv around jupit differ rates astronom continu monitor red spot jr closely however see remain red rotat away larger great red spot,jupiter two largest storm nearli collid,2006-07-25,545,90,0.1119047619047619,07-25,7,2006,25,8,0,1 3f18821bf74fe728c3a235d7fab05f716d57ff943fc3357f45112b0f2c17ec81,david a hardi pparc,spectacular explos keep occur binari star system name rs ophiuchi everi 20 year so red giant star dump enough hydrogen ga onto companion white dwarf star set brilliant thermonuclear explos white dwarf surface 2000 light year distant result nova explos caus rs oph system brighten huge factor becom visibl unaid eye red giant star depict right drawing white dwarf center bright accret disk left star orbit other stream ga move giant star white dwarf astronom specul time next 100000 years enough matter accumul white dwarf push chandrasekhar limit caus much power final explos known supernova,explos white dwarf star rs oph,2006-07-26,591,95,0.1264285714285714,07-26,7,2006,26,6,2,3 609871390dd56ec593c84287a2de9cac726092948c4e4bd92335398156f6a322,r jaygabani cosmotographycom,spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth effect enhanc wellfram view galaxi lie beyond beauti island universe background galaxi one tenth appar size ngc 7331 lie roughli ten time farther away,ngc 7331 beyond,2006-07-27,465,72,0.0566666666666666,07-27,7,2006,27,7,0,3 a8f7acec4388ac74d1c75b3c07ab215e4caf6004248c2f64ee9beb6eb7a7554a,none,four panel show xray imag expand cosmic debri clouds ten lightyear across nearbi galaxi larg magellan cloud supernova remnant snrs result two type stellar explos arrang order appar age time sinc light initi explos first reach planet earth clockwis start upper left remnant age 600 years 1500 years 10000 year 13000 years first three result type ia explos destruct white dwarf star thermonuclear blast trigger mass accret stellar companion fourth lower left type ii explos trigger final collaps core massiv star neutron star remnant collaps core lie center,four supernova remnant,2006-07-28,557,88,0.0999999999999999,07-28,7,2006,28,6,0,3 28898d28c723892d5655ed0d80b64d400276d0f8446057be99f8b5ae4cfdaba6,none,call group black hole flock swarm monitor region around center galaxy astronom inde found evid surprisingli larg number variabl xray sourc like black hole neutron star binari star system swarm around milki way central supermass black hole chandra observatori combin xray imag data monitor program shown above four variabl sourc circl label four sourc may make lie within three lightyear central supermass black hole known sgr a the bright sourc c detect impli much larger concentr black hole system present repeat gravit interact star thought caus black hole system spiral inward toward galact center region,,2006-07-29,610,95,-0.0357142857142857,07-29,7,2006,29,6,2,3 aaaf4bb3db646714a598f48334b67b647a262694b0bf66c9b8381b8646b2dc9b,none,largest canyon solar system cut wide swath across face mars name vall marineris grand valley extend 3000 kilomet long span much 600 kilomet across delv much 8 kilomet deep comparison earth grand canyon arizona usa 800 kilomet long 30 kilomet across 18 kilomet deep origin vall marineri remain unknown although lead hypothesi hold start crack billion year ago planet cooled recently sever geolog process identifi canyon mosaic creat 100 imag mar taken vike orbit 1970s,vall marineris grand canyon mar,2006-07-30,467,75,0.0999999999999999,07-30,7,2006,30,5,0,2 08fa98a7824c1dd424df9206b21578f590857b4dfd02f822290e39137f3097e2,none,methan lake discov saturn titan excit possibl uncov analys radar imag return last week robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn imag radar reflect terrain near titan north pole span region 200 kilomet across evid dark area might pool liquid hydrocarbon includ extrem smooth impli lack return radar signal appar connect true titan would second bodi solar system earth found possess liquid surface futur observ cassini titan flybi might test methan lake hypothesis compar wind affect region studied,possibl methan lake titan,2006-07-31,493,76,0.1166666666666666,07-31,7,2006,31,0,1,2 e5c851e0dc813c878dae7fef1ae5593064de507b94e5ffa6d895d525b87d53e4,walli pacholka astropicscom,sometim appear entir milki way galaxi rain head despair happen twice day sun rise east wonder night sky becom less bright sunlight scatter earth atmosphere fade view rotat back view earth eclips bright sun dusk battl heaven earth captur dramat rock format capitol reef nation park utah usa 2003 may dark dust million stars bright glow red ga highlight plane milki way galaxy lie averag thousand light year behind earth mountains,milki way utah,2006-08-01,428,71,0.1981481481481481,08-01,8,2006,1,6,1,1 61491639a16bc4b0de25cfa3834627e59249bce65e962c91817cdef5e34523d9,mark garlick,might rain cold methan saturn titan recent analys measur taken huygen probe land titan 2005 januari indic atmospher actual satur methan height 8 kilometers combin observ damp surfac lake near poles astrobiologist conclud least methan common part titan astrobiologist report comput model cloud moon indic violent methan storm might even occur complet flash flood carv channel landscape later scenario depict draw titan lightning also depict above might well exist titan proven find increas specul wet surfac might hospit unusu form life,methan rain possibl titan,2006-08-02,535,81,-0.2,08-02,8,2006,2,8,0,2 6bdc52f343f220d2a2d9ed73a1c3528ca4d62bfeffafefc733fda25ca8b5a79d,rick astrophotography,search sky 18th centuri franc comets astronom charl messier dilig record object number 27 list thing definit comets it well 20th centuri astronom would classifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 known excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula intrigu color composit view record narrow band filter sensit emiss hydrogen atom shown red oxygen atom shown,m27 comet,2006-08-03,669,103,0.05,08-03,8,2006,3,4,2,5 cfa8a65c9aa6690194bef04bdab24f2592462dad77705a3cabd27bc8f43cfb65,none,get redblu glass gaze across burn cliff along inner wall endur crater mars view perspect mar rover opportun color anaglyph two differ imag present left right eye color filter produc 3d effect scroll pictur right see full 180 degre panorama still return scienc data images spirit opportun rover complet 2 year mar explor january opportun spent month juli road victoria crater stereo pair imag use creat view base imag data record novemb 2004,burn cliff anaglyph,2006-08-04,441,73,0.0026785714285714,08-04,8,2006,4,5,0,4 304ee7adcd5dbe521d0d24f483302290963754acc52cd8f12433ef0559ca8f2c,stefan seip,beauti celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine upper left reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebula compact red emiss region backdrop stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star pictur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 15 lightyear across,still life ngc 2170,2006-08-05,475,74,0.0666666666666666,08-05,8,2006,5,4,0,5 c70ada16ebc727525fd36ad0514865fd8ee4066ececa9368133a5960165f5c34,none,high atop chilean mountain lie one premier observatori southern sky cerro tololo interamerican observatori ctio pictur dome surround one site best known instruments 4meter blanco telescope far behind dome thousand individu star diffus light three galaxies small magellan cloud upper left larg magellan cloud lower left milki way galaxi right also visibl blanco right famou superposit four bright star known southern cross singl 20 second exposure digit imag record sensit detector intend astronom imaging,cerro tololo sky,2006-08-06,504,74,0.1425892857142857,08-06,8,2006,6,6,1,3 10eb3578aa2c5f4f70ce5ba69c01bf441a802c3bd495f74d73577df61acbebef,none,sun still active year 2000 sun went though solar maximum time 11year cycl sunspot explos activ occur sunspots solar cycle solar promin caus sun chang magnet field pictur solar promin erupt 2002 july throw electron ion solar system imag taken ultraviolet light emit specif type ioniz helium common element sun particularli hot area appear white rel cool area appear red sun gradual quiet solar minimum occurs sun quiet one precis predict solar minimum occur although sign indic start,erupt solar promin soho,2006-08-07,482,78,0.0629629629629629,08-07,8,2006,7,1,0,1 781fa6eb0ef34c9337be6256dd99bbf6c488fb76360d59da4867e5e332c068c3,jim steve mazlin acquisitionrobert gendlerprocessing,see horse head see famou horsehead nebula toward orion rather fainter nebula take familiar form deeper imaging main part imag molecular cloud complex reflect nebula catalog ic 4592 reflect nebula actual made fine dust normal appear dark look quit blue reflect light energet nearbi stars case sourc much reflect light star eye horse star part nu scorpii one brighter star system toward constel scorpius second reflect nebula dub ic 4601 visibl surround two star far right,head shape reflect nebula ic,2006-08-08,470,76,0.1460034013605442,08-08,8,2006,8,4,1,5 84e2aeb2680e0640299712f5eace699941b51ecf655f72b0bb0166be58764e0d,chrisschur,earli morn skyscap record near queensland australia look toward southeast low cloud seen silhouett first hint sunlight two famou cosmic clouds cloud magellan also hover brighten sky small magellan cloud upper right larg magellan cloud lmc promin wonder southern sky name 16th centuri portugues explor ferdinand magellan small irregular galaxi right satellit much larger spiral milki way galaxy smc 210000 lightyear lmc 180000 lightyear away lower left bright star canopu alpha denizen milki way mere 310 lightyear distant,magellan morn,2006-08-09,521,78,0.0372448979591836,08-09,8,2006,9,6,0,3 4380ab2b2c14b91853829567be71edcba7eb8970dc974b62913093d8b7813710,none,xray vision central region galaxi would hidden view cosmic dust clouds instead milki way toward sagittariu might look someth like this pleas look at gorgeou falsecolor represent xray data chandra observatori show high energi blue medium green low energi xray red mosaic span 130 lightyear 26000 lightyear distanc galact center reveal massive xray emit star cluster crowd environment particular galact center cluster enorm black hole sagittariu a within bright region near bottom two star clusters quintuplet lie near top cluster interact dens molecular cloud region may produc diffus emiss detect chandra xray view,galact center star cluster,2006-08-10,614,93,0.0620833333333333,08-10,8,2006,10,6,2,4 c8e78373b88ff04080fc14506416f58c6c8867eb1213a3f80212ea2d7aa6dd6e,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,dark sky favor view meteor shower mani year perseids perseid meteor shower schedul peak weekend bright light almost full moon also flood night mask major rel faint meteors still skygaz even moon rise 10 pm local time could reveal spectacular earthgraz meteors persist even later moonlit night reward northern hemispher watcher look occasion perseid fireballs fact astronom jimmi westlak imag bright perseid meteor despit combin moonlight auror glow colorado sky august 2000,perseid light,2006-08-11,474,72,0.21625,08-11,8,2006,11,2,1,1 38a0dc598ec5704562c89ae27d99f99059c37e766ced61601b2049251dd48790,j c casado,moon almost ruin photograph late march earli april 1997 comet halebopp pass nearli front andromeda galaxy great comet 1997 great galaxi andromeda photograph togeth 1997 march 24th problem bright moon moon full night bright long exposur meant captur tail halebopp disk m31 would captur instead moonlight reflect earth atmosphere time moon would set opportun would gone that pictur taken total lunar eclipse,comet galaxi,2006-08-13,405,62,0.375,08-13,8,2006,13,2,1,1 aa290a531a724224722f16960c74fba6276bcbcd6b82cd67edc69ca78375bfd5,none,ever hit beam high energi particl sure happen time shower high energi particl occur energet cosmic ray strike top earth atmosphere cosmic ray discov unexpectedli 1912 known cosmic ray atom nuclei hydrogen nuclei helium nuclei rest heavier elements rel abund chang cosmic ray energi highest energi cosmic ray tend heavier nuclei although mani low energi cosmic ray come sun origin highest energi cosmic ray remain unknown topic much research draw illustr air shower high energi cosmic rays cosmic ray may even import earth weather common lightn may trigger pass cosmic rays,cosmic ray,2006-08-14,575,91,0.1422222222222222,08-14,8,2006,14,8,2,4 6ff665f30dfa0ac5394c8989942b11d9b376768a260bed80dca56d4ce859eaa4,stephen leshin,faint dusti rose northern sky emiss nebula ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away constel auriga cloud glow hydrogen ga 100 lightyear across sculpt stellar wind radiat embed open star cluster ngc 1893 form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago bright cluster star seen promin dark dust cloud near pictur center notabl near 7 oclock posit wide detail view two rel dens streamer materi trail away nebula central regions potenti site ongo star formation cosmic tadpol shape 10 lightyear long,ic 410 ngc 1893,2006-08-15,486,80,0.0269230769230769,08-15,8,2006,15,4,0,5 5ff61dd2f4ef10d260ac094d4ac3a0852146c4449ec038eeecf72a5223b00ba2,nicola outter observatoir dorange,familiar shape unfamiliar locations emiss nebula left famou partli resembl earth contin north america right north america nebula catalog ngc 7000 less lumin nebula resembl pelican dub pelican nebula two emiss nebula measur 50 lightyear across locat 1500 lightyear away separ dark absorpt cloud spectacular imag fals color nebulas bright ioniz fronts fine detail dark dust nebula seen binocular dark location look small nebular patch northeast bright star deneb constel cygnus still unknown star star ioniz redglow hydrogen gas,north america pelican nebula,2006-08-16,526,79,0.1623626373626373,08-16,8,2006,16,4,1,5 8009b5f01e5d15335a4816faf4e809531354babea8bd3b755335c26b0149e5a5,thad vsoskecosmotionscom,rock format foreground night view record august 10 illumin light wane gibbou moon even though sky also scatter bright moonlight brilliant meteor captur flash across scene 30 second long exposure course meteor part annual rain dust period comet swifttuttl known perseid meteor shower leav trail point back radiant constel perseus ancient dust particl vapor enter atmospher 60 kilomet per second visibl streak begin altitud around 100 kilometers though look like giant hand curiou rock format found colorado nation monument park usa planet earth,comet dust colorado,2006-08-17,543,83,0.24375,08-17,8,2006,17,8,1,1 471e31657d88f3a73305e1be36ee30b8b8befc88958586cd4e6ff8ab2006d884,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula immens stellar nurseri 1500 lightyear away also known m42 nebula visibl unaid eye stun infrar view spitzer space telescop penetr turbul cosmic ga dust cloud explor region unpreced detail full resolution remark imag data yield censu new star potenti solar systems 2300 young star surround planetform disk detect base infrar glow warm dust along 200 stellar star young develop disks 08 14 degre falsecolor imag 20 lightyear wide distanc orion nebula,spitzer orion,2006-08-18,491,78,0.0984848484848484,08-18,8,2006,18,4,0,5 9629d60fb5137f371252bf8eac16bb5f686694d1ea2e22c64ab318db8790dbf9,laurent lavederphotoastronomiquenet,thi pictur meteor either taken last weekend peak perseid meteor shower friend cosi beach campsit bath moonlight france astronom apod translat laurent laved plan record bright perseid meteor camera tripod perseid meteor saw neither numer bright captur brilliant trail iridium commun satellite long exposur began satellit glint becam visible result streak resembl meteor trail final image also recogniz seren view sandi beach starri sky famou northern asterism big dipper,pa,2006-08-19,469,69,0.3214285714285715,08-19,8,2006,19,8,1,1 0a6989f95e2a79ece3d1a80ee14f94a277ea4307a7887fec517905c7f9915521,none,vesta huge rock 500 kilomet across orbit past mars 1997 map vesta creat use hubbl space telescop releas show rug surfac highlight singl crater span nearli entir length asteroid larg crater domin lower part falsecolor conglomer image blue indic low terrain red indic rais terrain evid indic vesta underw tremend splinter collis billion year ago octob 1960 small chunk rock believ origin vesta fell earth recov australia vesta consid candid planet,map asteroid vesta,2006-08-20,445,71,0.0714285714285714,08-20,8,2006,20,5,0,2 e2af5aa79f92c2486b48eea4faa0b1ec7f7718b06c8f8fffb9540c6a4212ef50,none,cere asteroid planet although design some recent suggest planet definit committe intern astronom union would cere asteroid planet chang might lead frequent overlook world ceres 1000 kilomet across largest object main asteroid belt mar jupiter newli propos cere would qualifi planet nearli spheric suffici distant planets pictur best pictur yet ceres taken hubbl space telescop part seri exposur end 2004 january currently nasa dawn mission schedul launch 2007 june explor cere vesta regardless futur designations,asteroid planet,2006-08-21,512,75,0.1944444444444444,08-21,8,2006,21,8,1,2 d53392c676eb1eedc46d355108f377b4ebe2420730898b81b8004fe650f84ad9,none,type cloud that natur occur one look perhap bit like gigant owl monster cloud pictur result seri flare releas air forc jet atlant ocean may jet releas flares iii seen right flare releas smoke result pattern sometim known smoke angel circular eye smoke angel caus air spiral plane wing known wingtip vortices,smoke angel airplan flare,2006-08-22,307,52,0.2857142857142857,08-22,8,2006,22,8,1,1 032320e52dd2f549d9d1ab99c6bfb75ae2ee72d990f99c7ada93472056e2e07a,ron miller,what caus season dark spot mars everi spring strang dark spot appear near martian poles vanish month later spot typic span 50 meter across appear fan shaped recent observ made themi instrument onboard nasa mar odyssey current orbit mars found spot cold carbon dioxid co2 ice beneath them base evidence new hypothesi suggest spot caus explos jet co2 pole warm spring frozen co2 surfac thins begin vent gaseou co2 held underneath within hypothesis interspers dark sand would explain color spots underli frozen co2 would explain spots pictur above artist depict might like stand mar wit vent tremend ga dust jets,ga jet mar,2006-08-23,609,100,-0.0844696969696969,08-23,8,2006,23,5,2,1 afbe92586babedfabc4ed49b098e2c376ba419188614e35c32db9166880c198e,russel croman,star come go slide cursor engag imag m8 aka lagoon nebula course nebula starform region star appear disappear includ background foreground star chanc lie along line sight comparison two nearli ident digit images stellar point sourc remov one imag comput process leav diffus emiss glow ga clouds pictures red emiss atom hydrogen domin cosmic lagoon visibl light narrow band filter use record imag data map hydrogen emiss green hues emiss sulfur atom red oxygen blue love lagoon nebula span 30 lightyear estim distanc 5000 lightyear toward constel sagittarius,blue lagoon,2006-08-25,557,88,0.09375,08-25,8,2006,25,4,0,5 b5fb114148422e74782dd86b60cf0e13485d63cf19ef0923f1dd6afaae539285,none,get redblu glass check stereo scene tauruslittrow valley moon color anaglyph featur detail 3d view apollo 17 lunar rover foreground behind lie lunar modul distant lunar hills world go abl watch lunar module ascent stage liftoff via rover tv camera park place also known vip site decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour moon colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead crew return 110 kilogram rock soil samples lunar land sites cernan schmitt still last walk or drive moon,apollo 17 vip site anaglyph,2006-08-26,501,82,-0.15,08-26,8,2006,26,2,0,2 5676dea32b39a8301bfc40faf5f18db4ae79c935ad923f75b6808f40763760f4,none,big beautiful bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300 lie 70 million lightyear away bank constel eridanus hubbl space telescop composit view gorgeou island univers one largest hubbl imag ever made complet galaxy ngc 1300 span 100000 lightyear hubbl imag reveal strike detail galaxy domin central bar majest spiral arms fact close inspect nucleu classic bar spiral show remark region spiral structur 3000 lightyear across unlik spiral galaxies includ milki way ngc 1300 present known massiv central black hole,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300,2006-08-27,495,77,0.1214285714285714,08-27,8,2006,27,7,1,3 38211389ae8376e0f59a83bd2d42f57e55d7eea45c47859e9ba41dec705bfd8c,none,mani planet solar system popular question new formal answer accord intern astronom union eight last week iau vote new definit planet pluto make rather pluto dwarf planet consid prototyp new categori transneptunian objects eight planet recogn iau are mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune solar system object classifi dwarf planet are ceres pluto current unnam 2003 ub313 planets new iau definition must orbit around sun nearli spherical must clear neighborhood around orbits demot pluto dwarf planet statu sourc continu controversi astronom,eight planet new solar system,2006-08-28,557,83,0.1556818181818182,08-28,8,2006,28,8,1,2 16f417220fc198dcb2d4481271b204ac5b5e2a351bc145257ce2352e189b704a,none,blue wisp near bottom that remnant tremend recent supernova explosion larg pink structur loom upper right part larg star form region neighbor small magellan cloud smc galaxy supernova remnant full coordin name frequent also lie smc 50 light year away imag composit sever imag taken hubbl space telescope e0102 research interest see appear 2000 year explosion examin e0102 therefor give clue enigmat supernova work materi dispers surround interstellar medium,supernova remnant hubbl,2006-08-29,457,69,0.0885714285714285,08-29,8,2006,29,6,0,3 cef6be0cc849859a9687078a51eaa003204021d0dfe6ba3287afe807b1501c9d,none,sunspot 905 backwards perhap key marker begin new magnet cycl sun everi 11 years sun goe magnet cycle end overal magnet orient reversed 11year solar cycl observ hundr year note peak valley averag number sunspots now sun near solar minimum like start long progress toward activ time call solar maximum 55 years indic sun magnet field revers appear sunspot revers magnet polar normal week ago one small candid revers sunspot sight fade quickly now however larger sunspot neg polar tracked sunspot number appear unusu white spot magnet imag sun taken soho spacecraft day ago past days sunspot 905 actual begun break apart might also becom sourc coron mass eject explos solar flares solar astronom predict come solar maximum unusu active,sunspot new solar cycl,2006-08-30,733,120,0.0313131313131313,08-30,8,2006,30,1,2,4 b2920963dbc00c5555d9caeab4f9da4e810f92b3ca6af053e6782fba83f9869d,blockcaelum arizona,care inspect full field view sharp composit imag reveal surpris number galaxi near far toward constel ursa major strike clearli ngc 3718 warp spiral galaxi found near pictur center ngc 3718 faint spiral arm look twist extended bright central region cross obscur dust lanes mere 150 thousand lightyear right anoth larg spiral galaxy ngc 3729 two like interact gravitationally account peculiar appear ngc 3718 galaxi pair lie 52 million lightyear away remark hickson group 56 also seen cluster ngc 3718 hickson group 56 consist five interact galaxi lie 400 million lightyear away,extra galaxi,2006-08-31,577,92,0.0364010989010989,08-31,8,2006,31,7,2,3 54f6d9749fdd0c9515c37ef65abc40d14630a371f0f8b353d54c6c4d67b7e075,elk schulz,star seem arc southern sky time exposur record moonris gemini south observatory cerro pachon chile planet earth one hour 40 minut exposur camera tripod fixed concentr star trail reflect earth daili rotat axis view look south includ gemini telescop enclosur foreground appar center curv trails south celesti pole lie upper left edge two faint wide streak track magellan clouds satellit milki way galaxy meteor flash scene left observatory,gemini south star trail,2006-09-01,438,68,-0.075,09-01,9,2006,1,6,0,1 a6ae97424af7e19cb8c2017c31d0edbe4b88117ff3b89dc6150588c8f0d255d2,none,morn twilight came paran observatori chile astronom mark neeser peter barthel interrupt search faint quasars billion lightyear away moment use larg telescop european southern observatori appreci beauti nearbi universe one result stun view beauti spiral galaxi m66 mere 35 million lightyear away 100 thousand lightyear across strike dust lane bright star cluster along sweep spiral arms m66 well known astronom member leo triplet galaxies gravit interact neighborhood galaxi like influenc shape dusti spiral m66,dusti spiral m66,2006-09-02,510,74,-0.0599999999999999,09-02,9,2006,2,7,0,3 f80bfbd4338b1e7948a90f54a4169c33b2053407f4dae43236e80bdd43df2835,none,pluto mostli brown pictur captur true color pluto well highest surfac resolut far recovered although spacecraft yet visit distant world new horizon spacecraft launch earli year expect reach pluto 2015 pluto recent intern astronom union planet dwarf planet remain topic much debate map creat track bright chang earth pluto time partial eclips moon charon map therefor show hemispher pluto face charon pluto brown color thought domin frozen methan deposit faint energet sunlight dark band pluto equat seen rather complex coloring however indic unknown mechan may affect pluto surface,pluto true color,2006-09-03,581,88,0.0196969696969696,09-03,9,2006,3,8,0,2 7281eaf56d431c0be2d615ee39e5e31a443fbcb30f73745cfbd0f492888bea63,none,dust collect galaxies help find out team research took detail imag ever ga cloud dust neighbor larg magellan cloud lmc galaxy composit image shown above taken spitzer space telescop infrar light highlight natur glow warm materi return interstellar medium stars mosaic combin 300000 individu point creat composit sharper previou lmc image visibl vast cloud ga dust show graphic detail dust region near young star bright clouds scatter unevenli star clouds shell around old star small red also visibl huge cavern clear away energet outflow massiv former stars faint blue falsecolor glow across bottom combin light old star central bar lmc lmc satellit galaxi milki way galaxy span 70000 light years lie 160000 light year away toward southern constel swordfish dorado,larg magellan cloud infrar,2006-09-04,764,120,0.1386363636363636,09-04,9,2006,4,6,2,4 99e312d90f75bb0147621d687cd8072b34c7ca7e0c8103422d4f029e3c72f2d6,none,caus bright streak dione recent imag unusu moon robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn help crack mystery close inspect dione trail hemisphere pictur above indic white wisp compos deep ice cliff drop hundr meters cliff may indic dion undergon sort tecton surfac displac past bright icecliff run across dione mani craters indic process creat occur later impact creat craters dion made mostli water ice rel high densiti indic contain much rock inside giovanni cassini discov dion 1684 imag taken end juli distanc kilometers high resolut imag dion taken pass voyag spacecraft 1980,bright cliff across saturn moon dion,2006-09-05,576,91,0.1518181818181818,09-05,9,2006,5,8,2,2 e55e2a46be0f7a842d2d0323eb143c0ff441205a6831ec16fcad14e6cb6dc4b4,jeff,horizon green got camera take picture experi jeff last week visit pictur rock nation michigan quiet night toward northern horizon lake superior long last diffus green aurora imag taken effort captur sens wonder one get watch auror display aurora spark energet particl sun impact magnet environ around earth result energet particl electron proton rain near earth pole impact air impact air molecul temporarili lose electrons oxygen molecul among reacquir electrons emit green light aurora known mani shape colors,green aurora lake superior,2006-09-06,511,78,0.055,09-06,9,2006,6,8,0,1 76284d2a98b34ef78a7ab12f4a0ab9a5a3b401311e855fb1d07267687daf3142,noel carboni,singl exposur easili captur faint star along subtl color moon dramat composit view highlight both mosaic digit togeth fifteen care expos high resolut imag bright gibbou moon repres background star field fascin color differ along lunar surfac real though highli exaggerated correspond region differ chemic compositions color differ visibl eye even telescope moon watcher still see dramat lunar present tonight partial eclips moon visibl europe africa asia australia,color moon mosaic,2006-09-07,464,68,-0.0057142857142857,09-07,9,2006,7,2,0,1 7fd642a851f76d1d9b0ab827221715c8d381fb6837731931907a724c90e54b81,johann schedlerpanth observatory,sharp telescop vista featur last object modern version charl messier catalog bright cluster nebula messier dwarf ellipt galaxy m110 aka ngc actual bright satellit larg spiral galaxi andromeda make m110 fellow member local group galaxies seen foreground nearbi stars m110 15000 lightyear across make compar size satellit galaxi milki way larg small magellan clouds though ellipt galaxi normal thought lack ga dust form new stars m110 known contain young stars faint dust cloud easili seen detail imag 7 11 oclock posit rel galaxi center,messier,2006-09-08,536,84,0.0777972027972027,09-08,9,2006,8,7,0,3 bb5c4c4b5e2d1bf216f830ec8f917c0294285a04c2705137adcb1f6c2134f495,laurent lavederphotoastronomiquenet,septemb lunar eclipse moon slid earth shadow extend space earth coneshap shadow two distinct parts lighter outer part penumbra darker inner shadow call umbra eclipse lunar disk graze shadow dark inner umbra result small part moon notic eclipsed perform still attract attent moon watcher along earth night side creativ scene eclips enthusiast match curv eclips portion moon demonstr appar size posit lunar disk rel umbra penumbra course shadow play,shadow play,2006-09-09,448,69,-0.02,09-09,9,2006,9,2,0,1 fa6740074b155294268cbb3e17a46ae19f44401232ec824e29df5a2dd2488ffb,chri hetlag,mani star form clusters galact open star cluster rel young swarm bright star born togeth near plane milki way galaxy separ degre sky two nice exampl m46 upper left 5400 lightyear distanc m47 lower right 1600 lightyear away toward nautic constel puppis around 300 million year young m46 contain hundr star region 30 lightyear across age 80 million years m47 smaller looser cluster 50 star span 10 lightyears portrait stellar youth also contain ancient interloper small color patch glow ga m46 actual planetari nebula ngc 2438 final phase life sunlik star billion year old ngc 2438 estim 3000 lightyear distant like repres foreground object chanc appear along line sight youth m46,star cluster young old,2006-09-10,679,111,0.1178571428571428,09-10,9,2006,10,6,2,3 e4d10ac265321cabb3fdd6fc4e585893aa1e0d0c4b5e7c6f356c80a83f316e55,lee,last thursday part moon turn dark cause time partial lunar phase moon full rather part moon went earth shadow result partial lunar eclips visibl eastern atlant ocean europe africa asia western pacif ocean darkest part lunar eclipse part moon complet shield sunlight last 90 minutes pictur above partial eclips moon seen rise england imag taken far away hous foreground would allow appear angularli small halfdegre moon far background set twilight sun lit foreground next eclips moon occur march 2007,eclips moon rise,2006-09-11,501,79,-0.0115384615384615,09-11,9,2006,11,2,0,1 771082563d36a785e41c9b79322a23913b5fca7b3bdfcb409e4a4fcc8bdff2cb,none,saturn look like night contrast humanmad light caus nighttim side earth glow faintly saturn faint nighttim glow primarili caus sunlight reflect majest rings imag saturn night captur juli cassini spacecraft orbit saturn imag taken sun far front spacecraft vantag point northern hemispher nighttim saturn visibl left appear eerili dark sunlit ring visibl ahead abruptli cut saturn shadow saturn southern hemisphere visibl right dim reflect glow sunlit ring apparent imprint diffus glow though thin black stripe discern earth telescop silhouet c ring saturn cassini orbit saturn sinc 2004 mission schedul continu 2008,saturn night,2006-09-12,615,91,-0.065079365079365,09-12,9,2006,12,0,0,4 57372e4045f66fd799ac6bb17a61e101c110eba9141131dd3b9ae47c5221d3e7,none,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description pictur above space shuttl atlanti lift visit intern space station morn 2006 septemb 9 stand start two million kilogram rocket ship left circl earth outsid air thin breath littl notic onboard gravity rocket bound space launch somewher earth week,atlanti orbit,2006-09-13,424,68,-0.0258333333333333,09-13,9,2006,13,8,0,2 fce0840f44e8ffdf704ff8719d44f0d56b46e6536e66c912549e848b2e297d77,thoma v davi,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth detailed wide field imag nice show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region trace galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 1 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 spiral galaxi triangulum,2006-09-14,703,107,0.1770833333333333,09-14,9,2006,14,7,2,3 4da3443e3308e2695e0d5b11c6f07b9236a1b574220be50efb8a09d20229bf04,josch hambsch,fix camera tripod lock shutter open make imag star trail grace concentr arc trace star planet earth rotat axis course length star trail depend exposur time exposur last five minut produc signific arc 12 hour given star would trace half circle long exposure background glow lightpollut sky build wash trails still astronom produc stun composit star trail around south celesti pole effect exposur time almost 11 hours it combin 128 consecut five minut long digit exposur record dark night sky namibia final image background glow right due part faint arc milki way,11 hour star trail,2006-09-15,562,92,-0.075595238095238,09-15,9,2006,15,6,0,4 6e9c4ef454014f60aa9749b93ca250c4dc018ee7d5686ead5de83f3d37312213,none,approach intern space station sts121 july shuttl orbit discoveri pose seri photographs process part inspect check damag orbiter backdrop planet earth 300 kilomet below pictur stereo artist patrick vantuyn combin two produc dramat 3d image stereo anaglyph intend view redblu glasses detail visibl along forward fuselag includ high temperatur low temperatur white insul thruster use steer control crew compart windows,discoveri orbit anaglyph,2006-09-16,415,60,0.0533333333333333,09-16,9,2006,16,8,0,2 6adf05c954f048a756290097d275b795629063c2024aa79172a27864e681f3d2,daniel herron,what happen horizon although scene may appear somehow supernatural noth unusu occur set sun well place clouds strangely actual sunset occur opposit direct camera pointing pictur anticrepuscular rays understand them start pictur common crepuscular ray seen time sunlight pour though scatter clouds although sunlight inde travel along straight lines project line onto spheric sky great circles therefore crepuscular ray set or rising sun appear reconverg side sky antisolar point 180 degre around sun refer anticrepuscular rays enjoy sunset visit nasa kennedi space center florida photograph chanc find even spectacular sight occur direct atlant ocean particularli vivid set anticrepuscular rays,anticrepuscular ray florida,2006-09-17,694,99,0.1901515151515151,09-17,9,2006,17,1,2,1 5fec230011c5c6ac12efe52badadbe051d17de665707b9ed6d5aa60b4e143bc9,w m keck observatori,pluto largest dwarf planet currently largest known dwarf planet 136199 eris renam last week 2003 ub313 eri slightli larger pluto orbit far twice pluto distanc sun eri shown imag taken 10meter keck telescop hawaii usa like pluto eri moon offici name intern astronom union 136199 eri dysnomia visibl right eris dwarf planet pluto eri transneptunian object orbit kuiper belt object past neptune eri discov 2003 like compos frozen wateric methane sinc pluto recent demot iau planet dwarf planet status pluto recent also given new numer 134340 pluto currently offici design ceres,eris largest known dwarf planet,2006-09-18,574,91,0.0272077922077922,09-18,9,2006,18,8,0,2 c413e0610f4f9fcb62a3d29374f51b958e44f12faf9da0b20cdc2c8415860a38,none,found way larg victoria crater smaller beagl crater robot opportun rover roll across mar stop beagl crater earli last month took impress detail 360degre panorama alien martian landscape beagl crater appear center dip expos rel dark sand surround beagl crater mani rock eject creation impact opportunity detail imag show signific eros rock wall beagl crater indic crater beagl crater name deriv ship hm beagl charl observ led postul theori natur ship name dog breed opportun schedul roll expans victoria crater week,crater mar,2006-09-19,514,81,-0.1,09-19,9,2006,19,5,0,4 1b45bae3f97bce423e1a03edbab7b1377d93e97bf90dbee6445aff6b279ac616,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear again past days space shuttl atlanti visit iss ad piec integr truss structure includ impress long array solar panels expans solar panel visibl extend lower right imag taken shuttl atlanti crew leav iss return earth world foremost space outpost seen develop past sever year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm anoth impress set solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998,intern space station expand,2006-09-20,457,74,-0.1028571428571428,09-20,9,2006,20,8,0,2 bdd86541dbb041694181660471ad26bcfa68b2373b0ec88ae7ff7219e21467e6,thierri legault,though 93 million mile away sun still hurt eye look it bright sunlight along accur plan proper result sharp silhouett spaceship space station amaz telescop view record septemb 17 captur shuttl orbit atlanti intern space station orbit planet earth rang 550 kilomet observ site near france atlanti left undock move 200 meter away space station tomorrow yet anoth satellit planet earth seen silhouett moon eclips sun last eclips 2006 seen annular solar eclips along track cross northern south america south atlantic,sharp silhouett,2006-09-21,513,81,0.0964285714285714,09-21,9,2006,21,8,0,2 b56796ec183cc9a7bdad2b042fc3c5c3bae849458efb0600cca4cb8b4d425c91,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,cosmic cloud seem form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 course cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster aka melott 15 15 million year young cluster star appear color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouet glow atom gas composit narrow band telescop images view span 15 lightyear show emiss hydrogen green sulfur red oxygen blue hues wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,central ic 1805,2006-09-22,536,87,0.0954545454545454,09-22,9,2006,22,4,0,5 ed924d9b8cb49aecf8027ca0de90ed148a8583277ea3822fe367ac534d1dcc90,jim,today sun rise due east equinox geocentr astronom event occur twice year celebrate consid view rise sun love set ice halo record cold winter morn near green bay wisconsin usa planet earth produc sunlight shine common atmospher ice crystal hexagon halo actual seen often rainbows remark sunris pictur captur beauti assort type frequent seen includ sun pillar center rise sun surround 22 degre halo arc complet tripl sunris illusion sundog appear far left far right edg 22 degre arc upper tangent arc also visibl top view,tripl sunris,2006-09-23,519,86,0.024047619047619,09-23,9,2006,23,1,0,1 5c4653aa2b3cbefee76b1d365bb0e99b64f010282e49220787f56a9b5b6a6793,none,what california space drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long glow red light characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons strip away ionized energet starlight case star like provid energet starlight bright hot bluish xi persei right nebula pictur center fittingly composit pictur made imag telescop california 48inch 12meter samuel oschin telescop taken part second nation geograph palomar observatori sky survey,ngc 1499 california nebula,2006-09-24,630,94,0.1911255411255411,09-24,9,2006,24,4,2,5 5ea074d9426fc71bc9f7f87e8c4fa44c1bed0f22ae3f70c4e3aede627106e9d8,none,fun cloud turtles fun laundri bedroom chair friendli monster fun rock mesa mar face interplanetari monuments clouds though small water droplets float air laundri cotton wool plastic woven garments famou martian rock mesa known name like face mar appear quit natur seen clearly recentlyreleas imag shows realiti boring nobodi know cloud make lightning nobodi know geolog histori mars nobodi know laundri bedroom chair smell like root beer understand realiti bring questions mysteri adventur never far behind perhap fun discoveri beginning,mar express closeup face mar,2006-09-25,537,80,-0.0444444444444444,09-25,9,2006,25,5,0,1 28d8d24a5cdebce27bcd67157813833146edd6379daf14457aff6780a78855f0,none,unusu stone mesa cydonia region mar quit strike appearance last week mar express project releas new closeup imag portion cydonia region mars new image taken robot mar express spacecraft orbit mars show area 90 kilomet wide far lower right image particularli picturesqu mesa seen upper right two mesa visibl there lit right sun angle appear similar human face becam famou face mar 1976 vike orbit images better imag show interest mesa complex look landform cydonia region thought result landslid eros ancient martian crust,mar return cydonia,2006-09-26,521,83,0.1022977022977022,09-26,9,2006,26,5,0,2 ce5c55b9fbb2351da397305fb3e95476073be48f9938b01f413b2fc97dd52642,none,what pale blue dot imag taken saturn earth robot cassini spacecraft look back toward old home world earlier month orbit saturn use saturn block bright sun cassini imag faint dot right photograph dot expand imag inset slight elong direct earth moon visible vast water ocean make earth reflect sunlight somewhat blue earth home six billion human one,earth saturn,2006-09-27,347,57,0.0237728937728937,09-27,9,2006,27,0,0,1 dfd69d8c5dac3b6c28876b5d3f76b09b2ab642ee67dc4bde7a93262989de0819,none,185 ad chines astronom record appear new star nanmen aster part sky identifi alpha beta centauri modern star charts new star visibl month thought earliest record supernova data two orbit xray telescop 21st century xmmnewton chandra offer evid supernova remnant rcw 86 inde debri stellar explosion composite falsecolor view rcw 86 show expand shell materi glow xray high medium low energi shown blue green red hues shock veloc measur xray emit shell estim radiu 50 lightyear use find appar age remnant result indic light initi explos could well first reach planet earth 185 ad near plane milki way galaxy rcw 86 8200 lightyear away,rcw 86 histor supernova remnant,2006-09-28,631,104,0.1102097902097902,09-28,9,2006,28,6,2,4 616a071cda37ffa3cd4cedf489d08dbe73587a3b98abc037eaec4c2e6b598485,stefan seip,two beauti galaxies ngc 5905 left ngc 5908 lie 140 million lightyear distant northern constel draco separ 500000 lightyears pair actual spiral galaxi nice illustr strike contrast appear possibl view spiral differ perspectives seen faceon ngc 5905 clearli spiral galaxi bright star cluster trace arm wind outward promin central bar orient edgeon view spiral natur ngc 5908 reveal bright nucleu dark band obscur dust characterist spiral galaxy disk fact ngc 5908 similar appear well studi edgeon spiral galaxi m104 sombrero galaxy,ngc,2006-09-29,529,81,0.1944444444444445,09-29,9,2006,29,7,1,3 6a808089cb890b0352b7dcbccac67e096e32aaefca95eb6e0250353af74fcf92,none,septemb 12 astronaut heidemari stefanyshynpip snap photo colleagu joseph tanner mission time spacesuit pair work outsid shuttl orbit atlantis 300 kilomet planet earth portion two pictur combin spectacular 3d imag stereo anaglyph intend view redblu glasses includ scene reflect tanner visor stefanyshynpip sun shine earth distant horizon,stereo portrait,2006-09-30,337,47,0.25,09-30,9,2006,30,8,1,2 37e7310917f185598e3b1e24f59698f6c0d7c5f46f6987218e782522b51429dc,none,earth look like night find favorit countri city surprisingly citi light make task quit possible humanmad light highlight particularli develop popul area earth surface includ seaboard europe eastern unit states japan mani larg citi locat near river ocean exchang good cheapli boat particularli dark area includ central part south america africa asia australia imag actual composit hundr pictur made orbit dmsp satellites editor note imag gener mani print requests unfortunately sell prints however highresolut digit version imag avail here,earth night,2006-10-01,538,79,0.1649999999999999,10-01,10,2006,1,8,1,1 ec27fcaacb6433e2c2d97ad3153b0ea0403d1ebe4738a3a8b634a770d6f6adc3,none,scroll right see largest crater yet visit rover mars reach expans victoria crater goal robot opportun rover roll across mar past 21 months opportun reach victoria last week cautious probe stadiums hope victoria crater show deep stack layer uncov initi impact henc new clue ancient surfac histori mars visibl distanc imag mosaic far rim victoria crater lie 800 meter away rise 70 meter crater floor alcov front dub duck bay victoria crater five time diamet endur crater opportun spent six month exploring safe path found opportun may actual attempt enter victoria crater,victoria crater mar,2006-10-02,569,92,0.0746753246753246,10-02,10,2006,2,5,2,2 a77cd03524ea18dac037000fc9718979083b1401c5a219f93436e69fa3dd70c3,matt russel,power heart nebula larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like human heart nebula glow brightli red light emit promin element hydrogen red glow larger shape creat small group star near nebula center close span 30 light year contain mani star shown open cluster star contain bright star nearli 50 time mass sun mani dim star fraction mass sun absent microquasar expel million year ago heart nebula locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,light heart nebula,2006-10-03,453,76,0.1392857142857143,10-03,10,2006,3,4,1,5 9ad7ac69f567044a5acd7d8414533a02fe8818ec8273d5e67c0f7502f3a3fc31,michael gerald rhemann,newli discov comet brighten enough visibl week binoculars picturesqu comet alreadi becom favor target northern sky imagers pictur last week comet swan show bright bluegreen coma impress tail comet c2006 m4 swan discov june public imag solar wind anisotropi swan instrument nasa esa sunorbit soho spacecraft comet swan near magnitud six visibl binocular northeastern sky far big dipper next day dawn comet expect reach peak bright week pass closest sun two day ago comet swan closest earth toward end month comet swan unusu orbit appear mean like go interstellar space never return,comet swan brighten,2006-10-04,580,92,0.1079545454545454,10-04,10,2006,4,3,2,1 1033bcf005199453f780261db240a065e61ae3291336e9886025307cb94b90ae,robert gendler,similar size large bright spiral galaxi ic 342 mere 7 million lightyear distant longnecked northern constel camelopardalis sprawl island universe ic 342 would otherwis promin galaxi night sky almost hidden view behind veil stars ga dust cloud plane milki way galaxy even though ic 342 light dim interven cosmic clouds remark sharp telescop imag trace galaxy obscur dust blue star clusters glow pink star form region along spiral arm wind far galaxy core ic 342 may undergon recent burst star format activ close enough gravit influenc evolut local group galaxi milki way,hidden galaxi ic 342,2006-10-05,569,92,0.0076636904761904,10-05,10,2006,5,7,0,3 0ca29729abdd0843071d8f639efb3914112b30d6ae3f6c9c792143539e5bf901,none,dusti ngc 1333 seen visibl light reflect nebula domin bluish hue characterist starlight reflect dust longer infrar wavelengths interstellar dust glows move cursor pictur match visibl light view falsecolor infrar imag region spitzer space telescope penetr infrar view youth star otherwis obscur dusti cloud form them also reveal greenish streak splotch seem litter region structur trace glow cosmic jet blast away emerg young stellar object plow cold cloud material all chaotic environ like resembl one sun form 45 billion year ago ngc 1333 mere 1000 lightyear distant constel perseus,dusti ngc 1333,2006-10-06,583,89,-0.0071428571428571,10-06,10,2006,6,4,0,5 09a04a35e495bb465bc5847ac01c27d4c67a8b0465263b3347f1bc05bb05d2d8,none,histor allski map base first two year data nasa cosmic background explor cobe satellite launch novemb 1989 map show minut temperatur variat red imprint cosmic microwav background cmb radiat structur earli universe detail measur cmb cobe result age precis cosmology exactli confirm predict big bang theory play lead role cobe project result discoveri john c mather nasa goddard space flight center georg f smoot uc berkeley select receiv 2006 nobel prize physics,cobe allski map,2006-10-07,461,72,-0.13,10-07,10,2006,7,8,0,2 2d83aa59b6edda1bea55f87d5a3b6792ed91afa10fa611ddd9c4fe8d7eec66be,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group galaxies local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel cosmic microwav background radiat cmbr allski map cobe satellite radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there note play lead role cobe project result discoveri john c mather nasa goddard space flight center georg f smoot uc berkeley select receiv 2006 nobel prize physics,cmbr dipole speed univers,2006-10-08,663,105,0.0039393939393939,10-08,10,2006,8,6,2,4 d26ffebb0fdeef18cb9084983dbe6336496c7294294efe6a689d4ebf89d70ffb,none,unusu spot found mar scientist believ natur origin spot appear mobil hypothes robot creat intellig speci alien mars fact spot appear nasa robot opportun rover current roll across mars abil see martian rover orbit recent demonstr high resolut imag scienc experi nasa mar reconnaiss orbit mro new spacecraft achiev orbit around mar 2006 march last week mro imag locat victoria crater rover opportun arriv there imag spectacularli high resolution object one meter size resolved includ roll rover imag may help scientist better determin safe path exist opportun enter larg crater inset imag upper left whole victoria crater also imag,mar rover victoria crater imag orbit,2006-10-09,629,99,0.1171969696969696,10-09,10,2006,9,5,2,2 a86abde85133be3908fa6f0ba613019434be3bdb1318994935bd0b064c00bf92,t rector,vast orion molecular cloud complex sever bright blue nebula particularli apparent pictur two promin reflect nebula dust cloud lit reflect light bright embed stars famou nebula m78 near imag center catalog 200 year ago upper left lesser known ngc 2071 imag taken mayal 4meter telescop kitt peak arizona usa astronom continu studi reflect nebula better understand interior star form orion complex lie 1500 lightyear distant contain orion horsehead nebulas cover much constel orion,reflect nebula orion,2006-10-10,479,73,0.115625,10-10,10,2006,10,4,1,5 539b51e6c3e23da8c3c186abb3c7d7ed14aa195bddd652cdff3329abdcff1868,survey team caltech,across heart virgo cluster galaxi lie strike string galaxi known markarian chain chain pictur above highlight lower right two larg featureless lenticular galaxies m84 m86 connect sever larg spiral upper left includ m88 home virgo cluster nearest cluster galaxies contain 2000 galaxies notic gravit pull galaxi local group galaxi surround milki way galaxy center virgo cluster locat 70 million light year away toward constel virgo least seven galaxi chain appear move coherently although other appear superpos chance imag small part mosaic dub big pictur taken samuel oschin telescop palomar observatory california usa mural big pictur display newli renov observatori near lo angeles california,markarian chain galaxi,2006-10-11,693,103,0.0364795918367347,10-11,10,2006,11,7,2,3 ddb54e3a273699d58c61ebc295742ca7994e73301d457f0713476c233592988c,none,crowd star field toward center milki way galaxi turn great place search planet beyond solar system fact repeatedli imag 180000 star field one week period hubbl space telescop enabl astronom conduct sagittariu window eclips extrasolar planet search search look brief period dip bright caus larg planet eclips transit parent star sinc chanc see eclips slim definit advantag examin mani star possible end sweep astronom found 16 candid star circl identifi 11 crop like close orbit larg jupiters planet period day less larg planet orbit close star term hot jupiters kepler futur nasa mission intend extend transit techniqu search earthsiz planets,hubbl field,2006-10-13,642,100,0.2604166666666666,10-13,10,2006,13,6,2,4 bb31168114eb10d7355c1130fdcddd5a1ed7fb23887b7bcee9ae66376a5e336c,ed,octob 6th nearli full perige moon shone earth night sky bright moonlight accur planning proper equip result amaz composit featur sharp silhouett intern space station iss rapidli cross right left front lunar disk pictur construct use six video frame record site outsid california usa sport newli deploy solar arrays iss rang 260 mile camera background thousand time distant iss lie bright lunar ray crater tycho,full moon cross,2006-10-14,410,65,0.2011904761904762,10-14,10,2006,14,2,1,2 9038d00145dce1087fd45755904082d759b3ed279593fb5d9dabd1407cb42fa1,none,shadow saturn unexpect wonder appear robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn recent drift giant planet shadow 12 hour look back toward eclips sun cassini saw view unlik other first night side saturn seen partli lit light reflect majest ring system next ring appear dark silhouet saturn quit bright view away saturn slightli scatter sunlight exagger color image saturn ring light much new ring discovered although hard see image visibl spectacular detail however saturn e ring ring creat newli discov icefountain moon enceladus outermost ring visibl above far distance visibl imag left bright main rings almost ignor pale blue dot earth,shadow saturn,2006-10-16,633,99,0.1338181818181818,10-16,10,2006,16,0,2,1 84733f767125ba0ae60a9da71fbc25b392a8a2365c6c52a09957ac17a33d8536,none,could stand mar might see like robot opportun rover roll across red planet might well see vast plain red sand orang tint sky wispi light clouds opportun rover captur vista arriv victoria crater earlier month albeit complet differ direct larg crater unlik martian vistas rock visibl exagger color imag mosaic distant red horizon flat featureless appear similar horizon toward calm blue ocean earth cloud mar compos either carbon dioxid ice water ice move quickly like cloud move earth red dust martian air chang sky color mar blue occur earth toward red exact color depend densiti particl size float dust particles,cloud sand horizon mar,2006-10-17,614,100,0.0580026455026455,10-17,10,2006,17,5,2,1 2b9f187629ac6cab0ea0352af0d24fa18a5d6cf8a2fc8056d7fcf0fc4a268465,eric,creat huge space bubble blown wind star tantalizing ghostli apparit catalog ngc 7635 known simpli bubbl nebula astronom eric strike view util long exposur hydrogen alpha light reveal intric detail cosmic bubbl environment although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work seen right bubble center bright hot star embed reflect dust fierc stellar wind intens radiat star like mass 10 20 time sun blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia,ngc 7635 bubbl,2006-10-18,570,88,0.0487012987012987,10-18,10,2006,18,4,0,5 f03f6aacc2dc75aa46f39c722935be076949213a70a7acab835892b6faa4dab6,andrea tamanti,cosmic portrait record octob 9th featur love bluegreen coma comet swan pose spiral galaxi ngc northern constel cane venatici time comet center close foreground mere 9 lightminut planet earth galaxi substanti 60 million lightyear distant actual relat comet swan c2006 m4 name first spot imag data swan solar wind anisotropies camera aboard sunstar soho spacecraft round sun comet head interstellar space first make closest approach earth octob 24 binoculars northern hemispher observ spot comet northwestern horizon near handl big dipper earli even sky,swan meet galaxi,2006-10-19,551,83,0.009090909090909,10-19,10,2006,19,3,0,3 060d6b4a54a4f8b33006db137357c9a279d0d249eb0f3a9ac71c0619465fc487,martin pugh,south antares tail nebularich constel scorpius lie emiss nebula ic 4628 nearbi hot massiv stars million year young radiat nebula invis ultraviolet light strip electron atoms electron eventu recombin atom produc visibl nebular glow narrow band imag adopt typic falsecolor map atom emission show hydrogen emiss green hues sulfur red oxygen blue estim distanc 6000 lightyears region shown 250 lightyear across nebula also catalog gum 56 australian astronom colin stanley gum seafoodlov astronom might know cosmic cloud prawn nebula,ic 4628 prawn nebula,2006-10-20,528,79,0.04375,10-20,10,2006,20,4,0,5 cd68e46f53377cb21ddf85a00affde180706bb05deed61d2547b7a4f2dc2758d,dean row,clyde tombaugh discov planet pluto 1930 survey sky 13inch lawrenc lowel telescope skill care astronom also went discov star clusters comets asteroids cluster galaxies example pictur galact open star cluster tombaugh 4 northern constel cassiopeia publish description base photograph imag lowel indic cluster small faint 30 stars use appar bright cluster star estim distanc 20 30 thousand lightyears make tombaugh 4 10 lightyear diameter deep color image made modern ccd camera anoth 13inch telescope includ region foreground star faint nebulosities,,2006-10-21,547,80,-0.14375,10-21,10,2006,21,6,0,3 f10fb0efefa00febe59bf0230e8a11f962e76aaa9cb5daf5ecfa5952d5b41998,none,star form one place star form region known eggs uncov end giant pillar ga dust eagl nebula m16 eggs short evapor gaseou globules dens region mostli molecular hydrogen ga fragment gravit collaps form stars light hottest brightest new star heat end pillar caus evapor ga reveal yet egg young stars pictur taken wide field planetari camera board hubbl space telescope,star egg eagl nebula,2006-10-22,365,60,0.0893939393939394,10-22,10,2006,22,4,1,5 8c307f8408f19b2cae5521800cf9693cb97a9dc697b3e193960bd8b0dfd711fe,tunc tezel,meteor flow constel orion expected time year orionid meteor shower pictur above dozen meteor caught success ad exposur three hour taken past weekend town near bursa turkey imag show brilliant multipl meteor streak connect singl point sky belt orion call radiant orionid meteor start sand size bit expel comet halley one trip inner solar system comet halley actual respons two known meteor showers known eta aquarid visibl everi may next month leonid meteor shower comet tempeltuttl might show even impress shower locations,orionid meteor turkey,2006-10-23,522,82,0.1055555555555555,10-23,10,2006,23,3,0,1 2863a196cfe0f5b8754b4f2a445769c8e048b9fd637647d940252b129210959c,none,two galaxi squar corvu latest pictures two galaxi collide however star compos usual not galaxi mostli empti space and howev bright star take small amount space slow hundr million year collision however one galaxi rip apart gravitationally dust ga common galaxi collide clash titans dark dust pillar mark massiv molecular cloud compress galact encounter caus rapid birth million stars gravit bound togeth massiv star clusters,antenna galaxi collis,2006-10-24,424,65,-0.0071428571428571,10-24,10,2006,24,7,0,3 0ceefbe84d41f42ac346fb425ea2fd0eb652c10c64c041786fe1d2d0b2e78cb4,scienc u c,caus hole hole question appear small dark circl far right imag aerogel seem dull welcom one aspect real world science interest part someth creat dark hole might well one first piec matter ever captur outsid solar system whatev creat hole captur aerogel robot stardust spacecraft flew across solar system year return capsul earth scientist pore look see particl becom mani particl sure local comet wild 2 stardust flew past 2004 particles though perhap 10 less expect outsid solar system difficult find stardust team creat download interact microscop program allow anyon standard comput help inspect aerogel slice look interstellar dust tracks good candid track later inspect great detail member stardust team,help search interstellar dust,2006-10-25,708,110,0.0935463659147869,10-25,10,2006,25,8,2,4 51b76b36f9f2f2c90cc98c842979f15122ecf05b7e5f52cccead45e6d6e12b52,none,crab nebula catalog m1 first object charl messier famou list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant expand debri death explos massiv star intrigu falsecolor imag combin data spacebas observatories chandra hubble spitzer explor debri cloud xray optic green infrar red light one exot object known modern astronomers crab pulsar neutron star spin 30 time second bright spot near pictur center like cosmic dynamo collaps remnant stellar core power crab emiss across electromagnet spectrum span 12 lightyears crab nebula 6500 lightyear away constel taurus,composit crab,2006-10-26,558,84,0.16,10-26,10,2006,26,4,1,5 490163a84c0bbe07cdef45aa17f70d25ae18a90e3e2a9310246551515308c925,paolo candi,near closest approach planet earth comet swan c2006 m4 brighten unexpectedli earlier week becom visibl nakedey observ dark night skies telescop observ also notic dramat chang comet color coma tail seen view record octob 25th make picture imag total eight minut exposur time stack center comet move rel quickli background star field pictur cover 1 degre sky northern hemispher observ still find comet easi binocular target earli evening even though moonlight increas overal sky bright next days look toward northwestern horizon constel hercules,comet swan outburst,2006-10-28,543,83,0.05625,10-28,10,2006,28,3,0,1 884ee45740cf127ec1771b3bdc0a8d252d16ed23181d124f564d8ec56e986e71,none,earth endur burst particl sun 1997 april 7 10 edt ground monitor soho spacecraft continu monitor sun notic weak spot solar corona buckl again time let loos large explos coron mass eject cme almost simultaneously nasa wind spacecraft began detect burst radio wave electron involv magnet storm superson wave rippl though solar corona puff high energi ga shot solar system imag show two photograph sun taken 15 minut apart subtracted highlight explosion cme unusual cme ga littl last effect earth like creat fleeting picturesque earth auroras,sun puff,2006-10-29,539,86,0.0398571428571428,10-29,10,2006,29,1,0,2 4c5914cb0e1388950bd8378235fad1d37e7cb4e169c0980713d91df4d3a3fb1c,ivn der,there someth behind clouds faint grace arcs upon inspection actual far far distance earth moon planet venus moon venu bright enough seen day quit capabl show crescent phase see venus appear quit small crescent phase requir binocular telescope dramat daytim imag taken budapest hungary moon venu share similar crescent phase minut moon eclips larger distant world hour later venu reappeared,crescent venu moon,2006-10-30,389,60,-0.0291666666666666,10-30,10,2006,30,2,0,1 9af089329a917a859bf9cb273877566c2b4bb87e3ac0426b12487f801b6bc6ae,none,dark nebula sh2136 appear celebr halloween time complex process star format creat dust cloud mani shape size human percept might identifi ghoulish creature right image chase humans halloween modern celebr retain histor root dress scare away spirit dead sinc fifth centuri bc halloween celebr crossquart day day halfway equinox equal day equal night solstic minimum day maximum night northern hemisphere modern calendar however real crossquart day occur next week crossquart marker includ groundhog day night,spooki nebula,2006-10-31,510,75,0.0214285714285714,10-31,10,2006,31,8,0,1 5162a31ca0936b41919b42e889e8e648ee4b57704a501bd5535a568da5ca5503,none,spirit view 1000 mission robot spirit rover stay aliv long mar need place wait cold dim martian winter earth scientist select low ridg hill place suffici give spirit solar panel enough sunlight keep power make scientif observations winter haven spirit abl build 360degre panorama digit alter exagger color compress horizont fit screen long winter final end south mars increas sunlight plan made spirit explor rocki columbia hill insid intrigu gusev crater,panorama mar,2006-11-01,455,71,-0.025,11-01,11,2006,1,5,0,2 5975594c561cd7412020596d5e90d936ccca6cf8da1586ee049f68fbd51e9a18,stefan seip,nebula right foot andromeda begin descript 76th object charl messier 18th centuri catalog nebula star clusters fact m76 one fainter object messier list also known popular name littl dumbbel nebula like brighter namesak m27 the dumbbel nebula m76 recogn planetari nebula gaseou shroud cast die sunlik star nebula thought shape like donut boxlik appear due nearli edgeon view ga expand rapidli away donut hole produc faint loop far flung material nebula die star pick sharp color imag bottom bluetint member doubl star near center boxlik shape distanc estim place m76 3 5 thousand lightyear away make nebula lightyear diameter,messier 76,2006-11-02,627,99,0.0294642857142857,11-02,11,2006,2,4,2,5 cfcbbe83df9dded5cf3c024a89f4103679a552d7093164a7ae834d6c5db8dd58,none,variabl star v838 monoceroti lie near edg milki way galaxy 20000 lightyear sun still ever sinc sudden outburst detect januari 2002 enigmat star taken center astronom stage astronom watch light outburst echo across preexist dust shell around v838 mon progress illumin ever distant regions stun imag swirl dust surround star record hubbl space telescop septemb year pictur span 14 lightyears astronom expect expand echo continu light dusti environ v838 mon least rest current decade research found v838 mon like young binari star caus extraordinari outburst remain mystery,v838 mon echo edg,2006-11-03,570,87,0.0555555555555555,11-03,11,2006,3,6,0,4 cf1a7577b61a2090c442294435e6a48fa2925ba774feb6c434ddab7bde3a2af1,gordon,rise sun fulli illumin meter summit cerro paran northern chile gordon captur stun moonset telephoto picture nearli full octob moon silhouet impress array telescop eso paran observatory promin left right four enclosur 82 meter larg telescop christen antu kueyen yepun almost hide fan paran also note vlt survey telescop far right small white telescop domes antu kueyen yepun melip name taken mapuch language fittingli translat sun moon even star southern cross,paran moonset,2006-11-04,459,71,0.0857142857142857,11-04,11,2006,4,1,0,4 c15c26991c7cfddf92dae7d75a35386c78c9098dd8fc99777209632bc1e09d34,ray gralak,caus structur comet swan tail comet swan unexpectedli flare nakedey bright last week show detail ion tail might describ ion tail made ioniz gas energ ultraviolet light sun push outward solar wind solar wind quit structur sculpt sun complex ever chang magnet field follow wind structur comet swan tail seen move outward sun even alter wavi appear time blue color ion tail domin recombin carbon monoxid atoms color coma surround head comet ting green slight amount molecul cyanogen imag taken last week california usa week may best remain chanc northern hemispher observ see fade interplanetari snowball swan pass earth sun fade move away earth head vast space stars,ghostli tail comet swan,2006-11-06,664,108,0.1212121212121212,11-06,11,2006,6,3,2,4 9f5850aacd0b747978af48a57d3c0bd101636d1f4e771886e19d15ab482e1b4a,none,janu one stranger moon saturn first janu travel unusu orbit around saturn period place sister moon epimetheus typic orbit 50 kilomet away janus although slightli larger epimetheus potatoshap largest diamet 190 kilometers next janu cover larg crater strang appear lack small craters one possibl reason fine dust might cover small moon surfac also hypothes pandora pictur above janu captur front cloud top saturn late september,janus potato shape moon saturn,2006-11-07,425,65,0.0407407407407407,11-07,11,2006,7,0,0,2 6310d4381444292a83074976b433c3bf29849b43c8981741e64d35b212b30ec5,greg piepol,mercury solar system innermost planet spend five hour cross front sun today begin 1912 ut novemb 8 special equip telescop highli safe spot planet diminut silhouett however mercuri appear 200 time smaller enorm solar disk simul view base filter solar imag record novemb 3rd show activ region mercuri transit across sun six posit lower left middl right depend location sun may horizon entir transit webcast event plan includ one use imag sunstar soho spacecraft second 14 transit mercuri 21st century next similar event transit venu june 2012,simul transit mercuri,2006-11-08,542,87,0.0285714285714285,11-08,11,2006,8,1,0,2 dc2c9a5d70140c23ca1c71339ecdc1ab90850f5134b224628e4ceba5920de9b0,phil jone,joy wednesday transit mercuri dallas texas astronom phil record detail imag sun along silhouett innermost planet network cell dark filament seen bright solar disk spicul promin along sun edge composit imag taken telescop equip halpha filter narrowli transmit red light hydrogen atoms imag emphas solar chromosphere region sun atmospher immedi photospher normal visibl surface left center tini disk mercuri seem imit small sunspot look littl round halpha pictures sunspot region usual domin bright splotch call plages solar chromosphere,mercuri chromospher,2006-11-10,535,78,0.15,11-10,11,2006,10,1,1,4 907135a522d605d7bcb262d9a8f730aad88f78a881f6376c74f30bb2d9e0c853,none,follow handl big dipper away dipper bowl get handle last bright star then slide telescop littl south west might find stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi right ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi small earthbound telescopes sharpest ever pictur m51 made januari 2005 advanc camera survey board hubbl space telescope,m51 cosmic whirlpool,2006-11-11,582,91,-0.0142857142857142,11-11,11,2006,11,7,0,3 06e8f16c046243b0451af349c2b2dd1e0dc4c8fc5636431fa4482e8f872102ad,none,what happen south pole saturn find out scientist sent robot cassini probe orbit saturn directli lower spin axi ring giant cassini found spectacular massiv swirl storm system well develop similar hurrican earth one imag storm shown above sever frame made movi show huge vortex rotating storm slightli larger entir earth carri wind reach 550 kilomet per hour twice veloc categori 5 hurricane pole vortex saturn might rage billion year expect drift pole,hurrican south pole saturn,2006-11-13,450,72,0.1666666666666666,11-13,11,2006,13,0,1,2 1ad3de51e055c48f67aee8ed778076a92e439bc95d3b53c23b0602c196bc9cd0,david cortner,what dot sun look closely almost perfectli round dot result unusu type solar eclips occur last week usual earth moon eclips sun last week first time three years planet mercuri took turn like approach new moon solar eclipse phase mercuri becam continu thinner crescent planet progress toward align sun eventu phase mercuri drop zero dark spot mercuri cross parent star situat could technic label mercurian annular eclips extraordinarili larg ring fire crater plane night side mercury earth appear fullest phase hour later mercuri continu orbit slight crescent phase appear again next mercurian solar eclips occur 2016,mercury transit unusu spot sun,2006-11-14,616,96,-0.0345730027548209,11-14,11,2006,14,1,2,1 f0b41e9960f518952511301e06fdd0ee06d03a5f496a8f2c155b9f3f4466dd06,mila zinkova,white arch seen fogbow reflect sunlight water drop similar rainbow without colors fog confin arch fog mostli transpar rel uniform fogbow shape creat drop best angl divert sunlight observer fogbow rel lack color caus rel smaller water drops drop activ small quantum mechan wavelength light becom import smear color would creat larger rainbow water drop act like small prism reflect sunlight strike imag fogbow taken last week sun behind photographer close inspect far right full imag show one two suspens tower golden gate bridg california usa,fog bow california,2006-11-15,543,86,0.1096938775510204,11-15,11,2006,15,8,0,1 caba5deae4fe1dec0969f6468783b95366afd823d675469ada892cbd850c9c49,none,moment planet jupiter venus mars mercuri pose near parent star suncent view record novemb 11 picture coronograph onboard spacebas solar heliospher observatory span 15 degre sun size posit indic white circle background star also visibl otherwis overwhelm sunlight block coronograph occult disk planet themselves particular jupit venus still bright enough caus signific horizont streak image mercuri actual move rapidli left right field day earlier seen cross front solar disk what bright doubl star left mars zubenelgenubi course,sun,2006-11-16,528,77,0.1626984126984127,11-16,11,2006,16,1,1,1 a18a48f2a0c75ee7aebd8bca9acf6c21b28175d10c8890498fd819aa95ffb306,mark,sight mercury tini round disk drift slowli across face sun inspir entertain mani denizen planet earth last week fact artist astronom mark seibold view 1999 2006 transit solar system innermost planet solar filter telescop compos render mercuri near edg enorm solar disk origin work 23 17 inch pastel artist hand creativ seibold concentr offer impress mercury silhouette surround shade reflect visual experi easili captur photograph exposures course age camera draw wide use record telescop observ sunspot planetari transits,hand drawn transit,2006-11-17,522,78,-0.04,11-17,11,2006,17,1,0,4 ebca176ed97c494b51271a19ccb8678752791540bf532012d8d37721d62add8b,casado,love view northern spain cape easternmost point peninsula look across mediteranean stream 2002 leonid meteor shower pictur composit thirti separ one minut exposur taken fishey lens 70 leonid meteor visible seen nearli head on bright jupit posit right shower radiant leo perch moonlit rock bottom right photographers dog seem watch go celesti display add surreal visual element scene 2006 leonid meteor shower much less intens 2002 near predict peak weekend sky watcher best view dark sky earli morn hour leo rise eastern horizon,leonid,2006-11-18,528,83,0.2804761904761905,11-18,11,2006,18,8,1,1 7962e5a32727e80376e42a03864618c9772cf910e4cf38908c824f02b3a2dec7,pierr thoma lsten lyon,meteor 1992 captur 16 independ video struck car document brighter full moon spectacular firebal cross part sever us state 40 second glori land new york result meteorite pictur here compos dens rock size mass extrem heavi ball lucki enough find meteorit impact pick part like either hot weekend leonid meteor shower meteors any expect hit ground,car hole peekskil meteorit,2006-11-19,345,56,0.1909090909090909,11-19,11,2006,19,8,1,1 47662dbce8c4ed1992f70555ce1cd09c7bb3a563f71924bdcca5f62904e4ca4b,jon christensen,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away deep image faint wisp sheet dust ga particularli evident great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,m42 wisp orion nebula,2006-11-20,590,92,0.245,11-20,11,2006,20,4,1,5 6627d5ed63c4218edfc3bbd52940e2da1ffd311e2c57c205c0cec73842d6b02c,pm hedn,past weekend small remnant bit distant comet lit sky much planet earth incom reports however year leonid meteor shower less activ leonid meteor shower year ago nevertheless sky enthusiast report peak meteor burst high one visual meteor per minute parent bodi leonid meteor shower comet tempeltuttle leav trail expel particl everi 33 year return inner solar system earth pass stream sunorbit particles meteor shower results pictur above leonid meteor captur two day ago earli morn hour novemb 19 vallentuna sweden although activ level meteor shower notori hard predict astronom specul aurigid meteor shower next septemb might unusu rich bright meteors,leonid meteor sweden,2006-11-21,650,100,0.0289743589743589,11-21,11,2006,21,3,2,4 7885ca9694944a27ee56b17064af78c110663f1020b7f09f15cbcd53b5c6e0d1,none,pleas wait one largest mobil machin world cross road machin pictur bucketwheel use modern surfac machin like given human abil mine miner chang face planet earth new dramat ways open pit example visibl orbit largest excav 200 meter long 100 meter high dwarf huge nasa crawler transport space shuttl launch bucketwheel excav dig hole length footbal field 25 meter deep singl day may take cross road though top speed one kilomet per hour,earth,2006-11-22,434,73,0.122396694214876,11-22,11,2006,22,8,1,2 2be962c4ab4947901fd78cc5a9d09f7cda6df7fa02d017b24128cf9cb1bf559d,chrisschur,gorgeou spiral galaxi m33 seem fair share hydrogen inner 30000 lightyear shown imag process fulli reveal reddish glow ioniz hydrogen region hii regions sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward galaxy core histor great interest astronomers m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseri site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat luminous massiv star ioniz surround hydrogen ga ultim produc characterist red glow promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxi lie 3 million lightyear distant,hydrogen m33,2006-11-23,533,79,0.20625,11-23,11,2006,23,7,1,3 c3b8baefcc4e59202067b8a355c81cdf5da4f5c48ac42fe15c4e045ba3ebde77,steve mandelgalaxi images,runaway star massiv star travel rapidli interstellar space like ship plow cosmic seas runaway star alpha cam produc grace arc bow wave bow shock move 60 kilomet per second compress interstellar materi path bright star left center wide degree view alpha cam 2530 time massiv sun 5 time hotter 30000 kelvins 500000 time brighter 4000 lightyear away longneck constel camelopardalis star also produc strong wind bow shock stand 10 lightyear star itself set star motion astronom long thought alpha cam flung nearbi cluster young hot star due gravit interact cluster member perhap supernova explos massiv companion star,alpha runaway star,2006-11-24,614,97,0.1108333333333333,11-24,11,2006,24,6,2,5 c1430c4b15a390a0544e2e0c47bb993926a74e31463441acc572b780aa947bee,greg piepol,mercuri visibl shortli dawn brightest star eastern horizon almost two week ago mercuri actual cross face sun second time 21st century view redblu glasses stereo anaglyph combin spacebas imag sun innermost planet 3d present mercuri transit solar disk imag sound like mean sunrise sunstar observatory hinod launch uchinoura space center view transit earth orbit superimpos mercury dark silhouett detail imag planet rug surfac base data marin 10 probe flew mercuri 1974 1975,3d mercuri transit,2006-11-25,471,72,-0.09625,11-25,11,2006,25,1,0,2 f20b377022773af5b3355036492fb175e63f7e4d6f6cbd04eb15992d34806610,none,caus mysteri spoke saturn rings visibl left imag ghostlik impressions spoke first discov voyag spacecraft buzz saturn earli 1980s exist unexpected genesi hypothesi ever becom oddly spoke conspicu absent initi imag sent back robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn analys archiv voyag imag led conclus transient spokes may form dissip hours compos electr charg sheet small dustsiz particles recent imag cassini like shown final shown enigmat spoke superpos saturn b ring hypothes spoke creation includ small meteor impact ring electron beam saturnian atmospher lightn spray rings observ puzzl spokes well creativ origin ongoing,mysteri spoke saturn ring,2006-11-27,624,92,-0.0351851851851851,11-27,11,2006,27,0,2,4 99a1b6e73a91f742844e7dbc949dd8920ccbdf89c5f0bfcfcdf6397b87b1cb2b,none,galaxi discombobulated usually galaxi topsyturvi result recent collis neighbor galaxy spiral galaxi ngc 1313 however appear alone brightli lit new blue massiv stars star format appear rampant ngc 1313 label starburst galaxy strang featur ngc 1313 includ spiral arm lopsid rotat axi center nuclear bar pictur above ngc 1313 span 50000 light year lie 15 million light year away toward constel continu numer model galaxi like ngc 1313 might shed light unusu nature,unusu starburst galaxi ngc 1313,2006-11-28,461,73,0.1095959595959596,11-28,11,2006,28,7,1,3 ed77f0728c793a858737b980bdcdd243124d82c1ea4b9443062dee66c4045833,victor,large almost radio dish larg array vla radio telescop might appear strang combin dinosaur skeleton common receiv dish together 27 dish vla combin high sensit high resolution enabl seri import astronom discoveries includ water ice planet mercury microquasar galaxy gravitationallyinduc einstein ring around distant galaxies radio counterpart cosmolog distant gammaray bursts pictur above dish vla photograph last week near socorro new mexico usa,big dish vla radio observatori,2006-11-29,444,63,0.027064935064935,11-29,11,2006,29,8,0,2 fdfe115887764351a84c3e786546b3276528590f962f80674cf44a101561d87b,none,pelican nebula lie 2000 lightyear away high fli constel cygnus swan also known ic 5070 cosmic pelican appropri found east coast north america nebula ngc 7000 anoth surprisingli familiar look emiss nebula cygnus pelican north america nebula part larg complex star form region almost nearbi betterknown orion nebula vantag point dark dust cloud upper left help defin pelican eye long bill bright front ioniz ga suggest curv shape head neck base digit black white imag samuel oschin telescop palomar observatory strike synthes color view includ two bright foreground star span 30 lightyear estim distanc pelican nebula,pelican swan,2006-11-30,615,96,0.0390277777777777,11-30,11,2006,30,4,2,5 c70701709c8a9b0e42dcdd08172ebb82f57af3fda2ee6aaee00b24e8363df5de,none,smaller companion seem wrap spiral arm enigmat galaxi ngc 1097 amazingli deep imag peculiar spiral system also known arp 77 actual combin data two telescopes one northern one southern hemispher planet earth faint detail reveal includ hint mysteri jet emerg toward top view seen 42000 lightyear larger galaxy center companion galaxi gravit interact spiral ultim merg it ngc 1097 center also harbor massiv black hole ngc 1097 locat 45 million lightyear away chemic constel fornax,arm ngc 1097,2006-12-01,477,75,-0.0366666666666666,12-01,12,2006,1,7,0,3 608d331d961264ef968032cbe5de0dea66393e932a4d3cacd9cd9a73278704fb,serg brunier,myth atla hold heavens stun view mountain appear serv southern night sky around snowi peak record climb expedit altitud 19000 feet degre c pictur place south celesti pole and mountain ojo del top 22000 feet ojo del highest activ volcano planet earth time exposur last hour record grace arc star trail along rise milki way left set magellan clouds,star trail feet,2006-12-02,346,59,0.125,12-02,12,2006,2,6,1,1 f45dffe94f5db241594da7831dad5157e6fcc6b2fc07dcb61eedf9f4d402c607,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin main asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system larger moon phobos inde seen cratered asteroidlik object stun color imag mar express spacecraft record resolut seven meter per pixel phobo orbit close mar 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down 100 million year like crash surfac shatter stress caus relentless tidal forces debri form ring around mars,phobos doom moon mar,2006-12-03,560,91,-0.0269841269841269,12-03,12,2006,3,5,0,2 34a8ba9deadc31f13b6def487cbf4bd7a9db97b4f3321ce6ea89e25ca00fa9c4,none,plume hot ga shoot across surfac even averag day sun volatil activ captur dramat detail recent new hinod satellit launch japan late september near horizon activ region around sunspot eject hot plasma along magnet field line connect sunspot surround region solar atmosphere bright region hotter active bubbl continu activ sun photospher visibl foreground frame movi repres color cover solar region 8000 kilometers note download full movi file click picture,movie activ sun,2006-12-04,455,69,0.1503367003367003,12-04,12,2006,4,1,1,1 b508fff4d459f8ef9608e69dbb2ca069f2a3dd1223c6953dfbe171b65b5c289d,wikipedia,it found bottom sea aboard ancient greek ship seem complex prompt decad study although mani function remain unknown recent xray devic confirm natur antikythera mechanism discov sever surpris functions antikythera mechan discov mechan comput accuraci thought imposs 80 bc ship carri sophist technolog thought develop human anoth 1000 years wheel gear creat portabl orreri sky predict star planet locat well lunar solar eclipses antikythera mechanism shown above 33 centimet high similar size larg book,antikythera mechan,2006-12-05,500,74,-0.03,12-05,12,2006,5,8,0,2 6780fb72335af89f7f04a0849a91ffe44524a6f7575c48d8cca047a92742711b,none,right equipment see spirit rover current roll across mars right equipment however current limit high resolut imag scienc experi onboard mar reconnaiss orbit mro mro arriv mar march start scienc observ red planet last month visibl spectacularli high resolut imag spirit rover columbia hill mars object small one meter resolved also visibl track made robot explor larg plateau layer rock dub home plate mro continu imag red planet unpreced detail creat imag like import better understand geolog weather mars well indic good candid land site futur mission mars,spirit rover mar imag orbit,2006-12-06,557,88,0.1878021978021977,12-06,12,2006,6,5,1,2 7addedf47a81ffb551859f04080f9de83f974e81dec51740035223b17b31a664,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,faceon spiral galaxi m77 lie mere 60 million lightyear away toward aquat constel cetus also known ngc 1068 bright core well studi astronom explor mysteri supermass black hole activ galaxies m77 also seen xray ultraviolet infrared radio wavelengths visibl light imag highlight anoth remark aspect galaxy picture data enhanc show outer faint details follow spiral arm structur reach far beyond galaxy brighter central regions includ fainter galaxy diamet well 100 thousand lightyear m77 estim distance make larger spiral milki way,m77,2006-12-07,528,80,0.0041666666666666,12-07,12,2006,7,7,0,3 de045b9713dbaca5e068d96ac54c59996f20850898bf031dc9ebb0a0eae20551,dan,lesser known sight nebularich constel orion ngc 2174 found binocular near head celesti hunter 6400 lightyear distant glow cosmic cloud surround loos cluster young stars cover area larger full moon sky stun narrow band imag adopt typic color map atom emiss ngc falsecolor map show otherwis red hydrogen emiss green hue emphas sulfur emiss red oxygen blue place cursor imag reveal altern imag nebula made broad band filters broad band imag combin filter closer analog human vision domin red glow hydrogen,ngc 2174 emiss nebula orion,2006-12-08,502,81,0.0116666666666666,12-08,12,2006,8,4,0,5 5255abf8a6c294c133e0b5c9c930430a07895afc37e00a2e3a42566db6bc97ca,tunc tezel,three children sun rise east peac dawn skyview record decemb 7th near bolu turkey inner planet mercury fresh second transit 21st century stand highest bright sky top right ga giant jupit lie cloud bank near pictur center mar also visible right jupit dark cloud bank sunday planet form much group sunrise come day western sky sunset rule brilliant planet venus also known even star,three planet dawn sky,2006-12-09,380,64,0.1950892857142857,12-09,12,2006,9,8,1,1 1faff58d8ceb3f28837d0f898e64c56c7e5469d7ed1efff46afa6b96c6537f7f,m constantin moonpanscom,would like explor surfac anoth world 1972 apollo 17 mission astronaut harrison schmitt found first hand case world earth moon recent compil panorama lunar photograph origin taken astronaut eugen cernan magnific desol barren moon apparent visibl scroll right lunar rock foreground lunar mountain background small craters lunar rover astronaut schmidt way back rover day imag taken human left moon yet return,apollo 17 panorama astronaut run,2006-12-10,406,61,0.0419642857142857,12-10,12,2006,10,2,0,2 e6db589e37d4458401db854e919cefd20380ce7788d5bf4832b9cdcb0695540c,none,double doubl toil trouble fire burn cauldron bubbl mayb macbeth consult witch head nebula suggest shape reflect nebula associ bright star rigel constel orion formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula glow primarili light reflect bright star rigel locat upper right edg full image fine dust nebula reflect light blue color caus rigel blue color dust grain reflect blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen nebula lie 1000 lightyear away,ic 2118 witch head nebula,2006-12-11,519,82,0.2157738095238095,12-11,12,2006,11,4,1,5 6b960ca6e22fb89320d0ebdf4ee54fc4a53dbad33945ec5a66d3a54cf6afba74,none,what creat lightton deposit mars quit possibl imag part midlatitud mar taken year releas last week shown unexpect new lightton deposit none before one clear case shown above crater mar shown photograph 1999 august 2005 september unusu deposit visibl recent photograph appar near bottom bolster lead hypothesi water crater wall flow crater soon evapor thin martian atmosphere although frozen wateric known near martian pole years free flow surfac water like expect seen mars confirmed water spring might make mar hospit life human previous believed,light indic water flow mar,2006-12-12,548,84,0.0558080808080808,12-12,12,2006,12,5,0,1 afd3ca702d231238cc7f4c7ef76877889688be0289dcc6d521ae420650d56965,none,tsunami larg happen earth one week ago larg solar flare earthsiz sunspot produc tsunamityp shock wave spectacular even sun pictur above tsunami wave captur move activ region ar 10930 optic solar patrol network ospan telescop new mexico usa result shock wave known technic moreton wave compress heat gass includ hydrogen photospher sun caus momentarili brighter glow imag taken specif red color emit exclus hydrogen gas rampag tsunami took activ filament sun although mani reestablish later solar tsunami spread nearli one million kilomet per hour circl entir sun matter minutes,larg tsunami shock wave sun,2006-12-13,577,89,0.1472727272727272,12-13,12,2006,13,1,2,4 e2a9552c520308628d76d51c464005ed6d5d7f384540cfd12e0c3f1765115392,none,peer thick hazi atmospher saturn largest moon infrar camera onboard cassini spacecraft record view tallest mountain ever seen titan captur flybi late october high resolution falsecolor mosaic show mountain rang 150 kilomet long 15 kilomet high liken sierra nevada mountain rang western unit states planet earth along titan mountain ridg lie bright deposits thought methan snow organ material ici mountain titan probabl form like earth midocean ridges materi well fill gap creat surfac tecton plate spread apart,mountain titan,2006-12-14,511,77,0.0528571428571428,12-14,12,2006,14,8,0,2 7107778c84143db81ceeabe44af9e717e581d9dafeabd91a0968412af09706d4,robert gendler,larg spiral galaxi ngc 1055 top left join spiral m77 love cosmic view toward constel cetus narrowed dusti appear edgeon spiral ngc 1055 contrast nice faceon view m77 bright nucleu spiral arms 100000 lightyear across pair domin member small galaxi group 60 million lightyear away estim distance m77 one remot object charl messier catalog separ fellow island univers ngc 1055 least 500000 lightyears mosaick field size full moon sky includ color foreground milki way star with diffract spikes along distant background galaxies,ngc 1055 m77,2006-12-15,524,82,0.2222222222222222,12-15,12,2006,15,7,1,3 4357c4c8f930525d76e7d5fc7f80398938e9c3d954cba556259f97ad8daf2d3d,andrew,last saturday space shuttl discoveri lit night climb orbit planet earth oak hill florida usa 30 mile north kennedi space center design engin andrew track shuttl record four minut time exposur exhaust plume along discovery path background starri sky upper left end drift plume punctuat alnitak alnilam mintaka vertic line belt star orion right belt stars pinkish jewel orion sword star all great orion nebula still farther right foot hunter lie rigel brightest star view rigel hot supergi star 700 lightyear distance,path orion,2006-12-16,517,82,0.1901785714285714,12-16,12,2006,16,6,1,5 b4459efcdf945966063944083fba2d787fb89cee29b351bd8cf0c780f0b69d15,umar mohideen u california riverside,tini ball provid evid univers expand forever measur slightli one tenth millimeter ball move toward smooth plate respons energi fluctuat vacuum empti space attract known casimir effect name discoverer who 50 year ago tri understand fluid like mayonnais move slowly today evid accumul energi densiti univers unknown form dub dark energy form genesi dark energi almost complet unknown postul relat vacuum fluctuat similar casimir effect gener somehow space itself vast mysteri dark energi appear gravit repel matter henc like caus univers expand forever understand vacuum fluctuat forefront research better understand univers also stop micromechan machin part stick together,forc empti space casimir effect,2006-12-17,671,98,-0.0053571428571428,12-17,12,2006,17,8,2,4 22903e792cd661690f89281785612013c805a5292477755c3efd6a92ccc12857,stan,last thursday evening star light iowa skies spectacular northern light also shone heavens extend across midwestern usa locat often grace auror displays widerang auror activ trigger larg solar flare energet cloud particl blast outward sun day earlier collid planet earth magnetosphere alert condit ripe aurora photograph stan richard record apparit saylorvil lake near de moines iowa usa color ray seem end water actual altitud 100 kilomet more,aurora iowa,2006-12-18,445,67,0.25,12-18,12,2006,18,1,1,1 f11bfb4a5d6e24957efcf7b581aed074537f83cb0b4d23472d9be50a08bbb357,none,massiv normal star be estim made distance bright standard solar model given one star open cluster pismi 24 200 time mass sun make record holder star brightest object locat right ga front image close inspect imag taken recent hubbl space telescope however shown pismi 241 deriv brilliant luminos singl star three least compon star would still remain near 100 solar masses make among massiv star current record toward imag left star still form associ emiss nebula ngc 6357 includ sever appear break illumin spectacular cocoon,massiv star open cluster pismi 24,2006-12-19,523,85,0.2029761904761904,12-19,12,2006,19,6,1,3 30c6f135488b7502f9f24a43d07c35d9d55ad5ecbce8f68185c615b0f5342aef,none,reason unknown ngc 6357 form massiv star ever discovered near obviou cat paw nebula ngc 6357 hous open star cluster pismi 24 home tremend bright blue stars overal red glow near inner star form region result emiss ioniz hydrogen gas surround nebula shown above hold complex tapestri gas dark dust star still forming newli born stars intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity ngc 6357 span 400 light year lie 8000 light year away toward constel scorpion,star form region ngc 6357,2006-12-20,504,82,0.0607142857142857,12-20,12,2006,20,4,0,5 11aa136e6e8c2e232afa5f2c1c0f4bcc13b0bf3cbcd51ba8dd8d32d62d8376f9,geoff chester,last saturday color dawn sky along us east coast featur moon minotaur rocket climb low earth orbit launch four stage air forc minotaur rocket took place nasa wallop flight facil eastern shore look east rocket visibl beyond top twist exhaust plume wide angl view wane crescent moon upper right snapshot taken alexandria virginia 100 mile northwest wallop island orbit launch wallop far rel rare last two take place 1995 1985 result mani earli morn riser report unusu spectacle rocket payload air forc research satellit nasa,minotaur dawn,2006-12-21,522,85,0.1206349206349206,12-21,12,2006,21,8,1,2 da49c50dc91503ed0c5678caadc2778df211971cc6dbc96cb7c32666f72da229,none,decemb 22nd 0022 univers time sun reach southernmost point earth sky mark final season chang year 2006 celebr solstice consid imag sun extrem ultraviolet telescop onboard stereo ahead spacecraft record decemb 4th stereo first day imaging falsecolor view highlight atom emiss differ temperatur regim upper solar 2 million kelvin yellow 15 million green 1 million blue 60 80 thousand red stereo mission place twin spacecraft launch togeth october differ solar orbit conduct three dimension explor sun solar environment complet lunar maneuvers spacecraft intend orbit sun planet earth b spacecraft,view stereo,2006-12-22,594,89,0.0071428571428571,12-22,12,2006,22,1,0,2 29ed177f6978916a509b84a51fc0bc6aeb0b98e60c35727e8f59ddca59f1fbb2,anthoni ayiomam,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day throughout planet earth year above 47 separ exposur plu one foreground exposure record singl piec film illustr annual cycl solar motion march 30 2003 march 30 2004 remark foreground stand column ancient templ athens greece solstices like one occur 0022 ut decemb 22 correspond bottom figure8 southernmost excurs sun sky tilt planet earth axi variat speed move around orbit combin produc grace analemma curve,analemma templ,2006-12-23,457,73,0.0,12-23,12,2006,23,1,0,1 90055fceefc6bca498d5da412185ff42b2d8bfc23df1857f33a973d9757c308f,none,ght year ago result first present indic energi univers star galaxi tie space itself languag cosmologists larg cosmolog constant directli impli new distant supernova observations suggest cosmolog constant lambda new exist sinc advent modern relativist cosmology claim usual popular astronomers though lambda unlik known univers components lambda valu appear limit observations lessstrang cosmolog without lambda previous done well explain data noteworthi seemingli direct reliabl method observ good reput scientist conduct investigations past eight years independ team astronom continu accumul data appear confirm unsettl result pictur supernova occur 1994 outskirt spiral galaxi taken one collaborations,rumor strang univers,2006-12-24,704,94,0.0968614718614718,12-24,12,2006,24,7,2,4 478bb04483a14ff95dc11e7d747fdc6b3dcd0d14e3fc075ae452c3046b986ca8,none,intern space station iss largest humanmad object ever orbit earth station larg could launch built piecem larg section ad continu flight space shuttle function iss need truss keep rigid rout electr liquid coolants truss huge extend 15 meter long mass 10000 kilograms pictur earlier month astronaut robert l usa christer work attach new truss segment iss begin upgrad power grid,intern space station,2006-12-25,377,60,0.1215909090909091,12-25,12,2006,25,8,1,2 bf2c2d110c0c5455a2ca15eda982bcaec5ad42f248e5e3a4f92fbd4fcc5470da,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,look care enough even see glow sun opposit direction night glow known gegenschein german counter glow seen faint glow extrem dark sky gegenschein sunlight backscatt small interplanetari dust particles dust particl millimet size splinter asteroid orbit eclipt plane planets pictur above gegenschein seen superpos toward constel pisces gegenschein distinguish zodiac light high angl reflection day phenomenon similar gegenschein call glori seen reflect air cloud opposit sun airplane,gegenschein,2006-12-26,481,67,-0.0377777777777777,12-26,12,2006,26,1,0,1 e1554ebb349ce7609e82134269c19144ee2dea47b8b7fc88a7956958c6bbc73f,russel croman,amaz skyscap lie along bright ridg emiss ic also known pelican nebula appropriately pelican nebula part much larger complex starform region 2000 lightyear away high fli constel cygnus swan cosmic dust cloud span lightyear seem rise like mountain mist natur color view record broadband filter produc analog human color vision fantast shape sculpt wind radiat hot massiv star domin red emiss due atom hydrogen gas place cursor imag bring fals color imag nebula made narrowband filter also map specif emiss sulfur oxygen atoms map color imag reveal even detail cosmic cloud composition,ic emiss nebula closeup,2006-12-27,582,92,0.1316666666666666,12-27,12,2006,27,4,2,5 9403ddad9f51d2e6eed9a23c35947d6d2bd3703bc9443a1c847eda464a37e479,adam block andtim puckett,great spiral galaxi andromeda aka m31 mere 25 million lightyear distant closest larg spiral milki way andromeda visibl unaid eye small faint fuzzi patch surfac bright low casual skygaz cant appreci galaxy impress extent planet earth sky entertain composit imag compar angular size nearbi galaxi brighter familiar celesti sight it deep exposur andromeda trace beauti blue star cluster spiral arm far beyond bright yellow core combin typic view nearli full moon shown angular scale moon cover 12 degre sky galaxi clearli sever time size deep andromeda exposur also includ two bright satellit galaxies m32 m110 bottom,moon andromeda,2006-12-28,614,96,0.1102941176470588,12-28,12,2006,28,7,2,3 297dca531ea56512a32e0ca790c86b141397feec3b06eeba776ac58c305ff870,none,alnitak alnilam mintaka bright bluish star east west left right along diagon gorgeou cosmic vista otherwis known belt orion three blue supergi star hotter much massiv sun lie 1500 lightyear away born orion wellstudi interstellar clouds fact cloud ga dust adrift region intrigu surprisingli familiar shapes includ dark horsehead nebula flame nebula near alnitak lower left famou orion nebula lie bottom star field cover impress degre sky color pictur composit digit black white photograph plate record red blue astronom filters comput synthes green channel plate taken use samuel oschin telescope widefield survey instrument palomar observatory 1987 1991,alnitak alnilam mintaka,2006-12-29,653,97,0.0817176870748299,12-29,12,2006,29,4,2,5 eb892cd0c52a37cd234bc96a0aa404ae662929e343a06c6ae72bfe3bb01433d9,denni mammanaskyscapes,planet earth analemma figure8 loop get mark posit sun time day throughout year similarli mark posit sun martian sky would produc simpler stretch pear shape digit illustration base mar pathfind project famou presidenti panorama view surface simul show late afternoon sun would seen sagan memori station everi 30 martian day sols begin pathfinder sol 24 juli 29 1997 slightli less bright simul sun two third size seen earth martian dust respons reddish sky mars also scatter blue light around solar disk,martian analemma,2006-12-30,501,81,-0.0238095238095238,12-30,12,2006,30,1,0,1 97e05af306e37ead9c3429d5fb381a7e8de32592b90c94443172265fa3a73cda,none,past year extraordinari discoveri extraterrestri fountain flow offer new potenti search liquid water origin life beyond planet increas evid uncov fountain saturn moon enceladus dune mar well lake found saturn moon titan residu flow liquid discov wall martian craters divers solar system may involv form slushi waterice methane sublim carbon dioxide pictur above lightcolor path imag center hypothes creat sometim past year liquid water flow across surfac mars,year fountain flow,2006-12-31,460,68,-0.0927272727272727,12-31,12,2006,31,0,0,2 5e8c54749c7f6d7e95e6fd5f1f06ba549be5060d13c41203be5c96cd0421bd99,none,first star like one yet sure sun firstgener star even second generation first star appear univers like came went 13 billion year ago however deep observ spitzer space telescop infrar light detect diffus glow possibl first gener star hundr time massiv sun imag show infrar background light bright patch might origin cluster first objects gray area depict place nearbi foreground star milki way galaxi digit removed,light first star,2007-01-02,413,66,0.3,01-02,1,2007,2,6,1,3 5fe16db70a8b9960ee78e5a5698810729e08167aa762b2c48186d27af473105c,laurent lavederphotoastronomiquenet,celebr tonight full moon first 2007 consid grid twenti full moons upper left lower right imag repres everi lunat may 2005 decemb 2006 consecut full moon shown scale unlik famou moon illus chang appar size seen real for example compar earli late 2006 full chang caus variat lunar distanc due moon significantli noncircular orbit subtler chang appear also notic close examination moon seem wobbl rock slightli one full moon next effect known libration dramat easier see twenti frame movi compar twenti full moons,twenti full moon,2007-01-03,510,83,0.1721938775510204,01-03,1,2007,3,2,1,1 1a7629be4109b167ab704a2cff2cdc9eca558c878cb7274e786eef73fa349198,process noel carboniimag greg parker,supergi star gamma cygni lie center northern cross famou aster constel cygnu swan known proper name sadr bright star also lie center gorgeou skyscape featur complex stars dust clouds glow nebula along plane milki way galaxy field view span 3 degre six full moons sky includ emiss nebula ic 1318 open star cluster ngc 6910 left gamma cyg shape like two glow cosmic wing divid long dark dust lane ic 1318 popular name understand butterfli nebula left gamma young still tightli group star ngc 6910 distanc estim gamma cyg place around 1800 lightyear estim ic 1318 ngc 6910 rang 2000 5000 lightyears,central cygnu,2007-01-04,595,102,0.075,01-04,1,2007,4,4,2,5 4c77892ceb56b6ff2506026d754fff69753f64b5970ce98ae34a700e3f956fec,gerald rhemann,rli morn riser clear unobstruct eastern horizon enjoy sight comet mcnaught c2006 p1 dawn sky next days discov august r h mcnaught side spring survey comet grown bright enough see unaid eye soon lost glare sun still januari 11 sunstar spacecraft soho abl offer webbas view comet head toward perihelion passag insid orbit mercury imag captur new nakedey comet 2nd magnitud twilight sky near sunset januari 3rd round sun emerg solar glare later month comet mcnaught could even brighter,comet mcnaught head sun,2007-01-05,482,79,0.112396694214876,01-05,1,2007,5,3,1,1 ee74348ff639e78c1e9fffc887d6d40c0ccd0139c28a5f3845c920ee41b018cf,robert gendler,adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations glow orion nebula dark horsehead nebula contrast cosmic vistas even fainter filament glow ga easili trace throughout region stun composit imag includ exposur filter record emiss hydrogen atoms view reveal extens nebulos associ giant orion molecular cloud complex hundr lightyear across magnific emiss region orion nebula aka lie upper right picture immedi left cluster promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man horsehead nebula appear dark cloud small silhouett notch long red glow left center alnitak easternmost star orion belt brightest star left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes complet trio orion belt stars bluish alnilam mintaka form line alnitak extend upper left,orion deep field,2007-01-06,784,117,-0.0096638655462184,01-06,1,2007,6,4,2,5 3b81303d19dccd1584dbe25f3edbd45c95b7fb806d49f46c916d7b5735497762,none,what caus odd ring supernova 1987a 1987 brightest supernova recent histori occur larg magellan clouds center pictur object central remain violent stellar explosion hubbl space telescop point supernova remnant 1994 however exist curiou ring confirmed origin ring still remain mystery specul caus ring includ beam jet eman dens star left supernova superposit two stellar wind ioniz supernova explosion,mysteri ring supernova 1987a,2007-01-07,399,58,-0.0185185185185185,01-07,1,2007,7,6,0,3 b29500d5674fbd330b223e4a47cc74065bcfbeb33c4b3b8085248d02700d092b,jerri lodrigusscatch light,see it common question frequent preced rediscoveri one commonli recogn configur star northern sky big dipper group star one thing like seen seen everi generation big dipper constellation although part constel great bear ursa major big dipper aster known differ name differ societies five big dipper star actual near space like form nearli time connect two star far part big dipper lead one polaris north star part littl dipper rel stellar motion caus big dipper slowli chang appar configur next 100000 years,big dipper,2007-01-08,507,82,0.0741666666666666,01-08,1,2007,8,6,0,3 4dc8affe29ba0ff43cedd7478a95f365f473052045a846ab7e6ff96e6f6ed4c0,jen hackmann,brightest comet decad unexpectedli visible optimist predict comet mcnaught c2006 p1 shortli becom one brightest comet past century next days short tail bright coma spot unaid eye close sun near horizon even morn skies dramat pictur comet shine cloudi sky taken near sunset januari 7 bad mergentheim germany,mcnaught brightest comet,2007-01-09,306,48,-0.0187499999999999,01-09,1,2007,9,3,0,1 6c3d8012d1edb28eca9d8c48143482086c3d3ce3fc4da1079a39dbcacd1e22ef,none,visibl light whole thing look like eagle region captur recent unpreced detail infrar light robot orbit spitzer space telescop shown above infrar imag allow observ peer normal opaqu dust better captur full complex eagl nebula star form region particular three famou pillar near imag center seen bath dust like warm supernova explosion warm dust digit assign fals color red also visible near bottom image ten lightyear long pillar sometim dub fairi eagl nebula greater eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpens,eagl nebula infrar,2007-01-11,576,92,0.2008333333333333,01-11,1,2007,11,4,1,5 26ced0d0f4b5bb67696e4eea742c1c561a73d194a8571703f07ecd2ef0de8284,frank barrett celesti,coat hanger star cluster asterism cosmic hangup debat much last century astronom wonder whether binocularvis object realli physic associ open cluster chanc projection chanc star project known asterisms exampl popular big dipper recent precis measur differ vantag point earth orbit around sun recent uncov discrep angular shift indic coat hanger better describ asterism known formal collind 399 bright stellar group seen span full moon toward direct constel fox vulpecula far right imag open cluster star ngc 6802,collind 399 coat hanger,2007-01-12,512,77,0.2061224489795918,01-12,1,2007,12,6,1,3 f3a8a6defd8be910a769e52b988402179c68f67ce23f2738660753e0b2ae837c,none,star move fast shown timelaps movi infrar light detail star central lightyear galaxi move past eight years yellow mark imag center repres locat peculiar radio sourc name sgr a fast star held galact center gravity central object graviti must compact massive analysi stellar motion indic one million time mass sun somehow confin region less fifth lightyear across astronom interpret observ strong evid center galaxi home massiv black hole,sgr fast star near galact center,2007-01-14,436,68,0.04,01-14,1,2007,14,6,0,3 56157f971d9f6ac2233a1775c726411982a7a1d1129a9dbea901ceecd3e01aa1,juan casado,past weekend comet mcnaught peak bright surpass even venus fascin sky enthusiast earth northern hemispher treat instantli visibl comet head faint elong tail near sunris sunset recent bright estim comet mcnaught brighter magnitud 5 minu past weekend make brightest comet sinc comet 1965 record minu great comet 2007 reach brightest round sun well insid orbit mercury next week comet mcnaught begin fade move south away sun unexpectedli bright comet remain visibl observ southern hemispher unaid eye rest january image vertic compressed taken sunset last friday mountain catalonia spain,comet mcnaught catalonia,2007-01-15,584,88,0.1384615384615384,01-15,1,2007,15,3,2,1 14b092dca3cbeead9d58ed51735f87e02b92f7e4b45f7fc716b235cb791d835c,none,caus mess type star explod creat unusu shape nebula known kepler supernova remnant type light stellar explos creat energ cosmic cloud first seen planet earth octob 1604 mere four hundr year ago supernova produc bright new star earli 17th centuri sky within constel ophiuchus studi astronom johann kepler contemporaries benefit telescope search explan heavenli apparition arm modern understand stellar evolution earli 21st centuri astronom continu explor expand debri cloud use orbit space telescop survey kepler supernova remnant snr across spectrum recent xray data imag kepler supernova remnant taken orbit chandra xray observatori shown rel element abund typic type ia supernova indic progenitor white dwarf star explod accret much materi went chandrasekhar limit 13000 light year away kepler supernova repres recent stellar explos seen occur within milki way galaxy,kepler supernova remnant xray,2007-01-16,869,128,0.1475852272727272,01-16,1,2007,16,6,2,4 e1123ce375bed6f62ede3d26e35634f41977b67ada10ce65b8e3c42cd8137a78,none,brightest comet recent decad surpris first sight new camera space sun earth connect coron heliospher investig instrument onboard solar terrestri observatori satellit open januari 11 snap imag comet mcnaught visibl spectacular view ion tail comet mcnaught swept away sun solar wind filamentari rays comet tail seen extend least seven degre across image central coma bright comet mcnaught reportedli bright visibl even broad daylight block sun hand comet mcnaught round sun slowli fade away observ earth southern hemispher reced sun,comet mcnaught new stereo satellit,2007-01-17,530,79,0.1422202797202797,01-17,1,2007,17,3,1,4 adfa7232110135c57316c1a6abf870ecacdb3e888bd26f510a7579dfbefea118,north astronom society new zealand,remark perform northern hemisphere brightest comet decad show south record even twilight januari 17 view featur bright coma gorgeous sweep tail comet mcnaught c2006 p1 lake small town new zealand north island astronom noel munford report five second long digit camera exposur come close captur visual appear comet sky smoke distant brush fire australia discov last summer r h mcnaught side spring comet grew impress bright earli januari even sight full daylight come day comet mcnaught continu move south spectacl southern sky head outer solar system,southern comet,2007-01-18,550,86,0.1604895104895105,01-18,1,2007,18,3,1,1 fe599ce5b4fef5cf8cca7b702a1cd703fccc6cfdd14267ad8496a34967427c47,stefanseip david,comet grow bright theyr close sun bask intens solar radiation course theyr also usual imposs see overwhelm scatter sunlight surpris comet mcnaught whose januari 12 closest approach sun perihelion well insid orbit mercuri gave enjoy perform bright blue daytim skies fact comet expert david captur remark inset upper left telescop view mcnaught within hour perihelion comet broad daylight 7 degre away sun position stefan seip wider daytim view comet fluffi cloud record approxim day later seip use polar filter set near stuttgart germany longer visibl broad daylight comet mcnaught tour twilight southern skies,,2007-01-19,611,93,0.1301282051282051,01-19,1,2007,19,3,2,1 9cb7a4d6b1dd06e3b8c7aea4508dc452c24a3fc7efaa01f4d9e189b0bb25789a,none,frame spectacular time laps movi show comet mcnaught great comet 2007 sweep inner solar system movi frame record januari 12 jan 16 coronograph onboard sunstar soho spacecraft bright planet mercuri also glide dramat field view sun remain fixed hidden behind coronograph central occult disk comet bright almost overwhelm soho sensit camera design explor fainter structur sun outer atmosphere comet mcnaught closest approach sun perihelion januari 12 astronom units half distanc sun mercury note download movi file click picture,comet mcnaught movi,2007-01-20,527,78,0.2166666666666667,01-20,1,2007,20,3,1,2 08241fb42ab79bb3cdd247381684a534d1ffb49d5ed9048a0dce061d60f0e43d,none,float ring size galaxy fact part photogen sombrero galaxy one largest galaxi nearbi virgo cluster galaxies dark band dust obscur midsect sombrero galaxi optic light actual glow brightli infrar light imag show infrar glow recent record orbit spitzer space telescope superpos falsecolor exist imag taken nasa hubbl space telescop optic light sombrero galaxy also known m104 span 50000 light year across lie 28 million light year away m104 seen small telescop direct constel virgo,sombrero galaxi infrar,2007-01-21,477,74,0.17,01-21,1,2007,21,7,1,3 a10d47e5ab4fd10ceb5388cbc1fc60e62a3b5d8a8744661daa8329076bb01e76,robert h mcnaught,comet mcnaught great comet 2007 grown long filamentari tail spectacular tail spread across sky visibl southern hemispher observ sunset head comet remain quit bright easili visibl even citi observ without optic aide amaz tail visibl long exposur even unaid eye dark location report even tail visibl horizon sunset mani northern observ well comet mcnaught estim magnitud minu caught comet discover imag sunset last friday side spring observatori australia comet mcnaught brightest comet decades fade move southern sky away sun earth,magnific tail comet mcnaught,2007-01-22,530,80,0.2055555555555556,01-22,1,2007,22,3,1,4 ad5597794101005e9cf34bfa4981c198207e94c3251f2d7b84ba397f9a0ac988,stphane guisard cielo de,sky that falling accurately earth rising earth rotat give continu chang view earth observers includ measur univers paran observatory observatory four massiv 82 meter telescop unit situat top 2600 meter high mountain cerro paranal dri atacama desert northern chile individu unit telescop use separ combination names antu kueyen melipal yepun taken mapuch language fittingli translat sun moon even star southern cross togeth fittingli known european southern observatory larg telescope higher time resolut version movi avail here,milki way paran,2007-01-23,527,76,0.16375,01-23,1,2007,23,8,1,2 654c0f1a5179305fbde321bf5631b919b879b279ce592e59cd66d76a4f23a42f,marco full,what happen horizon mani sky enthusiast thought seen never seen anyth like this surpris mani northern hemispher observers tail comet mcnaught remain visibl even comet head set ahead sun what more visibl bright extrem rare filamentari striae comet expans dust tail caus dust tail striae known sure possibl relat fragment comet nucleus last comet show promin striae comet halebopp 1997 pictur above tail comet mcnaught caught sunset last friday carnic alp northern italy,comet tail horizon,2007-01-24,468,73,0.2857142857142857,01-24,1,2007,24,3,1,1 cdb388d9d74e836202ed67c110d5bbc961f047fb7d0607c59a836d3d64323c92,toni halla,cradl glow hydrogen stellar nurseri orion lie edg giant molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away breathtak view span 13 degre across center wellknown constel great orion nebula closest larg star form region right center deep mosaic also includ left center horsehead nebula flame nebula orion belt stars imag data acquir hydrogen alpha filter add remark featur wide angl cosmic vista pervas tendril energ atom hydrogen ga portion surround barnard loop orion nebula belt star easi see unaid eye emiss extens interstellar ga faint much harder record even telescop view nebularich complex,orion cradl,2007-01-25,580,90,0.0027472527472527,01-25,1,2007,25,4,0,5 0b4aab3f5472f0cdeee16928611ed53471307083f9023aeba243820a2b2e263b,danilo moon,could sun turn green difficult observe momentari green flash rise set sun document phenomenon caus atmospher bend refract sunlight like weak prism earth atmospher break white sunlight colors bend red color slightli green blue color increasingli larger angles sky clear green flash sun edg sometim seen second so sun close distant horizon still site atop mt altitud meters itali astrophotograph captur dramat green flash movie time frame vari one minut begin one second flash becom visible,movie green flash itali,2007-01-29,488,76,-0.1249999999999999,01-29,1,2007,29,1,0,1 be743a8d3f23bea027298b7f4dc86ef42fa65f74c145437808879bdcc1c47ec5,jeancharlescuillandr,ngc 2359 strike emiss nebula impress popular name thor helmet sure suggest wing appear might lead refer duck nebula nebula name would choose name ngc 2359 bubblelik nebula 30 lightyear across blown energet wind extrem hot star seen near center classifi wolfrayet star wolfrayet star rare massiv blue giant develop stellar wind speed million kilomet per hour interact nearbi larg molecular cloud thought contribut nebula complex shape curv bowshock structures ngc 2359 15000 lightyear distant toward constel cani major,thor helmet cfht,2007-01-30,518,79,0.1302083333333333,01-30,1,2007,30,4,1,5 c3884a3f0dd75cc45cd24406eca5b841e99bcf40c2ae2de155268b1c755d68c5,none,would ring saturn look like pass right ring plane find out nasa aim camera cassini spacecraft right saturn ring robot explor pass sunlit side ring shadow side result imag vantag point outsid ring moons insid orbit titan gather togeth timelaps movie dramat movi demonstr ring particl densiti reflect make part shadow side nearli photograph neg sunlit side nearli empti region remain continu dark visibl also saturnorbit moon enceladus mimas janus epimetheus prometheus pandora extrem thin saturn ring appreci frame taken near cross time,movie cassini cross saturn ring plane,2007-01-31,535,83,0.0202380952380952,01-31,1,2007,31,0,0,2 60d872fed291d8fbbc6e7cc63b1c3a24c5d35ad35e9fc18046be848176e91e99,s full,januari comet mcnaught magnific dust tail stretch 150 million kilomet requir imag southern northern hemispher planet earth take in two view cerro paran chile left carnic alp itali combin uniqu graphic also outlin perspect view comet orbit rel posit sun driven solar radiat pressur dust tail initi point away sun also trail outsid comet orbit astronom tri account complex structur along tail includ pronounc consid forc act dust eg gravity solar wind well releas time size dust grains diagram model locat dust grain releas approxim time rel perihelion passage shown dash lines locat grain similar size shown solid lines,tail two hemispher,2007-02-01,620,99,-0.0499999999999999,02-01,2,2007,1,3,2,4 ec20e6b36adb1533e4ed8826877e42cbb41ec02f623017dbc0ab1c4260641dd6,robert,course flame nebula fire also known ngc 2024 nebula suggest reddish color due glow hydrogen atom edg giant orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear away hydrogen atom ionized strip electrons glow atom electron recombine ioniz hydrogen atoms closeup view dark lane absorb interstellar dust stand silhouett hydrogen glow actual hide true sourc flame nebula energi optic telescopes behind dark lane lie cluster hot young stars seen infrar wavelength obscur dust young massiv star cluster like sourc energet ultraviolet radiat ioniz hydrogen ga flame nebula,flame nebula closeup,2007-02-02,557,84,-0.0295454545454545,02-02,2,2007,2,4,0,5 f435e9467e49a1484270a302038c2f6790aa0e2781b5beaa7c4dde76ad43a21e,babak tafreshi,januari 25th light first quarter moon illumin dreamlik landscap look across rugged snowcov peak alborz mountain rang northern iran stun sky fill stars includ yellowting betelgeus shoulder orion sirius alpha star cani major brightest star planet earth night stand left pictur center eeri glow along haraz valley foreground light car travel highway lead caspian sea,alborz mountain moonlight,2007-02-03,363,55,0.16875,02-03,2,2007,3,6,1,1 99aa89caa443a620f3fc6f049b29acc0b15fce90d6bd0fa7e315345f0b81eba2,none,saw shadow mar human might opportun rover current explor mars opportun sister robot spirit probe red planet sinc earli 2004 find evid ancient water send breathtak imag across inner solar system pictur above opportun look opposit sun endur crater see shadow two wheel visibl lower left right floor wall unusu crater visibl background opportun spirit spent three year explor red world find new clue wet ancient past solar system second habit planet,shadow martian robot,2007-02-04,446,72,-0.0021478521478521,02-04,2,2007,4,5,0,2 72f6e9f9cf0f2d8a515b07db9c0806ddd5cfd6edada91c1b91e541b4f2dcb010,antti kemppainen,sometim sky best show town januari 26 peopl perth australia gather local beach watch sky light delight near far nearby firework explod part australia day celebrations far right lightn thunderstorm flash distance near imag center though seen clouds unusu sight all comet mcnaught photogen comet bright even remain visibl though din earthli flashes comet mcnaught continu move sun dim remain visibl southern sky binocular end month imag actual three photograph panorama digit process reduc red reflect explod firework,comet firework lightn,2007-02-05,515,78,0.1989795918367347,02-05,2,2007,5,3,1,1 342d7e219c247af909476f99554d3562045f24bde1bef9053b083c497061251c,none,what happen sun anoth coron mass eject cme sunorbit soho spacecraft imag mani erupt filament lift activ solar surfac blast enorm bubbl magnet plasma space direct light sun block inner part image taken 2002 replac simultan imag sun ultraviolet light field view extend two million kilomet solar surface hint explos events call coron mass eject cmes discov spacecraft earli 70s dramat imag part detail record cme develop present oper soho spacecraft near minimum solar activ cycl cme occur week near solar maximum rate two per day typical strong cme may profoundli influenc space weather direct toward planet seriou effects,sun storm coron mass eject,2007-02-06,620,99,0.1466666666666666,02-06,2,2007,6,1,2,4 0b107e4b8b46175295fb200bd3d410a9c34a880724a7327f678492d7b921ab2c,none,would region titan reflect littl lead explan region lakes possibl compos liquid methane imag falsecolor synthet radar map northern region titan taken flybi cloudi moon robot cassini spacecraft last july map span 150 kilomet across dark region reflect rel littl broadcast radar signal imag like show titan second bodi solar system possess liquid surface futur observ cassini titan flybi test methan lake hypothesis compar wind effect region studied,liquid lake saturn titan,2007-02-07,447,68,-0.0499999999999999,02-07,2,2007,7,8,0,2 c9ddc9d60473c53632d4918fa14b032490a3f4c8847bbdadd1e4e19bdffa2253,none,stun group galaxi far far away 450 million lightyear planet earth catalog galaxi cluster abel s0740 domin cluster larg central ellipt galaxi eso 325g004 sharp hubbl view take remark assort galaxi shape size spiki foreground star scatter field giant ellipt galaxi span 100000 light year contain 100 billion stars compar size spiral milki way hubbl data reveal wealth detail even distant galaxies includ magnific arm dust lanes star clusters ring structures gravit lens arcs,galaxi away,2007-02-08,474,74,0.0535714285714285,02-08,2,2007,8,7,0,3 4e99cdaad5ca2742bf54471066efacc2064d00916635d81f30e9feeac868de67,alan friedman,three ancient larg impact crater lie north eastern shore mare nubium lunar sea clouds along top stark mosaic left right namesak alphonsu pictur offer remark detail view wellstudi region shadow emphas larg crater central peak walls care examin also reveal 110 kilomet long straight wall fault meter high intrigu crater chain overall strike moonscap similar final imag record ranger 9 spacecraft crash 108 kilomet wide crater alphonsu march 1965,alphonsu arzachel,2007-02-09,443,69,0.0663095238095238,02-09,2,2007,9,5,0,2 da7f2db55a01a274eac36eacf1f62ffdd543772edc34cc96d8458c5b4947a7c0,none,center milki way galaxi hidden pri eye optic telescop cloud obscur dust gas stun vista spitzer space telescope infrar cameras penetr much dust reveal star crowd galact center region mosaic mani smaller snapshots detailed falsecolor imag show older cool star bluish hues reddish glow dust cloud associ young hot star stellar nurseries galact center lie 26000 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius distance pictur span 900 lightyears,star galact center,2007-02-10,435,66,0.1041666666666666,02-10,2,2007,10,6,1,3 c9ad5c74e21abd152f8242dbbcfdcd91a9b238e55125f80f9dc1fc9c360d5811,none,what happen jupiter moon io two sulfur erupt visibl jupiter volcan moon io color composit imag robot galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 imag top io limb bluish plume rise 140 kilomet surfac volcan caldera known pillan patera imag middle near nightday shadow line ring shape prometheu plume seen rise 75 kilomet io cast shadow volcan vent name greek god gave mortal fire prometheu plume visibl everi imag ever made region date back voyag flybi 1979 present possibl plume continu activ least 18 years digit sharpen imag origin record 1997 june 28 distanc 600000 kilometers,io prometheu plume,2007-02-11,577,95,0.0428571428571428,02-11,2,2007,11,8,2,4 ff86b4e512810d4bb890ecf424325ec68593c97c4e2763d3e37dd7dd8770b687,minoru yoneto,comet mcnaught perhap photogen comet time make quit show northern hemispher mid january comet move south develop long unusu dust tail dazzl southern hemispher observ start late january comet mcnaught imag two week ago mount remark cecil peak spectacular imag taken queenstown south island new zealand bright comet domin right part image central band milki way galaxi domin left care inspect imag reveal meteor streak left comet comet mcnaught continu move sun dim remain visibl southern sky binocular end month,comet mcnaught new zealand,2007-02-12,510,80,0.1132367632367632,02-12,2,2007,12,3,1,1 babf6eea8cbe6bc90a95e747c62bf3fea36454fdfd0432effe8ba3b0a02fb3f2,none,explos consequ continue eleven thousand year ago star constel vela could seen explode creat strang point light briefli visibl human live near begin record history outer layer star crash interstellar medium drive shock wave still visibl today roughli spherical expand shock wave visibl xrays imag captur much filamentari gigant shock visibl light span almost 100 light year appear twenti time diamet full moon ga fli away deton star decay react interstellar medium produc light mani differ color energi bands remain center vela supernova remnant pulsar star dens nuclear matter complet rotat ten time singl second,vela supernova remnant visibl light,2007-02-13,612,95,0.190530303030303,02-13,2,2007,13,6,2,4 1dda451a6031554dcbcf0203423f3ba6c8cf92bc40cc4578cfd4f4eef08293a0,robert gendler,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star form four million year ago nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow rosett nebula span 100 lightyear across lie 5000 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel monoceros,rosett nebula,2007-02-14,463,74,0.1553613053613053,02-14,2,2007,14,4,1,5 fb419ae66bb960fcafc62681ad20ea886bc841759a09aa3f94fb7e22ea4ff378,none,planetari nebula ngc 2440 intrigu shape stun view space nebula compos materi cast die sunlik star enter white dwarf phase evolution detail remark complex structur reveal within ngc 2440 includ dens ridg materi swept back nebula central star near center view star one hottest known surfac temperatur 200000 kelvins 4000 lightyear planet earth toward nautic constel puppis nebula span lightyear energ ultraviolet light central star falsecolor imag record earlier month use hubble widefield planetari camera demonstr still impress imag capabl follow failur advanc camera surveys,planetari nebula ngc 2440,2007-02-15,575,85,0.0111111111111111,02-15,2,2007,15,4,0,5 78f5cfb47f9675d18cb36db0883dd75818837e4d99f355de99528f7cb1e7defd,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,ngc 2685 confirm polar ring galaxi rare type galaxi stars ga dust orbit ring perpendicular plane flat galact disk bizarr configur could caus chanc captur materi anoth galaxi disk galaxy captur debri strung rotat ring still observ properti ngc 2685 suggest rotat ring structur remark old stable fascin view peculiar system also known arp 336 helix galaxy strange perpendicular ring easi trace pass front galact disk along disturb outer structures ngc 2685 50000 lightyear across 40 million lightyear away constel ursa major,polar ring galaxi ngc 2685,2007-02-16,523,82,0.0506944444444444,02-16,2,2007,16,7,0,3 88258922a0744b6b393ca154c73862b497e3c140168d49cd1c8db274be96ae61,none,get redblu glass float next asteroid 433 eros 220 million kilomet away orbit sun everi 18 earthyears asteroid ero diminut 40 x 14 x 14 kilomet world undul horizons craters boulder valleys unsettl scale bizarr shape emphas pictur mosaic imag near shoemak spacecraft process yield stereo anaglyph view along dramat chiaroscuro near 3d imag provid import measur asteroid landform structures clue origin citys chunk solar system smallest featur visibl 30 meter across spend year orbit around eros histor near shoemak spacecraft made first ever land asteroid surfac februari 12 2001,stereo ero,2007-02-17,578,90,0.11,02-17,2,2007,17,8,2,2 65c44421828cdfa0e30007e26993d2be4cf61b742246fac1af97a450a5a2f705,none,becom one famou imag modern times image taken hubbl space telescop 1995 show evapor gaseou globul eggs emerg pillar molecular hydrogen ga dust giant pillar light year length dens interior ga contract gravit form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti materi boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed eagl nebula associ open star cluster m16 lie 7000 light year away pillar creation imag recent orbit chandra xray observatory found egg strong emitt xrays,m16 pillar creation,2007-02-18,487,79,0.2257575757575757,02-18,2,2007,18,4,1,5 c0a2c89ea9c9005c551e3ca25031c8937dee6f4fb8dd3841ddf804ccbd3cf458,mohammad,bright new nova studi astronomers offici dub nova scorpii 2007 becom bright recent day visibl unaid eye adventur earli morn sky enthusiast look dark sky toward constel jupit antares imag may help sky chart nova bright occur everi years nova caus thermonuclear explos cast outer layer white dwarf star pictur friday nova studi small telescop appear desert iran nova like fade remain visibl binocular least days,nova iran,2007-02-19,409,66,0.1707070707070707,02-19,2,2007,19,8,1,4 eb1a6067fafbdcb84e72fb2dc92f8fd222a77459f7e66720155f73d555bd743a,none,creat white ridg mars imag show white ridges includ highest resolut imag ever taken martian orbit record last year mar reconnaiss orbit mro current lead hypothesi white ridg form water flow underground crack harden edg surround rocks million years surfac wind erod darker rock leav rais white ridges lightcolor mark well known earth hypothesi particularli interest underground water could help support microbi life red world imag resolv surfac featur small one meter across candor chasma region huge vall marineri mars,white ridg mar,2007-02-20,518,80,0.0166666666666666,02-20,2,2007,20,5,0,4 852874435bf398a68332d4fa512fcf815dde5365138a9403e5ebc5666b0d3396,stefan seip,what new star sky star might appear new actual variabl star mira near brightest roll cursor vertic compress imag identifi unusu star mira star chang practic one brighter star sky cours year pictur castl stuttgart germany last week red giant star mira appear near maximum bright magnitud 2 although similar mass sun mira tenuou cool atmospher could extend past orbit mars achiev luminos 10000 time greater sun mira near end life variabl somewhat detail mira variabl still researched reason mira thought relat period chang thick part mira atmosphere recent high resolut imag show mira even round mira lie 420 light year distant toward constel monster whale cetus mira fade next 200 days climb back nakedey visibl earli next year,mira germani,2007-02-21,726,119,0.0796837944664031,02-21,2,2007,21,6,2,4 d60c2df63cb761d46072be08770e25ae44ac0d1301e13d6f363a9d88a2d25b88,ray palmer,place cursor stun view dark sky western australia highlight wonder southern milki way includ famou southern cross dark coal sack nebula bright reddish emiss region surround massiv star eta carinae record tuesday 2 am thirti minut long color film exposur also captur bright mysteri object move slowli across sky hour wide seen object began small point expand track toward north left result cometlik appear picture it report identifi mysteri glow plume explos russian rocket stage partial fill fuel rocket stage maroon earth orbit fail commun satellit launch almost year ago februari 28 2006 substanti amount debri breakup tracked,mysteri australia,2007-02-22,629,98,0.0066666666666666,02-22,2,2007,22,6,2,1 2200801d7f3fb96c7fcc31edd650367f5346bc44d3596678a64ca7a5f7bd6417,none,premier chandra xray observatori imag m16 eagl nebula show mani bright xray sourc region xray sourc energet young stars seen color spot superimpos hubble wellknown optic view m16 lightyear long pillar creation example blue sourc near tip larg pillar upper left estim embed young star 4 5 time massiv sun still xray sourc coincid pillar themselves indic embed star common dusti structures mostli empti pillar thought indic star format actual peak million year ago within eagl nebula,xray eagl nebula,2007-02-24,481,77,0.0649999999999999,02-24,2,2007,24,6,0,5 9cbd095218da8f6ba7da5d29cb77a2935ff14e445927ee5d28399b19c2a535fc,none,moon look familiar possibl not even though earth moon lock synchron rotation moon alway present wellknown near side earth lunar orbit apollo astronaut also grew know moon far side sharp pictur apollo 16 map camera show eastern edg familiar near side top strang heavili crater far side moon surprisingly rough batter surfac far side look differ near side cover smooth dark lunar maria like explan far side crust thicker make harder molten materi interior flow surfac form smooth maria,far side moon,2007-02-25,483,79,0.1338235294117647,02-25,2,2007,25,2,1,2 e5e7bd6db8c652cedc1071df22e13971210ead142de630a7e1dc8107e2ea1be6,robert h mcnaught,what cloud drift space astronom nebula appear stay atmospher cloud look like this answer last week sky mysteri turn orbit expand debri upper stage fail russian rocket explod unexpectedly cloud becam visibl unaid southern hemispher observers caus initi unknown time laps movi show cloud drift seen australia streak near cloud like larg piec debris debri cloud astronom curios particl cloud other could becom projectil damag exist satellites cloud mani particl fall earth mani may help make low earth orbit increasingli hostil environment,rocket debri cloud drift,2007-02-26,538,82,-0.0525,02-26,2,2007,26,8,0,2 d660b4b3c45505e1921f5b0f106c46f8df745513b64e0970d3cd59773be3075b,none,extrasolar planet water attempt find out orbit spitzer space telescop made detail observ atmospher two planet orbit star sun unfortunately water vapor detect either exoplanet spitzer watch star system hd 209458b hd 189733b close infrar light parent star eclips known planets compar eclips uneclips spectra closely astronom could deduc bright lightemit atmospher gass block eclipse water vapor one atmospher gases new indic life might exist outsid solar system would found planet analyz known hot jupit size close jupit orbit closer distanc mercury illustr show artist depict one dri worlds although water vapor detect time techniqu measur exoplanet atmospher quit search distant water biomark beginning,detect two extrasolar planet,2007-02-27,703,104,0.1477272727272727,02-27,2,2007,27,8,2,4 0633eb402785b8dfb596695ab43417f7c4f3196e597ce85f8c299badfb1b6efd,russel croman,star form pandemonium reigns textbook case star form region ngc visibl red glow emiss nebula hydrogen blue reflect nebula dust dark absorpt nebula dust star form them first massiv star form dens ga emit energet light wind erode fragment sculpt birthplace explode result morass often beauti complex ten million years dust boil away ga get swept away left nake open cluster stars,stars dust nebula ngc 2170,2007-02-28,377,62,0.0222222222222222,02-28,2,2007,28,4,0,5 ca5e4f5f22b88caf11e53b7081c9f3a5d9ec748753cd9ed27633ff3f56a3e2b8,none,panel esa rosetta spacecraft appear foreground intrigu imag mar record februari 25 rang 1000 kilometers launch march 2004 rosetta near closest approach red planet graviti assist flybi maneuv ultim destin rendezv comet design 67pchuryumovgerasimenko spacecraft lie dark boundari along martian syrti region wait took picture pictur actual captur imag system onboard rosetta lander philae switch 100 kilogram phila schedul attempt land comet nucleu rosetta rendezv novemb 2014,rosetta mar,2007-03-01,474,67,-0.0124999999999999,03-01,3,2007,1,3,0,2 42e8644f12da0dd865301f066668881fc757c03602e3da422c0e2f51b1d50398,none,million mile planet earth last weekend stereo b spacecraft found shadow moon so look toward sun extrem ultraviolet camera onboard stereo b abl record stun movi lunar transit aka solar moon track across solar disk frame movi falsecolor composit imag made four differ filter highlight temperatur regim structur upper solar atmosphere frame larg bright activ regions seen dark sunspot visibl light flank moon silhouet disk moon appear small less size seen earth separ four time earthmoon distance tonight moon find planet earth shadow total lunar eclipse,lunar transit stereo,2007-03-03,551,86,0.0666666666666666,03-03,3,2007,3,2,0,1 986ae0ef295fcf97526ea293341258669e836a8a8ad397b558adf7477a810229,none,octob 1846 william lassel observ newli discov planet neptune attempt confirm observation made previou week neptun ring time discov neptun satellit well lassel soon prove ring product new telescope distortion satellit triton remained pictur triton taken 1989 spacecraft ever pass triton voyag 2 voyag 2 found fascin terrain thin atmosphere even evid ice volcano world peculiar orbit spin ironically voyag 2 also confirm exist complet thin ring around neptun would quit invis lassell,triton neptune largest moon,2007-03-04,482,73,-0.2212121212121212,03-04,3,2007,4,8,0,2 63cc85691a2089947dc2af374edcbbea5332cc6dbdb88449d7b98bcaf39008f4,none,what happen galaxi cluster abel upper left galaxi appear break small pieces far right anoth galaxi appear stretch like start yellowish object imag hubbl space telescop galact member massiv cluster galaxi known abel distort galaxi upper left real galaxi plow medium ga strip condens form bright new knot stars detail imag ram pressur strip help astronom understand mani galaxi today littl gas distort galaxi far right however illusion nearli normal galaxi actual far behind massiv galaxi cluster light galaxi gravit lens abel appear much like distant person would appear wine glass distort galaxi give import clue galaxi cluster galaxi evolve,illus galaxi cluster abel,2007-03-05,641,100,0.1004101161995899,03-05,3,2007,5,7,2,3 2bfebfc7a1119b612c2d6a9ecadfb98d73045971da6e02a2d64505543fe98f5e,none,imag saturn could taken earth earth base pictur could possibl view night side saturn correspond shadow cast across saturn rings sinc earth much closer sun saturn day side planet visibl earth fact imag mosaic taken januari robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn beauti ring saturn seen full expanse cloud detail visibl near termin divide,saturn,2007-03-06,335,53,-0.0375,03-06,3,2007,6,0,0,2 b517c4d382a0ebb7bc91e7bd6e80d103ba2279145226df2e244382b7af774dd4,none,new spacecraft head outer solar system name new horizons robot explor pass jupit last week launch earli 2006 new horizon pull jupiter graviti greater speed toward next pluto 2015 encount jupiter new horizon abl captur new imag mani jovian moons jupiter complex everchang atmosphere jupiter littl red spot pictur above form past year sever smaller storms jupiter littl red spot surviv near miss jupiter betterknown great red spot last year imag jupit cover twice diamet earth,new horizon spacecraft pass jupit,2007-03-07,474,76,0.0851010101010101,03-07,3,2007,7,8,0,2 34938496b67a3aceec100b48c0163ea2d611e1efa0d09ff1fbeac13ccd1f60ed,johann schedlerpanth observatory,dramat imag featur dark red moon total lunar eclips celesti shadow play enjoy mani denizen planet earth last saturday record near wildon austria pictur composit two exposures rel short exposur featur lunar surfac longer exposur captur background star constel leo complet immers earth coneshap shadow total eclips phase lunar surfac still illumin sunlight redden refract dark shadow region dusti atmosphere result familiar detail moon nearsid easi pick out includ smooth lunar mare larg ray crater tycho telescop view background star faint would invis nake eye,eclips moon star,2007-03-08,560,85,0.0395833333333333,03-08,3,2007,8,2,0,4 fc8dc36f1566f0854e06d462f9a5e8106d262a4901e42c84ea0348ad9eb2d042,thierri legault,full moon lie near eclipt lunar eclipse cosmic align well illustr composit eclips imag record last saturday near paris france project eclipt plane plane planet earth orbit around sun trace long blue line run diagon picture small angl ecliptic along moon orbit seri imag eclips follow moon move down left earth shadow small blue circl center eclipt outlin extent dark region shadow umbra above princip star leo highlighted far right lie anoth celesti wander stay close eclipt saturn,eclips eclipt,2007-03-09,482,78,-0.0012400793650793,03-09,3,2007,9,2,0,1 9027782fcb03eb705fc2846445355c35e516902e17ad3ec72128e2c4c0811283,chri cook photographi,red moon rose cape cod massachusetts usa march 3rd immers earth shadow near total phase lunar eclipse seren portrait eclips moon dark blue twilight sky also featur highland lighthous aka cape cod anoth local familiar beacon night automated 66 foot tall structur use today built often eclips within view highland light locat planet earth two eclips season year so eclips actual mani chanc part histori highland lighthouse includ total solar eclips,eclips lighthous,2007-03-10,446,71,0.1104166666666666,03-10,3,2007,10,2,1,1 fd921bcb872da97e34c8dd40e83d2f8a928df864b952f65c28bc7fd5129928d5,none,would like coast jupit watch experi new horizon spacecraft approach flew jupit earlier year click imag bring movi robot spacecraft saw visibl extens atmospher solar system largest planet band belt light dark clouds well giant rotat storm system seen ovals movi compil new horizon pass spacecraft captur cloud swirl move rel themselves jupit diamet eleven time earth rotat 10 hours robot new horizon spacecraft continu speed toward outer solar system expect approach pluto 2015,watch jupit rotat,2007-03-12,476,74,0.0941558441558441,03-12,3,2007,12,8,0,2 9b9a1e86e602d119141b1ee00e985be0fc77ea4483d7d3aa88dc527b25250187,none,spirit rover attack mar 2005 september might look above like militari attack though scientif one spirit instruct close inspect interest rock near summit husband hill spirit panoram camera captur rover instrument deploy devic move get closer look outcrop rock name spirit rover twin rover opportunity explor red planet three years spirit opportun found evid part mar wet,attack mar,2007-03-13,370,57,0.0,03-13,3,2007,13,5,0,2 beb0e81f67a516f3c88e0512b76e9283e46c65b8ec94203df97d6bd159495d49,jeancharlescuillandr,spiral galaxi ring around center first foremost m95 one closer exampl big beauti bar spiral galaxy visibl recent imag cfht telescop hawaii usa sprawl spiral arm delin open cluster bright blue stars lane dark dust diffus glow billion faint stars short bar across galaxi center intrigu mani astronomers however circumnuclear ring around galaxi center visibl outsid central bar recent imag chandra xray observatori shown xray light surround ring like emiss recent supernovas although long term stabil ring remain topic research recent observ indic present bright least enhanc transient burst star formation m95 also known ngc 3351 span 50000 lightyear seen small telescop toward constel lion leo,bar spiral galaxi m95,2007-03-14,692,106,0.0227272727272727,03-14,3,2007,14,7,2,3 eae95a52c11974c5b37074bc0f772e086a0ad8c7c8b117ecdee5bcf6c5fc207f,none,distort galaxi ngc 2442 found southern constel fli fish piscis volans locat 50 million lightyear away galaxy two spiral arm extend pronounc central bar give omin hookshap appearance strike color imag also show obscur dust lanes young blue star cluster reddish star form region surround core yellowish light older popul stars star form region seem concentr along drawnout northern top spiral arm distort structur like result close encount smaller galaxi locat outsid telescop field view pictur span 16 degree 150000 light year estim distanc ngc 2442,ngc 2442 galaxi volan,2007-03-15,548,86,0.174074074074074,03-15,3,2007,15,7,1,3 78b529b84e78cc99b52a4a7fe8ff139c0c14e9e04c856dc7a2bad085c86909fc,none,march 3rd total lunar eclips wide view denizen planet earth day before well place observ could also watch lunar occult saturn planet pass behind nearli full moon selsey uk astronom pete lawrenc actual saw saturn graze lunar limb moon bright surfac dramat eclips substanti part ga giant spectacular rings summari view graze occultation south saturn posit shown everi 90 second composit imag construct video frames frame record near occult event combin adjust compens larg differ bright saturn lunar surface,eclips ring,2007-03-16,505,79,0.1625,03-16,3,2007,16,0,1,2 de5e45eed6441cd3d59ccbf59a2eb1703a80832623578bc39364bcc5c6e4fe7f,none,celesti terrestri light featur stun imag includ moon phase total lunar eclips march 3rd foreground eiffel tower 300 meter tall wellknown tourist destin one visit build world cours moon even harder visit last lunar tour nearli 35 year ago apollo 17 mission,eiffel moon,2007-03-17,255,42,0.06,03-17,3,2007,17,2,0,2 f4a4db5439b6828dff3c0a44cd3666da9d7e295f06abc0603e4d85a9a0e53420,mark,univers higher unusu spatial dimensions idea gain popular help explain vastli separ part univers appear similar geometri univers seem result natur amount matter seem idea also preval modern attempt combin graviti quantum mechan includ formerli string theory model involv frequent attempt explain among things quantum energi measur cosmolog constant small above dynam threedimension draw two spatial plu one time depict cube a four spatial dimens also known shown don redblu glass give best perspective news partial solar eclips occur tomorrow,,2007-03-18,542,80,0.18,03-18,3,2007,18,8,1,1 1892a5a4ea13bdb88673c5eae120f9c23aa7d52a098b64134518281d51f3e303,imag team,galaxies like stars frequent form groups group galaxi system contain two galaxi less ten hundr typic found cluster galaxies notabl exampl local group galaxies hous 30 galaxi includ milki way andromeda magellan clouds pictur nearbi compact group hickson 44 group locat 60 million lightyear away toward constel leo also known ngc 3190 group hickson 44 contain sever bright spiral galaxi one bright ellipt galaxi upper left bright sourc upper right foreground star mani galaxi hickson 44 compact group either slowli merg gravit pull apart,galaxi group hickson 44,2007-03-19,535,84,0.2108225108225108,03-19,3,2007,19,7,1,3 895b2df0f6506fb99264bae1fe23392757b57ca2e51a03ba5fecdc3d0a1144d8,none,what happen moon drift around earth 2006 july astronaut intern space station iss captur crescent moon float far beyond horizon captur imag interest part moon appear blue part moon appear missing effect creat earth atmosphere air molecul effici scatter increasingli blue light make clear day sky blue ground observers horizon blue astronauts besid reflect sunlight atmospher molecul also deflect moonlight make lower part moon appear fade away one look higher photograph increasingli thin atmospher appear fade black,blue crescent moon space,2007-03-20,515,77,0.0075757575757575,03-20,3,2007,20,2,0,1 8e6a322d5fb6f2c4d678c323542ddff19159c0fd327212159af9dfd8f1797eff,t rector,may look like duck lay star instead eggs center imag lie barnard 163 nebula molecular ga dust thick visibl light cant shine it wing span measur light years barnard 163 insid sure colder exterior allow condit ga clump eventu form stars barnard 163 lie 3000 light year earth toward constel cepheu king red glow background result ic 1396 larg emiss nebula hous elephant trunk nebula find barnard 163 imag greater emiss nebula ic 1396 challenge possible news night day today equinox,molecular cloud barnard 163,2007-03-21,478,81,0.2,03-21,3,2007,21,4,1,5 458c602ffdd52366cfc7a900dd58f4ad9c06146f7ea531d568a33ffcef64106e,joerg,march 19 shortli equinox locat asia arctic new moon shadow partial solar eclipse although view india found eclips sun near horizon photograph still abl captur love image combin celesti terrestri next eclips season begin late august year featur total lunar eclips august 28 anoth partial solar eclips septemb 11 compar march 19th eclipse septemb 11th eclips seen side fair planet part south america antarctica,silhouett,2007-03-22,408,64,0.104040404040404,03-22,3,2007,22,1,1,1 8400de864b64db19ee434e710676804cbdf64187c7f78253370f6518542ef656,babak tafreshi,cloud cover eastern horizon monday sun rose expans wildlif reserv northeastern iran course day moon rose sun creat wide enjoy partial solar eclipse along mountain horizon cloud cover lent dramat aspect eclips sunris made possibl astronom babak tafreshi record telephoto imag without use filter advanc north planet earth sky sun also approach equinox astronom marker first day northern hemispher spring begin norouz persian new year,sunris,2007-03-23,431,65,0.2551948051948051,03-23,3,2007,23,1,1,1 dc5280363ae2e251deaffa87fa1b89208a46b3aad1d38e2ba6173178da3230bb,miguel claro,brilliant venus slender crescent moon light along pont 25 de abril glow western twilight love moonset scene lisbon portugal record march 20 fact seren view enjoy across planet earth week young moon remain near set sun follow partial solar eclipse venu rule even star strong earthshin light sunlit earth even moon night side clearli visibl picture pont 25 de abril 23 kilomet long suspens bridg across tagu river often compar golden gate bridg san francisco usa,lisbon moonset,2007-03-24,462,76,0.2819444444444444,03-24,3,2007,24,2,1,1 72bf3598f5c2df3e4216be96304d871b549b636bf34d8be4639ef1ddaebc90d7,none,welcom planet earth third planet star name sun earth shape like sphere compos mostli rock 70 percent earth surfac water planet rel thin atmospher compos mostli nitrogen oxygen pictur earth dub blue marble taken apollo 17 1972 featur africa antarctica thought one wide distribut photograph kind earth singl larg moon 14 diamet and planet surface seen almost exactli angular size sun abund liquid water earth support larg varieti life forms includ potenti intellig speci dolphin humans pleas enjoy stay planet earth,welcom planet earth,2007-03-25,513,81,0.0833333333333333,03-25,3,2007,25,8,0,2 0b5d7963ae5dc8ac0354cf04241ac2330511e83f6870aac95c042addacbc8099,gemini observatori,bullet ga shoot orion nebula nobodi yet sure first discov 1983 bullet actual size solar system move 400 kmsec central sourc dub irc2 age bullets found speed distanc irc2 young typic less 1000 years bullet rip interior orion nebula small percentag iron ga caus tip bullet glow blue bullet leav tubular pillar glow light heat hydrogen gas pictur above orion bullet captur unpreced detail adapt optic technolog gemini north telescope m42 orion nebula closest major star form region us fill chang dust gas bright stars orion nebula locat 1500 light year away seen unaid eye toward constel orion,bullet pillar orion,2007-03-26,591,98,0.153525641025641,03-26,3,2007,26,4,2,5 5fb99da8d878d8b332a9cf935a84af96539ecfb23986099ce76f17aceb509964,none,activ moon enceladu appear make saturn e ring amaz pictur show moon work taken late last year saturnorbit cassini spacecraft shown above enceladu dark spot insid bright flare right near center saturn e ring stream ice water vapor seen pour enceladu e ring bright imag normal faint er made possibl align cassini saturn block sun perspective small ring particl reflect incom sunlight efficiently cassini orbit saturn almost three years schedul swoop unexpectedli cryovolcan enceladu least sever times,enceladu creat saturn e ring,2007-03-27,498,77,0.0258241758241758,03-27,3,2007,27,0,0,2 984674638619906685dc001c04c23136cb6aef7792291a758c1ff58858619e4f,mike salway,south toward top frame stun movi featur jupit moon record last thursday central coast new south wales australia fact three jovian moon two red spot ultim seen full video glide around solar system rule ga giant earli frame above ganymede largest moon solar system lower right limb planet intrigu europa visibl jupiter cloud tops also near lower right jupiter new red spot junior broad white band planet southern upper hemisphere later frames planet moon rotat right left red spot junior move behind jupiter left edg great red spot come view right also final erupt view right jupiter volcan moon io download full 2 megabyt movi anim gif file click picture,jupit moon movi,2007-03-29,653,110,0.1194413345275414,03-29,3,2007,29,2,2,1 eedc47dbf7199edf1500f939382228cba1b1a95ebb41e75677a6b406e5fdc27c,miloslavdruckmul brno univers technology,diffus starlight dark nebula along southern milki way arc horizon sprawl diagon gorgeou nightscape breathtak mosaic span wide 100 degrees rug terrain patagonia argentina region foreground along insider view galaxy imag featur outsid perspect two irregular satellit galaxi larg small magellan clouds record januari 28 scene also captur broad tail bright coma comet mcnaught great comet 2007,three galaxi comet,2007-03-30,390,57,0.1203125,03-30,3,2007,30,3,1,1 c60be08663862f33e380c840a19ac533c71025b2598eeddf55cbf4a95c6769f1,jerri lodrigusscatch light,ten short year ago comet halebopp round sun offer dazzl spectacl planet earth night stun view record shortli comet perihelion passag april 1 1997 featur memor tail halebopp whitish dust tail blue ion tail here ion tail extend well ten degre across northern sky fade near doubl star cluster perseus head comet lie near almach bright star constel andromeda rememb halebopp photographer son do pictur foreground age 12 15 all halebopp report visibl nake eye roughli late may 1996 septemb 1997,halebopp great comet 1997,2007-03-31,490,81,0.0444444444444444,03-31,3,2007,31,3,0,1 b9aab3bf4f7704aa3fdfa677159d16aafd9cfb201ed779919b3f777e98ac9792,none,histor first space quidditch match came spectacular conclus last night astronaut michael lopezalegria caught golden snitch give american hard victori the use brilliant nasa 2000 quidditch maneuv comment lopezalegria pictur elus golden snitch left hand happi april fool day folk apod reality astronaut jeff lopezalegria shown 2001 octob space shuttl mission help build intern space station,first space,2007-04-01,388,56,0.2287037037037037,04-01,4,2007,1,8,1,2 5dac78ceaf7e7729d9d605d0a930225abedc041243d8eb5f3a013af3238deda5,hinod,dark spot sun although note thousand years sunspot known decad region sun slightli depress cool sun complex chang magnet field high resolut pictur like imag japan new sunwatch hinod satellite however help increas modern understanding center imag sunspot seen usual orient sunspot seen sideways particular interest erupt glow ga show sun magnet field come right spot center curv markedli around spot edges better understand sun eject particl space may result accur predict solar storm affect satellites astronauts even power grid earth,activ sunspot sideway,2007-04-02,534,81,0.064005994005994,04-02,4,2007,2,1,0,1 f5f0a757fabc22d848f80b88155ba5148bd74e6a45b2cb75d0ef4aa41a9d8081,none,would cloud form hexagon saturn nobodi yet sure origin discov voyag flybi saturn 1980s nobodi ever seen anyth like anywher els solar system saturn south pole strang enough rotat vortex saturn north pole might consid even stranger bizarr cloud pattern shown recent infrar imag taken saturnorbit cassini spacecraft imag show stabil hexagon even 20 year voyager movi saturn north pole show cloud structur maintain hexagon structur rotating unlik individu cloud appear like hexagon earth saturn cloud pattern appear six well defin side nearli equal length four earth could fit insid hexagon although full explan yet available planetari scientist sure continu studi unusu cloud format quit time,mysteri cloud system saturn,2007-04-03,689,106,0.26875,04-03,4,2007,3,0,2,4 c0909747b04e56c089f4fd073e81d04c94a9122c2318b059a06129e80ee43c14,none,spew volcano complex plume rise 300 kilomet horizon jupiter moon io imag camera onboard new horizon spacecraft volcano mark bright glow about 1 oclock moon edge beyond termin nightday shadow line shadow io cut across plume itself also captur stun detail daysid surface high resolut imag record spacecraft 23 million kilomet io later combin lower resolut color data astroimag produc sharp portrait solar system activ moon outward bound almost 23 kilomet per second new horizon spacecraft cross orbit saturn june next year ultim destin encount pluto 2015,new horizon io,2007-04-04,552,87,0.0707727272727272,04-04,4,2007,4,2,0,2 268f798f250082578e61abc2387940da6188f33bb4d58d1ebbd40502c677cf1b,none,apollo class asteroid 2006 vv2 flash past planet earth late march approach within 34 million kilomet 88 time earthmoon distance due proxim orbit earth estim diamet 1 kilometer 2006 vv2 classifi potenti hazard asteroid telescop larg small train much anticip flyby closest known asteroid compar size year composit telescop view seri imag record period hour 28 new mexico asteroid begin near center field track left appar pass near galaxi m81 course along companion galaxi m82 right m81 realli 12 million light year away compar asteroid rang mere 15 light seconds,asteroid galaxi,2007-04-05,560,90,0.0069341372912801,04-05,4,2007,5,8,0,2 11ad31527a5ee0e0c5696c107a53c3549c5e212d92ae3bc35eb6f4c8cc07554a,alan friedman,saturn magnific ring system offer even casual astronom memor telescop sights wander leo cancer month bright saturn well place view even skies earthbound perspective tilt saturn ring chang time 1995 1996 broad ring edgeon nearli invisible gradual open spectacular maximum tilt 27 degre 2003 frame seri saturn imag begin year later 2004 end last month show steadi decreas appar tilt ring head toward anoth edgeon present 2009 saturn south pole toward bottom click pictur view sharp color gif movie,four year saturn,2007-04-06,495,79,0.0819444444444444,04-06,4,2007,6,0,0,1 6e5dde9630aa8ac503498351e1702f136e48ba49e2b82bc61e7eb39a6600649e,none,higher highest mountain higher highest airplane lie realm aurora aurora rare reach 60 kilometers rang 1000 kilometers aurora light result solar shockwav caus energet electron proton strike molecul earth atmosphere frequently view space complet aurora appear circl around one earth magnet poles digit enhanc photograph taken 2005 januari show spectacular aurora boreali frozen landscap bear lake alaska usa imag vote pictur year 2006,aurora alaska,2007-04-09,432,63,0.3166666666666667,04-09,4,2007,9,8,1,1 fab864313e3cd3e8c79660c5667997133b860696a35ec230d4fc1b0f0a665bc8,none,swoop saturn cassini spacecraft spi sever strang wonders visibl distanc mani complex ring orbit solar system second largest planet foreground loom gigant world itself cover white dot cloud high saturn thick atmosphere saturn atmospher thick cloud visible south pole saturn lie huge vortex hurricanelik storm show sign dissipating robot cassini spacecraft took imag januari one million kilomet out resolv detail 50 kilomet across,saturn,2007-04-10,428,63,-0.0485714285714285,04-10,4,2007,10,0,0,2 8493826455efa6f594f527740d2ea7ff17648f137c177c97ad331e2684d80147,none,better known m106 bright spiral galaxi ngc 30 thousand light year across 21 million light year away toward northern constel cane venatici yellow red hue composit imag show galaxy sweep spiral arm seen visibl infrar light xray radio data blue purple reveal two extra spiral arm arm align familiar tracer stars gas dust fact analysi xray radio data suggest arm compos materi heat shock waves detect radio wavelengths power jet origin galaxy core like drive shock disk ngc,arm ngc,2007-04-11,470,78,0.2774999999999999,04-11,4,2007,11,7,1,3 70cd04c2864fded80beed6a41c7dfd11de537f9dbb4f215bf0306b2a758609b4,adam block andtim puckett,cosmic cloud hydrogen ga dust abound gorgeou skyscape stretch monocero neighborhood cone nebula dark obscur dust cloud simple sculpt shape cone nebula near lower left edge surround red glow hydrogen gas cone point up toward bright bluewhit monocerotis quadrupl system massive hot stars mon also surround intrigu red emiss nebula characterist star form region right mon expans dark mark sky silhouet larger region fainter emission yellowish open star cluster trumpler 5 pictur center strike blue reflect nebula ic 2169 near center right edge curiou compact cometari shape near bottom edg hubble variabl nebula 31 hour exposur time went truli remarkable 25 degre wide color mosaic,cone nebula neighborhood,2007-04-12,678,105,0.0938775510204081,04-12,4,2007,12,4,2,5 02cfc9c2d5d32633a3639e26cfd67bcdaa7e7a1f380e1c9af982dda5d7ee45d7,none,hurtl cosmic dust cloud mere 400 lightyear away love pleiad seven sister star cluster wellknown astronom imag strike blue reflect nebulae visibl wavelengths starlight scatter reflect dust portrait infrar light spitzer space telescope dust glows fals color imag span 1 degre seven lightyear distanc pleiades densest region dust cloud shown yellow red hues explor young nearbi cluster spitzer data reveal mani cool low mass stars brown dwarf fail stars possibl planetari debri disks want see pleiad tonight look near venus brilliant even star west sunset,seven dusti sister,2007-04-13,552,85,0.1125,04-13,4,2007,13,4,1,5 6e6ac9d12dad42464f11e70f0ffc3782a529621a34339fb64b78eb5144ae9fda,tunc tezel,find venu night sky hard days appear even star venu rule brightest celesti beacon west sunset find venu tonight also easili find love pleiad star cluster aka close by seren skyview record tuesday near bolu turkey venu pleiad right brilliant venu reflect calm water small lake foreground left venus bright star aldebaran anchor vshape hyad star cluster farther left star familiar constel orion rigel foot orion also reflect lake meanwhile sirius cani major brightest star left side view bright terrestri light siriu reflection light near lake shore,venu lake,2007-04-14,547,87,0.2518557422969187,04-14,4,2007,14,6,1,1 74bc3bfecad4c6436486b8b98f4be29a8352737ca03ee2ee18f6496d1232a20c,j k state u,star cluster appear constant photograph frozen time reality though cluster star swarm center frequent fluctuat brightness although time take star cross cluster 100000 years time take star fluctuat notic less one night fact time laps movi bright globular cluster m3 taken singl night variabl star visibl rr lyra stars star quickli doubl bright becom notic furthermore rr lyra star vari light distinct pattern allow uniqu sinc rr lyra star intrins brightness identifi measur dim appear tell far are sinc faint mean distances turn help calibr scale entir universe,m3 star cluster,2007-04-15,560,88,0.1016025641025641,04-15,4,2007,15,6,0,3 1b2b2b96db70ab85d66fda2527da4e7911f03363776fb54f1530a5280ebdb348,peter tuthil jame lloyd cornell,could caus nebula appear square one quit sure hot star system known mwc 922 however appear imbed nebula shape imag combin infrar exposur hale telescop mt palomar california keck2 telescop mauna kea hawaii lead progenitor hypothesi squar nebula central star star somehow expel cone ga late development stage mwc 922 cone happen incorpor nearli right angl visibl sides support evid cone hypothesi includ radial spoke imag might run along cone walls research specul cone view anoth angl would appear similar gigant ring supernova 1987a possibl indic star mwc 922 might one day explod similar supernova,mwc 922 red squar nebula,2007-04-16,598,95,0.1051020408163265,04-16,4,2007,16,4,2,4 bcb86b5b7210c086abe650ca8b6ff0d6c545e9ebd2bd660673069f193826fb17,none,planet hd 209458b evaporating close parent star heat atmospher simpli expand away space astronom studi distant planetari system believ detect water vapor among gase liberated controversi claim true would mark first instanc planetari water beyond solar system indic anew life might sustain elsewher universe hd 209458b known hot jupit type system involv planet orbit although spectroscop observ hubbl space telescop basi water detect claim planetari system small faint image therefore artist impress hd 209458b system shown above research atmospher composit hd 209458b extrasolar planet,water evapor planet hd,2007-04-17,585,84,0.0,04-17,4,2007,17,8,0,4 139d9de6baa1757afdfe18ca8a1b745c57394d4d48f7f55adf476006dccff5aa,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 1672 pictur above captur spectacular detail recent releas imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 1672 span 75000 light year across ngc 1672 appear toward constel swordfish dorado studi find spiral bar contribut star format galaxy central regions,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1672,2007-04-18,589,94,0.1796296296296296,04-18,4,2007,18,7,2,3 1d541d961b5cafd775f72ec37ba02133f39d9d129e2febf58595542771e7cc28,martin pugh,centauru one strike constel southern sky milki way flow celesti expans whose wonder also includ closest star system sun alpha centauri largest globular star cluster galaxy omega centauri aka ngc sharp telescop view omega centauri show central region cluster 10 million stars omega cen 15000 lightyear away 150 lightyear diamet largest 150 known globular star cluster roam halo galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way,ngc omega centauri,2007-04-19,577,89,-0.025,04-19,4,2007,19,6,0,3 36f2ede6949a2fe0b8ea5312bbd82533750001e2d5bff72acdaab35677318f6a,none,get redblu glass gaze weather mesa mars course describ rock format resembl human head 1976 nasa press release mesa also famou face mars sharp stereo imag creat combin high resolut pictur camera two differ spacecraft mar orbit mar reconnaiss orbit mar global surveyor show rug detail approxim 2 kilomet wide isol hill similar mesa landform planet earth rise 240 meter plain martian cydonia region remark 3d view exagger hill vertic dimensions,3d face mar,2007-04-21,444,71,-0.0398979591836734,04-21,4,2007,21,5,0,2 f34d3860e612dba9eb6a2578ce8eb15a69d1bb094a337433775393a028c40c14,isasjaxa,part asteroid surfac smooth one yet sure may dynam asteroid loos pile rubbl rather solid rock unusu asteroid visit recent japanes spacecraft hayabusa document unusu structur mysteri lack craters recent analys border region smooth rug section itokawa indic asteroid might creat larg small rock near surface like brazil effect late 2005 hayabusa actual touch one smooth patches dub muse sea collect soil sampl return earth analysis hayabusa start long return trip earth month comput simul show 500meter asteroid itokawa may impact earth within next million years,smooth section asteroid itokawa,2007-04-22,560,86,0.0923076923076923,04-22,4,2007,22,8,0,2 ae4b4c10544301212d4db1e8721441cf71495ac4fdbb3e8507e1df32e3b47a88,none,look window intern space station bring breathtak views visibl vista includ vast color earth deep dark sky occasion spaceship sent visit station visibl septemb 20 last year soyuz spacecraft carri suppli also three new astronauts day pictur taken us space shuttl atlanti three new approach astronaut american michael e lopezalegria russian tyurin ansari visit intern space station iss briefli pay spaceflight particip feder space agenc russia wrote popular experiences lopezalegria would lead iss crew dub expedit 14 includ flight engin soyuz pilot tyurin flight engin american williams flight engin german thoma return earth lopezalegria past week,suppli ship approach space station,2007-04-23,646,96,0.0393939393939393,04-23,4,2007,23,8,2,2 30ce876070e8f72cd66061f4ba32bb70bec4c3051a01cddf72b1d8e62cd9504e,none,sun look like three spatial dimensions find out nasa launch two stereo satellit perceiv three dimens sun much like two eye allow human perceiv three dimens earth perspect design allow new insight surfac rapidli chang sun allow human better understand predict thing like coron mass eject solar flare affect earth well satellit astronaut orbit earth pictur two simultan imag sun taken stereo stereo b digit combin give one first 3d pictur sun ever taken fulli appreci image one view 3d redblu glasses teem bubbl solar surfac seen sport promin solar promin near top image,sun three,2007-04-24,568,94,0.2107954545454545,04-24,4,2007,24,1,1,4 0c409235d83c4115ebc547749fd1f02aab2e511b109e0b7284e214a32b74c98b,none,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebula eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically keyhol nebula visibl left center hous sever massiv star known also chang appearance entir carina nebula span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina pictur detail imag carina nebula ever taken control color imag composit 48 highresolut frame taken hubbl space telescop releas honor 17th anniversary widefield annot zoomabl imag version also available,carina nebula panorama hubbl,2007-04-25,567,88,0.3,04-25,4,2007,25,4,1,5 b84c877de78c85d266e430ef25b8ea0724f6d68ccdd19d4f04ccaf930d61fdd2,none,unremark star center skyview glies 581 mere 20 lightyear away toward constel libra astronom report discoveri remark system three planet orbit glies 581 includ earthlik planet found beyond solar system glies 581 sunlik star though classifi red dwarf star much smaller colder sun still smallest planet known orbit star estim five time massiv earth 15 time earth diameter superearth orbit everi 13 days 14 time closer parent star earthsun distance closein orbit around cool star impli mean surfac temperatur 0 40 degre c rang water would liquid place planet red dwarf habit zone,glies habit zone,2007-04-26,577,93,-0.0803571428571428,04-26,4,2007,26,6,0,2 80ba3b2674b20e450d56278509928c88f72a68e0d63b309bd85d131083354dbf,toni halla,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way big beauti spiral m81 lie 118 million lightyear away northern constel ursa major remark deep imag region reveal detail bright yellow core time follow fainter featur along galaxy gorgeou blue spiral arm sweep dust lanes m81 lie dwarf companion galaxy holmberg ix sport large pinkish starform region near top m81 holmberg ix seen foreground star milki way galaxy also seen much fainter complex dust clouds rel unexplor cloud like hundr lightyear distant lie high galaxy plane scatter image especi right dust cloud reflect combin light milki way star dub integr flux nebulae,m81 major,2007-04-27,632,102,0.1389062499999999,04-27,4,2007,27,7,2,3 79acd67b27f9488028cad6c2a1182ca5e8be57b11e898deb2ec36e57944c1cd1,pete,young crescent moon share western sky thin cloud sister star pleiad cluster earli even skyscap record april 19th astronom imag wellknown pleiad often show star cluster allur blue reflect nebulae washedout cloud bright moonlight old moon overexposed surfac featur seen dim lunar night side illumin earthshin light sunlit planet earth week earlier brilliant venu also pose near sister stars course venu yet wander far pleiad still rule western sky even star,young moon sister star,2007-04-28,456,71,0.1615384615384615,04-28,4,2007,28,6,1,1 b2100dd5bbb2570cabafa077140998b96344d47e7780356817a98d1943c528a7,none,bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c central star particular planetari nebula except hot though shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust dramat detail closeup die star nebula record hubbl space telescope cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star upper right corner view nearli edgeon lineofsight molecular hydrogen recent detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpius,ngc 6302 big bright bug nebula,2007-04-29,570,85,0.2065934065934065,04-29,4,2007,29,4,1,5 5c4ab04d3cbde4a8e7070ea375e86ac77edf41d928e450767c810d84af6592b5,none,insid head interstellar monster star slowli destroy it monster actual inanim pillar ga dust measur light year length star visibl opaqu dust burst partli eject energet beam particles similar epic battl wage starform carina nebula star win end destroy pillar creation next 100000 years result new open cluster stars pink dot newli form star alreadi freed birth monster imag small part highli detail panoram mosaic carina nebula taken hubbl space telescop releas last week technic name stellar jet herbigharo objects star creat herbigharo jet ongo topic research like involv accret disk swirl around central star second impress herbigharo jet visibl across bottom larger image,dust pillar carina nebula,2007-04-30,673,104,0.0550802139037433,04-30,4,2007,30,4,2,5 b1deafb773850cdbc11513a5fb5edd04606faa478a44a436df5b6044b9db3464,none,what happen south pole venus find out scientist sent robot venu express spacecraft orbit venu directli lower spin axi earth overh twin venu express confirm spectacular massiv swirl storm system similar vortex recent imag saturn south pole composit imag infrar light featur venus daytim side left shine primarili reflect sunlight nighttim side right shine primarili thermal light venusian polar vortex visibl small circular featur near center thermal infrar imag pictur right close inspect south pole imag unexpectedli show second vortex mean unusu swirl cloud like two eyes doubl vortex form topic research imag taken last year recent imag venu express process much 100 time detail,swirl cloud south pole venu,2007-05-01,681,105,0.0897408963585434,05-01,5,2007,1,8,2,4 6d9268259e73b7dddc4490da07be58646108a6587136d2c1238a576f32f8e4d3,dietmar hager,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory newli formed bright blue star cluster along beautiful symmetr spiral arm guarante attract attention small irregular galaxi form star too like ngc 4449 locat 12 million lightyear away wellstudi galaxi similar size often compar milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc love color imag show ngc 4449 gener bar shape also characterist lmc scatter young blue star clusters near bottom pinkish glow atom hydrogen gas telltal tracer massiv star form regions ngc 4449 member group galaxi found constel cane venatici fact interact nearbi galaxi thought influenc star format ngc 4449,small galaxi ngc,2007-05-03,623,98,0.25,05-03,5,2007,3,7,2,3 19f7f1787ba3ed9f04ffda1704d3f71712dbeec624e61113cefba5107c7de4d0,none,outstand planet earth sky earli year comet mcnaught captur view stereo spacecraft mcnaught coma bright bloom long horizont stripe bottom field brilliant venus near top left corner also produc sever horizont blemish digit image sensit camera accur record striation mcnaught famou dust tail along region stretch 30 million kilomet toward top right field view separate fainter arch tail left dust tail initi thought exampl common ion tail form electr charg atom carri away comet solar wind however detail model indic tail actual due neutral iron atom push pressur sunlight first ever detect neutral iron tail comet iron atom thought origin dust grain comet nucleu contain miner,iron tail comet mcnaught,2007-05-04,675,106,0.1900510204081633,05-04,5,2007,4,3,2,4 31cda0fa708f37af4379416536ad2c2c4772844d4be1ad5fc9ee5aa78a678fd9,none,appropri famou broad ring obscur dust hatlik appearance sombrero galaxi aka spiral galaxi featur uniqu composit view span electromagnet spectrum three major spacebas observatories explor sombrero highenergi xray emiss blue chandra contribut highlight pervasive tenuous hot ga extend 60000 lightyear galaxy center hubble optic view green show familiar emiss sombrero popul stars seen nearli edgeon perspect notic bulg galaxy bright core broad ring dust block light bands glow infrar contribut red spitzer space telescope sombrero galaxi 28 million lightyear away near southern edg extens virgo cluster galaxies,sombrero galaxi across spectrum,2007-05-05,609,87,0.1317307692307692,05-05,5,2007,5,7,2,4 67c50c29c137aa353d15eb00243532b6c6f1f317cb73bceacd0189f6a4d7aa60,none,pass jupit way pluto look for nasa ponder question recently respons one space enthusiast captur breathtak moonrise unusu vista actual captur new horizon spacecraft februari buzz past jupit way pluto outer solar system visibl crack surfac europa expans ice fields visibl behind jumbl jupiter swirl clouds europa one largest moon jupit possibl host subsurfac liquid ocean real candid contain extraterrestri life jupit flyby new horizon also carri scientif observ jupiter cloud top compar imag io volcano continu chang surface,europa rise,2007-05-07,523,79,0.127840909090909,05-07,5,2007,7,8,1,2 474fcbaf42d1db8b123557cb7141391b1d00116ce21d0220f3427eafd666858a,none,strang shape textur found neighborhood cone nebula pattern result tumultu accompani format open cluster star known ngc 2264 snowflak cluster better understand process detail imag region taken two color infrar light orbit spitzer space telescope bright star snowflak cluster dot field star soon heat destroy ga dust mountain formed one dust mountain famou cone nebula visibl imag left point toward bright star near center field entir ngc 2264 region locat 2500 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros,cluster versu cone nebula,2007-05-09,508,78,0.25,05-09,5,2007,9,4,1,3 a7477521af2de3b7479054c024053124c0930371049acb3c3a9adfebe5ef0096,none,stellar explos catalog supernova sn 2006gi shine widefield imag left host galaxy ngc expand view upper right panel region surround galaxy core fact given estim distanc 240 million lightyears sn 2006gi brighter than stay brighter longer than previous seen supernova chandra observ lower right panel establish supernova xray bright lend strong evid theori sn 2006gi death explos star well 100 time massiv sun except massiv star astronom suspect instabl produc pair led cosmic blast obliter stellar core thus unlik massiv star supernovae neither neutron star even black hole would remain intriguingly analog galaxi sn progenitor may includ wellknown extrem massiv star eta carinae,sn brightest supernova,2007-05-10,677,103,0.1974025974025973,05-10,5,2007,10,6,2,3 58709521b20993ff43ec8f2293d030dea485f35dd683ab842dd8f2cdff0ccd23,none,silhouett intrigu dark nebula inhabit cosmic scene base imag palomar observatori sky survey lynds dark nebula ldn 1622 appear faint background glow hydrogen ga easili seen long telescop exposur region ldn 1622 lie near plane milki way galaxy close sky barnard loop larg cloud surround rich complex emiss nebula found belt sword orion obscur dust ldn 1622 thought much closer orion famou nebulae perhap 500 lightyear away distance 1 degre wide field view would span less 10 lightyears,ldn 1622 dark nebula orion,2007-05-11,484,78,-0.1401515151515151,05-11,5,2007,11,4,0,5 66ad26c26e4ab8964b0b79e25dd8be7f087f64e743fc863895fa29f30909f335,none,hd 189733b jupiters planet known orbit star 63 lightyear away distant world approxim size jupiter closein orbit make much hotter solar system rule ga giant like detect hot jupiters rotat tidal lock one side alway face parent star orbit everi 22 days use infrar data spitzer space telescope planet temperatur variat map first map ever made planet beyond solar system seen color higher hottest spot planet longitud point exactli face parent star instead 30 degre east right evid planet circl wind influenc temperature planetwid map temperatur measur vari 650 degre c 1200 f,hd hot jupit,2007-05-12,574,93,0.1622448979591836,05-12,5,2007,12,8,2,1 65d4713b43a7af5883cde160a242ecadea983e8fe02c1137d7e316e42192d755,none,pass earth way jupiter look for question aros robot galileo spacecraft coast past solar system photograph orb almost two decad ago galileo spacecraft although origin launch earth coast past home world twice effort gain speed durat trip jupiter galileo first earth flybi late 1990 made majest silent home movi big blue marbl rotat take imag almost everi minut period pictur one frame movi click frame put motion in mani visibl earth vast blue oceans swirl white clouds larg golden continents even one contin frozen white sheet waterice galileo passed saw globe rotat began reced distance galileo went histor mission uncov mani secret mysteri jupit next 14 years perform final spectacular dive jovian atmosphere,rotat earth galileo,2007-05-14,710,113,-0.003125,05-14,5,2007,14,8,2,2 be20f2a542fe271e98243bee0c16ec37541a149bdde221c2c60b32fe230186c1,none,hot star m81 one closest major spiral galaxies help find out astronom took deep imag ultraviolet light sprawl spiral earthorbit galex telescope hot star emit ultraviolet cool stars frequent associ young open cluster star energet star form regions magnific spiral galaxi m81 slightli smaller size milki way galaxy show young star wind spiral arm image less 100 million year old young star blue falsecolor galex imag seen well separ older yellowish star galact core visibl m81 satellit galaxi dub holmberg studi unexpectedli bright ultraviolet glow small irregular galaxi may help astronom understand mani satellit milki way galaxi developed m81 visibl small telescope span 70000 light year lie 12 million light year away toward constel great bear ursa major,bright spiral galaxi m81 ultraviolet galex,2007-05-15,756,118,0.1572916666666667,05-15,5,2007,15,7,2,3 af6c019da74cd9022bf6d3fdf30b65b7f762eeb90367aa2e4c52a7bf02627f05,none,know dark matter normal matter exhibit strang new observ gravit magnifi faint galaxi far distanc behind massiv cluster galaxi shed new dark detail imag hubbl space telescop indic huge ring dark matter like exist surround center cl002417 normal matter counterpart visibl image first foremost mani spectacular galaxi part cl002417 itself typic appear tan color next close inspect cluster center show sever unusu repeat galaxi shapes typic blue multipl imag distant galaxies show cluster strong gravit lens rel weak distort mani distant faint blue galaxi image however indic exist dark matter ring comput model dark matter ring span five million light year digit superimpos imag diffus blue hypothesi format huge dark matter ring hold transient featur form galaxi cluster cl002417 collid anoth cluster galaxi one billion year ago leav ring similar rock thrown pond,dark matter ring around galaxi cluster,2007-05-16,861,133,0.0027020202020202,05-16,5,2007,16,7,2,4 b3e9f4160047c92a841785b81c21bf8e06eecb70d4adcf7ed72e821de367e76d,yuri beletski,glow southern milki way wellknown southern cross featur color skyscap record april la frontera chile southern cross right 20 degre wide field view top bright yellowish star gamma crucis line gamma cruci blue star bottom cross alpha crucis point toward south celesti pole faint milki way starlight dark expans coal sack nebula lie left cross farther left along milki way bright star rigil kentaurus also known beta alpha centauri blaze lower left alpha cen closest star sun mere 43 lightyear distant fact yellowish alpha cen actual tripl star system includ sunlik star seen alpha sun would bright yellowish star otherwis recogniz constel cassiopeia,milki way near southern cross,2007-05-17,647,103,0.0698051948051948,05-17,5,2007,17,6,2,5 68c84b785f4cfdf221540a16c0475df5c786da258c319222a5bb8046f737faa9,thoma v davi,edmond halley note m13 nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky telescop view reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away along cluster dens core outer reach m13 highlight deep color image distant background galaxy ngc 6207 also visibl right great globular cluster m13,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2007-05-18,563,85,0.3976190476190475,05-18,5,2007,18,6,1,3 5eade34b99010dd403f299a098b6add091d5658c2bfcf7b3f39fc0af17869c15,e bell,photograph star trail realli evid earth rotat ye are scienc e bell discov simpl way demonstr this it first find playground equip standard locat near large leafi tree seat near middl platform ask local playground expert get spin fast sceneri flash rate point camera skyward take pictur slow shutter speed setting result similar excel imag concentric arc leaf trail center point correspond axi rotat convinc imit circumpolar star trail record exposur planet earth night sky then stand walk away still can,leaf trail,2007-05-19,504,81,0.0464285714285714,05-19,5,2007,19,6,0,1 21b3ae080b3415c6400535cca0814f85dbf0ef1bf29ebf8cad7264fe6af2786d,none,spherul come moon meteorit strike moon energi impact melt splatter rock fraction might cool tini glass beads mani glass bead present lunar soil sampl return earth apollo missions pictur one glass spherul measur quarter millimet across spherul particularli interest victim even smaller impact miniatur crater visibl upper left surround fragment area caus shockwav small impact date mani impacts astronom estim histori crater moon,spherul earth moon,2007-05-20,428,63,0.0035714285714285,05-20,5,2007,20,2,0,2 cad7b720bb37ac9a55e668908b50c4fe2b6308c11b7e3707a4176f8efed4e7fb,t rector,dust thick center ngc 1333 hardli see star forming conversely dust cloud hide star also reflect optic light give ngc predominantli blue glow gener design reflect nebula highli detail imag nebula shown above taken recent mayal 4meter telescop kitt peak arizona usa releas honor astronom stephen retirement visibl near imag top vast blue region dust predominantli reflect light bright massiv stars visibl thick central dust newli form star red jet redglow ga energ light wind recent form young stars ngc 1333 nebula contain hundr newli form star less one million year old reflect nebula ngc 1333 lie 1000 light year away toward constel perseus,center reflect nebula ngc 1333,2007-05-21,641,104,0.1063492063492063,05-21,5,2007,21,4,2,5 05550067facdfc886ba2b19eb898061cc58d7ae37c89d73335001c67248965a5,jay ouellet,two brightest object night sky appear go right past last week night may 19 earth moon planet venu visibl part sky closest approach less one degre apart conjunct captur imag taken near quebec city quebec canada venu appear lower left photo spire appear eman venu diffract spike caus camera itself imag clear crater moon resolved course real physic distanc two heavenli bodi unusu small appar conjunct realli illus perspective although earth moon pass venu month close pass visibl even sky rare,venu near moon,2007-05-23,493,81,0.0319047619047619,05-23,5,2007,23,2,0,1 b8b11323f1ee88295f17d7bce527c6c913405de26efea3b20aeb6acdda87715b,neil fleme,expans wide telescop view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan center bright hydrogen emiss region record 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 8000 lightyear distant nebula popularli known tulip nebula understand cosmic cloud evok imageri flowers complex beauti visibl light area also includ one brightest famou sourc xray sky cygnu x1 discov earli 1970s cygnu x1 bizarr binari system consist massive hot supergi star seen here close orbit stellar mass black hole cygnu x1 system also estim lie comfort 8000 lightyear away,tulip swan,2007-05-24,567,88,0.1098484848484848,05-24,5,2007,24,4,2,3 5c162a2cfaba13d278d3915eae6c5fb8fd1586b7431baedcbccf241ef1bc62b2,jimmi westlakecoloradomountain college,gorgeou skyscape ga giant jupit along star cosmic dust cloud milki way hang southern horizon earli morn hour seen stagecoach colorado usa record thursday jupit brightest object near pictur center along stun milki way jupit hard miss care inspect view also reveal main belt asteroid vesta asteroid vesta brightest bright enough visibl nake eye locat dark clear skies vesta a well jupiter appear rel bright near opposition liter opposit sun planet earth sky closest earth orbit vesta opposit offer best view mani years year 2007 also coincid anniversari asteroid discovery start late next month nasa plan launch dawn mission intend explor vesta and main asteroid belt,jupiter milki way,2007-05-25,665,106,0.1369791666666666,05-25,5,2007,25,8,2,1 f75646659c742f87a921b9ee7f0146ede11cdd4b282c0e761aadff72e3443bdd,jen hackmann,may 22nd day share western even sky venus moon move saturn actual pass front ring planet view sky europe northern africa western asia moon bright planet wander sky near eclipt plane occult event uncommon dramatic especi telescop views example sharp imag saturn captur emerg behind moon give illus lie beyond moon bright edge course moon mere 400 thousand kilomet away compar saturn distanc 14 billion kilometers taken digit camera 20 inch diamet telescop weikersheim observatori southern germany pictur singl exposur adjust reduc differ bright saturn crater lunar surface,moon saturn,2007-05-26,572,88,0.1185897435897436,05-26,5,2007,26,0,2,1 faf9271048179ddc43d888f22dd9e815a7df4b04628b95e23a74699c88d2dff2,nigel sharp,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula imag taken 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatory,horsehead nebula,2007-05-27,552,85,0.0465079365079365,05-27,5,2007,27,4,0,5 7b0d4702e535512d932195823cd736d33f1ee98f03f8d2b443325ae420a15ddc,none,black spot discov mar dark noth insid seen quit possibly spot deep underground cave capabl protect martian life exist unusu hole pictur found slope giant martian volcano arsia mons imag captur three week ago hiris instrument onboard mar reconnaiss orbit current circl mars hole origin identifi lower resolut imag mar odyssey spacecraft hole size footbal field deep complet unillumin sun hole underground cave might prime target futur spacecraft robots even next gener human interplanetari explorers,hole mar,2007-05-28,498,75,-0.0351851851851851,05-28,5,2007,28,5,0,2 72b23f5f213f9519e9c30eb5668db57f52239d870e381f0112d1231118efb578,none,hubbl space telescop resolv individu star spectacular new imag nearbi spiral galaxi m81 feat similar edwin hubble histor imag mt wilson hooker telescop 1920 resolv star neighbor galaxi m31 edwin hubbl abl use individu cepheid variabl star show m31 nearbi swirl ga rather entir galaxi like milki way galaxy imag visibl light taken hubbl space telescop use conjunct imag taken ultraviolet galex infrar spitzer xray chandra studi star form die histori m81 light take 12 million year reach us m81 m81 visibl binocular toward constel great bear ursa major,bright spiral galaxi m81 hubbl,2007-05-29,550,89,0.3426948051948051,05-29,5,2007,29,7,1,4 a91eed470b160e2f44c8547dab30a3e2965a1eea3cda0cb7ce239b870919ba9a,none,vast dark region titan quit possibl sea liquid hydrocarbons region imag earlier month robot cassini spacecraft swoop past saturn cloudi moon illumin part radar dark region imag reflect littl radar effect expect dark surfac rel flat expect liquid indic vast dark area liquid includ brighter regions appear includ islands tributari channels uninterrupt smooth much dark sea may indic sea run deep specul hold depth estim ten meters hydrocarbon sea titan hold particular interest exobiologist might place life could develop 2005 huygen probe land titan return first surfac images cassini continu explor titan 13 flybi planned,liquid sea saturn titan,2007-05-30,622,95,-0.0138888888888888,05-30,5,2007,30,8,2,4 0621efb84c309273acaa482e8c13caea87389578c34a9627fcc22ba63e471cd3,none,visibl light images thousand galaxi seen lie within volum 20 million lightyear across rich coma galaxi cluster infrar imag coma cluster use add thousand coma galaxi count form previous undiscov dwarf galaxies composit combin infrar spitzer space telescop imag data red green visibl light sloan sky survey data blue central part cluster 1 degre wide field domin two giant ellipt galaxi blue still mani small green smudg see magnifi inset identifi dwarf galaxies roughli compar small magellan cloud dwarf galaxi thought form first provid build block larger galaxies coma cluster 320 million lightyear away,dwarf galaxi coma cluster,2007-05-31,603,94,-0.0070833333333333,05-31,5,2007,31,7,2,3 ffb85c4d5d77a7568b0dcb09ac6b6782ddd55900309e68ddc7c92d79e4fa5737,volker wendel,m65 big beauti spiral galaxy object famou astronom catalog compil 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier also member picturesqu trio larg spiral galaxi known leo triplet 35 million lightyear away sharp view m65 show galaxi remark detail tightli wound spiral arm dust lane stretch core domin yellowish light older popul stars fact m65 seem least disturb leo trio though close enough interact gravit two galaxi not seen here nearli edgeon lineofsight m65 100000 lightyear across similar size milki way galaxy,messier 65,2007-06-01,509,80,0.0202380952380952,06-01,6,2007,1,7,0,3 1dfe9650acda99a5dae775c4bf9110fa88325a7d74d42fdb68ea9f68f3dab875,laurent lavederpixheavennet,get redblu glass check satisfi stereo anaglyph full moon correspond stereo imag pair intend crossey viewing also avail link regardless prefer techniqu stereo viewing 3d effect come combin pictur scene taken differ angl mimick slightli differ perspect eye perhap surprisingli earthdwellers get two pictur full moon differ angl requir littl patience case photograph laurent laved use pictur taken month apart one novemb 2006 one januari 2007 reli moon continu librat wobbl orbit produc two shift imag full moon,3d full moon,2007-06-02,509,78,0.3499999999999999,06-02,6,2007,2,2,1,4 e0601053234b4ba7989a8763f219b803ca5803fade6b80ee94a03a610f9e242c,none,would shadow space shuttl launch plume point toward moon earli 2001 launch atlantis sun earth moon rocket properli align photogen coincidence first space shuttle plume cast long shadow time day must either near sunris sunset next sunset shadow longest extend way horizon finally full moon sun moon opposit side sky sunset example sun slightli horizon and direction moon slightli horizon therefore atlanti blast off sunset shadow project away sun toward opposit horizon full moon happen be,shuttl plume shadow point moon,2007-06-03,488,76,0.1666666666666666,06-03,6,2007,3,2,1,1 672118b2d91e31e711c99c2fb27a15507334cdc519952197343446d0a3be1684,vincent jacqu,natur cloud appear picture left airplan cruis atmospher leav contrail wake contrail would normal appear white larg volum air toward set sun preferenti knock away blue light give reflect trail bright orang hue far distance right plane young moon vast world show sliver sun nearli line behind it imag frame eeri gray sky far day blue far night black within minut impromptu sky show ended plane cross moon contrail dispersed sun set moon set sky fade black reveal thousand star hide gray din,jet approach crescent moon,2007-06-05,488,83,0.0707282913165266,06-05,6,2007,5,1,0,1 e7179183b6960d3b3a808cf830d4689227a746748168a3d4a3c83d7a3dbe7763,ignacio de la cueva torregrosa,creat cosmic dust sculptur rosett nebula note common beauti overal shape part rosett nebula also known ngc 2244 show beauti even view close visibl globul dark dust ga slowli erod away energet light wind nearbi massiv stars left alon long enough molecularcloud globul would like form star planets imag taken specif color sulfur shade red hydrogen green oxygen blue rosett nebula span 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel unicorn monoceros,dust sculptur rosett nebula,2007-06-06,479,76,-0.0549999999999999,06-06,6,2007,6,4,0,5 664a48e4dd56002113aab235579fc0826f293a3892ce5e95c8aa485f81a451f3,tunc tezel,may 31st gorgeou full moon rose uludag mountain bursa province turkey allur telephoto view twilight scene composit imag taken roughli everi two minut begin shortli sunset follow rise moon move right course moon rise get brighter chang color becom less redden sightlin dens atmospher steadili reduced final two exposur also captur rise planet jupiter like full moon bright wander planet nearli opposit sun earth sky caught lefthand side pictur two places small peak mountain side intriguingly consid full moon blue moon,great mountain moonris,2007-06-07,518,81,0.229004329004329,06-07,6,2007,7,2,1,1 a40bd889276852e3766898401652a44a4584a0f8bed19e32ae7a7951bf402dcb,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,across heart virgo galaxi cluster lie string galaxi known markarian chain promin markarian chain two interact galaxies ngc 4438 left ngc 4435 also known eyes 50 million lightyear away two galaxi appear 100000 lightyear apart sharp closeup like approach within estim 16000 lightyear cosmic past gravit tide close encount rip away stars gas dust massiv ngc 4438 manag hold much materi torn collision materi smaller ngc 4435 easili lost remark deep imag crowd region univers also includ mani distant background galaxies,markarian eye,2007-06-08,517,81,-0.0392857142857142,06-08,6,2007,8,7,0,3 97cd4dd8dc720f2457add958f3619526ff36e5439ec4ee2a93b20a21f2e7dd42,karel teuwen,immens ball half million star older sun lie 30000 lightyear away catalog m3 and ngc 5272 one 150 globular star cluster roam halo milki way galaxy even impress sharp image individu star difficult distinguish dens pack core color appar bright star cluster outskirts m3 mani cool red giant star take yellowish hotter giant pulsat variabl star look light blue closer look deep telescop view also reveal host background galaxies 200 lightyear across giant star cluster rel bright easi target binocular northern constel cane venatici hunt dogs far arcturus,globular star cluster m3,2007-06-09,550,88,0.1083333333333333,06-09,6,2007,9,6,0,3 3f01f62c1990470c6caa06b76c40fb8c6c71fcd840c0824a357b3fb4545097b1,cne,earth look like solar eclipse shadow moon seen darken part earth shadow move across earth nearli 2000 kilomet per hour observ near center dark circl see total solar eclips other see partial eclips part sun appear block moon spectacular pictur 1999 august 11 solar eclips one last ever taken mir space station two bright spot appear upper left possibl jupit saturn although yet proven mir deorbit control reentri 2001,look back eclips earth,2007-06-10,417,69,0.084090909090909,06-10,6,2007,10,1,0,1 8f32532e688d17d4e134d816e9641af01906b47d1a671acff433793aa20be5b8,jeancharlescuillandr,reflect nebula reflect light nearbi star mani small carbon grain nebula reflect light blue color typic reflect nebula caus blue light effici scatter carbon dust red light bright nebula determin size densiti reflect grains color bright neighbor stars ngc 1435 pictur above surround merop 23 tau one brightest star pleiad m45 pleiad nebulos caus chanc encount open cluster star molecular cloud,merop reflect nebula,2007-06-11,391,61,0.2291666666666667,06-11,6,2007,11,4,1,5 8dd392925da743cea22c35bbd23ccb4cf3909e32c679fa145d0a0aa64d6676b2,none,kind cloud that natur occur one pictur drift smoke plume left last friday launch space shuttl atlantis twist plume captur shortli launch high nasa massiv vehicl assembl building largest singl stori build world rocket frequent creat picturesqu plume launch space shuttl current visit intern space station deliv new truss segment continu develop occupi spaceport offici label space shuttl flight overal 28th atlanti orbiter,shuttl plume,2007-06-12,421,63,0.1423376623376623,06-12,6,2007,12,8,1,2 0934046a49b629c2977cda9fde29ea728c68f6087b3ee67efb26b2f11dfb448b,peter ward,what happen sky time warp sorts digit space warp too time warp occur imag captur singl frame four hour exposur night sky promin picturesqu star trail visible space warp occur imag actual full 360 degre panorama horizont compress fit browser earth rotated star appear circl south celesti pole left north celesti pole occur horizon right imag captur sky mudgee new south wales australia includ dome two larg telescop artifici lit red light horizont unwarp imag visibl click image,warp sky star trail panorama,2007-06-13,477,78,0.1965097402597402,06-13,6,2007,13,8,1,1 52f5d55127b46fbac989d6d11779de48008e0ede195d8f3d76d92020bb20d28c,giovanni benintend,describ dusti curtain ghostli apparition mysteri reflect nebula vdb 152 realli faint lie 1400 lightyear away along northern milki way royal constel cepheus near edg larg molecular cloud pocket cosmic dust region block light background star scatter light embed bright star top give part nebula characterist blue color ultraviolet light star also thought caus dim reddish luminesc nebular dust though star form molecular clouds star seem accident wander area measur veloc interstellar space differ cloud velocity deep telescop imag span 7 lightyear estim distanc vdb,vdb 152 reflect nebula cepheu,2007-06-14,564,85,0.21,06-14,6,2007,14,4,1,5 5c0fa1180d52726fc09ceaf500c5479b592c4253fd836bfae40215bc5c131499,adam blockcaelum r jay gabani,dust lane seem swirl around core messier 96 colorful detail portrait beauti island universe cours m96 spiral galaxy count faint arm extend beyond brighter central region span 100 thousand lightyear so size milki way m96 known 38 million lightyear distant domin member leo galaxi group background galaxi smaller leo group member found examin picture accomplish astroimag adam block note intrigu edgeon spiral galaxi appar lie behind outer spiral arm near 10 oclock position edgeon spiral appear 15 size m96 spiral similar actual size m96 lie 5 time farther away,messier 96,2007-06-15,560,89,-0.0666666666666666,06-15,6,2007,15,7,0,3 f560eb093154bca422de5a5d82dfcfcd84e846bd33984ca1a9d431347ca6d0ed,none,prepar apollo five lunar orbit spacecraft launch 1966 1967 gather detail imag fair planet large natur satellite dramat view return spacecraft camera includ stark moonscape mosaic 93 kilomet wide impact crater copernicu featur central peak rise crater floor rug crater walls note today june 16 apod editor enjoy present imag space missions major observatories profession amateur cosmic tourist alik twelv years sincer thank web site graciou email continu apod,lunar orbit view crater copernicu,2007-06-16,458,69,0.0918650793650793,06-16,6,2007,16,5,0,2 eb7cdece9e16e27f0257a501fd1d96b68f5426f12a286049458336769bf0b4d3,vasilij rumyantsevcrimean astrophys obsevatory,took pictur sun time day would remain position answer no shape trace sun cours year call analemma sun appar shift caus earth motion around sun combin tilt earth rotat axis sun appear highest point analemma summer lowest winter analemma creat differ earth latitud would appear least slightli different well analemma creat differ time day analemma pictur left built sun photograph taken 1998 august 1999 august foreground pictur locat taken earli even 1999 july,analemma,2007-06-17,459,73,-0.0999999999999999,06-17,6,2007,17,1,0,1 6099c9fd3454da0f300688cffcd9dc1a2ba1385ab88dbd8cef4c778b0812bef0,none,ring myriad shape found cosmic zoo planetari nebulae astronom focus intrigu exampl m29 2100 lightyear away one lightyear across m29 known twin jet butterfli nebula refer strike bipolar symmetry monitor m29 mani year ground base telescop reveal dramat west east left right progress featur illustr appar motion could well caus energet rotat beam sweep across nebular material astronom argu beam collim interact stellar wind doubl star system center m29 binari system giant star hot white dwarf star orbit everi 120 years click imag watch anim gif m29,,2007-06-18,548,87,-0.0142857142857142,06-18,6,2007,18,4,0,3 75dc439b4dcbb055e25da3751541f1d3425ef5e6d7e594f0f474255ce0f41c80,thierri,dwarf planet current orbit sun twice pluto distance measur 27 percent mass pluto mass calcul time orbit eris moon imag taken groundbas keck telescope combin exist imag taken hubbl space telescope show dysnomia nearli circular orbit last 16 days catalog 2003 ub313 year ago infrar imag also show previous eri actual larger diamet pluto plane eris orbit well plane solar system planets drawing scientif artist imagin eri dysnomia orbit distant sun space mission current plan eris although robot new horizon spacecraft bound pluto recent pass jupiter,eris massiv pluto,2007-06-19,547,86,-0.0144781144781144,06-19,6,2007,19,8,0,2 50d189345423c9a791797d58bee1bbf65dd40cd9a8db0d486828396cf3e223fa,peter,someth two day ago two three celesti object easili visibl day appear collide actually earth moon pass well front distant planet venus occult caught switzerland hour sunset moment imag taken moon visibl crescent right image eclips venus appear near half phase lower left cloud threaten obscur whole event visibl far left 90 minut later venu reappear right bright crescent,daylight eclips venu,2007-06-20,370,59,0.117063492063492,06-20,6,2007,20,8,1,1 290812955ce320f538c0cc303ac92dc2e2885f13a6b1e5d768aa9df29f2f25e6,jerri lodrigusscatch light,could turn atmosphere abil scatter overwhelm sunlight today daytim sky might look someth like sun surround star constel tauru gemini course today solstice travel along eclipt plane sun northernmost posit planet earth sky mark astronom begin summer north accur exact time today solstice composit imag also show sun proper scale about angular size full moon open star cluster m35 sun left two bright star view mu eta geminorum digit superimpos nighttim imag stars sun composit pictur taken solar filter seri imag solar corona record solar eclips februari 26 1998 andrea,star solstic sun,2007-06-21,568,90,0.2166666666666666,06-21,6,2007,21,1,1,1 eb7b0abe40d1e7c4a615989137f18001ee78de6c7bb99b67ecfe25d0565912f5,none,cere vesta are respectively around 950 kilomet 530 kilomet diamet size texa arizona two largest 100000 minor bodi orbit main asteroid belt mar jupiter remark detail hubbl space telescop imag show bright color variat across surfac two small worlds variat could repres larg scale surfac featur area differ hubbl imag data help astronom plan visit dawn spacecraft schedul launch juli 7 intend orbit first vesta cere four year interplanetari though shakespear might impressed nomenclatur introduc intern astronom union 2006 classifi nearli spheric cere dwarf planet,small world cere vesta,2007-06-22,562,85,0.2595238095238095,06-22,6,2007,22,8,1,2 b05753738be2f76ceea6d96c1ef11edbd768d79a6080bfad4b5d90c7233a68d7,stefan seip astro meeting,barring meteorit crater near arizona one best known impact crater planet earth view color stereo anaglyph redblu glass get dramat sens crater dimens one mile wide 570 feet deep a crossey stereo pair avail here historically crater first recogn caus impact rather volcan eruption modern research indic impactor responsible 300000 ton meteor struck 50000 year ago estim suggest 130 feet across travel 26000 mile per hour comparison asteroid comet impactor creat chicxulub crater 65 million year ago thought caus extinct dinosaurs 6 12 mile across,3d barring meteorit crater,2007-06-23,544,85,0.1388888888888889,06-23,6,2007,23,5,1,2 632031a82d44ddee8bb411b6e29eabc90ea013c263e60bbea1a0269fc19265a9,nigel sharp,still known sun light miss colors shown visibl color sun produc pass sun light prismlik device spectrum creat mcmathpierc solar observatori shows first off although yellowappear sun emit light nearli everi color inde appear brightest yellowgreen light dark patch spectrum aris ga sun surfac absorb sunlight emit below sinc differ type ga absorb differ color light possibl determin gass compos sun helium example first discov 1870 solar spectrum later found earth today major spectral absorpt line identifi all,color sun,2007-06-24,510,78,0.24125,06-24,6,2007,24,1,1,5 6d0ef26e325756d31e51be7ed287b995257b819b5cd8f1d4d5a46f9ac31bd97c,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear again past week space shuttl atlanti visit iss ad piec integr truss structur mirror ad septemb 2006 includ second impress long array solar panels entir array expans solar panel visibl edg imag taken shuttl atlanti crew leav iss return earth world foremost space outpost seen develop past sever year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm anoth impress set solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998,intern space station expand,2007-06-25,483,79,-0.16,06-25,6,2007,25,8,0,2 4a08be4709df69c547ad96cde90dff2a67eb378e6f0c4114e3623cff81951181,thoma v davi,like delic cosmic petals cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers still beauti digit imag show iri nebula rang color symmetri impress detail within iris dusti nebular materi surround massive hot young star form years central filament cosmic dust glow reddish photoluminesc dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light yet domin color central nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight dark obscur cloud dust cold molecular ga present left image lead eye see convolut fantast shapes infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs shown here bright blue portion iri nebula six lightyear across,wisp iri nebula,2007-06-26,782,120,0.0266666666666666,06-26,6,2007,26,4,2,5 8b7c56e01f1f0f98c768152a32d13e33eefc2ffa7b78cf00e911cdeaad7b5437,none,seen right light saturn glow like neon sign although saturn compar littl element neon composit imag falsecolor three band infrar light highlight featur giant ring planet like glow sign blue band infrar light featured falsecolor blue image saturn appear dark saturn thin ring brightli reflect light sun conversely saturn b ring thick littl reflect light make through creat dark band saturn c rings red band infrared falsecolor red above saturn emit surprisingli detail thermal glow indic planetwid bands huge hurricanelik storms strang hexagonshap cloud system around north pole middl infrar band falsecolor green sunlit side saturn atmospher reflect brightly imag obtain late februari robot cassini spacecraft orbit 16 million kilomet saturn,neon saturn,2007-06-27,741,111,0.0942857142857143,06-27,6,2007,27,0,2,5 f7678e23d2344a66aa24866b28eb4259ffc8d198eaf1754820330cfb9387caaf,ron marek center southfield school,remark imag space shuttl orbit atlanti dock intern space station iss taken rang 190 nautic miles record fast move pair last week astronom clay center observatory near boston massachusetts planet earth use satellit track system diamet telescop combin digit video camera sharp picture atlanti left center aft view show three main engin vertic tail glint sunlight sun shine below bodi orbit cast long shadow across iss impress detail iss solar array use power gener easili visible larg set solar array instal lower right deliv visit atlantis,visit atlanti,2007-06-28,538,86,0.0377380952380952,06-28,6,2007,28,8,0,2 5293269f12239b3063a911474bf699191b28ba84312afc1ccee7cc84d3a68d4c,johann,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky familiar outlin seen brighter central region impress wideangl view composit imag also combin mani short long exposur reveal nebula extrem faint halo estim distanc 3000 lightyears faint outer halo 5 lightyear across planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star recently planetari nebula found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years visibl right 50 million lightyear beyond cat eye lie spiral galaxi ngc 6552,cat eye wide deep,2007-06-29,631,98,0.0431318681318681,06-29,6,2007,29,4,2,5 4f8cb5b89a26e2dfa311f23c7b5d0f7ec82f0e5216ee08033841c93147d8ec11,robert gendler andstephan guisard,center sharp skyscape centauru seem fantast jumbl old yellow stars young blue star clusters impos dark dust lanes span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxi appar result collis two otherwis normal galaxies left cosmic debri steadili consum black hole billion time mass sun lie center centauru a like black hole central engin gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru activ galaxies activ galaxi centauru close mere 10 million lightyear away wellstudi earthbound astronomers,galaxi centauru,2007-06-30,482,72,-0.0684523809523809,06-30,6,2007,30,7,0,3 7621f4ee9a273ed1cbbfa45d705652ab9ed10ec4a62fe3797363bd8433c5f977,filip alv,pelican nebula apod featur mani object night sky usual resourc show one today thank digit possibl show exactli photogen pelican nebula found click arrow caus mani download play spectacular movi zoom perspect unaid human eye power telescope observatori dome visibl right part calar alto observatori southern spain imag zoom constel cygnus pass greater pelican nebula ic settl dust structur pelican head hous stars alternatively movi also avail here,zoom pelican nebula,2007-07-02,447,68,0.1892857142857142,07-02,7,2007,2,4,1,4 f5b605eadfb310b7a43d7fdd3b808712613df3e272b7625b235ad33f1efa2e2a,none,wer go in robot opportun rover current roll across mar prowl around edg largest crater visit sinc land three year ago studi victoria crater look way in scientist earth decid take calcul risk plan send opportun right ancient martian crater next weeks pictur cape st part wall victoria crater next opportun descend wall appear contain clue martian terrain impact creat victoria crater studi dare descent crater wall far distance lie rel featureless martian horizon,edg victoria crater,2007-07-03,462,74,0.0771428571428571,07-03,7,2007,3,5,0,2 8022bdd6d8fdc8e8d5b318bb0e574551661c7093d0c8014ffc338cac8cb7fb2d,chrisschur,contrast color beauti sunset sky captur june 30 clear creek canyon observatori central arizona usa twilight scene includ brilliant venu even star bright saturn it shine thin clouds two wander planet mere 1 degre apart so twice width full moon rise eastern horizon side sky fact seren skyview possibl planet earth venu saturn approach conjunction regulus alpha star constel leo left close planetari pairing dusk light tonight sky also featur venu saturn low west separ 2 degrees,red blue sky,2007-07-04,477,77,0.155,07-04,7,2007,4,0,1,1 519af6eb4ca8a39a3eb7d2324c6c71afb016f0d238909d5af4ac64870ec5b3fa,none,allur noctiluc nightshin cloud lie near edg space 80 kilomet earth surface course view space cloud properli call polar mesospher cloud seen first time imag data ice mesospher satellite cloud form pole correspond summer season seen frequent lower latitudes view june 11 detail structur form north polar region white blue black indic cloud data aim satellit abl track two complet cloud season pole investig possibl connect high altitud nightshin cloud global chang lower atmosphere,cloud,2007-07-05,480,74,0.0276666666666666,07-05,7,2007,5,8,0,1 4f0a529d25f34f1fd9607daebe4330a6a9c0401132b39d1d99ca0f465f36055d,r jaygabani cosmotographycom,spiral galaxi ngc 2903 20 million lightyear distant constel leo one brighter galaxi visibl northern hemisphere surprisingli miss charl messier famou catalog celesti sights impress sharp color imag show galaxy beauti blue spiral arms includ groundbas telescop view intrigu detail ngc 2903 central region remark mix old young star cluster immens dust ga clouds fact ngc 2903 exhibit except rate star format activ near center also bright radio infrared ultraviolet xray bands littl smaller milki way ngc 2903 80000 lightyear across,bright galaxi ngc 2903,2007-07-06,529,81,0.0675,07-06,7,2007,6,7,0,3 ffd923a6da0f9c5e60db4fd2f43e6febfc7bc7caa7219c4209f556583147297d,none,trifid nebula aka messier 20 easi find small telescope well known stop nebula rich constel sagittarius visibl light pictur show nebula divid three part dark obscur dust lanes penetr infrar imag reveal filament glow dust cloud newborn stars spectacular falsecolor view courtesi spitzer space telescope astronom use spitzer infrar imag data count newborn embryon star otherwis lie hidden natal dust ga cloud intrigu stellar nursery seen here trifid 30 lightyear across lie 5500 lightyear away,infrar trifid,2007-07-07,490,75,0.1511904761904761,07-07,7,2007,7,4,1,5 9d42461e8e403e59f0cf1746d716d84f4a625b76ea5e464ce5c75ec7c87107e2,none,space shuttl land california get back florida next launch answer ferry nasa oper two commerci boe 747 airplan modifi carri space shuttl backs design offici shuttl carrier aircraft sca 747 made commerci flight bolster nasa sever struts stabilizers electron monitors span 70 meter length two aircraft combin mass nearli 150000 kilograms pictur above space shuttl atlanti shown ferri back nasa kennedi space center florida septemb 1998,shuttl ferri,2007-07-08,432,66,-0.02,07-08,7,2007,8,8,0,2 798ef171a7a4eb1f38130b209ffe9b2e8755f506b71a862eb5c0e6fa8e262d9f,enriqu luqu the,sun distant earth happen past weekend common sun distant winter truth however season temperatur greatli influenc number daylight hour high sun rises example northern winter tilt earth caus sun horizon shorter time remain lower sky northern summer pictur compar rel size sun earth closest approach januari northern left juli northern right angular size sun notic smaller july farther away earth orbit perfectli circular sun would alway appear size two solar imag taken spain 2006 effect seen year earthbound location,distant sun,2007-07-09,515,79,-0.0380357142857142,07-09,7,2007,9,1,0,1 c35156800ebdcaa818d5261c80402c2e1f3f413c6287d4eeb19969cd49174036,none,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory newli formed bright blue star cluster along beautiful symmetr spiral arm guarante attract attention small irregular galaxi form star too like ngc 4449 locat 12 million lightyear away fact sharp hubbl space telescop closeup wellstudi galaxi clearli demonstr reddish star form region young blue star cluster less 20000 lightyear across small island univers similar size often compar milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud ngc 4449 member group galaxi found constel cane venatici,ngc 4449 closeup small galaxi,2007-07-10,524,80,0.1234848484848485,07-10,7,2007,10,7,1,3 b879f09407a3d4fb1aa748aaa1bdf193f1d208ade50a43a0df44200a446f5f2b,laurent lavederpixheavennet,record earlier july cloud planet earth reflect moonlight faint reddish glow seren sea skyscape beyond lie cosmic dust star cloud milki way view look south beach northern franc find constel sagittarius peak horizon bright planet jupit rule right wander among star constel scorpius course galact center hidden behind milki way cloud sagittarius find them put cursor pictur follow arrow,cloudi sky,2007-07-11,383,59,-0.0258503401360544,07-11,7,2007,11,6,0,1 61c86c9aa02e50a95cc466392200cc1eff400e16fe9865bd1a0a85da0dfd6f20,ken crawford rancho del sol observatory,univers fill galaxies see astronom must look beyond star galaxy milki way example consid color telescop view spiral galaxi ngc 6384 80 million lightyear away direct constel ophiuchus distance ngc 6384 span estim 150000 lightyears sharp imag show detail distant galaxy blue spiral arm yellowish core still individu star seen pictur close foreground well within galaxy brighter milki way star show notic crosses diffract spikes caus telescop itself particular field view 14 degre wide rel rich foreground star look near crowd center milki way,ngc 6384 beyond star,2007-07-12,540,84,0.0351851851851851,07-12,7,2007,12,7,0,3 8afee7efcb10de6a60d32f0c78546c1d749ce91bc5c9b274213b56e1519da245,neil degrassetyson amnh,today clear well place new yorker go outsid sunset watch citi act like modern version stonehenge manhattan flood dramat sunlight sun set precis centrelin everi street usually tall build line grid street new york city tallest borough hide set sun effect make manhattan type modern stonehenge although align 30 degre east north manhattan road grid perfectli align east west today effect would occur vernal autumn equinox march 21 septemb 21 two day sun rise set due east west pictur horizont stretch image sun set 34th street view park avenue today sunset hidden cloud despair thing happen twice year late may mid july none occasions however ever look directli sun,manhattanhenge new york sunset,2007-07-13,663,109,-0.0068939393939393,07-13,7,2007,13,1,2,1 557e0742315f1dbe95477a2836b1781d2ee15102799826289ab8180cdb928ce7,none,ground spectacular aurora seem danc high above intern space station iss orbit nearli height mani auroras sometim pass them sometim right them still auror electron proton stream pose direct danger iss 2003 iss scienc offic pettit captur green aurora pictur digit sharpen image orbit pettit report chang aurora appear crawl around like giant green amoebas 300 kilomet below manicouagan impact crater seen northern canada planet earth,aurora space,2007-07-15,431,66,0.0932142857142857,07-15,7,2007,15,8,0,2 3c1657b51057184f22e3ed3eee1ea5dc67dae1e00ba1513cfc39b8261cad5382,antonio fernandez,star battl ga dust lagoon nebula photograph winning also known m8 photogen nebula visibl even without binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m8 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions light m8 see today left 5000 year ago light take 50 year cross section m8,lagoon nebula gas dust star,2007-07-16,416,64,0.1875,07-16,7,2007,16,4,1,5 5e315a52058dd0e8e8b9d2406cfe5ee6cb62254f2afd6c9624d0fc6b9544fe03,none,squar b color are too verifi this click imag see connected illusion call color illusion illustr pure human observ scienc may ambigu inaccurate even seemingli direct percept rel color similar illus exist sky size moon near horizon appar shape astronom objects advent automated reproducible measur devic ccd made scienc gener astronomi particular less prone to free of humanbias illusions,color illus,2007-07-17,386,59,0.1017857142857142,07-17,7,2007,17,8,1,1 bee766953c0a1e3157965e1b526e4c916f898b5c00467c68bb21549513ac1e0b,dan bushmissouri skies,beauti sunset sky color reflect express lake twilight skyview northern missouri usa planet earth record monday two day old crescent moon brilliant planet venu shine thin clouds join conjunct right moon sunlit crescent fellow wander saturn regulus alpha star constel leo right venus moonlight venu light streak lake waters,planet express lake,2007-07-18,321,49,0.2619047619047618,07-18,7,2007,18,2,1,1 77d580c59d0ce0e7256a6930e390ff38182192a0c05b3978449d9ffa614f2913,toni halla,galaxi hercul cluster archipelago island univers mere 500 million lightyear away also known abel 2151 cluster load ga dust rich starform spiral galaxi rel ellipt galaxies lack ga dust associ newborn stars color remark deep composit imag clearli show star form galaxi blue tint galaxi older stellar popul yellowish cast sharp pictur span 12 degre across cluster center correspond 4 million lightyear cluster estim distance cosmic vista mani galaxi seem collid merg other seem distort clear evid cluster galaxi commonli interact fact hercul cluster may seen result ongo merger smaller galaxi cluster thought similar young galaxi cluster much distant earli universe,hercul cluster galaxi,2007-07-19,663,101,0.0029761904761904,07-19,7,2007,19,7,2,3 54a9bb68c45cebbf92093bc780a75bb7b341d90bcd4beb3cdfcda6853b89571f,none,juli 20 1969 apollo 11 astronaut neil armstrong edwin buzz aldrin becam first walk moon panorama land site sweep across magnific desol moon sea tranquility lunar module eagle background far left east crater 30 meter wide 4 meter deep right scroll right name 60 meter east lunar module armstrong pilot eagl safe crater near end stay lunar surfac armstrong far enough lunar modul take pictur use construct wideangl view shadow appear panorama left edge object near middl foreground stereo closeup camera,apollo 11 east crater panorama,2007-07-20,501,81,0.1247252747252747,07-20,7,2007,20,2,1,2 d530fc808a486799b8d839a713ef20d77b82840c9f8263d7d0c31bfc496c1bb7,none,wide detail spitzer space telescop view featur infrar light dust red old star blue andromeda massiv spiral galaxi mere 25 million lightyear away fact twice diamet milki way andromeda largest nearbi galaxy andromeda popul bright young star defin sweep spiral arm visibl light images infrar view clearli follow lumpi dust lane heat young star wind even closer galaxy core construct explor andromeda infrar bright stellar populations full mosaic imag compos 3000 individu frames two smaller companion galaxies ngc 205 below m32 above also includ combin fields data confirm andromeda aka m31 hous around 1 trillion stars compar 4 hundr billion milki way,infrar andromeda,2007-07-21,649,102,0.1666666666666666,07-21,7,2007,21,7,2,3 246c7952bcb0dffc82d5b2c7619d0e109d5cc136eaeeffeb6f464e66a1f9ddc4,none,could surviv jump tallest cliff solar system quit possibly verona rupe uranus moon miranda estim 20 kilomet deep ten time depth earth grand canyon given miranda low gravity would take 12 minut thrillseek adventur fall top reach bottom speed racecar 200 kilomet per hour even so fall might surviv given proper airbag protection imag verona rupe captur pass voyag 2 robot spacecraft 1986 giant cliff creat remain unknown possibl relat larg impact tecton surfac motion,verona rupes tallest known cliff solar system,2007-07-23,467,75,0.1,07-23,7,2007,23,8,0,2 ff07bb638b87515d6152f7a4a8d30b252235274db9f20a448ecac37ce1dbd92d,robert gendler andstephan guisard,m83 one closest brightest spiral galaxi sky visibl binocular constel hydra majest spiral arm prompt nicknam southern pinwheel although discov 250 year ago much later appreci m83 nearbi ga cloud bar spiral galaxi much like milki way galaxy m83 pictur above promin member group galaxi includ centauru ngc 5253 lie 15 million light year distant sever bright supernova explos record m83 intrigu doubl circumnuclear ring discov center m83,spiral galaxi m83 southern pinwheel,2007-07-24,433,68,0.1375,07-24,7,2007,24,7,1,3 90cfac5aabc7f5c7af657a288b98b3e476068e1e063a9ada92768dd5f1486de1,none,global dust storm robot martian past month windi dust storm block much need sunlight reach solar panel spirit opportun rover explor mars times much 99 percent direct sunlight obscured caus worri batteri might run energi storm end may long weeks effort weather storms earth control program rover restrict movement use littl power possible although rover work remark three year past plan three month lifetimes immedi futur uncertain pictur above opportun rover perch edg victoria crater peer month distanc dust made martian air increasingli opaque,global dust storm mar,2007-07-25,546,84,-0.0055555555555555,07-25,7,2007,25,5,0,2 34b3cf3869950fad38d913c6033740f0288e651431db0988297668d14342d1a6,none,wind radiat massiv hot star rosett nebula clear natal ga dust center nearbi starform region also pose danger planet form disk around young cooler star neighborhood spitzer space telescop infrar imag dust cloud near rosette central region show cavity view span 45 lightyear nebula estim distanc 5200 lightyears put cursor fals color pictur highlight danger hot stars classifi star surfac temperatur 25000 kelvin higher astronom calcul cool star wander within 16 lightyear rosette star danger planet form disk destroyed,hot star rosett nebula,2007-07-26,517,79,0.1444444444444444,07-26,7,2007,26,4,1,5 f9283801ad561e4f924cecdc5b0235a2e058d08a38ce9d80ff0d8e4d421ad2e1,steve mandelgalaxi images,mere 30 million lightyear away larg spiral galaxi ngc 3628 center share neighborhood local univers two larg spirals magnific group otherwis known leo fact fellow trio member m65 near bottom edg deep cosmic group portrait m66 left but perhap intrigu spectacular tail stretch left 300000 lightyear ngc 3628 warped edgeon disk known tidal tail structur drawn galaxi gravit tide brief violent past interact larg neighbors often imag distinctly tidal tail compos young bluish star cluster starform regions,tidal tail ngc 3628,2007-07-27,500,77,-0.0423076923076923,07-27,7,2007,27,7,0,3 167310318614caa3c8e9894694c2cd8860b63c8d4e529625f302ebe260958548,frank barrett,brilliant full moon might look quit like skygaz next monday imag mosaic 18 digit frame record moon seven hour past exact full phase time maximum illumin view earth here pixel valu correspond light dark area translat reverse inverted produc falsecolor represent reminisc black white photograph negative normal bright ray larg crater tycho domin southern bottom featur easili follow dark line eman 85 kilomet diamet impact site normal dark lunar mare appear light silvery traditionally astronom imag record photograph plate directli examin neg color scheme help eye pick faint details,full,2007-07-28,582,89,0.0991666666666666,07-28,7,2007,28,2,2,1 c9e6f41d296c64da1290fb9271cd7fd3a088951cdc2f15f444a4315e01fbcc87,none,fantast jumbl young blue star clusters gigant glow ga clouds impos dark dust lane surround central region activ galaxi centauru a mosaic hubbl space telescop imag taken blue green red light process present natur color pictur cosmic maelstrom infrar imag hubbl also shown hidden center activ seem disk matter spiral black hole billion time mass sun centauru appar result collis two galaxi left debri steadili consum black hole astronom believ black hole central engin gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru activ galaxies activ galaxi centauru close mere 10 million lightyear away rel conveni laboratori explor power sourc energy,center centauru,2007-07-29,638,99,-0.0656862745098039,07-29,7,2007,29,7,2,4 717f05f133d0996c5fb438b4f6f2b1fc363f71a7b6d18cd3771c3352c2651b9e,none,would look four sun sky planet hd 98800 system exist would experi view hd 98800 multipl star system 150 light year earth right section milki way galaxy year known hd 98800 consist two pair doubl stars one pair surround disk dust star pair locat 50 au comparison outsid orbit pluto recent data earthtrail spitzer space telescop infrar light however indic dust disk gap appear consist clear planet orbit disk so one planet appear orbit distanc similar mar solar system pictur artist draw hd 98800 system might appear nearbi observer,four sun hd,2007-07-30,532,89,0.1976190476190476,07-30,7,2007,30,6,1,3 7f7e5484b53031856be62c2eb7a38f531290e9f3e15c262aab9b535d751c7b90,yuri beletskyeso,peopl shoot power laser center galaxy fortunately meant first step galact war rather astronom larg telescop vlt site chile tri measur distort earth ever chang atmosphere constant imag highaltitud atom excit laser appear like artifici star allow astronom instantli measur atmospher blurring inform fed back vlt telescop mirror slightli deform minim blurring case vlt observ galaxy center earth atmospher blur direct needed intergalaxi warfare view galaxy center casualti expected fact light power laser would combin light sun togeth appear bright faint distant star,laser strike galact center,2007-07-31,566,83,0.0892857142857142,07-31,7,2007,31,6,0,4 657c6a1327dc9c668effd5074b777ffee0a009224d6d8699c6935f718b9d31f0,none,one half dion crater other start fact saturn moon dion alway one side face saturn alway one side face away similar earth moon tidal lock mean one side dion alway lead moon progress orbit side alway trails dion therefor undergon signific amount impact lead half current lead half dion less crater trail possibl explan impact larg spun dione sometim chang part suffer highest impact rate moon spin becam locked pictur above top part dion appear significantli crater bottom half,unusu saturn dion,2007-08-01,475,79,-0.0700757575757575,08-01,8,2007,1,0,0,2 47e733c8187801e08d916907c7489b2231da820094ea42c187d87294e5f91017,andrea tamanti,bright beauti spiral galaxi messier 64 sometim known black eye galaxy m64 lie 17 million lightyear distant otherwis wellgroom northern constel coma berenices dark cloud along nearsid m64 central region give galaxi appear enorm obscur dust cloud associ star formation galaxy peculiar feature observ show m64 actual compos two concentric counterrot system stars one inner 3000 lightyear anoth extend 40000 lightyear rotat opposit direction dusti black eye bizarr rotat like result merger two differ galaxies,m64 black eye galaxi,2007-08-02,505,75,0.0018518518518518,08-02,8,2007,2,7,0,3 4eca7865a614ee1c392cac517e88a3d34af1c98bf88839cc3ceed5b71bdd34f3,imag josch karel teuwen,mere seven hundr light year earth constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix nebula ngc 7293 well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution nearli 11 hour exposur time gone creat remark deep view nebula show detail helix brighter inner region 3 lightyear across also follow fainter outer halo featur give nebula span well six lightyears white dot helix center planetari nebula hot central star simpl look nebula first glance helix understood surprisingli complex geometry,ngc 7293 helix nebula,2007-08-03,526,81,0.0192307692307692,08-03,8,2007,3,4,0,5 2b746b3ec3c8dc9eef3c11331506febff7deb71332d0f0ee2b898d397a670635,steve misti,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 nebula right center color m20 upper right third ngc 6559 left m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant expans m8 hundr lightyear across also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid stun digit view actual collabor composit record 2 camera 2 telescop 2 thousand mile apart deep wide imag field captur dark arizona skies m8 m20 record detail observatori glow hydrogen ga creat domin red color emiss nebulae contrast blue hues strike trifid due dust reflect starlight,sagittariu triplet,2007-08-04,686,109,0.0698214285714285,08-04,8,2007,4,4,2,5 6be2954c528aaac618a2673a4f7b35e6a37ad5ea0aa76075bfc03e9ccf3bd9a6,malin space scienc systemsmocmgsjpl nasa,caus black dot dune mars spring dawn northern hemispher mar 2004 dune sand near pole begin defrost thinner region ice typic thaw first reveal sand whose dark soak sunlight acceler thaw process might involv sandi jet explod thin ice summer spot expand encompass entir dune complet thaw dark carbon dioxid water ice actual sublim thin atmospher directli gas taken midjuly imag show field spot polar dune span 3 kilomet near martian north pole today futur mar rover spirit opportun remain unknown windi dust storm continu need sunlight,dot dune mar,2007-08-05,532,87,-0.0909090909090909,08-05,8,2007,5,5,0,4 2fbbf71a3f94d03fa5376630aaf7496403796832d48cb8846727777a83929897,josch hambsch,ga cloud eat galaxy even close odd look creature hand extend top photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi near bottom imag huge far distance place near cg4 chanc superposition news flash phoenix spacecraft launch mar,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,2007-08-06,472,72,0.1121212121212121,08-06,8,2007,6,8,1,3 e4987a2511611531d6459d32e5158f5cbeb2ca7f098831afebcf540ca88bd1b5,walli pacholka astropicscom,yellowston see sky beautiful helps yellowston nation park wyoming usa would see picturesqu foreground famou old faith geyser erupt front alreadi picturesqu sky old faith visibl foreground seen propel stream hot water 30 meter air happen predict minut everi 90 minutes also predict brightest orb popul nighttim sky although visibl one time keep changing visibl far background sky midjuli imag plane milki way galaxi left bright planet jupit right jupit brightest celesti object entir image old faith erupt least sinc late 1800s,old faith yellowston sky,2007-08-07,526,82,0.1714285714285714,08-07,8,2007,7,6,1,1 6dcac560c0cd61b229ec1f012ccfdf03a0c612b819f90a23fe8f075b8b924eb2,none,mar sustain life help answer question last week nasa launch phoenix mission mars may 2008 phoenix expect land unexplor north polar region mar rich waterice although phoenix cannot deploy cameras robot arm small chemistri laboratori chemic analyz land area one hope phoenix abl discern tell clue histori ice water mars phoenix also pois explor boundari ice soil hope find clue habit zone could support microbi life phoenix plan lifetim three month martian surface,phoenix rise toward mar,2007-08-08,462,73,0.0104166666666666,08-08,8,2007,8,5,0,2 c3e28bab62a3b82c5c5bf4e18461c0f7a38c7abcee90d44d6a9584e439b5051c,process noel carboniimag greg parker,gather center sharp skyview star messier one oldest known open star clusters fact though open star cluster usual much younger star m67 like around 4 billion year old age element abund sun open cluster almost alway younger dispers time encount stars interstellar clouds experi gravit tide orbit center galaxy still m67 contain 500 star lie 2800 lightyear away constel cancer estim distance m67 would 12 lightyear across,star cluster messier,2007-08-09,418,67,-0.0475,08-09,8,2007,9,6,0,3 64c6a6a90424076c8858b9934c73626ad46a81282e251a6a77fca23fcc4d0dbc,ignacio de la,sculpt stellar wind radiation star factori known messier 17 lie 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius distance 30 field view span almost 50 lightyears stellar wind energet light hot massiv star form m17 stock cosmic ga dust slowli carv away remain interstellar materi produc cavern appear undul shapes color gorgeou imag pick emphas light emit specif element nebula excit energet starlight red indic emiss sulfur green hydrogen blue oxygen m17 also known omega nebula swan nebula,star factori messier 17,2007-08-10,492,76,0.1687499999999999,08-10,8,2007,10,4,1,5 fa4563d28d59f92788d60ae7d0c81c3d5410c57bc13b73e21a3096ea9d182543,none,lightyear length cosmic tornado actual power jet catalog hh herbigharo blast top spitzer space telescop view though energet outflow well known associ format young stars exact caus spiral structur appar case still mysterious embryon star respons 100kilomet per second jet locat top picture bright star seen near tip jet may chanc lie along line sight falsecolor infrar image tornado glow infrar light gener outflow heat surround dust clouds color show trend red blue hue tip indic systemat increas emiss shorter wavelengths trend thought indic increas molecular excit closer head jet impact interstellar gas 450 lightyear distant locat chamaeleon molecular cloud,cosmic tornado,2007-08-11,661,100,0.1884615384615384,08-11,8,2007,11,4,2,5 2823a81bfbe7de5bdc12ba055dca7c7474bae5d6918fea60529a7c26f7b18d86,fred bruenj,tonight good night see meteors comet dust rain planet earth streak dark sky annual perseid meteor shower enjoy anticip space weather astronom fred bruenj record seri mani 30 second long exposur span six hour night 2004 august 1112 use wide angl lens combin frame captur meteor flashes produc dramat view perseid summer although comet dust particl travel parallel other result shower meteor clearli seem radiat singl point sky eponym constel perseus radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance bruenj note 51 perseid meteor composit image includ one seen nearli headon year perseid meteor shower expect peak midnight tonight moonless earli morn hour august 12,rain perseid,2007-08-12,684,106,0.0549999999999999,08-12,8,2007,12,3,2,1 9a709b2340012359d174b0b341570a76577407f167d2c8a87c63bb04bc588038,r jaygabani cosmotographycom,unspeak beauti unimagin bedlam found togeth trifid nebula also known m20 photogen nebula visibl good binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m20 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions bright young star light blue reflect nebula still investigated light m20 see today left perhap 3000 year ago although exact distanc remain unknown light take 50 year cross m20,trifid nebula star dust,2007-08-13,518,77,0.2178571428571428,08-13,8,2007,13,4,1,5 5ed0dcff073b25d59ec8ccfde4adb9e9ac3f8306c235e696bb943695dc9f19b9,walli pacholka imag processing toni halla,behold breathtak beauti earth sky together foreground teton mountain rang wyoming usa grand teton rel isol set high peak part rocki mountains far left vast cloud bright star dark dust visibl nearli vertic plane milki way galaxy galact plane appear crash actual far distant left left southernmost teton peak planet jupit visible near imag center bright star arcturus scroll far right bring familiar aster big dipper last month took five images later digit captur majesti panoram view,spectacular sky grand teton,2007-08-14,482,77,0.131938775510204,08-14,8,2007,14,6,1,1 bd729a49ec71d2d59f2e3e846a414fbf6c28e2dd03d57913a7b212550f43c9fd,john chumack,last weekend dark moonless night sky brought mani sight perseid meteor skygaz planet earth earli sunday morn astronom john camera captur perseid meteor streak flare near end track yellow springs single four minut long exposur look toward constel tauru eastern horizon meteor streak point back annual meteor shower radiant perseu upper left corner picture course view includ wellknown pleiad star cluster near top center bright yellowish planet mar it also seen yellowish tint quit bright mars giant star aldebaran anchor vshape hyad star cluster left center trees,moonless perseid sky,2007-08-16,563,87,0.095798319327731,08-16,8,2007,16,6,0,1 6e1d36bb21fd90b904a8a33b684cf4e9274c1a14d3e7645b65b7c7d22059941e,none,seventeenth centuri astronomers omicron ceti mira known wonder star star whose bright could chang dramat cours 11 months mira seen entir class longperiod variabl stars surprisingly modern astronom recent discov anoth strike characterist mira enorm cometlik tail nearli 13 lightyear long discoveri made use ultraviolet imag data galaxi evolut explor galex satellite billion year ago mira like similar sun becom swollen red giant star outer layer materi blow interstellar space fluoresc ultraviolet light cast materi trail behind giant star plow surround interstellar medium 130 kilomet per second amount materi mira tail estim equival 3000 time mass planet earth 400 lightyear away toward constel cetus mira present faint seen unaid eye becom visibl midnovember,tail wonder star,2007-08-17,761,113,0.0269230769230769,08-17,8,2007,17,6,2,4 90e12de28a6cb82fdc16f76cc83fb994ab6ef6f8c6800537de0d00f3c76b48aa,guillaum du parc du montmegantic,august 1st time exposur creat surreal view look earli morn sky southern quebec light nearli full moon brighten sky highlight dome 16 meter telescop montmegant observatory shadowi figur astronom interrupt work glimps intern space station iss streak overhead brightest star moonlit sky iss easi spot move background star highfli constel pegasus,iss observatori,2007-08-18,342,51,0.25,08-18,8,2007,18,6,1,1 c2342b81ecb730b82b36cea17151f02b966b8731103aaf0d4428336e700db6f4,none,sonic boom look like airplan travel speed faster sound densiti wave sound emit plane cannot preced plane accumul cone behind plane shock wave passes listen hear sound emit longer period sonic boom plane acceler break sound barrier however unusu cloud might form origin cloud still debated lead theori drop air pressur plane describ prandtlglauert singular occur moist air condens form water droplets above fa18 hornet photograph broke sound barrier larg meteor space shuttl frequent produc audibl sonic boom slow sound speed earth atmosphere,sonic boom,2007-08-19,541,83,0.18,08-19,8,2007,19,8,1,1 06fd63901945ec04d7e2cf8b4350bc4260984e985c23728b4fe6131c86bb2314,none,huge cluster galaxi sure collid abel 520 astrophysicist sure dark matter becom separ normal matter dark matter multiwavelength imag shown fals blue determin care detail cluster distort light emit distant galaxies hot gas form normal matter shown fals red determin xray detect earthorbit chandra xray observatory individu galaxi domin normal matter appear yellowish white convent wisdom hold dark matter normal matter attract gravitationally distribut abel inspect image however show surpris lack concentr visibl galaxi along dark matter one hypothet answer caus larg galaxi undergo sort convent gravit controversi hypothesi hold dark matter collid way never seen before simul studi cluster may resolv scientif conundrum,cluster crash dark matter,2007-08-20,719,104,0.1,08-20,8,2007,20,7,2,4 94c97c78c02f4e823e6e46ca6c351589865eaaa8ab3d3d453288a8f1635aed4a,m colleen,would dome telescop observatori appear transluc red one telescop observatori new mexico wait inspect small portion night sky play observ decid make unusu image need creat seemingli imposs shot includ open observatori dome slightly use red light illumin insid dome spin dome use long exposure open slit dome allow camera imag insid observatory includ telescope fortuit break cloud allow star big dipper aster shine through,red dome big dipper,2007-08-21,421,65,0.0069696969696969,08-21,8,2007,21,8,0,4 281c84168f2503bee11bde10e13c84f4d73702dc27c546f62d31f44b7c995040,wfi mpgeso 22m telescope la sillaeso,largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxi lie neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc tarantula nebula distanc orion nebula local star form region would take fulli half sky also call 30 doradus red pink ga indic massiv emiss nebula although supernova remnant dark nebula also exist there bright knot star left center call r136 contain mani massive hottest brightest star known imag taken european southern observatory esos wide field imag one detail ever vast star form region eso made possibl fli around detail imag click here,tentacl tarantula nebula,2007-08-22,551,89,-0.0322916666666666,08-22,8,2007,22,4,0,5 f5da256e6062c09f29ac6d1b873b6488f9dcaa37f3bfea8a5b9ee5ff1b88a13f,we higgin,moon south pole near top sharp telescop view look across southern lunar highlands record august 3rd oklahoma planet earth foreshorten perspect heighten impress dens field crater make crater appear oval shaped promin crater foreground diamet 114 kilomet lie west left moon central meridian larg lunar craters moretu young featur terrac inner wall 21 kilomet high bright central peak similar appear northerli crater tycho right moretu 95 kilomet diamet crater older round wall mark smaller recent impact craters,southern moonscap,2007-08-23,509,77,0.0937433862433862,08-23,8,2007,23,2,0,2 c1cd90102245c3d3d97654225b1f9570967217bcb80401b48ab6cc010d2413ff,david cortner,come tuesday moon appear disappear similar total lunar eclips seen time laps imag captur 2003 north carolina usa earth move moon sun earth shadow fell moon make quit dark pictur earth rotation multipl exposures digit enhanc use creat timelaps effect dramat moon look fade reappear three hour lunar eclipse earth shadow engulf moon lunar imag becam less less bright practic disappear totality time moon normal shine reflect direct sunlight shone sunlight refract earth atmosphere next total lunar eclips visibl earth februari 2008,total lunar eclips north carolina,2007-08-26,529,82,0.0466666666666666,08-26,8,2007,26,2,0,1 5d296e046848f87a89ccd4934fe9683c12bbba4e9653fc2b8c4034f69ab510d6,none,creat huge empti volum universe one yet sure even extent estim year void researched void hole space like black hole rather vast region univers appear mostli devoid normal matter even dark matter void still thought contain dark energy though clearli travers light exist postul follow scientif curios unusu cold spot came appear wmap map cosmic microwav background cmb radiation one possibl cmb region actual cold light spot somehow becam cosmolog redshift normal along way void univers known exist void appear unusu larg gravit effect might possibl largest entir visibl universe investig this recent studi found unusu low number cosmic radio sourc earth cmb cold spot led infer giant void artist depict huge cosmic void shown above,huge void distant univers,2007-08-27,730,116,0.0016666666666666,08-27,8,2007,27,8,2,4 f13accca267d86392bdd954c533f76fc75c501a49fa247b4cad9d033c4a56eab,none,life mars although unambigu evid indigen life mar ever found specul question could life form surviv mar taken new twist two planetari scientist recent specul microb involv mixtur hydrogen peroxid water microb might well abl surviv thin cold dri atmospher mars life involv hydrogen peroxid exist earth note life would better abl absorb water mars also claim life would consist ambigu result come experi aboard old vike landers although specul debat possibl life mar proven fun magnet media attention pictur above vike lander 2 captur unusu imag martian surfac 1979 sport thin layer season water ice,could hydrogen life surviv mars,2007-08-28,599,96,-0.0404040404040404,08-28,8,2007,28,5,2,4 2cb3db190e7b275e89212a09b715d9f9687a4dc5eb8cf5637dffa48a3a079b46,none,ever seen gigant extrem rare tremend powerful gigant jet newli discov type lightn discharg thunderstorm earth ionospher high them pictur one jet caught accid meteor camera oklahoma usa gigant jet lower left perhap 70 kilomet one second click imag bring movi mani browsers also visibl here gigant jet much differ regular cloudtoground lightning bottom gigant jet appear similar appear anoth type strike call blue jets top appear similar red sprites although mechan trigger caus gigant jet topic research clear jet reduc charg differ part earth atmosphere good way look gigant jet watch power distant thunderstorm clear location,gigant jet oklahoma,2007-08-29,626,97,0.14125,08-29,8,2007,29,8,2,4 6e3469a3386b2058677fb2a69e0013a4e65c248a2bd2611a5b803ae32d16d78d,martin pugh,moon pass close center earth shadow august seen best skywatch western north america pacif region result total lunar eclips dark one last 90 minutes telescop imag taken near mid total nsw australia 85 kilomet wide ray crater tycho lie near top right shadow lunar surface course even total lunar moon complet dark instead moon remain visibl totality reflect redden light filter earth shadow light come sunset sunrises seen lunar perspective around edg silhouet earth,dark lunar eclips,2007-08-30,464,74,0.134453781512605,08-30,8,2007,30,2,1,1 10528c7bfc865a8d6f2fa31bc4c62f3c2a4f12a74f5afd78fe09bdb2137b0c6f,eso team,star form dens molecular cloud mere 1000 lightyear away constel serpen cauda the estim distance sharp nearinfrar closeup activ serpen starform region span 2 arcminut half lightyear though nearinfrar observ made telescop special detectors nearinfrar light long wavelength visibl eye view record sensit camera hawki high wide field commiss paran observatori chile intend illustr impress capabilities tantal imag highlight reddish young star protostars like million year old emerg nebular ga dust,star form,2007-08-31,493,71,0.017547619047619,08-31,8,2007,31,4,0,3 f779d515d711e8e178143c5b223d16238c2d4182418876dce2db1095a1a8659e,yuichi takasaka,record august 28th seren total lunar eclips sequenc look southwest lake toward light british columbia exposur everi 4 minut captur moon posit eclips phase moon set behind town light hill horizon fact sequenc effect measur durat total phase eclipse around 270 bc greek astronom aristarchu also measur durat lunar eclips though probabl without benefit digit clock cameras still use geometry devis simpl impress accur way calcul moon distance term radiu planet earth eclips duration,lake eclips,2007-09-01,480,74,0.0571428571428571,09-01,9,2007,1,2,0,1 2f6442d016025c1d908f5cd55be96406711277394ab235d52952a44431b41cf2,antnio cidado,moon appear chang nightly timelaps sequenc show moon look like lunation complet lunar cycle moon orbit earth half illumin sun first becom increasingli visible decreasingli visible moon alway keep face toward earth moon appar size chang slightly though slight wobbl call librat discern progress along ellipt orbit cycle sunlight reflect moon differ angles illumin differ featur differently full lunat take 295 days month moonth click pictur view anim gif file,lunat,2007-09-02,458,70,0.02,09-02,9,2007,2,2,0,1 70f40fd076434426c3c4b39b22e870f451b5a8dc0a484a8e678a41c26b6bd469,none,mani spectacular color rho ophiuchi ohfeeyukee cloud highlight mani process occur there blue region shine primarili reflect light blue light star rho ophiuchi nearbi star reflect effici portion nebula red light earth daytim sky appear blue reason red yellow region shine primarili emiss nebula atom molecular gas light nearbi blue star energet bright star antar knock electron away gas shine electron recombin gas dark region caus dust grain born young stellar atmospher effect block light emit behind them rho ophiuchi star clouds well front globular cluster m4 visibl far lower left even color human see cloud emit light everi wavelength band radio gammaray,color cloud rho ophiuchi,2007-09-03,664,103,0.1636363636363636,09-03,9,2007,3,4,2,5 ac556429580134585f8a390345cc20976b2478c1a0c0decd6edd659fee31d347,none,what insid victoria crater dust settl region martian dust storm roll martian rovers task ahead becom clear opportun arriv victoria crater last month pois enter dust storm flare unexpectedly imag taken last week opportun rover perch possibl travers slope impact feature victoria crater largest crater either martian rover come across explorations crater wall might hold clue martian surfac tremend impact creat victoria crater,path victoria crater,2007-09-04,425,63,0.05,09-04,9,2007,4,5,0,2 e7356fc87d6bad9cadd089dcb3f4b3e169139c11558259176102ec2205733714,none,septemb 1 meteor fill sky keep innov predict outburst histor meteor shower predict made peter jennisken seti institute work finland astronom fli feet dedic mission observ outburst collect imag data composit photo bright color streaks sourc shower understood comet comet would swung inner solar system around 2000 year ago push outward solar radiat pressure dust tail comet drift toward earth orbit creat 2007 outburst well outburst aurigid record 1986 1994 course shower radiant point eponym constel auriga charioteer,feet,2007-09-05,517,78,0.35,09-05,9,2007,5,3,1,1 cffca2a73d24a35e43d85b480277bdfc4f7398fc9209a8418a4b1255d8c068aa,johann schedlerpanth imag data ken del sol observatory,spiki star nearby fuzzi galaxi strewn far across univers cosmic view span 12 degre sky pretti pictur result astronom johann project look back time toward quasar 127 billion lightyear away quasar visibl full resolut imag posit mark short vertic line intrins bright nucleu young activ galaxi power supermass black hole quasar recent identifi one distant object known sinc light travel finit speed galaxi reced distanc seen increasingli remot past quasar appear 127 billion year ago univers 7 percent present age course expans univers redshift light schedler ad imag data extend nearinfrared acquir collabor ken detect distant quasar measur redshift,time tunnel,2007-09-06,646,99,0.1023809523809523,09-06,9,2007,6,7,2,4 9e86bf25006c0ac26f61f248e74e1ebe101bf420f5135e17d012de0c44df63c6,robert,moon continu 14 day august view south pole total lunar eclips august 28 circl 10 degre horizon robert result long lineofsight atmospher blur imag minor problem record four hour long lunar eclips sequence sever problem outdoor air temperatur c f extrem cold requir make seri exposur slit window insid heat room though heat produc convect blurring way keep camera reason oper temperatur extend period time still reward impress record august lunar eclips uniqu perspect planet earth,south pole lunar eclips,2007-09-07,480,76,-0.15,09-07,9,2007,7,2,0,1 32298d65ae9c785f2067411ca3036efcb5f21cfc485dd49f6f58f808d7b10081,none,launch thirti year ago nasa voyag 1 2 spacecraft respect 15 125 billion kilomet sun equival 14 lighthour distant still voyag track command deep space network travel beyond outer planets third fourth spacecraft planet earth escap toward interstellar space follow footstep pioneer 10 11 12inch gold plate copper disk a phonograph contain record sound imag repres human cultur life earth affix voyag messag bottl cast cosmic sea record materi select committe chair astronom carl sagan simpl diagram cover symbol repres spacecraft origin give instruct play disk exot construct disk provid long lifetim coast interstellar space,voyagers messag bottl,2007-09-08,623,95,0.0357142857142857,09-08,9,2007,8,8,2,2 a94a221eb57e52fe0fc096c929654294f2a5c9c85e5633b319ae867c58ad01a9,none,moon surviv collision tethys one saturn larger moon 1000 kilomet diameter surviv collision sport today expans impact crater odysseus sometim call great basin odysseu occur lead hemispher tethi show great age rel amount smaller crater occur insid tower walls anoth larg crater visibl near moon terminator densiti tethi similar waterice digit enhanc imag captur juli robot cassini spacecraft orbit around saturn swoop past giant ice ball,great basin saturn tethi,2007-09-09,435,66,0.18125,09-09,9,2007,9,0,1,2 9e443d256ecc45431b350e627479cc99c6ed323e100a4598300c59238333e7c3,none,earli univers like help find out astronom point hubbl space telescop bright nearbi object creat one deepest imag ever hubbl ultra deep field result hudf like jewel box strang distant galaxies recent analysi hudf focus smallest faintest compact galaxi imaged small galaxi thought build block modern galaxies analysi show small galaxi inde frequent merg form larg galaxies imag field spitzer space telescop show lack infrar emiss would expect old stars indic small galaxi young possibl million year old therefor young blue star might member firstev gener stars part hudf shown above one blue galaxy highli redshift univers appear yellow shown upper left inset,build galaxi earli univers,2007-09-10,658,103,0.0289473684210526,09-10,9,2007,10,7,2,3 4eef2b60d63b7d2c0b4dfdf1323547c203b97a14c389f3a8347f9121e27e4c3b,stphane guisard,scorpiu look good unaid eye human might rememb better scorpiu typic appear bright star well known rare point zodiac constellation get spectacular imag like this though one need good camera color filters digit imag processor bring detail imag involv long durat exposur taken sever colors one exposur specif red color emit hydrogen bring great detail result imag show mani breathtak features vertic across imag left part plane milki way galaxy visibl vast cloud bright star long filament dark dust jut diagon milki way imag center dark dust band known dark river river connect sever bright star right part scorpius head claws includ bright star antares right antar even brighter planet jupiter numer red emiss nebula blue reflect nebula visibl throughout image scorpiu appear promin southern sky sunset middl year,scorpiu sky spectacular,2007-09-11,811,129,0.2528571428571428,09-11,9,2007,11,6,2,4 b5335757e32b75c8029081fd85acdef71c069012a8307f776c47443ac14813bf,o,ever seen six rainbow once rare see puzzl understand common rainbow caus sunlight intern reflect back fall raindrops also refract air water boundary see rainbow look opposit sun toward primari rainbow brightest color swath image multipl intern reflect insid water droplet sometim make secondari rainbow becom visibl outsid first color reversed secondari rainbow visibl far left harder explain intermedi rainbow two rainbow like caus sunlight first reflect lake strike distant raindrop reflect sunlight back toward observer rainbow appear reflect calm lake although posit rainbow depend locat observer slightli displac imag rainbow actual imaged,six rainbow across norway,2007-09-12,646,93,0.0583333333333333,09-12,9,2007,12,8,2,1 496aa8414d4d091bcf957c1b51392823327236d61f8d844c136133b17cef14b8,toni halla,allur telescop imag look toward constel cepheu intrigu visual pair dusti reflect nebula ngc 7129 left open star cluster ngc 7142 two appear separ half degre sky actual lie quit differ distances foreground dusti nebula ngc 7129 3000 lightyear distant open cluster ngc 7142 like 6000 lightyear away fact pervas clumpi foreground dust cloud region redden light ngc 7142 complic astronom studi cluster still ngc 7142 thought older open star cluster bright star embed ngc 7129 perhap million year young telltal reddish crescent shape around ngc 7129 associ energet jet stream away newborn stars surprisingly despit dust far background galaxi seen color cosmic vista,ngc 7129 ngc 7142,2007-09-13,660,104,0.1357142857142857,09-13,9,2007,13,4,2,5 4ab5505345f04b1b6a09351d86467063ac19eb469e312ef0798732bb5e62daba,none,iapetus saturn third largest moon candid strangest moon saturn tidal lock orbit around ring ga giant iapetu sometim call moon lead hemispher dark reflect 5 percent sun light trail hemispher almost bright snow recent cassini spacecraft flybi imag one closest view ever span 35 kilomet across crater transit zone bright dark terrain iapetu densiti close water ice detail reflect properti dark materi suggest organ composition moon discoverer dark terrain call cassini regio,iapetu black white,2007-09-14,471,72,0.1636363636363636,09-14,9,2007,14,0,1,2 36bd9096c817e520503d9d62d8ac8f880dd685cccf78f01ef51f4c84a953387a,none,bizarre equatori ridg extend across beyond dark lead hemispher iapetu give twoton saturnian moon distinct walnut shape redblu glass check remark stereo composit extraordinari featur base closeup imag week cassini spacecraft flyby fact combin equatori symmetri scale 20 kilomet wide reach 20 kilomet surface known anywher els solar system uniqu featur discov cassini imag 2004 appear heavili crater therefor ancient origin equatori ridg iapetu remain mystery,iapetus 3d ridg,2007-09-15,458,66,-0.0699999999999999,09-15,9,2007,15,8,0,2 b0a6d3a85c232f1ed7d4b139d7e5523eaf63f05c93f06004d66711850b051aee,none,100 meter cargo bay space shuttl challenger bruce mccandless ii anyon ever before guid man maneuv unit mmu astronaut mccandless pictur above float free space mccandless fellow nasa astronaut robert stewart first experi unteth space walk space shuttl mission 41b 1984 mmu work shoot jet nitrogen sinc use help deploy retriev satellites mass 140 kilograms mmu heavi earth but like everything weightless drift orbit mmu replac safer backpack propuls unit,fli free space,2007-09-16,451,70,0.2166666666666666,09-16,9,2007,16,8,1,2 68145452aa48114928eaab4dc5cad59ae2ba9fe176e53b1e496490ce8d267b04,none,nasa opportun rover insid victoria crater mars last week robot roll 20 meter largest crater martian rover yet encountered crater next opportun perch months currently roll explor situat duck bay peer across intern crater wall dub cape st wideangl view opportunity front camera next weeks opportun schedul explor tell alien indentation search clue ancient past mar huge impact creat victoria crater ever took place,insid victoria crater mar,2007-09-17,412,64,-0.0142857142857142,09-17,9,2007,17,5,0,2 831cfdc1f349736b07845198145cb140096645fcf320186c5fcf41e33ed103f1,none,surfac saturn mysteri moon iapetu look like help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn sent soar last week 2000 kilomet uniqu equatori ridg unusu twoton moon imag cassini 4000 kilomet allow object 100meter across resolved cassini found ancient batter landscap craters slope hills mountain high 10 kilomet rival height mt everest earth center imag small bright patch impact rock might uncov deep clean water ice space scientist studi flybi imag like clue origin iapetus unusu shape color particular close flybi enigmat world planned apod editor review best space pictur philadelphia next wednesday,kilomet saturn iapetu,2007-09-19,605,93,0.2043333333333333,09-19,9,2007,19,0,2,2 868ce15234ce8a792c9a9abb605a60b85323e189aeb6517bbf60f0fc925964a7,robert gendler,bright hot supergi star deneb lie top center gorgeou skyscape 20 frame mosaic span impress 12 degre across northern end cygnu swan crowd star lumin ga cloud along plane milki way galaxy cygnu also home dark obscur northern coal sack nebula extend deneb toward bottom center view reddish glow ngc 7000 north america nebula ic 5070 pelican nebula upper left mani nebula star cluster identifi throughout wide field course deneb alpha star cygnu also known northern hemispher skygaz place two aster mark top northern cross vertex summer triangle,northern cygnu,2007-09-20,542,88,0.1363636363636363,09-20,9,2007,20,4,1,5 7e57642c118b2654a73a8e6063bf7e000c61cae088333926e6f89f9ca9103d66,none,xray young star infrar light star cosmic dust combin fals color imag starform region corona australis southern crown small star group fittingli known coronet cluster mere 420 lightyear distant coronet cluster offer rel closeup view star protostar evolv wide rang masses observ suggest energet xray come hot extend stellar atmospher corona coronet stars tantal multiwavelength view span 2 lightyear produc use data orbit chandra observatori xray spitzer space telescop,southern crown,2007-09-21,467,69,0.0055555555555555,09-21,9,2007,21,6,0,3 98c761f0215e4f17bc7df259c36478b37d5af64c2371ee08b71b47aeddb9429b,c r scotes u texa arlington paleomap,becom earth surface surfac earth broken sever larg plate slowli shifting 250 million year ago plate presentday contin rest posit quit differently landmass cluster togeth one supercontin dub pangea 250 million year now plate project reposit singl landmass dominates simul paleaomap project show giant landmass pangea ultima time atlant ocean distant memory whatev be inhabit earth abl walk north america africa apod editor review best space pictur philadelphia wednesday,pangea ultima earth 250 million years,2007-09-22,469,69,0.1,09-22,9,2007,22,8,0,2 0cdf74727e1661e3d9d590b73de8f18738936a5334a9f4fc441da2d4d8958276,none,today sun cross celesti equat head south ut known equinox astronom event mark first day autumn northern hemispher spring south equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earth dweller experi nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness course south day grow longer sun march higher sky summer approaches week septemb equinox 1994 crew shuttl orbit endeavour record imag sun pois earth limb glare illumin endeavour vertic tail point toward earth along radar equip payload bay,equal night,2007-09-23,472,75,0.0375,09-23,9,2007,23,1,0,1 90523748bd98c59ebd0e8f06335ed7a81884c36290a59bfdd498b2ea742196a6,none,star form help studi complex issue astronom took deep imag infrar light activ part milki way galaxi star format thick cloud dust ga star dark human live would see empti night sky image though taken last year spitzer space telescop infrar light show vast glow field ga dust indic much dust heat form stars center clouds structur upper left thick cold dark even infrar light mani red dot glow dust shroud center young newli form stars unusu red sphere snake actual supernova remnant glow shell young star massiv evolv rapidli exploded region span 150 light year lie 10000 light year away toward constel sagittarius apod editor review best space pictur philadelphia wednesday night,galact star form region infrar,2007-09-24,678,113,0.0569023569023569,09-24,9,2007,24,6,2,4 9ff2fbe63a11cde9f43a49e4cf338e94ba5757c3c0e5cb5266eaa5605cff9597,yuri beletskyeso,unusu triangl light particularli bright near eastern horizon sunris next two month observ earth northern hemisphere consid fals dawn triangl light actual zodiac light light reflect interplanetari dust particles triangl clearli visibl toward left frame taken paran observatori chile july zodiac dust orbit sun predominantli plane planets ecliptic zodiac light bright time year dust band orient nearli vertic sunrise thick air near horizon block rel bright reflect dust zodiac light also bright peopl earth northern hemispher march april sunset apod editor review best space pictur philadelphia tomorrow night,zodiac light fals dawn,2007-09-25,607,88,0.3588235294117647,09-25,9,2007,25,8,1,1 2821a380e5c5087a548201e7c9384848047e04c7c272b780930d5fd6ed1bacf8,stefan seip astro meeting,full moon rise dramat celesti sight full moon mani names example tonight full moon one nearest autumn equinox northern hemisphere popularli call harvest moon accord lore name fit one farmer could work late night end grow season harvest crop moonlight full moon follow harvest moon hunter moon but record trip american southwest contribut compel imag moonris appropri titl saguaro moon,moon,2007-09-26,384,60,0.2142857142857142,09-26,9,2007,26,2,1,1 32ee1454d96fcd2bed2ca62ee1d82788f5337878f57ec10dcb776ccc088074a2,none,dark expans equat sun coron hole low densiti region extend surfac solar magnet field open freeli interplanetari space shown fals color pictur record septemb 19th extrem ultraviolet light eit instrument onboard spacebas soho observatory studi extens space sinc 1960 ultraviolet xray light coron hole known sourc highspe solar wind atom electron flow outward along open magnet field lines solar wind stream coron hole trigger color auror display planet earth begin late last week enjoy spaceweath watcher high latitudes,hole sun,2007-09-27,518,78,0.091,09-27,9,2007,27,1,0,4 2a4037af9078ec1458139f19a7bf3e3f753522f5303f7260101f4875e44ab68e,none,closeup hiris instrument onboard mar reconnaiss orbiter mysteri dark 150 meter across lie north slope ancient martian volcano arsia mons lack rais rim impact crater pit other like origin identifi visibl light infrar imag mar odyssey mar global surveyor spacecraft visibl light imag show dark within infrar thermal signatur indic open penetr deep martian surfac perhap skylight underground caverns later image pit wall partial illumin sunlight seen nearli vertical though bottom least 78 meter below still visible dark martian pit thought relat collaps pit lava flow similar hawaiian volcano pit craters,hole mar close,2007-09-28,602,91,-0.0134615384615384,09-28,9,2007,28,5,0,2 3608cdfba4d06e07521c2ff498dceedd41ebc260d69423e8b5eedb8b69d001a7,randi,shortli sunris thursday cape canaver air forc station dawn spacecraft began journey asteroid belt arc eastward blue cloudi sky dawn voyag began conventional chemic fuel delta ii rocket continu innov ion propuls system spacecraft extrem effici ion engin use electr deriv solar power ioniz xenon atom gener gentl continu thrust four year interplanetari dawn orbit two small worlds first vesta ceres vesta one largest main belt asteroids nomenclatur introduc intern astronom union 2006 classifi nearli spheric cere dwarf planet,dawn launch mosaic,2007-09-29,524,79,0.0047619047619047,09-29,9,2007,29,8,0,2 971556967137cb451241733beb08bbe590ed88e645bd60dd9335ef1dd80c1d55,stphane guisard,portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two celesti wonder easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan cosmic cloud understood dwarf irregular galaxies satellit larger spiral milki way galaxy small magellan cloud pictur actual span 15000 lightyear contain sever hundr million stars 210000 lightyear distant constel tucana fourth closest milki way known satellit galaxies cani major sagittariu dwarf galaxi larg magellan cloud gorgeou view also includ two foreground globular star cluster ngc 362 bottom right 47 tucanae spectacular 47 tucana mere 13000 lightyear away seen left small magellan cloud,small cloud magellan,2007-10-01,684,98,0.0070153061224489,10-01,10,2007,1,6,2,3 32835623681151893df90b6e98dc2e2981775a70750b4bfaa291ba6d2c857569,e tezel,went outsid exactli time everi day took pictur includ sun would sun appear move great plan effort seri imag taken figure8 path sun follow cours year call analemma even greater plan effort seri includ total eclips sun one images pictur total solar eclips analemma tutulemma term coin photograph base turkish word eclipse composit imag sequenc record turkey start 2005 base imag sequenc total phase solar eclips view side turkey 2006 march 29 venu also visibl totality toward lower right,tutulemma solar eclips analemma,2007-10-02,486,79,-0.0017857142857142,10-02,10,2007,2,1,0,1 a0d761bc6e6510a912a9123b3597cc520fe30014f29ea741969d65142994122d,none,swing insid orbit mercury april 20th period comet enck encount blast sun form coron mass eject cme cmes enorm cloud energet particl eject sun slam earth magnetosphere often trigger auror displays case carri tail comet away tail like rip interact magnet field rather mechan pressur collision click two panel imag play movi gif remark event record heliospher imag onboard stereo spacecraft movie time frame 45 minutes frame span million kilomet distanc comet course similar collis happen ancient comet loop 33 year solar orbit worry encke tail grow,comet tail rip,2007-10-03,546,87,0.0,10-03,10,2007,3,3,0,2 e2bdfaca9287ca89a4baf3fc3fb77b2d61f87f6e4753e5c8c9418bdf786b9529,none,sputnik mean travel companion despit innocu sound name launch planet earth first artifici moon sputnik 1 soviet union octob 4 chang world set motion event result creation nasa race moon sputnik 1 184 pound 22 inch diamet sphere four whip antenna connect batteri power transmitters transmitt broadcast continu beeping signal astound earthbound audienc 23 days short month later novemb 3 soviet union follow success launch dog orbit aboard sputnik 2,anniversari sputnik travel companion,2007-10-04,447,70,0.10625,10-04,10,2007,4,8,1,2 82998acc6044ba851bbad41f97c0fec1015c82d1ec9c4d96c497caf9c8439d79,none,mere 20000 lightyear sun lie ngc 3603 resid nearbi carina spiral arm milki way galaxy ngc 3603 well known astronom one milki way largest starform regions central open star cluster contain thousand star massiv sun star like form one two million year ago singl burst star formation fact nearbi ngc 3603 thought contain conveni exampl massiv star cluster popul much distant starburst galaxies surround cluster natal cloud glow interstellar ga obscur dust sculpt energet stellar radiat winds record hubble advanc camera surveys imag span 17 lightyears,starburst cluster ngc 3603,2007-10-05,547,86,-0.0699999999999999,10-05,10,2007,5,6,0,3 4799151100150ff3c4be00207e598d2f67a5d62889df5ee0530de57a3c6b33da,none,star orion shine brightli visibl light planet earth night sky constel harbor closest larg stellar nursery great nebula orion mere 1500 lightyear away fact appar bright clump star near center fals color chandra xray telescop pictur massiv star trapezium young star cluster power much nebula visiblelight glow star shown blue orang young sunlik stars prodigi sourc xray thought produc hot stellar corona surfac flare young star strong magnet field middleag sun probabl thousand time brighter xray when like trapezium stars million year old xray imag span 25 lightyear across central region orion nebula,xray star orion,2007-10-06,601,93,0.1872549019607843,10-06,10,2007,6,4,2,5 d4da8a05e5146c9a71ef021bbdeaed71140452eb6030efaa344f2a39a1c2fe17,s maddox nottingham u et survey astrophys dept oxford u,univers fill galaxies galaxi huge conglomer stars gas dust mysteri dark matter basic build block largescal universe although distant galaxi move away univers expands graviti attract neighbor galaxi other form galaxi groups cluster galaxies even larger expans filaments structur visibl one comprehens map sky ever made galaxies apm galaxi survey map complet earli 1990s 2 million galaxi depict region 100 degre across center toward milki way galaxy south pole bright region indic galaxies bluer color denot larger averag galaxies dark ellips cut away bright local star domin sky mani scientif discoveri result analys map data includ univers surprisingli complex larg scales,two million galaxi,2007-10-07,674,101,0.0673076923076923,10-07,10,2007,7,7,2,3 04caa36be34eae29805994d3156769b9c00a95a9238e0ae6c07eb4a9662a3538,none,happen saturn moon iapetus vast section strang world dark coal other bright ice composit dark materi unknown infrar spectra indic possibl contain dark form carbon iapetu also unusu equatori ridg make appear like walnut help better understand mysteri moon nasa direct robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop within 2000 kilomet last month pictur above 75000 kilomet out cassini trajectori allow unpreced imag hemispher iapetu alway trailing huge impact crater seen south span tremend 450 kilomet appear superpos older crater similar size dark materi seen increasingli coat easternmost part iapetus darken crater highland alike close inspect indic dark coat typic face moon equator whether iapetus color result unusu episod intern volcan extern splatter remain unknown imag cassini iapetu flybi studi even greater clues,strang trail side saturn iapetu,2007-10-10,821,122,0.0717592592592592,10-10,10,2007,10,0,2,4 95193744cf5a68121aa79e7f31b33b1c9f0636b4cb4d0044dcf44885cf741bce,jay ouellet,rli riser current enjoy sight dazzl venus near eastern horizon morn star record octob 7 predawn skyview featur venu upper right also includ crescent moon saturn lower left fact hold fist arm length would easili cover planet moon 5 degre wide field earthshine sunlight reflect planet earth illumin featur lunar nightside close inspect saturn reveal nearbi pinpoint light correspond saturn larg moon titan though moon move on tight triangl form venus saturn regulu top alpha star constel leo continu look impress earli morn sky next days earli bird astrophotograph jay ouellet also describ mar red dark countri sky east quebec city canada count stars great world wide star count,bright planets crescent moon,2007-10-11,676,109,0.1304761904761905,10-11,10,2007,11,0,2,1 c4144f1ee1f8b7e3e2242597e8278f9e44ba4bdefc87f97e9e5f54b66cd6e3b7,none,ice geyser erupt enceladus bright shini inner moon saturn shown falsecolor image backlit view moon southern limb majestic ici plume discov instrument cassini spacecraft close encount enceladu novemb 2005 eight sourc locat geyser identifi along substanti surfac fractur moon south polar region research suspect geyser aris nearsurfac pocket liquid water temperatur near 273 kelvin 0 degre c that hot compar distant moon surfac temperatur 73 kelvin 200 degre c cryovolcan dramat sign tiny 500kmdiamet enceladu surprisingli active enceladu ice geyser also like produc saturn faint extend e ring,enceladu ice geyser,2007-10-13,591,88,0.0233333333333333,10-13,10,2007,13,0,0,4 4af17a612d83ed83fe14d00d95e753854f01412ac2c4eb4da1323f5e21899692,none,new horizon spacecraft took stun imag jupit earlier year way pluto famou great red spot jupit also known regular equatori cloud bands visibl even modest size telescopes imag taken near jupiter terminator show jovian giant possibl widest divers cloud pattern solar system far left cloud closest jupiter south pole turbul whirlpool swirl seen dark region dub belt ring planet even light color regions call zones show tremend structure complet complex wave patterns energi drive wave like come below new horizon fastest space probe ever launched zip solar system track reach pluto 2015,jupiter cloud new horizon,2007-10-15,582,92,0.0944805194805195,10-15,10,2007,15,8,2,1 a92c4a9563276d598c6901ab8d935b4564b38624e23221c78b3f66dbee9b26a6,none,could caus bang big supernova explos inher bright could seen nearli 5 billion light year away a redshift even small telescope specif color emit sn 2005ap indic type ii supernova breed stellar explos result high mass star begin fuse heavi element near core type ii supernova may power type ia current use cosmolog astronom understand accur recov intrins brightnesses therefor dimmer type ia supernova use astronom calibr distanc scale nearbi universe type ii supernova better understood astronom might abl probe distanc universe probe stabil strang dark energi domin present universe pictur digit compress image bright supernova sn 2005ap visibl right explod star seen left less three month before,sn brightest supernova yet found,2007-10-16,696,108,0.1686031746031746,10-16,10,2007,16,6,2,3 e7e48d0caea0a3548b82ba9f8af7c381aa99d338ce004e3ba86509241673be65,none,old galaxy galaxi left zwicki 18 thought one youngest galaxi record sinc bright star indic age 500 million years galaxi also intrigu resembl galaxi form earli universe mysteri sinc nearbi 59 million light year away surround galaxi significantli older recent imag zwicki 18 hubbl space telescop help resolv mystery discov popul old faint star bright star population therefor zwicki 18 thought old neighbors roughli 10 billion year old intens episod rel new star formation possibl trigger recent episod bright star format chang gravit influenc zwicki smaller companion galaxy visibl upper right,zwicki 18 case galaxi,2007-10-17,594,91,0.1758085052202699,10-17,10,2007,17,7,2,3 936203524277b889e8dad007eb5404d44a31448f9b76dc69a6e14bde5d78293c,brian lula,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus course cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long falsecolor view record narrow band filter transmit light hydrogen in green sulfur in red oxygen in blue atom region result composit highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within obscur cosmic dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat closeup cover 12 degre wide field size full moon,elephant trunk ic 1396,2007-10-18,630,99,0.0015384615384615,10-18,10,2007,18,4,2,5 f3e909713a115c02794922eccee3783325f1757da0408e001c90d0560d34af19,antonio fernandez,promin ridg emiss featur dramat skyscap catalog ic 5067 part larger emiss nebula distinct shape popularli call pelican nebula ridg span 10 lightyear follow curv cosmic pelican head neck fals color view also translat pervas glow narrow emiss line atom nebula color palett made popular hubbl space telescop imag star form regions fantastic dark shape inhabit 12 degre wide field cloud cool ga dust sculpt wind radiat hot massiv stars closeup sculpt cloud show clear sign newli form stars pelican nebula catalog ic 5070 2000 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus new apod rss feed avail here link line below,ic 5067 pelican nebula,2007-10-19,646,107,0.1958741258741259,10-19,10,2007,19,4,2,4 a51b17bd1f7b16269e45f533df88774b881a266d1f39cd1b8b264a2cfc26ce25,larri landolfi,inspir visit fort texas home mcdonald observatori dark night skies photograph larri landolfi creat tantal fantasi view composit imag suggest milki way heavenli extens desert countri road course name galaxy milki way in latin via lactea refer appear milki band path sky fact word galaxi deriv greek milk visibl moonless night dark sky areas though color image glow celesti band due collect light myriad star along plane galaxy faint distinguish individually diffus starlight cut dark swath obscur galact dust clouds begin 17th century galileo turn telescop milki way announc compos innumer stars,milki road,2007-10-20,594,92,-0.0843749999999999,10-20,10,2007,20,6,0,4 275b4d0a45891c5c75a26b20ef1a052a451c7a48019c2f5cd563232d72a0b5db,lynett cook,univers end recent specul includ pervas grow field mysteri repuls phantom energi rip virtual everyth apart although univers start big bang analysi cosmolog measur allow possibl end big rip soon billion year now controversi scenario holds dark energi grow magnitud galaxi longer abl hold together that stars planets even atom might abl withstand expans intern force previously specul ultim fate univers center either recollaps big crunch big although universe fate still puzzle piec togeth like follow increas understand natur dark matter dark energy new apod rss feed avail here link line below,univers end big rip,2007-10-21,594,92,-0.0527548209366391,10-21,10,2007,21,8,0,4 0cb18a39d468cc60feebeef23164db96400e9f5c1b1a743736921e591755e380,none,scroll right see largest crater yet visit rover mars reach expans victoria crater goal robot opportun rover roll across mar past two years victoria crater five time diamet endur crater opportun spent six month exploring opportun reach victoria last year cautious probe edg stadiums wait larg dust storm clear safe path found opportun slowli enter victoria crater hope victoria crater show deep stack layer uncov initi impact henc new clue ancient surfac histori mars visibl distanc mosaic far rim victoria crater lie 800 meter away rise 70 meter crater floor alcov front dub duck bay new apod rss feed avail here link line below,victoria crater mar,2007-10-22,628,104,0.0908441558441558,10-22,10,2007,22,5,2,2 0be580f4ee203bd7586ef02cff7aef19f49428f144bfd8536095db55d55ff728,none,saturn never show crescent phase earth view beyond majest giant planet show unfamiliar diminut imag crescent saturn natur color taken robot cassini spacecraft may imag captur saturn majest ring side ring plane opposit sun unillumin side anoth vista visibl earth pictur mani saturn photogen wonders includ subtl color cloud bands complex shadow ring planet shadow planet rings moon mima 2 oclock janu 4 oclock pandora 8 oclock saturn move toward equinox 2009 ring shadow becom smaller move toward equator equinox ring nearli invis earth project extrem thin shadow line onto planet,crescent saturn,2007-10-23,582,91,-0.175,10-23,10,2007,23,0,0,2 5dd57a88d99078ac71cab009c5bffcc0b8c8f753f8ad9eec7a3f24888359d732,anthoni ayiomam,tonight bless clear sky enjoy gloriou full moon full phase ut octob fact moon reach full phase within hour perigee closest point ellipt orbit make largest full moon 2007 april 3 full moon within hour apogee farthest point lunar orbit correspond smallest full moon 2007 differ appar size largest smallest full moon quit dramat similar side side comparison lunar apparit 2006 seen sky mani month apart chang difficult skygaz also enjoy moon saturday octob 27 encount love pleiad star cluster moon bright easiest spot pleiad star near moon binocular small telescope,apoge moon perige moon,2007-10-25,562,91,0.2437499999999999,10-25,10,2007,25,2,1,1 0423c56e0ca59bbc33d43c534f1f9fda889ff2a20d2b5568379c1de008e38fca,babak tafreshi,comet 17pholm stun comet watcher across planet earth earlier week octob 24 increas bright half million time matter hours outburst transform obscur faint comet quietli orbit sun period 7 year nakedey comet rival brighter star constel perseus record date view tehran iran highlight comet dramat new visibl urban skies inset left telescop imag backyard buffalo new york show comet greatli expand coma appar lack tail holmes outburst could due sudden exposur fresh cometari ice even breakup comet nucleus comet may well remain bright come days,comet holm outburst,2007-10-26,539,85,0.0831585081585081,10-26,10,2007,26,3,0,1 266fc9794f61b91f35160ec9db416362c7c85597548835de6f415853232837e4,robert gendler,jewel southern sky great carina nebula aka ngc 3372 span 300 lightyears one galaxy largest star form regions like smaller northerli orion nebula carina nebula easili visibl nake eye though distanc 7500 lightyear 5 time farther away stun telescop view reveal remark detail region glow filament interstellar ga dark cosmic dust clouds carina nebula home young extrem massiv stars includ still enigmat variabl eta carinae star well 100 time mass sun eta carina bright star left central dark notch field dusti keyhol nebula ngc 3324,great carina nebula,2007-10-27,528,85,0.1444444444444445,10-27,10,2007,27,4,1,5 828db3eba620b13ea4b7d9980ae91fc49d05a6f62665297a0c3320a9bdc58152,pm hedn,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark pictur last month network noctiluc cloud cast color eeri glow dusk near vallentuna sweden although noctiluc cloud thought compos small iceco particles much remain unknown them satellit launch help studi cloud includ sweden odin nasa aim recent evid indic least noctiluc cloud result freez water exhaust space shuttles,noctiluc cloud sweden,2007-10-28,540,82,-0.0536363636363636,10-28,10,2007,28,8,0,1 c73fa1582ecc661fd6ebcdaddc3ba8c737ce302201a12b259ff80ecbd9664772,igor chekalin,what happen comet holmes normal docil comet discov 100 year ago comet 17pholm suddenli becam nearli one million time brighter last week possibl hours astronom terms comet brighten magnitud 17 visibl good telescope magnitud 3 becom visibl unaid eye comet holm alreadi pass closest sun 2007 may outsid orbit mar head back near jupiter orbit outburst occurred comet sudden brighten like due sort sunlightreflect outgass event possibl relat ice melt cavern possibl even partial breakup comet nucleus pictur small telescop last thursday comet holm appear fuzzi yellow spot significantli larger angular size blur distant stars although comet holmes orbit place northern hemispher sky next two years whether best view telescop sunglass remain unknown,view erupt comet holm,2007-10-29,743,113,0.0796875,10-29,10,2007,29,3,2,1 f537a13a99a896cb5b5752f14c7ea354642bd97180528b67e25f84bf52a6dce5,eric du de,go outsid tonight see comet holmes binocular telescop need curios sky map last week comet 17pholm underw unusu outburst unexpectedli obscur one brightest comet recent years sky enthusiast northern hemispher follow comet progress closely anim record quebec canada coma comet holm seen notic expand past days jupit place artifici nearbi allow comparison angular size scale size would appear current locat comet holmes comet holm evolv unknown one possibl expand ga cloud start recent outburst slowli dispers fade,comet coma expand,2007-10-30,511,77,-0.0642857142857142,10-30,10,2007,30,3,0,1 be98ef5f3c8adbc75b25a02a91873560fa935e25086bf3a8aa272dd1266439b6,none,cosmic bridg stars gas dust stretch 75000 lightyear join peculiar pair galaxi catalog arp 87 bridg strong evid two immens star system pass close experienc violent tide induc mutual gravity evidence faceon spiral galaxi right also known ngc 3808a exhibit mani young blue star cluster produc burst star formation twist edgeon spiral left ngc 3808b seem wrap materi bridg galaxi surround curiou polar ring interact drawn billion years repeat close passag ultim result merger pair galaxi larger singl galaxi stars although scenario look peculiar galact merger thought common arp 87 repres stage inevit process arp 87 pair 300 million lightyear distant toward constel leo promin edgeon spiral far left appear distant background galaxi involv ongo merger,peculiar arp 87,2007-11-01,748,116,-0.0357142857142857,11-01,11,2007,1,7,2,3 d28741c43b7bce005d7d1933318e9ea288c5a9e769f8ef2b9d7ed4da8b3e9a2f,michael,narrow band filter falsecolor palett give three nebula stun appear cosmic canva central milki way three stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear distant toward nebula rich constel sagittarius 18th century astronom charl messier catalog two them color m8 right center compact m20 left third ngc 6559 bottom right hundr lightyear across m8 also known lagoon nebula divid obscur dust lanes m20 popular monik trifid composit image narrow emiss line sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom record filters map broader red green blue color respectively color scheme made popular hubbl space telescop images groundbas telescopes narrow band filter also make possibl overwhelm captur compel imag cosmo urban skies,three nebula band,2007-11-02,682,103,0.0734962406015037,11-02,11,2007,2,4,2,5 9b04e84200a921b32f75868626bb7b4fa0d25cca2bbff6a7aa04287055d2c94e,goldman,surpris comet holm remain easili visibl round fuzzi cloud northern constel perseus skywatch telescopes binoculars decid look enjoy solar system latest glide 150 million kilomet earth beyond orbit mars still expanding holm appear 13 size full moon mani observ report yellowish tint dusti coma golden color domin telescop view record novemb 1 show variat across coma bright central region where comet tail like good comet holmes tail would tend point away sun direct nearli along lineofsight behind comet make tail difficult see,golden comet holm,2007-11-03,526,82,0.1346153846153846,11-03,11,2007,3,3,1,1 df67f41f038a55f348ad9c515125032ebb8dc2c88257567dd799adaede43d924,r ibata strasbourg observatory ulp et al 2massnasa,closest galaxi milki way new answer old question cani major dwarf galaxy mani year astronom thought larg magellan cloud lmc closest titl supplant 1994 sagittariu dwarf galaxy recent measur indic cani major dwarf 42000 light year galact center three quarter distanc sagittariu dwarf quarter distanc lmc discoveri made data 2massski survey infrar light allow better view optic opaqu galact plane label illustr show locat newli discov cani major dwarf associ tidal stream materi relat milki way galaxy cani major dwarf satellit galaxi slowli gravit rip apart travel around galaxy note ad cani major galaxi design,closest galaxy cani major dwarf,2007-11-04,609,95,0.1457386363636363,11-04,11,2007,4,7,2,4 be78a773358f0cdb10cb33e66ba4644e5d83f5037a282e90c6cbca74fb434426,vicent peri jos lui,comet holm continu impress sight unaid eye comet diminish bright slightly clearli appear larger angular extent star planets astrophotograph also note distinctli green appear comet coma past week pictur spain three digit combin exposures comet 17pholm clearli sport tail blue ion tail creat solar wind impact ion coma comet holm push away sun comet holm underw unexpect dramat increas bright start two week ago detail visibl comet holmes tail indic explos dust ga creat dramat bright increas ongo complex event comet holm move slightli sky next month,comet holm grow tail,2007-11-05,549,87,0.0819444444444444,11-05,11,2007,5,3,0,1 e83bf3021045415282de6a5bc9b1c167029c40be24524cf193e2531af0d5f637,none,sun flare unpredictably sun tremend flare expel hot ga solar system affect satellites astronauts power grid earth close activ region sun produc power xclass flare captur orbit trace satellite click imag bring movi show evolut activ region four hours glow ga flow around rel stabl magnet field loop sun photospher temperatur ten million degre celsius flow occur violent unstabl magnet reconnect event sun produc flare mani thing solar activ region well understood includ presenc dark region appear move inward movie,x flare region sun,2007-11-06,514,80,-0.1733333333333333,11-06,11,2007,6,1,0,4 0e89f6c8fc3ae0b8841d5f173efc0d1bdbf0377a28caff23cb0cc66b2132e753,w u et al galaxi survey,largest structur known answer might depend one defin group galaxi known sloan great wall discov sloan digit sky survey lead candidate sloan great wall seen digit recast contour map galaxi two degre field galaxi survey galaxi within one billion light years redshift 01 depicted label sloan great wall span one billion light years longer structur ever measured critic worri sloan great wall character coher structur current gravit bound togeth part might never becom gravit bound beauti local univers galaxi evid imag sever huge superclust galaxi cluster galaxi cluster also seen includ shapley superclust galaxies part supercluster part supercluster,sloan great largest known,2007-11-07,650,98,0.4888888888888889,11-07,11,2007,7,7,1,4 ec2d907627d84e9f78e517278a1a194172c0e47b9a942d42cc079dc8a4fbf524,larri,rli morn riser late bed astronom recent enjoy bright planet predawn skies brilliant venu eastern horizon novemb 5 venu join wane crescent moon selfportrait astronom larri captur love pair two brightest celesti beacon scene though moon right venus strongli exposed includ far left 30 second exposur bright streak intern space station still dock shuttl orbit discovery togeth earth orbit spacefar combin momentarili third brightest sky light view dim silhouette multimirror unit energet radiat imag telescop array system also visibl foreground oper whippl observatori near tucson arizona detect highenergi gammaray cosmos,venu,2007-11-08,619,90,0.2590476190476191,11-08,11,2007,8,8,1,4 768c80e82a9b8c88637ffa79cfe6605b6ad5bd5dd832d77d3da82718a8640679,dave kodama,gorgeou skyscap span 10 degre across heroic constel perseus size gener binocular field view deep exposur includ bright stars emiss nebulae star clusters and course famou comet holmes identifi celesti landmarks place cursor image brightest star view alpha persei surround loos cluster star alpha per move cluster distanc 600 lightyears but distanc mere 14 lightminut bright comet holm still domin scene fluoresc greenish coma foreshorten blue tail,skyscap comet holm,2007-11-09,448,67,0.2142857142857142,11-09,11,2007,9,6,1,3 6a827dadc0b09508f89621adb5639972a255786675ebc35e5bd9802fc1d84083,ivan eder,beauti blue ion tail becom visibl deep telescop imag comet holmes point gener away sun also planet earth comet ion tail serious foreshorten extrem view angle still enthusiast comet watcher remark whole compact appear suggest jellyfish even cosmic stun view comet greenish coma blue tail record novemb 4 clear sky near budapest hungary color caus molecul tenuou gas like c2 green co blue fluoresc sunlight recent development dramat inset deep imag central itali novemb 8 show ion tail comet,tale comet holm,2007-11-10,489,79,-0.0179487179487179,11-10,11,2007,10,3,0,1 8709c578219c580072b25209484f2dc66d67f43d7df0aa34f45dddae6ec17d48,none,cosmic ray come from major step toward answer centuri old question may come auger observatori project world premier cosmic ray observatory high energi fundament particl univers known century ultra high energi cosmic ray rare extrapol direct progenitor object ever unambigu new result however indic 12 15 ultra high energi cosmic ray sky direct statist consist posit nearbi activ galact nuclei galact center alreadi known emit great amount light like power larg black holes auger result also indic highest energi cosmic ray protons sinc electr charg higher energi nuclei would forc milki way galaxy magnet field deflect effect eras progenitor sourc direction pictur above artist illustr cosmic ray strike earth atmospher creat shower secondari particl detect surface imag centauru digit superpos near top signifi one activ galaxi cosmic ray might,cosmic ray galact center,2007-11-12,845,129,0.1801292335115864,11-12,11,2007,12,8,2,4 9bb35b5f8d96dad026356d26d46b06de451e43639eb54d9b21f7b72b4e84419c,gianluca masi the,what happen comet holmes rare comet remain visibl unaid eye northern observ unusu small puff ball constel perseus high resolut set imag comet inner coma taken last week shown above reveal signific detail close inspect show numer faint streamer possibl result jet eman comet nucleus comet holm remain surprisingli bright past week luminos estim rang visual magnitud 2 3 make brighter star visibl dark sky imag comet holm made small autom telescop web small,inner coma comet holm,2007-11-13,455,74,-0.0421428571428571,11-13,11,2007,13,3,0,3 4972b8905e4b0acf85266598f1b0357ed6bd7ca9392cb039835fdccc3e748087,none,yes meteor this power natur explos recent earth histori occur june 30 meteor explod tunguska river siberia russia estim power 1000 time greater atom drop tunguska event tree 40 kilomet away ground tremend report pictur taken russian expedit tunguska site almost 20 year event find tree litter ground like estim meteor size rang 60 meter 1000 meter diameter recent evid suggest nearbi lake may even creat impact although meteor size tunguska level city metropolitan area take small fraction earth surfac direct impact one rel unlikely like impact water near citi creat danger tsunami one focu modern astronomi find solar system object capabl creat devast well impact earth,largest recent impact event,2007-11-14,671,107,0.0166666666666666,11-14,11,2007,14,8,2,4 ae27c98851c257c0f165c9763fde1fc83c0b0f5f99137380b11347b64d48b3af,noel carboni,m13 modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules system star number hundr one brightest globular star cluster northern sky distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core 100 star would contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away stun view cluster combin recent telescop imag cluster dens core digit photograph plate record 1987 1991 use samuel oschin telescope widefield survey instrument palomar observatory result composit highlight inner outer reach giant star cluster among distant background galaxi also visible ngc 6207 left great globular cluster m13,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2007-11-15,640,93,0.2142857142857142,11-15,11,2007,15,6,2,3 ef07246724c54208158440770ca050d8953b682dc2f3058fa6f4cce308b2f004,dave kodama,gorgeou imag orion show constellation young star cosmic cloud hydrogen ga dust made film camera track star novemb 11 exposur last 40 minutes includ great orion nebula near center string wellknown nebula lead upward orion three belt stars larg semicircular arc known barnard loop seem end bottom right next bluish supergi star rigel serendipitously pictur also record bright cometshap cloud known share sky orion famou star nebulae also spot skywatchers mysteri cloud quickli recogn fuel dump booster rocket use place satellit geosynchron orbit reflect sunlight fuel dump plume begin west right side star field expand slowli drift eastward fade time exposure creat wedgeshap streak,rocket,2007-11-16,680,104,0.2412698412698412,11-16,11,2007,16,4,2,5 d2c8e61a59a1299ec0eb99bcaa436aadfdb1f30fd008e7305fb5ece21a51fdd3,vincent jacqu,pine tree dim silhouette skyscap breilsurroya southern franc captur novemb 11 earli even scene satellit seem streak branches bright round fuzzi comet holm appear lie beyond them near star constel perseus alpha star perseus brightest star comet right next monday novemb holm close enough mirfak view star remark comet expand coma recent measur place dusti coma diamet 14 million kilometers even larger sun note predawn sky weekend featur leonid meteor shower,forest sky,2007-11-17,457,71,0.0654761904761904,11-17,11,2007,17,3,0,1 2f37d2d2f911ff818a1212aeb2061298ad3add853b9a77200ee32ed331065ec9,antonio,perhap famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across quit evid photograph blue reflect nebula surround brighter cluster stars low mass faint brown dwarf also found pleiades,m45 pleiad star cluster,2007-11-18,345,54,0.05,11-18,11,2007,18,6,0,3 6537e5406952e7cd28d7a51fbcc74c363fe4bab05afc7e6ffaf03c86fcbb4508,lanc,aurora seen camera call subvisu faint seen unaid eye reason human eye accumul light fraction second time camera shutter left open indefinitely photograph alreadi picturesqu scene alaska usa camera caught green subvisu aurora near horizon aurora spark energet particl sun impact magnet environ around earth result energet particl electron proton rain near earth pole impact air impact air molecul temporarili lose electrons oxygen molecul among reacquir electrons emit green light aurora known mani shape colors,aurora distanc,2007-11-19,510,75,0.009090909090909,11-19,11,2007,19,8,0,1 7117f57b0242c9ee5a2ef475068581e709195536c46331a90ff83309851c6d4f,jeancharlescuillandr,spheric coma comet holm swollen diamet 14 million kilometers make tenuous dusti cloud even bigger sun scatter sunlight dust ga came comet remark activ nucleus whose diamet late octob outburst estim mere 34 kilometers sharp image record novemb 14 canadafrancehawaii telescope star easili visibl right outer coma nucleu buri insid condensed bright region bright region coma seem offset center consist idea larg fragment drift away nucleu produc comet spectacular outburst course recent imag holm also show bright star mirfak alpha shine comet sweep slowli constel perseus,comet holm,2007-11-21,569,86,0.1186224489795918,11-21,11,2007,21,3,1,5 b268fef427e93e9e0dcb730779cbe7d74568162c8168f45d8000d232248cda91,toni halla,hurtl cosmic dust cloud mere 400 lightyear away love pleiad seven sister star cluster wellknown strike blue reflect nebulae remark widefield 3 degree imag region show famou star cluster right highlight lesser known dusti reflect nebula nearby across area would span 20 lightyears case sister star cosmic dust cloud related happen pass region space astronom use infrar detector recent found dusti disk realli belong one young pleiad star hd surround hd disk estim compar size terrestri planet zone solar system like repres debri process rocki planet formation,pleiad stardust,2007-11-22,559,87,0.0482142857142857,11-22,11,2007,22,4,0,5 9620eda868e1f6778fd8f6be32d446dbffffc50d47624479965822e56c4e8689,goldman,braided serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow medusa transform hot central star visibl detail color imag small blue star within upper half overal bright crescent shape fainter filament clearli extend left bright crescent region medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2007-11-23,625,94,0.1351851851851851,11-23,11,2007,23,4,2,5 2529652b6cd06468d77062027c505cdf7c3fe84eb82446cf2d3510bc50a95cc3,august allen,would cloud appear differ colors rel rare phenomenon known iridesc cloud show unusu color vividli whole spectrum color simultaneously cloud form small water droplet nearli uniform size sun right posit mostli hidden thick clouds thinner cloud significantli diffract sunlight nearli coher manner differ color deflect differ amounts therefore differ color come observ slightli differ directions mani cloud start uniform region could show iridesc quickli becom thick mixed far sun exhibit strike colors iridesc cloud photograph boulder colorado last week,iridesc cloud colorado,2007-11-25,550,79,-0.0130952380952381,11-25,11,2007,25,8,0,1 3d1b0133707e6bdea753141444f3c5193e31fbc947500bcb66034802e9c7c4dc,tyler,spectacular sky mostli year light station pigeon point near san francisco california usa lit 100 year ago time light gener five kerosen lamp pour 24 rotat lenses warn approach ship stay away earli last week light eman pigeon point lighthous particularli picturesqu thin fog also blur distant moon latter 1970s lighthous 800 pound name modern times light hous still activ suppli effici flash,moon point lighthous,2007-11-26,390,63,0.1818181818181818,11-26,11,2007,26,8,1,1 f4f5513ffb854847f0fac4504f48da648d060095b24d0372c2e4c82f6659df86,none,last august space shuttl endeavour crew captur shot intern space station iss backdrop planet earth trip iss space shuttl crew station repair station even built station primari mission complete crew took premier spaceship tour around premier space station pictur inspect iss visibl front sea itali visibl left western greec stretch across top fin upsidedown shuttl orbit poke top image space shuttl discoveri subsequ visit iss octob next shuttl mission iss schedul next week,space station sea,2007-11-27,473,73,0.1375,11-27,11,2007,27,8,1,2 e059a1b00b207e08a31ceca0767cf3444e2d26375f84d1939c344606ec387596,none,comet holm unexpectedli bright comet 17pholm continu grace northern sky nakedey addit constel perseus northern sky enthusiast dark sky bright curiosity recent sky map still abl locat comet minutes seen however primarili sunlight reflect dust coma surround iceberg nucleu small faint discern clue nearli millionfold bright increas therefor sought dramat imag enigmat comet central region taken earlier month hubbl space telescope one hubbl image shown above indic still unresolv dens central dust cloud near nucleus surround complex coma hubbl imag show obviou fragment nucleus however seen last year comet schwassmanwachmann 3 observ around world continu studi unusu addit night sky,comet holm hubbl space telescop,2007-11-28,682,100,0.05,11-28,11,2007,28,3,2,3 cef3d0931392630c36e2de307bccf086d014337e5e9c7fdf916b8139124780b9,jeff,cosmic expans dust gas star cover 4 degre sky heroic constel perseus center gorgeou skyscap dusti blue reflect nebula ngc 1333 1000 lightyear away estim distance field view nearli 70 lightyear across reflect nebula scatter around along remark dark dust nebula faint reddish glow hydrogen gas dust ga cloud lie near edg larg molecular cloud telltal sign starform regions tend hide newli form star young stellar object protostar pri optic telescopes collaps due selfgravity protostar form around dens core embed molecular cloud,stardust perseu,2007-11-29,525,82,0.0305555555555555,11-29,11,2007,29,4,0,5 eb8fa64c2876665055b90b267a353ab905ee7d2a51bcacfa97e43f27b87e9660,alan friedman,anchor vast lava flow moon oceanu procellarum lie aristarchu plateau bright impact crater corner plateau aristarchus young crater 42 kilomet wide 3 kilomet deep slightli smaller lava flood herodotu crater left valley rill featur like carv rapidli flow lava collaps lava tunnel valli schroteri begin right herodotu wind across plateau 160 kilometers eventu turn toward top picture aristarchu plateau like rectangular island 200 kilomet across rais 2 kilomet smooth surfac lunar ocean storms record backyard observatori buffalo new york contrast lightcolor ejecta around aristarchu surround dark smooth lava flood surfac suggest familiar snowi scene planet earth,aristarchu plateau,2007-11-30,660,96,0.1890769944341372,11-30,11,2007,30,5,2,4 048b6b887070f8c6f6130173287733235be9b158ac0c82b92e58adc467ed51f7,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers 100 billion stars 32 million lightyear away toward constel pisces m74 present gorgeou faceon view classifi sc galaxy grand design m74 grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes construct imag data record 2003 2005 sharp composit hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys span 30000 lightyear across face m74 includ exposur record emiss hydrogen atoms highlight reddish glow galaxy larg starform regions,m74 perfect spiral,2007-12-01,490,74,0.203125,12-01,12,2007,1,7,1,3 dac784f29e8d9c9d148bcc58adeec756e6fd78f0f5ac5dede6048f9140558329,none,although phase moon might appear familiar moon might not fact gibbou phase show part jupiter moon europa robot spacecraft galileo captur imag mosaic mission orbit jupit 1995 2003 visibl plain bright ice crack run horizon dark patch like contain ice dirt rais terrain particularli appar near terminator cast shadows europa nearli size earth moon much smoother show highland larg impact craters evid imag galileo spacecraft indic liquid ocean might exist ici surface test specul sea hold life esa start preliminari develop jovian europa orbiter spacecraft propos orbit europa surfac ice thin enough futur mission might drop hydrobot burrow ocean search life,gibbou europa,2007-12-02,656,101,0.0763392857142857,12-02,12,2007,2,2,2,2 7a3628f92c18ab61a0a6d20e3510a2930fb7ba5a999c5fbd9fd4fdfa497c5516,none,eleven years sun goe solar cycle complet solar cycl imag sunorbit soho spacecraft celebr 12th anniversari launch yesterday solar cycl caus chang magnet field sun vari solar maximum sunspot coron mass ejection flare phenomena frequent solar minimum activ rel infrequent solar minimum occur 1996 2007 last solar maximum occur 2001 pictur compos soho imag sun extrem ultraviolet light year last solar cycle imag pick illustr rel activ sun,complet solar cycl soho,2007-12-03,435,68,0.125,12-03,12,2007,3,1,1,4 1d6efccbc8eb4375001147245478010a5bebc5509a4ebbce690310deddb277cf,tom,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day throughout planet earth year above 26 separ exposur record illustr regular solar motion difficult project perform mostli calendar year 2006 imag taken 8 morn northern new jersey usa digit combin singl foreground imag later individu imag sinc combin movie solstic correspond top bottom indic northern southernmost excurs sun sky tilt planet earth axi variat speed move around orbit combin produc grace analemma curve,movie analemma new jersey,2007-12-04,466,72,0.0227272727272727,12-04,12,2007,4,1,0,1 968b03c8bc1b8be54e5dfe91e76c9f793c57dc2cf4c8682ae7916d10d4a2c12c,tama ladanyi,comet holm fade unusu comet surprisingli brighten nearli millionfold late octob continu remain visibl unaid eye dark locations night night comet 17pholm slowli glide constel perseus remain visibl northern observ much night right sunset pictur above comet holm captur hungari last week remark snowbal continu retain huge coma show littl tail far right open cluster star ngc much longer comet holm remain visibl unaid eye unknown,comet holm,2007-12-05,427,66,0.0631868131868132,12-05,12,2007,5,3,0,3 1d474cf70b59f0f8f60eb73ff2e65d7e9db180e81ccac37ecee256b815048c9a,jeanluc dauvergn,good telescop view mar expect come week red planet near opposit decemb 24th course opposit mean opposit sun planet earth sky arrang occur everi 26 month mars mars ellipt orbit actual date closest approach earth decemb 18 mar within 88 million kilomet fair planet situat constel gemini rise even twilight bright ruddi disk mar reach nearli 16 arcsecond diamet about 1100th diamet full moon alreadi except imag taken novemb 18 north surfac mark around dark albedo featur syrti major remark clear imag record video camera filter 1 meter telescop pic du midi mountain top observatori french pyrenees nasa launch phoenix lander mar august schedul arriv may 2008,mar view,2007-12-06,657,107,0.2115384615384615,12-06,12,2007,6,5,2,2 e1d74b64574cfee20f7df62d0e59ca902eff1f65dcf1dacf36b108850636e9b2,volker wendel,skygaz recent follow comet holm probabl also chanc across love starfield far comet sky constel perseus 7000 lightyear away pair open galact star cluster easi binocular target visibl unaid eye dark sky areas fact catalog 130 bc greek astronom hipparchus known h chi persei ngc ngc 884 cluster separ hundr lightyear contain star much younger hotter sun addit physic close together clusters age base individu star similar evid cluster like product starform region,doubl cluster perseu,2007-12-07,461,73,-0.0388888888888888,12-07,12,2007,7,6,0,3 11bf500a0d5d68a6eac957ac1d32ee991557310e4f063085d7ee2c319991fd72,koen van gorp,fix camera tripod make imag grace trail trace star planet earth rotat axis made septemb 14 france wideangl view nice show star near celesti equat trace nearli straight line projection star north south equator respectively appear circl north south celesti poles featur star orion right center brilliant venu rise left bright star siriu rise south bottom center polar orbit iridium satellit upper left beauti dawn sky color seem paint along horizon remark pictur construct consecut 30 second digit exposur record 43 hour later combined,star trail dawn,2007-12-08,533,84,0.1668253968253968,12-08,12,2007,8,6,1,1 d23bcc578b3ed62e751ce349bbaf207c1bd6bbff28c3d85a72f5398becc96d78,none,dust sculptur eagl nebula evaporating power starlight whittl away cool cosmic mountains statuesqu pillar remain might imagin mythic beasts pictur one sever strike dust pillar eagl nebula might describ gigant alien fairy fairy however ten light year tall spew radiat much hotter common fire greater eagl nebula m16 actual giant evapor shell ga dust insid grow caviti fill spectacular stellar nurseri current form open cluster stars imag scientif reassign color releas part fifteenth anniversari celebr launch hubbl space telescope,fairi eagl nebula,2007-12-09,529,79,0.1346153846153846,12-09,12,2007,9,4,1,5 c71fafcea84c93a3cd4f5aac16c3f198474513f15b43d1a2492ece823bce3dd1,hinod,power solar sun known emit power wind particl gust even affect astronaut satellit orbit earth caus solar wind debat decad thought root alfvn wave gener ever chang magnet field sun newli releas imag japanes hinod satellit appear bolster hypothesis imag averag 240 daili plasma jet excel candid fuel outwardli move alfvn waves jet wave ultim creat magnet reconnect events rapid event line constant magnet field suddenli move extrem rapidly drag electron proton along them imag left one jet visibl xray light bright spot show rel energet region elsewher sun,jet sun,2007-12-10,554,89,0.2666666666666666,12-10,12,2007,10,1,1,4 5e5a7c5cc5e5417d3e856b02f1404cce36a0e6e0044e216eeac7897a8afac20d,2mass t h jarrett j carpenter r hurt,univers nearbi look like plot show one half million brightest star galaxi nearbi univers detect two micron sky survey 2mass infrar light result imag incred tapestri star galaxi provid limit univers form evolved across center star lie plane milki way galaxy away galact plane vast major dot galaxies color code indic distance blue dot repres nearest galaxi 2mass survey red dot indic distant survey galaxi lie redshift near 01 name structur mani galaxi gravit bound togeth form clusters loos bound superclusters turn sometim seen align even larger scale structures,univers nearbi,2007-12-11,563,89,0.0195833333333333,12-11,12,2007,11,7,0,3 085d31c6b403e7c0199123982734635ac5d707bd6ec58ca440497ab14a9c2fa1,none,martian rover spirit race life roll robot tri reach outpost spend winter keep get bog soft sand mars earth scientist hope spirit reach slope northern edg unusu featur dub home plate end month northern winter mars reach slope like allow rover tilt enough toward sun creat need increas effici energyabsorb solar panels map show path spirit juli 2004 last month,mar rover surviv,2007-12-12,358,60,0.0333333333333333,12-12,12,2007,12,5,0,2 cfcdcc98af85755062c7d96f558ae0869ca8a7420f60c551e792f0e37018d7e1,goldman,orang star center remark telescop skyview tauri prototyp class tauri variabl stars nearbi dusti yellow cosmic cloud histor known hind variabl nebula ngc 15551554 400 lightyear away edg molecular cloud star nebula seen vari significantli bright necessarili time ad mysteri intrigu region tauri star gener recogn young less million year old sunlik star still earli stage formation complic picture infrar observ indic tauri part multipl system suggest associ hind nebula may also contain young stellar object dramat color imag span 4 lightyear estim distanc tauri,tauri hind variabl nebula,2007-12-13,560,85,0.1229166666666666,12-13,12,2007,13,4,1,5 eb8f812bf7c1bbb92e7e1fbb0661f3ef1a18fa7361fcac69060f5aeda96ce297,none,decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour moon tauruslittrow valley colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead sharp panorama digit stitch togeth pictur taken cernan schmitt roam valley floor start view impos south scroll panorama right reveal schmitt lunar rover edg shorti crater near spot geologist schmitt discov orang lunar soil apollo 17 crew return 110 kilogram rock soil samples return lunar land sites thirti five year later cernan schmitt still last walk moon,apollo 17 shorti crater panorama,2007-12-14,496,77,0.0267857142857142,12-14,12,2007,14,2,0,2 aabb35b9c46ef56ee70eb99a321b2652ed03516a80175dc7b73a12c806a035ba,e winfree k fleischer a barr et al caltech,pictur worth thousand words accord holograph principle inform get imag 3 x 1065 bit normal size comput monitor holograph principle yet unproven state maximum amount inform content held region adjac surface therefore counterintuitively inform content insid room depend volum room area bound walls principl deriv idea planck length length scale quantum mechan begin domin classic gravity one side area hold one bit information limit first postul physicist gerard t hooft 1993 aris gener seemingli distant specul inform held black hole determin enclos volum surfac area event horizon term holographic aris hologram analog threedimens imag creat project light though flat screen beware peopl look imag may claim see 3 x 1065 bit might claim see teapot,holograph principl,2007-12-16,748,115,0.121875,12-16,12,2007,16,8,2,4 2ca69b746d0bcd785845e5a46ac06b730a216bb523e9fd8b1c4e4e9bf42116f4,none,old saturn rings one quit sure one possibl ring form rel recent solar system history perhap 100 million year ago moonsiz object broke near saturn evid young ring age includ basic stabil analysi rings fact ring bright rel unaffect numer small dark meteor impacts new evidence however rais possibl saturn ring may billion year old almost old saturn itself inspect imag saturnorbit cassini spacecraft indic saturn ring particl temporarili bunch collide effect recycl ring particl bring fresh bright ice surface seen here saturn ring imag true color robot cassini late october ici bright tethys moon saturn like brighten sandblast rain ice sister moon enceladus visibl front darker rings apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,saturn ancient ring,2007-12-17,724,114,0.1874331550802139,12-17,12,2007,17,0,2,4 5da768fcf46d5bbbe789b7ea9694975f725a109d3c6e2b45c53d7ac13395e719,none,roll across mar unexpectedli uncov unusu light soil stop turn return inspect soil find almost pure silica main ingredi quartz glass soil never found mar before creat soil sinc robot rover spirit current roll across mars send imag data back earth analysis scientist friend blue water planet say soil earth usual creat either volcan steam hot spring second hypothesi particular indicates again wet past part mars possibl hot water satur silica deposit white soil intriguingly earth live microb typic flourish either condition pictur above uncov light soil visibl right apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,unusu soil discov mar,2007-12-18,608,95,0.1036682615629983,12-18,12,2007,18,5,2,4 bc17fa80ac5b1c6f98e9ecb6af20233d18f796044074c52dca7cf4a42cb18d5b,stephan guisard,billion star light direct toward center galaxy vast major star billion year old rival home milki way galaxi age togeth interstellar dust old star combin creat yellowish starscape although opaqu dust obscur true galact center visibl light low densiti hole dust right image region name baade window german astronom studi it use inspect distant star determin intern geometri milki way baade window lie toward constel archer sagittarius apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,star dust baade window,2007-12-19,473,73,0.1070153061224489,12-19,12,2007,19,6,1,3 dbd9c10b141262ce671e6384d3655488dbfd410c82151f6ae8448757f7ee5fc8,martin pugh,1970 sometim ignor astronomers particular beauti group reflect nebula orion ngc 1977 ngc 1975 ngc 1973 usual overlook favor substanti glow nearbi stellar nurseri better known orion nebula found along orion sword north bright orion nebula complex reflect nebula also associ orion giant molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away domin characterist blue color interstellar dust reflect light hot young stars north sharp color telescop imag new south wales australia familiar orion nebula border top view ngc 1977 stretch across field center separ ngc 1973 below left ngc 1975 below right darker region obscur dust mani northern hemispher observ claim see gener shape run man cosmic dust cloud but course theyr look view upsid down apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,reflect 1970,2007-12-20,764,119,0.1438520543783701,12-20,12,2007,20,4,2,5 c4135a331d2e7897e9fd3b82d7acc44b67ca35254db96cafa4767b3a3bbc587c,pixheavennet,scroll right journey horizon horizon gaze sweep zenith night sky france record decemb 13th entertain panorama imag cover 210 degre 21 separ exposures begin beach bright star siriu rise southeast look right encount nebula rich constel orion continu find love pleiad star cluster farther along higher sky famou comet holmes still grace northern hemisphere night remark expand coma finally dive urban glow citi light along northwestern horizon far right check doubl star cluster perseu take cosmic streak bright geminid meteor apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,horizon horizon,2007-12-21,564,86,0.2701530612244898,12-21,12,2007,21,6,1,1 47da3afb61eb9f183a9d7cf08d4f15034c5c55d90e6136ab45d11af7429b12c9,danilo pivato,today solstic occur univers time sun reach southernmost declin planet earth sky course decemb solstic mark begin winter northern hemispher summer south view northern latitudes sun make lowest arc sky along southern horizon north solstic day shortest length time sunris sunset fewest hour daylight strike composit imag follow sun path decemb solstic day 2005 beauti blue sky look tyrrhenian sea coast santa severa toward fiumicino italy view cover 115 degre 43 separate wellplan exposur sunris sunset apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,tyrrhenian sea solstic sky,2007-12-22,540,82,0.0,12-22,12,2007,22,1,0,1 bebf06ddd3f3d0f3fc3ae84da7a23c187b1afc046267d94c6603253f55414449,john,full moon brilliant ruddi mar share sky tonight skygaz easili enjoy celesti pair two separ degre even less fact seen part northern north america europe moon actual occult front of red planet mar bright near opposition opposit sun earth sky near closest approach planet earth mar nearli bright moon also opposit sun tonight strike tonight sky show backyard astronom john harm abl photograph almost full moon near mar last month simple singl exposur reli cloud block overwhelm moonlight apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,moon mar tonight,2007-12-23,525,84,0.2523809523809524,12-23,12,2007,23,5,1,1 937acbbc796be97134ffccb5a9ffb2ce09bf559e2b5cf3a7d407f7d6c712d312,kent wood,sprawl across hundr lightyears emiss nebula ic 1396 mix glow cosmic ga dark dust clouds star form area 3000 lightyear earth detail view creat light primarili emit hydrogen gas record filter narrowli transmit wavelength characterist glow hydrogen atom nebula among intrigu dark shape within ic 1396 wind elephant trunk nebula lie left center ic 1396 lie high far constel cepheus apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,emiss nebula ic 1396,2007-12-24,418,66,0.0371428571428571,12-24,12,2007,24,4,0,5 c810099ae6dd435ca358fb9f6787489b900bf417d52610d622dd6098dac08561,walli pacholka astropicscom,welcom world night share night sky seen around world view monument valley usa includ picturesqu foreground famou buttes butt compos hard rock left behind water erod away surround soft rock two butt imag left known mittens merrick butt right record last week planet mar left skyscape glow beacon orang brightest object frame right mar lie constel orion betelgeus reddish star near center belt orion orion nebula farther right finally bright blue star rigel appear merrick butt stun view world night apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,mar orion monument valley,2007-12-25,538,86,0.0689625850340136,12-25,12,2007,25,6,0,1 c04058b3115a97dbdc50862b2fa0c2dce9c6ae516f6f7f15030bfa2617e9d654,none,dust pillar like interstellar mountains surviv dens surroundings slowli erod away hostil environment visibl pictur end huge ga dust pillar trifid nebula punctuat smaller pillar point unusu jet point left pink dot newli form lowmass stars star near small pillar end slowli strip accret ga radiat tremend brighter star situat pictur upper right jet extend nearli lightyear would visibl without extern illumination ga dust evapor pillars hidden stellar sourc jet like uncovered possibl next 20000 years apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,trifid pillar jet,2007-12-26,540,82,0.0471861471861471,12-26,12,2007,26,4,0,5 78a17862d9c5f810c9a3033e2340b9f1c161ada94646a6e5e4cced838c902770,none,sudden sharp boundari mark passag day night gorgeou view ocean cloud fair planet earth instead shadow line termin diffus show gradual transit dark experi twilight sun illumin scene right cloud top reflect gentli redden sunlight filter dusti troposphere lowest layer planet nurtur atmosphere clear high altitud layer visibl along dayside upper edge scatter blue sunlight fade black space pictur actual singl digit photograph taken june 2001 intern space station orbit altitud 211 nautic miles apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,earth twilight,2007-12-27,532,80,0.1086706349206349,12-27,12,2007,27,8,0,1 21eb9f3b5d6767a157223c5448926cc7a3818d1b1a8ce3547f78cb16822d326b,none,symmetr cloud dub boomerang nebula creat highspe wind ga dust blow age central star speed nearli 600000 kilomet per hour rapid expans cool molecul nebular ga one degre absolut zero colder even cosmic background radiat make coldest known region distant universe shine light central star reflect dust frigid boomerang nebula believ star stellar system evolv toward planetari nebula phase hubbl imag record use polar filter polaroid color code angl associ polar light gorgeou result trace small dust particl respons polar scatter light boomerang nebula span one light year lie 5000 light year away toward constel centaurus apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,beauti boomerang nebula,2007-12-28,662,102,0.0733333333333333,12-28,12,2007,28,4,2,5 072bf8c320ff322915001a0ccf4d50f7029f25679b8cd7e760bc3631d600ff9d,raymundo aguirr,normal cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet form air becom opaqu cloud conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm seen near top anvil cloud example result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud photograph monclova mexico apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,mammatu cloud mexico,2007-12-30,474,71,0.1805555555555555,12-30,12,2007,30,8,1,1 03a84894b45ab316a9528377972f371a157639bd290b9b10ff303f2873d8a4f5,bob diego astronomi association,two spectacular comet grace earth sky 2007 comet becam bright enough seen unaid eye casual sky earli 2007 comet mcnaught grew brighter comet 40 years display beauti dust tail flow across sky comet mcnaught c2006 p1 becam known great comet 2007 sport unusu striation expans dust tail show unexpectedli complex chemistri ion tail toward year end normal docil faint comet holm brighten suddenli unexpectedli nake eye visibility remarkably comet 17pholm stay bright week even though lie beyond orbit mars distant comet recent histori remain bright long view white comet holm photograph earli decemb pose heart soul nebulas apod presents astronomi pictur year 2007,year spectacular comet,2007-12-31,659,103,0.1966666666666666,12-31,12,2007,31,3,2,1 b569f5a962b4e0dd73f8a609f7e9b8a106330612c2087c3b60e1e5a4bc5f0db2,lyndon anderson prairi journal,aurora bit surprise starters day 2002 intens auror activ expect all possibl surprising however aurora appear show usual structur green ray locations view captur north dakota usa picket fenc green ray stretch toward horizon mirror green ray red band somewhat rare right light citi bismarck mandan visibl near horizon note german languag mirror apod available,ray unexpect aurora,2008-01-01,357,55,0.1113095238095238,01-01,1,2008,1,8,1,1 ff8ee8756b190818a17579f16de68c3f0e47a050e8107def642ca5ee7336ae5e,serg brunier,climb 5000 meter 16500 feet sea level near cerro chajnantor northern chilean andes night sky could encompass cosmic vista record high dri spectacular fishey imag featur myriad star sprawl dust cloud milki way galaxy direct toward center galaxi near zenith center picture galact center hidden view locat far behind obscur dust brilliant jupit rule scene milki way central bulg notic fainter yellowish giant star antar right small faint near right edg pictur one milki way mani satellit galaxies small magellan cloud amateur astronom associ new york presents apod editor lecture tonight american museum natur histori,milki way meter,2008-01-04,615,95,0.0326576322228496,01-04,1,2008,4,6,2,4 33152a236798a0c62df9f44a0b671ab2af331de575789c31747a8ffb86d5989d,none,jupit rings jupiter ring discov 1979 pass voyag 1 spacecraft origin mystery data galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 later confirm ring creat meteoroid impact small nearbi moons small meteoroid strike tini adrastea example bore moon vaporize explod dirt dust jovian orbit pictur eclips sun jupiter view galileo small dust particl high jupiter atmosphere well dust particl compos rings seen reflect sunlight note meet astronomi apod editor rn austin tuesday night,jupiter ring reveal,2008-01-06,467,71,-0.118,01-06,1,2008,6,8,0,2 776feaa5d74cf5628bf08ccb4577a53adabb3a039f53fb161fcc45c286f1c208,none,meteor shower originate help answer question astronom studi detail quadrantid meteor shower occur past weekend particular astronom special camera flew part multiinstru aircraft campaign aboard v aircraft northern canada past day studi quadrantid meteor shower unpreced detail pictur composit imag combin mani short exposures visibl imag wingtip airplan reflect red beacon left green aurora promin imag right numer meteor streak throughout preliminari indic meteor stream quit stabl time variabl meteor abundance 100 meteor per hour visibl peak aircraft meteor data around world continu analyz tri verifi peter recent hypothesi minor planet 2003 intermitt activ comet parent bodi annual quadrantid meteor shower note meet sky enthusiasts astro bloggers apod editor rn austin tomorrow night,quadrantid meteor aurora air,2008-01-07,788,113,0.0054112554112554,01-07,1,2008,7,8,2,4 f3bc2b77e4e5e4d0c72dfaf9b1c0fe8215d5faceb2427c17402a2623f9887733,none,new horizon spacecraft sweep solar system take breathtak imag planets februari last year new horizon pass jupit jovian moon io montage jupit captur three band infrar light make great red spot look white complex hurricanelik swirls band visibl jupiter complex atmosphere io digit superpos natur color fortuitously plume eman io volcano frost sulfur lava cover volcan moon redglow lava visibl beneath blue sunlightscatt plume robot new horizon spacecraft track arriv pluto 2015 note meet sky enthusiasts astro bloggers apod editor rn austin tonight,montag new horizon,2008-01-08,546,83,0.0917355371900826,01-08,1,2008,8,8,0,4 66a7728f016b2b0ef6c3f61940f1e923995aaefa4ca5e03a02aea439a4bf4f9b,t rector,beauti nearbi spiral galaxi ic 342 could famou hidden sprawl island universe ic 342 would promin galaxi night sky almost hidden view behind veil stars ga dust cloud plane milki way galaxy similar size large bright spiral galaxi ic 342 mere 7 million lightyear distant longnecked northern constel giraff camelopardalis even though ic 342 light dim interven cosmic clouds remark sharp telescop imag trace galaxy obscur dust blue star clusters glow pink star form region along spiral arm wind far galaxy core ic 342 may undergon recent burst star format activ close enough gravit influenc evolut local group galaxi milki way note astronomi lectur apod editor avail free podcast,hidden galaxi ic 342 kitt peak,2008-01-09,674,109,0.0197751322751322,01-09,1,2008,9,7,2,3 931e73ef53eea8c0eb7a5e350650a865194b84fe76337d8f5c36f5a293e8b905,none,mere 11 million lightyear away centauru giant ellipt galaxi closest activ galaxi earth remark composit view galaxi combin imag data xray centauru a central region jumbl gas dust star optic light radio xray telescop trace remark jet highenergi particl stream galaxy core cosmic particl power sourc black hole 10 million time mass sun coincid xray bright spot galaxy center blast activ galact nucleu toward upper left energet jet extend 13000 lightyears shorter jet extend nucleu opposit direction xray bright spot field binari star system neutron star stellar mass black holes activ galaxi centauru like result merger spiral galaxi 100 million year ago,activ galaxi centauru,2008-01-10,653,102,0.0930555555555555,01-10,1,2008,10,7,2,4 b298edb2b407abb69602afcb8f35e4d0dc3dd23e1fa69117c74f7ed6e7733ac6,valley observatori,center north star polaris 4 degre wide field view cover part complex rel unfamiliar diffus dust cloud soar high plane milki way galaxy combin light milki way star reflect dusty galact cirrus reflect starlight blue tint characterist better known reflect nebulae deep color imag also record faint reddish luminesc dust grain convert invis stellar ultraviolet radiat visibl red light dub extend red emission dim cosmic glow thought caus complex organ molecul known pah aromat common constitu interstellar dust planet earth pah wide encount sooti product combustion,polari dust nebula,2008-01-11,561,86,-0.0161111111111111,01-11,1,2008,11,6,0,5 059af87342a8e7004bb4d6554da711e9e1f9bc42c47929ed47a6243c687fed67,doug zubenel,color view western sky sunset featur last wednesday slender crescent moon course moon crescent phase never far sun sky also alway close sun earth sky innermost planet mercury seen right center bright orang glow along horizon mercuri usual difficult glimps overwhelm sunlight increasingli better view small planet sunset possibl wander farther east sun come days januari 14th nasa messeng spacecraft good view too make first mercuri flyby,mercuri sunset,2008-01-12,437,67,0.1071428571428571,01-12,1,2008,12,1,1,1 8d76681277c94cf03d850f21c163cf3ddfe50f98dc3b215fc8dc7c6269e5d4ba,none,nineti percent hous grenada damag destruct forc hurrican ivan peak ivan categori 5 hurricane highest power categori saffirsimpson scale creat sustain wind excess 200 kilomet per hour ivan largest hurrican strike us 2004 and far 10th power record history swirl atlant ocean tremend eye hurrican ivan photograph orbit intern space station name ivan retir atlant ocean use world meteorolog organization note astronomi lectur apod editor avail free podcast,hurrican ivan space station,2008-01-13,452,68,0.25,01-13,1,2008,13,8,1,2 4e3d10449370417fd825094d511304042b39480cd707745a8c227a7c8b478e25,jeancharlescuillandr,creat color cocoon nebula cocoon nebula catalog ic 5146 strikingli beauti nebula locat 4000 light year away toward constel swan cygnus insid cocoon nebula newli develop open cluster stars like stellar nurseries cocoon nebula holds time bright red emiss nebula blue reflect nebulas dark absorpt nebulas given differ three process creat host color imag taken recent canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht hawaii usa specul base recent measur hold massiv star toward left pictur open hole exist molecular cloud much glow materi flows star form 100000 year ago provid energi sourc much emit reflect light nebula,cocoon nebula cfht,2008-01-14,601,93,0.08,01-14,1,2008,14,4,2,5 02d3acb99ebab1308df0d32ac0aff26254ad0eff4425b1e9bfa18089ce6e2c0a,gemini observatori,two supernova shell related help find out 8meter gemini telescop locat high atop mountain chile point unusual huge doublelob cloud dub dem result image shown above yield tremend detail inspect imag well data taken orbit chandra xray observatori indic differ two supernova remnant are particular smaller shell appear result type ia supernova white dwarf exploded larger shell appear result type ii supernova massiv normal star exploded sinc two stellar type evolv differ time scales like form togeth like physic consid also evid exist shell colliding two shell hypothes superpos chance dem lie 160000 light year away neighbor larg magellan cloud lmc galaxy span 140 lightyear across appear toward southern constel swordfish dorado,doubl supernova remnant dem,2008-01-15,729,112,0.1328205128205128,01-15,1,2008,15,6,2,4 f23120b0616908c3489bf7401e08703a3a6e3e8faa473bf28ea69ea64ed31d9d,none,two day ago messeng spacecraft becam second spacecraft human histori swoop past mercury last spacecraft visit sun closest planet marin 10 35 year ago marin 10 abl photograph mercury entir surface imag send back rais mani questions therefore much planet mercuri remain unknown week flybi messeng first three flybys next year messeng swing past twice final enter mercury orbit 2011 messeng current move fast enter orbit around mercuri now imag taken two day ago messenger flybi show part mercury surfac never imag detail before mani detail imag mercuri expect sent back next days data acquir messeng hope help scientist better understand mercury surfac formed dense note today apod imag updated latest messeng imag here,messeng pass mercuri,2008-01-16,717,114,0.0617647058823529,01-16,1,2008,16,8,2,2 9182279223f73309b9229353b7007c9c804b8d7ead09585fca34731e3e762b85,robert gendler,helmetshap cosmic cloud winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across fact helmet actual like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center sweep surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution catalog ngc 2359 nebula locat 15000 lightyear away constel cani major sharp imag captur strike detail nebula filamentari structur also record almost color strong emiss due oxygen atom glow gas,thor helmet,2008-01-17,541,81,0.1497023809523809,01-17,1,2008,17,4,1,5 60f66fd31ddda568ebcf56d6e4e0c3521191fb260bf384736ce5a56b666eeb7b,none,stellar explos known supernova among power event universe trigger collaps core massiv star nuclear demis white dwarf supernova occur averag spiral galaxi everi century remark spiral galaxi ngc 2770 late produc fair two still bright supernova locat third origin spot 1999 fade view indic imag edgeon spiral three supernova thought corecollaps recent trio first detect swift satellit extrem energi xray flash possibl lowenergi version gammaray burst januari 9th locat mere 90 million lightyear away northern constel lynx ngc 2770 closest galaxi known host power supernova event,supernova factori ngc,2008-01-18,575,86,0.1222222222222222,01-18,1,2008,18,7,2,3 804f5f464b0fe1c5019617eb70719a8ab10cc8206f6c9af704dfb1965e826245,pm hedén,tantal pleiad star cluster seem lie beyond tree dark castl tower dramat view world night record earlier month starri sky also featur bright star aldebaran pleiad small faint fuzzi cloud otherwis known comet holm near pictur center top field starri night castl might appropri name mediev castl ruin foreground tradit name castle found north stockholm near lake sweden,starri night castl,2008-01-19,366,58,0.0444444444444444,01-19,1,2008,19,6,0,1 619e07c3457140d90f759ea43acd13592dae322270a9018ee57033cc2d5de82d,stphane guisard,comet mcnaught perhap photogen comet time make quit show northern hemispher earli january comet move south develop long unusu dust tail dazzl southern hemispher observers image comet mcnaught captur one year ago chile bright comet domin left part magnific tail spread across entir picture vantag point and mountains one look toward comet mcnaught magnific sky across crescent moon clouds atmospher haze citi light comet mcnaught glide outer solar system visibl speck larg telescope spectacular comet 2007 comet holmes also fade easi view,comet mcnaught chile,2008-01-20,537,82,0.2749999999999999,01-20,1,2008,20,3,1,1 822539cbea4cdc14fe688e12fbd0518640a1c2a0f456b6f45075f745de5fec99,none,would look like fli past mercury adventur experienc last week messeng spacecraft first flybi strang moonlik world nearest sun pictur limb mercuri seen messeng upon approach 1 12 earth diamet away visibl hot barren planet mani craters mani appear shallow similarli size crater moon compar high graviti mercuri help tall structur like high crater walls messeng abl take 1000 imag mercuri beam back earth planetari geologist study robot messeng spacecraft schedul fli past mercuri twice fire thruster enter orbit 2011,mercury horizon messeng,2008-01-21,514,80,-0.0014814814814814,01-21,1,2008,21,8,0,2 174185c400967938d9fc767c7343cd2266e4495abc5a7269f5bef649ed02baa6,none,perhap time go inside thought might occur peopl wit approach impress shelf cloud shelf cloud typic seen lead thunderstorms although may preced well defin front rel cold air shelf cloud differ roll cloud shelf cloud attach larger cloud system lurk above similarly shelf cloud differ wall cloud wall cloud typic trail storm systems pictur shelf cloud photograph toward southwest trip cross saskatchewan canada highway 2001 august rise sun illumin impress cloud east advanc west,shelf cloud saskatchewan,2008-01-22,475,74,-0.12,01-22,1,2008,22,8,0,1 981e1a4fa25ad7f125174389d3d6056629bfbc6742c6129f0faf28ab0d609fc8,none,astronaut selfportrait particularli interesting visibl picture work outer edg reflect helmet space modul intern space station iss earth arm expedit 15 astronaut clay anderson digit camera use snap image pictur taken shuttl orbit endeavour mission expand space station last august larg curvatur earth appear visor reflect true curvatur spheric earth rather artifact curv space helmet earth horizon appear slightli curv view height iss approxim 400 kilometers next space shuttl mission space station current expect take place next month includ instal scientif columbu laboratory,orbit astronaut earth,2008-01-23,577,83,0.1416666666666666,01-23,1,2008,23,8,1,2 b3a596495e218bece6c45141c4dd0690e96b58f9e9ffe22f0356f2f244ecce33,toni halla,distant object easili visibl unaid eye m31 great andromeda galaxi two half million lightyear away without telescope even immens spiral galaxi span 200000 light year appear faint nebul cloud constel andromeda contrast bright yellow nucleus dark wind dust lanes gorgeou blue spiral arm star cluster record stun telescop digit mosaic even casual skygaz inspir knowledg mani distant galaxi like m31 astronom serious debat fundament concept less 90 year ago spiral nebulae simpli outli compon milki way galaxi instead island universes distant system star compar milki way itself question central famou shapleycurti debat 1920 later resolv observ m31 favor andromeda island universe,andromeda island univers,2008-01-24,679,101,-0.0135416666666666,01-24,1,2008,24,7,2,3 2fee3dadc326fa7b3a4e8b9743fd03f4ae627e74611703f6b45720edc240fd72,picdumidiorg,dreamlik view look south histor mountain top pic du midi observatori combin moonlit domes winter night sky snowi peak french pyrenees encroach night light la ski resort illumin mountain slope nearbi glow along distant horizon urban area southern franc spain night sky featur star constel orion gemini bright planet mar near top edge left center three promin dome visibl from left right hous 06 meter telescop amateur astronomers 1 meter telescop use support apollo lunar land missions new sunwatch,winter night pic du midi,2008-01-25,497,79,0.1448051948051948,01-25,1,2008,25,6,1,1 dde6687601b5bb278f9f160e2a6266eda9aed668767b877cdc8084814638965d,none,hard spot twilight glow near planet earth horizon crescent mercuri imag close messeng spacecraft earli last week color remark pictur creat use data record infrared red violet filters combin enhanc color differ otherwis visibl eye across innermost planet crater surface view light bluish materi seem surround rel new craters contrast mostli brown terrain mercuri kilomet diameter full resolut imag show featur small 10 kilomet across,crescent mercuri color,2008-01-26,432,65,0.0555871212121212,01-26,1,2008,26,8,0,1 2df7beba3b87b269bf2a09c23467b42d6de914378b131de473b8737800e7486f,juan carlo casado,ever seen planet mercury mercuri orbit close sun never wander far sun earth sky trail sun mercuri visibl low horizon short sunset lead sun mercuri visibl shortli sunrise certain time year inform skygaz littl determin usual pick mercuri site unobscur horizon above lot determin combin littl digit trickeri show mercury success posit march 2000 pictur taken locat spain sun 10 degre horizon superpos singl photogen sunset mercuri current visibl western sky sunset disappear sun glare days,mercuri horizon,2008-01-27,486,76,0.0404761904761904,01-27,1,2008,27,1,0,1 acd2cfe17205b6dfdbe55a408d7dbaa4cc88d53b66a6ab6307548cd5c6590ea4,jay pasachoff,paint earliest realist depict total eclips sun historian believ is paint complet painter architect famou earli eighteenth centuri germany clearli drawn total solar eclipse solar corona diamond ring effect visibl sunlight flow mountain moon person depict view eclips phenomena st j m olson jay hypothes may seen first hand one total solar eclips may mani fact astronom univers taken today known accur record last millennium paint current hang abbey bavaria germany,solar eclips paint,2008-01-28,465,71,0.0416666666666666,01-28,1,2008,28,1,0,1 b499a416e41182c3d780b64f274887a26d73f388fa893f37239a494ad5f1c28b,none,mar look like here last september hike across rug slipperi terrain reach winter hibern point robot spirit rover climb small plateau known home plate captur spectacular vista pictur above part curiou flattop home plate visibl light color landscap across panorama foreground imag left visibl eight kilomet distance grissom hill left foreground rock strewn ridge right 800 meter distant husband hill alreadi explor spirit notabl highest point visibl westward look panorama inset closeup tini motionless featur inform dub littl bigfoot drawn attent appear life form imag explor might locat littl bigfoot toward front left high resolut panorama spirit success reach winter december,west valley panorama spirit rover mar,2008-01-29,676,101,0.1163095238095238,01-29,1,2008,29,5,2,4 7c05c918058c2b5900a11cc01f77db42cc3d8560fd23eea37c4ded634935d9dc,none,asteroid 2007 tu24 pass earth yesterday pose danger space rock estim 250 meter across coast outsid orbit earth moon pass unusu small rock strike earth daily 2003 rock size bu pass insid orbit moon detect tu24 notabl partli large tu24 struck land might caus magnitud seven earthquak left citys crater perhap larger danger would occur tu24 struck ocean rais larg tsunami radar imag taken two day ago arecibo radio telescop puerto rico broadcast radar reflect asteroid record byrd radio telescop green bank west virginia result imag show tu24 oblong irregular shape tu24 discov three month ago indic potenti hazard asteroid might lurk solar system current undetected object like tu24 hard detect faint move fast humanity abil scan sky detect catalog analyz object increas notabl recent years,asteroid 2007 pass earth,2008-01-30,789,126,-0.0752164502164502,01-30,1,2008,30,8,2,4 882bd7b64f87a059d17e8d1b2842554cb3a1999e63dc29caf7ef90966f2294cb,none,fifti year ago on januari 31 1958 first explorer launch earth orbit armi ballist missil agency inaugur era space explor unit states explor thirti pound satellit carri instrument measur temperatures micrometeorit impacts along experi design jame a van allen measur densiti electron ion space measur made van allen experi led unexpect startl discoveri earthencircl belt high energi electron ion trap magnetospher known van allen radiat belt explor ceas transmit februari 28 1958 remain orbit march 1970 pioneer space scientist jame van allen die august 9th 2006 age,first explor,2008-02-01,564,87,0.205,02-01,2,2008,1,8,1,2 acf48c01df882095e7934a59dc08b24d2fe6f26a581e4e334acea5e36f8e6a83,babak tafreshi,two celesti beacon shine brightli east sunris actual children sun planet venu jupiter second third brightest object sky night moon venu jupit appear separ 2 degre pictur taken januari 30th close within nearli half degre earli yesterday morning seren foreground shorelin along peninsula bay import bird wildlif refug southeastern caspian sea next two days earli morn riser around globe abl enjoy close pair venu jupit old crescent moon,venu jupit morn sky,2008-02-02,434,68,0.0476190476190476,02-02,2,2008,2,8,0,1 7a73fc84542b4d3968d0064cb832c2405ce7d73801bc7df2f3dca491aa4bf073,none,caus outburst v838 mon reason unknown star v838 mon outer surfac suddenli greatli expand result becam brightest star entir milki way galaxi januari 2002 then suddenly faded stellar flash like never seen supernova nova expel matter space although v838 mon flash appear expel materi space seen imag hubbl space telescop actual outwardli move light echo bright flash light echo light flash reflect success distant ring complex array ambient interstellar dust alreadi surround star v838 mon lie 20000 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros light echo span six light year diameter,light echo v838 mon,2008-02-03,586,91,0.2249999999999999,02-03,2,2008,3,6,1,5 b5084f5da4c392d958f36dd81908a32885473adec21331219dace642523596ed,none,crater mercuri look like robot messeng spacecraft glide planet mercuri last month abl imag portion sun closest planet never seen before imag center mercury extrem larg calori basin messeng found crater pictur above set unusu ray eman center crater trough never seen anywher solar system clear relat crater radial perhap crater creat radial rays perhap two featur appear chanc superposit topic sure one futur research messeng schedul fli past mercuri twice fire thruster enter orbit 2011,spider shape crater mercuri,2008-02-04,487,76,0.0214285714285714,02-04,2,2008,4,5,0,2 68470f85e28c53b4c5939174c7a83f227db14805fa5458e9bc9333985a2494bf,john,comet holm sinc brighten unexpectedli nearli one million late october last three month found coma comet 17pholm expand fading spectacular composit imag show coma tail comet holm changed due earth chang vantag point comet holmes beyond orbit mars seen novemb nearli recent month seen side additionally comet motion combin earth chang perspective caus comet shift rel background stars curv path comet holm show undergo appar retrograd motion earth orbit quickli front it extent coma current make comet holm five time physic size sun evid hold comet hard see without long photograph exposures exposur comet may still impress sight,three month composit comet holm,2008-02-05,627,98,-0.0424242424242424,02-05,2,2008,5,3,2,1 5d32f399b5160fce3bd73e9f01ff8e4e831fb246494a96e0eedbce97167ad89f,greg piepol,new cycl begun sun past year sun magnet field reset new 11 year period beginning pictur specif color light emit hydrogen sunspot one last sunspot old solar cycle two dark line visibl either side bright sunspot cool filament held aloft sun magnet field hot cold region shown region rel light dark respectively solar cycl caus chang magnet field vari solar maximum sunspot coron mass ejection flare phenomena frequent solar minimum activ rel infrequent solar minimum occur 1996 2007 last solar maximum occur 2001 editor note apod origin ran titl a sunspot new solar even though new solar cycl begun old one end yet may run concurr new cycl year so sunspot thought belong old cycle new one base measur magnet polar location,sunspot old solar cycl,2008-02-06,720,122,0.0535353535353535,02-06,2,2008,6,1,2,4 ac507eb2df58250d9fa8bd03e54dc75a5a324e14f9e631b8d76dc0baddfa20db,r jay gabanyblackbird observatory state,nearli 50 million lightyear away constel ursa major ngc 4013 long consid isol island universe seen edgeon gorgeou spiral galaxi known flatten disk central bulg stars cut silhouet dust lanes deep color imag region reveal previous unknown featur associ ngc enormous faint loop structur extend abov toward left 80 thousand lightyear galaxy center detail explor remark structur reveal stream star origin belong anoth galaxy like smaller galaxi torn apart gravit tide merg larger spiral astronom argu newli discov tidal stream also explain warp distribut neutral hydrogen ga seen radio imag ngc 4013 offer parallel format milki way galaxy,ngc tidal stream,2008-02-07,633,98,-0.0657051282051282,02-07,2,2008,7,7,2,3 b7ca8b9caaebaceee063c1b2ec8b465f575c601ada819cb8a7ce364767ae8ea1,alan friedman,dark smooth region cover moon familiar face call latin name ocean seas name convent though may seem littl iron denizen space age recogn moon mostli dri airless world smooth dark area lavaflood impact basins example eleg lunar vista care mosaic telescop images look across expans northwestern mare imbrium sea rains sinu iridum bay rainbows ring mountain bay 250 kilomet across bound bottom rug arc cape sunlit face tower nearli 3000 meter bay surface top arc cape heraclides time seen moon,bay rainbow,2008-02-08,490,80,0.2291666666666666,02-08,2,2008,8,2,1,1 ba91fb8b6b088c87b7f72a25c401f747ce3f4284e663cd45b7651b054ffe8726,none,intric network light play across 130 foot high rotat servic structur dramat night view space shuttl atlanti kennedi space center launch pad 39a small human figur visibl silhouett emphas structure enorm scale seen roll back thursday shuttl launch rss provid access orbit mission intern space station atlantis payload european space agency columbu scienc laboratory mission three space walk plan attach columbu atlanti expect dock space station today,atlanti,2008-02-09,448,67,0.03,02-09,2,2008,9,8,0,2 0103a6a02c723f2bae56ef91075de6a52f2d306312238fe07b03b0150a1dad0f,none,graviti bend light allow huge cluster galaxi act telescopes almost bright object hubbl space telescop imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact graviti bend focus light galaxi lie behind it result multipl imag background galaxi distort long faint arc simpl lens effect analog view distant street lamp glass wine cluster galaxi abel 2218 three billion lightyear away northern constel dragon draco power massiv cluster telescop allow astronom detect galaxi redshift 558 distant galaxi yet measured young stillmatur galaxi faintli visibl lower right cluster core,abel 2218 galaxi cluster len,2008-02-10,577,86,0.1032467532467532,02-10,2,2008,10,7,2,3 fffa9b3f29487dfe63f43b8070caf2bc8d76b72927de895c0bf5cd01bf96b9b7,none,epimetheu form one yet sure help answer question small moon recent imag great detail robot spacecraft cassini orbit saturn epimetheu sometim orbit saturn front janus anoth small satellite sometim behind image taken last december show surfac cover crater indic great age epimetheu span 115 kilomet across epimetheu enough surfac graviti restructur sphere flatten face epimetheu shown might creat singl larg impact,saturn moon epimetheu cassini spacecraft,2008-02-11,412,61,0.1333333333333333,02-11,2,2008,11,0,1,2 219055d422fbd15911ab4dfe920f2093acf50a1e7ce749e9a1934cc2b37cd034,none,dusti reflect nebula surround pulsat star rs pup 10 time massiv sun averag 15000 time luminous fact rs pup cepheid type variabl class star whose bright use estim distanc nearbi galaxi one first step establish cosmic distanc scale rs pup pulsat period 40 days regular chang bright also seen along nebula delay time effect light echo otherwis overwhelm light rs pup hidden behind dark central stripe color image use new measur time delay angular size nebula known speed light allow astronom geometr determin distanc rs pup 6500 lightyears remark small error plu minu 90 lightyears impress achiev stellar astronomy echomeasur distanc also accur establish true bright rs pup extens cepheid stars improv knowledg distanc galaxi beyond milki way,echo rs pup,2008-02-12,739,118,0.2074810606060606,02-12,2,2008,12,6,2,4 ec16ecdda2f548c190c1eeeee569f2f98bab053e590608e063528210767c9445,none,ngc 1132 one smooth galaxi form ellipt galaxy ngc 1132 littl dust gas star form recently although mani ellipt galaxi cluster galaxies ngc 1132 appear large isol galaxi toward constel river eridanus probe histori intrigu ball astronom imag ngc 1132 visibl light hubbl space telescop xray light chandra xray observatory composit falsecolor image visibl light white xray light blue indic unusu presenc hot gas xray light also like trace locat dark matter one progenitor hypothesi ngc 1132 result seri galaxi merger small group galaxies ngc 1132 300 million light year away light see today left dinosaur roam earth mani fascin background galaxi seen far distance,ellipt galaxi ngc,2008-02-13,659,105,0.1978991596638655,02-13,2,2008,13,7,2,3 622367fdc4f9435a4bfd5ba977d2c54cf0adac9c4e0a6f638883a2784880a4d2,stefan seip,moonlight horizon starri sky northern milki way provid background dramat view world night impos structur foreground hous larg binocular telescop mount arizona inside two meter diamet mirror lbt realli common mount arrang mimick design modest optic equip usual carri around neck exactli portable benefit larg scale binocular configur adopt includ increas sensit singl mirror telescop high resolut imag faint object rel wide field view intern collabor oper lbt observatory,larg telescop,2008-02-16,470,69,-0.1483333333333333,02-16,2,2008,16,8,0,4 955e0f6cea55802570304dc97e0cda1aae83c23f1f7ed7aca68f82c7d2712d71,none,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion image taken hubbl space telescope present three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second,m1 crab nebula hubbl,2008-02-17,396,61,-0.0341666666666666,02-17,2,2008,17,4,0,5 5e213746782c16af3cd705463b82a40136b6a03fb7040625cc49142f97af79ed,none,common planetari system like own perhap quit common first system planet like solar system discov use newli adapt techniqu that far probe six planetari systems technique call gravit microlensing look tell bright chang measur starlight foreground star planet chanc almost directli front distant star distant star light slightli deflect predict way graviti closer system recent detail analysi microlens system relat bright variat two planet similar jupit saturn solar system discoveri carri tantal implic interior planets possibl includ earthlik planets might also common pictur artist concept planetari system might look,distant solar system,2008-02-18,618,89,0.1269230769230769,02-18,2,2008,18,6,2,4 076d0a9079222bf3167b99a229da378251f5315d024fd594050a9e14082edc58,none,intern space station iss equip power new scientif laboratory space shuttl atlanti deliv columbu laboratori iss instal seven meter long modul past week columbu ten rack experi control station columbu control center germany first set experi includ fluid scienc laboratori explor fluid properti micrograv low earth orbit support experi futur columbu experi includ atom clock test minuscul time effect includ expect einstein gener theori relativity pictur above mission specialist han work outsid scientist world may propos carri experi done laboratori ten year mission watch total lunar eclips night feb 2021,space station,2008-02-19,605,90,-0.0011363636363636,02-19,2,2008,19,8,0,4 4c8f0c2bceefc41599a9b1253990c9c11697670f091bfb3dc135c76c82eba432,stefan seip,special filter even telescop requir enjoy leisur lunar eclipse fact watch night side planet earth regular celesti perform entertain mani casual skygazers still eyecatch pictur lunar eclips may look unfamiliar make it astroimag stefan seip set camera tripod lock shutter open total lunar eclips march 3 2007 result imag record trail moon and narrow trail stars slide night reddish hue common total phase lunar eclipse evid along darker slimmer portion moon trail least part tonight lunar eclips visibl clear sky americas europe africa western asia eclips last three hour start finish 50 minut totality tonight eclips last total lunar eclips decemb 2010 lunar eclipse time webcast photo tip,moon slide slim,2008-02-20,692,108,-0.0295238095238095,02-20,2,2008,20,2,2,1 db90c3b8c6299e751f4e49f0919096afadba2c259fff6e4878c216d69c18c798,victor,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl dark indent red emiss nebula seen left center photograph brightest star left locat belt familiar constel orion horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright red emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms also visibl pictur blue reflect nebula preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars,orion horsehead nebula,2008-02-21,516,78,0.0826923076923077,02-21,2,2008,21,4,0,5 0ee73b8c5b6babf88a537e10e9e82309cdbbd5b7c80562bdbf678f4747772f81,catch light,moon watcher bless clear sky americas europe africa western asia enjoy total lunar eclips week catch eclips moonlight astroimag jerri lodriguss offer view inspir celesti event shadow moon accompani wander planet saturn left bright regulus alpha star constel leo above engag composit pictur made combin telephoto imag moon surround starfield telescop exposure combin dramat redden moonlight clearli show variat bright color earth notsodark shadow across lunar surface,eclips moonlight,2008-02-22,466,67,0.2375,02-22,2,2008,22,2,1,1 38cf00881fd326d997e33695ae2dae1f40b19aaf0f6971d2a669a5d9129a9b9e,none,get redblu glass float next intern space station iss planet earth largest artifici moon fun stereo view construct part two separ imag addit background record shuttl orbit atlanti undock iss februari 18 atlanti iss travel 7500 meter per second altitud 350 kilometers shiny 7 meter long modul extend station lower right esa columbu laboratory deliv atlanti instal spacewalk astronauts success 13 day mission iss atlanti land kennedi space center wednesday,stereo space station,2008-02-23,453,70,0.1051020408163265,02-23,2,2008,23,8,1,2 604ef038a14438e35a045533aa4fb85bc62f1df1bfec5f42fdc32c97f126290e,none,two mighti galaxi pull apart known mice long tails spiral galaxi like alreadi pass other probabl collid coalesce long tail creat rel differ gravit pull near far part galaxy distanc large cosmic interact take place slow motion hundr million years ngc 4676 lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel bernice hair coma berenices like member coma cluster galaxies pictur taken hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey sensit imag larger field previou hubbl cameras camera increas sensit imaged serendipitously galaxi far distanc scatter frame,ngc 4676 mice collid,2008-02-24,545,83,-0.0191558441558441,02-24,2,2008,24,7,0,3 014b610842ed83f2d97fb760118c35f66b145998c27a1977fdbf77981b76a1e3,cern,object mass help find out europe cern built larg hadron collid lhc power particl acceler yet creat humans may lhc schedul start smash proton unpreced impact speeds lhc explor lead explan mass aris ordinari particl slog otherwis invis pervas field virtual higg particles high energi collid particl creat real higg bosons higg mechan mass creation may bolstered lhc also look micro black holes magnet monopoles explor possibl everi type fundament particl know nearli invis supersymmetr counterpart lhchome project allow anyon home comput help lhc scientist search archiv lhc data strang beasts pictur above person stand front huge atla detector one six detector attach lhc,dawn larg hadron collid,2008-02-25,670,104,0.1186666666666666,02-25,2,2008,25,8,2,4 e15d3361b66f238fdc2242467545681b24ed0042d42b6159675680809886111e,none,acid haze spread across venus unusu cloud discov last juli esa robot venu express spacecraft current orbit venus bright smooth haze found venu express rich sulfur acid creat unknown process lift water vapor dioxid lower level venus upper atmosphere there sunlight broke molecul apart recombin volatil sulfur cours day last july smooth acid cloud spread south pole venu across half planet falsecolor pictur venu taken last juli 23rd ultraviolet light show unusu haze rel smooth region across imag bottom caus dark streak cloud also yet understood researched,mysteri haze venu,2008-02-26,556,87,0.1613095238095238,02-26,2,2008,26,8,1,1 64aa819a8823ea8e501ab338bc029c0d8d39eb7925d89254e0e28d29f1bd3363,iac daniel,bright blue star still form dark pillar eagl nebula made famou pictur hubbl space telescop 1995 eagl nebula show dramat process star formation pictur taken 08meter telescop canari island captur part m16 open cluster star created high amount detail imag result taken specif color light emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur bright blue star m16 continu form past 5 million years recent famou central ga dust column inform dub pillar creation fairy light take 7000 year reach us m16 span 20 light year seen binocular toward constel serpent serpens,eagl nebula hydrogen oxygen sulfur,2008-02-27,535,87,0.1815384615384615,02-27,2,2008,27,4,1,5 237c8e1930e06259b883ebf8357f7f94205c6d45eabc5ecff01768fad4570df7,till credner,orbit 400000 kilomet earth moon slid earth shadow begin last week total lunar eclipse cours intern space station iss slide earth shadow everi 90 minutes time take complet one orbit altitud 400 kilometers record near sunset februari 7 look toward north composit 70 exposur show trail iss with gap move left right citi southern germany begin sunlight left iss vanish enter earth shadow far right northeastern horizon seen passag took 4 minutes click imag download timelaps anim file base individu exposur includ plane fli along horizon,iss sunlight shadow,2008-02-28,533,86,-0.0028571428571428,02-28,2,2008,28,2,0,1 dcbba2b78a08d05723fbdfc312dbb33109e58fe9daf7010187ab6cd37366c309,tunç tezel,welcom extra day gregorian leap year celebrate consid grid lunar eclips pictur start leap year 1996 end february eclips date numer format beneath image mostli base visibl site turkey 3x4 matrix includ 11 13 total lunar eclips period fill grid partial lunar eclips septemb 2006 still pictur scale illustr notic variat appar size eclips moon caus real chang earthmoon distanc around moon ellipt orbit total phase also seen differ color darkness effect due chang cloud cover dust content atmospher redden refract sunlight earth shadow course next chanc add total lunar eclips grid come end decade,lunar eclips,2008-02-29,595,95,-0.0916666666666666,02-29,2,2008,29,2,0,1 31f5ccd1662a502c2d3a922af649d7e6700f523a639370d53fc522d418b29510,alex,opposit set sun moon rose hawaiian island februari 20 view near 14000 foot peak volcan mauna kea big island popular spot astronomers offer remark play shadow sunlight snowi cinder cone foreground moon lie within shadow cast mountain shadow extend across lower cloud deck earth dens atmosphere lunar eclips draw close curv shadow limb planet earth also trace across moon surface 400000 kilomet away,mauna kea shadow play,2008-03-01,398,63,0.3249999999999999,03-01,3,2008,1,2,1,1 4b7c0586ffb6b6755373c88a88b69f34733ac3e7d20560cbe067571d25a7b11b,a dimai col drusci obsaac,comet halebopp great comet 1997 becam much brighter surround stars seen even bright citi lights away citi lights however put quit spectacular show comet halebopp photograph val parola pass dolomit mountain surround cortina dampezzo italy comet halebopp blue ion tail consist ion comet nucleus push solar wind white dust tail compos larger particl dust nucleu driven pressur sunlight orbit behind comet observ show comet halebopp nucleu spin everi 12 hours,comet halebopp val parola pass,2008-03-02,455,70,0.2375,03-02,3,2008,2,3,1,1 be2928f608e2a2a47e3a09198ad7a16b8df4c0ed7f6dbbd2b98e1ac548205dac,none,strang shape mars defrost sand dunes spring dawn northern hemispher mars dune sand near pole pictur above begin thaw carbon dioxid water ice actual sublim thin atmospher directli gas thinner region ice typic defrost first reveal sand whose dark soak sunlight acceler thaw process might even involv sandi jet explod thin ice summer spot expand encompass entir dunes martian north pole ring mani similar field barchan sand dunes whose strange smooth arc shape persist martian winds,sand dune thaw mar,2008-03-03,479,76,-0.025,03-03,3,2008,3,5,0,1 70964a4fbb685dc54319b72c27d2ca82412f6fa0d4b4db8d5c604166e28788c0,t a rector,nebula perhap famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble still known cat could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years pictur above end cat paw nebula imag blanco 4meter telescop chile,ngc 6334 cat paw nebula,2008-03-04,378,64,0.0249999999999999,03-04,3,2008,4,4,0,5 7db3c9bc240d72ba77b5583bf3aa5c7047bb919297e26c1cf12b386d3983b156,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear again last month space shuttl orbit atlanti visit iss ad compon includ columbu scienc laboratory entir array expans solar panel visibl pictur taken atlanti crew leav iss return earth world foremost space outpost seen develop past sever year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm anoth impress set solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998,intern space station expand,2008-03-05,425,68,-0.1666666666666666,03-05,3,2008,5,8,0,2 2ae068afaf47627c95fd5eacb264b91e92171a72c0e00a0a671154a0b73c6908,robert gendler,plane milki way galaxi run complex beauti skyscape northwestern edg constel vela the sails 16 degre wide 30 frame mosaic center glow filament vela supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star light supernova explos creat vela remnant reach earth 11000 year ago addit shock filament glow gas cosmic catastroph also left behind incred dense rotat stellar core vela pulsar 800 lightyear distant vela remnant like embed larger older supernova remnant gum nebula broad mosaic includ identifi emiss reflect nebulae star clusters remark pencil nebula,vela supernova remnant,2008-03-06,560,86,-0.0109848484848484,03-06,3,2008,6,4,0,5 02d933f20a48dfc492c7c522c9f449b20fa8d3c3a08e84603452075fcb0581a2,pm hedén,still grace northern skies fade comet holm lie top edg color skyview record march 4 reddish emiss nebula ngc 1499 also known california nebula resembl outlin state us west coast course two cosmic cloud chanc lie along nearli lineofsight appear close togeth similar size california nebula actual 100 lightyear long 1500 lightyear away drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy comet holm 20 lightsecond diameter sweep solar system mere 25 lightminut away beyond orbit mars molecul comet gaseou coma fluoresc sunlight california nebula glow characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons origin strip away ionized ultraviolet starlight provid energet starlight xi persei promin star nebula,comet california,2008-03-07,694,105,-0.0285714285714285,03-07,3,2008,7,4,2,5 4d91ea4569b606274a3d3e9917aa74121858cc21e8c385b0510150717d9e8de8,vicent peri,strike spiral galaxi m104 famou nearli edgeon profil featur broad ring obscur dust seen silhouett bright bulg stars swath cosmic dust lane lend hatlik appear galaxi optic imag suggest popular moniker sombrero galaxy here hubbl space telescop archiv imag data reprocess creat altern look wellknown galaxy newli develop process visibl detail otherwis lost overwhelm glare case allow featur galaxy dust lane follow well bright central region 50000 lightyear across 28 million lightyear away m104 one largest galaxi southern edg virgo galaxi cluster,hubbl remix,2008-03-08,545,82,0.34375,03-08,3,2008,8,7,1,4 23d24bc765b8d570bb16e7e49240d6d8aac60754f2b1e702463e924a796c782b,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group galaxies local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel cosmic microwav background radiat cmbr allski map cobe satellite radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there,cmbr dipole speed univers,2008-03-09,500,78,0.0143333333333333,03-09,3,2008,9,6,0,3 15c241fd9447bb62ff6a5fd4c930b8b19130af18fabc9f4de23153e22f65c88f,l white ,last week mercury venus moon appear close togeth earth sky picturesqu conjunct caught camera behind element australia telescop compact array atca near town rural new south consist six radio telescop total one larger house togeth form one highest resolut measur devic world impress planetari conjunct occur everi years involv brightest object night sky align easi spot sunrise picture taken morn march 6 mercuri highest three bright celesti beacons,planet australian radio telescop array,2008-03-10,447,68,0.0670454545454545,03-10,3,2008,10,8,0,1 3602cda28c698e312174743596cecea8f992cec6a1e3a25820f0357b222141c1,none,caus sudden cloud dust mars first imag progress anoth planet record last month mar nasa robot mar reconnaiss orbiter visibl picture digit sever layer white ice thaw red rock darker color toward right indic martian soil mix lesser amount ice cliff 700 meter high fall ice crash rais plume ice dust thick cast visibl shadows scarp slope grade greater 60 degrees entir scene illumin upper right sun thaw occur spring northern hemispher mars warm climat caus solid carbon dioxid ice sublim directli vapor studi allow planetari geologist better understand soil configur mars,mar,2008-03-11,569,92,0.1520952380952381,03-11,3,2008,11,5,2,2 8f914e97af1b33a86363febb50bb83144a859766a424e292ada7668c5f886b95,none,star form better understand complex chaotic process astronom use hubbl space telescop imag unpreced detail star form region lh 95 nearbi larg magellan cloud galaxy usual brightest bluest massiv star star form region visible imag taken high resolut specif color mani recent form star yellow dim less massiv also discernable also visibl scientif color imag blue sheen diffus hydrogen ga heat young stars dark dust creat star supernova explosions studi locat abund lower mass star star form region around molecular cloud help uncov condit present formed lh 95 span 150 light year lie 160000 light year away toward southern constel swordfish dorado,star form region,2008-03-12,644,102,0.0528888888888888,03-12,3,2008,12,6,2,5 0176412ae8b68aa45aef0ae0865504d5effeb31d2e5c7dccad4f35f5b4121f47,none,carinae one massiv unstabl star milki way galaxy profound effect environment found south pillar region carina nebula fantast pillar glow dust ga embed newborn star sculpt intens wind radiat eta carina massiv stars glow brightli planet earth southern sky expans eta carina nebula mere 10000 lightyear distant still remark cosmic vista larg obscur nebular dust reveal penetr infrar light spitzer space telescope eta carina top left falsecolor image brighttip dust pillar point suggest toward massiv star position spitzer imag span almost 200 lightyear distanc eta carinae,sculpt south pillar,2008-03-13,569,86,0.0547619047619047,03-13,3,2008,13,4,0,5 4b4e663f49f2d9dc275cb8aeb4db19dd78c66d9bcfd12698073ae67a9f141d5a,none,blast dark night sky space shuttl endeavour began latest journey orbit earli morn hour march 11 stun pictur follow launch glare endeavour three main rocket engin flank solid fuel booster rocket illumin orbiter tail section large orang extern fuel embark mission endeavour left kennedi space center pad 39a crew seven astronaut intern space station iss cargo includ first section japan aerospac explor agency kibo laboratori canadian space agency twoarm robot system astronaut conduct seri space walk instal new equip 16day mission longest shuttl mission iss,endeavour night,2008-03-14,557,85,0.113035113035113,03-14,3,2008,14,8,0,2 048edd2f03ba039333d30f0a30665fc0bb35e3b57eaca6d4978fddf84af63139,tunç tezel,hide near sun slender crescent moon difficult reward sight look right scroll right spot one twilight panorama across along skylin histor citi record march 8 moon mere 22 hour young thin curv edg moon illumin surfac visibl pois western sky sunset wall palac built sultan ii 15th centuri citi capit byzantin welllit dome build immedi left palac famou exampl byzantin museum still farther left sultan,moon,2008-03-15,397,65,-0.0628571428571428,03-15,3,2008,15,2,0,1 fb4f1726b44bf9c1d011c87064f5b44d665259215bc9fa35de9e6c2c522e4e88,jame n,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description exhaust column pictur space shuttl endeavour last week night launch visit intern space station endeavour rocket engin creat dramat glow clouds stand start two million kilogram rocket ship left circl earth outsid air thin breath littl notic onboard gravity rocket bound space launch somewher earth week,endeavour orbit,2008-03-16,481,75,-0.0258333333333333,03-16,3,2008,16,8,0,2 ca9bb70c42d3392a837dc2364340d83dbf09ebde7d77e447cf53938ac5f98242,none,surfac saturn icespew moon enceladu look like help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn sent soar past cryovolcan moon even right one enceladus ice plumes cassini close 52 kilomet closest encount date unprocess imag taken look north 30000 kilomet away visibl least two type terrain first type terrain crater occur near enceladus south pole type terrain crater mani ridg groov may creat tecton activity exogeologist current pore cassini imag last wednesday flybi better understand moon patchwork surface unusu potenti support life cassini schedul fli enceladu least nine times includ even closer pass 25 kilomet come october,thousand kilomet enceladu,2008-03-17,633,97,0.0317460317460317,03-17,3,2008,17,0,2,2 e1f3bed336399c709edea73fff7625a14de9c6347270fab530e9ffb9b7869a0f,martin pugh,eeri blue glow omin column dark dust highlight m78 bright reflect nebula constel orion dark filamentari dust absorb light also reflect light sever bright blue star form recent nebula two reflect nebula pictur above famou nebula m78 upper right ngc 2071 seen lower left type scatter color daytim sky enhanc blue color m78 five lightyear across visibl small telescope m78 appear 1600 year ago however long take light go here m78 belong larger orion molecular cloud complex contain great nebula orion horsehead nebula arthur c clark 19172008,m78 reflect dust cloud orion,2008-03-18,538,87,0.1392857142857143,03-18,3,2008,18,4,1,5 d54219749e75276a30a6adb6ce09b5092cf7679daf4fcd168944440ac7610bd7,none,color mercuri subtl beautiful first glance solar system innermost planet appear simpli black white imag includ infrar color normal beyond human vision accentu world detail one image shown above acquir robot messeng spacecraft swung mercuri midjanuary here generally hot world slightli brown hue mani crater appear top crater sure form recent appear bright bright ray includ slightli blue tint indic soil impact light color craters huge calori basin impact featur visibl upper right appear unexpectedli ring dark material natur researched messeng continu glide inner solar system pass mercuri octob next september enter orbit around desol world 2011 arthur c clark 19172008,mercuri color,2008-03-19,674,101,0.2223356009070295,03-19,3,2008,19,8,2,4 e334435474b23acad597e82f5e415aa500f52a23bc445d2a2211e4e9c87e8bc9,none,today sun cross celesti equat head north ut known equinox geocentr astronom event mark first day spring northern hemispher autumn south equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earth dweller experi nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness course north day grow longer sun march higher sky summer approaches celebr equinox consid color view set sun record last june intern space station sun limb still peek distant horizon seen earth orbit cloud appear silhouett sunlight redden dust dens lower atmosphere molecul tenuou upper atmospher preferenti scatter blue light,planet earth,2008-03-20,569,88,0.04875,03-20,3,2008,20,1,0,1 3220919ec8a1244436cf03bb601ceb4a128b1ce9c54b92bfc95bd91bb2d050e5,none,star catalog hd 189733 mere 63 lightyear away locat indic deep wideangl imag sky center northern constel cygnus consid mani bright stars nebulae star cluster region familiar skygazers hd 189733 may seem remarkable known least one hot jupiters planet orbit close impress short period 22 days planet regularli eclips parent star astronom studi starlight pass directli planet atmospher identifi molecul spectroscopy follow discoveri water vapor planetari atmosphere astronom report hubbl space telescop data also indic signatur methan excit result first detect organ molecul planet orbit anoth star although hd planet consid hot inhospit support life work step toward measur condit chemistri extrasolar planet life could exist,hd,2008-03-21,723,106,0.1522727272727272,03-21,3,2008,21,6,2,3 fddd7bb29a9da8a4127def36d61c78f57841279dec604cb83066e930e7d548f9,vicent peri,stare across interstellar space allur cat eye nebula lie three thousand lightyear earth one famou planetari nebula sky cat eye ngc 6543 half lightyear across repres final brief yet gloriou phase life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc simple outer pattern dusti concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful complex inner structur well understood here hubbl space telescop archiv imag data reprocess creat anoth look cosmic cat eye compar wellknown hubbl pictures altern process strive improv detail light dark area nebula also appli complex color palette course gaze cat eye astronom may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,cat eye hubbl remix,2008-03-22,707,110,0.0277777777777777,03-22,3,2008,22,4,2,4 83d70dd0ad83afbc30665c6cb10a1ecb721d1daa80629590778c7b6c05fe0945,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form possibl look right cloud infrar light,molecular cloud barnard 68,2008-03-23,552,87,0.0604919323101141,03-23,3,2008,23,4,0,5 f05514eb2cb884c0b2175619b958bf6ca34858c1d4a696e95fece972ba666541,none,spectacular vista saturn moon continu record cassini spacecraft launch earth 1997 robot cassini enter orbit around saturn 2004 revolution much humanity knowledg saturn expans complex rings mani old batter moons soon reach saturn cassini releas huygen probe land titan saturn largest moon send back unpreced pictur titan opaqu cloud decks recent radar imag titan cassini indic flat region like lake liquid methane indic complex weather system like rain chemic similar pictur above magnific saturn enigmat titan imag togeth true color cassini earlier year,saturn titan cassini,2008-03-24,553,83,0.0520833333333333,03-24,3,2008,24,0,0,2 c5bff6655f84431a8580d00077e4d28438232b5d24c1a37994e1cee5d4c1e800,none,left surround blue spiral arms spiral galaxi m81 right mark red ga dust clouds irregular galaxi m82 stun vista show two mammoth galaxi lock gravit combat past billion years graviti galaxi dramat affect hundr millionyear pass last goround m82 graviti like rais densiti wave rippl around m81 result rich m81 spiral arms m81 left m82 violent star form region collid ga cloud energet galaxi glow xrays billion year one galaxi remain,galaxi wars m81 versu m82,2008-03-25,428,71,-0.0432539682539682,03-25,3,2008,25,7,0,3 68137d83e4fe006a520d4ddbd8a126214d73f91a8dc4b57a398e76257479d636,ken crawford,intrigu beauti nebula ngc 3576 drift sagittariu arm spiral milki way galaxy within region episod star format thought contribut complex suggest shapes power wind nebula embedded young massiv star shape loop filaments dramat falsecolor imag also highlight contribut hydrogen sulfur oxygen energ intens ultraviolet radiation nebular glow glow also silhouett dens cloud dust gas example two condens dark cloud near top pictur offer potenti site format new stars ngc 3576 100 lightyear across 9000 lightyear away southern constel carina far sky famou eta carina nebula near left edg pictur ngc 3603 much larger distant star form region,ngc nebula,2008-03-26,630,97,0.040530303030303,03-26,3,2008,26,4,2,5 9545c4975d3ed8f81d31e20b97eee600f8f27b91b44a2debcb5e3a4e5cfc072c,goldman,truli giant complex emiss nebulae n44 1000 lightyear across shine southern sky denizen neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud 170000 lightyear away wind intens radiat hot young lumin star n44 excit sculpt filament streamer glow nebular gas supernova death explos massiv short live star also like contribut region enormous blownout shapes cluster young star seen near center lie superbubbl nearli 250 lightyear across detailed falsecolor view intric structur code emiss hydrogen oxygen sulfur shade blue green,n44 complex,2008-03-27,507,75,0.0347402597402597,03-27,3,2008,27,4,0,5 f893cbfdd12b55f3ece49c999f21a11427fe534a6bd9b661f82b1fae7f0d35f2,none,far see even faintest star visibl eye mere hundr thousand lightyear distant well within milki way galaxy course know look also spot andromeda galaxi pale fuzzi cloud around 25 million lightyear away stare toward northern constel boot march 19th even without binocular telescop still could wit faint brief flash light gammaray burst sourc burst discov lie halfway across univers distanc 75 billion lightyears hold distinct distant object could seen unaid eye intrins brightest object ever detected cosmic explos estim 25 million time lumin brightest known supernova monster burst identifi locat orbit swift satellite enabl rapid distanc measur followup observ larg groundbas telescopes fade afterglow gammaray burster catalog shown two panel xray left ultraviolet light right,across univers,2008-03-28,774,115,0.0063095238095238,03-28,3,2008,28,6,2,3 44a32c39d20cc8a6b8e96bb381a84b0375444abc8f7e532079a042fc4916c0c0,panther observatori,50 million lightyear distant spiral galaxi ngc 2841 found northern constel ursa major sharp view gorgeou island univers show strike yellow nucleu galact disk tightli wound spiral arms ngc 2841 diamet 150000 lightyears even larger milki way galaxy galaxy dust lane turbul starform region found along spiral arms xray imag suggest result wind stellar explos creat plume hot ga extend halo around ngc 2841 course promin star spiki appear pictur close foreground object within milki way associ ngc 2841,spiral galaxi ngc 2841,2008-03-29,498,79,0.0482142857142857,03-29,3,2008,29,7,0,3 2f9b25c4f414867afb2b40c51a0c794390415cc0d710b80e7149c2a58b328991,none,distant univers realli appear be astronom hope not interven dark matter normal invisible might show presenc distort imag origin distant universe much way old window distort imag origin side note degre background galaxi appear unusu flat unusu similar neighbors dark matter distribut produc weak gravit lens distort estimated analysi shape 200000 distant galaxi imag canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht indic presenc massiv network distribut dark matter futur result may even abl discern detail distribution comput gener simul imag show dark matter shown red distort light path appar shape distant galaxies depict blue,weak lens distort univers,2008-03-30,614,90,-0.0323529411764705,03-30,3,2008,30,7,0,4 2376c29bdd2816cbeb3d0aea0ffe71abef89f31d9152e7a9b95f725c272b1a75,none,could life exist beneath enceladus recent flybi saturn ici moon bolster fascin idea two year ago imag robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn led astronom conclus saturn moon enceladu spew fountain ga ice crystal crack surfac dub tiger stripes last month cassini dove plume determin contain water vapor lace small amount methan well simpl complex organ molecules surprisingly plume enceladu appear similar makeup mani comets what more temperatur densiti plume indic might origin warmer sourc possibl liquid sourc beneath surface liquid water sea contain organ molecul good place look life pictur vertic exagger closeup long vent tiger stripes comput composit gener imag shadow taken recent cassini flybys nine flybi enceladu cassini planned,close tiger stripe,2008-03-31,740,111,0.1299999999999999,03-31,3,2008,31,0,2,4 81a35f92b912798c2aafe90578af85746c0f6c6c9b616895c0fb52894f5ade00,none,surpris potenti new space station robot known dextr astronaut refer futur power tool would make mobil servic system human creat promis gloriou futur human would retain import role new robot happi april fool day folk apod classic fabl human mistakenli creat technolog date back includ famou terminator dextre although real sinc comput intellig mainli gear toward allow astronaut control remotely dextr deploy last month help build servic intern space station seen picture dextr truli technolog wield long arm capabl handl small tool larg modul precis,new space station robot,2008-04-01,549,85,0.0199494949494949,04-01,4,2008,1,8,0,4 5018e88dd6ce824532b9f3e78b540ea4f09d1bdb1e31e24bf7d560a877ea8601,jeancharlescuillandr,fiftyfifth entri charl messier catalog m55 larg love globular cluster around 100000 stars 20000 lightyear away constel sagittarius m55 appear earthbound observ nearli 23 size full moon globular star cluster like m55 roam halo milki way galaxi gravit bound popul star known much older stellar group found galact disk astronom make detail studi globular cluster star accur measur cluster age distances result ultim constrain age univers must older star provid fundament rung astronom distanc ladder stun color imag made 36 meter cfht telescop span 100 lightyear across globular cluster m55,globular cluster cfht,2008-04-02,588,90,0.2866666666666667,04-02,4,2008,2,6,1,3 69f88939a113872c61f1223b7aa396223532b10fbeb8edfea534e8dccd9ee253,panther observatori,tantal array nebula star found 2 degre south famou starform orion nebula region abound energet young star produc jet outflow push surround materi speed hundr kilomet per second interact creat lumin shock wave known herbigharo hh objects example graceful flow arc right center catalog hh 222 also call waterfal nebula seen waterfall hh 401 distinct cone shape bright bluish nebula left center ngc 1999 dusti cloud reflect light embed variabl star entir cosmic vista span 30 lightyears near edg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant,south orion,2008-04-03,545,86,0.1071428571428571,04-03,4,2008,3,4,0,5 df5d6077dff8dc6f021d98b60f3560b1b14949874ed3f9a028544b9bbb5f388b,none,first glanc undul shape shade blue might look like wave ocean seen falsecolor imag mar reconnaiss orbiter hiris camera actual layer rock outcrop found aureum chaos larger aureum chao region chaotic jumbl erod terrain eastern part mars immens canyon vall marineris distinct layer compos outcrop could laid dust volcan ash settl atmosphere sand carri martian winds sediment deposit floor ancient lake closeup view otherwis red planet span 4 kilometers distanc might walk flat ground less hour,layer,2008-04-04,490,76,0.0447916666666666,04-04,4,2008,4,5,0,1 756ede30d8525e9cd8401a4f74d7bb4030ff09a8067cf0f76899b2e9ba17ca86,none,bright edg planet earth fade dark space background view jule vern extraordinari voyage snap last monday pictur show european space agency autom transfer vehicl atv name 19th centuri scienc fiction writer rehears autonom dock capabl approach intern space station use laser guid rendezv system jule vern dock smoothli safe orbit station thursday deliv 7500 pound equipment supplies fuel cylindr bodi robot cargo spacecraft 45 meter diamet meter long solar array span meters jule vern schedul remain dock august provid reboost space station atv,jule vern orbit,2008-04-05,541,83,0.1666666666666666,04-05,4,2008,5,8,1,2 2ffbc65022f37876d4ba76e4d9e58d4851ce6a0b5af3f8cc33d8a00ba2cab36c,star shadow remot observatori,famou horsehead nebula orion alone deep exposur show dark familiar shape indentation visibl center part vast complex absorb dust glow gas bring detail horsehead pasture amateur astronom star shadow remot observatori new mexico usa fix small telescop region seven hour filter specif color red light emit hydrogen ad imag full color frame taken three hours result spectacular pictur detail intric tapestri gaseou wisp dustladen filament creat sculpt eon stellar wind ancient supernovas horsehead nebula lie 1500 light year distant toward constel orion two star orion belt found image,wisp surround horsehead nebula,2008-04-06,581,88,0.0850852272727272,04-06,4,2008,6,4,2,5 07e78c8bfd3cfda650704f1f83fc1260cee25efd5707a529f583bbe31d808e61,none,caus unusu white rock format mars intrigu possibl could salt deposit left ancient lakeb driedup detail studi finger indic correct light materi appear erod away surround area indic lowdens composition possibl consist volcan ash windblown dust stark contrast rock surround sand compound unusu darkness pictur taken mar express spacecraft current orbit mars planetari scientist among others follow curios unusu martian landform fascin investig describ planetari societi mysteri white rock span 15 kilomet across insid larger crater span 100 kilometers,mysteri white rock finger mar,2008-04-07,548,79,0.0285714285714285,04-07,4,2008,7,5,0,4 199f69cbf168b074de33f128868ff361427059b3effff4eb4197977d85f20ae9,stphane guisard,recogn belt orion image familiar trio stars visibl unaid eye found across upper left otherwise southern part constel orion taken new look unusu deep wide view first note lower left belt star alnitak easternmost star orion belt left alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes directli alnitak close inspect reveal horsehead nebula farther right orion nebula m42 visibl unaid eye brightest star frame near bottom right rigel bright blue star rigel illumin omin shape dust patch known witch head nebula visibl blue reflect nebula near lower right corner finally appear vast red ring encompass entir region barnard loop human could see entir eye 10000 time,southern orion belt witch,2008-04-08,672,108,0.1236877705627705,04-08,4,2008,8,4,2,5 ba7f948b841d4fbd6eaa747abf3f0737ffb811c78a59dcb34f0d9d13db42e326,yuri beletskyeso,spiral galaxy no actually larg magellan cloud lmc largest satellit galaxi milki way galaxy lmc classifi dwarf irregular galaxi normal chaotic appearance deep wide exposure however full extent lmc becom visible surprisingly longer exposures lmc begin resembl bar spiral galaxy larg magellan cloud lie 180000 lightyear distant toward constel dorado span 15000 lightyears lmc site sn1987a brightest closest supernova modern times togeth small magellan cloud smc lmc seen earth southern hemispher unaid eye,larg magellan cloud deep field,2008-04-09,502,73,0.095,04-09,4,2008,9,7,0,3 183c14b8ea9ad9d230102fcd599c2216644474f4ab5609fdda16882462776bd9,pixheavennet,first see it search binocular along cloudi western horizon near sunset photograph laurent laved final spot delic lunar crescent captur dramat pictur april 6th bretagne france moon 15 hour 38 minut old slight irregular sunlit arc open upward dark cloud bank near pictur center course crescent moon earli even sky love sight often enjoy many find moon slim crescent still less 24 hour past new moon phase requir care time planning challeng project even experienc observers 08 percent moon disk appear illuminated laved note youngest moon spot twenti year skygaz also offer anim base imag tantal celesti scene,see moon,2008-04-11,606,98,0.0266488413547237,04-11,4,2008,11,2,2,1 29989c19cdb5de2649e2c00616045b946afdfa32090f108db1fb5cac2af6b28d,none,april 12th 1961 soviet cosmonaut yuri alexseyevich gagarin becam first human space remot control vostok 1 spacecraft loft altitud 200 mile carri around planet earth comment first view space reported the sky dark earth bluish everyth seen clearly alan shepard first us astronaut would launch almost month later compar short suborbit flight born march 9 1934 gagarin militari pilot chosen first group cosmonaut 1960 result histor flight becam intern hero legend kill mig jet crash train flight march 27 1968 gagarin given hero funeral ash inter kremlin wall yet anoth april 12th 1981 nasa launch first space shuttle,yuri planet,2008-04-12,613,98,0.12,04-12,4,2008,12,8,2,2 6cc69eb8669413f8b069c022929752b68ee63ccf69aa46faee90ac2dce08ebd5,none,caus unusu knot ga dust planetari nebulas seen also ring nebula dumbbel nebula ngc 2392 knots exist initi predict origin still well understood pictur fascin imag helix nebula hubbl space telescop show tremend detail mysteri gaseou knots cometari knot mass similar earth radii typic sever time orbit pluto one hypothesi fragment evolut knot includ exist ga driven less dens highli energet stellar wind central evolv star helix nebula closest exampl planetari nebula creat end life sunlik star helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 700 lightyear away toward constel aquarius,curiou cometari knot helix nebula,2008-04-13,581,91,0.0208333333333333,04-13,4,2008,13,4,0,5 b49ca35cae85a26237f74270138899d2b4fe2ca5d43183509f88412ba2d21c5f,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin main asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system larger moon phobos inde seen cratered asteroidlik object stun color imag mar reconnaiss orbiter record resolut seven meter per pixel phobo orbit close mar 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down 100 million year phobo like shatter stress caus relentless tidal forces debri form decay ring around mars,phobos doom moon mar,2008-04-14,559,91,-0.0269841269841269,04-14,4,2008,14,5,0,2 7148a8ae3c4c741861483fda8d8d5da83089d7d70c118325dcecf20287ac3d06,clear sky,night sky enthusiast relax sweden last week mani cosmic wonder captur singl snapshot describ near far foreground nearbi tree distant snow cover mountains silhouette cloud seen horizon care eye even discern distant green red aurora occur earth upper atmosphere red emiss nebula dot sky includ heart soul nebulas ic 1396 north america nebula run diagon upper left lower right majest glow band milki way galaxy central distant everyth appear two million year ago andromeda galaxy visibl horizon toward lower left,sky sweden,2008-04-15,509,80,-0.0009523809523809,04-15,4,2008,15,6,0,1 c1c946865219b5b0494cda1e72436da238f0ab49ee6dcff013792756634b2bd8,dan lowel obs,sky protected yesterday mark 50 year anniversari first light ever restrict searchlight sweep night sky flagstaff arizona usa flagstaff enjoy statu first intern dark sky city maintain light code limit light majest nighttim view current dark sky flagstaff enabl local astronom decod univers allow local sky enthusiast see enjoy tapestri contempl previous everi human generation image point east north taken two week ago 3 fort valley 10 kilomet central visibl spectacular panorama san francisco peak lenticular cloud far distance plane milki way galaxi arc diagon lower left upper right highlight constel cassiopeia cepheus cygnus far right north america nebula visibl bright star deneb,night sky,2008-04-16,684,103,0.1784679089026915,04-16,4,2008,16,6,2,4 c25ef3d41ebcbc742e2973b74c76ffe655484029a65ff563f6e02bdb3a106751,toni halla,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 25 million lightyear distant loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across size milki way known popular moniker sunflow galaxy m63 sport bright yellowish core sweep blue spiral arms streak cosmic dust lane dot pink star form regions deep exposur also show remark faint loop extens galaxy spiral arms domin member known galaxi group m63 faint extend featur could result gravit interact nearbi galaxies m63 also shine across electromagnet spectrum thought undergon burst intens star formation,messier 63 sunflow galaxi,2008-04-17,592,90,0.1133333333333333,04-17,4,2008,17,7,2,3 dd83f5af31d7d3009fd3484ed22491b9b62322af04a8fdfc1d8872df29efc23f,steve crouch,bright nebula abound around expans southern constel centaurus one catalog ic 29482944 near star lambda centauri just top far sky better known eta carina nebula embed reddish glow cloud hydrogen gas typic emiss nebula found massiv starform regions energet young star cluster collind 249 seen silhouett near top view small dark cloud obscur cosmic dust call thackeray globul discoverer potenti site format new stars like erod intens radiat nearbi young stars course gaze center region suggest ic popular name run chicken nebula gorgeou skyscap span 70 lightyear nebula estim 6000 lightyear distance,ic run chicken nebula,2008-04-18,597,92,0.1460227272727272,04-18,4,2008,18,4,2,5 d02c3729bdcab9773ca732062467b7d6251f719b38ad3313976c95f5fe1ee17d,abolfath,grip astronom spring fever mani northern hemispher stargaz embark messier marathon complet marathon requir view 110 object 18th centuri french astronom charl messier catalog one gloriou dusktodawn observ run daunt sounds often favor weekend date complet task fall nearli moonless night near march equinox colorful six hour long time exposur group dedic run year messier marathon includ celesti star trail along terrestri light trail 200 amateur astronomers record isolated ancient palac northern iran nation park astronom former messier marathon organ babak tafreshi offer intrigu timelaps movi file event,run messier marathon,2008-04-19,605,88,0.0714285714285714,04-19,4,2008,19,6,2,4 0d938c5b9722eed19311eeb38d553ac6c0a5700057ad0a6e72afe0eb76eafe6d,none,billion year now one two galaxi remain then spiral galaxi ngc 2207 ic 2163 slowli pull apart creat tide matter sheet shock gas lane dark dust burst star formation stream castaway stars astronom predict ngc 2207 larger galaxi left eventu incorpor ic 2163 smaller galaxi right recent encount peak 40 million year ago smaller galaxi swing around counterclockwise slightli behind larger galaxy space star vast galaxi collide star usual collide,spiral galaxi collis,2008-04-20,439,70,-0.0467532467532467,04-20,4,2008,20,7,0,3 eeb26406d53635631c62f164f79bdf270dd964cb65279eccb1cbf3bf501b1a12,none,bacteriophag earth form small virus clearli form life sinc attach bacteria complet dormant bacteriophag attack eat bacteria like 3 billion year ago although initi discov earli last century tremend abund phage realiz recent found singl drop common seawat typic contain million them phage like least billion billion time numer humans pictur electron dozen bacteriophag attach singl phage small would take million laid span even one abil kill bacteria make phage potenti bacteria caus human although bacteriophag yet well enough understood wide spread medic use,common form earth,2008-04-21,559,84,-0.1333333333333333,04-21,4,2008,21,8,0,4 2f782391b26ef8f2d430a618a8f46f7bf2748e70ef57a9463329b60406f3db9c,jeancharl cuillandr,interstellar beast form cosmic dust ga interact energet light wind hot young stars shape visual texture color combin give region popular name fox fur nebula characterist blue glow left dust reflect light bright star mon beyond left edg image mottl pink brown area combin cosmic dust reddish emiss ioniz hydrogen gas mon part young open cluster stars ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel monoceros north cone nebula,fox fur nebula cfht,2008-04-22,428,70,0.2035714285714285,04-22,4,2008,22,4,1,5 989f777cbdf57d48b70b95baf42da02f399a74a794183518c356e6ba352e85ca,serg brunier,windswept peak mauna kea big island hawaii view world night could look like this altitud 13500 feet mountain top silhouet stun skyscap record near dusk earli decemb 2005 volcan peak rise sea storm cloud illumin bright moon planet venu set near moon brilliant even star scene also includ faint milki band galaxy disk star cosmic dust cloud stretch horizon sky along right edg frame,cloud,2008-04-23,380,64,0.2607142857142857,04-23,4,2008,23,6,1,1 421344887fa0a3a7c390bc310d58d5dfed02c1b2c88023872c758425d36a86ce,igor chekalin,sky full hydrogen though take sensit camera telescop see it example twelvedegreewid view northern part constel cygnu reveal cosmic cloud hydrogen ga along plane milki way galaxy mosaic telescop imag record halpha filter transmit visibl red light glow hydrogen atoms digit process remov left pointlik milki way star scene though bright deneb alpha star cygnu head northern cross remain near top center recogniz bright nebula includ ngc 7000 north america nebula ic 5070 pelican nebula upper left ic 1318 butterfli nebula ngc 6888 crescent nebula lower right other found throughout wide field want star slide cursor picture,cygnu without star,2008-04-24,622,97,0.1807142857142857,04-24,4,2008,24,4,2,5 888377f5ea4dfdd344577b8396aaba875942f7fecc2ad3e0605be07581d43206,robert gendler,tarantula nebula 1000 lightyear diamet giant star form region within neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc cosmic arachnid lie upper left expans mosiac cover part lmc 6000 lightyear across within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula violent starform region young star clusters filament bubbleshap clouds small expand remnant supernova 1987a closest supernova modern history locat near center view rich field wide four full moon sky locat southern constel dorado,tarantula zone,2008-04-26,600,87,0.0140624999999999,04-26,4,2008,26,4,0,5 f534f083c85499602a3da2a63ddb407cd1f411b65042add21baee51a4614d097,none,caus unusu structur near center galaxy long parallel ray slant across top radio imag known collect galact center radio arc jut straight galact plane radio arc connect galact center strang curv filament known arches bright radio structur bottom right like surround black hole galact center known sagittariu a one origin hypothesi hold radio arc arch geometri contain hot plasma flow along line constant magnet field imag chandra xray observatori appear show plasma collid nearbi cloud cold gas,galact center radio arc,2008-04-27,492,77,0.0546031746031746,04-27,4,2008,27,6,0,3 78c7f0488939e3cf96ce986e36b6831d3ce43dd06cb87048eda60132983978ef,t a rector,what happen ngc 3582 nebula bright star interest molecul forming complex nebula resid star form region call rcw 57 visibl imag dens knot dark interstellar dust bright star form past million years field glow hydrogen ga ioniz stars great loop ga expel die stars recent detail studi ngc 3582 uncov least 33 massiv star end stage formation clear presenc complex carbon molecul known polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs pah thought creat cool ga star form regions develop sun format nebula five billion year ago may import step develop life earth pictur taken last year blanco 4meter telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile,star form region ngc 3582,2008-04-28,630,101,0.1125,04-28,4,2008,28,4,2,5 92fe6db6b4e4c503a75c0007cc9a0036820a9c92007c55862910d0d10ac1bc40,none,link spiral arms two larg collid galaxi featur hubbl space telescop view part seri cosmic snapshot releas celebr hubble 18th anniversary record astronom halton arp atla peculiar galaxi arp 272 pair otherwis known ngc 6050 ic lie 450 million lightyear away hercul galaxi cluster estim distance pictur span 150 thousand lightyears although scenario look peculiar galaxi collis eventu merger understood common arp 272 repres stage inevit process fact nearbi larg spiral andromeda galaxi known approach galaxi arp 272 may offer glimps far futur collis andromeda milki way,arp 272,2008-04-30,567,87,-0.0999999999999999,04-30,4,2008,30,7,0,3 9cadac15bf5d3a33196d69b20af355727c6f01d19cfe83a44f8ac7365087bac9,none,globular star cluster omega centauri 15000 lightyear away 150 lightyear diameter pack 10 million stars omega cen largest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy intrigu color pictur combin visibl light imag cluster blue hue infrar imag data spitzer space telescope spitzer data includ imag two infrar bands one shown green one red infrar band sensit light cool giant star cluster ad red green color togeth creat yellow show cluster giant star yellow spots course red spot also indic cool giant star image red spot even distant background galaxies also known simpli red giant stars repres stage star evolv sun stage sun reach 5 billion years dust grain form atmospher cool giant star ultim involv format star planets,giant omega centauri,2008-05-01,729,120,0.0642857142857143,05-01,5,2008,1,6,2,3 0a30400a9c40d77edf4b38c587477ad9a4a8ce74e075da88ba3d78d1c70aaa6e,john ebersol,dark shape bright edg wing way dusti ngc 6188 ten lightyear long emiss nebula found near edg otherwis dark larg molecular cloud southern constel ara 4000 lightyear away form region million year ago massiv young star embed ara ob1 associ sculpt fantast shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas falsecolor hubbl palett use creat gorgeou widefield imag show emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue hues estim distanc ngc 6188 pictur span 300 lightyears,shape ngc 6188,2008-05-02,598,93,0.0461538461538461,05-02,5,2008,2,4,2,5 e71ebeefaec7937ab33edfcf6111f9d45f052f8a28685c199fcf4209b3c3ff3d,babak tafreshi,snowcap stratovolcano mt damavand climb meter feet near left edg panoram view world night sky left peak star big dipper ursa major pan right gaze sweep across arch milki way galaxi alborz mountain rang border caspian sea near center panorama record predawn hour april 4th bright star deneb altair lie close curv milki way glow haraz valley farther right brilliant jupit domin sky near stars nebulae dark dust cloud toward bulg galact center finally horizon glow right edge bright yellowish giant star antares citi name legendari mountain peak,alborz mountain milki way,2008-05-03,542,88,0.1760912698412698,05-03,5,2008,3,6,1,1 bbb9a353a8a2c538dae39f95f0e803f255eea7b6c59a9fd244b1f1528ba836e4,none,larg storm evolv saturn earth hurrican persist weeks great red spot jupit exist 150 years saturn storm system set new endur record discern greater three months electr signal detect storm late novemb 2007 imag taken earli march 2008 storm roughli width planet earth planetari scientist hypothes storm run deep saturn cloud tops imag shown exagger color combin violet green light light normal red human see visibl upper right shadow saturn expans ring system care inspect reveal saturn small moon janu ring shadow understand weather planet help atmospher scientist better understand earth weather observ solar system huge ring world track storm see evolv long ultim last,persist storm saturn,2008-05-05,668,105,0.1458988380041011,05-05,5,2008,5,0,2,4 810317579a520cb05d346081915e0bdf2fcc48099143dd07a1421f52106ed8f8,none,galaxi normal look like this ngc 3256 actual show current pictur two galaxi slowli colliding quit possibly hundr million years one galaxi remain today however ngc 3256 show intric filament dark dust unusu tidal tail stars peculiar center contain two distinct nuclei although like star two galaxi directli collide gas dust ambient magnet field interact directly ngc part vast hydracentauru superclust galaxies span 100 thousand lightyear across locat 100 million lightyear away,galaxi collid ngc 3256,2008-05-06,476,72,0.0333333333333333,05-06,5,2008,6,7,0,3 e9da121d64b9c288ae5a5e346491abe0b7bd14bea1e71ddc6f16fb8f19f0c1c9,yuri beletskyeso,night sky darkest direct opposit sun no fact rare discern faint glow known gegenschein german counter glow seen 180 degre around sun extrem dark sky gegenschein sunlight backscatt small interplanetari dust particles dust particl millimet size splinter asteroid orbit eclipt plane planets pictur last octob one spectacular pictur gegenschein yet taken deep exposur extrem dark sky paran observatori chile show gegenschein clearli even surround glow visible foreground sever european southern observatory larg telescopes notabl background object includ andromeda galaxi toward lower left pleiad star cluster horizon gegenschein distinguish zodiac light near sun high angl reflection day phenomenon similar gegenschein call glori seen reflect air cloud opposit sun airplane,gegenschein chile,2008-05-07,770,108,0.0358823529411764,05-07,5,2008,7,1,2,4 231c4a4a68c316dc1799e96aaa907c84dca841919da84b3c7edb1ed7a1e7e082,robert gendler,silhouett crowd star field toward constel scorpius dusti cosmic cloud evok imag omin dark tower fact clump dust molecular ga collaps form star may well lurk within dark nebula structur span almost 40 lightyear across gorgeou telescop view known cometari globule sweptback cloud extend upper right head top tower left center shape intens ultraviolet radiat ob associ hot star ngc 6231 left edg scene energet ultraviolet light also power globule border reddish glow hydrogen gas hot star embed dust seen small bluish reflect nebulae dark tower ngc 6231 associ nebula 5000 lightyear away,dark tower scorpiu,2008-05-08,584,93,0.0681318681318681,05-08,5,2008,8,4,2,5 bdfb2578864ad789c10d27961dc3f9229cafb97d94639c0bd3a1311368786fed,clear sky,tuesday may 6 stand planet earth sweep binocular along western horizon sunset might encount arrest skyscape view featur slender crescent moon bright planet mercuri separ sky 2 degrees cradl sunlit lunar crescent night side moon faintli illumin earthshin sunlight reflect planet earth course cloud silhouett fade twilight color common element pictur sky sunset much less often seen inner planet mercury usual hide close sun earth sky still come week good time spot mercuri near western horizon 30 minut sunset moon tonight tomorrow night crescent moon wander close mar earli even sky,moon meet mercuri,2008-05-09,583,91,0.0733333333333333,05-09,5,2008,9,2,2,1 1f26a7f339ec55248f5f0df4eaafc1d8a1bb1fcc5811e4e56c428f9c49ba808f,doug zubenel,wander even sky may 4th planet mar stood line castor pollux two bright star constel gemini time exposur celesti alignment mar actual take distinct yellowish hue contrast color giant star known planet multipl star system though mytholog pollux castor twin two star physic unrel 34 50 lightyear distant respectively includ skyview procyon alpha star cani minor famou star cluster m44 also known beehiv cluster dust solar system reflect sunlight creat faint band zodiac light emerg lower right corner frame put cursor pictur help course bright mar still found western even sky tonight wander near crescent moon,star mar,2008-05-10,607,96,0.1412087912087912,05-10,5,2008,10,6,2,5 f905762943a1e84b2b57f0023d33117b9fddfc28c577e44da1ee801dc20a2f17,tunç tezel,would mar appear move backwards time appar motion mar earth sky one direction slow steadi front far distant stars everi two years however earth pass mar orbit around sun recent pass last year proxim mar made red planet appear larger brighter usual also time mar appear move backward sky phenomenon call retrograd motion pictur seri imag digit stack star imag coincide here mar appear trace loop sky near top loop earth pass mar retrograd motion highest retrograd motion also seen solar system planets,retrograd mar,2008-05-11,500,83,0.0049999999999999,05-11,5,2008,11,5,0,1 11b5e143cc7b97df96e91a6dc2e4357bda9fed534f0a9f7ff7220c085d3aa992,jordi,larg galaxi faint nebula highlight deep imag m81 group galaxies first foremost wideangl 12hour exposur grand design spiral galaxi m81 largest galaxi visibl image m81 gravit interact m82 it big galaxi unusu halo filamentari redglow gas around imag mani galaxi m81 group galaxi seen togeth galaxi congreg includ local group galaxi virgo cluster galaxies m81 group part expans virgo superclust galaxies whole galaxi menageri seen faint glow integr flux nebula littl studi complex diffus ga dust cloud milki way galaxy,m81 galaxi group integr flux nebula,2008-05-12,514,80,-0.0388888888888888,05-12,5,2008,12,7,0,3 1c930ef2958906a7ae879531d263afe9ed886743c6bf80491776ebdc80ff3201,none,saturn rag moon rhea one oldest surfac known estim chang littl past billion years rhea show crater old longer appear round edg becom compromis recent cratering like earth moon rhea rotat lock saturn imag show part rhea surfac alway face saturn rhea lead surfac highli crater trail surface rhea compos mostli wateric thought includ 25 percent rock imag taken robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn cassini swoop past rhea last month captur imag 350000 kilomet away rhea span 1500 kilomet make saturn second largest moon titan sever surfac featur rhea remain unexplain includ larg light patch like seen near imag top,ancient crater southern rhea,2008-05-13,614,100,0.04,05-13,5,2008,13,0,2,2 689c22761fbad20078b591095f70cb196842f1e23663abf9c4c6f1c0bc0fea8d,none,look window intern space station bring breathtak views visibl vista includ vast color earth deep dark sky occasion spaceship sent visit station visibl earli last month soyuz spacecraft carri suppli also three three new astronaut expedit 17 command sergei flight engin spaceflight particip return earth day later schedul return months dock modul pictur involv dock expedit 17 crew includ nasa flight engin gregori carri repair iss explor new method live space conduct research space includ effect space radiat molecules,suppli ship dock intern space station,2008-05-14,518,79,0.0323863636363636,05-14,5,2008,14,8,0,2 eb92b2b0cafdfe35e75774c8dd7ee820c2ddf34c0a0b4f8003a3372f4baef5a4,keith quattrocchi,dark dust lane cut across middl gorgeou island universe strong hint ngc 3628 spiral galaxi seen sideways 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo ngc 3628 also bear distinct member well known leo triplet galaxi charl messier famou catalog otherwis similar size milki way galaxy disk ngc 3628 clearli seen fan near edges faint arm materi also extend left sharp deep view region distort shape faint tidal tail suggest ngc 3628 interact gravit spiral galaxi leo triplet m66 m65,sideway galaxi ngc 3628,2008-05-15,490,80,-0.0441666666666666,05-15,5,2008,15,7,0,3 d618a3c1b5c27e410e3e3f7d9a0b136ce89ed1490f794df4d1f61fef073fdf21,jeanmarc,gaze skyward sunni day may photograph captur engag display ice halo form complet circl sky record fishey len spot near grand château de france pictur look straight up span almost 180 degre horizon horizon surround sun halo form sunlight refract hexagonalshap ice crystal high thin clouds halo circular exactli 22 degre radius look squash distort extrem wideangl lens surround zenith the point directli alway altitud sun love parhel circle caus sunlight reflect ice crystal nearli vertic faces averag common rainbows beauti ice halo often seen planet earth sky know look them,sky,2008-05-16,574,91,0.1085714285714285,05-16,5,2008,16,1,2,1 d63bdf6513c1e2fc8a84c94eb5e3168dc5392d45525cd0f1bd88becd09f609b9,none,uncomfort close typhoon rammasun right 25 million lightyear distant galaxi m101 seem much common starters rammasun thousand kilomet across m101 aka pinwheel galaxy span 170000 lightyears make vastli dissimilar scale mention differ physic environ control format development look amazingli arm exhibit shape simpl beauti mathemat curv known logarithm spiral spiral whose separ grow geometr way increas distanc center also known equiangular spiral growth spiral bernoulli spiral spira mirabilis curve rich properti fascin mathematician sinc discoveri 17th centuri philosoph descartes intriguingly abstract shape much abund natur suggest strike visual comparison above example logarithm spiral also describ track subatom particl bubbl chamber arrang sunflow seed and course cauliflower,logarithm spiral,2008-05-17,781,106,0.0734126984126984,05-17,5,2008,17,7,2,4 daf356766c44f1c0606625ed70a390ff13105f169c459906ea43a7114e037909,none,gold jewelri originate one complet sure rel averag abund solar system appear higher made earli universe stars even typic supernova explosions astronom recent suggest neutronrich heavi element gold might easili made rare neutronrich explos collis neutron stars pictur artist illustr depict two neutron star spiral toward other collide sinc neutron star collis also suggest origin short durat gammaray bursts possibl alreadi souvenir one power explos universe,origin gold,2008-05-18,457,66,0.1541666666666666,05-18,5,2008,18,6,1,3 0f95bebd67e4741c866f904cbb37059e629048d8c0949ce7c9851db5538917d5,none,would like fli mars combin terrain data orbit mar reconnaiss orbit spacecraft inform robot spirit rover current roll across mar result digit movi show flight columbia hill might look like dark rippl sand dune highlight columbia hill open image click image though launch across mars approach columbia hills far side hills dark sand dune come view soon pass unusu structure slightli known home plate origin current unknown researched hill differ angle time zoom spirit curiou alien rover sent planet earth final zoom pan region come sunday nasa phoenix lander attempt set near ici north pole mar search sign ancient life,fli columbia hill mar,2008-05-19,618,100,-0.045,05-19,5,2008,19,5,2,2 daeed76dbf677513093e49c24d480c530cb2ceeb8f3b4bd2b5ae0381e3d3108e,jeancharl cuillandr,one largest object anyon ever see sky fuzzi blob galaxy togeth make perseu cluster one closest cluster galaxies cluster seen foreground faint star milki way galaxy near cluster center roughli 250 million lightyear away cluster domin galaxi ngc 1275 seen larg galaxi imag left prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter ga galaxi fall it perseu cluster galaxi part piscesperseu superclust span 15 degre contain 1000 galaxies distanc ngc 1275 view cover 75 million lightyears,perseu cluster galaxi,2008-05-20,487,77,-0.125,05-20,5,2008,20,7,0,3 dfa91466dffe6079092ba44929ec8b4e1fe36d81d4944c9019e5525481faacfa,inga nielsen hamburg obs nowhere,planet glies 876d sunris might dangerous although nobodi realli know condit like closein planet orbit variabl red dwarf star glies 876 artist illustr give one impression orbit well insid mercuri mass sever time earth glies 876d might rotat slowli dramat differ exist night day glies 876d imagin show signific volcanism possibl caus gravit tide flex intern heat planet possibl volatil day rise red dwarf star show expect stellar magnet activ includ dramat violent prominences sky above hypothet moon thin atmospher blown away red dwarf stellar wind glies 876d excit imagin partli one extrasolar planet known close habit zone parent star,danger sunris glies 876d,2008-05-21,635,100,-0.1444444444444444,05-21,5,2008,21,8,2,4 d8478a4e25393ff174a1a1ff682e510c51e01a8eb212f70743492b94caed4580,ken crawford,ngc 3199 lie 12000 lightyear away glow cosmic cloud southern constel carina nebula 75 lightyear across falsecolor view though deep imag reveal less complet ring shape look lopsid much brighter edg lower right near center ring wolfrayet star massive hot shortliv star gener intens stellar wind fact wolfrayet star known creat nebula interest shape power wind sweep surround interstellar material case bright edg thought indic bow shock produc star plow uniform medium like boat water measur shown star realli move directli toward bright edge like explan materi surround star uniform clump denser near bright edg windblown ngc 3199,windblown ngc 3199,2008-05-22,629,98,0.2156462585034013,05-22,5,2008,22,4,2,5 b103b53e5f281c91a38e6b38b546717eab7fd4bafb4c4252542521d78a6f3641,none,300 year jupiter band atmospher shown remark featur telescop larg swirl storm system known great red spot 2006 anoth red storm system appeared actual seen form smaller whitish ovalshap storm merg develop curiou reddish hue now jupit third red spot produc smaller whitish storm three seen imag made data record may 9 10 hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 spot extend surround cloud red color may due deeper materi dredg storm expos ultraviolet light exact chemic process still unknown scale great red spot almost twice diamet planet earth make new spot less one across red spot far left along band cloud great red spot drift toward it motion continues new spot encount much larger storm system august jupiter recent outbreak red spot like relat larg scale climat chang ga giant planet get warmer near equator,jupiter three red spot,2008-05-23,824,137,0.1045193312434691,05-23,5,2008,23,8,2,1 620d67222dd6545571ee2d018bbcf839ac598f975b499c223b8e94de3ce9afc5,dirk,still bath sunlight intern space station track night sky germani may 12 rang least 360 kilometers astronom abl record impress sharp video sequenc passag small telescope use individu frame construct composit image sport solar arrays station integr truss structur nearli 90 meter long atv jule vern dock station space station orbit kilomet per hour mph complet video sequenc avail 1 megabyt file file,space station sun,2008-05-24,398,63,-0.18125,05-24,5,2008,24,8,0,2 a806af5c2fda5e788e10d676fc6b9604b0a481be952d81f50cb86fff3ffab685,maa nasa,phoenix surviv land today mars phoenix land sequenc ramp start pm edt utc today last hour goe well one phoenix first imag mar appear apod tomorrow phoenix lander program set near north pole mars and next three months sampl alien soil ice look condit ancient microbi life shown artist anim might look like see phoenix land mars anim sequence phoenix spacecraft arriv mars deploy brake parachute heat shield fire thrusters lands solar panels deploy instruments mars begin analysis,phoenix lander arriv mar,2008-05-25,478,78,0.0199999999999999,05-25,5,2008,25,5,0,2 57cacbcf1f2e0ddf73ecf80379761a7cd2f7efae21d7efea2ff344567890090f,none,flat horizon stretch across red planet seen phoenix spacecraft yesterday land mars touch shortli eastern time phoenix made first success soft land mars use rocket control final speed sinc vike lander 1976 launch august 2007 phoenix made northernmost land intend explor martian potenti soil lander return imag data initi indic excel shape nearli descent news updat avail throughout day,new horizon phoenix,2008-05-26,384,59,0.1041666666666666,05-26,5,2008,26,5,1,2 9105b8113e6761b04814ef657b3757fcaac1879fadb27dc9c17b5138c00d7b96,none,phoenix lander footpad size dinner plate one three shown right cover martian soil success soft land red planet may 25 amazingly left panel imag spacecraft descent phase captur hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit first imag ever spacecraft descend surfac anoth planet taken rang 750 kilometers pictur show phoenix suspend beneath 10 parachute much darker martian surface lander still attach protect phoenix releas parachut altitud kilometers use rocket reduc speed landing phoenix rest northern polar region mar 68 degre latitude,phoenix mar,2008-05-27,535,80,0.131547619047619,05-27,5,2008,27,5,1,2 33a6ecf3a3f5be6a138d92e0c6f482033ec4b9e51d651aa4e214abfb326ae44a,none,dark form lurk mist carina nebula omin figur actual molecular clouds knot molecular ga dust thick becom opaque comparison however cloud typic much less dens earth atmosphere pictur part detail imag carina nebula ever taken part dark molecular cloud particularli prominent entir carina nebula span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebula eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically widefield annot zoomabl version larger imag composit also available,dark cloud carina nebula,2008-05-28,562,86,0.1333333333333333,05-28,5,2008,28,4,1,5 88ab92151ebe9b182b9e8a023901ea0c33051f631b8787d78c38a8c771e7ec6b,keith c,white arch water seen fogbow reflect sunlight water drop similar rainbow without colors fog confin arch fog mostli transpar rel uniform fogbow shape creat drop best angl divert sunlight observer fogbow rel lack color caus rel smaller water drops drop activ small quantum mechan wavelength light becom import smear color would creat larger rainbow water drop act like small prism reflect sunlight strike imag fogbow taken last week sun behind photographer rock foreground part ocean beach california usa,fog bow ocean beach,2008-05-29,503,78,0.0499999999999999,05-29,5,2008,29,8,0,1 ed8b2fdb1abd8e8b0ed6cdd7084243725a8b3368697996d4376e87d42778a0b1,none,sweep view 10 kilometerwid crater lie north polar plain mars bright spot highlight inset phoenix lander parachut toward surface amaz pictur captur may 25th hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbiter though lander look like might drop straight realli descend 20 kilomet front crater foreground scene orbit kilomet away phoenix pictur taken altitud 310 kilometers subsequ orbiter camera also abl imag lander surface parachut attach backshel heat shield identifi image scatter nearby course phoenix lander return much closer view land site prepar dig martian surface,descent phoenix,2008-05-30,564,84,0.1604761904761905,05-30,5,2008,30,5,1,2 48abfe04cee76ccb14bafb414b7b570e8742ca36a3d179cceb1731a53d52ce1e,stefan seip,ch day planet earth dramat end sun set color western horizon often inspiring offer moment contemplation sunset perhap singl photograph celesti event recogn pictur one imag actual singl exposur set sun record near germani may 11 creat uncommon sunset view photograph use digit camera zoom len a len focal 16 second long exposur smoothli chang focal length simultan rotat camera imag scale orientation result transform object depict natur artist,view sunset,2008-05-31,443,69,0.1928571428571428,05-31,5,2008,31,1,1,1 f9084fd5b0c2ad0988f28b20f66f2acaf4a7ce9e8b291ddfd9598694bf934632,none,ten earth could easili fit claw seemingli solar monster monster though visibl lower left huge erupt promin seen move sun dramat imag taken earli year 2000 sunorbit soho satellite larg prominence though signific size shape twist figur eight shape indic complex magnet field thread emerg solar particles differenti rotat insid sun might help account surfac explosion although larg promin energet coron mass eject cmes rel rare occur frequent near solar maximum time peak sunspot solar activ elevenyear solar cycle,twist solar erupt promin,2008-06-01,511,79,0.125,06-01,6,2008,1,1,1,1 a5de3d9d8e89ece0b798fa4bfc0e0b2ea196b643f603c2ce81ae4377f19496d3,none,ice phoenix spacecraft mars quit possibly phoenix land week ago expect dig martian soil search ice lander brake rocket may alreadi uncov descent pictur imag taken last week robot arm camera show unusu lightcolor substanc front phoenix land pad next weeks phoenix continu photograph surroundings analyz composit hard light dig surround soil unusu light inde martian ice would give phoenix conveni investig histori water mars better determin whether boundari ice soil ever capabl support life,unusu light patch phoenix lander mar,2008-06-02,490,75,0.144047619047619,06-02,6,2008,2,5,1,2 dbd58af68e3bc9d28bf0fe6b2a475cce89a70e537c4452520a4507e4fd7b61a4,ruiz,connect pipe nebula bright star antar flow dark cloud nicknam dark river murki dark river caus absorpt background starlight dust although nebula contain mostli hydrogen molecular gas antares bright star appear yellow center frame embed color rho ophiuchi nebula clouds dark river pictur across upper left span 20 time angular diamet moon lie 500 light year distant type nebula visibl includ red emiss nebula blue reflect nebula,dark river antar,2008-06-03,427,67,0.0714285714285714,06-03,6,2008,3,4,0,5 fa72f9d836c1a2226f607d8be3b878db657d797885caac3af83f3c2bcfb7b9dc,michelberg,bath sunlight intern space station iss arc even sky town lauffen southern germani may 31st time bright passag 10 minut launch space shuttl discoveri mission kennedi space center florida southeastern us course discoveri head toward orbit rendezv iss chase space station shuttl also made pass lauffen 21 minut launch camera fix tripod astronom record magnific machin streak overhead two differ time exposures 2 minut long merg composit view parallax caus path iss right discoveri near center seem differ altitudes star and bright leav two separated short trails brief flare track iridium satellit faint dot trail pass airplan also visible close inspect reveal dim reddish track jettison extern fuel tank left discovery place cursor pictur help identifi features,chase iss,2008-06-04,759,117,0.0873626373626373,06-04,6,2008,4,8,2,4 8c3419c72e4b9cad515b74857ff18bd6a13aad6ae67e85186aaee8bfded797e2,none,spitzer space telescope infrar view plane milki way galaxi hard appreci one picture fact 800000 frame data spitzer camera piec togeth enorm mosaic galact plane detail infrar pictur galaxi ever made small portion seen span nearli 8 degrees roughli appar width fist held arm length across galaxy center full mosaic 120 degre wide highlight falsecolor present curv green filament light complex molecul polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs earth common sooti product incomplet combustion pah found star form regions along reddish emiss dust particles blue speck throughout pictur individu milki way stars,spitzer milki way,2008-06-05,599,90,-0.0719696969696969,06-05,6,2008,5,6,0,4 2b4c07ce1ccdd87b7abb9d516bae97a8f59780bf471621df78fb300b4c173d50,none,gaze within milki way galaxy true structur difficult discern ambiti survey effort spitzer space telescop offer convinc evid live larg galaxi distinguish two main spiral arm the perseu emerg end larg central bar fact vantag point view galaxi faceon astronom distant galaxi would like see milki way twoarm bar spiral similar artist illustration previou investig identifi smaller central bar structur four spiral arms astronom still place sun third way milki way outer edge minor arm call orion locat sun identifi milki way newli map features place cursor image,spiral milki way,2008-06-06,558,88,0.0002754820936639,06-06,6,2008,6,7,0,4 f5b6d37f3bb6d677a0830a576ec2ee0dc7a1128d9f1c1b97256db23209d3d256,miguel claro,seren skyview enjoy across planet earth earlier week young crescent moon low western sky sunset record june 4 color exampl includ quiet beach foreground citi light lisbon portugal mountain along horizon pose cloud banks moon slender sunlit arc repres 1 percent full lunar disc rest moon nearsid faintli visibl though illumin earthshine wax crescent moon also creat love western sky dusk weekend bright star sky near tonight moon actual planet mars sunday moon move closer pair celesti beacons bright star regulu saturn,young crescent moon,2008-06-07,518,82,0.2321428571428571,06-07,6,2008,7,2,1,1 206db093b54327f1f5ebebb021c13f6d0a84ed4be386825cdeb03d21171390fb,none,surpris hidden mars help find out phoenix lander phoenix lander arriv mar two week ago attempt place scoop soil phoenix thermal pictur above scoop approach one eight soil materi bake emit gass categor mass spectrometer quit possibly light color materi visibl scoop composit light materi imag near foot lander may ice phoenix schedul spend next three month digging chemic analyz immedi surround better understand mar whether boundari ice soil ever capabl support life,mar soil,2008-06-08,466,73,0.1761904761904762,06-08,6,2008,8,5,1,2 8f1cf15528f3fc0ba07ef4485cec2ea310e427da57128ea77d53ef2e01f92d31,none,saturn ring look like side earth usual see saturn ring side ring plane sun illumin them geometrically pictur taken april robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn sun behind camera side ring plane vantag point specif 17 degre ring plane give breathtak view splendid ring system solar system strangely ring similar photograph neg front view ring bright record differ angl indic ring thick particl densiti ring particles ring shadow seen sunlit face saturn shown sport numer cloud structur nearli true color,saturn ring side,2008-06-09,501,79,0.1104166666666666,06-09,6,2008,9,0,1,1 8351b9bf58bb5e1538fddd4d4013cad8202fefaed37071278f45278d45da99f1,paul observatory,invert rainbow sky sometim known fire rainbow flamelik appearance circumhorizon arc creat ice fire circumhorizon arc visible sun must least 58 degre high sky cirru cloud present furthermore numerous flat hexagon icecryst compos cirru cloud must align horizont properli refract sunlight like singl gigant prism therefore circumhorizon arc quit unusu see pictur above however rare fire rainbow captur tree new jersey usa late may,fire rainbow new jersey,2008-06-10,427,64,-0.0031818181818181,06-10,6,2008,10,8,0,1 29827effc16c68ca2a2811fc32160a7d1784de30b276e782488aae268c0f05f1,none,what world complex space robot there last week dextr imag move atop destini laboratori modul intern space station iss complet task prior deploy japan kibo pressur scienc laboratory dextre short special purpos arm three meter length attach power tool behind dextr black space earth loom head kibo laboratori segment deploy space shuttl discovery trip iss pressur contain rack scientif experi use explor mani things includ plant gravity water might freez cell news glast spacecraft reach orbit,robot work space station,2008-06-11,491,76,-0.0727891156462584,06-11,6,2008,11,8,0,2 2c795793641ff484edfa37ae647dbcab0e29ba9f1793d307d56a14bf08ecf20f,none,flat smooth shini featur dub snow queen near top color mosaic surfac beneath phoenix mar lander record lander robot arm camera maneuv look lander region also includ leg intrigu detail near footpad 2 oclock position metal spring partial buri martian soil piec arm open smooth snow queen featur strongli suspect ice origin soil uncov thruster rocket phoenix set north polar plain mars fact appar hole depress snow queen otherwis flat surfac locat thrusters,phoenix snow,2008-06-12,454,73,0.0821428571428571,06-12,6,2008,12,5,0,2 f2376711d32fff27ef105142e06ddcaa7e071f4d01cc2690a56b4de9ca8192f3,none,rise billow cloud smoke delta ii rocket left cape canaver air forc station launch pad 17b wednesday 1205 pm edt snug payload section glast gammaray larg area space telescope orbit around planet earth glast detector technolog develop use terrestri particl accelerators orbit glast studi gammaray extrem environ milki way galaxy well supermass black hole center distant activ galaxies sourc power gammaray bursts cosmic acceler achiev energi attain earthbound laboratories glast also sensit search signatur new physic rel unexplor highenergi gammaray regime,glast,2008-06-13,555,81,-0.046060606060606,06-13,6,2008,13,8,0,2 591ffc628de89b764d1e50f774485d499fe3eda18cbd0fc0097899b5b72267af,none,51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 60000 lightyear across m51 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi right ngc 5195 imag data hubble advanc camera survey reprocess produc altern portrait wellknown interact galaxi pair process sharpen detail enhanc color contrast otherwis faint areas bring dust lane extend stream cross small companion along featur surround core m51 itself pair 31 million lightyear distant far sky handl big dipper offici lie within boundari small constel cane venatici,m51 hubbl remix,2008-06-14,600,91,-0.0892857142857142,06-14,6,2008,14,7,0,3 dc7a76a9d5c600b1890336ef91c0be13cf8131966b6bafb4666464bbe70e0c39,none,what good recip prepar martian soil start fill robot scoop bit less half way next dump martian soil one sure watch then slowli increas temperatur 1000 degre celsiu sever days keep check see soil becom vaporized finally martian soil readi rather techniqu use phoenix lander arriv mar three week ago data first batch bake soil avail days pictur above circular array phoenix lander solar panel visibl left scoop partli fill martian soil visibl right robot phoenix lander spend much next three month digging magnifi bit mar help neighbor earthl learn possibl sometim mysteri red planet,phoenix mar,2008-06-15,581,95,0.1168650793650793,06-15,6,2008,15,5,2,2 0de6cc056389ffca2cc8203131567545a11b4e80c5c4314b4dbc6e58d84ed4d0,none,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur one densest cluster known contain thousand galaxies galaxi hous billion star milki way galaxi does although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other mosaic imag small portion coma taken unpreced detail hubbl space telescop investig galaxi rich cluster form evolve galaxi coma cluster ellipticals although imag clearli spirals spiral galaxi upper left imag also found one bluer galaxi upper left wider field image background thousand unrel galaxi visibl far across universe note apod start thirteen year ago today,insid coma cluster galaxi,2008-06-16,683,105,0.025,06-16,6,2008,16,7,2,3 12507742031e8809361cdccedf76af0051bd44d86defa232ea6d0f0ee1134f98,none,star eta carina creat unusu nebula one know sure 165 year ago southern star eta carina mysteri becam second brightest star night sky 20 years eject mass sun eta car unexpectedli faded outburst appear creat homunculu nebula pictur composit imag hubbl space telescop taken last decade visibl imag center light reflect violent star eta carina itself surround star expand lobe ga lace filament dark dust jet bisect lobe eman central star surround lobe redtint debri captur glow narrow band red light debri expand quickli all includ stream whisker bow shock caus collis previous exist material eta car still undergo unexpect outbursts high mass volatil make candid explod spectacular supernova sometim next million years,eta carina homunculu nebula,2008-06-17,715,113,0.0731372549019607,06-17,6,2008,17,6,2,5 0d4ef136791d7cce7079ed717286546fc2b7b9dbb580eedb4202fea807a13ad9,r jay gabanyblackbird observatory trujillo,grand tidal stream star seem surround galaxi ngc 5907 arc structur form tenuou loop extend 150000 lightyear narrow edgeon spiral also known splinter knife edg galaxy record deep exposures stream like repres ghostli trail dwarf galaxi debri left along orbit smaller satellit galaxi gradual torn apart merg ngc 5907 four billion year ago ultim remark discoveri image small robot observatori new mexico support cosmolog scenario larg spiral galaxies includ milki way form accret smaller ones ngc 5907 lie 40 million lightyear distant northern constel draco,star stream ngc 5907,2008-06-19,554,85,0.0095959595959595,06-19,6,2008,19,7,0,3 b1246a2031dc9e97a709a1ee2dbd261719bd9e4ec28110c5aa3ca5d6ed007605,anthoni ayiomam,today solstic mark northernmost point sun annual motion planet earth sky astronom begin northern hemisphere summer two day ago full moon nearest solstic rose close eclipt plane opposit sun near southernmost point year astronom anthoni ayiomam record dramat pictur solstic full moon rise cape sounion greece twentyfour hundr year old templ poseidon lie foreground also visibl sailor aegean sea wellplan singl exposure telescop len make moon loom large even without optic aid casual skygaz often find full moon look astonishingli larg seen near horizon power visual effect known moon illusion,solstic moonrise cape sounion,2008-06-20,590,90,0.1664285714285714,06-20,6,2008,20,2,2,1 dabeda08946ae9e495222e4271d787db41a2f64d4f05a577638d40e4ff9e0b6a,none,compar two closeup pictur taken sol 20 left sol 24 trench dug martian surfac nasa phoenix lander sol phoenix mission a sol martian correspond june 15 18 planet earth lightcolored visibl lower left shadow region trench sol 20 imag vanish sol 24 strong indic chunk ice uncov dig shallow vanish act like demonstr sublim ice process similar evaporation ice went directli solid ga expos sunlight thin dri martian atmosphere,vanish,2008-06-21,419,69,-0.0428571428571428,06-21,6,2008,21,8,0,2 3c6b4bc652d8e47b7e4814b1b9bb990d577ebc7bfedf77f5ddd2edf1478d0126,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear again earlier month space shuttl orbit discoveri visit iss ad compon includ japan kibo scienc laboratory entir array expans solar panel visibl pictur taken discoveri crew leav iss return earth world foremost space outpost seen develop past sever year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm anoth impress set solar panels suppli ship construct began iss 1998,intern space station expand,2008-06-23,435,69,-0.1666666666666666,06-23,6,2008,23,8,0,2 6272ebb51b2c38d909467a58c6f6107c06c5baf67a9210af33f91196ee880dd1,none,creat great rift saturn moon tethys one sure formal name ithaca chasma long canyon run across right imag extend 2000 kilomet long spread much 100 kilomet wide imag captur saturnorbit robot cassini spacecraft zoom ici moon last month hypothes format ithaca chasma includ crack outer crust moon cool long ago somehow rift relat huge great basin impact crater name odysseus visibl elsewher unusu moon cassini orbit saturn four year schedul continu probe photograph saturn least two years,great rift saturn tethi,2008-06-24,484,77,0.2142857142857142,06-24,6,2008,24,0,1,2 000e028bc080fb562a43639f1b81c75ca77c0a10a2a4128a27311bebe5a632c8,none,green volunt sky enthusiast onlin galaxi zoo imag discov someth realli strange mysteri object unusu green clear galaxi type situat rel normal look spiral galaxi ic 2497 dutch schoolteach hanni van discov strang green last year galaxi zoo project sky enthusiast brows sdss imag classifi galaxi types known popularli hanny voorwerp subsequ observ shown mysteri green blob distanc neighbor galaxi ic 2497 research ongoing one lead hypothesi hold hanny voorwerp small galaxi act like larg reflect nebula show reflect light bright quasar event visibl center ic 2497 100000 year ago pictur above hanny voorwerp imag recent 25meter isaac newton telescop canari island dan smith peter herbert chri univ collabor member includ william,hanny,2008-06-25,725,112,0.0107142857142857,06-25,6,2008,25,7,2,4 762d7a9dbdc4c710799575b24079b1593e7bd73d33da36f749ee15722c825416,nik szymanek,born june 26th astronom charl messier scan 18th centuri french sky comets avoid aid comet dilig record object number 27 list thing definit comets fact 21st centuri astronom would classifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 known excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 25 lightyear across 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula impress color composit highlight subtl jet featur nebula record robot telescop hawaii use narrow band filter sensit emiss oxygen atom shown green hydrogen atoms hydrogen emiss seen red fainter bluish hue,m27 comet,2008-06-26,810,125,0.0166666666666666,06-26,6,2008,26,4,2,5 0e9333bde9358eb43a2339136d966a309f4a9241fc1db9f1529b3e4c090db3bc,none,impress color composit show spiral galaxi m81 across electromagnet spectrum combin xray data blue chandra observatory infrar data pink spitzer space telescope ultraviolet imag purple galex satellite visibl light green hubbl image inset highlight xray m81 black holes includ black hole binari star system 10 time mass sun well central supermass black hole 70 million solar masses compar comput model giant black hole energi output multiwavelength data suggest feed monster rel simpl energi radiat gener materi central region swirl form accret disk fact process otherwis appear like accret process feed m81 stellar mass black holes even though central black hole million time massive m81 70000 lightyear across 12 million lightyear away northern constel ursa major,m81 black hole,2008-06-27,763,115,-0.0345588235294117,06-27,6,2008,27,6,2,4 579d3692f43111e07b515e0751ec741a2302300f8e4d2ff84ac616ec38ed7e9c,joseph brimacomb,weekend trip astrophotographi central australia result gorgeou exampl record march 2006 center milki way galaxi rise planet earth horizon larg sandston format call also known ayer rock set two camera automat imag celesti scene seri exposures one wideangl telephoto lens photograph joseph briefli turn back set equipment surprise ground around suddenli lit brilliant flash firebal meteor delight camera captur bright meteor streak highlight telephoto view inset firebal trail shine cloud banks left ayer rock,firebal rock,2008-06-28,507,74,0.25,06-28,6,2008,28,6,1,1 80ffc4bbf6da0fc77c0d9fab5fdaa09e70e4adb4e0b83b79fdb3ccd53cc66bfb,none,saw shadow mar human might opportun rover current explor mars opportun sister robot spirit probe red planet sinc earli 2004 find evid ancient water send breathtak imag across inner solar system pictur above opportun look opposit sun endur crater see shadow two wheel visibl lower left right floor wall unusu crater visibl background opportun spirit spent four year explor red world find new clue wet ancient past solar system second habit planet,shadow martian robot,2008-06-29,445,72,-0.0021478521478521,06-29,6,2008,29,5,0,2 26ff2f275152c6b6782a9844aba1c8781ab135b1d4b762bc04d75a2fa943de3b,daniel lopezobservatorio delteide,cloud glow ga mingl dust lane trifid nebula star form region toward constel sagittarius center three promin dust lane give trifid name come together mountain opaqu dust appear right dark filament dust visibl thread throughout nebula singl massiv star visibl near center caus much trifid glow trifid also known m20 300000 year old make among youngest emiss nebula known nebula lie 9000 light year away part pictur span 10 light years imag creat 08meter telescop canari island spain,center trifid nebula,2008-06-30,480,78,0.1261904761904762,06-30,6,2008,30,4,1,5 6423d774829ab9b3182342fdb935003bcdba4026d6d0665ced899a70cd1f2474,t rector,wisp like remain visibl milki way star 7500 year ago star explod supernova leav veil nebula also known cygnu loop time expand cloud like bright crescent moon remain visibl week peopl live dawn record history today result supernova remnant fade visibl small telescop direct toward constel cygnus remain veil nebula physic huge however even though lie 1400 lightyear distant cover five time size full moon imag complet veil nebula studiou reader abl identifi pickering triangl compon pictur above compon name famou astronom approxim shape imag mosaic 4meter mayal telescop kitt peak nation observatori locat arizona usa,pickering triangl kitt peak,2008-07-01,617,96,0.1670454545454545,07-01,7,2008,1,4,2,4 b7f64a667de99edec276adc85da125268e7c61e6edda22fe66b171a6a399477b,pixheavennet,earli morn hour june 30th ghostli cloud hover east view near dawn sky western france noctiluc nightshin cloud lie near edg space reflect sunlight 80 kilomet earth surface usual spot pole summer seen increas frequenc farther poles case extend photographer latitud 48 degre north trend could telltal sign global chang atmosphere anoth 400000 kilomet away moon sunlit crescent shine brightly night side illumin earthshine course bonu earli riser june old crescent moon follow close across sky love pleiad star cluster surround cosmic dust cloud shine mere 400 lightyear away,night,2008-07-02,571,89,0.0833333333333333,07-02,7,2008,2,8,2,1 b51dabbcce98fde84b4212b959f2d8697f8e1488a56a00d68c21d9ccd43e02d4,walli pacholka,strangelook rock format foreground skyscap call hoodoos tower weathered erod sedimentari rock hoodoo found arid region planet earth particularli abund area known bryce canyon nation park southern utah usa familiar night sky pictur record earli monday morn includ bright star capella alpha star constel auriga left center far right expos crescent moon domin sky close conjunct sister star pleiad cluster curiou shape two tall illumin hoodoo suggest popular thor hammer right templ,hoodoo sky,2008-07-03,479,72,0.2496031746031746,07-03,7,2008,3,6,1,1 141bbecf2a23fea021861edc9675f15b509ba2ea1ec36ae1bf8b69e15b818310,yuri beletskyeso,breathtak patch sky would stand south pole earth upper left imag four star mark boundari famou southern cross top constellation also known crux orang star gamma crucis band stars dust ga cross middl photograph part milki way galaxy southern cross far left dark coal sack nebula bright nebula far right carina nebula southern cross famou constel depict nation flag australia,southern cross southern sky,2008-07-07,373,60,0.0959821428571428,07-07,7,2008,7,4,1,3 aeec2eed00330c519e1620128048f651e821859ef8dc00debbb932196719b06e,kerschhub observatory,virgo cluster galaxi closest cluster galaxi milki way galaxy virgo cluster close span 5 degre sky 10 time angl made full moon heart lie 70 million light year distant virgo cluster nearest cluster galaxies contain 2000 galaxies notic gravit pull galaxi local group galaxi surround milki way galaxy cluster contain galaxi fill star also ga hot glow xrays motion galaxi around cluster indic contain dark matter visibl matter see pictur above heart virgo cluster includ bright messier galaxi markarian eye upper left m86 upper right center m84 far right well spiral galaxi ngc 4388 bottom right,heart virgo cluster,2008-07-08,591,96,0.1441964285714285,07-08,7,2008,8,7,2,3 65f5fdebb6ab94089a0aea5db91916c76974ef5e17331df0d6d5012a0c433b69,none,sprawl calori basin mercuri one solar system largest impact basins creat earli histori solar system impact larg asteroids body basin span 1500 kilomet seen yellowish hue enhanc color mosaic imag data januari 14th flybi messeng spacecraft captur instrument orang splotch around basin perimet thought volcan vents new evid mercury smooth plain inde lava flows discoveri mercuri nasa messeng mission includ evid mercury like planet earth global magnet field gener dynamo process larg core mercury surfac contract significantli core cooled,enhanc color calori,2008-07-10,535,79,0.0805194805194805,07-10,7,2008,10,8,0,2 59c047f2fecb127128dc2e46d23edc474790807c9684e06ce16b2b17fb502b6f,none,major discoveri lurk data accident prepar talk galaxy spiral arm meet american astronom society tom dame found new spiral arm milki way arm label illustr far 3kpc arm locat distanc 3 kpc 10000 lightyear galact center opposit side sun along near 3kpc arm whose presenc known sinc mid counterpart inner arm establish galaxi simpl symmetry arm defin shock interstellar ga flow along side milki way central bar dame collabor patrick record presenc inner spiral arm radio data track emiss carbon monoxid molecul along galact plane much star format goe counterpart arms despit depict star star form region along arms last attempt search star format near 3kpc arm 1980 turn discoveri far 3kpc arm renew interest question center milki way,far arm,2008-07-11,731,119,0.0399242424242424,07-11,7,2008,11,6,2,4 82d4182a95edc92c65268796bdb4ecdf7e306b786d4c09d63aa6a1cdace25587,goldman,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth effect enhanc wellfram view galaxi lie beyond gorgeou island universe background galaxi one tenth appar size ngc 7331 lie roughli ten time farther away strikingli close align sky ngc 7331 occur chance visual group galaxi also known deer lick group,ngc 7331 beyond,2008-07-12,573,90,0.0404761904761904,07-12,7,2008,12,7,0,3 5dcb0edf74a1e6874a88061c361ed5b96e39acda44744955e9c1ef68308759b9,none,eeri glow death valley danger scroll right show spectacular view one darkest place left continent death valley california 360degre fullski panorama composit 30 imag taken two year ago racetrack playa imag digit process increasingli stretch high altitud make rectangular foreground imag right unusu place rock push high wind onto racetrack playa slick rain background majest night sky featur thousand star mani constellations arch across middl central band milki way galaxy light pollut threaten dark sky like across us world therefor intern darkski associ us nation park servic suggest method protect them,dark sky death valley,2008-07-13,605,91,0.1491428571428571,07-13,7,2008,13,6,2,1 0816c4bc3d05ea7319aa07dd781ef783acfa44a5abfff4fff8e5eba9eaf5e063,richard bosman,mar alway appear same no earth mar orbit sun appar angular size mar chang view earth pictur mar captur 2007 2008 30 separ images taken magnification earth mar opposit side sun mar appear rel small conversely earth mar near other mar loom larg bright largest mar appear recent histori opposit august 2003 sinc mar alway distant sun earth mar never show crescent phase earthlings visibl also imag north polar cap mars dark light soil clouds and earli images global dust storm next opposition earth pass near mars occur earli 2010,chang angular mar,2008-07-14,527,90,0.0455128205128205,07-14,7,2008,14,5,0,1 e22b4ecbcee38b26068b076ca53300d41478dce06d087edd53070900b95e8aa3,fred vanderhaven,beauti cosmic cloud popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius eighteenth centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog bright nebula m8 modern day astronom recogn lagoon nebula activ stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear distant direct center milki way galaxy strike detail trace remark picture process remov star henc better reveal lagoon rang filament glow hydrogen gas dark dust clouds bright turbul hourglass region near imag center color composit view record dark sky near sydney australia lagoon estim distance pictur span 50 lightyears,ga dust lagoon nebula,2008-07-15,539,79,0.1892857142857143,07-15,7,2008,15,4,1,5 2decc8e3813b9926e98f7b00f2cfa48e50a08bc4884bf0e149c83805f9ed005b,none,recent discov makemak one largest object known outer solar system pronounc mahkay mahkay kuiper belt object slightli smaller pluto orbit sun slightli pluto appear slightli dimmer pluto makemake however orbit much tilt eclipt plane planet pluto design 2005 soon discoveri team led mike brown caltech 2005 outer solar system orb recent renam makemak creator human rapa nui mytholog easter island additionally makemak recent classifi dwarf planet new subcategori plutoid make makemak third catalog plutoid pluto eris makemak known world somewhat red appearance spectra indic like cover frozen methane sinc imag makemake surfac yet exist artist illustr origin meant depict sedna illustr makemake hypothet moon nearli direct distant sun,makemak outer solar system,2008-07-16,731,108,0.0305785123966942,07-16,7,2008,16,1,2,4 946a1e39f1cada05e22724df5e7da7fbdeea652fe85faf6d8df01437e3fa0c44,dietmar hager,care look full field view sharp imag reveal surpris number galaxi near far toward constel ursa major strike clearli ngc 3718 warp spiral galaxi right center ngc 3718 faint spiral arm look twist extended bright central region cross obscur dust lanes mere 150 thousand lightyear left anoth larg spiral galaxy ngc 3729 two like interact gravitationally account peculiar appear ngc 3718 galaxi pair lie 52 million lightyear away remark hickson group 56 also seen cluster ngc 3718 hickson group 56 consist five interact galaxi lie 400 million lightyear away,extra galaxi,2008-07-17,552,89,0.0287087912087912,07-17,7,2008,17,7,0,3 aa638a71163f418614673c73bd5e542b41b8d1e15fce62d05fd2d2b4d7b0f99c,tunç tezel,brilliant jupit share sky full moon tonight sinc jupit near opposition liter opposit sun planet earth sky jupit rise near sunset like full moon course opposit also point closest approach jupit shine brightest offer best view skygazers record late last month move skyscap featur jupit southeastern horizon street ancient port citi locat modern day turkey left templ dedic roman emperor beauti night sky also includ arc northern summer milki way light horizon nearbi town click imag download scene panorama,jupit,2008-07-18,504,79,0.2818181818181818,07-18,7,2008,18,8,1,1 5ddeac807a5c944a9b981972bd85f9d04380166d3b78385884aeb7ca658afbaf,panther observatori,young star cluster m16 surround natal cloud cosmic dust glow ga also known eagl nebula beauti detail imag region includ fantast shape made famou wellknown hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend upper left edg nebula anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 eagl nebula lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,m16 eagl nebula,2008-07-19,623,98,0.0161363636363636,07-19,7,2008,19,4,2,5 21e885b5f65ab65c029fb069affd56a00818055bc81b94c7dac9a43bee8c4df0,none,soft hues partial lit orbs thin trace ring slight shadow highlight underst view majest surround giant planet saturn look nearli back toward sun robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn captur crescent phase saturn moon rhea color year ago strike imag is singl frame recent releas 60frame silent movi rhea seen glide front parent world sinc cassini nearli plane saturn rings normal impress ring visibl thin line across imag center although cassini conclud primari mission past success opportunist locat prompt nasa start twoyear equinox mission explor saturn enigmat moon titan enceladus saturn grand ring tilt right sun august 2009,crescent rhea occult crescent saturn,2008-07-20,628,97,-0.0053968253968253,07-20,7,2008,20,0,2,2 a106c2cb96bcbbf987a40d60f57daaac675952168240f756bd33dd81322989de,gemini observatori,becom galaxies spiral galaxi ngc 5426 ngc 5427 pass danger close other like surviv collision frequent galaxi collide larg galaxi eat much smaller galaxy case however two galaxi quit similar sprawl spiral expans arm compact core galaxi advanc next ten million years compon star unlik collide although new star form bunch ga caus gravit tides close inspect imag taken 8meter geminisouth telescop chile show bridg materi momentarili connect two giants known collect arp 271 interact pair span 130000 light year lie 90 million lightyear away toward constel virgo quit possibly milki way galaxi undergo similar collis neighbor andromeda galaxi five billion years,collid spiral galaxi arp 271,2008-07-21,657,102,0.0511363636363636,07-21,7,2008,21,7,2,3 d01e51f0f3286f6966686a9dd6049b4eb14a2b22e7d5f0b836a91ce3741b688b,none,creat great cliff mars giant waterfal plummet high cliff surround echu chasma near impress impact crater carv either water lava lead hypothesi echu chasma 100kilomet long wide one largest water sourc mars true water held echu chasma like ran martian surfac carv impress valles extend 3000 kilomet north even initi carv water lava appear later flow valley leav extraordinarili smooth floor echu chasma lie north tremend vall marineris largest canyon solar system imag taken robot mar express spacecraft current orbit mars,high cliff surround chasma mar,2008-07-23,520,81,0.166,07-23,7,2008,23,5,1,2 2ea200b4c7b785cdc0cdbc0651dc9528f0737a27fae432862bb87c967a719910,none,detail hubbl space telescop closeup featur jupiter ancient swirl storm system known great red spot also follow progress two newer storm system grown take similar reddish smaller red spot bottom smaller still red red spot jr seen form 2006 smaller spot identifi earlier year scale great red spot almost twice diamet planet earth move horizont left right past great red spot red spot jr clearli went larger storm smaller spot pull in emerg right babi spot stretch paler shape indic arrow frame juli 8 expect babi red spot pull back merge becom part giant storm system,storm collid,2008-07-24,565,96,0.1133928571428571,07-24,7,2008,24,8,2,1 ac99a23df77105c915db003ab4e1ee6e0f0ad12c3a3d5d745fd18a2db572d2f4,keith quattrocchi,cosmic cloud seem form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 course cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster aka melott 15 15 million year young cluster star appear right color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouet glow atom gas composit narrow broad band telescop images view span 15 lightyear includ emiss hydrogen green sulfur red oxygen blue hues wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,central ic 1805,2008-07-26,550,89,0.107554945054945,07-26,7,2008,26,4,0,5 6b7d9d5a0471177c0ee07b1b042205d0fd5c12c64fca433d4f880089e8c6a82c,none,round star make squar nebula conundrum come light studi planetari nebula like ic 4406 evid indic ic 4406 like hollow cylinder squar appear result vantag point view cylind side ic 4406 view top would like look similar ring nebula representativecolor pictur composit made combin imag taken hubbl space telescop 2001 2002 hot ga flow end cylinder filament dark dust molecular ga lace bound walls star primarili respons interstellar sculptur found planetari nebula center million years thing left visibl ic 4406 fade white dwarf star,ic 4406 seemingli squar nebula,2008-07-27,529,84,0.06,07-27,7,2008,27,4,0,5 4a4471a0c7c60f97374a651f7927bab8502996e79187732308dd0015adecc239,none,what larg blue wrap around entir galaxy gravit len mirage pictur left graviti normal white galaxi gravit distort light much distant blue galaxy normally light bend result two discern imag distant galaxy len align precis background galaxi distort nearli complet ring sinc lens effect gener predict detail albert einstein 70 year ago ring like sdssj1430 know einstein rings sdssj1430 discov sloan len advanc camera survey campaign observ program inspect len candid found sloan digit sky survey sdss hubbl space telescope strong gravit lens like odditi multipl properti allow astronom determin mass dark matter content foreground galaxi lenses given determinations data used example show dark matter fraction increas overal galaxi mass inset imag right depict top bottom comput reconstruct imag background blue galaxi realli look like white foreground galaxy lens blue background galaxy,galaxi einstein ring,2008-07-28,884,132,0.1260582010582011,07-28,7,2008,28,7,2,4 04f5806e02765d5ed8202c2e86df1c4fc039b0a6d97b029b50edaa2e4dc23012,kerryann lecki hepburnweath,sometimes eye adapt dark spectacular sky appears case earlier month ontario canada part spectacular sky also becam visibl reflect lake start brightest object visibl bright star planet jupiter seen brightest spot upper left distant town appear diffus glow horizon faint still disk milki way galaxi becom appar dramat diffus band across sky seem crash horizon far distance foreground picturesqu landscap includ trees lake stone wall finally seren night juli lake water unusu calm reflect appear visibl lake reflect sever bright stars part milki way band itself care inspect imag reveal however bright star leav small trail lake reflect appear sky above reason imag actual digit composit exposur camera first set exposures sky imag coad slight rotat keep star one place,milki way ontario,2008-07-29,766,120,0.1464912280701754,07-29,7,2008,29,6,2,1 d4fa6fbd69dc6ab88351ef100d6e287f8f8ef2a862644a565d3fc770d7d6e533,martin wagner,that sunspot intern space station iss caught chanc pass front sun sunspots individually dark central umbra lighter surround penumbra solar panels contrast iss complex multispir mechanism one largest sophist machin ever creat humanity also sunspot occur sun wherea iss orbit earth transit sun unusu iss orbit earth everi 90 minutes get one time equip right great imag rare strangely besid fake spot sun last week lack real sunspots sunspot rare sun sinc dawn current solar minimum period low solar activity although fewer sunspot record solar minimum mani previou decades low solar activ not yet unusual,intern space station transit sun,2008-07-30,602,95,0.0723809523809523,07-30,7,2008,30,1,2,1 696ad6c6671a38a21c41f4c623308f1714220a8272682d1f122ef8fc85846fd3,warren keller,galaxi ngc 5216 top right ngc 5218 realli look like connect string course string cosmic trail gas dust star 22000 lightyear long also known keenan system for discoverer arp 104 interact galaxi pair 17 million lightyear away constel ursa major debri trail join them along ngc 5218 commashap extens distort arm ngc 5216 consequ mutual gravit tide disrupt galaxi repeatedli swing close one another drawn billion years encount like result merger singl galaxi stars spectacular galact merger understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way,galaxi string,2008-07-31,542,85,0.2580357142857142,07-31,7,2008,31,7,1,3 190332eeef8cb74bc547da2307461e806cdf7c95535e9811fa9205d5a003dac2,pixheavennet,moon measur diamet around kilomet miles appar angular size angl cover object also import moon enthusiasts angular size depend distance farther away object is smaller angl sinc moon 400000 kilomet away angular size 12 degree span easili cover tip finger held arm length measur tape held distanc friend cours sun much larger moon 400 time larger fact today new moon cover sun total solar eclips seen along track across northern canada arctic siberia northern china a partial eclips visibl broader solar eclips illustr happi coincid sun 400 time diamet moon also 400 time farther away give sun moon exactli angular size total solar eclipse webcast china,moon,2008-08-01,650,106,0.0051948051948051,08-01,8,2008,1,2,2,4 7b70928b955fde7055fe32a09e7983a81db846dc65102d41f1c847c58ce457c1,philipp haak,course everyon concern wear solar eclipse need worri though natur often conspir project imag eclips stylish appropri pattern adorn mani visibl surfac includ cloth right time commonly small gap leav tree act pinhol camera gener multipl recogniz imag eclipse madrid view 2005 octob 3rd annular eclips sun astronom philipp haak met friend anoth inspiration result grid small hole kitchen strainer produc pattern imag eclips shirt yesterday solar eclips total along narrow path begin northern canada extend across arctic end china partial eclips could seen much europ asia,eclips shirt,2008-08-02,570,87,0.0206349206349206,08-02,8,2008,2,1,0,1 92a0fb63b5a2eaafa23ed47ca2c2b517322b52eb893b5ab23cf03b402e0b6c96,none,jewel shine bright star do like gem jewel box though star open cluster ngc 290 glitter beauti display bright color photogen cluster pictur above captur recent orbit hubbl space telescope open cluster star younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular cluster stars ngc 290 lie 200000 lightyear distant neighbor galaxi call small cloud magellan smc open cluster contain hundr star span 65 light year across ngc 290 open cluster good laboratori studi star differ mass evolve sinc open cluster star born time,open cluster ngc 290 stellar jewel box,2008-08-03,530,85,0.15,08-03,8,2008,3,6,1,5 103c115cb71f0a248f617a4a2c10686ec54f76e892d15321b66cc2a3c988640d,none,haunt pattern within planetari nebula ngc 6543 readili suggest popular monik cat eye nebula start 1995 stun falsecolor optic imag hubbl space telescop detail swirl glow nebula known gaseou shroud expel die sunlik star 3000 lightyear earth composit pictur combin latest hubbl optic imag cat eye new xray data orbit chandra observatori reveal surprisingli intens xray emiss indic presenc extrem hot gas xray emiss shown bluepurpl hue superimpos nebula center nebula central star clearli immers multimillion degree xray emit gas pocket xray hot ga seem border cooler ga emit strongli optic wavelengths clear indic expand hot ga sculpt visibl cat eye filament structures gaze cat eye astronom see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,xray cat eye nebula,2008-08-04,762,119,0.2207070707070707,08-04,8,2008,4,4,2,5 dcedb6d428d7485e02af7353ce2cab428f77179f1488c31e501208aae0864e4a,bill,what black dot sun moon past weekend sun went dark day moon complet cover it total solar eclips visibl thin swath earth extend northern canada china shown above mani sky enthusiast gather wit total partial solar eclipse last minutes imag taken total near barkol xinjiang china barkol mountain rang visibl horizon although brightest part sun covered normal invis corona hot ga surround sun becam prominent upper left moon darken sun planet mercuri venus increas darken sky toward right indic darken atmospher creat pass shadow cone total solar eclipse next total solar eclips occur next juli visibl part india china,total solar eclips china,2008-08-05,614,99,0.0104308390022675,08-05,8,2008,5,1,2,1 1ed74723b27dd1af03c64de9cb493a4eda37e8280dfe926a7f125d7915b7b2a6,catalin beldea,train trip railway novosibirsk result stun view along edg sun record august 1st total solar eclipse pictur composit two imag taken special moment eclips sequence correspond begin end total eclips phase time known eclips chaser 2nd 3rd contact bright bead around moon dark silhouett ray sunlight shine lunar valley edg lunar disk composit view also captur solar prominences loop structur hot plasma suspend magnet fields extend beyond sun edge,sun edg,2008-08-07,442,69,0.1446428571428571,08-07,8,2008,7,1,1,1 28b32fd51db55dd6aaa14e9cbbf924e39c69a62c9a91143d7b6c15717de1d92a,hartwig luethen,total solar eclipse sun extens outer atmosphere corona inspir sight subtl shade shimmer featur corona engag eye span bright rang 10000 1 make notori difficult captur singl picture composit 28 digit imag rang exposur time 11000 2 second come close reveal crown sun glory telescop view record near russia august 1 total solar eclips also show solar promin extend beyond edg eclips sun remarkably featur dark near side new moon also made out illumin sunlight reflect full earth,crown sun,2008-08-08,474,78,0.1351239669421487,08-08,8,2008,8,1,1,1 8d0bf1f4b976e68479fd934dc4407104e203a3a70868158dd8953d9f8debd499,jimmywestlakecoloradomountain college,dark sky favor view meteor shower best view year perseid occur earli morning perseid meteor shower schedul peak next days bright light gibbou moon also flood earli even mask major rel faint meteors still skygaz earli morn moon set after 2 local time could reveal mani faint meteors persist observ time sunset reward northern hemispher watcher look occasion perseid fireballs astronom jimmi westlak imag bright perseid meteor despit combin moonlight auror glow colorado sky august 2000,aurora persei,2008-08-09,485,76,0.17125,08-09,8,2008,9,8,1,1 43487a0c0a736015eaab2ce75f15c6f6a981d7f2c037dcb2a01c79692730f7b2,none,black hole quit possibly cygnu x1 binari star system contain one best candid black hole system discov one brightest xray sourc sky shine bright detect earliest rocket carri camera capabl see previous unknown xray sky star name indic singl brightest xray sourc constel swan cygnus data indic compact object contain nine time mass sun chang bright continu sever time scales least milliseconds behavior expect black hole difficult explain pictur artist impress cygnu x1 system left bright blue supergi star design hde estim 30 time mass sun cygnu x1 depict right connect supergi companion stream gas surround impress accret disk bright star cygnu x1 system visibl small telescope strangely cygnu x1 black hole candid appear form without bright supernova explosion,black hole candid cygnu x1,2008-08-11,760,119,0.1796536796536796,08-11,8,2008,11,6,2,4 677c04ddf7300c72bd77869b1fb127ab8c7abc05a754bffdf08dc36b8e652c26,none,could stand mars would see robot phoenix spacecraft land mar may record spectacular panorama imag actual digit combin 100 camera point survey fulli 360 degre around busi robot laboratory click horizont compress imag bring version visibl imag foreground circular solar panels variou phoenix instruments rust color rocks trench dug phoenix probe mars chemic composition vast plateau dirt dirtcov ice and far distance dust color atmospher mars phoenix land far north mar use sophist laboratori search sign past life might possible recent soil analys confirm presenc ice gave conflict indic unexpect perchlor salts whether perchlor exist mar aggress researched well effect perchlor might past develop life,mar panorama phoenix lander,2008-08-12,701,105,0.0333333333333333,08-12,8,2008,12,5,2,2 b5b9bb719b596c4c811ab5b7199eb884dcbe0d0e9eb0de53e125b8f3a4d6be5d,toni halla,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula cosmic bubbl 25 lightyear across blown wind central bright massiv star beauti telescop view combin composit color imag narrow band data isol light hydrogen oxygen atom windblown nebula oxygen atom produc bluegreen hue seem enshroud detail fold filaments ngc 6888 central star classifi wolfrayet star wr 136 star shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years nebula complex structur like result strong wind interact materi eject earlier phase burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion found nebula rich constel cygnus ngc 6888 5000 lightyear away,ngc 6888 crescent nebula,2008-08-13,669,104,0.2172619047619047,08-13,8,2008,13,4,2,5 7b6286ef3038203f8cfda3d86bef75697d96083bb51465faaeb2102d2f442ba0,walli pacholka,bright color meteor flash tuesday earli morn skies part annual perseid meteor shower love imag one 350 frame captur august 12 joshua tree nation park california usa dust comet swifttuttl respons perseids creat northern hemisphere regular summer sky show comet dust vapor enter atmospher upward 60 kilomet per second produc visibl trail begin altitud around 100 kilometers course trail point back radiant point constel perseus give meteor shower name record moonset starri background featur bright star vega right extend western horizon faint band northern milki way,perseid trail,2008-08-14,566,86,0.1873015873015873,08-14,8,2008,14,3,1,1 768fa2c81d0d2bf803b5d2517a3f2b654248fd4cf747920b2b2a5b707168d150,none,like downtown area favorit city road drive work on selfrespect web site io surfac constantli construction moon jupit hold distinct solar system volcan activ bodi bizarr look surfac continu form reform lava flows gener use 1996 data nasa galileo spacecraft high resolut composit imag center side io alway face away jupiter enhanc emphas io surfac bright color variations reveal featur small 15 mile across notabl absenc impact crater suggest entir surfac cover new volcan deposit much rapidli crater created drive volcan powerhouse like energi sourc chang gravit tide caus jupit galilean moon io orbit massiv ga giant planet heat io interior pump tide would gener sulfur volcan activity,io surface construct,2008-08-17,687,108,0.1432954545454545,08-17,8,2008,17,8,2,4 fdb858748a6334007c9182cde7c019d1ce4bad59ccbb7e3f8fef53d0bf758a1b,leonid durman,sun black out someth strang occurs moon move complet cover sun total solar eclipse bead bright sunlight stream around edg moon effect known baily beads name franci baili call attent phenomenon 1836 although number bright baily bead use unpredictable today moon well map gener featur regard baily bead expected singl bead dominates call diamond ring effect typic seen totality pictur above seri imag record baily bead time surround recent total solar eclips visibl novosibirsk russia complet seri seen scroll right end totality sun emerg behind moon baily bead may visibl side moon,baily bead near solar eclips total,2008-08-18,581,92,0.0774891774891774,08-18,8,2008,18,2,2,1 8cb436fb0de72f1c1d0127a217fe1a89116e9d153c3a1a7d5256e1550a3574eb,adam arizona,ten thousand year ago dawn record human history new light must suddenli appear night sky fade weeks today know light explod star record color expand cloud veil nebula pictur west end veil nebula known technic ngc 6960 less formal witch broom nebula expand debri cloud gain color sweep excit exist nearbi gas supernova remnant lie 1400 lightyear away toward constel cygnus witch broom actual span three time angular size full moon bright star 52 cygni visibl unaid eye dark locat unrel ancient supernova,ngc 6960 witch broom nebula,2008-08-19,502,83,0.166969696969697,08-19,8,2008,19,4,1,5 2353d539625e841e588c93856d7f2fcd792d4885332bd39293d4962816d99115,anthoni ayiomam,dark inner shadow planet earth call umbra shape like cone extend space umbra circular cross section easili seen lunar eclipse example last saturday full moon slid across northern edg umbra entertain moon watcher throughout earth eastern hemisphere lunar passag creat deep partial lunar eclipse composit imag use success pictur record eclips athens greec trace larg part umbra curv edge result nice illustr rel size umbra cross section distanc moon well moon path earth shadow,earth shadow,2008-08-20,475,74,0.1,08-20,8,2008,20,2,0,1 9d4d26eb24fc20ee5008475840ca66d4d4983dbde4cbf4f1b2afe769369bc621,denni,august eclips season month first new moon full moon seen darken sky solar lunar eclipse block sun left new moon captur total solar eclips august 1 path total overlook novosibirsk reservoir local known ob sea love solar corona bright inner planet mercuri venu emerg total eclips phase flicker view eclips digit camera dot landscape right full moon graze earth shadow nearli 15 day later partial lunar eclipse seren view record earli even stroll along shore river near citi western france planet earth two season year orient moon orbit favor solar lunar eclipses next eclips season begin januari 2009 annular solar eclipse,august moon,2008-08-21,620,101,0.1425495557074504,08-21,8,2008,21,2,2,1 03ca7458dbd1e903aa752f2cbf07a53f2b99e7506f4f97d40c4624145ea3de66,none,activ galaxi ngc 1275 central domin member larg rel nearbi perseu cluster galaxies prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter entir galaxi fall it ultim feed supermass black hole galaxy core stun visibl light imag hubbl space telescop show galact debri filament glow gas 20000 lightyear long filament persist ngc 1275 even though turmoil galact collis destroy them keep filament together recent work indic structures push galaxy center black hole activity held togeth magnet fields add xray data chandra observatori radio data larg array hubbl image slide cursor picture result composite xray highlight shell hot ga surround center galaxy radio emiss fill giant bubbleshap also known perseu a ngc 1275 span 100000 light year lie 230 million light year away,activ galaxi ngc 1275,2008-08-22,770,122,0.0512820512820512,08-22,8,2008,22,7,2,3 a829ce17f3a593fb4cc4de27e39927eb66c26c7dbdcf087927527adcfaa4675c,none,matter galaxi cluster fondli known shown composit image mere 34 billion lightyear away bullet cluster individu galaxi seen optic imag data total mass add far less mass cluster two cloud hot xray emit ga shown red repres even mass optic galaxi xray ga combined blue hue show distribut dark matter cluster otherwis invis telescop views dark matter map observ gravit lens background galaxies text book exampl shock front cloud ga right distort titan collis two galaxi cluster creat larger bullet cluster itself dark matter present interact cluster ga except gravity clear separ dark matter ga cloud consid direct evid dark matter exists,matter bullet cluster,2008-08-23,633,102,-0.0341736694677871,08-23,8,2008,23,7,2,4 b6a9eb1c66e6676b28a680b8b974799018c4e1a5648b9cc732351062eba6b652,none,galaxi fascin visible invisible grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232 captur detail one new larg telescopes good example visibl domin million bright star dark dust caught gravit swirl spiral arm revolv center open cluster contain bright blue star seen sprinkl along spiral arms dark lane dens interstellar dust seen sprinkl them less visible detectable billion dim normal star vast tract interstellar gas togeth wield high mass domin dynam inner galaxy invis even greater amount matter form yet know pervas dark matter need explain motion visibl outer galaxy what there announcement apod editor rjn open final frontier art exhibit ireland august 28,grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232,2008-08-24,640,100,0.1464848484848485,08-24,8,2008,24,7,2,3 5112c8969c364debff240cb41aa8d7238cb363f92652ce06bb808d5163baf038,dietmar hager,compact round ngc 7008 recogn planetari nebula 2800 lightyear distant nebula rich constel cygnus impress telescop view show ngc remark color detail combin broad band narrow band imag two differ telescop 12 hour total exposur time intrigu assort featur within nebula approxim 1 lightyear diamet suggest popular name nebula planetari nebula associ star birth instead nebula like ngc 7008 produc brief phase sunlik star pass toward end lives eject outer layers star cool eventu becom white dwarf stars like star seen near center ngc 7008 color imag also includ unrel still love gold blue binari star system ngc 7008 announcement apod editor rjn open final frontier art exhibit ireland august 28,ngc nebula,2008-08-25,691,111,0.0867187499999999,08-25,8,2008,25,4,2,5 7c9ea9d8793c8c453e0c86d52d74117036f35bd33cf4c8bae5f5774cdf7743ba,thoma v davi,star come bunches 200 globular star cluster orbit center milki way galaxy 47 tucana second brightest globular cluster behind omega centauri light take 13000 year reach us 47 tuc seen sky near small magellan cloud southern constel tucana also known ngc 104 dens cluster made sever million star volum 120 lightyear across cluster red giant star particularli easi see picture globular cluster also home exot xray binari star systems announcement apod editor rjn open final frontier art exhibit ireland august 28,47 great globular cluster star,2008-08-26,508,81,-0.0227272727272727,08-26,8,2008,26,6,0,3 5afb6cb4fcc5caca0598774b712e4ff3c3e54e898be1e45129310d199615d156,ken crawford,insid cocoon nebula newli develop cluster stars catalog ic 5146 beauti nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide locat 4000 light year away toward northern constel cygnus like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot star blue dustreflect starlight edg otherwis invis molecular cloud fact bright star near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas color view cocoon nebula trace remark subtl featur within surround dusti stellar nursery announcement apod editor rjn open final frontier art exhibit ireland august 28,ic 5146 cocoon nebula,2008-08-27,596,93,0.1285714285714286,08-27,8,2008,27,4,2,5 2b2603fded7724ef1bf67bed19fb56ad342ec0adf770134b32d5343d3b1d5241,none,launch june 11 explor univers extrem energies gammaray larg area space telescop offici renam fermi gammaray space telescope honor nobel laureat fermi pioneer highenergi physics testing fermi two instruments gammaray burst monitor larg area telescop lat regularli return data fermi first map gammaray sky lat shown falsecolor image allski view look toward center milki way galaxi galact plane project across middle shine gammaray sky along galact plane energet cosmic ray collid ga dust produc diffus gammaray glow strong emiss spin neutron star pulsars distant activ galaxi known blazars identifi place cursor map prelud futur discoveries remark result combin 4 day observations equival year observ compton gammaray observatori mission 1990s addit abil monitor gammaray bursts greatli improv sensit allow fermi look deeper highenergi universe,fermi first light,2008-08-28,842,123,0.0966666666666666,08-28,8,2008,28,6,2,4 4fedb07dd4793d8171043ccd01164c3ee7f48b683815f2b1aa4c76e35d846164,none,giant star form region w5 200 lightyear across 6500 lightyear away constel cassiopeia sculpt cloud cold ga dust seem form fantast shape impress mosaic infrar imag spitzer space telescope fact area right includ structur previous dub mountain creation new evid indic success gener star form w5 region expand pattern trigger star formation older earlier gener star seem cluster near middl enorm younger star seen near rims wind radiat older central star like carv compress surround interstellar material trigger collaps gave rise younger later gener star farther out falsecolor image heat dust still within caviti appear red youngest star form whitish areas w5 also known ic 1848 togeth ic 1805 part complex region popularli dub heart soul nebulae,gener star,2008-08-29,744,117,0.0111026228673287,08-29,8,2008,29,6,2,5 b741a5cb1aa7697fb57c5fae95656a97d02b73168450893b14dfe972f061b347,mike,contrari famou myth cant see great wall china moon even total solar eclipse august 1 could see moon eclips sun great wall fact locat near great wall western end moon complet block sun overwhelm disk reveal shimmer solar corona bright planet briefli darken sky main pass great wall jiayuguan also silhouet foreground pass wall pass best initi built around nearbi citi jiayuguan gansu provinc import stop silk road,eclips great wall,2008-08-31,413,68,0.5166666666666667,08-31,8,2008,31,1,1,1 d274276469cb2405d928f755bbeff607ab182f1662bbcbd69445692112c8abe7,mike sidonio,ga cloud grab galaxy even close claw odd look creature photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi left globul huge far distance place near cg4 chanc superposition,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,2008-09-01,416,63,0.0633333333333333,09-01,9,2008,1,6,0,3 7488a011fdf5f1032ece2b8a3224eca194409931f4bdd3823a162a552b320898,martin pugh,astronom turn detect tri figur caus startl sight like ngc 1316 investig indic ngc 1316 enorm ellipt galaxi started 100 million year ago devour smaller spiral galaxi neighbor ngc 1317 it support evid includ dark dust lane characterist spiral galaxy faint swirl star ga visibl wide deep image remain unexplain unusu small globular star clusters seen faint dot image ellipt galaxi brighter globular cluster ngc 1316 yet observ globular old creat recent spiral collision one hypothesi globular surviv even earlier galaxi subsum ngc 1316,ngc 1316 galaxi collid,2008-09-02,532,84,-0.1399999999999999,09-02,9,2008,2,7,0,3 afd4162af20a22b94e129ccc8f265fc9a268c6cd5c165f36264d978cca1b6280,none,juli 4th 2005 deep impact spacecraft direct probe impact nucleu comet tempel 1 still cruis solar system earlier year robot spacecraft look back record seri imag home world 31 million mile 50 million kilometers away sequenc top left bottom right four frame video show rotat earth combin visibl nearinfrar imag data enough resolut contrast see clouds oceans also follow remark transit earth large natur satellite moon moon orbit motion carri across field view left right imag earth distant perspect allow astronom connect overal variat bright differ wavelength planetari features observ aid search earthlik planet planetari systems,31 million mile planet earth,2008-09-03,629,96,0.1527472527472527,09-03,9,2008,3,8,2,2 9187e73bf3a325d0079d538318d13ad599e3ebdbf282bd1a1622ea6157ec0de6,goldman,first glance helix nebula aka ngc 7293 look simpl round wellstudi exampl planetari nebula produc near end life sunlik star understood surprisingli complex geometry extend loop cometshap featur explor hubbl space telescop images still 16inch diamet telescop camera broad narrow band filter use creat sharp view helix color composit also reveal nebula intrigu details includ lightyear long radial stripe spoke give appear cosmic wheel spoke featur seem indic helix nebula old evolv planetari nebula helix mere seven hundr light year earth constel aquarius,spoke helix nebula,2008-09-04,553,83,-0.0420454545454545,09-04,9,2008,4,4,0,5 0c81da2e9d6fda1ace84c74706f2ac828436376f89f1676da1c0e13975f98650,tunç tezel,search planet summer milki way astronom tezel took even road trip last saturday drive wind road mountain near bursa turkey reward beauti skyview south near center bright planet jupit outshin citi light star constel sagittarius mountain peaks arc cloud bank seem lead milki way cloudi apparit plung distant horizon turkish uludag mean great mountain uludag known ancient time olympus,milki way road trip,2008-09-05,382,59,0.1763888888888889,09-05,9,2008,5,6,1,1 6fbb80598907803411d50bc81a3513f0430ba37ff3dd82a10a84e4ae344c8a7a,roger a hopkin,star found within ten lightyear lone sun situat near outer spiral arm milki way galaxy sun found within one galaxy star clusters thousand star might occupi similar space would night sky look like dens pack stellar roger hopkin took pictur nation wildlif refug finger lake region western new york usa struck appropriately photograph flock backdrop seren sunset manipul imag black bird silhouett chang white final pictur dramat suggest tantal spectacl approach night crowd sky cluster star world,star,2008-09-06,493,77,0.0819696969696969,09-06,9,2008,6,6,0,1 0b67069e7dff07655f0d606259f5ddd4e48984764c94a1d2f76c67e7cba71099,jeancharl cuillandr,milki way galaxi alone part gather 25 galaxi known local group member includ great andromeda galaxi m31 m32 m33 larg magellan cloud small magellan cloud dwingeloo 1 sever small irregular galaxies mani dwarf ellipt dwarf spheroid galaxies pictur lower right one dwarf ellipticals ngc 205 like m32 ngc 205 companion larg m31 sometim seen south m31 center photographs imag show ngc 205 unusu ellipt galaxi contain least two dust cloud at 9 2 oclock visibl hard spot sign recent star formation galaxi sometim known m110 although actual part messier origin catalog,satellit andromeda galaxi,2008-09-09,560,91,-0.010595238095238,09-09,9,2008,9,7,0,3 7979318f986ccf3cfe7c62f4f1af2e89e055a2b7ef736b48c43d54cda9570c9e,none,creat unusu partial ring around saturn discov last year arc captur clear detail two month ago saturnorbit cassini spacecraft sinc arc occupi orbit small moon anthe lead hypothesi hold arc creat by replenish by meteor impact similar arc previous discovered includ arc associ small saturnian moon one arc relat saturn g ring sever arc orbit neptune pictur above anthe two kilomet across seen bright point near top anth arc anth arc imag robot space probe swoop within 15 million kilomet small moon,arc around saturn,2008-09-10,495,82,0.0319444444444444,09-10,9,2008,10,0,0,2 cd3f61c5de960c753bb74d6b3bd613ebe596c442b95ca144e6b078bac3be231d,societi,mountain top cloud lightpollut citi good place go watch august perseid meteor shower fact composit pictur one highest point summit meters southern mountains captur 20 shower bright streak starri night sky cosmic debri stream creat shower compos dust particl move along parallel paths follow orbit parent comet swifttuttle look toward shower radiant point constel perseus perspect caus parallel meteor streak appear look directli away radiant point view perspect actual make perseid meteor seem converg toward point horizon,mountain top meteor,2008-09-11,522,77,0.2714285714285714,09-11,9,2008,11,8,1,1 81abce92c10597fe3c33c547f0457fd1aa91f01ce93eb1fd297aba3fb249cfbf,celesti vision,bright trio terrestri planet join young moon septemb 1st planet earth earli even skies view celesti gather perth western australia moon sunlit crescent nearli horizont southern latitud 32 degrees venus mercury final mar shine color citi light far shore swan river six unlit tower left surround larg now planetari trio still linger low west sunset come day venu move farther sun climb higher sunset mercuri mar steadili sink glare along western horizon note free astronomi cours taught onlin apod editor,planet,2008-09-12,502,80,0.1625,09-12,9,2008,12,5,1,1 2aa7c5e2c660573cc30eeaae56adb13ea6f9021592c10b7f7351a057e4318abb,paul mortfield,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp detail imag nice show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region trace galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 1 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe note free astronomi cours taught onlin apod editor,m33 triangulum galaxi,2008-09-13,747,114,0.1749999999999999,09-13,9,2008,13,7,2,3 48b9b0655c2e8cc87a779a4f2ffce4962f6d027aadab604b5ad43e21203b5e7b,none,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl zoomabl view right shape reminisc classic heart symbol nebula shine brightli red light energ hydrogen sever young open cluster star popul imag visibl blue includ nebula centers light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focuss massiv star form affect environment note free astronomi cours taught onlin apod editor,heart soul nebula,2008-09-14,527,84,0.2593073593073593,09-14,9,2008,14,4,1,5 8c4023410ca028b1a76970484a58f2b7a65d4252a8c388c4eb2233291d0d2ff2,none,creat unusu space ribbon assuredly one violent explos ever wit ancient humans back year 1006 ad light reach earth stellar explos constel wolf lupus creat guest star sky appear brighter venu last two years supernova catalog sn 1006 occur 7000 light year away left larg remnant continu expand fade today pictur small part expand supernova remnant domin thin outwardli move shock front heat ioniz surround ambient gas sn 1006 diamet nearli 60 light years within past year even power explos occur far across univers visibl modern humans without optic aid seconds note free astronomi cours taught onlin apod editor,sn 1006 supernova ribbon hubbl,2008-09-15,609,99,0.0321428571428571,09-15,9,2008,15,6,2,4 fd0bd75676bfa4881b0d3b489a51e9b2f486d5c1403a379107473eb75463d337,none,star form studi star form region w5 sunorbit spitzer space telescop provid clear clue record massiv star near center empti caviti older star near edges like reason older star center actual trigger format younger edg stars trigger star format occur hot outflow ga compress cooler ga knot dens enough gravit contract stars spectacular pillars left slowli evapor hot outflow gas provid visual clues scientificallycolor infrar image red indic heat dust white green indic particularli dens ga clouds w5 also known ic 1848 togeth ic 1805 form complex region star format popularli dub heart soul nebulas imag highlight part w5 span 2000 light year rich star form pillars w5 lie 6500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia note free astronomi cours taught onlin apod editor,w5 pillar star creation,2008-09-16,768,124,0.1134057971014492,09-16,9,2008,16,6,2,4 1c4b257b9d396b4baa10d14e62a0b78309f25ebd8ee1fe399824f487e3312d0e,none,happen two largest object univers collide one quit sure answer give clue natur mysteri dark matter case two huge cluster galaxi found slowli collid hundr million years result imag hubbl space telescop visibl light chandra space telescop xray light visibl imag recorded locat gravit len distort distant galaxi newli combin galaxi cluster allow astronom comput determin happen clusters dark matter result indic huge collis caus dark matter cluster becom partli separ normal matter confirm earlier speculation combin image dark matter shown diffus purpl hue smooth depict xray hot normal matter shown pink contain hundr galaxies span three million light years lie nearli six billion light year away redshift toward constel monster whale cetus note free astronomi cours taught onlin apod editor,two giant galaxi cluster collid,2008-09-17,790,121,0.181578947368421,09-17,9,2008,17,7,2,4 b4edd4cdf0db80aad232ff77c04299d2f660e55478999ee154406cf7fcd4d711,none,locat 500 lightyear away toward constel scorpius star slightli less massiv littl cooler sun much younger million year old compar middleag sun 5 billion years sharp infrar imag show young star like companion posit left hot planet 8 time mass jupiter orbit whop 330 time earthsun distanc parent star young planetari companion still hot rel bright infrar light due heat gener format gravit contraction fact newborn planet easier detect age cool becom much fainter though 300 extrasolar planet found use techniques pictur like repres first direct imag planet belong star similar sun,companion young sunlik star,2008-09-19,579,92,0.1401960784313725,09-19,9,2008,19,6,2,3 750e7646ee22080838a9e655f47ae26d2530ceef30a8915394cac55097dfcb72,miloslavdruckmul,moment august 1st daytim sky grew dark along path total solar eclipse watch geocentr celesti event mongolia photograph record multipl imag two separ camera moon block bright solar disk darken sky final composit consist 55 frame rang exposur time 8 seconds span nearli 12 degrees rel posit moon sun correspond left bright planet mercury mani star also visible includ praesep star cluster also known m44 beehiv cancer right silhouet moon remarkably nearli perfect condit wide rang individu exposur allow composit pictur regist lunar surfac follow delic solar corona distanc nearli 20 time radiu sun fact composit present rang bright beyond eye could see eclipse,darken sky,2008-09-20,659,104,0.3238095238095238,09-20,9,2008,20,1,2,1 3691df1a0c52a41949650323544d5749a5239af7125753e2da8b8d2356966efe,none,tomorrow autumn equinox egg abl stand end longstand myth lose much mystiqu demonstr egg made stand end day year pictur above dr phil act bad astronom balanc three raw egg end late octob 1998 later modestly wife balanc five more littleappreci fact eggshel small bump make seemingli imposs task achievable although equinox everi place earth experi equal length day night 12 hour each fact practic effect egg stability,eg autumn equinox,2008-09-21,416,68,-0.068076923076923,09-21,9,2008,21,8,0,1 b282dfc8812abbc92418709ce60ba948696f82ee226b37671d8c8e2ac132399a,tunç tezel,today equinox date day night equal tomorrow everi day next equinox night longer day earth northern hemisphere day longer night earth southern hemisphere equinox occur midway two solstices day night least equal pictur composit hourli imag taken sun bursa turkey key day solstic equinox solstice bottom sun band taken winter solstic 2007 december sun could rise high sky stay horizon long lack sun caus winter top sun band taken summer solstic 2008 june sun rose highest sky stay horizon 12 hours abund sun caus summer middl band taken vernal equinox 2008 march sun band earthl see today day autumn equinox,equinox sun solstic solstic,2008-09-22,604,100,0.091,09-22,9,2008,22,1,2,1 c913aea6720a05b89c97471449ca58f7b852e569cf9e2b03a6888d325dbc1334,none,one strangest object outer solar system classifi dwarf planet last week given name design make haumea fifth design dwarf planet pluto ceres eris makemake haumea smooth oblong shape make extrem unusual along one direction haumea significantli longer pluto anoth direct haumea extent similar pluto third direct much smaller haumea orbit sometim bring closer sun pluto usual haumea away illustr above artist visual haumea nearli featureless quit possibly however haumea interest crater surfac featur current remain unknown origin discov 2003 given temporari design 2003 el61 haumea recent renam iau hawaiian goddess haumea two small moon discov 2005 recent renam hiiaka namaka daughter goddess,haumea outer solar system,2008-09-23,690,102,0.0117647058823529,09-23,9,2008,23,8,2,4 47ef27aae62b244a19bfc670798c4c2bc20678485ab5c59b55780aa1bfb92bdc,none,sun quiet recently one sure sun shown activ region hous even fewer associ sunspot year now period rel calm quit unusual well known sun transit period solar cycl call solar minimum solar activ histor reduced stark lack surfac tumult unusu even solar minimum however activ low seen mani decades day ago however activ region complet sunspot continu rotat across sun face visibl above region dub activ region ar imag ultraviolet light yesterday soho spacecraft coorbit sun near earth besid tranquil sun surface recent data ulyss spacecraft across solar system indic intens solar wind blow sun fifti year low predict hold however sun show activ region contain sunspot flare solar maximum occur four years,activ region unusu quiet sun,2008-09-24,702,113,0.1083333333333333,09-24,9,2008,24,1,2,4 e1a8cc6477db79805e57fd9663e08b87a3068be46ba97d92edaf9addde26b7ee,babak tafreshi,septemb 7th first quarter moon pass cloud contribut dramat night sky astrophys observatory panoram view begin left look toward eastern horizon rise star constel perseus sweep gaze right find larg observatori dome hous 26 meter diamet telescope backlit light nearbi capit citi fittingli pois observatori dome bright giant star highfli constel pegasus farther right brightest celesti beacon cloud solar system rule ga giant jupiter far right moon nearli hidden approach cloud actual cast shadow bright moonlight creat effect moon ray across even sky,moon ray observatori,2008-09-26,547,83,0.2184981684981685,09-26,9,2008,26,2,1,1 c17e47e2209141dbd91aece673d1eaa4f8fd5cacdd20be41522ffa5325fc18b8,none,big bright beautiful spiral galaxi m83 lie mere twelv million lightyear away near southeastern tip long constel hydra promin spiral arm trace dark dust lane blue star cluster lend galaxi popular name southern pinwheel reddish star form region dot sweep arm highlight sparkl color composit also suggest anoth nickname thousandrubi galaxy 40000 lightyear across m83 member group galaxi includ activ galaxi centauru a core m83 bright xray energies show high concentr neutron star black hole left intens burst star formation sharp image base archiv data european southern observatory wide field imag camera also featur spiki foreground milki way star distant background galaxies,m83 thousandrubi galaxi,2008-09-27,674,102,0.0559166666666666,09-27,9,2008,27,7,2,3 dd3e2543e705a20b3e34b3e232b72dc905db795de554116a6d2e2f451dbf1ce0,none,massiv star ngc 346 short lived energetic star cluster embed largest star form region small magellan cloud 210000 lightyear distant wind radiat sweep interstellar cavern ga dust cloud 200 lightyear across trigger star format sculpt region dens inner edge catalog n66 star form region also appear contain larg popul infant stars mere 3 5 million year old yet burn hydrogen infant star strewn embed star cluster falsecolor hubbl space telescop image visibl nearinfrar light seen blue green light atom hydrogen emiss red,young star ngc 346,2008-09-28,517,82,0.0291666666666666,09-28,9,2008,28,4,0,5 60e1cf2097ccb70a138cf2a62d53701f65f220b3c632b08c38f0db10c057c38b,walli pacholka,place world could see sight like this digit mosaic show night sky seen fals canyonland nation park eastern utah usa dive earth far distanc part central band milki way galaxy much closer planet jupit visibl bright point left closer still park picturesqu butt mesa lit crescent moon foreground cave hous stone circl unknown origin name fals cave briefli lit flashlight exposure astrophotograph walli pacholka report get cave easi trek also mountain lion concern wait alon dark record mosaic,true imag fals,2008-09-29,488,78,0.1071428571428571,09-29,9,2008,29,6,1,1 1bfc106ee5270ff2e408f61015c8890f5c49311425045a3eefb33cb898d3c25b,mike salway,spot solar system four rocki planets imag taken septemb 20 visibl singl glance may differ pictur above brightest highest object sky planet venus object lowest sky planet mars object furthest left planet mercury last remain point light bright star spica leav question fourth rocki planet would earth specif part australia visibl across entir bottom image,planet,2008-09-30,357,55,0.1833333333333333,09-30,9,2008,30,8,1,2 04154b070c8e0705a7cb8f1e1f8545ecfd308b840ca334b01c5521d9c09e0676,none,new chapter space flight began 1950 juli launch first rocket cape canaveral florida bumper v2 shown above bumper v2 ambiti twostag rocket program top v2 missil base wac corpor rocket upper stage abl reach thenrecord altitud almost 400 kilometers higher even modern space shuttl fli today launch direct gener electr company bumper v2 use primarili test rocket system research upper atmosphere bumper v2 rocket carri small payload allow measur attribut includ air temperatur cosmic ray impacts seven year later soviet union launch sputnik sputnik ii first satellit earth orbit respons 1958 50 year ago today us creat nasa,first rocket launch cape canaver,2008-10-01,619,98,0.0489510489510489,10-01,10,2008,1,8,2,2 d3426827d66d2437ea9cd564c681449e7fbcc8e70360f662e7039bcf6865de5d,none,dusti island univers one brightest spiral galaxi sky seen nearli edgeon ngc 253 lie mere 13 million lightyear away largest member sculptor group galaxies neighbor local galaxi group remark sharp closeup view base data hubble advanc camera survey acs begin left near galaxy core panorama follow filament dust interstellar gas even individu star toward galaxy edg far right magnific vista span nearli 50000 lightyears imag data part ac nearbi galaxi survey program explor cosmic backyard,ngc 253 closeup,2008-10-02,485,75,-0.1174107142857142,10-02,10,2008,2,7,0,3 6c6684e8726aa99b42382d18fc4a7b5a4f52d5906212b3299246796cbbb431d2,feraphotographi,young sun still lie within dusti ngc 7129 3000 lightyear away toward royal constel cepheus star rel tender age million year old like sun form similar stellar nurseri five billion year ago notic strike imag love bluish dust cloud reflect youth starlight smaller deep red crescent shape also marker energetic young stellar objects known herbigharo objects shape color characterist glow hydrogen ga shock jet stream away newborn stars ultim natal ga dust region dispersed star drift apart loos cluster orbit center galaxy estim distanc ngc 7129 telescop view span 40 lightyears,young sun ngc 7129,2008-10-03,574,91,0.1416666666666666,10-03,10,2008,3,4,2,5 8c64f9cf9b9cc18893558df7c713c73afbe96a800aa967f889ecb3715abcf756,none,septemb 29 magnific erupt solar promin lift away sun surface unfurl space cours sever hours suspend twist magnet fields hot plasma structur mani time size planet earth captur view sunwatch stereo spacecraft imag record extrem ultraviolet light emit ioniz helium element origin identifi solar spectrum seen brilliant solar surfac visibl light promin appear dark filament rel cool bright view black space arc sun edge video erupt a file avail here,solar promin,2008-10-04,445,70,0.3354166666666667,10-04,10,2008,4,1,1,4 84bd60138d2907a4451c329c4156174310830186508019283c5c21d6644b76a1,none,earth look like night find favorit countri city surprisingly citi light make task quit possible humanmad light highlight particularli develop popul area earth surface includ seaboard europe eastern unit states japan mani larg citi locat near river ocean exchang good cheapli boat particularli dark area includ central part south america africa asia australia imag actual composit hundr pictur made orbit dmsp satellites,earth night,2008-10-05,419,62,0.2388888888888888,10-05,10,2008,5,8,1,1 333455b12c1c231d893070eace5b71dbd9d2a83e92452d98f2a736ea8ebe8fe8,none,layer red cliff form mars one sure northern ice cap mar nearli divid two huge divis name chasma similar format occur earth pictur above sever dusti layer lead deep chasm visible cliff mostli face left still partli visibl above appear dramat red light area like water ice imag span one kilomet near north mars elev drop right left kilometer one hypothesi relat format chasma underli volcan activity,layer red cliff mar,2008-10-06,397,67,0.1296703296703296,10-06,10,2008,6,5,1,1 5f98a78d837ed932b0e42c20a72929e5558c4483584120d8aba989b67f998440,none,bright young star sometim sculpt picturesqu dust mountain soon born creat quit accident energet light wind massiv newborn star burn away accumul dark dust cool ga slow persist manner case ngc 3324 star form region near edg ngc 3372 energet expans carina nebula pictur above scientif assign colors small part ngc 3324 carina nebula one largest star form region known home eta carinae one unstabl variabl star known imag creat archiv hubbl space telescop data honor 10th anniversari hubbl heritag project hubbl heritag project created far nearli 130 visual stun images,dust mountain carina nebula,2008-10-07,566,91,0.0954545454545455,10-07,10,2008,7,4,2,5 63bd22ceb2df8e0f3bfac868e452c45089460fcf746f6c399bdb0a003ef1a957,none,planet mercuri known sinc histori recorded part solar system innermost planet never seen like before two day ago robot messeng spacecraft buzz past mercuri second time imag terrain map previous compar crude radar imag record messeng look back 90 minut passing altitud 27000 kilometers visibl image among mani newli imag features unusu long ray appear run like meridian longitud young crater near northern limb messeng schedul fli past mercuri fire thruster enter orbit 2011,mercuri reveal messeng,2008-10-08,473,74,-0.1351851851851851,10-08,10,2008,8,8,0,2 b1f0b28eeabbfe9265c327e132bd3858c2e78b3e20a9729c61630a56d45a94f3,panther observatori,massiv star lie within ngc 6357 expans emiss nebula complex 8000 lightyear away tail constel scorpius fact posit center closeup view ngc 6357 star cluster pismi 24 includ massiv star known galaxy star 100 time mass sun nebula bright central region also contain dusti pillar molecular gas like hide massiv protostar pri eye optic instruments intric shape nebula carv interstellar wind energet radiat young newli form massiv stars allur telescop view span 50 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6357,massiv star ngc 6357,2008-10-09,489,78,0.08,10-09,10,2008,9,4,0,5 2021e66a80021f6bd1ef369f737048cb9bd14b93ba98ac7ba6f1fd6feeaa784a,robert gendler,irregular galaxi ngc 55 thought similar larg magellan cloud lmc lmc 180000 lightyear away well known satellit milki way galaxy ngc 55 like 6 million lightyear distant member sculptor galaxi group classifi irregular galaxy deep exposur lmc resembl bar disk galaxy however span 50000 lightyears ngc 55 seen nearli edgeon present flattened narrow profil contrast faceon view lmc larg star form region creat emiss nebula lmc ngc 55 also seen produc new stars gorgeou galaxi portrait highlight bright core telltal pinkish emiss regions young blue star cluster ngc 55,irregular galaxi ngc 55,2008-10-10,561,89,0.0707070707070707,10-10,10,2008,10,7,0,3 c59ad1a68d8e65539e23c85a0848b0182fb67ce8730a77a725f0b28fb36b3c79,howard,septemb 30 spectacular bolid firebal meteor surpris group amateur astronom enjoy dark night sky oklahoma black mesa state park midwestern us flash past familiar constel tauru top orion extrem bright meteor captur hillsid camera overlook 2008 star party astronomi enthusiast howard report look opposit direct time saw whole observ field light first thought someon turn car far sight bright bolid meteor produc space rock vapor hurtl earth atmosphere realli matter luck could change earlier week discoveri followup track tini asteroid 2008 tc3 allow astronom predict time locat impact atmosphere groundbas sight firebal seem reported first ever impact predict confirm least detect air burst bright flash octob 7th northern sudan,bright bolid,2008-10-11,726,109,0.218859649122807,10-11,10,2008,11,6,2,4 8f948a85ab563545f845ebf2db5bce55e9746cfdcfe45c0ad7de6c6dadf12681,none,milki way galaxi look like far away similar size grand design home galaxi although without central spiral galaxi ngc 3370 lie 100 million lightyear away toward constel lion leo record exquisit detail hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys big beauti faceon spiral proven sharp enough studi individu star known cepheids pulsat star use accur determin ngc distance ngc 3370 chosen studi 1994 spiral galaxi also home well studi stellar explos type ia supernova combin known distanc standard candl supernova base cepheid measurements observ supernova even greater distances help reveal size expans rate entir univers itself,spiral galaxi ngc hubbl,2008-10-12,625,95,0.0386363636363636,10-12,10,2008,12,7,2,3 d5d6f1a9bbe08cfb60a76eef72a792d291c1be98117bcd6b85263b95f640f507,none,tell impur ice plume enceladus help answer question robot cassini spacecraft dove last week within 30 kilomet saturn emit moon closestev approach cassini attempt obtain chemic data particl eject enceladus regular surface time cassini flew right sampl ice geyser directly search data clue wateric domin plume surfac ejecta although main purpos flybi particl analysis sever interest imag emerging visibl image example unusu gray sheen run vertic imag center might water vapor escap surfac canyons notabl featur visibl includ vast plain ici grooves daynight termin across imag left area near top compar rich craters cassini schedul buzz enceladu imag run near end month,cassini pass ice plume enceladu,2008-10-13,668,102,0.101007326007326,10-13,10,2008,13,8,2,4 44bcd7acae8c0dcb7d8ae43da8b27b0b7b0798fd3335e8f542c021b8808cdc2a,none,creat unusu tiger stripe saturn moon enceladus one sure help find out scientist program robot cassini spacecraft dive right past moon last week previously tiger stripe region found expel plume waterice fuel specul liquid sea might occur beneath enceladus frozen exterior sea interest candid contain extraterrestri life import process tiger stripe format may includ heat visibl terrain enceladu young crater visible newli releas raw imag show least one type fals however seem chain crater evid concurr releas imag region larg tiger stripe across imag middl impress length breadth larg intern shadow make also appear quit deep cassini next fli enceladu octob 31,enceladu tiger cassini,2008-10-14,659,102,0.0489343989343989,10-14,10,2008,14,0,2,4 9c74f99a33870ba512a15d5d5facd52a73c539e0f0690de90adee5d0d231e166,john,orion hunter one easili recogniz constel planet earth night sky orion star nebula look quit color eye love camera image taken earli last month black forest star parti cherri spring state park pennsylvania usa singl exposure cool red giant betelgeus take yellowish tint brightest star far left otherwis orion hot blue star numerous supergi rigel balanc betelgeus upper right bellatrix upper left saiph lower right line orion belt bottom top alnitak alnilam mintaka 1500 lightyear away born constellation well studi interstellar clouds middl star orion sword look reddish fuzzi you should stellar nurseri known great nebula orion,camera orion,2008-10-15,627,97,0.1660401002506265,10-15,10,2008,15,4,2,5 7212e25a7a0adeb13a8c59fc3e2978d1bc10e931ec8114e82c1209555da7e88d,none,nineteenth centuri scienc fiction author jule vern wrote visionari work extraordinari voyag includ tale space flight stori journey earth moon fittingly european space agency newli develop autom transfer vehicl atv robot spacecraft intend deliv cargo intern space station iss name honor success dock iss earlier year jule vern atv undock deorbit last month safe control reentri pacif ocean follow astronom order make detail comparison actual event comput model spacecraft reentri breakup atmosphere dramat imag spacecraft high definit video frame record nasa dc8 airborn laboratory observ part joint jule vern multiinstru aircraft campaign,extraordinari voyag,2008-10-17,638,92,0.1371428571428571,10-17,10,2008,17,8,2,2 7246359819ce3cfdd0924f33f4db72cc1eef410c7814e0c1f999af0ffaed7fa8,antonio fernandez,cosmic pillar cold molecular ga cloud dark dust lie within sharpless starform region 3000 lightyear away royal constel cepheus tantal falsecolor skyscap span 20 lightyear across nebula bright central region also highlight pervas glow emiss atom ga use narrowband filter color palett made popular hubbl space telescop images power nebular glow young hot star newli form cluster berkeley course starform region entri number 171 famou 1959 catalog emiss nebula compil astronom stewart,sharpless 171,2008-10-18,481,72,0.1285714285714286,10-18,10,2008,18,4,1,5 894b30a03a18a2963e2776ed9b55bd5509ba66bea694d92d58d946fd56f67d03,none,center lagoon nebula whirlwind spectacular star formation visibl upper left least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star hershel 36 light area vast wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 5 light years taken 1995 orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel sagittarius,center lagoon nebula,2008-10-19,535,84,0.149074074074074,10-19,10,2008,19,4,1,5 945c682c1ce49f041263b34e0e2deca760f87f0082bce3e6efd5e08df704dca4,none,would saturn show strang colors robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn beam back imag show northern hemispher solar system spectacularli ring planet chang notic sinc cassini arriv 2004 sport unusu unexpect colors one sure why although caus mani saturn color unknown recent chang color thought relat chang seasons pictur above unusu color visibl north dark ring shadows plane ring particl visibl nearli edgeon across bottom image cloudi moon titan loom larg rings close observ reveal three moons cassini arriv saturn 2004 send back data imag led deeper understand jovian world atmosphere moons rings also rais new mysteries,moons rings unexpect color saturn,2008-10-20,629,97,0.0429292929292929,10-20,10,2008,20,0,2,4 1f8aa12b0a6de184f8c523bf20ec5e0bbb5996983f11fe00f25bef05f4b035b4,none,where previously nebula cta 1 show expand supernova remnant jet point sourc expect pulsar rotat neutron star produc puls radio energies radio puls detected nasa recent deploy fermi space telescop solv mysteri initi observ indic point sourc puls gammaray energies strang sourc first class might dub dark rotat neutron star appear puls highenergi radiations pulsar might detect radio visibl light emit radiat narrow beam seen earth true galaxi might pulsar left fermi studi gammaray properti pulsar give valuabl clue physic emiss region neutron stars graphic pulsar posit indic wider cta 1 supernova remnant artist illustr pulsar beam gammaray energi shown inset,dark pulsar 1,2008-10-21,661,101,0.0537037037037037,10-21,10,2008,21,6,2,4 687f047c63b1d6d08e32282dfa80ab6646eb0f10422dab2624fb4ca279128961,vicent peri,favorit target astronomers big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 one brighter galaxi found charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasu similar size milki way galaxy ngc 7331 often imag foreground visual group includ intrigu assort background galaxi ten time farther away strike imag wellstudi island univers environ produc use data calar alto observatori southern spain perhap deepest view region yet imag data process reveal sharp detail size bright faint areas color balanc chosen white would result averag color entir galaxy result show wealth remark featur ngc 7331 surroundings,beauti spiral ngc 7331,2008-10-22,628,94,-0.0024999999999999,10-22,10,2008,22,7,2,3 9d5cd7d124d0317852a3c5ffe6693af146934f308c8459415199d17f5d1c4e84,toni halla,great nebula orion also known m42 one famou nebula sky star form region glow ga cloud hot young star right sharp color two frame mosaic includ smaller nebula m43 near center dusty bluish reflect nebula ngc 1977 friend left locat edg otherwis invis giant molecular cloud complex eyecatch nebula repres small fraction galact neighborhood wealth interstellar material within wellstudi stellar nursery astronom also identifi appear numer infant solar systems gorgeou skyscap span nearli two degre 45 lightyear orion nebula estim distanc 1500 lightyears editor note version imag label gener astrometrynet avail here,great orion nebula,2008-10-23,610,92,0.0436224489795918,10-23,10,2008,23,4,2,5 47eedd4cbd867bba10707d15641bd54b7ec6db02b29df2dcb64104ffea5219f9,toni cook,one year ago comet 17pholm amaz sky watcher across planet earth stunningli rapid outburst transform faint comet quietli orbit sun period 7 year nakedey comet rival brighter star constel perseus larg shape wideangl view record novemb 11 2007 becam wellknown astronom tri unravel mysteri comet surpris outburst still comet holm dim ion tail seen separ bright coma image separ tail creat illus reflect nebula appear faint bluish haze right center background star loos group alpha persei move cluster,amaz comet holm,2008-10-24,497,78,-0.0163265306122448,10-24,10,2008,24,3,0,5 2c1d1fe4982ed554abaa94e08f1675acc848047be972f866a487138c0d7cade9,none,near outskirt small magellan cloud satellit galaxi 200 thousand lightyear distant lie 5 million year young star cluster ngc 602 surround natal ga dust ngc 602 featur stun hubbl imag region fantast ridg swept back shape strongli suggest energet radiat shock wave ngc 602 massiv young star erod dusti materi trigger progress star format move away cluster center estim distanc small magellan cloud pictur span 200 lightyears tantal assort background galaxi also visibl sharp hubbl view background galaxi hundr million lightyear beyond ngc 602,ngc 602 beyond,2008-10-25,539,84,-0.0583333333333333,10-25,10,2008,25,7,0,3 5e18cba8726a949de2bb8aa19b7fed79f5fcc717fb96a75ec28edc481820cd48,none,massiv normal star be estim made distance bright standard solar model given one star open cluster pismi 24 200 time mass sun make record holder star brightest object locat ga front image close inspect imag taken recent hubbl space telescope however shown pismi 241 deriv brilliant luminos singl star three least compon star would still remain near 100 solar masses make among massiv star current record toward bottom image star still form associ emiss nebula ngc 6357 includ sever appear break illumin spectacular cocoon,massiv star open cluster pismi 24,2008-10-26,520,84,0.215,10-26,10,2008,26,6,1,3 db0bc8dcd9c586a2427a83b65fa3cc194d64a394e1ddc476654382d28304bdef,none,cloud lurk beneath saturn unusu south pole help find out robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn imag nether region gigant ring orb infrar light thick cloud appear dark mask much infrar light emit warmer region below rel thin cloud appear much band cloud circl saturn sever latitudes dark oval indic mani dark swirl storm systems surprisingly haze upper level cloud visibl toward saturn equat disappear near pole includ saturn strang polar vortex cassini enter orbit around saturn 2004 record imag last year,beneath south pole saturn,2008-10-27,513,82,0.0511111111111111,10-27,10,2008,27,0,0,1 7de9a3deb5b7b98b182ec279180985c40fad5a75af923b705a130e3ba5f935f6,ignacio,north america nebula sky north american earth cannot form stars specifically analog earthconfin continent bright part appear central america mexico actual hot bed gas dust newli form star known cygnu wall beauti skyscap show star form wall lit erod bright young stars partli hidden dark dust created north america nebula ngc 7000 span 50 light year lie 1500 light year away toward constel swan cygnus,north america nebula,2008-10-28,401,65,0.203030303030303,10-28,10,2008,28,4,1,5 e10317722a1340f42bff8d96888d399e207ba0054fbaa360ebfb635237a9f1f2,giovanni benintend,spooki shape seem haunt starri expanse drift night royal constel cepheus course shape cosmic dust cloud faintli visibl dimli reflect starlight far neighborhood planet earth lurk edg cepheu flare molecular cloud complex 1200 lightyear away 2 lightyear across brighter ghostli apparitions nebula known vdb 141 sh2136 near center field even seen infrar light also catalog bok globul core cloud collaps like binari star system earli stage formation take survey aesthet astronomy,haunt cepheu flare,2008-10-30,474,71,0.04,10-30,10,2008,30,4,0,5 bb397d54e69898857c1d8eb7bc5744c98b12d7b2bdc3cd1b4a63a46be304b731,star observatori,starlight eeri visag shine dark crook profil evok popular name witch head nebula fact entranc telescop portrait give impress witch fix gaze orion bright supergi star rigel span 50 lightyears dusti cosmic cloud strongli reflect nearbi rigel blue light give characterist color reflect nebula catalog ic 2118 witch head nebula 1000 lightyear away course might see witch scari tonight panic safe happi halloween take survey aesthet astronomy,witch starlight,2008-10-31,437,67,0.3416666666666666,10-31,10,2008,31,4,1,5 26078581f48d840cfd15c32ce13332c3db126bc3c72e13c91ba65260e015b12c,paul mortfield,menac fli form color mark halloween season also stand cosmic closeup eastern veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star veil roughli circular shape cover nearli 3 degre sky constel cygnus portion eastern veil span 12 degree appar size moon translat 12 lightyear veil estim distanc 1400 lightyear planet earth composit imag data record narrow band filters emiss hydrogen atom remnant shown red strong emiss oxygen atom greenish hues western part veil lie anoth season apparition witch broom take survey aesthet astronomy,spectr eastern veil,2008-11-01,567,88,0.0583333333333333,11-01,11,2008,1,4,0,5 c3e8875c93f91b9698002edbf94bfc9470dc35821544ee34a6a3852a58210279,none,imagin pipe wide state long half earth imagin pipe fill hot ga move 50000 kilomet per hour imagin pipe made metal transpar magnet field envis one thousand young spicul activ sun pictur perhap highest resolut imag yet enigmat solar flux tubes spicul dot frame solar activ region 10380 cross sun 2004 june particularli evid carpet dark tube right timesequenc imag recent shown spicul last five minutes start tall tube rapidli rise ga eventu fade ga peak fall back sun imag also indic ultim caus spicul soundlik wave flow sun surfac leak sun atmosphere,spicules jet sun,2008-11-02,549,93,0.0153679653679653,11-02,11,2008,2,1,0,4 853cdef7e2e0562c2bd2ce446eaef95d2b2ed48f365ba3b033554f4f5a93456d,none,mercuri mani ray craters one sure robot messeng spacecraft take unpreced imag swoop past innermost planet provid dramat confirm mercuri ray crater earth moon pictur above particularli spectacular ray crater span approxim 80 kilomet imag messeng last month flybi 20000 kilomet up ray preval mysteri space weather effect dust accumul solar wind greater mercuri moon hypothes solut current includ optic properti mercurian dust mercury high mass proxim sun caus violent impacts thu typic rais light material messeng buzz past mercuri next year enter orbit 2011,spectacular crater mercuri,2008-11-03,556,85,0.0716666666666666,11-03,11,2008,3,8,0,4 9aa0d0101d7c5d2a0693bc8a8f678a576b262d6f5313581bf041392bd3601908,none,could galaxi becom shape like ring even could two rim blue galaxi pictur right show immens ringlik structur 30000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars blue galaxi part interact galaxi system known arp 147 show ring recent collid galaxi frame red galaxi left unusually even red galaxi show ring like band although seen nearli edgeon galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact cloud interstellar ga dust becom condensed caus wave star format move impact point like rippl across surfac pond imag taken last week nasa hubbl space telescop demonstr abil wide field planetari camera 2 recent technic difficulties,doubl ring galaxi arp 147 hubbl,2008-11-04,644,103,0.1275510204081632,11-04,11,2008,4,7,2,4 bfbf87d075999babace712a2755366760fca7c1e3cd9219f0ca0436234aeb9d4,none,one closest pictur yet obtain saturn icespew moon enceladus imag taken 1700 kilomet robot cassini spacecraft zoom fractur ice ball last week featur size bu highli detail imag taken enceladus activ tiger stripe region differ moon planets groov hill dot alien moonscap devoid craters space might wonder where highli textur surface futur probe might land search freshli deposit ice subsurfac seas even indic life although appear dark contrastenhanc image surfac enceladu cover brightest ice entir solar system reflect 99 percent light help better understand enigmat world cassini schedul swoop enceladu least five times,hundr kilomet enceladu,2008-11-05,616,93,0.0142857142857142,11-05,11,2008,5,8,2,2 79fbc5ab4cd04fbeb7c2511cf2707235fbf6b3424a0806d6f8e34cd8946c9828,none,dramat imag jupit tout sharpest pictur entir ga giant ever taken ground pictur made use prototyp instrument known mad adapt optic mount one european southern observatory 8meter diamet larg telescop unit chile work infrar wavelength mad instrument atmospher blurring earthbound telescopes use multipl guid star deform mirror sens correct distort produc turbul earth atmosphere hydrogen methan deep jupiter thick atmospher absorb light infrar wavelengths so sharper view show infrar sunlight reflect giant planet high level haze promin equatori region near poles reveal featur small 300 kilomet across promis techniqu also appli imag extend object like star cluster nebulae take survey aesthet astronomy,sharper view giant,2008-11-06,701,102,-0.0949999999999999,11-06,11,2008,6,8,2,4 e95618ae378f07f23548962ea0ea4d099cdcc799dc7b808145da014aaa05463b,astro anarchi,color mosaic filament ga dust span 9 degre across central cygnus nebula rich constel along northern milki way trio nebula popular name highlight beauti skyscap butterfly crescent tulip left butterfli nebula ic 1318 lie near bright star gamma expansive glowing ga cloud divid dark dust lane near center crescent nebula ngc compact cosmic bubbl bright edg blown wind massiv wolfrayet star right tulip nebula small emiss region shape like blossom flower view side within thousand lightyear sun orion spiral arm galaxy gorgeou mosaic present fals color construct imag data record narrow band filters rang color creat map emiss hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom nebula red green blue hues take survey aesthet astronomy,cygnu trio,2008-11-07,708,111,0.1153361344537815,11-07,11,2008,7,4,2,5 a318aef0fd0fc68fc9cfacf8e792ff56f564b6b3102db30ca4049cbe274cfbec,none,octob 7 earli dawn northern reveal twisted high altitud trail captur video frame longlast persist train impact small asteroid catalog 2008 event remark first time asteroid detect space crash planet earth atmosphere fact astronom discov 2008 time locat impact predict base followup observations later impact predict confirm sensors includ imag bright flash atmosphere astronom hope report local groundbas observ must brilliant meteor streak night sky addit report could improv chanc recov meteorites take survey aesthet astronomy,trail,2008-11-08,528,76,0.0511111111111111,11-08,11,2008,8,8,0,1 bc429cc9b69ff68ea474d9e7c6ebaab8a13e829608a3145be138c6cf77cddb70,none,what happen center activ galaxi 3c 75 two bright sourc center composit xray blue radio pink imag coorbit supermass black hole power giant radio sourc 3c 75 surround multimillion degre xray emit gas blast jet relativist particl supermass black hole separ 25000 lightyears core two merg galaxi abel 400 galaxi cluster 300 million lightyear away astronom conclud two supermass black hole bound togeth graviti binari system part jets consist swept back appear like due common motion speed hot cluster ga 1200 kilomet per second spectacular cosmic merger thought common crowd galaxi cluster environ distant universe final stage merger expect intens sourc gravit waves,two black hole danc 3c 75,2008-11-09,662,103,-0.0041666666666666,11-09,11,2008,9,7,2,4 5355de050a98ed572c5a13b500f81623bf01f2c317164bf37e5480b150585df3,none,central region milki way galaxi mysteri complex place pictur radio infrar light galaxy central squar degre highlight fine detail region known central molecular zone much extend emiss due dens ga lace molecules also seen emiss nebula lit massiv young stars glow supernova remnants curv galact center radio arc purple ident root caus mani featur remain unknown besid massiv black hole name sgr a galact center hous galaxy activ star form region imag interest esthet beauti first prize year imag contest,galaxy central molecular zone,2008-11-10,500,80,0.0339285714285714,11-10,11,2008,10,6,0,3 c0ec5bd468f807f94fd46a2cb8e7f0f17ab7f28122954c26b5a9c5241239f8a3,joseph brimacomb,first catalog star 30 doradu actual immens star form region nearbi galaxi larg magellan cloud region spideri appear respons popular name tarantula nebula except tarantula 1000 lightyear across 180000 lightyear away southern constel dorado tarantula nebula distanc orion nebula 1500 lightyears nearest stellar nurseri earth would appear cover 30 degre 60 full moons sky spindli arm tarantula nebula surround ngc 2070 star cluster contain brightest massiv star known intrigu detail nebula visibl scientificallycolor image cosmic tarantula also lie near site closest recent supernova,cosmic web tarantula nebula,2008-11-11,580,83,0.19375,11-11,11,2008,11,4,1,5 0d536753519d6874a0376ebcd162fd8d3e37ed39a75f9ba6c4f3649a0a9417b1,none,northern martian summer predicted declin daylight hours weather dust storm prevent solar array phoenix mar lander provid power phoenix last signal receiv novemb 2 success mission end five month arctic region red planet run exceed plan oper lifetime attempt discov mars surfac ever abl support microbi life phoenix perform extens analysi soil return wealth imag data course one lander excit result detect wateric near martian surface record october pictur lander robot arm camera show region phoenix flat expos ici patches area caus research first imag day may 25 touchdown phoenix mar lander,phoenix,2008-11-12,591,92,0.1041666666666666,11-12,11,2008,12,5,2,2 720551405fabf41b3885b58acc9adf3875c6cd3e8eb04e34f994376c5afdcff0,keith quattrocchi,adrift rich star field constel cygnus lovely symmetr bubbl nebula recent recogn may yet appear astronom catalogs fact amateur astronom dave jurasevich identifi nebula juli 6 imag complex cygnu region includ crescent nebula ngc 6888 subsequ notifi intern astronom union eleven day later object independ identifi mel helm sierra remot observatories imag keith quattrocchi helm also submit iau potenti unknown nebula final composit imag seen here includ narrowband imag data highlight nebula delic newli recogn bubbl nebula like crescent nebula itself cosmic bubbl could blown wind massiv wolfrayet star could planetari nebula final phase life sunlik star,bubbl cygnu,2008-11-13,652,97,0.025,11-13,11,2008,13,4,2,4 958d573de68d2c1b8821fec1a31a5372d6668595e72781604acf5fa8cd816d60,none,fomalhaut sound like foamalot bright young star short 25 lightyear planet earth direct constel pisci austrinus sharp composit hubbl space telescope fomalhaut surround ring dusti debri imag detail overwhelm glare star mask occult disk camera coronagraph astronom tini point light small box right planet 3 time mass jupit orbit billion mile star almost 23 time design fomalhaut b massiv planet probabl shape maintain ring rel sharp inner edge ring like larger younger analog kuiper belt solar system outer reservoir ici bodies hubbl data repres first visiblelight imag planet circl anoth star,fomalhaut b,2008-11-14,591,91,0.1239795918367347,11-14,11,2008,14,6,2,5 4ce8c46ee84ff0af1bdc7766754b310c88066ed39f0f9d71a39de1b5fb01ae5b,adam block,two promin star foreground color skyscap well within milki way galaxy spiki appear due diffract astronomer telescope two eyecatch galaxi view lie far beyond milki way distanc 200 million lightyears distort appear due gravit tide pair engag close encounters perspective bright core galaxi separ 80000 lightyears catalog arp 273 also ugc 1810 galaxi look peculiar interact galaxi understood common universe fact nearbi larg spiral andromeda galaxi known 2 million lightyear away approach milki way arp 273 may offer analog far futur encounter repeat galaxi encount cosmic timescal ultim result merger singl galaxi stars,arp 273,2008-11-15,617,93,0.0583333333333333,11-15,11,2008,15,7,2,3 78c78181080fd8d6bb7f82fe6919359c490ca45d91faec9e73e95523dd49b96f,john britton,what happen horizon although scene may appear somehow supernatural noth unusu occur set sun well place clouds pictur anticrepuscular rays understand them start pictur common crepuscular ray seen time sunlight pour though scatter clouds although sunlight inde travel along straight lines project line onto spheric sky great circles therefore crepuscular ray set or rising sun appear reconverg side sky antisolar point 180 degre around sun refer anticrepuscular rays pictur particularli strike set anticrepuscular ray photograph 2001 move car outsid boulder colorado usa,anticrepuscular ray colorado,2008-11-16,568,82,0.2166666666666666,11-16,11,2008,16,1,1,1 81af50159145b9e7d1a7f1c7c3c0820012eb6205bbdcae695db691292e023cd4,none,common planetari system like solar system twelv year previou 2008 300 candid planetari system found orbit nearbi stars however directli imaged show evid multipl planets mani jupiters planet orbit insid orbit mercury last week however togeth recent imag fomalhaut b pictur releas show one first confirm imag planet orbit distant sunlik star hr 8799 mass 15 time sun lie 130 light year sun distanc similar mani star easili visibl night sky pictur above 10meter keck telescop hawaii captur infrar light three planet orbit artifici obscur central star 8meter gemini north telescop captur similar image planet like contain sever time mass jupiter even innermost planet label orbit radiu near equival neptun distance although hr 8799 planetari system signific differ solar system clear demonstr complex planetari system exist system could contain earthlik planet,hr discoveri star system,2008-11-17,857,131,0.0766666666666666,11-17,11,2008,17,8,2,4 7fabdcbe2834c8a6af1bd10bcc62779ee3682c2b736281b3e390d28a75f821ea,none,what caus unusu aurora saturn one sure infrar imag robot cassini spacecraft north pole saturn uncov aurora unlik seen previous solar system strang aurora shown blue image underli cloud shown red previous recorded hexagon cloud pattern visibl red aurora saturnian aurora cover entir pole aurora around earth jupit typic confin magnet field ring surround magnet poles normal auror ring previous imag around saturn recent imag strang aurora saturn north pole chang global pattern significantli minutes larg variabl natur aurora indic charg particl stream sun experienc type magnet saturn previous unexpected,unusu aurora saturn north pole,2008-11-19,604,90,0.0069444444444444,11-19,11,2008,19,0,0,4 05b6b5ac76d0f853b721337f5f1599cdab67e018b674698d5b714cef4584c082,clay center observatori,glare near top frame shuttl orbit endeavour rocket night sts126 mission endeavour left planet earth novemb 14 launch pad 39a nasa kennedi space center make 27th flight intern space station record dramat view camera place shuttle flight path track across moon vantag point indian river city florida near pictur center almost full perige moon shine thin cloud silhouett shuttle dens exhaust trail board space station crew sts126 astronaut celebr orbit 10th anniversari today construct intern space station offici began novemb 20 1998 russian launch station first element bussiz zarya module,endeavour moon,2008-11-20,588,90,0.0699999999999999,11-20,11,2008,20,8,2,2 3dd489eb7f86d63dfccb495c2646ea310ea58fafb6493013a3cf162fcb481fa8,goldman,also known popular name littl dumbbel nebula m76 one fainter object list charl messier 18th centuri catalog nebula star clusters like betterknown namesak m27 the dumbbel nebula m76 recogn planetari nebula gaseou shroud cast die sunlik star nebula thought shape like donut central boxlik appear due nearli edgeon view ga expand rapidli away donut hole produc extensive far flung materi remark imag use narrowband filter highlight emiss hydrogen in red oxygen atom in greenish blue particular complex oxygen emiss featur seen main nebula degre detect imag distanc estim place m76 3 5 thousand lightyear away toward heroic constel perseus make nebula lightyear diameter,,2008-11-21,667,103,0.1189393939393939,11-21,11,2008,21,4,2,5 5949ccea69b3c6ff3156b7aecf0c896535ff005a0ae9f3d73d51a0d3e383e18c,miguel claro,panorama earth sky record thursday novemb 13 full moon rise along eastern horizon far left course full moon rise sunset thursday set sun also captur far right between 17 digit imag stitch togeth follow horizon south love twilight portrait citi lisbon portugal seren view take part longest bridg europe da bridge beneath rise moon end mouth tagu river look west toward sunset atlant ocean photographer vantag point 100 foot high cristo monument south bank foot port city famou bridge pont 25 de,moonris sunset,2008-11-22,493,82,0.2307142857142856,11-22,11,2008,22,2,1,1 d40120a73627110c7844965a4e7c218f73c63d38085d389638ab800954e16b9e,t a rector,strang shape textur found neighborhood cone nebula unusu shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars brightest star right pictur mon region nicknam fox fur nebula color structure blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star orang glow encompass whole region result dust reflect also emiss hydrogen ga ioniz starlight mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel monoceros origin mysteri geometr cone nebula visibl far left remain mystery,vicin cone nebula,2008-11-23,575,89,0.2034920634920635,11-23,11,2008,23,4,1,5 36105738126a198bd9f6db606e447eec7ed6a3f8a9aad730f7b06f062ab2d0c2,none,creat unusu terrain mars floor sever midlatitud crater hella basin mar appear unusu grooved flat new radar imag mar reconnaiss orbit bolster excit huge glacier buri ice evid indic glacier cover area larger citi extend much kilomet deep ice would kept evapor thin martian air cover dirt true would indic largest volum water ice outsid martian poles much larger frozen recent discov phoenix lander ice block locat close martian equat might make good drink reservoir futur astronaut explor mars glacier origin form remain mystery meantime pack explor mars pleas take moment suggest name nasa next martian rover,radar indic mar,2008-11-24,607,97,0.1134469696969697,11-24,11,2008,24,5,2,2 e148ad38bb82efbd4ceb916ac4cb17ff2479c00a6afaa8e96ee21962e23d3409,adam block,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis blue reflect nebula dub ngc 2023 surround bright star lower left dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula imag taken earlier month 06meter telescop mt lemmon arizona usa,horsehead nebula orion,2008-11-26,624,98,0.0735588972431077,11-26,11,2008,26,4,2,5 724b0de8a647ef5725bac10e4ebc7099e0ed9b8dda9553cf80aecbb455bfe92c,robert gendler,larg galaxi grow eat small ones even galaxi practic galact cannibalism absorb small galaxi get close captur milki way gravity fact practic common univers well illustr strike pair interact galaxi bank southern constel eridanu the river locat 50 million light year away large distort spiral ngc 1532 seen lock gravit struggl dwarf galaxi ngc 1531 struggl smaller galaxi eventu lose seen edgeon spiral ngc 1532 span 100000 lightyears ngc 15321531 pair thought similar system faceon spiral small companion known m51 whirlpool galaxy,galaxi river,2008-11-27,528,82,-0.0484126984126984,11-27,11,2008,27,7,0,3 a265fab51f16dfd2ee8229289d89097729bb4aecfefba015946353ce00fba62c,none,mere 50 lightyear away young star beta pictori becam one import star sky earli 1980s satellit groundbas telescop observ reveal presenc surround outer dusty debri disk inner clear zone size solar system strong evid format planets now infrar observ european southern observatori telescop incorpor composit offer detect sourc clear zone like giant planet orbit beta pic design beta pictori b new sourc 1000 time fainter direct starlight care subtract imag data align disk project distanc would place near orbit saturn found solar system confirm new sourc planet come futur observ demonstr sourc move orbit around star confirmed closest planet parent star directli imag far,planet beta pic,2008-11-28,671,104,0.0503787878787878,11-28,11,2008,28,6,2,4 6e6ba8c635c47f36c02bfa27d7358bc990cabc68861c9facaeffe363f2833a4b,yuri beletski,night sky chilean mountain top observatori dark clear gloriou cosmic vistas recent example plane milki way galaxi stretch parallel horizon galact center star clusters dark dust clouds glow nebula hover west record sunset wedg light extend upward scene zodiac light sunlight scatter dust along solar system eclipt plane faint meteor also caught view approach conjunction brilliant venu bright jupit domin skyscape close pair weekend monday decemb 1 join young crescent moon look west sunset tight celesti triangl form moon venus jupiter three brightest beacon night spectacular sight even urban locat world,chilean skyscap,2008-11-29,605,91,0.1638392857142857,11-29,11,2008,29,6,2,1 f835624786f1417189b164249d987feb5522a54602523687bf85290f26c6c681,none,would like explor moon nasa apollo mission gave human chanc late 1960 earli 1970s particular apollo 15 mission dedic better understand surfac moon explor mountains valleys maria highlands astronaut david scott jame irwin spent nearli three day moon alfr worden orbit command module mission blast earth 1971 juli 26 first deploy lunar rove vehicle pictur digit stitch mosaic panorama david scott examin boulder front summit mt hadley delta shadow jame irwin visibl right scroll right reveal welllit divers lunar terrain apollo 15 mission return 76 kilogram moon rock detail study future nasa space agenc plan continu lead humanity explor moon mars beyond,apollo 15 panorama astronaut explor,2008-11-30,653,102,0.1208994708994709,11-30,11,2008,30,2,2,2 97684803017b71548ac52cf0a47553153d6d871fa4c8bb598b69620ff7c311f2,none,massiv star be big hefti star live short violent live profoundli affect environments isol massiv star however sinc seem singl bright star might actual turn sever star close together case two brightest object visibl open star cluster trumpler 16 locat southern carina nebula upon close inspect hubbl space telescope wr 25 brightest object image confirm consist least two separ stars additionally upper right wr 25 resolv first time least three individu stars even so brightest star wr 25 appear 50 time mass sun make one massiv star known wind star like signific larg bubbl star cluster sit in carina nebula home unusu shape dust cloud famou variabl star eta carina lie 7500 light year away toward constel ship keel carina,massiv star resolv carina nebula,2008-12-01,721,120,0.0338961038961038,12-01,12,2008,1,6,2,5 48a0e34f29b8f64d91c578fb8e58a907ce1b1c475e4c45c101dd19d3f7c98eef,none,where somewher impress array intern space station iss astronaut steve bowen found upgrad clean key part earth promin orbit outpost astronaut bowen heidemari stefanyshynpip not pictured part space shuttl endeavour recent end sts126 mission iss spent nearli three hour spacewalk hover high planet earth bowen progress toward achiev key goal mission servic solar alpha joint better allow solar array track sun lower foreground imag cylindr columbu laboratory protrud right impress larg space station truss background expans solar array collect sunlight power iss far distance blue arc earth thin atmospher visibl horizon next space shuttl flight schedul 2009 february discoveri deliv element expand iss,intern space find astronaut,2008-12-02,700,103,0.076031746031746,12-02,12,2008,2,8,2,2 f339921d93a504f6566042d48b0b1332ca38b75f7759adfabbf9c3f0648dc211,dave jurasevichmt wilson observatory,sunday sky seem smile much planet earth visibl world unusu superposit moon planet venu jupiter pictur taken right time show crescent moon appear smile pair planetari conjunct seemingli nearbi jupit venus pictur scene appear mt wilson observatori overlook lo angeles california usa sunset 2008 novemb 30 highest sky farthest distanc planet jupiter significantli closer visibl jupiter lower left venus appear earth atmospher cloud unusu blue far right horizon moon wax crescent phase thin cloud illumin moon appear unusu orange sprawl across bottom imag hill lo angeles mani cover thin haze la skyscrap visibl far left conjunct venu jupit continu visibl toward west sunset much month hour take image however moon approach distant duo briefli eclips venus move on,happi sky lo angel,2008-12-03,760,118,0.0622448979591836,12-03,12,2008,3,2,2,4 6299f819b0da794ceaa29298fb4d8fa4faba2e32cc54d5e6ed0b95d3d23855c0,panther observatori,decemb 1 bright planet venu jupit gather near young crescent moon inspir celesti scene earli even sky around world locat moon actual pass front venus interrupt tight group lunar occultation captur wildon austria twilight view show silveri even star five minut slip behind dark lunar limb vanish sight hour imag combin long short exposur show detail lunar surfac illumin faint earthshin bright sunlight inset record later darken sky breilsurroya southeastern france dazzl venu reappear bright lunar crescent course jupiter upper right 2 degre venu moon sport moon seen tini pinprick light either side bright planet,venu moon,2008-12-04,613,95,0.1415966386554622,12-04,12,2008,4,2,2,1 1f44d7e947c2d26fbe031ab387cbdbd0104e9f070f360b4c99ef521a0908f210,mike salway,sunset monday western sky show stun color dramat cloud reflect brisban water central coast new south wales australia also featur remark conjunct crescent moon venus jupit form twilight smiley face gather two bright planet moon awe skygaz around planet earth astronom mike report take special record gorgeou view brave rain along shore southern hemispher perspect find brilliant venu highest point celesti now bright pair venu jupit continu domin western horizon sunset moon move tonight near first quarter phase,smile sky,2008-12-05,511,78,0.3286255411255411,12-05,12,2008,5,2,1,1 f0438d37a58015c43e5571eeeacd99bfa89fdd06d767c4101be538015e57f7cb,andrey oreshko,strang dark ribbon sky observ great globular cluster ngc observ frequent take note strang dark streak nearli three degre length run near it streak actual long molecular cloud becom known dark doodad nebula pictur rich color dark doodad nebula found sweep across imag center globular star cluster ngc 4372 visibl imag left bright star gamma musca seen cluster right dark doodad nebula found strong binocular toward southern constel fli musca imag compil consecut 45 minut exposur taken small telescop la frontera region chile,dark doodad nebula,2008-12-08,524,83,0.0913359788359788,12-08,12,2008,8,4,0,3 fa8f751bd016636b496b4dd762632bf0890f994da8ad64eb075e0508c6f4cf2f,phillip l,perhap famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across promin telescop car compani star cluster name quit evid photograph blue reflect nebula surround brighter cluster stars low mass faint brown dwarf also found pleiades,m45 pleiad star cluster,2008-12-09,391,61,0.05,12-09,12,2008,9,6,0,3 b22ce9f148f71f90abf190fe9d3b76b3ad1191bfca26e8e41ac421c1d1ab04c9,ken crawford,look cosmic cloud catalog ngc 281 almost easi miss star open cluster ic 1590 but form within nebula cluster young massiv star ultim power pervas nebular glow eyecatch shape loom color portrait ngc 281 sculpt column dens dust globul seen silhouette erod intense energet wind radiat hot cluster stars surviv long enough dusti structur could also site futur star formation sometim call pacman nebula overal shape widerfield views ngc 281 10000 lightyear away constel cassiopeia composit imag made narrowband filter show emiss nebula hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom green red blue hues span 80 lightyear estim distanc ngc 281,portrait ngc 281,2008-12-10,617,98,0.0333333333333333,12-10,12,2008,10,4,2,5 9dae95b42bd09004b36b2a955b83c387aefebc156782de99fde93df518ed79fe,none,center milki way galaxi lie supermass black hole controversi claim conclus solidli base 16 year observ map orbit 28 star near galact center use european southern observatori telescop sophist near infrar cameras astronom patient measur posit star time follow one star design s2 complet orbit came within 1 center milki way result convincingli show s2 move influenc enorm graviti compact unseen object black hole 4 million time mass sun abil track star close galact center accur measur black hole mass also determin distanc center 27000 lightyears deep nearinfrar imag show crowd inner 3 lightyear central milki way spectacular timelaps star orbit within galact center found here,center milki way,2008-12-11,678,106,-0.0611111111111111,12-11,12,2008,11,6,2,4 60f7389049612217facb76277abd07ac5342dfed71a9195bca375d79784fefda,rickbaldridg,view well chosen locat sunset october gorgeou full moon rose behind mount hamilton east san jose california captur love telescop view histor lick observatori perch mountain 4200 foot summit observatori rise moon momentarili share warm color filter sunlight course tonight bless clear sky also enjoy gloriou full moon fact tonight moon reach full phase ut within hour perigee closest point ellipt orbit close approach realli make december full moon largest full moon 2008 even rise high horizon,lick observatori moonris,2008-12-12,493,77,0.3091666666666667,12-12,12,2008,12,2,1,1 4f173b179eaae799cd845ba597573919e8f6cef6cc49360aaab8b75a5ccaffae,walli pacholka,night decemb 13 100 year ago today 60inch diamet reflect telescop mount wilson observatori first test stars becam first success larg reflect telescope 60inch reflector demonstr design use mirror gather faint starlight rather larg difficult support lens becom all even larger modern telescopes nowfam astronomers includ harlow shapley edwin hubble abl use 60inch reflector embark new kind explor stars distant galaxies natur universe still look skyward centuri first light histor telescop seen point toward one recogniz celesti event 2008 remark conjunct moon venus jupiter,,2008-12-13,572,84,0.1071969696969697,12-13,12,2008,13,8,0,4 abc5af13e153bca2e27908c2a3b745992543f571357dea2b2cb4aea106960863,malcolm astronom association,unusu triangl light visibl time year dawn consid fals dawn triangl light actual zodiac light light reflect interplanetari dust particles triangl clearli visibl imag taken new mexico usa october telescop truss tube assembl observatori dome new mexico sky fill foreground earli morn skyscape zodiac dust orbit sun predominantli plane planets ecliptic zodiac light bright time year dust band orient nearli vertic sunrise thick air near horizon block rel bright reflect dust zodiac light also bright peopl earth northern hemispher march april sunset note apod editor speak new york jan 2,zodiac light new mexico,2008-12-14,583,90,0.313939393939394,12-14,12,2008,14,8,1,1 71d817f04f35b18be5b008b8b0850978813bd38757714b075ab431496c444156,terri,ever seen sun pillar air cold sun rise setting fall ice crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light ice sometim form flat sixsid shape crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground sunlight reflect crystal properli aligned creat sunpillar effect pictur taken 2007 january sunpillar reflect light sun set lake north carolina usa note apod editor speak new york jan 2,sun pillar north carolina,2008-12-15,421,68,0.0694805194805194,12-15,12,2008,15,1,0,1 6e19d214f934ed8a3a41aa794d10d2d74b65df5348c35b8db399fd0e0af358f9,tunç tezel,what front orion forti kilomet north turkey lie mount mountain adorn fragment vast statu built 2000 year ago stone sculptur stood nearli 10 meter high depict lions variou ancient king rule 86 bc 38 bc ruin bodi sever sit figur visibl hill above illumin moonlight head found near image center king head seen next closest horizon visibl far distanc image taken three month ago familiar constel orion red patch orion belt orion nebula bright star left orion sirius far left red brighten horizon announc sun begin note apod editor speak new york jan 2,orion dawn mount,2008-12-16,548,94,0.1047575757575757,12-16,12,2008,16,8,2,1 7c06f20ce52174508239521f22c6bb054bf14ee389f2f8ea1b1c416c1667f1d1,daniel lópez,two nebula catalog m27 left m76 popularli known dumbbel littl intend indic substandard mental popular name refer similar dumbbel hourglass shapes planetari nebulae gaseou shroud cast die sunlik stars similar physic size lightyear across panel imag made scale appar size differ mostli one closer distanc estim suggest 1200 lightyear dumbbel compar 3000 lightyear littl deep narrowband falsecolor imag show remark complex structur m27 m76 highlight emiss hydrogen nitrogen oxygen atom within cosmic clouds,,2008-12-17,503,73,0.0285714285714285,12-17,12,2008,17,4,0,5 bde8cccd185bd65be54c723a0a1759020150311b7c5e7a1790709d5c98cf6ea0,noelcarboni,rare star planet earth night sky also red exhibit remark spectrum light 19th centuri astronom secchi dub la locat 710 lightyear away northern constel cane venatici the hunt dogs star vari bright period half year near maximum becom bright enough see unaid eye star beauti red hue easi see binocular small telescope fact la superba among brightest carbon star cool highli evolv red giant star except abund carbon carbon creat helium fusion near stellar core dredg stars outer layers result overabund simpl carbon molecul like co cn atmospher carbon star strongli absorb band bluer light give star deep red color la superba lose carbonrich atmospher surround interstellar materi strong stellar wind could near begin transit planetari nebula phase,la,2008-12-18,744,118,0.1746031746031746,12-18,12,2008,18,6,2,5 9c48bf7e4f8035035509c171f8bcf3d03203977906c30acb5f65c1fd64af8116,robert gendler,16th centuri portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan understood satellit galaxi much larger spiral milki way galaxy 160000 lightyear distant constel dorado larg magellan cloud lmc seen remark detailed 10 frame mosaic image span 30000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a promin reddish knot near bottom 30 doradus tarantula nebula giant starform region larg magellan cloud identifi locat supernova navig way around mani star cluster nebula lmc consult view,larg cloud magellan,2008-12-19,666,98,0.0944444444444444,12-19,12,2008,19,6,2,4 ded7411ab500da8a9974b4774b0f5ad22db60427c302ecc7ec4fc00cbc98e8f0,none,tomorrow solstic mark southernmost point sun annual motion planet earth sky astronom begin winter north celebr northern winter solstic intern year astronomi 2009 watch live webcast solstic sunris megalith tomb counti ireland date 5000 year ago much older stonehenge also accur align solstic sun view within inner chamber first ray solstic sunris pass box construct entranc shine 18 meter long tunnel illumin floor foot decor actual stone would directli illumin solstic sun 5000 year ago long time exposur also captur ghostli figur modern astronom motion watch live webcast follow indic link below webcast plan go live coordin univers time for example 330am eastern time tomorrow sunday 21st webcast solstic sunris,solstic,2008-12-20,713,110,0.084159779614325,12-20,12,2008,20,1,2,4 6e948424336bf985d494019a038520c5583075e5b8c6a6370b66aa466bca1d0a,anthoni ayiomam,took pictur sun time day would remain position answer no shape trace sun cours year call analemma sun appar shift caus earth motion around sun combin tilt earth rotat axis sun appear highest point analemma summer lowest winter today winter solstic day earth northern hemisphere sun bottom analemma analemma creat differ latitud would appear least slightli different well analemma creat differ time day particular analemma built 46 separ sun photograph taken 2003 athens greece pictur foreground composit imag pillar call porch part ancient complet bc note apod editor speak new york jan 2,analemma,2008-12-21,589,93,0.0007575757575757,12-21,12,2008,21,1,0,1 2e8a7ce59fb487b1cd9d23f8704e8952c5eef1af0e35ef6a8b58f4c56a90df6a,none,surfac featur enceladu roll like conveyor belt lead interpret recent imag taken saturn explos moon indic do form asymmetr tecton activity unusu earth like hold clue intern structur enceladus may contain subsurfac sea life might abl develop pictur composit 28 imag taken robot cassini spacecraft octob swoop icespew orb inspect imag show clear tecton displac larg portion surfac appear move one direction near top imag appear one promin tecton divides labtayt sulci canyon one kilomet deep note apod editor speak new york jan 2,saturn enceladu,2008-12-22,527,84,0.1393939393939393,12-22,12,2008,22,8,1,2 f5ef584c093b83d9fdd283e8293a11596cec605de46c79c4509ee94056eedb93,noelcarboni,coat hanger star cluster asterism cosmic hangup debat much last century astronom wonder whether binocularvis object realli physic associ open cluster chanc projection chanc star project known asterisms exampl popular big dipper recent precis measur differ vantag point earth orbit around sun uncov discrep angular shift indic coat hanger better describ asterism known formal collind 399 bright stellar group wider full moon lie constel fox vulpecula far right imag open cluster star ngc 6802 note apod editor speak new york jan 2,collind 399 coat hanger,2008-12-23,530,82,0.2247752247752248,12-23,12,2008,23,6,1,3 c03ecaec8afc7d347f600a45c07e8d1b359fa5eff2ba02509ac6863796395a43,none,forti year ago decemb 1968 apollo 8 crew flew earth moon back again frank borman jame lovell william ander launch atop saturn v rocket decemb 21 circl moon ten time command module return earth decemb 27 apollo 8 mission impress list first includes first human journey earth moon first fli use saturn v rocket first photograph earth deep space apollo 8 command modul round farsid moon crew could look toward lunar horizon see earth appear rise due spacecraft orbit motion famou pictur distant blue earth moon limb marvel gift world note apod editor speak new york jan 2,earthris,2008-12-24,569,98,0.0547202797202797,12-24,12,2008,24,2,2,2 c47ecee49619659b0735a2aacf6393b8a327b0ec31868b24f01a156aa6d8db74,r jay gabani,cloud glow hydrogen ga fill color skyscap faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae wide mosaic span 34 degre nearli 15 full moons cover 40 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose convolut pelt lie upper left bright variabl star mon immers bluetint haze fox fur cone nebula far right course star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape trace star appear sideway here apex cone nebula broader base center near mon note apod editor speak new york jan 2,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2008-12-25,786,130,0.0195830485304169,12-25,12,2008,25,4,2,5 d4e3181f7943589acbcc4baf0ade58e534bf213950095455fb8f57f1dd007622,gordon,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus course cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long falsecolor composit record narrow band filter transmit light hydrogen in green sulfur in red oxygen in blue atom region result imag highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within obscur cosmic dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat closeup cover 2 degre wide field size 4 full moons note apod editor speak new york jan 2,elephant trunk ic 1396,2008-12-26,671,108,0.0082797202797202,12-26,12,2008,26,4,2,5 9807c1d76d7b164986a97ffa2771c5b36d6aa1b351b42e0bc021be0eda2afe52,none,crab pulsar citysized magnet neutron star spin 30 time second lie center remark imag orbit chandra observatory deep xray imag give first clear view convolut boundari crab pulsar wind nebula like cosmic dynamo pulsar power xray emission pulsar energi acceler charg particles produc eerie glow xray jet direct away pole intens wind equatori direction intrigu edg creat charg particl stream away eventu lose energi interact pulsar strong magnet field mass sun densiti atom nucleus spin pulsar collaps core massiv star stellar core collaps result supernova explos wit year 1054 chandra imag span 9 lightyear crab estim distanc 6000 lightyears note apod editor speak new york jan 2,crab pulsar wind nebula,2008-12-27,677,107,0.0669696969696969,12-27,12,2008,27,6,2,4 844cbc03cdd49a20b82606587a8504d703e41b080c9a082e94afa0a624140399,none,rich star field glow hydrogen ga silhouett dense opaqu cloud interstellar ga dust hubbl space telescop closeup ic 2944 bright star form region centaurus 5900 lightyear away largest dark globules first spot south african astronom a d thackeray 1950 like two separ overlap clouds one lightyear wide combin cloud contain materi equival 15 time mass sun actual collaps form massiv stars along data sharp hubbl imag indic thackeray globul fractur churn result intens ultraviolet radiat young hot star alreadi energ heat bright emiss nebula similar dark globul known associ star form region may ultim dissip hostil environ like cosmic lump butter hot fri pan note apod editor speak new york jan 2,thackeray globul,2008-12-28,692,112,0.1490909090909091,12-28,12,2008,28,4,2,4 bb1b82c5ec3fee36a54b2c26070ef379f41ee964bd9dcb95c761167fe8135048,none,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory flaunt young bright blue star cluster beautiful symmetr spiral arms small irregular galaxi form star too fact pictur here dwarf galaxi ngc 1569 appar undergo burst star form activity thought begun 25 million year ago result turbul environ fed supernova explos cosmic deton spew materi trigger star formation two massiv star cluster youth counterpart globular star cluster spiral milki way galaxi seen left center gorgeou hubbl space telescop image pictur span 8000 lightyear across ngc 1569 mere 11 million lightyear distant rel close starburst galaxi offer astronom excel opportun studi stellar popul rapidli evolv galaxies ngc 1569 lie longneck constel camelopardalis note apod editor speak new york jan 2,ngc 1569 starburst dwarf irregular galaxi,2008-12-29,751,116,0.1321969696969696,12-29,12,2008,29,7,2,3 ac9f536bb69395da9dadf4b4cf613bd8645c10f24c6bbe4475d70d7bd98550f2,none,there place like home peer window intern space station iss astronaut greg take planet born 350 kilomet up iss high enough earth horizon appear clearli curved astronaut window show earth complex clouds white life give atmospher oceans blue space station orbit earth everi 90 minutes difficult peopl live look back toward iss iss frequent seen bright point light drift overhead sunset telescop even resolv overal structur space station imag taken earli last month iss kibo laboratory note apod editor speak new york jan 2,home,2008-12-30,520,84,0.064055944055944,12-30,12,2008,30,8,0,2 6b8570fb231030251bd738b481749de345b17b9146342e123be54674c0070da9,none,astronom planet earth invit experi night sky part intern year astronomi 2009 year pick intern astronom union unit nation educational cultur organ occur 400 year galileo turn one first telescop toward heavens peer small window galileo discov moon craters venu phases jupit moons saturn rings year discov mani modern wonder amaz overhead tapestri share humanity if like mani others find night sky wondrou educational sure iya2009 event area tell school children might interested also pleas feel free explor extens iya2009 web page find intern media event includ webcast much much more note apod editor speak new york jan 2,welcom intern year astronomi,2009-01-01,621,99,0.2486363636363636,01-01,1,2009,1,8,2,2 075904247b38c38d9c2183de790f3a11ae7a5576911513be9336c81fa7bcabd7,tama ladanyi,see it last conjunct moon bright planet 2008 featur young crescent moon brilliant venu west sunset decemb 31st seen dark clear mountain air austria two celesti beacon domin planet earth night sky pair hard miss skygaz watch lower along western horizon earli twilight might also glimps pair jupit mercuri wander closer sun sky year end still single 5 second long exposur serious moon sunlit crescent captur anoth planet visibl unaid eye tini pinprick light photographer head pictur distant planet neptune note apod editor speak new york tonight,alpin conjunct,2009-01-02,544,87,0.0893290043290043,01-02,1,2009,2,2,0,1 38cf469e81a26aef9587b78f8e65413b44ed19258175c3719349231e3c114d23,dark atmospher,7000 lightyear away pair open galact star cluster easi binocular target love starfield northern constel perseus also visibl unaid eye dark sky areas catalog 130 bc greek astronom hipparchus known h chi persei ngc right ngc 884 cluster separ hundr lightyear contain star much younger hotter sun addit physic close together clusters age base individu star similar evid cluster like product starform region,doubl cluster perseu,2009-01-03,404,63,-0.0205357142857142,01-03,1,2009,3,6,0,3 0fde6f266a6065de75b5664cedabf272f254cd5a17992b99e319638b9aa00136,none,distant universe time appear run slowly sinc timedil light appear shift toward red end spectrum redshifted astronom abl use cosmolog timeslow help measur vast distanc universe above light distant galaxi broken constitu color spectra allow astronom measur redshift known spectral lines novelti imag distanc hundr galaxi measur singl frame use visibl multiobject spectrograph oper larg telescop array chile analyz space distribut distant object allow insight stars galaxies quasar formed clustered evolv earli universe,break distant light,2009-01-04,516,73,-0.0199999999999999,01-04,1,2009,4,8,0,4 8817b495230168156938ef2e37574d076fd86da33dda8dd649d83f3a6e3acffd,babak tafreshi,meteor streak toward horizon earli morn sky januari 4th annual quadrantid meteor shower align shower radiant point high north top view meteor trail pass right bright bluish star beta scorpii remarkably near top trail small spot fuzzi greenish glow comet discov juli 2007 comet lulin faint easili seen unaid eye like brighten becom visibl skygaz late february welltim skyscap featur comet meteor particularli appropri cometari bodi known origin planet earth annual meteor showers,comet meteor,2009-01-05,478,73,0.1328571428571429,01-05,1,2009,5,3,1,1 bfe243b097e9af5add10674c602e35f2cfdbdea68c3b8468639d7c0802a2c92c,none,hazi jupiter upper help find out astronom deploy hubbl space telescop watch jupit eclips moon ganymede although ganymed circl jupit week particularli use occult occur rarely occult captur great visual detail april 2007 near jupiter limb ganymed reflect sunlight though jupiter upper atmosphere allow astronom search haze note slight dim differ colors one result investig spectacular image band cloud circl jupit clearli visible well magnific swirl storm system great red spot ganymede imag bottom also show notic detail dark ici surface sinc jupit ganymed bright mani eclips seen right earth small telescope,jupit eclips ganymed,2009-01-06,607,92,0.2079365079365079,01-06,1,2009,6,8,2,4 cb3d589f59a7d441cda0b5e8d0a74ebf5ab67fe5dbf19ad24bb8f4b0a835c07d,none,what happen center milki way galaxy help find out orbit hubbl spitzer space telescop combin effort survey region unpreced detail infrar light infrar light particularli use probe milki way center visibl light greatli obscur dust imag encompass 2000 imag hubbl space telescope nicmo taken last year imag span 300 115 light year high resolut structur 20 time size solar system discernable cloud glow ga dark dust well three larg star cluster visible magnet field may channel plasma along upper left near arch cluster energet stellar wind carv pillar near quintuplet cluster lower left massiv central cluster star surround sagittariu a visibl lower right sever central bright massiv star appear unassoci star cluster yet understood,galact core infrar,2009-01-07,727,114,0.1497744360902256,01-07,1,2009,7,6,2,3 d8de1b038721afd0907913053d40d8346adf89dd49e2212e0ed944c618d7a251,ken crawford,shock wave plow space 500000 kilomet per hour move right left beauti detail color composite thin braid filament actual long rippl sheet glow ga seen almost edg on catalog ngc 2736 narrow appear suggest popular name pencil nebula 5 lightyear long mere 800 lightyear away pencil nebula small part vela supernova remnant vela remnant around 100 lightyear diameter expand debri cloud star seen explod 11000 year ago initially shock wave move million kilomet per hour slow considerably sweep surround interstellar gas,ngc 2736 pencil nebula,2009-01-08,512,81,-0.0587912087912088,01-08,1,2009,8,4,0,5 120aa56ced4e834d5101bed46a68497487332451350e15ebc0ac08ba270c725d,dietmar hager,large dusty spiral galaxi ngc 4945 seen edgeon near center rich telescop image field view span nearli 2 degrees 4 time width full moon toward expans southern constel centaurus 13 million lightyear distant ngc 4945 almost size milki way galaxy xray infrar observ reveal even high energi emiss star format core ngc 4945 promin galaxi field ngc ellipt galaxy left center ngc much farther away distanc 35 million lightyears physic associ ngc 4945 editor note version imag label gener astrometrynet avail here,ngc 4945 centauru,2009-01-09,504,82,0.0582738095238095,01-09,1,2009,9,7,0,3 d867a3ce26a441f0438ea439f5334a1718ab9f56e68384d9091f45487fe02bba,none,month mar explor rover celebr 5th anniversari oper surfac red planet seren sunset view part extens legaci imag martian surface record spirit rover may 19 2005 color imag slightli exagger would like appar human explorer eye course fine martian dust particl suspend thin atmospher lend sky reddish color dust also scatter blue light forward direction creat bluish sky glow near set sun sun set behind gusev crater rim wall 80 kilomet 50 miles distance mar farther away sun less bright two third size seen planet earth,martian sunset,2009-01-10,515,86,0.0590909090909091,01-10,1,2009,10,5,0,1 eb48bfb77c14759229c79334526c94b02646bb95625c49ee37923f743e1fcfcd,aigar truhin,what happen town close inspect show strang column light occur bright lights like involv fall ice crystal reflect back lights reason pillar fan top however current unknown reader apod might help figur particip onlin discussion imag sever similar imag taken standard digit camera sigulda latvia last month air note quit cold inde fill small ice crystals type known creat sever aweinspir well known sky phenomena light pillars sun pillars sun dogs moon halos cold snowi winter occur year part earth northern hemispher give sky enthusiast new typic unexpect opportun see sever unusu optic atmospher phenomena themselves,unusu light pillar latvia,2009-01-12,616,96,0.0418831168831168,01-12,1,2009,12,1,2,1 c6398bb89e163534564667f63fc92343a4909737c4ba923430dea13635b87e98,vincent show,larger moon seen year past weekend largest full moon 2009 could seen almost clear locat planet earth night larg angular extent full moon caus moon unusu close earth full phase moon circl earth ellipt orbit angular size depend close moon closest approach farthest distanc even so moon 15 percent larger area bright typic full moon image dramat posit moon seen rise alp breilsurroya southeast france taken ordinari digit camera extraordinari timing imag also captur cross jet plane last full moon 2008 december largest full moon 2008,largest full moon 2009,2009-01-13,531,86,0.2038461538461538,01-13,1,2009,13,2,1,1 569a6d371915797d0f43c041eb472df58b104fa149ea116e2243dc9dda3db024,thoma v davi,paint photograph beauti celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine near imag center reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae red emiss region mani dark absorpt nebulae backdrop color stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star pictur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 40 lightyear across,ngc 2170 celesti still life,2009-01-14,523,81,0.045,01-14,1,2009,14,4,0,5 5f62d8f1e85d9db237ee3712feade7eb026621aa5ba5b69b4c9542acdedb178c,justin,everi pictur tell story one might make six month long exposur compress time decemb 17 2007 june 21 2008 singl point view dub solargraph remark imag record simpl pinhol camera made drink line piec photograph paper suspens bridg river gorg uk emerg foreground rise set day sun arc overhead trace glow path sky cloud cover caus dark gap daili sun trails december sun trail begin lower short correspond time near northern hemisphere winter solstic date grow longer climb higher sky june 21st summer solstic approaches,bridg solargraph,2009-01-15,513,85,0.0249999999999999,01-15,1,2009,15,1,0,1 574caa84f5f5b09e57e72e1d0e021da80d9038560fdde250eaa517d9704fe259,intern space,remark detail visibl view orbit intern space station iss record small telescop planet earth clear twilight sky seen decemb 27th 75 degre elev 350 kilomet planet surface part station includ kibo columbu scienc modules even seem reflect earth love bluish colors imag also show larg power gener solar array station 90 meter long integr truss structur put cursor pictur identifi major part iss,iss reflect earth,2009-01-16,389,63,0.0725,01-16,1,2009,16,8,0,2 36014d45c4470305ab845be1655437da4f30d83e7221f2415071fc1b08bf20e3,jacob,dusti emiss nebula ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away northern constel auriga cloud glow ga 100 lightyear across sculpt stellar wind radiat embed open star cluster ngc 1893 form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago bright cluster star seen promin dark dust cloud near pictur center notabl near 7 oclock posit two rel dens streamer materi trail away nebula central regions potenti site ongo star formation cosmic tadpol shape 10 lightyear long emiss sulfur atom shown red hydrogen atom green oxygen blue hue falsecolor narrow band composit image,ic 410 ngc 1893,2009-01-17,547,89,-0.0035714285714285,01-17,1,2009,17,4,0,5 7b9ad20c6e08f74f18a2d7c08177e30fde036ebedd055a97a5b9bb7e6f2ca158,none,lie bottom hyperion strang craters nobodi knows help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop past spongetextur moon late 2005 took imag unpreced detail image shown fals color show remark world strewn strang crater gener odd surface slight differ color like show differ surfac composition bottom crater lie type unknown dark material inspect imag show bright featur indic dark materi might ten meter thick places hyperion 250 kilomet across rotat chaotically densiti low might hous vast system cavern inside,saturn hyperion moon odd crater,2009-01-18,519,80,-0.0736111111111111,01-18,1,2009,18,5,0,2 1cebdb3efdf7f810877ec33232b1dd398e27be691c52de0d73acd45f4cd349dc,none,methan mars one sure import confirm methan exist atmospher mar occur last week bolster previou controversi claim made earli 2003 confirm made spectroscop use larg groundbas telescop find precis color absorb mar match absorb methan earth given methan destroy open martian air matter years present exist fragil ga indic current released somehow surfac mars one prospect microb live underground creat it creat past true open excit possibl life might present surfac mar even today given present data however also possibl pure geolog process potenti involv volcan rust involv life forms methan pictur imag mar superpos map recent methan detection,methan discov atmospher mar,2009-01-19,641,99,0.0536178107606679,01-19,1,2009,19,5,2,4 f626cafb1779090adfb62346b22576d6c576b6d6d85a8b1e7ec4bc383f34ce11,none,could stand mar could see one memor vista might 360degre panoram imag taken robot spirit rover last year imag involv 200 exposur releas part spirit five year anniversari land red planet imag taken spot spirit stop spend winter near unusu plateau call home plate visibl annot imag rocks hills peaks ridges plain insid gusev crater previou track roll spirit rover imag color close match human would see name famou space artist,panorama mar,2009-01-20,425,71,-0.0228571428571428,01-20,1,2009,20,5,0,2 b759459fc5c5684021f4fe40d8def96be0791e757d6c9844867d400770167b6e,chri,what happen mountains sever cloud stack one strike lenticular cloud normally air move much horizont vertically sometimes however wind come mountain hill rel strong vertic oscil take place air stabilizes dri air top oscil may quit stratifi moistur content henc form cloud layer air satur moisture result lenticular cloud strongli layer appearance pictur taken 2002 look southwest rang mountain north island new zealand,lenticular cloud new zealand,2009-01-21,417,63,0.2839393939393939,01-21,1,2009,21,8,1,1 bf8a68b78490e4ec1d0167a4f3770101d82049a5dff37e2886ec6f74120e3e2b,none,ngc 2818 beauti planetari nebula gaseou shroud die sunlik star could well offer glimps futur await sun spend anoth 5 billion year steadili use hydrogen core final helium fuel nuclear fusion curiously ngc 2818 seem lie within open star cluster ngc 2818a 10000 lightyear distant toward southern constel pyxi the compass distanc star cluster nebula would 4 lightyear across accur veloc measur show nebula veloc differ cluster member stars result strong evid ngc 2818 chanc found along line sight star cluster may share cluster distanc age hubbl imag composit exposur narrowband filters present emiss nitrogen hydrogen oxygen atom nebula red green blue hues editor note jan 26 2009 thank daniel majaess st mary univ halifax corrections,planetari nebula ngc 2818,2009-01-22,731,116,0.0033333333333333,01-22,1,2009,22,4,2,5 5e521061d8583886ee5dd78f66d6de76c8c5293c7c58d2363f454dd81ad8fa04,richard hammar,three object promin thought telescop image view toward stealthi constel lynx two the spiki ones nearbi stars third remot globular star cluster ngc 2419 distanc nearli 300000 lightyears ngc 2419 sometim call the intergalact wanderer appropri titl consid distanc milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud 160000 lightyears roughli similar larg globular star cluster like omega centauri ngc 2419 intrins bright appear faint far away ngc 2419 may realli extragalact origin as example remain small galaxi captur disrupt milki way extrem distanc make difficult studi compar properti globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy,globular cluster ngc,2009-01-23,624,94,-0.0642857142857142,01-23,1,2009,23,6,2,3 e991c75f587fbc7cfca4b90cad767bb19ff7f44962347cfb0bc8bfdd3115cbdb,kent wood,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula color telescop imag includ long exposur hydrogen alpha filter reveal detail cosmic bubbl environment although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work right bubble center hot otyp star sever 100000 time lumin approxim 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia editor note jan 26 2009 thank daniel majaess st mary univ halifax corrections,bubbl nebula,2009-01-24,648,98,-0.0654761904761904,01-24,1,2009,24,4,2,5 29d308bcc287eb1e4288f95bc5f81e95b3b3d8c4ca0ac1c244cc8feb5ef782c2,denni l mammanatwan,tomorrow lucki peopl may see ring that name central view annular eclips sun moon peak eclipse middl sun appear miss dark moon appear surround bright sun visible however path cross southern indian ocean popul locations southern africa part australia moon appear take bite sun rememb never look directli sun even eclipse annular eclips occur instead total eclips moon far part ellipt orbit around earth next annular eclips sun take place 2010 january although total solar eclips occur july pictur above spectacular annular eclips photograph behind palm tree 1992 january,annular eclipse ring fire,2009-01-25,568,89,0.0653846153846153,01-25,1,2009,25,1,0,1 130a10b3a41ba63b55735970bb9f3bb219bfebdb2ce100a0869cd969345122f5,walli pacholka,ever seen band milki way galaxy clear sky dark locat right time faint band light becom visibl across sky soon eye becom dark might spot band first time may becom spectacular one reason grow astonish might realiz fuzzi swath contain billion star disk spiral galaxy sinc insid disk band appear encircl earth visibl image high night sky band milki way galaxi arcs bright spot band planet jupiter foreground lie moonlit caldera volcano haleakala locat island maui hawaii usa close look near horizon reveal light cloud dark enorm mauna kea volcano big island hawaii never seen milki way band recogn planet jupiter year may chance 2009 intern year astronomy opportun look window peer deep univers may come locat near you,milki way mauna kea,2009-01-27,714,119,0.1341071428571428,01-27,1,2009,27,6,2,4 b1e74237c3a2d5b32ac6642598fa6364bc661497bfe7159e4e1e01a7f493f166,armando lee astron leagu naelga hour astronomi,what happen set sun eclipse two day ago moon eclips part sun visibl part africa australia asia particular image taken mall asia seawall caught partial eclips sun set manila bay philippines pier visibl silhouett foreground eclips chaser well place sky enthusiast captur mani interest artist imag year annular solar eclipse includ movies eclips shadow arrays ring fire anoth partial solar eclips visibl july event however like better rememb total solar eclips visibl occupi long thin swath earth start india extend china pacif ocean,partial eclips manila bay,2009-01-28,530,83,0.0023809523809523,01-28,1,2009,28,1,0,1 f35751bd0314e8512025de40feff8270c8a042db9209eb7de2a696aa74c34940,goldman,color ngc 1579 resembl better known trifid nebula lie much farther north planet earth sky heroic constel perseus 2100 lightyear away 3 lightyear across ngc 1579 is like trifid studi contrast blue red colors dark dust lane promin nebula central regions both dust reflect starlight produc beauti blue reflect nebulae unlik trifid ngc 1579 reddish glow emiss cloud glow hydrogen ga excit ultraviolet light nearbi hot star instead dust ngc 1579 drastic scatter light embedded extrem young massiv star strong characterist red hydrogen alpha light,ngc 1579 trifid north,2009-01-30,541,85,0.2155555555555555,01-30,1,2009,30,4,1,5 d57b033492d763452f1a49cb935df4dd6c2d6ed351cab5f38086cea277a11c3f,astro anarchi,easi get lost follow intric filament detail imag faint supernova remnant simei 147 also catalog sh2240 seen toward constel taurus cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moons sky correspond width 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears remark narrowband composit imag hubbl color palett includ emiss hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom trace region shocked glow gas supernova remnant estim age 40000 year mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 40000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,simei 147 supernova remnant,2009-01-31,585,90,-0.0412499999999999,01-31,1,2009,31,6,0,5 880d50367684d496959f4600de2e3d16310f5745496d65e15554ea2ec63214f1,tower,higher highest commun tower higher highest mountain higher highest airplane lie realm aurora aurora rare reach 60 kilometers rang 1000 kilometers aurora light result energet electron proton strike molecul earth atmosphere frequently view space complet aurora appear circl around one earth magnet poles particularli rare purpl auror corona occur 2004 high harstad norway,auror corona norway,2009-02-01,369,53,0.25125,02-01,2,2009,1,8,1,1 65d43f210d03566bc09764da248166ec6f90df89d5abbede6060fb7f7996b0c1,paolo candi,bright comet lulin become one know sure although notori difficult accur predict bright newli discov comets comet lulin could well becom visibl unaid eye later month comet lulin move northern sky mid februari rise around midnight least spot comet watcher binocular good sky chart track observ indic comet offici design swung sun approach earth trajectori bring within half earthsun distanc late february comet lulin orbit indic like comet first trip inner solar system comet discov sun univers imag obtain observatori nation central university picture taken itali last friday comet lulin coma tails one tail point away sun antitail dust trail comet orbit may appear point toward sun,comet lulin approach,2009-02-02,682,107,0.0988888888888888,02-02,2,2009,2,3,2,1 36acfcbb241d18a3ea0243a9a5403debfd42634bce5b816c95a7816f2563d8f4,tim thompson,ufo near mountain multilay lenticular clouds moist air forc flow upward around mountain top creat lenticular clouds water droplet condens moist air cool dew point cloud opaqu group water droplets wave air would normal seen horizont seen vertically differ level cloud form day citi seattle washington usa treat unusu sky show lenticular cloud form near mt rainier larg mountain loom 100 kilomet southeast city imag spectacular cluster lenticular cloud taken last december,lenticular cloud washington,2009-02-03,471,72,0.2571428571428571,02-03,2,2009,3,8,1,1 10026634c882248d72296d8910aef7a4e0476dc296bb2d637201869d6072b8fb,none,distant planet hd 80606b summer might dangerous life form float hd atmospher lurk one moon might fear 1500 kelvin summer heat hot enough melt lead also nickel although summer defin earth daili amount sunlight summer hd 80606b greatli influenc close planet get parent star hd 80606b 200 light year distant ellipt orbit planet yet discovered comparison solar system distanc parent star would rang outsid orbit venu well insid orbit mercury sequence night side hd 80606b comput simul might glow infrar light nearli daili interv pass closest point orbit around parent star simul base infrar data taken late 2007 spitzer space telescope,danger summer hd,2009-02-04,631,101,-0.0944444444444444,02-04,2,2009,4,8,2,4 3dd9c11fbe810fe12b21f692bd81bf0d0f08988fe74171478071f56279aeef2f,none,3 million lightyear distant nearbi spiral galaxi m33 giant stellar nurseri ngc 604 1300 lightyear across nearli 100 time size orion nebula fact among star form region within local group galaxies ngc 604 second size 30 doradus also known tarantula nebula larg magellan cloud spaceag color composit xray data in blue hues chandra observatory hubbl optic data show ngc cavern bubbl caviti fill hot tenuous xray emit gas intriguingly ngc 604 divid wall rel cool gas western right side nebula measur indic materi like heat xray temperatur energet wind cluster 200 young massiv stars eastern side xray fill caviti seem older suggest supernova explos end massiv star evolut contribut formation,ngc 604 xray giant stellar nurseri,2009-02-05,686,110,0.1232600732600732,02-05,2,2009,5,4,2,5 99fd575fe363b44182e9b4014ef1086422249c711129dbaec6c68d125de35ce6,eric j,februari 2nd first quarter moon shone planet earth earli even sky seen locat us west coast near mt hamilton california intern space station also arch horizon cross front moon sunlit surface space station transit last seconds sharp exposure welltim telescop image record space station transit background moon smooth mare sea orbit outpost travel northwest southeast from 2 oclock 8 oclock rang kilomet 230 miles course moon 1000 time farther away remark photo glint station also offer hint bluish reflect,space station moon,2009-02-06,503,79,0.0892857142857142,02-06,2,2009,6,2,0,1 1c7745899853fe02392eac5fd3f7f9a3c0bd2832ebfb8678eb0bc556f1d6124e,joseph brimacomb,sweep inner solar system comet lulin easili visibl northern southern hemispher binocular small telescope recent chang lulin love greenish coma tail featur two panel comparison imag taken januari 31st top februari 4th taken dark new mexico skies imag span 2 degrees view comet sport appar antitail left comet dust tail appear almost edg earthbas perspect trail behind lulin orbit extend right coma away sun beauti ion tail remarkably captur bottom panel comet lulin ion tail becam disconnect februari 4 like buffet torn away magnet field solar wind 2007 nasa satellit record similar disconnect event comet encke worry though comet tail grow back,comet lulin tail,2009-02-07,645,102,0.0732548701298701,02-07,2,2009,7,3,2,4 d1e206076c621b9d755cab17d2017a7e43db31d94be4c294f48c4b3edca7f845,t a rector,afar whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed caviti tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming alreadi visibl sever young bright blue star whose light wind burn away push back remain filament wall ga dust eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens pictur combin three specif emit color taken 09meter telescop kitt peak arizona usa,insid eagl nebula,2009-02-08,590,95,0.088235294117647,02-08,2,2009,8,4,2,5 5700a3d3ea23c9565ae15c8ba7d7a34446bf42b07a618b3ecd2f7e96be3fe7f2,none,far away spiral galaxi ngc 4921 although present estim 320 million light year distant precis determin could coupl known recess speed help human better calibr expans rate entir visibl universe toward goal imag taken hubbl space telescop order help identifi key stellar distanc marker known cepheid variabl stars sinc ngc 4921 member coma cluster galaxies refin distanc would also allow better distanc determin one largest nearbi cluster local universe magnific spiral ngc 4921 inform dub anem low rate star format low surfac brightness remark sharp imag made hubble advanc camera surveys current need repair visibl imag are center bright nucleus bright central bar promin ring dark dust blue cluster recent form stars sever smaller companion galaxies unrel galaxi far distant universe unrel star milki way galaxy,anem galaxi ngc 4921 edg,2009-02-09,811,126,0.103,02-09,2,2009,9,7,2,3 ea021704c97c363c1eadd0c3744133db19237c28c0d5aac7ad928562c113a909,martin astronom imag,alnitak alnilam mintaka bright bluish star east west left right along diagon gorgeou cosmic vista otherwis known belt orion three blue supergi star hotter much massiv sun lie 1500 lightyear away born orion wellstudi interstellar clouds fact cloud ga dust adrift region intrigu surprisingli familiar shapes includ dark horsehead nebula flame nebula near alnitak lower left famou orion nebula lie bottom star field cover degre sky imag taken last month digit camera attach small telescop switzerland better match human color percept detail composit taken 15 year ago,orion belt,2009-02-10,564,87,0.1354395604395604,02-10,2,2009,10,4,1,5 8b984d25fcbae1291f7708c6fe6d0e349d5e58aad92ca64562f86fca8cadd65b,alan,yesterday skyscap featur alnitak alnilam mintaka star orion belt today also present easternmost belt star alnitak bottom right field surround wellknown horsehead flame nebulae view sweep farther east left north top detail subtler cosmic cloud ga dust scatter nebula rich region scene anchor top left eeri blue glow omin dark dust lane reflect nebula m78 like horsehead flame orion nebula itself m78 readili visibl part larg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant,orion belt,2009-02-11,476,73,0.1009740259740259,02-11,2,2009,11,4,1,5 36a2460661741c9f854c10b0d3c0230811c9f7f32a651836677698d95d61347c,daniel lópez,two fundament plane planet earth sky compet attent remark wideangl vista record januari 23rd arc horizon night left beauti band zodiac light sunlight scatter dust solar system eclipt plane right compos faint stars dust clouds nebula along plane milki way galaxy celesti band stand dome tower teid observatori island tenerife also play dark sky canari islands brilliant venu lower left distant andromeda galaxi near center love pleiad star cluster top center course season skygaz might even spot m33 california nebula doubl star cluster perseus help slide cursor picture,zodiac light vs milki way,2009-02-12,570,88,0.1335164835164835,02-12,2,2009,12,6,1,1 bf4b15805a9cb5c3e07d1bef91ef178601fe4c5e0ed271ed29d53fc3cd93b0e7,pixheavennet,1am tell circl around moon would happen earli last sunday morning photograph laurent grab equip ran reward sight bright lunar halo shine neighborhood sky france radiu 22 degrees beauti halo produc refract moonlight hexagonalshap ice crystal form thin high clouds laved captur seri digit imag use creat composit fishey view well remark 360 degre panorama,circl moon,2009-02-13,353,55,0.115,02-13,2,2009,13,2,1,1 d035adfb22232de08c2d2cca90a2bad7060671fced62e817a827f42e49f72368,daniel marquardt,sprawl across almost 200 lightyears emiss nebula ic 1805 mix glow interstellar ga dark dust clouds deriv valentinesdayapprov shape nicknam heart nebula 7500 lightyear away perseu spiral arm galaxy star born ic 1805 fact near cosmic heart center massiv hot star newborn star cluster also known melott 15 15 million year young littl ironically heart nebula locat constel cassiopeia greek mythology northern constel name vain boast deep view region around heart nebula crop larger mosaic span 25 degre sky 5 time diamet full moon,ic 1805 heart nebula,2009-02-14,526,84,0.0611111111111111,02-14,2,2009,14,4,0,5 1812f4cbc7aefc685c52c9472a51bbbce32014b41b076e29a2871792e8923d1d,helmut u innsbruck,gone mountains sprawl landscap ice lie mountain visibl disintegrated pictur taken antarctica top grey nunatak one three seal nunatak mountain border larsen b iceshelf two nunatak visibl pictur taken 1994 past sever year larg chunk 200meter thick larsen b iceshelf break disintegrating caus local high temperatur recent years part planet wide climat chang call global warming past years area disintegr roughli size luxembourg iceshelv break up unblock ice sheet fall onto ocean rais sea level everywhere scientist watch muchlarg ross ice shelf which fulli collapses could caus global sea level rise five meter next hundr years,antarct ice shelf vista,2009-02-15,625,96,-0.0241666666666666,02-15,2,2009,15,8,2,4 185265fefb8ffac4385a2da74ad2e6377e3c541fff06869c4f91aadd238d0338,none,jewel southern sky great carina nebula aka ngc 3372 span 300 lightyears one galaxy largest star form regions like smaller northerli great orion nebula carina nebula easili visibl unaid eye though distanc 7500 lightyear 5 time farther away stun telescop view 22meter telescop la silla observatori chile reveal remark detail region glow filament interstellar ga dark cosmic dust clouds carina nebula home young extrem massiv stars includ still enigmat variabl eta carinae star well 100 time mass sun eta carina bright star left central dark notch field near dusti keyhol nebula ngc 3324,great carina nebula,2009-02-16,584,93,0.2,02-16,2,2009,16,4,1,5 b58045ae7045cf1621ef3ef1218630b2abfe94cefff65db7cc5f4d97afbbdd4e,tyler ,blaze that land minnesota usa 2002 flight cloud level earli evening passeng saw photograph curv sheet glow light extend cloud glow appear unlik unusu light typic seen includ crepuscular rays anticrepuscular ray glory lead possibility mention initi photographer light sheet set sunlight scatter fall rain alternatively phenomenon could peculiar window reflection apod readers previous shown impress abil pool collect intellig creat better understand photograph sky invit discuss online might help know data indic imag captur 2002 septemb 23 pm even time camera report point north west time oval ground visibl lower right image canterburi race track,unusu red glow minnesota,2009-02-17,647,96,0.3031746031746032,02-17,2,2009,17,8,1,1 12e5dc0b2c96ac1bd569d90d3756bd55ba01ca1ae4df22532bf094d1df8fa93f,inc,often satellit collide although minuscul space debri may strike satellit occasion first known collis time two full satellit occur last week even though thousand satellit launched low collis rate caus great vast space last week however defunct russian commun satellit name cosmo smash right oper us commun satellit name iridium 33 siberia russia satellit destroyed sheer number massiv particl dispers debri cloud depict inset imag above increas risk oper satellit might struck harm fastmov collis occur low earth orbit 750 kilomet up height share mani satellit significantli higher high intern space station sinc satellit may disintegr struck fastmov space crash focus concern futur dramat satellit collis may one day start cascad increasingli collisions result could render futur human space flight increasingli expens satellit lifetim increasingli short,satellit collid low earth orbit,2009-02-18,854,126,0.1309821428571428,02-18,2,2009,18,8,2,4 e2a294296a652120ea3ce16c2f21a0db7f6524e84b0ef54bc122b8070f6eefba,stéphane guisard,dark nebula snake across gorgeou expans star telescop view toward pronounc constel ophiuchu center milki way galaxy fact twist central shape seen well known snake nebula also list barnard 72 b72 one 182 dark mark sky catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard unlik bright emiss nebula star clusters barnard nebula interstellar dark cloud obscur ga dust shape visibl cosmic silhouett lie foreground along line sight rich star field glow stellar nurseri near plane galaxy mani barnard dark nebula like site futur star formation barnard 72 650 light year away bluish star 44 ophiuchi bottom left intrigu star field span nearli 2 degre almost 20 lightyear estim distanc snake nebula,snake dark,2009-02-20,684,111,0.0865384615384615,02-20,2,2009,20,4,2,5 ef8f3de3f512e0f59a5b3f32def97a3134cb4dcc5a783b9f90c95fb2fb5498cc,none,grow brighter comet lulin head closest approach planet earth earli next week comet greenish glow familiar earthbound skygazers replac fals color premier view orbit swift satellite imag data swift detectors normal intend follow cosmic gammaray bursts record januari 28 data combin here along sky survey imag background stars show optic ultraviolet light greenblu hue xray comet red result map remark xray emiss comet sunward side incom solar wind ion interact gase swollen coma also show substanti ultraviolet emiss opposit sun direct motion comet tail ultraviolet emiss oh molecul deriv breakup water indic amount water produc extrem activ comet fact astronom estim lulin releas 800 gallon water second enough fill swim pool less 15 minutes,swift view comet lulin,2009-02-21,740,114,0.0758333333333333,02-21,2,2009,21,3,2,4 02fc834f11576d735de4b46b2b587eb105fa4cab62b17d3a5ce073da8f037ff3,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula also known m42 nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away orion nebula offer one best opportun studi star born partli nearest larg starform region also nebula energet star blown away obscur ga dust cloud would otherwis block view provid intim look rang ongo stage starbirth evolution detail imag orion nebula sharpest ever construct use data hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey european southern observatory la silla 22 meter telescope mosaic contain billion pixel full resolut reveal 3000 stars,orion nebula hubbl view,2009-02-22,603,93,0.2833333333333334,02-22,2,2009,22,4,1,5 8f4d01d9fdee5fca88edd2a120e965516db3050039df367faf854965717def71,john,what happen moon nothing although locations february full moon occur two week ago appear strang distort rose visibl particular curious invert imag section pinch near horizon effect dub etruscan vase pioneer scienc fiction writer jule vern familiar shape odd moon imag piec creat moonlight refract atmospher invers layer earth cold air trap near surface photograph also report that moon rose red rim faintli visibl lower part moon green rim appear top similar sun famou green flash effect aris earth atmospher act like prism send differ color light slightli differ paths imag mosaic horizont compress comput fit standard screen,moon rise,2009-02-23,626,98,0.1291666666666666,02-23,2,2009,23,2,2,1 a9b6139241fdd9462e80af77249a9044ec0622be5a9b1e6ba5a736c2a02b9f4d,drew starlight,horsehead nebula surround bubble although hard make out famou horsehead nebula slight dark indent bright streak left imag center glow like emiss nebula origin bubble known barnard loop current unknown progenitor hypothes includ wind bright orion star supernova star long gone barnard loop faint identifi unaid eye nebula discov 1895 e e barnard long durat film exposures imag taken singl specif color emit hydrogen bring detail left horsehead nebula visibl small dark indentation photogen flame nebula,barnard loop around horsehead nebula,2009-02-24,501,76,-0.0272222222222222,02-24,2,2009,24,4,0,5 1fac0c15e1a4e9dcef8e43aebd608f5e98705eecb757e6a3a955fe7512e89bd8,richard richin,go outsid tonight see comet dark location need good star map persever although widefield binocular might help yesterday comet lulin pass closest earth comet remain near brightest next days comet current almost 180 degre around sun visibl nearli night long appear move sky 10 full moon night image comet lulin captur spectacular form two night ago new mexico usa central coma comet appear quit green color like indic glow molecular carbon gasses bright star distant spiral galaxi clearli visibl imag background yellow dust tail reflect sunlight visibl sprawl coma left trail behind comet textur ion tail visibl coma right point away sun past weeks current vantag point earth two tail appear point opposit directions comet lulin expect slowli fade next weeks,two tail comet lulin,2009-02-25,757,121,0.0618294748729531,02-25,2,2009,25,3,2,1 e8eb8063e7c4767b2f87f597f8d95bdee73ed8848fb372b5ee9833c978de71ce,mike salway,moon rose predawn sky februari 23rd sport sunlit crescent also offer earli morn riser tantal view earthshine dark portion lunar disk illumin sunlight reflect earth course morn remark conjunct three wander planet ad impress touch celesti scene record sunrise seren skyview look east toward glow horizon across lake central coast new south wales australia along wane crescent moon pictur captur top bottom bright mercury jupiter mars,moon mercury jupiter mar,2009-02-26,431,66,0.2977272727272728,02-26,2,2009,26,2,1,1 d839a58dbd154e39a8adc6247d3b5d74a33911fc2770b641bfb05eb8de5c1096,catch light,track constel leo februari 23rd bright planet saturn comet lulin near opposit opposit sun planet earth sky also pass within 2 degre creat dramat celesti comet lulin near closest approach planet earth time distanc 61 million kilometers orbit opposit direction result swept remark rapidli across background stars telephoto imag captur bright saturn greenish lulin field scene differ binocular views recogn ring saturn ring present tilt nearli edgeon view brighter planet overexpos record detail fainter comet upper right saturn mark multipl diffract spike creat apertur blade telephoto lens,lulin saturn near opposit,2009-02-27,589,87,0.2693877551020408,02-27,2,2009,27,0,1,2 5d9657d8c5ecd8f5d2dfba8794d3c8ddc9a1a23a74cdaeecf1b042b1d1ad389f,martin pugh,distort galaxi ngc 2442 found southern constel fli fish piscis volans locat 50 million lightyear away galaxy two spiral arm extend pronounc central bar give hookshap appearance deep color imag also show arms obscur dust lanes young blue star cluster reddish star form region surround core yellowish light older popul stars star form region seem concentr along drawnout right side spiral arm distort structur like result ancient close encount smaller galaxi seen near top left field view two interact galaxi separ 150000 lightyear estim distanc ngc 2442,ngc 2442 galaxi volan,2009-02-28,552,87,0.1293650793650793,02-28,2,2009,28,7,1,3 f5ee9d107a7d78d5a0d994ec6c38f4774210b711d8cdbb35b033e698e6faa168,thoma v davi,huge ball star predat sun long humankind evolved dinosaur roamed even earth existed ancient glob star condens orbit young milki way galaxy 200 globular cluster surviv today omega centauri largest contain ten million stars omega centauri also brightest globular cluster appar visual magnitud 39 visibl southern observ unaid eye catalog ngc 5139 omega centauri 18000 lightyear away 150 lightyear diameter unlik mani globular clusters star omega centauri show sever differ age trace chemic indic globular star cluster complex histori 12 billion year age,omega centauri largest nearbi globular cluster,2009-03-01,550,83,0.0214285714285714,03-01,3,2009,1,6,0,3 3e991e29bb816109700c9b9372fb729f5078958c7b28dafb681c011aa966675d,jame m baker,streak across sky bright earthgraz meteor 1972 unusu bright meteor space wit bounc earth atmosphere much like skip stone bounc calm lake impress event last sever seconds visibl daylight reportedli visibl way utah usa alberta canada pictur above firebal photograph streak teton mountain behind jackson lake wyoming usa great daylight firebal 1972 possibl size small truck would like creat impress struck earth directly earthgraz meteor rare commonli seen radiant meteor shower rise setting time meteor closer earth earthgraz would usual strike earth near horizon meteor earthgraz would miss earth entirely,great daylight firebal,2009-03-02,604,90,0.1642857142857142,03-02,3,2009,2,8,2,1 595788a86751ab1cfc48386694316765dc9a1e7ce729dc9f6fc2f68937e07acd,none,sun look like one day helix nebula one brightest closest exampl planetari nebula ga cloud creat end life sunlik star outer gass star expel space appear vantag point look helix remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 700 lightyear away toward constel aquariu span 25 lightyears pictur taken wide field imag 22meter telescop european southern observatory la silla observatory closeup inner edg helix nebula show complex ga knot unknown origin,helix nebula la silla observatori,2009-03-03,558,88,-0.0015151515151515,03-03,3,2009,3,4,0,5 32985c76c06223c844b9a899a5a42c09cfda4d5571f0bc75f74d5fd3b2bf1953,jeanluc dauvergn,good telescop view saturn expect come day ring planet near opposit march 8th closest approach earth 2009 course opposit mean opposit sun planet earth sky arrang occur almost yearli saturn saturn grow larger telescop images saturn ring seem vanish tilt lineofsight decreases fact ring nearli invisible edgeon perspective septemb 4 record februari 28 sharp imag made 1 meter telescop pic du midi mountain top observatori french pyrenees ring seen tilt nearli edgeon remark detail visibl ga giant cloud bands ici moon tethi appear beyond ring lower left,saturn view,2009-03-04,551,87,0.0958333333333333,03-04,3,2009,4,0,0,1 7523499451a56e3a61ff29958a56fcfddeaa51cbda757cd972b77d0df3f5f5da,neil fleme,insid cocoon nebula newli develop cluster stars catalog ic 5146 beauti nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide locat 4000 light year away toward northern constel cygnus like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot star blue dustreflect starlight edg otherwis invis molecular cloud fact bright star near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas except deep color view cocoon nebula trace tantal featur within surround dusti stellar nursery,ic 5146 cocoon nebula,2009-03-05,523,82,0.1384615384615384,03-05,3,2009,5,4,1,5 4e87519ea81195e9fcd2d58c853c45521f3ac3968dd857597b897c6d596fb671,drew starlight,last friday moon venu share earli even sky beauti conjunction separ 2 degrees also crescent phase like moon venu appear full disk thin crescent frequent brightest object postsunset presunris sky venu small usual requir binocular small telescop clearli see phase telescop imag friday conjunct show similar crescent phases tini crescent venu upper right,crescent moon venu,2009-03-06,351,53,-0.0414285714285714,03-06,3,2009,6,2,0,1 3f9a73932f244d7ecf5709f2e6af6057cfd98db6813eb2211f47f4bf4d2eafef,panther observatori,fade night sky comet lulin provid love cosmic vistas move rapidli background stars lulin briefli pose saturn regulu alpha seen field distant galaxies reveal faint background galaxi trace comet fade tail remark pictur blend composit telescop exposur align star speedi comet largest galaxi seen left comet head coma catalog ngc ngc ngc ngc lie distanc 100 million lightyear so exposur made februari 28 comet 36 lightminut earth,comet lulin distant galaxi,2009-03-07,425,67,-0.0399999999999999,03-07,3,2009,7,3,0,3 9568361ffba12b10bcd3af955b65828e8469271d1b66efe506708589b94a1221,none,although phase moon might appear familiar moon might not fact gibbou phase show part jupiter moon europa robot spacecraft galileo captur imag mosaic mission orbit jupit 1995 2003 visibl plain bright ice crack run horizon dark patch like contain ice dirt rais terrain particularli appar near terminator cast shadows europa nearli size earth moon much smoother show highland larg impact craters evid imag galileo spacecraft indic liquid ocean might exist ici surface test specul sea hold life esa nasa togeth start preliminari develop europa jupit system mission spacecraft propos better studi europa surfac ice thin enough futur mission might drop hydrobot burrow ocean search life,gibbou europa,2009-03-08,682,105,0.1234126984126984,03-08,3,2009,8,2,2,2 ae4c53c65a2ae22452677a2cafb51d4c441da3483b979a25bd99f02b21a378f2,ben cooper,streak skyward delta ii rocket carri nasa kepler spacecraft aloft clear night march 6 dramat scene record time exposur crowd pier jetti park northern end cocoa beach florida 3 mile cape canaver launch site kepler mission search earthlik planet orbit habit zone stars planet orbit within star habit zone would surfac temperatur capabl support liquid water essenti ingredi life know it find earthlik planets kepler telescop large sensit camera examin rich star field near plane milki way galaxy locat constel cygnus kepler field view allow monitor bright mani star solar neighborhood detect slight dim potenti earthlik planet cross front star,kepler streak,2009-03-09,640,100,0.1778273809523809,03-09,3,2009,9,6,2,2 bfdaa56f78143be8829bf6cfd2493bc8acbbff9ad435ed3ccf78efa094e4bfc9,j obs,adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations glow orion nebula dark horsehead nebula contrast cosmic vistas appear opposit corner stun mosaic taken digit camera attach small telescope magnific emiss region orion nebula aka m42 lie upper right picture immedi left promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man horsehead nebula appear dark cloud small silhouett notch long red glow lower left alnitak easternmost star orion belt seen brightest star left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes pervas tendril glow hydrogen ga easili trace throughout region deep field imag region,horsehead orion nebula,2009-03-10,634,96,-0.0010204081632653,03-10,3,2009,10,4,2,5 d0196071c7b76e1297466c2c95635ffe9b990b59b3189b7114f66a3a39f45165,catch light,strike x near center lunarscap easili visibl binocular small telescope yet mani seen it catch is lunar x appar four hour period moon first quarter phase terminator shadow line lunar day night x illus produc configur crater blanchinus la caill purbach near moon first quarter phase astronaut stand close craters posit would see slowli rise sun near horizon temporarily crater wall would sunlight crater floor still darkness seen planet earth contrast section bright wall dark floor chanc look remark like x sharp imag lunar x captur approxim ut march 3 2009 moon first quarter phase ut march 4,lunar x,2009-03-11,592,98,0.1022727272727272,03-11,3,2009,11,2,2,1 4a14b01e31ec67d10b326ac3913173e2dfb85e98f3b749fc73e91fbdeefbba34,rogelio bernal andreo,right thor helmet ngc seem gaze across love star field broad skyscap cover 15 degre 3 full moon toward constel cani major close look lower left corner imag might identifi object cosmic stare faint round nebula heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across helmet actual like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center sweep surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief pre supernova stage evolution contrast faint round nebula planetari nebula gaseou shroud die lower mass star distanc thor helmet estim 15000 lightyears,thor helmet planetari nebula,2009-03-12,608,96,0.0855357142857142,03-12,3,2009,12,4,2,5 692391e8f35213162fd68b7321853b69067d8a29b36fe2fceefcdb723dee9626,none,scan sky galaxies canadian astronom paul hickson colleagu identifi 100 compact group galaxies appropri call hickson compact group hcgs sharp hubbl imag show one galaxi group hcg 90 startl detail three galaxi reveal strongli interacting dusti spiral galaxi stretch distort pair larg ellipt galaxies close encount trigger furiou star formation cosmic timescale gravit tug war eventu result merger trio larg singl galaxy merger process understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way hcg 90 lie 100 million lightyear away constel pisci austrinus hubbl view span 80000 lightyear estim distance course hickson compact group also make reward view earthbound astronom modest size telescopes,hickson compact group 90,2009-03-13,691,102,0.0416666666666666,03-13,3,2009,13,7,2,3 ba008b75652d0d8bae8b4911491e793bc643123ab4466ce66b968350df6f47e5,alexandr santern,fix camera tripod record grace trail trace star planet earth rotat axis example dramat 5 hour long exposur made februari 24 hauteprov observatori southeastern france actual composit 300 consecut 1minut exposures imag nice show star near celesti equat trace nearli straight line projection star north south equator respectively appear circl north south celesti poles dome bottom left right hous telescopes brilliant planet venu make short bright trail lower right trail star constel orion end near lower right observatori dome sirius alpha star cani major trace bright arc dome left astronom also briefli illumin foreground oak tree exposur sequence,star trail,2009-03-14,648,98,0.2452731092436974,03-14,3,2009,14,6,2,4 113baca1e63d61ef73a39b11f6f70d31c489a9cdd307585d535bdee87bb6553a,none,what happen sun sport spectacular unusu solar prominence solar promin cloud solar ga held sun surfac sun magnet field 2004 nasa sunorbit soho spacecraft imag impress larg promin hover surface pictur above earth would easili fit hover curtain hot gas quiescent promin typic last month may erupt coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system although somehow relat sun chang magnet field energi mechan creat sustain solar promin still topic research,promin solar promin soho,2009-03-15,450,72,0.25,03-15,3,2009,15,1,1,2 a8173c5ab781b091c68caa26554f5a0f8c757c64cd7bf2eff5d07bc341e42e7b,none,mar two tini moons phobo deimos pictur above recent releas imag hiris camera onboard marsorbit mar reconnaiss orbit mro deimos smaller moon mars deimo one smallest known moon solar system measur 15 kilomet across diminut martian moon discov 1877 asaph hall american astronom work us naval observatori washington dc exist two martian moon predict around 1610 johann kepler astronom deriv law planetari motion case kepler predict base scientif principles write idea influenti two martian moon discuss work fiction jonathan swift gulliver travels written 1726 150 year actual discovery,martian moon deimo,2009-03-16,582,88,-0.1333333333333333,03-16,3,2009,16,2,0,2 50aef8a9fe0eec03d7812a87fa1d34b9afb66ed19657bd0ce50d777ec01c579e,none,star creat huge puffball pictur best multiwavelength imag yet tycho supernova remnant result stellar explos first record 400 year ago famou astronom tycho brahe imag composit xray imag taken orbit chandra xray observatory infrar imag taken orbit spitzer space telescope optic imag taken 35meter calar alto telescop locat southern spain expand ga cloud extrem hot slightli differ expans speed given cloud puffi appearance although star creat sn 1572 like complet gone star dub tycho g dim easili discern here studi possibl companion find progenitor remnant tycho supernova particularli import supernova recent determin type ia peak bright type ia supernova thought well understood make quit valuabl calibr univers dim distant objects,tycho supernova remnant,2009-03-17,732,110,0.2681818181818182,03-17,3,2009,17,6,2,4 ed2c289132978963b4456eb49609f4bb81581b7336fbeaf7dd88e339e34551c8,night intern astronomi,mani star see next week globe night project peopl world go outsid night look up specifically peopl invit go hour sunset look constel orion toward west rather count orion star directly however globe night websit made thing easier provid sever star chart compar view orion possibl match extend bright sky orion star visible dark sky 100 orion star visible pictur result last year sky observ campaign sinc 2009 intern year astronomy hope even better map creat year particip easi fun activity help human better understand light pollut chang across earth,help light pollut,2009-03-18,549,90,0.235,03-18,3,2009,18,6,1,1 c255aac32a3ae8b21e48f3274802b49b47e37a2163f3e3f94eee4454bd711709,none,14 15 years saturn ring tilt edgeon line sight bright beauti ring seem grow narrow becom increasingli difficult see them even larg telescopes provid opportun watch multipl transit saturn moons transit sunlit moon shadow glide across cloudi face ga giant record februari 24 hubbl imag part sequenc show transit four saturn moons left right enceladu shadow dion shadow saturn largest moon titan small moon mima touch saturn disk near ring plane far right shadow titan mima move right side disk saturn equatori diamet 120000 kilometers,saturn moon transit,2009-03-19,532,85,0.0733766233766233,03-19,3,2009,19,0,0,1 bca38c85e87b7067fb4ea66f3bcde92552c7729af6247a3795ea037d50252e0f,anthoni ayiomam,today sun cross celesti equat head north 1144 ut known equinox astronom event mark first day spring northern hemispher autumn south also mark begin norouz persian new year equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earth dweller experi nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness course north day grow longer sun march higher sky summer approaches celebr equinox consid scenic view set sun island aegean sea record last june wellplan imag captur portara big dramat silhouette measur 6 35 meters portara larg entranc greek island ancient templ,sunset,2009-03-20,541,87,0.0359848484848484,03-20,3,2009,20,1,0,1 d46af5ee2cd0dad1525268865d9e9328be5103efe2948b26ffa934d0f8ee3d3a,none,scan entir sky gammarays photon 50 million time energi visibl light fermi mission larg area telescop lat explor highenergi universe allski map construct 3 month lat observ august 4 octob 30 repres deeper view gammaray sky previou space mission shine fermi gammaray sky new paper describ 205 brightest gammaray sources map highlight fermi list five sourc within five sourc lie beyond milki way galaxy within galaxy sun trace faint arc across map observ dates lsi 61 xray binari star 6500 lightyear away psr type pulsar neutron star seen puls gammaray energies 47 tuc globular star cluster 15000 lightyear away fifth galact sourc center galact plane intrigu variabl sourc clear counterpart wavelengths beyond galaxy ngc 1275 larg galaxi heart perseu galaxi cluster million lightyear away 3c pk pk activ galaxi billion lightyear distant anoth unidentifi source seen galact plane like beyond boundari milki way natur remain mystery,fermi gammaray sky,2009-03-21,927,146,-0.0106060606060606,03-21,3,2009,21,7,2,4 ea422bef07b875adc220c89d8a4bcc35654b8e77b9cddf321476515683cd5941,none,sun destroy comet arc toward fieri fate sungraz comet record soho spacecraft larg angl spectrometr coronagraphlasco 1996 dec 23 lasco use occult disk partial visibl lower right block otherwis overwhelm solar disk allow imag inner 5 million mile rel faint corona comet seen coma enter bright equatori solar wind region orient vertically spot blemish imag background star camera streak caus charg particles posit space continu observ sun soho use discov 1500 comets includ numer sungrazers base orbits believ belong famili comet creat success break up singl larg parent comet pass near sun twelfth century great comet 1965 ikeyaseki also member sungraz family come within 650000 kilomet sun surface pass close sun sungraz subject destruct tidal forc along intens solar heat comet known soho 6 survive,sungraz,2009-03-22,798,125,0.0265873015873015,03-22,3,2009,22,3,2,4 832616bffcaa7f46dca7a0aa58663bf60195e2241c9a13c7e603fa627322da69,none,may look like graze seahorse dark object toward imag right actual pillar smoki dust 20 light year long curiouslyshap dust structur occur neighbor larg magellan cloud star form region near expans tarantula nebula energet nebula creat star cluster ngc 2074 whose center visibl top imag direct neck seahorse repres color imag taken last year hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 honor hubble 100000th trip around earth young star cluster form light wind slowli erod dust pillar away next million years,seahors larg magellan cloud,2009-03-23,513,82,0.1061224489795918,03-23,3,2009,23,4,0,3 8a3b5f9b6e12914907feaf0559577cfd1906880614a3088914920ad183dbf154,none,human made robot continu roll across surfac mars opportun sister rover spirit sixth year mars explor red planet year longer origin expectations pictur composit recent imag taken navig camera top opportun rover meridiani planum visibl parallel rover tracks rippl sand dunes lightcolor bedrock protrusions metal rover parts dark shadow robot photographer currently opportun way toward huge endeavor crater spirit tri climb unusu rock structur known home plate surviv harsh martian environment opportun arriv endeavor crater two years time may revolution human knowledg ancient martian,martian dune shadow opportun,2009-03-24,582,84,0.055,03-24,3,2009,24,5,0,2 fc640dd6e87f155da7c13aa998c31f6b2bb92b484f3d421d8e91f8bd8bfcfd78,none,newli discov object outer solar system move like orcu first discov 2004 slightli smaller pluto although still one largest kuiper belt object known orcu may one day iau design dwarf planet orcu pluto similar nearli maximum minimum distanc sun orbit similarli shape orbit ellips tilt toward orbit ellips roughli angle great mass neptun caus circl sun twice everi three neptun orbits orcu like however two object alway remain across solar system other orcu found spot near center discoveri frame move slightli top end next week discover orcu ask help name newli discov moon,outer solar system,2009-03-25,570,93,0.1583333333333333,03-25,3,2009,25,1,2,3 01e21fcf08a7e105eaf646cf0662d57fd488762e54c461595d488254d753b842,dark atmospher,galact open star cluster rel young swarm star born near plane milki way number steadili dwindl cluster member strewn galaxi gravit interactions bright open cluster known m46 around 300 million year young still contain hundr star within span 30 lightyear so locat 5000 lightyear away toward constel puppis m46 also seem contain contradict youth status love starscape colorful circular patch center m46 also inset upper left planetari nebula ngc 2438 planetari nebula brief final phase life solartyp star billion year old whose central reservoir hydrogen fuel exhausted fact old ngc 2438 estim 3000 lightyear distant move differ speed m46 cluster members like repres foreground object chanc appear along lineofsight young m46,star young old,2009-03-26,723,111,0.0789473684210526,03-26,3,2009,26,6,2,3 10e670337f16c3e96cd0fa7c22f5bcca52557d78df0c61419abf97f94413d139,frank barrett,imag two differ cameras digit slr astronom ccd camera combin color starscape camera made use telescop winter star parti florida keys appropri creat portrait seagul nebula wide view cover degre swath across plane milki way near direct sirius alpha star constel cani major course broad region includ object catalog designations notabl ngc 2327 compact dusti emiss region embed massiv star form bird head abov center ic 2177 form sweep arc seagull wings domin reddish glow atom hydrogen complex cosmic ga dust cloud bright young star span 250 lightyear estim 3800 lightyear distance,seagul nebula,2009-03-27,581,92,0.0694444444444444,03-27,3,2009,27,4,2,5 9d04dec4f3dcc18bd267f4fb9c6877b7caec32186e5edc53f0717e0ad1315ba0,peter jenniskensseti,small asteroid 2008 tc3 fell earth dawn octob 7 2008 track sky nubian desert northern sudan event remark first time asteroid detect space crash planet earth atmosphere gener assum asteroid complet disintegr dust but base satellit ground observ atmospher impact event dr univers aid dr peter jennisken seti institut nasa ame research center led expedit student area desert surviv fragments decemb 6 2008 two hour search began first meteorit found team ultim collect 280 small meteorites call almahata total mass 5 kilogram first materi recov known asteroid stark contrast stones black fragment pictur almahata sitta meteorit number 15 4 centimet diameter seen came rest desert floor editor note arabic almahata sitta railway stop nubian desert wit report see bright firebal meteor,15,2009-03-28,780,121,-0.0287878787878787,03-28,3,2009,28,8,2,4 799d2ae8500b89f07ca53aa6b50174a34b43ca70eb7325ac473d48471c3554c1,none,even year ago result first present indic energi univers star galaxi tie space itself languag cosmologists larg cosmolog constant directli impli new distant supernova observations suggest cosmolog constant lambda new exist sinc advent modern relativist cosmology claim usual popular astronomers though lambda unlik known univers components lambda valu appear limit observations strang cosmolog without lambda previous done well explain data noteworthi seemingli direct reliabl method observ good reput scientist conduct investigations past eleven years independ team astronom continu accumul data appear confirm exist dark energi unsettl result present acceler universe pictur supernova occur 1994 outskirt spiral galaxi taken one collaborations,strang univers,2009-03-29,745,100,0.0753787878787878,03-29,3,2009,29,7,2,4 7b61faf5156e9fa2138f273b395cef1438726f08d47de3d1406b3eef9a73de56,none,mud volcano mars so could martian strang possibl suggest recent seem fit sever recent observ mars first all hill like seem better resembl mud volcano earth lava volcano impact crater mars next pictur dome unusu textur surfac consist fractur ice infrar imag space indic hill like cool quickli surround rock consist dri mud composition hill also reflect color consist composit form presenc water finally unusu plume ga contain methan found mar unknown origin ga plume could conceiv liber mud volcanoes initi warm mud contain methaneproduc microb drift previous underground lake candid mud volcano 100 meter across pictur northern plain mars,possibl volcano mar,2009-03-30,638,100,0.1706959706959706,03-30,3,2009,30,5,2,4 dda9406b0bf3461f924ca259d7272c27f3a9639492103c933eae093e264986cb,none,heart monstrou tarantula nebula lie huge bubbl energet gas long filament dark dust unusu massiv stars center heart knot star dens thought singl star star cluster label r136 ngc 2070 visibl center imag home great number hot young stars energet light star continu ioniz nebula gas energet particl wind blow bubbl defin intric filaments representativecolor pictur great lmc nebula detail tumultu center tarantula nebula also known 30 doradu nebula one largest starform region known creat unusu strong episod star format everi million years,heart tarantula nebula,2009-03-31,536,83,0.2236111111111111,03-31,3,2009,31,4,1,5 3e025695a326254b09786406ff9fe2d73ec703f037084acc93d16aff7effc1bc,none,first new truss then new solar panel now part plan upgrad intern space station expedit 18 astronaut upgrad head human extend analog devic 9000 attach minor make astronaut remain spacewalk 40 percent efficient head 9000 astronaut directli access 4 gigabyt comput flash memori brain perform complex mathemat play game addit charge happi april fools day folk apod reality space shuttl discovery mission upgrad intern space station end saturday upgrad space station imag astronaut heidemari stefanyshynpip handl boxlik nitrogen tank assembl actual taken last november reason however astronaut stefanyshynpip factor 11 prime number head,head upgrad spacewalk,2009-04-01,631,93,-0.0252525252525252,04-01,4,2009,1,8,2,2 cea8afc4786f5b5fb1ea56aa9dda79310179e03b12b70f3b268458a04b1aa62d,tama ladanyi,today 100 hour astronomi begins cornerston project intern year astronomi 2009 celebr anniversari galileo origin telescop explor sky run april 2 april 5 mani differ public program plan worldwid part project start today open event institut philadelphia featur one galileo two remain telescopes event webcast live course sky examin galileo still appreci today much capabl instrument wide available skyward view privat observatori veszprem hungari also includ object galileo see gaze night record march 26 imag captur pair trail intern space station the brighter trail shuttl orbit discoveri low earth orbit well streak pass airplane,100 hour astronomi begin,2009-04-02,629,94,0.0909090909090909,04-02,4,2009,2,8,2,2 3e19dd0e0ad1890a1edf8f29ec6496e3d0f1b2d93aad5491cefcad53549ac1aa,eso hour astronomi,want go extraordinari today can watch around world 80 telescopes 24hour long webcast organ european southern observatori intern year astronomi cornerston project 100 hour astronomy suggest astronom intens composite webcast event follow night day around globe visit advanc observatori earth space explor univers visibl light beyond gemini north telescop larg observatori summit volcan mauna kea schedul first stop program begin april 3 ut other schedul includ swift satellit fermi gammaray space telescope himalayan chandra telescop 10meter south pole telescop icecub neutrino telescop south pole,around world telescop,2009-04-03,595,84,0.0791666666666666,04-03,4,2009,3,8,0,2 94fdb5db70232ecdf7826179414455cda402bb3e67a359b573f4942da8fbd152,babak tafreshi,twilight sweep around planet earth tonight april 4 mani amateur astronom set telescop 24hour global star party planetwid star parti part 100 hour astronomi project intern year astronomi 2009 join member public find nearbi organ event plan webcast schedul website could see telescop tonight starters bright moon shine even sky offer telescop observ spectacular view impact craters mountains lavaflood mare tonight celesti target includ crowd pleas planet saturn surround moons ring tilt nearli edgeon,star parti planet earth,2009-04-04,499,74,0.21,04-04,4,2009,4,8,1,1 3423a8e4884d372100cf2c9209bacafeaff03c590cd210e1f334ad458cec9459,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear again recent complet mission space shuttl orbit discoveri visit iss ad compon includ new truss new solar panels entir array expans solar panel visibl pictur taken discoveri crew leav iss return earth world foremost space outpost seen develop past sever year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modules robot arm suppli ship construct began iss 1998,intern space station expand,2009-04-06,411,66,-0.0454545454545454,04-06,4,2009,6,8,0,2 2396e0186139b484aaebf01dbf26c63f8f226e780f14468ca521c17af176d684,none,two galaxi squar virgo latest pictures two galaxi collide star compos usual not galaxi mostli empti space and howev bright star take small fraction space collision one galaxi rip apart gravitationally dust ga common galaxi collide two galaxi merge black hole like resid galaxi center may eventu merge distanc large whole thing take place slow motion hundr million years besid two larg spiral galaxies smaller third galaxi visibl far left imag arp 274 also known ngc 5679 arp 274 span 200000 light year across lie 400 million light year away toward constel virgo,collid spiral galaxi arp 274,2009-04-07,562,93,0.0717261904761904,04-07,4,2009,7,7,2,3 3c0b59e32ac213b3255bb6f8becdd4c83b34d3ff72180d410613fb3b531368b3,none,unusu look galaxi created one sure especi sinc spiral galaxi ngc 7049 look strange ngc strike appear primarili due unusu promin dust ring seen mostli silhouette opaqu ring much darker din million bright star glow behind it besid dark dust ngc 7049 appear similar smooth ellipt galaxy although featur surprisingli globular star clusters ngc 7049 pictur imag recent hubbl space telescope bright star near top ngc 7049 unrel foreground star galaxy visibl unusu central polar ring ga circl plane near galaxy center sinc ngc 7049 brightest galaxi cluster galaxies format might foster sever promin recent galaxi collisions ngc 7049 span 150 thousand light year lie 100 million light year away toward constel,unusu dusti galaxi ngc,2009-04-08,701,112,0.1545833333333333,04-08,4,2009,8,7,2,3 39302e38090258cb39e5fd9daed673eee43755f85c3d87f7722d4c314143e63a,eddi guscott,remark pictur slender crescent venu made daylight hour march 26 venu near inferior conjunction closest approach point line directli earth sun so daylight good time care record telescop view venu sun high daytim sky near inferior conjunction venu closest us largest appar size venu also strongli backlit sunlight present night side partial outlin narrow crescent make imag remark faint arc extend beyond sunlit crescent around night side venus due sunlight filter planet dens atmosphere astronom eddi report site england faint extens came went earth atmospher blur changed imag construct 85 sharpest frame chosen thousand taken webcam telescope,venu near conjunct,2009-04-09,643,97,-0.0365,04-09,4,2009,9,1,2,1 b39b62d6ef0c77a25a646f9b5709c7e9c5ed45509b9c408bdfc7da0c919006ed,twan,intricate glow nebula shine planet earth night sky beauti look deep imag made telescop sensit cameras faint otherwis invis nakedeye make rel locat extent sky difficult appreciate so consid impress composit imag wide region northern winter sky total exposur time 40 hours mosaic present nebularich expans known orioneridanu superbubbl hous suburban boston usa within wide deep view nebula often seen narrow views includ great orion nebula rosett nebula seagul nebula california nebula barnard loop familiar constel orion foreground house brightest star siriu left roof recogniz pleiad star cluster tree right version big pictur includ simpl constel avail here,big pictur,2009-04-11,658,98,0.004047619047619,04-11,4,2009,11,4,2,5 df054760c7655db58dcf627af194eb0e70af27acdd9c32ba19307642f28db703,none,lie limit human percept picturesqu starfield contain one larger open cluster northern sky span angl larger moon m39 rel star lie 800 light year distant toward constel cygnus pictur m39 mosaic 33 imag taken wiyn telescop kitt peak arizona usa star m39 300 million year old much younger 5000 million year sun open clusters also call galact clusters contain fewer younger star globular clusters also unlik globular clusters open cluster gener confin plane galaxy,m39 open cluster cygnu,2009-04-12,459,74,0.0363636363636363,04-12,4,2009,12,6,0,3 ce34e23498adb0d8f7302ed2bf4bb80c202cf2650efe42933cd6e96fb3d3daf7,adam arizona,mani galaxi appear spirals strike exampl m101 shown above whose rel close distanc 27 million light year allow studi detail recent evid indic close gravit interact neighbor galaxi creat wave high mass condens ga continu orbit galaxi center wave compress exist ga caus star formation one result m101 also call pinwheel galaxy sever extrem bright starform region call hii regions spread across spiral arms m101 larg immens graviti distort smaller nearbi galaxies,m101 pinwheel galaxi,2009-04-14,459,72,0.1657142857142857,04-14,4,2009,14,7,1,3 33f105aa05e654ba35f5c43ba993aa94ad128d99058695546dde1145ad0eae07,none,what caus unusu jag shadow saturn rings one yet sure saturn near equinox ring increasingli show thin edg earth sun result saturn moon commonli cast long shadow onto rings exampl elong vertic shadow mima seen right seri shorter jag shadow run however unusual saturn ring known made particl hundr years particl far escap direct imaging therefor particularli excit preliminari hypothesi hold jag shadow silhouett transient group ring particl temporarili held close gravity futur work sure continue robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn took imag continu photograph saturn magnific ring right saturn equinox august,jag shadow may indic saturn ring,2009-04-15,610,92,0.1621428571428571,04-15,4,2009,15,0,2,2 f330a6c9a715e89b945c4e2aad9c7b06714c7ed611b46c85191859e032bf47fa,paolo,cloud hide bright full moon rose last week mediev castl near nice france exactli full april 9 ut follow march equinox make first full moon spring north autumn southern hemisphere known easter moon date celebr easter first sunday first full moon northern spring also call grass moon egg moon north southern hemisphere follow autumn equinox full moon shine throughout night hunter moon,castl full moon,2009-04-16,383,62,0.3,04-16,4,2009,16,2,1,1 b076129ce1b9f96fc1d164879fa47faafd09ecb2971f5e743552baa00aa391c6,stephen leshin,ngc 1333 seen visibl light reflect nebula domin bluish hue characterist starlight reflect dust mere 1000 lightyear distant toward heroic constel perseus lie edg large starform molecular cloud strike closeup view span 4 lightyear estim distanc ngc 1333 show detail dusti region along hint contrast emiss red jet glow ga recent form stars fact ngc 1333 contain hundr star less million year old still hidden optic telescop pervas stardust chaotic environ may similar one sun form 45 billion year ago,ngc 1333 stardust,2009-04-18,496,80,0.0437229437229437,04-18,4,2009,18,4,0,5 4182c5ab4a1dd67caa8dfa56f9858aa0a98646961370afcd53d0a201f553d2de,none,mar act like liquid although liquid freez evapor quickli thin atmospher mars persist wind may make larg sand dune appear flow even drip like liquid visibl imag right two flat top mesa southern mars season chang spring summer light dome top hill also visibl far left image wind blow right left flow sand around hill leav picturesqu streaks dark arcshap droplet fine sand call barchans interplanetari cousin similar earthbas sand forms barchan move intact downwind even appear pass other past weeks wind southern mar kick dust watch see escal anoth mars famou planetscal sand storms,flow barchan sand dune mar,2009-04-20,580,95,0.0904761904761904,04-20,4,2009,20,5,2,1 be4d577c2ec120e87b5b759755afc9fd138e4b1260b7f9c785357c9a3463c912,robert a,much earth surfac warm live one sure compar past 100 million years earth current endur rel cold possibl four degre celsiu average past 100 years however data indic averag global temperatur earth increas nearli one degre celsius disagre recent global warm occurring panel climat chang conclud human creat warm surg like continue futur temperatur increas like shown predict map may caus sea level rise precipit pattern change much pole ice melt result could impact mani local global project might includ artifici cloud creation might reduc amount warm sunlight reach earth surface,global,2009-04-21,578,91,0.1150717703349282,04-21,4,2009,21,8,2,1 e16925cc35b0556363774629f5badbbeb48b03cb19eee7fdd8fb60caa67b2856,tunç tezel,midnight approached spectacular sky appeared case last month shore lake salda southwestern turkey night sky panorama rocki sand cover foreground build light visibl across lake look up star orion lie ahead sirius brightest star sky appear orion left orion right horizon lie pleiad open star cluster arch across sky central band milki way galaxy high center star castor pollux visible lake salda famou partli blue color slightli discern even image,sky panorama lake,2009-04-22,445,70,0.1345714285714285,04-22,4,2009,22,6,1,1 524607304adb3ad8e668c37d083d8fb61ae8287aad20e6a634a27a91cb671d3f,goldman,blown fast wind hot massiv star cosmic bubbl huge catalog sharpless lie 5200 lightyear away constel cani major cover 23 degre sky compar 12 degre full moon correspond diamet 60 lightyear estim distance massiv star itself wolfrayet star bright blue one near center nebula wolfrayet star 20 time mass sun thought brief presupernova phase massiv star evolution fast wind wolfrayet star creat bubbleshap nebula sweep slower move materi earlier phase evolution windblown nebula age 70000 years rel faint emiss captur expans imag domin glow ioniz oxygen atom map bluish hues,sharpless,2009-04-23,568,90,0.1278846153846154,04-23,4,2009,23,4,2,5 980893380a3571a7af34fb8716da25c0b28e910b6a697303d5e9ca4aecffacd6,david cortner,wednesday moon venu rose togeth earli morn skies even clouds show love crescent wellcompos skyscap rutherford college north carolina eastern us farther west north american skygaz could also wit moon pass front venus bright planet disappear behind moon sunlit crescent reappear along darken limb morn twilight gave way daylight hours cours dimmer lunar crescent waning approach today new moon phase begin stint brilliant morn star venus crescent wax though grow thicker come month venu rise higher morn skies,moon morn star,2009-04-24,507,78,0.3357954545454545,04-24,4,2009,24,2,1,1 ab51e29a01ae08dca268aec97f9b9a413a51c8b7a808d2819118d2d5c6e120f5,stevecannistra,base wide field photographs american astronom edward barnard catalog dark mark sky earli 20th century barnard mark dark nebulae interstellar cloud obscur ga dust shape visibl cosmic silhouett lie foreground along lineofsight rich star field stellar nurseri near plane galaxy deep telescop imag earli 21st centuri captur tantal array barnard dusti nebula toward constel tauru tauru molecular cloud 400 lightyear away includ nearli 1 degre wide field view barnard 7 the 7th object upper right next dusti bluish reflect nebula young variabl star ry tauri emerg yellowish cocoon dust near top center typic lightyear across mani barnard dark nebula like site futur star formation,dark sky,2009-04-25,674,104,0.0080357142857142,04-25,4,2009,25,4,2,5 0437159ea6f488550a8d8767e4c7ede89d2217a5164e1d64b287f161445f83d5,none,two mighti galaxi pull apart known the mice long tails spiral galaxi like alreadi pass other probabl collid coalesce long tail creat rel differ gravit pull near far part galaxy distanc large cosmic interact take place slow motion hundr million years ngc 4676 lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel bernice hair coma berenices like member coma cluster galaxies pictur taken hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey sensit imag larger field previou hubbl cameras camera schedul servic come flight space shuttle,ngc 4676 mice collid,2009-04-26,518,81,-0.0310714285714285,04-26,4,2009,26,7,0,3 933edc2aa8eb2d2dbc6ec9bb40d396f625aeba0c099440e108b4c56fde16a3f0,none,what caus strang dark streak ring saturn prometheus specifically orbit danc involv saturn moon prometheu keep creat unusu light dark streamer fring saturn prometheu orbit saturn insid thin fring ventur inner edg everi 15 hours prometheus graviti pull closest ring particl toward 100km moon result stream bright ring particl also dark ribbon ring particl use be sinc prometheu orbit faster ring particles ici moon pull new streamer everi pass sometimes sever streamer kink visibl once photograph taken midjanuari robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn oblong moon prometheu visibl far left image,prometheu creat saturn ring streamer,2009-04-27,593,90,0.0486363636363636,04-27,4,2009,27,0,2,4 c705922f1e81f6a1610a0460ace62e3c23cd53498b2918a66b5c46ee45d3dd66,dark atmospher,galaxi thin believ so magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 like similar spiral galaxy view edgeon far away also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky lie faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy bulg central core domin light popul older yellowish stars core dramat cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane ngc 4565 lie 30 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyear diameter visibl small telescope sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2009-04-28,558,88,-0.050595238095238,04-28,4,2009,28,7,0,3 a3a32289daf86a085f2365fcd5cc1244b850048437d51046dced006cb9a018be,none,explos power seen clear across visibl univers record gammaradi last week nasa orbit swift observatory farther known galaxy quasar optic supernova gammaray burst record last week clock redshift make farthest explos type yet detected occur 630 million year big bang grb 090423 deton earli astronom direct evid anyth even exist back then faint infrar afterglow grb 090423 recov larg ground telescop within minut discovered afterglow circl pictur taken larg gemini north telescop hawaii usa excit possibl gammaray burst occur one first gener star announc birth earli black hole surely grb 090423 provid uniqu data rel unexplor epoch univers distant beacon interven univers studied,grb farthest explos yet measur,2009-04-29,676,103,0.0166666666666666,04-29,4,2009,29,8,2,4 98947dce015794a73b4b07f59a1c8b238f6a9ef5fb24bdefe85d1116ebe69960,digitalastronomi,last sunday fade even twilight featur young crescent moon along western horizon young moon also share sky love pleiad star cluster wander planet mercury frame cloud seren skyscap selsey uk similar twilight scene visibl around globe emerg cloud bank pleiades narrow sunlit lunar crescent still moon dim night side impress clear illumin earthshine bright innermost planet mercuri lie near bottom field mercuri remain near pleiades low west sunset come days ongo conjunct planet star cluster offer skygaz excel binocular views,frame cloud,2009-04-30,523,80,0.123076923076923,04-30,4,2009,30,2,1,1 ac09f79b980b55b14ebc19226820c0ca85efbd66c744f2ebecdf8a004b8c04c5,adam block,ngc 4631 big beauti spiral galaxy seen edgeon lie 25 million lightyear away welltrain northern constel cane venatici galaxy slightli distort wedg shape suggest cosmic her other popular moniker whale galaxy either way similar size milki way gorgeou color image galaxy yellowish core dark dust clouds bright blue star clusters red star form region easi spot companion galaxy small ellipt ngc 4627 whale galaxy view lower edg pictur lie anoth distort galaxy hockey stickshap ngc 4656 distort mingl trail ga dust detect wavelength suggest three galaxi close encount past whale galaxi also known spout halo hot ga glow xrays,whale galaxi,2009-05-02,619,99,0.0704545454545454,05-02,5,2009,2,7,2,5 65e8b8ad42ae80a114dcb30aae6444948284b4474afd05147cf25a97ccc463ce,none,1787 astronom william herschel discov ngc 2392 ground ngc 2392 resembl person head surround parka hood 2000 hubbl space telescop imag ngc 2392 space nebula display ga cloud complex fulli understood ngc 2392 clearli planetari nebula ga seen compos outer layer sunlik star 10000 year ago inner filament visibl eject strong wind particl central star outer disk contain unusu lightyear long orang filaments ngc 2392 nebula span 13 light year lie milki way galaxy 3000 light year distant toward constel twin gemini,ngc 2392 nebula hubbl,2009-05-03,509,82,0.0979166666666666,05-03,5,2009,3,4,0,5 635e4d0018b423e13782548473dfdc2b0d06496174af2aa4f3c44d700879c401,nasa,portion huge crater mercuri much unusu rembrandt impact basin discov recent imag taken robot messeng spacecraft 2008 octob flybi solar system innermost planet unusu rembrandt span 700 kilomet 4 billion year old possibl youngest larg impact basin planet multicolor imag crater floor however indic reflect area contain unusu high amount iron element indic expos materi cover recent lava might origin epoch mercury formation data rembrandt across mercuri interpret indic rel activ volcan past mercuri includ surfac tectonics close inspect imag reveal ring mercury rembrandt impact basin circl around imag center mercury limb visibl upper left high cliff small crater visibl insid termin night day run diagon image messeng track fli past mercuri septemb enter orbit around mercuri 2011,impact basin mercuri,2009-05-04,781,118,0.013076923076923,05-04,5,2009,4,5,2,4 916917784678c6ca939cfa156d81017ba4194fa1a7e235bcdd367f7a170fd70b,none,orbit saturn sure watch breathtak superposit moon rings one picturesqu vista visibl recent robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2006 april cassini captur saturn f ring stretch front cloudshroud titan near ring appear titan epimetheus moon orbit outsid f ring dark space ring call enck gap although sever thin knot ringlet even small moon pan orbit there cassini curiou earthl await come saturnian equinox summer ring plane point directli sun mysteri spoke tell shadow expect becom visibl might give away clue natur saturn ring particles,titan beyond ring,2009-05-05,537,84,-0.0333333333333333,05-05,5,2009,5,0,0,2 ae721c8995627aefd906a4e352261808b2b9e9b400f21508bc4fee468be761ff,till,what sky tonight outsid sunset even go car casual glanc upward reveal beauti night sky also seen mani peopl across earth see local version image start face south tilt head back visibl nearli you springtim sunset much northern hemisphere big dipper part constel big bear cup end big dipper point north star polaris star around whole sky would seem could watch hours polari tip littl dipper otherwis known constel littl bear depend time night visibl constel would includ bootes leo gemini auriga fishey imag taken germani last week visibl around entir imag edg benedictin monasteri found year move cursor imag bring annot version image includ locat planet saturn,spring sky abbey,2009-05-06,660,108,-0.0111111111111111,05-06,5,2009,6,6,2,1 26f8c10610b1c31a16654e522764e14db42d21478997a201b9a399a283ab03ec,r jay gabani,color telescop skyscap fill galaxi lie nearli 250 million lightyear away galaxi perseu cluster extend sometim surpris shape seen beyond veil foreground star milki way ultim consist thousand galaxies cluster fill yellowish ellipt lenticular galaxies like scatter throughout view cluster central region notably larg galaxi left massiv bizarrelook ngc prodigi sourc highenergi emission activ galaxi ngc 1275 domin perseu cluster accret matter entir galaxi fall feed supermass black hole galaxy core course spiral galaxi also inhabit perseu cluster includ small faceon spiral ngc right pictur center bluish spot outskirt ngc supernova sn estim distanc perseu galaxi cluster field span 15 million lightyears,galaxi perseu cluster,2009-05-08,702,102,0.0384353741496598,05-08,5,2009,8,7,2,3 ba5f141d617e45e7cf6cfc1f69a1eb94687a83b15ea86a40c7d095ae986f9490,babaktafreshi,panoram imag trace constel southern sky show beauti vista toward center milki way galaxy record last month near citi northeastern rio de janeiro state brazil sugar field one histor region local lie foreground left right view sweep across galact center sagittarius bright star tail scorpius south celesti pole right gap sugar dark coalsack nebula southern cross closest star system alpha centauri giant omega centauri globular star cluster also shine starri night,starri night brazil,2009-05-09,462,71,0.0729591836734694,05-09,5,2009,9,6,0,3 e1ebd7d5f72cf14a5c3947eb3eea56583eb61428ae2263d302492bdf69bee81d,robert gendler robgendlerastropicscom,andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid imag m31 digit mosaic 20 frame taken small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ acquir unusu doublepeak center,m31 andromeda galaxi,2009-05-10,557,86,0.085576923076923,05-10,5,2009,10,7,0,3 83900731aa92fb0b688d4ace188b9d45dbf78433b9429e6fbf0707b1ace3d64e,todd sladoj,would cloud appear differ colors reason ice crystal distant cirru cloud act like littl float prisms sometim known fire rainbow flamelik appearance circumhorizon arc lie parallel horizon circumhorizont arc visible sun must least 58 degre high sky cirru cloud present furthermore numerous flat hexagon icecryst compos cirru cloud must align horizont properli refract sunlight collect similar manner therefore circumhorizont arc quit unusu see circumhorizon display photograph polar len dublin ohio last week earlier apod phenomenon iridescence,circumhorizont arc ohio,2009-05-12,541,76,-0.0316666666666666,05-12,5,2009,12,8,0,1 936bf7a3e8631217b96fff4293d6b9469d00e40a012fa33b35f8abb91684951e,charl u colorado,shuttl launch space pictur above space shuttl atlanti sat launch pad 39a dawn last month prepar launch shuttl orbit visibl imag right attach brown liquid fuel tank two white solid rocket boosters imag center fix servic structur stand 100 meter tall includ white lightn rod top start sunday space shuttl embark one ambiti mission fourth mission fix upgrad hubbl space telescope hubble jame webb space telescope current schedul launch 2014,space shuttl dawn,2009-05-13,437,70,0.0685714285714285,05-13,5,2009,13,8,0,2 dff137e0b4ab16643e1380c5224916773e181eddcbe372041e3623fba71742ab,keith quattrocchi,owl nebula perch sky 2600 lightyear away toward bottom big dipper bowl also catalog object messier wellknown list round shape along placement two large dark suggest face stare owl one fainter object messier catalog owl nebula planetari nebula glow gaseou envelop shed die sunlik star run nuclear fuel fact owl nebula offer exampl fate sun run fuel anoth 5 billion years see it nebula span 2 lightyear make roughli 2000 time diamet neptune orbit beauti look at color imag show impress detail within cosmic owl composit includ imag made narrowband filter total 24 hour exposur time,owl nebula,2009-05-15,579,96,-0.0271428571428571,05-15,5,2009,15,4,0,5 7b411f1cd77e0c715853c3d9d24086cba73f333f487fd95f4db0e40cccfed6c6,thierri legault,wednesday may 13 two tiny fast move spot cross otherwis featureless solar disk sunspot though dark blemish silhouett shuttl orbit atlanti hubbl space telescop side side record sharp pictur orbit pair face sun astronom thierri legault care set camera telescop near center 5 kilomet wide path visibl 100 kilomet south kennedi space center florida open shutter second 1217 edt catch atlanti hubbl rang 600 kilomet move 7 total durat transit sun 08 seconds enlarg inset view atlanti top approach hubbl prior captur space telescope thursday astronaut began seri spacewalk perform part final mission hubble,atlanti hubbl side side,2009-05-16,600,94,0.0149999999999999,05-16,5,2009,16,8,2,2 5f7d3dd47ff13164397fdc0f1be8c5c73ca6c547fd93b684c38903482b083783,none,whatev hit mima nearli destroy it remain one largest impact crater one saturn smallest moons crater name herschel 1789 discover mimas sir william herschel span 130 kilomet pictur above mimas low mass produc surfac graviti strong enough creat spheric bodi weak enough allow rel larg surfac features mima made mostli water ice smatter rock accur describ big dirti snowball imag taken 2005 august flybi robot spacecraft cassini orbit around saturn,mimas small moon big crater,2009-05-17,445,70,-0.0177083333333333,05-17,5,2009,17,0,0,2 0b44a71908a96835b685d4299a2eaf486ec9d0da0bfb64ab904742883e284990,robert gendler robgendlerastropicscom,center milki way galaxi look like visibl light one knows possibl see galact center light eye sensit thick dust plane galaxi obscur it one look direct galaxy center toward constel sagittariu mani beauti wonder becom apparent though larg dust lane star cloud domin picture mani 30 messier object visibl spectacular imag mosaic includ type nebula star clusters two notabl nebula includ lagoon nebula m8 red patch right center slightli right red blue trifid nebula m20,sagittariu central milki way,2009-05-19,466,75,0.0947619047619047,05-19,5,2009,19,4,0,5 bbe100539be39c1e76f53008ec56d4451d0f5d1192f535659dbe865bb00e64bc,none,astronaut doing fix hubbl space telescope fourth servic mission upgrad fix hubble astronaut michael good seen attach shuttle robot arm work open panel hubble far below termin day night seen across planet earth sinc hubbl captur space shuttl atlanti last wednesday five long use fix upgrad age telescope one ambiti orbit mission yet taken astronaut upgrad wide field camera fix advanc camera surveys repair space telescop imag replac cosmic origin spectrograph numer gener repair includ replac batteries sensors insul panels hubbl undergo test atlanti prepar return earth later week,earth hubbl,2009-05-20,581,89,0.0812499999999999,05-20,5,2009,20,8,2,2 1d28357033e3ae2bda41586a078c4c2ba7472d6c18e898a4351bff3c581500d8,rogelio bernal andreo,complex beautiful dusti reflect nebula lie constel scorpiu along plane milki way galaxy overal outlin suggest horsehead profile though cover much larger region better known horsehead nebula orion star near eye hors center 5 degre wide field embed blue reflect nebula ic 4592 400 lightyear away distance view span nearli 40 lightyears horse gaze seem fix beta scorpii also name bright star lower left toward top right near horse anoth strike bluish reflect nebula ic characterist blue hue reflect nebula caus tendenc interstellar dust strongli scatter blue starlight,ic 4592 blue horsehead,2009-05-21,565,88,0.169047619047619,05-21,5,2009,21,4,1,5 4e99bbdd2f8742d5d92fe9d486728366c43ec5b974e384f74301b4e546c4e102,yuri beletski,st antares dark mark sprawl crowd star field toward center milki way galaxy catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard obscur interstellar dust cloud includ b59 b72 b77 b78 seen silhouett starri background here combin shape suggest pipe stem bowl dark nebula popular name pipe nebula deep expans view record dark chilean skies cover full 10 7 degre field pronounc constel ophiuchus pipe nebula part ophiuchu dark cloud complex locat distanc 450 lightyears dens core ga dust within pipe nebula collaps form stars,east antar,2009-05-22,516,84,-0.005,05-22,5,2009,22,4,0,5 2a64761f535c56ea72ac23128e12575fe0c1a28834bbdf6f20fafe794d15db59,none,put redblu glass gaze dramat stereo view surfac moon 3d scene featur apollo 12 astronaut pete conrad visit surveyor 3 spacecraft novemb 1969 imag care creat two separ pictur as12487133 as12487134 taken lunar surface depict scene slightli differ viewpoints approxim separ human eyes combin images one tint red bluegreen correct offset produc stereo effect view use redblu glasses red filter cover left eye color filter guid eye see pictur correct correspond particular pair imag chosen also requir slight tilt stereo effect got glass on web sourc astronomi space scienc stereo imag includ mar path finder archive 3d tour solar system stereo experiment patrick set stereo imag apollo mission moon,apollo 12 surveyor 3 stereo view,2009-05-23,694,109,0.0,05-23,5,2009,23,2,2,4 3a214a88c5cb993d78f81c905c6833130542d3a13a37feeab8e5337c30f383f1,none,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebulas eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically keyhol nebula visibl left center hous sever massiv star known also chang appearance entir carina nebula span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina pictur detail imag carina nebula ever taken control color imag composit 48 highresolut frame taken hubbl space telescop two year ago widefield annot zoomabl imag version also available,carina nebula panorama hubbl,2009-05-24,551,87,0.3,05-24,5,2009,24,4,1,5 2bfc8806dfd53e6dd3c687fee14c881485bc1ea665501b38df8d74b5dbb7ad9f,none,put observatori space telescop ground ground deploy heavier telescop fix easily troubl earthbound telescop must look earth atmosphere first earth atmospher block broad rang electromagnet spectrum allow narrow band visibl light reach surface telescop explor univers use light beyond visibl spectrum onboard chandra xray observatory fermi gamma ray space telescop need carri absorb atmosphere second earth atmospher blur light let through blur caus vari densiti continu motion air orbit earth atmosphere hubbl space telescope pictur last week captured released get clearer images fact even though hst mirror 15 time smaller larg earthbound telescopes still resolv finer details futur larg telescop space jame webb space telescop current plan launch 2014,hubbl float free,2009-05-25,751,109,0.1587121212121212,05-25,5,2009,25,8,2,4 edf68b94b66d305b54a7e7edb3aa1fd0571ca0abb5d0785a98f3155e867eb8c5,jon christensen,follow handl big dipper away dipper bowl get handle last bright star then slide telescop littl south west might find stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi left ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi human eye longexposure deepfield imag taken last month show much faint complex actual surround smaller galaxy,whirlpool galaxi deep field,2009-05-26,579,91,-0.073076923076923,05-26,5,2009,26,7,0,3 aadb575cd3640d9509c30d74ece488f49526b70dce82413f8621bbaec9686724,none,mani larg crater mercuri rel smooth recent imag robot messeng spacecraft flew mercuri last octob show previous region mercuri larg crater intern smooth similar maria earth moon therefore like moon maria crater mercuri thought flood lava old old surround highli crater surface imag mosaic western limb mercuri creat messeng approach solar system innermost planet last october old heavili textur terrain run across much imag bottom across middl left lie compar smooth impact basin small crater may appear similar first protrud hills messeng buzz past mercuri later year enter orbit 2011,volcan terrain mercuri,2009-05-27,584,90,0.0675438596491228,05-27,5,2009,27,5,2,2 cc381c697e2d2b07ed457436da6269c1b0e404a817f77e6922ab5a35a3ce9b96,catch light,still water mimic predawn sky along eastern horizon peac scene pictur record may 22nd bank river region known pine southern new jersey us east coast near horizon left old moon narrow sunlit crescent mar near pictur center brilliant venu shine farther right like terrestri light along bright celesti beacon reflect wateri foreground course moon illumin earthshine light reflect sunlit side planet earth itself reveal featur darken lunar surface,moon,2009-05-28,443,68,0.2170829170829171,05-28,5,2009,28,2,1,1 a2d5475dc7391719aa7804e92468d6b2e4c23131ab7959e366ae9d24b3896594,ken crawford,close great bear ursa major surround star hunt dog cane venatici celesti wonder discov 1781 metric french astronom pierr mechain later ad catalog friend colleagu charl messier m106 modern deep telescop view reveal island univers spiral galaxi around 30 thousand lightyear across locat 21 million lightyear beyond star milki way along bright central core color composit imag highlight youth blue star cluster reddish stellar nurseri trace galaxy spiral arms also show remark reddish jet glow hydrogen gas addit small companion galaxi ngc 4248 near picture right edge background galaxi found scatter throughout frame m106 aka ngc 4258 nearbi exampl seyfert class activ galaxies seen across spectrum radio xrays activ galaxi believ power matter fall massiv central black hole,messier 106,2009-05-29,773,118,0.1321031746031746,05-29,5,2009,29,7,2,3 a01506fc474a5df388f4fb2e95a655a5f1bf875044f2d22ea3777b5b236d22c3,ed,beauti trifid nebula color studi cosmic contrasts also known m20 lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid illustr three differ type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light emit hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette bright red emiss region roughli separ three part obscuring dark dust lanes lend trifid popular name gorgeou wide view red emiss also juxtapos telltal blue haze reflect nebulae pillar jet sculpt newborn stars left emiss nebula center appear hubbl space telescop closeup imag region trifid nebula 40 lightyear across,beauti trifid,2009-05-30,667,102,0.1125,05-30,5,2009,30,4,2,5 1fa20679092951926a3252989e7be1bae37948a8864a950a281e97a7b7c0eee1,none,ga float sun twist magnet field arch solar surfac trap ioniz gas suspend huge loop structures majest plasma arch seen promin solar limb 1999 september dramat detail imag record eit experi board spacebas soho observatori light emit ioniz helium show hot plasma escap space fieri promin break free magnet confin hundr thousand kilomet sun awesom event bear watch affect commun power system 100 million kilomet away planet earth recently sun unusu quiet free lecture apod editor review great space imag friday kalamazoo michigan,solar promin soho,2009-05-31,525,83,0.33125,05-31,5,2009,31,1,1,4 c039157681a0712f15c603c2fc1cf8e5a9682dca5920f70b5c2de5988903b6e1,none,spirit abl free soft ground mars robot spirit rover current roll across mar ran unexpectedli soft ground last month explor red planet worri ground soft spirit abl free itself stay put studi current posit near unusu martian land featur name home plate pictur above front left wheel appear primarili dig side front right wheel longer spin drag five year old mechan explorer distance rock rusti dirt fill alien landscap front distant husband hill nasa continu studi engin scientist yet run idea use spirit six wheels far across mars spirit twin opportun continu two year trek toward endeavour crater free lecture apod editor review great space imag friday kalamazoo michigan,spirit soft mar,2009-06-01,671,109,0.1217857142857143,06-01,6,2009,1,5,2,2 491056e3ba912516bf80464e920de8caa7ddc8cccdc1ccc6c8dfd2c6f5498271,none,caus mysteri spoke saturn rings visibl imag light ghostlik impressions spoke first discov first photograph voyag spacecraft buzz saturn earli 1980s exist unexpected oddly spoke commonli observ saturn ring nearli edg sun conspicu absent initi imag sent back robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn analys archiv voyag imag led conclus transient spokes may form dissip hours compos electr charg sheet small dustsiz particles hypothes spoke creation includ small meteor impact ring electron beam saturnian atmospher lightn spray rings saturn approach equinox spoke sight like pictur becom increasingli common give planetari scientist fresh imag data test origin free lecture apod editor review great space imag friday kalamazoo michigan,spoke saturn ring,2009-06-02,731,106,0.1277777777777778,06-02,6,2009,2,0,2,4 15b26e728a2440a6fc7bb2e53bcb8be4163e1a5d196421bb7c427faf0f7ab984,none,planet larg star recent observ discov nearbi van biesbroeck star might larg planet although vb 10 lie 20 light year away small red dwarf star dim 17th magnitude telescop need see it van biesbroeck star previous known rapid proper motion across sky move fast could cross full moon 1000 years note vb 10 sky trajectory astronom abl infer exist planet sever time mass jupiter although star vb 10 perhap 10 time massiv discov planet vb star like highli compress two might close match size system envis artist illustration sinc faint star like vb 10 common planetari system surround them includ planet larger parent star might common planetari system like solar system free lecture apod editor review great space imag friday kalamazoo michigan,10 larg planet orbit small star,2009-06-03,739,122,0.0458333333333333,06-03,6,2009,3,6,2,3 9d04dab31e4441fc9ab154cd5ca259e4a51d30e3e743ce7ef2be97ea098199b7,stefan seip,june 2nd cloud stuttgart germani part reveal becom rel rare sight spot sun fact roughli 11year solar activ cycl still surprisingli deep minimum year 2008 2009 lowest sunspot count sinc 1950s even latest predict new cycle solar cycl 24 reach maximum may 2013 sunspot solar cycl 24 sunspot record activ region ar previously two cycl 24 activ region sunspots ar ar seen may,sunspot cloudi day,2009-06-04,370,63,0.1282828282828283,06-04,6,2009,4,1,1,1 0645e0d7f82d199332e4e438b0fb545ff332b269005bf1f53e586b683ab529d6,andrey oreshko,cosmic dust cloud sprawl across rich field star sweep telescop vista near northern boundari corona australis southern crown probabl less 500 lightyear away effect block light distant background star milki way densest part dust cloud 8 lightyear long tip upper right group love reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 surround young variabl star r corona australis magnific globular star cluster ngc 6723 upper right corner view ngc 6723 appear part group actual lie nearli 30000 lightyear away far beyond corona australi dust clouds,star dust across corona australi,2009-06-05,642,101,0.1305137844611529,06-05,6,2009,5,4,2,5 1da08e3bb2240e771ab38fcf069f6fe4216d0c028350b3232daf9ec25fc728be,mike siniscalchi,spiral galaxies includ milki way two spiral arms ngc 4725 seem one sharp color image solo spira mirabili tightli trace bluish newborn star clusters odd galaxi also sport obscur dust lanes promin ring yellowish central bar structur compos older popul stars ngc 4725 100 thousand lightyear across lie 41 million lightyear away wellgroom constel coma berenices comput simul format singl spiral arm suggest either lead trail arm respect galaxy overal rotation,onearm spiral galaxi ngc 4725,2009-06-06,455,71,-0.045,06-06,6,2009,6,7,0,3 52ba87024f5504e8ecb139738cd8f5d8fcedacdf964889c4b0a4d381940f82c6,none,orbit sun mar earth asteroid 433 ero visit robot spacecraft nearshoemak 2000 february highresolut surfac imag measur made near laser rangefind nlr combin visual base deriv 3d model tumbl space rock near allow scientist discov ero singl solid body composit nearli uniform form earli year solar system mysteri remain however includ rock surfac disintegrated 2001 februari 12 near mission drew dramat close crash land onto asteroid surface surviv well enough return analysi composit surfac regolith decemb 2002 nasa made attempt commun spacecraft spent 22 month rest asteroid surface near like remain asteroid billion year monument human ingenu turn third millennium,asteroid ero reconstruct,2009-06-07,663,100,-0.0454545454545454,06-07,6,2009,7,5,2,2 02f4985f69e1b0661923005fd928faee54a5a090e9acf28f10daa2d87f7e2de0,steve,happen matter fall toward energet black hole case cygnu x1 perhap littl matter actual make in infal ga may first collid accret disk swirl materi surround black hole result may microquasar glow across electromagnet spectrum produc power jet expel much infal matter back cosmo near light speed even approach black hole event horizon confirm black hole jet may creat expand shell come recent discoveri shell surround cygnu x1 pictur upper right one shell quit possibl creat jet microquasar black hole candid cygnu x1 roll cursor imag bring annot version physic process creat black hole jet topic continu researched,possibl jet shell near microquasar cygnu x1,2009-06-08,611,98,0.0522321428571428,06-08,6,2009,8,8,2,4 290fe0d5cf3ac44d24209c39c6324eb38967231625195263d58f5ddae890f56a,piotrek sadowski,across heart virgo cluster galaxi lie strike string galaxi known markarian chain chain pictur above highlight upper right two larg featureless lenticular galaxies m84 m86 promin lower left pair interact galaxi known eyes home virgo cluster nearest cluster galaxies contain 2000 galaxies notic gravit pull galaxi local group galaxi surround milki way galaxy center virgo cluster locat 70 million light year away toward constel virgo least seven galaxi chain appear move coherently although other appear superpos chance,markarian chain galaxi,2009-06-09,517,77,0.0660714285714285,06-09,6,2009,9,7,0,3 5b9d570bd4378a91f379d6045309345dcd736f8ad9ae44fa93636a6b1d03a67b,alvin,cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers surround it obscur cloud dust cold molecular ga also present suggest convolut fantast shapes within iris dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament cosmic dust glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs estim distanc iri nebula remark wide field view 30 lightyear across,dusti iri nebula,2009-06-10,674,101,-0.0681818181818181,06-10,6,2009,10,4,2,5 65e61a7242c9d8fc78b740e5a4e98e1a1031f38bf85894c1151063b9a6e22dad,patrick lécureuil,sea cloud lap rug mountain peak french pyrene seren view pic du midi observatory time exposur record june 4 constel sagittariu scorpiu shine starri night top right lie faint color moondog paraselene analog sundog parhelion paraselen produc moonlight shine thin hexagonalshap ice crystal high cirru clouds determin ice crystal geometry bright gibbou moon illumin scene beyond picture right edge 22 degre love paraselene,pyrene paraselen,2009-06-11,418,63,0.1701587301587301,06-11,6,2009,11,8,1,1 032d4c97f1be6ba8e2a7bd5dad02725860210f8316d36ef107d76223e5c05d57,none,snr 0104 supernova remnant unusu shape found 190000 lightyear away neighbor galaxi small magellan cloud snr 0104 suspect expand debri cloud type 1a supernova catastroph thermonuclear explos white dwarf star example like type 1a supernova remnant within galaxy investig show contain larg amount iron unlik type 1a remnants includ wellstudi tycho kepler sn 1006 snr 0104 definit spherical fact remnant shape suggest supernova explos asymmetr produc strong jets intrigu composit imag combin chandra observatori xray data remnant shown purpl hues spitzer space telescop infrar data cover wider region map red green colors indic supernova explos took place complic dens environ starform region so altern explan expand debri cloud sweep clumpi interstellar material account odd shape broad multiwavelength view span 1800 lightyear estim distanc snr,snr unusu,2009-06-12,843,124,-0.0172619047619047,06-12,6,2009,12,6,2,4 0589c5a9cf6f00f9c68e9682d01e7275cd777d40f5a3beffa823e979d73c64e3,larri landolfi,inspir night sky planet earth intern year astronomy photograph larri landolfi creat tantal fantasi view composit imag suggest lumin milki way heavenli extens countri road course name galaxy milki way in latin via lactea refer appear milki band path sky fact word galaxi deriv greek milk visibl moonless night dark sky areas though bright color image glow celesti band due collect light myriad star along plane galaxy faint distinguish individually diffus starlight cut dark swath obscur galact dust clouds four hundr year ago galileo turn telescop milki way announc congeri innumer star ,milki road,2009-06-13,588,92,0.021875,06-13,6,2009,13,6,2,4 580872721c017bad50515d4f09e69e5f1d1045a8187f949020f4b1b2cefd49ce,none,center milki way galaxi hidden pri eye optic telescop cloud obscur dust gas stun vista spitzer space telescope infrar cameras penetr much dust reveal star crowd galact center region mosaic mani smaller snapshots detailed falsecolor imag show older cool star bluish hues reddish glow dust cloud associ young hot star stellar nurseries center milki way recent found capabl form newborn stars galact center lie 26000 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius distance pictur span 900 lightyears,star galact center,2009-06-14,491,75,0.0821428571428571,06-14,6,2009,14,6,0,3 d2a4bb765a5d0487ab0e2ed4d99332e4d4debe76adc0a6e2a897f751b694a242,thoma v davi,dark dust lit bright yellow star antar highlight photogen starscap southern sky wider angl imag show central band milki way galaxi connect antar stream dust know dark river head dark river dust appear dens knots one densest knot pictur near bottom image left imag lie antares star bright pictur dust reflect light give distinct yellow hue light blue star imag left creat surround blue reflect nebula name ic ic lie 500 light year distant toward constel scorpion,stream dark nebula near,2009-06-15,461,77,0.1289473684210526,06-15,6,2009,15,6,1,5 a0f1f282e9ac91476f5bcfb8c5c73200f2d6be6b5ada64fc0fc30a357272af1b,danni lee russel ,m13 one promin best known globular clusters visibl binocular constel hercules m13 frequent one first object found curiou sky gazer seek celesti wonder beyond normal human vision m13 coloss home 100000 stars span 150 light year across lie 20000 light year distant 12 billion year old 1974 dedic arecibo observatory radio messag earth sent direct m13 reason low abund unusu blue straggler star m13 remain unknown,m13 great globular cluster star,2009-06-17,410,66,0.1769230769230769,06-17,6,2009,17,6,1,3 e25767c5d139d7edf1213263dac8d48f14c9356866f5e123b95c8cfab5619a51,none,ngc 6240 offer rare glimps cosmic catastroph final throes titan galaxygalaxi collis locat mere 400 million lightyear away constel ophiuchus one brightest sourc infrar sky merg galaxi spew distort tidal tail stars gas dust undergo frantic burst star formation two supermass black hole origin galact core also coalesc single even massiv black hole soon one larg galaxi remain dramat imag scene multiwavelength red color trace infrar emiss dust record spitzer space telescope hubbl visibl light imag star ga green blue hues view span 300000 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6240,ngc 6240 merg galaxi,2009-06-18,570,89,-0.0404761904761904,06-18,6,2009,18,7,0,3 15671c315807bd6ec23e6be9b7b48d41e6326bb085504e57b15131be905d8cbd,jeanmarc,surpris view full moon rise june 7 captur telephoto len seasid balconi near nice france orang moon dark mark odd shape put photograph mind alien face stare pass ship course moon distort appear due unusu bend light ray creat multipl imag similar sunset sunris mirages effect pronounc temperatur layer atmospher produc sharp chang air densiti index act long rise set sun moon refract significantli path light ray creat distort images mirag also associ green flash,moon mirag,2009-06-20,461,75,0.0602564102564102,06-20,6,2009,20,2,0,1 f74d420aa5644e26f48d07c1df508bbbf6071ba9095213692038dcad35418503,anthoni ayiomam,today sun stay sky longer day year seen northern hemispher earth name summer solstice today maximum daylight indic high amount sunlight time year primarili respons heat summer season north pole place arctic circle night entir day today lit sunlight situat revers earth southern hemisphere today least sunlight day today solstic wellplan pictur five billion year old sun rise behind 2500 year old parthenon greece tree bird occupi foreground modern crane shown part histor symbol cultur civilization,sunris parthenon,2009-06-21,499,76,-0.0199999999999999,06-21,6,2009,21,1,0,1 cf22c7dc2139f0d05aee5e0eda9b066d18da288fda6830686e36de44d9db9b29,none,rocket head moon pictur above huge alta v rocket roar launch pad last week start nasa first mission earth moon 10 years rocket carri two robot spacecraft lunar reconnaiss orbit lro schedul orbit better map moon search buri hidden ice return mani high resolut images imag onemet resolut includ imag histor apollo land sites exploratori data imag allow inform choic possibl futur astronaut land sites lunar crater observ satellit schedul monitor control impact rocket upper stage perman shadow crater near moon south pole impact occur three months might visibl earth small telescopes,atla 5 rocket launch moon,2009-06-22,581,92,0.0993333333333333,06-22,6,2009,22,2,2,2 b851fbe108cf6428e4916d121c47d67426615e0e32eac08eeb4193f01b705e88,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form fact barnard 68 recent found like collaps form new star system possibl look right cloud infrar light,molecular cloud barnard 68,2009-06-23,615,98,0.0616749916749916,06-23,6,2009,23,4,2,5 e2cac78cd757d063b175934e72e67f393f8847c03392296256b9ba1d1640725c,christoph,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark pictur last week network noctiluc cloud cast eeri white glow dusk beyond local field near potsdam germany although noctiluc cloud thought compos small iceco particles much remain unknown them satellit launch help studi cloud includ sweden odin nasa aim recent evid indic least noctiluc cloud result freez water exhaust space shuttles,noctiluc cloud germani,2009-06-24,556,85,-0.0453846153846153,06-24,6,2009,24,8,0,1 6cb2dad8fe73baa5635b90b207c1fa0795c100be7725a027373fa2cc95a639a0,none,400 kilomet planet earth expedit 20 crew onboard intern space station iss abl wit remark event remark vantag point june 12 erupt peak volcano activ volcano locat russia island chain stretch northeast japan emphas orbit perspective stun color stereo view made combin two imag iss intend view redblu glass red left eye punch upward atmospher earli stage eruption volcan plume featur brown column ash top smooth white cloud like water condensation below cloud denser grey ash slide volcan slope 15 kilomet island coastlin visibl ground level evolv ash plume pose danger expedit 20 crew commerci airlin flight divert away region minim danger engin ash,peak volcano stereo,2009-06-25,648,104,0.1416666666666666,06-25,6,2009,25,8,2,4 03f10e7b14759b8e4dede4a21fd124ee828e0c0631ffd44a54f8cb6b429df8c9,babaktafreshi,panoram imag starri night look across dry desol landscape magnific view record tassili nation park heart sahara desert southern rise erod sandston cliffs celesti menageri constel includ draco dragon cygnu swan aquila eagle scorpiu scorpion rule planet jupit shine cloud close horizon near pictur center star cloud milki way arc sagittariu rock far right bright blue star deneb cygnus altair aquila also shine starri night along scorpius bright yellowish star antares rival mars prehistor skygaz sure wit similar sky addit dramat sandston tassili region note rock art archaeolog site date time local climat,starri night,2009-06-27,605,93,0.1849206349206349,06-27,6,2009,27,6,2,4 bfcf9546d05f801c9f8d05aa160cc11155fed7876af41f2d9ad105f6acd532ee,none,underground ocean vent tiger stripe saturn moon enceladus long featur dub tiger stripe known spew ice moon ici interior space creat cloud fine ice particl moon south pole creat saturn mysteri ering evid come robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn pictur above high resolut imag enceladu shown close flyby unusu surfac featur dub tiger stripe visibl falsecolor blue enceladu activ remain mystery neighbor moon mimas approxim size appear quit dead recently analysi dust captur cassini found evid sodium expect deep salti ocean however recent earthbas observ ice eject enceladu saturn er show evid expect sodium research particularli interest sinc ocean would candid contain life,fresh tiger stripe saturn enceladu,2009-06-28,675,103,0.0926666666666666,06-28,6,2009,28,0,2,4 2e32c33a7a5ead5aa8e68dc820e694875de50e805cc924ae1f2b435ba33abaca,danni lee russel ,familiar shape unfamiliar locations emiss nebula left famou partli resembl earth contin north america right north america nebula catalog ngc 7000 less lumin nebula resembl pelican dub pelican nebula two emiss nebula measur 50 lightyear across locat 1500 lightyear away separ dark absorpt cloud spectacular imag captur nebulas bright ioniz fronts fine detail dark dust nebula seen binocular dark location look small nebular patch northeast bright star deneb constel cygnus still unknown star star ioniz redglow hydrogen gas,north america pelican nebula,2009-06-30,522,78,0.1623626373626373,06-30,6,2009,30,4,1,5 90f197b1e551ca0638896f24d9877935e71ffe11c399be56894381a86155f951,giovanni benintend,intrigu trio galaxi sometim call draco group locat northern constel you guess it draco left right edgeon spiral ngc 5981 ellipt galaxi ngc 5982 faceon spiral ngc 5985 within singl telescop field view span littl half width full moon group far small galaxi cluster catalog compact group galaxi lie roughli 100 million lightyear planet earth close examin spectrographs bright core strike faceon spiral ngc 5985 show promin emiss specif wavelength light prompt astronom classifi seyfert type activ galaxy well known tight group galaxies contrast visual appear make triplet attract subject astrophotographers impress deep exposur region also reveal faint even distant background galaxies,three galaxi draco,2009-07-01,683,102,0.0338435374149659,07-01,7,2009,1,7,2,3 7a7f59d02902879c1c503e05af51480a1c292b521a16aa76c1b1943e250ee8ee,none,dub lymanalpha enorm cloud hydrogen ga span sever hundr thousand lightyear remark imag left composit xray optical infrar data space ground base observatories gigantic structur seen univers mere 2 billion year old about 12 billion year lymanalpha blob call strongli emit radiat due lymanalpha emiss line hydrogen gas normally lymanalpha emiss ultraviolet part spectrum blob distant light redshift optic wavelengths xray data blue indic presenc supermass black hole feed center activ galaxi embed blob illustr close right hand panel radiat outflow activ galaxi thought sourc energ heat hydrogen gas fact lymanalpha blob could repres earli phase galaxi format heat great begin limit rapid growth activ galaxi supermass black holes,lyman alpha blob,2009-07-02,727,109,-0.0159013605442176,07-02,7,2009,2,7,2,4 4e91f443b76b026b4d0c1c7e846d1628fe36e02707976ebcbcddd2889bc01569,enriqu luqu,year aphelion point earth ellipt orbit farthest sun occur tomorrow juli 4th course affect season fair planet determin tilt earth axi rotat earth distanc sun juli still winter south summer northern hemisphere mean juli 4th sun smallest appar size composit neatli compar two pictur sun taken telescop camera date perihelion closest aphelion 2008 imag label includ earth distanc kilomet sun two dates otherwis difficult notice chang sun appar diamet perihelion aphelion clear differ amount littl 3 percent,perihelion aphelion,2009-07-03,502,77,-0.003125,07-03,7,2009,3,1,0,4 b77fae9c2079ee360ec13a0c131114a393bc23c7cd919501f9a6154a7472a82a,walli pacholka,starri night sky sparkl black hill south dakota unit states mount rushmor nation park histor site featur enorm sculptur four us georg washington thoma carv southeast face granit cliffs monument symbol independ earli history night featur star constel familiar northern skygaz around world notic star ursa major aster known big dipper almost rest upright along cliff edg near pictur center follow arc big dipper handl get arcturus bright yellowish star lower left corner course line extend dipper two right star point upper right toward polaris planet earth north star,mount starri night,2009-07-04,566,89,0.1285218253968254,07-04,7,2009,4,6,2,1 559018ab33a3f5185dbaa5bb42a42b4987c7bdc1fc6fbec8582f8877805fad70,none,fli saucer outer space crashland utah desert 2004 track radar chase helicopters space alien involved however saucer pictur above genesi sampl return capsule part humanmad robot genesi spaceship launch 2001 nasa studi sun unexpectedli hard land 300 kilomet per hour occur parachut open planned genesi mission orbit sun collect solar wind particl usual deflect away earth magnet field despit crash landing mani return sampl remain good enough condit analyz research ongoing far discoveri includ new detail composit sun effect solar wind unprotect material,genesi mission hard impact,2009-07-05,553,83,0.016077441077441,07-05,7,2009,5,1,0,2 7ddf137b32b138097c78efa31c559f7966cd4450e172abe97c36e8107e3c435b,none,strang materi mercury fli mercuri last october robot messeng spacecraft imag much solar system innermost planet unpreced detail common science new data bring new mysteries pictur lower right larg crater 100 kilomet across unusu dark materi unknown composit near center dark appear caus shadows sun near zenith imag taken one origin hypothesi dark materi uncov beneath mercury surfac impact creat surround crater so composit dark mound might similar composit mysteri dark ring also recent discov mercury alternatively dark materi could relat unusu composit impact rock messeng buzz past mercuri later year enter orbit 2011,unknown dark mercuri,2009-07-06,623,94,-0.034577922077922,07-06,7,2009,6,8,2,4 cfafcbd1df38cc8efeaddf71ba934072ad5baf958e0a8305f1552fcab29bef6b,adam block,unspeak beauti unimagin bedlam found togeth trifid nebula also known m20 photogen nebula visibl good binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m20 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions bright young star light blue reflect nebula still investigated light m20 see today left perhap 3000 year ago although exact distanc remain unknown light take 50 year cross m20,trifid nebula star dust,2009-07-07,518,77,0.2178571428571428,07-07,7,2009,7,4,1,5 a326c90dc3a179bea59444193a3b46ce7690ebcedfac949052e1bff6f234ccd8,jason jen,connect pipe nebula color region near bright star antar dark cloud dub dark river flow picture left edge murki looking dark river appear caus dust obscur background starlight although dark nebula contain mostli hydrogen molecular gas surround dust antares red supergi star creat unusu bright yellowish reflect nebula it bright blue doubl star rho ophiuchi embed one typic bluish reflect nebulae red emiss nebula also scatter around region globular star cluster m4 seen right antares though lie far behind color clouds distanc 7000 lightyears dark river 500 light year away color skyscap mosaic telescop imag span nearli 10 degre 20 full moons across sky constel scorpius,dark river antar,2009-07-08,670,106,0.1214285714285714,07-08,7,2009,8,4,2,5 b9fe6795d0fb8e4c2bd2f8f585b824a2c4364418a9a2ff3e9823dba1555ea5ab,none,born supernovae pulsar spin neutron stars collaps stellar core left death explos massiv stars tradit identifi studi observ regular radio pulsations two dozen pulsar detect extrem gammaray energi fermi gammaray space telescope detect includ 16 pulsar identifi puls gammaray emiss alone gammaray allski map align plane milki way galaxy show pulsar positions 16 new fermi pulsar circl yellow 8 previous known radio pulsar bizarr stellar vela crab geminga pulsar right brightest one gammaray sky pulsar rabbit name nebula known power gamma cygni cta 1 pulsar left also resid within expand supernova remnant name,fermi gammaray,2009-07-09,607,93,0.0839345839345839,07-09,7,2009,9,6,2,3 5cb215759f2870602c5af654d306371e649a3ff6b935b33a4004b13078fbada8,emanuel colognato jim skies,light castl star formation familiar eagl nebula glow bright mani color once imag composit three glow ga colors pillar dark dust nice outlin denser tower star formation energet light young massiv star caus ga glow effect boil away part dust ga birth pillar mani star explod sever million years return element back nebula form them process form open cluster star known m16,pillar eagl castl,2009-07-10,370,62,0.2694444444444445,07-10,7,2009,10,4,1,5 6f4cd4db69832321002f30a4f95b8410f984d2226daec05fb5f7e4925b9981c6,none,noctiluc nightshin cloud lie near edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud still reflect sunlight even though sun horizon seen ground usual occur high latitud summer months diaphan apparit also known polar mesospher cloud may connect global chang lower atmosphere impress 360 degre panorama made 34 separ imag captur impress display noctiluc cloud sky record last month vallentuna sweden photograph report display like noctiluc cloud storm one best he ever,noctiluc cloud storm panorama,2009-07-11,460,71,0.1323809523809523,07-11,7,2009,11,8,1,1 7c74b30a017db78ff0946e30d38d0be005bfbbd9636337a4d9ac35a20c25c8ba,yuvan dutil stephan duma,earth receiv messag deep space could decod it peopl cosmic call project sent imag first page longer message messag broadcast toward local star radio telescop summer 1999 anoth messag sent 2003 singledish 70meter diamet telescop send messag locat ukrain crimean peninsula near town first page cosmic call 1999 message shown above involv number easier puzzl solver decod famou messag broadcast toward distant star cluster m13 1974 the solut here,cosmic call nearbi star,2009-07-12,443,69,0.0714285714285714,07-12,7,2009,12,6,0,2 2c8ecf9174de1992da5f8098c61bcfd2cfda536fbdb43a6be8858156a3ced043,marco full,volcano still erupting perhap famou explos erupt kill ten thousand people ash violent erupt might also temporarili alter earth climat long 1500 year ago erupt caus smaller anak krakatau rise sea emerg volcan island continu grow averag rate 2 cm per day latest erupt anak krakatau start 2008 april continu today picture anak krakatau seen erupt main island group high above star includ big dipper clearli apparent,erupt volcano,2009-07-13,412,67,0.0026666666666666,07-13,7,2009,13,8,0,1 5d556e2d3219e282fa8b9e91eb7ef5847d470d86c08c1e8d3c67ea9ddeb6fa4b,andrey,small constel near south celesti pole boast bright stars blend starri southern sky but taken dark sky namibia imag reveal stun aspect shi constel field dusti nebula color stars blue reflect nebula scatter scene eyecatch complex silveri dust cloud faintli reflect starlight punctuat dens dark nebulae dark nebula stand block background stars view cosmic dust cloud span 4 degre sky,dark nebula,2009-07-15,381,60,-0.0222222222222222,07-15,7,2009,15,4,0,5 b4484375c794b61b0696651dc1de541ad202f204ecab41a8cda675917c6a6308,toni halla,galaxi hercul cluster archipelago island univers mere 500 million lightyear away also known abel 2151 cluster load ga dust rich starform spiral galaxi rel ellipt galaxies lack ga dust associ newborn stars color remark deep composit imag clearli show star form galaxi blue tint galaxi older stellar popul yellowish cast sharp pictur span 34 degre across cluster center correspond 6 million lightyear cluster estim distance cosmic vista mani galaxi seem collid merg other seem distort clear evid cluster galaxi commonli interact fact hercul cluster may seen result ongo merger smaller galaxi cluster thought similar young galaxi cluster much distant earli universe,hercul cluster galaxi,2009-07-16,663,101,0.0029761904761904,07-16,7,2009,16,7,2,3 a6619c31229778ae3945f782cd462e8b5ee1cc922a8754d442c025e9eed544d0,marcin,beauti island univers m94 lie mere 15 million lightyear distant northern constel hunt dogs cane venatici popular target earthbas astronomers faceon spiral galaxi 30000 lightyear across remark featur includ promin dust lanes bright pointlik nucleus bright bluish ring domin light young massiv stars massiv star ring like less 10 million year old indic galaxi experienc welldefin era rapid star formation result small bright nucleu typic seyfert class activ galaxies m94 also known starburst galaxy m94 rel nearby astronom explor detail reason galaxy burst star formation,starburst galaxi m94,2009-07-17,569,85,0.2075757575757576,07-17,7,2009,17,7,1,3 8e8c6c3fbbc12c01bf20e5f72acce84a7f510c63f86ea49361a5e357aa3333e9,terri,dramat skyscap record august 2008 total solar eclipse moon silhouett surround glisten solar corona hang jiayuguan fort along western edg great wall china linedup along eclipt plane planet inner solar system mercury venus mars and also seen along saturn bright star regulus moon shadow track across landscape beyond moon shadow outsid total eclips track sunlight still brighten sky mountain horizon 30 50 kilomet away much anticipated 2009 juli 22nd total solar eclips visibl china planet bright star briefli appear darken daytim skies though total eclips seen great wall still major citi popul area lie along 2009 total eclips track begin india sweep eastward across asia pacif ocean,planets great solar eclips,2009-07-18,684,107,0.2509615384615384,07-18,7,2009,18,2,2,1 e4db2eeeb0a1b658ef1ca4bfc8d014e1b37b5562662bad1259b71a54b238af38,none,famou voyag modern times time go home prove human abil go beyond confin planet earth first human walk anoth world neil armstrong buzz aldrin flew ascent stage lunar modul back meet michael collin moonorbit command servic module pictur 1969 juli 21 ascend spaceship captur collin make approach moon below earth far distance tomorrow mark 40th anniversari first human moon landing recently nasa moonorbit lunar reconnaiss orbit sent back first pictur apollo land site includ apollo 11 enough resolut see lunar modul descent stage left behind,moon earth,2009-07-19,543,85,0.0464285714285714,07-19,7,2009,19,2,0,2 43e9847f8b2b5570646f4b227c5f31cb93b85d67e6562255b418a6604b7da324,none,human first set foot anoth world juli 20 1969 world earth moon honor today 40th anniversary nasa releas digit restor video mileston human history pictur neil armstrong prepar take histor first step way lunar modul ladder armstrong releas equip includ televis camera record fuzzi image pictur voic transmiss broadcast live world wide audienc estim one fifth world population apollo moon land sinc describ greatest technolog achiev world known,apollo 11 onto new world,2009-07-20,441,68,0.2194805194805194,07-20,7,2009,20,8,1,2 566bebe83f202b86427343a165872d93b3abb4be7f4426e24faf0a8880adee5e,nigel sharp,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula imag taken 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatory,horsehead nebula,2009-07-21,552,85,0.0465079365079365,07-21,7,2009,21,4,0,5 db528da8ff1fe5664fa629b294c6ccd22fb630f6bbfaf6a092df916b4b1ff519,anthoni,juli 1994 piec comet shoemakerlevi 9 collid planet jupiter explos impact sent plume debri high jovian atmospher creat dark mark visibl time cloud bands remarkably 15 year later anoth impact scar discov jovian atmospher amateur astronom anthoni wesley examin imag ga giant taken home observatori outsid nsw australia jupiter south pole top juli 19 discoveri image jupit rotat right left dark also like caus comet asteroid impact near top view left preexisting whitish ovalshap storm nasa infrar telescop facil imag mauna kea hawaii later confirm like impact site dark scar plume particl jupiter upper atmosphere sinc 2006 major discoveri observ amateur astronom also includ two red spot jupiter,jupiter new impact,2009-07-23,693,108,0.0741165413533834,07-23,7,2009,23,8,2,4 3fa4518453fd3b0b11659f57143d9980f564c1e05fd36f818a363576c16afb46,stephan heinsiu,daytim sky grew dark temperatur light came chongqing china plung moon shadow juli 22nd total solar eclipse serene wideangl view event look east large popul citi newli construct park despit thin clouds captur shimmer solar corona end eclips total phase total solar eclips occur near aphelion point earth ellipt orbit farthest sun sun near smallest appar size also occur new moon near perigee closest point earth moon ellipt orbit make moon near largest appar size small sun larg moon made longest solar eclips century,eclips china,2009-07-24,516,84,0.0269730269730269,07-24,7,2009,24,1,0,1 2e0c666a8cc7f0f98475bcff6f4db7fbf2f5144c6abe61654891db14087299d1,koen van gorp,photograph adequ portray magnific sun corona see corona firsthand total solar eclips best human eye adapt see featur extent photograph film usual cannot welcome however digit age pictur combin photograph digit process highlight faint featur total eclips occur march 2006 imag sun corona digit alter enhanc dim outli wave filaments shadow seeker need fret though sinc yet way digit imag process mimic fun involv experienc total solar eclipse last week spectacular total solar eclips occur southern asia next total solar eclips visibl south pacif 2010 juli 11 note apod editor review great space imag saturday night ft wilkins michigan,big corona,2009-07-26,633,99,0.1676470588235294,07-26,7,2009,26,1,2,4 ead38f392a514290ca84035f9703e48c7eafc05b9e59872f80c07692a41a909f,none,what happen center spiral galaxi ngc one sure like involv supermass black hole matter fall bar star ga across center like heat extrem energet region surround central black hole afar entir central region appear falsecolor infrar imag mysteri eye near left edg seen blue smaller companion galaxi wrap spectacular spiral arm larg spiral lit pink glow dust current 40 thousand lightyear larger galaxy center graviti companion galaxi appear reshap larger galaxi slowli destroy itself ngc 1097 locat 50 million light year away toward constel furnac fornax note apod editor review great space imag saturday night ft wilkins michigan,ngc 1097 spiral galaxi central eye,2009-07-27,625,98,0.0733333333333333,07-27,7,2009,27,7,2,3 0f2b4c25052ad08c91e47d9482541cf647b260dbd1e3a20d6731e83723598276,walli pacholka,devil tower explos volcano famou appear close encounters origin devil tower wyoming usa still debated lead hypothesi hold harden lava plume probabl never reach surfac becom volcano lighter rock surround dens volcan neck erod away leav dramat tower high above central band milki way galaxi arch across sky mani notabl sky object visible includ dark strand pipe nebula reddish lagoon nebula tower right green grass tree line moonlit foreground cloud appear near horizon tower left unlik mani intern landmarks mountain permit climb devil tower note apod editor review great space imag saturday night ft wilkins michigan,milki way devil tower,2009-07-29,616,96,0.1106349206349206,07-29,7,2009,29,6,2,1 8ec457358daa075b9e3ba69051113e6b5ea5365eb33c07da01b14a51dd2228a0,babaktafreshi,juli 22nd total solar eclips longest 21st century point maximum eclips along moon shadow track across pacif ocean moon complet block sun total 6 minut 39 seconds deck cruis ship durat total eclips phase extend whop 6 minut 42 second ship motion along shadow track panoram view scene show shimmer solar corona darken daytim sky cloud silhouet bright sky distant horizon beyond moon shadow mercuri seen near eclips sun venu lie near upper right edg frame,6 second,2009-07-30,452,76,0.0987012987012987,07-30,7,2009,30,2,0,1 f12d8928d6f0f54f2b591c481fd88024165ce0351756e3fae31ce6170c120bd9,none,sprawl dark mark jupiter latest impact debri plume creat small asteroid comet disintegr plung ga giant atmosphere locat jupiter south polar region new featur discov australian amateur astronom anthoni wesley juli 19 juli 23rd discoveri follow hubbl space telescop newli instal wide field camera 3 creat sharpest view evolv debri plume estim indic impact object sever hundr meter across similar impact mark creat piec comet shoemakerlevi 9 slam jupiter cloud band juli 1994,hubbl view jupit impact,2009-07-31,472,73,-0.0196969696969697,07-31,7,2009,31,8,0,2 5452d1728873433d44df11c346bfe4fc73110d1f6bae80b65d3788fdc9d7aff2,adam block,star form pandemonium reigns textbook case star form region ngc 6559 visibl red glow emiss nebula hydrogen blue reflect nebula dust dark absorpt nebula dust star form them first massiv star form dens ga emit energet light wind erode fragment sculpt birthplace explode result morass beauti complex ten million years dust boil away ga get swept away left nake open cluster stars,stars dust nebula ngc 6559,2009-08-02,376,62,0.0222222222222222,08-02,8,2009,2,4,0,5 8e3ab1f4c2e1d84230720246342bc262b3b87baca77f42377bbe8036675257ba,t rector,star look like forming exampl variabl star tauri visibl bright orang star near imag center orang star center remark telescop skyview tauri prototyp class tauri variabl stars surround tauri dusti yellow cosmic cloud name hind variabl nebula ngc 15551554 400 lightyear away edg molecular cloud star nebula seen vari significantli bright necessarili time ad mysteri intrigu region tauri star gener recogn young less million year old sunlik star still earli stage formation complic picture infrar observ indic tauri part multipl star system surprisingly due close gravit pass near one stars tauri may head system dramat color imag captur region span 4 lightyears,star,2009-08-03,660,102,0.1189393939393939,08-03,8,2009,3,4,2,3 51d4f486212eeb5442839cecb0e0158225cfcfc74c7a4701671f50933f003973,barri u,sun rise three last month friday 2009 juli 10 spectacular tripl sunris photograph 430 bay poland clearly sun rise once optic effect creat least two mirag sun vast major similarli report cases mirag brightest object frame trace reflect intern camera take images still imag intrigu sincer photograph claim effect visibl unaid eye photograph took sever frame show effect therefore polit reader invit debat whether imag captur particularli spectacular exampl common reflect insid standard digit camera show one spectacular exampl atmospher lens yet recorded caus someth complet different discuss consensu post later date,tripl sunris bay,2009-08-04,617,92,0.1135416666666666,08-04,8,2009,4,1,2,1 e4e7563b37b1e0ecf5c1bf2ea484404cc48cb50b8c30779474f6d0cc6df48fb8,none,sharpest imag ever betelgeus show mammoth star slowli evaporating betelgeus sound lot like beetl juice also known alpha orionis one largest brightest star known star familiar orang easili visibl unaid eye toward constel orion recent imag larg telescop chile resolv face betelgeuse larg previous unknown plume surround gas plume give fresh indic massiv star shed mass near end life conversely seri previou observ indic surfac betelgeus notic average past decade betelgeuse red supergi star light year distant place center solar system plume would extend past orbit jupiter sinc betelgeus known chang bright futur observ may determin chang appear irregularli well betelgeus candid undergo spectacular supernova explos almost anytim next thousand years,betelgeus resolv,2009-08-05,749,111,0.1310185185185185,08-05,8,2009,5,6,2,4 413426a011d47adfb4c370da380adc028f70cdbdaf983517263344db60703b7d,dietmar hager,wide sharp telescop view reveal galaxi scatter beyond star northern boundari highfli constel pegasus promin upper right ngc 7331 mere 50 million lightyear away larg spiral one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog disturb look group galaxi lower left wellknown stephan quintet 300 million lightyear distant quintet dramat illustr multipl galaxi collision powerful ongo interact pose brief cosmic snapshot sky quintet ngc 7331 separ half degree,galaxi pegasu,2009-08-06,469,69,-0.040595238095238,08-06,8,2009,6,7,0,3 15b59bbe0306f20ed5ddd85e258cccd6693ae91d4153f0cc299c8270fa47f085,none,like grain sand cosmic beach individu star bar spiral galaxi ngc 1313 resolv sharp composit hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey acs inner region galaxi pictured span 10000 lightyears hubble uniqu abil distinguish individu star 14 million lightyear distant galaxi use unravel fate star cluster whose bright young star spread disk galaxi cluster explor star cluster extern galaxi ngc 1313 offer clue star format star cluster evolut milki way,star cluster ngc 1313,2009-08-07,446,69,0.115,08-07,8,2009,7,7,1,3 170a94bafc6b2f6995b4a11543503a86ce7c4c5b3412204b27803063a08ed111,toni rowel,happen meteor hit ground usual noth much meteor small indent make soon erod away 50000 year ago however larg meteor creat barring meteor crater arizona usa also known simpli meteor crater result impact basin span kilometer pictur above tour group view insid barring crater earli last year historically barring crater first featur earth recogn impact crater today 100 terrestri impact featur identifi planet earth comput model indic canyon diablo impactor melt impact creat barringer,insid barring meteor crater,2009-08-11,482,74,-0.0071428571428571,08-11,8,2009,11,5,0,2 7f4b6bfa4e1c4ba2bc1162c2430b10ff9f11d131aa720240efd26afa524aa598,goldman,irregular galaxi ngc 55 thought similar larg magellan cloud lmc lmc 180000 lightyear away well known satellit milki way galaxy ngc 55 like 6 million lightyear distant member sculptor galaxi group classifi irregular galaxy deep exposur lmc resembl bar disk galaxy however span 50000 lightyears ngc 55 seen nearli edgeon present flattened narrow profil contrast faceon view lmc larg star form region creat emiss nebula lmc ngc 55 also seen produc new stars highli detail galaxi portrait highlight bright core cross dust clouds telltal pinkish star form regions young blue star cluster ngc 55,irregular galaxi ngc 55,2009-08-12,589,94,0.0636363636363636,08-12,8,2009,12,7,2,3 7999d2dce367e7294e55c6beb1aed3b1b8576d8cd538ed529af53e075aba3026,none,strang rock mars sit smooth plane rock stand odd shape larg size unusu texture rock discov robot opportun rover roll across mar late last month pictured opportun prepar inspect unusu rock chemic rock identifi opportun fallen meteorite dub block island meteorit measur 23 meter across known compos mostli nickel iron second meteorit found martian rover far largest vast smooth space mar earth make larg meteorit stand out opportun continu trip across meridiani planum mar schedul reach expans endeavour crater next year,block island meteorit mar,2009-08-13,518,81,0.0481481481481481,08-13,8,2009,13,5,0,2 a950e0f602a4a1c90916f8e613dada62c2a5463082b2ce835dd0b395876a3afb,babaktafreshi,dark sky favor view meteor showers annual perseid meteor shower still entertain skygaz around world week even though moon brighten night last quarter phase rise around midnight august 13 shower anticip peak moon seen rock format alborz mountain near iran dramat desert landscap foreground perseid meteor streak moonlit sky overexpos moon bright planet jupit upper right regular celesti event northern hemisphere perseid meteor shower caus planet earth yearli passag dust stream cast comet swifttuttle,meteor moonlight,2009-08-15,500,74,0.1336734693877551,08-15,8,2009,15,2,1,1 2dde8795c867493059426c5c613b27e748a53fa738e16f497b7e2e9a704d749f,none,peopl shoot power laser center galaxy fortunately meant first step galact war rather astronom larg telescop vlt site chile tri measur distort earth ever chang atmosphere constant imag highaltitud atom excit laser appear like artifici star allow astronom instantli measur atmospher blurring inform fed back vlt telescop mirror slightli deform minim blurring case vlt observ galaxy center earth atmospher blur direct needed intergalaxi warfare view galaxy center casualti expected fact light power laser would combin light sun togeth appear bright faint distant star,laser strike galact center,2009-08-16,566,83,0.0892857142857142,08-16,8,2009,16,6,0,4 7b2e67689dbd07693cb5f6706ca4833ca92628ae83223c396215724499aaf9bd,chri observatory,meteor come from term direct sky point answer constel perseus last week meteor shower known perseid meteor appear come radiant toward perseus three dimensionally however sandsiz debri expel comet swifttuttl follow welldefin orbit sun part orbit approach earth superpos front perseus therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear perseus pictur above composit imag year pereid meteor shower show mani bright meteor streak sky august 12 surpris many next night august 13 also show mani meteors demonstr roll one cursor image year leonid meteor shower novemb expect except active perhap produc mani 500 meteor per hour,perseid perseu,2009-08-17,630,97,0.1458333333333333,08-17,8,2009,17,8,2,1 fdf7a0a6074e92e0810736c9a2704a072a9bb0abe1634ac27d2941cf4dcf4b7d,walli pacholka,take pictur badland take one also show spectacular sky it picture actual digit stitch panorama four images taken late june near midnight look southwest foreground unusu butt badland wall part badland nation park south dakota usa momentarili illumin flashlight long durat exposur background night sky butt visibl compos soft rock show sharp eros featur wind water south dakota badland also contain ancient bed rich fossils fossil 25 million year old hold clue evolutionari origin hors bright jupit domin sky left spectacular milki way galaxi run imag right,milki way,2009-08-18,555,87,0.1835164835164835,08-18,8,2009,18,6,1,1 45cd30ec8833c18d06b759b92fec87c5d2916e6262290f1025d32d39de83957c,thoma w,sprawl across hundr lightyears emiss nebula ic 1396 visibl upper right mix glow cosmic ga dark dust clouds star form area 3000 lightyear earth wide angl view also captur surround emiss absorpt nebula red glow ic 1396 across imag creat cosmic hydrogen ga electron knock away energet starlight dark dust cloud dens group smokelik particl common disk spiral galaxies among intrigu dark shape within ic 1396 wind elephant trunk nebula lie right nebula center ic 1396 lie high far constel cepheus,ic 1396 surround starfield,2009-08-19,491,81,-0.0098809523809523,08-19,8,2009,19,4,0,5 251d464afe4433136b09305cfa6109e2ac103d4dca5c0e567bdcd7d1749904a2,alfr lee,juli solar eclipse moon dark shadow trace narrow path race eastward across india china pacific hong kong south shadow path total eclips visibl there partial eclips still enjoy inhabit popul city mani safely watch sky imag partial eclips sun adorn citi itself photo taken local time remark array solar eclips view creat reflect grid eastward face windows photographer locat 27th floor two pacif place,eclips citi,2009-08-20,399,64,0.04375,08-20,8,2009,20,1,0,1 8574aa5d64a422d872198633f626519f56282bb116f484ad3e495477effc9951,capella observatori,ngc 4631 big beauti spiral galaxi seen edgeon top right 25 million lightyear away toward small northern constel cane venatici galaxy slightli distort wedg shape suggest cosmic her other popular monik whale galaxy either way similar size milki way gorgeou color image whale dark interstellar dust clouds yellowish core young blue star cluster easi spot companion galaxy small ellipt ngc 4627 appear whale galaxy lower left anoth distort galaxy hockey stickshap ngc 4656 distort mingl trail ga detect wavelength suggest three galaxi close encount past whale galaxi also known spout halo hot ga glow xrays,whale hockey stick,2009-08-21,602,95,0.0507653061224489,08-21,8,2009,21,7,2,3 075cc5cba7a0df90652096a7d46fc9f1eed1e234a5a3bb7a5483e46dba5c933a,none,strang blue objects mani brightest blue imag single unusual beaded blue ringlik galaxi happen lineup behind giant cluster galaxies cluster galaxi typic appear yellow togeth cluster dark matter act gravit lens gravit len creat sever imag background galaxies analog mani point light one would see look wine glass distant street light distinct shape background galaxi probabl form allow astronom deduc separ imag 4 10 11 12 oclock center cluster blue smudg near cluster center like anoth imag background galaxy all recent analysi postul least 33 imag 11 separ background galaxi discernable spectacular photo galaxi cluster hubbl space telescop taken novemb 2004,giant cluster bends break imag,2009-08-23,662,101,0.0389285714285714,08-23,8,2009,23,7,2,3 2af1e8836ca46ad3cac2a054b32a96e201bd0dd413ad965ae20f78a0fd668a15,none,caus long strang clouds one sure rare type cloud known morn glori cloud stretch 1000 kilomet long occur altitud two kilomet high although similar roll cloud seen specif place across world one queensland australia occur predict everi spring long horizontal circul tube air might form flowing cool air encount invers layer atmospher layer air temperatur atyp increas height tube surround air could caus danger turbul airplan clear morn glori cloud reportedli achiev 60 kilomet per hour surfac littl discern wind pictur above photograph photograph morn glori cloud airplan near gulf australia,morn glori cloud australia,2009-08-24,589,91,0.1236363636363636,08-24,8,2009,24,8,2,4 77a53f2c85bed3b512230481eddef84292b472b96123ddbf95c8f43d3f142965,none,would saturn ring look like ring plane point directli sun situat occur earlier month equinox occur saturn sinc earth nearli direct sun saturn ring appear disappear earth robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn however unusu illumin ring plane could view high pictur above saturn rings darker ever seen before captur hour equinox 2009 august 10 reason unusu bright inner ring current unknown possibl relat particl size larger 10 meter averag thick rest saturn rings short light streak frame artifici imag artifact noth saturn ring plane planetari scientist studi ring imag taken near equinox help better understand dynam particl size distribut solar system extens ring system,equinox saturn,2009-08-25,672,104,0.1114285714285714,08-25,8,2009,25,0,2,2 f34f27bca6ea707f4b6f3aea50c6d597b6d1c2d74d3a6973982c4079cbaf5b7c,kerryann,great nebula orion also known m42 one famou nebula sky star form region glow ga cloud hot young star near center color deep sky imag includ smaller nebula m43 dusty bluish reflect nebula ngc 1977 friend left locat edg otherwis invis giant molecular cloud complex eyecatch nebula repres small fraction galact neighborhood wealth interstellar material captur modest equipment gorgeou skyscap award best show 2009 intern astrophotography comment detail shade exquisit version classic astronom image field span nearli 3 degre 75 lightyear orion nebula estim distanc 1500 lightyears,orion nebula,2009-08-26,577,87,0.0977777777777778,08-26,8,2009,26,4,2,5 f14a7f3fb36f2473d267722ecec78466542798ad728dbf15e6993588e0ef1e1c,none,scroll right take view highest summit contigu usa 360degre digit stitch panorama taken midjuly show view high mt whitney nation park california foreground angular boulder popul mt summit distance horizon peak sierra nevada mountain rang visible sky sight includ light pollut eman lo angel visibl horizon dark clouds particularli evid imag left well horizon remnant recent thunderstorm near death valley high above band milki way galaxi arch across imag left bright airglow band visibl sky particularli promin imag right planet jupit appear brightest point imag left discern eye also find faint imag far distant andromeda galaxy satellit trail mani constellations today mark 100th anniversari complet histor stone shelter mt whitney visibl toward imag right,dark sky nation park,2009-08-27,756,114,0.1015966386554621,08-27,8,2009,27,6,2,4 305cf18f603801bfcb38faa5c8148aac6c54b00b2f6a5e019d70c36b16a81095,goldman,pillar gas dust young hot star fill center ngc 7822 edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region lie 3000 lightyear away within nebula bright edg tantal shape highlight color skyscape imag includ data broadband narrowband filters map emiss atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues atom emiss power energet radiat hot stars whose power wind radiat also sculpt erod denser pillar shapes star could still form insid pillar gravit collapse pillar erod away form star ultim cutoff reservoir star stuff field span around 30 lightyear estim distanc ngc 7822,ngc 7822 cepheu,2009-08-28,592,95,0.1111111111111111,08-28,8,2009,28,4,2,5 e4b971d46ff7f249bcd785ed35b8c7aaec046c01d88c0e8b60690fc7878020ba,kent,slide cursor imag identifi three member intrigu gather galaxies known ngc 7771 group lie almost 200 million lightyear away toward high fli constel pegasus largest galaxy bar spiral ngc 75000 lightyear across find part larger galaxi still galaxi group make repeat close final merg one larg galaxy play hundr million years process understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way editor note label version imag gener,ngc 7771 galaxi group,2009-08-29,421,66,0.0775,08-29,8,2009,29,7,0,3 7e54b489f2cd5dbd51bc43ff767d6ece287e8db0c4a64aba6149e23a739669ac,none,bacteria could surviv anoth planet earth lab deinococcu radioduran d rad surviv extrem level radiation extrem temperatures dehydration exposur genotox chemicals amazingly even abil repair dna usual within 48 hours known extremophile bacteria d rad interest nasa partli might adapt help human astronaut surviv worlds recent map d rad dna might allow biologist augment surviv skill abil produc medicine clean water oxygen alreadi genet engin help clean spill toxic mercury like one oldest surviv life forms d rad discov accid 1950 scientist investig food preserv techniqu could easili kill it pictur above deinococcu radioduran grow quietli dish,d rad bacteria candid astronaut,2009-08-30,643,97,0.1547619047619048,08-30,8,2009,30,8,2,4 01758d6d8ff01cfa787684f90ea1b2928a935e44097156172fcffb74da7636ad,jeancharl cuillandr,mani star like sun form open clusters pictur open cluster m25 contain thousand star two thousand light year distant star cluster form togeth 90 million year ago bright young star m25 appear blue open clusters also call galact clusters contain fewer younger star globular clusters also unlik globular clusters open cluster gener confin plane galaxy m25 visibl binocular toward constel archer ,open cluster,2009-08-31,391,61,0.11,08-31,8,2009,31,6,1,3 945740bd8aca64f3cc0eddb60d88c45a7ca5b0c1a4e2026818a5025f37dac3f0,none,unusu shadow dark ring appear around saturn near equinox last month time earli august saturn ring plane point directli sun visibl above saturn moon tethi cast shadow visibl far right saturn shadow black larg swath ring right night side saturn glow ringshin sunlight reflect ring particl back onto saturn imag near equinox saturn give astronom chanc search unexpect shadow may illumin previous unknown featur saturn complex ring system cassini robot spacecraft orbit saturn took image expect surviv next saturnian equinox 15 years,shadow saturn equinox,2009-09-01,532,82,-0.0008503401360544,09-01,9,2009,1,0,0,2 0b8cf28dbba5f3ae33b52c274d4696dddd72b4109c153d719cc0f8f335437e34,none,one minut midnight edt friday august 28 space shuttl discoveri began long arc cloudi sky follow launch bright remark color trail captur time exposur banana river view site look east toward pad 39a kennedi space center discoveri dock intern space station sunday evening mission exchang space station crew member deliv 7 ton suppli equipment course equip includ combin oper bear extern resist treadmil,discovery rainbow,2009-09-02,399,63,0.1833333333333333,09-02,9,2009,2,8,1,2 8a0ff11f0303a0ba7ea9b23e9fb678fcc8ab0c976e020502c4555b5e40742c24,alan friedman,today planet earth pass plane saturn rings perspect earthbound astronomers saturn ring edgeon problem is saturn close sun low horizon sunset good telescop imag difficult come by still composit saturn view taken 2004 2009 lower right upper left illustr chang ring tilt last six year includ nearli edgeon ring view base imag captur earlier year saturn south pole clearli seen sequence particularli lower right hidden come years saturn north pole increasingli visible along tilt rings planet emerg fall predawn sky,6 year saturn,2009-09-04,512,80,-0.0177489177489177,09-04,9,2009,4,0,0,1 600d6c350348f8757ee8fb967ec564dba092a6934ebda5c9158fc029dbc2b7ec,none,expand debri cloud explos massiv star captur multiwavelength composite combin xray optic imag chandra hubbl telescopes identifi e010272 supernova remnant lie 190000 lightyear away neighbor galaxy small magellan cloud strong cosmic sourc xrays e0102 imag chandra xray observatori shortli launch 1999 celebr chandra 10th anniversary color view e0102 environ created includ addit chandra data analysi data indic overal shape e0102 like cylind view rather spheric bubble intrigu result impli massiv star explos produc shape similar seen planetari nebula associ lower mass stars distanc small magellan cloud field view span 150 lightyears,supernova remnant e010272,2009-09-05,633,91,-0.0166666666666666,09-05,9,2009,5,6,2,4 c4b3d642db47029ac9323bf93e6014eb428238424984876e6d36e6b11a75a681,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group galaxies local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel cosmic microwav background radiat cmbr allski map cobe satellite radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there,cmbr dipole speed univers,2009-09-06,500,78,0.0143333333333333,09-06,9,2009,6,6,0,3 df9f3fbff4f0cace2f5c0ad0525499ae326ec9719f3ecb939493e47459d00d41,tunç tezel,vacat includ sight remember pictur above picturesqu starscap cap seren seascap seen turkey past august digit stitch panorama lighthous shine foreground calm mediterranean sea left jupit brightest point imag sinc side sun earth near yearli brightest glow shi magnitud jupit brighter star sky brighter even mar famous bright opposit 2003 august right band milki way galaxi fade distant atmospher haze horizon jupit near closest part ellipt orbit sun appear even brighter next opposit 2010 september,jupit mediterranean,2009-09-07,496,75,0.1487012987012987,09-07,9,2009,7,6,1,1 e9b3e46ef15577ee7aacbcb502b4a997a6cc4297986dd47d21626bdd828f684f,none,two month ago someth unexpect hit jupiter first discov amateur astronom anthoni wesley 2009 juli 19 impact quickli confirm even imag hubbl space telescop next week mani world telescop zoom solar system largest planet see result imag animation cours last month half timelaps sequenc show dark spot first creat jupit struck dissip jupiter cloud churn jupit thought small comet perhap less one kilomet across impact jupit 2009 juli 19 although initi expect visibl week astronom continu track atmospher remnant impact new inform wind current jupiter thick atmosphere,unexpect impact jupit,2009-09-08,566,87,-0.0539141414141414,09-08,9,2009,8,8,0,2 a8858a65c9d2bab47a6711ee702acab7027adf90c91a659bff43c56e21bfd83e,joshua,earth spin axis sky seem rotat around us motion call diurnal motion produc beauti concentr trail trace star time exposures star trail pictur pass oregon usa last month near middl circl north celesti pole ncp easili identifi point sky center star trail arcs star polaris commonli known north star made short bright circl near ncp 12000 year ago bright star vega north star 14000 years earth spin axi slowli continu vega becom north star again,star trail oregon,2009-09-09,441,75,0.1875,09-09,9,2009,9,6,1,1 f17614eef18257168a820093c08784db8ef637c4d7fc35f89aa565ba2864ef04,none,first identifi compact galaxi group stephan quintet featur stun imag newli upgrad hubbl space telescope 300 million lightyear away four galaxi group actual lock cosmic danc repeat close encounters odd man easi spot though four interact galaxi ngc 7319 7318a 7318b 7317 overal yellowish cast tend distort loop tails grown influenc disrupt gravit tides bluish galaxi upper left ngc much closer others mere 40 million lightyear distant part interact group fact individu star foreground galaxi seen sharp hubbl image hint much closer others stephan quintet lie within boundari high fli constel pegasus,stephan quintet,2009-09-11,597,92,-0.0074242424242424,09-11,9,2009,11,7,0,3 e755cf756501d002dbf79569a30cb9ad5d46814b01e53547cb26105e69c16e2a,babaktafreshi,seren view record late summer night sky green hill planet earth taken near rural villag saadat province southern iran saadat also known astronomi town inhabit demonstr remark passion sky fittingly astronomi town sky view find love part milki way near pictur center three brightest star star summer triangle deneb cygnu top altair aquila left vega lyra right foreground landscape illumin astronomi town lights includ kind wild pistachio tree common region identifi star constellations slide cursor image,summer night astronomi,2009-09-12,502,76,0.119047619047619,09-12,9,2009,12,6,1,1 01f9c3fcf6ca9e04c987f448444e8162189c0775ff3b779fe62f8846217ecd84,none,left star collide help answer question astronom studi center massiv ball star milki way galaxy center globular cluster omega centauri star pack 10000 time dens near sun pictur above newli upgrad hubbl space telescop resolv center omega centauri individu stars visibl mani faint yellowwhit star smaller sun sever yelloworang star red giants occasion blue star two star collid like either combin form one massiv star stick form new binari star system close binari star interact sometim emit ultraviolet xray light ga fall one star onto surfac compact companion white dwarf neutron star two binari locat omega centauri center star cluster lie 15000 lightyear away visibl toward constel centaurus,center globular cluster omega centauri,2009-09-14,692,108,-0.0188311688311688,09-14,9,2009,14,6,2,3 71a876e615288b9e5cb9ea5e56934a4f9c81334a674fa38e22b48a34ea5a194e,daniel lópez,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula cosmic bubbl 25 lightyear across blown wind central bright massiv star beauti portrait nebula isaac newton telescop roqu de lo muchacho observatori canari islands combin composit color imag narrow band data isol light hydrogen oxygen atom windblown nebula oxygen atom produc bluegreen hue seem enshroud detail fold filaments ngc 6888 central star classifi wolfrayet star wr 136 star shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years nebula complex structur like result strong wind interact materi eject earlier phase burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion found nebula rich constel cygnus ngc 6888 5000 lightyear away,ngc 6888 crescent nebula,2009-09-15,740,114,0.2172619047619047,09-15,9,2009,15,4,2,5 0031da8fd38e11a3193f597db59f5e63c3d5b29c31affa55291bf3ff0875df99,john p gleason,tarantula nebula 1000 lightyear diamet giant star form region within neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc cosmic arachnid lie left center sharp color telescop imag taken narrowband filters cover part lmc 2000 lightyear across within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula violent starform region young star clusters filament bubbleshap clouds rich field wide full moon sky locat southern constel dorado,tarantula zone,2009-09-16,540,78,0.0038461538461538,09-16,9,2009,16,4,0,5 1385fe5af1880c5ad09824d6d3b359ffa46a9980174488bba1c46157859a66fe,none,get redblu glass check closeup spacesuit nasa astronaut john outsid intern space station care construct two photograph taken space shuttl orbit discovery latest visit orbit 3d anaglyph creat compel illus actual reach take hand photographer fellow spacewalk esa astronaut christer along iss structur planet earth horizon reflect helmet visor last friday two return earth along rest discovery crew land edward air forc base california,take hand,2009-09-18,432,64,-0.075,09-18,9,2009,18,8,0,2 e46ca1323993a80bf54a93dbafca61ec9d36a2b13bdbea2a414db3fa4e19e1a4,robert gendler,far beyond local group galaxi lie ngc 3621 22 million lightyear away found multihead southern constel hydra wind spiral arm gorgeou island univers load lumin young star cluster dark dust lanes still earthbound astronom ngc 3621 anoth pretti faceon spiral galaxy brighter star use standard candl establish import estim extragalact distanc scale universe beauti imag ngc 3621 trace loos spiral arm far galaxy brighter central region span 100000 lightyears spiki foreground star milki way galaxi even distant background galaxi scatter across color skyscape,ngc 3621 far beyond local group,2009-09-19,553,83,0.0055555555555555,09-19,9,2009,19,7,0,3 333c410c0cf0c5ba7fd04cbc6c4defb5c6deee56463e6cd7e40715a3f46f55d2,none,largest moon solar system look like ganymede larger even mercuri pluto surfac speckl bright young crater overli mixtur older darker crater terrain lace groov ridges like earth moon ganymed keep face toward central planet case jupiter histor detail imag mosaic taken galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 color planets moon enhanc increas surfac contrasts violet shade extend top bottom like due frost particl ganymede polar regions possibl futur mission jupit propos search europa ganymed deep ocean may harbor element thought import support life,ganymed enhanc,2009-09-20,549,83,0.1398148148148148,09-20,9,2009,20,2,1,2 49476836bfba053290ff398e8249c69916d98305bdb952b1b468bd51dbbec598,none,strang arc imag cluster galaxi abel 370 astronom note unusu arc right mani cluster galaxies although curious one initi respons avoid comment arc noth like ever note before mid1980s however better imag allow astronom identifi arc prototyp new kind astrophys phenomenon gravit len effect entir cluster galaxi background galaxies today know arc actual consist two distort imag fairli normal galaxi happen lie far behind huge cluster abel 370 graviti caus background galaxies light other spread come observ along multipl paths unlik distant light appear stem wine glass midjuly astronom use justupgrad hubbl space telescop imag abel 370 gravit len imag unpreced detail almost yellow imag pictur galaxi abel 370 cluster astut eye pick mani strang arc distort arclets however actual imag distant galaxies studi abel 370 imag give astronom uniqu window distribut normal dark matter galaxi cluster universe,abel 370 galaxi cluster gravit len,2009-09-21,901,138,0.1130041011619958,09-21,9,2009,21,7,2,4 b4bbe15d261410e8d961c4c7c1b4075767eb271ffae6a5b0026418c9a9c7a14a,yuichi,sometimes eye adapt dark spectacular sky appears case picturesqu lake lie front you beauti green aurora flap high you brilliant star shine far distance brilliant moon shine ahead you digit fuse panorama captur earlier month yellowknife northwest territories canada includ pleiad open cluster star upper right moon sinc aurora ultim start solar activity current flurri aurora somewhat surprising given histor lack sunspot activ sun past two years time year known aurora season however note averag increas auroras reason yearli increas known sure possibl relat tilt earth creat easili travers connect earth magnet field magnet field sun chang wind streams,aurora yellowknif,2009-09-22,653,99,0.2363809523809523,09-22,9,2009,22,1,2,1 c4aefd403f883c0526c6ed5971ec7e4ce50ab741cce3a7eea1e051c17218d5bb,none,similar exoplanet corot7b earth newli discov extrasolar planet closest physic match yet mass five earth radiu 17 earths also home star although 500 light year distant similar sun unfortunately similar like end there corot7b orbit home star well insid orbit mercury make year last 20 hours make peak temperatur much hotter human might find corot7b discov februari note predict slight decreas bright parent star pictur above artist depict show corot7b might appear front parent star composit corot7b remain unknown given size mass cannot ga giant like jupiter like compos predominantli rock futur observ like narrow composit one first known rocki planet discov outsid solar system,satellit discov rocki planet,2009-09-23,678,105,0.0655555555555555,09-23,9,2009,23,8,2,4 edf53fe3ce60970508a14b5f61b9e098a70b365d81c187883cc56b1b462cdee4,tama ladanyi,often inspiring offer moment contemplation sunset probabl commonli photograph celesti event uncommonli beauti sunset pictur taken special day equinox septemb 22 mark astronom chang seasons day earth dweller experienc nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour dark an equal night reflect calm water lake motionless sailboat silhouette sun set due west head south across celesti equator background lie benedictin tihany hungary,equinox sunset,2009-09-24,415,60,0.1470238095238095,09-24,9,2009,24,8,1,1 62fde013bf1698be5d5a40725bd53419b6746097aff315bb271eeb8d02fda57a,stéphane guisard,sagittariu scorpius central milki way truli beauti part planet earth night sky gorgeou region captur here expans gigapixel mosaic 52 field span 34 20 degre 1200 individu imag 200 hour exposur time part eso gigagalaxi zoom project imag collect 29 night small telescop except clear dark sky eso paran observatori chile breathtak cosmic vista show intric dust lanes bright nebulae star cluster scatter galaxy rich central starfields start left look lagoon trifid nebulae cat paw pipe dark nebula color cloud rho ophiuchi antar right,gigagalaxi zoom galact center,2009-09-25,529,84,0.0910714285714285,09-25,9,2009,25,6,0,4 858ec87a3887305ea6a30d771d28f86045ac422da1f9c7c4b81492b68f61a210,serg brunier,magnific milki way galaxi sprawl across ambiti allski panorama fact 800 million pixel full resolut mosaic strive show star eye see planet earth night sky part eso gigagalaxi zoom project mosaick imag record sever month 2008 2009 except astronom atacama desert southern hemispher canari island northern hemisphere also captur bright planet even comet individu frame stitch togeth map single flat appar seamless 360 180 degre view final result orient plane galaxi run horizont middl bulg galact center imag center right center milki way satellit galaxies magellan clouds,gigagalaxi zoom milki way,2009-09-26,568,87,0.0944805194805194,09-26,9,2009,26,6,0,4 143c9f0e700e8a346b30ccb91d850b7340673f84fff766aa056e6d753a2f78bf,none,water discov surfac moon lake found rather nasa moon mineralog mapper aboard india new lunar orbit back part moon surfac absorb specif color light identifi previous water currently scientist tri fit fact moon figur much water there even form water unfortunately even scenario leav moon dryer driest earth deserts fascin clue debat whether water signal rise fall singl lunar day true signal might hydrogen flow sun interact oxygen lunar soil could leav extrem thin water perhap molecul thick result water might subsequ evapor away bright sunlight pictur above area near crater far side moon show rel high abund miner falsecolor blue next week new lcross satellit releas impactor strike perman shadow crater near lunar south pole see hidden water ice free there,water discov moon,2009-09-28,759,122,0.0749724517906336,09-28,9,2009,28,2,2,1 fe46fb00f5f35b4b16c29f4492165489fa68df4fb914ff8f73d45f421c2acedb,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,constel orion hold much three star row deep exposur show everyth dark nebula star clusters imbed extend patch gaseou wisp greater orion molecular cloud complex brightest three star far left inde famou three star make belt orion alnitak lowest three belt stars flame nebula glow excit hydrogen ga immers filament dark brown dust frame center right alnitak lie horsehead nebula dark indent dens dust perhap recogn nebular shape sky upper right lie m42 orion nebula energet caldron tumultu gas visibl unaid eye give birth new open cluster stars immedi left m42 promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man hous mani bright blue stars image digit stitch composit taken sever nights cover area object roughli 1500 light year away span 75 light years,orion gas dust star,2009-09-29,749,123,0.1078896103896103,09-29,9,2009,29,4,2,5 0353c29a393d033c9cd5b48bb40baea54b4501d526991aaf7ec2c158f8552e00,none,would saturn look ring plane point right sun last month nobodi knew everi 15 years seen earth saturn ring point toward earth appear disappear disappear ring longer mysteri saturn ring known thin earth near sun ring point toward sun also point nearli edgeon earth fortunately third millennium human advanc enough spacecraft see ring equinox side last month saturnorbit spacecraft cassini abl snap seri unpreced pictur saturn ring equinox digit composit 75 imag shown above ring appear unusu dark thin ring shadow line made saturn cloudtops object stick ring plane brightli illumin cast long shadows inspect imag may help human understand specif size saturn ring particl gener dynam orbit motion,saturn equinox,2009-09-30,694,109,-0.0472527472527472,09-30,9,2009,30,0,2,1 d05d0e4ba8716f63121365fb1fc4e864a2a1bf1d6fbc642d78e28d8cf3932c91,none,cosmic pillar ga dust nearli 2 lightyear wide structur lie within one galaxy largest star form regions carina nebula shine southern sky distanc 7500 lightyears pillar convolut outlin shape wind radiat carina young hot massiv stars interior cosmic pillar home star process formation fact place cursor visibl light imag reveal penetr nearinfrar view pillar domin two narrow energet jet blast outward still hidden infant star visibl light nearinfrar imag made use hubbl space telescope newli instal wide field camera 3,carina pillar jet,2009-10-01,516,80,0.0648148148148148,10-01,10,2009,1,4,0,5 e8d345d26e2497ca5f6e73f8fd6bfe16e8eec7fd213a2bb22b3476f8f0758cda,cara project,color panel featur familiar astronom stellar nurseri known great orion nebula also offer intrigu unfamiliar detail nebula rich skyscap pass comet record weekend remot oper telescop new mexico right hand imag taken septemb 26 left septemb 27 comet 217p linear sport extend greenish tail lie bluish run man reflect nebula near top frames nearbi move rapidli night sky comet posit clearli shift cosmic nebula background star one night next fact comet mere 5 lightminut away septemb 27 compar 1500 lightyear orion nebula much faint seen unaid eye comet 217p linear small period comet orbit period 8 years distant point sun comet orbit calcul reach beyond orbit jupit closest point sun comet still lie beyond orbit planet earth,comet orion,2009-10-02,723,117,0.1051484230055658,10-02,10,2009,2,3,2,5 39215d6ccc29b0c1ae65f77465d1489dca04e1f12f383f2060d1897a5733b01d,westlak,schedul illumin landscap throughout night tomorrow october bright full moon also call harvest moon traditionally harvest moon full moon closest autumn equinox vacat snapshot full moon could call old moon taken septemb 4 pictur combin regularli occur lunar phase old faith geyser yellowston nation park name depend shine wellknown tower pillar behind moonlight creat eeri halo surround convolut shapes full moon bright enough seen dens swirl steam near top,old moon,2009-10-03,455,69,0.2461538461538462,10-03,10,2009,3,2,1,1 197a7d4bf207d6b2f772feacc3ae2a9e37e52aa47fe0b7879a0de74c631d4e31,none,squar b color are too verifi this click see connected illusion call color illusion illustr pure human observ scienc may ambigu inaccurate even seemingli direct percept rel color similar illus exist sky size moon near horizon appar shape astronom objects advent automated reproducible measur devic ccd made scienc gener astronomi particular less prone to free of humanbias illusions,color illus,2009-10-04,381,58,0.1017857142857142,10-04,10,2009,4,8,1,1 7fad5384668795de9e374828fdd271baf110e707b5d315057f35b57310740b56,none,space shuttl discoveri crew got memor view develop intern space station iss pictur orbit high earth last month numer solar panels trusses scienc modul iss visible discoveri crew brought mission specialist nicol stott iss return astronaut earth among mani mission expedit accomplish discoveri crew includ deliv place fluid integr rack materi scienc research rack destini modul well minu degre laboratori kibo module better known however deliveri treadmil keep astronaut past week soyuz spacecraft carri three astronaut dock iss expedit 21 set begin next shuttl trip iss current schedul 2009 novemb 12,intern space station earth,2009-10-05,599,91,0.0585714285714285,10-05,10,2009,5,8,2,2 b902ee820dd52b80abad72e3b5444be1f9f74d804bc214d75a92f4e09783f694,none,larg majest lagoon nebula home mani young star hot gas span 100 light year across lie 5000 light year distant lagoon nebula big bright seen without telescop toward constel sagittarius mani bright star visibl ngc 6530 open cluster form nebula sever million year ago greater nebula also known m8 ngc 6523 name lagoon band dust seen left open cluster center bright knot ga dust nebula center known hourglass nebula pictur newli released digit stitch panorama m8 taken part gigagalaxi zoom project wide field imag attach mpgeso 22meter telescop la silla observatori chile vista span three time diamet moon highest resolut imag version occupi 350 million pixels star format continu lagoon nebula wit mani globul exist there,lagoon nebula gigagalaxi zoom,2009-10-06,718,116,0.209375,10-06,10,2009,6,4,2,5 af5fd954959478884be8419cbdbbdaa2ccaceb7a3151b50890b2ed1083430816,none,caus smooth floor insid doubl ring basin mercury one sure unusu featur span 160 kilomet imag robot messeng spacecraft swing past solar system innermost planet last week doubl multipl ring basins although rare also imag year past mars venus earth earth moon mercuri sever includ huge calori basin rembrandt basin enigmat raditladi basin larg multipl ring basin planet moon caus initi forc impact singl asteroid comet fragment one interest featur aboveimag doubl ring basin center appear much smoother region rings possibly intern floor smooth later volcan activity also possible however floor smooth melt flow materi upon impact messeng complet last flybi mercuri return attempt enter orbit 2011 march note text apod updated,doubl ring basin mercuri,2009-10-07,723,112,0.1333333333333333,10-07,10,2009,7,0,2,2 d9c8c509f23e87f6a3b2e5473c7690c2eaaf2486cd6d7250e3cecc9b54236664,none,100 kilomet moon south pole 100 kilomet wide crater cabeu target two lcross mission spacecraft cours impact moon tomorrow shadow crater strongli foreshorten mosaic repres view region earthbound telescopes impact intend creat billow debri plume extend sunlight crater walls could reveal sign water first impact mission centaur upper stage rocket ut edt lcross mothership imag impact fli result debri plume analyz materi blast crater floor four minut first impact lcross mothership crash plume expect visibl telescop 10 inch diamet larger time favor moon watcher western north america pacific nasa also plan broadcast live footag lcross mission nasa tv start edt pdt octob 9,target crater,2009-10-08,673,103,0.0766233766233766,10-08,10,2009,8,5,2,2 39ec06c4dd76056de2a487b376da7fa3af1e220347e5ac890672143534d0fa23,mike siniscalchi,lurk behind dust star near plane milki way galaxy ic 10 mere 23 million lightyear distant light dim interven dust irregular dwarf galaxi still show vigor starform region shine telltal reddish glow color skyscape fact also member local group galaxies ic 10 closest known starburst galaxy compar local group galaxies ic 10 larg popul newli form star massiv intrins bright includ lumin xray binari star system thought contain black hole locat within boundari northern constel cassiopeia ic 10 5000 lightyear across,starburst galaxi ic 10,2009-10-09,511,81,0.0133333333333333,10-09,10,2009,9,6,0,3 6688b4bceccb561dd4e1744b3af97507110d618882b187c2b2661fef4ad7bf98,none,midinfrar imag taken last minut lcross flight mission moon small white spot seen within dark shadow lunar crater wall initi flash creat impact spent centaur upper stage rocket travel 15 mile per second centaur rocket hit lunar surfac yesterday ut follow minut later shepherd lcross spacecraft earthbound observatori report captur impacts crash lunar surfac itself lcross spacecraft instrument success record closeup detail rocket stage impact result crater debri cloud come weeks data challeng mission use search sign water lunar materi blast surface,centaur impact flash,2009-10-10,550,82,-0.0222222222222222,10-10,10,2009,10,2,0,2 d141fcc2de8d907add45d2d35ea29b6ed36474dc9396aa2a895a443ae1e0a57e,stéphane guisard,statu easter island built one sure sure 800 larg stone statu exist there easter island statues stand average twice tall person 200 time much mass specif known histori mean unusu statues mani believ creat 500 year ago imag local leader lost civilization pictur above larg stone statu appear ponder distant larg magellan cloud cloudi sky featur bright star canopu sirius,star easter island,2009-10-12,368,60,0.1486111111111111,10-12,10,2009,12,6,1,1 ef1dd73d22cd716001e141b8cc8aeaa497d80a1602bd0fb88aafadeef2a9a02b,none,creat larg dust ring around saturn 200 time radiu saturn 50 time radiu saturn expans e ring newli discov dust ring largest planetari ring yet imaged ring found infrar light earthtrail spitzer space telescope lead hypothesi origin impact materi eject saturn moon orbit right dust ring middle addit possibl dust ring suppli mysteri materi coat part saturn moon iapetus orbit near dust ring inner edge pictur inset part dust ring appear falsecolor orang front numer background stars,giant dust ring discov around saturn,2009-10-13,479,77,0.1571428571428571,10-13,10,2009,13,0,1,2 f58f551988e54a54e4663e36b8481cd772398d8758445d028e5ac1c8aa67e57a,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,ever seen pleiad star cluster perhap famou star cluster sky pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest closest open clusters hurtl cosmic dust cloud mere 400 lightyear away pleiad seven sister star cluster wellknown strike blue reflect nebulae remark widefield 3 degree imag region show famou star cluster near center highlight lesser known dusti reflect nebula nearby across area would span 20 lightyears case sister star cosmic dust cloud related happen pass region space,pleiad stardust,2009-10-14,537,83,-0.0714285714285714,10-14,10,2009,14,6,0,3 74b3c1b61ad9ec50b36b79e36fd66e662623f880281b8207b53dd8c99af299fa,robert,brilliant firebal meteor captur snapshot startl visitor tuesday evening twilight sky citi fact sight meteor bright full moon wide report throughout netherland germani approxim ut accompani sonic boom sounds meteor seen break bright fragments eventu leav persist smokelik trail even though bright firebal meteor planet earth atmospher everi day sight rel rare often occur ocean areas,firebal meteor,2009-10-15,382,56,0.5071428571428572,10-15,10,2009,15,8,1,1 99ef1879e0c0764f1560058a20f46fded7a4cc037204235d4bc57a6142e2e5e5,ken crawford,gorgeou spiral galaxi m33 seem fair share bright emiss nebulae fact narrowband broadband imag data combin beauti detail composit trace reddish emiss nebulae star form hii regions sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward galaxy core histor great interest astronomers m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseri site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat luminous massiv star ioniz surround ga ultim produc characterist red glow span 50000 lightyear promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxy lie 3 million lightyear distant,bright nebula m33,2009-10-17,572,85,0.29375,10-17,10,2009,17,7,1,3 5db089b129117226543fc469ce383b4d423c7692aa4a5def08870c5b61b2139b,nicola dorange,tower pillar cold ga dark dust adorn center star form region sharpless 171 open cluster star form ga cold molecular clouds energet light emit young massiv star boil away opaqu dust region fragment picturesqu pillar remnant ga dust form slowli evaporate energet light also illumin surround hydrogen gas caus glow red emiss nebula pictur activ central region sharpless 171 greater emiss nebula sharpless 171 incorpor ngc 7822 activ region cederblad 214 much imag above area span 20 light years lie 3000 light year away seen telescop toward northern constel king ethiopia cepheus,star pillar sharpless 171,2009-10-18,576,92,0.0633333333333333,10-18,10,2009,18,4,2,5 12403f9999601f63e58a5158fa40001f3d6ba2071abf6f4edcfd17e78b19f137,none,along way robot rover opportun current roll across meridiani plain mar destin endeavour crater larg crater 20 kilomet across may yield addit clue cryptic past ancient mars besid pass open field dark soil light rock opportun chanc upon sever interest features one feature pictur digit stitch horizont compress panorama nereu crater small crater 10 meter across surround jag rock besid opportun recent also happen upon anoth unusu rock one appear third larg meteorit found mar second opportun trip opportun travel toward endeavour crater year now avoid ridg rock soft sand along way may reach endeavour sometim next year,crater mar,2009-10-19,619,98,-0.0303571428571428,10-19,10,2009,19,5,2,2 f4bab35598673a5ee2e01997cae1fbb3e5b45bbcc9ec6757dacbe0244d5a35f9,none,solar promin look like three dimensions help find out nasa launch stereo satellit keep steadi eye sun two differ vantag points stereo satellit orbit sun nearli along earth orbit one dub current lead earth dub current trails three week ago power promin erupt remain sun 30 hours allow stereo satellit get numer view promin differ angles pictur highresolut imag event stereo ahead satellite video promin erupt seen spacecraft found here unusu quiet natur sun past two year made larg promin like rel rare combin perspect stereo help astronom better understand mechan creation evolut prominences coron mass ejections flares,solar promin erupt stereo,2009-10-20,619,98,0.0916666666666666,10-20,10,2009,20,1,2,4 78325250089687a7f8d4df13053080bc8b0c38fb73c2a6b63f79c57d47f768ef,none,who mark mars portion recent highresolut pictur hiris camera board mar reconnaiss orbit show twist dark trail crisscross light color terrain martian surface newli form trail like present research tantal martian mysteri known work miniatur wind vortic known occur red planet martian dust devils spin column rise air heat warm surfac also common dri desert area planet earth typic last minutes dust devil becom visibl pick loos dust leav darker heavier sand beneath mars dust devil 8 kilomet high dust devil credit unexpect mar rover solar panels,martian dust devil trail,2009-10-21,545,87,0.0788888888888889,10-21,10,2009,21,5,0,2 989d29ef11db2fa660014bbf8f3ed54c8f2d9d1aad3fdb850194af5694a05454,stefan seip,last friday gather three bright planet moon grace morn sky mercury venus saturn narrow lunar crescent close eastern horizon dawn twilight pictur beauti conjunct record near germany planet wander apart mercuri sink closer toward rise sun also scan rest sky week abl add jupit mar planet spot list mar rise around midnight jupit shine brightli sunset fact want better view jupit galileo had might check 2009 intern year astronomi activ event next galilean night octob 2224,moon planet morn,2009-10-22,470,76,0.1833333333333333,10-22,10,2009,22,8,1,1 443dbabac76148ce83d212293ea27e8a9fc9625d4cac1953b514a5a07ed1a0e9,jen hackmann,drive along summer evening near small town weikersheim southern germany photograph jen hackmann stop resist point camera telephoto len love conjunct full moon planet jupit loom near steepl local church course 400 year ago galileo resist point newli construct telescop celesti beacon either did found crater mountain lunar surfac discov larg moon jupit known galilean moons jupiter galilean moon visibl photo tini pinprick light near bright planet want see moon jupit better look local 2009 intern year astronomi activ event next galilean night octob 2224,night,2009-10-23,554,85,0.1923076923076923,10-23,10,2009,23,2,1,1 ecb2a77c217cd45c1e1f2c0f97c91d26d00302bd3cabff72f9011f24d049f0d7,wolfgang,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth effect enhanc deep imag galaxi lie beyond gorgeou island universe background galaxi one tenth appar size ngc 7331 lie roughli ten time farther away strikingli close align sky ngc 7331 occur chance visual group galaxi also known deer lick group,ngc 7331 beyond,2009-10-24,569,90,0.0354166666666666,10-24,10,2009,24,7,0,3 505c81a39d46d4c6dc40abb60bc5bb30a82159d8449c0d3205de30502bf9272e,none,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion image taken hubbl space telescope present three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second,m1 crab nebula hubbl,2009-10-25,396,61,-0.0341666666666666,10-25,10,2009,25,4,0,5 a524dfd9d535953e647230e7a3b322c04b30f958d0ed4755bfb644ecc3934886,richard,you too zoo galaxi zoo project enabl citizen scientist peopl like arm web sort universe specifically brief train volunt ask use superior imageprocess power mind classifi measur properti galaxi vast sloan digit sky survey two short year million galaxi alreadi inspect thousand enthusiast use galaxi zoo data example univers discov creat prefer spin direction unusu object found still investigated whole class small galaxi dub green uncov star format occur extraordinarili high rate further galaxi zoo may set new type scientif web help focu coordin human machin intelligence pictur above group vibrant merger found demonstr divers natur mani interact galaxi universe,galaxi zoo catalog univers,2009-10-26,666,100,0.0702331002331002,10-26,10,2009,26,7,2,4 276a33b858c2b7c253df5ea5b8c1c7cc1711af26801bbec1151492390fec56ad,daniel marquardt,cosmic brush stroke glow hydrogen gas beauti skyscap unfold across plane milki way galaxi center northern constel cygnu swan record premier remot observatori site southern france imag span 6 degrees bright supergi star gamma cygni near imag center lie foreground complex ga dust cloud crowd star fields left gamma cygni shape like two lumin wing divid long dark dust lane ic 1318 whose popular name understand butterfli nebula compact bright nebula lower right ngc 6888 crescent nebula distanc estim gamma cygni place around 750 lightyear estim ic 1318 ngc 6888 rang 2000 5000 lightyears,central cygnu skyscap,2009-10-27,587,94,0.1404761904761905,10-27,10,2009,27,4,2,5 fff997393baeb990c6001e6b6e324698ce6a02d08e70db0960a22b6c96619865,none,could see back begin universe sinc take age univers light cross universe peer distant objects therefore tell us univers use be even near beginning sinc telescop therefor also time observ distant cluster used example investig huge galaxi conglomer formed previously redshift record galaxi cluster 15 correspond nine billion light year distant recently use data includ xray imag orbit chandra xray observatory new farthest cluster identified shown above jkcs041 seen redshift correspond nearli one billion light year farther previou record holder hot xray ga confirm appar galaxi group true cluster galaxi shown diffus blue superpos optic imag show mani foreground stars jkcs041 seen today appear one quarter present age universe,farthest galaxi cluster yet measur,2009-10-28,728,109,0.1094276094276094,10-28,10,2009,28,7,2,4 0d9d84248b9802ca3cf56a7e7404eb155d75264b3b00e2c1e82d854d685f48e1,manel soria,unusu triangl light visibl time year dawn northern hemisphere consid fals dawn triangl light actual zodiac light light reflect interplanetari dust particles bright reflect triangl clearli visibl right imag taken laguna verd near chile late july band milki way galaxi left mirror zodiac band zodiac dust orbit sun predominantli plane planets ecliptic zodiac light bright north time year dust band orient nearli vertic sunrise thick air near horizon block rel bright reflect dust zodiac light also bright peopl earth northern hemispher march april sunset southern hemisphere zodiac light notabl sunset late summer brightest sunris late spring,zodiac light laguna,2009-10-29,640,96,0.2326530612244898,10-29,10,2009,29,6,2,1 a7e5da5cbfa1ae9d9f20edae9f8a80adcd96373e10dddb312268159cd67f3462,toni halla,eye cosmic composit nice balanc bubbl nebula upper right open star cluster m52 pair would lopsid scales though embed complex interstellar dust ga blown wind single massiv otyp star bubbl nebula aka ngc mere 10 lightyear wide hand m52 rich open cluster around thousand stars cluster 25 lightyear across seen toward northern boundari cassiopeia distanc estim bubbl nebula associ cloud complex around 11000 lightyears star cluster m52 lie nearli 5000 lightyear away,bubbl m52,2009-10-30,462,72,-0.0009740259740259,10-30,10,2009,30,4,0,3 e3d06c5b9b54e0e8fb94a020f633d4f2c1d86457a2a1feb48a9c3e37aa2b6d0d,none,color universe precisely entir sky smear out color would final mix be whimsic question came tri determin star commonplac nearbi galaxies answer depict above condit perceiv shade beige determin this astronom comput averag light emit one largest sampl galaxi yet analyzed 200000 galaxi 2df survey result cosmic spectrum emiss part electromagnet spectrum singl perceiv composit color color becom much less blue past 10 billion years indic redder star becom prevalent contest better name color notabl entri includ skyvory univeige winner cosmic latte,averag color univers,2009-11-01,546,82,0.1104166666666666,11-01,11,2009,1,6,1,4 d29c99e233e38ffc6e2faed5568cb97be223e09280a43f89d28641bee904042e,a space,last week nasa test fire new rocket are 1x first rocket launch kennedi space center sinc saturn launch human earth orbit moon 1960 1970s nasa test are prelud replac age space shuttl fleet tremend thrust are 1x bring massiv rocket stand start vertic speed 100 kilomet per hour eight seconds test rocket launch last week longer footbal field cover 700 sensor record data enabl engin detail futur are rockets pictur above are 1x blast space top part rocket becom engulf shock water droplet like creat sudden drop air pressure,are rocket lift,2009-11-02,522,89,0.0873737373737373,11-02,11,2009,2,8,0,2 2cdd3afa2c43d24af23ca30e483c0a4550780afe1f75dc2e218466bd6830773c,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,upper right dress blue pleiades also known seven sister m45 pleiad one brightest easili visibl open cluster sky pleiad contain 3000 stars 400 light year away 13 light year across surround star spectacular blue reflect nebula made fine dust common legend one brighter star fade sinc cluster named lower left shine red california nebula name shape california nebula much dimmer henc harder see pleiades also known ngc 1499 mass red glow hydrogen ga 1500 light year away although 25 full moon could fit them wide angle deep field imag composit captur both,seven sister versu california,2009-11-03,552,92,0.1476190476190476,11-03,11,2009,3,4,1,5 83cd76e5897a3bd5bce24d8cf4acf9209c66c119be51e3976f58b067b244580a,alan friedmanavert imagination,sun may look like soft fluffy not sun extrem larg ball bubbl hot gas mostli hydrogen gas pictur sun taken last month specif red color light emit hydrogen ga call hydrogenalpha color invert appear blue light detail sun chromospher particularli visible highlight numer thin tube hot ga known spicul rise sun like shag carpet sun glow hot fire fire rapid acquisit oxygen littl oxygen sun energi sourc sun nuclear fusion hydrogen helium deep within core sunspot larg activ region visibl sun day although solar promin visibl around edges,blue sun,2009-11-04,532,88,0.0875,11-04,11,2009,4,1,0,5 221b90b7d06ef290347af2b3440a47a21ddd1a92985cf9a0c295a67aa3c53c5a,miguel claro,illumin landscap night novemb 2nd week bright full moon known northern hemispher hunter moon dramat view shine lunar orb portugal captur night earlier halloween spirit season imag play littl trick pictur actual two digit photo one short one long exposure combin bring detail bright lunar surfac fainter featur dark surround clouds singl image course may recogn shape cloud visit neighborhood last week along halloween moon,moon,2009-11-05,423,65,0.155,11-05,11,2009,5,2,1,1 839da311fef085949e8a6926694a725ba6805a58e7ee2c044e033be495645dc3,vicent lui,familiar sight sky enthusiast even small telescope ring nebula m57 2000 lightyear away music constel lyra central ring one lightyear across remark deep exposur collabor effort combin data three differ telescop explor loop filament glow ga extend much farther nebula central star course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star remark composit imag includ narrowband imag data record ring atom hydrogen emiss shown visibl light molecular hydrogen emiss shown red near infrar wavelengths much distant spiral galaxi ic 1296 also visibl upper right,ring nebula deep field,2009-11-06,629,94,0.0842261904761904,11-06,11,2009,6,4,2,5 ea4564ad9501ac0f6cb4cf099cfe3983170c3d7f9add2dcc19670a61f079014b,none,stickney crater largest crater martian moon phobos name chloe angelin stickney hall mathematician wife astronom asaph hall asaph hall discov red planet moon 1877 9 kilomet across stickney nearli half diamet phobo itself larg impact blast crater like came close shatter tini moon stunning enhancedcolor imag stickney surround record hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit pass within six thousand kilomet phobo march 2008 even though surfac graviti asteroidlik phobo less 11000th earth gravity streak suggest loos materi slid insid crater wall time light bluish region near crater rim could indic rel freshli expos surface origin curiou groov along surfac mysteri may relat craterform impact,stickney crater,2009-11-07,693,104,0.1111111111111111,11-07,11,2009,7,5,2,4 d57fb16677e4fd84df741e239aa7c9b48ad95b29cc2330e811de7b226bd61f4f,none,star form galaxi collide help find out astronom imag nearbi galaxi merger ngc 2623 high resolut hubbl space telescop 2007 analysi hubbl imag imag ngc 2623 infrar light spitzer space telescope xray light xmmnewton ultraviolet light galex indic two origin spiral galaxi appear greatli convolv core unifi one activ galact nucleu agn star format continu around core near imag center along stretch tidal tail visibl either side perhap surprisingly offnuclear region upper left cluster bright blue star appear galaxi collis take hundr million year take sever gravit destruct passes ngc 2623 also known arp 243 span 50000 light year lie 250 million light year away toward constel crab cancer reconstruct origin galaxi galaxi merger happen often challenging sometim impossible gener import understand univers evolved,ngc 2623 galaxi hubbl,2009-11-09,808,124,0.2262222222222222,11-09,11,2009,9,7,2,3 346e97441f9b60d8f39fc06ee48ea8c021e2302fa8a52703cadc4438a4c891d3,none,side saturn ring plane directli illumin sun previou 15 years southern side saturn ring directli illuminated sinc saturn equinox august orient reversed pictur last month robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn captur giant planet majest ring soon equinox imag nearli behind saturn moon tethi show crescent phase cassini visibl earth ring continu point nearli toward sun thin shadow saturn ring visibl across center planet close inspect saturn rings however show superpos bright featur identifi spoke thought group small electr charg ice particles understand natur dynam spoke fulli understood remain topic research,saturn equinox,2009-11-10,611,90,-0.0562499999999999,11-10,11,2009,10,0,0,2 0652f268ebc8c3dafc48d43fea8e8ae596a315415571681b1e5111f2c4ba65e0,none,telescop take you four hundr year ago telescop took galileo moon discov craters saturn discov rings jupit discov moons venu discov phases sun discov spots today celebr galileo telescop achiev part intern year astronomy nasa use entir fleet great observatories internet bring center galaxi you pictur above greater detail color ever seen before combin imag hubbl space telescop nearinfrar light spitzer space telescop infrar light chandra xray observatori xray light menageri vast star field visible along dens star clusters long filament ga dust expand supernova remnants energet surround like galaxy central black hole mani featur label complementari annot image course telescope magnif lightgath abil creat imag human could see visit places actual go requir rockets,great galact center,2009-11-11,767,115,0.1679487179487179,11-11,11,2009,11,8,2,4 dfd6b5a2394776890a538937ec05ef16832cc456cdd4bb36d37d5208352eb9be,joseph brimacomb,beauti telescop skyscap featur spiral galaxi ngc 918 island univers 50000 lightyear across lie 60 million lightyear away toward constel aries artist presentation imag show spiki foreground star milki way galaxi convolut dust cloud hang hundr lightyear galact plane dimli reflect starlight also captur ngc cosmic moment import astrophysicist planet earth light supernova absent previou images indic two line left galaxy center supernova death explos massiv star within plane galaxi ngc 918 discov octob supernova search team japan us,scienc ngc,2009-11-12,532,79,0.1,11-12,11,2009,12,7,0,3 8a3ecd9b1772adab50a5b74a199483c1e42870a883b68344ffba1ceb95c43ab6,none,cosmic dust cloud embed newborn star glow infrar wavelength tantal falsecolor view spitzer space telescope pictur one closest star form regions part rho ophiuchi cloud complex 400 lightyear distant near southern edg pronounc constel ophiuchus view span 5 lightyear estim distance form along larg cloud cold molecular hydrogen gas newborn star heat surround dust produc infrar glow explor region penetr infrar light detect 300 emerg newli form star whose averag age estim mere 300000 year extrem young compar sun age 5 billion years,young star rho ophiuchi cloud,2009-11-13,532,83,-0.1125,11-13,11,2009,13,4,0,5 1ded83edbc3370d2f91ba5791668b684b77bc68bfc722d5f57c04c98e3e73d99,none,look like ring sky hundr year ago astronom notic nebula unusu shape known m57 ngc 6720 ga cloud becam popularli known ring nebula known planetari nebula ga cloud emit end sunlik star existence one brightest planetari nebula sky ring nebula seen small telescop constel lyra ring nebula lie 4000 light year away roughli 500 time diamet solar system pictur hubbl space telescop 1998 dust filament globul visibl far central star help indic ring nebula spherical cylindrical,m57 ring nebula,2009-11-15,469,76,0.0625,11-15,11,2009,15,4,0,5 d6bdcc086411919e8c7d4c912dadc0481acb6e120135f032e2e647428a86fb3a,none,what happen center spiral galaxi m83 everything look it m83 one closest spiral galaxi milki way galaxi distanc 15 million lightyears appear rel normal zoom m83 nucleu latest telescopes however show center energet busi place visibl imag newli instal wide field camera 3 point recent refurbish hubbl space telescop bright newli form star giant lane dark dust imag similar perspect chandra xray observatori show region also rich hot ga small bright sources remnant 60 supernova blast found image,center hubbl,2009-11-16,494,78,0.1410714285714286,11-16,11,2009,16,7,1,3 8b016119a4b95268b08419e3304ea5b00af64a5df258f7b6859e2daeda6bdc36,mark a,dawn bring anoth might ponder one day futur human live planet orbit cataclysm variabl binari star system cataclysm variabl involv ga fall larg star onto accret disk surround massiv compact white dwarf star explos cataclysm event dwarf nova occur clump ga interior accret disk heat past certain temperature point clump fall quickli onto white dwarf land bright flash dwarf nova destroy either star may occur irregularli time scale day ten years although nova much less energet supernova recurr nova violent enough expel ga fall in mass accumul onto white dwarf star pass chandrasekhar limit point foreground cave may provid littl entir white dwarf star explod tremend supernova,dawn nova,2009-11-17,676,107,-0.0261440940012368,11-17,11,2009,17,6,2,4 fdd191cbfaf43d78ebe7c7f9400e0fb040058f3424913ec3bd761a17d8ec439c,none,water moon last month lcross mission crash larg impactor perman shadow crater near moon south pole plume dust rose visibl satellite although hard discern earth plume shown visibl light last week result preliminari chemic analysi gave clear indic dust plume contain water water import understand histori moon possibl reservoir futur astronaut tri live moon long periods sourc lunar water topic debate possibl origin includ mani small meteorites comet primordi moon soil,water discov moon shadow,2009-11-18,468,71,0.0744696969696969,11-18,11,2009,18,2,0,2 f327be1a0734aa3d68cb4549c0964fbb8195e43fd71067bf490ec3c9eba7e55d,toni rowel,eri spire rock rise shore mono lake foreground earli morn skyscape salty lake locat california eastern sierra nevada mountain rang spindli rock format natur form limeston tower call scene record near peak annual leonid meteor shower now novemb 17th meteor trail frigid predawn sky arcturu brightest star right meteor streak constel leo shower radiant point lie well field view report year leonid suggest peak activ briefli exceed 120 meteor per hour rate typic much lower mani locations,leonid mono lake,2009-11-19,486,77,-0.0785714285714285,11-19,11,2009,19,8,0,1 6f7f5956f31683d041f18bca4aeacb888360eda28bfc79101fb62f9cb90f19bb,victor van,bright meteor streak dark night sky south africa novemb 15 potenti part annual leonid meteor shower sudden brilliant appearance liken camera flash captur chanc pass two clouds course two cloud also visibl eye dark southern sky larg small magellan cloud satellit galaxi milki way year leonid meteor shower peak novemb 17 earth pass stream dust period comet tempeltuttle,meteor cloud,2009-11-20,370,58,0.15,11-20,11,2009,20,6,1,1 8696dcbdde45ae2bf42ff31ccaf7fb855d19709f2accb806d5a03791511656f3,star shadow remoteobservatori,shini ngc 253 galaxy one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest call silver dollar galaxi appear small telescopes sculptor galaxi locat within boundari southern constel sculptor first swept 1783 mathematician astronom carolin herschel dusti island univers lie mere 10 million lightyear away 70 thousand lightyear across ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest local group galaxies addit spiral dust lanes strike tendril dust seem rise galact disk lace young star cluster star form region process color image high dust content accompani frantic star formation give ngc 253 design starburst galaxy ngc 253 also known strong sourc highenergi xray gamma rays like due massiv black hole near galaxy center,ngc 253 dusti island univers,2009-11-21,726,110,-0.0081944444444444,11-21,11,2009,21,7,2,3 0854aefdf5f452e861c22a3e72229aed3d9767c8475babbccad034074be28025,none,what happen surfac saturn moon enceladus enorm ice jet erupting giant plume ice photograph dramat fashion robot cassini spacecraft past weekend flybi saturn moon enceladus pictur above numer plume seen rise long canyon across enceladus craggi surface sever ice jet even visibl shadow region crescent enceladu reach high enough scatter sunlight plumes near top image appear visibl moon sunlit edge enceladu vent fountain ice first discov cassini imag 2005 close studi ever since continu studi ice plume may yield clue whether underground oceans candid contain life exist distant ice world,cassini flybi show enceladu,2009-11-24,587,90,0.11,11-24,11,2009,24,0,2,1 3e6a626187960cfcf33e244a5c72b297dc664dfbde130164aa43eee8cb7a7367,axel,could go far away earth look around entir sky would see goal allski milki way panorama project present digit compil 3000 imag highest resolut digit panorama entir night sky yet created interact zoom version featur 500 million pixels found here everi fix astronom object visibl unaid eye imaged includ everi constellation everi nebula everi star cluster moreover million individu star also visible milki way galaxy mani thousand time fainter human see dark filament dust lace central band milki way galaxy visibl across imag center satellit galaxi larg small magellan cloud visibl lower right first time dr embark result first allski milki way panorama project taken use photograph film visibl here,allski milki way panorama,2009-11-25,698,110,0.0385714285714285,11-25,11,2009,25,6,2,4 4521be8cc3ae68e59f0bfdf98bfb1ea88fb091d131939acc349f89eff1b4de90,tvdavisastropixcom,interstellar dust cloud glow nebula abound fertil constel orion one brightest m78 center colorful wide field view cover area north orion belt distanc 1500 lightyears bluish reflect nebula around 5 lightyear across tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young stars reflect nebula ngc 2071 left m78 right m78 much compact appearance intrigu mcneil nebula recent recogn variabl nebula associ format sunlik star remark deep exposur also bring region faint pervas reddish glow atom hydrogen gas,m78 wide field,2009-11-26,499,77,0.0507653061224489,11-26,11,2009,26,4,0,5 03b5242d27ad9271c6c442369bf57b16a2d33764f68748e3ebadcc1323a56eca,robert gendler,gmatic spiral galaxi ngc 1097 lie 45 million lightyear away southern constel fornax small companion galaxy left center seem wrap spiral arms ngc 1097 peculiar featur though instead deep exposur show hint faint mysteri jets easili seen extend well beyond bright arm toward lower right fact four faint jet ultim recogn optic imag ngc 1097 jet trace x center galaxy nucleus could fossil trail left captur much smaller galaxi larg spiral ancient past seyfert galaxy ngc 1097 nucleu also harbor massiv black hole,jet ngc 1097,2009-11-27,507,83,-0.0629251700680272,11-27,11,2009,27,7,0,3 9a198eab98b5b0cd53947695ddd96047913e20d7e6e09c8d77d72a5f89e9b1c1,jia hao,myth atla hold heavens moonlit peak himalayan annapurna rang appear sky seen nepal left right three main peak annapurna south meters meters cours mountain move stars earth rotat axi caus concentr star trail record time exposure posit annapurna south north celesti pole easili identifi point center star trail arcs star polaris also known north star made short bright arc closest north celesti pole,star trail,2009-11-28,397,63,0.1753968253968254,11-28,11,2009,28,6,1,1 f7fa2425d82141521b236e512fbdedd8696ec3f6fa3f468cd556da75d7ccefc0,none,pictur mar earth oddli enough pictur mars may appear terrestri coastlin fact format ancient layer hill windblown sand mars abovepictur region span three kilomet schiaparelli crater creat layer sediment still topic research viabl hypothes includ ancient epoch deposit either run water windblown sand wind sandstorm smooth erod structur recently water appear near bottom actual dark color sand imag taken mar global surveyor spacecraft oper around mar return 200000 images,ancient layer hill mar,2009-11-29,470,69,0.0499999999999999,11-29,11,2009,29,5,0,2 df3b314d542c06593ceb7cc008000900dbe610af047ebb67ed92952310731edd,none,one breathtak view intern space station sun crescent earth long arm solar panel visibl outsid window space shuttl atlanti visit orbit outpost last week reflect window hexagon len flare camera superposed space shuttl land friday success 10 day mission expand resuppli iss number space shuttl mission return astronaut nicol stott earth stay iss flight engin expedit 20 21 crews,bright sun crescent earth space station,2009-11-30,375,59,0.0833333333333333,11-30,11,2009,30,8,0,2 f692f3dba52ef79df0474612c94529f6548ea660018684e4bf2d15cee5ab1bc5,daniel lopezobservatorio delteide,wisp like remain visibl milki way star 7500 year ago star explod supernova leav veil nebula also known cygnu loop time expand cloud like bright crescent moon remain visibl week peopl live dawn record history today result supernova remnant fade visibl small telescop direct toward constel swan cygnus remain veil nebula physic huge however even though lie 1400 lightyear distant cover five time size full moon imag complet veil nebula studiou reader abl identifi filament lower left imag mosaic 25meter isaac newton telescop roqu de lo muchacho observatori canari islands new mirror apod avail arab algeria,ngc 6992 filament veil nebula,2009-12-01,605,96,0.1636363636363636,12-01,12,2009,1,4,2,4 16b33bb27013a93efec5389a2d8debef5f414f611c0871869de15519b88d64e1,john ebersol,creat cosmic dust sculptur rosett nebula note common beauti overal shape part rosett nebula also known ngc 2237 show beauti even view close visibl globul dark dust ga slowli erod away energet light wind nearbi massiv stars left alon long enough molecularcloud globul would like form star planets imag taken specif color sulfur shade red hydrogen green oxygen blue rosett nebula span 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel unicorn monoceros new mirror apod avail arab algeria,dust sculptur rosett nebula,2009-12-02,514,82,-0.0376033057851239,12-02,12,2009,2,4,0,5 83c2dfac06eb2709557b344b4215d4230f1931ee273c62f32589ec1965708a35,neil fleme,love starfield heroic northern constel perseu hold famou pair open galact star clusters h chi persei also catalog ngc 869 right ngc 884 cluster 7000 lightyear away contain star much younger hotter sun separ hundr lightyears clusters age base individu star similar evid like product starform region alway reward sight binoculars doubl cluster even visibl unaid eye dark locations star color and spikes enhanc beautiful wide field telescop image,doubl cluster,2009-12-04,444,69,0.1285714285714285,12-04,12,2009,4,6,1,3 9c0da3a2d763cc4528a97d8b5ecd01843bf6419b3c71a25e3cfdacfcf3984fc8,babaktafreshi,capella alpha star constel auriga rise mt everest panoram view top world night scene record late novemb near nepal himalayan mountain range moonlight illumin famou peak everest meters meters far left stupa a religi foreground along main trail everest base camp light valley monastery also along trail 4000 meters left right moonlit peaks star auriga give way bright giant star aldebaran eye tauru bull pleiad star cluster alpha final alpha phoenix peak star identifi place cursor image,himalayan skyscap,2009-12-05,485,77,0.0886446886446886,12-05,12,2009,5,6,0,1 41a4eb8e25cb806b88c3927f453c7e5162c74b3bd4ea8b7a15bae784a789890e,robert h mcnaught,comet mcnaught great comet 2007 brightest comet last 40 years spectacular tail spread across sky breathtak behold dark locat mani southern hemispher observers head comet remain quit bright easili visibl even citi observ without optic aide part spectacular tail visibl horizon sunset mani northern observ well comet c2006 p1 reach estim peak bright magnitud minu caught comet discover imag soon sunset 2007 januari side spring observatori australia robot ulyss spacecraft fortuit flew comet mcnaught tail found unexpectedly speed solar wind drop significantly,magnific tail comet mcnaught,2009-12-06,558,82,0.3725,12-06,12,2009,6,3,1,1 03ad5af7136f49546409530227d5f69c15b36ff34eff0cfaa26da55fc4cf82fe,none,home week ago crew space shuttl atlanti undock intern space station iss return earth shuttl depart space station took image visibl iss numer modules trusses long winglik solar panels space shuttl crew spent almost 12 day call space station home shuttl crew resuppli space station deliv valuabl spare parts iss continu home five astronaut expedit 21 iss crew includ astronaut repres nasa european space agency russian feder space agency canadian space agency new mirror apod avail again portugues brazil,intern space station horizon,2009-12-07,502,79,-0.0027272727272727,12-07,12,2009,7,8,0,2 3da4a4ebdddca4e58ef0b73b5bbc95d881bf11094f210ba0eef3a5efe2eaa306,none,process form unusu surfac saturn moon tethys help find out nasa sent robot cassini spacecraft right past enigmat ice moon 2005 pictur one highest resolut imag entir face tethi yet created pervas white color tethi thought creat fresh ice particl continu fall onto moon saturn diffus er particl expel saturn moon enceladus unusu crater pattern tethi remain less well understood however close inspect imag tethys south pole reveal great rift run diagon ithaca lead theori creation great canyon anchor tremend surfac crack like occur tethys intern ocean froze so tethi may harbor intern oceans possibl similar underground ocean hypothes exist surfac enceladu today might ancient life frozen there new mirror apod avail again portugues brazil,ice moon tethi cassini,2009-12-08,738,115,0.2117123617123616,12-08,12,2009,8,0,2,4 3ea07da6af4d8efebc4446e276381d07dece9dd772cb968dff40597e50a77a4f,none,galaxi form help find out deepest nearinfrar imag sky ever taken field hubbl ultra deep field hudf 2004 new imag taken summer newli instal wide field camera 3 refurbish hubbl space telescope faint red smudg identifi imag like redshift 8 distance galaxi therefor like exist univers percent present age may well member first class galaxies larg modern galaxi make color foreground distant galaxies analys team indic least earli galaxi littl interstellar dust earli class low luminos galaxi like contain energet star emit light transform much remain normal matter univers cold ga hot ioniz plasma,dawn galaxi,2009-12-09,593,94,-0.0008522727272727,12-09,12,2009,9,7,2,3 de93b3eaf45ee491d70e766cd8bb23235be3629ff3fad38cf50c2a3627a27af8,goldman,color cosmic portrait featur glow ga obscur dust cloud ic 1795 star form region northern constel cassiopeia nebula color creat adopt hubbl falsecolor palett map narrow emiss oxygen hydrogen sulfur atom blue green red colors blend data imag region record broadband filters far sky famou doubl star cluster perseus ic 1795 locat next ic 1805 heart nebula part complex star form region lie edg larg molecular cloud locat 6000 lightyear away larger star form complex sprawl along perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy distance pictur would span 70 lightyear across ic 1795,color ic 1795,2009-12-10,565,92,-0.1,12-10,12,2009,10,4,0,5 929fc14d60bfe5696e2704b0f92d9d29d89e2f9e79eac00d0b4e898e0959434a,walli pacholka,geminid expect put good show year creat planet earth sweep dusti debri extinct comet phaethon annual geminid meteor shower predict peak decemb 14th around ut better view northern hemispher observers pictur geminid streak night could includ winteri like imag 2007 geminid meteor butt monument valley region southwestern us meteor streak point back constel gemini shower radiant point upper left edg scene along rigel sword belt star orion upper right near eastern horizon bright star procyon left sirius two butt far left known mitten clearli remind want watch meteor shower cold decemb night wear mitten would good idea,geminid meteor monument valley,2009-12-12,620,97,0.139047619047619,12-12,12,2009,12,6,2,1 47074318bc421f98a0ae285214dae66650ce4a1709a00ab343ff55ad84164b23,none,glide silent outer solar system voyag 2 spacecraft camera captur neptun triton togeth crescent phase 1989 pictur ga giant planet cloudi moon taken behind closest approach could taken earth neptun never show crescent phase sunward earth unusu vantag point also rob neptun familiar blue hue sunlight seen scatter forward redden like set sun neptun smaller massiv uranus sever dark rings emit light receiv sun new mirror apod avail romanian romania,crescent neptun triton,2009-12-13,445,70,0.0401515151515151,12-13,12,2009,13,1,0,1 3e28b1ecfb64f87a859decf3beec699b54b87acc56b11c46fbb420c29578c390,none,believ not north pole saturn unclear unusu hexagon cloud system surround saturn north pole created keep shape long last origin discov voyag flybi saturn 1980s nobodi ever seen anyth like elsewher solar system although infrar glow visibl previous cassini spacecraft orbit saturn past year mysteri hexagon vortex becam fulli illumin sunlight first time cassini visit sinc then cassini imag rotat hexagon visibl light enough time creat timelaps movie pole center well imag excluded movi show mani unexpect cloud motions wave eman corner hexagon planetari scientist sure continu studi unusu cloud format quit time new mirror apod avail romanian romania,hexagon come light,2009-12-14,648,99,0.0719696969696969,12-14,12,2009,14,0,2,4 29db76af96ef069028502d4c68d06af65f90e6b11914eb5cc0e2ffc85e289399,wah,star appear dimmer nearer horizon ye atmospher air absorb light greater one fainter object appear pictur multifram image stars planet jupiter even moon show effect earth atmosphere imag taken even three week ago hong kong china brightest streak near center set moon intermitt thin cloud sometim dispers moonlight larger halo jupit set moon right dim cut across imag horizont caus pass airplanes bright strang streak hous helicopt take off astut observ also notic faint ray eman near horizon caus unknown may crepuscular ray caus sun shine gap thick clouds new mirror apod avail romanian romania,fade moonset hong kong,2009-12-15,595,95,0.0658627087198515,12-15,12,2009,15,2,2,1 8d63ca10d4836c981a5a4a742bf088d84ad51fed806a7b0277574d1461dcef97,doug zubenel,1996 unexpectedli bright comet pass planet earth discov less two month before comet hyakutak came within 110th earthsun distanc earth late march time comet hyakutake dub great comet 1996 becam brightest comet grace sky earth 20 years previou visit comet hyakutak may well seen stone age 17000 year ago possibl among first human live tent well caves pictur near closest approach appear 1996 march 26 long ion dust tail comet hyakutak visibl flow left front distant star field includ big littl far left blue ion tail appear recent undergon magnet disconnect event far right comet greentint coma obscur dens nucleu melt dirti ice estim 5 kilomet across month later comet hyakutak began long trek back outer solar system gravit deflect massiv planets comet hyakutak expect back 100000 years new mirror apod avail romanian romania,comet hyakutak pass earth,2009-12-16,825,134,0.0767406204906205,12-16,12,2009,16,3,2,1 f333b5c4d34d582bfe85ed0acf4e4cb054f6db8384262305d028816eb547d336,walli pacholka,bright firebal meteor lit mojav desert sky monday morning part year impress geminid meteor shower seen toward southwest rock format near california familiar celesti background momentarili wash meteor flash background includ bright star siriu left aldebaran pleaid star cluster right side image meteor blaze constel orion greenish trail begin left yellowtint betelgeus point back shower radiant gemini top frame reward catch photograph walli pacholka spectacular imag one 1500 frame report captur mostli faint geminid meteors,desert firebal,2009-12-17,524,75,0.2509740259740259,12-17,12,2009,17,6,1,1 845788ed34261a24df1b8a8e3056973b416bb8737b067ada7e59c894aaee2c78,phil hart,least 34 meteor includ composit imag rain australian sky annual geminid meteor shower dust particl strung along orbit extinct comet phaethon vapor plow planet earth atmospher caus impress display although particl travel parallel other result streak clearli seem radiat singl point sky near gemini twin star castor pollux lower right radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance taken period 2 hour morn decemb 14 short exposur record individu meteor streak combin singl long exposur show background stars siriu top constel orion left faint star nebula milki way track center frame near radiant point extra star gemini actual flash meteor seen almost headon,southern geminid,2009-12-18,681,104,-0.0341269841269841,12-18,12,2009,18,6,2,1 14d6b9b5f0b368bbf2af9defaec032c8ee34ff0acf91fa38012cd305126f37d5,tunç tezel,went outsid exactli time everi day took pictur includ sun would sun appear move great plan effort seri imag taken figure8 path sun follow cours year call analemma come tuesday winter solstic day earth northern hemisphere sun bottom analemma analemma creat differ latitud would appear least slightli different well analemma creat differ time day even greater plan effort seri includ total eclips sun one images pictur total solar eclips analemma tutulemma term coin photograph base turkish word eclipse composit imag sequenc record turkey start 2005 base imag sequenc total phase solar eclips view side turkey 2006 march 29 venu also visibl totality toward lower right,tutulemma solar eclips analemma,2009-12-20,668,105,-0.0314285714285714,12-20,12,2009,20,1,2,4 4296a5ae1043c2c4ff586d74eabafe8becf8bf8fde47bb6abecfa82d20760414,none,center starform region 30 doradu lie huge cluster largest hottest massiv star known stars known collect star cluster r136 captur visibl light newli instal wide field camera peer though recent refurbish hubbl space telescope ga dust cloud 30 doradus also known tarantula nebula sculpt elong shape power wind ultraviolet radiat hot cluster stars 30 doradu nebula lie within neighbor galaxi known larg magellan cloud locat mere 170000 lightyear away note apod editor review great space imag 2010 jan 14 houghton michigan,star cluster r136 burst,2009-12-21,517,81,0.14375,12-21,12,2009,21,4,1,5 df6fcaf531f634022f3c2d512f28eb128cc89d84e310c5dd213d841f77bdd8ed,none,planet form help find out hubbl space telescop task take detail look one interest astronom nebulae great nebula orion orion nebula visibl unaid eye near belt constel orion immens nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas inset mosaic show numer proplyds mani stellar nurseri like harbor planetari system formation proplyd glow close disk surround bright star light up proplyd contain disk host star contain cooler dust henc appear dark silhouett brighter gas studi dust particular give insight planet forming mani imag also show arc shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula lie 1500 light year distant locat spiral arm galaxi sun,planetari system form orion,2009-12-22,671,106,0.2242424242424242,12-22,12,2009,22,4,2,5 52880dc619c60c89ed4219597e05707b210a66a17aac337140b4792559f07343,anthoni ayiomam,sun move target annual motion planet earth sky track north south solstic solstice season change decemb 21st solstic mark first day winter northern hemispher summer south sun rose southernmost point along eastern horizon earlier month look toward aegean sea wellchosen vantag point cape sounion greece also rose dramat scene foreground lie twentyfour hundr year old templ poseidon,decemb sunrise cape sounion,2009-12-23,379,57,0.2583333333333333,12-23,12,2009,23,1,1,1 2336511af4815a908025b284b42c5eea5fe7a1def3d61ecf47bd904155174c8b,noelcarboni,gamma shine high northern autumn even skies brightest spiki star rich color milki way starfield bluish gamma ca mark central peak wshape constel cassiopeia hot variable rapidli rotat star 600 lightyear distant gamma ca also ioniz surround interstellar material includ wispi ic 63 left ic 59 emiss reflect nebulae two faint nebula physic close gamma cas separ star lightyears wellcomposed widefield view region span almost 2 degre sky,gamma ca friend,2009-12-24,433,68,0.0264285714285714,12-24,12,2009,24,6,0,5 918f2f680e1d064bf8173245232b98a86b76cf3d7e5fc0322c1c1f148d4e09bd,toni halla,grace arc milki way begin end two mountain peak night sky panorama view creat 24 frame mosaic exposur track earth sky separately final composition northern california mount lassen posit left mount shasta far right star dust cloud galact center lassen shasta volcano cascad mountain rang north america arc volcan pacif ring fire dim snowcap peaks planet earth seem echo subtl glow milki way faint unresolv starlight,arc,2009-12-25,414,66,-0.0163265306122449,12-25,12,2009,25,6,0,1 0567337c80649b240a22cee02946f720a66a13afe78b99e77374effa7adef92a,none,51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 60000 lightyear across m51 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi top ngc 5195 imag data hubble advanc camera survey reprocess produc altern portrait wellknown interact galaxi pair process sharpen detail enhanc color contrast otherwis faint areas bring dust lane extend stream cross small companion along featur surround core m51 itself pair 31 million lightyear distant far sky handl big dipper offici lie within boundari small constel cane venatici,m51 hubbl remix,2009-12-26,598,91,-0.0625,12-26,12,2009,26,7,0,3 0f680e67df9d8b70b77cf678397114c72d1b1d6735ec3ecf37d521ecd7d33934,none,three thousand lightyear away die star throw shell glow gas imag hubbl space telescop reveal cat eye nebula one complex planetari nebula known fact featur seen cat eye complex astronom suspect bright central object may actual binari star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage stellar evolution,cat eye nebula,2009-12-27,453,69,-0.0239999999999999,12-27,12,2009,27,4,0,5 f7866485c3a7c955412c94a243e762fc400fe3a609322f237d1155e4132a9b56,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 6217 pictur above captur spectacular detail recent releas imag taken newli repair advanc camera survey orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 6217 span 30000 light year across found toward constel littl bear ursa minor note apod editor review great space imag 2010 jan 14 houghton michigan,bar spiral galaxi ngc 6217,2009-12-28,622,101,0.2096491228070175,12-28,12,2009,28,7,2,3 24a75139354c1fe991d380fdfeb3d33d1ca85e7e9a011d0cfb9b0626056ec9a3,none,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown record infrar wavelength spitzer space telescope 21st centuri view show starlight blue hue galaxy dust cloud red examin dust featur outer rim galaxy astronom found organ molecul present throughout rest m101 lacking organ molecul track spitzer instrument call polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs course pah common compon dust milki way planet earth found soot pah like destroy near outer edg m101 energet radiat intens star form regions also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away,spitzer m101,2009-12-30,806,123,-0.053125,12-30,12,2009,30,7,2,4 edccf384b785d8e10e319d73ef69a26ba6c3edeee05737243968b27355bb0b4a,none,dust make cosmic eye look red eeri spitzer space telescop imag show infrar radiat wellstudi helix nebula ngc 7293 mere 700 lightyear away constel aquarius two lightyear diamet shroud dust ga around central white dwarf long consid excel exampl planetari nebula repres final stage evolut sunlik star spitzer data show nebula central star immers surprisingli bright infrar glow model suggest glow produc dust debri disk even though nebular materi eject star mani thousand year ago closein dust could gener collis reservoir object analog solar system kuiper belt cometari oort cloud form distant planetari system cometlik bodi would otherwis surviv even dramat late stage star evolution,dust helix nebula,2009-12-31,682,105,-0.0249999999999999,12-31,12,2009,31,4,2,5 1b8523c3ca7336314df2f27fc580eb9885a8adc2b9656af055145bbc2ad0f686,stefano de rosa,bright full moon captur decemb 2nd shine church overlook river turin italy first full moon december shine celebr new year eve last night full moon second full moon decemb fit modern definit blue moon second full moon month lunar cycle full moon full moon span 295 days blue moon tend occur month everi 25 years shine glare right december first full moon pleiad star cluster,blue moon,2010-01-01,374,65,0.2391465677179962,01-01,1,2010,1,2,1,1 71ce0bcdb225433e0bba643ae7c17796e70fe5cf8428604088f4af14a3978593,jean paul,intern year astronomi 2009 end blue moon partial lunar eclipse second full moon decemb graze earth shadow decemb 31st new year eve blue moon eclips visibl throughout europe asia africa part alaska captur two exposur composit cloudi sky saint de france play across moon southern edg earth umbra dark central shadow appear right side along promin ray crater tycho maximum eclipse umbra cover 8 percent diamet lunar disk,blue moon eclips,2010-01-02,417,68,0.0522077922077922,01-02,1,2010,2,2,0,1 e359e34cc73d3b7ebef509af1624bc35f9a9cfca219b665889e5b2214ca6c578,umar mohideenu california riverside,tini ball provid evid univers expand forever measur slightli one tenth millimeter ball move toward smooth plate respons energi fluctuat vacuum empti space attract known casimir effect name discoverer who 50 year ago tri understand fluid like mayonnais move slowly today evid accumul energi densiti univers unknown form dub dark energy form genesi dark energi almost complet unknown postul relat vacuum fluctuat similar casimir effect gener somehow space itself vast mysteri dark energi appear gravit repel matter henc like caus univers expand forever understand vacuum fluctuat forefront research better understand univers also stop micromechan machin part stick together note apod editor review astronomi imag 2009 host amateur astronom associ new york friday januari 8 american museum natur history nyc,forc empti space casimir effect,2010-01-03,804,119,-0.0110962566844919,01-03,1,2010,3,8,2,4 c3aada851ba44b431629b62a8fc976b0a63cfbec462c23eed2ba03247c1e9bd3,cloud,kind cloud this roll cloud rare long cloud may form near advanc cold fronts particular downdraft advanc storm front caus moist warm air rise cool dew point form cloud happen uniformli along extend front roll cloud may form roll cloud may actual air circul along long horizont axi cloud roll cloud thought abl morph tornado unlik similar shelf cloud roll cloud type arcu cloud complet detach parent cumulonimbu cloud pictur above roll cloud extend far distanc 2009 januari la ola beach maldonado uruguay note apod editor review astronomi imag 2009 host amateur astronom associ new york friday januari 8 american museum natur history nyc,roll cloud uruguay,2010-01-05,635,104,0.0876893939393939,01-05,1,2010,5,8,2,4 720b1fd1660e1728e1cd75b7fce3c7361a1d5995430d82b055b0b2ae3003900d,none,betelgeus realli big star place center solar system would extend orbit jupiter like star except sun betelgeus distant usual appear singl point light even larg telescopes still astronom use interferometri infrar wavelength resolv surfac betelgeus reconstruct imag red intrigu pictur show two large bright star spots spot potenti repres enorm convect cell rise supergiant surface bright theyr hotter rest surface spot surfac cooler sun also known alpha orionis betelgeus 600 lightyear away note apod editor review astronomi imag 2009 host amateur astronom associ new york friday januari 8 american museum natur history nyc,spotti surfac betelgeus,2010-01-06,620,93,0.1208874458874458,01-06,1,2010,6,6,2,4 535f4bb0d5c33a87d2b431bb54ca1b15fd5433a3e553103fd9b1f879d68075e8,none,satellit galaxi milki way small magellan cloud wonder southern sky name 16th centuri portugues ferdinand magellan 200000 lightyear distant constel tucana small irregular galaxy stars gas dust lie along bar extend familiar imag optic telescopes galaxi also tail explor falsecolor infrar mosaic spitzer space telescope tail extend right familiar bar wing like strip galaxi gravit tides tail contain mostli gas dust newli form stars two cluster newli form stars warm surround natal dust clouds seen tail red spots note apod editor review astronomi imag 2009 host amateur astronom associ new york friday januari 8 american museum natur history nyc,tail small magellan cloud,2010-01-07,643,99,0.0768398268398268,01-07,1,2010,7,7,2,3 2353d1c142723762839d47196defe1f31d4da681cbc15e239717dc19a19b703e,alson wong,27 year epsilon auriga fades remain dim roughli two year grow bright again sinc 19th century astronom studi mysteri star eventu argu epsilon aur center telescop skyview actual undergo long eclips dark companion object natur companion even state bright star could observations continu collect evidence citizen sky team profession amateur astronomers studi current eclips epsilon aur report began august 2009 late decemb reach deepest point epsilon aur expect remain dim 2010 rapidli normal bright 2011 meanwhile recent infrar data spitzer space telescop support model enigmat system identifi epsilon aur larg lower mass star near end life period eclips singl star embed dusti disk disk estim radiu 4 au 4 time earthsun distance 05 au thick note apod editor review astronomi imag 2009 host amateur astronom associ new york tonight american museum natur history nyc,mysteri fade star,2010-01-08,862,134,0.0677033492822966,01-08,1,2010,8,6,2,4 b1630de06e774eac8fcb0997c3a0935bc9e5f25f374672f251cad8532464e8e2,martin pugh,distant object easili visibl eye m31 great andromeda galaxi two half million lightyear away without telescope even immens spiral galaxi span 200000 light year appear faint nebul cloud constel andromeda contrast detail bright yellow nucleu dark wind dust lanes reveal digit telescop image narrow band imag data record emiss hydrogen atoms show reddish starform region dot gorgeou blue spiral arm young star clusters even casual skygaz inspir knowledg mani distant galaxi like m31 astronom serious debat fundament concept 20th century spiral nebulae simpli outli compon milki way galaxi instead island universes distant system star compar milki way itself question central famou shapleycurti debat 1920 later resolv observ m31 favor andromeda island universe note apod editor review great space imag thursday januari 14 houghton michigan,andromeda island univers,2010-01-09,838,124,0.0342105263157894,01-09,1,2010,9,7,2,4 82b2009561324b58d2c9c3f0fd42d010e63e06e303750ace0202f514e94c3195,none,spherul come moon meteorit strike moon energi impact melt splatter rock fraction might cool tini glass beads mani glass bead present lunar soil sampl return earth apollo missions pictur one glass spherul measur quarter millimet across spherul particularli interest victim even smaller impact miniatur crater visibl upper left surround fragment area caus shockwav small impact date mani impacts astronom estim histori crater moon note apod editor review great space imag thursday night houghton michigan,spherul earth moon,2010-01-10,502,74,0.103125,01-10,1,2010,10,2,0,2 7a9fd8f8a312aea55145f8ed9ee9442e9fa952fdb4199a6e9c86ca1eba3eb49f,none,1984 high earth surface astronaut captur satellite second satellit captur mission pictur above astronaut dale a gardner fli free use man maneuv unit begin attach control devic dub stinger rotat westar 6 satellite commun satellit westar 6 suffer rocket malfunct left unabl reach intend high geosynchron orbit previous caught palapa b2 satellit westar 6 satellit guid cargo bay space shuttl discoveri return earth westar 6 subsequ refurbish sold note apod editor review great space imag thursday night houghton michigan,astronaut captur satellit,2010-01-11,517,79,0.1691666666666667,01-11,1,2010,11,8,1,2 8cc9ae60b30c51870a5eec9b34cf6717a48141e9132674c22b4e998cb83aa103,eso,light flame nebula fifteen hundr light year away toward constel orion lie nebula which glow dark dust lanes appears left like billow fire fire rapid acquisit oxygen make flame glow rather bright star alnitak easternmost star belt orion visibl nebula shine energet light flame knock electron away great cloud hydrogen ga resid there much glow result electron ioniz hydrogen recombine falsecolor pictur flame nebula ngc 2024 taken infrar light young star cluster becom visible flame nebula part orion molecular cloud complex starform region includ famou horsehead nebula visibl far right note apod editor review great space imag thursday night houghton michigan,flame nebula infrar,2010-01-12,659,101,0.2954081632653061,01-12,1,2010,12,4,2,5 be6d426f5d4fc2f24c3505c360a69a843ec88ba081b256ea223087c76abe2111,r jay gabani,beauti island univers m94 lie mere 15 million lightyear distant northern constel hunt dogs cane venatici popular target astronomers brighter inner part faceon spiral galaxi 30000 lightyear across traditionally deep imag interpret show m94 inner spiral region surround faint broad ring stars new multiwavelength investig reveal previous undetect spiral arm sweep across outskirt galaxy disk outer disk activ engag star formation optic wavelengths m94 outer spiral arm follow remark discoveri image process enhanc outer disk structure background galaxi visibl faint outer arms three spiki foreground star milki way galaxy note apod editor review great space imag tonight houghton michigan,m94 new perspect,2010-01-14,686,99,-0.0139835858585858,01-14,1,2010,14,7,2,3 33b5534478bc0e93f1ad745e7ad1b4bb96502bbcdae203273c5c960a8e67ccee,babak tafreshi,star summer night left winter night sky right stars fact pictur taken late decemb similar field view left panel show scene beach island coast tasmania australia right panel featur sky snowi alborz mountain northern iran sky one side still look unfamiliar you put cursor imag see altern version altern imag trace outlin familiar constel orion seen southern northern hemispher planet earth,two hemispher,2010-01-15,387,61,0.0808035714285714,01-15,1,2010,15,6,0,1 54cadac8aabfa19daa7e9d3587bff1c47935373bde1e3961cc3965e0f6e159cf,none,intens overwhelming direct glare sun block smooth occult disk imag sunstar soho spacecraft taken januari 3rd extrem ultraviolet imag sun scale superimpos center disk beyond disk outer boundari sungraz comet one brightest yet seen soho comet discov link australian amateur astronom alan examin earlier imag anoth sunwatch spacecraft base orbits sungraz believ belong kreutz famili comets creat success break up singl larg parent comet pass near sun twelfth century subject strong tidal forc intens solar heat sungraz comet surviv close encounter,new year sungraz,2010-01-16,544,81,0.0397435897435897,01-16,1,2010,16,3,0,2 a38b2cea960c143b958a544dabc4607c2251dd6ebd6f4d16c711c0d26b84fdaa,none,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description pictur above space shuttl atlanti lift visit intern space station earli morn hour 2001 juli 12 stand start two million kilogram rocket ship left circl earth outsid air thin breath littl notic onboard gravity rocket bound space launch somewher earth week,atlanti orbit,2010-01-17,433,70,-0.0258333333333333,01-17,1,2010,17,8,0,2 f8042d206db905fa5d137522d5295215a18c15984536fefa4a5e2a74c31187ed,chri kotsiopoulo,what happen sun moon move partli block sun minut last week partial solar eclips becam momentarili visibl across part planet earth singl exposur image meticul plan enabl care photograph captur partial eclips sun well pose ancient ruin templ poseidon sounio greece unexpectedly cloud cover top sun fli bird caught flight right eclipse fullest extent locations moon seen cover entir middl sun leav surround ring fire annular solar eclipse next solar eclips total eclips sun occur 2010 juli 11 visibl thin swath southern pacif ocean near southern tip south america,eclips templ poseidon,2010-01-18,562,89,0.0321428571428571,01-18,1,2010,18,1,0,1 c8fc42d6521a0d92a74143db12cbad721223bbf21cb6b8d19a3fb1f070587cdd,none,might look like tree mars theyr not group dark brown streak photograph mar reconnaiss orbit melt pinkish sand dune cover light frost imag taken 2008 april near north pole mars time dark sand interior martian sand dune becam visibl spring sun melt lighter carbon dioxid ice occur near top dune dark sand may cascad dune leav dark surfac streak streak might appear first tree stand front lighter regions cast shadows object 25 centimet across resolv imag span one kilometer close up part imag show billow plume indic sand slide occur even imag taken,dark sand cascad mar,2010-01-19,548,93,0.0833333333333333,01-19,1,2010,19,5,2,1 a7bc562a68e62be91c04002dd240b3a4abffbef42985e60fd1fbf3598a6116a9,ken crawford,galaxi ngc 7771 group featur intrigu skyscape 200 million lightyear distant toward constel pegasus ngc 7771 large edgeon spiral near center 75000 lightyear across two smaller galaxi it larg spiral ngc seen faceon right galaxi ngc 7771 group interacting make repeat close passag ultim result galaxygalaxi merger cosmic timescale interact trace galaxi distort faint stream star creat gravit tides clear view galaxi group difficult come by deep imag also reveal extens cloud foreground dust sweep across field dim dusti nebula reflect starlight milki way galaxi lie hundr lightyear galact plane,dust ngc 7771 group,2010-01-21,591,90,-0.0363636363636363,01-21,1,2010,21,7,0,3 91ace965865b93092532b3e53fe932bc82e9400339ec1b8ed7f9687fb66c8b43,stephan heinsiu,clips everywher shadi scene pictur taken indian ocean atol island januari 15 longest annular solar eclips next 1000 years tall palm tree provid mani cross leav creat gap act like pinhol cameras scatter recogniz eclips imag across white sand tropic garden near beach idyl locat near centerlin moon shadow track ring fire annular phase eclips last 10 minut 55 seconds,eclips shade,2010-01-23,365,60,0.0333333333333333,01-23,1,2010,23,8,0,1 6444309f8588a7e897390ae5a07337ce23cd0e860db591d9dc300f77564a375d,none,span sky toward majest cloud magellan unusu stream gas magellan stream origin ga remain unknown like hold clue origin fate milki way famou satellit galaxies lmc smc recently two lead genesi hypothes stream creat ga strip galaxi pass halo milki way stream creat differenti gravit tug milki way recently however wide angl radio imag includ byrd green bank telescop shown magellan stream longer older previous thought perhap old 25 billion years observ bolster third possibl origin stream larg small magellan cloud galaxi pass close gravit tide trigger burst star format left stream pictur digit superpos allski imag visibl light radio emiss magellan stream shown fals color pink extend across sky end two magellan galaxi lower right new mirror apod avail israel,magellan stream,2010-01-25,762,121,0.0114718614718614,01-25,1,2010,25,6,2,4 25b1ab6a88cbca3e849ee670933117109afb2b4949f78ff997db14a11ebb482e,none,what behind titan anoth saturn moons tethys robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn captur heavili crater tethi behind saturn atmosphereshroud titan late last year largest crater tethys odysseus easili visibl distant moon titan show thick opaqu orang lower atmosphere also unusu upper layer bluetint haze tethys 2 million kilomet distant twice far cassini titan imag taken 2004 cassini releas probe land titan provid humanity first view surfac solar system known moon,tethi behind titan,2010-01-27,465,70,-0.125,01-27,1,2010,27,0,0,2 86216416d6b1a2128053ab7fed6ac298554b8d117dddbd5bad69cb91779fecd4,noelcarboni,aster recogn pattern star one 88 offici constellations example one famou and aster big dipper within constel ursa major pretti chain stars visibl binocular toward longneck constel camelopardalis also recogn asterism known kemble cascade contain 20 star nearli row stretch five time width full moon tumbl upper right lower left picture kemble cascad made popular astronomi enthusiast lucian kemble bright object lower left rel compact open cluster stars ngc 1502,kemble cascad,2010-01-28,461,70,0.1998214285714286,01-28,1,2010,28,6,1,3 ab3da1fa37a667779cf1a7e5cc8a97b1d1a48e6b64a7d087f99139d0c726eb00,alan friedman,mar opposit tonight opposit sun planet earth sky course easi spot mar appear close tonight full moon also opposit sun earth night sky constel cancer opposition mar remain 99 million kilomet away particularli close approach red planet still sharp view mar record januari 22nd exampl telescop imag possibl come days planet whitish north polar cap upper right mars tini red disk 14 arcsecond angular diameter less 1100th diamet full moon,mar opposit 2010,2010-01-29,434,70,0.0678571428571428,01-29,1,2010,29,5,0,1 0a87f77fc6270894575c0ca64a4158f4140c3509416f477a3b2a7c528f2156df,adam block,charl messier describ 88th entri 18th centuri catalog nebula star cluster spiral nebula without stars cours gorgeou m88 understood galaxi full stars gas dust unlik milki way fact m88 one brightest galaxi virgo galaxi cluster 50 million lightyear away m88 beauti spiral arm easi trace color cosmic portait arm line young blue star clusters pink starform regions obscur dust lane extend yellowish core domin older popul stars spiral galaxi m88 span 100000 lightyears,messier 88,2010-01-30,464,73,0.1033333333333333,01-30,1,2010,30,7,1,3 c258d93e863772d1a21f87a2967c8a043ff9f91570f95a6664293eb3567944c7,b e,ancient text known title known author written known language say mani astronomi illustrations mysteri book bought emperor forgotten librari shelf sold thousand dollars later donat yale possibl written 15th century 200page volum known recent voynich manuscript rediscover 1912 pictur illustr book appear somehow relat sun book label patch sky unfamiliar constellations inabl modern historian astronomi understand origin constel perhap dwarf inabl modern codebreak understand book text eclect brain trust apod reader make progress think provid insight instead send us email pleas particip fresh onlin discussion book remain yale rare book collect catalog number m 408,mysteri voynich manuscript,2010-01-31,665,95,0.1666666666666666,01-31,1,2010,31,8,2,4 0229a44aaa374d1f4d9fdc4fea0153b8cef8d50b01df7aba9a663f739bf63bfb,none,anoth moon saturn imag detail cassini spacecraft orbit saturn sinc 2004 robot cassini got closest look yet saturn small moon prometheu last week visibl unprocess imag 36000 kilomet away prometheus 100km long surfac reveal interest system bulges ridges craters features togeth moon oblong shape high reflectivity studi help better understand histori prometheu saturn rings prometheu one shepherd satellit known gravity along companion moon pandora confin mani smaller ice chuck saturn f ring cassini next major target flybi moon rhea march 2,shepherd moon prometheu cassini,2010-02-01,540,81,0.0528125,02-01,2,2010,1,0,0,2 b316f3f9d771ca0af93e7429b88a5ae8613c801ba25a200d6f398523eff9e17c,walli pacholka,ven top volcan crater vista unusual one reason mar dazzlingli bright two week ago pictur taken near brightest time entir year mars far upper left brightest object picture bright red planet peak last week near mar reach opposition time earth mar closest togeth orbits arch across lower part imag rare lunar fog bow unlik commonli seen rainbow creat sunlight reflect fall rain fog bow creat moonlight reflect small water drop compos fog although fog appear white color rainbow somehow visibl here imag taken high atop haleakala huge volcano hawaii usa,mar color lunar fog bow,2010-02-02,549,90,0.188125,02-02,2,2010,2,5,1,1 232caf4b1e6030b3582053473feccc866d59138072477f6f577fe9dbc4a9ae36,none,strang object first discov ground base linear imag januari 6 object appear unusu enough investig hubbl space telescop last week pictur above hubbl saw indic p2010 a2 unlik object ever seen before first glance object appear tail comet close inspection however show nucleu offset tail center unusu structur near nucleus discern ga tail know object orbit asteroid belt mar jupiter preliminari hypothesi appear explain known clue p2010 a2 debri left recent collis two small asteroids true collis like occur 15000 kilomet per hour five time speed bullet liber energi excess nuclear pressur sunlight would spread debri trail tail futur studi p2010 a2 may better indic natur progenitor collis may help human better understand earli year solar system mani similar collis occurred,unusu asteroid tail power collis,2010-02-03,773,121,0.0499999999999999,02-03,2,2010,3,8,2,4 c77b7753a85ffcd4cb579341fc9f093dd8680892d8ab10ed68d1a0fd06cc7a66,máximo ruiz,cosmic expans dust gas star cover close 3 degre sky heroic constel perseus right center gorgeou skyscap dusti blue reflect nebula ngc 1333 1000 lightyear away estim distance field view 50 lightyear across next ngc 1333 reddish glow shock hydrogen ga creat energet jet wind star process formation reflect nebula scatter around along remark dark dust nebulae near edg larg molecular cloud tend hide newli form star young stellar object protostar pri optic telescopes collaps due selfgravity protostar form around dens core embed molecular cloud,stardust perseu,2010-02-04,542,85,0.1060714285714285,02-04,2,2010,4,4,0,5 3a01d1a910aa6a596f9558ae47b3f57f75fbe426a3d4a28efe00b7228ccc6abb,jeanluc dauvergn,spring northern hemispher mar spring mar usual mean dust storms dramat brown swath dust top mark otherwis white north polar cap pictur red planet realli surprising take advantag good view mar current possibl near opposit closest approach planet earth 2010 sharp imag show evolv dust storm extend larg dark region known mare polar cap record februari 2nd 1 meter telescop pic du midi mountain top observatori french pyrenees,dust storm mar,2010-02-05,423,68,0.0934895833333333,02-05,2,2010,5,5,0,1 5e3e916f8c5b42204ef937a6070d2d20754d88ea7afe06ec374f8961d93d0429,peter lau,remark scene combin multipl exposur record even januari 18th perspect hong kong china follow young crescent moon brilliant planet jupit left set togeth western sky two lumin trail faintli trail background stars easier pick short bright airplan trail converg toward horizon hong kong intern airport seem offer imit celesti tracks course reflect citi light boat traffic follow water surface streak car light defin span cablestay bridge,hong kong sky,2010-02-06,433,66,0.3125,02-06,2,2010,6,8,1,1 b0fcaea282ed77f0474c15d5a092b6a85be75a00514444dcb386d2481adb2258,j rhoad,galaxi singl nucleu galaxi four strang answer lead astronom conclud nucleu surround galaxi even visibl image central cloverleaf rather light emit background quasar gravit field visibl foreground galaxi break light distant quasar four distinct images quasar must properli align behind center massiv galaxi mirag like evident gener effect known gravit lensing specif case known einstein cross stranger still imag einstein cross vari rel brightness enhanc occasion addit gravit microlens effect specif star foreground galaxy,einstein cross gravit len,2010-02-07,522,74,0.075,02-07,2,2010,7,7,0,3 7643c7f2946b230c86f2e60b115c56c6447a36d66304de14daf03e3809ec7163,nagi,ever seen halo around sun fairli common sight occur high thin cloud contain million tini ice crystal cover much sky ice crystal act like miniatur lens crystal similar elong hexagon shape light enter one crystal face exit oppos face refract 22 degrees correspond radiu sun halo similar moon halo may visibl night pictur above nearli complet sun halo photograph high ancient templ exactli icecryst form cloud remain investigation,sun halo,2010-02-08,427,68,0.0244444444444444,02-08,2,2010,8,1,0,1 af88d44bc28545d508820c9d4c0d6e87a3cb3a85eadfcd256db413739d7e6094,none,sometimes space shuttl launch night pictur above space shuttl endeavour lift yesterday earli morn hour launch pad 39a kennedi space center florida usa bound intern space station iss night launch use reach space station easili time year frequent creat vivid launch imagery shuttle pictur above frame enorm typic exhaust plume eject shuttle power rocket began lift two million kilogram space bu earth orbit endeavour mission label sts130 includ deliveri tranquil modul space station tranquil provid extra room space station astronaut includ larg circular set window design vastli improv view earth night sky space station itself,night launch space shuttl endeavour,2010-02-09,626,95,0.0208333333333333,02-09,2,2010,9,8,2,2 3f576a114ed87d8e00e0c131a9d69f5f90c154127ab27e05602e3dfb3b901f56,none,volcan erupt sometim creat lightning pictur above sakurajima volcano southern japan caught erupt earli last month magma bubbl hot glow shoot away liquid rock burst earth surfac below imag particularli notable however lightn bolt caught near volcano summit lightn occur even common thunderstorm remain topic research caus volcan lightn even less clear surely lightn bolt help quench area opposit separ electr charges one hypothesi hold catapult magma bubbl volcan ash electr charged motion creat separ areas volcan lightn episod may facilit chargeinduc collis volcan dust lightn usual occur somewher earth typic 40 time second,sakurajima volcano lightn,2010-02-10,625,94,0.0611111111111111,02-10,2,2010,10,8,2,4 c22aa1ff30fd37699cd2e3ff02b2084551d528b08b5c271362a54ddba90e27ab,bob frank,pretty open cluster stars m34 size full moon sky easi appreci small telescopes lie 1800 lightyear away constel perseus distance m34 physic span 15 lightyears form time cloud dust gas star m34 200 million year young like open star cluster orbit plane galaxy m34 eventu dispers experi gravit tide encount milki way interstellar cloud stars four billion year ago sun like form similar open star cluster,star cluster,2010-02-11,399,66,0.0562499999999999,02-11,2,2010,11,6,0,3 cd33d29b7d8a3869b0c73d663cbe25c2c3c3513dbaad551222b5b6f9d8a8786f,daniel lópez,snow cap teid volcano reflect pool water nearli symmetr night sky view canari island tenerife bright north star polari stand peak exposur also captur brilliant trail polar orbit iridium satellite course camera fix tripod star produc concentr trail long exposures reflect earth rotat around axis fact add 45 hour exposur time imag slide cursor picture larg astronom observatori also take advantag calm canari island sky,teid sky trail,2010-02-12,418,65,0.3533333333333334,02-12,2,2010,12,6,1,1 65da769db17a9f2672fdf6d609d640289c4583c9877e8bc3e07a49b71801a12e,jame,shuttl mission intern space station sts130 left planet earth februari 8 earli morn launch orbit kennedi space center pad 39a follow long graceful eastward arc seen 2 minut time exposure well composed dramat pictur also show wateri reflect bridge pont florida 115 mile north launch site celesti background wane crescent moon star left short trail still dark sky brightest star trail near moon made red supergi antares alpha star constel scorpius,orbit,2010-02-13,444,71,-0.025,02-13,2,2010,13,8,0,2 c59471d07bdcbc89ea188ca51785f9aaee73964cfd37a296bfa96dbe94b3ee5d,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,surround rosett nebula better pictur area sky famou floweri emiss nebula far right captur recent deep dramat wide field imag featur sever sky highlights design ngc 2237 center rosett nebula popul bright blue star open cluster ngc 2244 whose wind energet light evacu nebula center famou flower symbol valentine day column dust ga appear like stem extend hundr light years across image bright blue star left center call monocerotis star part open cluster star label ngc 2264 known snowflak cluster right mon dark pointi featur call cone nebula nebula like shape wind flow massiv star obscur dust left mon fox fur nebula tumultu region creat rapidli evolv snowflak cluster rosett region 5000 light year distant twice far away region surround mon entir field seen small telescop toward constel unicorn monoceros note take astronomi class onlin free,field rosett,2010-02-14,844,136,0.1296703296703296,02-14,2,2010,14,4,2,5 720b75ae1022c468428abd6cf2a3b95750b2283d6e7499a4c53957d7460a1e7b,none,saturn rings saturn appendages disappear 1612 galileo understand why later century becam understood saturn unusu protrus ring earth cross ring plane edgeon ring appear disappear saturn ring confin plane mani time thinner proportion razor blade modern times robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn also cross saturn ring plane seri plane cross imag 2005 februari dug vast onlin cassini raw imag archiv interest spanish amateur fernando garcia navarro pictur above digit crop set repres colors strike result saturn thin ring plane appear blue band cloud saturn upper atmospher appear gold sinc saturn pass equinox today ring plane point close sun ring could cast high dark shadow seen across top image taken back 2005 moon appear bump rings,cassini spacecraft cross saturn ring plane,2010-02-15,736,115,-0.0100452488687782,02-15,2,2010,15,0,2,2 5587568afb1f92feeb359985505f8e5024e728189dbf942a94cf0ef8ffcdd0c9,none,what approaching astronaut board intern space station first saw far distance soon enlarg becom dark silhouette came even closer silhouett appear spaceship finally past 11 pm last tuesday object reveal space shuttl endeavour dock expect earthorbit space station pictur above endeavour imag near earth horizon approached sever layer earth atmospher visible directli behind shuttl mesosphere appear blue atmospher layer appear white stratosphere orang layer earth troposphere shuttl mission began dramat night launch continu next week mani task planned task includ deliveri tranquil modul includ cupola bay window complex may allow even better view spaceship approach leav space station,dark shuttl approach,2010-02-16,683,98,-0.0107142857142857,02-16,2,2010,16,8,2,2 240e7df8d761b2cf489bcd9b70bd65ef038da69fa8478edd7f0d404f7b428f59,none,moon saturn smooth past weekend humanity saturnorbit cassini spacecraft pass close saturn small moon calypso ever has imag small moon unpreced detail pictur earli return raw unprocess imag 20km long irregularli shape moon like sister moon telesto shepherd moon pandora calypso shown unusu smooth much smoother saturn larger moons lead hypothesi calypso smooth much moon surfac actual rel loos jumbl rubbl make calypso moon loos natur small ice piec allow fill mani small crater surfac features calypso orbit saturn alway behind saturn much larger moon tethys wherea telesto orbit alway preced tethys calypso extrem white surfac unlik fresh snow may result continu accumul fresh ice particl fall saturn e ring,unusu smooth surfac saturn,2010-02-17,711,110,0.0141700404858299,02-17,2,2010,17,0,2,4 8171d2affd1d3090081f1c2139d88500c817bbb525fd6ce76a7da1d2afd9baf7,jimmi westlak,main belt asteroid 4 vesta brightest now small world near opposit sun sky closest earth even brightest vesta faint spot nakedeye still next day rel easi find constel leo share typic binocular field view bright star gamma leoni aka fact februari 16 vesta pass gamma leoni close neighbor sky 40 gamma leoni brightest star two panels second brightest star 40 right vesta third brightest star field vesta shift posit two panel well 40 leoni feb 14 near top frame feb 16 shoot gap close leoni pair course premier closeup view asteroid possibl dawn spacecraft arriv vesta august 2011,vesta near opposit,2010-02-18,577,98,0.1002164502164502,02-18,2,2010,18,6,2,5 a936c541b565c5f27f1d61e9001239dd0a5b62cab77fdb2b2b34330453b8bda1,none,sharp widefield view featur infrar light spiral andromeda galaxi m31 dust heat andromeda young star shown yellow red older popul star appear bluish haze falsecolor skyscap mosaic imag nasa new widefield infrar survey explor wise satellite twice diamet milki way andromeda largest galaxi local group andromeda satellit galaxi m110 below m32 above also includ combin fields launch decemb 2009 wise began six month long infrar survey entir sky januari 14 expect discov nearearth asteroid well explor distant universe sensit infrar detector cool frozen hydrogen,wise infrar andromeda,2010-02-19,557,84,0.1627164502164502,02-19,2,2010,19,7,1,3 978907844a115818497f492acd56615284f79432a67794e2796a03269e148aa7,babak tafreshi,put satellit circular orbit 42000 kilomet center earth 36000 kilomet orbit 24 hours match earth rotat period known geosynchron orbit orbit also plane equator satellit hang sky fix locat geostationari orbit predict arthur c clarke geostationari orbit common use commun weather satellites scenario wellknown astroimagers deep imag night sky made telescop follow star also pick geostationari satellit glint sunlight still shine far earth surface move earth rotat background stars satellit leav trail seem follow highway across celesti landscape example wide view nearli equatori orion region individu frame ad creat 10 minut long exposure show orion belt star wellknown nebula along mani 25 degre long geostationari satellit trails frame ingeni movie featur geostationari satellit,highway,2010-02-20,777,113,-0.0714285714285714,02-20,2,2010,20,8,2,4 11d568af66d9fce7a9a137e7ad8e85010b192d9317339a3dba69c1361a6e5f4b,none,like butterfly white dwarf star begin life cast cocoon enclos former self analogy however sun would caterpillar eject shell ga would becom prettiest all cocoon planetari nebula design ngc 2440 contain one hottest white dwarf star known white dwarf seen bright dot near photo center sun eventu becom white dwarf butterfli anoth 5 billion years fals color imag postprocess forrest hamilton,ngc 2440 cocoon new white dwarf,2010-02-21,387,61,0.0875,02-21,2,2010,21,6,0,3 8fd0455fa00f665d4ec4b28112f091a373d81103350b20783066900376d26258,none,result galact collis one big ellipt galaxy quit possibly anoth billion years pictur above sever dwarf galaxi hickson compact group 31 seen slowli merging two brighter galaxi collid far left elong galaxi connect unusu bridg stars inspect imag indic bright duo trail rope star point spiral galaxi far right assuredly pictur galaxi hickson compact group 31 pass destroy other million star form explode thousand nebula form dissip dust settl final galaxi emerg one billion year now imag composit imag taken infrar light spitzer space telescope ultraviolet light galex space telescope visibl light hubbl space telescope hickson compact group 31 span 150 thousand light year lie 150 million light year away toward constel eridanus,galaxi group hickson 31,2010-02-22,724,113,0.1787946428571428,02-22,2,2010,22,7,2,3 0e591109d0545f430fb2063769a180e0f467e601178213c0d3acf8c556058087,georg c,creat rocket waves destroy sun close inspect imag show rocket rise near center unusu air rippl around color sundog far right rocket carri solar dynam observatori lift two week ago cape canaveral florida usa cold blue sky sdo design observ sun continu next sever years explor sun atmospher high resolut fast time scales air rippl seen one minut launch unexpected sudden disappear sundog rippl passed notic record sever onlookers much specul origin ripples ongo discuss join apod discuss board asterisk lead hypothesi hold rippl result sonic boom creat rocket broke sound barrier jumbl thin layer ice crystal align creat linger question includ rocket launch produc air rippl noticeable rippl appear promin rocket know imag aircraft spacecraft produc similar air ripples pleas post discuss thread may help creat better understand effect,rocket wave sun dog,2010-02-23,836,130,0.0438655462184874,02-23,2,2010,23,1,2,4 07e61ae21f809cda1283fe6f5f7acebd61beb6647772ee3ff7da3188cf8c68ed,none,space job almost complete float intern space station astronaut patrick put finish touch newli instal cupola space window last week patrick mission specialist onboard recent complet space shuttl endeavor sts130 mission iss pictured patrick float near outermost seven window new cupola tranquil module patrick hover 340 kilomet earth surface well front blue sky blue water white cloud pictur far background image cover window three four place clearli imag insid iss new panoram cupola available,astronaut panoram space window,2010-02-24,492,74,0.0884297520661157,02-24,2,2010,24,8,0,2 462b94e2b18e2560f2871f065a642499d2b6d1a55023061e5a89e8853752a28b,bob frank,beauti cosmic portrait featur ngc 891 spiral galaxi span 100 thousand lightyear seen almost exactli edgeon perspective fact 30 million lightyear distant constel andromeda ngc 891 look lot like milki way first glance flat thin galact disk central bulg cut along middl region dark obscur dust also appar ngc 891 edgeon present filament dust extend hundr lightyear center line dust like blown disk supernova explos intens star format activity faint neighbor galaxi also seen near galaxy disk,edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 891,2010-02-25,488,77,-0.0925,02-25,2,2010,25,7,0,3 c4f74c2359fbbcdfbc68974a72450f2485a672178e7c3595cd340eb28c62be52,dieter willasch,jewel southern sky great carina nebula aka ngc 3372 span 300 lightyears near upper right expans skyscape much larger northerli orion nebula fact carina nebula one galaxy largest starform region home young extrem massiv stars includ still enigmat variabl eta carinae star well 100 time mass sun nebula near center 10 degre wide field includ ngc 3576 ngc 3603 near center top frame open star cluster ngc well cluster compact ngc pearl cluster spot left anchor lower left cosmic canva anoth larg starform region ic 29482944 embed star cluster collind 249 region popularli known run chicken nebula,chase carina,2010-02-26,593,97,0.0638655462184874,02-26,2,2010,26,4,2,5 67e19fdc074f3ef129ff13fa4e1889b687ea171c15f3bbf2cd5b6c20485a16d5,malcolm park,februari 21st space shuttl endeavour intern space station iss flew sky near dawn whitby ontario canada along star trails captur singl time exposure glint sunlight 350 kilomet earth endeavour slightli iss arc horizon brighter trail brighter flare belong space station visit endeavour near complet sts130 mission hour later endeavour made night land kennedi space center,dawn endeavour,2010-02-27,368,55,0.02,02-27,2,2010,27,8,0,2 f35211ad8e154447f22cf0b91b7f4ad59f20b1cd8abbf2aa2b2dd2daa45225a7,andrew truscott u,matter bunch up principl keep neutron star white dwarf star implod also keep peopl implod make normal matter mostli empti space observ reason known pauli exclus principle principl state ident fermion one type fundament matter cannot place time orientation type matter bosons property demonstr clearli recent creat boseeinstein condensates earlier decade pauli exclus principl demonstr graphic pictur cloud two isotop lithium left cloud compos boson right cloud compos fermions temperatur drops boson bunch together fermion better keep distance reason pauli exclus principl true physic limit principl still unknown,pauli exclus principle implod,2010-02-28,616,88,0.1185714285714285,02-28,2,2010,28,8,2,4 37438edc689e5dfbaeac979a6bb9306e830d93a83f774ebe1a0abd15df246dca,none,creat picturesqu dark streak mars one know sure lead hypothesi streak like caus fine sand slide bank trough craters pictur above dark sand appear flow hundr meter slope acheron sand appear flow like liquid around boulders and reason significantli time sand flow process one sever rapidli chang surfac mars process includ dust devils dust storms freez melt area ice imag taken hiris camera board mar reconnaiss orbit orbit mar sinc 2006 acheron 700 kilomet long mars,slope streak mar,2010-03-01,465,76,0.0944444444444444,03-01,3,2010,1,5,0,1 111da832da6e40b86d9562374abfe5f1c56487da903df04b2739922ee9649113,ignacio de la cueva torregrosa,eeri blue glow omin column dark dust highlight m78 bright reflect nebula constel orion dark filamentari dust absorb light also reflect light sever bright blue star form recent nebula two reflect nebula pictur above famou nebula m78 imag center ngc 2071 seen lower left type scatter color daytim sky enhanc blue color m78 five lightyear across visibl small telescope m78 appear 1600 year ago however long take light go here m78 belong larger orion molecular cloud complex contain great nebula orion horsehead nebula,m78 reflect dust cloud orion,2010-03-02,514,83,0.1263157894736842,03-02,3,2010,2,4,1,5 51c6744a02088000b117af0ae690e85e2d007cd2936e0f8036056b92465181af,none,intern space station iss largest humanmad object ever orbit earth iss larg seen drift overhead unaid eye frequent imag ground picturesqu fashion last month station visit space shuttle resuppli station ad new module iss current oper expedit 22 crew consist five astronaut includ two suppli usa nasa two russia one japan depart iss crew space shuttl endeavour captur spectacular vista orbit space citi high clouds waters land earth visibl compon includ modules trusses expans solar array gather sunlight turn need electricity share quiz anyon identifi landscap behind space station,intern space station,2010-03-03,579,89,0.0851948051948051,03-03,3,2010,3,8,2,2 085dc4bdad43a67f9b6e6baeab275c6dccff119974145213d26a241671dbbe08,dietmar hager,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy bulg central core cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane assort galaxi includ pretti field view neighbor galaxi ngc 4562 upper right ngc 4565 lie 40 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyears easili spot small telescopes sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2010-03-04,531,83,-0.0626623376623376,03-04,3,2010,4,7,0,3 94ef6b1610f83aac2e3f0c4e24842bd04c8238d5dd8fc99ee60d174614765511,tunç tezel,plane milki way galaxi run right auriga charioteer good part ancient northern constellation rich collect nebula star cluster featur expansive 10 degre wide skyscape bright star elnath lie near bottom right link auriga anoth constellation taurus bull three open star clusters charl messier m36 m38 line dens star field left familiar mani binocularequip skygazers deep exposur also bring reddish emiss nebula starform region ic 405 ic 410 ic 417 e e barnard dark nebula stand brighter background help identifi even auriga deep sky highlights put cursor image,deep auriga,2010-03-05,556,87,0.1978021978021978,03-05,3,2010,5,4,1,5 3cef982822399b3d2080a1c224fade21829bab9107896f45fb89560568314c45,none,art so paintbrush spirit robot rover canva soil mars artist scientist engin mar explor rover mission panoram picture creat 2004 shown compress horizontally mostli unintent mer team primarili instruct spirit investig rock around hank hollow locat call engin flat mars creat ground display treads spirit rover instruct photograph area along shadow 2010 winter approach northern mars spirit still mire sand place energi save mode spring arriv direct sunlight might use power robot explorer,spirit rover engin flat mar,2010-03-07,487,73,-0.0083333333333333,03-07,3,2010,7,5,0,2 b33c41465ac4699c37d84f1a71ca2340345e3297b2ff78a4dc2d7216ff96efde,till credneralltheskycom,what bright object sky common question answer vari time season quick answer sunset middl last month northern hemisphere mars picturesqu panorama taken ski trip alp switzerland show mars much more pine tree line foreground numer slope lead snow cover mountain visibl distance star dot background beehiv star cluster m44 visibl left mars star castor pollux peek tree top mars upper right mar remain bright constel crab midmay,mar,2010-03-08,423,67,0.2719047619047619,03-08,3,2010,8,5,1,1 1c82b29687784598c9a20294f8a31d6611c4d160f55f684de8594c6b665d628b,none,two galaxi far left unknown 1968 although would appear two brighter galaxi night sky opaqu dust central band milki way galaxi obscur seen visibl light imag infrar light taken recent launch widefield infrar survey explor however find galaxi great detail far behind seemingli next photogen heart nebula ic 1805 spiral galaxi near top easiest spot known maffei 2 right maffei 1 closest giant ellipt galaxi earth falsecolor imag span three full moon top bottom maffei galaxi span 15000 light year across lie 10 million light year away toward constel queen ethiopia cassiopeia imag right stars gaseou filaments warm dust highlight detail infrar view heart nebula,galaxi beyond 1 2,2010-03-09,659,105,0.2248299319727891,03-09,3,2010,9,7,2,3 cabb3da017b3d6cdb4a737ea311f6cb10dc9b6bd05bb080ba82d4faa9f924113,none,what happen surfac saturn moon moon imag unpreced detail last week robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop within two earth diamet diminut moon although convent crater hill appear raw unprocess imag also show terrain appear unusu smooth streaked planetari astronom inspect detail imag helen glean clue origin evolut 30km across float iceberg helen also unusu circl saturn ahead larg moon dione make one four known saturnian moon occupi gravit well known stabl lagrang point,saturn moon helen cassini,2010-03-10,477,74,0.0564102564102564,03-10,3,2010,10,0,0,2 20391ea77eb8b6df8f567841d4e6c8a7e19a9668fa479447bbdfab3223463089,yuichi takasaka,fix tripod camera record grace trail trace star planet earth rotat axis high latitud march april also captur aurora shimmer night fact week surround equinox spring fall offer favor season aurora hunters possibl demonstr beauti moonlit vista northwestern canadian territori taken earli morn march 1 highway 60 kilomet south dawson city compos picture mani short exposur digit combin follow concentr star trail arc includ greenish auror curtain also known northern lights,yukon aurora star trail,2010-03-11,469,71,0.08,03-11,3,2010,11,8,0,1 bcf255c18b944cb994c2894e0c9b158bbf39bef03d3b4fcf5824fbcbf894f88a,none,mask technician ball aerospac nasa marshal space flight center xray cryogen facility course test primari mirror segment jame webb space telescop jwst schedul launch 2014 jwst optim infrar explor earli universe util primari mirror feet across compos 18 hexagon segments here group jwst mirror segment prepar test meet exact mission mask help prevent contamin mirror surfaces marshal xray cryogen facility mirror test larg circular chamber evacu air cool chamber 400 degre fahrenheit onli 60 degre absolut extrem low pressur temperatur simul jwst mirror oper environ space jwst mirror segment test continu next 18 months,jwst mirror men,2010-03-12,618,94,0.1,03-12,3,2010,12,8,2,4 cb322818b872c06ae63c7ec3fc094343cee98ee1d0f8b2679d3849c278ab376b,tim,11 million lightyear away centauru closest activ galaxi planet earth span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxy also known ngc 5128 featur sharp color image centauru appar result collis two otherwis normal galaxi result fantast jumbl star cluster impos dark dust lanes near galaxy center left cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole billion time mass sun activ galaxies process like gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a,centauru,2010-03-13,443,68,-0.0364583333333333,03-13,3,2010,13,7,0,3 106f4003a425ae172841d362d3ccc49eab3421b09359008706cdcc9b55c3999b,none,what happen middl massiv galaxy there two bright sourc center composit xray pink imag thought coorbit supermass black hole power giant radio sourc 3c 75 surround multimillion degre xray emit gas blast jet relativist particl supermass black hole separ 25000 lightyears core two merg galaxi abel 400 galaxi cluster 300 million lightyear away astronom conclud two supermass black hole bound togeth graviti binari system part jets consist swept back appear like due common motion speed hot cluster ga 1200 kilomet per second spectacular cosmic merger thought common crowd galaxi cluster environ distant universe final stage merger expect intens sourc gravit waves,binari black hole 3c 75,2010-03-14,659,101,0.0015625,03-14,3,2010,14,7,2,4 cb957e68ef1f65c2dc4e7437fe1a9f6cb04bc6368003cc4f1b0f8ae1c2171940,chri kotsiopoulo,may appear day night wondrou orang streak may appear ray set sun theyr actual thin cloud illumin moon quickli streak toward distant horizon thick cloud far left may appear mani layers actual simpl cloud captur numer separ exposures sure true though time laps imag sequenc taken two hours two week ago sounio greece also realli star trail swirl around north star polari upper right image build may appear famou ancient structure actual small desert church built last century apod blog,cloud trail greec,2010-03-15,483,80,0.0132653061224489,03-15,3,2010,15,8,0,1 7e4d47da943cfe7c71dd219b8747f1a825998a8d69eca360eb14929cbd5a17d4,miloslav druckmllerbrno univers dietzel peter aniol vojtech ruin,fleet dark total solar eclips light solar corona easili visible normal overwhelm bright solar disk expans corona sun outer atmosphere allur sight subtl detail extrem rang corona brightness although discern eye notori difficult photograph pictur above however use multipl imag digit processing detail imag sun corona taken 2008 august total solar eclips mongolia clearli visibl intric layer glow caustic ever chang mixtur hot ga magnet fields bright loop promin appear pink sun limb next total solar eclips juli visibl thin swath earth cross southern pacif ocean south america,detail view solar eclips corona,2010-03-16,575,88,0.038235294117647,03-16,3,2010,16,1,0,4 81a0114aea188a55e64b1b693bb11a26e1cd4d1f26b7f64ec50e4220a3bd7a1a,none,small object orbit mars origin phobos larger two moon orbit mars remain unknown phobo deimo appear similar asteroids yet gravit captur asteroids orbits drag mars equatori plane seem unlikely pictur phobo appear last week flybi esa mar express robot spacecraft began orbit mar 2003 visibl great detail phobos irregular shape strang dark terrain numer unusu grooves spectacular chain crater cross imag center phobo span 25 kilomet length enough graviti compress ball phobo orbit close mar sometim next 20 million years tidal deceler break rubbl moon ring whose piec slowli spiral crash onto red planet russian mission phobosgrunt schedul launch land phobo next year,phobo mar express,2010-03-17,663,103,0.0117647058823529,03-17,3,2010,17,5,2,2 ebad03a8eb7c02867bfed8b7aa025699a47f3509704502e374b27026bd6b2a05,none,shine gammaray sky complet answer yet question offer fermi gammaray space telescope first allski catalog fermi sourc cosmic gammaray featur nature energet particl ultim produc 100 100 gev photons photon 50 million 50 billion time energi visibl light distil 11 month sky survey data use fermi larg area telescop lat catalog sourc includ energet star burst galaxi activ galact nuclei agn far beyond milki way within galaxi mani pulsar pulsar wind nebula supernova remnant xray binari star microquasar fermi sky map shown center milki way diffus gammaray emiss galact plane run horizont frame locat catalog gammaray sources slide cursor map now 630 sourc catalog gammaray energi remain otherwis associ sourc detect lower energies,fermi catalog gammaray sky,2010-03-18,726,113,0.1625,03-18,3,2010,18,6,2,4 74dc14fc8f9bc192dba2b0fa13d4818b0064ccb8bc157564bcbb02ace649adab,rogelio bernal andreo,seen seagul duck nebula cosmic cloud evok imag flight wing way across broad celesti landscape span almost 7 degre across planet earth night sky toward constel cani major expans seagul upper left compos two major catalog emiss nebulae brighter ngc 2327 form head diffus ic 2177 wing body impressively seagull wingspan would correspond 250 lightyear estim distanc 3800 lightyears lower right duck appear much compact would span 50 lightyear given 15000 lightyear distanc estimate blown energet wind extrem massive hot star near center duck nebula catalog ngc 2359 course duck thick bodi wing appendag also lend dramat popular monik thor helmet,seagul duck,2010-03-19,642,101,0.1588010204081632,03-19,3,2010,19,4,2,3 533294769b8e0e1ad7754c95402eb9daca4271d9d22ee259d1348d07526423b4,daniel lópez,ghostli zodiac light featur near center remark panorama produc sunlight scatter dust solar system eclipt plane week surround march equinox ut zodiac light promin sunset northern hemisphere sunris south eclipt make steep angl horizon picture narrow triangl zodiac light extend western horizon seem end love pleiad star cluster arc pleiad star nebula along plane milki way galaxy record march 10 teid nation park island tenerife vista compos 4 separ pictur span 180 degrees,zodiac light vs milki way,2010-03-20,471,73,0.1875,03-20,3,2010,20,6,1,1 69d2282d8d4cd5e59223819fa6ce552f98044fdf595585775db49c926795e480,joe orman,twice year spring fall equinox sun rise due east emphat demonstr celesti alignment photograph joe orman record inspir imag sun rise exactli along eastwest orient western canal arizona usa wait one day northern spring equinox 2001 photograph strike view rise sun due east one day equinox tempe latitud sun rise angle arc southward climb horizon distant mountain hide true horizon sun shift slightli southward time clear mountain tops wait 24 hour allow sun rise north east arc back exactli eastern align photo today anoth equinox 1 day sun cross celesti equat yesterday univers time,equinox 1,2010-03-21,582,94,0.0125,03-21,3,2010,21,1,2,1 931e99bfea05d88918cd5d789459d75de251af53697c62470a76f1c55d7deb44,none,shape remark dust tapestri nearbi milki way galaxy one know sure intric structures shown above resolv new detail recent wide region sky imag far infrar light european space agency planck satellite imag digit fusion three infrar colors two taken high resolut planck older imag taken defunct ira satellite colors sky domin faint glow cold ga within 500 light year earth image red correspond temperatur cold 10 degre kelvin absolut zero white correspond ga warm 40 kelvins pink band across lower part imag warm ga confin plane galaxy bright region typic hold dens molecular cloud slowli collaps form stars wherea dimmer region usual diffus interstellar ga dust known cirrus region intric filamentari shape share larg small scale remain topic research futur studi origin evolut dust may help understand recent histori galaxi well planetari system solar system came born,nearbi milki way cold dust,2010-03-22,865,137,0.059262187088274,03-22,3,2010,22,6,2,4 6196feaea95fad78ae649914e2d3cccea5c446e74a4145d91420959027ac5d97,alan friedmanavert imagination,dramat promin sometim seen loom beyond edg sun case last week giant prominence visibl right highlight sun show increas activ come unusu quiet solar minimum chang carpet hot ga visibl chromospher sun imag taken specif color light emit hydrogen solar promin cloud solar ga held surfac sun magnet field earth would easili fit promin right although hot promin typic appear dark view sun sinc slightli cooler surface quiescent promin typic last month may erupt coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system next day promin look slightli different,sun promin,2010-03-23,542,89,0.1408163265306122,03-23,3,2010,23,1,1,4 f5cb49b40af26a0c5a2a86a5befdce5f3b575f391c15250197ae0a30899ba7af,leonardo orazi,right surround blue spiral arms spiral galaxi m81 left mark red ga dust clouds irregular galaxi m82 stun vista show two mammoth galaxi lock gravit combat past billion years graviti galaxi dramat affect hundr millionyear pass last goround m82 graviti like rais densiti wave rippl around m81 result rich m81 spiral arms m81 left m82 violent star form region collid ga cloud energet galaxi glow xrays billion year one galaxi remain,galaxi wars m81 versu m82,2010-03-24,428,71,-0.0432539682539682,03-24,3,2010,24,7,0,3 d8c3828e95d32b195fce8d82ddeb38b7eceb18dd6e0f77c09a9f3123c580746d,none,distort galaxi ngc 2442 found southern constel fli fish piscis volans locat 50 million lightyear away galaxy two spiral arm extend pronounc central bar hooklik appear widefield images mosaick closeup construct hubbl space telescop data follow galaxy structur amaz detail obscur dust lanes young blue star cluster reddish star form region surround core yellowish light older popul stars sharp hubbl data also reveal distant background galaxi seen right ngc 2442 star cluster nebulae imag span 75000 lightyear estim distanc ngc 2442,ngc 2442 galaxi volan,2010-03-25,530,81,0.0808201058201058,03-25,3,2010,25,7,0,3 6355d63c486d7b308a340f893f46c3bdc8db0474118f4989f176da517ebaa215,morri,young crescent moon share western sky sister star pleiad cluster pretty even skyscap record march equinox san texas process digit image multipl exposur celesti scene combin show detail bright lunar surfac along pleiad stars astronom imag wellknown pleiad often show cluster allur blue reflect nebulae washedout bright moonlight still particular night skygaz south central america could even watch 5 day old moon occult pass front brighter pleiad stars,young moon sister star,2010-03-26,451,68,0.224074074074074,03-26,3,2010,26,2,1,1 4a908e6fc04d45d90575189ab96ddb96a2029ed05f63c23c0c7e8879405eadca,stefan seip,stark shadow mountain crater wall stand along lunar terminator shadow line night day telescop image course view lunar surfac near termin line sun would rise still close lunar horizon picture inset left highlight elus lunar sunris phenomenon stream gap eastern wall 45 kilomet wide hesiodu crater sunlight produc long sunris ray play along otherwis shadow crater floor sunris ray shortliv reward spot moon enthusiast telescopes seen hesiodu craters ray time calcul base observer location pictur first quarter moon record ut februari 22nd stuttgart germany inset larger crater pitatu right location hesiodu pitatu circl bottom picture,sunris ray,2010-03-27,632,95,-0.0571428571428571,03-27,3,2010,27,2,2,1 bed497d20ce8f92defb51ae7a91040397ef0b6eab5087b8c68b6cb366eaed6c8,none,becom one famou imag modern times image taken hubbl space telescop 1995 show evapor gaseou globul eggs emerg pillar molecular hydrogen ga dust giant pillar light year length dens interior ga contract gravit form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti materi boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed eagl nebula associ open star cluster m16 lie 7000 light year away pillar creation imag orbit chandra xray observatory found egg strong emitt xrays,m16 pillar creation,2010-03-28,480,78,0.2483333333333333,03-28,3,2010,28,4,1,5 5c54a566badc5db0b260956bf27101cdbed68db1eb2e57efdef56e9900d4d465,a,sky imagination earli even last week sky illumin unaid eye perhap even illumin mind eye unaid eye saw cloud frame moon set calm reflect bay spruce tree line nearbi shores pleiad open star cluster m45 glow promin center sky andromeda galaxi hover horizon right belt star orion line left bright orang star betelgeuse bright star siriu peek tree far left mind eye might imagine however constel come life orion hunter take sword shield follow battl big dog cani major whose right eye sirius watch across sky cassiopeia queen sit imag taken pleasant bay maine usa digit merg constel drawn 17th centuri j,moonset bay,2010-03-29,598,102,0.2190901360544218,03-29,3,2010,29,6,2,1 396bb9f7fb1891a5ebd71afd484dbd347830c256e02ac405537ec8bf60011237,robert gendler,galaxi discombobulated usually galaxi topsyturvi result recent collis neighbor galaxy spiral galaxi ngc 1313 however appear alone brightli lit new blue massiv stars star format appear rampant ngc 1313 label starburst galaxy strang featur ngc 1313 includ spiral arm lopsid rotat axi center nuclear bar pictur above ngc 1313 span 50000 light year lie 15 million light year away toward constel continu numer model galaxi like ngc 1313 might shed light unusu nature,unusu starburst galaxi ngc 1313,2010-03-30,461,73,0.1095959595959596,03-30,3,2010,30,7,1,3 2222061c70261a10f299e08d9b9210d64259404a45d4f4ce781cbfe4af3d7a6b,florida dark sky,featur sharp telescop image globular star cluster omega centauri ngc 5139 15000 lightyear away 150 lightyear diameter pack 10 million star much older sun omega cen largest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way,million star omega centauri,2010-03-31,418,66,0.0104166666666666,03-31,3,2010,31,6,0,3 66d4da25b383da5325678cffe2309a2c37b4edf96ba340338edddbde40f6eb43,none,2009 space mission reveal tantal sign water near lunar surface thought dri desol environment research offer archiv pictur evid human might one day abl use moon newli discov resourc directli quench found pile old apollo lunar surfac photographs pictur reveal object far left frame appear drink fountain surprisingli close one lunar modul land ask mention object reports astronaut discov spacesuit allow activ fountain simpli ignor stay lunar surface perhap coincidentally pictur taken exactli 40 year ago april fool day ,evid water moon,2010-04-01,519,79,0.06,04-01,4,2010,1,2,0,2 53d465d55c89c16474f5bc4a8bad8c446e6d886d9b7d32b9dc18bd9c48619a82,tama ladanyi,nestl austrian alps frozen lake stretch across foreground seren view record march 1 night sky includ nearli full moon bright planet saturn seen thin cloud near pictur center also includ remark bright color moondog paraselen left analog sundog parhelion paraselen produc moonlight shine thin hexagonalshap ice crystal high cirru clouds determin ice crystal geometry moon 22 degre love paraselene,paraselen,2010-04-02,394,59,0.161,04-02,4,2010,2,2,1,1 2ef9265efa331f84b91c09ca6476acc296de51fe6633e8a1cc40528d5bf3ed2e,christin churchil,although sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli offcolor slightli pink call belt venus offcolor band dark eclips sky blue sky seen nearli everi direct includ opposit sun straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere belt venus however atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red belt venu seen locat clear horizon pictur above belt venu photograph morn fog valley moon famou wineproduc region northern california usa belt frequent caught accid photographs,belt venu valley moon,2010-04-04,538,82,0.0933333333333333,04-04,4,2010,4,1,0,1 82a215347b9d30a1fc26def1680279d7f5ea6de6b7d58fedb8f51709763e3bb7,none,saturn shepherd moon prometheu realli look like raw imag robot cassini spacecraft januari flybi small moon show tantal clue graini images cassini team digit remast images mani detail come out pictur above prometheu clearli show oblong shape well numer crater 100kilomet length image bright part prometheu lit directli sun much dark part still discern sunlight first reflect saturn new surfac details togeth moon high reflectivity help human better understand histori prometheu saturn rings today cassini plan target flybi saturn largest moon titan wednesday cassini schedul swoop within 600 kilomet dione,prometheu remast,2010-04-05,604,90,0.1115594405594405,04-05,4,2010,5,0,2,2 4e34b0fe1400e5edaa79bbd8125bf548a085b8449d318dc2499fbc15b4d15d4b,kerryann lecki hepburnweath sky photography,follow thing common cone fur fox christma tree answer occur constel unicorn monoceros pictur star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae wide mosaic span 34 degre nearli 15 full moons cover 40 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose convolut pelt lie upper left bright variabl star mon immers bluetint haze fox fur cone nebula far right course star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape trace star appear sideway here apex cone nebula broader base center near mon,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2010-04-06,760,124,0.0242063492063492,04-06,4,2010,6,4,2,5 44d2775b23722cbc18d9882d13eb059dd6be01367738066b1a754f2c31dbdd83,discoveri,space shuttl orbit discoveri dock intern space station 350 kilomet planet earth last monday launch orbit beauti one rose clear predawn sky 621am edt kennedi space center pad 39a look east time exposur taken shortli lift marina 13 mile west launch site titusville florida show dawn emerg color along horizon waft rocket contrail upper right bright streak surround remarkable elongated vapor cloud near center imag actual track discovery arc toward horizon orbit rendezvous,discovery cloud,2010-04-08,471,73,0.2123376623376623,04-08,4,2010,8,8,1,2 1f9575a83af6d99aeee891aec4fd4a2fdf059d5393c5ba1aa4176285d006ac41,none,creat strang textur ic 418 dub spirograph nebula resembl draw cyclic draw tool planetari nebula ic 418 show pattern well understood perhap relat chaotic wind variabl central star chang bright unpredict hours contrast evid indic million year ago ic 418 probabl wellunderstood star similar sun thousand year ago ic 418 probabl common red giant star sinc run nuclear fuel though outer envelop begun expand outward leav hot remnant core destin becom whitedwarf star visibl imag center light central core excit surround atom nebula caus glow ic 418 lie 2000 lightyear away span 03 lightyear across falsecolor imag taken hubbl space telescop reveal unusu details,ic 418 spirograph nebula,2010-04-11,656,104,0.095,04-11,4,2010,11,4,2,5 5cc8fd1b5d342b7fe2b48c8158238194d448e2a17d2449cc99abe72978bb73d5,josselin desmar,go outsid tonight see one interest planetari conjunct recent years sunset planet mercuri venu visibl quit near other venus commonli discern one brightest object sky frequent mistaken airplane venu set quit slowly mercury however dimmer usual harder find recently though mercuri found right venus appear increasingli brighter planet next week pictur above venu mercuri imag next famou dame cathedr paris france care inspect imag reveal bright object nearli venu icon eiffel tower,mercuri venu pari,2010-04-12,478,72,0.0315934065934065,04-12,4,2010,12,8,0,1 5bc2d0c75c23ab14a0e28388ee2f118080412873d076d4947cd3ac445b168d5a,none,spiral galaxi m66 symmetric usual densiti wave gas dust newli form star circl spiral galaxy center creat nearli symmetr galaxy differ m66 spiral arm appar displac nucleu like caus previou close interact tidal gravit pull nearbi galaxi neighbor m65 ngc 3628 spiral galaxi m66 pictur above span 100000 light years lie 35 million light year distant largest galaxi group known leo triplet like mani spiral galaxies long intric dust lane m66 seen intertwin bright star nebula light spiral arms,unusu spiral galaxi m66 hubbl,2010-04-13,488,79,0.1555555555555555,04-13,4,2010,13,7,1,3 49b04fc807d62886601e20ce42582dd72d87a61ca21e17002c7c7aa1bdafa677,none,intern space station largest object ever construct human space station perimet extend roughli area footbal field although small fraction compos modul habit humans station larg could launch built piecem larg section ad continu flight space shuttle function iss need huge trusses 15 meter long mass 10000 kilograms keep rigid rout electr liquid coolants pictur above part immens space station photograph window member visit space shuttl discoveri sts131 crew visibl foreground japan kibo research module larg truss visibl toward left far right crescent earth slice black space,larg space station earth,2010-04-14,575,86,0.0354497354497354,04-14,4,2010,14,8,0,2 0d9ff56cdd15e3fe05c8eda04e77f543ee4b5aa3fd99fbe2af06cc3cd1015cae,r jay gabani,spiral galaxi ngc 4651 mere 35 million lightyear distant toward wellgroom constel coma berenices 50 thousand lightyear across galaxi seen faint umbrellashap structur right seem extend 50 thousand lightyear beyond bright galact disk giant cosmic umbrella known compos tidal star streams stream extens trail star gravit strip smaller satellit galaxi eventu torn apart place cursor imag simul satellit galaxy path disrupt absorb ngc 4651 recent work remark collabor amateur profession astronom imag faint structur around bright galaxi suggest even nearbi galaxies tidal star stream common result predict model galaxi formation includ format milki way,ngc 4651 umbrella galaxi,2010-04-15,647,94,-0.0434065934065933,04-15,4,2010,15,7,2,3 6f4885b64e9a695fdf1059b8d50c1027f970b3a339f7df45d6202f2a4d543536,none,close solar surfac strike patch work granul high resolut pictur quiet sun caus granul hot rise column plasma dark lane cooler descend plasma highresolut view reveal dark lane dot mani small contrast bright points constantli present solar surface bright point seem relat sunspot come go magnet solar cycle nonetheless bright point region concentr magnet field bright magnet pressur open window hotter deeper layer photosphere scale white bar lower left correspond 5000 kilomet across sun surface sharp narrowband imag record september 2007 use swedish solar telescop astronom island la palma,bright point quiet sun,2010-04-16,590,89,0.169,04-16,4,2010,16,1,1,4 5f029f00f21d3051255f77e79eb60203b4a77a3cf68dc7a1e55f8af1de92c991,none,oxygen tank explod crippl servic module apollo 13 astronaut forc abandon plan make third man lunar landing extent damag reveal grainy grim photo taken servic modul drift away jettison hour prior command module reentri splashdown entir panel side servic modul blown away extens intern damag apparent visibl gut compart radio antenna large bellshap nozzl servic module rocket engine april 17 1970 three astronaut return safe earth,damag apollo 13,2010-04-17,428,66,-0.0392857142857142,04-17,4,2010,17,8,0,2 a4ae845a79b84951d50096fc609e3b32e6bc7f12a2601d1fb4ef0273502612ab,none,what happen sun last week produc one largest erupt promin ever seen pictur above promin erupt hour captur movi form nasa twin sunorbit stereo satellites quiescent solar promin cloud hot solar ga held sun surfac sun magnet field unpredictably however promin may expel hot ga solar system via coron mass eject cme pictur above mani earth would easili fit expand ribbon hot gas although somehow relat sun chang magnet field energi mechan creat sustain solar promin still topic research,larg erupt promin imag stereo,2010-04-18,482,79,0.1229166666666666,04-18,4,2010,18,1,1,2 7ca9ebba73d18328c321dc172d11c9dcd5cb6074bb21dd8616f1f9765351a080,marco full,recent volcan erupt iceland creat much ash although larg ash plume unparallel abundance locat particularli notic drift across well popul areas eyjafjallajkul volcano southern iceland began erupt march 20 second erupt start center small glacier april 14 neither erupt unusu powerful second eruption however melt larg amount glacial ice cool fragment lava gritti glass particl carri rise volcan plume pictur two day ago lightn bolt illumin ash pour eyjafjallajkul volcano,ash lightn iceland volcano,2010-04-19,469,70,0.0555555555555555,04-19,4,2010,19,8,0,4 3a16c3b71db6bda4897a763a1c3557ba726275fbbbda7e4a662540d2b3fe5464,none,would like see sky mani moons sky saturn appear close other moon show similar phase view two famou moon saturn gibbou phase captur last month robot spacecraft cassini orbit saturn titan left among largest moon solar system perpetu shroud clouds 2005 huygen probe land titan gave human first view unusu surface dione right less quarter titan diamet signific atmosphere uncalibr imag taken april 10 cassini swoop moon previou week,saturn moon dion titan cassini,2010-04-20,428,69,0.0305059523809523,04-20,4,2010,20,0,0,2 c1575e63c85c4ee56a3dde71778eedd18002d7bc044ec895a96fd725e6c4bd07,none,nebula perhap famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble still known cat could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years pictur above wide angle deep field imag cat paw nebula second digit sky survey,wide cat paw nebula,2010-04-21,391,67,0.0104166666666666,04-21,4,2010,21,4,0,5 b47937fd768822cb837ed13c614e3cdac145a1ccadeabd84bb8234804854f6ed,digitalastronomi,rlier month venu mercuri climb western twilight entertain skygaz around planet earth love conjunct even stars combin 8 imag span april 4 april 15 composit track progress sky uk individu imag captur ut sequenti path bright planet begin low left venu continu swing away set sun move higher western horizon mercuri first rise falls highest point imag taken april 11 cours april 15 venu mercuri join young crescent moon,venus mercury moon,2010-04-22,415,69,0.2,04-22,4,2010,22,1,1,1 623df151997c05e95b79c5b185c5828025891607f80e9dbd0e3ba3886432a19a,none,sun gone wildlook portrait nearest star planet earth made march 30th recent launch solar dynam observatori sdo shown falsecolor composit view cover extrem ultraviolet wavelength trace hot plasma temperatur approach 1 million kelvins full resolution sdo imag data intend explor solar activ unpreced detail fact sdo send 15 data back day equival daili download half million new sdo data releas includ highresolut movi large erupt promin seen along solar limb upper left,extrem ultraviolet sun,2010-04-23,467,72,0.0871091871091871,04-23,4,2010,23,1,0,1 55a374b62ecaf43421032e826fe8e7e45b89dbf1c67bd13639198fbe74b8f8dd,ken crawford,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 1055 domin member small galaxi group mere 60 million lightyear away toward intimid constel cetus seen edgeon island univers span 100000 lightyears similar size milki way colorful spiki star cosmic portrait ngc 1055 foreground well within milki way along smatter distant background galaxies deep imag also reveal curiou inner halo extend far galaxy dusti plane halo lace faint narrow structures could repres mix spread debri satellit galaxi disrupt larger spiral 10 billion year ago,ngc galaxi box,2010-04-24,510,79,-0.0958333333333333,04-24,4,2010,24,7,0,3 3affe08f715969c384e490d17b73758208c20907e3ac5aba8d608cb79854f759,none,insid head interstellar monster star slowli destroy it monster right actual inanim pillar ga dust measur light year length star visibl opaqu dust burst partli eject energet beam particles similar epic battl wage starform carina nebula star win end destroy pillar creation next 100000 years result new open cluster stars pink dot around imag newli form star alreadi freed birth monster imag releas last week commemor hubbl space telescop 20th year operation technic name stellar jet herbigharo objects star creat herbigharo jet ongo topic research like involv accret disk swirl around central star second impress herbigharo jet occur diagon near imag center,dust pillar carina nebula,2010-04-26,656,102,0.0774777853725222,04-26,4,2010,26,6,2,4 9c29dbe1539390e0cb741db9f31c35106efda34f64bf8565e103ed4bfcb5ca70,none,creat strang sound earth pacif ocean pictur visual represent loud unusu sound dub captur deep sea 1997 time shown horizont axis deep pitch shown vertic axis bright although bloop sound type ever record earth oceans origin remain unknown sound place occur sever time southern coast south america audibl 5000 kilomet away although sound similar live even blue whale larg enough sound point intrigu hypothesi even larger life form lurk unexplor dark earth deep oceans less possibility however sound result sort iceberg bloop heard sinc 1997 although loud unexplain sound recorded,mysteri sound deep ocean,2010-04-27,576,90,0.1591540404040403,04-27,4,2010,27,8,1,4 42c4e2aa3e64cf9f0d3e9e5a6a66107606271971ea11109e8a6371f1bac253d8,digitalastronomi,april 17 sky clear sun colour spectacular night strike telescop view even captur sun swollen distort shape southern coast uk reflect bright column sunlight sea also appear horizon mark citi colour made intens volcan dust mayb not normally sunset and sunrise colour still dramatic especi atmospher clear sun view near horizon scene larg dust particles like ash cloud erupt iceland volcano tend creat diffus subdu sunset colours,sunset golden sea,2010-04-28,426,67,0.1364583333333333,04-28,4,2010,28,1,1,1 2b3b33fbe87097385af38805190efccffe03fc0c42c450efe7f157f97a9be2bd,stephen leshin,bar spiral galaxi ngc 4731 lie 65 million lightyear away love island univers resid larg virgo cluster galaxies color wellcomposed cosmic portrait highlight young bluish star cluster along galaxy sweep spiral arms broad arm distort gravit interact fellow virgo cluster member giant ellipt galaxi ngc ngc 4697 beyond frame left smaller irregular galaxi ngc seen near bottom impress detail young blue star clusters course individual colorful spiki star scene much closer within milki way galaxy ngc 4731 well 100000 lightyear across,virgo cluster galaxi ngc,2010-04-29,529,81,0.1135416666666666,04-29,4,2010,29,7,1,3 f07eee340f30869926ad7a4cfc8beea242047f83b489d9a640bdad3f14bd8003,john,opposit late january mar shone brightli planet earth night sky among star constel cancer crab sinc red planet fading still linger cancer april may midapril mar wander remark close famou star cluster m44 beehiv cluster m44 also known older name latin cradl captur 60 second time exposur made april 14 yellowting mar m44 near center field seemingli beyond reach pine tree course m44 star 600 lightyear away mar like 600 lightsecond earth digit photograph made camera mount telescop track star dark sky camp ground virginia usa exposure pass car light briefli illumin tree branches,mar,2010-04-30,578,94,0.0145833333333333,04-30,4,2010,30,5,2,1 c64b8779f03fe87f2d15582aeed8fadc1904fb220b635fa7da31f42525e9991e,none,far pulsar go psr b150958 appear young light supernova explos gave birth would first reach earth 1700 year ago magnetized 20 kilometerdiamet neutron star spin 7 time per second cosmic dynamo power wind charg particles energet wind creat surround nebula xray glow tantal imag chandra xray observatory low energi xray red medium energi green high energi blue pulsar bright central region remarkably nebula tantalizing complic structur resembl hand psr b150958 17000 lightyear away southern constel circinus distanc chandra imag span 100 lightyears,pulsar hand,2010-05-01,545,82,0.1614285714285714,05-01,5,2010,1,4,1,4 414efd21e9a956c0397850a3161498d15e6bf0c1282a3e2fff2e8bd7b2b67e8c,none,spiral galaxi seen almost sideways ngc one galaxy largest member hickson 44 group one nearer group galaxi local group galaxies pictur above fine textur dust lane surround brightli glow center picturesqu spiral gravit tidal interact member group like caus spiral arm ngc 3190 appear asymmetr around center galact disk also appear ngc 3190 span 75000 light year across visibl small telescop toward constel lion leo,spiral galaxi ngc almost sideway,2010-05-03,412,65,0.0523809523809523,05-03,5,2010,3,7,0,3 7445ce63a171f660ecf49f21af43f4b17c9ec443ccf72da06b04393afb753bb5,a,tri enter hall fog would find dissip around you hall actual optic illus creat sunlight backscatt cloud pass peak mountain pictur taken known fogbow similar way the phenomenon sometim seen airplanes ring center appear near imag bottom shadow photograph visible shadow would like chang cloud passed creat move giant known spectre picture sever concentr ring fogbow appear creat hall mountain king caus fogbow arc understood recent rel complex briefly small droplet water reflect refract diffract sunlight backward toward sun atmospher backscatt phenomena counterpart astronomy look planet earth direct opposit sun yield bright spot call gegenschein note apod text updat accuraci 2010 may 9,mountain,2010-05-04,687,103,0.025,05-04,5,2010,4,8,2,1 dedb030dc61520606373d75da94ba5c56ffd52d10c3f408b2c681bc361d9f18a,none,rang expert youngest age 10 contribut work entertain panel featur differ face mars sketch base telescop view red planet earlier year near 2010 opposition mar offer best telescop view opposition sinc that closest opposit sun planet earth sky arrang spiral pattern sketch posit follow planet rotation canal visible larg surfac mark dramatic dark syrti major easili identified often seen astronom telescop eyepiece planet orient inverted mars north polar cap bottom,face mar,2010-05-05,462,70,-0.0337962962962962,05-05,5,2010,5,5,0,1 509cff97ef3bc2557bd6ff3a9ad88944c3aeafef29d2ba80bd4d9457faa5962f,goldman,captur color telescop portraits two cosmic glare back toward planet earth intrigu comparison planetari nebulae left m97 constel ursa major also known northern hemispher owl nebula right visual counterpart southern owl nebula constel hydra catalog nebula remark symmetric round similar size 2 lightyear across 2000 time diamet neptune orbit planetari nebula produc final phase life sunlik star exampl fate await sun run nuclear fuel anoth 5 billion years imag made use narrowband filter differ color imag southern owl also includ broadband data bring surround star field,northern southern,2010-05-06,569,86,0.0148214285714285,05-06,5,2010,6,4,0,5 17e148861898cce384353488678209b09d884003aa71f81c1200e7e99a74a3b5,star shadow remoteobservatori,60 million lightyear away southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi collided star two galaxi catalog ngc 4038 ngc 4039 collid cours ponderous billion year long event instead larg cloud molecular ga dust do trigger furiou episod star format near center cosmic wreckage span 500 thousand lightyears stun view also reveal new star cluster matter flung far scene accid gravit tidal forces course visual appear farflung arc structur give galaxi pair popular name antennae,antenna,2010-05-07,466,73,0.1123376623376623,05-07,5,2010,7,7,1,3 cbd01eaf0afaa65f3dd2b229ad107a5c45e166f239f8c3d999398bcce3f81f65,launch photographi,atlanti lift off launch pad 39a instead sharp wideangl photo taken april 13 show space shuttl orbit lift floor kennedi space center vehicl assembl building shortli afterwards atlanti attach extern fuel tank solid rocket booster prior roll out rest pad 39a atlanti schedul actual liftoff may 14 embark mission intern space station launch repres final schedul launch atlantis atlanti name sail ship oper wood hole oceanograph institut 1930 1966 maiden voyag atlantis orbit began octob 3 1985 1991 atlanti deploy compton gamma ray observatory,atlanti lift,2010-05-08,540,84,-0.0375,05-08,5,2010,8,8,0,2 2c95c9b8a4486cb552afaf59fb1bc81074a3ba6c6d0a70dc5d7532653a616df5,r corradi isaac newton groupnord optic telescop,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky haunt symmetri seen central region stun falsecolor picture process reveal enorm extrem faint halo gaseou material three lightyear across surround brighter familiar planetari nebula made data nordic optic telescop canari islands composit pictur show extend emiss nebula planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star much recent however planetari found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier activ episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years,halo cat eye,2010-05-09,619,92,0.0916666666666666,05-09,5,2010,9,4,2,5 d7d70ffe6bf66453d45c033d59c50fa08930cca93d853f707c23a266eca9a733,none,giant crater mima oddli mimas one smaller round moon saturn sport herschel crater one larger impact crater entir solar system robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn took imag herschel crater unpreced detail make 10000kilomet record close pass ici world one month ago shown contrastenhanc fals color imag includ color inform older mima imag togeth show clearli herschel landscap color slightli differ heavili crater terrain nearby color differ could yield surfac composit clue violent histori mimas impact mima much larger one creat 130kilomet herschel would like destroy entir world,herschel crater mima saturn,2010-05-11,581,87,-0.1291666666666666,05-11,5,2010,11,5,0,2 1d03560e2fbd341ac2bd788697e5581ef62239abf1aeffce2c14b2bd903f6200,none,globular cluster rule milki way back old days back galaxi first formed perhap thousand globular cluster roam galaxy today less 200 left mani globular cluster destroy eon repeat fate encount galact center surviv relic older earth fossil older structur galaxy limit univers raw age few any young globular cluster milki way galaxi condit ripe form pictur hubbl space telescop 100000 m72 stars m72 span 50 light year lie 50000 light year away seen small telescop toward constel water bearer aquarius,m72 globular cluster star,2010-05-12,495,80,0.0272435897435897,05-12,5,2010,12,7,0,3 eb2d7846ebfe561e5af0df21aba2542c5fd66b54a687e44d8b9ae5aa6a7aea54,osservatorio mtm,sculpt stellar wind radiation magnific interstellar dust cloud chanc assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula 1500 lightyear distant embed vast orion cloud complex five lightyear tall dark cloud catalog barnard 33 visibl obscur dust silhouet glow red emiss nebula ic 434 star form within dark cloud contrast blue reflect nebula ngc 2023 surround hot young star lower left gorgeou color imag combin narrowband broadband imag record use three differ telescopes,magnific horsehead nebula,2010-05-13,470,71,-0.009090909090909,05-13,5,2010,13,4,0,5 9ea091ab112a3694fc8441d01b634f84f9e0bf9352deb996b10f764ae4bbe859,babak tafreshi,arc southern milki way shone brightli starri night captur may 4 foreground gorgeou skyview near spectacular fall nation park border brazil argentina look skyward along milki way arc left alpha beta centauri southern cross carina nebula sirius brightest star planet earth night sky far right brilliant canopus second brightest star night neighbor galaxi larg small magellan clouds also includ scene help find them slide cursor image much closer home light near center along horizon argentina fall intern airport,starri night,2010-05-14,510,78,0.1557142857142857,05-14,5,2010,14,6,1,1 c7dedb3720113e1eefd39c7ad271011bbe8805a1a53a4b4870bc00f2b6abe07b,bob frank,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught falsecolor telescop view flank two bright stars mu eta geminorum foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula brighter arc ridg emiss dangl tentacl right center fact cosmic jellyfish seen part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant ic 443 known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core emiss nebula sharpless 249 fill field upper left jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away distance imag would 300 lightyear across color scheme use narrowband composit made popular hubbl space telescop images map emiss oxygen hydrogen sulfur atom blue green red colors,elus jellyfish nebula,2010-05-15,741,112,0.1311224489795918,05-15,5,2010,15,4,2,5 57ef6c884f39dd8b5c56b6ef68790f53c5ee16a22898958ceadfee41f491e6ea,ivn der,there someth behind clouds faint grace arcs upon inspection actual far far distance earth moon planet venus moon venu bright enough seen day quit capabl show crescent phase see venus appear quit small crescent phase requir binocular telescope dramat daytim imag taken budapest hungari 2004 moon venu share similar crescent phase minut moon eclips larger distant world similarly visibl today part africa asia crescent moon eclips venu day hour imag taken venu reappeared,crescent venu moon,2010-05-16,469,73,-0.0291666666666666,05-16,5,2010,16,2,0,1 6a59a5d70e3bbe66161395960d16e2a732716a6ec180841d222e37f2abfc8238,none,see full length blue whale scroll right ngc 4631 big beauti spiral galaxi seen edgeon 30 million lightyear away galaxy slightli distort wedg shape led popular monik whale galaxy whale dark interstellar dust cloud young bright blue star cluster highlight panoram color image band ngc 4631 appear similar band milki way galaxy size truli similar milki way well galaxi also known spout halo hot ga glow xrays whale galaxi span light year seen small telescop toward constel hunt dog cane venatici,panorama whale galaxi,2010-05-17,492,81,0.163265306122449,05-17,5,2010,17,7,1,3 d20d35c046034f1de3b2d5e067d861cc91c78cdca7b9bafe86615257cd07795d,none,largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxi lie neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc tarantula nebula distanc orion nebula local star form region would take fulli half sky also call 30 doradus red pink ga indic massiv emiss nebula although supernova remnant dark nebula also exist there bright knot star left center call r136 contain mani massive hottest brightest star known imag taken european southern observatory esos wide field imag one detail ever vast star form region recent hubbl imag part nebula uncov massiv star escap region,tentacl tarantula nebula,2010-05-18,561,90,-0.030392156862745,05-18,5,2010,18,4,0,5 5a50ca0ab2a195cb9ecffe40dd4e38713a91fc0ee7b97be1527d1b668baebacf,bret,long stoneheng built well dead sea scroll ancient artist paint figur canyon wall utah usa why nobodi sure entir panel figures date back 7000 years call great galleri found wall horsesho canyon canyonland nation park human paint like unusu largest figur led mural inform design ghost panel although intend import figur realli unknown imag taken clear night march oldest object imag however star milki way galaxi far background billion year old,milki way ancient ghost,2010-05-19,443,71,0.125,05-19,5,2010,19,6,1,1 b55889b1a2f43145deeeb4afc2813cfde5e08ec4001ef940d77e924b579f7bb2,adam block,spiral galaxies majest wind arm young stars gas dust rotat flat disk around bulg galact nucleus ellipt galaxi seem simpler lack ga dust form new stars randomli swarm older stars give ellipsoid egglike shape still ellipt galaxi large center telescop view 120000 lightyear diameter larger milki way ellipt galaxi m87 ngc domin galaxi virgo galaxi cluster 50 million lightyear away m87 like home supermass black hole respons highenergi jet particl emerg giant galaxy central region image m87 jet near one oclock position galaxi also field view includ larg virgo cluster ellipt ngc right center ngc near right edge,ellipt galaxi jet,2010-05-20,610,98,0.0664718614718614,05-20,5,2010,20,7,2,3 a357beff9e99269d3df87725ff8cc017eb44685276223702fb40bfe28fbb95a7,clear sky,last weekend moon venu form beauti close pair west sunset scene enjoy skygaz world love view conjunct sweden calm lake vallentuna lie foreground sunset color still fade behind far shore young moon sunlit crescent bright entir outlin seen earthshine light reflect planet earth itself wellplac skygazers sunday may 16 moon actual occult pass front of brilliant venus many occult visibl daylight hours,crescent moon venu,2010-05-21,398,62,0.2916666666666667,05-21,5,2010,21,2,1,1 65c5d60018f3f4f926e9a0aa5c01356a6d29383a96a414e2cdac91ffde787c85,none,suspend magnet field solar activ region dark filament stretch 40 omin structur appear frozen time near sun edge solar filament unstabl often erupt detail scene captur may 18 extrem ultraviolet light camera board solar dynam observatory cooler plasma filament look dark hotter brighter plasma trace magnet field line emerg activ region seen arc edg sun filament actual look bright dark background space call prominences,dark filament sun,2010-05-22,418,64,0.1071428571428571,05-22,5,2010,22,1,1,1 baff9ba68a1118e774387a4b2c3cfbc03ab97e8da6ede0c95ca7bcde78620798,thierri legault,that sunspot upper right imag sun dark patch actual intern space station iss space shuttl atlanti mission past mani skygaz spot space station space shuttl bright star glide twilight skies still glint sunlight orbit 350 kilomet earth surface here astrophotograph thierri lagault accur comput occurr rarer opportun record spacefar combin move quickli silhouett across solar disk snap pictur last sunday may 16 50 minut shuttl dock space station atlanti recent launch iss last mission,station shuttl transit sun,2010-05-23,481,74,0.065079365079365,05-23,5,2010,23,8,0,2 1b6e326dccbfe153af20644b56dd7439da4b56297fae70e47b77e1b493b8338d,rogelio bernal andreo,cloud surround star system rho ophiuchi compos one closest star form regions rho ophiuchi binari star system visibl lightcolor region imag right star system locat 400 light year away distinguish color surroundings includ red emiss nebula numer light dark brown dust lanes near upper right rho ophiuchi molecular cloud system yellow star antares distant coincidentlysuperpos globular cluster stars m4 visibl antar red emiss nebula near imag bottom lie ic 4592 blue horsehead nebula blue glow surround blue horsehead eye star around imag reflect nebula compos fine dust imag left geometr angl reflect nebula catalog sharpless 1 here bright star near dust vortex creat light surround reflect nebula although featur visibl small telescop point toward constel ophiuchus scorpius sagittarius way see intric detail dust swirls featur above use long exposur camera,rho ophiuchi wide field,2010-05-24,858,130,0.1146997929606625,05-24,5,2010,24,4,2,5 75b3612ca72fd3e2ef730cd31ca5aca7d6a4e52b04be65f608cd0325cbbd1fcc,none,long trip martian rover opportunity last week opportun surpass vike 1 longest run mission mars extend well six years pictur above opportunity track cross nearli featureless martian desert eman distant horizon land 2004 meridiani planum robot opportun embark longest danger trek yet reach larg endeavor crater sometim next year endeavor hoped hold new clue ancient geolog mar whether mar could harbor life,look back across mar,2010-05-25,404,62,-0.0019480519480519,05-25,5,2010,25,5,0,2 345178a0c400fc24463894438d0b59e04b8bd187ad1122e60eb5c44304de2173,osservatorio mtm,1716 english astronom edmond halley noted thi littl patch shew nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky telescop view reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away along cluster dens core outer reach m13 highlight sharp color image cluster evolv red blue giant star show yellowish blue tints,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2010-05-27,584,89,0.159375,05-27,5,2010,27,6,1,5 a6e2adc9b03b4b9685f6eea463c211e9a5feaec3a26d67538ac07583ee199577,tama ladanyi,moonlit stand foreground histor greek island tantal sky featur color lunar corona bright moonlight diffract water droplet thin cloud drift front lunar disk captur earli even may 17 imag composit 9 exposur sequence 20 second long show star trail too includ bright trail planet venu setting moon near right edg frame arc horizon right picture left edg surprisingli color trail produc space shuttl orbit atlanti dock intern space station 350 kilomet earth surface orbit station pair still bath sunlight though might seem appropri seen sky shuttl orbit atlanti directli name legendari island atlantis instead name vintag sail ship atlantis first research vessel oper wood hole oceanograph,atlanti,2010-05-28,684,106,0.1701298701298701,05-28,5,2010,28,2,2,1 c0570ea9d140d5c3738092e365f3c551d92981ce4b9ffa5022834a3ac0f24230,none,violent galaxi merger feed supermass black holes result intens emiss region near supermass black holes creat lumin object universe astronom activ galact nuclei decad 1 percent agn seem associ galaxi mergers new result premier sky survey nasa swift satellit hard xray energi solidli show strong associ agn merg galaxies though hard xray readili penetr dust ga cloud merg galaxi reveal presenc emiss activ black holes fact panel show locat circled swift xray detect supermass black hole varieti merg galaxi systems optic imag kitt peak nation observatori arizona top center ngc compact galaxi group known stephan quintet,black hole merg galaxi,2010-05-29,618,96,-0.0816919191919192,05-29,5,2010,29,7,2,4 612c1b4f56f488fda7456a60c2727b83b7d3a798c821d7eb87965cac052381e0,none,center galaxi busi place visibl light much galact center obscur opaqu dust infrar light however dust glow obscur less allow nearli one million star record image galact center appear glow lower left locat 30000 light year away toward constel sagittarius galact plane milki way galaxy plane sun orbits identifi dark diagon dust lane absorb dust grain creat atmospher cool redgiant star grow molecular clouds region directli surround galact center glow brightli radio highenergi radiation galact center thought hous larg black hole,galact center infrar 2mass,2010-05-30,528,81,0.0547619047619047,05-30,5,2010,30,6,0,3 f32eec778b63f573e554b6f604c001a4fb3237bba7b2bff9a4e9aa30be49d5b7,none,cruis around saturn lookout picturesqu juxtaposit moon rings anoth strike align occur last march view humanity saturnorbit cassini spacecraft rhea one saturn larger moons caught pass epimetheus one saturn smaller moons epimetheus pictur above actual well behind heavili crater rhea back sever complex ring saturn seen cross imag behind moon ring giant saturn itself show expans featureless cloud green light imag taken cassini mission around saturn extend 2017 better studi complex planetari system season chang equinox solstice,moon ring saturn,2010-05-31,528,77,-0.0466666666666666,05-31,5,2010,31,0,0,2 2521254729cdac7d74e22a6ceb26c0ee3a852102455aada92b5fcde70f7f6bd3,none,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl right shape optic light reminisc classic heart symbol image however taken infrar light recent launch wise telescope infrar light penetr well insid vast complex bubbl creat newli form star interior two massiv star form regions studi star dust like found heart soul nebula focuss massiv star form affect environment light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years,heart soul nebula infrar,2010-06-01,522,84,0.296031746031746,06-01,6,2010,1,4,1,5 32b78508ea71968bd415c40d25038ff8d467d015707dcf60f651d6b20dd6b779,juergen rendtel,meteor take twist path one sure consid meteors usual sand size grain origin comets typic disintegr enter earth atmosphere fast move meteor ioniz molecul earth atmospher subsequ glow reacquir electrons meteor path twist notic note before even photographed behavior motion meteor neither windblown meteor train observ remain somewhat controversial meteor imag two week ago streak teid observatori tenerife canari islands appear swagger much sever minut arc experienc astrophotograph think could attribut drift result train motion camera truli indic twist meteor path underli reason could pictur meteor markedli nonspher shape nonuniform composition electr charged nonuniform meteors example may evapor one side another caus rotat meteor wobble understand meteor import partli meteor candid seed earth prebiot molecul allow develop life,twist meteor trail tenerif,2010-06-02,833,118,0.3,06-02,6,2010,2,8,2,4 d607dc1c10bca15dbe5d5aa391e6c296e4653891b116eb761489a5ce22835415,none,sofia stratospher observatori infrar astronomy captur first light imag may 26 altitud 35000 feet fli planet earth water vapor sofia premier infrar view cosmo includ remark falsecolor imag right panel jupiter comparison left recent groundbas visibl light image show solar system rule ga giant without dark southern equatori belt seen upper hemispher familiar featur fade view earli may bright white stripe sofia imag region jupiter cloud transpar infrar light offer glimps cloud tops,jupit,2010-06-03,482,73,0.1900510204081633,06-03,6,2010,3,8,1,4 1ae67d5ce279ce499f04788542407866c715d5d0573367d0761f1e4e720910de,star shadow remoteobservatori,helmetshap cosmic cloud winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across fact helmet actual like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center sweep surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution catalog ngc 2359 nebula locat 15000 lightyear away constel cani major sharp image made use broadband narrowband filters captur strike detail nebula filamentari structures show bluegreen color strong emiss due oxygen atom glow gas,thor helmet,2010-06-05,578,85,0.1497023809523809,06-05,6,2010,5,4,1,5 1ca78b06f5729cbb3a90dd3b3fd4d9d381929e91f658707ef5cbfbb75d571e52,none,may look like sort cute alien robot creat earth launch moon 1970 reflect laser light scientif use way novemb 17 1970 soviet luna 17 spacecraft land first rove remotecontrol robot moon known lunokhod 1 weigh 2000 pound design oper 90 day guid realtim five person team near moscow lunokhod 1 tour lunar sea rain mare imbrium 11 month one greatest success soviet lunar explor program lunokhod oper offici ceas 1971 earlier year however posit rover recov nasa moonorbit lunar reconnaiss orbiter given position laser puls earth success bounc old robot reflector bounc laser puls lunar reflector could yield rang data moon accur enough track deviat moon orbit effect probe lunar composit test gravit theories,lunokhod reflect moon robot,2010-06-06,702,114,0.2454545454545454,06-06,6,2010,6,2,2,2 ced9e8f46a76e1d65a9f3f700a9e98a41610677406245ea306700ec3e44ea71d,jose francisco hernandez altamira,new comet brighten expect becom visibl unaid eye later month c2009 r1 alreadi show impress tail current visibl binoculars image taken yesterday observatori canari island span five degrees show impress green coma long ion tail front distant star trails although predict bright comet notori difficult current estim place comet mcnaught becom visibl unaid northern hemispher observ late june sunrise earli july sunset discov robert mcnaught last year sunorbit iceberg pass earth next week continu melt shed debri close sun earli july reach half earthsun distanc sun comet fade rapidli head inner solar system,comet mcnaught visibl eye,2010-06-07,605,93,-0.0386868686868686,06-07,6,2010,7,3,0,1 9959c395d3c8b594869faa30175b5ec7d4dd5e217730fbedc999880f5dadea51,alan friedmanavert imagination,ven quiet sun busi place deep solar minimum past years sun unusu quiet image taken last week singl color light call hydrogen alpha fals colored record great amount detail simmer surfac parent star gradual brighten toward sun edg colorinvert image call limb darkening caus increas absorpt rel cool solar gas sun edges sever promin visible two promin sun face seen light streak right imag center two particularli activ area sun mark dark plages contrast recent quiet times sun move toward solar maximum year like appear much active,orang sun simmer,2010-06-09,529,87,0.1068253968253968,06-09,6,2010,9,1,0,1 5f9b2b1dc23b479cc15a6d3fa129ae7ddb09eef62fa1346daaedf32df330e2eb,babak tafreshi,leo royal star regulu red planet mar appear color pair horizon starri skyscape photo taken june 4th mountain region western iran near border mark color contrast mar bright blue star easi discern eye enhanc pictur use filter otherwis domin western even sky brilliant venu alreadi set mountain scene saturn still shine night though farther eastward along eclipt plane slide cursor pictur identifi planets star leo star cluster coma berenices,regulu red planet,2010-06-10,439,69,0.2,06-10,6,2010,10,6,1,1 6786207c0a194b20db9e9ab735ae54af7992ba543ed7305e38ae7c23f9c60e37,bob frank,braided serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow medusa transform star near center overal bright crescent shape deep wide telescop view fainter filament clearli extend left bright crescent region medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2010-06-12,590,88,0.15625,06-12,6,2010,12,4,2,5 821e034d6c08b53b4e244a1c4f83a365f54d703b66a5c45e6e250cf008822f15,tunç tezel,would mar appear move backwards time appar motion mar earth sky one direction slow steadi front far distant stars everi two years however earth pass mar orbit around sun recent pass late last year earli year mar usual loom larg bright also time mar appear move backward sky phenomenon call retrograd motion pictur seri imag digit stack star imag coincide here mar appear trace loop sky center loop earth pass mar retrograd motion highest retrograd motion also seen solar system planets,retrograd mar,2010-06-13,485,81,-0.0277777777777777,06-13,6,2010,13,5,0,1 7bcc650a5708f6542472541c16a7e61f74c1cb7770ee6ccbded40d05beed768e,none,unusu red rectangl nebula created nebula center age binari star system sure power nebula not yet explain colors unusu shape red rectangl like due thick dust toru pinch otherwis spheric outflow tiptouch cone shapes view toru edgeon boundari edg cone shape seem form x distinct rung suggest outflow occur fit starts unusu color nebula less well understood however current specul hold partli provid hydrocarbon molecul may actual build block organ life red rectangl nebula lie 2300 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros nebula shown unpreced detail captur recent hubbl space telescope million years one central star becom deplet nuclear fuel red rectangl nebula like bloom planetari nebula,red rectangl nebula hubbl,2010-06-14,697,108,0.0567708333333333,06-14,6,2010,14,4,2,5 786e5efad55c2e01d1a2388042045f732cfb6b5e5e199f5dc104399eb07a7fed,vincent van digit ronni warner,know van gogh paint starri night includ comet halebopp hope not doesnt imag does although today featur pictur may appear first glanc faith digit reproduct origin starri night actual modern rendit meant honor one famou paint second millennium act scaveng hunt find image comet spiral galaxy open star cluster supernova remnant easy ok find ring supernova 1987a ngc 2392 crab nebula thor helmet cartwheel galaxy ant nebula still easy pleas identifi hidden imag mention sever apod main discuss board starship asterisk finally collagist gracious hidden apod 10th anniversari vermeer photomontag help honor apod 15th anniversari tomorrow,starri night scaveng hunt,2010-06-15,634,96,0.1374999999999999,06-15,6,2010,15,6,2,4 25b96ddbdb2e28229b3350f78921ff72cc94d0d0372fbd140f386bec95efe605,apolog to vermeer astronom geographer imag pixelation rob stevenson,welcom year astronomi pictur day perhap sourc web consist some apod still here 15 year select images write text edit apod web pages occasion industri robert nemiroff left frequent persist jerri bonnel right pictur plot highlight yet anoth unsuspect imag cosmos although imag may appear similar whimsic vermeer composit ran apod fifth anniversary percept eye might catch year digit repixel use mani 5000 apod imag appear apod tenure can find notabl apod images again apod would like offer sincer thank readership continu interest support mani graciou communications,apod 15 year old today,2010-06-16,564,87,0.0964285714285714,06-16,6,2010,16,8,0,4 8cc3a4f8acabb1fc3c894e80f5e2c4ad7df5f4c3e2b7599d07f6205a22583748,richin,mani comet name discover robert mcnaught one catalog c2009 r1 grace dawn sky northern hemispher observ month seen june 13th southern new mexico comet mcnaught long ion tail sweep across telescop field view a neg imag remarkably ion tail easili stretch past background star cluster ngc upper left constel perseus 15 degre comet love greenish head coma coma also sport short dust tail course comet background star move differ rate planet earth skies digit process mani short exposur allow frame comet star separated recombin final image see comet separ background stars slide cursor image recombin frame show rich star field faint detail comet easi spot binocular now mcnaught sink twilight along eastern horizon come day head toward perihelion closest approach sun juli 2,comet mcnaught pass ngc,2010-06-17,770,123,0.0475852272727272,06-17,6,2010,17,3,2,4 f9080dbaadbe9fbcd1894edf1de80cc0b208c5002fbc4987b474750e48adad42,daniel lópez,bizarr planet alien creatur planet earth course wellcompos scene sky fill star trail around north celesti pole reflect earth daili rotat axis star trail familiar photograph fix camera tripod make long exposur night sky impos form gaze skyward probabl look strang mani denizen earth found canari island tenerife red tajinastes rare flower plant grow height 3 meters hidden among rock volcan terrain tajinast bloom spring earli summer die seed mature distant horizon left celesti pole lie teid volcano,star trail tajinast,2010-06-18,499,78,0.0231481481481481,06-18,6,2010,18,8,0,1 460577eafe51814068f4741e6ba54d9a3ad9c37e51aa0c524bf31c8446490ee5,none,get redblu glass float next asteroid itokawa diminut world solar system half kilomet across boulder strewn across rough surfac lack crater indic asteroid rubbl form smaller piec collect kept togeth gravity stereo view construct imag made hayabusa spacecraft encount asteroid 2005 long journey spacecraft reent atmospher june 13 australia success parachut capsul earth capsul could contain small sampl materi rubbl pile asteroid itokawa guess result simpl,stereo itokawa,2010-06-19,454,66,-0.038095238095238,06-19,6,2010,19,8,0,2 ff18074ecbffab7e87cff5e6551083f1d9f5f39b1ae58a07b1344e273172929b,none,strang background galaxies graviti bend light allow huge cluster galaxi act telescopes distort imag background galaxi elong almost bright object hubbl space telescop imag galaxi cluster known abel 2218 cluster massiv compact graviti bend focus light galaxi lie behind it result multipl imag background galaxi distort long faint arc simpl lens effect analog view distant street lamp glass wine cluster galaxi abel 2218 three billion lightyear away northern constel dragon draco power massiv cluster telescop allow astronom detect galaxi distant redshift,abel 2218 galaxi cluster len,2010-06-20,553,81,0.0833333333333333,06-20,6,2010,20,7,0,3 29e6dac0b48311731d3d79e73fb81d861b83e5823128c10f7b3d4d7e10703ea9,max alexander stfc spl,today sun reach northernmost point planet earth sky call solstice date tradit mark chang season spring summer earth northern hemispher fall winter earth southern hemisphere imag taken week 2008 summer solstic stoneheng unit kingdom captur picturesqu sunris involv fog trees clouds stone place 4500 year ago 5 billion year old larg glow orb even given precess earth rotat axi millennia sun continu rise stoneheng astronom signific way,sunris solstic stoneheng,2010-06-21,434,67,0.05,06-21,6,2010,21,1,0,1 f7be075e5ec9a60f21d4866c767d68d44ce60110a7b2702c250394ab5a1d5cb6,process allen robert,earth cover volcanoes volcano break earth cool surfac hot liquid rock interior come sometim suddenly imag aster camera aboard nasa orbit terra satellite snowcap volcano seen overhead compos picturesqu island four mountain aleutian islands alaska usa island contain restless mt cleveland activ volcano current watch see emit ash cloud could affect air travel part north america close look mt cleveland seen near imag center show red veget white snowcov peak light plume ga dark lane ash debri fell million volcano like activ turbul histori earth surface 20 volcano erupt even today given time,island four mountain,2010-06-22,592,93,0.0849999999999999,06-22,6,2010,22,8,2,1 df0a68e394d6fb0a4921ffc309c0a3f66aa26a34365e0dff4992ccc74258ffe7,none,strang color band seen intern space station sun set earth atmosphere pictur above sunset captur last month iss expedit 23 crew show vivid detail mani layer earth thin atmosphere part earth experienc night cross bottom image that appear deep orang yellow earth troposphere contain 80 percent atmospher mass almost cloud sky troposphere seen light blue band white clouds stratosphere part earth atmospher airplan fli hardi bacteria float stratosphere visibl darker blue bands higher thinner atmospher level gradual fade away cold dark vacuum outer space sunset uncommon sight intern space station seen mani 16 time day,sunset intern space station,2010-06-23,616,95,0.0260416666666666,06-23,6,2010,23,8,2,1 e7d38274c21a60f3afba0376da84401c05f34fb87b1147e7e35f85ab87c4697e,tvdavisastropixcom,silhouett crowd star field toward constel scorpius dusti cosmic cloud evok imag omin dark tower fact clump dust molecular ga collaps form star may well lurk within dark nebula structur span almost 40 lightyear across gorgeou telescop view known cometari globule sweptback cloud extend lower left head top tower right center shape intens ultraviolet radiat ob associ hot star ngc 6231 right edg scene energet ultraviolet light also power globule border reddish glow hydrogen gas hot star embed dust seen bluish reflect nebulae dark tower ngc 6231 associ nebula 5000 lightyear away,dark tower scorpiu,2010-06-24,579,92,0.1292207792207792,06-24,6,2010,24,4,2,5 ed661d8c63bdc21f2346edd184d107524d3a26a6e40670e7d7ad39861d8b53d5,babak tafreshi,meteor streak arc milki way hang impos mountain fortress alamut starri scene found central alborz mountain iran alamut castl built rock 9th century name mean eagle nest home legendari featur adventur movi princ alamut also histor center time resid import 13th centuri persian astronom identifi star night sky certainli slide cursor image highlight includ bright white star deneb in vega altair nebula near galact center dark obscur dust cloud milki way also known great rift light lower right small villag capit tehran 100 kilomet away southwest,starri night,2010-06-25,545,86,0.1056318681318681,06-25,6,2010,25,6,0,1 06215e673d08ae50ba7d7be34be91339672f02391e1fdcbb8a71fb4e4c36460f,none,dusti stellar nurseri rcw 49 surround young star cluster westerlund 2 remark composit skyscap beyond visibl spectrum light infrar data spitzer space telescop shown black white chandra xray imag data in fals color hot energet star within cluster central region look toward grand southern constel centaurus view reveal star structur hidden optic telescop obscur dust westerlund 2 mere 2 million year old less contain galaxy luminous massiv therefor shortliv stars infrar signatur protoplanetari disk also identifi intens star form region cluster estim distanc 20000 lightyears squar mark chandra field view would 50 lightyear side curiou download free onlin astronomi,young star cluster westerlund 2,2010-06-26,665,99,0.0714285714285714,06-26,6,2010,26,6,2,3 490da253dfb5b77d44411a65fa2a73b4241da44b5e0f663dada40d17001f6117,nigel sharp,still known sun light miss colors shown visibl color sun produc pass sun light prismlik device spectrum creat mcmathpierc solar observatori shows first off although whiteappear sun emit light nearli everi color inde appear brightest yellowgreen light dark patch spectrum aris ga sun surfac absorb sunlight emit below sinc differ type ga absorb differ color light possibl determin gass compos sun helium example first discov 1870 solar spectrum later found earth today major spectral absorpt line identifi all,color sun,2010-06-27,509,78,0.24125,06-27,6,2010,27,1,1,5 5b925eebde6c6c55e8bcf2ccf7164d62dd07a0d94a2f58c4f1024fc5f2119432,brad,what happen moon past weekend again part moon move earth shadow happen twice year average month sinc moon orbit around earth slightli tilted pictur above face full moon partli block earth clouds partli darken upper right earth umbral shadow cloud permitting partial lunar eclips visibl half earth face moon time eclipse includ much earth pacif rim juli 11 total eclips sun visibl thin swath earth cross southern pacif ocean,partial lunar eclips,2010-06-28,423,69,-0.0177655677655677,06-28,6,2010,28,2,0,1 35179a9dca873f80bc57e940e3b41e3f3cd78a172919adc0d0eb05a6e7103579,luc perrot,beauti eye earlier month island indian ocean play photograph eye sky took eight imag compos intrigu picture full fishey frame show everyth horizon includ landscap around edges zenith sky directli overhead image however may beauti may also scaveng hunt find photographer tent slope volcano piton de la picturesqu light nearbi town one remark featur imag center contain center milki way galaxy,sky galact eye,2010-06-29,392,61,0.11,06-29,6,2010,29,6,1,1 d7b39259e6a187c8d55d07c083467bc21a9e5f510f1d4285a1eb5a8fca4bbbef,none,strang blue blob far right one sure might speed remnant power supernova unexpectedli scatter debri supernova explos n49 light sky gorgeou composit imag base data chandra hubbl space telescopes glow visibl filaments shown yellow xray hot gas shown blue span 30 lightyear neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud light origin explod star reach earth thousand year ago n49 also mark locat anoth energet outburst extrem intens blast gammaray detect satellit 30 year ago 1979 march 5 sourc march 5th event attribut magnetar highli magnetized spin neutron star also born ancient stellar explos creat supernova remnant n49 magnetar visibl near top image hurtl supernova debri cloud 70 thousand kilomet per hour blue blob far right however might expel asymmetr massiv star exploding so appear move 7 million kilomet per hour,fast ga bullet cosmic blast,2010-06-30,813,128,0.1482142857142857,06-30,6,2010,30,6,2,4 25a317fded9a00ec98b34d89c829c99a8cf4382c7ecdcab66a3e5357ee549d13,none,may 29 look southward vantag point 350 kilomet southern indian ocean astronaut onboard intern space station watch enormous green ribbon shimmer below known aurora australi southern lights lumin band commonli seen high northern latitud well known aurora boreali northern lights north south caus though energet charg particl magnetospher pile atmospher near earth poles produc characterist greenish glow energet particl excit oxygen atom altitud 100 kilomet more aurora may 29 like trigger interact magnetospher coron mass eject erupt sun may 24 join starship discuss apods see lastest space images brows latest astronomi stories,aurora australi,2010-07-01,627,92,0.1325,07-01,7,2010,1,8,2,4 5d4b590d646033bb32b103cdd2ad9bdea7fcda8ecf3df60968b32f85fbdae4ec,adam block,galaxi ngc 5216 top ngc 5218 realli look like connect string course string cosmic trail gas dust star 22000 lightyear long also known keenan system for discoverer arp 104 interact galaxi pair 17 million lightyear away constel ursa major debri trail join them along ngc 5218 commashap extens distort arm ngc consequ mutual gravit tides tide disrupt galaxi repeatedli swing close one another drawn billion years encount like result merger singl galaxi stars spectacular galact merger understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way,galaxi string,2010-07-02,537,84,0.2524999999999999,07-02,7,2010,2,7,1,3 f1c9280c19eb38a6b49b281f53e922c1a2e85d8d914d62e3945602b3ff4cace6,none,mere 50 lightyear away young star beta pictori becam one import star sky earli 1980s satellit groundbas telescop observ reveal presenc surround outer dusty debri disk inner clear zone size solar system strong evid format planets infrar observ european southern observatori telescop subsequ detect sourc clear zone confirm giant planet orbit beta pic confirm come planet detect two differ posit orbit design beta pictori b giant planet must form rapidli beta pic 8 20 million year old orbit period estim 17 44 years beta pictori b could lie near orbit saturn found solar system make closest planet parent star directli imag far,giant planet beta pic,2010-07-03,628,102,0.0095238095238095,07-03,7,2010,3,6,2,4 ee9bb6fc38f220b63ae4dc70d0c130102fc52912a6a05febcdeeadbdb4653b65,none,first direct imag extrasolar planet orbit star similar sun confirmed locat 500 lightyear away toward constel scorpius parent star catalog slightli less massiv littl cooler sun star is however much younger million year old compar middleag sun 5 billion years sharp infrar imag show young star planetari companion posit left center planet estim mass 8 time mass jupiter orbit whop 330 time earthsun distanc parent star young planetari companion still hot rel bright infrar light like due heat gener format gravit contraction fact newborn planet easier detect age cool becom much faint discoveri image shown above taken 2008 confirm recent note planet stay parent star background star slightli shift time,companion young sunlik star confirm,2010-07-04,701,110,0.0866666666666666,07-04,7,2010,4,6,2,3 734ad8b38f1710c939a028e75801fdfd1b9bba3a50f075ca85b43761889a6d27,alex cherneyterrastro,pictur sky candid pictur might imag taken last month cape victoria australia frame highlight dreamlik lagoon two galaxies ten thousand stars rock left may appear angl like human head famou rock structur far right known pulpit rock across top imag run distant stream bright star dark dust part disk spiral milki way galaxy right pulpit rock milki way small neighbor galaxi small magellan cloud smc bright white object left smc globular cluster star milki way known 47 tucana best space images apod editor speak state friday night,milki way rock,2010-07-05,528,87,0.1900793650793651,07-05,7,2010,5,6,1,3 a7ae0b25f4bab2136475a93e41f8a508d563c67759ef95b4c91ebfc217eb8bb5,none,sometim galaxi form groups example milki way galaxi part local group galaxies small compact groups like hickson compact group 87 hcg 87 shown above interest partli slowli selfdestruct indeed galaxi hcg 87 gravit stretch 100million year orbit around common center pull creat collid ga caus bright burst star format feed matter activ galaxi centers hcg 87 compos larg edgeon spiral galaxi visibl lower left ellipt galaxi visibl lower right spiral galaxi visibl near top small spiral near center might far distance sever star galaxi also visibl foreground pictur taken 1999 juli hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 studi group like hcg 87 allow insight galaxi form evolve,hcg 87 small group galaxi,2010-07-06,684,109,0.0457142857142857,07-06,7,2010,6,7,2,3 9f979edc1ce970352c4447df930e418a7ab48842c505b3a252735acaf156b555,none,passeng airplan like future help brain storm desir workabl attributes nasa sponsor design competitions shown artist depict concept plane recent futurist plane would expect achiev superson speeds possibl surpass speed superson transport plane ran commerci late twentieth century term nois reduction futur aircraft drawn featur invert v wing stretch engines structur intend reduc sound annoy sonic booms additionally futur airplan would aim rel littl impact environment includ green limit pollut fuel consumption aircraft util similar design concept might well becom oper 2030s,concept plane superson green machin,2010-07-07,575,82,-0.0166666666666666,07-07,7,2010,7,8,0,4 3cc09666a5e3dc78427ef04e4214af131c5d0133a54b3984306d4073608fbfe8,ray gralak,dim distant dwarf planet pluto hard spot especi recent month wander crowd starfield sagittariu central milki way fortun backyard pluto cross front dark nebula earli july diminut world mark two short line near center skyscap record new mexico sky juli 5 pluto stand obscur dark nebula barnard 92 block background milki way congeri faint innumer stars anoth astronom e e barnard catalog dark mark sky easi pick left promin lower left open star cluster ngc fact pluto dark nebulae star cluster lie within portion m24 also known sagittariu star cloud fill frame,dim dark nebula,2010-07-08,557,92,-0.0697390572390572,07-08,7,2010,8,6,0,5 7547f2d724a4354899623f3daecaf41f7f6e56d1448e02269f76b6c6077a3836,none,seen edgeon perspective milki way galaxi sprawl across middl falsecolor sky view expans microwav map base 1 year worth data instrument onboard planck spacecraft remarkably bright stripe ga dust cloud along galact plane galaxy enorm arc structur seen microwav energi hundr thousand lightyear away mottl region top bottom repres cosmic microwav background cmb radiation 137 billion lightyear distant left big bang fluctuat cmb reflect origin structur evolv universe analyz microwav data planck scientist plan separ contribut milki way cmb radiation work characterist cmb across entir sky glean inform make milki way galaxy,microwav milki way,2010-07-09,620,92,0.0857142857142857,07-09,7,2010,9,6,2,4 abd7b6198efde4554d86566f1f28e8317da23db69d7f839d68f5ce214e15a030,tunç tezel,four bright celesti beacon faint triangl light follow plane eclipt arc high southern hemispher night skyscape seen juli winter night lake new zealand north island lineup featur venus regulu alpha star mars saturn lower left upper right put cursor pictur identifi planet constellations delic lumin glow zodiac light sunlight scatter dust along ecliptic also rise horizon lower left course defin path sun planet earth sky eclipt plane ride low juli night northern hemisphere summer skies tomorrow moon sun meet ecliptic along track across southern pacif ocean daytim sky featur total solar eclipse total solar eclipse time visibl webcast,eclipt new zealand,2010-07-10,636,98,0.1054718614718614,07-10,7,2010,10,1,2,1 0b63f56535a91f1a66e5b0496f48ee92937b37cd767246fa7ea03ae21581df72,peter ward,what happen sky time warp sorts digit space warp too time warp occur imag captur singl frame four hour exposur night sky result promin star trail visible space warp occur pictur actual full 360 degre panorama horizont compress fit browser earth rotated star appear circl south celesti pole left north celesti pole horizon right imag captur sky mudgee new south wales australia includ dome two larg telescop illumin red lighting horizont unwarp imag visibl click image total solar eclips today time visibl webcast,warp sky star trail panorama,2010-07-11,513,83,0.1465097402597402,07-11,7,2010,11,8,1,1 d01ef0a2018a1c378879eeb1cc6728a09a4b796e7f41a672df6cda7656ca5a4e,none,what happen moon saturn noth saturn moon rhea partli hidden behind saturn rings april robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn took narrowangl view look across solar system famou rings ring visibl foreground includ thin f ring outsid much wider b ring interior it although seem hover rings saturn moon janu actual far behind them janu one saturn smaller moon measur 180 kilomet across farther camera heavili crater rhea much larger moon measur 1500 kilomet across top rhea visibl gap rings cassini mission around saturn extend 2017 better studi complex planetari system season chang equinox solstice,moon beyond ring saturn,2010-07-12,597,94,-0.0305555555555555,07-12,7,2010,12,0,0,2 2782991c5159b360a811d9c99726dab8d80817957ceb8600ca485fabc27f161a,none,welcom planet earth third planet star name sun earth shape like sphere compos mostli rock 70 percent earth surfac water planet rel thin atmospher compos mostli nitrogen oxygen pictur earth dub blue marble taken apollo 17 1972 featur africa antarctica thought one wide distribut photograph kind here world famou imag recast spectacular use 5000 archiv imag earth space abund liquid water earth support larg varieti life forms includ potenti intellig speci dolphin humans pleas enjoy stay planet earth,welcom planet earth,2010-07-13,499,78,0.1571428571428571,07-13,7,2010,13,8,1,2 a4b1ca875cc0361614b68976ec8443c3fac4938184360122702d792b6765c30f,stéphane guisard,makemake god easter island mythology may smile moment cloud part long enough reveal glimps juli 11 total solar eclips skygazers foreground dramat scene island famou large monolith statu share view shimmer solar corona darken daytim sky opportun see total phase eclips sun also hard come by defin dark part moon shadow path total track eastward across southern pacif ocean make signific landfal mangaia easter island de end shortli reach southern chile argentina partial eclips phase could enjoy broader region includ mani southern pacif island wide swath south america,easter island eclips,2010-07-14,568,88,0.0148412698412698,07-14,7,2010,14,1,0,1 35bd56236edd45c05789abff9c714b4eb45faf36307e916a24cde347313e3a17,piotrek sadowski,dark shape bright edg wing way dusti ngc 6188 ten lightyear long emiss nebula found near edg otherwis dark larg molecular cloud southern constel ara 4000 lightyear away form region million year ago massiv young star embed ara ob1 associ sculpt fantast shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas falsecolor hubbl palett use creat sharp closeup imag show emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue hues estim distanc ngc 6188 pictur span 200 lightyears,shape ngc 6188,2010-07-16,594,93,0.0339285714285714,07-16,7,2010,16,4,2,5 3242bf50f24516b7e7ea1d1e33279bfb41ba0081349f39ac5920ca1150733123,martin pugh,larg galaxi grow eat small ones even galaxi practic galact cannibalism absorb small galaxi get close captur milki way gravity fact practic common univers illustr strike pair interact galaxi bank southern constel eridanu the river locat 50 million light year away large distort spiral ngc 1532 seen lock gravit struggl dwarf galaxi ngc 1531 struggl smaller galaxi eventu lose seen edgeon spiral ngc 1532 span 100000 lightyears nice detail sharp image ngc 15321531 pair thought similar wellstudi system faceon spiral small companion known m51,galaxi river,2010-07-17,540,84,0.0035714285714285,07-17,7,2010,17,7,0,3 c64fb44aedd5ddd0de4e8d58d90887aa4ac59acde674b30c80809aa0614281f4,none,two galaxi squar corvu latest pictures two galaxi collide star compos usual not that galaxi mostli empti space and howev bright star take small amount space slow hundr million year collision one galaxi still rip apart gravitationally dust ga common galaxi collide clash titans dark dust pillar mark massiv molecular cloud compress galact encounter caus rapid birth million stars gravit bound togeth massiv star clusters,antenna galaxi collis,2010-07-18,419,65,-0.0071428571428571,07-18,7,2010,18,7,0,3 6868d56c1d797d736b55922d2d06103dcb62915b96a7a09c6768e23f6efb2336,rogelio bernal andreo,dark river dust seem run galact center pool starfield contain photogen sky wonders scroll right reveal mani object includ can bright orang star antares horsehead nebula white globular star cluster m4 bright blue star system rho ophiuchi dark brown pipe nebula red lagoon nebula red blue trifid nebula red cat paw nebula multicolor still import center galaxy wide view captur exquisit detail 50 degre nighttim sky 100 time size full moon cover constel archer snake holder scorpion scorpius dark river identifi brown dust lane connect antares span 100 light years sinc dark river dust lane lie 500 light year away appear bridg much distant galact center actual lie 25000 light year farther away,dark river wide field,2010-07-19,692,113,0.0928571428571428,07-19,7,2010,19,4,2,5 8749bbdefff1fab36a3df2912316cf9e24b58cbb5603b3602af54bbb0818fd2d,chri kotsiopoulo,ever watch lightn storm awe join crowd oddly nobodi know exactli lightn produced known charg slowli separ cloud caus rapid electr discharg lightning electr charg get separ cloud remain topic much research lightn usual take jag course rapidli heat thin column air three time surfac temperatur sun result shock wave start superson decay loud sound known thunder lightn bolt common cloud rainstorms averag 6000 lightn bolt occur cloud earth everi minute pictur above activ lightn storm record athens greec earlier month,lightn,2010-07-20,516,81,-0.0462962962962963,07-20,7,2010,20,8,0,1 4541c3d520d8e15eeb36f2f210ba8ce6110fed3a86e19d392996341645a77784,alain mauri,total solar eclipse sun extens outer atmosphere corona inspir sight subtl shade shimmer featur engag eye span bright rang 10000 1 make notori difficult captur singl photograph composit 7 consecut digit imag rang exposur time come close reveal crown sun glory telescop view record de island juli 11 total solar eclips also show solar promin extend beyond edg eclips sun remarkably featur dim near side new moon also made out illumin sunlight reflect full earth,crown sun,2010-07-21,459,75,0.1818181818181818,07-21,7,2010,21,1,1,1 044e8c6bd1bba8eb8436bc1e7cb983b1143a295a98eb23f9a1bc26fdb8a70130,none,church american landscap painter hudson river school paint saw nature juli 20th saw spectacular string firebal meteor cross even sky extrem rare meteor procession new york city poet also wrote strang huge meteor dazzl clear shoot year meteor inspir word astronom refer becam mystery subject debat texa state univers physicist donald olson russel english professor olson program student locat report document date time spectacular meteor procession breakthrough spot connect rel littleknown painting fittingly astronomi team work published anniversari cosmic event inspir poet,meteor,2010-07-22,576,82,0.2058080808080808,07-22,7,2010,22,8,1,1 3a94de5f143770776af020932e7d27706374719f43d2c2c5a3f4b62dbf946258,ken crawford,nebula right foot andromeda begin descript 76th object charl messier 18th centuri catalog nebula star clusters fact m76 one fainter object messier list also known popular name littl dumbbel nebula like brighter namesak m27 the dumbbel nebula m76 recogn planetari nebula gaseou shroud cast die sunlik star nebula thought shape like donut boxlik appear brighter central region due nearli edgeon view ga expand rapidli away donut hole produc fainter loop far flung material fainter materi emphas composit image highlight show emiss hydrogen atom orang oxygen atom complementari blue hues nebula die star pick sharp falsecolor imag bluetint star near center boxlik shape distanc estim place m76 3 5 thousand lightyear away make nebula lightyear diameter,messier 76,2010-07-23,752,115,0.0817460317460317,07-23,7,2010,23,4,2,5 0ea47bc72e7cc7ae059d1608e92594f819ab1f3abfef32380d4241208e48db20,stephen,total phase juli 11 solar eclips came end sunlight stream past edg moon silhouett creat fleet appear glisten diamond ring sky seen thin cloud layer french polynesian atol hao also produc remark shadow bands flicker across dramat sky project onto cloud layer shadow band parallel sliver sunlight emerg behind moon edge caus turbul earth atmospher refract sliver sunlight narrow band captur brief 1400th second exposure shine cloud droplets sunlight also produc lumin atmospher corona confus solar corona seen eclips totality atmospher corona center bright diamond emerg sunlight,diamond ring shadow band,2010-07-24,577,87,-0.059090909090909,07-24,7,2010,24,8,0,1 83e12b757b4ba5c430c447fd573e4d9ff67bc4306e06f9e035b1a3259a07f7aa,none,human explor universe record largest asteroid visit spacecraft increas yet again earlier month esa robot rosetta spacecraft zip past asteroid 21 lutetia take data snap imag effort better determin histori asteroid origin unusu colors although unknown composition lutetia massiv enough graviti pull sphere pictur upper right 100kilomet across lutetia shown comparison nine asteroid four comet far spacecraft orbit main asteroid belt lutetia show heavili crater remnant earli solar system rosetta spacecraft continu onto comet churyumovgerasimenko land plan 2014,largest asteroid yet,2010-07-26,559,78,0.0702380952380952,07-26,7,2010,26,8,0,2 ccf90322a5f1b35cfef407a35adcaba48b5ff3a6917ed0441f19ce592d5c38db,ben cooper,strang rock tower wall sedimentari rock particularli plenti bryce canyon utah usa rock column may rise higher 50 meter call hoodoos far left thor perhap famou hoodoo tall rock column carved typically unusu dens cap rock provid layer protect rock underneath erosion panoram pictur taken earlier month compress horizontally foreground rock momentarili illumin rove visibl background water cloud kilomet away hover nearbi earth visibl well beyond thousand individu discern star averag hundr light year away nearbi milki way galaxy far distanc lie billion star thousand light year away compos faintli glow arch visibl central band flat disk milki way mani years wind rain eventu caus top hoodoo underli column like complet erod away,milki way bryce canyon,2010-07-27,728,113,0.1416666666666667,07-27,7,2010,27,6,2,4 62c0bd66507b4517765cd6ebb7862e1f12a257e389851e171884f36a11c26553,barden ridg observatori,central australia seren 360 degre panorama follow clear horizon twilight began may 28 left bright western sky still illumin set sun sweep right toward view center domin sandston format call uluru ayer rock sky take progress darker hue subtl colors behind uluru shadow planet earth itself dark blue arch rise east cast dens atmospher still close horizon earth long shadow bound pinkish glow antitwilight arch known belt venus love color antitwilight arch due backscatt redden light set sun night nearli full moon also rose earth shadow eastern sky,sunset shadowris,2010-07-29,546,88,0.1319196428571429,07-29,7,2010,29,1,1,1 eab4feea179fb037f1fe9550a256b72ddc7dbc2a5d9c060988f209789f111b21,guillaum blanchard,new moon shadow slid across southern pacif juli 11 peopl gather along white sandi beach north side easter island watch total solar eclipse experi captur tantal composit image construct sequenc 50 consecut exposures center total eclips sun surround shimmer solar corona well chosen palm tree appear silhouett darken sky faint light reflect water course tower onlookers boundari land ocean sky island mysteri monolith,eclips beach,2010-07-30,415,63,-0.0079545454545454,07-30,7,2010,30,1,0,1 47e0f7872107c0d1dae03fe3c772ee1da9317ed5ba085b7eff6c1f76cffc7e19,jia hao,mesmer sunset photo taken summit volcan mount meter sea level juli 21 view look west toward citi light aka central java indonesia two volcan peaks sharp left lie along color horizon four planet shine twilight sky them spread near plane eclipt mercury venus mars saturn along bright regulus alpha star constel leo help find them put cursor picture fact four planet still shine western sky sunset venus mars saturn group much tightli weekend earli august august 12 young crescent moon join four planet sunset,four planet sunset,2010-07-31,506,84,0.1527777777777778,07-31,7,2010,31,0,1,1 038485a8927cc30d8baec79239b2936937810799cd1239b79729d19dc1c2267c,none,could look across venu radar eyes might see comput reconstruct surfac venu creat data magellan spacecraft magellan orbit venu use radar map neighbor planet surfac 1990 1994 magellan found mani interest surfac features includ larg circular domes typic 25kilomet across depict above volcan thought creat domes although precis mechan remain unknown venus surfac hot hostil surfac probe last minutes,venus molten surfac,2010-08-01,395,59,0.0375,08-01,8,2010,1,8,0,2 e1da3c2c19f22bdb15dcbdd95907d3d279a11360088b6cac80644aab50d185f0,none,what caus strang dark streak ring saturn prometheus specifically orbit danc involv saturn moon prometheu keep creat unusu light dark streamer fring saturn prometheu orbit saturn insid thin fring ventur inner edg everi 15 hours prometheus graviti pull closest ring particl toward 80km moon result stream bright ring particl also dark ribbon ring particl use be sinc prometheu orbit faster ring particles ici moon pull new streamer everi pass above sever streamer kink visibl once photograph taken june robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn oblong moon prometheu visibl far left,prometheu creat saturn ring streamer,2010-08-02,576,89,0.0442148760330578,08-02,8,2010,2,0,0,4 d8cd50d607e6051f988cc52e040d40d691a5191b9f0771618931c661543f236c,alex cherneyterrastro,planet this although seemingli someth littl planet actual earth specifically small part earth incorpor four imag stereograph littl planet projection central fishey imag point down surround wideangl imag taken 30 degre tilt ad digit later item surround imag center includ green grass dark shadows tree near far imag top planet welllit park radio telescop dish new south wales australia surround sky contain mani jewel night includ moon 9 pm plane milki way galaxi 130 pm 7 pm small magellan cloud galaxi 5 pm full field interact version scene found here,planet radio dish,2010-08-03,553,90,0.0057720057720057,08-03,8,2010,3,8,0,1 266e12a0439430570d4c0d854c20f9ceed8f1345be60e40e6bc540414f1b24ad,daniel,sometimes total eclips sun strang shadow dark seen stretch distance call shadow cones visibl earth atmospher complet transparent scatter sunlight henc appear blue day shadow cone particularli dramat eclips near horizon geometri creat long corridor sunblock air visibl shadow cone caught sunset total solar eclips visibl last month patagonia argentina eclips sun still appear bright around edg moon light surround corona minut later moon began move away sun set behind distant and mountains,eclips shadow cone patagonia,2010-08-04,489,73,0.0416666666666666,08-04,8,2010,4,1,0,1 c1f4628377c46d16da84f1596c8161b66416a0e7ebc0df06f45d2110b1da681e,star shadow remoteobservatori,beauti cosmic cloud popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius eighteenth centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog bright nebula m8 modern day astronom recogn lagoon nebula activ stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear distant direct center milki way galaxy remark featur trace sharp picture show lagoon filament glow ga dark dust clouds twist near center lagoon bright hourglass shape turbul result extrem stellar wind intens starlight allur view color composit broad narrow band imag captur m8 high dark chilean skies record lagoon bluer hue typic repres imag domin red light region hydrogen emission nebula estim distance pictur span 30 lightyears,m8 lagoon nebula,2010-08-05,649,97,0.1367105263157894,08-05,8,2010,5,4,2,5 e8fe68353f33c4e6b2b06ad85ba08c8631661ae3665d4cd6d5141d47743c2d97,none,long solar minimum sun longer quiet august 1 extrem ultraviolet snapshot sun solar dynam observatori captur complex burst activ play across sun northern hemisphere falsecolor imag show hot solar plasma temperatur rang 1 2 million kelvins along erupt filament prominences solar flare spawn activ region left accompani coron mass eject cme cloud energet particl head planet earth make 93 million mile trip two days cme impact earth magnetosphere trigger geomagnet storm northern southern auror displays,quiet sun,2010-08-06,500,75,-0.0166666666666666,08-06,8,2010,6,1,0,1 f44de7384f7c7bf23879f2fe6a590515ef8333d73af78c1cfbc5c8cae3c66025,observatori,sun see rainbow behind you course see rainbow sun far right side side grace panorama record juli 28 cloudi sunset view cover full 360 degre around horizon compos use 20 individu imag taken observatori outskirt potsdam germany rainbow produc sunlight intern reflect rain drop direct opposit sun back toward observer sunlight pass drops air water back air again longer wavelength colors refract bent less shorter wavelength bluer separ sunlight color rainbow sharp pictur captur full bright primari rainbow arc well subtl effects see dimmer secondari rainbow arc left primary faint arc insid primari rainbow call supernumerari rainbows,rainbow sunset,2010-08-07,633,97,0.0781462585034013,08-07,8,2010,7,1,2,1 d2ca5e596d016bc78c783a9a58a04fa0f1b7a63e7e2a3877fd4e53c83ddce437,none,two hour closest approach neptun 1989 voyag 2 robot spacecraft snap picture clearli visibl first time long lightcolor cirrustyp cloud float high neptune atmosphere shadow cloud even seen lower cloud decks neptune atmospher made hydrogen helium invisible neptune blue color therefor come smaller amount atmospher methane preferenti absorb red light neptun fastest wind solar system gust reach 2000 kilomet per hour specul hold diamond may creat dens hot condit exist cloud top uranu neptune,two hour neptun,2010-08-08,489,74,0.1677777777777777,08-08,8,2010,8,8,1,1 6396ff1ab4dceac837ad83d9b66ed3b8a26188dbf893d477fda90f9fe943fc65,none,what light nebula ira one sure particularli enigmat bright upsidedown v defin upper edg float mountain interstellar dust visibl near imag center general nebula involv small star form region fill dark dust first note imag taken ira satellit infrar light 1983 shown spectacular recent releas imag hubbl space telescop that although show mani new details uncov clear caus bright sharp arc one hypothesi hold glow arc creat massiv star somehow attain high veloc left nebula small faint ira span full moon toward constel bull taurus,ira star cloud hubbl,2010-08-09,527,85,0.1396074380165289,08-09,8,2010,9,4,1,5 f0c17caf82e324649829a1b8ace8b618ec12c20d611703bd089b13948eb1381a,none,sand dune titan appear backwards central titan turn out cover sand appear strange imag cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn uncov long row huge sand dune near titan equat rise high 300 meters shadow indic dune shape creat wind blow west problem is typic wind titan equat blow east one recent hypothesi might solv graini conundrum posit wind strong enough move sand creat dune occur rare equinox blow strongli west imag show radar swath titan equatori sand dune top similar sand dune form namibia earth bottom central titan even cover much sand still investigated,sand dune titan,2010-08-10,565,93,0.1328888888888889,08-10,8,2010,10,8,2,1 ff1de4a2ff9035e61d84f8db9eac6bee11f5b0c98202df8facaa62a30b428fbf,tama ladanyi,ch august planet earth swing dust trail along orbit period comet swifttuttle skygaz enjoy perseid meteor shower shower build peak now best seen later tonight moonset dawn tomorrow morn earth move denser part wide dust trail shower meteor spot mani days like bright perseid streak sky near lake balaton hungari august 8 foreground region church st andrew bright jupit domin sky right two galaxi lie background wideangle 3 frame milki way lumin arc faint smudg distant andromeda galaxi leftmost wall watch perseid meteor tonight sure check earli even sky show too featur bright planet young crescent moon near western horizon sunset,perseid prelud,2010-08-12,630,101,0.2590476190476191,08-12,8,2010,12,6,2,1 696e1fe85586049645186f63a03ddcf93a4f87f601b3f936e122b534e70df596,stephen leshin,remark telescop composit yellow blue scene featur trio interact galaxi almost 90 million lightyear away toward constel virgo left two spiky foreground milki way star echo trio galaxi hues remind star galaxi like distant island universes predomin yellow sweep spiral arm dust lanes ngc 5566 enormous 150000 lightyear across lie small blue ngc 5569 near center third galaxy ngc 5560 multicolor appar stretch distort interact ngc 5566 galaxi trio also includ halton arp 1966 atla peculiar galaxi arp 286 course cosmic interact appreci common part evolut galaxies,arp 286 trio virgo,2010-08-13,559,87,-0.0541666666666666,08-13,8,2010,13,7,0,3 1f04fbfe124ca4d0c56df3cb00e2f96e7621c02c18d2c56424cb8b4123bf1679,marco,night august 12 moonset dawn good time see meteors enthusiast watch comet dust rain planet earth streak dark sky annual perseid meteor shower anticip shower approach peak astronom record seri exposur captur meteor period 6 hour use wide angl len notsodark site netherlands combin still produc dramat night sky view mani color meteor streaks starri backdrop includ milki way even faint andromeda galaxy right center although comet dust particl travel parallel other shower meteor clearli seem radiat spot sky eponym constel perseus radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance bright star perseu extend gap foreground trees,night perseid,2010-08-14,647,98,0.0532467532467532,08-14,8,2010,14,6,2,1 a460e639467fea3e0c6c5ffa7b0f618a55081fdac5fedbf6039159da9c07ba5b,none,hill mar layered answer still investigation clearly dark windblown sand surround outcrop light sedimentari rock across floor crater arabia terra light rock clearli appear structur mani layers lowest like old although dark sand form dunes rippl dune lighter color sand easier see surround step mesas blown sand possibl erod oncelarg mesa layer hills layer shelv wide enough drive truck around image show area 3 kilomet across taken 2003 octob defunct mar global surveyor spacecraft orbit mars,layer hill terra mar,2010-08-15,491,76,0.0625,08-15,8,2010,15,5,0,1 24872be412a91b29c0a1fcda0328143d30f516fdcbffb0d3b9e4ab0589e8c450,dieter willaschastrocabinet,great varieti star color open cluster underli name jewel box one bright central star red supergiant contrast mani blue star surround it cluster also known kappa cruci contain 100 stars 10 million year old open cluster younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular clusters jewel box lie 6400 lightyear away light see today emit cluster even great pyramid egypt built jewel box pictur above span 20 lightyears seen binocular toward southern constel cross,ngc 4755 jewel box star,2010-08-17,477,76,0.190625,08-17,8,2010,17,6,1,3 4fa53894685acc47b302867221466759e0e178cd04b9ee7618042900069bbe14,miguel claro,sometimes fun share sky although might appear two sky enthusiast ridg share crescent moon them three bright planet also stand them brightest point sky planet venus reddish mar float it saturn shine right foreground picturesqu clump sand beach costa da reflect water atlant ocean even pick planet gaze particularli good one perseid meteor shower also reach peak fortunately even sky uniqu portug last thursday visibl sky enthusiast world last week planet remain visibl sunset week although venu sink horizon close set sun,crescent moon planet portug,2010-08-18,520,82,0.3408163265306122,08-18,8,2010,18,8,1,1 54e3c84cc4854b34d344b21e28379a43a8f6b26bfcd226d127e5a8e9f61c4495,toni halla,promin ridg emiss featur vivid skyscap design ic 5067 part larger emiss nebula distinct shape popularli call pelican nebula ridg span 10 lightyear follow curv cosmic pelican head neck fantastic dark shape inhabit view cloud cool ga dust sculpt energet radiat hot massiv stars star also form within dark shapes fact twin jet emerg tip central dark tendril telltal sign embed protostar catalog herbigharo 555 pelican nebula itself also known ic 5070 2000 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus,pelican nebula closeup,2010-08-19,532,86,0.1529166666666666,08-19,8,2010,19,4,1,5 77eff0272fc6f688fb17838f0ef73ecb8acc5d7512b02033664cc468f6327f0c,martin pugh,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 truli majest island univers 200000 lightyear across locat mere 60 million lightyear away toward chemic constel fornax ngc 1365 domin member wellstudi fornax galaxi cluster impress sharp color imag show intens star form region end bar along spiral arms detail dust lane cut across galaxy bright core core lie supermass black hole astronom think ngc 1365 promin bar play crucial role galaxy evolution draw ga dust starform maelstrom ultim feed materi central black hole,ngc 1365 majest island univers,2010-08-20,494,79,-0.0369047619047618,08-20,8,2010,20,7,0,3 e7488c784bad09339155813a3be3c45ef09f9df0b013b0fcebe0a26bc14e8b17,robert arn,storm distant horizon comet dust rain heaven combin allur nightscape scene record earli hour august 13 star parti site nation grassland northeastern colorado usa look east across prairie composit 8 consecut exposur 30 second long captur flash lightn bright perseid meteor right even cloud cant block light brilliant planet jupiter whose mytholog namesak knew handl lightn bolt meteors course meteor streak point back toward shower radiant heroic constel perseus share starri background includ pleiad star cluster pois storm clouds bright meteor lie faint andromeda galaxy,perseid storm,2010-08-21,571,85,0.275974025974026,08-21,8,2010,21,6,1,1 9fec7ef22a67a6673daf58793e37e74a28da2965968e36f729ef552338af540b,none,one galaxi two question came light 1950 astronom art hoag chanc upon unusu extragalact object outsid ring domin bright blue stars near center lie ball much redder star like much older two gap appear almost complet dark hoag object form remain unknown although similar object identifi collect label form ring galaxy genesi hypothes includ galaxi collis billion year ago gravit effect central bar sinc vanished photo taken hubbl space telescop juli 2001 reveal unpreced detail hoag object may yield better understanding hoag object span 100000 light year lie 600 million light year away toward constel snake serpens coincidentally visibl gap at one oclock yet anoth ring galaxi like lie far distance,hoag object strang ring galaxi,2010-08-22,697,111,0.1744444444444444,08-22,8,2010,22,7,2,4 ffdd8931d0c9952c60f750e30cdb3acaedacb1add02db93821d825c2755616fb,alex cherneyterrastro,ever seen milki way glow creat so condit need right first foremost sky must rel clear cloud long band milki way central disk seen surround must near complet dark bright artifici light visibl next moon cannot anywher horizon glow domin landscape last shadow best caught long camera exposures imag taken port nation park victoria australia seven 15second imag ground sky digit ad bring need light detail foreground lie loch ard gorge name ship tragic ran aground two rock pictur remnant collaps arch name tom eva two peopl surviv loch ard ship close inspect water rock show reflect shadow light thrown milki way galaxy low cloud visibl move seren scene movie,milki way shadow gorg,2010-08-23,656,110,0.1550420168067227,08-23,8,2010,23,6,2,1 c8faf0e8289ff2c3c7761de460e14538ea2d98ec617d26889970558c4f2ee387,none,what matter cluster galaxies find form matter take abel 1689 cluster requir deep imag telescop like hubbl space telescope detail comput model well start almost everi fuzzi yellow patch imag entir galaxy close inspection however show mani background galaxi strang magnifi distort long curv arc gravit len deflect cluster comput analys placement smooth arc indic addit matter galaxi see cluster must also contain signific amount dark matter model digit superpos purple abel 1689 remain enigmat arc numer divers singl dark matter model emerg explain still remain consist dark matter model need constrain motion still detail inform avail cluster galaxi like abel 1689 give hope one day full solut found fulli reveal dark matter clusters also reveal amount dark energi univers need lie along line sight distant arcs student teachers free video onlin astro 101 cours,galaxi cluster abel 1689 magnifi dark univers,2010-08-24,860,135,0.0208333333333333,08-24,8,2010,24,7,2,4 432da6c7c3d6120fc73a3e2c96777b2c81cb48952681bfe099768f617f4dda6c,matthew t russel,hunt comet sky 18th centuri france astronom charl messier dilig kept list thing encount definit comets number 27 famou notacomet list fact 21st centuri astronom would identifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 25 lightyear across 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula impress color composit highlight detail within wellstudi central region fainter seldom imag featur nebula outer halo includ narrowband imag record use filter sensit emiss oxygen atoms shown bluegreen hues hydrogen atom red,m27 comet,2010-08-26,811,122,0.0785714285714285,08-26,8,2010,26,4,2,5 3b902073fc1e4a6970a4a1e05810e092d024e19459c2cba3247be8ecaa6c96ed,babak tafreshi,ven though may read email mar incred bright tonight brightest star horizon mars central iran august 24th brightest star twilight desert skyview venus aka even star bright mar picture right brilliant venus despit claim annual return mar hoax mar big bright full moon celesti scenario similar western sky see tonight along mars still beauti vista includ spica alpha star constel virgo left venus farther right venus saturn peek sunset fade glow clouds near opposit horizon full moon illumin desert 400000 time brighter mars,brighter mar,2010-08-27,521,83,0.3122448979591836,08-27,8,2010,27,5,1,1 1b784dee3f23f6211ce0dbb4d129f99c848650ea02fc2b82e283c9401455a94b,none,ominous dark shape sprawl across face sun coron hole low densiti region extend surfac solar magnet field open freeli interplanetari space studi extens space sinc 1960 ultraviolet xray light coron hole known sourc highspe solar wind atom electron flow outward along open magnet field lines period low activity coron hole typic cover region sun poles extens coron hole domin sun northern hemispher earlier week captur extrem ultraviolet light camera onboard solar dynam observatory solar wind stream coron hole trigger auror display planet earth,hole sun,2010-08-28,544,83,0.08125,08-28,8,2010,28,1,0,4 811dc4c5ec11a680abaaa9f8a9e082283f5b6d55e9aa93c1c97521036476798d,linda frischu chicago,star alone disk milki way galaxi 10 percent visibl matter form gas call interstellar medium ism ism uniform show patchi even near sun quit difficult detect local ism tenuou emit littl light mostli hydrogen gas however absorb specif color detect light nearest stars work map local ism within 10 lightyear base recent observ shown above observ show sun move local interstellar cloud cloud flow outward scorpiuscentauru associ star form region sun may exit local interstellar cloud also call local fluff next 10000 years much remain unknown local ism includ detail distribution origin affect sun earth,local fluff,2010-08-29,598,95,-0.0235294117647058,08-29,8,2010,29,6,2,4 c24adafc02b0642b2898de75ae8ec710fe3649fc90e9a1b5e041b4ed8f607baa,none,could life surviv mars today neither anim plant life earth could surviv long mar least one key ingredi liquid water essenti absent red planet rusti surface although evid martian rover indic long ago mar might liquid water surface water might also acid familiar life form recently however newli detail analysi unusu outcrop rock soil chanc upon 2005 robot spirit rover uncov clue indic mar alway mound question dub outcrop visibl near top image appear contain unusu high concentr element magnesium iron imag shown color exagger highlight differ composition sinc carbon dissolv acid persist mound indic water perhap less acid favor life might flow across mars detail analys search sign sure continue,outcrop mar indic past,2010-08-30,699,111,0.0890277777777777,08-30,8,2010,30,5,2,4 bcb4d37cbd8861fd8190386d44c244e5083b1f3aef3803003f438874b17e090d,jaim fernandez,sky toward center galaxi fill wide varieti celesti wonders mani visibl dark locat common binoculars constel near galact center includ sagittarius libra scorpius scutum ophiuchus nebula includ messier object m8 m16 m20 well pipe cat paw nebulas visibl open star cluster includ m6 m7 m21 m23 m24 m25 globular star cluster m22 also visible hole dust toward galact center reveal bright region fill distant star known baade window visibl m7 m8 move cursor imag bring unannot version,annot galact center,2010-08-31,477,77,-0.0149999999999999,08-31,8,2010,31,6,0,3 bb6cd34eeeb597064fa8affe521915b7499cf43194ca1cafcc4585474b01882a,none,earth look like planet mercury robot spacecraft messeng found look toward earth closest approach sun three month ago earth moon visibl doubl spot lower left image messeng mercuri took image locat view would similar mercury earth compar larg moon alway appear small circl reflect sunlight never show crescent phase messeng zip right mercuri three time sinc launch 2004 schedul enter orbit around innermost planet march 2011,earth moon messeng,2010-09-01,422,66,0.0089285714285714,09-01,9,2010,1,8,0,2 0b236de1748711927b472903f38d974e366e3f82e01840810541504f5327383b,dave jurasevich,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work right bubble center hot otyp star sever hundr thousand time lumin approxim 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia falsecolor hubbl palett use creat sharp imag show emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue hues imag data record use small telescop clear steadi skies mount wilson observatory,bubbl nebula,2010-09-02,661,101,-0.0724489795918367,09-02,9,2010,2,4,2,5 138f01c3ad7ac8aed4c148d5421f387adecd763eabd9753e5641ddc6c251955c,bogdan jarzyna,portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two celesti wonder easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan cosmic cloud understood dwarf irregular galaxies satellit larger spiral milki way galaxy small magellan cloud actual span 15000 lightyear contain sever hundr million stars 210000 lightyear away constel tucana distant known milki way satellit galaxies includ cani major sagittariu dwarf galaxi larg magellan cloud sharp imag also includ two foreground globular star cluster ngc 362 bottom right 47 tucanae spectacular 47 tucana mere 13000 lightyear away seen left small magellan cloud take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,small cloud magellan,2010-09-03,724,105,-0.0017857142857142,09-03,9,2010,3,6,2,4 67def3f4b9a02fcedaa8757543ea294713c921b7c324385091750fdaedd4bd31,ken crawford,young sun still lie within dusti ngc 7129 3000 lightyear away toward royal constel cepheus star rel tender age million year old like sun form similar stellar nurseri five billion year ago notic sharp zoomable imag love bluish dust cloud reflect youth starlight smaller deep red crescent shape also marker energetic young stellar objects known herbigharo objects shape color characterist glow hydrogen ga shock jet stream away newborn stars ultim natal ga dust region dispersed star drift apart loos cluster orbit center galaxy estim distanc ngc 7129 telescop view span 40 lightyears take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,young sun ngc 7129,2010-09-04,634,100,0.1125,09-04,9,2010,4,4,2,5 97dcfda8c54631100cd5abb6b1739bcb57fbb8fe2f3c2bcfb042b07999f38d6e,none,center swirl whirlpool hot ga like beast never seen directly black hole studi bright light emit swirl ga frequent indic black hole present also like attributes ga surround gro j165540 example found display unusu flicker rate 450 time second given previou mass estim central object seven time mass sun rate fast flicker explain black hole rotat rapidly physic mechan actual caus flicker slower quasiperiod oscil qpo accret disk surround black hole neutron star remain topic much research,gro j165540 evid spin black hole,2010-09-05,488,77,0.0722222222222222,09-05,9,2010,5,6,0,5 5e49a6be1c2e0f4f85a11f503f12e5ad39c1b58952a650388bafe9f8bba5c20f,none,complex machin ever built stand start launch bu size object high move fast fall back down launch numer revolutionari satellit enabl human commun across globe better understand earth atmosphere peer distanc universe nasa space shuttles nasa recent releas larg digit poster honor them inaugur flight 1981 shuttl fleet age near retirement pictur above space shuttl endeavour shown rise orbit patch mission shown spiral endeavour name hm endeavour british research ship explor south pacif ocean depict lower right upper left panoram window deliv endeavour intern space station earlier year background near top ngc 602 nebula imag hubbl space telescope servic endeavour 1993 poster shuttles includ atlantis challenger columbia discovery endeavour available,space shuttl endeavour,2010-09-07,751,110,0.0994532627865961,09-07,9,2010,7,8,2,2 5793c2de50be13a9253d2cbca1b1a3a03b3c10ce47a04549953e923888ac1221,none,faint ring around spiral galaxy possibl galaxy ngc pull neighbor fall enorm coma cluster galaxies ngc 4911 end like galaxi central coma cluster becom yellowish ellipt galaxy lose outer layers dust gas cadr surround satellit galaxi well currently however process beginning visibl deep imag hubbl space telescop ngc bright nucleus distort spiral arm lace dark dust cluster recent form stars unusu faint outer rings dwarf companion galaxies even faint globular cluster stars far distanc mani unassoci galaxi earli univers visible even ngc 4911 itself coma cluster contain 1000 galaxi make among massiv object known ngc 4911 found lower left great cluster center,ngc spiral dens cluster,2010-09-08,658,102,-0.0281249999999999,09-08,9,2010,8,7,2,3 02a4f96f8bbdaf8985f34175b1b3b0f39f70486468ebda920008a5afc402167f,rogeliobern andreo,star clusters glow nebula dark dust cloud abound cepheus royal constel northern hemisphere follow amaz detail across broad skyscape mosaic telescop imag span 17 degrees begin lower left larg emiss nebula catalog ic 1396 hundr lightyear across 3000 lightyear distant contain dark tendrilshap featur popularli known elephant trunk near top middle bright nebula embed star cluster ngc 7380 upper right lie ngc 7635 the bubbl nebula star cluster m52 put cursor pictur see label version field mani object highlight design second version sharpless catalog barnard catalog dark nebulae associ star formation site telltal marker along region complex giant molecular clouds take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,trunk bubbl,2010-09-09,716,108,0.0498883928571428,09-09,9,2010,9,4,2,5 5ffed4530a05cd533ee1890a3996909cf1db32151ceed741daecdc551e882dba,star echo,plane milki way galaxi run complex beauti skyscape northwestern edg constel vela the sails four frame mosaic 10 degre wide center glow filament vela supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star light supernova explos creat vela remnant reach earth 11000 year ago addit shock filament glow gas cosmic catastroph also left behind incred dense rotat stellar core vela pulsar 800 lightyear distant vela remnant like embed larger older supernova remnant gum nebula take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,vela supernova remnant,2010-09-10,528,82,-0.0166666666666666,09-10,9,2010,10,6,0,5 440524e9155ce8c17753da2d65dc5ccb384b381c5065fa62511aeb84cfb28c3c,r jay gabani,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 25 million lightyear distant loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across size milki way known popular moniker sunflow galaxy m63 sport bright yellowish core sweep blue spiral arms streak cosmic dust lane dot pink star form regions deep exposur also reveal enorm dim arc extend far halo brighter galact plane collabor profession amateur astronom shown arc consist stellar stream smaller satellit galaxy tidal disrupt merg m63 last 5 billion years discoveri part increas bodi evid growth larg spiral cannib smaller galaxi commonplac nearbi universe take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,star stream sunflow galaxi,2010-09-11,702,107,0.1458333333333333,09-11,9,2010,11,7,2,3 1e67653276079597cb4a72600a273a71c2bbd3b2c8ed82a7b2b9181731d4f0a6,robert d u,remnant nuclear reactor nearli two billion year old found 1970 africa reactor thought occur naturally natur reactor exist today rel densiti fissil uranium decay need sustain reaction pictur fossil reactor 15 locat oklo gabon uranium oxid remain visibl yellowish rock oklo byproduct use today probe stabil fundament constant cosmolog time distanc scale develop effect mean dispos humanmanufactur nuclear waste,oklo ancient african nuclear reactor,2010-09-12,408,59,-0.0625,09-12,9,2010,12,8,0,2 bc5428728e564ec0083ea2dfaefb4fd3f61e3ee1edba1e752ad4c172505ed311,none,creat strang spiral structur left one sure although like relat star binari star system enter planetari nebula phase outer atmospher ejected huge spiral span third light year across and wind four five complet turns regular without precedent given expans rate spiral gas new layer must appear everi 800 years close match time take two star orbit other star system creat commonli known pegasi also afgl 3068 unusu structur catalog ira 231661655 imag taken nearinfrar light hubbl space telescope spiral glow mystery lead hypothesi illumin light reflect nearbi stars,extraordinari spiral pegasi,2010-09-14,561,88,0.2111363636363636,09-14,9,2010,14,6,1,3 0893d75f26c2c79ee2c38b01794153adb9f6a2a4248c15a33840c8595481f08f,isaac gutirrez pascual,sometim sky becom quit show last week example moon venu converged creat quit sight sky enthusiast around globe locations though sky even picturesque imag taken last week spain crescent moon planet venus far right captur sunset pose deep blue sky foreground dark storm cloud loom across imag bottom white anvil cloud shape appear above black speck dot frame caus flock bird take flight soon pictur taken however bird pass by storm ended venu moon set moon venu separated although venu remain visibl sunset rest month,clouds birds moon venu,2010-09-15,515,85,0.0069047619047619,09-15,9,2010,15,2,0,1 235837431a0dc580e2fe9cd0124bac756fdc564def52a0a7f2c247116ad47df0,martin pugh,delic appearance filament shocked glow gas drape planet earth sky toward constel cygnus make veil nebula nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears fact veil larg brighter part recogn separ nebulae includ witch broom ngc 6960 bottom stun skyview pickering triangl ngc 6979 right center top haunt ic 1340 take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,veil nebula,2010-09-16,576,93,0.1051020408163265,09-16,9,2010,16,4,2,5 0c926c73e906dccb7cdcd63ce8208fe75466b47ad7195439d81b8c727caaeaeb,yuichi takasaka,curtain shimmer green light sprawl across gorgeou night skyscape foreground lie peac prelud lake locat 30 kilomet east yellowknife northwest territories canada high northern latitud mesmer northern lights also known aurora borealis becom familiar sight septemb 23rd equinox night grow longer favor season aurora record septemb 11 panoram scene span 180 degrees brighter star peer auror glow left form recogniz northern asterism big dipper compact pleiad star cluster shine far right take short survey view astronomi imag mobil devices,northern light prelud lake,2010-09-17,534,79,0.1245238095238095,09-17,9,2010,17,6,1,1 522a40a07600b04748bc7751919d17a34812acec9a4fd8c29594c50c6fa4756d,babak tafreshi,chanc brightest star seen late actual planet jupiter jupit rule sky label view starri septemb night alborz mountain iran complet trail red flashlight illumin mountain road septemb 21st univers time jupit opposition point opposit sun along orbit rise sun sets opposition jupit slightli brighter closer planet earth year sinc much fainter also approach opposit septemb 21st distant planet uranus near jupit sky fainter planet easi spot binocular inset view well right brilliant jupit bright one jupiter galilean moons remark close opposit planets point sky exactli opposit sun septemb 23rd mark vernal equinox date full moon join celesti scene course full moon also opposition tonight intern observ moon night,opposit sun,2010-09-18,707,108,0.1912087912087912,09-18,9,2010,18,8,2,4 386d6fd027e2ddc3305eba6c3f833be477610fe7be19690cdc75b412461c7fb7,none,dark form lurk mist carina nebula omin figur actual molecular clouds knot molecular ga dust thick becom opaque comparison however cloud typic much less dens earth atmosphere pictur part detail imag carina nebula ever taken part dark molecular cloud particularli prominent imag recent recolor base light emit oxygen entir carina nebula span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebula eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically widefield annot zoomabl version larger imag composit also available,dark cloud carina nebula,2010-09-19,605,93,0.0717948717948717,09-19,9,2010,19,4,2,5 e615759a8f8d5ff048ebbe79891d7e078c4b1dda368d5b7b03c57b70b427b754,ole christian salomonsen,aurora make spectacular sights photograph last weekend flow multicolor aurora help illumin busi sky troms norway besid spectacular aurora pictur above photograph caught three satellit streaks one airplan streak friend tri captur sight although aurora might first appear moonlit clouds add light sky block background star view call northern light northern hemisphere aurora caus collis charg particl magnetospher air molecul high earth atmosphere view space aurora seen glow xray ultraviolet light well predict aurora might occur day power magnet event seen sun,aurora norway,2010-09-20,560,82,0.3122222222222222,09-20,9,2010,20,8,1,1 505bd47f26c627ee047ad668d4c1f32ec1eea64aa1eda0a124692cf270f78259,none,majesti night sky best captur painting continu challeng vincent van famou painter late 1800 pioneer stir depict star fill sky sever works pictur van gogh starri night french town depict complet ga light reflect river van gogh night sky appear aliv turbul stellar imag contrast lofti dark blue hues river one discern star familiar big dipper asterism follow line connect two big dipper star right north star polari could easili found height estim actual give latitud paint created,starri night,2010-09-21,479,78,0.1550595238095238,09-21,9,2010,21,6,1,1 c4a5fc2c35562881005d939fbfce21d4d4ab44a784fa609c95a6b833ab0a562a,none,today sun cross celesti equat head south 0309 univers time known equinox astronom event mark first day autumn northern hemispher spring south equinox mean equal night sun celesti equator earth dweller experi nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness course north day continu grow shorter sun march lower sky winter approaches celebr equinox consid view sun extrem ultraviolet light sun stare solar dynam observatory record yesterday falsecolor imag show emiss highli ioniz iron atoms loop arc trace glow plasma suspend magnet field solar activ regions,equinox iron sun,2010-09-23,550,85,0.0675,09-23,9,2010,23,1,0,1 4751a8c7244c77b49b36f26f8eb4eb7622c5382b3535136855a1a622e9e6a0db,derek,cosmic cloud seem form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 course cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 15 million year young cluster star near center color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouet glow atom gas composit narrow broad band telescop images view span 40 lightyear includ emiss hydrogen green sulfur red oxygen blue hues wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,melott 15 heart,2010-09-25,545,88,0.0794642857142857,09-25,9,2010,25,4,0,5 bb205be2a6c3344e3b0bc97dfa97e4d5f2a54a346d45e95da30169c2daa64a84,none,galaxi long tail stun vista record hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys distant galaxi form dramat backdrop disrupt spiral galaxi arp 188 tadpol galaxy cosmic tadpol mere 420 million lightyear distant toward northern constel draco eyecatch tail 280 thousand lightyear long featur massive bright blue star clusters one stori goe compact intrud galaxi cross front arp 188 left right view slung around behind tadpol gravit attraction close encounter tidal forc drew spiral galaxy stars gas dust form spectacular tail intrud galaxi itself estim lie 300 thousand lightyear behind tadpole seen foreground spiral arm lower left follow terrestri namesake tadpol galaxi like lose tail grow older tail star cluster form smaller satellit larg spiral galaxy,arp 188 tadpole tidal tail,2010-09-26,754,114,0.0089635854341736,09-26,9,2010,26,7,2,3 d2542d8f7776d7f02047173e11718075c74b5df560e097205c65ba8d509b2b25,none,drive aurora saturn help find out scientist sort hundr infrar imag saturn taken cassini spacecraft purposes tri find enough aurora imag correl chang make movies made movi clearli show saturnian aurora chang angl sun also planet rotates furthermore auror chang appear relat wave saturn magnetospher like caus saturn moons pictur above falsecolor imag taken 2007 show saturn three band infrar light ring reflect rel blue sunlight planet glow compar low energi red band southern aurora visibl green inspect mani saturnian imag may well lead even better understand saturn earth auroras,danc aurora saturn,2010-09-27,581,90,0.0777777777777777,09-27,9,2010,27,0,2,1 a418c9374e199eada97fac6de26823c55f262268a2bf84e204854008e25e673b,none,what happen south pole venus find out scientist studi imag taken robot venu express spacecraft pass lower spin axi earth overh twin surprisingly recent imag venu express confirm previou sight doubl storm system there rather found singl unusu swirl cloud vortex recent releas imag sequenc taken infrar light digit compressed darker area correspond higher temperatur henc lower region venus atmosphere also illumin recent releas movies show similar venus southern vortex vortex swirl south pole saturn understand peculiar dynam why times two eddi appear time singl peculiar eddi appears may give insight hurrican evolv earth remain topic research time three months european venu express spacecraft join around venu japanes akatsuki satellite,venus south polar vortex,2010-09-28,739,110,0.08125,09-28,9,2010,28,8,2,4 8663fdca27038f68b5637b086f60d3cab8b8f2e723dda0e7b39410bae6a673d2,chri thoma,look close moon see larg airplan front it well always ok hardli ever wait day camera attach moon tracker place airplan known pass might catch good photograph it well lucky ok extrem lucky imag taken two week ago south east queensland australia use exposur time second and word photographer a,airplan front moon,2010-09-29,291,50,0.3944444444444444,09-29,9,2010,29,2,1,1 cbabe352b3860c27fa162495caead4669f856c6dcccceee69f5b096c41aab193,none,star planet born cold dark interstellar cloud ga dust explor cloud infrar wavelengths astronom made surpris discoveri dozen case dens cloud core shine reflect infrar starlight base archiv spitzer space telescop data panel illustr newli describ phenomenon known longer infrar wavelength right core cloud lynd 183 dark shorter infrar wavelength left core clearli scatter light nearbi stars seen panels elong core cover mere 15 lightyears scatter requir dust grain 10 time larger previous thought exist clouds 1 micron size instead 01 comparison human hair 100 micron thick larger dust grain indic could chang model earli phase star planet formation still mysteri process hidden within interstellar clouds dark nebula lynd 183 lie around 325 lightyear away constel serpens,dark cloud,2010-09-30,770,117,-0.1531746031746031,09-30,9,2010,30,4,2,4 5c724eb388b2cfcba3816cb928ccc662413681f8ed7a83aca3be335df35b9cc6,lynett cook,mere 20 lightyear away constel libra red dwarf star glies 581 receiv much scrutini astronom recent years earthbound telescop detect signatur multipl planet orbit cool sun two least close system habit zone region earthlik planet liquid water surface team head steven uco paul butler announc detect anoth planet one system habit zone base 11 year data work offer compel case first potenti habit planet found around nearbi star shown artist illustr inner part exoplanetari system planet design glies person name world best fit data indic planet circular 37 day orbit orbit radiu au mass 31 time earths model includ estim planet radiu 15 graviti planet surfac 11 17 earth units find habit planet close suggest mani other milki way galaxy,world,2010-10-01,734,120,0.0395833333333333,10-01,10,2010,1,8,2,4 69fcd7a0359316a5cfd84111fbb40ed79b2f9024740d361c9d819727b9a8cfae,none,like brush stroke canvas ridg color seem flow across scene here canva nearli 3 lightyear wide color map emiss ioniz ga lagoon nebula record hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys also known m8 nebula star form region 5000 lightyear distant constel sagittarius hubble remark sharp closeup view reveal undul shape sculpt energet light wind region new born stars course lagoon nebula popular target earthbound skygazers too featur promin dust lane bright hourglass shape small telescop wider field view,hubble lagoon,2010-10-02,504,78,0.1576704545454545,10-02,10,2010,2,4,1,5 125308f020be44c28d8680b5328d32c850d4d03da71208f64fa7994243e0d4f9,none,strangest moon solar system bright yellow picture attempt show io would appear true colors percept averag human eye taken 1999 juli galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 io color deriv sulfur molten silic rock unusu surfac io kept young system activ volcanoes intens tidal graviti jupit stretch io damp wobbl caus jupiter galilean moons result friction greatli heat io interior caus molten rock explod surface io volcano activ effect turn whole moon insid out io volcan lava hot glow dark follow apod facebook,io true color,2010-10-03,512,83,0.18125,10-03,10,2010,3,8,1,2 7ca473a208aa6ed9956ac3c9fb19aff67cae2abcac7ef5fa21e67199635d76df,none,stare across rocki plain mars you everi direction dark sand bright rock although littl chang million years one ever seen view before sent long journey distant crater largest crater region human back planet earth wonder impact creat distant crater might also uncov uniqu clue distant past earth neighbor planet clue might reveal life ever exist here break visibl toward imag center unusu rock landscape quit possibly rock world divert inspect it robot opportun rover eye countless human follow trek back planet earth roll footbal field day might reach endeavour crater sometim 2012 survive,across rocki plain mar,2010-10-04,588,93,-0.0242857142857142,10-04,10,2010,4,5,0,2 a3706315fb13eded93ffcfd1cd2d9c42df733cde3a6d0017938b9198f3c0525f,mauric,dark horsehead nebula glow orion nebula contrast cosmic vistas adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations appear opposit corner stun mosaic familiar horsehead nebula appear dark cloud small silhouett notch long red glow lower left alnitak easternmost star orion belt seen brightest star left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes magnific emiss region orion nebula aka m42 lie upper right immedi left promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man pervas tendril glow hydrogen ga easili trace throughout region,horsehead orion nebula,2010-10-05,570,86,0.0469780219780219,10-05,10,2010,5,4,0,5 3094e71016a890b36150be14413c9d176b53a7213511809b6c6bbbcf2f6576ea,paul,green cloud aurora photograph two week ago puffi green aurora help moon illumin seren lake snowi saint elia mountain eastern alaska usa although aurora might first appear moonlit clouds add light sky block background star view call northern light northern hemisphere aurora caus collis charg particl magnetospher air molecul high earth atmosphere view space aurora seen glow xray ultraviolet light well predict aurora like occur day power magnet event seen sun,aurora alaska,2010-10-06,460,71,0.1728571428571428,10-06,10,2010,6,8,1,1 a45c9c97c34ec481d7848795a4aa1f1207ca96b8f3b01f4edb91e057069bd78c,jaim fernández,tour solar system 6 year orbit period small comet hartley 2 103p hartley make closest approach planet earth octob 20 closest approach sun octob 28 may becom nakedey comet visibl clear dark skies meanwhil comet tempt telescop target seen allur green coma share frame emiss nebula ngc 281 star constel cassiopeia octob 2 nebula gape profil defin dust cloud red glow suggest play moniker pacman nebula appar short bright streak show comet motion background star hour accumul exposur time next day comet hartley 2 motion also carri across field view featur famou doubl star cluster perseus novemb 4 spacecraft planet earth actual fli within 700 kilomet comet nucleus dub spacecraft formerli known deep impact,pacman hartley,2010-10-07,704,114,0.0090909090909091,10-07,10,2010,7,3,2,5 637ab0e9a85de69b601e22f1f0f802165554b44c013bdf214a63585fc9c82561,peter,late september two planet opposit sun earth sky jupit uranus consequ closest earth distanc 33 lightminut lighthour respectively good target telescop observers record septemb 27 wellplan composit consecut multipl exposur captur ga giant remark celesti lineup accompani brighter moons faint greenish disk distant planet uranu near upper left corner tilt planet 5 larger moons two spot left planet disk discov 18th centuri british astronom sir william herschel later name charact shakespeare midsumm night oberon farthest left titania closer in right side frame rule ga giant jupiter flank along line four galilean satellites farthest jupit callisto europa io left planet disk ganymed stand alon right,two planet opposit,2010-10-08,698,104,0.0277310924369747,10-08,10,2010,8,8,2,4 f83a136aa959bc4e15cdcd46b60d07d73830dbd220b335262ffec3c9454e4553,none,globular star cluster roam halo milki way galaxy gravit bound spheric group typic sever hundr thousand star ancient older star galact disk fact measur globular cluster age constrain age univers it must older star accur cluster distanc determin provid rung astronom distanc ladder globular star cluster ngc 6934 lie 50000 lightyear away constel delphinus distance sharp imag hubble advanc camera survey span 50 lightyears cluster star estim 10 billion year old,globular star cluster ngc 6934,2010-10-09,459,71,0.0770833333333333,10-09,10,2010,9,6,0,3 a0d1bbfb7ae8dfb83fcab33b4c0a07ec155973b4e13d681092bda62e895d4ea9,none,mani moonquakes recent reanalysi seismomet left moon apollo moon land reveal surpris number moonquak occur within 30 kilomet surface fact 28 moonquak detect data record 1972 1977 moonquak strong enough move furnitur stiff rock moon continu vibrat mani minutes significantli longer soft rock earthquak earth caus moonquak remain unknown one hypothesi hold landslid crater caus vibrations regardless source futur moon build need built withstand frequent shakings pictur 1969 apollo 11 astronaut buzz aldrin stand besid recent deploy lunar seismometer look back toward lunar land module,moonquak surprisingli common,2010-10-10,583,85,0.0319047619047619,10-10,10,2010,10,2,0,2 ac1194145f38369b21a89da665e691b503668a5d4204911ac04f3fc46202f958,none,spiral galaxi ngc 2683 bar across center nearli like bar milki way galaxy one might guess has nearli edgeon however hard tell either way gorgeou island universe catalog ngc 2683 lie mere 20 million lightyear distant northern constel cat lynx ngc 2683 seen nearli edgeon cosmic vista distant galaxi scatter background blend light larg popul old yellowish star form remark bright galact core starlight silhouett dust lane along wind spiral arms dot telltal blue glow young star cluster galaxy star form regions,ngc 2683 spiral edgeon,2010-10-11,508,82,0.0208333333333333,10-11,10,2010,11,7,0,3 eb0f041fa5a53430f2fc459a1c1c500ccc2bd02e4f3ea84b4dd704e8b0b881e0,none,what creat dark band saturn sometim take littl figur pictur taken saturnorbit cassini spacecraft let see larg orb left must saturn itself arc right sure rings dark band run diagon must shadow saturn rings leav unusu dark band superpos saturn disk shadow rings detect would conclud not one look carefully ring arc behind planet lower left around right therefor must pass camera side planet upper left ring caus dark streak saturn ring segment appear dark shadow saturn night part saturn show faint glow sunlight reflect part rings got it unfortunately tile floor tomorrow pictur would even harder understand,saturn light dark strang,2010-10-12,607,98,-0.0752100840336134,10-12,10,2010,12,0,2,1 63543cd441f0993e6804290df3d7d247e86b729a08a99d36c086a09cc972c46c,none,hubbl space telescop hst end probabl not final goe current plan call deorbit ocean stop famou float observatori appear scienc around globe sometim pair amaz pictur taken pictur above celebr 20th anniversari launch hubble replica telescop given picturesqu set italian di ed beauti histor scene appear perhap bit surreal deep space imag appear terrestri tile floor surround famou arch reminisc escher lucky may even possibl find exhibit hubbl imag near you hst model appear there could alway build own,scienc hubbl,2010-10-13,499,79,0.1283333333333333,10-13,10,2010,13,8,1,4 b9d6f3446dcf76fe16f6a26b97aa6bd04f4d31f041b658ed6c03fe7ba3c2265e,rogeliobern andreo,allur comet hartley 2 cruis planet earth night sky octob 8 pass within full moon width famou doubl star cluster perseus much anticip celesti photoop record 3 frame mosaic greenish comet cluster h chi persei place left wide field view span 7 degrees extend across constel boundari cassiopeia way heart nebula ic far right captur cosmic moment rel short 5 minut exposur use freez move comet place longer exposur narrowband filter includ central right hand frames narrowband exposur bring fainter reddish glow nebula atom hydrogen gas contrast cometari coma green past days comet watcher report hartley 2 becom visibl unaid eye experienc observ dark clear sites octob 20 comet make closest approach earth pass within 17 million kilometers novemb 4 nasa spacecraft fli comet small nucleu estim 15 kilomet diameter,heart,2010-10-14,809,130,0.018095238095238,10-14,10,2010,14,3,2,4 cdd21b4eabda745c02e2d107433b567136282917ed944ea4ac89724cd3d83e72,eso,drift constel monoceros dusti streamer new born star part activ monocero r2 starform region embed giant molecular cloud cosmic scene record vista survey telescop nearinfrar light visibl light imag show dusti ngc 2170 seen right center complex bluish reflect nebulae penetr nearinfrar view reveal telltal sign ongo star format massiv young star otherwis hidden dust energet wind radiat hot young star reshap natal interstellar clouds close sky starform orion nebula monocero r2 region almost twice far away 2700 lightyear distant distance vista span 80 lightyears,vista ngc 2170,2010-10-15,562,85,0.085031635031635,10-15,10,2010,15,4,0,5 36844c634af3456a4fab27b96de7e67ff1103d88dc7cc56d0d616aacab98fbde,john p gleason,16th centuri portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan understood satellit galaxi much larger spiral milki way galaxy 160000 lightyear distant constel dorado larg magellan cloud lmc seen remark deep color composit image starlight central bluish bar contrast telltal reddish glow ioniz atom hydrogen gas span 15000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi home closest supernova modern times sn 1987a promin patch top left 30 doradus also known magnific tarantula nebula giant starform region 1000 lightyear across,larg cloud magellan,2010-10-16,672,98,0.0772727272727272,10-16,10,2010,16,7,2,3 34706505be5e8a4412d9ca6bf9e8dff93e2a89b0d45bc268b68b708067030fdc,none,star forming found among small magellan cloud smcs cluster nebula ngc 346 star form region 200 lightyear across pictur hubbl space telescope satellit galaxi milki way small magellan cloud smc wonder southern sky mere 210000 lightyear distant constel toucan tucana explor ngc 346 astronom identifi popul embryon star strung along dark intersect dust lane visibl right still collaps within natal clouds stellar infants light redden interven dust small irregular galaxy smc repres type galaxi common earli universe small galaxi thought build block larger galaxi present today within smc stellar nurseri like ngc 346 also thought similar found earli universe,ngc 346 small magellan cloud,2010-10-17,654,99,-0.0540178571428571,10-17,10,2010,17,7,2,3 f21331ab62d2d20415f84272928fe20f740c60fe8704f2c9e315560cbc314199,none,what come edg sun might appear first glanc sort sun monster actual solar prominence prominence captur sunorbit soho satellit earlier year earli stage eruption rapidli becam one largest ever record even pictured promin huge earth would easili fit inside solar promin thin cloud solar ga held surfac sun magnet field quiescent promin typic last month erupt promin like one develop may erupt within hour coron mass eject cme expel hot ga solar system although hot promin typic appear dark view sun sinc slightli cooler surface sun evolv toward solar maximum next three years larg erupt promin expected,came sun,2010-10-18,599,97,0.075,10-18,10,2010,18,1,2,1 008653645b864be752a9c28901d78bbea0eeb6a84eae45501b6c1a23a277038e,none,dark streak although may look like shadow trail blaze sweep material comput simul indic dark streak better understood empti path pull away graviti saturn small moon particl follow prometheu much glide sideway past prometheu use be one dark streamer creat pass prometheu fring streamer unpredict first discov 2004 high resolut imag taken robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn close inspect surfac prometheu imag show interest structur craters cassini spacecraft arriv saturn 2004 and continu function well expect continu send back data imag distant ring world 2017,prometheu rise saturn f ring,2010-10-19,563,85,0.0054545454545454,10-19,10,2010,19,0,0,2 454f27308619ca08a6a7ab70d2caa11b77b66adbec6abc82ee6138a6c5a09e83,tunç tezel,venu airplane common ponder sky enthusiast decid bright spot near horizon planet venus usually airplan show move significantli moments venu set slowli earth turns still identif would easier venu keep shift posit night pictur above venu captur 44 differ night 2006 2007 mountain turkey earth sister planet appear exclus even sky averag space imag five days imag alway taken sun seven degre horizon bright spot toward west even sky month might neither venu airplane mars,venu sunset,2010-10-20,468,75,0.1583333333333333,10-20,10,2010,20,8,1,1 3d2a2da31282982602bfa8c0bc890b81f600a8bb464dcb47da05dd28d37cef8a,goldman,lovely symmetr planetari nebula catalog mwp1 lie 4500 lightyear away northern constel cygnu swan one largest planetari nebula known span 15 lightyears base expans rate nebula age 150 thousand years cosmic eye 10 billion year life sunlik star planetari nebula repres brief final phase stellar evolution nebula central star shrug outer layer becom hot white dwarf fact planetari nebula last 10 20 thousand years result truli ancient mwp1 offer beauti challeng astronom studi evolut central star,nebula,2010-10-21,492,76,0.0199999999999999,10-21,10,2010,21,4,0,5 0a779f15744770a4cf7e1ee4b5be65d39a941636cb7ce6f7d8d8951dd40c0e8c,neil fleme,pillar gas dust young hot star seem fill gape ngc 7822 edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region lie 3000 lightyear away within nebula bright edg dark shape highlight color skyscape imag includ data broadband narrowband filters map emiss atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues atom emiss power energet radiat hot stars whose power wind radiat also sculpt erod denser pillar shapes star could still form insid pillar gravit collapse pillar erod away form star ultim cutoff reservoir star stuff field span around 60 lightyear estim distanc ngc 7822,ngc 7822 cepheu,2010-10-22,593,96,0.1055555555555555,10-22,10,2010,22,4,2,5 67ae6c73b74fba4a80e881dfeda7275f2eb578cc6b3ee736b33fc61a58855eaf,rogeliobern andreo,cradl cosmic dust glow hydrogen stellar nurseri orion hunter lie edg giant molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away span nearli 25 degrees breathtak vista stretch across wellknown constel head toe left right great orion nebula closest larg star form region right center left horsehead nebula m78 orion belt stars slide cursor pictur also find red giant betelgeus hunter shoulder bright blue rigel foot glow lambda orioni meissa nebula far left near orion head course orion nebula bright star easi see unaid eye dust cloud emiss extens interstellar ga nebularich complex faint much harder record mosaic broadband telescop images addit imag data acquir narrow hydrogen alpha filter use bring pervas tendril energ atom hydrogen ga arc giant barnard loop,orion head,2010-10-23,745,117,0.0962585034013605,10-23,10,2010,23,4,2,5 c16539091a98a1692576a3fdb5f34552fc204722bffb09831b7cd1be659ca3e8,none,enough water moon sustain futur question import implic human hope use moon futur outpost last year help find out scientist crash moonorbit lcross spacecraft perman shadow crater near moon south pole new analys result plume cabeu crater indic water previous thought possibl six percent additionally instrument separ lro spacecraft measur neutron indic even larger lunar even perman shadow may also contain signific amount buri frozen water pictur lro area falsecolor blue indic presenc soil rel rich hydrogen thought like bound subsurfac water ice conversely red area like dry locat moon south pole also digit mark image deep beneath surfac ice crystal permeat still unknown well difficult would mine crystal drink water,water ice detect beneath moon surfac,2010-10-25,721,111,-0.0158549783549783,10-25,10,2010,25,2,2,2 78e5c9101830079f18eba2d7282063052e3afe4eefe8897e9ec7344dbe7ae66d,ivan eder,star cluster singularli impressive open cluster ngc 869 ngc 884 however doubli impressive also known h chi persei unusu doubl cluster shown above bright enough seen dark locat without even binoculars although discoveri sure predat written history greek astronom hipparchu notabl catalog doubl cluster cluster 7000 light year distant toward constel perseus separ hundr light years captur earlier month bright comet 103phartley inform call comet hartley 2 pass well front degre away famou doubl cluster comet hartley 2 visibl right fade still discern northern observ binoculars binocular needed course go right comet nucleus plan nasa epoxi spacecraft novemb 4,comet hartley pass doubl star cluster,2010-10-26,658,99,0.3138392857142857,10-26,10,2010,26,3,2,3 258784381475e87f75f8cd602e41d18abf6de4e2a098245d120c508d71cd1b77,none,stun vista repres highest resolut imag ever made andromeda galaxi aka m31 ultraviolet wavelengths record nasa swift satellite mosaic compos 330 individu imag cover region 200000 lightyear wide show 20000 sources domin hot young star dens star cluster radiat strongli energet ultraviolet light course andromeda galaxi closest larg spiral galaxi milki way distanc 25 million lightyears slide cursor imag compar appear gorgeou island univers optic light ultraviolet portrait,ultraviolet andromeda,2010-10-27,471,68,0.21,10-27,10,2010,27,7,1,4 e873b6d93a4571f50351885a0f04d55e695957f5950994e3c32c91b2c8ff7ac4,anthoni ayiomam,far ghost go mirach ghost realli scary fact mirach ghost faint fuzzi galaxy well known astronomers happen seen nearli along lineofsight mirach bright star center star field mirach also call beta andromedae 200 lightyear distant mirach red giant star cooler sun much larger intrins much brighter parent star telescop views glare diffract spike tend hide thing lie near mirach make faint fuzzi galaxi look like ghostli intern reflect almost overwhelm starlight still appear sharp imag right mirach mirach ghost catalog galaxi ngc 404 estim 10 million lightyear away,mirach ghost,2010-10-28,563,88,-0.0313775510204081,10-28,10,2010,28,7,0,3 c9589df826b46b648a00a25063f43d57b1847843797e6ba97a94e1fd7b23de55,chri kotsiopoulo,look close surreal nightscape dreamlik scene star trail arc old ship run aground beach near southern greece could ghost haunt beach gaze decay hover starlight reflect still water actually ephemer shape photographer instead singl long exposur record motion star earth rotat axis pictur compos 90 consecut images exposur 90 second long digit stack individu exposur reconstruct star trails also creat figur photograph captur stand beach one exposures,star trail ghost,2010-10-29,447,67,0.04375,10-29,10,2010,29,6,0,1 990070539a3fa15595ea20e840c8bd339b8105d479e183477ebeb9fc35495193,stephen leshin,spooki shape seem haunt starri expanse drift night royal constel cepheus course shape cosmic dust cloud faintli visibl dimli reflect starlight far neighborhood planet earth lurk edg cepheu flare molecular cloud complex 1200 lightyear away 2 lightyear across ghostli nebula known vdb 141 sh2136 near center field core dark cloud right collaps like binari star system earli stage formation,ghost cepheu flare,2010-10-30,387,59,-0.0107142857142857,10-30,10,2010,30,4,0,5 089439b4178e6bc3a64081acba39b32a3e5f597256e03e81d5fbbe5a90bfb0fc,none,halloween origin ancient astronomical sinc fifth centuri bc halloween celebr crossquart day day halfway equinox equal day equal night solstic minimum day maximum night northern hemisphere modern calendar however real crossquart day occur next week anoth crossquart day groundhog day halloween modern celebr retain histor root dress scare away spirit dead perhap fit tribut ancient holiday view ghost head nebula taken hubbl space telescope similar icon fiction ghost ngc 2080 actual star form region larg magellan cloud satellit galaxi milki way galaxy ghost head nebula span 50 lightyear shown repres colors,halloween ghost head nebula,2010-10-31,610,91,0.08,10-31,10,2010,31,8,2,1 19e2443f53fe6384dd26a24514a13cc99bef004599d560e05d2a00a173b462a0,luc perrot,reunion island known simpli the others known piton de la french peak furnace one activ volcano world volcano start new erupt last month spew hot lava bomb high 10 meter air sever vents pictur above recent erupt caught star fill southern sky appear somehow contain beneath arch band milki way galaxy also visibl background sky pleiad open star cluster constel orion brightest star sirius neighbor larg small magellan cloud galaxies can find them piton de la erupt month 2006 day 2007 2008 januari 2010 nobodi know long current erupt last volcano erupt next,milki way peak,2010-11-01,555,93,0.0175974025974026,11-01,11,2010,1,6,0,1 62f16a1820ea697bf4b0ae04325e222f2cb590e75c5b9a49c8dd2263375e5bf5,none,imagin pipe wide state long earth imagin pipe fill hot ga move 50000 kilomet per hour imagin pipe made metal transpar magnet field envis one thousand young spicul activ sun pictur one highest resolut imag yet enigmat solar flux tubes spicul line frame solar activ region cross sun last month particularli evid converg sunspot lower left timesequenc imag recent shown spicul last five minutes start tall tube rapidli rise ga eventu fade ga peak fall back sun determin creation dynam spicul remain topic activ research,spicules jet sun,2010-11-02,516,85,0.0199999999999999,11-02,11,2010,2,1,0,4 7618872e2b16ead0434d5107e4f7af6fe6a7a75a9e69747ea45cfae20a786e5b,iac,small constel sport larg piec cosmic dub necklac nebula newli discov exampl ringshap planetari nebula 15000 lightyear distant bright ring pearl glow ga half lightyear across planetari nebula creat sunlik star final phase stellar evolution necklac nebula central star near center ring strongli tilt line sight also shown binary close system two star orbit period day astronom estim appar age ring around 5000 years also find distant ga cloud perpendicular ring plane seen upper left lower right cloud like eject 5000 year cloud form fals color imag combin emiss ioniz hydrogen blue oxygen green nitrogen red,necklac nebula,2010-11-03,606,96,0.0261904761904761,11-03,11,2010,3,4,2,5 f58205ad6f9a47f962f692ec21f57dc386f1e00291777f12d65236c7d5fd369a,none,constel light sprawl across night scene belong sky planet earth instead view look intern space station pass unit state along northern gulf coast octob 29 russian soyuz spacecraft dock foreground behind extend solar panels 360 kilomet below recogniz citi light new look east along coast top frame find mobile alabama houston citi light stand west toward bottom north left new line light trace central us highway connect mississippi course light follow popul centers everyon live planet earth time days novemb 2nd mark first decad continu human presenc space board intern space station epoxi mission spacecraft encount comet hartley 2,night light,2010-11-04,632,99,0.1724431818181818,11-04,11,2010,4,8,2,2 4dd5960a4dab805ab3a6401f34f12ac4d1dce906462defb691fa2b7142b4083c,none,follow 5 frame clockwis start top left track view epoxi mission spacecraft approached pass under look back nucleu comet hartley 2 novemb 4 closest approach distanc 700 kilometers fact encount fifth time spacecraft planet earth imag comet closeup hartley 2 nucleu definit smallest one far long axi span 2 kilomet 12 miles though hartley 2 small stun imag show jet dust ga indic impress activ surface jet seen origin rough surfac areas sunlight illumin nucleu right remarkably rough area end elong nucleu join smooth waist epoxi mission deep impact spacecraft launch probe impact nucleu comet tempel 1 2005,comet hartley 2 flybi,2010-11-05,604,98,0.0714285714285714,11-05,11,2010,5,3,2,2 f3dcc75d40b16eb610474c886ce78f123e13f576ebf87bdc8c0873956faca037,rolf geissing,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus course cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long composit record narrow band filter transmit light ioniz hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom region result imag highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within obscur cosmic dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat closeup cover 2 degre wide field size 4 full moons,elephant trunk ic 1396,2010-11-06,603,94,0.014326923076923,11-06,11,2010,6,4,2,5 4f37ec3eb63910b0db2eba471d3d4acc778f9bf8c39a85507e2b45f8fefb3b20,none,kind comet this last week nasa robot epoxi spacecraft whizz past comet 103phartley also known comet hartley 2 record imag data strang fascinating epoxi near closest approach 700 kilomet away snap picture expected comet inde shown tumbl iceberg orbit sun earth jupiter however unexpect featur imag rais mani questions example craters larg smooth area around middle much comet hartley 2 loos pile dust ice futur analys comparison comet nuclei may answer question and hopefully lead better gener understand comets meteors earli solar system,kilomet comet hartley 2,2010-11-08,539,83,0.2149999999999999,11-08,11,2010,8,3,1,2 f7251109748b5252e1305e1f48d36bf70cc6b9a9de08db69ed051a0bd16087a6,none,line segment sky one precis align known universe pictur actual disk galaxi seen almost perfectli edg on imag hubbl space telescop spectacular visual remind thin disk galaxi be ngc galaxi nearbi virgo cluster galaxies thin actual difficult determin type disk galaxi is lack visibl dust lane indic lowdust lenticular galaxy although still possibl view top would reveal spiral structure unusu stellar line segment span 35000 light year end end near ngc center slight bulg stars hundr background galaxi visibl far distance galaxi appear thin rare mostli earth must resid nearly extrapol plane thin galact disks galaxi actual thin rel common exampl milki way galaxi thought thin,ngc extrem thin galaxi,2010-11-09,674,106,-0.0507575757575757,11-09,11,2010,9,7,2,3 c8718c6f367a56f18ce8d16bf4273e923415516608f8713d32aaf74996ec3ebf,none,know milki way galaxi huge bubbl emit gamma ray direct galact center neither data earthorbit fermi satellit began accumul past two years however larg unusu featur toward galaxy center becam increasingli evident two bubbl visibl togeth red white spot oval surround center sky image releas yesterday plane galaxi run horizont across imag center assum bubbl eman galaxy center scale bubbl huge rival entir galaxi size span 50000 light year top bottom earlier indic bubbl found exist sky map radio xray caus bubbl present unknown like research year come,huge gamma ray bubbl found around milki way,2010-11-10,549,88,0.0705882352941176,11-10,11,2010,10,7,0,4 760b60e9273a4889fad3568ceee707ebf44664f2151f6bed7b8c96a512162d37,stefano de rosa,venu rose glow dawn sky novemb 5th sun earli morn risers brilliant crescent phase best appreci binocular small telescope day crescent venu also appear close conjunct anoth love crescent hug eastern horizon planet earth morn skies wane crescent moon celesti photoop captur two locations left separ less degree two crescent hover sea clouds pictur record alpin mountain pass far turin italy right sharp telephoto view taken earlier sunrise farther east alborz mountain iran steadi sky slender moon still slide toward venus bright planet compact crescent clear mountain horizon now crescent phase venu remain easi enjoy binocular november dawn skies first observ phase venus made galileo telescop 1610 agre predict heliocentr copernican model solar system,two two crescent,2010-11-11,752,114,0.2862698412698413,11-11,11,2010,11,1,2,4 ce2e1a6dc9e2efcc789c8e7a74993c0aa75ab49b52e7991d0885581003625849,daniel lópez,like delic cosmic petals cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers still beauti digit imag show iri nebula rang color symmetri impress detail within iris dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament dusti cloud glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs shown here bright blue portion iri nebula six lightyear across,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2010-11-12,676,102,0.065,11-12,11,2010,12,4,2,5 3fd67f72ba81541c6b69fe4475dbf75034045da389558075a7e16691d842a8b0,russel croman,big beauti spiral galaxi m66 lie mere 35 million lightyear away 100 thousand lightyear across gorgeou island univers well known astronom member leo triplet galaxies m66 pronounc dust lane young blue star cluster sweep along spiral arm dot telltal glow pink star form regions color deep view also reveal faint extens beyond brighter galact disk course bright spiki star lie foreground within milki way galaxy many small distant background galaxi seen cosmic snapshot gravit interact neighbor galaxi like influenc shape spiral galaxi m66,spiral galaxi m66,2010-11-13,535,83,-0.0136363636363636,11-13,11,2010,13,7,0,3 c4a4e321aefea188dda096eb7e873981956bfb148b9cdd30e0ec92847ac499a4,clifford pickov,nearli exact copi exist universes one multivers hypothes correct quit possibl do computerenhanc illustration independ univers shown independ circl spheres sphere may causal disconnect spheres mean commun pass them sphere may contain differ realiz universe other may differ physic laws entir set parallel univers call multiverse human eye might repres possibl realiz multivers hypothes might exist human mind one critic multivers hypothes frequent difficult test multivers hypothes may therefor great fun think practic falsifi therefor predict scientif value,multiverses univers exist,2010-11-14,557,78,0.05125,11-14,11,2010,14,8,0,4 f3024217c5c4cccf896480182322eeb7906a9d47d8f81ea47dcd85d42f5045e7,none,there place like home peer window intern space station iss astronaut caldwel dyson take planet born would soon return 350 kilomet up iss high enough earth horizon appear clearli curved astronaut window show earth complex clouds white life give atmospher oceans blue space station orbit earth everi 90 minutes difficult peopl live look back toward iss iss frequent seen bright point light drift overhead sunset telescop even resolv overal structur space station imag taken late septemb iss cupola window bay dr dyson lead band challenge identifi part earth visibl background,home,2010-11-15,573,90,0.033030303030303,11-15,11,2010,15,8,0,2 ae66191c3f9acd0fc4175128501057c55064697970030664e58f3be1304d37a0,none,becom milki way galaxy perhap collid andromeda galaxi billion years might pictur ngc jumbl star creat huge collis two larg galaxies collis take hundr million year effect caught frozen time image result pandemonium dub galaxi similar cartoon larg atom imag taken recent mpgeso 22 meter telescop chile ngc span 600000 light year lie 220 million light year away toward constel water bearer aquarius sinc sideway veloc andromeda galaxi m31 present unknown one realli know sure milki way ever collid m31,galaxi collis,2010-11-16,498,80,0.2,11-16,11,2010,16,7,1,3 aa43661e9fdc00cf0474e7e1b8998e484040f8f76cc68b43b0e5d2ae77cc879f,john davi,hurtl cosmic dust cloud 400 lightyear away love pleiad seven sister star cluster wellknown strike blue reflect nebulae dusti sky toward constel tauru orion arm milki way galaxy remark imag show famou star cluster upper left lesser known dusti nebula lie along region fertil molecular cloud within 10 degre wide field includ birdlik visag lbn 777 near center small bluish reflect nebula vdb 27 lower right associ young variabl star ry distanc pleiades 5 panel mosaic span nearli 70 lightyears,sister dusti sky,2010-11-18,491,80,0.0487012987012987,11-18,11,2010,18,4,0,5 0d65b7019f3b17692afb5be9e55d96414b87b102895bd16bb38da44767263690,rolf geissing,beauti complex region nebula strewn along plane milki way galaxi widefield skyscape imag emphas cosmic ga cloud 25 25 degre view center northern cross famou aster constel cygnus bright hot supergi star deneb top cross sadr near center beauti albireo run diagon scene popular telescop tour destin north america pelican emiss regions butterfli nebula ic 1318 crescent veil nebula identifi place cursor image silhouet glow interstellar cloud crowd star fields dark northern coal sack also stand out part seri obscur dust cloud form great rift milki way northern cross nebulos locat 2000 lightyear away along sun lie within orion spiral arm galaxy,nebula northern cross,2010-11-19,643,102,0.1769230769230769,11-19,11,2010,19,4,2,5 b9fb221d0e3d862a90251722df0e4464553dc833eef59a76b2e64fe930ec9249,none,first identifi compact galaxi group stephan quintet featur eyecatch imag construct data drawn extens hubbl legaci archive 300 million lightyear away four galaxi group actual lock cosmic danc repeat close encounters odd man easi spot though four interact galaxi ngc 7319 7318a 7318b 7317 overal yellowish cast tend distort loop tails grown influenc disrupt gravit tides larger bluish galaxy ngc 7320 much closer others 40 million lightyear distant part interact group fact individu star foreground galaxi seen sharp hubbl view hint much closer others stephan quintet lie within boundari high fli constel pegasus,stephan quintet,2010-11-20,610,93,0.0464814814814814,11-20,11,2010,20,7,2,3 0c269c62dd48b7873a986e9c0114eaa8a571223b05bf6ed73f0aa472b838f5cd,none,reason unknown ngc 6357 form massiv star ever discovered one massiv star near center ngc 6357 frame carv interstellar castl energet light surround ga dust greater nebula intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity overal glow nebula result emiss light ioniz hydrogen gas near obviou cat paw nebula ngc 6357 hous open star cluster pismi 24 home mani tremend bright blue stars central part ngc 6357 shown span 10 light year lie 8000 light year away toward constel scorpion,massiv star ngc 6357,2010-11-21,521,84,0.1785714285714285,11-21,11,2010,21,4,1,5 75aa997dd0f3b4f38751b408e96209191e2bd86bbbadfd5b7352d108ebdd3363,none,imag taken telescop microscope perhap clue dark form bacteria would span footbal field across actual seen larg sand dune floor proctor crater mars pictur taken hiris camera board mar reconnaiss orbit mro robot spacecraft current orbit around mars dark rippl dune like form recent lighter rock form appear cover thought slowli shift respons pervas winds dune aris complex relationship sandi surfac high wind mars similar dune first seen proctor crater marin 9 35 year ago challenge find microscop pictur resembl astronom one,dark dune field crater mar,2010-11-22,523,82,-0.0211111111111111,11-22,11,2010,22,5,0,2 9146c7b7869967038d76cc1d2f71eee3b99d195ede4c1ef87481863a813deea2,none,unusu jet discov eman comet hartley 2 epoxi spacecraft imag jet unpreced detail flybi comet earlier month pictur above sunillumin jet shoot away twokilomet long decay iceberg orbit sun earth jupiter comet hartley 2 becam activ recent near sun sunlight warm comet preliminari analys imag like shown indic smooth region around middl porou leak frozen water vapor directli space unexpectedly however rough region either end appear shoot carbon dioxid jet expel fluffi snowballs larg nucleus mani dot imag thought unusu jet continu studied may yield clue comet asteroid form evolv earli year solar system comet hartley 2 slowli evapor may complet break next 1000 years,ga snow jet comet hartley 2,2010-11-23,664,105,0.105,11-23,11,2010,23,3,2,4 f31fe3b5016984b19d947f3e93072cceb9fd72c8d530b1092944c003ea3cfd17,alessandro falesiedi,composit stardust cover almost 2 degre sky close border zodiac constel ari plane milki way galaxy lower right gorgeou skyscap dusti blue reflect nebula surround bright star catalog van den bergh 13 1000 lightyear away estim distance cosmic canva 30 lightyear across also surround scatter blue starlight vdb 16 lie toward upper left dark dusti nebula sprawl across scene near edg larg molecular cloud hide newli form star young stellar object protostar pri optic telescopes collaps due selfgravity protostar form around dens core embed molecular cloud,stardust ari,2010-11-25,550,86,0.1055194805194805,11-25,11,2010,25,4,0,5 a56325231ba3d13759d2841558cce1387468eaa10965b8d48c8efb6f398340b2,adam block,course flame nebula fire also known ngc 2024 nebula suggest reddish color due glow hydrogen atom edg giant orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear away hydrogen atom ionized strip electrons glow atom electron recombine ioniz hydrogen atoms closeup view central dark lane absorb interstellar dust stand silhouett hydrogen glow actual hide true sourc flame nebula energi optic telescopes behind dark lane lie cluster hot young stars seen infrar wavelength obscur dust young massiv star cluster like sourc energet ultraviolet radiat ioniz hydrogen ga flame nebula,flame nebula closeup,2010-11-26,565,85,-0.0270833333333333,11-26,11,2010,26,4,0,5 a71a3fb2345629c62638fc7cfe630991cbf40f1fbe0e62939aace20a1b8dc82a,ken crawford,40 million lightyear distant edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 4216 nearli 100000 lightyear across size milki way found dens virgo galaxi cluster ngc 4216 center deep telescop portrait flank fellow virgo cluster member ngc right ngc like larg spirals includ milki way ngc 4216 grown cannib smaller satellit galaxies fact view caught act still distinct satellit galaxi show faint star stream extend thousand lightyear halo ngc taken part survey hunt star stream nearbi spirals imag record small telescop camera abl convincingli detect faint extend features troubl spot star slide cursor imag see composit neg view stream easili stand dark swath white background,star stream ngc,2010-11-27,651,101,-0.0922077922077922,11-27,11,2010,27,7,2,3 2ed78effaad32049fa75d32e816f7dd88ebbcae83272397d85c6bd38b8ec3887,john britton,what happen horizon although scene may appear somehow supernatural noth unusu occur set sun well place clouds pictur anticrepuscular rays understand them start pictur common crepuscular ray seen time sunlight pour though scatter clouds although sunlight inde travel along straight lines project line onto spheric sky great circles therefore crepuscular ray set or rising sun appear reconverg side sky antisolar point 180 degre around sun refer anticrepuscular rays pictur particularli strike set anticrepuscular ray photograph 2001 move car outsid boulder colorado usa,anticrepuscular ray colorado,2010-11-28,568,82,0.2166666666666666,11-28,11,2010,28,1,1,1 d19b6e6b6d1a9b261f19b82dff6c0800e80c8d89496d824df6a0539a813bc912,none,planetcircl cloud disappear reappear jupiter although ultim caus remain unknown planetari begin better understand happening earlier year unexpectedly jupiter dark southern equatori belt disappeared chang first note amateur dedic watch jupit full time south equatori band seen chang color before although chang never record detail detail profession observ reveal highfli lightcolor cloud form planetcircl dark belt light cloud lower dark clouds pictur two week ago far infrar imag depict falsecolor red show power storm system activ return dark belt continu observ jupiter current cloud understand it sure continue,dark belt jupit,2010-11-29,615,88,0.0735294117647058,11-29,11,2010,29,8,2,1 0d1f5d9d44fd7cf769731228918d092817961036e446bca25500fe70e25c4584,sean r heavey,spaceship cloud although may seem like alien mothership actual impress thunderstorm cloud call supercell coloss storm system center mesocyclon rotat updraft span sever kilomet deliv torrenti rain high wind includ tornadoes jag sculptur cloud adorn supercell edge wind swept dust rain domin center tree wait patient foreground supercel cloud photograph juli west glasgow montana usa caus minor damage last sever hour move on,supercel thunderstorm cloud montana,2010-11-30,424,63,-0.0485714285714285,11-30,11,2010,30,8,0,1 08276db56a4ef2e5b780e1ca1e0c9f056af10f5eb0eb2467efe5084e5739ba1d,none,phobo dark phobos largest innermost two martian moons darkest moon entir solar system unusu orbit color indic may captur asteroid compos mixtur ice dark rock pictur phobo near limb mar captur last month robot spacecraft mar express current orbit mars phobo heavili crater barren moon largest crater locat far side imag like this phobo determin cover perhap meter loos dust phobo orbit close mar place would appear rise set twice day place would visibl all phobos orbit around mar continu decay like break piec crash martian surfac 50 million years,martian moon phobo mar express,2010-12-01,548,90,-0.0166666666666666,12-01,12,2010,1,5,0,2 f1d080c2b7395f039933dd3cffb19c874cd4dd671e10d2c1e44d09ba5c675f7d,arn erisoti,dwindl twilight august day end broad dark band appear sky moment seen robert smithson spiral jetti eastern shore great salt lake outlin ray sunlight known crepuscular rays actual shadow cast cloud near distant western horizon set sun disappear direct view behind them cloud shadow parallel seem converg distanc perspective coil lake surface smithson famou earthwork provid dramat contrast converg lines spiral jetti construct 1970 water level unusu low complet submerg year level rose water again spent much exist submerg brini lake,sunset spiral,2010-12-04,532,81,0.0794642857142857,12-04,12,2010,4,8,0,1 576e73795ccea17faf112733e896a5ae290f2c57e455652602e783983f100e97,none,strang could alien life be indic fundament element compos terrestri life form might differ univers found unusu mono lake california usa bacteria lakeb give indic toler larg abund normal toxic possibl use replac element need everi known earthbas life form result surpris perhap controversi partli organ molecul thought much fragil organ molecules pictur wide mono lake seen nearbi mount inset pictur show unusu bacteria might abl surviv anoth world best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia jan 5 new york citi jan 7,mono home strang,2010-12-06,528,83,0.1893939393939393,12-06,12,2010,6,8,1,4 e3ba6dde9fa025dc9ad78d292978ec7de9a25b045ff15104e619e4f2dc3426b3,alain riazuelo,would see went right black hole comput gener imag highlight strang thing would look black hole strong graviti light notic bent toward caus unusu visual distortions everi star normal frame least two bright imag one side black hole near black hole see whole sky light everi direct bent around come back you origin background map taken 2mass infrar sky survey star henri draper catalog superposed black hole thought densest state matter indirect evid presenc stellar binari system center globular clusters galaxies quasars,close black hole,2010-12-07,522,82,0.093984962406015,12-07,12,2010,7,6,0,3 2b50bcddfbd23f96f1327c3db773028e27540acd5e8dceef65849fb263a24313,none,robot rover opportun chanc across anoth small crater mars pictur intrepid crater 20meter across impact basin slightli larger nereu crater opportun chanc across last year imag approxim true color horizont compress accommod wide angl panorama intrepid crater name lunar modul intrepid carri apollo 12 astronaut earth moon 41 year ago last month beyond intrepid crater past long patch rusti martian desert lie peak rim larg endeavour crater visibl horizon opportun avoid ridg rock soft sand may reach endeavour sometim next year call reports recent firebal unit kingdom,intrepid crater mar,2010-12-08,566,87,-0.0181818181818181,12-08,12,2010,8,5,0,2 8c657b187939528615c55b7bca6571260aecd9cb697a7dca7922900f672f9212,r jay gabani,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way big beauti spiral m81 lie 118 million lightyear away northern constel ursa major deep imag region reveal detail bright yellow core time follow fainter featur along galaxy gorgeou blue spiral arm sweep dust lanes also follow expansive arc feature known arp loop seem rise galaxy disk right studi 1960s arp loop thought tidal tail materi pull m81 gravit interact larg neighbor galaxi m82 recent investig demonstr much arp loop like lie within galaxy loop color visibl infrar light match color pervas cloud dust rel unexplor galact cirru hundr lightyear plane milki way along milki way stars dust cloud lie foreground remark view m81 dwarf companion galaxy holmberg ix seen left larg spiral sky imag span 05 degrees size full moon call reports recent firebal unit kingdom,m81 arp loop,2010-12-09,829,136,0.1427295918367347,12-09,12,2010,9,7,2,3 81ea4730a9602eeaa62161806354f2ce5931d9d63e519c2d81b219f0485181dc,doug zubenel,thin one day old crescent moon hug western horizon sunset monday decemb 6 moon also occult pass front mars wellplac skygaz along band north america abl catch lunar final act fade twilight example telephoto imag nice captur mar pinprick light shortli emerg behind crescent moon sunlit edge tangl tree limb silhouette lumin skyview de kansa central us course month upcom total lunar eclips entertain much wider audienc moon enthusiast night decemb 2021 call secur camera videos recent firebal unit kingdom,twilight occult,2010-12-10,503,80,0.0454545454545454,12-10,12,2010,10,2,0,1 b552e73afdd4e030a16f6cf0fe12f48a083ac23523c7c6840d1971e12ce5ee95,walli pacholka,creat planet earth sweep dusti debri mysterious 3200 phaethon annual geminid meteor shower best meteor shower year geminid predict peak night decemb 1314 start watch geminid meteor weekend best view midnight dark moonless sky shower radiant constel gemini well horizon situat skygaz northern hemisphere pictur 2009 geminid shower bright meteor greenish ting flash sky mojav desert near california usa recogniz background bright star northern aster known big dipper frame meteor streak,meteor desert sky,2010-12-11,485,71,0.41875,12-11,12,2010,11,6,1,1 9af1acf74eeb02a04bff01d97a4714b46841f8cccf709781df95bdde1ba04d16,juan carlo casado,1999 leonid meteor shower came impress crescendo observ europ saw sharp peak number meteor visibl around 0210 utc earli morn hour novemb 18 meteor count exceed 1000 per hour minimum need defin true meteor storm time locat around world observ typic report respect rate 30 100 meteor per hour photograph 20minut exposur end main leonid peak began visibl least five leonid meteor streak high torr de la guaita observ tower use 12th centuri girona spain next nights geminid expect put best meteor show year,leonid torr de la guaita,2010-12-12,503,84,0.1788095238095237,12-12,12,2010,12,8,1,1 1317499156be98f8e2e3cbc58fb0fad1bdfcb3a4df19ea58d6a1ff945414241e,amir,contempl sky recently tonight good one midnight medit mani northerli locat meteor geminid meteor shower frequent streak through gemind meteor shower slowli build crescendo peak tonight pictur ten day ago group celesti sightseer desert iran treat dark wondrou predawn sky contain planet venu crescent moon tonight mar mercuri visibl southwestern horizon sunset first quarter moon set around midnight,contempl sky,2010-12-13,398,58,0.15,12-13,12,2010,13,2,1,1 d4676b2bb5294bf4c262d6cdb299274c8e858fe8f1110fb78b0308703da385a8,ben cooper,tallest rocket activ use delta iv heavi largest delta series pack punch three rocket booster instead usual one result rocket power use us air capabl lift 23000 kilogram low earth orbit compar nasa space shuttle pictur second launch delta iv heavi cape canaveral florida usa 2007 first night launch complex servic tower visibl side soar rocket rocket success lift reconnaiss satellit low earth orbit delta iv heavi sinc complet sever success next launch current plan vandenberg air forc base california usa next month,launch delta iv heavi,2010-12-14,516,83,-0.0416666666666666,12-14,12,2010,14,8,0,2 5556faac81430c28397370cc4b2038958f2ecbb77145a355b511d20788774251,david a harvey,two larg telescop dome stand foreground night sky view kitt peak nation observatory near tucson arizona usa dramat scene record earli tuesday morning near peak december geminid meteor shower dome slit open build closest camera hous 23 meter 90 bok telescop oper observatory univers arizona behind bok mayal 4 meter telescop dome course telescop need enjoy meteor streak sky composit imag consist 13 exposur 15 second long taken wide angl len period 2 hour kitt peak warm clear night annual celesti event meteor shower result planet earth plow dust mysterious asteroidlik object 3200 phaethon,geminid kitt peak,2010-12-16,591,94,0.0681818181818181,12-16,12,2010,16,8,2,1 543900c07323077d4abd86a664432aca516e6a047899bb612b052a03b6c05fe7,amir hossein abolfath,intens bright firebal meteor flash tuesday cold clear earli morn sky mountain central iran near peak annual geminid meteor shower captur meteor moment winteri night skyscape photographer camera fix tripod shutter open 15 minutes time multitud star slowli trace short arc trail sky reflect planet earth daili rotat axis meteor brilliant dash scene brief though chang color also left reddish swirl hot glow ga near center path mountain appear silhouett steadi glow distant citi lights,meteor,2010-12-17,482,75,0.0964285714285714,12-17,12,2010,17,6,0,1 44a7fc8a75a6a64f66970e31258070b615caec2444a5a0e2c882330a27522273,martin pugh,lie familiar shape unfamiliar locations left emiss nebula catalog ngc 7000 famou partli resembl fair planet contin north america emiss region right north america nebula ic 5070 also known suggest outlin pelican nebula separ dark cloud obscur dust two bright nebula 1500 lightyear away distance 4 degre wide field view span 100 lightyears spectacular cosmic portrait combin narrow band imag region falsecolor palett highlight bright ioniz front fine detail dark dusti form silhouette emiss atom hydrogen sulfur oxygen captur narrow band data nebula seen binocular dark location look northeast bright star deneb constel cygnu swan,north america pelican,2010-12-18,628,95,0.2351587301587301,12-18,12,2010,18,4,2,5 97e490c045a5a2b3b92bcaa9f6a1dfe881efaae682c7528f7912b97b49289980,none,what light cigar galaxy m82 irregular galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand gas however recent evid indic ga driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind photograph mosaic highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament gas filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel great bear ursa major best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia jan 5 new york citi jan 7,m82 galaxi supergalact wind,2010-12-19,619,96,0.2499242424242424,12-19,12,2010,19,7,2,3 8a87d6dc17ef0aa0ef6f34386baf12c85eb18e5a4bdd840dec60f0534d78bc07,jerri lodrigusscatch light,sometim sunset tonight moon go dark total lunar eclipse entir moon engulf shadow earth visibl north america partial phase eclips visibl throughout much rest world observ north america east coast wait midnight total begin west abl see fulli darken moon midnight pictur digit prediction imag form moon surround sky could appear near maximum darkness roll cursor imag bring part moon enter circl label umbra appear darkest sinc sun complet block earth part moon enter circl label penumbra expos direct sunlight shine degre reflect light diminish glare normal full moon allow unusu good nearbi celesti wonder supernova remnant simei 147 open star cluster m35 crab nebula coincid eclips occur day shortest amount daylight northern hemispher winter solstice solstic eclips first years although far appear one figur next solstic eclips be,lunar eclips solstic day,2010-12-20,832,129,0.14,12-20,12,2010,20,2,2,4 cea766ebf8dcabe45a12890e764727d6ac45b22eed28afa11c6c512a3a6d85cb,danilo pivato,today solstic occur univers time sun reach southernmost declin planet earth sky course decemb solstic mark begin winter northern hemispher summer south view northern latitudes shown horizont compress image sun make lowest arc sky along southern horizon north solstic day shortest length time sunris sunset fewest hour daylight strike composit imag follow sun path decemb solstic day 2005 beauti blue sky look tyrrhenian sea coast santa severa toward fiumicino italy view cover 115 degre 43 separate wellplan exposur sunris sunset browse lunar eclips imag last night best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia jan 5 new york citi jan 7,tyrrhenian sea solstic sky,2010-12-21,644,100,0.2272727272727272,12-21,12,2010,21,1,2,1 cd3de26fce9c44631cd37557a7bfa529ef1df5576e15c23b6a359f2607a523f6,hay creek observatori,similar size large bright spiral galaxies ic 342 mere 7 million lightyear distant longnecked northern constel camelopardalis sprawl island universe ic 342 would otherwis promin galaxi night sky almost hidden view behind veil stars ga dust cloud plane milki way galaxy even though ic 342 light dim interven cosmic clouds remark sharp telescop imag trace galaxy obscur dust blue star clusters glow pink star form region along spiral arm wind far galaxy core ic 342 may undergon recent burst star format activ close enough gravit influenc evolut local group galaxi milki way,hidden galaxi ic 342,2010-12-22,571,92,0.0076636904761904,12-22,12,2010,22,7,0,3 95fbc95b563b281994a90d87ce7fb23d81f79078c9f7cff451fe795dfbaeedc6,chri hetlag,big bright beauti full moon slid planet earth shadow earli tuesday morning remarkably total lunar eclips coincid date decemb solstice eclipse best view north america found lunar disc high cold winter sky moon redden light filter earth dark central shadow umbra light come sunset sunrises seen lunar perspect around edg silhouet earth pass closer center umbra moon southern hemispher left appear darker eclips image record astronomi georgia usa pictur digit composite separ longer exposur ad eclips frame captur surround star field,solstic moon eclips,2010-12-23,530,81,0.1542857142857142,12-23,12,2010,23,2,1,1 1945d67fb2ed34fe1c24987234302fd1e26128e475dd0b72c19748823b8b1524,clear sky,point skyward wall ruin vike church still stand thousand near town vallentuna sweden time exposur record scene decemb 14th star leav grace arc trail long night reflect planet earth daili rotat axis earth axi point toward polaris north star near center concentr trails welcom skygaz winter night bright meteor annual geminid meteor shower also flash frame meteor cut across star trail lower church wall contribut beauti composition meteor streak church apex toward north celesti pole,star trail north,2010-12-24,482,75,0.15,12-24,12,2010,24,6,1,1 9f5c0f61c5d96bfc1a2445f6678aa9388bc6009c51916f10c908b628175e362e,rogeliobern andreo,bright stars cloud dust glow nebula decor cosmic scene skyscap north orion belt close plane milki way galaxy wide field view span 55 degrees strike bluish m78 reflect nebula left m78 tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young stars color contrast red sash glow hydrogen ga sweep center part region faint extens emiss nebula known barnard loop right dark dust cloud form promin silhouett catalog ldn 1622 m78 complex barnard loop 1500 lightyear away ldn 1622 like much closer 500 lightyear distant fair planet earth,decor sky,2010-12-25,525,87,0.0741596638655462,12-25,12,2010,25,4,0,5 97fee2d9aa17d0179424a62fd49d2967b890842728420659290f52c3f5fab7ef,brendan alexand skies,orion alway come sideway caught act earlier month snowi landscap donegal ireland compos seren picture photograph found picturesqu set east wait sunset momentarili lit foreground flashlight three bright star orion belt stand nearli vertic line snow cover road bottom hang belt star nebula hunter sword visibl lower right yelloworang betelgeus brightest star imag left winter progress earth northern hemisphere orion rise earlier appear continu higher sky sunset best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia jan 5 new york citi jan 7,sideway orion snowi,2010-12-26,540,81,0.2965097402597402,12-26,12,2010,26,6,1,1 f7b37c617a946defc2e1619ad8ee50f3d3630ca6aa05a5a2457f9ed8baa37635,none,nearest galaxi distribut randomly plot one million brightest extend sources detect two micron sky survey 2mass show not vast major infrar extend sourc galaxies visibl incred tapestri structur provid limit univers form evolved mani galaxi gravit bound togeth form clusters loos bound superclusters turn sometim seen align even larger scale structures contrast bright star insid milki way galaxi caus vertic blue sash,one million galaxi,2010-12-27,415,62,0.04375,12-27,12,2010,27,7,0,3 f4ae449679b015f6104bb250b644f0b69f715bf077c83ef1d61dd086873b50a3,tunç tezel,sometim sky seem glow usually mean see cloud reflect sunlight moonlight glow appear faint band light run across whole sky probabl see combin light billion star compos milki way galaxy glow visibl rise diagon right image glow seen come horizon sunris sunset however might see someth call zodiac light pictur rise diagon left image zodiac light sunlight reflect tini dust particl orbit solar system mani particl eject comets imag taken sunset earlier month ra libya best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia jan 5 new york citi jan 7,skylight,2010-12-28,542,89,0.2007981601731601,12-28,12,2010,28,6,1,1 016ebb5bbf8405449eb927b60fb12d3fbde613df1b09d5174f706f2f22e332d0,de de,hug horizon dark red moon greet earli morn skygaz eastern atlant region decemb 21 total phase solstic lunar eclips began near moonset well compos imag geocentr celesti event composit multipl exposur follow progress eclips tenerife canari islands initi reflect brightli sea cloud ocean surfac itself moon sink deeper eclips move left right across sky opposit sun moon immers darkest part earth shadow approach western horizon sunris came tenerife,eclips moonset,2010-12-29,445,68,0.0336734693877551,12-29,12,2010,29,2,0,1 f07a68899c1a26a4b2f8342959309d289716520400b3e2ece9f11dc56e8282f9,adam block,beauti celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine upper left reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae compact red emiss region streamer obscur dust backdrop stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star pictur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 15 lightyear across,still life ngc 2170,2010-12-30,497,77,0.0666666666666666,12-30,12,2010,30,4,0,5 5000d9609bf9096f973f1cc4718a2607e38125e3f09ec8e478ea1e2342a41e62,tama ladanyi,look back year wonder sun sky day 2010 cours have search somewher along celesti figur 8 curv known analemma record backyard small town veszprem hungary composit analemma imag consist 36 separ exposur sun made 900 ut space throughout year plu background imag made without solar filter background imag taken sunni afternoon octob 9 ut left photographer shadow posit sun 2010 solstic date upper june 21 lower decemb 21 extrem analemma curve equinox date march 20 septemb sun along curv half way solstices tilt planet earth axi variat speed move around ellipt orbit combin produc grace analemma curve,analemma 2010,2010-12-31,596,97,-0.0833333333333333,12-31,12,2010,31,1,0,4 a9348004f40ad20658d63f1e679c07ed23959be98447b6ceba11c965dc4a78c9,adam block,celebr new year firework galaxy also known ngc 6946 big beauti spiral galaxi locat 10 million lightyear away behind veil foreground dust star high faroff constel cepheus vantag point milki way galaxy see ngc 6946 faceon color cosmic portrait galaxy color chang yellowish light old star core young blue star cluster reddish star form region along loose fragment spiral arms ngc 6946 bright infrar light rich ga dust exhibit furiou rate star formation nearli 40000 lightyear across nearbi spiral fittingli refer firework galaxy last 100 years least nine supernovae death explos massiv stars discov ngc 6946 comparison averag rate supernova milki way 1 per century,firework galaxi ngc 6946,2011-01-01,661,105,0.1138886113886114,01-01,1,2011,1,7,2,3 528870906609814573e9c7a5004967fee5359fe87624ec2705a41febec1f7db4,cne,earth look like solar eclipse shadow moon seen darken part earth shadow move across earth nearli 2000 kilomet per hour observ near center dark circl see total solar eclips other see partial eclips part sun appear block moon spectacular pictur 1999 august 11 solar eclips one last ever taken mir space station two bright spot appear upper left thought jupit saturn mir deorbit control reentri 2001,look back eclips earth,2011-01-02,397,66,0.084090909090909,01-02,1,2011,2,1,0,2 32b6544928961191fc548eb61a591bd6559b1e26f67fc309f8f8fa431ad6280f,jimmi westlakecolorado mountain college,find orion might abl find winter hexagon winter hexagon involv brightest star visible togeth form larg easili found pattern winter sky earth northern hemisphere star involv usual identifi even bright night sky big city although appear darker stagecoach colorado six star compos winter hexagon aldebaran capella castor and pollux procyon rigel sirius here band milki way galaxi run center winter hexagon pleiad open star cluster visibl above winter hexagon aster engulf sever constel includ much icon steppingston orion best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia new york citi week,winter hexagon colorado,2011-01-03,590,89,0.1873737373737374,01-03,1,2011,3,6,1,1 38cf73aaa7390a9e72b81f3352d61b5137034b9663f1e0fa9f2be28681443778,juan jos de de,mani think myth other think true caus known adventur pride seen it green flash sun truth green flash exist caus well understood set sun disappear complet view last glimmer appear startlingli green effect typic visibl locat low distant horizon last seconds green flash also visibl rise sun take better time spot dramat green flash well even rare blue flash caught photograph recent observ sunset visibl teid observatori tenerife islands spain sun turn partli green blue effect caus layer earth atmospher act like prism best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia tomorrow night nyc friday,green flash sun,2011-01-04,597,94,0.0402777777777777,01-04,1,2011,4,1,2,1 82f9f8e6c4d3f76c70d01bb4cca63d309ccce8ee58779fcf5ec633dde14be1c0,thierri legault,skywatch throughout much europe north africa central asia treat first eclips new year januari 4 partial eclips sun travel area around capit citi oman photograph thierri legault plan simultan record two eclips date calcul position brief moment moon intern space station could seen silhouette cross sun sharp second exposur shown here captur planet earth two largest satellit bright solar disk partial solar eclips space station abov left center zip across scene less 1 second 500 kilomet photographer telescop camera course moon 400 thousand kilomet away complet sunspots sun 150 million kilomet distant best astronomi images apod editor speak philadelphia tonight nyc friday,eclips sun,2011-01-05,674,102,0.0938057040998217,01-05,1,2011,5,1,2,1 91e79185fa5cd3a859a36455802af5d5d9678436135b2eadf334487a4f590d9d,robert pölzl,mani sun new moon rose togeth januari 4 partial solar eclipse arriv close heel new year first seri partial solar eclips due 2011 composit imag document grace celesti event color morn sky austria begin sunrise frame taken record posit progress eclips everi 15 minutes sun moon rose eastern horizon town seen bath warm sunlight partial block new moon spread beneath town landmark clock tower best astronomi images apod editor speak nyc friday,sunrise moonris,2011-01-06,440,72,0.252840909090909,01-06,1,2011,6,1,1,1 06241f6b75d2490e4bfcfe6b8acae29ee76b37fd7df6cf1be309a6f7b3c6cc0e,hay creek observatori,mere seven hundr light year earth constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix nebula ngc 7293 well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution total 10 hour exposur time gone creat remark deep view nebula show detail helix brighter inner region 3 lightyear across also follow fainter outer halo featur give nebula span well six lightyears white dot helix center planetari nebula hot central star simpl look nebula first glance helix understood surprisingli complex geometry,ngc 7293 helix nebula,2011-01-08,525,81,0.0178571428571428,01-08,1,2011,8,4,0,5 1c2dd8d01fff016499d1dfce468e6b114a6f03aa49b5862ab6e5b53aef4ab505,wikipedia,it found bottom sea aboard ancient greek ship seem complex prompt decad study although function remain unknown recent xray devic confirm natur antikythera mechanism discov sever surpris functions antikythera mechan discov mechan comput accuraci thought imposs 80 bc ship carri sank sophist technolog thought develop human anoth 1000 years wheel gear creat portabl orreri sky predict star planet locat well lunar solar eclipses antikythera mechanism shown above 33 centimet high similar size larg book,antikythera mechan,2011-01-09,500,74,-0.03,01-09,1,2011,9,8,0,2 37ad4df6cd6db62b608eedf5b6dabf776d008b77d52d7ee389277e440dfd876a,peter,what happen sun sometim look like sun view larg lens case however actual million lenses ice crystals water freez upper atmosphere small flat sixsided ice crystal might formed crystal flutter ground much time spent face flat parallel ground observ may pass plane mani fall ice crystal near sunris sunset alignment crystal act like miniatur lens refract sunlight view creat phenomena like parhelia technic term sundogs imag taken last year stockholm sweden visibl imag center sun two bright sundog glow promin left right also visibl bright 22 degre halo well rarer much fainter 46 degre halo also creat sunlight reflect atmospher ice crystals,sun halo beyond,2011-01-10,642,102,0.1053571428571428,01-10,1,2011,10,1,2,1 9bbd857a272f0ac06e6c9684539ebd1c5b724cd58e3915f13ce5ef91244cba0b,michael sidonio,broad expans glow ga dust present birdlik visag astronom planet earth suggest popular monik seagul nebula portrait cosmic bird cover 16 degre wide swath across plane milki way near direct sirius alpha star constel cani major course region includ object catalog designations notabl ngc 2327 compact dusti emiss region embed massiv star form bird head aka parrot nebula center ic 2177 form sweep arc seagull wings domin reddish glow atom hydrogen complex ga dust cloud bright young star span 100 lightyear estim 3800 lightyear distance,seagul nebula,2011-01-12,534,85,0.1113636363636363,01-12,1,2011,12,4,1,5 21f5d72e90c9ae9f9db8567a36adf0123c4a66644e6a236dc8d2c7a488e91f6f,none,gorgeou spiral galaxi ngc 3521 mere 35 million lightyear distant toward constel leo span 50000 lightyears central region shown dramat image construct data drawn hubbl legaci archive closeup view highlight galaxy characterist multiple patchy irregular spiral arm lace dust cluster young blue stars contrast mani spiral exhibit grand sweep arms rel bright galaxi planet earth sky ngc 3521 easili visibl small telescopes often overlook amateur imag favor leo spiral galaxies like m66 m65,ngc 3521 close,2011-01-13,484,73,0.02,01-13,1,2011,13,7,0,3 8ff30a994f54c86d417e179463c029e0ebf61c6327db934f23b3db9b13203241,babak tafreshi,quadrantid meteor shower annual event planet earth northern hemispher skygazers usual peak briefli cold earli morn hour januari 4 shower name radiant point sky within old astronom obsolet constel quadran muralis posit situat near boundari modern constel hercules bootes draco haunt time exposure two quadrantid meteor streak captur cross trail left rise star constel virgo corvus saturn leav brightest star trail meteor streaks one bright one faint nearli parallel right center frame fittingly old structur foreground lie buri citi known citi mani in greek histori found 2300 year ago ancient,quadrantid,2011-01-14,592,90,0.0025510204081632,01-14,1,2011,14,6,0,4 3c51c75d08be99d34477ac56d5d936e352240d2a6ceba3a644f51bd3ded6d7df,fred bruenjesmoonglownet,would go end world see total eclips sun did would surpris find someon els already 2003 sun moon antarctica two photograph line antarctica unusu total solar eclipse even given extrem location group enthusiast eclips chaser ventur near bottom world experi surreal momentari disappear sun behind moon one treasur collect pictur composit four separ imag digit combin realist simul adapt human eye saw eclipse imag taken moon sun peak togeth antarct ridge sudden darkness magnific corona sun becam visibl around moon quit accident anoth photograph caught one imag check video camera visibl left equip bag collaps chair,total eclips end world,2011-01-15,614,96,-0.00625,01-15,1,2011,15,1,2,1 301a9ffc9c204f93311deb3b4598691b95053128b74564f986bd0e0a883de3bf,dieter willasch,globular star cluster 47 tucana jewel southern sky also known ngc 104 roam halo milki way galaxi along 200 globular star clusters second brightest globular cluster after omega centauri seen planet earth lie 13000 lightyear away spot nakedey near small magellan cloud constel toucan dens cluster made sever million star volum 120 lightyear across red giant star outskirt cluster easi pick yellowish star sharp telescop portrait globular cluster 47 tuc also home exot xray binari star systems,globular star cluster 47 tuc,2011-01-16,490,77,-0.0392857142857142,01-16,1,2011,16,6,0,3 9a8b373dda8b04da78d2930e41738e9660fc1403d8279299df3e8608f21a5d50,chri kotsiopoulo,new planet discovered pictur remark 24 hour mosaic surround spot sounio greece right planet earth imag taken night compos top half picture star trail last long 11 hour visible contrastingly imag taken day compos bottom image sun captur everi 15 minutes imag center show littl princ wide angl project center ground includ gravel grass trees saint clouds crepuscular rays even signatur icon photograph templ poseidon meticul plan well sever transit shot expert digit process eventu culmin imag document half final two day last year,night day almost planet,2011-01-17,530,84,0.0198953823953824,01-17,1,2011,17,8,0,1 99439ec6fb58249900aec45771f91a4655d307a66339de68e2a8ae1109147383,jon photographi pierr,galaxi grow quit contrari typic galaxy one need water pictur appear peac kona hawaii usa meticul plan garden span 30 meter provid rel accur map milki way galaxy differ plant depict stars globular clusters even nebulas mani bright star visibl earth night sky depict leav surround mark locat sun plant row place repres arm galaxy includ sun orion arm impress sagittariu arm littl discuss norma arm small bar run galaxy center fountain built repres central black hole stellar use space,galaxi,2011-01-18,482,80,0.0722222222222222,01-18,1,2011,18,6,0,4 6aac138874432c4b0c7f1d8cd82e345dd93b9878dadd6008e32d472a9ebf417d,none,late last year new remark bright storm erupt saturn northern hemisphere amateur astronom first spot earli december ring ga giant rise planet earth predawn sky orbit saturn cassini spacecraft abl record closeup complex disturb distanc 18 million kilomet decemb 24th time storm evolved spread substanti stretch far around planet saturn thin ring also seen slice across spacebas view cast broad shadow planet southern hemisphere,saturn storm,2011-01-19,425,64,-9.469696969696684e-05,01-19,1,2011,19,0,0,2 7db8e9656afe6e3ca4c6ebccfcd3f4fb5f390109f74ba2622d523936e056c8b0,none,big beauti andromeda galaxy aka m31 spiral galaxi mere 25 million lightyear away two spacebas observatori combin produc intrigu composit imag andromeda wavelength outsid visibl spectrum remark view follow locat galaxy futur stars reddish hues imag data larg herschel infrar observatori trace enorm lane dust warm stars sweep along andromeda spiral arms dust conjunct galaxy interstellar gas raw materi futur star formation xray data xmmnewton observatori blue pinpoint andromeda xray binari star systems system like contain neutron star stellar mass black hole repres final stage stellar evolution twice size milki way andromeda galaxi 200000 lightyear across,futur star andromeda,2011-01-20,659,96,0.0225071225071225,01-20,1,2011,20,7,2,3 b4ff65e8923c33b9ca04a2fceecf2891bebfc51e50701b16a2bf6b18c6a98f60,stephen leshin,ngc 660 lie near center intrigu skyscape swim boundari constel pisces 20 million lightyear away peculiar appear mark polar ring galaxy rare galaxi type polar ring galaxi substanti popul stars gas dust orbit ring nearli perpendicular plane galact disk bizarr configur could caus chanc captur materi pass galaxi disk galaxy captur debri strung rotat ring polar ring compon use explor shape galaxy otherwis unseen dark matter halo calcul dark matter gravit influenc rotat ring disk broader disk ngc 660 ring span 40000 lightyears,polar ring galaxi ngc 660,2011-01-22,526,83,-0.0312499999999999,01-22,1,2011,22,7,0,3 ce82506bc8eae8ff1c64bd308533682ff32e621e25b86197a8c7132708e2a4e3,none,caus picturesqu rippl supernova remnant snr ripples well greater nebula imag unpreced detail hubbl space telescop 2006 late last year red color hubbl filter left light emit energet hydrogen precis reason rippl remain unknown two consid origin hypothes relat rel dens portion either eject impact gas reason broader red glow ring clear expans speed light echo relat classic type ia supernova explos must occur 400 year earlier snr current span 23 light year lie 160000 light year away toward constel dolphinfish larg magellan cloud expand ring carri anoth great mystery supernova seen 400 year ago light initi blast pass earth like follow apod facebook,red ribbon snr,2011-01-25,650,104,0.1862745098039215,01-25,1,2011,25,6,2,4 ec4a006bf5e1f3b94fa334b4d72a14a943653fcbb089ce60f2bd34cf09b21ed8,none,spiral galaxi form stars help find out hubbl space telescop imag nearbi photogen spiral m51 infrar light highlight dust trace dens ga best form stars isol dust much optic light star also digit removed result uniqu imag show swirl intric pattern longest scales numer bright clump previous hidden open star cluster appear smaller scales see detail optic light imag comparison run cursor image anyon good pair binocular see whirlpool toward constel hunt dog cane venatici m51 lie 30 million light year away imag area span 15000 light year top bottom astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact neighbor smaller galaxy browse see latest imag submit apod,whirlpool galaxi infrar dust,2011-01-26,671,108,0.3024509803921568,01-26,1,2011,26,7,2,4 84d7d2080c2381cec939d8fa9040aa938f4b7990aee1cc055e2b3d6fd2e0ce4c,none,m78 realli hide planet earth night sky 1600 lightyear away nestl nebula rich constel orion large bright reflect nebula wellknown telescop skygazers gorgeou imag m78 select winner hidden treasur 2010 astrophotographi competition held european southern observatori competit amateur astronom process data eso astronom archiv search cosmic gems win entri show amaz detail within bluish m78 center embrac dark dusti clouds along smaller reflect nebula region ngc 2071 top yellowish even compact recent discovered variabl mcneil nebula promin scene right center base data eso wfi camera 22 meter telescop la silla chile imag span 05 degre sky correspond 15 lightyear estim distanc m78,hidden m78,2011-01-27,678,102,0.0817708333333333,01-27,1,2011,27,4,2,4 c30e9b3e2c69e5d58b941e26435fb6e7557f360b577aed19cec44993cc7aa2bb,none,featur artist illustration nasa nanosaild final unfurl thin 10 squar meter reflect sail januari 20th becom first solar sail spacecraft low earth orbit often consid stuff scienc fiction sail space suggest 400 year ago astronom johann kepler observ comet tail blown solar wind modern solar sail spacecraft designs like nanosaild japanes interplanetari spacecraft reli small continu pressur sunlight thrust glint sunlight circl planet earth nanosaild solar sail period bright easili visibl eye fact skygaz particip ongo contest captur imag imag help nasa monitor satellit atmospher april may,,2011-01-28,588,87,0.0625,01-28,1,2011,28,8,0,2 d76337fb2b21fe9dcf98486b64fb8418f65ac55dba5dd5b681975c0c8850a062,none,celebr 7 year surfac red planet mar explor rover opportun stand near rim 90 meter wide santa maria crater remarkably opportun fellow rover spirit initi intend 3 month long primari mission still golf cartsiz robot shadow far right appear foreground panoram view current location mosaic construct use imag rover navig camera 7 year anniversary opportun boast travers total kilomet along martian surface investig santa maria crater control plan opportun resum longterm trek toward endeavour crater large 22 kilomet diamet crater 6 kilomet santa maria rim endeavour visibl mosaic horizon right shadow rover mast come days commun rover difficult mar move close align sun seen planet earth perspective,opportun maria crater,2011-01-29,695,107,0.0904761904761904,01-29,1,2011,29,5,2,2 4532b89835437b20fee15cf80822805878ab0de8c7d144c9a0532291cb0d8747,reprocess ted stryk,although phase moon might appear familiar moon might not fact gibbou phase show part jupiter moon europa robot spacecraft galileo captur imag mosaic mission orbit jupit 1995 2003 visibl plain bright ice crack run horizon dark patch like contain ice dirt rais terrain particularli appar near terminator cast shadows europa nearli size earth moon much smoother show highland larg impact craters evid imag galileo spacecraft indic liquid ocean might exist ici surface test specul sea hold life nasa esa start preliminari develop europa jupit system mission spacecraft propos launch around 2020 would explor jupit particular europa surfac ice thin enough futur mission might drop hydrobot burrow ocean search life browse see latest imag submit apod,gibbou europa,2011-01-30,745,115,0.1277380952380952,01-30,1,2011,30,2,2,2 ba5f1f8299039216cb62dc8bdd45e7a7e81cf074a3b10576e84e43279b487c4d,none,care packag earth arrived last week japan launch robot spacecraft bring need supplies includ food intern space station iss kountori2 launch japan tanegashima space center littl week ago reach iss low earth late last week pictur above kountori2 approach iss grab astronaut canadarm2 attach harmoni module pictur seen window iss limb earth visible includ white clouds blue water variou tan color addit launch includ humans mani ten robot spacecraft may launch space station year potenti includ spacecraft russia europe japan privat compani usa quiz identifi part earth,suppli ship approach space station,2011-01-31,566,87,-0.0444444444444444,01-31,1,2011,31,8,0,2 b175afab5ae4d33c59b7cd23f26b0b3f285b82dce454978cddc25bc76c6f9154,david,sometim morn sky combin seren surreal sky perhap exist sunris past sunday view snowi slope eastern switzerland quiet cloud blanket scene lit beneath light villag snow cover mountain pose dramat upper left hover small town far below peak alp seen across far right freshli rise sun visibl upper right crescent moon bright planet venus venu remain morn sky month although like found photogen setting poll last week apod,moon venu switzerland,2011-02-02,416,68,0.1158163265306122,02-02,2,2011,2,8,1,1 0cb43bd141f727e7e196cfed7ade2d037fa74868e6da2bc903fd55e9b2e80b91,none,six world orbit sunlik star 2000 lightyear distant constel cygnus new discoveri base data nasa planet hunt kepler spacecraft compar solar system illustration five planet orbit closer parent star mercurysun distance orbit period rang 10 47 days six larger earth like compos rocki materi gas sizes mass determin care watch planet dim light transit cross front star itself fact august 2010 kepler telescop camera record simultan transit three planet system announc yesterday use transit techniqu kepler mission identifi 1200 exoplanet candid field view cover 1400th sky tantal result suggest mani undiscov planet orbit star galaxy,six world,2011-02-03,627,95,0.0420454545454545,02-03,2,2011,3,8,2,2 680211b3cabe5c24a1c3bc2b298d6f273499714d410dbe6a681a04a2f1461ee4,none,like ship plow cosmic seas runaway star zeta ophiuchi produc arc interstellar bow wave bow shock seen stun infrar portrait wise spacecraft falsecolor view bluish zeta oph star 20 time massiv sun lie near center frame move toward top 24 kilomet per second strong stellar wind preced it compress heat dusti interstellar materi shape curv shock front around cloud rel undisturb material set star motion zeta oph like member binari star system companion star massiv henc shorter lived companion explod supernova catastroph lose mass zeta oph flung system 460 lightyear away zeta oph 65000 time lumin sun would one brighter star sky surround obscur dust wise imag span 15 degre 12 lightyear estim distanc zeta ophiuchi,zeta oph runaway star,2011-02-04,713,116,0.3229166666666666,02-04,2,2011,4,6,2,5 a98fcb9e4c31ace23d41423e7c3c8773070ee24f0e523c75b24f89fe45e6b4e2,seti leagu,one know sure caus signal slight possibl might origin extraterrestri intelligence bright color blue background indic anomal signal receiv earth radio telescop involv search extraterrestri intellig seti search signal ongo sever group includ volunt member seti league time label vertic axi plot frequenc mark horizont axis although strong signal never posit identified astronom identifi mani attribut characterist mundan ultim terrestri origin case lead possibl signal origin unusu modul gp satellit unidentifi earthbas source mani unusu signal space remain unidentified signal yet strong enough run long enough unambigu identifi origin extraterrestri intelligence,anomal seti signal,2011-02-06,662,91,0.2055555555555555,02-06,2,2011,6,8,2,4 e9c2352945aba51a388d4d217925384705def5366ddb5c37d93c361ee3dc4e6a,none,first time entir sun imag once becom possibl two stereo satellit orbit monitor sun opposit side sun two satellit drift apart expected sinc launch 2006 sinc one satellit orbit slightli closer sun other imag show nearli entir sun appear one day last week day maximum exposure yesterday dark gap center close stereo abl beam back earth full 360 degre imag closest star full solar imag use scientif number reasons includ catch rapidli evolv flares coron mass ejections tsunamis filaments matter occur sun well monitor sunspot activ region without lose rotat view even though stereo satellit continu drift apart 44 degre per year sunstar instrument near earth augment provid full view sun next sever years student see free lectur astronomi,sun stereo captur view sun,2011-02-07,734,119,0.1019230769230769,02-07,2,2011,7,1,2,4 b3404fa0ce92449138f79669b01239451cc171742352a56e55577c18ceb8deb5,charl sophi,would cloud appear differ colors rel rare phenomenon known iridesc cloud show unusu color vividli whole spectrum color simultaneously cloud form small water droplet nearli uniform size sun right posit mostli hidden thick clouds thinner cloud significantli diffract sunlight nearli coher manner differ color deflect differ amounts therefore differ color come observ slightli differ directions mani cloud start uniform region could show iridesc quickli becom thick mixed far sun exhibit strike colors iridesc cloud photograph last year top world highway outsid dawson city yukon territori northern canada,iridesc cloud top world highway,2011-02-08,602,87,0.0335497835497835,02-08,2,2011,8,8,0,1 293f0123fa86be68a501c28d43892223d13213119c330d88b1ff32272b1d6352,none,star versu ga mountain ngc 2174 star winning precisely energet light wind massiv newli form star evapor dispers dark stellar nurseri formed structur ngc 2174 actual much thinner air appear mountain due rel small amount opaqu interstellar dust lesser known sight nebularich constel orion ngc 2174 found binocular near head celesti hunter 6400 lightyear distant entir glow cosmic cloud cover area larger full moon surround loos open cluster young stars imag hubbl space telescop show dens interior region span three light year adopt color map portray otherwis red hydrogen emiss green hue emphas sulfur emiss red oxygen blue within million years star like win complet entir dust mountain dispersed,ngc 2174 star versu mountain,2011-02-09,695,109,0.1215909090909091,02-09,2,2011,9,4,2,5 ba4ca4df41a74b44b76ca88fdbbde2ad182a740aaafd2c85e508cabc748362e6,none,hanny voorwerp dutch hanny object enormous size milki way galaxy glow strongli greenish light produc ioniz oxygen atoms mysteri voorwerp spiral galaxi ic 2497 view hubbl space telescope lie distanc 650 million lightyear faint constel leo minor fact enorm green cloud suspect part tidal tail materi illumin quasar inhabit center ic 2497 power massiv black hole quasar suddenli turn off leav galaxi glow voorwerp visibl telescop optic wavelengths sharp hubbl imag also resolv star form region voorwerp seen yellow side near ic 2497 region like compress outflow ga driven galaxy core remark mysteri object discov dutch schoolteach hanni van arkel 2007 particip onlin galaxi zoo project galaxi zoo public help classifi galaxi found sloan digit sky survey recent deep hubbl imagery,hanny,2011-02-10,776,121,-0.0493589743589743,02-10,2,2011,10,7,2,4 3bc2d7731e3e00f49e5f140874cd58adc460087763b8c14bdb00787d2e9e9036,jen hackmann,determin star color temperature red star cool surfac temperatur around 3000 kelvin k blue star hotter temperatur 30000 k love sun temperatur comfort 6000 k differ star color particularli easi see intrigu composit view constel orion made star trail technique it seri 35 consecut exposur combin produc trail star move left right frame chang focu steps begin end camera focu produc sharpli focus exposur near middl seri blur star trail bow tie shape brighter stars blur produc satur color images upper left orion cool red supergi betelgeus stand other hotter bluish star compos bodi constellation star all orion nebula contribut pinkish tint center also remark field fainter step focu trail cool deep red carbon star w orioni near center right edge red hue enhanc carbonrich composition,star color orion,2011-02-11,783,126,0.0998214285714285,02-11,2,2011,11,6,2,4 dcb67afef0d51f8b50c73c5172cf8badc02f3db0b4a267b64f61cb87551b7e44,none,scientist melt hole bottom world fact almost 100 hole melt near south pole use astronom observatories astronom icecub neutrino observatori lower vertic lake long string knot basketballs light detectors water hole soon refreezes detector attach string sensit blue light emit surround clear ice light expect ice collis highenergi neutrino emit object explos universe late last year last icecube 86 string lower freez pictur above make icecub largest neutrino detector yet created data preliminari experiment alreadi use creat first detail map highenergi neutrino sky experiment goal newer icecub includ search cosmic sourc neutrinos search neutrino coincid nearbi supernova distant gammaray bursts and lucky probe exot physic concept unseen spatial dimens travel,ice fish cosmic neutrino,2011-02-13,760,110,0.1095238095238095,02-13,2,2011,13,8,2,4 f1f25698bc62b7eff45c8a125eaca7e930a5667067bdb0227dc5ea4697297d7d,brian lula,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star form four million year ago nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow rosett nebula span 100 lightyear across lie 5000 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel unicorn monoceros,rosett nebula,2011-02-14,471,75,0.1553613053613053,02-14,2,2011,14,4,1,5 70ee25a4f958f20fa8331f09bd7e5aaa38308ed59fbc021bba74719ca6e28324,none,north america nebula north american cannot form stars precis nebula star form mostli obscur nebula thick dust opaqu visibl light however new view north america nebula infrar light orbit spitzer space telescop peer much dust uncov thousand newli form stars roll cursor scientificallycolor infrar imag bring correspond optic imag region comparison new infrar imag neatli captur young star mani stage formation imbed dens knot ga dust surround disk emit jets clear birth cocoons north america nebula ngc 7000 span 50 light year lie 1500 light year away toward constel swan cygnus still star known north america nebula massiv star emit energet light give ioniz red glow still debated imag come in stardust spacecraft close pass comet tempel 1 last night,north america nebula infrar,2011-02-15,750,120,0.1694805194805194,02-15,2,2011,15,4,2,5 3d5da7d4c7e2f9de3449674d1aee56c71c5da521ba5037c9357e91ca020e1431,none,comet ever visit twice before therefore unpreced pass spacecraft near comet tempel 1 earlier week gave human uniqu opportun see nucleu comet chang time chang nucleu comet tempel 1 particular interest comet hit impactor pass deep impact spacecraft 2005 pictur one digit sharpen imag comet tempel 1 near closest approach visibl mani featur imag 2005 includ craters ridges seemingli smoother areas firm conclus yet available next year astronom comet understand earli solar system pore imag look new clue comet tempel 1 composed 2005 impact site appears gener featur comet evolved,comet tempel 1 spacecraft,2011-02-16,576,90,0.0703030303030303,02-16,2,2011,16,3,2,2 2e9b1b94d124186f75e1a37be24daf49c79902efeceaa6595746e1c96ecd5cd4,none,valentine day et sun unleash one power explosions xclass flare blast largest far new solar cycle erupt activ region sun southern hemisphere flare captur extrem ultraviolet imag solar dynam observatori sdo intens burst electromagnet radiat momentarili overwhelm pixel sdo detector caus bright vertic xclass flare also accompani coron mass eject cme massiv cloud charg particl travel outward nearli 900 kilomet per second skywatch high latitud alert aurora tonight,xclass flare,2011-02-17,462,68,0.1827272727272727,02-17,2,2011,17,1,1,4 0f5323e14bcdc8f559bab0f8c6a7c38a19ae08269223257189788a3d8e4a9dad,astro anarchi,cast die sunlik stars planetari nebula brief gloriou final phase stellar evolution gaseou shroud ioniz extrem hot central source shrink core star run fuel nuclear fusion shine cosmic night simpl symmetri fascin inspir planetari nebula poster project it nine planetari display comparison grid course planetari nebula fan abl pick bright messier object m27 dumbbel nebula m76 littl m57 ring nebula well ngc aka cat eye nebula lesser known nebula includ medusa imag made detail narrow band data shown angular scale span 20 arc minut scale grey circl repres appar size full moon planetari nebula hint fate sun core run nuclear fuel anoth 5 billion years,planetari nebula,2011-02-18,652,105,0.13,02-18,2,2011,18,4,2,5 bc82fd53a6131c3730c9e023ef7de21517bcb85188dfad56e69477235f87fe68,none,mere 46 million lightyear distant spiral galaxi ngc 2841 found northern constel ursa major sharp view gorgeou island univers show strike yellow nucleu galact disk dust lanes small pink starform regions young blue star cluster embed patchy tightli wound spiral arms contrast mani spiral exhibit grand sweep arm larg starform regions ngc 2841 diamet 150000 lightyears even larger milki way closeup hubbl imag span lightyear along galaxy inner region xray imag suggest result wind stellar explos creat plume hot ga extend halo around ngc 2841,spiral galaxi ngc 2841 close,2011-02-19,539,85,0.00625,02-19,2,2011,19,7,0,3 9ba175d56ce6aee44e73d76399d37cd7cc75721b0ce46e842d672ca00f65f909,none,what happen clouds normal cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet form air becom opaqu cloud conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm seen near top anvil cloud example result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud photograph last august olymp valley california usa,mammatu cloud valley,2011-02-20,476,72,0.1625,02-20,2,2011,20,8,1,1 8bcae8d0d3b90acd536aa5254c62cd126b7c46db633ec0cb4f8d6d37103778eb,none,what visibl night sky time year help illustr answer beauti land cloud skyscap captur earlier month switzerland visibl foreground snow cover cliff shape du well distant trees clouds visibl night sky at galaxi includ long arch central band milki way galaxy andromeda galaxi m31 triangulum galaxi star cluster visibl includ ngc m34 m35 doubl cluster beehiv nebula visibl includ orion nebula ngc ic 1396 rosett nebula flame star nebula california nebula heart soul nebulas pacman nebula roll cursor imag bring label these wide angl sky imag captur even sky wonders nebula find image,milki way switzerland,2011-02-21,578,93,-0.05,02-21,2,2011,21,4,0,5 08f4e81f643375492fc8812e9896212ff8d10481a383de2af14676d19a321899,none,look center solar system would see nearli view taken recent messeng spacecraft current orbit sun distanc mercury sun planet appear point light closest largest planet appear brightest planet appear orbit direct nearly confin great circl around sky eclipt plane mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn visibl horizont compress image posit uranu neptun label even though faint make out pluto planetari statu recent call question much faint see earth moon visible however galilean moon jupiter imag revers one taken outsid solar system 1990 voyag 1 messenger flown mercuri three time now schedul enter orbit around solar system innermost planet next month,solar system messeng,2011-02-23,652,100,0.0272727272727272,02-23,2,2011,23,1,2,2 238b197e4671ac486266249357ec4dd01b44765f0a49af36054da5f929a68a74,adam block,south larg starform region known orion nebula lie bright blue reflect nebula ngc 1999 also edg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant ngc 1999 illumin provid embed variabl star v380 orionis nebula mark dark sideway tshape near center broad cosmic vista span 10 lightyears dark shape assum obscur dust cloud seen silhouett bright reflect nebula recent infrar imag indic shape like hole blown nebula energet young stars fact region abound energet young star produc jet outflow creat lumin shock waves catalog herbigharo hh objects name astronom georg herbig guillermo haro shock appear bright red view includ hh1 hh2 ngc 1999 stellar jet outflow push surround materi speed hundr kilomet per second,ngc 1999 south orion,2011-02-24,709,112,0.1125,02-24,2,2011,24,4,2,5 2d98ca80753f631bf95869bbc7ca5d6afdda39b0179cef45c9040c7bf9a750fd,none,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory young blue star cluster pink star form region along sweep spiral arm guarante attract attention small irregular galaxi form star too like ngc 4449 12 million lightyear distant less 20000 lightyear across small island univers similar size often compar milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc remark hubbl space telescop closeup wellstudi galaxi reprocess highlight telltal reddish glow hydrogen gas glow trace ngc 4449 widespread star form regions even larger lmc enorm interstellar arc bubbl blown shortlived massiv stars ngc 4449 member group galaxi found constel cane venatici interact nearbi galaxi thought influenc star format ngc 4449,ngc 4449 closeup small galaxi,2011-02-25,690,105,-0.0266666666666666,02-25,2,2011,25,7,2,3 0fc53529d05ae91adb4de60850e3e9d316b6fae4013aef12b2accc31e5a7f40c,stephen leshin,color cosmic skyscap featur peculiar system galaxi catalog arp 227 100 million lightyear distant swim within boundari constel pisces arp 227 consist two galaxi promin left curiou shell galaxi ngc 474 blue spiralarm neighbor ngc 470 faint wide arc shell ngc 474 could form gravit encount neighbor ngc 470 altern shell could caus merger smaller galaxi produc effect analog rippl across surfac pond remarkably larg galaxi right hand side deep image ngc 467 appear surround faint shell too evid anoth interact galaxi system intrigu background galaxi scatter around field also includ spiki foreground stars course star lie well within milki way galaxy field view span 25 arc minut 12 degre sky,shell galaxi pisc,2011-02-26,688,111,-0.0164285714285714,02-26,2,2011,26,7,2,3 aa1097f6e2eae15b33e90c43d60ea5d2a370cff49ab40f99352c68c1dbfc5c0e,none,lie bottom hyperion strang craters nobody sure help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop past spongetextur moon 2005 2010 took imag unpreced detail imag 2005 pass shown fals color show remark world strewn strang crater gener odd surface slight differ color like show differ surfac composition bottom crater lie type unknown dark material inspect imag show bright featur indic dark materi might ten meter thick places hyperion 250 kilomet across rotat chaotically densiti low might hous vast system cavern inside student of ages see free astronomi lectur onlin,saturn hyperion moon odd crater,2011-02-27,575,90,0.0243589743589743,02-27,2,2011,27,5,0,2 82d6ebd82d8dfc940f4060a62b92031437725c45600a5111e5000637eb98329b,luca vanzella,what hover moon imag taken two week ago full snow moon start rise edmonton alberta canada odd coincid angular size far distant moon angular width nearbi build creat strike back away build reduc angular size key plan image temperatur low c plume steam rose neighbor oil imag taken momentari break plumes rise moon appear red reason set sun appear red blue light preferenti scatter away interven air case shimmer steam plume like also caus moon appear slightli next full moon full worm moon occur profession astronomers brows astrophys sourc code librari,red snow moon edmonton,2011-02-28,553,91,0.1255555555555555,02-28,2,2011,28,2,2,1 83b2d86efcd8c5b1f498615cbbd38ab3b550ad194cf822a2bdc045f2c401f1c0,none,what happen outsid space station space shuttl five day ago space shuttl discoveri launch intern space station carri six crew member larg leonardo multi purpos logist module three day ago pictur above dock shuttl prepar unload space station dextr robot canadarm2 expans photo captur much more however includ japan kibo experi modul lower right earth across top frame seemingli starless backdrop space distance next week shuttl iss crew schedul perman attach leonardo well fix upgrad part iss 38 previou expect last space mission space shuttl discovery,discoveri visit space station,2011-03-01,550,86,0.2142857142857142,03-01,3,2011,1,8,1,2 9181e8602916f253b3e986278d5f66627d6c11403066ca1e86f6f809010cde3b,marku sky images,what california space drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long mani images promin glow california nebula red light characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons strip away ionized energet starlight image however hydrogen color green sulfur map red oxygen map blue star like provid energet starlight ioniz much nebular ga bright hot bluish xi persei outsid right imag edge regular target astrophotographers california nebula spot widefield telescop dark sky toward constel perseus far pleiades,ngc 1499 california nebula,2011-03-02,706,107,0.1101587301587301,03-02,3,2011,2,4,2,5 26f7392e19025508f0ec7ddb8677f109536532f27509510871618af295cb694c,none,1300 imag lunar reconnaiss orbit spacecraft wide angl camera use compos spectacular view familiar face lunar nearside lunar moon rotat axi orbit earth rate everi 28 days tidal lock configuration synchron rotat alway keep one side nearside face earth result featur remark detail full resolut mosaic smooth dark lunar maria actual lavaflood impact rug highlands wellknown earthbound skygazers find favorit mare larg crater slide cursor picture lro imag use construct mosaic record two week period last december,lunar,2011-03-03,509,77,0.184375,03-03,3,2011,3,2,1,2 1ed5dc0d5c6f3878cc34247ae19c850c6e7aae81b6f74c9a5801e2af2f0e74e8,none,dramat studi contrasts color skyscap featur stars dust glow ga ngc 6914 complex nebula lie 6000 lightyear away toward highfli northern constel cygnu plane milki way galaxy foreground dust cloud silhouette reddish hydrogen emiss nebula dusti blue reflect nebula fill 12 degre wide field view span nearli 50 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6914 ultraviolet radiat massive hot young star extens cygnu ob2 associ ioniz region atom hydrogen gas produc characterist red glow proton electron recombine embed cygnu ob2 star also provid blue starlight strongli reflect dusti clouds construct twopanel mosaic imag process bring bright dim color detail structures,ngc 6914 nebula,2011-03-04,648,98,0.075,03-04,3,2011,4,4,2,5 ada77be2658ee377db44263c51d4696fe0a9c769c06750b397352bb037c98f31,none,supernova remnant cassiopeia ca a comfort 11000 lightyear away light ca supernova death explos massiv star first reach earth 330 year ago expand debri cloud span 15 lightyear composit xrayopt image bright sourc near center neutron star inset incred dense collaps remain stellar core still hot enough emit xrays ca a neutron star cooling fact 10 year observ orbit chandra xray observatori find neutron star cool rapidly rapidli research suspect larg part neutron star core form frictionless neutron superfluid chandra result repres first observ evid bizarr state neutron matter,cool neutron star,2011-03-05,576,89,0.245,03-05,3,2011,5,6,1,4 88e9ffcec33c3f59cf8cde0fb7a4649ef6c2d9355b911753d7dd81c40f4da261,none,rock space hit earth everi day larger rock though less often earth struck mani kilogram space dust pitter earth daily larger bit appear initi bright meteor baseballs rock icebal streak atmospher daily evapor quickli nothing signific threat exist rock near 100 meter diameter strike earth roughli everi 1000 years object size could caus signific tsunami strike ocean potenti devast even distant shores collis massiv asteroid 1 km across rare occur typic million year apart could truli global consequences mani asteroid remain undiscovered fact one discov 1998 long blue streak archiv imag taken hubbl space telescope 2002 june small 100meter asteroid 2002 mn discov whizz earth pass well within orbit moon 2002 mn pass closer asteroid sinc 1994 xm1 close 2004 mn4 pass 2029 collis larg asteroid would affect earth orbit much rais dust would affect earth climate one like result global extinct mani speci life possibl dwarf ongo extinct occur now,asteroid distanc,2011-03-06,944,151,-0.0039215686274509,03-06,3,2011,6,8,2,4 697f3b953ca8c86b9171d1f14f10b186443521ba5ee29f843c28a8c08a30b616,none,thin ring saturn bright measur differ angl shown saturn ring one kilomet thick make mani time thinner rel proportion razor blade thin sometim appear dramat fashion imag taken nearli along ring plane robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn captur anoth shot dramat highlight ring thinness imag taken mid januari infrar polar light titan loom thin rings dark ring shadow saturn show sun ring plane close inspect imag show smaller moon enceladu far right cassini humanity first mission orbit saturn current oper plan 2017 work apod research universe graduat student research assist sought,titan rings saturn cassini,2011-03-08,583,91,0.0001700680272108,03-08,3,2011,8,0,0,2 2df85278e62f687682b14368fabbcb9e014d98663244b3c645ecca8ab1901ad7,none,develop intern space station iss chang appear again recent complet space shuttl orbit discovery final flight visit iss ad compon includ leonardo multi purpos logist module iss mani modul expans solar panel visibl pictur taken discoveri crew leav iss return earth world foremost space outpost seen develop past sever year compar imag past images also visibl mani differ type modul suppli ships construct began iss 1998 work apod research universe graduat student research assist sought,intern space station expand,2011-03-09,484,75,-0.125,03-09,3,2011,9,8,0,2 45650b7c26176874658128d21114e316f00316c3a1562a1e75e76c9e25abb923,tama ladanyi,even twilight fade march 7 sky gazer around planet earth enjoy beauti pair young crescent moon brilliant planet jupiter along star set west two bright celesti beacons moon jupit below leav short trail wellplan time exposure composit 54 individu frame 4 second long final flight space shuttl discoveri intern space station form second close pair night skyscape still glint sunlight low earth orbit grace trace overlap arc lower right upper left moon jupiter discovery iss reflect calm water lake hungary want see sequenc frame short youtub video check here video trail iss discoveri seen separ pair pass moon,discoveri twilight,2011-03-10,607,98,0.1757142857142857,03-10,3,2011,10,2,2,1 68f244ef58cf78745289bba0af59e69e97dbc42f4cd318fe364301a383603e64,rolf geissing,ae auriga bright star left center evoc portrait ic 405 also known flame star nebula embed cosmic cloud hot variabl otyp star energ glow hydrogen along convolut filament atom gas blue starlight scatter interstellar dust ae auriga form nebula star motion space astronom conclud ae auriga probabl born orion nebula close gravit encount star eject region along anoth star mu two million year ago runaway star drift opposit direct ever since separ 200 kilomet per second sharp detail imag ic 405 span 5 lightyear nebula estim distanc 1500 lightyear northern constel auriga charioteer,ae auriga flame star nebula,2011-03-11,578,93,0.103125,03-11,3,2011,11,4,2,5 e0e1157814ebe8774785a84aed2b476b7c5042a9f7b294ac5019f55dc5b974d9,none,shape like target ring bullseye mare oriental one strike larg scale lunar features locat moon extrem western edge unfortun difficult see earthbound perspective still mosaic impact basin youngest larg lunar basin show intrigu detail full resolut base wide angl camera imag lunar reconnaiss orbiter partial flood lava mare oriental 3 billion year old 600 mile kilometers across form impact asteroid size object collis caus rippl lunar crust result concentr circular features though may seem littl iron denizen space age recogn moon dri airless world dark smooth lunar region call mare latin sea astronom thought region might actual seas,mare oriental,2011-03-12,634,98,-0.0799999999999999,03-12,3,2011,12,2,2,2 beface2586097128999f1e901d41d55254a1d354fd84edd153a04ef7b44454b7,none,could stand mars would see robot phoenix spacecraft land mar 2008 record spectacular panorama imag actual digit combin 100 camera point survey fulli 360 degre around busi robot laboratory scroll right reveal rest panoram image visibl imag foreground circular solar panels variou phoenix instruments rust color rocks trench dug phoenix probe mars chemic composition vast plateau dirt dirtcov ice and far distance dust color atmospher mars phoenix land far north mar use sophist laboratori search sign past life might possible soil analys confirm presenc ice gave unexpect indic perchlor salts whether martian life could evolv around perchlor ongo topic research,mar panorama phoenix lander,2011-03-13,660,100,0.1044642857142857,03-13,3,2011,13,5,2,2 c736f1c9d660c8072cb31af9f44172e0efe636e2c1405a4407bdc824acf321a8,robert arn,ever seen star drift slowli overhead known sometim even point friend famili lead likely spacecraft low earth orbit reflect back sunlight circl earth everi 90 minut so two brighter spacecraft present day sky intern space station iss and up nasa space shuttle rel orient change bright reflect may also change sometim suddenly anoth sourc bright drift objects iridium commun satellites may even appear flare becom brighter sky object seconds pictur above two bright point light separ degre drift togeth across sky state park colorado usa last week sunset light iss space shuttl discovery undock iss hour earlier given digit fusion mani separ camera exposur wide angl perspective pair appear streak front pointlik stars web site exist help identifi unknown even predict time next pass iss visibl location,streak colorado,2011-03-14,800,127,0.1687499999999999,03-14,3,2011,14,8,2,1 3e7045087c252ce3cd7d05cfb7a57cb823f23ca6dcc7417e845ff56ff0bfa18e,ken crawford,dark dust lane cut across middl gorgeou island universe strong hint ngc 3628 spiral galaxi seen sideways 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo ngc 3628 bear distinct member well known leo triplet galaxi charl messier famou catalog otherwis similar size milki way galaxy disk ngc 3628 clearli seen fan near edges faint arm materi extend upper left distort shape faint tidal tail suggest ngc 3628 interact gravit spiral galaxi leo triplet m66 m65 dusti disk ngc 3628 also dot telltal reddish hue starform region sharp telescop view explor full resolut version here,sideway galaxi ngc 3628,2011-03-16,581,94,-0.0083333333333333,03-16,3,2011,16,7,0,3 cc07088b31790f5c6d6a05d0ab85e54ec96d73e6fe92612f8c04a1179009cc48,brian,late last year new remark bright storm erupt saturn northern hemisphere nicknam the serpent storm northern hemispher disturb still go strong circl far around planet offer spectacular spacebas view saturnorbit cassini spacecraft storm show enough contrast band cloud top visibl even modest groundbas equipment seen sharp imag vista georgia usa planet earth amateur astronom first spot bright storm earli decemb 2010 ring ga giant rise predawn skies continu monitor storm progress,saturn serpent storm,2011-03-17,478,71,0.1896464646464646,03-17,3,2011,17,0,1,1 a74ea36346ff11d8ba66e93257c7a01928a60504c941cd0f5e3db6a423940f38,göran strand,warm sunset hue begin fade two celesti beacon shine even twilight mercuri jupiter wander away sun planet earth sky mercuri offer good view month spring approach northern hemispher eclipt plane make steep angl western horizon jupit continu sink lower sky sunset fact normal elus mercuri shine well jupit orang sunset glow seren sky captur earlier week island frösön northern sweden scene look across lake storsjön toward villag distant mountains course even better view mercuri messeng spacecraft orbit solar system innermost,mercuri jupit sunset,2011-03-18,524,80,0.2642857142857142,03-18,3,2011,18,8,1,1 5cbeda06244586bfcd5eed37dfda41e5e8535ed0c56928c292af233c2dd738cc,r jay gabani,close great bear ursa major surround star hunt dog cane venatici celesti wonder discov 1781 metric french astronom pierr mechain later ad catalog friend colleagu charl messier m106 modern deep telescop view reveal island univers spiral galaxi around 30 thousand lightyear across locat 21 million lightyear beyond star milki way along bright central core color composit imag highlight youth blue star cluster reddish stellar nurseri trace galaxy spiral arms also show remark reddish jet glow hydrogen gas addit small companion galaxi ngc 4248 bottom right background galaxi found scatter throughout frame m106 aka ngc 4258 nearbi exampl seyfert class activ galaxies seen across spectrum radio xrays activ galaxi believ power matter fall massiv central black hole,messier 106,2011-03-19,762,116,0.1343962585034013,03-19,3,2011,19,7,2,3 d37d75b0803943ab1bc7c50db64628dd4da4c5b9ed869bd8220e239f1d87cbee,anthoni ayiomam,see full moon last night near horizon lunar orb may seem loom large swollen appear famou moon illusion full moon realli larg full moon last night reach exact full phase within hour lunar perigee point moon ellipt orbit closest planet earth similar near perige full moon last occur decemb 12 2008 differ moon appar size move perige apogee farthest point earth 14 percent course nearli full moon rise tonight light sky date equinox equal night full moon also loom larg wellplanned telescop lunar portrait captur earlier year rise lunar orb dramat match 2500 year old parthenon athens greece,parthenon moon,2011-03-20,588,98,0.1902255639097744,03-20,3,2011,20,2,2,1 458c1e9a2d3c761ec7ebcb3db8cd1b348f997d394414b4ce4381e3b56f80f90e,none,could part earli univers one sure mani astronom think cmb cold spot cosmic microwav background cmb radiat particularli earli univers expand cooled suddenli predict becam transparent photon come us epoch seen around us radiat field quit uniform slight warm cool spot tell us great deal earli univers could imprint them possibly one spot cmb cold spot circl wmap allski map attract attent possibl larg cold easili publish specul includ spectacular progenitor hypothes involv cosmic texture even quantum parallel universe quit possibly though even mundan univers might expect show statist explan cmb cold spot like might say human imagin earli universe see supermoon photo galleri,cmb cold spot,2011-03-21,677,104,0.0202380952380952,03-21,3,2011,21,8,2,4 a3145514749cf608b788226ced37da1e2d4053e71a592a8fff642a47500bf0bf,none,univers fill galaxies see astronom must look beyond star galaxy milki way example consid color telescop view spiral galaxi ngc 6384 80 million lightyear away direct constel ophiuchus distance ngc 6384 span estim 150000 lightyears closeup galaxy central region 70000 lightyear wide sharp imag show detail distant galaxy blue spiral arm yellowish core still individu star seen pictur close foreground well within galaxy brighter milki way star show notic crosses diffract spikes caus telescop itself,ngc 6384 spiral beyond star,2011-03-22,497,75,-0.0375,03-22,3,2011,22,7,0,3 a958f69295e7b18f3dabdf29ed2456b01c75e62bfda5c3a5d91ea281554087e6,peter tuthillsydney u jame lloyd cornell,could caus nebula appear square one quit sure hot star system known mwc 922 however appear embed nebula shape imag combin infrar exposur hale telescop mt palomar california keck2 telescop mauna kea hawaii lead progenitor hypothesi squar nebula central star star somehow expel cone ga late development stage mwc 922 cone happen incorpor nearli right angl visibl sides support evid cone hypothesi includ radial spoke imag might run along cone walls research specul cone view anoth angl would appear similar gigant ring supernova 1987a possibl indic star mwc 922 might one day explod similar supernova,mwc 922 red squar nebula,2011-03-23,598,95,0.1051020408163265,03-23,3,2011,23,4,2,4 ce0d6609fc6751220b83d5efc1a6c9cbe76f01aeb833db9d2065eeafb673b7da,denni di,last week full moon hard miss rise march 19 exact full phase occur within hour perigee closest point moon orbit earth result appear 14 percent larger 30 percent brighter full moon near apogee distant point ellipt lunar orbit seen here near perige full moon still hug horizon distort atmospher refract rise boston massachusetts usa telescop night skyscap shot prospect hill massachusetts roughli 10 mile boston skyline left orang lunar disk distinct control tower intern airport top lights tall twin tower cablestay bridg span charl river also includ scene manag miss perige full moon make note calendar next chanc see moon larg bright time full phase within minut lunar perigee next year may 6,boston moonris,2011-03-24,693,113,0.1925438596491228,03-24,3,2011,24,2,2,1 c8eaa6d77f4d50331dcbf9341ef52a1c0b066ae711631aac7849d2c58ba206ee,kwon chul,intens auror activ flood night shimmer color februari 24 captur lodg near citi yellowknif northern canada stun sequenc left right three allski exposures taken 30 second intervals show rapid chang danc curtain northern light starri background make northern light dance measur nasa fleet themi spacecraft indic explos auror activ driven sudden releas energi earth magnetospher call magnet reconnect events reconnect event releas energi magnet field line snap like rubber bands drive charg particl upper atmosphere stretch space reconnect event occur magnetospher earth night side distanc 13 way moon,auror yellowknif,2011-03-25,597,88,0.1482142857142857,03-25,3,2011,25,8,2,4 a41fe8ad7dc9ac6475efa16df81eac458fb419fba6886113d2d210faae9799ae,adam block,yellowish star near center remark telescop skyview tauri prototyp class tauri variabl stars nearbi dusti yellow cosmic cloud histor known hind variabl nebula ngc 1555 400 lightyear away edg molecular cloud star nebula seen vari significantli bright necessarili time ad mysteri intrigu region tauri star gener recogn young less million year old sunlik star still earli stage formation complic picture infrar observ indic tauri part multipl system suggest associ hind nebula may also contain young stellar object natur color imag span 4 lightyear estim distanc tauri,tauri hind variabl nebula,2011-03-26,564,86,0.1203703703703703,03-26,3,2011,26,4,1,5 6ce3c048f9c2c5576bb872c5442d3e1bf2ecc9adee947b37defd0b4ab1a182ae,none,largest canyon solar system cut wide swath across face mars name vall marineris grand valley extend 3000 kilomet long span much 600 kilomet across delv much 8 kilomet deep comparison earth grand canyon arizona usa 800 kilomet long 30 kilomet across 18 kilomet deep origin vall marineri remain unknown although lead hypothesi hold start crack billion year ago planet cooled sever geolog process identifi canyon mosaic creat 100 imag mar taken vike orbit 1970s,vall marineris grand canyon mar,2011-03-27,458,74,0.1099999999999999,03-27,3,2011,27,5,1,2 f91f3645c9db20aa918f40df68e4b4a633c8c295d4884f66e105308ed33e504e,none,use prolif planet hunt kepler spacecraft astronom discov candid planet orbit sun sinc kepler mission search earthlik world began 2009 find them kepler monitor rich star field identifi planetari transit slight dim starlight caus planet cross face parent star remark illustration kepler planet candid shown transit parent star order size top left bottom right simul stellar disk silhouett transit planet shown rel scale satur star colors course star show one planet transit may examin pictur high resolut spot all reference sun shown scale top row right silhouett sun disk jupit earth transit,kepler sun planet,2011-03-29,590,92,0.2684432234432234,03-29,3,2011,29,8,1,4 44f4f6af7292411304aa9294d44498ea23b3863021b8f4c3d4ded6ff38aa5ba5,none,big beauti ngc 5584 50000 lightyear across lie 72 million lightyear away toward constel virgo wind spiral arm gorgeou island univers load lumin young star cluster dark dust lanes still earthbound astronom ngc 5584 anoth pretti faceon spiral galaxy home 250 cepheid variabl star recent type ia supernova explosion key object astronom distanc determinations ngc 5584 one 8 galaxi use new studi includ addit hubbl space telescop observ improv measur hubble constant expans rate universe result studi lend weight theori dark energi realli respons acceler expans universe model tri explain observ acceler without mysteri dark energy sharp hubbl imag ngc mani small reddish smudg distant background galaxies,ngc expand univers,2011-03-30,702,107,-0.0573863636363636,03-30,3,2011,30,7,2,3 952f4cc3f718ac61e2fe69528b3cc445512933a53715e3c12a4ec833394a8c53,none,march 17 messeng spacecraft becam first orbit mercury solar system innermost planet first process color imag sinc enter mercuri orbit larger denser almost twice surfac graviti earth moon mercuri still look moonlik first glance view terrain show light blue brown area near crater long bright ray materi streak surface promin bright ray crater upper right 80 kilomet 50 miles diameter terrain toward bottom histor imag extend mercury south pole includ region previous imag space,messeng mercuri,2011-03-31,476,74,0.2091575091575091,03-31,3,2011,31,8,1,2 f47b02c635d0632383f829096cb4594116eaa58dbddb6c22bb79767e4844076f,bencoop,first flown 1992 endeavour youngest space shuttl orbiter prepar 25th final trip low earth orbit seen excit perspect 400 feet floor kennedi space center vehicl assembl building endeavour mate extern tank solid rocket booster prior roll launch pad 39a march 11 complet space shuttl stand 18 stori tall intend april 19 near sunset launch sts134 endeavour head intern space station deliv am cosmic ray experiment final flight endeavour penultim plan space shuttl flight,endeavour look,2011-04-02,465,73,0.03125,04-02,4,2011,2,8,0,2 814ae7288bfd3b8ac2874ae1bed89a53e36d838fc55a7f2754ed7517636e6bb4,none,400000 light year across ngc 6872 enorm spiral galaxy least 4 time size larg milki way 200 million lightyear distant toward southern constel pavo remark galaxy stretch shape due ongo gravit interaction like lead eventu merger nearbi smaller galaxi ic ic seen right giant galaxy core cosmic color portrait 8 meter gemini south telescop chile idea imag titan galaxi collis come win contest essay submit last year gemini observatori sydney girl high school astronomi addit inspir aspect club member argu color imag would pretti picture win essay note if enough colour data obtain imag may reveal easili access inform differ popul stars star formation rel rate star format due interaction extent dust ga present editor note australian 2011 contest inform here,giant galaxi ngc,2011-04-03,755,121,0.1122321428571428,04-03,4,2011,3,7,2,4 6d3867aab73402a3981e1e238cf7b2bea2c1afe932c20e5b4d2b08ff91be7b46,none,could surviv jump tallest cliff solar system quit possibly verona rupe uranus moon miranda estim 20 kilomet deep ten time depth earth grand canyon given miranda low gravity would take 12 minut thrillseek adventur fall top reach bottom speed racecar 200 kilomet per hour even so fall might surviv given proper airbag protection imag verona rupe captur pass voyag 2 robot spacecraft 1986 giant cliff creat remain unknown possibl relat larg impact tecton surfac motion,verona rupes tallest known cliff solar system,2011-04-04,467,75,0.1,04-04,4,2011,4,8,0,2 c3d1a8874e5fa1f44e9ae269559964d7efaf2d8bb4f2706e53726943984f00ba,juan carlo casado,ever seen band milki way galaxy chanc never seen like could you clear sky dark locat right time faint band light visibl across sky band disk spiral galaxy sinc insid disk band appear encircl earth spectacular pictur milki way arch however goe unaid eye cannot imag actual deep digit fusion nine photo creat panorama fulli 360 across taken recent teid nation park tenerife canari islands spain imag includ teid volcano visibl near imag center behind volcan landscap includ mani larg rocks far behind earthli structur mani sky wonder visibl unaid eye band milki way bright wax moon insid arch pleiad open star cluster can find deep exposur also bring mani sky wonder normal beyond human perception mani label annot imag version includ barnard loop visibl half red ring milki way band,milki way tenerif,2011-04-05,782,131,0.0342403628117913,04-05,4,2011,5,6,2,4 fab3644a6b01f3846639d9e3d107a7d73c658139b0459d6850f6c2cfd7dfc4fa,descubr,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers 100 billion stars 32 million lightyear away toward constel pisces m74 present gorgeou faceon view classifi sc galaxy grand design m74 grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes imag cover half width full moon obtain use 19 hour exposur telescop calar alto observatori sierra de lo mountain rang spain span 30000 lightyear across face m74 includ exposur record emiss hydrogen atoms highlight reddish glow galaxy larg starform regions,m74 perfect spiral,2011-04-06,518,81,0.2148148148148148,04-06,4,2011,6,7,1,3 eb72292f6d51553a2069025651f2f1097bab94d9d1ed30215c104c31ac98c224,daniel lópez,ngc 2438 planetari nebula gaseou shroud cast die sunlik star billion year old whose central reservoir hydrogen fuel exhausted 3000 lightyear distant lie within boundari nautic constel puppis remarkably ngc 2438 also seem lie outskirt bright rel young open star cluster m46 planetari nebula central star much older star m46 move space differ speed cluster stars distanc estim also place ngc 2438 closer m46 nebula appear foreground chanc along lineofsight young star cluster deep imag ngc 2438 highlight halo glow atom ga 45 lightyear across extend beyond nebula brighter inner ring similar found deep imag planetari nebulae produc earlier activ phase age central stars,planetari nebula ngc,2011-04-07,668,104,0.0833333333333333,04-07,4,2011,7,4,2,5 6f7b364fd741e08e50a95f53310911fe56d96d034e939828b0d38a92803e1f77,univers,journey center red giant star firmli realm scienc scienc explor condit there techniqu time small variat star bright measur planet hunt kepler spacecraft regular variat indic stellar oscillations analog sound waves compress ga caus bright changes recent discov red giant stars oscil detect period would caus penetr stellar core extrem environ actual becom intens return surface echo red giant core illustr frame comput gener animation remarkably period measur oscil even indic red giant star energi production hydrogen helium fusion take place,echo red giant star,2011-04-08,542,81,0.1421052631578947,04-08,4,2011,8,6,1,4 6a3253cb5eb3c2718957abfadecd7c615b3ba0186c9cf6dc35db2d9ea949616e,none,quiet day sun imag shows however even day sun surfac busi place shown ultraviolet light rel cool dark region temperatur thousand degre celsius larg sunspot group ar 9169 last solar cycl visibl bright area near horizon bright glow ga flow around sunspot temperatur one million degre celsius reason high temperatur unknown thought relat rapidli chang magnet field loop channel solar plasma larg sunspot group ar 9169 move across sun 2000 septemb decay weeks,sunspot loop ultraviolet,2011-04-10,455,73,0.216,04-10,4,2011,10,1,1,1 e34ff31e86b713d862fa9dd88e01f30e2dd1844ef318260eb61d0289ecc1cc7c,robert arn,would sunris look like anoth world far human record sunris mar earth fun wonder would look like planet known yet unknown planet far parent star would record rise unusu bright point light rather round orb although might appear pictur above care combin long exposur creativ light actual base planet earth week ago captur mesa arch canyonland nation park utah usa picturesqu butt mesa dot background landscape orang sky creat air scatter dust like reminisc dusti skyscap mars sunris set occur minut hence inde involv round orb,planet rise,2011-04-11,523,86,0.0464285714285714,04-11,4,2011,11,8,0,1 da82e8df08ea76686da9c7aac35ca2af278224e7fa0f6ca533a8958f4d87bf49,none,april 12th 1961 soviet cosmonaut yuri alexseyevich gagarin becam first human space remot control vostok 1 spacecraft loft altitud 200 mile carri around planet earth comment first view space reported the sky dark earth bluish everyth seen clearly view could resembl imag taken 2003 intern space station alan shepard first us astronaut would launch almost month later compar short suborbit flight born march 9 1934 gagarin militari pilot chosen first group cosmonaut 1960 result histor flight becam intern hero legend kill mig jet crash train flight 1968 gagarin given hero funeral ash inter kremlin wall twenti year later yet anoth april 12th 1981 nasa launch first space shuttle,50 year ago yuri planet,2011-04-12,678,108,0.109090909090909,04-12,4,2011,12,8,2,2 3dd133a56896e77f808accc5bcaf80cddf4c26fbf3f7bcb5494a41da5b8b3be0,none,could see huge radio jet centauru cen radio jet million light year long occupi angular area 200 time greater full moon earth sky jet expel violent black hole million time mass sun embed deep center nearbi activ galaxi cen a somehow black hole creat fast move jet matter fall in picture radio telescop australian telescop compact array atca near nsw australia captur front full moon radio imag cen superpos real angular size background pictur includ detail map yet radio jet universe take sever year 1000 hour exposur time complete detail photo may yield clue radio jet interact star intergalact dust light dot imag depict stars typic radio bright galaxi even distant universe,centauru radio jet rise,2011-04-13,675,112,0.1219298245614035,04-13,4,2011,13,6,2,4 eccb76571739d164f3494c6a5cc252af1f8be94de56832fb9e241294b746bf4c,none,dust cloud embed newborn star glow infrar wavelength tantal falsecolor composit wise widefield infrar survey explorer cosmic canva featur one closest star form regions part rho ophiuchi cloud complex 400 lightyear distant near southern edg pronounc constel ophiuchus form along larg cloud cold molecular hydrogen gas young star heat surround dust produc infrar glow star process formation call young stellar object ysos embed compact pinkish nebula seen here otherwis hidden pri eye optic telescopes explor region penetr infrar light detect emerg newli form star whose averag age estim mere 300000 years that extrem young compar sun age 5 billion years promin reddish nebula lower right surround star sigma scorpii reflect nebula produc dust scatter starlight view wise span almost 2 degre cover 14 lightyear estim distanc rho ophiuchi cloud,young star rho ophiuchi cloud,2011-04-14,841,129,0.0712698412698412,04-14,4,2011,14,4,2,5 b569ae3249bab910825d0ea8583ccaf3624ff065f3a5afdcc9b4e12fdaf6bfa5,none,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown mosaic m101 assembl hubbl legaci archiv data addit groundbas data includ defin telltal reddish emiss atom hydrogen ga gorgeou galaxy star form regions sharp imag show stun featur galaxy faceon disk star dust along background galaxies visibl right m101 itself also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away,messier 101,2011-04-15,632,97,-0.010969387755102,04-15,4,2011,15,7,2,3 be590da1ffaf707ffb9c83c0f1e311dbf7ecb15c4c49ae0faf007ba0342f0684,mark hanson,telescop closeup show otherwis faint emiss nebula ic 410 strike falsecolors also featur two remark inhabit cosmic pond ga dust left center tadpol ic 410 pictur composit imag taken broad narrow band filters narrow band data trace atom nebula emiss sulfur atom red hydrogen atom green oxygen blue partli obscur foreground dust nebula surround ngc 1893 young galact cluster star energ glow gas compos denser cooler ga dust tadpol around 10 lightyear long potenti site ongo star formation sculpt wind radiat cluster stars tail trail away cluster central region ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away toward constel auriga,tadpol ic 410,2011-04-16,610,98,-0.090625,04-16,4,2011,16,4,2,5 6c144c2ec025635c44bb22a400ff65d87a3b61d37173e4443accba83d84d8cc3, baker,visual effect depict video effect creat televis show wonder universe version even so video easili identified hubbl imag carina nebula occur crab nebula cat eye nebula occur pan away spiral galaxi occur breathtak vista spiral occur past pulsar supernova seem take 900 truli spectacular binari star system contain pulsar accret disk occur begin past that entir comput anim video seem unknown stars unknown planets sequenc unknown ga flow toward unknown places what example depict pleas help creat companion explan video contribut apod discuss page,univers,2011-04-18,545,84,-0.0375,04-18,4,2011,18,4,0,3 3bcb0f9f2948d452e918934c35d5f363d7fb656c5dca40d3ee034296b7c70b12,none,symphoni planetwid observ began abruptli march 28 earthorbit swift satellit detect burst highfrequ gammaray grb sourc flare 45 minut clear event typic gammaray burst twelv hour initi astronom use 25meter nordic optic telescop chime observ optic counterpart earli next day explos pick radio wave radio dish usa later mani optic telescopes includ 8meter gemini north telescop hawaii began play along track optic counterpart unusu sourc spot higher regist xray chandra xray observatori intermitt follow even gammaray rang week join hubbl space telescop record imag optic infrar light confirm flash locat along path galaxi redshift associ galaxy explos occur univers two third present age much specul unusu gammaray burst star rip apart supermass black hole center galaxi puzzl featur distant deton still explored,grb symphoni,2011-04-19,809,122,0.053030303030303,04-19,4,2011,19,8,2,4 0374fec76d05853dcf1c232f87026173bc99a25789ace14ae53666bbdd3be979,babak tafreshi,sun rose nearli full moon set seren seasid vista captur last monday rio de janeiro brazil foreground redden earli morn sunlight illumin stretch south atlant look toward west scene familiar one rio beach nestl twin peak two brother wellcompos multipleexposur imag record steadi progress dramat moonset 65 minut gap frame fli break dawn ocean bird appear last singl frame,rio morn moonset,2011-04-20,369,59,0.265,04-20,4,2011,20,1,1,1 9ba1f2d3f727d4d527518ffa073512f8b695f7c6e51956f4786b0b15d2c97d7d,none,spiki star foreground sharp cosmic portrait well within milki way galaxy two eyecatch galaxi lie far beyond milki way distanc 300 million lightyears distort appear due gravit tide pair engag close encounters catalog arp 273 also ugc 1810 galaxi look peculiar interact galaxi understood common universe fact nearbi larg spiral andromeda galaxi known 2 million lightyear away approach milki way arp 273 may offer analog far futur encounter repeat galaxi encount cosmic timescal ultim result merger singl galaxi stars perspective bright core arp 273 galaxi separ littl 100000 lightyears releas stun vista celebr 21st anniversari hubbl space telescop orbit,peculiar galaxi arp 273,2011-04-21,652,99,0.05,04-21,4,2011,21,7,2,3 43694877e5d1df4e8306bf6b577c2212e60974bdd697af76005504cf1bfab4f0,rogeliobern andreo,well thousand galaxi known member virgo cluster closest larg cluster galaxi local group fact galaxi cluster difficult appreci cover larg area sky span degrees care mosaic telescop imag clearli record central region virgo cluster faint foreground dust cloud linger plane milki way galaxy cluster domin giant ellipt galaxi m87 center frame m87 famou interact galaxi pair ngc 4438 also known eyes closer examin imag reveal mani virgo cluster member galaxi small fuzzi patches slide cursor imag label larger galaxi use ngc catalog designations galaxi also shown messier catalog numbers includ m84 m86 promin color spiral m88 m90 m91 average virgo cluster galaxi measur 48 million lightyear away virgo cluster distanc use give import determin hubbl constant scale universe editor note label courtesi,virgo cluster galaxi,2011-04-22,794,122,-0.15,04-22,4,2011,22,7,2,3 1b98b0f5c5ff3a2a6612f065632306f350277cbb3e8f450d6f9b5d8ce2b2c8d3,none,it multitempor illumin map course make it wide angl camera lunar reconnaiss orbit spacecraft collect 1700 imag period 6 lunar day 6 earth months repeatedli cover area center moon south pole convert binari valu pixel set 0 illumin pixel set 1 imag stack produc map repres percentag time spot surfac illumin sun remain convincingli shadow floor 19 kilomet diamet shackleton crater seen near center map lunar south pole 9 oclock crater rim sinc moon axi rotat stay almost perpendicular eclipt plane crater floor near lunar south north pole remain perman shadow mountain top nearli continu sunlight use futur outposts shadow crater floor could offer reservoir water ice sunlit mountain top ideal locat solar power arrays,shadow lunar south pole,2011-04-23,716,115,0.225,04-23,4,2011,23,2,2,2 6e478810313aae54b3a4e9e8cadf0a1fd60ed485597b1140c05f87d4a2ac8a5b,none,stare across interstellar space allur cat eye nebula lie three thousand lightyear earth classic planetari nebula cat eye ngc 6543 repres final brief yet gloriou phase life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc simple outer pattern dusti concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful complex inner structur well understood seen clearli sharp hubbl space telescop image truli cosmic eye half lightyear across course gaze cat eye astronom may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,cat eye nebula hubbl,2011-04-24,555,86,0.0386363636363636,04-24,4,2011,24,4,0,5 4b0a6927dbea06672212d4c1f6eb669cc32724c450321855b8c19537b0d55131,collabor,monster ic 1396 known elephant trunk nebula part glow ga dust cloud star format region may appear take forebod forms nearli human entir nebula might even look like face monster real monster here however bright young star far earth dangerous energet light star eat away dust dark cometari globul top right image jet wind particl emit star also push away ambient ga dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant ic 1396 complex rel faint cover region sky appar width 10 full moons recently 100 young star discov form nebula,ic 1396,2011-04-25,510,87,0.0678571428571428,04-25,4,2011,25,4,0,5 4dc816340f9d3504aed7771e4efba42ad79eb8de3763392fc362192f5464f6e1,star echo,satellit galaxi milki way larg magellan cloud lmc allur sight dark southern sky constel dorado mere 180000 lightyear distant lmc seen amaz detail deep 4 frame mosaic telescop images view reveal milki way satellit appear fledgl bar spiral galaxy mosaic includ imag data taken narrow filter transmit red light hydrogen atoms ioniz energet starlight hydrogen atom emit characterist red halpha light singl electron recaptur transit lower energi states result mosaic seem pinkish cloud hydrogen ga surround massive young stars sculpt strong stellar wind ultraviolet radiation glow hydrogen cloud known h ii ioniz hydrogen regions compos mani overlap clouds sprawl tarantula nebula left center far lmc largest star form region larg magellan cloud 15000 lightyear across,hydrogen lmc,2011-04-26,763,115,0.0372549019607843,04-26,4,2011,26,6,2,5 21004479a07c09946d330e5209faef8b750ca36f7484aea0ad350ba8a4895329,juergen michelberg,june 4 2010 regulus alpha star constel leo wander planet mar appar brightness separ sky 15 degrees ingeni creativ 10 second exposur swing camera record trail celesti pairing tell trail belong star planet hint atmospher turbul caus imag star vari bright color readili planet pronounc star effect point sourc light seen narrow bundl light rays rapidli chang refract due turbul along line sight affect differ color light differ amount gener produc twinkl effect stars mar much closer distant star extend sourc light though tiny disk seen bundl light ray substanti broader compar star so average less affect small scale turbulence result varied rainbow like trail regulu left consist reddish trail mars,scintil,2011-04-28,698,111,0.1192708333333333,04-28,4,2011,28,6,2,4 c18c4eaeec2dfe690aaf2dd21a4c16f3d340414b7507758a54f8cbae6de0cf54,none,tycho tycho burn bright dark night explod white dwarf star frame remnant afar distant deep dark sky gaze human eyes seen mortal name one call tycho brahe,tycho supernova remnant,2011-04-30,153,27,0.0428571428571428,04-30,4,2011,30,6,0,1 f1ba799bda92b528ef045b62c6de335533260badd45b4b346324b10b9c439a25,t rector,may look like duck lay star instead eggs center imag lie barnard 163 nebula molecular ga dust thick visibl light cant shine it wing span measur light years barnard 163 insid sure colder exterior allow condit ga clump eventu form stars barnard 163 lie 3000 light year earth toward constel cepheu king red glow background result ic 1396 larg emiss nebula hous elephant trunk nebula find barnard 163 imag greater emiss nebula ic 1396 challenge possible,molecular cloud barnard 163,2011-05-01,449,76,0.2,05-01,5,2011,1,4,1,5 044d741997d15bdd6dde75451bc61a98afe8704ea62b86d859203cd37e22447f,none,hurrican twice size earth rage least long telescop could see it show sign jupiter great red spot largest swirl storm system solar system like astronom phenomena great red spot neither predict immedi understood discovery still today detail great red spot chang shape size color remain mysterious better understand weather jupit may help contribut better understand weather earth imag recent complet digit enhanc imag jupit taken 1979 voyag 1 spacecraft zoom solar system largest planet 117 au earth voyag 1 current distant human made object univers expect leav entir solar time now,jupiter great red spot voyag 1,2011-05-02,580,91,0.1966666666666666,05-02,5,2011,2,8,1,1 bbc0404649c8cb8db6692974f221bd82a577df3d01b51606fdf93e832e3eccff,none,stars like bees swarm around center bright globular cluster m15 ball 100000 star relic earli year galaxy continu orbit milki way center m15 one 150 globular cluster remaining note easili visibl binoculars center one densest concentr star known contain high abund variabl star pulsars sharp image taken earthorbit hubbl space telescope span 120 light years show dramat increas densiti star toward cluster center m15 lie 35000 light year away toward constel wing hors pegasus recent evid indic massiv black hole might resid center m15,globular cluster m15 hubbl,2011-05-03,532,84,0.0723611111111111,05-03,5,2011,3,6,0,3 9123d85102312c5d67c23774c6842ab02c8268180df6951dcf2891aaa60ae313,none,fifti year ago near dawn space age nasa control lit candle sent mercuri astronaut alan shepard arc space atop redston rocket cramp space capsul dub freedom 7 broadcast live global televis audience histor mercuryredston 3 mr3 spacecraft launch cape canaver florida 934 am eastern time may 5 1961 flight freedom 7 first space flight american follow less month first human ventur space soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin 15 minut suborbit flight achiev altitud 116 mile maximum speed 5134 mile per hour shepard look back toward planet earth near peak freedom 7 trajectory could see outlin west coast florida lake okeechob central florida gulf mexico bahamas,50 year ago 7,2011-05-05,651,104,0.0608815426997245,05-05,5,2011,5,8,2,2 1cc43a639ac5c33ba86d3545af5187bebf7330d57b9fb5e29d6a65ffc243397b,none,humanity distant launch 1977 voyag 1 hold distinct billion kilomet sun correspond 16 lighthour 117 astronom unit au graphic show posit voyag 1 rel outer solar system top side views along distant spacecraft next distant pioneer 10 billion kilomet sun though opposit side solar system voyag 1 voyag 2 pioneer 11 also well beyond orbit pluto billion billion kilomet sun respectively still outbound pluto new horizon spacecraft present 3 billion kilomet sun encount pluto system juli 2015 spacecraft use style graviti assist maneuv increas speed outer solar system voyag 1 move escap solar system 17 kilomet per second still operational voyag head toward outer boundari solar system search heliopaus begin interstellar space,along,2011-05-06,720,112,0.0578512396694214,05-06,5,2011,6,1,2,2 a26f4aec873f3e5cb7cdd0eda8170afda46cf83c67d460864255a060e47c29c8,lui argerich,month four five nakedey planet gather along eastern horizon near dawn celesti group seen sunris may 5 beach near bueno aires argentina start near top frame brightest beacon venus mercuri right venu brilliant jupit lower still near imag center jupiter mar rel faint shine thin cloud bank warm twilight glow watch month progress tantal configur change mar jupit move higher venu mercuri wander sky closer rise sun,dawn planet,2011-05-07,411,67,0.1613095238095238,05-07,5,2011,7,5,1,1 07c54483de180871f7deada797e05a548d576a77676528c24600264b1a3b683a,none,saw shadow mar human might opportun rover current explor mars opportun sister robot spirit probe red planet sinc earli 2004 find evid ancient water send breathtak imag across inner solar system pictur above opportun look opposit sun endur crater see shadow two wheel visibl lower left right floor wall unusu crater visibl background although spirit rover opportun continu long trek expans endeavor crater,shadow martian robot,2011-05-08,404,63,0.0294642857142857,05-08,5,2011,8,5,0,2 bd05f5f8103f602ae03fa4864be31cb34a781b384586fc88f7dda9b875b6f3a8,none,what bright orang dot larg telescop right even season sky enthusiast might ponder origin orang orb seen scroll across panoram image taken last december perhap identifi known object help start far left diagon band light known zodiac light sunlight reflect dust orbit inner solar system bright white spot left horizon venus also glow reflect sunlight rise diagon ground right venu band milki way galaxy image band usual stretch dramat overhead appear arch elev chilean landscape milki way arch toward left lie larg small magellan cloud galaxies toward right lie constel orion surround red ring barnard loop ground four larg telescop busi keep eye distant universe orang spot moon imag taken total lunar eclips normal bright full moon turn faint orb tint orang interven earth atmosphere,mysteri larg telescop,2011-05-09,784,125,0.1416149068322981,05-09,5,2011,9,6,2,1 fb23480e993a0d8ffe71fc32f0a49431345fa416ef5da8941efcab4d582c4543,none,graviti magnet counterpart spin electr charg get magnet field spin mass and accord einstein get slight effect act someth like magnetism effect expect small beyond practic experi ground laboratori measurement bold attempt directli measur gravitomagnetism nasa launch 2004 smoothest sphere ever manufactur space see spin four spheres roughli size pingpong ball key ultraprecis gyroscop core graviti probe b last week account persist background result announc gyroscop rate consist gravit predict einstein gener theori relativity results bolster exist may untold long term benefit well shorter term benefit better clock global posit trackers,graviti probe b,2011-05-10,639,91,0.0458333333333333,05-10,5,2011,10,8,2,4 b2592fe74c622b94c9a31b8d6fd5516cb78e0b3ad19c9fac8ddff143b768e691,none,sunlit crescent saturn moon enceladu loom night side saturn dramat imag cassini spacecraft captur august 13 2010 look sunward direct flybi ici moon view also trace layer upper atmospher saturn scatter sunlight along planet bright limb closer spacecraft saturn enceladu mere 60000 kilomet cassini camera south polar region 500 kilometerdiamet moon illuminated includ plume water vapor ici particl spray long fissur moon surface fissur dub tiger stripes first discov cassini imag 2005 plume strong evid liquid water exist near surfac surprisingli activ enceladus,enceladu,2011-05-12,560,83,0.1055555555555555,05-12,5,2011,12,0,0,2 b7283cfe5c785e31cc9b60ba8a4c504d10f852d1dc3e2221e2f91df25f188d28,r jay gabani,beauti trifid nebula cosmic studi color contrasts also known m20 lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid illustr three differ type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light emit hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette bright red emiss region roughli separ three part obscuring dark dust lanes lend trifid popular name well met scene red emiss also juxtapos telltal blue haze reflect nebulae pillar jet sculpt newborn stars left emiss nebula center appear hubbl space telescop closeup imag region trifid nebula 40 lightyear across,beauti trifid,2011-05-13,664,102,0.1288461538461538,05-13,5,2011,13,4,2,5 ab95915caf693ae91408a2905da31ceda5fa89038572630fc1edf71a476c9b95,rogeliobern andreo,2nd magnitude polari far brightest star night sky brightest star left wellcomposed starri mosaic span 23 degre across northern sky aster dub littl dipper polari famou north pole star friend navig astrophotograph alike locat exactli north celesti pole either present offset ncp 07 degrees slide cursor pictur locat polari ncp well star littl dipper star shown proper name preced greek design within ancient constel ursa minor littl bear dust cloud suspend plane milki way galaxi also faintli visibl throughout wide field view,littl dipper,2011-05-14,524,82,-0.00625,05-14,5,2011,14,6,0,4 2917d63211898806dc37743c79f3cc21821ee31113a47ca2c188a1430b7eefa6,none,what go center spiral galaxy name sombrero galaxi hatlik resemblance m104 featur promin dust lane bright halo star globular clusters reason sombrero hatlik appear includ unusu larg extend central bulg stars dark promin dust lane appear disk see nearli edgeon billion old star caus diffus glow extend central bulge close inspect bulg photograph show mani point light actual globular clusters m104 spectacular dust ring harbor mani younger brighter stars show intric detail astronom yet fulli understand center sombrero glow across electromagnet spectrum thought hous larg black hole fifti millionyearold light sombrero galaxi seen small telescop toward constel virgo,sombrero galaxi hubbl,2011-05-15,665,98,0.1023809523809523,05-15,5,2011,15,7,2,3 14072a0ae4b1c191e7398fcd70bd31b14c15243dc4aa4e66ba8b0f660a955ffa,none,nights sky best show town night sky best show town composit imag sky intern competit landscap astrophotography win imag taken two month ago jkulsrln largest glacial lake iceland photograph combin six exposur captur two green auror rings reflect seren lake visibl distant background sky band milki way galaxy pleiad open cluster stars andromeda galaxy power coron mass eject sun caus aurora seen far south wisconsin usa sun progress toward solar maximum next years mani spectacular imag aurora expected,starri night iceland,2011-05-17,501,78,0.3099999999999999,05-17,5,2011,17,6,1,1 9a33a5c765748714c26bdc0ff04480c65145b7aa92e0bb9ee1ed97accf841370,none,two day ago power yet control explos rocket space shuttl endeavour final trip earth orbit imag taken second liftoff massiv orbit six astronaut began climb height atmospher thin shuttle mission sts134 expect dock intern space station iss today endeavour deliv iss among things ambiti detector call alpha magnet spectromet 2 detector next year could detect signific abund specif type dark matter charg even strang possibl variat familiar matter call last trip space shuttl current plan midjuli atlanti also visit space station,last launch space shuttl endeavour,2011-05-18,524,81,-0.021875,05-18,5,2011,18,8,0,2 38761026192974db27c4832d91d427f9907968a8b81134f4b51194b5efc954c3,none,dusti island univers one brightest spiral galaxi planet earth sky seen nearli edgeon ngc 253 13 million lightyear away largest member sculptor group galaxies neighbor local galaxi group detail closeup view five frame mosaic base data assembl hubbl legaci archive begin left near galaxy core sharp panorama follow dusti filaments interstellar ga clouds even individu star toward galaxy edg right magnific vista span nearli 50000 lightyears frame far right compress slightli bring view intrigu pair background galaxies design starburst galaxi frantic star form activity ngc 253 featur tendril dust rise galact disk lace young star cluster star form regions ngc 253 also known strong sourc highenergi xray gamma rays like due massiv black hole near galaxy center,ngc 253 close,2011-05-19,759,117,0.0062925170068027,05-19,5,2011,19,7,2,3 f458284807b1cf3ffd9b1623adb2602ddf0f2a9939e315120e7111c945a644d3,sky survey,majest nebula star milki way galaxi stretch across panoram imag entir night sky full resolution 5 gigapixel mosaic stitch togeth 37000 images result season year long effort 60000 travel mile search still dark sky american west western cape south africa wellplan project combin mani exposur dark sites intend produc inspir view night rival bright day interact journey scene uncov congeri innumer star vast cloud ga dust strewn along galact plane central bulge faint see unaid eye even galaxi star beyond milki way found within cosmic vista,journey night sky,2011-05-20,538,86,0.02,05-20,5,2011,20,6,0,1 d737e2f9817266c3cd4208ae310ce0aa05935d9f7d110117bde47f82c444d9ab,daniel herron,dawn broke kennedi space center monday may 16 space shuttl orbit endeavour still stood pad 39a final launch mission intern space station hour away shine earli morn twilight four planet also pois eastern horizon move scene captur across banana river center saturn v vip view site scatter planet earth dens atmosphere beam play launch pad glanc skyward toward celesti beacons jupit highest near top frame even solar rule ga giant brilliant venu near pictur center innermost planet mercuri venus right left mar almost fade twilight glow four planet continu eastern horizon dawn throughout month endeavour schedul make final approach planet earth june 1,planets endeavour dawn,2011-05-21,649,103,0.1321428571428571,05-21,5,2011,21,8,2,2 da6be32e9749516a1db26204bb28a560704112c47dfc3777ee7c03f1ff6a71ff,none,what happen jupiter moon io two sulfur erupt visibl jupiter volcan moon io color composit imag robot galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 imag top io limb bluish plume rise 140 kilomet surfac volcan caldera known pillan patera imag middle near nightday shadow line ring shape prometheu plume seen rise 75 kilomet io cast shadow volcan vent name greek god gave mortal fire prometheu plume visibl everi imag ever made region date back voyag flybi 1979 present possibl plume continu activ least 18 years digit sharpen imag io origin record 1997 distanc 600000 kilometers recent analys galileo data uncov evid magma ocean beneath io surface,io prometheu plume,2011-05-22,641,105,0.0375,05-22,5,2011,22,8,2,4 d4c1fd33d7b098753793172b6e463ccd6b0035f8d1c4e083052026285265a141,none,crab nebula flare one sure unusu behavior discov past years seem occur high energi light gamma rays recent one month ago gammaray observ crab nebula fermi gamma ray space telescop show unexpect increas gammaray brightness becom five time nebula usual gammaray brightness fade days usual faster smaller region involved might indic power pulsar center crab compact neutron star rotat 30 time second somehow involved specifically specul center chang magnet field sure surround power pulsar rapid chang field might lead wave rapidli acceler electron emit flares possibl way similar sun imag show crab nebula normal appear gamma rays compar geminga pulsar appear recent,unexpect flare crab nebula,2011-05-23,665,102,0.0506666666666666,05-23,5,2011,23,4,2,5 43c7195719ab43c63f82e0f35e4aa96870937c05df8bee08ad31091206142254,brad goldpaint goldpaint photography,mani arch count image count span doubl arch arch nation park utah usa two sinc imag taken clear dark night caught photogen third arch far distanc milki way galaxy situat midst spiral milki way galaxy band central disk appear around us sandston arch doubl arch form eros fall water larger arch rise 30 meter surround salt bed span close 50 meter across dark silhouett across imag bottom sandston monolith left evapor 300 million year old salti sea dim flow creat light pollut moab utah also seen distance,three arch utah,2011-05-24,504,87,0.0454545454545454,05-24,5,2011,24,6,0,4 c6412bb03ffe50f374ca070ac7dc44134953fb97afa8e029e26b9f6c75ebdc0b,none,what rise clouds space shuttle look window airplan right place time last week could seen someth unusu space shuttl endeavour launch orbit imag rise shuttl plume becam wide web shortli endeavour final launch imag taken shuttl train aircraft taken well clouds imag match similar imag shuttl plume taken clouds hot glow gass expel engin visibl near rise shuttle well long smoke plume shadow plume appear cloud deck indic direct sun shuttl endeavour remain dock intern space station current schedul return earth next week,space shuttl rise,2011-05-25,518,83,0.0532467532467532,05-25,5,2011,25,8,0,1 37e328937cc9748a1969460018bd63bb4901b6236372a30c9f87cd269509829f,none,creat supernovae first find supernovae parker reli canada franc hawaii telescop cfht legaci survey data four deep field sky monitor april 2003 august 2006 adopt type ia supernovae enchant cosmologists type ia supernova thermonuclear explos destroy white dwarf stars then gave supernova note play volum note determin distanc supernova fainter distant supernova play pitch base stretch factor measur fast supernova brighten fade time rel standard time history higher stretch factor play higher note drawn illustr domin scale course supernova note play instrument supernova massiv galaxi assign supernova less massiv galaxi play note grand click imag follow link watch time compress anim cfht legaci survey data listen supernova,supernova,2011-05-26,725,107,0.0152777777777777,05-26,5,2011,26,6,2,4 ca302e90474a46bcda0078b79a594408ad94b49ac8619e0e8752fde351146b19,babak tafreshi,action scene red night vision lights green laser telescop faint silhouett surround intrepid sky gazer embark 10th annual iran messier marathon complet marathon requir view 110 object 18th centuri french astronom charl messier catalog one gloriou dusktodawn observ run daunt sounds often favor weekend date northern hemispher complet task fall nearli moonless night near spring equinox milki way backdrop group 150 astronomi enthusiast conduct 2011 marathon night april desert area eastern iran place cursor imag map stun night sky remot dark observ site follow green laser pointer toward messier catalog object for example near galact center astronom former messier marathon organ babak tafreshi also compos sky gazers timelaps movi year event,messier marathon,2011-05-27,743,111,-0.0772727272727272,05-27,5,2011,27,6,2,4 720809b5cad59b76cd80239957c7245afb8a870a6a7efa3e89b3884be90f94f7,denni l mammanatwan,drive dark road starri night might want check earlier month travel astronom denni mammana greet signific mileag read miles that number mile light travel one second or prefer kilometers number look mammana muse drive countless observatories star night sky photo shoot taken 1998 vintag sport util vehicl 13 year cover distance course consid next import mileag mileston distanc moon,light,2011-05-28,380,59,0.0416666666666666,05-28,5,2011,28,6,0,1 533bf0285cd687f3944d78c0b024159f069bd44712d68e8a9e93a94e43016676,none,last thing spirit rover mar ever saw oper year beyond origin spirit eventu got mire martian dirt ran power investig unusu home plate surfac featur mars visibl panorama numer rock slope surround columbia hill mars strang hill light color top visibl near top center image dub von braun futur destin spirit got bog down lead hypothesi hold von braun relat martian volcanism last week nasa stop tri contact spirit numer attempts half world away spirit sister rover opportun continu roll toward endeavour crater could becom largest crater yet visit robot,last panorama spirit rover mar,2011-05-30,549,90,0.119753086419753,05-30,5,2011,30,5,1,2 49b886248fa8b9d8d3ad193ca8949c38ca10223596d7a12b4f3fae954d9ab8ce,none,jet stream plasma expel central black hole massiv spiral galaxi light composit imag centauru a jet eman cen million light year long exactli central black hole expel infal matter still unknown clear galaxy however jet inflat larg radio bubbl like glow million years excit pass front radio bubbl even light billion years xray light depict composit imag blue microwav light falsecolor orange inset imag radio light show newli imaged never detail innermost light year central jet,jet unusu galaxi centauru,2011-05-31,475,76,0.1510416666666666,05-31,5,2011,31,7,1,3 efe8fdbe6685066d03e6ffe28ef5fdb7a5f826a94f0874fce603314082e009cc,none,lumin night view space shuttl orbit endeavour dock intern space station final time captur may 28 orbit 350 kilomet planet earth endeavour payload bay lit hurtl earth shadow 17000 mile per hour top frame appendag station robot manipul arm dextr appear silhouette motion long exposur produc streak starri background citi light darken planet below complet 16 day mission endeavour made final land kennedi space center dark earli morn hour june 1,starri night,2011-06-02,442,71,0.0857142857142857,06-02,6,2011,2,8,0,2 c8b72530e63c771df7acad31e89f488d9f07c0729fcd23662b594191cc0be126,catalin beldea,june 1 shadow new moon cast across land midnight sun year second partial solar eclipse pictur geocentr celesti event arctic circl taken near midnight northern kaunispää hill cours region abl watch moon sun hug northern horizon cloud bank also visibl part alaska canada eclips began sunris northern china ut end 35 hour later north atlant ocean remarkably one lunat later juli 1 new moon shadow reach touch earth partial solar eclipse limit visibl rel small area antarct ocean july eclips follow fourth final partial solar eclips 2011 novemb 25 eclips seen southern land midnight sun,solar eclips,2011-06-03,582,95,0.0409090909090909,06-03,6,2011,3,1,2,1 fbd586c587e4e9d10f94d1fe19ffb0213aafa974137abf75089bf0a3669c54b5,lui argerich,month love lineup four nakedey planet dawn sky come close still may 31st slender moon join group along eastern horizon final celesti performance present earli morn scene beach near bueno aires argentina favor view configur southern hemispher autumn photo taken 30 minut sunrise order bottom top wander mercury venus mars jupit stretch along eclipt plane moon sunlit crescent sink color twilight glow left mercury dawn come mar jupit continu rise venu mercuri sink toward horizon draw closer rise sun,dawn grand final,2011-06-04,499,79,0.1571428571428571,06-04,6,2011,4,2,1,1 71c1997761480a3d80f9d73ed533a5d36d25fb6bb7aaf30896bcb0c06e34a69e,stephan dauvergn,one brightest supernova recent year record nearbi whirlpool galaxi m51 surprisingly seemingli similar supernova record m51 2005 follow yet anoth one occur 1994 three supernova 17 year lot singl galaxy reason supernova surg m51 debated pictur two imag m51 taken small telescope one taken may 30 show supernova one taken june 2 does june 2 imag one first imag report contain supernova imag blink show locat explod star although supernova follow classic bright patterns precis brighten dim pattern supernova hard predict advanc tell astronom much happening currently m51 supernova design sn still bright enough follow small telescope therefore sky enthusiast encourag imag whirlpool galaxi often possibl fill time gap left intermitt observ made world power telescopes view develop supernova here,anoth nearbi supernova whirlpool galaxi,2011-06-05,792,120,0.1349999999999999,06-05,6,2011,5,6,2,3 cada38f2787f32fd86161229d748673da75508b109b7792c15edd21373f8feea,robert arn,travel sever kilomet main highway wyoming may see unusu sight particular near wyoming usa could run across geometr ame monument visibl right built commemor histor railroad across north america spectacular wide field mosaic however also captur geometr designs mani far distance far left example lunar halo surround lunar corona surround set moon right however arch central band milki way galaxi surround pyramid structure illumin horizon right monument citi light menageri imag use creat 360degre composit taken singl night last month still digit stitch imag taken long period time led land sky identifi,wyom,2011-06-06,602,92,0.156031746031746,06-06,6,2011,6,2,2,1 ad4315ab5467b774e0da0c3c64eec0e3a2a1f4cef3db0ed80148baaa4d6eaf90,none,space shuttl endeavour home stay rare night land last week endeavour glide onto runway cape canaveral florida usa complet 16day mission includ visit intern space station iss space shuttl endeavour flew 25 flight sinc deploy nasa 1992 spend total 299 day space endeavour next mission stationari one california scienc center even endeavour landing space shuttl atlanti roll prepar last mission space shuttle mission current schedul begin juli 8,last land space shuttl endeavour,2011-06-07,442,68,0.0285714285714285,06-07,6,2011,7,8,0,2 1983540c0207857d90d7d0a54b6e1d8a115b6970fe0037733abc136305805ce3,none,pictur taken usually pictur shuttle taken space snap space station commonly pictur space station snap shuttle how then pictur shuttl station together taken space answer space shuttl endeavour last trip intern space station two week ago suppli ship depart station astronaut captur seri rare views suppli ship russian soyuz tma20 land kazakhstan later day spectacular imag well captur rel size station dock shuttle far below cloud earth seen blue sea next last launch us space shuttl schedul earli july,space shuttl space station photograph togeth,2011-06-08,500,79,0.0409090909090909,06-08,6,2011,8,8,0,2 a60fa5d456fcd026c97c50e297c56b854c6c0b99cdaee78acc1560e23169e4e3,robert gendler,jewel southern sky great carina nebula also known ngc 3372 span 300 lightyears one galaxy largest star form regions like smaller northerli great orion nebula carina nebula easili visibl unaid eye though distanc 7500 lightyear 5 time farther away gorgeou telescop portrait reveal remark detail region glow filament interstellar ga obscur cosmic dust clouds wider full moon angular size field view stretch nearli 100 lightyear across nebula carina nebula home young extrem massiv stars includ still enigmat variabl eta carinae star well 100 time mass sun eta carina brightest star left near dusti keyhol nebula ngc 3324 eta carina mayb verg supernova explosion xray imag indic great carina nebula verit supernova factory,great carina nebula,2011-06-09,718,112,0.3277777777777778,06-09,6,2011,9,4,2,5 28d1545f7f06501860a1774682c43d5f8b06d71c853830976c5400465a1a8e3d,none,june 7 sun unleash medium size solar flare rotat carri activ region toward solar limb flare follow astound magnet plasma seen erupt sun edg extrem ultraviolet imag solar dynam observatory spectacular movi event follow darker cooler plasma period hour rain across broad area sun surface arc along otherwis invis magnet field lines associ coron mass ejection massiv cloud high energi particles blast gener direct earth may alreadi trigger auror activ glanc blow earth magnetosphere,sun,2011-06-10,479,74,0.230625,06-10,6,2011,10,1,1,1 b01861e52b9e15a06b3664714e1aedc562d06f5bb8bf9de4cae32563ea242511,r jay gabani,spiral galaxi keep supernovae near massiv star form regions course region tend lie along sweep blue spiral arms massiv star shortlived chanc wander far birth place remarkably last 6 year two type ii supernovae repres death explos massiv stars detect nearbi spiral m51 along third supernova seen 1994 amount supernova bonanza singl galaxy demonstr comparison images supernova discov 2005 recent except bright supernova first record last month lie along m51 grand spiral arms perhap origin spiral nebula m51 also known whirlpool galaxy,supernova whirlpool,2011-06-11,533,82,0.165,06-11,6,2011,11,7,1,3 1011967d45035da71bc7d8dff18b786947082ab0e19dd37bd89ac84783dbb974,none,sleep beauti galaxi may appear peac first sight actual toss turning unexpect twist recent observ shown ga outer region photogen spiral rotat opposit direct stars collis ga inner outer region creat mani hot blue star pink emiss nebula imag taken hubbl space telescop 2001 releas 2004 fascin intern motion m64 also catalog ngc 4826 thought result collis small galaxi larg galaxi result mix yet settl down,m64 sleep beauti galaxi,2011-06-12,402,66,0.0094444444444444,06-12,6,2011,12,7,0,3 e59dca1a489adddac72a31fecd8d0d98af30c7f33fd7da6de094e387811a73aa,none,univers nearbi look like plot show nearli 50000 galaxi nearbi univers detect two micron sky survey 2mass infrar light result imag tapestri galaxi provid limit univers form evolved dark band across imag center block dust plane milki way galaxy away galact plane however dot repres galaxy color code indic distance bluer dot repres nearer galaxi 2mass survey redder dot indic distant survey galaxi lie redshift near 01 name structur annot around edges mani galaxi gravit bound togeth form clusters loos bound superclusters turn sometim seen align even larger scale structures,univers nearbi,2011-06-14,573,90,0.0249999999999999,06-14,6,2011,14,7,0,3 2024d59e1eb0702dd2a409c3d8af836a5878c84dc93b53233aa35c06462e818a,none,robot messeng spacecraft recent complet 100 orbit mercury messenger camera record detail pictur util eight differ color across visibl near infrar light explor surfac composit look clue histori evolut solar system innermost planet sharp imag combin three messeng wide angl camera colors exagger fashion otherwise unaid human eye mercury surfac color would appear compar imag 1000 kilomet across featur small singl kilomet discern origin resolution today messeng project releas new imag scienc find first spacecraft orbit mercury,mercury surfac exagger color,2011-06-16,527,77,0.0457070707070707,06-16,6,2011,16,8,0,4 5c606b0d38b3e91e1dd6a0131a5eb55d15e3e5e0f44dab213d16357443ac87e8,babak tafreshi,june 15 total eclips moon dark moon posit sky toward center milki way galaxy simpl panorama captur total northern iran 8 consecut exposur 40 second long evoc scene dark eclips moon compet milki way faint glow tantal red lunar disk lie bowl dark pipe nebula right glow lagoon trifid nebula central milki way dust clouds far right wide field anchor yellow antar color cloud rho ophiuchi identifi sight central milki way slide cursor image total phase first lunar eclips 2011 last impress 100 minutes part eclips visibl planet earth notabl except north central america,eclips moon milki way,2011-06-17,565,94,-0.0132653061224489,06-17,6,2011,17,6,0,1 b770707fa06c7c74e219014d91f2d04a5b09338089af8cea0d6a649c0ea91f47,chriskotsiopoulo,thunderstorm almost spoil view spectacular june 15 total lunar eclipse instead storm cloud part 10 minut total eclips phase lightn bolt contribut dramat sky captur 30 second exposur scene also inspir what 16 year histori astronomi pictur day editor consid may best titl yet pictur credit chri course lightn refer clearli make sense shadow play dark lunar eclips wide view across planet earth europe africa asia australia pictur itself however shot greek island ikaria pezi area known the planet goats rough terrain strang look rocks,lightn eclips planet goat,2011-06-18,532,85,0.1388888888888889,06-18,6,2011,18,2,1,1 a8612f7f6dafa4d545c77ba5b6fcfa1c5d49fbd29431962d591fd8b790207e8c,none,fifti kilomet asteroid eros surfac insid one largest crater appear cover unusu regolith thick composit surfac dust regolith remain topic much research much regolith 433 ero probabl creat numer small impact long history representativecolor view taken robot spacecraft nearshoemak orbit ero 2000 2001 brown area indic regolith chemic alter exposur solar wind micrometeorit impacts white area thought undergon rel less exposure boulder visibl insid crater appear brown indic either old enough surfac solar wind somehow becom cover dark surfac dust july nasa dawn spacecraft orbit giant main belt asteroid vesta,regolith asteroid ero,2011-06-19,607,90,-0.0208333333333333,06-19,6,2011,19,5,0,4 cdc8b33fceec7566023b2b17f0bd831ea1cab327f43be721dcfe1c1de56b1a1b,ben cooper,final move kind nasa space shuttl atlanti photograph earlier month slowli advanc toward launch pad 39a current schedul juli launch intern space station mission design 135th last mission nasa space shuttle atlanti crew among things multipurpos logist modul raffaello bring key compon suppli iss pictur above larg shuttl crawler transport roll power orbit along fivekilomet long road less two kilomet per hour 15000 visibl right hand histor roll out,last roll nasa space shuttl,2011-06-20,447,69,0.0669047619047619,06-20,6,2011,20,8,0,2 1eb3e777298ef04f9816e54619691ba250bea33993628ca17b558e07c3bd7ed8,javier,celesti prelud today solstice june 15 total lunar eclips one longest recent years also one complet dark even totality red lunar disk could seen starri night sky reflect redden light fall surface seen lunar perspective ruddi illumin sunset sunris around edg silhouet earth sharp portrait eclips moon spain moon edg reflect bluish ting well emerg earth umbral shadow bluer light still filter earth atmosphere origin ray sunlight pass layer high upper stratosphere light color ozon absorb red light transmit bluer hues,eclips moonlight,2011-06-21,515,81,0.1237499999999999,06-21,6,2011,21,2,1,1 4838296354d65c822dbb30b7915a30163bff2fdb257c14b2067c398316d5d48e,none,imag inner planet mercuri orbit messeng spacecraft wide angl camera return impress color view dega crater full resolut 90 meter per pixel name 52 kilomet diamet crater also shown inset context imag marin 10 flybi mission mid 1970s messenger view crater floor seen fill intric seri cracks form molten surfac result impact cool bright patchi deposits suggest differ freshli expos material standout around crater central peak walls detail similar bright deposit seen even higher resolut imag,messenger dega view,2011-06-22,488,76,0.225,06-22,6,2011,22,5,1,2 09b41b0c947de44c7319351bb96ebcdc1755ba729d810e10b1052407d3a27ad6,rogeliobern andreo,best known aster northern skies big dipper easi recognize though might see either way star name familiar outlin appear thought compos 24 frame mosaic slide cursor image dubhe alpha star dipper parent constel ursa major upper right togeth beta star merak below two form line point way polari north celesti pole top edg field notabl skygaz lore mizar second star left dipper handle form visual doubl star appar close also identifi famou star field messier catalog objects download higher resolut imag hunt exquisit view messier distant spiral galaxi local owl that help identifi mysteri flash seen mauna kea,big dipper,2011-06-24,605,98,0.182554945054945,06-24,6,2011,24,6,2,4 40f7e4f2fa8a06999058c0a7715835e7a3204a128a91bf218d3f1f41a6f0bb18,elia,total phase june 15 lunar eclips last impress 100 minutes entir durat cover composit regular sequenc digit camera exposures track dark lunar disk arc athens greece fact around 270 greek astronom aristarchu also track durat lunar eclipses though without benefit digit clock cameras still use geometry devis simpl impress accur way calcul moon distance term radiu planet earth eclips duration modern greek astronomer elia titl eclips durat studi accompani youtub timelaps video that help identifi mysteri flash seen mauna kea,eclips,2011-06-25,523,80,0.0071428571428571,06-25,6,2011,25,2,0,1 bcf8ff2b0b2119417d0f3ce28c14ef58975624180a04be42e44049f2a22716cd,none,dim star bright one near center ngc 3132 creat odd beauti planetari nebula nicknam eightburst nebula southern ring nebula glow ga origin outer layer star like sun repres color picture hot blue pool light seen surround binari system energ hot surfac faint star although photograph explor unusu symmetries asymmetri help make planetari nebula intriguing neither unusu shape surround cooler shell structur placement cool filamentari dust lane run across ngc 3132 well understood,ngc 3132 eight burst nebula,2011-06-26,475,72,0.1294871794871795,06-26,6,2011,26,4,1,5 1d1cd9bb3bd007713b25dd0376b15e9e8081b8588bba5e428885fdfdcb52155c,leonardo julio astronomia pampeana,cosmic dust cloud sprawl across rich field star sweep telescop vista near northern boundari corona australis southern crown probabl less 500 lightyear away effect block light distant background star milki way densest part dust cloud 8 lightyear long tip upper right group love reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 surround young variabl star r corona australis magnific globular star cluster ngc 6723 toward upper right corner view ngc 6723 appear part group actual lie nearli 30000 lightyear away far beyond corona australi dust clouds,star dust across corona australi,2011-06-27,649,102,0.1305137844611529,06-27,6,2011,27,4,2,5 2f07c42412863f738ffb76b0f04a9463b75ab01449b11ca7da6c3f1af589bcb7,none,expans nebula dust seen surround red supergi star remark high resolut composite infrar vlt imag european southern observatory betelgeus outlin small central red circle found solar system diamet would almost encompass orbit jupiter larger envelop circumstellar dust extend 60 billion kilomet space equival 400 time earthsun distance dust like form swollen atmospher supergi shed materi space final phase evolut massiv star mix interstellar medium dust could ultim form rocki terrestri planet like earth central bright portion outer imag mask reveal fainter extend structures field view arcsecond across,stardust betelgeus,2011-06-28,601,87,0.0554545454545454,06-28,6,2011,28,8,2,5 7958a9ae60249d0f91fdcc30030e751b58a8f8bde3c49b0f211592daa2fd9c2a,none,cluster galaxi far smooth distribution abel 2744 knot galaxies xray emit hot ga color red cluster appear distribut differ dark matter dark matter take 75 percent cluster mass color blue image infer need creat distort background galaxi gravit lensing jumbl appear result slow motion collis least four smaller galaxi cluster past billion years pictur combin optic imag hubbl space telescop larg telescop xray imag chandra xray observatory abel dub pandora cluster span two million light year best seen realli larg telescop toward constel sculptor,abel pandora cluster galaxi,2011-06-29,544,84,0.0769230769230769,06-29,6,2011,29,7,0,3 43c117cdff2f952f0ccda223c7a29643a01a60dc4e94bc13c9d2da9fbee132ff,none,sculpt stellar wind radiation star factori known messier 17 lie 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius distance degre wide field view span almost 100 lightyears courtesi european southern observatory new vlt survey telescop sharp fals color imag includ optic infrar data follow faint detail region ga dust cloud backdrop central milki way stars stellar wind energet light hot massiv star form m17 stock cosmic ga dust slowli carv away remain interstellar materi produc cavern appear undul shapes m17 also known omega nebula swan nebula,star factori messier 17,2011-06-30,547,84,0.0510330578512396,06-30,6,2011,30,4,0,5 35a5ee817744fa28fbda1de3cf384885fe35f7435ec4772e63c7f0e4c85a2597,none,1920s examin photograph plate mt wilson observatory 100 inch telescope edwin hubbl determin distanc andromeda nebula decis demonstr exist galaxi far beyond milki way notat evid histor plate imag inset lower right shown context ground base hubbl space telescop imag region made nearli 90 year later compar differ plates hubbl search novae star underw sudden increas brightness found sever plate indic posit line n later discov one near upper right corner actual type variabl star known cross n wrote thank work harvard astronom henrietta leavitt cepheids regularli vari pulsat stars could use standard candl distanc indicators identifi star allow hubbl show andromeda small cluster star ga within galaxy larg galaxi right substanti distanc milki way hubble discoveri respons establish modern concept univers fill galaxies,var,2011-07-01,820,124,0.0138095238095238,07-01,7,2011,1,6,2,4 993a7386d30b24a2550a4184d5430d79400be58ce8547ae65ea5aee25cb01d5c,tunç tezel,brilliant venu thin crescent moon stood togeth eastern horizon sunris june 30 love celesti pair captur color twilight skyview overlook reservoir near turkey some close conjunct could view daylight occultation venu near end latest perform planet earth morn star old lunar 24 hour new moon phase also farewel dawn fact next two night young moon spot sunset look thin sunlit sliver close western horizon far bright planet mercury,moon venu dawn,2011-07-02,426,68,0.174025974025974,07-02,7,2011,2,2,1,1 23d0ff1e6482c12f369e4f5363f72f908175eb969a359a428318f07c9b144886,none,closest star system sun alpha centauri system three star system dimmest call proxima centauri actual nearest star bright star alpha centauri b form close binari separ 23 time earth sun distanc slightli greater distanc uranu sun picture bright star overwhelm photograph caus illus great size even though star realli small point light alpha centauri system visibl much northern hemisphere alpha centauri a also known rigil kentaurus brightest star constel centauru fourth brightest star night sky siriu brightest even thought twice far away excit coincidence alpha centauri type star sun caus mani specul might contain planet harbor life,alpha centauri closest star system,2011-07-03,638,97,0.315,07-03,7,2011,3,6,1,3 0183efe002571dc24dfe7ce098521670fe830b5618987a31a06528650f4a2d99,juan carlo casado,shadow volcano look like triangle mount teid volcano strictli pyramid shape geometr shadow might suggest triangl shadow phenomena uniqu mt teide though commonli seen top larg mountain volcanoes key reason strang dark shape observ look long corridor sunset or sunrise shadow extend horizon even huge volcano perfect cube result shadow long rectangular box box would appear taper top shadow extend far distance parallel train track do spectacular imag show pico viejo crater foreground locat tenerif canari island spain nearli full moon seen nearbi shortli total lunar eclips last month,triangular shadow larg volcano,2011-07-05,584,89,0.2285714285714286,07-05,7,2011,5,2,1,1 1aa2ecac8e0871d003ae5bd45bde816ae4d75ff21a56ef00a60975502b7e392f,stephen leshin,peculiar spiral galaxi arp 78 found within boundari head strong constel aries 100 million lightyear beyond star nebula milki way galaxy also known ngc 772 island univers 100 thousand lightyear across sport singl promin outer spiral arm detail cosmic portrait brightest companion galaxy compact ngc 770 toward upper right larger spiral ngc 770 fuzzy ellipt appear contrast nice spiki foreground milki way star match yellowish hues track along sweep dust lane line young blue star clusters arp 78 larg spiral arm like due gravit tidal interactions faint stream materi seem connect arp 78 nearbi companion galaxies,arp 78 peculiar galaxi ari,2011-07-07,611,96,0.0882275132275132,07-07,7,2011,7,7,2,3 152f0fd95823d6ee58e36a25c211c1a9b5965657e74c42c184ebd7abeafae739,none,tantal panorama follow remark giant storm encircl northern hemispher ring planet saturn still active storm cloud captur nearinfrar imag record cassini spacecraft februari 26 stitch high resolution falsecolor seen late last year promin bright spot amateur astronom saturn rose predawn skies power storm grown enorm proportions northsouth extent nearli 15000 kilomet stretch complet around ga giant northern hemispher 300000 kilometers taken one saturn day 11 apart panorama show head storm left cover 150 degre longitude also sourc radio nois lightning intens storm may relat season chang saturn experi northern hemispher spring nasa space shuttl launch coverag,saturn storm,2011-07-08,660,96,0.0776666666666666,07-08,7,2011,8,0,2,1 2a0577876d5b1352b743bab551750a5a8c29a6e61e4cfeaa48fa193a20b1a844,none,space shuttl orbit atlanti left planet earth friday juli 8 embark sts135 mission intern space station launch final one nasa 30 year space shuttl program began launch first reusabl spacecraft april 12 1981 reflect imag juli 7 atlanti stand familiar spot kennedi space center pad 39a earli even roll back rotat servic structure histor orbit voyag atlanti includ hubbl space telescop servic mission deploy magellan galileo compton gammaray observatory seven trip russian space station mir schedul dock intern space station sunday atlanti made 33rd final trip orbit,atlanti reflect,2011-07-09,561,87,0.065625,07-09,7,2011,9,8,0,2 f1d2e878d3fb348b3fb171f903b8dab45694b52f62e619ee57e2ec48f9aa63a7,bob frank,one largest object anyon ever see sky fuzzi blob galaxy togeth make perseu cluster one closest cluster galaxies cluster seen foreground faint star milki way galaxy near cluster center roughli 250 million lightyear away cluster domin galaxi ngc 1275 seen larg galaxi imag left prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter ga galaxi fall it perseu cluster galaxies also catalog abel 426 part piscesperseu superclust span 15 degre contain 1000 galaxies distanc ngc 1275 view cover 15 million lightyears,perseu cluster galaxi,2011-07-12,511,81,-0.125,07-12,7,2011,12,7,0,3 7486e0ca4da789f8d519f737a5d7829c2de3507e6dfa92f5991e0ac91057e010,none,last time us space shuttl approach intern space station iss follow dramat launch cape canaver last week wit estim one million people space shuttl atlanti sts135 lift small crew welcom rendezv three day ago orbit station although nasa age shuttl fleet nasa astronaut near futur abl visit iss russian space flights pictur above atlanti rise toward iss cargo bay door open show gleam metal raffaello multipurpos logist module 200 kilomet lie cool blue water planet earth last glide back earth space shuttl current schedul next thursday juli 21 quiz identifi land mass visibl shuttle,last approach,2011-07-13,579,94,0.0153846153846153,07-13,7,2011,13,8,2,2 12abd392ef7affe64044aecd9179769bdaf7ac873bb75919dfa1c039749e8bf7,none,neptun rotat axi 16 hours so space 4 hour apart 4 imag solar system distant ga giant cover one neptun day record hubbl space telescop late june combin exposur made visibl nearinfrar filter show highaltitud cloud compos methan ice crystal planet normal blue cloud tops neptune axi rotat tilt orbit plane 29 degrees compar earth 235 degrees neptun experi season analog earths earli summer come neptune southern hemispher winter north hubbl observ shown cloud activ shift northern hemisphere fact progress neptune season come around sinc posit predict french mathematician le british mathematician john couch adams planet subsequ discov german astronom gall septemb 23 orbit period approxim 165 years week juli 12 neptun around sun sinc discoveri date,neptune around,2011-07-14,748,117,-0.0277777777777777,07-14,7,2011,14,8,2,4 1529a013eea42d5a259865699f0f6dfbfa4e47bfd5e263918912b133080979ae,none,ngc 3314 actual two larg spiral galaxi happen almost exactli line up foreground spiral view nearli faceon pinwheel shape defin young bright star clusters glow background galaxy dark swirl lane interstellar dust appear domin faceon spiral structure dust lane surprisingli pervasive remark pair overlap galaxi one small number system absorpt light beyond galaxy star use directli explor distribut dust ngc 3314 140 million lightyear galaxy 117 million lightyear galaxy away multihead constel hydra background galaxi would span nearli 70000 lightyear estim distance synthet third channel creat construct dramat new composit overlap galaxi two color imag data hubbl legaci archive,ngc 3314 galaxi overlap,2011-07-15,676,99,0.1170454545454545,07-15,7,2011,15,7,2,3 0fe25177bbc8432f11ed84c4bb1ffd23abb4383fbde5fce4a307bdea60de50c7,babak tafreshi,starri night citi unit arab emir realli fact moon celesti beacon come close compet citi light night skyscape situat familiar urban skygazers futurist look scene domin 800 meter tall tower present tallest free stand structur planet earth also abl make brightest star earth night sky capella left tower aldebaran betelgeuse rigel star orion belt identifi heavili lightpollut skies need help find them slide cursor image,starri night,2011-07-16,417,65,0.1958333333333333,07-16,7,2011,16,6,1,1 20643b12c6b6a1f19e42ad61c1eea99a4e7a57b3272b209b226d85dc261ce19c,peter wienerroith u wien,could first person ever take real singleexposur imag like this imag vienna austria real sens 360 degre star trail sky appear digit trick real star trail observ vienna could never go 360 degre around sun would rise time exposur domin frame star trail length occur earth spin axis sky seem rotat around us motion call diurnal motion produc beauti concentr arc trace star long time exposures toward middl digit stretch pictur north celesti pole ncp easili identifi point sky center star trail arcs star polaris commonli known north star made short bright circl near ncp walter though ask apod pose challeng astrophotographers creat real singleexposur imag clear night sky featur 360 degre star trails course imag would possibl near pole fair planet could nighttim run 24 hours,360 star trail,2011-07-17,773,127,0.1857142857142857,07-17,7,2011,17,6,2,4 fdb9fc51dafcd62b594e78ca417495a13abae2061c812e2a9b3ca6534fb9428d,none,what astronaut doing unload space shuttl last time space shuttl atlanti dock intern space station iss last week astronaut mike fossum underw long spacewalk includ carri mission payload atlantis cargo bay platform use space station famou robot earth box would weight three peopl much difficult pictur far left dextr prepar help move fail space pump back atlantis visibl behind astronaut space station kibo experiment module much await final shuttl return flight current schedul edt thursday juli 21 quiz mani nation flag appear least part image,busi space space station,2011-07-18,544,85,-0.1115384615384615,07-18,7,2011,18,8,0,2 dac6e045db9deb5f0ceb5eb37e18e7586a30307d012a337dabd85dc9cceea47b,none,surfac asteroid vesta look like brightest asteroid solar system object take 10 percent entir mass main asteroid belt never seen close before past weeks however robot dawn spacecraft becam first spacecraft ever approach vesta day ago orbit dawn took image earli imag show vesta old batter world cover craters bulges grooves cliffs studi vesta may give clue form year earli solar system unusu world may one largest remain year studi vesta dawn schedul leav orbit and 2015 approach object larger ceres poll recent submit imag would make good futur,vesta vista,2011-07-19,544,89,0.138095238095238,07-19,7,2011,19,8,1,2 1297b012eedca2ded06571eed302765f3502487d704e11ecd3584dafa79d22c5,none,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark normal dim seen may becom visibl sunset late summer illumin sunlight below noctiluc cloud highest cloud known thought part polar mesospher clouds pictur earlier month network noctiluc cloud cast eeri white glow dusk citi edmonton alberta canada much noctiluc cloud discov past years form evolv remain topic activ research,noctiluc cloud edmonton,2011-07-20,544,83,-0.0352777777777777,07-20,7,2011,20,8,0,1 70f14e617cc36ede7eb1056eaca7f31610f83ac6a7ed7f5d2b538d829edec43d,john sarkissian,park 64 meter radio telescop known contribut human famous suppli televis imag moon denizen planet earth apollo 11 enormous singl dish loom foreground earli even skyscape it starri sky new south wales australia includ familiar southerli constel vela puppis hydra along sight never seen again still glint sunlight streak right left radio telescope focu cabin space shuttl orbit atlanti undock intern space station final time space station follow arc lower right corner frame two minut behind atlanti low earth orbit atlanti made final land earli morn juli 21 edt nasa kennedi space center,atlanti farewel park,2011-07-21,586,93,0.0832917082917082,07-21,7,2011,21,8,2,2 1a001506d4a72acd016094c4bd278786588adafadb755556adeea5c6cc4bf622,none,nix hydra first introduc human eye hubbl space telescop imag may 2005 pluto second third known moons hubbl imag reveal fourth satellit icy dwarf planet provision design complet orbit pluto 31 days present pluto smallest dimmest known moon p4 estim 13 34 kilomet across newli discov satellit first spot hubbl observ june 28 later confirm followup juli 3 juli 18 two panel composit short long exposur includ brighter pluto along pluto largest moon charon camera nois imag artifact also show long exposur segments hubbl observ made search faint ring around distant world support nasa new horizon mission set fli pluto system 2015,pluto,2011-07-22,626,102,-0.0109090909090909,07-22,7,2011,22,8,2,2 cc5c5a56e4033fbf596b1aaa8ff7baeb1f8a144108e3b19cd02117aedbfc63dd,none,magnific island univers ngc 2403 stand within boundari longneck constel camelopardalis 10 million lightyear distant 50000 lightyear across spiral galaxi also seem fair share giant star form hii regions mark telltal reddish glow atom hydrogen gas fact ngc 2403 close resembl anoth galaxi abund star form region lie within local galaxi group m33 triangulum galaxy course supernova explos follow close heel format massive shortliv star 2004 one brightest supernova discov recent time found ngc 2403 easi foreground star milki way galaxy power supernova seen spiky bright star left edg field stun cosmic portrait composit space groundbas imag data hubbl legaci archiv 82 meter subaru telescop summit mauna kea hawaii,ngc 2403 camelopardali,2011-07-23,712,109,0.1625,07-23,7,2011,23,7,2,3 6f7f7a4ba5ec3e42c546819c7bfa8282fac14d81f6d11dfa103d27a812ffca64,none,exampl solarpow flight nasa helio aircraft flew almost one hundr year wright brothers histor flight decemb 17 1903 pictur 3000 meter sky northwest kauai hawaii usa august 2001 remot pilot helio travel 40 kilomet per hour essenti ultralight fli wing 14 electr motors aircraft built aeroviron inc cover solar cells helios impress 247 foot wide wing exceed wing span even overal length boe 747 jet airliner climb daylight hours prototyp aircraft ultim reach altitud short 30000 meters break record nonrocket power flight helio intend technolog demonstrator extrem thin air 30000 meter earth surface flight helio also approach condit wing flight atmospher mars,flight helio,2011-07-24,656,102,-0.1666666666666666,07-24,7,2011,24,8,2,2 f813af678f3db10927995910aec36b4059e1be54bebfe54c57a5a297279cc2fc,none,what milki way histor built rural nevada usa process local wood charcoal kiln soon abandon due town fire remain good condit even today panorama digit conglomer five separ imag taken earli june location visibl unusu kiln color star field highlight central band milki way galaxi appear along diagon toward lower right mani famou site galaxi visible includ pipe nebula dark river antares seen right milki way origin green mist lower left however current unexplained,milki way,2011-07-25,462,74,0.0622023809523809,07-25,7,2011,25,6,0,1 79e9f211a7f35c8eb3de74f446c118e5b741f003d0741f838456915c86c09de9,pa ducceacfhtatla 3d collabor,what happen galaxi ngc 474 multipl layer emiss appear strang complex unexpect given rel featureless appear ellipt galaxi less deep images caus shell current unknown possibl tidal tail relat debri left absorb numer small galaxi past billion years altern shell may like rippl pond ongo collis spiral galaxi ngc 474 caus densiti wave rippl though galact giant regardless actual cause imag dramat highlight increas consensu least ellipt galaxi form recent past outer halo larg galaxi realli smooth complex induc frequent interact accret smaller nearbi galaxies halo milki way galaxi one exampl unexpect complexity ngc 474 span 250000 light year lie 100 million light year distant toward constel fish pisces apod lectur star party friday night ft wilkins michigan,galaxi ngc 474 cosmic blender,2011-07-26,760,118,-0.0358333333333333,07-26,7,2011,26,7,2,4 06f0376f477a7c46d4b0e49eb83753db312f28458d27acb4b7b2430ddff279dc,john chumack images,anoth larg snowbal fall toward sun comet garradd discov two year ago gordon garradd australia current visibl small telescop visual magnitud offici design c2009 p1 garradd comet like continu brighten recent project place peak magnitud six seven februari 2012 nake eye visibility comet garradd alreadi show short tail seen elong fuzzi patch neg imag record earlier month yellow springs ohio usa comet also current fall inner solar system brighten well includ x1 expect peak near magnitud six earli september expect peak brighten past magnitud eight midaugust c2011 l4 panstarrs may becom visibl unaid eye earli month 2013,introduc comet garradd,2011-07-27,619,97,-0.0363636363636363,07-27,7,2011,27,3,2,4 5cf58631bab9e0cb20f153d7ce8974304943e8c6518c6078578fbd92c3efd9c9,glitter light,fantast shape lurk cloud glow hydrogen ga ngc 6188 emiss nebula found near edg larg molecular cloud unseen visibl wavelengths southern constel ara 4000 lightyear away massive young star embed ara ob1 associ form region million year ago sculpt dark shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas join ngc 6188 cosmic canva rare emiss nebula ngc 6164 also creat one region massiv otyp stars similar appear mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 striking symmetr gaseou shroud faint halo surround bright central star upper right field view span two full moons correspond 70 light year estim distanc ngc 6188,ngc 6188 ngc 6164,2011-07-28,731,115,0.1373949579831933,07-28,7,2011,28,4,2,5 fede46fcff3c077ed6016a1a5d2dd394665e96a86d199f5ab2dafa481c03b902,none,sharp view thermal emiss imag system camera nasa mar odyssey orbit center 154 kilomet mile wide gale crater near martian equator within impress layer mountain rise 5 kilomet 3 miles crater floor layer structur near base thought form ancient time fact spot near crater northern side foot mountain chosen target mar scienc laboratori mission schedul launch late year mission land mars next visitor planet earth august 2012 lower carsiz curios rover martian surfac curiosity scienc instrument intend discov gale favor environment condit support microbi life preserv clue whether life ever exist red planet,gale crater,2011-07-29,602,93,-0.1125,07-29,7,2011,29,5,0,2 7c5261cc35c644c741afa37176a5d5530ba9099feefb52c0211e6c1ef8767589,tunç tezel,quest find planet earth darkest night sky led intrigu panorama projection mosaic view horizon visibl allski imag taken northern hemisphere canari island la palma top high atacama desert two hemispher milki way galaxy photographers choic locat offer local dark sky enjoy la palma roqu de lo muchacho observatori paran observatori chile also allow direct milki way north south galact pole place near local zenith constrain faint diffus glow plane milki way mountain horizons result even fainter sshape band light sunlight scatter dust along solar system eclipt plane complet trace northern southern hemispher night skies,tale two hemispher,2011-07-30,618,94,0.0918181818181818,07-30,7,2011,30,6,2,1 8d4b4dd42d2845675de7b81d5c5ca25f248179f26b90c5172b217fd0b890f2f9,none,opportun rover found mars travers vast empti plain 2005 meridiani planum one earth roll robot mar found surpris visit locat metal heat shield discard last year descent surpris rock visibl lower left found made mostli dens metal iron nickel larg coneshap object behind flank piec right part opportunity jettison heat shield smaller shield debri also visible scientist think basketballs metal heat shield rock origin mars rather like ancient metal meteorite hindsight find meteorit vast empti dust plain mar might consid similar earth meteorit found vast empti ice plain antarctica find rais specul gener abund rock mar fallen outer space,metal plain mar,2011-07-31,638,99,-0.0630952380952381,07-31,7,2011,31,5,2,4 82fbfbab791ddd78d1d90da84708a0aeee115bc13c10fef5be6f13a0339e2b23,none,what strang bright last imag ever space shuttl orbit week half ago intern space station space shuttl atlanti fire rocket last time lost orbit speed plummet back earth within next hour however sophist space machin drop land gear use unpreced land like airplan runway although futur human space flight usa enter temporari mani robot spacecraft continu explor solar system peer universe includ cassini chandra chang 2 dawn fermi hubble kepler lro mar express messenger mro new horizons opportunity planck rosetta soho spitzer swift,shuttl streak orbit,2011-08-01,529,83,0.0837121212121212,08-01,8,2011,1,8,0,2 d950c6714b7b674df5d533b6186715d6bca813525a3e7f708cc3fc9d1a20f77e,none,northern half asteroid vesta heavili crater south one yet sure unexpect mysteri come light past week sinc robot dawn mission becam first spacecraft orbit second largest object asteroid belt mar jupiter northern half vesta seen upper left image appear show densest crater solar system southern half unexpectedli smooth also unknown origin groov circl asteroid near equator particularli visibl vesta rotat movie natur dark streak delin vesta craters exampl crater imag center dawn spiral toward vesta come months answer may emerge well higher resolut color images studi 500km diamet vesta yield clue histori earli year solar system,asteroid vesta full frame,2011-08-02,629,96,0.0470588235294117,08-02,8,2011,2,5,2,2 5f2d78a3c63f1777b6d1c257063615ef75c4903bcb5379d6eb7793fffeb531ac,none,popular group famou leo triplet gather three magnific galaxi one field view crowd pleaser imag even modest telescopes galaxi introduc individu ngc 3628 left m66 bottom right m65 top right three larg spiral galaxies tend look dissimilar galact disk tilt differ angl line sight ngc 3628 seen edgeon obscur dust lane cut across plane galaxy disk m66 m65 inclin enough show spiral structure gravit interact galaxi group also left telltal signs includ warp inflat disk ngc 3628 drawn spiral arm m66 gorgeou deep view region taken new vlt survey telescop span one degre two full moons sky field cover 500 thousand lightyear trio estim distanc 30 million lightyears,leo triplet galaxi,2011-08-03,659,108,0.2052538370720188,08-03,8,2011,3,7,2,3 b10eebdcdc8bacd33a7cf51835ac4234bd210a45f781ef0c521f9aef04c76a59,máximo ruiz,cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers surround it obscur cloud dust cold molecular ga also present suggest convolut fantast shapes within iris dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament cosmic dust glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs estim distanc iri nebula remark wide field view 30 lightyear across,dusti iri nebula,2011-08-04,674,101,-0.0681818181818181,08-04,8,2011,4,4,2,5 76b3ac5c10fa54cf4551d651479f44204a6ce1e3e1bdb773ec0dc787cbfcc055,mike,fix digit camera tripod start long seri exposures record star trails concentr arc trace star planet earth rotat axi often produc dreamlik scene otherwis familiar fall though result might surpris you set summer night photograph mike began exposures initi plan captur minut worth star trail michigan usa 3 hour later find camera continu run batteri compos result images grace concentr star trail expected along light late rise moon glint windows still warm night blizzard yellow streak flood scene left,summer,2011-08-05,500,79,0.1225,08-05,8,2011,5,6,1,1 07e5d85e4ba26c25ee7f18636276a9fec009b668805a4d68f8ddd3dfafc9cda3,gregg ruppel,record august 2 telescop composit imag catch comet garradd c2009 p1 field view globular star cluster m15 celesti scene would reward one influenti 18th centuri comet hunter charl messier messier scan french sky comets care catalog posit thing might fuzzi cometlik appear move background star definit comets m15 lower right 15th entri famou notacomet catalog understood cluster 100000 star 35000 lightyear distant comet discov august 2009 astronom g j garradd side spring observatory current sweep across constel pegasus 13 lightminut earth shine faintli around 9th magnitude comet garradd brighten come months predict nake eye visibl near peak februari 2012,comet garradd messier 15,2011-08-06,656,99,0.0571428571428571,08-06,8,2011,6,3,2,3 1778bfb55de39dee8c60e7c17f4e73b2c45f2f1c8e72267a015d3eaaa2313696,none,sand time run central star hourglassshap planetari nebula nuclear fuel exhausted brief spectacular close phase sunlik star life occur outer layer eject core becom cooling fade white dwarf 1995 astronom use hubbl space telescop hst make seri imag planetari nebulae includ one above here delic ring color glow ga nitrogenred hydrogengreen oxygenblue outlin tenuou wall hourglass unpreced sharp hst imag reveal surpris detail nebula eject process help resolv outstand mysteri complex shape symmetri planetari nebulas,mycn18 hourglass planetari nebula,2011-08-07,514,75,-0.028125,08-07,8,2011,7,4,0,5 2fc98c35cfc32eadb88a8fd3877d0dab9ff4d876e6bf34007644180792b775f7,none,caus dark streak mars lead hypothesi flow quickli evapor water streaks visibl dark brown near imag center appear martian spring summer fade winter months reappear next summer first mark mar interpret show effect run water first add clue season picture taken may digit combin sever imag hiris instrument mar reconnaiss orbit mro imag colorenhanc depict slope insid newton crater region mars streak bolster evid water exist martian surfac sever locations therefor fuel specul mar might harbor sort life futur observ robot spacecraft orbit mars mro mar express mar odyssey continu monitor situat possibl confirm refut excit flow water hypothesis,season dark streak mar,2011-08-08,646,99,0.0285714285714285,08-08,8,2011,8,5,2,4 11802f0cae910be5e95807210fd325db472d9ad222b5510650a1882577b9cace,juan carlo casado,find summer triangle hard find famou triangl star time year northern locations look straight sunset find three brightest star sky nearli form triangle compar star sky imag like one shown above hold smart phone run good sky three star form summer triangl vega deneb altair pictur 360 degre full sky project frame summer triangl great arch milki way galaxy imag taken last week front small river histor town sant de la catalonia northeastern spain,summer triangl catalonia,2011-08-10,445,74,0.1914021164021163,08-10,8,2011,10,6,1,1 e14f884a43593d5132f13fd630b2210e9ad180d74c4bdedc774096cc1bc622e9,yuri beletski,record last week dawn portrait snowi mountain starri sky captur rare scenario view featur pristin sky 2600 meter high mountain cerro paranal clear sky paran unusual that one reason mountain home european southern observatory larg telescope consid number satellit orbit near sunris streak satellit glint upper left rare either long bright trail meteor often spot time year too one far right associ annual perseid meteor shower whose peak expect tomorrow august fact rarest aspect pictur snow cerro paran rise south america atacama desert known driest place planet earth,snow paran,2011-08-11,568,88,0.1463809523809524,08-11,8,2011,11,8,1,1 500f864a7c93ba6079ecbe76f53a77b7ac1cc8c2399bff7bf9cee908f4e8a057,ken crawford,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth effect enhanc sharp imag galaxi lie beyond gorgeou island universe background galaxi one tenth appar size ngc 7331 lie roughli ten time farther away close align sky ngc 7331 occur chance seen faint foreground dust cloud linger plane milki way visual group galaxi also known deer lick group,ngc 7331 beyond,2011-08-12,615,98,-0.0379629629629629,08-12,8,2011,12,7,2,3 2e0391b6fea7d7dcb8037ab524233d8ad37727a1902c78783886a33fd3c8e287,tama ladanyi,ch august planet earth swing dust trail along orbit period comet swifttuttle skygaz enjoy perseid meteor shower earth move denser part comet wide dust trail year shower peak around 600 ut august 13 light nearli full moon mask brighter meteor streaks still perseid meteor spot day surround peak moonlight perseid meteor creat gorgeou skyscape record simple single 10 second long exposur morn august 12 moonlit cloud foreground ruin mediev castl near veszprem hungary seen mountain range night sky clouds perseid meteor trail join bright planet jupit near center frame along love pleiad star cluster left,castl meteor moonlight,2011-08-13,602,95,0.1591836734693877,08-13,8,2011,13,3,2,1 436b21b567f0b14ad8cde8dbedd4d96b95f1cd65b76e32a18562f6e014c089f1,eric,scene might consid seren tornado 2004 kansas storm chaser eric nguyen photograph bud twister differ light light rainbow pictur above white tornado cloud descend dark storm cloud sun peek clear patch sky left illumin build foreground sunlight reflect raindrop form rainbow coincidence tornado appear end right rainbow streak imag hail swept high swirl winds 1000 tornadoes violent type storm known occur earth everi year mani tornado alley see tornado driving tri outrun park car safely go storm cellar crouch step basement,tornado rainbow kansa,2011-08-14,524,81,0.0814285714285714,08-14,8,2011,14,8,0,1 198978b49da6b4717bf00e0f6c29cd90bbfc8c28a9f0430eec12a187abd19940,none,presentday terrain around larg endeavour crater tell us ancient mars start three year ago nasa sent size robot name opportun mission roll across red planet meridiani planum find out last week final arrived expans endeavour crater stretch 22 kilomet rim rim make largest crater ever visit mar explor rover hypothes impact creat crater expos ancient rock possibl form wet conditions so rock may yield uniqu clue wateri past mars pictur above west rim endeavour loom ahead opportun rover opportun may well spend rest oper life explor endeavour take pictures spin wheels intrigu rocks,rover arriv endeavour crater mar,2011-08-15,580,93,-0.0583333333333333,08-15,8,2011,15,5,0,2 f73d2774fdeefba9ce7c932ea1d3831062d2ca82b04087bce2944c2a06ebf139,none,happen star run nuclear fuel star mass sun center condens white dwarf outer atmospher layer expel space appear planetari nebula particular planetari nebula pictur design shapley 1 famou astronom harlow shapley appar annular ring like structure although nebula appear like planet sky henc name actual surround star far outsid solar system,shapley 1 annular planetari nebula,2011-08-16,337,51,0.0333333333333333,08-16,8,2011,16,4,0,5 e78473da0ed2e3ea9668645f62cf11f04341d2496a34a55ec2a4790546728829,rick astronom association,horizon no alien starship battl distant rather sun pillar drive across ontario canada earli june photograph surpris encount vista immedi took pictures atmospher cold ice sometim form flat sixsid crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground view toward rise set sun flat crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light sun pillar seen above column light uncommon see retrospect past apod featur picturesqu sun pillar found here challenge find run longer apod,sun pillar ontario,2011-08-18,510,79,0.075,08-18,8,2011,18,1,0,1 b1db36b3656f2d675974723a08558f78076197cba9d78f18f4e6177068f375fd,none,remark infrar skyscap interstellar cloud adrift high fli constel cygnus eye drawn cocoon nebula also known dusti star form region shown blue hue herschel space observatori fals color image wavelength 100 time longer visibl red light visibl light imag show cocoon nebula end long dark nebula barnard infrar view find cosmic cocoon punctuat trail filamentari cloud glow dust filament suggest form shockwav explod star travel medium sweep compress interstellar dust gas herschel data also indic star form along dusti filaments cocoon nebula 15 lightyear wide 4000 lightyear away,herschel cocoon,2011-08-19,575,88,0.0825,08-19,8,2011,19,4,2,5 bc9d218e7528ec28eb8326a4a1c9eae790813ca3060238e423889959926afbb9,none,get redblu glass float next 4 vesta 500 kilomet diamet world vesta lie main asteroid belt orbit mar jupiter stereo anaglyph construct two separ imag record juli 24 arriv dawn spacecraft frame camera resolut 500 meter per pixel 3d view featur vesta newli discov terrain includ long equatori ridg trough promin string three crater upper right dub highlight steep side mani crater show streak bright dark material course dawn spacecraft maroon vesta year explor asteroid orbit dawn schedul begin journey ceres,stereo vesta,2011-08-20,506,81,0.1360544217687075,08-20,8,2011,20,5,1,2 0dbd3532e6f1158a9a784f12ad91e9971566388ef796e441dfabc0c1140c0d50,none,planet dark planet tres2b reflect back less one percent light receives make darker known planet moon darker even coal jupiters tres2b orbit extrem close sunlik star 750 light year away discov produc slight eclips 2006 use modest telescop exoplanet survey alien world strang darkness however uncov recent observ indic slight reflect glow sunorbit kepler satellite artist draw planet shown above complet specul possibl moons reason dark remain unknown activ topic research,dark planet,2011-08-22,470,71,-0.0192307692307692,08-22,8,2011,22,8,0,2 a787e6fa3b62f6f952f51b2f89a62d5eb999a9d2463d1ef291cf3b918ba16a9d,juan carlo casado,aurora arch horizon horizon current shelio expedit observ learn northern lights sky last weekend disappoint sunset care photograph planning imag taken campsit southern greenland visibl straight center aurora found care eye big dipper surround constel big bear ursa major brightest orb far right moon jupit seen even right shelio expedit schedul last end august includ live broadcast ongo auroras,aurora greenland,2011-08-23,395,59,0.0746378621378621,08-23,8,2011,23,8,0,1 345495fe8e14e5978523cf3115559189031f3e120ed555c5552225a7e971871d,astro anarchi,look cosmic cloud catalog ngc 281 almost easi miss star open cluster ic 1590 but form within nebula cluster young massiv star ultim power pervas nebular glow eyecatch shape loom portrait ngc 281 sculpt column dens dust globul seen silhouette erod intense energet wind radiat hot cluster stars surviv long enough dusti structur could also site futur star formation play call pacman nebula overal shape ngc 281 10000 lightyear away constel cassiopeia composit imag made narrowband filters combin emiss nebula hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom visibl spectrum palette span 80 lightyear estim distanc ngc 281,portrait ngc 281,2011-08-25,598,94,0.0833333333333333,08-25,8,2011,25,4,2,5 4b2f802e1a0eb0a9bd91af19565b2f8200eb5ea3a424af37449b452e6c2bd23e,none,nearbi star explod telescop world turn monitor it supernova dub ptf discov comput two day ago part palomar transient factori sky survey util wide angl 12meter samuel oschin telescop california rapid recoveri make one supernova caught soon ptf 11kli occur photogen pinwheel galaxi m101 which 21 million light year away make one closest supernova seen decades rapid follow observ alreadi given clear indic ptf 11kli type ia supernova type white dwarf deton usual progress standard help calibr expans histori entir universe studi close young type ia event however may yield new uniqu clues earli indic correct ptf 11kli brighten visual magnitud 10 come weeks make possibl monitor even moder size telescopes apod retrospective best spiral galaxi m101,young supernova nearbi pinwheel galaxi,2011-08-26,746,117,0.1386363636363636,08-26,8,2011,26,6,2,4 86c4274e0777361ce627aa60cdb73737685aec1fce9eb1a43af9245f6bb75410,none,what caus huge jet eman center galaxi m87 although unusu jet first notic earli twentieth century exact caus still debated pictur taken hubbl space telescop 1998 show clear details however popular hypothesi hold jet creat energet ga swirl around massiv black hole galaxy center result 5000 lightyear long blowtorch electron eject outward near lightspeed emit eerili blue light magnet spiral m87 giant ellipt galaxi resid 50 million lightyear away virgo cluster galaxies faint dot light surround m87 center larg ancient globular cluster stars,jet galaxi m87,2011-08-28,540,83,0.0927083333333333,08-28,8,2011,28,7,0,3 d6dac2ab25e9e739987cdad412b5584bbc902075c5b8c24c1d9104f680bd745c,stephen leshin,scan sky galaxies canadian astronom paul hickson colleagu identifi 100 compact group galaxies appropri call hickson compact groups four promin galaxi seen intrigu telescop skyscap one group hickson 100 million lightyear distant toward constel leo two spiral galaxi center imag edgeon ngc 3190 warp dust lanes sshape ngc along bright elliptical ngc right also known arp spiral upper left corner ngc 4th member hickson group like galaxi hickson groups show sign distort enhanc star formation evid gravit tug war eventu result galaxi merger cosmic timescale merger process understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way scale ngc 3190 75000 lightyear across estim distanc hickson 44 apod retrospective small group galaxi,hickson 44 leo,2011-08-29,726,110,0.0857142857142857,08-29,8,2011,29,7,2,3 aa8b1b57eda9830e5d8d6eb89dbbb7bb524d419289647c018fc9aee36c37fbb2,none,cosmic snapshot compos imag data nasa widefield infrar survey explor wise satellit captur multitud faint star distant galaxi toward constel lyra wavelength longer visibl light object circl center quit star catalog wise lie within 40 lightyear sun current coldest brown dwarf known brown dwarf begin like star gravit collaps dens cloud ga dust massiv enough achiev core temperatur densiti trigger hydrogen fusion stabl sourc star energy instead fail star ultim cool emit light infrar wavelengths remarkably brown dwarf roughli size planet jupiter cold wise brown dwarf measur surfac temperatur 1400 degre c degress brown dwarf assign spectral class estim temperatur warm room less 27 degre c 80 degre f,coldest brown dwarf,2011-08-30,702,109,0.1645833333333333,08-30,8,2011,30,6,2,4 51cfad1a58b76952f6452d66ea4deba33996c9ae13f617f5c9ce6cf0606395f9,none,kind cloud this type arcu cloud call roll cloud rare long cloud may form near advanc cold fronts particular downdraft advanc storm front caus moist warm air rise cool dew point form cloud happen uniformli along extend front roll cloud may form roll cloud may actual air circul along long horizont axi cloud roll cloud thought abl morph tornado unlik similar shelf cloud roll cloud complet detach parent cumulonimbu cloud pictur above roll cloud extend far distanc storm approach 2007 racine wisconsin usa,roll cloud wisconsin,2011-08-31,504,83,0.1166666666666666,08-31,8,2011,31,8,1,1 d92614ad8cf62a5a68b47f133c66cfe86b30247896f024464caf9bb4b834f7b4,martin pugh,hunt comet sky 18th centuri france astronom charl messier dilig kept list thing encount definit comets number 27 famou notacomet list fact 21st centuri astronom would identifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 25 lightyear across 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula impress color composit highlight detail within wellstudi central region fainter seldom imag featur nebula outer halo incorpor broad narrowband imag record use filter sensit emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atoms,m27 comet,2011-09-01,796,119,0.0875,09-01,9,2011,1,4,2,5 1c2edc0c5f7c424559c696120e73abad1f1b2e373b7b8d4159b799adb2539cb5,none,35 meter diamet mirror larger hubbl space telescope esa herschel space observatori explor univers infrar wavelengths herschel name british astronom william herschel discov infrar light 200 year ago herschel sensit camera combin deliv spectacular skyscap look toward constel southern cross span 2 degre falsecolor farinfrar view captur galaxy cold dust cloud extrem detail show remarkable connect maze filament starform regions observ intend unravel mysteri star format survey broad area galact plane,herschel view milki way,2011-09-02,499,71,0.1347222222222222,09-02,9,2011,2,8,1,3 8251ad0f97b7e48d7401b17ebb475a584cb8d21c6f6a13964975c7254f0d3bf4,none,comet garradd continu brighten drift across northern sky last week comet visibl binocular discern green coma pass nearli front globular cluster m71 m71 thought open cluster known older globular cluster contain 10000 stars photogen duo captur standard digit camera wideangl exposur toward northern constel arrow sagitta star alpha beta sagittae gamma sagittae doubl star delta visibl diagon band run upper left comet c2009 p1 garradd remain visibl northern sky month reach closest approach sun december,comet garradd pass ten thousand star,2011-09-03,501,75,-0.0166666666666666,09-03,9,2011,3,3,0,3 043590529027e1e8ed5b28f44a3f0f3cad67605051e9dd1031e20984ed86d5cb,none,shadow saturn unexpect wonder appear robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn drift giant planet shadow 12 hour 2006 look back toward eclips sun cassini saw view unlik other first night side saturn seen partli lit light reflect majest ring system next ring appear dark silhouet saturn quit bright view away saturn slightli scatter sunlight exagger color image saturn ring light much new ring discovered although hard see image seen spectacular detail however saturn e ring ring creat newli discov icefountain moon enceladu outermost ring visibl above far distance left bright main rings almost ignor pale blue dot earth,shadow saturn,2011-09-04,616,97,0.1408612440191387,09-04,9,2011,4,0,2,1 3709db0e22a7e6424ed36aa5a49f5652ea82499456750b79dcc055ebeb1f1242,sergio sky,some outlin open cluster star m6 resembl butterfly m6 also known ngc 6405 span 20 lightyear lie 2000 light year distant m6 best seen dark sky binocular toward constel scorpius cove much sky full moon like open clusters m6 compos predominantli young blue stars although brightest star nearli orange m6 estim 100 million year old determin distanc cluster like m6 help astronom calibr distanc scale universe apod retrospective open star cluster,m6 butterfli cluster,2011-09-06,441,71,0.1583333333333333,09-06,9,2011,6,6,1,3 20d2952c1568cbb879abb0735094574f45180582aeefa3ade65a15a739bc5491,none,star heavi star born gener sun expect abund element heavier hydrogen helium mix star born gener sun popul ii stars star creat heavi element around us today seen some although element heavier h furthermore even elus first star universe socal popul iii stars predict larg mass small set amount heavi elements yet lowmass milki way star sdss among others appear fewer metal ever predict stars includ least 50 time less lithium came big bang unusu natur star initi catalog sloan digit sky survey sdss pictur above discov detail spectroscop observ larg vlt telescop chile mani model star format indic star even form research ongoing however one lead hypothesi hold fragil primordi lithium destroy star hot core,sdss star,2011-09-07,705,116,-0.0520833333333333,09-07,9,2011,7,6,2,4 4dc6eeaf15a5fe3abc34c2774265bb813361c161e31fd60d067162510592f3ba,none,view apollo 17 land site tauruslittrow valley captur last month lunar reconnaiss orbit sharpest ever record space high resolut imag data taken period orbit modifi creat close approach 22 kilomet pass apollo land sites altitud correspond twice height commerci airlin flight planet earth label imag apollo 17 lunar lander challenger descent stage inset lunar rover final park spot apollo lunar surfac experi packag alsep left monitor moon environ interior clear lunar rover track foot trail left astronaut eugen cernan harrison last walk lunar surface also easili visibl apollo 17 site,apollo 17 site sharper view,2011-09-08,583,90,0.0371428571428571,09-08,9,2011,8,2,0,2 6e4a72f9f3337f0c151f1fa1d6dcb6bc5dfa647c0902d03e9b8cf4cd4660e2bf,rogeliobern andreo,sweep planet earth night sky last weekend comet garradd c2009 p1 visit love star field along milki way constel vulpecula suggest oriented color skyscap featur star aster known coat hanger comet tail point toward southeast also known al cluster coat hanger like chanc align cluster relat stars compact open star cluster ngc grace field view right coat near edg frame nake eye visibl approach 7th magnitud brightness comet garradd good target binocular small telescopes still bright moonlit sky week make comet harder spot,comet garradd coat hanger,2011-09-09,520,83,0.215079365079365,09-09,9,2011,9,3,1,1 d7c4e1cef1d5f1b33bbec1012e28e4dab3053ada9b34dea145fd8a23c50807e5,bencoop,dramat timelaps photo trace 20 minut long late even light mobil servic tower cape canaver air forc station launch complex 17 twin spacecraft snug insid 13 stori tall delta 2 rocket pois launch duo journey moon nasa graviti recoveri interior laboratori mission use precis format fli map moon graviti field scene captur prior first launch due upper level winds septemb 8 launch opportun grail begin morning septemb 10 grail launch last one plan complex 17 cape canaveral oldest still activ pad use sinc 1957,rocket,2011-09-10,505,84,-0.0424999999999999,09-10,9,2011,10,8,0,2 783625607aedf6717aa34628ee98ce9e8c107bd56699cde5d7b73c9bd288a54c,none,gold jewelri originate one complet sure rel averag abund solar system appear higher made earli universe stars even typic supernova explosions astronom recent suggest neutronrich heavi element gold might easili made rare neutronrich explos collis neutron stars pictur artist illustr depict two neutron star spiral toward other collide sinc neutron star collis also suggest origin short durat gammaray bursts possibl alreadi souvenir one power explos universe,origin gold,2011-09-11,457,66,0.1541666666666666,09-11,9,2011,11,6,1,3 f9a40baf686d9e5a2b76e0786e13a9588ae113e1df59d50ea4735b732f5c9307,none,martian rock much roughli size shape tilt oddli flat rock outcrop chanc upon week ago robot opportun rover current roll across mars earli last month opportun reach endeavour crater largest surfac featur ever encountered explor endeavour rim clue wet mar billion year ago pictur name tisdal 2 unusu rock structur probe opportun last week thought remnant thrown impact creat nearbi odyssey crater result chemic analysi tisdal 2 however shown strang high amount element reason current unknown might turn clue histori entir region opportun alreadi find rock older previous studi continu explor sever intrigu rock format glimps distance,2 rock format mar,2011-09-12,631,97,0.0122727272727272,09-12,9,2011,12,5,2,2 f70980ad08b6102fd722f7783563de37686c7e513a95e91b5239ce3d7a9874b3,jes varga maritxu poyal maritxu,great nebula orion also known m42 one famou nebula sky star form region glow ga cloud hot young star right sharp color imag includ smaller nebula m43 near center dusty bluish reflect nebula ngc 1977 friend left locat edg otherwis invis giant molecular cloud complex eyecatch nebula repres small fraction galact neighborhood wealth interstellar material within wellstudi stellar nursery astronom also identifi appear numer infant planetari systems gorgeou skyscap span nearli two degre 45 lightyear orion nebula estim distanc 1500 lightyears,great orion nebula,2011-09-13,540,81,0.0436224489795918,09-13,9,2011,13,4,0,5 bef110ff2405159e0e58e9f3c967e7706763bf6b5f07e61ff9d2d91aa0ada823,r jay gabani,gorgeou spiral galaxi ngc 3521 mere 35 million lightyear away toward constel leo rel bright planet earth sky ngc 3521 easili visibl small telescop often overlook amateur imag favor leo spiral galaxies like m66 m65 hard overlook color cosmic portrait though span 50000 lightyear galaxi sport characterist patchy irregular spiral arm lace dust pink star form regions cluster young blue stars remarkably deep imag also find ngc 3521 embed gigant bubblelik shells shell like tidal debris stream star torn satellit galaxi undergon merger ngc 3521 distant past,ngc 3521 galaxi bubbl,2011-09-15,554,87,-0.0856060606060605,09-15,9,2011,15,7,0,3 c55c571ed88d7204efc71e01c4f4265fddbe69d7e33c66a36c150a81be336f20,stefano de rosa,full moon rise dramat celesti sight full moon mani names example monday full moon one nearest year autumn equinox northern hemisphere tradit call harvest moon accord lore name fit one farmer could work late night end grow season harvest crop moonlight seren telephoto imag captur september harvest moonris turin italy silhouett orang lunar disk turin hilltop basilica apod retrospective harvest hunter moon,september harvest moon,2011-09-16,406,62,0.2299999999999999,09-16,9,2011,16,2,1,1 f267a30250749c389c9edefadc284ccb7457e2b1935b435ddc7df7969592f59e,none,one sharper view sun ever taken stun imag show remark detail dark sunspot across imag bottom numer boil granul appear like corn across top taken 2002 pictur made use swedish solar telescop oper canari island la palma high resolut imag achiev use sophist adapt optics digit imag stacking process techniqu counter blur effect earth atmosphere current sunspot group cross sun larg easili seen observ even without magnification,sharp view sun,2011-09-18,423,67,0.102,09-18,9,2011,18,1,1,1 219641b9f91da490447a8ef105d1a000dc211da0aad752dcf6f8264a60fde723,none,creat circular structur around south pole asteroid vesta pictur above bottom second largest object asteroid belt recent imag first time robot dawn satellit arriv last month close inspect resolut imag show hill crater cliff craters rag circular featur cover lower right 500kilomet size object earli specul posit structur might creat collis coalesc smaller asteroid alternatively featur might origin intern process soon asteroid formed new clue might come next month dawn spiral toward rocki world obtain imag increasingli high resolution,south pole asteroid vesta,2011-09-19,536,79,0.0832077922077922,09-19,9,2011,19,8,0,2 2c5b415de841ba498b375ac863a27818d83de729a4f5ce209df63ba177138ede,stanislav volskiy,ever seen pleiad star cluster even have probabl never seen like this dusty perhap famou star cluster sky bright star pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city long exposur dark location though dust cloud surround pleiad star cluster becom evident exposur took 30 hour cover sky area sever time size full moon also known seven sister m45 pleiad lie 400 light year away toward constel bull taurus common legend modern twist one brighter star fade sinc cluster named leav six star visibl unaid eye actual number pleiad star visible however may less seven depend dark surround sky clariti observer eyesight apod retrospective pleiad star cluster,pleiad deep field,2011-09-21,657,106,0.0569444444444444,09-21,9,2011,21,6,2,3 dc743edadbd8384017e2bcbd04118b7c5028fb4028b206f07681ff64abb6b6d4,none,link spiral arms two larg collid galaxi featur remark cosmic portrait construct use imag data hubbl legaci archive record astronom halton arp atla peculiar galaxi arp 272 pair otherwis known ngc 6050 near center ic upper right third galaxy like also member interact system spot left larger spiral ngc lie 450 million lightyear away hercul galaxi cluster estim distance pictur span 150 thousand lightyears although scenario look peculiar galaxi collis eventu merger understood common arp 272 repres stage inevit process fact nearbi larg spiral andromeda galaxi known approach galaxi arp 272 may offer glimps far futur collis andromeda milki way,arp 272,2011-09-22,643,100,0.0095238095238095,09-22,9,2011,22,7,2,3 734d69157d1e1eac414744c7751eee72e0af8297b2e342b6cc431b4e9337ec02,yuichi takasaka,september equinox arriv today ut sun cross celesti equat head south spring begin southern hemispher autumn north though season connect still puzzling spring autumn bring increas geomagnet storms northern night grow longer equinox also herald arriv good season view aurora record earlier month curtain september shimmer green light sprawl across gorgeou night skyscape foreground lie hidden lake park near yellowknife northwest territories canada calm water reflect aurora bright star trail peer mesmer sky glow course shine altitud 100 kilomet so planet earth aurora visibl space,september aurora,2011-09-23,579,85,0.1833333333333333,09-23,9,2011,23,8,1,1 62bda823b56b18aacae17221c42e3c9dc448fc75dbb80548341619dfd5fa2b27,tunç tezel,sagittariu carina milki way galaxi shine dark night sky planet earth island familiar denizen southern hemisphere gorgeou skyscap includ bulg galact center upper left bright star alpha beta centauri right center 10 kilomet wide volcan mangaia southernmost cook islands geologist estim 18 million year old oldest island pacif ocean course milki way somewhat older galaxy oldest star estim 13 billion year old editor note imag hold distinct select winner royal observatory astronomi photograph year competit earth space,milki way,2011-09-24,516,77,0.1126700680272109,09-24,9,2011,24,6,1,4 2e478bb7d7998426c638c999bf5fec1b81eb021dd8695e82cf18d382a07a985a,none,part mar around south pole mars toward end everi martian summer warm weather caus section vast carbondioxid ice cap evaporate pit begin appear expand carbon dioxid dri ice sublim directli gas ice sheet pit may appear line gold precis composit dust highlight pit wall actual remain unknown circular depress toward imag center measur 60 meter across hiris camera aboard marsorbit mar reconnaiss orbit captur imag late july next months mar continu journey around sun colder season thin air turn chilli enough stop defrost freez layer solid carbon dioxide,dri ice pit mar,2011-09-26,551,88,-0.0333333333333333,09-26,9,2011,26,5,0,2 f16a85634b90466a17c68f47839d8e4797614b02b9a826a6c33da3ac7a39da1c,none,one activ sunspot group year current cross sun ar 1302 first came around sun edg last week larg seen without telescope coron mass eject ar 1302 alreadi caus strong geomagnet storm includ notabl aurora activ around earth poles pictur above plasma left magnet hang sun surfac ar 1302 emit xclass solar flare last thursday earth illustr inset size comparison although anoth xclass flare emit saturday flare ar 1302 aim directli earth yet ar 1302 sunspot group continu evolv like remain visibl sun next week instant gallery see recent pictur sunspot group ar,sunspot group ar flare,2011-09-28,554,92,0.0621212121212121,09-28,9,2011,28,1,0,4 43531bbd7b30aa0337946a2c46fc0940f29cee4682768976b569203e3a58c658,toni halla,crowd starfield span 3 degre within high fli constel cygnus eye drawn cocoon nebula compact star form region cosmic cocoon punctuat long trail obscur interstellar dust clouds catalog ic 5146 nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide locat 4000 light year away like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot star blue dustreflect starlight edg otherwis invis molecular cloud fact bright star near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas long dusti filament appear dark visibl light imag hide star process formation seen infrar wavelengths,cocoon nebula wide field,2011-09-29,619,98,0.11625,09-29,9,2011,29,4,2,5 6035d1f1a9a2798eab0aabf703ba5b1dbc25b32ed0fccfd6103cfde8a4118132,fredrick brom,septemb 26 larg solar coron mass eject planet earth magnetospher produc sever geomagnet storm wide spread auroras captur near local midnight island outsid tromsø northern norway intens auror glow frame part rain clouds tint orange cloud also silhouett top color shimmer curtain northern light extend well 100 kilomet ground though auror ray parallel perspect make appear radiat vanish point zenith near bottom scene even distant pleiad star cluster bright planet jupit shine cloudi northern night,cloudi night northern light,2011-09-30,496,75,0.1777777777777777,09-30,9,2011,30,8,1,1 459c317fdf0a9bcbf017c77bc96836eac3bd545e504989a99e5eaab3eca88518,none,though size scale sun planet inner solar system shown illustration red dot repres asteroid new result neowise infrar asteroid hunt portion wise mission shown left compar old popul project midsiz larger nearearth asteroid survey visibl wavelengths good news is neowis observ estim 40 percent fewer nearearth asteroid larger 100 meter 330 feet indic visibl light base infrar imaging neowis result accur well heat sun asteroid size radiat amount infrar light reflect differ amount visibl sunlight depend shini surfac is surfac effect survey base optic observations neowis result reduc estim number midsiz nearearth asteroid 35000 major still remain undiscovered,asteroid near earth,2011-10-01,658,98,0.0642045454545454,10-01,10,2011,1,8,2,4 c95fa03ef8de9ee18b10368407971555b9f1d277fc8c92acadebe4207423c2b8,none,commun meant human eyes even meant alien eyes attempt commun directli smartphone camera mani smartphon imag quick respons code common applic tell sometim code reveal web site prompt smartphon ask want access address learn object qr code twodimension analog bar code scan orient toler sever type errors code use increasingli door real object webbas inform objects pop increasingli unexpect places anyon creat qr code sever free onlin print out object although meant commun aliens qr code sever attribut common famou alien commun attempts local smartphon figur qr code,human eye,2011-10-04,568,88,-0.0185185185185185,10-04,10,2011,4,8,0,4 be6328cf38861cea1f68c293fb3e2d1127177f62ca8ef7a555489cb5e337be59,dietmar hager,also known cigar galaxi elong visual appearance m82 starburst galaxi superwind fact ensu supernova explos power wind massiv stars burst star format m82 drive outflow material evid superwind galaxy central region clear sharp composit image base data small telescop planet earth composit highlight emiss filament atom hydrogen ga reddish hues filament extend 10000 lightyears ga superwind enrich heavi element forg massiv stars eventu escap intergalact space trigger close encount nearbi larg galaxi m81 furiou burst star format m82 last 100 million year so m82 12 million lightyear distant near northern boundari ursa major 2011 2 first director kitt peak,m82 starburst galaxi superwind,2011-10-06,655,99,-0.0693181818181818,10-06,10,2011,6,7,2,4 3dbd14d3ad864fbeee83c8f70b9af1d27305cbe09043ca46d519d8d53fa7edfd,cara project,rli last november small activ comet hartley 2 103p hartley becam fifth comet imag closeup spacecraft planet earth still cruis solar system 6 year orbit period hartley 2 make astronom again new herschel space observatori measur indic water found comet thin atmospher coma ratio hydrogen isotop deuterium in heavi water ocean fair planet hartley 2 origin distant kuiper belt region beyond orbit neptun reservoir ici cometari bodi dwarf planets sinc ratio deuterium relat solar system environ comet formed herschel result indic kuiper belt comet could contribut substanti amount water earth oceans comet hartley 2 appear starri skyscap last novemb sport tantal greenish coma appropri sail nautic constel puppis comet open star cluster m47 right m46 left,comet hartley 2 cruis,2011-10-07,750,116,0.0143398268398268,10-07,10,2011,7,3,2,2 1f55de7eee74f7aff47274f63b221d507f23e0d5fac9afef9d64c87197885256,none,one solar day planet length time noon noon solar day last 24 hour planet earth mercuri solar day 176 earth day long first mercuri solar day orbit messeng spacecraft imag nearli entir surfac innermost planet gener global monochrom map 250 meter per pixel resolut 1 kilomet per pixel resolut color map exampl maps mosaic construct thousand imag made uniform light conditions shown left center along planet 75 degre east longitud meridian messeng spacecraft second mercuri solar day like includ high resolut target observ planet surfac features editor note due mercury mercuri solar day 2 mercuri year,messenger first day,2011-10-08,598,96,0.0535,10-08,10,2011,8,1,2,4 678867d507a35d2d0880b5f507a4819fcfd7e68d323723d4759d6915548f932e,none,thirteen year ago result first present indic energi univers star galaxi tie space itself languag cosmologists larg cosmolog constant directli impli new distant supernova observations suggest cosmolog constant lambda new exist sinc advent modern relativist cosmology claim usual popular astronomers though lambda unlik known univers components lambda valu appear limit observations lessstrang cosmolog without lambda previous done well explain data noteworthi seemingli direct reliabl method observ good reput scientist conduct investigations past thirteen years independ team astronom continu accumul data appear confirm exist dark energi unsettl result present acceler universe year team leader award nobel prize physic work pictur supernova occur 1994 outskirt spiral galaxi taken one collaborations,strang univers,2011-10-09,802,108,0.0753787878787878,10-09,10,2011,9,7,2,4 033a9a482bd2eb92fd5fe29f4211cad837f77513794ad7ae7579b1ef9911e14f,lui argerich,would rise sun look strange one yet sure clear unusu sunris captur last month bueno aires argentina bodi water foreground rio de la plata consid mani widest river world although imag actual combin normal short exposur need avoid bright sun photograph saw unusu structur eyes indic effect caus neither reflect distort camera lens look like arm monster illus might actual be example low level cloud thick enough scatter sunlight without complet block sun additionally distort visibl lower part sun imag might indic etruscan vase fata morgana mirag possibl creat curiou refract layer air water unusu atmospher phenomena frequent thrill see although trace well known phenomena others lack data remain mysterious,strang sunris argentina,2011-10-10,707,110,0.0857142857142857,10-10,10,2011,10,1,2,1 c63bb70a8f7b62113eea7b3358351c2e0985623c4dc9e89bc071ed80c9ad6322,larri van,bubbl versu cloud ngc 7635 bubbl nebula push stellar wind massiv central star bd602522 next door though live giant molecular cloud visibl right place space irresist forc meet immov object interest way cloud abl contain expans bubbl gas get blast hot radiat bubble central star radiat heat dens region molecular cloud caus glow bubbl nebula pictur scientif map color bring contrast 10 lightyear across part much larger complex star shells bubbl nebula seen small telescop toward constel queen aethiopia cassiopeia,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula,2011-10-11,512,80,0.0338252656434474,10-11,10,2011,11,4,0,5 83925e7c25265d6a8b26b82c8b071a6a4b6cf336ab1b335ee4e9acdfe2c96f04,none,saturn ring form one larger sundial known sundial however determin season saturn time day 2009 saturn last equinox saturn thin ring threw almost shadow onto saturn sinc ring plane point directli toward sun saturn continu orbit around sun however ring shadow becom increasingli wider cast south shadow easili visibl earth vantag point near sun ring alway block shadows imag taken august robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn ring appear vertic bar imag right sun far upper right shine ring cast complex shadow south saturn imag left cassini explor saturn rings moon sinc 2004 expect continu least maximum elong saturn shadow occur 2017,saturn shadow season sundial,2011-10-12,642,102,-0.019047619047619,10-12,10,2011,12,0,2,2 5a95ad238de633c61bc79c926f9737c8828ff17d47df9217f773009e5cb2ec62,feraphotographi,sharp cosmic portrait featur glow ga obscur dust cloud ic 1795 star form region northern constel cassiopeia also catalog ngc nebula remark details shown domin red color captur use sensit camera long exposur includ imag data narrowband filter narrow filter transmit halpha light red light hydrogen atoms ioniz ultraviolet light energet young stars hydrogen atom emit characterist halpha light singl electron recaptur transit lower energi states far sky famou doubl star cluster perseus ic 1795 locat next ic 1805 heart nebula part complex star form region lie edg larg molecular cloud locat 6000 lightyear away larger star form complex sprawl along perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy distance pictur would span 70 lightyear across ic 1795,color ic 1795,2011-10-13,737,116,0.055,10-13,10,2011,13,4,2,5 5f44faf99736cf04d8f5dce5da53456596f20b67fcb3f17ff69ac35c8e315df5,babak tafreshi,color star trail arc across night surreal timelaps skyscap roqu de lo muchacho observatori canari island la palma reflect earth daili rotat axis star trail also reflect one pair 17 meter diameter multimirror magic telescopes magic major atmospher gamma imag cherenkov telescop intend detect gamma ray photon 100 billion time energi visibl light high energi gamma ray impact upper atmospher produc air shower highenergi particles fast camera monitor multimirror surfac record detail brief flash optic light call cherenkov light creat air shower particles astronom ultim relat optic flash cosmic sourc extrem gammarays,magic star trail,2011-10-14,617,92,0.2611363636363636,10-14,10,2011,14,6,1,4 514f3f376f3fa34969c71afc8b2d4760a787aa0d4428eedd416838a4fafde6e8,bob frank,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy bulg central core cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane assort background galaxi includ pretti field view neighbor galaxi ngc 4562 lower right ngc 4565 lie 40 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyears easili spot small telescopes sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2011-10-15,542,84,-0.0689285714285714,10-15,10,2011,15,7,0,3 3a5e60c0bff590cd48319f3d7f4678e9a2807ab5f79d57ec663ec82d736f8b18,david cortner,rare transit venu across face sun 2004 one betterphotograph event sky history scientif artist imag flood area could see transit europ much asia africa north america scientifically solar photograph confirm black drop effect realli better relat view clariti camera telescop atmospher venus artistically imag might divid sever categories one type captur transit front highli detail sun anoth categori captur doubl coincid venu airplan simultan silhouetted venu intern space station low earth orbit third imag type involv fortuit arrang interest look clouds shown exampl imag taken north carolina usa next transit venu across sun 2012 june,picturesqu venu transit,2011-10-16,635,95,0.119047619047619,10-16,10,2011,16,1,2,4 826c0abc84a4fff87be6cf161a7d46773e4dc93f3c8f769f7d9903c150bbd5b6,none,difficult hide galaxi behind cluster galaxies closer cluster graviti act like huge lens pull imag distant galaxi around side greatli distort them case observ recent releas imag clash survey hubbl space telescope cluster mac compos mani galaxi lens imag yellowr background galaxi huge arc right care inspect imag reveal least sever lens background galaxi mani appear elong foreground cluster creat smooth arc mass smoothli distribut dark matter therefor concentr cluster galaxi visible analyz posit gravit arc also give astronom method estim dark matter distribut galaxi clusters infer huge conglomer galaxi began form apod retrospective best cluster galaxi,galaxi cluster gravit len,2011-10-17,658,97,0.0989010989010989,10-17,10,2011,17,7,2,3 b75989693f97d1270acf9bc61d19bc1b01d9b7a4d99faacb06bb7cd99ef74f48,juan carlo casado,streak sky theyr meteor draconid meteor shower peak earlier month composit imag captur numer meteor streak 90 minut celtic ruin province spain particl caus meteor typic size pebbl expel long ago nucleu comet meteor trace back singl radiant eman constel dragon draco report year meteor shower indic draconid unusu good year activ concentr around 8 pm ut octob 8 intens draconid meteor shower recent histori occur 1933 1946 thousand meteor per hour record earth plow particularli dens stream comet debris although draconid occur everi october usual difficult know activ year meteor shower be apod challenge mani meteor find image,meteor spain,2011-10-19,627,99,-0.0142857142857143,10-19,10,2011,19,3,2,4 6b391c283aafa2052b5244b5652c6a0736d3bb51d603163648b2e64e4efdce2f,gregg ruppel,good target binocular small telescopes comet garradd c2009 p1 shine planet earth even skies steadi perform nakedey visibility telescop imag like composit octob 15 find comet love green coma sport multipl tails linger background faint stars field view span 1 degre 2 full moon within southern boundari constel hercules around 16 light minut 2 astronom units away p1 garradd intrins larg comet never make close approach earth sun sweep inner solar system result comet like stay sight telescop eye only move slowli sky remain hercul come months,tail comet garradd,2011-10-20,541,87,0.0818181818181818,10-20,10,2011,20,3,0,1 c1cd73f0c8eb92308cc5ead8fd1025cecff0dd2118c3b5885b265febb6547c93,bob caton,cosmic cloud ga dust drift across magnific panorama span 17 degre near southern boundari heroic constel perseus collabor skyscap begin bluish star perseu left eye drawn striking red ngc also known california nebula characterist glow atom hydrogen ga power ultraviolet light lumin blue star xi persei immedi nebula right farther along intrigu young star cluster ic 348 neighbor fli ghost nebula right center connect dark dusti tendril outskirt giant molecular cloud anoth activ star form region ngc 1333 lie near upper right edg wide field view shine faintly dust cloud strewn throughout scene hover hundr lightyear galact plane reflect starlight milki way,cloud perseu,2011-10-21,655,102,0.100375939849624,10-21,10,2011,21,4,2,5 4bfab351cf4bdcf468e17b529491db0031a4b40e1483241238220949b19fe9f9,jeanluc dauvergn,octob 29 ut jupiter solar system largest planet opposition opposit sun planet earth sky shine brightli rise sun sets configur result jupiter almost annual closest approach planet earth near opposit ga giant offer earthbound telescop stun view stormy band atmospher larg galilean moons sharp snapshot jupit captur octob 13 1 meter telescop pic du midi mountain top observatori french pyrenees north imag show oval shape vortic planet girdl dark belt light zones also seen remark detail jupiter ici ganymede solar system largest moon emerg behind planet top volcan io enter frame near lower left edge,jupit near opposit,2011-10-22,598,95,0.084090909090909,10-22,10,2011,22,1,2,2 769b2d14fd75255373bfe2d576c1661b16b5743383b39adf2415144c726b54f7,none,new horizon spacecraft took stun imag jupit way pluto famou great red spot jupit also known regular equatori cloud bands visibl even modest size telescopes image horizont compressed taken 2007 near jupiter termin show jovian giant wide divers cloud patterns far left cloud closest jupiter south pole turbul whirlpool swirl seen dark region dub belt ring planet even light color regions call zones show tremend structure complet complex wave patterns energi drive wave sure come below new horizon fastest space probe ever launched pass orbit saturn uranu track reach pluto 2015,jupiter cloud new horizon,2011-10-23,576,91,0.1148484848484848,10-23,10,2011,23,8,2,1 a9f6880bfd8abac841e6e2faaf2f3c0563946af279bd8d1530efef2faae984b0,none,creat waterfal nebula one knows structur seen region ngc 1999 great orion molecular cloud complex one mysteri structur yet found sky design elong gaseou stream stretch ten light year emit unusu array colors one hypothesi ga filament result wind young star impact nearbi molecular cloud would explain however waterfal fainter stream appear converg bright unusu thermal radio sourc locat toward upper left curv structure anoth hypothesi unusu radio sourc origin binari system contain hot white dwarf neutron star black hole waterfal jet energet system systems though typic strong xray emitters xray detected now case remain perhap wellchosen futur observ clever deduct reason unlock true origin enigmat wisp future astronomers appear sky,waterfal nebula,2011-10-24,735,111,0.1822222222222222,10-24,10,2011,24,6,2,4 1fa388d67db1933ccb90184c67595d7bd9f60269eb651e129239c6520c21af94,daniel,power heart nebula larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like human heart nebula glow brightli red light emit promin element hydrogen red glow larger shape creat small group star near nebula center close high dynam rang hdr span 30 light year contain mani star shown above open cluster star contain bright star nearli 50 time mass sun mani dim star fraction mass sun absent microquasar expel million year ago heart nebula locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,ic 1805 heart nebula hdr,2011-10-25,478,81,0.131875,10-25,10,2011,25,4,1,5 3458157ed3053a15f97228c42838f12fbceac40be8199b9e1c745cba4ae20e0f,none,fourth moon visibl imag look hard first farthest background titan largest moon saturn one larger moon solar system dark featur across top perpetu cloudi world north polar hood next obviou moon bright dione visibl foreground complet crater long ice cliffs jut left sever saturn expans rings includ saturn ring featur dark enck gap far right outsid rings pandora moon 80kilomet across help shepherd saturn f ring fourth moon look close enck gap find speck actual pan although one saturn smallest moon 35kilomet across pan massiv enough help keep enck gap rel free ring particles,in through beyond saturn ring,2011-10-26,578,94,0.0839285714285714,10-26,10,2011,26,0,2,2 614eaa720703a9dccfa9b5bd2bc33a8d6681d7820686567a9c1ea3992c8d940e,panther observatori,young sun still lie within dusti ngc 7129 3000 lightyear away toward royal constel cepheus star rel tender age million year old like sun form similar stellar nurseri five billion year ago notic sharp imag love bluish dust cloud reflect youth starlight compact deep red crescent shape also marker energetic young stellar objects known herbigharo objects shape color characterist glow hydrogen ga shock jet stream away newborn stars paler extend filament reddish emiss mingl bluish cloud caus dust grain effect convert invis ultraviolet starlight visibl red light photoluminesence ultim natal ga dust region dispersed star drift apart loos cluster orbit center galaxy estim distanc ngc 7129 telescop view span 40 lightyears,young sun ngc 7129,2011-10-27,721,111,0.1410714285714285,10-27,10,2011,27,4,2,5 30057cb511ac6aa3bfeb4d15f8f113aafd76fdb330d0c97feae0e39883766002,malcolm park,northern hemispher night grow longer octob good month spot auroras even eeri apparit dark week night sky disappoint octob 24th solar coron mass eject impact planet earth magnetospher trigger far rang auror displays night dramat silhouett deep red beauti green curtain shimmer light captur near whitby ontario canada aurora report even farther south us state like alabama kansas oklahoma latitud rare haunt northern lights well 100 kilometers highest altitud infus auror glow red color come excit oxygen atoms,octob skylight,2011-10-28,508,78,0.1249999999999999,10-28,10,2011,28,8,1,1 8dd52874f8cc4dc89839520fd0427e1fa019904fc2ef5bf8418b8bc9483d07e5,none,caus unusu light rock format mars intrigu possibl could salt deposit left ancient lakeb driedup detail studi finger indic mundan possibility volcan ash studi exact color format indic possibl volcan origin light materi appear erod away surround area indic lowdens substance stark contrast rock surround sand compound unusu dark sand pictur taken thermal emiss imag system mar odyssey spacecraft current orbit mars imag span 10 kilomet insid larger crater,white rock finger mar,2011-10-30,453,69,0.0875,10-30,10,2011,30,5,0,4 37a60844ceaa2ab044bea197a4b589699297ea10063591877214c4bfdf62c40b,adam block,spooki shape seem haunt starri expanse drift night royal constel cepheus course shape cosmic dust cloud faintli visibl dimli reflect starlight far neighborhood planet earth lurk edg cepheu flare molecular cloud complex 1200 lightyear away 2 lightyear across ghostli nebula rel isol bok globule also known vdb 141 near center field core dark cloud right collaps like binari star system earli stage formation even so spooki shape could might well wish happi halloween,ghost cepheu flare,2011-10-31,465,73,-0.0107142857142857,10-31,10,2011,31,4,0,5 b2a1f43d6c113d11e96de1a8d4f79004ebd75cf8b468fb3a8baf7c5f296d6841,rolf geissing,power wield wizard nebula gravit strong enough form stars stellar wind radiat power enough creat dissolv tower gas locat 8000 light year away wizard nebula pictur above surround develop open star cluster ngc 7380 visually interplay stars gas dust creat shape appear like fiction mediev sorcerer activ star form region span 100 light years make appear larger angular extent moon wizard nebula locat small telescop toward constel king aethiopia cepheus although nebula may last million years star form may outliv sun see nebula,ngc 7380 wizard nebula,2011-11-02,525,83,0.1027777777777777,11-02,11,2011,2,4,0,5 4a2318b4fdf903079be4429699784ff0ddfca86c5924d7ca62b9c2afe1bd9c0f,stephen leshin,sharp telescop view magnific edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 3628 show puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes tantal scene put mani astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away constel leo ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spirals group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons extend flare warp spiral disk popul galaxy young blue star cluster tell tale pinkish star form regions also result past close encounters faint tidal tail materi visibl extend upward left deep galaxi portrait,edgeon ngc 3628,2011-11-04,577,89,-0.0325,11-04,11,2011,4,7,0,3 3dd786bb9b7c1d82030cda722fc82765b48c44bee77f04d68344647aa66c0794,adam block,rli 20th century gk persei briefli becam one brightest star planet earth sky event known nova persei 1901 document modern day composit two imag 2003 2011 ejecta explosion popularli call firework nebula continu expand space imag part time laps video track nebula expans last 17 years 1500 lightyear away nebula still lightyear diameter gk per similar cataclysm variabl star known classic nova understood binari system consist compact white dwarf star swollen cool giant star close orbit build mass transfer surfac white dwarf giant star accret disk eventu trigger thermonuclear outburst blast stellar materi space without destroy white dwarf star 2 day orbit period gk per system produc much smaller outburst recent years,nova 1901,2011-11-05,720,112,0.0511111111111111,11-05,11,2011,5,4,2,3 f9ac6b6fb9072a07fdbd507c8c2236f62e166e6aed50fede6402c06eca669f85,none,massiv star ir 4 begin spread wings born 100000 year ago materi stream newborn star form nebula dub sharpless 2106 nebula s106 pictur above larg disk dust ga orbit infrar sourc 4 ir 4 visibl dark red near imag center give nebula hourglass butterfli shape s106 ga near ir 4 act emiss nebula emit light ionized dust far ir 4 reflect light central star act reflect nebula detail inspect imag like imag reveal hundr lowmass brown dwarf star lurk nebula gas s106 span 2 lightyear lie 2000 lightyear away toward constel swan cygnus,star form region s106,2011-11-07,525,93,0.085,11-07,11,2011,7,4,0,5 6fd2367cb13e14f159c9627532eed444697621ca7a020727ee0c01e65b0cab72,none,asteroid 2005 yu55 pass earth yesterday pose danger space rock estim 400 meter across coast insid orbit earth moon although pass smaller rock near earth unusu fact small rock space strike earth daili rock larg pass close sinc 1976 yu55 struck land might caus magnitud seven earthquak left citys crater perhap larger danger would occur yu55 struck ocean rais larg tsunami radar imag taken two day ago deep space network radio telescop goldstone california usa yu55 discov 2005 indic potenti hazard asteroid might lurk solar system current undetected object like yu55 hard detect faint move fast however humanity abil scan sky detect catalog analyz object increas notabl recent years,asteroid pass earth,2011-11-09,683,109,-0.0674242424242424,11-09,11,2011,9,8,2,4 a79a440f2693cc6ecd32cdd2545a6ec4a90e52e81394e7996405e823f69e685e,none,185 ad chines astronom record appear new star nanmen aster part sky identifi alpha beta centauri modern star charts new star visibl month thought earliest record supernova multiwavelength composit imag orbit telescop 21st century xmmnewton chandra xrays spitzer wise infrared show rcw 86 understood remnant stellar explosion falsecolor view trace interstellar ga heat expand supernova shock wave xray energi blue green interstellar dust radiat cooler temperatur infrar light yellow red abund element iron lack neutron star pulsar remnant suggest origin supernova type ia type ia supernova thermonuclear explos destroy white dwarf star accret materi companion binari star system shock veloc measur xray emit shell infrar dust temperatur indic remnant expand extrem rapidli remark low densiti bubbl creat explos white dwarf system near plane milki way galaxy rcw 86 8200 lightyear away estim radiu 50 lightyears,rcw 86 histor supernova remnant,2011-11-10,910,135,0.0951704545454545,11-10,11,2011,10,6,2,4 8238eb02c04c2b5354f9f70461ed75453206e905559951b304820ca44dec7acb,none,big bright beautiful spiral galaxi m83 lie mere twelv million lightyear away near southeastern tip long constel hydra cosmic closeup mosaic base data hubbl legaci archive trace dark dust young blue star cluster along promin spiral arm lend m83 nickname southern pinwheel typic found near edg thick dust lanes wealth reddish star form region also suggest anoth popular monik m83 thousandrubi galaxy domin light older stars bright yellowish core m83 lie upper right core also bright xray energi reveal high concentr neutron star black hole left intens burst star formation fact m83 member group galaxi includ activ galaxi centauru a closeup field view span 25000 lightyear estim distanc m83,arm m83,2011-11-11,688,109,0.1259006211180124,11-11,11,2011,11,7,2,3 6605f798123c76b42703c6db4205edc9b4d743a2c0f78a7a71b1f54924c71aae,jen hackmann,ch day beauti end sun set western horizon week set sun ad nakedey sunspot finale enorm activ region rotat across dimmed redden solar disc near sun center close telephoto view novemb 7th sunspot activ region respons power xclass flare novemb 3rd activ region 1339 larger jupiter foreground ruin tower mediev castl stand dramat silhouette locat germani tradit known castl might name sunspot castl wellcompos scene,sunspot castl,2011-11-12,411,65,0.0,11-12,11,2011,12,1,0,1 3501ba682e3b9e3bdd17f3fbe562b7810d12c2fed4ead32e34def24e7db6c471,none,wingspan big bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c central star particular planetari nebula except hot though shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust dramat detail closeup die star nebula record hubbl space telescop soon upgrad 2009 cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star near center view almost edgeon lineofsight molecular hydrogen detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius,butterfli nebula hubbl,2011-11-13,594,89,0.1846153846153846,11-13,11,2011,13,4,1,5 060607e59a5d18cb14014254f09dd3f6c7d337a3b7b4f40b3c2f4922b910e2d5,stephan vetternuit sacrees,longer look image see perhap eye first drawn picturesqu waterfal call visibl imag right however iceland visual color arc light left chromat bow rainbow sinc water drop origin rainfal reflect light sun rather drop drift waterfal illumin nearli full moon high faint green streak aurora scene captur one night last month also show beauti starscap far background includ big dipper part constel great bear ursa major,aurora iceland,2011-11-14,411,66,0.1405476190476191,11-14,11,2011,14,8,1,1 a42fcf3dae9cbac87238f1c48d3777fd23f13a7128ab4508249efb749c87d3ba,alan friedmanavert imagination,sun becom busi place taken last week sun captur sport numer interest featur includ one larger sunspot group yet ar 1339 visibl imag right last year sun emerg unusu quiet solar minimum last years imag record singl color light call hydrogen alpha inverted fals colored spicul cover much sun face gradual brighten toward sun edg caus increas absorpt rel cool solar ga call limb darkening sun edges sever scintil promin protrude promin sun face seen light streaks possibl visual interest magnet tangl activ region contain cool sunspots sun magnet field wind toward solar maximum next years increas activ like creat time sun face even complex,orang sun scintil,2011-11-15,637,105,0.1204081632653061,11-15,11,2011,15,1,2,4 4ac53aabd6b977f39b5c9a00bb2fb47e4a8233993cdfe55d419dbc5f960a9165,manuel fernández suarez,hot young star cosmic pillar ga dust seem crowd ngc 7822 edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region lie 3000 lightyear away within nebula bright edg dark shape highlight color skyscape imag includ data narrowband filters map emiss atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues atom emiss power energet radiat hot stars whose power wind radiat also sculpt erod denser pillar shapes star could still form insid pillar gravit collapse pillar erod away form star ultim cutoff reservoir star stuff field span around 40 lightyear estim distanc ngc 7822,ngc 7822 cepheu,2011-11-16,585,95,0.1055555555555555,11-16,11,2011,16,4,2,5 14dc255d8f51c22698da4972b813f54d1c00bcb5ecf52980c6aa048df3b1bd6e,rogeliobern andreo,cosmic vista stretch almost 20 degre across gentl constel taurus begin pleiad end hyades two best known star cluster planet earth sky left love pleiad star cluster 400 lightyear away familiar celesti scene cluster star shine dusti cloud scatter blue starlight right vshape hyad cluster look spread compar compact pleiad lie much closer 150 lightyear distant course hyad cluster star seem anchor bright aldebaran red giant star yellowish appearance aldebaran actual lie 65 lightyear away chanc along line sight hyad cluster faint dust cloud found near edg tauru molecular cloud also evid throughout remark 12 panel mosaic wide field view includ youth star tauri hind variabl nebula four degre left aldebaran sky,pleiad hyad,2011-11-17,710,112,0.1537946428571428,11-17,11,2011,17,6,2,5 8e0b5da1053e13a101a70c5dae107475d7759168c06dff44d9cacb82584bbf6c,none,color topograph map moon center lunar farside side seen planet earth view avail lunar reconnaiss orbit though spacecraft wide angl camera imag almost entir lunar surfac everi month stereo overlap imag allow topograph map coverag 80 degre north south latitude result 300 meter resolut lunar surfac 10 20 meter elev accuracy data closer north south pole fill use orbiter laser altimeter map white red green purpl repres progress lower fact larg circular splotch tend purpl hue bottom farside south poleaitken basin 2500 kilomet diamet 12 kilomet deep one largest impact basin solar system,color side moon,2011-11-18,586,93,-0.0666666666666666,11-18,11,2011,18,2,0,2 cf48f7511522eaf3170f74bce5bd8e76e3df233f2ffa711ecf28b12a5a86532a,jerri lodrigusscatch light,mysteri blue reflect nebula found catalog vdb 152 ced 201 realli faint lie tip long dark nebula barnard 175 dusti complex also call wolf cave cosmic apparit nearli 1400 lightyear away along northern milki way royal constel cepheus near edg larg molecular cloud pocket interstellar dust region block light background star scatter light embed bright star give nebula characterist blue color ultraviolet light star also thought caus dim reddish luminesc nebular dust though star form molecular clouds star seem accident wander area measur veloc space differ cloud velocity deep telescop imag region span 7 lightyears poll october apod,wolf cave,2011-11-19,631,98,0.0846153846153846,11-19,11,2011,19,4,2,5 21296239eebe816076c15b2b971d991dddf5c99450b75daf9fae861b4bae2249,lori xavier,star form studi star form region w5 sunorbit spitzer space telescop provid clear clue record massiv star near center empti caviti older star near edges like reason older star center actual trigger format younger edg stars trigger star format occur hot outflow ga compress cooler ga knot dens enough gravit contract stars spectacular pillars left slowli evapor hot outflow gas provid visual clues scientificallycolor infrar image red indic heat dust white green indic particularli dens ga clouds w5 also known ic 1848 togeth ic 1805 form complex region star format popularli dub heart soul nebulas imag highlight part w5 span 2000 light year rich star form pillars w5 lie 6500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,w5 pillar star format,2011-11-20,717,116,0.1003787878787878,11-20,11,2011,20,6,2,5 eba0748cdc2994f83f3e7453f52d6880305f720464217fe6fbd704c6bc3f4851,juergen rendtel,histor active year leonid meteor shower diminish bright moonlight still faith night sky watcher see shower peak novemb 18 even glare moonlight come close mask brilliant firebal meteor color meteor trail final flare captur earli morn western sky canari island observatorio del teid tenerife particl dust swept planet earth pass near orbit period comet tempeltuttle leonid meteor typic enter atmospher nearli 70 kilomet per second look away moon wide angl camera len also record bright star familiar constel orion tauru near pictur center inset two exposur fireball persist train consecut train imag follow meteor flash sever minut high altitud wind dispers faint smokey trail two larg telescop build gregor telescop reddish dome vacuum tower telescop along right edg frame sun watch telescopes,leonid firebal tenerif,2011-11-22,792,122,0.1549404761904762,11-22,11,2011,22,8,2,4 fceca25f19f74ecf5ff56f6d4f5f7122ab56aef692dd7ddb0228a47e6120e5f4,stéphane guisard,altitud 5000 meters night sky view chajnantor plateau chilean and breathtak way one dark site rarefi atmosphere 50 percent sea level pressure also extrem dry make ideal atacama larg millimetersubmillimet array alma design explor univers wavelength 1000 time longer visibl light near center panoram scene alma 7 12 meter wide dish antenna illumin young moon nestl arc milki way alma antenna configur intend achiev resolut compar space telescop oper interferometer left meteor streak milki way satellit galaxies larg bottom small magellan cloud grace night,view,2011-11-23,554,84,0.0833333333333333,11-23,11,2011,23,6,0,4 f63a2d826fc0665dd825d8bdd06f99ce64acf488ae02fa56b208959e404a1490,none,artist illustration two distant galaxi form 2 billion year big bang caught afterglow gammaray burst seen across universe shine host galaxi anoth nearbi galaxy align gammaray burst galaxi infer afterglow spectrum follow burst initi detect fermi gamma ray space telescop march 2009 seen one european southern observatory larg telescop units spectrum burst fade afterglow also offer surpris result distant galaxi richer heavi element sun highest abund ever seen earli universe heavi element enrich matur galaxi local univers made past gener stars young galaxi experienc prodigi rate star format chemic evolut compar milki way illustration light burst site left pass success galaxi right spectra illustr dark absorpt line galaxies element imprint afterglow light shown insets course astronom planet earth would 12 billion lightyear right edg frame,afterglow,2011-11-24,844,125,0.078095238095238,11-24,11,2011,24,7,2,4 76fb7b46b828c5d6ce3a3f586f886ce0bbafcff172d875d1dad783b56b0ac075,picdumidiorg,tantal glimps insid dome captur sunset mountain top pic du midi observatori french pyrenees begin work sunset observatory day instrument loom within climso for dedic explor dynam phenomena across surfac atmospher sun imag solar atmospher corona climso use develop french astronom bernard 1930s block light center telescop beam creat artifici solar eclips allow continu view solar corona surreal twilight scene sea clouds dome interior reveal single long exposur open slit rotat across field view,glimps,2011-11-25,495,74,0.1031746031746031,11-25,11,2011,25,1,1,4 347a341fd0f2e4f2fc219a9f35e60548ca0e75afa00e17f78bee506511a7fa05,martin pugh,promin ridg emiss featur vivid skyscap design ic 5067 part larger emiss nebula distinct shape popularli call pelican nebula ridg span 10 lightyear follow curv cosmic pelican head neck pelican nebula closeup construct narrowband data map emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue colors fantastic dark shape inhabit view cloud cool ga dust sculpt energet radiat young hot massiv stars star also form within dark shapes fact twin jet emerg tip long dark tendril center telltal sign embed protostar catalog herbigharo 555 pelican nebula itself also known ic 5070 2000 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus,pelican nebula closeup,2011-11-26,651,104,0.093235294117647,11-26,11,2011,26,4,2,5 487fb760790be9458a63d65711ab65832e40c263502c31a0c5785c556f9635dc,none,would shadow space shuttl launch plume point toward moon earli 2001 launch atlantis sun earth moon rocket properli align photogen coincidence first space shuttle plume cast long shadow time day must either near sunris sunset shadow longest extend way horizon finally full moon sun moon opposit side sky sunset example sun slightli horizon and direction moon slightli horizon therefore atlanti blast off sunset shadow project away sun toward opposit horizon full moon happen be,shuttl plume shadow point moon,2011-11-27,476,74,0.2,11-27,11,2011,27,2,1,1 5e93097d8616cf4c50a619ca697aed15699e2983751ff5e5eae28fb46d444c25,none,asteroid vesta home impress cliff solar system pictur near imag center deep cliff run 20 kilomet top bottom imag taken robot dawn spacecraft began orbit 500kilomet space rock earlier year topographi scarp surround indic huge landslid may occur slope origin remain unknown part cliff face must quit old sever crater appear sinc created dawn finish high altitud map survey spiral lower altitud orbit better explor asteroid gravit field 2012 dawn schedul blast away vesta begin long journey asteroid belt object known larger ceres,asteroid vesta,2011-11-28,527,83,0.1258333333333333,11-28,11,2011,28,8,1,2 8c6058b9acea354a03d8a9a1e555fe653a423df56b66535457482686c7e2d563,none,fantast jumbl young blue star clusters gigant glow ga clouds impos dark dust lane surround central region activ galaxi centauru a imag hubbl space telescop process present natur color pictur cosmic maelstrom infrar imag hubbl also shown hidden center activ seem disk matter spiral black hole billion time mass sun centauru appar result collis two galaxi left debri steadili consum black hole astronom believ black hole central engin gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru activ galaxies activ galaxi centauru close mere 10 million lightyear away rel conveni laboratori explor power sourc energy apod graduat research univers support lead astronomi web site,across center centauru,2011-11-29,667,102,-0.1012820512820512,11-29,11,2011,29,7,2,4 49ba33c7d9822846a89b538b8899a511edc762de752eb22c207f6f662ae8a29c,none,next stop mars past weekend mar scienc laboratori carri curios rover blast red planet atop atla v rocket cape canaveral florida usa pictur above five time size opportun rover current oper mars curios like strang littl car six small wheels camera mast rock long robot arm power source curios schedul land mar next august start two year mission explor gale crater help determin whether mar could ever support life help determin human might one day visit earth planetari neighbor poll pick last week apod,curios rover lift mar,2011-11-30,501,84,-0.055,11-30,11,2011,30,5,0,2 bad07e8a32c4454ccb0e667b123565cf5bd105cfd0c6402d8137b08b72d14a5e,carlo,last friday fourth final partial solar eclips 2011 visibl high latitud southern hemisphere miss it check dramat pictur geocentr celesti event high southern latitud contin antarctica camera posit san station near antarct peninsula mountain range pictur look toward south east sun silhouet lunar disk seen thin low clouds perhap fittingly mountain slope foreground part larger roman four name snow cover face resembl roman numer 2011 actual one eclips go total eclips moon part eclips visibl planet earth but antarctica decemb 10,solar eclips antarctica,2011-12-02,528,81,0.028,12-02,12,2011,2,1,0,1 d22398b75ab12c027fc021a335ce3aa0d617d73dad73bd6e31bdd7c686830282,bori,single long exposur captur star trail remark color sea clouds seen mountain surround peak light illumin cloud north croatia near center also color star trail arcs north celesti pole upper right edg frame even though age digit camera well compos skyscap record use color slide film medium format camera dreamlik scene starri sky ephemer ocean could reminisc older age still sea cover part central europ 10 million year ago,,2011-12-03,421,69,0.0812169312169312,12-03,12,2011,3,6,0,1 68185c90ac90ce7a4dbc7601eb6e7dff2661b221729aaf7a825de88420dc9d75,none,reason unknown star v838 mon outer surfac suddenli greatli expand result becam brightest star entir milki way galaxi januari 2002 then suddenly faded stellar flash like never seen before true supernova nova expel matter space v838 mon flash appear expel materi space seen actual outwardli move light echo bright flash light echo light flash reflect success distant ring ambient interstellar dust alreadi surround star v838 mon lie 20000 light year away toward constel monocero unicorn hubbl space telescop imag februari 2004 light echo six light year diameter,light echo v838 mon,2011-12-04,559,87,0.2714285714285714,12-04,12,2011,4,6,1,5 81c3621fefeb722b75306cb8c6bd5b61dfc4ba189e00a12d76022fe883714bd1,salomonsen,one memor aurora season green light red light sometim mixtur two multipl rays distinct curtains even auror corona took much sky background star numer foreground friend tri imag sight scene captur fishey len around norway last month sun becom active next year might bring even spectacular aurora,aurora norway,2011-12-05,294,47,0.1566666666666666,12-05,12,2011,5,6,1,1 758b5663c9642991ea76221eca7db0e36ae0c9c3a5ca3fcfe74bf8bd7bcc6fbe,none,closest match earth yet found recent discov planet kepler 22b therefor instantli becom best place find life outsid solar system planet host star kepler 22 actual slightli smaller cooler sun lie 600 lightyear earth toward constel swan cygnus planet kepler twice radiu earth orbit slightli closer in lie habit zone liquid water could exist surface pictur artist depict kepler 22b might appear approach spaceship comparison inner planet solar system whether kepler 22b actual contain water life current unknown seti project however begin monitor kepler 22b sign intelligence,kepler almost earth orbit almost sun,2011-12-07,571,87,0.1125,12-07,12,2011,7,8,2,2 a8285d7adfdaf9c47237ac93a0f23a93cfb1a5d0359eb63bea08970042c7453c,adam block,cosmic brush star format compos allur mix dust dark nebulae catalog ldn 1551 region lie near southern end tauru molecular cloud complex 450 lightyear distant stretch nearli 3 lightyears canva abound sign embed young stellar object drive dynam outflow surround medium includ near center frame compact telltal red jet shock hydrogen ga near posit infrar sourc known system protostar surround dust disks broader brighter wing hh one region mani herbigharo objects nebulos associ newli born stars estim indic star form ldn region contain total amount materi equival 50 time mass sun,celesti,2011-12-08,578,91,2.312964634635743e-18,12-08,12,2011,8,4,0,5 9ba36367cee22a1b72442f579f080dd66adb16c25e225a4a5d9977b5bce2943c,babak tafreshi,tomorrow decemb 10 full moon slide planet earth shadow total lunar eclipse entir eclips sequence includ 51 minut totality visibl asia australia moonwatch europ africa miss begin partial phase them eclips start moonrise central western north america earlier phase eclips progress moon sets fact east miss out north american far enough west could see scene much like one mostli eclips moon low near western horizon morn morn twilight view anoth lunar eclips approach total phase moonset captur 2008 februari 21 zagro mountain iran lunar eclips time chart ,eclips moon morn,2011-12-09,553,87,0.0464285714285714,12-09,12,2011,9,2,0,1 81d077e726b37264fe97f2ba15cf690c8361eab72f7a83c403348d8f1c8aa773,none,color imag thin slice meteorit view polar part group classifi hed meteorit miner content like fell earth 4 vesta asteroid current explor nasa dawn spacecraft thought vesta hed meteorit visibl infrar spectra match spectrum small world hypothesi origin vesta also consist data dawn ongo observations excav impacts shown would origin deep within crust vesta similar rock also found lower crust planet earth sampl scale indic white 2 millimet long brows share lastest lunar eclips pictur,vesta rock,2011-12-10,483,75,-0.0979166666666666,12-10,12,2011,10,8,0,2 969f15570409917d88435245e72d5aceb7b03f65f2ae1d7c9d61a3ff394c1725,ralph p search meteorit,best place earth find meteorites although meteor fall world usual sink bottom ocean buri shift terrain easili confus terrestri rocks bottom earth however east antarctica huge sheet blue ice remain pure barren travers sheet dark rock stick out rock high probabl true meteorit like piec anoth world explos impact might catapult meteorit moon mars even asteroid yield valuabl inform distant world earli solar system small team snowmobil explor far found thousands pictur above icetrekk search field 25kilomet front otway massif transantarct mountain rang antarct summer 19951996 week mark 100th anniversari human first reach earth south pole brows share lastest lunar eclips pictur,search meteorit antarctica,2011-12-11,679,102,0.1231632653061224,12-11,12,2011,11,8,2,2 ccbc2b5f2998bde341ff7ba4a08c1c14a429b4e7dba5b27f86d3f1ee346ee893,none,could creat unusu rock mars lead hypothesi thin rock layer dub deposit run liquid like miner vein earth run liquid choic water therefore miner streak rich calcium sulfur latest grow bodi evid part mar wateri past this turn increas specul mar hospit life pictur vista taken near western rim endeavour crater opportun rover current explor mars inset imag show close recent discov miner brows share latest lunar eclips pictur,unusu rock mar,2011-12-12,425,69,0.0916666666666666,12-12,12,2011,12,5,0,2 29f94492393b5fe2c5448d59267858ab94a438671ffa4913b3b530a16603a780,dieter willaschastrocabinet,strang shape textur found neighborhood cone nebula unusu shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars brightest star right pictur mon region nicknam fox fur nebula color structure blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star red glow encompass whole region result dust reflect also emiss hydrogen ga ioniz starlight mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros origin mysteri geometr cone nebula visibl far left remain mystery,vicin cone nebula,2011-12-13,581,90,0.1907738095238095,12-13,12,2011,13,4,1,5 28fd2eeca855090ec2838d7db976c3519af2b43579e3cd8f73fae6e23077e834,chander,moon turn red last week reason decemb 10 total lunar eclips occurred digit superimpos imag mosaic captur moon mani time eclipse moon enter earth shadow moon exited imag sequenc record stupa peac near center new india red tint eclips moon creat sunlight first pass earth atmosphere preferenti scatter blue light make sky blue pass refract red light reflect back moon differ amount cloud volcan dust earth atmospher make lunar eclips appear differently next total lunar eclips occur 2014 discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,lunar eclips indian,2011-12-14,546,86,0.0697860962566845,12-14,12,2011,14,2,0,1 b5ebe51b6d99a8d99ae2cde50deb7928cc33a363303c401b6b41f30acc51eb8c,wang letian,dark inner shadow planet earth call umbra shape like cone extend space circular cross section easili seen lunar eclipse example last saturday full moon slid across southern half earth umbral shadow entertain moonwatch around much planet total phase eclipse moon complet within umbra 51 minutes record beijing china composit eclips imag use success pictur total center partial phase trace larg part umbra curv edge background star visibl darker eclips phases result show rel size shadow cross section distanc moon well moon path earth umbra,umbra earth,2011-12-15,539,84,0.0238095238095238,12-15,12,2011,15,2,0,1 ba3d5c5c92ef16f28cdb15dd00b4e8c7e24e25813f307680665b700d00bddb7e,none,like sungraz comets comet lovejoy c2011 w3 expect surviv close encount sun did imag coronograph onboard sunstar soho spacecraft identifi still inbound remnant tail brilliant head coma emerg solar glare decemb 16 sun position behind occult disk block overwhelm glare indic white circle separ tail comet lovejoy coma bright satur camera pixel creat horizont streaks base orbits sungraz comet thought belong kreutz famili comets creat success break up singl larg parent comet pass near sun twelfth century discov soho cameras unlik mani sungrazers one first spot australian astronom terri lovejoy earthbas observatory comet lovejoy estim come within 120000 kilomet sun surfac like larg cometari nucleu surviv intens perihelion passage remark video encount solar dynam observatori found here,comet survivor,2011-12-17,787,117,0.0772727272727272,12-17,12,2011,17,3,2,4 4b3737cebe480229ca05fdcf23eaebda7b512f1d3cf2fa8dfa663ead170cf9e3,cern,object mass help find out europe cern built larg hadron collid lhc power particl acceler yet creat humans sinc 2008 lhc smash proton unpreced impact speeds lhc explor lead explan mass aris ordinari particl slog otherwis invis pervas field virtual higg particles high energi collid particl creat real higg bosons higg mechan mass creation would bolstered last week two lhc group report preliminari indic higg might exist around 120 gev mass data lhc collis also scan micro black holes magnet monopoles explor possibl everi type fundament particl know nearli invis supersymmetr counterpart help lhchome project allow anyon home comput help lhc scientist search archiv lhc data strang beasts pictur above person stand front huge atla detector one six detector attach lhc,larg hadron collid,2011-12-18,768,121,0.0988888888888889,12-18,12,2011,18,8,2,4 3235694cea6d846ef91e04bfd63a345a4f8c06ad7607fedbe52156e6e8892065,angu lau,ngc 253 one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest discov 1783 carolin herschel constel sculptor ngc 253 lie ten million lightyear distant ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest group local group galaxies dens dark dust accompani high star format rate give ngc 253 design starburst galaxy visibl photograph activ central nucleus also known bright sourc xray gamma rays,ngc 253 sculptor galaxi,2011-12-20,395,61,0.0871428571428571,12-20,12,2011,20,7,0,3 dee965f12965f53cd174781850ac2f1f9c95ea1b623dd436246f0533f5c65c97,none,what larg blue wrap around entir galaxy gravit len mirage pictur above graviti lumin red galaxi gravit distort light much distant blue galaxy typically light bend result two discern imag distant galaxy len align precis background galaxi distort horsesho nearli complet ring sinc lens effect gener predict detail albert einstein 70 year ago ring like known einstein rings although lrg 3757 discov 2007 data sloan digit sky survey imag shown followup observ taken hubbl space telescope wide field camera 3 strong gravit lens like lrg 3757 odditi multipl properti allow astronom determin mass dark matter content foreground galaxi lenses best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,horsesho einstein ring hubbl,2011-12-21,713,112,0.1371212121212121,12-21,12,2011,21,7,2,3 fe12026269c20e3118d3258da6317217718eb4278b1ef17bff5314da534b809b,arn erisoti,today sun stand still ut steadi march toward southern begin annual journey north event known solstice northern hemispher december solstic mark astronom start winter great basin desert outsid utah usa near solstic date watch sun rise set sun tunnels monument earthwork artist holt sun tunnel construct four 9 foot diamet cast concret pipe 18 feet long tunnel arrang wide x achiev sunset sunris alignments dramat snapshot sun tunnel sun horizon cold cloudi sunset near 2010 winter solstice daylight hours hole side pipe project spot sunlight interior walls form map princip star constel draco perseus columba capricorn fan planet celesti note sun tunnel 150 mile car robert smithson late spiral,sun tunnel,2011-12-22,692,109,-0.0062499999999999,12-22,12,2011,22,1,2,1 050c7531bdc33ad03186ea7fc9991e2bed1d8166de5255f15d16575d4b34ecdb,del sol observatori,similar size milki way ellipt galaxi ngc 7600 160 million lightyear distant deep image span 12 degre sky toward constel aquarius ngc 7600 sport remark outer halo nest shell broad structures tantal featur explain accret dark matter star cosmic timescale fact movi gener simul galaxi format use cosmolog model cold dark matter halo merg galaxi appear ngc 7600 amaz detail remark simul movi avail present compel evid detail featur galaxi merger observ small wide field telescop planet earth natur consequ galaxi format fundament properti dark matter,shell galaxi ngc,2011-12-23,546,86,-0.1306818181818181,12-23,12,2011,23,7,0,3 2f63fb94f19b391b10ba42fcb414e515216c687affff323f873b40f30985ef99,roger n clark,december lunar eclips grace earli morn sky rocki mountain colorado usa there wintri scene find moon cold blue twilight sky near western horizon snowi north american continent divide 22 minut sunrise redden lunar disk almost complet immers earth dark shadow dramat rocki mountain moon set eclips total phase part geocentr celesti event seen pacif regions asia australia includ entir 51 minut totality part final eclips 2011 share sky around much planet earth,eclips moon morn,2011-12-24,457,72,-0.05,12-24,12,2011,24,2,0,1 9917998d78023349bbfccc32b5272180ccd0d71b05e17fd16fe7505f3c8fe5cc,none,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion image taken hubbl space telescope present three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,m1 crab nebula hubbl,2011-12-25,473,74,0.0611305361305361,12-25,12,2011,25,4,0,5 988dba2b5bc2a8ccc37587b51fd91d835ffeba8274558b8b8947df67fe1bd507,none,one largest longest live storm ever record solar system first seen late last year cloud format northern hemispher saturn start larger earth soon spread complet around planet storm track earth close robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn pictur fals color infrar february orang color indic cloud deep atmosphere light color highlight cloud higher up ring saturn seen nearli edgeon thin blue horizont line warp dark band shadow ring cast onto cloud top sun upper left sourc radio nois lightning intens storm may relat season chang spring slowli emerg north saturn fun quiz celesti cellular tell,rage storm system saturn,2011-12-26,600,95,0.0616477272727272,12-26,12,2011,26,0,2,1 e514699cef352b3a5f24e7b2ab77a6dc4a1a721aa102ecd21ab4ed945a0a3b65,bill snyderbillsnyd photography,first hint becom sun discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list diffus object confus comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen toward constel fox vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 shown color emit hydrogen oxygen understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,m27 dumbbel nebula,2011-12-27,665,104,0.2909090909090909,12-27,12,2011,27,4,2,5 05a874770f5a97e6b5ec034b6bcfede89a15c5331500c387012b57b4ee83cac2,guillaum blanchard,comet lovejoy c2011 w3 surviv close encount sun earlier month take place among wonder southern sky time seen sunris paran observatori chile sungraz comet tail stretch far eastern horizon span 20 degre rise alongsid plane milki way galaxy breathtak spectacl itself lovejoy celesti stage southern star nebulae includ larg small magellan cloud right telescop dome glow zodiac light along left edg frame paranal larg telescop unit foreground wideangl scene captur decemb 23 reced sun comet lovejoy tail continu grow length even comet fades,comet lovejoy paran,2011-12-28,535,83,0.0669642857142857,12-28,12,2011,28,3,0,1 e630bc2060547804eb0ea22021673d9f56a0ece5b987d02a64a00a7bf4d4117d,stefano de rosa,comet lovejoy entertain earli morn riser southern hemisphere love conjunct young crescent moon venu grace western sky sunset captur decemb 26th conjunction beauti sunset color below seen lake near turin italy outdoor late enjoy sunset planet earth probabl notic venu low west season brilliant even star sometim mistaken terrestri light near horizon venu third brightest celesti beacon sun moon distinct particularli easi appreci peac scene,conjunct sunset,2011-12-29,439,65,0.1923076923076923,12-29,12,2011,29,2,1,1 5754944de6ae7477ef07ca129fc2149fb0a98ae67372cc38af83718e743777ff,none,monster center galaxi get fed recent observ larg telescop indic cloud ga ventur close supermass black hole galact center ga cloud disrupted stretch out heat up expect fall black hole next two years artist illustration remain blob close pass black hole shown red yellow arch gravit death trap right cloud orbit shown red orbit central star shown blue infal nebula estim contain sever time mass earth central black hole thought correspond radio sourc sagittariu a contain four million time mass sun fall in noth expect heard doom ga ever again discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,center galaxi,2011-12-30,602,98,-0.0363095238095238,12-30,12,2011,30,6,2,4 bf1118792daef1a37ed7eff56c46e59c30bc4e9afdb3617b5cb3c21be53f9091,none,decemb 24 comet lovejoy rose dawn twilight arc eastern horizon tail swept back solar wind sunlight seen left comet earli morn appear alongsid southern milki way town intendent alvear la pampa province argentina short star trail includ bright southern sky star alpha beta centauri near center frame long bright streak cross comet tail littl closer home wait proper moment start exposure photograph also caught intern space station still glint sunlight orbit top bottom local horizon right panel near horizon view comet lovejoy space station itself captur two day earlier fact dan expedit 30 record comet lovejoy rise sun spectacular video here even consid vista avail low earth orbit describ comet the amaz thing ever seen,comet lovejoy iss,2011-12-31,721,115,0.1717857142857143,12-31,12,2011,31,3,2,1 94811e2c6fa063b04f37efc823c2c28e17a5ced68dcb1653e869bb5b1fd466d1,none,100 meter cargo bay space shuttl challenger bruce mccandless ii farther anyon ever before guid man maneuv unit mmu astronaut mccandless pictur above float free space mccandless fellow nasa astronaut robert stewart first experi unteth space walk space shuttl mission 41b 1984 mmu work shoot jet nitrogen sinc use help deploy retriev satellites mass 140 kilograms mmu heavi earth but like everything weightless drift orbit mmu replac safer backpack propuls unit best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,fli free space,2012-01-01,536,84,0.2977272727272727,01-01,1,2012,1,8,1,2 7f1dca3ed38c536eb2c2e5b58a81dda2250929d4099573470049261ea06ae127,jimmi westlakecolorado mountain college,where full moon somewher image earth moon hiding entir moon visible complet full phase plain sight even photographer keen eye find even though knew exactli look long exposur camera pick barely although might congratul find it difficult see one reason photograph taken total lunar eclips last month earth shadow made moon much dimmer normal full moon another image taken colorado usa captur 12 minut sunrise moon exact opposit side sky sun meant sun horizon still slightli illumin sky last moon two degre horizon larg volum air camera horizon scatter lot light away background moon twelv minut imag acquir sun peek horizon moon set discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,spot moon,2012-01-02,693,111,0.089047619047619,01-02,1,2012,2,2,2,1 e9d9cefa20242c08188483abc59cfdf7d920ba2073eb50a0cab1c029341e42e2,sebastian voltmer,higher highest building higher highest mountain higher highest airplane lie realm aurora aurora rare reach 60 kilometers rang 1000 kilometers aurora light result energet electron proton strike molecul earth atmosphere frequently view space complet aurora appear circl around one earth magnet poles wide angl image horizont compressed captur unexpect auror display stretch across sky one month ago eastern norway best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,full sky aurora norway,2012-01-03,488,72,0.2586363636363636,01-03,1,2012,3,8,1,1 fa003c30c13df213a2675b1f45c24c286199470e18ce94e804e5b7befb6ab1af,dietmar hager,lurk behind dust star near plane milki way galaxy ic 10 mere 23 million lightyear distant even though light dim interven dust irregular dwarf galaxi still show vigor starform region shine telltal reddish glow color skyscape fact also member local group galaxies ic 10 closest known starburst galaxy compar local group galaxies ic 10 larg popul newli form star massiv intrins bright includ lumin xray binari star system thought contain black hole locat within boundari northern constel cassiopeia ic 10 5000 lightyear across best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,starburst galaxi ic 10,2012-01-04,600,96,0.0976689976689976,01-04,1,2012,4,6,2,3 4bdd27a5bea7f637f918509ce3f05a06be553d3220a9a036c97b0322217bd464,none,orbit plane saturn rings saturnian moon perpetu ringsid view gorgeou ga giant planet course pass near ring plane cassini spacecraft also share stun perspective ring seen slice across middl cassini snapshot may last year scene featur titan largest dione third largest moon saturn remark thin bright ring still cast arc shadow across planet cloud top bottom frame pale dion 1100 kilomet across orbit 300000 kilomet visibl outer edg ring dion seen titan atmospher haze 5150 kilomet across titan 23 million kilomet cassini dion 32 million kilomet away best short astronomi videos apod editor speak new york citi friday januari 6,ringsid titan dion,2012-01-05,624,100,0.1660330578512396,01-05,1,2012,5,0,2,2 d7be2af8b30099c0df8ace9036593ca3c1921fda1b230ccd57975126ccd61e1a,ivan eder,sagittariu scorpius central milki way truli beauti part planet earth night sky gorgeou region captur wide field imag span 30 degrees impress cosmic vista taken 2010 show intric dust lanes bright nebulae star cluster scatter galaxy rich central starfields start left look lagoon trifid nebulae cat paw right lie pipe dark nebula color cloud rho ophiuchi antar right actual center galaxi lie 26000 light year away found here discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,wide field imag galact center,2012-01-06,483,76,0.1304945054945054,01-06,1,2012,6,6,1,5 97d8069936083aa669e61b8f5184faa79e68450ee78ba487f1fcb25c12309dfc,none,galaxi fascin visible invisible grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232 captur detail one new larg telescopes good example visibl domin million bright star dark dust caught gravit swirl spiral arm revolv center open cluster contain bright blue star seen sprinkl along spiral arms dark lane dens interstellar dust seen sprinkl them less visible detectable billion dim normal star vast tract interstellar gas togeth wield high mass domin dynam inner galaxy invis even greater amount matter form yet know pervas dark matter need explain motion visibl outer galaxy discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232,2012-01-07,611,94,0.1541945773524721,01-07,1,2012,7,7,2,3 8e7c0fe824a3fc74b1e8ca1ba28ef46855761fbc37328bcba2631d43bc06c77a,jack fusco,name forgotten constellation quadrantid meteor shower annual event planet earth northern hemispher skygazers usual peak briefli cold earli morn hour januari 4 shower radiant point sky lie within old astronom obsolet constel quadran muralis posit situat near boundari modern constel hercules bootes draco mani year quadrantid meteor dim one captur view bright easi spot foreground river east point lighthous locat near southern tip new jersey us east coast like sourc dust stream produc quadrantid meteor identifi 2003 asteroid,lighthous meteor,2012-01-08,526,78,0.0586363636363636,01-08,1,2012,8,8,0,1 91fd0a2692996ed0dbcec64853c3bdc172fbd4aa061abf2fc2d543c542ce5aa4,chri,star near top bright sometim hard notic galaxi toward bottom pictur above star regulus galaxy leo i found within one degre toward constel lion leo regulu part multipl star system close companion doubl star visibl lower left young main sequenc star leo dwarf spheroid galaxi local group galaxi domin milki way galaxi m31 leo thought distant sever known small satellit galaxi orbit milki way galaxy regulu locat 75 light year away contrast leo 1 locat 800000 light year away discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,bright star regulu near leo dwarf galaxi,2012-01-10,533,87,0.1232142857142857,01-10,1,2012,10,7,1,3 16aae9bb025f629bf52441b837c0f359f530b8b0de1c166eae33cb5a056b8e80,alex cherneyterrastrotwan,bright apparit southern hemispher dawn comet lovejoy fading long tail still stretch across sky near south celesti pole captur morn decemb 30th comet appear near edg littl planet well course littl planet actual planet earth imag creat 12 frame mosaic use construct spheric panorama type stereograph project use map imag pixel center directli camera known littl planet projection star surround littl planet photographer cloudi horizon near bay island great ocean road southern victoria australia run alongsid milki way comet identified celesti highlights put cursor picture bright star canopu siriu right littl planet,littl planet lovejoy,2012-01-11,615,92,0.2196428571428571,01-11,1,2012,11,3,1,1 f4898d75f76e11e61a7c65916a1edf902942e4e361f59b76b91cab19debd49f8,none,where star center supernova remnant companion star star blew up identifi star import understand type ia supernova turn could lead better understand bright explos predictable turn key calibr entir natur universe troubl even care inspect center snr 0509675 found star all indic companion intrins faint much faint mani type bright giant star previou candidates fact implic companion star might faint white dwarf similar less massiv star snr 0509675 shown visibl light shine red imag hubbl space telescope xray light shown falsecolor green imag chandra xray observatory put cursor pictur highlight central requir locat miss companion star discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,case miss supernova companion,2012-01-12,698,104,0.0216666666666666,01-12,1,2012,12,6,2,3 5fd143bea3cc226d8eb28caef31cbdbfe0ade4550c9e5f595aa8cdfa39f13fca,none,happen saturn moon iapetus vast section strang world dark coal other bright ice composit dark materi unknown infrar spectra indic possibl contain dark form carbon iapetu also unusu equatori ridg make appear like walnut help better understand seemingli paint moon nasa direct robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop within 2000 kilomet 2007 pictur above 75000 kilomet out cassini trajectori allow unpreced imag hemispher iapetu alway trailing huge impact crater seen south span tremend 450 kilomet appear superpos older crater similar size dark materi seen increasingli coat easternmost part iapetus darken crater highland alike close inspect indic dark coat typic face moon equat less meter thick lead hypothesi dark materi mostli dirt leftov rel warm dirti ice sublimates initi coat dark materi may effect paint accret meteorliber debri moons imag cassini iapetu flybi studi even greater clues discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,saturn iapetus paint moon,2012-01-13,959,144,0.0556818181818181,01-13,1,2012,13,0,2,4 b038bae049b86aa2ea979f384082a5b56a71f1643464a13d9d62fd6a913c4eec,none,pretti planetari nebula catalog ngc 6369 discov 18th centuri astronom william herschel use telescop explor medicin constel ophiucus round planetshaped nebula also rel faint acquir popular monik littl ghost nebula planetari nebula gener relat planets instead creat end sunlik star life outer layer expand space star core shrink becom white dwarf transform white dwarf star seen near center radiat strongli ultraviolet wavelength power expand nebula glow surprisingli complex detail structur ngc 6369 reveal tantal imag compos hubbl space telescop data nebula main ring structur lightyear across glow ioniz oxygen hydrogen nitrogen atom color blue green red respectively 2000 lightyear away littl ghost nebula offer glimps fate sun could produc planetari nebula 5 billion year now,ngc 6369 littl ghost nebula,2012-01-14,778,115,-0.0333333333333333,01-14,1,2012,14,4,2,5 c2f9dde6c78fd1e46209c3c6868ec2499461e32b8b3ddc0b0b5a11ef836ee673, david,double doubl toil trouble fire burn cauldron bubbl mayb macbeth consult witch head nebula suggest shape reflect nebula associ bright star rigel constel orion formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula glow primarili light reflect bright star rigel locat lower edg image fine dust nebula reflect light blue color caus rigel blue color dust grain reflect blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen nebula lie 1000 lightyear away,ic 2118 witch head nebula,2012-01-17,508,80,0.2166666666666666,01-17,1,2012,17,4,1,5 71918410da0a65276fe95fabf1136db7fa9e57a3a0ef0e81716bda85f0547010,none,star form help studi complex issue astronom took deep infrar imag cygnu x largest known star form region entir milki way galaxy recentlyreleas imag taken 2009 orbit spitzer space telescop digit translat color human see hottest region color blue visibl larg bubbl hot ga inflat wind massiv star soon form current model expand bubbl sweep ga sometim even collide frequent creat region dens enough gravit collaps yet stars star factori span 600 light years contain million time mass sun shine promin wide angl infrar panorama night sky cygnu x lie 4500 light year away toward constel swan cygnus million years calm like restor larg open cluster star remain dispers next 100 million years,inner nearbi star factori,2012-01-18,685,113,0.075,01-18,1,2012,18,6,2,4 00f16fc74795920be2e1d72aed6175bd3c63ac7966ac0e388a745512cecb77af,sky,begirt mani blaze star orion hunter one easili recogniz constellations night skyscap januari 15 hunter star rise northern hemisphere winter sky frame bare tree bound terrestri light around lake counti donegal ireland red giant star betelgeus strike yellowish hue orion shoulder left center rival bright red giant rigel blue supergi star hold oppos posit near orion foot course sword orion hang hunter three belt star near pictur center middl star sword star all slightli fuzzi pinkish glow hint true nature nearbi stellar nurseri visibl unaid eye known orion nebula,hunter star,2012-01-19,565,89,0.1166666666666666,01-19,1,2012,19,6,2,5 0a730d96b92a48dfed913527c20201ae66dd40ded5a719353002cc300ed2b237,göran strand,full moon rise dramat celesti sight full moon mani names captur januari 8 östersund sweden evoc moonris portrait might make feel cold winter north also imagin wolv distanc probabl understand nativ american would call wolf moon tradit name first full moon january photograph report wolv heard though watch beauti full moon rise fade light eastern horizon echo yellow color set sun course due year februari 7 next full moon snow moon,wolf moon,2012-01-20,431,71,0.1395833333333333,01-20,1,2012,20,2,1,1 224726ff30729165d5342fc0cc3dbda0b6d52d95aa554fc602ebd36835140081,regina,solstic solstice six month long exposur compress time 21st june 21st december 2011 singl point view dub solargraph unconvent pictur record pinhol camera made drink line piec photograph paper fix singl spot entir exposure simpl camera continu record sun path day glow trail burn photosensit paper case spot chosen look dome radio telescop univers observatory dark gap daili arc caus cloud cover wherea continu bright track record gloriou sunni weather course june sun trail begin higher northern hemisphere summer solstice trail sink lower sky december winter solstic approaches last year autumn one record uk mani bright arc lower part pictur,day sun,2012-01-21,642,100,0.18125,01-21,1,2012,21,1,2,1 babe4a8c2782c25aed42844b8e363a63953f7ae688c9b1e2f1be0c0c2965dd1c,none,believ not north pole saturn unclear unusu hexagon cloud system surround saturn north pole created keep shape long last origin discov voyag flybi saturn 1980s nobodi ever seen anyth like elsewher solar system although infrar glow visibl previous cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2009 mysteri hexagon vortex becam fulli illumin sunlight first time cassini visit sinc then cassini imag rotat hexagon visibl light enough time creat timelaps movie pole center well imag excluded movi show mani unexpect cloud motions wave eman corner hexagon planetari scientist sure continu studi unusu cloud format quit time,saturn hexagon come light,2012-01-22,604,92,0.1041666666666666,01-22,1,2012,22,0,2,4 38c8acd1bb4fc561c3b9760f372060521e2f85bc67f9f437cb6c044e3ecb2279,juan carlo casado,attract eye sky ground ground rocki peak teid nation park tenerif island spanish canari island northwestern coast africa volcan landscap featur old island sometim use instrument futur martian rovers light nearbi hotel shine far left storm cloud visibl horizon artifici multipl exposures divid sky across middl deep image vertic band milki way galaxy red circl right barnard loop near center famou belt star constel orion soon imag taken even earlier year storm cloud roll across locat began attract eye most,deep orion island,2012-01-23,508,80,0.1154761904761904,01-23,1,2012,23,6,1,1 fa87496508e0447f0b3cab53a7ae7a45a4a7b45a637855bd875cf2f17dc35282,none,mar spend winter winter approach southern hemispher mar last november opportun rover problem need place go reduc amount sunlight impact opportunity solar panel combin extra power need keep equip warm could opportunity batteries therefor opportun instruct climb onto 15 degre inclin haven shown rocki slope ahead inclin increas power opportunity solar panel greater exposur sunlight also give roll robot interest landscap visibl distance beyond greeley haven lie expans endeavour crater ancient impact basin opportun continu explor martian winter months,opportun rover spot greeley mar,2012-01-25,553,79,0.22,01-25,1,2012,25,5,1,2 d4fead3ac7bace68e283f4194ea477b2a1c3b66c8dc6a5c060d651254afab340,r jay gabani,mere 125 million lightyear earth irregular dwarf galaxi ngc 4449 lie within confin cane venatici constel hunt dogs size milki way satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud ngc 4449 undergo intens episod star formation evidenc wealth young blue star clusters pinkish star form regions obscur dust cloud deep color portrait also hold distinct first dwarf galaxi identifi tidal star stream faintli seen lower right place cursor imag reveal inset stream resolv red giant stars star stream repres remain still smaller infal satellit galaxy disrupt gravit forc destin merg ngc 4449 rel stars small galaxi thought possess extens dark matter halos sinc dark matter interact gravitationally observ offer chanc examin signific role dark matter galact merger events interact like respons ngc 4449 burst star format offer tantal insight even small galaxi assembl time,ngc 4449 star stream dwarf galaxi,2012-01-26,849,131,-0.0342857142857142,01-26,1,2012,26,7,2,3 91566ecce6a47c6c19f559751ccb581907f1f9631480cdf75b7d687ebc4f3513,adam block,40000 lightyear across pretty irregular galaxi ngc 3239 lie near center love field galaxi galaxi rich constel leo distanc 25 million lightyear domin frame sport peculiar arrang structures young blue star cluster star form regions suggest ngc 3239 aka arp result galaxi merger appear nearli top pretti galaxi bright spiky foreground star nearbi member milki way galaxi almost directli along lineofsight ngc still ngc 3239 notabl host year first confirm supernova design sn discov earli month supernova hunter bob jack indic crop version wider image sn right bright foreground star course base time ngc supernova explos occur 25 million year ago trigger core collaps massiv star apod india apod editor speak delhi feb 12 registr required,ngc sn,2012-01-27,735,116,0.220054945054945,01-27,1,2012,27,7,2,3 4cd95ab5cfa8e58b3b7afebe706a9d0a9417dd7f647e1c5b78e2435c503a30a2,göran strand,illumin eeri greenish light remark littl planet cover ice snow ring tall pine trees course littl planet actual planet earth surround star horizon near östersund sweden pale greenish illumin curtain shimmer aurora boreali also known northern lights display trigger giant solar coron mass eject cme rock planet earth magnetospher januari 24th produc strong geomagnet storm northern hemispher skygaz also recogn familiar orient star left includ pleiad hyad star cluster star orion increas solar activ caus recent auror display wide spread includ aurora australis southern lights high southern latitudes,planet aurora boreali,2012-01-28,599,88,0.0891025641025641,01-28,1,2012,28,6,2,4 9ec51c3820d0dfdc24c6183055154654a2cd5784187c32b295539f6e8d0a82fd,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form fact barnard 68 found like collaps form new star system possibl look right cloud infrar light,molecular cloud barnard 68,2012-01-29,608,97,0.0668145743145743,01-29,1,2012,29,4,2,5 c1659be2cf7330fc9ea2d6743e714d23426f62fee98096222a33baaef7207c80,none,behold one detail imag earth yet created blue marbl earth montag shown creat photograph taken imag radiomet suit instrument board new suomi npp satellit show mani stun detail home planet suomi npp satellit launch last octob renam last week commonli deem father satellit composit creat data collect four orbit robot satellit taken earlier month digit project onto globe mani featur north america western hemispher particularli visibl high resolut version image previously sever blue marbl earth imag created even higher resolution,blue marbl earth,2012-01-30,531,80,0.0379696969696969,01-30,1,2012,30,8,0,2 ca6128524808f05e17afe9679cb09b2548e8143fa0cf719c94d3bd4827700b77,none,sun look like one day helix nebula one brightest closest exampl planetari nebula ga cloud creat end life sunlik star outer gass star expel space appear vantag point look helix remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 700 lightyear away toward constel water bearer aquarius span 25 lightyears pictur taken three color infrar light visibl infrar survey telescop astronomi european southern observatory paran observatori chile closeup inner edg helix nebula show complex ga knot unknown origin,helix nebula vista telescop,2012-01-31,607,94,0.0439393939393939,01-31,1,2012,31,4,2,5 45cd03c280b9f19d006f2c902a2cfb0f38f25bf5c4f081ffd66dffd752157842,alex cherneyterrastrotwan,would sky glow red aurora last week solar storms eman mostli activ sunspot region 1402 shower particl earth excit oxygen atom high earth atmosphere excit element electron fell back ground state emit red glow oxygen atom lower earth atmospher excited glow would predominantli green pictur above high red aurora visibl horizon last week near flinders victoria australia sky night however also glow familiar distant objects includ central disk milki way galaxi left neighbor larg small magellan cloud galaxi right timelaps video highlight aurora visibl night put picturesqu scene context sky also glow green remain unknown,red aurora australia,2012-02-01,619,95,0.0302857142857142,02-01,2,2012,1,8,2,1 02fbe290f8baca2245acf0bd88897bf79e812268ec3ca53ebe654a40b8955188,alexandr santern,fix camera tripod record grace trail trace star planet earth rotat axis tripod set eso la silla observatory high atacama desert chile star trail would look someth like this span 4 hour night januari 24 imag actual composit 250 consecut 1minut exposures look toward north north celesti pole center star trail arcs horizon southern hemispher perspective foreground polish 15meter diamet dish antenna swedisheso submillimet telescop now show star trail toward south reflection sweep around south celesti pole distort arc star appear underneath southern horizon focus invert view right dish dome observatory 36 meter telescope home planet hunt harp spectrograph,la silla star trail north south,2012-02-02,657,99,0.0576190476190476,02-02,2,2012,2,6,2,1 01d869934a556417a06bd444bbb1f997d6256f5178ad7b53b0de8ab5f50e7182,none,1995 famou pictur hubbl space telescop featur pillar creation star form column cold ga dust lightyear long insid m16 eagl nebula remark falsecolor composit imag nearbi stellar nurseri imag data orbit herschel space observatori xmmnewton telescopes herschel far infrar detector record emiss region cold dust directly includ famou pillar structur near center scene toward extrem electromagnet spectrum xmmnewton xray vision reveal massive hot star nebula embed star cluster hidden hubble view optic wavelengths massiv star profound effect sculpt transform natal ga dust structur energet wind radiation fact massiv star short live astronom found evid imag data point remnant supernova explos appar age 6000 years true expand shock wave would destroy visibl structures includ famou pillars eagl nebula 6500 lightyear distant destruct wit hundr years,insid eagl nebula,2012-02-03,845,124,-0.0262923351158645,02-03,2,2012,3,4,2,4 8e93f618d048e1c943b7f95a2bb14fa8608d63c930d9e898548d15afe2a0a2e7,cara project,sweep slowli constel hercules comet garradd c2009p1 pass 05 degre globular star cluster m92 februari 3 captur latest messier moment steadi perform remain nakedey visibl central coma compar bright dense wellknown star cluster rich telescop view new earli morn skies also featur garradd broad fan shape dust tail much narrow ion tail extend beyond right edg frame push pressur sunlight dust tail tend trail comet along orbit ion tail blown solar wind stream away comet direct opposit sun course m92 25000 lightyear away comet garradd 125 lightminut planet earth arc eclipt plane,comet garradd,2012-02-04,576,92,0.1859577922077922,02-04,2,2012,4,3,1,5 1766adc045eea640c60430dfa215a2d0abe9d9ab18f9f5837aaeeaa4c7d46fb1,antnio cidado,moon appear chang nightly timelaps sequenc show moon look like lunation complet lunar cycle moon orbit earth half illumin sun first becom increasingli visible decreasingli visible moon alway keep face toward earth moon appar size chang slightly though slight wobbl call librat discern progress along ellipt orbit cycle sunlight reflect moon differ angles illumin differ featur differently full lunat take 295 days month moonth apod india apod editor speak delhi feb 12 registr required,lunat,2012-02-05,485,74,0.02,02-05,2,2012,5,2,0,1 7a4ba74031e3b1fee2a468baeee2008d99c0743203ab0c39bea73eeea9996a42,nicol villega,surround hotb star formation case orion nebula dust entir orion field locat 1600 light year away inund intric picturesqu filament dust opaqu visibl light dust creat outer atmospher massiv cool star expel strong outer wind particles trapezium form star cluster embed nebula intric filament dust surround m42 m43 appear brown image central glow ga highlight red next million year much orion dust slowli destroy star formed dispers galaxy,dust orion nebula,2012-02-06,436,68,0.1759259259259259,02-06,2,2012,6,4,1,5 01667f20edcecb884370b286ff55bccb1dae84712ff501e7f68810265c442418,lui argerich,although sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli offcolor slightli pink orange call belt venus offcolor band dark eclips sky blue sky seen nearli everi direct includ opposit sun straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere belt venus however atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red belt venus atmospher appear dark sunlight reach it belt venu seen locat clear horizon pictur last month argentina panoram vista featur belt venu digit stitch togeth 16 smaller images belt frequent caught accid photographs,belt venu argentina,2012-02-07,590,91,0.0735294117647059,02-07,2,2012,7,1,2,1 5fc9bf5a7520d97a2288eb81dbb5ee42d371108c3e589344972aeba114edfc05,none,sharp hubbl space telescop view look deep ngc 13000 lightyear away toward southern constel pavo globular star cluster roam halo milki way galaxy 10 billion year old ngc 6752 hold 100 thousand star sphere 100 lightyear diameter hubbl imag frame span central 10 lightyear resolv star near dens cluster core fact frame includ cluster blue straggler stars star appear young massiv exist cluster whose star expect least twice old sun explor ngc 6752 also indic remark fraction star near cluster core multipl star systems support star merger collis dens stellar environ creat cluster blue straggler stars,core ngc 6752,2012-02-10,598,96,0.025,02-10,2,2012,10,6,2,3 5cab9c8cd22861e32ac7831da0b0962b17957dbad94d651e6697089726f28af4,rafael,light night last tuesday february full moon sometim call snow moon moon quit full mosaick skyscap record februari 2 south budapest hungary snow either still thin cloud ice crystal hung cold wintri sky creat gorgeou lunar halo refract moonlight sixsid crystal produc slightli color halo characterist radiu 22 degrees moon bright star aldebaran also well within halo right pleiad star cluster lower left near halo edg lie star orion bright capella alpha star constel auriga beyond halo near top frame,februari moon halo,2012-02-11,498,80,0.1912087912087912,02-11,2,2012,11,2,1,1 4defbaa2f13c265febf66611ca96b06a3c0d6ea1c155378850f681c5c2c4a035,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,constel orion hold much three star row deep exposur show everyth dark nebula star clusters embed extend patch gaseou wisp greater orion molecular cloud complex brightest three star far left inde famou three star make belt orion alnitak lowest three belt stars flame nebula glow excit hydrogen ga immers filament dark brown dust frame center right alnitak lie horsehead nebula dark indent dens dust perhap recogn nebular shape sky upper right lie m42 orion nebula energet caldron tumultu gas visibl unaid eye give birth new open cluster stars immedi left m42 promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man hous mani bright blue stars image digit stitch composit taken sever nights cover area object roughli 1500 light year away span 75 light years,orion gas dust star,2012-02-12,749,123,0.1078896103896103,02-12,2,2012,12,4,2,5 a404133bcadf2ee83985a12f76531a28f7046ebab6ee64e225e572c4e5e4699d,doug zubenel,would venu appear venu seen countless time surfac earth everi time earth atmospher dispers light degree air right amount dust water droplets small distant object like venu appear spread angularli larg aureol unusu see frequent note circular corona around sun moon recently however aureol imag circular distinctli oval oval venusian aureol imag astrophotograph first note unusu phenomenon three year ago initi unusu distort confirm multipl time sever differ astrophotographers caus ellipt current unknown although sever hypothes hold horizont orient ice crystal responsible signific still take place,unusu venusian oval,2012-02-13,598,86,0.0714285714285714,02-13,2,2012,13,8,2,1 4e4ceca225948eaa267dd77661e7766df9a5f5fe8c4fc109b41b85f63e2165f5,brian davi,rosett nebula cosmic cloud ga dust evok imageri flower famous edg larg molecular cloud monoceros 5000 light year away petal rose actual stellar nurseri whose lovely symmetr shape sculpt wind radiat central cluster hot young stars star energet cluster catalog ngc 2244 million year old central caviti rosett nebula catalog ngc 2237 50 lightyear diameter nebula seen firsthand small telescop toward constel unicorn monoceros,rosett nebula,2012-02-14,423,64,0.2041666666666667,02-14,2,2012,14,4,1,5 c042780d0b9ab1eefa9849727d40da32fa5ce51aa6ab81958ba25ffdd7eb5374,leonardo orazi,reflect nebula reflect light nearbi star mani small carbon grain nebula reflect light blue color typic reflect nebula caus blue light effici scatter carbon dust red light bright nebula determin size densiti reflect grains color bright neighbor stars ngc 1435 pictur above surround merop 23 tau one brightest star pleiad m45 pleiad nebulos caus chanc encount open cluster star dusti molecular cloud,reflect nebula,2012-02-15,397,62,0.2291666666666667,02-15,2,2012,15,4,1,5 8fba97e4f7150fc3a2270f79b84204c55714cfb85beccc6cce19fe3b761288db,stephen leshin,two spiral galaxi make photogen pair found within boundari northern constel draco contrast color orientation ngc 5965 nearli edgeon line sight domin yellow hues bluish ngc 5963 closer faceon course even wellfram cosmic snapshot scene invad galaxies includ small ellipt ngc lower left brighter spiki star milki way scatter foreground though seem close similar size galaxi ngc 5965 ngc 5963 far apart unrelated chanc appear close sky ngc 5965 150 million lightyear distant 200000 lightyear across much smaller ngc 5963 mere 40 million lightyear away associ edgeon spiral difficult ngc extraordinarili faint blue spiral arm mark low surfac bright galaxy,ngc ngc draco,2012-02-16,650,100,-0.0807692307692307,02-16,2,2012,16,7,2,3 b2d74a0b6e872108d82dbfc30610e8cf19d0315e78c803d4fd7ba7460224ad53,none,aristarchu plateau anchor vast lava flow moon oceanu procellarum southeastern edg lie spectacular aristarchu crater impact crater 40 kilomet wide 3 kilomet deep scan along remark panorama find gaze directli crater west wall 25 kilometers featur along terrac wall includ dark impact melt debri deposits bright excav material boulder 100 meter wide full resolut 16 meter per pixel sharp mosaic creat imag record lunar reconnaiss orbiter narrow angl camera novemb 2011 orbiter vantag point 70 kilomet east crater center 26 kilomet lunar surface,west wall aristarchu crater,2012-02-17,541,83,0.0795454545454545,02-17,2,2012,17,5,0,2 2d60bc9e8ff45ba8b746b3467403740a83842fcefa2bdd155c2ab6899356c134,babak tafreshi,rug road dark atacama desert seem lead skyward toward bright star glow nebula southern milki way follow road get cerro peak chile futur construct site 40meter class european extrem larg telescope though slide cursor across imag identifi wonder southern sky view scene domin reddish glow great carina nebula one galaxy largest star form regions fact remark skyscap composit vari exposur far sourc light pollution landscap illumin starlight milki way record modifi digit camera fast lens sensit system captur planet earth deep sky rel short exposure,road carina,2012-02-18,547,85,0.1863636363636364,02-18,2,2012,18,6,1,5 be303b9bcadcf968c75b32f987d27d7213e3d31009bbf437e68ae6db129f7cd9,none,earthl tri tell us messag broadcast earth toward globular star cluster m13 1974 dedic arecibo observatori still largest singl radio telescop world string 1 0 repres diagram sent attempt extraterrestri commun mostli ceremoni human regularli broadcast radio televis signal space accidentally even messag received m13 far away would wait almost 50000 year hear answer messag give simpl fact human knowledge left right number one ten atom includ hydrogen carbon interest molecules dna human description basic solar system basic send telescope sever search extraterrestri intellig current underway includ one use home computer,messag earth,2012-02-19,624,91,0.0385714285714285,02-19,2,2012,19,8,2,4 90365ba24910366319d99736fca5e78283d6cf8340c7415231a83650c17ade8b,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 1073 pictur above captur spectacular detail recent releas imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 55 million year reach us ngc 1073 span 80000 light year across ngc seen moderatelys telescop toward constel sea monster fortuitously imag caught xray bright star system 5 visibl upper left like intern bar spiral three quasar far distance,bar spiral galaxi ngc,2012-02-20,649,104,0.192063492063492,02-20,2,2012,20,7,2,3 4b482527a09d4636461040792131b1909019439b45ac9269760d022146cd07bc,none,big rock end strang terrain one unusu place earth occur insid death valley california usa dri lakeb name racetrack playa exist almost perfectli flat odd except larg stones one pictur above flat textur larg playa like racetrack fascin scientif puzzl caus mud flowing drying crack heavi rain recently however viabl scientif hypothesi given explain 300kilogram sail stone end near middl larg flat surface unfortunately frequent happen science seemingli surreal problem end rel mundan solution turn high wind rain push even heavi rock across temporarili slick lakebed,sail stone death valley,2012-02-22,564,86,0.0098611111111111,02-22,2,2012,22,8,0,4 124d0fdc43044c3721f93a0208ac5b9643873430e678fda876c02047f713c837,jack fusco,venu jupit month two brightest planets shortli sunset februari 20 domin sky western horizon snowi landscape clear transpar sky cherri spring state park pennsylvania usa also seen immers zodiac light extended diffuse triangular glow sunlight scatter dust along plane ecliptic brighter near horizon zodiac glow angl first venu jupit hug eclipt orbit sun fade even further glow stretch toward love pleid star cluster near top frame follow appear zodiac skyscape come day see venu jupit share earli even sky young crescent moon two bright planet even head close pair conjunction separ 3 degre march 13,zodiac skyscap,2012-02-23,597,95,0.25,02-23,2,2012,23,6,1,1 77ac270b74ffd8ba98b8e36b7892d7a3dad37e1a0cdd07b0373aa7c9c0784bb8,stevecannistra,rich star cluster nebulae ancient constel auriga charioteer ride high northern winter night skies compos narrow broadband filter data span nearli 8 full moon 4 degrees sky deep telescop view record januari show auriga celesti bounty field includ emiss region ic 405 top left 1500 lightyear distant also known flame star nebula red convolut cloud glow hydrogen ga energ hot otyp star ae aurigae ic 410 top right significantli distant 12000 lightyear away star form region famou embed young star cluster ngc 1893 tadpoleshap cloud dust gas ic 417 ngc 1931 lower right spider fly also young star cluster embed natal cloud lie far beyond ic 405 star cluster ngc 1907 near bottom edg frame right center crowd field view look along plane milki way galaxy near direct galact anticenter,auriga nebula,2012-02-24,778,130,0.169223602484472,02-24,2,2012,24,6,2,5 464a72bb567b6b37859763bb278c3f7a2e66920550da1f2a7f7f10d5fcee6602,none,first identifi compact galaxi group stephan quintet featur eyecatch imag construct data drawn extens hubbl legaci archive 300 million lightyear away four five galaxi actual lock cosmic danc repeat close encounters odd man easi spot though interact galaxies ngc 7319 7318a 7318b 7317 overal yellowish cast also tend distort loop tails grown influenc disrupt gravit tides predominantli bluish galaxy ngc 7320 closer 40 million lightyear distant part interact group stephan quintet lie within boundari high fli constel pegasus estim distanc quartet interact galaxies field view span 500000 lightyears however move beyond field left astronom identifi anoth galaxy ngc 7320c also 300 million lightyear distant course includ would bring interact quartet back quintet status,stephan quintet,2012-02-25,767,113,0.0054166666666666,02-25,2,2012,25,7,2,3 ea412951f1f3b59769c93cb59b7a4cd02e26e31ddbe92ccc4536b459bb2f86f5,none,what caus odd ring supernova 1987a twenti five year ago 1987 brightest supernova recent histori seen larg magellan cloud center pictur object central remain violent stellar explosion surround center curiou outer ring appear flatten figur 8 although larg telescop includ hubbl space telescop monitor curiou ring everi years origin remain mystery pictur hubbl imag sn1987a remnant taken last year specul caus ring includ beam jet eman otherwis hidden neutron star left supernova interact wind progenitor star ga releas explosion,mysteri ring supernova 1987a,2012-02-26,526,79,-0.1083333333333333,02-26,2,2012,26,6,0,3 c4ebde2a3323709d601c6cace3d21826e1bd562ab33798cad8a7a8826626d4ef,none,twenti five year ago brightest supernova modern time sighted time astronom watch wait expand debri tremend stellar explos crash previous expel material clear result collis demonstr time laps video imag record hubbl space telescop 1994 2009 movi depict collis outward move blast wave preexisting lightyear wide ring collis occur speed near 60 million kilomet per hour shockheat ring materi caus glow astronom continu studi collis illumin interest past sn 1987a provid clue origin mysteri rings gallery conjunct,shock supernova 1987a,2012-02-27,509,77,0.019047619047619,02-27,2,2012,27,8,0,4 1b718f8e4258181c7383c0f0627cf7ff82bef5b14f14cad5896f38b65ed4ccd0,robert,comet garradd two tails visibl left comet garradd dust tail compos ice dust bit trail comet orbit around sun visibl right comet garradd ion tail compos ioniz ga blown directli sun solar wind comet show two tails although unusu appear point nearli opposit directions comet garradd current show oppos tail earth opportunist intermedi view angle subtl hue imag captur last week show dust tail slightli yellow larg grain reflect sunlight ion tail shine slightli blue carbon monoxid ion reflect blue sunlight efficiently center surround comet nucleus greentint coma color mix dust gass includ cyanogen although drift sun comet garradd make closest approach earth next week like follow apod facebook google,tail comet garradd,2012-02-28,700,110,0.0085714285714285,02-28,2,2012,28,3,2,4 044e57df9664c7ddc8f548dcaa8f8be2f0659932671bba1011371b5c8d50ae46,juan carlo casado,venu jupit appear unusu close sky next month planetari conjunct easili visibl unaid eye venu appear brighter background star jupit nearli bright see simpli look west sunset closest march 15 two planet appear three degre apart planet significantli closer space venu pass nearli front jupit seen earth imag composit taken late last week catalonia spain bright crescent moon appear right venus jupit appear near top image distant sunillumin sphere photograph behind sculptur depict legendari battl warrior dragon galleri conjunct imag visibl apod discuss board pleas feel free contribute next jupitervenu conjunct occur may 2013 today leap day,moon planet catalonia,2012-02-29,642,97,0.1571428571428571,02-29,2,2012,29,8,2,1 755cb605f51db02bf7085a16f9f0cd679b216a00ef96214a9d462d4204037544,frédéric burgeot,five hand drawn sketch jupit use creat beauti detail flat map rule ga giant turbul cloud tops made color pencil eyepiec 16 inch diamet telescope origin draw 5 inch diameter drawn map dimens inch observ differ date novemb decemb 2011 astronom artist fred reli jupiter rotat cover planet complet digit also translat draw intrigu video vimeo telescop view rotat planet tilt phase appropri observ dates video includ galilean moon move along orbits begin ganymed io cast shadow glide front jupiter follow europa callisto pass behind planet band disk,jupit,2012-03-02,544,88,-0.1416666666666667,03-02,3,2012,2,8,0,2 0177a71f0de0cd78fe81ab34aecadf276381b40ad8db56b4da41f9be8e72adf0,olivi,remark comet garradd c2009p1 come known two distinct tails perspect earthbound comet watcher tail visibl opposit side greenish coma seen telescop view recogniz dust tail fan right trail comet nucleu orbit stream away sunward direction familiar bluish ion tail sweep left comet also seem have least temporarily sprout second ion tail record imag februari 24 comet imag recent captur chang structur garradd ion tail creat plasma buffet magnet field solar wind move quickli northern skies march 5th comet garradd reach closest approach planet earth lightminut distant,anoth tail comet garradd,2012-03-03,564,86,0.0511904761904761,03-03,3,2012,3,3,0,1 1d85ef182f48cf4cc720e9ae77affe886b3f1ddafb7a225bf270eac214e63336,none,spiral galaxi eso 51013 get bent shape disk mani spiral thin flat solid spiral disk loos conglomer billion star diffus ga gravit orbit galaxi center flat disk thought creat sticki collis larg ga cloud earli galaxy formation warp disk uncommon though even milki way galaxi thought small warp caus spiral warp still investigated warp thought result interact even collis galaxies eso 51013 pictur digit sharpened 150 million light year away 100000 light year across,warp spiral galaxi eso 51013,2012-03-04,462,74,0.0888888888888888,03-04,3,2012,4,7,0,3 7ea9e498610f19007e0d9c2e42d1bf2d470a22ab9fcab3d071247706a9804335,leonardo julio carlo astronomia pampeana,paint photograph beauti celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine near imag center reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae red emiss region mani dark absorpt nebulae backdrop color stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star pictur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel unicorn monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 60 lightyear across,ngc 2170 celesti still life,2012-03-06,531,82,0.045,03-06,3,2012,6,4,0,5 a97b2b1d5cda7a23f0c17aa5db3bb560ca7574617793c1a03e772e3a38b63d0b,luc perrot,reunion island see week planetari conjunction want see picturesqu seascap well see conjunct anywher world look west sunset first planet may notic venus brightest object western sky venus second brightest object jupiter hardest planet spot mercury visibl briefli sunset faint dot horizon picturesqu rock lead reunion island indian ocean popul foreground picture taken last week distant planet venu jupit join bright crescent moon move away student of ages see free astronomi lectur onlin,conjunct reunion island,2012-03-07,486,73,0.09375,03-07,3,2012,7,8,0,1 06b2140c29221e53201d0f0945fdc5ec0fdcb298ace0ae00f844c29f7d6b4298,harel,broad expans glow ga dust present birdlik visag astronom planet earth suggest popular monik seagul nebula portrait cosmic bird cover 16 degre wide swath across plane milki way near direct sirius alpha star constel cani major course region includ object catalog designations notabl ngc 2327 compact dusti emiss region embed massiv star form bird head aka parrot nebula center ic 2177 form sweep arc seagull wings domin reddish glow atom hydrogen complex ga dust cloud bright young star span 100 lightyear estim 3800 lightyear distance,seagul nebula,2012-03-08,534,85,0.1113636363636363,03-08,3,2012,8,4,1,5 e27688385dd5e6b9ee34ed68e8246f6db78733dbf03ad95453172079791305e6,rickbaldridg,view well chosen locat sunset gorgeou full moon rose behind mount hamilton east san jose california march 7 lunar disk frame histor lick observatori perch mountain 4200 foot summit observatori moon echo warm color sunlight reflect filter long path atmosphere substanti atmospher refract contribut moon green rim course march full moon also known full worm moon telescop photo lick 40 inch nickel telescop dome left larg dome right hous lick great 36 inch refractor,lick observatori moonris,2012-03-10,464,74,0.2441558441558441,03-10,3,2012,10,2,1,2 290e518d54ed28f480ddc24b91a49d647f48e4ebc83af5ca2fb50c8860c9e483,none,float ring size galaxy fact part photogen sombrero galaxy one largest galaxi nearbi virgo cluster galaxies dark band dust obscur midsect sombrero galaxi optic light actual glow brightli infrar light image digit sharpened show infrar glow recent record orbit spitzer space telescope superpos falsecolor exist imag taken nasa hubbl space telescop optic light sombrero galaxy also known m104 span 50000 light year across lie 28 million light year away m104 seen small telescop direct constel virgo,sombrero galaxi infrar,2012-03-11,494,76,0.17,03-11,3,2012,11,7,1,3 00cdb23847e6ec9429c06e61fee8a59c820e3613c058e38c2ffc6cdf31262f6a,nicol villega,larg galaxi faint nebula highlight deep imag m81 group galaxies first foremost wideangl 12hour exposur grand design spiral galaxi m81 largest galaxi visibl image m81 gravit interact m82 it big galaxi unusu halo filamentari redglow gas around imag mani galaxi m81 group galaxi seen well lucki satellit glint streak across imag left togeth galaxi congreg includ local group galaxi virgo cluster galaxies m81 group part expans virgo superclust galaxies whole galaxi menageri seen faint glow integr flux nebula littl studi complex diffus ga dust cloud milki way galaxy,m81 galaxi group integr flux nebula,2012-03-13,564,88,-0.0349999999999999,03-13,3,2012,13,7,0,3 f3abc0a00c34bbe181e612f9c0bbc00902e09ee43130a81efd3d247c91e8badb,alan friedmanavert imagination,one sunspot region years activ region 1429 may look some like angri bird thrown power flare coron mass eject current solar cycle extend plume explos even rain particl earth magnetospher result color auroras pictur above ar 1429 captur great detail sun chromospher three day ago isol color light emit primarili hydrogen result imag shown invert fals color dark region brightest hottest giant tube hot gas longer earth known spicul seen chromosphere light tendril ar 1429 cool filament hover activ sunspot region solar maximum near next years increasingli wound twist magnet field sun may creat even furiou activ region even energet puff solar plasma solar system gallery see imag latest planetari conjunct,sun erupt,2012-03-14,705,111,0.2208333333333333,03-14,3,2012,14,1,2,4 d126d7bacaab75cc2c1e7c383e694a9e48bcf6d0dec1677052fc38b8c7a07482,none,shine gammaray sky answer usual exot energet astrophys environments like activ galaxi power supermass black holes incred dens pulsars spin remnant explod stars march 7 power solar flare one seri recent solar eruptions domin gammaray sky energi 1 billion time energi visibl light photons two panel illustr intens solar flare allski imag record orbit fermi gammaray space telescope march 6 days sun almost invis fermi imag detectors energet xclass flare becam nearli 100 time brighter even vela pulsar gammaray energies fade fermi view sun like shine gammaray sky solar activ cycl approach maximum,solar flare gammaray sky,2012-03-15,595,93,-0.0041666666666666,03-15,3,2012,15,1,2,4 69949f1ed2c614f10b7779d3852b78790705885cde756652caf5d76429eda3ea,none,bright planet venu jupit frame nation solar observatory mcmathpierc solar telescop astronom scene photo taken kitt peak nation observatori march 9 heliostat sit atop 100 foot high solar telescop tower focu sun ray long diagon reach underground telescope primari mirror course sunset shadow cast structur illumin light nearli full rise moon open begin night work dome hous kitt peak 21 meter reflector includ frame pleiad star cluster shine heliostat tower angular mcmathpierc commiss 50 year ago studi sun also made mani observ two bright planets night conduct observ sodium atom tenuou lunar atmosphere,bright planet mcmathpierc solar telescop,2012-03-16,603,93,0.3228571428571429,03-16,3,2012,16,1,1,4 e57a2a7a45df4d00dc3c52fbca778d82b00d3ed3f7ced7f0843ce3692b416f71,dietmar hager,eleg island univers catalog ngc lie mere 16 million lightyear distant toward northern constel lynx spiral galaxi compar milki way ngc 2683 seen nearli edgeon cosmic vista blend light larg popul old yellowish star form remark bright galact core starlight silhouett dust lane along wind spiral arms dot ngc young blue star clusters sharp imag record len refract telescop show brighter foreground milki way star color round lack diffract spike characterist imag reflect telescop intern supports mani distant galaxi scatter background appear fuzzy extend sources,ngc 2683 edgeon spiral galaxi,2012-03-17,558,85,0.0275,03-17,3,2012,17,7,0,3 2739e01b681d95798272841a6ae93ecc5f86fc1f9a8d67225c812f5abbbbcc82,juan manuel prez rayego,what sun past two weeks one energet sunspot region recent year cross face sun activ region visibl group dark spot sun upper right blast sever solar flare coron mass eject sinc come around edg sun almost month ago fast move particl solar explos impact earth respons mani color aurora seen past two weeks picturesqu foreground featur tree bird near spain imag taken week ago although ar 1429 continu rotat right gone around limb sun seen earth monitor region continu one stereo satellites however orbit sun well ahead earth,sunspot group distant sun,2012-03-19,523,88,0.0221428571428571,03-19,3,2012,19,1,0,1 afaf592bd9ad5b4a419200ad7d2810e34ea3e8b32cf27f233d0e0edd1709b771,daniel cielo de canarias,see sky like photograph it three night ago iceland adventur photograph pictured chanc across sky full aurora that afterwards stitch togeth five smaller photographs entir sky recreat 180degre panorama taken vatnajkul aurora spark energet particl sun impact magnet environ around earth result energet particl electron proton rain near earth pole impact air impact air molecul obtain excit electrons electron oxygen molecul fall back ground state emit green light aurora known mani shape colors news flash supernova see recent imag,aurora iceland,2012-03-21,530,79,0.0928571428571428,03-21,3,2012,21,8,0,1 4bda5bf42e56cea57314ad35ff919c06dea0f383c9fa509bc451e850b0246297,adam block,bar spiral galaxi m95 75000 lightyear across compar size milki way one larger galaxi leo galaxi group fact part quit famou trio leo galaxi neighbor m96 38 million lightyear distant sharp color cosmic portrait bright compact ring star format surround galaxy core surround promin yellowish bar tightli wound spiral arm trace dust lanes young blue star clusters telltal pinkish star form regions bonus follow along spiral arm unwind right soon get latest supernova sn discov march 16 identifi explos massiv star good target small telescopes supernova stand video featur vimeo compar recent imag deep imag m95 without supernova taken 2009,m95 supernova,2012-03-22,634,100,0.1508928571428571,03-22,3,2012,22,7,2,3 2cb2daea14acb7665c15f4e35222751b5a1697e85608c199a9d81611ddd0ed81,none,18th centuri astronom charl messier describ 9th entri famou astronom catalog without star right leg ophiuchu messier 9 stars known modern astronom globular cluster 300000 star within diamet 90 lightyears lie 25000 lightyear distant near central bulg milki way galaxy hubbl space telescop closeup resolv dens swarm star across cluster central 25 lightyears least twice age sun defici heavi elements cluster star color correspond temperatures redder star cooler bluer star hotter mani cluster cool red giant star show yellowish tint sharp hubbl view,messier 9 closeup,2012-03-23,547,83,0.0373376623376623,03-23,3,2012,23,6,0,3 ab3d367c6d5164882639489f42df8a7dbcff49bee89f061f64f8145d1f7b59bd,m taha ghouchkanlu,also known moon ashen glow earthshin earthlight illumin moon night side taken march 20 equinox iran planet earth telescop imag captur strong earthshin old moon darker earthlit disk arm bright sunlit crescent view moon would enchant too moon appear earth sky slender crescent dazzlingli bright nearli full earth would seen lunar surface earth bright due reflect sunlight known strongli influenc cloud cover still descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean turn illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci,new moon old moon arm,2012-03-24,535,82,0.2453703703703704,03-24,3,2012,24,2,1,1 b917e09ec22cfde9c9638f447b690cb8a4addff70e238f6eb62b797d95ad941f,none,what light cigar galaxy m82 irregular galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand gas however recent evid indic ga driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind photograph mosaic highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament gas filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel great bear ursa major,m82 galaxi supergalact wind,2012-03-26,540,82,0.2009615384615384,03-26,3,2012,26,7,1,3 389b825e970b4bdaaed96e297091bf846b422bb934ce77096a8098786ccc9c02,none,unusu featur planet mercury slightli bluish ting featur dub hollow exagger imag robot messeng spacecraft current orbit mercury round depress appear differ impact crater noth like note earth moon anywher els solar system imag section floor raditladi impact basin 40 kilomet wide includ mountain central peak one progenitor hypothesi hollow form sublim materi expos heat violent impact creat raditladi basin nasa messeng first spacecraft ever orbit mercury current schedul explor solar system innermost planet 2013,unusu discov planet mercuri,2012-03-27,512,75,-0.1116666666666666,03-27,3,2012,27,8,0,2 8fb25a885a86571b52d75d69650b93d3ad3da20ee0ea19b0e5b5ee0a2bbf5b2a,none,moon specifically earth moon caught horizon young crescent phase familiar moon might look bit odd exposur show signific earthshin illumin part moon hidden direct sunlight sunreflect earth also captur imag bright planet venu right venu jupit pass three degre last week photogen planetari conjunction imag taken two day ago near madrid spain foreground horizon silhouett includ seven peak sierra de mountain range minut pictur taken moon set conjunct gallery see imag moon venus jupit togeth past month,earthshin venu sierra de,2012-03-28,501,77,0.1077380952380952,03-28,3,2012,28,2,1,1 524c8acbcff03295eb6dfdc146cd53a30b60078766cb23dfa4ecf9f65fb38256,catch light,march 27 five sound rocket leapt earli morn sky nasa wallop flight facil virginia part anomal transport rocket experi begin edt rocket launch consecut 80 second intervals releas chemic tracer creat lumin white cloud within earth ionospher altitud 60 65 miles swept along poorli understood highaltitud jet stream not jet stream fli altitud 5 6 miles seen along midatlant region unit states cloud drift starri skies captur clear photograph east point new jersey look south toward launch site tantal celesti background includ star sagittarius scorpius perman faint white lumin cloud milki way,rocket trail milki way,2012-03-29,589,92,0.0194805194805194,03-29,3,2012,29,8,2,4 222e63a383b970144c4dc5dc8ef8c4df3d56b22ccf10b12c5f2c8a2159a6921e,malcolm park,allur night skyscap record march 26 young moon stand distant western horizon conjunct brilliant planet venus foreground colorado river glisten moonlight wind grand canyon seen canyon southern rim point course grand canyon known one wonder planet earth carv river enorm fissur 270 mile kilometers long 18 mile 30 kilometers wide approach 1 mile kilometers deep date wonder night sky includ compact pleiad vshape hyad star cluster pois moon bright planet jupit closer near western horizon,grand canyon moonlight,2012-03-30,486,75,0.1961538461538461,03-30,3,2012,30,2,1,1 1f5ea3e4011e1622bf876a5c15bfa28e66ca570608c3727d7c862b7c54beb6df,serg brunier,recogn light pari picture cityscap taken march 25 top 210 meter tall mani spot loom eiffel tower larg dome structur right color lit elev train line gentli curv toward pictur center even pick arc de triomph close horizon right regardless location celesti light near western horizon look familiar love tripl brilliant venu top jupiter young crescent moon visibl even sky around planet earth,pari night,2012-03-31,388,63,0.3266483516483516,03-31,3,2012,31,8,1,1 968d85d0b1d4dd958ce386e9579cb034282397a3bce9c13d32054b0a37789deb,tama ladanyi,omicron monster report disturb sleep four night row father took action last daughter seem indic might come planetari system possibl sound like get root problem dad took daughter outsid use power laser blast home world humorously parent star omicron ceti show unstabl dramat increas brightness happi april fool day folk apod actuality star point mira famou variabl star expect reach maximum bright late august father question actual point out daughter star share name,,2012-04-01,466,73,0.2,04-01,4,2012,1,6,1,1 f2e48db2e75ec50ea620a6000e9a1b6e15aacfcdc9b554f01ce56402228b9587,patrick,volcano tungurahua sometim erupt spectacularly pictur above molten rock hot glow visibl pour side 5000meter high tungurahua cloud dark ash seen eject toward left wispi white cloud flow around lavalit peak starlit sky shine distance imag captur 2006 ash fell around adventur photographer locat ecuador tungurahua becom activ roughli everi 90 year last 1300 years,tungurahua erupt,2012-04-02,361,55,0.1075,04-02,4,2012,2,8,1,1 e6b2e859795c064ac3fc843ef7f60bc9b4ea83c7e2c17cca891d996d2524f295,ssrosouth,what closest activ galaxi planet earth would centauru a 11 million lightyear distant span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxi also known ngc 5128 forg collis two otherwis normal galaxies centauru a fantast jumbl young blue star clusters pinkish star form regions impos dark dust lane seen remark detail color galaxi portrait record clear chilean sky cerro tololo interamerican observatory near galaxy center left cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole billion time mass sun activ galaxies process like gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a,centauru,2012-04-04,565,86,-0.006060606060606,04-04,4,2012,4,7,0,3 9636b757d74f462aeda6ed7a1b45f162b5d9e88eb23dd64ca17e753c80121d33,univ,sweep eastern western horizon 360 degre panorama follow band zodiac light along solar system eclipt plane dust scatter sunlight produc faint zodiac glow span fundament coordin plane celesti sphere correspond appar yearli path sun sky plane earth orbit fascin panorama mosaic imag taken dusk dawn cours singl night two differ locat mauna kea light hilo hawaii eastern left horizon subaru twin keck telescop structur near western horizon well chosen moonless night venu shine morn star eastern horizon saturn close opposition fact saturn seen immers brighten zodiac band known gegenschein gegenschein also lie near 180 degre elong angular distanc sun along ecliptic mosaic projection plane milki way galaxi run angle cross horizont band zodiac light two horizons nebulae stars dust cloud bulg galact center rise east,zodiac light panorama,2012-04-05,814,125,0.0727272727272727,04-05,4,2012,5,6,2,4 7e165767897b94107b0221f38ef8536994a1ed933ef82f46a1d2b5abcbfe297e,fred espenak,wander far sun sky venu get brilliant even star cross path pleiad star cluster earlier week beauti conjunct enjoy skygaz around world taken april 2 celesti group photo captur view portal arizona usa also known seven sisters even brighter nakedey pleiad star seen much fainter venus venu sister look starcrossed spiki appear diffract pattern caus multipl leav apertur telephoto lens last similar conjunct venu pleiad occur nearli 8 year ago then venu move cross path disk sun june,venu sister,2012-04-06,479,78,0.1777777777777777,04-06,4,2012,6,6,1,1 696a9a7ccfe606386ccd485958dc63047c457c29e83251345c3c0cc141260744,doug zubenel,sister planet stand togeth sister stars celebr sky,,2012-04-07,50,8,0.0,04-07,4,2012,7,8,0,3 f00e77a20455dfd601c2f9aef2f54aeffb0b7c87725e15d8db4c3f54dfacea21,none,big jupiter moon io volcan bodi solar system io usual pronounc eyeoh 3600 kilomet diameter size planet earth singl larg natur satellite glide past jupit turn millennium cassini spacecraft captur awe inspir view activ io largest ga giant backdrop offer stun demonstr rule planet rel size although pictur io appear locat front swirl jovian clouds io hurtl around orbit everi 42 hour distanc 420000 kilomet center jupiter put io nearli 350000 kilomet jupiter cloud tops roughli equival distanc earth moon cassini spacecraft 10 million kilomet jupit record imag data,io moon jupit,2012-04-08,562,89,-0.12,04-08,4,2012,8,8,0,4 77bc068150e82f49a1373f78d03144f1c52c634981511db46c10b84e529befbe,none,sun part m53 night sky would glow like jewel box bright stars m53 also known ngc 5024 one 250 globular cluster surviv galaxy star m53 older redder sun enigmat star appear bluer younger young star might contradict hypothesi star m53 form nearli time unusu star known blue straggler unusu common m53 much debate blue straggler thought star rejuven fresh matter fall binari star companion analyz pictur globular cluster like imag taken hubbl space telescope astronom use abund star like blue straggler help determin age globular cluster henc limit age universe m53 visibl binocular toward constel bernice hair coma berenices contain 250000 star one furthest globular center galaxy,blue straggler star globular cluster m53,2012-04-09,677,107,0.0805555555555555,04-09,4,2012,9,6,2,3 cce1fe0006205e1f035cb3175702f432edfa25556ba1b2424fe2af65a9930881,none,follow thing common cone fur fox christma tree answer occur constel unicorn monoceros pictur star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae imag span 34 degre nearli 15 full moons cover 40 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose convolut pelt lie center bright variabl star mon immers bluetint haze cone nebula near tree top course star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape trace star appear apex cone nebula broader base center near mon,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2012-04-10,732,119,0.040625,04-10,4,2012,10,4,2,5 b666935ecb242d2b133dc23a742cad9800266610f6d720401b1801a54a00d0de,none,anoth april 12th 1961 soviet cosmonaut yuri alexseyevich gagarin becam first human see planet earth space comment view orbit reported the sky dark earth bluish everyth seen clearly celebrate consid recent imag orbit intern space station stun view planet night altitud 240 miles record march 28 light moscow russia near pictur center one station solar panel array left aurora glare sunlight lie along planet gentli curv horizon star horizon includ compact pleiad star cluster immers auror glow,yuri planet,2012-04-12,492,77,0.0666666666666666,04-12,4,2012,12,8,0,2 ddf9d66b785068a0cb683d6af76d887dc7e74e6d7adba79a5998be575d82e256,none,late northern martian spring hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit spi local denizen track south east down right across flat dustcov amazoni planitia core whirl dust devil 30 meter diameter loft dust thin martian atmosphere plume reach 800 meter surface follow path dust devil plume blown toward east common region dust devil occur surfac heat sun gener warm rise air current begin rotate tangenti wind speed 110 kilomet per hour report dust devil hiris images,dust devil mar,2012-04-13,464,75,-0.0327601410934744,04-13,4,2012,13,5,0,2 700a514246010501f15aeb49d1b5b3b26143dc7233b0a8fd8163ea44920465bd,rafael defavari,mani moon saturn have far 62 discovered smallest fraction kilomet across six largest satellit seen here though sharp saturnian famili portrait taken march 9 larger earth moon even slightli larger mercury titan diamet 5150 kilomet start lineup lower left continu right across frame mimas tethys enceladus dione rhea far right saturn first known natur satellite titan discov 1655 dutch astronom christiaan huygens recent satellit provision design s1 found cassini imag scienc team 2009 tonight saturn reach opposit planet earth sky offer best telescop view ring planet moons,six moon saturn,2012-04-14,572,87,0.1724025974025974,04-14,4,2012,14,0,1,2 5b8d1a87b7cdbd67244cc527e388a0673e5fdcdf2a9c63ec1a34ca1eac197ad5,mila zinkova,mirag help sink optic phenomenon call fata morgana make strang shape fals wall water appear wateri horizon condit right light reflect cold water bent unusu layer warm air arriv observ sever differ angles conceptu compar mirag make set sun appear strang distort distant appear wet one hundr year ago today fata morgana mirag might obscur real iceberg clear view crew onboard addit evid distort hypothesi aris nearbi vessel californian report sight consist fata morgana mirages fata morgana mirag taken us pacif coast 2008,mirag,2012-04-15,520,83,0.0982142857142857,04-15,4,2012,15,8,0,1 45ba70ed64a926645c2e1d276f85d47d5c0bd32b55c95643a1ec1bfceeb69d7c,ivan eder,antar huge star class call red supergiant antar 850 time diamet sun 15 time massive 10000 time brighter antar brightest star constel scorpiu one brighter star night sky locat 550 light year away antar seen left surround yellowish nebula ga expelled radiat antares blue stellar companion help caus nebular ga glow far behind antares lower right image globular star cloud m4 bright star far right al,antar cloud,2012-04-17,397,66,0.1631868131868132,04-17,4,2012,17,6,1,5 6af02111293b457a8e69ef6ca881a4df8c4d2e392f1b8d25cb5733b92e1e8ecd,bencoop,would like fli space shuttle although last nasa space shuttl retired still fun contempl sit control one humanity sophist pictur flight deck space shuttl endeavour youngest shuttl second last ever launched numer panel display allow orbit enter top earth atmospher greater speed sound thirti minut later land runway like airplane retir space shuttl sent endeavour sent california space center lo angeles california atlanti kennedi space center visitor complex merritt island florida discoveri udvarhazi nation air space museum virginia therefor sit shuttl chair person contempl human space flight may actual future develop gallery flyover space shuttl discoveri atop 747,flight space shuttl endeavour,2012-04-18,670,98,0.0857142857142857,04-18,4,2012,18,8,2,2 fb1fe167cff9bf062f941363c1835ed5e4388820b5aba98bf4de65e71dd841d0,bencoop,climb cloudi skies space shuttl orbit discoveri took kennedi space center tuesday 7 local time time final departur rode atop modifi boe 747 shuttl carrier aircraft follow farewel flyover space coast goddard space flight center washington dc discoveri head intern airport virginia destin resid nation air space museum udvarhazi center discoveri nasa travel shuttl orbiter cover 148 million mile 39 mission includ deliveri hubbl space telescop orbit oper 1984 2011 discoveri spent total one year space,discoveri,2012-04-19,499,76,-0.0571428571428571,04-19,4,2012,19,8,0,2 8fdd997ed9afd66af6248d9c02ea16ea44065590317aa42d9866494e9d6150a0,none,cept ring saturn ring nebula m57 probabl famou celesti band classic appear understood due perspect view planet earth look center roughli barrelshap cloud glow gas expans loop structur seen extend far beyond ring nebula familiar central region intrigu composit ground base hubbl space telescop imag narrowband imag data course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star nebula center intens ultraviolet light hot central star ioniz atom gas ioniz oxygen atom produc characterist greenish glow ioniz hydrogen promin red emission central ring ring nebula one lightyear across 2000 lightyear away accompani tonight shoot star shine northern constel lyra,m57 ring nebula,2012-04-20,731,108,0.0128205128205128,04-20,4,2012,20,4,2,5 5a57a08c24f74af635e5bd10e6354f01ef20d67e5fa4c16850926095da1f5382,yuri beletski,despit resembl r2d2 three look for instead enclosur hous 18 meter telescop paran observatori atacama desert region chile at design use interferometry techniqu achiev extrem high resolut observations concert observatory 8 meter larg telescop units total four at operational fit transport move telescop along track allow differ array larg unit telescopes work light telescop brought common focal point system mirror underground tunnels three larg small magellan cloud far far away satellit galaxi milki way clear otherwis dark southern skies planet earth greenish atmospher airglow stretch faintli along horizon,3,2012-04-21,609,88,0.0509090909090909,04-21,4,2012,21,8,2,4 fb59ae3b860c7a8cb2f19f70a3a69424dbf7d8a398b20a17855cc9f885cc9be1,none,mar act like liquid although liquid freez evapor quickli thin atmospher mars persist wind may make larg sand dune appear flow even drip like liquid visibl imag right two flat top mesa southern mar season chang spring summer light dome top hill also visibl far left image wind blow right left flow sand around hill leav picturesqu streaks dark arcshap droplet fine sand call barchans interplanetari cousin similar earthbas sand forms barchan move intact downwind even appear pass other season change wind mar kick dust monitor see escal anoth mars famou planetscal sand storms,flow barchan sand dune mar,2012-04-22,575,94,0.1192063492063492,04-22,4,2012,22,5,2,1 29e160138ee615e15f5b692c4c5fea6c75eab257309cee48c0fc7bf96c9961ce,none,no aliv dying unusu blob found carina nebula seen float upper right might best describ evaporating energet light wind nearbi star break apart dark dust grain make icon form opaque iron blobs otherwis known dark molecular clouds frequent creat midst star later destroy them float space mountain pictur orbit hubbl space telescop span light months great nebula carina span 30 light years lie 7500 light year away seen small telescop toward constel keel carina,evapor carina nebula,2012-04-23,458,74,0.2168367346938775,04-23,4,2012,23,4,1,3 3b7602b0dd51420171150f68c07c2163909c2f595cf7f4f4236abddebdbb9460,brad goldpaint goldpaint photography,see it one common question meteor shower occur time take meteor flash typic less time take head turn possibly though glori see bright meteor shoot across know small pebbl anoth world might make worthwhile even observ partners could share everi particular experience peak past days dark moonless sky allow lyrid meteor shower exhibit mani 30 visibl meteor per hour locations bright lyrid meteor streak picturesqu crater lake oregon usa composit nine exposur taken last week snow cover foreground majest central band home galaxi arch well behind seren lake meteor shower year includ perseid midaugust leonid midnovember expect also dodg glare bright moon 2012,meteor crater lake,2012-04-25,657,103,0.0892857142857142,04-25,4,2012,25,8,2,1 2691e36081fe616aa815bcf5eba354be78aa3e643915d5a32375d62cca4b09b0,stephen mudg,last week mercuri wander far west sun solar system innermost planet near greatest elong greatest angl sun for apparit 27 degrees join old crescent moon conjunct engag sight earli morn riser southern hemisphere pair rose togeth predawn skies climb high horizon along steepli inclin eclipt plane well compos sequenc captur rise moon mercuri citi light brisban queensland australia stack digit images consist exposur made everi 3 minut begin local time april 19 mercury track far right separ moon path 8 degrees,morning moon mercuri,2012-04-26,508,81,0.2958241758241758,04-26,4,2012,26,2,1,1 7d648d437b7b520760f591f9c842fc79386b4c453623c792e25204b5d2a3e801,stefan seip,planet earth mani moons largest moon intern space station streak love skyview cloud silhouett fade light sunset captur stuttgart germani last sunday frame also includ earth largest natur satellit 15 day new moon phase left young crescent jupiter anoth bright celesti beacon hover near western horizon earli even skies briefly seen photographer location jupit moon earth form remark close tripl conjunction course jupit mani moon too fact close inspect photo reveal tini light near bright planet larg natur satellit jupit known galilean moons,jupit moon earth,2012-04-27,541,83,0.2412587412587412,04-27,4,2012,27,2,1,1 c088d136bf6e75bb68f16efa8310031af2bef0c3eebfd7cc966bdf026f04d11c,none,last sunday bright firebal meteor fall sky california nevada produc sonic boom broad area around 751 am estim indic meteor size astronom peter jennisken subsequ recov fragment 4 meteorite second find meteor fall park lot state park far sutter known sutter meteorite locat famou associ california gold meteorit may well astronomer gold too thought rare cm type type rich organ compound similar meteorite trace meteor orbit detail aid locat scientist also search video records secur camera across wide area could captur firebal event near 751 pdt april california bay area lo angeles near nevada area even southern part oregon near salt lake citi video footag event pleas use contact inform here,meteorit,2012-04-28,693,111,0.1336538461538461,04-28,4,2012,28,8,2,4 9d3d3ce259a1920894cf7c2806b9d9cd27dc8e25d433645f8775db604b1d16c5,inga nielsen hamburg nowhere,planet glies 876d sunris might dangerous although nobodi realli know condit like closein planet orbit variabl red dwarf star glies 876 artist illustr give one impression orbit well insid mercuri mass sever time earth glies 876d might rotat slowli dramat differ exist night day glies 876d imagin show signific volcanism possibl caus gravit tide flex intern heat planet possibl volatil day rise red dwarf star show expect stellar magnet activ includ dramat violent prominences sky above hypothet moon thin atmospher blown away red dwarf stellar wind glies 876d excit imagin partli one extrasolar planet known near habit zone parent star,danger sunris glies 876d,2012-04-29,634,100,-0.1199999999999999,04-29,4,2012,29,8,2,4 437c1f5c14c6a6d2639507c31723def90647a0d24c39180835d2e82d05d4c1e1,stephan vetternuit sacrees,line even without color aurora explod overhead follow apex line recent deploy monument arctic heng northern iceland vantag point see point due north good way tell follow apex line line connect end star big dipper merak dubhe toward polaris bright star near north spin axi earth project onto sky design vantag point apex line also point directli midnight sun highest point sky summer solstic earth northern hemisphere words sun set arctic heng summer solstic late june highest point sky appear align modern monument imag taken late march beauti auror storm,aurora,2012-04-30,555,90,0.1083333333333333,04-30,4,2012,30,6,2,1 e3f13eb69c108052fdf956add6e3e4b3405bab86fd4045569c26227ef5fe083c,none,although color may subtle saturn moon helen enigma light moon imag unpreced detail last june robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop within singl earth diamet diminut moon although convent crater hill appear imag also show terrain appear unusu smooth streaked planetari astronom inspect detail imag helen glean clue origin evolut 30km across float iceberg helen also unusu circl saturn ahead larg moon dione make one four known saturnian moon occupi gravit well known stabl lagrang point dark astronomi seminar week,saturn moon helen color,2012-05-02,519,80,0.0633333333333333,05-02,5,2012,2,0,0,2 bd03743bdd06fae691ba9bbe4a68da91fb4ba84ff12f9694eb11ff1cab024eee,none,ring cosmo extrem energies fermi gammaray space telescop orbit planet earth everi 95 minutes design rock north south altern orbit order survey sky larg area telescop spacecraft also roll solar panel kept point sun power axi orbit precess like top make complet rotat everi 54 days result multipl cycl path gammaray sourc trace complex pattern spacecraft perspective like plot path vela pulsar center lat instrument field view plot span 180 degre follow vela posit august 2008 august 2010 concentr near center show vela sensit region lat field much period born death explos massiv star within milki way galaxy vela pulsar neutron star spin 11 time second seen brightest persist sourc gammaray sky,fermi vela pulsar path,2012-05-04,694,112,0.0428571428571428,05-04,5,2012,4,6,2,4 f5562a4991dc5c13688574cf82a4b844c9e7f036704c8b1a2f0b650347b45d42,robert arn,rise sun sets tonight full moon could hard miss remarkably exact full phase may 6 ut occur less two minut reach perigee closest point earth moon orbit make largest full moon 2012 full perige moon appear 14 percent larger 30 percent brighter full moon near apogee distant point ellipt lunar orbit comparison though appear less 1 percent larger almost bright april full moon captur telephoto imag rise suburban fort colorado usa lunation full moon perige 21 hour apart course miss may full perige moon make note calendar next chanc see full moon close perigee next year june 23,full moonris,2012-05-05,575,98,0.1654761904761904,05-05,5,2012,5,2,2,1 c514831bf1bdffe44ed2c5a2952ee75211d21d2d9546d37ae5ebc7913e6e3a23,none,depth dark cloud dust molecular ga known omega nebula star continu form imag hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey show exquisit detail famou starform region dark dust filament lace center omega nebula creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions red blue hue aris glow ga heat radiat massiv nearbi stars point light young star themselves brighter 100 suns dark globul mark even younger systems cloud ga dust condens form star planets omega nebula lie 5000 light year away toward constel sagittarius region shown span 3000 time diamet solar system gallery supermoon 2012,center omega nebula,2012-05-06,589,93,0.0583333333333333,05-06,5,2012,6,4,2,5 7631d6e23558d3de1fdc4f51d2ac7bba4ac7b471f308782725bdbe26acc200ed,vegastar carpenti,see full moon saturday night dub supermoon latest fulli illumin moon appear slightli larger usual occur unusu near closest point orbit earth pictur above supermoon captur saturday night rise behind top eiffel tower paris france course angular extent moon comparison foreground object adjust chang observer distanc foreground object compar nearbi object moon may appear tiny compar distant object moon may appear huge next month yet anoth full moon expected one appear one percent smaller browse supermoon imag galleri,supermoon pari,2012-05-07,518,78,0.09,05-07,5,2012,7,2,0,1 860fd70fef2770a0b5650c168f0689ea86bb13e7826deb6904aa426edb911f40,none,what background two famou new york citi icon stand tall photo taken last week left loom statu liberty univers symbol right rise empir state building second largest build city what uniqu photograph though third icon appear left high air far background fli space shuttl enterpris perch atop 747 jet way new home new yorker visitor big appl visit test space shuttl intrepid sea air space museum west side manhattan start juli 19 neptun astronomi seminar week,shuttl new york,2012-05-09,459,76,0.0795670995670995,05-09,5,2012,9,8,0,1 0ea68cb940d0ea39679023ad47e1eaedc358d90e9aa04cec6426be324a177416,laurent laved,realli may 6 much tout super moon largest full moon 2012 rose otherwis peac harbor present either boat gentli rock near la lighthous coast brittany france rise super moon preced green flash captur first frame timelaps video record night crop imag frame two second long exposure show strongli color flash left light near pictur center super moon enjoy locat around world circumst produc green flash restrictive green flash sun moon caus atmospher refract enhanc long low sight line strong atmospher temperatur gradient often favor sea horizon,green flash super moon,2012-05-10,541,86,0.1378787878787878,05-10,5,2012,10,2,1,1 1bed5f5e73b337554e25f062320c34a2a03e5f78d4aec1a416165bfe95976729,charli,super moon little appar size compar sun ingeni composit picture make it full moon may 6 photograph camera telescop use imag sun with dens solar follow day course may 6 moon perigee closest point earth orbit make largest full moon 2012 two week later may 20 moon near apogee distant point orbit nearli smallest appar size also dark new moon date new moon surprisingli easi compar sun may 20 first solar eclips 2012 visibl much asia pacific north america along path 240 300 kilomet wide eclips near apoge smaller silhouet moon fit insid bright solar disk,sun vs super moon,2012-05-11,552,96,0.148150623885918,05-11,5,2012,11,2,2,2 dfe76474853f8d0771bc1fd10ebf5ff7ca916cd769a55fe1aacba6e8f79f1cbf,angu lau,two star within milki way galaxi anchor foreground cosmic snapshot beyond lie galaxi hydra cluster fact spiki foreground star hundr lightyear distant hydra cluster galaxi 100 million lightyear away three larg galaxi near cluster center two yellow ellipt ngc ngc one promin blue spiral ngc domin galaxies 150000 lightyear diameter intrigu overlap galaxi pair catalog ngc 3314 left ngc also known abel 1060 hydra galaxi cluster one three larg galaxi cluster within 200 million lightyear milki way nearbi universe galaxi gravit bound cluster loos bound superclust turn seen align even larger scales distanc 100 million lightyear pictur would 13 million lightyear across,hydra cluster galaxi,2012-05-12,666,102,-0.0142857142857142,05-12,5,2012,12,7,2,3 b0a86b3469eebcfa50f06342384a21cad33c80c5a8940bb6a24a1a1a56fb8db6,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 1672 pictur above captur spectacular detail imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 1672 span 75000 light year across ngc 1672 appear toward constel dolphinfish dorado studi find spiral bar contribut star format galaxy central regions follow apod facebook google,spiral galaxi ngc 1672 hubbl,2012-05-13,605,96,0.1901960784313725,05-13,5,2012,13,7,2,3 2866c46b95c3e633ce215c5fd226fd3d6a0019644c8ecfb06b27574cc0ac7bb4,wood hole oceanograph institut,much planet earth made water little actually although ocean water cover 70 percent earth surface ocean shallow compar earth radius illustr show would happen water near surfac earth bunch ball radiu ball would 700 kilometers less half radiu earth moon slightli larger saturn moon rhea which like mani moon outer solar system mostli water ice even much water came earth whether signific amount trap far beneath earth surfac remain topic research poll seen today apod imag before,water planet earth,2012-05-15,476,77,-0.0254166666666666,05-15,5,2012,15,8,0,2 1666fa2f0816343fd74a5c9669313434fcde3055db7b80033f32def8ec7df539,none,largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxi lie neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc tarantula nebula distanc orion nebula local star form region would take fulli half sky also call 30 doradus red pink ga indic massiv emiss nebula although supernova remnant dark nebula also exist there bright knot star left center call r136 contain mani massive hottest brightest star known imag one largest mosaic ever creat observ hubbl space telescop reveal unpreced detail enigmat star form region imag releas celebr 22nd anniversari hubble launch astronomi seminar week great debate part,star format tarantula nebula,2012-05-16,602,94,0.0294871794871795,05-16,5,2012,16,4,2,5 d37b8d95bf0968db8a707e3a9b12b7db157b423d5c325cb0c01d9c37e2fe5dfd,none,herschel space observatory infrar view cygnu x span degre across one closest massiv star form region plane milki way galaxy fact rich stellar nurseri alreadi hold massiv star cluster known cygnu ob2 association star evid region clear energet wind radiat near bottom center field detect herschel instrument oper long infrar wavelengths herschel reveal region complex filament cool ga dust lead dens locat new massiv star forming cygnu x lie 4500 lightyear away toward heart northern constel swan distanc pictur would almost 500 lightyear wide,herschel cygnu x,2012-05-17,541,84,0.0761363636363636,05-17,5,2012,17,6,0,3 9a5b9538b6b0e83c421e91b7bc2d5e5fde821135bae12b257236fc3e95d99318,armando leeastron leagu philippines f naelga jr100 hour astronomyiya2009,what happen set sun eclipse earli 2009 moon eclips part sun visibl part africa australia asia particular image taken mall asia seawall caught partial eclips sun set manila bay philippines pier visibl silhouett foreground eclips chaser well place sky enthusiast captur mani interest artist imag year annular solar eclipse includ movies eclips shadow arrays ring fire today part sun becom briefli block moon visibl partial eclips set sun small swath earth however expos unusu ring fire effect moon complet surround glow light slightli larger sun apod collection imag past partial solar eclips gallery imag today eclips,partial eclips manila bay,2012-05-20,616,96,-0.0291666666666666,05-20,5,2012,20,1,2,4 4b202d550423f1ddaf4fceb855d028931ca008d70e6e075e410ba24fff5c4933,none,what past dione make closest pass yet saturn moon dion late last year robot cassini spacecraft snap farrang pictur featur dione saturn rings two small moon epimetheu prometheus imag captur part heavili crater snowwhit surfac 1100 kilomet wide dione thin saturn rings compar dark smaller moon imag taken cassini 100000 kilomet larg ici moon futur event cassini continu explor saturn moon includ tomorrow flybi titan imag distant earth pass behind saturn june gallery imag yesterday eclips,close pass saturn moon dion,2012-05-21,487,76,-0.195,05-21,5,2012,21,0,0,2 7aaa273375619a0c1ff2b2d1dae4267384ece86b007fbc20e3b0a23fcf164203,jimmi westlak colorado mountain college linda westlak,typic texa sunset except sun missing locat miss piec sun mysteri behind moon sunday night partial eclips sun moon turn one best photograph astronom event history galleri onlin galleri post one amaz eclips imag another pictur possibl one interest post imag partial eclips sun set redden sky behind brush windmill imag taken sunday night 20 mile west sundown texas usa ring fire effect broken moon move away center sun come earli next month astronom event hold promis even photograph last partial eclips sun venu year 2117 new imag feeds apod river googl plu apod sky facebook,partial solar eclips texa,2012-05-22,577,96,-0.0553030303030303,05-22,5,2012,22,1,0,1 9b338762e0f2ec4264fb5eeea24757e919865d44db6004b29798d61d8f192456,john davi,cosmic dust cloud dim light background stars also reflect light star nearby sinc bright star tend radiat strongli blue portion visibl spectrum interstellar dust scatter blue light strongli red dusti reflect nebula tend blue love exampl wispi blue reflect nebula near bright hot star pi delta scorpii upper left lower right telescop skyscap head constel scorpius course contrast red emiss nebula also caus hot stars energet radiation ultraviolet photon ioniz hydrogen atom interstellar cloud produc characterist red hydrogen alpha emiss line electron recombine 600 lightyear away nebula found second version sharpless catalog left reflect nebula vdb distance field view 40 lightyear across,scorpiu red blue,2012-05-25,688,102,0.1857142857142857,05-25,5,2012,25,4,2,5 f4ed0d0194440bc14d09f61e471ad5826fc9cd7df94b176f0ee8e02622c91183,none,sharp cosmic portrait featur ngc 891 spiral galaxi span 100 thousand lightyear seen almost exactli edgeon perspective fact 30 million lightyear distant constel andromeda ngc 891 look lot like milki way first glance flat thin galact disk central bulg cut along middl region dark obscur dust combin imag data also reveal galaxy young blue star cluster telltal pinkish star form regions remark appar ngc 891 edgeon present filament dust extend hundr lightyear center line dust like blown disk supernova explos intens star format activity faint neighbor galaxi also seen near galaxy disk,edg ngc 891,2012-05-26,583,92,-0.073076923076923,05-26,5,2012,26,7,0,3 7e8ed99a6f0326c76eb21697019d75c346773fcfcff6204ade3c7c26d6af49ff,none,spot planet diminut disk mercury solar system innermost planet spent five hour cross front enorm solar disk 2003 view gener vicin planet earth sun horizon entir transit observ europe africa asia australia horizon certainli problem sunstar soho spacecraft seen dark spot mercuri progress left right top panel bottom four imag soho extrem ultraviolet camera panels falsecolor correspond differ wavelength extrem ultraviolet highlight region sun visibl surface first 14 transit mercuri occur 21st century next week however event much rare easier spot occur transit venu across sun need help spot mercury click picture new imag feeds apod river googl plu apod sky facebook,mercuri spot,2012-05-27,669,102,0.1110979929161747,05-27,5,2012,27,1,2,2 48f2f1400c9295958071337350370ec6eef4e2b234375a5e1cac5e3f8ac0976b,steven gilbert,contempl home star recently pictur above sun partial eclips top left moon also seen eclips earthl contempl eclips below menageri silhouett taken glen canyon nation recreat area near page arizona usa park ranger astronom expound unusu event interest gatherers also faintli visibl sun disk lower right dark moon disk group sunspots although exciting consid event act next week chanc sun much rare partial eclips planet venus astronomi seminar week 2012 transit venu,contempl sun,2012-05-28,464,72,0.0946428571428571,05-28,5,2012,28,1,0,1 faa747f8fc98c9e23c7c4abf5571e10c1bf5f817cdc5fe30095b041f5dee1d23,none,what dark spot planet earth shadow moon imag earth taken last week mtsat annular eclips sun dark spot appear quit unusu cloud white ocean blue color correct image earthl resid within dark spot would see part sun block moon receiv less sunlight normal spot move across earth nearli 2000 kilomet per hour give mani viewer less two hour see partial eclips sun mtsat circl earth geostationari orbit took imag three away sky enthusiast might want keep eye point upward come week partial eclips moon occur june 4 transit venu across face sun occur june 5 note apod editor schedul appear weekli space hangout tomorrow,look back eclips earth,2012-05-30,610,104,-0.0757575757575757,05-30,5,2012,30,1,2,1 6103e77dd58597726a479244eaec0fde2181cb4477cf7848a326411670a3fba3,none,known bright ring system mani moons ga giant saturn look strang unfamiliar falsecolor view cassini spacecraft fact visual infrar map spectromet vims mosaic famou ring almost invisible seen edgeon cut across pictur center strike contrast imag along termin boundari night day right side bluegreen hue visibl sunlight reflect saturn cloud tops left night side absenc sunlight glow infrar radiat planet warm interior silhouett featur saturn deeper cloud levels infrar glow also shine broad shadow saturn ring sweep across planet upper hemisphere,saturn,2012-05-31,541,81,0.1720238095238095,05-31,5,2012,31,0,1,1 4d0315b31e7c83011e406832e668941114b05138c25854f80d4d8b2c5cdd6b8a,martin pugh,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 larg nebula left center color m20 right third ngc 6559 m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant expans m8 hundr lightyear across also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid glow hydrogen ga creat domin red color emiss nebulae contrast blue hues strike trifid due dust reflect starlight broad skyscap also includ one messier open star clusters m21 right trifid,sagittariu triplet,2012-06-01,583,92,0.1005252100840336,06-01,6,2012,1,4,2,5 605a075850a3a247546535de266bb12c2040c7efbc9cdb1dd48a704b045758f8,osservatorio mtm,follow handl big dipper away dipper bowl get handle last bright star then slide telescop littl south west might find stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi top ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi human eye deep imag like one reveal faint tidal debri around smaller galaxy,m51 whirlpool galaxi,2012-06-02,544,88,-0.0136363636363636,06-02,6,2012,2,7,0,3 17632bd8c96c6d03914421efebc17b0d767f626a194a018a674397dfbd9ee6d1,david cortner,rare transit venu across face sun 2004 one betterphotograph event sky history scientif artist imag flood area could see transit europ much asia africa north america scientifically solar photograph confirm black drop effect realli better relat view clariti camera telescop atmospher venus artistically imag might divid sever categories one type captur transit front highli detail sun anoth categori captur doubl coincid venu airplan simultan silhouetted venu intern space station low earth orbit third imag type involv fortuit arrang interest look clouds shown exampl imag taken north carolina usa sky enthusiast worldwid abuzz come transit venu tuesday perhap interest wonder whether person live see rememb see tuesday venu transit next one 2117 best apod galleri previou mercuri venu transit imag,picturesqu venu transit,2012-06-03,799,119,0.2188552188552188,06-03,6,2012,3,1,2,4 f8f82281ab3f8b7fabb4926bfb3ef6f239a9ad7809199a9f6d903c0c7ed6e5a4,none,milki way galaxi collid one day larger neighbor andromeda galaxy likely yes care plot slight displac m31 star rel background galaxi recent hubbl space telescop imag indic center m31 could direct collis cours center home galaxy still error sideway veloc appear suffici larg admit good chanc central part two galaxi miss slightly becom close enough outer halo becom gravit entangled happens two galaxi becom bound danc around eventu merg becom one larg ellipt galaxi next billion years pictur artist illustr sky world distant futur central part galaxi begin destroy other exact futur milki way entir surround local group galaxi like remain activ topic research year come partial lunar eclips galleries today lunar eclips collect past apod lunar eclips imag,milki way galaxi doomed collis andromeda pend,2012-06-04,755,119,-0.0129166666666666,06-04,6,2012,4,7,2,4 7c53dd6f50996f66fb60d24d8daf94d4107c8c9960479aa782c581051fbc718b,none,today venu move front sun one way follow rare event activ live imag sun right time look unusu circular dark dot smaller sprawl dark area sunspots circular dot planet venus dark dot appear specif hours 2012 june 5 2012 june 6 univers time transit rarest type solar eclips known much rare eclips sun moon even planet mercury fact next transit venu across sun 2117 anyon clear view sun go outsid care view transit project sunlight hole onto wall venu transit unusu visibl much earth expect one photograph celesti event history live imag sun taken earthorbit solar dynam observatori updat everi 15 minutes editor note sinc transit ended live imag replac one taken venu cross sun gallery brows latest venu transit imag,live watch venu cross sun,2012-06-05,714,121,0.1096536796536796,06-05,6,2012,5,1,2,4 9f6e775e856025983b440d54e62302ae128d7a03954b7c7fb3def1110b666f1c,mack h frost,set full moon rare look like this monday morn fulli lit strawberri moon drop behind absaroka mountain rang near cody wyoming usa shadow earth got way similarli set partial lunar eclips visibl throughout north south america simultan partial darken moon visibl throughout eastern asia pictur foreground format known horse head tributari shoshon river lunar eclips occur twice year next one penumbr eclips occur late november venu transit gallery brows,eclips moon wyom,2012-06-06,451,69,-0.01875,06-06,6,2012,6,2,0,1 31899006259fee5cd849e17ca7c779ca5cba8d96a4ff8a3cdddc504894d86f68,chri hetlag,occur pair separ hundr years eight transit venu sinc invent telescop next decemb 2117 mani modern telescop camera train week venu transit captur planet rare silhouett sun sharp telescop view georgia usa narrowband halpha filter use show round planetari disk mottl solar surfac dark filaments sunspots prominences transit last 6 hour 40 minutes historically astronom use time transit differ locat triangul distanc venus modern astronom activ search planet transit distant suns,venu transit 2012,2012-06-07,475,71,0.0125,06-07,6,2012,7,1,0,2 27fb74a561d8e75b20a038228f1fe62cc71c895f05ad86d774f8f90b056e35ec,emil ivanov,dramat telephoto view across black sea june 6 find venu rise sun planet silhouett ruddi rag solar disk course redden light due scatter planet earth atmospher rare transit venu influenc strang shape distort sun fact see sun shape etruscan vase rel common especi compar venu transits sunset sunrise effect atmospher refract enhanc long low sight line strong atmospher temperatur gradient produc visual distort mirages situat often favor sea horizon,venu rise sun,2012-06-08,446,69,0.0546296296296296,06-08,6,2012,8,1,0,1 bb11c8e98942b25f5a0afd31dad6cd8df59330eb0d360aa5443e0f80533efbae,none,june 6 2012 transit begin earth sister planet cross edg sun stun view hinod spacecraft time limb cross rare transit use histor triangul distanc venu determin valu earthsun distanc call astronom unit still modern spacebas view like one show event evoc backdrop turbul solar surfac promin loft sun edg twist magnet fields remarkably thin ring light seen surround planet dark silhouett sunlight refract venus thick atmosphere,venu edg,2012-06-09,422,66,0.0062499999999999,06-09,6,2012,9,1,0,2 ac09607cc097a1f4b601f7922fa20f2313abe3078cdb69e32a91386cf870665e,none,given new hubbl telescop two astronom commun abuzz opportun us nation reconnaiss offic unexpectedli transfer two telescop nasa use telescop exist scienc prioriti begun preliminari indic hold even one telescop could extrem use search extrasolar planet well distant galaxi supernova could better explor natur dark energy although start make even one telescop oper fit use camera would quit nasa care fit new telescop exist pictur above origin hubbl space telescop float high earth servic mission 2002 prefer follow apod new facebook feed,two new telescop nasa,2012-06-10,535,82,0.1619090909090909,06-10,6,2012,10,8,1,4 5d762696f45ca7306db7710e8fe330a794f95d1da539f2176c84927090b9292e,t rector,larger dust find bed situat rich star field glow hydrogen gas opaqu cloud interstellar dust ga larg might abl form stars home known ic 2944 bright stellar nurseri locat 5900 light year away toward constel centaurus largest dark globules first spot south african astronom a d thackeray 1950 like two separ overlap clouds one lightyear wide along data repres color imag blanco telescop cerro chile indic thackeray globul fractur churn result intens ultraviolet radiat young hot star alreadi energ heat bright emiss nebula similar dark globul known associ star form region may ultim dissip hostil environ like cosmic lump butter hot fri pan astronomi images follow cool apod submiss facebook googl,thackeray globul,2012-06-12,695,111,0.2015625,06-12,6,2012,12,4,2,4 6a448eaf89b0ab953e3ba806b6ec6175b4b451ed8392da8961800b4a6d5ba221,jen hackmann,wait year travel kilomet get shot like this even planning good bit luck sun rose baltic sea last wednesday seen island northern germany photograph jen hackmann readi unusu black dot venu appear less expect textur cloud haze would tint differ level sun variou shade red possibl gift flicker rare green flash top sun imag is course one mani spectacular pictur taken last week last transit planet venu across face sun next 105 years vote apod enter three quark daili 2012 scienc write contest,venu transit baltic sea,2012-06-13,490,83,0.1666666666666666,06-13,6,2012,13,1,1,1 6d48df0f81d35babc8903b87d92da252e4d47f8de90ac524392a9bfeecbc4732,bill snyder,nearbi bright spiral galaxi m65 top m66 stand engag cosmic snapshot pair 35 million lightyear distant around 100000 lightyear across size spiral milki way exhibit promin dust lane sweep along broad spiral arms m66 particular strike contrast red blue telltal pinkish glow hydrogen ga star form region young blue star clusters m65 m66 make two third wellknown leo triplet galaxi warp tidal tail offer evid group past close encounters larger m66 host four supernova discov sinc 1973,m65 m66,2012-06-15,479,77,0.0982638888888889,06-15,6,2012,15,7,0,3 ffb8a0fa48c12b32dcc1dc3b3b0e24936aae428c1cf9c2f7961407be02289c9b,judi schmidt,first apod appear seventeen year ago today 1995 june 16 although garner 14 page view day proud estim apod serv one billion spacerel imag last 17 decades earli beginning along nearli unchang format allow apod consist familiar site web frequent fill change mani peopl know though apod translat daili mani major featur social media site smartphon thank reader nasa continu support well folk creat great pictur mani time consider effort apod fortun enough featur years mani contact follow link found credit line image today birthday collag includ numer galaxi captur hubbl space telescope vote apod enter three quark daili 2012 scienc write contest apod anniversari day today everi day,apod turn 17,2012-06-16,683,109,0.2689814814814815,06-16,6,2012,16,8,2,4 f8eb78d21e6ee3c0f4d5ca355d532ea154f15ac552fac125c84274ae17d36f07,none,jupit rings jupiter ring discov 1979 pass voyag 1 spacecraft origin mystery data galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 later confirm ring creat meteoroid impact small nearbi moons small meteoroid strike tini adrastea example bore moon vaporize explod dirt dust jovian orbit pictur eclips sun jupiter view galileo small dust particl high jupiter atmosphere well dust particl compos rings seen reflect sunlight apod retrospective today everi day,jupiter ring reveal,2012-06-17,446,67,-0.118,06-17,6,2012,17,8,0,2 1c7aceceb2559c96c96a34bb3d5106e6d3b6e9340856fbb7af0fbf410f8430f8,manel soria,statu easter island built one sure sure 800 larg stone statu exist there easter island statues stand average twice tall person 200 time much mass specif known histori mean unusu statues mani believ creat 500 year ago imag local leader lost civilization pictur above stone giant illumin 2009 central band milki way galaxy help evalu apod view apod make interest science,milki way easter island,2012-06-18,368,61,0.0819444444444444,06-18,6,2012,18,6,0,2 4a6e8ca34b8486b78e922eec0941c9a9f146dcd26029d34f1610e224c8b3c6a7,al caltech nasa,what left star explodes help find out nasa launch nuclear spectroscop telescop array nustar satellit earth orbit last week abil focu hard xray emit nuclei atom used among things inspect surround supernova remnant better understand supernova occurred type object resulted mechan make surround glow hot nustar also give human unpreced look hot corona sun hot gass cluster galaxies supermass black hole center galaxy pictur artist illustr depict nustar works xray similar use offic enter telescop right skip two set parallel mirror focu onto detector left long mast separ two whole thing power solar panel upper left part excit involv nustar thing expect see look univers new way thing complet unknown might discovered nustar plan two year lifetime slide set asow nustar pi harrison,nustar xray telescop launch,2012-06-19,779,123,0.0581872294372294,06-19,6,2012,19,6,2,4 32877cc3ed305d064c1fe4db8d57ffe687b2abae72cac08f28246b1afd5c51e5,babak tafreshi,today solstice astronom begin summer north ut sun reach northernmost declin yearli trek planet earth sky northern hemispher experi longest day year sun set all still stand horizon midnight far south degre northern latitude course summer come north midnight sun come earlier higher latitudes record near midnight time seri june 6 follow sun glide mountain horizon latitud 69 degre north remark scene look north norwegian sea norway 2012 transit venu alreadi progress earth sister planet silhouett upper left bright disk midnight sun,venu transit midnight sun,2012-06-20,531,82,0.14375,06-20,6,2012,20,1,1,1 87b9d3a81690d959819949f5104dca0eaeec651b2bcee7096f7de0c65ab4aa3d,goldman,made narrow broad band filters color cosmic snap shot cover field view size full moon within boundari constel cygnus highlight bright edg ringlik nebula trace glow ioniz hydrogen oxygen gas embed region interstellar cloud ga dust complex glow arc section bubbl shell materi swept wind wolfrayet star wr 134 brightest star near center frame distanc estim put wr 134 6000 lightyear away make frame 50 lightyear across shed outer envelop power stellar winds massiv wolfrayet star burn nuclear fuel prodigi rate end final phase massiv star evolut spectacular supernova explosion stellar wind final supernova enrich interstellar materi heavi element incorpor futur gener stars,wr 134 ring nebula,2012-06-21,671,103,0.1427083333333333,06-21,6,2012,21,4,2,5 888f6e3dfbd6020dd95ee83a6e2de88578f9369a95a06fce4b969e8bc4cee621,stephen leshin,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory flaunt young bright blue star cluster beautiful symmetr spiral arms small irregular galaxi form star too fact dwarf galaxi ic 2574 show clear evid intens star form activ telltal pinkish region glow hydrogen gas spiral galaxies turbul starform region ic 2574 churn stellar wind supernova explos spew materi galaxy interstellar medium trigger star formation mere 12 million lightyear distant ic 2574 part m81 group galaxies seen toward northern constel ursa major also known nebula love island univers 50000 lightyear across discov american astronom edwin 1898,ic nebula,2012-06-22,599,92,0.1701923076923077,06-22,6,2012,22,7,2,3 ae8f1e4f1fa09a0bb62f60a26671bac3c9558fd0d09534dca336cc28be4ff624,göran strand,seen frösön island northern sweden sun set day summer solstice locat arctic circl settl slowli behind northern horizon sunset final minute remark sequenc 7 imag follow distort edg solar disk disappear distant tree line captur green blue flash myth even land color elus glint caus atmospher refract enhanc long low sight line strong atmospher temperatur,northern green flash,2012-06-23,352,55,-0.0395833333333333,06-23,6,2012,23,1,0,1 cd5860b54a4ae8714b0c74937ff6463ee1c9a60b6b0795e1afb95108f6ecc230,none,decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour moon tauruslittrow valley colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead sharp imag taken cernan schmitt roam valley floor imag show schmitt left lunar rover edg shorti crater near spot geologist schmitt discov orang lunar soil apollo 17 crew return 110 kilogram rock soil samples return lunar land sites forti year later cernan schmitt still last walk moon follow apod facebook g follow apod bonu images facebook g,apollo 17 shorti crater,2012-06-24,480,77,-0.0208333333333333,06-24,6,2012,24,2,0,2 5dfccaf017121de91a6014315f8fc94a6aa1f96ba8142b1dae35a6e2eb7ba858,luc perrot,sometimes wait long enough clear moonless night star come one occas occur earlier month piton de reunion island foreground surround bush trees lie water fill volcan crater seren reflect starlight care inspect near imag center locat piton de highest peak island situat sever kilomet away background high lake shine light hundr stars within 100 light years right stellar neighborhood far distance arch majest overhead central band home milki way galaxy shine light million star locat typic thousand light year away astrophotograph report wait nearli two year sky cloud right get shot help evalu apod view apod increas interest,milki way de,2012-06-25,624,98,0.1707142857142857,06-25,6,2012,25,6,2,1 c3efb6c211880995666711cf98b942b9dc8f4fd0fe7656a5d46f5bb0a2b3ba72,jeanmarc mari,time it time day right sundial tell you solstice sun locat right sunlight stream open spell term longest shortest day year happen last week twice year sundial construct jean salin 1980 situat ecol suprieur de mine de pari valbonn sophia antipoli southeastern france two day year watcher sundial might get see produc anoth word equinoxe resourc nasa educ public outreach,sundial show solstic,2012-06-26,369,60,0.1142857142857142,06-26,6,2012,26,8,1,1 8e135f55d785c0177fe56dd27aaad945f10b57067d43fceb576657f141900ee5,dieter willaschastrocabinet,star form pandemonium reigns particularli color case star form region simei 188 hous unusu bright cloud arc catalog ngc 6559 visibl red glow emiss nebula hydrogen blue reflect nebula dust dark absorpt nebula dust star form them first massiv star form dens ga emit energet light wind erode fragment sculpt birthplace explode result morass beauti complex ten million years dust boil away ga get swept away left nake open cluster stars simei 188 locat 4000 light year away found one degre northeast m8 lagoon nebula slide set asow galaxi collis prof rob,simei 188 stars dust ga,2012-06-27,550,92,0.1181818181818182,06-27,6,2012,27,4,2,5 c8d6d8c2c0e93ec6870c2c6e1fe8a6c5c5743ca97daf0c72ac7a8bf2ac737e2e,glitter light,glare alpha centauri one brightest star planet earth night sky flood left side southern skyscape mere 43 lightyear distant alpha centauri actual consist two compon star similar size sun lock mutual orbit much smaller cooler third member star system proxima centauri lie outsid field view still telescop scene reveal often overlook denizen milki way crowd galact plane lie beyond glare alpha centauri includ planetari nebula catalog estim lightyear away gaseou shroud die star nebula brighter core fainter halo reddish ioniz ga span twenti lightyears seen right pictur center farther right two notabl open cluster stars compact pismi 19 also nearli 8000 lightyear away whose light redden interven dust closer ngc visibl glare alpha centauri dim glow supernova remnant right closest star system bright core,glare alpha centauri,2012-06-28,804,124,0.0848214285714285,06-28,6,2012,28,6,2,5 375bb7dfe5436b15799338f24bef637a1881d9c4d2cc153cd185ea562b30bf46,adam block,part dark expans split crowd plane milki way galaxy aquila rift arc northern hemisphere summer sky near bright star altair summer triangle silhouett milki way faint starlight dusti molecular cloud like contain raw materi form hundr thousand star astronom eagerli search cloud telltal sign star birth telescop closeup look toward region fragment aquila dark cloud complex identifi ldn 673 stretch across field view slightli wider full moon scene visibl indic energet outflow associ young star includ small red tint nebulos rno 109 top left herbigharo object hh32 right center dark cloud aquila estim 600 lightyear away distance field view span 7 lightyears,dark cloud aquila,2012-06-29,655,102,0.0128090659340659,06-29,6,2012,29,6,2,4 f8f67d2279fa26155a828f87c4483202eb508c08d0d986469ce43edd23ab39d9,lui argerich,shine eastern sky dawn bright planet venu jupit join pleiad star cluster sea sky record earlier week near bueno aires argentina venu domin scene includ bright star aldebaran right planet easi spot earli morn risers sky also hold two solar system small worlds vesta ceres quit bright enough seen unaid eye digit camera time exposur captur them though posit indic put cursor image orbit around vesta nasa dawn spacecraft arriv last july near end visit main belt asteroid august set plan journey ceres arriv dwarf planet 2015,near dawn,2012-06-30,522,87,0.2274891774891775,06-30,6,2012,30,6,1,2 cf699ae74cd403f466331d460dcb2568c5cc07ccf56f40417ef91935ec348187,none,caus surround shell peculiar galaxi cen a 2002 fascin imag peculiar galaxi centauru released process highlight faint blue arc indic ongo collis smaller galaxy anoth interest featur cen a however surround system shells better visibl recent releas wider pan four meter blanco telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatory faint shell around galaxi unusu consid evid previou galaxi merger analog water rippl pond unexpect attribut shell abund gas becom separ exist star collision,outer shell centauru,2012-07-01,478,71,-0.0833333333333333,07-01,7,2012,1,7,0,3 f76bbc872693ffb8bbe3f9b4943d631fbe22aef079e6cd33555de0eb189d16e7,none,humanity robot orbit saturn record yet anoth amaz view robot course spacecraft cassini new amaz view includ bright moon thin rings oddli broken clouds warp shadows titan saturn largest moon appear featureless tan continu shroud thick clouds ring saturn seen thin line flat imag nearli edg on detail saturn ring therefor best visibl dark ring shadow seen across giant planet cloud tops sinc ring particl orbit plane titan appear foreground moon upper hemispher saturn cloud show mani details includ dip long bright band indic disturb high altitud jet stream recent precis measur much titan flex orbit saturn hint vast ocean water might exist deep apod spanish web facebook,shadow saturn ring,2012-07-03,671,108,0.0616507177033492,07-03,7,2012,3,0,2,1 73c96f39557623fcc07078ff36fa8da803fc42367a5f68ce3ce7809ace063476,vegastar carpenti,stand sun apparently view pari last week one visibl thing another first foreground basilica sacr heart built late 1800 locat highest hill paris france next well behind tower image thin cloud forward scatter sunlight finally far distanc slightli buri sun surface sunspots promin sunspot region ar 1512 visibl near disk center sinc time sunset imag taken sunspot region far left ar unleash power solar flare although particl flare expect miss earth sky enthusiast watch sun event might caus bright aurora invis thing stand sun earth atmosphere slide set asow dark energi prof georg,sunspot silhouett,2012-07-04,579,93,-0.0035714285714285,07-04,7,2012,4,1,0,1 2020035cc4628e177546e8b5b9ad1961cfe52a53f7278f6ab3128145222216fa,ken crawford,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy bulg central core cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane assort background galaxi includ pretti field view neighbor galaxi ngc 4562 upper left ngc 4565 lie 40 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyears easili spot small telescopes sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2012-07-05,541,84,-0.0886363636363636,07-05,7,2012,5,7,0,3 b257aeaf3df2efbc204f5f57ab8d146a4d34f84fcf023cae811fce2fda867fd9,tvdavisastropixcom,mere 30 million lightyear away larg spiral galaxi ngc 3628 center left share neighborhood local univers two larg spirals magnific group otherwis known leo triplet fact fellow trio member m65 near center right edg deep cosmic group portrait m66 left but perhap intrigu spectacular tail stretch 300000 lightyear ngc 3628 warped edgeon disk known tidal tail structur drawn galaxi gravit tide brief violent past interact larg neighbors often imag distinctly tidal tail compos young bluish star cluster starform regions,tidal tail ngc 3628,2012-07-06,514,79,-0.0242857142857142,07-06,7,2012,6,7,0,3 de8a194e35a70f9a6faa4c72fb725d315db61264cb8a801e7013158084a6f8d3,dan durda fiaaab612 foundation,would chang cours earththreaten asteroid one idea massiv spacecraft use graviti towlin illustr dramat artist view gravit tractor action hypothet scenario work 2005 edward lu stanley love nasa johnson space center 20 ton nuclearelectr spacecraft tow 200 meter diamet asteroid simpli hover near asteroid spacecraft ion drive thruster cant away surface steadi thrust would gradual predict alter cours tug asteroid coupl mutual gravit attraction sound like stuff scienc fiction ion drive power exist spacecraft gravit tractor would work regardless asteroid structur surfac properties,gravit tractor,2012-07-07,581,83,0.2,07-07,7,2012,7,8,1,2 f03931752b04933e4b73e1cc1404ae433521581b849cc88b3f9b8ed9e2b4d876,sigurdur h stefnisson,sometim heaven earth erupt iceland 1991 volcano hekla erupt time aurora visibl overhead hekla one famou volcano world erupt least 20 time past millennium sometim caus great destruction last erupt occur twelv year ago caus minor damage green auror band occur fortuit 100 kilomet erupt lava earth solar system planet aurora volcanos follow apod facebook google,volcano aurora iceland,2012-07-08,358,56,0.0,07-08,7,2012,8,8,0,2 5b0463574dafc380806fa12522526892187492ba1db63fbbb9b95dd2326fd6b3,none,winter vacation opportun rover mars spent four month stationari perch northern slope greeley tilt solar panel could absorb much sunlight possible winter usual roll robot undertook sever scienc activ includ snap 800 imag surroundings mani combin 360degre panorama shown exagger color highlight differ surfac features past track opportun seen toward left opportunity dust cover solar panel cross imag bottom horizon right center interior wall 20kilomet endeavour crater seen northern martian winter over opportun roll again time straight ahead rover set investig unusu lightcolor soil patch begin explor insid endeavour crater may hold oldest featur yet,greeley panorama mar,2012-07-09,652,95,-0.0014285714285714,07-09,7,2012,9,5,2,2 c92d8c37377def67121f14a1d6409bbb3ec20f2f11bbee1aa8579188566f83f6,yuri beletski,rli morn dog got visual treat last week bright star planet appear line up pictur above easili visibl left right pleiad open star cluster jupiter venus star aldebaran seen starri background imag taken atacama desert western south america glow rise sun seen eastern horizon jupit venu continu predawn planet earth rest month although even morn planet seen project away line connect distant stellar sky astrophysicists brows astrophys sourc code librari code,morn line star planet,2012-07-11,455,71,0.1135714285714285,07-11,7,2012,11,6,1,1 95c2f79873ebbb24e36be3535a4ddec3bca51cef5bf5b9a2e5ecfc438dec673f,babak tafreshi,rock ancient petroglyph abund valley locat zagro mountain central iran like tell tale hunter anim found middl eastern valley 6000 year ago more etch artist prehistor age night sky star trail etch rotat planet earth long composit exposur made modern digit camera left center star trail arc north celesti pole ncp extens earth axi space polaris north star leav bright short stubbi trail closest ncp petroglyph carved polari would made long arc night sinc earth rotat axi precess like wobbl top 6000 year ago ncp near border constel draco ursa major 30 degre current locat planet earth sky,star trail,2012-07-12,586,98,0.1432692307692307,07-12,7,2012,12,6,2,4 95e3ba3daf8821d7691dd1088ba712054fb5eb6cc68ad6b312e8c02c5200851a,alan friedman,awash sea plasma anchor magnet fields sunspot planetsized dark island solar photosphere bright surfac sun dark slightli cooler surround surface group sunspot captur closeup telescop snapshot juli 11 field view span nearli 100000 miles lie center activ region cross sun visibl face fact xclass solar flare coron mass eject erupt juli 12 releas energi store region twist magnet fields head way coron mass eject expect arriv today may trigger geomagnet storms result weekend auror display could grace planet earth sky along sunday predawn conjunct bright planet crescent moon,island photospher,2012-07-14,572,88,0.1666666666666666,07-14,7,2012,14,1,1,4 739f74620ad4bef641c2e4d5910907ed702e6b5a328bc0b363f6d0d7ee26b4fc,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula also known m42 nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away orion nebula offer one best opportun studi star born partli nearest larg starform region also nebula energet star blown away obscur ga dust cloud would otherwis block view provid intim look rang ongo stage starbirth evolution detail imag orion nebula sharpest ever construct use data hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey european southern observatory la silla 22 meter telescope mosaic contain billion pixel full resolut reveal 3000 stars apod collection orion nebula,orion nebula hubbl view,2012-07-15,632,97,0.2833333333333334,07-15,7,2012,15,4,2,5 039a8bd7d2cb0ad8b0801fb3ef85d4aa0eae55c71b1f8829c9f08a2022035ad5,none,fifth moon discov orbit pluto moon discov earlier month imag taken hubbl space telescop prepar new horizon mission schedul flybi pluto 2015 pictur above moon current seen small blip move around dwarf planet entir system slowli orbit sun moon given temporari design 134340 1 p5 a estim span 15 kilomet like compos mostli waterice pluto remain famou solar system bodi never visit humanbuilt probe origin detail appear remain mostli unknown,moon discov orbit pluto,2012-07-16,437,70,-0.0356060606060606,07-16,7,2012,16,2,0,2 0a2118db9b1c507144b726d0adea7c2e6605b4115e340aa7d80f3cec87cc49d2,terrastro,wander planet venu jupit join old crescent moon near eastern horizon juli 15 seren southern skyview much anticip predawn conjunct includ love pleiad star cluster bright star aldebaran betelgeus celesti help identifi star constellations slide cursor image course radio telescop foreground park 64 meter dish new south wales australia known explor distant univers radio wavelengths large steerabl antenna also famou superior lunar televis juli 21 1969 dish receiv broadcast moon allow denizen planet earth watch apollo 11,dawn dish,2012-07-19,519,77,0.255064935064935,07-19,7,2012,19,2,1,1 f2da90a442449c58e4607ce272b20d18c2e81f778403a5f2a7766bd4560ed746,cristian fattinnanzi,skygaz around planet earth enjoy close encount planet moon juli 15 predawn skies mani saw bright jupit next slender wane crescent european also opportun watch rule ga giant pass behind lunar disk occult moon slid night cloud threaten telescop view montecassiano italy frame still captur jupit emerg occult along four larg galilean moons sunlit crescent overexpos moon night side faintli illumin earthshine line left right beyond dark lunar limb callisto ganymede jupiter io europa fact callisto ganymede io larger earth moon europa slightli smaller,moon meet jupit,2012-07-20,548,84,0.0759740259740259,07-20,7,2012,20,2,0,1 62cb5d02876917462a856518a6b110cc6b12fae6abddc46a450afecfa88f24bc,alsj,get redblu glass check remark stereo view lunar orbit creat two photograph as11446633 as11446634 taken astronaut michael collin 1969 apollo 11 mission 3d anaglyph featur lunar modul ascent stage dub eagle rise meet command modul lunar orbit juli 21 aboard ascent stage neil armstrong buzz aldrin first walk moon smooth dark area lunar surfac mare smythii locat equat extrem eastern edg moon near side pois beyond lunar horizon fair planet earth,eagl rise,2012-07-21,444,71,0.2599999999999999,07-21,7,2012,21,2,1,2 f66a28f8321bb64f254fb6592f8fa2f05b60866714ca6991789f2243bd4784b7,none,one famou imag 1990s image taken hubbl space telescop 1995 show evapor gaseou globul eggs emerg pillar molecular hydrogen ga dust giant pillar light year length dens interior ga contract gravit form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti materi boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed eagl nebula associ open star cluster m16 lie 7000 light year away pillar creation imag 2007 orbit spitzer space telescop infrar light lead conjectur pillar may alreadi destroy local supernova light event yet reach earth honest seen imag before,m16 pillar creation,2012-07-22,564,91,0.2346153846153846,07-22,7,2012,22,4,1,5 7de0c33634b2b84417b2f4f0f7aad909d612e87f22c4ac5f471bd43ac04765db,none,what happen south pole titan vortex haze appear forming although one sure why imag show lightcolor feature vortex found imag taken last month robot cassini spacecraft flew unusu atmosphereshroud moon saturn cassini abl see southern vortex orbit around saturn recent boost plane ring moon move clue creat enigmat featur includ titan air appear sink center rise around edges winter however slowli descend south titan vortex survives plung dark next years asow bit quantum theory part 1 dr paul,south polar vortex discov titan,2012-07-24,491,78,0.0357142857142857,07-24,7,2012,24,0,0,2 13e0378622a193e093969bd646235bad82f904cbbdb84e9a4b6f64bb7469a541,brad goldpaint goldpaint photography,aurora strikingli photograph picturesqu crater lake oregon usa last month background sky lit aurora unusu colors although much known physic mechan creat auroras accur predict occurr color aurora remain topic investigation typically known lowest aurora appear green occur 100 kilomet high involv atmospher oxygen atom excit fast move plasma space next highest aurora 200 kilomet appear red also emit atmospher oxygen highest aurora visibl high 500 kilomet appear blue caus sunlightscatt nitrogen ions look ground differ layer distant auroras color combin produc uniqu spectacular hues case rare pink hue seen above solar maximum near next two years particl explos sun sure continu like creat even memor nighttim displays students brows free onlin astronomi course,pink aurora crater lake,2012-07-25,766,114,0.1080701754385964,07-25,7,2012,25,8,2,4 b662bafff7633fc485ce71b233030d50b8d9e2c3390e65c089bcf8894b9dcccf,west,frame bright emiss region telescop view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula glow cloud interstellar ga dust also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 8000 lightyear distant nebula understand cosmic cloud evok imageri flowers complex beauti nebula shown composit imag map emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue colors ultraviolet radiat young energet star hde 227018 ioniz atom power emiss tulip nebula hde 227018 bright star near blue arc imag center,tulip swan,2012-07-26,546,84,0.10625,07-26,7,2012,26,4,0,5 4966948147b321f4339702f782b981e63e629997f813fc342b245238749864ed,none,largest kind high energi stereoscop system ii telescop stand foreground photo tilt horizont reflect invert landscap namibian desert segment mirror 24 meter wide 32 meter tall equal area two tenni begin explor univers extrem energies hess ii saw first light juli 26 groundbas telescop lens mirror hinder earth nurturing protect atmospher blur imag scatter absorb light hess ii telescop cherenkov telescope design detect gamma ray photon 100 billion time energi visibl light actual requir atmospher operate gamma ray impact upper atmospher produc air shower highenergi particles larg camera mirror focu record detail brief flash optic light call cherenkov light creat air shower particles hess ii telescop oper concert array four 12 meter cherenkov telescop provid multipl stereoscop view air showers relat energi direct incom cosmic gamma rays,high energi system ii,2012-07-27,844,127,0.215,07-27,7,2012,27,8,2,4 f986233f587cd8d73876158fd7846d641940468c4fef53d59d9f393f4fd0f8a8,stefan seip,brilliant venu bright jupit still rise togeth dawn peac water small lakesid hous near stuttgart germani reflect grace arc trail composit seri exposures record morn juli 26 reflect planet earth rotat axis concentr trail celesti beacon along trail star punctuat end separ final frame morn skyview easi pick out venu brightest near tree close horizon jupit arc it toward center imag along compact pleiad star cluster vshape hyad anchor bright star aldebaran one trail look though concentr other reflect earth rotation intern space station streak right side scene glint sunlight orbit planet earth,trail morn sky,2012-07-28,593,93,0.2310714285714286,07-28,7,2012,28,8,1,1 557364c86470da9720c72b4551ee5fa586a0439202669e1e9829a3b2b60d5747,none,center starform region 30 doradu lie huge cluster largest hottest massiv star known stars known collect star cluster r136 captur visibl light wide field camera peer refurbish hubbl space telescope ga dust cloud 30 doradus also known tarantula nebula sculpt elong shape power wind ultraviolet radiat hot cluster stars 30 doradu nebula lie within neighbor galaxi known larg magellan cloud locat mere 170000 lightyear away help apod assess long follow apod,star cluster r136 burst,2012-07-29,453,71,0.0428571428571428,07-29,7,2012,29,4,0,5 512bc79d3c5aedb296f41868621aa30a2190c476e5ed408e3da0d55d69b3c536,walli pacholka,monument valley see milki way arch across sky like helps monument valley usa would see picturesqu foreground includ icon rock peak call buttes butt compos hard rock left behind water erod away surround soft rock imag taken two month ago closest butt left butt right known mittens merrick butt seen right high overhead stretch band diffus light central disk spiral milki way galaxy band milki way spot almost anyon almost clear night far enough citi surround bright lights apod spanish web facebook,milki way monument valley,2012-08-01,498,82,0.0959841269841269,08-01,8,2012,1,6,0,1 cd0fc81b4867d1be88b6a7ae7bb05decc1f1eb3d3fdbec6be4ff7eab71e0be9c,robert schwarz,star dip horizon sun never climb remark imag 24 hour long star trails show trail complet circles imag could achiev two place planet earth exampl record cours may 1 2012 digit camera heat box roof martin a pomerantz observatori south pole directli overhead faint constel project earth rotat axis south celesti pole center star trail circles well place polari north celesti pole star leav small still rel bright circl around south celesti pole beta invert umbrella structur horizon right allski field view ground shield telescope shimmer apparit aurora australi also visit 24 hour night,south pole star trail,2012-08-02,584,94,0.0142857142857142,08-02,8,2012,2,6,2,1 dd389125f97f50f5ed6d19c9d27dbf0dfb63cf80872dd5dda314c1a51cca56b8,adam block,beauti nebula discov balanc libra serpent serpens begin descript 5th entri 18th centuri astronom charl messier famou catalog nebula star clusters though appear messier fuzzi round without stars messier 5 m5 known globular star cluster 100000 star more bound graviti pack region around 165 lightyear diameter lie 25000 lightyear away roam halo galaxy globular star cluster ancient member milki way m5 one oldest globulars star estim nearli 13 billion year old beauti star cluster popular target earthbound telescopes even close dens core cluster red blue giant star stand yellowish blue hue sharp color image,messier 5,2012-08-03,609,94,0.0972222222222222,08-03,8,2012,3,6,2,3 85e8ea60e19e08ab8a1f6842dda6b1c3a42c8af75f0025fbf5e8ac381ed76218,van den,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work right bubble center hot star sever hundr thousand time lumin around 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia view cosmic bubbl compos narrowband broadband imag data captur detail emiss region record natur look field stars,bubbl nebula,2012-08-04,583,88,-0.0674107142857143,08-04,8,2012,4,4,0,5 23cafaafb891482a44acfb3451a1e77d860f071ac453fe25fa2d237c26b2d475,none,wheel attach nasa curios rover firmli martian surfac earli pictur mar scienc laboratori mission captur success land august 5 2012 pdt seen lower right hazard avoid camera fishey wideangl image rover left rear wheel 50 centimet about 20 inches diameter part spring hing camera dust cover visibl right corner upper left part rover power source look sun across rock surfac mars distant hill right rim gale crater 20 kilomet compact carsiz rover current rest place,wheel mar,2012-08-07,460,75,0.1174603174603174,08-07,8,2012,7,5,1,2 d0d9051a45f676c4da676a5a9974852330828ed1df8ecbdf4abd7147f84b83ba,none,captur phoenix lander parachut mar 2008 hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit mro snap pictur curios rover spectacular descent toward land site august 5 pdt nearli 16 meter foot wide parachut payload caught drop thin martian atmospher plain north sand dune field border 5 kilomet high mt sharp gale crater mro spacecraft 340 kilomet away imag made mro perspect parachut fli angl surfac land site appear it dangl tether still 3 kilomet mars curios rocket power sky crane yet deployed,curios drop,2012-08-08,486,80,-0.0132142857142857,08-08,8,2012,8,5,0,2 c875a68f0aca127f92ac342400d61b1bb4dbb16fc1dc9488ee09ef9de89436ad,tunç tezel,composit imag space 5 7 day apart late octob 2011 top right earli juli 2012 bottom left trace retrograd motion ruddycolor mar planet earth night sky connect dot mars retrograd loop slide cursor pictur and check animation mar actual revers direct orbit instead appar backward motion respect background star reflect motion earth itself retrograd motion seen time earth overtak lap planet orbit farther sun earth move rapidli rel closein orbit march 4th 2012 mar opposit sun earth sky near closest brightest center picture arriv surfac red planet curios rover launch novemb 26 mar near crossov point retrograd loop course mar spot close saturn bright star spica near western horizon sunset even newer curios images includ color panorama mt sharp horizon new curios images includ 360 degre panorama rover self portrait,mar loop,2012-08-09,814,130,0.0998051948051948,08-09,8,2012,9,5,2,4 08c3ebcf4be5260ed8a5da02587f95464546e7266dc499867f24262f04cb9fee,none,denizen planet earth watch last year perseid meteor shower look bright moonlit night sky remark view captur august 13 2011 astronaut ron look perseid meteor garan perspect onboard intern space station orbit altitud 380 kilometers perseid meteor streak below swept dust left comet swifttuttl heat incandescence glow comet dust grain travel 60 kilomet per second denser atmospher around 100 kilomet earth surface case foreshorten meteor flash right frame center curv limb earth layer greenish airglow bright star arcturus want look year perseid meteor shower luck weekend shower near peak less interfer wane crescent moon rise hour sun new curios images includ color gale crater vista,perseid,2012-08-10,682,105,0.1655411255411255,08-10,8,2012,10,8,2,4 5d9af3d10fd31c1f1edb653a959050638fec3e64fe4d278f740d0a4d1b22f616,none,land mar open eye see curios rover see strang place larg mountain distance land target near edg wide gale crater mount sharp horizon rise crater center carsiz rover six wheel laser prepar go twoyear mission exploration climb mt sharp look sign mar harbor life current sit check over receiv detail brief earth thing need know roll around tri avoid flip get wheel stuck sand roll explor like start days find what there,first color panorama mar curios,2012-08-11,417,72,-0.04375,08-11,8,2012,11,5,0,2 a289b5da4d0b3f1a4ce42c8af0bf1376033077c662fd4ef6e179000c1398ac23,none,galaxi bad millennium fact past 100 million year good probabl next billion quit tumultuous visibl upper left ngc 4038 use normal spiral galaxy mind business ngc 4039 toward right crash it evolv wreckage known famous antennae pictur above graviti restructur galaxy cloud ga slam other bright blue knot star form massiv star form explode brown filament dust strewn about eventu two galaxi converg one larger spiral galaxy collis unusual even milki way galaxi undergon sever past predict collid neighbor andromeda galaxi billion years frame compos imag taken orbit hubbl space telescop profession astronom better understand galaxi collisions frame mani deep space imag hubbl sinc made public allow interest amateur download process visual stun composite grow gallery perseid meteor shower 2012,spiral galaxi ngc 4038 collis,2012-08-12,792,120,0.0695578231292517,08-12,8,2012,12,7,2,3 ec906c20d5c1eeaa4472b16d8b909e0a399ac10015582887460718902a015706,jen hackmann,next perseid meteor appear sky enthusiast trek outsid perseid meteor shower peak past day typic question mind six meteor past weekend visibl stack imag composite includ one bright firebal streak along band background milki way galaxy perseid meteor appear come shower radiant constel perseus earli report year perseid indic mani 100 meteor per hour visibl dark locat peak digit mosaic taken near weikersheim germany grow gallery perseid meteor shower imag,perseid meteor milki way,2012-08-14,455,70,0.025,08-14,8,2012,14,6,0,4 c2edb9ad55edbdf7075d601309b60a3612551a96426f78e0f01e8f9f513d018b,none,could stand mars would see imag digit recolor approxim might see martian landscap occur earth imag mar falsecolor way call white balanc use planetari scientist identifi rock landform similar earth imag high resolut version distant wall gale crater captur curios rover land mar last week correspond true color imag exist show scene actual appear mars robot curios rover continu check accept new program earth begin roll across mar explor landscap appear unusu layer dri river bed asow new dark matter search result,curios mars wall gale crater,2012-08-15,513,82,0.0532727272727272,08-15,8,2012,15,5,0,2 39fc39748137bd9b4f6ec0c4b0c475a65e0a50cbcde5de4ff46dc1af0bc102ac,astro anarchi,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula cosmic bubbl 25 lightyear across blown wind central bright massiv star color portrait nebula use narrow band imag data combin hubbl palette show emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom windblown nebula red green blue hues ngc 6888 central star classifi wolfrayet star wr 136 star shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years nebula complex structur like result strong wind interact materi eject earlier phase burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion found nebula rich constel cygnus ngc 6888 5000 lightyear away new apod mirror iran,ngc 6888 crescent nebula,2012-08-16,652,104,0.1516488413547237,08-16,8,2012,16,4,2,5 4bb5646b9e99eba48be05586609e8116c03fcbf41574af17597158e1636af65f,adam block,magnific island univers ngc 5033 lie 40 million lightyear away welltrain northern constel cane venatici telescop portrait reveal strike detail dust lane wind near galaxy bright core majest rel faint spiral arms speckl pink star form region massiv blue star clusters arm span 100000 lightyears similar size spiral milki way wellstudi exampl class seyfert activ galaxies ngc 5033 core bright variable emiss like power supermass black hole bright nucleu rotat center galaxi also seem slightli offset suggest ngc 5033 result ancient galaxi merger,spiral galaxi ngc 5033,2012-08-17,542,83,0.1333333333333333,08-17,8,2012,17,7,1,3 c4b21b4599eb2a15b87a020142fee72d8db04ea35d5f0adf9aef2522754876c1,none,curios rover look like mars help find out nasa engin digit synthes multipl navig camera imag taken last week appear view singl camera besid martian dirt mani curiosity scienc instrument visibl appear good shape near middl rover augment realiti tag intend enabl smartphon provid background information far distanc wall gale crater curios begin roll soon first destin intrigu intersect three type terrain name glenelg,curios mars still life rover,2012-08-18,415,64,0.2299999999999999,08-18,8,2012,18,5,1,2 3f8cb8b086afafb69b6c31ee234a32be0a6074e601e869ff0cbe658cbca0db37,none,globular cluster rule milki way back old days back galaxi first formed perhap thousand globular cluster roam galaxy today less 200 left mani globular cluster destroy eon repeat fate encount galact center surviv relic older earth fossil older structur galaxy limit univers raw age few any young globular cluster milki way galaxi condit ripe form pictur hubbl space telescop 100000 m72 stars m72 span 50 light year lie 50000 light year away seen small telescop toward constel water bearer aquarius beauti images facebook sky,m72 globular cluster star,2012-08-19,522,84,0.0272435897435897,08-19,8,2012,19,7,0,3 bb5c5e2264d2990ee830ebe7b7c099c3948642326a788a6fe85e040d91f831e8,bret,cloud hover sun yes quit differ cloud hover earth long light featur left colorinvert imag actual solar filament compos mostli charg hydrogen ga held aloft sun loop magnet field contrast cloud earth usual much cooler compos mostli tini water droplets held aloft upward air motion weigh filament captur sun two week ago near activ solar region ar visibl right dark sunspots filament typic last day week long filament like might hover sun surfac month more filament trigger larg flare suddenli collaps back onto sun,filament across sun,2012-08-20,512,84,0.0758241758241758,08-20,8,2012,20,1,0,1 67d3081d1b7dd3b416f2b40b28fca58995a3841c2951725c845f662afe13c5e2,clear sky,noctiluc nightshin cloud lie near edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud still reflect sunlight even though sun horizon seen ground usual occur high latitud summer months diaphan apparit also known polar mesospher cloud may connect global chang lower atmosphere seren view featur love display noctiluc cloud water record last month near coastal town sweden pictur taken near local midnight,cloud near edg space,2012-08-22,395,61,0.0626666666666666,08-22,8,2012,22,8,0,1 fb11d9f6414727b74b52a14c20cac361c90f4abee3ae8f8ab1d776e4149ac45b,phil hart,past week nightfal planet earth featur mars saturn spica love conjunct near western horizon still form corner distinct celesti triangl sunset recent join crescent moon bright exhibit differ color discern eye ingeni star trail imag record trio set august 12 telephoto len shore lake central victoria australia focus foreground eucalyptu trees imag slightli blur trail show satur colors guess trail which cours reddest trail mars saturn right paler echo red planet hue left hot lumin spica bluish alpha star constel virgo,conjunct colour,2012-08-23,519,81,0.1571428571428571,08-23,8,2012,23,0,1,1 8b368fa6a19161147cfe1b5b68189f1bf7f0f9c64cfacd20f597d52bc137847d,kwon chul,rise dark hour dawn wander venu shine brilliant morn star close conjunct moon august 13 appreci around planet earth skygaz eastern asia also treat lunar occultation wane crescent moon pass directli front bright planet still dark skies composit imag construct frame made 10 minut interv follow celesti perform vimeo citi light cloud occult begin near horizon progress pair rises venu first disappear behind moon sunlit crescent emerg dawn dark lunar limb,moon meet morn star,2012-08-24,453,71,0.1666666666666667,08-24,8,2012,24,2,1,1 640a8cf0d19e1422685f7628eb2b38cb5721c7b03cb25b2ff81ea02cad56496c,none,three thousand lightyear away die star throw shell glow gas imag hubbl space telescop reveal cat eye nebula one complex planetari nebula known fact featur seen cat eye complex astronom suspect bright central object may actual binari star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage stellar evolution neil armstrong first human walk anoth world 1930 2012,cat eye nebula,2012-08-26,508,78,0.0008333333333333,08-26,8,2012,26,4,0,5 9a76ed4b171ffa6b778b38517a9d2dc82f3aec7fb70aab10e82672e79db02da6,none,what horizon light peak mt sharp eventu destin curios rover imag mosaic taken landing land spot curiosity show foreground rover extend robot arm curiosity alreadi move cross intermedi gravel field toward interest terrain featur name glenelg curios also alreadi start analyz surround nearbi rock laser analyz chemic composit result ga plume life ever exist mar might well gale crater curios rover humanity current best chanc find remains,curios mars mt sharp view,2012-08-27,437,67,0.255,08-27,8,2012,27,5,1,2 85a4bd1f05043af5697a39decbef31bc0a464ca29eb72dcb3db69a8cdc8a8aa8,tom,sky near antar rho ophiuchi colorful color result mixtur object processes fine dust illumin front starlight produc blue reflect nebulae gaseou cloud whose atom excit ultraviolet starlight produc reddish emiss nebulae backlit dust cloud block starlight appear dark antares red supergi one brighter star night sky light yellowr cloud lower center rho ophiuchi lie center blue nebula near top distant globular cluster m4 visibl right antares lower left red cloud engulf sigma scorpii star cloud even color human see emit light across electromagnet spectrum,color cloud near rho ophiuchi,2012-08-28,553,84,0.114021164021164,08-28,8,2012,28,6,1,5 29f5dbefa14e2ff4b9c064c94c776ee095ea52d3296125374a9092d82f7165e9,none,someth unusu pictur earth find it fleet phenomenon thought legend newli caught know look imag taken orbit intern space station iss late april show familiar iss solar panel far left part robot arm far right rare imag phenomenon known red sprite seen albeit faintly bright area imag right bright area red sprite differ type lightning white flash typic type although sprite report anecdot long 300 years first caught film 1989 accident much remain unknown sprite includ occur effect atmospher global electr circuit somehow relat upper atmospher lightn phenomena blue jet terrestri gamma flashes imag of sprite,dark earth red sprite,2012-08-29,608,96,0.1423214285714286,08-29,8,2012,29,8,2,1 36d94786cb108296d4c91f997142d05895b0a7ddadf0039cc9666a24086ac15f,goldman,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky haunt symmetri seen central region tantal image process reveal enorm extrem faint halo gaseou material 6 lightyear across surround brighter familiar planetari nebula made narrow broadband data composit pictur show remark strong extend emiss twice ioniz oxygen atom bluegreen hue ioniz hydrogen nitrogen red planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star recent mani planetari found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier activ episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years,halo cat eye,2012-08-31,649,98,0.0881944444444444,08-31,8,2012,31,4,2,5 f2d8f7280393996a2a042806d6dcc56020fbcd501ae4c48733ecac3f8f3616d7,simon smith,rise sunset gorgeou full moon august 31 becam second full moon month accord modern reckoning make blue moon fact part full moon look littl blue sharp lunar portrait taken hour exact full phase delight clear sky uk featur eyecatch bright ray extend promin young crater tycho moon southern hemisphere slightli color enhanc imag also bring subtl shade blue real characterist terrain high content titanium oxid iron blue lunar terrain right includ dark flat expans sea tranquil apollo 11 land site gallery blue moon,blue moon,2012-09-01,511,83,0.1407142857142857,09-01,9,2012,1,2,1,1 49ab76025690349e4bee173c55f0251e5fe5b7db30887b2d05b7ce2eec4c2e49,mike killian,grace arc trace atla v rocket climb thursday earli morn sky cape canaver air forc station florida usa snug insid rocket centaur upper stage nasa twin radiat belt storm probe separ orbit within planet earth van allen radiat belts reflect turn basin vantag point 3 mile space launch complex 41 scene captur composit two exposures one highlight dramat play launch pad lighting clouds sky subsequ 3 minut long exposur record rocket fieri trail spacecraft tri avoid radiat belts name discover jame van mission explor dynam harsh conditions,night launch,2012-09-02,534,87,-0.1375,09-02,9,2012,2,8,0,2 27447486346cfb7e05e52e947ca07bd88b83a2613ae59a669da91a90ff97ce9a,john,worri find out use know hurrican gone past earth map show path everi hurrican report sinc although striking grow incomplet exist data one look back time map graphic indic hurrican sometim call cyclon typhoon depend form usual occur water make sens sinc evapor warm water give energy map also show hurrican never cross even occur near earth equator sinc corioli effect goe zero there hurrican need corioli forc circulate corioli forc also caus hurrican path arc away equator although incomplet fog long term trend preval hurrican remain topic research evid accumul hurrican are average common power north atlant ocean past 20 years astronomi teacher wanted join nasa,hurrican path planet earth,2012-09-04,669,107,-0.0041666666666666,09-04,9,2012,4,8,2,4 da7e982134b8c60851a27296249bfc521cdd635d0970c8e8c9caec96f1abebf4,jen hackmann,air glow does usual hard see condit right however faint glow 90 kilomet observed easili wideangl longdur camera exposure airglow also frequent seen look pictur taken earth orbit faint arc hover surface pictur clouds curv earth behind streak airplane front sparkl star green band airglow glow predominantli creat excit atom ultraviolet light sun band result densiti fluctuat caus upward move atmospher graviti waves imag taken midjuli weikersheim germany lightn aurora also caus air glow result particl collis fleeting astrophysicists 500 code astrophys sourc code librari,airglow germani,2012-09-05,573,85,-0.1506613756613756,09-05,9,2012,5,8,0,4 b9cc0af32221c5d09ff9d84c6066c38efe9e12617aa3961a2b76b6daf354f9d9,tama ladanyi,seren night skyscape milki way grace arc stretch promin peak italian alp known tre cime di 180 degre wideangl panorama made four exposur august 24 scene look north sky suffus eeri greenish light still subtl glow band aurorae airglow unlik aurora power collis energet charg particl seen high latitudes airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic reaction found around globe chemic energi provid sun extrem ultraviolet radiation like aurorae greenish hue airglow origin altitud 100 kilomet domin emiss excit oxygen atoms easili seen near horizon airglow keep night sky ever complet dark,airglow itali,2012-09-06,591,91,0.1121428571428571,09-06,9,2012,6,6,2,4 2455c9e863adae2308d93a46ec8483ebd52d81bfef7b1a4984f8c5b0c08a869a,glitter light,south antares tail nebularich constel scorpius lie emiss nebula ic 4628 nearbi hot massiv stars million year young radiat nebula invis ultraviolet light strip electron atoms electron eventu recombin atom produc visibl nebular glow domin red emiss hydrogen estim distanc 6000 lightyears region shown 250 lightyear across span area equival four full moon sky nebula also catalog gum 56 australian astronom colin stanley gum seafoodlov astronom might know cosmic cloud prawn nebula,ic 4628 prawn nebula,2012-09-07,478,72,0.1833333333333333,09-07,9,2012,7,4,1,5 410b66eea1330b078513a7b113770ae3a7a118041e208cf4b2c78ea135cef568,none,launch grand tour outer planet 1977 good twin voyag spacecraft also head gener direct sun motion rel nearbi stars thirti five year later voyag 1 appear near boundari sun heliospher interstellar space cours heliospher realm sun defin influenc solar wind sun magnet field tell spacecraft cross boundari interstellar space one clue would sudden increas detect energet cosmic rays high energi particl stream interstellar space acceler distant supernova galaxy normal deflect slow cover 12 month period 2011 plot show dramat increas rate cosmic ray particl detect past month voyag 1 spacecraft voyag 1 18 billion kilomet light hours astronom units sun may soon first spacecraft earth enter realm stars,cosmic ray voyag 1,2012-09-08,696,108,0.1221428571428571,09-08,9,2012,8,1,2,4 08c7b33df372044f15da8ac8df0209ff44cd9ed7105235cd646c04f7516c0d19,star shadow remot observatori,famou horsehead nebula orion alone deep exposur show dark familiar shape indentation visibl center part vast complex absorb dust glow gas bring detail horsehead pasture amateur astronom star shadow remot observatori new mexico usa fix small telescop region seven hour filter specif color red light emit hydrogen ad imag full color frame taken three hours result spectacular pictur detail intric tapestri gaseou wisp dustladen filament creat sculpt eon stellar wind ancient supernovas horsehead nebula lie 1500 light year distant toward constel orion two star orion belt found image student see video astronomi lectur free,wisp surround horsehead nebula,2012-09-09,621,94,0.1036096256684492,09-09,9,2012,9,4,2,5 0a5dfed2a21ce1d8f96cac313e7d27c8f160ae73c63c06146a93a5abee8e4af9,none,curios move across mar going carsiz rover path 29 martian day surfac shown map curios still almost 300 meter first major destination though meet differ type terrain call glenelg visibl imag right may take curios two month get glenelg stop inspect interest rock landscap featur along way imag taken one week ago high hiris camera onboard robot mar reconnaiss orbiter help evalu apod first hear apod,curios move,2012-09-10,398,66,0.2016428571428571,09-10,9,2012,10,5,1,2 cb26f9d79f3c3724078b9dce472a2df181f615f5782842e947a8c2b177523d16,mike salway,part pictur find interest land sky advoc land might beauti ancient dome bungl bungl rang western australia picturesqu dome appear huge layer made sandston conglomer deposit 350 million year ago advoc sky might beauti milki way central band shown arch horizon horizon photogen milki way band form 10 billion year ago includ mani wellknown nebula bright stars fortunately decid enjoy togeth beauti panorama taken dark sky nation park two month ago decid land sky,milki way,2012-09-11,461,74,0.25,09-11,9,2012,11,6,1,1 256e68a25364798688f0d7076efdadd410c190bd12fa11e72840e6237095e937,dieter willaschastrocabinet,m7 one promin open cluster star sky cluster domin bright blue stars seen nake eye dark sky tail constel scorpion scorpius m7 contain 100 star total 200 million year old span 25 lightyear across lie 1000 lightyear away deep exposur taken farm namibia m7 star cluster known sinc ancient times note ptolemi year 130 ad also visibl dark dust cloud liter million unrel star toward galact center,m7 open star cluster scorpiu,2012-09-12,389,67,0.0444444444444444,09-12,9,2012,12,6,0,3 a7e76d21ceee65beedf94a6d56b2c1b739329fe420b1be250b5ce1bb25bd2104,fabian neyer,crowd starfield cover 2 degre within high fli constel cygnus eye drawn cocoon nebula compact star form region cosmic cocoon punctuat long trail obscur interstellar dust clouds catalog ic 5146 nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide locat 4000 light year away like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot star blue dustreflect starlight edg otherwis invis molecular cloud fact bright star near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas long dusti filament appear dark visibl light imag hide star process formation seen infrar wavelengths,cocoon nebula wide field,2012-09-13,620,98,0.11625,09-13,9,2012,13,4,2,5 4b6942d18b7360d0df06349bc066a206f005333da3ccdcee665b8d0202119d1b,frédéric burgeot,planetari nebula simpl symmetri familiar telescop sky gazers ring nebula m57 2000 lightyear away music constel lyra hint chang color subtl detail brought remark sketch cosmic ring sketch made magnif excel see condit directli eyepiec 40 inch reflect telescope color pencil white paper use creat origin drawing shown digit scan invert palett applied one lightyear across nebula compos outer layer expel dying sunlik star intens ultraviolet light hot central star ioniz atom ga power nebular glow ioniz hydrogen add reddish tint ioniz oxygen produc characterist bluegreen color difficult see averag condit small telescopes ring nebula central star visibl time artist study,ring nebula drawn,2012-09-15,669,101,0.0343749999999999,09-15,9,2012,15,4,2,5 61abd823a4ca3a2035d3bd6ca83924fc6015569e1e32bf96984238e80d720e36,none,old saturn rings one quit sure one possibl ring form rel recent solar system history perhap 100 million year ago moonsiz object broke near saturn evid young ring age includ basic stabil analysi rings fact ring bright rel unaffect numer small dark meteor impacts recent evidence however rais possibl saturn ring may billion year old almost old saturn itself inspect imag saturnorbit cassini spacecraft indic saturn ring particl temporarili bunch collide effect recycl ring particl bring fresh bright ice surface seen here saturn ring imag true color robot cassini late october ici bright tethys moon saturn like brighten sandblast rain ice sister moon enceladus visibl front darker rings,saturn bright tethi ancient ring,2012-09-16,686,108,0.1794117647058823,09-16,9,2012,16,0,2,2 5671d012694806bf5515f215a881d5d1278d74579a28367f3b3ea91fc4044901,none,art earlier month space station astronaut record strike imag help augment capabl earthorbit intern space station iss visibl outworldli sun earth two portion robot arm astronaut deep dark space unusu camera take picture imag join histor possibl artist selfportrait taken previous space expedit 32 mission end yesterday attach capsul undock iss return crew earth think art,orbit astronaut selfportrait,2012-09-18,372,56,-0.0791666666666666,09-18,9,2012,18,8,0,2 26eb7886b3db8f78871b65671bc4c44244c5536bfba1e3ba6acbd56adf3b3c51,none,next stop ceres last week robot dawn spacecraft end yearlong mission asteroid vesta becom first spacecraft ever visit far world locat mar jupiter solar system main asteroid belt mani best imag taken dawn vesta compil encompass view vesta show evid leftov earli year solar system build block rocki planet like earth vesta ancient surfac show heavi crater long trough like creat huge impacts minor planet low graviti allow surfac featur like huge cliff larg mountain reach twice height earth mount everest visibl imag bottom vesta however span 500 kilomet across second massiv object asteroid belt so two week ago dawn fire gentl ion rocket begun chase ceres everyth goe planned dawn reach cere 2015 cere look quit differ distant telescop dawn find help evalu apod old you,leav vesta,2012-09-19,771,127,0.1583333333333333,09-19,9,2012,19,8,2,2 dafddf3f85887d4ae2583662eb4dd9589194171ca828f9dec1a9df9121854e01,tunç tezel,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day throughout planet earth year case composit 17 individu imag taken ut date april 2 septemb 16 follow half analemma curve scene look east toward rise sun caspian sea boardwalk port citi baku azerbaijan sun nearest horizon date almost span period 2012 equinox march 20 septemb 22 northern summer solstic june 20 correspond top figur 8 left sun stood northernmost course year exposur made june 6 contain littl someth extra slightli enhanced littl black spot bright solar disk near top frame planet venus caught rare transit wellplan sunris analemma project,sunris analemma littl,2012-09-20,602,98,0.1962962962962963,09-20,9,2012,20,1,2,1 ef71ea62d9ce0d24c2d73fe21c2476a5d85cd041b60b3d639bc6d8b79ddd2e47,fredrick brom,september equinox arriv tomorrow sun cross celesti equat head south event mark astronom begin spring southern hemispher autumn north though connect still puzzling equinox season bring increas geomagnet storms northern night grow longer equinox also herald arriv good season aurora hunters record septemb 20 color northern light captur camera wideangl len near norwegian sea coast outsid tromsø northern norway shine altitud 100 kilomet so aurora ray parallel perspect make appear radiat vanish point behind silhouet pine tree star enchant northern night includ polari right tree top yellowish giant star shedar alpha left beta ursa right bright altair shine greenish auror curtain lower left scene,september aurora,2012-09-21,697,104,0.1714285714285714,09-21,9,2012,21,6,2,1 cee99a9c4301d223f3dc380cadaa420f15dafcd9beaf0536fa4cea6c3cb2e865,robert pölzl,today sun cross celesti equat head south univers time equinox equal night astronom event mark first day autumn northern hemispher spring south sun celesti equator earth dweller experi nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness celebrate consid care record sun yearli journey southern austrian skies scene compos imag made time day captur sun posit date septemb 29 2011 septemb 9 2012 multipl sun trace intersect curv known analemma fact past year two equinox date correspond middl not intersect point curve summer winter solstic top bottom course mani would also consid good idea travel mountain road toward left pass along way reach nearbi town equinox glass wine near roadsid tradit use region keep bird away,austrian analemma,2012-09-22,708,114,0.1444444444444444,09-22,9,2012,22,1,2,1 a1640d42de892a3af62741df717c813fc6d79bfc1662ba52b344951d8d84abe4,tunç tezel,yesterday equinox date day night equal today everi day next equinox night longer day earth northern hemisphere day longer night earth southern hemisphere equinox occur midway two solstices day night least equal pictur composit hourli imag taken sun bursa turkey key day solstic equinox solstice bottom sun band taken winter solstic 2007 december sun could rise high sky stay horizon long lack sun caus winter top sun band taken summer solstic 2008 june sun rose highest sky stay horizon 12 hours abund sun caus summer middl band taken vernal equinox 2008 march sun band earthl saw yesterday day autumn equinox,equinox sun solstic solstic,2012-09-23,609,100,0.091,09-23,9,2012,23,1,2,1 396433189d74cf226418021e42304dbd1b46c92dc9855aa9524d76204774b3ac,none,shock wave plow space 500000 kilomet per hour move toward bottom beauti detail color composite thin braid filament actual long rippl sheet glow ga seen almost edg on catalog ngc 2736 narrow appear suggest popular name pencil nebula 5 lightyear long mere 800 lightyear away pencil nebula small part vela supernova remnant vela remnant around 100 lightyear diamet expand debri cloud star seen explod 11000 year ago initially shock wave move million kilomet per hour slow considerably sweep surround interstellar gas follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,ngc 2736 pencil nebula,2012-09-24,577,92,-0.075,09-24,9,2012,24,4,0,5 85e35c6ab4f36cda38869575e3bdcb377d57654789c5cc462046ea2b9b4757b2,none,strang littl sphere mars robot rover opportun chanc across unusu shape bead earlier month explor place name near rim mars endeavour crater imag taken opportunity microscop imag show ground near rover fill unusu spheres span 3 millimeters first glance ball appear similar small rock dub blueberri seen opportun eight year ago sphere dens compact littl iron content although thought orb form natur process form remain unknown opportunity older recent deploy curios rover continu studi sphere hope provid new clue ancient histori surfac red planet,unusu sphere mar,2012-09-25,544,84,0.0366391184573002,09-25,9,2012,25,5,0,2 1a32372ae207c968a3d783a61e5605d48a2fc87c07334d82b44b1034e322f8be,stephen,everi day space shuttl land although first major lo angel airport last space shuttl endeavour complet tour california sky landed albeit atop 747 last time last flight icon shuttl chase plane photograph near sever california icon includ golden gate bridg san francisco sign skylin lo previously may space shuttl enterpris captur pass behind sever new york city icon way intrepid sea air space museum pictur above shuttl snap approach last week cross beyond major lo angel street retired space shuttl museum pieces shuttl schedul along street la california scienc center gallery space shuttl endeavour retrospect,space shuttl lo angel,2012-09-26,611,95,0.0163131313131313,09-26,9,2012,26,8,2,4 86d5a5bd6ac18cd29de7088b068fc26524dfe8ba5ee41013bf696b07aefebe99,john davi,bright star markab anchor dusti skyscape top right corner frame markab mark corner aster known great found within boundari constel pegasus fli horse wide deep telescop view ride along 5 degre 10 time angular diamet full moon blue reflect nebula scatter around scene even though lineofsight look away plane milki way galaxy cover region known fill nearbi molecular clouds associ dust clouds high latitud galact cirrus less 1000 lightyear distant still apparent far beyond milki way background galaxies like promin edgeon spiral ngc 7497 near pictur center,star dusti sky,2012-09-28,554,87,0.1719365079365079,09-28,9,2012,28,6,1,3 3eb59460231f3927d52345a2626ec447631f581b04be2d477f94fc6c1e8dc2e0,toni halla,like delic cosmic petals cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula duti catalog ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers still remark imag show iri nebula rang color symmetri impress detail within iris dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament dusti cloud glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs bright blue portion iri nebula six lightyear across,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2012-09-29,659,99,0.065,09-29,9,2012,29,4,2,5 2120306842b10cd31b31ded81efc60c9d288dc7cde9a9b944742a70da4a91651,none,galaxi normal look like this ngc 6745 actual show result two galaxi collid hundr million years digit sharpen photograph lower right smaller galaxy move away larger galaxy pictur above use spiral galaxi damag appear peculiar graviti distort shape galaxies although like star two galaxi directli collided gas dust ambient magnet field interact directly fact knot ga pull larger galaxi lower right begun form stars ngc 6745 span 80 thousand lightyear across locat 200 million lightyear away,galaxi collis ngc 6745,2012-09-30,487,76,0.0912698412698412,09-30,9,2012,30,7,0,3 70aa57b8e7bbea30df1f84d6bb4fdce6aa54e9822bf8e91c157184e00b6802b9,none,fresh evid ancient stream found mars robot rover curios run across unusu surfac featur carri strong resembl stream bank earth visibl image example small rock ledg quit possibl creat water eros beneath textur ledg appear sedimentari conglomerate dri remain mani smaller rock stuck together beneath ledg numer small possibl made smooth tumbl around stream pebbl like fell bank circl upper right larger rock possibl also made smooth stream erosion curios discov sever indic dri streamb mar way present locat explor unusu conjunct three differ type landscape,ancient stream bank mar,2012-10-02,554,86,0.1199134199134199,10-02,10,2012,2,5,1,4 74b8f1f43e53c64c1d1cdd32ec5527724118dd715ea4a2c8bb4f1a3653094cb7,juan carlo casado,sometim hard believ see sky shelio expedit late august even veteran sky enthusiast saw aurora colorful fast changing unusu form could rememb noth like it ever chang aurora evolved huge shape spread across sky morph one familiar form another includ look head shown above head strang comet finger celesti hand even without aurora sky would notabl arch band milki way galaxi interest field stars nebulas galaxies contrast foreground farm hous greenland shelio project exist observ aurora student consid career science,aurora greenland,2012-10-03,514,80,0.0854166666666666,10-03,10,2012,3,6,0,1 32195b94937634ac364d2762dc571e9ec8202e66d34d3e8a80db9d2326fec72b,martin pugh,mere seven hundr light year earth constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix nebula ngc 7293 well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution total 58 hour exposur time gone creat deep view nebula accumul narrow band data emiss line hydrogen atom red oxygen atom bluegreen hues show remark detail helix brighter inner region 3 lightyear across also follow fainter outer halo featur give nebula span well six lightyears white dot helix center planetari nebula hot central star simpl look nebula first glance helix understood surprisingli complex geometry,ngc 7293 helix nebula,2012-10-04,606,94,0.0031249999999999,10-04,10,2012,4,4,2,5 654be58a6b76fd4c85e01d7ff5be6007eddac10609c10248c189bb9e5f352406,ole c salomonsenarct light photo,what happen behind mountain converg variabl sky spectacles one night midseptemb near troms norway high red aurora could seen shimmer lower green aurora way creat strike somewhat unusu violet glow suddenly though sky flash brightest firebal astrophotograph ever seen small pebbl outer space violent crash earth atmosphere glow illumin distant mountain peak known alps bright meteor coincid disappear behind mountain also reflect foreground river although might consid lucki see either aurora bright meteor pictur togeth record sever time previously help evalu apod usual view apod,aurora firebal norway,2012-10-05,579,85,-0.0647619047619047,10-05,10,2012,5,8,0,1 ca8100df312bff0fbe86bf9d504cedf89ceba23da530e0b4300f713089f78bb6,none,near center sharp cosmic portrait heart orion nebula four hot massiv star known trapezium gather within region 15 lightyear radius domin core dens orion nebula star cluster ultraviolet ioniz radiat trapezium stars mostli brightest star theta1 orioni c power complex star form region entir visibl glow three million year old orion nebula cluster even compact younger year recent dynam studi indic runaway stellar collis earlier age may form black hole 100 time mass sun presenc black hole within cluster could explain observ high veloc trapezium stars orion nebula distanc 1500 lightyear would make closest known black hole planet earth,heart orion,2012-10-06,635,99,-0.0117857142857142,10-06,10,2012,6,4,2,5 0302d04347e09f80d55ae81ec399395453d93c5d7795ecae0b74a72927e8a4aa,none,squar b color verifi this either run cursor imag click see connected illusion call color illusion illustr pure human observ scienc may ambigu inaccurate even seemingli direct percept rel color similar illus exist sky size moon near horizon appar shape astronom objects advent automated reproducible measur devic ccd made scienc gener astronomi particular less prone to free of humanbias illusions,color illus,2012-10-07,396,60,0.1017857142857142,10-07,10,2012,7,8,1,1 af4973e6428c3a8ee578a8ac0f69270e9d0e33dd87264d57bdfe96e786bb6499,rogelio bernal andreo,easi get lost follow intric filament detail mosaic imag faint supernova remnant simei 147 also catalog sh2240 cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moon sky that 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears anchor frame right bright star elnath beta tauri seen toward boundari constel tauru auriga almost exactli opposit galact center planet earth sky sharp composit includ imag data taken narrowband filter highlight emiss hydrogen atom trace shocked glow gas supernova remnant estim age 40000 years mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 40000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,simei 147 supernova remnant,2012-10-09,684,106,0.0248724489795918,10-09,10,2012,9,6,2,5 32ee79eaa9171093478d178b583ed1c15eed879b60f7e1c8d00f29badd1e0c42,chri cook,myth atla hold heavens scene seem around lighthous beacon photograph camera fix tripod wellplan image composit 30 one minut exposures record star trail northern sky reflect daili rotat planet earth hidden behind top promin lighthous cape cod massachusetts usa north celesti pole center star trail arcs make complet circle 360 degrees 24 hours star trail arc cover 15 degre hour 75 degre thirti minutes foreground light courtesi septemb first quarter moonlight,light star trail,2012-10-10,459,71,0.0805555555555555,10-10,10,2012,10,6,0,1 87a08ca02a328af2b3c0322713343f34f0748d03f695c632ed96a833d2698275,none,north america night easi recogn view fair planet orbit acquir suominpp satellit octob 8 spectacular wave visibl light emiss roll canadian provinc quebec ontario upper half frame aurora boreali northern lights encircl pole extend lower latitudes impress aurora seen past day due strong geomagnet storms storm trigger solar coron mass eject octob 45 impact earth magnetospher three day later curtain light shine well 100 kilomet surface form charg particl acceler magnetospher excit oxygen nitrogen upper atmosphere,aurora planet earth,2012-10-11,513,76,0.181060606060606,10-11,10,2012,11,8,1,2 80af20235c13a6b94d3158c2e45b8108fcecf7a5a1840a646feb13295a984054,none,singl field world power survey instrument captur spectacular skyview look toward sagittarius scene span nearli 3 degre six time width full moon bottom upper right lower left cover lagoon nebula m8 trifid nebula m20 ngc 6559 dusti starfield central milki way adopt color scheme show dust redden starlight red hue normal red emiss hydrogen atom green built oper panstarr project instrument featur 14 gigapixel digit camera telescope panoram survey telescop rapid respons system intend scan sky potenti danger nearearth asteroid comets explor univers uniqu high resolution wide field view,panstarr nebula,2012-10-12,586,89,0.1038095238095238,10-12,10,2012,12,4,2,5 d33c20977f921435ab4fcf39ca1ace4a9ed1e53c3ab32a0e72d1765f862b22c2,ignacio de la cueva torregrosa,spiki star spooki shape abound deep cosmic skyscape wellcompos field view cover 2 full moon sky toward constel pegasus cours brighter star show diffract spikes commonli seen effect intern support reflect telescopes lie well within milki way galaxy faint pervas cloud interstellar dust ride galact plane dimli reflect milki way combin starlight known high latitud cirru integr flux nebula associ molecular clouds case diffus cloud catalog mbm 54 less thousand lightyear distant fill scene galaxi far beyond milki way visibl ghostli apparitions includ strike spiral galaxi ngc 7497 60 million lightyear away seen almost edgeon near center field ngc 7497 spiral arm dust lane echo color milki way star dust,galaxies stars dust,2012-10-13,703,110,-0.0174074074074074,10-13,10,2012,13,7,2,5 ddc15a2a0f07fef2c1f40fff130ea542a253cd41c7c4c4684be8152ae62be0ae,none,first galaxi look like help answer question hubbl space telescop finish take extrem deep field deepest imag univers ever taken visibl light pictur above xdf show sampl oldest galaxi ever seen galaxi form dark ages 13 billion year ago univers percent present age hubbl space telescope ac camera infrar channel camera took image combin effort spread 10 years xdf sensitive colors origin hubbl deep field hubbl ultra deep field hudf complet 2004 hudf infrar complet 2009 astronom world like studi xdf year come better understand star galaxi form earli universe,hubbl extrem deep field,2012-10-14,557,90,0.11,10-14,10,2012,14,7,2,4 4df70bcda33c0d1a064467b1ffa9116c1805dbca7a68bdd2060838dcb927b483,jim,strang dark ball look somehow familiar so might sun image detail solar view captur origin specif color red light render black white color inverted complete result imag ad starfield also color inverted visibl imag sun long light filaments dark activ regions promin peek around edge move carpet hot gas surfac sun becom particularli busi place past two year near solar maximum time surfac magnet field wound most besid activ sun picturesque plasma expel also becom picturesqu impact earth magnetospher creat auroras,black sun invert starfield,2012-10-15,513,81,0.0970238095238095,10-15,10,2012,15,1,0,1 cd97a5ba6d9736459d7367359dc33000343114c2aa6cf3ed71e2588eac5c60c8,none,what happen around star unusu spiral structur discov around milki way star r red giant star locat 1500 light year away toward constel sculptor star observ new atacama larg millimetersubmillimet array alma power telescop array observ near millimet wavelengths part spectrum situat well beyond red light microwav radio waves data alma observ use creat 3d visual ga dust immedi surround star digit slice data show unexpect spiral structure although unusual similar spiral pattern discov visibl light recent around pegasi upon analyz data hypothesi drawn red giant star r might ga toward unseen binari companion star dynam system might particularli may give clue giant star evolv toward end live releas constitu element back interstellar medium new star may form,spiral nebula surround star r,2012-10-16,759,118,0.106060606060606,10-16,10,2012,16,6,2,3 4d248520f742231e761ac15d5715369d5e0ee3b2d40a90431ac967d428656fbf,none,locat next door alpha centauri closest star system sun view interstellar neighbor mere 43 lightyear away shown illustration sun upper right bright star background milki way crescent foreground artist render planet report orbit alpha centauri b make closest known exoplanet discov astronom et al use planet hunt harp instrument measur minut shift star spectrum four years planet approxim mass earth orbit everi 32 days 004 time earthsun distanc parent star put well outsid habit zone much close alpha cen b star littl cooler sun still estim indic planetari orbit would stabl within habit zone alpha cen b half earthsun distanc ,view next door,2012-10-18,626,100,0.0741496598639455,10-18,10,2012,18,6,2,4 3863d1af0b406a6082d934b4efe6a7da35ec05448c7945c55bf629c0179d746d,none,ngc 2623 realli two galaxi becom one seen final stage titan galaxi merger pair lie 300 million lightyear distant toward constel cancer violent encount two galaxi may similar milki way produc widespread star format near lumin core along eyecatch tidal tails fill dust gas young blue star clusters oppos tidal tail extend well 50000 lightyear merg nucleus like trigger merger accret supermass black hole drive activ within nuclear region star format activ galact nucleu make ngc 2623 bright across spectrum sharp cosmic snapshot ngc 2623 aka arp base hubbl legaci archiv imag data also reveal even distant background galaxi scatter field view,merg ngc,2012-10-19,640,102,-0.0993055555555555,10-19,10,2012,19,7,2,3 5384adaf04f72ca9af45c37bdf1e311c6195d4b87de72af0f121cc7caa6d65c2,babak tafreshi,ghostli apparit two fundament plane planet earth sky span octob allski view scene captur lakesid campsit dark sky northern maine usa it plane milki way galaxi arc faint airglow along horizon zodiac light band dust scatter sunlight along solar system eclipt plane stretch almost horizont across wide field intersect milki way near point mark bright planet jupiter right jupiter past pleiad star cluster brighten zodiac band known gegenschein also visibl eye dark night begirt mani blaze star rise distant mountains orion hunter reflect calm waters,zodiac light milki way,2012-10-20,546,85,0.0487012987012987,10-20,10,2012,20,6,0,1 a14834bbb03094d3d0f8c9e56bae6aef9f19ec87b09afe6f82d8c59a5cab2efe,none,normal cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet grow opaqu cloud forms conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud photograph regina saskatchewan canada past summer,mammatu cloud saskatchewan,2012-10-23,418,61,0.0968749999999999,10-23,10,2012,23,8,1,1 25af493ee445924b73b8aa7991c34a6183149fb03fad893b5b6bd89c45eaee9a,feraphotographi,larg stellar associ catalog ngc 206 nestl within dusti arm neighbor spiral galaxi andromeda m31 25 million lightyear distant seen near center gorgeou closeup southwestern extent andromeda disk bright blue star ngc 206 indic youth youngest massiv star less 10 million year old much larger cluster young star disk milki way galaxi known open galact clusters ngc 206 span 4000 lightyears that compar size giant stellar nurseri ngc 604 nearbi spiral m33 tarantula nebula larg magellan cloud,ngc 206 star cloud andromeda,2012-10-24,486,77,0.0871794871794871,10-24,10,2012,24,7,0,3 7ea7024f0c6fa5df08783582dab55e968cc0b5256435e2a0e0039fd2d756d9b8,ken crawford,braided serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow medusa transform star near center overal bright crescent shape deep telescop view fainter filament clearli extend left bright crescent region medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2012-10-25,585,87,0.1733333333333333,10-25,10,2012,25,4,1,5 0dbafbaa84c1e96cfc24b87a3b76d1eb33d69a39e2c2a8882abdf17cbb11bcb3,adam block,book first page everi catalog first entry love blue cosmic cloud begin van den bergh catalog star surround reflect nebulae interstellar dust cloud reflect light nearbi stars nebula usual appear blue scatter dust grain effect shorter wavelengths type scatter give planet earth blue daytim skies van den bergh 1966 list contain total entri easili visibl northern hemisphere includ bright pleiad cluster star popular target astroimagers less 5 lightyear across lie 1600 lightyear distant constel cassiopeia also scene two intrigu nebula right show loop outflow featur associ energet process star formation within extrem young variabl star ca top cas,reflect nebula,2012-10-26,646,98,0.1918154761904762,10-26,10,2012,26,4,2,5 0b5f2c96e3a96fb90c71d156fa1d7b6fd3c990253bb056ee80f84c7515f2bb04,goldman,beauti emiss nebula ngc 6164 creat rare hot lumin otyp star 40 time massiv sun seen center cosmic cloud star mere 3 4 million year old anoth three four million year massiv star end life supernova explosion span around 4 lightyears nebula bipolar symmetry make similar appear familiar planetari nebula gaseou shroud surround die sunlik stars also like mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 found extensive faint halo reveal deep telescop imag region expand surround interstellar medium materi halo like earlier activ phase star gorgeou skyscap composit narrowband imag data highlight glow gas broadband data surround starfield ngc 6164 4200 lightyear away southern constel norma,halo ngc 6164,2012-10-27,672,104,-0.0062499999999999,10-27,10,2012,27,4,2,5 6cba738bd7e82b8bc03778071425d2dfbb1d0448528da2aebdcc5441dc5ca99f,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin main asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system larger moon phobos inde seen cratered asteroidlik object stun color imag mar reconnaiss orbiter record resolut seven meter per pixel phobo orbit close mar 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down 100 million year phobo like shatter stress caus relentless tidal forces debri form decay ring around mars,phobos doom moon mar,2012-10-28,559,91,-0.0269841269841269,10-28,10,2012,28,5,0,2 53c60eb621f4fb89b5cd1ccb2f2d3523fdd6b583506c0a990eb179c848e38951,carlo legaci,oh tangl web planetari nebula weave red spider planetari nebula show complex structur result normal star eject outer gase becom white dwarf star offici tag ngc 6537 twolob symmetr planetari nebula hous one hottest white dwarf ever observed probabl part binari star system intern wind eman central stars visibl center measur excess 1000 kilomet per second wind expand nebula flow along nebula walls caus wave hot ga dust collide atom caught collid shock radiat light shown representativecolor pictur hubbl space telescope red spider nebula lie toward constel archer sagittarius distanc well known estim 4000 lightyears,red spider planetari nebula,2012-10-29,617,95,0.0363636363636363,10-29,10,2012,29,4,2,5 bee7003bb970b7e9b19ba797936e2174af72cd40e468b7512aff72b6ddf9d2cb,descubr peri harvey,becom sun quit possibly bubbl expand ga pictur planetari nebula pk 164 311 remnant atmospher sunlik star expel suppli core hydrogen becam visibl near center nebula remain core bluehot white dwarf star particularli photogen planetari nebula show intric shell ga like expel differ time toward end star demise whose structur fulli understood deep imag pk 164 calar alto observatori spain show mani star milki way galaxi well sever galaxi far distance pk 164 also known jonesemberson 1 lie 1600 light year away toward constel wildcat lynx due faint low surfac brightness object visibl goodsiz telescope although expand nebula fade away next thousand years central white dwarf may well surviv billion year univers may differ place,planetari nebula,2012-10-30,727,115,-0.0096153846153846,10-30,10,2012,30,4,2,5 88e20ded83bd5727f01e1ddc1ee29b99ec6ac3c538b2cbdaa95d0b3c44968858,stephen leshin,describ dusti curtain ghostli apparition mysteri reflect nebula vdb 152 realli faint far neighborhood halloween night cosmic phantom nearli 1400 lightyear away also catalogu ced 201 lie along northern milki way royal constel cepheus near edg larg molecular cloud pocket interstellar dust region block light background star scatter light embed bright star give part nebula characterist blue color ultraviolet light star also thought caus dim reddish luminesc nebular dust though star form molecular clouds star seem accident wander area measur veloc space differ cloud velocity deep telescop imag region span 7 lightyears,vdb 152 ghost cepheu,2012-10-31,620,92,0.17,10-31,10,2012,31,4,2,5 00f272c5d946a1b413219c59cf0bb0d19fe7b705912a7a3786794b3e5bfaf5da,rogelio bernal andreo,double doubl toil trouble fire burn cauldron bubbl mayb macbeth consult witch head nebula suggest shape reflect nebula associ bright star rigel constel orion formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula span 50 lightyear compos interstellar dust grain reflect rigel starlight cosmic portrait blue color witch head nebula dust surround rigel caus rigel intens blue starlight dust grain scatter blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen rigel witch head nebula ga dust surround lie 800 lightyear away,rigel witch head nebula,2012-11-01,579,89,0.1,11-01,11,2012,1,4,2,5 cd9189ea0a133d6c987bf62b2aaaa0bd5d1b07d10725dca261620bc6920239cb,none,center milki way galaxy mere 27000 lightyear away lie black hole 4 million time mass sun fondli known sagittariu a pronounc milki way black hole fortun compar central black hole distant activ galaxies much calmli consum materi around it time time though outburst last sever hour captur seri premier xray imag orbit nuclear spectroscop telescop array launch last june 13 nustar first provid focus view area surround sgr a xray energi higher access chandra xmm observatories span two day nustar observations flare sequenc illustr panel far right xray gener materi heat 100 million degre celsius acceler nearli speed light fall miki way central black hole main inset xray imag span 100 lightyears it bright white region repres hottest materi closest black hole pinkish cloud like belong nearbi supernova remnant,black hole milki way,2012-11-02,808,129,0.0390022675736961,11-02,11,2012,2,6,2,4 0cd1041c2f209096f637dfbff3bb39dcc63dfef3d60f6e2a6f847851d45b8a8a,stefano de rosa,full moonset dramat celesti sight full moon mani names late october full moon second full moon northern hemispher autumn equinox tradit call hunter moon accord lore name fit one full moon light night time hunt prepar come winter months scene last week hunter moon shine rich yellow light set dawn come italian alps top 11000 feet snowi peak known catch first redden light rise sun,hunter moon alp,2012-11-03,380,65,0.2455882352941176,11-03,11,2012,3,2,1,1 f9bec299c591f950ec9ff3630c416d6f333910a0930c9b833a21feaf7a2830c2,tim thompson,ufo near mountain multilay lenticular clouds moist air forc flow upward around mountain top creat lenticular clouds water droplet condens moist air cool dew point cloud opaqu group water droplets wave air would normal seen horizont seen vertically differ level cloud form day citi seattle washington usa treat unusu sky show lenticular cloud form near mt rainier larg mountain loom 100 kilomet southeast city imag spectacular cluster lenticular cloud taken 2008 december,lenticular cloud washington,2012-11-04,471,72,0.3,11-04,11,2012,4,8,1,1 35f8198121995139658859a163ba14a6d2f6aaa38a989b0a56f9290ad4ebf07d,none,one half dion crater other start fact saturn moon dion one side alway face saturn one side alway face away similar earth moon tidal lock mean one side dion alway lead moon progress orbit side alway trails dion therefor undergon signific number impact lead half strangely current lead half dion less crater trail half lead explan craterform impact larg spun dione chang part suffer highest impact rate moon spin becam locked detail imag dion highlight moon subtl hue mosaic dedic amateur pictur taken april 2010 flybi dion nasa robot cassini spacecraft,saturn moon dion color,2012-11-05,553,91,-0.1520833333333333,11-05,11,2012,5,0,0,2 c5adfda4082c4e42e7271f3db77f53872827dfd26df8f53271f087b039b3cb26,none,moon shape like smooth robot cassini spacecraft complet first flybi ever saturn small moon methon may discov moon obviou craters craters usual caus impacts seen everi moon asteroid comet nucleu ever imag detail now even earth titan craters smooth egglik shape 3kilomet diamet moon might caus surfac abl shift someth might occur moon coat deep pile subvisu so similar object solar system would includ saturn moon pandora calypso well asteroid itokawa show section unusu smooth methon entir featureless though surfac section appear darker others although flybi methon difficult interest natur histori unusu moon sure continue,smooth egg moon saturn,2012-11-06,625,95,0.095,11-06,11,2012,6,2,2,2 a0d31ab057291ef7decaa778a8114830d705de4437a064f709da236489c8c2b3,none,stun vista base imag data hubbl legaci archive distant galaxi form dramat backdrop disrupt spiral galaxi arp 188 tadpol galaxy cosmic tadpol mere 420 million lightyear distant toward northern constel draco eyecatch tail 280 thousand lightyear long featur massive bright blue star clusters one stori goe compact intrud galaxi cross front arp 188 right left view slung around behind tadpol gravit attraction close encounter tidal forc drew spiral galaxy stars gas dust form spectacular tail intrud galaxi itself estim lie 300 thousand lightyear behind tadpole seen foreground spiral arm upper right follow terrestri namesake tadpol galaxi like lose tail grow older tail star cluster form smaller satellit larg spiral galaxy,arp 188 tadpole tail,2012-11-08,723,110,-0.0173280423280423,11-08,11,2012,8,7,2,3 34d18a7a64949f5f31347d4f3ba1e4171b5b3e44510f1ee17f8c8bbd58cdc39f,stefano cancelli,cosmic cloud seem form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 course cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 15 million year young cluster star toward right color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouett glow atom gas composit narrow broad band telescop images view span 30 lightyear includ emiss hydrogen green sulfur red oxygen blue hues wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,melott 15 heart,2012-11-09,547,88,0.107554945054945,11-09,11,2012,9,4,0,5 0553b7534ddeb964c3606463cf0b46eece2808aed283202c6bfa5c72e31142db,leonid durman,sun black out someth strang occurs moon move complet cover sun total solar eclips like one set occur part australia tuesday bead bright sunlight stream around edg moon effect known baily beads name franci baili call attent phenomenon 1836 although number bright baily bead use unpredictable today moon well map gener featur regard baily bead expected singl bead dominates call diamond ring effect typic seen totality pictur above horizont compressed seri imag record baily bead time surround 2008 total solar eclips visibl novosibirsk russia end totality sun emerg behind moon baily bead may visibl side moon,baily bead near solar eclips total,2012-11-11,611,96,0.0629629629629629,11-11,11,2012,11,2,2,1 8930cacad1c755649e2eef4276f0e63d340445229000bc511c045dc3b631cd3d,thierri,featur take breath away first encompass panorama land sky competit strong waterfall meteor starfield even moonbow attention interest first note though cant seen rise moon side camera bright moon illumin beauti landscap queensland australia last june also creat beauti moonbow seen front falls ridg imag horizont streak airplane toward top frame downward streak bright meteor small pebbl across solar system lit enter earth atmosphere well behind meteor numer bright star nebula seen toward center galaxy finally far background band milki way galaxy run diagon lower left upper right imag also circl entir sky,meteor moonbow fall,2012-11-12,609,93,0.2112698412698413,11-12,11,2012,12,6,2,1 2ad9235960de16d8a9b5a94d884159ac8c072783e82993bd93bdc0118b7a99c1,phil hart,month new moon brought total solar eclips part planet earth novemb 13 total eclips track fell across southern pacific moon dark umbral shadow began journey northern australia wednesday morning local time along track telescop snapshot captur moon silhouett sky queensland along highway west port douglas almost complet covered sun disk seen still surround hint faint solar corona planets promin stretch activ sun edge sunlight stream gap rug profil lunar limb creat brilliant fleet baily beads,solar eclips,2012-11-15,492,75,0.0482954545454545,11-15,11,2012,15,2,0,1 bb376a7ddc1b697166741085f511b1cc69f5e3e1a03c69241051c8bc0241d63a,bencoop,morn novemb 14 moon umbral shadow track across northern australia head southern pacific captur hilltop 30 mile west outback town mount queensland seri exposur follow progress total solar eclips dramat composit image sequenc begin near horizon moon steadili redden face sun rise eclips progresses total phase last 2 minut location otherwis faint solar corona around eclips disk record totality background exposur show still sunlit sky near horizon beyond sky darken shadow moon,moon shadow sequenc,2012-11-16,476,72,-0.0428571428571428,11-16,11,2012,16,2,0,1 2abf0d2e84895bc731f1769129f8c5eb23933901c6f65afc07ad66e3b66865f7,terrastro,dark sun hung queensland australia wednesday morn much anticip total solar eclipse storm cloud threaten view along northern coast minut total cloud stream past moon edge last direct ray sunlight produc gorgeou diamond ring effect scene beach cairn port douglas wink moment diamond last forev though area plung dark nearli 2 minut moon shadow swept shore toward australia great barrier reef southern pacific rang second long five separ exposur blend imag creat present similar breathtak visual experi eclipse,like diamond sky,2012-11-17,507,78,0.03125,11-17,11,2012,17,1,0,1 627fad6d4bf0238e7738208f40bd8332fc8ed5620daaaab0f3723a13351aa9f4,none,massiv normal star be estim made distance bright standard solar model given one star open cluster pismi 24 200 time mass sun nearli make record holder star brightest object locat ga front image close inspect imag taken hubbl space telescope however shown pismi 241 deriv brilliant luminos singl star three least compon star would still remain near 100 solar masses make among massiv star current record toward bottom image star still form associ emiss nebula ngc 6357 appear perhap like gothic cathedral energet star near center appear break illumin spectacular cocoon,ngc 6357 cathedr massiv star,2012-11-18,568,91,0.1954545454545454,11-18,11,2012,18,6,1,3 c53fea108a343130e0a496fb35669aee60abe3680afb0ae0b7dc72de809f1591,sean m sabatini,what happen sky monument valley meteor shower past weekend leonid meteor shower peaking imag actual composit six exposur 30 second taken 2001 year much activ leonid shower time earth move particularli dens swarm sandsiz debri comet tempeltuttle meteor rate approach one visibl streak per second meteor appear parallel fall earth meteor shower radiant point sky toward constel lion leo although predict peak year leonid meteor shower over anoth peak may visibl earli tomorrow morning way mani meteor identifi image,leonid monument valley,2012-11-19,517,79,-0.0083333333333333,11-19,11,2012,19,8,0,1 6403f7f4f23c91ef879bf3f9a7781edac538d8e18e996849e49dd8cb3b911d84,anthoni ayiomam,ever seen halo around moon fairli common sight occur high thin cloud contain million tini ice crystal cover much sky ice crystal act like miniatur lens crystal similar elong hexagon shape light enter one crystal face exit oppos face refract 22 degrees correspond radiu moon halo similar sun halo may visibl day set pictur athens greece distant planet jupit appear chanc halo left exactli icecryst form cloud remain investigation,halo around moon,2012-11-20,428,69,-0.0044444444444444,11-20,11,2012,20,8,0,1 713a8e1bdfe9de28e1b5275cad3f0947f5b7bc98721a0ab7cf89d6cf7c90df38,stephen mudg,total phase last week solar eclips came end sunlight stream past edg moon creat fleet appear glisten diamond ring sky eclips watcher consid cloud welcom sight view thin cloud north cairn queensland australia also reveal remark flicker shadow bands project onto cloud layer band parallel sliver emerg sunlight caus turbul earth atmospher refract sliver sunlight narrow band captur brief 11000th second exposure,diamond ring shadow band,2012-11-21,409,62,-0.10625,11-21,11,2012,21,8,0,1 3afbb9b68cb5f79d694bd9c6300e2fb6c94c926e07e9a3f5a9b5fab39650ace7,stéphanevett,cosmic grain sand left long color trail across allski view graze impact planet earth atmospher began 71 kilomet per second milki way stretch horizon horizon scene captur night novemb 17 astronom popular high plateau champ du alsace france course meteor belong month leonid meteor shower produc fair planet annual sweep dust tail period comet tempeltuttle shower radiant point constel leo close eastern horizon near start trail lower left bright planet jupit also easi spot immers faint band zodiac light right center imag part dramat timelaps video vimeo here began 7 minut long leonid cross sky,night long leonid,2012-11-22,595,95,0.1497142857142857,11-22,11,2012,22,8,2,1 020df513517757623a25c433c65521d6c296482ceec74febcda7c05b1c6a34cb,yuri beletski,st antares dark mark sprawl crowd star field toward center milki way galaxy catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard obscur interstellar dust cloud includ b59 b72 b77 b78 seen silhouett starri background here combin shape suggest pipe stem bowl dark nebula popular name pipe nebula deep expans view repres nearli 24 hour exposur time record dark sky chilean atacama desert cover full 10 10 degre field pronounc constel ophiuchus pipe nebula part ophiuchu dark cloud complex locat distanc 450 lightyears dens core ga dust within pipe nebula collaps form stars,pipe nebula,2012-11-23,565,92,-0.005,11-23,11,2012,23,4,0,5 f62e5abe7b581ea4c72d18294225d3b2b357290e5146360cc483349454e584df,martin pugh,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 truli majest island univers 200000 lightyear across locat mere 60 million lightyear away toward chemic constel fornax ngc 1365 domin member wellstudi fornax galaxi cluster sharp color imag show intens star form region end bar along spiral arms detail dust lane cut across galaxy bright core core lie supermass black hole astronom think ngc 1365 promin bar play crucial role galaxy evolution draw ga dust starform maelstrom ultim feed materi central black hole discov octob 27 posit bright supernova indic ngc 1365 catalog type ia supernova explos white dwarf star,ngc 1365 majest spiral supernova,2012-11-24,590,95,0.049074074074074,11-24,11,2012,24,7,2,3 1ba957d1be540f20bbf34f06352be5537a332ca6c48e94019d1954ba467f2fcd,joaquin,wisp like remain visibl milki way star 9000 year ago star explod supernova leav veil nebula also known cygnu loop time expand cloud like bright crescent moon remain visibl week peopl live dawn record history today result supernova remnant fade visibl small telescop direct toward constel swan cygnus remain veil nebula physic huge however even though lie 1400 lightyear distant cover five time size full moon imag like complet veil nebula studiou reader abl identifi sever individu filaments bright wisp right known witch broom nebula,wisp veil nebula,2012-11-26,534,85,0.258008658008658,11-26,11,2012,26,4,1,5 c4a2d7037387f679b5caffb8363eabd8049ba3787d28320cbb361f90fb0d534d,tunç tezel,bright star recent notic rise sunset star all jupiter solar system rule ga giant bright jupit near decemb 3rd opposit stand taurus opposit sun planet earth sky clearli outshin yellowish aldebaran alpha star taurus jupit center skyview novemb 14th also featur pleiad hyad star clusters familiar celesti sight northern hemispher winter approaches slide cursor imag label scene identifi two solar system world approach opposit december small faint asteroid vesta dwarf planet cere 10 degre jupiter near left edg frame course imagin nasa dawn spacecraft field view left vesta september dawn ion engin steadili drive match orbit ceres schedul arriv februari 2015,bright jupit tauru,2012-11-27,657,101,0.0865384615384615,11-27,11,2012,27,8,2,4 040f71cfafda6770fc95a79f252b73afec1bd7064c85a701fd53b5176bc990a3,catalin paduraru,see big bright beauti full moon wednesday night actual micro moon night smallest full moon 2012 reach full phase 4 hour apogee distant point earth moon ellipt orbit course earlier year may 6 full super moon near perigee closest point orbit rel appar size novemb 28 micro moon right compar famou may 6 super moon two panels match telescop imag romania differ appar size repres differ distanc 50000 kilomet apoge perigee given moon averag distanc 385000 kilometers long wait see anoth full micro moon januari 16 2014 lunar full phase occur within 3 hour apogee,super moon vs micro moon,2012-11-29,558,95,0.2313988095238095,11-29,11,2012,29,2,1,2 2fa2be81b0d90e2b993112af95ed4f1a9584c6c35e0bd35405995f94d6b4a544,bob caton,cosmic cloud ga dust drift across magnific mosaic cover degre field within high fli constel cygnus collabor skyscape combin broad narrow band imag data present hubbl palette anchor bright hot supergi star deneb center near left edge alpha star cygnus deneb top northern cross aster seen next dark void known northern coal sack deneb recogniz north america pelican nebula ngc 7000 ic anoth supergi star sadr gamma cygni near center field bright wing butterfli nebula line continu right encount compact crescent nebula final tulip nebula near top frame complex nebulos locat 2000 lightyear away along sun lie orion spiral arm milki way galaxy,cloud cygnu,2012-11-30,640,103,0.1242006802721088,11-30,11,2012,30,4,2,5 26da43aa62dc816ab24459306eeb45cf92c3cf95a4fd2461838d66dcdeae0a9e,none,innermost planet mercuri would probabl good locat interplanetari winter new result base data mercuri orbit messeng spacecraft indic substanti water ice perman shadow region within crater near north pole possibl ice mercuri entertain years inspir discoveri radar bright henc highli reflective region near north pole highlight yellow map base project messeng images radar bright region seen correspond floor wall north polar impact craters farther pole region concentr north face crater walls messenger neutron spectroscopi thermal model crater indic materi region hydrogen content consist nearli pure water ice trap area temperatur remain 100 kelvin circumst similar perman shadow crater moon debri comet impact thought sourc ice mercury,northern mercuri,2012-12-01,736,106,0.0806096681096681,12-01,12,2012,1,5,2,4 7acd918190767b3b2a5fcc9fa75cf7775252c321f97b81c44bc412cca1bf73e9,yuri beletskyeso,night sky darkest direct opposit sun no fact rare discern faint glow known gegenschein german counter glow seen 180 degre around sun extrem dark sky gegenschein sunlight backscatt small interplanetari dust particles dust particl millimet size splinter asteroid orbit eclipt plane planets pictur 2008 octob one spectacular pictur gegenschein yet taken deep exposur extrem dark sky paran observatori chile show gegenschein clearli even surround glow visible foreground sever european southern observatory larg telescopes notabl background object includ andromeda galaxi toward lower left pleiad star cluster horizon gegenschein distinguish zodiac light near sun high angl reflection day phenomenon similar gegenschein call glori seen reflect air cloud opposit sun airplane,gegenschein chile,2012-12-02,770,108,0.038125,12-02,12,2012,2,1,2,4 aa42857056521a3e247979b6f5746690f2cdd2e852787e123f92c680e05eb56b,none,what happen north pole saturn vortex strang complex swirl clouds center vortex imag unpreced detail last week robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn cloud lie center unusu hexagon cloud system surround north pole saturn sun rose saturn north pole year ago cassini take infrar imag shadow region previously imag raw unprocess prepar releas 2013 sever similar imag region recent condens movie planetari scientist sure continu studi unusu cloud format quit time astrophysicists code share meet januari,center saturn north polar vortex,2012-12-04,497,75,0.0202564102564102,12-04,12,2012,4,0,0,2 1269900e6da4acfd5922b08114638efbbd6cda4df5ad2629bfec0fe1fb9a8bca,none,galaxi emit spectacular jets one sure like relat activ supermass black hole center galaxi imag center hercul a appear rel normal ellipt galaxi visibl light imag radio waves however tremend plasma jet one million light year long appear detail analys indic central galaxy also known 3c actual 1000 time massiv milki way galaxy central black hole nearli 1000 time massiv black hole milki way center pictur visibl light imag obtain earthorbit hubbl space telescop superpos radio imag taken recent upgrad larg array vla radio telescop new mexico usa physic creat jet remain topic research like energi sourc infal matter swirl toward central black hole follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,plasma jet radio galaxi hercul,2012-12-05,710,115,0.0682476943346508,12-05,12,2012,5,7,2,4 02e4ae30160f0c7a08bcd5a8e5cee33fa943fe43abd70b276fc9ad751b0e5eb3,ivan eder,globular star cluster 47 tucana jewel southern sky also known ngc 104 roam halo milki way galaxi along around 200 globular star clusters second brightest globular cluster after omega centauri seen planet earth lie 13000 lightyear away spot nakedey near small magellan cloud smc constel toucan course smc 210000 lightyear distant satellit galaxi milki way physic close 47 star outskirt smc seen upper left broad southern skyscape toward lower right appar diamet full moon dens cluster 47 tuc made sever million star volum 120 lightyear across away bright cluster core red giant 47 tuc easi pick yellowish tint stars globular cluster 47 tuc also home exot xray binari star systems,47 tuc near small magellan cloud,2012-12-06,678,110,0.0820153061224489,12-06,12,2012,6,6,2,3 d74cb4d519c49e065b87bd0bc8a98f493e950f8aeaaaa57d7aff458fa9052de2,none,remark complet view earth night composit nighttim images imag collect april octob 2012 suominpp satellit polar orbit 824 kilomet miles surfac use visibl infrar imag radiomet suit viirs offer greatli improv resolut sensit compar past global detect instrument dmsp satellites also advantag compar camera intern space station space station pass point earth everi two three days suominpp pass point twice day local time easi recogn here citi light identifi major popul centers track effect human activ influenc across globe make nighttim imag fair planet among interest import view space,earth night,2012-12-07,583,89,0.1036458333333333,12-07,12,2012,7,8,2,4 8aeb79f3658bd3bd2b6bae874a60c3d986898c7559d1395e9498152f499c7ae9,tunç tezel,full moon rise waterfront scene colorful wateri reflect join harbor light echo western horizon sunset tantal imag composit frame record 2 minut interv novemb 28 caspian sea port citi baku azerbaijan still full moon realli big bright others though might hard tell fact novemb 28 full moon near apogee make smallest full moon 2012 rose boardwalk along much eastern also earth lighter penumbr shadow subtl effect penumbr lunar eclips discern slightli darker left side lunar disk opposit sun planet earth sky full moon also join bright planet jupiter day opposition,moonris,2012-12-08,561,90,0.2786458333333333,12-08,12,2012,8,2,1,1 b69f2a88e157421bfec8c19920e72b6109020717bd7fd93ef54131e24e083085,none,1984 high earth surface astronaut captur satellite second satellit captur mission pictur above astronaut dale a gardner fli free use man maneuv unit begin attach control devic dub stinger rotat westar 6 satellite commun satellit westar 6 suffer rocket malfunct left unabl reach intend high geosynchron orbit previous caught palapa b2 satellit westar 6 satellit guid cargo bay space shuttl discoveri return earth westar 6 subsequ refurbish sold,astronaut captur satellit,2012-12-09,443,68,0.079047619047619,12-09,12,2012,9,8,0,2 6696b24827ecf3da716cb040e25928e6b708f3456589bac3a7fd905f54c2ae5a,none,star sometim born midst chaos 3 million year ago nearbi galaxi m33 larg cloud ga spawn dens intern knot gravit collaps form stars ngc 604 large however could form enough star make globular cluster mani young star cloud visibl imag hubbl space telescope along left initi ga cloud star massiv alreadi evolv explod supernova brightest star left emit light energet creat one largest cloud ioniz hydrogen ga known compar tarantula nebula milki way close neighbor larg magellan cloud,ngc 604 giant stellar nurseri,2012-12-11,477,78,0.119047619047619,12-11,12,2012,11,6,1,3 c7452626172dd22a455bcb2419e0ad7c4cfd66c96e1967105dc76d14277c4590,florian breuer,front famou background star galaxi lie earth unusu trees known quiver trees actual succul alo plant grow treelik proportions quiver tree name deriv histor use hollow branch dart holders occur primarili southern africa tree pictur 16exposur composit quiver tree forest locat southern namibia tallest quiver tree park estim 300 year old behind tree light small town keetmanshoop namibia far distance arch across background majest central band milki way galaxy even distance visibl imag left larg small magellan clouds smaller satellit galaxi milki way promin sky earth southern hemisphere last repetit day one second today date time,milki way quiver tree forest,2012-12-12,630,96,-0.025,12-12,12,2012,12,6,2,4 d5c5e2360942c18d404123c488f3eb76785dcacc7aeaf9b5284cf8c38ed5e4b1,denni l mammanatwan,morn novemb 14 sky gazer around world gather littl planet stand dark umbral shadow moon course moon cast shadow last month total solar eclipse littl planet actual beach green island coast queensland australia pictur itself first littl planet project total solar eclipse digit warp stitch wraparound 8 imag cover 360x180 degrees make it intrepid photograph rememb shoot toward eclips excit totality near littl planet horizon eclips sun center surround glow solar corona venu spot sky toward top frame bottom right bright star siriu shine tip alarmingli tall tree,umbra world,2012-12-14,561,88,0.1154761904761904,12-14,12,2012,14,1,2,1 b699b3268887c2fd27ddf436bb982d69d1a4639443d951c7e1685973a997d9bf,stéphane guisard,radiant point constel twins annual geminid meteor shower rain planet earth week record near shower peak earli hour decemb 14 skyscap captur gemini love shoot star care composit 30 exposures 20 second long dark chilean atacama desert eso paran observatory foreground paranal four larg telescopes four auxillari telescopes vlt survey telescop open observing sky share bright jupit left orion top left faint light milki way dust swept orbit activ asteroid 3200 phaethon gemini meteor enter atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second,gemini send star paran,2012-12-15,525,81,0.1153846153846153,12-15,12,2012,15,6,1,2 1e16aa26559f7241fe076cd4be27ffc5cb58062ee6a674dbc3e6e421ce6d4e5e,none,galaxi mani big black holes one sure sure ngc 922 ring galaxi creat collis larg small galaxi 300 million year ago like rock thrown pond ancient collis sent rippl high densiti ga impact point near center partli condens stars pictur ngc 922 beauti complex ring along left side imag recent hubbl space telescope observ ngc 922 chandra xray observatory however show sever glow xray knot like larg black holes high number massiv black hole somewhat surpris ga composit ngc 922 rich heavi element almost anyth massiv forming research sure continue ngc 922 span 75000 light years lie 150 million light year away seen small telescop toward constel furnac fornax,ngc 922 ring galaxi,2012-12-17,655,109,0.0892105263157894,12-17,12,2012,17,7,2,3 e50b43e32fe6c4ae83b3e5fca39206816e130bd8f9cdc95e04e23860ef09bb81,gran strand,ever seen sun pillar air cold sun rise setting fall ice crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light ice sometim form flat sixsid shape crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground sunlight reflect crystal properli aligned creat sunpillar effect pictur taken last week sunpillar reflect light sun set stersund sweden,sun pillar sweden,2012-12-18,371,58,0.05,12-18,12,2012,18,1,0,1 8be7db7c238b249844179cc7a479142d11689a12691cfcab96f369b80013fd56,none,nebula complex star like sun dying cast outer layers usual simpl overal shape sometim shape sphere sometim doubl lobe sometim ring helix case planetari nebula ngc 5189 however simpl structur emerged help find why earthorbit hubbl space telescop recent observ ngc 5189 great detail previou find indic exist multipl epoch materi outflow includ recent one creat bright distort toru run horizont across imag center result appear consist hypothesi die star part binari star system precess symmetri axis given new data though research sure continue ngc 5189 span three light year lie 3000 light year away toward southern constel fli musca apod editor speak rjn philadelphia jan 3 jtb new york citi jan 4,ngc 5189 unusu complex planetari nebula,2012-12-19,698,113,0.1863636363636363,12-19,12,2012,19,4,2,3 4f00b61b0972d8a2387454701081fbe74cd59209c0d209b92bb21ec9735c6967,robert gendler,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp composit image 25 panel mosaic nice show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region trace galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 1 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 triangulum galaxi,2012-12-20,715,109,0.1545454545454545,12-20,12,2012,20,7,2,3 12749ab2ddc6affe9eb99a6686780c6c69fefe5148e767c1ad0cc1d044eaa798,stéphane guisard,welcom decemb solstice day world end even accord mayan calendar celebrate consid dramat pictur orion rise el central pyramid one great mayan center yucatán peninsula also known templ stand 30 meter tall 55 meter wide base built seri squar terrac precolumbian civil 9th 12th century structur use calendar note astronom alignments fact accomplish astronom accur use cyclic motion stars sun moon planet measur time construct calendars peer cloud night skyscape star modern constel orion hunter repres turtl mayan sky,orion el,2012-12-21,514,79,9.251858538542969e-18,12-21,12,2012,21,8,0,1 d3982bb3b20b399e2c08c904546e6bc998902915c32d841a54cf582e3487724c,none,seldom seen reveal gloriou pictur saturn shadow imag cassini octob 17 2012 orbit ring planet night side view perspect 19 degre ring plane distanc 800000 kilomet sun almost directli behind planet 60 frame mosaic imag made infrared red violet filter combin creat enhanced falsecolor view strongli ring look bright away planet dark silhouett ga giant center reflect faint eeri light cloud top saturn cast dark shadow rings similar cassini imag 2006 also featur planet earth pale blue dot distance instead scene includ ici moon enceladu closer tethi ring left,saturn night,2012-12-22,555,89,0.0064285714285714,12-22,12,2012,22,0,0,1 59001649eebfa3f094caa8a97d98e78281af1ecbe1c2cc563e3e8a8acd10a9a9,a dimai col drusci obsaac,comet halebopp great comet 1997 becam much brighter surround stars seen even bright citi lights away citi lights however put quit spectacular show comet halebopp photograph val parola pass dolomit mountain surround cortina dampezzo italy comet halebopp blue ion tail consist ion comet nucleus push solar wind white dust tail compos larger particl dust nucleu driven pressur sunlight orbit behind comet observ show comet halebopp nucleu spin everi 12 hours comet may well exceed halebopp peak bright expect fall inner solar system next year,comet halebopp val parola pass,2012-12-23,539,84,0.2363636363636364,12-23,12,2012,23,3,1,1 e1d69a493e67b39647bd03001639bc3740211401039ca9c73afba7c8c2d54a15,catch light,recogn sinc antiqu depict shield accord star hyad cluster form head constel tauru bull gener vshape anchor aldebaran eye bull far constellation brightest star yellowish appearance red giant aldebaran hyad cluster member though modern astronomi put hyad cluster 151 lightyear away make nearest establish open star cluster aldebaran lie less half distance along lineofsight along color hyad stars stellar holiday portrait aldebaran center well anoth open star cluster taurus ngc left 2000 lightyear background slide cursor imag identifi stars central hyad star spread 15 lightyears form 800 million year ago hyad star cluster may share common origin m44 nakedey open star cluster cancer base m44 motion space remark similar age,hyad,2012-12-24,725,110,-0.0614583333333333,12-24,12,2012,24,6,2,3 16c6c94c651c2274bae96f3ef07119f4515669eec58dba064410026125842625,walli pacholka,evoc night skyscap starri band milki way climb yosemit valley sierra nevada range planet earth jupit brightest celesti beacon wintri scene though stand nearli opposit sun constel taurus wander planet join yellowish aldebaran hyad star cluster below orion alway come sideway fenc mountains twin star gemini rise across milki way peac winter night began follow auriga charioteer alpha star capella near top frame,yosemit winter night,2012-12-25,410,63,0.3,12-25,12,2012,25,6,1,1 333f7295ccef8bcd0d40b87355f9aa9d01702323afccfcdd3d5ce286e3c3b521,none,makemak one largest object known outer solar system pronounc mahkay mahkay kuiper belt object twothird size pluto orbit sun slightli pluto appear slightli dimmer pluto makemake however orbit much tilt eclipt plane planet pluto discov team led mike brown caltech 2005 outer solar system orb offici name makemak creator human rapa nui mytholog easter island 2008 makemak classifi dwarf planet subcategori plutoid make makemak third catalog plutoid pluto eris makemak known world somewhat red appearance color indic like cover patchi area frozen methane imag makemake surfac yet exist artist illustr distant world shown above care monitor bright drop distant star recent eclips makemak indic dwarf planet littl atmosphere,makemak outer solar system,2012-12-26,718,108,0.0777777777777777,12-26,12,2012,26,8,2,4 285f7d2efb10bf56f7e36410cfe2d0502f5ac38cdab9188ad95ae32c69700e12,none,what smooth soil mars late october nasa robot curios rover stop near place dub rocknest continu explor gale crater mars rocknest group stone seen near top left imag left curiosity mast particular interest unusu smooth patch soil name wind drift seen left curiosity like creat martian wind blow fine particl wake imag show part mt sharp background upper right and oddly almost entir rover itself digit reconstruct 55 frame digit remov extend arm curios scoop sever sand sampl wind drift chemistri mineralog experi sampl analysi mar laboratori detail analysis preliminari data soil indic small amount organ materi origin present unknown although organ signal might earth excit possibl could mar remain focu futur explor research best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,curios rover mar,2012-12-27,839,133,0.1229296066252587,12-27,12,2012,27,5,2,4 410fbf2356a348aa99b0af3e2256a5a48bb0c79932f960c43ce30718cf697e58,kfir simon,fantast shape lurk cloud glow hydrogen ga ngc 6188 4000 lightyear away emiss nebula found near edg larg molecular cloud unseen visibl wavelengths southern constel ara massive young star embed ara ob1 associ form region million year ago sculpt dark shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas join ngc 6188 cosmic canva rare emiss nebula ngc 6164 also creat one region massiv otyp stars similar appear mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 striking symmetr gaseou shroud faint halo surround bright central star lower right field view span two full moons correspond 70 light year estim distanc ngc 6188 best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,ngc 6188 ngc 6164,2012-12-28,843,134,0.177891156462585,12-28,12,2012,28,4,2,5 fe849002ee984a0d8ec5557a05a0b83e5b930912d7cfe921f002535de168c27c,none,like ship plow cosmic seas runaway star zeta ophiuchi produc arc interstellar bow wave bow shock seen stun infrar portrait falsecolor view bluish zeta oph star 20 time massiv sun lie near center frame move toward left 24 kilomet per second strong stellar wind preced it compress heat dusti interstellar materi shape curv shock front around cloud rel undisturb material set star motion zeta oph like member binari star system companion star massiv henc shorter lived companion explod supernova catastroph lose mass zeta oph flung system 460 lightyear away zeta oph 65000 time lumin sun would one brighter star sky surround obscur dust imag span 15 degre 12 lightyear estim distanc zeta ophiuchi best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,zeta oph runaway star,2012-12-29,805,132,0.1893939393939394,12-29,12,2012,29,6,2,4 0485de93448e103deb7ca37a18dfdc2f998cd0c3d35dfe1be83f8f791096dfc5,none,carina may explode one know may next year may one million year now eta carinae mass 100 time greater sun make excel candid full blown supernova histor record show 150 year ago eta carina underw unusu outburst made one brightest star southern sky eta carinae keyhol nebula star current thought emit natur laser light image taken 1996 brought new detail unusu nebula surround rogu star clearli visibl two distinct lobes hot central region strang radial streaks lobe fill lane ga dust absorb blue ultraviolet light emit near center streak remain unexplained apod editor speak rjn philadelphia jan 3 jtb new york citi jan 4,doom star eta carina,2012-12-30,623,104,0.177807486631016,12-30,12,2012,30,6,2,5 66828331b93239b4dbccd9fe3127c4a3de7a27c21e902fb0c0db2489fd99f233,none,saturn ring look like dark side earth usual see saturn ring side ring plane sun illumin one might call bright side geometrically pictur taken august robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn sun behind camera side ring plane vantag point give breathtak view splendid ring system solar system strangely ring similar photograph neg front view example dark band middl actual normal bright bring ring bright record differ angl indic ring thick particl densiti ring particles top left frame saturn moon tethys although harder find contain much mass entir ring system best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,saturn ring dark side,2012-12-31,670,107,0.1719696969696969,12-31,12,2012,31,0,2,1 877591f11edec5d0b97afff8fc8db911506d859629717a3952a62e5cc4aafb69,f m f,star cluster seen close other 7000 lightyear away though pair open galact star cluster easi binocular target love starfield northern constel perseus also visibl unaid eye dark sky areas catalog 130 bc greek astronom hipparchus known h chi persei ngc 869 abov right ngc 884 cluster separ hundr lightyear contain star much younger hotter sun addit physic close together clusters age base individu star similar evid cluster like product starform region apod editor speak rjn philadelphia jan 3 jtb new york citi jan 4,doubl star cluster,2013-01-01,516,84,-0.0152922077922078,01-01,1,2013,1,6,0,3 d5b2407d872bc9f20af9bd0a88c30e1a250fdc04207acc143cd4fe0fe814ee8f,j rhoadsarizona state u et alwiynauranoaonsf,galaxi singl nucleu galaxi four strang answer lead astronom conclud nucleu surround galaxi even visibl image central cloverleaf rather light emit background quasar gravit field visibl foreground galaxi break light distant quasar four distinct images quasar must properli align behind center massiv galaxi mirag like evident gener effect known gravit lensing specif case known einstein cross stranger still imag einstein cross vari rel brightness enhanc occasion addit gravit microlens effect specif star foreground galaxy follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,einstein cross gravit len,2013-01-02,586,85,0.0576923076923076,01-02,1,2013,2,7,0,4 0c646d3d04a5538d1e1f76b1836a89d043a95ba9c07e66b44812a74f38b96073,dieter willasch,open cluster star near far young old diffus compact found near plane milki way galaxy contain 100 10000 stars form nearli time bright blue star frequent distinguish younger open clusters m35 upper left rel nearbi 2800 light year distant rel young 150 million year old rel diffuse 2500 star spread volum 30 light year across older compact open cluster ngc 2158 lower right ngc 2158 four time distant m35 10 time older much compact mani star roughli volum space ngc 2158 bright blue star selfdestructed leav cluster light domin older yellow stars cluster seen toward constel gemini apod editor speak rjn philadelphia jan 3 jtb new york citi jan 4,open star cluster m35 ngc 2158,2013-01-03,645,110,0.1440692640692641,01-03,1,2013,3,6,2,3 da861286b35ce2998ca172d3cdda63249f8b0dc04ab321eabd3d361113e4229a,none,tycho crater central peak complex cast long dark shadow near local sunris spectacular lunarscape dramat obliqu view record june 10 2011 lunar reconnaiss orbiter shown amaz detail boulder strewn slope jag shadow appear highest resolut version 15 meter per pixel rug complex 15 kilomet wide form uplift giant impact creat wellknown ray crater 100 million year ago summit central peak reach 2 kilomet tycho crater floor,sunris tycho,2013-01-04,416,66,-0.0181818181818181,01-04,1,2013,4,5,0,2 7edd130fc15a79185de66adc4a1e217ec2656f17b8512c15fc57b9f138f91bec,none,get redblu glass float next helene small ici moon saturn appropri named helen one four known trojan moons call orbit lagrang point lagrang point gravit stabl posit near two massiv bodies case saturn larger moon dione fact irregularli shape 36 32 30 kilometers helen orbit dione lead lagrang point brotherli ice moon polydeuc follow dione trail lagrang point sharp stereo anaglyph construct two cassini imag captur close flybi 2011 show part saturnfac hemispher helen mottl crater gullylik features,stereo helen,2013-01-05,498,78,-0.055,01-05,1,2013,5,0,0,2 a246f7a97401e765b3c37482b0b42d80f11360c41dc87f82b85e104fc71e169d,goldman,silhouett crowd star field toward constel scorpius dusti cosmic cloud evok imag omin dark tower fact clump dust molecular ga collaps form star may well lurk within dark nebula structur span almost 40 lightyear across gorgeou telescop portrait known cometari globule sweptback cloud extend lower right head top tower left center shape intens ultraviolet radiat ob associ hot star ngc 6231 upper edg scene energet ultraviolet light also power globule border reddish glow hydrogen gas hot star embed dust seen bluish reflect nebulae dark tower ngc 6231 associ nebula 5000 lightyear away,dark tower scorpiu,2013-01-06,583,92,0.1032467532467532,01-06,1,2013,6,4,2,5 621659e5f38b05e0d079025fe29c15f77c591a1cc782ce9e8075e2467a634041,martin pugh,ae auriga call flame star surround nebula ic 405 name flame star nebula region seem harbor smoke fire fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environments materi appear smoke mostli interstellar hydrogen contain smokelik dark filament carbonrich dust grains bright star ae aurigae visibl near nebula center hot blue emit light energet knock electron away atom surround gas atom recaptur electron light emit creat surround emiss nebula cosmic portrait flame star nebula lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar,ae auriga flame star nebula,2013-01-07,682,103,0.2299999999999999,01-07,1,2013,7,4,2,5 375528adacd5261f0db59cc721d41306a1813b6bf6502c2b6db80664bc373413,ssrosouth mazlin j harvey d r kevin,grand wind arm almost mesmer faceon view ngc 7424 spiral galaxi promin central bar 40 million lightyear distant headlong constel grus island univers also 100000 lightyear across make remark similar milki way follow along wind arms mani bright cluster massiv young star found star cluster sever hundr lightyear diameter massiv star born arm ngc 7424 also die there notably galaxi home power stellar explosion supernova sn 2001ig fade well imag recorded follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,grand spiral galaxi ngc 7424,2013-01-08,515,82,0.1772727272727272,01-08,1,2013,8,7,1,3 bd30941890dca09946521170743febe7f196be60d3f408c3f0619d8e4849095b,dieter willasch,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught allur telescop view drift near bright star eta geminorum foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula seen dangl tentacl bright arc ridg emiss left center fact cosmic jellyfish part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant ic 443 known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away distance imag would 100 lightyear across best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar,elus jellyfish nebula,2013-01-09,591,90,0.2791666666666667,01-09,1,2013,9,4,1,5 34fd1bfe7f50414071587827ed5e71f3392b13c0b9470c61ca7e0ac303d49562,none,cosmic bullet pierc outskirt orion nebula 1500 lightyear distant sharp infrar closeup blast energet massiv star format bullets rel dense hot ga cloud ten time size pluto orbit blue fals color image glow light ioniz iron atom travel speed hundr kilomet per second passag trace yellowish trail nebula shockheat hydrogen gas coneshap fifth lightyear long detail imag creat use 81 meter gemini south telescop chile newli adapt optic system gems achiev larger field view previou gener adapt optics gem use five laser gener guid star help compens blur effect planet earth atmosphere best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar,orion bullet,2013-01-10,624,100,0.1613636363636363,01-10,1,2013,10,4,2,5 55e6f2021ada8d640c49f60814cda1da84c1d5671e077c324845acfc63e308af,marco lorenzi,cluster galaxi form evolve help find out astronom continu studi second closest cluster galaxi earth fornax cluster name southern constel toward galaxi found although almost 20 time distant neighbor andromeda galaxy fornax 10 percent better known popul virgo cluster galaxies fornax welldefin central region contain mani galaxies still evolving galaxi group appear distinct yet merge seen here almost everi yellowish splotch imag ellipt galaxi fornax cluster picturesqu bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 visibl lower right also promin fornax cluster member follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,fornax cluster galaxi,2013-01-11,612,91,0.0985714285714285,01-11,1,2013,11,7,2,3 f0e0e62cc2eb86b869d0f4577b0d263c716d40f64e5a4b5598cb6ac39624c7be,none,common earthsiz planets quit common accord new data taken nasa orbit kepler spacecraft current comput model indic least one ten star orbit earthsiz planet make milki way galaxi home ten billion earths unfortunately estim appli planet effect insid orbit mercury make poor vacat opportun humans histogram depict estim fraction star close orbit planet variou sizes number sunlik star earthlik planet earthlik orbit sure much less even so kepler also announc discoveri four,ten billion,2013-01-12,469,72,-0.1209366391184573,01-12,1,2013,12,8,0,2 de787d075cf438f5dc176216868a5419f430eee645c7d354e71a897728e46eb0,none,near outskirt small magellan cloud satellit galaxi 200 thousand lightyear distant lie 5 million year young star cluster ngc 602 surround natal ga dust ngc 602 featur stun hubbl imag region fantast ridg swept back shape strongli suggest energet radiat shock wave ngc 602 massiv young star erod dusti materi trigger progress star format move away cluster center estim distanc small magellan cloud pictur span 200 lightyears tantal assort background galaxi also visibl sharp hubbl view background galaxi hundr million lightyear beyond ngc 602 best apod 2012 download free 2013 apod calendar,ngc 602 beyond,2013-01-13,587,92,0.0795454545454545,01-13,1,2013,13,7,2,3 654157632b2381af9770c5f9375a127c5a0babbd7040ef4bec371f401e707ba2,ignaciodiaz bobillo,celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine left imag center reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae red emiss region mani dark absorpt nebulae backdrop color stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 40 lightyear across,ngc 2170 celesti still life,2013-01-14,492,77,0.035,01-14,1,2013,14,4,0,5 be7e79976331bc78c96563ef5c4d459185ed7ac22ebe6fbc53d944ec220d8798,none,gorgeou spiral galaxi 100 million lightyear distant ngc 1309 lie bank constel river eridanus ngc 1309 span 30000 lightyears make one third size larger milki way galaxy bluish cluster young star dust lane seen trace ngc 1309 spiral arm wind around older yellowish star popul core anoth pretti faceon spiral galaxy observ ngc 1309 recent supernova cepheid variabl star contribut calibr expans universe still get beauti galaxy grand design check array distant background galaxi also record sharp reprocessed hubbl space telescop view,ngc spiral galaxi friend,2013-01-16,530,82,0.049074074074074,01-16,1,2013,16,7,0,3 78438f84bf6426524e94b0df2e54c02f796ed79b9e2734a3774602f26645170d,none,aftermath cosmic cataclysm supernova remnant cassiopeia ca a comfort 11000 lightyear away light ca supernova death explos massiv star first reach earth 330 year ago still expanding explosion debri cloud span 15 lightyear near center composit image scene combin color data starri field fainter filament materi optic energi imag data orbit nustar xray telescope map fals colors xray data blue hue trace fragment outer boundari expand shock wave glow energi 10000 time energi optic photons,ca a optic xray,2013-01-17,486,75,0.13,01-17,1,2013,17,6,1,3 caa213a4fceb1eb686fd648b621efb2960f529bc961097a3a6563d2e5424bb79,none,stickney crater largest crater martian moon phobos name chloe angelin stickney hall mathematician wife astronom asaph hall asaph hall discov red planet moon 1877 9 kilomet across stickney nearli half diamet phobo itself larg impact blast crater like came close shatter tini moon stunning enhancedcolor imag stickney surround record hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit pass within six thousand kilomet phobo march 2008 even though surfac graviti asteroidlik phobo less 11000th earth gravity streak suggest loos materi slid insid crater wall time light bluish region near crater rim could indic rel freshli expos surface origin curiou groov along surfac mysteri may relat craterform impact,stickney crater,2013-01-18,693,104,0.1111111111111111,01-18,1,2013,18,5,2,4 224c294600abec19dc9d6a4a494e683ab7d218d0226023a61525a6fb2a9109c1,john davi,gaze across cosmic skyscape telescop mosaic reveal continu beauti thing are evoc scene span 6 degre 12 full moon planet earth sky left fold red glow ga small part immense 300 lightyear wide arc known barnard loop structur faint seen eye shape long gone supernova explos wind massiv stars still trace light hydrogen atoms barnard loop lie 1500 lightyear away roughli center great orion nebula stellar nurseri along edg orion molecular clouds beyond lie fertil star field plane milki way galaxy right longexposur composit find ngc 2170 dusti complex nebula near neighbor molecular cloud 2400 lightyear distant,barnard ngc 2170,2013-01-19,607,97,0.0491071428571428,01-19,1,2013,19,4,2,5 a0a04512b30c78836c87c80444c07ca2d91d6086eccc37a43a1803fd127fde7b,none,it found bottom sea aboard ancient greek ship seem complex prompt decad study although function remain unknown xray imag devic confirm natur antikythera mechanism discov sever surpris functions antikythera mechan discov mechan comput accuraci thought imposs 80 bc ship carri sank sophist technolog thought develop human anoth 1000 years wheel gear creat portabl orreri sky predict star planet locat well lunar solar eclipses antikythera mechanism shown above 33 centimet high therefor similar size larg book,antikythera mechan,2013-01-20,507,75,-0.0342857142857142,01-20,1,2013,20,8,0,2 648eea6bbc90636486902725c29e2755e492df7b730f850484b967386720c8e9,nick,north america nebula sky north america contin earth cannot form stars specifically analog earthconfin continent bright part appear central america mexico actual hot bed gas dust newli form star known cygnu wall imag show star form wall lit erod bright young stars partli hidden dark dust created part north america nebula ngc 7000 shown span 15 light year lie 1500 light year away toward constel swan cygnus,cygnu wall star format,2013-01-22,408,67,0.2233333333333333,01-22,1,2013,22,4,1,5 620fac82fd19ea9e0e825d2b637d20388c118814f36ce2c052163ba672cdacb0,lui argerich,cloud summer night frame sea skyscape record earlier month near bueno aires argentina planet earth cloud cloud scene starri cloud nebula along southern hemisphere summer milki way arc horizon includ dark coal sack near southern cross tantal pinkish glow carina nebula larg top center small magellan cloud also view small galaxi right satellit milki way 200000 lightyear distant alpha star carina constel second brightest star earth night canopu shine 300 lightyear away still glint sunlight altitud 400 kilometers orbit intern space station trace long streak single 5 minute exposure,iss summer milki way,2013-01-24,583,89,0.0008928571428571,01-24,1,2013,24,6,0,5 d5c8efa5c99e434dd651fcdfb8e566f89b091f84118e4ec91c9d2e9d9a9cfe72,none,januari 25 ut 2004 opportun rover fell mars make today 9th anniversari landing 3200 sol mar solar days golf cartsiz robot earth still activ explor red planet though origin mission plan three months driven 35 kilomet 22 miles land site opportunity panoram camera record segment scene novemb decemb last year digit stitch panorama span 210 degre across hill area along western rim endeavour crater featur dub copper cliff dark outcrop appear left lake bright outcrop far right imag present natur color approxim scene would look like human eyes,hill panorama,2013-01-25,541,88,0.0935714285714285,01-25,1,2013,25,5,0,2 89f7a3f334988206debc9f0ec2f94cc6348facd6c8407efa9a2cfb58b956fbcb,stphane guisard,comet mcnaught 2007 been far photogen comet time make quit show northern hemispher earli 2007 january comet move south develop long unusu dust tail dazzl southern hemispher observers image comet mcnaught captur santiago chile bright comet domin left part magnific tail spread across entir frame vantag point and mountains one look toward comet mcnaught magnific sky across crescent moon clouds atmospher haze citi lights current year 2013 hold promis even better comet 2007 earli march comet panstarr track becom visibl unaid eye end year comet ison show possibl includ cast tail spread across sky break up even becom one brightest comet record history,comet mcnaught chile,2013-01-27,654,103,0.1785714285714285,01-27,1,2013,27,3,2,1 ffacbdaece1c330f1108136dd6c2955c7a3a5519b30e9b8b4da9fdc6fab418ee,none,cloud glow ga mingl dust lane trifid nebula star form region toward constel archer sagittarius center three promin dust lane give trifid name come together mountain opaqu dust appear right dark filament dust visibl thread throughout nebula singl massiv star visibl near center caus much trifid glow trifid also known m20 300000 year old make among youngest emiss nebula known nebula lie 9000 light year away part pictur span 10 light years imag composit lumin taken imag 82m groundbas subaru telescope detail provid 24m orbit hubbl space telescope color data provid martin pugh imag assembl process provid robert gendler,center trifid nebula,2013-01-28,620,99,0.1261904761904762,01-28,1,2013,28,4,2,5 fe9b7249fcb060a51750df46408583c6fda6e8fd3d063503f103a49cd34979f2,ivan eder,delight dark doodad nebula drift southern skies tantal target binocular constel musca fly dusti cosmic cloud seen rich starfield south promin coalsack nebula southern cross stretch 3 degre across scene dark doodad seem punctuat southern tip lower left globular star cluster ngc 4372 cours ngc 4372 roam halo milki way galaxy background object 20000 lightyear away chanc along lineofsight dark doodad dark doodad well defin silhouett belong musca molecular cloud better known allit monik first coin astroimag writer denni di cicco 1986 observ comet halley australian outback dark doodad around 700 lightyear distant 30 lightyear long,ngc 4372 dark doodad,2013-01-31,632,96,0.0602941176470588,01-31,1,2013,31,4,2,5 65bfe9bb344252994d3501600761593ee51c70fa55d3fcb612016f5c899da117,bencoop,beyond fertil field satellit commun antenna kennedi space center atla v rocket streak orbit long exposur photograph thought compos imag record even januari 30 antenna foreground bring mind rocket payload track data relay satellit sound like first seri ad constel nasa commun satellites oper geosynchron orbit 22300 mile 36000 kilometers planet earth network tdr satellit communications data command spacecraft ground stations formerli tdr network provid commun space shuttl missions fact mani tdr satellit ferri far low earth orbit space shuttles tdr network continu support major spacecraft like intern space station hubbl space telescope fermi gammaray space telescope,atla v launch,2013-02-01,670,97,0.0946428571428571,02-01,2,2013,1,8,2,2 887a5874269a2893d556e68cb5bb2c941d61c36554c02b89bb9b9250f9d1cea7,none,infrar view herschel space observatori explor andromeda galaxy closest larg spiral galaxi milki way 25 million lightyear distant famou island univers also known astronom m31 andromeda span 200000 lightyear make twice size milki way shown fals color imag data reveal cool dust lane cloud still shine infrar otherwis dark opaqu visual wavelengths red hue near galaxy outskirt repres glow dust heat starlight ten degre absolut zero blue color correspond hotter dust warm star crowd central core also tracer molecular gas dust highlight andromeda prodigi reservoir raw materi futur star formation,herschel andromeda,2013-02-02,592,90,0.0517482517482517,02-02,2,2013,2,7,2,3 d9931c792936e35c4e0d71939cf880a247d3313500bf1bfcc7a6fac149eba174,none,esthet closeup cosmic cloud stellar wind featur orionis interact orion nebula flow adrift orion stellar nurseri still form years variabl star orioni produc wind energet wind middleag sun fast stellar wind run slow move ga shock front formed analog bow wave boat move water plane travel superson speed small arcing grace structur left center ori cosmic bow shock measur half lightyear across slower ga flow away orion nebula hot central star cluster trapezium locat upper left corner picture three dimensions ori wraparound shock front shape like bowl appear brightest view along bottom edge beauti pictur part larg mosaic view complex stellar nurseri orion fill myriad fluid shape associ star formation follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,ori orion nebula,2013-02-03,766,121,0.0175438596491228,02-03,2,2013,3,4,2,5 3fd630078ac26aa8d8cd2e62df466f584d72691c9842cb54645d4764aaf64f0a,none,saw shadow mar human might robot curios rover current explor mars curios land gale crater last august busi look sign ancient run water clue mar could harbor life pictur above curios taken wide panorama includ shadow direct opposit sun imag taken novemb locat dub point lake although water present exist there curios alreadi discov sever indic dri streamb mars schedul continu explor climb nearbi mt sharp next years,mars shadow point lake,2013-02-05,415,68,-0.0138888888888888,02-05,2,2013,5,5,0,2 124848981a141a1821abc651eebaa85d2062781f6deb49e0358c20fd485e5874,none,spiral arm bright galaxi m106 sprawl remark portrait compos data ground spacebas telescopes also known ngc 4258 m106 found toward northern constel cane venatici wellmeasur distanc m106 235 million lightyears make cosmic scene 80000 lightyear across typic grand spiral galaxies dark dust lanes youth blue star clusters pinkish star form region trace spiral arm converg bright nucleu older yellowish stars detail composit reveal hint two anomal arm align familiar seen red hues sweep filament glow hydrogen ga seem rise central region m106 evid energet jet materi blast galaxy disk jet like power matter fall massiv central black hole,arm m106,2013-02-06,632,98,0.1931818181818182,02-06,2,2013,6,7,2,3 e1c66de1aa6e994ca9d2e90eb78fd03891c200b2ffee0c387d30a515ea365fce,barden ridg observatori,current sweep southern skies comet lemmon c2012 name discoveri last year part mount lemmon survey brighter expect still nakedey visibility comet lemmon sport stun lime green coma faint divid tail telescop imag februari 4 greenish tint come coma diatom c2 ga fluoresc sunlight captur observatori near sydney australia color composit construct seri individu exposur regist comet across 1 degre wide field view star trail consequ comet rel rapid motion background star near south celesti pole move north comet grow brighter reach peak magnitud so closest sun late march earli april visibl northern hemisphere course year comet lemmon may anoth pretti comet skygaz planet earth also eagerli anticip view comet panstarr comet,comet lemmon near south celesti pole,2013-02-07,720,111,-0.1,02-07,2,2013,7,3,2,4 2021ea091cc436774b2596fee8223c0dc54d004a0138e3ff5600ebcf889bcc55,stephen leshin,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory flaunt young bright blue star cluster beautiful symmetr spiral arms small galaxi form star too like nearbi ngc 6822 also known barnard galaxy beyond rich starfield constel sagittarius ngc 6822 mere 15 million lightyear away member local group galaxies 7000 lightyear across dwarf irregular galaxi seen fill young blue star mottl telltal pinkish hydrogen glow star form region deep color composit image contribut scienc littl things portrait small galaxi made part lowel amateur research initi welcom collabor amateur astronomers,ngc 6822 barnard galaxi,2013-02-08,569,86,0.075,02-08,2,2013,8,7,0,3 35134eccb83b022c8794ee6a3cd3887e294c783290cc179509fc9cdbcec56fd5, acknowledgement e schaefer lsu,one hundr year ago today great meteor process 1913 occurred sky event describ left peopl feel one right location outside clear skies 1000 peopl note see procession lucki sky gazer particularli near canada eye drawn amaz train bright meteor stream across sky groups cours minutes current lead progenitor hypothesi singl larg meteor graze earth atmospher broke up result piec next encount earth came southcentr canada travel thousand kilomet cross northeastern usa eventu fell central atlant ocean pictur digit scan imag artist fortun enough wit event first hand although noth quit like great meteor process 1913 report since numer bright firebal pretti spectacular sinc recorded even video rel see pleas tell us apod discuss forum,great meteor,2013-02-09,733,114,0.2709821428571429,02-09,2,2013,9,8,2,1 3a183f0586404177ba793315756cbb3fd07fd3e96d69d1799e715ae3bd4def29,none,rock space hit earth everi day larger rock though less often earth struck mani kilogram space dust pitter earth daily larger bit appear initi bright meteor baseballs rock icebal streak atmospher daily evapor quickli nothing signific threat exist rock near 100 meter diameter strike earth roughli everi 1000 years object size could caus signific tsunami strike ocean potenti devast even distant shores collis massiv asteroid 1 km across rare occur typic million year apart could truli global consequences mani asteroid remain undiscovered fact one discov 1998 long blue streak archiv imag taken hubbl space telescope further last year wide asteroid 2012 discov pass insid orbit earth geosynchron satellit come friday collis larg asteroid would affect earth orbit much rais dust would affect earth climate one like result global extinct mani speci life possibl dwarf ongo extinct occur now,asteroid distanc,2013-02-10,887,138,0.0043859649122807,02-10,2,2013,10,8,2,4 e89d2918edf3456ddfe86edeb2ba654ef91cf2d63433ea15162c545c73e6fc5b,none,massiv stars abras winds mountain dust energet light sculpt one largest picturesqu region star format local group galaxies known n11 region visibl upper right mani imag home galaxy milki way neighbor known larg magellan cloud lmc imag taken scientif purpos hubbl space telescop reprocess artistri amateur win hubble hidden treasur competition although section imag known ngc 1763 entir n11 emiss nebula second lmc size 30 doradus studi star n11 shown actual hous three success gener star formation compact globul dark dust hous emerg young star also visibl around image,n11 star cloud lmc,2013-02-11,569,89,0.1099206349206349,02-11,2,2013,11,6,2,3 b31cd15bdc303586bd7c24871695b5adb0479bb6eefa4d02d0483ab0bb48fd3b,todd sky annotation judi schmidt,aurora seen camera call subvisu faint seen unaid eye image green aurora easili visibl eye red aurora becam appar 20second camera exposure reason human eye accumul light fraction second time camera shutter left open much longer photograph alreadi picturesqu scene near alaska usa last autumn camera caught visual green subvisu red aurora reflect lake high above thousand star visibl includ pleiad star cluster planet jupit pose near horizon clouds toward imag right aurora caus energet particl sun impact earth magnetosphere caus electron proton rain near earth pole impact air red green aurora typic creat excit oxygen atoms red emission visible domin higher up aurora known mani shape colors,reflect aurora alaska,2013-02-12,692,108,0.0215527950310559,02-12,2,2013,12,8,2,1 59fa4c4f3f9980f90ac338700d7570c2cbaf8ea821ca873aaad364550a15a5ff,none,great nebula orion intrigu place visibl unaid eye appear small fuzzi patch constel orion image illusorycolor composit four color infrar light taken earth orbit wise observatory show orion nebula bustl neighborhood recent form stars hot gas dark dust power behind much orion nebula m42 star trapezium star cluster seen near center wide field image eeri green glow surround bright star pictur starlight reflect intric dust filament cover much region current orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years,infrar orion wise,2013-02-13,539,82,0.1027777777777778,02-13,2,2013,13,4,0,5 4be1e8fd892b30864ea83b18274967856ed956b4ca85647576ad4e8525723126,damian peach,two dark shadow loom across band mottl cloud top jupit sharp telescop view fact captur januari 3rd month rule ga giant appear opposit planet earth sky scene includ shadow visibl remark detail left larg galilean moon ganymed top io two moon shadow still transit jupiter rapid rotat almost carri famou great red spot grs around planet limb right pale gr preced smaller similar hu oval ba dub red spot jr near top center north invert image video discussion russian meteor explos,shadow across jupit,2013-02-15,476,81,0.1167063492063492,02-15,2,2013,15,2,1,1 b14a883c590eb1d997a147ec17896c600d846b6bc25397df9db092a6d045da84,terrastro,now comet lemmon c2012 comet panstarr c2011 l4 sweep southern skies lemmon lime green coma thin tail near left edg telephoto scene singl frame timelaps video vimeo here record februari 12 track motion background stars comet lemmon path brought close lineofsight promin southern sky treasur small magellan cloud globular cluster 47 tucana right sport broader whitish tail comet panstarr appear later video frame move faint constel microscopium visibl binocular small telescopes comet get brighter head toward northern sky come months video discussion russian meteor explos,southern sky,2013-02-16,572,85,-0.1010989010989011,02-16,2,2013,16,3,0,1 a07c38d0b3a748ae4ddda5dc9eff275306e5821e67c8f233f0016e53b0e5f136,juan carlo casado,ever seen planet mercury mercuri orbit close sun never wander far sun earth sky trail sun mercuri visibl low horizon short sunset lead sun mercuri visibl shortli sunrise certain time year inform skygaz littl determin usual pick mercuri site unobscur horizon above lot determin combin littl digit manipul show mercury success posit march 2000 pictur taken locat spain sun 10 degre horizon superpos singl photogen sunset currently mercuri visibl western sky sunset disappear sun glare days follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river apod public talk feb 21 howard astronom league columbia md,mercuri horizon,2013-02-19,610,97,0.028021978021978,02-19,2,2013,19,1,2,4 192ffabb3a0947a7ce2f8153ed4eff5e2aa253d55941f339858873fc5a152af0,none,would cloud form hexagon saturn nobodi sure origin discov voyag flybi saturn 1980s nobodi ever seen anyth like anywher els solar system saturn south pole strang enough rotat vortex saturn north pole might consid even stranger bizarr cloud pattern shown great detail recent imag taken saturnorbit cassini spacecraft similar imag show stabil hexagon even 20 year voyager movi saturn north pole show cloud structur maintain hexagon structur rotating unlik individu cloud appear like hexagon earth saturn cloud pattern appear six well defin side nearli equal length four earth could fit insid hexagon imag side dark shadow jovian planet seen eclips part grand system rings partli visibl upper right astrophysicists brows 550 code astrophys sourc code librari apod public talk feb 21 howard astronom league columbia md,saturn hexagon ring,2013-02-20,813,126,0.1946428571428571,02-20,2,2013,20,0,2,4 31295ac96cf0433e4f447f246a77b7c1091489a2267dced8b4c6778461ba7c22,dan durda fiaaab612 foundation,would chang cours earththreaten asteroid one possibl massiv spacecraft use graviti towlin illustr artist vision gravit tractor action hypothet scenario work 2005 edward lu stanley love nasa johnson space center 20 ton nuclearelectr spacecraft tow 200 meter diamet asteroid simpli hover near asteroid spacecraft ion drive thruster cant away surface slight steadi thrust would gradual predict alter cours tug asteroid coupl mutual gravit attraction sound like stuff scienc fiction ion drive power exist spacecraft one advantag use gravit tractor would work regardless asteroid structure given suffici warn time gravit tractor could deflect path asteroid known collis cours enough miss planet earth apod public talk tonight howard astronom league columbia md,gravit tractor,2013-02-21,757,110,0.1041666666666666,02-21,2,2013,21,8,2,2 24080c5e82b409f071b0f0961d0293def8161dbb64952cea90174d330710869f,none,remark selfportrait nasa mar curios rover includ sweep panoram view current locat yellowknif bay region red planet gale crater rover flat rocki perch known john serv site curiosity first rock drill activity foot proud look rover shallow drill test hole sampl collect hole 16 centimet diameter impress mosaic construct use frame rover mar hand len imag mahli mastcam use take panoram landscap frames mastcam stand high rover deck intend closeup work mount end rover robot arm mahli frame use creat curiosity selfportrait exclud section show arm mahli robot arm seen check spectacular interact version curiosity selfportrait panorama,curios selfportrait panorama,2013-02-22,631,97,0.1814583333333333,02-22,2,2013,22,5,2,2 888f32662ee17e0bd228acf474dd4b017ef970ff0f29072be5561a5976c9f205,marat ahmetvaleev,meteoroid fell earth februari 15 streak 20 30 kilomet citi chelyabinsk russia local time initi travel 20 kilomet per second explos deceler impact lower atmospher creat flash brighter sun pictur brilliant bolid and other persist trail captur photograph surpris morn sunris session creat panoram imag nearbi frosti landscape estim 500 energi releas explos 17 meter wide space rock mass 7000 10000 actual expect occur averag everi 100 years magnitud chelyabinsk event largest known sinc tunguska impact,meteor flash,2013-02-23,499,76,0.1125,02-23,2,2013,23,8,1,4 e4020dfef62d8d77115a229689d275ddb287b2122b35255207092ecbd7a1e2df,none,whirlpool galaxi classic spiral galaxy 30 million light year distant fulli 60 thousand light year across m51 also known ngc 5194 one brightest picturesqu galaxi sky imag digit combin groundbas imag 09meter telescop kitt peak nation observatori spacebas imag hubbl space telescop highlight sharp featur normal red seen anyon good pair binoculars however see whirlpool toward constel hunt dog cane venatici m51 spiral galaxi type sc domin member whole group galaxies astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact smaller galaxi top image ask anything apod editor answer question reddit 11 est thursday,m51 whirlpool galaxi dust star,2013-02-24,619,94,0.1805555555555555,02-24,2,2013,24,7,2,4 5877196679081085d0b5cda15539a13656df466396e1a482f83c36af42bea2e3,greg night,sometim moon busi direction last week example moon pass front planet jupiter captur unusu spectacl new south wales australia astrophotograph realiz nearbi plane might pass front moon quickli reset camera take continu seri short durat hoped brief airplane moon jupit visibl singl exposure shown above project complet longer exposur taken bring three jupiter moons io callisto europa from left right unfortunately tripl spectacl soon disappeared less second later plane flew away moon second that moon move cover jupiter minut that jupit reappear side moon even minut moon move complet away jupiter although hard plane cross front moon quit frequently moon eclips jupit anoth three years reader challenge hard type airplan this realli hard flight,fli moon,2013-02-25,745,114,-0.0599758085052202,02-25,2,2013,25,2,2,1 540f60152d0712b3608323e2bb5148c08732a904babf7fb736d14d137d7ba0ea,witta priester,kind cloud these although caus present unknown unusu atmospher structures menac might seem appear harbing meteorolog doom known inform asperatu clouds stun appearance unusu occurrence rel even suggest new type cloud wherea low cloud deck flat bottomed asperatu cloud appear signific vertic structur underneath specul therefor hold asperatu cloud might relat lenticular cloud form near mountains mammatu cloud associ thunderstorms perhap foehn wind type dri downward wind flow mountains wind call canterburi arch stream toward east coast new zealand south island image taken hanmer spring canterbury new zealand 2005 show great detail partli sunlight illumin undul cloud side ask anything apod editor answer question reddit 11 est thursday,cloud new zealand,2013-02-27,739,108,0.1784090909090909,02-27,2,2013,27,8,2,4 7ec1d59592b3cf20a42a4e9735c1375ab8f21ef213a561836807f8f7a81b36cc,göran strand,alarmingli tall inhabit small snowi planet cast long shadow bright moonlight course snowi planet actual planet earth wideangl mosaic shown littl planet projection record februari 25 long northern night full snow moon second brightest celesti beacon jupiter right littl planet horizon light near östersund sweden glow along horizon surround snow cover lake photograph report journey onto frozen lake sled captur evoc full snow moon scene accompani ice sounds bite cold moonlit occasion apod editor answer question reddit earlier today,snow moon snowi planet,2013-02-28,533,79,0.095054945054945,02-28,2,2013,28,2,0,1 db3302199e047af48739916302dde3f88b42cb0249f86b0363d05b2406c251bf,none,color solar system innermost planet enhanc tantal view base global imag data mercuryorbit messeng spacecraft human eye would discern clear color differ real none less indic distinct physic region across crater surface notabl upper right mercury large circular tan color featur known calori basin creat impact comet asteroid solar system earli years ancient basin subsequ flood lava volcan activity analog format lunar maria color contrast also make light blue white young crater rays materi blast recent impacts easi follow extend across darker blue low reflect terrain,color mercuri,2013-03-01,569,86,0.0372549019607843,03-01,3,2013,1,8,0,2 eb82f9f8a9ceaca3ceef626d957c9f89974581d5f1f89a19dd2088e62148ee1a,marat ahmetvaleev,ch day planet earth seren begin sunris sky gentli grow bright golden eastern horizon sunris panorama seem show moment winter morn februari 15 mist calm mirrorlik stretch river flow foreground along frosti landscap near chelyabinsk russia long cloud waft blue sky evolv persist train chelyabinsk meteor vapor trail left space rock explod citi 18 minut earlier caus extens damag 1000 people event numer webcam video captur region soon contribut reconstruct meteor trajectori initi orbit determination preliminari find indic parent belong apollo class earth cross asteroids,river sunris,2013-03-02,570,85,0.15,03-02,3,2013,2,8,1,1 2e3bb35354ba2cc3ae60ec132ed3d800da5bde651b5f9385cec1517805569db8,babak tafreshi,one natur wonder planet earth grand canyon american southwest stretch across earli even skyscape digit stack sequenc reveal canyon layer sedimentari rock bright moonlight expos sedimentari rock layer rang age 200 million 2 billion year old window histori geolog timescale recent studi found evid canyon may carv eros much 70 million year ago camera fix tripod earth rotates star grace arc night sky concentr arc center north celesti pole extens earth rotat axi space present near bright star polaris,grand canyon star trail,2013-03-03,499,79,0.22,03-03,3,2013,3,6,1,1 7601bf5f8c0ee43cc3afadd4febbadbd0bf9c8cbe30fa59ce8d7b44abea316fe,terri hancock,sprawl across almost 200 lightyears emiss nebula ic 1805 mix glow interstellar ga dark dust clouds deriv valentinesdayapprov shape nicknam heart nebula 7500 lightyear away perseu spiral arm galaxy star born ic 1805 fact near cosmic heart center massiv hot star newborn star cluster also known melott 15 15 million year young littl ironically heart nebula locat constel mythic queen aethiopia cassiopeia deep view region around heart nebula span two degre sky four time diamet full moon,ic 1805 heart nebula,2013-03-04,485,77,0.0785714285714285,03-04,3,2013,4,4,0,5 f4fb75b9e88f28987640c9fd81e70e646904d1bea5982e4e5fbefa3604056cbe,yuri beletskyeso,two impress comet reach peak bright next two weeks take advantag rare imag opportunity comet captur sky togeth last week atacama desert south america comet c2012 f6 visibl upper left image sport long tail domin glow green ions comet c2011 l4 panstarrs visibl near horizon lower right show bright tail domin dust reflect sunlight tail comet point approxim toward recent set sun comet lemmon bare visibl unaid eye sunset southern sky next week best view binocular fade move slowli north comet panstarrs however remain visibl southern sky days remain bright enough locat unaid eye move northern skies find giant melt snowbal panstarrs sky enthusiast look toward western horizon sunset deep sky observ also monitor brighten comet c2012 s1 may becom one brightest object entir night sky toward end 2013 expand gallery bright comet 2013,comet lemmon panstarr,2013-03-05,830,134,0.1863354037267081,03-05,3,2013,5,3,2,1 6057183ac6523b9c3b1e185c0a8ef5f8b36bf9db6fea5b422e76d1f72db91e1a,none,want use cluster galaxi telescope easier might think distant galaxi cluster natur act strong lenses einstein theori gener relativity cluster gravit mass domin dark matter bend light creat magnified distort imag even distant background galaxies sharp infrar hubbl imag illustr case galaxi cluster abel 68 gravit telescope explor amateur astronom rose hidden treasur imag process competition put cursor pictur label highlight scene label 1 2 show two lens imag background galaxy distort galaxi imag label 2 resembl vintag space label 3 mark cluster member galaxy gravit strip ga plow denser intergalact medium label 4 includ mani background galaxi imag elong streak arcs abel 68 21 billion lightyear distant toward constel vulpecula central region cluster cover hubbl view span 12 million lightyears,look abel 68,2013-03-08,797,121,0.0401515151515151,03-08,3,2013,8,7,2,4 d4a8219c6bcdddc1aa7bd09cc83252f078f320f84bb72e4c5cb4f0443d880551,john sarkissian,sweep quickli southern sky march 5 comet panstarr c2011 l4 follow sun toward western horizon twilight scene foreground australia park radio telescope 64 meter wide steerabl dish stranger space age explor comets march 1986 park dish track esa giotto spacecraft flew comet halley receiv first ever closeup imag halley nucleus nakedey visibility comet panstarr made closest approach planet earth march 5 closest approach sun march 10 head north panstarr begin much anticip appear low northern hemisphere western sky sunset march 12 look comet hug western horizon near young crescent moon,panstarr park,2013-03-09,584,90,0.0549999999999999,03-09,3,2013,9,3,2,2 4ad006bdf10be9bd363cf5120dfb9618b18ce860dde069ff8ae2477fb8ff0208,walli pacholka,aloha welcom breathtak skyscape dreamlik panoram view look 4200 meter volcan summit mauna kea hawaii across layer cloud toward starri night sky rise milki way anchor scene far left dome canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht north star polari shine beyond dome right farther right head bright star deneb northern cross aster embed along plane milki way peek horizon northern cross brilliant white vega hang foreground group cinder near center reddish nebulae star dust cloud central milki way below illumin citi light creat eerie greenish glow clouds red supergi star antar shine milki way central bulg bright alpha centauri lie still farther right along dusti galact plane finally far right larg gemini north observatory compact group star known southern cross left telescop dome need help identifi stars slide cursor picture download smaller label panorama,milki way panorama mauna kea,2013-03-10,852,131,0.1476190476190476,03-10,3,2013,10,6,2,4 270e5d888fa344cfb60545a955226c1de52c782b6010a0462d2735fbb4733245,martin rietzealien landscap planet earth,volcan erupt sometim creat lightning pictur above sakurajima volcano southern japan caught erupt earli january magma bubbl hot glow shoot away liquid rock burst earth surfac below imag particularli notable however lightn bolt caught near volcano summit lightn occur even common thunderstorm remain topic research caus volcan lightn even less clear surely lightn bolt help quench area opposit separ electr charges one hypothesi hold catapult magma bubbl volcan ash electr charged motion creat separ areas volcan lightn episod may facilit chargeinduc collis volcan dust lightn usual occur somewher earth typic 40 time second,sakurajima volcano lightn,2013-03-11,622,93,0.0666666666666666,03-11,3,2013,11,8,2,4 4108fbd5824cfeb527a4eb0c7494f7e6c35281907dd11e61e77e58a6fa88d34f,none,fast black hole object made regular matter spin fast break apart black hole might abl break apart maximum spin rate realli unknown theorist usual model rapidli rotat black hole solut einstein gener theori relativity predict sever amaz unusu things perhap easili prediction though matter enter rotat black hole last seen orbit near speed light seen far away predict test recent nasa nustar esa xmm satellit observ supermass black hole center spiral galaxi ngc 1365 near lightspe limit confirm measur heat spectral line nuclear emiss inner edg surround accret disk pictur artist illustr depict accret disk normal matter swirl around black hole jet eman top sinc matter randomli fall black hole spin black hole much nustar xmm measur also exist surround accret disk,spin supermass black hole,2013-03-12,764,122,0.0069444444444444,03-12,3,2013,12,8,2,4 3448acfe71b6b27348548db764062afb5fde1f1feb48352d7c70d1e78590197d,none,planetari nebula look simple round planetlik small telescopes imag orbit hubbl space telescop becom well known show fluoresc ga shroud die sunlik star possess stagger varieti detail symmetri shapes composit color hubbl imag ngc glow eye nebula beauti exampl classic planetari nebula complex features select april 2000 commemor tenth anniversari hubbl orbit reprocess recent amateur part hubbl legaci program wind radiat intens hot central star 140000 degre celsius appar creat nebula streamerlik features nebula actual diamet approxim 08 lightyear 600 time size solar system ngc 6751 6500 lightyear distant highfli constel eagl astrophysicists brows 550 code astrophys sourc code librari,ngc glow eye nebula,2013-03-13,687,100,-0.0621212121212121,03-13,3,2013,13,4,2,5 eda93d235da0f892a79087c663e715dc246eda580504eadc972c303ec62e49f4,babak tafreshi,silhouett color even twilight cloud part much anticip magic moment scene captur nakedey comet panstarr peek northern hemispher sky march 12 comet stand western horizon sunset join thin flatten crescent day old moon pose beauti shot subtli lit dome 42 meter william herschel telescop perch cloud bank canari island la palma panstarr quit develop spectacular comet hope for still grow easier see north come day steadili climb north farther sun darker western even skies grow gallery comet panstarr sunset,clouds comet crescent moon,2013-03-14,502,79,0.1428571428571428,03-14,3,2013,14,3,1,1 92b0e983fb28c636883608a11217372f2c2afecf35345561c326ca292deddbf3,none,appear popular photo opportun young crescent moon near sunset nakedey comet panstarr continu rise northern hemispher skies remark interplanetari perspect march 13 find comet pose fair planet seen stereo behind spacecraft follow earth orbit spacecraft nearli opposit sun look back toward comet earth sun left side frame left enorm coron mass eject cme erupt solar activ region course cme comet planet earth differ distanc spacecraft the comet process digit imag differ two consecut frame spacecraft secchi heliospher imager caus strong shadow effect object move frames object bright creat sharp vertic lines process reveal complic structur comet extens dust tail grow gallery comet panstarr sunset,comet planet earth,2013-03-15,697,104,0.1916666666666666,03-15,3,2013,15,3,2,2 176070eed3f7e5769ef65649d178942d6582fdcbd08a9b944ed5bb61889af32e,jeanluc dauvergn,still look comet comet panstarr c2011 l4 nakedey appear northern hemispher describ success comet dim star faint tail want catch next day could best bet start look low almost due west 45 minut sunset course clear sky pair binocular help lot sky photograph found suitabl weather western horizon comet crescent moon portrait road trip march 13 see panstarr first time record beauti twilight scene telephoto len near histor france still grow gallery comet panstarr sunset,panstarr franc,2013-03-16,467,75,0.1113636363636363,03-16,3,2013,16,3,1,1 0e1996f3b1c68f3042f44e31e1a0e8f92b93cd74ce1aa40b8742fb9cd4f90608,none,caus outburst v838 mon reason unknown star v838 mon outer surfac suddenli greatli expand result becam brightest star entir milki way galaxi januari 2002 then suddenly faded stellar flash like never seen supernova nova expel matter space although v838 mon flash appear expel materi space seen imag hubbl space telescop actual outwardli move light echo bright flash light echo light flash reflect success distant ring complex array ambient interstellar dust alreadi surround star v838 mon lie 20000 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros light echo span six light year diameter,light echo v838 mon,2013-03-17,586,91,0.2249999999999999,03-17,3,2013,17,6,1,5 19048d084f149d2ac3ecc292c8327899d27745fedbbc0fb5978da3c833a0c023,chri cook,seen comet comet panstarr fades care observ even unaid eye still abl find shed ice ball western horizon sunset pictur above comet panstarr c2011 l4 point hilltop last week first encount beach massachusetts usa comet discov name panstarr astronom sky survey discov it comet reced earth sun remain visibl night although binocular small telescop soon need find it grow gallery comet panstarr sunset,comet panstarr sunset,2013-03-18,399,63,0.0,03-18,3,2013,18,3,0,1 574da68c4a0e10bbbdb5c91a023ccbd637df17465d5c7cc150beb369a6c38f87,reinhold wittich,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away deep imag assign color highlight emiss oxygen hydrogen wisp sheet dust ga particularli evident great nebula orion found unaid eye near easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain much hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun vernal day night equal planet earth,m42 insid orion nebula,2013-03-20,669,104,0.2742105263157895,03-20,3,2013,20,4,2,5 6c163303a476e42a4e71b86a61757c138ecbd0d22a51c467a896d98580f7c906,martin pugh,move left right near center beauti detail color composite thin bright braid filament actual long rippl sheet glow ga seen almost edg on interstellar shock wave plow space 500000 kilomet per hour catalog ngc 2736 elong appear suggest popular name pencil nebula pencil nebula 5 lightyear long 800 lightyear away repres small part vela supernova remnant vela remnant around 100 lightyear diameter expand debri cloud star seen explod 11000 year ago initially shock wave move million kilomet per hour slow considerably sweep surround interstellar material narrowband wide field image red bluegreen color track characterist glow ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms,ngc 2736 pencil nebula,2013-03-21,650,99,0.0334821428571428,03-21,3,2013,21,4,2,5 e73daa822c5c4fd3f3b1782accf4045434acc247aefd186c7f6261723f1ab16f,stefan seip,broad dust tail comet panstarr c2011 l4 becom familiar sight mani northern hemispher comet watchers comet fade rise higher western horizon sunset view popular comet may seem littl fantastic though sweep away sun trail behind comet orbit curv dust tail also seem stream away shine mountaintop castle comet castl might appropri name scene tradit name castl hohenzollern taken march 15 extrem telephoto lens comet castl imag captur except clear sky 80 kilomet away stuttgart germany gallery comet panstarr,comet castl,2013-03-22,502,78,0.1734375,03-22,3,2013,22,3,1,1 7d3670a09eee93983d2936760fd7ff117f63e5466291916c5382f9add2ab4fb9,none,insid head interstellar monster star slowli destroy it monster actual inanim pillar ga dust measur light year length star visibl opaqu dust burst partli eject energet beam particles similar epic battl wage starform carina nebula ngc star win end destroy pillar creation next 100000 years result new open cluster stars pink dot newli form star alreadi freed birth monster imag small part highli detail panoram mosaic carina nebula taken hubbl space telescop 2007 technic name stellar jet herbigharo objects star creat herbigharo jet ongo topic research like involv accret disk swirl around central star second impress herbigharo jet visibl across bottom larger image,dust pillar carina nebula,2013-03-24,665,103,0.0585227272727272,03-24,3,2013,24,4,2,5 9720f479e5cd5037d616e17b3bab32f05498b137dfe22df3067090af8e388268,none,univers made of help find out esa launch planck satellit map unpreced detail slight temperatur differ oldest surfac known background sky left billion year ago univers first becam transpar light visibl directions cosmic microwav background complex tapestri could show hot cold pattern observ univers compos specif type energi evolv specif ways results report last week confirm univers mostli compos mysteri unfamiliar dark energy even remain matter energi strang dark additionally planck data impress peg age univers billion years slightli older estim variou mean includ nasa wmap satellite expans rate kmsecmpc slightli lower previou featur sky map remain unknown temperatur fluctuat seem slightli greater one half sky other,planck map microwav background,2013-03-25,726,107,-0.0315104166666666,03-25,3,2013,25,8,2,4 42d622348cbdc31589fd4390f39d8246d26617e156bf751caef2896b927ce6e6,stephan vetternuit sacrees,picturesqu landscape stars auroras might abl find comet panstarrs image captur multipl terrestri celesti wonder singl shot taken last week southwest iceland popular waterfal pictur brilliant aurora follow solar flare power coron mass eject two day earlier give locat comet comet panstarr faintli visibl light blip horizon toward left image comet remain directli visibl northern observ binocular look toward western sky sunset gallery comet,iceland,2013-03-26,439,64,0.2714285714285714,03-26,3,2013,26,3,1,1 f476863d565f9adfde163c6b0e1cfeabd424aa03b4ebfe366084f7a934794fb7,bertrand kulik,horizon colorful because opposit sun pictur actual common rainbow uncommon appear caus sun unusu high sky rainbow creation sinc everi rainbow center must exactli opposit sun high sun reflect distant rain produc low rainbow top visibl rest rainbow horizon furthermore two observ see exactli rainbow everi person find exactli sun rainbow center everi observ see color circular band precis 42 degre rainbow center imag featur eiffel tower taken paris franc last week although intermitt thunderstorm last much day horizon rainbow last minutes follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,horizon rainbow pari,2013-03-27,604,93,0.0747368421052631,03-27,3,2013,27,1,2,1 a438a282bcdbc9f4bec4741e079c449b1fbe2709dab413c32960f8bd9d574b9e,adam block,bright spiral galaxi ngc 3169 appear unravel cosmic scene play 70 million lightyear away bright star regulu toward faint constel sextans beauti spiral arm distort sweep tidal tail ngc 3169 left neighbor ngc 3166 interact gravitationally common fate even bright galaxi local universe fact drawn stellar arc plumes indic gravit interactions seem rampant deep color galaxi group photo pictur span 20 arc minutes 400000 lightyear group estim distance includ smaller dimmer ngc 3165 right ngc 3169 also known shine across spectrum radio xrays harbor activ galact nucleu like site supermass black hole,unravel ngc 3169,2013-03-28,595,92,0.1390873015873016,03-28,3,2013,28,7,2,3 beb4a367bf35e389b291f8f59f60561d62d13c0ef716fe500c2d79e4eb43544f,none,orbit plane saturn rings saturnian moon perpetu ringsid view ga giant planet course pass near ring plane cassini spacecraft also share stun perspective thin ring slice across middl cassini snapshot april 2011 scene look toward dark night side saturn frame left still sunlit side ring ringplane centered 1500 kilomet across rhea saturn second largest moon closest spacecraft around 22 million kilomet away rhea right shiny 500 kilomet diamet enceladu 3 million kilomet distant dione 1100 kilomet wide 31 million kilomet cassini camera left partli block saturn night side,ringsid rhea,2013-03-29,569,88,-0.0364285714285714,03-29,3,2013,29,0,0,2 0ab5d8da6e2b6b22721a0641964c9e4d80a3b1aa6fda2c9e3b16a01e7bcdc5ec,lorenzocomolli,northern hemispher skygazers fade comet panstarr c2011 l4 still hang western sunset moonris come days perspect planet earth continu reveal comet broad dust tail long exposur track comet made march 21 enhanc show remarkable subtl striation panstarrs tail place cursor imag or click here show overlay dust tail model network synchron synchron long dash lines trace locat dust grain releas comet nucleu time zero velocity success synchron line shown separ 1 day start bottom 10 day comet march 10 perihelion passage lines show locat dust grain size also releas zero velocity dust grain 1 micron wide lie along upper grain width increas counterclockwis 500 micron wide grain along nearli parallel comet orbit dash line nucleu model forc act dust grain assum graviti pressur sunlight period striation panstarrs tail seem close follow model synchron lines imag scale march 21 comet panstarr 180 million kilomet away distance pictur would almost 4 million kilomet wide,tail panstarr,2013-03-30,961,152,0.0647727272727272,03-30,3,2013,30,3,2,4 fa5360237b39ab646ac19834ff20376f6fbbd0d892f633200df1c7a2eafd5194,none,which two imag shown above one moon solar system bottom fri pan make tell pan think got it find answer click here ok more that right you family friends neighbors local elect play moon fri imag pairs too everyon fundament underli reason moon fri pan appear similar ok apod sure either fooled rememb ok today april fool day whole quiz moon fri,moon,2013-04-01,344,62,0.3441558441558441,04-01,4,2013,1,2,1,1 019e88c438303bb8fae0cc2517ad1964d77c7ef386d37ba42b0c1ea8e0c69bab,scott rosen,see horse head see famou horsehead nebula toward orion rather fainter nebula take familiar form deeper imaging main part imag molecular cloud complex reflect nebula catalog ic 4592 reflect nebula actual made fine dust normal appear dark look quit blue reflect light energet nearbi stars case sourc much reflect light star eye horse star part nu scorpii one brighter star system toward constel scorpion scorpius second reflect nebula dub ic 4601 visibl surround two star upper right imag center,ic 4592 blue horsehead reflect nebula,2013-04-02,493,79,0.1229365079365079,04-02,4,2013,2,4,1,5 021131d0694211c97aab83016e9fbc1e74ee812d5caf3118cea6382536e9d34c,pavel,currently comet panstarr pass nearli front galaxi andromeda coincidentally comet galaxi appear angular size physic size even though comet panstarr current largest object solar system tail span 15 time diamet sun still 70 billion time smaller andromeda galaxi m31 imag captur march 30 near russia c2011 l4 panstarrs lower left reced sun return northerli direct came comet return current unknown although human may merg comput then gallery comet panstarr,comet panstarr andromeda galaxi,2013-04-03,452,69,0.0111111111111111,04-03,4,2013,3,3,0,2 47fcbdfcc9647d9d21bbd5666d2c19f05cbd3f0656838867841d2a729d190e49,martin pugh,beautiful bright spiral galaxi messier 64 often call black eye galaxi sleep beauti galaxi heavylid appear telescop views m64 17 million lightyear distant otherwis wellgroom northern constel coma berenices fact red eye galaxi might also appropri monik color composit narrow images enorm dust cloud obscur nearsid m64 central region lace telltal reddish glow hydrogen associ star form regions galaxy peculiar feature observ show m64 actual compos two concentric counterrot systems star m64 rotat direct interstellar ga galaxy central region ga outer regions extend 40000 lightyears rotat opposit direction dusti eye bizarr rotat like result billion year old merger two differ galaxies,m64 black eye galaxi,2013-04-04,682,101,0.0986111111111111,04-04,4,2013,4,7,2,3 15a86a14b678eaf8d944d767e04faf32afb053d441caabba3c61adfbf992d190,clear sky,look like doubl comet comet panstarr c2011 l4 offer skygaz messier moment outward bound fade starri scene wellphotograph comet remark similar bright m31 andromeda galaxy track northern sky galaxy comet captur local midnight approach april 3 comet galaxi visibl eye immers faint glow northern lights milki way galaxi arc snowi field near sweden doubl star cluster h chi persei spot along milki way arc high pair follow arc bright deneb alpha star constel cygnus right edg frame,comet north,2013-04-05,476,77,0.1807142857142857,04-05,4,2013,5,3,1,3 45eed9bc1d831b86b2e9e61c99a7ea8f39490344af2b287d3c5d7ff51bf479b4,jen hackmann,day share western even sky venu 2007 moon move saturn actual pass front ring planet saturn view sky europe northern africa western asia moon bright planet wander sky near eclipt plane occult event uncommon dramatic especi telescop views example sharp imag saturn captur emerg behind moon give illus lie beyond moon bright edge course moon mere 400 thousand kilomet away compar saturn distanc 14 billion kilometers taken digit camera 20 inch diamet telescop weikersheim observatori southern germany pictur singl exposur adjust reduc differ bright saturn crater lunar surface,moon saturn,2013-04-07,574,88,0.1185897435897436,04-07,4,2013,7,0,2,1 b2dcd010eb242b7d4b9f224ad4011450896cd21b81978c7e11f84c313d2ab5b2,none,far away although human inher familiar distanc time actual measur astronom object redshift color displac depend exactli energi densiti evolv universe sinc cosmolog measur recent year led concord energi form pervad universe possibl make simpl tabl relat observ cosmolog redshift label standard concept distanc time includ extrapol time sinc univers began one tabl list above redshift z list first last columns correspond univers age billion year list central find mean rest columns pleas read accompani technic paper although star galaxi effect cosmolog redshift zero distant supernova seen occur past redshift one chart show occur univers approxim half present age contrast distant gammaray burst yet observ occur past redshift six occur univers younger one billion year old less 10 percent present age,redshift tabl univers,2013-04-08,802,121,-0.0248015873015872,04-08,4,2013,8,8,2,4 96c0c5bcf73a6ea6aa07b6ba91c62ed057a00d8d010b09589aea829c9b8c7e57,none,dim star bright one near center ngc 3132 creat odd beauti planetari nebula nicknam eightburst nebula southern ring nebula glow ga origin outer layer star like sun reprocess color picture hot purplish pool light seen surround binari system energ hot surfac faint star although photograph explor unusu symmetries asymmetri help make planetari nebula intriguing neither unusu shape surround cooler shell structur placement cool filamentari dust lane run across ngc 3132 well understood follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,ngc 3132 southern ring nebula,2013-04-09,546,83,0.1122222222222222,04-09,4,2013,9,4,1,5 bf446e33f55b03ee3b32f4c11354aeb30fac051198aa82bd6bd3f44cc17cb5d8,chri annot vincent,side window intern space station might see expedit 34 flight engin chri look one window japan kibo research modul februari 26 might seen vista distanc lie dark outer space planet earth larg iss object includ long solar panel stretch diagon upper left cylindr pressur modul occupi lower right numer platform space station visibl label annot companion image particular note look dryer pair toward imag left realli nasa hrep near jaxa mce research gold foil cover experi rear hrep remot atmospher ionospher detect system monitor atmospher airglow mce includ global lightn sprite measur instrument monitor atmospher electr discharges current expedit 35 crew command schedul stay aboard space station may follow apod spanish web observatorio facebook,space station lookout,2013-04-10,746,114,0.032034632034632,04-10,4,2013,10,8,2,4 ab35173849d078304e6b72b5122b60f3c932efd76758903c7821fa3c20fd6d0b,thierri,haunt vista never see bright star central milki way rise dark skylin metropolitan shanghai china look east across river cityscap includ 470 meter tall orient pearl tower night sky stretch antar star scorpiu far right altair aquila left creat vision unseen reality part seri darken cities photograph thierri combin daytim imag citi skylin imag match orient dark sky region latitude west result find night sky hour earlier also arc shanghai light citi upon sea,darken citi,2013-04-11,458,74,0.1317460317460317,04-11,4,2013,11,6,1,1 a539b3ff64bf1232330ac2f1641d0917682a11b87725edb2136a3eada67f9334,none,anoth april 12th 1961 soviet cosmonaut yuri alexseyevich gagarin becam first human see planet earth space comment view orbit reported the sky dark earth bluish everyth seen clearly yet anoth april 12th 1981 nasa launch first space shuttle celebr 2013 consid imag orbit intern space station stun view planet night low earth orbit constel light connect dens popul citi along atlant east coast unit state frame two russian spacecraft dock space station easi recogn citi includ new york citi long island right there track toward left philadelphia baltimore washington dc near pictur center,yuri planet,2013-04-12,585,93,0.087291280148423,04-12,4,2013,12,8,2,2 3ee49860d71c0fc04f3b702d1c50964025eb482701191561e27958d548cd13b2,none,week sun gave strongest solar flare far 2013 accompani coron mass eject cme head toward planet earth falsecolor composit imag extrem ultraviolet light solar dynam observatori captur moment record april 11 utc flash class flare erupt activ region ar near center solar disk activ regions area intens magnet field seen sunspot group visibl light mottl surfac solar maximum approaches loop arc glow plasma trace activ magnet field lines massiv cloud energetic charg particles cme impact earth magnetospher weekend skywatch alert auror displays,sun solar flare,2013-04-13,539,82,0.2333333333333333,04-13,4,2013,13,1,1,4 f84359941a9399ee6335371365def9933e8deea71fd5c8564677458d72131343,none,glide silent outer solar system voyag 2 spacecraft camera captur neptun triton togeth crescent phase 1989 eleg pictur ga giant planet cloudi moon taken behind closest approach could taken earth neptun never show crescent phase sunward earth unusu vantag point also rob neptun familiar blue hue sunlight seen scatter forward redden like set sun neptun smaller massiv uranus sever dark rings emit light receiv sun new apod social horizon facebook,crescent neptun triton,2013-04-14,444,70,0.0394696969696969,04-14,4,2013,14,1,0,1 c5cb98dd2a4835c077bd10748214d1516d957eb55eb8e4157d412d8fb99b55e9,bob,star form soul queen aethopia specifically larg star form region call soul nebula found direct constel cassiopeia greek mytholog credit vain wife king long ago rule land surround upper nile river soul nebula hous sever open cluster stars larg radio sourc known w5 huge evacu bubbl form wind young massiv stars locat 6500 light year away soul nebula span 100 light year usual imag next celesti neighbor heart nebula ic 1805 imag appear mostli red due emiss specif color light emit excit hydrogen gas follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,ic 1848 soul nebula,2013-04-15,562,95,0.0808823529411764,04-15,4,2013,15,4,2,5 487c60c9dac287c61bd01a194dda3ec62cbd75fba9f774f218aea4c224b46f64,bernard miller,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way galaxy big beauti m81 grand spiral galaxi lie 118 million lightyear away toward northern constel great bear ursa major deep imag region reveal detail bright yellow core time follow fainter featur along galaxy gorgeou blue spiral arm sweep dust lanes also follow expansive arc feature known arp loop seem rise galaxy disk upper right studi 1960s arp loop thought tidal tail materi pull m81 gravit interact larg neighbor galaxi m82 subsequ investig demonstr least arp loop like lie within galaxy loop color visibl infrar light match color pervas cloud dust rel unexplor galact cirru hundr lightyear plane milki way along milki way stars dust cloud lie foreground remark view m81 dwarf companion galaxy holmberg ix seen larg spiral sky imag span 05 degrees size full moon,grand spiral galaxi m81 arp loop,2013-04-16,829,136,0.1998724489795918,04-16,4,2013,16,7,2,3 4783e83eeaa12c47cdf27c3116c1abc71df592be50049c6c3c93d142c7ab900f,ben,kind cloud next mountain lenticular type cloud form air pass mountain rise again cool past dew point molecular water carri air condens droplets layer natur lenticular cloud may make appear some larg alien case mountain pictur mt hood locat oregon usa lenticular cloud form condit right exampl first time astrophotograph seen lenticular cloud night near mt hood imag taken midmarch two hour dawn,mt lenticular cloud,2013-04-17,396,63,0.1357142857142857,04-17,4,2013,17,8,1,1 09c3e11889dee284327f38811552c5f29a61256acaaa6fba234126296eda44b7,none,sculpt stellar wind radiation star factori known messier 17 lie 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius distance degre wide field view span almost 100 lightyears sharp composite color imag util data space ground base telescopes follow faint detail region ga dust cloud backdrop central milki way stars stellar wind energet light hot massiv star form m17 stock cosmic ga dust slowli carv away remain interstellar materi produc cavern appear undul shapes m17 also known omega nebula swan nebula,star factori messier 17,2013-04-18,503,78,-0.0416666666666666,04-18,4,2013,18,4,0,5 c235234238102bd499618e50cf5f1e1b69245ab60f32928aa84edc195448ce50,john davi,skyscap find esthet balanc interstellar dust ga resid nebula rich constel orion reflect light bright star rigel beta orionis bluish chin witch head nebula upper left whisker trace red glow hydrogen ga ioniz ultraviolet starlight seem connect infam visag smaller nebulae like dusti reflect nebula ngc 1788 right strong wind orion bright star also shape ngc like trigger format young star within appropri location ngc 1788 look like cosmic bat scene span 3 degre sky 6 full moons,ngc witch,2013-04-19,477,78,0.2786706349206349,04-19,4,2013,19,4,1,5 f67ac4762262b4537ca960d0d681847db1984ecc988e139ec066f32b0e983da0,yuri beletski,far eye could see dark night la campana observatori southern atacama desert chile near local midnight april 11 mosaic 3 minut long exposur reveal green unusu intense atmospher airglow stretch thin clouds unlik aurora power collis energet charg particl seen high latitudes airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic reaction found around globe chemic energi provid sun extrem ultraviolet radiation like aurorae greenish hue airglow origin altitud 100 kilomet domin emiss excit oxygen atoms gegenschein sunlight reflect dust along solar system eclipt plane still visibl night faint bluish cloud right pictur center far right milki way seem rise mountain top perch magellan telescopes left ogl project du pont telescop domes,milki way,2013-04-20,729,109,0.0319172932330827,04-20,4,2013,20,6,2,4 93b56c5b5c1e95058f63e4e18afd51a702ee13df864efcb11a437c19983553a7,none,drift cosmos magnific interstellar dust cloud becam sculpt stellar wind radiat assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula embed vast complex orion nebula m42 potenti reward difficult object view person small telescope gorgeous detail imag recent taken infrar light orbit hubbl space telescop honor 23rd anniversari hubble launch dark molecular cloud roughli 1500 light year distant catalog barnard 33 seen primarili backlit nearbi massiv star sigma orionis horsehead nebula slowli shift appar shape next million year eventu destroy high energi starlight,horsehead nebula infrar hubbl,2013-04-22,563,81,0.0292857142857142,04-22,4,2013,22,4,0,5 28f726a6647ccf6fd79dc3b1df25c9b11b4ae6d596823886d77e194b8c0ddc08,none,look like sure remain brightest supernova record human history 1006 ad record light nighttim sky area known china egypt iraq italy japan switzerland expand debri cloud stellar explosion found southerli constel wolf lupus still put cosmic light show across electromagnet spectrum fact imag result three color xray taken orbit chandra xray observatory known sn 1006 supernova remnant debri cloud appear 60 lightyear across understood repres remain white dwarf star part binari star system compact white dwarf gradual captur materi companion star buildup mass final trigger thermonuclear explos destroy dwarf star distanc supernova remnant 7000 lightyears explos actual happen 7000 year light reach earth 1006 shockwav remnant acceler particl extrem energi thought sourc mysteri cosmic rays follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,xray supernova remnant sn 1006,2013-04-23,851,126,0.125,04-23,4,2013,23,6,2,4 ffbff164ea85a78fa0dd6a082232e0d2d6c4e3e354794e67660ddf8ecf3524ee,igor,dark inner shadow planet earth call umbra shape like cone extend space circular cross section easili seen lunar eclipse complet cross section larger moon angular size stage eclipse still thought composit illustr full extent circular shadow util imag partial total eclips pass differ part umbra imag span year 1997 2011 dilig captur optics russia along bottom top stage partial lunar eclips septemb 2006 august 2008 respectively bottom image moon enter umbra total eclips septemb 1997 left bottom moon leav umbra total may 2004 middl right center left stage total eclips june 2011 includ central deep red total phase today brief partial lunar eclips seen eastern hemisphere moon slightli graze umbra lower edge,lunar eclips,2013-04-25,709,112,0.0244047619047619,04-25,4,2013,25,2,2,4 253000b433f6227b9bd516a0a322fb990f54733d88d2786976f6a1fdcbecddde,none,solar system miasma incandesc plasma sun may look littl scari here pictur composit 25 imag record extrem ultraviolet light orbit solar dynam observatori april 16 2012 april 15 2013 particular wavelength light 171 show emiss highli ioniz iron atom solar corona characterist temperatur 600000 kelvin about 1 million degre f girdl side equat approach maximum 11year solar cycle solar activ region lace bright loop arc along magnet field lines course familiar visibl light view would show bright activ region group dark sunspots three year solar dynam observatori imag compress short video,year sun,2013-04-26,585,91,0.3324074074074075,04-26,4,2013,26,1,1,4 45b2cff75b9609b1cc2c70c9d7431cc2fdd35e75492bba6efd29ff9cbae112b6,none,get redblu glass gaze across floor gale crater mars vantag point deck curios rover mount sharp crater 5 kilomet high central mountain loom southern horizon pois foreground rover robot arm tool extend toward flat patch martian surfac dub john complet version stereo view span 360 degrees digit stitch togeth rover left right navig camera frame taken late january layer lower slope mount sharp formal known aeoli mons futur destin curiosity,sharp stereo,2013-04-27,438,70,-0.0143650793650793,04-27,4,2013,27,5,0,2 b54f5b3eae8deb2686c10c72b2e458d309b67ee53c41e2aaeb1d18bce2703c67,none,one largest longest live storm ever record solar system first seen late 2010 cloud format northern hemispher saturn start larger earth soon spread complet around planet storm track earth close robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn pictur fals color infrar february orang color indic cloud deep atmosphere light color highlight cloud higher up ring saturn seen nearli edgeon thin blue horizont line warp dark band shadow ring cast onto cloud top sun upper left sourc radio nois lightning intens storm thought relat season chang spring emerg north saturn rage six months icon storm circl entir planet tri absorb tail surprisingli caus fade away apod editor speak late may,rage storm system saturn,2013-04-28,679,108,0.0257575757575757,04-28,4,2013,28,0,2,1 c36f5aba5b46b9522cf4b13ce35517e7604353c9c333cf5d9d63b5a1345b3264,daniel cielo de canarias,what next milki way unusu natur rock format known roqu cinchado stone tree found spanish canari island tenerife famou roqu cinchado like dens cool volcan magma remain softer surround rock erod away central band milki way galaxi visibl arc across right seven imag panoram mosaic taken summer 2010 far right teid volcano complet lenticular cloud hover near peak follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,milki way stone tree,2013-04-29,424,69,0.1019480519480519,04-29,4,2013,29,6,1,1 9218eee6d53c872f0a113932d45df87129bf13f321290626cc2f1787c919bfbc,none,spacecraft human current use explor solar system presently everi inner planet least one robot explorer sever other monitor sun map earth moon chase asteroid comets one orbit saturn sever even head deep space illustr give details inner solar system depict upper right outer solar system lower left given present current epoch might becom known time human first probe star system sometim wide separ spacecraft act togeth interplanetari network determin direct distant explos note probe detect high energi photons futur spacecraft indic along bottom graphic includ dawn reach ceres largest object asteroid belt new horizon reach pluto 2015 follow apod in arabic bahasa indonesian catalan chinese chinese czech dutch farsi farsi galego german french hebrew japanese polish portuguese romanian russian slovenian spanish spanish turkish,human explor solar system,2013-04-30,830,123,0.0105888938647559,04-30,4,2013,30,8,2,2 8cb09b6fd1c9ca8018221ff8fae426c254d16f0361570c3b7c09aca3fdf0b0d5,none,acquir first sunlit view far northern saturn late last year cassini spacecraft narrowangl camera record stun imag vortex ring planet north pole fals color nearinfrar imag result red hue low cloud green high ones caus hurrican take appear rose enorm terrestri hurrican standards storm eye 2000 kilomet wide cloud outer edg travel 500 kilomet per hour north pole saturn hurrican swirl insid large sixsid weather pattern known hexagon course 2006 cassini also imag hurrican saturn south pole,saturn hurrican,2013-05-02,488,77,0.0658441558441558,05-02,5,2013,2,0,0,1 3ff3e4ed1275ce4b2cd17ea945076773a24bbec739647ae1c4bfb0ba0f7c3752,none,combin imag data massive groundbas vista telescop hubbl space telescop use creat wide perspect interstellar landscap surround famou horsehead nebula captur nearinfrar wavelengths region dusti molecular cloud sprawl across scene cover angl twothird size full moon sky left right frame span 10 lightyear horsehead estim distanc 1600 lightyears also known barnard 33 still recogniz horsehead nebula stand upper right nearinfrar glow dusti pillar top newborn stars left bright reflect nebula ngc 2023 illumin environ hot young star obscur cloud base horsehead outskirt ngc 2023 show telltal far red emiss energet jets known herbigharo objects also associ newborn stars,view,2013-05-03,664,98,0.1114285714285714,05-03,5,2013,3,4,2,5 8b0aa9c26a7175c4fd27cf926f4d9ea808e8976441f1ac834280a49c506ae5d1,tama ladanyi,last week sun set full moon rose springtim landscap tihany hungari northern shore lake climb clear sky moon graze dark umbral shadow planet earth year first partial lunar eclipse partial phase seen near top frame lunar disk darken along upper limb last less 27 minutes composit consecut exposures pictur present scene rang natur color subtl shade appar eye next week new moon season celesti shadow play continu annular solar eclipse path track northern australia central pacific,spring eclips,2013-05-04,478,76,0.0893939393939393,05-04,5,2013,4,2,0,1 a24846c7752eecdb57e2227a5cefec2347b3a108d6d1689f16f1fbfbdf4c73e1,sean r heavey,spaceship cloud although may seem like alien mothership actual impress thunderstorm cloud call supercell coloss storm system center mesocyclon rotat updraft span sever kilomet deliv torrenti rain high wind includ tornadoes jag sculptur cloud adorn supercell edge wind swept dust rain domin center tree wait patient foreground supercel cloud photograph juli west glasgow montana usa caus minor damage last sever hour move on follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,supercel thunderstorm cloud montana,2013-05-05,488,74,-0.0339999999999999,05-05,5,2013,5,8,0,1 06eba46017055e3741a6c04dcf0ac23c9085e069ade253c061e03eb2f0301411,gerald rhemann,caus interestingli intric tail comet lemmon display earlier year first all everi comet near sun display two tails dust tail ion tail comet lemmon dust tail visibl around comet nucleu produc sunlight reflect dust shed comet heat nucleus flow however c2012 f6 blue ion tail creat solar wind push ion expel nucleu away sun also note coma seen surround comet lemmon nucleus tint green diatom c2 ga fluoresc sunlight imag taken dark sky namibia midapril comet lemmon fade head back outer solar system cosmonova apod editor speak sweden may 28,tail comet lemmon,2013-05-06,537,90,-0.0125,05-06,5,2013,6,3,0,5 280cf5f837a73c71b1f69f804991213bc19be7aad5183c5941b552d31d11e3cb,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,see vista like take patience hiking camera patienc need search right place wait right time short hike need reach rug perch seclud cove julia pfeiffer burn state park california usa camera need long exposur requir bring faint light star nebula background milki way galaxy moonlight brief artifici flash illumin hidden beach inlet behind nearbi tree composit imag taken two week ago usual obscur mcway fall visibl imag center pacif ocean view right,galaxi cove vista,2013-05-07,446,72,-0.0174603174603174,05-07,5,2013,7,6,0,1 df61978384f437ff5430652d0c7c9db182a97e6669a69bdf0b5a00923013dd09,none,tremend explos occur nearbi univers major telescop across earth space dub grb gammaray burst first detect earthorbit fermi swift satellit observ high energi quickli report earth within three minutes halfmet ison telescop new mexico found blast visibl light note extrem brightness relay exact within next minutes bright optic counterpart track sever quickli telescop includ 20meter telescop california telescop arizona 20meter faulk telescop north hawaii within two hours 82meter gemini north telescop hawaii note redshift place explos 5 billion light year away consid nearbi cosmolog previous record imag raptor fullski monitor scan bright optic counterpart magnitud 74 found 50 second swift trigger brightest burst recent years signal grb 130427a also found low energi radio wave larg array vla highest energi ever record fermi satellite gravit wave telescop design detect extrem high energi photon check data grb 130427a signal pictur animation entir gammaray sky shown becom momentarili domin intens glow grb continu track optic counterpart sure ongo possibl glow classic supernova soon emerge,earth major telescop grb,2013-05-08,1099,161,0.2187566844919786,05-08,5,2013,8,8,2,4 e933be8c3403262a58050b50e2dcad3a0faa272b70d6db7e6464a5920d446a6e,tunç tezel,new moon continu season celesti shadow play annular solar eclips track begin western australia ut may 9 near sunris may 10 local time eclips occur within day lunar apogee moon silhouett quit cover sun momentarili creat spectacular ring fire larger region wit partial eclipse annular mideclips phase visibl along shadow track 200 kilomet wide 13000 kilomet long extend across central pacific given locat along it ring fire last 4 6 minutes near horizon appear may 910 annular eclips suggest dramat composit may 2012 timelaps sequenc depict annular eclips progress sunset monument valley southwestern unit states,ring fire monument valley,2013-05-09,611,95,0.0571969696969696,05-09,5,2013,9,2,2,1 7a8b52ed834225fe2199bbeac2fb1d07f8a515664ab9626af7eb93e15d4083dd,none,faceon spiral galaxi m77 lie mere 47 million lightyear away toward aquat constel cetus estim distance gorgeou island univers 100 thousand lightyear across also known ngc 1068 compact bright core well studi astronom explor mysteri supermass black hole activ seyfert galaxies m77 also seen xray ultraviolet infrared radio wavelengths sharp visibl light imag base hubbl data follow wind spiral arm trace obscur dust cloud redtint star form region close galaxy lumin core,messier,2013-05-10,467,72,-0.0819444444444444,05-10,5,2013,10,7,0,3 19332b1435e7499a5c0cbc40a80900676b3336ccaedf5842167b10fe7ffa4443,isaac gutirrez,sometim sky becom quit show earli septemb 2010 example moon venu converged creat quit sight sky enthusiast around globe locations though sky even picturesque imag taken spain crescent moon planet venus far right captur sunset pose deep blue sky foreground dark storm cloud loom across imag bottom white anvil cloud shape appear above black speck dot frame caus flock bird take flight soon pictur taken however bird pass by storm ended venu moon set bright venu becom visibl sunset 2013 may appear near jupit toward end month,clouds birds moon venu,2013-05-12,527,87,0.0869047619047619,05-12,5,2013,12,2,0,1 4f8fa027698eecaf726a87e31767d311099e9684145c5b934ea061836b55c0b2,phillip,eight minut sunrise last week alreadi four thing front sun largest notabl earth moon obscur big chunk sun lower limb move across solar disk view australia expect imag taken partial solar eclips eclips left sunlight stream around side moon locations next band cloud divid sun horizont show interest intern structur vertically third interven bodi might consid earth atmosphere dim sun higher altitud bright densiti fluctuat caus sun edg appear although closest photographer least expect solar occult airplane quit possibly side airplan contempl unusu view visibl windows cosmonova apod editor speak sweden may 28,partial solar eclips airplan,2013-05-13,611,93,0.0590909090909091,05-13,5,2013,13,1,2,1 cafc14eacabf6914c063f17863aa90514469055b3ccb89ce200698da0b1a1f23,none,caus mess type star explod creat unusu shape nebula known kepler supernova remnant type light stellar explos creat energ cosmic cloud first seen planet earth octob 1604 mere four hundr year ago supernova produc bright new star earli 17th centuri sky within constel ophiuchus studi astronom johann kepler contemporaries without benefit telescope search explan heavenli apparition arm modern understand stellar evolution earli 21st centuri astronom continu explor expand debri cloud use orbit space telescop survey kepler supernova remnant snr across spectrum recent xray data imag kepler supernova remnant taken orbit chandra xray observatori shown rel element abund typic type ia supernova indic progenitor white dwarf star explod accret much materi companion red giant star went chandrasekhar limit 13000 light year away kepler supernova repres recent stellar explos seen occur within milki way galaxy cosmonova apod editor speak sweden may 28,kepler supernova remnant xray,2013-05-15,944,140,0.1311868686868686,05-15,5,2013,15,6,2,4 a30b0cd3159e894a5a76b89a24e08984856be526e909c7f8c80c0903b12f1c57,none,swing around sun eastern limb monday group sunspot label activ region ar1748 produc first four xclass solar flare 2013 less 48 hours time sequenc clockwis top left flash four captur extrem ultraviolet imag solar dynam observatory accord peak bright xrays xclass flare power class frequent accompani coron mass eject cmes massiv cloud high energi plasma launch space cme first three flare one associ fourth flare may deliv glanc blow earth magnet field may 18 also caus temporari radio ar1748 like still forecast signific chanc produc strong flares activ region rotat direct view across sun nearside,four xclass flare,2013-05-16,598,95,0.2115151515151515,05-16,5,2013,16,1,2,4 f1ac22c5120621d95666c783a80bb6645a048cb12d60c112f0da53571a99f04c,stéphanevett,boreal landscape arc milki way shimmer aurora flow night like echo lie iceland spectacular waterfal gods shine milki way bright jupit includ panoram nightscap record march 9 faint diffuse andromeda galaxi m31 appear immers auror glow digit four frame first place winner 2013 intern earth sky photo contest dark sky import organ world night evoc record beauti planet earth night sky contest win entri featur video,waterfal world night,2013-05-17,412,66,0.2833333333333334,05-17,5,2013,17,6,1,1 4acdc66e9471845a46fe3fa788a3422a9b8e010b134717fe2a0930d7aaf83c7c,marco full,famou sunset comet panstarr c2011 l4 visibl night much northern hemisphere bound outer solar system climb high eclipt plane dimmer fading comet broad dust tail still though widefield telescop imag taken starri background constel cepheu may 15 show comet develop extens dust trail along comet orbit to left stretch 3 degre across frame sinc comet 16 astronom unit planet earth correspond distanc 12 million kilometers late may comet panstarr pass within degre north celesti pole,comet panstarr antitail,2013-05-18,477,75,0.0245,05-18,5,2013,18,3,0,2 09233e5f1b192faf7b205860efb08da3dbbed3f30ce14cae2d747851c4990539,none,earth that richat structur sahara desert mauritania easili visibl space nearli 50 kilomet across thought impact crater richat structure flat middl lack shockalt rock indic otherwise possibl richat structur form volcan erupt also seem improb lack dome igneou volcan rock rather layer sedimentari rock richat structur thought mani caus uplift rock sculpt erosion imag captur aster instrument onboard orbit orbit terra satellite richat structur nearli circular remain mystery,earth richat structur,2013-05-19,472,68,-0.025,05-19,5,2013,19,8,0,2 62968d28cb7b293ca4ee2906bbe80d60c3a1e4c6318e57728a4f171ba241794f,alan friedman,sun giant blueberry sun made appear similar diminut however imag specif color extrem violet light call emit slight abund ioniz calcium sun atmosphere fals image solar depict actual scientif illumin level sun chromospher appear quit prominent show textur surface cool sunspot appear distinctli bright surround hot activ region appear distinctli dark sun current near maximum activ level 11 year cycle emit power flare past week time high activity stream energet particl sun may impact earth magnetospher set spectacular auroras,blue sun burst,2013-05-20,526,79,0.1662222222222222,05-20,5,2013,20,1,1,1 99e2df761df5aa1d9ad6159ca65eb319f964135c609fa3b9c761890ac47081b5,none,unusu red rectangl nebula created nebula center age binari star system sure power nebula not yet explain colors unusu shape red rectangl like due thick dust toru pinch otherwis spheric outflow tiptouch cone shapes view toru edgeon boundari edg cone shape seem form x distinct rung suggest outflow occur fit starts unusu color nebula less well understood however specul hold partli provid hydrocarbon molecul may actual build block organ life red rectangl nebula lie 2300 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros nebula shown great detail recent reprocess imag hubbl space telescope million years one central star becom deplet nuclear fuel red rectangl nebula like bloom planetari nebula cosmonova apod editor speak sweden may 28,red rectangl nebula hubbl,2013-05-21,736,115,0.1067708333333333,05-21,5,2013,21,4,2,5 358f3ceb30a1b4ed3bf3d6c8f6a0015714da0457d94f4307eb78b55cfc5d3f08,walter,what sky rare seen form lightn confirm 25 year ago red recent research shown follow power posit cloudtoground lightn strike red sprite may start 100meter ball ioniz air shoot 80km high 10 percent speed light quickli follow group upward streak ioniz balls image taken day ago central south dakota usa captur bright red sprite candid first color imag ever record sprite aurora together distant storm cloud cross bottom image streak color aurora visibl background red sprite take fraction second occur best seen power thunderstorm visibl side,red sprite lightn aurora,2013-05-22,539,86,0.206875,05-22,5,2013,22,8,1,1 da0697939a73c4a787b32e452d440d2f77cfed22e5a5dfbf966aa75d1d61a20f,bob frank,beauti bar spiral galaxi entri charl messier famou catalog bright nebula star clusters found big dipper bowl northern constel ursa major telescop views strike central bar give galaxi appear greek letter common mathemat symbol repres angle cours m109 span small angl planet earth sky 7 arcminut degrees small angl correspond enorm 120000 lightyear diamet galaxy estim 60 million lightyear distance brightest member recogn ursa major galaxi cluster m109 aka ngc join three spiki foreground star strung across frame three small fuzzi bluish galaxi also scene identifi left right ugc ugc ugc possibl satellit galaxi larger,messier,2013-05-23,618,95,0.0046703296703296,05-23,5,2013,23,7,2,3 235754b959f67b32f8795ae8c183c21fe7cb612f8c9e736baca2f6bd6dc51c76,joerg,close seri consecut exposur combin intrigu composit full moon slowli across sky begin upper right ut end ut april 25 sequenc follow moon germani pass earth shadow partial lunar eclipse near top moon graze southern edg earth dark central shadow umbra bright darker part outer shadow region penumbra also appar lunar disk fact rel size shape earth shadow region moon easier see along segment lunar nearli imposs follow eye though penumbr lunar eclipse full moon pass pale outer penumbr shadow begin may 25,moon,2013-05-24,503,83,0.1521428571428571,05-24,5,2013,24,2,1,1 b8f4a71ddae35e49c1c37d65231e7ed66b44f82a74e6b25e7b1caea4c0df54e2,babak tafreshi,apparit shine cloud pass city instead cloud bank silhouett color lunar corona spot even may 18 germani bank river lunar corona form bright moonlight diffract water droplet thin cloud drift front lunar disk lie region histor castl date 11th century manor still regardless locat planet earth well worth scan even sky weekend full moon rise bright planet gather west,lunar corona castl,2013-05-25,363,59,0.33,05-25,5,2013,25,2,1,1 83ee726012d5afee820f45a17bfc24be40ca8133249bcffbad78c0063d8fe9da,joseph brimacomb,planet earth approach plane comet panstarr c2011 l4 orbit may 23rd comet watcher treat view magnific antitail long narrow antitail stretch right across frame nearli 4 degre 8 time angular size full moon dust form antitail trail along comet orbit leav inner solar system behind almost edgeon perspect near outbound comet orbit plane enhanc view antitail make seem point sunward direction appar contrari behavior comet dust tail push outward pressur sunlight sweep far north planet earth skies comet night northern hemisphere bright moonlight visibility panstarr antitail one longest sinc appear comet 1957 cosmonova apod editor speak tuesday 6 pm,panstarr antitail grow,2013-05-26,645,99,0.0984126984126984,05-26,5,2013,26,3,2,1 844c671a6fa1556331c21d494561083ccc895b88dda13c7dd721ec02100d3a22,juan manuel prez rayego,ever seen littl rainbow side sun rare reward see spectacl known sundogs mock sun sundog sunlight refract hexagon fall ice crystal earth atmosphere thin ice crystal nearli horizontally best refract sunlight sideway creat sundogs alternatively randomli orient ice crystal may creat complet circular sun halo sundog occur 22 degre side set rise sun although sometim nearbi cloud block one both imag taken polar filter octob 2012 spain,bird sun dog,2013-05-27,431,67,0.2041666666666666,05-27,5,2013,27,1,1,1 2645c1ba757c4dee24805e32300281ad356d95d12e69f8c5214d4cf5f66a9742,l l g e,16th centuri portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan understood satellit galaxi much larger spiral milki way galaxy 160000 lightyear distant constel dorado larg magellan cloud lmc seen remark deep colorful annot composit image span 15000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi home closest supernova modern times sn 1987a promin patch left center 30 doradus also known magnific tarantula nebula giant starform region 1000 lightyear across,larg cloud magellan,2013-05-28,601,87,0.0499999999999999,05-28,5,2013,28,7,2,3 8a19c71c41ba2c01bdc593479f4f2cc45112fe50463e36a88c55c3d31505281a,martin pugh,ten thousand year ago dawn record human history new light would suddenli appear night sky fade weeks today know light supernova explod star record expand debri cloud veil nebula supernova remnant sharp telescop view center western segment veil nebula catalog ngc 6960 less formal known witch broom nebula blast cataclysm explosion interstellar shock wave plow space sweep excit interstellar material imag narrow band filters glow filament like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ atom hydrogen red oxygen bluegreen gas complet supernova remnant lie 1400 lightyear away toward constel cygnus witch broom actual span 35 lightyears bright star frame 52 cygni visibl unaid eye dark locat unrel ancient supernova remnant,ngc 6960 witch broom nebula,2013-05-29,733,113,0.0563131313131313,05-29,5,2013,29,4,2,5 9fecb68b2b7712ce0c6261001ed888e5af69c3c82366e95c288f63c66db9386c,none,spiral galaxies includ milki way two spiral arms ngc 4725 one sharp color composit image solo spira mirabili seem wind promin ring bluish newborn star cluster red tint star form regions odd galaxi also sport obscur dust lane yellowish central bar structur compos older popul stars ngc 4725 100 thousand lightyear across lie 41 million lightyear away wellgroom constel coma berenices comput simul format singl spiral arm suggest either lead trail arm respect galaxy overal rotation also includ frame tradit look spiral appear smaller background galaxy,onearm spiral galaxi ngc 4725,2013-05-30,550,86,-0.0321428571428571,05-30,5,2013,30,7,0,3 da0cf0b0127717e191fca5ba3d74bebfbd9fd966a101cffeb40dc5dcce4288d7,dieter willasch,eagl nebula swan nebula span broad starscape telescop view sagittariu spiral arm toward center milki way galaxy eagle also known m16 left center swan m17 lower right deep widefield imag show cosmic cloud brighter region activ starformation lie along spiral arm suffus reddish emiss charactist atom hydrogen gas dusti dark nebulae fact center nebula locat wellknown closeup imag star format hubbl space telescope m17 also call omega nebula 5500 lightyear away m16 6500 lightyear distant frame cover 3 degre across sky extend wing eagl nebula spread 120 lightyears,eagl swan,2013-05-31,562,88,-0.0224206349206349,05-31,5,2013,31,4,0,5 73004e81eb5a795723afb3f4c47bb6b80d0d4f4446acf9160f215791f22eb141,walli pacholka,ever hike queen garden trail bryce canyon utah usa planet earth walk along path dark night skyscape almost imagin journey continu along pale lumin milki way course name galaxy milki way in latin via lactea refer appear milki band path sky fact word galaxi deriv greek milk visibl moonless night dark sky areas though bright quit color image glow celesti band due collect light myriad star along plane galaxy faint distinguish individually diffus starlight cut dark swath obscur galact dust clouds four hundr year ago galileo turn telescop milki way announc congeri innumer star ,milki trail,2013-06-01,579,94,-0.0184999999999999,06-01,6,2013,1,6,0,1 f7bc3627ef3f4ee5289bf438643964ea795795120ce03e615bb0d1ac8a212697,none,kind cloud this roll cloud rare long cloud may form near advanc cold fronts particular downdraft advanc storm front caus moist warm air rise cool dew point form cloud happen uniformli along extend front roll cloud may form roll cloud may actual air circul along long horizont axi cloud roll cloud thought abl morph tornado unlik similar shelf cloud roll cloud type arcu cloud complet detach parent cumulonimbu cloud pictur above roll cloud extend far distanc 2009 januari la ola beach maldonado uruguay,roll cloud uruguay,2013-06-02,502,83,0.1166666666666666,06-02,6,2013,2,8,1,1 71cb8b5f4ad8021b71fb0b2e002e919d150fb0804e951235106eff5ad8420dcf,none,could life ever exist mars help find out human land curios rover mar last august make sure carsiz explor surviv interplanetari trip dramat land intact imag other taken peer at under around curiosity pictur unusu vista three curiosity six wheels measur half meter across recent months curios explor surround area dub yellowknif bay analys data taken curiosity camera onboard laboratori provid strong new evid mar could support life distanc part slope central peak insid gale crater curios schedul attempt climb mt sharp,curiosity mar,2013-06-03,519,82,0.0653030303030303,06-03,6,2013,3,5,0,2 c22b328e3c65dee19ab7137d02de117e3da3e35c304151f62fb341bceb86b53f,blanco,astronom sight excit imagin like nearbi stellar nurseri known orion nebula nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud mani filamentari structur visibl imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula span 40 light year locat 1500 light year away spiral arm galaxi sun great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion imag show nebula three color specif emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur gas whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years,orion nebula oxygen hydrogen sulfur,2013-06-04,588,93,0.1857142857142857,06-04,6,2013,4,4,2,5 baf4d01b037203cb9d0981c0aad754cdd27490f66b7c0f79e4668c78f7123db5,none,cept ring saturn ring nebula m57 probabl famou celesti band classic appear understood due perspective though recent map expand nebula 3d structure base part clear hubbl image indic nebula rel dense donutlik ring wrap around middl footballshap cloud glow gas view planet earth look long axi football faceon ring course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star tini pinprick light seen nebula center intens ultraviolet light hot central star ioniz atom gas picture blue color center ioniz helium color inner ring glow hydrogen oxygen reddish color outer ring nitrogen sulfur ring nebula one lightyear across 2000 lightyear away,m57 ring nebula,2013-06-05,708,109,0.0101190476190476,06-05,6,2013,5,4,2,5 42f7058021c3858b24148a3d80bb41401240af5eafd132e6ad306f4eaf00b942,none,bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects though wingspan cover 3 lightyears ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c die central star particular planetari nebula becom except hot shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust sharp color closeup die star nebula record 2009 hubbl space telescope wide field camera 3 instal final shuttl servic mission cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star near center view almost edgeon lineofsight molecular hydrogen detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius,ngc 6302 butterfli nebula,2013-06-07,660,100,0.145,06-07,6,2013,7,4,2,5 40a798def54762d5d8991544f6926f808ba334e8f94d8b029d75f280fdc499a1,none,hottest star nearest galaxies help find out nasa commiss earthorbit swift satellit mosaic neighbor larg magellan cloud lmc galaxi ultraviolet light imag show recent form star occur lmc massiv young star shine brightli blue ultraviolet contrast visibl imag familiar view lmc visibl light better highlight older stars upper left one largest star form region known entir local group galaxies tarantula nebula larg magellan cloud smaller companion small magellan cloud easili visibl unaid eye sky enthusiast view southern sky detail inspect imag allow better pictur star format occurs,larg magellan cloud ultraviolet,2013-06-10,580,87,0.1461111111111111,06-10,6,2013,10,6,1,5 b9b5128f7fa70e0420a7769d838cbd5b10b3f766d89c2dbb455b475030c7072e,desert observatori,what happen ngc 3582 nebula bright star interest molecul forming complex nebula resid star form region call rcw 57 visibl imag dens knot dark interstellar dust bright star form past million years field glow hydrogen ga ioniz stars great loop ga expel die stars detail studi ngc also known ngc ngc 3576 uncov least 33 massiv star end stage formation clear presenc complex carbon molecul known polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs pah thought creat cool ga star form regions develop sun format nebula five billion year ago may import step develop life earth imag taken desert hollow observatori north phoenix arizona usa follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,star form region ngc 3582,2013-06-11,678,112,0.0892857142857142,06-11,6,2013,11,4,2,5 f3c1a90ea0cebe4718b21cc1a5568843b9ba8c2de75c51acc19ec21cc2ef2b58,chriskotsiopoulo,see four planet seren sunset image creat seri stack digit exposur captur near dusk may 25 composit pictur follow trail three them jupiter venus mercuri left right drop toward western horizon gather close last month remark tripl planetari conjunction similar bright planet mercury star elnath beta tauri also track across scene leav dot trail still farther right course foreground still shallow water salt lake reflect strike color sunset island greece planet earth now jupit wander glare set sun mercuri venu remain low west twilight,four planet sunset,2013-06-13,533,84,0.1038095238095238,06-13,6,2013,13,8,0,1 955413419e3937b4a174c7c922dcdd85559404b668527fe79161d968a5701e76,bill snyder,sharpless 115 stand north west deneb alpha star cygnu swan planet earth skies note 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless a faint love emiss nebula lie along edg one outer milki way giant molecular clouds 7500 lightyear away shine light ioniz atom hydrogen sulfur oxygen hubbl palett color composit image nebular glow power hot star star cluster berkeley cluster star like 100 million year old still embed sharpless stars strong wind radiat clear away much dusty natal cloud emiss nebula estim distance cosmic closeup span 100 lightyears,sharpless,2013-06-14,538,86,0.0981481481481481,06-14,6,2013,14,4,0,5 6d8f4b0683bf6e2dae72221151876615879066906455dea0926028c61ce7bb12,yuri beletski,five hour period last tuesday morning exposur captur tantal view meteor streak milki way dark sky la campana observatori chile time astronom hope see outburst gamma delphinid meteor shower earth swept dust trail left unknown comet name shower radiant point constel brief strong outburst report bright moonlit sky june 10 1930 strong delphinid meteor activ report since outburst tent predict occur 2013 even though tuesday sky dark overal rate meteor field low three lower meteor streak seem point back shower estim radiant,meteor mysteri,2013-06-15,522,82,0.106060606060606,06-15,6,2013,15,6,0,1 e6fe6b5dc04402a933396a790d09ee3a6ca917b47c812f96a372c90ed81b8110,wang letian,first apod appear eighteen year ago today 1995 june 16 although garner 14 day proud estim apod serv one billion spacerel imag past eighteen years earli beginning along nearli unchang format allow apod consist familiar site web frequent fill change mani peopl know though apod translat daili mani major languages thank readers astrophotographers nasa continu support ask potenti congratulatori email go year volunt around world translat apod daily mani time consider apod imag featur spectacular collag apod classic film submit apod enthusiast skill digit imag manipulation mani apod imag identify apod also avail in arabic bahasa indonesian catalan chinese chinese czech dutch farsi farsi galego german french hebrew japanese polish portuguese romanian russian slovenian spanish thai turkish,apod turn,2013-06-16,791,117,0.1315104166666666,06-16,6,2013,16,8,2,4 4ed9e57b69bc38b62ba7dc38d6dfa623ac8514ed59b2cd299c252d0a469218a6,none,creat long nearli straight groov mars dub linear gullies appear side sandi slope martian spring nearli constant extend long two kilometers rais bank along sides unlik water flows appear area dri debri downhil end lead hypothesi actual test earth linear gulli caus chunk carbon dioxid ice dri ice break slide hill sublim gas eventu complet evapor thin air true natur may well provid futur adventur smooth ride escap carbon dioxide recentlyreleas imag taken 2006 hiris camera board nasa mar reconnaiss orbit current orbit mars astrophysicists brows 600 code astrophys sourc code librari,dri ice streak mar,2013-06-17,586,92,0.05,06-17,6,2013,17,5,2,4 570db1757d84afc9c113b3b58e7a9e9757aaaa5a848557012f37b64cca24c72a,john h annotation judi schmidt,mani differ astronom phenomena come togeth creat first foreground crater lake caldera creat volcan planet earth year ago next insid lake water although origin water crater melt origin water earth gener unclear possibl relat ancient ici bodies next green glow sky airglow light emit atom high earth atmospher recombin night separ day energet sunlight mani point light sky stars glow nuclear fusion far atmospher nearbi sun milki way galaxy finally bright arch across imag central band milki way much away average nearbi stars shape mostli gravity contrari appearances milki way band glow illumin airglow imag panorama taken two week ago oregon usa,milki way crater lake airglow,2013-06-19,647,102,0.155,06-19,6,2013,19,6,2,4 196f11eea38d7e8303c2f6fbef01cc824ec027ec1b579086b6f86400d8169f66,alessandro falesiedi,sharp telescop view magnific edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 3628 show puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course deep galact portrait put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons extend flare warp spiral disk,edgeon ngc 3628,2013-06-20,457,69,0.0649999999999999,06-20,6,2013,20,7,0,3 4942b773b3c644211839ea3ab08b8d050ceba9fee6463c5e8de30abf644d22c2,danilo pivato,today solstic univers time sun reach northernmost declin yearli journey planet earth sky june solstic mark astronom begin summer northern hemispher winter south also bring north longest day longest period sunris sunset composit imag follow sun path toward end june solstic day 2012 approach western horizon colorful clear sky scene look north west along tyrrhenian sea coast santa italy appear welltim sequence small figur photograph illumin wall town mediev castle,solstic sunset self portrait,2013-06-21,465,70,0.0375,06-21,6,2013,21,1,0,1 7308561ded37adc2e6bef7c7a61bdb5b2292f480b120635ec12ed549746bdeae,anthoni ayiomam,big bright beauti full moon rise sunset sunday exact full phase june 23 ut occur shortli reach perigee closest point earth moon orbit make largest full moon 2013 circumst rare full lunar phase fall near moon orbit perige everi 14 lunar months mean follow full perige moon august 10 2014 14th full moon june 23 may 5 2012 14 full moon ago inspir telescop night skyscap captur full perige moon rise cape sounion greec ancient templ poseidon,full moon,2013-06-22,438,77,0.2741071428571429,06-22,6,2013,22,2,1,1 9122266cad3ff6c96b2335980d0be1e6721e97956ded7c4e6971711af6c67bc4,none,could look across venu radar eyes might see comput reconstruct surfac venu creat data magellan spacecraft magellan orbit venu use radar map neighbor planet surfac 1990 1994 magellan found mani interest surfac features includ larg circular domes typic 25kilomet across depict above volcan thought creat domes although precis mechan remain unknown venus surfac hot hostil surfac probe last minutes,venus molten surfac,2013-06-23,397,59,0.0375,06-23,6,2013,23,8,0,2 229e0e23b03f6cacff91c4ecafb8b0bad62e0e8511358fc0a77f6864e351f1fd,none,what happen spiral galaxy hundr million year ago ngc 2936 upper two larg galaxi shown like normal spiral galaxi spinning creat star mind business got close massiv ellipt galaxi ngc 2937 took dive dub porpois galaxi icon shape ngc 2936 deflect also distort close gravit interaction burst young blue star form nose porpois toward left upper galaxy center spiral appear eye alternatively galaxi pair togeth known arp 142 look like penguin protect egg either way intric dark dust lane bright blue star stream trail troubl galaxi lower right recentlyreleas imag show arp 142 unpreced detail taken hubbl space telescop last year arp 142 lie 300 million light year away toward constellation coincidently water snake hydra billion year two galaxi like merg one larger galaxy new mirror apod english,porpois galaxi hubbl,2013-06-24,792,128,0.0951298701298701,06-24,6,2013,24,7,2,3 f7cf4cae5ed6fc64cdf8c26d200665f600aacb435954949fba5ddfc674c3b1eb,none,mar look around specifically one area pick promis hold clue mar ancient life better search tell robot curios rover took seri detail imag locat call rock nest 900 imag compos one highest resolut imag ever creat red planet composit contain one billion pixels shown above toward middl imag mosaic mt sharp central peak larg crater curios rover land current exploring interact zoomabl version imag avail here next years curios schedul roll toward peak ancient mt sharp keep lookout distinguish geolog chemic,rock nest panorama curios mar,2013-06-25,505,81,0.03125,06-25,6,2013,25,5,0,2 ec68d5b26e5844bb3e17ddfce07da2e66151aeebd12f3e1cc89ec6fb7b89b25c,lorenzocomolli,andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid imag m31 taken small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ acquir unusu doublepeak center,m31 andromeda galaxi,2013-06-26,535,82,0.085576923076923,06-26,6,2013,26,7,0,3 7f5b90a51c0567ae5b4a788bffadc87ead26521408c2354cb9d95702fb287c22,lui argerich,full perige moon rose sun set last sunday closest earth was year brightest largest full moon also known super moon seen argentina mouth rio de la plata near bueno aires super moon light creat magnific circular lunar halo still size lunar halo determin geometri six water ice crystal planet earth high thin clouds crystal deflect ray moonlight strongli minimum angl 22 degrees halo inner radiu 22 degrees like halo moons even common super moon beauti 22 degre halo spot time year,super moon halo,2013-06-28,478,81,0.1738461538461538,06-28,6,2013,28,2,1,1 ed37c9bc4b549757afcce2156c81388cbe16b50b619275b25c0d1d41cc3000a4,digitalastronomi,known earth sunset comet panstarr c2011 l4 night now northern hemispher skygazers telescop requir track progress fade head outer solar system planet earth pass comet orbit plane late may panstarr also rememb remark long antitail edgeon perspect look along broad fannedout dust tail trail behind comet creat appear antitail point sunward direction back toward inner solar system record night may 27 13 pane mosaic shown posit neg views follow panstarrs antitail stretch 7 degre comet coma far right antitail like much longer get lost evening bright moonlight encroach left edg scene background star cluster ngc 188 cepheu show along way near top left,tail comet,2013-06-29,649,103,0.0732142857142857,06-29,6,2013,29,3,2,1 6924f087464bc7a0d999967fca37322622eab2fc942edf2bfb3c3d7c964791aa,imag,lie bottom hyperion strang craters nobody sure help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop past spongetextur moon 2005 2010 took imag unpreced detail imag 2005 pass shown fals color show remark world strewn strang crater gener odd surface slight differ color like show differ surfac composition bottom crater lie type unknown dark material inspect imag show bright featur indic dark materi might ten meter thick places hyperion 250 kilomet across rotat chaotically densiti low might hous vast system cavern inside,saturn hyperion moon odd crater,2013-06-30,527,82,-0.0069444444444444,06-30,6,2013,30,5,0,2 27d40d205da26202642f549cb88a548356ea196cb61b6fdee2f46e60cfc7e8b1,bill,may appear first like galaxi produc lightning realli earth foreground picturesqu nighttim landscap greek island town light surround lake visibl farther distanc light town greek mainland distant sky thunderstorm threatening two lightn stroke caught togeth 45 second wideangl exposur taken midmay lightn branch left appear strike near wherea lightn strike right appear strike near mount greek island much farther distance strewn sky hundr star neighborhood sun milki way galaxy furthest away arch entir panorama billion star togeth compos central band milki way news youtub video yesterday russian rocket explos,star lightn greec,2013-07-03,609,89,0.109047619047619,07-03,7,2013,3,6,2,1 8b2a59578739729d6814e6bfc99ebbad9e9ee0114aa335a3acbddb66d7a39bd5,ken crawford,also known cigar galaxi elong visual appearance m82 starburst galaxi superwind fact ensu supernova explos power wind massiv stars burst star format m82 drive prodigi outflow evid superwind galaxy central region clear sharp telescop snapshot composit imag highlight emiss long outflow filament atom hydrogen ga reddish hues ga superwind enrich heavi element forg massiv stars eventu escap intergalact space includ narrow band imag data deep exposur reveal faint featur dub cap perch 35000 lightyear galaxi upper left cap appear galact halo material materi ioniz superwind shock intens ultraviolet radiat young massiv star galaxy core trigger close encount nearbi larg galaxi m81 furiou burst star format m82 last 100 million year so m82 12 million lightyear distant near northern boundari ursa major,m82 starburst galaxi superwind,2013-07-04,798,121,-0.0408333333333333,07-04,7,2013,4,7,2,4 09068d3c56ab6ad1f0c3121c3be4929dd54400c172fbcb2fc27cd95d9f886a7f,damian peach,13000 lightyear away toward southern constel pavo globular star cluster ngc 6752 roam halo milki way galaxy 10 billion year old ngc 6752 follow cluster omega centauri 47 tucana third brightest globular planet earth night sky hold 100 thousand star sphere 100 lightyear diameter telescop explor ngc 6752 found remark fraction star near cluster core multipl star systems also reveal presenc blue straggl stars star appear young massiv exist cluster whose star expect least twice old sun blue straggler thought form star merger collis dens stellar environ cluster core sharp color composit also featur cluster ancient red giant star yellowish hues,globular star cluster ngc 6752,2013-07-05,644,101,0.0173076923076923,07-05,7,2013,5,6,2,3 b606b637c92ca63e28ec0b76ecec5ffaa42c584d419cb0f77c9248941b1763f0,none,univers fill galaxies see astronom must look beyond star galaxy milki way color hubbl space telescop portrait featur spiral galaxi ngc 6384 80 million lightyear away direct constel ophiuchus distance ngc 6384 span estim 150000 lightyears hubbl closeup galaxy central region 70000 lightyear wide sharp imag show detail distant galaxy blue star cluster dust lane along magnific spiral arms bright core domin yellowish starlight still individu star seen pictur rel close foreground well within galaxy brighter milki way star show notic crosses diffract spikes caus telescop itself,ngc 6384 spiral beyond star,2013-07-06,577,87,0.0678571428571428,07-06,7,2013,6,7,0,3 25e4350ca7c3f1a375a8380b9873c578fd3815860b9439f8ec7168bb8b3e3b0d,adam block,beauti celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine upper left reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae compact red emiss region streamer obscur dust backdrop stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star pictur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel unicorn monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 15 lightyear across follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,ngc 2170 still life reflect dust,2013-07-07,569,89,0.05,07-07,7,2013,7,4,0,5 2af5aad2bd5724f7a28df210f5a2f7d33f63b3641d1879287531b060f3d9c2d3,none,pluto newli discov moon names known previous p4 intern astronom union given fourth fifth discov moon pluto name kerbero small moon discov 2011 2012 hubbl space telescop prepar close pass new horizon spacecraft pluto 2015 kerbero name mani head dog greek mytholog guard entranc name goddess mytholog river run earth relat name pluto rule mythic nether region reflect unknown size moon quit uncertain estim 20 kilomet diameter robot new horizon spacecraft schedul pass pluto 2015 provid first clear imag dwarf planet companions,pluto newli discov moon name,2013-07-08,526,82,0.0117845117845117,07-08,7,2013,8,2,0,2 cadd9dd961cd1a3e178c0e6c43b9db1ad260366ea89af93503cc1e80112c0fed,jose francisco hernandez altamira observatory,supergi star gamma cygni lie center northern cross famou aster constel swan cygnus known proper name sadr bright star also lie center gorgeou skyscape featur complex stars dust clouds glow nebula along plane milki way galaxy field view span 3 degre six full moons sky includ emiss nebula ic 1318 open star cluster ngc 6910 left gamma cygni shape like two glow cosmic wing divid long dark dust lane ic 1318 popular name understand butterfli nebula slightli left gamma cygni young still tightli group star ngc 6910 distanc estim gamma cygni place around 1800 lightyear estim ic 1318 ngc 6910 rang 2000 5000 lightyears,supergi star gamma cygni,2013-07-09,615,104,0.075,07-09,7,2013,9,4,2,5 6b8b756c72944676d821cb5565fc0d2a7bc0f1ea33b247041b92d7898763d3b9,damian peach,one largest sunspot region recent year cross sun region convolut magnet field may well produc solar flare releas cloud energet particl solar system power cloud impact earth magnetosphere could danger earthorbit astronaut satellites conversely impact even less energet cloud might creat picturesqu aurora pictur sunspot region appear two day ago rightmost part region catalog ar left part ar darkest sunspot region contain nearli vertic magnet field call surround bronz region clearli show magnet flux tube call churn solar granules mani 1000 km across compos yellow background region one know sunspot region do space weather research monitor closely random apod click surf univers,larg sunspot cross sun,2013-07-10,682,102,-0.1111111111111111,07-10,7,2013,10,1,2,4 e4f005e6d9803fa33462073270ce9202ae7911605551602966d2cf78097a30a7,bob frank,complex dusti nebula linger along edg tauru molecular cloud mere 450 lightyear distant star form cosmic scene includ extrem youth star ry tauri promin toward upper left 15 degre wide telescop field fact ry tauri premain sequenc star embed natal cloud ga dust also catalog reflect nebula vdb 27 highli variable star still rel cool late phase gravit collapse soon becom stable low mass main sequenc star stage stellar evolut achiev sun 45 billion year ago anoth premain sequenc star v1023 tauri spot right embed yellowish dust cloud adjac strike blue reflect nebula ced 30,dusti nebula tauru,2013-07-11,570,95,-0.019047619047619,07-11,7,2013,11,4,0,5 b1ccd201e185f7a73da8824fda59ced31c0eaa23be79b0a971139494ce95c2b6,fernando cabrerizo,fifteen degre wide field view stretch across crowd starfield sagittariu toward center milki way galaxy fact center galaxi lie near right edg rich starscap eleven bright star cluster nebula fall near center frame eleven number entri catalog compil 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier gain celebr statu skygazers m8 m16 m17 m20 show telltal reddish hue emiss nebula associ star form regions also eyecatch small telescop star cluster crowd m18 m21 m22 m23 m25 broader extent star cluster themselves m24 actual cloud milki way star thousand lightyear long seen break galaxy veil obscur dust put cursor imag or click here help identifi messier eleven,messier eleven,2013-07-12,651,104,0.0717261904761904,07-12,7,2013,12,6,2,5 341bfdeda44d95124d082e9e8223f91734ceb3c30cca3d3d740d062b5a5f8de5,hunter,redden ray set sun flood sky creek lake southeast dallas texas planet earth juli 6th sunset may watch celesti event one even offer someth extra sunspot larg visibl nake eye captur seren sunset view near center solar disk dim distort earth dens telescop view reveal spot complex larg solar activ region compos sunspots larger planet earth itself,sunspot sunset,2013-07-13,344,57,-0.0333333333333333,07-13,7,2013,13,1,0,1 d1c62f51667c0d75e0cbc4b264698af52822f5fdb1b1f926fdd476cc2306ff35,emanuel colognato jim wood,light castl star formation familiar eagl nebula glow bright mani color once imag composit three glow ga colors pillar dark dust nice outlin denser tower star formation energet light young massiv star caus ga glow effect boil away part dust ga birth pillar mani star explod sever million years return element back nebula form them process form open cluster star known m16 random apod click surf univers,pillar eagl castl,2013-07-14,401,67,0.1925,07-14,7,2013,14,4,1,5 7da94c354f1d4aa35683dbd6f6dae51c6ae84dfb2804b0654dc1c8c3ed7ec6a3,gardner ryan hannaho,what go center spiral galaxy name sombrero galaxi hatlik resemblance m104 featur promin dust lane bright halo star globular clusters reason sombrero hatlik appear includ unusu larg extend central bulg stars dark promin dust lane appear disk see nearli edgeon billion old star caus diffus glow extend central bulg visibl imag 200inch hale telescope close inspect central bulg show mani point light actual globular clusters m104 spectacular dust ring harbor mani younger brighter stars show intric detail astronom yet fulli understand center sombrero glow across electromagnet spectrum thought hous larg black hole fifti millionyearold light sombrero galaxi seen small telescop toward constel virgo astrophysicists brows 600 code astrophys sourc code librari,sombrero galaxi hale,2013-07-15,756,111,0.0955555555555555,07-15,7,2013,15,7,2,3 a2a9223c19ed017502756c8a53ce6546cad5214a587cca3acef19ac37fdaaf56,joey mole,what happen water pictur one better imag yet record waterspout type tornado occur water waterspout spin column rise moist air typic form warm water waterspout danger tornado featur wind speed 200 kilomet per hour waterspout form away thunderstorm even rel fair weather waterspout may rel transpar initi visibl unusu pattern creat water imag taken earlier month near tampa bay florida atlant ocean coast florida arguabl activ area world waterspouts hundr form year peopl specul waterspout respons loss record bermuda triangle,waterspout florida,2013-07-17,524,80,0.38,07-17,7,2013,17,8,1,1 7d212701c8aa5cc62a95e2f67caad03d1a46b938005be841536bc3e37ec06b55,stephen leshin,similar size large bright spiral galaxi neighborhood ic 342 mere 10 million lightyear distant longnecked northern constel camelopardalis sprawl island universe ic 342 would otherwis promin galaxi night sky hidden clear view glimps veil stars ga dust cloud along plane milki way galaxy even though ic 342 light dim interven cosmic clouds deep telescop imag trace galaxy obscur dust blue star clusters glow pink star form region along spiral arm wind far galaxy core ic 342 may undergon recent burst star format activ close enough gravit influenc evolut local group galaxi milki way interplanetari group photo sure smile wave saturn,hidden galaxi ic 342,2013-07-18,630,100,0.0859788359788359,07-18,7,2013,18,7,2,3 fd47a65c03655079d8e85ee37d1f6a872dfebfaea15d26b3289b02d9c5f34051,tunç tezel,take pictur saturn sky tonight could captur view like one record last month look toward south planet earth ruin ancient templ athena turkey foreground moon rise far left frame saturn bright star upper right near virgo alpha star spica take pictur saturn wave saturn take picture share onlin saturn mosaic project take pictur tonight cassini spacecraft orbit saturn take pictur you interplanetari news photo op cassini messeng sure smile wave,take pictur saturn,2013-07-19,442,70,0.2206349206349206,07-19,7,2013,19,0,1,2 6f59cbba43942398f5a7ca51a3e31384c9b3c7ef80981828b6cca2287a4a23c3,nick martin,sweep high eclipt plane comet lemmon fade dramat planet earth night sky head outer solar system 16 lightminut 2 au sun still sport greenish coma though pose right 4 degre wide telescop view last saturday deep sky star cluster nebula cassiopeia fact rich background skyscap typic within boundari boast northern constel lie along crowd starfield milki way includ near center open star cluster m52 5000 lightyear away around 11000 lightyear distant red glow nebula ngc 7635 left m52 wellknown appear closeup imag bubbl nebula fade comet lemmon foreground object scene faint streak right orbit satellit caught cross field long exposure glint sunlight wink pass earth shadow interplanetari news photo op cassini messeng sure smile wave,comet lemmon deep sky,2013-07-20,731,115,0.0556015037593985,07-20,7,2013,20,6,2,5 3a51ecde7dbef4405188c0f80cb12d68418e739dde2627bbfd3fa901272ef654,none,sinc saturn axi tilt orbit sun saturn seasons like planet earth saturn season last seven years season saturn now orbit equator tilt ring saturn provid quit graphic season display year 2016 saturn ring increasingli appar appear nearli edgeon 2009 ring planet also well place even sky provid grand view summer come saturn northern hemispher winter south hubbl space telescop took sequenc imag year apart start left 1996 end right 2000 although look solid saturn ring like less 50 meter thick consist individu orbit bit ice rock rang size grain sand barnsiz boulders follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,season saturn,2013-07-21,628,103,0.029004329004329,07-21,7,2013,21,0,2,1 ac9edb093650328ca905a1d6c753668cb082e4c71b02c78c0648edbd548af4a9,none,here everyon ever known here everi human ever live here pictur earthmoon system captur cassini mission orbit saturn outer solar system earth brighter bluer two spot near center moon visibl lower right imag earth saturn taken friday quickli releas unprocess imag releas saturday show sever streak star rather cosmic ray struck digit camera take image process imag releas earlier today nearli time mani human earth snap pictur saturn note today apod updated,earth moon saturn,2013-07-22,456,72,0.0602968460111317,07-22,7,2013,22,0,0,2 aff333fa16b5379456ba8583f8074ba945395dc0bef3851f58054ef0bf8bad97,none,system interplanetari first earth photograph day mercuri saturn pictur left earth pale blue dot ring saturn captur robot cassini spacecraft orbit ga giant pictur right earthmoon system seen dark background captur robot messeng spacecraft orbit mercury messeng image earth left moon right shine brightli reflect sunlight messeng took overexpos imag last friday part search small natur satellit innermost planet moon would expect quit dim day human across planet earth snap mani pictur saturn,two view earth,2013-07-23,490,73,0.0239560439560439,07-23,7,2013,23,0,0,2 8c8ff7a703c854831ef4e32359675276c08a7f097a9925c3234f8992c717f05e,máximo ruiz,beauti trifid nebula cosmic studi contrasts also known m20 lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid illustr three differ type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light emit hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette bright red emiss region roughli separ three part obscur dust lanes lend trifid popular name sharp color scene red emiss also surround telltal blue haze reflect nebulae pillar jet sculpt newborn stars left emiss nebula center appear hubbl space telescop closeup imag region trifid nebula 40 lightyear across,beauti trifid,2013-07-25,653,100,0.1307692307692307,07-25,7,2013,25,4,2,5 68799ff0ef7cb74a970ad2e5c05d4cb2de226dd7dfdc3cac9200158ac3a14444,juan lozano de haro,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus course cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long composit record narrow band filter transmit light ioniz hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom region result imag highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within obscur cosmic dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees closeup mosaic cover 2 degre wide field size 4 full moons,elephant trunk ic 1396,2013-07-26,603,94,0.014326923076923,07-26,7,2013,26,4,2,5 78c94627c4044e151da2e2abf8041589098ede5335223aafaa5eef96b0a66f72,yuri beletski,storm cloud sometim come chile atacama desert known driest place earth wash night sky last month winter season captur panoram view drift cosmic cloud welcom region astronom resid though includ dark dust cloud silhouett crowd starfield nebula central milki way right center lie larg magellan cloud appropri name appear starri southern skies citi light 200 kilomet distant still glow along horizon right bright star canopu shine cloudi sky,cloudi night,2013-07-27,437,68,0.1321428571428571,07-27,7,2013,27,6,1,1 2f07e263cf73deb6b7ec0d2f14a4e49915de61f92b5a69a227d226ee8bf1beb0,none,one galaxi two question came light 1950 astronom art hoag chanc upon unusu extragalact object outsid ring domin bright blue stars near center lie ball much redder star like much older two gap appear almost complet dark hoag object form remain unknown although similar object identifi collect label form ring galaxy genesi hypothes includ galaxi collis billion year ago gravit effect central bar sinc vanished photo taken hubbl space telescop juli 2001 reveal unpreced detail hoag object recent observ radio wave indic hoag object accret smaller galaxi past billion years hoag object span 100000 light year lie 600 million light year away toward constel snake serpens coincidentally visibl gap at one oclock yet anoth ring galaxi like lie far distance follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,hoag object strang ring galaxi,2013-07-28,814,131,0.0933333333333333,07-28,7,2013,28,7,2,4 f9f9d57d908b6d472ec748e92b4d1324166311b64540e47af5cd681fe548af03,none,solar eclipse pictur busi vista moon ring taken saturn larg circular object center imag titan largest moon saturn one intrigu object entir solar system dark spot center main solid part moon bright surround ring atmospher haze titan ga scatter sunlight camera oper onboard robot cassini spacecraft cut horizont across imag ring saturn seen nearli edg on lower right titan enceladus small moon saturn sinc imag taken point nearli sun surfac titan enceladu appear silhouette ring saturn appear similar photograph negative look realli realli close enceladus see hint ici jet shoot toward bottom image jet inspir futur propos land enceladus burrow ice search sign extraterrestri life,saturn titan rings haze,2013-07-29,678,105,0.0252380952380952,07-29,7,2013,29,0,2,2 f7dddd9c282ad76d14c4f1c062e4bb8b1ff2418e6b72ffcbc94212c7a43b695f,none,1787 astronom william herschel discov ngc 2392 ground ngc 2392 resembl person head surround parka hood 2000 hubbl space telescop imag ngc 2392 visibl light nebula imag xray chandra xray observatori 2007 combin ray image xray emit central hot ga shown pink releas last week space nebula display ga cloud complex fulli understood ngc 2392 clearli planetari nebula ga seen compos outer layer sunlik star 10000 year ago inner filament visibl eject strong wind particl central star outer disk contain unusu lightyear long orang filaments ngc 2392 nebula span 13 light year lie milki way galaxy 3000 light year distant toward constel twin gemini,ngc 2392 hubbl chandra,2013-07-30,639,104,0.1025641025641025,07-30,7,2013,30,4,2,5 e495104cada3de9a85e8812508b044bcbaf27d593f403cc6bb1a0bf920ccf451,rogelio bernal andreo,intrigu monument found taiwan citi split two sides straddl special circl latitud planet earth near 235 degre north known tropic cancer point along tropic cancer northernmost locat sun pass directli overhead event occur year northern hemisphere summer solstice latitud defin tropic cancer correspond tilt planet earth rotat axi respect orbit plane name refer zodiac constel cancer crab histor sun posit within cancer northern summer solstice precess earth axis solstic sun current within boundari taurus starri night scene otherwis white structur color citi lights orang side south tropic cancer white side north course southern hemispher counterpart tropic cancer call tropic capricorn,,2013-08-02,685,100,0.0761904761904762,08-02,8,2013,2,1,2,4 fbbd338847a44d12277662e8afe41465f49f2e5835c6838977d577f00b83b441,none,like downtown area favorit citi selfrespect web site io surfac constantli construction moon jupit hold distinct solar system volcan activ bodi bizarr look surfac continu form reform lava flows gener use 1996 data nasa galileo spacecraft high resolut composit imag center side io alway face away jupiter enhanc emphas io surfac bright color variations reveal featur small 15 mile across notabl absenc impact crater suggest entir surfac cover new volcan deposit much rapidli crater created drive volcan powerhouse like energi sourc chang gravit tide caus jupit galilean moon io orbit massiv ga giant planet heat io interior pump tide would gener sulfur volcan activity,io surface construct,2013-08-04,668,104,0.1432954545454545,08-04,8,2013,4,8,2,4 b5dae0e7d95d046ae954a1be2071ad4520394a94ef849f40c4fd666c7585fe11,none,strang shape textur found neighborhood cone nebula unusu shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars brightest star right pictur mon region nicknam fox fur nebula color structure blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star red glow encompass whole region result dust reflect also emiss hydrogen ga ioniz starlight mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros even though point right mon detail origin mysteri geometr cone nebula visibl far left remain mystery,vicin cone nebula,2013-08-06,616,96,0.1963585434173669,08-06,8,2013,6,4,2,5 54c449134b089f2e74155a19c2664c2e18980d7a3952f88a9b94b8e4d5968341,jame imag inspir annotation judi schmidt,what go behind mountain quit bit first all mountain itself name kirkjufell quit old locat western iceland near town front steeplyslop structur lie fjord begun freez imag taken middecemb 2012 although quit faint unaid eye beauti color background aurora becam quit appar 25second exposure make imag particular note though also captur streak geminid meteor shower meteor might evid aurora much brighter far distance left band milki way galaxy star local part milki way appear spread across background weekend perseid meteor shower peak may well provid sky enthusiast memor visual experiences follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,meteor aurora iceland,2013-08-07,654,101,0.0011111111111111,08-07,8,2013,7,6,2,1 f3e83e5fc6e60a7e5786f4dd433275bd6b2ee8adc0c2256309b717b66257d435,none,similar size grand design milki way spiral galaxi ngc 3370 lie 100 million lightyear away toward constel leo record exquisit detail hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys big beauti faceon spiral steal show sharp imag also reveal impress array background galaxi field strewn across distant universe look within ngc 3370 imag data prove sharp enough studi individu pulsat star known cepheid use accur determin galaxy distance ngc 3370 chosen studi 1994 spiral galaxi also home well studi stellar explos type ia supernova combin known distanc standard candl supernova base cepheid measurements observ supernova even greater distances reveal size expans rate univers itself gallery recent supernova nearbi spiral m74,ngc 3370 sharper view,2013-08-08,719,108,0.0083333333333333,08-08,8,2013,8,7,2,3 84c52d192cc4da0cd8fa220fb9c569489e1e08ac9c3b713a59ebd877b0ff10b3,sebastian voltmer,mediev castl nestl tree near northern bank river town austria clear night sky august 12 2012 stood constel northern summer includ aquarius aquila faint compact delphinu abov right center skyview scene also captur bright meteor castl walls part annual perseid meteor shower trail point back toward heroic constel perseu high horizon earli morn hours enter atmospher 60 kilomet per second perseid meteor swept dust grain tail comet swifttuttle course year perseid meteor flash night sky weekend,perseid castl,2013-08-09,492,76,0.1445714285714285,08-09,8,2013,9,8,1,1 c84a73d07fa5773e2322003bfeaa1e2319d73ce1a68ebca27e7e9587eca66ccb,babak tafreshi,two bright meteor flash night skyscap august 7 part ongo perseid meteor shower direct indic color streaks shower radiant eponym constel perseu upper right north star polaris near center short arc star trail upper left also name pose sky monasteri built daunt sandston cliff foreground part world heritag site histor complex lofti locat near central greece,perseid,2013-08-10,355,56,0.0738095238095238,08-10,8,2013,10,6,0,1 151e8acdb7fa86ea3249633f673708705ec6e6c20ca07c107aff46e0f642016f,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers 100 billion stars 32 million lightyear away toward constel pisces m74 present gorgeou faceon view classifi sc galaxy grand design m74 grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes construct imag data record 2003 2005 sharp composit hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys span 30000 lightyear across face m74 includ exposur record emiss hydrogen atoms highlight reddish glow galaxy larg starform regions recently mani astronom track bright supernova seen m74 gallery highlight 2013 perseid meteor shower,m74 perfect spiral,2013-08-11,590,88,0.2325,08-11,8,2013,11,7,1,3 8bb78b98bed01b0c5c488b02ffb4ac2037b694f67e457f5f87909e3939a79d95,none,asteroid dangerous are likelihood danger asteroid strike earth given year low past mass extinct event link asteroid impacts however human made prioriti find catalog asteroid may one day affect life earth pictur orbit 1000 known potenti hazard asteroid phas document tumbl boulder rock ice 140 meter across pass within 75 million kilomet earth 20 time distanc moon although none strike earth next 100 year pha discovered past 100 years mani orbit becom hard predict asteroid size impact earth could rais danger tsunamis example cours rock ice bit much smaller size strike earth everi day usual pose danger sometim creat memor firebal meteor displays gallery highlight 2013 perseid meteor shower,orbit potenti hazard asteroid,2013-08-12,695,109,-0.2041666666666667,08-12,8,2013,12,8,2,2 932471abad6d48bc4ac1236827b3d034d2e8b180c951747b2957d7237b88c84e,van annotation judi schmidt,meteor come from term direct sky point answer constel perseus meteor shower peak past day known perseid meteor appear come radiant toward perseus three dimensionally however sandsiz debri expel comet swifttuttl follow welldefin orbit sun part orbit approach earth superpos front perseus therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear perseus pictur above composit 13 earli imag year pereid meteor shower show mani bright meteor streak sky night august 11 near ontario canada gallery highlight 2013 perseid meteor shower,perseid meteor ontario,2013-08-13,533,80,0.1083333333333333,08-13,8,2013,13,8,1,1 56c156107295fb5915428639a7fe6cce6654e5e5b956a1c1d6268b327897dd63,yen,took three world creat simpl image first world earth quit prominent divid line run horizont middl separ sea sky part earth almost second world moon almost invisible moon unillumin half mask red sunset glow earth sky thin sliver new moon visible crescent trace bright curv line third world sun appear directly light record imag origin sun exposur taken last week minut imag taken earth spun littl bit moon follow sun sea horizon becom dark astrophysicists brows 600 code astrophys sourc code librari,moonset,2013-08-14,500,82,0.1058080808080808,08-14,8,2013,14,2,0,1 e1519b284d09f3ff4751d00613f088e60eed0a68d761a5f3fe8eece1cbf92ce9,none,astronom version search sourc astronom strong evid origin magellan stream composit imag show long ribbon gas discov radio wavelength 1970s pinkish hue optic allski view across plane milki way galaxy larg small magellan clouds dwarf satellit galaxi milki way seen near head stream right data hubble cosmic origin spectrograph use explor abund element along quasar intersect stream result indic materi come small magellan cloud magellan stream like result gravit tidal interact two dwarf galaxi 2 billion year ago small magellan cloud lose materi encount lower mass gallery new bright nova delphinu,magellan stream,2013-08-15,596,91,0.095045695045695,08-15,8,2013,15,6,2,4 0b5b57a535e5160d722daf4fc3ad84f81d18fdad100e9cf2bc4b3b5d517b7aef,jimmi westlak,use small telescop scan sky august 14 japanes amateur astronom koichi itagaki discov star within boundari constel delphinus indic skyview captur august 15 stagecoach colorado appropri design nova delphini 2013 sagitta arrow point way locat high even sky far bright star altair aster known northern hemispher skygaz summer triangle nova report easi spot binoculars near limit nakedey visibl dark skies fact previou deep sky chart show much fainter known star about 17th magnitude posit nova indic star appar bright suddenli increas 25000 times star undergo cataclysm change spectrum nova delphini indic classic nova interact binari star system one star dense hot white dwarf materi cool giant companion star fall onto surfac white dwarf build trigger thermonuclear event drastic increas bright expand shell debri result star destroyed classic nova believ recur flow materi onto white dwarf resum produc anoth outburst gallery nova delphini 2013,nova delphini 2013,2013-08-16,944,143,0.1549122807017544,08-16,8,2013,16,6,2,4 397d4074f0f68b49d981fcd9c7bac6380f8f392345711337fe8b1cb83540d27c,ignaciodiaz bobillo,beauti cosmic cloud popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius eighteenth centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog bright nebula m8 modern day astronom recogn lagoon nebula activ stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear distant direct center milki way galaxy hot star embed open star cluster ngc 6530 power nebular glow remark featur trace sharp picture show lagoon filament glow ga dark dust clouds twist near center lagoon small bright hourglass shape turbul result extrem stellar wind intens starlight allur color view captur telescop digit camera m8 high dark rural argentina skies nebula estim distance pictur span 60 lightyears gallery nova delphini 2013,m8 lagoon nebula,2013-08-17,658,99,0.1228947368421052,08-17,8,2013,17,4,2,5 7a7255ff20fdcf4573d3c23680df918881b53611c359ffe9cfa305f24e865d6c,none,skylab orbit laboratori launch saturn v rocket may 1973 skylab pictur above visit three time nasa astronaut sometim stay long two half months mani scientif test perform skylab includ astronom observ ultraviolet xray light observ yield valuabl inform comet kohoutek sun mysteri xray background radiat come sky skylab fell back earth 1979 juli 11 highlight 2013 perseid meteor shower,skylab earth,2013-08-18,382,59,0.0366666666666666,08-18,8,2013,18,8,0,2 38cc01bc2c92d1afff7bf43ae367af478ff329db34bf9135c9e3645e0b017401,none,unusu type solar eclips occur last year usual earth moon eclips sun last june unusually planet venu took turn like solar eclips moon phase venu becam continu thinner crescent venu becam increasingli better align sun eventu align becam perfect phase venu drop zero dark spot venu cross parent star situat could technic label venusian annular eclips extraordinarili larg ring fire pictur occultation sun imag three color ultraviolet light earthorbit solar dynam observatory dark region toward right correspond coron hole hour later venu continu orbit slight crescent phase appear again next venusian solar eclips occur 2117,venu tripli ultraviolet sun,2013-08-20,621,95,0.1192176870748299,08-20,8,2013,20,1,2,1 2fe862c08eb44ad066a9be97079cef1ed7a1effcd32563832497163a66732a2b,beij planetarium,comet dust rain planet earth earlier month streak dark sky annual perseid meteor shower enjoy anticip space weather prairie hebei province china astronom record seri 10 second long exposur span four hour night august 1213 use wide angl lens combin frame captur 68 meteor flashes produc composit view perseid summer although sandsiz comet particl travel parallel other result shower meteor clearli seem radiat singl point sky eponym constel perseus radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance next notabl meteor shower may orionid late october gallery highlight 2013 perseid meteor shower,perseid meteor china,2013-08-21,613,92,-0.0375,08-21,8,2013,21,3,0,1 85447eafb8bc0a3d8b4a5d151f7016e89dc9674e4a1f28275f3773980ee16912,césar blancogonzález,promin ridg emiss featur dramat skyscap catalog ic 5067 part larger emiss nebula distinct shape popularli call pelican nebula ridg span 10 lightyear follow curv cosmic pelican head neck fals color view also translat pervas glow narrow emiss line atom nebula color palett made popular hubbl space telescop imag star form regions fantastic dark shape inhabit 12 degre wide field cloud cool ga dust sculpt wind radiat hot massiv stars closeup sculpt cloud show clear sign newli form stars pelican nebula catalog ic 5070 2000 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus,ic 5067 pelican nebula,2013-08-22,601,98,0.2008333333333334,08-22,8,2013,22,4,2,5 95e96f461df2f3ee8501cb9a3c9919f2973e68a80409d436c7198f309661e8bc,jürg alean,new star appear constel delphinu late last week astronom found spectrum hint true nature known nova delphini 2013 visibl light spectrum near maximum bright center imag nearbi star field captur prism telescop night august 1617 switzerland strong absorpt line due hydrogen atom seen darkest band spectrum strong absorpt line border along edg bright band emission pattern spectral signatur materi blast type binari system known classic nova star field fainter identifi hipparcu catalog numbers bright spectral types chance faint emiss line planetari nebula ngc also indic lower right,spectrum nova delphini,2013-08-23,580,87,0.2112757034632034,08-23,8,2013,23,6,1,5 9d26bbd8cbde34c8e7b570f5f13a2ad658dc92b6a9e6e6e824cdd874d882e753,none,friendli photo collag construct 1400 imag share denizen planet earth part cassini mission juli 19th wave saturn event base pictur earth correspond view saturnorbit cassini spacecraft date camera record imag includ planet earth pale blue dot background course saturn astronom unit away time took light wave earth dweller 80 minut travel there want smile download zoom file collag imag avail here,earth wave saturn,2013-08-24,394,61,-0.062,08-24,8,2013,24,0,0,2 b9a29757718959235f0e2eefc00a3dc84235be6d387b0ef9c249c05c7e957ade,gemini observatori,becom galaxies spiral galaxi ngc 5426 ngc 5427 pass danger close other like surviv collision typic galaxi collide larg galaxi eat much smaller galaxy case however two galaxi quit similar sprawl spiral expans arm compact core galaxi advanc next ten million years compon star unlik collide although new star form bunch ga caus gravit tides close inspect imag taken 8meter geminisouth telescop chile show bridg materi momentarili connect two giants known collect arp 271 interact pair span 130000 light year lie 90 million lightyear away toward constel virgo recent predict hold milki way galaxi undergo similar collis neighbor andromeda galaxi billion years,collid spiral galaxi arp 271,2013-08-25,655,102,0.0457070707070707,08-25,8,2013,25,7,2,3 b6468c20fd825ee32c8ebbd3b88de6c9a9df1b15834212272f4722a800d2022d,none,one brightest planetari nebula sky named first discov 1878 nebula ngc 7027 seen toward constel swan cygnus standard backyard telescope partli appear indistinct spot rare refer moniker imag earthorbit hubbl space telescope however great detail revealed studi hubbl imag ngc 7027 led understand planetari nebula began expand 600 year ago cloud ga dust unusu massiv appear contain three time mass sun pictur assign colors resolved layered dustlac featur ngc 7027 might remind sky enthusiast familiar icon could basi inform name pleas feel free make suggest suggest recorded example onlin apod discuss forum,bright planetari nebula ngc 7027 hubbl,2013-08-26,605,92,0.3541666666666667,08-26,8,2013,26,4,1,5 c76dbb2eb976f2a6f48013c213e5c02c935f9e63abbe918abab0b28b2f61f278,lauri hatch,striking scene realli view planet earth sky strawberri red sun photograph august 22nd near small villag california usa found along highway locat 30 mile north origin california larg rim fire still threaten area around yosemit nation park extens smoke plume easili visibl space seen within plumes fine smoke particl suspend atmospher dim sun scatter blue light strongli color sky,strawberri sun,2013-08-29,378,59,0.1583333333333333,08-29,8,2013,29,1,1,1 1015141abf003efa9e66a379f0f5458fab57949735dc2cbfc996fe3ff6ad53c7,toni halla,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 larg nebula left center color m20 right third ngc 6559 m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant expans m8 hundr lightyear across also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid glow hydrogen ga creat domin red color emiss nebulae contrast blue hues strike trifid due dust reflect starlight color skyscap record telescop digit camera also includ one messier open star clusters m21 trifid,sagittariu triplet,2013-08-30,606,95,0.0907142857142857,08-30,8,2013,30,4,2,5 a5b8895de2c06e9a337b46f1bd0e5ef44d5fe18404e62cb9b76a8d496a9849cf,none,dwarf galaxi ngc 5195 best known smaller companion spiral m51 whirlpool galaxy seen togeth seem trace curv dot cosmic question mark record lord rosse 19th centuri draw one origin spiral nebulae dwarf enorm m51 aka ngc ngc 5195 span 20000 lightyears close encount m51 like trigger star format enhanc galaxy promin spiral arms process imag data avail hubbl legaci archive majest closeup ngc 5195 make clear dwarf galaxi lie behind m51 tidal bridg dark dust cloud young blue star cluster stretch outskirt m51 right appear silhouett dwarf galaxy yellowish glow famou pair interact galaxi lie 30 million lightyear away toward handl big dipper constel hunt dogs,ngc dot question mark,2013-08-31,655,106,0.1039682539682539,08-31,8,2013,31,7,2,3 6731670817a2f6901fa6aec12a241ae536931070b7194ad6dc642d75e75e5cfd,rosa,what milki way first across top image lie faint band planet sideway view central disk home milki way galaxy milki way band seen clear night anywher earth dark sky lie beneath is comparison much less common sight strike peak rock format locat natur badland northeast spain stand 50 meter tall rock spire includ clay sandston left thousand year eros wind water astrophotograph wait month sky appear right took 14 exposur compos imag singl night spanish follow apod web,milki way,2013-09-02,467,78,0.0017316017316017,09-02,9,2013,2,6,0,1 3dff397aeb711fcfd67f562eb75a4ff38841f1e29f753466ea523c8c1e54cf85,scott rosen,lie familiar shape unfamiliar locations left emiss nebula catalog ngc 7000 famou partli resembl fair planet contin north america emiss region right north america nebula ic 5070 also known suggest outlin pelican nebula separ dark cloud obscur dust two bright nebula 1500 lightyear away distance 4 degre wide field view span 100 lightyears spectacular cosmic portrait combin narrow band imag highlight bright ioniz front fine detail dark dusti form silhouette emiss atom hydrogen sulfur oxygen captur narrow band data nebula seen binocular dark location look northeast bright star deneb constel cygnu swan follow free astronomi cours,north america pelican,2013-09-03,631,96,0.2454613095238095,09-03,9,2013,3,4,2,5 d77f098480e3249527ef03557c07dcc858b3a644e08797163debbfd902a0b073,none,interstellar cloud one day evolv butterflyshap nebula one sure sure ira inside contract form new star outside however energet wind blow energet light erod away much ga dust might use form star therefore one sure mass result star have and therefore one know fate star wind light protostar near mass sun outer atmospher new star may one day expand planetari nebula possibl even one look like butterfly alternatively stellar cocoon retain enough mass massiv star form one day explod supernova erod protostellar nebula ira 203244057 span one light year lie 4500 light year away toward constel swan cygnus imag ira 203244057 taken hubbl space telescop 2006 releas last week battl graviti light like take 100000 year play out clever observ may yet yield tell clue well that,ira evapor protostar,2013-09-04,767,127,0.2640819964349376,09-04,9,2013,4,4,2,4 1dcf3de2cfc0ce476483903060bb185209da44de72012f1d90b1d64f66e68067,adam block,crab nebula catalog m1 first charl messier famou list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant expand cloud debri explos massiv star violent birth crab wit astronom year 1054 roughli 10 lightyear across today nebula still expand rate 1000 kilomet per second want watch crab nebula check video vimeo anim compar imag m1 taken 1999 european southern observatory one taken 2012 mt lemmon sky center background star use regist two images crab nebula lie 6500 lightyear away constel taurus,m1 incred expand crab,2013-09-05,490,79,-0.1083333333333333,09-05,9,2013,5,4,0,3 b6a7ced0ea7bcbce983e81fa62385db8f337cdeec0ac810030f38d8fa371e2aa,none,hot ga hard least seem true supermass black hole center milki way galaxy known sourc sagittariu a milki way black hole center infrar red yellow hues xray blue composite base data extens campaign observ orbit chandra xray telescope diffus emiss surround black hole seen closeup inset inset field span 12 lightyear across galact center 26000 lightyear away astronom found xray emiss origin hot ga drawn wind massiv young star region chandra data indic less ga within black hole gravit influenc ever reach event horizon lose enough heat angular momentum fall black hole rest ga escap outflow result explain milki way black hole quiet much fainter might expect energet xrays like hold supermass black hole galaxi nearbi universe,quiet sagittariu,2013-09-06,724,117,-0.078125,09-06,9,2013,6,6,2,4 78e36f036a6b0464622e9cc1bb656464167c60a56b3ace520b891e2e0de0e3c6,babak tafreshi,forest snow ice penitent reflect moonlight shine across chajnantor plateau region lie chilean and altitud 5000 meters far one planet earth major astronom observatories atacama larg millimetersubmillimet array sever meter high flattened sharpedg shapes orient penitent tend minim shadow local noon dry cold thin atmosphere sublim driven sunlight import formation direct transit solid gaseou state sublim shape solar system too like ici surfac comet polar cap mars dreamlik landscap stretch southern night sky form root myth look constel pegasus andromeda perseu near panorama left edge bright color star orion hunter near center larg magellan cloud south celesti pole far right,night and ice forest,2013-09-07,676,100,0.0254563492063492,09-07,9,2013,7,8,2,1 23146e83faa9d720bd43c7f4b62543c11e938cb0ec3240911bdb294e0aeab2a6,none,one import star sky partli because coincidence surround dazzl reflect nebula pulsat rs puppis brightest star imag center ten time massiv sun averag 15000 time luminous fact rs pup cepheid type variabl star class star whose bright use estim distanc nearbi galaxi one first step establish cosmic distanc scale rs pup pulsat period 40 days regular chang bright also seen along nebula delay time effect light echo use measur time delay angular size nebula known speed light allow astronom geometr determin distanc rs pup 6500 lightyears remark small error plu minu 90 lightyears impress achiev stellar astronomy echomeasur distanc also accur establish true bright rs pup extens cepheid stars improv knowledg distanc galaxi beyond milki way imag taken hubbl space telescop digit process star list here,nearbi cepheid variabl rs pup,2013-09-09,796,126,0.2833333333333334,09-09,9,2013,9,6,2,4 f5930c3f2029915b68cd60b90644a99e9f3538c4c632d865b3a2da5195357fa0,none,might distant planet hold water actually given close glies 1214b parent star water exists would sure form artist illustration superearth glies 1214b imagin pass front parent star creat alert human presence glies 1214b also design 1214b design superearth larger earth smaller planet like neptune entir glies 1214 planetari system closest known system sun locat 42 light year away parent star glies 1214 slightli smaller cooler version sun recent observ subaru telescop hawaii found littl scatter blue light parent star planet appear consist planet wateri atmospher although still possibl superearth cloud thick littl color light detect water exoplanet import partli earth need water survive follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,extrasolar glies hold water,2013-09-10,754,114,0.08125,09-10,9,2013,10,8,2,4 941e207a162a69ec13aba49b4b9b8dc7df67d327590b5612ef0e080f0a39eadc,jeff,septemb 6 starri night milki way wit launch minotaur v rocket nasa wallop flight facil wallop island virginia larg part eastern unit states spectacular night launch easili visibl even light pollut urban areas 35 second exposur captur part rocket initi launch streak 2nd stage ignit flare along fieri reflect calm waters stun view face south west vantag point overlook bay maryland 20 mile north launch pad head east atlantic multistag rocket place lunar atmospher dust environ explorer highli ellipt earth orbit begin journey moon,launch streak,2013-09-11,530,84,0.2166666666666666,09-11,9,2013,11,8,1,2 ed44e6d22d8a7d1fa179643337ae6db573d532109842a27a78d9925664edce28,ignaciodiaz bobillo,cosmic dust cloud sprawl across rich field star sweep telescop vista near northern boundari corona australis southern crown less 500 lightyear away dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way entir frame span 2 degre 15 lightyear clouds estim distance near center group love reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star region still process formation smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 surround young variabl star r corona australis arc loop identifi herbig haro object associ energet newborn stars magnific globular star cluster ngc 6723 right though ngc 6723 appear part group ancient star actual lie nearli 30000 lightyear away far beyond young star corona australi dust clouds,star dust across corona australi,2013-09-12,797,125,0.1302248677248677,09-12,9,2013,12,4,2,5 c200a7578dfe8611f0f7d974178fcb35d8baf02032c1dacd88e5479fb3b5f046,lui argerich,septemb 8 brilliant planet venu appear even star stood near slender crescent moon sunset close celesti pair conjunct scene enjoy skygaz around world locat south america moon actual pass front venu lunar occultation captur near la uruguay two frame mosaic telescop view show moon venu occultation silveri even star appear right wink behind dark lunar limb still bright twilight skies hour later venu emerg left along three day old moon sunlit edge,crescent moon meet even star,2013-09-13,446,72,0.1696428571428571,09-13,9,2013,13,2,1,1 a3d7bf2c9b39c7d7eab3447332434ac563d5456556078d9153a41cb008354134,none,parachut deploy retrorocket blazing spacecraft land planet earth septemb 11 ut remot area near town zhezkazgan kazakhstan seen silhouett glare spacecraft soyuz crew expedit 36 command flight engin alexand russian feder space agenc flight engin chri nasa return five half month aboard intern space station soyuz retrorocket fire quickli extrem short durat near touchdown captur moment welltim photograph taken helicopt fli land site,land planet earth,2013-09-14,431,63,0.0066666666666666,09-14,9,2013,14,8,0,2 9c49975442afd013d37e8479f2797781f5e86a07062fe87391bce972241c58b8,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur above star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus planetari nebulae follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily river,m29 wing butterfli nebula,2013-09-15,617,97,0.0384615384615384,09-15,9,2013,15,4,2,5 0597c2b3948b4fed9e7be2df2110be1d6e195acf7f4cced1144cf3c2b48e02cf,none,one massiv object visibl universe view hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys abel 1689 seen warp space predict einstein theori graviti deflect light individu galaxi lie behind cluster produc multiple curv images power enorm gravit len depend mass visibl matter form cluster yellowish galaxies account one percent mass need make observ bluish arc imag background galaxies fact gravit mass requir warp space enough explain cosmic scale lens form still mysteri dark matter domin sourc abel gravity dark matter unseen presenc map lens arc distort background galaxi images surprisingly close inspect imag reveal presenc 100000 globular star cluster galaxi cluster today third anniversari apod facebook,galaxi cluster abel 1689 light,2013-09-17,703,104,0.0499999999999999,09-17,9,2013,17,7,2,4 da4461555c7a86aa64d37a828bc882dae81e95f1e9833789b1e53ec514e98979,roberto colombari,ever seen pleiad star cluster even have probabl never seen dusti this perhap famou star cluster sky bright star pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city long exposur dark location though dust cloud surround pleiad star cluster becom evident exposur took 20 minut cover sky area sever time size full moon also known seven sister m45 pleiad lie 400 light year away toward constel bull taurus common legend modern twist one brighter star fade sinc cluster named leav six star visibl unaid eye actual number pleiad star visible however may less seven depend dark surround sky clariti observer eyesight apod retrospective pleiad star cluster,m45 pleiad star cluster,2013-09-18,653,105,0.0984848484848484,09-18,9,2013,18,6,2,3 65269e1cec92cc557423ea5a4a510ce6b3358e65d65664ffcbc382c3099ac3f7,fefo bouvier,engag scene planet earth moon shine cloudi sky follow sunset even septemb 8 despit fade light camera long exposur still record colorful detail view shorelin western horizon look toward island san colonia del sacramento uruguay light bueno aires argentina along horizon left across broad rio de la plata long exposur strongli overexpos moon sky around it though photograph quickli snap shorter one merg first imag area around bright lunar disk second imag made telephoto setting digit merger captur earth sky young moon slender crescent shape relat two nearbi bright stars distant bluish spica alpha star constel virgo closest moon earth even star planet venus emerg lunar occultation,moon venu planet earth,2013-09-19,683,107,0.19375,09-19,9,2013,19,2,2,1 0bf3394e78dcd5969634aeec4989a000cbec4d88d8888989e4575ce497491828,chri cook,color star trail late summer night skyscap cape cod massachusetts pictur compos stack 12 consecut 1 minut long digit camera exposur follow trails reflect fair planet daili rotation also record faint cloud milki way clear sky stretch local drivein movi fact watch movi car drivein common night time activity star still drivein fade american landscap decad sinc 1950s still recent scene includ short exposur made beam space age imag movi drivein skygaz watch view earth intern space station star above,night,2013-09-20,499,80,-0.0318181818181818,09-20,9,2013,20,6,0,1 e66f4eb040e25ff4164e5e331ce41f32a6bab336864907a9bd36dc4d9e999b7e,none,sky look dark scene midatlant region spaceport mars nasa wallop flight facility virginia captur wednesday septemb 18 orbit scienc corpor antar rocket leav launch cygnu cargo spacecraft though look like night photograph taken edt bright clear morn skies digit camera modifi record infrar images sun left pictur frame creat strong glare intern reflect camera len nearinfrar wavelengths falsecolor presentation veget wateri reflect also take otherworldli reach orbit cygnu spacecraft way sunday rendezv intern space station spacecraft deliv 1300 pound cargo expedit 37 crew,antar rocket launch,2013-09-21,570,83,0.2166666666666666,09-21,9,2013,21,8,1,2 c69a64a098edc4502346b93c27d94464f4196a55a40634557570e3c21e15ab5c,anthoni ayiomam,today sun cross celesti equat head south univers time equinox equal night astronom event mark first day autumn northern hemispher spring south sun celesti equator earth dweller experi nearli 12 hour daylight 12 hour darkness celebrate consid remark record sun yearli journey planet earth sky made plan multipl exposur captur singl piec 35 millimet film exposur made time day local time captur sun posit date januari 7 decemb 20 2003 multipl sun trace intersect curv known analemma foreground base exposur templ apollo ancient greece appropri analemma digit merg film image equinox date correspond middl point not intersect point analemma curv orient correspond direct altitud temple sun posit septemb equinox upper midpoint near pictur center summer winter solstic analemma top bottom,analemma,2013-09-22,784,120,0.0049999999999999,09-22,9,2013,22,1,2,4 0365ba26e4d1f58f785fc3548f33b116c57ee2e5fcb395a1cbe96309461447e6,none,south antares tail nebularich constel scorpius lie emiss nebula ic 4628 nearbi hot massiv stars million year young radiat nebula invis ultraviolet light strip electron atoms electron eventu recombin atom produc visibl nebular glow domin red emiss hydrogen estim distanc 6000 lightyears region shown 250 lightyear across span area equival four full moon sky nebula also catalog gum 56 australian astronom colin stanley gum seafoodlov astronom might know cosmic cloud prawn nebula astrophysicists follow facebook twitter,ic 4628 prawn nebula,2013-09-23,518,76,0.1833333333333333,09-23,9,2013,23,4,1,5 d40e5d148e69baa81094d530dd5c330e32b7b8852ae993aa06698474c45239bd,none,star alone disk milki way galaxi 10 percent visibl matter form gas call interstellar medium ism ism uniform show patchi even near sun quit difficult detect local ism tenuou emit littl light mostli hydrogen gas however absorb specif color detect light nearest stars work map local ism within 20 lightyears base ongo observ recent particl detect earthorbit interstellar boundari satellit shown above observ indic sun move local interstellar cloud cloud flow outward scorpiuscentauru associ star form region sun may exit local cloud also call local fluff next 10000 years much remain unknown local ism includ detail distribution origin affect sun earth unexpectedly recent spacecraft measur indic direct neutral interstellar particl flow solar system changing,local fluff,2013-09-24,756,114,-0.0157894736842105,09-24,9,2013,24,1,2,4 cae092953fdd8362dc9f5398619e6d47b530af049d1e2d8e8da3158660f681fb,ivan eder,milki way galaxi astronom front row seat m81 m82 mere 12 million lightyear away lock gravit struggl past billion year so two bright galaxi captur deep telescop snapshot construct 25 hour imag data recent close encount like result enhanc spiral arm m81 left violent star form region m82 energet galaxi glow xrays repeat passes billion year one galaxi remain perspective cosmic moment seen foreground veil milki way star cloud dust faintli reflect foreground starlight pervas dust cloud rel unexplor galact cirrus integr flux nebulae hundr lightyear plane milki way,m81 versu m82,2013-09-25,563,89,-0.1214285714285714,09-25,9,2013,25,7,0,4 6221fb807aab0f10ae1fcec9a5a6eea9799f340dcd58fe89736f347baffac9f1,rogelio bernal andreo,separ 14 degre 28 full moons planet earth sky spiral galaxi m31 left m33 larg member local group along milki way galaxy wideangle telescop mosaic captur color detail spiral structur both massiv neighbor galaxi seem balanc either side bright mirach beta star constel andromeda m31 andromeda galaxy realli 25 million lightyear distant m33 triangulum galaxy also 3 million light year away mirach 200 lightyear sun lie well within milki way along dim cloud dust drift frame hundr lightyear galact plane although look far apart m31 m33 lock mutual gravit embrace radio astronom found indic bridg neutral hydrogen ga could connect two evid closer encount past base measurements gravit simul current predict milki way m31 m33 undergo mutual close encount potenti mergers billion year future,m31 versu m33,2013-09-26,783,124,0.0416666666666666,09-26,9,2013,26,7,2,3 67c859cc3e532fe53fda2ecf32b46e27b7cd6dd03129c29eaeb317260d8d88ae,none,geostationari orbit 36000 kilomet equator russian meteorolog satellit elektrol take highresolut imag fair planet everi 30 minutes twice year equinox captur imag like one show entir hemispher bath sunlight equinox earth axi rotat tilt toward away sun solar illumin extend planet poles course elektrol pictur record septemb 22nd northern hemisphere autumn equinox moment date sun behind geostationari satellit telltal glint reflect sunlight seen cross equator locat planet satellit sun directli overhead anim,equinox earth,2013-09-28,506,72,0.0749999999999999,09-28,9,2013,28,1,0,4 a2512e6061fe296d904b6e975aaf2cc8c2c4f6cd02a1edcceab7eaca3ad6c6c8,none,dust sculptur eagl nebula evaporating power starlight whittl away cool cosmic mountains statuesqu pillar remain might imagin mythic beasts pictur one sever strike dust pillar eagl nebula might describ gigant alien fairy fairy however ten light year tall spew radiat much hotter common fire greater eagl nebula m16 actual giant evapor shell ga dust insid grow caviti fill spectacular stellar nurseri current form open cluster stars imag scientif reassign color releas 2005 part fifteenth anniversari celebr launch hubbl space telescope note follow apod us govern shut down,fairi eagl nebula,2013-09-29,571,87,0.1138888888888888,09-29,9,2013,29,4,2,5 1b95fd348466f642ab749e25af76bd8e885361be062066494152e5040b0fc13c,angu observatory,explos consequ continue eleven thousand year ago star constel vela could seen explode creat strang point light briefli visibl human live near begin record history outer layer star crash interstellar medium drive shock wave still visibl today roughli spherical expand shock wave visibl xrays imag captur filamentari gigant shock visibl light ga fli away deton star decay react interstellar medium produc light mani differ color energi bands remain center vela supernova remnant pulsar star dens nuclear matter rotat complet around ten time singl second note follow apod us govern shut,filament vela supernova remnant,2013-10-01,583,90,0.1484848484848485,10-01,10,2013,1,6,2,4 1939fe2635b8175507ab96255e0252b9f7d247803e76a0f8809c4f765097e02e,none,close great bear ursa major surround star hunt dog cane venatici celesti wonder discov 1781 metric french astronom pierr mechain later ad catalog friend colleagu charl messier m106 modern deep telescop view reveal island universe spiral galaxi around 30 thousand lightyear across locat 21 million lightyear beyond star milki way along promin dust lane bright central core color composit imag highlight youth blue star cluster reddish stellar nurseri trace galaxy spiral arms high resolut galaxi portrait mosaic data hubble sharp ac camera combin groundbas color imag data m106 aka ngc 4258 nearbi exampl seyfert class activ galaxies seen across spectrum radio xrays energet activ galaxi power matter fall massiv central black hole note find apod altern mirror site,m106 close,2013-10-03,764,118,0.1343452380952381,10-03,10,2013,3,7,2,4 719592c37656097d2a997da42976b12c2a3ba08b356c99de88e8138e18f9c559,none,bright core outer reach giant ellipt galaxi m60 ngc 4649 loom larg upper left sharp closeup hubbl space telescope 54 million lightyear away 120000 lightyear across m60 one largest galaxi nearbi virgo cluster cosmic contrast small round smudg pictur center recogn ultracompact dwarf galaxy catalog m60ucd1 may well densest galaxi nearbi universe concentr half total mass 200 million sun radiu 80 lightyears star inner region averag 25 time closer togeth planet earth neighborhood milki way explor natur m60ucd1 astronom tri determin ultracompact dwarf galaxi central remnant larger galaxi tidal strip encounters evolv massiv globular star clusters recent discovered bright xray sourc seen center could due supermass black hole so would favor remnant galaxi origin note find apod altern mirror site,galaxi,2013-10-04,796,120,0.0092592592592592,10-04,10,2013,4,7,2,3 6aebbc641e59e5bc7ab0d5f06c3067eb7ad2eac846cc504cfa749d799e613d25,randi,wind spaceweath transform haunt night skyscape prairi windmil color auror display captur octob 1 central south dakota usa good season aurora hunter came longer autumn nights green rarer reddish hues northern light spark geomagnet storm caus solar activity extend far cloud bank altitud well 100 kilometers backdrop distant star northern night visual doubl star mizar mark middl big dipper handle easi spot left edg frame dipper north celesti pole merak line vertic near pictur center note find apod altern mirror site,octob aurora sky,2013-10-05,517,81,0.0818181818181818,10-05,10,2013,5,6,0,1 09b2b421389227596f4ac055606bff2976c9cb1ed87e298bc405635dcb616dd7,none,activ galaxi ngc 1275 central domin member larg rel nearbi perseu cluster galaxies wildlook visibl wavelengths activ galaxi also prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter entir galaxi fall it ultim feed supermass black hole galaxy core color composit image recreat archiv hubbl space telescop data highlight result galact debri filament glow gas 20000 lightyear long filament persist ngc 1275 even though turmoil galact collis destroy them keep filament together observ indic structures push galaxy center black hole activity held togeth magnet fields also known perseu a ngc 1275 span 100000 light year lie 230 million light year away note find apod altern mirror site,hubbl activ galaxi ngc 1275,2013-10-06,684,107,0.0145833333333333,10-06,10,2013,6,7,2,3 62a4dbb68d2e63829d45e520a9be1d6e678210001b86cf084751e2c72289aece,damian peach,impress comet ison become one sure unfortunately comet approach inner solar system brighten slowli mani earli predictions pictur above comet ison seen two week ago continu develop tail last week comet pass rel close mars directli imag mar reconnaiss orbiter comet ison dive within solar radii sun surfac late november may becom brighter moon sport long flow tail may appear somewhat less spectacular either way sky enthusiast hope whatev comet part surviv put quit impress show view earth least rest year,comet ison approach,2013-10-07,505,81,-0.0216666666666666,10-07,10,2013,7,3,0,1 3fed60abe024e4cb03643c9438a85e414a53d885ffae02ceb9f59ee0cb26ddac,robert colombari,eye cosmic composit nice balanc bubbl nebula lower left open star cluster m52 right pair would lopsid scales though embed complex interstellar dust ga blown wind single massiv otyp star bubbl nebula also known ngc 7635 mere 10 lightyear wide hand m52 rich open cluster around thousand stars cluster 25 lightyear across seen toward northern boundari cassiopeia distanc estim bubbl nebula associ cloud complex around 11000 lightyears star cluster m52 lie nearli 5000 lightyear away wide telescop field view span two degre sky four time appar size full moon,bubbl m52,2013-10-08,554,89,0.0184065934065934,10-08,10,2013,8,4,0,5 3de0afb3d0738a259d5b9cd64c63ee2a7c7031f2af6848b62a9b368b2532a022,ken crawford,telescop snapshot record cosmic moment tumultu live larg spiral galaxi ngc 3227 smaller ellipt ngc catch middl ongo gravit sensit imag also follow faint tidal star stream flung galaxi repeat close encounters 50 million lightyear distant toward constel leo pair appear earn design arp 94 classic catalog peculiar galaxies galact collis merger thought repres normal cours evolut galaxies includ milki way span 90000 lightyears similar size milki way ngc 3227 recogn activ seyfert galaxi central supermass black hole note find apod altern mirror site,arp 94,2013-10-09,547,84,-0.0348484848484848,10-09,10,2013,9,7,0,3 2b819bede8dc2f45788cab6f72ad4f774c80698303d662e6423e1af67caed5f2,toni halla,interstellar dust cloud bright nebula abound fertil constel orion one brightest m78 left center color telescop view cover area north orion belt distanc 1500 lightyears bluish nebula 5 lightyear across blue tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young star region dark dust lane nebula easili trace gorgeou skyscape scene also includ remark mcneil nebula newli recogn nebula associ format sunlik star telltal reddish glow mani herbig haro objects energet jet star process formation note find apod altern mirror site,m78 stardust starlight,2013-10-10,524,81,0.1075,10-10,10,2013,10,4,0,5 2b439efa6990c04624d64f509ab43d9c27081a4b2059ec01e85a9a3a3d32c397,subaru telescop,flow shape gather near center rich starfield toward nautic southern constel vela compos interstellar ga dust group lightyear size cometari globul 1300 lightyear distant energet ultraviolet light nearbi hot star mold globul ioniz bright rims globul also stream away vela supernova remnant may influenc sweptback shapes within them core cold ga dust like collaps form low mass stars whose format ultim caus globul disperse fact cometari globul upper right group sport small reddish glow near head telltal sign energet jet star earli stage formation note find apod altern mirror site,cometari globul,2013-10-12,580,90,0.0829081632653061,10-12,10,2013,12,6,2,3 805d084048552ec36c69f6c29bcb150aa516d2a4ee49faf9aff3c84f2b2e2f2d,jerri lodrigusscatch light,sixteen year ago comet halebopp round sun offer dazzl spectacl planet earth night stun view record shortli comet 1997 perihelion passage featur memor tail halebopp whitish dust tail blue ion tail here ion tail extend well ten degre across northern sky fade near doubl star cluster perseus head comet lie near almach bright star constel andromeda rememb halebopp photographer son do pictur foreground age 12 15 all halebopp report visibl nake eye roughli late may 1996 septemb 1997 currently sky enthusiast await comet ison continu brighten come weeks unsur interest first journey inner solar system be,halebopp great comet 1997,2013-10-13,602,96,0.065,10-13,10,2013,13,3,2,1 63679b8c71fb2cebe0ab438f006bb582c415c5b3414fa9398d27357884166115,tunç tezeltwan,sun alway straight no example sun never appear directli overhead locat well north south earth equator conversely alway place earth sun appear zenith noon exampl equat equinox turn problem around however find sun actual appear high noon easi wait point camera up take picture often enough find day march by sun slowli trace figur eight sky pictur one high noon analemma seri pictur alway taken exactli cours year fishey image accumul mostli 2012 also show build tree baku around edges,high noon analemma,2013-10-14,485,80,0.104,10-14,10,2013,14,1,0,1 497c5304c09230b490a6ddb7e6bb36dccbdef38372a54a34a7cd6eb470dad891,stephen leshin,intrigu trio galaxi sometim call draco group locat northern constel you guess it draco left right edgeon spiral ngc 5981 ellipt galaxi ngc 5982 faceon spiral ngc 5985 within singl telescop field view span littl half width full moon group far small galaxi cluster catalogu compact group galaxi lie roughli 100 million lightyear planet earth close examin spectrographs bright core strike faceon spiral ngc 5985 show promin emiss specif wavelength light prompt astronom classifi seyfert type activ galaxy well known tight group galaxies contrast visual appear make triplet attract subject astrophotographers impress deep exposur hint faint sharpedg shell surround ellipt ngc 5982 evid past galact mergers also reveal mani even distant background galaxies,three galaxi draco,2013-10-16,752,113,0.0149206349206349,10-16,10,2013,16,7,2,3 b6fa35a03d2011a8cb51055697ac3896056faeb00609388cae143cc5a011a69f,digitalastronomi,order top bottom celesti snapshot featur comet ison planet mars regulus alpha star constel leo frame scene span 2 degre near eastern horizon earli morn sky octob 15 closest three much herald comet ison c2012 s1 far faintest 14 lightminut au away mar slightli farther fair planet 165 light minut 2 au away normal ruddi color wash exposure regulu outshin comet planet distanc 75 lightyears regulus faint smudg light actual leo dwarf galaxy 800000 lightyear away almost lost glare bluish hu bright star comet ison expect grow brighter though bright still clear bright full moon night skies estim 1 4 kilomet diameter ison nucleu might substanti surviv close encount sun novemb 28 so comet climb back eastern horizon planet earth northern hemispher dawn earli december,mars regulu,2013-10-17,764,125,0.2875,10-17,10,2013,17,3,2,4 ba0a2f36f1c2ef1bff09abac03ac6bcb36db346078d914081eaa087e0f5b964d,juergen,bulg center milki way galaxi rest pillar light lumin skyscape record septemb 22nd dark south african skies river dust seem flow downward galact center toward antares yellowish alpha star constel scorpius near top scene brightest celesti beacon present star though planet venus still domin western sky sunset course pillar light stretch upward horizon zodiac light sunlight scatter dust along plane eclipt creat zodiac glow promin even twilight southern hemispher spring,venus zodiac light galact center,2013-10-18,469,70,0.1208333333333333,10-18,10,2013,18,6,1,1 54a5eaaf46e514f20d5db3cd17d8043c7c0ab28c61cf1fadcbd9cc346d8b8f83,jimmi walker,color skyscap featur dusty reddish glow sharpless catalog emiss region sh2155 cave nebula 2400 lightyear away scene lie along plane milki way galaxi toward royal northern constel cepheus astronom explor region reveal form boundari massiv cepheu b molecular cloud hot young blue star cepheu ob 3 association bright rim ioniz hydrogen ga energ radiat hot stars domin bright blue otyp star pictur center radiat driven ioniz front like trigger collaps core new star format within appropri size stellar nursery cosmic cave 10 lightyear across,sh2155 cave nebula,2013-10-19,537,84,0.1714876033057851,10-19,10,2013,19,4,1,5 e50c638a51315a48af24fce8953f345fc2e15c816c0e1b0fea521817dc1a97f1,miloslavdruckmul brno univers technology,diffus starlight dark nebula along southern milki way arc horizon sprawl diagon gorgeou nightscape breathtak mosaic span wide 100 degrees rug terrain patagonia argentina region foreground along insider view galaxy imag featur outsid perspect two irregular satellit galaxi larg small magellan clouds scene also captur broad tail bright coma comet mcnaught great comet 2007 currently mani sky enthusiast follow develop comet ison comet might becom great comet 2013,three galaxi comet,2013-10-20,463,68,0.17625,10-20,10,2013,20,3,1,1 8e16701db05bf72f5eb5bfc6bcdd729edb4c62059be5ff2dde23e5e52275b731,none,imag saturn could taken earth earth base pictur could possibl view night side saturn correspond shadow cast across saturn rings sinc earth much closer sun saturn day side ring planet visibl earth fact imag mosaic taken earlier month robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn beauti ring saturn seen full expanse cloud detail visibl includ polar hexagon surround north pole extend lightcolor storm system,saturn,2013-10-21,399,62,-0.0666666666666666,10-21,10,2013,21,0,0,2 1d6f5af25ef7a654dd60ed274bb8d8e97f7284847fee4c47517f043cd61bbb07,de,warm shade subtl color come sky fade sunlight shadowris littl planet cours littl planet planet earth nadirtozenith mosaic map view small near town intendent alvear la pampa province argentina western horizon top sky shine warm color sunset blue shadow earth extend atmospher seen rise hug eastern horizon bottom wrap close narrow project earth shadow gentl glow reddened backscatt sunlight call antitwilight arch belt venus,littl planet shadowris,2013-10-24,423,64,0.1687499999999999,10-24,10,2013,24,8,1,1 8ff4bca01581717e875278f251984400e622db2d394b40d3fe2b36c299937cbe,ken crawford,point telescop toward high fli constel pegasu find expans milki way star distant galaxies center ngc 7814 pretti field view would almost cover full moon ngc 7814 sometim call littl sombrero resembl brighter famou m104 sombrero galaxy sombrero littl sombrero spiral galaxi seen edgeon extens central bulg cut thinner disk dust lane silhouette fact ngc 7814 40 million lightyear away estim 60000 lightyear across actual make littl sombrero physic size better known namesake appear smaller fainter farther away faint dwarf galaxy potenti satellit ngc 7814 reveal deep exposur littl sombrero,ngc 7814 littl sombrero pegasu,2013-10-25,587,90,0.0309999999999999,10-25,10,2013,25,7,0,3 66a419c3db062dc6b700c2ac78991ad88437f2613f9d6526ac9b6cb63f8a6b31,albert barr,found among rich starfield milki way toward constel cassiopeia star cluster ngc 7789 lie 8000 lightyear away late 18th centuri deep sky discoveri astronom carolin lucretia herschel cluster also known caroline rose suggest appear creat cluster nestl complex star voids estim 16 billion year young galact open cluster star also show age star cluster like born time brighter massiv one rapidli exhaust hydrogen fuel cores evolv main sequenc star like sun mani red giant star shown yellowish cast love color composite use measur color brightness astronom model mass henc age cluster star start turn off main sequenc becom red giants 50 lightyear across caroline rose span half degre the angular size moon near center widefield telescop image,ngc 7789 caroline rose,2013-10-26,737,117,0.1024509803921568,10-26,10,2013,26,6,2,3 089067b7c30e6e7805d1c086a7746521f37e0b349d922d1f32cd854a2bae6f13,none,arc toward fieri fate sungraz comet record soho spacecraft larg angl spectrometr coronagraphlasco decemb 23 1996 lasco use occult disk partial visibl lower right block otherwis overwhelm solar disk allow imag inner 8 million kilomet rel faint corona comet seen coma enter bright equatori solar wind region orient vertically posit space continu observ sun soho use discov 1500 comets includ numer sungrazers base orbits vast major sungraz believ belong kreutz famili sungraz comet creat success break up singl larg parent comet pass near sun twelfth century great comet 1965 ikeyaseki also member kreutz family come within 650000 kilomet sun surface pass close sun sungraz subject destruct tidal forc along intens solar heat small comet known christma comet soho 6 survive later year comet ison potenti brightest sungraz record histori kreutz sungrazer expect survive,sungraz,2013-10-27,866,133,0.0221031746031746,10-27,10,2013,27,3,2,4 3ba500bd4b273da935ce5fd888bcafa97618f6ed6225ff269dcd99eaf02e287f,none,ever anoth comet like although two comet exactli alike one appear notabl similar comet kirch great comet like approach comet ison comet kirch bright sungrazer make close approach surfac sun neither comet coincidently member common group sungraz kreutz group popul remnant comet disintegr near sun hundr year ago long tail comet kirch depict paint pictured member foreground crowd netherland hold angl measur devic one know comet ison like comet kirch expect brightest near sun ison case last day november gallery bright comet 2013,great comet,2013-10-28,532,83,0.2277777777777778,10-28,10,2013,28,3,1,1 0817660aa72ef1e5cd68c70fa535911d65665c1101f4377f2d50aab82d205e64,roberto colombari federico pelliccia,dark horsehead nebula glow orion nebula contrast cosmic vistas adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations appear opposit corner stun mosaic familiar horsehead nebula appear dark cloud small silhouett notch long red glow lower left alnitak easternmost star orion belt seen brightest star left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes magnific emiss region orion nebula aka m42 lie upper right immedi left promin reflect nebula sometim call run man pervas tendril glow hydrogen ga easili trace throughout region,horsehead orion nebula,2013-10-29,563,85,0.0469780219780219,10-29,10,2013,29,4,0,5 c41829e54d04a32cd48fe1a2cdf92f0eb9df51a3422b11c66d98f28ebc57fb69,stéphanevett,spooki planet this planet earth course dark stormi night septemb 12 hverir geotherm activ area along volcan landscap northeastern iceland geomagnet storm produc auror display starri night sky ghostli tower steam ga vent fumarol danc eeri greenish light tonight still chanc geomagnet storm trigger recent solar activity highlatitud skygaz ghostli shape may danc neighborhood too safe happi halloween,night spooki planet,2013-10-31,398,58,0.1875,10-31,10,2013,31,8,1,1 f29442b007d343e2a5618d17502d04d47d0029536e074b5fbe164e57562b591d,göran strand,ngc probabl known smoke nebula found modern constel frustrat astrophotographer lightnanosecond planet earth smoke nebula expand supernova remnant along plane milki way galaxy though look lot like one instead creat flash photographi rise smoke appar rich starfield actual compos water droplet spray plant astrophotograph grown restless recent stretch cloudi weather sweden singl exposur three extern flash trigger captur snapshot,ngc smoke nebula,2013-11-01,428,59,0.14375,11-01,11,2013,1,6,1,5 2fd09c3c91c56ee9570920ebbdddce7286322712b12080fcbcb36676539e26e0,leo,webcam telescop imag band ga giant jupit show transit three shadow cast jupiter moon progress captur belgian sky octob 12 ut three shadow transit rel rare event even larg planet mani moons visibl frame three galilean moon responsible callisto far left edge io closest jupiter disk europa left io shadow sunlit jovian cloud tops callisto cast elong one near planet south polar region bottom io shadow right jupiter great red spot cours view jupiter perspective shadow cross could seen solar eclipses analog moon shadow cross sunlit face planet earth,jupiter tripl shadow transit,2013-11-02,548,89,0.1309523809523809,11-02,11,2013,2,2,1,1 854497d3db4715bbfbc2e9327f715ee4ffcd2459ba6dc535d345830633073419,leftfr espenak rightstephan heinsiu,spectacular geocentr celesti event 2005 rare hybrid eclips sun total annular eclips could seen depend observer location fred espenak aboard gentli sway ship within middl moon shadow track 2200 kilomet west galapagos eclips total lunar silhouett exactli cover bright solar disk brief moments camera captur pictur total reveal extens solar corona promin rise sun edge stephan heinsius near end shadow track penonom airfield panama moon appar size shrunk enough creat annular eclipse show complet annulu sun bright disk dramat ring fire pictur two locat compar above rare hybrid eclipse calcul show 21st centuri 31 7 224 solar eclips hybrid hybrid compris 5 solar eclips period 2000 bc ad 3000 today hybrid solar eclips wide visibl beyond central shadow track brief partial eclips northeastern america africa along track annular phase first 15 seconds tomorrow share best eclips pictures,rare hybrid solar eclips,2013-11-03,885,137,0.1973684210526315,11-03,11,2013,3,1,2,4 d363363155c68b364f99b0695af44b55a90ec652268b34914882ee56ee40b118,chri cook,sunris new york citi rare look like this yesterday however sun rose partli eclips moon seen much eastern north american northern south america simultaneously much africa alreadi well saw eclips begin end eclips unusu hybrid part earth saw moon angularli small cover whole sun maximum coverag left sun surround ring fire part earth saw moon larg enough cover entir sun maximum coverag wit total solar eclipse slight chang angular size moon seen earth surfac caus earth ellipt moon orbit pictur above famou empir state build new york citi seen left partial eclips sun adorn scenic clouds next solar eclips visibl new york citi slight eclips occur sunset 2014 octob 23 grow gallery see great eclips pictur,eclips new york,2013-11-04,705,116,0.1012878787878787,11-04,11,2013,4,1,2,4 7fce7be4388e219e204ba65c14cb220ec4ae89c7200f39ae5e20f9864a79a719,none,ven though kepler78b slightli larger earth exist size extraordinari sens similar size earth exoplanet yet directli discovered orbit however extraordinari sens circl sunlik star 40 time closer planet mercury scath distance even rock liquid model planet format predict planet form close orbit model planet evolut predict orbit decay planet eventu merg parent star illustr comparison earth kepler78b discov eclips earthtrail kepler spacecraft monitor subtl wobbl north spectrograph attach 36meter telescopio galileo canari islands new 20 sunlik star habit earthsiz planet,earthsiz planet discov,2013-11-05,569,80,0.0454545454545454,11-05,11,2013,5,8,0,2 0675a768f5097a4c99bbeb397a1ae37b731f2ffd6c012f79bc583a56238951da,ole c salomonsenarct light photo,halloween sky look like creature exactli creature astrophotograph unsur but possibl suggest one exactli caus eeri apparit sure one best auror display recent memory spectacular aurora unusu high degre detail pictur above vivid green purpl auror color caus high atmospher oxygen nitrogen react burst incom electrons birch tree troms norway form also eeri foreground mani photogen aurora trigger recent energet flare sun astrophysicists brows 600 code astrophys sourc code librari,creatur aurora norway,2013-11-06,477,70,0.2345,11-06,11,2013,6,8,1,1 c012d1d1a4e9f8462d0dc626f09e826a8a9cb2a97b37d7549cca6d1c926aee2e,bencoop,time critic catch imag novemb solar eclipse fli 44000 feet intrepid eclips chaser jet travel 500 mile per hour manag intercept moon shadow remark flight made perpendicular cross central shadow track darken sky beyond wing tip moment moon shadow move 8000 mile per hour across atlant ocean 600 mile southeast instant totality snapshot captur lunar disk silhouette ray sunlight shine past peak valley along lunar limb creat fleet appear glisten diamond ring,eclips feet,2013-11-07,455,72,-0.0625,11-07,11,2013,7,2,0,1 8c662416125b91c6316b82156626b186ced1bc3e75a565c2780cf45f6423af6b,jaim,sun disk total eclips brief 20 second moon dark umbral shadow race across northwestern novemb 3rd sharp telescop view total clear sky central african much sought eclips watchers inspir celesti scene moon cover overwhelmingli bright photosphere lower normal visibl layer sun atmosphere extend beyond photosphere reddish hydrogen alpha glow solar chromospher outlin lunar silhouette fade sun tenuous hot outer atmospher corona planets promin reach beyond limb activ sun adorn edg silhouette includ cloud glow plasma separ chromospher near 1 oclock position,solar eclips,2013-11-08,554,81,0.0816666666666666,11-08,11,2013,8,1,0,1 12e57cb332e64194cc2a5f5fbc8031bd75e64b372c943a52699a5f856f265387,damian peach,anxious wait comet ison brighten fall toward sun northern skygaz also find three bright comet east dawn fact comet lovejoy c2013 r1 current morn sky brightest discov septemb sungraz comet comet lovejoy near edg nakedey visibl might spot dark sky sites sport greenish coma tail telescop view taken novemb 7 comet lovejoy 05 au fair planet 12 au sun comet photogen messier moment sweep past well known star cluster m44 beehiv cancer yellowish bright star delta cancri near bottom frame,comet lovejoy m44,2013-11-09,483,80,0.155,11-09,11,2013,9,3,1,5 5d0df9a9c87ae2bcd1b4ae5b4da4e1e0fe42ea450860c75146239bd2b131c6e1,antti kemppainen,sometim sky best show town januari 2007 peopl perth australia gather local beach watch sky light delight near far nearby firework explod part australia day celebrations far right lightn thunderstorm flash distance near imag center though seen clouds unusu sight all comet mcnaught photogen comet bright even remain visibl though din earthli flashes comet mcnaught return outer solar system visibl larg telescope imag actual three photograph panorama digit process reduc red reflect explod firework experi universe random apod gener,comet firework lightn,2013-11-10,531,79,0.1681318681318681,11-10,11,2013,10,3,1,1 f1aab20f9d01f7c8c1c116691884b5ca6af53c064c31956ccc538545a928c310,d a davi j m pasachoff colleg esa nasa,sometimes total eclips sun opportunity take advantag imag show solar eclips earlier month cover uncov sever differ solar observatories innermost imag show sun ultraviolet light record hour swap instrument aboard mission low earth orbit imag surround groundbas eclips image reproduc blue taken gabon block region use artifici dim central sun lasco instrument aboard sunorbit soho spacecraft outermost imag show outflow solar corona taken lasco ten minut eclips show outflow solar corona past weeks sun show unusu high amount sunspots cmes flare activ gener expect sun current go solar maximum busiest part 11 year solar cycle result imag picturesqu montag mani solar layer allow solar astronom better match activ area near sun surfac outflow jet sun corona free lecture apod editor speak nyc jan 3,activ sun total eclips,2013-11-11,800,124,0.1007142857142857,11-11,11,2013,11,1,2,4 b8fdb6e36c3c955bb55f414bf99439b6db147dba2dbc1c69fc61c2d511506e25,none,happen asteroid one sure reason unknown asteroid sport one six discern tails imag taken two month ago orbit hubbl space telescop show rapidli chang dust streams even known p5 began display unusu tails main belt asteroid struck larg meteor would expect sport singl dust tail possibl explan includ light pressur sun caus asteroid rotat increasingli rapidly turn caus pool previous dust spin off futur observ better indic p5 dust plume evolv provid clue natur mani similar asteroid might exist,unexpect tail asteroid,2013-11-12,491,79,0.1857142857142857,11-12,11,2013,12,8,1,2 c8769d3a3f2d2a46b22c5afbb1c5fc8703c859ad8b1d71ea8bfacd5f3589afda,none,shadow saturn unexpect wonder appear robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn drift giant planet shadow earlier year look back toward eclips sun cassini saw uniqu celebr view first night side saturn seen partli lit light reflect majest ring system next saturn expans ring system appear majest alway even odd angle ring particles mani glow irregular slightli scatter sunlight toward cassini natur color image sever moon ring featur also discernible appear quit promin saturn e ring ring creat unusu icefountain moon enceladu outermost ring visibl above upper left far distance planet mar venus lower right however perhap wondrou spectacl all almost invisible nearli pale blue dot earth,shadow saturn,2013-11-13,681,105,0.0470748299319727,11-13,11,2013,13,0,2,1 6b140ed2c421435b5424e6a7c00d809f7fd77ef170346ecee442b2a142cc90fb,martin pugh,gmatic spiral galaxi ngc 1097 shine southern skies 45 million lightyear away chemic constel fornax blue spiral arm mottl pinkish star form region color galaxi portrait seem wrap around small companion galaxi left center 40000 lightyear spiral lumin core that ngc 1097 peculiar feature though deep exposur hint faint mysteri jets easili seen extend well beyond bluish arm toward lower right fact four faint jet ultim recogn optic imag ngc 1097 jet trace x center galaxy nucleus probabl origin there instead could fossil star streams trail left captur disrupt much smaller galaxi larg spiral ancient past seyfert galaxy ngc 1097 nucleu also harbor supermass black hole,jet ngc 1097,2013-11-14,666,106,-0.1129251700680272,11-14,11,2013,14,7,2,3 202fe2945fe29352709452288d704619b197969a4256e4a3a3c171bd6303d592,constantin emmanouilidi,flash visibl spectrum sun chang absorpt emiss novemb 3rd brief total phase solar eclipse fleet moment captur telephoto len diffract grate welltim imag clear sky equatori africa overwhelm light sun disk block moon normal domin absorpt spectrum solar photospher hidden remains spread diffract grate spectrum color right eclips sun individu eclips imag wavelength light emit atom along thin arc solar chromosphere brightest images strongest chromospher emiss lines due hydrogen atom produc red hydrogen alpha emiss far right blue hydrogen beta emiss left between bright yellow emiss imag caus atom helium element first discov flash spectrum sun,flash spectrum sun,2013-11-15,641,96,0.1041979949874686,11-15,11,2013,15,1,2,4 6d10181c28aeabb4a467dbf74877ba486afe07e9b5346548ad853d1ca5ccb730,babak tafreshi,fall planet earth predawn sky toward close encount sun novemb 28 comet ison come life much anticip comet report substanti increas activity surg nakedey visibl dark site complex tail ison tail stretch two degre telephoto skyview southern kenya captur morn novemb 14 shown two panels enlarg neg version right make detail long tail easier includ tail separ filament toward top frame sungraz first time visitor inner solar system possibl ison surviv becom bright comet planet earth decemb sky remain question,activ comet ison,2013-11-16,504,80,0.1435714285714286,11-16,11,2013,16,3,1,1 05106d996198925772d1d714c6dfac575025617800a07977088a5fd754e67b78,robert h mcnaught,comet mcnaught great comet 2007 grew spectacularli long filamentari tail magnific tail spread across sky visibl sever day southern hemispher observ sunset amaz tail show greatest extent wideangl camera exposures times tail estim attain peak bright magnitud 5 minu caught comet discover imag sunset januari 2007 side spring observatori australia comet mcnaught brightest comet decades fade move southern sky away sun earth within next two week 2013 rapidli brighten comet ison might sprout tail rival even comet mcnaught,magnific tail comet mcnaught,2013-11-17,519,78,0.35,11-17,11,2013,17,3,1,1 c58bd60ba1a155cb392f9da0ab375f1d7bada3f3fc6a629d1e53143139ec0586,stéphane vetternuit sacrées,what happen sky cold winter night iceland quit lot first foreground lie largest glacier far left bright green aurora appear eman glacier volcano aurora light reflect foreground lake far right long unusu lenticular cloud ting green light emit anoth aurora well behind it lenticular cloud unusu iridesc lenticular cloud display broad spectral rang colors far beyond lenticular set moon far beyond even moon set stars imag captur late march 2012 happi holidays free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,aurora unusu cloud iceland,2013-11-18,492,78,0.0637896825396825,11-18,11,2013,18,8,0,1 90a852c945c0484ac8ca66bb117a5e8a76209631974126e29a5803136580825d,none,stars like bees swarm around center bright globular cluster m15 ball 100000 star relic earli year galaxy continu orbit milki way center m15 one 170 globular cluster remaining note easili visibl binoculars center one densest concentr star known contain high abund variabl star pulsars releas recently sharp imag taken earthorbit hubbl space telescop span 120 light years show dramat increas densiti star toward cluster center m15 lie 35000 light year away toward constel wing hors pegasus gallery comet 2013,globular cluster m15 hubbl,2013-11-19,506,79,0.1261111111111111,11-19,11,2013,19,6,1,3 76480eeddd5d34424b8ee736e772e0ce940fafca1311c9c8ea04a1441ff655cd,none,black hole jet made of mani black hole stellar system sure surround disk ga plasma gravit pull close binari star companion material approach black hole end expel star system power jet eman pole spin black hole recent evid indic jet compos electron protons also nuclei heavi element iron nickel discoveri made system 4u163047 use compact array radio telescop eastern australia european space agency earthorbit xmmnewton satellite 4u163047 star system depict artist illustration larg blue star right jet eman black hole center accret disc left although 4u163047 star system thought contain small black hole time mass sun implic result may larger black hole larger size might also emit jet massiv nuclei cosmos click hyperspace random apod gener,heavi black hole jet,2013-11-20,744,116,-0.0516290726817042,11-20,11,2013,20,6,2,5 56255dc4956b5e0f82c826415c46748f1746d5b3148838584ea6d1c8763752ff,chri cook,star trail arc moonlit beach jetti seren sea night skyscape captur novemb 19 singl time exposur look south atlant coast cape cod massachusetts usa longest brightest trail minotaur 1 rocket stage separ exhaust plume visibl along rocket fieri path toward low earth orbit multistag minotaur launch midatlant region spaceport nasa wallop flight facil pm eastern time virginia 400 mile away board remark 29 satellit destin low earth orbit includ small cubesat built high school students firefly,trail minotaur,2013-11-21,489,76,-0.0225,11-21,11,2013,21,8,0,2 1d87f4658aaad307d77248aca17eed77b87fe6ba91c30a75d6d3dfb19f019189,rogelio bernalandreo,astronom trip california nebula pleiad star cluster would cover 12 degre across planet earth night sky that equival angular extent 25 full moons telescop sweep past border constel perseu taurus wide deep mosaic imag region explor cosmic landscape dusti nebula color otherwis faint eye see left catalog ngc 1499 california nebula familiar shape though coastlin actual 60 lightyear long lie 1500 lightyear away nebula pronounc reddish glow hydrogen atom ioniz lumin blue star xi persei seen right far right famou pleiad star cluster 400 lightyear distant around 15 lightyear across spectacular blue color due reflect starlight interstellar dust hot star perseu ob2 associ dusty dark nebula along edg nearby massiv perseu molecular cloud,california pleiad,2013-11-22,734,113,0.0285714285714285,11-22,11,2013,22,4,2,5 a4b4b7555ad402698b46ae9a955e7e1fe44666b36e31217d231809c2937da9be,none,still intact novemb 21 comet ison c2012 s1 swept anim field view left camera spacecraft camera also captur period comet encke mercury earth sun crop frame right sourc billow solar wind stereo perspect interplanetari space planet earth actual distant group seen orbit beyond sun mercuri closest planet still bright creat sharp vertic line camera detector comet clearli sport substanti tails ison closer camera continu move rapidli field camera stereo soho spacecraft abl follow comet ison fall toward close encount sun novemb 28 even ison get difficult see bright dawn sky planet earth,comet ison stereo,2013-11-23,584,92,0.1200892857142857,11-23,11,2013,23,3,2,2 347ceb18730745874ac3d74b95e1df791d3661bf72cd4366fe35164fd2968a92,walli pacholka astropicstwan,comet halebopp great comet 1997 quit sight photograph taken 1997 april 6 comet halebopp imag indian cove campground joshua tree nation park california usa flashlight use momentarili illumin foreground rock six minut exposure impress blue ion tail visibl sunlightreflect white dust tail comet halebopp remain visibl unaid eye year return outer solar system fading comet ison approach sun week sky enthusiast around earth wait see tail becom even spectacular display comet halebopp happi holidays free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,comet halebopp indian cove,2013-11-24,529,80,0.36,11-24,11,2013,24,3,1,1 cef994ff6c654c6c6191c55f1f70168fef556e48d267267f2887c266aad8c16d,none,far away spiral galaxi ngc 4921 although present estim 310 million light year distant precis determin could coupl known recess speed help human better calibr expans rate entir visibl universe toward goal sever imag taken hubbl space telescop order help identifi key stellar distanc marker known cepheid variabl stars sinc ngc 4921 member coma cluster galaxies refin distanc would also allow better distanc determin one largest nearbi cluster local universe magnific spiral ngc 4921 inform dub anem low rate star format low surfac brightness visibl imag are center bright nucleus bright central bar promin ring dark dust blue cluster recent form stars sever smaller companion galaxies unrel galaxi far distant universe unrel star milki way galaxy free lecture apod editor speak nyc jan 3,anem spiral ngc 4921 hubbl,2013-11-25,786,124,0.1291666666666666,11-25,11,2013,25,7,2,3 0c1fd249ccfde272c0b9b21cf2f9166f8e76a805733adf762f4b6bbde9e95a00,none,south larg starform region known orion nebula lie bright blue reflect nebula ngc 1999 edg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant ngc 1999 illumin provid embed variabl star v380 orionis nebula mark dark sideway tshape near center cosmic vista span 10 lightyears dark shape assum obscur dust cloud seen silhouett bright reflect nebula recent infrar imag indic shape like hole blown nebula energet young stars fact region abound energet young star produc jet outflow lumin shock waves catalog herbigharo hh objects name astronom georg herbig guillermo haro shock look like red gash scene includ hh1 hh2 ngc 1999 stellar jet push surround materi speed hundr kilomet per second comet observ campaign soho sdo stereo hangout,ngc 1999 south orion,2013-11-28,736,116,0.0766666666666666,11-28,11,2013,28,4,2,5 715db1949b6d21ec59d31d45dafc604343d52558d1d4cba87cec790adc77234f,none,sungraz comet ison reach perihelion closest approach sun yesterday novemb 28 ut comet pass 1 million kilomet solar surface distanc less diamet sun two panel follow ison right close approach imag lasco instrument onboard sun stare soho spacecraft overwhelm sunlight block lasco central occult disk white circl indic sun scale bright comet seen along path bottom panel someth much fainter near top panel potenti dust tail debri left ison perihelion passage,comet ison,2013-11-29,454,71,0.1798941798941799,11-29,11,2013,29,3,1,2 403c581c2364ab762fec0317a0fc057b055c347b1ad86cc5fe7fe6b858f5fbe4,none,peopl shoot power laser center galaxy fortunately meant first step galact war rather astronom larg telescop vlt site chile tri measur distort earth ever chang atmosphere constant imag highaltitud atom excit laser appear like artifici star allow astronom instantli measur atmospher blurring inform fed back vlt telescop mirror slightli deform minim blurring case vlt observ galaxy center earth atmospher blur direct needed intergalaxi warfare view galaxy center casualti expected fact light power laser would combin light sun togeth appear bright faint distant star time free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,laser strike galact center,2013-12-01,606,90,0.11,12-01,12,2013,1,6,2,4 a4bfa576789dc49a350337b457f4069ceb336644e7eb3d03a1e5e8959d91d29a,damian peach,comet lovejoy captur last week pass well front spiral galaxi m63 discov three month ago current near maximum brightness comet lovejoy seen near big dipper dark northerli locat dawn unaid eye unexpect rival comet ison c2013 r1 lovejoy pictur above current sport larg green coma beauti textur ion tail comet lovejoy head back outer solar system remain good sight binocular anoth weeks conversely spiral galaxi m63 lie far distanc expect remain stationari sky hold rel bright least next million years late ison news continu comet ison ,comet lovejoy galaxi m63,2013-12-02,532,86,0.038235294117647,12-02,12,2013,2,3,0,3 727afd492e1419eaf9f8781a1eaaf98961f546ea1df89a6caf892e2441112649,rafael defavari,mani spectacular color rho ophiuchi ohfeeyukee cloud highlight mani process occur there blue region shine primarili reflect light blue light star rho ophiuchi nearbi star reflect effici portion nebula red light earth daytim sky appear blue reason red yellow region shine primarili emiss nebula atom molecular gas light nearbi blue star energet bright star antar knock electron away gas shine electron recombin gas dark brown region caus dust grain born young stellar atmospher effect block light emit behind them rho ophiuchi star clouds well front globular cluster m4 visibl lower left even color human see cloud emit light everi wavelength band radio gammaray budget universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,color cloud rho ophiuchi,2013-12-03,717,111,0.1772727272727272,12-03,12,2013,3,4,2,5 5ac649125f85a6f17c94ead0c4ba2a4e575a7a4c722c20d09fecffa41feaae38,clear sky,new comet quit photogenic comet lovejoy discov three month ago imag ruin ancient castl sweden last week sport greenglow coma tail trail sever degrees past week unusu activ time comet watcher four comet visibl simultan ison lovejoy encke linear c2013 r1 lovejoy comet current visibl unaid eye dark location monday new moon provid littl glare next day provid good time see comet lovejoy reach peak brightness two half weeks comet lovejoy reach closest approach sun distanc insid orbit distanc earth late ison news multipl view spacecraft,comet lovejoy castl,2013-12-04,535,86,0.0005509641873278,12-04,12,2013,4,3,0,1 12e3772a6ea35493fc7e1708fadf56f0293ccc865f2a36a2ecbe493050106bf1,goldman,faint planetari nebula abel 7 1800 lightyear distant south orion planet earth sky constel lepus hare surround milki way star near lineofsight distant background galaxies gener simpl spheric shape 8 lightyear diameter outlin deep telescop image within confin beautiful complex detail enhanc use narrowband filters emiss hydrogen nitrogen shown reddish hue oxygen emiss map color give abel 7 natur appear would otherwis much faint appreci eye planetari nebula repres brief final phase stellar evolut sun experi 5 billion year hence nebula central sunlik star shrug outer layers abel 7 estim 20000 year old central star seen fade white dwarf 10 billion year old,planetari nebula abel 7,2013-12-05,658,103,-0.00625,12-05,12,2013,5,4,2,5 7d00e56b02dbf874b14fd5d10cb65175b621bb3ec0711c3e73de2982713e60e3,none,earthorbit gammaray telescope earth actual brightest sourc gammarays energet form light gammaray earth produc high energi particles cosmic ray space crash atmosphere interact block harm radiat reach surface gammaray domin remark earth sky view orbit fermi gammaray space telescope larg area telescope imag construct use observ made center milki way galaxi near zenith directli fermi satellite zenith map center field earth point near directli satellite map edg field result earth allski project fermi orbit perspective color scheme show low intens gammaray blue high intens yellowish hue logarithm scale fair planet brighter gammaray glow flood edg field high intens yellow ring trace earth limb gammaray sourc sky along rel faint milki way stretch diagon across middle launch june 11 2008 explor highenergi universe week fermi celebr day low earth orbit,gammaray earth sky,2013-12-06,854,129,0.0674999999999999,12-06,12,2013,6,8,2,4 14051ef2aa503169e0bb89ea1096c624c95834f89355921f7102c3aa9ed6b992,yuri beletski,brightest stellar beacon constel centaurus alpha beta centauri easi spot southern hemisphere now new nake eye nova centauri 2013 night skyscap record near la campana observatori chilean southern atacama desert decemb 5 new star join old expans constellation seen earli morn hour greenish airglow caught nova hunter john australia decemb 2 approach near nake eye brightness nova cen 2013 spectroscop identifi classic nova interact binari star system compos dense hot white dwarf cool giant companion materi companion star fall onto white dwarf surfac trigger thermonuclear event cataclysm blast result drastic increas bright expand shell debris star destroyed though classic nova thought recur flow materi onto white dwarf eventu resum produc anoth outburst,nake eye nova centauri 2013,2013-12-07,756,112,0.1444741532976827,12-07,12,2013,7,6,2,4 c851a01c78cf361e94d09f4fdd874edc76ef47e9e73281f98a2b62109a064d90,none,could stand mar might see scroll right find out robot spirit rover roll around mar 2004 2009 mar climb top hill 2005 took seri imag three day digit combin 360 degre panorama spirit instruct take imag resolut human 2020 eyesight full panoram result found click imag level detail unparallel histori martian surfac photography panorama taken pinnacl husband hill dub everest panorama honor view tallest mountain earth visibl gusev crater rocks rust sand martian sundial vast plains nearbi peaks faraway peaks sand drifts distance fast move dust devil seen slight apparit red green blue color filter use build natur color vista latest imag classic look sky facebook,everest panorama mar,2013-12-08,663,106,0.1363095238095238,12-08,12,2013,8,5,2,1 f28434b3965e428be063f4f04140d3e5a00224b03424781f8cee8fa16298374d,jen hackmann,lovejoy continu impress camera comet pictur above comet c2013 r1 lovejoy imag windmil southern franc exposure foreground field comet lovejoy remain avail photo opportun northern observ much decemb much night although fade month progress highest sky sunrise comet best view binoculars giant dirti snowball comet lovejoy last visit inner solar system 7000 year ago around time human develop wheel budget universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,comet lovejoy windmil,2013-12-09,445,67,0.18,12-09,12,2013,9,3,1,1 9c2c8a1edaaf8148dd0f827517e942fc1bdde3774a1adfb2794bca1cc0dcabc5,none,surviv battl galaxies known seyfert sextet intrigu group galaxi lie head portion split constel snake serpens sextet actual contain four interact galaxies though near center hubbl space telescop picture small faceon spiral galaxi lie distant background appear chanc align main group also promin condens upper left like separ galaxi all tidal tail star flung galaxies gravit interactions 190 million lightyear away interact galaxi tightli pack region around 100000 lightyear across compar size milki way galaxy make one densest known galaxi groups bound gravity closeknit group may coalesc singl larg galaxi next billion years free lecture apod editor speak nyc jan 3,seyfert sextet,2013-12-10,665,101,0.0216666666666666,12-10,12,2013,10,7,2,3 2682f0d6351625c18c69b646276149308d9cd037740567cd4b4ca2b08e62ed2f,none,cold get earth interior antarctica record low temperatur c f recorded 25 c 45 f colder coldest low note place human live record temperatur occur 2010 august winter antarctica found scientist decad climat data taken earthorbit satellites coldest spot found near peak higher air gener although specif depress near peak rel dens cold air settl cool frozen ground summer much better time visit antarctica region warm high 15 c astrophysicists brows 600 code astrophys sourc code librari,coldest earth,2013-12-11,484,77,0.0664069264069264,12-11,12,2013,11,8,0,1 1fe71f5bda45be9623d78c8832c2e8ae6fbf808c3737ce6344af0b160d59f9b3,rogelio bernalandreo,alnitak alnilam mintaka bright bluish star east west lower right upper left along diagon gorgeou cosmic vista otherwis known belt orion three blue supergi star hotter much massiv sun lie 1500 lightyear away born orion wellstudi interstellar clouds fact cloud ga dust adrift region intrigu surprisingli familiar shapes includ dark horsehead nebula flame nebula near alnitak lower right famou orion nebula right edg color star field wellframed widefield telescop imag span 4 degre sky watch geminid meteor shower,alnitak alnilam mintaka,2013-12-12,510,78,0.1892857142857143,12-12,12,2013,12,4,1,5 d1e488385b0b4b1d5223834618d70c27984620da020128e69be9275874a4b76e,jeff dai,annual geminid meteor shower rain planet earth week despit wax gibbou moonlight reliabl geminid enjoy tonight night decemb 1314 near shower peak record near last year peak earli hour decemb 14 2012 skyscap captur mani gemini love shoot stars care composit exposur made three hour period overlook wetland central china dark sky share bright jupit right orion right center faint band milki way shower radiant constel gemini appar sourc meteor streaks lie top frame dust swept orbit activ asteroid 3200 phaethon gemini meteor enter atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second watch tonight geminid meteor shower,geminid meteor shower,2013-12-13,603,95,0.1515306122448979,12-13,12,2013,13,6,2,1 e30076aa4dd1e47efad7779017094dc2dd459a232bd48e55e36fce0821966246,astro anarchi,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work right bubble center hot star sever hundr thousand time lumin around 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia natur look view cosmic bubbl compos narrowband imag data also use creat 3d model,bubbl nebula,2013-12-14,551,85,-0.0674107142857143,12-14,12,2013,14,4,0,5 1743a08cec66e80e2b81fc287d807e1cabf9cd3989de28d9a24ab2e3798e6f0e,reprocess ted stryk,although phase moon might appear familiar moon might not fact gibbou phase show part jupiter moon europa robot spacecraft galileo captur imag mosaic mission orbit jupit 1995 2003 visibl plain bright ice crack run horizon dark patch like contain ice dirt rais terrain particularli appar near terminator cast shadows europa nearli size earth moon much smoother show highland larg impact craters evid imag galileo spacecraft indic liquid ocean might exist ici surface test specul sea hold life esa start preliminari develop jupit ici moon explor spacecraft propos launch around 2022 would explor jupit particular europa recent observ hubbl space telescop uncov new evid europa like saturn moon enceladus ice vent surface budget universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,gibbou europa,2013-12-15,769,119,0.1713744588744588,12-15,12,2013,15,2,2,2 c7cac021cb66a5d5b59f715be67833ba1c417c840ce4ce48a838b932155fc7d0,none,new desksiz rover begun explor moon launch two week ago chines nation space chang 3 spacecraft land moon yesterday deploy robot rover name folklor lunar jade schedul threemonth mission explor sever kilomet insid sinu iridum latin impact crater camera investig surfac featur composit ground penetr radar investig deep soil structure chang 3 achiev first soft moon land sinc soviet union luna 24 1976 yutu first lunar rover deploy sinc lunokhod 2 1973 pictur above yutu imag lander yesterday soon roll onto moon note apod avail chines beij,yutu rover roll onto moon,2013-12-16,537,87,0.1227272727272727,12-16,12,2013,16,2,1,2 d373276a1cacf0b28d42478d23900943713a35cb00e6e00340b13beb1d895529,juan carlo casadotwanearth,night rain meteors peak two night ago asteroid dust streak dark sky earth shower annual geminid meteor shower astrophotograph juan carlo casado captur space weather event pictur above seri exposur span 23 hour use wide angl lens teid volcano canari island spain tower foreground picturesqu constel orion highlight background star appear near top volcano rigel although asteroid dust particl travel parallel other result meteor streak appear radiat singl point sky case constel gemini top image like train track appear converg distance meteor radiant effect due perspective astrophotograph estim 50 geminid visibl composit imag mani see budget universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,geminid meteor teid volcano,2013-12-17,687,103,0.1,12-17,12,2013,17,6,2,1 fe2b1f8db11838d4a586c36957b4c66cf5f5bdc9d970c4bf4e43d176199de595,thoma,what happen behind houses pictur aurora nearbi light pillars local phenomenon appear distant one place earth lucki viewer see sunpillar column light appear extend sun caus flat flutter icecryst reflect sunlight upper atmosphere usual ice crystal evapor reach ground freez temperatures however flat flutter ice crystal may form near ground form light snow sometim known crystal fog ice crystal may reflect ground light column unlik sunpillar go buy cat food quick think photograph captur light pillar extend bright park lot light finland free lecture apod editor speak nyc jan 3,light pillar finland,2013-12-18,577,90,0.1843137254901961,12-18,12,2013,18,8,1,1 fdba8c03244b89d8266c2d75538f755b6477069378ee5dbbdddb4a4567c5a5ba,lászló francsic,moon normal seen subtl shade grey yellow small measur color differ greatli exagger make telescopic multicolored moonscap captur moon full phase differ color recogn correspond real differ chemic makeup lunar surface blue hue reveal titanium rich area orang purpl color show region rel poor titanium iron familiar sea tranquility mare tranquillitatis blue area upper right corner frame white line radiat across orangehu southern lunar highland 85 kilomet wide ray crater tycho bottom left it darker ray crater copernicu extend sea rain mare imbrium upper left calibr rock sampl apollo missions similar multicolor imag spacecraft use explor moon global surfac composition,color moon,2013-12-19,668,100,0.0445578231292516,12-19,12,2013,19,2,2,4 e15e4d10c1394fdffe2579611c162c9dd486314b906216b0b34c6c7385b3c044,none,saturn larg moon titan would uniqu solar system world stabl liquid lake sea surfac except planet earth course center north pole color map show titan bodi methan ethan blue black still liquid frigid surfac temperatur 180 degre c degre f map base data cassini spacecraft radar taken flybi 2004 2013 roughli heartshaped lake right pole ligeia mare second largest known bodi liquid titan larger lake superior earth north pole punga mare sprawl sea right punga mare titan largest known sea left pole moon surfac dot smaller lake rang 50 kilomet across,titan land lake,2013-12-20,547,91,-0.0579365079365079,12-20,12,2013,20,8,0,2 4fa3891f5a75805331b8cc8c5443a279d2ae4af0391b3f7992ff15ad18f92827,none,today solstic univers time sun reach southernmost declin yearli journey planet earth sky decemb solstic mark astronom begin winter northern hemispher summer south celebrate explor creativ visual sun visibl extrem ultraviolet wavelengths use imag data orbit solar dynam observatori sdo base imag made visibl wavelengths wedgeshap segment show solar disk increasingli shorter ultraviolet extrem ultraviolet wavelengths shown falsecolor rotat clockwis direction filter decreas wavelength 170 nanomet in nanomet green shorter wavelengths altitud temperatur region reveal solar atmospher tend increase bright visibl wavelengths solar photospher look darker ultraviolet sunspot glow bright plasma trace loop magnet fields watch filter sweep around solar disk anim sdo multiwavelength view sun,multiwavelength sun,2013-12-21,786,106,0.08,12-21,12,2013,21,1,2,4 fc64ade0f8a9c1a239c161194a70233021f56df84b0394e1756129bcda176f8a,yuri beletski,radiant point constel twins annual geminid meteor shower rain planet earth past weeks record near shower peak night decemb 13 14 skyscap captur gemini shoot star fourhour composit dark sky la campana observatori chile foreground 25meter du pont telescop visibl well 1meter swope telescope sky beyond meteor highlight jupiter seen bright spot near imag center central band milki way galaxy seen vertic imag left pinkish orion nebula far left dust swept orbit activ asteroid 3200 phaethon gemini meteor enter atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second free lecture apod editor speak new york citi jan 3,geminid meteor chile,2013-12-23,596,95,0.0797202797202797,12-23,12,2013,23,6,2,4 c09bff591e090b9c7b2b5cbf734564c9b1940049b9e5c1f2769cbf37f7260eb6,jeff,blown fast wind hot massiv star cosmic bubbl huge catalog sharpless 2308 lie 5200 lightyear away toward constel big dog cani major cover slightli sky full moon correspond diamet 60 lightyear estim distance massiv star creat bubble wolfrayet star bright one near center nebula wolfrayet star 20 time mass sun thought brief presupernova phase massiv star evolution fast wind wolfrayet star creat bubbleshap nebula sweep slower move materi earlier phase evolution windblown nebula age 70000 years rel faint emiss captur expans imag domin glow ioniz oxygen atom map violet hues budget universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,sharpless 308 star bubbl,2013-12-24,624,98,0.1473214285714286,12-24,12,2013,24,4,2,5 f0811d0d6ba86ac2cf5fda03133f065aaf710ad2857e4fc5ad2b558e39ca2f93,adam block,gorgeou spiral galaxi m33 seem fair share glow hydrogen gas promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxi lie 3 million lightyear distant inner 30000 lightyear shown telescop galaxi portrait enhanc reddish ioniz hydrogen cloud hii regions sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward core m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseries site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat luminous massiv star ioniz surround hydrogen ga ultim produc characterist red glow enhanc image broadband data use produc color view galaxi combin narrowband data record hydrogenalpha filter transmit light strongest hydrogen emiss line see monochromat narrowband data alone move cursor image take video tour hydrogen cloud m33,hydrogen cloud m33,2013-12-26,746,110,0.15625,12-26,12,2013,26,7,2,5 a0697c9c36d234a8b850b71d18ffb86f76ef9944f4d1b4de2c19264ccdc6b83a,jimmi walker,cosmic cloud seem form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 course cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 15 million year young cluster star near center color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouette domin emiss atom hydrogen telescop view span 30 lightyears wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat along northern milki way 7500 light year distant toward constel cassiopeia,melott 15 heart,2013-12-27,498,79,0.1349999999999999,12-27,12,2013,27,4,1,5 6178b7fa4dd85542247f92de3dc9c25c9c5fa8f9f7b8990ecd5fbba5f29eeaed,leroy zimmerman,remark intens auror band flood northern night shimmer color decemb 7 stun sequenc captur made camera fix tripod cold clear sky near outsid fairbanks alaska left right span period 30 minutes panel follow chang danc curtain northern light extend altitud 100 kilomet band arc directli overhead panel span 150 degre vertically cover 500 kilomet aurora across sky edg edge auror activ trigger moder level geomagnet storm high speed solar wind stream buffet planet earth magnetosphere,alaska aurora sequenc,2013-12-28,478,75,0.0636734693877551,12-28,12,2013,28,8,0,1 ee2f93965015e9879fa06adae22422fe32e2cad70c629a1950eb2f547a2cc801,john chumack,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl dark indent red emiss nebula center photograph horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright red emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms also visibl bottom left pictur greenish reflect nebula preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars free lecture apod editor speak nyc jan 3,horsehead nebula,2013-12-31,509,78,0.1,12-31,12,2013,31,4,0,5 a264bf6990342b17a5dbf3e90c820f27b43531e833dc85c026a302e74afa0aeb,jay ouellet,that young crescent moon pois western horizon sunset instead venu crescent phase captur long telephoto len quebec city canada planet earth chilli decemb 30th evening bright celesti beacon drop lower even twilight everi day also grow larger appar size becom steadili thinner crescent binocular view head toward inferior conjunction posit earth sun januari 11 next even see young crescent moon join crescent venu western twilight though historically first observ phase venu made galileo telescop 1610 evid consist copernican model solar system ptolema system,new crescent,2014-01-01,556,83,0.1222222222222222,01-01,1,2014,1,2,1,1 4df6063f7ba318c5ef21bdfdd95da920aa31b4f25aa4d2337acc2b1411dcdb22,none,catch sight reflect store window shini hubcap entertain occasion even inspir thought moment consid reflect view 300 kilomet planet earth pictur actual selfportrait taken astronaut michael fossum juli 8 2006 space walk extravehicular activ discoveri orbit dock intern space station turn camera snap pictur helmet visor also record reflect fellow mission specialist pier sellers near pictur center one space station goldtint solar power array arc across top course horizon fair planet lie background,reflect planet earth,2014-01-02,497,73,0.24,01-02,1,2014,2,8,1,2 c33f366f1a228d5abc8619d1c56d6ebe3e65abe424ca922d8ec4ebc17ceaf626,damian peach,rival comet ison 2013 comet lovejoy c2013 r1 still sweep earli morn skies captur starri scene new year day frame stretch 35 degre about 7 full moons across background faint star constel hercules visibl nake eye dark site dawn lovejoy remain good target northern hemisphere binocular equip skygazers deep exposur show lovejoy beauti tail tantal greenish coma better binocular views sungrazer comet lovejoy made closest approach sun around decemb 22 loop high eclipt plane head outer solar system lovejoy began new year 67 lightminut planet earth free lecture apod editor speak nyc tonight,lovejoy new year,2014-01-03,587,93,0.1484297520661156,01-03,1,2014,3,3,2,1 4a25673f09f98ba9a0b7eac5cc820c0fda211257b634f22df4ae7025eb059685,christoph malin,crescent venu shine along western horizon dusk clear sky earth sister planet smile low cloud near bottom frame januari 2nd conjunct slender young crescent moon above cours love pair moon venu crescent could enjoy new year sky around world twin contrail scene belong aircraft switzerland soon disappear even skies venu head toward januari 11th inferior conjunct appear predawn sky planet earth morn star late january moon young again too,cloud crescent,2014-01-04,436,69,0.1104895104895104,01-04,1,2014,4,2,1,1 62099a39864309d6ced5a88ebe3e7054e83eb4bd82eca68f6580d6d412ae005b,pa ducceacfhtatla 3d collabor,what happen galaxi ngc 474 multipl layer emiss appear strang complex unexpect given rel featureless appear ellipt galaxi less deep images caus shell current unknown possibl tidal tail relat debri left absorb numer small galaxi past billion years altern shell may like rippl pond ongo collis spiral galaxi ngc 474 caus densiti wave rippl though galact giant regardless actual cause imag dramat highlight increas consensu least ellipt galaxi form recent past outer halo larg galaxi realli smooth complex induc frequent interact accret smaller nearbi galaxies halo milki way galaxi one exampl unexpect complexity ngc 474 span 250000 light year lie 100 million light year distant toward constel fish pisces news follow apod,galaxi ngc 474 shell star stream,2014-01-05,721,112,-0.0358333333333333,01-05,1,2014,5,7,2,3 ebfdb2b01067763735241353c34f13a9084a9513978f398705fc0ad583d25768,none,orbit earth measur side cubesat roughli size larg coffe design inexpens build launch pictur above three cubesat releas intern space station iss last novemb arm japanes kibo laboratori module cubesat frequent creat student part univers scienc engin project includ mission collect wide angl imageri earth test orbit radio communications monitor earth magnet field explor earth surround radiations depend exact height release cubesat reent earth atmospher time scale month years astrophysicists brows 700 code astrophys sourc code librari,three,2014-01-06,537,77,0.05,01-06,1,2014,6,8,0,2 09dafc5efe502156cb5998e7128b0a2d99fa13bd31811d50d1451f357307e694,lorand feny,m7 one promin open cluster star sky cluster domin bright blue stars seen nake eye dark sky tail constel scorpion scorpius m7 contain 100 star total 200 million year old span 25 lightyear across lie 1000 lightyear away deep image taken last june hungari small telescope combin 60 exposures m7 star cluster known sinc ancient times note ptolemi year 130 ad also visibl dark dust cloud liter million unrel star toward galact center,m7 open star cluster scorpiu,2014-01-07,428,73,0.0136363636363636,01-07,1,2014,7,6,0,3 04860f2e7c6daa07dc11ced51113cf4383d01ccc07420f89bc3ad3e4bad56f96,jürg alean,sunset may watch celesti event late sunset even offer someth extra sunspot larg visibl nake eye captur swiss sky sunset scene januari 5 cross left right near center solar disk dim distort earth dens atmosphere detail view reveal larg solar activ region compos sunspots larger planet earth itself catalog activ region ar 1944 januari 7 produc substanti solar flare coron mass eject cme forecast reach earth cme could trigger geomagnet storm aurora januari 9,sunspot sunset,2014-01-08,456,74,0.0095238095238095,01-08,1,2014,8,1,0,1 8b94b0cb243f922084a543802fa16d5c70698738468e7a772118495d3b6b26b2,martin pugh,telescop closeup show otherwis faint emiss nebula ic 410 strike falsecolors also featur two remark inhabit cosmic pond ga dust right center tadpol ic 410 pictur composit imag taken narrow band filters narrow band imag data trace atom nebula emiss sulfur atom red hydrogen atom green oxygen blue partli obscur foreground dust nebula surround ngc 1893 young galact cluster star energ glow gas compos denser cooler ga dust tadpol around 10 lightyear long potenti site ongo star formation sculpt wind radiat cluster stars tail trail away cluster central region ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away toward constel auriga,tadpol ic 410,2014-01-09,610,98,-0.0785714285714285,01-09,1,2014,9,4,2,5 93291b47d4b079e607c90196215664bb579e95996be7e09259eb3a0a89f64123,goldman,mere seven hundr light year earth constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix nebula ngc 7293 well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution total hour exposur time gone creat deep view nebula combin narrow band imag data emiss line hydrogen atom red oxygen atom bluegreen hues show remark detail helix brighter inner region 3 lightyear across also follow fainter outer halo featur give nebula span well six lightyears white dot helix center planetari nebula hot central star simpl look nebula first glance helix understood surprisingli complex geometry,ngc 7293 helix nebula,2014-01-10,607,94,0.0031249999999999,01-10,1,2014,10,4,2,5 240e2f94ea8da5483cde2cc07737299664985f659d5aaa31b320b44b3e66cb93,michael miller,broad expans glow ga dust present birdlik visag astronom planet earth suggest popular monik seagul nebula portrait cosmic bird cover 16 degre wide swath across plane milki way near direct sirius alpha star constel cani major course region includ object catalog designations notabl ngc 2327 compact dusti emiss region embed massiv star form bird head aka parrot nebula center domin reddish glow atom hydrogen complex ga dust cloud bright young star span 100 lightyear estim 3800 lightyear distance,seagul nebula,2014-01-11,497,78,0.1113636363636363,01-11,1,2014,11,4,1,5 12f7fb0d4e5aa3853aa658c2b7ada7d91f89949c7241f0fb9439bd772e4e9631,none,would like visit moon first major fiction film explor endur fantasi titl le voyag la a trip moon made becom one popular movi earli year twentieth century silent film georg portray club astronom voyag moon back pictur frame movi becom endur icon film space bullsey trajectory man moon struck humanbuilt spaceship entir film freeli available visit moon remain popular topic even 67 year later 1969 human first made actual voyage,trip moon,2014-01-13,426,70,0.1965909090909091,01-13,1,2014,13,2,1,2 090706ca4e0236ebbf3e8a652e754a542c0322a4ee110a613b96226e309d3b12,yuri beletski,night sky darkest direct opposit sun no fact rare discern faint glow known gegenschein german counter glow seen 180 degre around sun extrem dark sky gegenschein sunlight backscatt small interplanetari dust particles dust particl millimet size splinter asteroid orbit eclipt plane planets pictur last year one spectacular pictur gegenschein yet taken deep exposur extrem dark sky la campana observatori chile show gegenschein clearli even surround glow visible notabl background object includ andromeda galaxy pleiad star cluster california nebula belt orion orion nebula insid barnard loop bright star rigel betelgeuse gegenschein distinguish zodiac light near sun high angl reflection day phenomenon similar gegenschein call glori seen reflect air cloud opposit sun airplane,gegenschein chile,2014-01-14,775,111,0.0873333333333333,01-14,1,2014,14,6,2,5 a6dcaca51c450be5049e36f89b74bab77a87d05a144be00bc09b2d182f8918fb,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula immens stellar nurseri 1500 lightyear away stun falsecolor view span 40 lightyear across region construct use infrar data spitzer space telescope compar visual wavelength appearance brightest portion nebula likewis center orion young massive hot stars known trapezium cluster infrar imag also detect nebula mani protostars still process formation seen red hues fact red spot along dark dusti filament left bright cluster includ protostar catalog 68 recent found crystal silic miner within protostellar envelope,spitzer orion,2014-01-15,554,80,0.0875,01-15,1,2014,15,4,0,5 08d77006bd54434249013ef1b8bbe96677437431db7b7c4395107d58671f5dcc,none,despina tini moon neptune mere 148 kilomet across diminut despina discov 1989 imag voyag 2 spacecraft taken encount solar system distant ga giant planet look voyag 2 data 20 year later amateur imag professor ted discov someth one recogn imag show shadow despina transit across neptune blue cloud tops composit view despina shadow compos four archiv frame taken august 24 1989 separ nine minutes despina artifici brighten make easier see ancient greek mythology despina daughter roman god neptune,moon neptun,2014-01-16,496,78,-0.1214285714285714,01-16,1,2014,16,8,0,2 9645d772f1de6d4333079b78d186d107359e692779ea7f2c61d9f4cb680cc95c,rick baldridg,big bright beauti full moon rose lick observatori wednesday night tradit full moon januari might call wolf moon moon reach full phase januari 16 ut within 2 hour apogee distant point ellipt orbit around planet earth also make smallest full moon 2014 cours differ appar size largest smallest full moon hard see differ distanc lunar apoge perigee closest point moon orbit 50000 kilometers moon averag distanc around 385000 kilometers though much full moon also smallest full moon last 1000 years keep distinct slightli smaller full moon occur close apoge,full moon,2014-01-18,552,89,0.2505208333333333,01-18,1,2014,18,2,1,2 19adc778f11e4212d7195025a95afa5a645c0fc87449febf7a99ff06c1a31519,none,billion year now one two galaxi remain then spiral galaxi ngc 2207 ic 2163 slowli pull apart creat tide matter sheet shock gas lane dark dust burst star formation stream castaway stars astronom predict ngc 2207 larger galaxi left eventu incorpor ic 2163 smaller galaxi right recent encount peak 40 million year ago smaller galaxi swing around counterclockwise slightli behind larger galaxy space star vast galaxi collide star usual collide,spiral galaxi collis,2014-01-19,439,70,-0.0467532467532467,01-19,1,2014,19,7,0,3 fb6e8a1dbd315b903afc426d7209a35635227d74485ade4049694ce4045c8d37,none,larg thing appear far away peer across universe answer actual tell us averag gravit histori henc composition toward goal baryon oscil spectroscop survey sloan digit sky measur slight recur densiti enhanc galaxi densiti six billion light year away redshift univers half current age densiti rippl known baryon acoust oscil expect emerg earli univers known size scale measur size scale indic strong univers compon dark energy bolster previou indic unusu composition pictur artist illustr depict exagger distant universe,,2014-01-20,516,77,0.0388888888888888,01-20,1,2014,20,8,0,4 5e3863e8353c355223f2d6b6f01e0104b091d0a52756c76f88d229a70440c2be,none,see big bright beauti full moon last wednesday night actual micro moon night smallest full moon 2014 reach full phase hour lunar apogee time distant point earth moon ellipt orbit course last year night june 22 full super moon near perigee closest point orbit rel appar size januari 15 micro moon compar june 22 super moon composit imag digit superimpos telescop imag italy differ appar size repres differ distanc 50000 kilomet apoge perigee given moon averag distanc 385000 kilometers long wait see anoth full micro moon march 5 2015 lunar full phase occur within hour lunar apogee,micro moon super moon,2014-01-21,581,97,0.2135416666666667,01-21,1,2014,21,2,2,2 9d4331730c69f9c2c24aa1f04a708dee4d0896bc2fc3a7346a5f8837047f3773,fabian neyer,love starfield span seven full moon about 35 degrees across heroic northern constel perseus right center hold famou pair open galact star clusters h chi persei also catalog ngc 869 right ngc 884 cluster 7000 lightyear away contain star much younger hotter sun separ hundr lightyears cluster 13 million year young base age individu stars evid like product starform region alway reward sight binoculars doubl cluster even visibl unaid eye dark locations seen binocular though often depict telescop imag region faint cloud reddish ioniz hydrogen ga found throughout remark cosmic skyscape color composite imag includ narrowband data enhanc emiss hydrogen clouds visibl toward upper left wide field view another smaller open star cluster ngc also similar age distance possibl relat famou doubl cluster perseus,doubl cluster perseu,2014-01-23,805,124,0.0317460317460317,01-23,1,2014,23,6,2,3 83d0bacc192c272a04a1be9f4861ae4208abbfbcd38f202163b818128585e3dd,adam block,astronom realli find supernova look arrows imag taken januari 23rd arrow point exciting new supernova catalog sn 2014j nearbi bright galaxi m82 locat near big dipper planet earth sky m82 also known cigar galaxy popular target telescop northern hemisphere fact sn 2014j first spot unfamiliar sourc otherwis familiar galaxi fellow steve astronomi workshop student tom matthew guy univers colleg london observatori even januari 21 m82 mere 12 million lightyear away so supernova explos happen 12 million year ago light reach make supernova sn 2014j one closest seen recent decades spectra indic type ia supernova caus explos white dwarf accret matter companion star estim one week away maximum brightness sn 2014j alreadi brightest part m82 visibl small telescop even sky gallery supernova m82,bright supernova m82,2014-01-24,790,122,0.1624125874125874,01-24,1,2014,24,6,2,4 3f1226fcd2090192b68490d7a0d19969ee92e50cfd8efef2656ce284d9e75015,none,januari 25 ut 2004 opportun rover fell mars make today 10th anniversari landing 3500 sol mar solar days golf cartsiz robot earth still activ explor red planet though origin mission plan three months selfportrait made opportunity panoram camera earlier month camera support mast edit imag mosaic shadow visibl dusti solar panel array across rover deck comparison similar selfportrait late 2004 shown inset driven 39 kilomet 24 miles land site opportun rest point rim endeavour crater,opportunity decad mar,2014-01-25,482,75,-0.075,01-25,1,2014,25,5,0,2 bc576c22e6d5e37af987843fa0fac256ab4605f152f2cb0bb31db0a234785cf7,nicholasbu,road connect northern southern cross right place time see it road pictur above actual central band milki way galaxy right place case dark laguna cejar salar de atacama northern chile right time earli october sunset mani sky wonder captur then includ bright moon insid milki way arch venus moon saturn mercury moon larg small magellan cloud satellit galaxies far left red airglow near horizon imag left light small town sever locat across horizon one might guess compos 30imag panorama would seren experience one would requir earplug ignor continu bray wild donkeys follow apod on instagram,northern southern cross,2014-01-27,589,95,0.0845864661654135,01-27,1,2014,27,6,2,1 5f40f35fc9787bcc71f3079de7f2b6a554a8da9ff3392984841f2ca4585a453f,none,m83 one closest brightest spiral galaxi sky visibl binocular constel hydra majest spiral arm prompt nicknam southern pinwheel although discov 250 year ago much later appreci m83 nearbi ga cloud bar spiral galaxi much like milki way galaxy m83 pictur hubbl space telescop recent releas image promin member group galaxi includ centauru ngc 5253 lie 15 million light year distant sever bright supernova explos record m83 intrigu doubl circumnuclear ring discov center m83 organ universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,spiral galaxi m83 southern pinwheel,2014-01-28,518,81,0.1666666666666666,01-28,1,2014,28,7,1,3 ec81d046fd38226d34076d3298818bfaa99b821c5bd92f7dc8c187eeb1da5cd6,none,rock look like jelli donut suddenli appear mars that happen front robot opportun rover current explor red planet unexpectedli place rock pictur above imag recent opportun appear imag taken recent twelv martian day sols before given intrigu mystery lead explan somewhat tame rock recent scatter one rover even so rock unusu light tone surround red interior creat interest composit well caus nicknam jelli subsequ chemic analysi show rock twice abund rock yet examin unexpect clue yet fit humanity understand martian geolog history opportunity pass 10th anniversari mars continu explor murray ridg section rim wide endeavor crater,donut shape rock mar,2014-01-29,631,96,0.0439393939393939,01-29,1,2014,29,5,2,4 9184db64e6cbb7f8876fefb31cc6cd6daab34e916d8b8c850965cfe1f62927c5,mike killian,fix tripod look east across kennedi space center turn basin camera captur star trail seri short exposur three hour period even januari 23rd posit mile space launch complex 41 cape canaver air forc station also captur spectacular night launch atla v rocket carri nasa track data relay satellit creat trails appar motion star sky reflect daili rotat planet earth axis rotat also reason rocket streak follow path arc east across atlantic launch toward east direct earth rotation add rotat veloc rocket reduc fuel need reach orbit littl ironically destin geostationari orbit there 36000 kilomet equator orbit period match earth rotat satellit hang motionless planet earth sky,rocket streak star trail,2014-01-30,671,106,0.0599999999999999,01-30,1,2014,30,8,2,2 aaac74f47c73d2516f3231208a8f22e8b45431225eef3615b461e626aa2a85f2,harel,fantast shape lurk cloud glow ga ngc 6188 4000 lightyear away emiss nebula found near edg larg molecular cloud unseen visibl wavelengths southern constel ara massive young star embed ara ob1 associ form region million year ago sculpt dark shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas join ngc 6188 cosmic canva rare emiss nebula ngc 6164 also creat one region massiv otyp stars similar appear mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 striking symmetr gaseou shroud faint halo surround bright central star near bottom edge impress wide field view span 3 degre six full moons correspond 200 light year estim distanc ngc 6188 narrowband imag data includ natur look color composite ad deep red emiss hydrogen sulfur atom bluegreen light oxygen atoms,ngc 6188 ngc 6164,2014-02-01,872,138,0.1225,02-01,2,2014,1,4,2,5 19e373fa3864a088f36207ab922e0dc82037233cbf65eea01d14b02d8c740eda,walli pacholka astropicstwan,welcom world night share night sky seen around world view monument valley usa includ picturesqu foreground famou buttes butt compos hard rock left behind water erod away surround soft rock two butt imag left known mittens merrick butt right record 2007 december planet mar left skyscape glow beacon orang brightest object frame right mar lie constel orion betelgeus reddish star near center belt orion orion nebula farther right finally bright blue star rigel appear merrick butt stun view world night follow apod web also facebook arab,mar orion monument valley,2014-02-02,536,86,0.0742673992673992,02-02,2,2014,2,6,0,1 5fa32ae6886e9cfb44b44fd6a4c9afa3c821863ad4d135fd7d14568775168977,none,yutu rover moon arriv 2013 middecember chines yutu robot rover spent past month half explor mare imbrium earth moon use solar power mechan jade rabbit goe sleep mode endur long lunar night pictur digit creat timelaps composit panorama show region surround chang 3 lander captur desksiz rover three positions far right yutu seen head south investig like never return lander again organ universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,lunar time panorama yutu rover,2014-02-03,428,69,0.0312925170068027,02-03,2,2014,3,2,0,2 c702c3a2781180e0cc4a41551c9fb422b4a29749399e2926abb20974176bbc6a,none,visit hh 24 go near particl beam jet potenti futur travel advisori might issu power jet like contain electron proton move hundr kilomet per second imag taken hubbl space telescop infrar light order better understand turbul star form region known young stellar object frequent star forms disk dust ga circl caus power central jet appear case energet jet end herbigharo object 24 hh 24 slam surround interstellar gas entir star form region lie 1500 light year distant orion b molecular cloud complex due jet like form hh 24 estim last thousand years,particl beam jet hh 24,2014-02-04,547,92,0.1019230769230769,02-04,2,2014,4,4,2,5 7cfbb677cff8a12335734a99b05ab80643215c2e45b2c24d70f8c08259e89c14,robert gendler,spiral galaxi ngc 2683 bar across center nearli like bar milki way galaxy one might guess has nearli edgeon however hard tell either way gorgeou island universe catalog ngc 2683 lie mere 20 million lightyear distant northern constel cat lynx ngc 2683 seen nearli edgeon cosmic vista combin data imag groundbas subaru telescop spacebas hubbl space telescope distant galaxi seen scatter background blend light larg popul old yellowish star form remark bright galact core starlight silhouett dust lane along wind spiral arms dot telltal blue glow young star cluster galaxy star form regions,ngc 2683 edgeon spiral galaxi,2014-02-05,587,93,0.0208333333333333,02-05,2,2014,5,7,2,3 768597d70ba353534e6fca937579fb4d6276c79d12e3a6c05777ef6af1d45b88,cui yongjiang,long sunset januari 25 unusu intens red airglow flood skyscape scene record long exposur use digit camera yunnan provinc southwest china best faintli visibl eye linger airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic excitation origin altitud similar aurora found around globe chemic energi initi provid sun extrem ultraviolet radiat night despit lumin atmosphere band milki way clearli stretch horizon bright star siriu near top frame airglow starri sky beauti reflect region wateri rice terrac below,night,2014-02-06,503,74,0.2475,02-06,2,2014,6,6,1,4 1576fa050edca836e96b23d2492f821a0e54b585b3aa2bd639dd82c1a424d3f1,martin pugh,sharp telescop field view hold two bright galaxies bar spiral ngc 5101 top right nearli edgeon system ngc 5078 separ sky 05 degre appar width full moon found within boundari serpentin constel hydra estim around 90 million lightyear away similar size larg milki way galaxy fact lie distanc project separ would 800000 lightyear so that easili less half distanc milki way andromeda galaxy ngc 5078 interact smaller companion galaxy catalog ic 879 seen left larger galaxy bright core even distant background galaxi scatter around color field even visibl right faceon disk ngc 5101 promin spiki star foreground well within milki way,ngc friend,2014-02-08,627,101,0.1616496598639455,02-08,2,2014,8,7,2,3 663fce6299796b5d4fbb7627878e807df1effa1f17dff63f9f536ebcf884759b,isasjaxa,crater asteroid itokawa miss unexpectedly japanes robot probe hayabusa approach earthcross asteroid 2005 return pictur show surfac unlik solar system bodi yet photograph surfac possibl devoid craters lead hypothesi lack common circular indent asteroid itokawa rubbl pile bunch rock ice chunk loos held togeth small amount gravity so crater might form easili fill whenev asteroid get jiggl pass planet struck massiv meteor recent earthbas observ asteroid itokawa shown one part interior even higher averag interior densiti part anoth unexpect discovery hayabusa mission return soil sampl itokawa also give clue ancient histori unusu asteroid entir solar system,miss crater asteroid itokawa,2014-02-09,663,96,-0.05,02-09,2,2014,9,5,2,2 23ad7542a0783db4682f4501b1996bc8230d431ad4a9fdd8954a529012f249c0,leonardo orazi,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl zoomabl view right shape reminisc classic heart symbol nebula shine brightli red light energ hydrogen sever young open cluster star popul imag visibl blue includ nebula centers light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focuss massiv star form affect environment,heart soul nebula,2014-02-11,476,76,0.2452380952380952,02-11,2,2014,11,4,1,5 04366ed6542dd810ca7c203f78e981f59f461a0a2a4f10d6a831ff23dbee8d45,matipon tangmatitham,night sky appear seren perhap seren panoram imag taken last friday faint light small town glow across dark foreground landscap doi inthanon nation park thailand well numer star glow across dark background starscape also visibl planet venu band zodiac light imag left unusu event also captured however first central band milki way galaxy usual common sight appear hover ground next fortuit streak meteor captur imag right perhap unusu compon bright spot left meteor spot plume rise arian 5 rocket launch minut french guiana lucki astrophotograph captur rocket launch image pretti lucki imag time captur rocket also lucki photogen perhap surreal rest sky turn be,meteor milki way thailand,2014-02-12,663,104,0.0380952380952381,02-12,2,2014,12,6,2,4 1109dee5aafce810be565251eff2489ba9358b60381b911f55e1582826809fad,rogelio bernalandreo,rich star cluster nebulae ancient constel auriga charioteer ride high northern winter night skies span nearli 24 full moon 12 degrees sky deep telescop mosaic view record januari show auriga popular sight cosmic crowd field sweep along plane milki way galaxi direct opposit galact center need near bottom frame boundari tauru bull bright bluish star elnath known beta tauri gamma aurigae far left almost 3000 lightyear away busy loop filament supernova remnant simei 147 cover 150 lightyears look toward right find emiss nebula ic 410 significantli distant 12000 lightyear away star form ic 410 famou embed young star cluster ngc 1893 tadpoleshap cloud dust gas flame star nebula ic 405 littl farther red convolut cloud glow hydrogen ga energ hot otyp star ae aurigae two galaxy open star clusters charl messier m36 m38 line starfield above familiar mani binocularequip skygazers,auriga,2014-02-13,879,140,0.1697857142857143,02-13,2,2014,13,4,2,5 30ca47685c930452a5452a437356518979c01be822690976e197275af75c52a8,césar blancogonzález,sprawl across almost 200 lightyears emiss nebula ic 1805 mix glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud 7500 lightyear away perseu spiral arm galaxy star born region whose nickname heart nebula deriv shape cloud shape stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 15 million year young deep telescop imag map pervas light narrow emiss line atom nebula color palett made popular hubbl imag star form regions field view span two degre sky four time diamet full moon cosmic heart found constel cassiopeia boast mythic queen aethiopia ,ic 1805 light heart,2014-02-14,553,90,0.1777777777777777,02-14,2,2014,14,4,1,5 3c2c85721e7ddea73e40272841d9fad143bd1ea4058dd01058f88fd9b5119890,feraphotographi,helmetshap cosmic cloud winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across fact helmet like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center sweep surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution catalog ngc 2359 nebula locat 15000 lightyear away constel cani major sharp image made use broadband narrowband filters captur strike detail nebula filamentari structures show bluegreen color strong emiss due oxygen atom glow gas,ngc 2359 thor helmet,2014-02-15,571,84,0.1612179487179487,02-15,2,2014,15,4,1,5 52fa4da44e52122fe2fc48bef2a9722336b204694c4fc33291e7c8313ce97046,t a rector,afar whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed caviti tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming alreadi visibl sever young bright blue star whose light wind burn away push back remain filament wall ga dust eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens pictur combin three specif emit color taken 09meter telescop kitt peak arizona usa astrophysicists brows 700 code astrophys sourc code librari,insid eagl nebula,2014-02-16,650,103,0.088235294117647,02-16,2,2014,16,4,2,5 635fedcc26c2dc3cde3e87390ee47d1312a6228638c31e1a44a38ee4c7e36a22,damian peach,largest complex star form region entir galact neighborhood locat larg magellan cloud small satellit galaxi orbit milki way galaxy region spideri appear respons popular name tarantula nebula tarantula however 1000 lightyear across place distanc milki way orion nebula 1500 lightyear distant nearest stellar nurseri earth would appear cover 30 degre 60 full moons sky intrigu detail nebula visibl imag shown near true colors spindli arm tarantula nebula surround ngc 2070 star cluster contain brightest massiv star known visibl blue imag center sinc massiv star live fast die young surpris cosmic tarantula also lie near site close recent supernova,cosmic web tarantula nebula,2014-02-17,646,98,0.0957575757575757,02-17,2,2014,17,4,2,5 42acbaa6cc9a05135bafc6e4d5c48900175a8a3fa10bca42b7f2819b4b3c7870,none,import threshold mar land curios rover search clue whether life could ever exist red planet recent find curios includ evid ancient but lake biomark methan martian atmosphere continu investigation carsiz rover expedit roll mt sharp central peak larg crater landed life might shown water ran martian mountain two week ago avoid danger rocki terrain curios direct roll across onemet high sand dune block use entranc mt sharp short trip gap successful robot rover took imag show sand mound cover wheel tracks organ universe free apod 2014 calendar pdf format,cross mar,2014-02-18,554,89,0.116,02-18,2,2014,18,5,2,2 a952c357feca130bee9c826d3c2dda025ff81fb44aa7c1b447d5e15a96cf0b78,peter,yes mani dark cloud multicolor lining pictured behind darker cloud pileu iridesc cloud group water droplet uniformli similar size togeth diffract differ color sunlight differ amounts imag taken sunset notic chanc photograph east near valley rang zimbabwe also captur unusu cloud rippl pileu cloud format rare pileu cloud cap common cumulu cloud indic lower cloud expand upward might well develop storm case however minut color cloud disappeared follow apod on facebook daily sky spanish googl plu daily,rainbow pileu cloud zimbabw,2014-02-19,502,77,-0.05,02-19,2,2014,19,8,0,1 40d33b6124167b3445076466da33078df94831429a32c931c00eb2cd244195c6,none,lighthous nebula form wind pulsar rapidli rotating magnet neutron star speed interstellar medium 1000 kilomet per second 23000 lightyear distant toward southern constel carina pulsar wind nebula catalog indic lower right remark imag chandra xray observatory energet particl gener pulsar swept back wind cometlik tail trail left along direct pulsar motion away parent supernova remnant runaway pulsar expand remnant debri field aftermath massiv star pulsar kick supernova explosion ad scene exot cosmic extrem long spiral jet extend almost 37 lightyears nearli right angl pulsar motion highenergi particl jet longest known object milki way galaxy,long jet lighthous nebula,2014-02-21,645,94,0.0579365079365079,02-21,2,2014,21,6,2,5 947b2aaf62484f5d826ea30fc532176ac81c670eb63c9155198036992b9ace37,bob frank,mere 600 lightyear away m44 one closest star cluster solar system also known praesep beehiv cluster star young though 600 million year old compar sun 45 billion years base similar age motion space m44 even closer hyad star cluster tauru thought born togeth larg molecular cloud open cluster span 15 lightyears m44 hold 1000 star cover 3 full moon 15 degrees sky constel cancer visibl unaid eye m44 recogn sinc antiquity describ faint cloud celesti mist long includ 44th entri charl messier 18th centuri catalog cluster resolv individu star telescop available popular target modern sky gazers cluster yellowish tinted cool red giant scatter field brighter hot blue main sequenc star color stellar group snapshot,m44 beehiv cluster,2014-02-22,710,114,0.0482456140350877,02-22,2,2014,22,6,2,5 4bc823e0432da435077d0f6f8959e752cecb523f128209d7c5c6d979e7043ee4,none,saturn rings saturn appendages disappear 1612 galileo understand why later century becam understood saturn unusu protrus ring earth cross ring plane edgeon ring appear disappear saturn ring confin plane mani time thinner proportion razor blade modern times robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn also cross saturn ring plane seri plane cross imag 2005 februari dug vast onlin cassini raw imag archiv interest spanish amateur fernando garcia navarro pictur above digit crop set repres colors strike result saturn thin ring plane appear blue band cloud saturn upper atmospher appear gold detail saturn ring seen high dark shadow across top image taken back 2005 moon appear bump rings,cassini spacecraft cross saturn ring plane,2014-02-23,681,105,-0.0100452488687782,02-23,2,2014,23,0,2,2 2130d18e56affaa08a1b1dedb3e27642d56c9adf66f7257c5c2ad2e901a6ec44,david lane,well known pleiad star cluster slowli destroy part pass cloud ga dust pleiad brightest open cluster star earth sky seen almost northerli locat unaid eye pass young dust cloud thought part gould belt unusu ring young star format surround sun local milki way galaxy past 100000 years part gould belt chanc move right older pleiad caus strong reaction star dust pressur stars light significantli repel dust surround blue reflect nebula smaller dust particl repel strongly shortterm result part dust cloud becom filamentari stratified seen deepexposur image,pleiad deep dusti,2014-02-25,553,86,0.1130036630036629,02-25,2,2014,25,6,1,5 5cbe8571dc9e74f833910e8684c8ff80719ee4b9d2a41576dd80c60820a20388,david sky,sometim look image see may case beauti nighttim panorama taken last week new zealand visibl right off far left common clouds slightli alter digit fusion combin 11 separ 20second exposures striking perhaps broad pink aurora domin right part image less common auror color like tint excit oxygen atom high earth atmosphere keep look might notic bright light beyond mountain left rise moon even closer look reveal faint crepuscular ray eman it muse imag center may caus notic central band milki way galaxi appear almost vertically left cloud right aurora inspect upper right imag reveal fuzzi patch high sky small magellan cloud numer star popul distant background back earth imag foreground featur two dome mt john univers observatori camera tripod look captur much scene seren lake,aurora new zealand,2014-02-26,780,125,0.0623233611626468,02-26,2,2014,26,6,2,1 ee661d330c2648563c16a56fa1be2ecfad52d8f71cf75d27f3f9525b5962eb9a,cui yongjiang,venu appear planet earth brilliant morn star stand eastern horizon dawn most silveri celesti beacon rose close pair old crescent moon februari 26 seen locat western africa sunrise lunar crescent actual occult pass front venus also crescent phase farther east occult occur daylight hours fact telescop snapshot crescent captur occult began crystal clear sky yunnan province china unforgett scene easili visibl nake eye broad daylight,daytim moon meet morn star,2014-02-27,432,65,0.2828125,02-27,2,2014,27,2,1,1 60937d927f705e95dac0560fdc3972a3a635e98dce631382f34b75ad838c2caa,lauri hatch,two day past full february moon shine thin clouds rise left fishey night skyscape moonlight illumin weathered round foreground alabama hills conveni locat east mt whitney along sierra nevada rang california usa planet earth orion hunter stand right familiar northern winter constellation bright jupiter solar system rule ga giant near center top frame jupiter sirius alpha star big dog pose bow twist landform known möbiu arch curv reminisc famou surfac one side course instead use rock wind weather möbiu strip easier make paper,arch moonris,2014-02-28,529,83,0.1046703296703296,02-28,2,2014,28,8,0,1 55d10d3370396af28391571160f1e46ad6ecdfbc0e7e9972b947418b10341ef6,none,would like see sunset mars help find out robot rover spirit deploy 2005 park watch sun dip seren distant lip gusev crater color imag slightli exagger would like appar human explorer eye fine martian dust particl suspend thin atmospher lend sky reddish color dust also scatter blue light forward direction creat bluish sky glow near set sun mar farther away sun less bright two third diamet appear earth imag like help atmospher scientist understand atmospher mars atmospher across solar system includ home earth,martian sunset,2014-03-02,511,83,0.095,03-02,3,2014,2,5,0,1 ca933a0c4f8157219256e11a34897aefc8bfb7d2b28cfcca2612dd18e026175f,none,earth known world support life effort find world outsid solar system star similar sun monitor slight light decreas indic eclips planets mani planet found includ 700 world recent uncov nasa kepler satellite depict artist illustr twelv extrasolar planet orbit habit zone parent stars exoplanet right temperatur water liquid surfaces waterbas life earth might abl surviv them although technolog cannot yet detect resid life find habit exoplanet step help human better understand place cosmos,habit world,2014-03-03,488,73,0.1455782312925169,03-03,3,2014,3,8,1,2 4c3ac379717e268e20c2d1402cf094694394e1ea8887de6d96504441e8333e62,fred vanderhaven,egg chicken may form stars pictur emiss nebula catalog ic 2944 call run chicken nebula shape greater appearance imag taken recent side spring observatori australia present scientif assign colors seen near center imag small dark molecular cloud rich obscur cosmic dust call thackeray globul discoverer eggs potenti site gravit condens new stars although fate uncertain also rapidli erod away intens radiat nearbi young stars togeth patchi glow ga complex region reflect dust massiv energet star form open cluster collind 249 gorgeou skyscap span 70 lightyear nebula estim 6000 lightyear distance,globul run chicken nebula,2014-03-05,594,90,-0.0563311688311688,03-05,3,2014,5,4,0,5 5692ff234bde0856f173c2fa8b3a9c64179b0ae567947eefce11521530c2e8ff,howard,ngc 1333 seen visibl light reflect nebula domin bluish hue characterist starlight reflect dust mere 1000 lightyear distant toward heroic constel perseus lie edg large starform molecular cloud strike closeup view span two full moon sky 15 lightyear estim distanc ngc 1333 show detail dusti region along hint contrast red emiss herbigharo objects jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars fact ngc 1333 contain hundr star less million year old still hidden optic telescop pervas stardust chaotic environ may similar one sun form 45 billion year ago,ngc 1333 stardust,2014-03-06,545,88,0.0692460317460317,03-06,3,2014,6,4,0,5 ffc0c37203e08854be7030f89593844eb6303f031a7d0d612063d8f2d32d67f0,jack fusco,brilliant venu central milki way rise earli morn hour march 1 sea skyscape scene look beach sea isl city new jersey usa planet earth course earth orbit well within solar system habit zone goldilock region close far sun surfac temperatur support liquid water similar size earth venu lie beyond inner boundari habit zone wateri reflect light inhospit sister planet seen along calm cold ocean low cloud bank,view zone,2014-03-07,404,67,0.1236363636363636,03-07,3,2014,7,8,1,1 bb8ecc0c5fc0a8eab075ffbe1e6ae3a471269616c59c02193504452561f70eb2,none,get redblu glass red left eye look expans martian landscape panoram stereo view compos imag rove curiosity navcam taken rest stop 100 meter drive sol februari 55 kilomet high peak mount sharp also known aeoli mons horizon base destin curiosity foreground row striat rock along outcrop center toward scene span 160 degrees anoth navcam imag look back along curiosity rout end drive,mount sharp horizon,2014-03-08,380,62,-0.1235714285714285,03-08,3,2014,8,8,0,2 8f8a2df4a83bb643d82ac07a143384ee8f62903beb10414b980d84045b285638,none,creat unusu hole mars hole discov chanc 2011 imag dusti slope mars pavoni mon volcano taken hiris instrument aboard robot mar reconnaiss orbit current circl mars hole appear open underground cavern partli illumin imag right analysi followup imag reveal open 35 meter across interior shadow angl indic underli cavern roughli 20 meter deep circular crater surround hole remain topic speculation full extent underli cavern hole particular interest interior cave rel protect harsh surfac mars make rel good candid contain martian life pit therefor prime target possibl futur spacecraft robots even human interplanetari explorers,hole mar,2014-03-09,624,93,0.1729437229437229,03-09,3,2014,9,5,2,2 5ecdbf89e87dd3f8770660e6ccf5dda8ce3655df63cc2912e02d2f137df6b674,none,creat gamma ray center galaxy excit build one answer elus dark matter past year orbit fermi gammaray space telescop imag galaxy center gammarays repeat detail analys indic region surround galact center seem bright account known gammaray sources raw imag galact center region gammaray shown left imag right known sourc subtract leav unexpect excit hypothet model seem fit excess involv type dark matter known may collid creat detect gammarays hypothesi controversial however debat detail investig ongoing find natur dark matter one great modern science previous unusu type cosmolog pervas matter shown gravitation astrophysicists brows 750 code astrophys sourc code librari,gamma ray galact center dark,2014-03-10,673,99,0.0846046110751993,03-10,3,2014,10,6,2,4 6d5644501e2c95d69faef9860fc7d9a33484ce15c09dda4f0d3884cafa8ae1c6,goldman,heart rosett nebula lie bright open cluster star light nebula star ngc 2244 form surround ga million year ago imag taken januari use multipl exposur specif color sulfur shade red hydrogen green oxygen blue captur central region tremend detail hot wind particl stream away cluster star contribut alreadi complex menageri ga dust filament slowli evacu cluster center rosett nebula center measur 50 lightyear across lie 4500 lightyear away visibl binocular toward constel unicorn monoceros follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,heart rosett nebula,2014-03-11,529,81,0.0590909090909091,03-11,3,2014,11,4,0,5 6e4b1b8c5dd4656961fcca8c8bfdae89dbfec416afadec39e62bc2ea64889716,billsnyd,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 25 million lightyear distant loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across that size milki way galaxy known popular moniker sunflow galaxy m63 sport bright yellowish core sharp color galaxi portrait sweep blue spiral arm streak cosmic dust lane dot pink star form regions domin member known galaxi group m63 faint extend featur could result gravit interact nearbi galaxies fact m63 shine across electromagnet spectrum thought undergon burst intens star formation,messier 63 sunflow galaxi,2014-03-13,564,85,0.1675925925925926,03-13,3,2014,13,7,1,3 dc6b07c7b0fa23bb1487dd97ff54246dbb94ce98ddf51f12ba4e9f7738f4a04b,ken crawford,ngc 2685 confirm polar ring galaxi rare type galaxi stars ga dust orbit ring perpendicular plane flat galact disk bizarr configur could caus chanc captur materi anoth galaxi disk galaxy captur debri strung rotat ring still observ properti ngc 2685 suggest rotat ring structur remark old stable sharp view peculiar system also known arp 336 helix galaxy strange perpendicular ring easi trace pass front galact disk along disturb outer structures ngc 2685 50000 lightyear across 40 million lightyear away constel ursa major,polar ring galaxi ngc 2685,2014-03-14,522,82,0.025595238095238,03-14,3,2014,14,7,0,3 3f1a6300e2496da03a70ed45865a45ac39b907e890614c19040070dc91a6b8c6,david,two galaxi squar corvu latest pictures two galaxi collide star compos usual not that galaxi mostli empti space and howev bright star take small amount space slow hundr million year collision one galaxi still rip apart gravitationally dust ga common galaxi collide clash titans dark dust pillar mark massiv molecular cloud compress galact encounter caus rapid birth million stars gravit bound togeth massiv star clusters,antenna galaxi collis,2014-03-16,419,65,-0.0071428571428571,03-16,3,2014,16,7,0,3 7eced331683ec698e5f093c081453d16ed4a6fcdf0c014fa7330825b96a8f313,vincent bradi,what happen sky time warp sorts digit space warp too time warp occur imag captur singl frame two half hour exposur night sky result promin star trail visible space warp occur pictur actual full 360 degre panorama horizont compress fit browser earth rotated star appear circl north celesti pole left south celesti pole horizon right panorama arch nation park utah usa captur two week ago earli morn hours eyecatch textur ancient layer sandston cover imag foreground tall delic arch visibl far right distant arch milki way galaxi visibl near imag center follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,warp sky star trail arch nation park,2014-03-17,594,98,0.1049783549783549,03-17,3,2014,17,6,2,1 7bb71ae6a60fc19c33916bb6323bf67cb034b3660c1d699bf944b2a757558bec,none,univers undergo earli epoch extrem rapid expansion inflationari epoch postul explain sever puzzl cosmic attribut univers look similar opposit directions yesterday result releas show expect signal unexpect strength bolster predict inflat specif pattern polar exist cosmic microwav background radiat light emit 138 billion year ago univers first becam transparent call earli swirl pattern directli attribut stretch effect gravit radiat electrons surpris result discov data background imag cosmic extragalact polar 2 microwav observatori near south pole dish pictur left note black polar appear swirl around color temperatur peak inset microwav sky map although statist conclus like remain controversi confirm attempt made independ observations,cosmic microwav map swirl indic,2014-03-18,742,102,0.037037037037037,03-18,3,2014,18,8,2,4 6fef5456b0b10fe138dd16e791959ca9d9e9e52f2b024dae791e72054bb345ec,michael bolt ucsc,tower 3000 feet base summit famou granit face el capitan earth yosemit nation park hide planet north celesti pole skyscape course north celesti pole center star trails short arc reflect planet daili rotat axi trace digit stack 36 sequenti exposures linear trail pass airplan navig light flare car light along road also captur sequenti punctuat trail light seen sheer el capitan follow climb team night novemb 8 2013 team ascend toward summit along histor rock climb route,star trail el,2014-03-21,471,77,0.0428571428571428,03-21,3,2014,21,8,0,1 1911cf4325bcc3d9438c4d0a40fbbba8b4e5a3b6f4d0d4b6a086fc132b9cbf53,none,deep shadow creat dramat contrast light dark highresolut closeup martian surface record januari 24 hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbiter scene span 15 kilomet across sand dune field southern highland crater captur sun 5 degre local horizon dune crest caught full sunlight long cold winter approach red planet southern hemisphere bright ridg season frost line martian dunes,martian chiaroscuro,2014-03-22,378,57,0.059090909090909,03-22,3,2014,22,5,0,2 1861ba8088c7726cb77f58f60e2ae742455da5a7be0bb0d95845cb6ee2913d9b,none,center swirl whirlpool hot ga like beast never seen directly black hole studi bright light emit swirl ga frequent indic black hole present also like attributes ga surround gro j165540 example found display unusu flicker rate 450 time second given previou mass estim central object seven time mass sun rate fast flicker explain black hole rotat rapidly physic mechan actual caus flicker slower quasiperiod oscil qpo accret disk surround black hole neutron star remain topic much research find image new apod search engin,view near black hole,2014-03-23,521,83,0.0762310606060606,03-23,3,2014,23,6,0,5 8eb0d3ee1c0a39cc8ab4ffa9ff8997ef7b03266ac9b12e5bc0b7622f71b42e39,robert,surround hotb star formation case orion nebula dust entir orion field locat 1600 light year away inund intric picturesqu filament dust opaqu visibl light dust creat outer atmospher massiv cool star expel strong outer wind particles trapezium form star cluster embed nebula intric filament dust surround m42 m43 appear gray image central glow ga highlight brown blue next million year much orion dust slowli destroy star formed dispers galaxy help wanted apod offic,orion nebula surround dust,2014-03-25,465,73,0.1759259259259259,03-25,3,2014,25,4,1,5 40e6a0e4fb8c1d1b0f32b0d05567b2d89780296453dc9810332491c8fc38a769,ian sharp,eeri blue glow omin column dark dust highlight m78 bright reflect nebula constel orion dark filamentari dust absorb light also reflect light sever bright blue star form recent nebula two reflect nebula pictur above famou nebula m78 imag center ngc 2071 seen lower left type scatter color daytim sky enhanc blue color m78 five lightyear across visibl small telescope m78 appear 1600 year ago however long take light go here m78 belong larger orion molecular cloud complex contain great nebula orion horsehead nebula follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,m78 reflect dust cloud,2014-03-26,557,90,0.1263157894736842,03-26,3,2014,26,4,2,5 d933977d2b559f1e425a894931a66f1431f6e3f173244a661718c1272a86d308,none,first identifi compact galaxi group stephan quintet featur remark imag construct data drawn hubbl legaci archiv subaru telescop summit mauna kea galaxi quintet gather near center field realli four five lock cosmic danc repeat close encount take place 300 million lightyear away odd man easi spot though interact galaxies ngc 7319 7318a 7318b 7317 domin yellowish cast also tend distort loop tails grown influenc disrupt gravit tides mostli bluish galaxy ngc 7320 foreground 40 million lightyear distant part interact group still captur field left stephan quintet anoth galaxy ngc 7320c also 300 million lightyear distant course includ would bring four interact galaxi back quintet status stephan quintet lie within boundari high fli constel pegasus estim distanc quintet interact galaxies field view span 500000 lightyears,stephan quintet plu one,2014-03-27,822,124,0.0048148148148148,03-27,3,2014,27,7,2,3 673acc61f139a123ae0fc49161968eaff4000fb2cd1944d6bf2f672bbf8cb95e,babak tafreshi,dawn broke march 27 center milki way galaxi stood almost directli european southern observatory paran observatory dry clear sky chile atacama desert galaxy dusti central bulg flank paranal four 8 meter larg telescop unit astronom fishey view along top venu close eastern horizon brilliant morn star shine near wane crescent moon edg one telescop structures despit bright pair east milki way domin scene though cut dust lane charg cloud star glow nebulae center galaxi sprawl across darker zenith even deep blue sky grow brighter build still glint moonlight,milki way dawn,2014-03-29,556,88,0.1564102564102564,03-29,3,2014,29,6,1,1 89023c7d430dce3f37d659b316488b0c7e876739e8bfab442b339ff113f21830,none,strangest moon solar system bright yellow picture attempt show io would appear true colors percept averag human eye taken 1999 juli galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 io color deriv sulfur molten silic rock unusu surfac io kept young system activ volcanoes intens tidal graviti jupit stretch io damp wobbl caus jupiter galilean moons result friction greatli heat io interior caus molten rock explod surface io volcano activ effect turn whole moon insid out io volcan lava hot glow dark follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,io true color,2014-03-30,534,87,0.18125,03-30,3,2014,30,8,1,4 9bb179c00ea60a7801556609bd4fdf26aace4347b5c5cb1d0cb142071ce1d82a,none,object furthest known orbit solar system term close ever get sun new answer 2012 object current twice distanc pluto sun pictur seri discoveri imag taken dark energi camera attach blanco 4meter telescop chile 2012 releas last week distant object seen move lower right thought dwarf planet like pluto previously furthest known dwarf planet discov 2003 given littl sky like mani 1000 object like 2012 vp113 exist outer solar system 2012 vp113 current near closest approach sun 2000 year five time further scientist hypothes reason object like sedna 2012 vp113 present orbit gravit scatter much larger object possibl distant undiscov planet,2012 new known orbit solar system,2014-03-31,637,100,0.0004162504162504,03-31,3,2014,31,1,2,2 e1a4b1440f1e1227c3506e81c11fb16170aad2a04f610ab4a1d7dac4c8d7580c,none,space station robot forgotten space lock key again frustrat robot reduc tap space station window ask human let back third time week yes great job new scienc module cant rememb take key beyond said station command koichi wakata we would keep entri space alien come astronaut happi april fools day folk apod reality intern space station astronaut wakata pose front cupola window end attach canadarm2 visibl,space station robot,2014-04-01,405,66,0.0857954545454545,04-01,4,2014,1,8,0,2 f69605104a49f710bb0b2ad65001ad850dc55d32b0fa3d1f361d48d088635609,clear sky,bright pair sky object visibl togeth next months mar shine brightli familiar rusti hue reach brightest 2014 next week reason mar appear bright earth mar close long orbit around sun spica hand shine constantli one brightest blue star night sky pronounc bluehu star visibl throughout human histori sound identifi today date back ancient times pictur above planet star photograph rise togeth toward southeast sunset last week old oak tree sweden click hyperspace random apod gener,mar red spica blue,2014-04-02,477,75,0.1232142857142857,04-02,4,2014,2,5,1,1 e6a691484473ca596d5174f2574fa734b22b23cfc12648878e7c3a10c341da2d,none,fantast skyscap lie near edg ngc 2174 star form region 6400 lightyear away nebularich constel orion follow mountain cloud ga dust carv wind radiat region newborn stars found scatter open star cluster embed around center ngc 2174 top frame though star format continu within dusti cosmic cloud like dispers energet newborn star within million years record infrar wavelength hubbl space telescope interstellar scene span 6 lightyears imag celebr upcom 24th anniversari hubble launch onboard space shuttl orbit discoveri april 24 1990,edg ngc 2174,2014-04-03,530,81,0.125,04-03,4,2014,3,4,1,5 63af53b58a93444aee77a7d79287a313eb38f4925256c0ef205c0d47f53a0699,none,delic appearance filament shocked glow gas drape planet earth sky toward constel cygnus make western part veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago blast cataclysm event interstellar shock wave plow space sweep excit interstellar material glow filament realli like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ atom hydrogen red oxygen bluegreen gas also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears wide imag western portion span half distance brighter part western veil recogn separ nebulae includ witch broom ngc 6960 along top view pickering triangl ngc 6979 right center,along western veil,2014-04-04,772,122,0.0322344322344322,04-04,4,2014,4,4,2,5 92644d21f55a61351889ef7f86aea6096cb0c706030abb33746772ab955563ab,none,underground ocean vent tiger stripe saturn moon enceladus long featur dub tiger stripe known spew ice moon ici interior space creat cloud fine ice particl moon south pole creat saturn mysteri ering evid come robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn pictur above high resolut imag enceladu shown close flyby unusu surfac featur dub tiger stripe visibl falsecolor blue enceladu activ remain mystery neighbor moon mimas approxim size appear quit dead recently analysi slight graviti deviat given independ indic underground oceans research particularli interest sinc ocean would candid contain life,fresh tiger stripe saturn enceladu,2014-04-06,591,88,0.0844444444444444,04-06,4,2014,6,0,2,4 50517d5d7e9375a1c966277a8826b0a33e0dbf9f239ec649b51d61962b59fc39,none,solar eclips ever seen moon yes first 1967 may happen next week robot surveyor 3 mission took thousand wide angl televis imag earth 1967 captur earth move front sun sever imag nasa archiv compil timelaps video although imag grainy earth atmospher clearli refract sunlight around show effect path block clouds two year later 1969 apollo 12 crew saw firsthand differ eclips sun earth way back moon 2009 japan robot kaguya spacecraft took higher resolut imag similar eclips orbit moon next week however china chang 3 mission includ yutu rover might wit new total eclips sun earth surfac moon simultaneously lunar orbit nasa mission might also captur unusu april 15 event anoth angl event sure visibl peopl earth total lunar eclipse,solar eclips moon,2014-04-07,730,120,0.0863636363636363,04-07,4,2014,7,2,2,2 fc7de0b108c43d6b60549c1145be2389b15ecd91bcb0f136d46d8f037aa6294d,none,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away deep imag composit assign color taken hubbl space telescop wisp sheet dust ga particularli evident great nebula orion found unaid eye near easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain much hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun astrophysicists brows 750 code astrophys sourc code librari,m42 insid orion nebula,2014-04-08,697,107,0.2894444444444445,04-08,4,2014,8,4,2,5 af8315237d26f0b47aef24345f58d7d9f359b30202136246af78a1975b9db6fe,tunç tezel,bright ruddi star recent notic rise sunset star all that mars red planet mar near 2014 opposit april 8 closest approach april loop constel virgo opposit sun planet earth sky clearli outshin bluish spica alpha star virgo mar center label skyview earli april includ two solar system world approach opposition left small faint asteroid vesta dwarf planet cere seen near star tau imagin nasa dawn spacecraft cruis small worlds left vesta septemb 2012 dawn ion engin steadili drive match orbit ceres schedul arriv februari 2015 course also look near mar moon opposit sun earth sky night april 1415 see total lunar eclipse,mars vesta,2014-04-10,617,102,-0.0076923076923076,04-10,4,2014,10,5,2,4 e01cb2ac5a500cd5135550d85adfb74f33f805188fd88e83e6faae0b86cde2a4,walli pacholka,aloha welcom breathtak skyscape dreamlik panoram view march 27 look 10000 foot summit haleakala maui cloud layer volcan edg milki way starri night sky above head northern cross asterism supergi star deneb lurk within milki way dust cloud nebula left follow arc milki way way star compact southern cross horizon far right bright saturn near top right frame red giant antar left closer milki way central bulge need help identifi stars slide cursor picture download label panorama editor note help identifi stars identif mar origin post replac saturn updat april,cloud cross haleakala,2014-04-12,560,90,0.1314285714285714,04-12,4,2014,12,6,2,1 e4dc4e66769e8b0012f01a599ae9166e6bc9944059587edfd2a9bd0e4a690a48,none,saturn partli blue pictur saturn approxim human would see hover close giant ring world pictur taken 2006 march robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn saturn majest ring appear directli thin vertic line ring show complex structur dark shadow creat imag left saturn fountain moon enceladus 500 kilomet across seen bump plane rings northern hemispher saturn appear partli blue reason earth sky appear blue molecul cloudless portion planet atmospher better scatter blue light red look deep saturn clouds however natur gold hue saturn cloud becom dominant known southern saturn show blue hue one hypothesi hold cloud higher there also known saturn cloud color gold,saturn blue gold,2014-04-13,660,102,0.0222222222222222,04-13,4,2014,13,0,2,1 b8c8388e610db6b1d3cd4435179dc35d3fe1bf7307b17f75664aa5ac902cfc57,t rector,monster ic 1396 known elephant trunk nebula part ga dust cloud star format region may appear take forebod forms nearli human real monster here however bright young star far earth hurt us energet light star eat away dust dark cometari globul near top image jet wind particl emit star also push away ambient ga dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover much larger region sky shown here appar width 10 full moons tonight april 15 edt lunar eclips time,unusu globul ic 1396,2014-04-14,476,83,0.1,04-14,4,2014,14,4,0,1 2e17564173108efc898c258ac3cc45c4a0e4b5da84f323da998fedb36378f0a8,jorn olsen photographi,cloud bottom appear like bubbles normally cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet grow opaqu cloud forms conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud pictur photograph hastings nebraska 2004 june,mammatu cloud nebraska,2014-04-15,449,66,0.1464285714285714,04-15,4,2014,15,8,1,1 f7f286c83ac8d31c16c687e6b29f78e15e0b2149f7688cf4a719db7ad08edfd4,damian peach,beautiful redden moon slid dark sky april 15 complet immers earth shadow well hour year first total lunar eclips wide enjoy planet western hemisphere seen caribbean island dim lunar disk captur total color skyview dark moon red color contrast nice bright bluish star spica alpha star constel virgo pose two degre away brighter spica 10 degre moon right mar near opposit closest approach earth red planet ruddi hue seem echo color eclips moon,mars eclips moon,2014-04-16,441,73,0.1803571428571428,04-16,4,2014,16,2,1,1 270bd3eb2c9f29340686b5d75ff53c3cdf4f5783e4f9e7249e95991a3fe65aa9,yuichi takasaka,record april 15th total lunar eclips sequenc look south ici waterton lake waterton lake nation park alberta canada planet earth distant horizon includ peak glacier nation park usa exposur everi 10 minut captur moon posit eclips phase arced left right rug skylin waterton town lights fact sequenc effect measur roughli 80 minut durat total phase eclipse around 270 bc greek astronom aristarchu also measur durat lunar eclips though probabl without benefit digit clock cameras still use geometry devis simpl impress accur way calcul moon distance term radiu planet earth eclips duration modern eclips sequenc also track success posit mars right moon bright star spica next redden lunar disk saturn left below,waterton lake eclips,2014-04-17,707,111,0.1392857142857143,04-17,4,2014,17,2,2,4 d345bb80281dbeeb14252702d33fff67f27eaaf1b7c05734e2e5f80506543c15,point observatori,scene scifi special effect movie green beam light red lunar disk real enough captur earli morn hour april 15 course redden lunar disk easi explain imag taken week total lunar eclipse immers shadow eclips moon reflect dim redden light sunset sunris filter around edg planet earth seen silhouett lunar perspective green beam light realli laser shot 35meter telescop apach point observatori southern new mexico path reveal earth atmospher scatter intens laser light target apollo 15 left moon astronaut 1971 determin light travel time delay return laser experiment team san abl measur earthmoon distanc millimet precis provid test gener relativity einstein theori gravity conduct lunar laser rang experi total eclips use earth like cosmic light direct sunlight perform improv perform illumin sunlight normal full moon effect known real full moon,red moon green beam,2014-04-18,842,129,0.1770717377860234,04-18,4,2014,18,2,2,4 d210db499f11f472c8e50a8934a84c326e64c1c5d9434753a5fecea7df728f01,none,planet kepler186f first known planet lie within habit zone star beyond sun discov use data prolif kepler spacecraft distant world orbit parent star cool dim dwarf star half size mass sun 500 lightyear away constel cygnus dwarf common make 70 percent star milki way galaxy within habit zone surfac temperatur allow liquid water possible kepler186f orbit close within 53 million kilomet about mercurysun distance dwarf star everi 130 days four planet known distant system four littl larger earth much closer orbits also illustr tantal artist vision size orbit kepler186f known mass composit not cant determin kepler transit technique still model suggest could rocki atmosphere make potenti earthlik exoplanet discov far ,,2014-04-19,718,110,0.0303030303030303,04-19,4,2014,19,6,2,3 73f8df1d2ba101a7404c3ae7e1c5ffc1ec7fd2d92726d63a8181f6773414a1d6,robert gendler,one massiv galaxi known mere 46 million lightyear distant spiral galaxi ngc 2841 found northern constel ursa major sharp view gorgeou island univers show strike yellow nucleu galact disk dust lanes small pink starform regions young blue star cluster embed patchy tightli wound spiral arms contrast mani spiral exhibit grand sweep arm larg starform regions ngc 2841 diamet 150000 lightyears even larger milki way captur composit imag merg exposur orbit 24meter hubbl space telescop groundbas 82meter subaru telescope xray imag suggest result wind stellar explos creat plume hot ga extend halo around ngc 2841,massiv nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 2841,2014-04-21,607,94,0.0067307692307692,04-21,4,2014,21,7,2,3 78c85fab95ae3551c5f79bf3fda6eaf1441711a9f7f83c21b42ede6d358a2911,none,bigger bread box fact much bigger bread box put together galaxi cluster one largest massiv object known dub el seven billion light year z distant galaxi cluster span seven million light year hold mass million billion suns imag el composit visibl light imag hubbl space telescope xray imag chandra observatori show hot ga pink comput gener map show probabl distribut dark matter blue comput gravit len distort background galaxies almost bright spot galaxies blue dark matter distribut indic cluster middl stage collis two larg galaxi clusters care inspect imag reveal nearli vertic galaxi appear unusu long galaxi actual far background imag stretch gravit len action massiv cluster follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,el massiv galaxi cluster,2014-04-22,724,114,0.1058823529411765,04-22,4,2014,22,7,2,4 4de16ddd39d13086de5be43477cd9a3e6c368fa9ca90a757fd689f7d80f74e8c,none,planet earth see strongli distort pair galaxies catalog arp 81 100 million year close encounter havoc wreak mutual gravit interact encount detail color composit show twist stream ga dust chao massiv star formation tidal tail stretch 200 thousand lightyear sweep behind cosmic wreckage also known ngc 6622 left ngc 6621 galaxi roughli equal size destin merg one larg galaxi distant future make repeat approach final coalesce locat constel draco galaxi 280 million lightyear away even distant background galaxi spot sharp reprocessed imag hubbl legaci archiv data,arp 81 100 million year later,2014-04-23,561,86,-0.090625,04-23,4,2014,23,7,0,3 36d9397482b95e888cac7846595d2a57e681de3e5c2f238314389470fb2c8c4b,yuri beletski,rth annual lyrid meteor shower peak dawn april 22nd fair planet plow dust tail longperiod comet thatcher even dri dark atacama desert along chile pacif coast light last quarter moon made night sky bright wash fainter meteor streaks brighter lyrid meteor still put show captur composit view record earli morn hours meteor stream away shower radiant near vega alpha star constel lyra radiant effect due perspect parallel meteor track appear converg distance rich starfield dust cloud milki way galaxi stretch across background,lyrid southern sky,2014-04-24,524,82,0.2222222222222222,04-24,4,2014,24,6,1,1 1b8de93f7df6a7012c93d7ebf2800551cdd91be6aab7ddaf42ed3c94c4ef01c8,observatori,eclips season april 29 around ut shadow new moon reach touch planet earth though still stand contin antarctica within hundr kilomet 79 degre minut south latitud 131 degre minut east longitud could see annular solar eclips sun horizon moon approach apogee distant point ellipt lunar orbit appar size small complet cover solar disk rare offcent eclipse annular phase last 49 seconds maximum could look someth like ring imag last may annular solar eclipse captur webcast team oper near australia otherwise partial eclips moon cover least part sun seen across much broader region southern includ australia afternoon,southern annular eclips,2014-04-26,611,96,-0.0012396694214876,04-26,4,2014,26,2,2,1 8a5904633e7442a0fec139ac2e57a2b9055873f569a8fc6f3622d7008116723f,none,spacesuit float away intern space station eight year ago investig conducted everyon knew push space station crew dub suitsat1 unneed russian orlan spacesuit fill mostli old cloth fit faint radio transmitt releas orbit earth suit circl earth twice radio signal becam unexpectedli weak suitsat1 continu orbit everi 90 minut burn earth atmospher weeks pictur above lifeless spacesuit photograph 2006 drift away space station follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,suitsat1 spacesuit float free,2014-04-27,464,70,-0.0625,04-27,4,2014,27,8,0,2 e3a3bbcbedda0ebff3b972428e2aa855f94afd98bcd48a51370d8930c124d208,john chumack,sometim hard believ see sky lead annual aurora tour last month near fairbank central alaska astrophotograph john compani saw unusu aurora bright aurora appear chang shape jump dog complet curli tail abl captur fleet natur apparit imag 15second exposur wideangl lens coincidence also captur background sky fill familiar highlights planet visibl includ bright jupit dog front leg reddish mar dog star visibl includ big dipper star dog reddish betelgeus shine far right dog would follow home however within minut morph shape geomagnet storm particl creat shift strike earth elsewhere,aurora dog alaska,2014-04-29,580,89,0.1969047619047619,04-29,4,2014,29,6,1,4 90d73ebfc6e60feaec0b5d8216d0cd552cf11d0daecfedd33937e6a0fb9eaf0d,andrew,look closely see someth quit unusu set sun bird fli sun left that unusual dark sea cover sun bottom dark cloud cover part middle also unusual unusu occult piec top right that occult cloud that moon yesterday moon move front part sun visibl australia although mani locat report annoy clouds partial eclips sun would occasion peek set imag captur yesterday western horizon adelaide south australia maximum eclips visibl small part antarctica entir moon could seen cover entir center sun known annular eclipse leav ring fire sun peek around edges next solar eclips anoth partial eclipse occur 2014 octob 23 visibl north america near sunset gallery yesterday solar eclips,eclips set sun,2014-04-30,668,108,0.029047619047619,04-30,4,2014,30,1,2,1 0a97c51a17fdd6533fc514f854f4516f42fbe7c55ddc6bedf0f727a7992dba98,stephen mudg,sky brisban southeastern corner queensland australia planet earth sun new moon set togeth april 29 celesti lineup first solar eclips 2014 seen partial solar eclipse dramat composit digit stack imag taken 5 minut apart telephoto len solar filter follow eclips progress approach western horizon crepuscular ray cloud bank silhouett join silhouet moon brisbane maximum eclips phase moon cover 25 sun occur sunset remot spot contin antarctica even possibl see eclips brief annular phase entir dark lunar disk surround thin bright ring fire,brisban sunset moonset,2014-05-01,535,82,0.0545454545454545,05-01,5,2014,1,1,0,1 9732cc7df290e2852b330936ade9bbaf45d7bb7624dfe2330b92dd263e7a965c,rogelio bernalandreo,captur one night last may eight frame mosaic start left drive yosemit nation park end thousand lightyear away though arc milki way track toward center galaxi right far beyond park rug skyline night still moonless storm cloud rocki face surround mountain lit artifici lights yosemit fall left granit face half dome far horizon near center view remark flash bright meteor part annual eta aquarid meteor shower color streak move up trail point directli back shower radiant low aquarius year eta aquarid peak moonless earli morn hour may 6 earth sweep dust tail comet halley,night half dome,2014-05-02,570,94,0.0706959706959707,05-02,5,2014,2,6,2,1 73f1aab5f5e2683189a8178582611a194cb30478ef659bd20f5e2f5035bea9ce,billsnyd,yellowish star near center dusti telescop skyview tauri prototyp class tauri variabl stars next door yellow cosmic cloud histor known hind variabl nebula ngc 1555 400 lightyear away edg otherwis invis molecular cloud star nebula seen vari significantli bright necessarili time ad mysteri intrigu region tauri star gener recogn young less million year old sunlik star still earli stage formation complic picture infrar observ indic tauri part multipl system suggest associ hind nebula may also contain young stellar object natur color imag span 7 lightyear estim distanc tauri,tauri hind variabl nebula,2014-05-03,575,88,0.1083333333333333,05-03,5,2014,3,4,2,5 5d68963f249dc6a9e68a6da1d724b275c71886b33cafcb30960529f08b52892a,none,calibr huge gravit lens case len galaxi cluster abel massiv conglomer galaxies hot gas dark matter lie 25 billion light year away redshift need calibr mass cluster particular amount distribut dark matter new calibr techniqu test recent consist wait supernova specif type occur behind galaxi cluster figur much cluster must magnifi supernova gravit lensing techniqu measur includ comput dark matter need contain intern galaxi motions confin cluster hot gas creat gravit len imag distortions pictur hubbl space telescope galaxi cluster show gravit len capabl right highli distort background galaxi behind cluster center left distant galaxi shown recent reveal supernova date supernova type ia found behind two galaxi cluster cluster lens supernova survey hubbl project follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,galaxi cluster magnifi distant supernova,2014-05-05,809,121,0.0125655046707678,05-05,5,2014,5,7,2,4 d777d151c7984acd872973e114d6cf024281d9c6c64c67dbad21f4b80907e8ef,alan friedmanavert imagination,sun becom quit busi place taken two week ago sun captur sport numer tumultu region includ activ sunspot region ar near imag top ar near center four year ago sun emerg unusu quiet solar minimum last years imag record singl color light call hydrogen alpha inverted fals colored spicul cover much sun face like carpet gradual brighten toward sun edg caus increas absorpt rel cool solar ga call limb darkening sun edges sever filamentari promin protrude promin sun face seen light streaks possibl visual interest magnet tangl activ region contain rel cool sunspots seen white dots current solar maximum activ phase 11year magnet cycle sun twist magnet field creat numer solar includ erupt solar prominences coron mass ejections flare emit cloud particl may impact earth caus auroras one flare two year ago releas charg particl solar system might disrupt satellit compromis power grid struck planet earth news free apod lectur pari june 17,orang sun,2014-05-06,935,153,0.18,05-06,5,2014,6,1,2,4 aa41601d25ee34f2624c9625c2186cfef9f8c748e10bb4dd01afcc8834328510,none,curios rover come across mars dub mount remarkable roll robot chanc upon notabl tall mound continu journey around and eventually high mt sharp unsur densiti surround layer sandstone human team earth instruct carsiz rover mar drill rock side mt remark quit possibly water involv creat dens sandston could help support ancient life red planet mt sharp unusu central peak gale crater similar height earth mt everest,curios mt mar,2014-05-07,412,66,0.0733333333333333,05-07,5,2014,7,5,0,2 c89ca479c229fa140505388d4c27ccc6a098e56b154b216da4e2c9eed41c1b8e,martin pugh,sharp telescop view ngc 3628 show puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course deep portrait magnificent edgeon spiral galaxi put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy also reveal small galaxi nearby like satellit ngc 3628 faint extens tidal tail tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo drawn tail stretch 300000 lightyears even beyond left edg wide frame ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons creat tidal tail well extend flare warp spiral disk,tail hamburg galaxi,2014-05-08,623,96,0.0475,05-08,5,2014,8,7,2,3 c86f234328c7fec80086164b4531a86f8a98a1b77a3cb56df307b8c7e7840438,mike taylor,earli morn hour may 6 moonless grain cosmic dust streak dark skies swept planet earth plow dusti debri stream left behind period comet halley annual meteor shower known eta aquarids inspir exposur captur meteor streak move left right frame trail point back across arc milki way shower radiant local horizon constel aquarius known speed eta aquarid meteor move fast enter atmospher 66 kilomet per second still water small pond near maine usa reflect starri scene orang glow nearbi artifici light scatter low cloud bank course northern hemispher skygaz expect new meteor shower may 24 caus dust period comet 209plinear,halley dust milki way,2014-05-09,616,99,0.0230055658627087,05-09,5,2014,9,3,2,1 72ecb7334bdef9f80bad943b4de5b648131ccf33f7a24e04f6addde29359ba47,none,largest canyon solar system cut wide swath across face mars name vall marineris grand valley extend 3000 kilomet long span much 600 kilomet across delv much 8 kilomet deep comparison earth grand canyon arizona usa 800 kilomet long 30 kilomet across 18 kilomet deep origin vall marineri remain unknown although lead hypothesi hold start crack billion year ago planet cooled sever geolog process identifi canyon mosaic creat 100 imag mar taken vike orbit 1970s click hyperspace random apod gener,vall marineris grand canyon mar,2014-05-11,493,79,0.0545454545454545,05-11,5,2014,11,5,0,2 f551e9b93704545c792e626bcfbdd540cc93139e5f0241022ffc180eab3ca4dd,jason,ga cloud grab galaxy even close claw odd look creature photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object complet known galaxi left globul huge far distance place near cg4 chanc superposition best space images free apod lectur pari june 17,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,2014-05-13,464,72,0.1694444444444444,05-13,5,2014,13,6,1,3 056e7610c8e32c249ad105379b26007220e78088d7c22e7d892141b37a3e5b19,rolf olsen,cruis outer solar system voyag 2 spacecraft made closest approach neptun august 25 1989 spacecraft visit distant ice giant planet base imag record close encount follow days inspir composit scene cover dim outer planet largest moon triton faint system rings beyond neptune orbit interplanetari perspect look back toward sun captur planet triton thin sunlit cirru cloud dark band circl neptune south polar region cloudi vortex pole itself part faint ring system along three bright ring arc first imag voyag though faintest segment model composit picture span 75 degrees background starfield compos sky survey data center constel camelopardalis correspond outbound voyager view magnific system,voyager neptun,2014-05-15,690,103,-0.1217948717948718,05-15,5,2014,15,8,2,2 fb4e4e251daa2153f8817e6298b26257ea1c1dafb9eff239bcd2b6e102c0aa15,none,stare martian sky opportun rover captur imag 1102 local mean time nearli everi 3rd sol martian day 1 martian year course result martian analemma curv trace sun motion sky cours year red planet span earth date july 16 2006 june 2 2008 imag shown composit fishey projection north top surround panoram sky landscap made late 2007 insid victoria crater tint martian sky around analemma imag clearli show sun positions unlik earth figure8shap analemma mars analemma similar tilt ellipt orbit mar farther sun sun progress slowli martian sky creat pointi top curve close sun move quickly appar solar motion stretch round bottom sever sol frame miss due rover oper dust storms,opportunity mar analemma,2014-05-16,668,110,0.0359848484848484,05-16,5,2014,16,1,2,2 9152a7291e577d0492bdd9624f56b7b3e58733124c570495a35c8255d0df54ca,none,ga giant jupit solar system largest world 320 time mass planet earth also known giant swirl storm system great red spot featur sharp hubbl imag april 21 nestl cloud bands great red spot could still easili swallow earth late shrinking recent hubbl observ measur spot mile 16500 kilometers across that smallest ever measur hubbl particularli dramat compar mile measur voyag 1 2 flybi 1979 histor telescop observ 1800 indic width mile long axis current indic rate shrink increas longliv great red spot,hubble jupit amaz shrink great red spot,2014-05-17,498,82,0.148076923076923,05-17,5,2014,17,8,1,4 dfc326f4057ae76b1ff6bdfc6320dd64e3f83f7176f737ad068ac68ee7da5eee,none,becom jupiter great red spot record shrink sinc 1930s rate great red spot size appear acceler past years hurrican larger earth great red spot rage least long telescop could see it like astronom phenomena great red spot neither predict immedi understood discovery although small eddi feed storm system seem play role full understand gigant storm cloud remain topic continu research may result better understand weather earth imag digit enhanc imag jupit taken 1979 voyag 1 spacecraft zoom solar system largest planet nasa juno spacecraft current head toward jupit arriv 2016 poll like apod lead,jupiter great red spot voyag 1,2014-05-18,593,94,0.2,05-18,5,2014,18,8,2,1 04ebc8290b38596b9876052d87f78a6234633f0d56bbbe20ff778be0efe66b08,none,m61 bar spiral galaxi locat nearbi virgo cluster galaxies visibl m61 host featur common spiral galaxies bright spiral arms central bar dust lanes bright knot stars m61 also known ngc 4303 similar milki way galaxy m61 discov telescop 1779 twice day one observ initi mistook galaxi comet light m61 take 55 million year reach us imag central region m61 taken hubbl space telescop adapt releas part hubble hidden treasur imag process competition,center spiral galaxi,2014-05-20,441,72,0.1666666666666666,05-20,5,2014,20,7,1,3 a7d8b580efcf293a0bc1848356d33c539734069b3b12b2e2d74346e0d474fb0d,martin pugh,beauti emiss nebula ngc 6164 creat rare hot lumin otyp star 40 time massiv sun seen center cosmic cloud star mere 3 4 million year old anoth three four million year massiv star end life supernova explosion span around 4 lightyears nebula bipolar symmetry make similar appear common familiar planetari nebula gaseou shroud surround die sunlik stars also like mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 found extensive faint halo reveal deep telescop imag region expand surround interstellar medium materi halo like earlier activ phase star gorgeou skyscap composit extens narrowband imag data highlight glow atom hydrogen ga red oxygen blue hues broadband data surround starfield ngc 6164 4200 lightyear away southern constel norma,halo ngc 6164,2014-05-22,720,112,-0.0249999999999999,05-22,5,2014,22,4,2,5 82afe39b3a5d164ad53e515e32bf952ab4cda2bf977be8ec086a8c1dc311e210,none,rosetta spacecraft captur remark seri 9 frame march 27 may 4 close 5 million 2 million kilomet target comet cruis along 65 year orbit toward closest approach sun next year period comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko seen move past distant background star ophiuchu globular star cluster comet develop coma actual visibl end sequence extend 1300 km space rosetta schedul earli august rendezv comet nucleus clearli active nucleu 4 kilomet diameter releas dusti coma dirti ice begin sublim sunlight rosetta lander contact surfac nucleu anticip november meteor shower hunt tonight look,rosetta target comet,2014-05-23,573,87,-0.0976190476190476,05-23,5,2014,23,3,0,2 9c6f9e5b322b3aca8e6c671f27f0f3401276a53e65d7bcaf69cbd0b578d9f2a6,todd sladoj,would cloud appear differ colors reason ice crystal distant cirru cloud act like littl float prisms sometim known fire rainbow flamelik appearance circumhorizon arc lie parallel horizon circumhorizont arc visible sun must least 58 degre high sky cirru cloud present furthermore numerous flat hexagon icecryst compos cirru cloud must align horizont properli refract sunlight collect similar manner therefore circumhorizont arc quit unusu see circumhorizon display photograph polar len dublin ohio 2009,circumhorizont arc ohio,2014-05-24,500,71,-0.0387037037037037,05-24,5,2014,24,8,0,1 f071bcd4281d672878a7882b4f1681943e975862f0efb0c9023f44aac1f57c0e,malcolm park,camp northern shore great lake three short bright meteor streak captur composit night skyscape record earli morn hour may 24 meteor elus trail point back meteor shower radiant near polaris larg faint constel camelopardali camel modern term meteor appear shower activ one earth cross predict debri trail period comet 209plinear course long bright streak imag appear predicted earli may 24 intern space station made bright passag northern skies,iss,2014-05-25,442,68,0.2409090909090909,05-25,5,2014,25,8,1,1 ee83819bb5385f950669b82b68898262640941ea4e5ece31ae6de474408289e9,subarutelescop naoj hubbl processing robert gendler colombari,what happen center nebula sculpt stellar wind radiation star factori known messier 17 lie 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius distance degre wide field view span almost 100 lightyears sharp composite color imag util data space ground base telescopes follow faint detail region ga dust cloud backdrop central milki way stars stellar wind energet light hot massiv star form m17 stock cosmic ga dust slowli carv away remain interstellar materi produc cavern appear undul shapes m17 also known omega nebula swan nebula,star factori messier 17,2014-05-27,529,82,-0.0475,05-27,5,2014,27,4,0,5 cd7d20b4570909a025783b39733100d2eb1ece96da56e221d8dfad23a10f9f1e,none,star form gigant dust pillar call cone nebula cones pillars majest flow shape abound stellar nurseri natal cloud ga dust buffet energet wind newborn stars cone nebula wellknown example lie within bright galact starform region ngc 2264 cone captur unpreced detail closeup composit sever observ earthorbit hubbl space telescope cone nebula 2500 lightyear away monoceros around 7 lightyear long region pictur surround cone blunt head mere 25 lightyear across neck galaxi distanc half way sun nearest stellar neighbor alpha centauri star system massiv star ngc 2264 irs seen hubble infrar camera 1997 like sourc wind sculpt cone nebula lie top image cone nebula reddish veil produc glow hydrogen gas,cone nebula hubbl,2014-05-28,695,109,0.1404761904761904,05-28,5,2014,28,4,2,5 c714cc4b3576758c1b964c83f3cee85b656c9577c9b1e23e2faeee2939a1d237,cedic team,globular star cluster omega centauri also known ngc 5139 15000 lightyear away cluster pack 10 million star much older sun within volum 150 lightyear diameter largest brightest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way astronom sharp color imag classic globular cluster record march chilean sky lo andes,million star omega centauri,2014-05-29,507,79,0.0416666666666666,05-29,5,2014,29,6,0,3 49345848a3f370b3221391026c2175484ede6af021a4346025f8cf5bafe16d01,adam block,gorgeous gaseou shroud die sunlik star planetari nebula abel 36 lie mere 800 lightyear away constel virgo distanc span 15 lightyear sharp telescop view shrug outer layers nebula central star contract becom hotter evolv toward final white dwarf phase fact abel 36 central star estim surfac temperatur compar sun present 6000 k temperature result intens hot star much brighter ultraviolet light compar visual appear here invis ultraviolet light ioniz hydrogen oxygen atom nebula ultim power beauti visibl light glow,planetari nebula abel,2014-05-30,513,79,0.1232142857142857,05-30,5,2014,30,4,1,5 9b7b8565b1b744e9c84ebd9597183443e33343f7657104d123b1057b6b8dc1a3,jame garlick,clear night skyscap captur color glow aurora australis southern lights outsid port citi tasmania australia planet earth stare dreamlik scene earth resourc satellit station pose center illumin nearbi citi lights use receiv data spacebas earth observ instruments includ nasa modi station decommiss 2011 recently shortli pictur taken april 30 still shine southern sky though central bulg milki way galaxi two bright satellit galaxi larg small magellan cloud appear frame small magellan cloud shine fainter red auror band,satellit station southern sky,2014-05-31,517,77,0.02,05-31,5,2014,31,8,0,4 5f26916d41c1f966e65e02083f5c3ac6082958eef46de20da27d1a3bf827c1b1,none,space station caught dragon specifically midapril intern space station captur unman spacex dragon capsul sent resuppli orbit outpost pictur above station canadarm2 grab commerci spaceship dragon capsul fill 5000 suppli experi use current band six iss astronaut compos expedit 39 well six astronaut compos expedit 40 dock iss dragon capsul unload eventu released splash pacif ocean may 18 current expedit 40 crew complete appli mani task includ deploy experi use array radar small optic telescop monitor possibl emerg earth below,space station captur dragon capsul,2014-06-02,528,80,-0.03,06-02,6,2014,2,8,0,4 35287bebfbcb65cd9d29f7d0dfa20a1fbfd5e2bdc160f0886db6d005fefbeb9e,p tuthil u j u michigan keck,might giant pinwheel destroy us probabl not investig unusu star system wolfrayet 104 turn unexpect threat unusu pinwheel pattern found creat energet wind ga dust expel two massiv star orbit other one system compon wolfrayet star tumultu orb last stage evolut explod supernova event possibl anytim next million years research spiral pattern emit dust however indic look nearli straight spin axi system possibl axi along power jet would emerg supernova accompani gammaray burst wr 104 supernova like impress harmless spectacle conversely earth realli near center power grb even explosion 8000 light year distanc might far enough protect us currently neither wr 104 grb beam understood well enough know real level danger best space images free apod lectur pari june 17,wr 104 pinwheel star system,2014-06-03,767,120,0.1234375,06-03,6,2014,3,6,2,4 b9cbfc5ff2256518c0b7b8a17595883e0a565293ecc3cbb6b9f59e8edeb7d755,daniel cielo de canarias,mani think myth other think true caus known adventur pride seen it green flash sun truth green flash exist caus well understood set sun disappear complet view last glimmer appear startlingli green effect typic visibl locat low distant horizon last seconds green flash also visibl rise sun take better time spot dramat green flash well even rare red flash caught photograph recent observ sunset visibl observatorio del roqu de lo muchacho canari islands spain sun turn partli green red effect caus layer earth atmospher act like prism,green flash sun,2014-06-04,534,87,-0.0161764705882353,06-04,6,2014,4,1,0,1 37069ebeffaa4a0fbe0a249d30e85dc83b7f562a6c0cfb8f4990af04958cb3a8,none,galaxi like color piec candi fill hubbl ultra deep field 2014 dimmest galaxi 10 billion time fainter star visibl unaid eye repres univers extrem past 100 million year big bang imag made signific addit ultraviolet data hubbl ultra deep field updat hubble famou distant gaze toward southern constel fornax cover entir rang wavelength avail hubble cameras ultraviolet visibl ultraviolet data add crucial capabl studi star format hubbl ultra deep field galaxi 5 10 billion lightyear distant,hubbl ultra deep field 2014,2014-06-05,486,76,-0.0499999999999999,06-05,6,2014,5,7,0,4 a6128e9432e7e9dd3dbdc75e0dd418f1025e41efe5870026f3e4bd23aff9eb8b,alessandro falesiedi,sweep slowli northern skies comet panstarr c2012 pose telescop portrait june 2nd constel ursa major within inner solar system ici bodi oort cloud sport two tails lighter broad dust tail crook ion tail extend right comet condens greenish coma make nice contrast spiki yellowish background star above ngc appear upper left frame span almost twice appar diamet full moon spiral galaxi 47 million lightyear away far beyond star milki way comparison comet mere 14 lightminut fair planet comet panstarr slowli grow brighter come month remain good target telescop comet watcher reach perihelion closest approach sun beyond earth orbit late august,comet panstarr galaxi,2014-06-06,639,100,0.1225446428571428,06-06,6,2014,6,3,2,1 f7fde723c04500d6cce3f0c478d2dc4e1c6b91e5b9ee5c8dd9ca71c5fbc7b44a,adam block,star cluster around 2 million year young m16 surround natal cloud dust glow ga also known eagl nebula beauti detail imag region includ cosmic sculptur made famou hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend left edg frame anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 eagl nebula lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,m16 eagl nebula,2014-06-07,623,99,0.0179292929292929,06-07,6,2014,7,4,2,5 d2ccff3bb47a836f7366818b17fe6c321a49dd48c19539fed7084417ced31b15,none,jewel shine bright star do like gem jewel box though star open cluster ngc 290 glitter beauti display bright color photogen cluster pictur above captur recent orbit hubbl space telescope open cluster star younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular cluster stars ngc 290 lie 200000 lightyear distant neighbor galaxi call small cloud magellan smc open cluster contain hundr star span 65 light year across ngc 290 open cluster good laboratori studi star differ mass evolve sinc open cluster star born time best space images free apod lectur pari june 17,open cluster ngc 290 stellar jewel box,2014-06-08,578,94,0.2111111111111111,06-08,6,2014,8,6,1,5 17936e266a9b3cd4ba4096eab0e4bd0395770c1a3a129c02bef9512f43ba5b5a,hk the leagu lost causes,light sky perhap one humanity common questions answer may result quick observations exampl move blinking so live near city answer typic airplane sinc plane numer star satellit bright enough seen din artifici citi lights not live far city bright light like planet venu mar former constrain appear near horizon dawn dusk sometim low appar motion distant airplan near horizon make hard tell bright planet even usual discern plane motion minutes still unsure chart give sometimeshumor mostlyaccur assessment dedic sky enthusiast like note encourag provid polit corrections poll apod blog,identifi light sky,2014-06-09,587,89,0.1452551834130781,06-09,6,2014,9,6,2,1 73187d40f168d0922adc07db15d4d8e546fff6dff231a53843a5aaffc0d723b8,nasa r optical nasa stsci,entir spiral galaxy done again recent nasa chandra xray observatori nearbi interact galaxi known whirlpool m51 hundr glitter xray star present chandra imag spiral neighbor imag conglomer xray light chandra visibl light hubbl space telescope number lumin xray sources like neutron star black hole binari system within confin m51 unusu high normal spiral ellipt galaxi suggest cosmic whirlpool experienc intens burst massiv star formation bright core galaxies ngc 5194 ngc 5195 right left respectively also exhibit highenergi activity falsecolor imag xray depict purple diffus xray emiss typic result multimillion degre ga heat supernova explosions follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,m51 xray whirlpool,2014-06-10,689,101,0.1753679653679653,06-10,6,2014,10,7,2,3 539dc284cb350792cd21fe0e275439e4c6bc8f4044ad015b3f246bd9f4f6b0a6,mike,no radio dish cannot broadcast galaxies although detect them imag featur photogen superposit dark night new zealand two week ago pictur above central part milki way galaxi seen rise east imag left arch high overhead beneath galact arc horizon two brightest satellit galaxi milki way small magellan cloud left larg magellan cloud right radio dish satellit station locat north,three galaxi new zealand,2014-06-11,374,59,0.0202308802308802,06-11,6,2014,11,6,0,1 c22a792ed0765a4b86a7d76d8243b6d7f75deaa3f3767942f0f4be0d6bdef2ad,marco lorenzi,tarantula nebula 1000 lightyear diameter giant star form region within neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud lmc cosmic arachnid lie toward upper left deep color telescop view made broadband narrowband filters imag span nearli 2 degre 4 full moons sky cover part lmc 8000 lightyear across within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula violent starform region young star clusters filaments bubbleshap cloud fact frame includ site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a center rich field view locat southern constel dorado,tarantula zone,2014-06-12,653,97,0.0339285714285714,06-12,6,2014,12,4,2,5 7bcc19e36e177874cc3dbc1b66495a49f800baea6e94f99c209017241c8ac99e,göran strand,june full moon full phase june 13 ut tradit known strawberri moon rose moon cours name might also describ appear full moon rise last month small swedish villag moon look larg imag scene captur long focal length len place 8 kilomet foreground eye full moon rising even friday 13th appear loom imposs larg near horizon effect long recogn moon illusion unlik magnif provid telescop telephoto lens caus moon illus still poorli understood explain atmospher optic effects scatter refraction effect produc moon color rag edg also seen photograph,strawberri moon,2014-06-13,538,87,0.159090909090909,06-13,6,2014,13,2,1,1 f8ecafa1822ed2def5e83432efabfb4c6325e2870e9cad5520b0d7ce789eaf54,alessandro,bright star sagittariu center milki way galaxi lie wing boe 747 astronom travel photo stratospher scene captur earlier month flight new york london 11000 meter atlant ocean cours sky clear dark altitude ideal condit astronom imaging challeng overcom look passeng window aircraft move nearli 1000 kilomet per hour mph 90 exposur 30 second less attempt fast len sensit camera setting use small flexibl tripod blanket block reflect interior lighting end one 10 second long exposur result steadi color exampl airborn astronomy,new york london milki way,2014-06-14,522,81,0.1015151515151515,06-14,6,2014,14,6,0,1 dd2487c5d26e754b9a1dd071b7b42624de42c8e682cdbf0201f329c883bf36d0,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group galaxies local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel cosmic microwav background radiat cmbr allski map cobe satellite radiat earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter radiat opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there best space images free apod lectur pari tuesday,cmb dipole speed univers,2014-06-15,548,86,0.1286111111111111,06-15,6,2014,15,6,1,4 23301ef9b4504fd58dfe7c475fec68c7673d0d790cc06a6828f7b3b4961f270a,roberto colombari data robert gendler ryan hannaho,nebula perhap famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble still known cat could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years pictur deep field imag cat paw nebula,ngc 6334 cat paw nebula,2014-06-18,350,60,0.0249999999999999,06-18,6,2014,18,4,0,5 b42ed6049ac748ff650a66a3505bce26ff2f35d77bce058b504f756bd1bed6b0,luc perrot,central bulg milki way galaxi rise sea cloud scene echo milki way dark dust lanes volcan peak foreground silhouett island southern indian ocean taken february photograph vote winner 2014 intern earth sky photo contest beauti night sky category win notabl imag contest select thousand entri 55 countri around planet earth also featur contest compil video vimeo move imag testament import beauti world night,top,2014-06-19,405,63,0.1625,06-19,6,2014,19,6,1,1 8533b6ea90b5ce5ce64929b3882d0740485da53fce2fe506f08cafcba3389065,babak tafreshi,night skyscap set star trail western horizon rio de janeiro brazil 2014 world gentl arc bright color star orion near center frame starfield straddl planet earth celesti equat long exposure course trail local light seem creat path scene air traffic smear intens glow airport far right helicopt fli citi boat cruis near coast waterfront tantal reflect bright light along rio central beaches near horizon brightest fix light famou cristo statu overlook rio night,rio night,2014-06-20,459,73,0.209047619047619,06-20,6,2014,20,6,1,1 9dff11b621c002bff4e1fe6d65098926328dbecb0cdade439e837498cfd87b9c,miguel claro,sun set friday 13th full honey moon rose captur wellplan timelaps sequence lisbon portugal king monument foreground 6 kilomet distant camera telephoto lens day surround today solstic june 21 ut sun follow highest arc northern hemispher sky travel along eclipt plane night eclipt plane low full moon path close eclipt also low rise moon separ slowli distant horizon northern moon watcher like experi mysteri moon illusion lunar orb appear imposs larg near horizon photo sequenc show moon appar size chang all light initi scatter long lineofsight atmospher though deeper redden color gave way paler gold full moon rose night,lisbon honey moon,2014-06-21,622,99,0.1923076923076923,06-21,6,2014,21,2,2,1 87b697a92d6a709a330d1fdd84d70f15e075cff7fec9491f1d55a6c2645c7d73,ken crawford,galaxi hercul cluster archipelago island univers mere 500 million lightyear away also known abel 2151 cluster load ga dust rich starform spiral galaxi rel ellipt galaxies lack ga dust associ newborn stars color remark deep composit imag clearli show star form galaxi blue tint galaxi older stellar popul yellowish cast sharp pictur span 34 degre across cluster center correspond 6 million lightyear cluster estim distance diffract spike around brighter foreground star milki way galaxi produc imag telescope mirror support vanes cosmic vista mani galaxi seem collid merg other seem distort clear evid cluster galaxi commonli interact fact hercul cluster may seen result ongo merger smaller galaxi cluster thought similar young galaxi cluster much distant earli universe,hercul cluster galaxi,2014-06-25,770,116,0.0029761904761904,06-25,6,2014,25,7,2,3 ec2c94a8b13158ade94fa0dfce20fd5316e57bba32b7ad4218f332ad26178f94,mike black,rli morn riser treat beauti conjunct venu wane crescent moon june 24 captur seasid photo near belmar new jersey usa planet earth seren celesti pair seen atlant ocean horizon eastern sky grow brighter dawn earli light wispy scatter cloud appear silhouette exposur also reveal night side lunar orb arm sunlit crescent shadow part moon hint smooth dark lunar sea maria illumin earthshine sunlight reflect planet earth itself,conjunct sea,2014-06-26,421,67,0.1772727272727272,06-26,6,2014,26,2,1,1 b71b81f161435dbddc3f9c083cad48f89429434e39cc86b781a3376fcb61b64c,none,june 24th mark first full martian year curios rover explor surfac red planet that earth day sol sinc land august 5 2012 celebrate consid selfportrait carsiz robot pose next rocki outcrop dub recent drill sampl site mosaick selfi construct frame taken april may use rover mar hand len imag intend closeup work mount end rover robot arm mahli frame use exclud section show arm mahli robot arm seen famou panoram views rover mastcam visibl though top tall mast stare toward left drill hole,martian anniversari selfi,2014-06-27,486,83,0.1571428571428571,06-27,6,2014,27,5,1,2 c844c34a002dc9f892300587ecbd62895142da02537f385449ae047efb3b9cfa,none,orion belt run along horizon seen earth atmospher rise starri snapshot low earth orbit board intern space station belt stars alnitak alnilam mintaka run right left orion sword home great orion nebula hang belt orient unfamiliar denizen planet northern hemisphere put bright star rigel foot orion still higher orion belt cours brightest celesti beacon frame sirius alpha star constel cani major station destini laboratori modul foreground top right,orion,2014-06-28,447,68,0.3204365079365079,06-28,6,2014,28,8,1,2 b542ab6d9be48c66a555f424bf6826d770869f48353383bef76ac50c12dbd23c,rogelio bernal andreodeep sky colors,see vista like take patience hiking camera patienc need search right place wait right time short hike need reach rug perch seclud cove julia pfeiffer burn state park california usa camera need long exposur requir bring faint light star nebula background milki way galaxy moonlight illumin hidden beach inlet behind nearbi tree composit imag taken last month usual obscur mcway fall visibl imag center pacif ocean view right imag highresolut sequel similar imag appear last year,galaxi cove vista revisit,2014-06-29,477,76,-0.0149659863945578,06-29,6,2014,29,6,0,1 59bed5c74789c803dcf71efabb3a7816289c106448e59c15eed39f77e150b546,roberto colombari,what happen center galaxy unusu dramat dust lane run across center ellipt galaxi centauru a dust lane thick almost complet obscur galaxy center visibl light particularli unusu cen a red star round shape characterist giant ellipt galaxy galaxi type usual low dark dust cen a also known ngc 5128 also unusu compar averag ellipt galaxi contain higher proport young blue star strong sourc radio emission evid indic cen like result collis two normal galaxies collision mani young star formed detail creation cen a unusu dust belt still researched cen lie 13 million light year away make closest activ galaxy cen a pictur above span 60000 light year seen binocular toward constel centaurus,peculiar ellipt galaxi centauru,2014-06-30,683,112,0.0516666666666666,06-30,6,2014,30,7,2,3 6bb133e9d29dc9ebe5ac161863b4c495e58cccb73e047b859f0c06a6acf3c810,none,star explod slow motion rare massiv wolfrayet star tumultu hot slowli disintegr right telescopes glow ga glob typic 30 time massiv earth expel violent stellar winds wolfrayet star wr 124 visibl near imag center span six light year across thu creat surround nebula known m167 detail star slowli blow apart past 20000 year remain topic research wr 124 lie 15000 lightyear away toward constel sagitta fate given wolfrayet star like depend massiv is mani thought end live spectacular explos supernova gammaray bursts,wolfrayet star 124 stellar wind machin,2014-07-01,512,82,0.0726731601731601,07-01,7,2014,1,4,0,5 fc45bc1e023ac4c1b5e720776c59bfd526bcd00642025da79f685c922d3c7295,r jay gabani,spiral galaxi ngc 4651 mere 62 million lightyear distant toward wellgroom northern constel coma berenices size milki way island univers seen faint umbrellashap structur seem extend left 100 thousand lightyear beyond bright galact disk giant cosmic umbrella known compos tidal star stream extens trail star gravit strip smaller satellit galaxy small galaxi eventu torn apart repeat encount swept back forth eccentr orbit ngc 4651 fact pictur insert zoom smaller galaxy remnant core identifi extens explor system use data larg subaru keck telescop mauna kea work begun remark collabor amateur profession astronom imag faint structur around bright galaxi suggest even nearbi galaxies tidal star stream common marker galact mergers result explain model galaxi format also appli milki way,ngc 4651 umbrella galaxi,2014-07-02,784,117,-0.0733333333333333,07-02,7,2014,2,7,2,4 cd266d08417cfa2589f697d574ae9147f47ff2fc2cd413a88e647c2730c1c474,martin pugh,promin ridg emiss featur vivid skyscap known cygnu wall part larger emiss nebula distinct shape popularli call north america nebula ridg span 10 lightyear along outlin suggest western coast mexico construct narrowband imag data cosmic closeup map emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue colors result highlight bright ioniz front fine detail dark dusti form silhouette sculpt energet radiat region young hot massiv stars dark shape inhabit view cloud cool ga dust star like form within north america nebula itself ngc 7000 1500 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus,along cygnu wall,2014-07-03,616,97,0.1626041666666667,07-03,7,2014,3,4,2,5 e04047896e7afb946c96c73893b7e74d23eef546c5d04d62de29d6601a28528a,rick baldridg,allur time exposure star trail arc across night sky foggi monterey bay light santa cruz california unit state america sinc exposur began around pdt juli 2 also record trail delta ii rocket loft nasa oco2 spacecraft orbit seen vantag point 200 mile north vandenberg air forc base launch site trail repres first five minut rocket flight along trajectori south west pacif join polar orbit around planet earth entir trail main engin captured faint puff end mark nose fair separation rocket path two brightest trail alpha beta star constel grus fli high southern skies oco2 mission goal studi atmospher carbon dioxide watch space planet earth,night launch,2014-07-04,637,104,0.0325925925925925,07-04,7,2014,4,8,2,2 cde634865d4aec9af1bda8b385396b0d5c1927a263baa279ff3ce86b144cf30c,none,spiral arm bright activ galaxi m106 sprawl remark multiwavelength portrait compos imag data radio xrays across electromagnet spectrum also known ngc 4258 m106 found toward northern constel cane venatici wellmeasur distanc m106 235 million lightyears make cosmic scene 60000 lightyear across typic grand spiral galaxies dark dust lanes youth star clusters star form region trace spiral arm converg bright nucleus composit highlight two anomal arm radio purple xray blue seem aris central region m106 evid energet jet materi blast galaxy disk jet like power matter fall massiv central black hole,m106 across spectrum,2014-07-05,593,90,0.1979166666666667,07-05,7,2014,5,7,1,3 05b948e641cea88c6cec8ff5129698a19721d4fa06ff68138208ce9fcb7904b6,neil degrassetyson amnh,come saturday clear well place new yorker go outsid sunset watch citi act like modern version stonehenge manhattan street flood dramat sunlight sun set precis western end usually tall build line grid street new york city tallest borough hide set sun effect make manhattan type modern stonehenge although align 30 degre east north manhattan road grid perfectli align east west today effect would occur vernal autumn equinox march 21 septemb 21 two day sun rise set due east west pictur horizont stretch image sun set 34th street view park avenue saturday sunset hidden cloud despair thing happen twice year late may mid july none occasions however ever look directli sun,manhattanhenge new york citi sunset,2014-07-06,670,110,-0.0062672176308539,07-06,7,2014,6,1,2,1 7093059b966dc7110fa29225c49d63348936864887ed72c8eb9f8419b8dd5ecd,none,galaxi contain one supermass black hole galaxi three like reason galaxi product recent coalesc three smaller galaxies two closest black hole shown resolv radio wave larg coordin array antenna spread europe asia africa two supermass black hole imag separ 500 light year like mass 100 million time mass sun currently redshift one tripl black hole system known studi learn galaxi supermass black hole interact rate middl age universe gravit radiat emit massiv black hole system may detect futur observatories,tripl black hole galaxi,2014-07-07,506,79,-0.0599999999999999,07-07,7,2014,7,7,0,3 e241b3f85d83f9b54de9a0fa1e22521ae96005615c827f5576f5cdbe954f9a11,christoph malin,scene earli morn hour juli 3 look across river thame bridge part lumin timelaps video vimeo frame captur sight familiar london nighttim glow london eye sight shine still dark sky above widespread noctiluc clouds edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud still reflect sunlight even though sun horizon seen ground usual spot high latitud summer month diaphan apparit also known polar mesospher clouds season cloud understood form water vapor driven cold upper atmospher condens fine dust particl suppli disintegr meteor volcan ash nasa aim mission provid daili project noctiluc cloud seen space,noctiluc cloud london,2014-07-10,596,93,-0.0146296296296296,07-10,7,2014,10,8,0,1 698333d2df7b4d7841d9648b19df49dc0aabcf22b1a4acfc69c2f6a7e3b95418,stephen mudg,composit dawn first color backdrop light along skylin southeastern corner queensland australia planet earth use solar filter addit exposur made everi 35 minut follow winter sunris juli 8 planets sunspot cross visibl solar disk sunspot mark solar activ region convolut magnet fields even maximum solar activ cycl begin fade activ region produc intens solar flare erupt launch coron mass eject cmes enorm cloud energet particles fair solar system,spotti sunris brisban,2014-07-11,444,68,0.3375,07-11,7,2014,11,1,1,4 ca2ed30009c444d257b1bb9890f10537df79be561658b00f845c5b1e7b6f8276,none,new star like brightest supernova record human history lit planet earth sky year 1006 ad expand debri cloud stellar explosion found southerli constel still put cosmic light show across electromagnet spectrum fact composit view includ xray data blue chandra observatory optic data yellowish hues radio imag data red known sn 1006 supernova remnant debri cloud appear 60 lightyear across understood repres remain white dwarf star part binari star system compact white dwarf gradual captur materi companion star buildup mass final trigger thermonuclear explos destroy dwarf star distanc supernova remnant 7000 lightyears explos actual happen 7000 year light reach earth 1006 shockwav remnant acceler particl extrem energi thought sourc mysteri cosmic rays,sn 1006 supernova remnant,2014-07-12,752,111,0.0821969696969697,07-12,7,2014,12,6,2,4 0ae263025c35e6885942676825b869d472fe27c7bcacd014ef17efc9cfffc0f3,none,ngc 2818 beauti planetari nebula gaseou shroud die sunlik star could well offer glimps futur await sun spend anoth 5 billion year steadili use hydrogen core final helium fuel nuclear fusion curiously ngc 2818 seem lie within open star cluster ngc 2818a 10000 lightyear distant toward southern constel pyxi the compass distanc star cluster nebula would 4 lightyear across accur veloc measur show nebula veloc differ cluster member stars result strong evid ngc 2818 chanc found along line sight star cluster may share cluster distanc age hubbl imag composit exposur narrowband filters present emiss nitrogen hydrogen oxygen atom nebula red green blue hues,planetari nebula ngc 2818 hubbl,2014-07-13,653,103,0.0033333333333333,07-13,7,2014,13,4,2,5 11ef0fe1c690bd2e2b0aa8a2cbb58bcafc264f6ca3c24d75d3d9734f5763d5c5,none,blue bridg star across center galaxi cluster first foremost cluster design sdss contain mani larg yellow ellipt galaxies cluster center pictur hubbl space telescope surround mani unusual thin curv blue filament actual galaxi far distanc whose imag becom magnifi elong gravit len effect massiv cluster unusual however squiggli blue filament near two larg ellipt galaxi cluster center close inspect filament indic like bridg creat tidal effect two merg central ellipt galaxi rather background galaxi imag distort gravit lensing knot bridg condens region glow blue light massiv young stars central cluster region like undergo continu studi make interest laboratori star formation,blue bridg star cluster galaxi,2014-07-15,676,100,0.0342105263157894,07-15,7,2014,15,7,2,3 7ac93483814dac3e7c8d823057378d68dd9a9fa211c6e16f2b2ddd73ff2768e5,carlo di,happen half saturn noth earth moon get way pictur far right saturn partli eclips dark edg moon partli illumin sun year orbit moon saturn led unusu high number align ring giant behind earth largest satellite technic term occultation imag captur one photogen juxtaposit bueno aires argentina occur earli last week visibl unaid eye best view binoculars still four eclips saturn moon left 2014 next one august 4 visibl australia one occur august 31 visibl western africa night simultan much eastern north america day,moon eclips saturn,2014-07-16,512,83,0.0791575091575091,07-16,7,2014,16,0,0,1 ddbd7924acb3deb64411b4449c9a09824e2df99bf3b0e603569c0ba5e629f23e,none,look someth print new 3d printer tri copi homunculu nebula dusty bipolar cosmic cloud around 1 lightyear across slightli scale 14 80 millimeters full scale homunculu surround eta carinae famous unstabl massiv star binari system embed extens carina nebula 7500 lightyear distant eta carina underw great erupt becom second brightest star planet earth night sky eject homunculu nebula new 3d model still expand homunculu creat explor nebula european southern observatory instrument capabl map veloc molecular hydrogen ga nebula dust fine resolution reveal protrusions even dust obscur region face away earth eta carina still undergo violent outbursts candid explod spectacular supernova next million years,3d homunculu nebula,2014-07-17,702,103,0.1492929292929293,07-17,7,2014,17,4,2,5 9c271b5cc5ff0619ffcd717889ffdfd1b8ae3fc88882ab302d56d251c008f3ea,none,mysterious squidlik apparition nebula faint also larg planet earth sky mosaic image compos narrowband data 25 meter isaac newton telescope span 25 full moon toward constel cepheus recent discov french astroimag nicola outters remark nebula bipolar shape emiss consist planetari nebula gaseou shroud die sunlik star actual distanc origin unknown new investig suggest ou4 realli lie within emiss region sh2129 2300 lightyear away consist scenario cosmic squid would repres spectacular outflow materi driven tripl system hot massiv stars catalog hr8119 seen near center nebula so truli giant squid nebula would physic nearli 50 lightyear across,ou4 giant squid nebula,2014-07-18,641,95,0.0566433566433566,07-18,7,2014,18,4,2,5 fa3e0780083881f90d1483b2f83191f76bfa81990de09d5f6bf876da682c96be,josé carlo gonzález,beach skyscap spain july full moon shine dark blue twilight reflect color mediterranean waters near horizon moonlight redden long path atmosphere full moon also near perigee closest point earth along moon ellipt orbit made supermoon mighti larger brighter full moon apogee moon farthest orbit course warm summer night good time enjoy famili fish catch night supermoon must moon ,beach moonris,2014-07-19,378,58,0.2291666666666666,07-19,7,2014,19,2,1,1 cf0305d4a191e00ef017575f2f8b419675944b1c0ad8aa559e472e7d118837a5,none,what happen sun noth unusu threw filament toward middl 2012 long stand solar filament suddenli erupt space produc energet coron mass eject cme filament held day sun ever chang magnet field time erupt unexpected watch close sunorbit solar dynam observatory result explos shot electron ion solar system arriv earth three day later impact earth magnetosphere caus visibl aurorae loop plasma surround activ region seen erupt filament ultraviolet image past week number sunspot visibl sun unexpectedli drop zero caus specul sun pass unusu solar maximum time sun 11year cycl active,solar filament erupt,2014-07-20,576,89,-0.0666666666666666,07-20,7,2014,20,1,0,4 34f651fdaa84055d43793d164f218e8916f1febde5e75465d4fac325b3088661,none,comet nucleu two surpris discoveri comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko doubl nucleu came late last week esa robot interplanetari spacecraft rosetta continu approach toward ancient comet core specul idea doubl core creat include currently comet churyumovgerasimenko actual result merger two comets comet loos pile rubbl pull apart tidal forces ice evapor comet comet undergon sort explos event pictur above comet unusu 5km size comet nucleu seen rotat cours hours frame taken apart better imag hope refin theori expect rosetta track enter orbit around comet churyumovgerasimenko nucleu earli next month end year possible land probe it,spacecraft rosetta show comet two,2014-07-21,629,92,0.025,07-21,7,2014,21,3,2,2 32906c2766b5303510268875523f7fd09239f0eb90aa93b4faac6f949cbf1850,rolf olsen,starfield photograph resembl impressionist painting effect creat digit trickeri larg amount interstellar dust dust minut glob rich carbon similar size cigarett smoke frequent start outer atmospher large cool evolv stars dust dispers star die grow thing stick interstellar medium dens dust cloud opaqu visibl light complet hide background stars less dens clouds capac dust preferenti reflect blue starlight becom important effect bloom star blue light mark surround dust nebular ga emissions typic brightest red light combin form area seemingli creat artist canvas photograph central part nebula ic 4603 surround bright star sao actual 8th magnitude mostli illumin blue reflect nebula ic 4603 seen near bright star antar magnitude toward constel ophiuchus poll topic apod 2015 wall calendar,ic 4603 reflect nebula ophiuchiu,2014-07-23,789,117,0.2090852130325814,07-23,7,2014,23,4,2,5 b30bf279a40297348ac78d9c1cbaa4d024dab3d3252c86bb9f0a8398c91551b4,yuri beletski,allur taken meter sea level chajnantor plateau chilean andes view site rarefi atmospher 50 sea level pressure gorgeou milki way stretch scene cosmic rift dust stars nebula join venus brilliant morn star immers strong band predawn zodiac light still complet dark even high altitude night sky greenish cast due airglow emiss oxygen atoms around horizon dish antenna unit atacama larg millimetersubmillimet array explor univers wavelength 1000 time longer visibl light participate take aesthet astronomi survey,alma milki way,2014-07-24,508,75,0.2883333333333334,07-24,7,2014,24,6,1,1 b1f6cdd544e68c1af95c748d39e6f8ca157ba3e568282a80cba00e6816c6522e,none,crab pulsar citysized magnet neutron star spin 30 time second lie center tantal widefield imag crab nebula spectacular pictur one milki way supernova remnants combin optic survey data xray data orbit chandra observatory composit creat part celebr chandra 15 year long explor high energi cosmos like cosmic dynamo pulsar power xray optic emiss nebula acceler charg particl extrem energi produc jet ring glow xrays innermost ring structur lightyear across mass sun densiti atom nucleus spin pulsar collaps core massiv star exploded nebula expand remnant star outer layers supernova explos wit year 1054 participate take aesthet astronomi survey,cosmic crab nebula,2014-07-25,643,97,0.122,07-25,7,2014,25,4,2,5 192fa72390699f818e28630cfb0aaca485a84ba1fd6de153b05ad6627f90a250,lászló francsic,shini ngc 253 one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest call silver dollar galaxi appear small telescopes sculptor galaxi locat within boundari southern constel sculptor first swept 1783 mathematician astronom carolin herschel dusti island univers lie mere 10 million lightyear away 70 thousand lightyear across ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest local group galaxies addit spiral dust lanes tendril dust seem rise galact disk lace young star cluster star form region sharp color image high dust content accompani frantic star formation earn ngc 253 design starburst galaxy ngc 253 also known strong sourc highenergi xray gamma rays like due massiv black hole near galaxy center participate take aesthet astronomi survey,ngc 253 dusti island univers,2014-07-26,753,113,-0.0171794871794871,07-26,7,2014,26,7,2,3 893aa394147dd02ade37c498852d5c312f4559fac0baeb6b534bf66caf87bd1c,optical aldo mottino carlo hubbl legaci archiv,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula imag digit combin imag taken blue green red hydrogenalpha light argentina imag taken infrar light orbit hubbl space telescope follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,horsehead nebula blue infrar,2014-07-28,664,103,0.0648809523809523,07-28,7,2014,28,4,2,5 66c14b8100404357c2f6bc10a97812c9329a0cb5ac1ec6fab59b26853c2b2abe,petr horlek,some may look like portal distant universe others may appear eye giant given correct pictur standard fishey view sky unusu projection view perch new zealand call peak name translat languag wondrou panorama show band milki way galaxi right center sky larg small magellan cloud visibl right red hue atmospher airglow surpris photograph better captur camera eye imag taken two week ago photographer left peer sky portal,sky new zealand,2014-07-29,417,66,0.0688902007083825,07-29,7,2014,29,6,0,1 96a83ecc6e229eb50f178da11960339c998932a342030de5af7b105e5f8097bb,jacob,andromeda nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid imag m31 taken standard camera small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ acquir unusu doublepeak center,m31 andromeda galaxi,2014-07-30,551,84,0.0794642857142857,07-30,7,2014,30,7,0,3 1c6eff2816c6c0ea1b5432a9cf2c1de5d182e97a9e4458dd0d57072e6cf7dd8e,clear sky,transfus sunlight still dark sky except display noctiluc cloud captur earlier month island sweden edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud reflect sunlight even though sun horizon seen ground usual spot high latitud summer month night shine cloud made strong show july also known polar mesopher cloud understood form water vapor driven cold upper atmospher condens fine dust particl suppli disintegr meteor volcan ash nasa aim mission provid daili project noctiluc cloud seen space,vein heaven,2014-07-31,485,75,-0.0081481481481481,07-31,7,2014,31,8,0,1 6a407e8128bf245a08d2445efbf2c0dd31f69e2b5d030874d496b406038e9bac,babak tafreshi,allur night skyscape scene look west across grand teton nation park wyoming usa planet earth snake river glide foreground rug mountain peak starri sky lace except strong red green airglow night lumin atmospher glow faintli visibl eye color structur captur sensit digit camera fact contemporari digit photograph match locat perspect wellknown photograph teton snake river ansel adams photograph american west adams imag one 115 imag store voyag golden record humanity messag golden record onboard voyag 1 voyag 2 spacecraft launch 1977 head toward interstellar space,teton snake river planet earth,2014-08-01,567,85,0.1904761904761905,08-01,8,2014,1,8,1,1 5ccbb8e5a05fa3a501ec40b309be039e20d1d341b8a5c126ff4968b40faf28c0,jimmi walker,cloud interstellar dust ga blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil star field constel cepheus sometim call iri nebula ngc 7023 nebula sky evok imageri flowers though still deep telescop view show iri nebula rang color symmetri impress detail within iris dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament dusti cloud glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula may contain complex carbon molecul known pahs pretti blue petal iri nebula span six lightyears,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2014-08-02,632,95,-0.0049999999999999,08-02,8,2014,2,4,2,5 85b93bdf66e1fae8e6b12928f4c6233ea32cd71a83c41a9196e84bdd94b6465d,none,what approaching astronaut board intern space station first saw earli 2010 far distance soon enlarg becom dark silhouette came even closer silhouett appear spaceship finally object reveal space shuttl endeavour soon dock expect earthorbit space station pictur above endeavour imag near earth horizon approached sever layer earth atmospher visible directli behind shuttl mesosphere appear blue atmospher layer appear white stratosphere orang layer earth troposphere shuttl mission began dramat night launch task complet shuttle visit iss includ deliveri tranquil modul contain cupola bay window complex allow even better view spaceship approach leav space station almost hyperspace random apod gener,dark shuttl approach,2014-08-03,698,98,-0.0307692307692307,08-03,8,2014,3,8,2,2 9a352a36e22f8e73102b558615663f8a8281fd55a94c5e19e39c2be5527a06d7,none,enceladu ice discoveri jet spew water vapor ice detect saturnorbit cassini spacecraft 2005 origin water feed jets however remain topic research lead hypothesi held sourc might origin deep underground sea anoth hypothesi indic might ice melt wall deep rift moon tidal flex heating pictur above textur surfac enceladu visibl foreground row plume rise ice fractur distance jet made visibl sun angl encroach shadow night recent studi hundr imag like geyser cross enceladus south pole togeth region heat maps indic plume like origin hidden sea chanc frosti globe might harbor life astrophysicists brows code astrophys sourc code librari,shadow plume across enceladu,2014-08-04,632,97,-0.0277777777777777,08-04,8,2014,4,8,2,4 32a6b3e74cc3ded5b2055fe5d99650b6c534df689be1fc6099336efb11545505,none,place earth four billion year ago solar system danger shoot galleri larg danger rock ice recent examin lunar earth bombard data indic entir surfac earth underw piecem hide ancient geolog history creat batter world remain familiar land masses rain devast made difficult life survive although bacteria could endur high temperatur best chance ocean thought form epoch would boil away particularli heavi impacts reform again artist illustr depict earth might look circular impact featur dot daylight side hot lava flow visibl night one billion year later solar system earth first supercontin formed,four billion earth,2014-08-05,594,91,0.191875,08-05,8,2014,5,8,1,1 3e7bd9767e139fd2e07fba6521fa131d6fe5385d24a493b85537dd282cdfc8e8,none,acquir first sunlit view far northern saturn late 2012 cassini spacecraft wideangl camera record stunning falsecolor imag ring planet north pole composit nearinfrar imag data result red hue low cloud green high ones give saturnian cloudscap vivid appearance enorm terrestri standards saturn north polar hurricanelik storm deep red 2000 kilomet wide cloud outer edg travel 500 kilomet per hour atmospher vortic also swirl insid large yellowish green sixsid jet stream known hexagon beyond cloud top upper right arc planet eyecatch ring appear bright blue,saturn swirl,2014-08-06,553,84,0.0975833333333333,08-06,8,2014,6,0,0,1 901e6a3b34b79cb217b218b914453aebb69bbc545ccf2f64dcd37d9e77e7fa0d,none,august 3rd rosetta spacecraft narrow angl camera captur stun imag nucleu comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko 10 year 65 billion kilomet travel along graviti assist trajectori loop interplanetari space rosetta approach within kilomet target curiou doublelob shape nucleu reveal amaz detail imag resolut 53 meter per pixel 4 kilomet across comet nucleu present 400 million kilomet earth orbit jupit mars first spacecraft achiev delic orbit around comet rosetta swing within 50 kilomet closer come weeks candid site land probe phila later year,rosetta,2014-08-07,534,79,0.1083333333333333,08-07,8,2014,7,3,0,2 192a0bf425d30051b072d7e1dc884f127f8f7dc11ae024f0eaa5dfec0a8f4a55,goldman,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 6744 nearli 175000 lightyear across larger milki way lie 30 million lightyear distant southern constel pavo see disk nearbi island univers tilt toward line sight orient composit give strong sens depth color galaxi portrait cover area angular size full moon giant galaxy yellowish core domin light old cool stars beyond core spiral arm fill young blue star cluster pinkish star form region sweep past smaller satellit galaxi lower left reminisc milki way satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud,spiral galaxi ngc 6744,2014-08-08,518,82,0.0922222222222222,08-08,8,2014,8,7,0,3 648a5e0a64313a91ac7ffe914af17d6f104e296f376b7deaab3bcc57fab1fde4,phil hart,shine world night visibl eye rare electr blue glow spread along shore victoria lake januari 16 2013 reflect light near horizon digit stack long exposur record bioluminesc noctiluca scintillans plankton stimul lap waves above night sky lake region victoria australia shine fainter greenish airglow oxygen atom upper atmosphere initi excit ultraviolet sunlight produc wide seen fade atmospher wash earth rotation faint band southern summer milki way stretch horizon star trail circl south celesti pole watch meteor vs supermoon,lumin night,2014-08-09,525,78,0.0149999999999999,08-09,8,2014,9,6,0,1 122bccc24bd02d5adf038dc8700b4874d26dcd43faedb71ec645a020fab03db8,none,denizen planet earth typic watch meteor shower look up remark view captur august 13 2011 astronaut ron garan caught perseid meteor look down garan perspect onboard intern space station orbit altitud 380 kilometers perseid meteor streak below swept dust left comet swifttuttl heat incandescence glow comet dust grain travel 60 kilomet per second denser atmospher around 100 kilomet earth surface case foreshorten meteor flash right frame center curv limb earth layer greenish airglow bright star arcturus want look meteor shower luck 2014 perseid meteor shower peak week unfortunately fainter meteor year shower hard see rel bright sky lit glow nearli full moon,perseid,2014-08-10,660,102,0.0988492063492063,08-10,8,2014,10,8,2,4 c98e617e3e1ba800e6337dcfdde854bcd03d588b1c8f14f68c15e6dd6032836e,robert gendler,familiar sight sky enthusiast even small telescope much ring nebula m57 however seen small telescope easili visibl central ring one lightyear across remark deep exposur collabor effort combin data three differ larg telescop explor loop filament glow ga extend much farther nebula central star remark composit imag includ narrowband hydrogen image visibl light emission infrar light emission course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star ring nebula 2000 lightyear away toward music constel lyra follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,ring around ring nebula,2014-08-13,624,92,0.1075,08-13,8,2014,13,4,2,5 628d82e3588e63a80b49a58226253233c320f774eef48fefa3b7f9777c02af9a,catch light,big bright beautiful full moon near perigee closest point ellipt orbit around fair planet rose august 10 remark pictur record scene dreamlik qualiti east coast unit states pictur actual composit 10 digit frame made exposur 1500th second 1 second long preserv contrast detail much wider normal rang brightness perige distanc mere kilometers august full moon closest largest three full moon nearest perige 2014 popularli known supermoons miss august super supermoon next supermoon septemb 8 then near full lunar phase moon perige slightli distant kilometers that percent less super super supermoon,moon,2014-08-14,595,90,0.2076388888888888,08-14,8,2014,14,2,1,1 65ae32b95098afe42d26c098e6e9afe0234fc2aaf9ca5c03054e7d7c23c42ad9,amir hossein abolfath,bright moonlight full moon near perige illumin night cast shadow skyscap central iran taken august 12 near peak annual perseid meteor shower exposur also captur bright color perseid streak shadi tree foreground year super moonlight interf meteor watch earli morn hours overwhelm trail mani fainter perseid shower brighter perseid like one still visibl though trail point back heroic constel perseu outlin right swept planet earth orbit dust left behind period comet swifttuttle cosmic grain produc perseid meteor enter atmospher nearli 60 kilomet per second heat vapor altitud 100 kilometers next year perseid meteor flash dark sky new moon editor note outlin perseu pictur close quit right correct version avail here thank,perseid moonlight,2014-08-15,723,111,0.1847720906544435,08-15,8,2014,15,2,2,1 2227db83375bce88c9544b5ad163b2af9e4a52025467f862530473b0468904eb,none,last january telescop observatori around planet earth eagerli use watch rise sn 2014j bright supernova nearbi galaxi m82 still import observ may orbit chandra xray observatori saw nothing identifi type ia supernova explos thought trigger buildup mass white dwarf star steadili accret materi companion star model predict xray would gener supernova struck materi left surround white dwarf xray seen supernova mostli blank closeup center supernova posit shown inset panel chandra fals color xray imag m82 galaxy stun lack xray sn 2014j requir astronom explor model explain trigger cosmic explosions,xray sn,2014-08-16,595,89,0.0857142857142857,08-16,8,2014,16,6,2,4 3128e18545231c25c61abf8520201014dbddceffb6bf4b8cd9930754a52f645e,none,visibl around world sunset conjunct jupit venu 2012 visibl almost matter live earth anyon planet clear western horizon sunset could see them pictur 2012 creativ photograph travel away town light szubin poland imag near closest approach two planets bright planet separ three degre daughter strike humor pose faint red sunset still glow background earli tomorrow morning two planet pass even closer 02 degre apart visibl locat sunrise jump around universe random apod gener,jupit venu earth,2014-08-17,473,73,0.0484848484848485,08-17,8,2014,17,8,0,1 335c9f19f5bd689c2ef956c00b087bd8812403b6bf3793dabb4d4d40666fa2d2,none,land sky land includ erupt mount semeru distance caldera steam mount bromo left flow fog light move car along road thread hill volcano bromo tengger semeru nation park east java indonesia stir sky includ star circl south celesti pole meteor streak across imag right composit taken king kong hill two hours rise moon light landscape follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,star trail,2014-08-18,374,62,0.2714285714285714,08-18,8,2014,18,6,1,1 f431157c426e8e95dbc1236c76a862516058d23ec3941416c2e5d998c626fea1,none,phila land esa robot spacecraft rosetta circl toward comet churyumovgerasimenko decis must eventu made mechan lander attempt reach comet earlier month rosetta send back detail pictur comet unusu nucleu smooth land site pictur above near imag top head comet nucleu show rug grooves near imag bottom bodi show patchwork area sometim separ jag hills patchwork area appar head bodi seem field rel smooth terrain connect area call however visibl across imag center rel larg swath lightcolor smooth terrain appears punctuat occasion larg boulders rosetta schedul releas phila toward dark mountains comet nucleu anticip land date november,comet churyumovgerasimenko,2014-08-19,631,96,0.15,08-19,8,2014,19,3,2,4 675c37b2108de0b22b90771ab475ecd02e963d4645e99562a8d7e544d051ee36,none,center lagoon nebula whirlwind spectacular star formation visibl near imag center least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star herschel 36 light area wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 5 light years combin imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel sagittarius,center lagoon nebula,2014-08-20,544,85,0.1578431372549019,08-20,8,2014,20,4,1,5 9ec6562c543c4d301aa789e430e5e973487ac88130f1026a0768bb27bfb86884,stefano de rosa,monday morning venu jupit gather close dawn skies separ half width full moon closest conjunct sinc 2000 captur eastern horizon sunrise seren color view beach near citi island distant light roll hill along italy coast course celesti pair soon wander apart brighter venu head lower toward eastern horizon glare sun jupit continu rise littl higher sky near dawn two brightest planet meet next june 30th even twilight western horizon,venu jupit dawn,2014-08-21,429,69,0.1037037037037037,08-21,8,2014,21,8,1,1 ae67c85a61035a4bc9511b46f24a65d8d48a72fb33fc9ea7bb55b01c89bbd20b,dominiqu dierick,juli 13th good place watch comet jacqu venus then recent discov visitor c2014 inner solar system pass within million kilomet sister planet outbound comet pass 84 million kilomet fair planet august 28 alreadi fine target telescop binoculars two day ago greenish coma straight narrow ion tail captur telescop snapshot singl 2 minut long exposur modifi digit camera comet flank ic 1805 ic 1848 also known cassiopeia heart soul nebulae stuck planet earth weekend hunt comet jacqu even skies spot venus jupiter crescent moon triangl dawn,comet heart soul,2014-08-22,532,85,0.1666666666666666,08-22,8,2014,22,3,1,1 96f4d4fe7740884556160c9abf58af3cae3d70a40631902acf17c2622331f375,tama ladanyi,citi veszprem hungari briefli haunt mysteri spectre morn august 11 monstrou form hover mist build near town center clue true ident offer photographer though report took pictur top twenti stori build rise sun directli back special geometri suggest exampl atmospher phenomenon call glori sometim the spectr also seen mountain top airplan look opposit sun dramat apparit observer shadow cloud fog small droplet water scatter light back toward sun complex intern reflections care night sky watcher also encount analog astronomy brighten zodiac light opposit sun known gegenschein,spectr,2014-08-23,575,86,0.1630952380952381,08-23,8,2014,23,1,1,1 e6d7e72d5f1a35aa6b9655bff45de2ca6a93eca427e2c1ca32ea43b3374b9204,david cortner,what dot sun look closely almost perfectli round dot result unusu type solar eclips occur 2006 usual earth moon eclips sun time planet mercuri took turn like approach new moon solar eclipse phase mercuri becam continu thinner crescent planet progress toward align sun eventu phase mercuri drop zero dark spot mercuri cross parent star situat could technic label mercurian annular eclips extraordinarili larg ring fire crater plane night side mercury earth appear fullest phase hour later mercuri continu orbit slight crescent phase appear again next mercurian solar eclips occur 2016,mercury transit unusu spot sun,2014-08-24,583,90,-0.0787878787878787,08-24,8,2014,24,1,0,1 c8972b0f6ed8dd54688dd418e9a871a1511796f61a5df1307e5c09b1f49f5eed,none,galaxi long tail stun vista base imag data hubbl legaci archive distant galaxi form dramat backdrop disrupt spiral galaxi arp 188 tadpol galaxy cosmic tadpol mere 420 million lightyear distant toward northern constel draco eyecatch tail 280 thousand lightyear long featur massive bright blue star clusters one stori goe compact intrud galaxi cross front arp 188 right left view slung around behind tadpol gravit attraction close encounter tidal forc drew spiral galaxy stars gas dust form spectacular tail intrud galaxi itself estim lie 300 thousand lightyear behind tadpole seen foreground spiral arm upper right follow terrestri namesake tadpol galaxi like lose tail grow older tail star cluster form smaller satellit larg spiral galaxy,arp 188 tadpole tail,2014-08-25,740,113,-0.019047619047619,08-25,8,2014,25,7,2,3 c690c58251af8691712c5cbb5622e01018c966e6e71da25be981856210f59f3f,dave lane,milki way creat evapor lake color pool water 10 meter across known silex spring locat yellowston nation park wyoming usa illumin color caus layer bacteria grow hot spring steam rise spring heat magma chamber deep underneath known yellowston hotspot unrel far distance central band milki way galaxi arch high overhead band lit billion stars pictur 16imag panorama taken late last month yellowston hotspot caus anoth supervolcan erupt 640000 year ago larg part north america would affected follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,milki way yellowston,2014-08-27,530,83,0.03,08-27,8,2014,27,6,0,1 6fdf9acc0d6c1c63be434474e95b1cfceb8a39a84e132fe4e969b006905945c9,lorand feny,beauti trifid nebula also known messier 20 easi find small telescop nebula rich constel sagittarius 5000 lightyear away color studi cosmic contrast share wellcomposed nearli 1 degre wide field open star cluster messier 21 top right trisect dust lane trifid 40 lightyear across mere 300000 year old make one youngest star form region sky newborn embryon star embed natal dust ga clouds estim distanc open star cluster m21 similar m20s though share gorgeou telescop skyscap appar connect two fact m21 star much older 8 million year old,messier 20 21,2014-08-28,533,87,0.0564484126984126,08-28,8,2014,28,4,0,3 54f87ca6d6e6677fed11bcf862fbc8f13cbb7d33c26c56676d8ff058ddd38416,michael miller,open star cluster ngc 7380 still embed natal cloud interstellar ga dust popularli known wizard nebula seen foreground background star along plane milki way galaxi lie 8000 lightyear distant toward constel cepheus full moon would easili fit insid telescop view 4 million year young cluster associ nebula normal much faint seen eye made telescop camera firmli plant earth imag reveal multi lightyear size shape structur within wizard color palett made popular hubbl space telescop images record narrowband filters visibl wavelength light nebula hydrogen oxygen sulfur atom transform green blue red color final digit composite still trick slide cursor imag or follow link make star leav cosmic ga dust wizard nebula,wizard nebula,2014-08-29,712,110,0.0923076923076923,08-29,8,2014,29,4,2,5 31f6eadb4ded27c01bf42dc011db713f9f62ea32f582e6ddba90f2f6b438223b,none,pictur taken usually pictur shuttle taken space snap space station commonly pictur space station snap shuttle how then pictur shuttl station together taken space answer space shuttl endeavour last trip intern space station 2011 may suppli ship depart station astronaut captur seri rare views suppli ship russian soyuz tma20 land kazakhstan later day spectacular imag well captur rel size station dock shuttle far below cloud earth seen blue sea follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,space shuttl space station photograph togeth,2014-08-31,487,76,0.0499999999999999,08-31,8,2014,31,8,0,2 55d76775b0b1b4b031bfaf4bf3dc6a52def3f8e41be4e81083d7172760950fef,jeff dai,would sky look like giant target airglow follow giant thunderstorm bangladesh late april giant circular rippl glow air appear tibet china pictur above unusu pattern creat atmospher graviti waves wave altern air pressur grow height air thins case 90 kilomet up unlik aurora power collis energet charg particl seen high latitudes airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic reaction typic seen near horizon airglow keep night sky ever complet dark available apod 2015 wall calendar,airglow rippl tibet,2014-09-01,486,74,0.0440909090909091,09-01,9,2014,1,8,0,1 c2ed5e5cd78021f03d026a3e406c0e62d311e2c02af74c10283e1763c2477804,none,differ space time small explor unfamiliar domain planck scale normal quantum effect might becom domin newli develop instrument call fermilab holomet begun oper fermi nation acceler laboratori fermilab near chicago illinois usa instrument seek determin slight simultan jiggl mirror two direct expos fundament type holograph nois alway exce minimum amount pictur one end mirror holomet although discoveri holograph nois would sure nois specif laboratori length scale would surpris spacetim enthusiasts one reason postul einstein special relativity state length scale appear contract rel move observ even diminut planck length still experi uniqu mani curiou result show astrophysicists brows 900 code astrophys sourc code librari,space time,2014-09-02,729,103,0.1129251700680272,09-02,9,2014,2,8,2,4 010db8547925df5e06077d8f1e9b445ac38d0af6b6c21b2ab68da3f0828ea4f8,marco lorenzi,some outlin open cluster star m6 resembl butterfly m6 also known ngc 6405 span 20 lightyear lie 2000 light year distant m6 pictur above best seen dark sky binocular toward constel scorpion cove much sky full moon like open clusters m6 compos predominantli young blue stars although brightest star nearli orange m6 estim 100 million year old determin distanc cluster like m6 help astronom calibr distanc scale universe available apod 2015 wall calendar,m6 butterfli cluster,2014-09-03,451,73,0.1769230769230769,09-03,9,2014,3,6,1,3 c90244b8d666fc5b7744662b8f8b838c88accb7b166f1a4e974b7a6d767fc0b4,cara project,octob 19th good place watch comet side spring mars then inbound visitor c2013 a1 inner solar system discov januari 2013 robert mcnaught australia side spring observatory pass within kilomet red planet that near miss equival 13 earthmoon distance great view comet denizen planet earth southern hemispher possibl now though telescop snapshot august 29 captur comet whitish coma arc dust tail sweep southern skies field view small magellan cloud globular star cluster 47 tucana right ngc 362 upper left worri spacecraft martian orbit streak dust particl comet could pose danger control plan posit mar orbit opposit side planet comet close flyby,cloud cluster comet side spring,2014-09-04,641,100,0.1279761904761904,09-04,9,2014,4,3,2,2 d61e03558d0d380e0ad2ffa1edef86b7acf74a5b2754a9b7fe0be1d77804afc1,terri hancock,rich starscap span nearli 7 degre sky toward sagittariu spiral arm center milki way galaxy telescop mosaic featur wellknown bright nebula star cluster catalog 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier still popular stop skygaz m16 eagl far right m17 swan near center nebula brightest starform emiss regions 100 lightyear so shine telltal reddish glow hydrogen atom 5000 lightyear away color open star cluster m25 near upper left edg scene closer mere 2000 lightyear distant 20 lightyear across m24 also known sagittariu star cloud crowd left center along bottom frame fainter distant milki way star seen narrow window obscur field interstellar dust,sagittariu starscap,2014-09-05,648,101,0.0589285714285714,09-05,9,2014,5,6,2,5 b8d5b088801af8367e25b9cc3ff8444d90e1574c9ab4939643c43c138ab95734,rogelio bernalandreo,like rainbow night beauti moonbow shine western horizon desert beach scene island hawaii usa planet earth captur last june 17 earli morn hours light along horizon honolulu citi island 30 mile away moon rainbow produc sunlight intern reflect rain drop direct opposit sun back toward observer light pass air water back air again longer wavelength refract less shorter one result separ colors moonbow produc raindrop reflect moonlight direct opposit moon put moon directli behind photographer still low rise eastern horizon day past full phase,moonbow beach,2014-09-06,540,84,0.041025641025641,09-06,9,2014,6,2,0,1 9274c9d10c161f7c014f51c4cb0a16618b285120c831ad2081118eb2677b5d4e,catalin paduraru,super tomorrow supermoon tomorrow full moon occur appear slightli larger brighter usual reason moon fulli illumin phase occur within short time perige moon closest earth ellipt orbit although precis condit defin supermoon vary given one definition tomorrow third supermoon year third consecut month supermoon occurs one reason supermoon popular easi see go outsid sunset watch impress full moon rise sinc perige actual occur today tonight sunset moonris also impressive pictur above supermoon 2012 compar micromoon full moon occur near furthest part moon orbit appear smaller dimmer usual given mani definitions least one supermoon occur year next 2015 august 30,super moon vs micro moon,2014-09-08,667,99,0.1268518518518518,09-08,9,2014,8,2,2,1 7348f0555f39d3d48516f27571625681725927b14f53222769ff6d0c51a4f40e,göran strand,sky look doubl auror oval captur town light stersund sweden last week pictur above green oval occur lower ground violet aurora ray above make whole display look bit like top off far distance central band milki way galaxi slant upper left aurora caus sun eject plasma cloud solar system day before ioniz particl subsequ impact magnetospher earth aurora display may continu week activ sunspot group rotat view day ago,aurora milki way,2014-09-09,415,69,0.0909090909090909,09-09,9,2014,9,1,0,1 2c67fb594b344acaf5b44fc363aba726c56ab5913b8179fecabfaa5e1d431d7e,none,one largest structur known home laniakea superclust galaxi contain thousand galaxi includ milki way galaxy local group galaxies entir nearbi virgo cluster galaxies coloss superclust shown computergener visualization green area rich galaxi white line indic motion toward superclust center outlin laniakea given orange blue dot show location outsid orang line galaxi flow galact laniakea superclust span 500 million light year contain 100000 time mass milki way galaxy discover laniakea gave name mean,home galaxi,2014-09-10,500,72,0.0203124999999999,09-10,9,2014,10,7,0,3 beeca34ee0935eae74cfe1c9cf8e6efbd183eff950673497c832f88ade2a6222,yuri beletski,might guess it sunris still hour away nightscap taken view along eastern horizon remot locat chile atacama desert stretch high otherwis dark starri sky unusu bright conic glow sunlight though scatter dust along solar system eclipt plane known zodiac light apparit also nicknam near center bright star aldebaran pleiad star cluster seem immers zodiac light orion toward right edg frame reddish emiss ngc 1499 california nebula also seen ting airglow along horizon slide cursor pictur or follow link label sky futur site giant magellan telescop la campana observatory,zodiac light dawn,2014-09-11,566,88,0.2495714285714285,09-11,9,2014,11,6,1,1 8c943eb2831dbafa372f3227786dc6fbd4956c5323e9f5847dc573e42b8fd4b5,none,driven explos massiv star supernova remnant puppi blast surround interstellar medium 7000 lightyear away distance remark falsecolor explor complex expans 180 lightyear wide base complet xray data set far chandra observations infrar data spitzer space telescope blue hues filamentari xray glow ga heat supernova shock wave infrar emiss shown red green warm dust bright pastel tone trace region shock ga warm dust light initi supernova itself trigger collaps massiv star core would reach earth 3700 year ago though puppi supernova remnant remain strong sourc xray sky,supernova remnant puppi,2014-09-12,565,86,0.1194444444444444,09-12,9,2014,12,6,1,5 72c87ec7ba6149824612338c13dbffdefd88ed3884c656a361c3a8d4138755a3,michael west,now cosmic view 100 hubbl space telescop imag time popular scene cosmo captur low earth orbit combin singl digit presentation make it hubble top 100 imag download resiz ident pixel dimensions point 100 pixel valu arrang lowest highest middl valu chosen final image combin imag result visual light across univers surround darkness,hubble top 100,2014-09-13,330,52,0.25,09-13,9,2014,13,8,1,4 4bfc242a2c9e3613bf74005ddfe50da439ad17c5ac7ca6f2118e17d342db7fd4,bill snyderbillsnyd photography,first hint becom sun discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list diffus object confus comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen toward constel fox vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 shown color emit hydrogen oxygen understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf,m27 dumbbel nebula,2014-09-14,588,91,0.225,09-14,9,2014,14,4,1,5 2cb0e199b4eda66688b62b85ddef6a065846c9ad9faf837f86388dcd7a296845, marco univers images,spacecraft rosetta continu approach circle map comet churyumovgerasimenko cross inner solar system ten year reach vicin comet last month robot spacecraft continu imag unusu doublelob comet nucleus imag featured taken 10 day ago indic dark comet nucleu is average comet surfac reflect four percent visibl light make dark coal comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko span four kilomet length surfac graviti low astronaut could jump it two months rosetta schedul releas first probe ever attempt control land comet nucleus astronomers apod imag ever help,62 kilomet comet churyumovgerasimenko,2014-09-15,540,80,0.02,09-15,9,2014,15,3,0,2 109844468c3c579001c20f8c620d8a96629836e398a2398ad6df5507c1188794,alex u bonn,galaxies stars seren reflect pool combin creat memor land skyscape featur panorama mosaic taken last month salar de atacama salt flat northern chile calm water laguna salti lagoon featur larg central imag left astrophotographer seen captur photogen scene night sky lit countless stars larg small magellan cloud galaxi left band milki way galaxi run diagon right milki way may appear caus havoc horizon normal light nearbi town follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,milki way atacama salt lagoon,2014-09-16,469,74,0.0782467532467532,09-16,9,2014,16,6,0,1 a791bb7da42f1ee1e76fbf3d458a3bad24132f1a3ae4aa17b45f8d527e2e1dc8,p gray,good week auroras earlier month activ sunspot region 2158 rotat view unleash seri flare plasma eject solar system journey across sun disk particular pair coron mass eject cmes impact earth magnetospher toward end last week creat intens geomagnet storm far year although power some dramat effect impact plasma cloud aurora seen far south wisconsin usa featur imag taken last friday night ray sheet multicolor aurora captur nation park maine usa sinc anoth cme plasma cloud current approach earth tonight offer anoth good chanc see impress auror display almost hyperspace random apod gener,aurora main,2014-09-17,587,92,0.1266666666666666,09-17,9,2014,17,1,2,1 3f979e57a8226ff34e085662b55f0ebcd1f783019ff780588e8594b33b4ed2f3,federico pelliccia,crowd starfield cover 2 degre within high fli constel cygnus eye drawn cocoon nebula compact star form region cosmic cocoon punctuat long trail obscur interstellar dust clouds catalog ic 5146 nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide locat 4000 light year away like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot star blue dustreflect starlight edg otherwis invis molecular cloud fact bright star near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas long dusti filament appear dark visibl light imag hide star process format seen seen infrar wavelengths,cocoon nebula wide field,2014-09-18,622,99,0.11625,09-18,9,2014,18,4,2,5 711469baa48dbb18252cd8611bd58952021722a97740d84d1d82e5c01e528443,none,may four tantal moon solar system shown scale explor interplanetari spacecraft launch idea moons planets could environ support life galileo mission jupit discov europa global subsurfac ocean liquid water indic ganymede interior seas saturn cassini probe detect erupt fountain water ice enceladu indic warmer subsurfac water even small moon find surfac lake frigid still liquid hydrocarbon beneath dens atmospher larg moon titan look beyond solar system new research suggest sizabl could actual outnumb exoplanet stellar habit zones would make moon common type habit world universe,potenti habit moon,2014-09-19,580,85,-0.1519480519480519,09-19,9,2014,19,2,0,2 9821a0f2b7b3cc3181a8afb0f8eae2cab1c69b8ae6d094f1ea21256f7c0b74c7,bill dickinson,dark rift interstellar dust ebb flow starlight along milki way look like wave break cosmic shore night skyscape taken digit camera dune island north carolina planet earth monochrom imag reminisc time sensit black white film popular choic dimli lit astrophotography look south bright star sagittariu scorpiu near center frame wander mars saturn zubenelgenubi alpha form compact triangl bright celesti beacon farther right galaxy central bulge course evoc black white beach scene could also vintag 1950 scifi movi never came beyond,shorelin univers,2014-09-20,529,80,0.1501984126984127,09-20,9,2014,20,6,1,1 7adcca747e32e22c0c75fe19693d0429de0f85d61a9f0d7eda8d455145c33fc9,none,would saturn look ring plane point right sun august 2009 nobodi knew everi 15 years seen earth saturn ring point toward earth appear disappear disappear ring longer mysteri saturn ring known thin earth near sun ring point toward sun also point nearli edgeon earth fortunately third millennium human advanc enough spacecraft see ring equinox side august 2009 saturnorbit spacecraft cassini abl snap seri unpreced pictur saturn ring equinox digit composit 75 imag shown above ring appear unusu dark thin ring shadow line made saturn cloudtops object stick ring plane brightli illumin cast long shadows inspect imag help human understand specif size saturn ring particl gener dynam orbit motion week earth undergo equinox apod wall calendar moon planet,saturn equinox,2014-09-21,750,117,-0.0558441558441558,09-21,9,2014,21,0,2,1 0988f61b1298d7a65551db27f551e6b9ce2c5f8b2e1a00c84466936812397742,stéphane vetternuit sacrées,that sunset thin red line that sun pillar red glow horizon origin volcan eruption red line reflect flutter atmospher ice crystals unusu volcan light pillar captur iceland earlier month featur scene look north jkulsrln toward erupt volcano holuhraun lava field even foreground sky picturesque textur grey cloud lower atmosphere shimmer green aurora upper atmosphere bright star far distance although last erupt holuhraun present volcan activ continues apod wall calendar land skyscap,aurora volcan light pillar,2014-09-23,483,71,0.0423076923076923,09-23,9,2014,23,8,0,1 3fe205534b389275be32857bcabc44052cb24c2873f568f7dd4e755fec32561b,subarutelescop naoj hubbl group galaxi survey,larg stellar associ catalog ngc 206 nestl within dusti arm neighbor andromeda galaxy also known m31 spiral galaxi mere 25 million lightyear away ngc 206 near top center gorgeou closeup southwestern extent andromeda disk remark composit data space groundbas observatories bright blue star ngc 206 indic youth fact youngest massiv star less 10 million year old much larger open galact cluster young star disk milki way galaxy ngc 206 span 4000 lightyears that compar size giant stellar nurseri ngc 604 nearbi spiral m33 tarantula nebula larg magellan cloud star form site within andromeda reveal telltal reddish emiss cloud ioniz hydrogen gas,ngc 206 star cloud andromeda,2014-09-25,640,101,0.0880952380952381,09-25,9,2014,25,7,2,3 22fae36b5f8cbe08523501b213a1920d2d37578e86fb5d7b4bba0c8b6f50c42e,none,launch novemb 18 2013 maven mar atmospher volatil spacecraft complet interplanetari voyag septemb 21 captur wide ellipt orbit around mars maven imag ultraviolet spectrograph alreadi begun plan explor red planet upper atmosphere acquir imag data altitud kilometers fals color three ultraviolet wavelength band show light reflect atom hydrogen in blue atom oxygen in green planet surfac in red low mass atom hydrogen seen extend thousand kilomet space cloud massiv oxygen atom held closer mars gravity product breakdown water carbon dioxid mars atmospher maven data use determin rate water loss time fact maven first mission dedic explor mars tenuou upper atmosphere ionospher interact sun solar wind recent addit fleet spacecraft planet earth martian orbit,mar,2014-09-26,755,113,0.0318181818181818,09-26,9,2014,26,5,2,2 a01e6224809bff7b3f59bc1c5f267a1262573e6d92359867a4019b88955b8b4d,mike killian,taken atlant beach cape canaveral planet earth four ident frame digit imag combin night skyscape slightli shift short star trail dot sky exposur time adjust follow flight falcon 9 rocket septemb 21 launch deliv dragon x capsul fill suppli intern space station bright flare seen launch rocket first stage fire trail upward left separation second stage burn begin near center vehicl climb toward low earth orbit horizon flare near center record control descent falcon 9 first stage soft splashdown coast,launch land,2014-09-27,501,80,0.1083333333333333,09-27,9,2014,27,8,1,2 4ba1bd9e6ebf9c4ce19361a6a6f79f43074c1c4b5a92a4650bb4cb91cb3b51e3,none,what happen center activ galaxi 3c 75 two bright sourc center composit xray blue radio pink imag coorbit supermass black hole power giant radio sourc 3c 75 surround multimillion degre xray emit gas blast jet relativist particl supermass black hole separ 25000 lightyears core two merg galaxi abel 400 galaxi cluster 300 million lightyear away astronom conclud two supermass black hole bound togeth graviti binari system part jets consist swept back appear like due common motion speed hot cluster ga 1200 kilomet per second spectacular cosmic merger thought common crowd galaxi cluster environ distant universe final stage merger expect intens sourc gravit waves apod wall calendar galaxi,two black hole danc 3c 75,2014-09-28,688,107,-0.0041666666666666,09-28,9,2014,28,7,2,4 f964fbbfcc296e4e02c7e45d38b8d36c0bdad8d0843326112b538aa2265cfd3c,none,martian rock form robot curios rover approach pahrump hill mars seen interest textur landscap dot unusu rocks featur imag show curious round rock span two centimet across seemingli larger version numer spherul dub blueberri found opportun rover mar 2004 caus round remain unknown possibl includ frequent tumbl flow water spray molten rock volcan eruption concret mechanism inset image taken day later show anoth small unusu shape rock structure curios roll around mount sharp differ layer landscap imag studi better understand ancient histori region investig whether mar could harbor life apod wall calendar moon planet,unusu rock near hill mar,2014-09-29,619,94,-0.0375,09-29,9,2014,29,5,2,2 312db7b3c78b22833a146a1a9e893977cf5f96f57738ddc9d2cbcd67ddbac349,view photography,ever seen entir rainbow ground typically top portion rainbow visibl direct toward ground fewer raindrops air though entir 360 degre circl rainbow commonli visible pictur here full circl rainbow captur beach near perth australia last year helicopt fli set sun downpour observerdepend phenomenon primarili caus intern reflect sunlight raindrops diamet rainbow follow helicopter intact 5 kilometers bonus second rainbow faint colorrevers visibl outsid first apod astrophotographers work ever use scientif,full circl rainbow australia,2014-09-30,501,70,0.1,09-30,9,2014,30,8,0,1 e35e768b57d60c3b631e235610f46a70a80f48955ff8a4a26b8b233269291714,francesco antonucci,bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects though wingspan cover 3 lightyears ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c die central star particular planetari nebula becom except hot shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust sharp closeup die star nebula record 2009 hubbl space telescope wide field camera 3 present reprocess colors cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star near center view almost edgeon lineofsight molecular hydrogen detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius apod wall calendar nebula star cluster,butterfli nebula hubbl,2014-10-01,683,103,0.145,10-01,10,2014,1,4,2,5 e3f38fd85445548656e12016e00e644e2a4730b12dc1333518172fbe64daec17,bernard michaud,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate 10 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work left bubble center hot star sever hundr thousand time lumin around 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula associ cloud complex lie mere 11000 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia tantal view cosmic bubbl compos narrowband imag data record emiss region ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms creat three color image hydrogen oxygen emiss use red blue combin creat green channel,bubbl nebula,2014-10-02,677,103,-0.1104166666666666,10-02,10,2014,2,4,2,5 abc1d075a7a3d29a9580b4630074a258e76e7a917122781886ae7ddf006f5dff,göran strand,step stone seem lead milki way stretch across littl sky course scene realli northern hemisphere autumn equinox night water sky invert top bottom around horizon stereograph project center zenith lake storsjön jämtland sweden north milki way arc east west overhead fall begins season also good time view aurora geomagnet storm increas frequenc near equinox produc remark display northern light high latitudes like eeri greenish glow reflect wateri cosmos,aurora milki way littl sky,2014-10-03,452,68,0.2933333333333333,10-03,10,2014,3,6,1,1 88676c55eae9a18de94c56461c7270dd2d294f99b3d746ed8d20d92624abeced,tama ladanyi,mars antares moon saturn brightest celesti beacon seren sky sun golden light still scatter along southwestern horizon though captur sunset septemb 28 even gather wander planet moon along bright star view equal mar heart enjoy around planet earth photographer perspect look across calm water lake balaton hungary join terrestri sailboat mast light mast light bright star planet moon pose near plane ecliptic,mars moon saturn,2014-10-04,406,62,0.37,10-04,10,2014,4,2,1,1 46a79b95ee64a45920e34535ea3fdd3668d5682debcdb3d0c17791eed2900715,none,high energi positron come from alpha magnet spectromet onboard intern space station iss meticul record often struck high energi electron positron sinc 2011 accumul year data becom clear significantli positron expect highest energi detected excess may excit profound origin annihil distant previous undetect dark matter particles however also possibl astronom sourc pulsar creat unexplain discrepancy topic remain activ area research pictur here am visibl iss us space shuttl dock far right russian soyuz capsul dock far left blue earth hous nation visibl across background follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,space station detector find unexplain,2014-10-06,616,91,0.044029304029304,10-06,10,2014,6,8,2,4 fdb57e8ed8824e511a0506476589118a3487d04024fac1a4077f7fe7a4d58cc0,dave lane,connect sun moon mani answer given throughout history case today featur image appear plane milki way galaxy 16imag panorama taken capitol reef nation park utah usa two sandston monolith templ moon right templ sun left rise dramat desert natur monument stand 100 meter tall surviv jurass period 160 million year ago even older mani star nebula dot celesti background includ andromeda galaxy tomorrow earth connect sun moon way total lunar eclips visibl mani locat around globe new follow apod,templ sun templ moon,2014-10-07,493,79,0.1177489177489177,10-07,10,2014,7,2,1,1 140455edbb977989a284c5b98e825eb5421bfbe14b5f80f149cee5833654429e,donald p observatory,star cluster ngc 6823 slowli turn ga cloud stars center open cluster visibl upper right form two million year ago domin bright host bright young blue stars outer part cluster visibl featur image center star pillar emiss nebula ngc 6820 contain even younger stars huge pillar ga dust like get elong shape eros hot radiat emit brightest cluster stars strike dark globul ga dust also visibl across upper left featur image open star cluster ngc 6823 span 50 light year lie 6000 light year away toward constel fox vulpecula apod wall calendar nebula star cluster,ngc 6823 cloud sculpt star cluster,2014-10-08,557,95,0.1603174603174603,10-08,10,2014,8,4,2,5 d1af26e315a7e041617d68c36e9dba65c96d0ccc2497813c7eae47cb2f9b8cdf,yuri beletski,pacif ocean chilean coast lie sea clouds seen subtl color predawn sky lunar eclips progress above partial eclips moon grow dark curv edg planet earth shadow still cut across middl lunar disk moon sink lower toward western horizon fact southern hemispher locat well much eastern north america totality moon complet immers within earth shadow began near time moonset sunris octob 8 farther west total phase could follow almost hour though darker redden moon still high night sky,eclips moonset,2014-10-09,476,77,0.0233333333333333,10-09,10,2014,9,2,0,1 fabafc60a2f6317017fb59411efdadee56832b9299aafc20eeeac9dc12f066ad,rick baldridg,earli hour octob 8 santa cruz mountain near lo california total eclips moon show rang color across wellexpos telescop view lunar eclipse course lunar eclips occur moon opposit sun earth sky glide planet shadow also near opposit eclipse remark half degre lunar limb distant uranu faint easi spot lower right fainter still ice giant moons find them slide cursor imag or follow link check longer exposure even darken surfac eclips moon strongli overexposed uranu moon titania oberon umbriel distinguish faint pinprick light,moon opposit,2014-10-10,520,82,-0.038095238095238,10-10,10,2014,10,2,0,1 e4627bc4ec2b47438699aa59c0785b3023f69b544b1829d43bfad05d9937ae92,none,chang object cold hydrocarbon sea titan radar imag robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn record surfac cloudengulf moon titan years imag flat henc radar dark surfac methan ethan lake call ligeia mare object appear 2013 2007 subsequ observ 2014 found object remain featur imag show 20km long object appear evolved current origin specul explan includ bubbl foam float solids one sure futur observ may either resolv enigma open speculation,mysteri chang featur titan,2014-10-15,439,68,-0.0464285714285714,10-15,10,2014,15,8,0,2 e4ee0e2919c1354d2669f2f47b082555bdbb3a3d374750eab6979b2cb1549af2,none,rosetta spacecraft selfi snap octob 7th time spacecraft million kilomet planet earth 16 kilomet surfac comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko loom beyond spacecraft near top frame dust ga stream away comet curiou doublelob nucleu bright sunlight glint one rosetta 14 meter long solar arrays fact two exposures one short one long combin record dramat high contrast scene use camera system rosetta phila lander chosen primari land site visibl smaller lobe nucleus last imag anticip philae camera lander separ rosetta novemb 12 shortli separ phila take anoth imag look back toward orbiter begin descent nucleu comet,rosetta selfi,2014-10-16,603,92,0.1359999999999999,10-16,10,2014,16,3,2,2 d29655d3823a1f121c6b5ea4af2dfbbe4b095900b5830fb659fb872eebf005ad,cara project,look like near miss greenish coma tail comet side spring c2013 a1 realli 2000 lightyear away star open cluster messier 6 appear close togeth though along lineofsight gorgeou octob 9th skyscap toward constel scorpius still sunday octob 19th comet realli involv near miss pass within kilomet planet mars that 10 time closer known comet flybi planet earth nearli one third earthmoon distance impact nucleu threat comet dust move speed 56 kilomet per second rel red planet outskirt gaseou coma could interact thin martian atmosphere course comet close encount follow intent spacecraft martian orbit rover surface,messier 6 comet side spring,2014-10-17,608,95,-0.0444444444444444,10-17,10,2014,17,3,2,2 a8a8ba893579473561afe98b947e627555dec493a331dedef9f668f9bc9539aa,ivan eder,cosmic cloud form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 15 million year young cluster star toward right color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouett glow atom gas composit narrowband broadband telescop images view span 30 lightyear includ emiss ioniz hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom map green red blue hue popular hubbl palette wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat 7500 light year away toward boast constel cassiopeia,melott 15 heart,2014-10-18,580,92,0.1779761904761904,10-18,10,2014,18,4,2,5 a931aa3fa135efb8522d86df35f6e6132a35dc4b2b52aa4ddb9004c2828f30a9,minoru yoneto,comet mcnaught perhap photogen comet modern time earth make quit show northern hemispher earli januari 2007 comet move south develop long unusu dust tail dazzl southern hemispher observers late januari 2007 comet mcnaught captur mount remark cecil peak spectacular imag taken queenstown south island new zealand bright comet domin right part image central band milki way galaxi domin left care inspect imag reveal meteor streak left comet today comet side spring may becom photogen comet modern time mars poll access apod,comet mcnaught new zealand,2014-10-19,523,81,0.1476731601731601,10-19,10,2014,19,3,1,1 e4e3d75d44bda6442987e5997136e855c4409b511de49aaddb6873f1fb85e8a1,peach,yesterday comet pass close mars fact comet c2013 a1 side pass closer red planet comet ever pass earth record history take advantag uniqu opportun studi close interact comet planet human current five activ spacecraft orbit mars nasa mro mar odyssey well esa mar express india mar orbiter spacecraft sent back inform damag small piec pass comet spacecraft well two activ rover martian surfac nasa opportun curios taken data imag download earth week come like studi year come featur imag taken yesterday however taken mar earth show comet side spring lower left pass mars upper right nasa updat comet side spring mar,comet side spring pass mar,2014-10-20,616,101,0.0044642857142857,10-20,10,2014,20,3,2,2 ef2014c964cc7fbc937fe9dd521a9ea0703a77ef0136e1ee864d4f0609774c6e,none,whatev hit mima nearli destroy it remain one largest impact crater one saturn smallest moons crater name herschel 1789 discover mimas sir william herschel span 130 kilomet pictur above mimas low mass produc surfac graviti strong enough creat spheric bodi weak enough allow rel larg surfac features mima made mostli water ice smatter rock accur describ big dirti snowball imag taken 2010 februari flybi robot spacecraft cassini orbit around saturn recent analysi unusu wobbl indic might hous liquid water interior ocean follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,mimas small moon big crater,2014-10-21,562,88,-0.0157407407407407,10-21,10,2014,21,0,0,2 7e28f2cbf648216fa259aa2a7c748997f154213408544dd879aec4f66c130e4c,observatori,wide sharp telescop view reveal galaxi scatter beyond star faint dust nebula milki way northern boundari highfli constel pegasus promin upper right ngc 7331 mere 50 million lightyear away larg spiral one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog disturb look group galaxi lower left wellknown stephan quintet 300 million lightyear distant quintet dramat illustr multipl galaxi collision powerful ongo interact pose brief cosmic snapshot sky quintet ngc 7331 separ half degree today partial solar eclips,galaxi pegasu,2014-10-23,524,78,-0.083829365079365,10-23,10,2014,23,7,0,3 868ffce2538027b340bf4b564c7ad213617dbc57cda7c54d6d85d5da8389bb5b,randal,safely watch progress yesterday partial solar eclipse probabl also spot giant sunspot group captur sharp telescop imag octob 22nd complex ar 2192 beauti see sprawl solar activ region compar size diamet jupiter like smaller sunspot groups ar 2192 cross earthfac side sun appear dark visibl light cooler surround surface still energi store region twist magnet field enorm alreadi gener power explosions includ two xclass solar flare week coron mass eject cmes associ flare affect planet earth far forecast activ ar 2192 still signific though swing across center solar disk earthdirect cme becom possible,ar giant sun,2014-10-24,601,93,0.01875,10-24,10,2014,24,1,2,4 57160ba30f0ce844a3a9a1dbc6fe238ae755e195fa42c1d4320fc945a9dd2e27,michael bolt ucsc,new moon join giant sunspot group ar 2192 dim bright solar disk thursday much anticip partial solar eclipse visibl much north america moon broad silhouett captur extrem telephoto snapshot near eclips maximum santa cruz california size jupiter remark ar 2192 darken notic fraction sun near center curv lunar limb sunspot group slowli rotat across sun view come day activ difficult time solar eclips easier predict next total solar eclips march 20 2015,sunspot solar eclips,2014-10-25,450,72,0.0642045454545454,10-25,10,2014,25,1,0,1 47c836c94caa957cd7918440fbd7cca1d9ef73992fa0d6c3b4ab70ea54433a9f,alain riazuelo,would see went right black hole featur comput gener imag highlight strang thing would look black hole strong graviti light notic bent toward caus unusu visual distortions everi star normal frame least two bright imag one side black hole near black hole see whole sky light everi direct bent around come back you origin background map taken 2mass infrar sky survey star henri draper catalog superposed black hole thought densest state matter indirect evid presenc stellar binari system center globular clusters galaxies quasars gallery thursday partial solar eclips,close black hole,2014-10-26,567,88,0.0842857142857142,10-26,10,2014,26,6,0,3 e73ab243dfd1eb814a917bb839f9aa428776c467b052febd8d30a3f9653a8368,doyl slifer,what front sun closest object airplane visibl sun center caught pure chance next numer cloud earth atmosphere creat seri darken horizont streaks farther earth moon seen larg dark circular bite upper right airplan sun surfac sunspots main sunspot group captur here ar 2192 one largest ever record crackl burst flare sinc came around edg sun earli last week taken last thursday show solar silhouett unfortun shortlived within second plane flew away within minut cloud drift off within hour partial solar eclips sun moon over sunspot group remains within day even ar 2192 disappear around edg sun fortunately come sun even unexpect align surprisingli frequent gallery last thursday partial solar eclips,plane clouds moon spots sun,2014-10-27,699,110,0.0477777777777777,10-27,10,2014,27,1,2,1 1e21f6e8aadc13ebca65f6493330b1c26c9446309960521041760928176aaebc,tunç tezel,would mar appear move backwards time appar motion mar earth sky one direction slow steadi front far distant stars everi two years however earth pass mar orbit around sun recent pass start late last year mar usual loom larg bright also time mar appear move backward sky phenomenon call retrograd motion featur seri imag digit stack star coincide here mar appear trace narrow loop sky center loop earth pass mar retrograd motion highest retrograd motion also seen solar system planets apod wall calendar moon planet,retrograd mar,2014-10-28,513,85,-0.045,10-28,10,2014,28,5,0,1 f6b5cdd51888b2e84a7945dcfb87d7ddb30b25d348cf57791cb7bfaf92d698db,phil astronomi,sometim eclips view goe bad interest way watch photograph last thursday partial solar eclipse popular astronomi suffer long period cloud block sun unexpectedly however nearbi cloud began show rare iridescence frequent part familiar solar corona effect iridesc diffract sunlight around thin screen nearli water droplets differ color sunlight becom deflect slightli differ angl come observ slightli differ directions display featur here quit bright exhibit unusu broad rang colors right contrail airplan also visible apod wall calendar weather volcano,iridesc cloud edg colorado,2014-10-29,549,78,0.0979395604395604,10-29,10,2014,29,1,0,1 8dffd69eebe9301f44ee9593aa3768fdcadce0715a4123fee5cf557a8b4f5cc2,ken crawford,frighten form scari face mark halloween season also haunt cosmic closeup eastern veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star veil roughli circular shape cover nearli 3 degre sky constel cygnus portion eastern veil span 12 degree appar size moon translat 12 lightyear veil estim distance reassur 1400 lightyear planet earth composit imag data record broad narrow band filters emiss hydrogen atom remnant shown red strong emiss oxygen atom bluegreen hues course western part veil lie anoth season apparition witch broom,spectr eastern veil,2014-10-30,564,87,0.0591666666666666,10-30,10,2014,30,4,0,5 e2e32e3ba7fea25baa44994979b00f93907f1036af7ed5b92ccb1e2144828c6e,david lane,mysteri format known devil tower rise dark northeastern prairi landscap 16 frame panoram view seen night sky thin pale cloud eeri green airglow star cluster nebula milki way arc toward galaxy central realm right cours scene contain milki way haunt halloween includ ghosts flame skull glow eye witch broom find them slide cursor pictur follow safe happi halloween,milki way devil tower,2014-10-31,362,58,-0.0248979591836734,10-31,10,2014,31,6,0,1 6e9f5f9485b752b315ec270318397789f4e032a17eb65ddb56a7c6c718fa094f,cara project,octob 31 1938 day martian encount planet earth everyth calm report invas reveal part halloween radio drama famou broadcast base hg wells scifi novel war worlds mar octob 20 2014 calm too day close encount comet side spring hoax comet realli come within 86700 mile mars 13 earthmoon distance earth spacecraft rover mar orbit surfac report ill effect though ringsid seat visitor outer solar system pass by span 2 degre star constel ophiuchus color telescop snapshot captur view mar day after bluish star 51 ophiuchi upper right comet emerg red planet bright glare,day mar,2014-11-01,561,93,0.0357142857142857,11-01,11,2014,1,3,0,2 4a564989e818c7f3cc94439e00fc46ebcfde3083adf6c3b889f5c20e6ef79ad3,none,orbit saturn sure watch breathtak superposit moon rings one picturesqu vista visibl recent robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2006 april cassini captur saturn f ring stretch front cloudshroud titan near ring appear titan epimetheus moon orbit outsid f ring dark space ring call enck gap although sever thin knot ringlet even small moon pan orbit there apod wall calendar moon planet,titan beyond ring,2014-11-02,385,61,-0.0333333333333333,11-02,11,2014,2,0,0,2 39c705a79b3f4ace62a2bc876ae8d1c10d26fe61ff6a7a5afcfce2e4c4780c00,none,describ time big blue marble vantag point earth look like small blue marble case icon imag earth moon system taken chang 5t1 mission last week moon appear larger earth much closer spacecraft camera display much surfac usual hidden earth moon appear dark gray compar reflect color planet orbits robot chang 5t1 spacecraft predominantli engin test mission round moon last tuesday return earth friday,moon earth chang,2014-11-04,397,63,-0.0474358974358974,11-04,11,2014,4,2,0,1 19b0d003d5d1cb3ffc9463999234c0f9ae9f06e99b05c1182c797eddf5af71fa,none,bright line sky pictur actual disk galaxi seen almost perfectli edg on imag hubbl space telescop spectacular visual remind thin disk galaxi be ngc galaxi nearbi virgo cluster galaxies thin actual difficult determin type disk galaxi is lack visibl dust lane indic lowdust lenticular galaxy although still possibl view top would reveal spiral structure unusu stellar line span 100000 light year end end near ngc center slight bulg stars mani background galaxi visibl far distance galaxi appear thin rare mostli earth must resid nearly extrapol plane thin galact disks galaxi actual thin rel common exampl milki way galaxi thought thin astrophysicists brows 900 code astrophys sourc code librari,ngc galaxi edg,2014-11-05,693,108,-0.0181159420289855,11-05,11,2014,5,7,2,3 3ad96dd1d450ca34cf1cfb63d5181297d8d8a3346b36ed8789b0db2c1a104092,bill snyder,color skyscap featur dusti sharpless catalog emiss region sh2155 cave nebula composit image data taken narrowband filter track glow ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue hues 2400 lightyear away scene lie along plane milki way galaxi toward royal northern constel cepheus astronom explor region reveal form boundari massiv cepheu b molecular cloud hot young star cepheu ob 3 association bright rim ioniz interstellar ga energ radiat hot stars domin bright star pictur center radiat driven ioniz front like trigger collaps core new star format within appropri size stellar nursery cosmic cave 10 lightyear across,sh2155 cave nebula,2014-11-06,622,96,0.1896694214876033,11-06,11,2014,6,4,2,5 9d9e9533083c8a3285e5e7f23103667d86db2275d8bbf5ad899d908fe67b3c02,none,cylindr project global map one six new color map saturn ici moons construct use 10 year imag data cassini spacecraft discov cassini the dion 1120 kilomet across base data extend infrar ultraviolet full resolut latest spaceag map 250 meter per pixel remark bright differ tidal lock moon lighter lead hemispher right darker trail hemispher clearli stand out like saturn moon orbit within broad dione lead hemispher kept shini pick coat faint ring ici material er materi constantli replenish geyser moon enceladus south pole lighter younger surfac fractur also appear cross dark crater trail hemisphere,map dion,2014-11-07,599,94,0.0487148268398268,11-07,11,2014,7,0,2,4 dca4c97cf53772e5bfc868754ac782c998c9e185f5c55e3d93e99902dae31286,none,ngc 660 featur cosmic snapshot sharp composit broad narrow band filter imag data gemini north telescop mauna kea 20 million lightyear away swim within boundari constel pisces ngc 660 peculiar appear mark polar ring galaxy rare galaxi type polar ring galaxi substanti popul stars gas dust orbit ring nearli perpendicular plane galact disk bizarrelook configur could caus chanc captur materi pass galaxi disk galaxy captur debri eventu strung rotat ring violent gravit interact would account myriad pinkish star form region scatter along ngc 660 ring polar ring compon also use explor shape galaxy otherwis unseen dark matter halo calcul dark matter gravit influenc rotat ring disk broader disk ngc 660 ring span 50000 lightyears,polar ring galaxi ngc 660,2014-11-08,727,114,-0.1312499999999999,11-08,11,2014,8,7,2,3 d868fc8ede5bd507c16c0d4d01794a93157cb0f29f3e3db53a14f785cd9862bb,none,some may look like cat eye allur cat eye nebula however lie three thousand lightyear earth across interstellar space classic planetari nebula cat eye ngc 6543 repres final brief yet gloriou phase life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc simple outer pattern dusti concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful complex inner structur well understood seen clearli digit sharpen hubbl space telescop image truli cosmic eye half lightyear across course gaze cat eye astronom may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years available apod 2015 wall calendar,cat eye nebula hubbl,2014-11-09,626,98,0.0863636363636363,11-09,11,2014,9,4,2,5 93dfd407d80e164a4d9db92c00c339c13cd7f91f57f8d49da61804ba07f37156,none,giant disk excit probabl answer is planets mysteri planet massiv enough creat gap form quickly sinc hl tauri star system one million year old pictur gap discov taken new atacama larg millimet array alma telescop chile alma imag protoplanetari disk span 1500 lightminut across unpreced detail resolv featur small 40 light minutes low energi light use alma also abl peer interven haze ga dust hl tauri system lie 450 light year earth studi hl tauri like give insight solar system form evolved,protoplanetari disk tauri alma,2014-11-10,490,82,0.1519696969696969,11-10,11,2014,10,6,1,4 f2319bb85b84dbf2319a57447cd10eafd45ec44302817d091d0f2c8c05b8fa29,roberto gendler data dss,constel orion hold much three star row deep exposur show everyth dark nebula star clusters embed extend patch gaseou wisp greater orion molecular cloud complex brightest three star far left inde famou three star make belt orion alnitak lowest three belt stars flame nebula glow excit hydrogen ga immers filament dark brown dust left frame center right alnitak lie horsehead nebula dark indent dens dust perhap recogn nebular shape sky upper right lie m42 orion nebula energet caldron tumultu gas visibl unaid eye give birth new open cluster stars immedi left m42 promin bluish reflect nebula sometim call run man hous mani bright blue stars featur imag cover area object roughli 1500 light year away span 75 light years,orion gas dust star,2014-11-11,719,119,0.102752009894867,11-11,11,2014,11,4,2,5 6f306dc91fa7afbf2f93ee79e8697211ec75f89b21a8dcef00a6e4c3b3e42a96,none,today human make first attempt land probe nucleu comet day progresses phila lander separ rosetta spacecraft head surfac comet sinc textur comet surfac unknown surfac graviti sure low phila attempt harpoon down someth never done before featur artist illustr phila might look comet churyumovgerasimenko surface along explan balloon detail onboard scientif instruments mani peopl blue planet across solar system eagerli await news whether phila actual lands whether land smooth patch whether take hold far robot lander sink surfac becom known event unfold today comet lander updates esa,phila comet nucleu land,2014-11-12,583,87,0.0994444444444444,11-12,11,2014,12,3,2,2 859575851ca614f5842c59ab4781b08ea830ab0f0bb655a0718f27e4db73dfb9,none,yesterday first soft land comet took place 500 million kilomet planet earth rosetta mission lander phila settl nucleu c67p churyumovgerasimenko land site dub locat near center remark imag snap philae roli lander imag system camera taken distanc 3 kilomet imag resolut 3 meter per pixel surface philae releas orbiter sevenhour long descent made without propuls follow descent lander place though anchor harpoon system fire 25 day lander intend conduct main scienc mission return extens imag data extend surfac mission may possibl sunlight dust condit allow solar panel philae,descent comet,2014-11-13,574,88,0.0777777777777777,11-13,11,2014,13,8,0,2 ea14c786dce6dfb5ab96bfea647682e75ea0c56a6f938df4cb966a72c0597ab3,none,rosetta mission lander safe comet one philae feet appear bottom left spectacular imag surfac c67p churyumovgerasimenko still happi lander phila bounc twice settl return imag surface travel kilomet initi touch target site surfac panorama suggest lander come rest tilt near shadow wall solar panel get less illumin hoped philae scienc instrument work plan data relay commun windows rosetta spacecraft lander new horizon,welcom comet,2014-11-14,417,62,0.1949494949494949,11-14,11,2014,14,8,1,2 675dc3197eb6a3f5f2cd7abee358b9b409b12cbec8cb061bbbd4a0650fcd0d95,astro anarchi,frame bright emiss region telescop view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula glow cloud interstellar ga dust also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 8000 lightyear distant 70 lightyear across complex beauti nebula blossom center composit image red green blue hue map emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atoms ultraviolet radiat young energet star edg cygnu ob3 association includ star hde 227018 ioniz atom power emiss tulip nebula hde 227018 bright star near blue arc cosmic tulip center glow across electromagnet spectrum microquasar cygnu x1 curv shock front creat power jet lie toward top right,tulip nebula,2014-11-15,678,105,0.1307142857142857,11-15,11,2014,15,4,2,5 e1f962131ab907d96ca528f26d83efff934f0f74f5d70d12531ff44159f726da,juan carlo casado,leonid meteor shower came impress crescendo 1999 observ europ saw sharp peak number meteor visibl around 0210 utc earli morn hour novemb 18 meteor count exceed 1000 per hour minimum need defin true meteor storm time locat around world observ typic report respect rate 30 100 meteor per hour photograph 20minut exposur end main leonid peak began visibl least five leonid meteor streak high torr de la guaita observ tower use 12th centuri girona spain 2014 next nights leonid meteor shower peak year although crescent moon creat much compet earth predict pass moder stream debri left comet tempeltuttl 1999 perhap result mani 15 visibl meteor per hour dark locations,leonid torr de la guaita,2014-11-16,665,109,0.0335185185185185,11-16,11,2014,16,8,2,4 e25a456ef46e07013beed87524ef4ddd721218e672e7b34a887447e72706c49b,none,star system look like help find out astronom carri detail observ nearbi star infrar light see dust disk might form planets observ nasa spitzer space telescop esa herschel space observatori found planetari system hd 95086 two dust hot one near parent star cooler one farther out artist illustr system might appear featur here includ hypothet planet larg ring orbit disks planet may creat larg gap disk absorb deflect dust gravity hd 95086 blue star 60 percent massiv sun lie 300 light year earth visibl binocular toward constel carina studi hd 95086 system may help astronom better understand format evolut solar system well earth new mirror apod avail,doubl dust disk hd,2014-11-17,651,107,0.2551948051948051,11-17,11,2014,17,6,2,4 736cfdf3cc53e4c13fd25e4b8b2b73e3daad5d26d4aa61f8a1ae5eb7df683ade,francesco antonucci,dusti emiss tadpol nebula ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away northern constel auriga cloud glow ga 100 lightyear across sculpt stellar wind radiat embed open star cluster ngc 1893 form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago bright cluster star seen around starform nebula notabl near imag center two rel dens streamer materi trail away nebula central regions potenti site ongo star format ic 410 cosmic tadpol shape 10 lightyear long featur imag taken infrar light nasa wide field infrar survey explor wise satellite available apod 2015 wall calendar,star format tadpol nebula,2014-11-18,551,89,0.15,11-18,11,2014,18,4,1,5 dfdeab3c119295cddc30742baadfa74112ae33d35fb1eff5bb600b52d52e3d8e,bob frank,obscur rich starfield northern cygnus dark nebula ldn 988 lie near center cosmic skyscape compos telescop camera scene 2 degre across correspond 70 lightyear estim 2000 lightyear distanc ldn 988 star form within ldn part larger complex dusti molecular cloud along plane milki way galaxi sometim call northern coalsack fact nebulos associ young star abound region includ variabl star v1331 cygni shown inset tip long dusti filament partli surround curv reflect nebula v1331 thought tauri star sunlik star still earli stage formation,ldn dark nebula cygnu,2014-11-20,531,82,-0.0031249999999999,11-20,11,2014,20,4,0,5 1e41e2628b5cc457cfd6660bbd787058ad6fa8fd7039b845a754120a147ac8f0,martin pugh,crab nebula catalog m1 first object charl messier famou 18th centuri list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant debri death explos massiv star wit astronom year 1054 sharp groundbas telescop view use narrowband data track emiss ioniz oxygen hydrogen atom in blue red explor tangl filament within still expand cloud one exot object known modern astronomers crab pulsar neutron star spin 30 time second visibl bright spot near nebula center like cosmic dynamo collaps remnant stellar core power crab emiss across electromagnet spectrum span 12 lightyears crab nebula mere 6500 lightyear away constel taurus,m1 crab nebula,2014-11-21,613,95,0.0704545454545454,11-21,11,2014,21,4,2,5 09851bfb18346e91289490278d20c09f97d5b7e80eb7339267014b05207cb4a3,none,solar activ region largest record sunspot group last 24 years rotat earthfac side sun end october produc whop six energet xclass flares intens flare captur octob 24 stun view orbit solar dynam observatory scene color combin imag made three differ wavelength extrem ultraviolet angstrom shown blue 171 angstrom white angstrom red emission highli ioniz iron helium atoms trace magnet field line loop hot plasma sun outer chromospher corona cooler solar photospher appear dark extrem ultraviolet wavelengths except sharp composit imag process new mathemat nois bright extrem ultraviolet imag data reliabl enhanc small details,solar flare sharper sun,2014-11-22,622,93,0.0561363636363636,11-22,11,2014,22,1,2,4 74e35c38d25792c4c43c2c3efd75e16360d5f548bd4431078138a04f448d42d6,eric nguyenoklahoma,scene might consid seren tornado 2004 kansas storm chaser eric nguyen photograph bud twister differ light light rainbow featur here white tornado cloud descend dark storm cloud sun peek clear patch sky left illumin build foreground sunlight reflect raindrop form rainbow coincidence tornado appear end right rainbow streak imag hail swept high swirl winds 1000 tornadoes violent type storm known occur earth everi year mani tornado alley see tornado driving tri outrun park car safely go storm cellar crouch step basement follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,tornado rainbow kansa,2014-11-23,566,88,0.0895714285714285,11-23,11,2014,23,8,0,1 105c0b91d68f447af804e3210d23bbbdabc1d68b59470d6fc29a88e6927d6cd0,derek planetarium,creatur lurk near red lagoon nebula mars gorgeou color deepski photograph captur red planet pass two notabl nebula catalog 18th centuri cosmic registrar charl messier m8 m20 m20 upper right center trifid nebula present strike contrast redblu color dark dust lanes left expansive allur red glow m8 lagoon nebula nebula thousand lightyear distant comparison temporarili situat both domin local celesti beacon mars taken late last month pose near southernmost point earth sky red planet 14 lightminut away available apod 2015 wall calendar,creatur red lagoon,2014-11-25,537,82,0.0138655462184873,11-25,11,2014,25,4,0,5 4a85db96cbdcdf16047ccfa0ccdef0637ea358198ad9d0801938d8e644b3dae8,marco,24 minut sequenc top bottom intrigu seri telescop frame track occult io callisto two jupiter galilean moons san pietro italy planet earth challeng observ project use small telescope two contrast jovian world slightli larger earth moon fact bright volcan io dark crater callisto kilomet diamet respectively earth cross near orbit plane jupiter moons astronom enjoy season galilean moon mutual event rang eclips seri orbit plane cross produc mutual event season everi 5 6 years,io callisto mutual event,2014-11-26,475,74,0.13,11-26,11,2014,26,8,1,2 d1fb76393f066cd3735a51d42c22952b3ea8790cb4b06aa128b6c22102797de5,none,loop jovian system late 1990s galileo spacecraft record stun view europa uncov evid moon ici surfac like hide deep global ocean galileo europa imag data newli remast here use improv new calibr produc color imag approxim human eye might see europa long curv fractur hint subsurfac liquid water tidal flex larg moon experi ellipt orbit around jupit suppli energi keep ocean liquid tantal possibl even absenc sunlight process could also suppli energi support life make europa one best place look life beyond earth kind life could thrive deep dark subsurfac ocean consid planet earth extrem shrimp,galileo europa remast,2014-11-27,593,96,0.1236363636363636,11-27,11,2014,27,8,2,4 d813496fd85a92025a64859cd231034faa4265c2d1a1f9ba9b44551bef8ca7c7,martin pugh,look cosmic cloud catalog ngc 281 might miss star open cluster ic 1590 but form within nebula cluster young massiv star ultim power pervas nebular glow eyecatch shape loom portrait ngc 281 sculpt column dens dust globul seen silhouette erod intense energet wind radiat hot cluster stars surviv long enough dusti structur could also site futur star formation play call pacman nebula overal shape ngc 281 10000 lightyear away constel cassiopeia sharp composit imag made narrowband filters combin emiss nebula hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom green red blue hues span 80 lightyear estim distanc ngc 281,portrait ngc 281,2014-11-28,594,95,0.0174999999999999,11-28,11,2014,28,4,2,5 3115890523d1d971ce20a4742d170fef7ad9d758021cce45bed4741c279fcbe4,none,get redblu glass float next comet rosetta mission lander philae roli camera snap two frame use creat stereo anaglyph 3d view novemb 12 descent nucleu comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko comet curiou doubl nucleu seen nearli end distanc 3 kilometers 1 hour phila arriv surface philae initi land site near center front face lobe part land gear foot cut across upper right corner close foreground phila bounc twice comet weak graviti first contact surface use high resolut camera imag rosetta orbit along data lander instruments control follow philae impromptu journey comet surfac identifi like area final rest place,3d 67p,2014-11-29,608,95,0.0356349206349206,11-29,11,2014,29,3,2,2 c7b64083fd178c74d402a1aeebd344825ac94c826408ffde053aa31ed0d0d399,none,may look like graze seahorse dark object toward imag right actual pillar smoki dust 20 light year long curiouslyshap dust structur occur neighbor larg magellan cloud star form region near expans tarantula nebula energet nebula creat star cluster ngc 2074 whose center visibl top imag direct neck seahorse repres color imag taken 2008 hubbl space telescope wide field planetari camera 2 honor hubble 100000th trip around earth young star cluster form light wind slowli erod dust pillar away next million years available apod 2015 wall calendar,seahors larg magellan cloud,2014-11-30,542,86,0.1346938775510204,11-30,11,2014,30,4,1,3 2755f84f485af955a7dd5f9a3c64ffb9aa816bf12f600202fad4bee2cf49b334,j l p,eta carina star system creat unusu expand nebula one know sure 170 year ago southern star system eta carina mysteri becam second brightest star system night sky twenti year later eject mass sun eta car unexpectedli faded somehow outburst appear creat homunculu nebula video featur imag nebula taken hubbl space telescop 1995 2001 2008 homunculu nebula center lit light bright central star surround region expand lobe ga lace filament dark dust jet bisect lobe eman central stars expand debri includ stream whisker bow shock caus collis previous exist material eta car still undergo unexpect outbursts high mass volatil make candid explod spectacular supernova sometim next million years,eta carina expand homunculu nebula,2014-12-02,686,107,0.1695555555555555,12-02,12,2014,2,4,2,5 090e72b4d6a3abe9e306849bcdeb3a27cb656e5534bd9417baaab71abe6ead38,césar blancogonzález,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught allur telescop mosaic scene anchor right left two bright stars mu eta geminorum foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula brighter arc ridg emiss dangl tentacl right center fact cosmic jellyfish part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant jellyfish nebula known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core emiss nebula catalog sharpless 249 fill field upper left jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away distance narrowband composit imag would 300 lightyear across,sharpless 249 jellyfish nebula,2014-12-03,651,96,0.1434523809523809,12-03,12,2014,3,4,2,5 50659c261d2f4fb121edd87c8c4af4d99d0d48e4e0a63774bc0c9d2c41f88261,richard bosman,darkfloored 95 kilomet wide crater plato sunlit peak lunar alp mont alpes highlight sharp digit snapshot moon surface alp planet earth uplift million year continent plate slowli collided lunar alp like form sudden collis creat giant impact basin known mare imbrium sea rains mare gener smooth lavaflood floor seen border mountain range promin straight featur cut mountain lunar alpin valley valli alpes join mare imbrium northern mare frigori sea valley extend toward upper right 160 kilomet long 10 kilomet wide course large bright alpin mountain right valley name mont tallest lunar alps reach 3 kilomet surface lack atmosphere mention snow lunar alp probabl ideal locat winter still 150 pound skier would weigh mere 25 pound moon,plato lunar alp,2014-12-04,732,116,0.1407142857142857,12-04,12,2014,4,2,2,4 8c1911c58b482cc50068cf26c67fd4af95f505363fbb44216f0b61f42069296f,rafael defavari,milki way galaxi arc desol landscap fantast panoram night skyview otherworldli scene look across erod terrain de la luna chilean atacama desert along horizon light san chile well small villag road citi san taken octob 18th five panel mosaic also featur four galaxi easili visibl fair planet dark sky regions far left satellit galaxi known larg small magellan cloud frame terrestri much fainter right beyond milki way central bulge andromeda galaxy distant view andromeda lie 25 million lightyear away news orion flight coverag,milki way moon valley,2014-12-05,526,83,0.085064935064935,12-05,12,2014,5,7,0,1 9ee5f2d7c9755468aaf3a95c74157770a37f306775df5fb4b806d45235cabde3,none,head two orbit planet earth splashdown pacific orion blaze earli morn sky friday et spacecraft launch atop unit launch delta iv heavi rocket cape canaver air forc station florida first voyag space uncrew flight orion travel 3600 mile earth 15 time higher orbit altitud intern space station fact orion travel farther space spacecraft design astronaut sinc apollo mission moon orion crew modul reach speed 20000 mile per hour temperatur approach 4000 degre fahrenheit reent earth atmospher 45 hour launch,orion launch,2014-12-06,502,79,0.25,12-06,12,2014,6,8,1,2 ecf40ed84636e0ee1b36fd3d221d63f2d52e11755ba4c488fc4b9870435204c6,bjørnar g hansen,northern lights aurora borealis haunt sky island kvaløya near tromsø norway 2009 decemb 13 30 second long exposur record shimmer glow gentli light winteri coastal scene studi contrasts also captur sudden flash firebal meteor excel geminid meteor shower 2009 december streak past familiar star handl big dipper trail point back toward constel gemini top view aurora meteor occur earth upper atmospher altitud 100 kilomet so aurora caus energet charg particl magnetosphere meteor trail cosmic dust toward end week 2014 geminid meteor shower peak although compet din last quarter moonlight available apod 2015 wall calendar,aurora shimmer meteor flash,2014-12-07,620,94,0.1134615384615384,12-07,12,2014,7,8,2,1 50dc7d60a7a2741132b58bf0cdc80a5fec6662e6c09e08dce17939ddb17b1aea,optic aldo mottino infrared,light flame nebula fifteen hundr light year away toward constel orion lie nebula which glow dark dust lanes appears left like billow fire fire rapid acquisit oxygen make flame glow rather bright star alnitak easternmost star belt orion visibl right nebula shine energet light flame knock electron away great cloud hydrogen ga resid there much glow result electron ioniz hydrogen recombine falsecolor pictur flame nebula ngc 2024 taken composit visibl infrar light later energi band young star cluster becom visible flame nebula part orion molecular cloud complex starform region includ famou horsehead nebula astrophysicists brows 900 code astrophys sourc code librari,flame nebula visibl infrar,2014-12-09,668,101,0.2489010989010989,12-09,12,2014,9,4,2,5 c19bf91b27a545b431e7dee2a9680e66bb5b5e6ce4861ec281f609fd0e1240b9,bob frank,known globular star cluster tender age 10 billion years m71 mere 13000 lightyear away within narrow boundari faint constel sagitta close plane milki way galaxi planet earth sky 10000 member star gather region 27 lightyear across near center color composit view fact lineofsight m71 pass along galact plane much interven diffus interstellar dust dust dim starlight scatter blue light mask bright star shift true star color toward red much star color slide cursor imag or follow link use estim dust redden galact extinct correct star color m71 correct bright color m71 member star need measur cluster distanc age use diagram,,2014-12-10,622,100,0.07,12-10,12,2014,10,6,2,3 fc8300c472f02a2006734587e25571421c58744231e666c4fd917d1cc7cea413,martin ratcliff,night scene earli hour novemb 14 light last quarter moon illumin cloud mountaintop dome kitt peak nation observatori near tucson arizona bright jupit left overexpos lunar disk streak camera len flare immedi right that firebal meteor explod near center picture instead roadsid perspect stunningli bright moondog paraselen stand directli kitt wiyn telescope analog sundog parhelion paraselen produc moonlight refract thin hexagonal plateshap ice crystal high cirru clouds determin crystal geometry paraselena seen angl 22 degre moon compar bright lunar disk often faint easier spot moon low 10 minut photograph even bright moondog fade night,night,2014-12-11,639,94,0.1897142857142857,12-11,12,2014,11,2,2,1 db90913658c8cffd14df98f02037a2c38091fe4f98ab898a00c364486d24a03e,none,extrem closeup mosaic mar hand len imag mahli curios rover span breathtak 5 centimeters captur appear elong crystal shape form precipit miner water like result evapor ancient lake river martian surface dust tool illumin white target rock name mojav found pink cliff outcrop pahrump hill base mount sharp mahli imag acquir curiosity sol known planet earth novemb 15 2014 course inset lincoln cent imag provid comparison scale cover mar dust itself penni mahli calibr target attach rover,mar,2014-12-12,485,77,-0.25625,12-12,12,2014,12,5,0,2 6c17cbda756f160aa8d3ecc1d24dbc8b27bfa973ca748de9c19c20a81d594704,robert gendler,remark synthet color composit imag assembl archiv visibl light infrar astronomi imag data field view span andromeda galaxi m31 massiv spiral mere 25 million lightyear away fact twice diamet milki way andromeda largest nearbi galaxy andromeda popul bright young blue star lie along sweep spiral arms telltal reddish glow star form region trace space groundbas visibl light data infrar data spitzer space telescope also blend directli detail composite red green color channels highlight lumpi dust lane warm young star wind ever closer galaxy core otherwis invis optic wavelengths warm dust take orang hues two smaller companion galaxies m110 below m32 above also includ frame tonight watch geminid meteor shower,infrar visibl andromeda,2014-12-13,710,109,0.1692307692307692,12-13,12,2014,13,7,2,3 15976e20aea7bacf9a9be97cc1186b60017ebefa39920ed8332ebea7231cae35,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur above star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form fact barnard 68 found like collaps form new star system possibl look right cloud infrar light follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,molecular cloud barnard 68,2014-12-14,651,104,0.0668145743145743,12-14,12,2014,14,4,2,5 52fdfc6fb281a58be83c2e247aa8ebdf7c989631f6797fb7fb15b8e3bcf68a64,none,place earth higher graviti others sometim reason unknown help better understand earth surface sensit measur orbit satellit grace champ use creat map earth gravit field sinc center studi data potsdam germany sinc result make earth look somewhat like potato result refer potsdam graviti potato high area map color red indic area graviti slightli stronger usual blue area graviti slightli weaker mani bump valley potsdam graviti potato attribut surfac features north midatlant ridg himalayan mountains other cannot might relat unusu high low subsurfac densities map like also help calibr chang earth surfac includ variabl ocean current melt glaciers map made 2005 recent sensit graviti map earth produc 2011 available apod 2015 wall calendar,graviti potato,2014-12-15,738,112,0.0639285714285714,12-15,12,2014,15,8,2,4 7bcd6de47b24bed2688348e7626e96966832b2ca2a5821cfb13157abee438804,francesco antonucci,star form imag star form region w5 like infrar nasa wide field infrar survey explor wise satellit provid clear clue indic massiv star near center empti caviti older star near edges like reason older star center actual trigger format younger edg stars trigger star format occur hot outflow ga compress cooler ga knot dens enough gravit contract stars featur scientificallycolor infrar image spectacular pillars left slowli evapor hot outflow gas provid visual clues w5 also known ic 1848 togeth ic 1805 form complex region star format popularli dub heart soul nebulas imag highlight part w5 span 2000 light year rich star form pillars w5 lie 6500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia available apod 2015 wall calendar,w5 pillar star format,2014-12-16,721,117,0.1549242424242424,12-16,12,2014,16,6,2,4 763dc34019c58fffb8c19e0106a683589c7ac0d3d5316519d5637e576f48c235,none,sky remember view geminid meteor shower day ago bright firebal captur mt china particularli picturesqu surroundings foreground sea light cloud slowli float dark mountain peaks background constel orion shone brightly familiar three star orion belt visibl near imag top right sirius brightest star night sky visibl near imag center bright firebal flash fraction second lower right sourc firebal pebbl protect atmospher earth origin expel sunorbit asteroidlik object 3200 phaethon,geminid firebal mount,2014-12-17,477,69,0.2663690476190476,12-17,12,2014,17,6,1,5 dc2fe0c8b4c454664626fdce843d117c432589a0279bab89c8a5089692b34e04,toni halla,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth effect enhanc sharp imag small telescop galaxi lie beyond gorgeou island universe promin background galaxi one tenth appar size ngc 7331 lie roughli ten time farther away close align sky ngc 7331 occur chance seen faint foreground dust cloud linger plane milki way visual group galaxi known deer lick group,ngc 7331 beyond,2014-12-18,632,100,-0.0591666666666666,12-18,12,2014,18,7,2,3 80ee80da6ec20b0b8f10f64bb250f2598c5e0b020b090594e6d9712f6eec9f24,jimmi walker,1970 sometim ignor astronomers like beauti group reflect nebula orion ngc 1977 ngc 1975 ngc 1973 usual overlook favor substanti glow nearbi stellar nurseri better known orion nebula found along orion sword north bright orion nebula complex reflect nebula also associ orion giant molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away domin characterist blue color interstellar dust reflect light hot young stars sharp color imag portion orion nebula appear along bottom border cluster reflect nebula pictur center ngc 1977 stretch across field center separ ngc 1973 abov right ngc 1975 abov left dark region lace faint red emiss hydrogen atoms taken together dark region suggest mani shape run man,reflect 1970,2014-12-19,680,106,0.0426691729323308,12-19,12,2014,19,4,2,5 081fd4474cd052640cb31bfd9b0453190fca6027f6b3132fc614427fccf886c8,danilo pivato,today solstic occur univers time sun reach southernmost declin planet earth sky course decemb solstic mark begin winter northern hemispher summer south view northern latitudes shown horizont compress image sun make lowest arc sky along southern horizon north solstic day shortest length time sunris sunset fewest hour daylight strike composit imag follow sun path decemb solstic day 2005 beauti blue sky look tyrrhenian sea coast santa severa toward fiumicino italy view cover 115 degre 43 separate wellplan exposur sunris sunset follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,tyrrhenian sea solstic sky,2014-12-21,572,87,0.0,12-21,12,2014,21,1,0,1 5741a04a96a94c1be2d15b8b5a6a9b1e3dc36a4c9054f9b59820967be8bb5fd0,none,what creat methan mars recent measur robot curios rover current roll across mar indic surpris increas atmospher methan measur month apart life major methan earth specul rampant sort life possibl microbi life creat methan beneath surfac mars possibl exist though lead model sudden releas methan produc mix specif soil chemic underground water propos origin martian methan depict featur illustration origin mars methan activ area research mission like curios india mar orbit mission search clue measur methan abund chang possibl byproduct differ methaneproduc processes,mysteri methan mar,2014-12-22,569,83,0.015625,12-22,12,2014,22,5,0,4 f8e67940347643ae507351f3d7632c64a5482b2d0e1f60d5c6f2de6acb275405,none,high cliff occur surfac comet discov part dark nucleu comet churyumovgerasimenko cg rosetta robot spacecraft launch esa began orbit comet earli august rag cliffs featur here imag rosetta two week ago although tower one kilomet high low surfac graviti comet cg would like make jump cliffs human survivable foot cliff rel smooth terrain dot boulder larg 20 meter across data rosetta indic ice comet cg significantli differ deuterium fraction henc like differ origin water earth oceans rosetta spacecraft schedul continu accompani comet make closest approach sun 2015 august,cliff comet,2014-12-23,573,88,0.095,12-23,12,2014,23,3,2,2 d0aea2efca48155dd863445244b934c0beb48b88ca4ed4f2e699b70d227db934,bill snyder,some nebula look like head fish however color cosmic portrait realli featur glow ga obscur dust cloud ic 1795 star form region northern constel cassiopeia nebula color creat adopt hubbl falsecolor palett map narrow emiss oxygen hydrogen sulfur atom blue green red colors blend data imag region record broadband filters far sky famou doubl star cluster perseus ic 1795 locat next ic 1805 heart nebula part complex star form region lie edg larg molecular cloud locat 6000 lightyear away larger star form complex sprawl along perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy distance pictur would span 70 lightyear across ic 1795,ic 1795 fishhead nebula,2014-12-24,612,100,-0.1,12-24,12,2014,24,4,2,5 db29e1979d7359dc2a2bbe820578a8032962f2fc4c07128f25339e422d5dc1ee,damian peach,comet lovejoy c2014 frame like cosmic christma tree starri decor color telescop portrait snap decemb love coma tint green diatom c2 ga fluoresc sunlight discov august year comet lovejoy current sweep north constel columba head lepu south orion bright enough offer good binocular views first time inner solar system comet lovejoy pass closest planet earth januari 7 perihelion closest point sun januari 30 course planet earth 2015 perihelion passag schedul januari 4 long period comet comet lovejoy return 8000 years,comet lovejoy,2014-12-25,516,80,0.18,12-25,12,2014,25,3,1,4 20476af5fb8d55c8cf76ab392e963a193d44aa18c3f34fdd937564206b08ef60,dieter willasch,top right larg spiral galaxi ngc 1055 join spiral messier 77 sharp cosmic view toward aquat constel cetus narrowed dusti appear edgeon spiral ngc 1055 contrast nice faceon view m77 bright nucleu spiral arms 100000 lightyear across pair domin member small galaxi group 60 million lightyear away estim distance m77 one remot object charl messier catalog separ fellow island univers ngc 1055 least 500000 lightyears field view size full moon sky includ color foreground milki way star with diffract spikes along distant background galaxies,cetu m77 ngc 1055,2014-12-26,536,84,0.1845238095238095,12-26,12,2014,26,7,1,3 67eb9447380f44e0a74f14e15e6c2bf664eb2d7dbbebcb16c108cded6b144ea2,jia hao,known north winter meteor shower 2014 geminid rain rugged frozen landscape scene record summit mt along china northeastern border north korea composit digit frame captur bright meteor near shower peak orion near pictur center volcan lake shower radiant constel gemini upper left appar origin meteor streaks pay dreamlik view celesti spectacle photograph hao report sever wind gust winteri minu 34 degre c temperatur near summit,winter shower,2014-12-27,427,65,0.1285714285714286,12-27,12,2014,27,8,1,1 477d4310fcb3a8161a31cb7671213789fc239b811f0fe4771a135990d0b92049,aigar truhin,what happen town close inspect show strang column light occur bright lights like light pillar involv fall ice crystal reflect back lights imag sever similar imag taken standard digit camera sigulda latvia late 2009 reason pillar fan top however remain topic speculation air note quit cold inde fill small ice crystals type known creat sever aweinspir well known sky phenomena light pillars sun pillars sun dogs moon halos cold snowi winter occur year part earth northern hemispher give sky enthusiast new typic unexpect opportun see sever unusu optic atmospher phenomena themselves,unusu light pillar latvia,2014-12-28,581,91,0.0604895104895104,12-28,12,2014,28,1,2,1 021a5177e71d14e2ebf210c83e030b92711bc38ed2f3a02e0efdecdbb75d0827,none,region sunspot hot sunspot bit cooler surround solar surfac magnet field creat reduc convect heating therefor unusu region overhead even much higher sun corona hundr time hotter help find cause nasa direct earthorbit nuclear spectroscop telescop array nustar satellit point sensit xray telescop sun featur sun ultraviolet light shown red hue taken orbit solar dynam observatori sdo superimpos falsecolor green blue emiss sunspot detect nustar differ band highenergi xrays highlight region extrem high temperature clue sun atmospher heat mechan may come initi image futur nustar imag aim find hypothes brief burst energi may drive unusu heating,sun xray nustar,2014-12-29,645,96,0.1066666666666666,12-29,12,2014,29,1,2,4 5c9ff0ad7b57505444790edd27a2ee9e6fafefb2a5a261c6e3993e8957418849,bori,awesom imag come layers closest layer foreground contain peak terskol observatori locat northern caucasu mountain russia white dome 2meter telescop clearli visible observatori locat shoulder mt highest mountain europe peak visibl nearbi background layer cloud visibl front behind mountain peaks featur composit panorama taken 2014 august far distanc distant star nebula night sky central band milki way rise imag right,univers,2014-12-30,418,60,-0.019047619047619,12-30,12,2014,30,6,0,4 ca530e2bca074702415f015c426a011efba29d89c8b9d27d4d2d964cc7a014d2,dieter willasch,comet lovejoy becom visibl unaid eye see comet go outsid hour sunset look fuzzi patch right orion belt binocular star chart may help pictur here comet c2014 q2 lovejoy captur three day ago pass nearli front globular star cluster visibl bright spot slightli left comet coma nucleu comet lovejoy giant dirti iceberg shed ga long intric ion tail extend across image near sun comet expect becom even easier spot northern observ january rise earlier and hopefully continu brighten,comet lovejoy globular star cluster,2014-12-31,475,78,0.1169642857142857,12-31,12,2014,31,3,1,3 abb16977e92255070d76f6c632d962d42c6d358e596e84be20f0c1ccccfa67f8,cedic team,plane milki way galaxi run complex beauti skyscape northwestern edg constel vela the sails telescop frame 10 degre wide center brightest glow filament vela supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star light supernova explos creat vela remnant reach earth 11000 year ago addit shock filament glow gas cosmic catastroph also left behind incred dense rotat stellar core vela pulsar 800 lightyear distant vela remnant like embed larger older supernova remnant gum nebula,vela supernova remnant,2015-01-01,483,74,-0.0183333333333333,01-01,1,2015,1,6,0,3 139f191b434c3ae8e5f504709d09a371d7aa6f73f7bc7ba82a1518c635ae9541,lászló francsic,near center sharp cosmic portrait heart orion nebula four hot massiv star known trapezium tightli gather within region 15 lightyear radius domin core dens orion nebula star cluster ultraviolet ioniz radiat trapezium stars mostli brightest star theta1 orioni c power complex star form region entir visibl glow three million year old orion nebula cluster even compact younger year dynam studi indic runaway stellar collis earlier age may form black hole 100 time mass sun presenc black hole within cluster could explain observ high veloc trapezium stars orion nebula distanc 1500 lightyear would make closest known black hole planet earth,heart orion,2015-01-02,636,99,-0.0126923076923076,01-02,1,2015,2,4,2,5 db14a24c0e51c77e0b7e8bd601d5b75dd5a7485862d1ae57547e5bf174c10cca,none,soft hues partial lit orbs thin trace ring slight shadow highlight underst view majest surround giant planet saturn look nearli back toward sun robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn captur crescent phase saturn moon rhea color year ago strike imag is singl frame 60frame silent movi rhea seen glide front parent world sinc cassini nearli plane saturn rings normal impress ring visibl thin line across imag center,crescent rhea occult crescent saturn,2015-01-04,412,66,-0.0916666666666666,01-04,1,2015,4,0,0,1 3cdd0c92896c1cc96ae4c949f468f16b8fd2a9f276e97b34fee4678512f68d0e,r colombari francesco data subaru eso f antonucci,follow thing common cone fur fox christma tree answer occur constel unicorn monoceros pictur star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae imag span diamet full moon cover 30 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose convolut pelt lie lower right bright variabl star mon visibl fox fur cone nebula imag left given distribution star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape trace star appear apex cone nebula left broader base near mon right,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2015-01-05,730,118,0.0513392857142857,01-05,1,2015,5,4,2,5 0d5764812676d6747933bcde3eb727f7709f07b1e9318fb09912d05a233fae80,none,star compos andromeda galaxy better understand group research studi nearbi spiral compos largest imag ever taken hubbl space telescope result call hubbl andromeda involv thousand observations hundr fields span third galaxy resolv 100 million stars featur composit image central part galaxi seen far left blue spiral arm promin right brightest stars scatter frame actual milki way foreground stars data analyz better understand star form m31 contrast milki way galaxy identifi andromeda stellar cluster obscur dust,100 million star andromeda galaxi,2015-01-06,513,75,0.1635714285714285,01-06,1,2015,6,7,1,3 5802b386c82454ed78326e6d615f23079b965437d3c236933c6b2c38aa92909f,none,celebr 25 year explor univers low earth orbit hubbl space telescope camera use revisit icon image result sharper wider view region dub pillar creation first imag hubbl 1995 star form deep insid tower structures lightyear long column cold ga dust 6500 lightyear distant m16 eagl nebula toward constel serpens sculpt erod energet ultraviolet light power wind m16 cluster young massiv stars cosmic pillar destin destruction turbul environ star format within m16 whose spectacular detail captur hubbl visiblelight snapshot like similar environ form sun apod talk friday januari 9 new york citi,hubbl pillar creation,2015-01-07,589,91,0.0669421487603305,01-07,1,2015,7,4,2,4 733ea20066bc8bedbe148161d0021f001804c2e3b240ddaca2ef0919a30799fe,chart32 team,cosmic dust cloud young energet star inhabit telescop vista less 500 lightyear away toward northern boundari corona australis southern crown dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way strike complex reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 ic 4812 produc characterist blue color light region young hot star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star still process formation left smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 bend around young variabl star r corona australis it glow arc loop shock outflow embed newborn star identifi herbigharo objects sky field view span 1 degree correspond almost 9 lightyear estim distanc nearbi star form region apod talk friday januari 9 new york citi,star dust corona australi,2015-01-08,699,110,0.0656926406926406,01-08,1,2015,8,4,2,5 a455ac3c8d5e205b70130d338d4893b233b5aebc983eee7d61d6abf50d816242,ssrosouth,spiral galaxi ngc 1097 shine southern skies 45 million lightyear away chemic constel fornax blue spiral arm mottl pinkish star form region color galaxi portrait seem wrap around small companion galaxi left center 40000 lightyear spiral lumin core that ngc 1097 peculiar feature though deep exposur hint faint mysteri jets easili seen extend well beyond bluish arm toward left fact four faint jet ultim recogn optic imag ngc 1097 jet trace x center galaxy nucleus probabl origin there instead could fossil star streams trail left captur disrupt much smaller galaxi larg spiral ancient past seyfert galaxy ngc 1097 nucleu also harbor supermass black hole tonight apod talk new york citi,arm ngc 1097,2015-01-09,684,110,-0.1153535353535353,01-09,1,2015,9,7,2,3 fb8bdd343a56439070c190d5601f301c4ac279c1107ab0e47cfc00ade89284e9,babak tafreshi,seen canari island bright full moon rose sunset reach full phase night januari 45 first full moon new year first follow december solstice course north america first full moon januari known wolf moon full moon pose twilight island strong wind tradit suggest anoth name telephoto image taken distanc foreground windmill creat dramat comparison appar size windmil full moon,moon,2015-01-10,370,58,0.363053613053613,01-10,1,2015,10,2,1,1 e4745bf17485b429843e950606f352ea8585dd259f488ab381cf270726b7ed80,t rector,adrift rich star field constel cygnus lovely symmetr nebula recogn year ago yet appear astronom catalogs fact amateur astronom dave jurasevich identifi nebula 2008 juli 6 imag complex cygnu region includ crescent nebula ngc 6888 subsequ notifi intern astronom union eleven day later object independ identifi mel helm sierra remot observatories imag keith quattrocchi helm also submit iau potenti unknown nebula nebula appear left featur image known soap bubbl nebula newli recogn nebula probabl planetari nebula final phase life sunlik star,bubbl nebula,2015-01-13,540,81,0.028125,01-13,1,2015,13,4,0,5 5204e572e8a18ceb928f84bcc5f7129717903a6f62e2b04fa0ffe43f23a65062,mike,head north comet lovejoy c2014 q2 put best show comet watcher now moonlight absent earli even skies easi binocular target visibl unaid eye dark sites comet sweep across constel tauru bull deep night skyscape starri scene captur two day ago januari 12 jackson hole wyoming planet earth fact head tauru form vshape hyad star cluster point toward lovejoy right comet greenish coma tail stream antisunward direct also seem shot orion bow spot familiar star nebula rich constel hunter left follow link highlight comet lovejoy wide field view,lovejoy,2015-01-14,536,87,0.1785714285714285,01-14,1,2015,14,3,1,1 ed5d17a1867abc93e792de03cbb33d12327393f1915e46554d599100860d68b8,tama ladanyi,inner planet venu mercuri never wander far sun earth sky week probabl seen gather near western horizon sunset close conjunct bright celesti beacon fade twilight pair frame earli even skyview captur januari 13 ruin castl northwestern hungary silhouett landscape promin volcan hill venu much brighter separ mercuri littl width two full moons friday planet earth earli morn riser also treat close conjunction saturn meet old crescent moon near southeastern horizon dawn,venu mercuri sunset,2015-01-15,466,71,0.1833333333333333,01-15,1,2015,15,8,1,1 7d4021b844c7621841b5faacfd1098654d2d01a7add8cf48221236bb84e7e469,none,deliv saturnbound cassini esa huygen probe touch ring planet largest moon titan ten year ago januari 14 2005 panel show fishey imag made slow descent parachut titan dens atmosphere taken probe descent radiomet instrument rang altitud 6 kilomet upper left 02 kilomet lower right moon surprisingli earthlik surfac dark channels bright ridges temperatur near 290 degre f 180 degre c liquid flow across titan surfac methan hydrocarbon rather water make distant land spacecraft earth huygen transmit data hour huygen data decad explor cassini shown titan tantal world host complex chemistri organ compounds dynam lakes seas possibl subsurfac ocean liquid water,huygen land titan,2015-01-16,655,100,0.0235714285714285,01-16,1,2015,16,8,2,2 aa3d4511cedc954903ec0820ab1a21047d757babf7794660eec255f8d1bc7f0f,rogelio bernalandreo,sweep north planet earth sky comet lovejoy greenish coma blue tint ion tail stretch across field star constel tauru januari 13 inset upper left show 12 degre angular size full moon scale lovejoy coma appear littl smaller but much full moon sky tail visibl 4 degre across frame correspond 5 million kilomet comet estim distanc 75 million kilomet earth blown solar wind comet tenuous structur ion tail stream away sun grow comet lovejoy head toward perihelion closest approach sun januari 30 diatom carbon ga fluoresc sunlight produc coma green color fainter bluish tail tint emiss ioniz carbon monoxid,comet tail,2015-01-17,600,98,0.0199999999999999,01-17,1,2015,17,3,2,4 7d2fa85e7b41499174165b0c423fd57cd7b3e6ff531888d8ac566df1096a9386,none,what happen center milki way galaxy help find out orbit hubbl spitzer space telescop combin effort survey region unpreced detail infrar light infrar light particularli use probe milki way center visibl light greatli obscur dust imag encompass 2000 imag hubbl space telescope nicmo taken 2008 imag span 300 115 light year high resolut structur 20 time size solar system discernable cloud glow ga dark dust well three larg star cluster visible magnet field may channel plasma along upper left near arch cluster energet stellar wind carv pillar near quintuplet cluster lower left massiv central cluster star surround sagittariu a visibl lower right sever central bright massiv star appear unassoci star cluster yet understood follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,galact core infrar,2015-01-18,765,120,0.1580952380952381,01-18,1,2015,18,6,2,4 90e2b9eb4904bc40e9c373e3a480561fda582915fab1c861c646cdc104aa3c70,francesco antonucci,great nebula orion intrigu place visibl unaid eye appear small fuzzi patch constel orion image illusorycolor fourpanel mosaic taken differ band infrar light earth orbit wise observatory show orion nebula bustl neighborhood recent form stars hot gas dark dust power behind much orion nebula m42 star trapezium star cluster seen near center wide field image orang glow surround bright star pictur starlight reflect intric dust filament cover much region current orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years available apod 2015 wall calendar,infrar orion wise,2015-01-19,577,87,0.1361111111111111,01-19,1,2015,19,4,1,5 4d55c43b1f9d1d2601f2834f58edb884cc2f633ff3c91c454d16900904a694e3,none,largest asteroid asteroid belt secret find out nasa sent robot dawn spacecraft explor map cryptic wide world ceres orbit mar jupiter cere offici categor dwarf planet never imag detail featur 20frame video taken week ago dawn approach rival even best imag cere ever taken hubbl space telescope video show enough surfac definit discern rotat period target reach cere earli march dawn match speed attempt orbit previous unexplor body take imag data may help human better understand natur histori cere also earli histori entir solar system,approach asteroid cere,2015-01-20,536,85,0.119047619047619,01-20,1,2015,20,8,1,2 df2af8ee0456f0f6d14bf757c494e4983d90716f0a3d1aa0d8bf9b0e50a45ee0, emil ivanov observatory,caus structur comet lovejoy tail comet c2014 q2 lovejoy current nakedey bright near brightest show exquisit detail ion tail name implies ion tail made ioniz ga ga energ ultraviolet light sun push outward solar wind solar wind quit structur sculpt sun complex ever chang magnet field effect variabl solar wind combin differ ga jet vent comet nucleu account tail complex structure follow wind structur comet lovejoy tail seen move outward sun even alter wavi appear time blue color ion tail domin recombin carbon monoxid molecules green color coma surround head comet creat mostli slight amount recombin diatom carbon molecules featur mosaic imag taken nine day ago observatori bulgaria comet lovejoy made closest pass earth two week ago closest sun ten days that comet fade head back outer solar system return 8000 years astrophysicists brows code astrophys sourc code librari,complex ion tail comet lovejoy,2015-01-21,876,139,0.0111111111111111,01-21,1,2015,21,3,2,4 9a4d139177aeacac28bbeba99e6ed44ef6656e5425ccfa569b430d9ea9f9802d,lynn hilborn,blast skyward atla v rocket carri us navi satellit pierc cloud bank starri night scene captur januari 20 way orbit space launch complex 41 cape canaver air forc station planet earth rocket streak past brightest star sirius seen dark beach canaver nation alpha star cani major orion hunter strike pose familiar northern winter skygazers orion vshape hyad star cluster head tauru bull farther still tauru easi spot compact pleiad star cluster cours near top frame find greenish coma long tail comet lovejoy astronom darl januari nights,launch lovejoy,2015-01-22,533,86,0.0208333333333333,01-22,1,2015,22,6,0,2 62c51a193186e765394f2c43e3db5c1e67ddb2704048a9ff56c6ba7f5681cd60,none,prefer windows best avail board intern space station taken januari 4 snapshot insid station large cupola modul also show control canadarm2 use grappl visit cargo vehicl assist astronaut robot arm outsid window right cupola attach earthfac nadir port station tranquil module offer dynam panorama fair planet seen station 90 minut long 400 kilomet high orbit earth bright limb view center,view,2015-01-23,386,60,0.3637500000000001,01-23,1,2015,23,8,1,2 e641fca5f284b099a8598d39184f8c5506c51cc179639abca49eb2a7137ee189,none,celebr astronomi intern year light detail imag reveal spectacular activ galaxi cygnu light across electromagnet spectrum incorpor xray data blue orbit chandra observatory cygnu seen prodigi sourc high energi xrays actual famou low energi end electromagnet spectrum one brightest celesti sourc visibl radio telescopes 600 million lightyear distant cygnu closest power radio galaxy radio emiss red extend either side along axi nearli 300000 lightyear power jet relativist particl eman galaxy central supermass black hole hot spot like mark end jet impact surround cool dens material confin yellow hues optic wavelength data galaxi hubbl surround field digit sky survey complet remark multiwavelength view,light cygnu,2015-01-24,704,102,0.1352380952380952,01-24,1,2015,24,7,2,4 16aecb24e16ab0091acbd5b9a650b5cedaba8ccd9a7c9369040a01d5091b8db5,none,ten earth could easili fit claw seemingli solar monster monster actual huge erupt prominence seen move sun condens halfhour timelaps sequence larg prominence though signific size shape twist figur eight shape indic complex magnet field thread emerg solar particles differenti rotat ga insid surfac sun might help account surfac explosion five frame sequenc taken earli 2000 sunorbit soho satellite although larg promin energet coron mass eject cmes rel rare occur frequent near solar maximum time peak sunspot solar activ elevenyear solar cycle,twist solar erupt promin,2015-01-25,544,82,0.125,01-25,1,2015,25,1,1,1 066450b65ed772e6358a875337120ebb3879248ea1ee0e9e5519d6e670919664,acknowledgement u,magnet field galaxi look like long known modest magnet field pervad milki way galaxi seen align small dust grain scatter background light recently however sunorbit planck satellit made highresolut map field color coded wide map among things galaxy interstellar magnet strongest central disk revolut charg ga around galact center creat hypothes view top milki way magnet field would appear spiral swirl center caus mani detail similar planck map magnet gener affect galaxy evolut like remain topic research year come,galaxy magnet field planck,2015-01-27,517,79,0.0363636363636363,01-27,1,2015,27,7,0,3 549f3e019b4021bf8bbfab368989cdd430ae72d5e1a1ee581fdfb532462e136c,none,night sky icon find beauti deep exposur northern winter sky skylight includ star orion belt orion nebula pleiad star cluster bright star betelgeus rigel california nebula barnard loop comet lovejoy belt star orion nearli vertic central line horizon imag center lowest belt star obscur red glow flame nebula belt left red arc barnard loop follow bright orang star betelgeuse belt right color orion nebula follow bright blue star rigel blue cluster bright star near top center pleiades red nebula left california nebula bright orang dot imag center star aldebaran green object long tail right comet c2014 q2 featur imag taken two week ago near villag spain,comet lovejoy winter sky,2015-01-28,654,106,0.1758928571428571,01-28,1,2015,28,4,2,5 356f36d729de00c92c352f5bba947151517ffd27d9a1cbfca51edfe6098fc199,none,four nasa suborbit sound rocket leapt night januari 26 univers alaska poker flat research range time laps composit imag follow four launch small multistag rocket explor winter aurorafil skies exposures star trail around north celesti pole high horizon site 30 mile north fairbanks alaska beam puls green also left trace scene oper payload loft two thermospher turbul experi two mesospher stratifi turbul experiments creat vapor trail high altitud track groundbas observations,night flat,2015-01-30,475,71,0.035,01-30,1,2015,30,8,0,2 9336032b337ceccb27adf0a83cc8eed373384dee20076461b820a81469cb78c4,none,infrar wavelength micron observ spitzer space telescop map visibl color red green blue strike image cosmic cloud ga dust massiv starform complex 13000 lightyear distant near plane milki way galaxy yellow citizen scientist webbas milki way project found featur call yellow ball scan mani spitzer imag persist ask question researchers answer yellow ball spitzer imag identifi earli stage massiv star formation appear yellow overlap region red green assign color correspond dust organ molecul known pah spitzer wavelengths yellow ball repres stage newborn massiv star clear caviti surround ga dust appear bubbl red center spitzer image course astronom success stori part spitzer imag span 05 degre 100 lightyear estim distanc,yellow,2015-01-31,722,109,-0.0235294117647058,01-31,1,2015,31,6,2,4 e1560ddc20d21d3e25f5b2ed6a2598b0136393fa5c968e8d56150d3b386c4a6b,none,two mighti galaxi pull apart known mice long tails spiral galaxi like alreadi pass other long tail creat rel differ gravit pull near far part galaxy distanc large cosmic interact take place slow motion hundr million years ngc 4676 lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel bernice hair coma berenices like member coma cluster galaxies pictur taken hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey 2002 galact mice probabl collid next billion year coalesc form singl galaxy,ngc 4676 mice collid,2015-02-01,471,75,-0.0310714285714285,02-01,2,2015,1,7,0,3 e406235653bd2e1e82d1ef8e466cde3bb0fa5cccd10549fe69d94f461649e5ce,none,would surfac titan light blind flash reason sunglint liquid seas saturn moon titan numer smooth lake methan that angl right reflect sunlight mirrors pictur falsecolor robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn imag cloudcov titan last summer differ band cloudpierc infrar light specular reflect bright satur one cassini infrar cameras although sunglint annoy also useful reflect region confirm northern titan hous wide complex array sea geometri indic period signific evaporation numer pass solar system mysteri moon cassini reveal titan world activ weather includ time rain liquefi version natur gas,titan sea reflect sunlight,2015-02-02,597,87,0.1585714285714285,02-02,2,2015,2,0,1,2 49a438a5defd48a260ed2ab9efff6772ef2186e5e658d5e0fe64d8a0dd9f5e2f,none,comet tail come from although common knowledg comet tail coma origin comet nuclei exactli happen activ topic research one best imag yet emerg jet shown featur image taken last novemb robot rosetta spacecraft orbit around comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko comet releas last month overexpos pictur show plume ga dust escap numer place comet cg nucleu near sun heat up although comet cg current sun mars orbit take almost close earth come august time jet activ expect increas factor 100 like seen debri comet nuclei anoth form sandsiz bit end journey solar system impact atmospher earth meteors almost hyperspace random apod gener,jet comet churyumovgerasimenko,2015-02-03,624,99,0.0249999999999999,02-03,2,2015,3,3,2,2 b2017a7fe160fc07c6d3ed6109907d293a0eeab318beb43346dbf4e6272799c3,mike,red streak sky photograph unexpect aurora distant thunderstorm someth extraordinari happened red sprites brief instanc rare imag highaltitud lightn flash bright wit sever peopl independently pictur minnesota usa may 2013 red sprite like follow extrem power lowaltitud convent lightn captur featur frame hous electr pole foreground thick cloud lower atmosphere lightn storm horizon distant red sprite green aurora upper atmosphere distant star local neighborhood milki way galaxy spectacular imag thought second known case sprite aurora photograph together possibl first true color follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,stars sprites clouds aurora,2015-02-04,623,88,0.0736842105263157,02-04,2,2015,4,6,2,4 9864dafce866632d372e13040338682d659fbd62fc69ebabcd2f86a1cba4af74,none,strike spiral galaxi m104 famou nearli edgeon profil featur broad ring obscur dust lanes seen silhouett extens bulg stars swath cosmic dust lend broad brim hatlik appear galaxi suggest popular moniker sombrero galaxy hubbl space telescop groundbas subaru data reprocess amateur color imag data creat sharp view wellknown galaxy process result natur color appear preserv detail often lost overwhelm glare m104 bright central bulg view smaller groundbas instruments also known ngc 4594 sombrero galaxi seen across spectrum thought host central supermass black hole 50000 lightyear across 28 million lightyear away m104 one largest galaxi southern edg virgo galaxi cluster,m104 sombrero galaxi,2015-02-05,669,99,0.0803030303030303,02-05,2,2015,5,7,2,4 dfceb0c93b886f78d94823050c5bcb0ac91545955f4ab2acc30b8e394f7bcd56,none,solar system rule giant planet jupit 3 4 larg galilean moon captur singl hubbl snapshot januari 24 cross front jupiter band cloud top europa callisto io frame lower left upper right rare conjunction distinguish color alon ici europa almost white callisto ancient crater surfac look dark brown volcan io appear transit moon moon shadow identifi slide cursor image follow link remarkably two small inner jovian moons amalthea thebe along shadows also found sharp hubbl view galilean moon diamet 3000 5000 kilomet so compar size earth moon oddshap amalthea thebe 260 100 kilomet across respectively,jupit conjunct,2015-02-06,595,94,0.0936224489795918,02-06,2,2015,6,2,2,4 4f904ffc92b4a7f53d9ef557cf5d18578ec7e0248d47400d82ad6a78e1f400ed,babak tafreshi,look like fine collect grid embed swirl streak actual follow dramat develop planet earth auror sequenc 600 fishey imag taken 2 hour period near circl march 2012 lapland northern sweden begin upper left even twilight end lower right cover two activ peak bright corona form overhead explor space earth moon nasa fleet themi spacecraft discov explos auror activ driven sudden releas energi earth magnetosphere even play follow link check sequenc full timelaps video vimeo,aurora,2015-02-07,468,74,0.2058201058201058,02-07,2,2015,7,8,1,1 e32145e3f979ee02a6b53b1aafaf21264b8364556ac54ab07b32fcdf6299677e,none,cosmic pillar ga dust nearli two lightyear wide structur lie within one galaxy largest star form regions carina nebula shine southern sky distanc 7500 lightyears pillar convolut outlin shape wind radiat carina young hot massiv stars interior cosmic pillar home star process formation fact penetr infrar view show pillar domin two narrow energet jet blast outward still hidden infant star featur visibl light imag made 2009 use hubbl space telescope wide field camera 3,carina nebula dust pillar,2015-02-08,468,74,0.0229166666666666,02-08,2,2015,8,4,0,5 49f57d12ab496f8543c00d138e6d6c5e4be0645bd103cfebc86ea96f931834ed,none,caus martian rock layered lead hypothesi ancient martian lake kept evapor 10 million year remain dri empti water billion years featur image taken last novemb robot curios rover show onemet wide whale rock part pahrump hill outcrop base mount sharp also evid imag rock angl layer like facilit wave sand curios continu find mani layer rock like continu roll around high mount sharp,layer rock near mount sharp mar,2015-02-09,382,63,-0.1649999999999999,02-09,2,2015,9,5,0,2 5afb0fccdfdf98c6f00ed50f20c49b6f5cab9897a580ef99c64fac839973b801,oliv hardi,yesterday sun exhibit one longest filament ever recorded may still today visibl dark streak center featur image enorm filament extend across face sun distanc even longer sun radiu 700000 kilometers filament actual hot ga held aloft sun magnet field view side would appear rais prominence featur imag show filament light emit hydrogen therefor highlight sun chromosphere telescop includ nasa solar dynam observatori track unusu feature sdo yesterday record spiral magnet field engulf it sinc filament typic last hour days part one may collaps erupt time either return hot plasma back sun expel solar system filament still there check click sdo current solar image follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,extrem long filament sun,2015-02-10,706,110,0.0722222222222222,02-10,2,2015,10,1,2,4 bed7affaa8b2add59147df72d728db7a333bde30767985bbf4938550d939f9cc,none,majest truli cosmic scale m100 appropri known grand design spiral galaxy larg galaxi 100 billion star welldefin spiral arm similar milki way galaxy one brightest member virgo cluster galaxies m100 alia ngc 4321 56 million lightyear distant toward constel berenice hair coma berenices hubbl space telescop imag m100 made 2009 reveal bright blue star cluster intric wind dust lane hallmark class galaxies studi variabl star m100 play import role determin size age universe know exactli look find small spot light echo bright supernova record year imag taken,m100 grand design spiral galaxi,2015-02-11,555,87,0.2055555555555555,02-11,2,2015,11,7,1,3 8a9359cb06dd6e72d379255a03b8eab3f5a74503d4801348e685f5d2e74bbbd7,none,60 million lightyear away southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi colliding star two galaxies catalog ngc 4038 ngc 4039 rare collid cours ponder cataclysm last hundr million years larg cloud molecular ga dust often do trigger furiou episod star format near center cosmic wreckage span 500 thousand lightyears stun composit view also reveal new star cluster matter flung far scene accid gravit tidal forces remark collabor imag mosaic construct use data small larg groundbas telescop bring largescal faint tidal streams composit bright core imag extrem detail hubbl space telescope course suggest visual appear extend arc structur give galaxi pair popular name antennae,explor antenna,2015-02-12,670,102,0.0987603305785124,02-12,2,2015,12,7,2,3 51bc9a8e514f20be8bed30fa95bc11c235e8ed4901ee4305a44f16d4db75f0ee,stéphanevett,expans fishey view ice sky captur februari 1 beach southeast iceland planet earth chunk glacial ice black sand beach light nearli full moon surround shine halo 22 degre lunar halo creat ice crystal high thin cloud refract moonlight despit bright moonlight curtain aurora still danc surreal scene earli february activ trigger earth restless magnetospher energet wind coron hole near sun south pole bright jupiter also near opposition visibl left beyond ici lunar halo,aurora ice,2015-02-13,466,73,0.1993939393939394,02-13,2,2015,13,2,1,1 d8c8775eae2973b2d26591507fcd8fbeed1dc546bf14ebc50cbf3e00e3084474,none,two hour closest approach neptun 1989 voyag 2 robot spacecraft snap picture clearli visibl first time long lightcolor cirrustyp cloud float high neptune atmosphere shadow cloud even seen lower cloud decks neptune atmospher made hydrogen helium invisible neptune blue color therefor come smaller amount atmospher methane preferenti absorb red light neptun fastest wind solar system gust reach 2000 kilomet per hour specul hold diamond may creat dens hot condit exist cloud top uranu neptune twentysix year later nasa new horizon pois first spacecraft zoom past pluto july almost hyperspace random apod gener,two hour neptun,2015-02-15,606,92,0.0818831168831168,02-15,2,2015,15,8,2,1 3f75e48f73446d83567b3276535fd11d358d5cdc229ceaad4a996ff83206869d,big solar obs alan friedmanavert imagination,sun look like flower specif color red light emit hydrogen featur here region solar chromospher may resembl rose colorinvert imag taken 2014 octob show activ solar region 2177 petal domin frame actual magnet confin tube hot plasma call extend longer diamet earth central region mani fibril seen surround region typic popul curv fibrils seen sun edge huge plasma tube call occur passiv region term sunspot region 2177 surviv sever day complex tumultu magnet field poke sun surfac evolv yet again follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,flower sun,2015-02-17,536,87,0.16875,02-17,2,2015,17,1,1,4 72710be473be96ccd28d3e876f2cdf26d05e2dd7ece73da13f750a3ae1d7fc23,none,bright spot asteroid ceres robot spacecraft dawn approach largest asteroid asteroid belt puzzl sharper new imag taken last week releas yesterday indicate expected surfac dwarf planet cere dark heavili crater like moon planet mercury new imag clearli indicate however natur compar bright spot although seen exist enigmat spot first notic cere week ago dawn approach intrigu mysteri might well solv quickli dawn continu advanc toward ceres schedul enter orbit march 6 poll think light spot cere are,dark crater bright spot reveal asteroid cere,2015-02-18,497,77,0.2303030303030303,02-18,2,2015,18,8,1,2 b57d03204a22cb6aa911a5f0430983ebc157fd2a66fc97f4c1ee0e4f9d0b58cc,none,palomar 12 born here star globular cluster first identifi palomar sky survey younger globular star cluster roam halo milki way galaxy palomar 12 posit galaxi measur motion suggest home sagittariu dwarf ellipt galaxy small satellit milki way disrupt gravit tide close encount satellit galaxi lost star larger milki way part milki way halo tidal captur palomar 12 like took place 17 billion year ago seen behind spiki foreground star sharp hubbl image palomar 12 span nearli 60 lightyears still much closer faint fuzzy background galaxi scatter throughout field view lie 60000 lightyear away toward constel capricornus,palomar 12,2015-02-19,616,96,-0.103125,02-19,2,2015,19,6,0,3 099d9097b384d4f851b622215c3ce2fe9ea17e477cd5cabdb4837f51cb2da7b2,tunç tezel,ght year ago even sky held love pair young crescent moon brilliant venus seen near western horizon close conjunct wintri reflect captur bolu turkey planet earth februari 19 2007 8 earth year sinc photograph taken venu orbit sun almost exactli 13 times sun venu return configur earth sky sinc everi 8 year moon also nearli phase given time year similar crescent conjunct appear planet earth even sky tonight februari 20 2015 version conjunct also includ planet mars much fainter mar wander even closer venu even februari 21,even sky conjunct,2015-02-20,522,87,0.2571428571428572,02-20,2,2015,20,1,1,1 8f5c1e8e9a1c65001048b9626a22a4e573e24a181fd350212ea4d22edaa0faaf,jason jen,connect pipe nebula color region near bright star antar dark cloud dub dark river flow picture left edge murki looking dark river appear caus dust obscur background starlight although dark nebula contain mostli hydrogen molecular gas surround dust antares red supergi star creat unusu bright yellowish reflect nebula it bright blue doubl star rho ophiuchi embed one typic bluish reflect nebulae red emiss nebula also scatter around region globular star cluster m4 seen right antares though lie far behind color clouds distanc 7000 lightyears dark river 500 light year away color skyscap mosaic telescop imag span nearli 10 degre 20 full moons across sky constel scorpion scorpius follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,dark river antar,2015-02-22,722,114,0.1214285714285714,02-22,2,2015,22,4,2,5 df44c4b8c7d035a30ace24b962d0db0045c1ff948e0607ba590033f5fa473510,david lane r gendler,older rock see ground light see sky usual it rock older origin sediment deposit well light left star nebula see sky however see telescope distant galaxi far across univers andromeda spiral galaxi ngc 7331 inset see light even ancient featur here central disk milki way galaxi arch toadstool hoodoo rock format northern arizona usa unusu toadstool rock cap rel hard sandston wind erod slowli softer sandston underneath green band airglow light emit stimul air earth atmosphere lower right timelaps camera set captur sky rotat behind picturesqu foreground scene,milki way arizona,2015-02-23,562,88,0.0718253968253968,02-23,2,2015,23,7,0,1 ef633eff7318e101e1743309a3c41f59cbd19637535797367492e5c14f0e7bd3,w,creat unusu plume mars one sure note confirm global amateur astronom photo red planet march 2012 possibl similar plume found archiv imag far back 1997 sinc plume reach 200 kilomet up seem high relat windblown surfac dust sinc one plume last eleven days seem long last relat aurora amateur astronom sure continu monitor termin edg region mar new high plumes armada satellit orbit mar may call upon verifi studi newli report plume becom visible featur timelaps anim taken 2012 march 20 discover pennsylvania usa poll think unusu martian plume are,unusu plume mar,2015-02-24,545,90,0.067090909090909,02-24,2,2015,24,5,0,4 9e1fd90409e302ca1b1f079b0e805eb9990715d549002c91a0c66533727464a4,kevin,venus name roman goddess love mars war god namesake came togeth moonlight love skyview record februari 20 south carolina usa planet earth made twilight digit camera three second time exposur also record earthshin illumin otherwis dark surfac young crescent moon course moon move much anticip tripl conjunction venu still shine west though even star third brightest object earth sky sun moon itself seen within almost moon width venus much fainter mar approach even closer follow evening mar sinc move slowli away brilliant venus though mar still visibl western twilight,love war moonlight,2015-02-26,569,89,0.225,02-26,2,2015,26,5,1,1 7cbce0e9e11598cab018071986a1631c9f696ca6a03065737e8e0837e5281774,cara project,buffet solar wind comet lovejoy crook ion tail stretch 3 degre across telescop field view record februari 20 starri background includ awesom bluish star phi persei below pretti planetari nebula m76 lovejoy long tail also known littl dumbbel nebula brighter cousin m27 dumbbel nebula m76 full moon width away comet greenish coma still shine northern hemispher skies comet lovejoy c2014 q2 outbound inner solar system 10 lightminut 190 million kilomet earth littl dumbbel actual lie 3 thousand lightyear away sweep steadili north toward constel cassiopeia comet lovejoy fade slowli predict still good target small telescopes,long lovejoy littl dumbbel,2015-02-27,622,95,0.0928571428571428,02-27,2,2015,27,3,2,5 caecdc856c2bb8d143c748bbed86d672a8e7fceeed27eb76c70f3372361e69a6,jay ouellet,taken februari 20 five differ exposur made rapid success use creat tantal telephoto image combination reveal wide rang bright visibl eye frigid evening urban glow quebec citi skylin tripl conjunct moon venu mars shortli sunset young moon show bright crescent next brilliant venus fainter mar near top frame though detail moon sunlit crescent wash out featur dark shadow part lunar disk remark clear still lack citi light lunar night illumin sole earthshine light reflect sunlit side planet earth,skylin,2015-02-28,495,78,0.190625,02-28,2,2015,28,2,1,1 502d41313c17d96344ffe0cb9bd2205f16c4e6d0055dae2114e576452603b012,none,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur one densest cluster known contain thousand galaxies galaxi hous billion star milki way galaxi does although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other mosaic imag small portion coma taken unpreced detail 2006 hubbl space telescop investig galaxi rich cluster form evolve galaxi coma cluster ellipticals although imag clearli spirals spiral galaxi upper left imag also found one bluer galaxi upper left wider field image background thousand unrel galaxi visibl far across universe,insid coma cluster galaxi,2015-03-01,648,99,0.025,03-01,3,2015,1,7,2,3 e2f340b5289e0c1535d89bbd36f45dd83c26959aba513a3a36828c97f0a235a1,none,late northern martian spring hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit spi local denizen track across flat dustcov amazoni planitia 2012 core whirl dust devil 140 meter diameter loft dust thin martian atmosphere plume reach 20 kilomet surface common region mars dust devil occur surfac heat sun gener warm rise air current begin rotate tangenti wind speed 110 kilomet per hour report dust devil hiris images follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,dust devil mar,2015-03-03,450,72,-0.0607142857142857,03-03,3,2015,3,5,0,2 3ed9c4bd42b82d4ded58b575a55500d097636950de7fc30f39b3802b17658498,larri van,dark structur aris pelican nebula visibl nebula toward constel bird pelican nebula place dot newli form star dark dust smokes dust grain form cool atmospher young star dispers stellar wind explosions impress herbigharo jet seen emit star right help destroy light yearlong dust pillar contain it featur imag scientificallycolor emphas light emit small amount ioniz nitrogen oxygen sulfur nebula made predominantli hydrogen helium pelican nebula ic 5067 ic 5070 2000 lightyear away found small telescop northeast bright star deneb,pillar jet pelican nebula,2015-03-04,528,79,0.1238095238095238,03-04,3,2015,4,4,1,5 eb6bea5af45eb4af40315af3b9e5c7c16ad5422375132e4d9b9667a6d12e8f15,none,sprawl calori basin mercuri one solar system largest impact basins creat earli histori solar system impact larg asteroids body fractur basin span 1500 kilomet enhanc color mosaic base imag data mercuryorbit messeng spacecraft mercury youngest larg impact basin calori subsequ fill appear orang mosaic crater made flood excav materi beneath surfac seen contrast blue hues like offer glimps origin basin floor material analysi crater suggest thick cover volcan lava kilometers orang splotch around basin perimet thought volcan vents,enhanc color calori,2015-03-05,530,78,-0.3666666666666667,03-05,3,2015,5,5,0,2 99fd4960904663abf1067ee71048cc4567b166e6126abb8ede0db39373cd1327,cedic team,faint somehow menac cometari globul cg4 reach center deep southern skyscape 1300 lightyear earth toward constel puppis head 15 lightyear diamet tail 8 lightyear long that far larger solar system comet seem fact dusti cloud contain enough materi form sever sunlik star like ongo star format within distinct form came still debated long tail trail away vela supernova remnant near center gum nebula head could repres ruptur origin spheric cloud still edgeon spiral galaxi also near pictur center actual threaten galaxi lie distant background 100 million lightyear away,cometari globul,2015-03-06,566,88,-0.025,03-06,3,2015,6,7,0,3 063aab6993a7f33855684abd25db643b32de4543168d37de282c6d12d4275cfe,goldman,near outskirt small magellan cloud satellit galaxi 200 thousand lightyear distant lie 5 million year young star cluster ngc 602 surround natal ga dust ngc 602 center telescop field view angular size full moon sky cluster 200 lightyear diameter glow interior ridg swept back shape strongli suggest energet radiat shock wave ngc 602 massiv young star erod dusti materi trigger progress star format move away cluster center course extend wing emiss region suggest popular name complex cosmic environment fli lizard nebula,ngc 602 fli nebula,2015-03-07,518,81,0.0363636363636363,03-07,3,2015,7,4,0,5 cc8c57694675e381549143a995dcf2220f8df35190d96cec48a103190d6a0a73,none,unusu spot surround galaxy imag supernova first time singl supernova explos seen split multipl imag gravit len deflect interven masses case mass larg galaxi home galaxi cluster featur imag captur last novemb earthorbit hubbl space telescope yellowhu supernova refsdal occur earli univers far behind cluster measur locat supernova imag allow astrophysicist recov amount dark matter galaxi cluster patienc luck fifth imag supernova also recov nearbi next years astrophysicists brows 1000 code astrophys sourc code librari,galaxi cluster four imag distant supernova,2015-03-09,519,75,-0.0333333333333333,03-09,3,2015,9,6,0,3 b6bf472c8d7b020cd7e6f91ba5680ea1533e9ea52786c910d18e6e2f3e14fb81,jame imag inspir,sever key condit came togeth creat shot includ dark night clouds epic auror display bodi water calm enough enough show reflect stars featur skyscap activ appear iceland vatnajkul glacier year ago january jkulsrln iceberg lagoon captur foreground aurora fill sky continu common near earth pole sun near solar maximum continu expel energet cloud plasma solar system follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,aurora iceland,2015-03-10,406,63,0.0166666666666666,03-10,3,2015,10,1,0,1 a681e0322fa6ea9114fd71ac48ac2f57686a3bccd36a21bb61112a87782bece5,diego rizzo,first unusu loud bang appear eye amaz all wait near midnight see possibl erupt volcn de fuego volcano guatemala last month readi camera captur extraordinari image lava seen run side volcano ash rise up glow magma bubbl explod caldera light near town seen background one sever nearbi town wit sever spectacular erupt previously high above seemingli tranquil comparison familiar star night sky although volcn de fuego usual undergo lowlevel activity next spectacular erupt occur unknown click universe random apod gener,volcano fire erupt star,2015-03-11,517,80,0.1223333333333333,03-11,3,2015,11,8,1,1 c331b2c8633a1946aefa839b4321d7d205a70e3270e0c6b51f6bde0bc9f4bae7,jimmi walker,wshape ridg emiss featur vivid skyscap known cygnu wall part larger emiss nebula distinct outlin popularli call north america nebula cosmic ridg span 20 lightyears construct use narrowband data highlight telltal reddish glow ioniz hydrogen atom recombin electrons two frame mosaic imag follow ioniz front fine detail dark dusti form silhouette sculpt energet radiat region young hot massiv stars dark shape inhabit view cloud cool ga dust star like form within north america nebula itself ngc 7000 1500 lightyear away,along cygnu wall,2015-03-12,517,80,0.1379629629629629,03-12,3,2015,12,4,1,5 7189bf8123a873958f8f85573f0ebd18c8b627a98b060174072f9795060ef19f,franci,last friday almost full moon rose sun set mountain landscap north beijing china also near apogee farthest point ellipt orbit around planet earth year smallest faintest full moon section great wall china scene ancient great wall subject myth would visibl eye stand lunar surface even low earth orbit larg scale artifact human civil difficult identify farthest fair planet moon shine brightli twilight sky though pose faint pinkish band known antitwilight arch belt venus,great wall moonlight,2015-03-13,469,73,0.1948717948717948,03-13,3,2015,13,2,1,1 60ab580e251e021a30751773cc026170d5ddce4abf9486df2aa30972441462e6,none,thursday shortli local sunris central asia soyuz spacecraft float sea golden cloud descent parachut planet earth dens atmosphere board expedit 42 command barri nasa alexand russian feder space agenc touch approxim 1007 pm edt am march 12 time southeast zhezkazgan kazakhstan three return low earth orbit almost six month intern space station member expedit 41 expedit 42 crews,return sunris,2015-03-14,376,58,0.06,03-14,3,2015,14,8,0,2 82ef4f250a336d6b8e3dee4bf82ec580f25e2803e2ca173c02d5a603f7c635ca,fred bruenjesmoonglownet,would go end world see total eclips sun did would surpris find someon els already 2003 sun moon antarctica two photograph line antarctica unusu total solar eclipse even given extrem location group enthusiast eclips chaser ventur near bottom world experi surreal momentari disappear sun behind moon one treasur collect pictur composit four separ imag digit combin realist simul adapt human eye saw eclipse imag taken moon sun peek togeth antarct ridge sudden darkness magnific corona sun becam visibl around moon quit accident anoth photograph caught one imag check video camera visibl left equip bag collaps chair total solar eclips occur friday visibl north atlant ocean,total eclips end world,2015-03-15,672,105,-0.0055555555555555,03-15,3,2015,15,1,2,1 2eb736d5c82c79d16b03b517eec090510637b45a9b615cfee938de438804bee8,rogeliobern andreo,cradl cosmic dust glow hydrogen stellar nurseri orion hunter lie edg giant molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away span 30 degrees breathtak vista stretch across wellknown constel head toe left right beyond 1500 light year away great orion nebula closest larg star form region visibl right center left horsehead nebula m78 orion belt stars slide cursor pictur also find red giant betelgeus hunter shoulder bright blue rigel foot witch head nebula illumin rigel glow lambda orioni meissa nebula left near orion head course orion nebula bright star easi see unaid eye dust cloud emiss extens interstellar ga nebularich complex faint much harder record mosaic broadband telescop images addit imag data acquir narrow hydrogen alpha filter use bring pervas tendril energ atom hydrogen ga like arc giant barnard loop,cloud orion hunter,2015-03-16,808,127,0.1105442176870748,03-16,3,2015,16,4,2,5 bd9bf48c2dd196bf92c0fccae9c0010462a8cbd9bf2075d0377e9910eb90da72,vegastar carpenti,see it common question frequent preced rediscoveri one commonli recogn configur star northern sky big dipper group star one thing like seen seen everi human generation featur image however star big dipper digit enhanc realli appear much brighter nearbi stars imag taken earlier month france big dipper constellation although part constel great bear ursa major big dipper aster known differ name differ societies five big dipper star actual near space like form nearli time rel stellar motion caus big dipper slowli chang appar configur next 100000 years follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,big dipper enhanc,2015-03-17,597,94,0.0713235294117647,03-17,3,2015,17,6,2,1 32c8bfa1c596dfb73b1ce10cf33334d8936b55a6396e79ba5d94ce4fee25f74c,none,earth look like total solar eclipse appear dark region peopl see eclipse that shadow moon falls shadow spot actual shoot across earth nearli 2000 kilomet per hour darken locat path minut move on featur imag show earth total solar eclips 2006 march seen intern space station friday moon move front sun again cast anoth distort circular shadow that time zip part north atlant ocean,earth total eclips sun,2015-03-18,379,64,-0.0375,03-18,3,2015,18,1,0,1 29d1942c9ecbe81ffbced592fd9d4dcce8f6f7ca6e7c872dc87a6647531af8ae,clear sky,night march 1718 umbrella northern light unfold backyard vallentuna sweden 30 kilomet north result strongest geomagnet storm solar cycle auror display captur night back front yard even lower latitudes includ sight midwestern unit states boon aurora hunt skywatchers space storm began build coron mass ejection launch solar activ two day earlier struck planet earth magnetosphere what name backyard observatori right wide field view that observatory course,aurora backyard,2015-03-19,455,66,0.1171428571428571,03-19,3,2015,19,8,1,1 629282c76dfc31d11edc854ceacdd300020350f414142ecd9157407ca3dd226b,none,today date mark equinox new moon remarkably exact time geocentr event occur within span 13 hours moon also reach new phase 14 hour perigee closest point orbit make equinox new moon largest new moon 2015 though hard see sinc lunar phase present moon dark night side planet earth still well compos imag young lunar phase late januari glimps night day lunar surface night side faintli illumin earthshin next day brightli sunlit crescent see today equinox new moon equinox solar eclips total across stretch arctic ocean visibl partial phase europe northern africa western asia gallery today solar eclips,sunshine earthshin,2015-03-20,599,97,0.0126767676767676,03-20,3,2015,20,2,2,1 f5865ee2e0cad1126bcda6cf150c2a24ca5a91fe13268cce77c39c441e72db72,stan honda,snowi cold weather might expect start spring arctic archipelago svalbard norway turn good weather watch moon umbral shadow race across northern planet earth region plung dark 3 minut march 20 total solar eclips insul eclips chaser wit dark sun cold clear sky welltim snapshot captur near end totality moon shadow sweep away horizon solar corona fade lunar disk begin uncov sun stream past moon edge direct ray sunlight creat fleet appear glisten diamond ring gallery solar eclips,northern equinox eclips,2015-03-21,479,77,-0.075,03-21,3,2015,21,2,0,1 90096d77de6973a3f65cb697c277243492657d3dfd1ebf6c7c07858d69ab3aeb,thierri legault,sun eclips twice time last friday noteworthi part earth treat rare total eclips sun also friday part earth saw part sun eclipsed second object appear simultan front sun earthorbit intern space station although space station eclips quick case 06 seconds rare captur composit imag took lot plan littl luck photograph dodg seri third object also line front sun clouds superpos timelaps sequenc taken de la sierra southern spain dark disk moon domin lower right sun textur surfac show sever filament and edge prominence gallery solar eclips,doubl eclips sun,2015-03-22,537,86,0.1069047619047619,03-22,3,2015,22,1,0,1 54a9b5a8265590e6a15bd5d9a50b2fa662a575e1fa4890cdd3277172b790a212,ben photography,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description pictur above atla v rocket carri nasa magnetospher mission earth orbit 10 day ago studi work magnetospher surround protect earth stand start 300000 kilogram rocket ship left circl earth outsid air thin breathe rocket bound space launch somewher earth week,atla v launch,2015-03-23,435,69,-0.0258333333333333,03-23,3,2015,23,8,0,2 85f1e06def721cab36d3a568647509124067216bc616a88cb2c7d23e2c405957,ajay talwar the world night,quickli went obscur one brighter star sagittariu fading name nova 2015 no 2 stellar explos brightest nova visibl earth year featur imag captur four day ago indian sever star western sagittariu make aster known nova indic arrow appear like new side last night nova sag fade brighter visual magnitud 5 edg unaid visibility even so nova still easili findabl binocular dark sky sunris next week gallery solar eclips,nake eye nova 2015 2,2015-03-25,412,68,-0.0198051948051948,03-25,3,2015,25,6,0,1 761e814a8cc6896ff3dce1c3e544f6f917ae806562adc57168533a28862acfc6,bill dickinson,spring come planet earth northern hemisphere familiar winter constel orion set earli even sky bud tree frame hunter stars yellowish hue cool red supergi alpha orionis great star betelgeuse branch top color skyscape orion alpha star join far right alpha tauri also known aldebaran also giant star cooler sun shine yellow light head taurus bull contrast blue supergi rigel beta orionis orion domin star though mark hunter foot center course sword orion hang hunter three blue belt star near pictur center middl star sword star all slightli fuzzi pinkish glow hint true nature nearbi stellar nurseri visibl unaid eye known orion nebula,orion spring,2015-03-26,632,102,0.1947478991596638,03-26,3,2015,26,6,2,5 4892988e0144badf891e4471f7f4057728c41d68d1228f53d09d88e4db522aa8,martin pugh,magnific island univers ngc 2403 stand within boundari longneck constel camelopardalis 10 million lightyear distant 50000 lightyear across spiral galaxi also seem fair share giant star form hii regions mark telltal reddish glow atom hydrogen gas giant hii region energ cluster hot massiv star explod bright supernova end short furiou lives member m81 group galaxies ngc 2403 close resembl anoth galaxi abund star form region lie within local galaxi group m33 triangulum galaxy spiki appearance bright star color galaxi portrait ngc 2403 lie foreground within milki way,ngc 2403 camelopardali,2015-03-27,568,87,0.25,03-27,3,2015,27,7,1,3 7eca91a01224e6f11b4f4e07956ce3c836bdc67fba37bb3e10515891ee83d829,wang letian,near march 20 equinox cold clear sky norway planet earth held engag sight total eclips sun new moon silhouett stage three minut long total phase seem sprout glisten diamond bright bead time laps composit geocentr celesti event last first glimps solar disk lunar limb surround glow sun inner corona give impress diamond ring sky boundari totality sunlight stream valley irregular terrain along moon edge produc effect known baily beads name english astronom franci baili champion explan phenomenon 1836 sharp composit also show array pinkish solar promin loft edg eclips sun,diamond ring baily bead,2015-03-28,573,90,0.0393356643356643,03-28,3,2015,28,1,0,1 e9fa4bad6c712952a9a69e77d58f03b831b2c29202b36e279d7cc2da4bc5a277,robert u,cow surviv moon one question ask space scientist spent decad debat key issue finally extens comput model dozen midnight engin designed built test new lunar graze modul multipurpos celesti system now mani surpris wish happi april fool day apod best knowledge current plan launch cow space one reason cow tend larg anim launch easili friendli cow may be comparison show robot rover usual effect scientif explorers featur imag thoughtprovok work art name realli display popular scienc museum,moon,2015-04-01,488,77,0.0710858585858586,04-01,4,2015,1,8,0,2 8b2f8cbae0036e6172cb5093f8c78f8239fae2b0e17608eaab512ce2a5954d41,christoph kaltsei,owl galaxi sail sky blue yellow star go togeth beneath big dipper wonder are galaxy light shine night ten million lightyear away never fear owl near insid milki way cosmic owl central star spiral galaxi lie edg show dust dust dust show dust,owl galaxi,2015-04-02,240,43,0.0714285714285714,04-02,4,2015,2,7,0,1 800abc63d951b72eab11e34ea1138aad977f1c63ce2a8db66569b226221e97d2,göran strand,two pictur captur april 1 combin creativ day night composite separ time 10 hour imag otherwis look along coast sweden rel time chosen show sun nearli full moon place cold earli springtim sky night scene jupit also shine waterfront lights sun moon surround beauti circular ice halo sun moon halo realli angular radiu 22 degrees radiu constant determin bright sun moon hexagon geometri atmospher ice crystal reflect refract light cours tomorrow april 4 find sun moon opposit side planet earth total lunar eclipse,sun moon halo,2015-04-03,510,83,0.1416666666666667,04-03,4,2015,3,2,1,1 90ff847f2b531d5b0b7d4db62615aa3d6f36b97548a896de9a63efc68aa92164,none,mysteri hanny voorwerp dutch hanny object realli enormous size milki way galaxi glow strongli greenish light produc ioniz oxygen atoms thought tidal tail materi left ancient galaxi merger illumin ioniz outburst quasar inhabit center distant spiral galaxi ic 2497 excit 2007 discoveri dutch schoolteach hanni van arkel particip onlin galaxi zoo project sinc inspir search discoveri eight eeri green cosmic features imag panel hubbl space telescope eight appear near galaxi energet cores far outsid associ galaxies object also like echo quasar activity illumin light core quasar outburst reach ultim fade ten thousand year quasar outburst fade away cours galaxi merger like impend merger milki way andromeda galaxy could also trigger birth quasar would illumin distant futur version hanny,space,2015-04-04,786,118,0.0454545454545454,04-04,4,2015,4,7,2,4 e373cabeb8b590a3099a33cdef083100dc18054cbbdd4ce0e2c61f12ee2ddd05,none,hot blue star shine brightli beautiful recent form galact open star cluster open cluster ngc 3293 locat constel carina lie distanc 8000 light years particularli high abund young bright stars studi ngc 3293 impli blue star 6 million year old wherea cluster dimmer redder star appear 20 million year old true star format open cluster took least 15 million years even amount time short however compar billion year star like sun live overten billion year lifetim mani galaxi universe pictured ngc 3293 appear front dens dust lane red glow hydrogen ga eman carina nebula astrophysicists brows 1000 code astrophys sourc code librari,ngc 3293 bright young star cluster,2015-04-06,626,102,0.1498086124401914,04-06,4,2015,6,6,2,3 f7e15e5d972d729b154883cad08c67b78ab03be99de964bba3133c3052bea48d,rolf olsen,last week full moon complet immers earth dark umbral shadow briefli though total phase april 4 2015 lunar eclips last less 5 minutes shortest total lunar eclips century fact slide within earth umbral shadow northern edge lunar north stay rel bright beauti rang blue red hue emerg across rest moon earthfac hemisphere redden light within shadow reach lunar surfac filter lower atmosphere seen lunar perspect come sunset sunris around edg silhouet earth close shadow edge bluer light still filter earth atmosphere origin ray sunlight pass layer high upper stratosphere light color ozon absorb red light transmit bluer hues sharp telescop view total new zealand planet earth moon north pole rotat top frame,full moon earth shadow,2015-04-08,703,112,0.143080808080808,04-08,4,2015,8,2,2,1 0cedf883849cdf469c9e8c5de7561855d8e9db02e73c49cd8be40193300d1230,rogelio bernalandreo,shadow play water sky panoram view april 4 total lunar eclips san francisco golden gate bridge within planet earth shadow full moon disk still easi spot brief total phase urban night skyscap compos cover wide rang bright visibl eye shortest total lunar eclips century eclips also third string four consecut total lunar eclipses seri known tetrad come nearli six month intervals previou two last april 15 octob 8 next final eclips tetrad septemb 28 tetrad one 8 total lunar eclips 21st century,golden gate eclips,2015-04-09,492,82,0.078125,04-09,4,2015,9,2,0,1 aff04df2e74ab49aa75d3a3c863b864c889ad638efbf0c4f58bdfedbbdadbbb0,toni halla,bar spiral galaxi ngc 2903 20 million lightyear distant popular among amateur astronomers shine northern spring constel leo near top lion head part constel sometim seen revers question mark one brighter galaxi visibl northern hemisphere ngc 2903 surprisingli miss charl messier catalog lustrou celesti sights color imag small groundbas telescop show galaxy gorgeou spiral arm trace young blue star cluster pinkish star form regions includ intrigu detail ngc 2903 bright core remark mix old young cluster immens dust ga clouds fact ngc 2903 exhibit except rate star format activ near center also bright radio infrared ultraviolet xray bands littl smaller milki way ngc 2903 80000 lightyear across,ngc miss jewel leo,2015-04-10,695,107,0.1533333333333333,04-10,4,2015,10,7,2,3 4cae0fc6559c3dd4fdadea094109ccb329f208b867d59221ae032de32e53423b,babak tafreshi,come days venu shine near western horizon sunset find earth sister planet twilight sky look brilliant even star tonight close pleiad star cluster venu domin springtim night skyscap taken day ago near town central germany also known seven sisters star compact pleiad cluster appear venu picture bud tree branch left frame bright star aldebaran eye tauru bull vshape hyad star cluster,venu west,2015-04-11,382,61,0.2571428571428572,04-11,4,2015,11,6,1,1 16c70e466d9bea9ad53cce699be32b09462fb6f5728dbdbdaacab66de88010f3,sergio montfar,view worth trip battl high winds cold temperatures low oxygen trek near top volcano santa maria guatemala carri sensit camera equip lone difficult set up though camera captur breathtak vista earli morn hour februari 28 visibl ground six volcano central america volcan arc includ volcano fire seen erupt distance visibl sky separ exposur taken minut later mani star much distance well central band milki way galaxi situat horizont overhead,milki way erupt volcano,2015-04-13,440,69,0.0145454545454545,04-13,4,2015,13,6,0,1 f21e3a22b10a1a82b32abd00774c282edfa920bade65d56a04dd83682b163dbb,david,star versu dust carina nebula star winning precisely energet light wind massiv newli form star evapor dispers dusti stellar nurseri formed locat carina nebula known inform mystic mountain pillar appear domin dark dust even though compos mostli clear hydrogen gas dust pillar actual much thinner air appear mountain due rel small amount opaqu interstellar dust 7500 lightyear distant featur imag taken hubbl space telescope digit reprocess industri highlight interior region carina span three light years within million years star like win complet entir dust mountain destroyed week intern dark sky week,mystic mountain dust pillar,2015-04-15,602,91,0.1625,04-15,4,2015,15,4,2,5 fad07090bed59607589558aeedd0b2da14ac1c67f9a8a57512c28c7b2a58e44e,martin pugh,spiral galaxies includ milki way two spiral arms ngc 4725 one sharp color composit image solo spira mirabili seem wind promin ring bluish newborn star cluster red tint star form regions odd galaxi also sport obscur dust lane yellowish central bar structur compos older popul stars ngc 4725 100 thousand lightyear across lie 41 million lightyear away wellgroom constel coma berenices comput simul format singl spiral arm suggest either lead trail arm respect galaxy overal rotation also includ frame sport notic tradit spiral galaxi look distant background galaxy,onearm spiral galaxi ngc 4725,2015-04-16,562,88,-0.0464285714285714,04-16,4,2015,16,7,0,3 968321e0859b5224bae837b39b876287d94f3f7860ad06c4b0ae5ff535a46257,none,one largest young crater mercury 114 kilomet mile diamet hokusai crater bright ray known extend across much planet mosaic obliqu view focus hokusai close up sunlit central peaks terrac crater walls frozen sea impact melt crater floor imag captur messeng spacecraft first orbit mercury sinc 2011 messeng conduct scientif explorations includ extens imag solar system innermost planet run propel unabl counter orbit caus sun gravity messeng predict impact surfac mercuri april 30,great crater,2015-04-18,476,72,0.25,04-18,4,2015,18,5,1,2 2e6f5ab0e8778e00e644c01c0ddb187b6c00227cbdb985f1a44d3bbd6eb22340,none,could galaxi becom shape like ring rim blue galaxi pictur right immens ringlik structur 150000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxy 0644741 known ring galaxi caus immens galaxi collision galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus entir small intrud galaxi pass larg one happens interstellar ga dust becom condensed caus wave star format move impact point like rippl across surfac pond intrud galaxi outsid frame taken hubbl space telescope featur imag taken commemor anniversari hubble launch 1990 ring galaxi 0644741 lie 300 million light year away,ring galaxi 0644741 hubbl,2015-04-19,635,98,0.2622448979591837,04-19,4,2015,19,7,2,4 4f1e892ec0cebebc53bcd077f7ae02fea510aaa879bf09c1f3b7a57a2b3e0a63,andr van der hoeven,star form color surroundings featur star form region rich glow ga dark dust toward constel swan cygnus near bright star region span 50 light years part gamma cygni nebula lie 1800 light year distant toward right imag barnard dark twist dust cloud rich cool molecular gas dramat wall dust redglow hydrogen ga form line pictur center glow red ga indic small emiss nebulas blue tint area reflect nebula starlight reflect usual dark dust grains gamma cygni nebula like last next billion years bright young star explode dust destroyed ga drift away explor virtual universe random apod gener,color star cloud cygnu,2015-04-22,586,97,0.0970779220779221,04-22,4,2015,22,4,2,5 25b595f599886657bc1012d81ae247856caeab8c27ed376d107811c245a35188,rogelio bernalandreo,lap rock along shore island planet earth wave infus subtl blue light sea night skyscape compos seri long exposur made april 16 imag captur faint glow noctiluca also known sea sparkl blue marin bioluminesc stimul wave motion citi light along coast mainland china shine beneath low cloud west star faint milki way still fill night above horizon galaxy central bulg dark rift seem echo rock lumin waves,blue milki way,2015-04-24,399,67,-0.0363636363636363,04-24,4,2015,24,6,0,1 0dd4f5abc0839b1198bd0e44021f280e82ffa6e7ad7c25c24500f7fa0fdc525c,nasa,locat 20000 lightyear away constel carina young cluster starform region westerlund 2 fill cosmic scene captur hubble camera nearinfrar visibl light stun imag celebr 25th anniversari launch hubbl space telescop april 24 1990 cluster dens concentr luminous massiv star 10 lightyear across strong wind radiat massiv young star sculpt shape region ga dust starform pillar point back central cluster red dot surround bright star cluster faint newborn stars still within natal ga dust cocoons brighter blue star scatter around like westerlund 2 cluster instead lie foreground hubbl anniversari field view,cluster region westerlund 2,2015-04-25,598,90,0.1233333333333333,04-25,4,2015,25,6,2,5 24227f47cc2832fe58d3a48df20bd301c26bc78a78baaddfbec0458cf058ef95,dani caxet,what front moon intern space station use precis timing earthorbit space platform photograph front partial lit moon last year featur imag taken madrid spain exposur time 11000 second contrast durat transit iss across entir moon half second station seen dark side day night line known terminator numer circular crater visibl distant moon well compar rough light color terrain known highlands rel smooth dark color area known maria onlin tool tell intern space station visibl area follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,space station lunar termin,2015-04-27,521,82,0.003030303030303,04-27,4,2015,27,2,0,1 079ae1a01059c6ec826cd2eb87419d39d8175db173a8797f5b63f7a1261605b7,none,what happen comet wide comet move closer sun heat caus nucleu expel ga dust rosetta spacecraft arriv comet doubl nucleu last juli coorbit sun giant dark iceberg recent analysi data beam back earth robot rosetta spacecraft shown water expel 67p signific differ water earth indic earth water could origin ancient collis comet like 67p additionally neither rosetta phila lander detect magnet field around comet nucleus indic magnet might evolut earli solar system comet 67p shown crescent phase fals color increas evapor rate near closest approach sun 2015 august reach sun distanc bit earth,comet crescent,2015-04-29,588,93,-0.0214285714285714,04-29,4,2015,29,3,0,2 f0cbfbea078759d58ff0d894cfd6b91ff8f4642060fae645d8ef71141a988c73,göran strand,long solar filament stretch across rel calm surfac sun telescop snap shot april 27 neg invert narrowband imag made light ioniz hydrogen atoms seen upper left magnific curtain magnet plasma tower surfac actual reach beyond sun edge long solar long distanc earth moon illustr scale insert left track toward right across solar disk day later long filament lift away sun surface monitor sun stare satellites coron mass eject also blast site expect swing wide fair planet,across sun,2015-04-30,466,76,0.0989795918367346,04-30,4,2015,30,1,0,1 29b798fca86984a754103b1dfdc28e640659734f8afe5ab7ffa9d979d7c37664,none,first orbit mercury messeng spacecraft came rest region mercury surfac yesterday construct messeng imag laser altimet data scene look north northeastern rim broad lava fill shakespear basin large 48 kilomet 30 mile wide crater near upper left edge terrain height color code red region 3 kilomet blue ones messenger final orbit predict end near center spacecraft impact surfac nearli 4 kilomet per second over mile per creat new crater 16 meter feet diameter impact far side mercuri observ telescopes confirm signal detect spacecraft given time emerg behind planet launch 2004 mercuri surface space environment rang spacecraft complet 4000 orbit reach solar system innermost planet 2011,messenger last day mercuri,2015-05-01,685,105,0.0226968344155844,05-01,5,2015,1,8,2,2 40b5a479a3c84a58a02a648b4014ea5078ead1b1114c321434396e601a2a86b6,martin pugh,follow handl big dipper away dipper bowl get handle last bright star then slide telescop littl south west might find stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi right ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi eye deep imag like one reveal strike color faint tidal debri around smaller galaxi,m51 whirlpool galaxi,2015-05-02,553,89,-0.0364285714285714,05-02,5,2015,2,7,0,3 b6947f9b8ca6deff5203b7a92d832c4e1ad141a3106c9df130a483f0d8b1d471,tommi,sometim sky light unexpectedly trip northern norway photograph aurora go well hoped past midnight northern norway date 2014 februari 8 despit recent activ sun sky disappointing therefore astrophotograph began pack go brother began search miss len cap sky suddenli explod spectacular aurora react quickly sequenc detail dramat green curtain captured bright moon near imag center seek brother far right auror flare last minutes memori event photograph last much longer follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,unexpect aurora norway,2015-05-04,509,76,0.1043154761904762,05-04,5,2015,4,8,0,1 e31d64d43274462e5c4d8ef06cd34a15bdcc3cb58bde99c3071a34be4174adb5,none,what surfac mercury robot messeng spacecraft orbit planet mercuri past four year transmit data back earth radio wave precis energy planet gravity however slightli chang energi measur earth enabl reconstruct graviti map unpreced gravit anomali shown falsecolor superpos imag planet crater surface red hue indic area slightli higher gravity turn indic area must unusu dens matter surface central area calori basin huge impact featur measur 1500 kilomet across last week complet mission run low fuel messeng purpos crash onto mercury surface,gravit mercuri,2015-05-05,538,81,0.05,05-05,5,2015,5,8,0,2 70ed036b3f9c4bed2f92ebd731c265b835bd0b368537188d2dcf29522c02b2b2,twan,ever seen summer triangle bright star vega deneb altair form larg triangl sky seen rise northern earli spring morn rise northern fall evening summer months triangl found nearli overhead near midnight featur here summer triangl aster captur last month japan foreground sport triangular shape own flower 500 year old cherri tree stand 15 meter tall triangular shape aster evid direct earth actual star thousand light year apart space astrophysicists brows 1000 code astrophys sourc code librari,summer japan,2015-05-06,493,76,0.25,05-06,5,2015,6,6,1,1 e4776260179c8e7a0f47ad2c0c545fc3b72dd5f76d1f9a53eed34c778bd5a4c4,yuri beletski,ever want look eyepiec larg telescop space could would see sharp view diffract limited unaffect atmospher blur ultim earthbound observers angular resolut diffract limit view would determin wavelength light diamet telescop len larger diameter sharper image still work earthbas snapshot new activ adapt optic system use atmospher blur visual observ famou doubl star system alpha centauri test system eyepiec 65 meter diamet magellan clay telescop la campana observatory astronom close enjoy histor diffract limit view inset wide appar separ close binari star system without travel low earth orbit,diffract,2015-05-07,595,88,0.0711038961038961,05-07,5,2015,7,8,2,4 852e17c6838b6c0e4ad3d6d206189e3b2dbf00e6249efe3b6fa7aff51bc01684,miguel claro,12000 year vega north star closest bright star fair planet north celesti pole then fix camera tripod long exposur night sky show concentr arc star trail center point near vega earth rotat axis course present bright star conveni near north celesti pole polaris chang earth axi rotat like wobbl spin top precess period 26000 years camera readi want wait 12000 year vega north star consid ingeni demonstr contemporari star trail left versu star trail reminisc year record april alqueva dark sky reserv alentejo portugal produc star trail distant future astronom combin rotat two camera mount creat appar shift north celesti pole thank apod reader note vega north star also appear near posit polari rel,vega north,2015-05-08,698,114,0.1785714285714285,05-08,5,2015,8,6,2,4 4640aa3e3efe20607d9add7acf61f3a2a3d1feaba67b8e7345f95bb8afc10a59,philipp,popular group famou leo triplet gather three magnific galaxi one field view crowd pleaser imag even modest telescopes introduc individu ngc 3628 left m66 bottom right m65 top three larg spiral galaxi tend look dissimilar galact disk tilt differ angl line sight ngc 3628 seen edgeon obscur dust lane cut across plane galaxy disk m66 m65 inclin enough show spiral structure gravit interact galaxi group also left telltal signs includ warp inflat disk ngc 3628 drawn spiral arm m66 gorgeou view region span one degre two full moons sky field cover 500 thousand lightyear trio estim distanc 30 million lightyears,trio leo,2015-05-09,609,100,0.2294642857142857,05-09,5,2015,9,7,2,3 99376939f4ef651560884f3cfcee4a61ac2f51e722084bfa4c00af0281a8e183,shane black rollov annotation judi schmidt,could stand top volcano peer across universe time right might see amaz panorama like one featur here case volcano hawaii mauna kea time clear night last summer foreground panorama lie rug landscap dot rock hardi slightli out white blanket cloud spread horizont horizon seemingli divid heaven earth citi light illumin cloud sky far left orang lava volcan caldera kilauea light cloud left center summit even distant hawaiian volcano mauna loa visibl dark silhouett near central horizon green airglow visibl clouds caus air molecul excit sun day moon bright orb right diffus band lightcolor zodiac light extend far right distant dramat central band milki way galaxi appear rise vertic mauna person wit captur breathtak panorama stand imag center follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,sky mauna kea,2015-05-11,785,124,0.1211309523809523,05-11,5,2015,11,6,2,1 9982edaaa654a5ea44e83a731092178366cbc8fc7bb2a2a5d22e2925606cb744,data giusepp processing roberto colombari,sculpt stellar wind radiation magnific interstellar dust cloud chanc assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula 1500 lightyear distant embed vast orion cloud complex five lightyear tall dark cloud catalog barnard 33 visibl obscur dust silhouet glow red emiss nebula ic 434 star form within dark cloud contrast blue reflect nebula ngc 2023 surround hot young star lower left gorgeou featur imag combin narrowband broadband images,magnific horsehead nebula,2015-05-13,438,66,-0.009090909090909,05-13,5,2015,13,4,0,5 c15fa04a674ef065d0aa5099f9cda3916937ad8e169a8317d64cec9e80672320,none,ceres dawn camera record closer view dwarf planet northern hemispher one mysteri bright spot may 4 sunlit portrait small dark world 950 kilomet diameter imag part plan sequenc taken solarpow spacecraft long map orbit distanc kilomet miles anim sequenc show ceres rotation north pole top frame imag hubbl 2004 dawn approach cere 2015 bright spot reveal made smaller spot reflect materi could expos ice glint sunlight saturday dawn ion propuls system turn spiral spacecraft closer orbit june 6 cours anoth unexplor dwarf planet pluto expect arriv visitor earth new horizon spacecraft midjuly,dwarf planet bright spot,2015-05-14,589,92,0.1982954545454545,05-14,5,2015,14,8,1,2 62b6386e757f48a9c2e8cda68ee6602f99e8b71ffa2468695ba80726118164b3,damian peach,sharp snapshot solar system largest moon ganymed pose next jupiter largest planet captur march 10 small telescop fair planet earth scene also includ jupiter great red spot solar system largest storm fact ganymed 5260 kilomet diameter three fellow galilean satellites along saturn moon titan 5150 kilomet earth moon kilometers though shrink lately great red spot diamet still around kilometers jupiter solar system rule ga giant 143000 kilomet diamet equator that nearli 10 percent diamet sun,jupiter great red spot,2015-05-15,491,75,0.2138888888888889,05-15,5,2015,15,8,1,2 cff5505a74cc03b158daec62830eaddb50fb2702be9ca6e7212f712823cfcf12,none,like pearl white dwarf star shine best freed shell analogy however sun would discard hull would shine prettiest all shell ga dust planetari nebula design ngc 2440 contain one hottest white dwarf star known glow stellar pearl seen bright dot near imag center portion ngc 2440 shown span one light year center sun eventu becom white dwarf anoth five billion years fals color imag captur hubbl space telescop 1995 ngc 2440 lie 4000 light year distant toward southern constel puppis,ngc 2440 new white dwarf,2015-05-17,478,80,0.1961538461538461,05-17,5,2015,17,4,1,3 aec3dc4dc9580d70a17bfcf0cafee475c4eda1db6e8e8b7c65f986251511a7db,vincent bradi,one night aurora weeks even so iceland last november faint aurora lit sky everi clear night featur 360degre panorama digit fusion four wideangl camera simultan take 101 shot 42 minutes foreground seren lake myvatn dot picturesqu rock format left ancient lava flows low green aurora sweep across sky show impress complex near horizon star far distanc appear show unusu trail earth turn earli exposur artifici faded follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,aurora star trail iceland,2015-05-18,458,73,-0.0777777777777777,05-18,5,2015,18,6,0,1 a42313c9c1bca53fc1ebc3bb5f173a9645f241a916486707275bcac180c08e92,none,globular star cluster 47 tucana jewel box southern sky also known ngc 104 roam halo milki way galaxi along 150 globular star clusters second brightest globular cluster after omega centauri seen planet earth 47 tuc lie 17000 lightyear away spot nakedey near small magellan cloud constel toucan dens cluster made hundr thousand star volum 120 lightyear across recent observ shown 47 white dwarf star process gravit expel outer part cluster due rel low mass color low mass star includ yellowish red giant star easi pick outskirt cluster recent releas sharp telescop portrait hubbl space telescope,globular star cluster 47 tuc,2015-05-19,593,95,-0.0307692307692307,05-19,5,2015,19,6,2,3 10969ec604760b78f7bdaa176c4c88b95773f6439806d55ce0c04ac2256f3399,none,what loom behind hill comet jag cliff unusu doublelob nucleu comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko lend unusu dramat vistas anoth captur rosetta spacecraft arriv comet last september featur taken last octob digit enhanced span 850 meter across meanwhile comet churyumovgerasimenko continu sprout jet near closest approach sun august along way rosetta continu listen signal philae probe land nucleu rebound unknown surfac locat last november newli expos sunlight phila might enough energi signal click universe random apod gener,cliff comet 67p,2015-05-20,519,74,-0.1125,05-20,5,2015,20,3,0,2 bacce4be3f7d78b8fa747ab7463b44d8691ebe322f72dbf41d3b525c39b1a0a6,none,ngc 6240 offer rare nearbi glimps cosmic catastroph final throes titan galaxygalaxi collis take place mere 400 million lightyear away constel ophiuchus merg galaxi spew distort tidal tail stars gas dust undergo fast furiou burst star formation two supermass black hole origin galact core also coalesc single even massiv black hole soon one larg galaxi remain dramat imag scene composit narrowband nearinfrar visibl broadband data hubble ac cameras view span 300000 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6240,ngc 6240 merg galaxi,2015-05-21,497,76,-0.0578231292517006,05-21,5,2015,21,7,0,3 a699d1794ff1b84c04c5c7f0f1adf6c743960b1f3739ec1f980b16fcbaeffc5b,scott rosen,dusti sky toward constel tauru orion arm milki way galaxy broad mosaic follow dark faint reflect nebula along region fertil molecular cloud six degre wide field view start long dark nebula ldn stretch lower left extend beyond birdlik visag babi eagl nebula lbn lower right small bluish reflect nebula surround scatter fainter tauru stars sight often favor constellation better known brighter celesti spectacles associ young variabl star ry yellowish nebula vdb 27 toward upper left 400 lightyear distant tauru molecular cloud one closest region lowmass star formation distanc dark vista would span 40 lightyears,dark dusti sky,2015-05-22,611,94,-0.0334523809523809,05-22,5,2015,22,4,2,5 bae2a39183803b08bf4aadb519f98d1ba237094e288ab0d7826caf3a7954481a,leonardo orazi,could caus center m94 bright spiral galaxi m94 ring newli form star surround nucleus give unusu appear also strong interior glow lead progenitor hypothesi hold elong knot star known bar rotat m94 gener burst star format inner ring recent observ reveal outer fainter ring close rel complex m94 pictur span 30000 light years lie 15 million light year away seen small telescop toward constel hunt dog cane venatici follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,starburst galaxi m94,2015-05-26,454,75,0.1425925925925925,05-26,5,2015,26,6,1,3 0e20f11837b59ead72689d8dc8e9aff32ad91545175489faf199cac30b8e280e,christoph go,telescop observ earth treat spectacular view saturn late ring planet reach 2015 opposit may 23 ut cours opposit mean opposit sun earth sky near opposit saturn night closest brightest year sharp imag taken within hour align also show strong brighten saturn ring known opposit surg seelig effect directli illuminated ring ici particl cast shadow strongli backscatt sunlight toward planet earth creat dramat surg brightness saturn current stand sky far bright antares alpha star constel scorpius,saturn opposit,2015-05-29,492,75,0.1328703703703703,05-29,5,2015,29,0,1,1 591162bf514621d03a6673fb27b81b69da9a8b46e5bd48c7f4b238a560065ed8,none,mani bright nebula star cluster planet earth sky associ name astronom charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog name also given two larg remark crater moon standout dark smooth lunar sea fertil mare fecunditatis messier left messier dimens 15 8 16 11 kilomet respectively elong shape explain extrem shallowangl trajectori follow impactor move left right goug craters shallow impact also result two bright ray materi extend along surfac right beyond picture intend view redblu glass red left eye strike stereo pictur crater pair recent creat high resolut scan two imag as11426304 as11426305 taken apollo 11 mission moon,messier crater stereo,2015-05-30,617,96,0.1462925170068027,05-30,5,2015,30,2,2,2 3fed8edac489aa170d6c8f05e8c0e6633c9245afb0c8842210fe7385687cf459,none,long ago far away star exploded supernova 1994d visibl bright spot lower left occur outskirt disk galaxi ngc 4526 supernova 1994d interest differ was rather similar supernovae fact light emit week explos caus given familiar design type ia supernova type 1a supernova intrins brightness dimmer supernova appears farther away must be calibr precis brightnessdist relation astronom abl estim expans rate univers parameter hubbl constant also geometri univers live parameter omega lambda larg number great distanc supernova measur past years combin observations interpret indic live previous unexpect universe,supernova 1994d unexpect univers,2015-05-31,605,87,0.1677738927738928,05-31,5,2015,31,6,2,3 75e795f89e1e6f9da762719034dd328777113047bd0506947ac74a278f3cd823,rogeliobern andreo,one two bright sky object right famou star polaris although 45th brightest star sky polari famou appear find it alway appear direct night day rest life northern spin pole earth call north celesti pole point near polaris left ten million time closer comet lovejoy notic chang sky posit hour featur imag taken last week offici design c2014 q2 lovejoy disintegr snowbal visit outer solar system appear near north star weeks long enough however northern binocular small telescop see greenish coma fleet newcomer perhap help good star map,polari comet lovejoy,2015-06-02,537,87,0.1219780219780219,06-02,6,2015,2,6,1,1 01a30cd268fe8c3297884abdd5db9c93f8305455b865f48446f892550790bd54,none,moon look like sponge better investigate nasa esa sent saturnorbit robot spacecraft cassini zoom past saturn moon hyperion again earlier week one imag beam back earth featur above raw visible expected mani unusu shape crater unusu dark materi bottom although hyperion span 250 kilometers small gravit tug cassini indic mostli empti space low surfac gravity therefore odd shape mani hyperion crater thought result impact primarili compress eject surfac materi instead typic round crater appear circular shock wave surfac material cassini track anoth flybi saturn dion two weeks retrospective previou june 3 apod,flybi imag saturn spong moon hyperion,2015-06-03,611,92,-0.0706196581196581,06-03,6,2015,3,0,0,2 534d340b70328f3c6ec6d3cf6e954a2510b1609b52abdbc7489b17c02076dc79,bob frank,three object stand thought telescop image view toward mostli stealthi constel lynx two brightest the spiki ones nearbi stars third remot globular star cluster ngc 2419 distanc nearli 300000 lightyears ngc 2419 sometim call the intergalact wanderer appropri titl consid distanc milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud 160000 lightyears roughli similar larg globular star cluster like omega centauri ngc 2419 intrins bright appear faint far away ngc 2419 may realli extragalact origin as example remain small galaxi captur disrupt milki way extrem distanc make difficult studi compar properti globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy,ngc 2419 intergalact wander,2015-06-04,640,96,-0.0642857142857142,06-04,6,2015,4,6,2,3 b4171883faafaa457401472e67a1740a10b0ca1dc7e78cad1453e8991fab67e7,el cielo de canaria,follow sunset clear day distant horizon might glimps green flash sun disappears sunlight briefli refract long sightlin atmospher layers spot green flash sunris too pinpoint exact place time see rise sun peek horizon littl difficult though harder still catch green flash fainter rise moon wellplan snapshot record green flash full moon upper edg june 2nd roqu de lo muchacho observatori canari island la palma look littl south due east long telephoto view find rise moon mountain sea clouds sunlit profil mountaintop teid observatori telescop dome island tenerif kilomet away,green flash moonris,2015-06-05,574,89,-0.0683333333333333,06-05,6,2015,5,1,0,1 20406512adcbdf034a2aa9e010a6e0492e1e7304d6b2d9cad1d259d8669d046a,none,fifti year ago june 3 1965 edward white step orbit gemini 4 spacecraft becom first us astronaut walk space white captur photo taken mission command jame insid capsul white spacewalk began pacif ocean gemini third orbit planet earth spacecraft tether reflect white gold tint helmet visor ga power gun held right hand though gun ran ga 3 minutes continu twist bodi pull tether remaind 23 minut long extra activity white later describ histor spacewalk comfort part mission said order end life,void,2015-06-06,489,81,0.0441558441558441,06-06,6,2015,6,8,0,2 5828ae7936f94d30d53c1d15ad498bd2c5ad9e30d3af0b1878320ed5badf566d,alexandro rollov annotation judi schmidt,what glow although may look like lighthouse ray light near horizon actual eman templ poseidon cape sounion greece templ light even reflect aegean sea foreground although meant monument sea image light seem point locat sky example wide ray toward right fortuit point toward lagoon nebula central band milki way run diagon imag upper left also nearli vertic beam seem point toward star cloud near direct wild duck open cluster stars featur imag taken less three week ago,milki way templ poseidon,2015-06-08,468,77,0.1079365079365079,06-08,6,2015,8,6,1,1 cf9eb6a08df206d79afe2a7baf779e96efa78b12b8c7fec37b8cda8f6eb9c04a,none,galaxi jump giant ring stars probabl not although precis dynam behind featur imag yet unclear clear pictur galaxy ngc 7714 stretch distort recent collis neighbor galaxy smaller neighbor ngc 7715 situat left featur frame thought charg right ngc 7714 observ indic golden ring pictur compos million older sunlik star like comov interior bluer stars contrast bright center ngc 7714 appear undergo burst new star formation ngc 7714 locat 100 million light year away toward constel fish pisces interact galaxi like start 150 million year ago continu sever hundr million year more singl central galaxi may result apod retrospective peculiar interact galaxi,galaxi ngc collis,2015-06-09,649,101,0.1392496392496392,06-09,6,2015,9,7,2,3 e18c1866ec6733fb9ea5ffa8ec101944e32200b96bcf3cd65814ba3dbd9a5565,walter,color skyscap span three full moon 15 degrees across nebula rich starfield along plane milki way galaxi royal northern constel cepheus near edg region massiv molecular cloud 2400 lightyear away bright reddish emiss region sharpless sh 155 lie upper left also known cave nebula 10 lightyear across cosmic cave bright rim ga ioniz ultraviolet light hot young stars dusti blue reflect nebula also abound interstellar canva cut dens obscur cloud dust long core lynd dark nebula ldn anchor scene lower right astronom explor reveal dramat sign star formation includ bright red fleck herbigharo hh 168 directli bright cave nebula herbigharo object emiss gener energet jet newborn star,light dark dusti,2015-06-11,677,107,0.2623949579831933,06-11,6,2015,11,4,2,5 46603e61e09c606b30703b1a378103320e876c1c4bd77517a1c9053ee6fab613,european southern observatori,braided serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away along southern border constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow unrelated bright foreground star near center closeup telescop view medusa transform central star actual dimmer star center toward righthand part frame medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2015-06-12,616,91,0.1124999999999999,06-12,6,2015,12,4,2,5 179a5a22f71392432e898e0da591189e4740b781089c59735c36c106174a404e,none,shortli mars june 2015 conjunction curios rover celebr 1000 sol red planet august 5 2012 landing curiosity sol martian day surfac correspond planet earth calendar date may 31 2015 lineofsight mar close sun near conjunction radio commun affect carsiz robot rover cautious remain park spot now view look back toward stomp ground curiosity nearli kilomet trek far hazi rim gale crater loom distance mosaick panorama construct imag navig camera taken curiosity sol,,2015-06-13,460,72,0.05,06-13,6,2015,13,5,0,2 541d1c533dc0476404eeeb14080fce64008c124be3e6fb38401f670a48ed7f55,robert gendler,mani galaxi appear spirals strike exampl m101 shown above whose rel close distanc 27 million light year allow studi detail observ evid indic close gravit interact neighbor galaxi creat wave high mass condens ga continu orbit galaxi center wave compress exist ga caus star formation one result m101 also call pinwheel galaxy sever extrem bright starform region call hii regions spread across spiral arms m101 larg immens graviti distort smaller nearbi galaxies,m101 pinwheel galaxi,2015-06-14,459,72,0.1933333333333333,06-14,6,2015,14,7,1,3 29673d8e5aebfb7a78fa09396dd8b2654a96d9eeb17044e2aeeb7298a23157ab,sergio montfar planetario ciudad de la plata,color ring around moon corona ring like sometim appear moon seen thin clouds effect creat quantum mechan diffract light around individual similarlys water droplet interven mostlytranspar cloud sinc light differ color differ wavelengths color diffract differently lunar corona one quantum mechan color effect easili seen unaid eye featur lunar corona captur around strawberri moon june 2 la plata argentina similar corona form around sun typic harder see sun great brightness phila lander,color lunar corona,2015-06-15,487,72,0.1375,06-15,6,2015,15,2,1,1 d503036f9c05e5ed6b0039a01e8d1bc8313054b1d8c35503f0091981d448adb4,apolog to vermeer astronom geographer imag pixelation rob stevenson,welcom year astronomi pictur day perhap sourc web consist some apod still here 20 year select images write text edit apod web pages occasion industri robert nemiroff left frequent persist jerri bonnel right pictur plot highlight yet anoth unsuspect imag cosmos although featur imag may appear similar whimsic vermeer composit ran apod fifth anniversary percept eye might catch digit repixel use mani 5000 apod imag appear apod tenure can find notabl apod images again apod would like offer sincer thank readership continu interest support mani graciou communications 20th anniversari histori astronomi pictur day,apod 20 year old today,2015-06-16,612,93,0.0771428571428571,06-16,6,2015,16,8,2,4 13ccdc0db8d48ced30aa6360872c15bd207ba33c3c7cd51bd633b7d2945c71d6,michael miller,big bright beauti spiral galaxi messier 64 often call black eye galaxi sleep beauti galaxi heavylid appear telescop views m64 17 million lightyear distant otherwis wellgroom northern constel coma berenices fact red eye galaxi might also appropri monik color composition enorm dust cloud obscur nearsid m64 central region lace telltal reddish glow hydrogen associ star form regions galaxy peculiar feature observ show m64 actual compos two concentric counterrot systems star m64 rotat direct interstellar ga galaxy central region ga outer regions extend 40000 lightyears rotat opposit direction dusti eye bizarr rotat like result billion year old merger two differ galaxies,m64 black eye galaxi,2015-06-18,672,100,0.0484848484848484,06-18,6,2015,18,7,2,3 20149f2439b5ee136a79d55d191913b24682f8f01e1b8fd531c43c9b3564c180,none,ride low earth orbit lightsail accomplish challeng test mission unfurl 32 squar meter solar sail june 7 dramat imag one bread size spacecraft fishey camera captur deploy sail glint sunlight sail visibl earthbound observ final orbit lightsail atmospher last weekend technolog demonstr way lightsail b spacecraft schedul launch april 2016 consid stuff scienc fiction sail space suggest 400 year ago astronom johann kepler observ comet tail blown solar wind modern solar sail designs like one test lightsail a reli small continu pressur sunlight thrust,,2015-06-19,549,84,-0.0099999999999999,06-19,6,2015,19,8,0,2 50cfefbe8ca96fe24dbe5cc0dda32119c7c0560a4387a91fce90c3a7130873e2,none,beauti nebula discov balanc libra serpent serpens begin descript 5th entri 18th centuri astronom charl messier famou catalog nebula star clusters though appear messier fuzzi round without stars messier 5 m5 known globular star cluster 100000 star more bound graviti pack region around 165 lightyear diameter lie 25000 lightyear away roam halo galaxy globular star cluster ancient member milki way m5 one oldest globulars star estim nearli 13 billion year old beauti star cluster popular target earthbound telescopes course deploy low earth orbit april 25 1990 hubbl space telescop also captur stun closeup view span 20 lightyear near central region m5 even close dens core left cluster age red blue giant star rejuven blue straggler stand yellow blue hue sharp color image,hubble messier 5,2015-06-20,774,122,0.065,06-20,6,2015,20,6,2,5 98d7075d68d377af12cfc819de5b5251e6d9dbd3469099a4cccc1972526ba3c8,kfir simon,blown fast wind hot massiv star cosmic bubbl huge catalog sharpless 2308 lie 5200 lightyear away toward constel big dog cani major cover slightli sky full moon correspond diamet 60 lightyear estim distance massiv star creat bubble wolfrayet star bright one near center nebula wolfrayet star 20 time mass sun thought brief presupernova phase massiv star evolution fast wind wolfrayet star creat bubbleshap nebula sweep slower move materi earlier phase evolution windblown nebula age 70000 years rel faint emiss captur expans imag domin glow ioniz oxygen atom map blue hue,sharpless 308 star bubbl,2015-06-23,570,90,0.11875,06-23,6,2015,23,4,2,5 cbe45cc56106b2ac6355d6ca2367753d6b0ff8cad02302e7854e42bca8aaee96,fernando,bright object hover horizon planet moon first out horizon featur shorelin atlant ocean occur nation park northern spain next furthest out left moon easili brightest object night sky moon crescent phase next furthest out right planet venus planet jupit seen top triangle long exposur rapidli rotat earth made celesti object includ far distant star appear slight arcs featur imag taken last sunday night although moon orbit taken away part sky planet venu jupit seen superpos sunset midaugust closest appar separ venu jupit occur one week two planet appear separ less angular diamet moon,tripl conjunct nation park,2015-06-24,588,93,0.104029304029304,06-24,6,2015,24,2,2,1 3fd86a690d55a0f2c8fc5f04d5ccb65d4985ab730fb78b3cb2d051e57a6113b1,eric,star trail urban light sprawl moonlit nightscap cape town south africa planet earth loom form tabl mountain almost seem hold terrestri light bay star circl planet south celesti pole modern perspect natur night sky captur june 2014 scene compos nine stack 30 second exposures stun result chosen winner light select 800 entri world night 2015 intern earth sky photo contest,star trail tabl mountain,2015-06-25,371,60,0.2333333333333333,06-25,6,2015,25,6,1,1 5b7a53e7997598133bd3aa2badaaf9d0bf07eda26b0d22a7417ddf1e4c86f8ac,rogelio bernalandreo,rise start northern summer night three bright star form familiar aster known summer triangle altair deneb vega alpha star respect constellations aquila cygnus lyra nestl near milki way close appar bright three look similar telescop portraits stellar stories similar appear hide fact summer triangl star actual span larg rang intrins luminos distance main sequenc dwarf star altair 10 time brighter sun 17 lightyear away vega also dwarf around 30 time brighter sun lie 25 lightyear away supergi deneb time solar lie 1400 lightyear distant course whitish blue hue star summer triangl hotter sun,star summer triangl,2015-06-27,592,93,0.1992424242424242,06-27,6,2015,27,6,2,3 590f456f6dac634bbfb7d6f344f8a33ed01a33a8ad26d86522ddb3dda761c2b3,nigel sharp,still known sun light miss colors visibl color sun produc pass sun light prismlik device spectrum creat mcmathpierc solar observatori shows first off although whiteappear sun emit light nearli everi color inde appear brightest yellowgreen light dark patch spectrum aris ga sun surfac absorb sunlight emit below sinc differ type ga absorb differ color light possibl determin gass compos sun helium example first discov 1870 solar spectrum later found earth today major spectral absorpt line identifi all new translations apod avail,color sun,2015-06-28,531,81,0.2317148760330578,06-28,6,2015,28,1,1,4 0147c58fb8533962423441362eddabc2be24d26f598a308d6d4b631e61d6b562,none,creat larg mountain asteroid ceres one yet sure anticip today asteroid day earth robot spacecraft dawn orbit around cere took best yet imag unusu tall mountain asteroid belt largest asteroid visibl top featur image except mountain rise five kilomet area otherwis appear pretti level imag taken two week ago kilomet away although origin hypothes mountain includ volcanism impacts plate clear evid back current lacking also visibl across ceres surfac enigmat light bright spot whose origin composit also remain activ topic investigation even though dawn expect continu orbit ceres offici dub dwarf planet million years hydrazin fuel use point dawn commun antenna toward earth expect run sometim next year tonight tomorrow see venu jupit togeth sunset,unusu mountain asteroid cere,2015-06-30,750,115,0.3555555555555555,06-30,6,2015,30,8,2,2 3db942264e51255c6b45e1ea9ac75a68d65944b82016bb81a6cc2285052f835f,petr horlek,seen pass planet yet today planet jupit venu pass within half degre seen earth conjunction visibl world quit easi see look west shortli sunset brightest object visibl horizon venu jupiter venu brighter two featur above close planet captur two night ago sunset sky grace also highlevel noctiluc clouds foreground astrophotographer sister take vista bank sec reservoir czech republic report first time seen noctiluc clouds jupit venu appear even closer togeth tonight continu visibl part sky midaugust tonight see venu jupit togeth sunset,venus jupiter noctiluc cloud,2015-07-01,538,82,-0.0041666666666666,07-01,7,2015,1,8,0,1 c1e481f8209f54d6fea74f8d77d07a7c6c9457047ff276450d21585c0fd7682f,wang letian,june 30 venu jupit close western sky dusk near culmin year gorgeou conjunction two bright even planet captur telescop field view imag taken sunset china two bright planet set togeth west nearli full moon rose horizon south east imag night telescop camera rise moon opposit part sky compar planetari conjunct scale digit composit image full lunar disk cover angl 12 degre sky visibl well binocular small telescop venus crescent jupiter four galilean moons course venu jupit still close,venu jupit close,2015-07-02,484,78,0.31875,07-02,7,2015,2,2,1,1 7f5d17c0b84838a4db94831200f0fd3411f5de747d7e4816829dbe21ddaf9a85,adam,june 30 venu jupit actual far apart appear close western sky dusk near culmin year gorgeou conjunction two bright even planet captur telescop field view sharp digit stack imag taken sunset poland fact band ga giant jupit million kilomet poland that 11 time farther crescent venus 78 million kilomet distant time sinc diamet giant planet jupit 11 time larger venu planet show angular size course 16th centuri astronom nicolau copernicu would also enjoy simultan telescop view includ jupiter four galilean moon crescent venus observ jupiter moon venus crescent phase evid copernican heliocentr model solar system,venu jupit far,2015-07-03,610,95,0.0977272727272727,07-03,7,2015,3,8,2,4 a9c8f12ea5c383d863fa860852e9eee8b9d6f2253a685777bc8b73a9f038236e,robert schwarz,fireworks intens shimmer light still danc across earth night sky late last month seen planet geograph south pole stun auror display trigger coron mass eject blast sun day earlier impact magnetosphere begin widespread geomagnet storm six fishey panel record digit camera batteri heat box degre f ambient temperatur long winter night around horizon south pole astronom observatories beyond aurora australi stretch star southern milki way,aurora australi,2015-07-04,435,65,0.0083333333333333,07-04,7,2015,4,6,0,1 6a2bec5db7b8345e3f51e169d9db2587ff9e8fc68cb4daddeed1f8554c148ebe,marku,sky near antar rho ophiuchi colorful color result mixtur object processes fine dust illumin front starlight produc blue reflect nebulae gaseou cloud whose atom excit ultraviolet starlight produc reddish emiss nebulae backlit dust cloud block starlight appear dark antares red supergi one brighter star night sky light yellowr cloud lower center featur image rho ophiuchi lie center blue nebula left distant globular cluster m4 visibl upper right center star cloud even color human see emit light across electromagnet spectrum astrophysicists brows 1000 code astrophys sourc code librari,color cloud near rho ophiuchi,2015-07-06,586,87,0.0795518207282913,07-06,7,2015,6,6,2,5 28101f23033c24b31fb25c85e290ddd379ea6a920cf5506fe4cad75658ff4a83,jack fusco,happen outsid cave noth unexpect it central band milki way galaxi pass by earth turns band galaxi appear rotat shift along horizon featur imag taken photograph passion locat sea found spectacular leo state park near california usa planning time singl shot imag 10meter high cave entranc show milki way far distance foreground sever rock one meter across visible visibl background starscap million star includ rel bright orang antares situat right imag center follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,milki way sea cave,2015-07-07,502,79,0.2307142857142857,07-07,7,2015,7,6,1,1 643d5d73832356b3a965d6623f67d006e2c42496c3769fa3cb0abcdd0d09a025,none,moon dione it moon saturn robot cassini spacecraft took featur imag flybi saturn crater moon last month perhap make imag interesting though background first larg orb loom behind dion saturn itself faintli lit sunlight first reflect rings next thin line run diagon across imag ring saturn themselves million ici rock compos saturn spectacular ring orbit saturn plane appear surprisingli thin seen nearli edgeon front center dion appear crescent phase partial lit sun lower left care inspect ring plane also locat moon enceladu upper right,compani dion,2015-07-08,537,84,0.0346938775510204,07-08,7,2015,8,0,0,1 0b0ae15f21081f9d1815f63ee4fe2b9fee1f546b9b648e80c6975073561925b7,none,imag snap juli 7 new horizon spacecraft 5 million mile 8 million kilometers pluto combin color data detail view yet solar system famou world explored region imag includ tip elong dark area along pluto equat alreadi dub the bright heartshap region right 1200 mile kilomet across possibl cover frost frozen methane nitrogen andor carbon monoxide view center near area seen new horizon much anticip juli 14 closest approach distanc mile kilometers,5 million mile pluto,2015-07-09,444,71,0.1635551948051948,07-09,7,2015,9,8,1,2 ed28cf917ec408fbf823c4c0af3296acc503f5fff83b0e8e25f76486451e60cd,yuri beletski,often imag rare mentioned messier 43 larg star form region right part star form complex ga dust includ larger famou neighbor messier great orion nebula fact great orion nebula lie lower edg scene closeup messier 43 made test capabl nearinfrar instrument one twin 65 meter magellan telescop la campana observatori chilean andes composit imag shift otherwis invis infrar wavelength blue green red colors peer cavern interstellar dust hidden visibl light nearinfrar view also use studi cool brown dwarf star complex region along celebr neighbor messier 43 lie 1500 lightyear away edg orion giant molecular cloud distance field view span 5 lightyears,messier,2015-07-10,646,101,0.1406462585034013,07-10,7,2015,10,4,2,5 094949bae8fe9c7c6ae7ca23648265c5eaaabea9a9df345eedffedacff9268ac,none,pluto come focus robot new horizon spacecraft bear unexplor world distant solar system new featur surfac becom evident display imag taken last thursday releas yesterday unusu structur roughli 200 kilomet wide visibl left rel complex terrain run diagon across dwarf planet new horizon imag data structur like studi year come effort better understand geolog histori pluto solar system glitch last week new horizon make histor flybi pluto moon tuesday pluto flybi updates plutoflyby twitter facebook web,pluto,2015-07-11,500,76,0.0662878787878788,07-11,7,2015,11,8,0,2 790d700105bf6d7c9182a8a6822bf1fe7ea5fd12e7877c5c9eebfea3af414426,ben cooper,destination pluto new horizon spacecraft roar launch pad cape canaver florida usa 2006 toward adventur distant solar system craft fastest spaceship ever launch humans pass moon nine hour launch jupit year later spend almost decad cross solar system new horizon fli past pluto tuesday pluto offici planet new horizon launched never visit spacecraft photograph close pluto robot spaceship visit one kuiper belt object orbit sun even farther pluto pictured new horizon craft launch space atop power atla v rocket pluto flybi updates plutoflyby twitter facebook web,new horizon launch pluto,2015-07-12,561,86,0.0244318181818181,07-12,7,2015,12,8,0,2 4ac81791cac30beabe02f9483d63d1b5167a9867724002142560ecd8473ba8f4,nasajohn hopkin univaplsouthwest research inst,pluto surfac strange robot new horizon barrel toward closest approach pluto moon tomorrow imag alreadi come back show pluto surfac curious featur image taken two day ago show side pluto alway face pluto largest moon charon particularli noteworthi dark belt near bottom circl pluto equator current unclear whether region dark belt mountain flat boundari sharpli light region seem nearli evenli spaced new horizon fli past side pluto best imag distant landscap human see long time assum robot spacecraft oper hoped imag taken side pluto taken near closest approach 300 time detailed latest best imag yet charon,last look pluto charon side,2015-07-13,608,96,0.1448863636363636,07-13,7,2015,13,8,2,2 ddabe0f56677575bbd9e1d07ab6d934ef8bac084e083ca68fc0bbd8532d33835,nasajohn hopkin univaplsouthwest research inst,new horizon spacecraft surviv closest approach pluto return use imag human know hours regardless well new horizon rapid speed take whizz past pluto moon today time closest approach ut edt better take imag data though robot spacecraft taken intent contact earth ut juli 15 correspond 900 pm edt juli 14 therefore much mankind hold breath day hope spacecraft ground station earth hopefully time new horizon begin beam back new enlighten data world remain remot mysteri sinc discoveri 85 year ago featur new horizon composit imag moon charon left pluto right taken 3 day ago alreadi show world unpreced detail pluto flybi updates plutoflyby twitter facebook web nasa tv,new horizon pass pluto charon,2015-07-14,666,108,0.1181277056277056,07-14,7,2015,14,8,2,2 3cd1ecc209622a4929fc46b7c5268a5f08a1d88fcdcdd74cdb14e2278f193f0c,nasajohn hopkin univaplsouthwest research inst,new horizon surviv close encount pluto resum send back imag data robot spacecraft report back time system expect volum data featur highest resolut imag pluto taken closest approach imag realli bring pluto satisfi focus first glance pluto reddish sever craters toward imag bottom surprisingli featureless region resembl icon heart mountain terrain appear lower right image however beginning imag data pour today come week next year humanity understand pluto moon like becom pluto flybi updates plutoflyby twitter facebook web,pluto resolv,2015-07-15,524,78,0.112012987012987,07-15,7,2015,15,8,1,2 c8a6461fff29de9febded7746f14c7a3b42d59f1661cf3984b1158334e582d94,none,50 mile 80 kilometer trip across pluto would cover distanc indic scale bar startl image closeup ici world rug equatori terrain captur new horizon spacecraft mile kilometers surface 15 hour closest approach rise estim 11000 feet meters mountain like compos water ice suggest surpris geolog activity also like young estim age 100 million year base appar absenc craters region pictur near base pluto broad bright heartshap feature,50 mile pluto,2015-07-16,427,67,-0.071590909090909,07-16,7,2015,16,8,0,2 670b77e1f8d7f4cc318b7387789e9cca26eb889806fb0c8df318db1245a9d827,none,ici world charon 1200 kilomet across make pluto largest moon 110th size planet earth whop 12 diamet pluto itself charon seen unpreced detail imag new horizons imag captur late juli 13 spacecraft flight plutonian system rang less 500000 kilometers reference distanc separ earth moon less 400000 kilometers terrain describ surprising youthful varied includ 1000 kilomet swath cliff trough stretch center 7 9 kilomet deep canyon cut curv upper right edge enigmat dark north polar region dub,charon,2015-07-17,487,76,0.0141282959464777,07-17,7,2015,17,8,0,2 0a7f65362e6c939cc5a150d3bff6edf44668ca829910a4fb3b96ec698d41bc48,yuri campana observatory carnegi,comet brighten quickli unexpectedly discov last year comet c2014 q1 panstarrs expect visibl day unaid eye sunset locations comet round sun juli 6 appar shed quit bit ga dust today close ever get earth anoth factor recent great appar bright larg angular extent tails featur imag taken two day ago comet panstarr seen sport short white dust tail fade right long blue ion tail point away recent set sun crescent moon domin imag center tomorrow comet pannstarr pass 7 degre away bright jupiter even brighter venu nearby due proxim sun comet tail may best seen sunset din binocular camera use longdur exposures apod editor speak saturday august 8 keweenaw scienc engin festiv,comet panstarr crescent moon,2015-07-20,671,112,0.1944196428571428,07-20,7,2015,20,3,2,1 ae449fe5c6fa40bbcaf95e588396088bb3647dde5ca11edd35906f4c4071851a,kevin parker,graze western horizon northern summer even comet panstarr also known c2014 climb higher southern winter skies visitor inner solar system discov august 2014 prolif panstarr survey comet captur juli 17 comet color tail imag home observatori queensland australia field view span 1 degree sweep quickli across sky comet panstarr closest planet earth 2 day later still faint star constel cancer left short trail telescop imag align track comet rapid motion panstarrs bluish ion tail stream away sun solar wind driven pressur sunlight diffus yellowish dust tail push outward behind comet orbit good target binocular southern latitudes next day comet sweep sky near venus jupiter bright star regulus,comet tail star trail,2015-07-21,692,107,0.0607142857142857,07-21,7,2015,21,3,2,1 e1cd19fc3b7f20fe49671dd9f3e6a72403e6ba4be02cd61a2ea495c0ccdc43b6,amit kambl astronom rollov annotation judi schmidt,object left big tree that gener much recent excitement look closely see comet panstarrs complet two tails july comet increas markedli bright pass closest approach earth statuesqu tree center norfolk island either side tree new zealand trees trees far distance bright venu even brighter crescent moon look even closely find jupit hidden branch featur imag taken day ago park new zealand look harbour inlet come day weeks comet c2014 q1 panstarrs slowli move away sun earth drift deep southern skies fade follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,comet moon venu,2015-07-23,545,88,0.1255050505050505,07-23,7,2015,23,3,1,1 c5ee7f561a5abbab37a28bbe976c711df9acd861aed2327ef436a0d83ed31b29,none,mere 25 million lightyear away andromeda galaxy also known m31 realli next door larg galaxi go close span lightyears took 11 differ imag field galaxi evolut explor galex satellite telescop produc gorgeou portrait spiral galaxi ultraviolet light spiral arm stand visibl light imag andromeda arm look like ring galex ultraviolet view view domin energet light hot young massiv stars site intens star formation ring interpret evid andromeda collid smaller neighbor ellipt galaxi m32 200 million year ago larg andromeda galaxi milki way massiv member local galaxi group,ultraviolet ring m31,2015-07-24,564,87,0.1166666666666666,07-24,7,2015,24,7,2,3 dfa73c0d4ef50d2ef084b54d3e9aa62106e976edaf3f92aee9fc117720a247bc,none,sombrero galaxi look like hat reason includ sombrero unusu larg extend central bulg stars dark promin dust lane appear disk see nearli edgeon billion old star caus diffus glow extend central bulge close inspect bulg photograph show mani point light actual globular clusters m104 spectacular dust ring harbor mani younger brighter stars show intric detail astronom yet fulli understand center sombrero glow across electromagnet spectrum thought hous larg black hole fifti millionyearold light sombrero galaxi seen small telescop toward constel virgo follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,sombrero galaxi hubbl,2015-07-26,591,88,0.0694444444444444,07-26,7,2015,26,6,2,3 c81782ac60e947f477544968b217b5163b59bd7769b1f4861578084f170e394b,john,what happen bryce two differ optic effect captur one imag taken earlier month effect need sun situat directli behind photographer nearest apparit common rainbow creat sunlight stream set sun head photographer scatter raindrop front canyon look closely even second rainbow appear first rare perhap striking ray light eman horizon canyon known anticrepuscular ray result sunlight stream though break clouds around sky converg point 180 degre around sun geometrically antisolar point must coincid exact center rainbows locat utah usa bryce canyon contain picturesqu array ancient sedimentari rock spire known hoodoos apod editor speak saturday august 8 keweenaw scienc engin festiv,rainbow ray bryce canyon,2015-07-28,679,99,0.09,07-28,7,2015,28,1,2,1 665f1e5da2dd0c4c77263d4ea014f5d8757c54ce51eb8b1c64e2c1fbf23842e9,adam block,ridg glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud inhabit turbulent cosmic depth lagoon nebula also known m8 bright star form region 5000 lightyear distant still make popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius toward center milki way galaxy domin telltal red emiss ioniz hydrogen atom recombin strip electrons stunning deep view lagoon central reach 40 lightyear across near center frame bright hourglass shape ga ioniz sculpt energet radiat extrem stellar wind massiv young star,deep lagoon,2015-07-29,475,72,0.1785714285714286,07-29,7,2015,29,4,1,5 f60649919300f165eb6de950bcdc28c6dbfba66bab3ce8d752ba3fcc085f02c8,babak tafreshi,central region milki way galaxi rise rock strike night skyscape record juli 13 faint airglow along horizon show central australia recogniz landform silhouette cours milki way cosmic dust cloud appear silhouett too dark rift along galaxy faint congeri stars central bulge river cosmic dust converg bright yellowish supergi star antares left antares wander saturn shine night,milki way uluru,2015-07-30,373,56,-0.0562499999999999,07-30,7,2015,30,6,0,1 3c8518b97cac46e785b7ee959ae98bf923daffdd471db55de3996d787f986eeb,ken,set pick need aurora late last august forecast predict otherwis beauti night sky would lit auror green jump truck astrophotograph approach secret site five hour drive across rural upper peninsula michigan know luck beginning set image proton arc rare type aurora appeared red arc last 15 minutes long enough captur 30second exposure name indicates proton arc caus electron massiv proton bombard earth atmospher follow energet event sun featur image yellow light horizon citi light michigan usa blue yellow rock lake superior foreground lit led flashlight also captured left red proton arc band milki way galaxy apod editor speak saturday august 8 keweenaw scienc engin festiv,proton arc lake superior,2015-08-03,680,105,0.0447368421052631,08-03,8,2015,3,6,2,4 4238c9055b8180e77732972ce77755db6b10df16c46f22f590d696d60684deae,rogeliobern andreo,well thousand galaxi known member virgo cluster closest larg cluster galaxi local group fact galaxi cluster difficult appreci cover larg area sky care widefield mosaic telescop imag clearli record central region virgo cluster faint foreground dust cloud linger plane milki way galaxy cluster domin giant ellipt galaxi m87 left frame center right m87 string galaxi known markarian chain closer examin imag reveal mani virgo cluster member galaxi small fuzzi patches slide cursor imag label larger galaxi use ngc catalog designations galaxi also shown messier catalog numbers includ m84 m86 promin color spiral m88 m90 m91 average virgo cluster galaxi measur 48 million lightyear away virgo cluster distanc use give import determin hubbl constant scale universe follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,virgo cluster galaxi,2015-08-04,802,122,-0.1011904761904762,08-04,8,2015,4,7,2,3 80fe4fe7adab01a90a23de604fd7c4595d6da0ff34df3f6899c26858251d3ade,none,circinu x1 xray binari star known errat bizarr circinu x1 system dens neutron star collaps remnant supernova explosion orbit ordinari stellar companion observ xray binari month follow intens xray flare sourc 2013 progress reveal strike concentr ring bright xray light echo four interven cloud interstellar dust xrayopt composite swath chandra observatori xray imag data show partial outlin ring fals colors remarkably time xray along known distanc interstellar dust clouds determin formerli highli uncertain distanc circinu x1 lightyears,xray echo circinu x1,2015-08-05,538,77,0.4,08-05,8,2015,5,6,1,4 135a6abacaa778fff913783f8d62c6494d478130f4ace6b553d411976f91a43c,none,two detailed true color imag pluto captur histor new horizon flybi last month slightli differ perspect surfac featur present first high qualiti stereo pair intend view denizen planet earth left hand imag left eye mosaic record spacecraft kilomet pluto right singl imag acquir earlier last full look spacecraft closest approach despit differ resolution pair combin stun 3d percept distant terrain,stereo pluto,2015-08-06,395,60,0.1308627087198515,08-06,8,2015,6,8,1,2 5d519e45219bdd29ba82a4fa94bc88394b7b5d52f551a85d73926a25ecf358bd,none,moon new juli 16 familiar nearsid face surfac planet earth shadow date million mile away deep space climat observatori dscovr spacecraft earth polychromat imag camera captur view appar full moon cross front full earth fact seen spacecraft posit beyond moon orbit earth sun fulli illumin lunar hemispher less familiar farside known sinc dawn space age farsid mostli devoid dark lunar maria sprawl across moon perpetu earthfac hemisphere small dark spot farside mare moscoviens sea clear upper left planet earth north pole near 11 oclock north america visit hurrican near center slight color shift visibl around lunar edge artifact moon motion field caus combin camera separ exposur taken quick success differ color filters monitor earth solar wind space weather twice year captur similar imag moon earth togeth cross orbit plane moon,full moon full earth,2015-08-07,832,130,0.0624505928853754,08-07,8,2015,7,2,2,4 07663a0512c415f0e8898d35269e5127625f1725836c6eb6c88b9cd8d2cf4d38,none,planet earth calendar curios mar rover reach 3rd anniversari surfac red planet august 6 celebrate gaze across dramat panoram view divers terrain typic rover journey layer slope aeoli mons also known mount sharp record curiosity mast camera instrument scene look south across gravel sand ripples boulder toward round buttes background higher layer left toward southeast southwest panorama right individu imag compos view taken curiosity mission sol martian days sinc rover land august 6 2012,curiosity view,2015-08-08,490,74,0.0301020408163265,08-08,8,2015,8,5,0,2 d194937c8d268ab85a61a26cbb82021ba817a21da6ca0a006c07be1c5b4d4b90,none,sometim galaxi form groups example milki way galaxi part local group galaxies small compact groups like hickson compact group 87 hcg 87 shown above interest partli slowli selfdestruct indeed galaxi hcg 87 gravit stretch 100million year orbit around common center pull creat collid ga caus bright burst star format feed matter activ galaxi centers hcg 87 compos larg edgeon spiral galaxi visibl near imag center ellipt galaxi visibl right spiral galaxi visibl near top small spiral near center might far distance sever star galaxi also visibl foreground studi group like hcg 87 allow insight galaxi form evolve follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,hcg 87 small group galaxi,2015-08-09,652,104,0.0523809523809523,08-09,8,2015,9,7,2,3 ef3da223e193edcd4884acf8f1df270b63ffa666ce1d8e7f45890e43c4abd478,christian,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 larg nebula left center color m20 right third ngc 6559 m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant expans m8 hundr lightyear across also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid glow hydrogen ga creat domin red color emiss nebulae contrast blue hues strike trifid due dust reflect starlight color skyscap record telescop digit camera also includ one messier open star clusters m21 trifid astrophysicists brows 1000 code astrophys sourc code librari,sagittariu triplet,2015-08-10,667,103,0.0907142857142857,08-10,8,2015,10,4,2,5 f47fb9231b6fdaa12f84c61e812b75cf98b2570f293105f90c111c0ecd0c4ecb,li hang,ever seen halo around moon 22 degre ring around moon caus ice crystal fall earth atmospher somewhat rare ok ever seen blue moon given modern definit blue moon second full moon occur calendar month also rare featur might therefor consid doubli rare halo surround blue moon featur imag taken late last month near zhongshan station antarctica visibl foreground power gener hous might seem star background actual illumin near camera,blue moon halo antarctica,2015-08-11,433,69,0.1233333333333333,08-11,8,2015,11,2,1,1 7840d17d9378b357bfc29042ff7877413d3acb51e24d8c8c7512136d022c20a5,andr van der hoeven,tonight perseid meteor shower reach maximum grain ici rock streak across sky evapor entri earth atmosphere grain shed comet swifttuttle perseid result annual cross earth comet swifttuttle orbit typic activ meteor shower year although hard predict level activ meteor shower clear dark sky observ might see meteor minute year perseid occur new moon rel dark sky make even faint meteor visible meteor shower gener best seen relax position away lights featur meteor caught explod two week ago austria next central band milki way galaxy note nasa tv host perseid meteor shower program,milki way explod meteor,2015-08-12,579,92,0.0144696969696969,08-12,8,2015,12,8,0,1 844b6d757adf0e412f1527ce9afe412279712e7398c704abf1c7c3333434c34c,petr horálek,watch perseid meteor shower though annual shower predict peak last night meteor activ continu tonight august best enjoy look clear dark sky midnight course year perseid shower advantag activ near august 14 new moon sinc nearli new moon rise morn twilight mani fainter meteor easier spot then interfer bright moonlight perseid meteor shower last occur near new moon 2013 that exposur use construct imag made dark moonless sky island coast croatia widefield composit includ 67 meteor stream heroic constel perseus shower radiant captur 2013 august background faint zodiac light milki way next moonless perseid meteor shower august 2018,moonless meteor milki way,2015-08-13,633,98,0.1828877005347593,08-13,8,2015,13,2,2,1 d0f31370dda5d65d31bff42fedf84b163cd12d0aa80a90b70e5195c192a2bdf0,none,dramat outburst nucleu comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko occur august 12 hour perihelion closest approach sun complet orbit sun everi years perihelion distanc period comet 13 astronom unit still outsid orbit planet earth at 1 stark imag 4 kilomet wide doublelob nucleu bright sunlight dark shadow taken rosetta spacecraft scienc camera 325 kilomet away close see comet grow tail rosetta maintain ringsid seat watch nucleu warm becom activ come weeks primordi ice sublim surfac produc jet ga dust course dust nucleu period comet swifttuttle whose last perihelion passag 1992 distanc au fell earth week,perihelion approach,2015-08-15,596,91,0.1416666666666666,08-15,8,2015,15,3,2,2 5d570348c989de60f6bc067b20c8300dd03221309c4933a27a71a93d1d6e8a45,none,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion featur image taken hubbl space telescope present three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second student of ages see free astronomi lectur onlin,m1 crab nebula hubbl,2015-08-16,451,70,0.0053030303030303,08-16,8,2015,16,4,0,5 c609dce78ec9cc5550026cfd4edcb07ab3f59d73e5191a5dff4051952de6b38e,ian sharp,comet catalina becom visibl unaid eye given unpredict comets one say sure seem like good bet comet discov 2013 observ catalina sky survey sinc then comet c2013 us10 steadili brighten current brighter 8th magnitude make visibl binocular longdur camera images comet approach inner solar system sure continu possibl becom nake eye object sometim octob peak sometim late november comet resid primarili sky southern hemispher middecember time highli inclin orbit bring quickli northern skies featur above comet catalina imag last week sport green coma two grow tails,announc comet catalina,2015-08-18,561,86,0.0999999999999999,08-18,8,2015,18,3,0,1 68f09883bd60b569ee0e925c5151670f0c5aff0dcfa1433305a641ef9287612f,paul c,cosmic brush stroke glow hydrogen gas beauti skyscap unfold across plane milki way galaxi center northern constel cygnu swan featur imag span six degrees bright supergi star gamma cygni sadr upper left imag center lie foreground complex ga dust cloud crowd star fields left gamma cygni shape like two lumin wing divid long dark dust lane ic 1318 whose popular name understand butterfli nebula compact bright nebula lower right ngc 6888 crescent nebula distanc estim gamma cygni place around 1800 lightyear estim ic 1318 ngc 6888 rang 2000 5000 lightyears,central cygnu skyscap,2015-08-19,554,90,0.1321428571428571,08-19,8,2015,19,4,1,5 9e7b89eb7b7c8f0f86b75f1521e34a34f0e72dd6a598c3dc9ac667ef8672846c,none,old moon star orion rose eastern horizon august 10 moon wane crescent still bright enough overexpos snapshot taken anoth larg satellit planet earth intern space station greenish airglow trace atmospher limb planet night below citi light lightn flash thunderstorm appear southern mexico snapshot also captur startl apparit rare form upper atmospher lightning larg red sprite caught lightn flash far right space station orbit motion caus citi light blur trail exposure extrem brief flash red sprite sharp known associ thunderstorms much remain mysteri sprite includ occur effect atmospher global electr circuit somehow relat upper atmospher lightn phenomena blue jet terrestri gamma flashes,sprite space,2015-08-21,688,101,0.1558270676691729,08-21,8,2015,21,8,2,4 49e1d0e46446345f4726eb2e7fc4a52b00e1fcaf5a42426771ac8b1b2247d435,none,curiou robot almost complet straddl rocki littl planet course planet realli mar robot carsiz curios rover pose recent drill target pass area lower mount sharp 92 imag use assembl littl planet projection digit warp stitch mosaic cover 360x180 degrees taken rover mar hand len imag mahli curios mission sol martian day correspond 2015 august 5 three earth year sinc curios land surfac red planet composit selfi imag show rover robot arm mount mahli camera itself shadow visibl beneath check spectacular interact version curiosity sol 1065 panorama,littl planet curios,2015-08-22,545,86,0.11875,08-22,8,2015,22,5,1,2 9a72c0acbad8458f85cce0399aed7a3c80ca245efb41f329f26538ae3e7e5e65,none,what happen strang juxtaposit moon planet first foremost saturn moon dion captur dramat panorama robot cassini spacecraft current orbit giant planet bright crater moon span larg crater visibl lower right sinc ring saturn seen nearli edgeon directli visibl thin horizont line pass behind dione arc across bottom image however shadow saturn rings show rich textur could seen directly background cloud featur visibl saturn featur imag taken last plan flybi dion cassini spacecraft schedul dive saturn atmospher 2017 teachers find classroom astronomi imag apod index search engine,rings shadows saturn,2015-08-24,576,86,0.0910714285714285,08-24,8,2015,24,0,0,2 4f67ee9ff75e4219ad013faa9378fa6cf1fc17035c59217859036d145e449575,matthew dieterich,despit appearances sky falling two week ago however tini bit comet dust featur perseid meteor shower captur mt rainier washington usa imag creat twohour time laps video 20 meteors includ one brighten dramat imag left although meteor train typic last less second camera abl captur color disintegr earth atmosphere initi green tint may indic small amount glow magnesium atom knock meteor atom earth atmosphere cap thing off central band milki way galaxi simultan photograph rise straight behind snowcov peak mt anoth good meteor shower expect midnovemb debri differ comet intersect earth leonids follow apod facebook english spanish,meteor milki way mount,2015-08-25,630,97,-0.0097222222222222,08-25,8,2015,25,3,2,1 a88bc27bd3e3c00bb00c3c82e7d5cde4f9c7012e0101762622615369b0a22c4a,john chumack,coat hanger star cluster asterism cosmic hangup debat much last century astronom wonder whether binocularvis object realli physic associ open cluster chanc projection chanc star project known asterisms exampl popular big dipper recent precis measur differ vantag point earth orbit around sun uncov discrep angular shift indic coat hanger better describ asterism known formal collind 399 bright stellar group wider full moon lie constel fox vulpecula apod also avail in arabic bahasa indonesian catalan chinese chinese czech dutch farsi farsi galego german french hebrew japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish thai turkish,collind 399 coat hanger,2015-08-26,651,94,0.15,08-26,8,2015,26,6,2,4 66f0dce8bd5c3376eb8d519f8343486f662374e381f6e0f885ed3c7b3f838465,robert gendler,nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy andromeda fact galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid imag m31 digit mosaic 20 frame taken small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ exactli long collid home galaxy explor universe random apod gener,m31 andromeda galaxi,2015-08-30,597,93,0.0473214285714285,08-30,8,2015,30,7,2,3 a4a99538262126449d684e58be849e75fc039fc7d20c39e3ea509a8b0272164d,none,pluto color see color data imag solar system famou dwarf planet taken robot new horizon spacecraft flybi july digit combin give enhanc view ancient world sport unexpectedli young surface featur enhanc color imag esthet pretti scientif useful make surfac region differ chemic composit visual distinct example lightcolor heartshap tombaugh regio lower right clearli shown divis two region geolog different leftmost lobe sputnik planum also appear unusu smooth new horizon continu beyond pluto continu beam back imag data soon direct chang cours fli past asteroid 2014 mu69 2019 january pluto imag brief explanations apod pluto search,pluto enhanc color,2015-08-31,631,95,0.116033966033966,08-31,8,2015,31,8,2,4 01b626fcf7db11bb33f5e5ed49986d9900a142152df7e607a23bcf5ec00dfac9,none,neutrino icecub neutrino observatori near south pole earth begun detect nearli invis particl high energy although neutrino pass much earth detected start remain mystery pictur icecube antarct lab accompani cartoon depict long strand detector frozen crystal clear ice below candid origin cosmic neutrino includ violent surround supermass black hole center distant galaxies tremend stellar explos culmin supernova gamma ray burst far across universe icecub detect increasingli high energi neutrinos known object may resolv cosmic conundrum may never know astrophysicists brows 1100 code astrophys sourc code librari,distant neutrino detect antarct ice,2015-09-01,614,86,0.0348717948717948,09-01,9,2015,1,8,2,4 0e7ac053a1d30402f1308d8dacf165539c339aa35afe7b5174e2480059e44e1e,martin mark,person throw lightn no despit appearances person actual point direct bright iridium flare momentari reflect sunlight commun satellit orbit around earth iridium satellit orbits reflect antenna becam align observ sun creat flash brighter star night sky iridium flare typic last sever seconds longer meteors also unlik meteors flare symmetr featur flare involv iridium satellit 15 occur southern last week wellplan image spectacular night sky appear background complet central band milki way galaxi run vertic imag center retrospective today apod histori,flare galaxi,2015-09-02,551,80,0.1444444444444444,09-02,9,2015,2,6,1,4 28423bfc2952c98f970028997a5bbdc432cd1a30c654f2c98a2be15c14204b0f,stephen leshin,pointi star peculiar galaxi span cosmic snapshot telescop view toward wellgroom constel coma berenices bright enough show diffract spikes star foreground scene well within milki way two promin galaxi lie far beyond own 41 million lightyear distant also known ngc smaller distort galaxi left entri arp atla peculiar galaxies extens tidal tail indic strong gravit interact past 100000 lightyear across like companion right much larger ngc 4725 first glanc ngc 4725 appear normal spiral galaxy central region domin yellowish light cool older star give way younger hot blue star cluster along dusti spiral outskirts still ngc 4725 look littl odd one main spiral arm,arp ngc 4725,2015-09-03,661,104,0.1406832298136645,09-03,9,2015,3,7,2,3 0d69b383009ab621f0b8fb26195213c43086baf2ebe2db4c074e338819eb4435,yuri beletski,sunset septemb 1 except intense reddish airglow flood chilean winter night skyscape sea cloud flank celesti milki way airglow seem rippl flow across northern horizon atmospher waves origin altitud similar aurorae lumin airglow instead due chemiluminescence product light chemic excitation commonli captur greenish ting sensit digit cameras reddish airglow emiss oh molecul oxygen atom extrem low densiti often present southern hemispher night last years night visibl eye seen without color antar central milki way lie near top bright star arcturu left straddl milki way close horizon vega deneb altair known northern night star summer triangle,milki way airglow australi,2015-09-04,643,95,0.1365384615384615,09-04,9,2015,4,6,2,4 022f6fd475ec46ed6ec3b9492aea74237bd04a473654fffe4a04783efbeeea6a,mike deep,rli morn riser along florida space coast planet earth treat launch spectacl septemb 2nd dawn atla v rocket rose still dark sky carri us navi commun satellit cape canaver air forc station earth orbit minut long exposur follow rocket arc climb eastward atlantic rocket rise earth shadow fieri trail becom eerie noctiluc exhaust plume glint sunlight course short bright startrail cloud bank venu rising appear planet earth sky brilliant morn star,atla v rise,2015-09-05,443,71,0.1875,09-05,9,2015,5,8,1,2 00192e98af1678cf0df1d4f1718b66b1768ebf4989ffb15662ce6526af7d621a,none,what rise edg moon earth 47 year ago decemb 1968 apollo 8 crew flew earth moon back again frank borman jame lovell william ander launch atop saturn v rocket decemb 21 circl moon ten time command module return earth decemb 27 apollo 8 mission impress list first includes first human journey earth moon first fli use saturn v rocket first photograph earth deep space apollo 8 command modul round farsid moon crew could look toward lunar horizon see earth appear rise due spacecraft orbit motion famou pictur distant blue earth moon limb marvel gift world,earthris,2015-09-06,552,95,0.0479166666666666,09-06,9,2015,6,2,0,2 79e5336b815a3f6c0216bd1d0e9a0dfb4b729b85de787d7b4df159c36592773f,mauric,sea earth larg enough contain shark nebula predat apparit pose us danger though compos interstellar ga dust dark dust like featur somewhat like cigarett smoke creat cool atmospher giant stars expel ga gravit recondensing massiv star may carv intric structur birth cloud use high energi light fast stellar wind sculpt tools heat gener evapor murki molecular cloud well caus ambient hydrogen ga dispers glow red disintegration human enjoy imagin great cloud common icons like water cloud earth includ smaller dust nebula lynd dark nebula 1235 van den bergh 149 150 shark nebula span 15 light year lie 650 light year away toward constel king aethiopia cepheus,shark nebula,2015-09-07,657,106,0.1623529411764706,09-07,9,2015,7,4,2,5 b3717150469acbe125dff857c6aa56154b1e82567adad9be3ff881ca2599f370,paolo lazzarotti,one strang sunset one thing typic round sun appear distorted geometrically multipli another layer appear unusu green sun course fine odd appear caus entir light refract earth atmosphere layer earth atmospher unusu warm layer sun may appear distort even seen multipl times effect strong nearest sunris sunset terrestri invers layer occupi distinct altitud horizon differ color sun may also becom deflect significantli differ superior imag may appear momentarili green phenomenon known green flash featur imag taken februari italy san pietro church situat foreground follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,distort green flash sunset itali,2015-09-08,609,90,0.1712121212121211,09-08,9,2015,8,1,2,1 4c061ea7500c4e73f875c2802d51fa66a58e1816db899eb49a38773eda0fcf68,damian peachsen,astronom turn detect tri figur caus startl sight like ngc 1316 investig indic ngc 1316 enorm ellipt galaxi started 100 million year ago devour smaller spiral galaxi neighbor ngc 1317 it support evid includ dark dust lane characterist spiral galaxy faint swirl shell star ga visibl wide deep image one thing remain unexplain unusu small globular star clusters seen faint dot image ellipt galaxi brighter globular cluster ngc 1316 yet observ globular old creat recent spiral collision one hypothesi globular surviv even earlier galaxi subsum ngc 1316 anoth surpris attribut ngc 1316 also known fornax a giant lobe ga glow brightli radio waves news flash ceres bright spot seen strike new detail,ngc 1316 galaxi collid,2015-09-09,692,112,-0.0433566433566433,09-09,9,2015,9,7,2,3 2e0acdb6109e9fda3a683721ffa9d6ccc3ba04d5241421708d73c428b6408712,marco lorenzi,delight dark doodad nebula drift southern skies tantal target binocular constel musca fly dusti cosmic cloud seen rich starfield south promin coalsack nebula southern cross stretch 3 degre across scene dark doodad punctuat southern tip lower left globular star cluster ngc 4372 cours ngc 4372 roam halo milki way galaxy background object 20000 lightyear away chanc along lineofsight dark doodad dark doodad well defin silhouett belong musca molecular cloud better known allit monik first coin astroimag writer denni di cicco 1986 observ comet halley australian outback dark doodad around 700 lightyear distant 30 lightyear long,ngc 4372 dark doodad,2015-09-10,627,95,0.0602941176470588,09-10,9,2015,10,4,2,5 1b5211617c93243f907b665ecb0a75a9edd5e25a8dcc671c4bcbbe0fe6aab979,stevecannistra,faint also larg planet earth sky giant squid nebula catalog ou4 sh2129 also known fli bat nebula caught scene toward royal constel cepheus compos total 20 hour broadband narrowband data telescop field view almost 4 degre 8 full moon across discov 2011 french astroimag nicola outters squid nebula allur bipolar shape distinguish telltal bluegreen emiss doubli ioniz oxygen atoms though appar complet surround reddish hydrogen emiss region sh2129 true distanc natur squid nebula difficult determine still recent investig suggest ou4 realli lie within sh2129 2300 lightyear away consist scenario ou4 would repres spectacular outflow driven hr8119 tripl system hot massiv star seen near center nebula so truli giant squid nebula would physic nearli 50 lightyear across,giant squid fli bat,2015-09-11,765,116,0.0423076923076923,09-11,9,2015,11,4,2,5 ebb2112da664916ed44429e2955dc10a17754651c127de68b7124d20b8e47707,hartwig luethen,once twice intern space station transit sun consecut orbit planet earth video frame composite scene captur august 22 singl wellchosen locat germani iss creat intersect shadow path around 7 kilomet wide cross solar disk second less transit separ time 90 minutes correspond space station orbit period large sunspot group center ar 2403 remain comfort 150 million kilomet away distanc camera orbit station kilomet first upper transit kilomet second central transit sharp silhouett iss notic larger angular size closer first pass course tomorrow moon transit sun even wellchosen locations dark central shadow earth surfac creat partial solar eclipse,iss doubl transit,2015-09-12,645,97,-0.0017113095238095,09-12,9,2015,12,8,2,2 e699b938476a558692c7b0d2aaf73d952d56526fc34009cd20b360b3d95d25cf,jimmi westlak colorado mountain college linda westlak,typic texa sunset except sun missing locat miss piec sun mysteri behind moon featur one interest imag taken partial solar eclips occur 2012 captur temporarili crescent sun set redden sky behind brush windmill imag taken 20 mile west sundown texas usa ring fire effect broken moon move away center sun today new partial solar eclips sun visibl earth unfortun peopl live texas today eclips seen southern africa antarctica,partial solar eclips texa,2015-09-13,420,68,-0.1427272727272727,09-13,9,2015,13,1,0,1 85681583865508d748550d4e152fdf95f705ee609241b005c2a471829b95e408,none,new high resolut imag pluto start arriv outer solar system robot new horizon spacecraft zoom pluto july finish send back need engin data transmit select tremend storehous imag pluto moons featur image digit composite detail surpris terrain fill craters plains landscap unknown landform resembl someth earth quit unexpect pluto light area sprawl across upper right dub sputnik planum studi unusu smoothness dark crater area spacecraft known regio far new horizon share percent imag data took pluto flyby continu send back new view dwarf planet even glide outward toward even distant explorations,pluto,2015-09-14,594,91,0.0815120593692022,09-14,9,2015,14,8,2,2 f208c7de26a8588bcffb3263a58c10a905a0c23eab2c1ed21bbff6f1582ef8fb,none,creat bright spot ceres spot first note robot dawn spacecraft approach ceres largest object asteroid belt february mysteri would soon solv higher resolut images however even dawn arriv cere march remained surprisingly although imag includ featur composit taken last month resolv mani detail insid occat crater resolv mystery anoth recent clue faint haze develop crater bright spots dawn schedul continu spiral toward cere scan dwarf planet sever new way that hoped determin chemic composit region final reveal natur histori spots sever years run power dawn continu orbit cere becom artifici satellit endur monument human exploration yearli astronomi review apod editor speak januari philadelphia new york citi,bright spot resolv crater cere,2015-09-16,709,106,0.1977272727272727,09-16,9,2015,16,8,2,4 0428ae0e233dd0c489e502ae357b3ff01fa17bee17959393185566b92c8583c0,astro anarchi,chaotic appearance filament shocked glow ga break across planet earth sky toward constel cygnus part veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago blast cataclysm event interstellar shock wave plow space sweep excit interstellar material glow filament realli like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ glow ioniz hydrogen sulfur atom shown red green oxygen blue hues also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears field view span less one third distance identifi pickering triangl director harvard colleg observatori catalog ngc 6979 complex filament might appropri known williamina fleming triangular wisp,pickering triangl veil,2015-09-17,810,124,-0.0666666666666666,09-17,9,2015,17,4,2,5 7b3b9b44ba855cbc22aa54e927ed0140e6e653ae2fae99bff1195184ad5fc90f,none,shadowi landscap majest mountain ici plain stretch toward horizon small distant world captur rang 18000 kilomet new horizon look back toward pluto 15 minut spacecraft closest approach juli 14 dramatic lowangle neartwilight scene follow rug mountain still popularli known norgay mont foreground left hillari mont along horizon give way smooth sputnik planum right layer pluto tenuou atmospher also reveal backlit view strang familiar appearance frigid terrain like includ ice nitrogen carbon monoxid wateric mountain rise 3500 meter 11000 feet that compar height majest mountain planet earth plutonian landscap 380 kilomet 230 miles across,plutonian landscap,2015-09-18,638,93,-0.063685556867375,09-18,9,2015,18,8,2,1 78a085581d8be4fb8459b104c001edc7fa6ef4b6dff2a994c539b63f2e770537,alan friedman,eeri landscap incandesc plasma suspend loop twist magnet field stretch toward sun eastern horizon septemb 16 captur backyard telescop narrowband filter light ioniz hydrogen scene find bright plage near dark sunspot gigant promin loft solar limb 600000 kilomet across magnet plasma wall would dwarf world solar system rule ga giant jupit boast diamet 143000 kilomet so planet earth diamet less 13000 kilometers known promin appearance enorm structur far stabl though larg solar promin often erupt,promin sun,2015-09-19,495,75,0.1404761904761905,09-19,9,2015,19,1,1,4 8113dcc944eee8c1d1a50447d2f234648137f75a54004c7330b25f1f0a5f89ec,none,surfac featur enceladu roll like conveyor belt lead interpret imag taken saturn explos moon indic do form asymmetr tecton activity unusu earth like hold clue intern structur enceladus may contain subsurfac sea life might abl develop pictur composit 28 imag taken robot cassini spacecraft 2008 swoop icespew orb inspect imag show clear tecton displac larg portion surfac appear move one direction imag right appear one promin tecton divides labtayt sulci canyon one kilomet deep magnitud enceladus wobbl orbit saturn might indic global extend underground ocean layer set apod imag august 2015,global ocean saturn enceladu,2015-09-20,591,91,0.0964285714285714,09-20,9,2015,20,0,2,4 6d53fce8a2c880b97083f17b14ec4ae6b8004d34d2d908eb2127e6d8acfe52fc,none,dust lane seem swirl around core messier 96 colorful detail portrait center beauti island universe cours m96 spiral galaxy count faint arm extend beyond brighter central region span 100 thousand lightyear so make size milki way m96 also known ngc 3368 known 35 million lightyear distant domin member leo galaxi group featur imag taken hubbl space telescope reason m96 asymmetri unclear could arisen gravit interact leo group galaxies lack intragroup diffus glow seem indic recent interactions galaxi far background found examin edg picture explor universe random apod gener,spiral galaxi m96 hubbl,2015-09-21,574,88,-0.1,09-21,9,2015,21,7,0,3 1273fd3f7a42a5c7d0caaac7249db4e06331c2321108f3a5c3b8ca11beac3314,rollov annotation judi schmidt,streak light sky first foremost arch structur central band milki way galaxy visibl galact band million distant star mix numer lane dark dust harder discern nearli vertic beam light rise horizon right imag center beam zodiac light sunlight scatter dust solar system may surprisingli promin sunset sunrise foreground sever telescop bosqu astrophys station nation univers cordoba argentina station schedul weekend tour research natur mani astronom object includ comets activ galaxies cluster galaxies featur imag taken earli month,milki way station argentina,2015-09-22,527,77,0.1285714285714286,09-22,9,2015,22,6,1,3 5fd552dab2e1cfa4e7ab22102cefb79ce8a8072dca1471c461b435228322b988,none,mountain region inform known tartaru dorsa sprawl 530 kilomet 330 miles across plutonian landscape recent download new horizons combin blue red infrar imag data extend color view captur near spacecraft close approach pluto juli 14 shadow near terminator line pluto dim day night emphas rough scali texture stun imag resolv detail distant world 13 kilomet miles across part hade ancient greek mythology tartaru dorsa border tombaugh regio east,pluto terrain,2015-09-25,442,68,0.0236363636363636,09-25,9,2015,25,8,0,2 79ccf0c18c9a166fc607aaff9669c4bc2aa233670baea145ad5e51e788da1a44,malcolm park,separ 14 degre 28 full moons planet earth sky spiral galaxi m31 left m33 larg member local group along milki way galaxy wideangle composit find detail spiral structur both massiv neighbor galaxi seem balanc starri field either side bright mirach beta star constel andromeda mirach 200 lightyear sun m31 andromeda galaxy realli 25 million lightyear distant m33 triangulum galaxy also 3 million light year away although look far apart m31 m33 engag gravit fact radio astronom found indic bridg neutral hydrogen ga could connect two evid closer encount past base measurements gravit simul current predict milki way m31 m33 undergo mutual close encount potenti mergers billion year future,m31 versu m33,2015-09-26,684,108,0.0363636363636363,09-26,9,2015,26,7,2,3 6b30fe952f0c00e13e4016c5fb3af5fd3a643a704b22ae81f3be8ccd0b9e2c8c,yuichi takasaka,record 2014 april total lunar eclips sequenc look south ici waterton lake waterton lake nation park alberta canada planet earth distant horizon includ peak glacier nation park usa exposur everi 10 minut captur moon posit eclips phase arced left right rug skylin waterton town lights fact sequenc effect measur roughli 80 minut durat total phase eclipse around 270 bc greek astronom aristarchu also measur durat lunar eclips though probabl without benefit digit clock cameras still use geometry devis simpl impress accur way calcul moon distance term radiu planet earth eclips duration modern eclips sequenc also track success posit mars right moon bright star spica next redden lunar disk saturn left below gallery last night total supermoon eclips,total lunar eclips waterton lake,2015-09-28,749,117,0.1193877551020408,09-28,9,2015,28,2,2,4 c87d16263893695070de1d3b86918161c414deb81b27f06ae197c18ce6089c99,jose antonio,what rare supermoon total lunar eclipse supermoon total lunar eclips lightn storm sequenc captur yesterday island southeastern spain plan locat time captur entir eclips sequence thing astrophotograph captur memor eclips sequenc weather look bother horizon though turn composit pictur featur 200 digit combin imag locat cours night full moon seen set fade red earth shadow return normal fortuit lightn seen reflect mediterranean right tall rocki island although next total eclips larg bright supermoon occur next total eclips full moon occur januari 2018 best visibl eastern asia australia follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,supermoon total lunar eclips lightn storm,2015-09-29,631,94,0.2239795918367347,09-29,9,2015,29,2,2,4 a5e83fb9399cdda7655a9626584abc6be9d5571ac684ed6f5bc849937d3b296c,none,creat chang streak mars call recur slope linea dark featur start slope hill crater usual extend bottom what even unusu streak appear chang season appear fresh grow warm weather disappear winter much study includ recent chemic analyses lead hypothesi emerg streak like creat new liquid salti water evapor flows sourc brini water still unclear two possibl condens martian atmospher underground excit infer brini flow salty may abl support microbi life mar even today featur imag hill insid crater investig instrument aboard robot mar reconnaiss orbit return data mar sinc 2006 retrospective today apod histori,season streak point recent flow water mar,2015-09-30,607,94,0.1194805194805194,09-30,9,2015,30,5,2,2 1ff4fd9201ab470a4d328b5731482207122129a5aba94fe47e4f62a8db6131b4,yuri beletski,stun panorama southern sky record color night septemb carnegi la campana observatory diffus glow dark rift central milki way hang dome twin 65 meter magellan telescopes eyecatch deep red glow moon immers earth shadow much anticip eclipse moon surfac reflect light sunset sunris scatter refract planet coneshap umbra along dramat hue eclips moon color night captur sensit digit camera includ red green shade atmospher airglow viewer also spot andromeda galaxi moon seen tini smudg reddish airglow light along horizon magellan clouds satellit galaxi milki way join far left full panorama frame,eclips southern sky,2015-10-01,591,91,0.0846153846153846,10-01,10,2015,1,2,2,1 38a341b4f2f4480569d892c05c72d609e5fbc1a59be0c2a34b18979012908b6f,none,darken mysteri north polar region inform known mordor macula cap premier highresolut portrait charon pluto largest moon captur new horizon near closest approach juli 14 imag data transmit earth septemb 21 combin blue red infrar data process enhanc colors follow variat surfac properti resolut 29 kilomet 18 miles fact charon 1214 kilomet 754 miles across 110th size planet earth whop 12 diamet pluto itself make largest satellit rel planet solar system remark imag charon plutofac hemispher show clearer view appar moongirdl belt fractur canyon seem separ smooth southern plain vari northern terrain,charon moon pluto,2015-10-02,599,92,0.0423430735930735,10-02,10,2015,2,8,2,4 780074a5e2ed1b4b25d9a597b471f53301566ad40fd8776d1f670aaf665ca749,dominiqu dierick,sharp telescop snapshot caught late september harvest moon complet immers earth dark umbral shadow begin total lunar eclipse final eclips string four consecut total lunar eclipses dark apparit full moon near perigee total eclipse color deep blood red lunar surfac reflect light within earth shadow filter lower atmosphere seen lunar perspective redden light come sunset sunris around edg silhouet earth close shadow edge limb eclips moon show distinct blue hue blue eclips moonlight still filter earth atmospher though origin ray sunlight pass layer high upper stratosphere color ozon scatter red light transmit blue,blue blood moon,2015-10-03,616,93,0.0629545454545454,10-03,10,2015,3,2,2,1 a6ced1323ddf2d039e2472dc485bc2f82d40c25830830b1627676e9929afcee4,jeff dai,night seren could see orion rise unusu spectacl captur singleexposur image featur deep sky around famou constel orion appear reflect peac lake valley tibet china taken last year time three belt star orion seen line almost vertic himalayan mountains complex orion nebula seen belt stars right redglow circular structur surround orion barnard loop also bright red star betelgeus doubli visibl imag left bright blue rigel appear twice imag right familiar orion becom increasingli visibl winter descend northern hemisphere follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,orion tibet,2015-10-05,563,85,0.186038961038961,10-05,10,2015,5,6,1,1 9fd286d09fd47b2655832b9ad4d268eb9d9552a221a130caabb8173237d6a899,miguel claro,left dramat imag sequenc follow late september total lunar eclips rug landscap sea cloud canari island la palma composit circular fishey projection bright full perige moon chang drastic transit outsid total eclips phase compar dim glow 72 minut long totality right singl frame captur dark red lunar disk moment total eclips phase moon deep within earth shadow fact size eclips moon imag right approxim illustr rel size earth moon compar circular project eclips sequence,la palma eclips sequenc,2015-10-07,469,74,0.0872448979591836,10-07,10,2015,7,2,0,1 b21f0d2450f324024f9d00cac070dc73bfa241833b9cf4b841bcb8458f551bba,lynn hilborn,cosmic expans dust gas star cover 6 degre sky heroic constel perseus upper left gorgeou skyscap intrigu young star cluster ic 348 neighbor fli ghost nebula right anoth activ star form region ngc 1333 connect dark dusti tendril outskirt giant perseu molecular cloud 850 lightyear away dusti nebula scatter around field view along faint reddish glow hydrogen gas fact cosmic dust tend hide newli form star young stellar object protostar pri optic telescopes collaps due selfgravity protostar form dens core embed dusti molecular cloud molecular cloud estim distance field view would span almost 90 lightyears,stardust perseu,2015-10-10,606,95,0.060064935064935,10-10,10,2015,10,4,2,5 6bfab164edfcf73db194312f5c530fd925d62c763014d4fd26886d11fa4097b5,eric cole,spiki star spooki shape abound deep cosmic skyscape wellcompos field view cover full moon sky toward constel pegasus cours brighter star show diffract spikes commonli seen effect intern support reflect telescopes lie well within milki way galaxy faint pervas cloud interstellar dust ride galact plane dimli reflect milki way combin starlight known high latitud cirru integr flux nebula associ molecular clouds case diffus cloud catalog mbm 54 less thousand lightyear distant fill scene galaxi seemingli tangl dust strike spiral galaxi ngc 7497 60 million lightyear away seen almost edgeon near center field ngc 7497 spiral arm dust lane echo color milki way star dust astrophysicists brows 1100 code astrophys sourc code librari,galaxy stars dust,2015-10-12,728,112,-0.0320833333333333,10-12,10,2015,12,7,2,5 f68896486c46c6c077204dc63d888e2fc6fe4251323d3db587989d054df917e1,p d l,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus course cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long composit record narrow band filter transmit light ioniz hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom region result imag highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within obscur cosmic dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees,elephant trunk ic 1396,2015-10-13,545,83,-0.0014835164835164,10-13,10,2015,13,4,0,5 7b1324930cd47e3c9da6be53f6bd95cb8c1c620c3cbc61507d64e476a73b7bce,petr horlek rollov annotation judi schmidt,anyth interest see direct opposit sun one night last month quit things first redglow orb lower right featur imag full moon darken redden enter earth shadow beyond earth cone dark backscatt dust particl orbit sun standout diffus glow call gegenschein visibl faint band rise central horizon pass behind moon nearli horizont stripe green airglow also discern horizon partli block blow orang sand visibl distant sky blue dot near top imag star sirius central band milki way galaxi arch imag left right fuzzi light patch left center larg small magellan clouds red emiss nebula numer mention scatter sky label companion annot image imag foreground desol region namibnaukluft nation park namibia featur astrophotograph survey land sky amaz describ one top experi life quiz astronomi pictur day,gegenschein lunar eclips,2015-10-14,786,124,0.046583850931677,10-14,10,2015,14,6,2,4 f734df4c9a099282b79d39d57d2bdcf45e0c971947b280600ead118b9cbfdcbc,jimmi walker,star cluster around 2 million year young surround natal cloud dust glow gas m16 also known eagl nebula beauti detail imag region includ cosmic sculptur made famou hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend ridg bright emiss left center anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 eagl nebula lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,m16 eagl nebula,2015-10-15,639,101,0.0692148760330578,10-15,10,2015,15,4,2,5 1d80994892ea1cb84939b5b9d0883249c36e410901d5eb5f92a02d77148a1492,babak tafreshi,star come even twilight fade seren skyscap follow persian hide world reveal universe scene find sun set northern kenya night soon hide shore lake home mani nile region also known abund fossils past novemb night brilliant venus world even star domin starri sky above also reveal faint stars cosmic dust clouds glow nebula along grace arc milki way galaxy,night world,2015-10-16,353,59,0.0375,10-16,10,2015,16,6,0,1 78cecfbf89772b6419d7f9b08d9770a6f937b6d81e7e89f5bd594f510c98930f,ken crawford,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way galaxy big beauti m81 grand spiral galaxi found toward northern constel great bear ursa major superbl detail imag reveal m81 bright yellow nucleus blue spiral arms tell tale pinkish star form regions sweep cosmic dust lane scale compar milki way hint disorderli past remark dust lane actual run straight disk left galact center contrari m81 promin spiral features errant dust lane may linger result close encount m81 smaller companion galaxy m82 scrutini variabl star m81 yield one best determin distanc extern galaxi 118 million lightyears m81 dwarf companion galaxi holmberg ix seen larg spiral,bright spiral galaxi m81,2015-10-17,658,104,0.1941666666666666,10-17,10,2015,17,7,2,3 86f536feee9ed781eea9313d1de098fe23129b7f32ad11e878336ad2f54d55d2,none,cloud normally cloud bottom flat flat caus moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet grow opaqu cloud forms conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud photograph regina saskatchewan canada summer 2012,mammatu cloud saskatchewan,2015-10-18,436,64,0.1249999999999999,10-18,10,2015,18,8,1,1 d4ecbbf12c7c4202ff1b291dc45da99f793bc308678b83e3c61f386e38561344,carlo fairbairn,ever seen southern cross famou constel best seen earth southern hemisphere captur rio de janeiro brazil four bright star mark southern cross visibl horizon featur image left constellation also known crux orang star gamma crucis band stars dust ga rise middl imag mosaic part milki way galaxy right southern cross dark coal sack nebula bright nebula top imag carina nebula southern cross famou constel depict nation flag australia new zealand follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,southern cross southern sky,2015-10-19,484,77,0.1865928189457601,10-19,10,2015,19,6,1,3 4a188efe1deedcf3f283e171d502a1813e5dae04bde12fea9c39557a64104be4,none,north pole saturn moon enceladu unexpectedli fascin complex previou latest flybi robot cassini spacecraft northern region known mostli unusu high abund craters last week flyby however return imag unpreced detail includ featur imag show expect crater coupl unexpect pattern picturesqu crack fractures broken terrain record lower latitudes deep canyon dub tiger stripe near enceladus south pole fractur may indic global interplay surfac potenti sea underneath sea futur mission might target sign life retrospective today apod histori,north pole saturn enceladu,2015-10-21,531,76,0.0074999999999999,10-21,10,2015,21,8,0,2 33b7a63324ef44306dc8f365470e3d4b84de4d1bef81c4d22cf07d4a42a8b9dd,eso,sculpt stellar wind radiation star factori known messier 17 lie 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius distance 13 degre wide field view span 30 lightyears sharp composite color image highlight faint detail region ga dust cloud backdrop central milki way stars stellar wind energet light hot massiv star form m17 stock cosmic ga dust slowli carv away remain interstellar materi produc cavern appear undul shapes m17 also known omega nebula swan nebula,star factori messier 17,2015-10-22,463,72,0.053125,10-22,10,2015,22,4,0,5 d01bc751899d47d9f940ce83b99feb4de9d3bd0007dced9e3462b99c15291c46,none,beauti island univers messier 94 lie mere 15 million lightyear distant northern constel hunt dogs cane venatici popular target earthbas astronomers faceon spiral galaxi 30000 lightyear across spiral arm sweep outskirt broad disk hubbl space telescop field view span 7000 lightyear across m94 central region sharp closeup examin galaxy compact bright nucleu promin inner dust lanes surround remark bluish ring young massiv stars massiv star ring like less 10 million year old indic galaxi experienc welldefin era rapid star formation result small bright nucleu typic seyfert class activ galaxies m94 also known starburst galaxy m94 rel nearby astronom explor detail reason galaxy burst star formation,starburst galaxi messier 94,2015-10-23,699,105,0.0862179487179487,10-23,10,2015,23,7,2,3 08da6cf1eba2e9a0c6794b3ced09fe9a27bb9f4e0a66a92f55792f8e0b0b896b,none,two remark global map jupiter band cloud top compar slide cursor sharp project or follow link imag data hubbl space telescope captur januari 19 backtoback 10 hour rotat rule ga giant allplanet project repres first seri plan annual portrait outer planet atmospher legaci program compar two highlight cloud movement measur wind speed planet dynam atmosphere fact great red spot famou longliv swirl storm boast 300 mile per hour winds seen sport rotating twist filament imag confirm great red spot still shrinking though still larger planet earth pose next lower right oval ba also known red spot,jupit 2015,2015-10-24,593,96,0.1931318681318681,10-24,10,2015,24,8,2,1 f949cf1ba123bb5becfaa48dcc1f731c9894507fde7cabb1c459450130e25af5,none,moon pluto look like decad ago largest moon charon known never imaged robot new horizon spacecraft prepar launched moon identifi hubbl imag remain speck light finally past summer new horizon swept right past pluto photograph pluto charon detail took best imag hydra could featur imag composit show result moon seen distinct shape underli complex even though resolved imag like best avail human time moon small distant contemporari earthbas telescop new mission pluto system planned gallery october venus jupiter mar conjunct,charon small moon pluto,2015-10-26,526,80,0.160343228200371,10-26,10,2015,26,2,1,2 ca80e8a17cc0c349d6ffd7afc4ef0476df9dbc402f2af76b0a6f67c3d374cd59,simon addi,what insid heart nebula first larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like human heart nebula glow brightli red light emit promin element hydrogen red glow larger shape creat small group star near nebula center center heart nebula young star open star cluster melott 15 erod away sever picturesqu dust pillar energet light winds open cluster star contain bright star nearli 50 time mass sun mani dim star fraction mass sun absent microquasar expel million year ago heart nebula locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia top right companion fishhead nebula,bright heart nebula,2015-10-27,568,93,0.1492857142857143,10-27,10,2015,27,4,2,5 7c98535f7b49c60636ac6e84d955721e010ca5816f610e27852c2d0c55022b8d,sara wager,cosmic closeup look deep insid soul nebula dark brood dust cloud outlin bright ridg glow ga catalog ic 1871 25 lightyear across telescop field view span small part much larger heart soul nebulae estim distanc 6500 lightyear starform complex lie within perseu spiral arm milki way seen planet earth sky toward constel cassiopeia exampl trigger star formation dens starform cloud ic 1871 sculpt intens wind radiat region massiv young stars color imag adopt palett made popular hubbl imag starform regions,ic 1871 insid soul nebula,2015-10-29,502,80,0.0875,10-29,10,2015,29,4,0,5 da07512e4601e2985830b6287048bc9072780c46ca7b7daae5e61e474bf8ce18,chri kotsiopoulo,star fall sky ghost realli haunt neighborhood tonight look like might eeri pictur eccentr old abandon hous moonlight treat eye imag trick stack multipl exposures 60 frame expos 25 second each digit frame record camera fix tripod star trace concentr arc north celesti pole that reflect planet earth rotat axis conveni mark bright star polaris pole could posit peak desert wrap blanket stay warm photographer movement exposur blend ghostli apparitions course wish safe happi halloween,ghost star trail,2015-10-31,482,75,0.38,10-31,10,2015,31,6,1,1 602fe362f8c14d27aa791f274c8756f34db7dedb0f49b2a2af97d5d3122f7c7d,walli pacholka,monument valley see milki way arch across sky like helps monument valley usa would see picturesqu foreground includ icon rock peak call buttes butt compos hard rock left behind water erod away surround soft rock featur imag taken 2012 closest butt left butt right known mittens merrick butt seen right high overhead stretch band diffus light central disk spiral milki way galaxy band milki way spot almost anyon almost clear night far enough citi surround bright lights apod spanish web facebook,milki way monument valley,2015-11-01,496,81,0.0959841269841269,11-01,11,2015,1,6,0,1 9b612189be88c65cc0eb33d7587d7601dd1c050f64dd97072e7cd092cebe531c,petr horlek rollov annotation judi schmidt,what sky although much see spectacular panorama taken earli morn hour day late september brightest object sky clearli planet venus featur image venu captur actual natur rock bridge picturesque namibia planet left opening complement silhouett astrophotograph right beyond rock bridg mani famou icon dark night sky including left right pleiad star cluster orion nebula bright star sirius larg small magellan clouds week venu remain visibl east predawn sky complement mars angularli quit close,venu arch,2015-11-03,490,73,0.1246753246753246,11-03,11,2015,3,6,1,1 9a87326e2debcaabfea0e256348ac54c94d160ecfe26f638c230f65844795855,terri hancock observatory,great nebula orion also known m42 one famou nebula sky star form region glow ga cloud hot young star right sharp color imag includ bluish reflect nebula ngc 1977 friend left locat edg otherwis invis giant molecular cloud complex eyecatch nebula repres small fraction galact neighborhood wealth interstellar material within wellstudi stellar nursery astronom also identifi appear numer infant planetari systems gorgeou skyscap span nearli two degre 45 lightyear orion nebula estim distanc 1500 lightyears,great orion nebula,2015-11-04,503,75,0.1010714285714285,11-04,11,2015,4,4,0,5 dd8f20003b3cd1eec3f2b139046453f0164557b7a544531b3270f4659d74d17c,warren keller,spiral galaxi ngc 3169 appear unravel cosmic scene play 70 million lightyear away bright star regulu toward faint constel sextans beauti spiral arm distort sweep tidal tail ngc 3169 top neighbor ngc 3166 interact gravitationally common fate even bright galaxi local universe fact drawn stellar arc plumes indic gravit interactions seem rampant deep color galaxi group photo pictur span 20 arc minutes 400000 lightyear group estim distance includ smaller dimmer ngc 3165 bottom right ngc 3169 also known shine across spectrum radio xrays harbor activ galact nucleu like site supermass black hole,unravel ngc 3169,2015-11-06,594,92,0.1335497835497835,11-06,11,2015,6,7,2,3 e70ab9fb78593f7cc412a52ddebbbe3d64f6f5ff567cac78398ab9e189b38b75,none,sinc novemb 2000 peopl live continu intern space station celebr humanity 15th anniversari planet earth consid snapshot space galaxi home world pose togeth beyond orbit outpost milki way stretch curv earth limb scene also record faint red extend airglow galaxy central bulg appear starfield cut dark rift obscur interstellar dust pictur taken astronaut scott kelli august 9 2015 135th day oneyear mission space,earth milki way space,2015-11-07,409,63,-0.1027272727272727,11-07,11,2015,7,8,0,2 0b80af1746af582686ebabcebb0e405defa62d188320c42bcbb025e375f3c18b,michael wilson,sky show kids all three children three planets moon star airplan mom captur one imag near great salt lake utah usa earli septemb 2005 minu airplan quadrupl ground busi quadrupl coincid sky visibl last week world easiest object spot crescent moon easili brightest sky orb featur image venu highest planet sky jupit right bright star spica complet quadrupl venus streak far right airplane mom seated grandpa appreci beauti moment took picture week predawn sky show similar conjunct planets,quadrupl sky great salt lake,2015-11-08,487,78,0.2839285714285714,11-08,11,2015,8,6,1,4 0c3517eb90cb11328f4c1809f3ce210e4d10eecd982769c84eeec032da1fa75d,jes varga maritxu poyal maritxu,star ae auriga fire no even though ae auriga name flame star surround nebula ic 405 name flame star nebula region appear color fire fire fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environ stars materi appear smoke mostli interstellar hydrogen contain smokelik dark filament carbonrich dust grains bright star ae aurigae visibl toward right near nebula center hot blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron light emitted seen surround emiss nebula pictur above flame star nebula lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,ae auriga flame star nebula,2015-11-10,722,111,0.1557142857142857,11-10,11,2015,10,4,2,5 c971afd473518c2c00afec41a4ed3777f38b327e0a26616dbb43e8bffb2448f7,abe blair blair,unusu light sky common question particular light bright move expanding appear astrophotograph friend photograph golden gate bridg san francisco california predict night sky alon see unusu display least hundr peopl california report similar sight consensu experienc sky observ plume result rocket launch explan soon confirm test ii nuclear test uncommon usual occur sunset near major metropolitan area particularli notic mani people plume imag post internet quickli identified sky spectacl might understood associ ,unexpect rocket plume san,2015-11-11,517,72,0.1732638888888889,11-11,11,2015,11,8,1,1 4269f76cdc265554ebeef71517e8b2f34967c0527d8419fa3dbd629f8d85f64b,babak tafreshi,novemb 8 wane crescent moon join continu parad planet earth earli morn skies captur ambos nation park kenya even overexpos moonlight cant washout brilliant venu though line near eclipt plane faint mar bright jupit above moon planet enough compar bright taurid meteor also streak scene fact november taurid meteor shower high proport bright fireballs appar stream radiant taurus meteor caus fair planet annual passag debri comet comet dust grain catch earth atmospher rel low speed 27 kilomet per second,kenya morn moon planets taurid,2015-11-12,502,79,0.2883333333333334,11-12,11,2015,12,3,1,1 c38b54346ddadeddb50ec1209712899df48f8cfffe47846abd368d044752f854,steven,telescop closeup show otherwis faint emiss nebula ic 410 also featur two remark inhabit cosmic pond ga dust right center tadpol ic 410 partli obscur foreground dust nebula surround ngc 1893 young galact cluster stars form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago intens hot bright cluster star energ glow gas compos denser cooler ga dust tadpol around 10 lightyear long like site ongo star formation sculpt wind radiat cluster stars head outlin bright ridg ioniz ga tail trail away cluster central region ic 410 lie 10000 lightyear away toward nebularich constel auriga,tadpol ic 410,2015-11-13,571,93,0.0885714285714285,11-13,11,2015,13,4,2,5 ec8a1a7c2f7de81fbbe85597702b6274c72d34357939849ee1239aa95696df8d,none,long shadow cast low sun across rug look terrain captur new horizons scene found south southern tip sputnik planum inform name smooth bright heart region pluto center featur provision known wright mons broad tall mountain 150 kilomet across 4 kilomet high 56 kilomet wide deep summit depression course broad mountain central crater found elsewher solar system like mauna loa planet earth olympu mon mars fact new horizon scientist announc strike similar pluto wright mons nearbi piccard mons larg shield volcano strongli suggest two could giant cryovolcano erupt molten ice interior cold distant world,wright mon pluto,2015-11-14,601,93,0.0393181818181818,11-14,11,2015,14,8,2,2 2d27f0a40fa664ba5397cbd3077c2830832bbc106689783b41d773873fb35b52,sean m sabatini,shower monument valley water meteors featur imag actual composit six exposur 30 second taken 2001 year activ leonid shower time earth move particularli dens swarm sandsiz debri comet tempeltuttle meteor rate approach one visibl streak per second meteor appear parallel fall earth meteor shower radiant point sky toward constel lion leo yearli leonid meteor shower peak week although moon glow visibl mani meteors year shower peak perhap 15 meteor visibl hour rate good expect rival 2001 leonids way mani meteor identifi featur image,leonid monument valley,2015-11-15,537,83,0.1399999999999999,11-15,11,2015,15,8,1,4 e5f34e45e84ce4e8396c7d2ae24a5645e3659e24a1a853071754cb4ba4b33ce4,roberto colombari,pelican nebula slowli transformed ic 5070 offici designation divid larger north america nebula molecular cloud fill dark dust pelican however receiv much studi particularli activ mix star format evolv ga clouds featur pictur produc three specif color light emit sulfur hydrogen oxygen help us better understand interactions light young energet star slowli transform cold ga hot gas advanc boundari two known ioniz front visibl bright orang right particularli dens tentacl cold ga remain million year nebula might longer known pelican balanc placement star ga sure leav someth appear complet different yearli astronomi review apod editor speak januari philadelphia new york citi,pelican nebula gas dust star,2015-11-17,679,101,0.1414718614718614,11-17,11,2015,17,4,2,5 1ffc44549315c04c2fe5383b2aa48f1903b9b0f5ccc7fc3316125f8f6d0982da,none,dramat demonstr shortliv comet jet document late juli robot rosetta spacecraft orbit nucleu comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko featur anim depict chang rotat comet three illumin although first frame show noth unusual second frame show sudden strong jet shoot 67p surfac 20 minut later third frame taken 20 minut show slight remnant jet comet near sun produc long beauti tail stream across inner solar system comet jet produc tail topic research help imag like this anoth recent rosetta measur indic water earth could come comet like 67p signific differ comet 67p span four kilometers orbit sun earth jupiter home esa rosetta spaceship sinc 2014 august rosetta current schedul make slow crash onto comet 67p surfac late 2016,jet comet 67p,2015-11-18,721,114,-0.0083333333333333,11-18,11,2015,18,3,2,2 31679413a16cd65b1618e32abd2108321e31abae76b15c908098fa7ea0b517f7,robert colombari imag data hubbl southern observatori,what closest activ galaxi planet earth would centauru a 11 million lightyear distant span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxi also known ngc 5128 forg collis two otherwis normal galaxies centauru a fantast jumbl young blue star clusters pinkish star form regions impos dark dust lane seen remark detail color galaxi portrait composit imag data space groundbas telescop larg small near galaxy center left cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole billion time mass sun activ galaxies process gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a,centauru,2015-11-19,551,85,-0.0378787878787878,11-19,11,2015,19,7,0,3 1ec0d8cb2977ce70e0022093ff79750c6e57eb427cd55198298c5be89fe0d1b8,malcolm park,leonid meteor rain planet earth week annual shower dusti debri orbit comet leonid streak composit night skyview backyard observatori southern ontario record camera fix tripod individu frame captur bright meteor activ throughout night novemb day shower modest peak frame regist fix field view meteor trail align background star field record even nebularich orion stood southern horizon result trail appear point back shower radiant leo situat left edg star field frame fact trail could taurid meteors shower also activ november even meteors includ bright firebal reflect near horizon,leonid friend,2015-11-20,582,87,0.2,11-20,11,2015,20,8,1,1 bb1c7bacd3f3ad242e892b8aae4a8c17bc29a0a59407a741cba72d3e91cab79f,chart32 team,follow ancient galaxygalaxi collis 200 million lightyear earth debri galaxy ngc flung far intergalact space ngc 5291 like also known galaxy captur near center spectacular scene sharp groundbas telescop imag look toward galaxi cluster abel southern constel centaurus stretch along 100000 lightyear long tidal tails clump resembl dwarf galaxies lack old stars appar domin young star activ star form regions found unusu rich element heavier hydrogen helium dwarf galaxi like born intergalact space recycl enrich debri ngc 5291 itself,recycl ngc,2015-11-21,530,79,0.1099999999999999,11-21,11,2015,21,7,1,3 a1cd7878ef41ee72cb435c39dadad591138feb020952ece9d833d6a8b8695303,none,unusu pit pluto indent discov new horizon spacecraft flybi dwarf planet july largest pit span kilomet across dip ten meter lake frozen nitrogen lake sprawl across sputnik planum part famou lightcolor heartshap region name tombaugh regio although pit solar system creat impact craters depress look differ mani similarli sized dens packed aligned rather thought someth caus specif area ice sublim evapor away fact lack overli impact crater indic pit form rel recently even though robot new horizon new destination continu beam back earth new imag data dramat encount pluto,unusu pit discov pluto,2015-11-25,571,89,0.0598484848484848,11-25,11,2015,25,8,0,2 2a1e74e60b1b35e8900cf3f45a18a7f74e8c712c627274eee3078cd6baaa4e86,yuri beletski,planet earth horizon stretch across recent solar system group portrait seen southern hemisphere la campana observatory taken dawn trace eclipt lineup familiar november earli morn risers toward east bright planet venus mars jupit well regulus alpha star constel leo cours planet immers faint glow zodiac light visibl dark site rise angl horizon sometim known fals dawn accid zodiac light planet lie along ecliptic form flatten protoplanetari disk solar system planet orbit near eclipt plane dust near plane scatter sunlight sourc faint zodiac glow,planet morn,2015-11-26,546,83,0.0840909090909091,11-26,11,2015,26,8,0,1 b9c2c12167611b8ee9b375737eab0216beed80e8912fb5014df7e4658c14ff23,damian peach,bright comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko sweep slowli planet earth predawn sky near lineup planet along ecliptic still composit telescop imag follow comet progress move away sun beyond orbit mars late septemb left late novemb far right faint extens coma tail view color background star near eastern edg constel leo year ago perihelion passage comet less active though rosetta mission lander phila made histor landing touch surfac comet nucleus,rosetta comet outbound,2015-11-28,439,66,-0.0178571428571428,11-28,11,2015,28,3,0,2 0d92d7e5e722daefc059bb1077e202416971b9d61e8830568a562d8fe1ffa385,none,might look like tree mars theyr not group dark brown streak photograph mar reconnaiss orbit melt pinkish sand dune cover light frost imag taken 2008 april near north pole mars time dark sand interior martian sand dune becam visibl spring sun melt lighter carbon dioxid ice occur near top dune dark sand may cascad dune leav dark surfac streak streak might appear first tree stand front lighter regions cast shadows object 25 centimet across resolv imag span one kilometer close up part imag show billow plume indic sand slide occur even imag taken,dark sand cascad mar,2015-11-29,548,93,0.0833333333333333,11-29,11,2015,29,5,2,1 bc866dcf0fe1f47136618de9103a294ae14c31e5d614a1d78330fa89087d272e,none,huge swirl mass stars gas dust occur near center nearbi spiral galaxy gorgeou spiral ngc 3521 mere 35 million lightyear distant toward constel leo span 50000 lightyears central region shown dramat image construct data hubbl space telescope closeup view highlight galaxy characterist multiple patchy irregular spiral arm lace dust cluster young blue stars contrast mani spiral exhibit grand sweep arms rel bright galaxi planet earth sky ngc 3521 easili visibl small telescopes often overlook amateur imag favor leo spiral galaxies like m65 m66,center spiral galaxi ngc 3521,2015-11-30,542,83,0.0461538461538461,11-30,11,2015,30,7,0,3 4e342b23964b998625eed9bf090e774ae7a7694a201da45c92fa422ce8646c46,fritz helmut hemmerich,rich star cluster nebulae ancient constel chariot ride high northern winter night skies compos narrow broadband filter data span nearli 8 full moon 4 degrees sky deep telescop view show auriga celesti bounty field includ emiss region ic 405 top left 1500 lightyear distant also known flame star nebula red convolut cloud glow hydrogen ga energ hot otyp star ae aurigae ic 410 top right significantli distant 12000 lightyear away star form region famou embed young star cluster ngc 1893 tadpoleshap cloud dust gas ic 417 ngc 1931 lower right spider fly also young star cluster embed natal cloud lie far beyond ic 405 star cluster ngc 1907 near bottom edg frame right center crowd field view look along plane milki way galaxy near direct galact anticenter astrophysicists brows 1100 code astrophys sourc code librari,nebula auriga,2015-12-01,814,135,0.169223602484472,12-01,12,2015,1,6,2,5 a734f6be40469754c0be3679e4ed8e64c3aa7e0b15a383c8bacbc743b53f8023,none,saturn ici moon enceladu pose ga giant ici ring cassini spacecraft image dramat scene captur juli 29 cassini cruis ring plane camera look back nearli sunward direct 1 million kilomet moon bright crescent 500 kilomet diameter enceladu surprisingli activ moon though remark south polar geyser visibl vent beyond dark southern limb fact data collect cassini flybi year imag recent reveal presenc global ocean liquid water beneath moon ici crust demonstr tantal liquid global extent care analysi indic surfac core connected enceladu rock slightli back forth orbit,ringsid water world,2015-12-03,559,86,0.0515151515151515,12-03,12,2015,3,0,0,2 525eba6c28721186c618773dbc55476dfd72378c87c9cae7f0f7af6c1484adf7,ivan eder,cloud ga dust drift rich star field along plane milki way galaxi toward high fli constel cygnus caught within telescop field view soap bubbl lower left crescent nebula upper right form final phase life star also known ngc 6888 crescent shape bright central massiv wolfrayet star wr 136 shed outer envelop strong stellar wind burn fuel prodigi rate wr 136 near end short life finish spectacular supernova explosion recent discov soap bubbl nebula like planetari nebula final shroud lower mass longlived sunlik star destin becom slowli cool white dwarf 5000 lightyear distant larger crescent nebula around 25 lightyear across,cygnus bubbl crescent,2015-12-04,623,99,0.1660025062656641,12-04,12,2015,4,4,2,5 4c5e1e6f9237c710596dc1d4af7025b63de7297e57cbc64974d6dd0b61121d99,umar mohideenu california riverside,tini ball provid evid univers expand forever measur slightli one tenth millimeter ball move toward smooth plate respons energi fluctuat vacuum empti space attract known casimir effect name discoverer who 55 year ago tri understand fluid like mayonnais move slowly today evid indic energi densiti univers unknown form dub dark energy form genesi dark energi almost complet unknown postul relat vacuum fluctuat similar casimir effect gener somehow space itself vast mysteri dark energi appear gravit repel matter henc like caus univers expand forever understand vacuum energi forefront research better understand univers also stop micromechan machin part stick together,forc empti space casimir effect,2015-12-06,667,98,-0.0053571428571428,12-06,12,2015,6,8,2,4 f16eb68905efa8dbe835e2f6951ac3972274635b4c5bd91a225b21eb27928bc8,fritz helmut hemmerich,comet catalina readi closeup giant snowbal outer solar system known formal c2013 us10 round sun last month head closest approach earth january glow moon also way morn observ earth northern hemispher get best ever view new comet comet catalina disappointing although bright earli predictions comet sport dust lower left ion upper right tails make impress object binocular longexposur cameras featur imag taken last week canari islands northwest coast africa sky enthusiast around world sure track comet next month see follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,comet catalina emerg,2015-12-07,559,86,0.1401598401598401,12-07,12,2015,7,3,1,1 549d29241355fc1ba2ce34f6d1d08c264d73c37721aecfa6f05c8e3c3923e412,elizabeth m rollov annotation judi schmidt,legend collid dramat vista land sea sky land iceland specif southern villag known beauti black sand sea atlant ocean surround sea stack erod rock pillar iceland folklor tell remain attempt drag ship onto land watch overhead shine bright upper right god sky accord greek planet jupiter also visibl sky sever greek legend constellations includ lion big bear ursa major water snake hydra one might guess commot caus spectacular aurora pictur realli explos sun,iceland aurora,2015-12-08,458,73,0.1255952380952381,12-08,12,2015,8,8,1,1 fac0b73efeec43143de2e336036ab22437ba505aa8fa94a49de43a2ac06dd67a,none,danc death along way two larg galaxi duel cosmic bridg stars gas dust current stretch 75000 lightyear join them bridg strong evid two immens star system pass close experienc violent tide induc mutual gravity evidence faceon spiral galaxi right also known ngc 3808a exhibit mani young blue star cluster produc burst star formation twist edgeon spiral left ngc 3808b seem wrap materi bridg galaxi surround curiou polar ring together system known arp 87 morpholog classified technically peculiar interact drawn billion years repeat close passag ultim result death one galaxi sens one galaxi eventu result although scenario look peculiar galact merger thought common arp 87 repres stage inevit process arp 87 pair 300 million lightyear distant toward constel leo promin edgeon spiral far left appear distant background galaxi involv ongo merger,arp 87 merg galaxi hubbl,2015-12-09,840,130,-0.0331632653061224,12-09,12,2015,9,7,2,3 99ed36b7eda2e26ee0ee8c6bbc34d89a2cf73a700d5fe7e71702c11a6e03865d,phillip cruden,venu appear earth brilliant morn star stand lineup planet southeastern horizon dawn most silveri celesti beacon rose predawn close pair old crescent moon monday decemb 7 also wide seen locat north central america lunar crescent actual occult pass front venu monday daylight hours time seri follow daytim approach moon morn star clear blue sky phoenix arizona progress nine sharp telescop snapshots made local time run lower left upper right venu wink behind bright lunar limb,daytim moon meet morn star,2015-12-10,475,75,0.1600446428571428,12-10,12,2015,10,2,1,1 cc3c54d8491dc2de978db5009c86d4714608985af5fce13de475e749bc7a829f,none,dwarf planet cere largest object solar system main asteroid belt diamet 950 kilometers explor cere orbit sinc march dawn spacecraft camera reveal 130 mysteri bright spots mostli associ impact crater scatter around small world otherwis dark surface brightest one near center 90 kilomet wide occat crater seen dramat fals color view combin nearinfrar visibl light imag data studi find bright spot reflect light properti probabl consist type magnesium sulfat call course magnesium sulfat also known earth dweller haze report insid occat also suggest salti materi could left mix salt wateric sublim surface sinc impact would expos material ceres numer wide scatter bright spot may indic presenc subsurfac shell middecember dawn begin take observ closest cere map orbit,brightest spot cere,2015-12-11,764,117,0.1897435897435897,12-11,12,2015,11,8,2,4 caf7ca3234d7bc94bb147cfd4576b46466b7bcdcf4ab8c4c89e2e00b6a65aa4a,greg,crescent moon brilliant venu met predawn sky decemb 7 beauti conjunct planet earth two brightest celesti beacon sun harder see also scene comet catalina c2013 fainter comet clearli sport two tails lunar night side bright sunlit lunar crescent brilliant morn star record combin short long exposur field view point right catalina dust tail tend trail behind comet orbit ion tail angl toward top left frame blow away sun discov 2013 new visitor oort cloud closest sun novemb 15 outbound head closest approach earth midjanuary watch geminid,comet meet moon morn star,2015-12-12,536,86,0.2610979929161747,12-12,12,2015,12,3,1,1 218f4bf07ea373ad50ced890b4c9e382385dd298f0761340cb5b9ee2b0a6c393,stéphane cielo,radiant point constel twins annual geminid meteor shower rain planet earth tonight gemind reach peak could quit spectacular featur blend image however captur shower impress peak year 2012 beauti skyscap collect gemini love shoot star care composit 30 exposures 20 second long dark chilean atacama desert eso paran observatory foreground paranal four larg telescopes four auxillari telescopes vlt survey telescop open observing sky share bright jupit left orion top left faint light milki way dust swept orbit activ asteroid 3200 phaethon gemini meteor enter earth atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second tonight join nasa geminid,gemini send star paran,2015-12-13,628,95,0.1538461538461538,12-13,12,2015,13,8,2,1 98d51cee5ed3e48343bc9392c3bedfb2962fce62a994a37142d0bcc01301ae45,none,sharpest view ever pluto robot new horizon spacecraft move outer solar system send back highest resolut imag histor encount pluto july featur one highresolut image left montes mountain highland thought compos primarili block water ice sharp transit shorelin lead ice plains right compos part heartshap featur known sputnik planum contain ice includ solid nitrogen plain textur ice pit segment current unknown imag taken 15 minut closest approach show area 30 kilomet across new horizon spacecraft next schedul fli past kuiper belt object 2014 mu 69 new year day 2019 aa apod help you,pluto mountain plain,2015-12-14,583,93,0.0004245754245754,12-14,12,2015,14,8,0,2 accf22fe04c412eb9be6d84075eebe6916e2e30e579c404bfea298bfae87bbcd,sergio montfar planetario ciudad de la,color arc sky like rainbow caus rain arc sunlight broken compon color also result ice crystal float earth atmospher act togeth gigant prism top color arc typic part 22 degre halo surround sun hexagon ice crystal refract sunlight two six sides unusual though bottom color arc sometim call fire rainbow circumhorizon arc also creat ice fire even rain here seri horizontal thin flat ice crystal high cirru cloud refract sunlight side bottom face toward observer arc occur sun higher 58 degre horizon featur sky occur northwest earli afternoon last month street diagon la plata city bueno aires argentina follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,color arc bueno air,2015-12-15,643,105,0.035625,12-15,12,2015,15,1,2,1 d210b46b366e8334de77a19a3a0431595c44516acef92e04d1351672706b89fe,yuri beletski,rth annual geminid meteor shower disappoint peak dawn decemb 14 fair planet plow dust activ asteroid 3200 phaethon captur southern hemispher nightscap meteor stream away shower radiant gemini creat image mani individu frame record meteor streak taken period 5 hours final composit select regist starri sky twin 65 meter magellan telescop carnegi la campana observatori chile rigel orion siriu shine brightli milki way stretch toward zenith near castor pollux twin star gemini meteor shower radiant low close horizon radiant effect due perspect parallel meteor track appear converg distance gemini meteor enter earth atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second,geminid south,2015-12-17,654,98,0.0843749999999999,12-17,12,2015,17,6,2,4 45509c3d4d4fe0c14f7e380fc89d0e085876eac8589a8da900a7c324813378f5,none,might look like doubleblad lightsaber two cosmic jet actual beam outward newborn star galaxi near you construct hubbl space telescop imag data stun scene span half lightyear across herbigharo 24 hh 24 1300 lightyear 400 parsec away stellar nurseri orion b molecular cloud complex hidden direct view hh 24 central protostar surround cold dust ga flatten rotat accret disk materi disk fall toward young stellar object heat up oppos jet blast along system rotat axis cut region interstellar matter narrow energet jet produc seri glow shock front along path,herbigharo 24,2015-12-18,553,89,-0.0527777777777777,12-18,12,2015,18,4,0,5 dcb39c54f211f7065d09fcebb5b071df0db0e48a9d4f9b5132eac999b4293c44,r jay gabani,ngc 4631 spiral galaxi found 25 million lightyear away toward welltrain northern constel cane venatici seen galaxi similar size milki way distort wedg shape suggest cosmic her other popular moniker whale galaxy larg galaxy small remark bright ellipt companion ngc 4627 lie dusti yellowish core also identifi recent discovered faint dwarf galaxi within halo ngc 4631 fact faint extend featur and above ngc 4631 recogn tidal star streams star stream remnant dwarf satellit galaxi disrupt repeat encount whale began 35 billion year ago even nearbi galaxies presenc tidal star stream predict cosmolog model galaxi formation includ format milki way,star stream whale galaxi,2015-12-19,643,99,-0.0083333333333333,12-19,12,2015,19,7,2,3 d00772b1a2c1195fbe024b8f6751a0964a99f6ce651aecb37aee4bf78db2a88e,none,someth unusu pictur earth find it fleet phenomenon thought legend newli caught know look featur imag taken orbit intern space station iss late april show familiar iss solar panel far left part robot arm far right rare imag phenomenon known red sprite seen albeit faintly bright area imag right bright area red sprite differ type lightning white flash typic type although sprite report anecdot long 300 years first caught film 1989 accident much remain unknown sprite includ occur effect atmospher global electr circuit somehow relat upper atmospher lightn phenomena blue jet terrestri gamma flashes free apod lectures editor speak januari philadelphia new york citi,dark earth red sprite,2015-12-20,667,104,0.1537632821723731,12-20,12,2015,20,8,2,1 c5b4c320496f5103dfb8b31568f24d365b5292a8705f1c85ef2db16845f3e507,none,back never observ supernova predicted uniqu astronom event occur field galaxi cluster mac bright spot featur imag galaxi cluster actual supernova dub supernova occur far across univers well behind massiv galaxi cluster graviti caus cluster act massiv gravit lens split imag supernova refsdal multipl bright images one imag arriv earth ten year ago like upper red circle missed four bright imag peak april lowest red circle spread around massiv galaxi cluster first einstein cross supernova more analys reveal sixth bright supernova imag like still way earth like arriv within next year earlier month right schedul sixth bright imag recovered middl red circle predicted studi imag sequenc like help human understand matter distribut galaxi clusters fast univers expands massiv star explode follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,sn first predict supernova imag,2015-12-21,833,127,0.2016233766233766,12-21,12,2015,21,6,2,4 c7b0fca51291cdbe136135523f042e45e0558b363310fda979d33311dd44648c,stan honda,beautiful lumin decor pine tree actual bright star constel scorpiu faint glow central milki way captur june north rim grand canyon planet earth close focu imag render pine needl tree branch sharp blur distant stars light smear remark color disks course temperatur determin color star outoffocu bright star scorpiu show predomin blue hue surfac temperatur much hotter cooler larger sun notic redder scene giant star antar heart scorpion telescop view whitish disk upper right would immedi recogniz though reflect sun light ring ga giant saturn,star color,2015-12-24,542,85,0.1839285714285714,12-24,12,2015,24,6,1,4 57b939caaf63b9ce2382a4b315c30e4a569556458d3b6a75e0b4861e66a746b5,babak tafreshi,crater northern territory australia planet earth scar impact 4000 year old ancient meteorit fragment dozen pieces largest made 180 meter diamet crater whose weather wall floor lit foreground southern hemispher nightscape vertic panoram view follow magnific milki way galaxi stretch horizon rich central starfield cut obscur dust clouds glanc along galact plane also reveal alpha beta centauri star southern cross captur region spectacular dark skies small magellan cloud satellit milki way bright galaxi left light nearbi town visibl glow horizon larg magellan cloud rising,southern crater galaxi,2015-12-26,573,84,0.1479166666666666,12-26,12,2015,26,6,1,1 3664dd94d078d8f30dd379f810303f7b5689c5c659663c633046a120f3d9d3e7,none,carina may explode one know may next year may one million year now eta carinae mass 100 time greater sun make excel candid full blown supernova histor record show 150 year ago eta carina underw unusu outburst made one brightest star southern sky eta carinae keyhol nebula star current thought emit natur laser light featur image taken 1996 brought new detail unusu nebula surround rogu star clearli visibl two distinct lobes hot central region strang radial streaks lobe fill lane ga dust absorb blue ultraviolet light emit near center streak remain unexplained free apod lectures editor speak januari philadelphia new york citi,doom star eta carina,2015-12-27,631,102,0.1901515151515151,12-27,12,2015,27,6,2,5 393a67e05a92da9634b30209c79151ff7c93b87f86eb2c9a1ea4b397baa3ef57,raul villaverd frail,surround hotb star formation case orion nebula dust entir orion field locat 1600 light year away inund intric picturesqu filament dust opaqu visibl light dust creat outer atmospher massiv cool star expel strong outer wind particles trapezium form star cluster embed nebula intric filament dust surround m42 m43 appear brown featur image central glow ga highlight red next million year much orion dust slowli destroy star formed dispers galaxy explor universe random apod gener,dust orion nebula,2015-12-29,477,74,0.1083333333333333,12-29,12,2015,29,4,1,5 04fe1e4b03ad43b2db4e37fc2dc967cf24c4d267a3d38f4161a6a8b1e90dc4de,john,interstellar form cosmic dust ga interact energet light wind hot young stars shape visual texture color combin give region popular name fox fur nebula characterist blue glow left dust reflect light bright star mon bright star top edg featur image textur red black area combin cosmic dust reddish emiss ioniz hydrogen gas mon part young open cluster stars ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros aa conventioneers apod town meet wednesday 215 pm,fox fur nebula,2015-12-30,473,77,0.2489583333333333,12-30,12,2015,30,4,1,5 da65bc5a97f21d7f5065c3ec3262b617212f923131421a5c7b18c7bb859430a5,chriskotsiopoulo,southern exposur strike symmetri made along jurass coast england planet earth beauti set december solstice five frame dramat composit view follow lowest arc sun sunris sunset shortest day year solstic arc span 103 degre northern latitude course eros wave action produc cove remark shape coastal limeston layers cove narrow entranc responsible creat circular wave diffract pattern wave pattern made clearer low solstic sun,solstic sun cove,2015-12-31,421,63,0.02,12-31,12,2015,31,1,0,1 26ba24632baaa173086dfd4d25bcdddb3e580c37852bbed5f1cc5a9a61bbe018,josé j chambó,new year treat binoculars 2016 begin comet catalina c2013 us10 sweep planet earth predawn sky near bright arcturus alpha star bootes telescop mosaic decemb 21 follow pretti tail comet across field view wide 10 full moons smatter distant galaxi faint star background constel virgo trail behind comet orbit catalina dust tail fan left frame ion tail angl toward top right away sun buffet solar wind januari 17 outward bound visitor oort cloud make closest approach earth mere 110 million kilomet away seen near bright star along handl big dipper,comet catalina tail,2016-01-01,543,89,0.0848051948051948,01-01,1,2016,1,3,0,1 1ed64981ad3d7c53be1fad74eb4b7dd135ca988375354a6938ec74de727a9428,gill fri,trigger impact coron mass eject new year eve moder geomagnet storm brought celebr sky light planet earth high latitud yesterday new year nightscape shimmer reddish curtain aurora australi along southern horizon captur victoria australia course perman jewel southern sky scene southern milki way alpha beta centauri bright star southern cross left silhouette branch larg foreground tree stretch across milki way satellit galaxies larg small magellan clouds bright star frame near tip tree branch right alpha star constel eridanus sometim known southern end river,sky light new year,2016-01-02,561,83,0.1480275974025974,01-02,1,2016,2,6,1,1 23f7f4d605360170900949437055124bacf21559f31b996738c1c0f9f316e72a,none,nights sky best show town night sky best show town composit imag sky intern competit landscap astrophotography featur win imag taken 2011 jkulsrln largest glacial lake iceland photograph combin six exposur captur two green auror rings reflect seren lake visibl distant background sky band milki way galaxi andromeda galaxy power coron mass eject sun caus aurora seen far south wisconsin usa solar activ past week result aurora past days follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,starri night iceland,2016-01-03,479,76,0.2624999999999999,01-03,1,2016,3,6,1,1 29db110eb4292ae24fef3700dd309313b78a86eb03969a27b418c3366291da05,none,moon earth never rise sets sit surfac moon would see earth hang sky moon alway keep side toward earth curiously featur imag pictur earth set lunar edge possibl imag taken spacecraft orbit moon specif lunar reconnaiss orbit lro fact lro orbit moon fast that spacecraft earth appear set anew everi two hours featur imag captur one three month ago contrast surfac earth moon set day primari caus rotat earth lro launch 2009 and creat detail three dimension map moon surface also survey moon water possibl good land spot futur astronauts free apod lectures editor speak come weekend philadelphia new york citi,earthset lunar reconnaiss orbit,2016-01-04,608,101,0.2672727272727273,01-04,1,2016,4,2,2,2 87d4cd1ed3a81640923e2efa4869c79c9b3cb99c2adb6406c53d59fc50e7ff85,john,majest lagoon nebula fill hot ga home mani young stars span 100 light year across lie 5000 light year distant lagoon nebula big bright seen without telescop toward constel archer sagittarius mani bright star visibl ngc 6530 open cluster form nebula sever million year ago greater nebula also known m8 ngc 6523 name lagoon band dust seen right open cluster center featur imag taken light emit hydrogen shown sulfur red oxygen blue display enhanc color featur pictur newli process panorama m8 captur twice diamet full moon star format continu lagoon nebula wit mani globul exist there aa conventioneers apod town meet wednesday 215 pm,lagoon nebula hydrogen oxygen,2016-01-05,632,104,0.2285714285714285,01-05,1,2016,5,4,2,5 8c0ef618dce1c757c56a093aed025595ea9c4d45d0a369a42af5d661a741cfee,fritzhelmut hemmerich,telescopic two panel mosaic span 10 full moon across planet earth predawn skies record year began tenerife canari islands near top frame faint coma tail comet borrelli comet seven year orbit period borrelly nucleu visit ion propel spacecraft deep space 1 near begin 21st century anchor scene bottom brilliant star arcturu alpha comet catalina c2013 us10 first time visitor oort cloud catalina yellowish dust tail extend right buffet wind storm sun comet complex ion tail sweep toward right across field view remarkably one 30 second exposur also caught trail bright meteor toward left comet bright star,comet bright star,2016-01-06,602,96,0.2234126984126984,01-06,1,2016,6,3,2,1 4e16f2b9ef5934159a7c71fee63aab5783959ecaa2dbcacd80e19782fa515037,none,mere 25 million lightyear away andromeda galaxy also known m31 realli next door larg galaxi go inset imag data nasa nuclear telescop array yield best highenergi xray view yet larg neighbor spiral reveal 40 extrem sourc xrays xray binari star system contain black hole neutron star orbit normal stellar companion fact larger andromeda milki way massiv member local galaxi group andromeda close enough nustar examin popul xray binari detail compar own background imag andromeda taken nasa galaxi evolut explor energet ultraviolet light,high energi andromeda,2016-01-07,533,82,0.1575757575757576,01-07,1,2016,7,7,1,3 059fe4ad60586c76d91f4946195421fa4cdc75c8677edc548607e819f8f9053d,none,greek myth prometheu titan known bring fire mount olympus modern time name given small moon saturn orbit insid saturn f ring complex interaction tini potatoshap moon interact ici ring particl creat structur along f ring still fulli understood one highest resolut view prometheus imag pock surfac pose thin f ring background taken cassini spacecraft close approach decemb 6 2015 elong prometheu roughli 150 kilomet 90 miles long 70 kilomet wide,prometheu f ring,2016-01-08,443,70,-0.1285714285714286,01-08,1,2016,8,0,0,2 5323e61dc48878c454a0ff8efeda73aeea344d756762d336fecd4fcf18cf924f,none,big beautiful bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300 lie 70 million lightyear away bank constel eridanus hubbl space telescop composit view gorgeou island univers one largest hubbl imag ever made complet galaxy ngc 1300 span 100000 lightyear hubbl imag reveal strike detail galaxy domin central bar majest spiral arms fact close inspect nucleu classic bar spiral show remark region spiral structur 3000 lightyear across like spiral galaxies includ milki way ngc 1300 thought supermass central black hole free apod lecture editor speak tonight philadelphia,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300,2016-01-09,543,83,0.1785714285714285,01-09,1,2016,9,7,1,3 b4aceb9873f2ccc50e837a0ff0036953daecd6831f0649c7b82220e219b87472,none,what happen sun anoth coron mass eject cme sunorbit soho spacecraft imag mani erupt filament lift activ solar surfac blast enorm bubbl magnet plasma space direct light sun block inner part featur image taken 2002 replac simultan imag sun ultraviolet light field view extend two million kilomet solar surface hint explos events call coron mass eject cmes discov spacecraft earli 70s dramat imag part detail record cme develop present oper soho spacecraft near maximum solar activ cycle cme typic occur sever time week strong cme may profoundli influenc space weather direct toward planet seriou effects astrophysicists brows 1100 code astrophys sourc code librari,sun storm coron mass eject,2016-01-10,662,103,0.1916666666666666,01-10,1,2016,10,1,2,4 13c70f7b26d827865fd5f6071a942deaaf27b3e0c47af6ce441d6faeed625240,jeff dai,color ring around sun corona visibl earth observ right place right time ring like sometim appear sun moon seen thin clouds effect creat quantum mechan diffract light around individual similarlys water droplet interven mostlytranspar cloud sinc light differ color differ wavelengths color diffract differently solar corona one quantum color effect easili seen unaid eye type solar corona visual effect due water earth atmospher differ solar corona exist continu around sun stand total solar eclipse foreground famou himalayan mountain peak follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,color solar corona himalaya,2016-01-11,582,86,0.0846428571428571,01-11,1,2016,11,1,0,1 437e603768aa11942306c55ecd1b53032104abb8f4c5e53bc302289109306765,farmakopoulo antoni,what california space drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long featur image promin glow california nebula red light characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons strip away ionized energet starlight star like provid energet starlight ioniz much nebular ga bright hot bluish xi persei right nebula regular target astrophotographers california nebula spot widefield telescop dark sky toward constel perseus far pleiades,california nebula,2016-01-12,631,94,0.1543650793650793,01-12,1,2016,12,4,2,5 75d4e2c4700de3febc2ea2bd8f05b0e05ab7183b741b58e036259a9c9daa0fd1,none,cosmic dust cloud rippl across infrar portrait milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud fact remark composit imag herschel space observatori spitzer space telescop show dust cloud fill neighbor dwarf galaxy much like dust along plane milki way itself dust temperatur tend trace star form activity spitzer data blue hue indic warm dust heat young stars herschel instrument contribut imag data shown red green reveal dust emiss cooler intermedi region star format begin stopped domin dust emission larg magellan cloud infrar appear differ view optic images galaxy wellknown tarantula nebula still stand out easili seen brightest region left center mere 160000 lightyear distant larg cloud magellan 30000 lightyear across,infrar portrait larg magellan cloud,2016-01-14,723,109,-2.775557561562892e-18,01-14,1,2016,14,6,2,4 b60d68abcddb92ceb488775cbcea8094a9f32a64e8138657096153846493ccdf,none,inform name wright mons broad mountain 150 kilomet across 4 kilomet high wide deep summit depress featur inset imag captur new horizon flybi pluto juli 2015 course broad mountain summit crater found elsewher solar system like larg shield volcano mauna loa planet earth giant olympu mon mars new horizon scientist note strike similar pluto wright mons nearbi piccard mons larg shield volcano suggest two could giant cryovolcano erupt molten ice interior cold distant world fact found frozen dwarf planet wright mon could largest volcano outer solar system sinc one impact crater identifi wright mon may well activ late pluto history highest resolut color imag also reveal red materi spars scatter around region,wright mon color,2016-01-15,709,112,-0.0405959595959595,01-15,1,2016,15,8,2,4 4294dbb9844d9399c73a32e2cfc77127556b5cbcdbe2e49a36dfc647cca60b22,fabian neyer,big bright beauti spiral messier 106 center galaxi fill cosmic vista two degre wide telescop field view look toward welltrain constel cane venatici near handl big dipper also known ngc 4258 m106 80000 lightyear across 235 million lightyear away largest member cane ii galaxi group far away galaxy distanc m106 wellknown part directli measur track galaxy remark maser microwav laser emission rare natur occuring maser emiss produc water molecul molecular cloud orbit activ galact nucleus anoth promin spiral galaxi scene view nearli edgeon ngc 4217 right m106 distanc ngc 4217 much less wellknown estim 60 million lightyears,view toward m106,2016-01-16,623,97,0.1119047619047618,01-16,1,2016,16,7,2,3 3c1eac7500655bcf0c8217b93cfae52967f0748569e6d40a16719461ea3dd80b,none,center galaxi busi place visibl light much galact center obscur opaqu dust infrar light however dust glow obscur less allow nearli one million star record featur photograph galact center appear left locat 30000 light year away toward constel archer sagittarius galact plane milki way galaxy plane sun orbits identifi dark diagon dust lane absorb dust grain creat atmospher cool redgiant star grow molecular clouds region directli surround galact center glow brightli radio highenergi radiation thought hous larg black hole follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,galact center infrar,2016-01-17,565,86,0.0666666666666666,01-17,1,2016,17,6,0,3 fc6ffa0d877f13f81c92c8130e4642b1598c68758c367f66022c09ed032586da,none,closest star sun planets one sure follow frequent updat new search take place first month year closest star proxima centauri nearest member alpha centauri star system light take year reach us proxima centauri small red star captur center featur imag hubbl space telescope faint discov 1915 visibl telescope diffract spike surround proxima centauri sever star milki way galaxi visibl background brightest star alpha centauri system quit similar sun known long record history third brightest star night sky alpha centauri system primarili visibl earth southern hemisphere start last week european southern observatory pale red dot project began investig slight chang proxima centauri see result planet possibl earthsiz planet although unlikely modern civil found live planet orbit proxima centauri proxim make reason possibl human could commun them follow search planet around proxima centauri,proxima centauri closest star,2016-01-18,894,131,-0.0023451910408432,01-18,1,2016,18,6,2,4 65e233b65258685f0d1a81e046f5e7f461068bd3e9d26d73b61c271adf5cabaa,none,dark sand dune mars nasa robot rover curios studi find out make firstev upclos investig activ sand dune anoth world name namib dune dark sand mound stand 4 meter tall and along bagnold dunes locat northwestern flank mount sharp featur imag taken last month horizont compress wind caus dune advanc one meter year across light bedrock underneath windblown sand visibl left part curios rover visibl lower right past days curios scoop dark sand detail analysis explor bagnold dunes curios schedul continu trek 5kilomet tall mount sharp central peak larg crater carsiz rover landed,dark sand dune mar,2016-01-19,576,93,-0.024025974025974,01-19,1,2016,19,5,0,2 85b27a22ffce386c5ebcc03870b38918ade1fa8f155e4c91023f871f0ab5101e,martin pugh,egg gigant chicken may form stars featur emiss nebula shown scientif assign colors catalog ic 2944 known run chicken nebula shape greater appearance seen toward top imag small dark molecular cloud rich obscur cosmic dust call thackeray globul discoverer eggs potenti site gravit condens new stars although fate uncertain also rapidli erod away intens radiat nearbi young stars togeth patchi glow ga complex region reflect dust massiv energet star form open cluster collind 249 gorgeou skyscap span 60 lightyear nebula estim 6000 lightyear distance,star globul run chicken nebula,2016-01-20,547,84,-0.0262396694214876,01-20,1,2016,20,4,0,5 a95643b324a0d3b8badb3091b9a5f06f00b7fa90b83b99b5da32389d418cf59e,fritzhelmut hemmerich,sweep northern skies comet catalina c2013 us10 made closest approach januari 17 pass 6 lightminut fair planet dust ion tail clearli separ earthbas view comet also pose messier moment near lineofsight m101 grand spiral galaxi ursa major cosmic pinwheel lower left m101 nearli twice size milki way galaxy 270 thousand away galaxi comet rel bright easi target binocularequip skygazers comet catalina outbound inner solar system slowli fade come months telescop two panel mosaic span 5 degre 10 full moons sky,view toward m101,2016-01-21,505,80,0.3015625,01-21,1,2016,21,3,1,3 53c0aeb50ea376122390740224403192317b44d73a77dd88a0ce3a5e990b91c0,none,one last entri charl messier famou catalog big beauti spiral galaxi m101 definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown contrast multiwavelength view larg island univers composit imag record spacebas telescop 21st century color code xray infrar wavelength high low energies imag data taken chandra xray observatori purple galaxi evolut explor blue hubbl space telescopeyellow spitzer space telescopered xray data trace locat multimillion degre ga around m101 explod star neutron star black hole binari star systems lower energi data follow star dust defin m101 grand spiral arms also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away editor note origin apod januari,21st centuri m101,2016-01-22,865,129,0.0232575757575757,01-22,1,2016,22,7,2,4 1cd492cc37287726830ff32722902f52f070dd113b93057050391cb307003c5f,lorand feny,big dipper easi recognize wellknown aster northern skies though mani see plough wagon famou bright nebula north also found along familiar lines highlight care compos scene telescop inset frame widerfield skyview messier catalog m101 m51 cosmic pinwheel whirlpool left spiral galaxi far beyond milki way right distant edgeon spiral galaxi seen close galaxy planetari nebula taken januari 16 widerfield view seem includ extra star along dipper handle though that comet catalina c2013 us10 sweep northern nights,big dipper deep sky,2016-01-23,508,76,0.1700892857142857,01-23,1,2016,23,7,1,3 519bb4e200ac7f512bde7b42a2c110414164d63cdb067ff87d5fb5a47a635dfd,none,hydrogen body present everi molecul water came big bang appreci sourc hydrogen universe carbon bodi made nuclear fusion interior stars oxygen much iron bodi made supernova star occur long ago far away gold jewelri like made neutron star collis may visibl shortdur gammaray bursts element like phosphoru copper present bodi small amount essenti function known life featur period tabl color code indic humanity best guess nuclear origin known elements site nuclear creation elements copper realli well known continu topic observ comput research,element came,2016-01-25,542,82,0.125,01-25,1,2016,25,6,1,4 a2d014201f2beb7150eedf9d301701afb3a8af432385f3099c07cf0a8ee0d180,none,candid brightest power explos ever seen it flare spot light found sky autom survey supernova june last year label locat three billion light year distant sourc appear tremend bright anyth far roughli 200 time brighter averag supernova temporarili 20 time brighter star milki way galaxi combined light emit rate direct once would power explos yet recorded known stellar object thought creat explos powerful although push theoret limit highlymagnet neutron star magnetar get close assum flare fade expect later year astronom plan use telescop includ hubbl zoom region gain clues artist illustr depict hypothet night sky planet locat across host galaxi outburst,candid biggest boom yet seen,2016-01-26,660,101,0.2625,01-26,1,2016,26,6,2,4 07610d87dbc752147c4979e752791b39e838adf05f37828a9d4b3653df7565f4,nasa,giant ellipt galaxi m60 spiral galaxi ngc 4647 look like odd coupl sharp cosmic portrait hubbl space telescope found region space galaxi tend eastern side nearbi virgo galaxi cluster 54 million lightyear distant bright egglik shape creat randomli swarm older stars ngc young blue stars ga dust organ wind arm rotat flatten disk spiral ngc 4647 estim distant 63 million lightyear away also known arp pair galaxi may verg signific gravit encounter though m60 aka ngc 4649 120000 lightyear across smaller ngc 4647 span around 90000 lightyears size milki way,ellipt spiral ngc,2016-01-28,554,90,0.0475,01-28,1,2016,28,7,0,3 5bdc6197b07d8e6f699f11f960cf44f4098b9355166acd8ea5d0d0055a3258e2,jose antonio,januari close come day february earli morn riser spot five nakedey planet dawn though might claim see six planets seasid panoram view five celesti wander found horizon along bright wane gibbou moon januari 27 nearli align along plane ecliptic along line sun five planet spread well 100 degre across sky arriv predawn scene fleet mercuri stand southeastern horizon golden light approach sunrise,five planet dawn,2016-01-30,393,62,0.4666666666666666,01-30,1,2016,30,8,1,1 2d5c515ae2c22b6dd119fc641e5a2f81f457669410a30940488d432bfb1f5c07,peter tuthillsydney u jame lloyd cornell,could caus nebula appear square one quit sure hot star system known mwc 922 however appear embed nebula shape featur imag combin infrar exposur hale telescop mt palomar california keck2 telescop mauna kea hawaii lead progenitor hypothesi squar nebula central star star somehow expel cone ga late development stage mwc 922 cone happen incorpor nearli right angl visibl sides support evid cone hypothesi includ radial spoke imag might run along cone walls research specul cone view anoth angl would appear similar gigant ring supernova 1987a possibl indic star mwc 922 might one day explod similar supernova,mwc 922 red squar nebula,2016-01-31,605,96,0.1051020408163265,01-31,1,2016,31,4,2,4 4644c096e2a65ecd1bc182b6a51e7db5d45107de2add0014e5fb1979c6b655ad,andr van der neil fleme michael van,lower left corner surround blue spiral arms spiral galaxi m81 upper right corner mark red ga dust clouds irregular galaxi m82 stun vista show two mammoth galaxi lock gravit combat past billion years graviti galaxi dramat affect hundr millionyear pass last goround m82 graviti like rais densiti wave rippl around m81 result rich m81 spiral arms m81 left m82 violent star form region collid ga cloud energet galaxi glow xrays big battl seen earth faint glow integr flux nebula littl studi complex diffus ga dust cloud milki way galaxy billion year one galaxi remain follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,galaxi wars m81 versu m82,2016-02-03,606,101,-0.0914835164835164,02-03,2,2016,3,7,2,4 93f16d9c349cdb8989d8831123b6e1992e863cae35e4a0ff41afd47eafe0b48f,none,dwarf planet cere largest object solar system main asteroid belt diamet 950 kilomet miles cere seen approxim true color base imag data dawn spacecraft record may 4 2015 date dawn orbit stood kilomet surfac small world two ceres famou mysteri bright spot crater crater near center center right view cast telltal shadow bottom ceres lone mountain ahuna mons present 385 kilomet cerean surface dawn spacecraft return imag closest map orbit,dwarf planet cere,2016-02-04,436,70,0.0352380952380952,02-04,2,2016,4,8,0,2 4c7a3e6000ba9b4c20bc4a5ca05f374cfee36bc8b941f4c767e47ec5c66de449,chart32 team,massiv star lie within ngc 6357 expans emiss nebula complex 6500 lightyear away toward tail constel scorpius fact posit near center groundbas closeup ngc 6357 star cluster pismi 24 includ massiv star known galaxy star nearli 100 time mass sun nebula bright central region also contain dusti pillar molecular gas like hide massiv protostar pri eye optic instruments intric shape nebula carv interstellar wind energet radiat young newli form massiv star clear natal ga dust power nebular glow enhanc nebula cavern appearance narrowband imag data includ composit color imag hubbl palett scheme emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom shown red green blue hues allur telescop view span 50 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6357,massiv star ngc 6357,2016-02-05,711,112,0.04,02-05,2,2016,5,4,2,5 61dd4db19e989389a87e129ae661de99adf8d4b89dad0eded98ad6762279eea9,ignacio lloren,february five planet lineup stretch across clear sky predawn scene hilltop de loom foreground overlook town de mar near barcelona spain planet earth panoram imag look south merg three differ exposur time record bright last quarter moon planets seasid citi lights dark castl seen februari 1st moon near mar sky week earli morn riser watch move on pass near saturn final venu mercury slide along near eclipt toward dawn approach februari 7 new moon,five planet de,2016-02-06,446,74,0.1186363636363636,02-06,2,2016,6,2,1,1 aca60e81280dc8e19d60154e5b7e215e29cdc08679791631cd333036f944484b,none,acceler charg get electromagnet radiation light acceler mass get gravit radiation light seen time but far confirm direct detect gravit radiat absorbed gravit wave creat tini symmetr jiggl similar squash rubber ball let go quickly separ detector use discern gravit wave everyday bumps power astronom sourc gravit radiat would coincident jiggl even detector opposit end earth pictur arm one detector ligo hanford observatori washington state usa togeth sister interferomet louisiana gravit wave detector continu upgrad sensit ever,gravit wave upgrad,2016-02-07,528,77,0.1791666666666666,02-07,2,2016,7,8,1,4 f0e3b4bbff2c8f0e8503245791d5b40f12ae491b339c49106c9461e6c1fc520f,cedic team,larg galaxi grow eat small ones even galaxi practic galact cannibalism absorb small galaxi get close captur milki way gravity fact practic common univers illustr strike pair interact galaxi bank southern constel eridanus river locat 50 million light year away large distort spiral ngc 1532 seen lock gravit struggl dwarf galaxi ngc 1531 right center struggl smaller galaxi eventu lose seen edgeon spiral ngc 1532 span 100000 lightyears nice detail sharp image ngc 15321531 pair thought similar wellstudi system faceon spiral small companion known m51,galaxi river,2016-02-10,550,85,0.0173076923076922,02-10,2,2016,10,7,0,3 a68ee6e0001cc42237cdc55d72835abdc1f03aaf390b1ce0d7711a7ca7324178,none,gravit radiat directli detected firstev detect made laser interferomet gravitationalwav observatori ligo washington louisiana simultan last september numer consist result discoveri publish today measur gravit wave match expect two larg black hole merg death spiral distant galaxy result new black hole momentarili vibrat rapid phenomenon predict einstein histor discoveri confirm cornerston humanity understand graviti basic physics also direct detect black hole ever featur illustr depict two merg black hole signal strength two detector 03 second superimpos across bottom expect futur detect advanc ligo gravit wave detector may confirm spectacular natur measur hold tremend promis give human new way see explor universe,gravit wave merg black hole,2016-02-11,722,101,0.0158508158508158,02-11,2,2016,11,8,2,4 85b2bde6107ee9ce107fe9b10f154e09220d924a13b323eac1ebadd1e5c40275,none,track lead small robot perch near top bright littl planet course planet realli moon robot desksiz yutu rover leav loom chang 3 lander middecemb 2013 touch northern mare imbrium littl planet project digit warp stitch mosaic imag lander terrain camera cover 360 180 degrees ultim travel 100 meters yutu came halt januari 2014 lander instrument still work though two year lunar surface meanwhile interact panoram version littl planet avail here,yutu littl planet,2016-02-13,441,70,0.2625,02-13,2,2016,13,2,1,2 39a595ffc844c4f827772206b08f523a7e260213ea8828f0f7bbe783ed614b73,michael,cloud love mountain perhap not valentine day like today one might prone see heartshap symbol actual exist fleet pareidolia featur heart realli lenticular cloud appear one morn last juli mount cook nation park new zealand companion video show lenticular cloud mostli stationari sky shift surround winds cloud red color caus sun rise frame right lenticular cloud somewhat rare form air pass mountain then vertic eddi may form rise air cool past dew point caus water carri air condens droplets unfortunately amaz sight made fascin late follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,heart shape lenticular cloud,2016-02-14,575,92,0.0474616292798111,02-14,2,2016,14,8,2,1 bbf8f9c8408b052385d9a80f9952325d7b326cb017241b5dc0f8c1c57a3e2bc9,none,caus unusu light rock format mars intrigu possibl could salt deposit left ancient lakeb driedup detail studi finger indic mundan possibility volcan ash studi exact color format indic possibl volcan origin light materi appear erod away surround area indic lowdens substance stark contrast rock surround sand compound unusu dark sand featur pictur taken thermal emiss imag system mar odyssey longest serv spacecraft current orbit mars imag span 10 kilomet insid larger crater,white rock finger mar,2016-02-15,473,72,0.0875,02-15,2,2016,15,5,0,4 e4bbeef40c60f632cce723bba698d682a68d66cee26c86fae7b43db3e6e43974,f scott,februari 17 rocket blast skyward jaxa tanegashima space center locat southern coast japan planet earth onboard astroh xray astronomi satellite orbit design explor extrem cosmo black hole massiv galaxi clusters satellit observatori equip four cuttingedg xray telescop instrument sensit photon energi 300 600000 electron volts comparison visibl light photon energi 2 3 electron volts follow tradit renam satellit success launch astroh newli dub inspir ancient legend mean the pupil,launch,2016-02-18,479,69,0.0201388888888888,02-18,2,2016,18,8,0,2 835041b0f36031939d11d6f5a91429e724ad246ed3f9a6b66a9ce3307906fe6b,eric cole,magnific island univers ngc 2403 stand within boundari longneck constel camelopardalis 10 million lightyear distant 50000 lightyear across spiral galaxi also seem fair share giant star form hii regions mark telltal reddish glow atom hydrogen gas giant hii region energ cluster hot massiv star explod bright supernova end short furiou lives member m81 group galaxies ngc 2403 close resembl anoth galaxi abund star form region lie within local galaxi group m33 triangulum galaxy spiki appearance bright star color galaxi portrait ngc 2403 foreground within milki way,ngc 2403 camelopardali,2016-02-19,564,86,0.25,02-19,2,2016,19,7,1,3 edda5a74b28e3e83667c7411838aee9c306a66bcae2fd5c4208b91f6573fe2d4,none,want take relax interstellar vacation consid visit world binari star system fact kepler16b first discov planet detect wide day orbit around close pair cool lowmass star 200 lightyear away parent star eclips one anoth orbits observ period dim starlight kepler16b discov follow addit slight dim produc transits like scifi planet star war fame two sun would set horizon still kepler16b probabl terrestri desert world instead kepler16b thought cold planet mass saturn gaseou surfac plan or choos anoth vision futur vacat destination,shadow compani,2016-02-20,529,81,-0.0095238095238095,02-20,2,2016,20,6,0,3 35bbede4f6208bae5c25f338fcc0dda979fbf2d5a4ababe6ce5f8a4dc24a3a71,none,what light cigar galaxy m82 irregular galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand gas however evid indic ga driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind featur photograph mosaic highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament gas filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel great bear ursa major,m82 galaxi supergalact wind,2016-02-21,540,82,0.2177083333333333,02-21,2,2016,21,7,1,3 26ab8cee4ef6bd637270b701ad82ebdc42f447209892d1abbf873e8ca4f6da29,none,telescop around world track bright supernova occur nearbi dusti galaxy power stellar explos first note earlier month nearbi galaxi photogen centauru a visibl binocular known impress filament lightabsorb dust cross center cen featur highresolut archiv hubbl space telescop image inset imag featur supernova taken ground two day discovery design supernova highlight inset appear left bright foreground star milki way galaxy supernova current thought type supernova high interest occur nearbi seen known dust filament current futur observ supernova may give us new clue fate massiv star element found earth formed,supernova galaxi dust,2016-02-23,610,89,0.1746969696969697,02-23,2,2016,23,6,2,4 573ce72b9b1ae4746e051741bd0eb2fc8f7a3cfe541f2e1448208b26cb6607ae,none,identifi familiar area northeast usa nighttim might possibl mani major citi visible includ right left new york philadelphia baltimore washington norfolk boston usa northeast megalopoli pictured featur imag taken 2012 intern space station foreground two russian cargo ship promin solar panels northeast megalopoli usa contain almost 20 percent peopl usa 2 percent land area also known also northeast corridor part eastern 10 percent world largest compani here near light seem add credenc predict entir stretch evolv one continu city,space,2016-02-24,532,79,0.1699472402597402,02-24,2,2016,24,8,1,1 52ea1a69bed1f9e3258c23d1c2d3b539a2903b4488a972b6ba98e6a6961e0463,jeff dai,fan planet earth probabl recogn highest mountain himalayan mount everest left 3panel skyscap world night shroud cloud everest peak meter feet elev sea level middl panel star trail volcan mauna kea form part island hawaii astronom observatories summit lie mere meter sea level still measur base start ocean surface mauna kea 10000 meter tall make earth tallest mountain base summit right beneath arc milki way andean mountain chimborazo highest equatori mountain chimborazo volcano peak elev meter sea level rotat planet earth flatten sphere shape equatori diamet greater diamet measur pole pole sit nearli top earth greatest equatori bulge chimborazo peak farthest point planet surfac center 2000 meter farther center earth everest peak make chimborazo summit place earth surfac closest stars,closest star,2016-02-25,792,120,-0.0014285714285714,02-25,2,2016,25,8,2,4 d6ad3c755372bd1b42816fda617f42cb2c5c4454fe41b3e5746ad1649488aeaa,robert gendler,tarantula nebula thousand lightyear diameter giant star form region within nearbi satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud 180 thousand lightyear away largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxies cosmic arachnid sprawl across spectacular composit view construct space groundbas imag data within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula star form region young star clusters filaments blownout bubbleshap cloud fact frame includ site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a lower right rich field view span 1 degre 2 full moons southern constel dorado tarantula nebula closer say 1500 lightyear distant like local star form orion nebula would take half sky,tarantula nebula,2016-02-26,802,118,0.0820028011204481,02-26,2,2016,26,4,2,5 34e2a826a0b72c1cfed5001279e17b9401cfdb7471da4a6cca2237584edaaa70,roberto colombari,star form soul queen aethopia specifically larg star form region call soul nebula found direct constel cassiopeia greek mytholog credit vain wife king long ago rule land surround upper nile river soul nebula hous sever open cluster stars larg radio sourc known w5 huge evacu bubbl form wind young massiv stars locat 6500 light year away soul nebula span 100 light year usual imag next celesti neighbor heart nebula ic 1805 featur imag appear mostli red due emiss specif color light emit excit hydrogen gas follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter instagram,ic 1848 soul nebula,2016-02-28,558,93,0.0982142857142857,02-28,2,2016,28,4,2,5 2a85a19836fa17fa01375977ccc14b2a3e6b1d6432183a2eba73ce7ffc4798fd,aao gemini t a rector u alaska,parti still go spiral galaxi ngc 3310 roughli 100 million year ago ngc 3310 like collid smaller galaxi caus larg spiral galaxi light tremend burst star formation chang graviti collis creat densiti wave compress exist cloud ga trigger starform party featur imag gemini north telescop show galaxi great detail colorcod pink highlight ga white blue highlight stars star cluster galaxi quit young indic starburst galaxi may remain starburst mode quit time ngc 3310 span 50000 light years lie 50 million light year away visibl small telescop toward constel ursa major,ngc starburst spiral galaxi,2016-03-01,562,90,0.1647727272727272,03-01,3,2016,1,7,1,3 e700083c28d557a24e5e8cff9563e46f92a99e34ae63c46eac8cdd8dd2fd5ef2,alfr lee,what sky earlier month sky high hong kong china one unusu type cloud appear two foreground long lenticular cloud cloud form near mountain air might appear alien spaceship higher sky background color iridesc cloud iridesc cloud compos water droplet similar size diffract differ color sunlight differ amounts furthest background sun block direct view opaqu lenticular provid light color either type cloud unusu see hong kong unfortunately minutes gone,unusu cloud hong kong,2016-03-02,450,68,0.021,03-02,3,2016,2,8,0,1 9b966c8d8a10f605555600cf66315e2a7395da9999ddbf8ca87420b6c7041adc,phillip cruden,solar system largest moon rose togeth februari 23 night twilight pair wane gibbou moon jupit captur sharp telescop field view composit short long exposur reveal familiar face fair planet larg natur satellite along line rule ga giant four galilean moons left right tini pinprick light callisto io ganymede jupiter europa closer brighter natur satellit appear loom large callisto io ganymed actual larger earth moon water world europa slightli smaller fact solar system six largest planetari satellites saturn moon titan miss scene editor note composit correct orient field view post march,moon jupit,2016-03-03,587,90,0.1714285714285714,03-03,3,2016,3,2,1,2 02cb47d0ba537064baaa71d753764ed257754e8028a3fd60ec78bb1f6131eaf6,chart32 team,ngc 134 probabl best known spiral galaxi constel sculptor still tantal island univers clearli telescop treasur southern skies share bright core clumpi dust lanes loos wrap spiral arm spiki foreground star milki way diminut galaxi ngc 131 sharp cosmic vista distanc 60 million lightyears ngc 134 seen tilt nearli edgeon span 150000 lightyears make even larger milki way galaxy ngc warp disk faint extens give appear past gravit interact neighbor galaxies like much closer brighter sculptor galaxi ngc 253 tendril dust appear rise galact disk sprinkl blue star cluster pinkish star form regions,sculptor galaxi ngc 134,2016-03-04,592,93,0.1138888888888889,03-04,3,2016,4,7,2,3 d536ec8bfb0c240e07d47e03fb57f11f9a1e4bb59c206a05757c1ec71e31f950,none,look toward south altitud 400 kilometers stun snapshot orbit find bright light tokyo citi across central southern japan planet earth shine upward broken clouds spacefar perspect captur last juli astronaut scott kelli stay board intern space station thin stripe airglow follow curv planet dark limb beyond lie star constel centauru southern sky solar panel extended dock soyuz bottom progress spacecraft pose foreground kelli return planet earth week oneyear mission space,night,2016-03-05,471,70,0.0166666666666666,03-05,3,2016,5,8,0,2 487ba297c18ad493855d9cdab4e5964a97125e5ed24fce274b4d10f86e0406f1,none,chang object cold hydrocarbon sea titan radar imag robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn record surfac cloudengulf moon titan years imag flat henc radar dark surfac methan ethan lake call ligeia mare object appear 2013 juli 2007 subsequ observ 2014 august found object remain changed imag releas last week mysteri object seem disappear 2015 january featur falsecolor imag show 20km long object come gone current origin specul explan includ waves bubbl foam float solids still one sure futur observations particular cassini final close flybi titan 2017 april may either resolv enigma open speculation astrophysicists brows 1200 code astrophys sourc code librari,mysteri featur titan lake,2016-03-07,663,100,-0.0158333333333333,03-07,3,2016,7,8,2,4 76e75f792e920526215b06b226348601a191e355987f48864bf2f3aab4d44dcc,hunter wilson,galaxi thin mani disk galaxi actual thin ngc 5866 pictur above seen edgeon vantag point one galaxi situat edgeon milki way galaxy classifi lenticular galaxy ngc 5866 numer complex dust lane appear dark red mani bright star disk give blue underli hue blue disk young star seen extend past dust extrem thin galact plane bulg disk center appear ting orang older redder star like exist there although similar mass milki way galaxy light take 60000 year cross ngc 5866 30 percent less light take cross galaxy general mani disk galaxi thin ga form collid rotat gravit center galaxi ngc 5866 lie 50 million light year distant toward constel dragon draco follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter instagram,edgeon galaxi ngc 5866,2016-03-09,699,118,-0.0211538461538461,03-09,3,2016,9,7,2,3 05217b3814b07482f93b354edb72d1312174bf6e552257157127cd2a1fbc60e1,babak tafreshi,dark sun hang clear sky volcan planet morn sea taken week total solar eclipse dramat snapshot along narrow path total dark shadow new moon earth indonesian isl ternate north lie foreground sky still bright near eastern horizon though beyond region flatten volcan peak outsid moon umbral shadow fact near equat dark lunar umbra eastward across earth surfac 1700 kilomet miles per hour shine thin clouds around sun silhouett allur glow solar corona easili seen totality inspir sight eclips watchers solar corona tenuous hot outer atmospher sun,dark sun,2016-03-10,541,86,0.0258741258741258,03-10,3,2016,10,1,0,1 576e760395ba2558b87fa691d570ed4b2d89b067f7fd8f36ad035a018511832a,none,snapshot deep space captur planet earth march 9 shadow larg moon fall planet sunlit hemisphere track toward east left right across world moon shadow move quickli direct planet rotation course denizen earth locat close shadow track centerlin saw lunar shadow transit brief total eclips sun spacebas perspect earth sun view shadow transit provid deep space climat observatori dscovr spacecraft earth polychromat imag camera,lunar shadow transit,2016-03-11,421,63,0.0551020408163265,03-11,3,2016,11,2,0,2 6f8b0888133d5db271aab48e8039711731440f100371e6926936efcc7a425431,none,seen right light saturn glow like neon sign although saturn compar littl element neon composit imag falsecolor three band infrar light highlight featur giant ring planet like glow sign blue band infrar light featured falsecolor blue image saturn appear dark saturn thin ring brightli reflect light sun conversely saturn b ring thick littl reflect light make through creat dark band saturn c rings red band infrared falsecolor red above saturn emit surprisingli detail thermal glow indic planetwid bands huge hurricanelik storms strang hexagonshap cloud system around north pole middl infrar band falsecolor green sunlit side saturn atmospher reflect brightly imag obtain 2007 robot cassini spacecraft orbit 16 million kilomet saturn follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter instagram,neon saturn,2016-03-13,785,118,0.1150375939849624,03-13,3,2016,13,0,2,5 d834477955fec90815e6f272e6b95203c29c6b1a3f853d8ffd92c18737e65fd2,oliv czernetz data digit sky survey possii,sometim even dark dust interstellar space seren beauty one place occur toward constel taurus filament featur found sky pleiad star cluster california nebula dust known bright glow absorpt opaqueness sever bright star visibl blue light seen reflect brown dust star appear unusu red light bare peak column dark dust red color remain blue scatter away yet star behind dust pillar thick visibl here although appear serene scene actual ongo loop tumult rebirth massiv enough knot ga dust gravit collaps form new star star creat new dust atmospher destroy old dust energet light winds,dark nebula across tauru,2016-03-14,579,93,0.0911363636363636,03-14,3,2016,14,4,2,5 266379712e6880ae66d65ebf3dd0c8c3fe9e1b3558b81f6beea79d8f43aef2ff,justin,sport surprisingli bright love green coma comet 252plinear pose next larg magellan cloud southern skyscape stack telephoto exposur captur march 16 south australia recogn jupit famili period comet 252plinear come close fair planet march 21 pass mere 53 million kilomet away that 14 time earthmoon distance fact one two comet make remark close approach next day much fainter comet panstarr come within 35 million kilomet time earthmoon distance march 22 two extrem similar orbits suggest may origin part comet sweep quickli across sky proxim earth comet soon move northern skies,close comet larg magellan cloud,2016-03-17,576,90,0.1181818181818181,03-17,3,2016,17,3,2,1 f5645342256aa09cd26ecf5d0b9230550efc6daebd2dd83df5cd8d6146ba83bb,rogelio bernalandreo,familiar w pattern northern constel cassiopeia trace five bright star color broad mosaic stretch 15 degre across rich starfields celesti scene includ dark clouds bright nebulae star cluster along milki way yelloworang hue cassiopeia alpha star shedar standout though yellowish giant star cooler sun 40 time solar diameter lumin shine brightli earth night 230 lightyear away massive rapidli rotat star center w bright gamma ca 550 lightyear distant bluish gamma ca much hotter sun intense invis ultraviolet radiat ioniz hydrogen atom nearbi interstellar cloud produc visibl red halpha emiss atom recombin electrons course night skygaz alpha centauri star system would also see recogniz outlin trace cassiopeia bright stars perspect mere 43 lightyear away would see sun sixth bright star cassiopeia extend pattern beyond left edg frame,cassiopeia,2016-03-18,833,126,0.2145833333333334,03-18,3,2016,18,6,2,5 af1d1e82367fe7473d3f783bd40dc1e495d11cd903f9d6266acfd30960125c2a,none,get redblu glass gaze across cere mysteri mountain ahuna mons shown 3d anaglyph perspect view mosaick imag data captur decemb 2015 taken dawn spacecraft lowaltitud map orbit 385 kilomet surfac dwarf planet remark domeshap featur ceres smooth side ahuna mon 20 kilomet 12 miles diamet base rise averag 4 kilomet flatten summit similar size mountain found planet earth cerean surfac featur tall known process shape lone ahuna mons bright materi streak side materi respons ceres famou bright spots,3d ahuna mon,2016-03-19,494,78,0.2,03-19,3,2016,19,8,1,4 ebba2e57302c9363a9b4a87be587eba24051eb4745ec77ebd4d7878b689fe1fe,sebastian,what happen sky moonlight illumin snowi scene night land skyscap made 2013 januari lower miller creek alaska usa overexpos near mountain western horizon first quarter moon itself surround ici halo flank left right moondogs sometim call mock moons scientif name lumin apparit paraselena plural analog sundog parhelion paraselen produc moonlight refract thin hexagonal plateshap ice crystals determin crystal geometry paraselena seen angl 22 degre moon compar bright lunar disk paraselena faint easier spot moon low follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,alaskan moondog,2016-03-21,566,83,0.0484126984126984,03-21,3,2016,21,2,0,1 09788955fff2b33c34807783cb1a52180c2e7945068a2c201dfc95577d51f722,damian peachsen,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebulas keyhol nebula ngc 3324 bright structur imag center hous sever massiv star chang appearance entir carina nebula span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically eta carina brightest star near imag center left keyhol nebula eta carina mayb verg supernova explosion xray imag indic much great carina nebula verit supernova factory,great nebula carina,2016-03-23,541,86,0.3249999999999999,03-23,3,2016,23,4,1,5 69293a9c44ca69854cd18c2668f7f32f777765bbdceaebb7df8e85b31f816d91,chart32 team,scan sky galaxies canadian astronom paul hickson colleagu identifi 100 compact group galaxies appropri call hickson compact group hcgs sharp telescop imag captur one galaxi group hcg beauti detail group three color spiral galaxi center field view lock gravit tug war interact produc faint visibl tidal tail 100000 lightyear long close encount trigger furiou star formation cosmic timescal result merger larg singl galaxy process understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way hcg 91 lie 320 million lightyear away constel pisci austrinus impress deep imag also catch evid fainter tidal tail galaxi interact close 2 billion lightyear distant,hickson,2016-03-24,649,98,-0.1035714285714285,03-24,3,2016,24,7,2,4 5989ca9fa6baca990578d6cecbf57438d4d11ad92e54532742cf123dd161ee52,terrastro,comet love greenish coma easi spot expans southern skyscape visibl nake eye dark site near flinders victoria australia comet appear still surprisingli bright coma span 1 degree pose nebulae stars dark rift milki way five panel use widefield mosaic captur moonset morn twilight march 21 less 24 hour comet closest approach mere 53 million kilomet fair planet sweep quickli across sky close earth comet spot come day northern hemispher comet watchers predawn moonlit sky move sagittariu scorpiu seen toward southern horizon that near triangl form bright yellowish mars saturn antar upper left frame,close comet milki way,2016-03-25,596,93,0.1020833333333333,03-25,3,2016,25,3,2,1 d60754128b65bbb4f7ae0d9486c3c15aaaa8e47390c434cbc336fbf691282ea1,nagi,3 month long exposur pack day decemb 22 2015 march 20 box dub solargraph unfold pictur record pinhol camera made side line photograph paper fix singl spot entir exposure simpl camera record sun path hungarian skies day glow trail burn photosensit paper short low long high trail follow progress winter solstic spring equinox course dark gap daili sun trail caus cloud cover sunni day produc continu bright tracks,solstic equinox,2016-03-26,412,68,0.0871428571428571,03-26,3,2016,26,1,0,1 1b527c5f009b01369debaf2111164d9d8441a20b472387b554314ef6476336b7, carlo,southern part orion famou constel mythic hunter appear quit picturesqu pose famou volcano locat canari island northwest coast africa teid one largest volcano earth light group plan summit teid dawn visibl volcano peak composit exposur taken locat one night last month three icon belt star orion seen peak famou orion nebula rest orion sword visibl beyond volcano left slope also visibl long durat sky imag horsehead nebula seen dark indent red emiss nebula belt left flame nebula evid right horsehead,orion belt peak,2016-03-28,500,80,0.0539682539682539,03-28,3,2016,28,4,0,1 c7d46f37ac3be309fbd9ef868c878fa6b1b8a711aebfaa6cfec16aee89858f00,martin pugh,fantast shape lurk cloud glow ga giant star form region ngc 6188 emiss nebula found 4000 light year away near edg larg molecular cloud unseen visibl wavelengths southern constel ara massive young star embed ara ob1 associ form region million year ago sculpt dark shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas join ngc 6188 cosmic canvas visibl toward lower right rare emiss nebula ngc 6164 also creat one region massiv otyp stars similar appear mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 striking symmetr gaseou shroud faint halo surround bright central star near bottom edge impress wide field view span 3 degre six full moons correspond 200 light year estim distanc ngc 6188 three imag set includ featur composite,ngc 6188 ngc 6164,2016-03-30,839,134,0.1367857142857143,03-30,3,2016,30,4,2,5 d7947ec7679ee8c9933bc19275a0f9ea7d5fa7f376aad1bfdb11271c014670fd,petr horálek,welcom equatori night remark 24 frame night skyscap captur maba beach indonesian island even march 4 seen mere 07 degre northern latitude famou northern southern aster navig aid lie within panoram view big dipper far left southern cross far right beyond fade night yelloworang celesti triangl set mars antares saturn stand rise central milki way local maba language course follow pole point star cup big dipper bodi southern cross north south celesti poles lie horizon view island equatori beach,big dipper southern cross,2016-03-31,495,79,-0.0010204081632653,03-31,3,2016,31,6,0,1 f48b13f461724746c521a2277ad135b1f797804a55aaeefa12ecc38fee8ff315,none,look interplanetari vacat consid visit europa one solar system tantal moons icecov europa follow ellipt path 85 hour orbit around rule ga giant jupiter heat gener strong tidal flex jupiter graviti keep europa salti subsurfac ocean liquid year round also mean even absenc sunlight europa energi could support simpl life forms unfortunately current possibl make europa might enjoy dish local extrem shrimp alway choos anoth destin vision future,europa life ice,2016-04-01,442,68,0.0401041666666666,04-01,4,2016,1,8,0,2 951ed66ca2ce74d2e92715d1274be895db410b73d0404ea5a48f0873e00bd8fc,none,get redblu glass gaze across mountain region inform known tartaru scene sprawl 300 kilomet about 180 miles across plutonian landscape color anaglyph creat stereo view combin part two imag taken 14 minut apart new horizon histor flybi pluto last july along shadow near terminator line pluto dim day night 3d perspect emphas align narrow steep ridges region remark blade landform typic extend 500 meter high 3 5 kilomet apart refer part hade ancient greek mythology tartaru dorsa border tombaugh regio east,pluto blade terrain 3d,2016-04-02,504,81,0.0423376623376623,04-02,4,2016,2,8,0,1 805344abb412eb1f133c28a979f389320cf17ed93796d1827208cc3de8c6132f,none,bubbl versu cloud ngc 7635 bubbl nebula push stellar wind massiv central star bd602522 next door though live giant molecular cloud visibl right place space irresist forc meet immov object interest way cloud abl contain expans bubbl gas get blast hot radiat bubble central star radiat heat dens region molecular cloud caus glow bubbl nebula featur scientif map color bring contrast 10 lightyear across part much larger complex star shells bubbl nebula seen small telescop toward constel queen aethiopia cassiopeia astrophysicists brows 1200 code astrophys sourc code librari,closeup bubbl nebula,2016-04-03,573,88,0.0338252656434474,04-03,4,2016,3,4,0,5 9ed0bc590995da2441798fe44e7fce962a810c9e0b006b14ce730151fe4ae0ef,rollov annotation judi schmidt,real world truth start dream dream spectacular waterfal southern iceland could photograph backdrop aurorafil sky soon promis space weather visionari astrophotograph partner sprang action arriving captur imag background sky complet cool green aurora turn easi part hard part captur waterfal itself one reason mist kept fog easi come easi go took 100 time someon go back camera cold night slipperi rock see last exposur turn out lens reset camera next later best imag land sky digit combined visibl sky even well behind aurora numer star northern sky result titl given astrophotograph influenc dreamlik qualiti result image possibl combin knowledg thing realli effort make dream come true,lucid,2016-04-04,692,106,0.0738888888888888,04-04,4,2016,4,8,2,1 96dd4fe5518ee49a8727da716c357c49e6240781acf38fb8c6b642d875f70f5f,none,jupit auroras like near earth magnet field solar system largest planet compress impact charg particl sun magnet compress funnel charg particl toward jupiter pole atmosphere there electron temporarili excit knock away atmospher gases which recombin atmospher ions auror light emitted featur illustr portray magnific magnetospher around jupit action inset imag releas last month earthorbit chandra xray observatori show unexpectedli power xray light emit jovian auroras depict falsecolor purple chandra inset superpos optic imag taken differ time hubbl space telescope aurora jupit seen octob 2011 sever day sun emit power coron mass eject cme,aurora jupit,2016-04-06,641,93,0.2,04-06,4,2016,6,8,2,4 cc766ada8f6d5e8a3fe81440ad0047c80d3c8625c879964c33bf58306c4f27a4,juan carlo casado,rli spring northern hemispher good season aurora hunters near equinox earth magnet field orient favor interact solar wind trigger allur glow northern lights march sky kaunispää hill lapland finland disappoint night expans auror curtain captur strike panoram view cover full 360 degrees local skywatch mesmer bright display last throughout dark hours shimmer color easili visibl nake eye,lapland northern light,2016-04-08,386,57,0.2428571428571428,04-08,4,2016,8,8,1,1 01f2e771e0e5b267bf3522e0868882364be97f5f863a172e5a1c4821468386cc,murray,taken march 20 top haleakala isl maui planet earth first sunris northern spring pictur vacat snapshot telephoto view volcan caldera sea cloud also captur elus green flash near sun upper limb atmospher layer sharp temperatur chang caus color flash sun rise behind distant cloud bank refract along sight line layer creat multipl distort imag sun moment visibl deflect shorter wavelength green light,green flash spring,2016-04-09,396,62,0.0225,04-09,4,2016,9,1,0,1 0efd6dac7baf119d8a71f71160c46659b079e8f0abc09858f2ea952789416665,none,cassini robot spacecraft launch 1997 nasa becam close enough 2002 resolv mani ring moon destin planet saturn time cassini snap sever imag engin test sever imag combin contrastenhanc color composit featur here saturn ring cloudtop visibl toward imag bottom titan largest moon visibl speck toward top arriv saturn juli 2004 cassini orbit began circl studi saturnian system highlight cassini launch huygen probe made unpreced land titan 2005 send back detail pictures near end mission cassini schedul embark grand final phase late 2016 repeatedli dive giant planet innermost rings,cassini approach saturn,2016-04-10,577,88,0.1,04-10,4,2016,10,0,2,2 97e3a681b6f8bc0798e37a5a18676f76051461f780205be5144e6e5e00107825,jos j,comet linear becom unexpectedli bright comet discov 2000 underw outburst week pass mere 14 lunar distanc earth late last month comet captur last week magnitud 6 bright enough seen unaid eye pass front distant globular star cluster m14 comet linear one rare group comet earth jupit everi 5 years comet evolv unknown hope run high remain good object binocular northern sky next week two,comet star cluster,2016-04-11,386,64,0.12,04-11,4,2016,11,3,1,3 9b96131083a88d5152863931a1ca5b125bc540a71690fd7d05858a4d94b79a8c,none,sometimes total eclips good time eye sun take advantag unusu juxtaposit earth moon sun featur imag depict total solar eclips occur last month appear nearli simultan earth space innermost imag show total eclips ground central pupil creat bright sun cover compar dark moon surround block solar disk tenuou corona sun imag white light easili visibl ground eclipse normally corona hard track far sun featur montag match falsecolor observ sun nasa esa spacebased solar heliospher observatori soho observ like allow studi constantli chang magnet activ near far sun activ ultim drive earth auroras apod also avail in arabic bahasa indonesian catalan chinese chinese croatian czech dutch farsi farsi galego german french hebrew japanese korean montenegrin polish romanian russian serbian slovenian spanish turkish,solar eclips corona earth space,2016-04-12,807,121,0.0821969696969697,04-12,4,2016,12,1,2,4 59c2792025877fe9dd0f4e93670e2cf4fb5c8429646d26e29ed246c811acf206,el cielo de canaria,inner planet venu thin crescent moon never found far sun planet earth skies taken near dawn april 6 timelaps composit show rise sun mountaintop teid observatori dome fortun island tenerif appear silhouett twilight fact seri telephoto exposur follow occult venu moon three frames far earth orbit nearli full phase venu 96 percent illuminated near perige closest approach earth moon slender crescent repres 2 percent lunar disk sunlight seen first two exposures brilliant morn star vanish third wink behind bright lunar limb five minut dramat occult dawn compress 15 second timelaps video vimeo,full venu crescent moon rise,2016-04-14,592,92,0.1384615384615384,04-14,4,2016,14,2,2,1 d79cd65377449d092ce15e9c455aceb9a601d4c75e107b447616ba769ef8d1d0,miguel claro,innermost planet mercuri thin crescent moon never found far sun planet earth skies taken near dusk april 8 color even skyscap show set toward western horizon sun broad tagu river citi light lisbon portug run foreground seren twilight sky near perige closest approach earth moon bright slender crescent repres 3 percent lunar disk sunlight cours seen moon nearli full earth would light lunar night strong perige earthshin make rest lunar disk visibl scene bright mercuri stay well western horizon sunset northern skywatch come days fleet planet reach maximum angular distanc sun april 18 mercuri swing back toward sun actual cross solar disk may 9 first transit mercuri sinc novemb 8 2006,mercuri crescent moon set,2016-04-15,687,111,0.1879901960784313,04-15,4,2016,15,2,2,1 22b2ae5d446973b0119e4c77c58b16c15ac9612b787bfa42d324e3f44ea06b88,none,want take fast trip edg solar system consid ride heliopaus electrostat rapid transit system concept current test might take 10 15 year make trip 100 astronom unit billion kilometers that fast compar 35 year took voyag 1 present humanity distant spacecraft approach heliopaus outer boundari influenc solar wind would use advanc electr solar sail work extend multiple 20 kilomet long 1 millimet thin posit charg wire rotat spacecraft electrostat forc gener repel fast move solar wind proton creat thrust compar reflect solar light anoth deep space propuls system electr solar wind sail could continu acceler greater distanc sun still develop thrust cruis toward outer planets,heliopaus transit system,2016-04-16,673,105,0.0791666666666666,04-16,4,2016,16,1,2,4 2db5b8ff2b24fa74e938c2d3d310fce3964e506d1091a34e073f05f8fa41a2a5,none,intern space station largest object ever construct human space station perimet extend roughli area footbal field although small fraction compos modul habit humans station larg could launch continu built function iss need huge trusses 15 meter long mass 10000 kilograms keep rigid rout electr liquid coolants pictur above immens space station photograph space shuttl atlanti weeklong stay 2010 across imag top hang part bright blue earth stark contrast dark interstellar space across bottom,intern space station earth,2016-04-18,490,73,0.095,04-18,4,2016,18,8,0,2 f504245735a2ee247d4d85ad91edcc921a454e569dff9637f989227f3a0c93a1,cristian fattinnanzi,far see andromeda galaxi 25 million light year away distant object easili seen unaid eye appar denizen night sky stars clusters nebulae typic rang hundr thousand lightyear away lie well within milki way galaxy also known m31 andromeda galaxi faint smudg near top center earth skyscape taken eastern italy near mont adriat sea coast centimet million lightyears pictur demonstr stun rang vision though galaxi seasid rock could seen eye clear summer night camera captur view singl exposure star trail horizon pictur made separ exposur track star combin one rock cliff made camera creat tantal scene,andromeda rock,2016-04-19,595,95,0.0666666666666666,04-19,4,2016,19,6,2,4 0f657879c1d88695f456f6012d35202cdc249079161ba8a8590cee3d8e4bcb1b,none,one galaxi hide behind another case foreground galaxy shown blue imag taken hubbl space telescope act like huge gravit lens pull light background galaxy shown red imag taken radio wave atacama larg millimet array alma around it keep visible align precis distant galaxi distort part ring around foreground galaxy format known einstein ring detail analysi gravit len distort indic small dark satellit galaxi deflections bolster indic mani satellit galaxi quit dim domin dark matter small galaxi depict small white dot left although span featur einstein ring realli ten thousand light year across click discuss link two line below,galaxi einstein ring,2016-04-20,627,98,-0.0156249999999999,04-20,4,2016,20,7,2,3 c09c747f195cb9b447035692ca8e5b770a22d4152e001b64bf731e541fb45980,bob frank,comet c2014 s2 panstarrs pose messier moment telescop snapshot april 18 fact share 15 degre wide fieldofview two wellknown entri 18th centuri comethunt astronomer famou catalog outward bound sweep northern sky big dipper fade visitor inner solar system 18 lightminut fair planet dusty edgeon spiral galaxi messier 108 upper right like 45 million lightyear away planetari nebula age intens hot central star owlish messier 97 12 thousand lightyear distant though still well within milki way galaxy astronom expect orbit comet panstarr return inner solar system around year,comet owl galaxi,2016-04-21,570,87,0.0577922077922077,04-21,4,2016,21,7,0,3 0087f966216a3e57a792e6eaf6bd86d7e98964a71cbe9f6739980dea3a882305,none,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate 7 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work left bubble center hot otyp star sever hundr thousand time lumin around 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula associ cloud complex lie mere 7100 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia sharp tantal view cosmic bubbl composit hubbl space telescop imag data 2016 releas celebr 26th anniversari hubble launch celebrate planet earth day,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula,2016-04-22,641,97,-0.125,04-22,4,2016,22,4,2,5 8d0e0e280f48b768f97cfb454f51d853ad27c5a95c99e7d8df5a37a2de537acd,babak tafreshi,wane crescent moon earli morn twilight al citi light horizon cant hide central milki way skyscap planet earth captur singl exposure dreamlik scene look southward across region grand canyon sun mountain near highest peak oman arabian peninsula mist moonlight shadow still play along steep canyon walls dark rift along lumin band milki way galaxy cosmic dust clouds typic hundr lightyear distant obscur starlight along galact plane view edgeon solar system perspective,milki way moonlight,2016-04-23,466,71,0.125,04-23,4,2016,23,6,1,1 bbe4def866038a203fc3a39f72c46765504398a2a9f7a725115668172ab99aa7,giusepp tim,easi get lost follow intric strand spaghetti nebula supernova remnant catalog simei 147 sh2240 glow ga filament cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moon sky that 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears sharp composit includ imag data taken narrowband filter highlight emiss hydrogen atom trace shocked glow gas supernova remnant estim age 40000 years mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 40000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,supernova remnant simei 147 nebula,2016-04-25,543,84,-0.0037499999999999,04-25,4,2016,25,4,0,5 b6a316939a8cf749d285c87a49045057201d18625a0091c8f893b219ba6b8eb8,none,make spiral galaxi long measur 700000 light year across top bottom ngc also known condor galaxy one elong bar spiral galaxi known galaxy shape like result continu collis smaller galaxi ic 4970 visibl center particular interest ngc 6872 spiral arm upper left pictur here exhibit unusu high amount blue star form regions light see today left collid giant day dinosaurs 300 million year ago ngc 6872 visibl small telescop toward constel,ngc 6872 stretch spiral galaxi,2016-04-26,433,71,0.0876190476190476,04-26,4,2016,26,7,0,3 d43bcd0c84650d696dd9c4e3622b4b7d13c19aeb5839a83b6622a22cf7d8b1d2,rogelio bernalandreo,combin light star along milki way reflect cosmic dust cloud soar 300 lightyear plane galaxy dub angel nebula faint apparit part expans complex dim rel diffus molecular clouds commonli found high galact latitudes dusti galact cirru trace larg region toward north south galact poles along starlight studi indic dust cloud produc faint reddish luminescence interstellar dust grain convert invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light also captur nearbi milki way star array distant background galaxies deep widefield degre imag span 10 full moon across planet earth sky toward constel ursa major,dust angel nebula,2016-04-28,589,90,0.0060416666666666,04-28,4,2016,28,6,0,5 66ec4c32848097b80a075f6d94c8d8441ad57e5929c71d6bb050414ef1c1f561,none,could see gammarays photon billion time energi visibl light moon would brighter sun startl notion underli novel imag moon base data collect fermi gammaray space telescope larg area telescop lat instrument first seven year oper fermi gammaray vision distinguish detail lunar surface gammaray glow consist moon size posit clearli found center fals color map brightest pixel correspond signific detect lunar gammarays gammaray moon bright highenergi charg particl stream solar system known cosmic ray constantli bombard lunar surface unprotect magnet field gener gammaray glow cosmic ray come sides gammaray moon alway full go phases first gammaray imag moon captur egret instrument onboard compton gammaray observatory launch 25 year ago,fermi gammaray moon,2016-04-29,735,108,0.15,04-29,4,2016,29,2,2,4 6e25de4a93993f9b420ffa7d2c9baedaa8402d902ec5522876715f774764134f,steven gilbert,contempl home star recently featur here sun partial eclips top left moon also seen eclips earthl contempl eclips below spectacular menageri silhouett taken 2012 glen canyon nation recreat area near page arizona usa park ranger astronom expound unusu event interest gatherers also faintli visibl sun disk lower right dark moon disk group sunspots although partial solar eclips moon inde good chanc contempl sun great chanc one significantli rare occur next week sun undergo partial eclips planet mercury,contempl sun,2016-05-01,504,77,0.2025510204081632,05-01,5,2016,1,1,1,1 3b665e950cb81b762e835769c26d36abc0aa0f5580342a02f79f1a05e23adcfb,none,nasa rover curios go mars geograph goal slope mount sharp whose peak seen background right key scientif goal however remain better assess condit mar suitabl life particular microbi life goal curios direct cross rug terrain plateau visibl featur imag foreground left curios cross toward smoother site rock contain hematit sulfates site could give roll rover new clue long part mar wet henc favor life out recent however curiosity aluminum wheels show increas sign although alreadi goal two year study curiosity mission extend continu uncov valuabl inform extraordinari past mars next planet sun earth,cross mar,2016-05-02,601,93,0.0442496392496392,05-02,5,2016,2,5,2,2 3cac9ffc64527a7a0120bca3d4dbf5ecdee0bba72712ef86a31a11ed3367f0a8,federico pelliccia,cosmic cloud blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil starfield constel cepheus call iri nebula ngc 7023 nebula evok imageri flowers though still deep telescop imag show iri nebula rang color symmetries embed surround field interstellar dust within iri itself dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament reflect nebula glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula contain complex carbon molecul known pahs pretti blue petal iri nebula span six lightyears color fieldofview stretch almost five full moon across sky,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2016-05-06,695,102,0.0272727272727272,05-06,5,2016,6,4,2,5 15e4b0a27dfabf8544d84743e40f494023ebcb0eed2e4a480e9f546d4afdb95c,none,three new found world orbit ultracool dwarf star trappist1 mere 40 lightyear away transit first detect belgian robot transit planet planetesim small telescope eso la silla observatori chile newli discov exoplanet similar size earth orbit close faint tini star could also region surfac temperatur allow presenc liquid water key ingredi life tantal proxim earth make prime candid futur telescop explor atmospher potenti habit planets three world appear artist vision imagin scene near horizon system outermost planet course inner planet transit dim red nearli jupiters parent star,three world trappist1,2016-05-07,578,86,-0.0053030303030303,05-07,5,2016,7,8,0,2 50471fd1670265267b0f1328850823091e612047425a844aa6b7bff0d325fd6e,david cortner,what dot sun look closely almost perfectli round dot result unusu type solar eclips occur 2006 usual earth moon eclips sun time planet mercuri took turn like approach new moon solar eclipse phase mercuri becam continu thinner crescent planet progress toward align sun eventu phase mercuri drop zero dark spot mercuri cross parent star situat could technic label mercurian annular eclips extraordinarili larg ring fire crater plane night side mercury earth appear fullest phase hour later mercuri continu orbit slight crescent phase appear again ten year ago next mercurian solar eclips occur tomorrow nasa coverage tomorrow transit mercuri across sun,mercury transit unusu spot sun,2016-05-08,651,100,-0.07003367003367,05-08,5,2016,8,1,2,4 28c5849210c5ebf24704e99c2e1732e2f7c0ce37e94a5678fc23b1df998b6699,carlo eduardo fairbairn rollov annotation judi schmidt,planets stars nebula galaxi impress imag all closest home two planet mar right saturn center visibl two bright orang spot upper half featur image central right color rho ophiuchu star cloud featur bright orang star antar line mars interstellar cloud contain red emiss nebula blue reflect nebulas top right imag blue horsehead reflect nebula lower left mani dark absorpt nebula extend central band milki way galaxy featur deep composit compos multipl deep exposur taken last month brazil although need telescop see saturn mar remain visibl unaid eye month toward east sunset follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,saturn mar visit milki way star cloud,2016-05-10,627,99,0.1231829573934837,05-10,5,2016,10,4,2,5 3448a084f2d37dc42dbfb2bda185483a42fb79cddd9c9036b0dbde7566b0138e,thierri legault,transit mercuri rel rare monday leisur 75 hour long event 3rd 14 mercuri transit 21st century transit intern space station frequent though much sharp video frame composit taken wellchosen locat philadelphia usa follow space station move upper right lower left cross sun disk 06 seconds mercuri includ small round almost stationari silhouett center appar size intern space station loom larger low earth orbit 450 kilomet philadelphia mercuri 84 million kilomet away editor note stun video includ anoth doubl transit mercuri aircraft even iss cross sun aircraft 1 kilomet,iss mercuri,2016-05-13,569,88,-0.0024553571428571,05-13,5,2016,13,8,0,4 9af041062e911e8d5f398ca2dcbffc9a69b8ecd585b0737833c5e7b910ad1252,derek demet,may 6 midnight launch spacex falcon 9 rocket lit dark sky merritt island planet earth second stage bound earth orbit rocket arc seem cours center milki way pleas composit imag look toward southeast two consecut exposur made camera fix tripod combin follow rocket home galaxy 3 minut long exposur low sensit allow rocket first stage burn trace bright orang arc 30 second exposur high sensit captur star faint milki way bright orang mar domin starri sky upper right minut later booster engin restart falcon 9 first stage head land autonom spaceport drone ship cours still love you patient wait atlant 400 mile east cape canaver launch site,falcon 9 milki way,2016-05-14,637,107,0.1278571428571428,05-14,5,2016,14,6,2,2 9a29188921e5abe830178f8fe5caacef3c2a2e75006af7dc9dabca42c6efe838,florian breuer,front famou background star galaxi lie earth unusu trees known quiver trees actual succul alo plant grow treelik proportions quiver tree name deriv histor use hollow branch dart holders occur primarili southern africa tree pictur 16exposur composit quiver tree forest locat southern namibia tallest quiver tree park estim 300 year old behind tree light small town keetmanshoop namibia far distance arch across background majest central band milki way galaxy even distance visibl imag left larg small magellan clouds smaller satellit galaxi milki way promin sky earth southern hemisphere,milki way quiver tree forest,2016-05-15,586,88,-0.0285714285714285,05-15,5,2016,15,6,0,4 d4bb9f6747b2707a14f2a87e405fc1f89ca461a65d923891349265cff217f0fa,infrared nasa space oliv side spring obs,great nebula orion color place visibl unaid eye appear small fuzzi patch constel orion long exposure multiwavelength imag like this however show orion nebula busi neighborhood young stars hot gas dark dust digit composit featur three color visibl light four color infrar light taken nasa orbit spitzer space telescop well power behind much orion nebula m42 trapezium four brightest star nebula mani filamentari structur visibl actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula span 40 light year locat 1500 light year away spiral arm galaxi sun follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,orion nebula visibl infrar,2016-05-17,625,99,0.1333333333333333,05-17,5,2016,17,4,2,5 d9b15239fa7a0ef030ff816fb63e9200ddf797a4061d21270f21f6ef1f3b47ab,yuri beletski,influenc strong pacif el cloudi sky often come chile high atacama desert season despit astronomer locat one darkest place planet earth dome region twin 65 meter magellan telescop carnegi la campana observatori close may 13 still first quarter moon bright star shine panoram night skyscape lunar disk surround beautiful bright halo angular radiu halo 22 degrees determin bright phase moon itself angl set hexagon geometri atmospher ice crystal reflect refract moonlight night brilliant star insid halo radiu realli planet jupiter brightest star flank halo far left canopus arcturu halo right participate take aesthet astronomi survey,halo atacama,2016-05-18,633,95,0.4617316017316017,05-18,5,2016,18,2,1,1 52a17d94b642330e0eee51ad40b180caa465d2f426281f15a676315153d8e995,none,enhancedcolor view imag cover 350 750 kilomet swath across surfac jupiter tantal moon europa closeup combin highresolut imag data lower resolut color data observ made 1998 galileo spacecraft smooth ice plains long fractures jumbl block chao terrain thought hide deep ocean salti liquid water beneath though icecov alien ocean world outsid solar system habit zone new studi show potenti chemistri drive oxygen hydrogen production key indic energi avail life could produc amount compar scale planet earth hydrogen would gener chemic reaction salti water contact rocki ocean floor oxygen compound react hydrogen would come europa surface water ice molecul would split apart intens flux highenergi radiat jupit ocean above participate take aesthet astronomi survey,surfac europa,2016-05-19,761,113,0.0337662337662337,05-19,5,2016,19,8,2,4 dbbe0185501ef071033ccd1b35ddd8d0928918ca220f6f5764a9fc8a14da0414,stefan seip,may 9 innermost planet mercuri cross front sun though pictur project event two dimensions remark three dimension perspect transit possibl free view stereo pair imag made 23 minut apart rotat mercury posit shift horizont two result mercury orbit motion produc exagger parallax simul binocular vision two exposures appropri name planet speedi kilomet per second orbit veloc actual carri 65000 kilometers taken first left imag intend right eye crossey view need see mercury tini silhouett suspend foreground tri it merg text imag helps participate take aesthet astronomi survey,3d mercuri transit,2016-05-20,575,87,0.1336734693877551,05-20,5,2016,20,8,1,2 ba9cd707fb93e30dc44e089c9aed697b2c335478243c2c27f1e2a3026ebf2b91,tunç tezel,earli may night skyscape mountain road near bursa turkey seem lead toward bright planet mar saturn center milki way galaxy direct nearli opposit sun planet earth sky brightest celesti beacon scene mars reach opposit tonight saturn earli june remain nearli opposit sun night close earth come weeks time right good telescop viewing mar saturn form tight celesti triangl red giant star antar right milki way central bulge tonight moon also opposition easi see near bright mar saturn full moon light wash central milki way fainter starlight though even dark mountain skies participate take aesthet astronomi survey,milki way planet near opposit,2016-05-21,611,96,0.1936974789915966,05-21,5,2016,21,0,2,1 6956188a5a7ae8d2f439a6db43f4b4637a50db96ea175fa0d847c015b24c48fd,none,creat great arc space arcing grace structur actual bow shock half lightyear across creat wind young star orioni collid orion nebula flow adrift orion stellar nurseri still form years variabl star orioni produc wind energet wind middleag sun fast stellar wind run slow move ga shock front formed analog bow wave boat move water plane travel superson speed slower ga flow away orion nebula hot central star cluster trapezium locat lower right hand edg picture three dimensions ori wraparound shock front shape like bowl appear brightest view along bottom edge complex stellar nurseri orion show myriad similar fluid shape associ star formation includ bow shock surround faint star upper right part mosaic cover great nebula orion composit color imag record 1995 hubbl space telescope follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,orionis cosmic wind collid,2016-05-22,834,132,0.1160401002506265,05-22,5,2016,22,4,2,5 0bfad4c307a3821a77e292f460a8da8fa8eb26f10ff0cacee513a8caee28768c, roy,matter antimatt universe better understand facet basic physics energi depart china usa led creation daya bay reactor neutrino experiment locat thick rock 50 kilomet northeast hong kong china eight daya bay detector monitor antineutrino emit six nearbi nuclear featur here camera look along one daya bay detectors imag photon sensor pick faint light emit antineutrino interact fluid detector earli result indic unexpectedli high rate one type chang another rate which confirmed could impli exist previous undetect type neutrino well impact humanity fundament particl reaction occur within first second big bang astrophysicists brows 1250 code astrophys sourc code librari,insid bay detector,2016-05-23,670,98,0.0619444444444444,05-23,5,2016,23,8,2,4 d8b3a28a8308fbc3c8d47936fb4dd5aa6508b514dc0ddfc2a896d6fd0d4c5791,martin rollov annotation judi schmidt,that lightning strike mountains diagon band actual central band milki way galaxy twin peak actual call spanish peak locat colorado usa although spanish peak compos slightli differ type rock approxim 25 million year old seren yet imag composit meticul creat merg seri imag taken locat one night earli last month first seri exposures background sky built up great detail reveal milki way dust lane well larg color region surround star rho ophiuchu right center one sky image though taken use fog filter brighter star would appear spread prominent bonus planet mar saturn place right peak make orang triangl bright star antares later night moonrise moon natur illumin snow cover mountain tops,milki way spanish peak,2016-05-24,690,111,0.188095238095238,05-24,5,2016,24,6,2,1 8dfc675c7153ea4d6d28c3fa3ca1e99428ae104e4fef4d3feeae285680884746,dietmar hager,sharp telescop field view hold two bright galaxies bar spiral ngc 5101 top right nearli edgeon system ngc 5078 separ sky 05 degre appar width full moon found within boundari serpentin constel hydra estim around 90 million lightyear away similar size larg milki way galaxy fact lie distanc project separ would 800000 lightyear so that easili less half distanc milki way andromeda galaxy ngc 5078 interact smaller companion galaxy catalog ic 879 seen left larger galaxy bright core even distant background galaxi scatter around color field even visibl right faceon disk ngc 5101 promin spiki star foreground well within milki way,ngc friend,2016-05-25,627,101,0.1616496598639455,05-25,5,2016,25,7,2,3 9ba5d782981720f7f32e7b915a3ce04c2ed3b675193eeb7b9b4cac3c2c8a4922,subarutelescop,promin ridg emiss featur sharp color skyscap catalog ic 5067 part larger emiss nebula distinct shape popularli call pelican nebula ridg span 10 lightyear follow curv cosmic pelican head neck falsecolor view also translat pervas glow narrow emiss line atom nebula color palett made popular hubbl space telescop imag star form regions fantastic dark shape inhabit 12 degre wide field cloud cool ga dust sculpt wind radiat hot massiv stars closeup sculpt cloud show clear sign newli form stars pelican nebula catalog ic 5070 2000 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus,ic 5067 pelican nebula,2016-05-26,606,98,0.1757692307692308,05-26,5,2016,26,4,2,5 39611f387f9e0c2e052762e93073464c9b3ab16b13f8cbb305279bb1c2ac985b,barden ridg observatori,jewel southern sky great carina nebula also known ngc 3372 span 300 lightyears one galaxy largest star form regions like smaller northerli great orion nebula carina nebula easili visibl unaid eye though distanc 7500 lightyear 5 time farther away gorgeou telescop closeup reveal remark detail region central glow filament interstellar ga obscur cosmic dust clouds field view 50 lightyear across carina nebula home young extrem massiv stars includ star open cluster trumpler 14 below right center still enigmat variabl eta carinae star well 100 time mass sun eta carina brightest star seen dusti keyhol nebula ngc 3324 eta carina mayb verg supernova explosion xray imag indic great carina nebula verit supernova factory,great carina nebula,2016-05-27,717,112,0.2685714285714285,05-27,5,2016,27,4,2,5 70e5a6f85d73b922d735b6b3b11ba125e649a5070f91608a875ab9838aa54509,josh smith,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky familiar outlin seen brighter central region nebula impress wideangl view composit imag combin mani short long exposur also reveal extrem faint outer halo estim distanc 3000 lightyears faint outer halo 5 lightyear across planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star recently planetari nebula found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years visibl left 50 million lightyear beyond watch planetari nebula lie spiral galaxi ngc 6552,cat eye wide deep,2016-05-28,651,100,0.0211538461538461,05-28,5,2016,28,4,2,5 55ee5396abda663e3c6836d686466618f32c9e49ee7d307693dc1429660ab541,andrew campbel,some look like giant chicken run across sky others look like gaseou nebula star format take place catalog ic 2944 run chicken nebula span 100 light year lie 6000 light year away toward constel centaur centaurus featur image shown scientif assign colors captur recent 11hour exposur backyard near melbourne australia two star cluster visible pearl cluster seen far left collind 249 embed nebula glow gas although difficult discern here sever dark molecular cloud distinct shape found insid nebula follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,star ga run chicken nebula,2016-05-31,548,86,-0.0458333333333333,05-31,5,2016,31,4,0,5 6603beb74736a3e9897afc60ebc50b1cdfc9c7d2927f20bc500595b4197a8810,dauvergn,seen planet lately three planet shine brightli night sky imag panels captur last week 1 meter telescop pic du midi observatori french pyrenees near opposit closest earth may 30 mar present offer best groundbas last decade sharp imag find cloud red planet north pole top tower volcano near right limb saturn reach opposit tonight bright ring gap clearli reveal telescop portrait jupit current highest even twilight show planetgirdl cloud band great red spot scene cours closeup imag rule ga giant follow juli arriv solarpow juno spacecraft junocam,three planet pic du midi,2016-06-02,546,87,0.1800420168067227,06-02,6,2016,2,8,1,1 f1b09a28ed1db397eefd035a96a5757e7117ecd79a59432fe9fac7a34b5f693d,martin pugh,ngc 4631 big beauti spiral galaxy seen edgeon lie 25 million lightyear away welltrain northern constel cane venatici galaxy slightli distort wedg shape suggest cosmic her other popular moniker whale galaxy either way similar size milki way sharp color image galaxy yellowish core dark dust clouds bright blue star clusters red star form region easi spot companion galaxy small ellipt ngc 4627 whale galaxy faint star stream seen deep imag remnant small companion galaxi disrupt repeat encount whale distant past whale galaxi also known spout halo hot ga glow xrays,ngc 4631 whale galaxi,2016-06-03,564,90,-0.0124999999999999,06-03,6,2016,3,7,0,3 b1be8e4f5eec5fef3136fb2c000d3ef29fc10eadd38dd545f0a60d3029de6523,none,fifti year ago surveyor 1 reach moon launch may 30 1966 land june 2 1966 moon full phase becam first us spacecraft make soft land anoth world first seven surveyor mission intend test lunar terrain plan apollo land sent back 10000 imag lunar nightfal june 14 total rose 11000 imag return second lunar night began juli 13 surveyor 1 continu respond lunar surfac januari 7 1967 captur 2009 imag lunar reconnaiss orbiter first surveyor still stand land site speck oceanu procellarum the ocean storms sun low western horizon 33 meter tall spacecraft cast shadow almost 15 meter long late lunar afternoon,shadow surveyor 1,2016-06-04,598,101,0.1115384615384615,06-04,6,2016,4,2,2,2 c73addaa4466561405aaaba5a85e96ad1a94cf17cd666b1a137bb2cfaf90e9ef,fritzhelmut hemmerich,rare differ object imag close together occas occur now though captur two day ago combin parallel exposur canari island spain lower right surround green coma eman unusu split blue ion tail diagon across frame comet c2013 x1 giant snowbal fall toward sun brighten sinc discoveri 2013 although comet pannstarr picturesqu target longdur exposur astrophotography expect bare visibl unaid eye reach peak bright next month upper left surround redglow gas helix nebula 700 light year distant helix much farther away comet expect retain appear thousand years follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,comet panstarr helix nebula,2016-06-05,602,93,0.1023809523809523,06-05,6,2016,5,3,2,1 a3e96b812fb0b62ec3e44dfbc1da7b896d907c9cb6eb8972c16091ce0990409f,none,galaxi tell us expans rate universe perhap lot ugc featured contain cepheid variabl star red circles also recent type ia supernova blue type object standard cepheid typic seen rel nearby supernova seen much farther away therefore spiral import allow calibr near distant part universe unexpectedly recent analysi new hubbl data ugc sever similar galaxi bolster previou indic cepheid supernova expand univers slightli faster expect expans measur earli universe given multipl success earli univers concord cosmology astrophysicist vigor specul possibl reason discrepancy candid explan rang inclus unusu cosmolog compon type phantom energi dark radiation includ statist sourc systemat errors numer futur observ plan help resolv conundrum astrophysicists brows 1250 code astrophys sourc code librari,supernova cepheid spiral galaxi ugc,2016-06-06,794,113,0.0835664335664335,06-06,6,2016,6,6,2,4 aee47080a4f24dd6e4dbe0a44daec56fb06c7121d1e69f2f0eea2d74f57b822c,isasjaxa,venu differ earth help find out japan launch robot akatsuki spacecraft enter orbit around venu late last year unplan fiveyear adventur around inner solar system even though akatsuki pass origin plan lifetime spacecraft instrument oper well much origin mission reinstated featur imag taken akatsuki late last month venu captur infrar light show surpris amount atmospher structur night side vertic orang termin stripe night day wide light venus thick atmosphere also known venu climat orbiter akatsuki camera instrument investig unknown planet includ whether volcano still active whether lightn occur dens atmosphere wind speed greatli exceed planet rotat speed,night venu infrar orbit akatsuki,2016-06-07,659,97,-0.0194444444444444,06-07,6,2016,7,8,2,2 da8423e29ad6cc6d3469391ffa965bd2669c245b6040140e0d51b40396bf7dc6,michael miller,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula cosmic bubbl 25 lightyear across blown wind central bright massiv star sharp telescop portrait use narrow band imag data isol light hydrogen oxygen atom windblown nebula oxygen atom produc bluegreen hue seem enshroud detail fold filaments visibl within nebula ngc 6888 central star classifi wolfrayet star wr 136 star shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years nebula complex structur like result strong wind interact materi eject earlier phase burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion found nebula rich constel cygnus ngc 6888 5000 lightyear away,ngc 6888 crescent nebula,2016-06-10,675,105,0.1944444444444444,06-10,6,2016,10,4,2,5 9e5f36055283bc714cd5ef9d34c44b74527c0ea8eaf331486f7b8a2aa66f7347,none,name southern constel toward galaxi found fornax cluster one closest cluster galaxies 62 million lightyear away almost 20 time distant neighbor andromeda galaxy 10 percent better known popul virgo galaxi cluster seen across two degre wide fieldofview almost everi yellowish splotch imag ellipt galaxi fornax cluster standout bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 visibl lower right promin fornax cluster member spectacular imag taken vlt survey telescop eso paran observatory,fornax cluster galaxi,2016-06-11,464,68,0.1976190476190476,06-11,6,2016,11,7,1,3 48956e59a14da188e44698370c46da53466f42c27032c05d48fca4ba2f65c5ca,none,kind cloud this type arcu cloud call roll cloud rare long cloud may form near advanc cold fronts particular downdraft advanc storm front caus moist warm air rise cool dew point form cloud happen uniformli along extend front roll cloud may form roll cloud may actual air circul along long horizont axi cloud roll cloud thought abl morph tornado unlik similar shelf cloud roll cloud complet detach parent cumulonimbu cloud pictur above roll cloud extend far distanc 2009 januari la ola beach maldonado uruguay,roll cloud uruguay,2016-06-12,507,84,0.1166666666666666,06-12,6,2016,12,8,1,1 8269c2691a8bdf0db5e9fddd8962c8f1c67c2eac6e11d2bd82ae97c84f68cf51,none,star kic 8462852 keep nobodi knows star somewhat similar sun kic 8462852 one mani distant star monitor nasa robot kepler satellit see planets citizen scientist data along comput found unusu case star bright drop unexpect time much 20 percent long month recovered common reason dim eclips orbit planet stellar companion match natur current debat theori dim cloud comet remnant shatter planet would explain data indic star becom slightli dimmer past 125 years nevertheless featur artist illustr planet break up drawn depict ngc differ system show infrar evid collision recent observ kic 8462852 detect infrar glow close orbit dust disk gave hint system might disk farther out futur observ encourag creativ origin specul sure continue,unexplain,2016-06-13,734,114,0.0884615384615384,06-13,6,2016,13,6,2,4 5f02ca522f5ade1787a005e0cfe14050911f578bed4f81e2fad316e392545c1c,alex,aurora boreali northern light familiar visitor night sky villag lofoten islands norway planet earth scene captur mountaintop camp site auror curtain seem creat eeri tension coastal light though modern perspect world night stun imag chosen winner world night 2016 intern earth sky photo contest select made 900 entri highlight beauti night sky battl light pollution,northern light lofoten,2016-06-16,364,55,0.355,06-16,6,2016,16,8,1,1 e054e77f4c84ff3309f7b11232613bc44014d1132a65ebd93dd0ced1e87c8ee4,josé j chambó,approach fair planet comet panstarr c2013 come closest june mere 53 lightminut away appear low northern hemispher predawn sky high affect light nearli full moon though still comet pretti green coma appar size full moon telescop portrait captur june 12 southern hemisphere side spring observatory deep imag also follow broad whitish dust tail toward left frame sweep away sun trail behind comet orbit buffet solar wind fainter narrow ion tail extend horizont toward right left edge brightest star bluish pisci shine fourth magnitude star visibl unaid eye constel southern fish,comet panstarr southern,2016-06-17,575,90,0.0478007518796992,06-17,6,2016,17,3,0,1 3dd8a6d6f3b78b4029564379293027cd648172bddd4a3eff593d11599bd8dba6,none,pluto pit plain meet rug highland stun view left lie southeastern extent bright region still inform known sputnik planum right edg dark region inform rise 25 kilomet ici plains along boundary connect cluster larg pit form deep valleys 40 kilomet long shadowi floors nitrogen ice like respons reflect plains dark red color highland thought complex compound call product ultraviolet light induc chemic reaction methan pluto atmosphere enhanc color imag includ portion highest second highest resolut imag data new horizon juli 2015 flybi distant world,sputnik planum vs,2016-06-18,548,84,0.0398423005565862,06-18,6,2016,18,8,0,1 c9b8051eb81fd2adc43cc307cd601fca287092eb8af583b1412f816ff14a7bda,brad goldpaint goldpaint photography,what older ancient trees nobodi know almost everyth background picture tree impress old part ancient bristlecon pine forest locat eastern california usa there mani oldest tree known located date far back 5000 years seemingli attach tree branches actual much farther distance bright orb saturn left mars planet form along earth earli solar system much earlier 45 billion year ago swoop diagon upper left oldest structur central band milki way galaxi date back around 9 billion years featur imag built sever exposur taken locat week ago,galaxi planet beyond pine,2016-06-19,539,85,0.0974358974358974,06-19,6,2016,19,6,0,1 878b09a402489150a93a7960c91927d195d861f111099c315b2fadbf2ec122b2,bertrand kulik,what cirrus typically cirru cloud appear white gray reflect sunlight appear dark sunset or sunrise better lit sky cirru among highest type cloud usual thin enough see star through cirru cloud may form moistur releas storm cloud may arriv signific chang weather conversely cirru cloud also seen mars jupiter saturn titan uranus neptune featur imag taken two day ago window district 15 paris france earth brightli lit object lower right is course eiffel tower,pari,2016-06-22,457,74,-0.0226190476190476,06-22,6,2016,22,8,0,1 87222c5b06d0956e428e8c535c4eaef416e65bad0fbc981d2fb86799e55b91cb,lauri hatch,full moon set solstic sun rise june 20 dawn skyscape captur nearbi peak central california planet earth scene look across summit mount hamilton lick observatori dome calendar date mark astronom chang season hemispher extrem daylight hours earth shadow stretch toward santa cruz mountain western horizon atmospher grey color antitwilight arch band reddened backscatt sunlight also known belt venus interplay solstic date lunar month make solstic full moon rare next june solstic full moon fall calendar date june 21,solstic dawn full moonset,2016-06-23,514,78,0.1624999999999999,06-23,6,2016,23,2,1,1 be5ff56725e93540bf5321b3c39cde3a57866cc3f9bbe950adac3ecde1ad5101,andrew campbel,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 larg nebula left center color m20 near bottom frame third ngc 6559 right m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lanes three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant expans m8 hundr lightyear across also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid composit image narrowband data record ioniz hydrogen oxygen sulfur atom radiat visibl wavelengths map color rang bright use compos cosmic still life inspir van gogh famou sunflowers right trifid one messier open star clusters m21 also includ telescop canvas,sagittariu,2016-06-24,673,104,0.1714285714285714,06-24,6,2016,24,4,2,5 fa76da00a5f250aeaa8790c66b5085242962d27fb5de9e84ea7a96148e32625c,trevor,near horizon full moon often seem loom large swollen appear famou moon illusion timelaps imag demonstr moon appar size realli chang climb toward zenith color does though record frame everi 10 seconds imag show dramat color chang be composit follow solstic full moon climb rug horizon northwestern shrink lineofsight planet earth dens dusti atmospher shift moonlight strawberri red honeycolor paler yellowish hues chang seem appropri northern june full moon also known strawberri honey moon,strawberri honey moonris,2016-06-25,489,74,0.2273809523809523,06-25,6,2016,25,2,1,1 23fdb2612055f6cddbba275e593aacce834b120f37dab0584d66b9c3d59f441c,none,new horizon spacecraft took stun imag jupit way pluto famou great red spot jupit also known regular equatori cloud bands visibl even modest size telescopes featur image horizont compressed taken 2007 near jupiter termin show jovian giant wide divers cloud patterns far left cloud closest jupiter south pole turbul whirlpool swirl seen dark region dub belt ring planet even light color regions call zones show tremend structure complet complex wave patterns energi drive wave sure come below new horizon fastest space probe ever launched success complet main flybi pluto 2015 head track flybi kuiper belt object 2014 mu69 2019 near term mani space enthusiast await juno arriv jupit next monday apod poster,jupiter cloud new horizon,2016-06-26,704,112,0.1204944178628389,06-26,6,2016,26,8,2,4 26f17b1b261d3cd581060cb2b743b7e5b7dbfd3fbdb1e4af8c28b469bf734b16,regina,what happen horizon although scene may appear somehow supernatural noth unusu occur set sun well place clouds pictur anticrepuscular rays understand them start pictur common crepuscular ray seen time sunlight pour though scatter clouds although sunlight inde travel along straight lines project line onto spheric sky great circles therefore crepuscular ray set or rising sun appear reconverg side sky antisolar point 180 degre around sun refer anticrepuscular rays featur particularli strike display anticrepuscular ray photograph earlier month colorado usa anticrepuscular ray colorado,anticrepuscular ray colorado ii,2016-06-27,586,82,0.1733333333333333,06-27,6,2016,27,1,1,1 9c3fea3dac74f163b8e7b9a28dc88db8a119cf20dc9de63226df1b6965533e3b,panther observatori,beauti telephoto composit span lightyear natur night skyscap island look south exposur track star record fix foreground three merg panel cover degre wide field view may 15 wax gibbou moonlight illumin church mountain terrain mere 18 thousand lightyear away huge globular star cluster omega centauri ngc 5139 shine give good visual impress appear binocular starri night activ galaxi centauru ngc 5128 near top frame 11 million lightyear distant also found toward expans southern constel centauru size milki way edg spiral galaxi ngc 4945 13 million lightyear distant littl farther along horizon right,alpha omega crete,2016-06-29,599,92,0.1077922077922077,06-29,6,2016,29,7,2,3 35b625173a65391c6599ef98897fb2f2bcd7702bee9dac7dc7eaadffc6e39ecf,none,far natur dark night sky increas world map show effect artifici night sky bright visual appear night sky bright model use high resolut satellit data fit thousand night sky bright measur recent work colorcod level compar natur sky bright level location example artifici sky bright level yellow alter natur appear night sky red hide milki way artifici lumin fog result indic histor common appear galaxi night lost onethird humanity includ european almost north americans along inhabit dens lightpollut region planet earth,new world atla artifici sky bright,2016-06-30,520,81,0.2473333333333333,06-30,6,2016,30,6,1,1 e4241454751ffe49ce3e62afafab98bb0c4e68762c35d24ba5f75f4a860075d2,none,approach north pole nearli fiveyear journey juno enjoy perspect jupit often seen even spacecraft earth usual swing closer jupiter equator look toward rule ga giant distanc million kilometers spacecraft junocam captur imag jupiter nightsid orbit four larg galilean moon june 21 junocam intend provid closeup view ga giant cloudi atmosphere juli 4 juli 5 ut juno set burn main engin slow captur orbit around giant planet goe well first spacecraft orbit pole jupiter skim within 5000 kilomet jovian cloud top 20 month mission,juno approach jupit,2016-07-01,522,83,0.0851851851851851,07-01,7,2016,1,8,0,2 d621e363b1c44b3829755290c2cb408e9708ed6d096c7934c963dd6572565bce,malcolm park,camera fix low tripod northern summer eve captur seri imag use serene southern ontario skyscape lakesid view frame fair galaxi calm water night lumin apparitions trail light neither satellit meteor flash auror glow widefield composit construct four consecut 15 second exposures puls firefli enter right first wander toward camera left back toward lake central milki way rise background,firefli trail summer milki way,2016-07-02,385,58,0.1759740259740259,07-02,7,2016,2,6,1,1 5d0fcab15b6016fa29bd56333890b0ef118dd2eddb478f534dff5128b97f8e6e,michael sidonio,south antares tail nebularich constel scorpius lie emiss nebula ic 4628 nearbi hot massiv stars million year young irradi nebula invis ultraviolet light strip electron atoms electron eventu recombin atom produc visibl nebular glow domin red emiss hydrogen estim distanc 6000 lightyears region shown 250 lightyear across span area equival four full moon sky nebula also catalog gum 56 australian astronom colin stanley gum seafoodlov astronom might know cosmic cloud prawn nebula,ic 4628 prawn nebula,2016-07-04,478,72,0.1833333333333333,07-04,7,2016,4,4,1,5 f98412ee94eb4a518d6f6a10cfe2ba068c3b9065d7498bd8f22d1623ce87eaf5,tom dss,mani spectacular color rho ophiuchi ohfeeyukee cloud highlight mani process occur there blue region shine primarili reflect light blue light star rho ophiuchi nearbi star reflect effici portion nebula red light earth daytim sky appear blue reason red yellow region shine primarili emiss nebula atom molecular gas light nearbi blue star energet bright star antar knock electron away gas shine electron recombin gas dark brown region caus dust grain born young stellar atmospher effect block light emit behind them rho ophiuchi star clouds well front globular cluster m4 visibl upper right even color human see cloud emit light everi wavelength band radio gammaray,color cloud rho ophiuchi,2016-07-05,667,103,0.172077922077922,07-05,7,2016,5,4,2,5 b4193ce4f61f30132a583dfadf2854d7cb4e22fc1a1483a7f69ea620bf4bfbdb,chart32 team,remark telescop composit yellow blue scene featur trio interact galaxi almost 90 million lightyear away toward constel virgo right two spiky foreground milki way star echo trio galaxi hues remind star galaxi like distant island universes sweep spiral arm obscur dust lanes ngc 5566 enormous 150000 lightyear across lie small blue ngc 5569 near center third galaxy ngc 5560 multicolor appar stretch distort interact ngc 5566 galaxi trio also includ halton arp 1966 atla peculiar galaxi arp 286 course cosmic interact appreci common part evolut galaxies,arp 286 trio virgo,2016-07-06,551,86,-0.0331168831168831,07-06,7,2016,6,7,0,3 84e2a740aff05201a3288bbe892b19773d8c0f0b29963821755209ec97c2d1e9,babak tafreshi,milki way bright cold clear altiplano night 4500 meter reflect river volcan peak distant horizon captur stitch panorama natur dark sky northern chilean highland near san pedro de along solar system eclipt plane band zodiac light also stand out extend milki way toward upper left scene late april brilliant mars saturn antar form bright celesti triangl eclipt meet center milki way left triangle larg emiss nebula sharpless twenti moon diamet wide center around star zeta ophiuchi,altiplano night,2016-07-07,479,76,0.090625,07-07,7,2016,7,6,0,1 b010add6fbd6e2b41c94a3f6126f65cedba2f593b640f05dd03f0af0ad30033e,none,core crab nebula lie citysized magnet neutron star spin 30 time second known crab pulsar actual rightmost two bright stars central swirl stun hubbl snapshot nebula core three lightyear across spectacular pictur frame glow gas caviti swirl filament bath eeri blue light blue glow visibl radiat given electron spiral strong magnet field nearli speed light like cosmic dynamo pulsar power emiss nebula drive shock wave surround materi acceler spiral electrons mass sun densiti atom nucleus spin pulsar collaps core massiv star exploded crab nebula expand remnant star outer layers supernova explos wit planet earth year 1054,swirl core crab nebula,2016-07-08,621,96,0.2533333333333333,07-08,7,2016,8,4,2,5 add2fd436843a62fddece6265dcd8bf96a158e5ebd722ec9afd4deb93f480b73,cristian fattinnanzi,what next moon jupit four largest moons skygaz around planet earth enjoy close encount planet moon 2012 juli 15 predawn skies mani saw bright jupit next slender wane crescent european also opportun watch rule ga giant pass behind lunar disk occult moon slid night cloud threaten telescop view montecassiano italy frame still captur jupit emerg occult along four larg galilean moons sunlit crescent overexpos moon night side faintli illumin earthshine line left right beyond dark lunar limb callisto ganymede jupiter io europa fact callisto ganymede io larger earth moon europa slightli smaller last week nasa juno becam second spacecraft ever orbit jupiter transpar science brows 1250 code astrophys sourc code librari,moon meet jupit,2016-07-10,719,111,0.0596938775510204,07-10,7,2016,10,2,2,1 744669657967fdccda433090fa83c895bf6d3daf50422808d34cab85560856ed,none,jupit aurorae like earth magnet field ga giant funnel charg particl releas sun onto poles particl strike atmosphere electron temporarili knock away exist ga molecules electr forc attract electron back electron recombin remak neutral molecules auror light emitted featur recent releas composit imag hubbl space telescop taken ultraviolet light aurora appear annular sheet around pole unlik earth aurorae jupiter aurora includ sever bright streak dots jupiter great red spot visibl lower right recent aurora jupit particularli strong fortun coincid arriv nasa juno spacecraft jupit last week juno abl monitor solar wind approach jupiter enabl better understand aurora general includ earth,aurora jupit,2016-07-11,687,100,0.2549319727891156,07-11,7,2016,11,8,2,4 e5bc06e15064f8c52adc84d98843a860d59fb6596e99142f5e0429e1407e2a38,christin,wait 2011 nasa robot mission juno launch jupit cape canaveral florida usa last week juno reach jupit fire intern rocket becom second spacecraft orbit solar system largest planet juno task studi jovian giant next two years highli ellipt orbit next bring near jupiter cloud top late august course pictur abl catch launch rocket today however five year later still chase rocket astronaut,chase juno,2016-07-12,385,62,0.0333333333333333,07-12,7,2016,12,8,0,2 de91d700efab539d68d762cbd2ac0f2e97e5c5cc5d2859f14e6d6728b8b1a162,roberto colombari,m7 one promin open cluster star sky cluster domin bright blue stars seen nake eye dark sky tail constel scorpion scorpius m7 contain 100 star total 200 million year old span 25 lightyear across lie 1000 lightyear away featur wideangl imag taken near citi brazil m7 star cluster known sinc ancient times note ptolemi year 130 ad also visibl dark dust cloud lower right and background liter million unrel star toward galact center,m7 open star cluster scorpiu,2016-07-13,428,73,0.0785714285714285,07-13,7,2016,13,6,0,3 f25df20efb5d6c39ea5b64b181604016d5ad7771a5671ff84680a1b7e3c32dc9,dave jurasevich,move top bottom frame near center sharpli detail color composite thin bright braid filament actual long rippl cosmic sheet glow ga seen almost edgeon shock wave plow interstellar space 500000 kilomet per hour catalog ngc 2736 elong appear suggest popular name pencil nebula pencil nebula 5 lightyear long 800 lightyear away repres small part vela supernova remnant vela remnant around 100 lightyear diameter expand debri cloud star seen explod 11000 year ago initially shock wave move million kilomet per hour slow considerably sweep surround interstellar material narrowband wide field image red bluegreen color track characterist glow ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms,ngc 2736 pencil nebula,2016-07-15,664,100,0.05,07-15,7,2016,15,4,2,5 e8ed29327eefb021f43bdbdcbc39168cf7f4dce07058fa15f9726d947d31151b,anthoni ayiomam,climb top 13th centuri stone tower look like could reach touch north celesti pole point center star trail arcs wellcompos imag scatter meteor streak record period five half hour seri 45 second long exposur span dark night juli exposur made digit camera fix tripod near marathon greece planet earth course grace star trail reflect earth daili rotat around axis extension axi rotat lead center concentr arc night sky conveni northern hemispher night sky photograph celesti navig alike bright star polari close north celesti pole make short bright trail tower central gap,north celesti tower,2016-07-16,568,91,0.1102564102564102,07-16,7,2016,16,6,2,1 b37066b658e413d4ad4780d3a5b6e831ad9a2c674abad66e3e17c1636e509ddd,juan carlo casado,ever seen planet mercury mercuri orbit close sun never wander far sun earth sky trail sun mercuri visibl low horizon short sunset lead sun mercuri visibl shortli sunrise certain time year inform skygaz littl determin usual pick mercuri site unobscur horizon above lot determin combin littl digit manipul show mercury success posit march 2000 pictur taken locat spain sun 10 degre horizon superpos singl photogen sunset currently mercuri rise higher horizon pass sunset angularli close brighter planet venus,mercuri horizon,2016-07-17,506,78,0.0682539682539682,07-17,7,2016,17,1,0,4 41c1168ea4add5154e644f40a7875957877b38ff068305f6d1045d16d91e0bc1,none,deepest infrar imag orion nebula uncov bonanza previous unknown lowmass star quit possibl free float planets picturesqu nebula best known visibl light show mani bright star bright glow gas catalogu m42 orion nebula distanc 1300 light year closest major star form region earth one peer orion pervas dust infrar light done recent sophist hawki camera attach one european southern observatory larg telescop high mountain chile high resolut version featur infrar deep imag show mani point light mani sure brown dwarf star best fit unexpectedli high abund freefloat planets understand low mass object form import understand star format gener may even help human better understand earli year solar system remast version image greater detail,orion nebula infrar,2016-07-18,736,113,0.3030333333333334,07-18,7,2016,18,4,2,4 a3a9309a2423ab8ed8305e4381593a2860d31894e05c94b2ed26ce077e8a0867,none,wind affect sand mars help find differ significantli earth robot curios rover mar direct investig dark namib dune bagnold dune field gale crater namib first activ sand dune investig close outsid planet earth rippl earthbound sand dune appear similar rippl mars one exception larger peak visibl dark namib dune averag 3 meter apart type seen underwat earth appear aris mar way thin martian wind dark sand particles featur imag taken last decemb horizont compress show context distance normal dusti martian landscap slope light orange rockstrewn landscap visibl far right curios unexpectedli went safe mode earli july brought last week resum explor interior gale crater sign habit microbi life 40th anniversary vike 1 mars,dark dune mar,2016-07-20,720,113,0.0623809523809523,07-20,7,2016,20,5,2,4 efc0220c52d7eaa9c29e0c8593997ebbf29aa90fc35cbf5db50bd14cbe654cd7,michael seeley,shortli midnight juli 18 spacex falcon 9 rocket launch space launch complex 40 cape canaver air forc station florida planet earth 9 minut later rocket first stage return spaceport singl time exposur captur rocket launch arc land streak jetti park mile away along curv trajectori launch trace initi burn first stage end near top bright arc stage separation due perspect next bright burn appear top launch arc photo return first stage descend closer cape final land burn creat long streak first stage slow come rest land zone 1 yesterday dragon cargo spacecraft deliv orbit rocket second stage attach intern space station,falcon 9 launch land,2016-07-21,619,101,0.1602941176470588,07-21,7,2016,21,8,2,2 7cdd00c94ebe956474bb07cf361ca8b5bb35c469e55739ea339b2a189a00062b,none,4 billion lightyear away galaxi massiv abel cluster near center sharp hubbl space telescop snapshot fainter bluish arc magnifi imag galaxi lie far beyond abel twice distant otherwis undetect light magnifi distort cluster larg unseen gravit mass approxim 100 trillion time mass sun provid tantal glimps galaxi earli universe effect known gravit lensing consequ warp spacetim first predict einstein centuri ago hubbl imag part frontier field program explor final,galaxi cluster abel beyond,2016-07-22,460,69,0.065625,07-22,7,2016,22,7,0,3 9bdd395bcbb9a7f83164312d8846560d8432989501fdbb7d9ccd7a34510f0f53,tunç tezel,light sprawl toward horizon night skyscap uludag nation park bursa province turkey planet earth star nebula milki way still visibl though stretch light northern summer night three planet shine brightly jupit far right mar near center frame saturn right bulg center galaxy panoram scene captur juli 6 three planet pictur host orbiting operational robot spacecraft earth popular mar five from three differ space maven nasa mar orbit mission mar express mar odyssey nasa mar reconnaiss orbit ring saturn host dare cassini spacecraft arrived juno orbit rule ga giant jupiter,summer planet milki way,2016-07-23,570,89,0.2428571428571428,07-23,7,2016,23,5,1,2 515ef1b862f47e354c2447f3b8a4c9b07dcdb10c8baa187d78202a4a60eda7b9,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur above star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus planetari nebulae,m29 wing butterfli nebula,2016-07-24,553,86,0.05,07-24,7,2016,24,4,0,5 c090e05ab99dd2f2b14512d81d6ab94dfb5be42a7dcaf72b1f3a95e07a04ff20,yuri beletskycarnegiela campana observatorytwan david u heidelberg,two famou satellit galaxi milki way galaxi collide one know sure detail inspect deep imag like featur give indic have pictured larg magellan cloud lmc top left small magellan cloud smc bottom right surround field monochrom colorinvert highlight faint filaments shown gray perhap surprisingly featur imag compil small telescop cover larg angular field nearli 40 degre across much faint nebulos galact cirru cloud thin dust galaxy faint stream star appear extend smc toward lmc also star surround lmc appear asymmetr distributed indic simul could well pull gravit one collisions lmc smc visibl unaid eye southern skies futur telescop observ comput simul sure continu continu effort better understand histori milki way surroundings,deep magellan cloud imag indic collis,2016-07-25,729,111,0.039047619047619,07-25,7,2016,25,6,2,4 886cf5e791ab007951a8f3796d100934fa568cf64f2585f1c84de52a571b69e7,sergio acknowledgement planetario ciudad de la plata observatori,find comet true care eye find thousand stars ten constellations four planets three galaxies central band milki way galaxi visibl sky spectacular 180degre panorama also know look for identifi pervas green airglow earthli cloud south celesti pole even distant cluster stars easier find comet featur image taken el nation park argentina earli april also featur dome telescop hill far right found comet yet so good it green spot left realli harder thing find small cloud magellan,sky argentina,2016-07-26,476,76,0.0912087912087911,07-26,7,2016,26,3,0,1 e8b9395b43892568688052b43d2b131522b846cb3643a7e4979920e31884e9b4,dean nasa,m13 one promin best known globular clusters visibl binocular constel hercules m13 frequent one first object found curiou sky gazer seek celesti wonder beyond normal human vision m13 coloss home 100000 stars span 150 light year across lie 20000 light year distant 12 billion year old 1974 dedic arecibo observatory radio messag earth sent direct m13 featur imag taken small telescope span angular size larger full moon wherea inset image taken hubbl space telescope zoom central 004 degrees,m13 great globular cluster star,2016-07-27,489,78,0.1785714285714285,07-27,7,2016,27,8,1,3 48b2d435f5a33a1d77a5ab5f148c919de2d336ce33c6acc92a41cd67a32b1171,györgi soponyai,sun annual planet earth sky form grace curv known analemma analemma figur 8 shape vertic far right wellcompos fishey view budapest hungary captur chosen spot western bank danub river sun posit record 1144 central european time individu exposur day span 2015 juli 23 2016 juli 4 course northern summer solstic sun top curve autumn spring equinoxes snow ground photographer shadow equip bag also appear base pictur use composit panorama taken 2016 januari 7 date winter solstice sun leav bottom beauti curv blue,blue analemma,2016-07-29,509,82,0.0107142857142857,07-29,7,2016,29,1,0,1 fa97742b004ebe072be17b974fa676e7db6dfc0a33738e163d05a405cfda1f84,clear sky,sunlight rippl dark sky swedish summer midnight noctiluc night shine cloud seem river below fact season cloud often appear high latitud correspond summer months also known polar mesospher clouds form water vapor driven cold upper atmosphere fine dust suppli disintegr meteor volcan ash provid site water vapor turn ice cold temperatur pois edg space 80 kilomet above ici cloud realli reflect sunlight toward ground visibl even though sun horizon seen juli 16 sweden nation park,rippl dark sky,2016-07-30,477,75,-0.1070833333333333,07-30,7,2016,30,8,0,1 452567cbb1d9efb68c102641fa59303ca0878e2106fc1f602a31592b7a6d5dfa,none,what behind saturn first answer camera itself perch cassini spacecraft current orbit behind planet grand ring system solar system unusu perspect place cassini far side saturn sun half saturn appear dark perspect earthbas observ could behind saturn context featur infrar image saturn moon tethys visibl small speck unusu hexagon cloud pattern encompass saturn north pole tethi actual orbit saturn right ring plane place 1000km moon much farther cassini planet itself cassini studi saturn moon 12 years but unfortunately amaz mission soon come end order protect life may exist insid saturn moons robot spacecraft direct crash saturn thick atmospher next september follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,behind saturn,2016-08-01,715,108,-0.0665266106442577,08-01,8,2016,1,0,2,2 71dddb48c2eef5deac58cb6bf1e5a2decb8ffe968d64eb8989f5e81e3d4a6be7,a rollov annotation judi schmidt,climb rock discov universe can although other note much before locat stars planets even plane milki way galaxy need dark clear sky rock camera imag faint nebulas galaxies long filament interstellar dust process digit images bring faint features highlight specif colors merg foreground background images fact industri astrophotograph done creat present picture compon imag taken earli last month night within meter other picturesqu set sand beach maine usa camera point south bay news apod avail facebook translat,univers,2016-08-03,513,77,-0.1149999999999999,08-03,8,2016,3,6,0,1 115464405d998e0c0cb341cac5e208b16524faf8dc8f5a42bcf628c76ddf66e7,deep sky west,sunflow galaxi bloom near center wide field telescop view scene span 2 degre 4 full moon sky toward loyal constel cane venatici formal known messier majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across size milki way galaxy surround bright yellowish core sweep spiral arm streak cosmic dust lane dot star form regions domin member known galaxi group m63 faint extend featur could remain dwarf satellit galaxies evid larg galaxi grow accret small ones m63 shine across electromagnet spectrum thought undergon burst intens star formation,m63 sunflow galaxi wide field,2016-08-04,535,83,0.0666666666666666,08-04,8,2016,4,7,0,3 134a5027f2b365a4ddeb8ae597ab0b82a625d451048443b2a171df1ec687e358,yuri beletski,last thursday view toward sunset 25 kilomet summit cerro la campana remot chilean and bright fade mercuri stood close two day old moon sunlit lunar crescent earthlit lunar nightsid captur fleet innermost planet breathtak even conjunct moon mercury close pair brilliant venu bright star regulu hang sky still color western horizon cours amaz sky la campana unexpected region current home twin magellan telescop la campana observatori summit locat site futur giant magellan telescope,moon mercuri,2016-08-06,481,73,0.2777777777777778,08-06,8,2016,6,2,1,1 1af1acea1eb979c3d5ec3814c73c9e468b85b27d3fbcfba9f0da27020ab695a4,none,big jupiter moon io volcan bodi solar system io usual pronounc eyeoh 3600 kilomet diameter size planet earth singl larg natur satellite glide past jupit turn millennium cassini spacecraft captur awe inspir view activ io largest ga giant backdrop offer stun demonstr rule planet rel size although featur pictur io appear locat front swirl jovian clouds io hurtl around orbit everi 42 hour distanc 420000 kilomet center jupiter put io nearli 350000 kilomet jupiter cloud tops roughli equival distanc earth moon july nasa juno satellit began orbit jupit sometim swoop within 5000 kilomet jupiter cloud tops,io moon jupit,2016-08-07,603,96,-0.12,08-07,8,2016,7,8,0,4 31dd6cabbe62faeb50796c2f68f965999b8a88ecd0598ebf2c54bf3426016778,brad goldpaint goldpaint photography,meteor come from term direct sky point answer constel perseus meteor shower peak later week known perseid meteor appear came radiant toward perseus term parent body though sandsiz debri make perseid meteor come comet swifttuttle comet follow welldefin orbit around sun part orbit approach earth superpos front perseus therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear perseus featur here composit imag contain 60 meteor last august perseid meteor shower show mani bright meteor streak mount shasta california usa year perseid hold promis best meteor shower year transpar science brows 1300 code astrophys sourc code librari,perseid meteor mount shasta,2016-08-08,634,96,0.3,08-08,8,2016,8,3,1,1 68fc5baa7419310a03c8cae22df2642f15bfb779054fa2886140cf8baafe2476,none,mar appear occur earth sweep past mar respect orbit around sun creat momentari align call opposition featur imag show mar opposit occur earlier year well mar look later year mar actual chang size continu monthli jump size first month year earth view toward mar rel far away rel sideway angl make mar appear small less full phase month progress mar appear increasingli larger day earth mar closest togeth may 30 june earth pass mars part side mar appear mar appear increasingli smaller 2016 even watch mar earth along orbit though mar never show crescent phase note video origin featur apod,mar closest approach,2016-08-09,591,100,0.003030303030303,08-09,8,2016,9,5,2,1 10d95955bad41f77f6c1619de2f09ad6fd2015629ca20a980745bd006b6e1c2d,jose priego,either galaxi might dub round galact two spiral ngc colliding featur pictur creat imag taken hubbl space telescope galaxi crash other mani thing may happen includ gravit distortion ga condens produc new episod star formation ultim two galaxi combin one sinc two galaxi part stephan quintet final round battl galaxi like occur next billion year eventu result mani scatter star one larg galaxy quit possibly remain galaxi easili identifi initi galact stephan quintet first identifi galaxi group lie 300 million light year away visibl moderatelys telescop toward constel wing hors pegasus free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,collid galaxi stephan quintet,2016-08-10,628,98,0.0661363636363636,08-10,8,2016,10,7,2,3 d63a6a49cc24d3fae5a70cf7f53681955fc5749d85fa2edfb2a8de2f9bb360de,göran strand,night sky northern sweden hold tantal sight august gaze toward big dipper beauti skyscap captur three singl frame taken last august 1213 though reced northern sky season night shine noctiluc cloud hang horizon extrem altitud ici condens meteor dust caught earli apparit love green auror band also shine near edg space flash perseid meteor near peak annual shower punctuat scene fact year perseid shower peak come days offer continu chanc night sky photographer hat trick,aurora noctiluc cloud,2016-08-11,470,75,0.0833333333333333,08-11,8,2016,11,8,0,1 e59d71b8e1ef333bd14c4f36a354a1a48840416809d632c6755272be3254179b,bob english,first call discoveri team offici name makemak second brightest dwarf planet kuiper belt ici world appear twice astronom image base data taken june 29 30 bright spiral galaxi ngc 4725 makemak mark short red lines posit shift across telescope fieldofview two night along distant orbit date nearli coincid lineofsight spiral galaxi constel coma berenices makemak 525 astronom unit lighthour away ngc 4725 100000 lightyear across 41 million lightyear distant makemak known least one moon ngc 4725 famou spiral galaxy look up perseid meteor shower,come ngc 4725,2016-08-12,542,84,-0.045,08-12,8,2016,12,7,0,3 abd775052c7691376952a03fb19f52b6788d73cf1dbecb4e6cf2f7094655a789,fernando cabrerizo,perseid meteor rain planet earth last night year stream dust period comet swifttuttl produc stunningli activ shower bright cosmic streaks 25 second long exposure one lumin perseid trail fast color small explos end wit night skygaz del spain second fainter meteor trail appear well first two extend intersect meteor shower radiant brighter star heroic constel perseus though meteor shower activ waning come day perseid still flash night see go outsid look up,perseid del,2016-08-13,457,72,0.1722222222222222,08-13,8,2016,13,8,1,1 44c6c655144fe12a2f211f7a78fc60da7c93777f9e8ab6490865af07963f3c80,none,dark dusti keyhol nebula get name unusu shape loop featur classic imag hubbl space telescope smaller region insid larger carina nebula dramat dark dust knot complex featur sculpt wind radiat carina nebula mani massiv energet stars particular shape dust cloud upper left keyhol nebula may human imagin appear similar to example superhero fli cloud arm up save person tow below region lie 7500 lightyear away planet earth southern sky keyhol nebula creat die star eta carina frame prone violent outburst final centuries free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,keyhol carina nebula,2016-08-14,561,89,-0.0444444444444444,08-14,8,2016,14,4,0,5 89c8f5d5af799defa90a35a3378f9e13c2f489e96e38e83a38d18c147322a4ba,terrastro,coincid planet line up that planet orbit sun nearly singl sheet call plane ecliptic view insid plane earth dweller like planet appear confin singl band coincidence though sever brightest planet appear nearli direction coincid captur last week featur above six planet earth moon imag togeth last week sunset mornington peninsula victoria australia second band visibl across top tall imag central band milki way galaxy perseid meteor album 1 album 2,five planet moon australia,2016-08-16,451,70,0.0857142857142857,08-16,8,2016,16,8,0,1 596b00637e1e3f62f7e9d678f4cd42228d2267de25b2703bb26e9aded7276ec5,mike,2016 perseid meteor shower perform well night august 1112 sky memor even record perch overlook yosemit valley planet earth scene compos 25 separ imag select set sequenti exposures imag contain singl meteor place align use background stars digit manipul account earth rotat throughout night allow explos color trail view perspect toward shower radiant constel perseus fade gentli light west face el capitan sunset sunrise faint band zodiac light fals dawn shine upward east left half dome far horizon car light illumin valley road course imag fill celesti sight perseid night includ milki way pleiad star cluster,perseid night yosemit,2016-08-18,611,96,0.0904761904761904,08-18,8,2016,18,6,2,1 d44dfd7a6a93bfd1289b42f9b6b529460982ebb83d5969e566b5dc4a952e5c1c,el cielo de canaria,gammaray dust period comet swifttuttl plow planet earth atmospher night august 1112 impact 60 kilomet per second grain comet dust produc year remark activ perseid meteor shower composit wideangl imag align shower meteor cover 45 hour period perseid night flash meteor streak trace back shower origin sky alongsid milki way constel perseus radiant mark direct along comet orbit travel speed light cosmic gammaray impact earth atmospher gener shower too shower high energi particles meteor streak point back origin even flash light particl use reconstruct direct particl shower point back origin sky incom gammaray unlik meteors incred fast particl shower flash cant follow eye follow high speed camera multimirror dish foreground course dish magic major atmospher gamma imag cherenkov telescopes earthbas gammaray observatori canari island la palma,comet dust,2016-08-20,847,126,0.1601923076923077,08-20,8,2016,20,3,2,4 0157a80f3f52ee2335a938b496f5d4d81e3cbe489668ced3da43dc40fc6aee1c,none,would like see total eclips sun so friend rel live near path next summer eclipse ye again might want arrang visit one year today next year exact date path total solar eclips cut right across center contigu usa north america part south america experience partial solar eclipse featur map path totality comput eclips expert fred espenak nasa mani peopl seen total solar eclips tell stori rest lives last path solar total includ part contigu usa 1979 next two 2024 zoom in interact map eclips path,map total solar eclips path 2017 august,2016-08-21,494,85,0.0408627087198515,08-21,8,2016,21,1,0,1 8c3ab7e7b30492dc026a610e2e08d9a0e508aea69899f6cc731520beddb1ed65,e tezel tezeltwan,went outsid exactli time everi day took pictur includ sun would sun posit change great plan effort seri imag taken figure8 path sun follow cours year call analemma winter solstic earth northern hemisphere sun appear bottom analemma analemma creat differ latitud appear least slightli different well analemma creat differ time day even greater plan effort seri includ total eclips sun one images pictur total solar eclips analemma tutulemma term coin photograph base turkish word eclipse featur composit imag sequenc record turkey start 2005 base imag sequenc total phase solar eclips view side turkey 2006 march 29 venu also visibl totality toward lower right want creat tutulemma end next august total solar eclipse would good time free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,tutulemma solar eclips analemma,2016-08-22,776,122,0.0561224489795918,08-22,8,2016,22,1,2,4 6b55e1fcd46d172b516962f7cb92d4ef662534447658db9cd32cb47aa8b4a187,none,unusu lump mars nasa robot curios rover continu roll across mars approach murray buttes sever 15meter high butt visibl ahead horizont compress 360degre across imag taken insid gale crater earlier month butt thought similar earth butt cap dens rock rel resist erosion imag center curiosity hand use examin rock close drill rocks collect samples curios reach four year anniversari mar clear spend next two year explor slope mount sharp peak distant lightcolor structur visibl far left interact youtub 360degre tilt scroll imag version,curios mar,2016-08-24,532,83,0.0035,08-24,8,2016,24,5,0,2 71eb1321e801c8bfa5aa4cf42956ce8d3959d8087ff37263e00d7a46dd5783ca,none,star closest sun planet similar earth announc yesterday recent observ confirm planet exist inhabit zone surfac temperatur could allow liquid water key ingredi life earth yet known planet proxima b life even not potenti abil sustain liquid water might make good first hop humanity futur trip milki way galaxy although planet parent star proxima centauri cooler redder sun one two star alpha centauri star system similar sun featur imag show sky locat proxima centauri southern sky behind telescop made mani discoveri observations eso 36meter telescop la silla chile discov planet orbit close close one year take 11 day earth planet discov eso pale red dot collaboration although seemingli unlikely proxima b intellig life light year distanc close enough earth communication,closest star potenti habit planet,2016-08-25,773,120,0.0184615384615384,08-25,8,2016,25,6,2,4 39252e5fb78a4a8a56f2feda6ac072b7728be4f082c6ce2a928f6a76170d3cdb,juan carlo casado,dark sky set milki way dramat sight stretch nearli parallel horizon rich edgeon vista galaxi dusti namibian desert stretch bright southern centauru left cepheu north right earli august digit stitched panoram night skyscap captur milki way congeri star river cosmic dust along color nebula readili seen eye mars saturn antares visibl even lumin night skies form bright celesti triangl touch tree galaxy central bulge course galaxi galaxi scene two major member local group andromeda galaxi triangulum galaxy lie near right edg frame beyond arc set milki way,milki way set,2016-08-26,556,87,0.1814560439560439,08-26,8,2016,26,6,1,5 6e7a3a87af10574f741eb88ccad3e1cda869d9fe491692851a669d643473f3df,none,august 10th 50th anniversari launch lunar orbit 1 first five lunar orbit intend photograph moon surfac aid select futur land sites spacecraft camera captur data use restored highresolut version histor first imag earth moon august 23 1966 16th lunar orbit hang almost stationari sky view lunar surface earth appear set beyond rug lunar horizon perspect orbit spacecraft two year later apollo 8 crew would record famou scene earthris lunar orbit,lunar orbit earthset,2016-08-27,443,70,0.1666666666666666,08-27,8,2016,27,2,1,2 d475cf825d87976a5af97e41fccc15c3171f46f77c316e7761812bc2d6560143,none,strang arc imag cluster galaxi abel 370 astronom note unusu arc right mani cluster galaxies although curious one initi respons avoid comment arc noth like ever note before mid1980s however better imag allow astronom identifi arc prototyp new kind astrophys phenomenon gravit len effect entir cluster galaxi background galaxies today know arc actual consist two distort imag fairli normal galaxi happen lie far behind huge cluster abel 370 graviti caus background galaxies light other spread come observ along multipl paths unlik distant light appear stem wine glass midjuli 2009 astronom use justupgrad hubbl space telescop imag abel 370 gravit len imag unpreced detail almost yellow imag featur galaxi abel 370 cluster astut eye pick mani strang arc distort arclets however actual imag distant galaxies studi abel 370 imag give astronom uniqu window distribut normal dark matter galaxi cluster universe free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,abel 370 galaxi cluster gravit len,2016-08-28,949,146,0.127353896103896,08-28,8,2016,28,7,2,4 d0b43d99bbb8ec831532215651b1cb94d5a6df1d5c1a32c71e83e235198a299b,robert gendler,young sun still lie within dusti ngc 7129 3000 lightyear away toward royal constel cepheus star rel tender age million year old like sun form similar stellar nurseri five billion year ago notic sharp imag love bluish dust cloud reflect youth starlight compact deep red crescent shape also marker energetic young stellar objects known herbigharo objects shape color characterist glow hydrogen ga shock jet stream away newborn stars paler extend filament reddish emiss mingl bluish cloud caus dust grain effect convert invis ultraviolet starlight visibl red light photoluminesence ultim natal ga dust region dispersed star drift apart loos cluster orbit center galaxy process remark composit imag reveal faint red strand emiss upper right recent recogn like supernova remnant current analyz univ obtain imag data subaru telescope estim distanc ngc 7129 telescop view span 40 lightyears photo gallery jupit venu conjunct 2016 august,young sun ngc 7129,2016-08-29,930,142,0.0880357142857142,08-29,8,2016,29,4,2,5 713748fcf298a1df8c02a9ae55705fbeccf706b597608fccc05531fcba01a064,josh,bright light end countri road actual remark close conjunct two planets sunset august 27 brilliant venu jupit almost appear singl celesti beacon night skyscap taken near lake queensland australia spectacular vertic panorama southern hemisphere show central milki way near zenith pose top pillar zodiac light along eclipt plane cours mar saturn near eclipt too galaxy central bulge left tree horizon fleet planet mercuri also add light end road,light end road,2016-09-01,442,68,0.28,09-01,9,2016,1,6,1,1 c787754f84be169424791d0605edf4e17c44dc4cda7dd0fafc9d6dadc44df4e7,györgi soponyai,day night littl planet look lot like day night planet earth fact imag use construct littl planet projection digit warp stitch mosaic cover 360x180 degrees taken day night near hungary planet earth span success photo experi july hungarian astronom associ astro camp composit follow solar disk 20 minut interv sunris sunset six hour star trail northern night sky center north celesti pole near bright star polaris orbit intern space station trace offset arc across northern night littl planet nightsid horizon red light lamp fellow left danc trails,littl planet astro,2016-09-02,546,87,0.1875,09-02,9,2016,2,8,1,1 59fd6fa46027085ccc0ea586da5d10e33432a1e9724ba75b9677d866529fbe41,stephan,new moon dark shadow cross planet earth septemb 1 silhouett moon quit cover sun though creat annular solar eclipse shadow narrow central path 100 kilomet wide maximum eclipse begin south atlantic track toward east across africa end indian ocean wait indian ocean reunion island eclips watcher enjoy view north eclips centerline annular phase last minut less cloud threaten nearli eclips sun creat dramat sky wideangl telephoto composit partial phase northern side 50 kilomet wide island,reunion island eclips,2016-09-03,486,75,-0.0254820936639118,09-03,9,2016,3,1,0,1 88aeec50ff6316f6404e259dea2eead863c7bf5f35a1dcdeb49c93a4fbb24af2,none,back 1979 nasa voyag 1 spacecraft flew past jupit moons imag mosaic featur moon io background ga giant jupiter diffus swirl cloud bands record voyager camera distanc million kilometers io imag mosaic may first show curiou round featur io surfac dark center bright rim 60 kilomet across known volcan origin featur thought like impact craters commonli seen rocki bodi throughout solar system voyag continu approach io closeup pictur reveal bizarr world devoid impact craters frequent resurfac volcan activity earlier year new robot spacecraft nasa juno began orbit jupit last week made pass within 5000 kilomet jupiter clouds next two years hope juno discov new thing jupiter exampl what jupiter core free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,io jupit voyag 1,2016-09-04,741,117,0.0576704545454545,09-04,9,2016,4,8,2,2 2b394bf50f96df2e44d0ff527f801dae851563c8e025ddef2ac7a2443a0d71ff,roger n clark,meteor doing unusu short asymmetr train may indic sandsiz grain center glow momentarili spin caus path slightli spiral meteor appear go heart nebula although realli earth atmospher one quadrillion time closer taken last month night peak meteor like perseid meteor shower perseid radiant constel perseus frame upper right toward direct meteor streak pointing heart nebula imag 18 oneminut exposures unusu meteor streak appear one meteor train multicolor glow eman differ element heat gas transpar science brows 1300 code astrophys sourc code librari,spiral meteor heart nebula,2016-09-05,548,82,0.0476190476190476,09-05,9,2016,5,8,0,1 f504cabede36ec39cd607c2dedcb8f6578bf67b1ad0e45143449a8b66cf7998a,prez,follow handl big dipper away dipper bowl get handle last bright star then slide telescop littl south west might find stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi left ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi human eye longexposure deepfield imag taken earlier year show much faint complex actual surround smaller galaxy thousand faint dot background featur imag actual galaxi far across universe follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,whirlpool galaxi beyond,2016-09-06,710,110,-0.0843749999999999,09-06,9,2016,6,7,2,3 20e5281141291904425feb52eb50f5bf5c9aeb45d8cc8536fb309ce027063f17,luc perrot,september eclips sun document 68 frame timelaps composite start local time frame everi 4 minut progress new moon across solar disk taken near centerlin narrow eclips path seri exposur end golden sunset balanc rock cairn foreground line beach southern side reunion island indian ocean near villag course close balanc appar size creat drama eclips sun moon seen planet earth annular eclipse moon silhouett small enough show solar disk narrow ringoffir maximum eclips phase,eclips sunset,2016-09-07,470,73,-0.0013636363636363,09-07,9,2016,7,1,0,1 8716d290b138b940cabdf3de2f4b4bec5af25f78f6b4aa8b0818a27309600871,sebastian voltmer,wander stun field view mar realli front color cosmic clouds mosaic telescop imag 5 degre 10 full moons across captur planet posit august 26 7 lightminut earth near lineofsight bright star antar rho ophiuchi cloud complex exposur yellowhu mars left almost match antares also known alpha scorpii center globular star cluster m4 shine right antares m4 lie 7000 lightyear away compar antares 500 lightyear distance slightli closer antares rho ophiuchi bluish starlight reflect dusti molecular cloud near top frame,mar cloud,2016-09-08,509,79,0.1817460317460317,09-08,9,2016,8,6,1,3 43a9cf171c35f4ebc1a9da170ea557c90ce4bc86d0af17cc4d3ee76e65979c5a,michael miller,ridg glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud inhabit turbulent cosmic depth lagoon nebula also known m8 bright star form region 5000 lightyear distant still make popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius toward center milki way galaxy domin telltal red emiss ioniz hydrogen atom recombin strip electrons stunning deep view lagoon nearli 100 lightyear across right center bright compact hourglass shape ga ioniz sculpt energet radiat extrem stellar wind massiv young star fact mani bright star open cluster ngc 6530 drift within nebula form lagoon sever million year ago,wide deep lagoon,2016-09-09,571,88,0.2257142857142857,09-09,9,2016,9,4,1,5 95d6cb6bff8f5bc9bea3739dda9e3008309e994d906dabb07239ec3f8b1de990,none,near sunset thursday clear sky saw launch osirisrex spacecraft sport singl solid rocket booster atla v vehicl blast cape canaveral complex 41 low wideangl view toward launch pad set sun osirisrex bound bennu schedul encount mountains asteroid 2018 first spacecraft swing back home world planet earth though graviti assist maneuv boost way detail survey bennu osirisrex collect sampl asteroid surfac 2020 bring home return earth 2023 goe well largest sampl return space mission sinc apollo era,launch,2016-09-10,492,76,0.0214285714285714,09-10,9,2016,10,8,0,2 7fe99aebc00064aa9e214f7a274128834adc92cba1e81054853ed188dfb85738,wood hole oceanograph institut,much planet earth made water little actually although ocean water cover 70 percent earth surface ocean shallow compar earth radius featur illustr show would happen water near surfac earth bunch ball radiu ball would 700 kilometers less half radiu earth moon slightli larger saturn moon rhea which like mani moon outer solar system mostli water ice even much water came earth whether signific amount trap far beneath earth surfac remain topic research poll seen today apod imag before,water planet earth,2016-09-11,483,78,-0.0254166666666666,09-11,9,2016,11,8,0,2 d9c9c25afa9a25e5d03c2cfb353c57678ec868f24a04cda8d73f213bcc940f7d,esa rosetta mps,littl spacecraft presum lost found 2014 phila lander slowli descend parent rosetta spacecraft nucleu comet c67p churyumovgerasimenko surface harpoon lander bounc softli twice eventu sent back imag unknown location earlier month though rosetta swoop low enough spot meters phila seen far right main image inset imag show zoom zoom in end month rosetta direct land 67p rosetta land harder and although take uniqu imag data bring mission end free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,phila lander found comet 67p,2016-09-12,481,75,0.0774891774891774,09-12,9,2016,12,8,0,2 b0903cd2942319ab7893fc4bfce4acb923c9b9479b08ed9033185e7913274b09,steve cooper,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 1672 featur here captur spectacular detail imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 1672 span 75000 light year across ngc 1672 appear toward constel dolphinfish dorado studi find spiral bar contribut star format galaxy central regions follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,ngc 1672 bar spiral galaxi hubbl,2016-09-13,629,100,0.2020833333333333,09-13,9,2016,13,7,2,3 9f8fcafaaa7961109d77ee4093483458417d33ba9c3712ba2e4e47487827b45d,none,wide loop orbit brought juno close jupit august 27 spacecraft swung around giant planet pole junocam acquir premier direct polar views chang usual nearli equatori perspect outbound spacecraft telescop planet earth sunlit side jupiter north polar region left imag kilomet cloud tops two hour juno closest approach hour close approach south polar region captur kilomet away strikingli differ altern lightcolor zone darker belt girdl familiar equatori regions polar region cloud appear convolut mottl mani clockwis counterclockwis rotat storm systems anoth 35 close orbit flybi plan juno mission,north south jupit,2016-09-14,592,87,-0.0208333333333333,09-14,9,2016,14,8,0,2 6171922fa46ae663f96d615ef306d4b23d5d003ad785380c1ae3cc140cd473e4,tunç tezel,wander mar saturn spent much year remark close planet earth night sky sequenc exposur span middecemb 2015 begin week composit skyview follow time together includ near opposition north bright star antar near milki way central bulge correspond video saturn appar movement seen back forth along flattened compact loop mar trace wider revers sshape track upper right lower left frame connect dot date slide cursor pictur or follow link look way mar saturn actual revers direct along orbits instead appar backward retrograd motion respect background star reflect orbit motion earth itself retrograd motion seen time earth overtak lap planet orbit farther sun earth move rapidli rel closein orbit,retrograd mar saturn,2016-09-15,690,107,0.1154761904761905,09-15,9,2016,15,0,2,1 6f627bb8d2b25b543c02253b5ec7ed97d5cb4d5ac783e1de2d54e5c871799079,petr horálek,sunset gorgeou full moon rose brno citi czech republ juli 20 2016 panoram imag made celebr anniversari apollo 11 lunar landing seri exposur captur yellow hu lunar disk fade color twilight 14th centuri castl illumin foreground course tonight full moon call harvest moon closest full moon northern hemisphere autumn equinox tradit name long celebr stori song tonight full lunar phase also coincid subtle penumbr lunar eclipse moon pass earth diffuse outer shadow,full moon,2016-09-16,460,72,0.2020833333333333,09-16,9,2016,16,2,1,1 77d97fd25e36e9a1dbe6f7895d28da44d3cb4ba427e29ca536418951d51fa446,giovanni benintend,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp composit imag nice show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region along galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 1 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 triangulum galaxi,2016-09-17,698,106,0.1545454545454545,09-17,9,2016,17,7,2,3 a69256b98cbb7c1659d6c8b0cd2076eac81b070075814db03164ee9979523751,ronni warner,know van gogh paint starri night includ comet halebopp hope not doesnt featur imag does although today pictur may appear first glanc faith digit reproduct origin starri night actual modern rendit meant honor one famou paint second millennium act scaveng hunt find featur image comet spiral galaxy open star cluster supernova remnant easy ok find ring supernova 1987a ngc 2392 crab nebula thor helmet cartwheel galaxy ant nebula still easy pleas identifi hidden imag mention sever apod main discuss board asterisk finally collagist gracious hidden apod 10th anniversari vermeer photomontag honor apod free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,starri night scaveng hunt,2016-09-18,644,99,0.1576923076923077,09-18,9,2016,18,6,2,4 b00c24cad8a667f630eea601f4d53363354ef4cc492dbc64eb20e4d07cfb17d4,pete lawrenc,what happen edg sun although may look like monster pictur actual monster promin thin ga held surfac sun magnet field solar event captur past weekend small telescope result imag invert indic illustr lines promin rise 50000 kilomet sun surface make even earth seem small comparison monster promin activ region light color filament seen hover flow solar carpet fibrils filament actual promin seen disk sun similarly fibril actual spicul seen disk energet event like becom less common sun evolv toward minimum 11year activ cycle free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,kilomet sun,2016-09-19,568,90,-0.0680555555555555,09-19,9,2016,19,1,0,4 792e99faf17a1577111fe1a453f6f53122d397569a0f69debd1021b44cc67cf1,none,make cosmic eye look red dust featur imag robot spitzer space telescop show infrar light wellstudi helix nebula ngc 7293 mere 700 lightyear away constel water carrier aquarius two lightyear diamet shroud dust ga around central white dwarf long consid excel exampl planetari nebula repres final stage evolut sunlik star spitzer data show nebula central star immers surprisingli bright infrar glow model suggest glow produc dust debri disk even though nebular materi eject star mani thousand year ago closein dust could gener collis reservoir object analog solar system kuiper belt cometari oort cloud cometlik bodi form distant planetari system would surviv even dramat late stage star evolution follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,helix nebula infrar,2016-09-20,747,115,0.0136363636363636,09-20,9,2016,20,4,2,5 2059feb144e5c8e9028708d22431555fac165513f76218ecbae7eb4a853fde0e,luca vanzella,septemb 18 set sun illumin side steep steel canyon otherwis known jasper downtown edmonton alberta canada planet earth align captur middl road dare snapshot edmonton street laid grid almost orient along directions align edmonton sunset and occur along nearli eastwest street twice year close equinox fact today equinox sun cross celesti equat ut day sun rise due east set due west bring approxim equal hour day night denizen planet earth septemb equinox mark astronom begin fall north spring southern hemisphere,sunset,2016-09-22,511,80,-0.05,09-22,9,2016,22,1,0,1 2d8cd2ca065079df6a494e47cfa74587f964201dbb61b3175a84028b8816c88d,miguel claro,harvest moon rise castl south impress seri telephoto exposures captur full phase golden moon also glide earth diffus outer shadow september penumbr lunar eclipse eclips shade subtl compar total lunar eclipse still penumbr shadow darken moon upper limb pale shadow reced moon climb portugal even sky eclips timelaps effect sunlight moon look remark like color light shadow along illumin castl walls,harvest moon eclips,2016-09-23,397,61,0.1399999999999999,09-23,9,2016,23,2,1,1 235c03828ac1377c266cbc28aac277033e8d8577faea15fb3907f8fbd5826e11,adrien,rich starfield span almost 10 degre across sky toward northern constel cassiopeia perseus left heartshap cosmic cloud ic 1805 ic 1848 popularli known heart soul nebulae easi spot right star cluster ngc 869 ngc 884 also known h chi doubl cluster heart embed cluster young star million year old 200 lightyear across 6 7 thousand lightyear away fact part large activ star form complex sprawl along perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy doubl cluster locat distanc heart soul nebulae separ hundr lightyears h chi physic close together cluster estim 13 million year old proxim similar stellar age suggest cluster like product starform region,heart soul doubl cluster,2016-09-24,633,103,0.1125,09-24,9,2016,24,6,2,3 814d87b8840b1213c549e4d4e6fb8693acb8ec2a970d6a68c0f86d9d7132bb63,none,imag saturn could taken earth earth base pictur could possibl view night side saturn correspond shadow cast across saturn rings sinc earth much closer sun saturn day side ring planet visibl earth fact imag mosaic taken earlier year robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn video saturn rotating beauti ring saturn seen full expanse cloud detail visibl includ polar hexagon surround north pole cassini mission final year spacecraft schedul program dive saturn atmospher next september,saturn,2016-09-25,480,73,-0.0476190476190476,09-25,9,2016,25,0,0,2 3a9d512620dd103be646abd2f393642550984ce753bd9c99db00ada431dc1e42,none,mysteri might solv peer crystal ball case ball actual moon jupiter crystal ice moon dirti crack beyond repair nevertheless specul rampant ocean exist europa fractur iceplain could support life specul bolster week releas imag hubbl space telescop indic plume water vapor sometim eman moon plume might bring microscop sea life surface europa roughli size earth moon pictur natur color photograph 1996 nowdefunct jupiterorbit galileo spacecraft futur observ hubbl plan mission jame webb space telescop later decad europa flybi mission may humanity understand europa earli solar system also possibl life exist elsewher universe free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,jupiter europa spacecraft galileo,2016-09-27,667,99,0.1333333333333333,09-27,9,2016,27,2,2,4 2d8f9bc808917bfa9cacb494b20530d9d8a7591f9b79b89c8ef45f6c2bffc354,s mazlin j harvey r gilbert d verschats,what happen statu liberti nebula bright star interest molecul form liberated complex nebula resid star form region call rcw 57 imag showcas dens knot dark interstellar dust bright star form past million years field glow hydrogen ga ioniz stars great loop ga expel die stars detail studi ngc 3576 also known ngc 3582 ngc 3584 uncov least 33 massiv star end stage formation clear presenc complex carbon molecul known polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs pah thought creat cool ga star form regions develop sun format nebula five billion year ago may import step develop life earth featur imag taken cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,ngc liberti nebula,2016-09-28,680,110,0.1590909090909091,09-28,9,2016,28,4,2,5 495ed4b04e38126a9a17ff22b4925320ffbd826d8d210aa4bf0b19a497cfef68,jeff dai,apertur spheric telescop nestl within natur basin china remot mountain southwestern nicknam eye heaven new radio telescop seen photograph taken near start test phase oper septemb 25 design activ surfac point focusing enorm dish antenna construct individu panels 500 meter physic diamet dish make fast largest singl dish radio telescop planet earth fast explor univers radio detect emiss hydrogen ga milki way distant galaxies find faint galact extragalact pulsars search potenti radio signal,five hundr meter spheric telescop,2016-09-29,491,73,0.006060606060606,09-29,9,2016,29,8,0,4 f237a25130b8569fb01b2ae63b2733aa2233e9833fc329b12cf23f2db28f5a1a,lynn hilborn,star form lynd dark nebula ldn 1251 1000 lightyear away dusti molecular cloud part complex dark nebula map toward cepheu flare region drift plane milki way galaxy across spectrum astronom explor obscur interstellar cloud reveal energet shock outflow associ newborn stars includ telltal reddish glow scatter herbigharo object seen sharp image distant background galaxi also lurk scene visual buri behind dusti expanse deep telescop field view span two full moon sky 17 lightyear estim distanc ldn 1251,lynd dark nebula 1251,2016-09-30,500,77,-0.0972222222222222,09-30,9,2016,30,4,0,5 ca62f9fef0c968ba5f089dadc949a208beb23c0ef36430656067deea028e09a7,esa rosetta mps osirisupdlamiaassointaupmdaspida,close follow comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko day round sun rosetta spacecraft control impact comet surfac confirm loss signal spacecraft septemb 30 2016 one imag taken final descent high resolut view look across comet stark landscape scene span 600 meter feet captur rosetta 16 kilomet comet surface rosetta descent comet brought end oper phase inspir mission space exploration rosetta deploy lander surfac one solar system primordi world wit first hand comet chang subject increas intens sun radiation decis end mission surfac result comet orbit take dim reach beyond jupit would lack power oper spacecraft mission oper also approach period sun would close lineofsight earth rosetta make radio commun increasingli difficult,rosetta farewel,2016-10-01,722,107,-0.0695833333333333,10-01,10,2016,1,3,2,2 4ff70e9b82b2891a4f1aff8d45a2211ad4c5e0eeda7cfb3bc8fe87f77781e18f,chri,surround famou eagl nebula insid eagl nebula contain egg evapor gaseou globul typic resid tremend pillar ga dust star form image though dramat captur area surround eagl nebula show entir eagl shape also enorm volum glow ga dark dust catalog m16 eagl emiss nebula lie 6500 light year away visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens imag span 80 light year around nebula icon center eagl nebula focu mani observ effort ground orbit observatories follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,nest eagl nebula,2016-10-04,503,81,0.1375,10-04,10,2016,4,4,1,5 0452d5e729a8b9492bf829bb175957dc65823b024ac76a8fe3b482189a977189,none,unusu mound mars nasa curios rover roll across mar come across group mound nasa label murray buttes pictur recent assembl mosaic imag one last butt pass curios way mt sharp also one visual spectacular ancient layer rel dens crumbl windblown sandston top 15meter tall structure rim gale crater visibl distance curios continu accumul clue mar chang planet area wet hospit microbi life dry barren rust landscap seen today,crumbl layer mar,2016-10-05,421,68,0.1010416666666666,10-05,10,2016,5,5,1,2 f8ace1da2f4ee8a4f6e2981b74e643845c89b5aadc1d39f3595114c37faf6930,mohammad nouroozi,bright nebula star cluster along 5 degre wide field view popular stop telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way catalog 18th centuri french astronom charl messier m20 color trifid nebula m8 expans lagoon nebula upper left center wellknown star form region 5000 lightyear distant pass field view septemb 29 yellowish star line m8 m20 lower right actual mars close 88 lightminut earth date distanc nearli equival 1 astronom unit distanc earth sun mar overexpos image visibl diffract spike creat telescop mirror supports course mar long known wander planet earth night skies,mar,2016-10-06,596,93,0.1029761904761904,10-06,10,2016,6,4,2,4 9783882e0fe73aa430d4a2d5c9b6fc3e63d8b0dc7cd7e90f3c9d776742b66408,danilo pivato,gorgeou spiral galaxi m33 seem fair share glow hydrogen gas promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxi lie 3 million lightyear distant galaxy inner 30000 lightyear shown telescop portrait enhanc reddish ioniz hydrogen cloud hii regions sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward core m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseries site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat luminous massiv star ioniz surround hydrogen ga ultim produc characterist red glow enhanc image broadband data use produc color view galaxi combin narrowband data record hydrogenalpha filter filter transmit light strongest visibl hydrogen emiss line,hydrogen cloud m33,2016-10-07,669,98,0.15625,10-07,10,2016,7,7,2,5 538708f97cdf8e7af5b43201f98f02074e4df3d9096be9c636fe74fd4a10e80a,none,nineti percent hous grenada damag destruct forc hurrican ivan peak 2004 ivan categori 5 hurricane highest power categori saffirsimpson scale creat sustain wind excess 200 kilomet per hour ivan largest hurrican strike us 2004 one power record history swirl atlant ocean tremend eye hurrican ivan photograph orbit intern space station name ivan retir atlant ocean use world meteorolog organization month hurrican matthew part current swirl east coast usa updates nasa coverag hurrican matthew,hurrican ivan space station,2016-10-09,490,73,0.0,10-09,10,2016,9,8,0,2 4e59dc860b3a6de06298c2773d500eb95c691c0b7ddeee4b6ad0538a610f47d7,sara wager,sometimes star form wall bright wall interstellar gas vivid skyscape star form wshape ridg emiss known cygnu wall part larger emiss nebula distinct outlin popularli call north america nebula cosmic ridg span 20 lightyears construct use narrowband data highlight telltal reddish glow ioniz hydrogen atom recombin electrons imag mosaic follow ioniz front fine detail dark dusti form silhouette sculpt energet radiat region young hot massiv stars dark shape inhabit view cloud cool ga dust star like form within north america nebula itself ngc 7000 1500 lightyear away,cygnu wall star format,2016-10-11,566,87,0.1941666666666666,10-11,10,2016,11,4,1,5 388dc8ae28fac8fbf9ead3cb8c584e3eb30661a03dbbd9296b3e289dfb26a624,lee,moon look littl differ you although shown spectacular detail full face earth familiar satellit appear slightli darker usual particular upper left undergo penumbr lunar eclipse imag captur hong kong china septemb 16 moon cross part earth shadow darkest earth shade entir sun lunar eclips occur full moon mani know particular full moon harvest moon proxim northern harvests next full moon occur come sunday cultur refer leaf fall moon name proxim northern autumn second full moon month sometim call blue moon meanwhile month featur rare second new moon event known black moon free download with label apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,penumbr lunar eclips,2016-10-12,628,100,0.1656204906204906,10-12,10,2016,12,2,2,1 a3b7ad0519c5d014c46444ac9481b07893b729502c85f5a4892d72e607eb8d66,stéphane guisard,central bulg milki way galaxi rise northern chilean atacama altiplano postcard planet earth altitud 4500 meters strang beauti desol landscap could almost belong anoth world though brownish red yellow tint sulfur patch lie along whitish salt flat beach salar de region distanc along argentina border stratovolcano peak meter feet clear dark sky above stars nebulae cosmic dust cloud milki way echo color altiplano night extend view across extragalact space larg small magellan clouds satellit galaxi milki way shine near horizon faint greenish airglow,galaxi altiplano,2016-10-13,550,83,-0.0725,10-13,10,2016,13,6,0,1 087a583ecef85b6ce0c5c47bb61fb8e35be641f5543dfe1b393eb3312227ca3a,gemini observatori,look like fli saucer advanc structur deliv wise extraterrestri scifi classic movi day earth stood still advanc knowledg univers though shown sit near top mountain hawaii dome gemini observatori north hous one two ident diamet telescopes use southern hemispher twin observatori chile two access entir sky planet earth construct 85 exposur last 30 second camera fix tripod imag also clearli demonstr earth stand still adjust brighter end arcs concentr star trail center north celesti pole reflect earth rotat around axis close horizon hawaiian latitudes polaris north star make shortest star trail fainter denser forest star trail toward right part rise milki way,gemini observatori north,2016-10-15,661,102,0.1835978835978836,10-15,10,2016,15,6,2,4 dd54766bea8dedc972827792ef0c47a969f0176b8d347d3be3a62b7619367602,none,could caus huge cylindr mountain rise surfac venus featur occur venu known coronas pictur foreground 500kilomet wide atet corona found region venu known galindo featur imag creat combin multipl radar map region form computergener threedimension perspective seri dark rectangl cross imag top bottom creat imag procedur real origin massiv corona remain topic research although specul hold result volcanism studi venusian corona help scientist better understand inner structur venu earth,mountain venu,2016-10-16,484,69,0.16875,10-16,10,2016,16,8,1,4 0b123ad45dda7e7deabe4a2fe8a27725c29c7867e778c283612225ab583391c3,rolf olsen,galaxi dot sky impress wide deep imag antlia cluster third closest cluster galaxi earth virgo fornax antlia cluster known high fraction ellipt galaxi antlia catalog abel span 2 million light year lie 130 million light year away toward constel air pump cluster two promin galaxi group bottom center upper left among 200 galact members singl central domin galaxy vertic red ribbon ga left thought relat foreground antlia supernova remnant associ cluster featur imag composite taken new zealand result hour exposur taken six months,cluster galaxi,2016-10-18,530,83,0.0689510489510489,10-18,10,2016,18,7,0,3 c5fbf99f2ed168e740b108714f8ebd6f0fb2035ce9cf4103b4a8ca8ea04e7cfc,martin pugh,frame bright emiss region telescop view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula glow cloud interstellar ga dust also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 8000 lightyear distant 70 lightyear across complex beauti nebula blossom center composit image red green blue hue map emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atoms ultraviolet radiat young energet star edg cygnu ob3 association includ star hde 227018 ioniz atom power visibl light emiss tulip nebula hde 227018 bright star near blue arc center cosmic tulip,tulip swan,2016-10-20,581,90,0.1125,10-20,10,2016,20,4,2,5 8ff00f2d207c9d1f1006b438ae8b7cd2ce70143fddefbff18f8551ad5d7749e0,greg,octob 15 stand near summit hawaii mauna kea look away gorgeou sunset produc magnific snapshot full moon rise within volcan mountain shadow align across solar system captur stun scene seem contradict bright moon dark shadow triangular appear shadow cast mountain irregular profil normal creat perspect distant mountaintop view dens atmosphere rise sun sets antisolar point point opposit sun close vanish point near mountain shadow peak extend antisolar direction earth conic shadow lunar diamet wide distanc moon october full hunter moon still reflect sunlight seen mountain atmospher shadow found far antisolar point earth extend shadow,full moon mountain shadow,2016-10-21,636,94,0.15,10-21,10,2016,21,2,2,1 3d7a569ce6a8af0ed4aedc85b4fd6eded665910c77446d27fb5dcc729f08c467,babak tafreshi,rli one moonlit even car light left wander trail along road chilean cerro tololo interamerican observatory set star left wander trail sky seren view toward mountain horizon captur telephoto timelaps imag video taken nearbi cerro pachon home gemini south afford mountaintop vantag point clear long sightlin pass layer atmosphere chang atmospher refract shift distort otherwis steadi appar path star set effect also caus distort appear sun moon rise set near distant horizon,cerro tololo trail,2016-10-22,472,72,0.0642857142857143,10-22,10,2016,22,6,0,1 50d49007e5ceb9dfa1a6029cc6ce167ad12fe71c9de21691b836d1afa6f29d85,none,milki way ga cloud going help answer question new map sky universe abund ga hydrogen complet recent released along underli data featur above allski map hydrogen emiss show abund bright speed color low radial speed toward us artifici color blue low radial speed away color green band across middl plane milki way galaxy bright spot lower right neighbor magellan clouds map collect data one million observ northern 100meter radio telescop germani southern park radio telescop australia also known the detail map better human star format interstellar ga milki way galaxy also much light local ga like absorb observ outsid universe mani detail map yet well understood,hydrogen sky,2016-10-24,665,106,0.1681385281385281,10-24,10,2016,24,6,2,4 4be229a12e57ff60fcf84083301f45f227b3df973ccec9eda8db8abe5ca93de1,none,what happen near south pole jupiter recent imag sent back nasa robot juno spacecraft show interest conglomer swirl cloud appear white ovals juno arriv jupit juli place wide loop orbit bring near ga giant pole twice month featur imag composit taken junocam postprocess digit citizen white oval observ elsewher jupit thought giant storm systems observ last years typic show categori 5 wind speed around 350 kilomet per hour unlik earthli cyclon hurrican high wind circl region low pressure white oval jupit show rotat direct indic vortic center high pressur regions juno continu orbit jupit thirti time record optical gravit data meant help determin jupiter structur evolution,cloud near jupiter south pole juno,2016-10-25,677,106,0.02625,10-25,10,2016,25,8,2,4 9ed76e3636069e4e0fc1c5fd2e54dff8e920ac9f01693ff78e9415c0bf4fc8d1,none,creat unusu long shadow saturn rings dark shadow visibl near middl imag extend opposit sun and given length stem object height kilometers long shadow unexpect given usual thick saturn b ring 10 meters consid choppi elong shape appar near bring edge however lead theori emerg kilometers moonlet exist enough graviti creat even larger vertic deflect nearbi small ring particles result ring wave call name appear individually coher group smaller ring particl hypothes cast long shadows featur imag taken robot cassini spacecraft current orbit saturn imag captur 2009 near saturn equinox sunlight stream directli ring plane caus longest shadow cast,shadow saturn ring,2016-10-26,646,99,-0.0533333333333333,10-26,10,2016,26,0,2,2 71e9adc1f4904f127002f22803991f8512f5c1f4dff91818c520acb41d714d16,rolfgeissing,faint also larg planet earth sky giant squid nebula catalog ou4 sh2129 also known fli bat nebula caught cosmic scene toward royal constel cepheus compos almost 17 hour narrowband imag data telescop field view 4 degre 8 full moon across discov 2011 french astroimag nicola outters squid nebula allur bipolar shape distinguish telltal bluegreen emiss doubli ioniz oxygen atoms though appar complet surround reddish hydrogen emiss region sh2129 true distanc natur squid nebula difficult determine still recent investig suggest ou4 realli lie within sh2129 2300 lightyear away consist scenario ou4 would repres spectacular outflow driven hr8119 tripl system hot massiv star seen near center nebula truli giant squid nebula would physic nearli 50 lightyear across,giant squid fli bat,2016-10-27,758,115,0.0458333333333333,10-27,10,2016,27,4,2,5 e09e8ed6b8254d5d5a1fab54028301a925edfb6fc45b9937a85eca36af715d7b,thoma,spooki shape seem haunt jewel expanse drift night royal constel cepheus course shape cosmic dust cloud faintli visibl dimli reflect starlight far neighborhood planet earth lurk along plane milki way edg cepheu flare molecular cloud complex 1200 lightyear away 2 lightyear across brighter ghostli apparitions vdb 141 sh2136 also known ghost nebula seen right starri field view within nebula telltal sign dens core collaps earli stage star formation,haunt cepheu flare,2016-10-28,447,68,0.0285714285714285,10-28,10,2016,28,4,0,5 5aa298634ce82befc6fb10ad406da2e571f817c2e9064c8efa1e2ec86bb3866f,chri kotsiopoulo,october hunter moon shine near horizon set beyond arch whitbi abbey eeri night scene moonlight partli illumin ruin benedictin ground wall cliff overlook north sea coast fan novel recogn abbey town whitbi locat land english shores famou transform immens dog jump ran cliff ruin 360 degre panorama dramat fishey view creat 23 digit stitch photos,moonset abbey,2016-10-29,343,55,0.05,10-29,10,2016,29,8,0,1 b39ef1e09399db77eddc54e9381d479ecd22b6f4d3a5ac3bd3695ec21e959c4d,yuichi takasakatwan,aurora look like you brave cold watch sky northern canada earli one morn 2013 unusu aurora appeared aurora definit appear shape like someth what two ghostli possibl record astrophotograph witch goddess dawn pleas feel free suggest halloweenenhanc impressions regardless fantast pareidol interpretations pictur aurora typic green color sure caus scientif commonplac action high energi particl space interact oxygen earth upper atmosphere imag foreground bottom frozen alexandra falls evergreen tree cross middle,ghost aurora canada,2016-10-31,511,71,0.116,10-31,10,2016,31,8,1,1 355e6519c53d79829af42bc8ae68288d2b4cd8d14ab1caba2c4d3ac61562fa77,none,one black hole spew high energi radiat two help find out astronom train nasa earthorbit nustar chandra telescop arp enigmat collid galaxi expel radiation two galaxi arp 299 lock gravit combat million years central black hole soon battl themselves featured highresolut visiblelight imag taken hubble superpos diffus glow xray light imag nustar shown falsecolor red green blue nustar observ show one central black hole seen fight way region ga dust absorb matter emit xrays energet radiation come galaxi center right sure creat nearbi outsid central black hole event horizon billion year so one composit galaxi remain one central supermass black hole soon thereafter though anoth galaxi may enter transpar science brows 1350 code astrophys sourc code librari,arp black hole collid galaxi,2016-11-01,760,117,0.0124929971988795,11-01,11,2016,1,7,2,4 fa79122f230054322d671a7082b0f0d41a6ae1d4715853e743650a592e7746ef,ken crawford,look cosmic cloud catalog ngc 281 might miss star open cluster ic 1590 still form within nebula cluster young massiv star ultim power pervas nebular glow eyecatch shape loom portrait ngc 281 sculpt column dens dust globul seen silhouette erod intense energet wind radiat hot cluster stars surviv long enough dusti structur could also site futur star formation play call pacman nebula overal shape ngc 281 10000 lightyear away constel cassiopeia sharp composit imag made narrowband filters combin emiss nebula hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom green red blue hues span 80 lightyear estim distanc ngc 281,portrait ngc 281,2016-11-04,596,95,0.0174999999999999,11-04,11,2016,4,4,2,5 273f6c4e1f57c04e4c7ef6f35a71d770f4cfd5fd7d50ccddcf56a72329038c7f,none,mere 20000 lightyear sun lie ngc 3603 resid nearbi carina spiral arm milki way galaxy ngc 3603 well known astronom one milki way largest starform regions central open star cluster contain thousand star massiv sun star like form one two million year ago singl burst star formation fact nearbi ngc 3603 thought contain conveni exampl massiv star cluster popul much distant starburst galaxies surround cluster natal cloud glow interstellar ga obscur dust sculpt energet stellar radiat winds record hubbl space telescope imag span 17 lightyears follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,starburst cluster ngc 3603,2016-11-06,593,93,-0.0699999999999999,11-06,11,2016,6,6,0,3 7a64bcbded449fa039af0bfe72b4e310c113bc1b4327c95106f1b81410d9e7cf,josep drudi,largest complex star form region entir galact neighborhood locat larg magellan cloud small satellit galaxi orbit milki way galaxy region spideri appear respons popular name tarantula nebula tarantula however 1000 lightyear across place distanc milki way orion nebula 1500 lightyear distant nearest stellar nurseri earth would appear cover 30 degre 60 full moons sky intrigu detail nebula visibl featur imag shown color emit predominantli hydrogen oxygen spindli arm tarantula nebula surround ngc 2070 star cluster contain brightest massiv star known visibl blue imag center sinc massiv star live fast die young surpris cosmic tarantula also lie near site closest recent supernova,cosmic web tarantula nebula,2016-11-08,679,101,0.0758741258741258,11-08,11,2016,8,4,2,5 f52ddeb90e9cbc525b927bc3b2cd3bd7ded1f4492af330a30b29928818cbc3d0,none,one bright spiral galaxi visibl north sky m63 sunflow galaxy m63 also catalogu ngc 5055 found small telescop toward constel hunt dog cane venatici featur pictur hubbl space telescop exhibit center m63 complet long wind spiral arm glow blue bright young stars emiss nebula glow red hot ioniz hydrogen gas dark dust numer filaments m63 interact gravit m51 the whirlpool galaxy sever smaller galaxies light take 35 million year reach us m63 60000 year cross spiral galaxy star outer region sunflow galaxi rotat center speed high that given matter seen assum normal gravity fli space fact star remain indic presenc sort invisible gravitationallybinding dark matter free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,m63 sunflow galaxi hubbl,2016-11-09,703,112,0.1144444444444444,11-09,11,2016,9,7,2,3 8f327b4afe6564f12cd083f76f8fd9844155aa4612a61d6f955947a4b1444540,rogelio bernalandreo,100 telescop imag panel stun vertic mosaic span 50 degre across night sky follow part great dark river dust molecular ga stretch along plane milki way galaxy start top center follow galact equat brighter star constel aquila serpen scutum bottom sagittariu near center milki way along way encount mani obscur dark nebula hundr lightyear distant flank band milki way starlight telltal reddish glow starform regions notabl messier object includ eagl m16 omega nebulae sagittariu star cloud beauti trifid m20 deep lagoon m8,great rift near center milki way,2016-11-10,519,82,0.0888888888888888,11-10,11,2016,10,6,0,3 a069ae847399617c23da5dabbd971092a4da227e5cd84fc08f6f1248a4803a15,stevecannistra,hot young star cosmic pillar ga dust seem crowd ngc 7822 edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region lie 3000 lightyear away within nebula bright edg dark shape stand color skyscape imag includ data narrowband filters map emiss atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues emiss line color combin becom wellknown hubbl palette atom emiss power energet radiat central hot stars power wind radiat sculpt erod denser pillar shape clear characterist caviti lightyear across center natal cloud star could still form insid pillar gravit collaps pillar erod away form star ultim cutoff reservoir star stuff field view span 40 lightyear estim distanc ngc 7822,ngc 7822 cepheu,2016-11-11,690,110,0.0791666666666666,11-11,11,2016,11,4,2,5 9066768ded6abadc0c9ef9b5f052ae12a55cbd746853f28aca622a539b4e14c9,juan lozano de haro,galaxi abound wellchosen field view span 1 degre sky toward northern constel andromeda top right larg spiral galaxi ngc 891 100 thousand lightyear across seen almost exactli edgeon 30 million lightyear distant ngc 891 look lot like milki way flattened thin galact disk disk central bulg cut along middl dark obscur dust clouds scatter toward lower left beyond foreground milki way stars member galaxi cluster abel 347 nearli 240 million lightyear away abel 347 show larg galaxi sharp telescop image similar ngc 891 physic size locat almost 8 time farther away abel 347 galaxi roughli one eighth appar size ngc 891 watch closest full moon sinc 1948,ngc 891 vs abel 347,2016-11-12,647,107,0.0360714285714285,11-12,11,2016,12,7,2,3 aa513d01fdcca44950fbc333721057d256a78ff6e479ff3b3320215ff3a2e488,catalin paduraru,super tomorrow supermoon tomorrow full moon occur appear slightli larger brighter usual reason moon fulli illumin phase occur within short time perige moon closest earth ellipt orbit although precis condit defin supermoon vary tomorrow supermoon qualifi closest largest brightest full moon 65 years one reason supermoon popular easi see go outsid sunset watch impress full moon rise sinc perige actual occur tomorrow morning tonight full moon visibl start sunset also impressive pictur here supermoon 2012 compar micromoon full moon occur near furthest part moon orbit appear smaller dimmer usual given mani definitions least one supermoon occur year anoth one come next month moonth however full moon come close earth,super moon vs micro moon,2016-11-13,722,109,0.1851851851851852,11-13,11,2016,13,2,2,1 943c263e7d0ef5477fa4ff55572ae9f0689ba9a0cfb128b9776f8feddc52f6a0,smith,speck front moon silhouett intern space station iss use care plan timing meticul lunar photograph captur ten imag iss pass front last month full moon full moon first three consecut 2016 supermoons supermoon full moon appear percent larger brighter full moons featur imag sequenc captur near dallas texas occur today second supermoon series full moon biggest brightest year year sinc 1948 see today yourself go outsid night look up third supermoon year seri occur middecember apod gallery best supermoon 2016,supermoon space station,2016-11-14,508,80,0.2384615384615384,11-14,11,2016,14,2,1,1 aa1644850cd2d3ac9bba27cce7e96ad96bdaded55203015c0b354338fa86669f,none,warm northern north usual time year midnovemb temperatur averag much 30 degre colder europ see similar warming one factor appear unusu larg stabl high pressur region form canada keep normal colder arctic air away although fundament caus weather pattern typic complex specul hold persist canadian anticyclon region relat warmer averag sea surfac temperatur midpacif el oper last winter north american enjoy though next week two temperatur record midpacif la might well begin affect north american wind temperatur patterns apod galleries best supermoon 2016 best supermoon 2016,cold weather north america,2016-11-15,581,86,0.2114285714285714,11-15,11,2016,15,8,1,1 06da2e14ad3d1221f628fa39dc1defc67af5390c2dcd1d734b4c2a92cdebe807,david lindemann,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl featur imag right shape reminisc classic heart symbol nebula shine brightli red light energ hydrogen sever young open cluster star popul imag visibl blue includ nebula centers light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focus massiv star form affect environment follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,heart soul nebula,2016-11-16,527,84,0.2452380952380952,11-16,11,2016,16,4,1,5 926daa231898a6549bbfbd4c47609f09afe8c88840b0e6c4b8f260d414e7cde6,none,faster speed power abl leap tall build singl bound soyuz rocket stand launch pad baikonur cosmodrom kazakhstan novemb 14 beyond rise supermoon fame except speed strength reason november full moon given popular name instead whenev full moon shine near perigee closest point ellipt orbit around earth appear larger brighter distant full moons supermoon born fact november supermoon second three consecut supermoon 2016 also closest full moon sinc 1948 meanwhile mild soyuz rocket schedul launch expedit crew intern space station today novemb 17,soyuz vs supermoon,2016-11-17,542,82,0.2333333333333333,11-17,11,2016,17,2,1,2 01ca85271c3f1c89372456db22faf3171e4a5eb1ff2b1c1e562496cb73dab2db,catch light,supermoon set philadelphia twilight snapshot captur novemb 14 621am eastern standard time within hour moon exact full phase time correspond lunar perige closest point moon ellipt orbit around fair planet slightli bigger brighter perigee full moon still flatten distort appear refract atmospher layer along sightlin near horizon also like ordinari full moons shine warm color sunlight join build along philadelphia skyline perige full moonlight reflect water mighti river,perige full moon,2016-11-18,470,68,0.305,11-18,11,2016,18,2,1,1 58cefc0a4298cf1025c338ec2d8b034b3d7e64b5b1e3de19d87e90630b176e2d,none,much mass floccul spiral hide featur true color imag floccul spiral galaxi ngc 4414 taken hubbl space telescop help answer question featur imag augment data sloan digit sky survey floccul spiral galaxi without welldefin spiral arm quit common form galaxy ngc 4414 one closest star ga near visibl edg spiral galaxi orbit center fast graviti larg amount unseen dark matter must present hold together understand matter dark matter distribut ngc 4414 help human calibr rest galaxi and deduction floccul spiral general further calibr distanc ngc 4414 help human calibr cosmolog distanc scale entir visibl universe free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,ngc 4414 floccul spiral galaxi,2016-11-20,653,102,0.0428571428571428,11-20,11,2016,20,7,2,4 d694797787a9862cdd698e5cb3390b06e74c5a9ad7e2b026b57ace8771cc1b8f,jeff dai,nova sagittariu bright enough see binoculars discov last month allski autom survey supernova stellar explos even approach limit nakedey visibl last week classic nova result thermonuclear explos surfac white dwarf star dens star size earth mass sun featur image nova captur last week ancient thailand see nova sagittariu 2016 yourself go sunset locat near western horizon constel archer sagittarius popularli identifi icon teapot also visibl near nova bright planet venus though nova fading part sky set continu closer sunset,nova thailand,2016-11-21,525,79,0.1680555555555556,11-21,11,2016,21,6,1,4 e75f5b8cf3ef380de375f91798ffc900814e4458d5a3da5e1650a64702f4c4bf,none,ocean sputnik planum pluto unusu smooth 1000km wide golden expanse visibl featur imag new horizons appear segment convect cells region created one hypothesi hold answer great impact stir underground ocean salt water roughli 100kilomet thick featur imag sputnik planum part larger heartshap tombaugh regio taken last juli show true detail exagger colors although robot new horizon spacecraft new adventure continu surpris surfac featur pluto like lead refin specul lie beneath,pluto sputnik planum,2016-11-22,475,70,0.1690082644628099,11-22,11,2016,22,8,1,4 189763b798d18ef1eb613f15445c2fc004a44b9ab178a6fac7e89c0816512c8a,none,scroll right cruis along ici ring saturn high resolut scan mosaic imag present natur color imag record may 2007 25 hour cassini spacecraft pass unlit side rings help track progress major ring gap label along distanc center ga giant kilometers design saturn ring histor base order ring b bright ring separ cassini division order increas distanc saturn seven main ring run outer ring g e imag here four day now novemb 29 cassini make close flybi saturn moon titan use larg moon graviti nudg spacecraft seri 20 elliptical orbits dive ring plane 11000 kilomet outsid f ring far right cassini first decemb 4,ring,2016-11-24,602,103,0.0925496031746031,11-24,11,2016,24,0,2,2 b5e49bd0b4db2c91c10b30e430cc6baa8c7039070d0485a3a7ca60100bd0ca96,babak tafreshi,novemb morn old crescent moon morn star rise sun wide panoram skyscap ambos nation park still limb acacia tree eastern horizon sun posit easi find though mark left subtl converg light shadow dawn sky known crepuscular rays ray sunlight outlin shadow cast unseen cloud near horizon arc profil mount kilimanjaro toward right ray light shadow converg western horizon known anticrepuscular rays indic point opposit rise sun cloud shadow nearli parallel converg toward distant horizon perspective,east light shadow,2016-11-26,491,75,0.1085714285714285,11-26,11,2016,26,1,1,1 e29a12905089d4b8be555d9620470db01f5cdcc810f74de8746f0cfd2faf2d86,none,could surviv jump tallest cliff solar system quit possibly verona rupe uranus moon miranda estim 20 kilomet deep ten time depth earth grand canyon given miranda low gravity would take 12 minut thrillseek adventur fall top reach bottom speed racecar 200 kilomet per hour even so fall might surviv given proper airbag protection featur imag verona rupe captur pass voyag 2 robot spacecraft 1986 giant cliff creat remain unknown possibl relat larg impact tecton surfac motion,verona rupes tallest known cliff solar system,2016-11-27,474,76,0.1,11-27,11,2016,27,8,0,2 f17a192a1fea0fac7ad4e9ed87e9dac28417e7c94cb4e7ad1978e937385a5357,none,bridg two spiral galaxies made ga stars bridg provid strong evid two immens star system pass close experienc violent tide induc mutual gravity known togeth arp 240 individu ngc ngc comput age star cluster indic two galaxi complet first passag near 250 million year ago gravit tide pull away matter compress ga caus star format galaxi unusu bridge galact merger thought common arp 240 repres snapshot brief stage inevit process arp 240 pair 300 million lightyear distant seen small telescop toward constel virgo repeat close passag ultim result merger emerg singl combin galaxy free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,arp bridg spiral galaxi hubbl,2016-11-28,619,100,-0.0296296296296296,11-28,11,2016,28,7,2,3 621a92dc0bb987f526fb1b333cc6db226ace988315fbe9823c9a7dfaecf22cf8,none,star form mani times star form energet region ga dark dust push around chaotic pictured bright massiv star near center w5 soul nebula explod emit ioniz light energet winds light ga push away evapor much surround ga dust leav pillar ga behind dens protect knots insid though star also form featur imag highlight inner w5 span 1000 light year rich star form pillars soul nebula also catalog ic 1848 lie 6500 light year away toward constel queen cassiopeia likely hundr million years cluster result star remain then star drift apart,w5 soul star format,2016-11-29,529,90,0.1788461538461538,11-29,11,2016,29,4,1,5 a97f1e67c5362a67b784a57b73dcdbd23da3b35860feae543657eb7c93373982,sergio montfar planetario ciudad de la plata,happen ship carri aground giant storm struck coast argentina 2002 pictur abandon boat dub del near nearli abandon town cabo rust ship provid picturesqu perhap foreground beauti sky above sky crown grand arch milki way featur galaxi includ larg small magellan clouds star includ canopu altair planet includ mar neptune nebula includ lagoon carina coal sack mosaic compos 80 imag taken earli september 360degre interact panoram version imag also available adventur astrophotograph report part take pictur abandon ship unusu preval black,milki way shipwreck,2016-11-30,534,81,0.0833333333333333,11-30,11,2016,30,6,0,4 312900c4b745eb2103f7c24cd45808b824a8300906eecea5551a11de335ba0ab,adam block,runaway star light flame star nebula cosmic scene otherwis known ic 405 flame star nebula billow interstellar cloud ga dust lie 1500 lightyear away toward constel auriga ae aurigae bright star upper left frame massiv intens hot otyp star move rapidli space like eject collis multipl vicin orion nebula million year ago close ic 405 highspe star ioniz ultraviolet radiat power visibl reddish glow nebula hydrogen atom strip electron recombine intens blue starlight reflect nebula dusti filaments like massiv star ae auriga shortliv though furious burn suppli fuel nuclear fusion explod supernova color telescop snapshot span 5 lightyear estim distanc flame star nebula,flame star nebula,2016-12-01,667,103,0.225,12-01,12,2016,1,4,2,5 fa76be63c30c2caf8b694e9d7df27ea66a2be0c262030590146265fbe3c7400b,none,tripl star system forming enshroud within dusti natal disk 750 lightyear away perseu molecular cloud imag millimet wavelength atacama larg millimetersubmillimet array alma chile extrem closeup show two protostar separ mere 61 au 1 au earthsun distance third 183 au central protostar alma imag also reveal clear spiral structur indic instabl fragment led multipl protostellar object within disk astronom estim system catalog less 150000 year old captur earli phase starform scenario like uncommon sinc almost half sunlik star least one companion,tripl star born,2016-12-02,544,81,-0.0148148148148148,12-02,12,2016,2,6,0,3 6921e0142a6d66129c8d06a985f92ee5556cc5f5decd0ec08069a503f8711b04,rogeliobern andreo,familiar star orion constel across sky offici names past year intern astronom union bodi offici task name stars name alreadi common use 227 brightest stars includ famou star sky sirius polaris betelgeuse pictured constel orion shown sever star name superposed span 30 degrees breathtak vista stretch across wellknown constel head toe left right beyond common name three star orion belt also 1500 light year away great orion nebula closest larg star form region visibl right center also visibl famou nebula includ horsehead nebula witch head nebula course orion nebula bright star easi see unaid eye dust cloud emiss extens interstellar ga nebularich complex faint much harder record featur mosaic broadband telescop images addit imag data acquir narrow hydrogen alpha filter use bring pervas tendril energ atom hydrogen ga like arc giant barnard loop open science brows 1350 code astrophys sourc code librari,orion star name,2016-12-04,908,142,0.0468487394957983,12-04,12,2016,4,4,2,5 c6440251db28006e6601971371def1da4211e1c4bfcfd618ff572a2832f6ddc3,none,glow oval jupiter south pole aurora near closest part first pass near jupit august nasa robot spacecraft juno captur dramat infrar imag bright auror ring aurora caus high energi particl sun interact planet magnet field oval around magnet pole common data juno give preliminari indic jupiter magnet field aurora unexpectedli power complex unfortunately comput glitch caus juno go safe mode octob pass near jovian giant october glitch resolved make juno readi next pass jupiter cloud top come sunday,aurora jupiter south pole juno,2016-12-06,497,78,0.1007692307692307,12-06,12,2016,6,8,0,2 d1c7eb714087871919f7413cc5a4b07c98796ce75ee6a6dbd86f257d69cd95f0,none,what happen center ellipt galaxi ngc there long tendril ga dust imag great detail shown recent releas imag hubbl space telescope filament appear connect central region galaxy region thought occupi supermass black hole specul hold black hole pump energi heat surround gas push cooler filament ga dust shut star formation balanc magnet fields filament appear spiral back toward eventu circl central black hole ngc 4696 largest galaxi centauru cluster galaxies locat 150 million light year earth featur imag show region 45000 light year across,ngc 4696 filament around black hole,2016-12-07,540,84,0.0791666666666666,12-07,12,2016,7,7,0,3 b8f1ea620b38e7b5cff70960e333e1dbd0b747b0153016a3e0702368d6e8d150,chambó,comet bright spiral galaxi messier 51 popularli known whirlpool galaxy handl big dipper northern skies spot upper left imag decemb pretti 4 25 degre wide field view contain two comet though differ appearance comet new visitor inner solar system current faint telescop objects highest northern horizon morn twilight lower left newli discov comet neowis c2016 show round fuzzi coma greenish light diatom carbon ga fluoresc sunlight sunlight reflect dust coma stubbi tail comet johnson upper right,whirlpool comet,2016-12-08,494,76,0.0326298701298701,12-08,12,2016,8,3,0,3 077648abbf0c3badf0195e6d358e7a4134209939fff56f6cfa2fd1f6864b65ff,r colombari,south antares tail nebularich constel scorpius lie emiss nebula ic 4628 nearbi hot massiv stars million year young irradi nebula invis ultraviolet light strip electron atoms electron eventu recombin atom produc visibl nebular glow domin red emiss hydrogen estim distanc 6000 lightyears region shown 250 lightyear across span three full moon sky nebula also catalog gum 56 australian astronom colin stanley gum seafoodlov astronom might know cosmic cloud prawn nebula tantal color imag new astronom composit use data european southern observatory wide field omegacam amateur imag made dark sky canari island tenerife,ic 4628 prawn nebula,2016-12-09,615,92,0.0613636363636363,12-09,12,2016,9,4,2,5 eb062b9ae0f7fbd1339f83bc35bf1d21cb978aa52a681a4c11194a30b8cc0421,alessandro,strike x appear lunarscap easili visibl binocular small telescope yet mani seen it catch lunar x fleeting appar hour moon first quarter phase terminator shadow line lunar day night x illus produc configur crater blanchinus la caill purbach near moon first quarter phase astronaut stand close craters posit would see slowli rise sun near horizon temporarily crater wall would sunlight crater floor still darkness seen planet earth contrast section bright wall dark floor chanc look remark like x sharp imag lunar x captur approxim ut decemb 6 2016 extra credit sweep gaze along lunar termin also spot lunar v,lunar x,2016-12-10,607,99,0.0972222222222222,12-10,12,2016,10,2,2,1 e09766c3d87595553c003ccfc3d6aaa16991b7fa5cd9ce906589d8cd77d88aaf,none,creat strang spiral structur left one sure although like relat star binari star system enter planetari nebula phase outer atmospher ejected huge spiral span third light year across and wind four five complet turns regular without precedent given expans rate spiral gas new layer must appear everi 800 years close match time take two star orbit other star system creat commonli known pegasi also afgl 3068 unusu structur catalog ira 231661655 featur imag taken nearinfrar light hubbl space telescope spiral glow mystery lead hypothesi illumin light reflect nearbi stars,extraordinari spiral pegasi,2016-12-11,568,89,0.2111363636363636,12-11,12,2016,11,6,1,3 011debbbb86485b5f74037760d7ed6505676974b8cc02ac684751184e983fcd1,none,cassini spacecraft grand final saturn grand final allow cassini explor saturn saturn moon ring unpreced detail first phase start two week ago close flybi titan chang cassini orbit one pass near saturn pole outsid saturn outermost featur imag taken first cassini 20 weeklong fring orbit around saturn visibl central polar vortex upper left hexagon cloud boundari imag center numer lightcolor turbul storm systems 2017 april cassini use graviti titan begin new seri 22 proxim orbit trajectori take cassini insid saturn ring first time cassini new scienc adventur schedul end 2017 septemb 17 though robot spacecraft direct dramat dive saturn atmosphere free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,saturn turbul north pole,2016-12-12,693,107,0.1434937611408199,12-12,12,2016,12,0,2,2 d1ef0c6819a39e57f12105d33804318acdf07f41cd42512c16e4390b6f33f41c,alvin wu,night rain meteors peak next two nights asteroid dust expect rain earth annual geminid meteor shower year unfortunately fainter geminid harder see bright long night full moon occur wednesday pictured imag year perseid meteor shower august captur multipl streak four girl mountain central china bright pleaid open star cluster appear toward upper right numer emiss nebula visibl red mani superpos diagon band milki way free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,meteor four mountain,2016-12-13,460,71,0.1373626373626373,12-13,12,2016,13,6,1,1 72afe54e2f8ccb179aefc54b50d8ffd7ad7d955fdf4527d77f4b283ecd4ad374,r colombari,star battl ga dust lagoon nebula photograph winning also known m8 photogen nebula visibl even without binocular toward constel sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos redglow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen gas dark dust filament lace m8 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions light m8 see today left 5000 year ago light take 50 year cross section m8 data use compos imag taken widefield camera omegacam eso vlt survey telescop free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,lagoon nebula high definit,2016-12-14,536,83,0.2111111111111111,12-14,12,2016,14,4,1,5 368265c06c563949b8b7b9b1a342cbbebd7dd1c0b176bffca95fb318635850ec,rogelio bernalandreo,broad beauti mosaic span almost 20 degre across planet earth sky nebularich region lie near edg orioneridanu fill looping expand shell ga dust embed molecular cloud near plane milki way galaxy recogniz left expans seagul nebula compos emiss nebula ngc 2327 seen seagull head diffus ic 2177 wing body 3800 lightyear away wing seagul nebula spread 240 lightyears still within local spiral arm bluish light sirius alpha star cani major brightest star night easili domin scene right shine distanc 86 lightyears studi big pictur also reward star cluster messier 41 also known ngc mention mighti thor helmet,seagul siriu,2016-12-15,601,97,0.1123015873015872,12-15,12,2016,15,4,2,5 27c452d9b78055b2884ad719f23716bf31bfb5fa09b9dfe4b8f7c4407bcdfb28,wang letian,geminid meteor battl planet earth night sky decemb travel 35 kilomet 22 miles per second bit dust mysteri asteroid 3200 phaethon produc meteor streak faster speed still brightest visibl long night final perige full moon captur exposur made sever hours meteor shower radiant gemini trace composit nightscape star orion near horizon overexpos lunar disk illumin still water reservoir northeast beijing china,meteor vs supermoon,2016-12-16,405,61,0.08,12-16,12,2016,16,2,0,2 1681a9c9037b2ea60ef933047c99e50dd1ffe2d879ccdaeb840ad6235662abea,none,southern jupit loom 37000 kilomet away junocam imag decemb 11 imag data captur near juno third perijov closest approach jupiter spacecraft still 53 day long loop orbit south polar region left larg whitish oval toward right massive counterclockwis rotat storm system smaller famou great red spot oval storm half diamet planet earth one string white oval current southern hemispher solar rule ga giant,southern jupit perijov 3,2016-12-17,399,63,0.0553571428571428,12-17,12,2016,17,8,0,2 b6363ca72d0270d1ba2ffe3705d33bfe4a2202e947c0b7a5500cdbdd89f86107,none,some look like wheel cart fact outward oval appearance presenc central galaxy connect look like spoke wheel galaxi right known cartwheel galaxy others however look like complic interact galaxi await explanation along two galaxi left cartwheel part group galaxi 400 million light year away constel sculptor larg galaxy rim span 100000 light year compos star form region fill extrem bright massiv stars pictured cartwheel ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus smaller galaxi pass larg one compress interstellar ga dust caus star format wave move like rippl across surfac pond free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,cartwheel galaxi hubbl,2016-12-18,619,96,0.2732142857142857,12-18,12,2016,18,7,1,3 c99cfe51b4eee0ab13bec3abc65beba193a07bdaeeb1b06dfeab4ea6cff78e38,ani abdul,blown fast wind hot massiv star cosmic bubbl huge catalog sharpless 2308 lie 5200 lightyear away toward constel big dog cani major cover slightli sky full moon correspond diamet 60 lightyear estim distance massiv star creat bubble wolfrayet star bright one near center nebula wolfrayet star 20 time mass sun thought brief presupernova phase massiv star evolution fast wind wolfrayet star creat bubbleshap nebula sweep slower move materi earlier phase evolution windblown nebula age 70000 years rel faint emiss captur expans imag domin glow ioniz oxygen atom map blue hue,sharpless 308 star bubbl,2016-12-20,570,90,0.11875,12-20,12,2016,20,4,2,5 76915be22fcdf5c861c9f2c318158dfbb67c98d040b20269ec4a7d47460ec3bd,shane,look window airplane might lucki enough see the glory direct directli opposit sun airplanes phenomenon known heiligenschein specter brocken sometim seen mountaintops there condit right one could look away sun see appear shadow giant surround bright halo giant turn observer modern version silhouett airplan frequent occupi glory center bright glori photograph two week ago michigan airplan approach ohar intern airport caus glori still research rel complex surely small droplet water way reflect refract diffract sunlight backward toward sun phenomenon similar counterpart branch scienc includ astronomy look earth direct opposit sun yield bright spot call gegenschein,airplan glori,2016-12-22,668,95,0.149047619047619,12-22,12,2016,22,1,2,1 211bc87230da5296ef8bf17b9649fdbd7ab091edd07c8422b1746c46f0e53c12,petr horálek,upon solstic eve littl princ gaze across frozen littl planet edg larg galaxy littl planet planet earth course seen horizon horizon nadir zenith projection digit stitch mosaic shore sec reservoir czech republic larg galaxi must milki way brightest beacon planet horizon venus visibl around globe season brilliant even star celesti treasur surround dark sky includ pleiad star cluster north america nebula found along dusti galact rift venus zodiac light trace faint band across night color pillar light shine street littl closer home,upon solstic,2016-12-23,532,82,0.1583333333333333,12-23,12,2016,23,6,1,1 90a2cf4ed18c6b99b8235f7bb3193d82c0e9ea210684da1e6e1aa159a8f3a376,michael miller,cloud glow hydrogen ga fill color skyscap faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae tall telescop mosaic imag stand 34 degre nearli 15 full moons cover 40 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose dusty convolut pelt lie left center bright variabl star monoceroti immers bluetint haze right fox fur cone nebula point top frame course star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape trace star apex cone nebula tree broader base center near monocerotis,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2016-12-24,781,125,0.013095238095238,12-24,12,2016,24,4,2,5 0c05dea4acd01a688eb5293c4757897ed30817fbc34f73b438dd8e7a5fb8b51f,marco burali tiziano capecchi marco mancini,sculpt stellar wind radiation magnific interstellar dust cloud chanc assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula 1500 lightyear distant embed vast orion cloud complex five lightyear tall dark cloud catalog barnard 33 visibl obscur dust silhouet glow red emiss nebula ic 434 star form within dark cloud contrast blue reflect nebula ngc 2023 surround hot young star lower left gorgeou color imag combin narrowband broadband imag record use three differ telescopes free present apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,magnific horsehead nebula,2016-12-25,512,78,0.023076923076923,12-25,12,2016,25,4,0,5 def69faf09a6a85d39b043d9e0778b81f768e3caa6b6b975e38c388fa2c3771b,none,reason unknown ngc 6357 form massiv star ever discovered complex star format consist numer filament dust ga surround huge caviti massiv star clusters intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity featur imag includ visibl light taken telescop hawaii blue part sky surveys infrar light nasa orbit spitzer space telescop xray light nasa orbit chandra xray observatori ngc 6357 span 100 light year lie 5500 light year away toward constel scorpion within 10 million years massiv star current seen ngc 6357 exploded,ngc 6357 stellar wonderland,2016-12-26,559,86,0.1545454545454545,12-26,12,2016,26,6,1,3 984a476a6368110b2c3b6b2bad62b2ffcac8ccf0509322e434fae24e724825dc,farmakopoulo antoni,nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy andromeda fact galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid featur imag m31 digit mosaic sever frame taken small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ exactli mani billion year collid home galaxy news vera dark matter 1928 2016,m31 andromeda galaxi,2016-12-27,619,97,0.0817307692307692,12-27,12,2016,27,7,2,3 4d39a933b15762ac9ff0a0db117daa69de10e40736ae1ab0016b4e3d98fc8be3,none,could stand mar might see curios rover last month would contempl featur imag breathtak panorama lower portion mount sharp color adjust mimic light familiar earthlings survey rocki plain increasingli high roll hills round hill middl distance call sulfat unit curiosity highest current plan destination one reason hill interest energi sourc immedi path forward though toward southeast left part image,curios mount sharp mar,2016-12-28,400,59,0.0439682539682539,12-28,12,2016,28,5,0,1 a9719917c4c9f35753537663b3a372738dba9810853f7f2c150b18ab58fd29d6,john gleason,allur sight southern skies larg magellan cloud lmc seen narrowband filters filter design transmit light emit ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atoms ioniz energet starlight atom emit characterist light electron recaptur atom transit lower energi state result fals color imag lmc seem cover shellshap cloud ioniz ga surround massive young stars sculpt strong stellar wind ultraviolet radiation glow clouds domin emiss hydrogen known h ii ioniz hydrogen regions compos mani overlap shells tarantula nebula larg star form region top center satellit milki way galaxy lmc 15000 lightyear across lie mere 180000 lightyear away constel dorado,shell game lmc,2016-12-29,630,94,0.1483333333333333,12-29,12,2016,29,4,2,5 fdbdfda2b9cd4dff93f2ea907eaa4a8d4e6ddbfec60e7358fad3ad83938b5afb,none,tidal lock synchron rotation moon alway present familiar nearsid denizen planet earth lunar orbit moon farsid becom familiar though fact sharp picture mosaic lunar reconnaiss orbiter wide angl camera center lunar farside part global mosaic 15000 imag acquir novemb 2009 februari 2011 highest resolut version show featur scale 100 meter per pixel surprisingly rough batter surfac farsid look differ nearsid cover smooth dark lunar maria like explan farsid crust thicker make harder molten materi interior flow surfac form smooth maria,lunar farsid,2016-12-30,533,80,0.0729166666666666,12-30,12,2016,30,2,0,2 11a7d4c6d5cfaa26242b011e4686b1479b14e22df0dd10bcf92847677e0560b4,sebastian voltmer,higher highest building higher highest mountain higher highest airplane lie realm aurora aurora rare reach 60 kilometers rang 1000 kilometers aurora light result energet electron proton strike molecul earth atmosphere frequently view space complet aurora appear circl around one earth magnet poles featur wideangl image horizont compressed captur unexpect auror display stretch across sky five year ago eastern norway,full sky aurora norway,2017-01-01,417,59,0.2583333333333333,01-01,1,2017,1,8,1,1 8e0faa3ef71379b184913602ed522939bd456bed36f5b1c31de96c95b87e9e6f,fritz helmut hemmerich,old comet return inner solar system comet physic ancient first discov 13 orbit ago 1948 comet 45p spend time near orbit jupit last near sun 2011 past months however comet new sunward plummet brighten considerably two day ago comet pass closest part orbit sun comet current visibl binocular western horizon sunset far much brighter planet venus pictured comet 45p captur last week sport long ion tail impress structure comet 45p pass rel close earth earli next month apod lecture friday jan 6 amateur astronom associ new york citi,comet 45p return,2017-01-02,529,88,0.0373737373737373,01-02,1,2017,2,3,0,2 d528c1920ba6326d24f3b042ec6eb7d65f6848796b13825f622229e93601c79f,none,crater saturn small moon pandora look like close help find out nasa sent robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn past unusu moon two week ago highest resolut imag pandora ever taken captur 40000 kilomet featur here structur small 300 meter discern 80kilomet wide pandora crater pandora appear cover sort material provid smooth appear spongelik hyperion anoth small moon saturn curiou groov ridg also appear cross surfac small moon pandora partli interest because along companion moon prometheus help shepherd particl saturn f ring distinct ring,pandora closeup saturn,2017-01-03,542,83,-0.0722222222222222,01-03,1,2017,3,0,0,2 0c01fcd0e8cb6a021261db6776d02b05f98d68c2f41e576612c28bfece663035,rogelio bernalandreo,beauti andromeda galaxi often imag planet earthbas astronomers also known m31 nearest larg spiral galaxi familiar sight dark dust lanes bright yellowish core spiral arm trace blue starlight mosaic wellexpos broad narrowband imag data colorful premier portrait neighbor island univers offer strikingli unfamiliar featur though faint reddish cloud glow ioniz hydrogen ga wide field view still ioniz hydrogen cloud like lie foreground scene well within milki way galaxy could associ pervasive dusti interstellar cirru cloud scatter hundr lightyear galact plane locat 25 million lightyear distanc andromeda galaxi would enormous sinc andromeda galaxi 200000 lightyear across,cloud andromeda,2017-01-04,670,95,0.0763888888888889,01-04,1,2017,4,7,2,3 a63a16bcdcb5206522c8b1909f4de4106dd1a8436bb86ab722227bc17baa7f58,wolfgang,spiki star foreground sharp cosmic portrait well within milki way galaxy two eyecatch galaxi lie far beyond milki way distanc 300 million lightyears distort appear due gravit tide pair engag close encounters catalog arp 273 also ugc 1810 galaxi look peculiar interact galaxi understood common universe fact nearbi larg spiral andromeda galaxi known 2 million lightyear away approach milki way arp 273 may offer analog far futur encounter repeat galaxi encount cosmic timescal ultim result merger singl galaxi stars perspective bright core arp 273 galaxi separ littl 100000 lightyears,peculiar galaxi arp 273,2017-01-05,583,89,0.0583333333333333,01-05,1,2017,5,7,2,3 4010a1b713abc53c326b65dfc3e6c119f689b2487cb58d1c986b5dd4fb38ab69,stan honda,moonset januari 1 captur sea night sky snapshot port citi new york warm moonlight shine haze thin clouds new year moon 3 day old wax crescent phase visibl lunar disk 10 percent illuminated also easi spot hazi urban skies venu blaze forth western horizon begin year earth even star like moon venu goe rang phase seen planet earth year began telescop view brilliant inner planet disk would show 50 percent illuminated grow larger thinner crescent earli march new york welcom beacon statu liberty anchor terrestri corner night triangl far left,new york harbor moonset,2017-01-06,540,90,0.1314685314685314,01-06,1,2017,6,2,1,1 5791fdcffbbcfb126b667fac0564e2268774cd5bdc7e95c7e6c01ca693e47983,eric cole,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught allur telescop mosaic scene anchor bright star eta geminorum foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula brighter arc ridg emiss tentacl dangl left center fact cosmic jellyfish part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant jellyfish nebula known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core emiss nebula catalog sharpless 249 fill field upper right jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away distance narrowband composit imag present hubbl palett would 300 lightyear across,sharpless 249 jellyfish nebula,2017-01-07,653,95,0.1305194805194805,01-07,1,2017,7,4,2,5 a2b0816534deeff497c4fbce04d31e9865b1fa2e7ed197c798a120e379db9148,none,what happen center spiral ngc mani thing circular energetic well understood ngc 5033 known seyfert galaxi great activ seen nucleus bright stars dark dust interstellar ga swirl quickli around galact center appear slightli offset supermass black hole offset thought result ngc 5033 merg anoth galaxi sometim past billion years featur imag taken hubbl space telescop 2005 ngc 5033 span 100000 light year far away see exist 40 million year ago,center spiral galaxi ngc 5033,2017-01-09,440,70,0.1733333333333334,01-09,1,2017,9,7,1,3 b29338e048440656e56dcd7c3ff700cfa95d4149bbba3cefe3727803f54a2ecb,pierr,guard north featur pictur taken last march finnish lapland weather includ subfreez temperatur drive snow surreal landscap sometim result white sentinel seem patrol landscape actual though alien snowcov trees red hut seem far distance behind uncommon earthli vista beauti night sky includ green aurora bright stars streak orbit satellites course spring tree thaw lapland look much different,sentinel northern sky,2017-01-10,389,57,0.0833333333333333,01-10,1,2017,10,8,0,1 ecc82c4c2788240e48cbb8a471d99e4725f68b5092da4a150b1a86cc27b03cec,none,mima icy moon saturn mere 400 kilomet 250 miles diameter largest crater herschel nearli 140 kilomet wide third diamet mima itself herschel crater give small moon omin appearance especi scifi fan death star star war fact slightli bigger impact one creat larg crater small moon could destroy mima entirely cassini imag octob 2016 antisaturn hemispher synchron rotat moon bath sunlight larg crater near right limb cast long shadow across crater floor herschel central mountain peak nearli tall mount everest planet earth,mimas mountain,2017-01-11,517,81,-0.0818681318681318,01-11,1,2017,11,2,0,2 3f72c2e3af20cfbc04cb68ceeee710f7d2c45005c00613a8fb0ead78d4dd5529,adam block,larg spiral galaxi ngc 891 span 100 thousand lightyear seen almost exactli edgeon perspective fact 30 million lightyear distant constel andromeda ngc 891 look lot like milki way first glance flat thin galact disk star central bulg cut along middl region dark obscur dust remark appar ngc 891 edgeon present filament dust extend hundr lightyear center line dust like blown disk supernova explos intens star format activity fainter galaxi also seen near edgeon disk deep portrait ngc 891 editor note ngc 891 imag use today apod post replac credit correct indic author origin work,edgeon ngc 891,2017-01-12,577,94,-0.0425,01-12,1,2017,12,7,0,3 6ba1a07db3baf27d16cfc733c5beb8e73f59a27451632fd969514b8323ba1dad,stephen mudg,januari 1 view opportun allow binocularequip skygaz cross ice giant life list remarkably lineofsight bright red planet could guid within degre faint pale neptun earth night skies taken within 3 hour closest conjunction panel captur odd appear sky brisbane australia wide field view includ new year slender crescent moon near western horizon venu brilliant even star mar neptun indic upper right two inset magnifi view taken telephoto len show conjunct appar size crescent moon scale week neptun hang near venu western sky,mar neptun,2017-01-13,521,82,0.1173771326712503,01-13,1,2017,13,2,1,1 06dac388a6f77ca61a200c6460c9be502f56ab8b472f8a881334a914c52c11f4,lorand feny,cloud stardust drift deep skyscape cosmic scene span nearli 2 degre across perseu molecular cloud 850 lightyear away triangl dusti nebula reflect light embed star captur telescop field view characterist bluish color reflect nebula ngc 1333 left bottom right rare yellowish reflect nebula lie top star form perseu molecular cloud though obscur visibl wavelength pervas dust still hint contrast red emiss herbigharo objects jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars evid ngc 1333 estim distanc molecular cloud leg triangl form reflect nebula would 20 lightyear long,stardust perseu molecular cloud,2017-01-14,562,87,0.1595238095238095,01-14,1,2017,14,4,1,5 cddaadbab6f5bdacd44013cf9b940508058a646ba6c226820e4464fc9e4b99d9,none,what matter bullet cluster massiv cluster galaxi creat gravit len distort background galaxi way interpret strong evid lead dark matter exist within differ recent analyses though indic less popular altern could explain cluster dynam without dark matter provid like progenitor scenario well currently two scientif hypothes compet explain observations invis matter versu gravity dramat clear exampl dark matter would modifi graviti theories near future battl bullet cluster like continu new observations comput simulations analys completed featur imag composit red depict xray emit hot gas blue depict suggest separ dark matter distribution,matter bullet cluster,2017-01-15,638,91,0.0533143939393939,01-15,1,2017,15,6,2,4 5569baeb3f454a08ae243ef6883bbf8d516fc3c2e7744b86644bcd9bd16b7cfa,tama,no good way get moon pictur chanc superposit airplan moon contrail would normal appear white larg volum air toward set sun preferenti knock away blue light give reflect trail bright red hue far distance right plane young moon vast world show sliver sun nearli line behind it captur two week ago featur imag frame eeri sky far day blue far night black within minut impromptu sky show ended plane cross moon contrail dispersed sun set moon set sky fade black reveal thousand star faint see red din like help analyz apod social media footprint 2015,fli moon,2017-01-17,545,95,0.0183673469387755,01-17,1,2017,17,2,0,1 99c0f8d99388a816388db78e592051af85837fd98ae57fb7208fc4a3f24f6968,none,could circl earth aboard intern space station might see amaz vistas one captur breathtak pictur mid2015 first visibl top part space station includ solar panels station band milki way galaxy glow combin light billion stars dim patch filament dark dust band red light milki way airglow earth atmospher excit sun glow specif color light green airglow visibl red cours that earth air termin day night visibl near horizon cloud speckl planet illumin bright lightn bolt seen toward lower right work astronaut earth enjoy vista like space station sinc year 2000,space station planet galaxi,2017-01-18,555,90,0.2275510204081632,01-18,1,2017,18,6,1,4 60bdd2eade2b65cbe6ec12e18b8a5b279b7c536c8df73e33fffeae6631f58ee3,stephen leshin,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus also known vdb 142 cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long color closeup view includ imag data narrow band filter transmit light ioniz hydrogen atom region result composit highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat scene span 1 degre wide field size 2 full moons,elephant trunk nebula cepheu,2017-01-19,603,96,0.014326923076923,01-19,1,2017,19,4,2,5 a0262c90079ab27a5aaec7932011331e8a18f12eb4529362c1b324b2190c7175,yuri beletski,januari 18 tantal sunset captur snapshot seemingli mani horizont layer sun shimmer moment touch horizon set pacif ocean seen mountaintop la campana observatori chile pink hue filter sunlight creat long sightlin hazi atmosphere remark layer correspond low atmospher layer sharpli differ temperatur densiti also along line sight long path layer ray sunlight refract strongli creat differ imag mirag section set sun participate take aesthet astronomi survey,sunset,2017-01-20,455,66,-0.05,01-20,1,2017,20,1,0,1 468fa1f26b34142f4f6fcac82626e28b8f90e53a38c4462ca2a6c761a65d78d8,none,plung close outer edg saturn rings januari 16 cassini spacecraft captur closest yet view daphnis 8 kilomet across orbit within bright ring system keeler gap small moon make waves wide outer gap foreshorten imag cassini view angle rais influenc small moon weak graviti cross frame left right wave form ring materi edg gap faint wavelik trace ring materi visibl trail close behind daphnis remark detail daphni also seen includ narrow ridg around equator like accumul particl ring participate take aesthet astronomi survey,daphni,2017-01-21,520,82,-0.099025974025974,01-21,1,2017,21,0,0,2 ecf44ee8d2380f5ad54e10bc59ba75face2bcd8ad6a0b1bf5a502d771597e20b,tim florida today,bird fli high airplan go fast statu liberti weigh less speci human even comprehend go on could human millennium ago launch rocket bound space event inspir awe challeng description pictur here spacex falcon 9 v rocket lift cloud deck cape canaveral florida last juli deliv cargo suppli intern space station stand start 300000 kilogram rocket ship lift dragon capsul circl earth outsid air thin breathe rocket bound space launch somewher earth week participate take aesthet astronomi survey,spacex falcon 9 orbit,2017-01-22,489,77,-0.0295238095238095,01-22,1,2017,22,8,0,2 1e0d7c9ec113fece9da9cb1de2c9cdb965f0b5d108bd38e7f0fcf2d9f4de41fd,jeff daitwan,find orion might abl find winter hexagon winter hexagon involv brightest star visible togeth form larg easili found pattern winter sky earth northern hemisphere star involv usual identifi even bright night sky big city although appear recent dark sky reservoir tibet china six star compos winter hexagon aldebaran capella castor and pollux procyon rigel sirius here band milki way galaxi run center winter hexagon pleiad open star cluster visibl above winter hexagon aster engulf sever constel includ much icon steppingston orion follow apod on facebook googl plus twitter,winter hexagon,2017-01-23,572,88,0.0444444444444444,01-23,1,2017,23,6,0,1 a3522f600110b40cf1b81ea92abfbcf011df27624c734c1e44398676b4689a19,marco burali tiziano capecchi marco mancini observatory,vast orion molecular cloud complex sever bright blue nebula particularli apparent pictur two promin reflect nebula dust cloud lit reflect light bright embed stars famou nebula m78 imag center catalog 200 year ago left lesser known ngc 2071 astronom continu studi reflect nebula better understand interior star form orion complex lie 1500 lightyear distant contain orion horsehead nebulas cover much constel orion almost hyperspace random apod gener,m78 orion dust reflect,2017-01-24,449,67,0.0833333333333333,01-24,1,2017,24,4,0,5 1aef2997c494a11581a98dcd4c6c3d5050f37e6cb9614f5d7b7034aef5716a5b,none,cassini prepar dive saturn robot spacecraft orbit explor saturn decad end mission septemb spectacular atmospher plunge pictur diagram cassini remain orbits take one week cassini schedul complet month orbit take outsid saturn outermost ring f then april titan give cassini gravit pull proxim orbits last which septemb 15 impact saturn caus spacecraft melt cassini grand final orbit design record data firstev view insid ring ring planet well small moon interspers rings cassini demis design protect life may occur around saturn moon contamin cassini itself free download apod 2017 calendar nasa imag,cassini grand final tour saturn,2017-01-25,600,91,0.2083333333333333,01-25,1,2017,25,0,1,2 ad97577894eb9f9f3b3936a287f8965f431db3eeb14b7897a3a3f4b158295970,none,launch last novemb 19 cape canaver air forc station satellit known goes16 observ planet earth geostationari orbit 22300 mile equator advanc baselin imag captur contrast view earth gibbou moon januari 15 stark airless moon realli focu though capabl provid high resolut full disk imag earth everi 15 minut 16 spectral channels new gener satellite instrument gear provid sharper detail view earth dynam weather system enabl accur weather like previou goe weather satellites goes16 use moon fair planet calibr target participate take aesthet astronomi survey,moon planet earth,2017-01-26,555,84,0.191060606060606,01-26,1,2017,26,2,1,2 da180c624c8c594b2cbcec92e782ff8b51cfd1337afbd0154caf4a96c35668c4,john bell,brilliant star planet earth even skies venu captur creativ taken len januari 18 uk show multipl imag sky western horizon shortli sunset imag creat water drop glass pane fix tree surfac tension drawn water drop simpl shapes refract light drop creat imag scene rotat allow comfort rightsid view participate take aesthet astronomi survey,venu water drop,2017-01-27,335,53,0.4333333333333333,01-27,1,2017,27,8,1,1 4a76a99675203bf6e7016c6c78f4bd632bec09166fbbbc36efe1cb8396a588f5,none,150 lightyear across cosmic maelstrom ga dust far away lie south tarantula nebula satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud mere 180000 lightyear distant massiv star form within energet radiat power stellar wind sculpt ga dust power glow hii region enter heniz catalog emiss star nebula magellan cloud bright compact butterflyshap nebula left center like contain massiv star earli stage formation resolv first time hubbl images compact blob ioniz ga come known papillon nebula participate take aesthet astronomi survey,n159 larg magellan cloud,2017-01-28,513,77,0.075,01-28,1,2017,28,4,0,5 79f6342d8f1037f86ab781dc9ae1b4891fdece036a41acb4c9a522fd5652db59,alex cherneyterrastrotwan,would sky glow red aurora solar storm 2012 eman mostli activ sunspot region 1402 shower particl earth excit oxygen atom high earth atmosphere excit element electron fell back ground state emit red glow oxygen atom lower earth atmospher excited glow would predominantli green pictur here high red aurora visibl horizon last week near flinders victoria australia sky night however also glow familiar distant objects includ central disk milki way galaxi left neighbor larg small magellan cloud galaxi right timelaps video highlight aurora visibl night put picturesqu scene context sky also glow green remain unknown,red aurora australia,2017-01-29,612,94,0.0336507936507936,01-29,1,2017,29,8,2,1 ffd9855eb3e219fdba74c59ae5ee10b6fc7aee520a32abdb008d94e41ea8cd80,raul villaverd,some may look like cat eye allur cat eye nebula however lie three thousand lightyear earth across interstellar space classic planetari nebula cat eye ngc 6543 repres final brief yet gloriou phase life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc simple outer pattern dusti concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful complex inner structur well understood seen clearli digit reprocess hubbl space telescop image truli cosmic eye half lightyear across course gaze cat eye astronom may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,cat eye nebula hubbl,2017-01-30,594,93,0.0549999999999999,01-30,1,2017,30,4,2,5 e4f1c4238df228db8f686fb959c158e9e576b082651d74d324c5ff8717ae7fd0,none,plan see american eclips august hour sunrise rare total eclips sun visibl along narrow path across usa near path see partial eclipse although american live right path totality sure mani abl get wellplan drive one problem eclipses though cloud sometim get way increas might consult featur map find conveni destin histor low chanc more blue thick cloud overhead totality given larg fraction american carri cameraequip american eclips may turn photograph event histori world plan eclips,see american eclips,2017-01-31,483,75,0.0763798701298701,01-31,1,2017,31,8,0,1 5f8937a59a7a0dfedf43969754da75de29947921f4aee2183c04d73206919bcd,steve mazlin,exampl violenc cosmic scale enorm ellipt galaxi ngc 1316 lie 75 million lightyear away toward fornax southern constel furnace investig startl sight astronom suspect giant galaxi collid smaller neighbor ngc 1317 seen above caus far flung loop shell stars light close encount would reach earth 100 million year ago deep sharp image central region ngc 1316 ngc 1317 appear separ 100000 lightyears complex dust lane visibl within also indic ngc 1316 result merger galaxi distant past found outskirt fornax galaxi cluster ngc 1316 known fornax a one visual brightest fornax cluster galaxi one strongest largest radio sourc radio emiss extend well beyond telescop fieldofview sever degre sky,ngc 1316 galaxi collid,2017-02-02,685,107,-0.0211538461538461,02-02,2,2017,2,7,2,3 2756c9504c79bad69ef8cc99dbbe486d18719864040969918d9b2fe3e8e5c151,yuri beletski,captur last april sunset chilean autumn night except intens airglow flood scene panoram skyscap also fill stars clusters nebula along southern milki way includ larg small magellan clouds origin altitud similar aurorae lumin airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic excitation commonli record greenish ting sensit digit cameras red green airglow emiss predomin atmospher oxygen atom extrem low densiti often present southern hemispher night last years like milki way dark night strong airglow visibl eye seen without color mars saturn bright star antar scorpiu form celesti triangl anchor scene left road lead toward 2600 meter high mountain cerro paran european southern observatory larg telescopes,milki way airglow australi,2017-02-03,708,103,0.0509649122807017,02-03,2,2017,3,6,2,4 3d135292dc7bbe5667f3cddceb6cd7468edef0c5f36eab477127031ce9245079,maxim oudoux,januari 31 wax crescent moon brilliant venus fainter mar gather fade twilight hang western horizon sunset planet earth combin even skyscape love celesti triangl seen cloud haze still glint sunlight low earth orbit intern space station briefli join trio even sky near le france photographer lineofsight space station remark close mar initi exposur began result station bright streak seem leap red planet move toward darker sky top frame,conjunct four,2017-02-04,435,68,0.3375,02-04,2,2017,4,8,1,1 37295ba3c4f4d2c589a10a1980d81e2ee3a94254662423c151876a946beb96f7,none,moon surviv collision tethys one saturn larger moon 1000 kilomet diameter surviv collision today exhibit result expans impact crater odysseus sometim call great basin odysseu occur lead hemispher tethi show great age rel amount smaller crater occur insid tower walls densiti tethi similar waterice featur imag captur novemb robot cassini spacecraft orbit around saturn swoop past giant ice ball cassini start grand final tour take insid saturn ring septemb dive saturn thick atmosphere,crater tethi,2017-02-05,485,73,0.155,02-05,2,2017,5,0,1,2 7c58b820842c6b7eb7cad9f5aa53f669ce9a5516ffab30676daabd0029e2478c,none,lobster nebula form massiv star known one yet sure near obviou cat paw nebula upper right lobster nebula lower left catalog ngc 6357 hous open star cluster pismi 24 home tremend bright blue stars overal red glow near inner star form region result emiss ioniz hydrogen gas surround nebula featur here hold complex tapestri gas dark dust star still forming newli born stars intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity full zoomabl version imag contain two billion pixels make one largest space imag ever released ngc 6357 span 400 light year lie 8000 light year away toward constel scorpion,ngc 6357 lobster nebula,2017-02-07,639,104,0.1226890756302521,02-07,2,2017,7,4,2,5 ca096eeab4b7864ddfe5d2479439adf21e404bf95d7ceb3745bed454b120f4da,jes mvarga maritxu poyal,bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects though wingspan cover 3 lightyears ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c die central star particular planetari nebula becom except hot shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust sharp closeup die star nebula record hubbl space telescop present reprocess colors cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star near center view almost edgeon lineofsight molecular hydrogen detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,butterfli nebula hubbl,2017-02-08,671,100,0.1625,02-08,2,2017,8,4,2,5 d732e4e4a2480b795a879e7c2c0b5bebfad90b0269524b29391231c378129092,steve cooper,cosmic cloud form fantast shape central region emiss nebula ic 1805 cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 15 million year young cluster star scatter color skyscape along dark dust cloud silhouett glow atom gas composit narrowband broadband telescop images view span 15 lightyear includ emiss ioniz hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom map green red blue hue popular hubbl palette wider field imag reveal ic 1805 simpler overal outlin suggest popular name heart nebula ic 1805 locat 7500 light year away toward boast constel cassiopeia,melott 15 heart,2017-02-10,575,91,0.1681818181818181,02-10,2,2017,10,4,1,5 c06569ff10b6a540c34cfd8ca89e68490b8dc1341d247c03ffd4e1604acc0ec0,fritz helmut hemmerich,larg snowbal pass earth known comet 45p short comet came 10 time closer earth yesterday earth ever get sun passage comet photograph sport thin ion tail faint expans green coma green color caus mostli energ molecul carbon comet 45p becam bright enough see unaid eye came closest sun december now however comet fade head back near orbit jupiter spend time kilometers nucleu ice dirt return inner solar system 2022,comet 45p pass near earth,2017-02-12,411,69,-0.0545454545454545,02-12,2,2017,12,3,0,1 86eac487122808bbf1875e183f712ff4a5ebe45b727af94ca2c50952b993b191,none,juno complet fourth pass near jupiter launch earth 2011 arriv jupit last july robot juno conclud latest ellipt orbit around solar system largest planet 11 day ago pictur pass new highresolut imag southern hemispher jupit featur mesmer tapestri swirl cloud systems termin day night cut diagon across bottom mean sun posit top right larg oval visibl orang far right reason detail color jupiter cloud swirl current unknown juno plan six year mission studi jovian giant new ways includ tri determin beneath thick clouds jupit solid core,cloud swirl around southern jupit juno,2017-02-13,532,86,0.0783326967150496,02-13,2,2017,13,8,0,2 9c66056c9530c1539ff6f63427f9b04d9d5edda45d0bd1f2e29ad8a2d42d1e22,none,fast expand ga cloud mark end central star calabash nebula oncenorm star run nuclear fuel caus central region contract white dwarf liber energi caus outer envelop star expand case result photogen protoplanetari nebula millionkilomet per hour ga ram surround interstellar gas superson shock front form ioniz hydrogen nitrogen glow blue thick ga dust hide die central star calabash nebula also known rotten egg nebula oh231842 like develop full bipolar planetari nebula next 1000 years nebula featur here 14 lightyear extent locat 5000 lightyear away toward constel puppis,nebula hubbl,2017-02-15,570,87,0.0277777777777777,02-15,2,2017,15,4,0,5 dce16dfe98373f499a8a388c1c4964597071c43c5f8fd56bfbb8922a7d85f592,ivan eder,frame bright emiss region telescop view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula reddish glow cloud interstellar ga dust also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 8000 lightyear distant 70 lightyear across complex beauti nebula blossom center composit image ultraviolet radiat young energet star edg cygnu ob3 association includ star hde 227018 ioniz atom power emiss tulip nebula hde 227018 bright star near center nebula also frame field view microquasar cygnu x1 one strongest xray sourc planet earth sky driven power jet black hole accret disk fainter visibl curv shock front lie right beyond cosmic tulip petal,tulip cygnu x1,2017-02-16,690,107,0.1358225108225108,02-16,2,2017,16,4,2,5 252165343c937126e53cc54e8d3e93990d8d537a854a587d44e919d293173121,chart32 team,ngc 660 featur cosmic snapshot 40 million lightyear away swim within boundari constel pisces ngc 660 peculiar appear mark polar ring galaxy rare galaxi type polar ring galaxi substanti popul stars gas dust orbit ring strongli tilt plane galact disk bizarrelook configur could caus chanc captur materi pass galaxi disk galaxy captur debri eventu strung rotat ring violent gravit interact would account myriad pinkish star form region scatter along ngc 660 ring polar ring compon also use explor shape galaxy otherwis unseen dark matter halo calcul dark matter gravit influenc rotat ring disk broader disk ngc 660 ring span 50000 lightyears,polar ring galaxi ngc 660,2017-02-17,638,101,-0.15,02-17,2,2017,17,7,2,3 3c63b9a07e3e8d876948995588044662340da1362df59fdd4b58a4074b9c3c69,bill,seen cocoa beach florida planet earth moon rose sunset februari 10 glide earth faint outer shadow progress first eclips 2017 penumbr lunar eclips follow digit stack seasid exposures course penumbr shadow lighter planet umbral shadow central dark shadow easili seen lunar disk total partial lunar eclipse still penumbr eclips limb moon grow percept darker rise eastern horizon second eclips 2017 could dramat though view path across planet earth southern hemisphere februari 26 annular eclips sun,penumbr eclips rise,2017-02-18,495,75,0.0111111111111111,02-18,2,2017,18,2,0,1 d801defb041c10e6d72658bbac65d2c58ae1982715c216b1982a09bec61e8347,fritz helmut hemmerich,comet three tails normally comet two tails ion tail charg particl emit comet push wind sun dust tail small debri orbit behind comet also push out degree solar wind frequent comet appear one tail tail easili visibl earth featur unusu image comet appear three tail ion tail split near time imag taken complex solar wind occasion turbul sometim creat unusu structur ion tail rare even disconnect event recorded imag comet enck taken two day later give perhap less perplex perspective,almost three tail comet enck,2017-02-20,480,80,-0.0518518518518518,02-20,2,2017,20,3,0,1 f740bfd00d4fa594a72eec7da1e6debd4e0233d9a5932a8624e095a211af50df,none,what happen ring saturn noth much littl moon make waves moon 8kilomet daphni make wave keeler gap saturn ring use graviti bob down out featur imag widefield version previous releas imag taken last month robot cassini spacecraft one new grand final orbits daphni seen far right sport ridg like accumul ring particles daphni discov cassini imag 2005 rais mound ring particl high 2009 saturn equinox ring plane point directli sun cast notabl shadows,daphni ring saturn,2017-02-22,449,73,0.1059855699855699,02-22,2,2017,22,0,1,2 f0a40cf2dc2e1c0ad519325fa4a1a19d817f1837eddf8e04ca84708dd983daae,none,seven world orbit ultracool dwarf star trappist1 mere 40 lightyear away may 2016 astronom use transit planet planetesim small telescop trappist announc discoveri three planet trappist1 system announced addit discoveri spitzer space telescop support eso groundbas telescop increas number known planet seven trappist1 planet like rocki similar size earth largest treasur terrestri planet ever detect around singl star orbit close faint tini star could also region surfac temperatur allow presenc liquid water key ingredi life tantal proxim earth make prime candid futur telescop explor atmospher potenti habit planets seven world appear artist illustration imagin view power telescop near planet earth planet size rel posit drawn scale spitzer observations system inner planet transit dim red nearli jupiters parent star,seven world trappist1,2017-02-23,818,118,-0.045,02-23,2,2017,23,8,2,4 830ffde9574eb9e78725c8bf20ff45345d9f47e73c235f68f5d6595c157ac127,robert gendler,far beyond local group galaxi lie ngc 3621 22 million lightyear away found multihead southern constel hydra wind spiral arm gorgeou island univers load lumin blue star clusters pinkish starform regions dark dust lanes still astronom ngc 3621 anoth pretti faceon spiral galaxy brighter star use standard candl establish import estim extragalact distanc scale universe beauti imag ngc 3621 composit space groundbas telescop data trace loos spiral arm far galaxy brighter central region 100000 lightyears spiki foreground star milki way galaxi even distant background galaxi scatter across color skyscape,ngc 3621 far beyond local group,2017-02-24,601,89,-0.0055555555555555,02-24,2,2017,24,7,0,3 916da1be51717bea7f5ca810110ab5c23b40be0fa638ea7c29666505de68388a,tunç tezel,360 degrees view along plane eclipt captur remark panorama seven planet starri sky mosaic construct use imag taken januari beach el philippines cover eastern horizon left dark earli morn hour western horizon even skies eclipt run along middl trace faint band zodiac light milki way also cut angl frame cloud moon join fleet planet mercuri east yellowish saturn bright star antares jupit lie near eclipt farther right hug eclipt near center leo alpha star regulu star cluster even planet gather along eclipt western horizon faint uranus ruddi mars brilliant venus even fainter neptune well label version panorama view slide cursor picture follow link,planet panorama,2017-02-25,649,103,0.095054945054945,02-25,2,2017,25,6,2,1 aa29d9f0e15f6ba52681032f598038ca4c255283badf2b50f37d676ccc4b239a,sean r heavey,spaceship cloud although may seem like alien mothership actual impress thunderstorm cloud call supercell coloss storm system center mesocyclon rotat updraft span sever kilomet deliv torrenti rain high wind includ tornadoes jag sculptur cloud adorn supercell edge wind swept dust rain domin center tree wait patient foreground supercel cloud photograph 2010 juli west glasgow montana usa caus minor damage last sever hour move on today southern hemispher solar eclips,supercel thunderstorm cloud montana,2017-02-26,467,69,-0.0424999999999999,02-26,2,2017,26,8,0,1 5bd1c63f51ca99f80640e3c0d0c1ff3e5aede4203c7945d83319fa74c1158d8d,none,odd thing group light near center four distant quasar foreground galaxi center quasar imag featur imag act like choppi gravit lens perhap even thing watch background quasar estim expans rate universe flicker time increas expans rate astronomers oddest thing multipli imag quasar indic univers expand bit faster estim differ method appli earli universe well one sure why reason might includ unexpect distribut dark matter unexpect effect gravity someth complet different perhap futur observ analys similarli lens quasar imag remov,four quasar imag surround galaxi len,2017-02-27,532,79,0.0425925925925925,02-27,2,2017,27,8,0,4 7f11d0dc9a9401e14353b4b7b41923e00419d1b32b2e1ff950a7790c7acd1ac0,none,storm cloud jupit almost larg earth known white oval swirl cloud high pressur system equival earthli cloud one string pearls oval south jupiter famou great red spot possibly great red spot realli larg white oval turn red surround cloud show interest turbul flow around past oval featur imag captur februari 2 nasa robot spacecraft juno made new pass cloud top jovian world next years juno continu orbit probe jupiter determin atmospher water abundance attempt determin jupit solid surfac beneath thick clouds,white oval cloud jupit juno,2017-02-28,508,81,0.1318831168831168,02-28,2,2017,28,8,1,4 904980e8140a6b3d797c14da40100c7283a8bd3d6e497c7421ff5b2f6cede878,stephen bedingfield,kind eclips this sunday visibl part earth southern hemisphere moon block part sun partial solar eclipse locations though effect rare type partial eclips call annular eclipse there sinc moon far earth block entir sun sunlight stream around edg moon creat ring fire times though effect rare type annular eclipse then edg moon nearli align edg sun allow sunlight stream low area moon call diamond doubli rare effect captur sunday featur photograph chubut argentina south america summer total solar eclips swoop across north america almost hyperspace random apod gener,solar eclips ring fire,2017-03-01,564,88,0.0818181818181818,03-01,3,2017,1,2,0,1 fdeb731046af8ebafbdeb04f889d9a73537db2003a9d3a170407b41798df0efc,vincent,northern patagonia morn sky clear blue sunday februari 26 sweep composit scene overlook chubut argentina follow sun sunrise captur annular solar eclipse creat seri exposur three minut intervals show year first solar eclips begin well distant eastern horizon exposur close mideclips record expect ring fire silhouett new moon slightli small cover bright sun locat planet earth annular phase eclips last brief 45 seconds,annular eclips sunris,2017-03-02,418,63,0.0929292929292929,03-02,3,2017,2,1,0,1 5aae3c010d7bf4bfd26a0925143a7c54c1598de4c680ed8a7a85cbeeba446f4d,sky survey,within boundari constel cassiopeia left andromeda right telescop mosaic span 10 degre planet earth skies celesti scene construct panel part highresolut astronom survey milki way hydrogenalpha light process monochromat imag data brought region faintest structures rel unexplor filament hydrogen ga near plane milki way galaxy larg faint also rel unknown nebula 2 upper left field nearbi andromeda galaxy m31 center right faint pervas hydrogen nebulos stretch toward m31 across foreground wide field view broad survey imag demonstr intrigu faint hydrogen cloud recent imag astronom realli within milki way along lineofsight andromeda galaxy,2 m31,2017-03-03,638,92,-0.0444047619047619,03-03,3,2017,3,6,2,3 fe4d906ccf5bab9ff81277c33105288e52b6c7aafef73a41a7c95778f227a08b,adam block,beauti celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 shine upper left reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae compact red emiss region streamer obscur dust backdrop stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star pictur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel unicorn monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 15 lightyear across,ngc 2170 still life reflect dust,2017-03-04,505,78,0.0666666666666666,03-04,3,2017,4,4,0,5 cb4be1a7df7a5c0ba27b31c38507facff64b623208f024f3641844a6bf467e55,none,what caus odd ring supernova 1987a thirti year ago 1987 brightest supernova recent histori seen larg magellan cloud center featur pictur object central remain violent stellar explosion surround center curiou outer ring appear flatten figur 8 although larg telescop includ hubbl space telescop monitor curiou ring everi years origin remain mystery pictur hubbl imag sn1987a remnant taken 2011 specul caus ring includ beam jet eman otherwis hidden neutron star left supernova interact wind progenitor star ga releas explosion,mysteri ring supernova 1987a,2017-03-05,523,78,-0.1203703703703703,03-05,3,2017,5,6,0,3 eb641e10b8931ffd25b5c07d5f9b1a7e92bee5d321b188c07d1c2deed12b1eac,sigurdur william annot,alway see scene beauti hike ancient volcano lucky astrophotograph realiz aurora visibl twoweek ago made run top caldera see could captur also reflect central lake arrived found northern light even brighter impress imag featur panoram mosaic crater lake center call 3000 year old aurora overhead show impress color red color occur higher earth atmospher green background sky fill icon northern night includ polaris pleiad star cluster star compos handl big dipper follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,color aurora iceland,2017-03-06,517,79,0.1283333333333333,03-06,3,2017,6,6,1,1 58840d231d28d172fb09269c7a86a358b6043d61aa38e5b605748b709c091219,none,galaxi spin fast start even identifi type galaxi ugc 12591 difficult dark dust lane like spiral galaxi larg diffus bulg star like lenticular surprisingli observ show ugc 12591 spin 480 kmsec almost twice fast milki way fastest rotat rate yet measured mass need hold togeth galaxi spin fast sever time mass milki way galaxy progenitor scenario ugc 12591 includ slow growth accret ambient matter rapid growth recent galaxi collis collis futur observ may tell light see today ugc 12591 left 400 million year ago tree first develop earth open science brows 1400 code astrophys sourc code librari,ugc 12591 fastest rotat galaxi known,2017-03-07,593,97,0.0272727272727272,03-07,3,2017,7,7,2,4 cd0dad3674696b149798f22136898c61628205c26c7578d2fcfd1024e6ae8197,jes mvarga maritxu poyal,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here filament dark dust glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away featur deep imag shown assign colors part nebula center shown taken hubbl space telescope great nebula orion found unaid eye near easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain much hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 m43 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,dust gas star orion nebula,2017-03-08,651,102,0.2478947368421053,03-08,3,2017,8,4,2,5 253ac6c367f65db351d895e06d9f5c5a3274baa9fea9aafbe91c490ccd895a5a,fabian neyer,11 million lightyear away centauru closest activ galaxi planet earth span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxi also known ngc 5128 featur sharp telescop view centauru appar result collis two otherwis normal galaxi result fantast jumbl star cluster impos dark dust lanes near galaxy center left cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole billion time mass sun activ galaxies process like gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a remark deep visibl light imag offer evid ensu cosmic violenc faint shell extend featur surround activ galaxy,centauru,2017-03-09,554,85,-0.0356060606060606,03-09,3,2017,9,7,0,3 acceb428536d5dbb8c8a123b00761e3cb28e614ecb4658d0d5539979eeb8eed9,bernhard hubl,galaxi abel lie far beyond milki way 340 million lightyear distant toward high fli constel pegasus frame sharp telescop image pretti cluster galaxi gather behind scattered spiky milki way stars cluster center giant ellipt galaxi ngc central domin galaxi cluster cluster forms massiv galaxi thought grow merger galaxi fall center cluster gravit well typic domin cluster galaxies ngc like harbor supermass black hole estim distanc abel cosmic frame would span 5 million lightyears,galaxi cluster abel,2017-03-10,478,73,-0.0731666666666666,03-10,3,2017,10,7,0,3 64300a8c95e0a845e4dc6807b80f5468444da86e9211742c02b7f1493aed03ff,adam block,ride high constel auriga beautiful blue vdb 31 31st object sidney van den bergh 1966 catalog reflect nebulae share wellcompos celesti still life dark obscur cloud record edward e barnard 1919 catalog dark mark sky interstellar dust clouds block light background star case barnard dark nebulae vdb 31 dust preferenti reflect bluish starlight embedded hot variabl star ab aurigae explor environ ab auriga hubbl space telescop reveal sever million year young star surround flatten dusti disk evid ongo format planetari system ab auriga 470 lightyear away distanc cosmic canva would span four lightyears,reflect vdb 31,2017-03-11,599,93,0.1455555555555555,03-11,3,2017,11,4,2,5 bcf9c0aaef772b3665b6dbe495d90cee79731341392f6e003e76179abc9ae6d2,none,saturn moon pan look imag taken last week robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn resolv moon unpreced detail surpris imag reveal moon look someth like walnut slab middle visibl featur pan includ roll terrain long ridges craters span 30kilomet across pan orbit insid wide enck gap saturn expans gap known sinc late 1800s next month cassini direct pass near saturn massiv moon titan pull final seri orbit take it occasion complet insid saturn ring prepar dive saturn atmosphere,saturn moon pan cassini,2017-03-13,474,77,-0.0277777777777777,03-13,3,2017,13,0,0,2 880f0db900c7e514a1fc156d5eb0e48e75aaa123a83a509280d738a83a290488,jos lui,you too see night sky like this nation park spain composit imag created recent night sky offici protect potenti futur light pollution icon night sky continu stand northern winter visibl featur imag includ bright star like sirius betelgeuse procyon bright star cluster like pleiades and faint nebula like california rosett nebulas even 100 year ago mani peopl familiar darker night sky peopl today primarili modern light pollution park similarli protect darkski preserv includ death valley nation park usa grassland nation park area citi flagstaff arizona much big island hawaii also night sky protected,dark winter sky nation park spain,2017-03-14,604,93,0.2527777777777778,03-14,3,2017,14,6,1,1 20f3a3cab7876130c67bd5d98a9a8bb5395cfc6a0b1e413697918845e06ecf45,none,star form gigant dust pillar call cone nebula cones pillars majest flow shape abound stellar nurseri natal cloud ga dust buffet energet wind newborn stars cone nebula wellknown example lie within bright galact starform region ngc 2264 cone captur unpreced detail closeup composit sever observ earthorbit hubbl space telescope cone nebula 2500 lightyear away monoceros around 7 lightyear long region pictur surround cone blunt head mere 25 lightyear across neck galaxi distanc half way sun nearest stellar neighbor alpha centauri star system massiv star ngc 2264 irs seen hubble infrar camera 1997 like sourc wind sculpt cone nebula lie top image cone nebula reddish veil produc glow hydrogen gas,cone nebula hubbl,2017-03-15,695,109,0.1404761904761904,03-15,3,2017,15,4,2,5 83638935b98a7b5516aebd5667a44ec642df97c0972890b7adf5d7f1735f95f9,daniel herron,moon goe phases venus visibl sunlit hemispher wax wanes composit telescop imag illustr steadi chang inner planet seen west even star venu grow larger narrow thin crescent decemb 20 2016 march 10 glide along interior orbit earth sun venu grow larger period approach planet earth crescent narrows though venu swing closer lineofsight sun closest earthsun line pass 8 degre north sun march 25 venu reach nonjudgmental inferior conjunction soon after venu shine clearli eastern horizon predawn sky planet earth morn star,phase venu,2017-03-17,516,81,-0.12,03-17,3,2017,17,1,0,1 8027b544ab970ea73c3165287fdff15d79b72ec65b8f33c518c8f332ed8e4fd2,none,ghost actual hover jame webb space telescope light stand gold tint mirror segment support structur fold goddard space flight center spacecraft system develop integr facil clean room follow acoust testing bright flashlight ultraviolet light play stationari telescop look easier spot darken room dim camera long exposur creat ghostli apparitions blur move light engineers scientif hubble jame webb space telescop optim infrar explor earli universe plan launch 2018 french european space agenc arian 5 rocket,jwst ghost mirror,2017-03-18,505,74,0.2015151515151515,03-18,3,2017,18,8,1,2 7c90519e876c0cdfa566bf02cf2cd316768659595a4af88edf3cad92e22bad96,none,start constel orion orion belt fuzzi area known great nebula orion nebula bright star cluster known trapezium mark four bright star near imag center newli born star trapezium surround region show orion nebula one activ area star format found area galaxy orion supernova explos close interact star creat rogu planet star rapidli move space fast star found compar differ imag region taken hubbl space telescop mani year apart mani star featur image taken visibl nearinfrar light appear unusu red seen dust scatter away much blue light,fast star planet orion nebula,2017-03-21,532,86,0.32,03-21,3,2017,21,4,1,5 9f67c9583a1871aea6a2effa39ab348dd83add3a577a035cddc63d57ad6b4093,robert gendler,cosmic brush stroke glow hydrogen gas beauti skyscap unfold across plane milki way galaxi near northern end great rift center constel cygnu swan 36 panel mosaic telescop imag data scene span six degrees bright supergi star gamma cygni sadr upper left imag center lie foreground complex ga dust cloud crowd star fields left gamma cygni shape like two lumin wing divid long dark dust lane ic 1318 whose popular name understand butterfli nebula compact bright nebula lower right ngc 6888 crescent nebula distanc estim gamma cygni place around 1800 lightyear estim ic 1318 ngc 6888 rang 2000 5000 lightyears,central cygnu skyscap,2017-03-22,603,99,0.1775510204081632,03-22,3,2017,22,4,2,5 ec420856e7a9d151781321b62337c157138f478c14bc8f6454fb848013f5b4c5,eric cole,skyscap featur dusti sharpless catalog emiss region sh2155 cave nebula telescop image data taken narrowband filter track reddish glow ioniz hydrogen atoms 2400 lightyear away scene lie along plane milki way galaxi toward royal northern constel cepheus astronom explor region reveal form boundari massiv cepheu b molecular cloud hot young star cepheu ob 3 association bright rim ioniz hydrogen ga energ radiat hot stars domin brightest star left pictur center radiat driven ioniz front like trigger collaps core new star format within appropri size stellar nursery cosmic cave 10 lightyear across,sh2155 cave nebula,2017-03-23,595,91,0.1982954545454545,03-23,3,2017,23,4,1,5 a0ba81cda7949589f7f8212180a855e895c5f52eb55c2b237cbd9da4d6ac7078,barri,comet 41ptuttlegiacobinikresak pose messier moment telescop snapshot march 21 fact share 1 degre wide fieldofview two wellknown entri 18th centuri comethunt astronomer famou catalog sweep northern springtim sky big dipper faint greenish comet 75 lightsecond fair planet dusty edgeon spiral galaxi messier 108 bottom center like 45 million lightyear away upper right planetari nebula age intens hot central star owlish messier 97 12 thousand lightyear distant though still well within milki way galaxy name discover faint period comet first sight 1907 match orbit calcul indic comet observ wide separ times near best apparit closest approach earth 100 year april 1 comet orbit sun period 54 years,comet owl galaxi,2017-03-24,695,106,0.0491071428571428,03-24,3,2017,24,3,2,1 821b40c5461f5b3c1db42d1ecee35d73cb95cb2f066f950c2507b686c83453a3,none,happen black hole devour star mani detail remain unknown recent observ provid new clues 2014 power explos record groundbas robot telescop sky autom survey supernova project follow instrument includ nasa earthorbit swift satellite comput model emiss fit star rip apart distant supermass black hole result collis portray featur artist illustration black hole depict tini black dot center matter fall toward hole collid matter heat up surround black hole accret disk hot matter use star jet eman black hole spin axis,black hole jet,2017-03-27,513,80,-0.0395104895104895,03-27,3,2017,27,6,0,2 d729ee6f7c45e10ddb418048a2cf0b33a232c63ee9934c9011c4820e13b02eda,wayn photography,rock structur surreal real reason famou is perhaps smaller one might guess rock meters even so king wing outcrop locat new mexico usa fascin exampl unusu type rock structur call hoodoo hoodoo may form layer hard rock overlay layer erod softer rock figur detail incorpor hoodoo nightski took year besid wait picturesqu night behind sky clouds foreground artifici lit right rel natur glow background much plan waiting final shot featur here taken may 2016 mimick horizont bar background sky featur band milki way galaxi stretch overhead,wing hoodoo milki way,2017-03-28,535,86,0.0422679172679172,03-28,3,2017,28,8,0,1 b4899caae70536d299854b4769ea586efec41938a33a8284b29e2daed9063026,stéphane guisard,four laser beam cut across startl imag orion nebula seen eso paran observatori atacama desert planet earth part interstellar laser use observ orion ut4 one observatory larg telescopes technic test adapt optic system view nebula laser beam captur small telescop outsid enclosure beam visibl perspect first kilomet observatori earth dens lower atmospher scatter laser light four small segment appear beyond beam emiss atmospher layer sodium atom excit laser light higher altitud kilometers seen perspect ut4 segment form bright spot artifici guid stars fluctuat use realtim correct atmospher blur along lineofsight control deform mirror telescope optic path,nebula laser beam,2017-03-29,655,96,0.2142857142857142,03-29,3,2017,29,8,2,4 f5406d8bb7dc3b750302fbb03e79ff677bf28e9dd184fd81ec5ee754875c8230,lloyd l smith,complex dusti nebula linger along edg tauru molecular cloud mere 450 lightyear distant star form cosmic scene compos almost 40 hour imag data 2 degre wide telescop field view includ youth ttauri class star embed remnant natal cloud right million year old still go stellar star variabl bright late phase gravit collapse core temperatur rise sustain nuclear fusion grow stable low mass main sequenc stars stage stellar evolut achiev middleag sun 45 billion year ago anoth youth variabl star v1023 tauri spot left within yellowish dust cloud lie next strike blue reflect nebula cederblad 30 also known lbn bright bluish reflect nebula dusti dark nebula barnard 7,young star dusti nebula tauru,2017-03-30,659,107,0.0589635854341736,03-30,3,2017,30,4,2,5 7b7225b825a5d860a433884b72f9a051254b4710da23199f4dbad135187f75e9,none,get redcyan glass gaze across surfac churyumovgerasimenko aka comet 67p stereo anaglyph creat combin two imag rosetta spacecraft narrow angl osiri camera taken septemb 22 2014 stark jagged 3d landscap found along region comet doublelob nucleus span x meters pock circular ridges flatten area strewn boulder debris larg circular pit foreground 180 meter diameter rosetta mission comet end septemb 2016 spacecraft command control impact comet surface,3d 67p,2017-03-31,448,66,-0.2,03-31,3,2017,31,3,0,2 e9cf0425ded191273e6dfd449f348f64848836226148eef3ca647ce11b64670f,alexandro,what happen sky sever common featur daytim sky interact uncommon ways first well behind silhouet hills typic bright sun front sun thin clouds possibl home layer hexagon ice crystal togeth creat 22 degre halo light surround sun unusu bent line cross imag contrail type cloud creat pass airplane much contrail must actual away thin cloud cast shadow onto cloud give unusu threedimension qualiti featur image featur imag taken late januari citi west greece,plane contrail sun halo,2017-04-04,454,73,0.0458333333333333,04-04,4,2017,4,1,0,1 8b539c6faa8430bf5a7ea306305e3f64f6d228e97d660ae86b2c6a44938c0a1c,none,keep filament attach galaxy filament persist ngc 1275 even though turmoil galact collis destroy them first activ galaxi ngc 1275 central domin member larg rel nearbi perseu cluster galaxies wildlook visibl wavelengths activ galaxi also prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter entir galaxi fall it ultim feed supermass black hole galaxy core composit image recreat archiv hubbl space telescop data highlight result galact debri filament glow gas 20000 lightyear long observ indic structures push galaxy center black hole activity held togeth magnet fields also known perseu a ngc 1275 span 100000 light year lie 230 million light year away,filament activ galaxi ngc 1275,2017-04-05,655,102,0.0407407407407407,04-05,4,2017,5,7,2,3 ca8afed8a49cda6adc0200b1063dc7648fc2698e05c271de2ce7e697cf65b081,leonardo julio astronomia pampeana,silhouett intrigu dark nebula inhabit cosmic scene lynds dark nebula ldn 1622 appear center faint background glow hydrogen ga easili seen long telescop exposur region ldn 1622 lie near plane milki way galaxy close sky barnard loop larg cloud surround rich complex emiss nebula found belt sword orion arc along segment barnard loop stretch across top frame obscur dust ldn 1622 thought much closer orion famou nebulae perhap 500 lightyear away distance 1 degre wide field view would span less 10 lightyears,dark nebula ldn barnard loop,2017-04-06,506,82,-0.0284722222222222,04-06,4,2017,6,4,0,5 327940ac97dc1c085c7c15e89f7adb112f4a9ce5d0b7362336475c4b0856f0dd,twan,best known aster northern skies big dipper easi recognize even view upsid down though might see plough wagon star name familiar outlin appear frame ruin tower wall french du slide cursor imag follow link dubhe alpha star dipper parent constel ursa major lower left togeth beta star merak two form line point way polari north celesti pole hidden view stones sinc imag captur march 30 follow line dipper star spot faint greenish glow comet 41ptuttlegiacobinikresak center still within castl eye view period comet made remark close approach planet earth april 1,castl eye view,2017-04-07,558,91,0.0515277777777777,04-07,4,2017,7,6,0,1 b2d03e4c9a6e72da88fcdedbe9f9673e7312b14fc2fe89823eb014e8606d990f,none,would cluster galaxi punch hole cosmic microwav background first famou cmb creat cool ga earli univers fli right ga dust universe around us larg cluster galaxi enough graviti contain hot ga ga hot enough microwav photon light significantli higher energy therebi creat hole cmb maps effect use decad reveal new inform hot ga cluster even help discov galaxi cluster simpl yet uniform way pictur detail imag yet obtain sz effect use alma measur cmb hubbl space telescop measur galaxi massiv galaxi cluster rx falsecolor blue depict light almost everi yellow object galaxy shape sz hole indic hot ga present galaxi cluster also distribut surprisingli manner,galaxi cluster ga creat hole microwav background,2017-04-10,654,105,0.1920048701298701,04-10,4,2017,10,7,2,4 7a7b8dec75d4118fae1dfd423310545c90f844aa50fa30e3cedd06dc79350788,jen hackmann,suppos shot tree front set sun sometimes though unexpect photogenic plan shots man walk dog unexpect cross ridge result strike that becam main shot reason sun appear larg imag taken kilomet away telephoto lens scatter blue light earth atmospher make bottom sun appear slightli red top also look close sun head larg group sunspot visible imag taken last week bad mergentheim germany,sun,2017-04-11,381,62,0.0458333333333333,04-11,4,2017,11,1,0,1 9194abe64ebc3d3b52edad89f14b59334ecb15ac065d7c90848907abba24efbb,ignaciodiaz bobillo,group popular northern spring famou leo triplet three magnific galaxi gather one field view crowd pleaser imag even modest telescopes introduc individu ngc 3628 left m66 bottom right m65 top three larg spiral galaxi tend look dissimilar galact disk tilt differ angl line sight ngc 3628 seen edgeon obscur dust lane cut across plane galaxy disk m66 m65 inclin enough show spiral structure gravit interact galaxi group also left telltal signs includ warp inflat disk ngc 3628 drawn spiral arm m66 gorgeou view region span one degre two full moons sky field cover 500 thousand lightyear trio estim distanc 30 million lightyears,leo trio,2017-04-12,624,102,0.2294642857142857,04-12,4,2017,12,7,2,3 fab1d80dea2a9db7e3304c95070bca461a84b7ab6d44c892392785bd765ea6a8,göran strand,april 10 full moon jupit share telephoto field view near opposition opposit sun earth night sky captur pass cloud bank dimm bright moonlight singl exposur reveal familiar face fair planet larg natur satellite along line rule ga giant four galilean moons label top bottom tini pinprick light bright jupit callisto europa ganymede io closer brighter natur satellit appear loom large callisto ganymede io physic larger earth moon water world europa slightli smaller fact solar system six largest planetari satellites saturn moon titan miss scene,moon jupit,2017-04-13,542,84,0.3366071428571428,04-13,4,2017,13,2,1,2 74ec4b7ad428f66c4247ffc78f83990e811838dc82c9089f7d89483f94fc1c4f,majid ghohroodi,crystal clear sky beauti panorama follow curv planet earth shadow rise across top world tantal twilight view compos eight singl frame captur 4000 meter sea level sunset april 6 dark grey boundari lie fading pinkish antitwilight arch also known belt venus redden backscatt sunlight final merg still blue eastern sky stand tall near center along rug horizon line distant sharp peak mount damavand snowi alborz mountains featur persian mytholog damavand stratovolcano reach meter sea level highest peak iran middl east,earth shadow,2017-04-14,515,80,0.0175,04-14,4,2017,14,8,0,1 45925247018f43579f1b537ddd6509141fd565f5709c54e847a6ce9b99d2c1d1,stephani ziyi ye,scene high contrast thought night skyscap modern composit inspir m c escher lithograph sea it bright familiar star orion hunter aldebaran eye tauru bull hang clear dark sky distant horizon below faintli lumin edg trace otherworldli constel pattern mud along uyuni salt flat southwest bolivia remain ancient lake uyuni salt flat salar de planet earth largest salt flat locat altiplano altitud 3600 meters escher 1933 lithograph also featur familiar star planet earth night frame plough big dipper wave break northern shore,lumin de,2017-04-15,521,81,0.1320833333333333,04-15,4,2017,15,6,1,1 08a48583379311f9bef8c61dd4066c3936010bac9d1064b1a282919998408533,none,enceladu underground ocean could support life discoveri jet spew water vapor ice detect saturnorbit cassini spacecraft 2005 origin water feed jets however origin unknown sinc discovery evid accumul enceladu deep underground sea warm tidal pictur here textur surfac enceladu visibl foreground row plume rise ice fractur distance jet made visibl sun angl encroach shadow night recent found evid plume sure underli sea rich molecular hydrogen viabl food sourc microb could potenti live there,plume enceladu,2017-04-16,490,73,0.2159090909090908,04-16,4,2017,16,8,1,4 418ccbae171a1ebf8d863dc4bd2bff217d99a46761b9c06a37010a0796338078,taha ghouchkanlu,glow night night sever unusu glow evid near far foreground surf blue light next out earth atmospher dim horizon provid opaqu clouds farther out planet venu glow bright near imag center slightli eyes diagon beam light stand cross behind venus band zodiac light sunlight scatter dust solar system much farther away numer singl bright stars closer 100 light year away farthest away also rise diagon make zodiac light central band milki way galaxy billion milki way star dark cloud thousand light year away featur imag taken last novemb coast gulf,night glow,2017-04-18,544,90,0.1785714285714286,04-18,4,2017,18,6,1,1 fff998f564222d6e4260a18108e7a7b044d40c2e3cbb76d63d188f64e6f4391d,jes mvarga maritxu poyal,oh tangl web planetari nebula weave red spider planetari nebula show complex structur result normal star eject outer gase becom white dwarf star offici tag ngc 6537 twolob symmetr planetari nebula hous one hottest white dwarf ever observed probabl part binari star system intern wind eman central stars visibl center measur excess 1000 kilomet per second wind expand nebula flow along nebula walls caus wave hot ga dust collide atom caught collid shock radiat light shown representativecolor pictur hubbl space telescope red spider nebula lie toward constel archer sagittarius distanc well known estim 4000 lightyears follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,red spider planetari nebula,2017-04-19,670,103,0.0363636363636363,04-19,4,2017,19,4,2,5 fe188bfe5b1ce7c355c427f11d225c72f88bc8dd37190bd6a177f9e58528ff6a,none,day closest approach asteroid 2014 jo25 imag radar 70meter antenna nasa deep space commun complex california grid 30 radar images top left lower right reveal twolob shape asteroid rotat everi five hours largest lobe meter across list potenti hazard asteroids space rock made close approach fair planet april 19 fli safe past distanc 18 million kilometers that four time distanc earth moon asteroid faint fast move speck visibl backyard telescopes asteroid 2014 jo25 discov may 2014 a d catalina sky survey project nasa nearearth object observ program collabor univers arizona,asteroid 2014,2017-04-20,575,90,0.1135714285714285,04-20,4,2017,20,8,2,2 efc12f1d781b615cea1786ccade064d1a1e5e544d406b5ba133df468131da31f,none,seen edgeon spiral galaxi ngc left lie 55 million lightyear away wellgroom constel coma berenices member larg virgo galaxi cluster span lightyears littl smaller milki way like milki way ngc promin dust lane cut along center galact plane obscur redden starlight perspective smaller companion galaxi ngc 4298 also dusti spiral tilt nearli faceon view ngc 4298 show dust lane along spiral arm trace bluish light young stars well bright yellowish core celebr 27th anniversari launch hubbl space telescop april 24 1990 astronom use legendari telescop take gorgeou visibl light portrait contrast galaxi pair tonight watch lyrid meteor shower,ngc ngc,2017-04-21,635,98,0.1555555555555555,04-21,4,2017,21,7,2,3 3b17a955925063f551c4c298c13004d872a868a9109083315f23e1b25b99b15c,none,april 12 sun block disk saturn cassini spacecraft camera look toward inner solar system ga giant backlit rings top mosaick view ring broader enck narrow keeler gap visible bottom f ring bright due view geometry point light ring earth 14 billion kilomet distance look care even spot earth larg moon pinprick light planet left today cassini make final close approach saturn larg moon titan use titan graviti swing spacecraft grand finale final set orbit bring cassini insid saturn rings celebr earth planet,ring,2017-04-22,504,82,0.18125,04-22,4,2017,22,0,1,2 d9bfd0b5cc7868eda156b7ebc37c4e470c9bea5f448bfbe27afd9b4a65f5f33c,none,trillion die earth seas shield dead alreadi make white cliff battl lightcolor singlecel plant phytoplankton call coccolithophor even smaller diamondshap virus dub rage ten million years help fight coccolithophor creat absorb carbon dioxid atmosphere battl epic coccolithophor actual remov signific fraction earth atmospher carbon dioxide bolster air anim includ humans pictur 2012 imag nasa aqua satellite black sea turn light blue explor universe random apod gener,white battl black sea,2017-04-24,468,66,-0.0366666666666666,04-24,4,2017,24,8,0,4 fe5d7eb77ddf910feaaab498f45ebe7674099284775b579fcd02ec411ba3088d,fritz helmut hemmerich,what happen comet pictur image process composite comet captur earli month brighten unexpectedli sport long intric ion tail remarkably typic complex effect sun wind magnet field caus middl comet lovejoy ion tail resembl head comet c2017 lovejoy discov last month note comet discover terri lovejoy comet reach visual magnitud 7 earlier month make good target binocular long durat exposur cameras what happen comet lovejoy sinc imag taken might consid even remark comet nucleu appear disintegr fade near closest approach sun two day ago,split ion tail comet lovejoy,2017-04-25,534,83,0.1277777777777777,04-25,4,2017,25,3,1,1 b858aa9fd56b739901529f1493ad52e21840369815eb850189d890ef5748480f,dario giannobil,mt etna erupt hundr thousand years locat sicily italy volcano produc lava fountain one kilomet high mt etna one activ volcano earth one largest measur 50 kilomet base rise nearli 3 kilomet high pictur midmarch spectacular lava plume erupt upwards danger molten volcan bomb fli sides hot lava flow volcano exterior earth rotat discern care time long durat imag star trails follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,mt etna lava plume,2017-04-26,424,69,0.0533333333333333,04-26,4,2017,26,8,0,2 6a76c4838116acb9889c812e94c3c9458e14dad3257a8982ce59a2e713fa4f25,yuri beletski,rth annual lyrid meteor shower peak dawn april 22nd fair planet plow dust tail longperiod comet thatcher seen high dark dri atacama desert wane crescent moon brilliant venu join lyrid meteor streak composit view captur 5 hour night april meteor stream away shower radiant point far sky vega alpha star constel lyra radiant effect due perspect parallel meteor track appear converg distance foreground dome la campana observatori hous left right 25 meter du pont telescop 13 meter optic gravit lens experi telescope,lyrid southern sky,2017-04-27,513,82,0.2078571428571428,04-27,4,2017,27,6,1,1 111e29a25c0e0d1a99a47e69a601a83e11b91eaa524189b2e94ac9c3e40bab7c,subaru naoj,60 million lightyear away southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi colliding star two galaxies catalog ngc 4038 ngc 4039 rare collid cours ponder cataclysm last hundr million years galaxies larg cloud molecular ga dust often do trigger furiou episod star format near center cosmic wreckage span 500 thousand lightyears stun view also reveal new star cluster matter flung far scene accid gravit tidal forces remark mosaick imag construct use data groundbas subaru telescop bring largescal faint tidal streams hubbl space telescop data extrem detail bright cores suggest visual appear extend arc structur give galaxi pair popular name antennae,explor antenna,2017-04-28,642,98,0.1336363636363636,04-28,4,2017,28,7,2,3 c99dfd66e1e2c342c9702caa2158bcfb613667d8145fbe1c44557097db57f1d9,none,bright sourc near center neutron star incred dense collaps remain massiv stellar core surround supernova remnant cassiopeia ca a comfort 11000 lightyear away light ca supernova death explos massiv star first reach earth 350 year ago expand debri cloud span 15 lightyear composit xrayopt image still hot enough emit xrays ca a neutron star cooling fact year observ orbit chandra xray observatori find neutron star cool rapidli rapidli research suspect larg part neutron star core form frictionless neutron superfluid chandra result repres first observ evid bizarr state neutron matter,cool neutron star,2017-05-01,584,89,0.245,05-01,5,2017,1,6,1,4 9754755fb254da3abcc7d8f666e0d26b89e0e8d6ae3cbdc4ca717c55167a8522,none,cygnu suppli ship welcom sight astronaut intern space station week ago launch three day unit launch allianc atla v cape canaveral florida orbit cygnu spacecraft approach intern space station backdrop picturesqu planet earth sun set imag upper left illumin cloud well approach vehicle robot cygnu spacecraft captur first camera later space station canadarm2 esa flight engin thoma nasa command command biochemist set new american record total day space besid cygnu carri equip bolster 200 scienc experi conduct size earthorbit outpost,approach sunset,2017-05-02,533,80,0.0551948051948051,05-02,5,2017,2,8,0,2 0f68a6371a3af334f9ef8d05a043b5b46a77379603c7decc5a10e2e1fada54e7,eric cole,no big pictur sharp telescop view magnific edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 3628 puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course deep galact portrait put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons extend flare warp spiral disk,ngc 3628 hamburg galaxi,2017-05-03,466,71,0.0541666666666666,05-03,5,2017,3,7,0,3 b17768ba9e0669ade378466079cda589043f9f929d737cde833dd2cfb2c3c699,none,cosmic swirl giant wave enorm reservoir glow hot ga trace enhanc xray imag chandra observatory frame span 1 million lightyear across center nearbi perseu galaxi cluster 240 million lightyear distant like cluster galaxies observ mass perseu cluster form gas temperatur ten million degrees ga glow brightli xrays comput simul detail structur perseu cluster xray hot gas includ remark bay seen left center 200000 lightyear across twice size milki way bay format indic perseu like graze smaller galaxi cluster billion year ago,perseu cluster wave,2017-05-04,522,81,0.0222222222222222,05-04,5,2017,4,7,0,3 edae4206acbdd97ae238760d35714148da014153cf3dd9854b43dafaac4f67c1,giorgia hofer,aldebaran eye tauru bull young crescent moon share earli even sky last friday love celesti pair could enjoy around planet earth locat moon even seen pass front aldebaran dramat lunar occult familiar bright star taken nightfal april 28 skyscap captur aldebaran shortli emerg behind bright lunar limb foreground craggi peak dolomit mountain near di cadore italy reappear beyond sunlit crescent aldebaran first wink behind moon ashen glow lunar nightsid faintli illumin earthshine,eye young moon,2017-05-05,477,72,0.1520833333333333,05-05,5,2017,5,2,1,1 de0797e4323244f93868f6779ed49abe224be0a276671a7d8d0d9a22181d1f15,none,beach ancient mars featur 360degre panorama horizont compressed taken robot curios rover current explor red planet name beach terrestri counterpart evid show time long ago area time edg ancient lake light peak central background top mount sharp central featur gale crater curios deployed curios slowli ascend mount sharp portion dark sand foreground scoop analysis light color bedrock compos sediment like settl bottom lakebed featur panorama version here creat 100 imag acquir late march seemingli sign rover lower left currently curios care cross deep dark sand way explor vera rubin ridge explor universe random apod gener,ancient beach mar,2017-05-08,626,95,-0.0055555555555555,05-08,5,2017,8,5,2,4 b6523b8a6595c24fdb49a66a6e44424e4c09ea8e65ee923e47a51678f1141c88,yuri beletskycarnegiela campana observatorytwan,see it common question frequent preced rediscoveri one commonli recogn configur star northern sky big dipper group star one thing like seen seen everi generation big dipper constellation although part constel great bear ursa major big dipper aster known differ name differ societies five big dipper star actual near space like form nearli time connect two star far part big dipper lead one polaris north star part littl dipper rel stellar motion caus big dipper slowli chang configur next 100000 years pictur late april big dipper actual imag twice distant chilean volcanoes later reflect unusu calm follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,big dipper chilean volcano,2017-05-09,653,104,0.0482142857142857,05-09,5,2017,9,6,2,4 59929479e609462a4616350e11556d44326abaeb45cb4ce2691d9cd63ab90248,adam block,1716 english astronom edmond halley noted thi littl patch shew nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 less modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky telescop view reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away along cluster dens core outer reach m13 highlight sharp color image cluster evolv red blue giant star show yellowish blue tints,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2017-05-12,589,90,0.1231481481481481,05-12,5,2017,12,6,2,5 338e3967583767d3bc6b136e97757c2ce3881aea512eedc436ecfcc2bf03f9f0,none,bizarr alien planet this planet earth course seen intern space station shimmer glow aurorae 400 kilomet 250 miles earth orbit station within upper realm auror displays aurora signatur color excit molecul atom low densiti found extrem altitudes emiss atom oxygen domin view eeri glow green lower altitudes rarer reddish band extend space station horizon also visibl planet surface auror display began geomagnet storm storm trigger coron mass eject impact earth magnetospher june 2015,planet aurora,2017-05-13,482,73,-0.1125,05-13,5,2017,13,8,0,2 d2e9c0d92870afcde849c373eca22e351a0db8774edadf2d7044ad10bee0ed5a,none,largest moon solar system look like jupiter moon ganymede larger even mercuri pluto ici surfac speckl bright young crater overli mixtur older darker crater terrain lace groov ridges larg circular featur upper right call galileo regio ancient region unknown origin ganymed thought ocean layer contain water earth might contain life like earth moon ganymed keep face toward central planet case jupiter featur imag taken 20 year ago nasa galileo probe end mission dive jupiter atmospher 2003 currently nasa juno spacecraft orbit jupit studi giant planet intern structure among mani attributes,ganymede largest moon,2017-05-14,589,90,0.1152380952380952,05-14,5,2017,14,8,2,2 dcec84f3c653911d848a59b5f2729d930550b1dda5ad8e9aadd079845bfc5f0f,rogelio bernalandreo deep sky colors,twin term astronom objects famou constel domin two bright stars pollux left castor right pictured two star stand bright close togeth angl brightness differ color pollux 33 light year distant evolv red giant star twice massiv sun castor 51 light year distant blue main sequenc star 27 time massiv sun castor known least two stellar pollux known circl least one massiv planet term ancient roman mythology castor pollux repres twin currently earth orbit caus sun appear shift front constel gemini result that much humanity castor pollux remain visibl toward west sunset weeks,gemini star,2017-05-16,572,92,0.1354341736694678,05-16,5,2017,16,6,2,3 6d461e1b11f220d7058b5d39b0f8cb6737bf77088375cacc0996efba00d74712,none,scan sky galaxies canadian astronom paul hickson colleagu identifi 100 compact group galaxies appropri call hickson compact group hcgs sharp hubbl imag show one galaxi group hcg 90 startl detail three galaxi two visibl reveal strongli interacting dusti spiral galaxi stretch distort imag center two larg ellipt galaxies close encount trigger furiou star formation cosmic timescale gravit tug war eventu result merger trio larg singl galaxy merger process understood normal part evolut galaxies includ milki way hcg 90 lie 100 million lightyear away toward constel southern fish hubbl view span 40000 lightyear estim distance course hickson compact group also make reward view earthbound astronom modest size telescopes,galaxi group hickson 90,2017-05-17,720,107,0.0049999999999999,05-17,5,2017,17,7,2,3 34f275943f24b156498b86537d810b9fdab1757b6792e94176580644bc1c2763,iac,easi get lost follow intric filament detail imag faint supernova remnant simei 147 also catalog sharpless 2240 goe popular nickname spaghetti nebula seen toward boundari constel tauru auriga cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moon sky that 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears composit includ imag data taken narrowband filters enhanc reddish emiss ioniz hydrogen atom trace shocked glow gas supernova remnant estim age 40000 years mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 40000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,simei 147 supernova remnant,2017-05-18,626,96,0.0170454545454545,05-18,5,2017,18,6,2,5 f95eaeb724b2fccb0b06ff685468414de8bb3d7b0bea66aa6003c030cce42a8d,none,name three astronom instrument discoveri wolf lundmark melott lone dwarf galaxy seen toward mostli southern constel cetus 3 million lightyear milki way one remot member local galaxi group fact may never interact local group galaxy still telltal pinkish star form region hot young bluish star speckl isol island universe older cool yellowish star fade small galaxy halo extend 8000 lightyear across sharp portrait captur omegacam widefield imag survey telescop eso paran observatory,,2017-05-19,483,72,0.0546296296296296,05-19,5,2017,19,7,0,3 0963ce8ae5f143c1947cde895119207378af669a5060699616aad2099db6c398,laszlo bagi,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown m101 share modern telescop field view spiki foreground star within milki way distant background galaxies color milki way star also found starlight larg island universe core domin light cool yellowish stars along grand spiral arm blue color hotter young star mix obscur dust lane pinkish star form regions also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away,view toward m101,2017-05-20,678,105,0.1010416666666666,05-20,5,2017,20,7,2,3 75c4ad87bacd80383af74110d0eaf6029dbbdda53ddc693ed4a8625476c97da7,none,center lagoon nebula whirlwind spectacular star formation visibl lower left least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star hershel 36 light area vast wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 5 light years taken 1995 orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel sagittarius follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,center lagoon nebula,2017-05-21,588,92,0.1578431372549019,05-21,5,2017,21,4,2,5 8e4744e68291cf867c542f93a884a9b034b28fdf0d1ad91824ad54eb57449034,david lane,what caus unusu ray white light extend upward central horizon dust orbit sun certain time year band sunreflect dust inner solar system rise promin sunris call zodiac light dust origin mostli faint jupiterfamili comet slowli spiral sun pictured front zodiac light spectacular view horsesho bend colorado river emit well behind zodiac light spectacular sky includ mani bright star includ sirius sever blue star cluster includ pleiades assort red nebula includ barnard loop orion 30imag composit taken earlier month nearli complet dark six inch edg danger cliff,zodiac sky horsesho,2017-05-22,558,86,0.1567226890756302,05-22,5,2017,22,6,1,5 464171bb3e01218a7bcb83686eeb0a866e228054a3323a34837ed184a69a3bb7,paolo,cosmic snapshot may 19 color telescop field view span 1 degre 2 full moon sky spiki appearance foreground milki way star scatter toward royal constel cepheu star open cluster ngc gather 5 thousand lightyear distanc near top frame faceon spiral galaxi ngc 6946 toward lower left nearli 22 million lightyear away help red line identifi recent discov supernova sn death explos massiv star nestl galaxy bluish spiral arms fact last 100 years 10 supernova discov ngc 6946 comparison averag rate supernova milki way 1 everi 100 year so course ngc 6946 also known firework galaxy,star cluster spiral galaxy supernova,2017-05-25,572,95,0.11875,05-25,5,2017,25,7,2,3 6e49cd61f631979a260013902a2067c0460d36fdcc325714099e4d2f4796be50,daniel verschats,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 6744 nearli 175000 lightyear across larger milki way lie 30 million lightyear distant southern constel pavo appear faint extend object small telescopes see disk nearbi island univers tilt toward line sight remark distinct detail galaxi portrait cover area angular size full moon it giant galaxy yellowish core domin light old cool stars beyond core spiral arm fill young blue star cluster pinkish star form region sweep past smaller satellit galaxi lower left reminisc milki way satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud,spiral galaxi ngc 6744,2017-05-26,543,85,0.0294117647058823,05-26,5,2017,26,7,0,3 e2f8744167908e5fc73c2e93d5b1a9a3a0dfb3bc25072e91583f7556e44d4089,raulvillaverd frail,sweep stun field view comet realli foreground cosmic clouds 2 panel telescop mosaic color enhanc 5 degre 10 full moons across captur faint comet posit night may 5 lightminut earth near lineofsight bright star antar rho ophiuchi cloud complex frame antares also known alpha scorpii bottom center surround dusti cosmic cloud reflect cool giant star yellowish light globular star cluster m4 shine right antares m4 lie 7000 lightyear away compar antares 500 lightyear distance slightli closer antares rho ophiuchi bluish starlight reflect dust molecular cloud toward top spot small coma short tail comet faint smudg near center left edg frame look comet strike greenish color produc diatom carbon molecul fluoresc sunlight,comet near edg,2017-05-27,718,111,0.0519841269841269,05-27,5,2017,27,3,2,5 905ce887c20030add6ef2a7d381a75338ce645c16888ff695aeb3885718dd9f5,none,what happen hebe chasma mars hebe chasma depress north enorm vall marineri canyon sinc depress surfac features unclear intern materi went insid hebe chasma hebe 5 kilomet high mesa appear undergon unusu partial collaps collaps might provid clues featur image taken esa robot mar express spacecraft current orbit mars show great detail chasm unusu horsesho shape indent central mesa materi mesa appear flow onto floor possibl dark layer appear pool like landing recent hypothesi hold salti rock compos lower layer hebe chasma salt dissolv melt ice flow hole underground,chasma mar,2017-05-28,569,89,0.064074074074074,05-28,5,2017,28,5,0,4 db5b99997617d9d42810187a5e011ea8c32a5ab07a843b5f669668573332958a,none,jupit stranger knew nasa juno spacecraft complet sixth swoop past jupit move around highli ellipt orbit pictured jupit seen where surprisingly horizont band cover planet disappear swirl complex patterns line white oval cloud visibl nearer equator recent result juno show jupiter weather phenomena extend deep cloud tops jupiter magnet field vari greatli location juno schedul orbit jupit 37 time orbit take six weeks,beneath jupit,2017-05-29,416,63,0.0249999999999999,05-29,5,2017,29,8,0,1 1f492c39a088060762664b7af4e37ca629d6733ed8d7778f077300dccce1135f,petr horálek,wake desert botswana africa go outsid tent set camera take long exposur land sky might see besid lot blow dust occasion acacia tree might catch mani sky wonders pictur 2015 september sky highlight includ central band milki way galaxy pleiad star cluster barnard loop larg small magellan clouds name although fade morn light quickli replac partial eclips sun free presentation apod editor speak pragu june 30,sky,2017-05-30,407,66,0.0666666666666666,05-30,5,2017,30,6,0,1 67672a3f6f675cb08f5bbac993c9dbe2a6043856f6884810356b0f46955962a5,göran strand,road track stun 360 degre view cross remot mountain area jämtland sweden planet earth mosaic still images panorama taken may 3rd small drone 200 meter ground scene record warm light sun set northwest planet dark shadow rise southeast small sun pillar give away sun posit horizon pinkish antitwilight arch belt venu outlin earth shadow middl remark clear sky first quarter moon visibl mountains half illumin disk separ shadowris sunset rang exposur use cover larg differ sky brightness tallest peak left sunset 1400 meter sea level,shadowris sunset,2017-06-01,530,85,0.0484848484848484,06-01,6,2017,1,1,0,1 f14f5c2dcd7fd5f164cf3ab3ea3a563abd167de657501681cbfeeaf29ad6910a,none,add gw170104 chart black hole known mass extrem energet merger two smaller black hole correspond laser interferomet gravitationalwav observatory ligo third detect gravit waves newfound black hole mass 49 time sun fill gap mass two merg black hole detect previous solar mass 62 21 three cases signal twin ligo detector unambigu identifi come black hole merger fourth case result lower detection gw170104 estim 3 billion lightyear away distant present estim rippl spacetim discov current observ began novemb 30 2016 continu summer,black hole known mass,2017-06-02,528,81,-0.0916666666666666,06-02,6,2017,2,8,0,4 2655e03fb1351383c927da88b2f50835743e2d8f8bbfe2f0c3de01fe1df0a5e3,none,may 19 juno spacecraft swung jupit loop 53 day orbit around solar system rule ga begin top vertic 14 frame sequenc enhancedcolor junocam imag follow spacecraft rapidli chang perspect two hour passage look jupiter north polar region south polar region bottom fieldofview shrinking seventh eighth imag sequenc closeup taken 4 minut apart jupiter equat captur spacecraft reach perijov 6 closest approach jupit orbit final imag sequenc pick white oval storm systems jupiter string south polar region outward bound spacecraft,perijov passag,2017-06-03,520,79,0.0416666666666666,06-03,6,2017,3,8,0,2 9f4c24a721e102e439e2da90fb14d77c7abb078e844d3398fd0bb2618bebb373,rogelio bernalandreo deep sky colors,surround famou belt star orion deep exposur show everyth dark nebula star clusters embed extend patch gaseou wisp greater orion molecular cloud complex brightest three stars appear diagon left featur imag inde famou three star make belt orion alnitak lowest three belt stars flame nebula glow excit hydrogen ga immers filament dark brown dust right alnitak lie horsehead nebula dark indent dens dust perhap recogn nebular shape sky dark molecular cloud roughli 1500 light year distant catalog barnard 33 seen primarili backlit nearbi massiv star sigma orionis horsehead nebula slowli shift appar shape next million year eventu destroy highenergi starlight,orion horsehead,2017-06-04,655,100,-0.0010989010989011,06-04,6,2017,4,4,2,5 da625f93e9bdcb4e50e4a942ce650a1c43e831b6f185642e1784e8c67d9bfda2,universe2gocom,what sky summer featur graphic give highlight earth northern hemisphere view clock face center bottom earli summer sky event fan toward left late summer event project toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope highlight summer sky includ jupit visibl sunset june saturn visibl sunset august close group moon venu bright star aldebaran occur midjuly earli august perseid meteor shower peaks sure famou pend astronom event occur summer though total eclips sun visibl thin cloudfre swath across usa 21 august follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,highlight summer sky,2017-06-05,670,101,0.0577922077922078,06-05,6,2017,5,8,2,1 bfc13a05d416182265071c1da1b581a632980fa8bb0cf27c7d6c3e68eab8e2aa,none,what happen giant star year ago hubbl imag it there faint glow what bright supernova occur although star brighten significantli months lead theori that 25 time mass sun great graviti held much star togeth final tumultu death star sank black hole making so remain outsid black hole like form accret disk emit compar faint infrar light swirl around fall in mode star death confirm stars give direct evid massiv star end life rather bang open science brows 1400 code astrophys sourc code librari,case miss star,2017-06-06,494,83,0.0722222222222222,06-06,6,2017,6,6,0,3 0424cb9a1953bf52aa5b608a057a3832325992b2a4c4311d129b278837516d01,rogelio bernalandreo,certain date february elus firefal spot sunset yosemit nation park weather cooper direct set sun right often photograph vantag point below right moment park season horsetail fall isol shadow steep wall el capitan then still illumin ray sunlight reflect angl directli behind flow waterfal briefli take dramatic fieri appearance horsetail firefal rare photograph moonset starri night sky though even elus moonlight firefal effect also seen sky clear bright moon set right direct along western horizon sky clear star shine wellplan photograph horsetail firefal lit gibbou moon set earli morn hour may 9,firefal moonlight,2017-06-08,599,92,0.126007326007326,06-08,6,2017,8,2,2,1 facedd0589ae1cf201590563d58776e8f249dd3d42a700c50a5b801f6cacc195,subaru naoj,hunt comet sky 18th centuri france astronom charl messier dilig kept list thing encount definit comets number 27 famou notacomet list fact 21st centuri astronom would identifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 25 lightyear across 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula spectacular color imag incorpor broad narrowband observ record 82 meter subaru telescope,m27 comet,2017-06-09,677,102,0.1732142857142857,06-09,6,2017,9,4,2,5 c819222b4a9f25a1b7bcd5119238792a8c6d340722a15d858a2147cdaaf26a93,mohammad nouroozi,saturn near opposit planet earth sky rise sunset shine brightli throughout night also lie near lineofsight crowd starfields nebulae obscur dust cloud along milki way whitish saturn left center gorgeou central milki way skyscape two panel mosaic record earlier month find bright planet bowl dusti pipe nebula beyond end dark river antares alpha star constel scorpius best view ring giant planet saturnorbit cassini spacecraft though dive close cassini grand final orbit number 8 progress,saturn milki way,2017-06-10,486,74,0.1791666666666666,06-10,6,2017,10,0,1,1 16b67fa5b4601b8a9e6dd6ca93e25a8c838111f599753165707a2a504a2824d7,none,creat unusu hole mars actually numer hole pictur swiss landscape show dusty dark martian terrain beneath evaporating light carbondioxid ice unusu hole upper right span seem punch lower level hole exist surround circular crater remain topic speculation although lead hypothesi creat meteor impact hole particular interest might lower level extend expans underground caves so naturallyoccur tunnel rel protect harsh surfac mars make rel good candid contain martian life pit therefor prime target possibl futur spacecraft robots even human interplanetari explorers,unusu hole mar,2017-06-12,561,80,0.1274891774891774,06-12,6,2017,12,5,1,2 18f27217ea62df9bc18c4c432b57ea4e5cdbdb46d4a7c1d6cc71ec229030cd2f,amit kambl,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebulas keyhol nebula ngc 3324 bright structur right imag center hous sever massiv star chang appearance entir carina nebula captur here span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically eta carina mayb verg supernova explosion xray imag indic much great nebula carina verit supernova factory free presentation apod editor speak pragu june 30,great nebula carina,2017-06-13,547,87,0.4693877551020407,06-13,6,2017,13,4,1,5 a11744e0b3a5ef65bf6f311ac540d43d2eb4e8e3354150a3fece71f65d7458ab,mark hanson,see them famou messier object seemingli simpl ellipt galaxy surround faint shell plumes caus shell current unknown possibl tidal tail relat debri left absorb numer small galaxi past billion years altern shell may like rippl pond recent collis anoth larg galaxi creat densiti wave rippl galact giant regardless actual cause featur imag highlight increas consensu least ellipt galaxi form recent past outer halo larg galaxi realli smooth complex induc frequent interact accret smaller nearbi galaxies halo milki way galaxi one exampl unexpect complexity member nearbi virgo cluster galaxi lie 50 million light year distant follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,ellipt galaxi outer shell plume,2017-06-14,675,102,-0.0638888888888888,06-14,6,2017,14,7,2,4 3d6f06ed3c7f8fd88adb6959eb26675ec1e7ed8ea9828cf553b6d17c4ea66627,nuit sacre,mysteri incred brief red sprite seen occur high larg thunderstorm planet earth record low earth orbit high fli airplanes dancing event captur video frame mountain top perch northern france taken night may 28 remark clear unobstruct view look toward storm system rage english channel 600 kilomet away last red sprite associ thunderstorm known still much remain mysteri fleet apparit includ natur relat upper atmospher lightn phenomena blue jet satellit detect terrestri gamma flashes,red sprite channel,2017-06-15,482,73,0.0861538461538461,06-15,6,2017,15,8,0,1 e1fc6a7cc50ffa89805a24b655ff35074f7b36d60f4bc8e7e7227f61c2706a86,stan honda,full moon rose sun set june 9 known strawberri moon close horizon take warm color reflect sunlight filter dens dusti atmosphere fulli illumin lunar disk pose skyscrap along southern manhattan skylin telephoto snapshot pictur taken eagl rock park west orange new jersey planet earth that 13 mile southern manhattan 240000 mile moon foreground face modern tower steel glass share moon warm color reflect last ray set sun shine triangular new york city one world trade center,manhattan moonris,2017-06-16,472,76,0.2293388429752065,06-16,6,2017,16,2,1,1 7b39d406f00a01446d8610aa0edb5de5c285abf919f997004c8ca625a87cfdf4,none,star cluster westerlund 1 home largest massiv star known star westerlund red supergi star big place center solar system would extend past orbit jupiter additionally young star cluster home 3 red 6 yellow stars 24 wolfrayet stars sever unusu star continu studied westerlund 1 rel star cluster distanc 15000 light years give astronom good laboratori studi develop massiv stars featur imag westerlund 1 taken hubbl space telescop toward southern constel altar although present classifi open cluster westerlund 1 may evolv low mass globular cluster next billion years follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,massiv star westerlund 1,2017-06-20,616,95,0.0607142857142857,06-20,6,2017,20,6,2,3 cfca24836a482d457a0884ddc805e482f7111465af310541801a15f0a122482d,jeanmarc mari,day it day time right sundial tell you solstice sun locat right sunlight stream open spell term longest shortest day year happen today and sundial construct jean salin 1980 situat ecol suprieur de mine de pari valbonn sophia antipoli southeastern france two day year watcher sundial might get see produc anoth word equinoxe,sundial show solstic,2017-06-21,325,53,0.1904761904761904,06-21,6,2017,21,1,1,1 80c3fc1a0c4c660dc7451d931e71f0ed32709946a63e879d8ce75a817f29880a,rogelio bernalandreo,top bottom color broad telescop mosaic link markarian chain galaxi across core virgo cluster dusti spiral galaxi messier galaxi scatter field view span 20 full moon across gorgeou night sky cosmic frame also fill foreground star constel virgo wellgroom coma berenices faint dusti nebula drift plane milki way look care markarian eyes famou pair interact galaxi near top far m87 virgo cluster giant ellipt galaxy bottom stare messier 64 also known black eye galaxy virgo cluster closest larg galaxi cluster local galaxi group virgo cluster galaxi 50 million lightyear distant m64 lie mere 17 million lightyear away,markarian chain messier,2017-06-24,613,97,0.0189102564102564,06-24,6,2017,24,7,2,3 8c33a60f48a39b3dbd923f21f824d50de62ff6835ab2c566ad07d1f5be1a8a65,gemini obs,creat gigant hole vast emiss nebula n44 neighbor galaxi larg magellan cloud large 250 lightyear hole astronom tri figur why one possibl particl wind expel massiv star bubble interior push glow gas answer found inconsist measur wind velocities however anoth possibl expand shell old supernova sculpt unusu space cavern unexpect clue hot xray emit ga recent detect escap n44 superbubble featur imag taken three specif color huge 8meter gemini south telescop cerro pachon chile follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,n44 superbubbl,2017-06-25,527,82,0.1607142857142857,06-25,6,2017,25,4,1,4 98b83487687c2a687d263fa78bf379b64cfed25f44592df1826213411e86ada6,none,could stand surfac newli discov earthsiz exoplanet trappist1f would see presently know sure featur illustr depict guess base observ data taken nasa sunorbit spitzer space telescope 2017 four earthsiz planet found spitzer includ trappist1f addit three discov 2015 ground planet surface near mild termin night day might see water ice rock ground waterbas cloud might hover above past clouds small central star trappist1 would appear red sun angularli larger due close orbit seven known earthsiz planet mani pass near trappist1 system candid life life although preliminari search found obviou,surfac,2017-06-26,592,89,0.0148809523809523,06-26,6,2017,26,8,0,2 d7d84cc05c8035efb94e3afc9fce062275f474b7cc42b7725f8866c63bc1ab9d,iac,distant galaxi nearbi nebula highlight deep imag m81 group galaxies first foremost mosaic grand design spiral galaxi m81 largest galaxi image visibl lower right m81 gravit interact m82 it larg galaxi unusu halo filamentari redglow gas around imag mani galaxi m81 group galaxi seen well mani foreground milki way stars whole galaxi menageri seen glow integr flux nebula vast complex screen diffus ga dust also milki way galaxy detail red yellow digit enhanced imag new widefield camera recent instal teid observatori canari island spain free present with czech apod editor speak pragu june 30,m81 galaxi group integr flux nebula,2017-06-27,591,94,0.0980055658627087,06-27,6,2017,27,7,2,3 3df4b0c92650b8929a043a090d1d84af9f92973457a7d7078063f0825bf696ba,martin pugh,beauti trifid nebula also known messier 20 lie 5000 lightyear away color studi cosmic contrasts share nearli 1 degre wide field open star cluster messier 21 top left trisect dust lane trifid 40 lightyear across mere 300000 year old make one youngest star form region sky newborn embryon star embed natal dust ga clouds estim distanc open star cluster m21 similar m20s though share gorgeou telescop skyscap appar connect two m21 star much older 8 million year old m20 m21 easi find even small telescop nebula rich constel sagittarius fact wellcompos scene composit two differ telescopes use narrowband data blend high resolut imag m20 wider field imag extend,composit messier 20 21,2017-06-28,657,108,0.0424358974358974,06-28,6,2017,28,4,2,3 eee9a88a063ad5ceaab81ebb81a6497e275f55e8c64b205f73bb1f0717bf999f,none,long recogn nakedey variabl star r aquarii actual interact binari star system two star seem close symbiot relationship 710 light year away consist cool red giant star hot dens white dwarf star mutual orbit around common center mass binari system visibl light domin red giant miratyp long period variabl star materi cool giant star extend envelop pull graviti onto surfac smaller denser white dwarf eventu trigger thermonuclear explos blast materi space optic imag data red show still expand ring debri origin blast would seen earli 1770s evolut less understood energet event produc high energi emiss r aquarii system monitor sinc 2000 use chandra xray observatori data blue composit field view less lightyear across estim distanc r,symbiot r aquarii,2017-06-29,731,116,0.0468115942028985,06-29,6,2017,29,6,2,4 d807783bffd1d76fd7c64e0cae05cf3ab4faee8df3ca196d4ec24fbb87fe7d22,chart32 team,point telescop toward high fli constel pegasu find expans milki way star distant galaxies domin ngc 7814 pretti field view would almost cover full moon ngc 7814 sometim call littl sombrero resembl brighter famou m104 sombrero galaxy sombrero littl sombrero spiral galaxi seen edgeon extens halo central bulg cut thin disk thinner dust lane silhouette fact ngc 7814 40 million lightyear away estim 60000 lightyear across actual make littl sombrero physic size better known namesake appear smaller fainter farther away faint dwarf galaxies potenti satellit ngc 7814 discov deep exposur littl sombrero,ngc 7814 littl sombrero pegasu,2017-06-30,598,92,0.001,06-30,6,2017,30,7,2,3 9165ef8a7c22e2516172bb49859b7ce5b513842fb24f32192fc904aff4fd2e1d,none,get redcyan glass gaze across lava fall mars stereo anaglyph creat combin two imag record hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbiter fall creat flow lava section northern rim 30kilomet diamet martian crater locat western part red planet volcan tharsi region molten lava crater wall terrac reach crater floor left distinctli rough fanshap flow steeper slopes north breathtak 3d view 5 kilomet wide,3d lava fall mar,2017-07-01,397,62,-0.04,07-01,7,2017,1,5,0,2 86a44675a48e9de156d8d12cf73c24ca185a6865f2123ec6e0e92a76b89cac21,none,star versu dust carina nebula star winning precisely energet light wind massiv newli form star evapor dispers dusti stellar nurseri formed locat carina nebula known inform mystic mountain pillar appear domin dark dust even though compos mostli clear hydrogen gas dust pillar actual much thinner air appear mountain due rel small amount opaqu interstellar dust 7500 lightyear distant featur imag taken hubbl space telescop highlight interior region carina span three light years within million years star like win complet entir dust mountain evaporate,mountain dust carina nebula,2017-07-02,550,83,0.1865384615384615,07-02,7,2017,2,4,1,5 b3af5ccb2ce0103eee8f2483e15c1c7442241fb288511c4ed1551030917a5c41,steed yu nightchinanet,ever seen summer triangle bright star vega deneb altair form larg triangl sky seen rise northern spring morning rise northern fall evening summer months triangl found nearli overhead near midnight three brightest star sky featur here along arch central band milki way galaxy summer triangl aster captur spring great wall china part great wall world cultur heritag site built 6th centuri mountains summit tower which clear night light beij visibl distance,summer triangl great wall,2017-07-03,454,71,0.4142857142857143,07-03,7,2017,3,6,1,1 ad3f611defeacd624be5caf4bb8934e0610e431e03748715d6e5f8f2c78912fc,stephen mudg,juli 3rd planet earth reach aphelion farthest point ellipt orbit around sun year day distant sun happen occur winter southern hemisphere that aphelion sunris 2015 captur time seri composit skylin brisbane australia course season fair planet determin distanc sun tilt earth rotat axi respect ecliptic plane orbit fondli known ecliptic angl tilt degre perpendicular orbit plane distant sunris occur northern summer planet north pole tilt toward sun north enjoy longer warmer days,aphelion sunris,2017-07-05,477,72,0.15,07-05,7,2017,5,1,1,1 78eb8d79e89153a39564c470b8bc97d65b0616fcd6f14878b2cee8e7341b135b,peter,big bright beauti spiral messier 106 domin cosmic vista two degre wide telescop field view look toward welltrain constel cane venatici near handl big dipper also known ngc 4258 m106 80000 lightyear across 235 million lightyear away largest member cane ii galaxi group far away galaxy distanc m106 wellknown part directli measur track galaxy remark maser microwav laser emission rare natur occuring maser emiss produc water molecul molecular cloud orbit activ galact nucleus anoth promin spiral galaxi scene view nearli edgeon ngc 4217 right m106 distanc ngc 4217 much less wellknown estim 60 million lightyears,view toward m106,2017-07-07,610,95,0.1354497354497354,07-07,7,2017,7,7,2,3 41c0283b54ac19c74713aad4b3bf8679d93f25438cd8f2a8d02f4071cd495780,t rector,similar size large bright spiral galaxi neighborhood ic 342 mere 10 million lightyear distant longnecked northern constel camelopardalis sprawl island universe ic 342 would otherwis promin galaxi night sky hidden clear view glimps veil stars ga dust cloud along plane milki way galaxy even though ic 342 light dim interven cosmic clouds sharp telescop imag trace galaxy obscur dust blue star clusters glow pink star form region along spiral arm wind far galaxy core ic 342 may undergon recent burst star format activ close enough gravit influenc evolut local group galaxi milki way,hidden galaxi ic 342,2017-07-08,581,93,0.0389136904761904,07-08,7,2017,8,7,2,3 bc5395de4065240339988162d95cb44d6749c94590c9aea52c0c5ac85e7fb451,none,find favorit countri city surprisingly worldwid nightscape citi light make task quit possible humanmad light highlight particularli develop popul area earth surface includ seaboard europe eastern unit states japan mani larg citi locat near river ocean exchang good cheapli boat particularli dark area includ central part south america africa asia australia featur composit creat imag collect cloudfre period april octob 2012 suominpp satellite polar orbit 824 kilomet surface use visibl infrar imag radiomet suit viirs,earth night,2017-07-09,518,75,0.2296296296296296,07-09,7,2017,9,8,1,4 1d68169cda0d6f50288b677a63d9fb3bcaca6e31f06bd3db173af00d4b4555b4,none,what happen around center spiral galaxy seen total ngc 1512 appear bar spiral galaxi type spiral straight bar star across center bar cross inner ring though ring seen surround pictur region featur hubbl space telescop imag ring one surround nucleu spiral two ring connect bar bright star dark lane dust insid dust continu spiral right center possibl locat larg black hole ring bright newli form stars,spiral galaxi ngc 1512 nuclear ring,2017-07-10,403,66,0.1057539682539682,07-10,7,2017,10,7,1,3 f4125dd6ce181e19d841a9cd6dabd061a8b6ea8257a34e85c18989afae07a911,mike,behold largest ball star galaxy omega centauri pack 10 million stars mani older sun pack within volum 150 lightyear diameter star cluster largest brightest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way featur imag show mani star merg differ exposur high dynam rang hdr techniques omega centauri also known ngc 5139 lie 15000 lightyear away toward southern constel centaurus,star cluster omega centauri hdr,2017-07-11,574,90,0.0653333333333333,07-11,7,2017,11,6,2,3 4056f0d8e77607fa47364697e5228348e3e35350458d6f5c88f93a6b4f0698d2,hubbl legaci archiv,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 25 million lightyear distant loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across that size milki way galaxy known popular moniker sunflow galaxy m63 sport bright yellowish core sharp composit imag space groundbas telescopes sweep blue spiral arm streak cosmic dust lane dot pink star form regions domin member known galaxi group m63 faint extend featur like star stream tidal disrupt satellit galaxies m63 shine across electromagnet spectrum thought undergon burst intens star formation,messier 63 sunflow galaxi,2017-07-12,582,87,0.1675925925925926,07-12,7,2017,12,7,1,3 af58ae89f90e5cb131b58ea0cfe02127c6739b2ebdcebf784b2ab88ded41d011,babak tafreshi,wellplan telephoto timelaps captur july full moon rise across outer boston harbor massachusetts planet earth foreground histor terrestri beacon known boston light july full moon known thunder moon like refer sound northern summer month typic stormi weather eastern sky clear video sequence near horizon long sightlin atmospher layer filter refract moonlight caus rise moon redden color rag edg distort shape,full moon boston light,2017-07-13,407,60,0.2357142857142857,07-13,7,2017,13,2,1,1 adcb129079af9eddb5a7924fe859eee28b8ec8735b206657f694f3efdd7f27d2,hubbl legaci archiv,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory young blue star cluster pink star form region along sweep spiral arm guarante attract attention small irregular galaxi form star too like ngc 4449 12 million lightyear distant less 20000 lightyear across small island univers similar size often compar milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc remark hubbl space telescop closeup wellstudi galaxi reprocess highlight telltal reddish glow hydrogen gas glow trace ngc 4449 widespread star form regions even larger lmc enorm interstellar arc bubbl blown shortlived massiv stars ngc 4449 member group galaxi found constel cane venatici also hold distinct first dwarf galaxi identifi tidal star stream,ngc 4449 closeup small galaxi,2017-07-14,694,106,0.0236111111111111,07-14,7,2017,14,7,2,3 7a3fc3b624d92f1ac4363f028fd1797a9a5536f55f54f5ce26a8e7e3a8578ffc,none,juli 11 juno spacecraft swung near jupiter turbul cloud top loop 53 day orbit around solar system rule ga giant 11 minut perijov 7 closest approach orbit pass directli jupiter great red spot much anticip fli over captur closeup imag data distanc less 10000 kilometers raw junocam data subsequ process citizen scientists longliv found shrinking solar system largest storm system measur kilomet wide april 15 that 13 time diamet planet earth,closeup great red spot,2017-07-15,439,71,0.1225071225071224,07-15,7,2017,15,8,1,2 221c03f8daca590cfa4b0fe605dee24ac785313d570df52539244358f1c7a7fa,chri kotsiopoulosgreeksky,thunderstorm almost spoil view spectacular 2011 june 15 total lunar eclipse instead storm cloud part 10 minut total eclips phase lightn bolt contribut dramat sky captur 30second exposur scene also inspir one memor titl thank astrophotographer apod history course lightn refer clearli make sense shadow play dark lunar eclips wide view across planet earth europe africa asia australia pictur itself however shot greek island ikaria pezi area known the planet goats rough terrain strang look rocks details total solar eclips 2017 august 21,lightn eclips planet goat,2017-07-16,537,83,0.0312499999999999,07-16,7,2017,16,2,0,1 2917664ffcf7b89c622f8a83b0533687c528455e8a1154ddd5b0bda21ed60b02,marco meniero,what wrong picture figur out may realiz imag taken odditi lie actual one build lean tower pisa icon legend sinc shortli construct began year part unesco world heritag site folklor hold galileo use lean tower dramat demonstr gravit principl object differ mass fall same lean tower pisa right pisa cathedr pisa left full moon visibl last week imag composit taken use modern analyses tower success and unexpected hold present tilt next 200 years new apod mirror site indonesian,moon,2017-07-18,475,78,0.067082917082917,07-18,7,2017,18,8,0,1 5e5041fb783c8d8d9b0ec1d4e84f1f27f203167c30b28529305be07840186027,none,creat unusu hill mars histori becom topic research shape structur make one unusu hill robot curios rover mar roll near dub ireson hill mound rise 5 meter high span 15 meter across ireson hill locat bagnold dune field slope mount sharp gale crater mars featur panorama horizont compress includ entir hill imag taken februari 2 releas last week mar move behind sun seen earth nasa soon stop send command martian orbit rover august 1 explor universe random apod gener,hill mar,2017-07-19,464,79,-0.1275,07-19,7,2017,19,5,0,2 bc52aa946709fbc563babe4dd9579d8c07a74ee14496665d3e876a645404f8f3,césar blancogonzález,stun emiss nebula ic 1396 mix glow cosmic ga dark dust cloud high far constel cepheus energ bright central star seen here star form region sprawl across hundr lightyears span three degre sky nearli 3000 lightyear planet earth among intrigu dark shape within ic 1396 wind elephant trunk nebula lie center star could still form insid dark shape gravit collapse denser cloud erod away power stellar wind radiation form star ultim cutoff reservoir star stuff gorgeou color view composit imag data narrowband filters map emiss nebula atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues,ic emiss nebula cepheu,2017-07-20,576,94,0.0383333333333333,07-20,7,2017,20,4,2,5 ee0aad94c3f6d7c9d31f74ae6ff6b04ec9bc675d51d9b1ac102c519cae040e09,none,tini moon scari name phobo emerg behind red planet timelaps sequenc earthorbit hubbl space telescope 22 minut 13 separ exposur captur near 2016 closest approach mar planet earth martian look west watch phobo rise though small moon closer parent planet moon solar system 3700 mile kilometers martian surface complet one orbit 7 hour 39 minutes that faster mar rotation correspond 24 hour 40 minutes mars phobo seen rise western horizon 3 time day still phobo doomed,phobos moon mar,2017-07-21,464,76,-0.11,07-21,7,2017,21,2,0,2 13e3ae961a91b9080e3fa1afdad2ce57d55fedca3515612b4d5c4aa0d9771e9e,none,mercuri never seen like before 2008 robot messeng spacecraft buzz past mercuri second time imag terrain map previous compar crude radar featur imag record messeng look back 90 minut passing altitud 27000 kilometers visibl image among mani newli imag features unusu long ray appear run like meridian longitud young crater near northern limb messeng enter orbit around mercuri 2011 finish primari mission 2012 took detail measur 2015 time ran fuel instruct impact mercury surface new moon tonight next new moon block sun,mercuri reveal messeng,2017-07-23,518,82,-0.0630853994490358,07-23,7,2017,23,8,0,2 dc7561cd2602406ba2b37752cc8045bfd40aa274117d21d3cf5595bdcd104316,photography,chase solar eclips caus go interest place meet interest people example chase eclips brought astrophotograph kenya 2013 contact member people pick airport show part southern kenya even agre pose tradit warrior hill hope spectacular eclips set far background unfortunately contact person die unexpectedli week astrophotographer arrival never got particip know result imag went win intern astrophotography pictur 2013 kenya moon cover much sun hybrid eclipse rare type solar eclips appear total earth locations annular others annular part eclipse moon far earth block entir sun next month total solar eclips cross usa share sky nasa creat new open api apod,hybrid solar eclips kenya,2017-07-24,653,99,0.124025974025974,07-24,7,2017,24,1,2,1 2f6bbf13759c97f1961d4e4f6a9b8888badaa153ece79e1f34589b8862c93de2,none,follow around cute float ball kept take picture might astronaut today intern space station iss design japan aerospac explor agenc intern ball camera inform bit larger float maneuv also control take high resolut imag relat hello intbal deliv iss earli june design allow increas monitor iss equip activ decreas time human astronauts intbal move turn small intern fan see camera locat two dark eyes,space station,2017-07-25,397,64,0.0433333333333333,07-25,7,2017,25,8,0,2 a49fb3443a41a8f44cad4440194b34e55cbb620f90a75fee003d4e6294e8c254,tom masterson,monument valley see milki way arc across sky like helps monument valley usa would see picturesqu foreground includ icon rock peak call buttes butt compos hard rock left behind water erod away surround soft rock featur imag taken month ago closest butt left butt right known mittens merrick butt seen farther right green airglow fan horizon high overhead stretch band diffus light central disk spiral milki way galaxy band milki way spot almost anyon almost clear night far enough citi surround bright lights sensit digit camera need captur color dark night sky,milki way monument valley,2017-07-26,561,92,0.068110119047619,07-26,7,2017,26,6,2,1 507a1e0f080ec47379a87bd85888486c16b011d8a2e6971438f4298fb9847f50,josep drudi,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 larg nebula left center color m20 near bottom frame third emiss region includ ngc 6559 right m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant hundr lightyear across expans m8 also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid glow hydrogen ga creat domin red color emiss nebulae strike contrast blue hue trifid due dust reflect starlight color composit skyscap record two differ telescop captur widefield imag area individu closeup higher resolution,sagittariu triplet,2017-07-27,658,101,0.1069196428571428,07-27,7,2017,27,4,2,5 aabf528bad930852f35032010b4fa4f00742ca9fce4ba3a7848071131e15f9cf,none,april 26 cassini spacecraft swoop toward saturn first grand final dive saturn rings long thin mosaic rapid seri 137 low resolut imag captur cassini wideangl camera track progress across ga giant swirl cloud tops mosaic project map arc along saturn atmospher curv flat imag plane top first mosaic panel center 90 degre north kilomet saturn dark north polar vortex mosaic progress narrows pixel scale shrink 87 kilomet 1 kilomet per pixel last panel spacecraft kilomet region 18 degre north saturn equator frame orient chang near bottom cassini rotat maneuv large highgain antenna forward provid shield cross saturn ring plane,mosaic saturn,2017-07-28,624,99,0.0591736694677871,07-28,7,2017,28,0,2,4 046df6b4f1255fdbedcdfe910ba1875d84e268c4b9b0e3801932aa36ee22e4d7,fred bruenjesmoonglownet,would go end world see total eclips sun did would surpris find someon els already 2003 sun moon antarctica two photograph line antarctica unusu total solar eclipse even given extrem location group enthusiast eclips chaser ventur near bottom world experi surreal momentari disappear sun behind moon one treasur collect featur pictur composit four separ imag digit combin realist simul adapt human eye saw eclipse imag taken moon sun peek togeth antarct ridge sudden darkness magnific corona sun becam visibl around moon quit accident anoth photograph caught one imag check video camera visibl left equip bag collaps chair easili visibl solar eclips occur three week visibl usa,total eclips end world,2017-07-30,676,106,-0.00625,07-30,7,2017,30,1,2,1 4d7170dfc74091e992663022033c6be6470c472008543a2ff251a06bbd03803d,tunç tezel,perseid meteor shower usual best meteor shower year peak late next week person watch clear sky dark locat might see bright meteor everi minute meteor actual speck rock broken comet swifttuttl continu orbit sun vapor earth atmosphere featur composit imag show outburst perseid appear turkey last year meteor shower enough meteor captur trace shower radiant back constel perseu far left perseid still go total solar eclips august 21 creat rare opportun lucki astrophotograph imag perseid meteor day memor apod meteor shower,perseid meteor turkey,2017-08-01,521,81,0.06875,08-01,8,2017,1,1,0,1 6b712b44a1068f68d6cfb64a3b8fe41bbb292b36ce0a724bf256af8096fc20af,ani abdul,monster ic 1396 known elephant trunk nebula part ga dust cloud star format region may appear take forebod forms nearli human real monster here however bright young star far earth hurt us energet light star eat away dust dark cometari globul near top featur image jet wind particl emit star also push away ambient ga dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover much larger region sky shown here appar width 10 full moons apod retrospective august 2,dust monster ic 1396,2017-08-02,470,81,0.1,08-02,8,2017,2,4,0,5 b27b6573362d4fbf07172975671b042c22280798866972ceb89e5a341cc017d6,sara wager,promin ridg emiss featur vivid skyscap design ic 5067 part larger emiss region distinct shape popularli call pelican nebula ridg span 10 lightyear follow curv cosmic pelican head neck fantastic dark shape inhabit view cloud cool ga dust sculpt energet radiat young hot massiv stars star also form within dark shapes twin jet emerg tip long dark tendril left center telltal sign embed protostar catalog herbigharo 555 hh fact herbigharo object indic presenc protostar found within frame pelican nebula itself also known ic 5070 2000 lightyear away find it look northeast bright star deneb high fli constel cygnus,pelican nebula closeup,2017-08-03,611,98,0.119,08-03,8,2017,3,4,2,5 981ab4fb03b4dbecf4be342de7dcb6c6a6734a5c77d09c9e191351211da92c31,none,juli 11 juno spacecraft swung near turbul jovian cloud tops seventh orbit closest approach perijov passag brought juno within 3500 kilomet solar system largest planetari atmosphere near perijov rotat junocam abl record stunning clear view one jupiter signatur vortices 8000 kilomet diameter anticyclon storm system spot jupiter north north temper zone 1990s make half size older better known jovian great red spot littl smaller planet earth time take reddish hues enorm storm system fondli known north north temper zone littl red spot,north north zone littl red spot,2017-08-04,534,82,0.1909090909090909,08-04,8,2017,4,8,1,2 b46b3d77dcc249ee75ad914080b69566fe61ac2ecc5011e1bf305f1b077cd257,none,albert einstein gener theori relativity publish 100 year ago predict phenomenon gravit lensing that give distant galaxi whimsic appearance seen look glass xray optic imag data chandra hubbl space telescopes nicknam cheshir cat galaxi group group two larg ellipt galaxi suggest frame arcs arc optic imag distant background galaxi lens foreground group total distribut gravit mass course gravit mass domin dark matter two larg ellipt galaxi repres brightest member galaxi group merging rel collision speed nearli kilometerssecond heat ga million degre produc xray glow shown purpl hues curious galaxi group cheshir cat group constel ursa major 46 billion lightyear away,,2017-08-05,667,100,-0.0645833333333333,08-05,8,2017,5,7,2,3 015b7958cd5639d13fdd39a94a9d35514cc9185f943a22586d9ed6be0e004aa6,andr van der hoeven,next weekend perseid meteor shower reach maximum grain ici rock streak across sky evapor entri earth atmosphere grain shed comet swifttuttle perseid result annual cross earth comet swifttuttle orbit typic activ meteor shower year although hard predict level activ meteor shower clear dark sky observ might see meteor minute year perseid peak nearli week full moon faint meteor lost lunar meteor shower gener best seen relax position away lights featur meteor caught explod 2015 perseid austria next central band milki way galaxy follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,milki way explod meteor,2017-08-06,581,90,0.0508333333333333,08-06,8,2017,6,3,2,1 58a5f62b09a65446da42089c45c679a8a4e29c7abb4e57720df4491a7f5d5682,none,caus pattern saturn rings cassini spacecraft soon end 13 year orbit saturn sent back anoth spectacular imag saturn immens ring system unpreced detail physic caus saturn ring structur alway understood caus beauti geometr type ring structur shown ring saturn however sure densiti wave small moon systemat perturb orbit ring particl circl saturn slightli differ distanc caus densiti wave bunching also visibl lower right imag bend wave vertic wave ring particl also caus graviti nearbi moon cassini final orbit allow seri novel scientif measur imag solar system grand ring system open science brows 1500 code astrophys sourc code librari,densiti wave saturn ring cassini,2017-08-08,634,98,0.2044642857142857,08-08,8,2017,8,0,2,2 16090593cf29ace8c5699fb360c086d1c1ce4ce01b02292bf2d96e26ca3e0468,none,august full moon frame sharp high dynam rang composition captur sunris august 8 sydney australia south curv earth dark umbral shadow left near maximum phase partial lunar eclipse kick eclips season time full moon graze slide earth shadow visibl eastern hemisphere next much anticip total solar eclips august 21 then new moon shadow track includ north america narrow path total run coast coast unit states,lunar eclips,2017-08-09,404,65,0.051525974025974,08-09,8,2017,9,2,0,1 1d76c9e884c8ef10b34b1a02db58311ead26e3469295176f9f8fd6253ff044d6,petr horálek,weekend meteor rain near peak annual perseid meteor shower normal bright colorful perseid shower meteor produc dust swept planet earth orbit comet swifttuttle streak radiant perseus horizon clear predawn skies despit interf light august wane gibbou moon year perseid still especi find open space away citi lights good frame use composit view captur bright perseid meteor 2016 meteor shower set starri background along milki way even faint andromeda galaxi center foreground astronom age gather hill slovakian villag,night perseid,2017-08-10,515,77,0.2318181818181818,08-10,8,2017,10,6,1,1 ea55eb10577aace9ab5ef377496e67e35735ba865ec1253cb8db6759a9a8f5c7,tunç tezel,darken sky hold bright planet venus new moon silhouette shimmer corona sun imag total solar eclipse composit simultan telephoto wide angl frame taken path total 18 year ago august 11 1999 near turkey particular solar eclips member saro known histor observ moon orbit saro cycl predict sun earth moon return geometri solar or eclipse saro period 18 years 11 13 days eclips separ one saro period belong number saro seri similar path total consecut solar eclips saro shift across earth planet rotat addit 8 hour day next solar eclips saro 145 also total eclipse narrow path total track coast coast across unit state august 21 2017,total solar eclips,2017-08-11,627,106,0.0617715617715617,08-11,8,2017,11,1,2,1 9af6f9086d562b543c6f9d81524213b188ec1c541f65a1c2ea0593a81588e434,miloslav druckmllerbrno u dietzel peter aniol vojtech ruin,fleet dark total solar eclips light solar corona easili visible normal overwhelm bright solar disk expans corona sun outer atmosphere allur sight subtl detail extrem rang corona brightness although discern eye notori difficult photograph pictur here however use multipl imag digit processing detail imag sun corona taken 2008 august total solar eclips mongolia clearli visibl intric layer glow caustic ever chang mixtur hot ga magnet fields bright loop promin appear pink sun limb similar solar corona might visibl clear sky thin swath across usa total solar eclips occur one week tomorrow citizen science particip 21 eclipse,detail view solar eclips corona,2017-08-13,625,96,0.05,08-13,8,2017,13,1,2,1 b52e1995d289ef0ca1d6486cf6ed6213d4968a70e9185085efe49796d1a644a9,tama ladanyi,moonris august 12 grain cosmic sand fell sea momentari flash part annual perseid meteor shower creat perseid meteors dust along orbit period comet swifttuttl swept planet earth cometari debri plow atmospher nearli 60 kilomet per second quickli vapor altitud 100 kilomet so perseid meteor often bright colorful like one captur sea night skyscape starri sky faint milki way seren view look south west across adriat sea moonlit coast toward island,perseid sea,2017-08-16,444,70,0.125,08-16,8,2017,16,8,1,1 ceb66a97296d2481968a2b92f23fdb42e1ce83cc512d98526110eb9a95ff33a2,robert gendler,distort galaxi ngc 2442 found southern constel fli fish piscis volans locat 50 million lightyear away galaxy two spiral arm extend pronounc central bar hooklik appear widefield images mosaick closeup construct hubbl space telescop european southern observatori data follow galaxy structur amaz detail obscur dust lanes young blue star cluster reddish star form region surround core yellowish light older popul stars sharp imag data also reveal distant background galaxi seen right ngc 2442 star cluster nebulae imag span 75000 lightyear estim distanc ngc 2442,ngc 2442 galaxi volan,2017-08-17,559,84,0.0661255411255411,08-17,8,2017,17,7,0,3 880db236f965cec5d8661a4c3ce7eb2b818c8c00275d89af03f4bad6a00eca0a,jeanfrancoisgraffand,mountain night skyscap stretch across french pyrene nation park august 12 near peak annual perseid meteor shower multiexposur panoram view compos mountain pass hour bright gibbou moon rose center valley light region ski station toward south taken follow hour frame captur night long bright perseid meteor align backdrop star milki way,perseid,2017-08-18,334,51,0.2937499999999999,08-18,8,2017,18,6,1,1 07e44df195dc64d0475f580e7593949f1abe60f1ca4dd021c3956c1d2303611d,jimmi westlak,cold clear sky manitoba canada planet earth solar corona surround silhouett new moon telescop snapshot total solar eclips februari 26 1979 thirti eight year ago last total solar eclips visibl contigu unit states narrow path total ran northwestern state washington oregon idaho montana north dakota cross canadian provinc saskatchewan manitoba ontario quebec follow upcom august 21 2017 total solar eclips cross us coast coast annular solar eclips seen continent unit state octob 14 2023 visibl along rout northern california florida then next total solar eclips touch continent us track across 13 state texa april 8 2024,total solar eclips,2017-08-19,620,96,-0.0433566433566433,08-19,8,2017,19,1,2,1 305e7e04324387715dab325d50f848edd23c6179a23a6a34d23a39ba6d810585,carlo eduardo fairbairn,sometimes sky mimic ground taken 2017 may atacama desert chile foreground featur imag encompass dip edg caldera extinct volcano poetic echo dip arch milki way galaxi above mani famou icon dot southern nighttim vista includ center milki way galaxi far left bright orang star antar also left constel southern cross near top arch redglow gum nebula far right horizon split two distant volcan peak near imag center larg magellan cloud largest satellit galaxi milki way today total solar eclipse live nasa stream video,milki way chilean volcano,2017-08-21,514,83,0.084853896103896,08-21,8,2017,21,6,0,1 cf97b813f66c5b3abf4498611c75357efe0b04cd43e91dfa3b38522348541e4f,ben cooper,sky clear enough see eclipse question mind mani peopl attempt view yesterday solar eclipse path total dark cross mainland usa coast coast oregon south carolina partial eclips occur north america unfortunately mani locat saw predominantli clouds one locat bank green river lake wyoming there cloud block sun one minut totality part cloud move far enough away allow center imag featur composit sequenc taken imag show corona sun extend past central dark moon block familiar sun surround imag show partial phase solar eclips totality,total solar eclips wyom,2017-08-22,531,83,-0.0609374999999999,08-22,8,2017,22,1,0,1 6c9cc0be128ad998a18f9a340b004226d952eb21ed9997453cd4fe420f6515fe,derek demet,total solar eclipse sun extens outer atmosphere corona inspir sight streamer shimmer featur visibl eye span bright rang 10000 1 make notori difficult captur singl photograph composit telescop imag cover wide rang exposur time reveal crown sun glory align stack digit frame taken clear sky idaho mountain sun total eclips august 21 pinkish solar promin extend beyond right edg solar disk even small detail dark night side new moon made out illumin sunlight reflect full earth,crown sun,2017-08-23,474,76,0.0520070838252656,08-23,8,2017,23,1,0,1 88b38dfc5d14c0eb70a645df9a3c986f6719c3d527e968bb105014b2bb2e7afb,josep drudi,eagl nebula swan nebula span broad starscape telescop view toward sagittariu spiral arm center milki way galaxy eagle also known m16 top m17 swan bottom frame show cosmic cloud brighter region activ starformation lie along spiral arm suffus reddish emiss charactist atom hydrogen gas dusti dark nebulae m17 also call omega nebula 5500 lightyear away m16 6500 lightyear distant center nebula locat wellknown closeup imag star format hubbl space telescope mosaic imag extend 3 degre across sky narrowband imag data use enhanc central region eagl swan extend wing eagl nebula spread almost 120 lightyears swan 30 lightyear across,eagl swan,2017-08-24,626,98,0.0160714285714285,08-24,8,2017,24,4,2,5 d7a53a99c86b2f915a1846bdfaf5bcd20dc05d335332c32ed86851984a0e5d9a,peter jenkin,power heart nebula larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like heart nebula glow well shape ga dust cloud power stellar wind radiat massiv hot star nebula newborn star cluster melott 15 deep telescop imag map pervas light narrow emiss line atom hydrogen oxygen sulfur nebula field view span two degre sky appear larger four time diamet full moon cosmic heart found constel cassiopeia boast mythic queen aethiopia ,heart nebula hydrogen oxygen sulfur,2017-08-27,418,69,0.15625,08-27,8,2017,27,4,1,5 2c765b1d60fa756e974f1452f7e88490ce35e49356e7e320514cf03a01cd5102,simon,last week fraction second sun eclips twice one week ago today mani peopl north america treat single partial solar eclipse fewer people along narrow path experienc eeri daytim dark total solar eclipse dedic fast enough camera equipment however abl captur doubl eclips simultan partial eclips sun moon intern space station iss earthorbit iss cross sun less second keep iss appear exposur time must less 11000th second featur imag composit captur iss multipl time success zip across face sun pictur taken california specif color emit hydrogen highlight sun chromosphere layer hotter higher usual photograph photosphere follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,fleet doubl eclips sun,2017-08-28,669,102,-0.0252645502645502,08-28,8,2017,28,1,2,1 1dd7f1dee9a2c8f6b63e02999b5d14ddfe54c67999db69dab076b8dc2d124b42,none,saturn partli blue featur pictur saturn approxim human would see hover close giant ring world imag taken 2006 march robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn saturn majest ring appear directli thin vertic line ring show complex structur dark shadow creat imag left saturn fountain moon enceladus 500 kilomet across seen bump plane rings northern hemispher saturn appear partli blue reason earth sky appear blue molecul cloudless portion planet atmospher better scatter blue light red look deep saturn clouds however natur gold hue saturn cloud becom dominant known southern saturn show blue hue one hypothesi hold cloud higher there also known saturn cloud color gold next month cassini end mission final dramat dive saturn atmosphere eclips 2017 memor imag submit apod pleas like favorites,saturn blue gold,2017-08-29,789,122,0.02,08-29,8,2017,29,0,2,4 8951d3d73b9a6d2fbbeb341ce01e97edc92f1562d5aa14b63f6f69f763185c42,nuit sacre,happen sky last week total solar eclipse featur allsky doubl timelapse composit captur celesti action night day singl location 360x180 panorama north south imag bottom top east west left right edges respectively four hour night eclipse star trail captur circl north celesti pole bottom earth day total eclipse sun captur everi fifteen minut sunris sunset top sometim partial eclipse imag digit merg onto singl imag taken exactli total solar eclipse then sun bright corona could seen flare around dark new moon upper left venu simultan becam easili visibl top tree middle camera dougla imag taken care plan lake oregon usa total eclips 2017 memor imag pleas like favorites,panoram eclips composit star trail,2017-08-30,672,108,0.1301093643198906,08-30,8,2017,30,1,2,1 1b9e7050d7bed3b61fec4f1313930fb79ba06c51337793d9427d7b8673cab756,none,swing around lunar nearsid august 21 lunar reconnaiss orbit turn look back bright full earth anticip narrow angl camera scan sharp view fair planet catch shadow moon race along path across unit state 1500 mile per hour fact dark lunar shadow center kentucki central daylight time there new moon block sun high clear sky 2 minut 40 second total solar eclipse,lunar solar eclips,2017-08-31,357,61,0.1122402597402597,08-31,8,2017,31,2,1,1 b40108756ff28eb910beb565fdd3d02f9a9fb2fcd2df675aaefd625489d8d9bd,babak tafreshi,make landfal oregon moon dark umbral shadow tour unit state august 21 gather along coast coast path wit total eclips sun possibl wide share celesti event history first moon shadow touch northern pacif race eastward toward land dramat snapshot taken cross shadow path 250 mile oregon coast 45000 feet cloudi northern pacific though shorter totality captur eclips could seen us mainland eclips sun far above beauti color appear along eastern horizon give way clear stratospher sky shadow moon,first glimps great american eclips,2017-09-01,490,78,0.025,09-01,9,2017,1,2,0,1 e07cd5778b8875973b03a5459bc9d473508c67b77997ea4bd28518d05526ed36,none,launch 1977 tour outer planet solar system voyag 1 2 becom longest oper distant spacecraft earth nearli 16 lighthour sun voyag 2 reach edg heliosphere realm defin influenc solar wind sun magnet field humanity first ambassador milki way voyag 1 19 lighthour away beyond heliospher interstellar space celebr 40 year journey toward star nasa septemb 5,milki way voyag,2017-09-02,348,56,0.075,09-02,9,2017,2,1,0,2 c728a1cf805bf112a4d6b997cb1168e36182db7eb079134328206ab65dbb27e4,none,saturn ring look like saturn imag robot spacecraft cassini provid human unpreced vantag point near complet mission previou cassini grand final orbits imag saturn majest ring system taken outsid ring look in pictur inset remark video spacecraft posit depict surround animation detail complex ring evid short timelaps sequenc begins thick ring becom appar near end featur imag taken august 20 cassini orbit around saturn left direct dive giant planet septemb 15,saturn ring insid,2017-09-04,459,71,0.0181818181818181,09-04,9,2017,4,0,0,2 839c6220ac7bf11339187c8215518ddd532fc8c2bc8bc9003cc096ace361427e,qin,clear oregon skies color eclips composit captur elus chromospher flash spectrum sun three exposures made august 21 telephoto len diffract align frame directli imag far left sun diamond ringlik appear begin end total silhouett lunar disk maximum eclipse spread diffract grate spectrum color toward right sun photospher spectrum trace two continu streaks correspond diamond ring glimps sun normal overwhelm disk individu eclips imag also appear wavelength light emit atom along thin fleet arc solar chromosphere brightest images strongest chromospher emission due hydrogen atoms red hydrogen alpha emiss far right blue purpl hydrogen seri emiss left between brightest yellow emiss caus atom helium element first discov flash spectrum sun,flash spectrum sun,2017-09-07,735,108,0.0716517857142857,09-07,9,2017,7,1,2,4 559e8fb5f6ac963e8b15b4d84dcdafe98adcc50426bf3f980fd299d3c2915807,rogelio bernalandreo,crowd beach phillip lake oregon august 21 come stand moment dark shadow moon beach mosaic photo record much anticip solar eclipse two vertic panel catch last second total first instant 3rd contact eclips end sunlight faintli returns across us gather along path total also took pictur share moment like phillip lake may treasur experi plan unplan photograph total eclips sun,great sky,2017-09-08,373,60,0.03,09-08,9,2017,8,1,0,1 a1b437a5cd20a5308c9df1614ebaf1673ad64817cdddda6372b62fe5626f16e0,chri cook,recogniz star northern sky backdrop calm water moonlit sea skyscap cape cod massachusetts taken septemb 7 photo also record color display northern light aurora boreali trigger sever geomagnet storm visibl cross sun giant solar activ region responsible ar much larger planet earth produc strongest flare current solar cycl earthdirect coron mass eject last days,storm,2017-09-09,360,54,0.1125,09-09,9,2017,9,1,1,1 3cc5aa8c78c3210e1ec21af1b4855aee414878375bdf6b82968d1ceecdb4ff2c,georg,nebula perhap famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble still known cat could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl scorpius 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years pictur deep field imag cat paw nebula light emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur,ngc 6334 cat paw nebula,2017-09-13,384,65,0.0625,09-13,9,2017,13,4,0,5 7bdc09bf9b0ada792ab425a6b47bd2d25c54c43d85fdc4d0b40936f50fe32445,none,almost view fair planet rotat around sun western edg giant activ region ar2673 lash anoth intens solar flare follow larg coron mass eject septemb 10 flare seen right extrem ultraviolet imag sunstar solar dynam observatory intens flare fourth xclass flare ar2673 month activ region recent associ coron mass eject collid earth magnetospher 2 day later say farewel mighti now next two weeks power sunspot group sun far side mission farewel cassini,flare well,2017-09-14,444,71,0.1206349206349206,09-14,9,2017,14,1,1,4 380bfc2a64f923aca2689efd397f1084cc9ebdcd4ddd576cc56dd3844528af06,none,planned cassini spacecraft impact upper atmospher saturn septemb 15 13 year long explor saturnian system spacecraft thruster fire end atmospher entri follow unpreced seri 22 grand final dive saturn rings cassini final signal took 83 minut reach planet earth deep space network antenna complex australia loss contact spacecraft record ut spacecraft saturn bright sun overhead plow ga giant planet swirl cloud top 70000 mile kilometers per hour cassini final imag show impact site hour earlier still planet night side cloud top illumin sunlight reflect saturn rings,cassini final imag,2017-09-16,563,86,0.1423076923076923,09-16,9,2017,16,0,1,2 4224d2029f4adc838c8abb5baf296c8639c32af0d626c5320e9710a0f441a8f5,roberto colombari gendler,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way galaxy big beauti m81 grand spiral galaxi found toward northern constel great bear ursa major superbl detail view reveal m81 bright yellow nucleus blue spiral arms sweep cosmic dust lane scale compar milki way hint disorderli past remark dust lane actual run straight disk left galact center contrari m81 promin spiral features errant dust lane may linger result close encount m81 smaller companion galaxy m82 scrutini variabl star m81 yield one best determin distanc extern galaxi 118 million lightyears free download 2018 apod calendar,bright spiral galaxi m81,2017-09-17,599,94,0.20703125,09-17,9,2017,17,7,2,3 4f8c31d5d8df55163ac7188704208957da581a0b21c852a89563029e41de381c,yuri beletski,statu easter island built one sure sure 800 larg stone statu exist there easter island statues stand average twice tall person 200 time much mass specif known histori mean unusu rock mani believ creat 700 year ago imag local leader lost civilization featur here one ancient sculptur imag 2016 constel orion includ famou line three belt star brilliant star betelgeus far left red rigel upper center stone giant appears however inspect brightest star night sky far sirius follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,orion easter island,2017-09-18,522,85,0.1241071428571428,09-18,9,2017,18,6,1,1 3463fe2cc5f639f79ada9e4937651aded8e1ba36da0542421c5fd70973041b1b,none,wisp like remain visibl milki way star 7000 year ago star explod supernova leav veil nebula time expand cloud like bright crescent moon remain visibl week peopl live dawn record history today result supernova remnant also known cygnu loop fade visibl small telescop direct toward constel swan cygnus remain veil nebula physic huge however even though lie 1400 lightyear distant cover five time size full moon featur pictur hubbl space telescop mosaic six imag togeth cover span two light years small part expans supernova remnant imag complet veil nebula even studiou reader might abl identifi featur filaments,veil nebula wisp star,2017-09-19,610,97,0.1651515151515151,09-19,9,2017,19,4,2,4 3187ff95bf67c6c1f430df20b5d43c00586e84ac9727fb49a0f0853732049461,alson wong,photograph adequ portray magnific sun corona see corona firsthand total solar eclips unparalleled human eye adapt see coron featur extent averag camera usual cannot welcome however digit age featur pictur combin forti exposur one thousandth second two second that together digit combin process highlight faint featur total solar eclips occur august 2017 clearli visibl intric layer glow caustic ever chang mixtur hot ga magnet field sun corona loop promin appear bright pink past sun limb faint detail night side new moon even made out illumin sunlight reflect daysid full earth,big corona,2017-09-20,578,90,0.0147727272727272,09-20,9,2017,20,1,0,1 5330251cbdc9252317a99f2106aaa36674d8ae95479551b7f885d0ce86b4d38a,tama ladanyi,moon three planets bright star gather near eclipt plane septemb 18 morn sky castle hungary twilight skyscape mercuri mar still shine close eastern horizon soon disappear glare sun regulus alpha star constel leo bright point next wane crescent moon brilliant venu near top frame beauti morn conjunct moon planets bright star could gener follow earli morn riser around planet earth remarkably moon also occulted pass directli front of regulu three planet within 24 hours septemb 18 ut visibl differ locations time watch lunar occult much difficult though mostli requir view daytim skies,septemb morn sky,2017-09-21,584,92,0.395,09-21,9,2017,21,2,1,1 94407cccfc3d9d5a75116fc33958b44783f0b77b62683ff0fb2b8ee6d58e6467,chuck,today septemb equinox head south sun path sky cross celesti equat ut cours equinox date result equal night day planet earth august 21 sun path sky found littl extranight made drink pinhol camera paper creativ solargraph follow sun path date exposure trace sun arc still rise high northern skies align panoram snapshot local landscap bottom gap arc repres durat partial total phase solar eclips clear sky idaho usa there extranight last 2 minutes broad gap sun arc also cover loss sunlight extend partial eclips phases,solar eclips solargraph,2017-09-22,517,85,0.01225,09-22,9,2017,22,1,0,1 a9682d1f235bfd072d8fd6fa9c487515a4829797bd6a85bac315e75d23a7d3a5,jose j chambo,conjunct comet captur pretti star field morn septemb 17 discov juli robot sky survey search supernovae comet c2017 o1 lower left visibl greenish glow coma produc fluoresc diatom carbon molecul sunlight near closest approach sun binocular comet lightminut earth telescop field view outbound comet c2015 er61 panstarr upper right almost 14 lightminut away mani lightyear distant starri background includ faint dusti nebula milki way wellknown pleiad star cluster lie top right frame,conjunct comet,2017-09-23,480,72,0.0523809523809523,09-23,9,2017,23,3,0,3 6fa68804df75ea84413e7115407633360985e558537b780c9ab3c9e6adb8139b,none,star volatil quit rare captur midst dust cloud visibl right center massiv one less 100 lumin blue variabl star current known galaxy lbv expel shell ga may lose even mass jupit 100 years star bright blue shroud dust seen visibl light die star appear green surround red shells though mappedcolor infrar pictur combin imag nasa spitzer space observatori nasa widefield infrar survey explorer g7929046 locat starform cygnu x region galaxy g7929046 long remain phase explod supernova known free download 2018 apod calendar,massiv star,2017-09-25,517,82,0.1206959706959706,09-25,9,2017,25,6,1,5 267fd92c2efdae09ddb0548a24c0e5aab942503cc06e4970f85f03fc3199c7d2,none,neither rain snow dark night keep spacebas spacecraft watch sun fact vantag point 15 million kilomet sunward planet earth nasa solar heliospher observatori soho alway monitor sun outer atmosphere corona total solar eclips earthbas observ also see love coron streamer structur moon briefli block overwhelmingli bright solar surface then becom possibl follow detail coron activ way sun surface outsid layer composit image soho uninterrupt view solar corona last month eclips shown orang hues middle donutshap region corona record william colleg eclips expedit oregon simultaneously inner view nasa earthorbit solar dynam observatory which outsid totality abl imag face sun extrem ultraviolet light shown gold,layer total solar eclips,2017-09-27,707,103,0.18125,09-27,9,2017,27,1,2,4 13a098f3bb94801c2a47f23339b0d40b266fc5693fffb60bebe016309365a79c,none,around planet earth three gravit wave detector report joint detect rippl spacetime fourth announc detect binari black hole merger distant universe event record 2017 august 14 christen ligo observatori site washington louisiana recent oper virgo observatori near italy signal emit final moment coalesc two black hole 31 25 solar mass locat 18 billion lightyear away compar time gravit wave detect three site allow astronom vastli improv locat origin sky magellan cloud gener toward constel eridanus sky region consist signal three detector indic yellow contour line allski map allski project includ arc milki way galaxy improv locat gravit wave sourc allow rapid followup observ other conventional electromagnet wave observatori search potenti relat signals addit virgo detector also allow gravit wave polar measured properti confirm predict einstein gener relativity,,2017-09-28,866,127,-0.0622294372294372,09-28,9,2017,28,6,2,4 1dc35df6efc9c3c45953c9df760a3b490a1b5af85261fcb6ec6a1777c23a6959,goldman,driven explos massiv star supernova remnant puppi blast surround interstellar medium 7000 lightyear away distance color telescop field base broadband narrowband optic imag data 60 lightyear across supernova remnant upper right expand clumpy nonuniform surroundings shock filament oxygen atom glow greenblu hues hydrogen nitrogen red light initi supernova itself trigger collaps massiv star core would reach earth 3700 year ago puppi remnant actual seen outli emiss closer ancient vela supernova remnant near crowd plane milki way galaxy still glow across electromagnet spectrum puppi remain one brightest sourc xray sky,puppi supernova remnant,2017-09-29,619,89,-0.0020408163265306,09-29,9,2017,29,6,2,5 9b01466618beb479b424cdbaf89c08f426c54d5dd37776e2c1e90e387125c618,none,passeng airplan like future help desir workabl attributes nasa sponsor design competitions shown artist depict concept plane suggest 2010 futurist plane would expect achiev superson speeds possibl surpass speed superson transport plane ran commerci late twentieth century term nois reduction futur aircraft drawn featur invert v wing stretch engines structur intend reduc sound annoy sonic booms additionally futur airplan would aim rel littl impact environment includ green limit pollut fuel consumption aircraft util similar design concept might well becom oper 2030s,concept plane superson green machin,2017-10-01,569,81,-0.0199999999999999,10-01,10,2017,1,8,0,2 419206dafb72b887ec1a1d8baa2b7a988d63118613a1615189183e960b2adf31,damian peach,two unusu spot move near famou pleiad star cluster shift small amount per night spot actual comet nearbi solar system chanc wander field lightyear distant stars far left comet c2017 o1 block evapor ice sport bright coma surround ga domin greenglow carbon comet show slight tail lower right near frame center comet c2015 er61 panstarrs also giant block evapor ice sport rather long tail right upper right pleiades open cluster domin bright blue star illumin nearbi reflect dust exposure taken two week ago deep filamentari interstellar dust trace across entir field pleiad visibl unaid eye requir binocular see comets,two comet star cluster,2017-10-02,616,99,0.0852607709750567,10-02,10,2017,2,3,2,3 c7bac9957299bc07bc923bdd8d25a60828d06ddb21f3585f7f72b297e70b0a2c,none,larg ice ring around interest star easili visibl night sky lie 25 lightyear away known orbit least one planet well sever inner dust disks intriguing perhaps outer ring first discov 20 year ago unusu sharp inner boundary featur recent imag atacama larg millimet array alma show outer ring complet unpreced detail pink superpos hubbl imag fomalhaut system blue lead theori hold ring result numer violent collis involv ici comet planetesimals compon object planets ring boundari caus graviti yet unseen planets correct interior planet fomalhaut system like continu pelt larg meteor comet onslaught last seen planetari system four billion year ago episod call late heavi bombardment free download 2018 apod calendar,ice ring around nearbi star fomalhaut,2017-10-03,716,110,-0.0519230769230769,10-03,10,2017,3,8,2,4 1b391ce33e395d0f0efd818aad821186985ece4ecbf2ea05dab8c720998bc00c,none,star form soul queen specifically larg star form region call soul nebula found direct constel cassiopeia greek mytholog credit vain wife king long ago rule land surround upper nile river soul nebula hous sever open cluster stars larg radio sourc known w5 huge evacu bubbl form wind young massiv stars locat 6500 light year away soul nebula span 100 light year usual imag next celesti neighbor heart nebula ic 1805 featur image impress detailed taken sever band infrar light orbit herschel space observatory follow apod facebook english spanish portuguese catalan,soul nebula infrar herschel,2017-10-04,562,90,0.1266666666666666,10-04,10,2017,4,4,2,5 e1e99d55db71c6a7471c4f800d11525739c2b21cdd34f6d68f3bf82db117de22,none,imag new horizon spacecraft flybi juli 2015 pluto blade terrain captur closeup distant world bizarr textur belong field jag landform made almost entir methan ice found extrem altitud near pluto equator cast dramat shadows tall knifelik ridg seem form sublimation process condens methan ice turn directli methan ga without pass liquid phase pluto warmer geolog periods planet earth sublim also produc stand field knifelik ice sheets found along high plateau and mountain range known blade structur made water ice meter tall,pluto blade terrain,2017-10-05,522,81,0.0740909090909091,10-05,10,2017,5,8,0,2 ffcd07efeb67d1ae579e84d5e0926a2367997ea015e30c19012bfe9d61f8cd57,none,strong solar event last month trigger intens global aurora mars left right solar storm project show sudden increas ultraviolet emiss martian aurora 25 time brighter auror emiss previous detect orbit maven spacecraft sunlit crescent toward right data maven ultraviolet imag spectrograph shown purpl hue night side mar simul match observ date times mars solar storm result planetwid aurora because unlik earth red planet protect strong global magnet field funnel energet charg particl toward poles planet surfac solar storm danger radiat level doubl previous measur curios rover maven studi whether mar lost atmospher due lack global magnet field,global aurora mar,2017-10-06,644,97,0.0699829931972789,10-06,10,2017,6,5,2,2 d0388a47391381c4f253c14f4157c127bee1971d11bb9e1f47c39f346e4d7a94,mreclipsecom,live era total solar eclips possibl time appar size moon cover disk sun moon slowli move away planet earth distanc measur increas 15 inch 38 per year due tidal come time 600 million year now moon far enough away lunar disk small ever complet cover sun then best annular eclipses ring fire surround silhouet disk small moon seen surfac fair planet cours moon slightli closer loom littl larger 100 million year ago age dinosaur frequent total eclips sun front geolog museum casper colleg wyoming dinosaur statu pose modern total eclipse though autom camera place shoot portrait great american eclips august 21,,2017-10-07,607,101,0.1507102272727272,10-07,10,2017,7,2,2,1 cb29c6c295d9e728e57e8088ddf69a79d2c095dd832e43c909d8dde7583d08f7,none,sun near center ngc night sky would glow like jewel box bright stars hundr star would glow brighter sirius mani differ colors although star could becom part breathtak constel intric folklore would difficult planetari inhabit see henc understand greater univers beyond ngc 362 one 170 globular cluster star exist milki way galaxy star cluster one younger globulars form like well galaxy ngc 362 found unaid eye nearli front small magellan cloud angularli close second brightest globular cluster known 47 tucanae featur imag taken hubbl space telescop help better understand massiv star end near center globular clusters,star cluster ngc hubbl,2017-10-11,620,96,0.0863636363636363,10-11,10,2017,11,6,2,3 e1a592537f64e38af9c96e3cf5bcd61a9fd7f2be7637208785c2b43f1bb87551,yuri beletski,larg magellan cloud satellit galaxi milki way stand southern horizon telephoto view la campana observatory planet earth dark septemb sky chilean atacama desert small galaxi impress span 10 degre 20 full moons sensit digit camera panorama also record faint pervas airglow otherwis invis eye appar bright terrestri light foreground actual dim illumin cluster hous observatori astronom engineers flatten mountain top along horizon galaxi la campana peak home futur giant magellan telescope,galaxi,2017-10-13,486,71,0.1045454545454545,10-13,10,2017,13,7,1,1 d59df26aa808174d95f8e2fb19843bc9d193be39cad92187584b1a8ce6317547,alan dyer,familiar green red tint auror emiss flood sky along northern top horizon fishey panorama project septemb 27 clear even milki way track zenith southern alberta sky end moon set southwest odd isolated pink whitish arc across south come known steve name given phenomenon alberta aurora chaser facebook group record appear feature sometim mistakenli identifi proton aurora proton arc mysteri steve arc seem associ aurora appear closer equat auror wide document citizen scientist recent directli explor swarm mission satellite steve arc measur thermal emiss flow ga rather emiss excit energet electrons even though acronym fit origin friendli name sudden thermal emiss veloc enhancement origin still mysterious,allski steve,2017-10-14,705,105,0.0621794871794871,10-14,10,2017,14,6,2,4 37b472d8fc4f083d04f76a6d43c899b52693f68cee7c07c5fd9568c4a12b1f64,none,gold jewelri originate one complet sure rel averag abund solar system appear higher made earli universe stars even typic supernova explosions astronom mani believe neutronrich heavi element gold might easili made rare neutronrich explos collis neutron stars pictur artist illustr depict two neutron star spiral toward other collide sinc neutron star collis also suggest origin short durat gammaray bursts possibl alreadi souvenir one power explos universe note apod ran previous 2011 septemb 11 news note next apod debut discoveri announc press brief monday,origin gold,2017-10-15,557,83,0.0947916666666666,10-15,10,2017,15,6,0,4 9cb063685063f9697ec4e134ce4c3d35b4a1f1b8f3582fc23cfd9db9ea8466da,none,one strangest object outer solar system recent found ring object name fifth design dwarf planet pluto ceres eris makemake haumea oblong shape make quit unusual along one direction haumea significantli longer pluto anoth direct haumea extent similar pluto third direct much smaller haumea orbit sometim bring closer sun pluto usual haumea away illustr above artist visual haumea crater surround uniform ring origin discov 2003 given temporari design 2003 el61 haumea renam 2008 iau hawaiian goddess besid ring discov year haumea two small moon discov 2005 name hiiaka namaka daughter goddess,haumea outer solar system,2017-10-17,590,90,-0.009090909090909,10-17,10,2017,17,8,0,2 6be378aea9a3413bc751ff0f030f7c2a2ceb0f7bdeebc6b938f358f60e572c90,eric cole martin pugh,blue dust cloud young energet star inhabit telescop vista less 500 lightyear away toward northern boundari corona australis southern crown dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way strike complex reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 ic 4812 produc characterist blue color light region bright blue star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star still process formation left smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 bend around young variabl star r corona australis it glow arc loop shock outflow embed newborn star identifi herbigharo objects sky field view span one degree correspond almost nine lightyear estim distanc nearbi star form region explor universe random apod gener,star dust corona australi,2017-10-18,697,107,0.0422222222222222,10-18,10,2017,18,4,2,5 9bd05c060e20c7857b2a574b9e70ccb934f5f038d9d2f24c225d96d41e962172,kerryann lecki hepburn,find big dipper follow handl away dipper bowl get last bright star then slide telescop littl south west come upon stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi bottom ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi eye deep imag like one reveal strike color faint tidal debri around smaller galaxi,m51 whirlpool galaxi,2017-10-19,551,89,-0.0722222222222222,10-19,10,2017,19,7,0,3 ad14bbaa33e5864875dbcc7f690fe45ddf858d8ce4bddf0181f7e2e51f2c45aa,fabian neyer,beverli lynd dark nebula 183 lie mere 325 lightyear away drift high plane milki way galaxy obscur starlight behind view optic wavelengths dark dusti molecular cloud seem far infrar explor reveal dens clump within like star earli stage format enhanc region cloud undergo gravit collapse one closest molecular clouds seen toward constel serpen sharp cosmic cloud portrait span half degre sky that 3 lightyear estim distanc lynd dark nebula,lynd dark nebula,2017-10-21,437,69,-0.1535185185185185,10-21,10,2017,21,4,0,3 2c0cd6d0030c640bbc60471b7ddf392f8b99e39e02c5c254c5bb753e1905c0ae,none,reddish dot before dot upper left galaxi ngc center see it scan larg field possibl locat optic counterpart unpreced gravit wave event august appear fade dot quickli becam histor pinpoint exact location therebi enabl humanity major telescop examin first ever electromagnet wave counterpart gravit wave event event give strong evid short gammaray burst explos occur two neutron star merge featur imag lenticular galaxi ngc hubbl show fade dot sever day discovered analyses includ physic explosion heavi element formed similar speed gravit radiat light calibr new method determin distanc scale universe journal data graphic,ngc galact home histor explos,2017-10-23,621,93,0.1193497474747474,10-23,10,2017,23,7,2,4 ede33d5ea13a9b7646b8dee72fd122c214418495a1dffee9a9badd3447fc4286,none,could human live beneath surfac moon intrigu possibl bolster 2009 japan moonorbit selen spacecraft imag curiou hole beneath mariu hill region moon possibl underground lava followup observ nasa lunar reconnaiss orbit lro indic mariu hill hole visual extend nearli 100 meter sever hundr meter wide recently ground penetr radar data selen reveal seri intrigu second echo indic extens lava tube exist mariu hill might extend even kilomet larg enough hous cities tube could shelter futur moon coloni larg temperatur impacts harm solar radiation potentially underground lava tube might even seal contain air lava tube like form lunar volcano activ billion year ago pictured surfac mariu hill region captur 1960 nasa lunar orbit 2 mission inset imag shown nasa continu sever volcan dome visible mariu crater visibl upper right,hill hole moon,2017-10-25,820,128,0.0322077922077922,10-25,10,2017,25,2,2,4 05da6c84e853cb5deba21d0ae13620e647894727c7f5efc412ddadf1267a5234,rolfgeissing,adrift cosmic sea star glow ga delicate float apparit left center widefield view catalog ngc 7635 bubbl nebula mere 10 lightyear wide tini bubbl nebula blown wind massiv star lie within larger complex interstellar ga dust cloud found 11000 lightyear distant straddl boundari parent constel cepheu cassiopeia includ breathtak vista open star cluster m52 lower left 5000 lightyear away right bubbl nebula emiss region identifi also known claw nebula construct 47 hour narrowband broadband exposures imag span 3 degre sky correspond width 500 lightyear estim distanc bubbl nebula,ngc 7635 bubbl cosmic sea,2017-10-26,576,88,-0.1012987012987013,10-26,10,2017,26,4,0,5 6da97ab70c6a158bd1e9d1834c94d21316ad44b2ce9e60ee6e8d9a163b387347,kent wood,far ghost go mirach ghost realli scary mirach ghost faint fuzzi galaxy well known astronomers happen seen nearli along lineofsight mirach bright star center star field mirach also call beta andromedae 200 lightyear distant mirach red giant star cooler sun much larger intrins much brighter parent star telescop views glare diffract spike tend hide thing lie near mirach make faint fuzzi galaxi look like ghostli intern reflect almost overwhelm starlight still appear sharp imag left mirach mirach ghost catalog galaxi ngc 404 estim 10 million lightyear away,mirach ghost,2017-10-27,557,87,-0.0517857142857142,10-27,10,2017,27,7,0,3 46887c5635c96e946496690025f952a3856a0094b9fdddbdca469d8f1ed5b962,none,wraithlik ngc 6369 faint apparit night sky popularli known littl ghost nebula discov 18th centuri astronom sir william herschel use telescop explor medicin constel ophiucus herschel histor classifi round nebula planetari nebula planetari nebula gener relat planets instead gaseou shroud creat end sunlik star life die star outer layer expand space core shrink becom white dwarf transform white dwarf star seen near center radiat strongli ultraviolet wavelength power expand nebula glow surprisingli complex detail structur ngc 6369 reveal tantal imag compos hubbl space telescop data nebula main round structur lightyear across glow ioniz oxygen hydrogen nitrogen atom color blue green red respectively 2000 lightyear away littl ghost nebula offer glimps fate sun could produc planetari nebula 5 billion year now,ngc 6369 littl ghost nebula,2017-10-28,812,120,-0.0948717948717948,10-28,10,2017,28,4,2,5 02892b6be7c9349d9a240bf14ce7f74c9aaa7bd57b5bcb0d728c1c136625f2f1,adam block,helmetshap cosmic cloud winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet heroic size even nors god thor helmet span 30 lightyear across fact helmet like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright star near center bubble bluehu region sweep surround molecular cloud star wolfrayet star massiv extrem hot giant star thought brief presupernova stage evolution catalog ngc 2359 emiss nebula locat 12000 lightyear away toward constel big dog cani major sharp image made use broadband narrowband filters captur strike detail nebula filamentari ga dust structures blue color origin strong emiss oxygen atom nebula follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,thor helmet emiss nebula,2017-11-01,656,98,0.1708333333333333,11-01,11,2017,1,4,2,5 8a81490046e213cf75dedf5903a4955d3b452f017dfc5b67938d6bdb8ffbe036,laszlo bagi,distant galaxi lie beyond foreground spiki milki way star telescop field view center yellowish star hd scene span 1 degre sky toward northern constel andromeda top right larg spiral galaxi ngc 891 100 thousand lightyear across seen almost exactli edgeon 30 million lightyear distant ngc 891 look lot like milki way flattened thin galact disk disk central bulg cut along middl dark obscur dust clouds scatter toward lower left member galaxi cluster abel 347 nearli 240 million lightyear away abel 347 show larg galaxi sharp image similar ngc 891 physic size locat almost 8 time farther away abel 347 galaxi roughli one eighth appar size ngc 891,ngc 891 vs abel 347,2017-11-02,643,107,-0.0172077922077922,11-02,11,2017,2,7,2,3 abc919d8691d8e5143488de999a47da798040a4742860dc297cbe0e997a0f344,none,travel high veloc along extrem hyperbol orbit make turn swung past sun design a2017 u1 first known small bodi interstellar space point light center 5 minut exposur record william herschel telescop canari island octob 28 interstellar visitor asteroidlik sign cometari activity faint background star appear streak massiv 42 meter diamet telescop track rapidli move a2017 u1 field view astronom rob first recogn move object panstarr sky survey data octob 19 a2017 present outbound never return solar system alreadi visibl planet earth larg optic telescopes though interstellar origin establish base orbit still unknown long object could drift among star milki way interstellar cruis speed would 26 kilomet per second comparison humanity voyag 1 spacecraft travel 17 kilomet per second interstellar space,interstellar,2017-11-03,800,120,-0.0707142857142857,11-03,11,2017,3,8,2,2 798934f3a7c4ec323440f9a48525aa818229620ba80498c1778e7d200cb695fa,none,beauti nebula discov balanc libra serpent serpens begin descript 5th entri 18th centuri astronom charl messier famou catalog nebula star clusters though appear messier fuzzi round without stars messier 5 m5 known globular star cluster 100000 star more bound graviti pack region around 165 lightyear diameter lie 25000 lightyear away roam halo galaxy globular star cluster ancient member milki way m5 one oldest globulars star estim nearli 13 billion year old beauti star cluster popular target earthbound telescopes course deploy low earth orbit april 25 1990 hubbl space telescop also captur stun closeup view span 20 lightyear across central region m5 even close dens core cluster age red blue giant star rejuven blue straggler stand yellow blue hue sharp color image,hubble messier 5,2017-11-04,771,121,0.0673076923076923,11-04,11,2017,4,6,2,5 191a80b86805384d54227efee485f5f2161f5b32d34d7821f586683c4aee8c10,talha zia,full moon look same no see slight differences consid grid twelv full moons upper left lower right imag repres everi lunat 2016 novemb 2017 october imag consecut full moon shown scale unlik famou moon illusion chang appar size seen real chang caus variat lunar distanc due moon significantli noncircular orbit dark notch bottom full moon 2017 august shadow earth make partial lunar eclipse besid sometim exagger coloring subtler chang appear also notic close examination moon seem wobbl slightli one full moon next effect known libration dramat easier see lunat video highlight way moon appear chang month moonth,year full moon,2017-11-05,612,97,0.1129365079365079,11-05,11,2017,5,2,2,1 a97a8586780e4e62699a626637d53d0702710cc2a41cc8dda0f8a4cf9aefe641,esa rosetta mps osirisupdlamiaassointaupmdaspida,comet tail come from obviou place nuclei comet jet creat comet tail emanate last year though esa rosetta spacecraft imag jet emerg comet flew right it featur tell pictur show bright plume emerg small circular dip bound one side 10meter high wall analys rosetta data show jet compos dust waterice mundan terrain indic someth like happen far porou surfac creat plume imag taken last july two month rosetta mission end control impact onto comet 67p surface,dust jet surfac comet 67p,2017-11-06,453,76,0.1422448979591836,11-06,11,2017,6,3,1,2 8302615e99a8aca824cd2ae82a0ebf46f490b9d95099cd5d9326e110c3d9ca05,none,center pragu there clock size building day crowd gather watch show new hour pragu astronom face impress complex give expect time respect sun solar time time rel star time time sunris sunset sever latitud includ equator phase moon much more clock began oper even though much inner work sever times origin part remain clock size solar calendar rotat year pictured pragu astronom clock photograph alon earli morn 2009 march pragu astronom clock old town tower behind current renov again clock expect restart 2018 june,astronom,2017-11-07,514,84,-0.0079545454545454,11-07,11,2017,7,1,0,1 7c430dc200c8db3ec4fcf2d229682b2d3ee2dc76d336401268746a33447a3cf0,none,caus hubble variabl nebula vary unusu nebula featur chang appear notic weeks discov 200 year ago subsequ catalog ngc remark nebula name edwin hubble studi earli last century perhaps featur imag taken anoth namesak space telescope hubble variabl nebula reflect nebula made ga fine dust fan star r monocerotis faint nebula one lightyear across lie 2500 lightyear away toward constel unicorn lead variabl explan hubble variabl nebula hold dens knot opaqu dust pass close r mon cast move shadow onto reflect dust seen rest nebula open science brows 1500 code astrophys sourc code librari,ngc 2261 hubble variabl nebula,2017-11-08,583,94,-0.0208333333333333,11-08,11,2017,8,4,0,5 96eb661528591e1e76f3e4330a787ffa201893bd2fd11d334bb73bd123d5f389,robert gendler,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 1055 domin member small galaxi group mere 60 million lightyear away toward aquat intimid constel cetus seen edgeon island univers span 100000 lightyears littl larger milki way color star cosmic closeup ngc 1055 foreground well within milki way telltal pinkish star form region scatter wind dust lane along distant galaxy thin disk smatter even distant background galaxies deep imag also reveal boxi halo extend far central bluge disk ngc 1055 halo lace faint narrow structures could repres mix spread debri satellit galaxi disrupt larger spiral 10 billion year ago,ngc 1055 closeup,2017-11-09,593,94,-0.15,11-09,11,2017,9,7,0,3 162873156baff5e2d5c804851ca6fa93a513965d1c18aafad17ca2443768381e,sara wager,chaotic appearance tangl filament shocked glow ga spread across planet earth sky toward constel cygnu part veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago blast cataclysm event interstellar shock wave plow space sweep excit interstellar material glow filament realli like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ glow ioniz hydrogen atom shown red oxygen blue hues also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears field view span less one third distance often identifi pickering triangl director harvard colleg observatory complex filament catalog ngc also known discoverer astronom williamina fleming fleming triangular wisp,fleming triangular wisp,2017-11-10,822,125,-0.0518518518518518,11-10,11,2017,10,4,2,5 364970e7d79278c9c160a2dbd67e6685e4c0bc4a1dc2800dc78d6bb62b7323e7,alain,moon normal seen subtl shade grey small measur color differ greatli exagger mosaic highresolut imag captur near moon full phase construct multicolored central moonscape differ color recogn correspond real differ miner makeup lunar surface blue hue reveal titanium rich area orang purpl color show region rel poor titanium iron intrigu sea mare center frame sweep arc lunar mont it dark floor 83 kilomet diamet crater within sea rains mare imbrium toward top left near gap top arc apollo 15 land site calibr rock sampl return apollo missions similar multicolor imag spacecraft use explor moon global surfac composition,moon,2017-11-11,617,97,0.0736111111111111,11-11,11,2017,11,2,2,2 4baa4ada067d99b6c180486537d3ad769c1a06ea7728865eb627e570d0ff04ff,dave jurasevichmt wilson observatory,sometimes sky may seem smile much planet earth day 2008 visibl world over unusu superposit moon planet venu jupiter pictur taken right time show crescent moon appear smile pair planetari conjunct seemingli nearbi jupit venus pictur scene appear mt wilson observatori overlook lo angeles california usa sunset 2008 novemb 30 highest sky farthest distanc planet jupiter significantli closer visibl jupiter lower left venus appear earth atmospher cloud unusu blue far right horizon moon wax crescent phase thin cloud illumin moon appear unusu orange sprawl across bottom imag hill lo angeles mani cover thin haze la skyscrap visibl far left hour take image moon approach distant duo briefli eclips venus move on week anoth conjunct venu jupit occur visibl much planet earth east sunrise,happi sky lo angel,2017-11-12,783,123,0.0622448979591836,11-12,11,2017,12,2,2,4 c6a3b86279b10ada076259cfedf11945747d2277de7b3ac0c2cbc14c18cd5655,none,comet deplet carboncontain comet origin fame deriv get closer sun short period comet half close mercuri everi five years better understand unusu comet nasa soho spacecraft track comet latest approach sun october featur imag composit show comet swoop past sun sun bright surfac hidden view behind dark although part sun extend corona visible neighbor star dot background one hypothesi hold close solar approach somehow caus comet machholz shed carbon anoth hypothesi posit comet form composit far away possibl even anoth star system free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,comet machholz approach sun,2017-11-13,581,91,0.0969696969696969,11-13,11,2017,13,3,2,1 c2b8bd1b654dbd1849628e6ab06059676b55faad60e7006abb6c1533b2bf244e,juan carlo casadotwanearth daniel,wellknown pleiad star cluster slowli destroy part pass cloud ga dust pleiad brightest open cluster star earth sky seen almost northerli locat unaid eye pass young dust cloud thought part gould belt unusu ring young star format surround sun local milki way galaxy past 100000 years part gould belt chanc move right older pleiad caus strong reaction star dust pressur stars light significantli repel dust surround blue reflect nebula smaller dust particl repel strongly shortterm result part dust cloud becom filamentari featur deep imag also captur comet c2015 er61 panstarrs lower left,pleiad deep dusti,2017-11-14,585,92,0.0979365079365079,11-14,11,2017,14,6,2,5 4cb597a3547aaa361cd461a10ab6fd7726d2f9dbc8c2477e41c5a93d9a589115,guillaum,found among rich starfield milki way star cluster ngc 7789 lie 8000 lightyear away toward constel cassiopeia late 18th centuri deep sky discoveri astronom carolin lucretia herschel cluster also known caroline rose floweri visual appear small telescop creat cluster nestl complex star voids estim 16 billion year young galact open cluster star also show age star cluster like born time brighter massiv one rapidli exhaust hydrogen fuel cores evolv main sequenc star like sun mani red giant star shown yellowish cast love color composite use measur color brightness astronom model mass henc age cluster star start turn off main sequenc becom red giants 50 lightyear across caroline rose span half degre the angular size moon near center widefield telescop image,ngc 7789 caroline rose,2017-11-15,759,120,0.0785087719298245,11-15,11,2017,15,6,2,3 0c7098502230c2e168bc2e0b4a0af88103dbd57b111c5a68b73885c3b18a3629,ignaciodiaz bobillo,tarantula nebula thousand lightyear diameter giant star form region within nearbi satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud 180 thousand lightyear away largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxies cosmic arachnid sprawl across spectacular view compos narrowband data center emiss ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula star form region young star clusters filaments blownout bubbleshap clouds fact frame includ site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a right center rich field view span 1 degre 2 full moons southern constel dorado tarantula nebula closer say 1500 lightyear distant like local star form orion nebula would take half sky watch leonid meteor shower,tarantula nebula,2017-11-16,850,125,0.062844611528822,11-16,11,2017,16,4,2,5 52852c9fa17e1333f779e96f19cb67951fc7ff6a3481e4a8cfb1063e71f63e06,taylor,sky glow soft pinkish color fade twilight serendipit mountaintop vista taken temperatures thought compos photo show snowy rug peak seen mountain pass novemb 14 lie villag la italy dolomit alps nestl villag lights constel ursa major hang northern horizon stun intens firebal meteor captur camera exposur chanc flash east west across northern horizon ursa major familiar big dipper asterism fact sight major firebal meteor wide report european skies report firebal event ever planet earth american meteor societi intern meteor organization meteor measur track germani consist origin near activ radiant november taurid meteor shower taurid meteor associ dust encke comet watch leonid meteor shower,major firebal meteor,2017-11-17,694,103,0.06625,11-17,11,2017,17,8,2,1 649236b2f58850099f00196d2feafb4e3a5c0a04c55f04284d8a87629d20bf28,tunç tezel,friday old moon smile earli morn risers wane sunlit crescent captur atmospher scene clear sky near bursa turkey planet earth subtl twilight hue nearbi celesti light jupit top venu shine close eastern horizon today saturday moon new earli next week wax crescent follow set sun sink west then young moon smile join saturn mercuri earli even skies watch leonid meteor shower,moon,2017-11-18,371,61,0.2036363636363636,11-18,11,2017,18,2,1,1 e5829f4a3ac91150fe5bad7223e431e94adcf39a19e51cf286bc837b51d7b86a,francesco antonucci,young star clear nurseri ngc 7822 within nebula bright edg complex dust sculptur domin detail skyscap taken infrar light nasa wide field infrar survey explor wise satellite ngc 7822 lie edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region lie 3000 lightyear away atom emiss light nebula ga power energet radiat hot stars whose power wind light also sculpt erod denser pillar shapes star could still form insid pillar gravit collapse pillar erod away form star ultim cut reservoir star stuff field span around 40 lightyear estim distanc ngc 7822 free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,ngc 7822 star dust pillar infrar,2017-11-19,618,102,0.2541666666666666,11-19,11,2017,19,4,2,5 ec43b1c3d52fea76066188f1e2c40618b810e92319629bac5d4e02eff6ae5aeb,none,yes ever taken selfi mars curios rover mar has selfi compil mani smaller imag mechan arm hold camera visible although shadow taken featur imag show adventur rover dark layer rocks light color peak mount sharp rust red sand pervad mars look closely even see small rock stuck one curiosity age wheels near end 2017 curios continu explor layer sedimentari rock discov vera rubin ridg order better understand generally ancient geolog histori mar and specifically type rock exist there available 2018 apod calendar,curios rover take selfi mar,2017-11-20,510,82,0.0925,11-20,11,2017,20,5,0,2 503177dac325abe6c8107fb23f2d7b685236ebdbe2672ca1fdedbe47edab64b7,steve cullen,first learn identifi group stars although familiar mani peopl around world differ cultur associ aster differ icon folklore known usa big dipper star part constel design intern astronom union great bear ursa major recogn star name star left right mizaralcor alioth megrez phecda merak course star given constel unlik physic related surprisingly big dipper star seem head direct plough space properti share star spread even larger area across sky measur common motion suggest belong loose nearbi star cluster thought averag 75 lightyear away 30 lightyear across cluster properli known ursa major move group featur imag captur icon star recent pyramid mountain alberta canada free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,big dipper pyramid mountain,2017-11-21,719,112,0.1224244505494505,11-21,11,2017,21,6,2,4 d51299dd51f7ba90518ec378aa6f01c6c11d1b2487d6dffd96e2d2fbe60818d2,none,noth like ever seen before unusu space rock oumuamua intrigu mainli first asteroid ever detect outsid solar system although like mani follow given modern sky therefor humanity telescop nearli everi varieti put oumuamua observ schedul help better understand unusu interstellar visitor pictur artist illustr oumuamua might look like close oumuamua also intriguing however unexpect parallel rama famou fiction interstellar spaceship creat late scienc fiction writer arthur c like rama oumuamua unusu elongated made strong materi avoid break apart pass solar system pass unusu close sun someth gravit unlik visit spaceship though oumuamua trajectory speed color even probabl detect consist form natur around normal star mani million year ago expel gravit encount normal planet subsequ orbit galaxi alone even given oumuamua like convent origin perhap human hold hope one day technolog engin oumuamua anoth solar system interstellar own,interstellar asteroid,2017-11-22,936,137,0.2075757575757575,11-22,11,2017,22,8,2,4 391a3ac48aa7180b7ee8bbce7638140e9226885a2a3e889d8c9986f12bf1f9ee,mohammad nouroozi,alnitak alnilam mintaka bright bluish star east west lower right upper left along diagon cosmic vista otherwis known belt orion three blue supergi star hotter much massiv sun lie 800 1500 lightyear away born orion wellstudi interstellar clouds fact cloud ga dust adrift region surprisingli familiar shapes includ dark horsehead nebula flame nebula near alnitak lower right famou orion nebula right edg color starfield wellframed telescop mosaic span 4 degre sky,alnitak alnilam mintaka,2017-11-23,461,71,0.1892857142857143,11-23,11,2017,23,4,1,5 9dd16f04914b9c933b4298753ffae9f06e180e0b92811f1c70b53e1eb54a6115,none,decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour moon tauruslittrow valley colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead sharp imag taken cernan schmitt roam valley floor imag show schmitt left lunar rover edg shorti crater near spot geologist schmitt discov orang lunar soil apollo 17 crew return 110 kilogram rock soil samples return lunar land sites forti five year later cernan schmitt still last walk moon,apollo 17 shorti crater,2017-11-24,427,68,-0.0208333333333333,11-24,11,2017,24,2,0,2 c075c139caa31f571563d0d02c6386b612fea3f719db045285b84a53b5bb6d26,jeanfrancoisgraffand,follow vertic panoram view horizon horizon gaze sweep zenith dark night sky pic du midi mountaintop observatory make journey sea clouds 19 singl exposur taken near end night octob 31 assembl project render two horizon flat begin top look east toward dome observatory 1 meter telescope easi follow plane milki way galaxi appear emerg dome angl toward far horizon right sky hold remark diffus glow zodiac light along solar system eclipt plane zodiac light milki way star clusters cosmic dust cloud faint nebulae cross near zenith continu toward airglow west disappear near western horizon bottom beyond pic du midi observatori dome tall commun relay antenna,cross horizon,2017-11-25,655,105,0.1008241758241758,11-25,11,2017,25,6,2,1 bfc3f696ec689afd4f8339d4284e5c29a242bae42cb5c3eb56544a6fdcf3e32f,none,storm jupit quit complex swirl storm captur late last month nasa robot juno spacecraft current orbit solar system largest planet featur imag span 30000 kilometers make storm system wide planet earth disturb rotat counterclockwis show cloud pattern includ lightcolor updraft thought compos predominantli ammonia ice light cloud highest even cast discern shadow toward right juno continu orbit probe jupit next year return data help us better understand jupiter atmospher water abund planet solid surfac underneath fascin clouds,juno spot complex storm jupit,2017-11-28,526,77,0.0485714285714285,11-28,11,2017,28,8,0,2 7340d205b22101354b6fd73e9ad4d86ad8eeeac06a83786d15d66ce367013447,francesco,astronom sight excit imagin like nearbi stellar nurseri known orion nebula nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud mani filamentari structur visibl featur imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula span 40 light year locat 1500 light year away spiral arm galaxi sun great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion featur image taken last month show twohour exposur nebula three colors whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,m42 great orion nebula,2017-11-29,645,103,0.1875,11-29,11,2017,29,4,2,5 c9e055470accf3f6d05f481aca38cd4dd00687731e89890d62ae11235331387c,peter nagi,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp composit imag nice show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region along galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 7 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 triangulum galaxi,2017-11-30,698,106,0.1545454545454545,11-30,11,2017,30,7,2,3 d981796f62f07086a5f165f7704cfca1ecf5987e9cf043afc045fd4d991cf190,paolo,fan fair planet might recogn outlin cosmic clouds left bright emiss outlin dark obscur dust lane seem trace continent shape lend popular name north america nebula emiss region catalog ngc 7000 right north america nebula east coast ic 5070 whose profil suggest pelican nebula two bright nebula 1500 lightyear away part larg complex star form region almost nearbi betterknown orion nebula distance 6 degre wide field view would span 150 lightyears care cosmic portrait use narrow band imag highlight bright ioniz front characterist red glow atom hydrogen gas nebula seen binocular dark location look northeast bright star deneb constel cygnu swan,north america pelican,2017-12-01,644,101,0.2489795918367347,12-01,12,2017,1,4,2,5 0ddab71b1535445886ba9636222ac7d121bb871347661d061944e86063fd7d5c,sergio montfar planetario ciudad de la plata,what happen horizon horizon itself past field show tree larg volcn de fuego volcano red glow top volcano hot lava eye may also drawn blue circl horizon left circl surround moon and togeth colors call corona corona caus diffract light moonlight small water droplet earth interven atmosphere break cloud right show star even planet saturn far beyond volcano although volcn de fuego frequent undergo lowlevel activity astrophotograph consid lucki captur scene explos erupt late september follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,horizon blue red,2017-12-05,539,83,0.0696428571428571,12-05,12,2017,5,8,0,1 a089331abbc86c96717340e6a0acedd112f2c74cfc862f1c0458fdc95e63a1e2,domingo pestana,some may look like beehiv harbor evil reality featur hubbl imag captur cosmic pillar dust twolight year long insid herbigharo 666 young star emit power jets structur lie within one galaxy largest star form regions carina nebula shine southern sky distanc 7500 lightyears pillar layer outlin shape wind radiat carina young hot massiv stars still form insid nebula dustpenetr view infrar light better show two narrow energet jet blast outward still hidden infant star open science brows 1500 code astrophys sourc code librari,hh 666 carina dust pillar jet,2017-12-06,524,83,-0.006060606060606,12-06,12,2017,6,4,0,5 5818f013e646b395966da34275b2fb88888dba75edbfc4de75c0fbf3e6fe642e,petrhorálek,seen planet earth lunar solar eclips 2017 repres scale four panels year celesti shadow play follow four differ countri one adventur eclips kick eclips season top left february full moon captur czech republic subtl penumbr lunar eclipse due earth lighter outer shadow later month new moon top right surround ring fire record film argentina near midpoint strike annular solar eclipse august eclips pair find earth dark umbral shadow partial eclips germani left vibrant solar corona surround total eclips sun western usa keep score saro number 2017 eclips bottom left panel,eclips 2017,2017-12-07,570,90,0.1039840367965368,12-07,12,2017,7,2,2,1 ee7ae0a7b2ef56ac297e5f79025177067c9d6fc082d8031559fcf34161b840c2,stefano de rosa,december full moon phase occur near perigee closest point orbit around fair planet big bright fulli illumin lunar disk set rug mountain earli turin italy captur sunris opposit horizon scatter sunlight near edg earth shadow provid beauti reddish glow alpin peaks hill foreground still shadow scatter sunlight illumin dome tower turin histor basilica hilltop near lower right telephoto frame,alpin moonset,2017-12-08,389,59,0.2919642857142857,12-08,12,2017,8,2,1,1 d49249edb5d9d138897de12273ef2cba34de6a2bdc90c6b874289dbe79989d51,rogelio bernalandreo,composit stardust cover 8 degre northern sky mosaick field view west familiar pleiad star cluster toward zodiac constel ari plane milki way galaxy right deep skyscap bluish epsilon star visibl nakedey 330 lightyear away reflect starlight region dusti nebula sprawl left right across field like 1000 lightyear away estim distance cosmic canva 140 lightyear across near edg larg molecular cloud dark interior hide newli form star young stellar object protostar pri optic telescopes collaps due selfgravity protostar form around dens core embed molecular cloud,stardust ari,2017-12-09,557,84,0.1121428571428571,12-09,12,2017,9,4,1,5 7ff96b7b6b6a582c7aa440ae8eebad70f8dcca3281ddcd8af228ca4577c7b890,universe2gocom,what sky winter featur graphic give highlight earth northern hemisphere view clock face center bottom earli winter sky event fan toward left late winter event project toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope highlight winter sky includ geminid meteor shower peak week constel orion becom notabl even sky mani planet visibl sunris february true everi season intern space station iss sometim found drift across sky know look,highlight winter sky,2017-12-12,536,81,0.0232142857142857,12-12,12,2017,12,8,0,1 8ba246f1abeba7219c5d69bb60938aa48391f822c71acfab9deb0a0190a3f057,haitong yu,ever get caught meteor shower yes everi minut sky spark fleet flash light fate pictur astrophotograph last year perseid meteor shower featur imag composite 90 perseid rain lake inner mongolia china trace back meteor streaks find appear radiat singl constel case perseus fact even tell meteor perseid track differently tonight promis anoth good night get caught meteor shower peak gemini shower radiant rise shortli sunset visibl night free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,meteor inner mongolia,2017-12-13,482,76,0.2142857142857142,12-13,12,2017,13,8,1,1 6d68ee31849045f46f85cb169e8fbe61e2dc1eafd1a3406651a7c5344683ce05,yin hao,rth annual geminid meteor shower disappoint fair planet plow dust activ asteroid 3200 phaethon captur northern hemispher nightscape meteor stream away shower radiant gemini creat image 37 individu frame record meteor streak taken period 85 hour night decemb 1213 final composit select regist starri sky radio telescop dish radio telescop array mingantu station inner mongolia china 400 kilomet beijing sirius alpha star cani major shine brightli radio dish milki way stretch toward zenith yellowish betelgeus standout orion right northern milki way shower radiant top left high horizon near castor pollux twin star gemini radiant effect due perspect parallel meteor track appear converg distance gemini meteor enter earth atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second submit apod best imag so far geminid meteor shower 2017,geminid north,2017-12-15,816,123,0.1988010204081632,12-15,12,2017,15,6,2,4 6c0f3d0754d9b88f5d602071232f453d337c362da3fac65a6317c866dafa7142,jack fusco,four geminid flash northern sky wintri night skyscape bright firebal 3 fainter meteor captur singl 10 second exposure near peak december geminid meteor shower reflect fireball greenish light partial frozen lake alberta canada jasper nation park lie foreground canadian rocki mountain rang along northern horizon course glacial lake cold even summer photograph jack report experienc degre c temperatur night enjoy one activ meteor shower he ever seen,shower,2017-12-16,449,67,0.1285714285714286,12-16,12,2017,16,8,1,1 8bfde4f9bd37098c5b42d05c222f4ff8d0cd41e3579e0135f2404f417f0f5351,j rhoadsarizona state u et alwiynauranoaonsf,galaxi singl nucleu galaxi four strang answer lead astronom conclud nucleu surround galaxi even visibl image central cloverleaf rather light emit background quasar gravit field visibl foreground galaxi break light distant quasar four distinct images quasar must properli align behind center massiv galaxi mirag like evident gener effect known gravit lensing specif case known einstein cross stranger still imag einstein cross vari rel brightness enhanc occasion addit gravit microlens effect specif star foreground galaxy free download 2018 apod calendar,einstein cross gravit len,2017-12-17,555,79,0.1045454545454545,12-17,12,2017,17,7,0,4 a0cba6a8e272b07d021566a05da76254481d5d3a7b91575de00be3379190eeee,none,spiral around north pole mars winter pole develop new outer layer one meter thick compos carbon dioxid frozen thin martian atmosphere fresh layer deposit wateric layer exist year round strong wind blow center swirl due spin red planet contribut planum spiral structure featur imag perspect mosaic gener earlier year numer imag taken esa mar express elev laser altimet aboard nasa mar global surveyor mission new mission mar plan next year includ insight plan drill mars exomar mar 2020 rover plan search sign microscop martian life past present free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,spiral north pole mar,2017-12-19,593,96,0.0019412878787878,12-19,12,2017,19,5,2,2 20996e7246eca8cf042b9ebb72faa016862abe45f016a737ac012a7dca7a708d,stefan seip,welcom december solstice first day winter north summer southern hemisphere astronom marker seasons solstic equinox date base sun place annual journey along ecliptic planet earth sky solstice sun reach maximum southern declin 235 degre today utc right ascens coordin celesti sphere 18 hours put sun constel sagittariu direct near center milki way galaxy fact could see today solstic sun faint background star nebula that realli hard do especi daytim view might look someth like composit panorama make it imag fair galaxi taken dark namibian night skies stitch togeth panoram view snapshot made decemb 21 2015 sun digit overlay brilliant star today northern winter solstic position close center milki way,solstic sun milki way,2017-12-21,703,109,0.0281462585034013,12-21,12,2017,21,1,2,1 d44142b8a6743297055f9c68f4bb5c8ef16712f77e66d55eaf11f9ef5e801941,jeff dai,dark sky provinc northeastern china meteor rain wintri landscap beauti composit night scene 48 meteor part last week annual geminid meteor shower despit temperatur degre c record camera exposur made peak hour celesti spectacle stream away shower radiant high horizon near two bright star zodiac constel twins activ shower year decemb peak geminid arriv decemb 16 closest approach asteroid 3200 phaethon planet earth mysteri 3200 phaethon geminid shower like parent body,gemini meteor,2017-12-22,469,71,0.162,12-22,12,2017,22,8,1,1 2118c76adb93289b41db7aa82ba1f67f610dcf93a17b0c275f3b0b4a62460042,craig,what happen sky friday photogen launch plume spacex rocket launch creat quit spectacl part southern california arizona look time like giant space fish impress rocket launch vandenberg air forc base near california bright backlit set sun lift minuscul launch window falcon 9 rocket success deliv low earth orbit ten iridium next satellit part develop global commun network plume first stage seen right soar upper stage rocket seen apex plume toward left sever good video launch taken featur imag captur orang county california 25 second durat exposure gallery imag spacex launch,spacex rocket launch plume california,2017-12-24,577,90,0.0959821428571428,12-24,12,2017,24,8,2,2 7c5036200a4e5b06668fa0da1d881d0b52e0e092c901f3a518e2e731ad216d3c,yang suti,someth bright suddenli lit arctic it origin idea take seri aurora imag could made timelaps video night suddenli turn day astrophotograph quickli realiz see someth even spectacular move sky front big dipper less geminid meteor bright could call fireball meteor brighten flash sever second went stroke good aurora camera abl captur whole track taken night geminid meteor shower peaked astrophotographer locat near lake russia north arctic circle free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,firebal arctic,2017-12-25,493,76,0.3233333333333333,12-25,12,2017,25,8,1,1 3e251c5c31f2de1b7da6be3bbdc7abd0ecc5242dbc6dc70f7518ab6aabca89cf,none,galaxi fascin visible invisible grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232 captur detail one larg telescopes good example visibl domin million bright star dark dust caught gravit swirl spiral arm revolv center open cluster contain bright blue star seen sprinkl along spiral arms dark lane dens interstellar dust seen sprinkl them less visible detectable billion dim normal star vast tract interstellar gas togeth wield high mass domin dynam inner galaxy lead theori indic even greater amount matter invisible form yet know pervas dark matter part explain motion visibl matter outer region galaxies free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,grand spiral galaxi ngc 1232,2017-12-26,630,99,0.1774074074074074,12-26,12,2017,26,7,2,5 5a37fa3745f8e9ee199a19f13afe88cea81b2f26fc80670661d7585f35c433cd,none,one identifi nebula sky horsehead nebula orion part large dark molecular cloud also known barnard 33 unusu shape first discov photograph plate late 1800s red glow origin hydrogen ga predominantli behind nebula ioniz nearbi bright star sigma orionis dark horsehead caus mostli thick dust although lower part horsehead neck cast shadow left stream ga leav nebula funnel strong magnet field bright spot horsehead nebula base young star process forming light take 1500 year reach us horsehead nebula featur imag taken larg canadafrancehawaii telescop hawaii usa free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,horsehead nebula,2017-12-27,604,94,0.0686011904761904,12-27,12,2017,27,4,2,5 60ca62714a12614bd3b055adaa797b98a5b282c29c1df0006237f76c5ac6630c,none,massiv star milki way galaxi live spectacular lives collaps vast cosmic clouds nuclear furnac ignit creat heavi element cores million years enrich materi blast back interstellar space star format begin anew expand debri cloud known cassiopeia exampl final phase stellar life cycle light explos creat supernova remnant would first seen planet earth sky 350 year ago although took light 11000 year reach us falsecolor chandra xray observatori imag show still hot filament knot cassiopeia remnant highenergi emiss specif element color coded silicon red sulfur yellow calcium green iron purple help astronom explor recycl galaxy star stuff still expanding blast wave seen blue outer ring sharp xray image span 30 lightyear estim distanc cassiopeia a bright speck near center neutron star incred dense collaps remain massiv stellar core,recycl cassiopeia,2017-12-28,832,127,0.1532296650717703,12-28,12,2017,28,6,2,4 e55fd820775e0fbb281e030ca72247ccdc3969599f034c66048d2c5db99fa82c,fabian neyer,interstellar dust cloud glow nebula abound fertil constel orion one brightest m78 center colorful wide field view cover area north orion belt distanc 1500 lightyears bluish reflect nebula around 5 lightyear across tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young stars reflect nebula ngc 2071 left m78 right much compact appearance intrigu mcneil nebula recent recogn variabl nebula associ young sunlik star deeper red fleck emiss herbigharo objects energet jet star process formation stand dark dust lanes exposur also bring region fainter pervas glow atom hydrogen gas,m78 wide field,2017-12-29,575,88,0.0773809523809523,12-29,12,2017,29,4,2,5 4d33f20326c83760b5f5a78187d60c07a6c77693b0bd2e3858b9d03f2f4cb358,none,perseu galaxi cluster shine strang one specif color xrays one sure hypothesi hold xray clue longsought ident dark matter center mysteri 35 xray color appear glow region well outsid cluster center observed wherea area directli surround like central supermass black hole actual defici 35 kev xrays one propos resolut quit controversi someth never seen might present fluoresc dark matter form particl dark matter might abl absorb 35 kev xradiation operating absorption might later emit xray cluster creat emiss line however seen superpos front central region surround black hole absorpt would prominent creat absorpt line pictured composit imag perseu galaxi cluster show visibl radio light red xray light earthorbit chandra observatori blue free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,unexpect xray perseu galaxi cluster,2018-01-02,787,120,0.0640350877192982,01-02,1,2018,2,6,2,4 f0a6e107c3d1391465757ac363d1d41485b2ccf0dc017cc0b3c66a2180e34fe5,none,sun look like one day helix nebula one brightest closest exampl planetari nebula ga cloud creat end life sunlik star outer gass star expel space appear vantag point look helix remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 700 lightyear away toward constel water bearer aquarius span 25 lightyears featur pictur taken canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht locat atop dormant volcano hawaii usa closeup inner edg helix nebula show complex ga knot unknown origin free apod lectures januari 5 nyc januari 9 dc,helix nebula cfht,2018-01-03,613,98,0.0537037037037037,01-03,1,2018,3,4,2,5 d394ee0650ecf55de9f45a4bc549c29c4ba5c2c77984bb36e5dca659f6555885,william,jewel southern sky great carina nebula also known ngc 3372 one galaxy largest star form regions easili visibl unaid eye stand high signatur hill lake ephemer salt lake western australia seren night skyscap decemb 25 2017 milki way stretch beyond southern horizon along milki way bright star alpha beta centauri lie hill right southern cross dark coalsack nebula hill top base 22 panel mosaic scene crop reveal close beauti region southern milki way short summer night star track camera mount use record mosaic imag sky turn imag foreground moonlight,carina lake,2018-01-05,549,89,0.1068367346938775,01-05,1,2018,5,6,0,5 8a4aef8a3300a10a85aff840e7582db009bc732eec0760a20ee9afe850e6709e,dong han,lately bright jupit fainter mar easi spot earli morn skygazers dawn januari 7 two nakedey planet reach close conjunct near horizon 14 degre apart predawn eastern skies appar separ correspond half angular diamet full moon wing highfli aircraft snapshot earli morn januari 5 jupit left mar middle also linedup zubenelgenubi right alpha star constel libra light central europ near czech planet earth,planet,2018-01-06,396,62,0.1769047619047619,01-06,1,2018,6,5,1,1 b4df224733688bed71181d8ff59909d36631085d5edc16a11b22e387cefabcdb,none,one greatest unrequit legend outer space tether tethers long strand material hold promis stabil satellites gener electricity allow easi transportation possibl ambiti vision space tether space elev popular arthur c clarke tether construct connect ground geosynchron orbit one problem strength difficult make long use tether snap pictur deploy tether satellit system 1 tss1 space shuttl altanti 1992 like test tethers tss1 fail live promise although mani valuabl lesson learned free apod lecture januari 9 dc,tether space,2018-01-07,507,75,0.1295454545454545,01-07,1,2018,7,8,1,2 7444b14e71a5d2b3ed8b841a352f3e08354e3cbf6ed3f02df5eacafac89f8665,daniel lópez,red cloud surround andromeda galaxy galaxy m31 often imag planet earthbas astronomers nearest larg spiral galaxy familiar sight dark dust lanes bright yellowish core spiral arm trace cloud bright blue stars mosaic wellexpos broad narrowband imag data color portrait neighbor island univers offer strikingli unfamiliar featur though faint reddish cloud glow ioniz hydrogen ga wide field view ioniz hydrogen cloud sure lie foreground scene well within milki way galaxy like associ pervasive dusti interstellar cirru cloud scatter hundr lightyear galact plane free apod lectur tomorrow januari 9 nation harbor near washington dc,cloud andromeda,2018-01-08,625,92,0.1739583333333333,01-08,1,2018,8,6,2,5 13ea6a6bcac38a88737f794e456fbf3bc9a514379a8dbd0aff3d804c099ea0b6,none,one brightest planetari nebula sky named first discov 1878 nebula ngc 7027 seen toward constel swan cygnus standard backyard telescope partli appear indistinct spot rare refer moniker imag earthorbit hubbl space telescope however great detail revealed studi hubbl imag ngc 7027 led understand planetari nebula began expand 600 year ago cloud ga dust unusu massiv appear contain three time mass sun pictur assign colors resolved layered dustlac featur ngc 7027 might remind sky enthusiast familiar icon could basi inform name lead previou suggest nebula pleas feel free make new suggest example onlin apod discuss forum free apod lectur tonight near washington start 7 pm nation harbor,bright planetari nebula ngc 7027 hubbl,2018-01-09,686,106,0.3068181818181818,01-09,1,2018,9,4,2,5 83c88ab1cd524b08651886c70e1b2b93663f2f00e0a830024426c0d0a84ae6ed,none,star form galaxi collide help find out astronom imag nearbi galaxi merger ngc 2623 high resolut hubbl space telescope analysi hubbl imag well imag ngc 2623 infrar light spitzer space telescope xray light xmmnewton ultraviolet light galex indic two origin spiral galaxi appear greatli convolv core unifi one activ galact nucleu agn star format continu around core near featur imag center along stretch tidal tail visibl either side perhap surprisingly offnuclear region upper left cluster bright blue star appear galaxi collis take hundr million year take sever gravit destruct passes ngc 2623 also known arp 243 span 50000 light year lie 250 million light year away toward constel crab cancer reconstruct origin galaxi galaxi merger happen often challenging sometim impossible gener import understand univers evolved,ngc 2623 merg galaxi hubbl,2018-01-10,816,125,0.2262222222222222,01-10,1,2018,10,7,2,3 251e85bf10a0f39e6d91b45562658c1f169c1079c3996972aab33d99c580a64d,andrew campbel,larg dramat shaped cosmic cloud span nearli 7 degre 14 full moon across planet earth sky toward southern constel ara difficult image filamentari apparit catalog rcw 114 trace telescop mosaic telltal reddish emiss ioniz hydrogen atoms fact rcw 114 recogn supernova remnant extens filament emiss produc still expand shockwav death explos massiv star sweep surround interstellar medium consist estim place distanc 600 lightyears indic diamet 100 lightyear so light supernova explos creat rcw 114 would reach earth around 20000 year ago spin neutron star pulsar recent identifi remain collaps stellar core,rcw dragon heart ara,2018-01-11,601,91,0.0833333333333333,01-11,1,2018,11,6,2,4 389fd6effdfbf79144193b982d17ec318b5bbc6976232b06eda6fe3986e09883,damian peach,discov panstarr telescop septemb 7 2016 comet panstarrs c2016 r2 present 24 light minut 3 au sun sweep planet earth sky across background star constel taurus inbound visitor solar system distant oort cloud beauti complex ion tail remark shade blue still rel far sun comet alreadi welldevelop ion tail impressive emiss unusu abund ioniz carbon monoxid co molecul fluoresc increas sunlight larg respons pretti blue tint color imag blue comet combin data taken two differ telescop night januari 7 locat apex vshape hyad star cluster taurus bright star gamma tauri respons glow bottom left corner frame,blue comet panstarr,2018-01-12,598,96,0.1636363636363636,01-12,1,2018,12,3,2,4 13473d0c36d4e5e77ce052396a3e404260df00737ef6991352ff02fdef68e3f2,john krau,composit three consecut exposures night skyscap follow januari 7 launch first stage land falcon 9 rocket beach planet earth space coast launch cape canaver air forc station bright streak begin farthest left trace initi phase rocket flight visibl upward hook mark first stage begin return trajectori near top arc second stage separ continu toward orbit top launch arc due perspective bright streak show return first stage slow descend toward cape center below streak horizon 17 second burn final slow first stage success vertic land 8 minut launch land zone 1 scene effect long exposur time background star leav short trail night sky rotat planet,launch land,2018-01-13,645,104,0.14625,01-13,1,2018,13,8,2,2 8ff41b341d3f34e6f0f393fca0aabb56e46b159d72cff460cc46804bb7342244,mario lux,starlight eeri visag shine dark crook profil evok popular name witch head nebula fact entranc telescop portrait give impress witch fix gaze orion bright supergi star rigel formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula span 50 lightyear compos interstellar dust grain reflect rigel starlight blue color witch head nebula dust surround rigel caus rigel intens blue starlight dust grain scatter blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen rigel witch head nebula ga dust surround lie 800 lightyear away open science brows 1600 code astrophys sourc code librari,rigel witch head nebula,2018-01-15,634,99,0.1549999999999999,01-15,1,2018,15,4,2,5 7a22cb50cda6e97a50eea5d35aa821a6ac2d2933abb2d70ef728e2da96b00da8,robert gendler,imag data telescop larg small closeup featur dusti elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus also known vdb 142 cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long color view highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin region pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat scene span 1 degre wide field size 2 full moons,elephant trunk cepheu,2018-01-16,533,86,-0.0147179487179487,01-16,1,2018,16,4,0,5 4f16596c1666432b60ee1e066fe0ecc403cb345e06d883e6ba5c44d055716051,none,excit unfamiliar view orion nebula visual base astronom data movi render techniques close person famou stellar nurseri normal seen 1500 lightyear away digit model frame transit visibl light represent base hubbl data left infrar data spitzer space telescop right perspect center look along valley lightyear wide wall region giant molecular cloud orion valley end caviti carv energet wind radiat massiv central star trapezium star cluster singl frame part threedimension video let viewer experi three minut flight great nebula orion,valley orion,2018-01-17,530,79,0.0065934065934065,01-17,1,2018,17,4,0,5 e93895ea20b74d0cf7ffdd81dfaae4efe9db527df097f66b32c4e1a4d453013e,rogelio bernalandreo,star hyad cluster scatter mosaic span 5 degre sky toward constel taurus present cruis solar system remark blue comet c2016 r2 panstarr place wide field view use imag data januari 12 apex vshape hyad cluster posit near top center bright aldebaran alpha star taurus anchor frame lower right cool red giant aldebaran seen orang hue color starfield star hyad gather 151 lightyear away aldebaran lie 65 lightyear distant separ cluster stars januari 12 c2016 r2 17 lightminut planet earth nearli 24 lightminut sun blue tint tail larg due co ga fluoresc sunlight head coma comet appear slightli greenish hue like emiss diatom carbon,blue comet hyad,2018-01-18,625,103,0.094047619047619,01-18,1,2018,18,6,2,5 6c095445332cf9344f3b1a0e2d449cea0cd373209b239c5f39582062a89d57dd,josep drudi,allur sight southern skies larg magellan cloud lmc seen deep detail telescop mosaic record broadband narrowband filters scene span 5 degre 10 full moons narrowband filter design transmit light emit hydrogen oxygen atoms ioniz energet starlight atom emit characterist light electron recaptur atom transit lower energi state result imag lmc seem cover cloud ioniz ga surround massive young stars sculpt strong stellar wind ultraviolet radiation glow clouds domin emiss hydrogen known h ii ioniz hydrogen regions compos mani overlap h ii regions tarantula nebula larg star form region left largest satellit milki way galaxy lmc 15000 lightyear across lie mere 160000 lightyear away toward constel dorado,cloud lmc,2018-01-19,700,106,0.1303030303030303,01-19,1,2018,19,4,2,5 81b49bcf6829b36e933c6a8151a40c88922e8e4116a9c152fbf3a84b8361457c,yuri beletski,also known moon ashen glow old moon new moon arms earthshin earthlight reflect moon night side stun imag earthshin young crescent moon taken la campana observatory atacama desert chile planet earth near moonset januari 18 dramat atmospher invers layer appear pacif ocean color sunset planet western horizon view moon would stunning too moon appear earth sky slender crescent dazzlingli bright nearli full earth would seen lunar surface descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean turn illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci,old moon new moon arm,2018-01-20,559,86,0.1336363636363636,01-20,1,2018,20,2,1,1 21dc9305def2ee17f7d608cac47e40956bbcdc0d978d7f25dc4db1c261c7ff95,none,yes blizzard this upper storm centuri 1938 snow drift reach level util poles nearli meter new unexpect snow fell two day storm start 80 year ago week snow fell wind snow surreal mani road becam peopl becam cars school train becam even danger fire raged fortun two peopl although student forc spend sever consecut day featur imag taken local resid soon storm although snow eventu repeat snow storm like help build last glacier snowi region planet earth,upper michigan,2018-01-21,451,77,0.0772727272727272,01-21,1,2018,21,8,0,1 eca60a523fa53cd556c46565d47bd5b991b7906c98d6e1a7999ff3b6c3eebf6b,none,spiral galaxi ring around center spiral galaxi ngc 1398 ring pearli stars ga dust around center bar star ga across center spiral arm appear like ribbon farther out featur imag taken eso larg telescop paran observatori chile resolv grand spiral impress detail ngc 1398 lie 65 million light year distant mean light see today left galaxi dinosaur disappear earth photogen galaxi visibl small telescop toward constel furnac fornax ring near center like expand densiti wave star formation caus either gravit encount anoth galaxy galaxy gravit asymmetries,ribbon pearl spiral galaxi ngc 1398,2018-01-23,549,86,0.028125,01-23,1,2018,23,7,0,3 6db9873d715223fae5ce40d4a0fd03644feea85d47cca7ef5655fe856d3f13f5,none,telescop closeup show otherwis faint emiss nebula ic 410 also featur two remark inhabit cosmic pond ga dust left center tadpol ic 410 partli obscur foreground dust nebula surround ngc 1893 young galact cluster stars form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago intens hot bright cluster star energ glow gas compos denser cooler ga dust tadpol around 10 lightyear long like site ongo star formation sculpt wind radiat cluster stars head outlin bright ridg ioniz ga tail trail away cluster central region ic 410 lie 10000 lightyear away toward nebularich constel auriga,tadpol ic 410,2018-01-24,570,93,0.06,01-24,1,2018,24,4,2,5 aab9f31ddcb7483c71c1a376455fa705f07c9ddace2e2a01eeeb00bc4749d19c,none,chance collis two galaxi creat surprisingli recogniz shape cosmic scale cartwheel galaxy cartwheel part group galaxi 500 million light year away constel sculptor two smaller galaxi group visibl left cartwheel galaxy rim immens ringlik structur 150000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxi collid pass other individu star rare come contact still galaxies gravit field serious distort collision fact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus small intrud galaxi pass larg one compress interstellar ga dust caus star format wave move impact point like rippl across surfac pond case larg galaxi may origin spiral unlik milki way transform wheel shape collision happen small intrud galaxy,cartwheel fortun,2018-01-25,717,108,0.0841666666666666,01-25,1,2018,25,7,2,4 4ff5934221a4a22d8e32bc9d415be330c29e45631a26d5cdbb4b0796758efb3b,none,sol 1943 journey explor across surfac mars curios rover record selfi south rim vera rubin ridge cours sol martian solar day 40 minut longer earth day curiosity sol 1943 correspond earth date januari 23 2018 also compos interact 360 degre mosaick panorama combin 61 exposur taken carsiz rover mar hand len imag frame contain imager arm edit extend background use taken rover mastcam sol 1903 top rover mast sit hous block distant peak mount sharp,selfi ridg,2018-01-26,445,75,0.0916666666666666,01-26,1,2018,26,5,0,2 95ef85356fa61f2606fa093cda9252ed7a0101f49d8cf0eb780882a1036042fa,kerryannlecki hepburn,stare toward heavens one mani atacama desert salt flat calmli reflect starri night sky near san pedro de atacama chile planet earth cosmic rift dust star clouds nebula central milki way galaxi rise east beyond volcan horizon caught six frame panorama seren record earli morn hour januari 15 planet jupit mar close near ecliptic bright planet immers solar system visibl band zodiac light extend left galact center horizon south right larg small cloud magellan satellit galaxi milki way,laguna starri sky,2018-01-27,484,78,0.1210714285714285,01-27,1,2018,27,6,1,1 8191fec99b4967ae9b00976f645f94a3889d4055e5cf5cde40fb151ad60f2e77,joe morri,spider ever catch fly larg emiss nebula toward constel chariot auriga spidershap ga cloud left actual emiss nebula label ic 417 smaller flyshap cloud right dub ngc 1931 emiss nebula reflect nebula 10000 lightyear distant nebula harbor young open star clusters scale compact ngc 1931 fly 10 lightyear across,spider fli,2018-01-29,306,49,0.2095238095238095,01-29,1,2018,29,4,1,5 f8ae61ce209684c4c888c95b269e132d4bde5aef17e52edfc6d974ba6d139ade,none,venu differ earth help find out japan launch robot akatsuki spacecraft enter orbit around venu late 2015 unplan fiveyear adventur around inner solar system even though akatsuki past origin plan lifetime spacecraft instrument oper well much origin mission reinstated also known venu climat orbiter akatsuki instrument investig unknown earth sister planet includ whether volcano still active whether lightn occur dens atmosphere wind speed greatli exceed planet rotat speed featur imag taken akatsuki camera venus night side show equatori band high dark cloud absorb infrar light hotter layer deeper venus atmosphere bright orang black stripe upper right fals digit artifact cover part much brighter day side venus analys akatsuki imag data shown venu equatori jet similar earth jet stream watch lunar,venu night infrar akatsuki,2018-01-30,799,120,0.0563809523809523,01-30,1,2018,30,8,2,2 9e072c692abaec07e8fa49ea59899fae1f129623b05ee0b93beac44442406d13,none,sixti year ago januari 31 1958 first explor success launch armi ballist missil agenc jupiterc rocket inaugur era space explor unit states explor thirti pound satellit carri instrument measur temperatures micrometeorit impacts along experi design jame a van allen measur densiti electron ion space measur made van allen experi led unexpect startl discoveri two earthencircl belt high energi electron ion trap magnetosphere known van allen radiat belts region locat inner magnetosphere beyond low earth orbit explor ceas transmit februari 28 1958 remain orbit march 1970,first explor,2018-01-31,568,85,0.142,01-31,1,2018,31,8,1,2 6af6c2205fa4effafbd3fd902ab0cfe86ff318dba3019c52ec6b41a851bc4f16,mreclipsecom,near closest point orbit second full moon month occur januari 31 first total lunar eclips 2018 moon slid planet earth shadow postcard planet earth telescop snapshot captur total eclips moon set western horizon mountain southern arizona moon evoc redden hue due sunlight scatter shadow still planet shadow visibl grow darker near center toward top lunar disk,moonset eclips,2018-02-01,357,56,0.0895833333333333,02-01,2,2018,1,2,1,1 9bd76e00dd1a93d73eab895ab4920562b8abcc4259648eede5939a44a4e0efd9,neelam ajay talwar,atmospher pictur distant horizon look toward tall peak india snowi himalayan mountains taken remot locat januari 31 bright star procyon shine upper right red moon rise glide earth shadow evening much anticip total lunar eclipse enjoy across planet night side eclips first two total lunar eclips 2018 kick good year rare treat eclips moon also loom larg near perigee closest point orbit second full moon month also known blue moon juli 27 2018 total lunar eclipse full moon near apogee,moonris eclips,2018-02-02,484,80,0.1913533834586466,02-02,2,2018,2,2,1,1 3d7479a9ac73e8730363e24b346c2b3a286841a22cb0e171c136a6d1b4cd6c3e,tunç tezel,earth dark umbral shadow shape like cone extend space cours circular cross section distanc moon easili seen lunar eclipse fact composit telephoto imag earth night side januari 31 earth shadow taken reddish tinge extent shadow along lunar orbit illustr align three frame taken start near middl of end total eclips phase last 76 minutes upper right easili seen eclipse darker total phase m44 one closest larg star clusters mere 600 lightyear away m44 also known praesep beehiv cluster,beehiv,2018-02-03,482,78,-0.0293650793650793,02-03,2,2018,3,2,0,1 dd8744e2317b241e0322be19ab4a21dd0ef0b8f5981aa04ac5fecb20e27a290d,none,bubbl versu cloud ngc 7635 bubbl nebula push stellar wind massiv star bd602522 visibl blue toward right insid nebula next door though live giant molecular cloud visibl far right red place space irresist forc meet immov object interest way cloud abl contain expans bubbl gas get blast hot radiat bubble central star radiat heat dens region molecular cloud caus glow bubbl nebula pictur 10 lightyear across part much larger complex star shells bubbl nebula seen small telescop toward constel queen aethiopia cassiopeia,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula expand,2018-02-05,516,82,0.0541280148423005,02-05,2,2018,5,4,0,5 59d09b8a93da5561b08691ee8f07c8e8b09d2968cdbce4a32b93d511fcac1dd9,none,what happen galaxi ngc 474 multipl layer emiss appear strang complex unexpect given rel featureless appear ellipt galaxi less deep images caus shell current unknown possibl tidal tail relat debri left absorb numer small galaxi past billion years altern shell may like rippl pond ongo collis spiral galaxi ngc 474 caus densiti wave rippl galact giant regardless actual cause featur imag dramat highlight increas consensu least ellipt galaxi form recent past outer halo larg galaxi realli smooth complex induc frequent interact accret smaller nearbi galaxies halo milki way galaxi one exampl unexpect complexity ngc 474 span 250000 light year lie 100 million light year distant toward constel fish pisces,galaxi ngc 474 shell star stream,2018-02-06,704,109,-0.0358333333333333,02-06,2,2018,6,7,2,3 3b053d0b5e89d0156f253e80efc60e457ada864bd8a35a13a40fcedb8df340a9,none,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth hubbl space telescop closeup galaxy magnific spiral arm featur dark obscur dust lanes bright bluish cluster massiv young stars telltal reddish glow activ star form regions bright yellowish central region harbor popul older cooler stars like milki way supermass black hole lie core spiral galaxi ngc 7331,ngc 7331 closeup,2018-02-07,629,97,0.1361111111111111,02-07,2,2018,7,7,2,3 cbff4e11e6bb2c438d12ba260310e139ebd2edf5b8a558b607431aa4f75dbd23,haitong yu,januari 31 leisur lunar eclips enjoy night side planet earth first three consecut total eclips moon dramat timelaps imag follow celesti perform three hour combin seri exposur hebei provinc northern china fix tripod camera record full moon slide clear night sky bright eclipse moon bow trail grow narrow red darker total eclips phase last hour 16 minutes distant background color trail star concentr arc celesti equator,bow moon star trail,2018-02-08,418,66,0.1363636363636363,02-08,2,2018,8,2,1,1 8d4efc44502cf78aaef9ce045d581efdd2894eef3ce63d5742340e0d4a9235a5,wang letian,digit process composit pictur creativ compar two famou eclips total lunar eclips left januari 31 total solar eclips august 21 2017 moon appear near midtot backtoback total eclipses lunar eclipse surfac remain faintli illumin earth dark redden shadow solar eclips moon silhouett sun bright disk otherwis dark lunar surfac visibl due earthshine also seen imag pair faint star night sky surround eclips moon stun detail promin coron streamer surround eclips sun total phase great american eclips august 21 last 2 minut less locat along moon shadow path planet earth night side total super blue blood moon januari 31 last well hour,total solar lunar eclips,2018-02-09,627,101,0.044298245614035,02-09,2,2018,9,2,2,1 7150b79122709feec62331877aa914a3c87191aedf2c10e43052b13348834963,none,panic spacesuit mannequin name sunlit crescent planet earth reced background starman comfort wheel tesla roadster final imag payload launch falcon heavi rocket februari 6 intern design roadster starman head space beyond orbit mars success falcon heavi rocket becom power rocket oper roadster one four electr car launch planet earth three launch moon histor power but saturn v rockets still roadster probabl one would consid street,planet earth,2018-02-10,430,65,0.15,02-10,2,2018,10,8,1,2 39cb17d53544dd4fe76cc5025afc2eac7031b4a4cd67d3103771231fa7a0d884,armando leeastron leagu philippines f naelga jr100 hour astronomyiya2009,what happen set sun eclipse earli 2009 moon eclips part sun visibl part africa australia asia particular featur image taken mall asia seawall caught partial eclips sun set manila bay philippines pier visibl silhouett foreground eclips chaser well place sky enthusiast captur mani interest artist imag year annular solar eclipse includ movies eclips shadow arrays ring fire thursday part sun becom briefli block moon visibl partial eclips sun thursday eclipse however visibl part southern south america antarctica,partial eclips manila bay,2018-02-11,512,77,-0.0083333333333333,02-11,2,2018,11,1,0,1 c30aa56dbaddad4785d67fcb396e01d692680170f8f91a6796bbd29ee7521f49,tom masterson,what head pleiad star cluster appear comet c2016 r2 panstarrs here appear right far background famou pleiad star cluster domin blue light massiv young stars left visit inner solar system comet panstarrs tumbl block ice outer solar system current sport long ion tail domin blue light unusu high abund ioniz carbon monoxide comet panstarr actual move toward top image ion tail point away sun affect complex solar wind particl stream sun visibl small telescope comet fade reced earth even though reach closest point sun earli may,blue comet meet blue star,2018-02-12,526,86,0.0841071428571428,02-12,2,2018,12,3,0,3 c2bfd125469b0095f1d0df98ad57fafec64b7dc4764da9e9210744f6685417cb,none,last week car orbit earth car creat human robot earth launch spacex compani demonstr abil falcon heavi rocket place spacecraft solar system purpos fashion whimsical icon car thought better demonstr object concret mannequin spacesuit dub starman sit seat featur imag frame video taken one three camera mount car cameras connect power car attach second stage booster soon left earth orbit orbit sun earth asteroid belt perhap billion year sun expand red giant ever recovered what left car may becom uniqu window technolog develop earth 20th earli 21st centuries,car orbit earth,2018-02-13,562,88,0.0,02-13,2,2018,13,8,0,2 b6c9263debbbb102e18773ed84199605c9f56b2903df077f6efd89613de04cea,none,one solar system tantal worlds enceladu backlit sun cassini spacecraft imag novemb 1 2009 dramat illumin reveal plume continu spew space south pole saturn 500 kilomet diamet moon discov cassini 2005 ici plume like connect ocean beneath ice shell enceladus suppli materi directli saturn outer tenuou e ring make surfac enceladu reflect snow across scene saturn ici ring scatter sunlight toward cassini cameras beyond rings night side 80 kilomet diamet moon pandora faintli lit,enceladu silhouett,2018-02-15,475,74,0.0,02-15,2,2018,15,0,0,2 20c1f943c24645ae516212bd1a1e51d60b6fbdeb227494d85484fc767e3b9434,stan honda,citi light shine along upper east side dramat urban night skyscap februari 13 compos seri digit exposures monochrom imag reminisc time sensit black white film popular choic dimli lit night astrophotography span 2 minut 40 seconds combin 22 frame look across reservoir new york city central park star trail timelaps view drift cloud make pattern sky trace top bottom dash line surreal scene intern space station still sunlight head southeast horizon short time interv exposur leav gap space station bright trail,manhattan,2018-02-17,510,81,0.2016414141414141,02-17,2,2018,17,8,1,1 5394e62eef37f9c2333c590d274ae7f2bc1f3ba6e2b32a3d0501c4d68a50f36e,none,star make wave orion nebula sea ga dust esthet closeup cosmic cloud stellar wind featur orionis interact orion nebula flow adrift orion stellar nurseri still form years variabl star orioni produc wind energet wind middleag sun fast stellar wind run slow move ga shock front formed analog bow wave boat move water plane travel superson speed small arcing grace structur left center ori cosmic bow shock measur half lightyear across slower ga flow away orion nebula hot central star cluster trapezium locat upper left corner picture three dimensions ori wraparound shock front shape like bowl appear brightest view along bottom edge beauti photograph part larg mosaic view complex stellar nurseri orion fill myriad fluid shape associ star formation,ori orion nebula,2018-02-18,746,118,0.0208333333333333,02-18,2,2018,18,4,2,5 55e5f885b0b83377f0fc1c8833c3351114f27f013eecbdedd3f1a4c4b3cc7fa6,fefo bouvier,what happen top sun last week part earth southern hemispher treat partial solar eclipse moon block part sun featur imag taken toward end eclips coast uruguay overlook argentina bueno adorn island seen foreground plane visibl left sun imag actual digit combin two consecut exposur taken camera use set one taken landscap anoth background sun next solar eclips visibl earth anoth partial eclips occur midjuli visibl part southern australia includ,partial solar eclips bueno air,2018-02-20,445,69,0.0333333333333333,02-20,2,2018,20,1,0,1 56ad6c7340f20394b4fc3cb878551fd3aa1630766dc8230e40df54a70268850d,none,jupit look bit differ infrar light better understand jupiter cloud motion help nasa robot juno spacecraft understand planetari context small field sees hubbl space telescop direct regularli imag entir jovian giant color jupit monitor go beyond normal human visual rang includ ultraviolet infrar light featur 2016 three band nearinfrar light digit reassign map color image jupit appear differ infrar partli amount sunlight reflect back distinct give differ cloud height latitud discrep brightnesses nevertheless mani familiar featur jupit remain includ light zone dark belt circl planet near equator great red spot lower left storm system south great red spot pole glow high altitud haze energ charg particl jupiter magnetosphere juno complet 10 12 plan scienc orbit jupit continu record data help human understand jupiter weather lie beneath jupiter thick clouds,jupit infrar hubbl,2018-02-21,862,129,0.174375,02-21,2,2018,21,8,2,4 6e41dfea6cf4bb7af509ad2ead6a4034fe6e19fa158eb1fe7fd634fc13cb875a,eric cole,rose red course still pretty likewise beauti rosett nebula star form region often shown astronom imag predomin red hue part domin emiss nebula hydrogen atoms hydrogen strongest optic emiss line known halpha red region spectrum beauti emiss nebula need appreci red light alone atom nebula also excit energet starlight produc narrow emiss line well gorgeou view rosett nebula narrowband imag combin show emiss sulfur atom red hydrogen blue oxygen green fact scheme map narrow atom emiss line broader color adopt mani hubbl imag stellar nurseries imag span 100 lightyear constel monoceros 3000 lightyear estim distanc rosett nebula make rosett red follow link slide cursor image,rose red,2018-02-22,675,105,0.0642857142857143,02-22,2,2018,22,4,2,5 d27dd5655d119fe46ca59bfd487b6511f2dfd3ebbcb94d59930cfb1b4dfc6b34,none,vantag point milki way galaxy see ngc 6946 faceon big beauti spiral galaxi locat 20 million lightyear away behind veil foreground dust star high faroff constel cepheus core outward galaxy color chang yellowish light old star center young blue star cluster reddish star form region along loose fragment spiral arms ngc 6946 also bright infrar light rich ga dust exhibit high star birth death rate fact sinc earli 20th centuri ten confirm supernovae death explos massiv stars discov ngc 6946 nearli 40000 lightyear across ngc 6946 also known firework galaxy remark portrait ngc 6946 composit includ imag data 82 meter subaru telescop mauna kea,face ngc 6946,2018-02-24,641,104,0.1212051282051282,02-24,2,2018,24,7,2,3 abe44ca468bde299af74c40f6dd202f08c83b3f2174a47ca4e947376bdfc000b,martin pugh,ae auriga call flame star one reason surround nebula ic 405 name flame star nebula region seem harbor smoke even though noth fire includ interior star ae aurigae fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environments materi appear smoke mostli interstellar hydrogen contain smokelik dark filament carbonrich dust grains bright star ae auriga visibl near nebula center hot blue emit light energet knock electron away atom surround gas atom recaptur electron light emit creat surround emiss nebula flame star nebula lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga,ae auriga flame star nebula,2018-02-25,677,103,0.1576923076923077,02-25,2,2018,25,4,2,5 c0e90c5d8150c71f8201a6869f3b6fca4191512b53a79edbf093bbe74cdfefa6,none,two band sky commonli seen band one right central band milki way galaxy sun orbit disk spiral galaxy inside disk appear band compar bright way around sky milki way band also seen year away citi lights less commonli seem band left zodiac light sunlight reflect dust orbit sun solar system zodiac light brightest near sun best seen sunris sunset even north particularli month march april ribbon zodiac light appear quit promin sunset recent determin zodiac dust mostli expel comet pass near jupiter certain time year two band seen side side part sky like this two streak light appear like continu bank river sky featur panorama consecut exposur record three week ago north denmark,duel band night,2018-02-27,680,113,0.2738095238095238,02-27,2,2018,27,6,2,1 9d291ad5047543f0292e67660d9efebe0f89def974963ff04966bed8ffeb23fb,none,spot come from amateur astronom victor buso test new camera telescop 2016 notic curiou spot light appear remain report unusu observation spot determin light supernova becom visibl earlier stage ever photograph optic before discoveri images taken hour apart shown inset detail imag spiral galaxy ngc 613 taken hubbl space telescope followup observ show sn like explos supergi star buso like captur stage outgo deton wave stellar core broke star surface sinc astronom spent year monitor galaxi supernova without see event buso captur compar win,ngc dust stars supernova,2018-02-28,544,84,0.2045454545454545,02-28,2,2018,28,6,1,3 4e07d6f08c29ea168bd06a5e3fc9b9fe43a178f9ef1a1310b1e5d68dbef70dc3,stéphane guisard,colour star trail arc night wideangl mountain skyscape rotat planet digit ad consecut exposur made camera fix tripod look south northern iran alborz mountain range star trace concentr arc around planet south celesti pole scene rug horizon combined mani short exposur also bring pretti star colours bluish trail star hotter sun yellowish trail cooler stars near center remark pinkish trail trace starform orion nebula,alborz mountain star trail,2018-03-02,416,64,0.0,03-02,3,2018,2,6,0,1 8e40ab102284c0016947a340f1097ddfbb34e4ab087a0403f1bfd6c564731ba4,none,frank borman jame lovell william ander journey earth moon back decemb 1968 lunar orbit view crater southwest mare featur stereo best experienc planet earth redblu glasses larg impact crater foreground 70 kilomet 45 miles diamet lavaflood floor scar rill grooves long narrow depress surface cross crater wall central peak rill like form crater itself background two larg crater smooth floor top a background crater irregular floor 35 kilomet 20 miles diameter,southwest mare,2018-03-03,458,71,0.1759259259259259,03-03,3,2018,3,5,1,2 2fe8228005dbcae35b604f892059f256444ca489aa852596a122aef4d03dfcc1,isaac gutirrez pascual,sometim sky becom quit show earli septemb 2010 example moon venu converged creat quit sight sky enthusiast around globe locations though sky even picturesque featur imag taken spain crescent moon planet venus far right captur sunset pose deep blue sky foreground dark storm cloud loom across imag bottom white anvil cloud shape appear above black speck dot frame caus flock bird take flight soon pictur taken however bird pass by storm ended venu moon set bright venu visibl sunset month appear quit near mercuri tonight rest week,clouds birds moon venu,2018-03-04,530,87,0.0869047619047619,03-04,3,2018,4,2,0,1 aafdf1d30d149aab63de1200a3b046cbb8c51a88bc8cc3e5dc634b6758da515a,mark annotation,tantal array nebula star found two degre south famou starform orion nebula region abound energet young star produc jet outflow push surround materi speed hundr kilomet per second interact creat lumin shock wave known herbigharo hh objects example graceful flow arc right center catalog hh 222 also call waterfal nebula seen waterfall hh 401 distinct cone shape bright bluish nebula left center ngc 1999 dusti cloud reflect light embed variabl star entir cosmic vista span 30 lightyears near edg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant open science brows 1600 code astrophys sourc code librari,shock near ngc 1999,2018-03-07,605,95,0.0989010989010988,03-07,3,2018,7,4,2,5 ffd111f3c1795ecd80d2d5166e35e5c2e5a272c01c694375907168ce7c0d9958,none,juno jovian infrar auror mapper data use construct stun view cyclon jupiter north pole measur thermal emiss jovian cloud tops infrar observ restrict hemispher illumin sunlight reveal eight cyclon featur surround cyclon 4000 kilomet diameter offset giant planet geograph north pole similar data show cyclon jovian south pole five circumpolar south pole cyclon slightli larger northern cousins cassini data shown ga giant saturn north south pole singl cyclon storm system,jupiter north pole,2018-03-08,469,70,0.0,03-08,3,2018,8,8,0,4 2acfa05cb75561fd1d27b0ba034ddaebce9c78b4abc041f9be7d1caed5e9696e,jeanfrancoi gout,look moon everi night visibl sunlit portion gradual changes phase progress new moon full moon new moon again lunar cycl lunat complet 295 days top left bottom right frame show rang lunar phase 25 consecut night begin januari 18 follow almost complet lunation skip 2 day 2 day new moon lunar phase best narrow crescent close sun realli hard see course mostli clear arizona night sky littl help friend requir complet lunar cycl project imag earli even first half late even earli morn second half lunation extra credit cycl center full moon januari 31 second full moon january moon near lunar orbit perige took reddish hue total lunar eclipse,phase moon,2018-03-10,639,109,0.1073828345567475,03-10,3,2018,10,2,2,1 2fed8c6030c746e59e45d9561989cf0d157d038b1cdbde784c4a6c962451091c,none,might look like doubleblad lightsaber two cosmic jet actual beam outward newborn star galaxi near you construct hubbl space telescop imag data stun scene span half lightyear across herbigharo 24 hh 24 1300 lightyear away stellar nurseri orion b molecular cloud complex hidden direct view hh 24 central protostar surround cold dust ga flatten rotat accret disk materi disk fall toward young stellar object heat up oppos jet blast along system rotat axis cut region interstellar matter narrow energet jet produc seri glow shock front along path,particl beam herbigharo 24,2018-03-11,542,87,-0.0527777777777777,03-11,3,2018,11,4,0,5 e2b753eab7d61e0c971b573198806beac78056de668555124cd65c0acca6f435,universe2gocom,might see night sky next featur graphic give highlights view clock face center bottom sky event march fan toward left april toward top may toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope sky highlight season includ bright venu even sky march lyrid meteor shower april jupit enter even sky may true everi season intern space station iss sometim found drift across sky know look news stephen die 76,night sky march may,2018-03-14,503,81,0.1685714285714286,03-14,3,2018,14,8,1,1 e281069eb4767b895c2eb57c7fd1ebe689a5a621bb04dade2c518f279f673f8c,bernhard hubl,journey first step everi catalog first entry first entri six wellknown deep sky catalog appear panels upper left lower right order origin catalog charl messier catalog entri number 1 m1 famou cosmic supernova remnant crab nebula dreyer not new gener catalog publish spiral galaxi pegasus ngc 1 center next panel frame anoth spiral galaxi catalog ngc 2 dreyer index catalog next panel ic 1 actual faint doubl star though recogn part perseu molecular cloud complex dark nebula barnard 1 begin bottom row dark mark sky 1919 catalog ee barnard abel 1 distant galaxi cluster pegasus georg catalog rich cluster galaxies final panel center vdb 1 sidney van den bergh 1966 study pretty blue galact reflect nebula found constel cassiopeia,catalog 1,2018-03-15,729,119,0.0087514757969303,03-15,3,2018,15,7,2,3 90ac0b39283a87c7d0fab7405cf34aa2daa15a5fff9040946c10309cecb9ebbb,raulvillaverd frail,seen seagul duck nebula cosmic cloud evok imag flight wing way across broad celesti landscape span almost 7 degre across planet earth night sky toward constel cani major expans seagul top center compos two major catalog emiss nebulae brighter ngc 2327 form head diffus ic 2177 wing body impressively seagull wingspan would correspond 250 lightyear nebula estim distanc 3800 lightyears lower right duck appear much compact would span 50 lightyear given 15000 lightyear distanc estimate blown energet wind extrem massive hot star near center duck nebula catalog ngc 2359 course duck thick bodi wing appendag also lend slightli dramat popular moniker thor helmet,seagul duck,2018-03-16,659,103,0.1873724489795918,03-16,3,2018,16,4,2,5 5f9073d9bb3858c94c6de90bea66c4e45920d42cb0046268508a141865452e02,none,crab nebula catalog m1 first object charl messier famou list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant expand debri death explos massiv star intrigu falsecolor imag combin data spacebas observatories chandra hubble spitzer explor debri cloud xray optic purple infrar pink light one exot object known modern astronomers crab pulsar neutron star spin 30 time second bright spot near pictur center like cosmic dynamo collaps remnant stellar core power crab emiss across electromagnet spectrum span 12 lightyears crab nebula 6500 lightyear away constel taurus,crab space,2018-03-17,560,84,0.1888888888888889,03-17,3,2018,17,4,1,5 d761374a4a082a7d82130e025d884a041524ec9dadf016b6c3c596b666fa80ee,none,consid oldest known illustr night sky what exactly depict nebra sky disk found metal detector 1999 treasur hunter near germany midst sever ancient artifact span 30 centimet associ cultur inhabit part europ around 1600 bc dot thought repres stars cluster repres pleiades larg circl crescent repres sun moon purpos disk remain unknown hypothes includ astronom work religi symbol million believ nebra sky disk one pair disk still wait discovered,sky disk,2018-03-19,443,69,0.0833333333333333,03-19,3,2018,19,6,0,2 0b88dc1a68cd68d51b14d434d5592244e2b06e0aaba82a262b84a3d9270c6bd3,anthoni,sometimes way chicago like modern stonehenge way east west time today today everi equinox sun set exactli west everywher earth therefore today chicago sun set directli long grid street buildings event dub featur chicago heng pictur taken last equinox midseptemb 2017 look along part upper drive mani cities though street featur wellalign earth spin axis therefore quit possibly favorit street may also run east west tonight sunset quick glance actual find out,equinox align citi,2018-03-20,460,72,0.069047619047619,03-20,3,2018,20,1,0,1 02d4cc0d37612d71bae3df10b229e7b14e118e9adb6a8f71bb64fec64332063a,stefano cancelli,shini ngc 253 one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest call silver dollar galaxi appear small telescopes sculptor galaxi locat within boundari southern constel sculptor discov 1783 mathematician astronom carolin herschel dusti island univers lie mere 10 million lightyear away 70 thousand lightyear across ngc 253 largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest local group galaxies addit spiral dust lanes tendril dust seem rise galact disk lace young star cluster star form region sharp color image high dust content accompani frantic star formation earn ngc 253 design starburst galaxy ngc 253 also known strong sourc highenergi xray gamma rays like due massiv black hole near galaxy center take trip extragalact space short video flybi ngc 253,ngc 253 dusti island univers,2018-03-22,759,116,-0.0364102564102564,03-22,3,2018,22,7,2,3 486263861bf73aa8c2ff6e4fde5330989a8a0343d520f26787ba59b6ed6501d4,albert barr,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught allur telescop image center scene anchor right left two bright stars mu eta geminorum foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula brighter arc ridg emiss dangl tentacles fact cosmic jellyfish part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant jellyfish nebula known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core emiss nebula catalog sharpless 249 fill field upper left jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away distance imag would 300 lightyear across,sharpless 249 jellyfish nebula,2018-03-23,626,93,0.1305194805194805,03-23,3,2018,23,4,2,5 cdd93d57eb87c90e78083b8189667a15c821031de4bf57295411298a6b6237c6,a mauri j,bright nova carina 2018 become new nova discov last week although nova occur frequent throughout universe nova catalog unusu bright sky earth easili visibl binocular southern hemisphere identifi arrow nova occur near direct picturesqu carina nebula nova typic caus thermonuclear explos surfac white dwarf star accret matter binari companion although detail outburst current unknown profession amateur astronom monitor unusu stellar outburst come weeks look see nova carina 2018 evolves includ whether becom bright enough visibl unaid eye,announc nova carina,2018-03-25,537,77,0.1624242424242424,03-25,3,2018,25,8,1,3 139c7d1cadb88ba80b2664b852f095b1eeaad2665df386141a3a8257b474f329,none,almost everi object photograph galaxy coma cluster galaxi pictur one densest cluster known contain thousand galaxies galaxi hous billion star milki way galaxi does although nearbi compar clusters light coma cluster still take hundr million year reach us fact coma cluster big take light million year go one side other galaxi coma cluster ellipticals galaxi outsid cluster spirals natur coma xray emiss still investigated,coma cluster galaxi,2018-03-26,422,64,0.0194444444444444,03-26,3,2018,26,7,0,3 47a220f0003e25c5a8c04087177e5eb70a235aed8f567b162cae53cce68ec514,sebastian voltmer,what bright red spot lagoon trifid nebulas mars gorgeou color deepski photograph captur red planet pass two notabl nebula catalog 18th centuri cosmic registrar charl messier m8 m20 m20 upper right center trifid nebula present strike contrast redblu color dark dust lanes across bottom right expansive allur red glow m8 lagoon nebula nebula thousand lightyear distant comparison temporarili situat both domin local celesti beacon mars taken last week red planet 10 lightminut away gallery mar sagittariu,mar nebula,2018-03-27,503,76,0.0658163265306122,03-27,3,2018,27,4,0,5 55817d8eacff5c5db7bebdef59c5094430dba25cd9163f2f71fa850144263dc2,eric houck,align like occur blue moon no although blue moon imag taken full moon happen second month situat defin blue moon photograph creat juxtaposit late januari quickli move around find right spot get background moon superpos behind arc foreground tree unfortunately case seem way get bog mud rest camera arc oak tree previous creat hungri cow knight ferry california usa quirki juxtaposit like creat full moon though given enough plan time anoth opportun aris weekend coincid anoth blue moon then second blue moon 2018 occur mean second month year two full moon appear singl month moonth doubl year rel rare last occur 1999 next,blue moon tree,2018-03-28,624,103,-0.0080357142857142,03-28,3,2018,28,2,2,1 bac0e99877007913c251745c8fe87636aa7f06bda5ba2bcfe6bf48ca01f573cc,steve mazlin,carv bright young star orion dusti molecular clouds ngc 2023 often overlook favor nearbi dramat silhouett horsehead nebula right seen beauti star form emiss reflect nebula though mere 1500 lightyear distant surprisingli color complex filament detail rare ngc 2023 portrait scatter point emiss also region herbigharo objects associ energet jet newborn stars sharp telescop view span 10 lightyear estim distanc ngc 2023 right edg frame lie familiar cosmic horsehead,ngc 2023 shadow,2018-03-29,463,69,0.1021428571428571,03-29,3,2018,29,4,1,5 65acd8f275f30856ca9866d7f205d352265a7814a1b25fbaf4f9ec9335b4135f,chart32 team,70000 lightyear across ngc 247 spiral galaxi smaller milki way measur 11 million lightyear distant nearbi though tilt nearli edgeon seen perspective domin telescop field view toward southern constel cetus pronounc void one side galaxy disk recal popular name needle eye galaxy mani background galaxi visibl sharp galaxi portrait includ remark string four galaxi left ngc 247 known burbidge chain burbidge chain galaxi 300 million lightyear distant deep imag even reveal two leftmost galaxi chain appar interacting join faint bridg material ngc 247 part sculptor group galaxi along shini spiral ngc 253,ngc 247 friend,2018-03-30,601,92,-0.0249999999999999,03-30,3,2018,30,7,0,3 174b3c3a4d793c608549e00f5edc278b66a9666ad31704a9dd241bc4d6b56eb8,stan honda,slender crescent moon inner planet venu mercuri never wander far sun planet earth skies fade even twilight march 18 line near western horizon atmospher skyscape celesti scene enjoy around world photo captur trio fainter mercuri far right big bend nation park southwest texas tonight moon full though rise opposit sun look high sky midnight near bright star,twilight western sky,2018-03-31,356,57,0.1913095238095238,03-31,3,2018,31,2,1,1 5e01b6c65814f5246655b1af1666c87f165a5733fdc3e5b7e2a80cae26d82a8d,fernando cabrerizo,love much brought moon pleas take tree becom interested also moon heavier thought pick hot side and well other read apod promis keep imag imag safe place know taken single wellplan exposur spain pleas take keep alway love and well april fool day retrospective april fool day apod,moon,2018-04-01,281,48,0.2504464285714285,04-01,4,2018,1,2,1,1 9103deb34330dc4f3d8d4191ba81c8d9e5c72fc69c40210c61cb801b03147c7c,none,cruis around saturn lookout picturesqu juxtaposit moons rings shadows one quit picturesqu arrang occur 2005 captur saturnorbit cassini spacecraft featur image moon tethi mima visibl either side saturn thin rings seen nearli edgeon across top saturn dark shadow wide rings exhibit impress complexity violetlight imag bring textur saturn clouds cassini orbit saturn 2004 septemb last year robot spacecraft direct dive saturn keep contamin moons,moons rings shadows saturn,2018-04-02,442,64,-0.0083333333333333,04-02,4,2018,2,0,0,2 aa55029bea1992210b3eb2cf546487fe4212d724890f1542045407df97ccb103,none,robot rover opportun sometim pass small crater mars pictur 2010 intrepid crater 20meter across impact basin slightli larger nereu crater opportun chanc across previously featur imag approxim true color horizont compress accommod wide angl panorama intrepid crater name lunar modul intrepid carri apollo 12 astronaut earth moon 49 year ago beyond intrepid crater past long patch rusti martian desert lie peak rim larg endeavour crater visibl horizon opportun rover continu explor mars recent surpass 5000 martian day red planet,intrepid crater mar opportun,2018-04-04,526,79,-0.0518518518518518,04-04,4,2018,4,5,0,2 6b1d79eee412d993cd29def5fa5e9d63716ae5942eaa2bf88772955a2e939024,adam block,70 million lightyear distant gorgeou spiral galaxi ngc 289 larger milki way seen nearli faceon bright core color central disk give way remark faint bluish spiral arms extens arm sweep well 100 thousand lightyear galaxy center lower right sharp telescop galaxi portrait main spiral arm seem encount small fuzzi ellipt companion galaxi interact enorm ngc 289 cours spiki star foreground scene lie within milki way toward southern constel sculptor,ngc 289 swirl southern sky,2018-04-05,444,69,0.007034632034632,04-05,4,2018,5,7,0,3 91607dff02a75dc8d362bb3ce3b08b916e51b7ffbd2adb7430c62bf72bd49108,none,brush stroke jupiter signatur atmospher band vortic form planetari work art creativ imag use actual data juno spacecraft junocam digit canvas imag light dark tone chosen process softwar filter applied imag data captur perijov 10 juno decemb 16 2017 close encount solar system rule ga giant time spacecraft cruis 13000 kilomet northern jovian cloud tops,paint jupit,2018-04-07,352,55,0.0625,04-07,4,2018,7,8,0,2 b7bb897a92678970f3baf60e07dd7330927d88bf31eecbab333f5f96184d5e39,marco,what sky aurora larg coron hole open last month day imag taken throw cloud fast move electrons protons ion toward earth cloud impact earth magnetospher result spectacular aurora seen high northern latitudes featur particularli photogen auror curtain captur norway astrophotographer shimmer green glow recombin atmospher oxygen appear larg dragon feel free share look like you although past solar maximum sun continu show occasion activ creat impress aurora earth visibl even last week,dragon aurora norway,2018-04-10,484,72,0.1011111111111111,04-10,4,2018,10,1,0,1 65c00ba7aba7c55dd59951909b8c40c7140d7b31b246c803f519fac0071b7605,none,flash farthest star yet unexpect flash light notic fortuit hubbl space telescop imag may prove unusu gravit lens event also imag normal star 100 time farther away star previous imag individually featur imag show galaxi cluster left complet mani yellowish galaxies right expand squar sourc appear 2016 evid 2011 spectrum variabl sourc strang unlik supernova rather appear consist normal blue supergi star magnifi factor 2000 align gravit lenses dub sourc galaxi well behind galaxi cluster far across univers redshift len interpret correct icaru explod star observ similarli magnifi star could give inform stellar dark matter content galaxi cluster universe open science brows 1600 code astrophys sourc code librari,flash candid farthest star yet seen,2018-04-11,714,108,0.0476190476190476,04-11,4,2018,11,7,2,4 170499591bc69bde42b34181e5ec8c3c6b78ae1148fc7d97b5a398341337f0b8,damian peach,wander constel sagittarius bright planet mar saturn appear togeth earli morn sky last weeks captur 3 degre wide fieldofview march 31 close celesti triangl larg globular star cluster messier 22 cours m22 bottom left 10000 lightyear distant massiv ball 100000 star much older sun pale yellow shine reflect sunlight saturn on top 82 lightminut away look care spot larg moon titan pinpoint light 5 oclock posit glare saturn overexpos disk slightli brighter redder mar 9 lightminut distant planet move toward upcom juli mar becom much brighter still good telescop view near 2018 opposition mere 32 lightminut planet earth,m22,2018-04-12,616,98,0.1171111111111111,04-12,4,2018,12,0,2,4 87898ae8c7d1471dd1224c049bc94847c28dc7c50caf72fc64d9a45fbd2bf9b3,none,vantag point milki way galaxy see ngc 3344 faceon nearli 40000 lightyear across big beauti spiral galaxi locat 20 million lightyear away constel leo minor multicolor hubbl space telescop closeup ngc 3344 includ remark detail near infrar ultraviolet wavelengths frame extend 15000 lightyear across spiral central regions core outward galaxy color chang yellowish light old star center young blue star cluster reddish star form region along loose fragment spiral arms course bright star spiki appear front ngc 3344 lie well within milki way,face ngc,2018-04-13,538,83,0.1066433566433566,04-13,4,2018,13,7,0,3 3bd70083fbc7523e256629792a244744b7f61d3dad8848ddec2b08c50a10ee0b,none,what rise clouds space shuttle sometimes look window airplan right time place see someth unusu case space shuttl launch orbit featur imag endeavour final launch 2011 may captur nasa shuttl train aircraft taken well clouds imag match similar imag shuttl plume taken clouds hot glow gass expel engin visibl near rise shuttle well long smoke plume shadow plume appear cloud deck indic direct sun us space shuttl program conclud 2011 endeavour visit california scienc center plan tomorrow however differ launch transit exoplanet survey satellit tess aboard spacex falcon 9 rocket,space shuttl rise,2018-04-15,577,90,0.0732142857142857,04-15,4,2018,15,8,2,2 0d8355de3489963a44cc62769486072a67e24db5655abd73f0ec4c2dbea2ecc8,none,cept ring saturn ring nebula m57 probabl famou celesti band classic appear understood due perspective though recent map expand nebula 3d structure base part clear hubbl imageind nebula rel dense donutlik ring wrap around middl american footballshap cloud glow gas view planet earth look long axi football faceon ring course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star tini pinprick light seen nebula center intens ultraviolet light hot central star ioniz atom gas ring nebula one lightyear across 2000 lightyear away share sky nasa open api apod,m57 ring nebula,2018-04-17,625,97,0.0185897435897435,04-17,4,2018,17,4,2,5 b1ab0cf1526dd72e22ce1a9b83cca85e4489b13fac926582133f2c7ff882f1a5,stefan,planet this planet current known trees tree though dead 500 years locat namibnaukluft park namibia grew rainfal caus local river die sand dune shift section river high far distance band milki way galaxi form arch larg stalk welltim composit image taken last month soil white clay appear glow reflect starlight rise left milki way arch band zodiac light sunlight reflect dust orbit inner solar system right one earth larger sand dunes astut eye find larg magellan cloud satellit galaxi galaxy find small magellan cloud featur image though perhap,milki way namibia,2018-04-18,545,88,0.0381318681318681,04-18,4,2018,18,6,0,1 0f7ee579dcc4afa2dd03fbd9148be525d1a6b6f4f8671de9e619d936b970d6ae,none,blown wind massiv star interstellar apparit surprisingli familiar shape catalog ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate 7 lightyear diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work left bubble center hot otyp star sever hundr thousand time lumin 45 time massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula associ cloud complex lie mere 7100 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia sharp tantal view cosmic bubbl composit hubbl space telescop imag data 2016 reprocess present nebula intens narrowband emiss approxim true color scheme,ngc 7635 bubbl nebula,2018-04-19,638,96,-0.075,04-19,4,2018,19,4,2,5 2575692315e1a0c79ae7639cd17253daf0b06d65a429039ecdb964f4a489e075,catch light,seen moon lately april 18 wax sunlit crescent move planet earth night across background star anchor bright star aldebaran nearby vshape star cluster complet lunar orb appear telephoto image engag skyview actual digit compos seri vari exposures record 160th second shortest seri captur moon bright crescent sharp detail longer exposures rang 15 seconds captur fainter background star well earthshine visibl eye earthlit lunar night side,moon hyad,2018-04-20,435,65,0.1625,04-20,4,2018,20,2,1,1 a41d6b7b3aba8613cb58dc2341e93cfff5975371b2479b540f5e2c6ad2060a0f,john krau,nasa transit exoplanet survey satellit tess began search planet orbit star leav planet earth april 18 exoplanet hunter rode orbit top falcon 9 rocket falcon 9 design 9 merlin first stage engin seen soundactiv camera closeup space launch complex 40 cape canaver air forc station come weeks tess use seri thruster burn boost highli ellipt orbit lunar graviti assist maneuv allow reach previous stabl orbit half orbit period moon maximum distanc earth kilomet miles there tess carri two year survey search planet around brightest closest star sky,launch close,2018-04-21,543,87,0.0233333333333333,04-21,4,2018,21,8,0,2 80c44c3b262cc8fd0c9ee911e338eb70a4c00197cb043b6a093fbbd483424959,brad goldpaint goldpaint photography,see it one common question meteor shower occur time take meteor flash typic less time take head turn possibly though glori see bright meteor shoot across know small granul anoth world might make worthwhile even observ partners could share everi particular experience peak late tonight dark sky enabl lyrid meteor shower exhibit mani 20 visibl meteor per hour locations featur composit nine exposur taken 2012 shower bright lyrid meteor streak picturesqu crater lake oregon usa snow cover foreground majest central band home galaxi arch well behind seren lake meteor shower year everi year includ perseid midaugust leonid midnovember,meteor crater lake,2018-04-22,634,98,0.0416666666666666,04-22,4,2018,22,8,2,1 bba71d42b8c8aa6f2351c64b716bcd2284407e01078c66f94fe6f33e85cc9ac3,none,blue horsehead nebula look quit differ infrar light visibl light reflect dust nebula appear blue shape like horse head infrar light however complex labyrinth filaments cocoon glow dust ga make hard even identifi featur imag nebula creat three infrar color g12 b46 microns data taken nasa orbit wide field infrar survey explor wise spacecraft nebula catalog ic 4592 span 40 light years lie 400 light year away toward constel scorpiu along plane milki way galaxy ic 4592 fainter cover angularli greater region better known horsehead nebula orion star predominantli illumin heat dust nu scorpii visibl redden star left center,blue horsehead nebula infrar,2018-04-23,622,99,0.1938888888888889,04-23,4,2018,23,4,2,5 25ee810b8a42130293f597e526b5e7e1f989ac9c625d47e348b78e0915838f03,none,realli caught blizzard stand cliff churyumovgerasimenko also known comet 67p orbit comet june 2016 rosetta spacecraft narrow angl camera record streak dust ice particl though drift across field view near camera comet surface bright speck scene like due rain energet charg particl cosmic ray hit camera dens background star direct constel cani major click singl frame play background star easi spot trail top bottom anim gif 33 frame time compress anim span 25 minut real time stun gif construct consecut imag taken rosetta cruis 13 kilomet comet nucleus,snow churyumovgerasimenko,2018-04-26,553,88,0.1671875,04-26,4,2018,26,3,1,1 87913d9716a08ed9bd4c4941fe0a2fe2ff2a187796e895070eca0cab3fa53d6a,carlo fairbairn,flank satellit galaxi milki way volcan peak rise rug horizon southern night skyscap look toward south laguna altiplano region northern chile extend view across extragalact space larg right small magellan cloud name 16th centuri portugues explor ferdinand magellan leader planet earth first larger cloud lie 180000 lightyears smaller 210000 lightyear beyond left small cloud magellan also reflect foreground wateri starri night 47 tucana shine like bright star globular star cluster roam halo milki way 47 tucana 13000 lightyear away,magellan mountain,2018-04-28,532,79,0.0817460317460317,04-28,4,2018,28,6,0,1 8146b2232dc5d81fa287666252d6b6121b8246564fe550b7ab6da3a583ab5c62,nicola lefaudeux,great great american eclipse featur hdr imag show perhap greater knew august 21 last year moon block sun minut along narrow path across usa although one photograph event human history imag recent complet extraordinari amount digit process show one detail depict solar corona ever taken compos extrem hot gas solar corona visibl unaid eye total solar eclipse featur imag combin 70 imag differ time exposures seri complementari hdr imag recov enough detail see motion solar corona imag taken oregon morn get steadi atmospher see conditions next total solar eclips visibl earth 2019 july next one visibl across north america usa occur 2024 april,total solar eclips corona hdr,2018-04-30,644,103,0.1535714285714286,04-30,4,2018,30,1,2,1 16e848288668208fd38b2d04e22ecb01106c32209b0a7cab2672a31889665c51,none,intern space station iss admir aurora sun rises background earth becom bright unfortunately sunset rapid orbit iss around earth mean sunris usual less 47 minut away featur image green aurora visibl iss horizon upper right sunris approach omin upper left watch aurora space mesmer chang shape compar giant green aurora compos energet electron proton sun impact earth magnet field spiral toward earth fast caus atmospher atom molecul glow iss orbit nearli height auroras mani time fli right aurora thin upper layers event neither harm astronaut chang shape aurora share sky nasa open api apod,aurora sunris,2018-05-01,591,94,-0.0328081232492997,05-01,5,2018,1,8,0,2 4eaadfd89431da7b983de3f233bb25757275dfa2cf65e2cbf65479f93d7e67c1,alyn wallac photographi,ever seen halo around moon fairli common sight occur high thin cloud contain million tini ice crystal cover much sky ice crystal act like miniatur lens crystal similar elong hexagon shape light enter one crystal face exit oppos face refract 22 degrees correspond radiu moon halo similar sun halo may visibl day exactli icecryst form cloud remain investigation featur image ice circl sky mirror stone circl ground taken month ago common wales uk central rock stone surviv last ice age surround stone circl place much recent 1800s follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,moon halo stone circl,2018-05-02,582,95,-0.0218181818181818,05-02,5,2018,2,8,0,1 ad520d7a74bb8c2b02528c9c9ee2ea047efe7639413e57c032a54221777d1f33,roy,april 30 full moon rose opposit set sun yellowish moonglow silhouett low treelin ridg along lewi mountain northeastern alabama skyscape share telephoto fieldofview opposit sun earth grey shadow pinkish belt venus bright planet jupiter near 2018 opposit may 8 jupit flank tini pinprick light three larg galilean moons europa lie jupiter ganymed callisto above closer brighter natur satellit appear loom larg moon physic littl smaller ganymed callisto slightli larger water world europa sharp eye also spot trail two jet across clear even sky,opposit set sun,2018-05-03,540,83,0.1729166666666667,05-03,5,2018,3,2,1,1 808f810f3ad3d64b66459c583362cd476d1d55c8e9f68e1c2c6e287655d4b761,joonhwa lee,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown m101 share modern telescop field view spiki foreground star within milki way companion dwarf galaxi ngc 5474 lower right color milki way star also found starlight larg island universe core domin light cool yellowish stars along grand design spiral arm blue color hotter young star mix obscur dust lane pinkish star form regions also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 23 million lightyear away ngc 5474 like distort past gravit interact domin m101,view toward m101,2018-05-04,755,119,0.1037087912087912,05-04,5,2018,4,7,2,3 ef39284e480398ee7433653ca2846c21a1b1d1d9a3395876d7e58f6bdcd165f2,dave lane,sometim land sky busi beautiful landscap pictur foreground encompass bryce canyon utah usa famou mani interest rock structur erod million years featur skyscape photogen right encompass arch central disk milki way galaxy short streak three pass plane near horizon least four long streak like eta meteors mani star includ three bright star make summer triangle featur imag digit panorama creat 12 smaller imag date 2014 recur everi year yesterday tonight mark peak year eta meteor shower patient observ dark sky darkadapt eye might expect see meteor everi minutes,meteors galaxi bryce canyon,2018-05-06,561,88,0.1435714285714286,05-06,5,2018,6,6,1,1 3c9724349bc792f60e57fabd96679c62b7721e104a2b33d97a50f344abc0856b,none,larg boulder near center tycho tycho crater moon one easiest featur see visibl even unaid eye inset lower right center tycho inset upper left someth unusu boulder boulder imag high resolut sunrise past decade lunar reconnaiss orbit lro lead origin hypothesi boulder thrown tremend collis form tycho crater 110 million year ago chanc came back right near center newlyform central mountain next billion year meteor impact moonquak slowli tycho center like caus central boulder 2000 meter crater floor disintegrate,unusu boulder tycho peak,2018-05-07,512,79,0.0175892857142857,05-07,5,2018,7,5,0,2 dbbe5520b2091afd85ba5180c9ed000f47c247432ee6bcdd1ee0d00832b6a321,none,far see everyth see everyth could possibl see right now assum eye could detect type radiat around observ universe light farthest see come cosmic microwav background time 138 billion year ago univers opaqu like thick fog neutrino gravit wave surround us come even farther out human yet technolog detect them featur imag illustr observ univers increasingli compact scale earth sun center surround solar system nearbi stars nearbi galaxies distant galaxies filament earli matter cosmic microwav background cosmologist typic assum observ univers nearbi part greater entiti known the universe physic applies however sever line popular specul reason assert even univers part greater multivers either differ physic constant occur differ physic law apply higher dimens operate slightli differentbych version standard univers exist,observ univers,2018-05-08,823,120,0.1642857142857142,05-08,5,2018,8,8,2,4 bd3cde972dcc03ac97aaec127c563dc3195306bb5f283b254eb9b72461d9466f,none,unusu red rectangl nebula created nebula center age binari star system sure power nebula not yet explain colors unusu shape red rectangl like due thick dust toru pinch otherwis spheric outflow tiptouch cone shapes view toru edgeon boundari edg cone shape seem form x distinct rung suggest outflow occur fit starts unusu color nebula less well understood however specul hold partli provid hydrocarbon molecul may actual build block organ life red rectangl nebula lie 2300 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros nebula shown great detail recent reprocess imag hubbl space telescope million years one central star becom deplet nuclear fuel red rectangl nebula like bloom planetari nebula,red rectangl nebula hubbl,2018-05-09,694,108,0.1067708333333333,05-09,5,2018,9,4,2,5 2ffb1e101e53321af934b18a0f828f35258b6a12b353dbf93990db74581635be,josep drudi,pretti cosmic cloud lie 1500 lightyear away shape color reminisc blue robin egg span 3 lightyears nest secur within boundari southern constel fornax recogn planetari nebula ngc 1360 repres begin though instead correspond brief final phase evolut age star fact visibl telescop imag central star ngc 1360 known binari star system like consist two evolv white dwarf stars less massiv much hotter sun intens otherwis invis ultraviolet radiat strip away electron atom surround gaseou shroud predomin bluegreen hue ngc 1360 seen strong emiss produc electron recombin doubli ioniz oxygen atoms,ngc 1360 robin egg nebula,2018-05-11,586,90,0.0518518518518518,05-11,5,2018,11,4,2,5 c5e8c020474cae70a06c03f316af6ee61ced4a52ebdc0c7c8a76198afea921da,none,recent inform found astronom yet good collect group black holes need one red circl chandra observatori xray imag identifi group dozen black hole member binari star systems 5 30 time mass sun black hole binari swarm within 3 lightyear center galaxi supermass black hole identifi sagittariu a resides yellow circl indic xray sourc like less massiv neutron star white dwarf star binari star systems alone black hole would invisible part binari star system accret materi normal companion star gener xrays distanc galact center chandra detect brighter black hole binari system pointlik sourc xrays hint mani fainter xray emit black hole binari exist there yet undetected,galact center,2018-05-12,665,105,-0.0427083333333333,05-12,5,2018,12,6,2,3 b451a35135e245e844590a9b13ecd0603714e03a955c9285bf652ac9f30836b7,martin rietzealien landscap planet earth,volcan erupt sometim creat lightning pictur above sakurajima volcano southern japan caught erupt 2013 january magma bubbl hot glow shot away liquid rock burst earth surfac below featur imag particularli notable however lightn bolt caught near volcano summit lightn occur even common thunderstorm remain topic research caus volcan lightn even less clear surely lightn bolt help quench area opposit separ electr charges volcan lightn episod may facilit chargeinduc collis volcan dust lightn usual occur somewher earth typic 40 time second follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,sakurajima volcano lightn,2018-05-13,589,88,0.0666666666666666,05-13,5,2018,13,8,2,1 ab3ec7a846460438d753da5f0ae786213beea3e1f3afc707e950c275c86ae191,none,lie bottom hyperion strang craters help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop past spongetextur moon 2005 2010 took imag unpreced detail siximag mosaic 2005 pass featur natur color show remark world strewn strang crater odd spongelik surface bottom crater lie type unknown dark reddish material materi appear similar cover part anoth saturn moons iapetus might sink ice moon better absorb warm sunlight hyperion 250 kilomet across rotat chaotically densiti low like hous vast system cavern inside,saturn hyperion natur color,2018-05-14,511,78,0.0481481481481481,05-14,5,2018,14,0,0,2 2513d833ee890252df425ed485b62fea2b057cd5b7e0f65c380befd369327c4c,astronom societi,four hundr year ago today may 15 johann kepler discov simpl mathemat rule orbit solar system planets recogn kepler third law planetari motion time live tall hous narrow street near castl main squar citi austria planet earth identif resid 7 locat discoveri third law recent discoveri itself erich meyer astronom societi abl solv histor mystery base part descript kepler observ lunar eclipses key figur 17th centuri scientif kepler support galileo discoveri copernican system planet orbit sun instead earth show planet move ellips around sun kepler first law planet move proport faster orbit nearer sun kepler second law distant planet take proport longer orbit sun kepler third law,kepler hous,2018-05-15,680,107,-0.0343822843822843,05-15,5,2018,15,1,2,2 054e597f45e02fcc0199af5e940a8cad11462ce689a45c4ceac9345e9e7c5324,none,imag blurry show clear detail largest satellit galaxi milki way larg cloud magellan lmc rotates first determin hubble rotat lmc present fine data sunorbit gaia satellite gaia measur posit star accur subsequ measur reveal slight proper motion star previous featur imag shows effectively exagger star trail million faint lmc stars inspect imag also show center clockwis near top lmc central bar lmc promin southern skies small spiral galaxi distort encount greater milki way galaxi lesser small magellan cloud smc open science brows 1600 code astrophys sourc code librari,rotat larg magellan cloud,2018-05-16,569,88,0.0543859649122807,05-16,5,2018,16,7,0,4 d83541f07333d616725a611edd2e3d892abcd8b6c5eb31043566d66c1e06cc41,yuri beletski,captur last week sunset chilean autumn night except airglow flood allski view la campana observatory airglow intens diminish part milki way arc horizon horizon high atacama desert origin altitud similar aurorae lumin airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic excitation commonli record color sensit digit cameras airglow emiss fieri appearance predomin atmospher oxygen atom extrem low densiti often present southern hemispher night last years like milki way dark night strong airglow visibl eye seen without color jupit brightest celesti beacon though stand opposit sun near central bulg milki way rise eastern top horizon larg small magellan cloud shine airglow lower left galact plane toward southern horizon,milki way vs airglow australi,2018-05-17,720,105,0.0628431372549019,05-17,5,2018,17,6,2,4 b7b0e9685ac81496ed53eabaf7d9667e845882ea624be8a6084d6eaa15733de8,none,power laser drone captur stun aerial view took place 82 meter diamet larg telescop paran observatori planet earth fire test observatory 4 laser guid star facility laser ultim battl blur effect atmospher turbul creat artifici guid stars guid star actual emiss laser excit sodium atom high altitud within telescop field view guid star imag fluctuat use realtim correct atmospher blur control deform mirror telescope optic path known adapt optics techniqu produc imag diffract limit telescope that sharp would get telescop space,laser star,2018-05-18,525,81,0.0116666666666666,05-18,5,2018,18,8,0,4 351e71fa37fb53ff7ef83734aa49b4e89c1f0601b8e9a8d2b6a46089cddf5399,observatori,pose near western horizon brilliant even star slender young crescent share reflect calm sea last thursday sunset record snapshot beach santa near rome italy love celesti conjunct two brightest beacon night sky could enjoy around world light reflect briefli horizont surfac gentl wave form shimmer column across water similar reflect flutter atmospher ice crystal creat sometim mysteri pillar light course earthlight visibl illumin faint lunar night side,reflect venu moon,2018-05-19,453,67,0.2076923076923076,05-19,5,2018,19,8,1,1 159381b8e9eb9b9441155d611f5b065736ff378b2ad254b702b65929e2e81c52,none,heart monstrou tarantula nebula lie huge bubbl energet gas long filament dark dust unusu massiv stars center heart knot star dens thought singl star star cluster label r136 ngc 2070 visibl center featur imag home great number hot young stars energet light star continu ioniz nebula gas energet particl wind blow bubbl defin intric filaments representativecolor picture digit synthesi imag orbit hubbl space telescop eso groundbas new technolog telescope show great detail lmc nebula tumultu center tarantula nebula also known 30 doradu nebula one largest starform region known creat unusu strong episod star format everi million years,heart tarantula nebula,2018-05-20,634,97,0.2168997668997668,05-20,5,2018,20,4,2,5 34bc929cd8e23d0ccd8c90327596a657a2eec62786c71010a6e45ac23813e1d8,talha zia,right part imag moon stand out shadows termin line line light dark occur featur imag half moon face illumin sunlight lunar surfac appear differ nearer termin sun nearer horizon therefor caus shadow becom increasingli long shadow make easier us discern structure give us depth twodimension image domin shadows appear almost threedimensional therefore moon fade light dark shadow tell us high low becom notic increasingli shorter structures example mani crater appear near termin height make easier discern there imag taken two week ago lunar phase wane gibbous next full moon moon without shadows occur one week today follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,crater shadow lunar termin,2018-05-22,671,104,0.0982539682539682,05-22,5,2018,22,2,2,1 8b08f126be25356b22f50900b7678108cfe8e1ac81ada4f84a5e0c80f2cf70d1,domingo pestana,galaxi bad millennium fact past 100 million year good probabl next billion quit tumultuous visibl toward lower right ngc 4038 use normal spiral galaxy mind business ngc 4039 upper left crash it evolv wreckage known famous antennae featur here graviti restructur galaxy cloud ga slam other bright blue knot star form massiv star form explode brown filament dust strewn about eventu two galaxi converg one larger spiral galaxy collis unusual even milki way galaxi undergon sever past predict collid neighbor andromeda galaxi billion years frame compos imag taken orbit hubbl space telescop profession astronom better understand galaxi collisions frame mani deep space imag hubbl sinc made public allow interest amateur download process example visual stun composite,spiral galaxi ngc 4038 collis,2018-05-23,765,116,0.0730357142857142,05-23,5,2018,23,7,2,3 ddc90552c331a11d17ceb938f407140972eb0d398ec653c166072b760b014812,john gleason,name cosmic cloud hunter australian astronom colin stanley gum 19241960 gum nebula larg close actual hard see fact 450 lightyear front edg 1500 lightyear back edg interstellar expans glow hydrogen gas cover degreewid monochrom mosaic hydrogenalpha images faint emiss region stand background milki way stars complex nebula thought supernova remnant million year old sprawl across ship southern constel vela puppis spectacular wide field view also explor mani object embed gum nebula includ younger vela supernova remnant,gum nebula,2018-05-24,519,76,-0.0446969696969697,05-24,5,2018,24,4,0,5 bb417598b64a4a5d384d60741358a43be070f66491135fcdcd119b0fa5b2ed10,hubbl legaci archiv,stun group galaxi far far away 450 million lightyear planet earth catalog galaxi cluster abel s0740 domin cluster larg central ellipt galaxi eso 325g004 reprocess hubbl space telescop view take remark assort galaxi shape size spiki foreground star scatter field giant ellipt galaxi right center span 100000 light year contain 100 billion stars compar size spiral milki way galaxy hubbl data reveal wealth detail even distant galaxies includ arm dust lanes star clusters ring structures gravit lens arcs,galaxi away,2018-05-25,502,78,0.0857142857142857,05-25,5,2018,25,7,0,3 174c19e267a236a940bcc1dfbf62300b28c2910fcc56a7a4765f00a6e495edc3,none,mani find today featur photograph aurora airglow one oldest impact crater earth snow ice stars citi lights part intern space station identifi distinct colors aurora appear green bottom red top visibl across left image airglow appear orang seen hover curv earth circular manicouagan crater canada 100 kilomet across 200 million year old visibl toward lower right cover white snow ice stars light color dot dark background space citi light appear bright yellow dot landscape finally across top part intern space station iss appear mostli tan featur imag taken iss 2012,aurora manicouagan crater space station,2018-05-29,566,90,0.189047619047619,05-29,5,2018,29,8,1,1 20c556695c451e9bab73942a27a9cba71fcf39ba95cd7c2297e27df6e837e3fe,damian peach,sinc distanc earth mar chang drastic planet orbit sun mars appear chang mar bright now get closer brighter still orbit toward 2018 opposit closest approach earth late july sequenc sharp telescop imag record red planet steadi increas appar size month januari top left april time distanc earth went million kilomet januari million kilomet april appar size closest approach mar 58 million kilomet distant doubl appar size compar disk lower right rival bright jupit planet earth night sky believ claim inevit internet,mar approach,2018-06-01,513,81,0.1845238095238095,06-01,6,2018,1,5,1,2 1a9cf46a32f25456bd94d84ccd623112aaad7e6bae02281c9ea729cb65568e50,tunç tezel,volcan activ big island hawaii increas sinc hawaiian night skyscap record earlier year recent vent lava flow 30 kilomet east direct blow smoke steam panoram view kilauea caldera crater taken volcano nation park still year jupit bright late spring earli summer skies high south easili brightest celesti beacon scene central bulg milki way seem rise vapor clouds yellowish antar bright star near end dark river dust seen toward center galaxy near horizon star alpha beta centauri compact southern cross shine almost bright volcan smoke,jupit sky,2018-06-02,533,84,0.125625,06-02,6,2018,2,6,1,1 2eda643e04ec6eadaf3977f4c861d60372f1af7a4782d9d8f62ad09a697dc504,none,happen saturn moon iapetus vast section strang world dark coal other bright ice composit dark materi unknown infrar spectra indic possibl contain dark form carbon iapetu also unusu equatori ridg make appear like walnut help better understand seemingli paint moon nasa direct robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop within 2000 kilomet 2007 pictur here 75000 kilomet out cassini trajectori allow unpreced imag hemispher iapetu alway trailing huge impact crater seen south span tremend 450 kilomet appear superpos older crater similar size dark materi seen increasingli coat easternmost part iapetus darken crater highland alike close inspect indic dark coat typic face moon equat less meter thick lead hypothesi dark materi mostli dirt leftov rel warm dirti ice sublimates initi coat dark materi may effect paint accret meteorliber debri moons,saturn iapetus paint moon,2018-06-03,846,128,0.0381578947368421,06-03,6,2018,3,0,2,4 f3da4cdd5855194648a707f078422b748b231046fcf6663173adc646fd35685d,none,complex jupiter nasa juno mission jupit find jovian giant complic expected jupiter magnet field discov much differ earth simpl field show sever pole embed complic network convolut north south further juno radio measur show jupiter atmospher show structur well upper cloud deck even hundr kilomet deep jupiter newfound complex evid also southern clouds shown featur image there planetcircl zone belt domin near equat decay complex miasma continents storm juno continu loop ellipt orbit swoop near huge planet everi 53 day explor slightli differ sector time around,complex jupit,2018-06-05,563,86,-0.0153846153846153,06-05,6,2018,5,8,0,2 964700957ea1de7c88ac2cbe26d6b8784522a560fae17be66bef6f3fb58975ca,none,ever seen sun pillar air cold sun rise setting fall ice crystal reflect sunlight creat unusu column light ice sometim form flat sixsid shape crystal fall highlevel clouds air resist caus crystal lie nearli flat much time flutter ground sunlight reflect crystal properli aligned creat effect featur pictur taken last week sunpillar reflect light sun set norway,sun pillar norway,2018-06-06,359,57,0.05,06-06,6,2018,6,1,0,1 86e3821126df7c88f7162da532409c1105704e4c7cb2378a9bf02e22294968d6,none,mark unusu bright central region swirl dust lanes far flung tidal tails peculiar ngc 3256 aftermath truli cosmic collision 500 million year old clash two separ galaxi span 100 thousand lightyear sharp hubbl view cours two galaxi collide individu star rare do giant galact cloud molecular ga dust interact though produc spectacular burst star formation galaxi two origin spiral galaxi similar masses disk longer distinct two galact nuclei hidden obscur dust timescal hundr million year nuclei like also merg ngc 3256 becom singl larg ellipt galaxy ngc 3256 nearli 100 million lightyear distant toward southern sail constel vela frame includ mani even distant background galaxi spiki foreground stars,clash ngc 3256,2018-06-07,698,108,0.1148809523809523,06-07,6,2018,7,7,2,3 4264da720799eba6f70eb1fc0152a82b47c756f41f4b1a8e0fb8d110d790455e,none,nasa fermi gammaray space telescop launch orbit june 11th 2008 instrument detect gammaray light thousand hundr billion time energet see eyes last decad fermi highenergi voyag explor result astonish discoveries extrem environ fair planet across distant universe vote fermi best result far mark fermi 10th anniversary imag repres 16 scientif result select seed creat follow link cast first round vote favorit pair return everi two week vote next round winner fermi final announc august 6 10th anniversari first scienc data,fermi scienc,2018-06-08,521,80,0.1833333333333333,06-08,6,2018,8,8,1,4 db91b24bda829a992def736ffc0676e2e10bb7a890a8a026324f50f2ece10dad,jose lui hernandez,mar shine brightli planet earth sky seen yellowish hue rise hill far away seren night skyscape countrysid panorama record last month parqu de spain milki way extend distant hill starri sky faint pinkish nebulae cosmic rift river dust mingl pale diffus glow starlight mimick mars yellow tint bright star antar shine right central milki way course cubesat earth way red planet,mar milki way,2018-06-09,374,61,0.0275714285714285,06-09,6,2018,9,6,0,1 59703f0a2ece00eae464013713bdf6f500db0286e184e3b28334c6ca85d994b7,none,some may look like cat eye allur cat eye nebula however lie three thousand lightyear earth across interstellar space classic planetari nebula cat eye ngc 6543 repres final brief yet gloriou phase life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc simple outer pattern dusti concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful complex inner structur well understood seen clearli digit sharpen hubbl space telescop image truli cosmic eye half lightyear across course gaze cat eye astronom may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,cat eye nebula hubbl,2018-06-10,592,93,0.0549999999999999,06-10,6,2018,10,4,2,5 a098b0345c5e22c0f23e564296bf7989d8ae30a8a9c699835f401aad759ddfa1,none,rise billow cloud smoke long time ago planet close by delta ii rocket left cape canaver air forc station launch pad 17b 1205 pm edt june 11 2008 snug payload section glast gammaray larg area space telescope glast detector technolog develop use terrestri particl accelerators orbit glast detect gammaray extrem environ earth across distant universe includ supermass black hole center distant activ galaxies sourc power gammaray bursts cosmic acceler achiev energi attain earthbound laboratories known fermi gammaray space telescope 10 year anniversari launch let fermi scienc playoff begin,last glast,2018-06-11,588,88,-0.0861111111111111,06-11,6,2018,11,8,0,2 1de44421dc313da007ec15cf97234de50959b3a03aa05e9fc679400981a341f4,michael c,kind rainbow this case rain involv pictur actual red unusu sky arc spot last month sunset beach usa photograph realiz see extraordinary captur camera avail cell phone cloud made water droplets group reflect back light bright sun or moon opposit side sky similar phenomena includ airplan here red color caus atmospher air preferenti scatter away blue light simultan make sky appear blue care inspect reveal bow insid outermost arc bow caus quantum open science brows 1700 code astrophys sourc code librari,red,2018-06-13,507,81,0.1738095238095238,06-13,6,2018,13,8,1,1 444cdcaf1f4b5e3b18b14afc692ef671c59712e96bb04326b88737fbc268b659,rogelio bernalandreo,five nakedey planets mercury venus mars jupit saturn seen sinc ancient time wander night sky planet earth could remark night stand side clear calm lake six planet seen unaid eye look bright easi spot skygazers yellowish mar left pale milki way saturn immers glow milki way diffus starlight jupit near horizon right shine beyond tree glow distant citi lights last weekend admir night time view across beautiful highaltitud lake yosemit nation park thought reflect observ could probabl see three planet more,six planet yosemit,2018-06-14,505,81,0.2296103896103896,06-14,6,2018,14,6,1,1 9e3d465370f132d074299b43bccd2cd39a5e93d772edcdbadc475ff52e85919f,andrew,blazing larg rocket farewel littl planet course littl planet realli planet earth larg rocket rocket launch baikonur cosmodrom kazakhstan june 6 carri soyuz spacecraft orbit board intern space station expedit crew member serena nasa alexand spacecraft success dock humanity orbit outpost two day later littl planet project digit warp stitch mosaic imag cover 360 180 degrees captur 2018 star trek car,littl planet soyuz,2018-06-15,399,61,0.15,06-15,6,2018,15,8,1,2 c76f510a2beadba2996589c41c8a881cccb8118d004b826dae9e048df35285a4,none,storm season mars dusti chanc dust weather report gale crater recent planetscal dust storm june 10 look toward eastnortheast crater rim 30 kilomet away curios rover mastcam captur imag local condit far meanwhil 2000 kilomet away opportun rover ceas scienc oper storm grew thicker locat west rim endeavour crater stop wait storm now curios power radioisotop thermoelectr generator smaller opportun rover use solar panel charg batteries opportunity increasingli sever lack sunlight caus batteri run low,dusti dust,2018-06-16,500,75,0.02,06-16,6,2018,16,5,0,2 1509e4220136a199af4a83dac1680dd466fe5c2652ef40e56576b3a032e40998,none,what happen mars 2001 mar underw tremend planetwid dust storm one largest ever record earth show extent two hubbl space telescop storm watch imag late june earli septemb offer dramat contrast view martian surface left onset smaller seed storm seen near hella basin lower right edg mars northern polar cap similar surfac view right taken two month later show fulli develop extent obscur global storm although storm eventu recent day new larg dust storm take hold red planet,mar engulf,2018-06-17,473,78,0.0326506826506826,06-17,6,2018,17,5,0,1 1b238553ccc20d82d18e8ebc77364f59aae69e1f46a45b53d578aa854b647df5,jingyi zhang,may look like round rocks theyr alive moreover modern version one oldest known form fossil indic stromatolit appear earth billion year ago even mani familiar star modern night sky formed featur imag taken western australia ancient central arch milki way galaxi form earlier even magellan clouds satellit galaxi milki way visibl featur imag milki way arch exist current form stromatolit first grew earth stromatolit accret billion microorgan slowli move toward light use light liber oxygen air ancient stromatolit help make earth hospit life form including eventually humans almost hyperspace random apod gener,sea sky,2018-06-19,610,92,0.0942307692307692,06-19,6,2018,19,6,2,4 bee10c7dd95805aaad1ea260047ea311b30377140d15e6615c8a6dc6c91dab0e,adrien mauduit,lumin sky sunset june 17 reflect calm lake tranquil twilight scene captur near alberta canada northern planet earth usual spot high latitud summer months night shine noctiluc cloud hang horizon transfus light darker sky form near edg space ici apparit condens meteor dust volcan ash still sunlight extrem altitudes also near edg space short northern night solar activ trigger love apparit aurora boreali northern lights solstic today 1007 utc,northern light noctiluc cloud,2018-06-21,442,69,0.1566666666666666,06-21,6,2018,21,8,1,1 a06260292584e7227e256c4defff96c9d3545963b0b31c140353c7c5e5c9f91c,juan carlo,small crystal ball seem hold whole galaxi creativ snapshot course galaxi milki way lumin central bulg mark rift interstellar dust span thousand lightyears long southern hemispher night fill dark chilean sky paran observatory singl exposur imag requir larg telescope though experi digit camera tripod crystal ball perch handrail outsid paran produc evocative cosmic marbl portrait home galaxy,galaxi crystal ball,2018-06-22,391,57,-0.0416666666666666,06-22,6,2018,22,7,0,3 a55cd6cac41f9ac26d94b573e45b4849bcace7b1b8f10d4dcb2d4d26e8d301b2,none,wind mar cant actual blow spacecraft over low gravity martian wind loft fine dust particl planetwid storms like dust storm rage red planet martian surfac sol june selfportrait curios rover show effect dust storm reduc sunlight visibl rover locat gale crater made mar hand len imager mechan arm edit mosaick images curiosity recent drill site seen rock front rover left eastnortheast gale crater rim fade background 30 kilomet away curios power radioisotop thermoelectr gener expect unaffect increas dust gale crater side mars solarpow opportun rover ceas oper due even sever lack sunlight locat west rim endeavour crater,curiosity dusti self,2018-06-23,620,97,0.0416666666666666,06-23,6,2018,23,5,2,2 f07cd896231256225f99980d9ec0acd5e74c969a9d2f70e50c0c795e461637a9,none,would shadow space shuttl launch plume point toward moon earli 2001 launch atlantis sun earth moon rocket properli align photogen coincidence first space shuttle plume cast long shadow time day must either near sunris sunset shadow longest extend way horizon finally full moon sun moon opposit side sky sunset example sun slightli horizon and direction moon slightli horizon therefore atlanti blast off sunset shadow project away sun toward opposit horizon full moon happen be,rocket plume shadow point moon,2018-06-24,476,74,0.2,06-24,6,2018,24,2,1,1 c8e710bc4750f40e68c2425ba2fea130215e61bf7c00f6d13af63a02fa5417ff,isas jaxa hayabusa2 team,look like big space diamond craters 162173 ryugu japan robot hayabusa2 mission arriv nearearth asteroid ambiti hayabusa2 carri armada probes includ two four small three small surfac mobil asteroid surfac scout land study move around ryugu surface equip cameras moreover hayabusa2 schedul collect surfac sampl return sampl earth detail analysi near end 2020 previously known asteroid ryugu orbit span one kilometer dark surfac reflect unusu colors studi ryugu could tell human ryugu surfac interior materi avail earli solar system develop life pictured seri approach imag show featur suggest larg boulder craters,hayabusa2 approach asteroid ryugu,2018-06-25,612,91,-0.1023809523809523,06-25,6,2018,25,8,0,2 874c2f536f51a46c5a2467dec2a20dcc05296a543b0a310466d64cae16c12ebf,oliv czernetz data digit sky survey possii,sometim even dark dust interstellar space seren beauty one place occur toward constel taurus filament featur found sky pleiad star cluster california nebula dust known bright glow absorpt opaqueness sever bright star visibl blue light seen reflect brown dust star appear unusu red light bare peek column dark dust red color remain blue scatter away yet star behind dust pillar thick visibl here although appear serene scene actual ongo loop tumult rebirth massiv enough knot ga dust gravit collaps form new star star creat new dust atmospher destroy old dust energet light winds,dark nebula across tauru,2018-06-26,579,93,0.0911363636363636,06-26,6,2018,26,4,2,5 f21251f515e7c7b5ccbf367a2b66ac1b8966f7cfb2f988fdcae0b48c537efeb5,universe2gocom,see night sky summer featur graphic give highlight earth northern hemisphere view clock face center bottom earli northern summer sky event fan toward left late summer event project toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope happen season constel appear year year meteor shower occur near dates example like last year star summer triangl nighttim icon season perseid meteor shower peak midaugust usual highlight specif summer sky includ jupit visibl sunset june venu shine brightli even sky juli august saturn mar visibl much season night saturn appear direct opposit sun late june mar opposit late july finally total lunar eclips visibl anyon see moon late july,highlight summer sky,2018-06-27,773,119,-0.0571428571428571,06-27,6,2018,27,8,2,1 9923cae2b920a596b0d51cf718df74b92aef09dad17c3b2915174e50b2667b6f,frank sackenheim,south pole star sigma octanti of constel left starri expans span 40 degre across far southern skies look hard find it though southern hemisphere faint counterpart north star polaris sigma octanti littl one degre south celesti pole also known polari australis sigma octanti dimmer 5th magnitude 25 time fainter polari easi see unaid eye fact may faintest star depict nation flag remark deep widefield view also cover faint dusti galact cirru clouds bound right star cluster nebula along southern reach plane milki way galaxy near upper right corner yellowish gamma crucis top southern cross easi pick right center long dark doodad nebula southern constel musca fly,friend,2018-06-28,663,106,0.0347943722943722,06-28,6,2018,28,6,2,3 9867e1fa71354cf32e16043d22f6db6bf112fb268de29fc0c8779a5f003b50be,robertocolombari,unlik entri charl messier famou catalog deep sky objects m24 bright galaxy star cluster nebula gap nearby obscur interstellar dust cloud allow view distant star sagittariu spiral arm milki way galaxy gaze star cloud binocular small telescop look window 300 lightyear wide star 10000 lightyear earth sometim call small sagittariu star cloud m24 lumin star fill left side gorgeou starscape cover 4 degre width 8 full moon constel sagittarius telescop field view contain mani small dens cloud dust nebula toward center milki way includ reddish emiss ic near top frame,messier 24 sagittariu star cloud,2018-06-29,564,90,0.05,06-29,6,2018,29,6,0,5 4584d35334766be83634002efae2b87dcc4eccb36b8dab789adcfe155d122735,stan honda,full moon rose manhattan upper june 28 known strawberri moon near horizon warm yellow lunar disk bit ruffl dim long sightlin dense hazi atmosphere still fit well traffic light along east 96th street urban telephoto shot taken elev ground look central park planet earth course east 96th street moon closest full moon year northern summer solstice,east moon,2018-06-30,345,56,0.2192307692307692,06-30,6,2018,30,2,1,1 31c893cc91a6412a335cd5beccb5fae1833ac7cbcc7e406187ba45eee95e4f00,none,behold one photogen region night sky captur featured band milki way galaxi run diagon along far left color rho ophiuchu region includ bright orang star antar visibl right center nebula sharpless 1 appear far right visibl front way band sever famou nebula includ eagl nebula trifid nebula m20 lagoon nebula m8 notabl nebula includ pipe blue horsehead general red eman nebula glow light hydrogen gas blue mark interstellar dust preferenti reflect light bright young stars thick dust appear otherwis dark brown larg ball star visibl includ globular cluster m4 m9 m28 m80 mark annot companion image extrem wide field 50 degre across span constel sagittariu lower left serpen upper left ophiuchu across middle scorpiu right took 100 hour sky imaging combin meticul plan digit processing creat image,galact plane antar,2018-07-02,795,127,0.1198757763975155,07-02,7,2018,2,4,2,5 c3132e7a2558d18c4d0212d9269cf47a25b96d495584b7526e683e8bb3b1adaf,kim,look close moon see larg airplan front it well always ok hardli ever actually captur imag like take precis timing exposur fast enough freez airplan overexpos moon slow enough see both steadi camera luck everi plane approach moon cross front help equip includ camera fast continu video mode mount automat track moon featur fleet superposit captur south korea two week ago daytim wax gibbou moonrise within 110th second airplan cross over follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,airplan front moon,2018-07-03,491,79,0.0599999999999999,07-03,7,2018,3,2,0,1 7e47d3f798b30a29ed7f68f7cd675546ef2789f8eb2feaf6e74d3dd59e2604ca,michael seeley,saw dawn earli light cape canaver air forc station last friday june 29 could seen rocket red glare singl long exposure made roof nasa vehicl assembl building show predawn falcon 9 launch rocket streak eastward sky 45 minut sunrise high altitude stage separ plume brightli lit sun still eastern horizon falcon 9 rocket first stage launch before loft transit exoplanet survey satellit tess orbit april 18 72 day earlier launch spacex commerci resuppli servic mission 15 carri also previous flown dragon capsule falcon 9 plan dramat first stage land follow launch dragon capsul arriv intern space station juli 2,dawn earli light red glare,2018-07-04,608,99,0.0937037037037037,07-04,7,2018,4,8,2,2 f45471cd5fc8988b803ad66030824929e5b116a6c303cd4c881e37df0253981f,steve cullen,sunset look east west earth dark shadow rise eastern horizon faint subtl color appear opposit set sun beauti even sea skyscap record reflect scene cruis alaskan insid passag pacif northwest along horizon fade sunset give way pinkish antitwilight arch poetic known belt venus often overlook sunset favor brighter western horizon love arch tint filter sunlight backscatt dens atmosphere hug planet rise shadow,shadow rise insid passag,2018-07-05,407,62,0.045,07-05,7,2018,5,8,0,1 3ca781be15df2aff22cbf37ab3eea976e7ede4a65a0f39968cc359423093c5ae,none,near summer midnight mist haunt river bank dreamlik skyscap taken juli 3rd northern denmark redden light sun littl horizon give eeri tint low hang clouds form near edg space silveri apparit noctiluc night shine clouds ici condens meteor dust volcan ash still full sunlight extrem altitud mesophere usual seen high latitud summer months wide spread display noctiluc cloud reported,northern summer night,2018-07-07,379,59,0.0844444444444444,07-07,7,2018,7,8,0,1 28aeb21e2d76ed8880aa15972e0ae4f434d97f747a24853a38acd399bce9d47e,domingo pestana villaverd,creat strang spiral structur upper left one sure although like relat star binari star system enter planetari nebula phase outer atmospher ejected huge spiral span third light year across and wind four five complet turns regular without precedent given expans rate spiral gas new layer must appear everi 800 years close match time take two star orbit other star system creat commonli known pegasi also afgl 3068 unusu structur catalog ira 231661655 featur imag taken nearinfrar light hubbl space telescope spiral glow mystery lead hypothesi illumin light reflect nearbi stars,extraordinari spiral pegasi,2018-07-08,574,90,0.1919421487603305,07-08,7,2018,8,6,1,3 b05e92a64628e8b868dd75c7ed36a914231816d9b0c0840980e645e70a1a53d7,john chumack,what light end road mars good month point mar friend famili neighbor planet brightest 15 years visibl much night month mar 180 degre around sun near closest ever get planet earth term orbits mar also near closest point sun ellipt orbit earth move nearli sun align known perihel opposition term viewing orang mar rise east sun set west opposit side sky mar climb sky night reach highest near midnight set west sun begin rise east red planet captur set beyond stretch road arch nation park midmay near moab utah usa,road mar,2018-07-09,514,90,0.2125,07-09,7,2018,9,5,1,1 d8efc326223a2efa7c908caa6c68b5cc6cd7119558824c7ebf2be01a0fca482d,none,see chang bright binocular cours year variabl star r aquarii actual interact binari star system two star seem close symbiot relationship 710 light year away intrigu system consist cool red giant star hot dens white dwarf star mutual orbit around common center mass binari system visibl light domin red giant miratyp long period variabl star materi cool giant star extend envelop pull graviti onto surfac smaller denser white dwarf eventu trigger thermonuclear explos blast materi space featur imag hubbl space telescop show stillexpand ring debri span less light year origin blast would seen earli 1770s evolut less understood energet event produc high energi emiss r aquarii system monitor sinc 2000 use chandra xray observatori data,symbiot r aquarii,2018-07-11,734,115,0.1012121212121212,07-11,7,2018,11,6,2,4 a434710f608226f1acca4075a925a25c30788fa3fc21df31e837bea2b1412b94,cedic team,11 million lightyear away centauru closest activ galaxi planet earth span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxi also known ngc 5128 featur sharp telescop view centauru appar result collis two otherwis normal galaxi result fantast jumbl star cluster impos dark dust lanes near galaxy center left cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole billion time mass sun activ galaxies process like gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a,centauru,2018-07-12,445,68,-0.0364583333333333,07-12,7,2018,12,7,0,3 40447b47e5d18f1383aaa15c3a381e39f6e6588fbc880ce4119c2924ffa62066,koen,smallest three partial solar eclips 2018 yesterday friday juli 13 mostli visibl open ocean australia antarctica still video frame tini sun captur hydrogenalpha filter port south australia maximum eclips visibl location there new moon cover percent solar disk greatest eclipse onethird sun diamet block new moon could seen east antarctica near bank local emperor penguin coloni like best view prolif eclips season come full moon bring total lunar eclips juli 27 follow yet anoth partial solar eclips next new moon august 11,sun,2018-07-14,522,82,0.2045454545454545,07-14,7,2018,14,2,1,1 711b15ada18cc9f375ea498437721b812948435f4a11ae05634808afb8d4cbf9,robert gendler,much familiar ring nebula m57 however seen small telescope easili visibl central ring one lightyear across remark deep exposur collabor effort combin data three differ larg telescop explor loop filament glow ga extend much farther nebula central star remark composit imag includ narrowband hydrogen image visibl light emission infrar light emission course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star ring nebula 2000 lightyear away toward music constel lyra open science brows 1700 code astrophys sourc code librari,ring around ring nebula,2018-07-15,597,88,0.125,07-15,7,2018,15,4,2,5 bf33ee6be4dd666d49f26c899511e2f11ddf898f1fc1617bef3ef532e361f479,none,equip frozen deep ice beneath earth south pole human appear discov neutrino far across universe confirmed would mark first clear detect neutrino dawn observ associ energet neutrino cosmic ray creat power jet eman blaze quasar icecub detector measur energet neutrino 2017 september mani humanity premier observatori sprang action tri identifi counterpart light did erupt counterpart pinpoint high energi observatori includ fermi integral swift found gammaray blazar right direct gammaray flare arriv nearli coincident time neutrino even though posit time coincid statist strong astronom await similar neutrino blazar light sure pictur artist draw particl jet eman black hole center,neutrino distant jet,2018-07-16,681,98,0.1742577030812324,07-16,7,2018,16,8,2,4 7cae07933e8c9065bce44ed09793911efddda9bc9abd7349b2164b28b5337c46,jame w,what spot next moon venus two day ago crescent moon slowli drift past venus appear within one degre closest conjunction though one sever photograph adventur moon month moonth because one partial solar eclips occur day before juli 12 currently moon appear seen earth fraction face illumin sun continu increase days moon appear half full therefor gibbou phase next week face moon alway face earth become view earth complet illumin sun even full phase bring adventure though total eclips thunder moon occur juli 27 worri luna get though new next month moonth august 11 exact caus anoth partial eclips sun pictured venu moon captur cannon beach rock format oregon usa coast known hour imag taken spin earth caus venu moon set,moon venu cannon beach,2018-07-17,723,120,0.0361305361305361,07-17,7,2018,17,2,2,1 47c6c81ac8352dbd19e5dd872898bce57515dc668a469daf4fb281a1d874bd57,none,creat dark streak mars one sure candid includ dust evapor dri ice liquid water flows clear streak occur light surfac dust expos deeper dark layer similar streak photograph mar year one surfac featur chang appear particularli interest larger streak split smaller streak slope featur imag taken hiris camera board marsorbit mar reconnaiss orbit mro sever month ago currently global dust storm encompass much mars,dark slope streak split mar,2018-07-18,410,64,0.1363636363636363,07-18,7,2018,18,5,1,1 fd9832b157933dbe8becdc97d13e484d58fcd51d5028f2d12bb6ec347227a21c,none,cerealia facula also known brightest spot ceres shown stun mosaic closeup view highresolut imag data record dawn spacecraft loop orbit altitud low 34 kilomet 21 miles dwarf planet surface cerealia facula 15 kilomet wide found center 90 kilomet diamet occat crater like bright spot scatter around ceres cerealia facula ice expos salti residu reflect like dirti snow residu thought mostli sodium ammonium slushi brine within dwarf planet crust driven advanc ion propuls 11year mission dawn explor mainbelt vesta travel ceres sometim august october interplanetari spacecraft expect final run fuel hydrazin thrusters subsequ loss control orient result loss power abil commun earth meanwhil dawn continu explor cere unpreced detail ultim orbit around small world,,2018-07-19,757,113,0.0416666666666666,07-19,7,2018,19,8,2,4 b8512c3e7aa11d211f5b1c6184f0b8d6c36c4baa8258b481ea64a000d4a323d2,kerryannlecki hepburn,recogniz star teapot aster constel sagittariu pose milki way death valley planet earth quiet dark night surreal scene appropri captur mark wooden sign adorn terrestri rug road racetrack playa shine lumin starlight central milki way bright planet saturn star celesti peak brightest celesti beacon high southern horizon orang tint mar upper left frame,teapot milki way,2018-07-20,349,53,0.096,07-20,7,2018,20,6,1,1 e85e0f4733abec7e8d54f2b1820ba1252f2aa989351d13afdc8ab354d2a00448,none,univers made of help find out esa launch planck satellit 2009 2013 map unpreced detail slight temperatur differ oldest optic surfac known background sky univers first becam transpar light visibl directions cosmic microwav background complex tapestri could show hot cold pattern observ univers compos specif type energi evolv specif ways final results report last week confirm univers mostli compos mysteri unfamiliar dark energy even remain matter energi strang dark additionally 2018 planck data impress peg age univers 138 billion year local expans rate call hubbl constant oddly earlyunivers determin hubbl constant slightli lower determin method creat tension caus much discuss speculation,planck map microwav background,2018-07-22,697,101,-0.0288888888888888,07-22,7,2018,22,8,2,4 7d7f8c7e9aac0e66b5ecdaf94286c8961a3788bc8ec5b48f378f8d0041792abd,none,fermi scienc playoff celebr 10 year fermi gammaray space telescope explor highenergi universe surviv earli round two competit squar last digit illustr list 16 fermi top scientif discoveries repres two top seeds 12th seed new clue dark matter 14th seed magnetar storm round left unprecedented 25000 lightyear tall gammaray bubbl plane milki way galaxy right violent merg neutron star collid creat first gammaray detect gravit wave event pick one cast vote crown popular scienc result fermi first decade,fermi scienc,2018-07-23,501,78,0.1265769944341372,07-23,7,2018,23,6,1,4 e67c0895fbfd1520b307f069a83c0097ca48f56cde692f0a123f7b74fd5232a2,adam block,kind celesti object this rel normal galaxi seen edge mani disk galaxi actual thin ngc 5866 pictur here seen edgeon vantag point perhap familiar galaxi seen edgeon milki way galaxy catalog ngc 5866 spindl galaxi numer complex dust lane appear dark red mani bright star disk give blue underli hue blue disk young star seen extend past dust extrem thin galact plane evid spindl galaxi smaller galaxi past billion year so includ multipl stream faint stars dark dust extend away main galact plane surround group galaxi not general mani disk galaxi becom thin ga form collid rotat gravit center spindl galaxi lie 50 million light year distant toward constel dragon draco,edgeon galaxi,2018-07-25,665,111,-0.0222222222222222,07-25,7,2018,25,7,2,3 4cabb7e70041f49fe1e58a2f3c489dbc4b08df945b8f58398feef7e14513d858,santo,dark mark sky found silhouett rich lumin background stars seen toward southern constel lupu dusty obscur cloud part lupu molecular cloud 500 lightyear distant pack low mass star form within them collaps core visibl long infrar wavelengths still color star lupu add pretti galact skyscape span 8 degrees far central milki way,barnard dark wolf nebula,2018-07-26,324,52,-0.025,07-26,7,2018,26,6,0,3 335ead46a9e7ff4c1754df4acacc201ebb23ade8725eb080d944f2e17f7020f5,nasa,look opposit sun sky tonight see mar brightest also within day closest approach mar rise sunset near brightest best telescop observ too except dust storm still red planet two hubbl space telescop imag compar mars appear near 2016 2018 2016 martian atmospher clear captur day ago 2018 imag show almost face mars surfac featur obscur dust planet cloud enshroud south pole tilt toward sun increas heat southern hemispher spring summer like trigger planet wide dust storms course look opposit sun sky tonight also see full moon near mars skygaz locat north america could see red planet near red moon total lunar eclipse,mar opposit,2018-07-27,615,102,0.1346153846153846,07-27,7,2018,27,5,2,1 af4c59adb2dd3d4bbfc1c09fb14273d497697eb4595d3f7f4150320be288cab4,fernando cabrerizo,taken night place telescop camera postcard solar system shown scale provid interest comparison appar sizes span half degre planet earth sky moon stitch mosaic six images other result digit stack frame simpl singl exposures real distanc object indic along bottom insert solar system planet brighter moons pluto captur telescop elus mercuri miss cloud near horizon intern space station success though night juli 21st telescop camera locat de observatori spain recent total lunar eclips,one one one camera,2018-07-28,483,73,0.0385416666666666,07-28,7,2018,28,8,0,2 714da860ba2e2e2db2d35ec984c05741884f304f2dce8cd91363f2bb40b9a6cd,none,moonris usual look interesting one thing full moon usual dark last friday moon rose simultan pass shadow earth anoth thing moon usual look red last friday slightli illumin red sunlight preferenti refract earth atmosphere next moon usual rise next planet sinc mar also coincid nearli opposit sun red planet visibl full moon upper right finally vantag point people moon usual rise rio de janeiro brazil last friday sunset eclipse however specif remark micro blood moon total lunar eclipse captur rio beach along unusu larg crowd interest,lunar eclips rio,2018-07-30,537,86,0.0311688311688311,07-30,7,2018,30,2,0,1 f89e01cf52f52e01e0438807ca7a7b2008d802cfd472ca1218c8409638b37621,none,lie beneath layer south pole mars recent measur groundpenetr radar esa mar express satellit detect bright reflect layer consist underground lake salti water reflect come 15 kilomet cover area 20 kilomet across liquid water evapor quickli surfac mars brini confin lake impli radar reflection could last much longer candid host life microbes pictured infrared green blue imag south pole mar taken mar express 2012 show complex mixtur layer dirt frozen carbon dioxide frozen water,layer south pole mar,2018-07-31,477,74,0.125,07-31,7,2018,31,5,1,2 c69821996a15123bf5346abfbcbd9ee570e5db59f0edad461ea81098b6fed8be,franco francesco,blue flower grow field dark interstellar dust iri nebula strike blue color iri nebula creat light bright star sao 19158 reflect dens patch normal dark dust star mostli blue blue light star preferenti reflect dust effect make earth sky blue brown tint pervas dust come partli photoluminesc dust convert ultraviolet radiat red light catalog ngc 7023 iri nebula studi frequent unusu preval polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs complex molecul also releas earth incomplet combust wood fires bright blue portion iri nebula span six light years iri nebula pictur here lie 1300 light year distant found small telescop toward constel cepheus apod event apod editor speak fermilab august 8,iri nebula field dust,2018-08-01,678,107,0.1285714285714285,08-01,8,2018,1,4,2,5 513fff18323199d69c6028aa2fca593ae122d0b47aa62748be584fcb18cd5a82,paolo lazzarotti,total phase juli 27 lunar eclips last impress 103 minutes make longest total lunar eclips 21st century moon pass center earth shadow moon near apogee distant point ellipt orbit start finish entir durat total cover composit view dreamlik scene includ sequenc digit camera exposur made everi three minutes exposur track total eclips lunar disk accompani night bright planet mars climb seasid villag italy foreground lie calm mediteranean gulf la known gulf 3rd centuri heliocentr astronom aristarchu also track durat lunar eclipses though without benefit digit clock cameras use geometri devis way calcul moon distanc eclips term radiu planet earth,eclips gulf,2018-08-02,646,99,0.075,08-02,8,2018,2,2,2,1 d0f500984a1e20e3d6e657d69fd710a4652845437272813c4a2fbd1131450460,anthoni ayiomam,redden scatter sunlight moon center pass center earth dark umbral shadow juli 27 lunar eclips sequence left right three imag start maximum end 103 minut total longest lunar eclips 21st century longest path moon follow earth shadow cross shadow center that make central lunar eclips long ones juli 27 also date lunar apogee distant part ellipt orbit moon move previou lunar eclipse last januari 31 moon near orbit perigee pass south earth shadow central axis total last 76 minutes come januari 21 2019 third consecut total lunar eclips also center find moon near perigee total mere 62 minut long,central lunar eclips,2018-08-03,594,99,-0.0318452380952381,08-03,8,2018,3,2,2,1 8cff58a84d94d3af1928796121db9c06e6270f8e5a0a6f760b3afd8d92b1884b,none,near center sharp cosmic portrait heart orion nebula four hot massiv star known trapezium gather within region 15 lightyear radius domin core dens orion nebula star cluster ultraviolet ioniz radiat trapezium stars mostli brightest star theta1 orioni c power complex star form region entir visibl glow three million year old orion nebula cluster even compact younger year recent dynam studi indic runaway stellar collis earlier age may form black hole 100 time mass sun presenc black hole within cluster could explain observ high veloc trapezium stars orion nebula distanc 1500 lightyear would make closest known black hole planet earth apod event apod editor speak fermilab august 8,trapezium heart orion,2018-08-05,682,107,-0.0117857142857142,08-05,8,2018,5,4,2,5 657785e3423207d81399bfbe940740c4655122623fd94be12b4711cb2f4e3cd0,none,cosmic ray outer space go bodi everi second typically featur imag show fast move particl streak go fermilab nova far detector locat ash river minnesota usa although imag updat everi 15 seconds show cosmic ray occur small fraction time mostli show one type nova far main purpos detect cosmic rays though rather neutrino numi beam shot earth fermilab near chicago illinois usa kilomet away neutrino event expect nova per week though numi nova experi allow human better explor natur neutrinos exampl frequent chang type trip cosmic ray discov 100 year ago alter comput memory may help creat dna result in eventually humans,live cosmic ray minnesota,2018-08-06,620,102,0.0772727272727272,08-06,8,2018,6,8,2,4 2e1e80275ebae35aa4a7a4efa85d5281638a5199e6ea9c6a48e69817249cee59,terrastro,mar also known red planet often seen reddish ting dark night skies mar shine brightli upper left gorgeou morn twilight view mornington peninsula victoria australia moon planet earth look redder still taken juli 27 total eclips moon setting look redden earth umbral shadow complet dark instead earth shadow suffus faint red light planet sunset sunris seen perspect eclips moon sunset sunris redden earth atmospher scatter blue light strongli red creat faint bluish twilight sky course craggi seasid rock also take redden color australian sunrise,red planet red moon mar,2018-08-09,544,84,-0.0357142857142857,08-09,8,2018,9,2,0,1 eacba9015dbc245c323f792e43251c1719517bd9c7bd55b7463de8d34c6ba306,martin pugh,beauti spiral galaxi ngc 6744 nearli 175000 lightyear across larger milki way lie 30 million lightyear distant southern constel pavo appear faint extend object small telescopes see disk nearbi island univers tilt toward line sight remark detail galaxi portrait cover area angular size full moon it giant galaxy elong yellowish core domin light old cool stars beyond core grand spiral arm fill young blue star cluster speckl pinkish star form regions extend arm sweep past smaller satellit galaxi upper left ngc 6744 galact companion reminisc milki way satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud meteor shower expected moon sun again,spiral galaxi ngc 6744,2018-08-10,625,98,0.0333333333333333,08-10,8,2018,10,7,2,3 8c28139315f644d770f6b5983aea6e6e5af754a210135c60c1817b8db3e27e77,taha ghouchkanlu,two week ago dark sky desert northern iran held allur celesti vista dramat digit mosaic find moon mar alongsid milki way dusti stars nebulae captur seri exposur cover rang brightness night otherwis full moon immers earth shadow actual appear fainter redder red planet wide watch total lunar eclipse cosmic tourists skyscap also includ lagoon m8 trifid m20 nebula planet saturn shine milki way pale starlight moon quit done shadow play though today new moon partial eclips sun much northern planet earth,moon mars milki way,2018-08-11,502,81,0.0126363636363636,08-11,8,2018,11,2,0,1 9253e0cbf80176035a0e71563ea0f97f7255d4129ab203b40da921601323743e,jos perez,shock wave plow interstellar space 500000 kilomet per hour near top move sharpli detail color composite thin bright braid filament actual long rippl cosmic sheet glow ga seen almost edgeon catalog ngc 2736 elong appear suggest popular name pencil nebula pencil nebula 5 lightyear long 800 lightyear away repres small part vela supernova remnant vela remnant around 100 lightyear diameter expand debri cloud star seen explod 11000 year ago initially shock wave move million kilomet per hour slow considerably sweep surround interstellar material featur narrowband wide field image red blue color track characterist glow ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms respectively grow galleries launch parker solar probe perseid meteor shower 2018,pencil nebula red blue,2018-08-13,727,109,0.0531249999999999,08-13,8,2018,13,4,2,5 ed86cb96505d4f266a2cf6485fd28ddbe4fe26eb544eb43d6126ae6da8967fce,mark stan obs,bridg ga connect two great galaxies quit possibly hard sure m86 upper left giant ellipt galaxi near center nearbi virgo cluster galaxies milki way galaxi fall toward virgo cluster locat 50 million light year away lower right m86 unusu spiral galaxi ngc 4438 which togeth angular neighbor ngc 4435 known eye galaxi also arp featur one deeper imag yet taken region indic redglow ga surround m86 seemingli connect ngc imag span size full moon also known however cirru ga galaxi superpos front virgo cluster observ low speed ga seem consist milki way origin hypothesis definit answer may come futur research may also resolv extend blue arm ngc 4438 created open science brows code astrophys sourc code librari,m86 central virgo cluster,2018-08-14,705,117,0.1460034013605442,08-14,8,2018,14,7,2,3 933dc458becbf03c561803be173a291e0782a98bf31e6e89a473b99b88a83f4d,john krau,best time launch probe sun histor answer realli happen past weekend night night nasa parker solar probe launch window plan orbit occurred part night also psp instrument oper shadow shield effect creat perpetu night near sun then year pass psp shed enough orbit energi approach sun swing past venu seven times eventually psp schedul pass danger close sun within 9 solar radii closest ever close temperatur 1400 degre celsiu day side psp sun shield hot enough melt mani form glass night side though near room temperature major goal psp mission sun increas humanity understand sun explos impact earth satellit power grids pictur night launch psp aboard unit launch delta iv heavi rocket earli sunday morning gallery best submit imag psp launch,launch parker solar probe,2018-08-15,744,121,0.20125,08-15,8,2018,15,1,2,1 a4d8bdc52cf7f41e7a0f09d293bcbae35b0984431b8866d63ca9568738060797,derek demet,brief flash bright perseid meteor streak across upper right composit seri exposur made earli sunday morn near peak annual perseid meteor shower set two mile space launch complex 37 cape canaver air forc station photograph also captur four minut long trail delta iv heavi rocket carri parker solar probe dark morn sky perseid meteor slow grain dust period comet swifttuttl vapor plow earth upper atmospher 60 kilomet per second mph way seven gravityassist flybi venu seven year mission parker solar probe closest approach sun steadili final reach distanc million kilomet 38 million miles that distanc mercuri sun within solar corona sun tenuou outer atmosphere travel roughli 190 kilomet per second respect sun record fastest spacecraft planet earth gallery perseid meteor shower 2018,parker vs perseid,2018-08-16,783,122,0.0219780219780219,08-16,8,2018,16,1,2,4 4e48f9bacd38ab787267fc183fcc9e93a70ca9648b171db87a5ca6c1061d344a,petr horálek,local midnight august 12 brilliant perseid meteor flash polonini dark sky park slovakia planet earth streak besid summer milki way initi color like due shower meteor characterist high speed move 60 kilomet per second perseid meteor excit green emiss oxygen atom pass thin atmospher high altitudes also characterist bright meteors perseid left linger visibl trail known persist train waft upper atmosphere develop follow inset frames exposur separ one minut shown scale origin image compar brief flash meteor wraithlik trail realli hour faint remnant one could still expand 80 degre sky,perseid firebal persist train,2018-08-17,585,90,0.0389285714285714,08-17,8,2018,17,8,0,1 0734516d5017febf5c3ca813ea84bf0ff6498544006e03ef2a7faad580b4e8b1,witta priester,kind cloud these although caus present unknown unusu atmospher structures menac might seem appear harbing meteorolog doom formal recogn distinct cloud type last year asperita cloud stun appearance unusu occurrence rel wherea low cloud deck flat bottomed asperita cloud appear signific vertic structur underneath specul therefor hold asperita cloud might relat lenticular cloud form near mountains mammatu cloud associ thunderstorms perhap foehn wind type dri downward wind flow mountains wind call canterburi arch stream toward east coast new zealand south island featur image taken hanmer spring canterbury new zealand 2005 show great detail partli sunlight illumin undul cloud side,cloud new zealand,2018-08-19,684,99,0.1770661157024793,08-19,8,2018,19,8,2,4 8e41511631076ba763f64f5dcbb980a3799204d351147bac056be9bffedb9573,alan friedman,sun sun enter period time known solar minimum is expected show fewer sunspot activ region usual somewhat though far year day show sunspot all contrast 2011 2015 solar maximum sun display spot everi day maxima minima occur 11year cycle last solar minimum quiet century current solar minimum go even deeper even though sun activ affect earth surroundings one know sure sun next physic behind process remain activ topic research featur imag taken three week ago show sun busi even quiet day promin hot plasma larger earth danc continu easili visibl edge,activ promin quiet sun,2018-08-20,551,91,0.0083333333333333,08-20,8,2018,20,1,0,1 dd68107cc024d04c62135eb03e6168270cefd0f0c487c6e8eaee8b564756147e,jes mvarga maritxu poyal,star form soul queen aethopia specifically larg star form region call soul nebula ic found direct constel cassiopeia greek mytholog credit vain wife king long ago rule land surround upper nile river soul nebula hous sever open cluster stars larg radio sourc known w5 huge evacu bubbl form wind young massiv stars locat 6500 light year away soul nebula span 100 light year usual imag next celesti neighbor heart nebula ic 1805 featur imag composit three exposur differ colors red emit hydrogen gas yellow emit sulfur blue emit oxygen news new apod mirror french,glow element soul nebula,2018-08-21,560,94,0.0772727272727272,08-21,8,2018,21,4,2,5 003e85b3467fa3d0e605b7bc2c7b8b384dfbf57bf5816c9fb09017e3505eaabb,isas jaxa,big space diamond estim valu 80 billion diamond shape though asteroid 162173 ryugu thought compos mostli nickel iron asteroid like ryugu interest sever reasons perhap foremost near earth might one day far future pose impact threat nearer term ryugu interest may possibl send futur spacecraft mine it thu provid human new sourc valuabl scientifically ryugu interest carri inform solar system form billion year ago orbit take close earth japan robot spacecraft hayabusa2 arriv onekilomet wide asteroid late june featur imag show surfac structur unknown spacecraft arrival includ rock field craters within next three months hayabusa2 schedul unleash sever probes land ryugu hop around hayabusa2 mine littl bit asteroid return earth,asteroid ryugu hayabusa2,2018-08-22,729,110,-0.0163636363636363,08-22,8,2018,22,8,2,2 03fa9a5a5957f84837107c4672e35c52ddcd4fab04e016c1da2944a049341011,juan carlo casado,greenish coma comet stand left telephoto skyscap span 10 degre toward northern constel cassiopeia perseus captur august 17 period comet known parent bodi upcom draconid meteor shower predict brightest next month comet actual foreground rich starfield 4 lightminut fair planet giacobinizinn remain faint eye see though like color heart soul nebula near center sensit digit camera field view pair open star cluster right h chi persei could seen unaid eye dark locations heart soul nebula embed cluster young star million year old 200 lightyear across 6 7 thousand lightyear away part large activ star form complex sprawl along perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy also known doubl cluster h chi persei locat distance period giacobinizinn visit spacecraft earth intern cometari explor pass tail septemb 1985,comet heart soul,2018-08-23,802,125,0.0453124999999999,08-23,8,2018,23,6,2,5 3db37bbb7eb7b892d497b110ccb4f57d46f44a6a4841bde295c280e469627250,ignaciodiaz bobillo,beauti trifid nebula also known messier 20 easi find small telescop nebula rich constel sagittarius 5000 lightyear away color studi cosmic contrast share wellcomposed nearli 1 degre wide field open star cluster messier 21 bottom right trisect dust lane trifid 40 lightyear across mere 300000 year old make one youngest star form region sky newborn embryon star embed natal dust ga clouds estim distanc open star cluster m21 similar m20s though share gorgeou telescop skyscap appar connect two fact m21 star much older 8 million year old,messier 20 21,2018-08-24,536,87,0.0161255411255411,08-24,8,2018,24,4,0,3 2ae406564a8b5134fa1e7074f2a7df3969bc6d2e2ca6df2dd41a71cf25cdab04,none,spiral galaxi eso 137001 hurtl massiv galaxi cluster abel 3627 220 million light year away distant galaxi seen color composit imag foreground milki way star toward southern constel triangulum spiral speed along nearli 7 million kilomet per hour ga dust strip away ram pressur cluster hot tenuou intraclust medium galaxy gravity evid hubble near visibl light data bright star cluster form strip materi along short trail blue streaks chandra xray data show enorm extent heated strip ga diffuse darker blue trail stretch 400000 lightyear toward bottom right signific loss dust ga make new star format difficult galaxy yellowish ellipt galaxy lack star form dust gas right eso 137001 frame,eso,2018-08-25,685,109,0.1398423005565862,08-25,8,2018,25,7,2,5 033339e9859ce67ff1cbff85b904b9988fc8c7092e81480bc06cbded4b642266,none,sometimes region planet earth light fire sinc fire rapid acquisit oxygen sinc oxygen key indic life fire planet would indic life planet earth land scorch fire time past although caus mani tragedy mani place earth fire consid part natur ecosystem cycle larg forest fire earth usual caus either human lightn visibl orbit featur year 2000 stun elk avoid fire sweep montana bitterroot valley stand river,fire earth,2018-08-26,399,65,-0.0199999999999999,08-26,8,2018,26,8,0,2 5f0c4c82c209641a35e2537b48787b2ad315f086e684cbe615f266ab44d0ec3e,none,great american eclips year ago last week 100 million peopl north america went outsid see partial eclips sun ten million drove across part usa see sun complet disappear behind moon total solar eclipse estim 88 percent american saw eclips either person one better photograph event human history imag eclips includ unusu vistas balloon float earth stratosphere fifti robot balloon launch part nasa eclips project featur frame taken 360degre panoram video captur one balloon set aloft idaho student brazil conjunct nasa montana state university pictured dark shadow moon seen cross earth below although total eclips last less three minutes mani saw may rememb lifetime mani north american get anoth chanc experi total solar eclips 2024,total solar eclips shadow balloon,2018-08-27,732,114,0.0284313725490196,08-27,8,2018,27,1,2,1 0d56da1c14643bd768eca60f4ef3a1d39db01e409891163d6799cbce925802eb,none,center one import star sky partli because coincidence surround dazzl reflect nebula pulsat rs puppis brightest star imag center ten time massiv sun averag 15000 time luminous fact rs pup cepheid type variabl star class star whose bright use estim distanc nearbi galaxi one first step establish cosmic distanc scale rs pup pulsat period 40 days regular chang bright also seen along nebula delay time effect light echo use measur time delay angular size nebula known speed light allow astronom geometr determin distanc rs pup 6500 lightyears remark small error plu minu 90 lightyears impress achiev stellar astronomy echomeasur distanc also accur establish true bright rs pup extens cepheid stars improv knowledg distanc galaxi beyond milki way featur imag taken hubbl space telescope,nearbi cepheid variabl rs pup,2018-08-29,782,123,0.2538461538461539,08-29,8,2018,29,6,2,4 9d20a033ec83ba19b639d62da3903799ec26dae7b7e899e40f4a37b51413cbdc,ivan eder,studi contrasts color skyscap featur stars dust glow ga vicin ngc 6914 complex reflect nebula lie 6000 lightyear away toward highfli northern constel cygnu plane milki way galaxy obscur interstellar dust cloud appear silhouett reddish hydrogen emiss nebulae along dusti blue reflect nebulae fill cosmic canvas ultraviolet radiat massive hot young star extens cygnu ob2 associ ioniz region atom hydrogen gas produc characterist red glow proton electron recombine embed cygnu ob2 star also provid blue starlight strongli reflect dust clouds nearli 1 degre wide telescop field view span 100 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6914,ngc 6914 complex,2018-08-30,620,94,-0.0062499999999999,08-30,8,2018,30,4,2,5 7e326cecfe0aee8cd614bfb4eeb613e45b90962e173a79d5a12d9d9250a48146,d peach,still bright even skies mar past opposit closest earth juli 31 mere million kilomet away captur week later remark imag show red planet disk near maximum size earthbound telescopes still less appar diamet full moon broad region surfac shade start reappear tantal view latest planetwid dust storm bright south polar cap bottom vall marineri extend along center disk lie roughli circular soli lacu region sometim known eye mars line three promin dark spot left center volcan tharsi montes,close mar,2018-08-31,485,78,0.06640625,08-31,8,2018,31,5,0,1 1374d7567bbfcc077612d9ad46361d4467525934e81512be2441da0b4c69e537,none,saturn aurora like earths help answer question hubbl space telescop cassini spacecraft monitor saturn north pole simultan cassini final orbit around ga giant septemb 2017 time saturn tilt caus north pole clearli visibl earth featur imag composit ultraviolet imag aurora optic imag saturn cloud rings taken recent hubble like earth saturn northern aurora make total partial ring around pole unlik earth however saturn aurora frequent spiral like peak bright midnight dawn contrast jupiter auroras saturn aurora appear better relat connect saturn intern magnet field nearby variable solar wind saturn southern aurora similarli imag back 2004 planet south pole clearli visibl earth teachers apod classroom,aurora around saturn north pole,2018-09-03,703,104,0.12,09-03,9,2018,3,0,2,2 ce7365d5a9a0fd31dbb93a78f11efb1f4cbf6d68f60afdc48e1bd2ef7b67b811,marcella giulia pace,what happen moon nothing someth happen imag moon heat volcan lava fountain foreground warm made turbul air nearby caus pass light refract differ usual result lava plume appear melt moon featur pictur taken full sturgeon moon set behind mt etna erupt itali one week ago pictur actual composit two images one taken right other camera lens first imag quick exposur captur detail set moon second exposure taken moon set minut later longer captur detail faint lava jets earth see sun moon planets star appear distort earth atmosphere distort chang imag familiar orb unusu shapes time delay sunset moonset sever minutes apod languages arabic catalan chinese croatian czech dutch german french french hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish,moon behind lava fountain,2018-09-04,781,121,0.0628117913832199,09-04,9,2018,4,2,2,1 84ab9792a54938e62eadc01219853adf08885548119741d8d7273598d0e0ea76,data paul gardner processing rogelio bernal andreo,spiral galaxi look like featur sharp telescop view magnific edgeon spiral galaxi ngc 3628 puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course deep galact portrait put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons extend flare warp spiral disk sky link apod api nasa,ngc 3628 sideway spiral galaxi,2018-09-05,506,78,0.0649999999999999,09-05,9,2018,5,7,0,3 c15f61d1b38d5fe050e25b78f97776174a9d524db694088889cfadfd9ce8087d,steve miln,delic appearance filament shocked glow gas drape across planet earth sky toward constel cygnus form western part veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago blast cataclysm event interstellar shock wave plow space sweep excit interstellar material glow filament realli like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ atom hydrogen red oxygen bluegreen gas also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears telescop two panel mosaic imag western portion span half distance brighter part western veil recogn separ nebulae includ witch broom ngc 6960 along top view pickering triangl ngc 6979 left,along western veil,2018-09-06,792,125,0.0303030303030303,09-06,9,2018,6,4,2,5 29b65d1370390fda5ff32ad0e73bfc774cd0c4755a237005031663a46facb452,none,full view amaz sixsid jet stream known saturn north polar hexagon shown color cassini image extend 70 degre north latitude falsecolor video frame base infrared visible ultraviolet imag data record saturnorbit spacecraft late 2012 first found outbound voyag flybi imag 1980s bizarre longliv featur tie planet rotat 30000 kilomet across center lie ring ga giant hurricanelik north polar storm new long term studi cassini data found remark vortex exactli match outlin north polar hexagon form summer approach planet northern hemisphere appear reach hundr kilomet deeper cloud tops saturn stratosphere,saturn north polar hexagon,2018-09-07,597,89,-0.0303030303030303,09-07,9,2018,7,0,0,1 2222fe7919e0e4f91ea7be773a7eb9d12efd50d117dfddd92d9a38170235ad6d,till credner alltheskycom,bright meteor dark night sky made year perseid meteor shower great time weekend pack away equipment skygaz campsit mountain southern germani found least one reason linger stars wit brief color flash eyes present 50 frame gif two second long video captur morn twilight august 12 real time show develop typic green train bright perseid meteor much fainter perseid visibl farther right plow earth atmospher 60 kilomet per second perseid fast enough excit characterist green emiss atom oxygen altitud 100 kilomet so,time perseid,2018-09-08,511,81,0.1214285714285714,09-08,9,2018,8,8,1,1 7a7196e7af544c9708f36de28b89e5229f01be3eb9b1faf11b593062c9fb042f,ruslan merzlyakov rm photography,take long hike see tongu ten hour rocki terrain case took three trip captur landform clear night sky picturesqu rock extend 700 meter mountain cliff near lake norway made billionyearold bedrock carv glacier 10000 year ago featur pictur composit two exposures 15second imag foreground earth follow 40 minut later exposur background sky thousand discern star dot backdrop starscap addit billion unresolv star nearli vertic band milki way galaxy,milki way,2018-09-11,443,68,0.03,09-11,9,2018,11,6,0,1 d3851d8d02f685a259d04f1afd0cd1be24a4e97bfc50db9a3a224da4247b5c5a,mohammad nouroozi,bright enough binocular view comet 21p giacobinizinn stand out even deep telephoto mosaic star cluster nebula rich constel auriga charioteer night septemb 9 greenish coma diffus tail contrast color star reddish emiss nebula almost 10 degre field view along milki way comet near perihelion closest approach earth 200 lightsecond away ride across distant background comet tail wellknown auriga star cluster m38 left center m36 toward right 4000 lightyear away top left emiss region ic 405 1500 lightyear distant dramat known flame star nebula right lie ic 410 12000 lightyear away famou starform cosmic child solar system giacobinizinn period comet orbit sun everi 65 years parent bodi october draconid meteor shower,comet cluster nebula,2018-09-13,715,110,0.1318877551020408,09-13,9,2018,13,3,2,5 c6ef107f11e7fdd6cf2d3b628de403d0830016d8637a7c0bb41fb0a8e4ce67cf,stephen bedingfield,probabl seen circl around sun before common rainbows ice halos like 22 degre circular halo example easi spot especi shade eye direct sunlight still rare see divers rang ice halos includ sundogs arcs found snapshot planet earth pictur quickli taken late morn septemb 4 yellowknife northwest territories canada beauti pattern gener sunlight or moonlight reflect refract sixsid water ice crystal earth atmosphere course atmospher ice halo sky world like different,ice halo yellowknif,2018-09-14,460,70,-0.0399999999999999,09-14,9,2018,14,8,0,1 9c938bd8729b63bf44d0f58b1b08f03f79a3b67a9d5f345ed6dfe5ac62712c11,adrien mauduit,snowi mont blanc near center atmospher night skyscape high thin cloud sky photographer location look south toward europe highest peak southern swiss alps still 13 second exposur find faint star field dark rift milki way famou white mountain bloat mist bright planet saturn antar right alpha star scorpius shine cloud flank galaxy central bulge highaltitud scene reward night august also includ green trail perseid meteor shoot along galact plane,meteor milki way,2018-09-15,445,69,-0.008021978021978,09-15,9,2018,15,6,0,1 311033851cce6430507271373f7933351c88e02e71328c66a0708ffe41ccc904,none,what happen sun noth unusu threw filament toward middl 2012 long stand solar filament suddenli erupt space produc energet coron mass eject cme filament held day sun ever chang magnet field time erupt unexpected watch close sunorbit solar dynam observatory result explos shot electron ion solar system arriv earth three day later impact earth magnetosphere caus visibl aurorae loop plasma surround activ region seen erupt filament featur ultraviolet image although sun rel inact state 11year cycle unexpect hole open sun corona allow excess charg particl stream space before charg particl creat auroras,solar filament erupt,2018-09-16,602,92,0.0125,09-16,9,2018,16,1,2,4 f2cbaa56777884ff84b1537691962c735d4b439a58abbf8d2ab534f333e073f0,none,could galaxi becom shape like ring rim blue galaxi pictur right immens ringlik structur 150000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars galaxy 0644741 known ring galaxi caus immens galaxi collision galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus entir small intrud galaxi pass larg one happens interstellar ga dust becom condensed caus wave star format move impact point like rippl across surfac pond like intrud galaxi left combin imag hubbl visible chandra xray space telescopes xray light shown pink depict place energet black hole neutron stars like form shortli galaxi collision open science brows 1800 code astrophys sourc code librari,cosmic collis galact ring,2018-09-17,711,110,0.1426406926406926,09-17,9,2018,17,7,2,4 bd76d25001971a88fd2659c38a2c6b5a07678602748daec4460c8f0f542ad8ae,marcel drechsler obs,insid cocoon nebula newli develop cluster stars cosmic cocoon upper right also punctuat long trail obscur interstellar dust cloud left catalog ic 5146 beauti nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide locat light year away toward northern constel swan cygnus like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot star blue dustreflect starlight edg nearli invis molecular cloud fact bright star near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow slowli clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas except deep color view cocoon nebula trace tantal featur within surround dusti stellar nursery follow apod on facebook googl plus instagram twitter,cocoon nebula deep field,2018-09-19,668,104,0.1197478991596638,09-19,9,2018,19,4,2,5 6a5cda031d895a785684a30601a6f32c5840f2fc2541c8db42dd8dd6437c78ea,josep drudi,cosmic dust cloud young energet star inhabit telescop vista less 500 lightyear away toward northern boundari corona australis southern crown dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way strike complex reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 ic 4812 produc characterist color blue light region young hot star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star still process formation top right smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 bend around young variabl star r corona australis near it glow arc loop shock outflow embed newborn star identifi herbigharo objects sky field view span 1 degree correspond almost 9 lightyear estim distanc nearbi star form region,star dust corona australi,2018-09-20,668,104,0.1112698412698412,09-20,9,2018,20,4,2,5 3cf1a787b9f5b6ac0bfca3170f4db36f5a76ba7b99d967c91b098ebcd60e77b4,martin pugh,irregular galaxi ngc 55 thought similar larg magellan cloud lmc lmc 180000 lightyear away well known satellit milki way galaxy ngc 55 like 6 million lightyear distant member sculptor galaxi group classifi irregular galaxy deep exposur lmc resembl bar disk galaxy span 50000 lightyears ngc 55 seen nearli edgeon though present flattened narrow profil contrast faceon view lmc larg star form region creat emiss nebula lmc ngc 55 also seen produc new stars highli detail galaxi portrait highlight bright core cross dust clouds telltal pinkish star form regions young blue star cluster ngc 55,irregular galaxi ngc 55,2018-09-21,588,94,0.0636363636363636,09-21,9,2018,21,7,2,3 4f7597cd83b3c479b41edf845f2a0a57656a63695e7b74e66a174bf771b2d172,ralf rohner,august 18 night flight san francisco window seat offer tantal view curtain light drape color glow across sky hudson bay construct digit stack six short exposur made hand held camera scene record shimmer aurora boreali northern light approach high altitud sunris illumin northeastern horizon also caught flash perseid meteor streak beneath handl star big dipper north day past meteor shower peak trail still point across sky toward perseus beauti aurora shower meteor occur earth upper atmospher altitud 100 kilomet so far commerci airlin flights aurora caus energet charg particl magnetosphere meteor trail comet dust,window seat bay,2018-09-22,617,94,0.10125,09-22,9,2018,22,8,2,1 ba0325fa1c1d832395172294a989ad8169dd064d59e68d7fb086a3b14303558e,isas jaxa hayabusa2,two small robot begun hop around surfac asteroid ryugu rovers size small fri pan move around low graviti kilometers 162173 ryugu stay aloft 15 minut typic land sever meter away saturday rover 1a return earli pictur new home world left one first friday lander detach mothership drop rover 1a land ryugu studi ryugu could tell human ryugu surfac interior materi avail earli solar system develop life two hop rover plan release hayabusa2 schedul collect surfac sampl ryugu return earth detail analysi 2021,rover hop asteroid ryugu,2018-09-24,502,82,-0.0162337662337662,09-24,9,2018,24,8,0,2 bf33457f83b83d3367396de9daa164a87acd41940a130b9c4a28939660631e75,universe2gocom,see night sky season featur graphic give highlight earth northern hemisphere view clock face center bottom earli northern autumn sky event fan toward left late autumn event project toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope happen season constel appear year year and usual leonid meteor shower peak midnovember also usual intern space station iss seen times bright spot drift across sky sunset planet visibl sunset autumn includ jupit mars late autumn saturn,highlight north autumn sky,2018-09-25,570,86,-0.024025974025974,09-25,9,2018,25,8,0,1 f15d3da4d17bad7db7efa5a536d239f53420aee7d10b9ab56c01a0a59ffa3c4b,christoph kaltsei,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp imag show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region along galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 7 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 triangulum galaxi,2018-09-27,684,104,0.1099999999999999,09-27,9,2018,27,7,2,3 c3199af966b095067d1e9d737ab5bca24bd6b81f7ad07877adda06999f901df4,tunc tezel,55 consecut night mediterranean sky least partli clear summer 1st juli 24th august 2018 exposur night incorpor composit telephoto telescop imag follow bright planet saturn wander gener even skies august outer planet season appar retrograd motion slow drift right frame starri background brought near lineofsight central milki way beauti lagoon m8 trifid m20 nebulae cours saturn largest moon titan also along ride swing around ga giant 16 day long orbit titan result wavelik motion easier spot saturn digit edit scene,55 night saturn,2018-09-29,517,80,0.0595238095238095,09-29,9,2018,29,0,0,1 a83d372112262547228fbc0cba21fc7c4e3190aa075c790172742e28ca7e30c5,none,neutron star recent lone neutron star found within debri left old supernova explosion neutron star question blue dot center red nebula near bottom left featur imag composite blue repres xray light captur nasa chandra observatory red green repres optic light captur eso larg telescop chile nasa hubbl space telescop orbit displac posit neutron star unexpect sinc dens star thought core star explod supernova creat outer nebula could neutron star e0102 push away nebula center supernova itself seem odd smaller red ring remain center neutron star alternatively outer nebula could expel differ scenario perhap even involv anoth star futur observ nebula neutron star appear like resolv,lone neutron star supernova remnant,2018-09-30,682,105,0.0185185185185185,09-30,9,2018,30,4,2,5 d8080d253d9abff1c05d439cf9285508839b7ed1dabe170f88079d9e5669ef3d,none,new chapter space flight began 1950 launch first rocket cape canaveral florida bumper v2 featur here bumper v2 ambiti twostag rocket program top v2 missil base wac corpor rocket upper stage abl reach thenrecord altitud almost 400 kilometers height modern intern space station launch direct gener electr company bumper v2 use primarili test rocket system research upper atmosphere bumper v2 rocket carri small payload allow measur attribut includ air temperatur cosmic ray impacts seven year later soviet union launch sputnik sputnik ii first satellit earth orbit respons 1958 60 year ago today usa creat nasa anniversary nasa 60 year count,first rocket launch cape canaver,2018-10-01,639,100,0.0351239669421487,10-01,10,2018,1,8,2,2 b2e80167182200ca0218806f4e8ae3d9bbf92960a17290ef94cd0647c1ddc7ae,none,jewel shine bright star do almost everi spot glitter imag hubbl space telescop star star red sun blue much farther away although take light 8 minut reach earth sun ngc 1898 far away take light 160000 year get here huge ball stars ngc call globular cluster resid central bar larg magellan cloud lmc satellit galaxi larg milki way galaxy featur multicolor imag includ light infrar ultraviolet taken help determin star ngc 1898 form time differ times increas indic globular cluster form star stages that particular star ngc 1898 form shortli ancient encount small magellan cloud smc milki way galaxy space telescop hubbl look right now,ngc globular cluster larg magellan cloud,2018-10-03,635,105,0.2155677655677655,10-03,10,2018,3,6,2,3 04688a9792ff81b8fcfb35265607d225349d526edd6acffcc35d326604169d38,none,mar dust storm cant actual blow spacecraft over sun three month ago planetwid dust storm caus sever lack sunlight mar rover opportun locat near west rim endeavour crater lack sunlight sent solarpow opportun hibern 115 sol control receiv commun rover dust clear storm though septemb 20th imag taken mar reconnaiss orbiter hiris camera 25 percent sunlight reach surfac again white box mark area center blip identifi opportun rover,opportun storm,2018-10-04,428,68,0.0166666666666666,10-04,10,2018,4,5,0,2 59eec766541edcd64c27088fc21bb21654c5d11d5884d5afc2fe03ceeb962125,mia,aurora look like like answer suggest imagin snapshot taken octob 3rd kiruna sweden apparit northern lights locat lapland north arctic circle often auror oval surround planet earth geomagnet north pole creat tantal view perspect photograph turn flashlight phone place ground face down rest camera len top foreground ici pebbl right front lens lit flashlight reflect shimmer northern lights frozen ground course distanc observatory,aurora view,2018-10-06,429,63,0.1575396825396825,10-06,10,2018,6,8,1,1 9d9a6f6eff911f3850a37a63346d8d1cf813d661267b827475aa0e37eb441c4f,fritz helmut hemmerich,small bit comet expect streak across earth atmospher tonight specifically debri erod nucleu comet 21p pictured caus annual draconid meteor shower peak evening draconid meteor easi enjoy year meteor rate like peak soon sunset moon glare nearli absent patienc may needed though last month pass 21p near earth orbit expect increas normal meteor rate year meteor per hour again meteor rate notori hard predict draconid quit impress 2011 featured comet 21p grace pose rosett upper left cone lower right nebula two week ago head back near orbit jupiter return six half years,comet rosett cone nebula,2018-10-08,569,92,0.027281746031746,10-08,10,2018,8,3,0,1 00a7f72ed57424e6f321d66222b756b8af43369eaddb7fd607e383b7a2e5d01d,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 1672 featur here captur spectacular detail imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 1672 span 75000 light year across ngc 1672 appear toward constel dolphinfish dorado studi find spiral bar contribut star format galaxy central regions,ngc 1672 bar spiral galaxi hubbl,2018-10-09,576,92,0.2020833333333333,10-09,10,2018,9,7,1,3 024fc5fa808184c21f730aa116d7d2222a72769c7c6da4e8709e0f2421473b00,john krau,spacex falcon 9 rocket launch dazzl viewer along us west coast sunset octob 7 rise vandenberg air forc base california planet earth falcon 9 first stage return land zone 400 meter launch site less 8 minut launch first stage land left captur frame two imag record soundactiv camera set nearbi hill falcon 9 rocket deliv payload earthobserv satellit develop argentina nation space agency low earth orbit course falcon 9 first stage flown before follow launch vandenberg juli 25 recov land autonom drone ship read instructions,west coast launch land,2018-10-11,523,85,-0.0309523809523809,10-11,10,2018,11,8,0,2 ad37c71d3746d78543d911b654667cfaa4db31ba756c82e096838f393f9bd6b2,brian,hubbl space telescope latest view distant planetari nebula illumin cloud ga dust dazzl even casual us west coast skygaz octob 7 taken three mile north vandenberg air forc base imag follow plume exhaust first second stage spacex falcon 9 rocket rise southern california earli even skies fade twilight reddish smoke drift foreground right initi ascent rocket expand blue orang filamentari plume first second stage separ first stage boostback burn still sunlight extrem altitudes bright spot center second stage head almost directli away camera acceler orbit veloc far puls thruster form upsid vshape top guid reusabl falcon 9 first stage back land site,falcon 9 nebula,2018-10-12,650,102,0.0834586466165413,10-12,10,2018,12,8,2,1 5be593e18bfdededa7bdc8d94943996ff744fd048a7a33cb6f733b8a3d4bbf4e,jack fusco,kona young dog love splash wave along beach near san diego planet earth paus here least briefly earli even octob 7 along two peopl friend gaze skyward snapshot dazzl flight falcon 9 rocket seasid view sunlit exhaust plume rocket first stage thruster return vandenberg air forc base launch site 250 mile north,beach,2018-10-13,308,52,-0.0214285714285714,10-13,10,2018,13,8,0,2 fe1cab21fbb954633f9e7791f67dce4a15ae6bdaacf0dbf13faa9e611b705d16,david lindemann,orion becom color rendit part constel orion come red light emit hydrogen sulfur bluegreen light emit oxygen hue featur imag digit reassign indic element origin also strike human eye breathtak composit painstakingli compos hundr imag took nearli 200 hour pictured barnard loop across imag bottom appear cradl interstellar construct includ intric orion nebula seen right center flame nebula also quickli located take care eye identifi slight indent dark horsehead nebula orion lead explan origin barnard loop supernova blast occur two million year ago share sky nasa open api apod,orion red blue,2018-10-14,580,89,0.0743386243386243,10-14,10,2018,14,4,2,5 2257b290ef983ab47e7625ec87eb0bdf4881000e7c5e32ba2199227b63d33918,andrew klinger,afar whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed caviti tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming alreadi visibl sever young bright blue star whose light wind burn away push back remain filament wall ga dust eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens pictur involv 25 hour imag combin three specif emit color emit sulfur color red hydrogen yellow oxygen blue,m16 around eagl nebula,2018-10-15,615,100,0.075,10-15,10,2018,15,4,2,5 77d662b6c42572be9bcfc42ad73b42a49a5157695a680983e68ac056a3b8b8e4,none,jupit look bit differ ultraviolet light better interpret jupiter cloud motion help nasa robot juno spacecraft understand planetari context small field sees hubbl space telescop direct regularli imag entir jovian giant color jupit monitor go beyond normal human visual rang includ ultraviolet not infrar light featur 2017 jupit appear differ near ultraviolet light partli amount sunlight reflect back distinct give differ cloud height latitud discrep brightnesses near jupiter pole appear rel dark great red spot smaller white oval right string pearl storm farther right however brightest near ultraviolet appear falsecolor pink jupiter largest moon ganymed appear upper left juno continu loop orbit around jupiter earthorbit hubbl recov loss stabil,jupit ultraviolet hubbl,2018-10-16,748,109,0.1368571428571428,10-16,10,2018,16,8,2,1 760f205121ddbdefe2091a31df492c77035a7099722d8cddd0e375c408678568,bernhard hubl,messier 15 immens swarm 100000 stars 13 billion year old relic earli form year galaxi one 170 globular star cluster still roam halo milki way center sharp telescop view m15 lie 35000 light year away toward constel pegasus well beyond spiki foreground stars diamet 200 lightyears half star pack central 10 lightyear so one densest concentr star known hubblebas measur increas veloc m15 central star evid massiv black hole resid center dens globular cluster m15,m15 dens globular star cluster,2018-10-17,459,75,-0.0175925925925925,10-17,10,2018,17,6,0,3 8e20923944f4e90af088b44081a15f9e1c2a48e5f1c7df3b197456ada7ac8299,sarah,octob 10 new telescop reflect light set sun dark horizon sunset color below segment mirror imag beauti even sky snapshot roqu del lo muchacho observatori canari island la palma mirror segment cover 23 meter diamet mount open structur larg scale telescop 1 inaugur first compon cherenkov telescop array groundbas telescop hinder atmospher absorb light cherenkov telescop design detect high energi gamma ray actual requir atmospher operate gamma ray impact upper atmospher produc air shower highenergi particles large fast camera common focu imag brief flash optic light call cherenkov light creat air shower particles flash reveal incom gamma ray timing direction energy ultim 100 cherenkov telescop plan cta locat northern southern hemispher planet earth,telescop sunset,2018-10-18,754,113,0.1319155844155844,10-18,10,2018,18,8,2,4 495389849256d9b37b365addc9007ae8227687688b201942ca2abe760acaa336,dong han,taken near local midnight autumn night panorama follow arch milki way across northern horizon high natur park border belgium germany shift gaze across wetland west east left right watch star promin northern summer give way soon domin northern winter nights setting wander mar brightest far left still shine almost overwhelm citi light along southwestern horizon bright star altair deneb vega form northern sky summer triangle straddl milki way left center part winter hexagon capella aldebaran along beauti pleiad star cluster shine across northeastern sky lineofsight along hiker boardwalk lead almost directli toward big dipper season aster northern latitudes follow big dipper pointer star polari north celesti pole nearli center it andromeda larg galaxi skyscape near top frame,summer winter milki way,2018-10-19,781,117,0.1341071428571428,10-19,10,2018,19,6,2,1 713aecca2572e23524fccbb06fdcabbd7112df87d88235db4eac09f48faaede1,west mountain observatori,falcon 9 rocket launch sunset cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky haunt symmetri seen central region composit picture process reveal enorm extrem faint halo gaseou material three lightyear across made data ground spacebas telescop show extend emiss surround brighter familiar planetari nebula planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star recent planetari found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier activ episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 year old,halo cat eye,2018-10-20,593,89,0.0925,10-20,10,2018,20,4,2,5 eb98a8baee92d2ce256cac73db9c57cb817d2ebf418e2ddc40cff98d89e0dc46,none,apollo 12 second mission land human moon land site pick near locat surveyor 3 robot spacecraft land moon three year earlier featur photograph taken lunar modul pilot alan bean mission command pete conrad jiggl surveyor spacecraft see firmli situated lunar modul visibl distance apollo 12 brought back mani photograph moon rocks among mileston achiev apollo 12 deploy apollo lunar surfac experi package carri mani experi includ one measur solar wind,apollo 12 visit surveyor 3,2018-10-22,448,70,0.02,10-22,10,2018,22,2,0,2 2d279bdf4b2e47f1cd9a8f06ec99401615d6939f01655b68c74d5f3b837bb7ab,none,galaxi form earli universe help find out astronom survey patch dark night sky larg telescop array chile find count galaxi form univers young analysi distribut distant galaxi near found enorm conglomer galaxi span 300 million light year contain 5000 time mass milki way galaxy dub hyperion current largest massiv protosuperclust yet discov earli universe protosuperclust group young galaxi gravit collaps creat supercluster group sever galaxi clusters group hundr galaxies group billion stars featur visualization massiv galaxi depict white region contain larg amount smaller galaxi shade blue identifi understand larg group earli galaxi contribut humanity understand composit evolut univers,hyperion largest known galaxi,2018-10-23,690,98,0.045,10-23,10,2018,23,7,2,4 998885e1b023a00cfcd66cd4ddd4bfa6e8a995c2bda706a82cef93271fd11a81,vincent bradi,what happen sky unusu light appear last week hover bay eastern edg lake superior usa canada unsur cause astrophotograph switch camera lens fishey telephoto soon realiz see light vertic line light ground sourc reflect fall ice crystals ground temperatur flat crystal like melt approach ground creat lower end vertic light pillars red ground light origin wind canadian island visibl across bay,light pillar bay,2018-10-24,393,61,0.2972222222222222,10-24,10,2018,24,8,1,1 cbd6c4cebb844977e3a1add14dedbbb6652f10ca9ab596be16a2dc624fb41da5,steve miln,lightyear across suggest shape known seahors nebula appear silhouett rich lumin background stars seen toward royal northern constel cepheus dusty obscur cloud part milki way molecular cloud 1200 lightyear distant also list barnard 150 b150 one 182 dark mark sky catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard pack low mass star form within collaps core visibl long infrar wavelengths still color star cepheu add pretty galact skyscape,barnard seahors cepheu,2018-10-25,435,68,-0.009375,10-25,10,2018,25,6,0,3 0040826ac65e85131aac2965b725914efdd6fed35cc2ad9df9ce2283deee1333,ken crawford,bright rim flow shape look ghostli cosmic scale telescop view toward constel cassiopeia color zoomable skyscap featur sweptback cometshap cloud ic 59 left ic 63 600 lightyear distant cloud actual ghosts slowli disappear influenc energet radiat hotlumin star gamma cas gamma ca physic locat 3 4 lightyear nebulae top right edg frame slightli closer gamma cas ic 63 domin red halpha light emit hydrogen atom ioniz star ultraviolet radiat recombin electrons farther star ic 59 show proport less halpha emiss characterist blue tint dust reflect star light field view span 1 degre 10 lightyear estim distanc gamma ca friends,ic ic cassiopeia,2018-10-26,619,99,0.1835497835497835,10-26,10,2018,26,4,2,5 649917a2fa7d780f1a9abec2342f4baca125e1d0894fa406d591a5fb2a011812,yuri beletski,best known aster northern sky hang canadian mountain night skyscap taken last week nation park remark amaz greenish airglow airglow visibl eye color scene captur two exposur singl camera one exposur made track star one fix tripod airglow emiss predomin atmospher oxygen atom extrem low densities commonli record color sensit digit camera eerie diffus light seen wave across northern night origin altitud similar aurorae lumin airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic excit radi decay energi chemic excit provid daytim sun extrem ultraviolet radiation unlik aurora limit high latitudes airglow found around globe,airglow boreali,2018-10-27,621,92,0.1483333333333333,10-27,10,2018,27,6,2,4 853c3976c78a5eec8abf5d3fd18565162b0b60fefa145dc2444d5e39ce0d2d30,none,planet this earth featur fals color pictur show earth shine ultraviolet uv light imag histor taken surfac moon humanity first lunar observatory anoth oper although littl uv light transmit earth atmosphere sunlight make might caus sunburn part earth face sun reflect much uv light perhap interest side face away sun band uv emiss result aurora caus charg particl expel sun planet show aurora uv includ mars saturn jupiter uranus,ultraviolet earth observatori moon,2018-10-28,427,69,0.3625,10-28,10,2018,28,1,1,1 5e10f751aacc59d9f579f08ea7c48b0e11ad05faf3dad8be8862d82628dd2d0e,none,galaxi grow help find out hubbl space telescop deploy imag unusu ellipt galaxi pgc galaxi came surround numer shell star may give clue evolved embed diffus shell massiv globular cluster star star analys show born three differ data indic pgc 42871 least two galact collisions least one might former spiral galaxy remain spiral galaxi far left distanc pgc 42871 may involv collisions pgc 42871 span 20 thousand light year lie 270 million light year away toward constel centaurus open science brows 1800 code astrophys sourc code librari,shell star ellipt galaxi,2018-10-29,535,87,0.0375,10-29,10,2018,29,7,0,3 88d9c8988d9604f044d46b464003a029dd3f88310f9ca197fe92c2c1589913f0,yin hao,meteor shoot constel orion expected octob time year orionid meteor shower pictur here two dozen meteor caught success ad exposur last octob wulan hada volcano inner mongolia china featur imag show multipl meteor streak connect singl small region sky call radiant visibl left belt orion orionid meteor start sand size bit expel comet halley one trip inner solar system comet halley actual respons two known meteor showers known eta aquarid visibl everi may orionid imag featur apod one year ago today locat show car next month leonid meteor shower comet tempeltuttl also result bright meteor streaks follow apod on facebook instagram reddit twitter,meteor inner mongolia,2018-10-30,647,103,0.065,10-30,10,2018,30,3,2,4 16cbb7a674c6e821bdcb06aeafced42b1dc8ccfab46825c4ee146ca6628ce4b2,martin pugh,better known hind star r lepori rare star planet earth night sky also shock shade red star discoverer 19th centuri english astronom john russel report appear telescop like drop blood black locat lightyear away constel lepu star miratyp variable chang bright period 14 months r lepori recogn carbon star cool highli evolv red giant extrem abund carbon extra carbon carbon star creat helium fusion near die stellar core dredg stars outer layers result overabund simpl carbon molecules like co cn true cool star radiat energi red infrar light carbon molecul strongli absorb littl blue light left give carbon star except deep red color r lepori lose carbonrich atmospher surround interstellar materi strong stellar wind though could near transit planetari nebula happi halloween folk apod,r star,2018-10-31,785,124,0.1798611111111111,10-31,10,2018,31,6,2,4 23237a53e594db0e0ab476677eb8950489fddbef118ec8799b0ffed6741f04e7,astro anarchi,ghost star supernova remnant shine like faint cosmic along plane milki way galaxi toward northern constel cygnu swan wraithlik appear trace region rich complex interstellar cloud dust eeri blue glow span four full moon sky beauti imag telescop mosaic twelv panel combin 100 hour exposur time use narrow band filters show characterist light ioniz atom sulfur hydrogen oxygen red green blue hues like 5000 lightyear away visibl part still expand shell supernova remnant around 150 lightyear diameter far sourc identifi remain origin star light star supernova explos would reach earth 15000 year ago,cygnu shell supernova remnant,2018-11-02,596,93,0.0354166666666666,11-02,11,2018,2,6,2,5 4c9a907c0a8bdbb405507c8ddbd8cb97b301268cb52e8aabdaebd6c6480956ed,mario cogo,see horse head see famou horsehead nebula toward orion rather fainter nebula take familiar form deeper imaging main part imag molecular cloud complex reflect nebula catalog ic 4592 reflect nebula actual made fine dust normal appear dark look quit blue reflect light energet nearbi stars case sourc much reflect light star eye horse star part nu scorpii one brighter star system toward constel scorpion scorpius second reflect nebula dub ic 4601 visibl surround two star right imag center,ic 4592 blue horsehead reflect nebula,2018-11-05,487,78,0.1317176870748299,11-05,11,2018,5,4,1,5 05ec24dc42689ffda4d77c7845ae427beeb6c1e9025e7da41bfaaaa19ef3538f,bray fall,there even california space drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long featur image promin glow california nebula red light characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons strip away ionized energet starlight star like provid energet starlight ioniz much nebular ga bright hot bluish xi persei right nebula regular target astrophotographers california nebula spot widefield telescop dark sky toward constel perseus far pleiades,ngc 1499 california nebula,2018-11-06,637,95,0.1543650793650793,11-06,11,2018,6,4,2,5 b632366f30c0f19ec40ee8f0e1b0111c12fdf317ca3d467388e56bbe075b921d,lee,dark shape bright edg wing way dusti ngc 6188 ten lightyear long emiss nebula found near edg otherwis dark larg molecular cloud southern constel ara 4000 lightyear away born region million year ago massiv young star embed ara ob1 associ sculpt fantast shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas imag data chilescop observatory falsecolor hubbl palett use creat gorgeou widefield imag show emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue hues field view span four full moons correspond 150 light year estim distanc ngc 6188,ngc 6188 dragon ara,2018-11-07,661,103,0.09,11-07,11,2018,7,4,2,5 2ad1fc71d9675df0802408fcc194d63a05bae652dc304920b46903116868b513,tunc tezel,composit imag space 5 9 day apart late april bottom right novemb 5 top left trace retrograd motion ruddycolor mar planet earth night sky connect dot date 2018 mar retrograd loop slide cursor pictur and check animation mar actual revers direct orbit instead appar backward motion respect background star reflect motion earth itself retrograd motion seen time earth overtak lap planet orbit farther sun earth move rapidli rel closein orbit juli 27 mar near favor 2018 perihel opposition mar closest sun orbit also opposit sun earth sky date frame use composit taken total lunar eclipse,mar loop,2018-11-08,583,95,0.0857142857142857,11-08,11,2018,8,5,2,1 005d7a193e5752affb92e48bd63f9fad40f12333725ae58e97a202407cec2839,gyorgi soponyai,panic littl planet project look confusing actual digit warp stitched nadir center mosaic imag cover nearli 360x180 degrees imag taken night octob 31 30 meter tall lookout tower near hungary planet earth lookout tower construct convert local mine sinc planet earth rotating 126 frame 75 second long exposur also show warped concentr star trail north celesti pole left cours locat south celesti pole right center littl planet horizon,littl planet lookout,2018-11-09,431,68,-0.0164285714285714,11-09,11,2018,9,8,0,1 d4ab34cdb62dd47cdd32fd4c73cda69e5f0409530d856bd55e89d3d10872dd49,stan honda,tonight moon young again stun imag young moon near western horizon taken sunset octob 10 lunar disk earthshine earthlight reflect moon night side embrac slim sunlit crescent 2 day old along horizon fade color twilight silhouett radio telescop dish antenna larg array new mexico planet earth view moon would stunning too moon appear earth sky slender crescent dazzlingli bright nearli full earth would seen lunar surface descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean turn illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci,old moon young moon arm,2018-11-10,543,85,0.1936363636363636,11-10,11,2018,10,2,1,1 16e0d5f13d4b2daa5ea17641b8678a7f7dd3fb20111e7fd2a599d95d99f013cc,nasa crew,would like explor moon nasa apollo mission gave human chanc late 1960 earli 1970s particular apollo 15 mission dedic better understand surfac moon explor mountains valleys maria highlands astronaut david scott jame irwin spent nearli three day moon alfr worden orbit command module mission blast earth 1971 juli 26 first deploy lunar rove vehicle pictur digit stitch mosaic panorama david scott explor surroundings examin boulder front summit mt hadley delta shadow jame irwin visibl right scroll right reveal welllit divers lunar terrain apollo 15 mission return 76 kilogram moon rock detail study future nasa space agenc plan continu lead humanity explor moon mars beyond,astronaut apollo 15 panorama,2018-11-11,673,104,0.1208994708994709,11-11,11,2018,11,2,2,2 de80dbd63fdd18e9758836c92c4ff9140d4d5933a61028b3727995b9c9e97cad,chuck ayoub,what insid cosmic cave stellar nurseri 10 lightyear deep featur skyscap domin dusti sh2155 cave nebula telescop image data taken narrowband filter track nebular glow hydrogen oxygen sulfur color togeth form hubbl palette 2400 lightyear away scene lie along plane milki way galaxi toward royal northern constel cepheus astronom explor region reveal form boundari massiv cepheu b molecular cloud hot young star cepheu ob 3 association bright rim ioniz hydrogen ga energ radiat hot stars domin bright star left cave entrance radiat driven ioniz front like trigger collaps core new star format within,cave nebula hydrogen oxygen sulfur,2018-11-14,596,93,0.2651515151515151,11-14,11,2018,14,4,1,5 9c291c2eca1fb2846049e02a9c6401f1611d50f7362da0e2248623d6b99d4bf5,terrastro,period comet 46pwirtanen brightest comet night sky faint seen eye dark sky site could becom nakedey visibl though 54 year long loop orbit take closest earth sun mid december fluoresc sunlight spheric coma half angular size full moon southern hemispher telescop view novemb 7 comet 2 lightminut away 35 million kilomet earthbound telescopes pretti greenish coma seen around 150000 kilomet across make size jupiter stack digit imag also reveal faint tail extend toward 4 oclock distant background galaxi notabl upper left regular visitor inner solar system comet 46pwirtanen favor rendezv target esa comet explor rosetta mission,comet,2018-11-15,626,96,-0.0877777777777777,11-15,11,2018,15,3,2,1 95f88c3c1e0785f365392ce715838dffe165ded8352a5beed007a5873c9e0cc6,tama ladanyi,last sunday moon young sunlit crescent hung low near western horizon sunset strong earthshin join saturn shine earli even sky beauti conjunct visibl skygaz around fair planet clear even hill near veszprem hungari daughter bright planet young moon frame quiet night skyscap taken telephoto lens cours moon age quickli some tonight sunlit part reach first quarter phase weekend skygaz spend qualiti time moon star might expect see annual rain comet dust otherwis known leonid meteor shower photograph leonid meteor shower,moon saturn,2018-11-16,519,80,0.1987179487179487,11-16,11,2018,16,2,1,1 9faab925284038492146be1f15fc5bf85d7dbf5cc8b563675bc18b22ef7356d5,barden ridg observatori,tarantula nebula also known 30 doradus thousand lightyear diameter giant star form region within nearbi satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud 180 thousand lightyear away largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxies cosmic arachnid sprawl across spectacular view compos narrowband filter data center emiss ioniz hydrogen atoms within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula star form region young star clusters filaments blownout bubbleshap clouds fact frame includ site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a left center rich field view span 1 degre 2 full moons southern constel dorado tarantula nebula closer say 1500 lightyear distant like local star form orion nebula would take half sky still go on leonid meteor shower,tarantula nebula,2018-11-17,877,131,0.0478070175438596,11-17,11,2018,17,4,2,5 049e0918f3fddb7083def754a6d9b165c79814b5dfee1fd5a92d1c2565c93908,ole c salomonsenarct light photo,halloween sky look like creature exactli creature astrophotograph unsur suggest one exactli caus eeri apparit 2013 sure one best auror display recent years spectacular aurora unusu high degre detail pictur here vivid green purpl auror color caus high atmospher oxygen nitrogen react burst incom electrons birch tree troms norway form also eeri foreground recently new photogen aurora accompani new geomagnet storms,creatur aurora norway,2018-11-18,414,61,0.2617727272727272,11-18,11,2018,18,8,1,1 20bf03f1b7caee419ba1300e74fd6d75a349cde2d3c8baa9f65cbcabb402d729,gran strand,gibbou moon earthl familiar full moon entir face luna lit sun crescent moon sliver moon face lit half moon illuminated though still short full illumination phase call gibbous rare seen televis movies gibbou moon quit common actual night sky featur imag taken sweden near end last month gibbou moon days crescent moon new moon back crescent day ago back gibbous gibbou moon visibl tonight lead full moon occur friday night set captur picturesqu gibbou photograph quit surpris find airplane sure well foreground appear fli past it,gibbou moon beyond swedish mountain,2018-11-19,528,86,0.1090435606060606,11-19,11,2018,19,2,0,1 df15873b8242c778a898d778b9926cc97b1560bba75e8f4fa38fba6a2d5dc3bb,none,creat color jupiter clouds one sure thick atmospher jupit mostli hydrogen helium element colorless low temperatur jovian cloud tops trace element provid color remain topic research although small amount ammonium one lead candidate clear featur colorenhanc imag mani similar imag lighter cloud typic higher darker ones pictured light cloud swirl around reddish region toward lower right appear cover darker upper right featur imag taken robot juno spacecraft 14th low pass jupit earlier year juno continu loop ellipt orbit swoop near huge planet everi 53 day explor slightli differ sector time around,swirl color jupit juno,2018-11-21,601,91,0.1180952380952381,11-21,11,2018,21,8,2,1 2f998473f4d2ea0d9cf61f308234be4e93a667c7f82a2f3dc5d00032e869aa58,stephan vetter,novemb 17 hour sunrise bright color meteor flash clear predawn skies sea cloud strike autumn morning moment captur promin meter high summit southern germany black forest shine twilight siriu well familiar star orion recogniz near southwestern horizon meteor seem head right hunter belt sword still part annual leonid meteor shower meteor trail point back shower radiant constel leo high horizon top left frame,good morn leonid,2018-11-23,409,63,0.1845039682539682,11-23,11,2018,23,6,1,1 c24e64262858f5314a397b47f526319da96fe5b20289aad8329c6354c2cdbb08,vika chander,crescent moon sink western horizon sea night skyscape atmospher photo taken septemb 11 desert shore along skeleton coast namibia close moonset moonlight redden dim low long lineofsight across atlantic near center frame venu still shine brightly light reflect calm ocean waters celesti beacon brilliant even star bright planet jupiter skeleton coast name mani seal whale strewn along shoreline recent time better known,shipwreck moonset,2018-11-24,417,62,0.2375,11-24,11,2018,24,8,1,1 0da1d08fb893448ab683e8ea014ff294eda65d896df9954627d2346ee8dd6f45,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic origin martian moon unknown though lead hypothesi hold captur asteroids larger moon 25kilomet across phobos inde seen cratered asteroidlik object falsecolor imag mosaic taken robot vike 1 mission 1978 recent analysi unusu long groov seen phobo indic may result boulder roll away giant impact creat crater upper stickney crater phobo orbit close mar 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down ultim result phobo break orbit crash onto martian surfac 50 million years well tomorrow fact everyth goe accord plan nasa robot insight lander touch mar begin investig intern structure latest insight land mar tomorrow,phobos doom moon mar,2018-11-25,754,119,0.0085858585858585,11-25,11,2018,25,5,2,2 b7bc8b4617e11854309ac305c13c1a007a3c2c6ab22b26a4c2bbb5d1eb37dada,none,welcom mars nasa yesterday nasa robot spacecraft insight made dramat land mar sixmonth trek across inner solar system brake 20000 km per hour zero seven minutes insight deceler much 8 heat 1500 degre celsiu deploy heat shield parachute end rockets featur imag first taken insight mars welcom proof spacecraft shed enough speed land softli function red planet final descent insight rocket kick dust seen stuck len cap instrument context camera past spotti dirt part lander visibl includ cover bolt bottom lander footpad lower right small rock visibl across rusti red soil arc across top imag martian horizon divid land sky next week insight deploy sever scientif instruments includ instrument expect give human unpreced data involv interior mars region thought harbor format clue mars earth,insight first imag mar,2018-11-27,789,124,0.0565934065934066,11-27,11,2018,27,5,2,2 9ebe5d1e90187904765889becdad66cc212d3ea43e940d3cc41e69e288429ed4,mark hanson,cosmic closeup look deep insid soul nebula dark brood dust cloud left outlin bright ridg glow gas catalog ic 1871 25 lightyear across telescop field view span small part much larger heart soul nebulae estim distanc 6500 lightyear starform complex lie within perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy seen planet earth sky toward constel cassiopeia exampl trigger star formation dens starform cloud ic 1871 sculpt intens wind radiat region massiv young stars featur imag appear mostli red due emiss specif color light emit excit hydrogen gas,ic 1871 insid soul nebula,2018-11-28,533,86,0.0340909090909091,11-28,11,2018,28,4,0,5 fb6a89ed9a38882a458395b520243b3fa3d89078f7e514336513761c2d07234e,fabian neyer,cosmic dust cloud drape across rich field star broad telescop panorama near northern boundari corona australis southern crown less 500 lightyear away denser cloud effect block light distant background star milki way entir vista span 5 degre nearli 45 lightyear clouds estim distance toward right lie group bluish reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star region still process formation smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 surround young variabl star r corona australis arc loop identifi herbig haro hh object associ energet newborn stars magnific globular star cluster ngc 6723 right nebulae though ngc 6723 appear part group ancient star actual lie nearli 30000 lightyear away far beyond young star corona australi dust clouds,across corona australi,2018-11-29,826,129,0.1289565826330532,11-29,11,2018,29,4,2,5 471a192ac92c240bffb4461f86f5553023d761c6840adef4d8e1cad46d52f90f,jeff dai,highest peak planet earth frame mountain night skyscape septemb 30 digit stack 240 sequenti exposur made camera fix tripod everest base camp captur sheer north face himalayan mountain foreground illumin bright moonlight taken 15 hours sequenc also record color star trails reflect planet daili rotat axis motion along gentl concentr arc center south celesti pole point well rug horizon color trail actual indic temperatur stars blueish hue hotter stars yellow reddish hue star cooler sun,mount everest star trail,2018-12-01,487,75,-0.0333333333333333,12-01,12,2018,1,6,0,1 50d68dad641633ac71826709fa0ab552a87282732a81882d2c358a2ef856b0f8,jiang,what happen mountains rocket launch space specifically long march 3b carrier rocket launch xichang satellit launch center provinc china two week ago rocket lift two navig satellit 2000 kilomet earth surface well orbit intern space station well orbit geostationari satellites china chang 3 mission land robot yutu rover moon launch xichang 2013 featur imag taken 10 kilomet launch site actual composit nine exposures includ separ background image,rocket launch mountain,2018-12-04,445,67,-0.05,12-04,12,2018,4,8,0,2 9a860a28dcdd0cc784be1d24b0195dba8257e72b76c8acace292886babda7fa4,universe2gocom,see night sky season featur graphic give highlight earth northern hemisphere view clock face center bottom earli northern winter sky event fan toward left late winter event project toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope happen season constel appear year year and usual geminid meteor shower peak middecember also usual intern space station iss seen times bright spot drift across sky sunset less usual moon expect pass nearli front sever planet earli january treat winter comet alreadi bright pass 36 lunar distanc earth middecember potenti make easili visibl unaid eye,highlight north winter sky,2018-12-05,685,104,0.0245421245421245,12-05,12,2018,5,8,2,1 ab7e00a0686a8e82481ada14f625a2669322597f0223be8359d4406add3e0157,juan carlo casado,come close middecember comet 46p wirtanen hang starri sky bell tower church construct vertic panorama seri digit exposur captur greenish coma decemb 3 sant llorenc de la muga girona catalonia spain planet earth orbit period 54 years period comet perihelion closest approach sun decemb 12 decemb 16 closest earth pass distanc million kilomet 39 that close comet mere 30 time earthmoon distance good binocular target comet watchers wirtanen could visibl unaid eye dark sky site spot dusk decemb 16 look close sky pleiad star cluster taurus,comet wirtanen,2018-12-07,537,86,-0.0125,12-07,12,2018,7,3,0,4 8a8b603a4dbc58e878aae6123740c0aa17428ed36a4f06d2540252b611fe865b,bjørnar g hansen,night sky seren passiv other flash later form aurora meteors haunt sky island kvaløya near tromsø norway 2009 decemb 13 30 second long exposur record shimmer auror glow gentli light winteri coastal scene studi contrasts imag also captur sudden flash firebal meteor excel geminid meteor shower 2009 streak past familiar star handl big dipper trail point back toward constel gemini top view aurora meteor occur earth upper atmospher altitud 100 kilomet so aurora caus energet charg particl magnetosphere meteor trail cosmic dust nine year photograph taken toward end week yearli 2018 geminid meteor shower peak again although time flash compet din moon first half night free download 2019 apod calendar,aurora shimmer meteor flash,2018-12-09,701,110,0.0895833333333333,12-09,12,2018,9,8,2,1 cb989586427e0c14bba28a0d68028ba7efdeec4d2b9b73d7fa97ef3887296d54,none,arm mar unusu one thing nearli 2 meter long scoop grappl built hand camera built another soon deploy ear sensit seismomet listen distant onto surfac mars orang box foreground gray dome behind protect cover arm attach insight robot lander touch mar two week ago somewhat unexpectedly ear alreadi heard someth slight vibrat caus martian wind flow solar panels light sun collect solar panels part one visibl far right actually present time two arm oper mars separ 600 kilometers that activ arm connect curios rover explor distant crater taken week ago rusti soil rock visibl featur imag beyond insight well orang sky mars follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,sound light captur mar insight,2018-12-10,670,109,0.0069047619047619,12-10,12,2018,10,5,2,2 abfd3d1eee90464ff50ce8b0508b59b3b50a03b37a16e54d70579350cabcc3cf,none,galaxi long tail stun vista base imag data hubbl legaci archive distant galaxi form dramat backdrop disrupt spiral galaxi arp 188 tadpol galaxy cosmic tadpol mere 420 million lightyear distant toward northern constel dragon draco eyecatch tail 280 thousand lightyear long featur massive bright blue star clusters one stori goe compact intrud galaxi cross front arp 188 right left view slung around behind tadpol gravit attraction close encounter tidal forc drew spiral galaxy stars gas dust form spectacular tail intrud galaxi itself estim lie 300 thousand lightyear behind tadpole seen foreground spiral arm upper right follow terrestri namesake tadpol galaxi like lose tail grow older tail star cluster form smaller satellit larg spiral galaxy new instagram page featur cool imag recent submit apod,arp 188 tadpole tail,2018-12-11,802,123,0.0056572215663124,12-11,12,2018,11,7,2,4 6f693258c28d45af1e7e9347958e7e27b0c7563d204d93ec96619e41d7e08bc3,zhuoqun wuchilescop telescop,waterfal orion no dust m43 appear similar waterfal earth m43 part orion molecular cloud complex often imag rare mention neighbor famou m42 m42 includ mani bright star trapezium cluster lie featur scene m43 star form region although lace filament dark dust compos mostli glow hydrogen entir orion field locat 1600 light year away inund mani intric picturesqu filament dust opaqu visibl light dark dust creat outer atmospher massiv cool star expel strong outer wind proton electrons free download 2019 apod calendar light background,m43 orion fall,2018-12-12,530,83,0.2319444444444444,12-12,12,2018,12,4,1,5 e4751447377db9c947225eeb9ac2d2790663ff1674e607d94f2fc6182c2ce74f,none,octob 29 juno spacecraft dove near turbul jovian cloud tops 16th orbit closest approach perijov passage brought juno within 3500 kilomet solar system largest planetari atmosphere frames record junocam spacecraft cruis 20 50 thousand kilomet planet middl southern latitudes seem follow swirl cloud shape remark like dolphin swim along jupiter darker south south temper belt dolphin planets though thousand kilomet across juno next perijov passag come decemb 21,swim jupit,2018-12-14,460,68,0.0333333333333333,12-14,12,2018,14,8,0,2 e471c1104e2cae265ff92e2932e5222f09624e06fa5705cd59c131824e5d16ae,el cielo de canaria,radiant constel twins annual geminid meteor shower rain fair planet week beauti skyscap collect 70 gemini love shoot star digit composit made multipl exposures exposur taken six hour period near shower peak camera track dark predawn sky decemb 14 teid nation park canari island tenerife though gemini lie top left frame milki way sweep starri background share sky left center recogniz star nebulos orion yellowish aldebaran hyad toward right along pleiad star cluster also welcom visitor night sky faint green coma comet 46p wirtanen closest earth weekend lie pleiad stars dust swept orbit activ asteroid 3200 phaethon gemini meteor enter earth atmospher travel 35 kilomet per second,geminid friend,2018-12-15,683,107,0.0796703296703296,12-15,12,2018,15,6,2,1 43fc42285be087c4ab0e35c6fb9054725a2419106e0dbdc073abac35593a0790,ruslan merzlyakov rm photography,today comet wirtanen pass earth kilometers dirti snowbal orbit sun everi 54 years rang far jupit close earth today comet 46pwirtanen pass within 31 lunar distanc earth closest approach 70 years know look see comet binocular unusu blue smudge pictur week ago comet wirtanen photograph sky beyond old abandon church denmark imag composit also captur astrophotographer today comet begin fade reced earth sun free download 2019 apod calendar v5,comet wirtanen pass earth,2018-12-16,440,69,0.15,12-16,12,2018,16,3,1,1 e2f133021fae5e7ef23de117c729207e9ee0889654db899af9b5832a130008dc,robert gendler,nearest major galaxi milki way galaxy andromeda fact galaxi thought look much like andromeda togeth two galaxi domin local group galaxies diffus light andromeda caus hundr billion star compos it sever distinct star surround andromeda imag actual star galaxi well front background object andromeda frequent refer m31 sinc 31st object messier list diffus sky objects m31 distant take two million year light reach us there although visibl without aid featur imag m31 digit mosaic 20 frame taken small telescope much m31 remain unknown includ exactli long collid home galaxy jump around universe random apod gener,m31 andromeda galaxi,2018-12-17,609,95,0.0473214285714285,12-17,12,2018,17,7,2,3 5b16dd0d81e596a582e612b97aae24d7b1a9155c0160c52174617fdd60e8647d,dean row,meteor colorful human eye usual cannot discern mani colors camera often can pictur geminid captur camera last week meteor shower impress bright colorful radiant grit cast asteroid 3200 phaethon blaze path across earth atmospher longer 60 time angular diamet moon color meteor usual origin ioniz element releas meteor disintegrates bluegreen typic origin magnesium calcium radiat violet nickel glow green red however typic origin energ nitrogen oxygen earth atmosphere bright meteor firebal gone flash less second left windblown ioniz trail remain visibl sever minutes start seen here gallery geminid meteor 2018,rainbow geminid meteor,2018-12-19,613,90,0.0871794871794871,12-19,12,2018,19,8,2,1 a83ffc69b50d616bb27f3ba4e627c7b3786312b8dff48e88a9ff38c4be380e30,tom masterson,color skyscap captur earli morn hour decemb 17 follow comet closest approach planet earth comet visibl eye love green color fluoresc cometari atmospher coma brought ad digit exposur regist comet posit pleiad star cluster exposur also bring blue starlight reflect dust cloud surround young pleiad stars gaze toward left across dusti dark nebula along edg perseu molecular cloud travel emiss nebula ngc 1499 also known california nebula faint eye cosmic cloud pronounc reddish glow electron recombin ioniz hydrogen atoms around decemb 23rd comet wirtanen easi find binocular sweep close bright star capella northern winter constel auriga charioteer,red nebula green comet blue star,2018-12-20,646,97,0.0388888888888888,12-20,12,2018,20,3,2,5 5d5d1515aaa37a8225d076ed120f5f9fb2503c0b7e6bc011f48a5853bc658c33,petr horálek,say orion alway come seem cold decemb night bright star familiar northern winter constel lie snowi tree top surround cozi near town czech republic gemini meteor also seem rain wintri landscape meteor streak captur exposur made near last friday peak annual geminid meteor shower stream away shower radiant trees near two bright star zodiac constel twins comet wirtanen visitor planet earth skies visibl too look telltal greenish coma near star seven sisters,cold decemb night,2018-12-22,456,72,0.1795454545454546,12-22,12,2018,22,6,1,1 037bb69e778e61d59d883f4d30a94adebdb47aa28bb1baf5545bd528d47a3aa7,none,lobster nebula form massiv star known one yet sure catalog ngc 6357 lobster nebula hous open star cluster pismi 24 near center home unusu bright massiv stars overal blue glow near inner star form region result emiss ioniz hydrogen gas surround nebula featur here hold complex tapestri gas dark dust star still forming newli born stars intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity ngc 6357 span 400 light year lie 8000 light year away toward constel scorpion free download 2019 apod calendar v5,ngc 6357 lobster nebula,2018-12-26,544,88,0.125,12-26,12,2018,26,4,1,5 abc9b59c70638e2e1ffd219a29b5703bf49fea14ba49d5aea308e431f64f33cc,none,celebr start 2019 januari 1 new horizon spacecraft fli ultima thule world kuiper belt 65 billion kilomet sun nicknam ultima thule design 2014 mu69 fittingli mean known follow 2015 flybi pluto new horizon target journey attempt distant flybi spacecraft earth approach ultima thule within 3500 kilometers tini world 30 kilomet size 2017 2018 observ campaign earthbas telescop determin shape object contact binari close binari sytem artist illustration new horizon imag close unexplor surfac dim light distant sun,new horizon ultima thule,2018-12-29,510,77,0.0495738636363636,12-29,12,2018,29,8,0,2 bb363dc48e8cde549b0ffaa59d6c0918c67ce448ee66a04d2c658e615a865649,digit sky survey processing utkarsh mishra,double doubl toil trouble fire burn cauldron bubbl mayb macbeth consult witch head nebula frighteningli shape reflect nebula cosmic crone 800 lightyear away though malevol visag seem glare toward nearbi bright star rigel orion left edg frame formal known ic 2118 interstellar cloud dust ga nearli 70 lightyear across dust grain reflect rigel starlight composit portrait nebula color caus star intens bluish light dust grain scatter blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter planet earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen free download 2019 apod calendar v5,witch head nebula,2018-12-31,603,92,0.17,12-31,12,2018,31,4,2,5 65f683be13f9f75227d368c821f1400a5f50d2c853f4340c6c91a77c80546605,francesco antonucci,great nebula orion intrigu place visibl unaid eye appear small fuzzi patch constel orion image illusorycolor fourpanel mosaic taken differ band infrar light earth orbit wise observatory show orion nebula bustl neighborhood recent form stars hot gas dark dust power behind much orion nebula m42 star trapezium star cluster seen near center featur image orang glow surround bright star pictur starlight reflect intric dust filament cover much region current orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years news new horizon result ultima thule,orion nebula infrar wise,2019-01-02,576,87,0.1344919786096257,01-02,1,2019,2,4,1,5 838ba9456d1b001bb97d958138076bdbaec4f40cda5611de85bd27c6ed557381,none,januari 1 new horizon encount kuiper belt object nicknam ultima thule 65 billion kilomet sun ultima thule distant world ever explor spacecraft earth histor image highest resolut imag releas far made rang 28000 kilomet 30 minut new horizon closest approach like result gentl collis shortli birth solar system ultima thule reveal contact binary two connect shape held contact mutual gravity dub separ scienc team ultima thule larger lobe ultima 19 kilomet diameter smaller thule 14 kilomet across news new horizon scienc result brief,ultima thule,2019-01-03,531,83,0.0511363636363636,01-03,1,2019,3,8,0,4 90397a4e80049092c1d07a4b84842d1b2c0bb7061f19f8b2ee0ab321ea6be727,none,ultima thule distant world explor spacecraft earth dim light 65 billion kilomet sun new horizon spacecraft captur two frame 38 minut apart sped toward kuiper belt world januari 1 kilomet per hour contact binary two lobe ultima thule rotat togeth everi 15 hour so shown blink gif rotat frame produc tantal 3d perspect primit world ever seen dub separ scienc team ultima thule larger lobe ultima 19 kilomet diameter smaller thule 14 kilomet across,ultima thule rotat,2019-01-04,445,74,0.0893939393939394,01-04,1,2019,4,8,0,4 beb2d62ebcb1fcbe5207dbfbbdd94198a0c4816ba3c4ed85894cd8bcf28b7303,none,januari 3 chines spacecraft made first success land moon farside taken camera board lander imag land site insid von karman crater show sixwheel yutu 2 jade rabbit 2 rover roll lander ramp across surfac near local sunris start two week long lunar day ripe exploration von karman crater 186 kilomet diameter lie within moon old deep south poleaitken impact basin ancient least understood lunar bridg commun normal hidden hemispher moon china launch relay satellite may 2018 orbit beyond lunar farside,yutu 2 farsid,2019-01-05,498,80,0.0383333333333333,01-05,1,2019,5,2,0,2 c24010f5dd7d265c9eae02bc6cb4920bb78b4952ea2f448268340e4613440329,none,peopl shoot power laser center galaxy fortunately meant first step galact war rather astronom larg telescop vlt site chile tri measur distort earth ever chang atmosphere constant imag highaltitud atom excit laser appear like artifici star allow astronom instantli measur atmospher blurring inform fed back vlt telescop mirror slightli deform minim blurring case vlt observ galaxy center earth atmospher blur direct needed intergalaxi warfare view galaxy center casualti expected fact light power laser would combin light sun togeth appear bright faint distant star apod languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch german french french hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish,laser strike galact center,2019-01-06,754,107,0.0625,01-06,1,2019,6,6,2,4 ebc47ad59fbf42b86c431c7ed9e6be30ecf260e2382a25b6eb602f906cc30259,juan carlo casado,unusu night look direct bull constel tauru alway well known host two bright star cluster visibl right compar diffus hyades visibl left night last month however atyp peak geminid meteor shower sever meteor caught shoot constel parallel trails unusu still comet wirtanen drift constellation appear near imag bottom surround greenish coma comet near brightest sped past earth orang star upper left aldebaran consid eye bull aldebaran brightest star tauru 15th brightest star sky featur imag combin nearli 800 exposur taken spanish villag follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,stars meteors comet tauru,2019-01-07,584,89,0.071978021978022,01-07,1,2019,7,6,2,3 18ca8912bd93c14fbd11896302cbf1ca9be313989a1455d4cc6946f543eafd88,el cielo de canaria,name forgotten constellation quadrantid meteor shower annual event planet earth northern hemispher skygaz usual peak briefli cold earli morn hour januari 4 shower radiant sky lie within old astronom obsolet constel quadran muralis posit situat near boundari modern constel hercules bootes draco 30 quadrantid meteor count skyscap compos digit frame record dark moonless sky local dawn shower radiant rise right canari island tenerife teid volcano familiar star big dipper northern sky like sourc dust stream produc quadrantid meteor identifi 2003 asteroid look care also spot small telltal greenish coma volcan peak near top frame that 2018 christma visitor planet earth skies comet wirtanen,quadrantid,2019-01-09,691,103,0.0221938775510204,01-09,1,2019,9,8,2,4 717531c7a17be914c5811ee378c06c50c71a878a26adf5b728bf34d8a89f2e22,robert gendler,plane milki way galaxi run complex beauti skyscape seen toward color star near northwestern edg constel vela the 16 degre wide 200 frame mosaic center glow filament vela supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star light supernova explos creat vela remnant reach earth 11000 year ago addit shock filament glow gas cosmic catastroph also left behind incred dense rotat stellar core vela pulsar 800 lightyear distant vela remnant like embed larger older supernova remnant gum nebula object identifi broad mosaic includ emiss reflect nebulae star clusters remark pencil nebula,vela supernova remnant mosaic,2019-01-10,590,91,-0.0017361111111111,01-10,1,2019,10,4,0,5 935229c0dde18fbd42d5948af761c177817c9cd919cdbc597acf91e349ba3ca0,li,januari 6 new moon rose silhouett sun seen northeastern asia near maximum dramat partial solar eclips captur telephoto view hazi skies foreground hill top overlook central popular forbidden citi host eclipsewatch earli morn risers first three solar two eclips 2019 next total lunar eclips month full perige moon night januari 21 celesti shadow play visibl hemispher planet earth includ americas europe western africa,partial eclips beij,2019-01-11,416,63,0.203030303030303,01-11,1,2019,11,2,1,1 440a62f2506a82be9fe74e9090f6be5e18ce3c86ad020faf325dece75a14b02c,yuri beletski,driest place planet earth water still flow chile atacama desert high mountains discov small creek run water photograph return site watch milki way rise dark southern skies calcul moment milki way preciou flow water would panoram night skyscape star nebula immers glow along milki way also share moment milki way satellit galaxi larg small magellan cloud horizon right bright star beta centauri pois top waterfall lie dark expans coalsack nebula star southern cross,milki way fall,2019-01-12,464,73,0.0768831168831168,01-12,1,2019,12,6,0,1 678e898a8a5d8e0b1ef8c76aa42ff1e85787c37f0dfb3c232a2bdf0ffc81e4f3,none,star creat huge puffball what pictur hot expand nebula tycho supernova remnant result stellar explos first record 400 year ago famou astronom tycho brahe featur imag composit three xray color taken orbit chandra xray observatory expand ga cloud extrem hot slightli differ expans speed given cloud puffi appearance although star creat sn 1572 like complet gone star dub tycho g dim discern here thought companion find progenitor remnant tycho supernova particularli import supernova type import rung distanc calibr scale visibl universe peak bright type ia supernova thought well understood make quit valuabl explor relationship faint distant universe,tycho supernova remnant xray,2019-01-13,650,97,0.1777777777777777,01-13,1,2019,13,6,2,4 72fc56fe0536fc9ed9292def716597bd23e9a3c8958ce7a6631dfc7a4cdc73dd,mario zauner,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl featur imag bottom right shape reminisc classic heart symbol soul nebula offici design ic 1871 visibl upper left nebula shine brightli red light energ hydrogen also shown threecolor montag light emit sulfur shown yellow oxygen shown blue sever young open cluster star visibl near nebula centers light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focus massiv star form affect environment follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,heart soul nebula,2019-01-15,642,102,0.1968253968253968,01-15,1,2019,15,4,2,5 e22dec5f2f312a00dccec2aa0423e8799c919b57a7092ee973cc2267948b5bb8,clear sky,famili nicknam mountain cabin wooden sled gener past stand quietli stars singl exposur imag taken januari 6 sweden evok simpl visual experi dark mountain skies pale band starlight along milki way sweep scene foot orion hunter bright star rigel shine old capella alpha star auriga celesti charioteer brightest star top frame fact familiar star winter hexagon pleiad star cluster found beauti skyscap northern winter night,star,2019-01-17,420,65,0.1183333333333333,01-17,1,2019,17,6,1,1 6d3448f826ae9150870f8d49ed91b340562715e5d371cd7be9af5bd6d49a020c,gabriel fune,earth spin axis star appear rotat around observatori wellcompos imag canari island tenerife course color concentr arc trace star realli center planet north celesti pole conveni northern hemispher astroimag celesti navig alike bright star polari near pole posit scene behind telescop dome made camera fix tripod seri 200 stack digit exposur span 4 hours observatori oper clear dark night that surprising dome hous teid observatory larg themi solar telescope,star trail,2019-01-18,456,69,0.1357142857142857,01-18,1,2019,18,6,1,2 bd07a4347cbbe50af0614ca0cd2c9ca49bad622850b5884c097153000496d281,mreclipsecom,moon slid earth shadow januari 31 2018 total lunar eclipse timelaps sequenc eclips portal arizona usa partial eclips start moon high western sky eclips total phase last 76 minutes total end dark redden moon set horizon upcom total lunar eclipse night januari better place skygaz across americas though there 62 minut total phase moon complet immers earth dark umbral shadow take place moon horizon watch can next total lunar eclips visibl anywher planet earth take place may 26 2021 total eclips last mere 15 minutes,total lunar eclips moonset,2019-01-19,516,85,-0.0141176470588235,01-19,1,2019,19,2,0,1 518f127965627d91c21e2998f90c5918abcc66987f8aaa7f2778d4ea2e82a77d,none,nasa insight lander look like mars solar panels insight size small bus insight success land mar novemb main object detect seismic activity featur selfi compil sever imag taken differ part insight lander lander arm differ times seismomet seen near imag center last month place martian surface selfie mar insight continu long tradit robot spacecraft mar take return imag themselves includ sojourner pathfinder spirit opportunity phoenix curiosity data taken mar insight expect give human unpreced data involv interior mars region thought harbor format clue mars earth grow gallery last night total lunar eclips,insight lander take selfi mar,2019-01-21,608,92,0.0166666666666666,01-21,1,2019,21,5,2,2 e1c6307448c7c86343392fdf264e1380a9123e59aebb53abc0931d1957e0f42f,martin,would bright full moon suddenli becom dark enter shadow earth that happen sunday night moon underw total lunar eclipse dub super becaus moon angularli larger usual least blood becaus scatter sunlight earth atmospher make eclips moon appear unusu red wolf becaus januari full moon sometim call wolf moon legend wolv like moon moon eclipse shadowi spectacl visibl half earth face moon captur numer spectacular photographs featured notabl imag sequenc captur cathedral unesco world heritag site cologne germany lunar eclips sequenc compos 68 differ exposur captur three hour freez temperatur later digit combin edit remov next total lunar eclips occur 2021 gallery sunday night total lunar eclips,lunar eclips cathedr,2019-01-22,694,106,0.0916666666666666,01-22,1,2019,22,2,2,4 83cfed9eba8ac13831b7e8321cbe2b86a1c454ac9ec43072f493def4cf1446a9,stephan vetter,fan planet earth probabl recogn foreground night skyscape fame history meter alpin mountain stand next total eclips moon degre c temperatures inspir scene captur morn januari 21 mountain near switzerland differ exposur record dim red light reflect moon fulli immers earth shadow seen directli famou alpin peak 600 lightyear away star praesep beehiv star cluster also known messier 44 ad reward cold eclips bright color meteor flash temporarili dimm moon trace climb rout along ridge,moon meteor,2019-01-24,482,75,0.0875,01-24,1,2019,24,2,0,1 2f930949ea09278188b40c3a74d6a41499a3a50403f428136eeffa568a2057b8,petr horálek,crater produc ancient impact airless moon long familiar sight sinc 1990 observ began regularli record studi optic flash lunar surface like explos result impact meteoroids course flash difficult see bright sunlit lunar surface januari 21 total eclips mani imag serendipit captur meteoroid impact flash dim red moon found examin imag taken shortli total eclips phase began flash indic inset above near moon darken western limb estim base flash durat record moon impact detect analysi system telescop southern spain indic impactor mass 10 kilogram creat crater seven ten meter diameter,moon struck,2019-01-25,582,89,-0.0053571428571428,01-25,1,2019,25,2,0,2 e4fe5916b8ab54a831072ec487268743d2f6c44dcfbff0b1fc1877d2be43480a,antoniofinazzi,dark inner shadow planet earth call umbra shape like cone extend space circular cross section easili seen lunar eclipse example januari 21 full moon slid across northern half earth umbral shadow entertain moonwatch around much planet total phase eclipse moon complet within umbra 63 minutes record clear dark sky hill near chiuduno itali composit eclips imag use success pictur total center partial phase trace larg part umbra curv edge reflect sunlight scatter atmospher earth shadow lunar surfac appear redden totality close umbra edge limb eclips moon show distinct blue hue blue eclips moonlight origin ray sunlight pass layer high upper stratosphere color ozon scatter red light transmit blue,umbra earth,2019-01-26,697,108,0.0565151515151515,01-26,1,2019,26,2,2,1 e0b9608e77b51ef5d2d69d6f7f47ba44e5e2dea2cb328441a1a05337cb34ca13,nicholasbu,road connect northern southern cross right place time see it road pictur here actual central band milki way galaxy right place case dark laguna cejar salar de atacama northern chile right time earli october sunset mani sky wonder captur then includ bright moon insid milki way arch venus moon saturn mercury moon larg small magellan cloud satellit galaxies far left red airglow near horizon imag left light small town sever locat across horizon one might guess compos 30imag panorama would seren experience one would requir earplug ignor continu bray wild donkeys,northern southern cross,2019-01-27,563,91,0.0892857142857142,01-27,1,2019,27,6,2,1 60c32eedf3742c3ab86fcdd54e757add5d3b643f9e9e9dac1b8780cc2c0d33d9,nasa esa subaru telescope w et al m j,long red streak attach galaxy streak made mostli glow hydrogen systemat strip away galaxi move ambient hot ga cluster galaxies specifically galaxi spiral galaxi cluster coma cluster galaxies red path connect center outer gas gravit held less alreadi strip away ram pressure extend ga tail 200000 lightyear long contain 400000 time mass sun star form within it galaxi visibl lower left appear red glow primarili light old red star young blue star longer form strip starform gas featur falsecolor pictur digit enhanc composit imag earthorbit hubbl groundbas subaru telescope studi remark system like bolster understand galaxi evolv clusters,long ga tail spiral galaxi,2019-01-28,639,98,0.0255555555555555,01-28,1,2019,28,7,2,5 17e24d4dcec9d2a71972a6bb8d696361b609c4640a3915f20cf48d228c9819f3,none,distant asteroid differ near sun help find out nasa sent robot new horizon spacecraft past classic kuiper belt object 2014 mu69 nicknam ultima thule farthest asteroid yet visit human spacecraft zoom past 30km long space rock januari 1 featur imag highest resolut pictur ultima thule surfac beam back far ultima thule look differ imag asteroid inner solar system show unusu surfac texture rel obviou craters nearli spheric lobes shape hypothes form coalesc earli solar system rubbl two object ultima thule spiral togeth stuck research continu understand origin differ surfac region ultima thule whether thin atmosphere obtain red color new knowledg ancient solar system tell us format earth,ultima thule new horizon,2019-01-29,691,107,-0.0293290043290043,01-29,1,2019,29,8,2,2 8a42cc147588fd1082f85e07149a409175b74775b528b2bb723cc1d2da0883ac,nicola lefaudeux,fleet dark total solar eclips light solar corona easili visible normal overwhelm bright solar disk expans corona sun outer atmosphere allur sight subtl detail extrem rang corona brightness although discern eye notori difficult photograph pictur here however use 120 imag meticul digit processing detail wideangl imag sun corona taken great american eclips 2017 august clearli visibl intric layer glow caustic ever chang mixtur hot ga magnet fields hundr star faint 11th magnitud visibl behind moon sun mar appear red far right next total eclips sun occur juli 2 visibl sunset thin swath across chile argentina,wide field view great american eclips,2019-01-30,609,95,0.0186507936507936,01-30,1,2019,30,1,2,4 1af36f4779addbe7abbed4c236d34d90cdcff421b5fddf771db91993ef9de524,chart32 team,spiral galaxi pair ngc ngc share sharp cosmic vista lone ellipt galaxi ngc member larg virgo galaxi cluster classic spiral arms dust lanes star clusters eyecatch spiral pair also known butterfli galaxies close together galaxi twin seem distort gravit tides giant molecular cloud known collid though like fuel format massiv star clusters galaxi twin 52 million lightyear distant bright core appear separ 20000 lightyears course spiki foreground star lie within milki way,twin galaxi virgo,2019-02-01,469,72,0.1283333333333333,02-01,2,2019,1,7,1,3 c9984ddc94802874a631951d82416bc9b973adc3fcdb999a617d361343fe8335,dave rollov annotation judi schmidt,would sky look like giant airglow featur intermitt green glow appear rise lake arch milki way galaxy captur 2015 next bryce canyon utah usa unusu pattern creat atmospher graviti waves rippl altern air pressur grow height air thins case 90 kilomet up unlik aurora power collis energet charg particl seen high latitudes airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic reaction typic seen near horizon airglow keep night sky ever complet dark follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,airglow lake sky,2019-02-03,491,77,0.023125,02-03,2,2019,3,6,0,1 07acc3845609a10697f3c0d446f743ad64063fd8c58dcbbced1582015c246daf,josep m drudi,massiv star profoundli affect galact environments churn mix interstellar cloud ga dust star notabl upward ten time mass sun leav mark composit locat futur gener stars dramat evid illustr neighbor galaxy larg magellan cloud lmc featur nebula heniz 70 also known n70 dem301 heniz 70 actual lumin superbubbl interstellar ga 300 lightyear diameter blown wind hot massiv star supernova explosions interior fill tenuou hot expand gas superbubbl expand entir galaxy offer human chanc explor connect lifecycl star evolut galaxies,heniz 70 superbubbl lmc,2019-02-04,523,79,0.1,02-04,2,2019,4,4,0,5 b20d97b10b1468efca0248bf65228d8762c358f212730b4129f583a00ae225cb,alex,what bright spot near moon venus week ago earth moon appear unusu close distant planet venus angular coincid known similar conjunction coordin term appuls refer gener two celesti object appear close together moon venu appuls close degre captur rise earli morn behind crater island hawaii usa moon crescent phase lower left reflect direct sunlight rest moon seen earthshine sunlight first reflect earth leav branch foreground tree seen silhouett front bright crescent others front darker background appear white forward involv moon typic occur sever time year exampl moon expect pass within degre distant saturn march 1,moon venu tree,2019-02-06,620,95,0.1136363636363636,02-06,2,2019,6,2,2,1 0ec4576cc97ef1b8d51b00c51196268b2de7057f35edb0e161ee3b650a7a5963,stanislav volskiy,cloud glow hydrogen ga fill color skyscap faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae telescop imag span 34 degre nearli 15 full moons cover 40 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose dusty convolut pelt lie near top bright variabl star monoceroti immers bluetint haze near center cone nebula point right side frame course star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape seen side here trace brighter star apex cone nebula tree broader base center near monocerotis,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2019-02-07,794,127,0.0229323308270676,02-07,2,2019,7,4,2,5 ed65fc50f512163eb2703635d532e343d0a96253631b46d3f0bc0e373b598ea6,terrastro,lumin milki way fall toward horizon deep skyscape start top frame star southern cross dark coalsack nebula captur dark predawn februari 2nd central victoria australia planet earth 26 day old wane crescent moon still shine brightli near horizon second third brightest celesti beacon venu jupit along lower part milki way central bulge almost line brighter planet moon saturn pinprick light visibl right lunar glow australia first astronom saw elongated bulg shape familiar milki way great celesti moon planet could almost egg starri night,moon four planets,2019-02-08,537,83,0.139484126984127,02-08,2,2019,8,2,1,1 8d8e927e5887139f458e0aefcc1b49d02c4b50cbca5e8f561801bb42d71522d2,ian griffin,comet iwamoto c2018 show pretty greenish coma upper left telescop field view taken februari 4 mount john observatory univers canterbury 30 minut long total exposur time show comet sweep quickli across background star distant galaxi constel virgo long exposur iwamoto rapid motion rel star galaxi result notic blur streak trace comet bright inner coma fact streak coma give comet remark similar appear messier 104 lower right popularli known sombrero galaxy comet visitor inner solar system mere 4 lightminut away though majest messier 104 spiral galaxi pose edgeon 30 million lightyear distant first binocular comet 2019 iwamoto pass closest earth februari 12 comet highli ellipt orbit around sun stretch beyond kuiper belt estim year orbit period bring back inner solar system 3390 ad,comet sombrero galaxi,2019-02-09,785,122,0.0192857142857142,02-09,2,2019,9,3,2,4 8743b0defb572dd4b15297ce428741e8d36609f80145d257af0c17d2c46b1dd6,none,venu look like beneath thick clouds cloud keep planet surfac hidden even power telescop eye earthbound astronomers earli 1990s though use imag radar nasa magellan spacecraft abl lift veil face venu produc spectacular high resolut imag planet surface color use comput gener pictur magellan radar data base color imag surfac venu transmit soviet venera 13 14 landers bright area run roughli across middl repres largest highland region venu known aphrodit terra venus left size earth shown right comparison,venu unveil,2019-02-10,503,78,0.0598809523809523,02-10,2,2019,10,8,0,2 977d935205223c48512ecae15119af81f70f666cf75caef1c42c5a935a8a1642,none,ultima thule object human thought last month robot new horizon spacecraft zoom past distant asteroid ultima thule 2014 mu69 earli january earli imag show two circular lobe simpli extrapol 3d thought be roughly spheres however analys newli imag includ mani taken soon closest approach show eclips star reappear sooner expected explan possibl 30km long kuiper belt object differ 3d shape believ week ago specifically shown featur illustration appear larger lobe ultima similar fluffi sphere smaller lobe thule resembl dent walnut remain uncertainti outlin shown dash blue lines new shape inform indic graviti contract massiv bodi sphere play perhap less role lobe ultima thule previous thought new horizon spacecraft continu ultima thule pass pluto mid2015 new data imag still,new ultima thule surprisingli flat,2019-02-11,782,118,-0.0228163992869875,02-11,2,2019,11,8,2,4 f9db195e31324103f613d19b8a63c272cc8437cfa64930e8a8134bb2e9aced5c,olivi,no good way get moon pictur chanc superposit airplan moon contrail would normal appear white larg volum air toward set sun preferenti knock away blue light give reflect trail bright red hue far distance well behind plane crescent moon also slightli captur month ago switzerland featur imag taken soon sunset plane sky still sunlight within minutes unfortunately impromptu sky show ended plane cross moon move sight moon set contrail becam unillumin dispersed,plane cross crescent moon,2019-02-12,458,72,0.0090909090909091,02-12,2,2019,12,2,0,1 492a9dffffbcd220efbfbc2b2bfcc5ffb4acc30d495f2b5d1c41a3cdcca25c4c,andrew campbel,helix nebula look you no biolog sense look quit like eye helix nebula name also appear look axi helix actuality understood surprisingli complex geometry includ radial filament extend outer loops helix nebula aka ngc 7293 one brightest closest exampl planetari nebula ga cloud creat end life sunlik star remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce featur picture taken light emit oxygen shown blue hydrogen shown red creat 74 hour exposur three month small telescop backyard suburban melbourne australia closeup inner edg helix nebula show complex ga knot unknown origin,helix nebula hydrogen oxygen,2019-02-13,636,99,-0.0047619047619047,02-13,2,2019,13,4,2,5 b59ec4749d9af49617cf1a798a2a4cf62cec1d1a4e514a6971a6f1f598365b95,none,valentine day 1990 cruis four billion mile sun voyag 1 spacecraft look back one last time make first ever solar system famili portrait complet portrait 60 frame mosaic made vantag point 32 degre eclipt plane it voyager wide angl camera frame sweep inner solar system left link ga giant neptune solar system outermost planet far right posit venus earth jupiter saturn uranus neptun indic sun bright spot near center circl frames inset frame planet voyager narrow field camera unseen portrait mercury close sun detected mars unfortun hidden sunlight scatter camera optic system closer sun neptun time small faint pluto posit covered,solar system famili,2019-02-14,630,101,0.0074404761904761,02-14,2,2019,14,1,2,2 a8525ad89ac355dafdd5e99075eaa636f94af5f91d2b510add064387914509b7,none,opportun alreadi reach persever valley june 2018 view reconstruct color mosaic imag taken mar explor rover fact persever valley appropri name destination design 90 day mission opportun travel across mar 5000 sol martian solar days follow januari 2004 land eagl crater cover total distanc 45 kilomet 28 miles intrepid journey explor across martian landscap come close here june 10 2018 last transmiss solarpow rover receiv dust storm engulf red planet though storm eight month attempt contact opportun success trailblaz mission end almost 15 year explor surfac mars,opportun persever valley,2019-02-15,564,87,0.075,02-15,2,2019,15,5,0,2 5508f162d3cf16ad64b33c3b97e9e345f48c6f77799e4799ad6bffcc9b5bfdc5,ignaciodiaz bobillo,ngc 2359 helmetshap cosmic cloud winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across fact helmet like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center inflat region within surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution ngc 2359 locat 15000 lightyear away constel cani major remark detail imag mix cocktail data broadband narrowband filter captur natur look star glow nebula filamentari structures highlight bluegreen color strong emiss due oxygen atom glow gas,ngc 2359 thor helmet,2019-02-16,607,90,0.1850694444444444,02-16,2,2019,16,4,2,5 5923f0f20c72927f10d3d22a1f1fb15c01d0925351d8e2b33a2ac618b2fce847,none,saw shadow mar human might opportun rover explor mars opportun explor red planet 2004 2018 find evid ancient water send breathtak imag across inner solar system pictur 2004 opportun look opposit sun endur crater see shadow two wheel visibl lower left right floor wall unusu crater visibl background caught dust storm 2018 last week nasa stop tri contact opportun declar mission origin plan 92 days complete,shadow martian robot,2019-02-17,406,66,0.0551020408163265,02-17,2,2019,17,5,0,2 76ff4f41f28db8fe815c091a64cbda00c6b7e51c46fe6a5c7c485ab50e630dae,jingyi zhang wang zheng,ever seen dragon sky although real fli dragon exist huge aurora develop sky iceland earlier month aurora caus hole sun corona expel charg particl solar wind follow chang interplanetari magnet field earth magnetosphere particl struck earth atmosphere excit atom subsequ emit light aurora icon display photographer mother ran see captur foreground sunspot appear sun far february make multipl day picturesqu auror activ month somewhat surprising,dragon aurora iceland,2019-02-18,443,65,0.3,02-18,2,2019,18,1,1,1 c7fb302cd8121fb47317ca818ab2fd24500a888717acf5515eea7a1c8e3c6c2d,kerschhub,center wellcompos celesti still life pretty blue vdb 9 9th object sidney van den bergh 1966 catalog reflect nebulae share telescop field view twice size full moon sky star dark obscur dust cloud northerli constel cassiopeia cosmic dust preferenti reflect blue starlight embedded hot star su give vdb 9 characterist bluish tint associ classic reflect nebula su ca cepheid variabl star though even brightest faint seen unaid eye still cepheid play import role determin distanc galaxi beyond star wellknown distanc lightyears cosmic canva would 24 lightyear across,reflect vdb 9,2019-02-21,561,87,0.0296296296296296,02-21,2,2019,21,4,0,5 8dad17a59efad74f40c3f23f67178641a922fb49d46a1c7e21d8ae063264c49d,christoph kaltsei,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy boxy bulg central core cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane assort background galaxi includ pretti field view neighbor galaxi ngc 4562 upper right ngc 4565 lie 40 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyears easili spot small telescopes sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2019-02-22,547,85,-0.0626623376623376,02-22,2,2019,22,7,0,3 e63f12c21ead49334ea2d27ac9db958566874a1389957d00e9846b326f030134,none,like grain sand cosmic beach star triangulum galaxi resolv sharp mosaic hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey acs inner region galaxi span 17000 lightyear cover extrem resolution second largest imag ever releas hubble center bright dens pack galact core surround loos array dark dust lane mix star galact plane also known m33 faceon spiral galaxi lie 3 million lightyear away small northern constel triangulum 50000 lightyear diameter triangulum galaxi third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way course fulli appreci stars star clusters bright nebula captur hubbl mosaic need use zoom tool,star triangulum galaxi,2019-02-23,615,94,0.0775,02-23,2,2019,23,7,2,3 b7e66fe1c0bb9a9eb497fba07c7ac30ea423056b05f7f8bc61587ab3c9bcf72a,ben,red filament sky rare seen form lightn confirm 30 year ago red sprites recent research shown follow power posit cloudtoground lightn strike red sprite may start 100meter ball ioniz air shoot 80km high 10 percent speed light quickli follow group upward streak ioniz balls featur image taken week ago western australia captur red sprite shoot timelaps sequenc distant lightn storm pictured green tree cover foreground dark mountain seen horizon omin storm cloud hover distant land red sprite appear front star far distance red sprite take fraction second occur best seen power thunderstorm visibl side,red sprite lightn,2019-02-25,599,94,0.0783333333333333,02-25,2,2019,25,8,2,1 584dc23ab037ee0a284ef1319f14cb2b4c8684123817c75eeb31e30fe058b08c,nasa d et al eso m et al,magnet affect star form recent analysi orion data hawc instrument airborn sofia observatori indic that times can hawc abl measur polar farinfrar light reveal align dust grain expans ambient magnet fields featur image magnet field shown curvi line superpos infrar imag orion nebula taken larg telescop chile orion kleinmannlow nebula visibl slightli upper right imag center bright star trapezium cluster visibl lower left center orion nebula light year distant nearest major star format region sun,magnet orion,2019-02-27,496,75,0.1220734126984127,02-27,2,2019,27,4,1,5 090ceffca51d1211bc1e485695f7985548825d1be9b9f181294cac56d58c9035,none,januari 1 new horizon swoop within 3500 kilomet kuiper belt world known ultima thule that 3 time closer juli 2015 closest approach pluto spacecraft unpreced feat navig support data ground spacebas observ accomplish billion kilomet over 6 lighthours planet earth six half minut closest approach ultima thule captur nine frame use composit image detail pictur possibl farthest object ever imag resolut 33 meter per pixel reveal intrigu bright surfac featur dark shadow near terminator primit solar system object ultima thule two lobe combin span 30 kilometers larger lobe refer ultima recent understood flatten like fluffi smaller thule shape resembl dent walnut,sharpest ultima thule,2019-02-28,660,101,0.0774621212121212,02-28,2,2019,28,8,2,4 4b4c4902db7e070ffe49d78fdc5db3a5fbbb2feccdeb50242fd9b616c6ce5ca4,cara project,still race across planet earth night skies comet iwamoto c2018 y1 share pretti telescop field view star nebula northern constel auriga charioteer captur februari 27 iwamoto greenish coma faint tail appear complex reddish emiss nebula open star cluster m36 bottom right reddish emiss light hydrogen ga ioniz ultraviolet radiat hot star near region giant molecular cloud 6000 lightyear distant greenish glow comet less 5 lightminut away predominantli emiss diatom carbon molecul fluoresc sunlight m36 one auriga familiar star clusters also background object far beyond solar system 4000 lightyear away comet iwamoto pass closest earth februari 12 outward bound highli ellipt orbit carri beyond kuiper belt estim orbit period year return inner solar system 3390 ad,comet,2019-03-01,761,115,0.0245748299319727,03-01,3,2019,1,4,2,5 3df47b5d04818f6a3a4c0e21f66953abab06ca5b0fe1a2268a8187d9d6913d2e,robert eder,bright cluster nebula planet earth night sky often name flower insects though wingspan cover 3 lightyears ngc 6302 exception estim surfac temperatur 250000 degre c die central star particular planetari nebula becom except hot shine brightli ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust sharp closeup record hubbl space telescop 2009 hubbl imag data reprocess here show remark detail complex planetari nebula cut across bright caviti ioniz gas dust toru surround central star near center view almost edgeon lineofsight molecular hydrogen detect hot star dusti cosmic shroud ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius,ngc 6302 butterfli nebula,2019-03-02,657,98,0.1410714285714285,03-02,3,2019,2,4,2,5 e90aff28c8e55f8be28a8c26a3c8bc65d19437c57bdaf8eea4fff484759be175,none,bullet ga shoot orion nebula nobodi yet sure first discov 1983 bullet actual size solar system move 400 kmsec central sourc dub irc2 age bullets found speed distanc irc2 young typic less 1000 years bullet expand top kleinmannlow section orion nebula small percentag iron ga caus tip bullet glow blue bullet leav tubular pillar glow light heat hydrogen gas detail imag creat use 81 meter gemini south telescop chile adapt optic system gems gem use five laser gener guid star help compens blur effect planet earth atmosphere,orion bullet,2019-03-03,523,87,0.1333333333333333,03-03,3,2019,3,4,1,5 9c2dd77a27fa1b410dfed127b112e27ae1fbf340955b64e28220c4a66073bd52,dario giannobil,sunris remember month ago dawn sun impress align celesti object display east pictured brightest closest horizon moon moon orang glow caus scatter away blue light interven atmosphere next brightest next closest horizon planet venus compar moon venu appear blue seen reflect water next jupiter bright object jupit star antares although display visibl almost anywher planet earth featur imag taken along picturesqu near citi syracuse island sicily countri italy month saturn appear venu jupit sunrise mar visibl sunset,celesti align sicilian,2019-03-04,516,77,0.15,03-04,3,2019,4,2,1,1 698da4cc00373c1db68d6186b9ead1c4d0908ab3822514bf51c71132ba92a27b,none,creat huge galact two unusu bubbles span thousand lightyears recent discov near center spiral galaxi ngc shown purpl imag right hot emit xray detect nasa earthorbit chandra xray observatory sinc bubbl center ngc lead hypothesi somehow creat interact central supermass black hole surround gas alternatively superbubbl might creat primarili energet wind mani young hot star near galaxy center similar known phenomenon gammaray emit fermi bubbl eman center milki way galaxy discov 10 year ago imag taken nasa fermi satellite research natur ngc 3079 superbubbl sure continue well search highenergi superbubbl galaxies,xray superbubbl galaxi ngc 3079,2019-03-05,613,91,0.0886904761904762,03-05,3,2019,5,7,2,3 ce839a177b3b8ae4e8adfe77d83eaa77799e3265aee97f86492bb2fb1bfd88d5,alan friedmanavert imagination,sunspot gone last month total number spot cross sun zero well long term monthli average sun surfac becom unusu passiv solar minimum like 11 year ago last solar minimum visual spectacle sun slightli dimmer hole sun corona stable reduc intens outflow solar wind reduc wind turn cool collaps earth outer atmospher the caus reduc drag mani earthorbit satellites pictur invert black white left sun busi surfac shown near solar maximum 2012 contrast imag right show sun surfac last august alreadi without spot for solar minimum set in effect unusu static solar minimum studied,februari without sunspot,2019-03-06,572,93,0.0480654761904761,03-06,3,2019,6,1,2,1 44cc32f729a41c76dd899450941f94fae202595bbed1df620cc43c73a638cc8c,steve miln,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught allur telescop field view entir scene two panel mosaic construct use narrowband imag data emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom shown red green blue hues anchor right left two bright stars mu eta geminorum foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula right center brighter arc ridg emiss dangl tentacles fact cosmic jellyfish part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant jellyfish nebula known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core emiss nebula catalog sharpless 249 fill field upper left jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away distance imag would 300 lightyear across,sharpless 249 jellyfish nebula,2019-03-07,755,114,0.1014285714285714,03-07,3,2019,7,4,2,5 7fae7f617f2249fbc66ca2377f69f85b094a86f638b0c2be56aad1863f88a61a,richard s wright jr,interstellar dust cloud bright nebula abound fertil constel orion one brightest m78 near center color telescop view cover area north orion belt distanc 1500 lightyears bluish nebula 5 lightyear across blue tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young star region dark dust lane nebula easili trace gorgeou skyscap includ mani herbig haro objects energet jet star process formation miss imag mcneil nebula major discoveri recogn 2004 variabl nebula found along dark lane dust right larger m78 mcneil nebula associ protostar seen sometim present sometim absent photo region mcneil nebula fade view late last year still absent deep imag record februari 2019,stardust starlight m78,2019-03-08,663,103,0.0596230158730158,03-08,3,2019,8,4,2,5 a98bbe9f122dc3fe40c08fd11c06f020cd113235bf322757c240c0f4fdd4c09e,none,peer shadows saturnfac hemispher tantal inner moon enceladu pose cassini spacecraft image north dramat scene captur novemb 2016 cassini camera point nearli sunward direct 130000 kilomet moon bright crescent fact distant world reflect 90 percent sunlight receives give surfac reflect fresh snow mere 500 kilomet diameter enceladu surprisingli activ moon data collect cassini flybi year imag reveal presenc remark south polar geyser possibl global ocean liquid water beneath ici crust,crescent enceladu,2019-03-09,482,70,0.0520833333333333,03-09,3,2019,9,2,0,2 904065e85dfc381a0703a00d6ce7353ef431cf4c6d87a2a9065031c3ff151cba,michael hawaii,moon rise mountain cannot photograph moonris shadow larg volcano volcano mauna kea hawaii usa frequent spot spectacular photograph sinc one premier observ locat planet earth sun set opposit direction behind camera additionally moon pass full phase precis full phase would rise possibl eclipsed peak shadow moon actual rise triangular shadow cone volcano corridor dark distanc like converg train tracks moon larg far away affect shadow volcano refract moonlight earth atmospher make moon appear slightli oval cinder cone old volcan erupt visibl foreground,moonris mauna kea shadow,2019-03-10,556,82,0.1166666666666666,03-10,3,2019,10,2,1,1 90198fe9587fba83afcb2d4826b5084abcfab4784adf32a9d405ed964cbf78de,none,galaxi giant yes magnet field galaxi typic much weaker earth surface well complex harder measure recently though hawc instrument onboard airborn 747 sofia observatori success detail distant magnet field observ polar infrar light emit elong dust grain rotat align local magnet field hawc observ m82 cigar galaxy show central magnet field perpendicular disk parallel strong wind observ bolster hypothesi m82 central magnet field help wind transport mass million star central starburst region featur imag show magnet field line superpos top optic light hydrogen ga red imag kitt peak nation observatory combin infrar imag sofia spitzer space telescope cigar galaxi 12 million light year distant visibl binocular toward constel great bear,central magnet field cigar galaxi,2019-03-11,734,110,0.1309523809523809,03-11,3,2019,11,7,2,4 826f54c02e74525fee447e1c919c0a178a83cf542efa866809bef0e7c332f984,universe2gocom,see night sky season featur graphic give highlight earth northern hemisphere view clock face center bottom earli northern spring sky event fan toward left late spring event project toward right object rel close earth illustrated general nearer cartoon figur telescop bottom center although almost everyth pictur seen without telescope happen season constel appear year year and usual lyrid meteor shower peak midapril also usual intern space station iss seen times bright spot drift across sky sunset vernal equinox next week length daytim greater length nighttim earth northern hemisphere escal spring season also spring ages jupit becom visibl increasingli earlier night spring draw close month may featur third four full moon season one blue moon,highlight north spring sky,2019-03-13,750,114,0.0553571428571428,03-13,3,2019,13,8,2,1 4c4d9e574a5c1dd4188bbe1be5ed77e3dfe0f75412f4d844a02b5c2978412440,none,mar explor rover opportunity part panorama persever valley span 360 degre fals color mosaic scene compos individu imag record 3 differ color filter rover panoram camera may 13 june 10 2018 frame remain black white lower left though obtain one filter dust storm engulf mar june 2018 ultim end solarpow rover trailblaz 15 year mission right center annot identifi opportunity entri point persever valley along endeavor crater western rim rover track begin there extend horizon toward far right final rest spot red planet,persever valley panorama,2019-03-14,517,83,0.0404761904761904,03-14,3,2019,14,5,0,2 6570666cda681363ba27491128f39993e6196e3daf9c919fb1dbe80b3cd07fd8,christoph kaltsei,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown m101 share modern telescop field view distant background galaxies foreground star within milki way companion dwarf galaxi ngc 5474 lower right color milki way star also found starlight larg island universe core domin light cool yellowish stars along grand design spiral arm blue color hotter young star mix obscur dust lane pinkish star form regions also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 23 million lightyear away companion ngc 5474 like distort past gravit interact domin m101,view toward m101,2019-03-15,787,122,0.0891581632653061,03-15,3,2019,15,7,2,3 1e12a4d7de66e2d94d1ac287dd01f68b997f85d6c695b4c6ffb2d96fea7ef168,martin pugh,bright cosmic cloud sculpt stellar wind radiat hot young star open cluster ngc 3324 dust cloud silhouett glow atom gas starform region actual span 35 lightyears lie 7500 lightyear away toward nebula rich southern constel carina composit narrowband imag data telescop view captur characterist emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom map red green blue hue popular hubbl palette some celesti landscap bright ridg emiss border cool obscur dust along right side creat recogniz face profile region popular name gabriela mistral nebula nobel prize win chilean poet,ngc carina,2019-03-16,558,86,0.2829831932773109,03-16,3,2019,16,4,1,5 fc034c8b6bf6de62281deabe9ed78b273e7d3fc189bb71967f029833817751d8,none,what happen center spiral galaxi m106 swirl disk star gas m106 appear domin blue spiral arm red dust lane near nucleus shown featur image core m106 glow brightli radio wave xray twin jet found run length galaxy unusu central glow make m106 one closest exampl seyfert class galaxies vast amount glow ga thought fall central massiv black hole m106 also design ngc 4258 rel close 235 million light year away span 60 thousand light year across seen small telescop toward constel hunt dog cane venatici astrophysicists brows 1900 code astrophys sourc code librari,m106 spiral galaxi strang center,2019-03-17,558,93,0.0348484848484848,03-17,3,2019,17,7,0,3 98f52c53bd6425344aa77926cbb0888ab183c17db531a22f0a2b80f6bfb78f1b,mario zauner,dark horsehead nebula glow orion nebula contrast cosmic vistas adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations appear opposit corner stun twopanel mosaic familiar horsehead nebula appear dark cloud lower left small silhouett notch glow hydrogen gas tint orange alnitak easternmost star orion belt found left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes magnific emiss region orion nebula aka m42 lie upper right surround blue glow reflect dust immedi left promin reflect nebula sometim call run man pervas tendril glow hydrogen ga easili trace throughout region,horsehead orion nebula,2019-03-18,606,91,0.0550595238095238,03-18,3,2019,18,4,2,5 08f76d9022d444648b5523688168f2276098ff7e1580cdcd15591c8a79ebb41d,none,strang imag cluster galaxi abel 370 astronom notic unusu arc arc understood right away better imag show arc previous unseen type astrophys artifact gravit lens len center entir cluster galaxies today know arc brightest arc cluster actual consist two distort imag fairli normal galaxi happen lie far distance abel 370 graviti caus background galaxies light other spread come observ along multipl paths unlik distant light appear stem wine glass almost yellow imag featur galaxi abel 370 cluster astut eye pick mani strang arc distort arclets however actual gravit lens imag distant normal galaxies studi abel 370 imag give astronom uniqu window distribut normal dark matter galaxi cluster universe,abel 370 galaxi cluster gravit len,2019-03-19,699,108,0.0820028011204481,03-19,3,2019,19,7,2,4 06b1e3aaeff559cf8be7f98691e937fbee5d561f41c6cbf789035a39fbaf3150,juan carlo casado,star trail sun rise night day composit panorama made march 19 view look toward eastern horizon la de santiago spain creat it continu seri digit frame record two hour combin trace concentr motion star night sky reflect earth rotation star trail curv around north celesti pole toward upper left south celesti pole toward lower right cours day sun near celesti equator diagon straight line wideangl projection dens dim filter use captur sun imag everi two minutes superimpos star trail rose due east morn sky scene foreground landscap local prehistor monument illumin full moonlight though corridor face nearli east equinox sunrise,star trail equinox sunris,2019-03-21,628,100,0.1510714285714285,03-21,3,2019,21,1,2,1 9a2b38300c7cfbd68280315cfe7da31bd93c01a9f6f9d175ca5209c666476c10,lorenzo,despit cold chanc view shimmer northern light skygaz onto frozen surfac lake superior west coast keweenaw peninsula offer nocturn crescendo northern late winter night sky also play across panoram composit imag made 1am night februari 1 left faint band zodiac light rise sharpli horizon cross mar pleid star cluster distant galaxi m31 milki way shine greenish auror arc navig north pole star polari center accompani right northern night recogniz asterism big dipper terrestri light includ marker two horizon near center scene,symphoni northern winter sky,2019-03-22,524,81,0.039047619047619,03-22,3,2019,22,6,0,1 1e264c29da0e1cd7b3c15a5da04a7c538c145cb99f9d8e4ebfc6605d054a692d,javier,first full moon northern spring rise behind four distant tower telescop view imag captur 40 kilomet west citi madrid moonris also repres near coincid full lunar phase lunar perige march equinox close horizon full moon strang rippl distort shape long sightlin layer atmosphere though tantal visibl effect substanti atmospher refract includ appear thin float sliver lunar disk remark optic mirag relat commonli wit green flash set sun,four equinox moon,2019-03-23,432,67,0.0249999999999999,03-23,3,2019,23,2,0,1 73b5da9161152a96617187190af1e541466036b5d30db786596c2557c2338c8c,none,star form bridg collid galaxies usual galaxi crash star format confin galaxi disk tidal tails arp though bright knot young star right connect bridge analys imag data includ featur imag arp hubble well comput simul interaction indic bottom galaxi pass right top galaxi within past 100 million years result left stream ga fall toward bottom galaxy astronom hypothes star form bridg recent fade turbul rapid collision billion years galaxi includ smaller galaxi superpos upper galaxi see merg one larger galaxy,arp merg galaxi group,2019-03-25,508,80,0.1142857142857142,03-25,3,2019,25,7,1,3 319ae6211038bb7bfe292a4a41b8fa520c5ddc6175fd932e328c0773e7e777f7,amir abolfath twan,star ae auriga fire no even though ae auriga name flame star surround nebula ic 405 name flame star nebula region shape give appear fire fire fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environ stars materi appear smoke mostli interstellar hydrogen contain smokelik dark filament carbonrich dust grains bright star ae aurigae visibl lower right imag center hot glow blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron light emitted seen surround emiss nebula featur here flame star nebula lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,ae auriga flame star nebula,2019-03-26,729,112,0.1719780219780219,03-26,3,2019,26,4,2,5 502b4b6243ab28536891501b2e22028ac512170716072724d5c4be70b8c56362,steve miln,ngc 1333 seen visibl light reflect nebula domin bluish hue characterist starlight reflect interstellar dust mere 1000 lightyear distant toward heroic constel perseus lie edg large starform molecular cloud strike closeup span two full moon sky 15 lightyear estim distanc ngc 1333 show detail dusti region along telltal hint contrasti red emiss herbigharo objects jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars fact ngc 1333 contain hundr star less million year old still hidden optic telescop pervas stardust chaotic environ may similar one sun form 45 billion year ago,ngc 1333 stellar nurseri perseu,2019-03-27,562,89,0.0692460317460317,03-27,3,2019,27,4,0,5 f0c1204e29b4e0eb30d9166d4aabe840da6bd7ad0f51983b2d122f44a7a8c8b3,none,messier 15 13 billion year old relic earli form year galaxy one 170 globular star cluster still roam halo milki way 200 lightyear diameter lie 35000 light year away toward constel pegasus realist look view ancient globular star cluster photograph instead anim gif imag construct remark precis individu measur star positions brightness color astronom rich data set use made skyscan gaia satellit also determin parallax distanc 13 billion milki way stars anim gif twinkl star m15 identifi rr lyra stars plenti m15 rr lyra star evolv pulsat variabl star whose bright period typic less day related,gaia star m15,2019-03-28,593,96,0.2347222222222222,03-28,3,2019,28,6,1,3 2bf603695d1c1f622e7c67688558da8cc7440bf20beddcad2ffce71aeb559849,none,strike spiral galaxi m104 famou nearli edgeon profil featur broad ring obscur dust lanes seen silhouett extens central bulg stars swath cosmic dust lend broad brim hatlik appear galaxi suggest popular moniker sombrero galaxy hubbl space telescop data use creat sharp view wellknown galaxy process result natur color appear preserv detail often lost overwhelm glare m104 bright central bulg view smaller groundbas telescopes also known ngc 4594 sombrero galaxi seen across spectrum host central supermass black hole 50000 lightyear across 28 million lightyear away m104 one largest galaxi southern edg virgo galaxi cluster,m104 sombrero galaxi,2019-03-29,621,93,0.103030303030303,03-29,3,2019,29,7,2,3 8b58ead4e04a1314fe2231f63d24be510d462592057efd4ceac5a43f6996bda8,none,put redcyan glass float next jag doublelob nucleu churyumovgerasimenko also known comet 67p stereo anaglyph creat combin two imag rosetta spacecraft narrow angl osiri camera taken juli 25 2015 distanc 184 kilometers numer jet eman small solar system world activ surfac near closest approach sun larger lobe around 4 kilomet diameter join smaller 25 kilomet diamet lobe narrow neck rosetta mission comet end septemb 2016 spacecraft command control impact comet surface keep 3d glass though check new catalog nearli 1400 stereo creat rosetta imag data website,3d 67p,2019-03-30,557,86,-0.0517045454545454,03-30,3,2019,30,3,0,2 1b40f21efd215d023857ad81137b0b5ab009985b07901809193134863b595ced,sergio,across heart virgo cluster galaxi lie strike string galaxi known markarian chain chain pictur here highlight right two larg featureless lenticular galaxies m84 m86 promin lower left pair interact galaxi known eyes home virgo cluster nearest cluster galaxies contain 2000 galaxies notic gravit pull galaxi local group galaxi surround milki way galaxy center virgo cluster locat 70 million light year away toward constel virgo least seven galaxi chain appear move coherently although other appear superpos chance note apod avail ukrainian,markarian chain galaxi,2019-03-31,536,80,0.0825892857142857,03-31,3,2019,31,7,0,3 645870556ebe0b6711ad662afd9e29d8d7154233151536f8bc542613c95594f8,none,score three point nasa time run late apollo 15 mission moon 1971 astronaut david scott prepar split bring yet anoth dramat endofthemiss victori nasa scott use special lunar footbal design rug game held moon predecessor sideline happi april fools day folk apod reality astronaut scott place drill measur temperatur chang lunar depth foreground devic actual detect highenergi particl escap sun nasa plan return moon next five year,astronaut kick lunar field goal,2019-04-01,428,67,-0.0685714285714285,04-01,4,2019,1,2,0,2 c937c894c98771c468b3df74e5a4b3bf782191a5594abf4ceae564aededc84f3,eric,what unusu spot moon intern space station use precis timing earthorbit space platform photograph front partial lit gibbou moon last month featur imag taken palo alto california usa exposur time second contrast durat transit iss across entir moon half second close inspect unusu crisp iss silhouett reveal outlin numer solar panel trusses bright crater tycho visibl lower left well compar rough light color terrain known highlands rel smooth dark color area known maria onlin tool tell intern space station visibl area newli ad apod avail instagram persian,space station silhouett moon,2019-04-02,555,87,0.1027777777777777,04-02,4,2019,2,8,0,2 53882466137c650928e37ba29c50b2a539c45c82e35f5a04e827a4ec210d5a85,mario zauner,famou horsehead nebula orion alone deep exposur show dark familiar shape indentation visibl center part vast complex absorb dust glow gas bring detail horsehead pasture amateur astronom use backyard telescop austria accumul artist combin 75 hour imag light hydrogen red oxygen green sulfur blue result spectacular pictur detail intric tapestri gaseou wisp dustladen filament creat sculpt eon stellar wind ancient supernovas flame nebula visibl left horsehead bright star upper left alnilam central star orion belt horsehead nebula lie 1500 light year distant toward constel orion bounc around universe random apod gener,wisp surround horsehead nebula,2019-04-03,619,91,0.0535714285714285,04-03,4,2019,3,4,2,5 6caf6a5e0ed8d67a6439a9e7f3fcb727885c989eefde4cc351485628c13e2eeb,none,crab nebula m1 giant star cluster second entri 18th centuri astronom charl messier famou list thing comets m2 one largest globular star cluster known roam halo milki way galaxy though messier origin describ nebula without stars stun hubbl imag resolv star across central 40 lightyear popul star number close concentr within total diamet around 175 lightyears lightyear distant toward constel aquarius ancient denizen milki way also known ngc 13 billion year old,messier 2,2019-04-04,461,72,0.0,04-04,4,2019,4,6,0,3 388c063df2449da368cbabbae32e0ec12db9c271abe515570c2111a2aba041aa,none,astronom sky span view mosaic panstarr observatory imag record 18 meter telescop summit haleakala planet earth island fact earth north celesti pole center projection declin degrees southern horizon limit seen hawaiian valley defin circular outer edge crowd starfield cosmic dust cloud along plane milki way galaxi stretch across scene bright bulg galact center bottom compil four years imag data repres second data panstarr panoram survey telescop rapid respons system current planet largest digit sky survey 2017 panstarr use first recogn interstellar voyag oumuamua visitor solar system,panstarr across sky,2019-04-05,589,86,0.1071428571428571,04-05,4,2019,5,6,2,2 2c8ce87b2b68cdc90d2e8e5c8a59d4ad028e18ef13ad2e1f398feb910a717f7e,richard addi,sunset march 28 intern space station climb western horizon seen england mouth river still glint sunlight 400 kilomet planet earth fast move iss follow hand small backyard telescop high frame rate digit camera total 2500 frame record 7 minut long visibl iss passag 100 captur imag space station four best frame show remark detail iss low earth orbit near peak track 60 degre horizon iss brighter brightest star sky close kilomet backyard,iss,2019-04-06,436,72,0.1288888888888889,04-06,4,2019,6,8,1,2 334ecbe5d1fca0845248776515278a63df6ce5993c50632c5ca3a5b024dcdaba,stphane twan,scorpiu look good unaid eye human might rememb better scorpiu typic appear bright star wellknown rare point zodiac constellation get spectacular imag like this though one need good camera color filters digit imag processor bring detail featur imag involv long durat exposur taken sever colors one exposur specif red color emit hydrogen result imag show mani breathtak features vertic across imag left part plane milki way galaxy visibl vast cloud bright star long filament dark dust jut diagon milki way imag center dark dust band known dark river river connect sever bright star right part scorpius head claws includ bright star antares right antar even brighter planet jupiter numer red emiss nebula blue reflect nebula visibl throughout image scorpiu appear promin southern sky sunset middl year,scorpiu sky spectacular,2019-04-07,798,126,0.2300595238095238,04-07,4,2019,7,6,2,4 1b94d1613f9fd868636368d4196e2b97e4c298d9e4cf347d9a0fab713de00844,yang suti,what happen sky atmospher northern norway appear quit strang 30 minut last friday color clouds dots plume suddenli appeared color actual creat auror zone upwel rocket experi dispers ga tracer probe wind earth upper atmosphere azure tracer origin two shortliv sound rocket launch space center norway harmless gases releas ionospher altitud 115 250 km vapor trail observ dispers sever ground stations map azure vapor dispers increas humanity understand solar wind transfer energi earth power aurora,vapor norway,2019-04-08,496,75,0.06,04-08,4,2019,8,8,0,4 ec8d7390b2ae49b3e16c99ce6dfe3523f10ed6e2f844659d4da09d414d2be7ca,cori,sometim saturn disappears realli go away though disappear view moon move front saturnian eclips visibl along small swath earth brazil sri near end last month featur color imag digit fusion clearest imag captur success video event taken red green blue taken separ saturn compar bright moon exposur taken south africa occult also sunrise saturn reappear side moon almost two hour later sun year eclips saturn moon occur almost but unfortunately visibl right locat clear dark skies follow apod instagram english persian,moon occult saturn,2019-04-09,519,81,0.0275510204081632,04-09,4,2019,9,0,0,1 54fb98d72decca0ccb9e3cf07b96b3022205311d507ac3e1fca8af5246908e8a,jean dean,rosett nebula ngc 2237 cosmic cloud ga dust evok imageri flowers famous edg larg molecular cloud monocero 5000 light year away petal cosmic rose actual stellar nursery lovely symmetr shape sculpt wind radiat central cluster hot young otyp stars star energet cluster catalog ngc 2244 million year young central caviti rosett nebula 50 lightyear diameter nebula seen small telescop toward constel monoceros unicorn natur appear telescop portrait rosett nebula made use broadband narrowband filters sometim rose red,cosmic rosett nebula monocero,2019-04-12,512,77,0.2178571428571429,04-12,4,2019,12,4,1,5 cc464d6bdebd88f26dcd1bf3c8c895db2fa6745358c4ee411125bae611a570d6,robertocolombari,rigil bright star near top broad southern skyscape cours probabl better known alpha centauri nearest star system sun sprawl dark nebula complex obscur interstellar dust cloud includ catalog cloud silhouett rich starfield along southern milki way rigil mere 437 lightyear away dusti dark nebula lie edg starform molecular cloud 2500 lightyear distant widefield view span 12 degre 24 full moons across southern skies,,2019-04-13,414,63,0.0925,04-13,4,2019,13,4,0,5 99c793ca1d4043855c3db1db78984074d248cf7ffa36dc48fad610ec474ceb9c,none,see cloud jupiter cloud visibl last year perijov 16 sixteenth time nasa robot spacecraft juno pass near jupit sinc arriv juno pass near slightli differ part jupiter cloud tops dolphin shape may surpris scientif signific cloud jupit earth constantli shift temporarili mimic mani familiar shapes cloud appear jupiter south temper belt band dark drop cloud ring planet also contain oval ba dub red spot jr featur imag digit process enhanc color contrast juno next swoop near jupit perijov 20 occur late may,dolphin cloud jupit,2019-04-15,506,82,0.0249999999999999,04-15,4,2019,15,8,0,2 7cd981f691a271944e21263ea0270698e9e9b7d75c4400d57d4ac0e912a4781d,utkarsh mishra,strang shape textur found neighborhood cone nebula unusu shape origin fine interstellar dust react complex way energet light hot ga expel young stars brightest star right featur pictur mon region nicknam fox fur nebula color structure blue glow directli surround mon result reflection neighbor dust reflect light bright star red glow encompass whole region result dust reflect also emiss hydrogen ga ioniz starlight mon part young open cluster star name ngc 2264 locat 2500 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros even though point right mon detail origin mysteri geometr cone nebula visibl far left remain mystery,vicin cone nebula,2019-04-16,623,97,0.1963585434173669,04-16,4,2019,16,4,2,5 a8692277c4a0c23ce7fce729634706a32b4d4a02e1cb02ccf9cbbed6e2f88ff9,paolo,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way galaxy big beauti messier 81 also known ngc 3031 bode galaxi 18th centuri discoverer grand spiral found toward northern constel ursa major great bear detail telescop view reveal m81 bright yellow nucleus blue spiral arms pink starform regions sweep cosmic dust lanes dust lane actual run galact disk left center contrari promin spiral featur though errant dust lane may linger result close encount m81 smaller companion galaxy m82 scrutini variabl star m81 yield one best determin distanc extern galaxi 118 million lightyears,messier 81,2019-04-17,587,92,0.2044642857142857,04-17,4,2019,17,7,1,3 decde01a951d6cf49d9e3da7df44e2a52e565fc6905b7f734034b2c357b7985c,marku bauer,group popular northern spring famou leo triplet three magnific galaxi gather one field view crowd pleaser imag even modest telescopes introduc individu ngc 3628 left m66 bottom right m65 top three larg spiral galaxi tend look dissimilar galact disk tilt differ angl line sight ngc 3628 also known hamburg galaxy temptingli seen edgeon obscur dust lane cut across puffi galact plane disk m66 m65 inclin enough show spiral structure gravit interact galaxi group left telltal signs includ tidal tail warped inflat disk ngc 3628 drawn spiral arm m66 gorgeou view region span almost two degre four full moons sky field cover million lightyear trio estim distanc 30 million lightyears cours spiki foreground star lie within milki way,leo trio,2019-04-18,727,117,0.2294642857142857,04-18,4,2019,18,7,2,3 4decad93413ef8343ca23b67bad4b98cfb751e9d85af93b347d4eb8f47427135,taha ghouchkanlu,postcard planet earth springtim night skyscap look lake alborz mountains taken local midnight april 17 central milki way rise region southeast horizon lumin track star nebula along plane galaxi reflect mirrorlik lake brightest celesti beacon mingl diffus galact starlight jupiter slightli dimmer saturn left mountains spring brought leav tree galact center northern night photograph found also gave heard like across calm water,milki way northern spring,2019-04-19,427,62,0.04,04-19,4,2019,19,6,0,1 e6afeebe6d74844ffce2d6fe11e35f7f97d782f299a206a574bfce3adbf26b6b,none,twenti seven merlin rocket engin fire closeup launch falcon heavi rocket deriv three falcon 9 first stage rocket nine merlin rocket engin each falcon heavi left nasa kennedi space center launch pad 39a april 11 second launch falcon heavi rocket carri commun satellit space februari 2018 first falcon heavi launch carri starman tesla design booster stage central core return safe planet earth booster cape canaver air forc station land zones core stage land shore autonom spaceport drone ship cours still love you,falcon heavi launch close,2019-04-20,512,82,0.175,04-20,4,2019,20,8,1,2 024f580ef69d906401b03a4f9647661ac31bac698fc5946623d42a91497abc5a,vincent,meteor shower caus stream solid particles dust size larger move group space cases orbit meteor stream identifi dust expel comet earth pass stream particl leav brilliant trail night sky disintegr earth atmosphere meteor path parallel other but like train tracks effect perspect caus appear origin radiant point distance featur imag composit taken january quadrantid meteor shower la palma one spain canari islands northwest coast africa quadrantid radiant visibl handl big dipper care eye also discern faint green coma comet wirtanen tonight peak modest lyrid meteor shower sever meteor per hour visibl dark locat clear skies,meteors comet big dipper la palma,2019-04-23,624,95,0.0020833333333333,04-23,4,2019,23,3,2,1 ca2fe42f5625b345990f5f090802abf05c9aacddc617cd7cef23041e493d4932,none,symmetric appear southern crab nebula certainli 7000 lightyear distant toward southern sky constel centaurus glow nest hourglass shape produc remark symbiot binari star system center nebula dramat stellar duo consist hot white dwarf star cool pulsat red giant star shed outer layer fall onto smaller much hotter companion embed disk material outburst white dwarf caus outflow ga driven away disk result bipolar hourglass shapes bright central shape half lightyear across new hubbl space telescop imag celebr 29th anniversari hubble launch april 24 1990 board space shuttl discovery,southern crab,2019-04-24,581,87,0.0893939393939393,04-24,4,2019,24,4,2,5 b8626ddd2b924e2a291e0dbae4d645f622aeded3457dd23c4882fbbea019b599,none,ridg glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud inhabit turbulent cosmic depth lagoon nebula also known m8 bright star form region 5000 lightyear distant still make popular stop telescop tour constel sagittarius toward center milki way galaxy domin telltal red emiss ioniz hydrogen atom recombin strip electrons stun view lagoon 100 lightyear across center bright compact hourglass shape ga ioniz sculpt energet radiat extrem stellar wind massiv young star fact mani bright star open cluster ngc 6530 drift within nebula form lagoon sever million year ago broadband imag data panstarr panoram survey telescop rapid respons system combin narrowband data amateur telescop creat wide deep portrait lagoon nebula,panstarr across lagoon,2019-04-25,703,106,0.15,04-25,4,2019,25,4,2,5 f6036705cd20251421fb2d7977cc40669b6ac07da1bb66f07100036b3915ded6,carlo fairbairn,track along southern milki way beauti celesti mosaic record dark brazilian skies span 20 degre actual start dark expans coalsack nebula lower left tuck arm southern cross compact constel top bright yellowish gamma crucis cool giant star mere 88 lightyear distant line gamma cruci blue star bottom cross alpha crucis point toward south celesti pole follow milki way right gaze sweep across ic popularli known run chicken nebula reach eta carina carina nebula near right edg frame 200 lightyear across carina nebula star form region much larger northerli stellar nurseri orion nebula carina nebula lie around 7500 lightyear earth along plane milki way,southern cross eta carina,2019-04-26,649,103,0.0462585034013605,04-26,4,2019,26,4,2,5 0ca8849ece7b04098ead39dc884b6f5cc567bd0a9166ffd9dabfbb21cd3eb643,none,massiv stars abras winds mountain dust energet light sculpt one largest picturesqu region star format local group galaxies known n11 region visibl upper right mani imag home galaxy milki way neighbor known larg magellan cloud lmc featur imag taken scientif purpos hubbl space telescop reprocess artistri amateur win hubble hidden treasur competition although section imag known ngc 1763 entir n11 emiss nebula second lmc size tarantula nebula compact globul dark dust hous emerg young star also visibl around image new studi variabl star lmc hubbl help recalibr distanc scale observ universe result slightli differ scale found use pervas cosmic microwav background astrophysicists brows 1900 code astrophys sourc code librari,n11 star cloud lmc,2019-04-29,725,109,0.1050373868555686,04-29,4,2019,29,4,2,4 4a69a8ebccddd54c4e63d9d6f74f8022d6670a7f2c2abc43ccb8b53564afb3c9,none,galaxi never danger one thing triangulum galaxi m33 pictured much bigger tini grain rock head meteor another galaxi much farther away instanc 3 million light year oppos light seconds even so meteor path took angularli galaxy also wind high earth atmospher blew meteor glow molecul train away galaxy angular projection still astrophotograph quit lucki captur meteor galaxi singl exposur subsequ ad two imag m33 bring spiral galaxy colors end meteor gone second galaxi last billion years follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,meteor galaxi,2019-04-30,536,83,0.1657142857142857,04-30,4,2019,30,7,1,1 dd8c2f1ee0eaa749ee2b5ab50255255d4c6c0a39fea5a1ba56414ee828556efb,none,orbit 400 kilomet quebec canada planet earth intern space station expedit 59 crew captur snapshot broad st lawrenc river curious circular lake manicouagan april 11 right center ringshap lake modern reservoir within erod remnant ancient 100 kilomet diamet impact crater ancient crater orbit visibl remind earth vulner rock space 200 million year old manicouagan crater like caus impact rocki bodi 5 kilomet diameter currently known asteroid signific probabl impact earth next century fiction scenario help practic asteroid impact go 2019 planetari defens,manicouagan impact crater space,2019-05-02,553,82,0.0560267857142857,05-02,5,2019,2,8,0,2 41866638fef85d08f0571a917c008193892880802e4e02eb6df553827dcf11eb,team,larg magellan cloud lmc allur sight southern skies deep detail telescop view 10 month goe beyond visibl planet earth span 5 degre 10 full moons 4x4 panel mosaic construct frame total hour exposur time broadband narrowband filters narrowband filter design transmit light emit sulfur hydrogen oxygen atoms ioniz energet starlight atom emit characterist light electron recaptur atom transit lower energi state result imag lmc seem cover cloud ioniz ga surround massive young stars sculpt strong stellar wind ultraviolet radiation glow clouds domin emiss hydrogen known h ii ioniz hydrogen regions compos mani overlap h ii regions tarantula nebula larg star form region left largest satellit milki way galaxy lmc 15000 lightyear across lie mere 160000 lightyear away toward constel dorado,cloud larg magellan cloud,2019-05-03,784,120,0.1194444444444444,05-03,5,2019,3,4,2,4 a0b3e83156f2e97d3d912ffeb4b8bb17093beacab67c2ae34dd01d60015dce42,tunc tezel,februari 2nd earli morn riser saw saturn near old moon low eastern horizon date bright planet sunlit crescent faint lunar night side captur predawn skyscap bursa turkey cours moon ashen glow earthshine earthlight reflect moon night side descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci may 2nd old moon also rose predawn twilight date ashen glow share sky venus brilliant morn star may 2nd also mark 500th anniversari death,saturn da vinci glow,2019-05-04,493,79,0.0607142857142857,05-04,5,2019,4,2,0,1 f71bbb09a9979254a0639ed7cbedfa712591ab82f447f5babbb9974f688056a2,none,solar eclipse pictur busi vista moon ring taken saturn larg circular object center imag titan largest moon saturn one intrigu object entir solar system dark spot center main solid part moon bright surround ring atmospher haze titan ga scatter sunlight camera oper onboard robot cassini spacecraft cut horizont across imag ring saturn seen nearli edg on lower right titan enceladus small moon saturn sinc imag taken point nearli sun surfac titan enceladu appear silhouette ring saturn appear similar photograph negative look realli realli close enceladus see hint ici jet shoot toward bottom image jet inspir futur propos land enceladus burrow ice search sign extraterrestri life,saturn titan rings haze,2019-05-05,678,105,0.0252380952380952,05-05,5,2019,5,0,2,2 07bc72c277749bac8a2cf737117483b0a9541cd49b76f07b75885a4d284998e4,dieter willaschastrocabinet,what happen center carina nebula star forming dying leav impress tapestri dark dusti filaments entir carina nebula catalog ngc 3372 span 300 light year lie 8500 lightyear away constel carina nebula compos predominantli hydrogen gas emit pervas red glow seen highli detail featur image blue glow center creat trace amount glow oxygen young massiv star locat nebula center expel dust explod supernovae eta carinae energet star nebula center one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically,great nebula carina,2019-05-07,485,75,-0.0055555555555555,05-07,5,2019,7,4,0,5 658233d882d2a34f563bc87d217e14b47ddd2124b8afc24eeabd47370110d073,none,jupit look like close imag jupit taken far away either earth great enough distanc nearli half planet visible shot though compos imag taken rel close in less half planet visible here jupit still appear spheric perspect distort make look like marble visibl jupiter cloud top promin dark horizont belt contain white oval cloud white zone cloud circl planet great red spot loom upper right featur imag taken robot juno spacecraft februari 17th close pass solar system largest planet juno mission extend 2021 studi jupit new ways juno data alreadi enabl discoveri includ jupiter magnet field surprisingli jupiter cloud system run 3000 kilomet planet,jupit marbl juno,2019-05-08,644,103,0.1314718614718614,05-08,5,2019,8,8,2,4 5920cf7b4005b1fdadbc87565afeda3614ed169ec68ae9ef472e4354e054c027,adam block,beauti nebula discov balanc libra serpent serpens begin descript 5th entri 18th centuri astronom charl messier famou catalog nebula star clusters though appear messier fuzzi round without stars messier 5 m5 known globular star cluster 100000 star more bound graviti pack region around 165 lightyear diameter lie 25000 lightyear away roam halo galaxy globular star cluster ancient member milki way m5 one oldest globulars star estim nearli 13 billion year old beauti star cluster popular target earthbound telescopes even close dens core cluster red blue giant stars rejuven blue straggler stand yellowish blue hue sharp color image,messier 5,2019-05-09,633,97,0.0875,05-09,5,2019,9,6,2,5 2d74d313bcb045af8807f6b40d72bb6ea47b15a5d83f70989d19a2e601b17c7d,li,grain cosmic dust streak mostli moonless night sky may 7 swept planet earth plow debri stream left behind period comet halley annual meteor shower known eta aquarids though made day shower predict maximum composit imag still captur 20 meteor exposur taken 2 hour period regist background exposur sky meteor trail point back shower radiant near eponym faint star eta aquarii close horizon seen 100 kilomet south sydney australia known speed eta aquarid meteor move fast enter atmospher 66 kilomet per second brilliant jupit shine near central bulg milki way high horizon southern cross tuck upper right corner frame,halley dust milki way,2019-05-10,614,98,0.0563809523809523,05-10,5,2019,10,6,2,1 0f9ffd12e6cece7b462ca30023daf54d4c640a3fb098379ffe6ed64ffe5d0250,stefnisson,picturesqu volcan erupt iceland creat much ash although larg ash plume unparallel abundance locat particularli notic drift across areas eyjafjallajkul volcano southern iceland began erupt 2010 march 20 second erupt start center small glacier 2010 april 14 neither erupt unusu powerful second eruption however melt larg amount glacial ice cool fragment lava gritti glass particl carri rise volcan plume pictur second eruption lightn bolt illumin ash pour eyjafjallajkul volcano follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,ash lightn iceland volcano,2019-05-12,525,76,0.0555555555555555,05-12,5,2019,12,8,0,4 d4a93dca08376176ddadf5b161f37c903032cfb619b9a90459f6b520c97b1888,mario cogo galax lux,color cloud surround star system rho ophiuchi compos one closest star form regions rho ophiuchi binari star system visibl blue reflect nebula left imag center star system locat 400 light year away distinguish multicolor surroundings includ red emiss nebula numer light dark brown dust lanes near lower left rho ophiuchi molecular cloud system yellow star antares distant coincidentlysuperpos globular cluster stars m4 visibl right antares near imag top lie ic 4592 blue horsehead nebula blue glow surround blue horsehead eye star around imag reflect nebula compos fine dust featur imag right geometr angl reflect nebula catalog sharpless 1 here bright star near dust vortex creat light surround reflect nebula although featur visibl small telescop point toward constel ophiuchus scorpius sagittarius way see intric detail dust swirls featur above use long exposur camera,rho ophiuchi wide field,2019-05-13,872,132,0.1215238095238095,05-13,5,2019,13,4,2,5 fdb831da09f636adb68acd07063b075c37247d1139aa5a900009a9ee51994627,none,star cluster trumpler 14 mani bright stars young mani cluster star form past 5 million year hot emit detect xrays older star clusters star young alreadi die typic explod supernova leav behind star fainter trumpler 14 span 40 light year lie 9000 light year away edg famou carina nebula discern eye spot two unusu object detail 2006 imag trumpler 14 hubbl space telescope first dark cloud left center may planetari system tri form destroy energet wind trumpler 14 massiv stars second arc bottom left one hypothesi hold superson shock wave fast star eject 100000 year ago complet differ star cluster,young star cluster trumpler 14 hubbl,2019-05-14,598,100,0.0862745098039215,05-14,5,2019,14,6,2,3 5fdbd7df41cc1c9df34d43d25f06d003a089e2a7e1d6ba99ef1b8f7dc86d7bd4,none,far away spiral galaxi ngc 4921 import know although present estim 300 million light year distant precis determin could coupl known recess speed help human better calibr expans rate entir visibl universe toward goal sever imag taken hubbl space telescop order help identifi key stellar distanc marker known cepheid variabl stars sinc ngc 4921 member coma cluster galaxies refin distanc would also allow better distanc determin one largest nearbi cluster local universe magnific spiral ngc 4921 inform dub anem low rate star format low surfac brightness visibl featur imag are center bright nucleus bright central bar promin ring dark dust blue cluster recent form stars sever smaller companion galaxies unrel galaxi far distant universe unrel star milki way galaxy apod languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch german french french hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,anem spiral ngc 4921 hubbl,2019-05-15,962,144,0.093103448275862,05-15,5,2019,15,7,2,3 29740f4f34d9e97ef0c370ba8c5d7305ad589317418d1cce5ecfd149f45c5a28,jeff daitwan,ever experienc realli dark night sky one common amaz featur glow band milki way galaxi stretch horizon horizon live near big city though might know citi light reflect earth atmospher could allow see moon stars today however intern day light intern astronom union ask peopl turn night tri better understand futur better light pollution practic even go main apod websit nasa hover cursor image pictur come panorama four exposur taken camera location show happen recent china peopl counti decid turn mani lights visibl pictur star siriu left center betelgeuse visibl pictur thousand star arch band milki way galaxy human live millennia dark night sky connect import natur cultur,dark night,2019-05-16,675,108,0.119964349376114,05-16,5,2019,16,6,2,4 96fb81f968d724679be529214792f263a71720754e4b11f05ed8b3c36b6c4f58,nasa,pulsat rs puppis brightest star imag center ten time massiv sun averag 15000 time luminous fact rs pup cepheid variabl star class star whose bright use estim distanc nearbi galaxi one first step establish cosmic distanc scale rs pup pulsat period 40 days regular chang bright also seen along surround nebula delay time effect light echo use measur time delay angular size nebula known speed light allow astronom geometr determin distanc rs pup 6500 lightyears remark small error plu minu 90 lightyears impress achiev stellar astronomy echomeasur distanc also accur establish true bright rs pup extens cepheid stars improv knowledg distanc galaxi beyond milki way,rs puppi,2019-05-17,662,105,0.2833333333333334,05-17,5,2019,17,6,2,4 1bef13c9716424068b490553c1a4eb5fb6865eb2ea5e87b9e0f4565b4b8d57b8,none,atlas pan small ring moon saturn shown scale montag imag cassini spacecraft made grand final orbit ring planet septemb 2017 fact daphni discov cassini imag 2005 atla pan first sight imag voyag 1 2 spacecraft fli saucershap atla orbit near outer edg saturn bright ring daphni orbit insid ring narrow keeler gap pan within ring larger enck gap curiou equatori ridg small ring moon could built accumul ring materi time even diminut daphni make wave ring materi glide along edg keeler gap,pan,2019-05-18,484,82,0.0944444444444444,05-18,5,2019,18,0,0,2 c39e848c2e27442bcdfc6de48a56f7a79046ef70a5638c23a83b9b9db0c45387,none,primordi contact binari 2014 mu69 also known ultima thule realli red fact reddest outer solar system object ever visit spacecraft earth reddish hue believ due organ materi surface ruddi color tantal surfac detail seen composit imag base data new horizon spacecraft record januari 1 flybi farthest world yet explored embed smaller lobe thule top 8 kilomet wide featur nicknam maryland crater largest depress known surfac ultima thule transmiss data collect flybi continues go late summer 2020 new horizon speed deeper dim distant kuiper belt,primordi binari 2014,2019-05-22,540,84,-0.0515782828282828,05-22,5,2019,22,8,0,2 72e3a9d35a03b44360e653bd2c4b92dca4e52184de9709b975872cd1bff27530,betul turksoy,may 20 nearli full moon jupit share telephoto field view captur pass cloud bank dim moonlight singl exposur reveal familiar face fair planet larg natur satellite along bright jupit lower right galilean moons line left right tini pinprick light near jupit ganymede europa callisto that dust screen closer brighter natur satellit appear loom large ganymede callisto physic larger earth moon water world europa slightli smaller fact solar system six largest planetari satellites saturn moon titan miss scene fourth galilean moon io hidden rule ga giant,moon near jupit,2019-05-23,550,85,0.2090029761904762,05-23,5,2019,23,2,1,2 266125edbbd6c07d410c72adbbd3f21e83bef3337f15bd4bb0deff788616f88c,none,abund boulder surfac asteroid 101955 bennu dramat closeup osirisrex spacecraft taken march 28 distanc 34 kilomet miles field view 50 meter across light color boulder top right meter tall like loos conglomer rubbl pile asteroid bennu span less 500 meters that height empir state building map near earth asteroid sinc spacecraft arriv decemb 2018 osirisrex mission plan tag maneuv juli 2020 sampl bennu rug surface return sampl planet earth septemb 2023 citizen scientist invit help choos sampl collect site,boulder bennu,2019-05-24,505,79,0.2238095238095238,05-24,5,2019,24,8,1,2 b31a2ea0b082f08455489d1155d176f88254db2ccb54f24bd6f3c16c3508de31,el cielo de canaria,bizarr planet alien creatur from planet earth course planet home galaxi milki way stretch across dark sky fishey allski project compos wide lens impos form gaze skyward probabl look strang mani denizen earth found canari island tenerif teid nation park red tajinastes flower plant grow height 3 meters among rock volcan terrain tajinast bloom spring earli summer die week seed mature speci known terrestri life form individu lit flashlight wideangl exposures,planet tajinast,2019-05-25,458,71,-0.08,05-25,5,2019,25,8,0,1 bba2ee10c72b2fda0f02acebfe652440fd32fd1a38c8238002be6896a584cbb7,diego rizzo,sometim hard decid impress land sky land featur image example volcano fire de seen erupt top windblown ash stream glow lava run side light neighbor town seen thin haze below sky though central plane milki way galaxi run diagon upper left fleet meteor below trail satellit upper right planet jupit also appear toward upper left bright star antar right much land sky captur togeth single 25second exposur taken midapril side sister volcano guatemala imag meteor though captur similar frame taken 30 minut earlier erupt photogen ad later digitally follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,volcano fire milki way star,2019-05-27,596,95,0.0846491228070175,05-27,5,2019,27,6,2,1 ebb52c02ac92c1dba44911f8c32318ef3c08d0cc828f18b28de508a1cbcbcef7,andrew campbel,star format colorful chromat cosmic portrait featur glow ga dark dust near recent form star ngc star cluster near carina nebula star ngc 3572 visibl near bottom image expans ga cloud like remain format nebula image strike hue creat featur specif color emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur blend imag record broadband filter red green blue nebula near ngc 3572 span 100 light year lie 9000 light year away toward southern constel ship keel carina within million year pictur ga like gravit encount like dispers cluster star billion years astrophysicists brows 1900 code astrophys sourc code librari,stars dust ga near ngc 3572,2019-05-28,587,95,0.0884615384615384,05-28,5,2019,28,4,2,5 6b03a9fcd11aaa3878bc555898fe51e33081c3f5ed2645093f0a15a92f3bcf05,none,spiral galaxi ring around center first foremost m95 one closer exampl big beauti bar spiral galaxy visibl featur combin imag hubbl sever ground base telescop sprawl spiral arm delin open cluster bright blue stars lane dark dust diffus glow billion faint stars short bar across galaxi center intrigu mani astronomers however circumnuclear ring around galaxi center visibl outsid central bar although long term stabil ring remain topic research observ indic present bright least enhanc transient burst star formation m95 also known ngc 3351 span 50000 lightyears lie 30 million light year away seen small telescop toward constel lion leo almost hyperspace random apod gener,spiral galaxi inner ring,2019-05-29,671,104,-0.0399999999999999,05-29,5,2019,29,7,2,3 4aedfc5596c9ecfebf94d556b4fcd834c9f6df80bbcab15015b66fa572c352dc,gray,promin impact site anchor lunar oceanu procellarum copernicu crater center telescop portrait light shadow caught stack sharpen video frame record april 14 330am utc lunar terminator boundari night day cut across middl 93 kilomet diamet crater sunlight begin strike tall western wall yet shine lower terrain nearby briefli extend crater outlin lunar nightside moment stand copernicu crater could watch sunrise event happen copernicu everi 295 days cours correspond lunar month lunation time consecut full moon seen planet earth,sunris copernicu crater,2019-05-30,526,78,0.1625,05-30,5,2019,30,2,1,1 2a7ff1ee066683a4c068ad34b6d3911ec3be3dec18dd6f7eeea0c4efd7683213,none,payload board intern space station neutron star interior composit explor nicer turn track cosmic sourc xray station orbit planet earth everi 93 minutes orbit xray detector remain on nicer target target bright arc loop trace across allski map made 22 month nicer data arc tend converg promin bright spots pulsar xray sky nicer regularli target monitors pulsar spin neutron star emit clocklik puls xrays time precis use navigation determin spacecraft speed position nicer xray allsky map compos coordin celesti equat horizont across center,night,2019-06-01,537,83,0.4333333333333333,06-01,6,2019,1,8,1,4 61fce8e67c2782ff8988606204dd7c15ce7b3a14f443a3bd3d4ff59112274eb1,none,big galaxi first begin dance realli four five stephan quintet lock cosmic repeat close encount take place 300 million lightyear away odd galaxi easi spot recent reprocess imag hubbl space telescop interact galaxies ngc 7319 7318b 7318a 7317 left right domin yellowish cast also tend distort loop tails grown influenc disrupt gravit tides mostli bluish galaxy larg ngc lower left foreground 40 million lightyear distant part interact group data model indic ngc rel new intruder halo old red star surround stephan quintet indic least galaxi start billion years stephan quintet visibl moder toward constel wing hors pegasus,stephan quintet hubbl,2019-06-03,621,97,0.0171176046176046,06-03,6,2019,3,7,2,3 49606902c6f070f25b34274e93a485e6e12c379b904bc6fb73b898e298c3c171,none,put ear mars would find out explor unknown interior mars nasa insight lander deploy sei late last year sensit seismomet detect marsquakes earli april hear wind motion initi lander itself sei record unpreced event match expect event heard youtub video although mar thought tecton plate like earth numer fault visibl martian surfac like occur hot interior mar cool continu cool strong enough marsquak occur sei could hear reflect larg structur intern mars like liquid core one exists pictur last week sei sit quietli martian surface take sun light cloud visibl horizon creat distant legacy send name mar,,2019-06-04,602,97,0.1166666666666666,06-04,6,2019,4,5,2,2 82dc87002ef74844ac4cf85dbf9d6b66db1756fcd45f9314eedb6adecd3ac7a5,andrew klinger,constel orion much three star row direct space rich impress nebulas better appreci wellknown swath sky new long exposur imag taken sever clear night january februari march 23 hour camera time untold hour imag processing featur collag light hydrogen oxygen sulfur produc span 40 time angular diamet moon mani interest detail becom visible one particularli draw eye barnard loop bright red orang arc right imag center rosett nebula giant orang nebula left imag center larger lesser known nebula known ring rosett nebula visible though bright orange blue white nebula near imag bottom bright orang star left frame center betelgeuse bright blue star upper right rigel famou three star cross belt orion hunter busi frame hard locate discern eye find right imag center,interstellar cloud orion,2019-06-05,764,122,0.1508387445887445,06-05,6,2019,5,4,2,5 9fbf6a15868695bf2ba2849c21164d3083ccd6fa71f6c9c14bb69ac085149c37,bernard miller,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 25 million lightyear distant loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across that size milki way galaxy known popular moniker sunflow galaxy m63 sport bright yellowish core sharp telescop portrait sweep blue spiral arm streak cosmic dust lane dot pink star form regions domin member known galaxi group m63 faint extend featur like star stream tidal disrupt satellit galaxies m63 shine across electromagnet spectrum thought undergon burst intens star formation,messier 63 sunflow galaxi,2019-06-06,559,84,0.1675925925925926,06-06,6,2019,6,7,1,3 aee4e982c3f018e94fdb564f3f61a0f73183c3f5a7f2fc2fa92793249bdb2acf,alain mauri,pose galaxy rich starfield nebulae brilliant planet jupit shine night sky almost overwhelm glow near top frame color telephoto portrait central milki way span 20 degre sky scene includ silhouett ldn starlight also know popular monik pipe nebula appar outlin stem bowl pipe nebula part galaxy ophiuchu dark cloud complex locat distanc 450 lightyears dens core ga dust within collaps form stars approach opposition opposit sun sky june 10 jupit 36 lightminut planet earth fan dark mark sky probabl spot snake nebula left jupiter glare,planet pipe,2019-06-07,532,85,0.1875,06-07,6,2019,7,4,1,5 74602543be4d8e338d9a04ffb14cc5fb14f9ff61e14132f35f709d9c45833866,jack fusco,end last year northern summer dazzl opposition mar still shone brightli night celesti beacon easili attract attent two night skygaz stood still while long enough captur sea night skyscap big planet earth central bulg near southwestern horizon milki way run scene too long exposur also reveal faint blue bioluminesc bloom wave along pfeiffer beach much fainter mar spot near western horizon sunset month jupit near closest brightest reach opposit june 10 night skygaz spot brilliant jupit southern horizons glare next star toward central milki way,beach mar,2019-06-08,546,85,0.0470588235294117,06-08,6,2019,8,6,0,1 fa779f64d9c80a36688ad5792408d1df151ee813dbfd9ec4f2f6fc334738996e,juan carlo casado,shadow volcano look like triangle mount teid volcano strictli pyramid shape geometr shadow might suggest triangl shadow phenomena uniqu mt teide though commonli seen top larg mountain volcanoes key reason strang dark shape observ look long corridor sunset or sunrise shadow extend horizon even huge volcano perfect cube result shadow long rectangular box box would appear taper top shadow extend far distance parallel train track do featur spectacular imag show pico viejo crater foreground locat tenerif canari island spain nearli full moon seen nearbi shortli total lunar eclipse explor universe random apod gener,triangular shadow larg volcano,2019-06-09,615,93,0.1928571428571429,06-09,6,2019,9,2,2,1 b0ac020f6054c8eb2eb9673a423d35dbd4b75d402068ba7c9508de13604a5dc5,none,what black spot jupiter one sure latest pass nasa juno around jupiter robot spacecraft imag usual dark cloud featur inform dub abyss surround cloud pattern show abyss center vortex sinc dark featur jupiter atmospher tend run deeper light features abyss may realli deep hole appear without evid remain abyss surround complex meander cloud swirl storm systems top light colored highaltitud clouds featur imag captur last month juno pass 15000 kilomet jupiter cloud tops next close pass juno near jupit july,jupit,2019-06-10,505,80,0.0855555555555555,06-10,6,2019,10,8,0,1 c649bafcffcfc086913ac66c165e7c6164822b429b3d36f49c598b9bea4d776a,none,what happen around cave nebula help find out nasa orbit spitzer space telescop look starform region four color infrar light cave nebula catalog sh2155 quit bright infrared reveal detail intern pillar ga dust illumin star cluster near top image red glow around cave entranc creat dust heat bright young stars right cepheu b star cluster form previous cloud ga dust interest star cepheu come light infrar well includ illumin even younger nebula toward imag bottom runaway star push bow shock ting red near imag center region span 50 light year lie 2500 light year toward constel king aethiopia cepheus get latest nasa nasa,cave nebula infrar spitzer,2019-06-11,621,103,0.25406162464986,06-11,6,2019,11,4,2,5 00e8f3a80e733f802ff0aa096139d3ab603d6cbd97a3cd8e6b30a8154d2568fd,none,dust lane seem swirl around core messier 96 colorful detail portrait center beauti island universe cours m96 spiral galaxy count faint arm extend beyond brighter central region span 100 thousand lightyear so make size milki way m96 also known ngc 3368 known 35 million lightyear distant domin member leo galaxi group featur imag taken hubbl space telescope reason m96 asymmetri unclear could arisen gravit interact leo group galaxies lack intragroup diffus glow seem indic recent interactions galaxi far background found examin edg picture apod languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,spiral galaxi m96 hubbl,2019-06-12,744,109,-0.023076923076923,06-12,6,2019,12,7,2,3 ff8d36eca857a941985b6dd1c41e0e678280956e6f2a12ac5e08705cf945b099,tolga,m13 modestli recogn great globular star cluster hercules ball star number hundr thousand crowd region 150 light year across lie 25000 lightyear away sharp color pictur m13 upper left familiar mani telescop imagers still m13 color magnitud diagram panel right made imag data offer tell view also known russel diagram plot appar bright individu cluster star color index color index determin star subtract bright in measur red filter bright measur blue filter blue star hot red star cool astronom color index rang bluer redder follow rel stellar temperatur scale left right m13 hr diagram star clearli fall distinct groups broad swath extend diagon bottom right cluster main sequence sharp turn toward upper right hand corner follow red giant branch blue giant found group upper left form time first m13 star locat along main sequenc mass lower mass star lower right time higher mass star evolv main sequenc red blue giant beyond fact posit turnoff main sequenc red giant branch indic cluster age 12 billion years,color,2019-06-13,1010,165,0.168203211517165,06-13,6,2019,13,6,2,4 85298d685892165fa80c67763bfb4227d14f1b176e68eec7bda1791bf7f62a37,none,get redblu glass float next helene small ici moon saturn appropri named helen one four known trojan moons call orbit lagrang point lagrang point gravit stabl posit near two massiv bodies case saturn larger moon dione fact irregularli shape 36 32 30 kilometers helen orbit dione lead lagrang point brotherli ice moon polydeuc follow dione trail lagrang point sharp stereo anaglyph construct two cassini imag captur close flybi 2011 show part saturnfac hemispher helen mottl crater gullylik features,stereo helen,2019-06-15,498,78,-0.055,06-15,6,2019,15,0,0,2 66e0ed81415e4c6876fc8f36bf3b4a40ba945280b05b392bb4bf86d1be19d24f,none,creat unusu mountain new theory ahuna mon largest mountain largest known asteroid solar system ceres orbit sun main asteroid belt mar jupiter ahuna mons though like noth human ever seen before one thing slope old crater young vertic streaks new hypothesis base numer graviti measurements hold bubbl mud rose deep within dwarf planet push ici surfac weak point rich reflect salt froze bright streak thought similar recent surfac materi visibl ceres famou bright spots featur digit imag construct surfac map taken cere 2016 robot dawn mission success complet mission 2018 dawn continu orbit cere even though exhaust fuel need keep antenna point toward earth anniversary first apod appear 24 year ago today,unusu mountain ahuna mon asteroid cere,2019-06-16,704,112,0.1405525846702317,06-16,6,2019,16,8,2,2 9f3159afee0b476d64493ab95c5d69c91b94216aa4fff2e0d7004340e0d56a1b,elia chasioti,see full moon last night not tonight nearli full moon almost good full moon opposit sun visibl sky sun nearli night long tonight cloud one nicknam june full moon strawberri moon name wild start part earth northern hemisphere differ cultur around globe give full moon differ names though includ honey moon rose moon foreground featur image taken yesterday cape sounion greece 2400 yearold templ poseidon next month 50th anniversari time human first land moon,strawberri moon templ poseidon,2019-06-18,458,74,0.2576923076923077,06-18,6,2019,18,2,1,1 9129442426a79300f9f890a080b47b20ae9d0f7d45066648804f8c121cf02373,none,what magnet field like center milki way galaxy help find out nasa sofia observatori fli modifi 747 imag central region instrument known hawc map magnet observ polar infrar light emit elong dust grain rotat align local magnet field milki way center supermass black hole absorb ga star recent destroyed galaxy black hole though rel quiet compar absorpt rate central black hole activ galaxies featur imag give clue surround magnet field may either channel ga black hole light exterior forc ga hold pattern caus less activ least inspect featur imag appear perhap like surreal mashup art gravit astrophys bring tell clue detail magnet field around dusti ring surround sagittariu a black hole milki way center,galaxy magnet center,2019-06-19,710,114,-0.0333333333333333,06-19,6,2019,19,6,2,4 d8804006b49a68d088a34e6b5fed26db44584e939960ae3c4e0ea6a5722487bd,none,big bright beauti spiral messier 106 domin cosmic vista nearli two degre wide telescop field view look toward welltrain constel cane venatici near handl big dipper also known ngc 4258 m106 80000 lightyear across 235 million lightyear away largest member cane ii galaxi group far away galaxy distanc m106 wellknown part directli measur track galaxy remark maser microwav laser emission rare natur occurring maser emiss produc water molecul molecular cloud orbit activ galact nucleus anoth promin spiral galaxi scene view nearli edgeon ngc 4217 right m106 distanc ngc 4217 much less wellknown estim 60 million lightyears,view toward m106,2019-06-20,618,96,0.1354497354497354,06-20,6,2019,20,7,2,3 a94b477393a831775c9c2107a21b111b784ab0b9734dab2d28473e1321885d71,marcella giulia pace,today solstic univers time sun reach northernmost declin yearli journey planet earth sky june solstic mark astronom begin summer northern hemispher winter south also bring north longest day longest period sunris sunset fact june solstic sun near top northern point analemma figur 8 curv trace posit sun composit photo analemma creat imag taken everi 10 day time june 21 2018 june 7 2019 time chosen year earliest sunset near decemb solstice analemma lowest point unobstruct sea horizon left sunset arrang along horizon toward right center sunset septemb equinox end sunset june solstice,sunset analemma,2019-06-21,586,92,0.1476190476190476,06-21,6,2019,21,1,2,1 7de6c8de5579d723d930b3340412d5c2ff8cddbb1708ccbe0bf39d0cf95618d7,none,closeup mar reconnaiss orbiter hiris camera show weather crater windblown deposit southern acidalia planitia strike shade blue standard hiris imag colors human eye area would probabl look grey littl human eye gaze across terrain unless count eye nasa astronaut scifi novel martian novel adventur mark astronaut fiction mar mission are 3 land site correspond coordin crop hiris frame scale site would 110th diamet larg crater course are 3 land coordin 800 kilomet north carl sagan memori station 1997 pathfind land site,are 3 land site martian revisit,2019-06-22,518,81,-0.0083333333333333,06-22,6,2019,22,5,0,2 90b394d3f22a38f1a887ae48602d76fd37aca5d8807e01de0c1377514d50ee94,none,violent star affect surroundings help find out astronom creat highresolution panorama center carina nebula one largest star form region night sky featur image taken 2007 detail imag carina nebula yet taken catalog ngc 3372 carina nebula home stream hot gas pool cool gas knot dark globules pillar dens dusti interstellar matter keyhol nebula visibl left center hous sever massiv star known larg violent star like form dark globul continu reshap nebula energet light outflow stellar winds ultim end live supernova explosions visibl unaid eye entir carina nebula span 450 light year lie 8500 lightyear away toward constel ship keel carina,carina nebula panorama hubbl,2019-06-23,636,100,-0.0241258741258741,06-23,6,2019,23,4,2,5 2eeac13218b8a2ee13d6183c2eebc411d4a5545b911247f873841cb5d76c183d,peter,sometim night ground day air earth rotat eclips sun sunset rise ground therefore sunset ground sunlight still shine cloud above usual circumstances pretti sunset might visible unusu noctiluc cloud float high seen well dark normal dim seen may becom visibl sunset summer illumin sunlight below noctiluc cloud highest cloud known thought part polar mesospher clouds featur appear two week ago network noctiluc cloud captur distant sky reflect small lake north tree stark silhouett across horizon unusu bright noctiluc cloud continu appear much northern europe much noctiluc cloud discov past decade form evolv remain topic activ research gallery recent noctiluc cloud europ,noctiluc clouds silhouett,2019-06-26,671,101,0.0151111111111111,06-26,6,2019,26,8,2,1 9fefc585b8199fe485d34c141737bc2704c52542c3a97b814c17050c12a74a1e,gianluca,persist six month long exposur compress time solstic solstic decemb 21 2018 june 16 singl point view dub solargraph unconvent pictur record tall pinhol camera use piec photograph paper fix singl spot itali entir exposure simpl camera continu record sun daili path glow trail burn photosensit paper break gap trail caus cloud cover end exposure paper scan creat digit image course start decemb sun trail peak lower sky near northern hemisphere winter solstice trail climb higher day grow longer june 21st summer solstic approaches,day,2019-06-27,529,84,0.075,06-27,6,2019,27,1,0,1 7f5fd58e162c4bed1f8843e5d82965dc9388f7470aef8cf66750193411808a8e,robert gendler,big bright beautiful spiral galaxi m83 lie mere twelv million lightyear away near southeastern tip long constel hydra promin spiral arm trace dark dust lane blue star cluster lend galaxi popular name southern pinwheel reddish star form region dot sweep arm highlight sparkl color composit also suggest anoth nickname thousandrubi galaxy 40000 lightyear across m83 member group galaxi includ activ galaxi centauru a fact core m83 bright xray energies show high concentr neutron star black hole left intens burst star formation sharp composit color imag also featur spiki foreground milki way star distant background galaxies imag data taken subaru telescope european southern observatory wide field imag camera hubbl legaci archive,m83 thousandrubi galaxi,2019-06-29,730,110,0.1009649122807017,06-29,6,2019,29,7,2,3 c41e1ddc662459c9ac0838977fd815774d57408bef479ff50102d324bcc46d7b,p m p aniol s solar,photograph adequ portray magnific sun corona see corona firsthand total solar eclips unparalleled human eye adapt see coron featur extent averag camera usual cannot welcome however digit age featur central imag digit combin short long exposur process highlight faint extend featur corona total solar eclips occur august 2017 clearli visibl intric layer glow caustic ever chang mixtur hot ga magnet field sun corona loop promin appear bright pink past sun limb faint detail night side new moon even made out illumin sunlight reflect daysid full earth imag taken second total eclips show glimps background sun known baily bead diamond ring tomorrow new total solar eclips visibl part south america,big corona,2019-07-01,695,109,0.0153679653679653,07-01,7,2019,1,1,2,4 45a8d559817a656138a68f2f0b771f9c11ca56bfb43b80fcd3ee46c3e2f6b2df,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers contain billion star situat 40 million lightyear away toward constel dolphinfish dorado ngc 1566 present gorgeou faceon view classifi grand design spiral ngc 1566 show two promin grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes numer hubbl space telescop imag ngc 1566 taken studi star formation supernovas spiral unusu activ center images store onlin hubbl legaci archive freeli downloaded combined digit process industri amateur creat featur image ngc 1566 flare center make spiral one closest brightest seyfert galaxies like hous central supermass black hole wreak havoc surround star gas today total solar eclips visibl part south america,ngc 1566 spanish dancer spiral galaxi,2019-07-02,722,109,0.0871794871794871,07-02,7,2019,2,7,2,3 504110ef750a6728ce78155ffd2991709a2059fa6cdf224f32e61c88df24cd6f,yuri beletski,juli 2 denizen planet earth could stand moon dark umbral shadow south america 2019 total solar eclipse first touch southern pacif ocean east new zealand race toward east along narrow track shadow moon made landfal along chilean coast sun low western horizon captur foreground long shadow still cast direct sunlight though final moment total began diffract spike camera len almost total eclips sun briefli shone like beauti diamond ring clear darken sky,shadow moon,2019-07-04,452,72,0.0133116883116883,07-04,7,2019,4,2,0,1 4f08a0dcfa3be9a87bcb978f75f4e4351923e96af155eb21465517b346412ac9,petrhorálek,road high mountaintop la silla observatori chilean atacama desert also led path juli 2nd total solar eclipse record regular interv total eclips phase frame composit sequenc includ moment moon dark shadow fell across planet earth advanc larg telescopes dreamlik view look west toward set sun approach moon shadow fact la silla littl north shadow center line region stunning clear sky slightli brighter north right scene,la silla eclips sequenc,2019-07-05,418,65,0.0795714285714285,07-05,7,2019,5,2,0,1 05650379c6abf035bd059c965ba5ed5d0e4381864a470201e8906657ea82e47a,bob,total phase juli 2nd solar eclips last 4 minut 30 second point maximum eclipse surfac planet earth 600 nautic mile north easter island southern pacif ocean feet above flight moon shadow moon could seen complet block sun 8 minut 30 seconds mideclips intercept point plane travel around nautic mile per hour chase along moon shadow track cloud widefield imag total eclips sun shimmer solar corona wing record spectacular view window seat sunward side aircraft,8 30 second eclips,2019-07-06,457,74,0.075,07-06,7,2019,6,1,0,1 88e93ce5a9246f37afea8c3ac0dfde88f789d6635fe5176ebef600924eb26d2a,none,what happen center galaxy hard tell optic telescop sinc visibl light block interven interstellar dust band light though radio galact center imag show quit interest activ place featur pictur show inaugur imag meerkat array 64 radio dish complet south africa span four time angular size moon 2 degrees imag impress vast deep detailed mani known sourc shown clear detail includ mani prefix sgr sinc galact center direct constel sagittarius galaxy center lie sgr a found right imag center hous milki way central supermass black hole sourc imag well understood includ arc left sgr a numer filamentari threads goal meerkat includ search radio emiss neutral hydrogen emit much younger univers brief distant radio flashes,galact center radio meerkat,2019-07-08,713,113,0.0313690476190476,07-08,7,2019,8,6,2,4 b226b90ce98b8446f283aa3660a791905201970b14038f662f8f868fd7429232,leonardo,bird total solar eclipse dark descend quickli total eclips sunset return quickli perhap unexpectedli minut later stori unusu behavior bird eclips told centuries bird reaction record studi systemat citizen scientist particip project total solar eclips cross usa 2017 august although unusu observed mani observ note bird act like dusk either land fli low ground radar confirm signific decreas highfli bird insect totality conversely sever sight normal nocturn bird reported pictured flock bird la serena chile flew air togeth total solar eclips cross south america last week photograph captur scene frame eclips video next total solar eclips 2020 decemb also cross south america 2024 april total solar eclips cross north america mexico new england usa galleri notabl total eclips imag submit apod,total solar eclips,2019-07-09,796,121,0.0075757575757575,07-09,7,2019,9,1,2,4 694b1792149a71c7b71cac2c103cf92e06d567aa8dabfa47a92fc67e300ddb60,chart32 team,closeup imag ngc 3242 show cast shroud dying sunlik star known ghost jupit nebula deep wide telescop view also find seldom seen outer halo beauti planetari nebula upper left toward milki way star background galaxi serpentin constel hydra intens otherwis invis ultraviolet radiat nebula central white dwarf star power glow visibl light fact planet ngc 3242 evolv white dwarf star may contribut nebula symmetr featur shape activ begin star red giant phase long produc planetari nebula like caus fainter extens halo lightyear across ngc 3242 4500 lightyear away tenuou cloud glow materi right could well interstellar gas chanc close enough ngc 3242 white dwarf energ ultraviolet radiation,ghost jupiter halo,2019-07-11,685,107,0.0382653061224489,07-11,7,2019,11,4,2,5 33bcfece3d4b2361b8e6e1634c5c418bf49540234af80d36802ae8e19a9b1c16,eric benson,irregular galaxi ngc 55 thought similar larg magellan cloud lmc lmc 180000 lightyear away wellknown satellit milki way galaxy ngc 55 like 6 million lightyear distant member sculptor galaxi group classifi irregular galaxy deep exposur lmc resembl bar disk galaxy span 50000 lightyears ngc 55 seen nearli edgeon though present flattened narrow profil contrast faceon view lmc larg star form region creat emiss nebula lmc ngc 55 also seen produc new stars highli detail galaxi portrait highlight bright core cross dust clouds telltal pinkish star form regions young blue star cluster ngc 55,magellan galaxi ngc 55,2019-07-12,587,93,0.0636363636363636,07-12,7,2019,12,7,2,3 d4f43cfb94787bfc3fd8f9522f4fa5e76be243779eeb450dd58bde3f2e9fe5dd,raine colacurcio,that sunspot intern space station iss caught pass front sun sunspots individually dark central umbra lighter surround penumbra solar panels contrast iss complex multispir mechanism one largest sophist machin ever creat humanity also sunspot occur sun wherea iss orbit earth transit sun unusu iss orbit earth everi 90 minutes get one time equip right great imag rare strangely besid fake spot recent twoimag composite sun lack real sunspots featur pictur combin two imag one captur space station transit sun anoth taken consecut captur detail sun surface sunspot rare sun sinc dawn current solar minimum period low solar activity reason yet fulli understood number sunspot occur previou current solar minima unusu low,space station cross spotless sun,2019-07-15,718,111,0.059047619047619,07-15,7,2019,15,1,2,4 0a8175667657be356be9f7d97346b835cbe52e069dff507f4e4ed77af4c8b7ce,none,juli 16 moon celebr 50th anniversari launch apollo 11 lunar eclips visibl much planet earth view part lunar disk immers earth dark redden umbral shadow near maximum eclips phase touch along mountain ridge rug tyrolean nightscap record moonris south austria dramat lit commun tower along cours eclips rare travel alone partial lunar eclips full moon follow juli 2nd new moon total eclips sun,shadow moon mountain,2019-07-18,390,63,0.0929292929292929,07-18,7,2019,18,2,1,2 d525949c9baeab02ad0124b74fbcae4f49e95b370292cc5aa86653be56fb8862,none,juli 20 1969 apollo 11 lunar modul eagl safe touch moon land near southwestern corner moon mare tranquillitati land site dub tranquil base panoram view tranquil base construct histor photo taken lunar surface far left astronaut neil armstrong cast long shadow sun back eagl rest 60 meter away stand near rim 30 meterdiamet littl west crater seen right also visibl foreground top camera intend take stereo closeup lunar surface,panorama,2019-07-19,428,69,-0.0058441558441558,07-19,7,2019,19,2,0,2 93f32835a962efade80c256ab6bff3f2e21bf9b2e5367144ab5b75b4915fb709,none,mani moonquakes analys seismomet left moon apollo moon land reveal surpris number moonquak occur within 100 kilomet surface fact 62 moonquak detect data record 1972 1977 mani moonquak strong enough move furnitur lunar stiff rock moon continu vibrat mani minutes significantli longer softer rock earthquak earth caus moonquak remain unknown lead hypothesi collaps underground faults regardless source futur moon dwell need built withstand frequent shakings pictur 50 year ago today apollo 11 astronaut buzz aldrin stand besid recent deploy lunar seismometer look back toward lunar land module,moonquak surprisingli common,2019-07-21,591,87,0.0273809523809523,07-21,7,2019,21,2,0,2 2fdc092de8edcf743bb40098ddbfab5aeb63e20dd4b61df56ca81447f7d7c20b,cristian fattinnanzi,could creat larg circular shadow moon earth last week full moon buck moon full fell almost exactli line sun earth happen earth cast shadow onto moon earth shadow moon comment notic sinc least 4th centuri bc what new humanity abil record shadow high dynam rang featur hdr composit last week partial lunar eclips combin 15 imag includ exposur short 1400th second overexpos brightest part exposur last five second bring dimmest part dimmest part insid earth umbra complet dark light refract earth atmospher onto moon total lunar eclips occur next 2021 may partial lunar eclips 2019 memor imag submit apod,earth circular shadow moon,2019-07-22,608,99,0.043903743315508,07-22,7,2019,22,2,2,1 8c668ada2d489066284bf76f591bf434ff5ded4115691fd100094623c6aecc63,none,cigar galaxi billow red smoke m82 starburst galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand ga dust however evid indic ga dust driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind dust particl thought origin m82 interstellar medium actual similar size particl cigar smoke featur photograph mosaic highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament ga dust filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel great bear ursa major apod languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,m82 galaxi supergalact wind,2019-07-23,855,125,0.110625,07-23,7,2019,23,7,2,4 54711788e24ac6d6060221f70df1933b303aad23c49d4377f3bd2f0a9226e473,ruslan merzlyakov rm photography,what strang light road dust orbit sun certain time year band sunreflect dust inner solar system appear promin sunset sunris call zodiac light although origin dust still researched lead hypothesi hold zodiac dust origin mostli faint jupiterfamili comet slowli spiral sun recent analysi dust emit comet 67p visit esa robot rosetta spacecraft bolster hypothesis pictur climb road teid nation park canari island spain bright triangl zodiac light appear distanc soon sunset captur june 21 scene includ bright regulus alpha star leo stand center toward left beehiv star cluster m44 spot center closer horizon also immers zodiac glow,zodiac road,2019-07-24,628,97,0.1761904761904762,07-24,7,2019,24,6,2,1 aa8889b144328d4fdb17e73d00fc26154c32170edb6b8ae72db41ee783835ecd,alistair symon,brush stroke interstellar dust glow hydrogen gas beauti skyscap paint across plane milki way galaxi near northern end great rift constel cygnu swan compos three differ telescop 90 hour imag data widefield mosaic span impress 24 degre across sky alpha star cygnus bright hot supergi deneb lie near top center crowd star lumin ga cloud cygnu also home dark obscur northern coal sack nebula extend deneb toward center view reddish glow star form region ngc 7000 north america nebula ic 5070 pelican nebula left deneb veil nebula standout left center supernova remnant veil 1400 light year away mani nebula star cluster identifi throughout cosmic scene course deneb also known northern hemispher skygaz place two aster mark top northern cross vertex summer triangle,cygnu skyscap,2019-07-25,762,122,0.1933333333333333,07-25,7,2019,25,4,2,5 1c336524f44d17c32fe9f9f82d0fb6d4498262ef3a87934b048b106c05fd5b55,clear sky,transfus sunlight still dark sky except display noctiluc cloud captur earlier month reflect calm water vallentuna lake near stockholm sweden edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud still reflect sunlight even though sun horizon seen ground usual spot high latitud summer month night shine cloud made strong show far short northern summer nights also known polar mesopher cloud understood form water vapor driven cold upper atmospher condens fine dust particl suppli disintegr meteor volcan ash nasa aim mission provid daili project noctiluc cloud seen space,vein heaven,2019-07-26,562,86,0.0328205128205128,07-26,7,2019,26,8,0,1 fcd37ff7f65d181f7addc01c8a1d3e9e2b897c5db42b7810974a4bb9984699b9,nasa jplcaltech l optic d de martin,north america nebula north american cannot form stars precis nebula star form mostli obscur nebula thick dust opaqu visibl light however view north america nebula infrar light orbit spitzer space telescop peer much dust uncov thousand newli form stars roll cursor scientificallycolor infrar imag bring correspond optic imag region comparison infrar imag neatli captur young star mani stage formation imbed dens knot ga dust surround disk emit jets clear birth cocoons north america nebula ngc 7000 span 50 light year lie 1500 light year away toward constel swan cygnus still star known north america nebula massiv star emit energet light give ioniz red glow still debated,north america nebula infrar,2019-07-28,672,106,0.1909090909090909,07-28,7,2019,28,4,2,5 55662bd4908f4772fbcde3b2766f4224101caba6e121f3684ecc34b42753d515,sergio montfar,ever watch lightn storm awe join crowd detail caus lightn still researched known insid clouds intern updraft caus collis ice snow slowli separ charg cloud top bottom rapid electr discharg lightn soon result lightn usual take jag course rapidli heat thin column air three time surfac temperatur sun result shock wave start superson decay loud sound known thunder average around world 6000 lightn bolt occur cloud earth everi minute pictur earlier month twoimag composite lightn stem commun antenna near top volcn de volcano water guatemala,lightn volcano water,2019-07-29,538,85,0.0888888888888888,07-29,7,2019,29,8,0,1 7f7d5b3f8c03fbee3e7e0ea7047ff17fb04f5e9ebfa811992c956a71f8ae9d10,andrew campbel,what happen statu liberti nebula bright star interest molecul form liberated complex nebula resid star form region call rcw 57 besid icon monument look like fli superhero weep angel digit remov stars imag showcas dens knot dark interstellar dust field glow hydrogen ga ioniz stars great loop ga expel die stars detail studi ngc 3576 also known ngc 3582 ngc 3584 uncov least 33 massiv star end stage formation clear presenc complex carbon molecul known polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs pah thought creat cool ga star form regions develop sun format nebula five billion year ago may import step develop life earth follow apod english on instagram facebook reddit twitter,star form region ngc 3582 without star,2019-07-30,668,109,0.1,07-30,7,2019,30,4,2,5 c192f7105204ce19d67295c11c670b3713254d02c504b2893221ad1f3f37ba5b,alan pham,some nebula look like head fish however color cosmic portrait realli featur glow ga obscur dust cloud ic 1795 star form region northern constel cassiopeia nebula color creat adopt hubbl color palett map narrow emiss oxygen hydrogen sulfur atom blue green red colors blend data imag region record broadband filters far sky famou doubl star cluster perseus ic 1795 locat next ic 1805 heart nebula part complex star form region lie edg larg molecular cloud locat 6000 lightyear away larger star form complex sprawl along perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy distance pictur would span 70 lightyear across ic 1795 astrophysicists brows code astrophys sourc code librari,ic 1795 fishhead nebula,2019-07-31,663,107,-0.1,07-31,7,2019,31,4,2,5 2da6579e5d44e0a7ba056881502beecc1172a3c4f20abf3a5f1adee8d8d12365,none,massiv star spend brief live furious burn nuclear fuel fusion extrem temperatur densiti surround stellar core nuclei light element like hydrogen helium combin heavier element like carbon oxygen etc progress end iron supernova explosion massiv star inevit spectacular demise blast back space debri enrich heavier element incorpor star planet people detail falsecolor xray imag orbit chandra observatori show hot expand stellar debri cloud 36 lightyear across catalog g292018 young supernova remnant 20000 lightyear distant toward southern constel centaurus light supernova explos reach earth estim 1600 year ago bluish color highlight filament mulitmillion degre ga except rich oxygen neon magnesium enrich supernova also produc pulsar aftermath rotat neutron star remnant collaps stellar core stun imag releas part 20th anniversari celebr chandra xray observatory,element aftermath,2019-08-01,863,122,0.194090909090909,08-01,8,2019,1,6,2,4 e9ab3ee963401ec7787befe441378903d750487d624d8a41e4269b277ed521c0,goldman,small constel hide near south celesti pole chamaeleon boast bright stars star form within constel boundari though complex dark dusti molecular clouds 500 lightyear distant chamaeleon ii dark nebula inhabit view cosmic dust cloud standout mostli silhouett starri southern sky telescop frame angular size full moon span 5 lightyear dark cloud estim distance scatter near center telltal reddish glow identifi herbigharo object seen sharp image jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars,chamaeleon ii dark cloud,2019-08-02,481,73,-0.0053571428571428,08-02,8,2019,2,4,0,5 c34b7471f1b292b14ada617e18f862d730bf24f0796e5c1512106e49fcce52ed,none,year ago result first present indic energi univers star galaxi tie space itself languag cosmologists larg cosmolog constant dark energi directli impli new distant supernova observations suggest cosmolog constant new exist sinc advent modern relativist cosmology claim usual popular astronomers though dark energi unlik known univers components dark energy abund appear limit observations lessstrang cosmolog without signific amount dark energi previous done well explain data except seemingli direct reliabl method observ good reput scientist conduct investigations two decades independ team astronom continu accumul data appear confirm exist dark energi unsettl result present acceler universe 2011 team leader award nobel prize physic work featur pictur supernova occur 1994 outskirt spiral galaxi taken one collaborations news apod avail via facebook,rumor dark univers,2019-08-04,856,118,0.0450558213716108,08-04,8,2019,4,8,2,4 91282e6b7f7fa043459d88b92e39db0f4fdbb5ff067237b71d27bee2bbe33533,thierri legault,saw total solar eclipse would one astrophotograph took lake bit planning realiz eclips would low horizon look suitabl place along thin swath south america would see minutes moon complet block sun directli reflection day totality visit argentin lake call la del the slope and despit name found littl wind lake look like mirror return day eclipse though strong breez churn water enough ruin eclips reflect shot despair strangely hour totality wind die down may relat eclips itself eclips ground heat air less reduc amount rise warm air even chang wind direction eclips tripod camera ready lake featur imag came singl exposur last one fifteenth second soon totality wind return water becam matter 2019 juli total solar eclips captur forever,total solar eclips reflect,2019-08-05,741,119,0.0354700854700854,08-05,8,2019,5,1,2,1 884f94088b3ef8b72c47f4dbb9c620a88128faeb71688245c7fbf115a9c89225,none,region univers look like sinc galaxi spread sky sinc milki way galaxi block part distant sky hard tell new map made however use largescal galaxi motion infer massiv object must gravit nearbi universe featur map span 600 million light year side show milki way galaxi edg virgo cluster galaxies connect great attractor even larger group galaxies also nearbi massiv coma cluster extens supercluster conversely also edg huge region nearli empti galaxi known local void repuls push local void combin gravit pull toward elev galaxi densiti side sky explain part mysteri high speed galaxi rel cosmic microwav background all explor local univers yourself determin invit zoom spin around interact 3d visualization,local void nearbi univers,2019-08-06,706,110,0.1170580808080808,08-06,8,2019,6,7,2,3 459d2a11fdfc500e668b449e5be1b08f4a181fd1340e9126d2fb7eb9da5452c9,mohammad s,good month see jupiter find solar system largest planet sky look toward southeast sunset jupit brightest object part sky binocular small telescope abl see jupiter four brightest moon right nearby possibl cloud bands featur imag taken month ago persian imag show jupit right nearli vertic band central disk milki way galaxy unnam rock format appear project like giant monster readi engulf jovian giant see jupiter may interest know nasa robot juno spacecraft simultan visit studi giant planet saturn also visibl month although nearbi jupiter bright,jupit engulf milki way,2019-08-07,548,85,0.1912698412698412,08-07,8,2019,7,8,1,1 5d28b2a399d46ba8824fd88c8c01d7bde3bfc038aaa3b23407f18f273d832e1e,none,part 360 degre panorama view look mar rover curiosity current locat red planet dub ridge mosaick scene captur rover mastcam earth calendar date june 18 2019 correspond curiosity sol 2440 martian day surface sinc land seven year ago august 6 2012 gale crater curios travel 21 kilomet 13 miles right rover track lead back toward vera rubin ridg gale crater rim visibl distance robot rover leav wheel track 3 meter 10 feet apart mission curios great success explor histori water martian environment fact nasa mar 2020 rover larg base mar curios rover watch perseid meteor shower,curios ridg,2019-08-08,575,96,0.0836734693877551,08-08,8,2019,8,5,2,2 de98891b64535d4abe06887f65c4a2d892b074a6a7b728cee9b88222ce9666bc,michael seeley,single long exposur follow earli flight atla v rocket august 8 streak eastward toward dawn cape canaver air forc station planet earth launch unit launch allianc rocket local time sunris rocket plume altitud brightli lit sun still eastern horizon water indian river lagoon palm shores reflect subtl color warm glow otherwis calm predawn sky mighti atla rocket carri militari commun satellit earth orbit course weekend streak see clear sky dawn could perseid meteors watch perseid meteor shower,atla dawn,2019-08-09,492,77,0.1464285714285714,08-09,8,2019,9,8,1,1 3ac298e25fe215815f9b4ec70579fcd67ab2a2c357964959793a9a0ecf3d1089,ignaciodiaz bobillo,star cluster around 2 million year young surround natal cloud dust glow gas m16 also known eagl nebula beauti detail imag region adopt color hubbl palett includ cosmic sculptur made famou hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend ridg bright emiss left center anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake watch perseid meteor shower,m16 close,2019-08-10,680,107,0.0692148760330578,08-10,8,2019,10,4,2,5 a16f43742d49303ef7e25767a8c27b13e9090aa447e2054f552a814f375106c0,none,danc death along way two larg galaxi duel cosmic bridg stars gas dust current stretch 75000 lightyear join them bridg strong evid two immens star system pass close experienc violent tide induc mutual gravity evidence faceon spiral galaxi right also known ngc 3808a exhibit mani young blue star cluster produc burst star formation twist edgeon spiral left ngc 3808b seem wrap materi bridg galaxi surround curiou polar ring together system known arp 87 morpholog classified technically peculiar interact drawn billion years repeat close passag ultim result death one galaxi sens one galaxi eventu result although scenario look peculiar galact merger thought common arp 87 repres stage inevit process arp 87 pair 300 million lightyear distant toward constel leo promin edgeon spiral galaxi far left appear distant background galaxi involv ongo merger,arp 87 merg galaxi hubbl,2019-08-11,847,131,-0.0331632653061224,08-11,8,2019,11,7,2,3 eb8ac3de12a17d584aec60589b5a66036359186b806465cbe29e1e116c7001b4,petr horálek,tonight good night see meteors comet dust rain planet earth streak dark sky peak annual perseid meteor shower featur composit imag taken last year perseid polonini dark sky park slovakia unusu build foreground planetarium ground kolonica observatory although comet dust particl travel parallel other result shower meteor clearli seem radiat singl point sky eponym constel perseus radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance like train tracks perseid meteor shower expect peak midnight tonight although unfortun year sky brighten near full moon,perseid meteor,2019-08-12,569,83,0.0599999999999999,08-12,8,2019,12,3,0,1 b1dc650e90659d7f099d12398e41a95304dfdb56cdb56d52f5771ee849498df9,none,what next moon saturn monthli trip around earth henc earth sky moon pass nearli front sunorbit saturn earlier week actual moon pass directli front saturn wide swath earth southern hemisphere featur imag sydney australia captur pair minut eclipse imag singl shot last 1500th second later process better highlight moon saturn sinc saturn nearli opposit sun seen nearli entir night start sunset toward south east gibbou moon also nearli opposit sun also visibl nearli entir night full tomorrow night moon occult saturn everi lap make around earth year,saturn behind moon,2019-08-14,551,87,0.075,08-14,8,2019,14,0,0,1 2dc6732b4790c05bac52c7d85c1deda7b456ee8ac581585c4f4a5f5cb86d7fa8,jeff dai,despit interf moonlight mani denizen planet earth abl watch year perseid meteor shower scene includ local skygaz admir shower brief heavenli flash predawn hour near peak activ august 13 xinjiang china composite imag regist seven frame taken two hour span record perseid meteor streak starri sky center along horizon north famou asterism though might see familiar celesti kitchen utensil known big dipper perhap year easili enjoy meteor shower perseid meteor produc earth sweep dust period comet swifttuttle dust particl vapor altitud 100 kilomet plow atmospher 60 kilomet per second,perseid,2019-08-15,582,89,0.096875,08-15,8,2019,15,8,2,1 926aff5361e60a440460a832c0e29abe92af6ab3b754e1a558d383c09e88ea79,chuck ayoub,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus also known vdb 142 cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long color closeup view record narrow band filter transmit light ioniz hydrogen sulfur oxygen atom region result composit highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat scene span 1 degre wide field size 2 full moons,elephant trunk nebula cepheu,2019-08-16,607,96,0.014326923076923,08-16,8,2019,16,4,2,5 5e93dccb18ca54067229fafef7e2510ec4a8f11d3d3656d5938f66595df86764,none,turn 20th centuri advanc photographi contribut import tool astronomers improv photograph materials long exposures new telescop produc astronom imag detail visibl telescop eyepiec alone remark recogniz astrophotograph today stun imag star form orion nebula captur 1901 american astronom telescop design georg origin glass photograph plate sensit green blue wavelengths digit invert produc posit image hand written note indic 50 minut long exposur end dawn reflect telescop apertur 24 inch mask 18 inch improv sharp record image plate hundr year ago preserv astronom data still use explor astrophys processes,1901 orion nebula,2019-08-17,606,88,-0.0360795454545454,08-17,8,2019,17,8,0,4 d891b2e24ef498dd9717f641095f1dc69feb8f6972f8a2d1b436f59f7c045b8f,r j nemiroff,spaceship soar universe dog carri us trillion microorgan go life bacteria differ dna you collect call outnumb cells crew member form help food engag battl sometim liquid one end bodi other much does however remain unknown nice crew may allow explor local cosmos,human spaceship,2019-08-18,261,43,0.1149999999999999,08-18,8,2019,18,8,1,2 731b22a68d15ef29e690b295c6ad95afd7df946700ff894418e7606137f3f69f,dario giannobil,what happen volcano although mount etna seen cloud relat eruption lenticular cloud form moist air forc upward near mountain volcano surreal scene captur chanc late last month astrophotograph went mount etna unesco world heritag site sicily italy photograph conjunct moon star aldebaran moon appear bright crescent phase illumin edg lower lenticular cloud red hot lava flow right besid breathtak companion timelaps video scene show lenticular cloud form star trail far distance follow apod english on instagram facebook reddit twitter,lenticular cloud mount etna,2019-08-19,533,79,0.1385714285714285,08-19,8,2019,19,8,1,1 23af99c32777faf4e630a27b563e9502f728a90ae4693ae12f3834bf3e2723cf,john andreo,recogn constellation although one recogniz star group sky full orion see orion reveal long exposur digit camera imag postprocessing cool red giant betelgeus take strong orang tint brightest star lower left orion hot blue star numerous supergi rigel balanc betelgeus upper right bellatrix upper left line orion belt three star 1500 lightyear away born constellation wellstudi interstellar clouds right orion belt bright fuzzi patch might also look familiar stellar nurseri known orion nebula finally bare visibl unaid eye quit strike barnard loop huge gaseou emiss nebula surround orion belt nebula discov 100 year ago pioneer orion photograph e e barnard apod avail,orion almost see,2019-08-21,668,102,0.1839880952380952,08-21,8,2019,21,4,2,5 f23baf17d63681103632f6214cf99e8f9c21f2ee8c8fc8815519e0729313637f,martin pugh,larg spiral galaxi ngc 4945 seen edgeon near center cosmic galaxi portrait fact almost size milki way galaxy ngc 4945 dusti disk young blue star clusters pink star form region standout sharp color telescop image 13 million lightyear distant toward expans southern constel centaurus ngc 4945 six time farther away andromeda nearest larg spiral galaxi milki way though galaxy central region larg hidden view optic telescopes xray infrar observ indic signific high energi emiss star format core ngc 4945 obscur activ nucleu qualifi gorgeou island univers seyfert galaxi home central supermass black hole,nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 4945,2019-08-22,600,93,-0.0306410256410256,08-22,8,2019,22,7,0,3 7bf6bddc7ebad7f6cec7a58888328711aaaaa9573dbefd7ef98d7d91b2e78ffd,sara wager,drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long california nebula shine telltal reddish glow characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons electron strip away ioniz energet starlight like provid energet starlight ioniz much nebular ga bright hot bluish star xi persei right nebula popular target astrophotographers deep california nebula imag 6 panel mosaic cover wide field view nebula lie toward constel perseus far pleiades,ngc 1499 california nebula,2019-08-23,633,96,0.1911255411255411,08-23,8,2019,23,4,2,5 20ef65877414649ad962d6bdbec9d4794d574868106abdf87edecfe6bbf37e6d,michael miller,globular star cluster omega centauri also known ngc 5139 15000 lightyear away cluster pack 10 million star much older sun within volum 150 lightyear diameter largest brightest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way,million star omega centauri,2019-08-24,422,66,0.0555555555555555,08-24,8,2019,24,6,0,3 c974da00deb545349984c5be2f8b5aed0c6d30189fd2e45f2e66dbf6c66c50ad,juan lozano de haro,paint photograph classic celesti still life compos cosmic brush dusti nebula ngc 2170 also known angel nebula shine near imag center reflect light nearbi hot stars ngc 2170 join bluish reflect nebulae red emiss region mani dark absorpt nebulae backdrop color stars like common household item still life painter often choos subjects cloud gas dust hot star featur also commonli found set massive starform molecular cloud constel unicorn monoceros giant molecular cloud mon r2 impress close estim 2400 lightyear away distance canva would 60 lightyear across,ngc 2170 angel nebula still life,2019-08-26,556,86,0.056060606060606,08-26,8,2019,26,4,0,5 6b8a7d2c8bb1e87782eccc7ca98cb1df0f6aa6a8490453acdfa4e578129d2b01,none,sky near antar rho ophiuchi dusti yet colorful color result mixtur object processes fine dust illumin front starlight produc blue reflect nebulae gaseou cloud whose atom excit ultraviolet starlight produc reddish emiss nebulae backlit dust cloud block starlight appear dark antares red supergi one brighter star night sky light yellowr cloud lower left featur image rho ophiuchi lie center blue nebula near top distant globular cluster m4 visibl right antares star cloud even color human see emit light across electromagnet spectrum,dark dust color cloud near antar,2019-08-27,532,81,0.1345238095238095,08-27,8,2019,27,6,1,5 557c474031dcd1c51826ac5d2ed86dcecada129b954fe2080633b09ecf65fb52,none,imag data hubbl space telescope european southern observatory small telescop planet earth combin magnific portrait faceon spiral galaxi messier 61 mere 55 million lightyear away virgo cluster galaxies m61 also known ngc consid exampl bar spiral galaxi similar milki way like spiral galaxies m61 also featur sweep spiral arms cosmic dust lanes pinkish star form regions young blue star clusters bright galact core offset left 50 thousand lightyear wide closeup,messier close,2019-08-28,459,70,-0.0049999999999999,08-28,8,2019,28,7,0,3 937e8569f786656154d72c3277e2b90ffab3d0490d4fa3ff5a2b502f876b4387,bob frank,hunt comet sky 18th centuri france astronom charl messier dilig kept list thing encount definit comets number 27 famou notacomet list fact 21st centuri astronom would identifi planetari nebula planet either even though may appear round planetlik small telescope messier 27 m27 excel exampl gaseou emiss nebula creat sunlik star run nuclear fuel core nebula form star outer layer expel space visibl glow gener atom excit die star intens invis ultraviolet light known popular name dumbbel nebula beauti symmetr interstellar ga cloud 25 lightyear across 1200 lightyear away constel vulpecula impress color composit highlight detail within wellstudi central region fainter seldom imag featur nebula outer halo incorpor broad narrowband imag record use filter sensit emiss hydrogen oxygen atoms,m27 comet,2019-08-29,789,118,0.0875,08-29,8,2019,29,4,2,5 870e72dd46d266fcfbce92bea49aab486bc7ab5ed29224e24860456353f5a456,stevecannistra,widefield telescop imag look toward constel cepheu intrigu visual pair dusti reflect nebula ngc 7129 right open star cluster ngc 7142 two appear separ half degre sky actual lie quit differ distances foreground dusti nebula ngc 7129 3000 lightyear distant open cluster ngc 7142 like 6000 lightyear away fact pervas clumpi foreground dust cloud region redden light ngc 7142 complic astronom explor cluster still ngc 7142 thought older open star cluster bright star embed ngc 7129 perhap million year young telltal reddish crescent shape around ngc 7129 associ energet jet stream away newborn stars,ngc 7129 ngc 7142,2019-08-30,595,94,0.1154761904761905,08-30,8,2019,30,4,2,5 554fea2b96959ce95e9b2aff7d574c1ca39f8e3b826d7e3fa1fa4b9ff7ab4da0,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula immens stellar nurseri 1500 lightyear away span 40 lightyear across region infrar imag spitzer space telescop construct data intend monitor bright nebula young stars mani still surround dusty planetform disks orion young star 1 million year old compar sun age 46 billion years region hottest star found trapezium cluster brightest cluster near pictur center launch orbit around sun august 25 2003 spitzer liquid helium ran may 2009 infrar space telescop continu oper though mission schedul end januari 30 2020 record 2010 fals color view two channel still remain sensit infrar light spitzer warmer oper temperatures,spitzer orion,2019-08-31,659,102,0.1388888888888889,08-31,8,2019,31,4,2,5 44faa36d3ff93d2cad55f89ec3838b63f6d4b079c24073825772267065a7e15b,marco lorenzi,ever seen pleiad star cluster even have probabl never seen dusti this perhap famou star cluster sky bright star pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city long exposur dark location though dust cloud surround pleiad star cluster becom evident featur exposur took 12 hour cover sky area sever time size full moon also known seven sister m45 pleiad lie 400 light year away toward constel bull taurus common legend modern twist one brighter star fade sinc cluster named leav six star visibl unaid eye actual number pleiad star visible however may less seven depend dark surround sky clariti observer eyesight,m45 pleiad star cluster,2019-09-01,620,101,0.0984848484848484,09-01,9,2019,1,6,2,1 b79563befbacf708855b34cf0a29ecb8db8fb166e8250eaa7c816b54ef6e2ac4,giorgia hofercortina astronom association,bright light sky hike high mountain pass northern itali three week ago conjunct moon distant planet jupit visibl toward south sunset picturesqu mountain distanc tre cime di lavaredo three peak unesco world heritag site three best known mountain peak italy dolomites entir alps foreground left hut refug tire hiker locat hour nearest park lot bright sky object upper left saturn entir scene captur singl exposure jupit saturn remain promin southwestern sky sunset month moon monthli orbit around earth pass near jupit four days,moon jupit alp,2019-09-02,526,83,0.296,09-02,9,2019,2,8,1,1 95a0e1c23286a91edf29027556bee62ecdf3e69ee1339c9294786ab57adf02d2,none,spider ever catch fly larg emiss nebula toward constel chariot auriga spidershap ga cloud left actual emiss nebula label ic 417 smaller flyshap cloud imag left dub ngc 1931 emiss nebula reflect nebula 10000 lightyear distant nebula harbor young open star clusters scale compact ngc 1931 fly 10 lightyear across featur pictur infrar color combin imag spitzer space telescop two micron sky survey spitzer celebr 16th year orbit sun near earth apod languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,spider nebula infrar,2019-09-04,644,97,0.10625,09-04,9,2019,4,4,2,5 f611242f275db3de62449b42b05023f2b27ed3da53b14d54165713893eb58bd4,bare,16th centuri portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan understood satellit galaxi much larger spiral milki way galaxy 160000 lightyear distant constel dorado larg magellan cloud lmc seen remark deep colorful image span 15000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi home closest supernova modern times sn 1987a promin patch center 30 doradus also known magnific tarantula nebula giant starform region 1000 lightyear across,larg cloud magellan,2019-09-05,581,84,0.0549999999999999,09-05,9,2019,5,7,0,3 747e38832d28d0d673f2d79b2888e4d1497b8772f1cd6f6ebbf60e0513bb1d5d,charli bracken,mysteri blue reflect nebula found catalog vdb 152 ced 201 realli faint lie tip long dark nebula barnard 175 dusti complex also call wolf cave center deep widefield telescop view cosmic apparit nearli 1400 lightyear away along northern milki way royal constel cepheus near edg larg molecular cloud pocket interstellar dust region block light background star scatter light embed bright star give nebula characterist blue color ultraviolet light star also thought caus dim reddish luminesc nebular dust though star form molecular clouds star seem accident wander area measur veloc space differ cloud velocity anoth dense obscur dark nebula ldn easi spot upper right frame color planetari nebula dengelhartl 5 center faint reddish emiss ancient supernova remnant also trace lower right upper left complex cepheus,wolf cave,2019-09-07,808,124,0.0226708074534161,09-07,9,2019,7,4,2,5 2fdbaf96cd5957a4b4773aa20022d8e319571ca5433f6fc8de508748ccce1c2b,amir h abolfath twan,far see distant object easili visibl unaid eye m31 great andromeda galaxy two million lightyear away without telescope even immens spiral galaxi appear unremarkable faint nebul cloud constel andromeda bright yellow nucleus dark wind dust lanes lumin blue spiral arms bright red emiss nebula record stun telescop digit mosaic closest major galact neighbor even casual skygaz inspir knowledg mani distant galaxi like m31 astronom serious debat fundament concept 100 year ago spiral nebulae simpli outli ga cloud milki way galaxi island universes distant galaxi star compar milki way itself question central famou shapleycurti debat 1920 later resolv observ favor andromeda like milki way galaxi conclus make rest univers much vast mani ever imagined,m31 andromeda galaxi,2019-09-09,749,113,0.0321759259259259,09-09,9,2019,9,7,2,3 90d597b3459ca4e75888a91560409c5b10600c9d23d77946cfb34278c7a96220,none,color pluto took effort figur out even given imag sent back earth robot new horizon spacecraft sped past pluto 2015 process multispectr frame approxim human eye would see result featur here releas three year raw data acquir new horizons highest resolut true color imag pluto ever taken visibl imag lightcolored heartshaped tombaugh regio unexpectedli smooth sputnik planitia made frozen nitrogen fill western lobe new horizon found surprisingli complex surfac compos mani region percept differ hues total though pluto mostli brown much mute color origin small amount surfac methan energ ultraviolet light sun,pluto true color,2019-09-10,608,92,0.0485547785547785,09-10,9,2019,10,8,2,4 0015b639d4253eaaa3393c736ef26eb76acab027248ee299ec1688323d18d5bd,bray fall,energ heart nebula first larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like human heart nebula glow brightli red light emit promin element hydrogen red glow larger shape power small group star near nebula center center heart nebula young star open star cluster melott 15 erod away sever picturesqu dust pillar energet light winds open cluster star contain bright star nearli 50 time mass sun mani dim star fraction mass sun absent microquasar expel million year ago heart nebula locat 7500 light year away toward constel cassiopeia coincidentally small meteor captur foreground imag visibl dust pillars top right companion fishhead nebula,ic 1805 heart nebula,2019-09-11,634,101,0.1302721088435374,09-11,9,2019,11,4,2,5 8e6f57c2e8d711f02da42c836eed35819f7b559dd63883c68b75dcae70b64cdf,marku bauer,cosmic dust cloud drift 1300 lightyear away along fertil starfield constel cepheus beauti iri nebula also known ngc 7023 blossom upper left nebula sky evok imageri flowers pretty symmetr form span 6 lightyears nebula domin blue color characterist pervas dust grain reflect light nearbi hot bluish star darker obscur dust cloud cover nearli 4 degre wide field view right ldn complex lynd dark nebulae star form there still hidden within dark cloud cores search sharp imag identifi herbigharo object though jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars,iri nebula field dust,2019-09-12,545,88,0.013860544217687,09-12,9,2019,12,4,0,5 cb729c2fb7540725c00d8283b4100158c9833408dd724a07dd5f9f0147516099,jeanfrancoisgraffand,fame festival story song best known full moon harvest moon northern hemispher dweller that tradit name full moon nearest septemb equinox north america time zone year harvest moon offici rise friday septemb 13 fact harvest moon rise septemb 14 much planet though cours moon look almost full surround days regardless time zone harvest moon like full moon rise opposit set sun near horizon moon illus might make appear bigger brighter harvest moon near lunar apogee that farthest point orbit make distant smallest full moon year august 15 field south central franc made harvest moon scene too full moon shine beauti iridesc cloud sunset,harvest moon,2019-09-13,633,103,0.2615384615384615,09-13,9,2019,13,2,2,1 cd623f25205b5a3cd9323d1ff4a16ba9d4262a2ae0db2777e1fcdc69f7e62ea9,petrhorálek,cours littl planet realli planet earth digit stitch 360 x 180 degre mosaic captur high chilean atacama desert seemingli larg dome hous 1meter diamet telescop speculoo southern observatory name creativ inspir treat speculoo habit planet eclips stars telescop realli hunt littl planets mission search telltal dim indic transit terrestri exoplanet around popul nearby tiny dim ultracool stars horizon adapt optic laser beam fire eso mountain top paran observatory central milki way magellan cloud also shine littl planet night sky,littl planet,2019-09-14,527,79,0.1228571428571428,09-14,9,2019,14,8,1,4 f2339c582c0bd91ae16dc1635c5427a2c758c1ffbff844dbb66d9c48efe273ff,none,one largest longest live storm ever record solar system first seen late 2010 cloud format northern hemispher saturn start larger earth soon spread complet around planet storm track earth close robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn pictur fals color infrar february orang color indic cloud deep atmosphere light color highlight cloud higher up ring saturn seen nearli edgeon thin blue horizont line warp dark band shadow ring cast onto cloud top sun upper left sourc radio nois lightning intens storm thought relat season chang spring emerg north saturn rage six months icon storm circl entir planet tri absorb tail surprisingli caus fade away,long storm system saturn,2019-09-15,643,102,0.0527972027972027,09-15,9,2019,15,0,2,1 b692e616af06b4a04fff03a05ba9ead05dcdb10dbb619be8e351ccb2d0ba24b8,giorgia hofercortina astronom association,color ring around moon corona ring like sometim appear moon seen thin clouds effect creat quantum mechan diffract light around individual similarlys water droplet interven mostlytranspar cloud sinc light differ color differ wavelengths color diffract differently lunar corona one quantum mechan color effect easili seen unaid eye featur lunar corona captur around full moon turin itali 2014 similar corona form around sun usual harder see sun great brightness,lunar corona,2019-09-16,459,68,0.12,09-16,9,2019,16,2,1,1 3ff6f0e87088ca1bab2205c60afc811d66a02ab912617af8738a7c99b482726d,none,els might life exist one humanity great outstand questions locat planet extrasolar life might surviv took step forward recent discoveri signific amount water vapor atmospher distant exoplanet k218b planet parent star k218 lie 124 light year away toward constel lion leo exoplanet significantli larger massiv earth orbit habit zone home star k218 although red sun shine k218b sky bright similar sun earth sky discoveri made data three space telescopes hubble spitzer kepler note absorpt watervapor color planet move front star featur illustr imagin exoplanet k218b right parent red dwarf star left sister planet them,water vapor discov distant exoplanet,2019-09-17,615,94,0.1896103896103896,09-17,9,2019,17,6,2,4 a3173b5c52033bb5404d1d529d00f9f13cdd773d9258558f4b2fbc487c57440d,min xie,delic appearance filament shocked glow gas drape across planet earth sky toward constel cygnus form western part veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago blast cataclysm event interstellar shock wave plow space sweep excit interstellar material glow filament realli like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ atom hydrogen red oxygen bluegreen gas also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears telescop imag western portion span half distance brighter part western veil recogn separ nebulae includ witch broom ngc 6960 along top view pickering triangl ngc 6979 left,along western veil,2019-09-19,775,122,0.0303030303030303,09-19,9,2019,19,4,2,5 3dea41ec6c150ffabd896dbff5693cc0b36af09ad2dc9983f883c335d48ede51,robert eder,frame bright emiss region telescop view look across pretti field star along plane milki way galaxy toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula reddish glow cloud interstellar ga dust also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 8000 lightyear distant 70 lightyear across complex beauti nebula blossom near center composit image ultraviolet radiat young energet star edg cygnu ob3 association ioniz atom power emiss tulip nebula,tulip swan,2019-09-21,462,69,0.1107142857142857,09-21,9,2019,21,4,1,5 4020eb507cf8f6c1f0a9bd57de6d73a8f5f33cc86ca170d8fdb15b1cefda6ffe,anton komlev,see look sky center dark see night sky fill stars see sunset left cloud around see central band milki way galaxi run middle see ruin abandon outpost hill the outpost island see photograph headlamp contempl surreal surroundings the imag panorama 38 imag taken last month compil littl planet see rug path line see eye,eye sky dragon,2019-09-22,315,54,0.0,09-22,9,2019,22,6,0,1 8f63704d38c9414283ec0668fa35caf825b2e85127f8db22b50d84d41ae3e2d2,tunç tezeltwan,today equinox date day night equal tomorrow everi day next equinox night longer day earth northern hemisphere day longer night earth southern hemisphere equinox occur midway two solstices day night least equal featur pictur composit hourli imag taken sun bursa turkey key day solstic equinox solstice bottom sun band taken north winter solstic 2007 december sun could rise high sky stay horizon long lack sun caus winter top sun band taken northern summer solstic 2008 june sun rose highest sky stay horizon 12 hours abund sun caus summer middl band taken equinox 2008 march sun band earthl see today day recent equinox apod googl extens creat,equinox sun solstic solstic,2019-09-23,643,106,0.0827272727272727,09-23,9,2019,23,1,2,1 0df6d5f79116d3e35f5681e312aa521661a260f5be9e74eba22e8a3fa71c9a6a,none,strang shape mars defrost sand dunes spring dawn northern hemispher mars dune sand near pole pictur late may esa exomar trace ga orbiter began thaw carbon dioxid water ice actual sublim thin atmospher directli gas thinner region ice typic defrost first reveal sand whose dark soak sunlight acceler thaw process might even involv sandi jet explod thin ice summer spot expand encompass entir dunes martian north pole ring mani similar field barchan sand dunes whose strange smooth arc shape persist martian winds creat distant legacy send name mars,sand dune thaw mar,2019-09-24,546,88,-0.059090909090909,09-24,9,2019,24,5,0,2 d4b66d059df9acb905744108996a22a81f949d1dde7fc5a20c69dc36168c560d,yannick akar,pelican nebula slowli transformed ic 5070 offici designation divid larger north america nebula molecular cloud fill dark dust pelican however receiv much studi particularli activ mix star format evolv ga clouds featur pictur produc three specif color light emit sulfur hydrogen oxygen help us better understand interactions light young energet star slowli transform cold ga hot gas advanc boundari two known ioniz front visibl bright orang right particularli dens tentacl cold ga remain million year nebula might longer known pelican balanc placement star ga sure leav someth appear complet different,pelican nebula gas dust star,2019-09-25,602,90,0.1418367346938775,09-25,9,2019,25,4,2,5 e9e7fecef9049e17768d22bc35683f5b9e2a0139bd63e233891c33c59179ac59,lin,old moon rose morning wane sunlit crescent shine eastern horizon sunrise earthshine light reflect bright planet earth lit shadow portion lunar disk reveal familiar lunar near side earli morn risers fact descript earthshin term sunlight reflect earth ocean illumin moon dark surfac written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci one lunat ago old moon also rose eastern horizon sunlit crescent da vinci glow captur stack exposur desert inner mongolia china august 29 2019 year mark 500th anniversari da vinci death,da vinci rise,2019-09-26,505,80,0.2825000000000001,09-26,9,2019,26,2,1,1 026cc647278056b80170472031ac0c4bdc72b9a00aef72a3f151ba123709a5db,miguel claro,center milki way galaxi found 26000 lightyear away toward constel sagittarius even dark night cant realli see though gaze direction sightlin quickli obscur interven interstellar dust fact dark dust clouds glow nebulae crowd pack along fertil galact plane central region galaxy annot view mosaic dark sky images highlight particularli small telescop binocular equip skygazers crop version put direct galact center far right identifi wellknown messier object like lagoon nebula m8 trifid m20 star cloud m24 ee barnard dark mark sky full version extend view right toward constel scorpius cover 20 degre across center milki way,annot galact center,2019-09-27,623,95,-0.0020408163265306,09-27,9,2019,27,6,2,4 b0c11192942c0a438aa223115c906b0eb7b3d6282ae27708b7fec6200f25ecf2,gyorgi soponyai,week equinox found sun near middle cross point analemma annual trek planet earth skies scenic view graceful figure8shap curv intent pose icon danub river capit citi hungary look south margaret bridg combin digit frame taken exactli time day date 2018 septemb 24 2019 septemb 15 put metropolitan pest left buda right posit sun solstic date top bottom analemma curve december near solstic sun hidden behind dramat cloud bank,analemma sun,2019-09-28,422,68,0.0465608465608465,09-28,9,2019,28,1,0,1 b72c336c8cf471df2d141b991a5a0130bce39e77f644631f370365f1af5ba814,none,see hourglass shape see you pictur it ring mycn 18 trace outlin hourglass although one unusu eye center either way sand time run central star hourglassshap planetari nebula nuclear fuel exhausted brief spectacular close phase sunlik star life occur outer layer eject core becom cooling fade white dwarf 1995 astronom use hubbl space telescop hst make seri imag planetari nebulae includ one featur here pictured delic ring color glow ga nitrogenred hydrogengreen oxygenblue outlin tenuou wall hourglass unpreced sharp hubbl imag reveal surpris detail nebula eject process help resolv outstand mysteri complex shape symmetri planetari nebula like mycn 18,18 hourglass planetari nebula,2019-09-29,655,99,-0.040625,09-29,9,2019,29,4,2,4 a3cd79f4037183b97c8e734d28bbedbe33faf150feb6a13c5294ce41281c36b9,carlo fairbairn,seen orion lately next month best see familiar constel rise continu earlier night however orion star nebula look quit color eye fantast camera image featur image orion captur camera show full color last month brazilian tree region cool red giant betelgeus take strong orang hue brightest star far left otherwise orion hot blue star numerous supergi rigel balanc betelgeus upper right bellatrix upper left saiph lower right line orion belt bottom top alnitak alnilam mintaka 1500 lightyear away born constellation well studi interstellar clouds star toward upper right orion sword look reddish fuzzi you should stellar nurseri known great nebula orion,orion rise brazil,2019-09-30,650,101,0.2106190476190476,09-30,9,2019,30,4,2,5 690a05ef536c45c49796925f2abe1e63add0de38f00c3ebd6e150d3c0fcc0e61,none,aliv dying unusu form found carina nebula featur here might best describ evaporating energet light wind nearbi star break apart dark dust grain make icon form opaque iron figures otherwis known dark molecular cloud bright globules frequent creat midst star later destroy them float space structur pictur orbit hubbl space telescop span light months great nebula carina span 30 light years lie 7500 light year away seen small telescop toward constel,molecular cloud carina nebula,2019-10-02,449,71,0.2653846153846154,10-02,10,2019,2,4,1,3 37517db8dc373d177e3d1b54d0c06bfbad7aeade743b98070f7ea0c288233719,none,gorgeou spiral galaxi m33 seem fair share glow hydrogen gas promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxi lie mere 3 million lightyear away galaxy inner 30000 lightyear shown magnific 25 panel telescop mosaic base imag data space groundbas telescopes portrait m33 show galaxy reddish ioniz hydrogen cloud hii regions sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward core m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseries site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat luminous massiv star ioniz surround hydrogen ga ultim produc characterist red glow enhanc image broadband data use produc color view galaxi combin narrowband data record hydrogenalpha filter filter transmit light strongest visibl hydrogen emiss line,hydrogen cloud m33,2019-10-03,747,111,0.0055555555555555,10-03,10,2019,3,7,2,5 0bc1b3715a6723ae2dc1741632a5a630076ccd71c2fae20e21b44c1eba5963d3,none,cloud drift sky light fade near sunset three frame anim scene captur sol 145 begin around 630pm local time camera mar insight lander course insight martian day sol correspond earth calendar date april 25 2019 69 centimet 23 foot diamet dome foreground lander sensit seismomet sei design detect marsquakes earthquak reveal intern structur planet earth tremor detect sei explor beneath martian surface particular two typic marsquak record sei may 22 sol juli 25 sol subtl tremor red planet low frequenc though listen process frequenc range sped record extern preval cool martian even like caus mechan shift technic dub,insight cloudi day,2019-10-04,616,98,0.1452380952380952,10-04,10,2019,4,8,2,2 76bdc3c9ac580d54cd4fd04700c1570d2552f29c2612f8ff16d3930949b58b37,derek demet,sunset octob 3 solar system largest moon stood low along western horizon largest planet pair moon approach first quarter phase jupit captur telephoto field view blend short long exposures reveal familiar face fair planet larg natur satellit stark sunlight faint earthshine lower right rule ga giant four galilean moons left right tini pinprick light ganymede jupiter io europa callisto natur satellit appear loom larg close ganymede io callisto actual larger earth moon water world europa slightli smaller solar system six largest planetari satellites saturn moon titan miss scene sure check larg moon sky tonight tonight intern observ moon night submit apod moon jupit satellit,jupit moon,2019-10-05,678,104,0.1136904761904761,10-05,10,2019,5,2,2,2 cec966a47c94f9cc42d14837c40841b957e75fd80967827823377f2b8b19d4d2,jos priego,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl dark indent red emiss nebula center photograph horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright red emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud sure alter appearance emiss nebula red color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms imag left flame nebula orangeting nebula also contain filament dark dust lower left horsehead nebula featur pictur blueish reflect nebula preferenti reflect blue light nearbi stars,horsehead nebula,2019-10-06,556,83,0.0807692307692307,10-06,10,2019,6,4,0,5 c36fef7355b1314c2cdeae422d655719dd317918dcd0447381eb7fffd20260b0,none,what dark spot jupiter shadow jupiter volcan moon io sinc jupit shine predominantli reflect sunlight anyth block light leav shadow could somehow shadow would see total eclips sun io io shadow kilomet across roughli size io slightli larger earth moon featur imag taken last month nasa robot juno spacecraft current orbit jupiter everi two months juno swoop close jupiter take lot data seri imag made video among mani things juno measur jupiter gravit field find surpris evid jupit may mostli liquid unexpectedli thick clouds jovian giant may hous massiv liquid hydrogen region extend way center,io eclips shadow jupit juno,2019-10-07,595,95,-0.0166666666666666,10-07,10,2019,7,8,2,2 853eee63890f94ab815b915d44f9b33233b24d34e94d0ee2dde3b1e4cc8ac118,stephan,phenomenon occur sky sea type lightn known red sprite rare ever photograph detail even though sprite record 30 years root caus remain unknown thunderstorm them mysteri burst light upper atmospher momentarili resembl gigant year ago high speed video taken detail red sprite actual develop featur imag captur last month high definit italy one unusu featur sprite rel cold oper like long fluoresc light tube hot compact light general red sprite take fraction second occur best seen power thunderstorm visibl side,sprite lightn hd,2019-10-08,510,80,0.1247368421052631,10-08,10,2019,8,8,1,1 d8521d1ff18a706c26ccea817a2c5b30f022fe9a37aecf54334b5c1039ff960a,none,galaxi jump giant ring stars probabl not although precis dynam behind featur imag yet unclear clear pictur galaxy ngc 7714 stretch distort recent collis neighbor galaxy smaller neighbor ngc 7715 situat left featur frame thought charg right ngc 7714 observ indic golden ring pictur compos million older sunlik star like comov interior bluer stars contrast bright center ngc 7714 appear undergo burst new star formation featur imag captur hubbl space telescope ngc 7714 locat 130 million light year away toward constel two fish pisces interact galaxi like start 150 million year ago continu sever hundr million year more singl central galaxi may result,ngc starburst galaxi collis,2019-10-09,650,103,0.1392496392496392,10-09,10,2019,9,7,2,3 e029248c360bcf07bc440c35d04c859c45ffa702f75261dc5e1c5879c7bb5a2b,eric wagner,septemb 24 late even commerci flight singapor australia offer stratospher view southern hemisphere night sky chose window seat fact wellplan choic window face toward milki way allow set sensit digit camera tripod mount record galaxy central bulg seri 10 second long exposures chance one exposur caught bright firebal meteor starri frame reflect along wing aircraft brilliant greenish streak also intern reflect doubl layer window produc fainter parallel origin meteor track southern sky jupit bright sourc beneath galact bulg seen next green beacon wing tip,meteor milki way,2019-10-10,557,84,0.1458333333333333,10-10,10,2019,10,6,1,1 9ebe54e2e25ea64c291761a56774a3c1dc811fcd2fc39911138446e462bbcbc4,none,interplanetari first juli 19 2013 earth photograph day two world solar system innermost planet mercuri ring ga giant saturn pictur left earth pale blue dot ring saturn captur robot cassini spacecraft orbit outermost ga giant day peopl across planet earth snap mani pictur saturn right earthmoon system seen dark background space captur robot messeng spacecraft mercuri orbit messeng took imag part search small natur satellit mercury moon would expect quit dim messeng image earth left moon right overexpos shine brightli reflect sunlight destin return home world cassini messeng sinc retir mission solar system exploration,interplanetari earth,2019-10-12,623,94,0.0259523809523809,10-12,10,2019,12,0,2,2 e4343b8b7b5868695c64a0a5381e4e7fceedf67f4d3bb297134362cad1a3e7e7,none,jewel shine bright star do like gem jewel box though star open cluster ngc 290 glitter beauti display bright color photogen cluster pictur here captur 2006 orbit hubbl space telescope open cluster star younger contain stars contain much higher fraction blue star globular cluster stars ngc 290 lie 200000 lightyear distant neighbor galaxi call small cloud magellan smc open cluster contain hundr star span 65 light year across ngc 290 open cluster good laboratori studi star differ mass evolve sinc open cluster star born time,stellar jewel open cluster ngc,2019-10-13,527,85,0.1714285714285714,10-13,10,2019,13,6,1,5 2d1c156480a20d256a643f58e3a9fc6a217c614e0b85129c598bfd99b646e7f8,none,andromeda galaxi realli look like featur imag show milki way galaxy closest major galact neighbor realli appear long exposur earth busi sky digit camera normal pictur stack images 300 second exposure taken garden observatori portug past year obviou imag includ bright parallel airplan trails long continu satellit trails short cosmic ray streaks bad pixels actual remov specifically rather greatli reduc seri comput softwar includ astro pixel work done digit fantasi littl real like andromeda galaxi m31 minim earthli artifact noth distant galaxi better m31 realli look like,andromeda,2019-10-14,574,87,0.0330357142857142,10-14,10,2019,14,7,0,4 10328bf58288457c786915b4dc5c38832a4fdc3bffb27e84baf8bd997b7b8a66,rodrigo guerra,contempl home galaxi lately sky look like this perhap contempl featur pictur actual composit two imag taken last month locat south brazil camera hour apart person imag also astrophotograph much see milki way galaxi above central band home galaxi stretch diagon lower left band dot spectacular sight includ dark nebular filaments bright blue stars red nebulas million fainter redder star fill deep galact background lower right milki way color ga dust cloud rho ophiuchi featur bright orang star antares night right antar bright planet jupiter sky old familiar human formul mani stori it inspir picture,galaxi,2019-10-15,604,95,0.1748214285714286,10-15,10,2019,15,6,2,1 a1db7fe14fbc12e9572f4adf546a10249afafbe07c202b10abb0206fbb8a55ea,none,binari star form help find out atacama larg millimet array alma recent captur one highest resolut imag yet taken binari star system formation star alon typic form part multipl star system star orbit common center gravity two bright spot featur imag small disk surround form 11 surround filament ga dust gravit pull larger disk circumstellar filament span roughli radiu orbit neptune system small part pipe nebula also known barnard photogen network dust ga milki way spiral disk constel ophiuchus binari star format process complet within million years,babi binari star format,2019-10-16,553,87,-0.0285714285714285,10-16,10,2019,16,6,0,3 40a5aad1f7c10d4aab522a03c7eb5dc99685f20e9b5c66530c01ea2233b98406,none,juli 29 2011 cassini spacecraft narrowangl camera took snapshot captur 5 saturn moons ringplane left right small moon janu pandora respect 179 81 kilomet across shini kilomet diamet enceladus mimas kilomet across seen next rhea cut right edg frame rhea saturn second largest moon kilomet across mani moon saturn have twenti new found outer satellit bring total 82 known moons sinc jupiter moon total stand saturn solar system new moon king newli announc saturnian satellit small 5 kilomet diameter retrograd orbit inclin saturn ringplane help name saturn new moons understand hint knowledg mytholog help,moon saturn,2019-10-17,603,94,0.04004329004329,10-17,10,2019,17,0,2,2 b58d00ceb9c607bbd41dd7a3b31277fa4b07c6b8fe5aea3c912612365d5045c2,none,2017 comet 2iborisov becom second recogn interstellar interloper like oumuamua borisov measur hyperbol trajectori speed fall toward sun confirm origin beyond solar system detail observ indic oumuamua rocki bodi differ known solar system objects borisov definit far wander comet taken octob 12 2019 hubbl space telescop imag borisov reveal familiar look cometlik activ concentr dust around around nucleus resolv image estim suggest nucleu could 2 16 kilomet diameter time hubbl image comet 2iborisov 418 million kilomet away borisov still inbound though make closest approach sun decemb 7 distanc 300 million kilomet 2 astronom,interstellar,2019-10-18,626,93,0.1583333333333333,10-18,10,2019,18,3,2,2 eff9b0c67ff8beff3352bb463f805c731a399e3b1866c22c6ce77c21613c57ed,none,fail unit beyond reach robot canadarm2 therefore repair intern space station would requir humans human nasa meir fourth spacewalk first first spacewalk human history first woman walk space 1984 red meir pictur hard work truss solar panel dark space background work seven hours newli instal batteri charg discharg unit success replac and power up oper,spacewalk space station,2019-10-19,351,55,0.0098484848484848,10-19,10,2019,19,8,0,2 554c042b9ad5b1ca2c30e0035bdcaf34472a9602a4151c3224cc34196b6e92bf,none,paint starri night one famou icon night sky ever created scene paint vincent van gogh southern franc 1889 swirl style starri night appears many make night sky come alive although van gogh frequent portray real set paintings art historian agre precis star planet depict starri night style starri night postimpressionism popular paint style end nineteenth century origin starri night paint hang museum modern art new york city new york usa new apod read ai,starri night van,2019-10-23,454,74,0.2109090909090908,10-23,10,2019,23,8,1,1 e8777c81e2a41a8aab03b3a4221dae10508355a7aa20429165a17d2518b40704,eduardo schaberg poupeau,typically intern space station visibl night slowli drift across night sky orbit earth intern space station iss seen bright spot month mani locations iss visibl sunset sunris shine reflect sunlight iss enter earth shadow drop sight occas iss visibl day pass right front sun then pass quickli camera take short exposur visual freez iss silhouett onto background sun featur pictur exactli actual seri imag taken month ago santa argentina perfect timing imag seri later combin separ imag highlight textur sun imag bring sun promin around edge unusu low solar minimum sun gone without sunspot 2019 follow apod english on instagram facebook reddit twitter,space station cross spotless sun,2019-10-28,651,103,0.1819047619047619,10-28,10,2019,28,1,2,1 95c2b34cd1db9a79c5d064918fd4dbba512b2eaaf360348f9f7814adb4c5d64f,none,clay mars earth clay form bottom peac lake specif miner trap water pictur site mars robot rover curios drill two rock found highest concentr clay yet clay consid addit evid gale crater held water distant past pictured 57 imag taken curios combin selfie imag taken camera end robot arm mani detail carsiz rover visible includ rug wheels numer scientif instruments high mast contain camera one shoot infrar laser curios continu roll around mount sharp center gale crater search new clue ancient histori mar whether red planet condit could support life,curios rover find mar,2019-10-29,551,90,-0.0398051948051947,10-29,10,2019,29,5,0,2 e4f8a5c1ea2e757c846c845416a0412c6e698557dd37c54ede1424eafe46115f,josep m drudi goldman,great nebula orion immense nearbi starbirth region probabl famou astronom nebulas here glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away featur deep imag assign color highlight emiss oxygen hydrogen wisp sheet dust ga particularli evident great nebula orion found unaid eye near easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion addit hous bright open cluster star known trapezium orion nebula contain mani stellar nurseries nurseri contain much hydrogen gas hot young stars proplyds stellar jet spew materi high speeds also known m42 orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,m42 insid orion nebula,2019-10-30,640,99,0.2894444444444445,10-30,10,2019,30,4,2,5 8c0ae48342d143c3e5fb922f06f7806e3ad626add8fd6bf84fa4e781add148c5,ani abdul,ghostli visag cosmic scale remain shocked glow ga haunt planet earth sky toward constel cygnu form veil nebula nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago also known cygnu loop veil nebula span nearli 3 degre 6 time diamet full moon translat 70 lightyear estim distanc 1500 lightyears fact veil larg brighter part recogn separ nebulae includ witch broom ngc 6960 right center top left find spectr ic 1340 happi halloween,ghostli veil nebula,2019-10-31,510,84,0.1051020408163265,10-31,10,2019,31,4,0,5 62085de3552b858658a42bbb85861ebbe31147d2d6521d253bfce386dd734ae7,cara project,octob 31 1938 day martian encount planet earth everyth calm report invas reveal part halloween radio drama famou broadcast base hg wells scifi novel war worlds mar octob 20 2014 calm too day close encount comet side spring c2013 hoax comet realli come within 86700 mile mars 13 earthmoon distance earth spacecraft rover mar orbit surfac report ill effect though ringsid seat visitor outer solar system pass by span 2 degre star constel ophiuchus color telescop snapshot captur view mar day after bluish star 51 ophiuchi upper right comet emerg red planet bright glare,day mar,2019-11-01,567,94,0.0357142857142857,11-01,11,2019,1,3,2,2 e4a812d9e2c1afdbfd3b80d5a82b351dfb86a9ab2edc19a548dc27a8f71872a2,dss,flame nebula stand optic imag dusty crowd star form region toward orion belt mere 1400 lightyear away xray data chandra observatori infrar imag spitzer space telescop take insid glow ga obscur dust cloud though cursor or click image reveal mani star recent formed embed cluster ngc 2024 rang age 200000 year 15 million year young xrayinfrar composit imag overlay span 15 lightyear across center xrayinfrar data also indic youngest star concentr near middl flame nebula cluster that opposit simplest model star format stellar nurseri predict star format begin denser center molecular cloud core result requir complex perhap star format continu longer center older star eject center due mergers,insid flame nebula,2019-11-02,692,108,-0.0852564102564102,11-02,11,2019,2,4,2,5 9c0d9c1b27a6f49fac30f45f5947a6d0fbbd3789c163e0bb3d52d932c7952e07,none,what happen ring saturn littl moon make big waves moon 8kilomet daphni make wave keeler gap saturn ring use graviti bob down out featur imag color detail version previous releas imag taken 2017 robot cassini spacecraft one grand final orbits daphni seen far right sport ridg like accumul ring particles daphni discov cassini imag 2005 rais mound ring particl high 2009 saturn equinox ring plane point directli sun cast notabl shadows,daphni ring saturn,2019-11-03,436,71,0.0904365079365079,11-03,11,2019,3,0,0,2 055565851949ae10af85f2dd9e2fc1586be796425b2d01d44b3bb2851c3a4e79,zhuoqun wuchilescop,star battl ga dust lagoon nebula photograph winning also known m8 photogen nebula visibl even without binocular toward constel archer sagittarius energet process star format creat color chaos glow ga result highenergi starlight strike interstellar hydrogen ga trace amount sulfur oxygen gases dark dust filament lace m8 creat atmospher cool giant star debri supernova explosions light m8 see today left 5000 year ago light take 50 year cross section m8,near center lagoon nebula,2019-11-04,452,70,0.1875,11-04,11,2019,4,4,1,5 4a853a7c512b1d85a8da0f22752d130f3f9f4472220f5e84b0a1a56cf2e81b85,none,galaxi spin fast estim spiral mass much light emits fast rotat break apart lead hypothesi galaxi break apart dark matter mass dark cant see it galaxi even breakup limit fastest rotat disk galaxi known therefor hypothes dark matter halo massiv spin fast harder form star regular spirals so galaxi may among massiv spiral possible studi surpris like continue like includ observ taken nasa jame webb space telescop schedul launch 2021,spiral galaxi spin,2019-11-05,435,70,0.045,11-05,11,2019,5,7,0,3 25f9f70fe1dadf72aff61d6a2ef7bccd6df618428d19342e642225d309ffc140,none,one last entri charl messier famou catalog big beauti spiral galaxi m101 definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way galaxy m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan contrast multiwavelength view larg island univers composit imag record spacebas telescop 21st century color code xray infrar wavelength high low energies imag data taken chandra xray observatori purple galaxi evolut explor blue hubbl space telescopeyellow spitzer space telescopered xray data trace locat multimillion degre ga around m101 explod star neutron star black hole binari star systems lower energi data follow star dust defin m101 grand spiral arms also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away,21st centuri m101,2019-11-06,821,123,0.0232575757575757,11-06,11,2019,6,7,2,4 6ca9addb65e21cdddafe99f6d92fc5df4f054afb79236d95431716d977d72c9c,adam block,hurtl cosmic dust cloud mere 400 lightyear away love pleiad seven sister open star cluster wellknown strike blue reflect nebulae lie night sky toward constel tauru orion arm milki way galaxy sister star cosmic dust cloud relat though happen pass region space known sinc antiqu compact group stars galileo first sketch star cluster view telescop star faint seen eye charl messier record posit cluster 45th entri famou catalog thing comets greek myth pleiad seven daughter astronom titan atla seanymph pleione parent name includ cluster nine brightest stars deep wide telescop imag span 20 lightyear across pleid star cluster,messier 45 daughter atla pleion,2019-11-07,623,98,-0.0388888888888888,11-07,11,2019,7,6,2,5 d1a284f7cb8896ed13523f8dc96c83713cf245209ea32ed139693648dc352ba7,josep drudi,cosmic skyscap featur glow ga dark dust cloud along side young star ngc 3572 beauti emiss nebula star cluster far southern skies region often overlook astroimag favor brighter neighbor nearbi carina nebula star ngc 3572 toward upper left telescop frame would measur 100 lightyear across cluster estim distant 9000 lightyears visibl interstellar ga dust part star cluster natal molecular cloud dens streamer materi within nebula erod stellar wind radiation clearli trail away energet young stars like site ongo star format shape reminisc cosmic tadpol ic 410 better known northern skygazers come ten hundr million years ga star cluster dispers though gravit tide violent supernova explos end short live massiv cluster stars,ngc 3572 southern tadpol,2019-11-08,722,111,0.0097402597402597,11-08,11,2019,8,4,2,5 dda7fd5b8b4dbd0f4fd0da771528497d46ae93d358a52905b1aca32bcace3223,none,may 25 1961 us presid john kennedi announc goal land astronaut moon end decade novemb 9 1967 saturn v rocket readi launch first full test capabl apollo 4 mission develop direct rocket pioneer wernher von braun three stage saturn v stood 36 stori tall cluster five first stage engin fuel liquid oxygen kerosen togeth capabl produc million pound thrust giant saturn v rocket ultim hurl nine apollo mission moon back six land lunar surface first land mission apollo 11 achiev kennedy goal juli 20 1969 watch novemb 11 transit mercuri earth space,saturn giant,2019-11-09,542,92,0.1714285714285714,11-09,11,2019,9,0,1,2 4d76ca57d1e8b11aaea4acbfd4e8e99b97927133cb69aac1bd6d71fb6159dcbb,dominiqu dierick,tomorrow monday mercuri cross face sun seen earth call transit last time happen 2016 plane mercury orbit exactli coincid plane earth orbit mercuri usual appear pass sun featur timelaps sequence superimpos singl frame taken balconi belgium show entir transit 2003 may 7 solar cross last five hours 23 imag taken roughli 15 minut apart north pole sun earth orbit mercury orbit although different occur direct slightli left image near center far right sunspot visible monday next transit mercuri occur 2032 watch novemb 11 transit mercuri earth space,mercuri transit sequenc,2019-11-10,549,87,0.0181318681318681,11-10,11,2019,10,1,0,1 9d09805f911268490e32a10cca1c2fa2df67c9bbbd21471d2d194c05d82e0830,eduardo schaberg poupeau,histori moon partli written craters pictur lunar panorama taken earth featur larg crater toward left toward right crater form separ impacts langrenu span 130 km terrac rim sport central peak rise 3 km petaviu slightli larger 180 km diamet distinct fractur run center although known crater 39 billion year old origin larg fractur unknown crater best visibl day new moon shadow greatli accentu vertic wall hills featur imag composit best thousand highresolution infrared video imag taken small telescope although mountain earth like erod soil billion years lunar crater langrenu petaviu like surviv mani billion years possibl sun expand engulf earth moon watch novemb 11 transit mercuri earth space,lunar crater,2019-11-11,696,108,0.1976731601731601,11-11,11,2019,11,2,2,2 39785028d3e199f413ccd2d716af09342df5d9473ee524c3b438f32c3d420049,none,spiral galaxi seen nearli sideways bright star spiral galaxi swirl around center disk seen side disk appear quit thin spiral galaxi appear even thinner ngc actual seen tilt bit spiral galaxi form disk origin ga collid cool fell planet may orbit disk similar reasons featur imag hubbl space telescop show lightcolor central bulg compos older star beyond filament orbit dark brown dust ngc span 100000 light year lie 60 million light year away toward constel water snake hydra mercuri cross sun notabl imag 2019 transit submit apod,ngc nearli sideway spiral galaxi,2019-11-12,529,87,0.1138888888888888,11-12,11,2019,12,7,1,3 9c81e5926efea36543ba5cad93b5589d4aee2ce648895a0b736a884a35eeaa5f,martin wise,small dark round spot solar close planet mercury high resolut telescop image color stack 61 sharp video frames turbul array photospher convect cell tile bright solar surface mercury regular silhouett still stand though course inner planet mercuri venu transit sun appear silhouett view planet earth novemb 11 2019 transit mercury innermost planet silhouett mere 1200th solar diameter even clear daytim sky difficult see without aid safe solar telescope follow transit 2016 mercury 4th 14 transit across solar disk 21st century next transit mercuri novemb 13 2032,mercuri silhouett,2019-11-13,562,86,-0.0189285714285714,11-13,11,2019,13,1,0,2 d1fe0faea57ce46b987666c13f9854d8ebc56a38acce3be629785d80f723a8d2,john chumack,novemb 11 2019 sun mostli quiet experienc minimum 11 year cycl activity fact spot visibl actual planet mercury make leisur 5 12 hour transit front calm solar disk 1200th appar diamet sun silhouett solar system inner planet near center sharp full sun snapshot taken hydrogen alpha filter safe solar telescope imag also captur promin around solar limb glow plasma trap arc magnet fields course inner planet mercuri venu transit sun appear silhouett view planet earth follow transit 2016 mercury 4th 14 transit across solar disk 21st century next transit mercuri novemb 13 2032,mercuri quiet sun,2019-11-14,574,93,0.0854166666666666,11-14,11,2019,14,1,2,2 e9a3650ae0061cb7566889fb502f7f1e13284ea0b1d7e5ed48596404f5d8bbdc,martin pugh,star cluster around 2 million year young surround natal cloud dust glow gas m16 also known eagl nebula beauti detail portrait region made groundbas narrow broadband imag data includ cosmic sculptur made famou hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend ridg bright emiss lower left anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,m16 eagl nebula,2019-11-15,672,105,0.0601239669421487,11-15,11,2019,15,4,2,5 54f8adecdf4641d729addfa7f116fcc777d46bc697b8babb975247cf0ff5c028,r jay gabani,grand tidal stream star seem surround galaxi ngc 5907 arc structur form tenuou loop extend 150000 lightyear narrow edgeon spiral also known splinter knife edg galaxy record deep exposures stream like repres ghostli trail dwarf galaxi debri left along orbit smaller satellit galaxi gradual torn apart merg ngc 5907 four billion year ago ultim remark discoveri image small robot observatori new mexico support cosmolog scenario larg spiral galaxies includ milki way form accret smaller ones ngc 5907 lie 40 million lightyear distant northern constel draco,star stream ngc 5907,2019-11-16,554,85,0.0095959595959595,11-16,11,2019,16,7,0,3 c906ea1d6f260d09c3758a01f43a0cb97335a7e73bd81aa70793521e8c476565,none,star form help find out astronom creat tantal falsecolor composit dust cloud embed newborn star infrar wavelength wise widefield infrar survey explorer cosmic canva featur one closest star form regions part rho ophiuchi cloud complex 400 lightyear distant near southern edg pronounc constel ophiuchus form along larg cloud cold molecular hydrogen gas young star heat surround dust produc infrar glow star process formation call young stellar object ysos embed compact pinkish nebula seen here otherwis hidden pri eye optic telescopes explor region penetr infrar light detect emerg newli form star whose averag age estim mere 300000 years that extrem young compar sun age 5 billion years promin reddish nebula lower right surround star sigma scorpii reflect nebula produc dust scatter starlight view wise releas 2012 span almost 2 degre cover 14 lightyear estim distanc rho ophiuchi cloud,young star rho ophiuchi cloud,2019-11-17,887,137,0.0712698412698412,11-17,11,2019,17,4,2,5 cfb6a11d103aaafb6b1174e4c8f7bb46dd6ff386ffec3d0855dfa9f5a2810247,none,what happen spiral galaxies although detail remain uncertain sure seem titan battl go on upper galaxi label ugc 1810 itself togeth collision partner known arp 273 overal shape ugc 1810 particular blue outer ring like result wild violent gravit interactions blue color outer ring top caus massiv star blue hot form past million years inner part upper galaxi older spiral galaxi appear redder thread cool filamentari dust bright star appear well foreground unrel collid galaxies sever fardist galaxi visibl background arp 273 lie 300 million light year away toward constel andromeda quit likely ugc 1810 devour galact next billion year settl classic spiral form,arp galaxi hubbl,2019-11-20,663,104,0.1124999999999999,11-20,11,2019,20,7,2,3 690f2b2ff483a46dec2b62a81a9001d251414fc48d84f44d6ff3e8d7869908c4,david lindemann,easi get lost follow intric loop filament detail imag supernova remnant simei 147 also catalog sharpless 2240 goe popular nickname spaghetti nebula seen toward boundari constel tauru auriga cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moon sky that 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears composit includ imag data taken narrowband filter reddish emiss ioniz hydrogen atom doubli ioniz oxygen atom faint bluegreen hue trace shocked glow gas supernova remnant estim age 40000 years mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 40000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,simei 147 supernova remnant,2019-11-21,662,102,0.0170454545454545,11-21,11,2019,21,6,2,5 e7a8e05e5f6cb0a4205f80f3affa0d3711ffd8e480d362f5f5d2505a266a4d96,none,put redblu glass gaze across western ocean storm surfac moon 3d view featur apollo 12 astronaut pete conrad visit surveyor 3 spacecraft 50 year ago novemb 1969 surveyor 3 land site insid slope small crater 2 12 year earlier april 1967 visibl horizon beyond far crater wall apollo 12 lunar modul intrepid touch less 200 meter 650 feet away easi distanc robot surveyor spacecraft stereo imag care creat two separ pictur as12487133 as12487134 taken lunar surface depict scene slightli differ viewpoints approxim separ human eyes,apollo 12 surveyor 3 stereo view,2019-11-23,525,85,-0.0527777777777777,11-23,11,2019,23,2,0,2 b0b7fd953f2589c447965242dd8dbcd32d0147ae3990671eeade094f79eedde8,none,imag art 50 year ago apollo 12 astronautphotograph charl pete conrad record masterpiec document colleagu alan bean lunar soil collect activ oceanu procellarum featur imag dramat stark harsh environ moon ocean storm echo bean helmet perfectli compos reflect conrad lunar horizon work photojournalist origin intent record human condit planet earth lewi w hine imag new york citi earli 20th century margaret bourkewhite magazin photographi wide regard art similarli mani documentari astronomi space imag might also appreci artist esthet appeal,apollo 12 selfportrait,2019-11-24,540,79,-0.0606060606060606,11-24,11,2019,24,2,0,4 d274bf124c87cdd9cb6a55bcaf76643acac8233539a821cac629597e216aa261,josep drudi,see bat haunt cosmic closeup eastern veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star veil roughli circular shape cover nearli 3 degre sky toward constel swan cygnus bat nebula ngc 6995 span 12 degree appar size moon translat 12 lightyear veil estim distance reassur 1400 lightyear planet earth composit imag data record broad narrow band filters emiss hydrogen atom remnant shown red strong emiss oxygen nitrogen atom shown hue blue course western part veil lie anoth season apparition witch broom nebula,ngc 6995 bat nebula,2019-11-25,547,87,0.0493055555555555,11-25,11,2019,25,4,0,5 2329e71bffe76475c6d17ac027af56a60589e09a1a102c6cb2b49365e6189fe0,juan carlo,two bright object horizon venu jupiter two brightest planet night sky pass close togeth angularli two day ago real space far apart usual sinc jupit on right orbit sun around seven time farther venus planetari duo captur togeth two day ago picturesqu sunset sky catalonia spain tree astrophotographer two planet continu stand even sky toward west next days sliver crescent moon fainter saturn also visibl nearby novemb ends jupit sink lower sunset horizon subsequ night venu rise higher next jupitervenu conjunct occur earli 2021,venu jupit horizon,2019-11-26,530,84,0.1607142857142857,11-26,11,2019,26,8,1,1 f97382bef8666bd9594542db8b1ce0f90e55125363bd8056575f378f14d3b8ba,none,one galaxi two question came light 1950 astronom arthur hoag chanc upon unusu extragalact object outsid ring domin bright blue stars near center lie ball much redder star like much older two gap appear almost complet dark hoag object formed includ nearli perfectli round ring star gas remain unknown genesi hypothes includ galaxi collis billion year ago gravit effect central bar sinc vanished featur photo taken hubbl space telescop recent reprocess use artifici intellig algorithm observ radio wave indic hoag object accret smaller galaxi past billion years hoag object span 100000 light year lie 600 million light year away toward constel snake serpens mani galaxi far distanc visibl toward right coincidentally visibl gap seven oclock anoth distant ring galaxy,hoag object nearli perfect ring galaxi,2019-11-27,764,119,0.0974937343358396,11-27,11,2019,27,7,2,4 e7eab597fb606ec9af9f4c3145b689c3d7cbfdc45287dd8a644051020d84d232,petrhorálek,week ongo conjunct venu jupit may skygazing tonight main cours though novemb 28 young crescent moon join pose next two bright planet western horizon twilight much like tonight visual night skyscap show young lunar crescent brilliant venu western even twilight octob 29 celesti beacon set distant mountain monastery tibetan autonom prefecture sichuan china planet earth mercury jupiter celesti companion venu moon fleet innermost planet visibl bright twilight left venu near center frame tomorrow novemb 29 crescent moon also help spot planet saturn,moon planet twilight,2019-11-28,548,82,0.1844444444444444,11-28,11,2019,28,2,1,1 9ec716763a26a5c5d4ec5a781d9899b36a5aaa9b1d93a09a40592edd3b4e0f9d,huang,mar north star long exposur earth night sky star trail make concentr arc around north celesti pole direct fair planet axi rotation bright star polari present earth north star close sky earth north celesti pole long exposur mar show star trail too concentr arc celesti pole determin mars axi rotation tilt like planet earths martian axi rotat point differ direct space though point place sky star cygnu cepheu bright star compar earth north star polari nearby even though weather landscap remark reminisc terrain imag martian surface view must planet earth north star polari near center concentr star trails landform foreground found qinghai provinc northwestern china,star trail red planet,2019-11-30,667,105,0.22,11-30,11,2019,30,6,2,4 05c558c29d8a55dfd632f679e7d65671c77cda2ad6a49e28b430e232cef53131,steve mazlin,becom sun quit possibly first hint sun futur discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list diffus object confus comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula type nebula sun produc nuclear fusion stop core m27 one brightest planetari nebula sky seen toward constel fox vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 featur color emit hydrogen oxygen understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science even today mani thing remain mysteri bipolar planetari nebula like m27 includ physic mechan expel lowmass star gaseou outerenvelope leav xray hot white dwarf apod across world languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,m27 dumbbel nebula,2019-12-03,830,123,0.09,12-03,12,2019,3,4,2,5 8849d96c9c28ef2f94d5ed89be4ce2db56d30d26f3014cf9cee4e88b784d99f3,ivan,may appear first like galaxi produc lightning realli earth featur nighttim landscap taken southern tip italian island sardinia earli june foreground rock near famou lighthouse camera point south toward algeria africa distance across mediterranean sea thunderstorm threatening sever electr lightn stroke caught togeth 25second wideangl exposure much farther distance strewn sky hundr star neighborhood sun milki way galaxy farthest away slant upper left billion star togeth compos central band milki way free lecture apod editor speak nyc januari 3,night,2019-12-04,547,79,0.1055555555555555,12-04,12,2019,4,6,0,1 36a2e2c35a87d25866bc081913f2f969bda5f58bc19bd6a8c2f3767732e8f59e,liu,beauti spiral galaxi ngc 6744 nearli 175000 lightyear across larger milki way lie 30 million lightyear distant southern constel pavo appear faint extend object small telescopes see disk nearbi island univers tilt toward line sight remark detail galaxi portrait telescop view span area angular size full moon it giant galaxy elong yellowish core domin light old cool stars beyond core grand spiral arm fill young blue star cluster speckl pinkish star form regions extend arm sweep past smaller satellit galaxi ngc lower right ngc 6744 galact companion reminisc milki way satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud,spiral galaxi ngc 6744,2019-12-05,605,95,0.0616071428571428,12-05,12,2019,5,7,2,3 1a13ea5adf21d2a31be5c20a93f6bc66ef0a28cf49784084465ef934ef7a2d1e,amir h abolfath,cosmic vista stretch almost 20 degre top bottom across dusti constel taurus begin pleiad end hyades two star cluster recogn sinc antiqu earth night sky top compact pleiad star cluster 400 lightyear away love group young cluster star shine dusti cloud scatter blue starlight bottom vshape hyad cluster look spread comparison lie much closer 150 lightyear away hyad cluster star seem anchor bright aldebaran red giant star yellowish appearance aldebaran actual lie 65 lightyear distant chanc along line sight hyad cluster faint obscur dust cloud found near edg tauru molecular cloud also evid throughout celesti scene wide field view includ dark nebula barnard 22 left youth star tauri hind variabl nebula aldebaran frame,pleiad hyad,2019-12-06,719,113,0.109375,12-06,12,2019,6,6,2,5 29d93a303ad5e10c5acd7b205765dd0af31f81a7c2f1e38d7e9c5d35690eda86,anton komlev,time star trace line night sky rotat planet taken two hour more digit ad consecut exposur made camera wide angl len fix tripod near primorski krai russia planet earth star trail concentr arc around planet south celesti pole scene horizon north celesti pole frame upper right combined mani short exposur also bring pretti star colours bluish trail star hotter earth sun yellowish trail cooler stars long time ago tree reveal passag time wrinkl weather line remains,time,2019-12-07,463,76,0.1051020408163265,12-07,12,2019,7,6,1,1 cbf252e77e302a161f6183092664959c2c5e891ca5df1fad1a34121c678298d4,yuri beletskycarnegiela campana observatorytwan,meteor stream point sky yes way earth cross stream sunorbit meteors meteor appear come direct stream point call exampl occur everi middecemb geminid meteor shower appar featur record near shower peak 2013 featur skyscap captur gemini shoot star fourhour composit dark sky la campana observatori chile foreground 25meter du pont telescop visibl well 1meter swope telescope sky beyond meteor highlight jupiter seen bright spot near imag center central band milki way galaxy seen vertic imag left pinkish orion nebula far left dust swept orbit activ asteroid 3200 phaethon gemini meteor enter atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second 2019 geminid meteor shower peak come weekend,geminid meteor chile,2019-12-08,674,104,0.0708333333333333,12-08,12,2019,8,6,2,4 76ede2aef71fecb6f2f466b367c021216365af0a5ac9251b4d8f884cd6ed060b,egon filter,streak horizon new starlink satellit reflect sunlight spacex launch 60 starlink commun satellit may 60 november satellit thousand plan commun compani next year may make streak like rel common concern voic mani astronom commun reflect satellit may affect futur observ space pictur composit 33 exposures parallel streak starlink satellit visibl southern brazil dot foreground bright meteor caught chanc upper right satellit reflect new constel 66 firstgener iridium satellit launch start 20 year ago produc flare bright could seen day old iridium satellites however deorbit past years infinit loop creat apod station classroom scienc center,satellit trail brazil,2019-12-10,639,94,0.1083416583416583,12-10,12,2019,10,8,2,4 576a9e2e7af1ed4b338d37c76011da4a439122dea1992521bf34c0c3eaff34ba,none,supernova left behind littl 2000 year ago light massiv stellar explos larg magellan cloud lmc first reach planet earth lmc close galact neighbor milki way galaxi rampag explos front seen move destroy displac ambient ga cloud leav behind rel dens knot ga dust remain one largest supernova remnant lmc n63a mani surviv dens knot compress may contract form new stars result star may explod supernova continu cycle featur combin imag n63a xray chandra space telescop visibl light hubble promin knot ga dust upper right inform dub bright visibl light larger supernova remnant shine brightli xrays n63a span 25 light year lie 150000 light year away toward southern constel dorado,supernova remnant visibl xray,2019-12-11,676,109,0.1542398777692895,12-11,12,2019,11,6,2,4 3e8e9b844d661f132eb40e4d86b2647e9e8e408edf8dfe637ca3fdaa27d412af,leonardo julio,bright stars cloud dust glow nebula decor cosmic scene skyscap north orion belt close plane milki way galaxy wide field view span 55 degrees strike bluish m78 reflect nebula right m78 tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young stars color contrast red sash glow hydrogen ga sweep center part region faint extens emiss nebula known barnard loop lower left dark dust cloud form promin silhouett catalog ldn 1622 m78 complex barnard loop 1500 lightyear away ldn 1622 like much closer 500 lightyear distant fair planet earth,decor sky,2019-12-12,531,88,0.0741596638655462,12-12,12,2019,12,4,0,5 3b859c6daf5ddfbc99c9c2a11b377387c705676f3715775838840002389b87b5,juan carlo casado,depend annual geminid meteor shower near peak tonight decemb 1314 tomorrow dawn earth cross dusti trail activ asteroid 3200 phaethon meteor flash sky shower radiant gemini gemini pretti easi skygaz find far nearli full wane gibbou moon look shower radiant see meteor though almost full moonlight hide brightest geminid view either substanti reduc rate visibl meteor fact 2019 geminid look lot like 2016 meteor shower composit imag 2016 geminid align individu short exposur captur mani brighter geminid meteors full moon shine near constel twins along horizon teid observatory solar laboratori right teid volcano canari island tenerife,full moon geminid,2019-12-13,634,96,0.1817460317460317,12-13,12,2019,13,2,2,1 b381fc29935ce38926a9af14e65b528b3e149d2cc19bed97d831124d598afa9d,none,magnet field help tell us spiral galaxi form evolve find out hawc instrument nasa airborn 747 sofia observatori observ nearbi spiral galaxi m77 hawc map magnet observ polar infrar light emit elong dust grain rotat align local magnet field hawc imag show magnet field appear trace spiral arm inner region m77 arm like highlight densiti wave inflow gas dust star caus graviti galaxy oval shape featur pictur hawc imag diffus xray emiss map nasa nustar satellit visibl light imag taken hubbl m77 locat 47 million light year away toward constel sea monster cetus,magnet field spiral galaxi m77,2019-12-16,558,93,0.1861111111111111,12-16,12,2019,16,7,1,4 d48ccdc9caa6600f360e8aa509a122e4c95757134f50878e8b0cd86da5e3a4cc,mark hanson martin,sculpt stellar wind radiation magnific interstellar dust cloud chanc assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula 1500 lightyear distant embed vast orion cloud complex five lightyear tall dark cloud catalog barnard 33 visibl obscur dust silhouet glow red emiss nebula ic 434 star form within dark cloud contrast blue reflect nebula ngc 2023 surround hot young star lower left full image featur gorgeou color imag combin narrowband broadband imag record use sever differ telescopes,horsehead nebula,2019-12-17,488,74,0.0208333333333333,12-17,12,2019,17,4,0,5 6738b2e5059ded7ad097a50373f291377a8ff022b32730e495aa35ca9ee82a0e,none,neutron star look like previous citys star small far away resolve recently however first map locat size hotspot neutron star surfac made care model rapid spin make star xray bright rise base lead model illustr map pulsar hotspot pictured rest star surfac fill fals patchi blue j0030 spin everi second locat 1000 light year away map comput data taken nasa neutron star interior composit explor nicer xray telescop attach intern space station comput locat hotspot surpris well understood gravit lens effect neutron star strong display half surfac toward earth studi appear pulsar like j0030 allow accur estim neutron star mass radius intern physic keep star implod black hole,map neutron star surfac,2019-12-18,673,108,0.0256410256410256,12-18,12,2019,18,6,2,4 728e935096621c627ceae6957b1fb8283b7af5d4a5c4791bf9810cb4447e441d,none,awkward angular looking apollo 17 lunar modul challeng design flight near vacuum space digit enhanc reprocessed pictur taken apollo 17 command modul america show challenger ascent stage lunar orbit small reaction control thruster side moonship bell ascent rocket engin underneath hatch allow access lunar surfac seen front round radar antenna top mission command gene cernan clearli visibl triangular window spaceship perform gracefully land moon return apollo astronaut orbit command modul decemb 1972 challeng now descent stage remain apollo 17 land site tauruslittrow valley ascent stage pictur intent crash nearbi jettison command modul prior astronauts return planet earth apollo 17 mission came end 47 year ago today sixth last time astronaut land moon,apollo 17 moonship,2019-12-19,758,112,-0.0572916666666666,12-19,12,2019,19,2,2,2 8a32f27ed57dd3c7423c54a9cf3fcec9bab6166cf438fec6033ff1cea836a3e5,none,shadow grow long near sunset wide panoram view curios rover mars made curiosity scene cover 200 degre north east south left right stitch togeth frame taken mar rover sol that earth date decemb 16 curios perch top plateau western butte distant northern rim gale crater visibl along left near center central butte alreadi visit curiosity right shadow rover seem stretch toward base aeoli mon futur destination monochrom navcam frame color approxim color late martian afternoon,late afternoon mar,2019-12-20,474,75,-0.0119047619047619,12-20,12,2019,20,5,0,2 93fd4d5bf668932cd7e45577f9962f7bf296ff16bf284b6a9c7a759b9d8eeb1c,toma slovinski,star shine earth northern hemispher winter featur imag highlight number bright star visibl earlier month imag 360degre panorama 66 vertic frame taken consecut camera locat am famou star visibl pictur includ castor pollux toward southeast left siriu horizon toward south capella arch milki way galaxi toward west polari toward north right captur coincid meteor far left foreground museum villag slovakia villag rural life region hundr year ago imag captur sky sure familar villag sky also share northern resid around world free download 2020 apod calendar,northern winter sky panorama,2019-12-24,555,85,0.2206349206349206,12-24,12,2019,24,6,1,1 0830fe0ec554d4930cf70a21410a3063d72168fade648776bd43e6c0e4242077,petrhorálek,december new moon brought solar eclips holiday season also gave beauti dark night sky skygaz around globe like moonless northern winter night scene bright star winter hexagon along milki way rising cosi mountain snowi foreground near villag slovakia shine celesti beacon mark wellknown aster aldebaran capella pollux and procyon rigel sirius winter nightscap also reveal faint nebula orion love pleiad star cluster slide cursor imag trace winter hexagon follow link,northern winter hexagon,2019-12-26,465,70,0.131060606060606,12-26,12,2019,26,6,1,1 885651e21a184be123a24592758d312ac172e0a53af0ee5aee22dbfd093bcbf9,majid ghohroodi,what happen sun yesterday right place right time could see sun rise partial eclips moon unusu sight captur dramat fashion featur imag directly sequenc six images also reflect salt lake iran sun appear dimmer redder near horizon primarili earth atmospher preferenti scatter away blue light yesterday partial solar eclips appear sky much asia australia clear enough sky thin band across earth surfac treat complet annular solar eclips moon appear complet surround sun known ring fire next annular solar eclips occur 2020 june notabl imag submit apod partial solar eclips 2019 decemb,partial solar eclips sequenc reflect,2019-12-27,581,91,0.0551020408163265,12-27,12,2019,27,1,2,1 0db30126a2d48819c05ee1ea5ec1c4baa2897566b3e1e6fc7bb97f15f93182d7,none,saturn rings saturn appendages disappear 1612 galileo understand why later century becam understood saturn unusu protrus ring earth cross ring plane edgeon ring appear disappear saturn ring confin plane mani time thinner proportion razor blade modern times robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn frequent cross saturn ring plane mission saturn 2004 2017 seri plane cross imag 2005 februari dug vast onlin cassini raw imag archiv interest spanish amateur fernando garcia navarro pictur here digit crop set repres colors strike result saturn thin ring plane appear blue band cloud saturn upper atmospher appear gold detail saturn ring seen high dark shadow across top image taken back 2005 moon dion enceladu appear bump rings free presentation apod editor show best astronomi imag 2019 decad nyc januari 3,cassini spacecraft cross saturn ring plane,2019-12-29,805,124,0.0699595141700404,12-29,12,2019,29,0,2,2 712d0315ee85eccc231d167866f07c975eff937dba493a22220a7bb854c8ce59,stanislav volskiy,beauti trifid nebula also known messier 20 easi find small telescop nebula rich constel sagittarius 5000 lightyear away color studi cosmic contrast share wellcomposed nearli 1 degre wide field open star cluster messier 21 top left trisect dust lane trifid 40 lightyear across mere 300000 year old make one youngest star form region sky newborn embryon star embed natal dust ga clouds estim distanc open star cluster m21 similar m20s though share gorgeou telescop skyscap appar connect two fact m21 star much older 8 million year old,messier 20 21,2019-12-30,532,87,0.0326388888888888,12-30,12,2019,30,4,0,3 d04a137c334fd8086b1c4ce0f0667428f6006dde0269efd521480aec7c2ca465,none,betelgeus one knows betelgeuse one brightest recogn star night sky half bright use five month ago variabl like normal behavior famous variabl supergiant recent dim rekindl discuss long may betelgeus go supernova known red color betelgeus one star resolv modern telescopes although barely featur artist illustr imagin betelgeus might look close betelgeus thought complex tumultu surfac frequent throw impress flares replac sun not surfac would extend near orbit jupiter ga plume would bubbl past neptune sinc betelgeus 700 light year away eventu supernova endang life earth even though bright may rival full moon astronom amateur profession sure continu monitor betelgeus new decad free presentation apod editor show best astronomi imag 2019 decad nyc januari 3,betelgeus imagin,2020-01-01,764,115,0.1986225895316804,01-01,1,2020,1,6,2,4 5c3d1b6dda058c85e5da5d3e4f1eb2008cd9b6e14480d617d365d359e2358282,jimmi westlak,begirt mani blaze star orion hunter one recogniz constellations night skyscap hunter star rise northern hemisphere winter sky decemb 30 2019 tangl bare tree near georgia usa red supergi star betelgeus stand yellowish hue orion shoulder left center longer strongli rival blue supergi star rigel hunter foot fact skygaz around planet earth see strikingli fainter betelgeus now bright fade half final month 2019 betelgeus long known variabl star chang bright multipl cycl approxim short long term period hundr day mani years star close faintest sinc measur like due part near coincid minimum short long term cycles betelgeus also recogn nearbi red supergi star end life core collaps supernova explos sometim next 100000 years though cosmic cataclysm take place safe 700 lightyear fair planet,betelgeus,2020-01-02,788,123,0.1099206349206349,01-02,1,2020,2,6,2,4 153e9f5960d9b2c16c27bfbbfea9389ffdd46b8789faf489fb2c7cd92b236578,cheng luo,name forgotten constellation quadrantid meteor shower annual event planet earth northern hemispher skygaz shower radiant sky lie within old astronom obsolet constel quadran muralis locat far big dipper boundari modern constel boot draco radiant frame upper right quadrantid meteor streak night skyscap compos digit frame record hour around shower peak januari 4 2013 last quarter moon illumin rug terrain section great wall hebei province china like sourc dust stream produc quadrantid meteor identifi 2003 asteroid usual 2020 shower expect peak briefli night januari meteor fan north america anticip good show celebr new year moonless sky tomorrow dawn free presentation apod editor show best astronomi imag 2019 decad nyc,quadrantid great wall,2020-01-03,724,108,0.2670829170829171,01-03,1,2020,3,8,2,4 5a72b26308ceef10a7b10849b35194e696b57b0b1b0804f1556caaf4531a0c7d,none,like verd favorit green aurora sky 2017 june 25 snapshot intern space station 400 kilomet 250 miles earth orbit station within upper realm auror displays aurora signatur color excit molecul atom low densiti found extrem altitudes emiss atom oxygen domin view tantal glow green lower altitudes rarer reddish band extend space station horizon orbit scene captur pass point south east australia star horizon right belong constel cani major orion big dog sirius alpha star cani major brightest star near earth limb,aurora sky,2020-01-04,510,81,0.0123015873015872,01-04,1,2020,4,8,0,1 d8dc9554a6cf2e1f87b46da60a9002cbdbdd1331f33d0c6e1970d201ed9753f8,none,nights sky best show town night sky best show town composit imag sky intern competit landscap astrophotography featur win imag taken 2011 jkulsrln largest glacial lake iceland photograph combin six exposur captur two green auror rings reflect seren lake visibl distant background sky band milki way galaxi andromeda galaxy power coron mass eject sun caus aurora seen far south wisconsin usa sun progress away current low surfac activ toward solar maximum year away mani spectacular imag aurora expected,starri night iceland,2020-01-05,502,78,0.3099999999999999,01-05,1,2020,5,1,1,1 3d1a42438453db2b9ad9953659be1c62ea33c9332efc619cf3c939453f30ee1e,none,cloud pattern jupit quit complex featur tumultu cloud captur may nasa robot juno spacecraft current orbit solar system largest planet imag taken juno 15000 kilomet jupiter cloud tops close less half giant planet visible rough white cloud far right high altitud cloud known popup clouds juno mission extend 2021 studi jupit new ways among mani things juno measur jupiter gravit field find surpris evid jupit may mostli liquid,cloud jupit,2020-01-06,424,68,-0.004659582841401,01-06,1,2020,6,8,0,2 4eefcf44e43566dac2e85532014a455bc18a5239b3c27409cec3077f63aee93e,eric cole,rippl dust ga lane give flame star nebula name orang purpl color nebula present differ region creat differ processes bright star ae aurigae visibl toward imag left hot blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron red light frequent emit depict purpl region color mix red light blue light emit ae auriga reflect us surround dust two region refer emiss nebula reflect nebula respectively pictur hubbl color palette flame star nebula offici known ic 405 lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga,ic 405 flame star nebula,2020-01-07,586,95,0.1722222222222222,01-07,1,2020,7,4,2,5 3a81b40e6bc01f95e378812763e6e64c3a3c204fdd1e246abef4ebaa86017b7f,star shadow remoteobservatori,larg galaxi grow eat small ones even galaxi engag sort galact cannibalism absorb small galaxi close captur milki way gravity fact practic common univers illustr strike pair interact galaxi bank southern constel eridanus river locat 50 million light year away large distort spiral ngc 1532 seen lock gravit struggl dwarf galaxi ngc 1531 right center struggl smaller galaxi eventu lose seen edgeon spiral ngc 1532 span 100000 lightyears nice detail sharp image ngc 15321531 pair thought similar wellstudi system faceon spiral small companion known m51,galaxi river,2020-01-08,549,85,0.0173076923076922,01-08,1,2020,8,7,0,3 2051e0e5a72686684ff2bb56e4212b416ecc6eb4ba75f2570cc4610315ba28e0,ian griffin,perihelion 2020 point earth ellipt orbit closest sun occur januari 5th distanc sun determin seasons though govern tilt earth axi rotation januari still winter north summer southern hemisphere mean januari 5 sun largest appar size composit neatli compar two pictur sun taken planet earth telescop camera left half captur date 2020 right record week juli 4 date 2019 aphelion farthest point earth orbit otherwis difficult notice chang sun appar diamet perihelion aphelion amount littl 3 percent 2020 perihelion preced 2019 aphelion correspond closest farthest perihelion aphelion 21st century,perihelion aphelion,2020-01-09,590,88,-0.0990646258503401,01-09,1,2020,9,1,0,4 7f76b6e86185851340bef6f08bb11d09989d95204de540d7b8ce39533e4809e2,clear sky,vivid lustrous waft iridesc wave color fill mountain skyscap near sweden januari 3 known nacreou cloud motherofpearl clouds rare northern winter season make unforgett appear high latitudes though type polar stratospher cloud form unusu cold temperatur usual cloudless lower stratospher form ice crystals still sunlit altitud around 15 25 kilomet cloud diffract sunlight sunset dawn,nacreou cloud sweden,2020-01-10,381,55,-0.0185416666666666,01-10,1,2020,10,8,0,1 f1faac28fea0c9b8a1c4cac78f1705305c19db3c18c35cbdf1df365c9efdaae7,none,near outskirt small magellan cloud satellit galaxi 200 thousand lightyear distant lie 5 million year young star cluster ngc 602 surround natal ga dust ngc 602 featur stun hubbl imag region augment imag xray chandra infrar fantast ridg swept back shape strongli suggest energet radiat shock wave ngc 602 massiv young star erod dusti materi trigger progress star format move away cluster center estim distanc small magellan cloud pictur span 200 lightyears tantal assort background galaxi also visibl sharp multicolor view background galaxi hundr million lightyear beyond ngc 602,ngc 602 beyond,2020-01-11,577,89,-0.0583333333333333,01-11,1,2020,11,7,0,3 403fb6e45448e264d299f0f7b328afd9653b4be9d2a2c1d57fb7125fc83a2333,chart32 team,cosmic dust cloud young energet star inhabit telescop vista less 500 lightyear away toward northern boundari corona australis southern crown dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way strike complex reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 ic 4812 produc characterist blue color light region young hot star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star still process formation left smaller yellowish nebula ngc 6729 bend around young variabl star r corona australis it glow arc loop shock outflow embed newborn star identifi herbigharo objects sky field view span 1 degree correspond almost 9 lightyear estim distanc nearbi star form region best apod 2019 night sky network,star dust corona australi,2020-01-12,691,108,0.1273809523809523,01-12,1,2020,12,4,2,5 24036ee85f6003ce00830c1c2482c3f775a3e5e1dc2c37268591075348446ee7,none,volcano still activ venus volcano known venu earth venusian volcano last erupt directli known evid bolster recent volcan venu recent uncovered though right earth lab result show imag surfac lava would becom dim infrar month dens venusian atmosphere dim seen esa venu express images venu express enter orbit around venu 2006 remain contact earth 2014 therefore infrar glow shown falsecolor red record venu express mon featur nasa magellan imag indic volcano erupt recent still activ today understand volcan venu might lead insight volcan earth well elsewher solar system new apod avail turkish turkey,evid activ volcano venu,2020-01-14,600,93,0.0691197691197691,01-14,1,2020,14,8,2,2 14795bb10d73f2df21bab4d5fe2c8bc6e2cfbb5c1abdf2d549495484f0e5e53d,goran strand,would cloud rel rare phenomenon cloud known iridesc bring unusu color vividli even whole spectrum color simultaneously polar stratospher cloud clouds also known nacreou motherofpearl clouds form small water droplet nearli uniform size sun right posit and typically hidden direct view thin cloud seen significantli sunlight nearli coher manner differ color deflect differ amounts therefore differ color come observ slightli differ directions mani cloud start uniform region could show iridesc quickli becom thick mixed angularli far sun exhibit strike colors featur imag accompani video taken late last year sweden follow apod english on instagram facebook reddit twitter,iridesc cloud sweden,2020-01-15,670,97,-0.036734693877551,01-15,1,2020,15,8,2,1 8e4e10c9c042f7a671c8be1c203ccbebd5ba8e54691525f60b956aa2722d3ffa,eric benson,70000 lightyear across ngc 247 spiral galaxi smaller milki way measur 11 million lightyear distant nearbi though tilt nearli edgeon seen perspective domin telescop field view toward southern constel cetus pronounc void one side galaxy disk recal popular name needle eye galaxy mani background galaxi visibl sharp galaxi portrait includ remark string four galaxi left ngc 247 known burbidge chain burbidge chain galaxi 300 million lightyear distant ngc 247 part sculptor group galaxi along shini spiral ngc 253,ngc 247 friend,2020-01-16,509,78,0.0392857142857142,01-16,1,2020,16,7,0,3 b5676f4812b9d6065e275ea90cf33fef0585e620e627511b4315ec3b784092d0,gyorgi soponyai,composit seri imag follow moon januari 10 first full moon 2020 hungarian skies lunar disk mideclips center sequenc though look slightli darker pass light outer shadow penumbra planet earth fact penumbr lunar eclips moon almost cross northern edg earth dark central shadow umbra subtl hard see penumbr lunar eclips first four lunar eclips 2020 penumbr lunar eclipses,almost eclips moon,2020-01-18,365,57,0.0787037037037036,01-18,1,2020,18,2,0,2 bf22c6b101ad7329d40af97d5a42ecd370e48487307bb1898ff07423aa91c351,petrhorálek,meteor trail nearli shed space rock trace back direct sky radiant quadrantid meteor shower direct use toward old constel quadran henc name intern astronom union formul list modern constel constel make list even though meteor consid origin recogn constel bootes old name stuck regardless designation everi januari earth move dust stream bit dust glow meteor heat earth atmosphere featur imag composit taken januari 4 picturesqu snowi slovakian landscap foreground deepexposur sky promin featur constel orion background red star betelgeus appear unusu dim fade past month track astronomers teachers apod classroom,quadrantid meteor orion,2020-01-20,612,90,0.0499999999999999,01-20,1,2020,20,8,2,4 45d97fa34899b76f9f43835dfd7881b1b8cc0c3f0f66b0f47a50e79cd57c7ffb,jose mtanou,closest cluster star sun hyad open cluster bright enough remark even thousand year ago yet bright compact nearbi pleiad m45 star cluster pictur particularli deep imag hyad bring vivid star color faint coincident nebulas brightest star field yellow aldebaran eye bull toward constel taurus aldebaran 65 lightyear away known unrel hyad cluster lie 150 lightyear away central hyad star spread 15 lightyears form million year ago hyad like share common origin beehiv cluster nakedey open star cluster toward constel cancer base m44 motion space remark similar age,hyad star cluster,2020-01-22,559,87,-0.0057692307692307,01-22,1,2020,22,6,0,3 44056e9b0a89bdc0eddb6975916b3a146d1a7cc80d804868aa08d3094ea4f9e4,jose joaquin perez,13000 lightyear away toward southern constel pavo globular star cluster ngc 6752 roam halo milki way galaxy 10 billion year old ngc 6752 follow cluster omega centauri 47 tucana third brightest globular planet earth night sky hold 100 thousand star sphere 100 lightyear diameter telescop explor ngc 6752 found remark fraction star near cluster core multipl star systems also reveal presenc blue straggl stars star appear young massiv exist cluster whose star expect least twice old sun blue straggler thought form star merger collis dens stellar environ cluster core sharp color composit also featur cluster ancient red giant star yellowish hues note bright spiki blue star 11 oclock cluster center foreground star along lineofsight ngc,globular star cluster ngc 6752,2020-01-23,735,115,0.0515625,01-23,1,2020,23,6,2,3 b26b0117b0df01696522a11c474c7e387a12afbd4be1f1ca259bf07440dc14d9,laszlo francsic,januari 21 2019 moonwatch planet earth saw total lunar eclipse 35 frame composit imag follow moon night cross earth dark umbral shadow taken 3 minut apart almost melt togeth continu screen captur dark color within shadow northern curv shadow edge sunlight scatter atmospher shadow caus lunar surfac appear redden total left close umbra edge limb eclips moon show remark blue hue blue eclips moonlight origin ray sunlight pass layer high earth upper stratosphere color ozon scatter red light transmit blue moon next cross earth umbral shadow may 26 2021,shadow,2020-01-24,552,89,0.0173333333333333,01-24,1,2020,24,2,0,1 ff110981ae82d654f659b55b4918a7ed0796ca8e30ad4f1c47884616bd16af6f,none,sometimes even rover mar stop admir late last novemb curios rover mar paus photograph impress surroundings one thing straight ahead central butte unusu flat hill studi curios day imag taken right distant mount sharp fivekilomet central peak entir gale crater interior curios exploring mount sharp cover sulfates appear quit bright image far left shroud dark shadow south slope vera rubin ridge elev explor previous curiosity ridg butt track left curiosity wheel roll forward scene imag foreground is course humanity current eye mars complex robot rover curios itself later year goe well nasa anoth rover eye mars today help determin name rover yourself tomorrow last day cast help name mar 2020 vote,track mar,2020-01-26,701,111,-0.000297619047619,01-26,1,2020,26,5,2,2 5537911703217ce425fb8605ed001a707e57e74388c431bec4bafdd8a25e4931,none,comet tail come from obviou place nuclei comet jet creat comet tail emanate one best imag emerg jet shown featur picture taken 2015 esa robot rosetta spacecraft orbit comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko comet cg 2014 2016 pictur show plume ga dust escap numer place comet cg nucleu near sun heat up comet two promin lobes larger one span 4 kilometers smaller 25kilomet lobe connect narrow neck analys indic evapor must take place well insid comet surfac creat jet dust ice see emit surface comet cg also known comet 67p lose jet meter radiu 644year orbit around sun rate complet destroy comet thousand years 2016 rosetta mission end control impact onto comet cg surface outreach astronomers futur apod writer,comet cg,2020-01-27,702,116,0.1166666666666667,01-27,1,2020,27,3,2,2 1c453a9260d05743529724f77485c23128e3c3fb691e66ce9aa561526a4bd055,francesco antonucci,what commot tadpol nebula star formation dusti emiss tadpol nebula ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away northern constel chariot auriga cloud glow ga 100 lightyear across sculpt stellar wind radiat embed open star cluster ngc 1893 form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago bright newli form cluster star seen around starform nebula notabl near imag center two rel dens streamer materi trail away nebula central regions potenti site ongo star format ic 410 cosmic tadpol shape 10 lightyear long featur imag taken infrar light nasa wide field infrar survey explor wise satellite discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,star format tadpol nebula,2020-01-28,638,101,0.1166666666666666,01-28,1,2020,28,4,2,5 154b5c07ad83bb74b64cdf7a1ca29691d2cb7daeda79f91a9a29e66c49840e16,lori,milki way creat evapor lake pool vivid blue water 10 meter across known silex spring locat yellowston nation park wyoming usa steam rise spring heat magma chamber deep underneath known yellowston hotspot steam blur imag jupiter make seem unusu large unrel far distance central band milki way galaxi rise high overhead band lit billion stars featur pictur panorama taken last august yellowston hotspot caus anoth supervolcan erupt 640000 year ago larg part north america would affected,milki way yellowston,2020-01-29,484,76,0.0749107142857142,01-29,1,2020,29,6,0,1 7750c4c61b49d10819439e8349e1ce3df5bbe16af11eb82fd82677d889154d3d,cara project,love starfield span four full moon about 2 degrees across heroic northern constel perseus telescop exposur made night januari 24 26 28 hold famou pair open galact star cluster h chi persei comet panstarr captur night swept left right across field view also catalog ngc 869 right ngc 884 star cluster 7000 lightyear away contain star much younger hotter sun separ hundr lightyears cluster 13 million year young base age individu stars evid like product starform region discov 2017 still beyond orbit saturn comet panstarr new visitor inner solar system 13 lightminut planet earth alway reward sight binoculars doubl cluster even visibl unaid eye dark locations c2017 could remain telescop comet though one brightest comet anticip 2020 make closest approach sun earli may,two cluster comet,2020-01-30,769,123,0.1082917082917082,01-30,1,2020,30,3,2,3 3721eda0d7f8691f48b7467832db20829cb0a9d1f0b83dc078192b8749c1c61c,none,goldilock zone habit zone around star hot cold liquid water exist surfac orbit planets intrigu includ rel size zone yellow g star like sun along orang k dwarf star red dwarf stars cooler fainter sun star top small closein goldilock zones also seen live long 100 billion year so abundant make 73 percent star milki way still activ magnet field may produc much radiat harm life estim xray 400 time quiet sun sunlik g star bottom larg goldilock zone rel calm low amount harm radiation account 6 percent milki way star much shorter lived search habit planets k dwarf star could right though rare 40 billion year lifetimes much longer sun rel wide habit zone produc modest amount harm radiation goldilock star account 13 percent star milki way,star,2020-01-31,738,128,0.1090567327409432,01-31,1,2020,31,6,2,4 6d90f0d59b19505393dac7363ee75e140ebb38e327eecf355a6c33532bbc02ec,none,leav lunar orbit februari 1971 crew apollo 14 watch earthris command modul kitti hawk earth sunlit crescent peek lunar horizon crater terrain foreground along lunar farside course orbit moon crew could watch earth rise set earth hung stationari sky fra mauro base land site lunar surface rock sampl brought back apollo 14 mission includ 20 pound rock nicknam big bertha later determin contain like fragment meteorit planet earth,apollo 14 head home,2020-02-01,428,68,-0.2,02-01,2,2020,1,2,0,2 f85946afb1af54a8466658a5171411e0a2b626a7aed753eac54ad71f09f4e730,none,like ship plow cosmic seas runaway star zeta ophiuchi produc arc interstellar bow wave bow shock seen stun infrar portrait falsecolor view bluish zeta oph star 20 time massiv sun lie near center frame move toward left 24 kilomet per second strong stellar wind preced it compress heat dusti interstellar materi shape curv shock front set star motion zeta oph like member binari star system companion star massiv henc shorter lived companion explod supernova catastroph lose mass zeta oph flung system 460 lightyear away zeta oph 65000 time lumin sun would one brighter star sky surround obscur dust imag span 15 degre 12 lightyear estim distanc zeta ophiuchi last week nasa place spitzer space telescop safe end 16 success year studi universe news nasa spitzer space telescop end mission astronom discoveri,zeta oph runaway star,2020-02-02,805,131,0.1648148148148148,02-02,2,2020,2,6,2,4 650f5127d4771c6840257e486f8e1de691b375bed0a45ebed4aa7bd38c8c828b,robert,see mountain peak glow red insid grand canyon one incred sunset experi amateur photographer life appear even incred later digit combin exposur night sky taken camera locat hour later two imag taken last august 220 mile canyon campsit colorado river arizona usa peak glow red lit unusu red sunset later high above band milki way galaxi angl dramat down fill stars nebula dark cloud dust milki way left planet saturn right brighter jupiter although jupit saturn hard see venu visibl quit bright west clear skies sunset next two months astrophotographi nasa astrophoto challeng,sunset night sky grand canyon,2020-02-04,576,93,0.0472890559732665,02-04,2,2020,4,6,2,1 e15ca0560f0721f75ca2d971bc490a7c3af85d777c76e10da79fd329c18987c1,none,see moon yes see differently one differ appar locat moon background star effect known human use parallax eye depth see lunar though need eye place much greater separ hundr thousand kilomet apart anoth differ observ around earth see slightli differ face spheric moon effect known featur imag composit mani view across earth submit apod total lunar eclips 2019 januari 21 imag project background star illustr effects accur superposit imag made possibl serendipit meteorit impact moon lunar eclipse label submit imag taken within split second simultan observ made independ amateur astronom across globe group astronom abl use imag narrow location orbit energi rare event,lunar eclips perspect,2020-02-05,671,103,0.04375,02-05,2,2020,5,2,2,4 d059312182b0bae4c86ee782025a6004346d562428396f6740e04fb52e62d5c5,tom glenn,moon south pole near top detail telescop view look across rug southern lunar highland captur southern california planet earth moon third quarter phase lunar terminator sunset shadow line approach left scene foreshorten perspect heighten impress dens field crater make crater appear oval shape close lunar limb left center sharpwal crater tycho 85 kilomet diameter young tycho central peak still sunlight cast long shadow across crater floor larg promin crater south above tycho clavius nearli kilomet diamet wall floor pock smaller recent overlay impact craters mountain visibl along lunar limb top rise 6 kilomet surround terrain,southern moonscap,2020-02-06,630,95,0.0699999999999999,02-06,2,2020,6,2,2,2 bc7536681b6e6b9d8b9ec5609825447e44ee754806864e6351a403db1f2e5797,none,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth hubbl space telescop closeup span 40000 lightyears galaxy magnific spiral arm featur dark obscur dust lanes bright bluish cluster massiv young stars telltal reddish glow activ star form regions bright yellowish central region harbor popul older cooler stars like milki way supermass black hole lie core spiral galaxi ngc 7331,ngc 7331 close,2020-02-07,651,100,0.1361111111111111,02-07,2,2020,7,7,2,3 3a2b537cf330c892db9b54a400ee1376bf02e73d07c446d47b5547d052e3688b,bray fall,interstellar cloud hydrogen ga dust abound gorgeou skyscape 3 degre wide field view stretch faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn star form region catalog ngc 2264 centered complex jumbl cosmic gas dust star 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae lightyear across simpl sculpt shape known cone nebula near center outlin red glow hydrogen gas cone point toward left bright bluewhit monocerotis multipl system massive hot star mon adjac bluish reflect nebula convolut fox fur nebula expans dark mark sky silhouet larger region fainter emiss yellowish open star cluster trumpler 5 near top frame curiou compact cometari shape right center known hubble variabl nebula,cosmic cloud,2020-02-08,823,127,0.0515527950310558,02-08,2,2020,8,4,2,5 23ba00dd3abae1c9d58abe7f3ac344d8bf216749ab421389005e4249e77d4593,joshua,what happen behind partial eclips sun six half week ago moon pass complet front sun seen narrow band earth despit mani locat narrow band one found station camera distant moon even distant sun creat impress though took wellplan trip unit arab care accur time day eclipse although result featur imag show partial eclips sun rising moon went appear complet engulf sun annular eclips known ring fire forward scatter sunlight domin quantum mechan give camel hair rope unusu glow next solar eclips also annular eclips occur come june news solar orbit launch,solar eclips,2020-02-10,551,91,-0.1518518518518518,02-10,2,2020,10,1,0,1 7f3c8afa05ee3ebbe191fa8d83e25a3c7409e79f1cce4d839694598ab1ae27d3,derek demet,weather sun affect help find out european space agenc nasa launch solar orbiter robot spaceship monitor sun chang light solar wind magnet field usual perspect earth also sun pictured long durat exposur launch solar orbit show grace arc bright engin unit launch atla v rocket lift satellit earth next years solar orbit use graviti earth venu plane planet closer sun mercury violent weather sun includ solar flare coron mass ejections shown abil interfer power grid earth commun satellit earth orbit solar orbit expect coordin observ also sunorbit parker solar probe launch 2018 solar orbit space watch launch,launch solar orbit,2020-02-11,607,97,0.0,02-11,2,2020,11,1,2,2 0f7483394aed6cc79a039b4be5f5be6714a7645aadfc9207d6f042e7c2a0f1bf,none,trifid nebula also known messier 20 easi find small telescope 30 lightyear across 5500 lightyear distant popular stop cosmic tourist nebula rich constel sagittarius name suggests visibl light pictur show nebula divid three part dark obscur dust lanes penetr infrar imag reveal trifid filament glow dust cloud newborn stars spectacular falsecolor view courtesi spitzer space telescope astronom use infrar imag data count newborn embryon star otherwis lie hidden natal dust ga cloud intrigu stellar nursery launch 2003 spitzer explor infrar univers earthtrail solar orbit scienc oper brought close earlier year januari 30,spitzer trifid,2020-02-13,619,92,0.1558333333333333,02-13,2,2020,13,4,2,5 529d67047917a9308d0fe74c34954f898874efc2a223a61d04447fea377d99c0,none,valentine day 1990 cruis four billion mile sun voyag 1 spacecraft look back one last time make first ever solar system famili portrait portrait consist sun six planet 60 frame mosaic made vantag point 32 degre eclipt plane planet earth captur within singl pixel singl frame pale blue dot within right center reprocess version famou view voyager astronom carl sagan origin idea use voyager camera look back toward home distant perspective thirti year later valentine day look pale blue dot,blue dot,2020-02-14,488,80,-0.0070238095238095,02-14,2,2020,14,1,0,1 d89f9aeae2e85966578901009b3018753f3d00e3a83ab1140b682ff24fa50613,none,jewel southern sky great carina nebula also known ngc 3372 span 300 lightyears one galaxy largest star form regions like smaller northerli great orion nebula carina nebula easili visibl unaid eye though distanc 7500 lightyear 5 time farther away gorgeou telescop closeup reveal remark detail region central glow filament interstellar ga obscur cosmic dust cloud field view nearli 20 lightyear across carina nebula home young extrem massiv stars includ still enigmat violent variabl eta carinae star system well 100 time mass sun process composit space groundbas imag data dusty twolob homunculu nebula appear surround eta carina left center eta carina like verg supernova explosion xray imag indic great carina nebula verit supernova factory,carina nebula close,2020-02-15,741,113,0.1090909090909091,02-15,2,2020,15,4,2,5 78d1c6a202fa13abe415031bd30d12abce38a771aa39d3be640aa31e30df3230,none,some huge nebula resembl person head surround parka hood 1787 astronom william herschel discov unusu planetari ngc 2392 recently hubbl space telescop imag nebula visibl light featur imag nebula show ga cloud complex fulli understood ngc 2392 planetari nebula distant ga compos outer layer sunlik star 10000 year ago outer shell contain unusu lightyear long orang filaments inner filament visibl eject strong wind particl central star ngc 2392 nebula span 13 light year lie milki way galaxy 3000 light year distant toward constel twin gemini,ngc planetari nebula,2020-02-16,540,85,0.1236111111111111,02-16,2,2020,16,4,1,5 743b71058ce34d9d41f2853a876a71da8ece8957b4dc63a6c5941151277378af,none,besid fading betelgeus chang appearance yes famou red supergi star familiar constel orion larg telescop earth actual resolv surfac although barely two featur imag taken european southern observatory larg telescop show star surfac appear begin end last year earlier imag show betelgeus much uniform bright later one lower half betelgeus becam significantli dimmer top first five month 2019 amateur observ show betelgeus actual got slightli brighter last five month star dim dramatically variabl like normal behavior famous variabl supergiant recent dim rekindl discuss long may betelgeus go supernova sinc betelgeus 700 light year away eventu supernova probabl thousand year futur like amaz nightski spectacle endang life earth,chang surfac fade betelgeus,2020-02-17,729,107,0.1190972222222222,02-17,2,2020,17,6,2,4 3076dfd9723ddb0008051102da29961ac72d37d8cfa0bf9e9d9193a4e6a62d2e,bauer,recogn constellation set past central highland czech republ orion one identifi star group sky icon familiar human 30000 years orion look pretti much time continu look mani thousand year future promin orion high sky sunset time year recur sign modern winter earth northern hemispher summer south featur pictur composit thirti imag taken locat night last month slightli left orion threestar belt orion nebula four bright star surround belt are siriu far left blue betelgeus orange unusu aldebaran far right rigel futur week progress orion set increasingli earlier infinit random loop creat apod station classroom scienc center,orion central,2020-02-18,624,96,0.0668796992481203,02-18,2,2020,18,6,2,4 1e437463f0e4e750351b5b36a22a86e91dd0a300b9bccc05c3db04d1fc40c3a3,none,galaxi spin fast start even identifi type galaxi ugc 12591 difficult featur lower left dark dust lane like spiral galaxi larg diffus bulg star like lenticular surprisingli observ show ugc 12591 spin 480 kmsec almost twice fast milki way fastest rotat rate yet measured mass need hold togeth galaxi spin fast sever time mass milki way galaxy progenitor scenario ugc 12591 includ slow growth accret ambient matter rapid growth recent galaxi collis collis futur observ may tell light see today ugc 12591 left 400 million year ago tree first develop earth,ugc 12591 fastest rotat galaxi known,2020-02-19,553,91,0.0272727272727272,02-19,2,2020,19,7,0,4 3114b3883428f9b02d7c72282099cdf4c9d11a562d7cd64feb152915325a26ab,paul schmit,februari 18 civil twilight began northern new mexico skies intern space station wane crescent moon planet mar moment share wellplan singl field view photographer locat sky begun grow light space station orbit 400 kilomet earth alreadi bath morn sunlight local time took second cross front lunar disk move right left composit success frames time mar alreadi emerg behind moon follow much anticip lunar occultation yellowish glow red planet still frame upper right beyond moon dark edge,twilight,2020-02-20,484,76,0.075556586270872,02-20,2,2020,20,2,0,1 edee6d89a633d1b61f76254f2306d5ae6b4c902a4efbfbd358c523d5ccf90350,min xie,silhouett intrigu dark nebula inhabit cosmic scene lynds dark nebula ldn 1622 appear faint background glow hydrogen ga visibl long telescop exposur region contrast brighter reflect nebula vdb 62 easili seen right center ldn 1622 lie near plane milki way galaxy close sky barnard loop larg cloud surround rich complex emiss nebula found belt sword orion sweptback outlines obscur dust ldn 1622 thought lie similar distance perhap 1500 lightyear away distance 1 degre wide field view would span 30 lightyears young star lie hidden within dark expans reveal spitzer space telescop infrar images still forebod visual appear ldn 1622 inspir popular name boogeyman nebula,ldn 1622 dark nebula orion,2020-02-21,665,104,-0.0128720238095238,02-21,2,2020,21,4,2,5 9386506019b57a0a871a65c280dad62d8d820838945f4e90c1bcb3875c8056fd,none,mere 11 million lightyear away centauru closest activ galaxi planet earth also known ngc 5128 peculiar ellipt galaxi 60000 lightyear across region span 8500 lightyears includ galaxy center upper left frame sharp hubbl space telescop closeup centauru appar result collis two otherwis normal galaxi result violent jumbl star form regions massiv star clusters impos dark dust lanes near galaxy center left cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole 60 million time mass sun activ galaxies process like gener radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a,central centauru,2020-02-22,554,85,-0.1301282051282051,02-22,2,2020,22,7,0,3 57aa162d9de543cb1e549ac23e44379a3bafbdb40a75fbca4bf2c5a12d0a7834,brent,yes could get work time moon look like this photograph prepar drive work reflection even diffract moonlight million fall ice crystal turn familiar icon moon menageri halo arcs featur scene captur three combin exposur two week ago cold winter morn manitoba canada color ring corona caus quantum diffract small drop water ice near direct moon outsid that 22degre halo creat moonlight refract sixsid cylindr ice crystals side moon dogs caus light refract thin flat sixsid ice toward ground visibl top bottom 22degre halo upper lower tangent arcs creat moonlight refract nearli horizont hexagon ice minut later field road work halo arc disappeared sky return normal except singl faint moon dog,moon arc,2020-02-24,690,110,-0.0115384615384615,02-24,2,2020,24,2,2,1 75ab7e64b7bb7586df90cd0e408aae94a780be2395b711f36f7caffc53bc165b,none,hot jupit doomed hot jupit giant planet like jupit orbit much closer parent star mercuri sun hot jupit extrem others ngts10b illustr closest giant planet yet discovered circl home star 18 hours ngts10b littl larger jupiter orbit less two time diamet parent star away star surface planet orbit close expect spiral inward pull tidal forc eventu rip apart star gravity ngts10b discov research univers name next gener transit survey detect planet pass front star block light although violent demis ngts10b happen eventually yet know,discoveri doom planet,2020-02-26,528,84,0.0348484848484848,02-26,2,2020,26,6,0,3 03588f37e36368d2ab1732565efa89a69b687d0a1d2555ecf9fd2f5d97438d5c,petrhorálek,sun hidden horizon run across middl two hemispher view earth night sky digit stitch mosaic record correspond latitudes one 29 degre north one 29 degre south planet equator top northern view observatori la palma taken februari 2020 southern scene eso la silla observatori record april 2016 projection milki way run almost vertic horizon dark cloud bright nebula promin near galact center lower half frame upper half brilliant venu immers zodiac light sunlight faintli scatter interplanetari dust zodiac light trace solar system eclipt plane complet circl starri sky larg telescop dome bulg along invert horizon la silla la palma multimirror magic telescop stand center explor two hemispher night sky also find andromeda galaxi larg small magellan clouds,two night sky,2020-02-27,752,116,0.15,02-27,2,2020,27,6,2,4 469a979f43b7dceb4c1749324441647fcd3c21d224142072e712652ac60eddbf,brendan,sunset decemb 6 rocket lab electron rocket launch rotat planet multipl small satellit board depart mission low earth orbit dub run finger peninsula new zealand north island fieri trace grace launch arc toward south southern sea skyscape drift vapor trail rocket exhaust plume catch sunlight even sky grow dark though set sun still shin altitud along rocket fix tripod camera perspect nearli align peak rocket arc south celesti pole bright star mark locat southern hemisphere even sky still easi find center star trail arc timelaps composite,south celesti rocket launch,2020-02-28,540,86,0.0420454545454545,02-28,2,2020,28,8,0,2 aa3d7e562597d89ccf114d53e962f9a4f8759cb74727ef84a8535b40bc7eb961,none,46 bc juliu caesar reform calendar system base advic astronom alexandria julian calendar includ one leap day everi four year account fact earth year slightli 365 day long modern terms time take planet orbit sun 36524219 mean solar days calendar year contain exactli 365 day would drift earth year 1 day everi 4 year eventu juli name juliu caesar himself would occur northern hemispher winter adopt leap year extra day everi four years julian calendar year would drift much less 1582 pope gregori xiii provid finetun leap day occur year end unless divis 400 gregorian calendar system one wide use today course tidal friction earthmoon system slow earth rotat gradual day 14 per century mean leap day like today necessari 4 million year now,juliu caesar leap day,2020-02-29,739,124,-0.2046296296296296,02-29,2,2020,29,8,2,1 8b8fd6a83dc751b8b48c705adb609e6f26608d5dbdb6f45482948d2741443f06,none,creat unusu hole mars hole discov chanc 2011 imag dusti slope mars pavoni mon volcano taken hiris instrument aboard robot mar reconnaiss orbit current circl mars hole shown repres color appear open underground cavern partli illumin imag right analysi followup imag reveal open 35 meter across interior shadow angl indic underli cavern roughli 20 meter deep circular crater surround hole remain topic speculation full extent underli cavern hole particular interest interior cave rel protect harsh surfac mars make rel good candid contain martian life pit therefor prime target possibl futur spacecraft robots even human interplanetari explorers,hole mar,2020-03-01,643,96,0.1729437229437229,03-01,3,2020,1,5,2,2 46c4738694adb3e46afacf53ac2b8459aabd796f0c9d07c97aec3d7c695c04de,team u,blown fast wind hot massiv star cosmic bubbl much larger dolphin appear be catalog sharpless 2308 lie 5200 lightyear away toward constel big dog cani major cover slightli sky full moon correspond diamet 60 lightyear estim distance massiv star creat bubble wolfrayet star bright one near center nebula wolfrayet star 20 time mass sun thought brief presupernova phase massiv star evolution fast wind wolfrayet star creat bubbleshap nebula sweep slower move materi earlier phase evolution windblown nebula age 70000 years rel faint emiss captur featur expans imag domin glow ioniz oxygen atom map blue hue,dolphin nebula,2020-03-02,602,95,0.0901785714285714,03-02,3,2020,2,4,2,5 56e13ed156bba4ed89b283b23bf82882e1efcc0dd5752a70e913f1737160be71,none,like slow may one you singl turn danc take sever hundr million years two galaxies ngc ngc slowli gravit interact set flourish spark form new stars featur image taken gemini north 8meter telescop maunakea hawaii usa combin four differ colors emiss hydrogen gas color red mark stellar nurseri new star drive evolut galaxies also visibl dark dust lane mark ga eventu becom stellar nurseries look care see mani galaxi background involv slow cosmic apod across world languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,slow danc galaxi ngc,2020-03-04,660,101,0.0016233766233766,03-04,3,2020,4,7,2,5 2c18a48f63f331b4cadc10d765c2c15dcbf7d915a66d0ea99171540f851fd4c1,casey,color skyscap span four full moon across nebula rich starfield along plane milki way galaxi royal northern constel cepheus near edg region massiv molecular cloud 2400 lightyear away bright reddish emiss region sharpless sh 155 left center also known cave nebula 10 lightyear across cosmic cave bright wall ga ioniz ultraviolet light hot young star around it dusti blue reflect nebulae like vdb 155 lower right dens obscur cloud dust also abound interstellar canvas astronom explor reveal dramat sign star formation includ bright red fleck herbigharo hh 168 center frame herbigharo object emiss gener energet jet newborn star,light dark dusti,2020-03-05,624,98,0.2507142857142857,03-05,3,2020,5,4,2,5 9121aea118e026c706dae3e4e6a9c61d976f8aefd61f2a3fc4632a4a0d735206,none,mar rover name curios record highresolution 360 degre view locat mar late last year panoram scene stitch 1000 imag curiosity mast camera mastcam version captur medium angl lens rover deck robot arm foreground stretch distort extrem wide perspective beyond rover region clay rich rock evid ancient wateri environment clear view toward distant martian ridg buttes gale crater wall run across center toward north background 30 kilomet distance upper reach mt sharp far right imag construct panorama record 4 consecut sol local noon provid consist lighting zoom panoram scene easili spot shadow cast sundial mount rover deck right juli nasa plan launch new rover mar name perseverance,mar panorama curios,2020-03-06,680,106,0.0398423005565862,03-06,3,2020,6,5,2,4 2177a905d8c37989a8678b22701dc86f1b77e74f75c7070ad4c5a107d19a4e96,patrick lécureuil,surreal night skyscape panorama stitch 12 photo look west even winter sky pic du midi observatory pyrene mountains planet earth telescop dome tall commun tower inhabit rug foreground right light franc 35 kilomet away imping design dark sky site though distant terrestri light seen toward left citi spain star nebula northern winter milki way arc sky above known planet night skygazers pleiad hyad star cluster still hang western horizon near center captur mid februari familiar star constel orion left includ longer star betelgeuse,pic du midi panorama,2020-03-07,531,83,0.1043367346938775,03-07,3,2020,7,6,0,1 0475034e57d3961240172357f8391de23d6eaae5df5ac66961c4bf7bf94697b6,none,star explod slow motion rare massiv wolfrayet star tumultu hot slowli disintegr right telescopes glow ga glob typic 30 time massiv earth expel violent stellar winds wolfrayet star wr 124 visibl near featur imag center span six light year across thu creat surround nebula known m167 detail star slowli blow apart past 20000 year remain topic research wr 124 lie 15000 lightyear away toward constel arrow sagitta fate given wolfrayet star like depend massiv is mani thought end live spectacular explos supernova gammaray bursts,wolfrayet star 124 stellar wind machin,2020-03-08,525,84,0.0726731601731601,03-08,3,2020,8,4,0,5 8fe546b7776775cbfa37194cf79f1b48f7450420ba15f46495ec7f6186514bc4,roman u,band light connect ground milki way zodiac light stream dust orbit sun inner solar system easili seen sunrise call fals dawn sunset origin zodiac dust remain topic research hypothes result asteroid collis comet tails featur wideangl imag show central band milki way galaxi arch across top larg magellan cloud lmc satellit galaxi milki way visibl far left imag combin 30 exposur taken last juli near la serena among mountain chile next two months zodiac light appear quit promin northern sky sunset almost hyperspace random apod gener,milki way zodiac light chile,2020-03-09,534,86,0.1166666666666667,03-09,3,2020,9,6,1,1 c95f19bc57c68a4fada7a0deb9a40150aec493fdf9fff41f3fbdbdb2f433548a,greg,follow thing common cone fur fox christma tree answer occur constel unicorn monoceros pictur star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae featur widefield imag span three time diamet full moon cover 100 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose convolut pelt lie lower right imag center bright variabl star mon visibl fox fur cone nebula left given distribution star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster,wide field fox fur unicorn christma tree,2020-03-10,676,108,0.0873626373626373,03-10,3,2020,10,4,2,5 b0ac1058b624bfc4f8590994ceffa3b8f37247e5a9d3ec2cf099c2574ea4d1e2,none,astronom believ found power exampl black hole outburst yet seen universe composite falsecolor featur imag cluster galaxi constel ophiuchus composit includ xray imag from chandra xray observatori purple radio imag from india giant radio blue along infrar imag galaxi star field white good dash line mark border caviti blown supermass black hole lurk center galaxi mark cross radio emiss fill cavity big believ due black hole eat much experienc transient hole result eject power radio jet blast intergalact space amount energi need blow caviti equival 10 billion supernova explosions,extrem black hole outburst,2020-03-11,581,89,0.0145833333333333,03-11,3,2020,11,7,0,4 a88f061fc0ae0c399f214b3d168129d8009ffa5f8aa82f9d5a52cb0cb7fba938,john krau,short star trail appear singl 84 second long exposure taken march 6 rotat planet remark scene also captur flight falcon 9 rocket dragon cargo spacecraft cape canaver air forc station shortli launch resuppli mission bound intern space station begin return land zone 9 kilomet launch site falcon 9 first stage boostback burn arc toward top frame second stage continu toward low earth orbit though fieri arc trace first stage boostback burn camera perspective along expand exhaust plume two stages dragon spacecraft veteran two previou resuppli missions success return land zone falcon 9 first stage flown too second land mark 50th land spacex orbit class rocket,falcon 9,2020-03-12,659,105,0.125,03-12,3,2020,12,8,2,2 7cc4e7a4b23e1cb54586d285abe373b08d3d6843d2762d73d7a12d696649fdfd,none,dramat nocturn landscap around 1850 oil paint work french artist dark atmospher night sky shoot stars known meteors landscap show path faintli lit countrysid lead toward tree silhouett horizon millet rais famili known paint rural scene life starri night paint artist move 30 kilomet southeast 19th centuri light pollut paris millet wrote brother time if knew beauti night calm awesom find actual feel dutch artist vincent van gogh work later also paint two dramat starri nights,starri night,2020-03-13,478,76,0.0785714285714285,03-13,3,2020,13,8,0,1 8edf5be38c22cc161a3934aa6fdfd8c3d4acf529cde33db7af7853b1018dac66,el cielo de canaria,phase moon 314 radian sun full moon course even though moon might look full sever days moon truli full phase 314 radian aka 180 degrees sun eclipt longitude that opposit sun planet earth sky rise sun set march 9 hour moment full phase orang tint slightli flatten moon still look full photograph opposit set sun teid nation park canari island tenerife also opposit set sun seen near teid volcano peak 3500 meter sea level mountain rise triangular shadow extend earth dens atmosphere distant ridg line left white telescop dome teid observatori,moonris mountain shadow,2020-03-14,541,91,0.1944444444444444,03-14,3,2020,14,1,1,1 6141d14eb3f64cf487d593cb42472a917fa07a0a42cccd556287e83abea62603,none,what happen center nearbi spiral galaxi m77 faceon galaxi lie mere 47 million lightyear away toward constel sea monster cetus estim distance gorgeou island univers 100 thousand lightyear across also known ngc 1068 compact bright core well studi astronom explor mysteri supermass black hole activ seyfert galaxies m77 activ core glow bright xray ultraviolet visible infrared radio wavelengths featur sharp imag m77 taken hubbl space telescop domin visible red light emit hydrogen imag show detail spiral wind spiral arm trace obscur dust clouds redtint star form region close galaxy lumin core astrophysicists brows 2100 code astrophys sourc code librari,m77 spiral galaxi activ center,2020-03-17,653,99,0.1135416666666667,03-17,3,2020,17,7,2,3 336917a993ef498eaa6f2a52095d87feccb877d4dd23dda4d4f48e28c4f75c65,bryan goff,what happen behind clouds although scene may appear somehow supernatural noth unusu occur sun set side sky pictur anticrepuscular rays understand them start pictur common crepuscular ray seen time sunlight pour though scatter clouds although sunlight inde travel along straight lines project line onto spheric sky great circles therefore crepuscular ray set or rising sun appear reconverg side sky antisolar point 180 degre around sun refer anticrepuscular rays featur particularli strike display anticrepuscular ray photograph 2016 dri nation park florida usa,anticrepuscular ray florida,2020-03-18,560,81,0.0933333333333333,03-18,3,2020,18,1,0,1 8449526d4595f66755dc9d1d2f2bd7da93dd0033558a9446895f35e6c7c2680c,eric cole,1716 english astronom edmond halley noted thi littl patch shew nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 less modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky sharp telescop view like one reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away remark rang bright record imag follow star dens cluster core reveal three subtl dark lane form appar shape slightli left center distant background galaxi mediumwid field view includ ngc 6207 upper left,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2020-03-19,678,104,0.1215277777777777,03-19,3,2020,19,6,2,5 6e27286ee3e4a3d3fd59bde918c349c33ca215630876709a31714c232ebb28c9,cara project,comet atla discov nasa fund asteroid terrestrialimpact last alert system last comet discoveri report 2019 grow brighter northern night skies comet pretti greenish coma upper left telescop skyview captur remot oper observatori new mexico march 18 lower right m81 m82 wellknown large gravit interact galaxies seen faint dust cloud milki way galaxi pair lie 12 million lightyear distant toward constel ursa major bound comet atla 9 lightminut earth still beyond orbit mars comet elong orbit similar orbit great comet 1844 though trajectori return comet inner solar system 6000 years comet atla reach perihelion closest approach sun may 31 insid orbit mercuri may becom nakedey comet come days,comet atla mighti galaxi,2020-03-21,689,107,0.0570616883116883,03-21,3,2020,21,3,2,2 04efcd65de67cb87f0c43f6b97ee4d87c919adb445426e61fd663f077b767c03,none,happen star goe near black hole star directli impact massiv black hole star fall complet everyth likely though star goe close enough black hole graviti pull away outer layer star disrupt star star ga fall black hole stellar tidal disrupt event bright supernova increas amount discov autom sky surveys featur artist illustration star pass massiv black hole shed ga continu orbit inner edg disk ga dust surround black hole heat disrupt event may glow long star gone,black hole pass star,2020-03-24,464,77,7.472654973438553e-18,03-24,3,2020,24,6,0,5 2bc1999f9a32adb795100c796d9e91efef7df62625c69a17b0194245341c4431,utkarsh mishra,massiv star ir 4 begin spread wings born 100000 year ago materi stream newborn star form nebula dub sharpless 2106 nebula s106 featur here larg disk dust ga orbit infrar sourc 4 ir 4 visibl brown near imag center give nebula hourglass butterfli shape s106 ga near ir 4 act emiss nebula emit light ionized dust far ir 4 reflect light central star act reflect nebula detail inspect relev infrar imag s106 reveal hundr lowmass brown dwarf star lurk nebula gas s106 span 2 lightyear lie 2000 lightyear away toward constel swan cygnus,star form region s106,2020-03-25,529,93,0.1428571428571428,03-25,3,2020,25,4,1,5 60f506defb42a80d99ac831e3f7fa09e1d0fc0a63303f8d72d63c5440c9766bb,ralf rohner,surreal pictur special effect scifi movie digit composit frame real andromeda galaxy also known m31 rise real mountain exposur track galaxi background star digit combin separ exposur foreground terrain background foreground exposur made back back camera telephoto len night location combin produc stun imag reveal rang bright color eye cant quit see own still look like could ride cabl car mountain get station right next andromeda 25 million lightyear earth big beauti spiral galaxi realli littl reach destination worry though wait 5 billion year andromeda galaxi come you andromeda station better known highest peak ski area switzerland,andromeda station,2020-03-26,638,97,0.2577380952380952,03-26,3,2020,26,7,2,1 45223734bf33a35ee5fe890bf75557d3f58bd220a314296ef7c71e5df45cf55d,gianni tumino,tri times star still trail night taken march 14 night skyscap made combin 230 exposur 15 second long follow stars circular paths camera fix tripod isol near center ragusa italy island sicily night sky share around rotat planet friend celesti navig astrophotograph alik polaris north star make short bright trail near center concentr celesti arcs,star trail,2020-03-28,345,55,0.08125,03-28,3,2020,28,6,0,1 fc875e8aae83c11374dd7fad780a6ae123b175d4402e6ae3f80514533bf88332,stanislav rollov annotation judi schmidt,constel orion much three star row direct space rich impress nebulas better appreci wellknown swath sky extrem long exposur taken mani clear night 2013 2014 212 hour camera time addit year processing featur collag span 40 time angular diamet moon emerged mani interest detail becom visible one particularli draw eye barnard loop bright red circular filament arc middle rosett nebula giant red nebula near top imag larger lesser known nebula known lambda orionis rosett nebula visible though red white nebula upper left bright orang star frame center betelgeuse bright blue star lower right rigel famou nebula visibl includ witch head nebula flame nebula fox fur nebula and know look compar small horsehead nebula famou three star cross belt orion hunter busi frame hard locate discern eye find right imag center,orion,2020-03-29,812,130,0.1294745484400657,03-29,3,2020,29,4,2,5 7b8b2763fa2e6bb1ad3ce7f239d29bd630c5ae67e52d11059449f7815cde1d4a,none,creat saturn colors featur pictur saturn slightli exagger human would see hover close giant ring world imag taken 2005 robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2004 2017 saturn majest ring appear directli curv line appear brown part infrar glow ring best show complex structur dark shadow creat across upper part planet northern hemispher saturn appear partli blue reason earth sky appear blue molecul cloudless portion planet atmospher better scatter blue light red look deep saturn clouds however natur gold hue saturn cloud becom dominant known southern saturn show blue hue one hypothesi hold cloud higher there also known saturn cloud color gold activities nasa scienc home,color saturn cassini,2020-03-30,677,105,0.1058823529411764,03-30,3,2020,30,0,2,1 7e85466118a346b7fea0fe717faff3f9e412721a76046629fa92aed26c4fcf8b,none,mani way center galaxi glow enigmat region 26000 light year away toward constel archer sagittarius glow everi type light see featur image highenergi xray emiss captur nasa orbit chandra xray observatori appear green blue lowenergi radio emiss captur groundbas meerkat telescop array color red right color central region lie sagittariu a strong radio sourc coincid sag a galaxy central supermass black hole hot ga surround sag a well seri parallel radio filament known arc seen left imag center numer unusu singl radio filament visibl around image mani star orbit around sag a well numer small black hole dens stellar core known neutron star white dwarfs milki way central supermass black hole current imag event horizon telescope activities nasa scienc home,galact center radio xray,2020-03-31,757,120,0.0395021645021645,03-31,3,2020,31,6,2,4 b6e7bc37349267323523193c89715e34bc3951d98599e3fc1ff72ed825d12179,none,asteroid arrokoth perhaps data beam back earth nasa robot new horizon spacecraft featur high resolut imag asteroid arrokoth constructed perhaps alternatively featur imag potato let consid arrokoth distant asteroid ever visit surviv remnant earli year solar system potato root eat happi april fool day folk apod although asteroid arrokoth may look like potato fact much like featur potato arrokoth formerli known ultima 200000 time wider much harder eat activities nasa scienc home,asteroid,2020-04-01,480,72,0.0493939393939394,04-01,4,2020,1,8,0,2 12db0136a278410ee02ad62dbdaeaa353a05352feeae5a3e76cd740db2eb301f,fred espenak,venu current brilliant even star share around world tonight sky venu begin wander across face love pleiad star cluster digit sky map illustr path inner planet beauti conjunct evolves show posit sky next days field view shown appropri binocular equip skygaz star cluster planet easili seen nakedeye view fair planet venu pass front star seven sister 8 year ago 8 year fact orbit sun 13 venu year almost equal 8 year planet earth expect sister planet visit nearli place sky everi 8 years,venu pleiad april,2020-04-02,485,83,0.2999999999999999,04-02,4,2020,2,6,1,1 19753845b75d489efcf8e574aecc3b4281661b4497bc24aa20e8ba32420d5557,fred espenak,wander far sun sky venu get brilliant even star cross path sister star pleiad cluster look west sunset share ongo conjunct skygaz around world taken april 2 celesti group photo captur view portal arizona usa even bright nakedey pleiad star prove much fainter venu though appar deeper telescop images cluster dusti surround familiar bluish reflect nebula quit visible brighter venu almost overwhelm singl exposure venu sister look littl starcrossed spiki appear diffract pattern caus multipl leav apertur telephoto lens last similar conjunct venu pleiad occur nearli 8 year ago,venu sister,2020-04-04,576,89,0.284375,04-04,4,2020,4,6,1,1 fc62e8c2ac709b0794d8633f5767481e6fd7dc4eee24fd198a11eeb0b6249a19,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 1672 featur here captur spectacular detail imag taken orbit hubbl space telescope visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bright bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 1672 span 75000 light year across ngc 1672 appear toward constel dolphinfish dorado studi find spiral bar contribut star format galaxy central regions notabl apod submissions galleri venu pass front pleiad,ngc 1672 bar spiral galaxi hubbl,2020-04-06,631,100,0.2020833333333333,04-06,4,2020,6,7,2,3 3c80c061247e267c35f4df28f16354f1a8173698e0552783be2d1375a302f8b8,mario,happen keep go north direct north earth place horizon northern spin pole earth around star appear slowli swirl remain same never move fix locat sky night day height alway match latitude north go higher north spin pole appear eventually reach earth north pole star circl point directli head pictured fourhour long stack imag show star trail circl around north celesti pole bright star near north celesti pole polaris known north star bright path creat astrophotographer headlamp hill week ago lower germany astrophotograph seen times shadow actually earth two spin pole much would happen start earth equat went south,path north,2020-04-07,619,98,0.2222222222222222,04-07,4,2020,7,6,2,1 7a3f3eb12bb232a631a4f17a30b3a5047330a10fe90e4f20bf3703208977f64e,toma text matipon tangmatitham narit,dark sky disappear world come artifici light brighten night light allow modern human see much light sky light pollut energy but reflect earth atmospher back down creat nighttim bright wildlif harm human health littl prevent light pollut also make dark night sky new littl done larg cities rural countri area could benefit light fulli shield expos night sky needed featur panorama contain 6 adjac vertic segment taken differ locat across slovakia equip time night subject digit postprocessing although star visibl citi sky rightmost countri sky magnific dark help protect wonder night sky possible dark sky friendli lighting,countri sky versu citi sky,2020-04-08,624,97,0.1257070707070707,04-08,4,2020,8,6,2,1 d9c2041a5cddc5de54e54f2272ef2c43ca5cb58e84eacd14a2caa2aa087be845,paul schmit,surreal timelapse landscape panorama span blue hour sunris skies close start planet earth northern hemispher spring flow time captur 430 locat overlook northern new mexico rio valley track imag night sky twilight begins milki way cast across southern right edg panoram frame toward east rang short long exposur resolv chang bright sun rise distant peak de cristo mountains between exposur made spring morning tantal blue hour use blend night sky sunris high desert landscape,flow time,2020-04-09,474,74,0.1256434474616292,04-09,4,2020,9,6,1,1 87b8fdf98004fc6a6daa07463803138af8296d1698d2e9552707d16516925bd3,jeff dai,home full moon look bright around fair planet rose sun set april 78 first full moon vernal equinox start northern hemispher spring april full lunar phase also near perigee closest point moon ellipt orbit fact nearer perige full moon 2020 make brightest full moon year creat visual experi rang exposur blend captur emerg foreground bright lunar disk imag spring record home garden sky chongqing china april full moon gallery notabl imag submit apod,full moon spring,2020-04-10,447,73,0.3961538461538462,04-10,4,2020,10,2,1,1 5d81ec6b36717f88716587d64ec7c73bf169a55dbd8062980f6e9ea0cfcccf51,antoniofinazzi,share around world earli april sky venus brilliant even star wander across face love pleiad star cluster timelaps imag follow path inner planet beauti conjunct show daili approach star seven sisters composit track exposur made telephoto lens field view also appropri binocular equip skygazers star cluster planet easili seen nakedeye spiki appear sister planet pictur result diffract pattern produc camera lens imag taken home garden chiuduno bergamo italy fortun good weather clear spring nights notabl apod submissions galleri venu pass front pleiad,venu pleiad april,2020-04-11,551,82,0.4399999999999999,04-11,4,2020,11,6,1,4 4887232f740d87f6d4c99e8f94a7a53fa39924a94dcdd50ad163306e7531578c,none,drift cosmos magnific interstellar dust cloud becam sculpt stellar wind radiat assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula embed vast complex orion nebula m42 potenti reward difficult object view person small telescope gorgeous detail imag taken 2013 infrar light orbit hubbl space telescop honor 23rd anniversari hubble launch dark molecular cloud roughli 1500 light year distant catalog barnard 33 seen primarili backlit nearbi massiv star sigma orionis horsehead nebula slowli shift appar shape next million year eventu destroy high energi starlight global astronomi month,horsehead nebula infrar hubbl,2020-04-12,584,84,0.0292857142857142,04-12,4,2020,12,4,0,5 28dc51b33e4f1afb218be9fd7f46f49a4e3119c6d99514003497b7f866a4eceb,none,big rock end strang terrain one unusu place earth occur insid death valley california usa dri lakeb name racetrack playa exist almost perfectli flat odd except larg stones one pictur april 2019 beneath dark milkyway fill sky flat textur larg playa like racetrack fascin scientif puzzl caus mud flowing drying crack heavi rain recently however viabl scientif hypothesi given explain heavi sail stone end near middl larg flat surface unfortunately frequent happen science seemingli surreal problem end rel mundan solution turn winter thin float ice sheet form rare ephemer lake light wind push ice section push even heavi rock across temporarili flood playa sunlight begin melt ice,sail stone across death valley,2020-04-13,680,107,0.0275641025641025,04-13,4,2020,13,8,2,4 6350e232f8419e8f1531e276b5619b4f6a00e3b35c90dcfb2d68b271341d8bf6,none,ngc 253 one brightest spiral galaxi visible also one dustiest dub silver appear formal known sculptor galaxi locat within boundari southern constel sculptor discov 1783 mathematician astronom carolin herschel dusti island univers lie mere 10 million lightyear away 70 thousand lightyear across ngc 253 pictured largest member sculptor group galaxies nearest local group galaxies addit spiral dust lanes tendril dust seem rise galact disk lace young star cluster star form region sharp color image high dust content accompani frantic star formation earn ngc 253 design starburst galaxy ngc 253 also known strong sourc highenergi xray gamma rays like due massiv black hole near galaxy center take trip extragalact space short video flybi ngc 253 astrophysicists brows 2100 code astrophys sourc code librari,ngc 253 galaxi,2020-04-14,804,122,-0.0186111111111111,04-14,4,2020,14,7,2,3 6713f37ce6cbc1e11d423c37bb1609a2d772805e40005eeea375789c3d7304c7,antonio,star cant turn old wooden arms look like might scene rotat planet wellcompos night skyscap record municip island la palma canari islands planet earth center work windmill retir sinc linedup north celesti pole planet rotat axi project northern sky camera fix tripod star trail reflect planet rotat trace digit composit 39 sequenti exposur 25 second long brought highlight final exposur sequence star appear end short concentr arcs faint band winter milki way even diffus glow neighbor andromeda galaxi also shine night,windmil star trail,2020-04-17,517,81,-0.06875,04-17,4,2020,17,6,0,1 28250353c82e92bb07499344b7da3c358b11676b127f8feec2d60acae0a5804c,none,anoth day earth august 23 2018 identif distribut aerosol earth atmospher shown dramatic planetwid digit visualization produc real time goddard earth observ system forward process model reli combin earthobserv satellit groundbas data calcul presenc type aerosols tini solid particl liquid droplets circul entir planet august 23rd model show black carbon particl red combust like smoke fire unit state canada spread across larg stretch north america africa sea salt aerosol blue swirl threaten typhoon near south korea japan hurrican loom near hawaii dust shown purpl hue blow african asian deserts locat citi town found concentr light base satellit imag data earth night celebrate earth day home,anoth day earth,2020-04-18,694,105,-0.0499999999999999,04-18,4,2020,18,8,2,4 ab74f032fda2a6755550272096f850b107efb68caa2d4d0c7ee6236d7e16a9b1,juan,some look like giant chicken run across sky others look like gaseou nebula star format take place catalog ic 2944 run chicken nebula span 100 light year lie 6000 light year away toward constel centaur centaurus featur image shown scientif assign colors captur recent 12hour exposure star cluster collind 249 visibl embed nebula glow gas although difficult discern here sever dark molecular cloud distinct shape found insid nebula,ic 2944 run chicken nebula,2020-04-20,429,68,-0.0833333333333333,04-20,4,2020,20,4,0,5 40d7ff36b2bb350dd40527e5937ee48939ecfbd2964140da0378aada4cc98187,miguel claro,ever star eyes appear eye left does appear gaze even stars featur mosaic taken last juli de salar atacama desert chile eye actual small lagoon captur reflect dark night sky milki way galaxi arch overhead seemingli smooth band milki way realli compos billion stars decor filament lightabsorb dust redglow nebulas additionally jupit slightli left galact saturn slightli right visible light small town dot unusu vertic horizon rocki terrain around lagoon appear like surfac mar earth,eye milki way,2020-04-21,480,75,0.0435714285714285,04-21,4,2020,21,6,0,1 0f229e22e4362183714b1ccc9577aba9913c8e6e7f505ca4d133ccbe05ba7468,none,bright ridg interstellar ga dust bath energet starlight sea young stars massiv starform region ngc 2014 dub cosmic drift shore smaller ngc 2020 expans bluehu structur erupt singl central wolfrayet star 200000 time brighter sun cosmic frame span 600 lightyear within larg magellan cloud 160000 lightyear away satellit galaxi milki way magnific hubbl space telescop portrait imag releas week part celebr mark hubble 30th year explor univers earth orbit,hubble cosmic,2020-04-25,450,69,0.2,04-25,4,2020,25,7,1,5 b69b84c0cafe8e2aaea797e1987725b558ced5c12c17c187f348766a15aeb0fe,none,human first learn extraterrestri life one possibl find ici surfac saturn moon enceladus reason think life may exist long featur dub tiger stripe known spew ice moon ici interior space surfac crack creat cloud fine ice particl moon south pole creat saturn mysteri ering evid come robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2004 2017 pictur here high resolut imag enceladu shown close flyby unusu surfac tiger stripe shown falsecolor blue enceladu activ remain mystery neighbor moon mimas approxim size appear quit dead recent analysi eject ice grain yield evid complex organ molecul exist insid enceladus larg carbonrich molecul bolster prove ocean enceladus surfac could contain life anoth solar system moon might contain underground life europa expert debate human first discov et life,fresh tiger stripe saturn enceladu,2020-04-27,785,121,0.0478787878787878,04-27,4,2020,27,0,2,4 4defdd26c810749754dcbb45932f656b486a977cf60d46cebe81443a0a26179a,none,star planetari system like own ye one system catalog kepler satellit oper earth orbit 2009 2018 eight planet discovered give kepler90 number known planet solar system similar kepler90 system includ star compar sun rocki planet compar earth larg planet compar size jupit saturn differ includ known kepler90 planet orbit rel close closer earth orbit around sun make possibl hot harbor life however observ longer time period may discov cooler planet farther out kepler90 lie 2500 light year away magnitud 14 visibl telescop toward constel dragon draco mission tess launch 2018 mission exoplanet find capabl plan launch next decad includ nasa jwst expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,planetari system,2020-04-28,699,108,0.2142857142857142,04-28,4,2020,28,8,2,2 2a307e96e8171522dd7bf67299817a6a8043f52a8fab16fa15ca07c8129185d6,gerald rhemann,newli discov comet swan alreadi develop impress tail comet came outer solar system pass insid orbit earth offici design c2020 f8 outgass interplanetari iceberg pass closest earth may 13 closest sun may 27 comet first notic late march astronomi enthusiast look imag taken esa nasa sunorbit soho spacecraft name spacecraft solar wind anisotropi swan camera featur image taken dark sky namibia midapril captur comet swan greenglow coma unexpectedli long detailed blue although bright comet notori hard predict model comet swan becom bright enough see unaid eye june expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,ion tail new comet swan,2020-04-29,615,94,0.1083333333333333,04-29,4,2020,29,3,2,2 a6b4a0a4a8a78eeefd745bec75898e971eab35c7736ff611f6e31609a30d4441,joonhwa lee,big bright beauti spiral messier 106 domin cosmic vista nearli two degre wide telescop field view look toward welltrain constel cane venatici near handl big dipper also known ngc 4258 m106 80000 lightyear across 235 million lightyear away largest member cane ii galaxi group far far away galaxy distanc m106 wellknown part directli measur track galaxy remark maser microwav laser emission rare natur occurring maser emiss produc water molecul molecular cloud orbit activ galact nucleus anoth promin spiral galaxi scene view nearli edgeon ngc 4217 right m106 distanc ngc 4217 much less wellknown estim 60 million lightyears bright spiki star foreground well insid milki way galaxy even exist galaxi beyond milki way question 100 year ago astronomy great debate expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,view toward m106,2020-05-01,812,126,0.2192176870748299,05-01,5,2020,1,7,2,3 2c41a7b21dc557ffd593f57d4f9d1d91b5d848b04fd451c574fe2795d03b7d24,rick scott,sinc earli day radio televis freeli broadcast signal space time now listen too larg radio telescop ohio state univers known affection big ear one first listeners big ear size three footbal field consist immens metal ground plane two fencelik one fix one reli earth rotat help scan sky photo taken former big ear student volunt rick scott look across ground plane toward fix reflector radio frequenc receiv horn foreground start 1965 big ear use ambiti survey radio sky 1970s becam first telescop continu listen signal extraterrestri civilizations excit moment august 1977 strong unexpect signal dub wow signal detect big ear alas heard once sourc signal could determined may 1998 final piec big ear torn down expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,radio big ear wow signal,2020-05-02,761,122,0.0454861111111111,05-02,5,2020,2,8,2,4 8d7f6ad59022cbfd2a82ad103d3026d9149e9d22f8fc2c6dae27b256d8888a23,none,earthl tri tell us featur messag broadcast earth toward globular star cluster m13 1974 dedic arecibo observatori still one largest singl radio telescop world string 1 0 repres diagram sent attempt extraterrestri commun mostli ceremoni human regularli broadcast radio televis signal space accidentally even messag received m13 far away would wait almost 50000 year hear answer featur messag give simpl fact human knowledge left right number one ten atom includ hydrogen carbon interest molecules dna human description basic solar system basic send telescope sever search extraterrestri intellig current underway includ one use home computer expert debate human first discov et life,messag earth,2020-05-03,683,101,0.0529761904761904,05-03,5,2020,3,8,2,4 1267adf1349b15bab92b6e3d63dad42761fb75cc520358d2cd7fcc2a0e9c9849,carlo kiko fairbairn,need south look south see sky lucky picturesqu tree impress carina nebula one nebula sky visibl unaid eye featur imag taken dark locat captur carina nebula perspect near horizon great nebula carina catalog ngc 3372 home variabl star eta carina sometim flare becom one brightest star sky carina ic 2944 run chicken nebula nebula look like contain impress dark knot dust redglow emiss nebula bright star southern cross upper left imag dark coalsack nebula imag compos six consecut exposur taken last summer brazil even care planning astrophotograph felt lucki get shot cloud still visibl near horizon kept get way almost hyperspace random apod gener,carina perspect,2020-05-05,649,104,0.0322222222222222,05-05,5,2020,5,4,2,5 893fda3193b7335c991c206464a7f0940f490374485092d1d6858c552a7e5155,none,caus unusu parabol structure illumin cavity known ldn creat newli form star seen bright sourc peak parabola protostar experienc stellar outflow interact surround materi perseu molecular cloud caus brighten see one side caviti side hidden dark dust parabol shape caus blown caviti time two addit structur also seen either side protostar known herbigharo objects caus interact outflow surround material caus striation caviti walls though remain unknown featur imag taken nasa hubbl space telescop origin detect spitzer space telescope,ldn windblown star,2020-05-06,533,78,0.1066666666666666,05-06,5,2020,6,8,0,4 e19a349de999d4c0b1492f1d369006bc5888e5bab823d8d8269bdcc70624a05b,gyorgi soponyai,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day one year trick imag analemma moon wait bit longer averag moon return posit sky 50 minut 29 second later day photograph moon 50 minut 29 second later success days one lunat lunar month trace analemmalik curv moon actual posit wander due tilt ellipt orbit creat composit imag lunar analemma astronom chose lunar month march 26 april 18 good stretch weather site close home near hungary crescent lunar phase thin faint captur around new moon miss though face southwest light distanc base imag taken march 27,analemma moon,2020-05-07,554,94,-0.0134740259740259,05-07,5,2020,7,2,0,1 d641c3d0b7198cbde7a62f5996aa7f0e2c89217cb6dd3662074e0abcf024ade4,d peach,blow solar wind spectacular ion tail comet swan c2020 extend far across 10 degre wide telephoto field view captur may 2 greenish coma 6 lightminut earth pretti background starfield lie near border constel aquarius comet swan discov home australian amateur michael check imag sunstar soho spacecraft swan solar wind anisotropies camera comet becom visibl nakedey sweep southern northern skies appear morn twilight near eastern horizon comet swan make closest approach planet earth may 12 reach perihelion may 27,long comet swan,2020-05-08,510,78,0.0499999999999999,05-08,5,2020,8,3,0,2 5792365aac6d85830ccb61f9c56b2587d1e4972c1d74f5e0ab44573faf12eb0c,tiziano,rise sun set moon bright full planet earth sky may 7 known flower moon near horizon seem take rose pink hue redden sunlight reflect twilight scene fact one brighter full moon year month full lunar phase occur within 32 hour perigee that closest point moon ellipt orbit flood field ruin church tower near municip region northern italy,full flower moonris,2020-05-09,333,57,0.30625,05-09,5,2020,9,2,1,1 fac49584989305f2f91c9a9561f70ce9fa3e04c29085dd4dcabc43eb4e271b9e,raul villaverd,what happen spiral galaxy hundr million year ago ngc 2936 upper two larg galaxi shown like normal spiral galaxi spinning creat star mind business got close massiv ellipt galaxi ngc 2937 took dive dub porpois galaxi icon shape ngc 2936 deflect also distort close gravit interaction burst young blue star form nose porpois toward right upper galaxy center spiral appear eye alternatively galaxi pair togeth known arp 142 look like penguin protect egg either way intric dark dust lane bright blue star stream trail troubl galaxi lower right featur reprocess imag show arp 142 unpreced detail taken hubbl space telescop last year arp 142 lie 300 million light year away toward constellation coincidently water snake hydra billion year two galaxi like merg one larger galaxy,porpois galaxi hubbl,2020-05-10,771,125,0.1193877551020408,05-10,5,2020,10,7,2,3 5b7ec0783292acc53c5add98de3294be677bfe1d85896b33eed683d8749c456b,adam blocksteward observatoryunivers arizona,what behind one brighter unusu star sky red supergi star betelgeus found direct famou constel orion betelgeuse however actual well front mani constellation bright stars also front greater orion molecular cloud complex light take 700 year reach us betelgeuse 1300 year reach us orion nebula surround dust gas largest telescop see betelgeus point light point bright inher creat telescop earth atmospher make seem featur longexposur image thousand star milki way galaxi seen background behind betelgeuse well dark dust orion molecular cloud redglow emiss hydrogen ga outskirt distant lambda orioni ring betelgeus recov appear unusu dim past six months still expect explod spectacular supernova sometim next 100000 years,behind betelgeus,2020-05-11,716,107,0.1117647058823529,05-11,5,2020,11,6,2,4 786c870c1628942dbc9bc6ad5033d2665a5844dbfd26ac12911e0749deac989d,petr horálek,meteor come from term direct sky point answer constel small famou meteor shower peak everi april known lyrid meteor appear came radiant toward lyra term parent body though sandsiz debri make lyrid meteor come comet thatcher comet follow welldefin orbit around sun part orbit approach earth superpos front lyra therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear lyra featur here composit imag contain 33 meteor can find all last month lyrid meteor shower show sever bright meteor streak shore lake czech republic also visibl bright star vega altair planet jupiter central band milki way galaxy notabl apod submissions lyrid meteor shower 2020,lyrid meteor constel,2020-05-12,651,103,0.1785714285714285,05-12,5,2020,12,3,2,1 4003d85371a7b6b13bae71a704ef8669fda6888c609592b661618ea53acaee10,none,infrared jupit light night recently astronom gemini north observatori hawaii usa creat best infrar photo jupit ever taken surface pictured gemini abl produc clear imag use techniqu call lucki imaging take mani imag combin clearest one that chance taken earth atmospher calm appear caus planet differ layer clouds infrar light pass cloud better visibl light allow us see deeper hotter layer jupiter atmosphere thickest cloud appear dark pictures togeth one hubbl space telescop juno spacecraft tell us lot weather pattern jupiter like massive planets storm form notabl apod submissions flower moon 2020,jupit infrar gemini,2020-05-13,601,92,0.295,05-13,5,2020,13,8,1,1 fcc7e5ecb86b6c8c591eebbbeed75396fc6d4a4c3013e75845873da36271c1c0,luc perrot,predawn hour may 3rd moonless grain cosmic dust streak southern sky reunion island swept planet earth plow dusti debri stream left behind period comet halley annual meteor shower known eta aquarids inspir exposur captur bright aquarid meteor flash left right sea clouds meteor streak point back shower radiant constel aquarius well eastern horizon top frame known speed eta aquarid meteor move fast enter atmospher 66 kilomet per second visibl altitud 100 kilomet so 6 lightminut earth pale greenish coma long tail comet c2020 f8 swan left celesti scene pose volcan peak left center northern sky morn twilight near eastern horizon comet swan becom bright anticip though first time comet made closest approach planet earth two day ago reach perihelion may 27,comet halley vs comet swan,2020-05-14,757,121,0.0937857142857142,05-14,5,2020,14,3,2,1 f5671f4c506f7cafe0ce00912bbbd79a9c508d3ba7c7599b62f86bb0d5e5de30,dietmar hager,two galaxi far far away 12 million lightyear distant toward northern constel great bear left grand spiral arm bright yellow core spiral galaxi m81 100000 lightyear across right mark red ga dust clouds irregular galaxi m82 pair lock gravit combat billion years graviti galaxi profoundli affect seri cosmic close encounters last goround last 100 million year like rais densiti wave rippl around m81 result rich m81 spiral arms m82 left violent star form region collid ga cloud energet galaxi glow xrays next billion years continu gravit encount result merger singl galaxi remain,galaxi wars m81 m82,2020-05-15,576,92,0.1225446428571428,05-15,5,2020,15,7,2,3 ba9496a7aa80b61e583f593968eea38e6740d853b91dd697d4e9f77c9b7a7c01,paul schmit,dark river seem flow sky horizon toward color cloud near red giant star antares murki looking dark river dusti nebula obscur background starlight near central milki way although dark dust nebula contain mostli hydrogen molecular gas dust scatter starlight around antares alpha star scorpius creat unusu yellowhu reflect nebula it bright blue doubl star rho ophiuchi embed typic dusti bluish reflect nebulae red emiss nebula also scatter interstellar space globular star cluster m4 look almost like bright star right antares though lie far behind color clouds distanc 7000 lightyears dark river 500 light year away creat startl night sky view background foreground exposur made back back camera telephoto len night location combin produc stun imag reveal rang bright color eye cant quit record earli hour januari 31 composit also captur mar still near eastern horizon rise join rival antar celesti stage bright mar wateri reflect left lone tree bosqu del apach nation wildlif refuge new mexico planet earth,dark river antar,2020-05-16,1005,158,0.1259199134199134,05-16,5,2020,16,4,2,5 53225f66f4159e6e0f3f472bacd79595112ebea3720f3bbe1fb221daa0eddb04,none,would like nasa one away panel see featur imag appear wall moreover nasa page has typically sever poster solar system object depicted poster highlight mani place humanity nasa explor past 50 years includ sun planet mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune moon jupit includ europa ganymede callisto io moon saturn frame includ enceladu titan imag pluto ceres comet asteroid also presented six deep space scene well beyond solar system also promin lack wall space blank poster sheet despair still print mani,solar system,2020-05-19,523,83,-0.1041666666666666,05-19,5,2020,19,8,0,2 dc7b73bb5a9becd0be9623c3c30868b8a1f1d6f766d9d5ea4e622314079997c9,richard addi,moon goe phases venus visibl sunlit hemispher wax wanes composit backyard telescop imag illustr steadi chang venu current stint even star inner planet grow larger narrow thin crescent imag bottom top taken 2020 date februari 27 march 20 april 14 april 24 may 8 may 14 glide along interior orbit earth sun venu grow larger period approach planet earth crescent narrows though venu swing closer lineofsight sun closest earthsun line pass 12 degre north sun june 3 venu reach nonjudgmental inferior conjunction soon after venu shine clearli eastern horizon predawn sky planet earth morn star sunset tonight look venu western horizon also spot elus innermost planet mercury,phase venu,2020-05-21,669,107,-0.0125,05-21,5,2020,21,1,2,1 57f5890f1c9856a9aaccf40b1fff063bdae6610585086e3762420b1dd3a7a9e4,ignacio diaz bobillo,natal dust cloud silhouett glow atom gas color chaotic vista lie within one largest star form region milki way galaxy great carina nebula telescop closeup frame field view 80 lightyear across littl south east eta carinae nebula energet enigmat star captur suburban sky improv nation composit narrowband imag data use creat final image it characterist emiss nebula ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom map red green blue hues color palett also popular hubbl space telescop images celesti landscap bright ridg emiss border cool obscur dust lie 7500 lightyear away toward southern constel carina,south carina,2020-05-22,589,92,0.225,05-22,5,2020,22,4,1,5 305ae5502b0c0e2553826d4a7e746b9bbc46d8ddcdb3cb79f845020c6fb05beb,gill fri,star shine satellit glint clear dark night sky fall south west victoria australia fact fuzzy faint apparit tree top cloud visible also known larg magellan cloud satellit galaxi milki way foreground ghost planet earth shine surprisingli bright bioluminescence like magellan cloud ghost fungu easili seen eye ghostli glow actual dull green appear bright green digit camera picture two imag blend creat scene one focus distant star larg magellan cloud 160000 lightyear away anoth focus foreground glow fungu sever lightnanosecond camera lens,ghost magellan cloud,2020-05-23,538,81,0.0507575757575757,05-23,5,2020,23,6,0,1 aec73581089d3b67c599df4aa721a5815873ed0f4b65495d862e1bf7989dce96,none,largest canyon solar system cut wide swath across face mars name vall marineris grand valley extend 3000 kilomet long span much 600 kilomet across delv much 8 kilomet deep comparison earth grand canyon arizona usa 800 kilomet long 30 kilomet across 18 kilomet deep origin vall marineri remain unknown although lead hypothesi hold start crack billion year ago planet cooled sever geolog process identifi canyon featur mosaic creat 100 imag mar taken vike orbit 1970s,vall marineris grand canyon mar,2020-05-24,465,75,0.1099999999999999,05-24,5,2020,24,5,1,2 9e3309172bbf3f00b1b48cff743b7bffda6fa2a37991ef97acdc443a068b5061,none,insid head interstellar monster star slowli destroy it huge monster actual inanim seri pillar ga dust measur light year length star visibl opaqu interstellar dust burst partli eject oppos beam energet particl call herbigharo jets locat 7500 light year away carina nebula known inform mystic mountain appear pillar domin dark dust even though compos mostli clear hydrogen gas featur imag taken hubbl space telescope pillars energet light wind massiv newli form star evapor dispers dusti stellar nurseri formed within million years head giant well body complet evapor intern surround stars apod across world languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish ukrainian,mystic mountain monster,2020-05-25,804,118,0.1,05-25,5,2020,25,4,2,4 31ecdb5fa239cb9449a3175573ec734aa16efa083f27e0ecc9c56529814b4168,none,dot saturn rings earth moon three year ago sun temporarili block bodi saturn robot cassini spacecraft abl look toward inner solar system there spot earth moon light lie 14 billion kilomet distant toward right featur imag saturn ring broad enck gap far right narrow keeler gap toward center far left saturn continu chang f ring perspective light seen saturn ring scatter mostli forward appear decad explor discovery cassini spacecraft ran low fuel 2017 direct enter saturn atmosphere sure melted gallery notabl venu mercuri conjunct 2020 imag submit apod,earth moon saturn ring,2020-05-27,556,88,0.1222619047619047,05-27,5,2020,27,0,1,2 0b3fad51b9fe4a588be05f09ef4c5d2185dfd2a2b0581eb52c0a5e6998241bae,helmut,still bath sunlight intern space station arc even sky lake northern germany sunset march 25 familiar constel orion seen left trail orbit station bright passage right venu brilliant even star western horizon camera fix tripod scene captur seri five exposures tell short time delay end one exposur begin next leav small gap iss light trail look close also see sky appear horizon actual reflect though final imag vertic invert night skyscap record mirrorlik water small lake,reflect intern space station,2020-05-28,471,76,0.1662087912087912,05-28,5,2020,28,8,1,1 0a8a7fe710f45008bb4430d67539e50eb667acfe5421b4a96e31d9aaf2958fdb,marco meniero,that bright star crescent moon caught branch eucalyptu tree venu crescent phase mercury near western horizon sunset two inner planet close share telescop field view may 22 seen balconi italy venus bright celesti beacon wander lower even twilight grow larger appar size show thinner crescent head toward inferior conjunction posit earth sun june 3 mercury phase climb western sky though reach maximum angular distanc sun june 4 still remark close pair brilliant venu made mercury usual lost bright twilight skies easier spot planet earth gallery notabl venu mercuri conjunct 2020 imag submit apod,mercuri meet crescent venu,2020-05-29,596,93,0.285,05-29,5,2020,29,1,1,1 ddabe88cc973aeeda9616f110fe375ca168d4851e1231baf30e69a0e72149437,marcella giulia pace,follow sunset clear day distant horizon might glimps green sun disappear view green flash caus refract light ray travel eye long path atmosphere shorter wavelength refract strongli longer redder wavelength separ color lend green hue last visibl solar disk harder see green flash moon mention diminut disk venu mercury telescop telephoto len camera help catch tantal result atmospher refract celesti bodi near horizon sicily top panel record march 18 2019 sun may 8 2020 moon also mediterranean island bottom panel shot twilight apparit venu mercuri near western horizon may 24,green sun moon venus mercuri,2020-05-30,576,90,0.0107142857142857,05-30,5,2020,30,1,0,1 d05654e0fc9d5165705cd1479065e7833a72172947c51447125779ed71db8f67,göran strand,bright green stretch across sky strike aurora display captur 2016 outsid östersund sweden six photograph field merg creat featur panorama span almost 180 degrees particularli strike aspect aurora includ sweep arclik shape stark lake storsjön seen foreground sever familiar constel star polari visibl aurora far background coincidently aurora appear avoid moon visibl lower left aurora appear day larg hole open sun corona allow particularli energet particl flow solar system green color aurora caus oxygen atom recombin ambient electron high earth atmosphere,aurora sweden,2020-05-31,558,81,0.0816666666666666,05-31,5,2020,31,1,0,1 e56651538ae7dc6a37e985c5284b247a5405da4e5c5104e87a0ea239ffad5bff,none,center lagoon nebula whirlwind spectacular star formation visibl near imag center least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star herschel 36 light area vast wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 15 light years featur two color detect orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel archer sagittarius,live center lagoon nebula,2020-06-01,563,88,0.149074074074074,06-01,6,2020,1,4,1,5 48437db8a0c39162b5ca7802d9e3b5ee5176207ce5477ee28c0ca6f67455e494,none,human attack larg aliens invad small bare seen strang even clearli alive planet earth human home world human invad creat known special human cell releas copi itself pictur high magnif imag human cell cover attack novel sarscov2 epic battl two speci squar fight death unusu earth sever involv human typic ongo time even so human predict survive sever years human expect win war million human die trillion destroyed wash tip human surviv sarscov2 assault,human,2020-06-02,453,74,0.0774789915966386,06-02,6,2020,2,8,0,4 875073a5161801ae734000d2765c02bbedf3b5606131b8ac24c18ab83e2dc092,stefano cancelli,sharp telescop view ngc 3628 show puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course deep portrait magnificent edgeon spiral galaxi put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy also reveal small galaxi nearby like satellit ngc 3628 faint extens tidal tail drawn tail stretch 300000 lightyears even beyond right edg wide frame ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons creat tidal tail well extend flare warp spiral disk tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo,portrait ngc 3628,2020-06-04,624,96,0.0760714285714285,06-04,6,2020,4,7,2,3 b14d8d428a2b19a390129155a1daff9e3ad1afa586387d330bb2359a8adec675,stan honda,still bath sunlight intern space station iss arc manhattan even sky may 30 move left right bright trail captur composit imag seri 5 second long exposures star left short trail light reflect still water look toward north across central park chase iss low earth orbit crew dragon spacecraft dub endeavour also left trail urban night seen 6 hour launch spacecraft faint trail appear iss shown inset two approach bank cloud right dragon endeavour dock success iss hour reach orbit,dragon central park,2020-06-05,476,79,0.0947619047619047,06-05,6,2020,5,8,0,2 21724f0bcc91cacd1e8b2eb0845a30efc3cae65a71fb893f5416cbaf3006f657,dan bartlett,comet panstarrs c2017 share stun telescop field view galaxi m81 m82 may course galaxi 12 million lightyear distant comet 14 lightminut away seen planet earth sky toward big dipper new visitor oort cloud comet panstarr discov 2017 panstarr survey telescop comet 1 sun almost distant orbit saturn beauti coma dust tail comet solid northern hemispher perform telescop wield comet watcher may follow closest approach sun may 4 deep imag dark california sky outbound comet even seem develop short antitail leav inner solar system,comet panstarr galaxi,2020-06-06,524,83,-0.0313636363636363,06-06,6,2020,6,3,0,2 bf9c68ca5e21a8daefeccb558e9807ad00e9cad3a3de3ab5d1c2709392f896bf,r corradi isaac newton groupnord optic telescop,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky haunt symmetri seen central region stun falsecolor picture process reveal enorm extrem faint halo gaseou material three lightyear across surround brighter familiar planetari nebula made data nordic optic telescop canari islands composit pictur show extend emiss nebula planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star much recent however planetari found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier activ episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years,halo cat eye,2020-06-07,619,92,0.0916666666666666,06-07,6,2020,7,4,2,5 692bcf3c651a1a19912758b0a89934836164d5d1964b00424c9a4af245089941,pete lawrenc digit sky,venu surround bright ring sometim call ring fire rare ring caus sun light visibl around object usual seen around moon annular solar eclipse ring fire also visibl either venu mercuri cross face sun featur pictur taken last week though venu pass directli front sun complet atmospher ring caus sunlight scatter around planet venu pass within one degre sun inferior conjunction move even morn sky extrem bright nearbi sun made captur imag difficult featur imag made possibl use temporari filter block direct sunlight imag captur uk pervas blue sky glow indic imag actual captur day follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,ring venu,2020-06-08,628,101,0.1318181818181818,06-08,6,2020,8,1,2,4 4563a768c1359362253ea3e2205ce0e6d508a8c5d0b1d3b89c8bae1f64d7847c,nicola,recogn constel orion may harder usual today featur imag camera zoom center exposur long enough enhanc nebula beyond unaid human eye see still becom oriented see orion three belt star line vertic near imag center even locat familiar orion nebula upper left famou faint featur also visibl includ dark horsehead nebula indent near imag center dusti flame nebula right part barnard loop also found far right imag combin multipl shot background differ color singl static foreground exposur taken twilight captur camera location picturesqu scene captur earli last year mountain san argentina next picture june 11 archiv submiss index search calendar rss educ apod discuss author editors robert nemiroff mtu jerri bonnel nasa official phillip newman specif right apply nasa web polici import servic of nasa gsfc michigan tech u,orion mountain,2020-06-09,837,129,0.0310064935064935,06-09,6,2020,9,4,2,4 59fe0b7c33be8ad4cef48cf2447db31b66d124d3194a15bc9d43f0ad8e268707,none,big beautiful bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300 lie 70 million lightyear away bank constel eridanus hubbl space telescop composit view gorgeou island univers one largest hubbl imag ever made complet galaxy ngc 1300 span 100000 lightyear hubbl imag reveal strike detail galaxy domin central bar majest spiral arms fact close inspect nucleu classic bar spiral show remark region spiral structur 3000 lightyear across like spiral galaxies includ milki way ngc 1300 thought supermass central black hole,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300,2020-06-11,491,76,0.1416666666666666,06-11,6,2020,11,7,1,3 885f13f24c7be0706dd26e38b1b6c9198e912392338817403ad2c222a58dfb89,martin pugh,ngc 2359 helmetshap cosmic cloud winglik appendag popularli call thor helmet heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across fact helmet like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center inflat region within surround molecular cloud known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution ngc 2359 locat 15000 lightyear away constel great overdog remark sharp imag mix cocktail data broadband narrowband filter use three differ telescopes captur natur look star detail nebula filamentari structures predomin bluish hue strong emiss doubli ioniz oxygen atom glow gas,ngc 2359 thor helmet,2020-06-12,642,95,0.2465277777777778,06-12,6,2020,12,4,2,5 6d59ad0ca92472a2416cc456aa088ba89a57fa517b4ed8cf7044007e21b4756b,none,cloud white sky dark snapshot launch complex 39a kennedi space center dramat daytim sky partli due black white photo captur digit camera nearinfrar wavelengths taken pm edt saturday may 30 launch pretti dramat falcon 9 rocket loft crew dragon spacecraft toward lowearth orbit astronaut robert dougla first crew launch unit state spaceport sinc conclus space shuttl program 2011 minut launch falcon 9 first stage return land cours still love that autonom spaceport drone ship patient wait florida coast two astronaut guid craft dock intern space harmoni modul am edt sunday may 31,spacex launch,2020-06-13,580,92,0.0158333333333333,06-13,6,2020,13,8,0,2 328671f6063399e2bf6d18a60840ce159e6bab534f94e7d7e3d4776330035f17,none,role magnet field play interstellar analys observ esa planck satellit emiss small dust grain reveal previous unknown magnet field structur milki way galaxi shown curvi line featur fullski image dark red show plane milki way concentr dust highest huge arch plane like remnant past explos event galaxy core conceptu similar magnet structur seen sun atmosphere curvi streamlin align interstellar filament neutral hydrogen ga provid tantal evid magnet field may graviti shape interstellar medium form stars magnet affect galaxy evolut like remain topic research year come,magnet milki way,2020-06-17,568,85,-0.0645833333333333,06-17,6,2020,17,6,0,4 b3dd63801f7c15cf31df7d11a8d651fe5dbbac2394c95058c1f43cead1311c75,trevor jone,telescop closeup show central region otherwis faint emiss nebula ic 410 captur backyard suburban sky narrowband filters also featur two remark inhabit cosmic pond ga dust right center tadpol ic 410 partli obscur foreground dust nebula surround ngc 1893 young galact cluster stars form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago intens hot bright cluster star energ glow gas compos denser cooler ga dust tadpol around 10 lightyear long like site ongo star formation sculpt stellar wind radiat head outlin bright ridg ioniz ga tail trail away cluster central young stars ic 410 lie 10000 lightyear away toward nebularich constel auriga,tadpol ic 410,2020-06-18,633,101,0.088265306122449,06-18,6,2020,18,4,2,5 69c5a854cda03c4a0935a676258361e9f5b8a89d960b2f20d00fed33c9fce0da,ruslan merzlyakov,transfus sunlight darken sky beauti display noctiluc cloud captur earlier week reflect calm water mors denmark edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud still reflect sunlight though sun horizon seen ground usual spot high latitud summer month night shine cloud made earli appear year northern night grow short also known polar mesopher cloud understood form water vapor driven cold upper atmospher condens fine dust particl suppli disintegr meteor volcan ash nasa aim mission provid daili project noctiluc cloud seen space,vein heaven,2020-06-19,526,81,-0.0062962962962962,06-19,6,2020,19,8,0,1 690fb97991a423f983f3634d5ef298a9d9b3f1ffdf7fc711f12736376a80a136,none,today solstic bring summer planet earth northern hemisphere northern summer solstic arriv ring planet saturn three year ago may 24 2017 orbit ga giant saturn moon titan experi saturnian season 7 long larger inner planet mercury titan captur cassini spacecraft imag two week northern summer began nearinfrar view find bright methan cloud drift titan dense hazi atmospher seen distanc kilometers clouds dark hydrocarbon lake sprawl near fulli illumin north pole,northern summer titan,2020-06-20,459,70,0.0857142857142857,06-20,6,2020,20,0,0,2 e52ef6d168ef57878683fc98cea0a3692f2a50c198590befd83c460d5395960f,j h a team e m r,could see xrays night sky would seem strang unfamiliar place xray 1000 time energet visibl light photon produc violent explos high temperatur astronom environments instead familiar steadi stars sky would seem fill exot stars activ galaxies hot supernova remnants featur xray imag captur unpreced detail entir sky xray seen erosita telescop onboard satellite orbit around l2 point sunearth system launch last year imag show plane milki way galaxi across center diffus pervas xray background hot interstellar bubbl known north polar sizzl supernova remnant vela cygnu loop ca a energet binari star includ cyg x1 cyg lmc galaxy coma virgo fornax cluster galaxies first sky scan erosita locat one million xray sources understood sure topic futur research,xray sky,2020-06-23,750,116,0.0918055555555555,06-23,6,2020,23,6,2,4 2598e7a011b544af63920078f79301dcd27c3656b8e0eb31a05318d2351625d1,mark,could citi city chicago actual perfectli rightsid up long shadow project onto nearbi lake michigan near sunset however seen reflection made build appear inverted fascinating puzzling yet beauti imag captur photograph 2014 airplan approach ohar intern airport sun seen cloud deck latter reflect calm lake bonus look realli close quit challeng find anoth airplan image like also approach airport,invert citi beneath cloud,2020-06-24,395,59,0.175,06-24,6,2020,24,8,1,1 4388bdeb177324e032337335919511197b7311649845e0c81f8034368e51f50c,gari,june 21 annular solar eclips came soon solstic fair planet northernmost sunset 2020 maximum eclipse new moon silhouett creat ring fire visibl along narrow path 85 kilomet wide annular eclips path began central africa cross south asia china end pacif ocean partial eclips sun visibl much broader region hong kong busi section street look northwest wellalign track near solstic afternoon sun street level view composit eclips sequenc made safe solar filter camera locat eclips moon cover 90 percent sun diamet maximum seen near middl eclips sequence gallery notabl imag annular solar eclips 2020 june submit apod,eclips hong kong,2020-06-25,610,96,0.1214876033057851,06-25,6,2020,25,1,2,1 1d5703dfed0dc75adfac727dd759d5a00a53604b9175a79e1510c1d852a9c8ce,none,dark shadow new moon reach touch planet earth june 21 high definit camera outsid intern space station captur pass snapshot low earth orbit near border kazakhstan china cours along moon central shadow track could watch much anticip annular eclips sun foreground cargo spacecraft dock orbit outpost transfer jaxa japan aerospac explor agency gallery notabl imag annular solar eclips 2020 june submit apod,eclips iss,2020-06-27,402,62,0.0637662337662337,06-27,6,2020,27,2,0,2 e46345effe9bc6aa03238900ea3f5b4d64b4ae453df0531d4bad1b01701e4fcd,godward,lake down mani wonder land sky appear twice perhap dramat dark sky central band milki way galaxy visibl diagon band toward right small smc larg lmc magellan clouds satellit galaxi milki way faint multicolor band airglow fan across night numer bright star visibl includ antares bright planet jupit appear imag center featur imag composit exposur taken camera locat within 30 minut midmay shore lake south australia dead tree extend lake captur silhouette reflection light small town visibl across lake july jupit saturn rise toward east sun set west,dark sky reflect,2020-06-29,548,88,0.0400132275132275,06-29,6,2020,29,6,0,4 698bf2de0b7d05ceb98ac6b748f45da5a78f0714967960120a3f6715a96c2a39,none,creat unusu planetari nebula ngc 7027 one smallest brightest unusu shape planetari nebula known given expans rate ngc 7027 first start expanding visibl earth 600 year ago much history planetari nebula expel shells seen blue featur image modern times though reason unknown began eject ga dust seen red specif direct creat new pattern seem four shell pattern map impress detail recent imag wide field camera 3 onboard hubbl space telescope lie nebula center unknown one hypothesi hold close binari star system one star shed ga onto errat disk orbit star ngc 3000 light year away first discov seen standard backyard telescop toward constel swan cygnus,bright planetari nebula ngc 7027 hubbl,2020-06-30,648,105,0.0757575757575757,06-30,6,2020,30,4,2,5 ce38be95492ac5798989b1e46965510504d660922d0bd4ff190175db117f951c,kristin richer,old astronomer milki way arc peac northern sky faint diffus starlight follow dark rift interstellar dust cloud stretch galaxy core lead toward bright star antar right almost due south horizon brightest beacon twilight jupiter though camera perspect seem hang limb tree frame foreground appl tree course seren nightscap record track untrack exposur june 16 nova scotia planet earth,galaxy planet tree,2020-07-02,380,58,0.0517857142857142,07-02,7,2020,2,6,0,1 9dbe64f7d2e8f1b2b7317cca3a7cda3a9cf4b18f988e4ab5b25ef305664e6083,stephan vetter,sensit video camera summit mountain franc captur surpris firework distant horizon june 26 gener intens thunderstorms one 260 kilomet away brief mysteri flash come known red sprites transient lumin event caus electr breakdown altitud 50 100 kilometers put coldest layer planet earth atmosphere glow beneath sprite familiar light though storm clouds right video frame captur anoth apparit mesophere silveri vein light polar mesospher clouds also known noctiluc night shine clouds ici cloud still reflect sunlight sun horizon,,2020-07-04,522,77,0.159672619047619,07-04,7,2020,4,8,1,1 3b28a8341ef8da60780e2e7624ee90dbaef6aac2fe2930c740a67138a7c82d39,bryan goff,unspeak beauti unimagin bedlam found togeth orion nebula arguabl famou astronomi nebulas great nebula orion immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away featur deep imag shown assign colors part nebula center known m43 shown taken hubbl space telescope great nebula orion found unaid eye near easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion entir orion nebula includ m42 m43 span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,m43 dust gas star orion nebula,2020-07-06,438,68,0.3714285714285714,07-06,7,2020,6,4,1,5 33e82d7c2287ebe8ab159568987f69e8f3557627ec61e3fa31fc0a173f36f039,maroun,comet suddenli becom visibl unaid eye comet c2020 f3 neowise discov late march brighten reach closest approach sun insid orbit mercury late last week interplanetari iceberg surviv solar far becom closer earth start long trek back outer solar system comet neowis becam one nakedey comet 21st century word spread quickly comet alreadi photograph behind mani famou site citi around globe featured comet neowis captur two day ago sunrise futur bright comet neowis remain somewhat uncertain comet like continu findabl earli morn sky also next week earli even sky comet neowis around globe notabl imag submit apod,comet neowis,2020-07-07,607,96,0.0075757575757575,07-07,7,2020,7,3,2,1 41d2ca7e0c6e930db242d200c5a77b2471d042cef57356da78d5f0160a296b6b,andrea,fuzzi streak extend mercury long exposur solar system innermost planet may reveal someth unexpected tail mercury thin atmospher contain small amount sodium glow excit light sun sunlight also liber molecul mercury surfac push away yellow glow sodium particular rel bright pictured mercuri sodium tail visibl deep imag taken late may itali filter primarili transmit yellow light emit sodium first predict 1980s mercury tail first discov 2001 mani tail detail reveal multipl observ nasa robot messeng spacecraft orbit mercuri 2011 2015 tail usual associ comets tail comet neowis current visibl unaid eye morn sky comet neowis around globe notabl imag submit apod,mercury sodium tail,2020-07-08,659,101,0.0635416666666666,07-08,7,2020,8,3,2,4 2ede2f1ba55246cf7a4e23da3fbb4fc561c92c2762579816d5262cbd127ba511,emmanuel,silveri blue wave wash treelin horizon eastern french alp noctiluc clouds high planet earth mesosphere reflect sunlight predawn skyscap taken juli 8 summer nightshin cloud new northern comet neowis though also known c2020 f3 comet discov march earthorbit near earth object widefield infrar survey explor neowise satellite emerg morn twilight visibl unaid eye clear locat northeastern horizon,noctiluc cloud comet neowis,2020-07-09,391,57,0.0827272727272727,07-09,7,2020,9,3,0,1 304d9c13c2baaa8f2d5da5b1bc206d254fb29ebf0efc4eae00b0f8ac798c7a84,none,round sun juli 3rd current head outer solar system comet neowis c2020 f3 grow brighter predawn sky planet earth low earth orbit also rise sun captur approach glow along eastern horizon snapshot intern space station juli 5 venus earth morn star brilliant celesti beacon right field view venu spot sister star compact pleiad cluster earthbound skygaz spot comet unaid eye look awesom view binoculars comet neowis earth surface notabl imag submit apod,comet neowis iss,2020-07-10,448,72,0.1642857142857142,07-10,7,2020,10,3,1,1 42db178dc9a43e16e39a5ec3ec10d975e55a6cf533d71c306cee6c99038e4458,miloslav druckmul,comet neowis c2020 f3 sweep northern skies develop tail stretch six degre across telescop field view record czech republ juli 10 push pressur sunlight itself comet broad yellowish dust tail easiest see imag also captur fainter bluish tail too separ reflect comet dust fainter tail ion tail form ion cometari coma drag outward magnet field solar wind fluoresc sunlight sharp portrait new visitor outer solar system tail comet neowis reminisc even brighter tail hale great comet 1997 comet neowis around globe notabl imag submit apod,tail comet neowis,2020-07-11,531,85,0.112310606060606,07-11,7,2020,11,3,1,1 8a86026853b202d11b12807400d77e65b0e563a7832a720462120306be8d51ae,none,comet tail come from obviou place nuclei comet jet creat comet tail emanate one best imag emerg jet shown featur picture taken 2015 esa robot rosetta spacecraft orbit comet 67pchuryumovgerasimenko comet cg 2014 2016 pictur show plume ga dust escap numer place comet cg nucleu near sun heat up comet two promin lobes larger one span 4 kilometers smaller 25kilomet lobe connect narrow neck analys indic evapor must take place well insid comet surfac creat jet dust ice see emit surface comet cg also known comet 67p lose jet meter radiu 644year orbit around sun rate complet destroy comet thousand years 2016 rosetta mission end control impact onto comet cg surface comet neowis around globe notabl imag submit apod,comet cg creat dust tail,2020-07-12,713,119,0.1166666666666667,07-12,7,2020,12,3,2,2 fc843d9922ab7c364070bb0fd22c9cb916f13aa0e4f1be46cd98e3a1813936bd,philipp adam block,comet neowis photograph around much world dawn dusk day night northern resid planet earth however comet circl north star never sets night part circular arc appar featur composit imag assembl webcam locat ski resort swiss alps imag select interv throughout night juli 12th comet neowis c2020 f3 continu becom access northern hemispher observ motion place higher sky even sunset next weeks begin outbound journey comets departur inner solar system come inevit fading binocular best way find observ comet notabl imag comet neowis submit apod juli 14 juli 13 juli 12 juli 11 juli 10 earlier ,comet neowis swiss alp,2020-07-15,593,95,0.2416666666666666,07-15,7,2020,15,3,1,1 5dd1ccb0afc1486efe06e70854ab5fd296f0055b29fb201614c0dd5ddfcbd47c,petr horalek,comet neowis c2020 f3 sweep fair planet northern skies long tail stretch across deep skyview czech republic record night juli 1314 composit untrack foreground track filter sky exposur detail comet tail visibl unaid eye faint structur extend top frame 20 degre comet bright coma push pressur sunlight itself broad curv comet yellowish dust tail easi see eye fainter bluish tail separ reflect comet dust fainter tail ion tail form ion cometari coma drag outward magnet field solar wind fluoresc sunlight outbound neowis climb higher northern even skies come closest earth juli 23rd comet neowis images juli 15 juli 14 juli 13 juli 12 juli 11 juli 10 earlier,long tail comet neowis,2020-07-16,661,108,0.1135416666666666,07-16,7,2020,16,3,2,4 7f5bd5a0ad5bb2b6c9b1944eb9d51c38b155a1bff07d15121470cb67dcfbcaff,bill,local midnight juli 14 comet neowis still horizon alberta canada north planet earth snapshot make awesom night danc display northern lights comet auror display beauti apparit north days show influenc spaceweath wind sun skygaz wide welcom visitor oort cloud though c2020 f3 neowise orbit take inner solar system comet neowis images juli 16 juli 15 juli 14 juli 13 juli 12 juli 11 juli 10 earlier,neowis north,2020-07-17,402,66,-0.025,07-17,7,2020,17,3,0,1 55abdc819e386c3108397eda786b87d20b4384a48fbdc1234746d605c36797be,tom masterson,see star big dipper find comet neowis even sky tonight sunset look nakedey comet bowl famou celesti kitchen utensil north northwestern horizon look fuzzi star tail though probabl long tail clear sky snapshot taken lo nation forest california even juli 16 recent photograph c2020 f3 neowise often show comet broad dust tail fainter separ ion tail extend farther eye follow skygaz around world delight find neowise surpris visitor outer solar system comet neowis images juli 17 juli 16 juli 15 juli 14 juli 13 juli 12 juli 11 juli 10 earlier,find neowis,2020-07-18,547,91,0.01875,07-18,7,2020,18,3,0,1 c593b4befa03fe4786f930538a3de0ddc163b720b3a9009771ff040999b256fb,none,stars like transform no case butterfli nebula sure look like it though wingspan cover 3 lightyear estim surfac temperatur exce 200000 degrees c die central star ngc 6302 featur planetari nebula becom except hot shine brightli visibl ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust sharp closeup record hubbl space telescop reprocess show remark detail complex planetari nebula highlight particular light emit iron shown red ngc 6302 lie 4000 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius planetari nebula evolv outer atmospher star like sun usual fade 20000 years great astronomy 2020 human first discov extraterrestri life,iron butterfli nebula,2020-07-21,642,96,0.1349999999999999,07-21,7,2020,21,4,2,5 ac10f2068cffa9681bb4f51a5b554aef34949dd85d81413c03e15f052b358c9e,lin beij u,creat structur comet neowise tails two tail evident blue ion tail left point directli away sun push flow charg solar wind structur ion tail come differ rate expel blueglow ion comet nucleus well alway complex continu chang structur sun wind unusu comet c2020 f3 though wavi structur dust tail dust tail push sunlight curv heavier dust particl better abl resist light pressur continu along solar orbit comet neowise impress striation fulli understood yet like relat rotat stream sunreflect grit liber ice melt 5kilomet wide nucleus featur conglomerate digit enhanced captur three day ago dark sky gobi desert inner mongolia china comet neowis make closest pass earth tomorrow move sun comet alreadi fade still visibl unaid eye fade rapidli reced earth notabl neowis imag submit apod juli 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 earlier ,tail comet neowis,2020-07-22,843,139,0.06,07-22,7,2020,22,3,2,4 34774023cb363b8eb7236a342f4730ad8a74266d20d27276d4972a54c69335ae,stephan guisard,comet dust fall twilight sky dreamlik scene part fairytal movie still castl nestl bavarian alps inspir sleep beauti castle captur juli 20 bright streak castl tower like perseid meteor though peak near midaugust annual summer meteor shower activ now meteor trail fairytal castl trace back shower radiant heroic constel perseu top right frame perseid meteor produc dust period comet swifttuttle broad dust tail sweep northern sky celesti apparit distant horizon planet earth current comet neowise comet neowis images juli 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 earlier ,neowis,2020-07-23,580,93,0.2248214285714285,07-23,7,2020,23,3,1,1 7d9f0c1c0d95e74f7be309dbadfdab4fe1703feec22a36eb42a6e38927ccfd77,ur leutenegg,multimirror 17 meterdiamet magic telescop reflect starri night sky roqu de lo muchacho european northern observatori canari island la palma magic stand major atmospher gamma imag cherenkov telescop see brief flash optic light produc particl air shower highenergi gamma ray impact earth upper atmosphere juli 20 two three telescop view look gamma ray center milki way galaxy reflect show bright star sagittariu scorpiu near galact center southeast beyond arrays northwest horizon big dipper comet neowise neowis stand near earth object widefield infrar survey explorer that earthorbit satellit use discov comet design c2020 f3 knew that comet neowis images juli 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 earlier,magic neowis,2020-07-24,724,114,0.1544642857142857,07-24,7,2020,24,3,2,4 3fb6bc46bd9e23fcefaa01b16ab1605f071d7fb2f0443e48476ce84a66cc8ef7,jeff dai,juli 23 long march 5 rocket rose blue morn sky china hainan island wenchang satellit launch center rocket carri orbiter lander rover ask heavenli question ambiti tianwen1 mission mars fact tianwen1 second three mission schedul juli departur red planet unit arab emir launch mar probe juli 19 nasa launch mar persever rover cape canaver air forc station usa schedul juli 30 last plan mar launch 2020 though launch window expedit mar come close 2020 2022 comet neowis imag planet earth juli 24 23 22,mission mar,2020-07-25,497,84,0.0642857142857142,07-25,7,2020,25,5,0,2 1c3c1d8fc74220f3785f12c94814698fc312cfbf0d1e75d9edf57e44a46a3392,kevin palmer,normally point look cool cool everi day icon peak mountain interest sight particular us highway 14 wyoming rare days rocki vertic ridg look even incred seen front distant lightn storm earlier month though someth even unusu happen nakedey comet neowis rose middl night distant lightn storm occur background recogn rare opportunity determin astrophotograph spent night captur 1400 imag unusu tripl conjunction featur imag among best them foreground lit moon right comet c2020 f3 neowise head back outer solar system destin return years comet neowis images juli 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 earlier ,comet lightn beyond mountain,2020-07-27,637,104,0.2134920634920634,07-27,7,2020,27,3,2,1 3bafe0595be654b55e8f007bc93467b22fd1e406c1d33620809acf0ace89ed0d,ariel l cappelletti,dark shape bright edg wing way dusti ngc 6188 ten lightyear long emiss nebula found near edg otherwis dark larg molecular cloud southern constel ara 4000 lightyear away born region million year ago massiv young star embed ara ob1 associ sculpt fantast shape power nebular glow stellar wind intens ultraviolet radiation recent star format like trigger wind supernova explosions previou gener massiv stars swept compress molecular gas featur imag accumul 10 hour backyard telescop córdoba argentina falsecolor use hubbl palett highlight emiss sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom red green blue hues field view span four full moons correspond 150 light year estim distanc ngc 6188,ngc 6188 dragon ara,2020-07-28,669,104,0.09,07-28,7,2020,28,4,2,5 db5c92de63d8d1d11e055a12396511f1fd45ff3b690b12a703288b20551ae581,jeanluc dauvergn,comet neowis sweep northern summer skies jupit saturn shine brightly near opposition jupit opposit sun juli 14 saturn juli 21 giant planet still near closest planet earth 2020 share constel sagittariu night offer best brightest view telescope captur juli 22 balconi pari two sharp telescop imag disappoint show giant planet famou for saturn bright ring jupiter great red spot giant solar system worth follow 2020 decemb 21 skygaz watch great conjunct jupit saturn comet neowis imag planet earth juli 28 27 26 25 24,giant summer,2020-07-29,514,84,0.3062499999999999,07-29,7,2020,29,0,1,4 161a8b932ff8dce8bb0d878d8b85d1e6a192acb0fc72988ea28be477b830ca77,luc,mar look pretti sharp backyard telescop imag captur juli 23 belgium planet earth red planet bright south polar cap bath sunlight top invert view dark featur known syrti major extend toward right edge rise around midnight now red planet month away opposit earli october telescop view improv even earth faster orbit catch mars ruddi disk grow larger brighter still martian jezero crater within syrti major region that land site nasa 2020 mar rover perseverance schedul launch today comet neowis imag planet earth juli 29 28 27 26 25 24,red planet mar,2020-07-30,533,89,0.1138528138528138,07-30,7,2020,30,5,0,2 03c2101c5b49d82d42b700cc796109b687bbe1edc664284dce8cca1e275ed0fb,john krau,thursday snapshot small plane 5000 feet florida space coast caught rocket trail rise blue morn sky july third launch mission planet earth bound mars atla v rocket left cape canaver air forc station space launch complex 41 edt carri nasa mar 2020 persever rover carsiz persever head land jezero crater red planet februari 2021 board sophist rover ingenu mar helicopter mar 2020 launch photo planet earth,mar 2020 feet,2020-07-31,402,66,-0.0916666666666666,07-31,7,2020,31,5,0,2 729c5b38c96e1723e01d4cd9bc7624a9d2dcb216bad4ce947d16175f94b2b085,chad,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus also known vdb 142 cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long detail closeup view record narrow band filter transmit light ioniz hydrogen oxygen atom region result composit highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas embedded dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees dramat scene span 1 degre wide field view though size 2 full moons mar 2020 launch photo planet earth,elephant trunk nebula cepheu,2020-08-01,648,103,0.014326923076923,08-01,8,2020,1,4,2,5 f3eff89ee40e6af5101a0b1bfc8e32ff1fe289f9162957d8b9560936f0463825,damia imag credit digit processing damia,differ sunset appear mar earth comparison two imag common star taken sunset one earth one mars imag scale angular width featur quick inspect reveal sun appear slightli smaller mar earth make sens sinc mar 50 sun earth striking perhaps martian sunset notic bluer near sun typic orang color near set sun earth reason blue hue mar fulli understood thought relat forward scatter properti martian dust terrestri sunset taken 2012 march france martian sunset captur 2015 nasa robot curios rover gale crater mars last week new rover helicopt onboard mar 2020 launch mars,two worlds one sun,2020-08-02,565,92,0.0966329966329966,08-02,8,2020,2,5,2,2 44d1dac28ad1fac6a984d8403f7ab5ededc63b4b196736acfe56f18645cb3344,constantin emmanouilidi,earth part show us comet cours not even imag make seem way pictur far background comet neowis appear two week ago northern greece comet mani star includ bright star big dipper also aster mani peopl around world use find nakedey comet hover northern sky past month foreground gorge deepest gorg earth rel gorg slowli creat eros river past million years captur imag took lot planning waiting luck brave high winds avoid local comet c2020 f3 neowise continu fade best visibl binocular back outer solar system notabl comet neowis images juli 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24,comet neowis gorg,2020-08-03,561,98,0.2259999999999999,08-03,8,2020,3,3,1,1 3cac39d34d60d47769de326437b7e5b13793d66ec2bcd0064ee1de7a60b3628f,emanuel,beauti trifid nebula also known messier 20 easi find small telescop nebula rich constel sagittarius 5000 lightyear away color studi cosmic contrast share wellcomposed nearli 1 degre wide field open star cluster messier 21 right trisect dust lane trifid 40 lightyear across mere 300000 year old make one youngest star form region sky newborn embryon star embed natal dust ga clouds estim distanc open star cluster m21 similar m20s though share gorgeou telescop skyscap appar connect two fact m21 star much older 8 million year old,messier 20 21,2020-08-06,529,86,0.0161255411255411,08-06,8,2020,6,4,0,3 19632931bb36b664ecf4fcdeda733155287cd7f2320859924ddb78c4b4bd1bd7,jose mtanou,st antares dark mark sprawl crowd star field toward center milki way galaxy catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard obscur interstellar dust cloud includ b59 b72 b77 b78 seen starri background here combin shape suggest pipe stem bowl dark nebula popular name pipe nebula deep expans view cover full 10 10 degre field pronounc constel ophiuchus pipe nebula part ophiuchu dark cloud complex locat distanc 450 lightyears dens core ga dust within pipe nebula collaps form stars,pipe nebula,2020-08-07,481,79,0.0111111111111111,08-07,8,2020,7,4,0,5 44efa972a09413660241417dc2ffb596010a5f1e4dab80c84c6f90a98ac6c068,none,earth saturn never show crescent phase view spacecraft majest giant planet show sunlit imag crescent saturn natur color taken robot cassini spacecraft 2007 captur saturn ring side ring plane opposit sun unillumin side anoth vista visibl earth visibl subtl color cloud bands complex shadow ring planet shadow planet rings moon mimas 2 oclock janu 4 oclock seen speck light real challeng find pandora 8 oclock earth saturn disk nearli full opposit sun along bright fellow giant planet jupit rise earli evening,crescent saturn,2020-08-08,509,81,0.1928571428571428,08-08,8,2020,8,0,1,2 164563bb7a375bf6cc1791e2224d68412a22496a86462d947bfe83152d045b9f,petr horálek,meteor come from term direct sky point answer constel perseus meteor shower peak tomorrow night known perseid meteor appear came radiant toward perseus term parent body though sandsiz debri make perseid meteor come comet swifttuttle comet follow welldefin orbit around sun part orbit approach earth superpos front perseus therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear perseus featur here composit imag taken eight night contain 400 meteor 2018 august perseid meteor shower show mani bright meteor streak kolonica observatori slovakia year perseid hold promis one best meteor shower year,perseid perseu,2020-08-10,601,90,0.45,08-10,8,2020,10,3,1,1 803f609a7abf3e2aefd45bcd3618d4328c7e6592f818e7813b54508ea1ea9794,none,jupiter gaseou ammonia expect seen jupiter upper atmospher orbit juno spacecraft mani cloud almost absent recent juno data however give highlevel cloud appear home unexpect type electr discharg dub shallow lightning great charg separ need lightning might creat collid mushbal lift rise updraft gas ammonia water stick mushbal rise get heavi fall deep jupiter atmospher melt process ammonia found miss jupiter upper atmospher reappear below pictur juno churn cloud jupit show mesmer complex lightcolor popup clouds understand atmospher dynam jupit give valuabl perspect similar atmospher lightn phenomena occur home earth peak tonight perseid meteor shower,cloud jupit,2020-08-11,657,95,0.0208333333333333,08-11,8,2020,11,8,2,4 89a97a48e1ae8e37de65822329dba8de14c24643ed7dd041f2744d61e228fc2f,ignacio lloren,keep eye ion tail comet neowise tale tail trail earth comets blue ion tail alway point away sun comet c2020 f3 neowise round sun ion tail point slightli differ directions 2020 juli 17 juli 25 featur imag taken earth move notic orbit around sun earth motion made sun appear shift sky even though cant see sun directli featur direct ion tail reveal appar solar shift sun appar motion ecliptic common plane planet orbit featur five imag composit meticul compos accur place comet imag five extrapol solar posit singl foreground imag de mountain north barcelona spain comet neowis longer impress nakedey object last month still found small telescop head back outer solar system,tail comet neowis,2020-08-12,674,112,-0.0928571428571428,08-12,8,2020,12,3,2,4 ea359f10ce8c7443d49e54c669016a7bebb762af1d22c0efb87e29ab40d12214,marcin,planet behind unusu rock saturn lower left jupiter month sunset bright planetari duo quit promin toward southeast view solar system largest planet might includ picturesqu hoodoo foreground spectacular central band milki way galaxi across background quit eyecatch featur imag composit consecut foreground background exposur taken late may camera locat badland wilder san juan basin new mexico usa rock inform dub stand 3 meter tall saturn jupit remain visibl togeth sunset sever months,jupit saturn rise beyond rock,2020-08-13,485,72,0.1051948051948052,08-13,8,2020,13,8,1,1 411f4a0d186e089c4fd8d1875ba038f87e1708ab8471679e864266f87fc7e318,none,nebula complex star like sun dying cast outer layers usual simpl overal shape sometim shape sphere sometim doubl lobe sometim ring helix case planetari nebula ngc 5189 however besid overal z shape the featur imag horizont appear simpl structur emerged help find why earthorbit hubbl space telescop observ ngc 5189 great detail previou find indic exist multipl epoch materi outflow includ recent one creat bright distort toru run horizont across imag center hubbl result appear consist hypothesi die star part binari star system precess symmetri axis ngc 5189 span three light year lie 3000 light year away toward southern constel fli musca,ngc 5189 unusu complex planetari nebula,2020-08-14,639,102,0.1833333333333333,08-14,8,2020,14,4,2,3 295b71b6fcab0820c528ebd36c13c63c3a9725009ae85eb3f770a70bcd135680,sergio,moon ever block mars yes moon occasion move front solar system planets past sunday visibl locat south america wane gibbou moon eclips mars featur imag córdoba argentina captur occult well show familiar crater moon foreground bright planet mar unusu within seconds mar disappear behind moon reappear minut later across moon today moon move close to front of venus align chang much next two time moon pass part sky earli septemb earli octob also occult mars seen part south america perseid meteor shower notabl imag submit apod,mar moon edg,2020-08-15,527,86,0.0708333333333333,08-15,8,2020,15,2,0,1 9daff3ff8abf2a28133d383fa5dfbe4199d6b833eb8d7cac0136636127b53014,none,center seren stellar swirl like beast surround swirl sweep around billion star highlight brightest bluest breadth beauti display give swirl design grand design spiral galaxy central beast show evid supermass black hole 10 million time mass sun creatur devour star ga surround spin hot plasma emit blast xrays central violent activ give design seyfert galaxy together beauti beast catalog ngc appear togeth toward constel eagl roughli past billion years perseid meteor shower notabl imag submit apod,ngc grand design spiral galaxi hubbl,2020-08-16,498,76,-0.0351851851851851,08-16,8,2020,16,6,0,5 c4def49f8f44235f18733223f0e6ecfa40cb7af42dc8e9aedf70a22863956b7a,jingyi zhang,would meteor trail appear arc effect aris imag artifici compress nearly whole sky rectangle meteor perseid meteor shower peak last week featur multifram imag combin differ direct 360 projection differ time bright perseid meteor momentarili streak across sky perseid meteor trace back constel perseu toward lower left even seemingli curv but realli meteor trails although perseid alway point back perseu radiant appear almost anywher sky imag taken inner mongolia china grassland meet sand dunes mani treasur also visibl busi night sky includ central arch milki way galaxy planet saturn jupit toward right color airglow central left rel nearbi earthli clouds perseid meteor shower peak everi august perseid meteor shower notabl imag submit apod,perseid around milki way,2020-08-17,743,113,0.1071428571428571,08-17,8,2020,17,6,2,4 cb7a21a341f483da7b19e0e2e54945c54bd9c990bf1f97460fb5a9a76a41d4d9,none,star planet like sun previou evid show do come mostli slight shift star light creat orbit planets recently however first time pair planet directli imag around sunlik star exoplanet orbit star design identifi arrow featur infrar image 17 million year old parent star much younger age sun also exoplanet massiv orbit solar system jupit saturn exoplanet found eso larg telescop chile infrar glow light parent star artifici telescop technolog improv next decade hope planet close resembl earth directli imaged expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,multipl planet around sun like star,2020-08-18,559,86,0.1233333333333333,08-18,8,2020,18,6,1,2 422616851049124f75967328097726dfb931cee83761145a41887145ae43d69b,hubbl project,arm grand design spiral galaxi 60000 lightyear across digit transform magnific 2005 hubbl space telescop portrait m51 fact m51 one origin spiral nebulae wind arm describ mathemat curv known logarithm spiral spiral whose separ grow geometr way increas distanc center appli shift pixel coordin hubbl imag rel center m51 map galaxy spiral arm diagon straight lines transform imag dramat show arm trace star formation line pinkish starform region young blue star clusters companion galaxi ngc 5195 top seem alter track arm front though remain rel unaffect unwind m51 also known spira mirabilis spiral found natur scales example logarithm spiral also describ hurricanes track subatom particl bubbl chamber and course cauliflower,m51,2020-08-21,723,110,0.1571428571428571,08-21,8,2020,21,7,2,4 aaabf2e1b2c43490969817ffb4b7c8fd2964abd25a888c08369538fed190b4ab,team,juli 1997 ramp pathfind lander sojourn robot rover airbags couch barnacl bill yogi rock appear togeth 3d stereo view surfac mars barnacl bill rock left solarpanel sojourner yogi big friendlylook boulder top right couch angular rock shape visibl near center horizon look imag redblu glass or hold piec clear red plastic left eye blue green right get dramat 3d perspective stereo view record remark imag mar pathfind imp camera imp two optic path stereo imag rang equip array color filter spectral analysis oper first astronom observatori mars imp also record imag sun deimos smallest mars two tini moons juli saw launch nasa mar persever rover mission red planet,yogi friend 3d,2020-08-22,661,108,0.0872448979591836,08-22,8,2020,22,5,2,4 18ba6d1db2215833fb4db9b3d55d88a6d4fe53c23eb4735cf7a6a8dc12941ca7,none,star creat helix nebula shape planetari nebula like helix import like hold clue star like sun end lives observ orbit hubbl space telescop 4meter blanco telescop chile however shown helix realli simpl helix rather incorpor two nearli perpendicular disk well arcs shocks even featur well understood even so mani strikingli geometr symmetri remain singl sunlik star creat beauti yet geometr complex topic research helix nebula nearest planetari nebula earth lie 700 light year away toward constel aquarius span 3 lightyears,helix nebula blanco hubbl,2020-08-23,520,80,0.05,08-23,8,2020,23,4,0,5 7750c0bf8c80371010dde47fd11ae205bf60b7215413babcd035a607807977cf,miguel claro,come crescent moon look like this one reason eye cant simultan discern bright dark region like this call earthshin da vinci glow unlit part crescent moon visibl usual hard see much dimmer sunlit arc digit age however differ bright artifici reduced featur imag actual digit composit 15 short exposur bright crescent 14 longer exposur dim origin da vinci glow explain leonardo da vinci year ago sunlight reflect first earth moon back moon earth,crescent moon hdr,2020-08-24,442,73,0.1631944444444444,08-24,8,2020,24,2,1,1 780cc6b4df19e440a163e329580c091eb9bc0ecd38fd154024f7e1eed0e54a52,alistair symon,brush stroke interstellar dust glow hydrogen gas beauti skyscap paint across plane milki way galaxi near northern end great rift constel cygnu swan compos use 22 differ imag 180 hour imag data widefield mosaic span impress 24 degre across sky alpha star cygnus bright hot supergi deneb lie near top center crowd star lumin ga cloud cygnu also home dark obscur northern coal sack nebula extend deneb toward center view reddish glow star form region ngc 7000 ic 5070 north america nebula pelican nebulas left deneb veil nebula standout left center supernova remnant veil 1400 light year away mani nebula star cluster identifi throughout cosmic scene course deneb also known northern hemispher skygaz place two aster mark top northern cross vertex summer triangle follow apod on instagram facebook reddit twitter,cygnu skyscap,2020-08-26,810,130,0.1933333333333333,08-26,8,2020,26,4,2,5 d9e9e85f66a42e28462ed19a56ec8f37b3b9a3d7de72d289c6bacc1b7ac3df64,martin pugh,intergalact skyscap featur peculiar system galaxi catalog arp 227 100 million lightyear distant swim within boundari constel pisces arp 227 consist two galaxi promin right center curiou shell galaxi ngc 474 blue spiralarm neighbor ngc 470 faint wide arc shell ngc 474 could form gravit encount neighbor ngc 470 altern shell could caus merger smaller galaxi produc effect analog rippl across surfac pond larg galaxi top lefthand side deep image ngc 467 appear surround faint shell too evid anoth interact galaxi system intrigu background galaxi scatter around field also includ spiki foreground stars course star lie well within milki way galaxy field view span 25 arc minut 12 degre sky,shell galaxi pisc,2020-08-27,686,110,-0.0514285714285714,08-27,8,2020,27,7,2,3 bec6f9387490a3d7438e459de56e4cca929be35a04293888869956d8b5e1266a,none,deep shadow creat dramat contrast light dark highresolut closeup martian surface record januari 24 2014 hiris camera board mar reconnaiss orbiter scene span 15 kilometers 250 kilomet red planet camera look sand dune field southern highland crater captur sun 5 degre local horizon dune crest caught full sunlight long cold winter come southern hemispher bright ridg season frost line martian dunes mar reconnaiss orbiter one oldest oper spacecraft red planet celebr 15th anniversari launch planet earth august 12,martian chiaroscuro,2020-08-29,511,78,0.0541666666666666,08-29,8,2020,29,5,0,2 7da03e081f5335c42d3dcbddb365f66d950a912394627921cacfff0d49f1efda,none,massiv normal star be estim made distance bright standard solar model given one star open cluster pismi 24 200 time mass sun make one massiv star known star brightest object locat ga front featur image close inspect imag taken hubbl space telescope however shown pismi 241 deriv brilliant luminos singl star three least compon star would still remain near 100 solar masses make among massiv star current record toward bottom image star still form associ emiss nebula ngc 6357 appear perhap like gothic cathedral energet star near center appear break illumin spectacular cocoon teacher students idea util apod classroom,ngc 6357 cathedr massiv star,2020-08-30,619,99,0.1954545454545454,08-30,8,2020,30,6,2,5 5b7fb802605b6a1a2a4d1776f82cbcde6cf429d6592ed4e5b1f04d7b58c8bf3e,robert fedez,mani moon see mani peopl would say one refer earth moon promin lower left take closer look object upper right actual planet jupiter closer look might reveal alon surround largest moons left right galilean moon io europa callisto moon orbit jovian world like planet solar system orbit sun line seen side featur singl shot captur cancun mexico last week luna orbit around earth glide past distant planet even better view jupit current captur nasa juno spacecraft loop orbit around solar system largest planet earth moon continu pass nearli front jupit saturn month moonth two giant planet approach great conjunct december almost hyperspace random apod gener,jupit moon,2020-09-02,656,105,0.0729591836734693,09-02,9,2020,2,2,2,2 d2b0db2eadc470e62752313dae89d58cb997006100921883cbc577c96d19fd71,none,m31 andromeda galaxy closest larg spiral galaxi milki way 25 million lightyear distant shine earth night sky small faint elong cloud visibl unaid eye invis eye though enorm halo hot ioniz ga repres purplish hue digit illustr neighbor galaxi rocki terrain map hubbl space telescop observ absorpt ultraviolet light distant quasars extent makeup andromeda gaseou halo recent determin project reservoir materi futur star formation andromeda halo diffus plasma measur extend around 13 million lightyear galaxy that half way milki way like put contact diffus gaseou halo galaxy,halo andromeda,2020-09-03,571,87,-0.0583333333333333,09-03,9,2020,3,7,0,3 682b36c9cb9cd605b5973252342fd3509550174a8aa3c360bd69dfae632fba99,andrew klinger,open star cluster ngc 7380 still embed natal cloud interstellar ga dust popularli known wizard nebula seen left foreground background star along plane milki way galaxi lie 8000 lightyear distant toward constel cepheus appar size sky full moon would cover 4 million year young cluster associ nebula normal much faint seen eye made telescop camera firmli plant earth imag reveal multi lightyear size shape structur cosmic ga dust within wizard though color palett made popular hubbl space telescop images record narrowband filters visibl wavelength light nebula hydrogen oxygen sulfur atom transform green blue red color final digit composite,wizard nebula,2020-09-04,640,98,0.0615384615384615,09-04,9,2020,4,4,2,5 6be12a500319626ed9c909167dadde01ecff45602b40f7b8c67d626eb70e67a5,none,land sky everi horizon case path ground lead st michael mount small histor island england mount usual surround shallow water low span path sky actual central band milki way galaxy also appear lead st michael mount realli lie far distance red nebula milki way castle lagoon nebula bright jupit shine left lumin meteor flash right foreground background imag featur composit taken juli night location although meteor fleet milki way disk shift night earth turns jupit remain promin sunset sky december moon occult mars notabl imag submit apod,milki way mount,2020-09-07,540,87,0.0229437229437229,09-07,9,2020,7,6,0,1 6882b2352c09a0c1bd6c80d62d42a0a8fd85e968341ff3c0f1126263a47da986,none,black hole like form two black hole spiral togeth produc gravit wave event gw190521 massiv black hole ever seen ligo virgo far mass 66 85 solar mass unpreced unexpected lower mass black holes 65 solar mass known form supernova explosions conversely higher mass black holes solar masses thought creat massiv star implod use elements intermedi mass black hole came exist yet unknown although one hypothesi hold result consecut collis star black hole dens star clusters featur illustr black hole collision annot arrow indic spin illustration spiral wave indic product gravit radiation surround star highlight possibl merger occur star cluster seen last year eman epoch univers half present age z black hole merger gw190521 farthest yet detected within measur errors astrophysicists brows 2200 code astrophys sourc code librari,unexpect black hole collid,2020-09-08,826,127,-0.0822916666666666,09-08,9,2020,8,6,2,4 3a13e4b9c4cb939bfae7ffdf74e63a130d648de07f92effe0b4638a7a7d62c0e,raul villaverd frail,ever seen pleiad star cluster even have probabl never seen larg clear this perhap famou star cluster sky bright star pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city long exposur dark location though dust cloud surround pleiad star cluster becom evident featur exposur cover sky area sever time size full moon also known seven sister m45 pleiad lie 400 light year away toward constel bull taurus common legend modern twist one brighter star fade sinc cluster named leav six sister star visibl unaid eye actual number pleiad star visible however may less seven depend dark surround sky clariti observer eyesight teacher students idea util apod,pleiades seven sister star cluster,2020-09-09,652,105,0.0986111111111111,09-09,9,2020,9,6,2,4 4326fadd79fdd19780ef3a4018b45091570f8a218d03ab108219a6c799b26687,andi case,bright storm head long turbul wake across jupit sharp telescop imag solar system rule ga giant captur august 26 28 septemb 1 left right storm approxim doubl length period stretch along planet north temper belt travel eastward success frames pass great red spot whitish oval ba famou storm jupiter southern hemisphere galilean moon callisto io caught middl frame fact telescop skygaz follow jupit planet earth night report dramat fast move storm past week jupiter north temper belt,jupiter swim storm,2020-09-10,480,77,0.1550595238095238,09-10,9,2020,10,8,1,1 14ec188b6583ec12ab502115e26d643cbd27df9a92c0154538af2bb63ab4c9fd,david,mar reappear beyond moon dark limb stack sharp video frame captur septemb 6 cours reappear disappear first place hour earlier sunlit southern edg wane gibbou moon pass front red planet seen brazil lunar occult came moon near apogee 400000 kilomet away mar almost 180 time distant fourth lunar occult mar visibl planet earth 2020 visibl southern latitudes fifth lunar occult mar 2020 take place octob 3 moon mar nearli opposit sun planet earth sky,mar,2020-09-11,446,74,-0.0025,09-11,9,2020,11,2,0,1 00037884bd4ed0c1522924f43e6caf32b394802f8887b2177037428a845be1ec,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur here star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus shape planetari nebulae almost hyperspace random apod gener,m29 wing butterfli nebula,2020-09-13,594,92,1.1102230246251566e-17,09-13,9,2020,13,4,2,5 584b8854245f63b51f3d92448fe4821400aef70b3749b9934cd416fc50b344db,zarco palma,rise moon dramat sight rise full corn moon captur earli month timelaps telephoto len nearli 30 kilomet away make earth ascend halfdegre companion appear unusu impressive imag captur portugal although much foreground includ light villag de spain full corn moon name attribut full moon time year cultur northern indigen peopl americas coincid note moon appear larger nearer horizon seemingli larger size illusion next full moon occur begin next month known full harvest moon occur nearest time northern autumn equinox northern field harvests,moon rise,2020-09-14,545,82,0.2791666666666667,09-14,9,2020,14,2,1,1 fca05ca607a7a15683240a3eec802af1caaa159adf0bae0844634f001e5b6bd5,none,could life float atmospher venus although earth planetari neighbor surfac consid extrem known venus upper atmospher may suffici mild tini airborn microbes usual prospect took unexpect yesterday announc discoveri venusian chemic phosphin consid biomark seem hard creat routin chemic process thought occur around rocki world venu known creat microbi life earth featur imag venu thick cloud taken two band ultraviolet light japanes robot satellit orbit cloudshroud world sinc 2015 phosphin finding confirmed may set renew interest search indic life float high atmospher solar system second planet sun expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,discov atmospher venu,2020-09-15,651,94,0.0637878787878787,09-15,9,2020,15,8,2,4 793295b335522a004b097cc287e0096de3cfedf80ca26fa1d8e11e9337fa77c8,none,asteroid bennu eject gravel space one sure discovery occur sever episod nasa visit osirisrex spacecraft unexpected lead eject hypothes includ impact sunorbit meteoroids sudden thermal fractur intern structures sudden releas water vapor jet featur twoimag composit show eject event occur earli 2019 sunreflect ejecta seen right data simul show larg gravel typic fall right back rotat 500meter asteroid smaller rock skip around surface smallest rock complet escap low graviti earth diamondshap asteroid jet surfac eject event thought predominantli domain comets respons tails comas later meteor shower earth robot osirisrex arriv 101955 bennu late 2018 plan touchdown collect surfac sampl octob 2020 goe well sampl return earth detail analysi 2023 bennu chosen destin osirisrex part surfac show potenti reveal organ compound earli day solar system compound could build block life earth expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,asteroid bennu,2020-09-16,936,137,0.0862637362637362,09-16,9,2020,16,8,2,4 fc142e7055225a44a5fc3630a5e627981193bd970d90b48546b31f6d8e2947fd,none,gener trend monthli sunspot data confirm minimum approxim 11 year cycl solar activ occur decemb 2019 mark start solar cycl 25 quiet sun minimum activity appear right split hemispher view contrast left side show activ sun recogn maximum solar cycl 24 captur april 2014 extrem ultraviolet imag orbit solar dynam observatori highlight coron loop activ region light highli ioniz iron atoms drive space weather around fair planet solar cycl 24 rel calm one predict cycl 25 calm too cycl 25 activ maximum expect juli 2025 solar cycl 1 first solar cycl determin earli record sunspot data consid begin minimum februari,solar cycl 25,2020-09-17,610,100,0.2794642857142857,09-17,9,2020,17,1,2,4 aea0db225f937585ae04192932293439d1955b1f95b120c1790d138b4533ae46,bernard miller,peculiar spiral galaxi arp 78 found within boundari head strong constel aries 100 million lightyear beyond star nebula milki way galaxy also known ngc 772 island univers 100000 lightyear across sport singl promin outer spiral arm detail cosmic portrait brightest companion galaxy compact ngc 770 toward upper right larger spiral ngc 770 fuzzy ellipt appear contrast nice spiki foreground milki way star match yellowish hues track along sweep dust lane line young blue star clusters arp 78 larg spiral arm like due gravit tidal interactions faint stream materi seem connect arp 78 nearbi companion galaxies,arp 78 peculiar galaxi ari,2020-09-18,605,95,0.0882275132275132,09-18,9,2020,18,7,2,3 ee7da3c570f2af1e80dab07cb382b17cf36c3bdf0f1a93be370cd2ce5bea444f,ronald,orion familiar constellation appar posit star two dimens creat wellknown pattern bowl planet earth night sky orion may look quit familiar 3d view though illustr reconstruct rel posit orion bright stars includ data hipparcu catalog parallax distances distant star shown middl one project line three make orion belt view planet earth alnilam nearli 2000 lightyear away almost 3 time far fellow belt star alnitak though rigel betelgeus appar shine brighter planet earth sky make distant alnilam intrins in absolut magnitude brightest familiar star orion hipparcu catalog error measur orion star translat distanc error 100 lightyear so,orion,2020-09-19,631,96,0.2464285714285714,09-19,9,2020,19,6,2,4 4e3f156ad213b9e020a75b090b2e847ffe92d18ea9311f9e97528e49827a6934,none,distant universe time appear run slowly sinc timedil light appear shift toward red end spectrum redshifted astronom abl use cosmolog timeslow help measur vast distanc universe featured light distant galaxi broken constitu color spectra allow astronom measur cosmolog redshift known spectral lines novelti featur imag distanc hundr galaxi measur singl frame case one taken visibl multiobject spectrograph oper larg telescop vlt array chile analyz space distribut distant object allow insight star galaxi formed clustered evolv earli universe,break distant light,2020-09-20,540,77,-0.0222222222222222,09-20,9,2020,20,7,0,4 4431aa8ef3d75abd46df6816632a305e7b2bba53d634cd89eb289baa64cd3420,juan antonio,captur sunris requir luck timing first foremost precis time need captur sailboat cross right front rise sun additionally lucki coincidence background sun appear unusu look like greek letter omega reality sun remain circular self omega illus creat sunlight refract warm air water feet capit omega actual invert imag sun region it although somewhat rare optic effect caus earth atmospher make distant object near horizon includ sun moon look quit unusual singl exposur imag taken mediterranean sea two week ago near spain,omega sunris,2020-09-21,523,81,0.1577922077922078,09-21,9,2020,21,1,1,1 d9ffe332cfd3e04af4dabc3e8af78d200e7ae4c14d43f369c558a1b6979193ad,luca vanzella,sun set direct everi day no direct sunset depend time year although sun alway set approxim toward west equinox like today sun set directli toward west today septemb equinox sun set increasingli toward southwest reach maximum displac decemb solstice today septemb equinox sun set toward northwest reach maximum displac june solstice featur timelaps imag show seven band sun set one day month 2019 decemb 2020 june imag sequenc taken alberta canada well north earth equat featur citi edmonton foreground middl band show sun set last equinox march location sun set along equinox band today,equinox sky,2020-09-22,589,94,0.0166666666666666,09-22,9,2020,22,1,2,1 12d2e8841aab654148642a04ded0cc7190f90cdc63e49e1c4520cb700bbf0e18,tom glenn,yes ever seen space station this know look watch bright intern space station iss drift across night sky fascin sight unusual imag iss cross front halfdegre moon sun exist somewhat rare take planning timing patienc catch iss cross front minuscul mars though anoth level use onlin software featur photograph learn unusu transit would visibl momentarili along narrow stretch nearbi land span 90 meters within equival ground veloc pass iss imag would quick 74 kilomet per second however standard camera small telescope exact locat set equipment exact direct point telescope time creat video featur second exposur result imag detail mar iss visibl simultaneously featur imag acquir last monday local time northeast san diego california usa although typic much smaller angularly iss mar approach maximum angular size next weeks blue planet earth set pass closest red planet mars respect orbit around sun portal universe random apod gener,iss transit mar,2020-09-23,933,145,0.0563492063492063,09-23,9,2020,23,5,2,4 80361009007753cae8df3f6cbf0a914a0f19cd44bb8811f72570c1265ecd1516,none,one solar system tantal worlds ici saturnian moon enceladu appear detail hemispher view cassini spacecraft fals color five panel present 13 year infrar imag data cassini visual infrar map spectromet imag scienc fresh ice color red dramat featur look like long gash 500 kilomet diamet moon south polar region correspond locat tiger stripes surfac fractur like connect ocean beneath enceladu ice shell fractur sourc moon ici plume continu spew space plume discov cassini 2005 now reddish hue northern half lead hemispher view also indic recent resurfac region geolog activ moon world may hold condit suitabl life expert debate human first discov extraterrestri life,enceladu infrar,2020-09-24,663,103,0.025,09-24,9,2020,24,2,2,4 7ea1f5f4affb54476754606ed4a10b82c0a97493f80198d848a8f1f36c8ce576,adam block,great spiral galaxi andromeda also known m31 mere 25 million lightyear distant closest larg spiral milki way andromeda visibl unaid eye small faint fuzzi patch surfac bright low casual skygaz cant appreci galaxy impress extent planet earth sky entertain composit imag compar angular size nearbi galaxi brighter familiar celesti sight it deep exposur andromeda trace beauti blue star cluster spiral arm far beyond bright yellow core combin typic view nearli full moon shown angular scale moon cover 12 degre sky galaxi clearli sever time size deep andromeda exposur also includ two bright satellit galaxies m32 m110 below right,moon andromeda,2020-09-25,626,98,0.1200396825396825,09-25,9,2020,25,7,2,3 2fa89b139811e50e70576725601617be9e679ffc0d86a954cf8cfbd039e2f0eb,marcella giulia pace,observ moon night visibl sunlit portion gradual change phase progress new moon full moon new moon again lunar cycl synod month complet 295 days look full top left bottom right panel show rang lunar phase complet synod month august 2019 ragusa sicily italy planet earth lunar cycl project panel organ imag lunar phase pairs individu imag pair anoth imag separ 15 days approxim half synod month result opposit sunlit portion complet lunar disk shadow line boundari lunar night day terminator steadili march across moon familiar nearside extra credit lunar phase would pair moon tonight,moon month,2020-09-26,583,94,0.1966774891774891,09-26,9,2020,26,2,1,1 01f0bc41fc25f191f1e1ab74f9d3b24526217ccaf27a08cdb6e1b85438379fd0,joe randal,ever watch lightn storm awe join crowd oddly detail lightn produc remain topic research known updraft carri light ice crystal collis larger softer ice caus smaller crystal becom posit charged enough charg becom separated rapid electr discharg lightn occurs lightn usual take jag course rapidli heat thin column air three time surfac temperatur sun result shock wave start superson decay loud sound known thunder lightn bolt common cloud rainstorms averag 44 lightn bolt occur earth everi second pictured 60 imag stack captur flow storm cloud juli colorado springs colorado usa follow apod english on facebook instagram twitter,lightn colorado,2020-09-27,626,97,-0.0180555555555555,09-27,9,2020,27,8,2,4 9ddb80a577e069f0dba2c62eeb120a32f5656b6281fd0ea90b4a089dfb983a05,none,lie edg expand supernova subtl delic appearance ribbon shock interstellar ga part blast wave expand edg violent stellar explos would easili visibl human late stone age 20000 year ago featur imag record hubbl space telescop closeup outer edg supernova remnant known cygnu loop veil nebula filamentari shock front move toward top frame 170 kilomet per second glow light emit atom excit hydrogen gas distanc star thought interact cygnu loop recent found gaia mission 2400 light year distant whole cygnu loop span six full moon across sky correspond 130 light years part seen small telescop toward constel swan cygnus,filament cygnu loop,2020-09-28,613,98,0.075,09-28,9,2020,28,6,2,5 b9d3159f35614ed81a3115d09996d6635501f22bf4622bcc998bedf7d363abe0,damian peach,telescop around planet earth watch mar grow brighter night skies approach 2020 opposit octob 13 mar look like watch view red planet septemb 22 mars disk alreadi near maximum appar size earthbound telescopes less appar diamet full moon shrink south polar cap bottom hazi northern cloud top circular dark albedo feature soli lacu lake sun left disk center surround light area south vall marineris soli lacu look like planets famous known eye mar near turn 20th century astronom avid mar watcher perciv lowel associ eye mar conjunct canal chart draw red planet broad visibl chang size shape eye mar understood high resolut surfac imag due dust wind thin martian atmosphere,soli eye mar,2020-10-01,670,110,0.0735526315789473,10-01,10,2020,1,5,2,1 ca141e20282f9cade08fe7370c6444441659b897292632834896e31171ee3811,susan,watch october first full moon rise last night full moon closest northern autumn equinox probabl ask yourself how long would take bike sure apollo 11 astronaut made trip 1969 launch moon landing 103 hour 43 days moon 400000 kilomet away year top bike planet earth wellknown tour de franc race cover almost 3500 kilomet 21 stage 87 hour road give averag speed 40 kilomet per hour lunar travel time 10000 hours littl days bike destin clear journey begin around moonris septemb 27 near hill uk,moon,2020-10-02,489,85,0.2333333333333333,10-02,10,2020,2,2,1,2 4da195726da6596360dc98d5a6ade1a4ecc493762e26d618dc876da2df57027f,none,long would take drive sun brittani age 7 age 12 ponder question dinner one evening jame also age 7 suggest take realli fast race car christoph age 4 eagerli agrees jerry realli old guy use estim drive time famili trip base distanc divid speed offer numbers let see sun 93 million mile away drove 93 mile per hour trip would take us 1 million hours long 1 million hours one year 365 day time 24 hour per day 8760 hours one hundr year would 876000 hours that still littl short 1 million hour drive time sun realli quit far away christoph impressed grow older be got impress someth that 93 million mile away still hurt eye look it,drive sun,2020-10-03,628,118,0.074074074074074,10-03,10,2020,3,1,2,1 b263d76cdd0d0cdbecda77a392edc3543f87318c5c354ee68873b70ce2adebd8,césar blanco gonzález,astronom sight excit imagin like nearbi stellar nurseri known orion nebula nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud mani filamentari structur visibl featur imag actual shock wave front fast move materi encount slow move gas orion nebula span 40 light year locat 1500 light year away spiral arm galaxi sun great nebula orion found unaid eye left easili identifi belt three star popular constel orion imag show nebula three color specif emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur gas whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next 100000 years,orion nebula oxygen hydrogen sulfur,2020-10-04,595,94,0.1857142857142857,10-04,10,2020,4,4,2,5 8f38b00cd4302ed1a64692f72d3f919c4c1a349946c09f830417ee49d8941ee0,none,what happen center spiral galaxi ngc swirl disk star gas ngc appear domin blue spiral arm brown dust shown featur imag taken hubbl space telescope core activ galaxi glow brightli radio wave xray twin jet found unusu central glow make ngc one closest exampl seyfert class galaxies vast amount glow ga thought fall central massiv black hole ngc rel close 55 million light year away span 100 thousand light year across seen small telescop toward constel wolf,ngc nearbi spiral galaxi hubbl,2020-10-05,455,77,0.0314814814814814,10-05,10,2020,5,7,0,3 cd7a29c4abe2bdc3211b8a64852bfa360b862e57a956c51991af303ae2b8c6db,none,look east sunset tonight see impress mars tonight mar appear biggest brightest year earth pass closer red planet two year anoth two years week mar almost bright opposition mean directli opposit sun due slightli oval shape orbit mar earth closest approach opposit occur slightli differ days featur imag sequenc show angular size mar grown approach past months notic orange mar visibl nearli night long reflect sunlight toward earth either saturn jupiter even closest largest though mar still appear 100 time smaller diameter full moon,mar approach 2020,2020-10-06,535,84,0.0390625,10-06,10,2020,6,5,0,1 9dd07432ca4a96826939b09b03448da2d1bf64526395a0effabf7f02686151c0,yannick akar,faint larg squidlik nebula visibl planet earth sky insid still larger bat giant squid nebula catalog ou4 sh2129 also known fli bat nebula caught cosmic scene toward royal royal constel cepheus compos 55 hour narrowband imag data telescop field view 3 degre 6 full moon across discov 2011 french astroimag nicola outters squid nebula allur bipolar shape distinguish telltal bluegreen emiss doubli ioniz oxygen atoms though appar complet surround reddish hydrogen emiss region sh2129 true distanc natur squid nebula difficult determine still recent investig suggest ou4 realli lie within sh2129 2300 lightyear away consist scenario ou4 would repres spectacular outflow driven hr8119 tripl system hot massiv star seen near center nebula truli giant squid nebula would physic nearli 50 lightyear across new apod mirror turkish,ou4 giant squid fli bat,2020-10-07,823,125,0.049025974025974,10-07,10,2020,7,4,2,5 0b13cdb56b8c4595fc99399a12916eb52a9cca15eb728052dec04e12103adee0,matt smith,lighter typic dark smooth mare mare frigori lie far lunar north also known sea cold stretch across familiar lunar nearsid close wax gibbou moon north polar region darkfloored 95 kilomet wide crater plato left center sunlit peak lunar alp mont alpes highlight right southern mare imbrium sea rains mare promin straight featur cut mountain lunar alpin valley valli alpes join mare imbrium mare lunar valley 160 kilomet long 10 kilomet wide,mare,2020-10-08,437,71,0.0126700680272108,10-08,10,2020,8,2,0,2 e37c87b1383460fa4877337405cb04afdb75953c7bf61f3c1cc33ba96507e90f,none,inspir sight giant dish antenna karl g larg array vla rise new mexico desert moonset mount pier railroad track chang configuration 27 oper antenna houses 25 meter across organ array span size citi 35 kilometers prolif radio astronomi workhorse vla use discov water planet mercury radiobright corona around stars microquasar galaxy gravitationallyinduc einstein ring around distant galaxies radio counterpart cosmolog distant gammaray bursts vast size allow astronom studi detail radio galaxies superfast cosmic jets map center milki way 40 year sinc dedic vla use 14000 observ project contribut 500 octob 10 nation radio astronomi observatori host onlin celebr vla 40 featur virtual tour history operations science futur larg array,larg array moonset,2020-10-09,731,109,-0.0272727272727272,10-09,10,2020,9,6,2,4 7ca53080ea5f0230054519f6137a417c275755394156287aeb73a08e98b482ee,fernando,galaxi virgo cluster scatter across deep telescop field view cosmic scene span three full moons captur dark sky near mexico planet earth 50 million lightyear distant virgo cluster closest larg galaxi cluster local galaxi group promin virgo bright ellipt galaxi messier catalog m87 top left m84 m86 seen bottom top right center m84 m86 recogn part markarian chain visual strike lineup galaxi vertic right side frame near middl chain lie intrigu interact pair galaxies ngc 4438 ngc 4435 known markarian eyes cours giant ellipt galaxi m87 domin virgo cluster home super massiv black hole first black hole ever imag planet earth event horizon telescope,virgo cluster galaxi,2020-10-10,648,104,0.1360714285714285,10-10,10,2020,10,7,2,3 6bd0dd97f9acc4d81d893286bdc9bb561e2ac4dd6c750976b3243e90ba260230,michael,strang world this earth foreground featur imag pinnacles unusu rock spire nambung nation park western australia made ancient sea shell limestone humans picturesqu spire form remain unknown background past end central bright crescent moon eeri glow around moon mostli zodiac light sunlight reflect dust grain orbit planet solar system arch across top central band milki way galaxy mani famou star nebula also visibl background night sky featur panorama taken compos 2015 septemb detail plan involv moon rock spires correspond shadows even so strong zodiac light pleasant surprise,milki way pinnacl australia,2020-10-11,578,87,0.2560606060606061,10-11,10,2020,11,6,1,1 c5a10f37a8fa2dc6587b8277abdd3e09f93e5c8ed7a39d63c94145078e09038d,amir h abolfath,mani spectacular color rho ophiuchi ohfeeyukee cloud highlight mani process occur there blue region shine primarili reflect light blue light rho ophiuchi star system nearbi star reflect effici portion nebula red light earth daytim sky appear blue reason red yellow region shine primarili emiss nebula atom molecular gas light nearbi blue star energet bright star antar knock electron away gas shine electron recombin gas dark brown region caus dust grain born young stellar atmospher effect block light emit behind them rho ophiuchi star clouds well front globular cluster m4 visibl upper right even color human see cloud emit light everi wavelength band radio gammaray astrophysicists brows 2200 code astrophys sourc code librari,color cloud rho ophiuchi,2020-10-14,735,112,0.172077922077922,10-14,10,2020,14,4,2,5 5136fe6fb818a7df2cfb120677939a7b3cd296a56f7ef26d5b3f95645373765e,robert eder,sharp telescop view reveal galaxi scatter beyond star milki way northern boundari highfli constel pegasus promin upper right ngc 7331 mere 50 million lightyear away larg spiral one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog disturb look group galaxi lower left wellknown stephan quintet 300 million lightyear distant quintet dramat illustr multipl galaxi collision powerful ongo interact pose brief cosmic snapshot sky quintet ngc 7331 separ half degree,galaxi pegasu,2020-10-15,474,70,-0.0339947089947089,10-15,10,2020,15,7,0,3 0947cb80b026984d99d9f273301bb77182585d4bd104c080da684f1aff2842c0,bernhard hubl,planetari nebula abel 78 stand color telescop skyscape fact color spiki milki way star depend surfac temperatures cooler hotter sun abel 78 shine characterist emiss ioniz atom tenuou shroud materi shrug intens hot central star atom ionized electron strip away central star energet otherwis invis ultraviolet light visibl bluegreen glow loop filament nebula central region correspond emiss doubli ioniz oxygen atoms surround strong red emiss electron recombin hydrogen atoms 5000 lightyear distant toward constel cygnus abel 78 three lightyear across planetari nebula like abel 78 repres brief final phase stellar evolut sun experi 5 billion years,planetari nebula abel,2020-10-16,647,96,0.1121212121212121,10-16,10,2020,16,4,2,5 9c5ab8a606309e4008339469ccf4ce738d82ab5db4ef434967b5efa805ce9510,wissam ayoub,cloud ga dust drift rich star field along plane milki way galaxi toward high fli constel cygnus caught within telescop field view soap bubbl lower left crescent nebula upper right form final phase life star also known ngc 6888 crescent shape bright central massiv wolfrayet star wr 136 shed outer envelop strong stellar wind burn fuel prodigi rate wr 136 near end short life finish spectacular supernova explosion discov 2013 soap bubbl nebula like planetari nebula final shroud lower mass longlived sunlik star destin becom slowli cool white dwarf stellar shroud 5000 lightyear distant larger crescent nebula around 25 lightyear across,cygnus bubbl crescent,2020-10-17,636,101,0.1791604010025063,10-17,10,2020,17,4,2,5 9e8d84619db9e52987fb78990b44b38ccd16177a67d0e59459a6e747f35b283b,domingo pestana,what happen spiral galaxy although detail remain uncertain sure ongo battl smaller galact neighbor featur galaxi label ugc 1810 itself togeth collision partner known arp 273 overal shape ugc 1810 particular blue outer ring like result wild violent gravit interactions ring blue color caus massiv star blue hot form past million years inner galaxi appear older redder thread cool filamentari dust bright star appear well foreground unrel ugc sever galaxi visibl well background arp 273 lie 300 million light year away toward constel andromeda quit likely ugc 1810 devour galact next billion year settl classic spiral form apod world languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish turkish turkish ukrainian,ugc interact galaxi hubbl,2020-10-18,841,125,0.0760869565217391,10-18,10,2020,18,7,2,3 98725e4624a44882353271a6c36b74a4d64cbe430b3dfa8077c2a83f27d0b42f,giorgia hofer,saturn jupit get closer everi night go check next two months two bright planet even closer togeth sky finally middecember great conjunct occur two planet appear 01 degre apart one fifth angular diamet full moon great conjunct saturn left jupit right close sinc nearli close celesti event quit easi see alreadi two planet easili visibl toward southwest sunset alreadi remark close pictured astrophotograph partner planetari duo tre cime di lavaredo three peak italian alp two week ago follow live coverag today osirisrex attempt asteroid bennu,saturn jupit peak,2020-10-20,547,85,0.3072077922077922,10-20,10,2020,20,0,1,1 4eae84b8c32e08aa5e63dd6c248e6d2f18a4012ff73d51712ec7f981f134b7e9,tomáš slovinský,mani famou sky object find image featur dark sky composit combin 60 exposur span 220 degre creat verit menageri night sky wonders visibl celesti icon includ belt orion orion nebula andromeda galaxy california nebula bright star siriu betelgeuse verifi found these did check annot version image bit though find polari big dipper also discern sever meteor meteor shower red green airglow two friend astrophotographer pictur captur januari sardinia italy see sky wonder night sky tonight includ meteor usual tonight near peak yearli orionid meteor shower news nasa osirisrex spacecraft success touch asteroid,night sky vista,2020-10-21,607,92,0.0625,10-21,10,2020,21,6,2,4 be85c027890fc6b0657e36d3d761afcaecdde5aa3838fceb6743b577799a0364,none,big beautiful bar spiral galaxi ngc 2525 lie 70 million lightyear milki way shine earth night sky within boundari southern constel puppis 60000 lightyear across spiral arm line dark dust clouds massiv blue stars pinkish starform region wind gorgeou hubbl space telescop snapshot spot outskirt ngc 2525 januari 2018 supernova sn brightest star frame lower left timelapse year long seri hubbl observ follow stellar explosion nuclear deton white dwarf star trigger accret materi companion star slowli fade view identifi type ia supernova bright consid cosmic standard type ia supernova use measur distanc galaxi determin expans rate universe,supernova ngc,2020-10-23,638,97,0.1454545454545454,10-23,10,2020,23,7,2,5 a626c20a355b8e2d95431d4bef5816980a8aa3407fa2c26997ab5c72ab0ec1b0,jose mtanou,globular star cluster 47 tucana jewel southern sky also known ngc 104 roam halo milki way galaxi along 200 globular star clusters second brightest globular cluster after omega centauri seen planet earth lie 13000 lightyear away spot nakedey close sky small magellan cloud constel toucan dens cluster made hundr thousand star volum 120 lightyear across red giant star outskirt cluster easi pick yellowish star sharp telescop portrait tightli pack globular cluster 47 tuc also home star closest known orbit around black hole,globular star cluster 47 tuc,2020-10-24,522,82,-0.0773809523809523,10-24,10,2020,24,6,0,3 8d643933c4ec5d06e93f5d176a743893e03a3dfb347e4759a451a0afd8bd2dc4,bogdan jarzyna,shape seem jump interstellar field star dust jewel expanse fill faint clouds drift night royal constel cepheus far neighborhood planet earth ghostli apparit lurk along plane milki way edg cepheu flare molecular cloud complex 1200 lightyear away two lightyear across brighter spooki vdb 141 sh2136 also known ghost nebula seen toward bottom featur image within reflect nebula telltal sign dens core collaps earli stage star formation,reflect ghost nebula,2020-10-26,432,66,-0.2333333333333333,10-26,10,2020,26,4,0,5 7db9c68aef9d6836611c10a89ad8fd61bdaf1f8f9afc376d8705e1303eb3f249,none,would erupt volcano venu look like evid current activ volcano venu announc earlier year unexplain warmth region thought contain ancient volcanoes although larg scale imag venu taken radar thick sulfur acid cloud would inhibit take optic light vistas nevertheless artist reconstruct venusian volcano erupt volcano could play import role life cycl venu could push chemic cooler upper atmospher hungri microb might float pictured plume erupt volcano billow upwards vast lava field cover part hot crack surfac earth overh twin possibl airborn microbi certainli exciting current controversial apod describ,venusian volcano imagin,2020-10-27,600,88,0.12,10-27,10,2020,27,8,2,1 ef2ece07f31599503abe858859263e7bde30607798e10951e18551defc577e4c,steven,lobster nebula form massiv star known one yet sure catalog ngc 6357 lobster nebula hous open star cluster pismi 24 near center home unusu bright massiv stars overal blue glow near inner star form region result emiss ioniz hydrogen gas surround nebula featur here hold complex tapestri gas dark dust star still forming newli born stars intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity ngc 6357 span 400 light year lie 8000 light year away toward constel scorpion,ngc 6357 lobster nebula,2020-10-28,508,82,0.1038461538461538,10-28,10,2020,28,4,0,5 499e7618d6cf0d08b2a373e7736942e4b21ff87d7f2ccd4ce16e52c22ab51484,casey,inspir halloween season telescop portrait captur cosmic cloud scari interstellar scene lie within dusti expans reflect nebula ic 2118 constel orion hunter ic 2118 800 lightyear neighborhood close bright bluish star rigel orion foot often identifi witch head nebula appear wider field view rise hour spiki star eyes ghoulish apparit identifi seem extend arm mani lightyear long toward orion hot supergi star sourc illumin ic 2118 rigel beyond frame upper left,ic,2020-10-29,458,71,0.18,10-29,10,2020,29,4,1,5 ea8249fd5c6c410f93cbc07cb957879a250447a65b65f77c5c0ea97b5626f01e,denni,halloween fear stalk night skies also known phobo deimo moon mars 2020 opposit mar octob 13 red planet still rise shortli sunset near halloween full moon sky strang yellowish glow outshin star throughout night two tini martian moon faint close orbits make hard spot even small telescope find care annot composit view though overexpos planet glare reduc orbit path inner moon phobo outer moon deimo overlay digit combin imag captur octob 6 diminut moon mar discov august 1877 astronom asaph hall us naval observatori use great equatori 26inch alvan clark refractor,moon mar,2020-10-30,563,91,0.0260416666666666,10-30,10,2020,30,2,0,1 0d1f439c006e370928e75d0b02ba4f80eae573031e99364566016af4775ee10d,none,extrem terrifi univers tonight dare look mysteri dark matter galaxy worlds gammaray burst follow link base real science even scari parts safe happi halloween,galaxi,2020-10-31,157,24,-0.0625,10-31,10,2020,31,8,0,1 e8378cd9d716f4f86d3f34185f5a24b9cf7d3f7264e448fe5af90eeaf04bac0c,none,what happen center trifid nebula three promin dust lane give trifid name come together mountain opaqu dust appear near bottom dark filament dust visibl thread throughout nebula singl massiv star visibl near center caus much trifid glow trifid catalog m20 300000 year old make among youngest emiss nebula known star form nebula lie 9000 light year away toward constel archer sagittarius region pictur span 10 light years featur imag composit lumin taken imag 82m groundbas subaru telescope detail provid 24m orbit hubbl space telescope color data provid martin pugh imag assembl process provid robert gendler portal universe random apod gener,center trifid nebula,2020-11-01,641,100,0.045,11-01,11,2020,1,4,2,5 7de5e44d332aa531778d377e1d02a18fcaf28394ef32a3e7f552abd01b70338d,raine colacurcio,what happen sun clearly sun lower half hidden behind thick cloud averag entir earth cloud block sun time although much less mani land locations sun upper right promin magnet hot gas promin might seem small could easili envelop earth persist month featur imag combin two exposures one optim cloud prominence optim sun texture taken hour apart camera locat washington usa textur deriv sun chromosphere atmospher layer stand specif expos color textur show surfac rel calm indic sun past solar minimum 11year cycle year ahead sun progress toward activ epoch sunspots prominences ultim aurora earth common solar maximum gallery notabl imag halloween blue moon 2020 submit apod,half sun promin,2020-11-02,671,106,-0.0760204081632653,11-02,11,2020,2,1,2,1 3c4085ce2fd61b0cc92baffc8256bba9921a20cc346b929de8aa3bbf1ca30ffa,none,fifti gravit wave event detected event mark distant violent collis two black holes black hole neutron star two neutron stars 50 event detect 2019 ligo gravit wave detector usa virgo detector europe featur illustr mass first 50 events blue dot indic black hole orang dot denot neutron stars astrophysicist current uncertain though natur event mark white involv mass appear middl two five solar masses night sky optic light domin nearbi bright planet star known sinc dawn humanity contrast sky gravit wave domin distant dark black hole known less five years contrast enlighten understand gravit wave sky alreadi reshap humanity knowledg star birth death across universe properti univers itself,gravit wave event illustr,2020-11-04,693,108,-0.0422222222222222,11-04,11,2020,4,6,2,4 cf0f88ece22d8f57ead1b3f26997de528bf9a610f56b7bff34f9936c240ac218,terri hancock,bright stars interstellar cloud dust glow nebula fill cosmic scene skyscap north orion belt close plane milki way galaxy wide field view span 5 degre 10 full moon sky strike bluish m78 reflect nebula lower right m78 tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young stars color contrast red swath glow hydrogen ga stream center part region faint extens emiss nebula known barnard loop upper left dark dust cloud form promin silhouett catalog ldn 1622 m78 complex barnard loop 1500 lightyear away ldn 1622 like much closer 500 lightyear distant fair planet earth,north orion belt,2020-11-05,565,94,0.0847744360902255,11-05,11,2020,5,4,2,5 9e4c9a5116d8c84be334f28f3bfed65eaaf72a5ad6418075873892f3f1c3665f,derek demet,complet one orbit fair planet 90 minut intern space station easili spot eye bright star move night sky seen it next time do recogn locat 20 year continu human presenc space fact expedit 1 crew iss dock orbit outpost 400 kilomet earth novemb 2 2000 telescop requir spot iss flash night telescop field view reveal remark detail space station captur wane gibbou moon novemb 3 one day space age milestone welltim telescop snapshot also contain locat anoth inspir human achievement 400000 kilomet away apollo 11 land site dark smooth lunar sea tranquil right iss silhouette,moon iss,2020-11-06,568,95,0.2419642857142857,11-06,11,2020,6,8,1,2 3548ee536cd5f8d7ab41c498f49f3bf6f2cfbf7d7a1825f93815a3e3539462fd,howard trottier,galaxi hercul cluster archipelago island univers mere 500 million lightyear away also known abel 2151 cluster load ga dust rich starform spiral galaxi rel ellipt galaxies lack ga dust associ newborn stars color deep composit imag clearli show star form galaxi blue tint galaxi older stellar popul yellowish cast sharp pictur span 12 degre across cluster center correspond 4 million lightyear cluster estim distance diffract spike around brighter foreground star milki way galaxi produc imag telescope mirror support vanes cosmic vista mani galaxi seem collid merg other seem distort clear evid cluster galaxi commonli interact fact hercul cluster may seen result ongo merger smaller galaxi cluster thought similar young galaxi cluster much distant earli universe,hercul cluster galaxi,2020-11-07,763,115,0.0029761904761904,11-07,11,2020,7,7,2,3 803e7d2962cceafc63180831eb8c44857968ab1cacacd04b2db53d714e06ab52,none,phobo dark phobos largest innermost two martian moons darkest moon entir solar system unusu orbit color indic may captur asteroid compos mixtur ice dark rock featur pictur phobo near limb mar captur 2010 robot spacecraft mar express current orbit mars phobo heavili crater barren moon largest crater locat far side imag like this phobo determin cover perhap meter loos dust phobo orbit close mar place would appear rise set twice day place would visibl all phobos orbit around mar continu decay like break piec crash martian surfac 50 million years,martian moon phobo mar express,2020-11-08,549,90,-0.0199999999999999,11-08,11,2020,8,5,0,2 3817925234fab95f5762d9f86a520ef6ab02ef34c5ff79e2ea362cd8c4b2e73b,jason guenzel,cosmic closeup look deep insid soul nebula dark brood dust cloud near top outlin bright ridg glow gas catalog ic 1871 25 lightyear across telescop field view span small part much larger heart soul nebulae estim distanc 6500 lightyear starform complex lie within perseu spiral arm milki way galaxy seen planet earth sky toward constel cassiopeia exampl trigger star formation dens starform cloud soul nebula sculpt intens wind radiat region massiv young stars featur image star digit remov highlight commot ga dust,central soul nebula without star,2020-11-10,513,82,0.0777777777777777,11-10,11,2020,10,4,0,5 11c6253545f5d0afbfd9bf9304826e941b4e8440a7a4ad62494f4f4cefcc5235,charl bracken,closest approach planet earth schedul novemb 14 comet atla c2020 discov summer anoth comet found nasa fund asteroid terrestrialimpact last alert system get bright comet neowis still spot use binoculars current sweep familiar constel orion telephoto field novemb 8 blend exposur regist comet exposur regist orion stars creat effect deep skyview show color detail cant quit see though even binoculars comet telltal greenish coma toward upper left orion three belt star linedup across frame center also probabl spot orion nebula famou horsehead nebula stun field view cours one orion belt star nearli 2000 lightyear away novemb 14 comet atla fli mere 29 lightminut earth,comet atla orion belt,2020-11-12,667,104,0.0375,11-12,11,2020,12,3,2,1 8d99839ee60f6ce4d89f97636a8c951a2baca05095efaf23b885f239722d1302,ignacio diaz bobillo,tarantula nebula also known 30 doradus thousand lightyear diameter giant star form region within nearbi satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud 180 thousand lightyear away largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxies cosmic arachnid sprawl across top spectacular view compos narrowband filter data center emiss ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula star form region young star clusters filaments blownout bubbleshap clouds fact frame includ site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a right center rich field view span 2 degre 4 full moons southern constel dorado tarantula nebula closer say 1500 lightyear distant like local star form orion nebula would take half sky,tarantula zone,2020-11-13,856,127,0.0847023809523809,11-13,11,2020,13,4,2,5 fc891c6a2914eb251cac3765ec6098470910cc2c350741b5a1fcdabadac75bba,kevin saragozza,yesterday earli morn riser around planet earth treat wane moon low east sky grew bright dawn island syracuse sicily itali simpl snapshot found slender sunlit crescent sunrise never wander far sun earth sky inner planet venu mercuri share calm seasid view also frame right lineup luna planets bright star spica alpha star constel virgo one 20 brightest star earth night tomorrow moon new dark lunar disk mean mostli dark night planet earth come week good chanc watch annual leonid meteor shower,venus mercury moon,2020-11-14,493,81,0.1924648268398268,11-14,11,2020,14,2,1,1 72eff1506c669671b9b8268041842a5d115d68ca6b0e4d4bd7975c1dcf69c75a,none,galaxi thin mani disk galaxi thin ngc 5866 pictur here seen edgeon vantag point one galaxi situat edgeon milki way galaxy classifi lenticular galaxy ngc 5866 numer complex dust lane appear dark red mani bright star disk give blue underli hue blue disk young star seen extend past dust extrem thin galact plane bulg disk center appear ting orang older redder star like exist there although similar mass milki way galaxy light take 60000 year cross ngc 5866 30 percent less light take cross galaxy general mani disk galaxi thin ga form collid rotat gravit center galaxi ngc 5866 lie 44 million light year distant toward constel dragon draco almost hyperspace random apod gener,edgeon galaxi ngc 5866,2020-11-15,674,114,-0.0419999999999999,11-15,11,2020,15,7,2,3 dd052faf24754357d29d0e3aa58d03a4bf4909728868b594da99bce9d90f17cc,tomáš slovinský,month july place greek island sky spectacular cours usual star like polaris vega antar common aster everyon big dipper sky get started band milki way galaxi stun arch across night like bridg made star dust dot red nebula like planet saturn jupit bright stop peopl beach point out air glow like rainbow realli grab glori comet northern horizon comet neowis spread tail like noth ever seen might ever see again stare one thing take picture coverage nasa spacex crew1 mission,light glori crete,2020-11-16,474,80,0.1071428571428571,11-16,11,2020,16,6,1,1 93f183e8968c6505dbe0d09eee8d5d17227379584afdff8a03e5e1fb032a9f63,none,what creat long glow streak sky one sure known strong thermal emiss veloc enhanc lumin sky ribbon may resembl regular auroras recent research reveal signific great length unusu colors measur precisely indic may relat subauror ion drift superson river hot atmospher ion thought previous invisible steve also thought accompani green picket fenc structures seri sky appear outsid main auror oval involv much glow nitrogen featur wideangl composit imag show steve dark sky lake manitoba canada 2017 cross front central band milki way galaxy,glow steve milki way,2020-11-17,536,83,0.1455555555555556,11-17,11,2020,17,6,1,4 5a06e01131592f4c58b246a9aee0028f619aa06c0120055b29a21d606216a0e8,greg,star cluster singularli impressive open cluster ngc 869 ngc 884 however could consid doubli impressive also known h chi persei unusu doubl cluster shown above bright enough seen dark locat without even binoculars although discoveri sure predat record history greek astronom hipparchu notabl catalog doubl cluster cluster 7000 light year distant toward constel perseus separ hundr light years addit physic close together clusters age base individu star similar evid cluster like product starform region,doubl star cluster perseu,2020-11-18,502,74,0.2107142857142857,11-18,11,2020,18,6,1,3 f915720932c404b9401e0dea4870ba0b2e87dd7ac56a4bde31cac8fccb280717,jen scott,leav planet earth moment spacex falcon 9 rocket arc earli even sky last sunday pm est kennedi space center launch complex 39a 3 minut 20 second exposur trace launch streak seen wateri reflect port canaveral 15 mile south launch rocket carri four astronaut en rout intern space station first flight commerci human spacecraft system dub astronauts crew dragon spacecraft success dock orbit outpost one day later monday novemb 16 conclus sixmonth stay iss crew1 astronaut use spacecraft return earth cours 9 minut launch falcon 9 rocket first stage return earth land atlant ocean autonom spaceport drone ship read instructions,mission launch streak,2020-11-19,623,99,0.0444444444444444,11-19,11,2020,19,8,2,2 de2a93f95509a69efd2f75a7cce06b0db00db1550ee7d6f1f4e0ff6fe4033062,f,may best global mar map made telescop base planet earth imag data captur team observ six long night pic du midi mountaintop observatori octob 8 novemb 1 fourth rock sun wander far 2020 opposit biggest brightest appear earth night sky larg telescop used 1 meter diamet 17 meter focal length also use support nasa apollo lunar land missions 30 hour processing data combin produc remark sharp project view martian surfac extend 45 degre northern latitude imag data also map onto rotat sphere rotat stereo views fan mar easili pick favorit mark red planet label version global map mars,global mar opposit,2020-11-20,581,98,0.0138888888888888,11-20,11,2020,20,5,2,2 4e4730b4ff0247729664befaf54ed268bad3ea93f6c2daa682b74e8bcf39eaf9,jeff dai,brilliant yellowish celesti beacon mar still night peer cloud wander planet briefli join flash meteor moonless dark sky novemb 18 singl exposur taken earth swept dust period comet tempeltuttl annual leonid meteor shower view rug western horizon look along yulong mountain rang yunnan province southwestern china yulong jade snow mountain lie cloud beyond end meteor streak,mar meteor dragon snow mountain,2020-11-21,372,56,0.25,11-21,11,2020,21,8,1,1 7f83a594eecc82857bb9b74d124df312ac3ee4babbdf72fd3e6ee13f6b96f52d,none,color cloud band encircl jupiter jupiter top atmospher layer divid light zone dark belt go way around giant planet high horizont wind excess 300 kilomet per hour caus zone spread caus strong wind remain topic research replenish upwel gas zonal band thought includ rel opaqu cloud ammonia water block light lower darker atmospher levels one lightcolor zone shown great detail featur vista taken robot juno spacecraft 2017 jupiter atmospher mostli clear colorless hydrogen helium gase thought contribut gold brown colors compound creat color anoth activ topic research hypothes involv small amount sulfur carbon mani discoveri made juno data includ water compos unexpectedli high percent cloud molecul near jupiter equator find import understand jovian current histori water entir solar system,jupit vista juno,2020-11-23,794,119,0.2041025641025641,11-23,11,2020,23,8,2,4 d619f6e933ad7a060ef493d2b9d9253fbe254129029607e41a963909543d3cd9,gerardo ferrarino,far see andromeda galaxi 25 million light year away distant object easili seen unaid eye appar denizen night sky stars clusters nebula typic rang hundr thousand lightyear away lie well within milki way galaxy given distance light andromeda like also oldest light see also known m31 andromeda galaxi domin center featur zoom image taken dune creek patagonia southern argentina imag combin 45 background imag one foreground imag taken camera locat within 90 minutes m110 satellit galaxi andromenda visibl left m31 core cool may see neighbor galaxi milki way eyes long durat camera exposur pick mani faint breathtak details recent data indic milki way galaxi collid combin similarlys andromeda galaxi billion years,andromeda patagonia,2020-11-25,714,111,0.075,11-25,11,2020,25,7,2,4 c17e5144052e8a0115a695c0e9c15f6e8dcdfd1ca81e62287aecc325a3f429e1,eric cole,surprisingli reminisc great nebula orion great turkey nebula span creativ field view cours orion nebula would closest larg stellar nursery found edg larg molecular cloud mere 1500 lightyear away also known m42 orion nebula visibl eye middl star sword orion hunter constel rise planet earth even skies stellar wind cluster newborn star scatter throughout orion nebula sculpt ridg caviti seen familiar telescop images much larger bird might great turkey nebula imagin similar size orion nebula 13 lightyear across stay safe well,great turkey nebula,2020-11-26,526,81,0.3275,11-26,11,2020,26,4,1,5 1bc2316f75bb8021b8bb9586c64e08c2f2296c78704809a274c54ca6a7cc65d3,jeff dai,long rocket blast wenchang launch site southernmost hainan provinc tuesday novemb 24 430 beij time carri china change5 mission moon lunar land mission name ancient chines goddess moon goal collect 2 kilogram lunar materi surfac return planet earth first robot sampl return mission moon sinc soviet union luna 24 mission 1976 complex change5 mission land target oceanu procellarum storms smooth volcan plain also visit apollo 12 mission 1969 lander solarpow schedul oper lunar surfac lunar daylight last two earth weeks begin around novemb 27 capsul lunar sampl board would return earth middecember,chang 5 mission launch,2020-11-27,597,92,0.0142857142857142,11-27,11,2020,27,2,2,2 ec13d22016da607ed5c5add43971710a184c7883621cd84dfd97bfe18d199423,martin pugh,grand spiral galaxi often seem get glory flaunt young bright blue star cluster beautiful symmetr spiral arms small galaxi form star too like nearbi ngc 6822 also known barnard galaxy beyond rich starfield constel sagittarius ngc 6822 mere 15 million lightyear away member local group galaxies dwarf irregular galaxi similar small magellan cloud ngc 6822 7000 lightyear across brighter foreground star milki way spiki appearance behind them barnard galaxi seen fill young blue star mottl telltal pinkish hydrogen glow star form region deep color composit image,ngc 6822 barnard galaxi,2020-11-28,559,86,0.0816666666666666,11-28,11,2020,28,7,0,3 1fc5371b16449821185fc8c17edbb00c5fd30a9c70fe1570d09a74a51e270642,jame,sky fill faintli glow gas though take sensit camera telescop see it example twelvedegreewid view northern part constel cygnu reveal complex array cosmic cloud ga along plane milki way galaxy featur mosaic telescop imag record two halpha filter transmit visibl red light glow hydrogen atoms blue filter transmit primarili light emit slight amount energ oxygen therefore exposur image blue area hotter red digit process remov myriad pointlik milki way star scene recogniz bright nebula includ ngc 7000 north america nebula ic 5070 pelican nebula left ic 1318 butterfli nebula ngc 6888 crescent nebula right other found throughout wide field,cygnu without star,2020-11-30,639,99,0.0841575091575091,11-30,11,2020,30,4,2,5 df1c050376c27b423d8c34019decda31c174b058670be4a3fa52ba33832df4ae,none,star still form milki way satellit galaxies found among small magellan cloud smcs cluster nebulas ngc 346 star form region 200 lightyear across pictur center hubbl space telescop image satellit galaxi milki way small magellan cloud smc wonder southern sky mere 210000 lightyear distant constel toucan tucana explor ngc 346 astronom identifi popul embryon star strung along dark intersect dust lane visibl right still collaps within natal clouds stellar infants light redden interven dust toward top frame anoth star cluster intrins older redder stars small irregular galaxy smc repres type galaxi common earli universe small galaxies though thought build block larger galaxi present today 2020 novemb apod voic ai,ngc star form cluster smc,2020-12-01,713,109,-0.0322128851540616,12-01,12,2020,1,7,2,3 09e82108d04773ae0df5f86762aa021ee896139b93042ba0986e86652a0a3885,none,sixti million lightyear away toward southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi colliding cosmic train wreck captur stun detail hubbl space telescop snapshot take hundr million year play out catalog ngc 4038 ngc 4039 galaxies individu star often collid though larg cloud molecular ga dust do trigger furiou episod star format near center wreckage new star cluster interstellar matter jumbl flung far scene accid gravit forces hubbl closeup frame 50000 lightyear across estim distanc collid galaxies widerfield view suggest visual appearance extend structur arc hundr thousand lightyears give galaxi pair popular name antenna galaxies,antenna galaxi collis,2020-12-03,630,93,0.1393939393939393,12-03,12,2020,3,7,2,3 e68ba487323fcaf8bbb1dee2eaea153a1d43cdd162c71f633e21d02d7855c06a,fabian neyer,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 nearby 30 million lightyear distant toward loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across size milki way bright core majest spiral arm lend galaxi popular name sunflow galaxy except deep exposur also follow faint arc star stream far galaxy halo extend nearli 180000 lightyear galact center star stream like remnant tidal disrupt satellit m63 satellit galaxi m63 spot remark widefield image made small telescope includ five newli identifi faint dwarf galaxies could contribut m63 star stream next billion years,curli spiral galaxi m63,2020-12-04,610,93,0.0819444444444444,12-04,12,2020,4,7,2,3 827df9ab9ebe892a2f2bfd6a0025442efc6ab4a56ec6cafa8ca070abc277248d,none,dark pillar may look creat stars imag insid eagl nebula taken hubbl space telescop 1995 show evapor gaseou globul eggs emerg pillar molecular hydrogen ga dust giant pillar light year length dens interior ga contract gravit form stars pillars end intens radiat bright young star caus low densiti materi boil away leav stellar nurseri dens egg exposed eagl nebula associ open star cluster m16 lie 7000 light year away pillar creation imag recent infrar light hubble nasa spitzer space telescope esa herschel space observatori show new detail honest seen imag before,m16 pillar star creation,2020-12-06,564,91,0.2181818181818182,12-06,12,2020,6,4,1,5 ce0acf55a9f2e59490f24394622dd312b626b0f673ffeae55a69d3016d6b8b53,kevin saragozza,miss come great conjunction two weeks two largest planet solar system angularli pass close togeth earth sky moon would easili abl cover simultaneously pend planetari passag decemb 21 closest sinc jupit saturn remain notic bright alreadi seen togeth toward southwest sunset soon dusk best time see set horizon soon after midnovember jovian giant imag togeth three degre apart slowli featur image includ crescent moon captur dynam duo beyond cape di lighthous syracuse sicily italy,great conjunct sicilian lighthous,2020-12-08,483,74,0.625,12-08,12,2020,8,2,1,1 0cd3f441e71ac0ca0c598464c7ca0d67eaf45c03d1bfde9bb22623541cb4f381,none,mani bright nebula star cluster planet earth sky associ name astronom charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog name also given two larg remark crater moon standout dark smooth lunar sea fertil mare fecunditatis messier left messier dimens 15 8 16 11 kilomet respectively elong shape explain extrem shallowangl trajectori follow impactor move left right goug craters shallow impact also result two bright ray materi extend along surfac right beyond picture intend view redblu glass red left eye strike stereo pictur crater pair recent creat high resolut scan two imag as11426304 as11426305 taken apollo 11 mission moon,messier crater stereo,2020-12-11,617,96,0.1462925170068027,12-11,12,2020,11,2,2,2 084eefc47da4c0b179af5dc16bd74d69a453753f8df2c2f021d1045e522537a0,tunc tezel,northern summer saturn jupit near opposition opposit sun planet earth sky pair retrograd motion seen everi 20 years follow 19 june 28 august panoram composit wander togeth star western capricornu eastern sagittarius december sky find draw even closer together jupit saturn close bright celesti beacon west sunset solstic day decemb 21 reach magnific 20 year great conjunction two largest world solar system appear earth sky separ 15 appar diamet full moon,saturn jupit summer 2020,2020-12-12,455,71,0.39,12-12,12,2020,12,0,1,1 d4ad2cc491e9a68645dd66ed0a9199bfb1459cb49f7185d7ba03d376a6ba294f,steed yu nightchinanet,geminid meteor come from term locat sky featur imag composit beauti sandsiz bit rock creat streak geminid meteor shower appear flow constel gemini term parent body solar system trajectori point asteroid 3200 phaethon result bit mysteri sinc unusu object appear mostli dormant perhaps 3200 phaethon undergo greater event know 50 meteor includ bright firebal captur peak 2015 geminid meteor shower streak observatori china geminid decemb one predict activ meteor showers year geminid peak tonight particularli good because part nearli new moon rise toward dawn brighten sky,geminid meteor observatori,2020-12-13,572,86,0.5090909090909091,12-13,12,2020,13,8,1,4 b9a170ee62d0fcb41f0f2a7f5ce7e120dfa6e3edb84fd94861cba9f686f1e659,sebastian voltmer,happening saturn jupit move closer soon appear almost exactli direction coincidentally night decemb solstic longest night year north longest day south great conjunct occur then six day now saturn jupit right next everi 20 years juxtaposit great conjunct closest sinc two planetari giant pass 110th degre well less appar diamet full moon next day crescent moon also pass degre away converg planet give preliminari opportun icon photos featur illustr show approach saturn jupit novemb decemb french alps grow gallery notabl imag great conjunct submit apod,great saturn jupit converg,2020-12-15,558,85,0.2869047619047619,12-15,12,2020,15,0,1,1 363e4fbbcf316e57b71ca67ee506781ffa77f218773954439f55d5553f9fd989,stefano pellegrini,taken cours hour shortli local midnight decemb 13 35 exposur use creat postcard earth composit night scene span dark sky snowi italian dolomit fair planet annual geminid meteor shower sirius alpha star cani major brightest star night graze meteor streak right praesep star cluster also known m44 beehiv cluster contain thousand star appear smudg light far southern alpin peak near top shower radiant top frame though near castor pollux twin star gemini radiant effect due perspect parallel meteor track appear converg distance earth sweep dust trail asteroid 3200 phaethon dust creat gemini meteor enter earth atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second submit apod notabl imag 2020 geminid meteor shower,gemini meteor,2020-12-17,699,109,0.1545758928571428,12-17,12,2020,17,6,2,4 9776b7f1773ac7a7674c3fb438e1ec0ce663edea7385cfbd30e2a88e20ac13ec,francisco sojuel,see great conjunction near sun set directionally close pass jupit saturn toward southwest sinc planetari pair sun earth nearli geometr straight line planet seen set sun set everi locat earth see great conjunction sunset sinc two planet near sun directionally alway appear sky near sun best seen earth block sun planets sunset soon thereafter jupit saturn also set tomorrow night night see great conjunction tomorrow night jovian giant appear closest night next day appear unusu close technically closest pass happen 21 decemb utc erupt volcano horizon near great conjunction yes exampl live guatemala featur imag taken otherwise generally no featur imag captur last week jupit saturn visibl toward right tree bath diffus glow zodiac light grow gallery notabl imag great conjunct submit apod,volcan great conjunct,2020-12-20,791,123,0.3366883116883117,12-20,12,2020,20,1,2,1 a5e1e07a727c364fcff046cb0bec616a1e19cf1a6ceda6819db8aa12715eeae9,m,sun alway rise direction no month change direct toward rise sun changes too featur imag show direct sunris everi month 2019 seen near citi camera imag alway face due east north toward left south toward right although sun alway rise east general rise furthest south east decemb solstice furthest north east june solstice today decemb solstice day least sunlight northern hemispher sunlight southern hemisphere mani countries decemb solstic consid offici chang season exampl first day winter north solar heat store energi earth surfac atmospher near lowest winter make winter month usual coldest year brighter side north daylight hour increas everi day june great conjunct jupit saturn,sunris around year,2020-12-21,684,106,0.0854395604395604,12-21,12,2020,21,1,2,1 832191127cc9ff8d3b581f1d5de3e536c385c9b447a35f0c326fc2616f50db42,none,dust pillar like interstellar mountains surviv dens surroundings slowli erod away hostil environment visibl featur pictur end huge ga dust pillar trifid nebula m20 punctuat smaller pillar point unusu jet point left mani dot newli form lowmass stars star near small pillar end slowli strip accret ga radiat tremend brighter star situat top image jet extend nearli lightyear would visibl without extern illumination ga dust evapor pillars hidden stellar sourc jet like uncovered possibl next 20000 years grow gallery notabl imag great conjunct submit apod,trifid pillar jet,2020-12-22,553,85,0.1633333333333333,12-22,12,2020,22,4,1,5 e9065b257eb58ad21a62641bed5c4fca5e56dbd2b58172553dbcba5fdd7a146a,damian peach,time closeup two day ago jupit saturn pass tenth degre known great conjunction although two planet pass sky everi 20 years closest pass nearli four centuries taken earli day great conjunction featur multipleexposur combin captur giant planet singl frame also jupiter four largest moon left right callisto ganymede io europa saturn largest moon titan look closely clear chilescop imag even captur jupiter great red spot planet still seen remark close within degre set sun toward west night remaind year gallery notabl imag great conjunct submit apod,jupit meet saturn red great conjunct,2020-12-23,551,86,0.3984126984126984,12-23,12,2020,23,8,1,1 ba070186c6273ed296b14b5a36dc43a59b377422e30a38f3e0b542632e25867b,martin pugh,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 1055 domin member small galaxi group mere 60 million lightyear away toward aquat intimid constel cetus seen edgeon island univers span 100000 lightyears littl larger milki way galaxy colorful spiki star decor cosmic portrait ngc 1055 foreground well within milki way telltal pinkish star form region scatter wind dust lane along distant galaxy thin disk smatter even distant background galaxies deep imag also reveal boxi halo extend far central bluge disk ngc 1055 halo lace faint narrow structures could repres mix spread debri satellit galaxi disrupt larger spiral 10 billion year ago,portrait ngc 1055,2020-12-24,616,97,-0.1178571428571428,12-24,12,2020,24,7,0,3 8f32a03eaef0751b9aa062073e56e7d9064e74af9102986e5e21fce5d02c1902,adam block,orion alway seem come sideway northern winter familiar star constel hunter caught tree color night skyscape star still visibl eye great nebula orion shine hunter belt stars camera exposur reveal stellar nursery faint pinkish glow betelgeuse giant star orion shoulder color warm cozi terrestri lighting anoth familiar stellar giant aldebaran alpha star constel tauru bull aldebaran anchor recogniz vshape trace hyad cluster toward top starri frame,northern winter night,2020-12-25,446,66,0.265,12-25,12,2020,25,6,1,5 d4c530841f2168ddd0a5fb6d0eb829caad1bd812ba4bca857a14c46aa6a7f5d8,miguel claro,cloud glow hydrogen ga fill color skyscap faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn star form region catalog ngc 2264 complex jumbl cosmic ga dust 2700 lightyear distant mix reddish emiss nebula excit energet light newborn star dark interstellar dust clouds otherwis obscur dust cloud lie close hot young star also reflect starlight form blue reflect nebulae telescop imag span 15 degre 3 full moons cover nearli 80 lightyear distanc ngc 2264 cast cosmic charact includ fox fur nebula whose dusty convolut pelt lie left center bright variabl star monoceroti immers bluetint haze near center cone nebula point right side frame course star ngc 2264 also known christma tree star cluster triangular tree shape seen side here trace brighter star apex cone nebula tree broader base center near monocerotis,fox fur unicorn christma tree,2020-12-26,796,127,-0.0139097744360902,12-26,12,2020,26,4,2,5 635c0090a3a5ce5f6486c938b96c690088b4f5c905b49f9ee474729fb373660b,none,color universe precisely entir sky smear out color would final mix be whimsic question came tri determin star commonplac nearbi galaxies answer depict above condit perceiv shade beige comput determin this astronom comput averag light emit one larger sampl galaxi analyzed 200000 galaxi 2df survey result cosmic spectrum emiss part electromagnet spectrum singl perceiv composit color color becom much less blue past 10 billion years indic redder star becom prevalent contest better name color notabl entri includ skyvory univeige winner cosmic latte gallery notabl imag great conjunct submit apod,cosmic averag color univers,2020-12-27,595,89,0.1683333333333333,12-27,12,2020,27,6,2,4 ef22373ebb92a966c2c5b843c9e23adfa129d92a063b82a91ec19373b62b11c3,nicola,afar whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed caviti tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming alreadi visibl sever young bright blue star whose light wind burn away push back remain filament wall ga dust eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens pictur involv 12 hour imag combin three specif emit color emit sulfur color red hydrogen yellow oxygen blue gallery notabl imag recent total solar eclips submit apod,m16 insid eagl nebula,2020-12-28,673,109,0.0681818181818181,12-28,12,2020,28,4,2,5 9dee5622a599a324a51cc75e9ef8e43fd2b19f308acbe41b77fd6a326b90f77a,zhuoxiao wang,familiar star northern winter night shine night skyview taken near china border inner mongolia earli hour decemb 17 orion near center singl exposur captur firebal streak across sky almost bright yellowish mar shine right split gemini twin bright star castor pollux near top frame fireball trail time consist second skip atmospher entri chang 5 mission return capsule return capsul success recov land inner mongolia planet earth 2 kilogram lunar materi board lunar sampl thought contain rel young materi collect near mon region moon oceanu procellarum launch novemb 23 ut china chang 5 mission first lunar sampl return mission sinc soviet luna 24 mission 1976,trail,2020-12-31,658,104,0.2194196428571428,12-31,12,2020,31,2,2,2 66ef45f9bb6013c5f94a2ff011a7c10508fcc5e5f4a32e5f1110bc19e5f992c9,petr horalek,south celesti pole easi spot star trail imag southern sky extens earth axi rotat south center southern star trail arcs starri panorama 60 degre across deep southern sky south celesti pole somewher near middl though flank bright galaxi southern celesti gems across top frame star nebula along plane milki way galaxy gamma crucis yellowish giant star head southern cross near top center dark expans coalsack nebula tuck cross arm left eta carina reddish glow great carina nebula shine along galact plane near right edge bottom larg small magellan clouds extern galaxi right satellit mighti milki way line gamma cruci blue star bottom southern cross alpha crucis point toward south celesti pole exactli it look south pole star sigma analog polari north pole star sigma octanti littl one degre south celesti pole,galaxi south celesti pole,2021-01-01,808,131,0.1065934065934066,01-01,1,2021,1,6,2,4 5184022f7ad5526b21417fa6db0e749600fbd01e8b756273f23a7994d07f8109,mike,mid 19th century one first photograph technolog use record lunar surfac wetplat collodion process notabl british astronom de la captur image thick transpar mixtur use coat glass plate silver expos telescope develop creat neg imag plate maintain photograph entir process coat exposur complet plate span 10 15 minutes modern version wetplat collodion imag celebr lunar earli days process use modern chemic coat glass plate 21st centuri hardwar captur last novemb 28 view camera backyard telescope faith record larg craters bright rays dark smooth mare wax gibbou moon subsequ imag plate 85 centimet diamet expos track 2 minutes wet effect photograph sensit iso 1 smart camera sensor probabl photograph sensit rang iso 100 and need kept dri ,21st centuri wet moon,2021-01-02,738,116,0.1087912087912087,01-02,1,2021,2,2,2,4 63c494fe9d3a2ebd3f8111558c3b7045e518ffa5fc08ba4e6708bafcfb99f187,p rollov annotation judi schmidt,aurora watcher gone home iceland quiet septemb night much night aurora die down suddenly unexpectedly new burst particl stream space light earth atmospher again time surprisingly night lit amaz shape reminisc giant phoenix camera equip ready two quick sky imag taken follow immedi third land mountain background small foreground river call locat 30 kilomet north iceland capit season skywatch note mountain toward left constel orion pleiad star cluster also visibl frame center 2016 aurora last minut soon gone forev would possibl fanci fabl captur featured imag mosaic almost hyperspace random apod gener,phoenix aurora iceland,2021-01-03,607,92,0.0642760942760942,01-03,1,2021,3,6,2,1 4f62a4877e6cea51f50ce9774bca548a5c8f6c083f57721fdfec0f06a22ebc9a,josé mtanou,small magellan cloud turn galaxy peopl wonder littl fuzzi patch southern sky includ portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi unfamiliar night sky south first circumnavig planet earth earli result two celesti wonder easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known western cultur cloud magellan within past 100 years research shown cosmic cloud dwarf irregular galaxies satellit larger spiral milki way galaxy small magellan cloud actual span 15000 lightyear contain sever hundr million stars 210000 lightyear away constel distant known milki way satellit galaxies includ sagittariu dwarf galaxi larg magellan cloud sharp imag also includ foreground globular star cluster 47 tucana right,small cloud magellan,2021-01-05,700,101,-0.0366071428571428,01-05,1,2021,5,6,2,4 b27eb1fa4de173b66f6366015409c86b998c4d21c63fe94d4e3ef260d9e83852,none,sand dune mar one sure featur imag show stripe dune crater mars photograph recent mar reconnaiss hiris camera mani martian dune known cover unevenli carbon dioxid dri ice frost creat pattern light dark areas carbon dioxid turn directli gas carbon dioxid also greenhous materi even solid trap heat ice sublim bottom up caus geyserlik eruptions martian spring erupt caus pattern dark defrost spots darker sand exposed featur image though taken martian autumn weather get colder make stripe particularli one hypothesi caus crack ice form weaker erupt thermal stress part daynight cycle research continues watch dune other martian season may give us clue solv mystery,sand dune mar,2021-01-06,664,104,0.0678571428571428,01-06,1,2021,6,5,2,4 d31e3795197157d1342cd3b94173dc8eba4bd1b7b023e62b1816537c5c3eb7c1,miloslav druckmul,along narrow path cross southern south america chile argentina final new moon 2020 move front sun decemb 14 year total solar eclipse within 2 day perigee closest point ellipt orbit new moon surfac faintli lit earthshin dramat composit view imag process composit 55 calibr exposur rang 3 seconds cover larg rang bright totality reveal dim lunar surfac faint background stars along planets promin sun edge enorm coron mass ejection sweep coron structur normal hidden sun glare look close illfat sungraz kreutz famili comet c2020 approach lower left 7 oclock position 2021 eclips chaser see annular solar eclips come june 10 wait decemb 4 total solar eclips 2021 though eclips total along narrow path cross southernmost contin antarctica,total solar eclips 2020,2021-01-07,734,117,0.0091800356506238,01-07,1,2021,7,1,2,4 06374aacb508746d6149ff3e64848e5c96eed09dbce727d193346a363c356cd0,univers,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 truli majest island univers 200000 lightyear across locat mere 60 million lightyear away toward chemic constel fornax ngc 1365 domin member wellstudi fornax cluster galaxies impress sharp color imag show intense reddish star form region near end central bar along spiral arms detail obscur dust lane cut across galaxy bright core core lie supermass black hole astronom think ngc 1365 promin bar play crucial role galaxy evolution draw ga dust starform maelstrom ultim feed materi central black hole,ngc 1365 majest island univers,2021-01-08,525,83,0.0041666666666666,01-08,1,2021,8,7,0,3 6ad50aededfe8e87848f0dd94042945bdba613dae789c47f2c0ce89e1a76b7bf,none,center nearbi starform region lie huge cluster contain largest hottest massiv star known stars known collect star cluster r136 part tarantula nebula captur featur imag visibl light 2009 hubbl space telescope ga dust cloud tarantula nebula sculpt elong shape power wind ultraviolet radiat hot cluster stars tarantula nebula lie within neighbor galaxi known larg magellan cloud locat mere 170000 lightyear away,star cluster r136 break,2021-01-10,408,61,0.09,01-10,1,2021,10,4,0,5 37ce6fe449cd221b0e4e06b06946fc2e337a741707e5b2ef30dfa672539cfc8c,rodrigo guerra,night sky fill stories cultur throughout histori project endur legend onto star above gener peopl see stellar constellations hear associ stories pass down featur perhap unfamiliar constel old man long recogn tupi peopl nativ region south america known brazil old man modern may compos hyad star cluster head belt orion part one tupi folklor relat leg cut unhappi caus end orang star known betelgeuse pleiad star cluster far left interpret head featur image old man mirror person pose foreground folklor night sky import mani reasons includ record cultur heritag document human intellig imagination apod world languages arabic catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish turkish ukrainian apod onlin januari free host amateur astronom associ new york,histor brazilian constel,2021-01-12,888,132,0.0489898989898989,01-12,1,2021,12,6,2,4 f5bc78258df7df67c6b2cde7762b61b006bd13770a186e73a7a093ac6aa0fd28,giulio cobianchi,two giant arch across sky perhap familiar one left central band milki way galaxy grand disk star nebula appear encircl much southern sky visibl stellar arch planet mar extend andromeda galaxy minut cold arctic night second giant arch appear right encircl part northern sky aurora aurora much closer star compos glow air high earth atmosphere visibl outsid green auror arch group star popularli known big dipper featur digit composit 18 imag captur middecemb lofoten island norway apod year review night sky network lectur,arch across arctic sky,2021-01-13,521,83,0.0647142857142857,01-13,1,2021,13,6,0,4 a513a945f95abcdc06ad69e7d36757fa6216ef925f15278f82cdf40b580b73c4,none,shadowi landscap majest mountain ici plain stretch toward horizon small distant world captur rang 18000 kilomet new horizon look back toward pluto 15 minut spacecraft closest approach juli 14 2015 dramatic lowangle neartwilight scene follow rug mountain formal known norgay mont foreground left hillari mont along horizon give way smooth sputnik planum right layer pluto tenuou atmospher also reveal backlit view strang familiar appearance frigid terrain like includ ice nitrogen carbon monoxid wateric mountain rise 3500 meter 11000 feet that compar height majest mountain planet earth plutonian landscap 380 kilomet 230 miles across,plutonian landscap,2021-01-15,634,93,-0.063685556867375,01-15,1,2021,15,8,2,1 fd0c056219c6fd130358b7023cde3707a6bf926c2c521d999186f4c7e2e30bdc,none,fantast skyscap lie near edg ngc 2174 star form region 6400 lightyear away nebularich constel orion follow mountain cloud ga dust carv wind radiat region newborn stars found scatter open star cluster embed around center ngc 2174 top frame though star format continu within dusti cosmic cloud like dispers energet newborn star within million years record infrar wavelength hubbl space telescop 2014 interstellar scene span 6 lightyears schedul launch 2021 jame webb space telescop optim explor univers infrar wavelengths,mountain ngc 2174,2021-01-16,519,79,0.125,01-16,1,2021,16,4,1,3 b6468ac5a430dee96705d60dc7d84e48b34bca30331bb6f63362124bb580ce84,none,jet eman centauru million light year long jet stream plasma expel giant black hole center spiral galaxy light composit imag cen a exactli central black hole expel infal matter remain unknown clear galaxy however jet inflat larg radio bubbl like glow million years energ pass ga cloud radio bubbl even light billion years xray light depict featur composit imag blue microwav light color orange base jet radio light show detail innermost light year central jet,jet unusu galaxi centauru,2021-01-17,458,75,0.0842592592592592,01-17,1,2021,17,6,0,3 40d0e077a64af0d6018d5d3b77cbc226abc0eaf6191c74bd0aa10c0ce3306e6f,russel croman,power unusu nebula ctb1 expand ga shell left massiv star toward constel cassiopeia explod 10000 year ago star like deton ran elements near core could creat stabil pressur nuclear fusion result supernova remnant nicknam medulla nebula brainlik shape still glow visibl light heat gener collis confin interstellar gas nebula also glow xray light though remain mystery one hypothesi hold energet pulsar cocreat power nebula fast outwardli move wind follow lead pulsar recent found radio wave appear expel supernova explos 1000 kilomet per second although medulla nebula appear larg full moon faint took exposur two small telescop new mexico usa creat featur image,medulla nebula supernova remnant,2021-01-18,659,102,0.0760330578512396,01-18,1,2021,18,4,2,4 4cdd82dd0849a1c6c27b6c192c91dcd9ded4da9f3bdc97ed45277e2ca9d43c2e,masi,cloudi moon sometim appear colorful effect call lunar corona creat quantum mechan diffract light around individual similarlys water droplet interven mostlytranspar cloud sinc light differ color differ wavelengths color diffract differently lunar corona one quantum mechan color effect easili seen unaid eye solar corona also sometim evident featur composit imag captur day close great conjunct saturn jupit last month foreground italian villag di visibl front mountains new apod avail taiwanes nation central univers,lunar corona jupit saturn,2021-01-19,516,73,0.2078512396694215,01-19,1,2021,19,2,1,1 500551759b864b1bb9b0ae5a365df936689f49c77bea4002407ac106bba1695f,none,magnet field alway flow along spiral arms faceon view whirlpool galaxi allow spectacularli clear view spiral wave pattern galaxy observ radio telescope magnet field appear trace arms however nasa fli stratospher observatori infrar astronomi sofia observatory magnet field outer edg m51 disk appear weav across arm magnet field infer grain dust align one direct act like polaroid glass infrar light featur image field orient determin polar light connected creat possibl gravit tug companion galaxy top frame dusti ga reddish starform regions visibl hubbl space telescop image enhanc turbul stir dust line produc unexpect field pattern outer arms,magnet field whirlpool galaxi,2021-01-20,645,97,0.2361111111111111,01-20,1,2021,20,8,2,4 d8d6fd099792277d20caf60eb6355731fd8c1ddf92745251aa80e9108d772a47,we higgin,interstellar dust cloud glow nebula abound fertil constel orion one brightest m78 center colorful wide field view cover area north orion belt distanc 1500 lightyears bluish reflect nebula around 5 lightyear across tint due dust preferenti reflect blue light hot young stars reflect nebula ngc 2071 left m78 fleck emiss herbigharo objects energet jet star process formation stand dark dust lanes exposur also bring region fainter pervas reddish glow atom hydrogen gas,m78 wide field,2021-01-21,466,72,0.0574999999999999,01-21,1,2021,21,4,0,5 577686f95eb8e42b21a41cf3c633d0f05127f7775512b785bd728041e2eaeae6,alvin wu,expans cosmic dust star nebula along plane milki way galaxi form beauti ring project allski view creativ panorama cover entir galaxi visibl planet earth ambiti 360 degre mosaic took two year complete northern hemispher site western china southern hemispher site new zealand use collect imag data like glow jewel set milki ring bulg galact center top bright planet jupit beacon central bulg left red giant star antares along plane almost 180 degre galact center bottom ring area around orion denizen northern hemisphere even winter skies project ring milki way encompass two notabl galaxi southern skies larg small magellan clouds,milki ring,2021-01-22,629,99,0.0704545454545454,01-22,1,2021,22,6,2,4 1327e99c4f1870b7f899ab0413fd091d81e1a5b4a5be9443f0c7cdaf2a0aa7a8,roberto colombari,one massiv galaxi known mere 46 million lightyear distant spiral galaxi ngc 2841 found northern constel ursa major sharp view gorgeou island univers show strike yellow nucleu galact disk dust lanes small pink starform regions young blue star cluster embed patchy tightli wound spiral arms contrast mani spiral exhibit grand sweep arm larg starform regions ngc 2841 diamet 150000 lightyears even larger milki way featur composit imag merg exposur orbit 24meter hubbl space telescop groundbas 82meter subaru telescope xray imag suggest result wind stellar explos creat plume hot ga extend halo around ngc 2841,massiv nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 2841,2021-01-24,607,94,0.0067307692307692,01-24,1,2021,24,7,2,3 d721dbd63f8855dc30c1f70741b1aab7acd3c59e2f384f061c4dfccdbcd79fa2,tomáš slovinský,ever seen southern cross famou icon best seen earth southern hemisphere featur imag taken last month chile captur southern cross left erupt one activ volcano solar system connect reddest southern cross star gacrux brightest star acrux point near southern locat sky south celesti pole around southern star appear spin earth turns modern times bright star resid near unlik north bright polari appear near ncp extend gacrux acrux line still from four seven time angular lead near small magellan cloud bright satellit galaxi milki way galaxy southern cross aster domin constellation deeper array star includ four cepheid variabl star visibl unaid eye volcano image look like dark plume coalsack nebula larg red starform carina nebula visibl upper left portal universe random apod gener,southern cross chilean volcano,2021-01-25,782,122,0.1,01-25,1,2021,25,6,2,4 c80d994669433b48885fb27509dea084c5ee86fe5621ebd09a7d880faf0f2c5a,none,strangelook galaxi form astronom turn detect tri figur caus unusu jumbl stars gas dust like ngc 1316 inspect indic ngc 1316 enorm ellipt galaxi somehow includ dark dust lane usual found spiral galaxy detail imag taken hubbl space telescop show details however help reconstruct histori gigant deep wide imag show huge collision shells deep central imag reveal fewer globular cluster star toward ngc 1316 interior effect expect galaxi undergon collis merg galaxi past billion years dark knot lane dust promin featur image indic one devour galaxi spiral galaxies ngc 1316 span 50000 light year lie 60 million light year away toward constel furnac fornax,central ngc 1316 galaxi collid,2021-01-26,650,104,0.0272727272727272,01-26,1,2021,26,7,2,3 098b4a4a2ce3e6c0ee4fb39ae16ffada80a0c0af371555ecbb663a5b4f34a61e,none,far magnet field extend spiral galaxies decad astronom knew spiral galaxi magnet fields however larg array vla radio telescop movi upgrad 2011 unexpectedli discov field could extend vertic away disk sever thousand lightyears featur imag edgeon spiral galaxi ngc observ halo nearbi galaxies survey also reveal magnet field line may common spirals analog iron around bar radiat electron trace galact magnet field line spiral around line almost speed light filament imag construct track vla data visibl light image construct hubbl space telescop data show pink gaseou region star born seem wind region help form magnific extend galact magnet fields,magnet field ngc,2021-01-27,645,99,0.1,01-27,1,2021,27,7,2,4 d599d1ea0537b73a85e9cf207a80cefd9ffdbd748108b1ff35e085ae4b7b959b,none,big beauti spiral galaxi messier 66 lie mere 35 million lightyear away gorgeou island univers 100 thousand lightyear across similar size milki way reprocess hubbl space telescop closeup view span region 30000 lightyear wide around galact core show galaxy disk dramat inclin lineofsight surround bright core like home supermass black hole obscur dust lane young blue star cluster sweep along spiral arm dot telltal glow star form regions messier also known ngc brightest three galaxi interact leo triplet,messier close,2021-01-28,503,78,0.0041666666666666,01-28,1,2021,28,7,0,3 51ae078943004d7b8d288f400b9812e4332169d71a05785ef716ab37d701983a,ralf rohner,celesti sight southern sky shine cloudi planet earth gorgeou night sky view scene captur flight deck 38000 feet steadi ride peru produc sharp airborn best seri short exposur select digit broad band southern milki way begin top left dark coalsack nebula southern cross expans diffus starlight encompass carina nebula larg gum nebula toward right canopus alpha star carina second brightest star earth night easi spot milki way dwarf galaxi known larg magellan cloud small magellan cloud peek cloudi horizon course south celesti pole also lie within starri southern frame,southern sky feet,2021-01-30,568,89,0.0882142857142857,01-30,1,2021,30,6,2,5 4fc6e05415c3056b6305a7627cf8e826acfedd698c39ae3c6f528d4db8709388,none,rock space hit earth everi day larger rock though less often earth struck mani kilogram space dust pitter earth daily larger bit appear initi bright meteor baseballs rock icebal streak atmospher daily evapor quickli nothing signific threat exist rock near 100 meter diameter strike earth roughli everi 1000 years object size could caus signific tsunami strike ocean potenti devast even distant shores collis massiv asteroid 1 km across rare occur typic million year apart could truli global consequences mani asteroid remain undiscovered featur image one asteroid shown long blue streak found chanc 1998 hubbl space telescope collis larg asteroid would affect earth orbit much rais dust would affect earth climate one like result global extinct mani speci life possibl dwarf ongo extinct occur now,asteroid distanc,2021-01-31,799,124,0.0114583333333333,01-31,1,2021,31,8,2,4 2131b12f3b851d405ca3484feea30a1651f6df6caa45d9c7170d1b3d9d28d6a0,göran strand,ever seen halo around moon fairli common sight occur high thin cloud contain million tini ice crystal cover much sky ice crystal act like miniatur lens crystal similar elong hexagon shape light enter one crystal face exit oppos face refract 22 degrees correspond radiu moon halo similar sun halo may visibl day exactli icecryst form cloud remain topic research featur imag taken last week östersund sweden complet lunar halo captur snowi tree rabbit tracks apod avail via instagram english indonesian persian portugues,lunar halo snowi,2021-02-01,518,82,0.0066666666666666,02-01,2,2021,1,2,0,1 2e4eda04c65623f1944f1c4d2c6379a03cbcb63fa0ed1bd1f524c14c18119c5e,frank,meteor colorful human eye usual cannot discern mani colors camera often can pictur quadrantid meteor captur camera missouri usa earli month impress bright colorful radiant grit like cast asteroid 2003 blaze path across earth atmosphere color meteor usual origin ioniz element releas meteor disintegrates bluegreen typic origin magnesium calcium radiat violet nickel glow green red however typic origin energ nitrogen oxygen earth atmosphere bright meteor firebal gone flash less second left windblown ioniz trail remain visibl sever minutes apod avail via facebook english catalan portugues,color quadrantid meteor,2021-02-02,592,85,0.0871794871794871,02-02,2,2021,2,8,0,1 d83fea147e281d67b1d65ac584293e18c5f398163418057b94e1f080808315ac,none,fifti year ago friday apollo 14 lunar modul antar land moon toward end stay astronaut ed mitchel snap seri photo lunar surfac look window assembl detail mosaic apollo lunar surfac journal editor eric view look across fra mauro highland northwest land site apollo 14 astronaut complet second final walk moon promin foreground modular equip transporter devic use carri tool samples near horizon top center 15 meter wide boulder dub turtl rock shallow crater turtl rock long white handl sampl instrument thrown mitchell fellow first american space alan shepard also use six iron hit two golf balls one shepard golf ball visibl white spot mitchell,apollo 14 view antar,2021-02-04,643,104,0.0222222222222222,02-04,2,2021,4,2,2,2 1344e11b88e073df5ec1e87624364c4508cd97a74ab4a50ee4872011b9730b63,none,fifti year ago sunday februari 7 crew apollo 14 left lunar orbit head home watch earthris command modul kitti hawk earth sunlit crescent peek lunar horizon crater terrain foreground along lunar farside course orbit moon crew could watch earth rise set lunar surfac earth hung stationari sky land site fra mauro base rock sampl return fra mauro includ 20 pound rock nicknam big bertha determin contain like fragment meteorit planet earth kept board kitti apollo 14 mission seed later grown moon trees,apollo 14 head home,2021-02-05,499,82,-0.2,02-05,2,2021,5,2,0,2 831fc888926c89a8cd191178051720b6a33cee0bb2b9c931547fd11c40ecd751,none,sun part star cluster night sky would glow like jewel box bright stars cluster known m53 catalog ngc 5024 one 250 globular cluster surviv galaxy star m53 older redder sun enigmat star appear bluer younger young star might contradict hypothesi star m53 form nearli time unusu star known blue straggler unusu common m53 much debate blue straggler thought star rejuven fresh matter fall binari star companion analyz pictur globular cluster like featur imag taken hubbl space telescope astronom use abund star like blue straggler help determin age globular cluster henc limit age universe m53 visibl binocular toward constel bernice hair coma berenices contain 250000 star one furthest globular center galaxy,blue straggler star globular cluster m53,2021-02-07,704,110,0.0805555555555555,02-07,2,2021,7,6,2,3 7d0a3f701145e60c85a209df00c75de05550418ad77dc414aa90e156f96ad834,ariel cappelletti,star like interstellar ga canvas massiv tumultu wolfrayet star creat picturesqu ruffl filament call imag left additionally wind radiat small cluster stars ngc 3324 sculpt 35 light year caviti upper right right side appear recogniz face profile region popular name gabriela mistral nebula famou chilean poet together interstellar cloud lie 8000 lightyear away great carina nebula complex stellar neighborhood harbor numer cloud ga dust rich imagin inspir shapes featur telescop view captur characterist emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom map red green blue hue popular hubbl palette new apod avail,interstellar cloud carina,2021-02-08,601,90,0.1864245129870129,02-08,2,2021,8,4,2,5 e87e10687b783663a2c289b45c73ec8739bf43f6a39e433d05068b96d179f116,juan carlo muñoz text juan carlo muñoz,star atmospher pocket slightli air constant motion distort light path distant astronom objects atmospher turbul problem astronom blur imag sourc want study telescop featur image locat paran observatory equip four laser combat turbulence laser tune color excit atom float high earth atmospher sodium left pass meteors glow sodium spot act artifici star whose twinkl immedi record pass flexibl mirror hundr time per second atmospher turbul result images star develop field technolog cases imag taken ground techniqu also led applic human vision science use obtain sharp imag,laser sky,2021-02-10,573,86,0.041875,02-10,2,2021,10,8,0,4 2cfcf21ac1739edf25e784e2d63d481ff69e64b3a9486ac46f9dddd4f935a7e2,astro anarchi,brush stroke interstellar dust glow gas beauti skyscap paint across plane milki way galaxi near northern end great rift constel cygnu swan compos decad 400 hour imag data broad mosaic span impress degre across sky alpha star cygnus bright hot supergi deneb lie left crowd star lumin ga cloud cygnu also home dark obscur northern coal sack nebula star form emiss region ngc 7000 north america nebula ic 5070 pelican nebula left littl deneb mani nebula star cluster identifi throughout cosmic scene course deneb also known northern hemispher skygaz place two asterisms mark vertex summer triangle top northern cross,cygnu mosaic 2010 2020,2021-02-11,613,99,0.22625,02-11,2,2021,11,4,2,5 1e34e633ac6fae353011a2d763bbb613d2cba026506f3e104ba2783e1357f877,mike selbi,gorgeou island univers lie 85 million lightyear distant southern constel fornax inhabit young blue star clusters tightli wound spiral arm ngc 1350 seem join circl around galaxy large bright nucleus give appear cosmic eye fact ngc 1350 130000 lightyear across make larg slightli larger milki way earthbas astronomers ngc 1350 seen outskirt fornax cluster galaxies estim distanc suggest cluster member course bright spiki star foreground telescop field view member spiral milki way galaxy,spiral galaxi ngc 1350,2021-02-12,486,73,0.2017857142857143,02-12,2,2021,12,7,1,3 cd1ee3a7497618a0a253dac2cc73242c6007a2729b524ddb61453d64c178a0e5,none,get redblu glass float next asteroid 433 eros orbit sun everi 18 years nearearth asteroid name greek god love still shape close resembl lumpi potato heart ero diminut 40 x 14 x 14 kilomet world undul horizons craters boulder valleys unsettl scale shape emphas mosaic imag near shoemak spacecraft process yield stereo anaglyph view along dramat chiaroscuro near shoemaker 3d imag provid import measur asteroid landform structures clue origin citys chunk solar system smallest featur visibl 30 meter across begin februari 14 2000 histor near shoemak spent year orbit around eros first spacecraft orbit asteroid twenti year ago februari 12 2001 land eros first ever land asteroid surface near shoemaker final transmiss surfac ero februari 28 2001,stereo ero,2021-02-13,743,117,0.1181818181818181,02-13,2,2021,13,8,2,2 b2dd7179a7b2485fbb073bcb9cc8afda6991908c7ffc05191a9012d27de23567,adam block tim puckett,would rosett nebula name look sweet bland new gener catalog design ngc 2237 appear diminish appear floweri emiss nebula top image atop long stem glow hydrogen gas insid nebula lie open cluster bright young star design ngc 2244 star form four million year ago nebular materi stellar wind clear hole nebula center insul layer dust hot gas ultraviolet light hot cluster star caus surround nebula glow rosett nebula span 100 lightyear across lie 5000 lightyear away seen small telescop toward constel unicorn monoceros jump around universe random apod gener,long stem rosett nebula,2021-02-14,553,89,0.1231060606060606,02-14,2,2021,14,4,1,5 8dc6a3590f748875974473e70d520bc9793f69be1293cdb055e5595f3619a914,mike cohea,typic sun pillar sunris two week ago rhode island usa photographer look window suddenli astonish caus sun pillar fan top sun pillars column light go sun rare see known caus sunlight reflect hexagonshap fall earth atmosphere separately upper tangent arc known caus sunlight refract fall hexagonshap find sun pillar connect upper tangent arc extraordinary and initially took analysi figur go on lead theori sun pillar also created complex unusu way fall ice tubes might believ rare phenomenon seen quick think photograph camera nearbi smartphone news mars nasa persever coverag,sun pillar upper arc,2021-02-17,576,89,0.1866666666666666,02-17,2,2021,17,1,1,1 fb199386dc89d73fe08a7b486f628ee8508eb09c0244d005551359a6137d9f1b,jen,taken februari 6 snowi mountain skyscap captur near central switzerland planet earth reddish daylight blue tint glow around afternoon sun color martian sky though cours world sun mars sun look half bright 23 size compar appear earth loft surfac mars fine dust particl suspend thin martian atmospher rich iron make red planet red tend absorb blue sunlight give red ting martian sky forward scatter still make light appear rel bluish near smaller fainter martian sun normal earth denser atmospher strongli scatter blue light make terrestri sky blue februari 6 huge cloud dust blown across mediterranean sahara desert reach swiss alps dim sun lend alpin afternoon color martian sky next day snow left cover reddish dust news mars nasa persever coverag,swiss martian sky,2021-02-18,748,120,0.1119565217391304,02-18,2,2021,18,1,2,1 acbd9e3b4643c587cac23e0147c2d2c545dcf9af24808469412731cde2fda625,none,day interplanetari seven minut persever land mars confirm success land jezero crater announc mission control nasa jet propuls laboratori southern california pm pst februari 18 carsiz mar rover front left hazard avoid camera acquir initi low resolut imag shortli touchdown mission sol protect cover still camera shadow perseverance ambiti rover sent red planet visibl cast across martian surface,mar persever sol,2021-02-19,394,58,0.06,02-19,2,2021,19,5,0,2 a30839b3543ed2cd6641d8ab27d154cdab53ad2118eabf0b565021d71e437941,none,slung beneath rocket power descent stage persever hang meter martian surface captur moment februari 18 touchdown red planet breathtak view follow intens seven minut trip top martian atmosphere part high resolut video pictur taken descent stage final land three mechan cabl 7 meter long visibl lower perseverance along electr connect feed signal like comput board carsiz rover persever streamer martian dust surfac descent rocket engines immedi cabl releas allow descent stage fli safe distanc exhaust fuel planned,land mar,2021-02-20,513,77,0.1849999999999999,02-20,2,2021,20,8,1,2 dbcc070185fc532923def173809fbf80e64cc6f660111f23ec4c95afb292b385,goldman,heart rosett nebula lie bright open cluster star light nebula star ngc 2244 form surround ga million year ago featur imag taken januari use multipl exposur specif color sulfur shade red hydrogen green oxygen blue captur central region tremend detail hot wind particl stream away cluster star contribut alreadi complex menageri ga dust filament slowli evacu cluster center rosett nebula center measur 50 lightyear across lie 5200 lightyear away visibl binocular toward constel unicorn monoceros,ngc 2244 star cluster rosett nebula,2021-02-21,493,75,0.0590909090909091,02-21,2,2021,21,4,0,5 e5cb43456ad9c3fd12244883ea214210cdaf0d12472655bf7abec3b3a7b493e7,john krau,what either side moon specifically reusabl rocket develop spacex lift cargo eventu human earth surfac space two rocket pictur sn9 number sn10 captur near texa last month pose january full wolf moon hous engin insid rug shells sn9 testlaunch earlier month well except one intern rocket fail power descent sn10 continu undergo ground test may testlaunch later month,moon rise,2021-02-22,363,58,-0.0071428571428571,02-22,2,2021,22,8,0,2 fe33e2f721b6c7fa9d1f7f66169babc260b6efb96125edf99c61353a130a1f4c,none,it alway nice get new view old friend stun hubbl space telescop imag nearbi spiral galaxi m66 that spiral galaxi small central bar m66 member leo galaxi triplet group three galaxi 30 million light year us leo triplet popular target rel small telescopes part m66 galact companion m65 ngc 3628 appear separ angular width full moon featur imag m66 taken hubbl help investig connect star format molecular ga clouds clearli visibl bright blue stars pink ioniz hydrogen cloud sprinkl along outer spiral arms dark dust lane star format could hiding,spiral galaxi m66 hubbl,2021-02-24,542,90,0.1643356643356643,02-24,2,2021,24,7,1,3 66fbb46cdba17b81fac42d2c44afa436da2d66923073902440a4bf3ff7767c74,none,mission explor inner heliospher solar corona juli 11 2020 widefield imag board nasa parker solar probe captur stun view nightsid venu distanc kilomet miles spacecraft make third seven gravityassist flybi inner planet flybi design use approach venu help probe alter orbit ultim come within 6 million kilomet 4 million miles solar surfac late 2025 surpris image camera seem peer cloud show dark featur near center known aphrodit largest highland region venusian surface bright rim edg planet like emit excit oxygen atom recombin molecul upper reach atmosphere bright streak blemish throughout imag like due energet charg particles dust near camera reflect sunlight skygaz planet earth probabl recogn familiar star orion belt sword lower right,venu flybi,2021-02-25,740,113,0.1132653061224489,02-25,2,2021,25,8,2,4 22ae5a389e7b48a441d7214d74491319e46ff77dd7beb7580c978b18b28adf26,none,stitch togeth planet earth 142 separ imag make 360 degre panorama floor jezero crater mars highresolut color imag taken persever rover zoomabl mastcamz mission sol 3 also known februari 21 2021 foreground view carsiz rover deck broad lightcolor patch martian soil beyond descent stage rocket engin rover dramat arriv februari 18 rim 45 kilometerwid jezero crater rise distance come persever explor ancient system crater hunt sign past microscop life collect sampl potenti futur return planet earth,mar persever sol 3,2021-02-26,497,76,-0.09375,02-26,2,2021,26,5,0,2 f59ae344b40da20edb19bff2915f70157da33351c08bd76022b4ad98bdbe8344,none,seen orbit day dramat arriv martian surface persever land site identifi highresolut view mar reconnaiss orbiter orbiter camera imag also reveal locat mar 2020 mission descent stage heat shield parachut back shell deliv persever surfac mars annot inset box span 200 meter 650 feet across floor jezero crater persever locat center pattern creat rocket exhaust descent stage hover lower rover surface follow sky crane maneuver descent stage flew away crash safe distanc rover final rest place indic dark vshape debri pattern fall surfac nearbi separ land sequence heat shield parachut back shell locat mark highresolut imag mar orbit,persever land site mar reconnaiss orbit,2021-02-27,630,98,0.0416666666666666,02-27,2,2021,27,5,2,2 8f1bf2deda719167c57ce0b99e053b099d8fc2ef100882aab8295f6d5e2a640e,alyn wallac,yes tree this pictur visual coincid dark branch nearbi tree bright glow distant aurora beauti aurora combin seem mimic tree right nearbi mesmer photograph degre momentarili take pictures view right angle seem tree aurora fortunately aurora morph differ overal shape came captur aweinspir momentari coincidence typic trigger solar explosions aurora caus high energi electron impact earth atmospher around 150 kilomet up unusu collabor wit march 2017 iceland almost hyperspace random apod gener,aurora tree,2021-02-28,494,72,0.1201587301587301,02-28,2,2021,28,8,1,1 bc077ce656c9a95904de5b5de5a86e48d5d3f25af1ac0760bc640af832ba89c7,u mishra,pelican nebula changing entir nebula offici design ic 5070 divid larger north america nebula molecular cloud fill dark dust pelican however particularli interest unusu activ mix star format evolv ga clouds featur pictur process bring two main colors red blue red domin light emit interstellar hydrogen ultraviolet light emit young energet star slowli transform cold ga nebula hot gas advanc boundari two known ioniz front visibl bright red across imag center particularli dens tentacl cold ga remain million year nebula might longer known pelican balanc placement star ga sure leav someth appear complet different apod world languages arabic bulgarian catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french german hebrew indonesian korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish turkish ukrainian,pelican nebula red blue,2021-03-01,843,123,0.0507936507936507,03-01,3,2021,1,4,2,5 95cfb65eed80a6eadd9fa88fb19e85bc3a8b7bdcdbc2fa9b5b178fb219de11ee,none,could fli around mars nasa may achiev capabl last month land perseverance rover includ small companion call ingenuity nicknam even though ginni small helicopt four long leg two 12meter first kind never anyth like before possibl april carsiz persever back away give ginni room attempt unpreced first flight featur artist illustration long depict give lift need fli thin martian atmospher explor area near perseverance although ingenu fli far prototyp futur airborn solarsystem robot may fli far across mars titan,mar,2021-03-02,513,79,0.0307692307692307,03-02,3,2021,2,5,0,2 8f7c9f383d42762369dbf92c588dfebb9ee36e800cafc5cff677a4227056d1d2,giusepp,mt etna erupt hundr thousand years locat sicily italy volcano produc lava fountain one kilomet high mt etna one activ volcano earth one largest measur 50 kilomet base rise nearli 3 kilomet high pictur erupt last month lava plume shoot upwards hot lava flow volcano exterior like satellit trail appear above ancient star dot sky far distance volcan erupt strong nearbi close keep plane fli danger plume imag foreground background captur consecut camera location pleas take short survey aesthet astronomy sonif,star erupt volcano,2021-03-03,509,81,0.0337037037037037,03-03,3,2021,3,8,0,1 c50257260b679174e2311b4cac96d93d3cd859760b76fc997dd5ebaaaf1d94fc,petr horalek,spot mar even sky tonight home persever rover red planet present wander constel taurus close sky seven sister pleiad star cluster fact deep widefield view region captur mar near closest conjunct pleiad march 3 center mar bright yellowish celesti beacon 3 degre pretti blue star cluster compet mar color brightness aldebaran alpha star taurus red giant star toward lower left edg frame foreground star along lineofsight distant hyad star cluster otherwis faint eye see dark dusti nebula lie along edg massiv perseu molecular cloud strike reddish glow ngc 1499 california nebula upper right pleas take short survey aesthet astronomy sonif,mar tauru,2021-03-04,637,100,0.0147321428571428,03-04,3,2021,4,6,2,5 099166b814cae1f956f961e1e46e316b7819a6eee43d6c7baacbfd9b7ddb8a31,robert,surfac planet look littl like mars realli planet earth though digit stitch littl planet projection 360 degre mosaic captur near san pedro chilean atacama desert telescop dome horizon take advantag arid region famous dark clear nights taken earli december magnific milki way arc horizon almost 180 degre around littl planet orion promin southern sky familiar constel upsid northern hemispher skygazers orion share southern decemb night almost opposit larg small magellan clouds red planet brightest yellowish celesti beacon littl planet sky pleas take short survey aesthet astronomy sonif,littl like mar,2021-03-05,588,87,0.0674999999999999,03-05,3,2021,5,8,0,1 e091f2769124e2b117cdcde30b21c2f1c0af07381433924d351d20bba928b14a,none,arriv jezero crater mars persever went spin march 4 sharp imag carsiz rover navcam show track left six wheel martian soil prepar oper surfac red planet first drive last 33 minutes short success test drive persever move forward 4 meters made 150 degre turn place 25 meters occupi differ park space newli christen octavia e butler land location though total travel distanc rover first outing 65 meter 21 feet regular 200 meter expect future pleas take short survey aesthet astronomy sonif,persever take spin,2021-03-06,487,81,0.05625,03-06,3,2021,6,5,0,2 64f45d3899bf7e246d0d3a224f1fa89a22bd28a8f8472e242d495e67d6f6da80,none,newborn star form eagl nebula gravit contract pillar dens ga dust intens radiat newlyform bright star caus surround materi boil away image taken hubbl space telescop near infrar light allow viewer see much thick dust make pillar opaqu visibl light giant structur light year length dub inform pillar creation associ open star cluster m16 eagl nebula lie 6500 light year away eagl nebula easi target small telescop nebularich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,pillar eagl nebula infrar,2021-03-07,481,78,0.185,03-07,3,2021,7,4,1,5 9924502692aa6fa6923149d8dad68e69449beef851139613668e22f733c17cba,nicola lefaudeux,creat unusu red tail comet sodium spectacular sight back summer 2020 comet neowise times display someth surprisingli striat white dust tail patchi blue ion tail color sensit imag show unusu red tail analysi show much third tail color emit sodium ga rich sodium atom might liber comet neowise warm nucleu earli juli bright sunlight electr charg ultraviolet sunlight push solar wind featur imag captur midjuli brittany franc show real colors sodium comet tail seen rare one disappear late july comet c2020 f3 neowise sinc faded lost bright tails approach orbit jupit head back outer solar system return 7000 years astrophysicists brows code astrophys sourc code librari,three tail comet neowis,2021-03-08,668,106,0.2116666666666667,03-08,3,2021,8,3,2,4 392263fab6c3f8106e1496f7581aa0095cd2f33bf5ced1324a8de645cea2fb90,yannick akar,could queen mythic island exist space perhap not chanc outlin molecular space cloud echo outlin state california usa sun home within milki way orion arm 1000 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long featur image promin glow california nebula red light characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons strip away ionized energet starlight star like provid energet starlight ioniz much nebular ga bright hot bluish xi persei right nebula regular target astrophotographers california nebula spot widefield telescop dark sky toward constel perseus far pleiades new apod avail arab syria,ngc 1499 california nebula,2021-03-10,643,96,0.1529803529803529,03-10,3,2021,10,4,2,5 f9ea802316c7787a2d6408cb15387e10ba9e57a7073c0d9cef3f2821ea466dcb,joshua,sunset march 7 faint band light still reach western horizon serene rural illinois night skyscape taken old lumin glow zodiac light promin west sunset planet earth northern hemispher spring clear even band zodiac light seem engulf bright yellowish mar pleiad star cluster close conjunct starri sky old zodiac light sunlight scatter interplanetari dust particl lie near solar system eclipt plane cours solar system planet orbit near plane ecliptic within band zodiac light zodiac light mar may deeper recent analysi serendipit detect interplanetari dust juno spacecraft earth jupit voyag suggest mar like sourc dust produc zodiac light,zodiac light mar,2021-03-11,633,96,0.2058823529411764,03-11,3,2021,11,6,2,1 a777c002def6a213b49ccb9c58bc5d954870817a11e68c21b3ce692b23867f11,wissam ayoub,one brightest galaxi planet earth sky similar size milki way galaxy big beauti messier 81 also known ngc 3031 bode galaxi 18th centuri discoverer grand spiral found toward northern constel ursa major great bear sharp detail telescop view reveal m81 bright yellow nucleus blue spiral arms pinkish starform regions sweep cosmic dust lanes dust lane actual run galact disk left center contrari promin spiral featur though errant dust lane may linger result close encount m81 nearbi galaxi m82 lurk outsid frame m81 faint dwarf irregular satellit galaxy holmberg ix seen larg spiral scrutini variabl star m81 yield distanc extern galaxi 118 million lightyears,messier 81,2021-03-12,656,103,0.1028846153846153,03-12,3,2021,12,7,2,3 591af71d6c022041c1aa3526f4ab896db86cd48c4efb0fa6e4700457ea0d5a8a,none,what sound one laser there need consult find out listen first acoust record laser shot mars persever mission sol 12 march 2 supercam instrument atop rover mast rock dub maaz 30 time rang 31 meters record soft pop sound rapid seri supercam laser shockwav creat thin martian atmospher bit rock vapor laser shot make pop sounds sound offer clue physic structur target supercam closeup maaz target region 6 centimet 23 inches across maaz mean mar navajo language,target,2021-03-13,458,77,0.1196428571428571,03-13,3,2021,13,5,1,2 38887ca3cb88df01453a6211e0101c7e7fc4e40baf6f8cc047e5f17786b81ee3,mia,appeared like tall band flag midmarch 2015 energet coron mass eject direct toward clear magnet channel earth led one intens geomagnet storm recent years visual result wide spread aurora seen mani countri near earth magnet poles captur kiruna sweden imag featur unusu straight auror curtain green color emit low earth atmosphere red mani kilomet higher up unclear rare purpl aurora might involv unusu blue aurora even lower altitud green seen superpos much higher red past solar minimum color night aurora earth like increase follow apod free nasa,shape aurora sweden,2021-03-14,546,87,0.0527777777777777,03-14,3,2021,14,8,0,1 def3e4f5ac4fede3b7eab24520edc006c3acb9add47daca9e558dbf33cc71255,alan pham,constel swan near nebula pelican lie ga cloud butterfli next star known hen star given proper name sadr right featur frame central butterfli nebula design ic 1318 shown high resolution intric pattern bright ga dark dust caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity featur telescop view captur ic 1318 characterist emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom map red green blue hue popular hubbl palette portion butterfli nebula pictur span 100 light year lie 4000 light year away,ic butterfli nebula ga dust,2021-03-16,510,80,0.133047619047619,03-16,3,2021,16,4,1,5 220a3bf49ea45625fc8a3fea5c364b14454072b3d50bacf2cdd84a4fdbb0276b,donald,could stand venu would see pictur view venera 14 robot soviet lander parachut thick venusian atmospher march 1982 desol landscap saw includ flat rocks vast empti terrain featureless sky phoeb regio near venus equator lower left spacecraft use make scientif measurements light piec right part eject endur temperatur near 450 degre celsiu pressur 75 time earth harden venera spacecraft last hour although data venera 14 beam across inner solar system almost 40 year ago digit process merg unusu imag continu even today recent analys infrar measur taken esa orbit venu express spacecraft indic activ volcano may current exist venus,surfac venu 14,2021-03-17,629,99,0.0467261904761904,03-17,3,2021,17,8,2,2 c56b89e9c878ea09758d676438499e382e4fd79ca1a9db1c78c472d605a046a3,kerryann lecki hepburn,cloud stardust drift deep skyscape across perseu molecular cloud 850 lightyear away dusti nebula reflect light embed young star stand nearli 2 degre wide telescop field view characterist bluish color reflect nebula ngc 1333 center vdb 13 top right rare yellowish reflect nebula vdb 12 near top frame star form molecular cloud though obscur visibl wavelength pervas dust still hint contrast red emiss herbigharo objects jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars evid ngc 1333 chaotic environ may similar one sun form 45 billion year ago estim distanc perseu molecular cloud cosmic scene would span 40 lightyears,stardust perseu molecular cloud,2021-03-18,609,98,0.1527472527472527,03-18,3,2021,18,4,2,5 e800b6a7983dfd10508bf7c7635c1b5ea822ab8f0b02cb2885f3aa7247699ee1,none,star fill infrar view span 4 lightyear across center lagoon nebula visibl light imag show glow ga obscur dust cloud domin scene infrar image construct hubbl space telescop data peer closer heart activ starform region reveal newborn star scatter within crowd field background star toward center milki way galaxy tumultu stellar nursery central region sculpt energ massive young herschel 36 seen bright star near center field view herschel 36 actual multipl system massiv stars 30 time mass sun less 1 million year old massiv star system live stellar old age 5 million years compar almost 5 billion year old sun evolv red giant anoth 5 billion year so lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 4000 lightyear away within boundari constel sagittarius,central lagoon infrar,2021-03-19,737,121,0.0931419457735247,03-19,3,2021,19,4,2,5 c0f7cfa70565325095e4b18528f5e842e39cba6ceb6b0f2b45001896789d79c8,franci,popular group earli even sky around march equinox northern hemispher spring famou leo triplet three magnific galaxi found promin constel leo gather one astronom field view crowd pleaser imag even modest telescopes introduc individu ngc 3628 right m66 upper left m65 bottom three larg spiral galaxi tend look galact disk tilt differ angl line sight ngc 3628 also known hamburg galaxy temptingli seen edgeon obscur dust lane cut across puffi galact plane disk m66 m65 inclin enough show spiral structure gravit interact galaxi group left telltal signs includ tidal tail warped inflat disk ngc 3628 drawn spiral arm m66 gorgeou view region span 1 degre two full moons sky frame cover half million lightyear trio estim distanc 30 million lightyears cours spiki foreground star lie well within milki way,leo trio,2021-03-20,798,129,0.1298941798941798,03-20,3,2021,20,7,2,4 b7f68937d4960ad6fd87c7629584843b3238aec26188c41c9f24fdb4b56c7def,none,one knew 2000 year ago technolog exist build device antikythera mechanism pictured wide regard first computer found bottom sea aboard decay greek ship complex prompt decad study even today function like remain unknown xray imag device however confirm main function numer clocklik wheel gear creat portable handcranked earthcentered orreri sky predict futur star planet locat well lunar solar eclipses corrod core antikythera mechanism largest gear featured span 13 centimeters entir mechan 33 centimet high make similar size larg book recently modern comput model miss compon allow creation complet replica surpris ancient machine,antikythera mechan,2021-03-21,630,92,0.0307407407407407,03-21,3,2021,21,8,2,2 687d615953affbe41c77db9541e7140bb622c7d9821290ea1fc5c888ad9ba029,alistair symon,what sky auriga orion mani famou star nebula region captur 34 separ images take hour exposure digit combin reveal featur image start far upper left toward constel auriga the picturesqu flame star nebula ic continu along bright arc milki way galaxy left right cross constel twin bull notabl appear nebula includ tadpole simei 147 monkey head cone rosett nebulas upper right quadrant image toward constel orion the see halfcircl barnard loop horsehead orion nebulas famou star around orion include left right orang betelgeus just right imag center blue bellatrix just orion belt star mintaka alnilam alnitak bright rigel appear far upper right stretch sky remain night long set continu earlier even approaches,auriga orion,2021-03-22,708,112,0.1346938775510204,03-22,3,2021,22,6,2,5 65466479328128d31ec8e4c4811f4a61439ff9c5b003c525aca54a0a2a97ef80,none,much jupiter lightn occur near similar earth jupit experi aurora lightning differ earth though jupiter lightn usual occur near pole much earth lightn occur near equator help understand difference nasa juno spacecraft current orbit jupiter observ numer aurora lightn events featur image taken juno stellar refer unit camera 2018 may 24 show jupiter northern auror oval sever bright dot streaks eyecatch event shown right inset imag flash jupiter lightn one closest imag aurora lightn ever earth which much nearer sun jupiter sunlight bright enough create itself much stronger atmospher heat equat poles drive storms lightning jupiter contrast atmospher heat come mostli interior a remnant lead hypothesi intens equatori sunlight reduc temperatur differ upper atmospher levels henc reduc equatori storms apod via facebook in english catalan portugues,aurora lightn jupit,2021-03-24,851,126,0.1638655462184874,03-24,3,2021,24,8,2,4 17d5ad6082742689422c0efdaf4b28f19612042625f72c2ebf4aefe1ff59e469,none,persever curiosity fact curios rover accomplish first sky crane maneuv touchdown mar august 5 2012 march 2 2021 mark curiosity martian day oper surfac red planet 360 degre panorama sol mosaic 149 frame curiosity mastcam rover deck includ 23 frame icy thin high cloud drift martian sky cloudi sky frame record throughout martian day digit stitch togeth panoram view near center layer streak mont peak central mount sharp rise 5 kilomet floor gale crater distant background left,curiosity sol,2021-03-25,476,77,-0.0286363636363636,03-25,3,2021,25,5,0,2 851746b49ef5e0eda3757d65419ee02e02d13c77b1b7d69a45c0483308e9af35,josep drudi,braid serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow medusa transform star faint one near center overal bright crescent shape deep telescop view fainter filament clearli extend right bright crescent region medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2021-03-26,594,89,0.1491071428571428,03-26,3,2021,26,4,2,5 3b3b6398241eeedfd5e7ab105e7f36acde882289744b2b25392b4e1f8c675c2c,bernard miller,60 million lightyear away southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi colliding star two galaxies catalog ngc 4038 ngc 4039 rare collid cours ponder cataclysm last hundr million years galaxies larg cloud molecular ga dust often do trigger furiou episod star near center cosmic wreckage span 500 thousand lightyears stun view also reveal new star cluster matter flung far scene accid gravit tidal forces remark sharp groundbas imag includ narrowband data highlight characterist red glow atom hydrogen ga starform regions suggest overal visual appear extend arc structur give galaxi pair popular name antennae,explor antenna,2021-03-27,605,92,0.1011363636363636,03-27,3,2021,27,7,2,3 366ff5b6d0edf19f8972b1528b6041cbc1cd3fcb398766ff5291cc1ff5e43b88,none,spacesuit float away intern space station 15 year ago investig conducted everyon knew push space station crew dub suitsat1 unneed russian orlan spacesuit fill mostli old cloth fit faint radio transmitt releas orbit earth suit circl earth twice radio signal becam unexpectedli weak suitsat1 continu orbit everi 90 minut burn earth atmospher weeks pictured lifeless spacesuit photograph 2006 drift away space station portal universe random apod gener,suitsat1 spacesuit float free,2021-03-28,448,67,-0.1458333333333333,03-28,3,2021,28,8,0,2 8a0731461eb6b9faec8c6846d4bbc6d3d7ea19310689c9e1d2bf2319aee75c18,none,know evil lurk eye galaxies hubbl know case spiral galaxi m64 help find out messier 64 also known evil eye sleep beauti galaxy may seem evil eye star rotat direct interstellar ga galaxy central region opposit direct outer regions captur great detail earthorbit hubbl space telescope enorm dust cloud obscur nearsid m64 central region lace telltal reddish glow hydrogen associ star formation m64 lie 17 million light year away mean light see today left last common human roam earth dusti eye bizarr rotat like result billionyearold merger two differ galaxies,m64 eye galaxi,2021-03-29,559,90,-0.1208333333333333,03-29,3,2021,29,7,0,5 0462fc740faa04f9cfdaf8361b10b8eefc8302d88fc3af4d478bbec900025a7f,yuri beletskycarnegiela campana observatorytwan,red filament sky rare seen form lightn confirm 30 year ago red sprites recent research shown follow power posit cloudtoground lightn strike red sprite may start 100meter ball ioniz air shoot 80km high 10 percent speed light quickli follow group upward streak ioniz balls featur imag taken earlier year la campana observatori chile and mountain argentina red sprite take fraction second occur best seen power thunderstorm visibl side apod via instagram in english indonesian persian portugues,red sprite lightn and,2021-03-30,491,76,0.155,03-30,3,2021,30,8,1,1 30b6d52059a4c1771cec254b193a161c785a1cd8b423ac050da628e6ccb18191,none,play carl famou word if wish make black hole jets must first creat magnet featur imag repres detect intrins spin direct radio waves produc power magnet field surround supermass black hole center ellipt galaxi m87 radio wave detect event horizon telescop combin data radio telescop distribut polar structure map use comput gener flow lines overlaid famou black hole image first publish 2019 full 3d magnet field complex preliminari analys indic part field circl around black hole along accret matter expected however anoth compon seemingli vertic away black hole compon could explain matter fall instead launch jet,m87 central black hole polar light,2021-03-31,613,96,-0.0358974358974358,03-31,3,2021,31,8,2,4 ac85636951cf29a9ecbb1a7e83dc19941efecfa2bd096e95b58462df7d439f26,none,mar ingenu helicopter four land leg down captur sol 39 march 30 slung beneath persever rover near ground level view mosaic imag watson camera rover robot arm near center frame experiment helicopt suspend centimet martian surface track persever extend beyond rover wheel rim jezero crater visibl 2 kilomet distance ingenu weight 18 kilogram 4 pound earth correspond weight kilogram 15 pound mars blade span 12 meter attempt make first power flight aircraft anoth planet thin martian atmosphere 1 percent dens earths earlier april 11,ingenu sol 39,2021-04-03,531,84,-0.0293650793650793,04-03,4,2021,3,5,0,2 fe4fc2ee42558c66acfe745349c5eca1d01bc7c7f86f3679ce5c421b5fc4f859,none,four moon visibl featur imag find first farthest background titan largest moon saturn one larger moon solar system dark featur across top perpetu cloudi world north polar hood next obviou moon bright dione visibl foreground complet crater long ice cliffs jut left sever saturn expans rings includ saturn ring featur dark enck gap far right outsid rings pandora moon 80kilomet across help shepherd saturn f ring fourth moon look close insid saturn rings enck gap find speck actual pan although one saturn smallest moon 35kilomet across pan massiv enough help keep enck gap rel free ring particles decad explor discovery cassini spacecraft ran low fuel 2017 direct enter saturn atmosphere sure melted,in through beyond saturn ring,2021-04-04,701,112,0.1264411027568922,04-04,4,2021,4,0,2,2 59f0fd0251478821fbdeab87aad87ec9e235302e5a2fcc7d56ba0c42cd2e43e2,kristin richer,lone tree empti hill start perhaps look beyond there busi univers may wait discovered first physically left tree planet mars red planet new home nasa persever rover remain visibl month sunset western horizon tree right pleiades bright cluster star domin sever bright blue stars featur pictur composit sever separ foreground background imag taken within hour other earli last month locat hill nova scotia canada time mar pass slowly night night nearli front distant seven sister star cluster next time mar pass angularli close pleiad march,mar pleiad beyond hill,2021-04-06,538,85,0.1105055658627087,04-06,4,2021,6,5,0,1 87031fa9675152ee7917189e720ab6a1829101840bdb660cd7b56b856992312e,none,found far southern skies deep within boundari constel dorado ngc 1947 40 million lightyear away silhouett starlight obscur lane cosmic dust thread across peculiar galaxy bright central regions unlik rotat stars gas dust trace arm spiral galaxies motion dust ga follow motion star ngc 1947 though complic disconnect motion suggest galaxy visibl thread dust ga may come donor galaxy accret ngc 1947 last 3 billion year peculiar galaxy evolution spiki foreground milki way star even distant background galaxi scatter frame sharp hubbl imag span 25000 lightyear near center ngc 1947,ngc,2021-04-07,578,90,0.0575,04-07,4,2021,7,7,2,5 86965eb8063293d5c2a07fe159d0461f72d4527f734f6dbdf3b49e6adcff78b7,robert gendler,close great bear ursa major surround star hunt dog cane venatici celesti wonder discov 1781 metric french astronom pierr mechain later ad catalog friend colleagu charl messier m106 modern deep telescop view reveal island univers spiral galaxi around 30 thousand lightyear across locat 21 million lightyear beyond star milki way along bright central core stun galaxi portrait composit imag data amateur profession telescopes highlight youth blue star cluster reddish stellar nurseri trace galaxy spiral arms also show remark reddish jet glow hydrogen gas addit small companion galaxi ngc 4248 bottom right background galaxi found scatter throughout frame m106 also known ngc 4258 nearbi exampl seyfert class activ galaxies seen across spectrum radio xrays activ galaxi power matter fall massiv central black hole,messier 106,2021-04-09,812,122,0.1087698412698412,04-09,4,2021,9,7,2,3 5cc1da72fe763a96c42d1293595be92427dbb5281a4ba5adf4c080c7d1f0b48a,jeanfrancoisgraffand,intens band zodiac light captur seren mountain night skyscap april 7 panoram view record three hour hike vantag look west sunset across pyrene southern france meter altitude mont tallest peak near center sky above familiar star orion northern winter milki way approach rug western horizon shoulder orion betelgeus one three bright yellowish celesti beacons form triangl fellow red giant star aldebaran locat betelgeus right red planet mars mar shine band milki way still immers bright zodiac light earth vote favorit imag nasa earth observatori,zodiac night,2021-04-10,544,84,0.2043367346938775,04-10,4,2021,10,6,1,1 ab5e08e1f6923d018145c52e93ab784e1f1e95f8fc45fea9381645fe371772df,team aro,light flame nebula fifteen hundr light year away toward constel orion lie nebula which glow dark dust lanes appears left like billow fire fire rapid acquisit oxygen make flame glow rather bright star alnitak easternmost star belt orion visibl far left shine energet light flame knock electron away great cloud hydrogen ga resid there much glow result electron ioniz hydrogen recombine featur pictur flame nebula ngc 2024 taken across three visibl color band detail ad long durat exposur taken light emit hydrogen flame nebula part orion molecular cloud complex starform region includ famou horsehead nebula,flame nebula,2021-04-12,606,95,0.2230769230769231,04-12,4,2021,12,4,2,5 afff6d1a4217351ed4b5d70bc33bc8552aa1f1502f9eea923c43090166353979,none,fast elementari particl wobble surpris answer seemingli inconsequenti question came brookhaven nation laboratori new york usa 2001 indic standard model particl physics adopt wide physics specifically muon particl similar heavi electron rel larg wobbl scrutini seri experi known g2 brookhaven result galvan experiment group around world confirm it theorist better understand it report last week sensit muon wobbl experi yet conduct fermi nation acceler laboratori fermilab pictur here agre brookhaven result unexpect wobbl rate may indic everpres sea virtual particl includ type current known alternatively may indic exist difficult theoret predict futur run fermilab g2 experi increas precis and possibly statist differ univers measur univers understand,confirm muon wobbl unexplain,2021-04-13,753,106,0.0236363636363636,04-13,4,2021,13,8,2,4 4ef7e14d3684428fa73d078ddd8f364bda409a89336610c6f4213d5cdec2e171,greg utkarsh mishra,supernova shock wave plow interstellar space 500000 kilomet per hour near middl move sharpli detail color composite thin bright braid filament actual long rippl cosmic sheet glow ga seen almost edgeon catalog ngc 2736 elong appear suggest popular name pencil nebula pencil nebula 5 lightyear long 800 lightyear away repres small part vela supernova remnant vela remnant around 100 lightyear diameter expand debri cloud star seen explod 11000 year ago initially shock wave move million kilomet per hour slow considerably sweep surround interstellar material featur narrowband wide field image red blue color track primarily characterist glow ioniz hydrogen oxygen atoms respectively portal universe random apod gener,pencil nebula supernova shock wave,2021-04-14,715,106,0.0147058823529411,04-14,4,2021,14,4,2,5 dde768512cee1aee0c2c87bef1f475682f63baa214c9b75e47c69773786323fc,none,flame nebula stand optic imag dusty crowd star form region toward orion belt easternmost belt star alnitak mere 1400 lightyear away alnitak bright star right edg infrar imag spitzer space telescope 15 lightyear across infrar view take insid nebula glow ga obscur dust cloud though reveal mani star recent formed embed cluster ngc 2024 concentr near center star ngc 2024 rang age 200000 year 15 million year young fact data indic youngest star concentr near middl flame nebula cluster that opposit simplest model star format stellar nurseri predict star format begin denser center molecular cloud core result requir complex model star format insid flame nebula,insid flame nebula,2021-04-17,659,105,0.0113095238095238,04-17,4,2021,17,4,2,5 a186ef73f20c1ef210e09c2676e644abe0fbe7624ed136fe3f54c04fc7535160,miguel rollov annotation judi schmidt,would sky glow like giant repeat rainbow airglow air glow time usual hard see disturb howev like approach storm may caus notic rippl earth atmosphere graviti wave oscil air analog creat rock thrown calm water longdur exposur nearli along vertic wall airglow like made undul structur particularli visible ok color originate deep red glow like origin oh molecul 87kilomet high excit ultraviolet light sun orang green airglow like caus sodium oxygen atom slightli higher up featur imag captur climb mount pico portugal ground light origin island atlant ocean spectacular sky visibl band airglow central band milki way galaxi run imag center m31 andromeda galaxy visibl near top left explor universe random apod gener,rainbow airglow,2021-04-18,715,113,0.0983333333333333,04-18,4,2021,18,6,2,4 4515baa228fd3d022178f1872839e324e546af191fcc8508f0e744e7a83cd027,none,center galaxi look like visibl light milki way center hidden cloud obscur dust gas stun vista spitzer space telescope infrar cameras penetr much dust reveal star crowd galact center region mosaic mani smaller snapshots detailed falsecolor imag show older cool star bluish hues red brown glow dust cloud associ young hot star stellar nurseries center milki way recent found capabl form newborn stars galact center lie lightyear away toward constel sagittarius distance pictur span 900 lightyears,galact center infrar,2021-04-19,494,76,0.0852941176470588,04-19,4,2021,19,6,0,3 ea26d9afad3878344635278a167c0cd824a91daf32a60aa8a67a528b48f4361f,none,galaxi collid happen magnet help find out nasa point sofia fli 747 galact neighbor centauru observ emiss polar dust trace magnet fields cen a unusu shape result clash two galaxi jet power ga accret onto central supermass black hole result featur image magnet streamlin superpos eso apex chandra blue spitzer red images magnet field found parallel dust lane outskirt galaxi distort near center gravit forc near black hole acceler ion enhanc magnet field sum collis combin mass amplifi magnet fields result provid new insight magnet field evolv earli univers merger common,centauru warp magnet field,2021-04-21,573,91,-0.0400252525252525,04-21,4,2021,21,7,0,4 d90ec1cf24a6965142f4fbcab443c33d5980f4f9cd1c0831495e17f870bed28d,none,sudden sharp boundari mark passag day night gorgeou view ocean cloud fair planet earth instead shadow line termin diffus show gradual transit dark experi twilight sun illumin scene right cloud top reflect gentli redden sunlight filter dusti troposphere lowest layer planet nurtur atmosphere clear high altitud layer visibl along dayside upper edge scatter blue sunlight fade black space pictur taken june 2001 intern space station orbit altitud 211 nautic miles check vital sign planet earth now celebrate earth day,planet earth twilight,2021-04-22,515,79,0.1170039682539682,04-22,4,2021,22,8,1,1 2a90dfa5d60f758d5d9f63abf70cc845a149af937cd70e9580deaba6b9ae4786,none,ant big sphere planetari nebula mz3 cast star similar sun is surely round would ga stream away creat antshap nebula distinctli round clue might includ high 1000kilomet per second speed expel gas lightyear long length structure magnet star featur nebula center one possibl answer mz3 hide second dimmer star orbit close bright star compet hypothesi hold central star spin magnet field channel gas sinc central star appear similar sun astronom hope increas understand histori giant space ant provid use insight like futur sun earth,planetari nebula mz3 ant nebula,2021-04-25,529,84,0.0221428571428571,04-25,4,2021,25,4,0,5 164e9dc57cffd0d9ba2776ed6b9ca5c1fbe81942127a6bba51bb3390e0587613,gabriel rodrigu santo,three bright nebula often featur telescop tour constel sagittariu crowd starfield central milki way fact 18th centuri cosmic tourist charl messier catalog two them m8 larg nebula right center color m20 near top frame third emiss region includ ngc 6559 left m8 separ larger nebula dark dust lane three stellar nurseri five thousand lightyear distant hundr lightyear across expans m8 also known lagoon nebula m20 popular monik trifid glow hydrogen ga creat domin red color emiss nebulae strike contrast blue hue trifid due dust reflect starlight broad span almost 4 degre 8 full moon sky,sagittariu triplet,2021-04-26,585,95,0.1318452380952381,04-26,4,2021,26,4,2,5 0328135273f312e1f1281f2110bc641734907679198755cb1dbffc8a13f91e98,bray fall,polari call north star first polari nearest bright star toward north spin axi earth therefore earth turns star appear revolv around polaris polari alway stay northerli direct make north star sinc bright star near south spin axi earth current south star thousand year ago earth spin axi point slightli differ direct vega north star although polari brightest star sky easili locat nearli align two star cup big dipper polari near center eightdegre wide featur image imag digit manipul surround dim star accentu faint ga dust integr flux nebula surfac cepheid polari slowli pulsates caus star chang bright percent cours days portal universe random apod gener,north star polari surround dust,2021-04-28,656,105,0.11,04-28,4,2021,28,6,2,5 3dd7374a0f21ed5ffe6e6d710c734415a61ed269ca4fde412813b357538dd931,alic,april 25 nearli full moon rose sunset welcom clear blue sky frame cherri familiar face captur snapshot known pink moon april full lunar phase occur moon near perigee that closest point orbit around planet earth make pink moon one closest brightest full moon year miss it next chanc see full perige moon may 26 known flower moon may full moon actual closer april 98 mile distanc earth moon perigee,pink perige moon,2021-04-30,396,69,0.1946428571428571,04-30,4,2021,30,2,1,1 e6d8efddf7ee2d8c4c3cc0164020f4cd2db9605f5b276ef614c8cb594a9a99c2,none,fli altitud 5 meter just 16 feet april 25 ingenu helicopt snap sharp image second flight surfac mars color camera look back toward ingenuity current base wright brother field octavia e butler land mark track persever rover top frame persever look upper left corner 85 meter away tip ingenuity land leg peek left right edg camera field view record set fourth flight complet april 30 ingenu collect imag potenti new land zone return wright brother field ingenuity fifth flight would oneway though mar aircraft move new airfield anticip new phase oper demonstr flights,persever ingenu,2021-05-01,565,93,0.0192717996289424,05-01,5,2021,1,5,0,1 da7d0e778623f165cf03ccb94fd6e015240cafb66a943cba03887dfdd2e81f07,john ebersol,form lurk mist carina nebula dark omin figur actual molecular clouds knot molecular ga dust thick becom opaque comparison however cloud typic much less dens earth atmosphere featur detail imag core carina nebula part dark color cloud ga dust particularli prominent imag captur side spring observatori australia although nebula predominantli compos hydrogen ga color green imag assign color light emit trace amount sulfur oxygen appear red blue respectively entir carina nebula catalog ngc 3372 span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically,cloud carina nebula,2021-05-02,632,96,0.0277777777777777,05-02,5,2021,2,4,2,5 a27f45f69789cba669180d8f528549ead3df1f8c714df3f4a48524eac0364abd,none,famou voyag modern times time go home prove human abil go beyond confin planet earth first human walk anoth world neil armstrong buzz aldrin flew ascent stage lunar modul back meet michael collin moonorbit command servic module pictur 1969 juli 21 recent digit restored ascend spaceship captur collin make approach moon below earth far distance smooth dark area lunar surfac mare smythii locat equat extrem eastern edg moon near side said icon imag everi person one front camera nasa michael collin ,apollo 11 earth moon spaceship,2021-05-03,502,81,0.09,05-03,5,2021,3,2,0,2 a6e96672760a4f3e8fb3af917b1c8a3546ff2f3dcb1eb2ae30173189c86b8514,mehmet,that sunspot intern space station iss caught pass front sun sunspots individually dark central umbra lighter surround penumbra dragon capsul attached contrast iss complex multispir mechanism one largest complic spacecraft ever creat humanity also sunspot circl sun wherea iss orbit earth transit sun unusu iss orbit earth everi 90 minutes get one location time equip right great imag rare featur pictur combin three imag taken locat nearli time one imag overexpos captur faint promin seen across top sun second imag underexpos captur complex textur sun chromosphere third imag hardest get captur space station shot across sun fraction second close inspect space station silhouett even reveal dock dragon crew capsule,space station solar sun,2021-05-04,722,109,0.0529761904761904,05-04,5,2021,4,1,2,4 160dfb69e2248d96932aa5aea7d141174b8085c18ecb68a308e430a4e5efbe29,marybeth kiczenski,creat strong thermal emiss veloc enhanc like seen sinc past five year realiz color shape make differ auroras seen singl bright streak pink purple origin steve remain activ topic research steve may relat subauror ion drift superson river hot atmospher ions reason current unknown steve frequent accompani green auroras featur steve imag combin foreground background exposur taken consecut midmarch copper harbor michigan usa bright steve last sever minutes span horizon horizon appear time normal auroras,steve copper harbor,2021-05-05,503,75,0.1402777777777777,05-05,5,2021,5,8,1,1 e12ce332506878a24e46c3a2b4119979b424ddfff58704dc8e1a7f4b7832b85f,mike selbi,ngc 3199 lie 12000 lightyear away glow cosmic cloud nautic southern constel carina nebula 75 lightyear across narrowband falsecolor view though deep imag reveal less complet bubbl shape look lopsid much brighter edg along top near center wolfrayet star massive hot shortliv star gener intens stellar wind fact wolfrayet star known creat nebula interest shape power wind sweep surround interstellar material case bright edg thought indic bow shock produc star plow uniform medium like boat water measur shown star realli move directli toward bright edge like explan materi surround star uniform clump denser near bright edg windblown ngc 3199,windblown ngc 3199,2021-05-06,641,99,0.230952380952381,05-06,5,2021,6,4,2,5 2d2edb1abf25662b13e8ca72eee53263280775d2ac60845cbf69aea34d85ef49,none,sixti year ago near dawn space age nasa control lit candle sent mercuri astronaut alan shepard arc space atop redston rocket cramp space capsul dub freedom 7 broadcast live global televis audience histor mercuryredston 3 mr3 spacecraft launch cape canaver florida 934 am eastern time may 5 1961 flight freedom 7 first space flight american follow less month first human ventur space soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin 15 minut suborbit flight achiev altitud 116 mile maximum speed 5134 mile per hour shepard look back near peak freedom 7 trajectory could see outlin west coast florida lake okeechob central florida gulf mexico bahamas shepard would later view planet earth distant perspect walk moon command apollo 14 mission,3 launch,2021-05-07,720,115,0.0438228438228438,05-07,5,2021,7,8,2,2 4c3ea7d1caca1476815aeee410ed1c0c0c73a33d336a75b51bbefaccf1e7d6d3,franco,evoc night scene dusti central milki way rise ancient andean archaeolog site northwestern argentina denizen planet earth reach skyward larg argentin saguaro cactu current nativ arid region unusu yellowhu reflect nebula creat dust scatter starlight around red giant star antares alpha star constel scorpius antar 500 lightyear distant next bright blue rho ophiuchi embed typic dusti bluish reflect nebula though deep night skyscap creat seri background exposur rise star made track sky foreground exposur landscap made camera len fix tripod combin produc singl stun imag reveal rang bright color eye cant quit perceiv own,,2021-05-08,620,94,0.1727272727272727,05-08,5,2021,8,6,2,4 e11dd2a89432551c509734a85cf92489460c8dfd0b08c6fe3f1e3479c1f61c57,roberto colombari federico pelliccia,dark horsehead nebula glow orion nebula contrast cosmic vistas adrift 1500 lightyear away one night sky recogniz constellations appear opposit corner stun mosaic familiar horsehead nebula appear dark cloud small silhouett notch long red glow lower left alnitak easternmost star orion belt seen brightest star left horsehead alnitak flame nebula cloud bright emiss dramat dark dust lanes magnific emiss region orion nebula aka m42 lie upper right immedi left promin reflect nebula sometim call run man pervas tendril glow hydrogen ga easili trace throughout region astrophysicists brows 2500 code astrophys sourc code librari,horsehead orion nebula,2021-05-09,624,93,0.0469780219780219,05-09,5,2021,9,4,2,5 312b787a8907b1fe82be2b4474ebbc920097e594dc3b4999ef21b9155f1e5714,cfht,cluster star near far young old diffus compact featur imag show two quit contrast open star cluster field m35 lower left rel nearbi 2800 light year distant rel young 150 million year old rel diffuse 2500 star spread volum 30 light year across bright blue star frequent distinguish younger open cluster like m35 contrastingly ngc 2158 upper right four time distant m35 10 time older much compact ngc 2158 bright blue star selfdestructed leav cluster light domin older yellow stars general open star cluster found plane milki way galaxy contain anywher 100 10000 star form nearli time open cluster m35 ngc 2158 found togeth small telescop toward constel twin gemini,star cluster m35 ngc 2158,2021-05-10,664,110,0.1239682539682539,05-10,5,2021,10,6,2,3 a5a0674012e82ab3203ab8f9ebc41c68287b3b07101f69061b999051134f7cdf,park liu,what happen behind unit nation world heritag site uluru extraordinari high mountain central australia rise sharpli nearli flat surroundings compos sandstone uluru slowli form past 300 million year softer rock erod away background featur imag taken midmay rage thunderstorm visible far behind uluru thunderstorm starfil sky highlight constel orion uluru region home human 22000 years local indigen peopl long note star compos modern constel orion first appear night sky hot season involv lightn storm soon,lightn orion beyond uluru,2021-05-11,504,75,-0.0126923076923076,05-11,5,2021,11,6,0,1 3fcb44a7c965d1156fcc1dfe553ee10bfb7d01e4f8aed010c195114c598c2626,none,night sky darkest direct opposit sun no fact rare discern faint glow known gegenschein german counter glow seen 180 degre around sun extrem dark sky gegenschein sunlight backscatt small interplanetari dust particles dust particl millimet size splinter asteroid orbit eclipt plane planets pictur last march one spectacular pictur gegenschein yet taken deep exposur extrem dark sky teid observatori spain canari island show gegenschein part extend zodiac light notabl background object includ bright meteor on left big dipper top right polari far right meteor nearli point toward mount teide spain highest mountain pyramid solar laboratori visibl right day phenomenon like gegenschein call glori seen reflect air cloud opposit sun airplane,meteor gegenschein,2021-05-12,737,109,0.1319548872180451,05-12,5,2021,12,1,2,4 3bd4a85ced026fbd23cb2f8f2701695131049997baed8ed868432873099b1a90,observatori,closest sun march 1 closest planet earth april 23 comet atla c2020 show faint greenish coma short tail pretty telescop field view captur posit may 5 comet within boundari northern constel cane venatici the hunt dogs near lineofsight intrigu background galaxi popularli known whale hockey appear milki way sized ngc 4631 spiral galaxi seen edgeon top right 25 million lightyear away ngc sport shape interact galaxi left ngc 4631 fact distort mingl trail ga detect wavelength suggest cosmic whale hockey stick close encount distant past outbound 7 lightminut earth comet atla revisit inner solar system 1000 years,comet hockey stick,2021-05-13,611,97,0.0168831168831168,05-13,5,2021,13,7,2,3 d571fe7fd846b1313a3a896ca5ea2fbad0bb4c30063d509a1879e656381de9d3,bray fall,gorgeou spiral galaxy m104 famou nearli edgeon profil featur broad ring obscur dust lanes seen silhouett extens central bulg stars swath cosmic dust lend broad brim hatlik appear galaxi suggest popular moniker sombrero galaxy sharp optic view wellknown galaxi made groundbas imag data process preserv detail often lost overwhelm glare m104 bright central bulge also known ngc 4594 sombrero galaxi seen across spectrum host central supermass black hole 50000 lightyear across 28 million lightyear away m104 one largest galaxi southern edg virgo galaxi cluster still color spiki foreground star field view lie well within milki way galaxy,m104 sombrero galaxi,2021-05-14,636,97,0.1133333333333333,05-14,5,2021,14,7,2,3 44017721874857594f5cf55643f4bb5e41b5250cde069a724ad00ae29f78d9c0,none,undul bright ridg dusti cloud cross closeup nearbi star form region m8 also known lagoon nebula sharp falsecolor composit narrow band visibl broad band nearinfrar data 8meter gemini south telescope entir view span 20 lightyear region nebula sometim call southern cliff highli detail imag explor associ mani newborn star imbed tip cloud herbigharo objects abund starform regions herbigharo object produc power jet emit young star process format heat surround cloud ga dust cosmic lagoon found 5000 lightyear away toward constel sagittariu center milki way galaxy for locat scale check imag superimpos closeup southern cliff within larger lagoon nebula scale imag courtesi r,southern cliff lagoon,2021-05-15,672,102,0.04375,05-15,5,2021,15,4,2,5 2ae24129c24dd4dd9f3cee923043464fd9371ccf65de793f43b3175a9ab2c217,none,cloud may look like oyster star like look beyond near outskirt small magellan cloud satellit galaxi 200 thousand lightyear distant lie 5 million year young star cluster ngc 602 surround natal ga dust ngc 602 featur stun hubbl imag region fantast ridg swept back shape strongli suggest energet radiat shock wave ngc 602 massiv young star erod dusti materi trigger progress star format move away cluster center estim distanc small magellan cloud featur pictur span 200 lightyears tantal assort background galaxi also visibl sharp multicolor view background galaxi hundr million lightyear beyond ngc 602,ngc 602 beyond,2021-05-16,600,94,-0.0583333333333333,05-16,5,2021,16,7,0,3 ed2fd34c9c3b582cc01a070d09abf7d48afc9d20c82cfacbb54540b92141e044,cfht,milki way galaxi thin magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal spiral galaxy boxy bulg central core cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane assort background galaxi includ pretti field view thought similar shape milki way galaxy ngc 4565 lie 40 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyears easili spot small telescopes sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2021-05-17,578,90,-0.125,05-17,5,2021,17,7,0,3 d70920566a2baf8cfb0cfbea3d20b590de64fdfb015eddb93dd8dcf161c34a62,none,celesti bodi necklac nebula first analys indic necklac planetari nebula ga cloud emit star toward end life also appear diamond necklac actual bright knot glow gas center necklac nebula like two star orbit close togeth share common atmospher appear one featur imag hubbl space telescope redglow ga cloud upper left lower right result jet center exactli bright jet form remain topic research necklac nebula 5000 year old span 5 light years best found larg telescop toward direct constel arrow sagitta,jet necklac nebula,2021-05-18,498,80,0.2168367346938775,05-18,5,2021,18,4,1,3 3b1910e61b74a94d9089d25512b11e0954fd895bcecdf8eaa54d3a43999d62a1,jason guenzel,normal faint elusive jellyfish nebula caught allur scene telescop field view two bright yellowish stars mu eta geminorum stand jellyfish nebula left cool red giants lie foot celesti twin jellyfish nebula float left center bright arc ridg emiss dangl tentacles fact cosmic jellyfish part bubbleshap supernova remnant ic 443 expand debri cloud massiv star exploded light explos first reach planet earth 30000 year ago like cousin astrophys water crab nebula supernova remnant jellyfish nebula known harbor neutron star remnant collaps stellar core compos april 30 telescop snapshot also captur mars wander earli even skies red planet also shine yellowish glow right hand side field view course jellyfish nebula 5000 lightyear away mar current almost 18 lightminut earth,jellyfish mar,2021-05-19,767,117,0.1657142857142857,05-19,5,2021,19,4,2,5 cfa3caef70329a12cc8d9adcfafda594a7c62f51bbf30ee5e70256ac89fabe56,martin,1716 english astronom edmond halley noted thi littl patch shew nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 less modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky sharp telescop view like one reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away remark rang bright record imag follow star dens cluster core distant background galaxi mediumwid field view includ ngc 6207 lower right,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2021-05-20,612,93,0.2492559523809523,05-20,5,2021,20,6,1,5 d3f2fddb314c809cf8b9496983b0ed6d20adece176c60e2313894c09dffe8086,none,utopia planitia mar strewn rock boulder 1976 image construct vike 2 lander color black white imag data scene approxim appear high northern martian plain human eye scale promin round rock near center 20 centimet just 8 inches across farther back right side frame dark angular boulder span 15 meter 5 feet also view two trench dug lander sampler arm eject protect shroud cover soil collector head one lander dust cover footpad lower right may 14 zhurong mar rover success touchdown mar return first imag land site utopia planitia,utopia mar,2021-05-21,527,88,0.0393197278911564,05-21,5,2021,21,5,0,2 11b12f89fd380d306aa683d55b33bad28404d8f94637b8050417c12d1d17a28c,césar rollov annotation judi schmidt,first came trees town salamanca spain photograph notic distinct grove oak tree look next came galaxy photograph stay 2 am wait milki way galaxi rose level majest look care chosen perspective dust lane galaxi appear natur branch tree last came light flashlight use far side tree project silhouette coincidence tree also appear similar silhouett across rel bright horizon featur imag captur singl 30second frame 2015 process digit enhanc milki way,galaxi tree,2021-05-23,445,70,0.2611111111111111,05-23,5,2021,23,6,1,1 031ce52a6b35f20dc62c43e89c337eeefd57265f9b711c78fa16bce7404e4e05,chri kotsiopoulosgreeksky,thunderstorm almost spoil view spectacular 2011 june 15 total lunar eclipse instead storm cloud part 10 minut total eclips phase lightn bolt contribut dramat sky captur 30second exposur scene also inspir one memor titl thank astrophotographer apod history course lightn refer clearli make sense shadow play dark lunar eclips wide view across planet earth europe africa asia australia pictur itself however shot greek island ikaria pezi area known the planet goats rough terrain strang look rocks next total lunar eclips occur wednesday details total lunar eclips 2021 may 26,lightn eclips planet goat,2021-05-24,574,89,0.0249999999999999,05-24,5,2021,24,2,0,1 17f2b3912477f7defc1007cc598b95bbce29e2d0cc4ad184267848b419403ed9,none,creat unusu clouds center 2021 hubbl image process judi sit ag carinae supergi star locat 20000 lightyear away southern constel carina star emit power million time sun make ag carina one lumin star milki way galaxy ag carina neighbor eta carina belong lumin blue variabl class stars known rare violent eruptions nebula surround ag car interpret remnant one nebula measur 5 lightyear across estim contain 10 solar mass gas least 10000 year old hubbl image taken commemor hubble 31st launch anniversary first captur whole nebula offer new perspect structur dust content lbv repres late short stage live supergi stars explain remain challeng humanity understand massiv star work,outburst cloud star car,2021-05-26,675,107,-0.029020979020979,05-26,5,2021,26,4,2,5 b8bbe351e03e17d6245435d400c54172647b421a378e5e36df5e371d7f9c241d,john krau,may perige full moon slid earth shadow yesterday entertain night skygaz region around pacific seen western north america sink toward rug sierra nevada mountain rang timelaps seri total lunar eclipse low western horizon moon captur mideclips two separ exposures combin reveal eclips moon redden color dark night sky diffus starlight band milki way frame taken everi five minut fix camera follow surround progress eclips partial phases foreground radio telescop dish california valley radio observatori point skyward,milki way,2021-05-27,514,76,0.0142857142857142,05-27,5,2021,27,2,0,1 bbdb66d96eb7e5969b8be124de139ec1922d675827fd45505f3615f724d7e5b4,barden ridg observatori,redden shadow planet earth play across lunar disk telescop imag taken may 26 near sydney new south wales australia crisp clear autumn night perige full moon slid northern edg shadow dark central umbra short lunar eclipse total phase last 14 minutes earth shadow complet dark though instead suffus faint red light planet sunset sunris seen perspect eclips moon redden sunlight scatter earth atmosphere hdr composit 6 exposur also show wide rang bright variat within earth umbral shadow faint background stars,total lunar eclips sydney,2021-05-28,507,80,0.0374331550802138,05-28,5,2021,28,2,0,1 cf0b6c2bdabb17b385d4d12c4abba807e1251ce042294bf3c6d698c9e2deea92,daniel,aurora usual occur high clouds auror glow creat fastmov particl eject sun impact earth magnetosphere charg particl spiral along earth magnet field strike atom molecul high earth atmosphere oxygen example glow green light commonli emit aurora energ collision lowest part aurora typic occur 100 kilomet up cloud exist 10 kilometers rel height cloud aurora shown clearli featur pictur 2015 iceland there determin astrophotograph high wind initi sky attempt captur aurora picturesqu lighthouse take chance featur pictur includ elong lenticular clouds along way follow apod instagram in english farsi indonesian persian portugues,aurora cloud,2021-05-30,624,91,0.0614285714285714,05-30,5,2021,30,8,2,4 560cbb627750d2e540416d8f8ce7e25c44193ad30e5f4bb681c6ba5b17b02582,nasa scienc,whatev hit mima nearli destroy it remain one largest impact crater one saturn smallest round moons analysi indic slightli larger impact would destroy mima entirely huge crater name herschel 1789 discover mimas sir william herschel span 130 kilomet featur here mimas low mass produc surfac graviti strong enough creat spheric bodi weak enough allow rel larg surfac features mima made mostli water ice smatter rock accur describ big dirti snowball featur imag taken closestev flybi robot spacecraft cassini past mima 2010 orbit around saturn take trek across mima,mimas small moon big crater,2021-05-31,562,88,-0.0326388888888888,05-31,5,2021,31,0,0,2 b18c8e19f3cab68c6774cb9d4364535370109cef5b1c6d29f16ad60984ee2e58,none,streak across orion reflect sunlight numer earthorbit satellites appear eye seri success point float across twilight sky increas number commun satellites includ spacex starlink satellites caus concern among mani astronomers posit side starlink similar constel make postsunset sky global commun help provid digit current rural areas neg side though low satellit make deep astronom imag program difficult particular observ program need imag taken sunset dawn plan futur satellit array function higher orbit may impact investig deep univers plan larg groundbas telescop time night streak across orion starlink rather satellit high geosynchron orbit featur picture taken 2019 december digit combin 65 exposures imag taken highlight background orion nebula other featur pass satellites juli satellit constel,satellit orion,2021-06-01,802,114,0.0193589743589743,06-01,6,2021,1,8,2,4 9ea07bdbdc7b2635545dff88b0f824c523e45ec017e9e8e33d31244c2272e18a,none,what go near center galaxy help find out newli detail panorama compos explor region galact plane radio xray light xray light taken orbit chandra observatori shown orang green purpl superpos highli detail imag radio waves shown acquir meerkat array interact numer complex galact beast expand supernova remnants hot wind newli form stars unusu strong collid magnet fields central supermass black hole battl space 1000 light year across thin bright stripe appear result twist newli connect magnet field collid regions creat energet type inner galact space weather similar creat sun continu observ studi hold promis shed light histori evolut galaxi galaxies,galact center stars gas,2021-06-02,654,100,0.1197916666666666,06-02,6,2021,2,6,2,4 f2b9567a7635c96c589a6af81924fe0d1d183f29ea37742da64c2e56eb926dff,ignacio diaz bobillo,globular star cluster omega centauri also known ngc 5139 15000 lightyear away cluster pack 10 million star much older sun within volum 150 lightyear diameter largest brightest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way omega centauri red giant star with yellowish hue easi pick sharp color telescop view,million star omega centauri,2021-06-03,507,80,0.0069444444444444,06-03,6,2021,3,6,0,3 b2b4019579ee960aa7e0ba8302a03380782954d613e51a7f0cdd744490982b99,none,weather layer face mount loom foreground mosaic curios mar rover mast camera made 21 individu imag scene record sunset march 19 martian day curiosity go explor red planet martian twilight high altitud cloud still shine above reflect light sun local horizon like noctiluc cloud planet earth though water ice cloud drift thin martian atmosphere wispi cloud also extrem altitud could compos frozen carbon dioxide crystal dri ice curiosity mast cam also imag iridesc mother pearl cloud ad subtl color martian sky,cloud mar,2021-06-05,508,81,0.0266666666666666,06-05,6,2021,5,8,0,1 222e801ff0350251dd9cd16d818b90f1da0efeeb8a3df7528204707e4b4640a2,chuck ayoub,what new spot light cassiopeia nova although nova occur frequent throughout universe nova known nova ca 2021 cas becam unusu bright sky earth last month visibl unaid eye nova ca 2021 first brighten midmarch then unexpectedly becam even brighter midmay remain quit bright week nova fade back levels slightli brighten remain visibl binoculars identifi arrow nova occur toward constel cassiopeia far bubbl nebula nova typic caus thermonuclear explos surfac white dwarf star accret matter companion although detail outburst current unknown nova destroy underli star sometim seen featur imag creat 14 hour imag michigan usa profession amateur astronom like continu monitor nova ca 2021 hypothes detail cause,bright nova cassiopeia,2021-06-07,703,106,0.1290909090909091,06-07,6,2021,7,8,2,4 cc2f215732ce6ce3a27f0bf06190acda525e3c7ab3c5495eb86dcf27000faaca,none,see cloud jupiter largest scale circl planet jupit altern light zone belts rise zone gas mostli hydrogen helium usual swirl around region high pressure conversely fall belt ga usual around region low pressure like cyclon hurrican earth belt storm form larg longlast white oval elong red spots nasa robot juno spacecraft captur cloud featur 2017 perijov 6 sixth pass giant planet loop orbit sure cloud draw attent display image rather face stand out nicknam last perhap week neighbor storm cloud rotat away juno complet 33 orbit around jupit yesterday made close pass near ganymede solar system largest moon,face cloud jupit juno,2021-06-08,606,98,0.06,06-08,6,2021,8,8,2,1 828088f0ee3888ed506e1e56ad104bf541de546b31cdd2efe213d5a4ff034474,helmut eder,moon appear multipli strange moon full moon specif call flower moon time year make strang full moon occur month moonth moon supermoon mean reach full phase near closest approach earth slightli ellipt orbit somewhat strange supermoon appear bit larger brighter averag full moon enabl call super flower moon moon undergo total lunar eclipse eclips moon look quit strange dark unevenli lit and frequently red sometim call blood red therefore moon could call super flower blood moon moon seen thin clouds cloud creat faint corona around moon make look strange colorful moon imag deepli heart milki way galaxy far background visibl lower right moon shadow galaxi color captur last month near nsw australia singl shot later two lower shot better captur milki details annular solar eclips tomorrow gallery total eclips super flower blood moon,total lunar eclips corona,2021-06-09,839,133,0.0794005102040816,06-09,6,2021,9,2,2,1 89bc3ab522a5b4ee1f34d6a190370e3e40d43262baced9b1e800b3fdddde166c,none,largest moon solar system look like jupiter moon ganymede larger even mercuri pluto ici surfac speckl bright young crater overli mixtur older darker crater terrain lace groov ridges caus groov terrain remain topic research lead hypothesi relat shift ice plates ganymed thought ocean layer contain water earth might contain life like earth moon ganymed keep face toward central planet case jupiter featur imag captur last week nasa robot juno spacecraft pass 1000 kilomet immens moon close pass reduc juno orbit period around jupit 53 day 43 days juno continu studi giant planet high gravity unusu magnet field complex cloud structures last week solar eclipse notabl imag submit apod,ganymed juno,2021-06-14,683,108,0.0826666666666666,06-14,6,2021,14,2,2,2 1af7ed27179585d099928ed3121bacfd26f9b07994e918d5b4c0efeb1bdd91ab,none,there new rover mars midmay china tianwen1 mission deliv zhurong rover onto red planet mar mean planet fire chinese zhurong rover name roughly god fire chines mythology zhurong land northern utopia planitia largest known impact basin solar system area report much underground ice among mani scientif instruments zhurong carri groundpenetr radar detect ice buri even 100meter deep carsiz zhurong pictur next land base imag snap remot camera deploy roll rover plan 90day mission includ studi geology soil atmospher mar utopia planitia,new rover mar,2021-06-15,532,81,-0.0973484848484848,06-15,6,2021,15,5,0,2 77b630982efb01c4ad689edff9991ff0dd874326c087922a0b8f17b8801324b6,stefan,scorpiu look good unaid eye human might rememb better scorpiu typic appear bright star wellknown rare point zodiac constellation get spectacular imag like this though one need good camera dark sky sophist imag processing result imag show mani breathtak features diagon across imag right part plane milki way galaxy visibl vast cloud bright star long filament dark intric dust rise vertic imag left dark dust band known dark river sever bright star left part scorpius head claws includ bright star antares numer red emiss nebulas blue reflect nebulas dark filament becam visibl deep imag developed scorpiu appear promin southern sky sunset middl year,scorpiu enhanc,2021-06-16,649,103,0.2074285714285714,06-16,6,2021,16,6,2,4 a8489b7fd889a7455c37a97ddab2987960df568e484f4b482b7556036ebc194b,joe,ngc 6888 also known crescent nebula 25 lightyear across blown wind central bright massiv star astroimag glenn creat sharp portrait cosmic bubble telescop collabor collect 30 hour narrow band imag data isol light hydrogen oxygen atoms oxygen atom produc bluegreen hue seem enshroud detail fold filaments visibl within nebula ngc 6888 central star classifi wolfrayet star wr 136 star shed outer envelop strong stellar wind eject equival sun mass everi 10000 years nebula complex structur like result strong wind interact materi eject earlier phase burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar life star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion found nebula rich constel cygnus ngc 6888 5000 lightyear away,ngc 6888 crescent nebula,2021-06-17,704,109,0.1944444444444444,06-17,6,2021,17,4,2,5 6767c1a40daac35cd99df8232b7b5a318fe90c9494f0f390f87581272e8903ab,justin anderson,night grow shorter day grow longer summer solstic approach north usual seen high latitud summer months noctiluc night shine cloud begin make appearance drift near edg space 80 kilomet earth surface ici cloud still reflect sunlight june 14 though sun horizon seen north manitoba canada caught singl exposur near midnight twilight sky multipl exposur foreground track lower altitud flash anoth fleet apparit shine summer night,northern summer twilight,2021-06-19,424,65,0.0275,06-19,6,2021,19,8,0,1 680ef89930dc1b26748a31ac790b56088ecf613c40cec2ac6aba3c05713926d4,max alexander stfc spl,today sun reach northernmost point planet earth sky call solstice mani cultur mark date chang season spring summer earth northern hemispher fall winter earth southern hemisphere precisely singl time solstic occur today part world tomorrow regions featur imag taken week 2008 summer solstic stoneheng unit kingdom captur picturesqu sunris involv fog trees clouds stone place 4500 year ago 45 billion year old larg glow orb even given precess earth rotat axi millennia sun continu rise stoneheng astronom signific way,sunris solstic stoneheng,2021-06-20,516,79,0.1666666666666666,06-20,6,2021,20,1,1,1 8e9ee67db9847174cd5735ff23467ea412828ef350dac66ebf316137ec50a498,none,galaxi long tail stun vista base imag data hubbl legaci archive distant galaxi form dramat backdrop disrupt spiral galaxi arp 188 tadpol galaxy cosmic tadpol mere 420 million lightyear distant toward northern constel dragon draco eyecatch tail 280 thousand lightyear long featur massive bright blue star clusters one stori goe compact intrud galaxi cross front arp 188 right left view slung around behind tadpol gravit attraction close encounter tidal forc drew spiral galaxy stars gas dust form spectacular tail intrud galaxi itself estim lie 300 thousand lightyear behind tadpole seen foreground spiral arm upper right follow terrestri namesake tadpol galaxi like lose tail grow older tail star cluster form smaller satellit larg spiral galaxy apod world languages arabic bulgarian catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish turkish ukrainian,tadpol galaxi hubbl,2021-06-21,986,144,-0.0150793650793651,06-21,6,2021,21,7,2,4 05f07b7911671266e236962e9a29c10e413ae56262b6b0313b4974008d908b22,none,jet creat star formation one sure although recent imag young star system hd 163296 quit illuminating central star featur imag still form seen alreadi surround rotat disk outward move jet disk shown radio wave taken atacama larg millimet array alma chile show gap like creat graviti planets jet shown visibl light taken larg telescop also expel fastmov ga mostli hydrogen disk center system span hundr time earthsun distanc au detail new observ interpret bolster jet gener shaped least part magnet field rotat disk futur observ hd 163296 similar starform system may help fill details astrophysicists brows 2500 code astrophys sourc code librari,hd jet star format,2021-06-22,645,102,0.0818181818181818,06-22,6,2021,22,6,2,4 fab11e36f6b2eec40b1c68f40fc5d88bd01275b40d691a13cad3f473e0dc5b54,none,grand design spiral galaxi messier 99 look majest truli cosmic scale recent process full galaxi portrait stretch 70000 lightyear across sharp view combin ultraviolet visible infrar imag data hubbl space telescope 50 million lightyear distant toward wellgroom constel coma faceon spiral member nearbi virgo galaxi cluster also catalog ngc close encount anoth virgo cluster member like influenc shape blue spiral arms,messier,2021-06-24,415,61,0.075,06-24,6,2021,24,7,0,3 178e6c1e3f2127f7bdb20d5f6f637c9a14a54b7f8df6f763fb63935955d1d2bd,miguel claro,far see andromeda galaxy 25 million light year away distant object easili seen unaid eye denizen night sky like stars clusters nebulae typic hundr thousand lightyear distant that far beyond solar system well within milki way galaxy also known m31 extern galaxi pose directli chimney wellplan deep night skyscap old mine southern portugal imag captur singl exposur track sky foreground slightli blur camera motion andromeda loom large galaxy brighter central region normal that visibl nakedeye seen extend spiral arm fainter outer reach span 4 full moon across sky cours 5 billion year so star andromeda could span entir night sky andromeda galaxi merg milki way,andromeda shot,2021-06-25,661,105,0.1011904761904762,06-25,6,2021,25,6,2,3 78f8176ebb2679d8bd34e2ed377fb52532a539c9f8e8284b94f17be3b013b6b8,wang letian,two panels compos video frame made safe solar telescop hydrogen alpha filter show remark sharp detail solar disk giant promin along sun edg june 6 top june 18 taken beijing china also show transit intern space station china new tiangong space station silhouett bright sun intern space station near center bottom panel cross solar disk left bright activ region larg loop solar filament china space station solar activ region right center top panel seen smaller combin shape pictur transit orbit taken equip pixel scale intern space station kilomet away china space station 400 kilomet camera,sun,2021-06-26,590,95,0.2064718614718614,06-26,6,2021,26,1,2,4 2b1dc8d7d9838875b67b6808979a450812f92557c19d52bbddf2a5fa4d0f676f,none,drive aurora saturn help find out scientist sort hundr infrar imag saturn taken cassini spacecraft purposes tri find enough aurora imag correl chang make movies made movi clearli show saturnian aurora chang angl sun also planet rotates furthermore auror chang appear relat wave saturn magnetospher like caus saturn moons pictur here falsecolor imag taken 2007 show saturn three band infrar light ring reflect rel blue sunlight planet glow compar low energi red band southern aurora visibl green recent found aurora heat saturn upper atmosphere understand saturn aurora path toward better understand earth auroras,danc aurora saturn,2021-06-27,612,93,0.0699999999999999,06-27,6,2021,27,0,2,1 cecf931228ed153b02e062e6a2f5baf643100472c7ec7c089ac7b54e6dbd483a,wang letian ey night,may look like paper moon sail past canva sun clouds make featur pictur orang color sky real digit composit two exposur solar eclips occur earlier month first exposur taken regular telescop captur overexpos sun underexpos moon second imag taken solar telescop captur detail chromospher background sun sun textur brought imag specif shade red emit hydrogen sever promin seen around sun edge imag captur sunset inner mongolia china also imagin moon made dens rock sun made hot gas cloud made float droplet water ice,moon solar eclips,2021-06-28,513,83,0.05,06-28,6,2021,28,1,0,1 eb53dbff6fa324fbad110e038cbc61fc6806618be9f61f40b2f4dfd20d56adeb,none,cosmic vista excit imagin like orion nebula also known m42 nebula glow ga surround hot young star edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away orion nebula offer one best opportun studi star born partli nearest larg starform region also nebula energet star blown away obscur ga dust cloud would otherwis block view provid intim look rang ongo stage starbirth evolution featur imag orion nebula among sharpest ever construct use data hubbl space telescope entir orion nebula span 40 light year locat spiral arm galaxi sun,orion nebula hubbl view,2021-06-29,536,86,0.4375,06-29,6,2021,29,4,1,5 64d1e0dc5e449a4a4d93c8ff0f28402a56155dd0b9bb85544552ebe6ebb1396d,none,sol 46 april 6 persever rover held robot arm take first selfi mars watson camera end arm design take closeup martian rock surfac detail though quick snap shot friend smile faces end week plan mar time requir program complex seri exposur camera motion includ persever surroundings result 62 frame compos detail one complic mar rover ever taken version selfie rover mastcamz supercam instrument look toward watson end rover outstretch arm 4 meter 13 feet persever robot companion mar ingenu helicopter,persever selfi ingenu,2021-07-01,499,80,0.1458333333333333,07-01,7,2021,1,5,1,2 e18b3fe5ea2fbbb9197ab95118b3841e90926ed51be1b9b81daf64c407917492,rolf,cant walk along milki way still dark sky explor it eye pale lumin trail light arc sky dark moonless night appear path heavens glow celesti band faint collect light distant star cut swath obscur interstellar dust clouds lie along plane home galaxy name look like milki way sinc galileo time milki way reveal telescop skygaz fill congeri innumer star cosmic wonders,along milki way,2021-07-03,363,61,-0.0442857142857142,07-03,7,2021,3,6,0,1 3dad7b61adbb30b73a4b87f7e53ac1470af804d7a182ef2e0cba60803844d6be,none,fun cloud fun laundri bedroom chair fun rock mesa mar interplanetari monument human clouds though float droplet water ice laundri cotton wool plastic woven garments famou martian rock mesa known name like face mar appear quit natur seen clearli better images realiti boring nobodi know cloud make rain nobodi know life ever develop mars nobodi know laundri bedroom chair smell like root beer scientif explor resolv mysteries uncov new knowledge greater mysteries yet deeper questions human explor universe perhap fun discoveri beginning,face mar,2021-07-04,538,82,0.1336363636363636,07-04,7,2021,4,5,1,4 cb1c0b8532b5720f07354f8548b050e6fd54f7edd7087c035e2424d6a53dba1f,adam blocksteward observatoryunivers arizona,see horse head see famou horsehead nebula toward orion rather fainter nebula take familiar form deeper imaging main part imag molecular cloud complex reflect nebula catalog ic 4592 reflect nebula actual made fine dust normal appear dark look quit blue reflect visibl light energet nearbi stars case sourc much reflect light star eye horse star part nu scorpii one brighter star system toward constel scorpion scorpius second reflect nebula dub ic 4601 visibl surround two star right imag center almost hyperspace random apod gener,ic 4592 blue horsehead reflect nebula,2021-07-05,530,84,0.0896031746031745,07-05,7,2021,5,4,0,5 9a364b1bd4d70fd251d39106a1270a43416ce1a0ff79f2b42c6d247eabcfd392,mohammad amir,mani moon saturn have far 82 confirmed smallest fraction kilomet across six largest satellit seen composit imag 13 short exposur bright planet 13 long exposur brightest faint moons taken two week last month larger earth moon even slightli larger largest moon titan diamet 5150 kilomet captur make nearli complet orbit around ring parent planet saturn first known natur satellite titan discov 1655 dutch astronom christiaan huygens contrast sever newli discov moon announc 2019 trail far right belong iapetus saturn third largest moon radiu paint iapetus orbit larg portion captur here saturn lead jupit across night sky month rise soon sunset toward southeast remain visibl dawn,saturn six moon,2021-07-06,678,105,0.0989010989010989,07-06,7,2021,6,0,2,2 beee9203eaf75d91d10c72ebe948c6a28f7354f28a04d296f7ae5487b3980af4,richard,aphelion 2021 occur juli 5th that point earth ellipt orbit farthest sun course distanc sun determin seasons govern tilt earth axi rotation juli still summer north winter southern hemisphere mean juli 5 sun smallest appar size view planet earth composit neatli compar two pictur sun taken telescop camera left half captur close date 2021 perihelion 2 closest point earth orbit right record aphelion 2021 otherwis difficult notice chang sun appar diamet perihelion aphelion amount littl 3 percent,perihelion aphelion,2021-07-08,494,77,-0.1155753968253968,07-08,7,2021,8,1,0,1 496b45846b55284e401ae0a5bef373b6a20a96e34a3463954c0813987f58dc0d,team aro,m82 starburst galaxi superwind fact ensu supernova explos power wind massiv stars burst star format m82 drive prodigi outflow evid superwind galaxy central region clear sharp telescop snapshot composit imag highlight emiss long outflow filament atom hydrogen ga reddish hues ga superwind enrich heavi element forg massiv stars eventu escap intergalact space trigger close encount nearbi larg galaxi m81 furiou burst star format m82 last 100 million year so also known cigar galaxi elong visual appearance m82 30000 lightyear across lie 12 million lightyear away near northern boundari ursa major,m82 starburst galaxi superwind,2021-07-09,595,90,0.0109375,07-09,7,2021,9,7,0,4 cc55f0611293ed07707a6bd89bee3d51619689bd47ce890d6e147589d4245ce3,gabriel fune,juli 8th earli morn riser saw mercuri near old moon low eastern horizon date bright planet faint glow lunar night side sunlit crescent captur predawn skyscap tenerife teid nation park canari islands never far sun planet earth sky fleet inner planet shine near brightest morn twilight scene mercuri lie zeta star constel taurus zeta tauri near tip celesti cours moon ashen glow earthshine earthlight reflect moon night side descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci wait come dawn foreground teid observatory sentinel sun also known dome left right gregor solar telescopes,mercuri da vinci glow,2021-07-10,648,102,0.0142857142857142,07-10,7,2021,10,2,2,1 545a1c27e9f90b46e94497bd06bbb28019489a1c50764bc0aaf1ae3f8c88d224,jimmi westlakecolorado mountain college,where moon somewher image earth moon hiding entir moon visible complet full phase plain sight even photographer keen eye find even though knew exactli look long exposur camera pick barely although might congratul find it difficult see one reason photograph taken total lunar eclipse earth shadow made moon much dimmer normal full moon another image taken colorado usa captur sunrise moon exact opposit side sky sun meant sun horizon still slightli illumin sky last moon two degre horizon larg volum air camera horizon scatter lot light away background moon twelv minut imag acquir 2012 sun peek horizon moon set,find moon,2021-07-11,613,99,0.0821428571428571,07-11,7,2021,11,2,2,1 07f0c3596bbf98875132392590804d622bcb948b8e4452a2ec3f04c4a9eb73ba,bray fall keith quattrocchi,becom sun first hint sun futur discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list diffus object confus comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula one brightest planetari nebula sky visibl toward constel fox vulpecula binoculars take light 1000 year reach us m27 featur color emit hydrogen oxygen know 6 billion years sun shed outer gase planetari nebula like m27 remain center becom xray hot white dwarf star understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science though even today mani thing remain mysteri planetari nebulas includ intric shape created,m27 dumbbel nebula,2021-07-12,595,93,0.16,07-12,7,2021,12,4,2,5 413f7bd318a2285d4d26503fcd3f9a79b9efd45ab8c7c2e2b29695988d57747c,martin pugh,silhouett crowd star field along tail constel scorpius dusti cosmic cloud evok imag omin dark tower fact clump dust molecular ga collaps form star may well lurk within dark nebula structur span almost 40 lightyear across gorgeou telescop portrait known cometari globule sweptback cloud shape intens ultraviolet radiat ob associ hot star ngc 6231 upper edg scene energet ultraviolet light also power globule border reddish glow hydrogen gas hot star embed dust seen bluish reflect nebulae dark tower ngc 6231 associ nebula 5000 lightyear away,dark tower scorpiu,2021-07-15,541,85,0.0642857142857143,07-15,7,2021,15,4,0,5 39bd148b6a9cda01919210e8a050b456926c97fc42eef96dea02b822b71490c1,shi,venus name roman goddess love mars war god namesake come togeth moonlight seren skyview record juli 11 province republ planet earth taken western twilight sky shortli sunset exposur also record earthshin illumin otherwis dark surfac young crescent moon cours moon move on venu still shine west though even star third brightest object earth sky sun moon itself seen brilliant venus mar move even closer brighter planet juli 13 could seen moon width away mar sinc slowli wander away much brighter venu twilight slide toward bright star regulus alpha star constel leo regulu lie top frame visit venu mar twilight sky come days,love war moonlight,2021-07-16,623,102,0.3055555555555556,07-16,7,2021,16,5,2,1 471fa98aa4b4414585a6b7e50edad28c8737b9da3f2bf6b5b223d60e56a0cb96,noel,point telescop tonight first quarter moon along terminator shadow line night day might find two larg crater stare back owlish alphonsu left ancient impact crater north eastern shore mare nubium lunar sea clouds larger alphonsu 100 kilomet diameter low sun angl highlight crater sharp 15 kilomet high central peak bright sunlight dark shadow scout potenti apollo moon land sites ranger 9 spacecraft return closeup pictur alphonsu crash crater northeast toward upper left central mountain 1965 alphonsu small crater deepli shadow floor larg central,alphonsu arzachel,2021-07-17,546,83,0.039,07-17,7,2021,17,2,0,2 ac40c9474f60570b5a388555af9a6c42aa06c465107e47e1c49876d0fb99a9db,none,andromeda galaxi look like ultraviolet light young blue star circl galact center dominate mere 25 million lightyear away andromeda galaxy also known m31 realli next door larg galaxi go span 230000 lightyears took 11 differ imag field nasa galaxi evolut explor galex satellit telescop produc gorgeou portrait spiral galaxi ultraviolet light 2003 spiral arm stand visibl light images andromeda arm look like ring ultraviolet ring site intens star format interpret evid andromeda collid smaller neighbor ellipt galaxi m32 200 million year ago andromeda galaxi compar milki way galaxi massiv member local group galaxi project collid sever billion year perhap around time sun atmospher expand engulf earth,andromeda galaxi ultraviolet,2021-07-18,701,106,0.07,07-18,7,2021,18,7,2,4 dc08285d765d4a6bacc1c11f77b797214ccfd8daf5013301ea1baa589ffc84fa,godward,photograph shot mind time knew object overhead brightest sinc light scatter least atmospher air also knew core milki way galaxi straight near midnight around time year south australia chase mental picture ventur deep insid forest tall block much sky there window frame trees captur envis combin local distant nature sixteen exposur tree milki way galaxi recorded antar bright orang star left galaxy central plane alpha centauri bright star right imag center direct toward galaxy center antares although hour earth rotat move galact plane left soon invis behind mental imag forev featur here follow apod instagram in english farsi indonesian persian portugues taiwanes,frame window galaxi,2021-07-19,671,102,0.0707482993197279,07-19,7,2021,19,6,2,1 efa8e5440bd1f6cf3abe74a5fd483acdff0989c923fa8401b89f4ba16d5edb42,bernard miller,thor day thursday helmet heavens popularli call thor helmet ngc 2359 hatshap cosmic cloud winglik appendages heroic size even nors god thor helmet 30 lightyear across fact cosmic headcov like interstellar bubble blown fast wind bright massiv star near bubble center known wolfrayet star central star extrem hot giant thought brief presupernova stage evolution ngc 2359 locat 15000 lightyear away toward constel great overdog remark sharp imag mix cocktail data broadband narrowband filters captur natur look star detail nebula filamentari structures star center thor helmet expect explod spectacular supernova sometim within next thousand years almost hyperspace random apod gener,thor helmet,2021-07-20,680,99,0.1683333333333333,07-20,7,2021,20,4,2,5 0b784446b8126fab0903816ab885e1bcd490f949f616b2aaab3312baa8454237,none,could see separately color ring surround stars there technolog that featur imag show ring nebula m57 nearbi star case prismlik diffract ring nebula seen time emit light primarily colors two brightest emit color hydrogen red oxygen blue appear nearli overlap imag left imag center imag right center icon normal seen stars hand emit light color across visibl spectrum colors combined make nearli continu streak star appear accompani multicolor break object light color scientif use reveal element compos object fast object distant object is,ring nebula versu star,2021-07-21,539,83,0.1489010989010989,07-21,7,2021,21,6,1,5 a19dec796f2190ded1afbc7cc6ca0b816d1aca9785b203417ab4a6c761e9f47b,chart32 team,point telescop toward high fli constel pegasu find expans milki way star distant galaxies ngc 7814 center pretti field view would almost cover full moon ngc 7814 sometim call littl sombrero resembl brighter famou m104 sombrero galaxy sombrero littl sombrero spiral galaxi seen edgeon extens halo central bulg cut thin disk thinner dust lane silhouette fact ngc 7814 40 million lightyear away estim 60000 lightyear across actual make littl sombrero physic size better known namesake appear smaller fainter farther away telescop view juli 17 ngc 7814 host newli discov supernova domin immedi left galaxy core catalog sn stellar explos identifi type ia supernova use toward calibr distanc scale universe,ngc 7814 littl sombrero supernova,2021-07-22,700,109,0.0599999999999999,07-22,7,2021,22,7,2,3 90eb8a12a6b9f323a92672206988b125d310b0172f1ce681b24ee0725341cce6,patrick,sprawl emiss nebula ic 1396 sh2129 mix glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud 10 degre wide field view toward northern constel cepheu king energ bluish central star ic 1396 left hundr lightyear across 3000 lightyear distant nebula intrigu dark shape includ wind dark cloud popularli known elephant trunk right center ten lightyear long hold raw raw materi star format known hide protostar within locat similar distanc planet earth bright knot swept back ridg emiss sh2129 right suggest popular name fli bat nebula within fli bat recent recogn addit royal cosmic zoo faint bluish emiss ou4 giant squid nebula,squid,2021-07-23,605,98,0.0052328623757195,07-23,7,2021,23,4,2,5 30651988bde194b184355a7a17ff10f5727a56a5256b36bdfb729d176257090e,ralf rohner,space purpos spaceflight would say karman line current defin altitud 100 kilomet 60 miles other might place line 80 kilomet 50 miles earth mean sea level sharp physic boundari mark end atmospher begin space fact karman line near transit upper mesospher lower night shine noctiluc cloud highlatitud summer apparit form altitud near top mesosphere 80 kilomet so also known polar mesospher clouds auror band northern and light caus energet particl excit atom thermospher extend 80 kilomet 600 kilomet altitude taken cockpit fli altitud 10 kilomet feet realm stratospher aeronautics snapshot captur noctiluc cloud aurora boreali starri sky look toward planet earth horizon edg space,edg space,2021-07-24,678,104,0.0454166666666666,07-24,7,2021,24,8,2,4 a753a22afaf2d898a2c36842aee9bb6454e7063c82ea3f37274f0b7e9849ff40,nicola rolland martin pugh,ga cloud grab galaxy even close claw odd look creature featur photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object yet known galaxi left globul huge far distance place near cg4 chanc superposition,cg4 ruptur cometari globul,2021-07-26,419,64,0.0633333333333333,07-26,7,2021,26,6,0,3 a84db26168cf3925c98ee87bb5a292a9c7c631e2ed657ef84502fd4fb3d9f6bb,anthoni,chaotic appearance tangl filament shocked glow ga spread across planet earth sky toward constel cygnu part veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand cloud born death explos massiv star light origin supernova explos like reach earth 5000 year ago glow filament realli like long rippl sheet seen almost edg on remark well separ glow ioniz hydrogen atom shown blue oxygen red hues also known cygnu loop catalog ngc 6979 veil nebula span 6 time diamet full moon length wisp correspond 30 light years given estim distanc 2400 light years often identifi pickering triangl director harvard colleg observatory also name discoverer astronom williamina fleming fleming triangular wisp,fleming triangular wisp,2021-07-27,686,107,0.1,07-27,7,2021,27,4,2,5 ecd3a1e585141696f5ea75e561540cec98501151596c3531fe983c0fc12514da,none,rim larg blue galaxi right immens ringlik structur 150000 light year diamet compos newli formed extrem bright massiv stars 0644741 known ring galaxi caus immens galaxi collision galaxi collide pass individu star rare come contact larg galaxy ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus small intrud galaxi pass it happens interstellar ga dust becom compressed caus wave star format move impact point like rippl across surfac pond galaxi field view background galaxies interact foreground spiki star within milki way smaller intrud galaxi caught right near top frame taken hubbl space telescope ring galaxi 0644741 lie 300 million light year away toward southern constel volans,ring galaxi 0644741,2021-07-28,673,103,0.2267857142857142,07-28,7,2021,28,7,2,3 e35154260937e735c48fd654a6c1600bbe905abe22d0235e47f8cde7af15f953,carlo,tall telescop field view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula brightest glow cloud interstellar ga dust center also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 nearli 70 lightyear across complex beauti tulip nebula blossom 8000 lightyear away shown hubbl palett imag map glow nebula sulfur hydrogen oxygen ion red green blue colors ultraviolet radiat young energet star edg cygnu ob3 association includ star hde 227018 ioniz atom power emiss tulip nebula also field view microquasar cygnu x1 one strongest xray sourc planet earth sky driven power jet black hole accret disk fainter bluish curv shock front visibl though directli cosmic tulip petal near top frame,tulip cygnu x1,2021-07-29,734,115,0.0308333333333333,07-29,7,2021,29,4,2,5 8a1928b6094d45fd8076eb5c1012d4a5e87bd69b03fa9f0947f5164ba2d8554d,none,peer shadows saturnfac hemispher mima lie near dark alongsid dramat sunlit crescent mosaic captur near cassini spacecraft final close approach januari 30 2017 cassini camera point nearli sunward direct 45000 kilomet mimas result one highest resolut view icy 400 kilomet diamet moon enhanc version better reveal saturnfac hemispher synchron rotat moon lit sunlight reflect saturn itself see it slide cursor imag or follow link cassini imag mima includ small moon larg omin herschel crater,mima,2021-07-30,487,74,0.0375,07-30,7,2021,30,2,0,2 88e8a1b7a8741f20781832f49a593e45063533c56118e748b427a620bd1de4bc,petr horalek,last july could see star big dipper could find comet neowis even sky sunset denizen north could look nakedey comet bowl famou celesti kitchen utensil northwestern horizon comet look like fuzzi star tail though probabl long tail memor skyview record czech republ juli 2020 near comet closest approach planet earth photograph c2020 f3 neowise often show comet broad dust tail fainter separ bluish ion tail extend farther eye could follow skygaz around world delight wit comet neowise surpris visitor outer solar system notabl comet neowis imag 2020 juli 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24,neowis,2021-07-31,575,96,0.0225,07-31,7,2021,31,3,2,1 27f184b5ab9c15e3a684073c8969c53efb7d74e324f60ce935d5bfe7113e8450,none,pluto color see color data highresolut imag solar system famou dwarf planet taken robot new horizon spacecraft flybi 2015 july digit combin give enhancedcolor view ancient world sport unexpectedli young surface featur enhanc color imag esthet pretti scientif useful make surfac region differ chemic composit visual distinct example lightcolor heartshap tombaugh regio lower right clearli shown divis two region geolog different leftmost lobe sputnik planitia also appear unusu smooth pluto new horizon continu on shoot past asteroid arrokoth 2019 enough speed escap solar system completely imag brief explanations apod pluto search,pluto enhanc color,2021-08-01,631,91,0.116033966033966,08-01,8,2021,1,8,2,4 6a71b09a68b369816773d03456d51f12f305a8cd62b9532959a43e08dd906d5d,huang,bright green flash move quickli along milki way left trail took 30 minut dissipate given day august 12 direction away perseus like small bit nucleu comet swifttuttl plow earth atmospher therefor part annual perseid meteor shower astrophotograph captur firebal shot across sky 2018 valley china meteor streak also caught video end near direct mar lower left next week 2021 perseid meteor shower peak again year moon set shortli sun leav night sky ideal see perseid dark clear locat across planet earth follow apod english on facebook instagram twitter,perseid firebal milki way,2021-08-03,551,88,0.1083333333333333,08-03,8,2021,3,8,0,1 7c2da4433ecf46df84a4a1fbe6cad993bf94482ba035e2221dc4417940e61e06,none,supermass black hole creat power jets help find out event horizon telescop eht imag center nearbi activ galaxi centauru a cascad featur inset imag show cen largest take sky mani moons take much sky golf ball moon new imag show may look like two jet actual two side singl jet newli discov brighten solv mystery impli particl outflow confin strong pressur possibl involv magnet field eht radio telescop around earth submillimet observatori hawaii usa alma chile france more eht continu observ massive nearbi black hole energet surroundings,resolv central jet black hole,2021-08-04,540,87,0.0929292929292929,08-04,8,2021,4,8,0,4 854480246c604408755e2b19df8cd8ae05371d32778fd30565d0be9203da7edd,eduardo schaberg poupeau,south detail telescop view across moon rug southern highlands captur juli 20 lunar landscap featur moon young old larg crater tycho clavius 100 million year young tycho sharpwal 85 kilomet diamet crater near center 2 kilomet tall central peak bright sunlight dark shadow debri eject impact creat tycho still make stand lunar crater moon near full produc highli visibl radiat system light streaks bright ray extend across much lunar near side fact materi collect apollo 17 land site 2000 kilomet away like origin tycho impact one oldest largest crater moon near side 225 kilomet diamet claviu due south above tycho claviu crater ray system result origin impact event would fade long ago old crater worn wall smooth floor overlay smaller crater impact occur claviu formed observ stratospher observatori infrar astronomi sofia publish 2020 found water clavius cours young tycho old claviu crater lunar locat scienc fiction epic space odyssey,tycho claviu,2021-08-05,938,149,0.137,08-05,8,2021,5,2,2,4 522636780cf6e659fd88c9eded2de108a56ff9d8209d787874d0edb22e500e74,vika chander,cosmic dust cloud cross rich field star telescop vista near northern boundari corona australis southern crown less 500 lightyear away dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way top bottom frame span 2 degre 15 lightyear clouds estim distance top right group love reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust dust also obscur view star region still process formation bluish reflect nebula smaller ngc 6729 surround young variabl star r corona australis right telltal reddish arc loop identifi herbig haro object associ energet newborn stars magnific globular star cluster ngc 6723 bottom left frame though ngc 6723 appear part group ancient star actual lie nearli 30000 lightyear away far beyond young star corona australi dust clouds,star dust across corona australi,2021-08-06,825,130,0.1728458049886621,08-06,8,2021,6,4,2,5 c89bb3ed6b55fa60e1762cc5d70d7502d25e7019dd0730441756ffc5688d8ae9,none,get redblu glass hover surfac mars taken juli 24 3d color view mar ingenu helicopter 10th flight red planet two imag ingenuity color camera captur altitud 12 meter 40 feet meter apart provid stereo perspective use construct color anaglyph ingenuity stereo imag made mar persever rover scienc team team consid visit rais ridg floor jezero crater first scienc campaign,jezero crater ridg 3d,2021-08-07,366,59,0.125,08-07,8,2021,7,5,1,2 39ed3d10e26437e06e1feb5fc2128e22a6fbe0cc4ca62ab5e441498a9c251ea9,none,typic watch meteor shower look up remark view captur august 13 2011 astronaut ron garan caught perseid meteor look down garan perspect onboard intern space station orbit altitud 380 kilometers perseid meteor streak below swept dust left comet swifttuttl heat incandescence glow comet dust grain travel 60 kilomet per second denser atmospher around 100 kilomet earth surface case foreshorten meteor flash right frame center curv limb earth layer greenish airglow bright star arcturus want look meteor shower luck 2021 perseid meteor shower peak week year even rel faint meteor visibl clear sky dark locat bright moon mostli absent notabl perseid submiss apod 2018 2019 2020,perseid,2021-08-08,672,105,0.088015873015873,08-08,8,2021,8,8,2,4 4de12abcb61d7dc0ecdf8d9966611c90ffb7d56de9c01c9ea93837bf6cabc0e0,toma slovinski petr horalek physic opava,what best way watch meteor shower question might come later week annual perseid meteor shower peaks one thing help dark sky demonstr featur composit imag last year perseids mani faint meteor visibl left image taken dark sky slovakia right image taken moder dark sky czech republic band milki way galaxi bridg two coordin images meteor shower radiant constel perseu clearli visibl left sum mani faint meteor lost bright sky light pollut shrink area across earth dark skies although inexpens way combat might notabl perseid submiss apod 2018 2019 2020,perseu lost meteor,2021-08-09,549,89,0.0561224489795918,08-09,8,2021,9,6,0,1 0c17e7c8867b493c44fe99952564d20aabdbd83363f427e67b6e0ccb396e0e92,none,fire look like space graviti earth heat air rise expands caus flame teardrop shaped micrograv intern space station iss however flame spheres fire rapid acquisit oxygen space flame meet new oxygen molecul float randomli direct creat envelop sphere featur imag taken iss combust integr spheric flame envelop cluster hot glow soot without oxygen say vacuum empti space fire would go mani chemic reaction involv fire complex test micrograv help human better understand fire put fire too,fire space,2021-08-10,484,76,0.0968614718614718,08-10,8,2021,10,8,0,4 30271c7210e8ed8ed418f7691554d71751dce8cccfe3cc4250989cb2fb01ba4d,michael johnston,cloud bottom appear like bubbles normally cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet grow opaqu cloud forms conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud pictur here last minutes photograph regina saskatchewan canada storm 2012 meteor shower tonight peak perseid,mammatu cloud saskatchewan,2021-08-11,512,75,0.128125,08-11,8,2021,11,8,1,1 63d73f8af01a693553ae18a9601b78b222b06bca6a506fae8a132483968e1d0c,mike selbi,beauti trifid nebula cosmic studi contrasts also known m20 lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid illustr three differ type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette red emiss region roughli separ three part obscur dust lane lend trifid popular name pillar jet sculpt newborn stars left emiss nebula center appear famou hubbl space telescop closeup imag region trifid nebula 40 lightyear across faint seen unaid eye almost cover area full moon planet earth sky,beauti trifid,2021-08-12,636,99,0.0886363636363636,08-12,8,2021,12,4,2,5 5bfc4ddaf547f6c231305406009faddbe8b1e6ab1145573bb11726bde3b3c6ac,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers 100 billion stars 32 million lightyear away toward constel pisces m74 present gorgeou faceon view classifi sc galaxy grand design m74 grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes sharp composit construct imag data record hubbl space telescope advanc camera surveys span 30000 lightyear across face m74 includ exposur record emiss hydrogen atoms highlight reddish glow galaxy larg starform regions lower surfac bright galaxi messier catalog m74 sometim known phantom galaxy notabl apod imag submissions perseid meteor shower 2021,perfect spiral,2021-08-13,612,91,0.2583333333333333,08-13,8,2021,13,7,1,3 b2dd7379f938174a655dffa3b782ac9ddb2a2c28c3fbe6f513dbc1e9ed79aebc,luo hongyang,comet dust rain planet earth last week streak dark sky annual perseid meteor shower featur pictur composit mani imag taken locat peak night perseids umbrella need shield meteors sinc almost entir evapor high earth atmosphere mani compon imag featur individu perseids one imag featur foreground near city gansu province china stellar background includ central band milki way galaxy appear nearli vertical well planet jupit saturn left although comet dust particl travel parallel other result shower meteor clearli seem radiat singl point sky radiant eponym constel perseus imag captur long angular field curvatur sky visibl trajectori perseids notabl apod imag submissions perseid meteor shower 2021,perseid rain,2021-08-15,699,104,0.0185,08-15,8,2021,15,8,2,4 bdd7e93998f5c351f2f4ec16750870005b0db72079bbf4d7464a80b1279099da,daniel,unusu sky unusu central band milki way galaxy visibl along imag left dark sky show part milki way unusu bright meteor visibl upper right mani imag taken last week perseid meteor shower show meteors although perseid particularli bright sky unusu red visibl lower right although type lightn note past decades imag sprite becom common sky unusu nova visibl imag center nova bright enough seen unaid eye occur everi years pictur nova rs ophiuchu discov week ago unusual though captur thing together singl night singl sky unusu sky occur mexico notabl apod imag submissions perseid meteor shower 2021,perseid meteor red sprites nova rs ophiuchu,2021-08-16,595,97,0.1294642857142857,08-16,8,2021,16,6,2,4 f5abca7e4b2e9bc8e1dce7cf031293d9d25c852ddcd7cd0312cba29f863a8747,robert gendler,ring nebula m57 complic appear small telescope easili visibl central ring one lightyear across remark deep exposur collabor effort combin data three differ larg telescop explor loop filament glow ga extend much farther nebula central star composit imag includ red light emit hydrogen well visibl infrar light ring nebula elong planetari nebula type nebula creat sunlik star evolv throw outer atmospher becom white dwarf star ring nebula 2500 lightyear away toward music constel lyra amateur astronomers pleas take night sky survey,ring around ring nebula,2021-08-18,532,81,0.05,08-18,8,2021,18,4,0,5 96409ceed8cbe4587a04f930c0c75effd06a49bd6d9196eca3963fb748822073,miguel claro,plow earth atmospher 60 kilomet per second bright perseid meteor streak along starri milki way captur dark portug sky august 12 move right left frame color trail start near deneb alpha cygni end near altair alpha star northern summer triangle fact perseid meteor briefli outshin both two brightest star planet earth night initi greenish glow typic bright perseid shower meteors grain cosmic sand swept dust period comet swifttuttle move fast enough excit characterist green emiss atom oxygen altitud 100 kilomet vapor incandesc flash notabl apod imag submissions perseid meteor shower 2021,bright meteor starri sky,2021-08-19,589,91,0.1577922077922078,08-19,8,2021,19,6,2,1 436eee9e29e914968cd42c1f02320b3d3a3064ba6bedea03d1247d8f140a3d86,christoph go,three panel featur solar system rule ga giant jupit august 15 seen city planet earth date welltim telescop view detail remark transit mutual events jupiter galilean moons top panel io disappear jupiter shadow far right three larg jovian moon appear planet band disk brighter europa darker ganymed far left also cast two shadow ga giant cloud tops callisto right near planet edge three moon tripl transit across face jupiter move middl panel shadow europa ganymed still visibl near center ganymed occult pass front europa bottom panel captur rare view jovian moon eclips transit jupiter ganymede shadow fall europa itself planet earth perspective similar mutual events galilean moon occult eclips other seen everi six year jupit near equinox,tripl transit mutual event,2021-08-21,740,117,0.1097619047619047,08-21,8,2021,21,2,2,4 a8eeddcc0ba457d22b2a8e98aa33fc1386d0ecc4680fedc13415fb715eff7443,david a hardi pparc,spectacular explos keep occur binari star system name rs ophiuchi everi 20 year so red giant star dump enough hydrogen ga onto companion white dwarf star set brilliant thermonuclear explos white dwarf surface 5000 light year distant result nova explos caus rs oph system brighten huge factor becom visibl unaid eye red giant star depict right drawing white dwarf center bright accret disk left star orbit other stream ga move giant star white dwarf astronom specul time next 100000 years enough matter accumul white dwarf push chandrasekhar limit caus much power final explos known supernova start earli month rs oph seen explod bright nova,explos white dwarf star rs oph,2021-08-22,640,104,0.148489010989011,08-22,8,2021,22,6,2,3 969a69378f121ddfafdd93bc6f246ddb53be4b92c4cd52bf372cd1508bd5a95e,none,one galaxi three toward right featur hubbl imag massiv galaxi cluster abel 3827 appear unusu galaxi curv three centers detail analysis however find three imag background galaxi least four images light see singl background blue galaxi take multipl path complex graviti cluster like singl distant light take multipl path stem wine glass studi cluster like abel 3827 compon galaxi deflect distant light give inform mass dark matter distributed abel 3827 distant redshift 01 light see left 13 billion year ago dinosaur roam earth therefore cluster central galaxi sure galact cannib one huge galaxi near cluster center,abel cannib cluster gravit len,2021-08-23,618,96,0.0964285714285714,08-23,8,2021,23,7,2,3 4006f36146ed3c70dfe494832296b4f59681ddd1f2c0a246fdf00bd477082df5,giorgia hofer,natur photograph fan planet earth alway look forward blue hour that transit twilight sunris sunset sun horizon land sky still suffus beauti blue light sunset august 21 blue hour snapshot captur nearli full moon rose opposit sun rug italian alp cortina dampezzo italy share bluish hue sky rocki pyramid mont also known king dolomites region promin alpin peak moonlight yellow even full moon known season blue moon that one definit third full moon season four full moon call blue moon recogn season time solstic equinox season fourth full moon rise blue hour septemb 20 september equinox,blue hour full moon,2021-08-26,585,96,0.1617647058823529,08-26,8,2021,26,2,2,1 8186f7509d2bb67f41f1aeb63b01eb940d57b64797cca1b38f4c2efa0e81a00f,robert eder,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss nebula young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus also known vdb 142 seen left cosmic elephant trunk 20 lightyear long remov digit processing visibl star detail telescop closeup view highlight bright sweptback ridg outlin pocket cool interstellar dust gas dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees starless rendit span 1 degre wide field view though angular size 2 full moons cours dark shape right march toward wind elephant trunk known caravan,elephant trunk caravan,2021-08-27,648,103,0.0097026502908855,08-27,8,2021,27,4,2,5 00f84adf81a9ba1b28e58c7d880dca118b74569343130d7c0b290a3bada99172,none,taken mission sol 180 august sharp imag hazard camera persever rover look across rock strewn floor jezero crater mars 525 centimet 21 inches diameter one rover steerabl front wheel lower left frame near center larg rock nicknam mission planner want avoid though instead persever instruct reach 2 meter long robot arm rock surface determin whether consist suitabl obtain slightli thicker use rover bit sampl collect persever would return earth futur mar mission,mar rock,2021-08-28,460,72,-0.0349999999999999,08-28,8,2021,28,5,0,2 47e367c6995502a772456a29e12b2bb6bdd39348d1276c612dde14a24348548e,none,what happen cloud ice crystal distant cirru cloud act like littl float prisms known inform fire rainbow flamelik appearance circumhorizon arc appear parallel horizon circumhorizont arc visible sun must least 58 degre high sky cirru cloud present case cirru numerous flat hexagon icecryst compos cirru cloud must align horizont properli refract sunlight collect similar manner therefore circumhorizont arc somewhat unusu see featur fire rainbow photograph earlier month near north fork mountain west virginia usa,fire rainbow west,2021-08-30,512,74,-0.0165,08-30,8,2021,30,8,0,1 b1ed10083e8651bb9177049891b54630adc833b8552a83e694d9b973782d2552,robert fedez,moon normal seen subtl shade grey gold small measur color differ greatli exagger make telescopic multicolored moonscap captur moon full phase differ color recogn correspond real differ chemic makeup lunar surface blue hue reveal titanium rich area orang purpl color show region rel poor titanium iron familiar sea tranquility mare tranquillitatis blue area toward upper right white line radiat across orangehu southern lunar highland 85kilomet wide tycho bottom right full moon occur earlier month could count season blue moon was unusually third four full moon occur northern summer and henc southern featur composit demonstr full moon alway blue usual blue enough hue almost hyperspace random apod gener,blue moon exagger color,2021-08-31,705,107,0.0543367346938775,08-31,8,2021,31,2,2,1 2351385c4e147a442e0239d85617a03e4eecb418eecad62169da935bceca7260,none,would galaxi emit jet look like furthermore appear fluffi jet supermass black hole center two host galaxi top center lower left unlik anyth seen before found astronom use australian squar kilomet array pathfind radio telescop creat map trace evolut galaxies imag preced evolutionari map univers survey show amorph eventually comparison rel amount energi emit reveal glow elong structur creat electron stream around magnet field lines overlay radio data optic view sky dark energi survey confirm electron stream origin center activ galaxies usual activ galact nuclei agn produc straight jets lead hypothesi geometr origin unusu grace shape involv flow largescal intergalact winds astrophysicists brows 2500 code astrophys sourc code librari,danc jet activ galaxi,2021-09-01,739,109,-0.0166666666666666,09-01,9,2021,1,8,2,4 03d37bca4b9a07bd3fc2cfe8d210cfca2c87013a25bf19c079ba44358dd799fa,josep drudi,find big dipper follow handl away dipper bowl get last bright star then slide telescop littl south west come upon stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi top ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici though m51 look faint fuzzi eye deep imag like one reveal strike color galact tidal debris,m51 whirlpool galaxi,2021-09-02,528,86,0.04375,09-02,9,2021,2,7,0,3 e8c8cc1d6e31b9172c59f3b6d13c86b0c4b743b94565d085709df0bc9a97a409,kumar,cosmic cloud blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil starfield constel cepheus call iri nebula ngc 7023 nebula evok imageri flowers still deep telescop imag show iri nebula rang color symmetries embed surround field interstellar dust within iri itself dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament reflect nebula glow faint reddish photolumines dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula contain complex carbon molecul known pahs dusti blue petal iri nebula span six lightyears,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2021-09-03,628,92,-0.0049999999999999,09-03,9,2021,3,4,2,5 01f80934bb3660248768bb8162302579076aab41561c3d8092345ccf511968e8,denni huff,hubbl space telescope latest view distant galact nebula illumin cloud ga dust dazzl earli morn spacecoast skygaz august 29 snapshot taken space view park titusville florida that 3 minut launch spacex falcon 9 rocket mission resuppli intern space station captur drift plume exhaust separ first second stage rocket rise still dark skies lower bright dot second stage continu low earth orbit upper one rocket first stage perform boostback burn cours first stage booster return make first land latest autonom spaceport drone ship arriv atlantic,falcon 9 nebula,2021-09-04,540,84,0.1884615384615384,09-04,9,2021,4,8,1,2 7e816356d1a34448702d6e4f6829540d9dcc357024448793b305e706737ee2b7,anton komlev,start pine tree idea photograph statuesqu pine front central band milki way galaxy carri two month ago success appear result panorama captur much more color stars example dot distant background bright altair visibl upper left planet saturn bit closer captur horizon far left beyond earth atmosphere seen upper right earthorbit satellit caught leav streak 25second exposure earth atmospher surprisingli visibl green airglow across imag top finally chance firefly see it near imag bottom firefli blink yellow sever time roll hill river primorski krai russia explor universe random apod gener,firefli milki way,2021-09-06,591,89,0.0991596638655462,09-06,9,2021,6,8,2,1 782ca10c8a2e16ae940687c6c3f4ad2bf02e31a3d1ab7f89a5956d703d539839,none,one galaxi two jumbl stars gas dust ngc 520 thought incorpor remain two separ disk galaxies defin compon ngc 520 seen great detail featur imag hubbl space telescop band intric dust run vertic collid galaxies similar look collis might expect billion year disk milki way galaxi collid galact neighbor andromeda m31 collis defin ngc 520 start 300 million year ago also known arp 157 ngc 520 lie 100 million light year distant span 100 thousand light years seen small telescop toward constel fish pisces although speed star ngc 520 fast distanc vast battl pair sure chang shape notic lifetimes,ngc collid galaxi hubbl,2021-09-07,591,99,0.2166666666666666,09-07,9,2021,7,7,2,3 28343810ac2a8603bfb66478c4cf3ccadf20d9de32bf98a83cbca6672da01b06,none,surround andromeda galaxy space andromeda m31 close surround sever small satellit galaxies part local group galaxi milki way galaxi also member sky however ga cloud local milki way appear surround m31 unlik water cloud earth atmospher may appear encompass moon ga cloud toward andromeda however usual faint see enter featur long imag one deeper imag yet taken broader andromeda region image sensit light specif emit hydrogen gas show faint unfamiliar cloud tremend detail imag captur more imag top triangulum galaxi m33 third largest galaxi local group furthest object seen unaid eye m33 bright milkyway star imag digit accumul sever long exposur taken 2018 2021 germany,deep sky toward andromeda,2021-09-08,673,105,0.0357142857142857,09-08,9,2021,8,7,2,3 b0d92b8f95c63849ff6d5138ffac9723de9136040edfc1dc536f9eb96c8cb4c3,martin pugh,star cluster around 2 million year young surround natal cloud dust glow gas m16 also known eagl nebula beauti detail imag region adopt color hubbl palett includ cosmic sculptur made famou hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend ridg bright emiss left center anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,m16 close,2021-09-09,652,103,0.0692148760330578,09-09,9,2021,9,4,2,5 b1575b265e9d6f5d8ea07a1b83b25a8eef3e146dbd0a055bd4d930d28e63d7f6,cara project,faint comet churyumovgerasimenko 67p sweep past background star constel tauru even fainter distant galaxi telescop frame septemb 7 5 year ago comet 4 kilomet doublelob nucleu becam final rest place robot planet earth follow complet histor rosetta mission comet wander beyond orbit jupiter churyumovgerasimenko return along 64 year period orbit toward next perihelion closest approach sun novemb 2 novemb 12 comet perigee closest approach earth bring within 042 astronom units telescop still requir view even brightest predict late novemb december septemb 7 rosetta comet astronom unit away 54 lightminut fair planet,rosetta comet view,2021-09-10,615,91,-0.0642857142857142,09-10,9,2021,10,3,0,2 313d4d7758bce031ca1c4a39fe1b282a56002551738f4a23885f83b36821acc9,david,what happen sky captur 2015 aurora note great bright quick development aurora result solar storm high energi particl burst sun crack earth protect magnetospher day later although spiral pattern creativ human might imagin complex glow atmospher apparit number common icons foreground featur imag river light illumin bridg city beyond low cloud nearli full moon sun like result aurora earth slowli increas sun emerg solar minimum histor quiet period 11year cycle,spiral aurora iceland,2021-09-12,462,70,0.178611111111111,09-12,9,2021,12,1,1,1 bc4e6ad0f933ffbc481c7b06b554687935f1cbab0766d8689aec6df3e23b7bc9,egon filter,what mirror featur imag dark southern sky three brightest galaxi night rel easi identify start left small magellan cloud smc larg magellan cloud lmc part central band milki way galaxy three also seen reflect shallow pool water seen mirror posit play dust cloud near center milki way planet jupiter composit care plan compos imag captur camera locat night south brazil pictur first place connect dark divis intern darkski captur dark contest 2021 quiz pictur main mirror,night sky reflect,2021-09-13,470,76,-0.0513888888888889,09-13,9,2021,13,6,0,4 8f4402bfc1d4fcc65330b4ea8d6be2c7a7668cb8b65f1846ce868b5758cfc528,none,way mount earli september robot rover curios continu ascent central peak gale crater search clue ancient water evid mar could capabl support life recent martian morning exploratori roll rover took 360degre panorama part help curiosity human team back earth access landscap chart possibl futur horizontallycompress featur image amaz vista across mar captured complet layer hills red rocki ground gray drift sand dusti atmosphere hill left center dub maria gordon notch honor famou scottish current plan direct curios approach study pass right gordon notch exploratori trek,mar panorama 360 curios,2021-09-14,571,85,0.0285714285714285,09-14,9,2021,14,5,0,2 e11ebdfd54e5cbf14a53d4abc18d88e77f685420938c027ba1aba47bad2410c8,none,earth cyclon go usual known hurrican atlant ocean typhoon pacific featur map show path major storm 1985 2005 map show graphic cyclon usual occur water make sens sinc evapor warm water give energy map also show cyclon never cross rare approach earth equator sinc corioli effect goe zero there cyclon need corioli forc circulate corioli forc also caus cyclon path arc away equator although longterm trend remain topic research evid indic hurrican become average power north atlant past 30 years power project keep follow apod instagram in english farsi indonesian persian portugues,cyclon path planet earth,2021-09-15,581,92,0.00625,09-15,9,2021,15,8,0,1 ef7d93ca3a246001170676c2d09cc2b629a8212213bca2a2fa262023bdb32bbe,andrew klinger,fan fair planet might recogn outlin cosmic clouds left bright emiss outlin dark obscur dust lane seem trace continent shape lend popular name north america nebula emiss region catalog ngc 7000 right north america nebula east coast ic 5070 whose avian profil suggest pelican nebula two bright nebula 1500 lightyear away part larg complex star form region almost nearbi betterknown orion nebula distance 3 degre wide field view would span 80 lightyears care cosmic portrait use narrow band imag combin highlight bright ioniz front characterist glow atom hydrogen sulfur oxygen gas nebula seen binocular dark location look northeast bright star deneb constel cygnu swan,north america pelican,2021-09-16,666,104,0.2681318681318682,09-16,9,2021,16,4,2,5 dcde9695be1ca6c7a1df9488df81cbec805023a1c7ee381ca5c0b2e4eb83cd89,damian peach,saturn ring tell season earth wednesday mark equinox time earth equat tilt directli toward sun sinc saturn grand ring orbit along planet equator ring appear promin direct sun spin axi saturn point toward sun conversely saturn spin axi point side equinox occur edgeon ring hard see sun earth featur montage imag saturn year 2004 2015 superpos show giant planet pass southern summer toward northern summer saturn close get planet earth last month month ring giant still bright visibl throughout much night,ring season saturn,2021-09-19,506,81,0.1342592592592592,09-19,9,2021,19,0,1,1 5253f8550d1db4bb10bec87002d90ab5242d50e621b8051bf44a47265c3a97dc,jordi coy,giant orang ball roll treelin hill no giant orang ball actual sun solar system central star captur rise beyond hill earth twelv day ago complet delight detail foreground sun disk show five sunspots quit lot consid solar minimum solar activ past years day show spots close look hill sierra del spain reveal silhouet pine trees silhouet peopl coincid three brother photographer tree brother away morn wellplan image dark filter mute usual brilliant sun brought great detail lower sunspots within minutes sun rose far hill within week sunspot rotat around sun view captur scene however frozen time enjoy,sun spot hill,2021-09-21,603,97,0.1791666666666666,09-21,9,2021,21,1,2,1 097c12f1cbd6d55e9b5ac71c88fe0e7e5ea5d4ab508c5c3f5016fc571fa20a63,mike cohea,fame festival story song best known full moon harvest moon northern hemispher dweller that tradit name full moon nearest septemb equinox seen rhode island planet earth harvest moon left broad streak warm hue rose twilight sky bridge septemb 20 trail captur singl 22 minut exposur use dens filter digit camera two day later septemb equinox mark chang season begin autumn north fact recogn season time solstic equinox harvest moon fourth full moon season come astronom end northern summer,harvest moon trail,2021-09-23,486,78,0.33125,09-23,9,2021,23,2,1,1 a65670698683cd343a6891901f296769e4b28da5436282ef41a1f45e491b3b22,pierr martin,year outburst perseid meteor surpris skywatchers reliabl meteor shower peak predict night august 1213 persist visual observ north america startl perseid shower outburst day later report multipl meteor per minut sometim per second earli hour august 14 shower radiant high dark night sky composit image painstakingli regist trail perseid captur stun outburst activ ut edt ut edt august 14 ontario cours annual perseid meteor shower associ planet earth passag dusti debri period comet 2021 outburst could caus unanticip encount perseid filament denser ribbon dust insid broader debri zone,perseid outburst lookout,2021-09-24,585,88,0.002,09-24,9,2021,24,8,0,4 9fe4320876a3a0c2c95f332309a4b0e7d7ab1a43c856e3c5de96ec747ae57739,lorand feny,eye cosmic composit nice balanc bubbl nebula right open star cluster m52 pair would lopsid scales though embed complex interstellar dust ga blown wind single massiv otyp star bubbl nebula also known ngc 7635 mere 10 lightyear wide hand m52 rich open cluster around thousand stars cluster 25 lightyear across seen toward northern boundari cassiopeia distanc estim bubbl nebula associ cloud complex around 11000 lightyears star cluster m52 lie nearli 5000 lightyear away wide telescop field view span 15 degre sky three time appar size full moon,bubbl star cluster,2021-09-25,543,87,0.0199404761904761,09-25,9,2021,25,4,0,5 e77707b82f257042936ffa01f6420ea51ef65b0dd47d923cf04dc462860aee52,peter tuthillsydney u jame lloyd u,round star creat squar nebula one quit sure round star known mwc 922 possibl part multipl star system appear center red squar nebula featur imag combin infrar exposur hale telescop mt palomar california keck2 telescop mauna kea hawaii lead progenitor hypothesi squar nebula central star star somehow expel cone ga late development stage mwc 922 cone happen incorpor nearli right angl visibl sides support evid cone hypothesi includ radial spoke imag might run along cone walls research specul cone view anoth angl would appear similar gigant ring supernova 1987a possibl indic star mwc 922 might one day explod similar supernova,red squar nebula,2021-09-26,628,100,-0.0014285714285714,09-26,9,2021,26,4,2,4 4d9188ee3dae8cbdb815f5ac6d3f872e24c873b09b4344f8ec491d0a11be271b,luca,gorgeou spiral galaxi m33 seem fair share glow hydrogen gas promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxi lie mere 3 million lightyear away sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward core m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseries site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat lumin massiv star ioniz surround hydrogen ga ultim produc characterist red glow highlight hii region telescop image broadband data use produc color view galaxi combin narrowband data record hydrogenalpha filter transmit light strongest hydrogen emiss line closeup catalog hii region appear insets use individu refer number find locat within triangulum galaxy example giant hii region identifi inset right appear posit number 15 that 4 oclock galaxi center portrait m33,hydrogen cloud m33,2021-09-30,789,119,0.1035714285714285,09-30,9,2021,30,7,2,3 b741deee848a13ff9f9325dc2753d13b8d8f874fb789e02ab0ea25d0bdc08140,gabriel rodrigu santo,dark mark color cloud inhabit stellar landscape deep expans view span 30 full moon across crowd star field toward center milki way galaxy catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard obscur interstellar dust cloud seen toward right includ b59 b72 b77 b78 part ophiuchu molecular cloud complex mere 450 lightyear away eye combin shape suggest pipe stem bowl dark nebula popular name pipe nebula three bright nebula gather left stellar nurseri 5000 lightyear distant toward constel sagittarius 18th centuri astronom charl messier includ two catalog bright cluster nebulae m8 largest triplet color m20 above third promin emiss region includ ngc 6559 far left divid obscur dust lanes m20 also known trifid popular monik lagoon nebula,central milki way lagoon pipe,2021-10-01,732,116,0.1207482993197279,10-01,10,2021,1,4,2,5 1a6f88c02d3a2d2847a2cbf9f45561437981679fc13bbd480977df9a05261429,rodrigo guerra,pose brilliant even star venu lie near western horizon southern hemisphere earli spring night skyscape creat composit view exposur track sky fix foreground taken septemb 25 southern brazil view sunset venu appear immers cone zodiac light sunlight scatter dust along solar system eclipt plane fact either hemispher planet earth zodiac light visibl sunset near spring equinox or sunris near autumn lumin arc lie steep angl horizon extend sunset night zodiac light reach toward rich starfield immens interstellar dust cloud bulg central milki way follow along milki way central bulg back toward horizon spot closest star system sun alpha centauri mere 437 lightyear away,light dusti night,2021-10-02,667,103,0.1516666666666666,10-02,10,2021,2,6,2,1 96b60e43aac42ca583994d6db7bb22851be37445b30034a2da0685105b1a434e,none,sure see 2d rectangl colors see deeper count color patch featur image might estim inform 2d digit imag hold 60 x x colors 768000 however holograph principl state that counterintuitively inform 2d panel includ inform 3d room enclos panel principl deriv idea planck length length scale quantum mechan begin domin classic gravity one side area hold one bit information limit first postul physicist gerard t hooft 1993 aris gener seemingli distant specul inform held black hole determin enclos volum surfac area event horizon term holographic aris hologram analog threedimens imag creat project light flat screen beware peopl stare featur imag may think encod 768000 bit even bit rather might claim encod threedimension teapot,holograph principl teapot,2021-10-03,725,113,0.1464285714285714,10-03,10,2021,3,8,2,4 0d90ecc0a2c1d9dd893172c133e6a0708b5fb9542e50e571cab3e2099bb6ddd6,none,two mighti galaxi pull apart known mice long tails spiral galaxi like alreadi pass other long tail creat rel differ gravit pull near far part galaxy distanc large cosmic interact take place slow motion hundr million years ngc 4676 lie 300 million lightyear away toward constel bernice hair coma berenices like member coma cluster galaxies featur pictur taken hubbl space telescope advanc camera survey 2002 galact mice probabl collid next billion year that instead continu pull apart coalesc form singl galaxy follow apod english on facebook instagram twitter,ngc 4676 mice collid,2021-10-04,560,88,-0.0282467532467532,10-04,10,2021,4,7,0,3 ae2270aa08282b341030e19dec3f018990771bf0b934e5408fb8b1852f8fd6b1,martin wolf u alic allen,sunris south pole different usual welcom sight follow month dark begin month earth poles take week sun rise contrast hour midlatitud location sunris pole caus tilt earth orbit sun rotat earth although pole airless earth would first see first sun equinox lens effect earth atmospher size solar disk caus top sun appear twoweek pictur two week ago sun peek horizon vast frozen landscap earth south pole true south pole meter left commun tower polar sunris captur particularli photogen sun appear cap green flash,sunris south pole,2021-10-05,510,83,0.0606060606060605,10-05,10,2021,5,1,0,1 42357e9b0bbb2c680e31f483da4f00cd66f6f576636316bded837affaa6508d2,roberto,slide telescop east lagoon nebula find allur field view rich starfield constel sagittariu toward central milki way cours lagoon nebula also known m8 eighth object list charl messier famou catalog bright nebula star clusters close sky slightli fainter m8 complex nebula left messier list though contain obscur dust strike red emiss blue reflect nebula starform region ngc 6559 right like m8 ngc 6559 locat 5000 lightyear away along edg larg molecular cloud distance telescop frame nearli 3 full moon wide would span 130 lightyears global moon party nasa night sky saturday octob 9,ngc east lagoon,2021-10-07,579,93,0.1191558441558441,10-07,10,2021,7,4,2,5 1cc5f8a1ac0c87fe4f33dde5021b77d5e38e738ea12752d87622054fe68b92d1,jack grove,pretti starfield span three full moon 15 degrees across heroic northern constel perseus hold famou pair open star clusters h chi persei also catalog ngc 869 top ngc 884 cluster 7000 lightyear away contain star much younger hotter sun separ hundr lightyears cluster 13 million year young base age individu stars evid like product starform region alway reward sight binoculars doubl cluster even visibl unaid eye dark locations shroud guitar string use produc diffract spike color star imag vibrant telescop view global moon party includ apod best moon images saturday octob 9,doubl cluster perseu,2021-10-08,574,92,0.1696969696969696,10-08,10,2021,8,6,1,3 04ff334b0f265f935a25af197404c4856105409827821a934fdbd58cc89e9537,josselin desmar,50 lightyear 51 pegasi star posit indic snapshot august taken hazi night mostli brighter star visibl dome observatoir de hauteprov france twentysix year ago octob 1995 astronom michel mayor didier queloz announc profound discoveri made observatory use precis spectrograph detect planet orbit 51 first known exoplanet orbit sunlik star mayor queloz use spectrograph measur chang star radial velocity regular wobbl caus gravit tug orbit planet design 51 pegasi b planet determin mass least half jupiter mass orbit period 42 days make much closer parent star mercuri sun discoveri quickli confirm mayor queloz ultim award nobel prize physic 2019 recogn prototyp class exoplanet fondli known hot jupiters 51 pegasi b formal name latin half 2015 sinc discovery 4000 exoplanet found,50 51 pegasi,2021-10-09,776,119,0.01875,10-09,10,2021,9,6,2,4 553037242975cb0f122958a3ac26219e8a6c42b08524550d488fb6a67582719b,hao qin,make meteor first all everyon firebal except bright meteor past that intern astronom union defin firebal meteor brighter appar magnitud correspond brighter planet well bright enough cast shadow pictured astrophotograph take longdur sky imag captur accid brightest meteor ever seen clearli fireball disintegr creat trail bright turn night day two second earlier month firebal artifici dim featur imag bring foreground lake alberta canada although firebal rare mani peopl lucki enough see them see fireball report it one person record image firebal might traceabl back solar system bodi ejected,firebal lake,2021-10-12,593,88,0.2083333333333333,10-12,10,2021,12,8,1,1 3ba780e5e5378001eba913c58971977af4811c961258ca3b21133ce621260bfe,zhang,may look like huge cosmic question mark big question realli bright ga dark dust tell nebula histori star formation edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region ngc 7822 lie 3000 lightyear away within nebula bright edg dark shape stand color detail skyscape mosaic taken 28 night small telescop texas includ data narrowband filters map emiss atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues emiss line color combin becom wellknown hubbl palette atom emiss power energet radiat central hot stars power wind radiat sculpt erod denser pillar shape clear characterist caviti lightyear across center natal cloud star could still form insid pillar gravit collaps pillar erod away form star ultim cut reservoir star stuff field view span 40 lightyear across estim distanc ngc 7822,ngc 7822 cosmic question mark,2021-10-13,806,128,0.0866666666666666,10-13,10,2021,13,4,2,5 1c11d30d96698f8be09d1c8ab9a0cd42aff8bfeb8892e96d087e984df9af0ff4,ignacio diaz bobillo,mere seven hundr light year earth toward constel aquarius sunlik star dying last thousand year produc helix nebula ngc 7293 well studi nearbi exampl planetari nebula typic final phase stellar evolution total 90 hour exposur time gone creat expans view nebula combin narrow band imag data emiss line hydrogen atom red oxygen atom bluegreen hues show remark detail helix brighter inner region 3 lightyear across white dot helix center planetari nebula hot central star simpl look nebula first glance helix understood surprisingli complex geometry,ngc 7293 helix nebula,2021-10-14,544,84,0.0033333333333333,10-14,10,2021,14,4,0,5 aa701c9cb630156b6137a4572efecc1bfbf892f4829569def1b7eedeb700c586,mike selbi,70 million lightyear distant gorgeou spiral galaxi ngc 289 larger milki way seen nearli faceon bright core color central disk give way remark faint bluish spiral arms extens arm sweep well 100 thousand lightyear galaxy center lower right sharp telescop galaxi portrait main spiral arm seem encount small fuzzi ellipt companion galaxi interact enorm ngc 289 cours spiki star foreground scene lie within milki way toward southern constel sculptor,ngc 289 swirl southern sky,2021-10-15,444,69,0.007034632034632,10-15,10,2021,15,7,0,3 820266d814baede29fc55d472a559c99003a68159cb46277c94f303150bcf4cc,gianni,natur color moon planet earth sky appear creativ visual presentation arrang pixel frame image lunar disk photograph differ times vari hue ultim due reflect sunlight affect chang atmospher condit align geometri moon earth sun here darkest lunar disk color earthshine descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci stand farther back monitor shift gaze smaller version image might also see one da vinci famou work art tonight intern observ moon night,,2021-10-16,520,81,-0.055,10-16,10,2021,16,2,0,1 b11bbf794e60d2030d18bd8b00a394028227db66588967b91b7c8523e411a9e8,dario giannobil,see entir face moon moon crescent phase part appear directli illumin sun answer earthshine also known earthlight da vinci glow reason rest earthfac moon slightli illumin sunlight first reflect earth sinc earth appear near full phase moon moon appear slight crescent earth earthshin near brightest featur combined hdr imag taken earlier month rise earthshin moon captur pass slowli near planet venus brightest spot near imag center venu star delta red star far left antares celesti show visibl scenic cloud decks foreground light citi ancient histor root sicily italy,earthshin moon sicili,2021-10-18,568,88,0.0948717948717948,10-18,10,2021,18,2,0,1 534ba5c78d8ae2ba822a02f2312bb93ffe308a3f2d12b4c6721d061f2161f737,none,big ball star come from palomar 6 one 200 globular cluster star surviv milki way galaxy spheric older sun well older star orbit galaxy disk palomar 6 estim 125 billion year old old close constrain age entir universe contain 500000 stars palomar 6 lie 25000 light year away far galaxy center distance sharp imag hubbl space telescop span 15 lightyears much studi includ imag hubble lead origin hypothesi palomar 6 creat surviv today central bulg star surround milki way center distant galact halo globular cluster found,palomar globular star cluster,2021-10-19,522,86,0.0621794871794871,10-19,10,2021,19,6,0,3 0f545f7a5e1183c09fa647bb017cc3dc0cb1c0d9a6213f31b2cbe6805358c8c3,john krau,would mission go far jupit visit jupiter lucy plan follow differ lead origin solar system found jupit juno orbits jupit massiv planet graviti captur numer asteroid orbit sun ahead behind trojan asteroid form solar system may trap billion years fli trojan asteroid enabl studi fossil like hold uniqu clue earli solar system name famou fossil skeleton name famou song schedul visit eight asteroid pictured lucy launch captur reflect last week aboard power atla v rocket cape canaveral florida usa,launch eight asteroid,2021-10-20,497,79,-0.1,10-20,10,2021,20,8,0,2 c59008b2acd82d4221cf4de9aec9676aebd4f19ea4a162af35412a033f6641b2,nik szymanek,blown fast wind hot massiv star cosmic bubbl huge catalog sharpless 2308 lie 5000 lightyear away toward constel big dog cani major cover slightli sky full moon correspond diamet 60 lightyear estim distance massiv star creat bubble wolfrayet star bright one near center nebula wolfrayet star 20 time mass sun thought brief presupernova phase massiv star evolution fast wind wolfrayet star creat bubbleshap nebula sweep slower move materi earlier phase evolution windblown nebula age 70000 years rel faint emiss captur narrowband filter deep imag domin glow ioniz oxygen atom map blue hue present mostli harmless sh2308 also known dolphinhead nebula,sh2308 nebula,2021-10-21,647,100,0.10390625,10-21,10,2021,21,4,2,5 f476f9366cdf598c473012b57bd61561ee05f486078478e811d42b2513089282,jose mtanou,pretti field view span 2 degre 4 full moon sky fill star toward constel taurus bull right center frame spot faint fuzzi reddish appear messier 1 m1 also known crab nebula m1 first object 18th centuri comet hunter charl messier famou catalog thing definit comets made imag data captur octob 11 comet pictur though center left lie faint greenish coma dusti tail period comet 67p churyumovgerasimenko also known rosetta comet 21st century becam final rest place robot planet earth rosetta comet return inner solar system sweep toward next perihelion closest approach sun novemb 2 faint seen eye alone comet next perige closest approach earth novemb 12,comet crab,2021-10-22,648,106,-0.0609523809523809,10-22,10,2021,22,3,2,2 a5e1d268b38a51bfb70e82b605d3d9847b9e73354b0def50f7da18253556d344,none,halloween origin ancient astronomical sinc fifth centuri bc halloween celebr crossquart day day halfway equinox equal day equal night solstic minimum day maximum night northern hemisphere modern calendar however even though halloween occur next week real crossquart day occur week after anoth crossquart day groundhog day halloween modern celebr retain histor root dress scare away spirit dead perhap fit tribut ancient holiday view ghost head nebula taken hubbl space telescope similar icon fiction ghost ngc 2080 actual star form region larg magellan cloud satellit galaxi milki way galaxy ghost head nebula ngc span 50 lightyear shown repres colors,halloween ghost head nebula,2021-10-24,653,98,0.08,10-24,10,2021,24,8,2,1 fd083e4f3d843666fc98c9920e676e090b15712086963955adc99c8a905b97cb,michael,road galaxy center go monument valley to road take picture case road us rout 163 icon butt navajo nation popul horizon band milki way galaxi stretch sky appear continu road earth filament dust darken milki way contrast billion bright star sever color glow ga cloud includ lagoon trifid nebulas featur pictur composit imag taken camera locat forest point utah usa foreground taken sunset earli septemb blue hour background mosaic four exposur captur hour later discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,road galact center,2021-10-25,522,82,0.12,10-25,10,2021,25,6,1,1 baf5767e351315f9437416c9628009dc1250e3387797e87beb4c9a7c2b1520b1,howard trottier,see bat haunt cosmic closeup eastern veil nebula veil nebula larg supernova remnant expand debri cloud death explos massiv star veil roughli circular shape cover nearli 3 degre sky toward constel swan cygnus ngc 6995 known inform bat nebula span 12 degree appar size moon translat 12 lightyear veil estim distance reassur 1400 lightyear planet earth composit imag data record narrow band filters emiss hydrogen atom remnant shown red strong emiss oxygen atom shown hue blue course western part veil lie anoth season apparition witch broom nebula explor universe random apod gener,ngc 6995 bat nebula,2021-10-27,579,92,-0.0444444444444444,10-27,10,2021,27,4,0,5 249ec9356926e98fbc118d20cccce6a4f1f1e78a1b6c0d5621623b1840c94a28,john chumack,far ghost go mirach ghost realli scary mirach ghost faint fuzzi galaxy well known astronomers happen seen nearli along lineofsight mirach bright star center star field mirach also call beta andromedae 200 lightyear distant mirach red giant star cooler sun much larger intrins much brighter parent star telescop views glare diffract spike tend hide thing lie near mirach make faint fuzzi galaxi look like ghostli intern reflect almost overwhelm starlight still appear sharp imag right mirach mirach ghost catalog galaxi ngc 404 estim 10 million lightyear away,mirach ghost,2021-10-28,558,87,-0.0313775510204081,10-28,10,2021,28,7,0,3 0c59f0db6ece2ac6f801856845bf736a197585eb097473682b2009a00c2b3153,leo,spooki shape seem haunt dusti expanse drift night royal constel cepheus course shape cosmic dust cloud visibl dimli reflect starlight far neighborhood lurk plane milki way edg cepheu flare molecular cloud complex 1200 lightyear away 2 lightyear across brighter ghostli apparitions vdb 141 sh2136 also known ghost nebula seen right starri field view insid nebula telltal sign dens core collaps earli stage star formation eeri hue dust reflect bluish light hot young star ngc 7023 iri nebula stand dark left center broad telescop frame fertil interstellar dust field stretch almost seven full moon across sky,haunt cepheu flare,2021-10-29,606,95,0.0907467532467532,10-29,10,2021,29,4,2,5 ea4ab1d03c615f99612c3b4f8067994c3fc1febf2f096f5380096102abb7b676,göran strand,see monster face panic pareidolia often experienc tendenc see face pattern light shadow fact startl visual scene actual 180 degre panorama northern lights digit mirror like fold piec paper frame use construct captur septemb night middl suspens bridg sweden geomagnet storm trigger recent solar activity auror display could activ planet earth high latitud come days see monster face neighborhood tomorrow night might halloween,aurora,2021-10-30,425,63,0.112,10-30,10,2021,30,8,1,1 b094ed82145f6c5c10917553745ef43824fbfd09b421940bfb680fb74b407316,tom abel ralf kaehler,univers might look way dark matter map graviti unseen dark matter lead explan galaxi rotat fast galaxi orbit cluster fast gravit lens strongli deflect light visibl matter distribut local univers cosmic microwav background featur imag american museum natur history planetarium space show dark univers highlight one exampl pervas dark matter might haunt universe frame detail comput simulation complex filament dark matter shown black strewn univers like spider rel rare clump familiar baryon matter color orange simul good statist match astronom observations perhap turn events dark matter although quit strang unknown form longer thought strangest sourc graviti universe honor fall dark energy uniform sourc repuls graviti seem domin expans entir universe halloween today dark matter day,dark matter simul univers,2021-10-31,789,115,0.0214912280701754,10-31,10,2021,31,8,2,4 4e047903fc63944a9d88e7be0bfba5ac3f528a586a1fd75385e0461525987b62,xie,dream captur waterfal milki way together includ find good camera location artifici illumin waterfal surround valley effectively captur entir scene numer foreground background shots firefli would keep camera dry avoid step poison behold result captur midnight midjuli digit stitch wideangl panorama waterfal picturesqu waterfal mountain eastern province china central band milki way galaxi cross sky show numer dark dust filament color nebulas bright star dot sky resid nearbi milki way includ summer triangl bright vega visibl milki way arch captur 78 compon exposur photograph friend enjoy view rest night discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,waterfal milki way,2021-11-01,670,97,0.2883333333333333,11-01,11,2021,1,6,2,4 863255e5d08c13c39c4a36a5025f7d46ebc2fb50deed2b9b13b64d4b0dfcd525,none,seen supernova three time see distant star explod supernova wer lucki see even once case explod star happen line behind center galaxi cluster comparison hubbl space telescop imag demonstr saw three times three supernova imag highlight circl near bottom left frame taken 2016 right frame taken 2019 circl empti three imag singl supernova faded comput model cluster lens however indic fourth imag supernova eventu appear upper circl right image best model predict happen date uncertain two year mass distribut cluster len bright histori stellar explosion refin predict earthl live 16 year may abl catch fourth imag perhap learn galaxi cluster supernova once discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,sn supernova seen three far,2021-11-02,718,110,0.1438528138528138,11-02,11,2021,2,6,2,4 3a8ccbd5de84acf1ea35baf4353ceb38a4ba00a08ed7575ff6fbe1e707d311cc,wissam ayoub,horsehead nebula one famou nebula sky visibl dark indent orang emiss nebula far right featur picture horsehead featur dark realli opaqu dust cloud lie front bright emiss nebula like cloud earth atmosphere cosmic cloud assum recogniz shape chance mani thousand years intern motion cloud sure alter appearance emiss nebula orang color caus electron recombin proton form hydrogen atoms toward lower left imag flame nebula orangeting nebula also contain intric filament dark dust two promin reflect nebula visible round ic far left blue ngc 2023 lower left horsehead nebula glow primarili reflect light central star discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,horsehead flame nebula,2021-11-03,672,102,0.0897321428571428,11-03,11,2021,3,4,2,5 514eda67d158f43c3fa7b3f68977d1a0694b627a63392bd9f0650aa33496f029,dan bartlett,dwarf galaxi ngc 147 left ngc 185 stand side side sharp telescop portrait two satellit m31 great spiral andromeda galaxy 25 million lightyear away separ sky less one degre across pretti field view translat 35 thousand lightyear andromeda distance andromeda found well outsid frame brighter famou satellit galaxi andromeda m32 m110 seen closer great spiral ngc 147 ngc 185 identifi binari galaxies form gravit stabl binari system recent discov faint dwarf galaxi cassiopeia ii also seem part system form gravit bound group within andromeda intrigu popul small satellit galaxies,ngc 147 ngc,2021-11-04,576,89,0.0697916666666667,11-04,11,2021,4,7,2,3 b13ac7434df0db961d4486f8dc04acf966978434b691b902fe46a12c5a8992c0,martin,august night two friend enjoy view day hike plateau french alps 2400 meter altitud sky clear light set moon illumin foreground captur simpl vertic panorama images along plane milki way galaxi star cassiopeia perseu shine along panorama left edge seen faint cloud brighter core andromeda galaxy stand directli two friend night nearest larg spiral galaxy andromeda 25 million lightyear beyond star milki way ad evening share extragalact perspective fainter fuzzi spot sky right m33 also known triangulum galaxy third largest local galaxi group andromeda milki way triangulum galaxi 3 million lightyear distant night two friend stood 3 lightnanosecond apart,galaxi two friend,2021-11-06,654,99,0.0585714285714285,11-06,11,2021,6,7,2,4 57fe6d4af7b9ee1668d98b386d1e3bae5fdad6457181d269ac37351aa99ab034,none,look like cat eye others perhap like giant cosmic shell actual one brightest highli detail planetari nebula known compos ga expel brief yet gloriou phase near end life sunlik star nebula die central star may produc outer circular concentr shell shrug outer layer seri regular convulsions format beautiful inner structures however well understood featur imag composit digit sharpen hubbl space telescop imag xray light captur orbit chandra observatory exquisit float space statu span half lightyear across course gaze cat eye human may well see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years apod world languages arabic bulgarian catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch french french canada german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish turkish ukrainian,cat eye nebula optic xray,2021-11-07,859,126,0.0696078431372549,11-07,11,2021,7,4,2,4 24d5c5b0e91e8cfaad7ce385ca8f9bd12c461270a7f60b65aa827e0579cc46f7,none,would want fake universe one reason better understand real universe mani astronom project seek learn properti univers start robot telescop take sequenti imag night sky next sophist comput algorithm crunch digit imag find star galaxi measur properties calibr use test fake imag fake univers see algorithm correctli deduc purpos imprint properties featur mosaic fake imag creat specif mimic imag appear nasa astronomi pictur day apod one imag 225 imag real find it accomplish made avail individu fake apod imag display twitter use calibr understand distant universe however fake galaxi sampl seen astrophysicists brows 2600 code astrophys sourc code librari,space imag one,2021-11-09,658,99,-0.2,11-09,11,2021,9,8,0,4 4115448494a409b603a15dc862b4c6b7f315d5493b1da7b0c4d020049b52bc4c,michael sherick,ngc 1333 seen visibl light reflect nebula domin bluish hue characterist starlight reflect interstellar dust mere 1000 lightyear distant toward heroic constel perseus lie edg large starform molecular cloud telescop closeup span two full moon sky 15 lightyear estim distanc ngc 1333 show detail dusti region along telltal hint contrasti red emiss herbigharo objects jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars fact ngc 1333 contain hundr star less million year old still hidden optic telescop pervas stardust chaotic environ may similar one sun form 45 billion year ago,ngc 1333 stellar nurseri perseu,2021-11-11,564,89,0.0692460317460317,11-11,11,2021,11,4,0,5 ad6e53925c8438b8caa2a7edb48e047762ce383ec3367f8a2912933307893598,bernard miller,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view planet earth sharp imag show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region along galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 4 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 triangulum galaxi,2021-11-12,684,104,0.1099999999999999,11-12,11,2021,12,7,2,3 b7a56b94df2891fb41a3face868ed60dbd144cb2337f53d4ec1c1b12aaeedf8d,cara project,return along 64 year orbit period comet churyumovgerasimenko 67p caught telescop frame novemb 7 sweep past background star constel gemini comet dusti tail stretch toward upper right upsilon geminorum also known pollux beta geminorum gemini brightest star shine upper left edg fieldofview churyumovgerasimenko reach 2021 perihelion closest approach sun novemb 2 perigee closest approach planet earth novemb 12 comet 042 astronom unit away though remain faint seen eye alone wellstudi comet explor robot planet earth last trip inner solar system famou final rest place histor rosetta spacecraft phila lander,rosetta comet gemini,2021-11-13,605,89,-0.0515873015873015,11-13,11,2021,13,3,0,2 950fc610a9903fb56698f4ed9417b4aa4987a94227badd5db292df24b7e66a5b,hk the leagu lost causes,light sky perhap one humanity common questions answer may result quick observations exampl move blinking so live near city answer typic airplane sinc plane numer star satellit bright enough seen din artifici citi lights not live far city bright light like planet venu mar former constrain appear near horizon dawn dusk sometim low appar motion distant airplan near horizon make hard tell bright planet even usual discern plane motion minutes still unsure featur chart give sometimeshumor mostlyaccur assessment dedic sky enthusiast like note encourag provid polit corrections chart translations spanish polish turkish,identifi light sky,2021-11-14,621,92,0.1379924242424242,11-14,11,2021,14,6,2,1 a0fc190f0c5f2da03dda49dd57bfb5d9a677674a8b41d73f06176b1d3779cae3,wang jin,meteor come from term direct sky point answer constel gemini major meteor shower decemb known geminid shower meteor appear come radiant toward gemini three dimensionally however sandsiz debri expel unusu asteroid 3200 phaethon follow welldefin orbit sun part orbit approach earth superpos front constel gemini therefore earth cross orbit radiant point fall debri appear gemini featur here composit mani imag taken 2020 geminid meteor shower show 200 bright meteor streak sky night decemb 14 best meteor shower november leonids peak tonight tomorrow unfortunately year dim meteor peak hard see sky lit bright gibbou moon still bright leonid meteor visibl hour,geminid gemini,2021-11-16,659,100,0.2570833333333334,11-16,11,2021,16,8,2,1 40a3254c9116712b673497687ff03bc0ad53550f8570fa07c7f38f05bcd64ff3,none,nearbi galaxi creat gravit lens effect background galaxy does sinc galaxi nearby angular shift much smaller angular size galaxi themselves featur hubbl imag ngc 3314 show two larg spiral galaxi happen line exactly foreground spiral ngc appear nearli faceon pinwheel shape defin young bright star clusters glow background galaxi ngc though dark swirl lane interstellar dust also seen trace nearer spiral structure galaxi appear edg hydra cluster galaxies cluster 200 million light year away gravit len distort much easier see lens galaxi smaller away then background galaxi may even distort ring around fast gravit len flash due star foreground galaxi momentarili magnifi light star background galaxi might one day visibl futur observ campaign highresolut telescopes,ngc 3314 galaxi overlap,2021-11-17,765,115,0.1795454545454545,11-17,11,2021,17,7,2,3 457850052c22b24c3309178e9f5de1be4e0541d534351b352dfcabb9c96b97e4,jeff dai,photograph silhouett stand bright moonlight full moon rise wellplan telephoto image course full moon normal brightest lunar phase novemb 1819 full moon light dim deep partial lunar eclips seen across much planet earth maximum eclips percent lunar disk diamet remain outsid earth dark umbral shadow moon slide close shadow southern edge near apogee farthest point orbit moon motion slow make second lunar eclips 2021 except long partial lunar eclipse north america eclips partial phase visibl predawn hours sinc eclips tend come pairs lunar eclips follow solar eclips two week decemb 4,full moonlight,2021-11-18,584,91,0.1055555555555555,11-18,11,2021,18,2,2,1 1a9201e13c349830fc3336dd8039e9f8743d7ee4b7a7115e2bd184c59ba030c7,robert fedez,predawn hour novemb 19 found moon partli cloudi sky cancun mexico captur telephoto snapshot lunar disk quit entir immers earth dark umbral shadow long partial lunar eclipse partial eclips deep though deep enough show dim redden light earth shadow that sight often anticip fan total lunar eclipses wander constel taurus eclips moon dimmer light also made easier spot pleiad star cluster star seven sister share frame upper right almost total eclips moon notabl apod submiss so lunar eclips 2021 novemb 19,almost total lunar eclips,2021-11-20,503,81,0.0561224489795918,11-20,11,2021,20,2,0,1 df6933cc1ce32ecd0dce9ee0f6758523f868cb450e286432181becf6224f2132,dan bartlett,come comet leonard comet c2021 a1 leonard discov faint smudg januari 2021 past mar orbit take giant shed icebal inner solar system pass near earth venu decemb swoop around sun earli januari 2022 although comet notori hard predict comet leonard brighten becom visibl unaid eye december comet leonard captur week ago alreadi sport greenting coma extend dust tail featur pictur compos 62 imag taken telescop one set exposur track comet anoth set track background stars exposur taken dark sky eastern sierra near june lake california usa soon pass near earth middecember comet shift northern southern skies apod editor rjn onlin monday nasa best space imag videos,introduc comet leonard,2021-11-21,662,106,0.0006944444444444,11-21,11,2021,21,3,2,2 6f85ebb2f24d3a91f266d98de61a70740d83b12105094aa5121986d80b4c9ad5,yuri beletskycarnegiela campana observatorytwan,moon top planning took astrophotograph care plan includ figur exactli place camera exactli take shot creat strike superposition singl imag featur taken earli morn hour novemb 19 near peak partial lunar eclips occur moon pass earth shadow time almost entir moon percent area darkest part earth shadow build gran torr build chile tallest build south america although entir eclips last impress six hours imag taken within second get align right earth rotat soon move build alignment next earthmoon eclips total eclips sun occur decemb 4 visibl bottom world apod editor rjn onlin monday nasa best space imag videos notabl apod submissions lunar eclips 2021 novemb 19,lunar eclips,2021-11-22,669,106,0.1984126984126984,11-22,11,2021,22,2,2,1 269768734cf9de390c54c732c7e0e2fc81c2a6efe3ccfe798f8e95762d7b07bb,none,region sunspot hot sunspot bit cooler surround solar surfac magnet field creat reduc convect heating therefor unusu region overhead even much higher sun corona hundr time hotter help find cause nasa direct earthorbit nuclear spectroscop telescop array nustar satellit point sensit xray telescop sun featur sun ultraviolet light shown red hue taken orbit solar dynam observatori sdo superimpos falsecolor green blue emiss sunspot detect nustar differ band highenergi xrays highlight region extrem high temperature clue sun atmospher heat mechan come nustar imag like shed light solar brief burst energi may drive unusu heating,sun xray nustar,2021-11-23,627,93,0.136,11-23,11,2021,23,1,2,4 b51599c0b00c465769740a698b9cab96af9d56d5e4cfe14e086e17c45c612084,damien cannan,ever seen pleiad star cluster even have probabl never seen larg clear this perhap famou star cluster sky bright star pleiad seen without binocular even depth lightpollut city long exposur dark location though dust cloud surround pleiad star cluster becom evident featur exposure taken florida usa cover sky area sever time size full moon also known seven sister m45 pleiad lie 400 light year away toward constel bull taurus common legend modern twist one brighter star fade sinc cluster named leav six sister star visibl unaid eye actual number pleiad star visible however may less seven depend dark surround sky clariti observer eyesight volunt opportunity someon updat apod rss feed,pleiades seven sister star cluster,2021-11-24,684,110,0.0986111111111111,11-24,11,2021,24,6,2,1 e63de66908c0633b0ef4f8f2df4785a527e6c9d5e9cdc50ddbad8b98f6b1001d,jeanfrancoi gout,shape like cone space earth dark central shadow umbra circular wider moon distanc moon orbit though lunar eclips novemb 1819 part moon remain outsid umbral shadow success pictur composit 5 imag almost total lunar eclips taken period 15 hours seri align trace part circular arc central imag maximum eclipse show bright thin sliver lunar disk still beyond shadow curv edge course even within shadow moon surfac complet dark reflect reddish hue filter sunlight scatter shadow earth atmosphere notabl apod submissions lunar eclips 2021 novemb 19,edg,2021-11-25,541,85,0.0375,11-25,11,2021,25,2,0,1 85dd55b560e8b0efd24291710d37ea1cdb9dd520705e0349fdd783ed4a592501,lauri hatch,rain cloud pass dome lick observatory 36 inch great refractor open novemb 19 histor telescop point toward partial eclips moon illumin dim red light preserv astronomer night vision telescop coordin 57 foot long barrel captur high dynam rang image visibl beyond foreshorten barrel dome grow brighter almost total eclips phase lunar disk creat color corona linger clouds open dome view clear sky includ pleiad star cluster 5 degre moon earth shadow notabl apod submissions lunar eclips 2021 novemb 19,great refractor lunar eclips,2021-11-26,497,79,0.1281818181818182,11-26,11,2021,26,2,1,1 46964e1d1e85e79fd93818118d6308644a2ed7e347bdc1cfb18e9a5b4d5d9465,none,high cliff occur planet moon comet discov part dark nucleu comet churyumovgerasimenko cg rosetta robot spacecraft launch esa sunorbit comet 2014 rag cliff featur here imag rosetta 2014 although tower one kilomet high low surfac graviti comet cg would like make access climb even jump cliff survivable foot cliff rel smooth terrain dot boulder larg 20 meter across data rosetta indic ice comet cg significantli differ deuterium fraction henc like differ origin water earth oceans rosetta end mission control impact onto comet cg 2016 comet cg complet anoth close approach earth remain visibl small telescope,high cliff comet churyumovgerasimenko,2021-11-28,609,95,0.0533333333333333,11-28,11,2021,28,3,2,2 905b2c5cfef2d5fcc7eecec95f23cd2db152151dcb4a645d7b217d747e003dbf,none,caus blue band cross moon lunar eclipse blue band real usual quit hard see featur hdr imag last week lunar eclipse howev taken china digit process moon bright exagger colors gray color bottom right moon natur color directli illumin sunlight upper left part moon directli lit sun sinc eclips earth shadow faintli lit though sunlight pass deep earth atmosphere part moon red call blood moon reason earth sunset air scatter away blue light red unusu blue band differ color creat sunlight pass high earth atmosphere red light better absorb ozon blue total eclips sun occur weekend but unfortunately total visibl near earth south pole almost hyperspace random apod gener,blood moon,2021-12-01,671,109,0.0551619047619047,12-01,12,2021,1,2,2,1 965665dbf961b3c37af0f0f80c0945783f4a7d36f2218921442038fd0242e9c4,gregg ruppel,sweep northern predawn skies novemb 24 comet leonard c2021 a1 caught two galaxi composit telescop image sport greenish coma comet dusti tail seem harpoon heart ngc 4631 top also known whale galaxy cours ngc 4631 ngc aka hockey background galaxi 25 million lightyear away date comet 6 lightminut fair planet closest approach earth and even closer approach venus still come comet leonard grow brighter december alreadi good object binocular small telescopes comet like return inner solar system perihelion closest approach sun januari 3 2022,comet leonard whale galaxi,2021-12-03,539,84,0.2583333333333333,12-03,12,2021,3,3,1,3 31eecd80fa5f8eeb713b8d76842af0d4871b89a0c56bee3aa46633f93cd19426,marcella giulia pace,snapshot novemb 18 full moon far earth shadow sky sicili brightest lunar phase eclips pass cloud though full moonlight dim momentarili diffract small similar size water droplet near edg high thin clouds result iridesc shine color like lunar corona night full moon also seen close pleiad star cluster appear lower left iridesc cloud bank star seven sister soon share sky darker redden lunar disk,iridesc moonlight,2021-12-04,394,64,0.0781818181818181,12-04,12,2021,4,2,0,1 e3bba1aaf3ffa3c973c7be6155ff0b6548280b1a4191db21c7b3a03430fe91e5,petr horálekesophoto ambassadorinst physic opava acknowledgement xavier,yesterday total solar eclips visibl end earth captur unusu phenomenon airplan took flight cloud seascap southern ocean featur imag show one rel spectacular captur bright spot outer corona sun eclips moon seen dark spot center wing engin airplan visibl across left bottom image anoth airplan observ eclips visibl far left dark area sky surround eclips sun call shadow cone dark look long corridor air shadow moon care inspect eclips sun reveal planet mercuri right next total solar eclips shadow cross part australia indonesia april 2023 one cross north america april 2024 notabl eclips submiss apod total solar eclips 2021 decemb,total solar eclips bottom world,2021-12-05,629,100,0.0603174603174603,12-05,12,2021,5,1,2,4 8f78e73e8d129e8bac3200a780377297620acf93003831b3fb8baa500413dd52,andrew mccarthi,what unusu spot moon intern space station use precis timing earthorbit space platform photograph front partial lit gibbou moon last month featur composite taken arizona usa last month intric compos part mani imag video iss cross moon close inspect unusu crisp iss silhouett reveal outlin numer solar panel trusses bright crater tycho visibl upper left well compar rough light color terrain known highlands rel smooth dark color area known maria onlin tool tell intern space station visibl area,space station silhouett moon,2021-12-06,493,78,0.1166666666666667,12-06,12,2021,6,8,1,2 4e05fefaee3eddef3729617a0ea8cda7d645ba9b9eb209c7b413dfa4e9b10bc1,none,time two massiv black hole collide loud sound broadcast univers gravit waves human technolog hear unusu chirp past seven years sinc heard 90 first three observ featur plot gravitationalwav frequenc versu time 90 detect giant detector ligo in virgo in in energi receiv earth collision brighter appear among mani scienc chirp give human unpreced black hole neutron stars new way measur expans rate universe fourth gravit wave observ run increas sensit current plan begin 2022 december,gravit wave count,2021-12-07,485,76,0.0252525252525252,12-07,12,2021,7,8,0,4 e321d7a2ecc005a74fc8df842b794d35393375fda41546acfb5c3291783e3e9f,a dimai col drusci obsaac,comet halebopp great comet 1997 becam much brighter surround stars seen even bright citi lights away citi lights however put quit spectacular show comet halebopp photograph val parola pass dolomit mountain surround cortina dampezzo italy comet halebopp blue ion tail consist ion comet nucleus push solar wind white dust tail compos larger particl dust nucleu driven pressur sunlight orbit behind comet comet halebopp remain visibl unaid eye 18 month longer comet record history larg comet next expect return around year month comet leonard brighten may soon becom visibl unaid eye,comet halebopp val parola pass,2021-12-08,581,90,0.2111111111111111,12-08,12,2021,8,3,1,1 87ef269ee0f678938d2e92f4c0a9e01dff431e7754d10d7f09aa668f36c57ee2,pasachoff antarct,abl stand moon shadow watch decemb 4 total eclips sun determin celesti mechan geograph boundaries narrow path total track across planet earth rel inaccess southernmost continent still enthusiast eclips chaser reward dazzl spectacl cold clear skies taken brief total began imag groundbas telescop insid edg shadow path union glacier catch glimmer sunlight near top silhouet lunar disk look close pinkish solar promin arc sun limb totality magnific solar corona sun outer atmosphere made much anticip appearance seen composit view stream far sun edge,total eclips sun,2021-12-09,548,83,0.0181818181818181,12-09,12,2021,9,1,0,1 cc55248e691c3f92b0a9441eb16fadb36c2f2221956e84beda450f7067b01f9d,stephani ziyi ye,polar day arctic antarct summer sun stay horizon period 24 hour more record decemb 4 fishey timelaps imag track sun multipl frame complet circl summer sky union antarctica cours date union sky grow dark even though sun horizon captur brief period totality eclips sun bottom center composit view near edg total eclips path across planet earth moon shadow darken sky above,eclips polar day,2021-12-10,370,61,0.0333333333333333,12-10,12,2021,10,1,0,1 fa57f78230ea5544adf157ab64ef69dbab2d997fb309319c31a332b4069b65bd,aman chokshi,vantag point three quarter mile planet earth geograph south pole decemb 4 eclips sun seen partial eclipse maximum new moon block 90 percent solar disk course crew south pole telescop left bicep telescop right climb roof amundsenscott station dark sector laboratori watch center near local eclips maximum composit timelaps view featur imag sun travers cold antarct sky taken everi four minutes left right along roof line also featur rais arm cheng jame allen,postcard south pole,2021-12-11,457,73,-0.0129279811097992,12-11,12,2021,11,1,0,1 72bed57bb28654ecf25e41cf274f8a3bf22186f8cc89d656bfa175b887e36c29,dan bartlett,comet leonard visibl unaid eye barely pass nearest earth today comet best seen week soon sunset toward west low horizon current best visibl north late decemb comet best seen south earth equator featur imag comet c2021 a1 leonard taken week ago california usa deep exposur show great detail comet green ga coma develop dust tail comet across inner solar system lightminut away captur pass nearli front globular star cluster contrast m3 35000 lightyear away week comet leonard pass unusu close venus continu closest sun earli january,comet leonard star cluster m3,2021-12-12,534,86,0.2708333333333333,12-12,12,2021,12,3,1,3 aec5baeb6332c0c241e9dd8ed586e8e5d7fbbaded725c0c2c35fc9aa621293e1,jame annotation judi schmidt,what go behind mountain quit bit first all mountain itself name kirkjufell quit old locat western iceland near town front steeplyslop structur lie fjord begun freez imag taken middecemb 2012 although quit faint unaid eye beauti color background aurora becam quit appar 25second exposure make imag particular note though also captur streak geminid meteor shower meteor might evid aurora much brighter far distance left band milki way galaxy star local part milki way appear spread across background tonight geminid meteor shower peak may well provid sky enthusiast memor visual experiences,meteor aurora iceland,2021-12-13,590,90,0.0013888888888888,12-13,12,2021,13,6,0,1 8a7c032ad1049193fb1aa948f27960ec2a17e90d96b434b16fef35ffeac6130d,none,some may look like reality featur imag hubbl space telescop captur cosmic pillar dust twolight year long insid herbigharo 666 young star emit power jets structur lie within one galaxy largest star form regions carina nebula shine southern sky distanc 7500 lightyears pillar layer outlin shape wind radiat carina young hot massiv stars still form insid nebula dustpenetr view infrar light better show two narrow energet jet blast outward still hidden infant star open science brows 2600 code astrophys sourc code librari,hh 666 carina dust pillar jet,2021-12-14,520,82,0.0933333333333333,12-14,12,2021,14,4,0,5 0815f7b6bd0ffeaae282e10befc9e7ecff75d35c52cd7cba59cab2ac3cdd2156,zhuoxiao wang space telescope,comet leonard look like space today featur imag yangwang1 space telescop show current bright comet sever space delight well taken optic ultraviolet light c2021 a1 leonard visibl extend tail near imag center appear five day ago earth visibl lower right layer earth atmospher glow diagon lower left upper right trail two satellit seen front myriad distant star dot background upper left faint band light run diagon lower right upper left auroras finally imag also caught meteor streak airglow see comet leonard earth surfac next days look toward western horizon sunset sunrise,comet leonard space,2021-12-15,575,91,0.0878571428571428,12-15,12,2021,15,8,2,1 a4022fa07c0ee565afc185f2ac12684f875599cbebc514ed108f5dbc2b823b1b,fefo bouvier,firefli flash along moonlit countrysid scene taken night decemb 1314 southern uruguay planet earth night meteor fell partli cloudi sky annual geminid meteor shower frame record period 15 hour align composit imag made camera face south direct opposit shower radiant toward north geminid meteor streak appear converg southern horizon shower appar radiant and due perspect though earth sweep dust trail mysteri asteroid 3200 phaethon dust grain creat geminid shower meteor realli move along parallel tracks enter earth atmospher travel 22 kilomet per second,geminid south,2021-12-16,554,83,-0.0041666666666666,12-16,12,2021,16,8,0,1 4faa23aa10c8d2d79aaa5ab361b046e35cf3808ce3f156599e802e102577c825,alvin wu,arid expans tengger desert china planet earth fill foreground starri scene widefield panoram view record shortli moonset local predawn hour decemb 14 pictur still dark sky star northern winter hexagon surround lumin milki way seen near peak annual meteor shower startl flash bright geminid firebal meteor also captur night western horizon bright star capella trail point back meteor shower radiant gemini course constel gemini easi spot twin bright stars bluish castor yellowish pollux near top center frame,geminid north,2021-12-17,507,77,0.2318181818181818,12-17,12,2021,17,6,1,1 c5797f53dfedb536d6bdb5a8367cc12ac34644e6da58b42e90ea53878c8bac2d,none,first identifi compact galaxi group stephan quintet featur eyecatch imag construct data drawn extens hubbl legaci archive 300 million lightyear away four five galaxi actual lock cosmic danc repeat close encounters odd man easi spot though interact galaxies ngc 7319 7318a 7318b 7317 overal yellowish cast also tend distort loop tails grown influenc disrupt gravit tides predominantli bluish galaxy ngc 7320 closer 40 million lightyear distant part interact group stephan quintet lie within boundari high fli constel pegasus estim distanc quartet interact galaxies field view span 500000 lightyears move beyond field right astronom identifi anoth galaxy ngc 7320c also 300 million lightyear distant includ would bring interact quartet back quintet status,stephan quintet,2021-12-18,753,111,0.0411309523809523,12-18,12,2021,18,7,2,3 53e620e93ff4ba118cf176844273dba0ae6ea19dc3e763b40ee0b8dc722f856b,antonio,coincid planet line up that planet orbit sun nearly singl sheet call plane ecliptic view insid plane earth dweller like planet appear confin singl band coincidence though three brightest planet appear nearli direction coincid captur earlier month featur right left venus saturn jupit imag togeth line sunset san hills bergamo italy join align earth moon posit distant uranus band cloud streak across sky toward set sun comet leonard fades planetari align absent moon persist rest month discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,planetari align itali,2021-12-19,550,84,0.0476190476190476,12-19,12,2021,19,8,0,1 79783c2ccb97878c48dc01b36feb891f9c66c14c922efddb86da5e48ef73e065,cori,pictur suppos featur comet specifically seri imag brightest comet 2021 comet leonard univers within fraction second meteor bright could call firebal streak comet meteor flash even green comet coma caus meteor green like magnesium evapor meteor core caus comet green like diatom carbon recent eject comet citys nucleus imag taken 10 day ago sacramento river mt lassen california usa firebal lead edg year geminid meteor shower peak day later comet leonard fade reach nakedey visibl last week move southern skies almost hyperspace random apod gener,comet firebal,2021-12-20,548,85,-0.0454545454545454,12-20,12,2021,20,3,0,1 1790385961ed1d2b06777dd57c276f08ce13658471db7c4572abf6f6567bc26b,stefan seip,welcom december solstice first day winter north summer southern hemisphere astronom marker seasons solstic equinox date base sun place annual journey along ecliptic planet earth sky solstice sun reach maximum southern declin 235 degre today utc right ascens coordin celesti sphere 18 hours put sun constel sagittariu direct near center milki way galaxy fact could see today solstic sun faint background star nebula that realli hard do especi daytim view might look someth like composit panorama make it imag fair galaxi taken dark namibian night skies stitch togeth panoram view snapshot made 2015 decemb 21 sun digit overlay brilliant star today northern winter solstic position close center milki way discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,solstic sun milki way,2021-12-21,764,117,0.0262698412698412,12-21,12,2021,21,1,2,1 5f76e443cd109b999dcd13d70b7f0f5a6261ae46a70b51b0a302c57e88af0e8e,tunc tezel,still look perfect holiday gift astronomer night sky dark horizon clear enough solar system may done you send outsid sunset see three planet comet snapshot decemb solstic even sky villag turkey brightest celesti beacon venus close southwestern horizon right look left find saturn shine clouds follow line farther left bright jupiter solar system rule ga giant year surpris visitor inner solar system comet leonard c2021 near horizon too comet fainter form nearli equilater triangl planet venu saturn view dramat brighten recent day comet visibl unaid eye though nice pair binocular alway good idea notabl submiss apod planetari 2021 decemb,three planet comet,2021-12-23,639,99,0.238265306122449,12-23,12,2021,23,3,2,1 39e735203f4507daa659cc54c91ead200d81ac40ed93d191e2bc55a44b7f9317,michael sherick,crab nebula catalog m1 first object charl messier famou 18th centuri list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant debri death explos massiv star wit astronom year 1054 sharp groundbas telescop view combin broadband color data narrowband data track emiss ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen atom explor tangl filament within still expand cloud one exot object known modern astronomers crab pulsar neutron star spin 30 time second visibl bright spot near nebula center like cosmic dynamo collaps remnant stellar core power crab emiss across electromagnet spectrum span 12 lightyears crab nebula mere 6500 lightyear away constel taurus launch update jame webb space telescop,m1 crab nebula,2021-12-24,671,102,0.0861111111111111,12-24,12,2021,24,4,2,5 f4b402a451d98dac443ce549abaf869f9365bd06673d900527828b0ece6afe4f,comet,tail comet stream across three degre wide telescop field view captur dark namibian sky decemb 21 outburst day ago reach nake eye visibl comet leonard c2021 a1 year brightest comet binocular make diffus comet easier spot though close western horizon sunset detail reveal sharp imag show comet coma greenish follow interact comet ion tail magnet field solar wind pass closest earth decemb 12 venu decemb 18 comet leonard head toward perihelion closest approach sun januari 3rd appear late december beauti even sky comet leonard also becom known 2021 christma comet launch update jame webb space telescop,tail christma comet,2021-12-25,601,96,-0.1107142857142857,12-25,12,2021,25,3,0,1 85f107a50e78b7f4d56b038c1f9eaecd419cc2f02fa728557d0ebee8e354df7d,none,there big new telescop space one jame webb space telescop jwst mirror five time larger hubble area see better infrar light featur pictur show jwst high earth releas upper stage arian v rocket launch yesterday french guiana next month jwst move near sunearth l2 point sun earth time next five months jwst unravel segment mirror array sophist scientif instrument test them goe well jwst start examin galaxi across univers planet orbit star across milki way galaxi summer 2022 apod gallery webb space telescop launch,webb space telescop earth,2021-12-26,514,84,0.1178512396694214,12-26,12,2021,26,8,1,2 7d7df566c0ca8b158ba9ad37911dfa5bd053d053360a856738e7f2b0aad19f71,matipon tangmatitham narit,one two streak comet although cometlik features lower streak real comet lower streak show coma tail comet leonard citys block rocki ice pass inner solar system continu loop orbit around sun comet leonard recent pass closest earth venu round sun next week comet still visibl unaid eye develop long chang tail recent weeks contrast upper streak launch plume arian v rocket lift jame webb space telescop jwst earth two day ago featur singleexposur imag taken thailand foreground spire atop doi inthanon nation park nasa largest power space telescop far orbit sun near earthsun l2 point schedul start scienc observ summer 2022 gallery comet leonard 2021 gallery webb space telescop launch 2021 decemb 25,comet leonard behind jwst launch plume,2021-12-27,699,113,0.0045454545454545,12-27,12,2021,27,3,2,2 45d05905f9ac8278b3bbdc944b7e53b99a37c53e405be990bba6c69b15c19550,none,larg rotat storm cloud jupit imag last month nasa juno spacecraft general higher cloud lighter color lightest cloud visibl rel small cloud dot lower oval 50 kilomet across however even light cloud small high cast shadow swirl oval below featur imag process enhanc color contrast larg oval usual region high pressur span 1000 kilomet last years largest oval jupit great red spot not pictured last least hundr years studi cloud dynam jupit juno imag enabl better understand danger typhoon hurrican earth follow apod english on facebook instagram reddit twitter,giant storm high cloud jupit,2021-12-29,558,89,0.079375,12-29,12,2021,29,8,0,4 3f28fd571c122afbf7b9d72e63328757d10c7193d349ab2f88ceab4fe45b0bd7,daniel,comet leonard brightest comet 2021 lower left two panel captur decemb 29 dark atacama desert skies head perihelion januari 3 comet leonard visibl tail stack exposur wide angl len also display revers scheme trace complic ion tail amaz 60 degrees bright jupit shine near horizon lower right materi vapor comet leonard nucleus mass dust rock ice 1 kilomet across produc long tail ioniz ga fluoresc sunlight like flare comet nucleu magnet field solar wind recent week result tail irregular pinch twist appearance still day closest approach sun comet leonard activ continue comet south solar system eclipt plane sweep southern constel microscopium,tail comet leonard,2021-12-30,642,101,0.0873015873015873,12-30,12,2021,30,3,2,4 c2d3289f8734da1182485b6b5f8d604658de1f754d48684da5b4ee39ca1ea357,malcolm park,timelaps gif track jame webb space telescop streak across star orion journey destin beyond moon record decemb 28 12 consecut exposur 10 minut long align combin subsequ color imag background star creat animation 25 day decemb 25 launch jwst cruis past altitud moon orbit climb graviti ridg earth reach halo orbit around earthsun lagrang point lagrang point conveni locat space combin gravit attract one massiv bodi earth orbit anoth massiv bodi balanc forc need move along them much smaller masses like spacecraft tend stay there one 5 lagrang points l2 15 million kilomet earth directli along earthsun line jwst arriv l2 januari 23 29 day launch relax earth surfac graviti follow jame webb space telescope progress complic deploy online,jwst road,2021-12-31,736,119,-0.0999999999999999,12-31,12,2021,31,8,2,4 2f44e9f28fdd62344d07a6600f87b144ac29a8c2b75e60491fed6a7a93d863c3,soumyadeep mukherje,full moon 2021 shine astrophoto project composit portrait familiar lunar nearsid brightest lunar phase arrang year progress stripe begin top taken camera len stripe full moon imag combin pixel scale stripe still look show full moon angular size chang throughout year depend distanc india planet earth calendar month full moon name distanc kilometers angular size indic stripe angular size given minut arc correspond 160th degree largest full moon near perige closest approach may smallest near apogee distant full moon december cours full moon may novemb also slid earth shadow 2021 two lunar eclipses,full moon 2021,2022-01-01,601,93,0.2854166666666667,01-01,1,2022,1,2,1,1 47594ec99bb041c0f4f9c2591b6d1fac2dd5d0ea79245cadb86a38ac3690438a,dani caxet,sometim fall ice crystal make atmospher giant len caus arc halo appear around sun moon one saturday night 2012 time near madrid spain winter sky display bright moon four rare lunar halos brightest object near top featur image moon light moon refract tumbl hexagon ice crystal somewhat rare 22degre halo seen surround moon 22degre arc horizont rare halo caus column ice crystals even rare moonlight refract distant tumbl ice crystal form rainbowlik arc 46 degre moon appear picturesqu winter landscape furthermore part whole circular halo also visible extrem rare especi moon quadrupl halo captured far background famou winter skyscap includ sirius belt orion betelgeus visibl inner outer arcs halo arc typic last minut hours see one time invit family friend neighbor share unusu lens vista sky,quadrupl lunar halo winter road,2022-01-02,796,126,0.2187499999999999,01-02,1,2022,2,2,2,4 840a215b07a27d72a67b68f8abedf0777c94b8c96dff71658f8a7bc17f224d7a,jan,see comet extrem long tail telescop long also see binocular still long eye dim citi sky bright dark locat low horizon camera could still might comet surviv today closest encount sun occur orbit mercuri venus featur pictur creat two deep wideangl camera imag taken la palma canari island spain late last month afterwards survives left comet leonard nucleu head solar system never return,comet long tail,2022-01-03,391,63,0.0181818181818181,01-03,1,2022,3,3,0,2 21c5f8f7da40f1892da8db729dd166a25d2699ce86545acfca127fe9625c5baa,none,what happen moon saturn noth saturn moon rhea partli hidden behind saturn rings 2010 robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn took narrowangl view look across solar system famou rings ring visibl foreground includ thin f ring outsid much wider b ring interior it although seem hover rings saturn moon janu actual far behind them janu one saturn smaller moon measur 180 kilomet across farther camera heavili crater rhea much larger moon measur 1500 kilomet across top rhea visibl gap rings decad explor discovery cassini spacecraft ran low fuel 2017 direct enter saturn atmosphere sure melted explor universe random apod gener,moon beyond ring saturn,2022-01-04,623,99,-0.0333333333333333,01-04,1,2022,4,0,2,2 76df6e1480dc5ed412374009cba272fb55a0c0a2c3b39aedeb265327eedbf176,luca vanzella,sun alway rise direction no month change direct toward rise sun changes too featur imag show direct sunris everi month 2021 seen citi edmonton alberta canada camera imag alway face due east north toward left south toward right shown accompani video top imag taken 2020 december bottom imag captur 2021 december make 13 imag although sun alway rise east general rise furthest south east near decemb solstice furthest north east near june solstice mani countries decemb solstic consid offici chang season exampl first day winter north solar heat store energi earth surfac atmospher near lowest winter make winter season coldest year statu updates deploy jame webb space telescop,year sunris,2022-01-05,676,108,0.1327922077922078,01-05,1,2022,5,1,2,1 c4e526753897aba47af59f0a59c61844a3232ff54330f357ae33af495142f549,tama ladanyi,that young crescent moon pose behind cathedr tower sunset venu crescent phase 40 million kilomet away 2 percent illumin sunlight captur camera telephoto len seri exposur set western sky januari 1 veszprem hungary bright celesti beacon languish even twilight day even star come close 2022 began also grow larger appar size becom ever thinner crescent telescop views head toward inferior conjunction inner planet posit earth sun januari 9 gener lost view solar glare crescent venu soon reappear though rise east sun brilliant morn star statu updates deploy jame webb space telescop,last day venu even star,2022-01-06,579,91,0.1857142857142857,01-06,1,2022,6,1,1,1 cb76fd65d67ed13315d789a6228f129775257756db65541b470be2f591f4b0bd,point scienc,male adeli penguin perform ecstat vocal silhouett decemb 4 solar eclipse final eclips 2021 cours ecstat vocal special display male penguin use claim territori condition territory cape antarctica locat one largest adeli penguin coloni studi research 25 years there last december eclips 80 percent total seen maximum phase moon shadow cross planet earth southernmost continent statu updates deploy jame webb space telescop,solar eclips,2022-01-07,420,62,0.0510204081632653,01-07,1,2022,7,8,0,2 b671d8eb3eb6a03973670a1745445c77ef35282e742d2fe0b1590e0b0edb4dfe,cheng luo,name forgotten constellation quadrantid meteor shower put annual show planet earth northern hemispher skygazers shower radiant sky lie within old astronom obsolet constel quadran muralis locat far big dipper boundari modern constel boot draco fact north star polari center frame big dipper aster it meteor shower radiant right point back toward radiant quadrantid meteor streak night panoram skyscape composit imag taken hour around shower peak januari 4 2022 array foreground radio telescop chines spectral mingantu observ station inner mongolia china like sourc dust stream produc quadrantid meteor identifi 2003 asteroid statu updates deploy jame webb space telescop,quadrantid north,2022-01-08,669,97,0.065079365079365,01-08,1,2022,8,6,2,4 900c48fc04a6606b4a1fb82116b1d2b64fac72879b1ff7fec82f2b635b1067e9,none,becom jupiter great red spot ga giant jupit solar system largest world 320 time mass planet earth jupit home one largest longest last storm system known great red spot visibl left gr larg could swallow earth although shrinking comparison histor note indic storm span one third expos surfac area 150 year ago nasa outer planet atmospher legaci program monitor storm recent use hubbl space telescope featur hubbl imag show jupit appear 2016 process way make red hue appear quit vibrant modern gr data indic storm continu surfac area also becom slightli vertically one know futur includ possibl shrink trend continues gr might one day even smaller spot jupit done disappear completely tuesday apod editor present best apod space imag 2021,hubble jupit shrink great red spot,2022-01-09,736,120,0.1916666666666666,01-09,1,2022,9,8,2,4 186630fe173067c5f2649dcdf77fbcd6bff29df102cab94ef54e4b3a04076a6e,matt remot imag observatori,may seen orion belt like this three bright star across imag are left right mintaka alnilam icon belt star orion rest star frame digit remov highlight surround cloud glow ga dark dust cloud intrigu shapes includ horsehead flame nebulas near alnitak lower right deep image taken last month marathon observatori marathon texas usa span 5 degrees requir 20 hour exposure process reveal ga dust would realli see much closer famou orion nebula upper right color field entir region lie 1500 lightyear distant one closest best studi star format nurseri known tonight apod editor present best space imag 2021,orion belt region ga dust,2022-01-11,600,98,0.2404761904761904,01-11,1,2022,11,4,2,5 dd1ee8f746472721fff56e821dae4089a0fcf7dba143815e30a5af3281ad5761,blake est,comet leonard look like close although cant go there imag comet coma inner tail small telescop give us good idea name implies ion tail made ioniz ga ga energ ultraviolet light sun push outward solar wind solar wind quit structur sculpt sun complex ever chang magnet field effect variabl solar wind combin differ ga jet vent comet nucleu account tail complex structure follow wind structur comet leonard tail seen move outward sun even alter wavi appear time blue color ion tail domin recombin carbon monoxid molecules green color coma surround head comet creat mostli slight amount recombin diatom carbon molecules diatom carbon destroy sunlight 50 hour green glow make far ion tail featur imag taken januari 2 side spring observatori australia comet leonard present best view earth southern hemisphere round sun head solar system,comet leonard closeup australia,2022-01-12,832,134,0.0101851851851851,01-12,1,2022,12,3,2,4 d66c24ef1d75f76bdf5b2e0ed52a5591a7fb885b66e4f3300e4920ba74b56ee9,jason dain,easi get lost follow intricate looping twist filament detail imag supernova remnant simei 147 also catalog sharpless 2240 goe popular nickname spaghetti nebula seen toward boundari constel tauru auriga cover nearli 3 degre 6 full moon sky that 150 lightyear stellar debri cloud estim distanc 3000 lightyears composit includ imag data taken narrowband filter reddish emiss ioniz hydrogen atom doubli ioniz oxygen atom faint bluegreen hue trace shocked glow gas supernova remnant estim age 40000 years mean light massiv stellar explos first reach earth 40000 year ago expand remnant aftermath cosmic catastroph also left behind spin neutron star pulsar remain origin star core,supernova remnant simei 147,2022-01-13,674,103,0.0170454545454545,01-13,1,2022,13,6,2,5 c45306ffe5278c140d60ae22e045f68621b5cf803e89eed3b9a8fc0b64064664,mark hanson,island univers billion stars ngc 1566 lie 60 million lightyear away southern constel dorado popularli known spanish dancer galaxy seen faceon milki way perspective gorgeou grand design spiral galaxy two grace spiral arm span 100000 lightyears trace bright blue star clusters pinkish starform regions swirl cosmic dust lanes ngc 1566 flare center make spiral one closest brightest seyfert galaxies like hous central supermass black hole wreak havoc surround stars gas dust sharp southern galaxi portrait spiki star lie well within milki way,ngc 1566 spanish dancer spiral galaxi,2022-01-14,539,82,0.0808333333333333,01-14,1,2022,14,7,0,3 4cde9a90fccb9ab38a91f3663a9755f7892b26f7d44d7d000f74a7ff33e0f540,alan sky,type cloud that cumulonimbu cloud commonli call thundercloud somewhat unusu contain unusu mammatu cloud near end simultan produc fall rain far end taken southern alberta canada cloud move east distance sun set west behind camera featur image graphic sunset color cross sky give alreadi photogen cloud strike orang pink hues darken blue sky cover background distance rising gibbou moon visibl far right,thunderstorm sunset,2022-01-16,401,62,0.0085714285714285,01-16,1,2022,16,8,0,1 38b8698590505c423e3c5080968e678957522b507fd9eaab26be7b1961f35a8f,jarmo ruuth telescop observatori,sometim dark dust interstellar space angular case toward constel normal faint see dark dust best known block visibl light star galaxi behind it fourhour exposure however dust seen mostli light own strong red nearinfrar color give creat brown hue blue bright star beta chamaeleonti visibl right center dust surround preferenti reflect blue light primarili bluewhit color pictur star dust occur milki way galaxi one notabl white spot beta chamaeleonti galaxi ic lie far distance interstellar dust mostli creat cool atmospher giant star dispers space stellar light stellar winds stellar explos supernovas,chamaeleon dark nebula,2022-01-17,602,91,0.1867619047619047,01-17,1,2022,17,6,2,3 88cc15d59213b87ac7978888bdab9a21c2636f73cc81014b4c9e93ada64324be,luci yunxi hu,sky fill glow icons far left familiar constel orion divid icon belt star featur famou orion nebula partli encircl barnard loop left center featur imag brightest star night sirius arch across imag center central band milki way galaxy far right near top two brightest satellit galaxi milki larg magellan cloud lmc small magellan cloud smc also far right cloudi horizon constel crux complet four star make icon southern cross featur imag composit 18 consecut exposur taken camera locat eastern australia last day last year foreground picturesqu basalt column part reveal vast pacif ocean,orion southern cross,2022-01-18,586,93,0.0734962406015037,01-18,1,2022,18,6,2,4 ff1c0f7a88ced7509704444d778c64135342b280fd91699a2b715b4675768f39,r gendler r croman,distant object easili visibl unaid eye m31 great andromeda galaxy even two half million lightyear distant immens spiral galaxi span 200000 light year visible although faint nebul cloud constel andromeda contrast bright yellow nucleus dark wind dust lanes expans spiral arm dot blue star cluster red nebulae record stun telescop imag combin data orbit hubbl groundbas imag subaru 5 billion years andromeda galaxi may even easier see like span entir night sky merg milki way galaxy,m31 andromeda galaxi,2022-01-19,483,76,0.0803030303030303,01-19,1,2022,19,7,0,3 d0285e4816e0d3338fc1f0aa58286045a717bf3610689a1d08cadcc8951a8015,mark carter,hot young star cosmic pillar ga dust seem crowd ngc 7822 edg giant molecular cloud toward northern constel cepheus glow star form region lie 3000 lightyear away within nebula bright edg dark shape stand color telescop skyscape imag includ data narrowband filters map emiss atom oxygen hydrogen sulfur blue green red hues emiss line color combin becom wellknown hubbl palette atom emiss power energet radiat central hot stars power wind radiat sculpt erod denser pillar shape clear characterist caviti lightyear across center natal cloud star could still form insid pillar gravit collaps pillar erod away form star ultim cutoff reservoir star stuff field view span 40 lightyear estim distanc ngc 7822,ngc 7822 cepheu,2022-01-20,699,111,0.0791666666666666,01-20,1,2022,20,4,2,5 fa48734ae55800462f419d022b1807a8a1646a138a45a3e64f198914be40d454,none,laser guid star adapt optic sharpen stun groundbas imag stellar jet gemini south observatory chilean andes planet earth twin outflow young star formation lie toward central milki way boundari constel sagittariu ophiuchu estim distanc 10000 lightyears center star obscur dens region cold dust infrar imag still trace sinuou jet across frame would span 5 lightyear system estim distance driven outward young rotat star appar wander direct jet like due part multipl star system young star rotat axi would slowli precess wobbl like top gravit influenc nearbi companions,young star jet,2022-01-21,565,87,0.0325,01-21,1,2022,21,6,0,3 c38685f2090e3e8a8eb653e1a1c0a921b62c47a3b7feb355c51d58dd92aff719,none,seen ice moon tethys ring shadow would display fantast view saturnian system drop tethi lately gorgeou ringscap cassini spacecraft now caught sunlight left pictur center 2005 tethi 1000 kilomet diamet orbit quit five saturnradii center ga giant planet distanc around 300000 kilometers well outsid saturn main bright rings tethi still one five major moon find within boundari faint tenuou outer e ring discov 1980s two small moon telesto calypso lock stabl along tethys orbit telesto preced calypso follow tethi trio circl saturn,saturn tethys rings shadow,2022-01-23,528,82,-0.0320833333333333,01-23,1,2022,23,0,0,2 da6d830effc712f1fc203392b3999d18dd7134e12af18f321cb372ccca4b4df7,josé mtanou,starlight eeri visag shine dark crook profil evok popular name witch head nebula fact entranc telescop portrait give impress witch fix gaze orion bright supergi star rigel formal known ic 2118 witch head nebula span 50 lightyear compos interstellar dust grain reflect rigel starlight blue color witch head nebula dust surround rigel caus rigel intens blue starlight dust grain scatter blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen rigel witch head nebula ga dust surround lie 800 lightyear away,rigel witch head nebula,2022-01-24,576,90,0.1722222222222222,01-24,1,2022,24,4,1,5 08729a855b3422c0a5f33886025241498e2f82762e0370c6165c264872b7a244,mario cogo galax lux,sky near antar rho ophiuchi dusti yet colorful color result mixtur object processes fine dust illumin front starlight produc blue reflect nebulae gaseou cloud whose atom excit ultraviolet starlight produc reddish emiss nebulae backlit dust cloud block starlight appear dark antares red supergi one brighter star night sky light yellowr cloud lower right featur image rho ophiuchi star system lie center blue reflect nebula top left distant globular cluster star m4 visibl right antares star cloud even color human see emit light across electromagnet spectrum,stars dust ga near antar,2022-01-26,560,85,0.1461309523809523,01-26,1,2022,26,6,1,5 652d1eaa6f0dfa865eead5f33402b818633aaf656ab79746687c462d83f2235e,vika chander,south larg starform region known orion nebula lie bright blue reflect nebula ngc 1999 edg orion molecular cloud complex 1500 lightyear distant ngc 1999 illumin provid embed variabl star v380 orionis nebula mark dark sideway tshape center right telescop vista span two full moon sky dark shape assum obscur dust cloud seen silhouette infrar data suggest shape like hole blown nebula energet young stars fact region abound energet young star produc jet outflow lumin shock waves catalog herbigharo hh objects name astronom georg herbig guillermo haro shock intens reddish hues hh1 hh2 right ngc 1999 also known waterfal nebula look like red gash near top right frame creat shock stellar jet push surround materi speed hundr kilomet per second,south orion,2022-01-27,740,119,0.1198412698412698,01-27,1,2022,27,4,2,5 821ca893ea86c4e191c03a15d0864a6a306f9e3a20cd8b6c2fb7bc6032228f44,tom glenn,mare orientale latin eastern sea one strike larg scale lunar features youngest larg lunar impact basin difficult see earthbound perspective still taken period favor tilt librat lunar nearside eastern sea found near top center sharp telescop view extrem foreshorten along moon western edge form impact asteroid 3 billion year ago nearli 1000 kilomet across impact basin concentr circular featur rippl lunar crust littl easier spot direct imag region taken lunar orbit eastern sea moon western mare oriental lunar featur name 1961 that convent east west lunar map reversed,western moon eastern sea,2022-01-28,570,88,-0.003125,01-28,1,2022,28,2,0,2 1ff3af99f3d1e7fa2dbe9e1897b457ff3825a31578035fdc5ad5d7611ec89e1a,marco lorenzi,name southern constel toward galaxi found fornax cluster one closest cluster galaxies 62 million lightyear away almost 20 time distant neighbor andromeda galaxy 10 percent farther better known popul virgo galaxi cluster seen across two degre wide fieldofview almost everi yellowish splotch imag ellipt galaxi fornax cluster ellipt galaxi ngc ngc bright cluster member toward upper left but spiki foreground stars standout bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 visibl lower right promin fornax cluster member,fornax cluster galaxi,2022-01-29,496,74,0.1607142857142857,01-29,1,2022,29,7,1,3 782fcfdf9b84e34b937c37d21f3fedece469693a05dbb94241682ead3d534d66,none,ga float sun twist magnet field arch solar surfac trap ioniz gas suspend huge loop structures majest plasma arch seen promin solar limb 1999 dramat detail imag record extrem ultraviolet imag telescop eit board spacebas soho observatori light emit ioniz helium show hot plasma escap space fieri promin break free magnet confin hundr thousand kilomet sun awesom event bear watch affect commun power system 100 million kilomet away planet earth late 2020 sun pass solar minimum 11year cycl show increas surfac activity,solar promin soho,2022-01-30,515,82,0.23,01-30,1,2022,30,1,1,4 0d5e08950acd41a4917e527c0f8c57828a40614ce505e8627d891cada74b7f46,roberto colombari,great carina nebula home strang star icon nebulas name home constellation huge starform region larger brighter great orion nebula less well known far south much human live far north featur imag show great detail part carina nebula visibl nebula includ semicircular filament surround activ star wolfrayet 23 far left left center gabriela mistral nebula consist emiss nebula glow ga ic 2599 surround small open cluster star ngc 3324 imag center larger star cluster ngc 3293 right rel faint emiss nebula design loden 153 famou occup carina nebula however shown imag lower right bright erratic doom star star known eta carina star one brightest star sky predict explod supernova sometim next million years,carina nebula north,2022-01-31,703,112,0.1474402409185017,01-31,1,2022,31,4,2,5 b2f7cc8dc6cf8d8733d46356edecd440653777eb74fea2acb41dd2f3c880bb77,none,what happen center galaxy hard tell optic telescop sinc visibl light block interven interstellar dust band light though radio galact center imag show quit interest activ place featur pictur show latest imag milki way center meerkat array 64 radio dish south africa span four time angular size moon 2 degrees imag impress vast deep detailed mani known sourc shown clear detail includ mani prefix sgr sinc galact center direct constel sagittarius galaxy center lie sgr a found imag center hous milki way central supermass black hole sourc imag well understood includ arc left sgr a numer filamentari threads goal meerkat includ search radio emiss neutral hydrogen emit much younger univers brief distant radio flashes open science brows 2700 code astrophys sourc code librari,galact center radio meerkat,2022-02-02,773,123,0.0337121212121212,02-02,2,2022,2,6,2,4 caa0f6d33d65a6e2c7ce7bb3eb800aefaa241bc91003c0ec93ed59e3b996ed67,juan lui,ven though venu left brightest planet sky less appar size moon januari 29 rose sun share crescent phase moment visibl disk 12 percent illumin stood southeastern horizon similar sunlit crescent captur two separ images made differ panel composit stack video frame taken small telescope venu goe rang phase like moon inner planet wander even sky morn sky back period days cours moon complet cycl phases full lunation 295 days,sunlight,2022-02-03,422,69,0.0666666666666666,02-03,2,2022,3,2,0,1 391765f424011bef942157b3735302bcbc50d86f7b16b354e398e2b48c37eca4,robert fedez,ven though jupit planet visibl even sky februari 2 share twilight western horizon solar system brightest moons singl exposur made sunset solar system rule ga giant upper right telephoto fieldofview cancun mexico snapshot also captur fair planet natur satellit young crescent phase moon disk loom large familiar face illumin mostli earthshine four point light linedup jupit jupiter larg galilean moons top bottom ganymede jupiter io europa callisto ganymede io callisto physic larger earth moon water world europa slightli smaller,moon twilight,2022-02-04,529,79,0.2145833333333333,02-04,2,2022,4,8,1,1 ced0e26bcb9d4b89ca04ffb23d1f91b202f70ff3b18d19e43de25449e2a26a8e,none,variabl star r aquarii actual interact binari star system two star seem close symbiot relationship center spacebas composit imag lie 710 light year away intrigu system consist cool red giant star hot dens white dwarf star mutual orbit around common center mass binocular watch r aquarii steadili chang bright cours year so binari system visibl light domin red giant miratyp long period variabl star materi cool giant star extend envelop pull graviti onto surfac smaller denser white dwarf eventu trigger thermonuclear explosion blast materi space astronom seen outburst recent decades evid much older outburst seen spectacular structur span almost lightyear observ hubbl space telescop in red blue data chandra xray observatori in purple show xray glow shock wave creat jet white dwarf strike surround material,symbiot r aquarii,2022-02-05,810,125,0.1066666666666666,02-05,2,2022,5,6,2,4 2ae251e1f6b73e5826533c1d0b0cd35cff56fe3c3492f79deb96bfefcd732af6,none,welcom planet earth third planet star name sun earth shape like sphere compos mostli rock 70 percent earth surfac water planet rel thin atmospher compos mostli nitrogen oxygen featur pictur earth dub blue marble taken apollo 17 1972 featur africa antarctica thought one wide distribut photograph kind earth singl larg moon 14 diamet and planet surface seen almost exactli angular size sun abund liquid water earth support larg varieti life forms includ potenti intellig speci dolphin humans pleas enjoy stay planet earth,blue marbl earth,2022-02-06,520,82,0.0833333333333333,02-06,2,2022,6,8,0,2 068c21f1ed272ea0459104eaca006731fa1e3e323ec31d5ba1f0405c2451cddf,cfht,rain stars appear giant cosmic umbrella known tidal stream star strip small satellit galaxy main galaxy spiral galaxi ngc size milki way stellar appear extend 100 thousand lightyear galaxy bright disk small galaxi like torn apart repeat encount swept back forth eccentr orbit ngc 4651 remain star sure fall back becom part combin larger galaxi next million years featur imag captur canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht hawaii usa umbrella galaxi lie 50 million lightyear distant toward wellgroom northern constel coma berenices almost hyperspace random apod gener,ngc 4651 umbrella galaxi,2022-02-07,559,84,0.0297619047619047,02-07,2,2022,7,7,0,3 c49ad816e5a977a2da251f224f00107cb60c8314da461c18bfa98ca41b66c237,alexandr,half sky left night sky lit particl expel sun later collid earth upper atmospher creat bright auroras right night glow ground light reflect million tini ice crystal fall sky creat light pillars center astrophotograph present light pillar vertic column flutter icecryst mostli flat ground color ground lights aurora cover sky ground green hue glow oxygen clear see star right them distant star dot background includ bright star icon constel orion featur imag captur singl exposur two month ago near norway favorit sky left half right half light,aurora light pillar norway,2022-02-08,546,87,0.1361801242236025,02-08,2,2022,8,6,1,1 612d9112e5aeb408815f8b0ae7f7b4ca50b88ae998c5bce903c39b886b22e8af,clear sky,ice light bright gibbou moon cast shadow across frozen lake 20 kilomet north stockholm sweden planet earth allur night skyscap captur februari 10 shimmer auror curtain light danc even sky northern night nature perform includ auror display foster minor geomagnet storm stormi space weather result coron mass ejection erupt solar promin day earlier fair planet magnetosphere,aurora moonlight,2022-02-12,372,56,0.3583333333333333,02-12,2,2022,12,8,1,1 34b1c4e1b308027f88067c20ec4f111df4a1d3e27ed18bee43fff0d270a3ec42,none,earth look like night find favorit countri city surprisingly citi light make task quit possible humanmad light highlight particularli develop popul area earth surface includ seaboard europe eastern unit states japan mani larg citi locat near river ocean exchang good cheapli boat particularli dark area includ central part south america africa asia australia featur image nicknam black marble actual composit hundr pictur 2016 data taken orbit suomi npp satellite,earth night,2022-02-13,463,69,0.1983333333333333,02-13,2,2022,13,8,1,1 b9fc7a586500df4473a52efeecc25f28bed8cf01daac964087a7f80f9081c25e,adam,excit heart nebula first larg emiss nebula dub ic 1805 looks whole like human heart shape perhap fit valentine day heart glow brightli red light emit promin element excit hydrogen red glow larger shape creat small group star near nebula center heart heart nebula young star open star cluster melott 15 erod away sever picturesqu dust pillar energet light winds open cluster star contain bright star nearli 50 time mass sun mani dim star fraction mass sun absent microquasar expel million year ago heart nebula locat 7500 light year away toward constel mytholog queen aethiopia cassiopeia,heart heart nebula,2022-02-14,587,96,0.15,02-14,2,2022,14,4,2,5 98ff840a7c686e57e4277fe3b28f47f2a8b4aae7f540279394ffcff8f92d86d7,none,what differ moon featur image cant directli see termin line divid light day dark night that imag digit composit 29 lunar termin region show longest promin shadow shadow which contrast length allow flat photograph appear threedimensional origin imag data taken near moon nasa lunar reconnaiss orbiter mani moon crater stand shadow cast right imag show graphic detail darker region known maria darker rest moon find phase moon birthday,termin moon,2022-02-15,436,68,0.1017857142857143,02-15,2,2022,15,2,1,1 0a412a54c55d25015ac2f2b13c449508e2dd3f4d34f069519e8ed110c0715173,robert eder,dark mark bright nebula telescop southern sky view telltal sign young star activ star formation lie mere 650 lightyear away boundari local bubbl chamaeleon molecular cloud complex region young star identifi dusti reflect nebula 1946 cederblad catalog includ ced 110 left center bluish ced it also standout frame orang tint vshape chamaeleon infrar nebula carv materi stream newli form lowmass star wellcompos imag span 15 degrees that 17 lightyear estim distanc nearbi chamaeleon molecular cloud,chamaeleon molecular cloud,2022-02-17,495,75,-0.0149999999999999,02-17,2,2022,17,4,0,5 585c43a6edc2b5f2ef2b955745ecd1f8bf53a4615e7c5b5ca65a27c58f72f525,dave,galact open star cluster young swarm star born togeth near plane milki way number steadili dwindl cluster member eject galact tide gravit interactions caught telescop frame three degre across three good exampl galact star clusters seen toward southern sky nautic constel puppis left m46 5500 lightyear distance right center m47 1600 lightyear away ngc 2423 top 2500 lightyear distant around 300 million year young m46 contain hundr star region 30 lightyear across sharp eye spot planetari nebula ngc 2438 11 oclock m46 cluster stars nebula central star billion year old ngc 2438 like foreground object chanc along line sight youth m46 even younger age around 80 million years m47 smaller looser star cluster span 10 lightyears star cluster ngc 2423 push 750 million year age though ngc 2423 known harbor extrasolar planet detect orbit one red giant stars,three cluster puppi,2022-02-18,854,138,0.0867063492063491,02-18,2,2022,18,6,2,3 9564b8f9d8b47213a2116869b21b8100a867409d89194ba9cf4b851794ed9dfe,jason guenzel,spiki star foreground backyard telescop frame well within milki way galaxy two eyecatch galaxi lie far beyond milki way distanc 300 million lightyears distort appear due gravit tide pair engag close encounters catalog arp 273 also ugc 1810 galaxi look peculiar interact galaxi understood common universe nearby larg spiral andromeda galaxi known 2 million lightyear away approach milki way peculiar galaxi arp 273 may offer analog far futur encounter repeat galaxi encount cosmic timescal ultim result merger singl galaxi stars perspective bright core arp 273 galaxi separ littl 100000 lightyears,peculiar galaxi arp 273,2022-02-19,596,90,0.095,02-19,2,2022,19,7,2,3 9741854c14e3086920136796c5fa89127c19c76c7d0440a6530a74c96ad1e5c0,robert,sometim heaven earth erupt color aurora erupt unexpectedli year ago green aurora appear near horizon brilliant band red aurora bloom high overhead bright moon lit foreground picturesqu scene familiar star could seen far distance planning care astrophotograph shot imag mosaic field white dome geyser yellowston nation park western usa sure enough midnight white dome erupt spray stream water vapor mani meter air geyser water heat steam magma sever kilomet below rise rock crack surface half known geyser occur yellowston nation park although geomagnet storm caus aurora subsid within day erupt white dome geyser continu everi 30 minutes,aurora white dome,2022-02-20,638,97,0.1645555555555556,02-20,2,2022,20,8,2,1 431532fe10563a1fed2c983a1d6acd2dab842e1821f0b5d3a23d165572c167b5,none,mani spiral galaxi bar across centers even milki way galaxi thought modest central bar promin bar spiral galaxi ngc 6217 featur here captur spectacular detail imag taken advanc camera survey orbit hubbl space telescop 2009 visibl dark filamentari dust lanes young cluster bright blue stars red emiss nebula glow hydrogen gas long bar star across center bright activ nucleu like hous supermass black hole light take 60 million year reach us ngc 6217 span 30000 light year across found toward constel littl bear ursa minor apod world languages arabic bulgarian catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch french french canada german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish turkish ukrainian,bar spiral galaxi ngc 6217,2022-02-21,767,116,0.1182539682539682,02-21,2,2022,21,7,2,3 54cf195fcd795ab8e06be42c550eea2efeb1c7ceec23fa9d3989121dc2e204c3,none,first quasar look like nearest quasar known involv supermass black hole center activ galaxies ga dust fall toward quasar glow brightly sometim outglow entir home galaxy quasar form first billion year univers mysterious though featured recent data enabl artist impress earlyunivers quasar might center massiv black hole surround sheet ga accret disk expel power jet quasar among distant object see give human uniqu inform earli interven universe oldest quasar current known seen short redshift 8 700 million year big bang univers percent current age,earli quasar,2022-02-22,550,84,0.0377777777777777,02-22,2,2022,22,8,0,3 47d9793a8c4194e18f52905fea9d759d9a1a798e430d350615b90f9683fca7b0,dave,huge green bank telescop discov tonight pictured robert c byrd green bank telescop lower right largest singledish radio telescop world central dish larger footbal field gbt nestl hill west virginia usa radio quiet zone use cell emitters even microwav limited gbt explor univers night day too sinc daytim sky typic dark radio waves taken late january featur imag plan month get set locat orion right imag composit foreground shot taken kilomet away background shot built long exposur previou night deep background imag orion fit gbt famou for among mani discoveries map unusu magnet field orion molecular cloud complex,orion green bank,2022-02-23,618,98,0.0066666666666666,02-23,2,2022,23,8,2,4 0217c1dda1864329b6e6122fabe3e51f69cdae06cf49dd9c06ad6f0ddc30cbcb,robert eder,beta cygni singl bright star nake eye 420 lightyear away mark foot northern cross famou aster constel cygnus view eyepiec small telescop transform beauti doubl star treasur night sky blue gold beta cygni also known albireo design albireo ab indic two bright compon stars visual strike color differ illustr telescop snapshot along associ visibl spectrum starlight shown inset right albireo a top inset show spectrum giant star cooler sun emit energi yellow red wavelengths below albireo b spectrum main sequenc star much hotter sun emit energi blue violet albireo known binari star two star togeth orbit common center mass though two star close togeth seen separ small telescope wellsepar albireo b like repres optic doubl star physic binari system two compon clearli differ measur motion space,beauti ab,2022-02-24,793,126,0.0971988795518207,02-24,2,2022,24,6,2,4 b71106fa2a97ade544575b7cb197e70f7a78ce58d748149e0adcb4fb79f08819,none,navcam mosaic persever look carsiz rover deck across floor jezero crater mars frame use construct mosaic view captur mission sol correspond earth calendar date februari 17 2022 nearli one earth year rover landing mass 1000 kilograms sixwheel persever rover touch mars first year explor rover collect six so far rock core sampl later return planet earth serv base station ingenuity first helicopt mars test mar oxygen resourc util convert red planet thin carbon atmospher oxygen,persever sol,2022-02-25,477,75,-0.0857142857142857,02-25,2,2022,25,5,0,2 19fd61b2c2f951ac98f184586eee940d2dc99a3bb4667b3308cfe90a1d559caa,dietmar hager,larg spiral galaxi ngc 4945 seen nearli edgeon cosmic galaxi closeup almost size milki way galaxy ngc 4945 dusti disk young blue star clusters pink star form region stand color telescop frame 13 million lightyear distant toward expans southern constel centaurus ngc 4945 six time farther away andromeda nearest larg spiral galaxi milki way though galaxy central region larg hidden view optic telescopes xray infrar observ indic signific high energi emiss star format core ngc 4945 obscur activ nucleu qualifi gorgeou island univers seyfert galaxi home central supermass black hole,nearbi spiral galaxi ngc 4945,2022-02-26,580,90,-0.0273333333333333,02-26,2,2022,26,7,0,3 aa6b69385d751863c147fc6e85da45c7fd264efc6a5fd13af83dd7e59ee96935,none,oh look pictur here earth come up soon 53 year ago one famou imag ever taken snap orbit moon known icon imag show earth rise limb moon taken crew apollo 8 wellknown earthris imag actual second imag taken earth rise lunar limb first color modern digit however real first earthris imag origin black white remast combin resolut color first three images featur imag closeup pictur apollo 8 astronaut bill ander talk about thank modern technolog human ingenuity see it note differ histor black white imag earth set behind lunar limb taken robot lunar orbit 1 two year,earthris 1 histor imag remast,2022-02-27,566,97,0.0416666666666666,02-27,2,2022,27,2,2,2 48f7082c73bc812fbfa0f1890effa5718991e12bc66b72783c22b087a34fae37,jeff,look telescop know pointing allow telescop project imag onto larg surfac use intens bright bright sources use look sun exampl solar eclipse featur singleexposur image though full moon februari full moon occur two week ago call snow moon northern cultures project instrument main telescop observatori high french alps see full moon directli easier bright although see level detail next chanc occur march 17,moon,2022-02-28,405,63,0.3476666666666667,02-28,2,2022,28,2,1,1 11fc14e73c02f8ab70c97eca0b55a826800f0d665dd685a52e469fb4eb18d18e,jeff daitwan,two band sky commonli seen band one right central band milki way galaxy sun orbit disk spiral galaxy inside disk appear band compar bright way around sky milki way band also seen year away citi lights less commonli seem band left zodiac light sunlight reflect dust orbit sun solar system zodiac light brightest near sun best seen sunris sunset even north particularli month march april ribbon zodiac light appear quit promin sunset determin centuri zodiac dust mostli expel comet pass near jupiter certain time year two band seen side side part sky like this featur image includ andromeda galaxi meteor captur late januari frozen lake sichuan china,duel band night,2022-03-01,650,107,0.241025641025641,03-01,3,2022,1,6,2,1 f86fe0011cc74b63084d9b07fbd6f9518e8a1d402f68b39fd329f419527b4194,none,what happen sun last month produc largest promin ever imag togeth complet solar disk record image featured captur ultraviolet light sunorbit solar orbit spacecraft quiescent solar promin cloud hot ga held sun surfac sun magnet field solar promin huge span length rival diamet sun itself solar promin may erupt unpredict expel hot ga solar system via coron mass eject cme cme strike earth magnetosphere bright aurora may occur promin produc cme direct well away earth although sure relat sun chang magnet field energi mechan creat sustain solar promin remain topic research,record promin imag solar orbit,2022-03-02,573,91,0.325,03-02,3,2022,2,1,1,2 5bb4b8856ac657dced8faa78a1e745a121f3c2eac159247d2329f1cef4dda441,none,crab nebula catalog m1 first object charl messier famou list thing comets fact crab known supernova remnant expand debri massiv star death explosion wit planet earth 1054 ad brave new imag offer 21st centuri view crab nebula present imag data across electromagnet spectrum wavelength visibl light space chandra xray xmmnewton hubbl visible spitzer infrared data purple blue green yellow hues ground larg array radio wavelength data shown red one exot object known modern astronomers crab pulsar neutron star spin 30 time second bright spot near pictur center like cosmic dynamo collaps remnant stellar core power crab emiss across electromagnet spectrum span 12 lightyears crab nebula 6500 lightyear away constel taurus,multiwavelength crab,2022-03-04,719,110,0.1585227272727273,03-04,3,2022,4,4,2,5 91e1f288523130c0154872ffd985c2b6ccafaad3bc7c02c1c376823c2a45ff44,none,somewher els milki way galaxy comet 2iborisov visit solar system discov amateur astronom borisov august 30 2019 first known interstellar comet seen two hubbl space telescop imag novemb decemb 2019 left distant background galaxi near lineofsight borisov blur hubbl track speed comet dust tail million kilomet earth right 2iborisov appear shortli perihelion closest approach sun european southern observatori observ indic comet may never pass close star 2019 perihelion passage borisov closest approach fair planet distanc 290 million kilometers came decemb 28 2019 even though hubble sharp imag resolv comet nucleus lead estim less 1 kilomet diameter,interstellar comet,2022-03-05,649,96,0.0630952380952381,03-05,3,2022,5,3,2,4 fa316fdc26dfa083820fe83b90b129b2aa65fee4315d64dfffb6fb8096093b1f,none,unusu type solar eclipse typically earth moon eclips sun 2012 though planet venu took turn like solar eclips moon phase venu becam continu thinner crescent venu becam increasingli better align sun eventu align becam perfect phase venu drop zero dark spot venu cross parent star situat could technic label venusian annular eclips extraordinarili larg ring fire pictur occultation sun imag three color ultraviolet light earthorbit solar dynam observatory dark region toward right correspond coron hole hour later venu continu orbit slight crescent phase appear again next venusian transit across sun occur 2117,venu tripli ultraviolet sun,2022-03-06,608,92,0.1411255411255411,03-06,3,2022,6,1,2,1 881c0bbd275703a6e7ba42d76bc7974747ff699bd8b4150c54be2addf1050e04,maroun,yes see deep exposur show famou dark indent look like horse head visibl left center known horsehead nebula horsehead nebula part vast complex dark absorb dust bright glow gas bring detail horsehead pasture astrophotograph artist combin light accumul 20 hour hydrogen oxygen blue sulfur green result spectacular pictur captur lebanon detail intric tapestri gaseou wisp dustladen filament creat sculpt eon stellar wind ancient supernovas featur composit bring anoth pareidol anim icon lion head expans orang color ga horse head flame nebula visibl left horsehead horsehead nebula lie 1500 light year distant toward constel orion,orion,2022-03-07,628,94,0.084375,03-07,3,2022,7,4,2,5 7f8bbc82363ef17736430ad8c2f52164fe4bbc0e60bd0e591ac4fe32cb977dc2,none,one unusu rock yet found mars smaller rock sever appendag make look some like although would major discoveri rock truli fossil ancient martian flower less spectacular current prefer explan unusu structure one theori emerg rock type concret creat miner deposit water crack exist rock compact together harder denser surround rock remain even surround rock erod away flower structur may also caus crystal clusters small rock name similar previous imag martian featur imag taken curios rover mar late february scientist continu studi data imag taken similar surpris martian rocks review last year space pictur,rock mar,2022-03-09,609,93,-0.0267361111111111,03-09,3,2022,9,5,2,2 f244bf74a413863fc3cbf741097b54657c774b2003509b5cdc3a5634b11819cf,bernard miller,globular star cluster 47 tucana jewel southern sky also known ngc 104 roam halo milki way galaxi along 200 globular star clusters second brightest globular cluster after omega centauri seen planet earth 47 tuc lie 13000 lightyear away spot nakedey close sky small magellan cloud constel toucan dens cluster made hundr thousand star volum 120 lightyear across red giant star outskirt cluster easi pick yellowish star sharp telescop portrait tightli pack globular cluster 47 tuc also home star closest known orbit around black hole,globular star cluster 47 tuc,2022-03-10,529,84,-0.0773809523809523,03-10,3,2022,10,6,0,3 cfb6925e93879010961f1893003491f1b8b4e44966747323c41cd989d7b53c51,marcella giulia pace,want see rainbow smile look near zenith sun low sky might exampl ice halo known circumzenith arc captur palm tree top ragusa sicili februari 24 vividli color arc often call smile rainbow upsid curvatur colors circumzenith arc zenith center red outside compar rainbow whose arc bend toward horizon downpour true rainbow form water droplet refract sunlight produc spectrum colors though circumzenith arc product refract reflect flat hexagon ice crystals like ice crystal creat sundogs form high thin clouds,rainbow smile,2022-03-11,504,78,0.0987499999999999,03-11,3,2022,11,8,0,1 1ac5d62e15fb1ded59aa1e2d7f8175c7a7a167a467b262dbbae2deac0d7934cf,dan,northern winter constel long arc milki way set night skyscap look toward pacif ocean point planet earth california coast sirius alpha star cani major promin starri arc toward left orion yellowish betelgeuse aldebaran taurus blue tint pleiad star cluster also find milki way northwestern horizon near center scene nebula visibl seri exposur use construct panoram view captur earli march faint seen unaid eye northern night expans glow includ reddish barnard loop orion ngc right pleiades also known california nebula,point milki way,2022-03-12,515,79,-0.0252232142857142,03-12,3,2022,12,6,0,5 ebfaf6263015289e4cd4f31e1db5ca6a5ca4b62fb24ddc5736873c04294ad3e9,wang,would sky glow like giant repeat rainbow airglow air glow time usual hard see disturb howev like approach storm may caus notic rippl earth atmosphere graviti wave oscil air analog creat rock thrown calm water red airglow like origin oh molecul 87kilomet high excit ultraviolet light sun orang green airglow like caus sodium oxygen atom slightli higher up drive near lake qinghai china year ago photograph origin notic mainli impress central band milki way galaxy stop photograph it surprisingly result sensit camera imag show airglow band quit promin span entir sky featur imag digit enhanc make color vibrant,color airglow band surround milki way,2022-03-13,611,98,0.1026923076923077,03-13,3,2022,13,6,2,4 9699453695688efa5a2ebeb8b99fcaa11d73dbeefcd0928d94ee46cef4f54421,none,star form one place star form region known eggs uncov end giant pillar ga dust eagl nebula m16 short evapor gaseou globules egg dens region mostli molecular hydrogen ga fragment gravit collaps form stars light hottest brightest new star heat end pillar caus evapor ga dust reveal yet egg young stars featur pictur creat exposur span 30 hour earthorbit hubbl space telescop 2014 digit process modern softwar experienc volunt argentina newborn star gradual destroy birth pillar next 100000 year supernova destroy first,star format eagl nebula,2022-03-14,518,82,0.0686363636363636,03-14,3,2022,14,4,0,5 4d24ab93d675667c7f5cb348a7f6c9050e8a4dbf1c980a1d5b76e2e7b3384a09,none,pictur scenic road stars road approach la silla observatori chile eso 36meter telescop ahead left support structur plan telescopes array optic telescop help locat optic counterpart gravit wave detect ligo detectors much more red airglow illumin night sky right central band milki way galaxi slant across imag center jupit seen band near imag center saturn visibl 36meter telescop dome two largest satellit galaxi milki way galaxy lmc smc seen far right featur imag panorama built multipl 15second exposur captur 2019 june 30 two day later la silla experienc rare total eclips sun,road star,2022-03-15,580,92,0.1054945054945055,03-15,3,2022,15,6,2,4 8a8cef00159fa50e4797de45192c3b1b3ccefe6d0ccbccd1aa3297cba46a794e,none,far see everyth see everyth could possibl see right now assum eye could detect type radiat around observ universe light farthest see come cosmic microwav background time 138 billion year ago univers opaqu like thick fog neutrino gravit wave surround us come even farther out human yet technolog detect them featur imag illustr observ univers increasingli compact scale earth sun center surround solar system nearbi stars nearbi galaxies distant galaxies filament earli matter cosmic microwav background cosmologist typic assum observ univers nearbi part greater entiti known the universe physic applies however sever line popular specul reason assert even univers part greater multivers either differ physic constant occur differ physic law apply higher dimens operate slightli differentbych version standard univers exist available high imag version annot version,observ univers,2022-03-16,866,126,0.1797142857142857,03-16,3,2022,16,8,2,4 f373be330b93c85f7b8aaaa648850564acff010f41a93ab5eb04bb0fc336a183,david,mere 11 million lightyear away centauru closest activ galaxi planet earth span 60000 lightyears peculiar ellipt galaxi also known ngc 5128 featur sharp telescop view centauru appar result collis two otherwis normal galaxi result fantast jumbl star cluster impos dark dust lanes near galaxy center leftov cosmic debri steadili consum central black hole billion time mass sun activ galaxies process like gener enorm radio xray gammaray energi radiat centauru a,centauru,2022-03-17,458,70,-0.0989583333333333,03-17,3,2022,17,7,0,3 e9713e33106a0ae967c9c3662894c5839f788c11ac45aedf4218cb41c5442256,giorgio ferrari,bluish reflect nebula seem fill dusti expanse sharp telescop frame span 1 degre sky toward faint fanci constel monoceros unicorn seen within monocero r1 cloud complex 2500 lightyear away bluish ic 447 left join long dark filament dust ic 446 lower right embed ic 447 young massiv blue star much hotter sun whose light reflect cosmic cloud star stuff observ reveal ic 446 also contain young stellar object massiv star still earli stage evolution dark filament dust molecular ga join two starform region 15 lightyear long,filament monocero,2022-03-18,519,86,0.0007142857142857,03-18,3,2022,18,4,0,5 73903a92ab083ee47c5997b7b7d345ddbd0595c2b938998ae692c91947bd57e2,none,2mass j175540426551277 exactli roll tongu that name catalog designation star center sharp field view fan distant univers get use spiki appear though diffract pattern creat 18 hexagon mirror segment jame webb space telescope segment adjust achiev diffract limit align infrar wavelength oper concert singl 65 meter diamet primari mirror result imag taken webb nircam demonstr precis align best physic 2mass j175540426551277 2000 lightyear away well within galaxy galaxi scatter across background webb telescop align imag like billion lightyear distant far beyond milki way,2mass,2022-03-19,570,83,0.1125,03-19,3,2022,19,7,0,4 15e4c90bd9320c52b28d8b1650f1055bedd5efaf2b6b78c50fb0fbe592cdbf98,cee radio astronomy,could see entir sky entir year that pictur here everi 15 minut 2021 allski camera took imag sky netherlands central column imag align combin creat featur januari top decemb bottom middl night run vertic left center see daytim sky mostli blue nighttim sky mostli black twelv light band cross night sky caus glow moon thinnest part black hourglass shape occur summer solstic day thickest part occur winter solstice yesterday equinox night day equal equinox one year ago actual locat threequart way up follow apod instagram in english indonesian persian portugues taiwanes,sky 2021,2022-03-21,574,91,0.0388888888888888,03-21,3,2022,21,6,0,1 1808a63119b6d34ffab073e9bd73f948d78bb77c3f720ecf4c7d7c1d7070ca11,göran strand,what sky aurora larg coron mass eject occur sun earlier month throw cloud fastmov electrons protons ion toward earth part cloud impact earth magnetospher and bolster sudden gap result spectacular aurora seen high northern latitudes featur particularli photogen auror corona captur forest sweden scenic perch overlook citi some shimmer green glow recombin atmospher oxygen might appear like larg whale feel free share look like you unusu quiet sun past year passed sun approach solar maximum 11year solar magnet cycle dramat aurora like sure continue open science brows 2700 code astrophys sourc code librari,whale aurora swedish forest,2022-03-22,607,93,0.121,03-22,3,2022,22,1,2,1 f0e3f100143e7757d4136acbb8f941be8db8f102124dc9125814a9f7b517c45f,none,massiv star blow bubbles featur imag show perhap famou ngc 7635 also known simpli bubbl nebula although look delicate diamet bubbl offer evid violent process work left bubble center hot otyp star sever hundr thousand time lumin massiv sun fierc stellar wind intens radiat star blast structur glow ga denser materi surround molecular cloud intrigu bubbl nebula associ cloud complex lie mere 7100 lightyear away toward boast constel cassiopeia sharp tantal view cosmic bubbl reprocess composit previous acquir hubbl space telescop imag data birthday surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,bubbl nebula hubbl,2022-03-23,594,91,-0.1791666666666667,03-23,3,2022,23,4,0,4 d9ee6d7d3995dcf804980334fe075e88e17ca61bb7cbbf243066c3b7aaebe049,none,peculiar spiral galaxi arp 78 found within boundari head strong constel aries 100 million lightyear beyond star nebula milki way galaxy island univers 100000 lightyear across also known ngc 772 sport prominent outer spiral arm detail cosmic portrait larg gemini north telescop near summit maunakea hawaii planet earth track along sweep dust lane line young blue star clusters arp 78 spiral arm like pumpedup galacticscal gravit tidal interact close companion galaxi respons ngc 770 locat upper right frame distant background galaxi clearli visibl cosmic field view,arp 78 peculiar galaxi ari,2022-03-24,564,86,0.1648809523809524,03-24,3,2022,24,7,1,3 b9f9e404cb7d04d975756533d7148723e249e7f4889b152fce64a315e66695cb,damien cannan,braid serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow medusa transform star faint one near center overal bright crescent shape deep telescop view fainter filament clearli extend left bright crescent region medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2022-03-25,593,89,0.13125,03-25,3,2022,25,4,2,5 fbdd4079967938e339d1b6aac12763e12351be707303bcb70d9cccda0ed3c95e,none,night side pluto span shadowi scene stun spacebas perspect sun billion kilomet almost 45 lighthours behind dim distant world captur far flung new horizon juli 2015 spacecraft rang 21000 kilomet pluto 19 minut closest approach denizen kuiper belt dramat silhouette imag also reveal pluto tenuous surprisingli complex layer hazi atmosphere near top frame crescent twilight landscap includ southern area nitrogen ice plain formal known sputnik planitia rug mountain wateric norgay montes,pluto night,2022-03-26,484,71,-0.0077922077922077,03-26,3,2022,26,8,0,2 e339da5fe4d8def0fd29a3cd730ccb6ca43e6ae2904a174f36fd4721225d0c49,none,would surfac titan light blind flash reason sunglint liquid seas saturn moon titan numer smooth lake methan that angl right reflect sunlight mirrors pictur falsecolor robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2004 2017 imag cloudcov titan 2014 differ band cloudpierc infrar light specular reflect bright satur one cassini infrar cameras although sunglint annoy also useful reflect region confirm northern titan hous wide complex array sea geometri indic period signific evaporation numer pass solar system mysteri moon cassini reveal titan world activ weather includ time rain liquefi version natur gas,titan sea reflect sunlight,2022-03-27,600,88,0.1761904761904762,03-27,3,2022,27,0,1,2 008a50c78222279a4c3b9433ce3f54f03e92599f0e3b51891d7eec43ca7442fb,petr horálekesophoto ambassadorinst physic opava,southernmost part milki way contain star southern cross closest star system sun alpha centauri southern cross top bright yellowish star gamma crucis line gamma cruci blue star bottom cross acrux point toward south celesti pole locat small island featur pictur taken earli march island maldiv indian ocean faint milki way starlight dark coal sack nebula lie left cross farther left along milki way bright star alpha centauri left beta centauri alpha centauri a sunlik star anchor threestar system mere 43 lightyear distant seen alpha centauri sun would bright yellowish star otherwis recogniz constel cassiopeia almost hyperspace random apod gener,night,2022-03-28,648,99,0.03,03-28,3,2022,28,6,2,3 3c5ff8d129b1d844ad9cd14516f58fbe60c6f2496f6b41a0829d7f5d80d1f390,carlo kiko fairbairn,two planet pass night sky usual seen near week more case planetari conjunction venu mar pass within 4 degre earlier month featur imag taken day venu slow rise predawn sky night night mar slowli setting image mosaic captur brazil small town besid venu mars morn sky also includ distant planet saturn course conjunct angular venus mars saturn continu orbit sun differ part solar system next week angl saturn mar drop quarter degree,venu mars pass night,2022-03-29,430,72,-0.0375,03-29,3,2022,29,5,0,1 7473b861c3ed01bc11bd214a492d0b14499f88c6539f37c4d4d88a02ac1680d7,dietmar hager,60 million lightyear away southerli constel corvus two larg galaxi colliding star two galaxies catalog ngc 4038 ngc 4039 rare collid cours ponder cataclysm last hundr million years galaxies larg cloud molecular ga dust often do trigger furiou episod star format near center cosmic wreckage span 500 thousand lightyears stun view also reveal new star cluster matter flung far scene accid gravit tidal forces remark sharp groundbas image accumul 88 hour exposur captur follow faint tidal tail distant background galaxi field view suggest overal visual appear extend arc structur give galaxi pair also known arp popular name antennae,explor antenna,2022-03-31,631,98,0.037396694214876,03-31,3,2022,31,7,2,3 b14c886d867142006cf86f4deb6c85a22dcd9353ebb4239baee22493e0420cf8,antonio tartarini,natur filter hazi atmospher offer recogniz architectur sunset telephoto view march 27 dark solar disk larg sunspot solar activ region 2975 2976 wedg pisa famou lean tower one day later sunstar spacecraft watch activ region 2975 unleash solar flare along two coron mass ejections largest impact magnetospher march 31 trigger geomagnet storm aurora highlatitud night skies march 30 activ region 2975 erupt power xclass solar flare caus temporari radio blackout planet earth,activ sun,2022-04-01,471,72,-0.075,04-01,4,2022,1,1,0,4 4b6e1eff076ea9a197dd4e487814b76351899f2dcf44a8231c8d30a64aae6bd4,jason dain,almost otherworldli display northern light captur clear sky earli hour march 31 44 degre north latitude planet earth five second exposur scene look north beach park nova scotia canada star wshape constel cassiopeia shine well horizon red tint higher altitud auror glow auror activ anticip skywatch alert possibl stormi space weather sunstar spacecraft predict geomagnet storm spark coron mass ejection launch prolif solar activ region impact fair planet magnetosphere,nova northern light,2022-04-02,467,69,0.2416666666666666,04-02,4,2022,2,8,1,1 9e08775aca331e2f991511ef6c25a6f09c874da771314c9a97ba085130a1c56f,none,earth rest earth move around sun sun orbit center milki way galaxy milki way galaxi orbit local group galaxies local group fall toward virgo cluster galaxies speed less speed object togeth move rel cosmic microwav background radiat cmbr featur allski map cobe satellit 1993 microwav light earth direct motion appear blueshift henc hotter microwav light opposit side sky redshift colder map indic local group move 600 kilomet per second rel primordi radiation high speed initi unexpect magnitud still unexplained move fast there,cmb dipole speed univers,2022-04-03,527,82,0.0786111111111111,04-03,4,2022,3,6,0,4 7173358ea58e5b4bcadbe45ae116998adbe5ecb10dfaf2eb9feac03ae24406d7,christoph suarez,no car danger space big sky vortex one reason vortex realli aurora sinc aurora creat particl strike earth space creat rapidli develop auror display caus coron mass eject sun pass earth close enough caus rippl earth magnetosphere upper red part aurora occur 250 kilomet high red glow creat atmospher atom oxygen directli energ incom particles lower green part aurora occur 100 kilomet high green glow creat atmospher atom oxygen energ indirectli collis molecular nitrogen 100 kilometers littl atom oxygen aurora end concentr depict dramat auror corona seen side featur imag creat singl exposur taken midmarch lake myvatn iceland april is global astronomi month,vortex aurora iceland,2022-04-04,659,103,-0.008,04-04,4,2022,4,8,2,4 0f9ef95ca2509b9ca44d19fb0da752425e6072b003eedaa30dd6156e5e2b8f56,none,farthest star yet discovered scientif possibl start hubbl space telescop observ huge cluster galaxies gravit len effect cluster seen magnifi distort galaxi far background distort background galaxi far away redshift appear featur imag long red string bead string like star clusters galaxi cluster len creat line maximum magnif line superpos background object may appear magnifi mani thousand times intersect galaxi line maximum magnif line one show evid origin singl bright star earli univers name futur investig may includ imag hubbl see earendel bright and quit possibly new jame webb space telescop becom oper later year earendel great distanc exce known stabl star although star explod creat grb 090423 redshift,star earli univers,2022-04-06,718,109,0.2886363636363637,04-06,4,2022,6,7,2,4 9a378bfa7942b609a324124d1eed76acc1399cb905cebc5ce554bafbbabe56cd,gabriel rodrigu santo,unlik entri charl messier famou catalog deep sky objects m24 bright galaxy star cluster nebula gap nearby obscur interstellar dust cloud allow view distant star sagittariu spiral arm milki way galaxy gaze star cloud binocular small telescop look window 300 lightyear wide star 10000 lightyear earth sometim call small sagittariu star cloud m24 lumin star fill gorgeou starscape cover 3 degre width 6 full moon constel sagittarius telescop field view includ dark mark b92 b93 center along cloud dust glow nebula toward center milki way,messier 24 sagittariu star cloud,2022-04-07,534,85,8.326672684688674e-18,04-07,4,2022,7,6,0,5 f61b5e4a000818cfaf2164779ebe377169c17af8f9ff7723b6b7678200ccff9c,stefan seip,twentyf year ago comet halebopp round sun offer dazzl spectacl planet earth night skies digit origin astrophoto 35mm color slide film classic imag great comet 1997 record day perihelion passag april 1 1997 made camera telephoto len small telescope 10 minut long exposur featur memor tail halebopp whitish dust tail blue ion tail here ion tail extend well ten degre across northern sky all halebopp report visibl nake eye late may 1996 septemb 1997 also known halebopp recogn one pristin comet pass inner solar system visitor distant oort cloud comet next perihelion passag around year ad rememb halebopp,halebopp great comet 1997,2022-04-08,603,98,0.006060606060606,04-08,4,2022,8,3,2,4 9890e83787967c97ead92204542ecc5547c28a4d25a1ea167f3b8fa56b261d73,damian peach,fainter star zodiac constel capricornu scatter near plane eclipt field view two brightest one center star though planet mar saturn taken morn april 4 telescop snapshot captur tantal close conjunct predawn sky pair planet separ 13 degree that easili less appar width full moon tell planet which guess mar redder one right mars slightli fainter saturn still shine paler yellowish ting reflect sunlight even low magnification saturn largest brightest moon titan spot hug planet close left,conjunct,2022-04-09,486,76,0.0670068027210884,04-09,4,2022,9,0,0,1 33d4476cd11ba9416db8b7a8706749ee81f42361f4f9c950aad25f5e8e00767d,none,imag moon surfac taken microscope multitempor illumin map made wideangl camera creat it lunar reconnaiss orbit spacecraft collect 1700 imag period 6 lunar day 6 earth months repeatedli cover area center moon south pole differ angles result imag stack produc featur map repres percentag time spot surfac illumin sun remain convincingli shadow floor diamet shackleton crater seen near map center lunar south pole 9 oclock crater rim crater floor near lunar south north pole remain perman shadow mountain top remain nearli continu sunlight use futur outposts shadow crater floor could offer reservoir waterice sunlit mountain top offer good locat collect solar power,shadow moon south pole,2022-04-10,665,102,0.2428571428571428,04-10,4,2022,10,2,2,2 a90e4f965ce5be84c47377331c2c4529a50ea9f3ceb11ce90cc1c05a5b26ce6b,wang letian ey night,typically intern space station visibl night slowli drift across night sky orbit earth intern space station iss seen bright spot sever time year mani locations iss visibl sunset sunris shine reflect sunlight iss enter earth shadow drop sight occas iss visibl day pass right front sun then pass quickli camera take short exposur visual freez iss silhouett onto background sun featur pictur exactli actual seri imag taken earlier month beijing china perfect timing imag seri later combin separ imag taken nearli time highlight textur activ busi sun solar activ includ numer gaseou promin seen around edge highlight red filament seen sun face dark sunspot,space station cross busi sun,2022-04-11,653,104,0.1517316017316017,04-11,4,2022,11,1,2,1 86df36be877e47d664d77192526bbe89b1c4e1367fecbd2554ae96de4dcb3f13,none,massiv stars abras winds mountain dust energet light sculpt one largest picturesqu region star format local group galaxies known n11 region visibl upper right mani imag home galaxy milki way neighbor known larg magellan cloud lmc featur imag taken scientif purpos hubbl space telescop reprocess although section imag known ngc 1763 entir n11 emiss nebula second lmc size tarantula nebula compact globul dark dust hous emerg young star also visibl around image recent studi variabl star lmc hubbl help recalibr distanc scale observ universe result slightli differ scale found use pervas cosmic microwav background astrophysicists brows 2700 code astrophys sourc code librari,n11 star cloud lmc,2022-04-12,673,102,0.0794642857142857,04-12,4,2022,12,4,2,4 b6a49e9ce393ce33517e2f0739423d9c42a274ffa77d66e40562a42b2c0087d5,marybeth kiczenski,creat devil origin extraordinari rock wyoming usa still debated lead hypothesi hold harden lava plume never reach surfac becom volcano theory lighter rock surround dens volcan neck erod away leav dramat tower known nativ american name includ lodg great gray dens rock includ longest hexagon column known tall high above central band milki way galaxi arch across sky mani notabl sky object visible includ dark strand pipe nebula reddish lagoon nebula tower right green grass tree line foreground cloud appear near horizon tower left unlik mani intern landmarks mountain permit climb devil tower birthday surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,milki way devil tower,2022-04-13,649,101,0.0995714285714285,04-13,4,2022,13,8,2,1 a5e0dd552bb2c26947994874cd9bd7c7be8a84b1354379d187d74f6b3780975a,mark hanson,spiral arm seem swirl around core messier 96 colorful detail portrait beauti island universe cours m96 spiral galaxy count faint arm extend beyond brighter central region span 100 thousand lightyear so that size milki way m96 known 38 million lightyear distant domin member leo galaxi group background galaxi smaller leo group member found examin picture intrigu one spiral galaxi seen nearli edg behind outer spiral arm near 1 oclock posit center bright central bulg cut dark dust clouds edgeon background spiral appear 15 size m96 background galaxi similar actual size m96 would 5 time farther away,messier 96,2022-04-14,600,96,-0.0115384615384615,04-14,4,2022,14,7,2,3 a7da74376c03c7005563cb1cd03cbdc0e5ea36f9ee3dfac58a749f09dea6f2b8,none,rock known cover broad slope plain foot hill mount sharp gale crater mars dub gatorback rock rugged scali appear captur digit stitch mastcam frame curios rover mission sol march 15 drive gatorback rock result damag rover wheels curios team member decid turn around take anoth path continu rover climb curios ascent gale crater central 55 kilomet high mountain sinc 2014 durabl rover abl explor layer shape water mar billion year ago,rock mar,2022-04-15,432,71,-0.0233571428571428,04-15,4,2022,15,5,0,2 ccf001b5a811526c820f4af3d9db457b0411521e30109e102b4295a9e85698d0,juan carlo casado,taken camera fix tripod mani short exposur align star unveil beautiful dark night sky captur near rural villag northeastern corner spain three star orion belt stretch across top center starri frame alnitak easternmost left belt star seen next diffus glow flame nebula dark notch famou horsehead easili visibl nakedey great nebula orion belt stars mere 1500 lightyear distant closest larg stellar nurseri fair planet best seen photographs broad faint arc barnard loop seem orion brighter star nebula though northern spring familiar northern winter constel setting near western horizon toward lower right orion appar bright blue supergi rigel touch branch pine tree,orion pine,2022-04-16,663,101,0.1759672619047619,04-16,4,2022,16,4,2,5 a9082642d6257e9d729829a07b02f94134b301bcc7f4ac198c7f7a9067a3af74,none,what approaching astronaut board intern space station 2010 first saw far distance soon enlarg becom dark silhouette came even closer silhouett appear spaceship finally object reveal space shuttl endeavour soon dock expect earthorbit space station pictur here endeavour imag near earth horizon approached sever layer earth atmospher visible directli behind shuttl mesosphere appear blue atmospher layer appear white stratosphere orang layer earth troposphere together thin layer air collect span less 2 percent earth radiu sustain us mani ways includ provid oxygen breath barrier danger radiat space come earth day 2022,shuttl earth,2022-04-17,620,90,-0.0606060606060606,04-17,4,2022,17,8,0,2 7167933020c55a2188820e627546cd032ee06adb8bc076a9e2d872550a626d5f,miguel dark sky,mission document bird end also document beauti sky featur wideangl mosaic taken golden field portug 2020 dark location breathtak glow arch night sky central band milki way galaxy sky much more thin cloud cross sky like golden planet mar appear far left planet saturn jupit also simultan visibl opposit side sky seen far right near top imag bright star vega found fardist faint andromeda galaxi seen toward left milki way arch current month progresses sever planet line predawn sky jupiter venus mars saturn mani apod link adventur humor,star planet portug,2022-04-18,539,88,0.1079831932773109,04-18,4,2022,18,6,0,1 619191b31c8abc9eacaa659e5cae65e7c0bc36ef32b98a62523e139b5e50a576,stefan steve bemmerl,egg gigant chicken may form stars featur emiss nebula shown scientif assign colors catalog ic 2944 known run chicken nebula shape greater appearance seen toward bottom imag small dark molecular cloud rich obscur cosmic dust call thackeray globul discoverer eggs potenti site gravit condens new stars although fate uncertain also rapidli erod away intens radiat nearbi young stars togeth patchi glow ga complex region reflect dust massiv energet star form open cluster collind 249 gorgeou skyscap span 60 lightyear nebula estim 6500 lightyear distance,star globul run chicken nebula,2022-04-19,550,84,-0.0788636363636363,04-19,4,2022,19,4,0,5 504f789a17c2e20ca3950d136ab253af659c63696aa7da73562ba4b2e7adac3a,stan honda,there interest sky see wake sun line toward eastern horizon four planet row planet bright even seen bright sky insid city fact featur imag taken new york city usa foreground highlight bridge pictured planet are left right jupiter venus mars saturn planet appear row orbit sun plane plane call eclipt plane creat earli day solar system includ planets includ earth morn planet parad continu throughout april may even join mercuri june apod volunt program opportunity,planet line new york bridg,2022-04-20,464,75,0.3644155844155844,04-20,4,2022,20,1,1,1 f677767d33dfc61e19c3e23a4df4dc48e64a039b537b8443b7145c6a707944d0,none,fifti year ago april 20 1972 apollo 16 lunar modul orion touch moon near side southcentr descart highlands astronaut ken mattingli orbit overhead casper friendli command servic modul orion brought john young charl duke lunar surface pair would spend nearli three day moon construct imag taken near end third final surfac excurs panoram view put lunar modul distanc toward left electr lunar rove vehicl foreground duke oper camera young high gain commun antenna skyward toward planet earth celebrate earth day,apollo moon panorama,2022-04-21,508,80,0.07,04-21,4,2022,21,2,0,2 67d5b4a43c2f646007eacb2ffc68337b8e812dc26c9e3c7916a451e0487b890e,none,sudden sharp boundari mark passag day night gorgeou view ocean cloud fair planet earth instead shadow line termin diffus show gradual transit dark experi twilight sun illumin scene right cloud top reflect gentli redden sunlight filter dusti troposphere lowest layer planet nurtur atmosphere clear high altitud layer visibl along dayside upper edge scatter blue sunlight fade black space pictur taken june 2001 intern space station orbit altitud 211 nautic miles cours home check earth now celebrate today earth day,planet earth twilight,2022-04-22,514,79,0.1185497835497835,04-22,4,2022,22,8,1,1 aa98b38b9d3b4959ce2bc3217368e015742af34bf7a4a8feed97edf363eb277c,none,gorgeou spiral galaxy messier 104 famou nearli edgeon profil featur broad ring obscur dust lanes seen silhouett extens central bulg stars swath cosmic dust lend broad brim hatlik appear galaxi suggest popular moniker sombrero galaxy sharp view wellknown galaxi made 10 hour hubbl space telescop imag data process bring faint detail often lost overwhelm glare m104 bright central bulge also known ngc 4594 sombrero galaxi seen across spectrum host central supermass black hole 50000 lightyear across 28 million lightyear away m104 one largest galaxi southern edg virgo galaxi cluster still spiki foreground star field view lie well within milki way,messier,2022-04-23,647,100,0.0575757575757575,04-23,4,2022,23,7,2,3 cb49c6209b3adcf0c5ea63ed9de4e26a245217dc0693e7b7d3be4ce26759e21d,none,now hit button two futur univers possible press button though live one version famou cat experi click red button featur astronaut imag transform imag pictur astronaut hold one two cat one one dead time combin brain millisecond time device conspir togeth creat result potentially quantum believ quantum decis split univers two univers exist separ part larger multiverse other believ result click collaps two possibl univers one way could predict yet other believ univers classic press button realli split universe carri action sinc time began apod believ howev may feel click red button regardless thoughtprovok day two,split univers,2022-04-24,620,96,-0.0042699724517906,04-24,4,2022,24,8,2,4 d1da949f8871aeb5f1a13b143919fa79df42508dd85cf0685ba6027118a1ce2c,ignacio javier diaz bobillo,one brightest part milki way lie nebula oddest thing occur ngc 3372 known great nebula carina home massiv star chang nebulas keyhol nebula ngc 3324 bright structur imag center hous sever massiv stars entir carina nebula captur here span 300 light year lie 7500 lightyear away constel carina eta carinae energet star nebula one brightest star sky 1830s fade dramatically eta carina mayb verg supernova explosion xray imag indic much great nebula carina verit supernova factory,great nebula carina,2022-04-25,475,76,0.5199999999999999,04-25,4,2022,25,4,1,5 d18f0c28c7f892da7878bcf80377ac0a50c7abf4584c731959f1d664a29edf7c,none,larg dark spot jupiter shadow ganymede jupiter largest moon jupiter moon cross jovian giant sun creat shadow like earth moon cross earth sun also like earth dark shadow jupiter would see moon complet eclips sun unlik earth moon shadow occur day jupit what unusu spacecraft close enough record one highresolut image spacecraft juno pass close jupit late februari nearbi cloud dark eclips shadow appear rel large juno made mani discoveri solar system largest planet including recently rapidli expand circular auroras explor universe random apod gener,moon shadow jupit,2022-04-27,549,85,-0.0941558441558441,04-27,4,2022,27,2,0,2 7bbce3ae0c54619ceb5780f1d04dbc3a5bb13154b78c37fb564458903f289f3b,jeff dai,earli hour april 24 bright lyrid meteor flash along central milki way moment cast bright reflect across lake yunnan province china annual lyrid meteor shower one oldest known activ late april fair planet plow dust left along orbit longperiod comet thatcher trail bright firebal point back toward shower radiant constel lyra high northern springtim sky top frame rise starri sky light third quarter moon also cast glow peac water lake,lyrid lake,2022-04-28,433,70,0.2966666666666667,04-28,4,2022,28,6,1,1 bffecfeffcfcc40f3a2459b3f0f7b0c3b65c08894ecc3d0ad0510ba5012ce4c7,michael,sharp telescop view ngc 3628 show puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course portrait magnificent edgeon spiral galaxi put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy also reveal small galaxi nearbi below like satellit ngc 3628 faint extens tidal tail drawn tail stretch 300000 lightyears even beyond upper left edg frame ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons creat tidal tail well extend flare warp spiral disk tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo,portrait ngc 3628,2022-04-29,625,96,0.0638888888888888,04-29,4,2022,29,7,2,3 22abec8bfe523ee1191284e2700fd2bc27849b565e3c158d4c92ec0e273caf32,drew,mere 600 lightyear away m44 one closest star cluster solar system also known praesep beehiv cluster star young though 600 million year old compar sun 45 billion years base similar age motion space m44 even closer hyad star cluster tauru thought born togeth larg molecular cloud open cluster span 15 lightyears m44 hold 1000 star cover 3 full moon 15 degrees sky constel cancer visibl unaid eye m44 recogn sinc antiquity describ faint cloud celesti mist long includ 44th entri charl messier 18th centuri catalog cluster resolv individu star telescop available popular target modern binocularequip sky gazers cluster yellowish tinted cool red giant scatter field brighter hot blue main sequenc star telescop group snapshot dramat diffract spike highlight brighter cluster member creat string cross front telescope object lens,m44 beehiv cluster,2022-04-30,823,128,0.0350877192982456,04-30,4,2022,30,6,2,3 6c43e9d510718b01b5e956533237d10dca37cc2da07e5e941a1b53b8146b7a2a,none,black hole look like find out radio telescop around earth coordin observ black hole largest known event horizon sky alone black hole black monster known surround glow gas first imag resolv area around black hole center galaxi m87 scale expect event horizon pictured dark central region event horizon rather black hole shadow central region emit ga darken central black hole gravity size shape shadow determin bright ga near event horizon strong gravit lens deflections black hole spin resolv black hole shadow event horizon telescop eht bolster evid einstein graviti work even extrem regions gave clear evid m87 central spin black hole 6 billion solar masses sinc releas featur imag 2019 eht expand includ telescopes observ black holes track polar work observ immedi vicin black hole center milki way galaxy week is black hole week new eht result next thursday,first imag black hole,2022-05-01,861,139,-0.0314393939393939,05-01,5,2022,1,6,2,4 0e888ab75c787b25ce3ec58094e2bd488327199c9a838355f287c7d290981564,sebastian voltmer,that comet pleiad star cluster actual planet mercury long exposur solar system innermost planet may reveal someth unexpected tail mercury thin atmospher contain small amount sodium glow excit light sun sunlight also liber atom mercury surfac push away yellow glow sodium particular rel bright pictured mercuri sodium tail visibl deep imag taken last week la palma spain filter primarili transmit yellow light emit sodium first predict 1980s mercury tail first discov 2001 mani tail detail reveal multipl observ nasa robot messeng spacecraft orbit mercuri 2011 2015 tails course usual associ comets,mercury sodium tail,2022-05-03,597,91,0.0822916666666666,05-03,5,2022,3,8,2,1 14015053e539680a20fe302f3e561fcde5afd05a2a93e8a789728883b3cc18f8,mark hanson,gorgeou spiral galaxi ngc 3521 mere 35 million lightyear away toward northern springtim constel leo rel bright planet earth sky ngc 3521 easili visibl small telescop often overlook amateur imag favor leo spiral galaxies like m66 m65 hard overlook color cosmic portrait though span 50000 lightyear galaxi sport characterist patchy irregular spiral arm lace dust pink star form regions cluster young blue stars deep imag also find ngc 3521 embed fainter gigantic bubblelik shells shell like tidal debris stream star torn satellit galaxi undergon merger ngc 3521 distant past,ngc 3521 galaxi bubbl,2022-05-05,572,89,-0.0856060606060605,05-05,5,2022,5,7,0,3 7dfc4daa66970f985d03bddf6d228ea0294d1283c161198a39700451a8d1c6ce,carlo taylor,cosmic skyscap featur glow ga dark dust cloud along side young star ngc 3572 beauti emiss nebula star cluster far southern sky within nautic constel carina star ngc 3572 toward top center telescop frame would measur 100 lightyear across cluster estim distanc 9000 lightyears visibl interstellar ga dust part star cluster natal molecular cloud dens streamer materi within nebula erod stellar wind radiation clearli trail away energet young stars like site ongo star format shape reminisc tadpol ic 410 better known northern skygazers come ten hundr million years ga star cluster dispers though gravit tide violent supernova explos end short live massiv cluster stars,ngc 3572 southern tadpol,2022-05-06,665,104,0.0489510489510489,05-06,5,2022,6,4,2,5 0c3134b3f2d89bed5de12e5e51b7b7576a151d2afffbd653df8f3ff176bc4e94,tara mostofi,certain date february elus firefal spot sunset yosemit nation park water flows weather cooper direct set sun right often photograph vantag point below right moment park season horsetail fall isol shadow steep wall el capitan then still illumin ray redden sunlight waterfal briefli take dramatic fieri appearance horsetail firefal photograph moonlight too even elus moonlight firefal effect also seen bright moon set right direct along western horizon sky clear enough wellplan imag ephemer horsetail lit bright gibbou moon set earli morn hour april 15,firefal moonlight,2022-05-07,551,84,0.1948412698412699,05-07,5,2022,7,2,1,1 c0a228d83f5be213b762ec189d752eb800926a970ec6b334084bec82eddb3d37,none,galaxi ring galaxi two begin bright band near ngc 1512 center nuclear ring ring surround galaxi center glow brightli recent form stars star accompani ga dust however orbit galact center ring much seen near imag edge ring counterintuitively inner ring look closely see inner ring connect end diffus central bar run horizont across galaxy ring structur thought caus ngc 1512 asymmetri drawnout process call evolution graviti galaxi includ bar stars caus ga dust fall inner ring nuclear ring enhanc ring rate star formation spiral galaxi also third ring outer ring circl galaxi even out,spiral galaxi ngc 1512 inner ring,2022-05-08,586,94,0.0615384615384615,05-08,5,2022,8,7,2,3 edc934d31e79646dd6226bfeeef39e4f55f29293f58fa2ff0836a9711963d88c,stefan steve bemmerl team,nebula perhap famou identifi familiar shape perhap cat get trouble still known cat could creat vast cat paw nebula visibl toward constel scorpion 5500 light year distant cat paw emiss nebula red color origin abund ioniz hydrogen atoms altern known bear claw nebula catalog ngc 6334 star nearli ten time mass sun born past million years pictur deep field imag cat paw nebula light emit hydrogen oxygen sulfur explor universe random apod gener,ngc 6334 cat paw nebula,2022-05-10,441,73,0.0113636363636363,05-10,5,2022,10,4,0,5 6dc264d68a9b735ab2d5e53398d37b535209f43710c3fab42f2b42d8b88893dc,none,massiv star ngc 346 short lived energetic star cluster embed largest star form region small magellan cloud 210000 lightyear distant wind radiat sweep interstellar cavern ga dust cloud 200 lightyear across trigger star format sculpt region dens inner edge catalog n66 star form region also appear contain larg popul infant stars mere 3 5 million year old yet burn hydrogen cores infant star strewn embed star cluster falsecolor hubbl space telescop image visibl nearinfrar light seen blue green light atom hydrogen emiss red,young star ngc 346,2022-05-12,523,83,0.0291666666666666,05-12,5,2022,12,4,0,5 ea5e9951206a540111283bbce594ab7eb2fe5c5716d618fef0b473994b5e7f6b,none,there black hole center milki way star observ orbit massiv compact object known sgr a releas radio imag inset planet earth event horizon telescop first direct evid milki way central black hole predict einstein theori gener relativity four million solar mass black hole strong graviti bend light creat shadowlik dark central region surround bright ringlik structure support observ made spacebas telescop groundbas observatori provid wider view galact center dynam environ import context event horizon telescope black hole image main panel imag show xray data chandra infrar data hubble main panel 7 lightyear across event horizon telescop inset imag span mere 10 lightminut center galaxy 27000 lightyear away,milki way black hole,2022-05-13,707,107,0.0333333333333333,05-13,5,2022,13,6,2,4 085f93dbaa9639b2fd4b9ffa288f1d4af5b2296aa65e30f8baa7907dd30d351c,alan dyer,almost full moon april 15 brought lumin apparit northern spring night alberta canada night bright moonlight refract reflect hexagon ice crystal high cloud creat complex halo arc commonli seen sunlight daytim skies color arc paraselena visibl unaid eye blend exposur rang 30 second second use render moonlit wideangl skyscape big dipper top frame sit smile circumzenith arc arcturu left regulu toward right moon center often spot 22 degre halo may 15 also see bright light full moon shine earth night skies tomorrow full moon dim though slide earth shadow total lunar eclipse watch may total lunar eclips,ice halo moonlight,2022-05-14,603,97,0.1997744360902255,05-14,5,2022,14,2,2,1 f9feb6afc6faf606a7fd7d5f4f905ba175ca04abe23d71875525b75a48e130a2,marcella giulia pace,color moon depend night outsid earth atmosphere dark moon shine reflect sunlight appear magnific gray view insid earth atmosphere though moon appear quit different featur imag highlight collect appar color full moon document one astrophotograph 10 year differ locat across italy red yellow color moon usual indic moon seen near horizon there blue light scatter away long path earth atmosphere sometim fine dust moon rare indic moon seen atmospher carri larger dust particles creat purpl moon unclear may combin sever effects last imag captur total lunar eclips 2018 juli moon earth shadow appear faint red due light refract air around earth today anoth full moon total lunar eclips visibl observ north south america occurr may lead unexpect lunar,color moon,2022-05-15,750,118,0.0591269841269841,05-15,5,2022,15,2,2,1 9fc0dadbb2e88b0752e43f7c575ed7fb6f18ac0a4ea89327ff2cc6883ea7fb15,greg processing kiko fairbairn,astronom turn detect tri figur caus startl sight like ngc 1316 investig indic ngc 1316 enorm ellipt galaxi started 100 million year ago devour smaller spiral galaxi neighbor ngc 1317 upper right support evid includ dark dust lane characterist spiral galaxy faint swirl shell star ga visibl wide deep image one thing unexplain unusu small globular star clusters seen faint dot image ellipt galaxi brighter globular cluster ngc 1316 yet observ globular old creat recent spiral collision one hypothesi globular surviv even earlier galaxi subsum ngc 1316 anoth surpris attribut ngc 1316 also known fornax a giant lobe ga glow brightli radio waves,ngc 1316 galaxi collid,2022-05-17,642,103,-0.0857142857142857,05-17,5,2022,17,7,2,3 8c9616e7559a10c0837284b83d75285852976990cd8f6816a1b18e9e7bf3b263,toma slovinski,cloudi sky plagu sky watcher sunday may full flower moon slip earth shadow total lunar eclipse sky chile atacama desert telephoto snapshot still captur awesom spectacl though seen thin high cirru cloud total began last sliver sunlit crescent glisten like hazi jewel atop mostli shadow lunar disk full moon near perigee closest point ellipt orbit pass near center earth dark umbral shadow 90 minut long total eclips phase faintli suffus sunlight scatter atmosphere umbral shadow gave eclips moon redden appear dramat popular monik blood moon,jewel flower moon,2022-05-18,540,85,0.0685714285714285,05-18,5,2022,18,2,0,1 4da8c6507802cc183e69c4890b2cb1c201eb4f6df318cbb426673603c9d60ae1,michael cain,record may sequenc exposur follow full moon total lunar eclips arc clear sky central florida frame taken everi 5 minut digit camera show progress eclips three hours bright lunar disk grow dark red glide planet earth shadow fact count central frame sequenc measur roughli 90 minut durat total phase eclipse around 270 bc greek astronom aristarchu also measur durat total lunar eclipses probabl without benefit digit cameras still use geometri devis simpl impress accur way calcul moon distanc term radiu planet earth eclips duration,digit lunar eclips,2022-05-19,531,84,0.0909090909090909,05-19,5,2022,19,2,0,1 7f1dee8cdad3e02974893eb42437f09c4e3d46cf654f633107e9496161f6ff30,maxim oudoux,seren sand skyscap find dune coast franc still earth shadow earli morn hour may 16 extend space planet dark umbral shadow cover moon date locat total phase lunar eclips begun moonset still sunlight though intern space station cross western horizon earth largest artifici moon trace bright flat arc sky 400 km above simpli wellplan panoram scene captur 5 minut seri consecut images,view earth shadow,2022-05-20,380,62,0.075,05-20,5,2022,20,2,0,1 b5abe5173d88938e8440960f64c53ea0dc78a300a8f4b74294ce4a809b1aef82,donald,faint planetari nebula abel 7 1800 lightyear distant south orion planet earth sky constel lepus hare surround milki way star near lineofsight distant background galaxies gener simpl spheric shape 8 lightyear diameter outlin deep telescop image within confin beautiful complex detail enhanc use narrowband filters emiss hydrogen shown reddish hue oxygen emiss map green blue colors give abel 7 natur appear would otherwis much faint appreci eye planetari nebula repres brief final phase stellar evolut sun experi 5 billion year hence nebula central sunlik star shrug outer layers abel 7 estim 20000 year old central star seen fade white dwarf 10 billion year old,planetari nebula abel 7,2022-05-21,661,104,-0.0166666666666666,05-21,5,2022,21,4,2,5 8187484ea106405a512d7cf1fb61ce162c89546dd93e4c8dfeff7a60811b565c,none,tsunami larg happen earth 2006 larg solar flare earthsiz sunspot produc tsunamityp shock wave spectacular even sun pictur here tsunami wave captur move activ region ar 10930 optic solar patrol network ospan telescop new mexico usa result shock wave known technic moreton wave compress heat gass includ hydrogen photospher sun caus momentarili brighter glow featur imag taken specif red color emit exclus hydrogen gas rampag tsunami took activ filament sun although mani reestablish later solar tsunami spread nearli one million kilomet per hour circl entir sun matter minutes,larg tsunami shock wave sun,2022-05-22,575,88,0.184090909090909,05-22,5,2022,22,1,1,4 1d24b0e53b6e78c801065681c59d43d581d56d968c1e2ef9a7ef15eef90c31f2,none,center lagoon nebula whirlwind spectacular star formation visibl near imag center least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star herschel 36 light area vast wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 10 light years combin imag taken six color orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel archer sagittarius almost hyperspace random apod gener,live center lagoon nebula,2022-05-25,603,94,0.1149122807017543,05-25,5,2022,25,4,2,5 6c75e3447fae1a4044550d28f58f574a1eb2d1c76d5dcc734494daa47518d73a,michael sherick,magnific spiral galaxi ngc 4565 view edgeon planet earth also known needl galaxi narrow profile bright ngc 4565 stop mani telescop tour northern sky faint wellgroom constel coma berenices sharp color imag reveal galaxy boxy bulg central core cut obscur dust lane lace ngc 4565 thin galact plane ngc 4565 lie 40 million lightyear distant span 100000 lightyears easili spot small telescopes sky enthusiast consid ngc 4565 promin celesti masterpiec messier missed,ngc 4565 galaxi edg,2022-05-26,460,72,-0.1083333333333333,05-26,5,2022,26,7,0,3 04fc0fc9bbdf6b5a6161571deaa5a0ddddd2a876dfcb3ad94bd7683eb585d92f,none,like earth moon saturn largest moon titan lock synchron rotation mosaic imag record cassini spacecraft may 2012 show antisaturn side side alway face away ring ga giant moon solar system dens atmosphere titan solar system world besid earth known stand bodi liquid surfac earthlik cycl liquid rain evaporation high altitud layer atmospher haze evid cassini view 5000 kilomet diamet moon saturn ring cloud tops near center dark region known huygen probe rest left center distant land spacecraft earth,titan moon saturn,2022-05-27,497,78,-0.02375,05-27,5,2022,27,0,0,2 1b6d039a887d9a75340ee7407dacaa5d754fd65dfb801d9ceff63323d254264d,martin pugh,185 ad chines astronom record appear new star nanmen asterism part sky identifi alpha beta centauri modern star charts new star visibl month thought earliest record supernova deep imag show emiss nebula rcw 86 understood remnant stellar explosion narrowband data trace ga ioniz still expand shock wave spacebas imag indic abund element iron lack neutron star pulsar remnant suggest origin supernova type ia unlik core collaps supernova explos massiv star type ia supernova thermonuclear deton white dwarf star accret materi companion binari star system near plane milki way galaxi larger full moon sky supernova remnant faint seen eye though rcw 86 8000 lightyear distant around 100 lightyear across,rcw 86 histor supernova remnant,2022-05-28,699,108,0.0520661157024793,05-28,5,2022,28,6,2,3 b3dc4efafa4cdc62d9eb8267c67c7d4a138af3d333b51002b1cd895494ec7797,fefo bouvier,what happen behind thing expect unexpected expected perhaps pictur ray light call crepuscular ray origin sun unexpected though sun partial eclips moon time late last month expected perhaps sun ray quit bright shine gap clouds unexpected though crepuscular ray quit red like result abund aerosol earth atmospher scatter away much blue light expected memor scene featur moon sun superposed unfortunately locat uruguay look toward argentina cloud obscur eclips complet unexpected however pack go home beauti bright red crepuscular ray emerg quit unexpectedly oh island horizon realli two islands,red crepuscular ray eclips,2022-05-30,601,88,0.055,05-30,5,2022,30,1,2,1 1b6492bc545db6f962cd10c36b01dbbaacf2b3f32578ca567040ee92a160e821,michael cain,launch rocket sunris result unusu intrigu imag featur rocket sun case last month spacex falcon 9 rocket blast nasa kennedi space center carri 53 starlink satellit low earth orbit featur launch picture rocket exhaust plume glow beyond project onto distant sun rocket appear oddli jagged sun lower edg show peculiar ripples physic caus effect pocket rel hot rarefi air deflect sunlight less strongli pocket rel cool compress refraction earthli show activ sunspot region upper left slowli cross sun,rocket transit sun,2022-05-31,497,78,0.0233333333333333,05-31,5,2022,31,1,0,2 cd049cdc16fb1b627f168607f477fa99487487e4d3d8a5d4c883e0427df6bc14,obs u,storm centuri night remember last night peak tau herculid meteor shower usual modest occasion meteor origin disintegr comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 year calcul show earth might pass particularli dens stream comet debri best creat storm bright meteor streak constel hercules actual happen fell short meteor storm could call meteor shower featur composit imag taken kitt peak nation observatori arizona usa accumul 25 hour late may 30 time 19 tau herculid meteor captured along 4 unrel meteors can find them near foreground bok telescop mayal telescop behind it next year annual tau herculid expect return normal low rate next activ night forecast,tau meteor kitt peak telescop,2022-06-01,648,100,0.0785714285714285,06-01,6,2022,1,3,2,1 83552029abf1ac8b2612f8d8e6fea4f9652a0e987107a59879f065fa1df43d45,maxim oudoux,creativ follow plane milki way galaxi bridg northern southern hemispher skies construct expans composit nightscape sky observatorio el sauc chile top imag date 6 hour later sky observatori french alps 6 hour allow earth rotat align milki way dome two sites exposur made similar camera lens mount simpl faint greenish airglow visibl dark chilean sky also featur larg small magellan cloud near observatori dome french alp light pollut apparent distant andromeda galaxi still spot near horizon northern night planet earth two observatori separ 10000 kilometers,galact bridg,2022-06-03,557,85,0.0107142857142857,06-03,6,2022,3,6,0,4 5bf3afebd6e548d84380a836f79afa2e13be975767ecddab6fbd3a10d2b75524,zhuoxiao wang,may 31 ten parallel meteor streak record 8 degre wide field view planet earth limb space imag one seri 5 minut long observ orbit yangwang1 space telescope captur ut near peak tau herculid meteor shower predicted meteor shower activ one year caus earth swept rel dens stream debri disintegr comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 lack bright meteors nearli tau herculid meteor yangwang1 imag faint detect groundbas instruments date patient earthbound skywatch clear sky still enjoy memor show tau,tau space,2022-06-04,487,76,0.0722222222222222,06-04,6,2022,4,8,0,2 c788dc7769f9d244c92bc8151c773dcf4feac52966772a08826ffc6b125e69b2,none,what happen center activ galaxi 3c 75 two bright sourc center composit xray blue radio pink imag coorbit supermass black hole power giant radio sourc 3c 75 surround multimillion degre xray emit gas blast jet relativist particl supermass black hole separ 25000 lightyears core two merg galaxi abel 400 galaxi cluster 300 million lightyear away astronom conclud two supermass black hole bound togeth graviti binari system part jets consist swept back appear like due common motion speed hot cluster ga 1200 kilomet per second spectacular cosmic merger thought common crowd galaxi cluster environ distant universe final stages merger expect intens sourc gravit waves,two black hole danc 3c 75,2022-06-05,663,103,-0.0041666666666666,06-05,6,2022,5,7,2,4 7af5f6374ef867145f5654ea23f74ba8d1ce192e81e8a0509ef2dd1a6838174d,none,milki way galaxi collid one day larger neighbor andromeda galaxy likely yes care plot slight displac m31 star rel background galaxi recent hubbl space telescop imag indic center m31 could direct collis cours center home galaxy still error sideway veloc appear suffici larg admit good chanc central part two galaxi miss slightly becom close enough outer halo becom gravit entangled happens two galaxi becom bound danc around eventu merg becom one larg ellipt galaxi next billion years pictur combin imag depict sky world distant futur outer part galaxi begin collide exact futur milki way entir surround local group galaxi like remain activ topic research year come,milki way galaxi doomed collis andromeda pend,2022-06-06,665,106,0.0277777777777777,06-06,6,2022,6,7,2,4 eded7ac43148c733c172e3523e0b25cfe1a79a69fb3719c218ba725e202d8875,none,unusu imag planet earth show clear bright streak follow path ships known ship tracks low narrow band caus ship engin water vapor condens around small bit exhaust known aerosols soon grow float water drop effici reflect sunlight ship track first discov 1965 earth imag taken nasa tiro satellites multipl ship track visibl across featur imag captur 2009 pacif ocean modi instrument nasa terra satellite inspir scientist suggest deploy network float worlds ocean spray contain air that help wind stream sunlightreflect cloud would also form this humanmad cloud could reflect much sunlight might help fight global warming today is world ocean day,ship track ocean,2022-06-08,642,101,0.1,06-08,6,2022,8,8,2,1 7b509dd14ef8b724efa501bbc142f602632ead29e68db0cc4a0899068ea80839,wolfgang,cosmic cloud ga dust drift rich star field along plane milki way galaxi toward high fli constel cygnus theyr faint seen unaid eye though even clear dark night imag data camera telephoto len use narrowband filter use construct 10 degre wide field view deep mosaic reveal region includ star form dust cloud seen silhouett characterist glow atom hydrogen oxygen gas ngc 6888 standout emiss nebula near top blown wind massiv wolfrayet star 25 lightyear across known crescent nebula faint bluish center frame also signatur wolfrayet star burn fuel prodigi rate near end stellar lives star ultim go bang spectacular supernova explosion toward right massive young type star power glow tulip nebula,cosmic cloud cygnu,2022-06-09,690,111,0.0718067226890756,06-09,6,2022,9,4,2,5 cae4f7cba426d929bab60d6ccf42290271e6aaea4a9cceaa0ecb9699e4e3f0d4,nicola rolland,color telescop field view featur trio interact galaxi almost 90 million lightyear away toward constel virgo right two spiky foreground milki way star echo extragalact hues remind star galaxi like distant island universes sweep spiral arm obscur dust lanes domin member trio ngc enormous 150000 lightyear across lie smaller bluish ngc 5569 near center third galaxy ngc 5560 appar stretch distort interact massiv ngc 5566 trio also includ halton arp 1966 atla peculiar galaxi arp 286 course cosmic interact appreci part evolut galaxies,arp 286 trio virgo,2022-06-10,533,83,0.0265306122448979,06-10,6,2022,10,7,0,3 10c918a7a93bba0ab5417a44ef42f122d2be0ba99a92ce153a67cd88da7c3d14,david cruz,night follow road pass dark sky alqueva reserv far alentejo portugal could look up follow milki way sky stretch horizon horizon 180 degre panorama record june 3 galaxy name milki way refer appear milki path sky word galaxi deriv greek milk fair planet arc milki way easili visibl moonless night dark sky areas though quit bright color image glow celesti band due collect light myriad star along galact plane faint distinguish individually diffus starlight cut dark swath galaxy obscur interstellar dust clouds stand milki way arc near top panoram nightscap bright star vega galaxy central bulg near horizon right,road milki way,2022-06-11,612,99,0.1476890756302521,06-11,6,2022,11,6,2,1 327483fd2e13b870eca19f6a274b9fa1ba7950bd0f8b25e4f068f9da39a796d0,dani caxet,ever seen man moon common question play abil human see imagin familiar icon actual exist textur surfac earth full moon home numer icon objects modern western cultur world folklor throughout history typic moon perceiv orientation includ woman moon rabbit moon one facial outlin commonli identifi man moon start imagin two dark circular area lunar maria moon center eyes surprisingly actual man moon imag close look reveal real person telescop silhouet moon featur wellplan imag taken 2016 de lo madrid spain favorit object see moon,find man moon,2022-06-12,536,84,0.0479166666666666,06-12,6,2022,12,2,0,1 0786f3977d7826048eb62da59fc127ba4cf5723550026558a6216034b740a255,bernard miller,whirlpool galaxi classic spiral galaxy 30 million light year distant fulli 60 thousand light year across m51 also known ngc 5194 one brightest picturesqu galaxi sky featur imag digit combin imag taken differ color earthorbit hubbl space telescope highlight mani sharp features anyon good pair binoculars however see whirlpool toward constel hunt dog cane venatici m51 spiral galaxi type sc domin member whole group galaxies astronom specul m51 spiral structur primarili due gravit interact smaller galaxi imag left,m51 whirlpool galaxi hubbl,2022-06-13,514,78,0.1516666666666666,06-13,6,2022,13,7,1,3 ca80dd29d3a07c220b0a4f55444637dff3fc8bffac102e848c7be5d8d37c3fd0,joshua,streak across background satellit trails first foreground featur picturesqu rock mound known found nambung nation park western australia humans spire made unknown process ancient sea shell perhap though sky behind creat lowearth orbit satellit reflect sunlight streak captur less two hour digit combin onto singl featur image foreground taken consecut camera location streak made develop starlink constel commun satellites not general streak indic increas number satellit nearli continu visibl earth dusk dawn understand remov effect satellit trail imag earth groundbas camera telescop import eleg astrophotography humanity scientif understand distant universe astrophysicists brows 2800 code astrophys sourc code librari,satellit behind pinnacl,2022-06-14,721,98,-0.0773809523809523,06-14,6,2022,14,8,2,4 16509aad0753c5b5d523d60ec07925e23a649fa2124c891f0555c457a932448e,jeff dai,four full supermoon 2022 use definit supermoon full moon near perigee within least 90 closest approach earth given orbit year full supermoon date may 16 june 14 juli 13 august 12 full moon near perige realli brightest largest planet earth sky size bright differ full moon rel small actual comparison full moon difficult make eye alone two exposur blend supermoon sky view june 14 full moon also known northern hemispher skygaz strawberri moon consecut short long exposur allow familiar featur fulli sunlit lunar nearsid seen imag faint lunar corona atmospher captur sky chongqing china,strawberri supermoon china,2022-06-16,585,94,0.1180555555555555,06-16,6,2022,16,2,2,1 a3d30717cca71eac812e8c67678084d5ac4bf4eefb2effccbe9816dff0ed9072,elk schulz,june 15 innermost planet mercuri wander far sun ever get planet earth sky near eastern horizon sunris stand distant and mountain peak predawn snapshot valley rio chile june morn planet array it nakedey planet solar system stretch line along eclipt singl widefield view tilt toward north solar system eclipt plane arc steepli southern hemispher skies northern hemispher earli morn riser see lineup planet along eclipt angl tilt toward south hemispher june beauti morn planetari display find visibl planet order increas distanc sun,good morn planet chile,2022-06-17,529,82,0.025,06-17,6,2022,17,1,0,1 9303b24f1872eedd161add2fba86c7a27b0a6bd9623e19b1a81e732778dcb26a,min xie,supergi star gamma cygni center northern cross near plane milki way galaxy famou aster fli high northern summer night sky constel cygnu swan known proper name sadr gamma cygni also lie center telescop skyscape color map broadband narrowband imag data field view span 3 degre six full moons sky includ emiss nebula ic 1318 open star cluster ngc 6910 fill upper part frame shape like two glow cosmic wing divid long dark dust lane ic 1318 popular name understand butterfli nebula right gamma cygni young still tightli group star ngc 6910 distanc gamma cygni around parsec 1800 lightyears estim ic 1318 ngc 6910 rang 2000 5000 lightyears,gamma cygni nebula,2022-06-18,634,107,0.0854081632653061,06-18,6,2022,18,6,2,3 e0799721a1f0f97b6915abedfd551a8f3a3f207fa99b7503cd9c93c1dbe730cd,none,there right center that surfac mar keep reveal new surpris recent discoveri fingerlik rock small rock outcrop imag last month robot curios rover mars although similar size shape small lead explan origin conglomer small miner left water flow rock rel dens miner fill left behind surround rock erod away famou rock outcrop earth similar origin call hoodoos nasa curios rover continu search new sign ancient water gale crater mars also provid geolog background import futur human exploration explor universe random apod gener,rock finger mar,2022-06-20,522,82,-0.0744724025974025,06-20,6,2022,20,5,0,2 028c03192dbe2bad3c8c1f4886c6b60b0c7c8f6e83c53a59f7ba2d588bc61909,lee,sun return spot sky everi day no better visual answer question analemma composit imag taken time place cours year featur analemma compil 430 pm mani taiwan 2021 citi skylin taipei foreground includ tall taipei sun locat decemb decemb solstic shown far left locat june solstic captur far right also shown posit sun throughout rest day solstic equinoxes today june solstic 2022 day earth northern hemispher sun spend longest time sky mani countries today mark offici begin new season exampl winter earth southern hemisphere,analemma,2022-06-21,523,83,0.0465097402597402,06-21,6,2022,21,1,0,1 be6210a01627c67f96924032174efa79565789cf012bc9b440cb83d8cab9f430,craig stocksutah desert remot observatories,ten thousand year ago dawn record human history new light would suddenli appear night sky fade weeks today know light supernova explod star record expand debri cloud veil nebula supernova remnant imag color filter featur light emit sulfur red hydrogen green oxygen blue deep wideangl view process remov star better captur impress glow filament also known cygnu loop veil nebula roughli circular shape cover nearli 3 degre sky toward constel swan cygnus famou nebular section includ bat nebula witch broom nebula fleming triangular wisp complet supernova remnant lie 1400 lightyear away,supernova remnant veil nebula,2022-06-22,585,91,0.1487603305785124,06-22,6,2022,22,4,2,5 67e72c22af59534d99433b480e741150eddfbf9effe53351237247cca17d595a,martin wise,solar filament enorm stream incandesc plasma suspend activ surfac sun loop magnet fields seen solar disk look dark littl cooler slightli dimmer solar photosphere suspend solar limb structur look bright view black space call solar prominence would course stream magnet plasma cross front solar disk extend beyond sun edge hydrogenalpha closeup sun captur june 22 activ region near center frame activ region ar3032 seen far right close sun western limb ar3032 carri rotat toward sun visibl edge giant filament partli seen prominence big scale planet earth shown near top right corner,western limb,2022-06-24,581,91,0.1181972789115646,06-24,6,2022,24,1,2,4 cbdd04a7a1c2ef722728bcb580ed5be95f3eaec4953a1469970055394ef27028,none,caus outburst v838 mon reason unknown star v838 mon outer surfac suddenli greatli expand result becam one brighter star milki way galaxi earli 2002 then suddenly shrunk faded stellar flash like never seen supernova nova expel matter space although v838 mon flash appear expel materi space seen featur imag hubbl space telescop actual outwardli expand light echo origin flash light echo light flash reflect success distant surfac complex array ambient interstellar dust alreadi surround star v838 mon lie 20000 light year away toward constel unicorn monoceros light echo span six light year diameter,light echo v838 mon,2022-06-26,599,93,0.1884615384615384,06-26,6,2022,26,6,2,5 b1b08c9c7cffd1fb4a6e0968f39f7e25b6b27b48dc35014a12f543a629989115,wang jin,gum nebula larg close actual hard see interstellar expans glow hydrogen ga frequent notic span 35 degre 70 full moon much quit dim featur spectacular wide mosaic however design wide deep enough bring gum visibl red right imag acquir late last year foreground includ snow mountain background includ milki way central band captur camera locat yunnan china gum nebula close 450 lightyear front edge 1500 lightyear back edge name cosmic cloud hunter australian astronom colin stanley gum 19241960 origin complex nebula still debated lead theori origin gum nebula remnant million yearold supernova explosion compet theori hold gum molecular cloud shape eon multipl supernova outflow wind sever massiv stars,gum nebula snowi mountain,2022-06-27,708,108,0.0286340852130325,06-27,6,2022,27,4,2,5 44b1a4d708ec4261aa1c63097d0f7fea8bcad3682ba12e5cbf7b274efc1fa856,none,part moon this part planet mercury mercury old surfac heavili crater like earth moon mercury slightli larger luna much denser massiv solar system moon made mostli iron fact earth planet dense mercuri rotat exactli three time everi two orbit around sun mercury orbit elliptical visitor mercuri could see sun rise stop sky go back toward rise horizon stop again set quickli horizon earth mercury proxim sun caus visibl short time sunset sunrise featur imag captur last week esa jaxa pass spacecraft shed energi prepar orbit innermost planet start 2025,mercuri pass,2022-06-28,550,89,0.05,06-28,6,2022,28,1,0,2 ab684a45e932d07f1032b7088ebd10c0ba90ca10c828671ad283b52338b841cb,jose j chambo,imag june 20 2022 comet c2017 k2 panstarrs share wide telescop field view open star cluster ic bright star beta ophiuchi near starri edg milki way maiden voyag inner solar system dim distant oort cloud comet panstarr initi spot five year ago may 2017 distant activ inbound comet ever found discov 24 billion kilomet sun put orbit distanc uranu saturn hubbl space telescop observ indic comet larg nucleu less 18 kilomet diameter visibl small telescop c2017 k2 make closest approach planet earth juli 14 closest approach sun december extend coma develop tail seen distanc 290 million kilometers mere 16 lightminut away,comet,2022-06-30,616,101,-0.0347222222222222,06-30,6,2022,30,3,2,2 286962c1c2ba430fe158d1fa29d64c5af4b0586ca8aba49c7bdd4e47ee727f54,zheng,star trail clear morn sky postcard rotat planet timelaps imag construct consecut exposur made nearli three hour camera fix tripod besid forbidden citi beijing china june 24 arc eastern horizon seri exposur began wane crescent moon left brightest streak wateri reflection date planet solar system also line along eclipt left trail sunrise saturn first rise morn ring planet trail start close top right edge almost frame innermost planet mercuri rose sun though left shortest trail visibl twilight near horizon far left uranu neptun faint hard find mingl star trail solar system planet trail label scene,solar planet trail,2022-07-01,601,95,0.088003663003663,07-01,7,2022,1,1,2,1 9d42d11d5f0e16508992e83873ace31b03dc3982dad9bfcead2798934034f6f9,none,moon doomed mars red planet name roman god war two tini moons phobo deimos whose name deriv greek fear panic martian moon may well captur asteroid origin main asteroid belt mar jupit perhap even distant reach solar system larger moon phobos inde seen cratered asteroidlik object stun color imag robot mar reconnaiss orbiter object small 10 meter visible phobo orbit close mar 5800 kilomet surfac compar 400000 kilomet moon gravit tidal forc drag down perhap 50 million years phobo expect disintegr ring debris,phobos doom moon mar,2022-07-03,511,83,-0.0548611111111111,07-03,7,2022,3,5,0,2 d7d1266c0c1fc18be4da92c9507057dd3ae695176b1dbc363ba3f410570c34b5,lorenzo,near horizon full moon often seem loom large swollen appear famou moon illusion timelaps imag sequenc demonstr moon angular size realli chang rise sets color does though record frame everi 60 seconds imag also show red sun look low horizon featur montag taken cagliari sardinia italy day june strawberri moon full moon dub supermoon due slightli angular size strawberri supermoon seen rise behind devil mountain name unusu moonsiz dip seen right rise moon shrink lineofsight planet earth dens dusti atmospher shift moonlight strawberri red honeycolor paler yellowish hues chang seem appropri northern june full moon also known strawberri honey moon thunder supermoon third four supermoon 2022 occur later month today adventur link click,strawberri supermoon,2022-07-04,738,113,0.0865384615384615,07-04,7,2022,4,2,2,4 c0f5d4b929b7a76c42b16ac87059f93593217174110a422ee3289c1d81e9808f,none,difficult hide galaxi behind cluster galaxies closer cluster graviti act like huge lens pull imag distant galaxi around side greatli distort them case observ featur imag recent reprocess imag hubbl space telescope cluster compos mani galaxi lens imag yellowr background galaxi arc seen around imag center dub molten einstein ring unusu shape four imag background galaxi identified typically foreground galaxi cluster creat smooth arc mass smoothli distribut therefor concentr cluster galaxi visible analyz posit gravit arc give astronom method estim dark matter distribut galaxi clusters well infer star earli galaxi began form new apod social mirror facebook instagram twitter,molten galaxi einstein ring,2022-07-05,678,99,-0.0406336088154269,07-05,7,2022,5,7,2,4 675ec857abb053c498730b05ca567d1c50eb48f856fbbc9ccdaf33e3b9d856a1,none,sky aliv stream stars motion 26 million milki way star evid featur map construct recent data taken esa gaia satellite star color blue move toward us red indic away line depict motion star across sky larg blue area left red area map right give overal impress star milki way rotat around center understand detail motion star help human better understand complex histori milki way galaxi origin sun,milki way motion 3d gaia,2022-07-06,395,67,0.035064935064935,07-06,7,2022,6,6,0,1 f2d2c9922fe902914d27825c406329f3793af81512935267ec8ce065beb7bf72,giorgio ferrari,studi contrasts color skyscap featur stars dust glow ga vicin ngc 6914 interstellar complex nebula lie 6000 lightyear away toward highfli northern constel cygnu plane milki way galaxy obscur interstellar dust cloud appear silhouett reddish hydrogen emiss nebulae along dusti blue reflect nebulae fill cosmic canvas ultraviolet radiat massive hot young star extens cygnu ob2 associ ioniz region atom hydrogen gas produc characterist red glow proton electron recombine embed cygnu ob2 star also provid blue starlight strongli reflect dust clouds 1 degre wide telescop field view span 100 lightyear estim distanc ngc 6914,ngc 6914 complex,2022-07-07,618,93,-0.0062499999999999,07-07,7,2022,7,4,2,5 d80c13d499a62eb7eb3b888d2e1fb19d35ba0c8715d5b41506698848a89bb34c,marcella giulia pace,root rotat planet old tree center sequenc 137 exposur 20 second long record one night northern sicily digit camera fishey len fix tripod captur dramat timelapse star trail region dark sky cours make easi spot planet north celesti pole extens earth axi rotat space toward upper left center concentr star trail arcs milki way too plane galaxi stretch across wide field view north east left right creat broader lumin band diffus starlight,rotat planet,2022-07-08,435,72,-0.0103896103896103,07-08,7,2022,8,6,0,1 f02cbf49339227999fd97f0401582d575994ff04dfd9669d7085d48775115a8c,tom glenn,soar high sky around planet earth bright planet saturn star june morn planet parade briefli june 24 pose bright object low earth orbit intern space station date school park lot california intern space station caught singl highspe video frame though saturn shine stellar magnitud space station even brighter magnitud scale differ bright faith repres video captur frame challeng image orbit iss rang 602 kilometers saturn 14 billion kilomet school park lot,saturn iss,2022-07-09,454,71,0.3228571428571429,07-09,7,2022,9,0,1,2 5430e695fccb85d2056a7f320008f8649edc6321678f9b84afe5648da045cf7b,raul villaverd,three thousand lightyear away die star throw shell glow gas imag hubbl space telescop reveal cat eye nebula ngc one complex planetari nebula known span half lightyear featur seen cat eye complex astronom suspect bright central object may actual binari star system term planetari nebula use describ gener class objects misleading although object may appear round planetlik small telescopes high resolut imag larg telescop reveal star surround cocoon ga blown late stage stellar evolution gaze cat eye astronom may well see detail structure may see fate sun destin enter planetari nebula phase evolut 5 billion years,center cat eye nebula,2022-07-10,615,96,-0.0369696969696969,07-10,7,2022,10,4,2,5 d9829b807ba93f5ad74ae50c62ebcfd4482fdafb4f12d1d86662c39fbdf6a18b,jordi coy,oldest thing see 25 million light year distant answer unaid eye andromeda galaxy photon 25 million year old reach you appar denizen night sky stars clusters nebula appear hundr thousand year ago lie well within milki way galaxy given distance light andromeda like also farthest object see also known m31 andromeda galaxi domin center featur zoom image taken sahara desert morocco last month featur imag combin three background one foreground exposur taken camera locat calendar day foreground imag taken even blue hour m110 satellit galaxi andromenda visibl left m31 core cool may see neighbor galaxi milki way eyes long durat camera exposur pick mani faint breathtak details recent data indic milki way galaxi collid combin similarlys andromeda galaxi billion years,andromeda sahara desert,2022-07-11,770,120,0.0416666666666666,07-11,7,2022,11,7,2,4 23bee305a6ef1115f866a27ba3e9502d172af21b318aadc0d61bccd02ae72d58,bertrand kulik,northern noctiluc cloud season compos small ice crystal form specif condit upper atmosphere noctiluc cloud may becom visibl sunset late summer illumin sunlight below noctiluc cloud highest cloud known establish polar mesospher cloud observ ground although observ nasa aim satellit sinc 2007 much noctiluc cloud remain unknown topic activ research featur imag show expans rippl noctiluc cloud waft paris france year sever northern locat alreadi report especi vivid display noctiluc clouds,noctiluc cloud pari,2022-07-12,487,71,-0.0583333333333333,07-12,7,2022,12,8,0,4 cd63abf12f199e00487ed7b45004c38b57c623531ebb8ddf4e09c2db5325acc1,none,catalog ngc 3132 southern ring nebula planetari nebula death shroud die sunlik star 2500 lightyear earth compos ga dust stun cosmic landscap nearli half lightyear diameter explor unpreced detail jame webb space telescope nircam imag bright star near center companion die star mutual orbit star whose transform eject nebula ga dust shell thousand year fainter stellar evolv becom white dwarf faint star appear along diffract extend toward 8 oclock position stellar pair orbit motion result complex structur within southern ring nebula,webb southern ring nebula,2022-07-14,533,81,0.0212121212121212,07-14,7,2022,14,4,0,5 9160fb86a475ac5eeda7effceb20905569346d57a7094b9a9ea7bbfc0d018661,petr horalek,juli 13 wellplan telephoto view record full moon rise castl eastern slovakia photograph 3 kilomet castl wall kilomet full moon near perigee closest point ellipt orbit known full moon near perige littl brighter larger planet earth sky compar full moon occur near averag lunar distanc around kilometers cours full moon near horizon show effect refract long sightlin dens clear atmosphere image atmospher refract creat slight green flash frame thin cloud near top rag red rim along bottom edg july perige full moon,full moon,2022-07-15,511,82,0.1254385964912281,07-15,7,2022,15,2,1,1 fde49f4ec0bee709f7a8a7b96cfa7f39bda5d656de8158a666fb6ed3a1a64304,poupeau,south dramat telescop view lunar termin moon rug southern highlands lunar landscap captur juli 7 moon first quarter phase sun shine low angl right dawn come region young old crater tycho clavius 100 million year young tycho sharpwal 85 kilomet diamet crater left center 2 kilomet tall central peak far crater wall reflect bright sunlight smooth floor lie dark shadow debri eject impact creat tycho make stand lunar crater moon near full though produc highli visibl radiat system light streak ray extend across much lunar near side fact materi collect apollo 17 land site 2000 kilomet away like origin tycho impact one oldest largest crater moon near side 225 kilomet diamet claviu due south above tycho claviu crater ray system result origin impact event would fade long ago old crater worn wall smooth floor overlay newer smaller crater impact occur claviu formed reach older crater top newer crater wall reflect dawn earli light creat narrow shine arc within shadow clavius,tycho claviu dawn,2022-07-16,975,160,0.1409126984126984,07-16,7,2022,16,2,2,4 815f74bbfe59d4c902cd08740d93dd79f5721c03a2eb9f53473fa11e1a1cd098,none,spot jupiter largest right center great red spot huge storm system rage jupit possibl sinc giovanni cassini like notat year ago yet known great spot red spot toward lower left one jupiter largest moons europa imag voyag 1979 bolster modern hypothesi europa underground ocean therefor good place look extraterrestri life dark spot upper right shadow anoth jupiter larg moons io voyag 1 discov io volcan impact crater could found sixteen frame voyag 1 flybi jupit 1979 recent reprocess merg creat featur image year ago september voyag 1 launch earth start one greatest explor solar system ever free download voyag poster,europa jupit voyag 1,2022-07-17,619,100,0.2888392857142857,07-17,7,2022,17,8,2,2 438f06671c36b55b753b3ef288fc11b6d049c64a3b9b8461d9c138b49982325c,none,ok cant combin imag webb can today featur imag show one impress result although recent launch jame webb space telescop webb larger mirror hubble special infrar light cant see blue orange conversely hubbl space telescop smaller mirror webb cant see far infrar webb imag blue light even ultraviolet therefore webb hubbl data combin creat imag across wider varieti colors featur imag four galaxi stephan quintet show webb imag red also includ imag taken japan groundbas subaru telescop hawaii imag data webb hubble subaru made freeli available anyon around world process themselves even creat intrigu scientif use stephan quintet webb hubbl,stephan quintet hubble subaru,2022-07-18,638,100,0.1797619047619047,07-18,7,2022,18,8,2,4 1202c4b1a83e644f6e93da3591595b4ae0d0a211a69abbb3a3bdb659e60ab7f7,none,jupit rings jupiter main ring discov 1979 nasa pass voyag 1 spacecraft origin mystery data nasa galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 however confirm hypothesi ring creat meteoroid impact small nearbi moons small meteoroid strike tini metis example bore moon vaporize explod dirt dust jovian orbit featur imag jupit infrar light jame webb space telescop show jupit clouds ring well also visibl jupiter great red spot grs compar light color right jupiter larg moon europa center diffract spike left europa shadow next sever featur imag yet well understood includ seemingli separ cloud layer jupiter right limb celesti surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,jupit ring infrar webb,2022-07-20,669,104,0.1448412698412698,07-20,7,2022,20,8,2,2 2b69232e2df2d78eebac88fa107275860dc5d0e320a872501b23680f4421fca8,perez,imag juli 15 2022 comet c2017 k2 panstarrs messier moment share wide telescop field view globular star cluster messier 10 cours m10 catalog 18th centuri comet hunter charl messier 10th object list thing definit comets m10 14 thousand lightyear distant comet panstarr 15 lightminut fair planet follow juli 14 closest approach greenish coma dust tail entertain 21st centuri comet watchers c2017 k2 expect remain fine telescop comet northern summer skies maiden voyag solar system remot oort cloud comet panstarr discov may 2017 beyond orbit saturn time made distant activ inbound comet known closest approach sun within 18 astronom unit decemb 19 beyond orbit distanc mars,messier 10 comet,2022-07-21,670,105,0.1023809523809523,07-21,7,2022,21,3,2,2 507b55757af2b99144efba9b4bbbee0f12cf870590a35439431841c15d7c5769,robert eder,beauti spiral galaxi messier 74 also known ngc lie 32 million lightyear away toward constel pisces island univers 100 billion star two promin spiral arms m74 long admir astronom perfect exampl granddesign spiral galaxy m74 central region brought stunning sharp focu recent process imag use publicli avail data jame webb space telescope color combin imag data set two webb instrument nircam oper midinfrar wavelengths reveal cooler star dusti structur granddesign spiral galaxi hint previou spacebas views,spiral galaxi m74 sharper view,2022-07-22,504,76,0.2208333333333333,07-22,7,2022,22,7,1,3 dfc90fd860712ecfa583c1a4b66a2e745ab56dd78ce649ddba5c86231c7cac47,none,seen panorama anoth world lately assembl highresolut scan origin film frames one sweep across magnific desol apollo 11 land site moon sea imag taken neil armstrong look window eagl lunar modul shortli juli 20 1969 landing frame far left first pictur taken person anoth world toward south thruster seen foreground left right shadow eagl visibl west scale large shallow crater right diamet 12 meters frame taken lunar modul window hour half landing walk lunar surface intend initi document land site case earli departur necessary,apollo 11 land panorama,2022-07-23,527,84,0.0305194805194805,07-23,7,2022,23,2,0,2 6509ae146c6c43acb6fece91034bb94146d7c43818ac6d29ed29deb5457c3dbe,none,mani detail saturn appear clearli infrar light band cloud show great structure includ long stretch storms also quit strike infrar unusu hexagon cloud pattern surround saturn north pole side dark hexagon span roughli width earth hexagon exist predicted origin like stabil remain topic research saturn famou ring circl planet cast shadow equator featur imag taken robot cassini spacecraft 2014 sever infrar colors 2017 september cassini mission brought dramat conclus spacecraft direct dive ring giant explor universe random apod gener,saturn infrar cassini,2022-07-24,533,79,0.0857142857142857,07-24,7,2022,24,0,0,2 0aac39e7d18a9b3640624b1649f3c797794a7d5df5824d0ef38032b10193a70a,ruslan merzlyakov astrorms,moon made quit entrance typically moonris quiet take minut fulli peek horizon earth largest orbit companion remain rel obscur rise high nighttim sky week ago however despit half lit sun rise moon put show least location reason that seen mors moon rose scatter cloud near horizon result captur singl exposure moonlight pour gap cloud creat call crepuscular rays ray fan dramat across sky start near horizon even appear converg side sky well behind moon star milki way galaxi dot background galaxy largest orbit companion andromeda galaxi found upper left almost hyperspace random apod gener,crepuscular moon ray,2022-07-27,592,94,-0.0477777777777777,07-27,7,2022,27,2,0,1 71c71a1573267537328968d1b0d384670c8553761258db25f50fe53977e15a8f,jeff dai,ancient tree seem reach touch earth north celesti pole wellplan night skyscape consecut exposur timelaps composit record camera fix tripod desert forest northwest xinjiang china grace star trail arc reflect earth daili rotat around axis extension axi rotat lead center concentr arc night sky known north star bright star polari friend northern hemispher night sky photograph celesti navig alike that polari lie close north celesti pole sky cours found tip outstretch barren branch postcard rotat planet,north celesti tree,2022-07-28,502,76,0.3,07-28,7,2022,28,6,1,1 9cf6adc1473744677ec170a55b1feef59e2c09c60e0f2330f249f11c6600d29b,ian griffin,sofia stratospher observatori infrar astronomy boe aircraft modifi carri larg reflect telescop stratosphere abil airborn facil climb 99 percent earth atmospher allow research observ almost anywher planet scienc mission fli deep southern auror oval astronom director new captur view observatory south face starboard side juli 17 bright star canopu shine southern night curtain aurora australis southern lights plane fli far south new zealand time roughli 62 degre southern latitude unfortunately land sever weather damag sofia requir repair remaind final southern hemispher,sofia southern light,2022-07-29,572,81,0.0477272727272727,07-29,7,2022,29,8,0,2 6bac92e57b1594946cc6247ac402c7ed6d18abcdc68524c1559f36d1ecef2289,alsj,get redblu glass check stereo view lunar orbit 3d anaglyph creat two photograph as11446633 as11446634 taken astronaut michael collin 1969 apollo 11 mission featur lunar modul ascent stage dub eagle rise meet command modul lunar orbit juli 21 aboard ascent stage neil armstrong buzz aldrin first walk moon smooth dark area lunar surfac mare smythii locat equat extrem eastern edg moon near side pois beyond lunar horizon fair planet earth,eagl rise,2022-07-30,437,70,0.2599999999999999,07-30,7,2022,30,2,1,2 41cedaafcfad2b72db6f44ba6abd395b79aa8153373b709c4e3c2cc3163199fc,none,galaxi ring bright blue stars beauti island univers messier 94 lie mere 15 million lightyear distant northern constel hunt dog cane venatici popular target earthbas astronomers faceon spiral galaxi 30000 lightyear across spiral arm sweep outskirt broad disk hubbl space telescop field view span 7000 lightyear across m94 central region featur closeup highlight galaxy compact bright nucleus promin inner dust lanes remark bluish ring young massiv stars ring star like less 10 million year old indic m94 starburst galaxi experienc epoch rapid star format gas circular rippl blue star like wave outward trigger graviti rotat oval matter m94 rel nearby astronom better explor detail starburst ring,starburst galaxi m94 hubbl,2022-07-31,694,106,0.1425595238095238,07-31,7,2022,31,7,2,5 e764f59669c4faaa8ed3348642e363faec75f1310d83fd5e0eab860c81b5a403,francisco sojuel,saturn appear big pictur foreground cloud earth cross front moon moon show slight crescent phase surfac visibl reflect earthlight known ashen glow sun directli illumin brightli lit lunar crescent bottom mean sun must horizon imag taken sunrise doubl pictur captur 2019 decemb 24 two day moon slid front sun creat solar eclipse foreground light small town visibl behind huge volcano news apod receiv first outreach prize intern astronom union,moon like saturn,2022-08-02,442,69,-0.0579166666666666,08-02,8,2022,2,2,0,1 399b4c3cca197c794605e224b3ed776b19e35b592462282f408215629fa5fc2a,bray fall,creat unusu halo around cat eye nebula one sure sure cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky although haunt symmetri seen bright central region imag taken featur intric structur outer halo span three lightyear across planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star recent however planetari found expans halos like form materi shrug earlier puzzl episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion cat eye nebula halo 50000 90000 years,halo cat eye,2022-08-03,536,84,0.265,08-03,8,2022,3,4,1,5 70847a2ea2e2bdaa7b6e1751355c9fd65586cbd7536f7b90223b6c1a3da77729,josep,1716 english astronom edmond halley noted thi littl patch show nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 less modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky sharp telescop view like one reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away remark rang bright record imag follow star dens cluster core distant background galaxi mediumwid field view includ ngc 6207 upper left,m13 great globular cluster hercul,2022-08-04,611,93,0.1898148148148148,08-04,8,2022,4,6,2,5 88767f9f7760a3a8df9215018e710d543d63bc5ac959b7823048ed96f1ec7a84,vika chander,beauti trifid nebula cosmic studi contrasts also known m20 lie 5000 lightyear away toward nebula rich constel sagittarius star form region plane galaxy trifid illustr three differ type astronom nebulae red emiss nebula domin light hydrogen atoms blue reflect nebula produc dust reflect starlight dark nebula dens dust cloud appear silhouette red emiss region roughli separ three part obscur dust lanes lend trifid popular name pillar jet sculpt newborn stars right emiss nebula center appear famou hubbl space telescop closeup imag region trifid nebula 40 lightyear across faint seen unaid eye almost cover area full moon planet earth sky open star cluster m21 peek telescop field view along bottom right edg frame,beauti trifid,2022-08-05,714,112,0.1189560439560439,08-05,8,2022,5,4,2,5 5b3f2cd5b0ed62e16780575dbb391d80aabb27ac24887f2fdeccbfdc99fdb94e,none,get redblu glass float next phobos groov moon mars captur 2004 high resolut stereo camera board esa mar express spacecraft imag data record distanc 200 kilomet martian moon tantal stereo anaglyph view show marsfac side phobos highlight asteroidlik moon crater groov surface hundr meter wide mysteri groov may relat impact creat stickney crater larg crater left stickney crater 10 kilomet across phobo around 27 kilomet across widest point,stereo phobo,2022-08-06,438,68,0.015,08-06,8,2022,6,5,0,2 f219c9fad24283d61d8743e502c85152a2d1f14f39f39bbf316817ef119c999b,fritzhelmut hemmerich,what green streak front andromeda galaxy meteor photograph andromeda galaxi 2016 near peak perseid meteor shower small pebbl deep space cross right front milki way galaxy fardist companion small meteor took fraction second pass field meteor flare sever time brake violent upon enter earth atmosphere green color created least part meteor ga glow vaporized although exposur time catch perseid meteor orient imag streak seem better match meteor southern delta meteor shower peak week earlier coincidentally perseid meteor shower peak later week although year meteor outshin sky brighten nearli full moon,meteor galaxi,2022-08-07,601,90,-0.0477678571428571,08-07,8,2022,7,6,0,1 de4ce683c175ea1cbaf371357d2d0ef6f42babd831f8ce86870f540b076e4bb0,j world,star creat huge intric dust sculptur dens dark molecular cloud born tool star use carv detail work high energi light fast stellar winds heat gener evapor dark molecular dust well caus ambient hydrogen ga dispers glow red pictur here new open cluster star design ic 1590 near complet around intric interstellar dust structur emiss nebula ngc 281 dub nebula overal shape dust cloud upper left classifi bok globul may gravit collaps form star stars pacman nebula lie 10000 light year away toward constel cassiopeia,dust cloud pacman nebula,2022-08-10,512,84,0.1247402597402597,08-10,8,2022,10,4,1,5 e55f51da7a47ec0054afd8b04bad8db4abeacfad58038638d342b7497fc632a8,ur leutenegg,august 11 2021 multimirror 17 meterdiamet magic telescop reflect starri night sky roqu de lo muchacho european northern observatori canari island la palma magic stand major atmospher gamma imag telescop see brief flash optic light produc particl air shower highenergi gamma ray impact earth upper atmosphere darkadapt eye mirror segment offer tantal reflect star nebula along plane milki way galaxy directli behind segment mirror telescope low horizon lie constel perseus date dramat composit nightscap also captur meteor stream radiant annual perseid meteor shower year perseid shower activ peak around august 13 perseid meteor compet bright light full moon,perseid magic,2022-08-11,658,98,0.209375,08-11,8,2022,11,6,2,4 d6b68d5f361dc6c9ce36d30f5dbfac7b11415461c6c0aa34dd4696d98d4fbf21,charl,star cluster around 2 million year young surround natal cloud dust glow gas messier 16 m16 also known eagl nebula beauti detail imag region adopt color hubbl palett includ cosmic sculptur made famou hubbl space telescop closeup starform complex describ eleph trunk pillar creation dense dusti column rise near center lightyear length gravit contract form stars energet radiat cluster star erod materi near tips eventu expos embed new stars extend ridg bright emiss left center anoth dusti starform column known fairi eagl nebula m16 lie 7000 lightyear away easi target binocular small telescop nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake telescop portrait eagl nebula 70 lightyear across,portrait eagl nebula,2022-08-12,713,112,0.0692148760330578,08-12,8,2022,12,4,2,5 6cba6844fe4537c077d8c7a726ba985b2f3cca0adfc6e8d91a35dc688411875e,none,mimas small 400 kilometerdiamet moon saturn host 130 kilometerdiamet herschel crater one larger impact crater entir solar system robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2010 record startl view small moon big crater make 10000kilomet record close pass diminut ici world shown contrastenhanc fals color imag data reveal clearli herschel landscap color slightli differ heavili crater terrain nearby color differ could yield surfac composit clue violent histori mimas course impact mima larger one creat 130kilomet herschel might destroy small moon saturn,herschel crater mima,2022-08-13,549,79,-0.21875,08-13,8,2022,13,0,0,2 2593be06220a5332d066f695324e8a381c9fdaf5a121a6b6ac14eb5af66ab7ff,maxim oudoux,huge gate star sky pass twice day actual milki way galaxy spin earth appear propel it typically central band milki way appear faint band stretch across sky visibl away bright citi lights longexposur wideangl imag dark locat like this though milki way central plane easili visible featur pictur digit composit involv multipl exposur taken night camera stereograph project caus milki way appear giant circular portal insid arc galaxi faint stripe call zodiac light sunlight reflect dust solar system foreground dri rock found rough terrain high desert chile far el sauc observatori develop vera rubin observatory latter expect begin routin oper 2024,milki way,2022-08-17,648,101,0.0364285714285714,08-17,8,2022,17,6,2,1 f95a87f5f15356a9ab265060f75b4a3a994a95d54a9cafa5ff8e1e40cd33d633,juan carlo casado,annual perseid meteor shower near peak august 13 planet earth cross stream debri left period comet swifttuttl meteor rain northern summer night skies even night nearli full moon shine near top composit view hide popular shower meteor streaks imag captur brightest perseid meteor mani short exposur record two hour dawn place shower radiant heroic constel perseu behind welllit mediev tower villag sant llorenc de la muga girona spain observ mediev times perseid meteor shower also known tradit st celebr close annual peak meteor shower join full moon opposit sun bright planet saturn also shine frame upper right,full moon perseid,2022-08-18,612,97,0.2346938775510204,08-18,8,2022,18,2,2,1 c4f304eaa035a673d1044f2f1c610e83888805544063b18eb9004ba492b8ab51,tunc tezel,saturn distant planet solar system easili visibl unaid eye extraordinary longterm astroimag project begun 1993 follow ring ga giant one saturn year wander around eclipt plane finish singl orbit around sun 2022 construct individu imag made 29 earth years split panorama center along eclipt cross plane milki way galaxy saturn posit 1993 right side upper panel constel capricornu progress toward left return spot capricornu left lower panel 2022 consist imag show saturn appear slightli brighter year period beauti ring tilt faceon planet earth,saturn 2022,2022-08-19,542,83,0.0465608465608465,08-19,8,2022,19,0,0,2 8285d95a6a809d473125d395bab7b041a118ce6c2482f9be9c268d7b03403556,none,core crab nebula lie citysized magnet neutron star spin 30 time second known crab pulsar bright spot center gaseou swirl nebula core twelv lightyear across spectacular pictur frame glow gas caviti swirl filament near crab nebula center featur pictur combin visibl light hubbl space telescop purple xray light chandra xray observatori blue infrar light spitzer space telescop red like cosmic dynamo crab pulsar power emiss nebula drive shock wave surround materi acceler spiral electrons mass sun densiti atom spin pulsar collaps core massiv star exploded outer part crab nebula expand remnant star compon gasses supernova explos wit planet earth year 1054 explor universe random apod gener,spin pulsar crab nebula,2022-08-21,689,106,0.1583333333333333,08-21,8,2022,21,4,2,5 3ab840a7a3b8eeb5a7d8d3def13f1648487081d43b599ebc11c57ba6cc341750,julien looten,care plan made nightscap remember first night chosen occur begin year perseid meteor shower next time night chosen bright moon would rise domin night sky brightness picturesqu foreground select rocki beach mediterranean sea le france with time island situat near omin descend central band milki way galaxy everyth set weather frame seemingli surreal nightscap acquir within 15 minutes cant see that night astrophotograph brought along father who although modern techniques made point teach child sky perseid meteor shower 2022 gallery notabl submiss apod,meteor milki way mediterranean,2022-08-23,554,83,0.2142857142857142,08-23,8,2022,23,6,1,1 d68393eda3e770298fafea076624502ba1ddd6551f9192f88679015441df4969,none,some look like wheel cart fact outward appearance presenc central galaxy connect look like spoke wheel galaxi right known cartwheel galaxy others however look like complic interact galaxi await explanation along two galaxi left cartwheel part group galaxi 500 million light year away constel sculptor larg galaxy rim span 100000 light year compos star form region fill extrem bright massiv stars cartwheel ringlik shape result gravit disrupt caus smaller galaxi pass larg one compress interstellar ga dust caus star format wave move like rippl across surfac pond featur recent imag cartwheel galaxi webb space telescop reveal new detail star forming also activ near galaxy central black hole teacher students idea util apod classroom,cartwheel galaxi webb,2022-08-24,734,113,0.1546176046176046,08-24,8,2022,24,7,2,4 44300321a05e244df245eb076352c9fd614ce137834314d73729654183d397eb,luci yunxi hu,rug lunar south polar region lie top color portrait last quarter moon made august 20 construct video frame still imag taken new south wales australia also captur transit china tiangong space station transit fleeting take space station less second cross shadow sunlit lunar disk low earth orbit tiangong altitud 400 kilometers moon 400000 kilomet away subtl color differ along bright lunar surfac reveal multipl stack frames visibl eye indic real differ chemic makeup across lunar surface,space station transit moon,2022-08-25,487,76,0.1286363636363636,08-25,8,2022,25,2,1,2 d2b986b0e6a5a3bbc9e6f407141426c53fb9b9dacea4d5836a4a126cd7199c39,aman chokshi,light play around horizon snowi littl planet drift starri night sky cours littl planet actual planet earth record august 21 digit warped nadir center panorama cover nearli 360x180 degre outsid amundsenscott south pole station antarctica southernmost research outpost near horizon top light dawn approach nearli six month darkness along bottom ceremoni pole marker surround 12 flag origin antarct wild display aurora australi above,littl planet south pole,2022-08-26,430,63,0.175,08-26,8,2022,26,8,1,1 adf13cf7d0600f05ce96101ea60da140414e07fb58c54dc16dcdfc61da5024e1,david jenkin,insid cocoon nebula newli develop cluster stars catalog ic 5146 beauti nebula nearli 15 lightyear wide soar high northern summer night skies locat 4000 light year away toward constel cygnu swan like star form regions stand red glowing hydrogen ga excit young hot stars dustreflect starlight edg otherwis invis molecular cloud fact bright star found near center nebula like hundr thousand year old power nebular glow clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas 29 hour long integr small telescop ontario canada result except deep color view trace tantal featur within surround dusti stellar nursery,ic 5146 cocoon nebula,2022-08-27,601,95,0.1106666666666666,08-27,8,2022,27,4,2,5 94beb4290b2a295dd658b76fbf1e038b9f03a5a5ee55429610c252a1ab32fb37,georg,famou horsehead nebula orion alone deep exposur show dark familiar shape indentation visibl right center part vast complex absorb dust glow gas featur spectacular pictur detail intric tapestri gaseou wisp dustladen filament creat sculpt eon stellar wind ancient supernovas flame nebula visibl orang horsehead left highlight dust gas star digit removed although notabl except alnitak flame nebula rightmost star orion famou belt three align stars horsehead nebula lie 1500 light year distant toward constel orion nasa coverage artemi mission moon teacher students idea util apod classroom,horsehead nebula region without star,2022-08-29,588,86,0.1050595238095238,08-29,8,2022,29,4,2,5 15548782d4f1736ba55c06e1ccb0c73c8f60e0c1cee81622c53c7e4f1f0ed465,none,new view jupit illuminating highresolut infrar imag jupit new jame webb space telescop webb reveal example previous unknown differ bright cloud includ great red spot dark clouds also clearli visibl featur webb imag jupiter dust ring bright aurora poles jupiter moon amalthea larg volcan moon io magnet funnel charg particl onto jupit also visibl southern aurora object bright light notic diffract around webb optic creat streaks webb orbit sun near earth mirror six meter across make largest astronom telescop ever launch six time area hubble,jupit webb space telescop,2022-08-30,545,85,0.2504662004662005,08-30,8,2022,30,8,1,4 bf1718c61c44b5c717806d42d206fc349d907caae522744978a45c0e29d2fda6,none,creat unusu hill mars one sure good survey surround area siccar point stand surround gale crater unusu mound visit robot curios rover explor mar late last year siccar point distinct shape dark rock lighter rocks appar much younger age dark rock indic usual geolog order rock layer process yet unknown martian hill name siccar point earth place distinct two differ rock layers curios continu explor gale crater mars look clue ancient life simultaneously 2300 kilomet away sister rover persever explor jezero crater scout,point mar,2022-08-31,520,83,0.0772727272727272,08-31,8,2022,31,5,0,2 a8cbc134c61bf329b403b7c18ebd2b9ac91afef23a12ada6a705d755bb2c1038,peter,frame bright emiss region telescop view look along plane milki way galaxi toward nebula rich constel cygnu swan popularli call tulip nebula reddish glow cloud interstellar ga dust also found 1959 catalog astronom stewart sharpless sh2101 nearli 70 lightyear across complex beauti tulip nebula blossom 8000 lightyear away ultraviolet radiat young energet star edg cygnu ob3 association includ star hde 227018 ioniz atom power emiss tulip nebula also field view microquasar cygnu x1 one strongest xray sourc planet earth sky blast power jet lurk black hole fainter bluish curv shock front visibl though beyond cosmic tulip petal near right side frame back learn scienc nasa,tulip cygnu x1,2022-09-01,671,105,0.1367559523809524,09-01,9,2022,1,4,2,5 05d7c9161ca4eae143d08f2e34d51b2545195fe1bc0ce21dd5974ace0647fb1f,fabian neyer,find big dipper follow handl away dipper bowl get last bright star then slide telescop littl south west come upon stun pair interact galaxies 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi well defin spiral structur also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane clearli sweep front companion galaxi left ngc 5195 pair 31 million lightyear distant offici lie within angular boundari small constel cane venatici direct telescop views m51 look faint fuzzi eye remark deep imag show detail interact galaxy strike color galact tidal debris imag includ nearli 90 hour narrowband data also reveal vast glow cloud reddish ioniz hydrogen ga discov m51 system,m51 whirlpool galaxi,2022-09-02,678,109,-0.0049999999999999,09-02,9,2022,2,7,2,3 62d550d9a7ce6d258f2e54a23ca47d6f17df48775a3985a20cbce085a57704f1,wang letian,august 25 sun moon could seen planet earth daytim skies could intern space station iss cross disk wane crescent moon seen district beijing china 1102 local time 40 kilomet southwest district iss seen cross sun disk too solar transit observ 29 second later transit compar panels compos process stack video frame two locations coordin captur made differ equipment adjust show sun moon scale iss calcul rang kilomet lunar transit kilomet pass front sun artemi launch updat,sun moon iss,2022-09-03,469,76,0.0,09-03,9,2022,3,1,0,2 d6bcfd9957bbe4380082a170be60825a336ff1976762ed104574caeff5725ab0,none,star creat cliffs specifically destruct wind energet light star open cluster ngc erod away part mountain dark interstellar dust northern part carina nebula sever star visibl toward top highli detail imag taken recent jame webb space telescope largest astronom telescop ever launched webb larg mirror abil see infrar light enabl captur fascin detail dust hundr previous hidden stars even galaxi far distance featur jag cliff occur part carina known gabriela mistral nebula view anoth orientation appear similar facial profil famou chilean poet nebular cliff occur light year away toward southern constel carina astrophysicists brows 2800 code astrophys sourc code librari,carina cliff webb space telescop,2022-09-05,671,100,0.1012820512820512,09-05,9,2022,5,4,2,4 0f869bb9ca1fd6cd99c9012ef302635cf13768d76d5a4086bcd64ef892830952,nasa esa stsci webb team,near center nearbi starform region lie massiv cluster contain largest hottest star known collect known star cluster ngc 2070 star part vast tarantula nebula captur two kind infrar light new webb space telescope main imag show group star ngc center known r136 nearinfrared light bit red human see contrast rollov imag captur cluster center midinfrar light light closer radio waves sinc r136 brightest star emit light near infrared much promin image lmc cluster massiv star emit particl wind energet light evapor ga cloud formed webb images releas yesterday show detail r136 surround never seen before detail help human better understand star born evolv die,tarantula star r136 webb,2022-09-07,657,104,0.1951515151515151,09-07,9,2022,7,6,2,5 88927a58d7b62d6079fabc55f0ef294cef401490e721ceb4a64d122004f16160,frank sackenheim,fan fair planet might recogn outlin cosmic clouds left bright emiss outlin dark obscur dust lane seem trace continent shape lend popular name north america nebula emiss region catalog ngc 7000 right north america nebula east coast ic 5070 whose avian profil suggest pelican nebula two bright nebula 1500 lightyear away part larg complex star form region almost nearbi betterknown orion nebula distance 3 degre wide field view would span 80 lightyears care cosmic portrait use narrowband imag combin highlight bright ioniz front characterist glow atom hydrogen oxygen gas nebula seen binocular dark location look northeast bright star deneb cygnu swan soar high northern summer night sky,north america pelican,2022-09-08,686,107,0.2958241758241758,09-08,9,2022,8,4,2,5 a4073004511db868969cc42f692b51b804773b799222e403a2819003cfe131d4,none,voyag 1 voyag 2 launch 1977 grand tour outer planet solar system becom longest oper distant spacecraft earth travel beyond heliosphere realm defin influenc solar wind sun magnet field 45th year journey toward star voyag 1 2 reach nearli 22 lighthour 18 lighthour sun respect remain spacecraft current explor interstellar space spacecraft carri 12inch copper disk record sounds pictur golden record intend commun stori life cultur planet earth preserv medium surviv interstellar journey billion years,interstellar voyag,2022-09-09,499,75,0.175,09-09,9,2022,9,1,1,2 e75dc81182061c3d3502704d6be85b4cdff7ec02d74fe73835a5864ee0097132,gerardo ferrarino,180 degre panoram night skyscap captur milki way galaxi arc horizon winter night august near midnight galact center close zenith clear water lake argentina south america planet earth below zodiac light dust reflect sunlight along solar system eclipt plane also visibl region dark night sky faint band light reach distant snowi peak toward galaxy center follow arc milki way left find southern hemispher stellar beacon alpha beta centauri close horizon bright star vega reflect calm mountain lake,galaxi lake,2022-09-10,495,77,0.0928571428571428,09-10,9,2022,10,6,0,1 490f6c860ccfe93c05032ef968c9a8d6b7ace2c556e433b139f923d6bf80a7b8,daniel,red filament sky rare seen form lightn confirm 35 year ago red sprites research shown follow power posit cloudtoground lightn strike red sprite may start 100meter ball ioniz air shoot 80km high 10 percent speed light quickli follow group upward streak ioniz balls featur imag taken late last month mountain northern czech republic distanc red sprite 200 kilometers red sprite take fraction second occur best seen power thunderstorm visibl side apod world languages arabic bulgarian catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch farsi french french canada german hebrew indonesian japanese korean montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish ukrainian,red sprite lightn,2022-09-12,688,101,0.0866666666666666,09-12,9,2022,12,8,2,1 e48373f4b774a86f4398d0ffe12a57f1cc447d3408ed3cb5f3f9806b57c5bd6a,alan friedmanavert imagination,rlier month sun exhibit one longer filament record visibl bright curv streak around imag center snake full extent estim half sun radiu 350000 kilomet long filament compos hot ga held aloft sun magnet field view side would appear rais prominence different smaller promin simultan visibl sun edge featur imag falsecolor colorinvert highlight filament sun carpet chromosphere bright dot upper right actual dark sunspot size earth solar filament typic last hour days eventu collaps return hot plasma back sun sometimes though explod expel particl solar system trigger aurora earth pictur filament appear earli septemb continu hold steadi week,long filament sun,2022-09-13,639,97,0.1293154761904762,09-13,9,2022,13,1,2,4 4fc38b1b9c5cea8dd0ea578f3f10b056155805693789e4f6c061f5c113b4b6f3,jarmo ruuth telescop text u astronomi,one largest nebula sky better known roughli angular size andromeda galaxy great lacerta nebula found toward constel lizard emiss nebula difficult see widefield binocular faint also usual difficult see larg telescop great angl span three degrees depth breadth waves beauti nebula catalog sharpless 126 best seen appreci long durat camera exposure featur imag one combin exposur case 10 hour five differ color six night past june juli ic astronomi observatori spain hydrogen ga great lacerta nebula glow red excit light bright star 10 one bright blue star redglow nebula center star nebula 1200 light year distant harvest full moon 2022 notabl submiss apod,wave great nebula,2022-09-14,659,103,0.21,09-14,9,2022,14,4,2,5 89948cbb6271de0e275f0899d32c6764756119bdb2561970e800e6410e3e0e7f,dario giannobil,northern hemispher dwellers september full moon harvest moon reflect warm hue sunset rise histor town di telephoto view septemb 9 fame festival story song harvest moon tradit name full moon nearest autumn equinox accord lore name fit one despit diminish daylight hour grow season drew close farmer could harvest crop light full moon shine dusk dawn harvest full moon 2022 notabl submiss apod,harvest moon sicili,2022-09-15,391,63,0.3999999999999999,09-15,9,2022,15,2,1,1 a9a664f083898aa2d184b34829ad240c3d5b1debe8b8c98b7623cf9f8612b5b1,robert gendler,tarantula nebula also known 30 doradus thousand lightyear diameter giant star form region within nearbi satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud 180 thousand lightyear away largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxies cosmic arachnid sprawl across magnific view assembl imag data larg space groundbas telescopes within tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar winds supernova shock central young cluster massiv star catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula star form region young star clusters filaments blownout bubbleshap clouds fact frame includ site closest supernova modern times sn 1987a lower right rich field view span 2 degre 4 full moons southern constel dorado tarantula nebula closer say 1500 lightyear distant like milki way star form orion nebula would take half sky,tarantula zone,2022-09-16,831,124,0.0529365079365079,09-16,9,2022,16,4,2,5 de60d48443191f3156f1c655a521ebbf6de9acdebe72009cc68d3fe2e46e6f76,none,persever rover mastcamz captur imag creat mosaic august 4 2022 carsiz robot continu explor fanshap delta river that billion year ago flow jezero crater mars sedimentari rock preserv delta consid one best place mar search potenti sign ancient microbi life site recent sampl rover dub wildcat ridg ridge lower left upper right frame sampl taken area seal insid sampl ultim intend return earth futur missions start pathfind mission mar global surveyor 1997 last 25 year continu robot explor red planet includ orbiters rovers helicopt planet earth,persever jezero crater delta,2022-09-17,543,86,0.1607142857142857,09-17,9,2022,17,5,1,2 89fe9e76a49ae39816b1735b46b63c09fffe02c88f5bd0e64ccb8d46f1f6ec05,giusepp,went outsid time everi day took pictur includ sun would sun posit change visual answer question analemma composit imag taken spot time cours year featur analemma compos imag taken everi day noon near villag callanish outer scotland uk foreground callanish stones stone circl built around 2700 bc humanity bronz age known placement callanish stone astronom ultim caus figure8 shape analemma tilt earth axi ellipt earth orbit around sun solstices sun appear top bottom analemma featur imag taken near decemb solstic sun appear near bottom however correspond analemma middl point intersect point come friday ut thursday america equinox day night equal planet earth mani cultur celebr chang season equinox explor universe random apod gener,analemma stone,2022-09-18,738,113,0.0428571428571428,09-18,9,2022,18,1,2,4 4eda07adf504d3d76ca2fda699d2c3be8ecf0c2c59f48debba641993b9057b0e,marc,beauti imag come layers bottom layer picturesqu villag barcelona spain exposur make car light streaks next layer mountain de europe famou pyrenees next tremend lightn storm eman anvil cloud long exposur allow captur mani intric lightn finally top furthest distanc stars here exposur made star trails trail effect caus rotat earth curvatur trail indic distanc north spin pole earth above taken sunset earli june lightn storm soon move off stars though continu circl pole long earth spin sure billion year future,star trail lightn pyrene,2022-09-19,513,81,0.1444444444444444,09-19,9,2022,19,8,1,1 2d391d440330ece15869325002de1319b3ab57ff136f6417bef843594fab7f2d,chri willock,what happen statu liberti nebula bright star interest molecul form liberated complex nebula resid star form region call rcw 57 besid icon monument look like fli superhero weep angel digit remov stars reassign color imag showcas dens knot dark interstellar dust field glow hydrogen ga ioniz stars great loop ga expel die stars detail studi ngc 3576 also known ngc 3582 ngc 3584 uncov least 33 massiv star end stage formation clear presenc complex carbon molecul known polycycl aromat hydrocarbon pahs pah thought creat cool ga star form regions develop sun format nebula five billion year ago may import step develop life earth sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,star form region ngc 3582 without star,2022-09-20,677,111,0.1125,09-20,9,2022,20,4,2,5 ca0244b53fd83cf9eeeaa69bec400da415c76221ab3f65cea24674df81396e3b,none,drift cosmos magnific interstellar dust cloud becam sculpt stellar wind radiat assum recogniz shape fittingli name horsehead nebula embed vast complex orion nebula m42 potenti reward difficult object view person small telescope featur gorgeous detail imag taken infrar light orbit hubbl space telescope dark molecular cloud roughli 1500 light year distant catalog barnard 33 seen primarili backlit nearbi massiv star sigma orionis horsehead nebula slowli shift appar shape next million year eventu destroy high energi starlight sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,horsehead nebula infrar hubbl,2022-09-21,578,84,0.0315384615384615,09-21,9,2022,21,4,0,5 f97c51059dd12b0875a6b4e1062563685a2590b27f10efa043676d744b38cbc8,donato lioc,defin astronom moment september equinox friday septemb 23 2022 utc sun cross celesti equat move south yearli journey planet earth sky mark begin fall fair planet northern hemispher spring southern hemisphere day night nearli equal around globe course celebr astronom chang season watch sunris also look crepuscular rays shadow cast cloud dramat appear twilight sky sunris sunset due perspective parallel shadow seem point back rise sun place due east horizon near equinox date taken septemb 15 sunris sea skyscap captur crepuscular ray sky wateri specular reflect mediterranean coast near villag italy,septemb sunris shadow,2022-09-24,601,91,0.0649999999999999,09-24,9,2022,24,1,2,1 dff24677d5f9a288957a5693ac8259e11ab2c1272999932610e546ea8881eda4,none,dust sculptur eagl nebula evaporating power starlight whittl away cool cosmic mountains statuesqu pillar remain might imagin mythic beasts featur one sever strike dust pillar eagl nebula might describ gigant alien fairy fairy however ten light year tall spew radiat much hotter common fire greater eagl nebula m16 actual giant evapor shell ga dust insid grow caviti fill spectacular stellar nurseri current form open cluster stars great pillar 7000 light year away like evapor away 100000 years featur imag scientif reassign color taken earthorbit hubbl space telescope,fairi eagl nebula,2022-09-25,569,87,0.1966666666666666,09-25,9,2022,25,4,1,5 f0ebc0b8c74f75bf92de338677b1dab0d151c84b1b49479c7c491df1106483a7,none,much planet earth made water little actually although ocean water cover 70 percent earth surface ocean shallow compar earth radius featur illustr show would happen water near surfac earth bunch ball radiu ball would 700 kilometers less half radiu earth moon slightli larger saturn moon rhea which like mani moon outer solar system mostli water ice next smallest ball depict earth liquid fresh water ball show volum earth lake water came earth whether signific amount trap far beneath earth surfac remain topic research,water planet earth,2022-09-26,518,83,-0.0140151515151515,09-26,9,2022,26,8,0,2 ed532075492d1af9b89ded0ddfbcad05f061438d2275b9788b73dbcc83de20cd,ralf rohner,sky angri mount accord ancient spirit world fight there sometim quit activ erupt enorm volcano california usa drama well imagin deep sky imag taken late june evid snowcov peak central band milki way galaxy left picturesqu sky toward modern constel scorpiu ophiuchus right bright orang star antar color rho ophiuchi cloud complex visibl right mount shasta red emiss nebula surround star zeta ophiuchi appear top right static earth imag featur composit taken blue hour twopanel panorama track background sky taken later night camera location within million years antares star rho ophiuchi system zeta ophiuchi like explod supernovas,sky mount shasta,2022-09-28,630,97,0.1438095238095238,09-28,9,2022,28,6,2,4 db6b427543f8c27d1c0d011afb95c202c850ee5d37dae08a65c8c5174001c72e,none,fifteen day impact dart spacecraft deploy small companion satellit document histor planetari defens technolog provid italian space agency light italian cubesat imag asteroids aka record imag aftermath cloud ejecta seen near right edg frame captur minut follow impact target asteroid dimorpho liciacub 80 kilomet away present 11 million kilomet earth 160 meter diamet dimorpho moonlet orbit meter diamet asteroid didymo seen center liciacub image come weeks groundbas telescop observ look small chang orbit around didymo evalu effect dart impact deflect target,dart asteroid impact space,2022-09-29,559,81,0.0206349206349206,09-29,9,2022,29,8,0,2 da479cc620e18161d235d4efab77375c83dab430ea9879b14af956ba9642ce89,luca vanzella,planetwid collabor result remark array sunris photograph taken around septemb 2022 equinox imag contribut 24 one 24 nautic time zone around world unlik complic civil time zone boundaries 24 nautic time zone simpli 15 degre longitud band correspond 1 hour step span globe start upper right first experi sunris nautic time zone correspond coordin univers time utc 12 hours time zone photograph locat new zealand travel west look column move column toward left later sunris time zone offset hour utc decreases or watch video septemb 2022 equinox sunris around planet earth,equinox sunris around world,2022-09-30,570,91,0.112012987012987,09-30,9,2022,30,8,2,4 93d932e86fa817d44ee9c87106877ede7b972f417993e27d41ce2a314027f6cc,tunc tezel,observ moon everi night see visibl sunlit portion gradual change phase progress new moon full moon new moon again lunar cycl lunat complet 295 days top left bottom right matrix telescop imag captur rang lunar phase 28 consecut nights even juli 29 morn august 26 follow almost complet lunation imag taken 24 hour new moon lunar phase best narrow crescent close sun realli hard see find mostli clear mediterranean sky requir occasion road trip complet lunar cycl project imag earli even first half late even earli morn second half lunation sinc imag regist scale use matrix track chang moon appar size singl lunation extra credit find lunar phase occur closest perigee tonight intern observ moon night,lunat,2022-10-01,699,116,0.1041061879297173,10-01,10,2022,1,2,2,4 645b29e9feb234ea1118bb83ab0b3270f6a65ce298199744eb983838f5bd0b3c,none,could shoot neutron star like cannon ball supernova 10000 year ago supernova creat nebular remnant ctb 1 destroy massiv star blast newli form neutron star core pulsar milki way galaxy pulsar spin 87 time second discov use download softwar search data taken nasa orbit fermi gammaray observatory travel 1000 kilomet per second pulsar psr alreadi left supernova remnant ctb 1 even fast enough leav galaxy pictured trail pulsar visibl extend lower left supernova remnant featur imag combin radio imag vla radio observatories well data archiv nasa orbit ira infrar observatory well known supernova act even pulsar act known supernova it,supernova cannon expel pulsar,2022-10-02,635,100,0.0,10-02,10,2022,2,6,2,4 7e5f3665402e419589d1a51698891039580dd970eddb8b2260d756549a4f5a02,none,mysteri might solv peer crystal ball case ball actual moon jupiter crystal ice moon dirti crack beyond repair nevertheless specul rampant ocean exist europa fractur iceplain could support life europa roughli size earth moon pictur imag taken day ago jupiterorbit robot spacecraft juno pass within 325 kilomet streak shift surface underground ocean thought like europa undergo global flex due chang gravit attract jupit slightli ellipt orbit flex heat interior studi juno closeup imag may humanity understand europa earli solar system also possibl life exist elsewher universe,jupiter europa spacecraft juno,2022-10-03,575,86,-0.0416666666666666,10-03,10,2022,3,2,0,2 f245a91fb43a2107df91bf73cd0210d8abbb8731f83bc2bdc0792bc1263c3a77,yannick akar,whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula center however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed caviti tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming perhap easier appreci impress factori star format see without star digit remov featur image eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens creat pictur involv 22 hour imag combin color emit specif hydrogen red oxygen blue,starform eagl nebula without star,2022-10-04,575,91,0.0133333333333333,10-04,10,2022,4,4,0,5 b894913f90230e84a9cfdb0221e78a685675a68fafad66d9d75bbf2e8194ce7e,andrew mccarthi,opposition opposit sun earth sky late last month jupit also approach perihelion closest point sun ellipt orbit earli next year make jupit except close fair planet current result excel view solar system rule ga giant septemb 27 sharp imag jupit record small telescop backyard florence arizona stack video frame reveal massiv world bound planet girdl winds dark belt light zone span ga giant along rotat oval storm signatur great red spot galilean moon ganymed right frame solar system largest moon shadow transit across southern jovian cloud tops,ganymede shadow,2022-10-07,545,87,0.0907142857142857,10-07,10,2022,7,1,0,1 31525792cdba6b0e1561415dcd3530e27f2225445349bb8d6dca60e856cdc669,jose j chambo,head closest approach sun perihelion decemb 20 comet c2017 k2 panstarrs remain sight telescop observ sweep planet earth southern hemispher skies first time visitor remot oort cloud comet panstarr sport greenish coma whitish dust tail half degre long upper left deep imag septemb 21 also share starri field view toward constel scorpiu anoth comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 seen 1 degre right panstarrs astronom estim first time visitor comet c2017 k2 panstarrs inbound oort cloud 3 million year along hyperbol orbit schwassmannwachmann 3 familiar though period comet loop ellipt orbit beyond orbit jupit vicin earth orbit everi 54 years pass night comet panstarr 20 lightminut earth septemb 21 image seen disintegr sinc 1995 schwassmannwachmann 3 lightminut away,two comet southern sky,2022-10-08,760,115,0.0767316017316017,10-08,10,2022,8,3,2,4 7fda9e441eae1156f13ff8957d62d26ac33c28eb0e46f675c634f6f47d42e333,kwon,gust solar wind blast charg particl sun result sever reward night aurora back 2014 december near peak last 11year solar cycle featur imag captur dramat aurora stretch across sky near town yellowknif northern canada aurora bright inspir easili visibl imag exposur 13 seconds video taken concurr show danc sky light evolv real time tourists mani see auroras respond conic dwell imag right far background near imag center constel orion aurora may increas next year sun approach solar maximum,aurora northern canada,2022-10-09,488,78,0.1571428571428571,10-09,10,2022,9,1,1,1 8b513e3347838bb3fd4422d1a93752b3dac4ca29a063a542d83296a23bead4cd,betul turksoy,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day one year trick imag analemma moon wait bit longer averag moon return posit sky 50 minut 29 second later day photograph moon 50 minut 29 second later success days one lunat lunar month trace analemmalik curv moon actual posit wander due tilt ellipt orbit sinc featur imag taken two months actual show doubl lunar analemma crescent lunar phase thin faint captur around new moon missing two month persist astrophotograph chose good stretch weather juli august locat turkey,doubl lunar analemma turkey,2022-10-10,519,86,-0.0068181818181818,10-10,10,2022,10,2,0,1 f5c973114440f54e87a52e8d30f1c9f7d035a42cac2d0e0c3f4cfd3a6e02fc72,tommi leas,mysteri squidlik cosmic cloud nebula faint also larg planet earth sky image compos 30 hour narrowband imag data span nearli three full moon toward royal constel cepheus discov 2011 french astroimag nicola outters squid nebula bipolar shape distinguish telltal bluegreen emiss doubli ioniz oxygen atoms though appar surround reddish hydrogen emiss region sh2129 true distanc natur squid nebula difficult determine still recent investig suggest ou4 realli lie within sh2129 2300 lightyear away consist scenario cosmic squid would repres spectacular outflow materi driven tripl system hot massiv stars catalog hr8119 seen near center nebula so truli giant squid nebula would physic 50 lightyear across,ou4 giant squid nebula,2022-10-12,698,103,0.0499999999999999,10-12,10,2022,12,4,2,5 b5095c21a8f71ac7add59884ec6a22f93c9a57076bdc787cd2a28bfb311d3bb6,none,strang rings rich dust ring like 3d shell creat remain topic research creat well binari star system lie 6000 light year away toward constel swan cygnus system domin wolfrayet star wr wolfrayet star massive bright known tumultu winds also known creat dispers heavi element carbon build block interstellar dust star binari also bright massiv active two great star oblong orbit approach everi eight years closest approach xray emiss system increases as apparently dust expel space creat anoth shell featur infrar imag new webb space telescop resolv greater detail dust shell ever before,dust shell around wr 140 webb,2022-10-13,587,92,0.3528030303030303,10-13,10,2022,13,6,1,3 d4b0d5b648595d17c0acae763291b23f1d85c5d8f9f64fea5aedb74a7a72029a,michael seeley,full moon octob 9th second full moon northern hemispher autumn equinox tradit call hunter moon accord lore name fit one full moon light night time hunt prepar come winter months snapshot nearli full hunter moon captur sunset octob 8 rise sky florida space coast rise planet earth falcon 9 rocket pierc bright lunar disk photographer vantag point rippl fring along edg lunar disk appear superson shock wave gener rocket passag chang atmosphere index refraction,falcon hunter moon,2022-10-14,459,74,0.3625,10-14,10,2022,14,2,1,1 00d3228bb81d7e76ad134bc83dde7d1b0d96a93463dad89d3ccb57999e0d54a9,none,gammaray burst grb 221009a like signal birth new black hole form core collaps star long ago distant universe extrem power blast depict anim gif construct use data fermi gamma ray space telescope fermi captur data gammaray energies detect photon 100 million electron volts comparison visibl light photon energi 2 electron volts high energi gammaray glow plane milki way galaxi run diagon 20 degre wide frame left transient gammaray flash grb 221009a appear center fades one brightest gammaray burst ever detect grb 221009a also close far gammaray burst go still lie 2 billion lightyear away low earth orbit larg area telescop record gammaray photon burst 10 hour highenergi radiat grb 221009a swept planet earth last sunday octob 9,grb,2022-10-15,730,117,0.0233080808080808,10-15,10,2022,15,6,2,4 d02300a77ef6215ec572b30f0ddfbe9084852fe9a8a2baddd70a04e41cd6f325,none,across center spiral galaxi bar center bar smaller spiral center spiral supermass black hole happen big beautiful bar spiral galaxi catalog ngc galaxi lie 70 million lightyear away toward constel river eridanus hubbl space telescop composit view gorgeou island univers one detail hubbl imag ever made complet galaxy ngc 1300 span 100000 lightyear hubbl imag reveal strike detail galaxy domin central bar majest spiral arms giant bar formed remains affect star format remain activ topic research,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1300,2022-10-16,494,76,0.0425925925925925,10-16,10,2022,16,7,0,3 2bb86fde617fc3494112936ce9c4928b9657db31ef6d022190de95816b9288d4,none,would xray ring appear around gammaray burst surpris answer littl explos rather light reflect area dustladen ga milki way galaxy grb 221009a tremend explos bright gammaray burst grb occur far across univers radiat arriv solar system last week sinc grb also emit copiou amount xrays bright flash xray arriv nearli simultan gammaradiation case xray also bounc region high dust right milki way galaxy creat unusu reflections greater angl reflect milki way dust grb greater radiu xray rings and typically longer take lightecho,xray ring around gamma ray burst,2022-10-17,523,82,0.3179047619047619,10-17,10,2022,17,6,1,4 ebfa63b1f2fc1269ed94c1da12aa7f0178fc7eb52c9d017a0ca773a1fbca5b16,göran strand,could stem milki way bloom auror flower no really even though may appear way featur allski image left central plane home galaxi extend horizon past middl sky right auror oval also extend sky center domin bright greenglow oxygen two physic connected aurora rel nearby higher red part occur earth atmospher 1000 kilomet high contrast averag distanc star nebula see milki way like 1000 lightyear away 10 trillion time further featur imag composit taken earli octob across small lake northern sweden sun magnet field evolv activ part 11year cycle aurora near earth pole sure becom frequent,milki way auror flower,2022-10-18,587,95,0.093047619047619,10-18,10,2022,18,6,2,1 eaa0faf269d6aef974461e1eef277e5ae8c97ae5de63eac397a0df97e6f5b67b,howard,dare believ eyes look imag space often wonder whether often best answer case scene appear much eye would see it obtain use green blue filter like cone cell eyes except collect light 19 hours fraction second featur imag captur six nights use diamet telescop sierra nevada mountains california usa bright spiral galaxi center ngc look like eeri tendril space ghost lie trick galaxi actual 59 million light year away nebulos mbm 54 less one thousand light year away make one nearest cool cloud ga dust galact cirru within milki way galaxy constel pegasus seen high overhead northern latitud autumn,galaxi beyond stars gas dust,2022-10-19,596,99,0.2245238095238095,10-19,10,2022,19,7,2,1 802132e00cb6ea1d92206b93f26d42511acef16fd682e0e1f52db9e0a9adcc41,none,famou pictur hubbl space telescop featur star form column cold ga dust lightyear long insid m16 eagl nebula dub pillar creation jame webb space telescop nircam imag expand hubble explor region greater detail depth insid icon stellar nursery particularli stun webb near infrar view telltal reddish emiss knot materi undergo gravit collaps form star within natal clouds eagl nebula 6500 lightyear distant larger bright emiss nebula easi target binocular small telescopes m16 lie along plane milki way galaxi nebula rich part sky toward split constel serpen cauda the tail snake,pillar creation,2022-10-20,575,90,0.0925,10-20,10,2022,20,4,2,5 b07618ca4621cdc5298142a8257d9637e710340e7d2f3d80858e49de64cdd5ae,ian griffin,look north southern new zealand andromeda galaxi never get five degre horizon spring come southern hemisphere late septemb andromeda highest sky around midnight though singl 30 second exposur telephoto imag track star captur closest larg spiral galaxi mount john observatori climb rug peak south island southern alps foreground star reflect still water lake also known m31 andromeda galaxi one brightest object messier catalog usual visibl unaid eye small faint fuzzi patch clear dark sky long exposur reveal galaxy greater extent planet earth night span nearli 6 full moons,andromeda southern sky,2022-10-21,574,88,-0.0295454545454545,10-21,10,2022,21,6,0,1 b819f39bfc3c15ad049d1280eb18f84e721e35a7dad1ccfdb24c56dbc11e0c0d,cloud,drift orion arm spiral milki way galaxy cosmic cloud chanc echo outlin california west coast unit states sun also lie within milki way orion arm 1500 lightyear california nebula also known ngc 1499 classic emiss nebula around 100 lightyear long california nebula shine telltal reddish glow characterist hydrogen atom recombin long lost electrons electron strip away ioniz energet starlight like provid energet starlight ioniz much nebular ga bright hot star xi persei right nebula popular target astrophotographers deep imag reveal glow nebula obscur dust star across 3 degre wide field view california nebula lie toward constel perseus far pleiades,ngc 1499 california nebula,2022-10-22,649,99,0.1911255411255411,10-22,10,2022,22,4,2,5 9a15fbf0563bf4027b1d5483483414d1cf0975fd4babd6889284d791775c7730,jingyi zhang,strang world this earth foreground featur imag pinnacles unusu rock spire nambung nation park western australia made ancient sea shell limestone humans picturesqu spire form remain topic research picturesqu panorama taken 2017 september ray zodiac light sunlight reflect dust grain orbit planet solar system rise horizon near imag center arch across top central band milki way galaxy planet jupit saturn well sever famou star also visibl background night sky,milki way zodiac light australian pinnacl,2022-10-23,458,69,0.15,10-23,10,2022,23,6,1,1 32d2ad1e521143290788b0b9c3ee5c7004d39f75513b7b05ae263afacbb57183,andrew,red cloud surround andromeda galaxy galaxy m31 often imag planet earthbas astronomers nearest larg spiral galaxy familiar sight dark dust lanes bright yellowish core spiral arm trace cloud bright blue stars mosaic wellexpos broad narrowband imag data deep portrait neighbor island univers offer strikingli unfamiliar featur though faint reddish cloud glow ioniz hydrogen ga wide field view ioniz hydrogen cloud sure lie foreground scene well within milki way galaxy like associ pervasive dusti interstellar cirru cloud scatter hundr lightyear galact plane clouds however occur right andromeda galaxi itself m110 small galaxi below,cloud around galaxi andromeda,2022-10-24,630,92,0.1248626373626373,10-24,10,2022,24,7,2,5 95b38ecdd7de0b537c0484719730b0bbcd81ba29b98622a564ca578e6274b11a,andi,nebula look like comet crowd starfield cover two degre within high fli constel swan cygnus eye drawn cocoon nebula compact star form region cosmic cocoon punctuat nebula bright emiss reflect left long trail interstellar dust cloud right make entir complex appear bit like comet catalog ic 5146 central bright head nebula span 10 light years dark dusti tail span nearli 100 light years locat 2500 light year away bright star near bright nebula center like hundr thousand year old suppli power nebular glow help clear caviti molecular cloud star form dust gas long dusti filament tail although dark visibl light image hide star process formation star seen infrar wavelengths,cocoon nebula wide field,2022-10-26,672,109,0.206938775510204,10-26,10,2022,26,4,2,5 0db219006face02b75ba0215d51259859f8c7f63599f3465b5405b3f0ed25191,neelam ajay talwar,octob 25th sun new moon set togeth seen india close conjunct near western horizon partial solar eclipse captur elev view hazi sky near dome course partial solar eclips also seen europe northern africa middl east western part asia eclips last two solar eclips partial 2022 next full moon slide planet earth shadow novemb 78 total lunar eclipse,sunset moonset,2022-10-27,342,57,0.0321969696969696,10-27,10,2022,27,2,0,1 fd0c9a92128e5ce56738fb05f85999543ffbed4ec90a6a07d3a8820a80000259,petr horalek,history first known period comet halley return inner solar system everi 75 year so famou comet made last appear nakedey 1986 dusti debri comet halley seen rain planet earth sky twice year two annual meteor showers eta aquarid may orionid october includ meteor near shower maximum octob 21 composit view orionid meteor captur year 2015 2022 47 bright meteor regist panoram night skyscape starri background extend along milki way orionid meteor seem radiat point north betelgeus familiar constel hunter foreground mountain eastern slovakia near citi,seven year halley dust,2022-10-28,547,85,0.2178571428571429,10-28,10,2022,28,3,1,1 dc1e4180f060c69911440540fff3806d996f1cde83c9005ca2188383bfd7e0c8,capella observatori team,part dark expans split crowd plane milki way galaxy aquila rift arc planet earth sky near bright star altair eeri silhouett milki way faint starlight dusti molecular cloud like contain raw materi form hundr thousand star astronom search dark cloud telltal sign star birth telescop closeup look toward region fragment aquila dark cloud complex identifi ldn 673 stretch across field view slightli wider full moon scene visibl indic energet outflow associ young star includ small red tint nebulos rno 109 right center herbigharo object hh32 below dark cloud might look theyr estim 600 lightyear away distance field view span 7 lightyears,ldn dark cloud aquila,2022-10-29,634,101,-0.0296703296703296,10-29,10,2022,29,6,2,4 6c8e6fe682bac97a07ea0a3bc25d89885877cf17e4ce211eb8ff969ed903589c,stéphane vetternuit sacrées,spooki planet this planet earth course dark stormi night 2013 hverir geotherm activ area along volcan landscap northeastern iceland trigger solar activity geomagnet storm produc auror display starri night sky ghostli tower steam ga vent fumarol danc eeri greenish light now auror apparit increas sun approach maximum 11 year solar activ cycle pretti soon ghostli shape may danc neighborhood too,night spooki planet,2022-10-30,394,60,0.125,10-30,10,2022,30,1,1,1 9e7204b6bff49c9b76088a787441447a822be3bde0fa4b6b1467fd3028529d09,mark hanson mike nasa,nebula galaxy one ldn bear astonish resembl vast cosmic bat fli star dark halloween night locat 1400 light year away constel ophiuchus molecular cloud dens enough block light background stars wisp ga lit nearbi reflect nebula lbn 7 far death yearlong filament ga dust actual stellar nursery glow eeri light bat lit insid dens gaseou knot form young stars celebrate halloween nasa onlin,ldn cosmic bat nebula,2022-10-31,385,63,0.15,10-31,10,2022,31,4,1,5 16770274f43110cfb9616cafc2d02cba74cd9b08821d054c964ca3ef97df25e7,none,lobster nebula form massiv star known one yet sure catalog ngc 6357 lobster nebula hous open star cluster pismi 24 near center home unusu bright massiv stars overal red glow near inner star form region result emiss ioniz hydrogen gas surround nebula featur here hold complex tapestri gas dark dust star still forming newli born stars intric pattern caus complex interact interstellar winds radiat pressures magnet fields gravity imag taken dark energi camera 4meter blanco telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile ngc 6357 span 400 light year lie 8000 light year away toward constel scorpion,ngc 6357 lobster nebula,2022-11-01,605,95,0.0857142857142857,11-01,11,2022,1,4,2,5 7caa59d92841c86db96d692a4068a51873a87680da301ed60f2a64ab9c8999c0,robert gendler,small northern constel triangulum harbor magnific faceon spiral galaxy m33 popular name includ pinwheel galaxi triangulum galaxy m33 50000 lightyear diameter third largest local group galaxi andromeda galaxi m31 milki way 3 million lightyear milki way m33 thought satellit andromeda galaxi astronom two galaxi would like spectacular view other grand spiral star systems view milki way sharp imag combin data telescop around planet earth show m33 blue star cluster pinkish star form region along galaxy loos wound spiral arms fact cavern ngc 604 brightest star form region seen 1 oclock posit galaxi center like m31 m33 popul wellmeasur variabl star help make nearbi spiral cosmic yardstick establish distanc scale universe,m33 triangulum galaxi,2022-11-03,722,110,0.1099999999999999,11-03,11,2022,3,7,2,3 e0a1ebcbe59e5ad5d19349668d29168901fd60cd614dc9dd4663b78c7673e93d,none,mar insight lander return first imag red planet flat equatori elysium planitia success touchdown novemb 26 2018 histori make mission explor martian interior use seismic investigations heat transport oper 1400 martian day sols time insight mission detect 1300 marsquak record data meteoroid impacts observ seismic wave travel provid glimps insid mars analyz archiv data collect expect yield discoveri decades insight final oper sol like far off reason evid selfi record earlier year show deck large solar panel cover dust kick martian wind dust continu accumul drastic reduc power gener insight solar panels,insight final selfi,2022-11-04,606,92,0.1049107142857142,11-04,11,2022,4,5,2,2 3bc96e496661781733a798287b2bd4eb38b5197545c9a78a0b85bf563554a1b0,aman chokshi,last may 16 moon slid earth shadow complet immers planet dark umbra 1 hour 25 minut total lunar eclipse composit timelaps view partial total phase eclips captur moon track horizon amundsenscott south pole station share cold starri south polar night surg display aurora australi central milki way foreground bicep right south pole telescop southernmost station dark sector laboratory polar sky spectacular want go south pole view total lunar eclips come novemb 8 instead eclips seen locat asia australia america pacific last chanc watch total lunar eclips 2025,lunar eclips south pole,2022-11-05,559,87,-0.0187301587301587,11-05,11,2022,5,2,0,1 fb77fd726182855432da71542c43bd8c718948dd7295800f8e819e597ad679f4,none,strang dark ball look somehow familiar so might sun featur imag 2012 detail solar view captur origin specif color red light render black white color inverted complete result imag ad starfield also color inverted visibl imag sun long light filaments dark activ regions promin peek around edge move carpet hot gas surfac sun busi place particular solar maximum time surfac magnet field wound most besid activ sun picturesque plasma expel also becom picturesqu impact earth magnetospher creat auroras comput brows 2900 code astrophys sourc code librari,dark ball invert starfield,2022-11-06,549,86,0.1288461538461538,11-06,11,2022,6,1,1,4 fa954605b82eb8ab49a98c2bc11c1ae7adf4b6a0c220ca350ab384e6b5f20ae6,none,mani galaxi interact here group galaxi call wild triplet discoverer number bright galaxi appear assum three galaxies collect catalog arp interacting recent investig reveal brightest two galaxi big galaxi top bottom spiral galaxi middl featur imag hubbl space telescop actual far distance galaxi numer galaxi field strike result giant tremend bridg stars gas dust stretch bridg almost 200000 lightyear long light see today triplet left 200 million year ago dinosaur roam earth perhap billion year so two interact galaxi merg form singl larg spiral galaxy lunar eclips novemb 2022 notabl submiss apod,triplet hubbl,2022-11-08,599,92,0.1590909090909091,11-08,11,2022,8,7,2,3 d475d447fa3e59e10758a217d77864724453af7d48ce97c4e7080d894cd84d22,alex,nebula around star shine brighter one side also known ngc activ star surround nebula lie 12000 lightyear away toward nautic southern constel carina featur deep imag highli process bring filamentari detail glow ga bubbleshap nebula nebula 75 lightyear across near nebula center wolfrayet star massive hot shortliv star gener intens complex stellar wind fact wolfrayet star known creat nebula interest shape power wind sweep surround interstellar material case bright right edg initi thought indic bow shock produc star plow uniform medium like boat water recent measur analyses however shown star move quickli toward bright edge like explan emerg materi surround star uniform clump denser near bright edge,nebula surround wolfrayet star 18,2022-11-09,704,107,0.1918367346938776,11-09,11,2022,9,4,2,5 d5290ab07aac135b874f588ef325731b89db3ae5223a527ccfed82115621869c,none,beginning middle end journey planet earth color umbral shadow captur timelaps composit imag total lunar eclipse taken novemb 8 kitt peak nation observatori eclipse 1 hour 25 minut long total phase start right finish left redden sunlight scatter central shadow earth dusti atmospher produc dramat dark red hue reflect lunar disk eclipse addit redden like due scatter ash linger atmospher larg volcan erupt southern pacif earlier year seen right left earth shadow still lighter along edg though faint bluish along lunar limb color sunlight filter earth stratospher ozon layer lunar eclips novemb 2022 notabl submiss apod love eclipses us appli becom nasa partner eclips ambassador,total lunar eclips,2022-11-10,678,105,0.0154017857142857,11-10,11,2022,10,2,2,4 4a11a87099173a49792439292658bb3c96a12aa0005e0afe0cd71ecbe4f01349,ryan han,novemb 8 full moon turn blood red slid earth shadow beauti total lunar eclipse total also pass front of occulted outer planet uranu eclips viewer locat part northern america asia closeup wider view two imag taken occult began captur differ telescop camera roof top shanghai china normal faint compar full moon tiny pale greenish disk distant ice giant left moon edg disappear behind darkened red lunar limb though visibl certain locat across planet earth lunar occult planet fairli common rare lunar eclips take place time total eclips outer planet opposit near eclipt plane fall line sun earth moon lunar eclips novemb 2022 notabl submiss apod love eclipses us appli becom nasa partner eclips ambassador,blood moon ice giant,2022-11-11,704,114,0.0454421768707483,11-11,11,2022,11,2,2,1 7094b0773a431dc15eeac4ac38738dd6c11263ec34062b0ae48f96fa85514855,stan honda,darker moon set manhattan night skyscape 16 frame composit assembl consecut exposur record novemb 8 total lunar eclipse timelaps sequenc star leav short trail urban skyline moon remain immers earth shadow intern space station emerg shadow sunlit portion low earth orbit seen new york city visibl streak iss flyover start near star tauru track right left belt orion sirius alpha star cani major gap along bright trail fast move orbit outpost and aircraft fli closer horizon mark time individu exposur sequence trail bright planet mar top frame pleiad star cluster trail high eclips moon empir state building lunar eclips novemb 2022 notabl submiss apod love eclipses us appli becom nasa partner eclips ambassador,eclips citi,2022-11-12,711,113,0.2229718614718615,11-12,11,2022,12,2,2,4 ec12f51a4a54144f8d375a1f86fc994e361773fc6c631949081f7414a48bdd26,none,fli saucer outer space crashland utah desert track radar chase helicopters year 2004 space alien involved saucer pictur here genesi sampl return capsule part humanmad robot genesi spaceship launch 2001 nasa studi sun unexpectedli hard land 300 kilomet per hour occur parachut open planned genesi mission orbit sun collect solar wind particl usual deflect away earth magnet field despit crash landing mani return sampl remain good enough condit far discoveri includ new detail composit sun abund type element differ across solar system result provid intrigu clue detail sun planet form billion year ago,fli crash land utah desert,2022-11-13,601,93,0.0180871212121211,11-13,11,2022,13,1,2,2 652b8e48436dbadf55b4cf390a49ab52707f125bfd47f811c10fcfc60c55edb4,gianni lacroc,mysteri blue reflect nebula found catalog vdb 152 ced 201 realli faint lie tip long dark nebula barnard 175 dusti complex also call wolf cave center deep telescop view cosmic apparit nearli 1400 lightyear away along northern milki way royal constel cepheus interstellar dust region block light background star scatter light embed bright star give end nebula characterist blue color though star form molecular clouds star seem accident wander area measur veloc space differ cloud velocity imag bottom planetari nebula dengelhartl 5 red glow ga ancient supernova remnant also visibl along image right side,wolf cave nebula,2022-11-15,603,94,0.0527472527472527,11-15,11,2022,15,4,2,5 200a07bc5a373389d86a8980edea3ca8b02ded3912bd1b36651416b708e29719,mike selbi,spiral galaxi ngc 1097 shine southern skies 45 million lightyear away heat constel fornax blue spiral arm mottl pinkish star form region color galaxi portrait seem wrap around small companion galaxi right center 40000 lightyear spiral lumin core that ngc 1097 peculiar feature though deep exposur hint faint mysteri jets seen extend well beyond bluish arms fact four faint jet ultim recogn optic imag ngc 1097 jet trace x center galaxy nucleus probabl origin there instead could fossil star streams trail left captur disrupt much smaller galaxi larg spiral ancient past seyfert galaxy ngc 1097 nucleu also harbor supermass black hole,arm ngc 1097,2022-11-16,633,101,-0.1216117216117216,11-16,11,2022,16,7,2,3 7dd6c010a0bdfe66d8f9e418d55cb554642e8a8592a454f3551320367b40c1e8,none,space launch system rocket left planet earth wednesday novemb 16 est carri orion spacecraft artemi 1 mission first integr test nasa deep space explor systems hour liftoff kennedi space center histor launch complex one orion extern video camera captur view new perspect space foreground orion orbit maneuv system engin auxillari bottom european servic module beyond one module long extend solar array wing lie spacecraft beauti home world artemi 1 mission last almost four weeks test capabl enabl human explor moon mars uncrew orion spacecraft expect fli moon novemb 21 perform close approach lunar surfac way retrograd orbit 70000 kilomet beyond moon,planet earth orion,2022-11-17,650,101,-0.0063636363636363,11-17,11,2022,17,8,2,2 28dc75166fc059ed0f91f8820de665da277a9dffbc7ca27341dff030be932b50,none,protostar within dark cloud l1527 mere 100000 year old still embed cloud ga dust feed growth nircam imag jame webb space telescope dark band neck infrar nebula thick disk surround young stellar object view nearli edgeon littl larger solar system disk ultim suppli materi protostar hide webb direct infrar view nebula seen stun detail though illumin infrar light protostar hourglassshap nebula caviti creat materi eject starform process plow surround medium protostar gain mass eventu becom fullfledg star collaps ignit nuclear fusion core like analog sun solar system earli protostar within dark cloud l1527 lie 460 lightyear distant tauru starform region webb nircam imag span 03 lightyears,protostar within,2022-11-18,691,106,-0.0333333333333333,11-18,11,2022,18,4,2,5 79d26875a782a80304c7a16c43552137ade7603c132da96ea7c6fb0582a7c6c8,john krau,artemi 1 mission orion spacecraft make novemb 21 power flybi moon denizen planet earth see moon wane crescent phase spacecraft approach within 130 kilomet lunar surfac way distant retrograd orbit 70000 kilomet beyond moon moon last quarter novemb 16 launch near horizon dark earli hour midnight captur sky kennedi space center along rocket engin solid rocket booster loft uncrew orion space rag fring appear along bright edg sunlit lunar nearsid caus pressur wave gener rocket passag chang index refract along camera line sight,artemi 1,2022-11-19,527,83,0.0642857142857143,11-19,11,2022,19,2,0,2 ac0d83520ba8be5df17def93ce2616a1cc33d60db1c7f79fd66eb56e8822a893,jeff dai,would sky look like giant target airglow follow giant thunderstorm bangladesh late april giant circular rippl glow air appear tibet china pictur here unusu pattern creat atmospher graviti waves wave altern air pressur grow height air thins case up unlik aurora power collis energet charg particl seen high latitudes airglow due chemiluminescence product light chemic reaction typic seen near horizon airglow keep night sky ever complet dark,airglow rippl tibet,2022-11-20,440,67,0.0094444444444444,11-20,11,2022,20,8,0,1 c232a4ba56a2f0e2000cfe8fa3674ed378c8a68cd47a65b91ed3b1cd6dca5d9c,none,star make beauti pattern age sometim similar flower insects ngc 6302 butterfli nebula notabl example though gaseou wingspan cover 3 lightyear estim surfac temperatur exce 200000 degre c age central star ngc 6302 featur planetari nebula becom except hot shine brightli visibl ultraviolet light hidden direct view dens toru dust sharp closeup record hubbl space telescop process show remark detail complex planetari nebula highlight particular light emit oxygen shown blue hydrogen green nitrogen red ngc 6302 lie 3500 lightyear away arachnolog correct constel scorpion scorpius planetari nebula evolv outer atmospher star like sun usual fade 20000 years,butterfli nebula hubbl,2022-11-21,653,97,0.0196428571428571,11-21,11,2022,21,4,2,5 624c82f27ff41c615f35d8efcac24a76f92ddd9ff5b129cae0c11cc162de66e0,tommi leas,star cluster close other visibl unaid eye dark sky areas catalog 130 bc greek astronom hipparchus 7000 lightyear away pair open star cluster also easi binocular target strike starfield northern constel mythic greek hero perseus known h chi persei ngc 869 abov right ngc 884 cluster separ hundr lightyear contain star much younger hotter sun addit physic close together clusters age base individu star similar evid cluster like product starform region,doubl star cluster perseu,2022-11-22,451,71,-0.0876984126984127,11-22,11,2022,22,6,0,3 56edfabe2555b7d6f8024e719409f35afdac8d46c6f19a2107907f40d4d09dde,none,ght billion peopl disappear snapshot space taken novemb 21 sixth day artemi 1 mission home world set behind moon bright edg view extern camera outbound orion spacecraft orion head power flybi took within 130 kilomet lunar surface veloc gain flybi maneuv use reach distant retrograd orbit around moon orbit consid distant anoth kilomet beyond moon retrograd spacecraft orbit opposit direct moon orbit around planet earth orion enter distant retrograd orbit friday novemb 25 swing around moon orion reach maximum distanc just 400000 kilometers earth monday novemb 28 exceed record set apollo 13 distant spacecraft design human space exploration,earthset orion,2022-11-23,642,98,3.469446951953614e-18,11-23,11,2022,23,2,2,2 6a3b1510b36713041f1b27fa697d9a3e42ad093ba11684e0299de65a5f6ac97d,stefano,star form lynd dark nebula ldn 1251 1000 lightyear away drift plane milki way galaxy dusti molecular cloud part complex dark nebula map toward cepheu flare region across spectrum astronom explor obscur interstellar cloud reveal energet shock outflow associ newborn stars includ telltal reddish glow scatter herbigharo object hide image distant background galaxi also lurk scene almost buri behind dusti expanse allur view span four full moon sky 35 lightyear estim distanc ldn 1251,lynd dark nebula 1251,2022-11-24,481,74,-0.125,11-24,11,2022,24,4,0,5 04ac5ee57cdb0ff9a03515cb57209d319462106100e9f2196f6413c7473e641f,none,beauti spiral galaxi ngc 6744 nearli 175000 lightyear across that larger milki way lie 30 million lightyear distant southern constel pavo galact disk tilt toward line sight hubbl closeup nearbi island univers span 24000 lightyear across ngc 6744 central region hubbl view combin visibl light ultraviolet imag data giant galaxy yellowish core domin visibl light old cool stars beyond core starform region young star cluster scatter along inner spiral arms ngc 6744 young star cluster bright ultraviolet wavelengths shown blue hues spiki star scatter around frame foreground star well within milki way,ngc closeup,2022-11-25,599,92,0.1464285714285714,11-25,11,2022,25,7,2,3 d940db2b0a503ea65a823952ab8e9c657b3e2d975366fafd2206e920bc76ead8,none,saturn still bright planet earth night skies telescop view distant ga giant beauti ring often make star star stun view saturn ring night side possibl telescop closer sun outer planet bring saturn day view fact imag saturn slender sunlit crescent night shadow cast across broad complex ring system captur cassini spacecraft robot spacecraft planet earth cassini call saturn orbit home 13 year direct dive atmospher ga giant septemb 15 2017 magnific mosaic compos frame record cassini wideangl camera two day grand final plunge saturn night seen anoth spaceship earth,saturn night,2022-11-26,565,89,0.1069444444444444,11-26,11,2022,26,0,2,2 51069de3b6d7e2558680ef09a107f69bd3aaf8b7fa20fef3aeb041bc4e1b1df7,john,yes rainbow this remnant hurrican pass jersey shore new jersey usa 2018 sun came one direct someth quit unusu appear opposit hall rainbows cours next half hour delight photograph daughter vibrant supernumerari rainbow fade out least five captur featur singl shot supernumerari rainbow form fall water droplet nearli size typic less millimet across then sunlight reflect insid raindrops wave phenomenon similar rippl pond stone thrown in fact supernumerari rainbow explain waves note exist earli 1800 consid earli evid light wave nature sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,rainbow new jersey,2022-11-27,586,89,0.0188552188552188,11-27,11,2022,27,8,0,1 ad829d0b3c0e96beb194406f15fae706e92ae6243c34979291103747c17712fc,luo hongyang,next meteor appear even meteor shower practic imposs know therefore good way enjoy meteor shower find place sit comfort monitor great expans dark sky may satisfi share experi friend meteor shower depict 2022 leonid peak earlier month view china look south china sea meteor streak captur hour isol ad foreground imag record earlier place time leonid meteor trace back constel leo seen streak across constel includ orion bright red planet mar appear near top image love astronomy two pictur meteor enthusiasts shown celebr common birthday month,leonid meteor orion,2022-11-28,542,86,0.2321428571428571,11-28,11,2022,28,8,1,1 ecb02dad8d696045b2727b7fa62a372f6e4dee038ef04ced5bbc74db4d59c425,victor,gum nebula closest supernova remnant actual hard see span 40 degre across sky nebula appear larg faint easili lost din bright complex background gum nebula highlight nice red emiss toward right featur wideangle photograph taken late may also visibl frame atacama desert chile foreground carina nebula plane milki way galaxi run diagon upper left neighbor larg magellan cloud lmc galaxy gum nebula close much nearer front edg back edge measur 450 1500 light year respectively complic nebula lie direct constel puppi vela oddly much remain unknown gum nebula includ time even number supernova explos form it,gum nebula supernova remnant,2022-11-29,605,96,0.0552248677248677,11-29,11,2022,29,4,2,5 63b0b855edd6a343dfc4a884232a6a94f8ebacc2ad634d84394838c17c58a516,anthoni,color skyscap span four full moon across nebula rich starfield along plane milki way galaxi royal northern constel cepheus near edg region massiv molecular cloud 2400 lightyear away bright reddish emiss region sharpless sh 155 center frame also known cave nebula 10 lightyear across cosmic cave bright wall ga ioniz ultraviolet light hot young star around it dusti reflect nebulae like vdb 155 right dens obscur cloud dust also abound interstellar canvas astronom explor reveal dramat sign star formation includ bright reddish fleck herbigharo hh 168 right center herbigharo object emiss gener energet jet newborn star,light dark dusti,2022-11-30,618,96,0.3112637362637362,11-30,11,2022,30,4,1,5 56609dc48891835c2de7f2afe07458ec486543d97bb306576d06ed54640f21df,none,flight day 13 novemb artemi 1 mission orion spacecraft reach maximum distanc earth fact kilomet earth distant retrograd orbit also put orion nearli 70000 kilomet moon field view video frame flight day 13 planet larg natur satellit even appear appar size uncrew spacecraft perspective today decemb 1 see orion distant retrograd orbit en rout planet earth head toward second power fli moon splashdown home world expect decemb 11,artemi 1 flight day 13,2022-12-01,426,68,-0.0666666666666666,12-01,12,2022,1,8,0,2 211ac0dca805442ad7411c329819bed5297335ca04a94b7ee4d19de33cf24f00,none,bright infrar wavelengths merg galaxi pair 500 million lightyear away toward constel delphinus cosmic mashup seen background even distant galaxies occasion spiki foreground stars galaxi merger span 100000 lightyear deep jame webb space telescop image imag data webb nearinfrar camera midinfrar instrument combined sharp infrar view follow galact scale dusti wild jumbl intens star form region distort spiral arm,merg galaxi,2022-12-02,411,59,0.115,12-02,12,2022,2,7,1,3 9f36d850494b623e0204433c98bc6f21ad4507177ee36840b2da94ccfc5f5094,marco lorenzi,mar look sharp two telescop view captur late novemb planet earth time mar 82 million kilomet singapor approach opposition opposit sun planet earth sky decemb 8 olympu mons largest volcano tharsi mont region and largest known volcano solar system near mars western limb imag whitish upper right dark area visibl near center terra sirenum region long dark peninsula closest planet eastern limb sinu near tip gale crater curios rover land site 2012 sinu white spot volcano elysium region top planet north polar cap cover ice clouds taken two day apart imag martian hemispher form stereo pair look center frame cross eye separ imag come togeth see red planet,stereo mar near opposit,2022-12-03,654,108,0.001521164021164,12-03,12,2022,3,5,2,2 589ce6c63c7aac72e83ed3b459a1e17e999b622d35f4bff3184db12aec2babb6,blake est side spring obs christian,ever seen pleiad star cluster even have probabl never seen larg clear this perhap famou star cluster sky bright star pleiad seen unaid eye even depth lightpollut city long exposur dark location though dust cloud surround pleiad star cluster becom evident featur 11hour exposure taken side spring observatori australia cover sky area sever time size full moon also known seven sister m45 pleiad lie 400 light year away toward constel bull taurus common legend modern twist one brighter star fade sinc cluster named leav six sister star visibl unaid eye actual number pleiad star visible however may less seven depend dark surround sky clariti observer eyesight sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,pleiades seven sister star cluster,2022-12-05,710,114,0.0986111111111111,12-05,12,2022,5,6,2,4 502037e14d1d45327ae8edb2a416761fff4ce91686c595ea255f8f00a31df422,none,what happen insid interstellar mountain star forming mountain actual column ga dust picturesqu eagl nebula m16 pillar like low densiti could easili fli though appear solid high dust content great depth glow area lit intern newli form stars area shine red infrar light blue light scatter away interven interstellar dust featur imag captur recent nearinfrar light unpreced detail jame webb space telescop jwst launch late last year energet light abras winds final supernova young star slowli destroy stellar birth column next 100000 years astrophysicists brows 2900 code astrophys sourc code librari,m16 star form pillar webb,2022-12-06,598,91,0.1268421052631579,12-06,12,2022,6,4,2,5 0bf5018ffdff53994e9b939f23688ac90debf9797567e6d455127271ef3a1bb7,none,camera board uncrew orion spacecraft captur view decemb 5 orion approach return power flybi moon one orion extend solar array lie dark smooth terrain along western edg oceanu procellarum promin lunar nearsid oceanu procellarum ocean storms largest moon lavaflood maria lunar terminator shadow line lunar night day run along left frame 41 kilomet diamet crater mariu top center ray crater kepler peek edge right solar array wing kepler bright ray extend north west reach cours orion spacecraft head toward decemb 11 splashdown planet earth pacif ocean,orion ocean storm,2022-12-08,550,86,0.2044642857142857,12-08,12,2022,8,2,1,2 43c5e7b8009ad846ebc34c7a90ec828fc17f49ee985a63bf2c88301aee90f979,tom glenn,night decemb 7 mar wander near full moon fact red planet occulted pass behind moon view locat across europ north america hour disappear behind lunar disk mar reappear stack sharp video frame captur san diego planet earth moon foreground mar mere 82 million kilomet distant near opposition full moon full mar bright enough provid spectacular imag exposur necessary imag mar appear rise ancient darkfloored lunar crater close southeastern edg moon near side larg impact crater north left,mar rise lunar limb,2022-12-09,485,77,0.0661764705882353,12-09,12,2022,9,2,0,1 b657992ba6808566586b60c0eb9b35d1cd0e81b871e849fd967692399ba645a9,none,get redblu glass check stereo view anoth world fifti year ago scene record apollo 17 mission command eugen cernan decemb 11 1972 one orbit descend land moon stereo anaglyph assembl two photograph captur vantag point board lunar modul challeng dr harrison schmitt flew apollo 17 land site tauruslittrow valley broad sunlit face mountain dub south massif rise near center frame dark floor tauruslittrow left pilot ron command modul america visibl orbit foreground south peak beyond mountains toward lunar limb lie moon mare serenitatis,america sea,2022-12-10,533,83,-0.0174999999999999,12-10,12,2022,10,2,0,2 f5cf91ad9a73ff3765a213555961a5f91c8675c47adea83885a5232346e2bf1d,none,strangest moon solar system bright yellow featur picture attempt show io would appear true colors percept averag human eye taken 1999 juli galileo spacecraft orbit jupit 1995 2003 io color deriv sulfur molten silic rock unusu surfac io kept young system activ volcanoes intens tidal graviti jupit stretch io damp wobbl caus jupiter galilean moons result friction greatli heat io interior caus molten rock explod surface io volcano activ effect turn whole moon insid out io volcan lava hot glow dark artemi 1 coverage orion return splashdown,io true color,2022-12-11,540,87,0.18125,12-11,12,2022,11,8,1,2 fd748d5106bfea61b7fa42afcbe4fe2cbf2de6e5d63737a4fa569e99eaefe614,bernard miller,monster ic 1396 known elephant trunk nebula part ga dust cloud star format region may appear take forebod forms nearli human real monster here however bright young star far earth hurt us energet light star eat away dust dark cometari globul near top featur image jet wind particl emit star also push away ambient ga dust nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover much larger region sky shown here appar width 10 full moons,unusu globul ic 1396,2022-12-12,442,77,0.1,12-12,12,2022,12,4,0,5 a0d3b3498c648fd131bdbc13474759e4f4a65d1a754efce473947e5c5293e291,giulio cobianchi,night sky art science so perhap featur imag example digit panorama compos 10 landscap 10 sky imag taken night location camera icon featur imag art ground nearbi art illuminated visibl foreground creativ photograph anchor amaz view rug lofoten island norway two month ago hold lamp far distanc three promin milki way galaxi left aurora document right meteor highlight them notabl skylight include left right andromeda galaxy planet jupiter star vega star compos big dipper asterism,sky lofoten island,2022-12-13,480,75,0.1119047619047619,12-13,12,2022,13,6,1,1 9c585c1900da047103ce6e19761856db0e18bc84fbec60f0d97e422a8f7b7398,none,moon dusty earth rock weather wind water creat soil sand moon histori constant micrometeorit bombard blast away rocki surfac creat layer powderi lunar soil regolith apollo astronaut equipment pervasive fine gritti dust definit problem fifti year ago lunar surfac decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut harrison schmitt eugen cernan need repair one rover fender effort keep tail dust away gear pictur reveal wheel fender dust cover rover along ingeni applic spare maps clamps grey strip duct tape,lunar dust duct tape,2022-12-14,488,76,-0.0083333333333333,12-14,12,2022,14,2,0,2 9a81f069beed36365f660ca84ab613334e8551a37bd19d609ef5f7308f1d4cf2,toma slovinski,decemb 8 full moon full mar close bright opposit sun planet earth sky fact mar occulted pass behind moon view locat across europ north america seen citi eastern slovakia lunar occult mar happen sunrise tantal spectacl record telescop timelaps sequenc exposures took hour red planet disappear behind lunar disk reappear full moon last full moon 2022 sank toward western horizon next lunar occult bright planet mar new year januari 3 moon wax gibbou phase lunar occult ever visibl fraction earth surface though januari 3 occult mar visibl part south atlantic southern africa indian ocean,full moon full mar,2022-12-15,585,94,0.1525974025974026,12-15,12,2022,15,2,2,1 cd010efdc058c56224e36e273decced5c1be0fcbad327487cd00cdf840bf6085,jeff dai,return beyond moon decemb 11 orion spacecraft enter earth atmospher almost 11 kilomet per second that half speed grain dust creat long firebal meteor enter atmospher decemb 13 near peak annual geminid meteor shower fair planet make yearli pass dust trail mysteri asteroid 3200 phaethon parallel track geminid meteor appear radiat point constel gemini twin star gemini hide behind tree left night skyscap beauti blue moon valley yunnan china reflect still water mountain lake star constel orion rise near center captur moonrise dazzl mar still brightest celesti beacon scene,geminid,2022-12-16,573,89,0.0166666666666666,12-16,12,2022,16,8,0,2 6c513f350869bc34c76bcba9bbf99a5d851295a7158157b7729d7c9e15ecd82e,none,get redblu glass check stereo scene tauruslittrow valley moon color anaglyph featur detail 3d view apollo 17 lunar rover foreground behind lie lunar modul distant lunar hills world go abl watch lunar module ascent stage liftoff via rover tv camera park place also known vip site fifti year ago decemb 1972 apollo 17 astronaut eugen cernan harrison schmitt spent 75 hour moon colleagu ronald evan orbit overhead crew return 110 kilogram rock soil samples lunar land sites cernan schmitt still last walk or drive moon,apollo 17 vip site anaglyph,2022-12-17,516,85,-0.15,12-17,12,2022,17,2,0,2 8a9d952117d502058b6a128e7b3e5dacb8e98adb7d2846b771107ee3da03edcc,craig stocksutah desert remot observatories,what caus commot tadpol nebula star formation dusti emiss tadpol nebula ic 410 lie 12000 lightyear away northern constel chariot auriga cloud glow ga 100 lightyear across sculpt stellar wind radiat embed open star cluster ngc 1893 form interstellar cloud mere 4 million year ago bright newli form cluster star seen around starform nebula notabl featur imag two rel dens streamer materi trail away nebula central regions potenti site ongo star format ic 410 cosmic tadpol shape 10 lightyear long imag process highlight emiss sulfur red hydrogen green oxygen blue ga star digit removed,tadpol nebula ga dust,2022-12-19,584,94,0.0222222222222222,12-19,12,2022,19,4,2,5 3f8568e42a3289baf4f6d7eee31fb31e1b4de97540854d23dea602f9d5d372f9,goran strand,happi today decemb solstice mark astronom begin summer southern hemispher winter north yearli trek planet earth skies solstic sun reach southern declination 235 degre south utc 4 day ago sun near season southern limit horizon local noon central sweden view look far northern lakesid citi find midday sun beauti solar ice halo natur occur atmospher ice crystal produc tantal halo displays refract reflect sunlight hexagon geometry still sun low near horizon clear sky like sourc ice crystal produc intens halo snow oper local ski area machin creat visibl plume top nearbi island toward right side panorama,sun halo north,2022-12-21,604,96,0.0912087912087912,12-21,12,2022,21,1,2,1 26928eec2e0956e21b98c97c7829fc6af60945d740631034cf64cc0ba511a285,martin pugh,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 truli majest island univers 200000 lightyear across locat mere 60 million lightyear away toward faint heat constel fornax ngc 1365 domin member wellstudi fornax cluster galaxies impress sharp color imag show intense reddish star form region near end galaxy central bar along spiral arms seen fine detail obscur dust lane cut across galaxy bright core core lie supermass black hole astronom think ngc 1365 promin bar play crucial role galaxy evolution draw ga dust starform maelstrom ultim feed materi central black hole,ngc 1365 majest island univers,2022-12-22,546,87,-0.0034722222222222,12-22,12,2022,22,7,0,3 b5afa659ae9389daa1d214ebc94a3c6e47bde2772ca47b846dbd08fc72239cae,none,saturn look like insid rings 2017 first time nasa direct cassini spacecraft swoop saturn rings robot spacecraft took hundr imag show unpreced detail structur saturn atmosphere look back out however spacecraft also abl captur impress vistas featur image taken hour closest approach saturn unusu northern hexagon seen surround north pole saturn b ring closest visible dark cassini divis separ b outer a close inspect find two small moon shepherd fring farthest ring discernable month imag taken decad explor discoveri cassini spacecraft ran low fuel direct enter saturn atmosphere sure melted,cassini saturn,2022-12-23,592,90,0.06875,12-23,12,2022,23,0,2,2 309c1a1af44c1ee66d6903659aa409b991204d8327479aa9b4b06cd89a7123b7,dan bartlett,comet c2022 e3 ztf discov astronom use widefield survey camera zwicki transient facil year earli march sinc new longperiod comet brighten substanti sweep across northern constel corona boreali predawn skies still dim see without telescop though fine telescop imag decemb 19 show comet brighter greenish coma short broad dust tail long faint ion tail stretch across 25 degre wide fieldofview voyag inner solar system comet 2022 e3 perihelion closest sun new year januari 12 perigee closest fair planet februari 1 bright comet notori unpredictable c2022 e3 ztf could becom visibl eye dark night skies,comet 2022,2022-12-24,598,94,0.0790151515151515,12-24,12,2022,24,3,2,4 6e6e01f3bc6363dda2a67943ae043f64fb3ab1b605b1707119b25e810cbd7233,chuck,asteroid 3200 phaethon annual gift planet earth alway arriv december otherwis known geminid meteor shower sourc meteroid stream dust shed along orbit mysteri asteroid near decemb 1314 peak shower activity geminid meteor captur night skyscape composit 22 imag starri sky taken moon rose monument valley american southwest bright star near posit shower radiant constel gemini twin star castor blue pollux earth sweep dusti stream parallel meteor trail appear radiat point sky gemini due perspective yearli shower name constellation camera perspective view three promin butt across monument valley also suggest appropri name two them third one call merrick butte,geminid,2022-12-25,659,98,0.1527777777777778,12-25,12,2022,25,6,2,1 a419809fea78fcb489edcba2f040f745c4d27b9f0c461c94f21c05a8f6ce7d70,russel croman,star center creat everything known egg star rare hot lumin otyp star 40 time massiv sun creat complex nebula ngc immedi surround it also encompass blue halo name part region proxim picturesqu ngc 6188 known fight dragon ara anoth three four million year massiv star like end life supernova explosion span around 4 lightyears nebula bipolar symmetri make similar appear common planetari nebula gaseou shroud surround die sunlik stars also like mani planetari nebulae ngc 6164 found extensive faint halo reveal blue deep telescop imag region expand surround interstellar medium materi blue halo like expel earlier activ phase ngc 6164 lie 4200 lightyear away southern constel squar,ngc 6164 dragon egg nebula halo,2022-12-26,682,107,-0.0464285714285714,12-26,12,2022,26,4,2,5 0d72be092be76e94899199b2a00e4c471678a927c6e871c2a3d4d003fdf9d6c3,adam block,charl messier describ 88th entri 18th centuri catalog nebula star cluster nebula without stars cours gorgeou m88 understood spiral galaxi full stars gas dust unlik milki way fact m88 one brightest galaxi virgo galaxi cluster 50 million lightyear away m88 beauti spiral arm easi trace sharp cosmic portait arm line young blue star clusters pink starform regions obscur dust lane extend yellowish core domin older popul stars spiral galaxi m88 span 100000 lightyears,messier 88,2022-12-28,464,73,0.0652777777777777,12-28,12,2022,28,7,0,3 fa3a696a103f6bc279bd78de51af06459c198816b32281d65a289e8b4ba48567,jason,horsehead nebula famou celesti dark mark also known barnard 33 notch background glow emiss nebula sharp cosmic skyscape five lightyear horsehead lie 1500 lightyear away constel orion within region fertil molecular cloud complex expans obscur dust recogniz shape chanc perspect milki way though orion easternmost belt star bright alnitak left center energet ultraviolet light alnitak power glow dusti ngc 2024 flame nebula it complet studi cosmic contrasts bluish reflect nebula ngc 2023 horsehead itself wellfram telescop field span 3 full moon sky,horsehead flame,2022-12-29,548,82,0.096875,12-29,12,2022,29,4,0,5 7b3e22ed8b44126109d48d1f44a3cc7a0c6b6871a2a4dc2cbda18102cc417589,none,makemak sound like mahkay second brightest dwarf planet kuiper belt moon nicknam makemake moon reflect sunlight surface 1300 time fainter parent body still 2016 spot hubbl space telescop observ intend search faint companion techniqu use find small satellit pluto pluto satellites observ makemak orbit moon measur system mass densiti allow broader understand distant worlds 160 kilomet 100 miles across compar makemake 1400 kilomet diameter rel size contrast shown artist vision imagin scene unexplor frontier solar system look back spacecraft vantag dim sun shine along milki way course sun 50 time farther makemak planet earth,moon makemak,2022-12-31,627,94,-0.0499999999999999,12-31,12,2022,31,8,2,2 7b5ec51b727c1452539f86c410f99eab6edb68c838304e6adf6413cbd64e91f1,none,there dot right that largest rock known solar system larger everi known asteroid moon comet nucleus larger local rocki planet rock larg graviti make larg ball hold heavi gase near surface it use largest known rock type recent discoveri larg dens planet orbit stars voyag 1 spacecraft took featur pictur famous call pale blue dot giant space rock 1990 outer solar system today rock start anoth orbit around parent star roughli 5 billionth time spin 350 time trip happi gregorian calendar new year inhabit rock call earth,largest rock solar system,2023-01-01,521,87,0.0738252656434474,01-01,1,2023,1,8,0,2 b9af1832d4545ca8bdd5a289c719f4d3cd6d634b3c2d925f7fc9f365ca643d5e,tunc tezel,look tonight see whole bunch planets sunset look west planet venus saturn jupit mar simultan visible list west east planetari lineup venu nearest horizon set shortli sun matter earth live earli even planet parad visibl clear sky around globe taken late last month featur imag captur planet moon planet mercuri also simultan visible visibl planet neptun uranus make nearli allplanet panorama foreground hill around small villag turkey near mediterranean coast bright star altair fomalhaut aldebaran also prominent well pleiad star cluster venu rise higher sky sunset januari continues saturn descend,sunset planet parad,2023-01-02,598,90,0.1436363636363636,01-02,1,2023,2,0,2,1 e333e877f19682ebafa4ce44ffe15fa863c1aa1ec72425a329ec75b0a85c9fe2,tommi leas,line star real littl faint see unaid eye kemble cascad star inspir awe seen binoculars like big dipper though kemble cascad asterism constellation aster visibl northern sky toward longneck constel giraff camelopardalis string 20 unrel stars similar brightness span five time angular width full moon stretch diagon upper left lower right kemble cascad popular last centuri astronomi enthusiast lucian kemble bright object near top left imag rel compact roger open cluster stars offici design ngc 1502,cascad star,2023-01-03,499,76,0.149047619047619,01-03,1,2023,3,6,1,3 d711d38c5e18c00407e2486059a97116aafebdfd9f2e7764ddfd2580e2375ee5,mike selbi,ga cloud eat galaxy even close claw odd look creature featur photo ga cloud known cometari globule globule however ruptured cometari globul typic character dusti head elong tails featur caus cometari globul visual similar comets realiti much different globul frequent birthplac stars mani show young star heads reason ruptur head object yet known galaxi left globul huge far distance place near cg4 chanc superposition discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,cg4 globul galaxi,2023-01-04,479,72,0.0575757575757575,01-04,1,2023,4,6,0,4 ee534b0e15cd51a8aa112aacd8d0eaa98345bd586fdd05bfd500d01b37fdf121,stefan,hurtl cosmic dust cloud mere 400 lightyear away love pleiad seven sister open star cluster wellknown strike blue reflect nebulae lie night sky toward constel tauru orion arm milki way galaxy sister star relat dusti cloud though happen pass region space known sinc antiqu compact group stars galileo first sketch star cluster view telescop star faint seen eye charl messier record posit cluster 45th entri famou catalog thing comets greek myth pleiad seven daughter astronom titan atla seanymph pleione parent name includ cluster nine brightest stars telescop imag featur star detail filament interstellar dust captur 9 hour exposure span 20 lightyear across pleiad star cluster,messier 45 daughter atla pleion,2023-01-05,677,105,-0.0357142857142857,01-05,1,2023,5,6,2,5 fb8aa549d2adf01893b48c59845961defbb16bf6f57436c739951876e0b12b70,kumar,first full moon 2023 sky tonight opposit sun utc big beautiful moon brightest phase easi spot still quick refer imag captur near time full moon 2022 dedic astroimag project sri planet earth day month tradit popular name twelv full moon given chart appar size full moon depend close full lunar phase perige apogee closest farthest point moon ellipt orbit like 2022 wolf moon 1 oclock position tonight full moon occur within two day apogee unlik 2022 year 2023 13 full moon fit nice twelv hour,moon 2022,2023-01-06,491,85,0.3722222222222222,01-06,1,2023,6,2,1,1 8e11ead20281cf651ee53815b2341b0e257169565830fc7f9d9fee7a0131de6c,zarco palma,januari 3 two space station alreadi illumin sunlight low earth orbit cross dark predawn sky move west east left right across composit timelaps imag china tiangong space station trace upper trail captur hour local sunrise seen starri background tiangong pass invert big dipper aster ursa major near peak bright arc north pole star polaris less five minut before intern space station trace sunlit streak across dark sky trail begin outlin bright star cassiopeia near northern horizon dramat foreground span abandon mine southeastern portugal,space low earth orbit,2023-01-07,539,83,0.0987698412698412,01-07,1,2023,7,8,0,1 a1989a3f1e31cc07cfe1467f7c283754763ece038ffb8d48e0b0469511ff3bfd,none,hydrogen body present everi molecul water came big bang appreci sourc hydrogen universe carbon bodi made nuclear fusion interior stars oxygen much iron bodi made supernova star occur long ago far away gold jewelri like made neutron star collis may visibl shortdur gammaray burst gravit wave events element like phosphoru copper present bodi small amount essenti function known life featur period tabl color code indic humanity best guess nuclear origin known elements site nuclear creation elements copper realli well known continu topic observ comput research discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,element came,2023-01-08,621,93,0.1111111111111111,01-08,1,2023,8,6,2,4 880989337e231cf3d7e1079b86d73eaf24fc7275df5ff2caf5894cf94509557c,jose francisco,comet ztf may becom visibl unaid eye discov earli last year massiv snowbal brighten approach sun earth c2022 e3 ztf closest sun later week time may becom visibl even without binocular northern observ clear dark sky near sun comet bright notori hard predict though featur imag taken last week front picturesqu star field three blue ion tail extend upper right like result variabl solar wind ion eject ici comet nucleus comet white dust tail visibl upper left much green glow comet coma caus glow carbon gas comet ztf expect pass nearest earth earli february dim dramatically discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,tail comet ztf,2023-01-09,634,104,0.0302248677248677,01-09,1,2023,9,3,2,4 5f87ca22b468dc9794dabb01cd5bf5048e80560ef62614388cae4d4f240be243,matthew dieterich,star form gigant dust pillar call cone nebula cones pillars majest flow shape abound stellar nurseri cloud ga dust sculpt energet wind newborn stars cone nebula wellknown example lie within bright galact starform region ngc 2264 featur imag cone captur recent combin 24hour exposur halfmet telescop el sauc observatori chile locat 2500 lightyear away toward constel unicorn monoceros cone nebula conic pillar extend 7 lightyears massiv star ngc 2264 irs like sourc wind sculpt cone nebula lie top image cone nebula reddish veil produc glow hydrogen gas discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,ngc 2264 cone nebula,2023-01-10,613,95,0.29,01-10,1,2023,10,4,1,5 20d7b5faf192de2ec59ab52c7409bdf7cda485ea72e0605d7052599e6ec9c83a,stefano pellegrini,scene may look like fantasy realli iceland rock arch name locat island northwest coast larger rock foreground span meter across fog rock realli move wave averag long exposures featur imag composit sever foreground background shot taken camera locat night last november locat pick picturesqu foreground time plan color aurora spiral aurora far behind arch one brightest seen astrophotographer life coil pattern fleeting though auror pattern wave danc hour cold night far background unchang stars earth rotat caus appear slowli circl sky northernmost point near polaris sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,spiral aurora iceland,2023-01-11,618,93,-0.09375,01-11,1,2023,11,8,0,1 9a52d5dbbc5a47ee8dd38c57efa9383e91db871ed8c76c256bf3bd190b73d736,jack grove,cosmic expans dust gas star cover 6 degre sky heroic constel perseus upper left gorgeou skyscap intrigu young star cluster ic 348 neighbor fli ghost nebula cloud obscur interstellar dust catalog barnard 3 4 right anoth activ star form region ngc 1333 connect dark dusti tendril outskirt giant perseu molecular cloud 850 lightyear away dusti nebula scatter around field view along faint reddish glow hydrogen gas fact cosmic dust tend hide newli form star young stellar object protostar pri optic telescopes collaps due selfgravity protostar form dens core embed molecular cloud molecular cloud estim distance field view would span 90 lightyears,stardust perseu,2023-01-12,644,101,0.060064935064935,01-12,1,2023,12,4,2,5 85d146645c4532e5ae0767cc5142ce8521b84024f9a35100c7e3cfd94f82ca4e,none,massiv young star cluster small magellan cloud ngc 346 embed small satellit galaxy largest star form region 210000 lightyear distant cours massiv star ngc 346 short lived energetic wind radiat sculpt edg region dusti molecular cloud trigger starform within star form region also appear contain larg popul infant stars mere 3 5 million year old yet burn hydrogen cores infant star strewn embed star cluster spectacular infrar view ngc 346 jame webb space telescope nircam emiss atom hydrogen ioniz massiv stars energet radiat well molecular hydrogen dust starform molecular cloud detail pink orang hues webb sharp imag young starform region span 240 lightyear distanc small magellan cloud,young star cluster ngc 346,2023-01-13,687,107,-0.0134615384615384,01-13,1,2023,13,4,2,5 642ba4ac03d4208e3d84297ac1c78eca2fc733c6e7d5cc6432cec78253afa410,barden ridg observatori,perihelion 2023 earth closest approach sun januari 4 utc less 24 hour sharp imag sun disk record telescop halpha filter sydney australia planet earth halpha filter transmit characterist red light hydrogen atoms view sun emphas sun chromosphere region solar photospher normal visibl solar surface halpha imag increasingli activ sun planets sunspot region domin bright splotch call plages dark filament plasma snake across solar disk transit bright promin seen solar limb,perihelion sun 2023,2023-01-14,469,70,0.1885416666666667,01-14,1,2023,14,1,1,2 89d2b042a37746c311b110183fe4142884b06963ca94a0fa285af79916d0166e,none,mess left star explodes crab nebula result supernova seen 1054 ad fill mysteri filaments filament tremend complex appear less mass expel origin supernova higher speed expect free explosion featur image taken hubbl space telescope present three color chosen scientif interest crab nebula span 10 lightyears nebula center lie pulsar neutron star massiv sun size small town crab pulsar rotat 30 time second discoveri outreach graduat student research posit open apod,m1 crab nebula hubbl,2023-01-15,464,70,-0.031060606060606,01-15,1,2023,15,4,0,5 26ea2e1f7fd8e4583354c35de8a452a6b3ba1cfd5f1234db93c9d4b05865b83c,yann sainti marcel drechsler,oxygenemit arc near direct andromeda galaxy one sure ga arcs shown blue discov first confirm amateur astronom last year two main origin hypothes arc realli close andromeda m31 coincident place ga filament milki way galaxy ad mysteri arc seen previou deep imag m31 taken primarili light emit hydrogen other distant galaxi gener note show similar oxygenemit structures dedic amateur use commerci telescop made discoveri because part profession telescop usual investig angularli small patch night sky wherea arc span sever time angular size full moon futur observ light emit oxygen element sure follow,unexpect cloud toward andromeda galaxi,2023-01-17,600,92,0.0811403508771929,01-17,1,2023,17,6,2,4 877652e42ca65c4900d5820ac2cb1ee28fee71636fda12387ab9a1d62b64348e,none,gravit lens galaxi cluster massiv foreground cluster distort lens light emit distant background galaxi along line sight vivid display recent multicolor infrar imag jame webb space telescop jwst particular background sourc macs0647jd seen lens three time cluster first discov hubbl space telescope macs0647jd observ amorph blob webb though singl sourc reveal pair small group galaxies color macs0647jd object differ well indic differ potenti age dust content galaxies new imag provid rare exampl galaxi era 100 million year big bang explor universe random apod gener,gravit lens earli univers webb,2023-01-18,568,84,0.0480027548209366,01-18,1,2023,18,7,0,3 c3b655a49c1faafb9d356a70d9dbb691aff0681fbb23073225108c5c9711be01,carlo taylor,broad expans glow ga dust present birdlik visag astronom planet earth suggest popular monik seagul nebula use narrowband imag data 3panel mosaic cosmic bird cover 25 degre swath across plane milki way near direct sirius alpha star constel cani major like part larger shell structur swept success supernova explosions broad seagul nebula catalog ic 2177 promin bluish arc right center bow shock runaway star cani majoris complex ga dust cloud star cani majori ob1 associ span 200 lightyear seagul nebula estim 3800 lightyear distance,seagul nebula,2023-01-19,533,84,0.0977678571428571,01-19,1,2023,19,4,0,5 ede1eb5d3ec31bf8f7302abbe99dc1a6d8fc2dba7e49c6625b6ba257b34a3469,de la el,comet c2022e3 ztf longer requir telescop viewing januari 19 could seen nake eye rural sky littl light pollut locat 20 kilomet salamanca spain still telescop imag need show hint comet pretti green coma stubbi whitish dust tail long ion tail faint ion tail buffet recent solar activity visitor distant oort cloud round sun januari 12 sweep star near northern boundari constel bootes outward bound still grow brighter comet ztf make closest approach februari 2 come within 24 lightminut fair planet,comet ztf,2023-01-21,495,80,0.0045454545454545,01-21,1,2023,21,3,0,1 89f778363c7b95587dd0cc2c531c9811becc05784accd22a6195eeeea5582c15,max,rais arm see aurora two night went with well cloud third night return peaks though sky clear lit spectacular auror display arm went high air patienc experi paid off creativ featur imag captur composit three separ exposures set summit fjord close town lofoten island northern norway time earli 2014 although sun pass solar minimum 11year cycl year ago surfac activ pick alreadi trigger spectacular aurora earth,green aurora norway,2023-01-22,410,66,0.292,01-22,1,2023,22,1,1,1 5b775c75a882fcf373881aeb33f17138286fa254c541e2e3697421e393d34915,none,two galaxi squar virgo latest pictures two galaxi collide star compos usual not galaxi mostli empti space and howev bright star take small fraction space collision one galaxi rip apart gravitationally dust ga common galaxi collide two galaxi merge black hole like resid galaxi center may eventu merge distanc large whole thing take place slow motion hundr million years besid two larg spiral galaxies smaller third galaxi visibl far left featur imag arp 274 also known ngc 5679 arp 274 span 200000 light year across lie 400 million light year away toward constel virgo night sky network apod editor review best space imag 2022,collid spiral galaxi arp 274,2023-01-23,627,104,0.1263305322128851,01-23,1,2023,23,7,2,3 97f8578e04c3448896aa366b6c19231baf70db82270a9118833527bf80679870,none,could stand exoplanet lh 475 b might see one know sure pictur interest guess made earthbas artifici intellig engine exist exoplanet indic data taken earthorbit tess satellit confirm investig year nearearth sunorbit jame webb space telescope known sure lh 475 b mass similar earth close orbit small red star 40 light year away featur guess depict plausibl rug earthlik landscap replet molten lava central red star rise distance webb data yet reveal however whether lh 475 b atmosphere one scienc object follow previou discoveri distant exoplanet better discern potenti develop life comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,b earthsiz exoplanet,2023-01-24,618,97,0.1549999999999999,01-24,1,2023,24,8,2,2 f3e00979607ffda56c8bfb69d8a250cc635dc703cb19e696b01932d7ad715521,joshua carter,some dark shape look like mythic scientifically lynds dark nebula ldn 1622 appear faint background glow hydrogen ga visibl long telescop exposur region contrast brighter reflect nebula vdb 62 easili seen right center featur image ldn 1622 lie near plane milki way galaxy close sky barnard loop larg cloud surround rich complex emiss nebula found belt sword orion sweptback outlines obscur dust ldn 1622 thought lie similar distance perhap 1500 lightyear away distance 2degre wide field view would span 60 lightyears young star lie hidden within dark expans reveal spitzer space telescop infrar images,ldn 1622 nebula,2023-01-25,600,94,-0.0575680272108843,01-25,1,2023,25,4,0,5 77b9acecea9116270789b83494b82d7e71238c84b3572ee1fa98f7b9ad8c662d,none,activ galaxi ngc 1275 central domin member larg rel nearbi perseu cluster galaxies wildlook visibl wavelengths activ galaxi also prodigi sourc xray radio emission ngc 1275 accret matter entir galaxi fall it ultim feed supermass black hole galaxy core color composit imag made hubbl space telescop data record 2006 highlight result galact debri filament glow gas 20000 lightyear long filament persist ngc 1275 even though turmoil galact collis destroy them keep filament together observ indic structures push galaxy center black hole activity held togeth magnet fields also known perseu a ngc 1275 span 100000 light year lie 230 million light year away,activ galaxi ngc 1275,2023-01-26,651,102,0.0145833333333333,01-26,1,2023,26,7,2,3 eed9ffb7d8646d39a93e90cf47288e1aab2214ba7d572cf5c97255281eb6baca,dan bartlett,current darl northern night comet c2022 e3 ztf captur telescop imag dark sky locat june lake california usa cours comet ztf grow brighter recent days head closest approach earth februari 1 view record januari 23 close time planet earth cross orbit plane longperiod comet ztf comet broad whitish dust tail still curv fan away sun comet ztf sweep along orbit due perspect near orbit plane crossing compon fan dust tail appear side comet green tint coma though lend comet ztf visual strike left antitail buffet solar activ comet narrow ion tail also stream away coma diagon right across nearli three degre wide field view comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,comet plane cross,2023-01-27,656,110,-0.0351190476190476,01-27,1,2023,27,3,2,1 965b48612250ebc6960ae7f9bc878e8337b476dc23ead1934278527a859a3881,dario giannobil,cometlik plume blow volcan peak mount etna wintri planet earth stack blend combin individu exposur record cold night januari 23 also captur nakedey comet ztf snowi slopes cours effect increas sunlight comet nucleu solar wind respons comet greenish coma broad dusti tail weekend comet ztf across northern sky north star polari big dipper dark site spot fuzzi patch though that still impress achiev consid gaze visitor distant oort cloud eyes binocular small telescop make even enjoy view comet ztf come days comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,comet ztf mount etna,2023-01-28,544,87,-0.0921874999999999,01-28,1,2023,28,3,0,1 e155192f91510a02f8b42f809c6f09cd11092299a7bdb3e8d7b406b39159127a,none,star go use consid hole sky known astronom dark molecular cloud here high concentr dust molecular ga absorb practic visibl light emit background stars eerili dark surround help make interior molecular cloud coldest isol place universe one notabl dark absorpt nebula cloud toward constel ophiuchu known barnard 68 pictur here star visibl center indic barnard 68 rel nearby measur place 500 lightyear away half lightyear across known exactli molecular cloud like barnard 68 form known cloud like place new star form fact barnard 68 found like collaps form new star system possibl look right cloud infrar light postcard univers 2022 apod year review,barnard dark molecular cloud,2023-01-29,646,103,0.0728886265249901,01-29,1,2023,29,4,2,5 41cb5d8e7350450a58472ef0b43e74fab82a9beae854369582f24679c8174dbb,none,globular cluster rule milki way back old days back galaxi first formed perhap thousand globular cluster roam galaxy today less 200 left mani globular cluster destroy repeat fate encount galact center surviv relic older earth fossil older structur galaxy limit univers raw age few any young globular cluster left milki way galaxi condit ripe form featur imag show hubbl space telescop view year old ngc surviv globular cluster current pass near milki way center globular cluster star concentr toward imag center highlight bright blue stars star frame dimmer redder coincid lie near direct ngc,globular star cluster ngc hubbl,2023-01-30,591,94,0.0341694537346711,01-30,1,2023,30,6,2,3 e67b5a69d76b79a8f18108acd01bf197ebb5c9f2f8df0a2dba47c55255ded84b,javier miguel,comet ztf distinct shape bright comet visit inner solar system show common dust tail ion tail green ga coma also uncommonli distinct antitail actual lead comet head comet seen superpos part fannedout trail dust tail giant dirti snowbal comet c2022 e3 ztf pass closest sun tomorrow pass closest earth main panel featur tripl imag show comet ztf look last week unaid eye dark clear sky spain top inset imag show comet look binoculars lower inset show comet look small telescope comet visibl night long northern latitud sure fade easi observ next weeks comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,tripl view comet ztf,2023-01-31,588,98,0.0842592592592592,01-31,1,2023,31,3,2,1 dfa9299da2058b43c388c2b45032dbfcb6e8e080f766b721ff5e14b203d67c94,michael carrol,seven world orbit ultracool dwarf star mere 40 lightyear away mani exoplanet discov 2016 use transit planet planetesim small telescop trappist locat la silla observatori chile later confirm telescop includ nasa spitzer space telescope trappist1 planet like rocki similar size earth compos one largest treasur terrestri planet ever detect around singl star orbit close faint tini star could also region surfac temperatur allow presenc ice even liquid water key ingredi life tantal proxim earth make prime candid futur telescop explor atmospher potenti habit planets seven exoplanet appear featur illustration imagin view distant known world system rocki landscap cover ice meanwhile imagin background one system inner planet cross front dim orange nearli jupiters parent star astrophysicists brows 3000 code astrophys sourc code librari,world trappist1,2023-02-01,835,122,-0.059090909090909,02-01,2,2023,1,8,2,4 c35ce4b07877088c924a085d304a36c9f1aadc0ad93b9ab226289a6bfc982459,daniel stern,1970 sometim ignor astronomers example beauti group reflect nebula orion ngc 1977 ngc 1975 ngc 1973 usual overlook favor substanti glow nearbi stellar nurseri better known orion nebula found along orion sword north bright orion nebula complex reflect nebula also associ orion giant molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away domin characterist blue color interstellar dust reflect light hot young stars sharp color imag portion orion nebula appear along bottom border cluster reflect nebula pictur center ngc 1977 stretch across field center separ ngc 1973 abov right ngc 1975 abov left dark region lace faint red emiss hydrogen atoms taken together dark region suggest popular moniker run man nebula estim distanc orion dusti molecular cloud run man would 15 lightyear across,reflect 1970,2023-02-02,771,119,0.0705357142857142,02-02,2,2023,2,4,2,5 6d29c1c0be25c67e9a7ff2f7c092384bd5ccc805e4de48f291640ba7861c0b7a,david,star trace concentr arc around north celesti pole three hour long night sky composite record digit camera fix tripod januari 31 near spain date comet c2022 e3 ztf near northernmost declin planet earth sky put comet 10 degre earth north celesti pole make comet posit alway horizon locat planet earth 10 degre northern latitude startrail image extens earth axi rotat space left north star polari trace short bright concentr arc less degre north celesti pole trail comet ztf indic right appar motion mostli reflect earth rotat like stars head closest approach planet earth februari 1 comet also move significantli respect background stars diffus greenish trail comet ztf almost concentr arc mingl sweep longneck constel camelopardalis,polari trail comet ztf,2023-02-03,731,115,0.1211309523809524,02-03,2,2023,3,3,2,4 b9009201404edd9f34e1d9ce60e6901a3a465c3894e2356095f0d82cb9a32235,mike selbi,center color cosmic canvas ngc 2626 beautiful bright blue reflect nebula southern milki way next obscur dust cloud surround reddish hydrogen emiss larg h ii region rcw 27 lie within complex dusti molecular cloud known vela molecular ridge ngc 2626 cloud interstellar dust reflect blue light young hot embed star visibl within nebula astronom explor reveal mani young star associ nebula starform region ngc 2626 3200 lightyear away distanc telescop field view would span 30 lightyear along vela molecular ridge,ngc along vela molecular ridg,2023-02-04,509,80,0.1666666666666667,02-04,2,2023,4,4,1,5 aa613f67896c72ca8cbb03cdd740ed3fb263f9c5f5dfdf4cb80fb0e9025f460e,none,moon shine light planet specifically larg portion enceladu pictur illumin primarili sunlight first reflect planet saturn result normal snowwhit moon appear gold color saturn cloud tops illumin come imag left labyrinth ridg throw notabl shadow right imag center canyon labtayt visibl below bright thin crescent far right part enceladu directli lit sun featur imag taken 2011 robot cassini spacecraft close pass enigmat moon inspect lower left part digit sharpen imag reveal plume ice crystal thought origin sea,enceladu,2023-02-05,509,77,0.1519480519480519,02-05,2,2023,5,0,1,1 051263c3b2ff9fa62ddfcd0a2fc6c43b59efcf10a4e5d80346fee7b5c19ee1b1,petr horalek institut physic opava,still see comet yes even c2022 e3 ztf fades still time see know look geometrically comet ztf pass closest sun earth head back outer solar system orbit around sun glide across northern sky month pass near polari big littl dipper last month pictured comet ztf photograph two dipper late januari sport ion tail extend 10 degrees nakedey visibility comet ztf found binocular small telescop good sky map good time see comet next week sun set moon rises comet move nearli front mar day comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,comet two,2023-02-07,518,89,0.1055555555555555,02-07,2,2023,7,3,0,1 6fb2d4546b0d5cd5eb04388206b818522079dc584feb9ce474d0313d95f2eb9d,mike selbi natalia lewandowska suni oswego,imagin travel star 100 time massiv sun million time luminous 30 time surfac temperature star exist known wolf stars name french astronom charl wolf georg central star imag wr 40 locat toward constel carina star like wr 40 live fast die young comparison sun quickli exhaust core hydrogen move fuse heavier core elements expand eject outer layer via high stellar winds case central star wr 40 eject atmospher speed nearli 100 kilomet per second outer layer becom expand ovalshap nebula rcw almost hyperspace random apod gener,stellar nebula rcw,2023-02-08,523,86,0.0346363636363636,02-08,2,2023,8,6,0,5 c0e9c6efc8ffb209d22c27a0e73584a04d5c00b42412654af226aaee6ddce15a,denni,vivid lustrous waft iridesc wave color wash across skyscap finland known nacreou cloud motherofpearl clouds rare unforgett appear captur look south 69 degre north latitud sunset januari 24 type polar stratospher cloud form unusu cold temperatur usual cloudless lower stratospher form ice crystals still sunlit altitud around 15 25 kilometers cloud diffract sunlight even sunset dawn,nacreou cloud lapland,2023-02-09,382,56,-0.0680555555555555,02-09,2,2023,9,8,0,1 e90f9a395cc3edee8565e56e50ad8a58e7c9ce9356006881390c62dc60656597,stefan bemmerl,fade race across planet earth northern sky comet c2022 e3 ztf share telescop frame comet c2022 captur night februari 6 garden observatori germany bavarian forest starri field view toward constel auriga span 25 degrees discov sky survey project 2022 the zwicki transient facil asteroid terrestrialimpact last alert system longperiod comet outbound reach perihelion last month much fainter comet atla made closest approach fair planet januari 29 distanc 46 compar mere 24 lightminut comet ztf februari 2 comet atla lack welldevelop tail formerli nakedey comet ztf comet sport greenish tint comas emiss diatom carbon molecul fluoresc sunlight continu dash across planet earth sky comet ztf appear close bright planet mar tonight,ztf meet atla,2023-02-10,725,110,0.1833333333333333,02-10,2,2023,10,3,2,4 711e31ba1824a83d4107af357d93fb30c30b720b06dd247d51bade1d50f37086,lópez,two promin cloud chilean atacama desert skyscap captur januari 21 actual lie beyond milki way galaxy known larg small magellan cloud name 16th centuri portugues explor ferdinand magellan leader first circumnavig planet earth famou jewel southern hemispher skies brightest satellit galaxi milki way larger cloud 160000 lightyears smaller 210000 lightyear distant irregular dwarf galaxi right exhibit central bar structur deep wideangl view wide deep exposur also reveal faint dusti galact cirru nebula imprint gravit tidal interact larg small magellan clouds,magellan cloud chile,2023-02-11,557,80,-0.0474489795918367,02-11,2,2023,11,6,0,3 a93c589064bf8adf5da6fbc92dbe1ab21d43168e3a2c21dc02e4556e6b012de0,jorn olsen photographi,cloud bottom appear like bubbles normally cloud bottom flat moist warm air rise cool condens water droplet specif temperature usual correspond specif height water droplet grow opaqu cloud forms conditions however cloud pocket develop contain larg droplet water ice fall clear air evaporate pocket may occur turbul air near thunderstorm result mammatu cloud appear especi dramat sunlit side mammatu cloud pictur photograph hastings nebraska 2004 june,mammatu cloud nebraska,2023-02-12,449,66,0.1464285714285714,02-12,2,2023,12,8,1,1 8ad8962e25604483487fb99b53ed8fc737d9a80e60e8123bea7b5f05e92d6998,donato lioc,no comet ztf go hit mars nicknam green comet bright green coma c2022 e3 ztf did however pass almost front distant planet day ago near time featur pictur taken two sky icon captur behind famou earth icon mountain alp switzerland itali picturesqu peak foreground background imag taken even camera location comet white dust tail visibl right green coma light blue ion tail trail toward top image orang mar well front numer background star well dark nebula barnard 22 lower right although mar remain visibl even sky next months comet ztf alreadi begun fade return outer solar system comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,comet ztf mar,2023-02-13,617,103,0.0483193277310924,02-13,2,2023,13,3,2,1 5b8c98a38abff97daf61de099df0176a5614ffdf33d12dd3ed1a5ed49b7b0ac7,juan lozano de haro,heart soul galaxi locat cassiopeia possibl not two bright emiss nebula nicknam heart soul found heart nebula offici dub ic 1805 visibl featur imag upper right shape reminisc classic heart symbol shape perhap fit valentine day soul nebula offici design ic 1871 visibl lower left nebula shine brightli red light energ hydrogen one three color shown threecolor light take 6000 year reach us nebulas togeth span roughli 300 light years studi star cluster like found heart soul nebula focus massiv star form affect environment,heart soul nebula,2023-02-14,521,84,0.2752380952380952,02-14,2,2023,14,4,1,5 6d0207bc106e732e25c0f49cb1249c1260b1c93fb3280df02d4e3305e5d31ad5,julien looten,unusu sky familiar unfamiliar photographer mission captur arch familiar central band milki way galaxi picturesqu mediev manor surpris januari evening foreground sky found glow beauti unfamiliar manner stripe band call airglow result air high earth atmospher excit sun light emit faint light own band cross entir sky curv appear due extrem wide angl camera lens foreground lie château de southwest france familiar sky delight dot distant background includ bright white star sirius orang planet mars blue pleiad star cluster red california nebula and far right extend andromeda galaxy initi mission also across top frame arch band milki way text style carl star,airglow sky franc,2023-02-15,660,102,0.1722857142857143,02-15,2,2023,15,6,2,4 4833ec3d818b07f2bf92a896832b4da6c45f4a80388248a7d1b6d1b2f9d1c71e,marco lorenzi,upon midnight ponder weak volum astronomi forgotten lore stumbl upon snapshot cosmic eerie sight fill heart awe more two stars like anchor foreground milki way galaxy sight beyond them cluster hydra galaxi 100 million lightyear away stori three larg galaxies ellipt spiral blue domin grand 150000 lightyear wide overlap pair caught view catalog ngc sight cannot abel 1060 hydra galaxi cluster name one three larg galaxi cluster close milki way univers bound gravity celesti game cluster align larger scales cannot distanc 100 million lightyears snapshot size 13 million lightyear across cosmic delight momentari glimps universe even fade sight,hydra cluster galaxi,2023-02-16,643,98,-0.046875,02-16,2,2023,16,7,2,3 ffedfb63a454b0bf8fb58e0332fad2a8120d5e3c8f807419b2d00f5cbea12be0,de,scan sky nearearth object hungarian astronom first imag meters space rock catalog 2023 cx1 12 februari 2023 utc 7 hour impact planet earth atmosphere predict trajectori creat rare opportun meteor observ last minut plan result spectacular imag fireball captur netherland 2023 cx1 vapor broke northern france remark second discoveri impact asteroid 2023 cx1 seventh asteroid detect success predict impact earth recent becom third object meteorit recovered firebal wit almost 10 year day follow infam chelyabinsk meteor flash,2023 meteor flash,2023-02-17,522,77,0.18125,02-17,2,2023,17,8,1,2 fe6325698610ebe4d41702ce1edddbc9612ba359f389dba378b9612dab9f8c21,none,mere 56 million lightyear distant toward southern constel fornax ngc 1365 enorm bar spiral galaxi 200000 lightyear diameter that twice size bar spiral milki way sharp imag jame webb space telescope midinfrar instrument reveal stun detail magnific spiral infrar light webb field view stretch 60000 lightyear across ngc 1365 explor galaxy core bright newborn star clusters intric network dusti filament bubbl creat young star along spiral arm wind galaxy central bar astronom suspect graviti field ngc 1365 bar play crucial role galaxy evolution funnel ga dust starform maelstrom ultim feed materi activ galaxy central supermass black hole,bar spiral galaxi ngc 1365 webb,2023-02-18,637,97,0.028030303030303,02-18,2,2023,18,7,2,3 4374a324c29c03480f72627c3accd5375dbf593efd4a4e2697448d7001156085,none,realli famou pleiad star cluster known icon blue stars pleiad shown infrar light surround dust outshin stars three infrar color map visual color g12 b46 base imag taken nasa orbit wide field infrar survey explor wise spacecraft catalog m45 nicknam seven sisters pleiad star cluster chanc situat pass dust cloud light wind massiv pleiad star preferenti repel smaller dust particles caus dust becom stratifi filaments seen featur imag span 20 light year distanc pleiades lie 450 light year distant toward constel bull taurus,seven dusti sister infrar,2023-02-19,522,83,0.1181818181818181,02-19,2,2023,19,6,1,3 9b0a2e173d8d3235f6e3f9cf083f14aded63debe107084ed3a1acd2966a845cc,none,noth like ball star milki way galaxy surpris because first glance featur imag hubbl space telescop suggest star cluster ngc 1850 size shape reminisc mani ancient globular star cluster roam milki way galaxy halo ngc 1850 star young make type star cluster known counterpart milki way moreover ngc 1850 also doubl star cluster second compact cluster star visibl right larg cluster center star larg cluster estim 50 million year young star compact cluster younger still age 4 million years mere 168000 lightyear distant ngc 1850 locat near outskirt larg magellan cloud galaxy glow ga filament across imag left like supernova remnant galaxy testifi violent stellar explos indic shortliv massiv star recent present region,ngc 1850 found milki way,2023-02-20,715,113,-0.0276190476190476,02-20,2,2023,20,6,2,3 af923642f9418502823034ba6bdbd9e4a6afb25d2df0c8ca1ce0faedf93bc503,tara mostofi,falling water yosemit falls california usa fall toward earth comet ztf fall toward sun doubl cosmic cascad captur late last month fade comet c2022 e3 ztf pass closest planet earth orang star fall except brief encount black bear featur imag wellplan composit longdur background exposur design reconstruct deep version actual singl sight although comet ztf fade glide back outer solar system path determin graviti consid still fall toward sun comet ztf gallery notabl submiss apod,comet ztf yosemit fall,2023-02-21,480,75,-0.0666666666666666,02-21,2,2023,21,3,0,1 841ab2e484ae7ed236c0e534586f9edf90724b4264d8a97da1cc6f2ed0024a45,mehmet,sun becom busi place two year ago sun emerg solar minimum quiet month would go without even singl sunspot contrast alreadi year well ahead schedule sun unusu active alreadi near solar activ level seen decad ago last solar maximum increasingli activ sun captur two week ago sport numer interest features imag record singl color light call hydrogen alpha fals colored spicul carpet much sun face brighten toward sun edg caus increas absorpt rel cool solar ga call limb darkening outsid sun disk sever scintil promin protrude promin sun face known filament show light streaks magnet tangl activ region dark light contain cool sunspots sun magnet field wind toward solar maximum next years whether sun high activ continu increas unknown,activ sun,2023-02-22,732,119,0.1411904761904762,02-22,2,2023,22,1,2,4 ef3b896e7628326612f4dcdee42a23ac5f1db80ace1bc1d86489a88fd2a1207a,josep drudi,peculiar spiral galaxi arp 78 found within boundari head strong constel aries 100 million lightyear beyond star nebula milki way galaxy island univers enorm 200000 lightyear across also known ngc 772 sport prominent outer spiral arm detail cosmic portrait track along sweep dust lane line young blue star clusters arp 78 spiral arm pumpedup galacticscal gravit tides interact brightest companion galaxy compact ngc seen right larger spiral like embed faint star stream reveal deep telescop exposure ngc 770 fuzzy ellipt appear contrast nice spiki foreground milki way star match yellowish hues,arp 78 peculiar galaxi ari,2023-02-23,593,91,0.1576719576719577,02-23,2,2023,23,7,2,3 f1de889c9d80728430c6851afb21adf5d0f1fb3601e8140d410e49b8029cc1db,jeanfrançoi bax david vernet,planetari nebula jonesemberson 1 death shroud die sunlik star lie 1600 lightyear earth toward constel lynx 4 lightyear across expand remnant die star atmospher shrug interstellar space star central suppli hydrogen helium fusion final deplet billion years visibl near center planetari nebula remain stellar core bluehot white dwarf star also known pk 164 311 nebula faint difficult glimps telescope eyepiece deep broadband imag combin 22 hour exposur time show except detail star within milki way galaxi well background galaxi across univers scatter clear field view ephemer cosmic stage jonesemberson 1 fade away next thousand years hot central white dwarf star take billion year cool,1,2023-02-24,684,104,-0.0033333333333333,02-24,2,2023,24,4,2,5 698055f7204ad64fabf936e33de6f28c5b03c6ea4990f22f845ddba0f8669567,fefo bouvier,februari 22 young moon share western sky sunset bright planet venu jupit along eclipt plane beauti celesti conjunct visibl around planet earth locat jupit hid while occult crescent lunar disk solar system rule ga giant captur disappear behind moon dark edge seen de la plata colonia del sacramento uruguay seren river skyscap venu shine brightli closer horizon fade twilight next week venu jupit appear even closer even sky,crescent moon occult,2023-02-25,423,68,0.0357142857142857,02-25,2,2023,25,2,0,1 966986437d2f8d91f06d13192a5f918a415ef2e4e84cb9e4fec9b0bc0aa16bd3,none,would make moon look like strang ridg circl saturn moon equator visibl near bottom featur image make appear similar popular origin ridg remain unknown though hypothes includ ice well below ring crash above structur left format perhap 100 million year ago also strang half iapetu dark nearli disappear view earth rest is quit bright observ show degre dark terrain strang uniform dark coat somehow recent appli ancient highli crater surface last sever larg impact basin occur around iapetus 400kilomet wide crater visibl near imag center surround deep cliff drop sharpli crater floor featur imag taken saturnorbit cassini spacecraft flybi iapetu end 2004,saturn iapetus moon strang surfac,2023-02-26,652,102,0.034313725490196,02-26,2,2023,26,8,2,2 5c16e02c9cecdcfa1261752467be2385a0ae6103da12463c288ed47aac726ea1,ruslan merzlyakov astrorms,what caus unusu ray light extend horizon dust orbit sun certain time year band sunreflect dust inner solar system appear promin sunset sunris call zodiac light dust emit mostli faint jupiterfamili comet slowli spiral sun featur hdr image acquir midfebruari sierra nevada nation park spain captur glow band zodiac light go right front bright even planet jupit upper venu emit well behind zodiac light dark night sky promin includ pleiad star cluster jupit venu slowli switch place even sky next day near closest angular approach,zodiac ray venu jupit,2023-02-27,527,85,0.1321428571428571,02-27,2,2023,27,6,1,1 24547d99ad89f542ae20583b0fdfec282198011c21f518bd9abc43f85c89a84a,elia chasioti,thin crescent moon never seen far horizon geometri give thin crescent lunar phase occur moon appear close sun sky crescent caus shadow earth see small part moon directli illumin sun moreover thickest part crescent alway occur direct sun evening thin crescent moon set shortli sun seen rest night alternatively morning crescent moon rise shortli sun seen night pictur two week ago crescent moon captur near horizon sunrise far behind remnant ancient templ poseidon greece,crescent moon beyond templ,2023-02-28,470,74,-0.1611111111111111,02-28,2,2023,28,2,0,1 44bade5236455900840d101d85006c6beae438392ba20d62027a94e8439102e7,thoma,star ae auriga fire no even though ae auriga name flame star surround nebula ic 405 name flame star nebula even though nebula appear like swirl flame fire fire typic defin rapid molecular acquisit oxygen happen suffici oxygen present import highenergy lowoxygen environ stars bright star ae auriga occur near center flame star nebula hot glow blue emit light energet knock electron away surround gas proton recaptur electron light emitted seen surround emiss nebula captur three week ago flame star nebula visibl near composit image center red tadpol nebula left comet ztf right flame star nebula lie 1500 light year distant span 5 light years visibl small telescop toward constel chariot auriga,flame star nebula,2023-03-01,695,112,0.1462184873949579,03-01,3,2023,1,4,2,5 bfcafcfd07247e1f6a3a1be3b0d03eeee20a697fefe4d0e92e3a7ee616a45084,mike selbi,spiral galaxi ngc 3169 look unravel like ball cosmic lie 70 million lightyear away south bright star regulu toward faint constel sextans wound spiral arm pull sweep tidal tail ngc 3169 left neighbor ngc 3166 interact gravitationally eventu galaxi merg one common fate even bright galaxi local universe drawn stellar arc plume clear indic ongo gravit interact across deep color galaxi group photo telescop frame span 20 arc minut 400000 lightyear group estim distance includ smaller bluish ngc 3165 right ngc 3169 also known shine across spectrum radio xrays harbor activ galact nucleu site supermass black hole,unravel ngc 3169,2023-03-02,610,97,0.0890873015873015,03-02,3,2023,2,7,2,3 cd0feefed1df007788340fc0914a9a478b924b1a7ef0c7dad9c781366b2dfd67,none,185 ad chines astronom record appear new star nanmen asterism part sky identifi alpha beta centauri modern star charts new star visibl nakedey months thought earliest record supernova deep telescop view reveal wispi outlin emiss nebula rcw 86 visibl starri background understood remnant stellar explosion captur widefield dark energi camera oper cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile imag trace full extent rag shell ga ioniz still expand shock wave spacebas imag indic abund element iron rcw 86 absenc neutron star pulsar within remnant suggest origin supernova type ia unlik core collaps supernova explos massiv star type ia supernova thermonuclear deton white dwarf star accret materi companion binari star system near plane milki way galaxi larger full moon sky supernova remnant faint seen eye though rcw 86 8000 lightyear distant around 100 lightyear across,rcw 86 histor supernova remnant,2023-03-03,870,132,0.0594405594405594,03-03,3,2023,3,6,2,5 7ddcfbfe134bfcf7eaff811b74392f07311508ef69ebbd2a7a7e678772324983,soumyadeep mukherje,venu jupit may caught attent lately impend close conjunct two brightest planet visibl clear even sky hard miss jupit top start februari 21 end march 2 close approach chronicl daily left right panel india near western horizon even sky color exposur use panel depend local condit near sunset februari 22 jupit venu join young crescent moon celesti pair appear width full moon apart march 2 cours date two planet physic separ 600 million kilomet orbit around sun come day jupit slowli settl glare sunset venu continu move farther sun western sky current role brilliant even star jupit venu conjunct gallery notabl submiss apod,10 day venu jupit,2023-03-04,624,103,0.1152529761904762,03-04,3,2023,4,8,2,1 ee014bd2292064c84ec4a87a1f56da95b4b59e06793e78aa71337252750e6f61,giovanni tumino,two bright planets day ago two brightest planet night sky pass within singl degre term conjunction visibl sunset much world two bright spot jupit left venu right featur imag taken near closest approach sicily italy week before venu rise higher sunset sky meet drop jupiter switch places course venu remain much closer sun earth jupit appar close planet sky earth angular still see popular pair hour sunset month although continu separate jupit continu set earlier night jupit venu conjunct gallery notabl submiss apod,jupit venu itali,2023-03-05,519,83,0.3035714285714286,03-05,3,2023,5,8,1,1 cf61655cccae756e1954c73e69957fe2278013e164e5cb43ee38f7fe0de2ba1d,marek,visibl around world sunset conjunct jupit venu 2012 visibl almost matter live earth anyon planet clear western horizon sunset could see them pictur 2012 creativ photograph travel away town light szubin poland imag near closest approach two planets bright planet separ three degre daughter struck humor pose faint red sunset still glow background jupit venu togeth month sunset pass within degre week ago jupit venu conjunct gallery notabl submiss apod,jupit venu earth,2023-03-06,452,70,0.1170454545454545,03-06,3,2023,6,8,1,1 77f2055c5f6bb90d0881e6dd5edc6868a128c02263ea2a45ed57750a1964c5ed,yuri beletskycarnegiela campana observatorytwan,spiral galaxy no actually larg magellan cloud lmc largest satellit galaxi milki way galaxy lmc classifi dwarf irregular galaxi normal chaotic appearance deep wide exposure however full extent lmc becom visible surprisingly longer exposures lmc begin resembl bar spiral galaxy larg magellan cloud lie 180000 lightyear distant toward constel dolphinfish dorado span 15000 lightyears lmc site sn1987a brightest closest supernova modern times togeth small magellan cloud smc lmc seen earth southern hemispher unaid eye sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,deep field larg magellan cloud,2023-03-07,565,82,0.095,03-07,3,2023,7,7,0,3 5ba8b4ed2267d7a78851260e54fb86641386c5337763299301b24043af9159ac,none,dim star gone mani place earth includ major cities night sky reduc fascin display thousand star diffus glow star visible featur map indic rel amount light pollut occur across earth caus pollut artifici light reflect molecul aerosol atmosphere part eastern unit state western europ color red example artifici night sky glow ten time natur sky area mark orang red central band milki way galaxi longer visible intern dark sky associ suggest common type fixtur provid rel littl amount light pollution light intern night sky random apod gener,artifici night sky bright,2023-03-08,537,87,0.0580357142857142,03-08,3,2023,8,6,0,4 0e2b483074379450e35e71d6e958d45e897c1d32c0ff31e9e54e683f672e0167,none,first planetari defens test mission planet earth dart spacecraft captur closeup 26 septemb 2022 three second surfac asteroid moonlet spacecraft outlin two long solar panel trace project point impact two boulders larger boulder 65 meter across dart asteroid redirect spacecraft mass 570 kilograms estim mass smaller member nearearth binari asteroid system 5 billion kilograms direct impact spacecraft alter speed dimorpho fraction reduc 12 hour orbit period around larger companion asteroid didymo 33 minutes beyond success demonstr techniqu chang asteroid orbit prevent futur asteroid strike planet earth impact experi given dimorpho cometlik tail material,dart vs,2023-03-09,656,93,0.075,03-09,3,2023,9,8,2,2 ecf94625284e2a5d574db21dd5676fefca8be34f611fb20fa805b4f9e909a33d,jone,cosmic vista excit imagin like great nebula orion visibl faint celesti smudg nakedeye nearest larg starform region sprawl across sharp telescop image record cold januari night dark sky west virginia planet earth also known m42 orion nebula glow ga surround hot young stars 40 lightyear across lie edg immens interstellar molecular cloud 1500 lightyear away within spiral arm milki way galaxi sun along dusti bluish reflect nebula ngc 1977 friend near top frame eyecatch nebula repres small fraction galact neighborhood wealth starform material within wellstudi stellar nursery astronom also identifi appear numer infant solar systems,orion run man,2023-03-10,633,95,0.034090909090909,03-10,3,2023,10,4,2,5 66b0391eee066d2fbf978e063c2c6b710981f97bfd6442ff9f0a3f6104766fb3,none,put redblu glass float next asteroid 101955 shape like spin top boulder litter rough surface tini solar system world one empir state build less 500 meters across frame use construct 3d anaglyph taken osiris_rex spacecraft decemb 3 2018 distanc 80 kilometers sampl asteroid rocki surfac osiris_rex depart bennu vicin may 2021 enrout planet earth robot spacecraft schedul return sampl earth september,3d bennu,2023-03-11,398,61,0.0583333333333333,03-11,3,2023,11,8,0,2 01c2489d3ac52e6082422fa6fd39508e1746f4f3c4dfca74fa9eb151066644ab,none,lie bottom hyperion strang craters help find out robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop past spongetextur moon took imag unpreced detail siximag mosaic 2005 pass featur scientif assign colors show remark world strewn strang crater odd spongelik surface bottom crater lie type unknown dark reddish material materi appear similar cover part anoth saturn moons iapetus might sink ice moon better absorb warm sunlight hyperion 250 kilomet across rotat chaotically densiti low like hous vast system cavern inside,saturn hyperion moon odd crater,2023-03-12,512,77,0.0481481481481481,03-12,3,2023,12,0,0,2 a87527ee6a7bfecc511e6a1c8666274bf596b6ce43639c6d265be14e6010125e,eric houck,lie end rainbow someth differ photograph take picture example one end rainbow end tree other nearby though would like see rainbow end somewher else reason rainbow posit depend observer center rainbow alway appear direct opposit sun direct line differ horizon differ locations rainbow arc indic center 40 degre left slightli horizon sun well behind camera horizon reflect sunlight raindrop distant storm direct rainbow caus color band light singl exposur imag captur earli januari near knight ferry california usa,rainbow tree,2023-03-13,512,78,-0.0022727272727272,03-13,3,2023,13,1,0,1 16c955064ec001eab717456c8afe6025ec3c8858dedfd0a3c7f202ab15a3963b,josé,star form soul queen aethopia specifically larg star form region call soul nebula found direct constel cassiopeia greek mytholog credit vain wife king long ago rule land surround upper nile river also known 5 soul nebula hous sever open cluster stars ridg pillar darken cosmic dust huge evacu bubbl form wind young massiv stars locat 6500 light year away soul nebula span 100 light year usual imag next celesti neighbor heart nebula ic 1805 featur imag composit exposur made differ colors red emit hydrogen gas yellow emit sulfur blue emit oxygen,w5 soul nebula,2023-03-14,546,91,0.0785714285714285,03-14,3,2023,14,4,0,5 a67d04c0fe5ca2ec4f9947a819c3f8b13280d9998f1aab3162180ba364cc9b8c,michael observatory,sky show kids earli month two brightest planet night sky jupit venus appear closest two planet separ angular width full moon spectacl occur sunset seen photograph across planet earth display imag taken near time closest approach germany featur astrophotographer two children course venu remain much closer sun earth jupit appar close planet sky earth angular jupit venu pass appear increasingli far apart similar planetari converg opportun eventu arise months example mar venu appear sun sets jupit venu conjunct gallery notabl submiss apod,jupit venu converg germani,2023-03-15,542,82,0.1499999999999999,03-15,3,2023,15,8,1,1 a1ef97c433afd0c566bd8321a3bb768184d7d83582e0c78dbbcd2b896d2ebab2,neil,globular star cluster omega centauri also known ngc 5139 15000 lightyear away cluster pack 10 million star much older sun within volum 150 lightyear diameter largest brightest 200 known globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy though star cluster consist star age composition enigmat omega cen exhibit presenc differ stellar popul spread age chemic abundances fact omega cen may remnant core small galaxi merg milki way omega centauri red giant star with yellowish hue easi pick sharp color telescop view,million star omega centauri,2023-03-16,507,80,0.0069444444444444,03-16,3,2023,16,6,0,3 af8127f87021f8637f714a97864f6192f710f9605f5ee848ad68aa34bb5053d0,astronom societi,braid serpentin filament glow ga suggest nebula popular name medusa nebula also known abel 21 medusa old planetari nebula 1500 lightyear away constel gemini like mytholog namesake nebula associ dramat transformation planetari nebula phase repres final stage evolut low mass star like sun transform red giant hot white dwarf star process shrug outer layers ultraviolet radiat hot star power nebular glow medusa transform star faint one near center overal bright crescent shape deep telescop view fainter filament clearli extend right bright crescent region medusa nebula estim 4 lightyear across,medusa nebula,2023-03-17,594,89,0.1491071428571428,03-17,3,2023,17,4,2,5 5d9d0133912fcc4023a5d8a384da2af7999e0d44642022c6562d62d9cb72df3a,none,driven power stellar winds expand shroud ga dust frame hot lumin star wolfrayet 124 sharp infrar view eyecatch star pattern characterist stellar imag made 18 hexagon mirror jame webb space telescope 15000 lightyear distant toward point northern constel sagitta wr 124 30 time mass sun produc brief rare spot phase massiv star evolut milki way star turbul nebula nearli 6 lightyear across herald wr impend stellar death supernova explosion form expand nebula dusti interstellar debri surviv supernova influenc format futur gener stars,wolfrayet,2023-03-18,533,82,0.134375,03-18,3,2023,18,4,1,5 84c3dff4418a8136ce5c2230edf2bc4095959c1e76f9061318477f84ab85a50a,robert fedez,see serpent descend mayan pyramid requir exquisit timing must visit el mexico yucatán peninsula near equinox then late afternoon sky clear shadow creat merg famou illus also known templ impress stand 30 meter tall 55 meter wide base built seri squar terrac precolumbian civil 9th 12th century structur use calendar note astronom alignments featur composit imag captur 2019 jupit saturn straddl diagon central band milki way galaxy tomorrow mark anoth equinox templ planet earth,equinox pyramid serpent,2023-03-19,480,74,-0.1666666666666666,03-19,3,2023,19,6,0,1 1daba7d39bbec37a0e2f7a6c3fd091d3b126980d6e4ba1a0afcc5e6e16039ce5,vika chander,dust yes also useful tauru molecular cloud sever bright stars dark dust realli draw attention pervas dust wave rippl make picturesqu dust perhap importantly mark region interstellar ga dens enough gravit contract form stars imag center light cloud lit neighbor star home famou nebula young massiv famou star star tauri nebula hind variabl nebula seen vari dramat bright necessarili time ad mysteri intrigu region tauri similar star gener recogn sunlik star less million year old still earli stage formation featur imag span four degre far pleiad star cluster featur dust field lie 400 lightyear away,dark nebula star format tauru,2023-03-21,600,95,0.1833333333333333,03-21,3,2023,21,4,2,5 aa2f25197e88d7268755627bf2c3b33d2672a310399da089c2596425dc64b8fe,abdullah alharbi,far see distant object easili visibl unaid eye m31 great andromeda galaxy two million lightyear away without telescope even immens spiral galaxi appear unremarkable faint nebul cloud constel andromeda bright white nucleus dark wind dust lanes lumin blue spiral arms bright red emiss nebula record stun telescop digit mosaic closest major galact neighbor know spiral nebula realli far away question central famou shapleycurti debat m31 great distanc determin 1920 observ resolv individu star chang bright way gave true distance result prove andromeda like milki way galaxi conclus make rest univers much vast ever previous imagined,m31 andromeda galaxi,2023-03-22,631,95,0.1886574074074074,03-22,3,2023,22,7,2,3 8abc31d4ab8ca9312e5616f41c16864eea4c5cbbf4ad455583ea452f88a83f0b,roberto,mere 46 million lightyear distant spiral galaxi ngc 2841 found planet earth night sky toward northern constel ursa major sharp imag center gorgeou island univers also captur spiki foreground milki way star distant background galaxi within telescop field view show bright nucleu ngc along inclin galact disk faint outer regions dust lanes small starform regions young star cluster embed galaxy patchy tightli wound spiral arms contrast mani spiral exhibit broader sweep arm larg starform regions ngc 2841 diamet 150000 lightyears make even larger milki way xray imag suggest extrem outflow giant star stellar explos creat plume hot ga extend halo around ngc 2841,spiral galaxi ngc 2841,2023-03-23,661,103,-0.0223214285714285,03-23,3,2023,23,7,2,3 e0d2e32204ae24185f428e8b449aad24311197b77f8fb2351a69d519a28e7255,giorgia hofer,march 23 earli even skygaz could watch venu young crescent moon near western horizon date earth brilliant even star faint lunar night side slender sunlit crescent captur telephoto skyscap pose alongsid church tower san pietro di cadore italy cours subtl lunar illumin earthshine earthlight reflect moon night side descript earthshine term sunlight reflect earth ocean illumin moon dark surface written 500 year ago leonardo da vinci march 24 locat moon could seen occult pass front venus around planet tonight wax lunar crescent appear near pleiad star cluster,venu da vinci glow,2023-03-25,560,87,0.0785714285714285,03-25,3,2023,25,2,0,1 d1f4e6974dd7aadf0e6935a54d979a67f5e4b945af0d99676275b691a4cf8ac7,cari leteli,report power solar flare start sevenhour quest north captur modern monument aurorafil sky peak icon arctic heng northern iceland alreadi align stars line toward exact north one side toward exact south other featur image taken sunset late last month look directli south sinc composit imag cover much sky north star polari actual visibl top frame also visibl familiar constel includ great bear ursa major left hunter lower right quest successful sky lit dramat bright memor aurora shimmer amaz color includ red pink yellow green sometim sever once,aurora arctic,2023-03-27,546,87,0.1824107142857143,03-27,3,2023,27,8,1,1 4b9e8e4f8c30c573c15e7767e8ad0d3d6bf576bb75658b44a88b5087bb324372,t slovinský p horálek,yes green flash this green flash sunset rare event mani sun watcher pride seen thought myth green flash understood occur earth atmospher act like prism lens differ atmospher layer creat refract take light top sun dispers colors creat two images right way make thin sliver appear green disappears pictured though even unusu sunset highaltitud cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile one day last april sun captur set beyond atmospher multipl distinct thermal layers creat sever mock imag sun time location mani layer produc green flash simultaneously second event caught two astrophotographers sun set clouds,multipl green flash sunset,2023-03-28,612,93,0.0296703296703296,03-28,3,2023,28,1,2,1 1dfbf217d0629ccce5c87839ccfa8f20457b23ac0e9800018087d72c3626ff00,none,shroud thick atmosphere saturn largest moon titan realli hard see small particl suspend upper atmospher caus almost haze strongli scatter light visibl wavelength hide titan surfac featur pri eyes titan surfac better imag infrar wavelength scatter weaker atmospher absorpt reduced array around visibl light imag center titan clearest global infrar view tantal moon far fals color six panel present consist process 13 year infrar imag data visual infrar map spectromet vims board cassini spacecraft orbit saturn 2004 2017 offer stun comparison cassini visibl light view nasa revolutionari mission titan due launch,see titan,2023-03-31,611,91,0.0523809523809523,03-31,3,2023,31,0,2,4 701b92c04e13ee018e12cbfec8ec8f7ff5f0efe5988acc743495729a05dc1f88,nicola rolland,distort galaxi ngc 2442 found southern constel fli fish piscis volans locat 50 million lightyear away galaxy two spiral arm extend pronounc central bar give hookshap appear deep color image spiki foreground star scatter across telescop field view imag also reveal distant galaxy obscur dust lanes young blue star cluster reddish star form region surround core yellowish light older popul stars star form region seem concentr along drawnout upper right spiral arm distort structur like result ancient close encount smaller galaxi seen near top left frame two interact galaxi separ 150000 lightyear estim distanc ngc 2442,ngc 2442 galaxi volan,2023-04-01,619,96,0.1037414965986394,04-01,4,2023,1,7,2,3 6d8e53d9c82be21b5db2d63d0dddf5e57eaee5aabd5155c5c15cd21b2707d5c1,none,notic hundr year ago stargaz could understand unusu shape look like ring sky except ring saturn ring nebula m57 may famou celesti circle know is icon shape due lucki perspective recent map expand nebula 3d structure base part clear hubbl imageind nebula rel dense donutlik ring wrap around middl american footballshap cloud glow gas view planet earth look long axi football faceon ring course wellstudi exampl planetari nebula glow materi come planets instead gaseou shroud repres outer layer expel dying sunlik star tini pinprick light seen nebula center intens ultraviolet light hot central star ioniz atom gas ring nebula one lightyear across 2500 lightyear away,m57 ring nebula hubbl,2023-04-02,665,105,0.0068181818181818,04-02,4,2023,2,4,2,5 7b2add2e9de9e22adce3076573c39d73288e6687efef66f47b05282e044ba55f,none,caus unusu curv structur near center galaxy long parallel ray slant across top featur radio imag known collect galact center radio arc point galact plane radio arc connect galact center strang curv filament known arches bright radio structur bottom right surround black hole galact center known sagittariu a one origin hypothesi hold radio arc arch geometri contain hot plasma flow along line constant magnet field imag nasa chandra xray observatori appear show plasma collid nearbi cloud cold gas,galact center radio arc,2023-04-03,497,78,0.0442176870748299,04-03,4,2023,3,6,0,3 29a1edf79a8746b831381282c642cd438f0792c7e406724ecb3f8b83d54ed708,none,largest volcano solar system mars although three time higher earth mount everest olympu mon difficult human climb volcano shallow slope mars low gravity cover area greater entir hawaiian volcano chain slope olympu mon typic rise degre time olympu mon immens shield volcano built long ago fluid lava rel static surfac crust allow build time last erupt thought 25 million year ago featur imag taken european space agency robot mar express spacecraft current orbit red planet sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,olympu largest volcano solar system,2023-04-04,523,83,0.0282051282051282,04-04,4,2023,4,5,0,2 b7d533ae9e94c1cdaa379ba2980107ed44d91a76e41709eb720eb662983f3814,none,hubbl space telescop imag bright spiki star lie foreground toward heroic northern constel perseu well within milki way galaxy sharp focu beyond ugc giant spiral galaxi million lightyear distant 800000 lightyear across compar milki way diamet 100000 lightyear so around 1 trillion stars that 10 time mani star milki way part investig understand galaxi grow enorm sizes ugc also part interest voyag astronom vera pioneer studi rotat spiral galaxies work first convincingli demonstr domin presenc dark matter universe,galaxi,2023-04-05,514,78,0.1821428571428571,04-05,4,2023,5,7,1,3 34797cf0bc41c9d2d5e88f76673d0e197c157058268625d5b47ac07e0867c666,none,terran 1 rocket mostli burn cryogen rocket fuel compos liquid methan liquid oxygen closeup terran 1 launch night march 22 cape canaveral ici chunk fall stun frame intens blue exhaust stream nine 1 engines larg success flight rocket achiev main engin cutoff stage separ fell short orbit begin second stage flight cours terran 1 rocket never intend travel mars still methan liquid oxygen compon methalox fuel made sole materi found red planet methalox manufactur mar could use fuel rocket return planet earth,1 burn,2023-04-06,506,82,0.0666666666666666,04-06,4,2023,6,5,0,2 ba3322d45d616edc5b17e341aaa9334a1adb0e8ce6ec06cb2cfd2f98766a63c3,wittich,brilliant blue supergi star rigel mark foot orion hunter planet earth night design beta orionis center remark deep wide field view rigel blue color indic much hotter rival supergi orion yellowish betelgeus alpha though star massiv enough eventu end day core collaps supernovae lightyear away rigel hotter sun extend 74 time solar radius that size orbit mercury 10 degre wide frame toward nebula rich constellation orion nebula upper left right rigel illumin brilliant blue starlight lie dusti witch head nebula rigel part multipl star system though companion star much fainter,rigel wide,2023-04-07,576,90,0.1600446428571428,04-07,4,2023,7,4,1,5 8b8e366c44961f0008e80d12bbe413292dffc65883ccd5c809535cdbd375cf93,none,majest truli cosmic scale m100 appropri known grand design spiral galaxy larg galaxi 100 billion star welldefin spiral arm similar milki way galaxy one brightest member virgo cluster galaxies m100 alia ngc 4321 56 million lightyear distant toward constel berenice hair coma berenices hubbl space telescop imag m100 taken wide field camera 3 bright blue star cluster intric wind dust lane hallmark class galaxies studi variabl star m100 play import role determin size age universe,m100 grand design spiral galaxi,2023-04-08,479,75,0.1285714285714286,04-08,4,2023,8,7,1,3 7567900771e300e9dea77d49dbd08c89fcdb1b661d3d5f3851cb86fbfdf5d8b1,none,center egg nebula emerg cosmic egg star center egg nebula cast away shell ga dust slowli transform white dwarf star egg nebula rapidli evolv pre planetari nebula span one light year lie 3000 lightyear away toward northern constel cygnus thick dust block center star view dust shell farther reflect light star light vibrat plane defin dust grain central star observ preferenti reflected caus effect known polarization measur orient polar light egg nebula give clue locat hidden source taken hubble advanc camera survey 2002 imag render artifici color code highlight orient polarization,egg nebula polar light,2023-04-09,584,91,0.0625,04-09,4,2023,9,4,2,5 6f212167f8f50d8d12ee67b0e8ab11c72c8c349ca881f6d1cda5bab568cc490b,daniel stern,some look like giant chicken run across sky others look like gaseou nebula star format take place catalog ic 2944 run chicken nebula span 100 light year lie 6000 light year away toward constel centaur centaurus featur image shown scientif assign colors captur recent exposur three nights star cluster collind 249 visibl embed nebula glow gas although difficult discern here sever dark molecular cloud distinct shape found insid nebula,ic 2944 run chicken nebula,2023-04-10,434,69,-0.0833333333333333,04-10,4,2023,10,4,0,3 bf7956693fb2fc17942c076ec5fedbfd129cf9192c187987654a07bc70815563,javier,polari call north star first polari nearest bright star toward north spin axi earth therefore earth turns star appear revolv around polaris polari alway stay northerli direct make north star sinc bright star near south spin axi earth current bright south star thousand year ago earth spin axi point slightli differ direct vega north star although polari brightest star sky easili locat nearli align two star cup big dipper polari near center eightdegre wide featur image digit composit hundr exposur bring faint ga dust integr flux nebula frame well globular star cluster ngc 188 far left surfac cepheid polari slowli pulsates caus famou star chang bright percent cours days explor universe random apod gener,north star polari surround dust,2023-04-11,709,114,0.1382352941176471,04-11,4,2023,11,6,2,3 009c8ce954d860eb8254339f757d6e4adaa3496140ed4f6cbe04cd41962e1743,howard trottier,larg stellar associ catalog ngc 206 nestl within dusti arm neighbor andromeda galaxi along galaxy pinkish starform regions also known m31 spiral galaxi mere 25 million lightyear away ngc 206 found right center sharp detail closeup southwestern extent andromeda disk bright blue star ngc 206 indic youth fact youngest massiv star less 10 million year old much larger open galact cluster young star disk milki way galaxy ngc 206 span 4000 lightyears that compar size giant stellar nurseri ngc 604 nearbi spiral m33 tarantula nebula larg magellan cloud,ngc 206 star cloud andromeda,2023-04-12,549,88,0.0567176870748299,04-12,4,2023,12,7,0,3 a1835983a01abd198a5f8260972f31a96953cbbef557b42e89898cf2f01f8655,none,star globular cluster ngc 2419 pack hubbl space telescop field view toward mostli stealthi constel lynx two brighter spiki star near edg frame within galaxy ngc 2419 remot though 300000 lightyear away comparison milki way satellit galaxy larg magellan cloud 160000 lightyear distant roughli similar larg globular star cluster like omega centauri ngc 2419 intrins bright appear faint far away extrem distanc make difficult studi compar properti globular cluster roam halo milki way galaxy sometim call the intergalact wanderer ngc 2419 realli seem come beyond milki way measur cluster motion space suggest belong sagittariu dwarf spheroid galaxy anoth small satellit galaxi disrupt repeat encount much larger milki way,ngc 2419 intergalact wander,2023-04-13,717,108,-0.0499999999999999,04-13,4,2023,13,7,2,3 00d0666bea926af0e19f2522cbd0ba03b84ca050fd44f046cf561f5ce5a3490a,mike selbi,sharp telescop view ngc 3628 show puffi galact disk divid dark dust lanes course portrait magnificent edgeon spiral galaxi put astronom mind popular moniker hamburg galaxy also reveal small galaxi nearbi below like satellit ngc 3628 faint extens tidal tail drawn tail stretch 300000 lightyears even beyond left edg frame ngc 3628 share neighborhood local univers two larg spiral m65 m66 group otherwis known leo triplet gravit interact cosmic neighbor like respons creat tidal tail well extend flare warp spiral disk tantal island univers 100000 lightyear across 35 million lightyear away northern springtim constel leo,portrait ngc 3628,2023-04-14,619,95,0.071875,04-14,4,2023,14,7,2,3 187442b7a72f55f44da8719047f7b5ebad6c2e64f025f9b8c78da0e2bc20dc51,tunc tezel,composit imag captur week apart mid august 2022 late march 2023 seri trace retrograd motion ruddycolor mars progress lower right upper left mar make path wander past pleiad hyad star clusters constel tauru planet earth night sky seen everi two years mar actual revers direct orbit trace though instead appar backward retrograd motion respect background star reflect orbit motion earth itself retrograd motion seen time earth overtak lap planet orbit farther sun earth move rapidli rel closein orbit high northern hemispher sky red planet opposit sun closest brightest decemb 8 near center frame seen close mars popular visitor inner solar system comet ztf also captur two dates februari 10 februari 16,z mar,2023-04-15,701,111,0.0425510204081632,04-15,4,2023,15,5,2,2 d33a10be74d9990cbf9507de60e0d0ceddf949830268fd64a48e7c968ef0f848,none,star better appreci art die actually star usual creat artist display die case lowmass star like sun m29 pictur here star transform normal star white dwarf cast outer gaseou envelopes expend ga frequent form impress display call planetari nebula fade gradual thousand years m29 butterfli planetari nebula 2100 lightyear away shown repres colors wing tell strang incomplet tale center two star orbit insid gaseou disk 10 time orbit pluto expel envelop die star break disk creat bipolar appearance much remain unknown physic process caus shape planetari nebulae,m29 wing butterfli nebula,2023-04-16,558,87,0.0555555555555555,04-16,4,2023,16,4,0,5 45621fbd0621ee7710ca4e15f261016610baec9eddf5066e1d112d969dd3bf9a,none,would like see total eclips sun so friend rel live near path next april eclipse ye again might want arrang welltim visit next april 8 path total solar eclips cross north america western mexico eastern canada enter usa southern texa exit northern north america experi least partial solar eclipse featur map path totality mani peopl seen total solar eclips tell stori rest lives annular solar eclips visibl later year ,map total solar eclips path april,2023-04-18,416,69,-0.0125874125874125,04-18,4,2023,18,1,0,1 8e084fa9176320ab64203225bf4c91a0e0d65fc280b8c600a34722fb8afebbe0,juan carlo casado,night sky best show town night aurora rule sky geomagnet storm creat color sky show origin increasingli activ sun surprisingly sinc approach solar cme day miss earth expect storm would creat auroras foreground two surpris aurora hunter contempl amaz rapidli chang sky regardless though aurora report night sky earth far north far south new mexico usa captur wideangl imag northern finnish lapland bright aurora visibl unusu high degre detail rang colors breadth across sky vivid yellow green red purpl auror color caus oxygen nitrogen atom high earth atmospher react incom electrons open science brows 3000 code astrophys sourc code librari,auror storm lapland,2023-04-19,640,100,0.2293356643356643,04-19,4,2023,19,8,2,1 3e6739ad1ae808f76a861d985ad7e798ea711846dbbc1ca66f2f7081865331fa,jeff herman,span lightyears suggest shape known seahors nebula appear silhouett rich lumin background stars seen toward royal northern constel cepheus dusty obscur cloud part milki way molecular cloud 1200 lightyear distant also list barnard 150 b150 one 182 dark mark sky catalog earli 20th centuri astronom e e barnard pack low mass star form within collaps core visibl long infrar wavelengths still color star cepheu add pretty galact skyscape,dark seahors cepheu,2023-04-20,434,68,-0.009375,04-20,4,2023,20,6,0,3 48bd4dd2586acf6ad2cfd7436a2df72f8779dac700e2aba81b4a101baf51eab0,none,visibl light ngc 1333 seen reflect nebula domin bluish hue characterist starlight reflect interstellar dust mere 1000 lightyear distant toward heroic constel perseus lie edg large starform molecular cloud hubbl space telescop closeup frame region 1 lightyear wide estim distanc ngc 1333 show detail dusti region along telltal hint contrasti red emiss herbigharo objects jet shock glow ga eman recent form stars fact ngc 1333 contain hundr star less million year old still hidden optic telescop pervas stardust chaotic environ may similar one sun form 45 billion year ago hubble stun imag stellar nurseri releas celebr 33rd anniversari space telescope launch watch planet earth annual lyrid meteor shower,ngc 1333 stellar nurseri perseu,2023-04-22,703,108,0.0485347985347985,04-22,4,2023,22,4,2,5 7710ee7fd49e22355fdea4c8ea31829be0f3624a312b5426bcdb4ec1dd984bfd,joey mole,what happen water pictur one better imag yet record waterspout type tornado occur water waterspout spin column rise moist air typic form warm water waterspout danger tornado featur wind speed 200 kilomet per hour waterspout form away thunderstorm even rel fair weather waterspout may rel transpar initi visibl unusu pattern creat water featur imag taken 2013 juli near tampa bay florida atlant ocean coast florida arguabl activ area world waterspouts hundr form year sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,waterspout florida,2023-04-23,517,81,0.475,04-23,4,2023,23,8,1,4 09e8dc47c3705b94b0baf88c296cee7d94067cae587c755d346b8741a600d07e,lorenzo,see aurora past two mani peopl live earth far north did report aurora came northern local usa alaska far south texa arizona huge auror oval extend europ asia too pictured impress red aurora captur last night near town central spain aurora also report part southern spain aurora result strong coron mass event cme occur sun day ago particl cme cross inner solar system collid earth magnetosphere there electron proton spiral earth northern magnet field line collid oxygen nitrogen earth atmosphere caus picturesqu auror glows unusu activ sun may provid futur opportun see northern light southern skies,northern light southern europ,2023-04-25,600,96,0.0887310606060606,04-25,4,2023,25,1,2,1 2c4a5ad4e12d45f7d502e0e0e763ac564c42e6e931207482288b878e8c64189d,stefano,lucki although mani amaz photograph taken someon happen right place right time imag took care planning first angular scale shoot close famou arc de triomph paris france full moon appear small conversely shoot far away moon appear larg fit insid arc second moon appear center insid arc small period time distanc less minute plan featur includ lighting rel brightness height captur good foreground digit processing yes luck involv example sky must clear time plan successful bring two humanity famou icon photograph togeth enjoy today adventur link click above,moon arc de,2023-04-26,560,88,0.178422619047619,04-26,4,2023,26,2,1,1 b25228a938edb9a867ad7766a6b6501bb8e43a7f9f20dacb4fb48160583a058b,none,tarantula nebula also known 30 doradus thousand lightyear diameter giant star form region within nearbi satellit galaxi larg magellan cloud 160 thousand lightyear away largest violent star form region known whole local group galaxies cosmic arachnid near center spectacular imag taken flight pressur balloon imag nasa balloonborn 05 meter telescop float near edg space within wellstudi tarantula ngc 2070 intens radiation stellar wind supernova shock central young cluster massiv stars catalog r136 energ nebular glow shape spideri filaments around tarantula star form region young star clusters filaments blownout bubbleshap clouds field view span 13 degre southern constel dorado,tarantula nebula,2023-04-27,681,98,0.0423076923076922,04-27,4,2023,27,4,2,5 a516a17cf3d0f4597392923227acb2a93ce0eae223e312c8af0f4e557ce6d0c5,none,like ship plow cosmic seas runaway star alpha camelopardali produc grace arc bow wave bow shock massiv supergi star move 60 kilomet per second space compress interstellar materi path center nearli 6 degre wide view alpha cam 2530 time massiv sun 5 time hotter 30000 kelvins 500000 time brighter 4000 lightyear away longneck constel camelopardalis star also produc strong stellar wind alpha cam bow shock stand 10 lightyear star itself set star motion astronom long thought alpha cam flung nearbi cluster young hot star due gravit interact cluster member perhap supernova explos massiv companion star,runaway star alpha camelopardali,2023-04-28,599,95,0.0731481481481481,04-28,4,2023,28,6,2,5 bcfbcb827ab8be1b031495464cf1bbdd72a20aa5b166c92aeda73c120b00fc0f,none,along narrow path mostli avoid landfall shadow new moon race across planet earth southern hemispher april 20 creat rare annulartot hybrid solar eclipse indian ocean coast western australia shipborn eclips chaser abl wit 62 second total though anchor near centerlin total eclips track shipborn imag eclips captur activ sun magnific outer atmospher solar corona stream space composit 11 exposur rang 12 second record extend rang bright follow detail corona quit visibl eye total eclips phase cours eclips tend come pairs may 5 next full moon miss dark inner part earth shadow penumbr lunar eclipse total solar eclips 2023 april gallery notabl submiss apod,solar eclips ship,2023-04-29,653,103,0.0727272727272727,04-29,4,2023,29,2,2,4 499990fcd05ed40b015b4361942d9bfa5c528c5e6ff393353b0c9675ff91358d,none,although color may subtle saturn moon helen enigma light moon imag unpreced detail 2012 robot cassini spacecraft orbit saturn swoop within singl earth diamet diminut moon although convent crater hill appear imag also show terrain appear unusu smooth streaked planetari astronom inspect detail imag helen glean clue origin evolut 30km across float iceberg helen also unusu circl saturn ahead larg moon dione make one four known saturnian moon occupi gravit dimpl known stabl lagrang point,saturn moon helen color,2023-04-30,487,75,0.1555555555555555,04-30,4,2023,30,0,1,2 67a21217eef47d302ba699185d02c31d3cfbbbcbe70aff1bf78630279d64414e,carlo taylor,great carina nebula home strang star icon nebulas name home constellation huge starform region larger brighter great orion nebula less well known far south much human live far north featur imag show great detail northernmost part carina nebula bottom left gabriela mistral nebula consist emiss nebula glow ga ic 2599 surround small open cluster star ngc 3324 imag center larger star cluster ngc 3293 right emiss nebula loden 153 famou occup carina nebula however shown imag lower right bright erratic doom star known eta carina star one brightest star sky predict explod supernova sometim next million years,carina nebula north,2023-05-01,609,97,0.2047960811118706,05-01,5,2023,1,4,2,5 5eff80e40972f58683cb690510e0dfc04fc0f60dd6f9fe053a4d8e616f5d4f34,nasa jplcaltech thompson,mani flat rock mars view plain hill mar show mani rock unusu flat compar rock earth one reason process common mar earth erosion carbondioxid wind mar act like blow around gritti martian sand sand creat differenti erosion rocks wear top stones featur imag captur sever hill cover flattop rock taken last month nasa curios rover mars robot rover roll across mar ten year help uncov mani detail wet windi past earth planetari neighbor take images curios care navig stone slipperi sand climb marker band valley,flat rock hill mar,2023-05-02,506,85,-0.046031746031746,05-02,5,2023,2,5,0,2 7f723b9c41630d78fe983987a9e0b55a2991fd1dce9a88fc9b2265129df10fe8,marco lau tommi text natalia lewandowska suni oswego,galaxi fascinating galaxies graviti alon hold togeth massiv collect stars dust interstellar gas stellar remnant dark matter pictur ngc 5128 better known centauru a cen fifth brightest galaxi sky locat distanc 12 million light year earth warp shape cen result merger ellipt spiral galaxy activ galact nucleu harbor supermass black hole 55 million time massiv sun central black hole eject fast jet visibl radio xray light filament jet visibl red upper left new observ event horizon telescop reveal brighten jet toward edg reason current unknown activ topic research nasa black hole week,centauru a peculiar island star,2023-05-03,585,92,0.1080213903743315,05-03,5,2023,3,7,2,3 2bd89832c2392b872a281743187776c9cba56d22eb7f7aaf81fb06a607219661,none,bright ellipt galaxi messier 87 home supermass black hole captur 2017 planet earth event horizon telescop first ever imag black hole giant virgo galaxi cluster 55 million lightyear away m87 larg galaxi render blue hue infrar imag spitzer space telescope though m87 appear mostli featureless spitzer imag record detail relativist jet blast galaxy central region shown inset top right jet span thousand lightyears brighter jet seen right approach close line sight shock creat otherwis unseen reced jet light fainter arc material inset bottom right histor black hole imag shown center giant galaxi relativist jets complet unresolv spitzer image supermass black hole surround infal materi sourc enorm energi drive relativist jet center activ galaxi m87 event horizon telescop imag m87 enhanc reveal sharper view famou supermass black hole nasa black hole week,galaxy black hole,2023-05-04,855,131,0.0793233082706766,05-04,5,2023,4,7,2,4 31a98da2c0e3302872d05297baf9723fcfeed84e5287e91bc05564c0b03990e9,none,shackleton crater lie lunar south pole peak along rim 21 kilomet diamet crater sunlight floor dark perman shadow still imag shadow rim wall floor shackleton crater captur nasa instrument board korea pathfind lunar orbit launch august 2022 200 time sensit than example lunar reconnaiss orbiter narrow angl camera shadowcam design imag perman shadow region lunar surface avoid direct sunlight region expect reservoir wateric deposit ancient cometari impact use futur moon missions course perman shadow region still illumin reflect sunlight nearbi lunar terrain stunningli detail shadowcam image arrow mark track made singl boulder roll shackleton crater wall imag scale indic bottom frame,,2023-05-05,686,101,-0.0833333333333333,05-05,5,2023,5,2,2,2 39b91eb6b0c90784b31295e33f7fb032e7b51bf1d4c6d151a7c0b82e51b0305c,dario giannobil,transform petal flower 16 exposur show passag day night creativ timelaps skyscape start top move counterclockwis follow consecut moment twilight sky turn ever darker blue night exposur record even april 22 calcul maintain consist balanc light color close western horizon date crescent moon venu two brightest celesti beacons petal petal pair spiral closer center silhouett around center twilight flower megalith rock,twilight flower,2023-05-06,416,61,0.1166666666666666,05-06,5,2023,6,6,1,1 99d5c3914468f6bc4c3f9cef792be434c778a22349e86fc8f6e4a1f2a2b437e9,none,sun look like one day helix nebula one brightest closest exampl planetari nebula ga cloud creat end life sunlik star outer gass star expel space appear vantag point look helix remnant central stellar core destin becom white dwarf star glow light energet caus previous expel ga fluoresce helix nebula given technic design ngc 7293 lie 700 lightyear away toward constel water bearer aquarius span 25 lightyears featur pictur taken canadafrancehawaii telescop cfht locat atop dormant volcano hawaii usa closeup inner edg helix nebula show complex ga knot unknown origin,helix nebula cfht,2023-05-07,566,89,0.0104166666666666,05-07,5,2023,7,4,0,5 c90e4700bf8504321dc62defbe87f8cfddf630670b442e48bf8fd8e71c46ea6e,none,perfect spiral galaxi least one photogenic island univers contain billion star situat 40 million lightyear away toward constel dolphinfish dorado ngc 1566 present gorgeou faceon view classifi grand design spiral ngc 1566 show two promin grace spiral arm trace bright blue star cluster dark cosmic dust lanes numer hubbl space telescop imag ngc 1566 taken studi star formation supernovas spiral unusu activ center images store onlin hubbl legaci archive freeli downloaded combined digit process industri amateur creat featur image ngc 1566 flare center make spiral one closest brightest seyfert galaxies like hous central supermass black hole wreak havoc surround star gas almost hyperspace random apod gener,spanish dancer spiral galaxi,2023-05-08,707,106,0.0487179487179487,05-08,5,2023,8,7,2,3 815a439a63ba23622e4e3d9483673e50dfe6991cd415bfd7b6b72c2cfb0d4db2,marcella giulia pace,find two earth shadow today image bit tricky find first shadow observ top part atmospher appear pink lower part appear blue top half expos direct sunlight lower part not purpl area known belt venus even though venu appear side sky near sun blue color lower atmospher caus earth block sunlight creat earth shadow number 1 now second earth take look moon notic someth unusu lower left area appear unusu dark shadow earth creat earth shadow number 2 precise moon captur lunar eclipse care time imag taken sicily italy juli 2018,shadow earth,2023-05-09,524,90,0.1102564102564102,05-09,5,2023,9,2,0,1 94ea9d1723c144b2c287bdd5858a97176f119985d01244454737488987d5b8ab,none,fomalhaut bright star 25 lightyear voyag planet earth direct constel pisci austrinus astronom first notic fomalhaut excess infrar emiss 1980s space groundbas telescop sinc identifi infrar sourc disk dusti debris evid planetari system surround hot young star sharp infrar imag jame webb space telescope camera reveal detail fomalhaut debri disk never seen includ larg dust cloud outer ring possibl evid collid bodies inner dust disk gap like shape embed unseen planets imag scale bar au astronom units averag earthsun distance appear lower left fomalhaut outer circumstellar dust ring lie twice distanc solar system kuiper belt small ici bodi debri beyond orbit neptune,dusti debri disk,2023-05-11,668,102,0.1138888888888889,05-11,5,2023,11,6,2,4 ae9a236fbeaac31c5fade336c4fca84af65bf03b1901175ec1e50fb05ccc6655,petr horalek,grain cosmic dust streak night sky earli may swept planet earth plow debri stream left behind period comet halley annual meteor shower known eta aquarids year eta aquarid peak visual hamper may bright full moon though earli morn hour surround last may shower halley dust free moonlight interference exposur record april 28 may 8 2022 composit imag show nearli 90 eta aquarid meteor streak shower radiant aquariu san pedro de atacama chile central milki way arc southern hemisphere predawn skies faint band light rise horizon zodiac light caus dust scatter sunlight near solar system eclipt plane along eclipt entrain zodiac glow bright planet venus jupiter mars saturn cours mar recent found like sourc dust along eclipt respons creat zodiac light,halley dust mar dust milki way,2023-05-12,747,120,0.159375,05-12,5,2023,12,6,2,1 abfca4c62ee8bd5297d26ccf3000b08ef2db42e3a04a16858670736c1d54ea76,none,fair planet sport curved sunlit crescent black backdrop space stun photograph unfamiliar perspective earth small and like telescop imag distant planet entir horizon complet within field view enjoy crew board intern space station much closer view planet possibl low earth orbit orbit planet everi 90 minutes spectacl clouds oceans contin scroll beneath partial arc planet edg distance digit restor imag present view far achiev 24 humans apollo astronaut travel moon back 1968 1972 origin photograph taken homeward bound crew apollo 17 decemb 17 1972 last pictur earth planetari perspect taken human,apollo 17 crescent earth,2023-05-13,597,91,0.0602564102564102,05-13,5,2023,13,8,2,2 2fa23d696d1da8de9d39b079408362abeae9674ce3f8e11dec72824314424370,none,would like fli free space 100 meter cargo bay space shuttl challenger bruce mccandless ii live dream float farther anyon ever before guid man maneuv unit mmu astronaut mccandless pictured float free space space shuttl mission 41b 1984 mccandless fellow nasa astronaut robert stewart first experi unteth space mmu work shoot jet nitrogen use help deploy retriev satellites mass 140 kilograms mmu heavi earth but like everything weightless drift orbit mmu later replac safer backpack propuls unit,fli free space,2023-05-14,495,77,0.2372727272727273,05-14,5,2023,14,8,1,2 20013e67983e518b5a7df66142e4a723ee3f4de7982be6f8490392e201b46f3b,gianni lacroc,afar whole thing look like eagle closer look eagl nebula however show bright region actual window center larger dark shell dust window brightlylit workshop appear whole open cluster star formed cavity tall pillar round globul dark dust cold molecular ga remain star still forming alreadi visibl sever young bright blue star whose light wind burn away push back remain filament wall ga dust eagl emiss nebula tag m16 lie 6500 light year away span 20 lightyears visibl binocular toward constel serpent serpens pictur involv long deep exposur combin three specif emit color emit sulfur color hydrogen red oxygen blue,m16 eagl nebula deep field,2023-05-15,613,99,0.069047619047619,05-15,5,2023,15,4,2,5 0bbb2d82c458e0058a1eac443b92ed2984507b8d227d8aec25fa93e7a34aed5e,reinhold wittich,photograph adequ portray magnific sun corona see corona firsthand total solar eclips unparalleled human eye adapt see coron featur extent averag camera usual cannot welcome however digit age featur imag digit combin short long exposur taken australia process highlight faint extend featur corona total solar eclips occur april 2023 clearli visibl intric layer glow caustic ever chang mixtur hot ga magnet field sun corona loop promin appear bright pink past sun edge imag taken second total eclips show glimps background sun known baily bead diamond ring effect next total solar eclips cross north america april 2024 total solar eclips 2023 april gallery notabl submiss apod,total eclipse big corona,2023-05-16,674,105,0.0105263157894736,05-16,5,2023,16,1,2,4 7852d1967f61b3c2bc4a3df9ab55444abffdeaf7b2f362eb175a602b53affa30,mark johnston,would small part sun appear slightli dark visibl closeup pictur sunspots depress sun surfac slightli cooler less bright rest sun sun complex magnet field creat cool region inhibit hot materi enter spots sunspot larger earth typic last week part activ region ar cross sun earli may larg lower sunspot span impress light bridg hot suspend solar gas highresolut pictur also show clearli sun surfac bubbl carpet separ cell hot gas cell known granules solar granul 1000 kilomet across last 15 minutes sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,sunspot light bridg,2023-05-17,546,89,0.0844444444444444,05-17,5,2023,17,1,0,4 fef8edda23976b322350fe6c47497f36f7ea8d57499c536f246e6ba56b8176fa,craig stock,made narrowband filters cosmic snapshot cover field view size full moon within boundari constel cygnus highlight bright edg ringlik nebula trace glow ioniz sulfur hydrogen oxygen gas embed region interstellar cloud ga dust complex glow arc section bubbl shell materi swept wind wolfrayet star wr 134 brightest star near center frame distanc estim put wr 134 6000 lightyear away make frame 50 lightyear across shed outer envelop power stellar winds massiv wolfrayet star burn nuclear fuel prodigi rate end final phase massiv star evolut spectacular supernova explosion stellar wind final supernova enrich interstellar materi heavi element incorpor futur gener stars,wr 134 ring nebula,2023-05-18,664,100,0.185,05-18,5,2023,18,4,2,5 38bde4bb9569bd82ddae05ec4fec501bfce51c805f7971bc58427110d9d3c9c1,sophi,bright spiral galaxi northern sky messier 63 nearby 30 million lightyear distant toward loyal constel cane venatici also catalog ngc 5055 majest island univers nearli 100000 lightyear across size milki way bright core majest spiral arm lend galaxi popular name sunflow galaxy except deep exposur also follow faint arc star stream far galaxy halo extend nearli 180000 lightyear galact center star stream like remnant tidal disrupt satellit m63 satellit galaxi m63 spot remark widefield image includ faint dwarf galaxies could contribut m63 star stream next billion years,curli spiral galaxi m63,2023-05-19,569,87,0.1121212121212121,05-19,5,2023,19,7,2,3 8b5e05eb0066f768111882ae974418e8634b6143ab9735911c3af974c5db41df,none,loop jovian system late 1990s galileo spacecraft record stun view europa uncov evid moon ici surfac like hide deep global ocean galileo europa imag data remast here improv calibr produc color imag approxim human eye might see europa long curv fractur hint subsurfac liquid water tidal flex larg moon experi ellipt orbit around jupit suppli energi keep ocean liquid tantal possibl even absenc sunlight process could also suppli energi support life make europa one best place look life beyond earth kind life could thrive deep dark subsurfac ocean consid planet earth extrem shrimp,galileo europa,2023-05-20,579,93,0.1222222222222222,05-20,5,2023,20,8,2,4 028e973f49e8a19903510b469bfff8dd0fc707efa497a72764fc27ea2d3bc6b7, oliv scienc scienc imag,alien probabl not anim earth tardigrad might best candidate that tardigrad known abl go decad without food water surviv temperatur near absolut zero well boil point water surviv pressur near zero well ocean floors surviv direct exposur danger radiations farrang test 2011 outsid orbit space shuttle tardigrad durabl partli repair dna reduc bodi water content percent miniatur almost becam 2011 launch toward martian moon phobos 2021 launch toward earth moon former launch latter land tardigrad common human across earth pictur colorenhanc electron tardigrad sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,moss,2023-05-21,608,91,0.0833333333333333,05-21,5,2023,21,8,2,2 fe4cca71107c0aa1db5deb1da028ab95b68d0f4c3a2a082d8374edbcb5a9005e,craig stock,nearbi star explod humanity telescop turn monitor it supernova dub sn discov japanes astronom koichi itagaki three day ago subsequ locat autom imag zwicki transient facil two day earlier sn 2023ixf occur photogen pinwheel galaxi m101 which 21 million light year away make closest supernova seen past five years second closest past 10 years second supernova found m101 past 15 years rapid follow observ alreadi indic sn 2023ixf type ii supernova explos occur massiv star run nuclear fuel featur imag show home spiral galaxi two day ago supernova highlighted imag show galaxi month before sn 2023ixf like brighten remain visibl telescop months studi close young type ii supernova may yield new clue massiv star explode,supernova discov nearbi spiral galaxi m101,2023-05-22,716,115,-0.0126262626262626,05-22,5,2023,22,6,2,4 2c3081c7f4fdeb2ff70c438290e06e3c7cb74ec65490e50d551834a13c0d10c1,none,big storm differ jupiter earth huge hurrican coloss cyclon center region low pressure jupiter storm largest earth larg storm last weeks jupit last years earth larg storm larg jupiter larg storm larg planet earth type storm known exhibit lightning featur imag jupiter cloud compos imag data captur robot juno spacecraft swoop close massiv planet august 2020 swirl white oval visibl nearby numer smaller cloud swirl extend distance jupiter lightcolor cloud usual higher dark clouds despit differences studi storm cloud distant jupit provid insight storm weather pattern familiar earth surf universe random apod gener,jupiter swirl juno,2023-05-23,614,93,-0.0053571428571428,05-23,5,2023,23,8,2,4 fd823fe73ae3b5e659725452856e1c309e3dda403d829e37b2e3d9dec1d44186,rick natalia lewandowska suni oswego,sometim wit moon move directli front call occult one planet solar system earlier month planet jupiter captur moment jupit reappear behind surfac moon moon third quarter two day dark new moon now moon continu half lit sun third quarter rel littl half seen earth pictured moon align behind famou lick observatori california usa summit mount hamilton coincidentally lick enabl discoveri moon jupiter amalthea last visual detect moon jupit galileo observations gallery moon occult jupit 2023 notabl submiss apod,observatori align moon jupit,2023-05-24,509,78,-0.1042699724517906,05-24,5,2023,24,2,0,2 7dec7c9c0e855ded1039dee04775c2757793be32eea21726a8e172dc7aafbb6c,jeanfrançoi bax,cat eye nebula ngc 6543 one best known planetari nebula sky familiar outlin seen brighter central region nebula impress wideangl view wide deep imag combin data two telescop also reveal extrem faint outer halo estim distanc 3000 lightyears faint outer halo 5 lightyear across planetari nebula long appreci final phase life sunlik star recently planetari nebula found halo like one like form materi shrug earlier episod star evolution planetari nebula phase thought last around 10000 years astronom estim age outer filamentari portion halo 50000 90000 years visibl right 50 million lightyear beyond watch planetari nebula lie spiral galaxi ngc 6552,cat eye wide deep,2023-05-25,647,100,0.0392857142857142,05-25,5,2023,25,4,2,5 dc92d8dd1b815d37d9e02357df3b3a39b0e6138740a9b2461a179d76338c44ce,abdullah alharbi,galaxi virgo cluster scatter across nearli 4 degre wide telescop field view 50 million lightyear distant virgo cluster closest larg galaxi cluster local galaxi group promin virgo bright ellipt galaxi messier catalog m87 bottom center m84 m86 top bottom near top left m84 m86 recogn part markarian chain visual strike lineup galaxi left side frame near middl chain lie intrigu interact pair galaxies ngc 4438 ngc 4435 known markarian eyes cours giant ellipt galaxi m87 domin virgo cluster home super massiv black hole first black hole ever imag planet earth event horizon telescope,virgo cluster galaxi,2023-05-26,580,93,0.1088235294117647,05-26,5,2023,26,7,2,3 35bcbba76651cdb6651af18be5637dd6fb58b25f7a0108a4d116f3e5c3d82079,none,glide outer solar system 1989 voyag 2 spacecraft look toward sun find view distant planet neptun moon triton togeth crescent phase eleg imag planet largest moon taken behind voyager closest approach could taken earth distant planet never show crescent phase sunward eyes head heliopaus beyond spacecraft part vantag point also rob neptun familiar blue hue,crescent neptun triton,2023-05-27,355,55,-0.045,05-27,5,2023,27,1,0,2 09f9ab00e298d88b425469141b7e5d4a7de1f7dc2ed6887c5a1e88795fe763ce,none,asteroid moon robot spacecraft galileo rout jupit 1993 encount photograph two asteroid long interplanetari voyage second minor planet photographed 243 ida unexpectedli discov moon tini moon dactyl 16 kilomet across seen small dot right sharpen featur image contrast potatoshap ida much larger measur 60 kilomet long 25 km wide dactyl first moon asteroid ever discov mani asteroid known moons name ida dactyl greek mythology,ida dactyl asteroid moon,2023-05-28,424,64,0.0035714285714285,05-28,5,2023,28,2,0,2 11d19f41e9d361375f7c45688ef02055a069dd376e38184022b0716d19d99acf,petr horálek institut physic,glow there answer sea sky sea unusu blue glow bioluminescence specifically glimmer aris noctiluca scintillans singlecel plankton stimul lap waves plankton use glow illumin midfebruari display island maldiv intens astrophotograph describ turquois sky contrast familiar glow star nebulas white band rise green plant creat billion star central disk milki way galaxy also visibl sky star cluster omega centauri toward left famou southern cross aster center redglow nebula includ bright carina nebula right center expans gum nebula upper right,milki way wonderland,2023-05-29,538,78,0.0890306122448979,05-29,5,2023,29,6,0,5 ef0f6f5531363da88cec409a45ab6e8b12c405ee40174f64bbd22d2585868c7e,patrick a,becom sun quit possibly first hint sun futur discov inadvert 1764 time charl messier compil list diffus object confus comets 27th object messier list known m27 dumbbel nebula planetari nebula one brightest planetari nebula sky visibl binocular toward constel fox vulpecula take light 1000 year reach us m27 featur color emit sulfur red hydrogen green oxygen blue know 6 billion years sun shed outer gase planetari nebula like m27 remain center becom xray hot white dwarf star understand physic signific m27 well beyond 18th centuri science though even today mani thing remain mysteri planetari nebulas includ intric shape created,m27 dumbbel nebula,2023-05-30,629,99,0.075,05-30,5,2023,30,4,2,5 84ed9c9b3a0a6cf1091a30853638d1ed609a1e291433e48a652715d6fe291b9e,none,massiv star milki way galaxi live spectacular lives collaps vast cosmic clouds nuclear furnac ignit creat heavi element cores million years enrich materi blast back interstellar space star format begin anew expand debri cloud known cassiopeia exampl final phase stellar life cycle light explos creat supernova remnant would first seen planet earth sky 350 year ago although took light 11000 year reach us falsecolor image compos xray optic imag data chandra xray observatori hubbl space telescope show still hot filament knot remnant span 30 lightyear estim distanc cassiopeia a highenergi xray emiss specif element color coded silicon red sulfur yellow calcium green iron purple help astronom explor recycl galaxy star stuff still expanding outer blast wave seen blue hues bright speck near center neutron star incred dense collaps remain massiv stellar core,recycl cassiopeia,2023-06-01,859,132,0.1686868686868686,06-01,6,2023,1,6,2,4 f3ed1769c97ba0a053bab9a7d71fddb35296bdb872331874076043a1055e5405,none,big beauti spiral galaxi m101 one last entri charl messier famou catalog definit one least 170000 lightyear across galaxi enormous almost twice size milki way m101 also one origin spiral nebula observ lord rosse larg 19th centuri telescope leviathan parsontown assembl 51 exposur record hubbl space telescop 20th 21st centuries addit data ground base telescopes mosaic span 40000 lightyear across central region m101 one highest definit spiral galaxi portrait ever releas hubble sharp imag show stun featur galaxy faceon disk star dust along background galaxies visibl right m101 itself also known pinwheel galaxy m101 lie within boundari northern constel ursa major 25 million lightyear away,messier 101,2023-06-02,692,105,-0.0797077922077922,06-02,6,2023,2,7,2,3 f5fded32559bbeceeb2e498318fa6a98dde5750fc7a8cbbe36909669cae6d46e,none,darken mysteri north polar region known mordor macula cap premier highresolut view portrait charon pluto largest moon captur new horizon near spacecraft closest approach juli 14 2015 combin blue red infrar data process enhanc color follow variat charon surfac properti resolut 29 kilomet 18 miles stun imag charon plutofac hemisphere also featur clear view appar moongirdl belt fractur canyon seem separ smooth southern plain vari northern terrain charon 1214 kilomet 754 miles across that 110th size planet earth whop 12 diamet pluto itself make largest satellit rel parent bodi solar system still moon appear small bump 1 oclock posit pluto disk grainy pictur inset upper left view use jame robert us naval observatori flagstaff discov charon june 1978,charon moon pluto,2023-06-03,754,118,0.0157287157287157,06-03,6,2023,3,8,2,4 cd5b6644ba5630620453e7b6e47268655dbee163e9c49c19c6a9a535507107c4,none,fun color universe think so pleas accept famou astronom illustr preliminari you friends parent children print even color digitally coloring might interest know even though illustr appear numer place past 100 years actual artist remain unknown furthermore work accept name think good one illustration first appear book frequent use show humanity present concept suscept supplant greater,color univers,2023-06-04,386,56,0.15,06-04,6,2023,4,8,1,1 de31e06fa3f830511ac5abf73aa8048c96b936c877f12e7bbfbff00a5d0dd96a,martin pugh,what happen center trifid nebula three promin dust lane give trifid name come together mountain opaqu dust appear near bottom dark filament dust visibl thread throughout nebula singl massiv star visibl near center caus much trifid glow trifid catalog m20 300000 year old make among youngest emiss nebula known star form nebula lie 9000 light year away toward constel archer sagittarius region pictur span 20 light years portal universe random apod gener,center trifid nebula,2023-06-05,453,72,0.045,06-05,6,2023,5,4,0,3 c1b3d9256f00f2f4253848e09c1a11b7eb9c9a608b7913cc6de541d7363361df,brian,galaxi ring star ga m94 two first spiral galaxi m94 inner ring newli form star surround nucleus give unusu appear also strong interior glow lead origin hypothesi hold elong knot star known bar rotat m94 gener burst star format inner ring observ also reveal anoth ring outer ring one faint differ color rel complex caus outer ring current unknown m94 pictur here span 45000 light year total lie 15 million light year away seen small telescop toward constel hunt dog cane venatici apod access via,m94 doubl ring galaxi,2023-06-07,495,85,0.0277777777777777,06-07,6,2023,7,6,0,3 66b02f39a29b8a23f03c45282cc1fa2f5609324abed035dbe69267a01710f5eb,stevecannistra,like illustr galact story elephant trunk nebula wind emiss region young star cluster complex ic 1396 high far constel cepheus seen left cosmic elephant trunk also known vdb 142 20 lightyear long detail telescop view featur bright sweptback ridg pocket cool interstellar dust ga abound region dark tendrilshap cloud contain raw materi star format hide protostar within nearli 3000 lightyear distant rel faint ic 1396 complex cover larg region sky span 5 degrees rendit span 1 degre wide field view though angular size 2 full moons cours dark shape right outstretch elephant trunk known caravan,elephant trunk caravan,2023-06-08,592,95,0.0097026502908855,06-08,6,2023,8,4,2,5 56ccfa339d674b7ae7a8b7316ce487ed7a4a53ba5b6e381f81e771f69a46f544,none,deep field mosaick imag present stun view galaxi cluster abel 2744 record jame webb space telescope nircam also dub pandora cluster abel 2744 appear ponder merger three differ massiv galaxi clusters lie 35 billion lightyear away toward constel sculptor domin dark matter warp distort spacetime gravit lens even distant objects redder pandora cluster galaxi mani lens sourc distant galaxi earli universe lens imag stretch distort arcs cours distinct diffract spike mark foreground milki way stars pandora cluster estim distanc cosmic box span 6 million lightyears panic explor tantal region 2 minut video,pandora cluster galaxi,2023-06-09,603,92,-0.0083333333333333,06-09,6,2023,9,7,2,3 0d5c01e2a436871c4fbeee0a8bf6af3e122f7ae1d8034ae1cf0bfd96e9968998,bright mar,month bright mar brilliant venu promin celesti beacon planet earth western sky sunset wander constel cancer crab red planet captur even june 3 near star open cluster messier 44 recogn sinc antiqu nearby nakedey star cluster also known praesep beehiv cluster swarm star much younger sun beehiv cluster mere 600 lightyear distant seen yellowish hue mar 17 lightminut away june 1213 venu take turn pose next star beehiv cluster dazzl light venu make beehiv star difficult see eye alone,mar beehiv,2023-06-10,482,79,0.0833333333333333,06-10,6,2023,10,6,0,5 cf600ba3d1d6cffdb31d2adb780b2cfcbb9b5c784133ceecfc62bab80e70721f,none,visibl color sun produc pass sun light prismlik device spectrum creat mcmathpierc solar observatori shows first off although whiteappear sun emit light nearli everi color appear brightest yellowgreen light dark patch featur spectrum aris ga sun surfac absorb sunlight emit below sinc differ type ga absorb differ color light possibl determin gass compos sun helium example first discov solar spectrum later found earth today major spectral absorpt line identifi all,sun miss color,2023-06-11,466,70,0.2236111111111111,06-11,6,2023,11,1,1,4 fa4a7a7f7d74399f8d3d4ee696aaf6fe0baf6634a87fd3488f4ac6e6d65bfe2b,yang,what near moon it intern space station iss although iss may appear physic near moon physic near earth low earth orbit circul around big blue marbl everi 90 minutes iss captur photograph cross nearli front moon moon monthlong orbit around earth show crescent phase curv sliver sunillumin half visibl earth featur imag taken late march shanghai china show detail earth largest humanmad satellite detail crater barren surfac earth largest natur satellite next years human plan send peopl machin moon ever before,largest satellit earth,2023-06-12,509,81,-0.0151515151515151,06-12,6,2023,12,2,0,2 8251224bbba159e05e60a13010ccb8d01016283208a167d7750c597c4baac455,stephen,sea earth larg enough contain shark nebula predat apparit pose us danger compos interstellar ga dust dark dust like featur somewhat like cigarett smoke creat cool atmospher giant stars expel ga gravit recondensing massiv star may carv intric structur birth cloud use high energi light fast stellar wind sculpt tools heat gener evapor murki molecular cloud well caus ambient hydrogen ga dispers glow red disintegration human enjoy imagin great cloud common icons like water cloud earth includ smaller dust nebula lynd dark nebula 1235 van den bergh 149 150 shark nebula span 15 light year lie 650 light year away toward constel king aethiopia cepheus,shark nebula,2023-06-14,650,105,0.1623529411764706,06-14,6,2023,14,4,2,5 b56a7224a62271ab3a8dc98fae2c25d694c36019453228958072dfc3c6d3b2e3,none,messier 15 immens swarm 100000 stars 13 billion year old relic earli form year galaxi one 170 globular star cluster still roam halo milki way center sharp reprocess hubbl image m15 lie 35000 lightyear away toward constel pegasus diamet 200 lightyears half star pack central 10 lightyear so make one densest concentr star known hubblebas measur increas veloc m15 central star evid massiv black hole resid center dens cluster m15 also known harbour planetari nebula call 1 aka 1 seen imag small blue blob right center,m15 dens globular star cluster,2023-06-15,515,86,-0.0518849206349206,06-15,6,2023,15,6,0,3 2719f7fe536c5461bb6e1dd351265e2e7134b309090fcfa3586ea81622af143f,bernd,seren view coast sweden look across baltic sea compress time present passag one night singl photograph sunset sunrise moonlight illumin creativ sea skyscape fleet clouds fix stars flow northern light leav trace planet earth sky construct timelaps image 3296 video frame record night nearli full moon local time time progress left right singl column pixel taken correspond individu frame combin sequenc singl digit imag 3296 pixel wide happi birthday apod,sunset sunris baltic sea,2023-06-16,454,70,0.1336734693877551,06-16,6,2023,16,8,1,1 58e0add6875d1181bd4e3c4e52085cf7ec19de05041489e8a7a5d91838a8e38d,imag team,would cloud form hexagon saturn nobodi sure origin discov voyag flybi saturn 1980s nobodi ever seen anyth like anywher els solar system acquir first sunlit view far northern saturn late 2012 cassini spacecraft wideangl camera record stunning falsecolor imag ring planet north pole composit nearinfrar imag data result red hue low cloud green high ones give saturnian cloudscap vivid appearance similar imag show stabil hexagon even 20 year voyager movi saturn north pole show cloud structur maintain hexagon structur rotating unlik individu cloud appear like hexagon earth saturn cloud pattern appear six well defin side nearli equal length four earth could fit insid hexagon beyond cloud top upper right arc planet eyecatch ring tint bright blue,saturn northern hexagon,2023-06-18,746,116,0.1678174603174603,06-18,6,2023,18,0,2,4 94344b115d5a82c37b13bfa12f2202ad10149e622254ec57bb9c21d72460c4cc,none,center lagoon nebula whirlwind spectacular star formation visibl near imag center least two long funnelshap clouds roughli half lightyear long form extrem stellar wind intens energet starlight tremend bright nearbi star herschel 36 light area vast wall dust hide redden hot young stars energi star pour cool dust gas larg temperatur differ adjoin region creat gener shear wind may caus funnels picture span 15 light years combin imag taken four color orbit hubbl space telescope lagoon nebula also known m8 lie 5000 light year distant toward constel archer sagittarius,busi center lagoon nebula,2023-06-19,568,89,0.149074074074074,06-19,6,2023,19,4,1,5 df2adfa3adbf111c183537ea3b28ec72e5e4dc2da9439f9b4e10eb3cf4bb1a6d,fefo,seen bird milki way beyond man moon night sky fill stories cultur throughout histori project endur legend onto star dust above gener peopl see celesti icons hear associ stories pass down pictur segment central band milki way galaxy but accord folklor sever nativ peopl uruguay outlin great bird call furthermore footprint associ southern cross asterism foreground silhouette statu indigen woman peopl live 1800 endur symbol composit imag taken midapril cabo uruguay atlant ocean background,milki way,2023-06-20,489,74,0.1115440115440115,06-20,6,2023,20,6,1,1 4b8fac36e1cefeb5954bbe6858b86b2ba71392db2aca9c2fe43d6545173b367f,marcella giulia pace giusepp de,sun follow path everi day no sun path chang year trace longer rout summer winter pictur here sun arc captur noon sunset three days highest sky summer solstice equinox winter solstice imag taken near villag sicily itali 2020 2021 path time sun spend sky import determin season close earth sun fact earth closest sun january northern winter today solstice today sun take longest path year across sky earth northern hemisphere shortest path southern hemisphere,three sun path,2023-06-21,457,74,0.05,06-21,6,2023,21,1,0,1 56a3ad8d838b04f4db25c7413d89aa7f5da3e2f4a12f8e1aa81902ac9dee941f,alessandro bare,cosmic dust cloud cross rich field star telescop vista near northern boundari corona australis southern crown part sprawl molecular cloud complex star form region mere 500 lightyear away that one third distanc famou stellar nurseri known orion nebula 2 degre wide frame would span 15 lightyear clouds estim distance mix bright nebulos dust cloud effect block light distant background star milki way obscur view embed star still process formation larg dark nebula left right group pretti reflect nebula catalog ngc 6726 6727 6729 ic 4812 characterist blue color produc light hot star reflect cosmic dust compact ngc 6729 surround young variabl star r corona australis it filamentari arc loop identifi herbig haro object associ energet newborn stars fact heart area lie coronet cluster one nearest activ star form regions,star dust across corona australi,2023-06-22,819,129,0.0900375939849624,06-22,6,2023,22,4,2,5 f0ab4849a8dd3082414770aca357b2dfdaf8593ea04b9f935729608d41ce10cf,mike selbi,500000 light year across ngc 6872 top right truli enorm bar spiral galaxy least 5 time size larg milki way appear giant galaxy distort stretch spiral arm suggest magnific wing giant cours popular monik condor galaxy lie 200 million lightyear distant toward southern constel pavo line starform regions distort spiral arm due ngc 6872 gravit interact nearbi smaller galaxi ic 4970 seen giant galaxy core pavo galaxi group domin giant ellipt galaxy ngc left soar condor galaxy,giant galaxi,2023-06-23,473,77,0.0900510204081632,06-23,6,2023,23,7,0,3 f79f52ba8f1b095c94c16c41e07e1a3cd8c5ee0ee7c248b2126a483efd4b9b52,none,stereo imag mastcamz persever rover zoom captur 3d closeup redblu mar ingenu helicopt mission sol that 2021 april 5 cast shadow martian surface ingenu stand alon four land leg next rover wheel tracks experiment helicopter solar panel batteri keep warm cold martian night power flight sit ingenuity two 12 meter 4 foot long counterrot thirteen sol later april 19 ingenu becam first aircraft perform powered control flight anoth planet sinc gone complet 50 flight thin atmospher mars,3d ingenu,2023-06-24,481,77,-0.0285714285714285,06-24,6,2023,24,5,0,2 187bb62084459dad6b509d6ff79591d9fb9a280648df03c0c2fb40f599d03c38,none,lightn occur earth no spacecraft solar system detect lightn planets includ mars jupit saturn lightn like venus uranus neptune lightn sudden rush electr charg particl one locat another earth draft collid ice water droplet usual creat charg separation happen jupiter imag data nasa jupiterorbit juno spacecraft bolster previou specul jovian lightn also creat cloud contain water ice featur juno photograph optic flash captur larg cloud vortex near jupiter north pole next months juno perform sever close sweep jupiter night side like allow robot probe captur data imag jovian lightning,lightn jupit,2023-06-25,583,89,-0.0375,06-25,6,2023,25,8,0,2 7d002f9cb0f116c24da6e9dbb395abbedc1d9bddda194e1f1dab1f35fc9235a8,soumyadeep mukherje,sure seen it might notic it cloudless twilight sunris sunset part atmospher horizon appear slightli dark call belt venus transit band dark eclips sky bright day sky seen promin direct opposit sun straight above blue sky normal sunlight reflect atmosphere near horizon clear sky appear orang red belt venus atmospher reflect light set or rising sun appear red featur here belt venu photograph sever himalayan mountain including second right mount everest tallest mountain earth although usual mentioned belt frequent caught accid photographs,belt venu mount everest,2023-06-26,540,82,0.1150375939849624,06-26,6,2023,26,1,1,1 093a9ac1ee4b806e3367da1e7efa1ca544ba65df30c6731b47bff4b9b5e3b795,none,two global view mar captur ultraviolet wavelengths beyond spectrum visibl human eyes record maven spacecraft imag ultraviolet spectrograph instrument juli 2022 left januari 2023 three otherwis invis ultraviolet band map red green blue colors color scheme present red planet surfac featur shade tan green haze cloud appear white blue high altitud ozon take dramat purpl hue left mars south polar ice cap brilliant white bottom shrink southern hemisphere summer season right northern hemisphere polar region seen shroud cloud atmospher ozone known mar atmospher volatil evolut spacecraft maven explor mars tenuou upper atmosphere ionosphere interact sun solar wind sinc 2014,ultraviolet mar,2023-06-27,672,99,0.0389523809523809,06-27,6,2023,27,5,2,4 bcf65af958b938c5148c3cde2807ffe4886e8e45b1a5da0a8848da8bd5f2b211,emmanuel,unlik entri charl messier famou catalog deep sky objects m24 bright galaxy star cluster nebula gap nearby obscur interstellar dust cloud allow view distant star sagittariu spiral arm milki way galaxy direct gaze gap binocular small telescop look window 300 lightyear wide star 10000 lightyear earth sometim call small sagittariu star cloud m24 lumin star fill gorgeou starscape cover 3 degre width 6 full moon constel sagittarius telescop field view includ dark mark b92 b93 near center along cloud dust glow nebula toward center milki way,messier 24 sagittariu star cloud,2023-06-28,539,86,0.0166666666666666,06-28,6,2023,28,6,0,5 0586d5b6f6ebd133618f49d917963c2a39c124e29b3e464950d9072526ef5db6,none,monitor 68 pulsar larg radio telescopes north american observatori gravit wave uncov evid gravit wave background care measur slight shift arriv time shift differ pulsar way indic caus gw background like due hundr thousand even million supermass black hole binaries team europe asia australia also independ report result today previously ligo virgo detector detect gw merg individu pair massiv orbit objects black holes featur illustr highlight result depict two orbit supermass black hole sever pulsar would appear slight time imprint gw make spacetim illustr distort grid open science brows 3000 code astrophys sourc code librari,messag gravit univers,2023-06-29,630,95,-0.1249999999999999,06-29,6,2023,29,8,0,4 8d94d16f4c2d4272fc035c70c40a7ae0c1110781d7d5d329394514d213b604da,none,asteroid dangerous are likelihood danger asteroid strike earth given year low past mass extinct event link asteroid impacts however human made prioriti find catalog asteroid may one day affect life earth pictur orbit 1000 known potenti hazard asteroid phas document tumbl boulder rock ice 140 meter across pass within 75 million kilomet earth 20 time distanc moon although none strike earth next 100 year pha discovered past 100 years mani orbit becom hard predict asteroid size impact earth could rais danger tsunamis example investig nasa success test doubl asteroid redirect test mission last year course rock ice bit much smaller size strike earth everi day usual pose danger sometim creat memor firebal meteor displays today is asteroid day,orbit potenti hazard asteroid,2023-06-30,747,118,-0.1451388888888889,06-30,6,2023,30,8,2,2 06e579d593a19ac6cdd70d39f97269b94a29e00cdc1bec9e06e4d7f5aafe059e,david vernet jeanfrançoi bax serg brunier,tantal trio galaxi sometim call draco group locat northern constel you guess it draco dragon left right faceon spiral ngc 5985 ellipt galaxi ngc 5982 edgeon spiral ngc 5981 found within singl telescop field view span littl width full moon group far small galaxi cluster catalogu compact galaxi group three galaxi lie roughli 100 million lightyear planet earth well known tight group galaxies contrast visual appear still make triplet attract subject astroimagers close examin spectrographs bright core strike spiral ngc 5985 show promin emiss specif wavelength light prompt astronom classifi seyfert type activ galaxy impress deep exposur hint faint dim halo along sharpedg shell surround ellipt ngc 5982 evid past galact mergers also reveal mani even distant background galaxies,three galaxi draco,2023-07-01,779,119,0.0326984126984127,07-01,7,2023,1,7,2,3 3ae48f2df93e6330063bb04ec38c6bb6c4447182e4aff15c4efa045dbcacc291,li hang,one better sky long night part antarctica winter sun spend week horizon china zhongshan station peopl sometim ventur cold photograph spectacular night sky featur imag one outing taken midjuli 2015 end polar night point up wide angl len captur ground bottom top well foreground colleagu take pictures distance spheric satellit receiv sever visible numer star dot night sky includ siriu far background stretch overhead horizon horizon central band milki way galaxy even distance visibl extend smudg near top larg small magellan clouds satellit galaxi near huge milki way galaxy explor universe random apod gener,milki way aurora antarctica,2023-07-02,609,94,0.0811111111111111,07-02,7,2023,2,6,2,1 17c9204d5e289bc4f681782f3e612000213122ef42b68ac9560e2286fa787c7d,cari leteli,seem like sky exploded origin idea photograph aurora waterfall wait hour opaqu clouds though hope run out other left then unexpectedly cloud move away suddenly particl larg solar magnet storm visibl impact earth upper atmospher full effect night sky fill color motion thrill auror display steadi camera high earthli winds 34 exposur compos featur imag taken result featur composit imag show photogen waterfal northern iceland front activ aurora late february solar surfac explos expel energet particl occur day before sun show impress amount surfac activ approach solar maximum indic impress aurora like appear earth northern southern sky next years,aurora iceland waterfal,2023-07-04,649,99,0.0185,07-04,7,2023,4,1,2,1 6cbba8b8cc37a41fd8bcd450c0c4897f2417aa7580851e419f2d9bc36d61709d,b n nasa,could see edg observ universe would see galaxies galaxies galaxies then well quasars bright center distant galaxies expand understand largest scale human see map galaxi quasar found sloan digit sky survey 2000 2020 near edg observ univers featur here one wedg survey encompass 200000 galaxi quasar beyond time 12 billion year cosmolog redshift 5 almost everi dot nearbi lower part illustr repres galaxy red indic increas redshift distance similarly almost everi dot upper part repres distant quasar dot closer red clearli shown among mani discoveries graviti galaxi caus nearbi univers condens becom increasingli filamentari distant universe detail relat today apod,map observ univers,2023-07-05,667,100,0.0363636363636363,07-05,7,2023,5,7,2,3 dd4ece3cd6a119ea0e12926e1522bf7b3020a938850ceee467ebf58fdf23a337,michael seeley,juli 4 almost full moon rose planet earth even skies also known buck moon full lunar phase full juli 3 utc near perigee closest point moon almost monthli orbit around planet earth july full moon supermoon first four supermoon 2023 seen cocoa beach along florida space coast juli 4 big bright beauti full moon would still compet attent though july captur firework display,firework vs supermoon,2023-07-06,370,63,0.34,07-06,7,2023,6,2,1,1 699607f92d202c28acef6c2d52489b0b398595e71f314200511178323d5cc66b,none,stickney crater largest crater martian moon phobos name chloe angelin stickney hall mathematician wife astronom asaph hall asaph hall discov red planet moon 1877 9 kilomet across stickney nearli half diamet phobo itself larg impact blast crater like came close shatter tini moon enhancedcolor imag stickney surround record hiris camera onboard mar reconnaiss orbit pass within six thousand kilomet phobo march 2008 even though surfac graviti asteroidlik phobo less 11000th earth gravity streak suggest loos materi slid insid crater wall time light bluish region near crater rim could indic rel freshli expos surface origin curiou groov along surfac mysteri may relat tidal stress experienc phobo craterform impact itself,stickney crater,2023-07-08,720,108,0.0333333333333333,07-08,7,2023,8,5,2,4 7aa90d56aa3dd093bfa11d7fb03b921666337193a1b2793aba740e1c1c5d8165,nasa esa process judi schmidt,carina may explode one know may next year may one million year now eta carinae mass 100 time greater sun make excel candid full blown supernova histor record show 170 year ago eta carina underw unusu outburst made one brightest star southern sky eta carinae keyhol nebula star current thought emit natur laser light featur imag bring detail unusu nebula surround rogu star diffract spikes caus telescope visibl bright multicolor streak eman eta carinae center two distinct lobe homunculu nebula encompass hot central region strang radial streak visibl red extend toward imag right lobe fill lane ga dust absorb blue ultraviolet light emit near center streaks however remain unexplained,doom star eta carina,2023-07-09,688,109,0.1913533834586466,07-09,7,2023,9,4,2,5 64430778867e320e8a1e1462804f3b9ac1a895c4fff3bd988bafc194a8674a46,adam,star form pandemonium reigns textbook case star form region ngc 6559 visibl featur imag red glow emiss nebula hydrogen blue reflect nebula dust dark absorpt nebula dust star form them first massiv star form dens ga emit energet light wind erode fragment sculpt birthplace explode result morass beauti complex ten million years dust boil away ga get swept away left bare open cluster stars,stars dust nebula ngc 6559,2023-07-10,388,64,0.025,07-10,7,2023,10,4,0,5 7809b13bf6e0d0bac1c88beb582a9edac92930c2f9e3b236d4222d70956d977e,none,sun activ now one sure increas surfac activ expect sun approach solar maximum 2025 however last month sun sprout sunspot month entir previou 11year solar cycl even date back 2002 featur pictur composit imag taken everi day januari june nasa solar dynam observatory show high abund sunspots larg individu spot track across sun disk left right two weeks solar cycl continues sunspot typic appear closer equator sunspot one way sun display surfac activ anoth flare coron mass eject cmes expel particl solar system sinc particl affect astronaut track surfac disturb aesthet value conversely solar activ high aesthet valu earth atmospher trigger aurora,sunspot activ sun,2023-07-11,650,102,0.1579591836734693,07-11,7,2023,11,1,2,4 e36f953938c7fa3545ed7d8623d019d35751b523d643f2cae0d9c9875a7eb136,none,spiral galaxi ring around center spiral galaxi ngc 1398 ring pearli stars ga dust around center bar star ga across center spiral arm appear like ribbon farther out featur deep imag observatorio el sauc chile show grand spiral galaxi impress detail ngc 1398 lie 65 million light year distant mean light see today left galaxi dinosaur disappear earth photogen galaxi visibl small telescop toward constel furnac fornax ring near center like expand densiti wave star formation caus either gravit encount anoth galaxy galaxy gravit asymmetries,ring spiral galaxi ngc 1398,2023-07-12,538,85,0.0259615384615384,07-12,7,2023,12,7,0,3 2061e7eed309f1cd91e9b6d1f259e27f0f2f0500ac1fdaae3e073dfc99e4ce89,none,mere lightyear away sunlik star futur planetari system form rho ophiuchi molecular cloud complex closest starform region fair planet jame webb space telescope nircam peer nearbi natal chao captur infrar imag inspir scale spectacular cosmic snapshot releas celebr success first year webb explor universe frame span less lightyear across rho ophiuchi region contain 50 young stars brighter star clearli sport webb characterist pattern diffract spikes huge jet shock molecular hydrogen blast newborn star red image large yellowish dusti caviti carv energet young star near center near star stun imag shadow cast protoplanetari disks,webb rho ophiuchi,2023-07-13,629,93,0.1198412698412698,07-13,7,2023,13,4,2,5 6208706ff71da462f5f4156223eb662bfdf9b779ad0c3fd802b0057b17493add,dan bartlett,comet c2023 e1 atlas spot march anoth comet found nasa fund asteroid terrestrialimpact last alert system juli 1 comet atla reach perihelion closest approach sun day later telescop comet captur frame sport pretti greenish coma faint narrow ion tail background star far northern constel ursa minor comet closest approach earth still come though august 18 visitor inner solar system mere 3 lightminut fair planet base eclipt plane orbit period 85 year c2023 e1 atlas consid comet,comet atla near perihelion,2023-07-14,476,76,-0.1227272727272727,07-14,7,2023,14,3,0,2 b14b8d81e9d5a2ceb5eb0d15ce259f2238854e96ed1b790910cb993a1a9ac7fc,none,stun infrar imag releas one year ago jame webb space telescop began explor cosmos view earli univers toward southern constel achiev 125 hour exposur webb nircam instrument cours star six spike well within milki way diffract pattern characterist webb 18 hexagon mirror segment oper togeth singl 65 meter diamet primari mirror thousand galaxi flood field view member distant galaxi cluster 46 billion lightyear away lumin arc seem deep field even distant galaxi though imag distort magnifi dark matter domin mass galaxi cluster effect known gravit lensing analyz light two separ arc bright spiki star webb instrument indic arc imag background galaxy galaxy light took 95 billion year reach jame webb space telescope,webb first deep field,2023-07-15,713,112,0.14375,07-15,7,2023,15,7,2,4 8b61eb431226220505c185d8d3dd9c908d221bc38ae77a0648e4f9e4f1317272,photography,view mount alps see nearbi town distant tyrolean peaks also weather permitting stars nebulas band milki way galaxy made climb night though anoth peak peak 2018 perseid meteor shower hoped dispers cloud allow picturesqu session includ mani faint meteors care posit camera took seri exposures suddenly thrill meteor bright color right next nearli vertic band milki way luck would it camera caught too therefore new imag seri quickli taken one pose nearbi peak later imag digit combined,meteor milki way alp,2023-07-16,486,77,0.0652597402597402,07-16,7,2023,16,6,0,1 364a0bf31968a16197b25440fc35b871169d79f49172f088775aae7c5754f8d1,none,what happen around star one sure cw leoni closest carbon star star appear orang atmospher carbon dispers interior nuclear fusion cw leoni also appear engulf gaseou carbonrich nebula caus nebula complex unknown geometri shell arc sure intriguing featur imag hubbl space telescop detail complexity low surfac graviti carbon star enhanc abil expel carbon carbon compound space carbon end form dark dust commonli seen nebula young starform region disk galaxies human earthbas life least carbon like circul atmospher star like carbon stars,shell arc around star cw leoni,2023-07-17,534,81,0.055,07-17,7,2023,17,4,0,5 4f87b5f9f9a9bc5dd374465091c80300d0e6f97de06556965b0acc429758117d,marcin,what happen night sky help find out telescop globe point deep space investig includ tri understand earli universe find track asteroids search planet might contain extraterrestri life monitor star help better understand sun featur composit includ foreground background imag taken april mountaintop la palma island canari island spain pictured sever telescop roqu de lo muchacho observatori shown front dark night sky telescop foreground include left right magic 1 galileo magic 2 gran telescopio sky highlight background includ central band milki way galaxy constel sagittarius ophiuchu scorpius redglow eagl lagoon nebulas star antares due observatori like this human understood night sky past 100 year ever human history,milki way la palma observatori,2023-07-18,721,106,0.1050595238095238,07-18,7,2023,18,6,2,4 7b7a97ce6946784225746a19dc4221a648d4f8a8b3ef0561ac5deb081a4352e0,none,magnific spiral galaxi messier 64 often call black eye galaxi sleep beauti galaxi appear telescop views spiral central region lightyear across pictur reprocess imag hubbl space telescope m64 lie 17 million lightyear distant otherwis wellgroom northern constel coma berenices enorm dust cloud partial obscur m64 central region lace young blue star cluster reddish glow hydrogen associ star form regions impos cloud dust galaxy peculiar feature observ show m64 actual compos two concentric counterrot systems star m64 rotat direct interstellar ga galaxy central region ga outer regions extend 40000 lightyears rotat opposit direction dusti eye bizarr rotat like result billion year old merger two differ galaxies,m64 black eye galaxi close,2023-07-20,710,105,-0.0138888888888888,07-20,7,2023,20,7,2,3 94237254f18115eef722c23af2591592e804f71dfafee7157f661f272de25c3e,gabriel rodrigu santo,combin light star along milki way reflect cosmic dust cloud soar 300 lightyear plane galaxy known integr flux nebula commonli found high galact latitudes dusti galact cirru cloud faint trace larg region sky toward north south galact poles along reflect starlight studi indic dust cloud produc faint reddish luminesc interstellar dust grain convert invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light also captur nearbi milki way star distant background galaxies remark deep widefield imag explor complex faint galact cirru known mandel wilson 9 span three degre across planet earth sky toward far southern constel,galact wilson 9,2023-07-21,603,92,-0.0699999999999999,07-21,7,2023,21,6,0,5 0d2372d3cf96d640d93b3ce4cf2b5e0acec4c8c222bfafbc83df360254e3673a,none,photograph buzz aldrin stand moon taken neil armstrong digit revers creat lunar selfie captur juli 1969 follow apollo 11 moon landing armstrong origin photograph record magnific desol unfamiliar world armstrong reflect aldrin curv visor image spheric distort reflect aldrin helmet reversed transform view featur armstrong aldrin perspective sinc armstrong took origin picture today imag repres fiftyfour year old lunar selfie aldrin visor reflect origin imag appear left bright but planet earth hang lunar sky armstrong toward upper right leg eagl lander aldrin long shadow stretch across lunar surfac promin visible 2024 nasa artemi ii mission return human moon,apollo 11 lunar selfi,2023-07-22,662,98,0.1479591836734694,07-22,7,2023,22,2,2,2 fb3fffda7bbca8943a7d522dcaccca3151f61dbf9dd8bab5aec59831212a0a76,none,what one knew 2000 year ago technolog exist build device antikythera mechanism pictured wide regard first computer found bottom sea aboard decay greek ship complex prompt decad study even today function like remain unknown xray imag device however confirm main function numer clocklik wheel gear creat portable handcranked earthcentered orreri sky predict futur star planet locat well lunar solar eclipses corrod core antikythera mechanism largest gear featured span 13 centimeters entir mechan 33 centimet high make similar size larg book recently modern comput model miss compon allow creation complet replica surpris ancient machine,antikythera mechan,2023-07-23,635,93,0.0307407407407407,07-23,7,2023,23,8,2,2 fd7e08b7699425ecdbe514ef2b0ff5dcdb7383822357705267530800b722a37a,michael,meteor colorful human eye usual cannot discern mani colors camera often can pictur fireball disintegr meteor one brightest photograph ever seen colorful meteor captur chanc midjuli camera set mountain austria photograph central band milki way galaxy radiant grit like cast comet asteroid long ago enter earth atmosphere color meteor usual origin ioniz chemic element releas meteor disintegrates bluegreen typic origin magnesium calcium radiat violet nickel glow green red however typic origin energ nitrogen oxygen earth atmosphere bright meteor firebal gone flash less second left windblown ioniz trail remain visibl almost minute,glow meteor,2023-07-24,633,91,0.0294871794871794,07-24,7,2023,24,8,2,1 59b2680f05f91316c62ad92d532d95ade5ae37e514e7729dbd8d03f526fdbb4a,none,famou eagl nebula star pillar look like xray light find out nasa orbit chandra xray observatori peer interstellar mountain star formation found m16 dust pillar emit mani xrays lot xray sourc becam evident sourc shown bright dot featur imag composit exposur chandra xrays xmm xrays jwst infrared spitzer infrared hubbl visible vlt star produc xray remain topic research hypothes hot lowmass stars other thought hot older highmass stars xray hot star scatter around frame previous identifi evapor gaseou globul eggs seen visibl light current hot enough emit xrays,eagl nebula xray hot star,2023-07-25,562,88,0.2019230769230769,07-25,7,2023,25,6,1,4 90f7b151c6ff153f674d56e4a2c1ef8b534b0260db94f9f4cc03b1e0018840c7,daniel stern,south antares tail nebularich constel scorpius lie emiss nebula ic 4628 nearbi hot massiv stars million year young irradi nebula invis ultraviolet light strip electron atoms electron eventu recombin atom produc visibl nebular glow domin red emiss hydrogen estim distanc 6000 lightyears region shown 250 lightyear across span three full moon sky nebula also catalog gum 56 australian astronom colin stanley gum seafoodlov deep might know cosmic cloud prawn nebula grace color imag new astronom composit taken sever night april rio chile,ic 4628 prawn nebula,2023-07-26,535,82,0.1545454545454545,07-26,7,2023,26,4,1,5 9ecc52d4ccac15440185060c41bc4618e1091b5c617a7e4991f4a20082beea45,none,larg galaxi grow eat small ones even galaxi engag sort galact cannibalism absorb small galaxi close captur milki way gravity fact practic common univers illustr strike pair interact galaxi bank southern constel eridanus river locat 50 million light year away large distort spiral ngc 1532 seen lock gravit struggl dwarf galaxi ngc 1531 struggl smaller galaxi eventu lose seen nearli edgeon spiral ngc 1532 span 100000 lightyears merg galaxi captur sharp imag dark energi camera mount nation scienc blanco 4meter telescop cerro tololo interamerican observatori chile ngc 15321531 pair thought similar wellstudi system faceon spiral small companion known m51,galaxi river,2023-07-27,656,99,-0.0646103896103896,07-27,7,2023,27,7,2,3 ff4e3a22b0aa65e67a4f227f1626692eb68f39172b5f2038467eca6c1b4d9133,none,highspe outflow molecular ga pair activ form young star shine infrar light reveal nircam imag jame webb space telescope catalog hh herbigharo young star lodg within dark nebula larg opaqu view visibl light pair lie center promin reddish diffract spike nircam image energet stellar jet extend nearli lightyear burrow dark interstellar material tantal object explor webb infrar capabilities young star system rel nearby locat 1140 lightyear distant nautic constel vela,young stars stellar jet,2023-07-28,466,70,0.0849999999999999,07-28,7,2023,28,4,0,3 545886667ed34d1067decaba2e043a562bfd613d910cab274488454ccea91ee2,none,bright sunlight glint long dark shadow mark imag surfac moon taken fiftyfour year ago juli 20 1969 apollo 11 astronaut neil armstrong first walk lunar surface pictur mission lunar module eagle spacesuit lunar modul pilot buzz aldrin aldrin unfurl long sheet foil also known solar wind composit experiment expos face sun foil trap particl stream outward solar wind catch sampl materi sun itself along moon rock lunar soil samples solar wind collector return analysi earthbound laboratories,apollo 11 catch sun,2023-07-29,488,76,0.1399999999999999,07-29,7,2023,29,2,1,2 d4d21caefd9ff775068487014af1da02cadbef1e22f64096fc236474bb8a76bb,juan carlo casado,admir beauti fear beast beauti aurora overhead take form great green spiral seen picturesqu cloud bright moon side star background beast wave charg particl creat aurora might one day civilization follow notabl aurora seen across globe puls charg particl coron mass eject cme associ solar flare impact earth magnetospher creat event assault sun compress earth magnet field violent creat high current spark along telegraph shock mani telegraph event impact earth today specul hold damag might occur global power grid scale never yet featur aurora imag 2016 lake iceland lake partli fill fault divid earth larg eurasian north american tecton plates almost hyperspace random apod gener,spiral aurora iceland,2023-07-30,681,105,0.0177777777777778,07-30,7,2023,30,8,2,4 c072d9ea08acc78bd9d342ecff23f47b4975ae66de3479152b451bf9480f6c80,none,phobo dark phobos largest innermost two martian moons darkest moon entir solar system unusu orbit color indic may captur asteroid compos mixtur ice dark rock featur pictur phobo near edg mar captur late 2021 esa robot spacecraft mar express current orbit mars phobo heavili crater barren moon largest crater locat far side imag like this phobo determin cover perhap meter loos dust phobo orbit close mar place would appear rise set twice day place would visibl all phobos orbit around mar continu decay like break piec crash martian surfac 50 million years sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,phobo mar,2023-07-31,608,100,-0.0666666666666666,07-31,7,2023,31,5,2,2 e22f8156c652d9ad01fdb407cd5c42dba2398738b29aef0f4895d3419aa1ce14,none,cigar galaxi billow red smoke m82 starburst galaxi also known stir recent pass near larg spiral galaxi m81 fulli explain sourc redglow outwardli expand ga dust however evid indic ga dust driven combin emerg particl wind mani stars togeth creat galact superwind dust particl thought origin m82 interstellar medium actual similar size particl cigar smoke featur photograph mosaic highlight specif color red light strongli emit ioniz hydrogen gas show detail filament ga dust filament extend 10000 light years 12million lightyear distant cigar galaxi brightest galaxi sky infrar light seen visibl light small telescop toward constel great bear ursa major apod world languages arabic bulgarian catalan chines beijing chines taiwan croatian czech dutch french german hebrew indonesian japanese montenegrin polish russian serbian slovenian spanish taiwanese turkish ukrainian,m82 galaxi supergalact wind,2023-08-02,869,126,0.1164473684210526,08-02,8,2023,2,7,2,4 81b883342186b8ce4dd02623f7ba726818ee03779e1e34c60376fc45218512fc,launch 5,photo earli hour juli 29 redston rocket mercuri capsul display cape canaver launch complex 5 beyond 8 minut long exposur captur arc launch streak spacex falcon heavi rocket heavi commun satellit payload record set 9 metric bound geosynchron orbit 22000 mile planet earth histor launch redston rocket carri astronaut alan shepard suborbit spaceflight may 1961 altitud 116 miles near top frame falcon rocket two reusabl side booster separ brief entri return land side side canaveral land zone 1 2 distance,falcon redston,2023-08-03,503,80,0.05,08-03,8,2023,3,8,0,2 cfd4215111f135a300eb2c631ba45ccbd6c6211184f223cc76a174d970656ab8,gianni tumino,full moon rose sun set august 1 near perigee closest point almost moonthli orbit brighter averag lunar disk illumin night sky around planet earth second supermoon 2023 seen ragusa sicily cloud bank cast shadow skies creat dramat lunar crepuscular rays next full moon 2023 also shine august night rise sun set august second full moon month known blue moon blue moon occur everi 2 3 year lunar phase take almost calendar month days go complet cycle august blue moon also near perigee third supermoon 2023,august,2023-08-04,502,85,0.1423076923076923,08-04,8,2023,4,2,1,1 c24496e015d6bbe4ac86d87248f1ea4c2f2cc12903abd6d083627b23a82dd827,dong,pretti nebula lie 1500 lightyear away shape color telescop view reminisc robin egg cosmic cloud span 3 lightyears nestl secur within boundari southern constel fornax recogn planetari nebula eggshap ngc 1360 repres begin though instead correspond brief final phase evolut age star fact visibl center nebula central star ngc 1360 known binari star system like consist two evolv white dwarf stars less massiv much hotter sun intens otherwis invis ultraviolet radiat strip away electron atom mutual surround gaseou shroud predomin bluegreen hue ngc 1360 seen strong emiss produc electron recombin doubli ioniz oxygen atoms,ngc 1360 robin egg nebula,2023-08-05,618,94,0.0407407407407407,08-05,8,2023,5,4,2,5 3a2d01d3663284c34b2e1afea00e2670c8236a4c6451cf30069944a9b62422d4,none,creat unusu space ribbon answer one violent explos ever wit ancient humans back year 1006 ad light reach earth stellar explos constel wolf lupus creat guest star sky appear brighter venu last two years supernova catalog sn 1006 occur 7000 light year away left larg remnant continu expand fade today pictur small part expand supernova remnant domin thin outwardli move shock front heat ioniz surround ambient gas supernova remnant sn 1006 diamet nearli 60 light years,sn 1006 supernova ribbon hubbl,2023-08-06,466,76,0.0,08-06,8,2023,6,6,0,3 f5441609ba697d7d0c8f345db945c012880ea32ac1767a3fa833feb87ffd6874,abe jone,pelican nebula slowli transformed ic 5070 the offici divid larger north america nebula molecular cloud fill dark dust pelican however receiv much studi particularli activ mix star format evolv ga clouds featur pictur produc three specif color light emit sulfur hydrogen oxygen help us better understand interactions light young energet star slowli transform cold ga hot gas advanc boundari two known ioniz front visibl bright orang right particularli dens tentacl cold ga remain million year now pelican nebula bound dark nebula ldn might longer known pelican balanc placement star ga sure leav someth appear complet different,pelican nebula gas dust star,2023-08-07,628,96,0.1223809523809524,08-07,8,2023,7,4,2,5 a768a2dc90f0e1b9925609c3f9aefea1d2bc82697fed302f6d53cccf41b5cbcd,jordi l coy,what moon jupit largest moons mani skygaz across planet earth enjoy close conjunct earth moon pass nearli front jupit midjune featur imag singl exposur event taken de la frontera spain sunlit lunar crescent left overexposed moon night side right faintli illumin earthshine line diagon moon left right jupiter bright galilean satellites callisto ganymede io see near jupiter europa fact callisto ganymede io larger earth moon europa slightli smaller nasa robot spacecraft juno current orbit jupit made close pass near io week ago look night sky tonight see two brightest object angularli close togeth tonight anoth conjunction,moon meet jupit,2023-08-08,627,96,0.1701298701298701,08-08,8,2023,8,2,2,2 a4311d4e2ba87ec754a9e6caa6eb38e52936415f696949b23e5501ba7c126223,petr horálek institut physic opava,good week see meteors comet dust rain planet earth streak dark sky peak night annual perseid meteor shower featur composit imag taken 2018 perseid polonini dark sky park slovakia dome observatori foreground ground kolonica observatory although comet dust particl travel parallel other result shower meteor clearli seem radiat singl point sky eponym constel perseus radiant effect due perspective parallel track appear converg distance like train tracks perseid meteor shower expect reach highest peak saturday midnight sinc crescent moon rise late night cloudless sky darker usual make high number faint meteor potenti visibl year,meteor perseid perseu,2023-08-09,630,93,-0.0533333333333333,08-09,8,2023,9,3,2,1 9d7a1acaaf3cdd43e3c6994c48717c3c79321f63f552eae7d4338df4e2bae588,none,mission sol date august 3 ingenu snap sharp imag 54th flight surfac red planet flight mar helicopt hover 5 meters 16 feet jezero crater floor tip ingenuity land leg peek left right edg camera field view track visibl near upper right corner lead persever mar rover seen look distanc top right edg frame plan brief flight ingenuity 54th flight last less 25 seconds follow ingenuity flight made juli 22 result landing,five meter mar,2023-08-10,414,71,0.0971230158730158,08-10,8,2023,10,5,0,1 d2347fd1549cc2fc50f3b1fc10c0434f61f670f31a7339919e338622239efe6f,deep sky,intrigu pair interact galaxies m51 51st entri charl messier famou catalog perhap origin spiral nebula larg galaxi spiral structur seen nearli faceon also catalog ngc 5194 spiral arm dust lane sweep front companion galaxi right ngc 5195 31 million lightyear distant within boundari welltrain constel cane venatici m51 look faint fuzzi eye direct telescop views remark deep imag show stun detail galaxi pair strike color extens tidal debris collabor astroimag use telescop planet earth combin 10 day exposur time creat definit galaxi portrait m51 imag includ 118 hour narrowband data also reveal vast glow cloud reddish ioniz hydrogen ga discov m51 system weekend watch perseid meteor shower,messier 51 hour,2023-08-11,689,107,-0.0357142857142857,08-11,8,2023,11,7,2,3 9fb59a84bd443813881096ed6ff8d4c03b1fa86a73e593c2e7d889e867f9a576,paolo palma,fun canva sky use creativ photograph techniqu caus light pointlik star danc across digit imag tap lightli telescop make exposure result squiggli line trace star or two squiggl trace binari stars reveal star color color lines dub made star found northern sky constel bootes corona borealis ophiucus coma berenices captur artist mosaic 25 star creat vari color squiggl identifi around border course temperatur determin color star whitish star tend close sun temperature star bluer hue hotter yellow red color cooler sun weekend watch perseid meteor shower, star,2023-08-12,553,86,0.12,08-12,8,2023,12,6,1,4 78ea7867fe82e477d1c623af74506db3016cf4ca17cef36dbdbde532f91ac5b8,none,float ring size galaxy fact galaxi least part photogen sombrero galaxy one largest galaxi nearbi virgo cluster galaxies dark band dust obscur midsect sombrero galaxi optic light actual glow brightli infrar light featur image digit sharpened show infrar glow recent record orbit spitzer space telescope superpos falsecolor exist imag taken nasa hubbl space telescop visibl light sombrero galaxy also known m104 span 50000 light year across lie 28 million light year away m104 seen small telescop direct constel virgo,sombrero galaxi infrar,2023-08-13,516,79,0.1272727272727273,08-13,8,2023,13,7,1,3 ca94192bbfcc10318611d6477ed8874f26521154454197374a888dc9eddca562,none,ring nebula m57 complic appear small telescope easili visibl central ring one lightyear across remark exposur jame webb space telescop explor popular nebula deep exposur infrar light string gas like around cosmic eye becom evid around ring digit enhanc featur imag assign colors long filament may caus shadow knot dens ga ring energet light emit within ring nebula elong planetari nebula type ga cloud creat sunlik star evolv throw outer atmospher becom white dwarf star central oval ring nebula lie 2500 lightyear away toward music constel lyra,ring nebula webb,2023-08-14,545,87,0.1222222222222222,08-14,8,2023,14,4,1,5 f98f10f2a3b183f70077273aa9b6b871657f59524b638191306f96bfe18050f9,natalia lewandowska suni oswego,sun quiet place expel stream energet electron proton known solar wind charg particl earth magnetosphere chang paths collid atom earth atmosphere caus gener light aurora like visibl green imag left earth also geolog activ cover volcanoes example volcano iceland seen emit hot ga orang near imag center iceland one geolog activ place earth far right power plant creat famou humanmad blue lagoon shown emit white ga plumes featur composit therefor highlight three differ sky phenomena includ natur humanmad phenomena,tripli glow night sky iceland,2023-08-15,513,79,0.0759740259740259,08-15,8,2023,15,1,0,4 ae94c3c3cb82d0fc33ac83ba70e872db327c1abd8816a6e3a9e00f3f68ffbf80,mike selbi,lock cosmic two larg galaxi merg center sharp telescop field view interact system catalog arp 93 200 million lightyear distant toward constel aquariu planet earth sky individu galaxi identifi ngc right ngc bright core still separ 20000 lightyear so massiv tidal stream result ongo gravit interaction extend 200000 lightyear toward bottom frame interact galaxi look peculiar understood common universe fact closer home larg spiral andromeda galaxi known approach milki way arp 93 may well present analog distant futur cosmic embrace notabl submiss apod perseid meteor shower 2023,arp cosmic,2023-08-16,578,87,0.0325892857142857,08-16,8,2023,16,7,0,3 d9fb6c985a2d833af5a397ec7cfe8eebdaf438b1525ceafb0992a7b14919cee6,yann sainti,sprawl emiss nebula ic 1396 sh2129 mix glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud nearli 12 degre wide field view toward northern constel cepheu king energ central star ic 1396 left hundr lightyear across 3000 lightyear distant nebula intrigu dark shape includ wind dark cloud popularli known elephant trunk right center ten lightyear long hold raw materi star format known hide protostar within locat similar distanc planet earth bright knot swept back ridg emiss sh2129 right suggest popular name fli bat nebula within fli bat recent recogn addit royal cosmic zoo faint bluish emiss ou4 giant squid nebula near lower right edg frame suggest dark mark sky catalog barnard 150 also known dark seahors nebula notabl submiss apod perseid meteor shower 2023,cosmic zoo cepheu,2023-08-17,748,121,0.0177655677655677,08-17,8,2023,17,4,2,5 8896de7d4b7ae904404e1e3626a79699d3b0bb53a67f2aef5e17044560e3ba38,none,gaze across frozen canyon northern pluto contrast enhanc color scene imag data use construct acquir juli 2015 new horizon spacecraft made first reconnaiss flight remot pluto system six billion kilomet sun known lowel regio region name perciv lowel observatory also famou specul canal mars lowel start search ultim led pluto discoveri 1930 clyde frame pluto north pole left center pale bluish floor broad canyon left 70 kilomet 45 miles wide run vertic toward south higher elev take yellowish hue new horizon measur use determin addit nitrogen ice methan ice abund across lowel regio far pluto solar system world name girl,northern pluto,2023-08-18,621,100,0.0477479338842975,08-18,8,2023,18,8,2,2 453e6bc45d7b22f389afd933b9e137c21f14ffe24b21431b4115bc580949e08a,none,ring ice giant neptun lie near center sharp nearinfrar imag jame webb space telescope dim distant world farthest planet sun 30 time farther away planet earth stun webb view planet dark ghostli appear due atmospher methan absorb infrar light high altitud cloud reach neptune absorb methan easili stand imag though coat frozen nitrogen neptune largest moon triton brighter neptun reflect sunlight seen upper left sport webb telescope characterist diffract spikes includ triton seven neptune 14 known moon identifi field view neptune faint ring strike spacebas planetari portrait detail complex ring system seen first time sinc neptun visit voyag 2 spacecraft august 1989,ring ice giant neptun,2023-08-19,668,102,-0.0259999999999999,08-19,8,2023,19,8,2,1 4098ba2c76ba2583b188b3b3d93ef7701d2fe6b38da4e7a643e63a8d0ba921d3,none,kind cloud this type arcu cloud call roll cloud rare long cloud may form near advanc cold fronts particular downdraft advanc storm front caus moist warm air rise cool dew point form cloud happen uniformli along extend front roll cloud may form roll cloud may actual air circul along long horizont axi cloud roll cloud thought abl morph tornado unlik similar shelf cloud roll cloud complet detach parent cumulonimbu cloud pictur here roll cloud extend far distanc storm approach 2007 racine wisconsin usa,roll cloud wisconsin,2023-08-20,503,83,0.1263888888888888,08-20,8,2023,20,8,1,1 e1e2926aeb09b34aa8560fa6b3e258f7fc3155dfa3f810e35d50ad1d3b7e874e,dan bartlett,comet nishimura becom visibl unaid eye given unpredict comets one say sure current seem like good bet comet discov ten day ago nishimura 30second exposur standard digit camera sinc then c2023 p1 nishimura increas bright path across inner solar system determined comet dive toward sun sure continu possibl becom nakedey object earli september problem comet also angularli near sun possibl see near sunset sunrise comet get close sun insid orbit planet mercuri nucleu may break up pictured comet nishimura imag three day ago june lake california usa sport green coma thin tail,introduc comet nishimura,2023-08-21,576,92,0.1461538461538461,08-21,8,2023,21,3,2,1 eea9f8b010a2726911d561ad1c7586c8a4c64af074756fc37d631367411f4226,bray fall chester,nebula never note before newli discov nebula usual angularli small found profession use larg telescopes contrast pistachio nebula discov dedic amateur and although faint nearli size full moon modern times amateur even small telescop creat long exposur sky area much larger profession telescop see therefor discov previous unknown area extend emiss around known objects well entir unknown objects like nebulas pictur pistachio nebula shown oxygen emiss blue hydrogen emiss red natur hot central star current unknown nebula might label planetari nebula turn white dwarf star featur imag composit 70 hour exposur taken earli june dark sky namibia,nebula,2023-08-22,643,97,-0.076984126984127,08-22,8,2023,22,4,2,5 dca6589fa2d0084bae9276161361d3b6099b9ca6823e9fb6d69433282ac8b5ec,jose,came outer space case sandsiz bit comet nucleu like eject mani year ago sunorbit comet swifttuttle continu orbit sun alone earth cross orbit piec comet debri impact atmospher fair planet seen meteor meteor caus gase emit glow color emit compon elements featur imag taken last week castilla la spain peak night perseid meteor shower picturesqu meteor streak happen appear one 50 frame also includ andromeda galaxy star dot frame much away meteor compar stars andromeda galaxi m31 is again much away,meteor galaxi,2023-08-23,499,81,0.2199999999999999,08-23,8,2023,23,3,1,1 d02696536c33077b2a4188854d6fcc207bd26de42f40747bc033ffa153961dff,dark,dark mostli moonless night skies mani denizen planet earth abl watch year perseid meteor shower seen hillsid shiraz iran perseid meteor streak along northern summer milki way dawn sunday august 13 frame use construct composit imag captur near activ annual meteor shower peak local time night skyscape shower radiant heroic constel perseu far camera field view fan northern summer night still spot familiar asterism form bright star deneb vega altair summer triangl span lumin band milki way,meteor along milki way,2023-08-24,490,77,0.2607142857142857,08-24,8,2023,24,6,1,1 a5faa714708a73f8e2f6c1bae59fc0e9945adaa1e30809eefb38d8eabb3be4c7,andi case,ring planet saturn 2023 opposition opposit sun earth skies august 27 put sixth planet sun brightest wellplac viewing beauti ring system visibl unaid eye still sequenc six telescop imag taken year apart follow saturn ring seen inner planet earth ga giant ring plane tilt open 2018 approach edgeon 2023 top that summer nearli autumn equinox saturn northern hemisphere sharp planetari portrait saturn northern hexagon larg storm system clearli visibl 2018 2023 ice moon tethi cast shadow across southern hemispher cloud band saturn cold blue south pole emerg almost decad winter darkness,season saturn,2023-08-25,584,91,-0.0281249999999999,08-25,8,2023,25,0,0,1 232a13179cb859071e9530f3b2ab276169a046aba9eb808242754d293dd1750e,roberto,moon goe phases venus visibl sunlit hemispher wax wanes sequenc telescop imag illustr steadi chang venu recent 2023 apparit even star glide along interior orbit earth sun venu grow larger period approach planet earth crescent narrow though inner planet swing closer lineofsight sun closest earthsun line pass 8 degre south sun august 13 venu reach nonjudgmental inferior conjunction venu shine eastern horizon predawn skies complet transit planet earth morn star august 21 nasa parker solar probe complet sixth graviti assist flybi venus use encount maneuv probe toward closest approach yet sun,crescent venu,2023-08-26,594,91,-0.05,08-26,8,2023,26,1,0,1 c763a5435a3acf3e39a687dfc70c8c171f51e8896fa6215ebbaa6a831b5aacdf,miloslavdruckmul brno univers technology,diffus starlight dark nebula along southern milki way arc horizon sprawl diagon gorgeou nightscape breathtak mosaic span wide 100 degrees rug terrain patagonia argentina region foreground along insider view galaxy imag featur outsid perspect two irregular satellit galaxi larg small magellan clouds scene also captur broad tail bright coma comet mcnaught great comet 2007,three galaxi comet,2023-08-27,372,54,0.1203125,08-27,8,2023,27,3,1,1 d3581b24014b10b9933e8eb944f0eed8312e24851fd2f39eb08268aac205ff15,craig stock,look cosmic cloud catalog ngc 281 might miss star open cluster ic 1590 form within nebula cluster young massiv star ultim power pervas nebular glow eyecatch shape loom featur portrait ngc 281 sculpt dusti column dens bok globul seen silhouette erod intense energet wind radiat hot cluster stars surviv long enough dusti structur could also site futur star formation play call pacman nebula overal shape ngc 281 10000 lightyear away constel cassiopeia sharp composit imag made narrowband filters combin emiss nebula hydrogen oxygen atom synthes red green blue colors scene span well 80 lightyear estim distanc ngc 281,star format pacman nebula,2023-08-28,616,98,0.0174999999999999,08-28,8,2023,28,4,2,5 95183ae736a78d0df56197d774d530238e5514b4d11f867abf7c4b12a2de9f10,none,spiral galaxi m66 symmetric usually densiti wave gas dust newli form star circl spiral galaxy center creat nearli symmetr galaxy differ m66 spiral arm appar displac nucleu like caus previou close interact tidal gravit pull nearbi galaxi neighbor m65 ngc 3628 galaxy featur infrar light taken jame webb space telescope span 100000 light years lie 35 million light year distant largest galaxi group known leo triplet like mani spiral galaxies long intric dust lane m66 seen intertwin bright star intergalact dust follow spiral arms,unusu spiral galaxi m66 webb,2023-08-29,529,84,0.175,08-29,8,2023,29,7,1,3 d86cf244d7dff3a8c399111b5c03f2d11a6732ba0e2f0b333e15de18a01637e0,gianni tumino,near perigee closest point almost moonthli orbit full moon rose sun set august 1 brighter averag lunar disk captur dramat moonris sequenc dens cloud bank along eastern horizon ragusa sicily illumin night sky around planet earth second supermoon 2023 yet near perigee third supermoon 2023 also shine august night rise sun set tonight second full moon august known blue moon even though scatter sunlight give lunar disk redden hue defin second full moon calendar month blue moon occur everi 2 3 years that lunar phase take 295 days almost calendar month go complet cycle tonight august blue moon find besid bright planet saturn,full moon august,2023-08-30,625,103,0.1821428571428571,08-30,8,2023,30,2,2,1 95617c387e237b81b7f79ad9a710216aaa179859d70e82d3e975982f11b95cba,michael seeley,jame webb space telescope latest view distant galact nebula illumin cloud ga dust dazzl earli morn spacecoast skygaz august 26 snapshot taken 2 minut launch falcon 9 rocket spacex mission seventh commerci crew rotat mission intern space station captur drift plume exhaust separ first second stage illumin still dark skies near center image within rag blueish ring two bright point light lower one second stage rocket carri 4 human space crew dragon spacecraft bright point falcon 9 first stage booster orient trip back land cape canaveral planet earth,nebula,2023-08-31,551,88,0.1821428571428571,08-31,8,2023,31,8,1,2 f00f7fec8c8a69ad20677857aa017c5408094deb793bda2b28e9c27bc7824a07,serg jeanfrançoi bax david vernet,1716 english astronom edmond halley noted thi littl patch show nake eye sky seren moon absent course m13 less modestli recogn great globular cluster hercules one brightest globular star cluster northern sky sharp telescop view like one reveal spectacular cluster hundr thousand stars distanc 25000 lightyears cluster star crowd region 150 lightyear diameter approach cluster core upward 100 star could contain cube 3 lightyear side comparison closest star sun 4 lightyear away remark rang bright record imag follow star dens cluster core,great globular cluster hercul,2023-09-01,537,82,0.3013888888888889,09-01,9,2023,1,6,1,5 cf10e127217be80a50aff653a9fdef7c6062a5ff4af81562866eda048253f308,lorand feny,cosmic cloud blossom 1300 lightyear away fertil starfield constel cepheus call iri nebula ngc 7023 nebula evok imageri flowers still deep telescop imag show iri nebula rang color symmetri embed surround field interstellar dust within iri itself dusti nebular materi surround hot young star domin color brighter reflect nebula blue characterist dust grain reflect starlight central filament reflect nebula glow faint reddish photoluminesc dust grain effect convert star invis ultraviolet radiat visibl red light infrar observ indic nebula contain complex carbon molecul known pahs dusti blue petal iri nebula span six lightyears,ngc 7023 iri nebula,2023-09-02,627,92,-0.0049999999999999,09-02,9,2023,2,4,2,5 38a37749d54f9035cfb731692f6008d069c3fbd7233ea0dc30cbeb6b97de6601,none,period comet 73pschwassmannwachmann 3 broken least twice cosmic souffl ice dust left earli solar system comet first seen split sever larg piec closein part orbit 1995 however 2006 passage disintegr dozen fragment stretch sever degre across sky sinc comet rel fragile stress heat graviti outgassing example could respons tendenc break spectacular fashion near hot sun hubbl space telescop recorded 2006 featur sharp view prolif fragment b trail multitud smaller pieces cometari coma tail pictur span 3000 kilomet comet distanc 32 million kilomet planet earth,comet schwassmannwachmann 3 fragment,2023-09-03,557,84,0.025,09-03,9,2023,3,3,0,1 90fd92dc2912899256c35649471ae02fa554989b922d247ba908b115b6c55b46,abdullah alharbi,star creat clouds two stellar death cloud ga dust found toward highfli constel swan cygnus drift rich star field plane milki way galaxy caught within telescop field view soap bubbl lower left crescent nebula upper right form final phase life star also known ngc 6888 crescent nebula shape bright central massiv wolfrayet star wr 136 shed outer envelop strong stellar wind burn fuel prodigi rate wr 136 near end short life finish spectacular supernova explosion discov 2013 soap bubbl nebula like planetari nebula final shroud lower mass longlived sunlik star destin becom slowli cool white dwarf stellar nebula 5000 lightyear distant larger crescent nebula span 25 lightyear across within million years like dispersed sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,cygnus bubbl crescent,2023-09-04,768,121,0.1838972431077694,09-04,9,2023,4,4,2,5 6225233b381930d0aee1147b932d9c058de67ee6e431c8ff7c10fac9f4f96845,kevin saragozza,last full moon doubli unusual first all blue moon modern definit blue moon second full moon occur one calendar month sinc 13 full moon 2023 one month two month august first full moon august 1 name sturgeon moon second reason last full moon unusu supermoon modern definit supermoon moon reach full phase rel close earth appear bit larger brighter average pictured blue supermoon 2023 imag hover far behind histor castl lighthous syracuse sicily italy gallery select august 2023 supermoon imag submit apod,blue supermoon beyond,2023-09-05,505,82,0.125,09-05,9,2023,5,2,1,1 d314e7677d50f1c1d379d0d8780a32f5a3781e7ab03492e2f2604a2effcc99c8,chri willock,16th centuri portugues navig ferdinand magellan crew plenti time studi southern sky first circumnavig planet earth result two fuzzi cloudlik object easili visibl southern hemispher skygaz known cloud magellan understood satellit galaxi much larger spiral milki way galaxy 160000 lightyear distant constel dorado larg magellan cloud seen sharp galaxi portrait span 15000 lightyear so massiv milki way satellit galaxi home closest supernova modern times sn 1987a promin patch center 30 doradus also known magnific tarantula nebula giant starform region 1000 lightyear across,larg cloud magellan,2023-09-07,572,82,0.0138888888888888,09-07,9,2023,7,7,0,3 9f2a1c1747129898e6e350dd0d80670d8afa014e43486ca4df912e5565a20eb5,kim,sculpt stellar wind radiation star factori known messier 17 lie 5500 lightyear away nebularich constel sagittarius distance 13 degre wide field view span 30 lightyears sharp composite color imag highlight faint detail region ga dust cloud backdrop central milki way stars stellar wind energet light hot massiv star form m17 stock cosmic ga dust slowli carv away remain interstellar material produc cavern appear undul shapes m17 also known omega nebula swan nebula,star factori messier 17,2023-09-08,464,72,0.053125,09-08,9,2023,8,4,0,5 7bc9632616f55a2ea418e10dc5bc2e53c5106735d6275dfe41c0a7d460772a4f,peter,comet nishimura growing precisely tail c2023 p1 nishimura grow near sun discov last month comet alreadi near nake eye bright move insid earth orbit comet nearest earth next week nearest sun week septemb 17 specul hold expel ice dust comet last visit inner solar system may creat sigma meteor shower peak yearli december so meteor shower may becom active refresh new comet debris pictured comet nishimura captur new mexico usa four night ago show long ion tail structur interact sun wind look comet near eastern horizon sunris next near western horizon sunset next week coma continu brighten tail continu grow gallery select comet nishimura imag submit apod,comet nishimura grow,2023-09-09,658,107,0.0827441077441077,09-09,9,2023,9,3,2,1 42782b3147117811fc138371c015998171fb7e3ad782a33a6e73a0bbde36864a,colleen,person doing 2012 annular eclips sun visibl narrow path cross northern pacif ocean sever western us states annular solar eclipse moon far earth block entir sun leav sun peek moon disk ring fire captur unusu solar event industri photograph drove arizona new mexico find right vista set eclips sun set ridg 05 kilomet away person walk right shot although grate unexpect human element photograph never learn ident silhouet interloper appear like person hold circular devic would enabl get view eclipse shot taken sunset 2012 may 20 pm local time park near next month octob 14 differ narrow swath across north south america expos differ annular solar eclipse sky clear simultaneously cloudfre observ almost anywher either contin abl see partial solar eclipse,annular solar eclips new mexico,2023-09-10,754,121,0.0362708719851576,09-10,9,2023,10,1,2,1 decd9026dc2088af7db2d7ba3a9bc35432630f812f74e5482a4379370093069b,petr horálek institut physic opava,scene would beauti even without comet itself sunris sky eleg deep blue high faint white star peek through near horizon pleas tan itself foreground hill eastern slovakia green hill distance light small town along way venus right appear unusu surround color atmospher corona attract eye comet left composit imag taken dawn yesterday morning comet recent morn around globe bright coma long ion tail make mani morn panoram photo unusu beautiful tomorrow c2023 p1 nishimura pass nearest earth next years,beauti comet nishimura,2023-09-11,498,79,0.0821008403361344,09-11,9,2023,11,3,0,1 b4a85e5dbb5ccfb65222810c75fb8e528057bfdf7401acbd38922deddf87f5e3,none,4 billion lightyear away massiv galaxi cluster abel 370 captur sharp hubbl space telescop snapshot cluster galaxi appear domin two giant ellipt galaxi faint arcs reality fainter scatter bluish arcs along dramat dragon arc left center imag galaxi lie far beyond abel twice distant otherwis undetect light magnifi distort cluster enorm gravit mass overwhelmingli domin unseen dark matter provid tantal glimps galaxi earli universe effect known gravit lensing consequ warp spacetime lens predict einstein almost centuri ago far beyond spiki foreground milki way star lower right abel 370 seen toward constel cetus sea monster last six galaxi cluster imag frontier field project,galaxi cluster abel beyond,2023-09-12,674,102,-0.0074404761904761,09-12,9,2023,12,7,2,4 d4f88cbf826861af22bdf16973a194a874ad53e82bc75c8479fd6e5e87f6ca32,none,galaxi ngc 4632 hide secret optic telescopes surround ring cool hydrogen ga orbit 90 degre spiral disk polar ring galaxi previous discov use starlight however ngc 4632 among first radio telescop survey reveal polar ring featur composit imag combin ga ring observ highli sensit telescope optic data subaru telescope use virtual reality astronom separ ga main disk galaxi ring subtl color trace orbit motion polar ring exist could materi pull one galaxi gravit interact companion hydrogen ga flow along filament cosmic web accret ring around galaxy gravit contract stars,ngc galaxi hidden polar ring,2023-09-13,568,89,-0.00625,09-13,9,2023,13,7,0,3 e65d5d4a8a2206144e800452fbf0ebe581f262165b9cce02e647606188b8258b,ian,big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 7331 often tout analog milki way 50 million lightyear distant northern constel pegasus ngc 7331 recogn earli spiral nebula actual one brighter galaxi includ charl messier famou 18th centuri catalog sinc galaxy disk inclin lineofsight long telescop exposur often result imag evok strong sens depth effect enhanc sharp imag galaxi lie beyond gorgeou island universe promin background galaxi one tenth appar size ngc 7331 lie roughli ten time farther away close align sky ngc 7331 occur chance linger plane milki way strike visual group galaxi known deer lick group,ngc 7331 beyond,2023-09-14,591,94,0.0197916666666666,09-14,9,2023,14,7,2,3 00a51e905e79f82863c04fd5540010e79ac623f7a5738af74ad3577b5eef97a4,lui miguel,venu returned appear planet earth predawn sky brilliant morn star window seat flight mexico city bright celesti beacon captur sunris astronom snapshot taken septemb 12 venus upper right share earli twilight old crescent moon seen stratospher perspective mountain peak cloud appear silhouett along glow eastern horizon dramatic long low cloud bank creat ongo vent planet earth activ volcano,venus moon mountain,2023-09-15,389,58,0.187797619047619,09-15,9,2023,15,8,1,1 19aed9ca76290a40543aafb8ef40c93395f57795cb3eccd79a74033a0a59e838,wang letian ey night,dark streak composit imag solar eclipse revers shadow mountain edg moon center image captur china moon center directli front sun center moon though far earth complet block entir sun light stream around edg moon call ring fire imag end sequenc show sunlight stream lunar valleys moon move front sun left right higher peak moon perimet could block sunlight therefore dark streak distorted reversed magnifi shadow mountain moon edge bright area call baily beads peopl narrow swath across earth eastern hemispher abl view full annular solar eclips 2020 next month though narrow swath cross north south america expos next annular solar eclipse next april total solar eclips visibl across north america open science brows 3000 code astrophys sourc code librari,moon mountain magnifi ring fire eclips,2023-09-17,754,119,0.0542857142857142,09-17,9,2023,17,2,2,1 5410a58596a18983e0b0e6e7e9204fa4c2832888f48d678d933f377cba84f105,maxim,sprite tree could hardli different start red sprite unusu form lightning tree common sprite far away high earth atmosphere tree nearbi footbal field away sprite fast electron stream near light speed tree slow wood anchor ground sprite bright light sky tree dim shine mostli reflect light sprite fleet last small fraction second tree durabl live mani years however captur together appear oddli similar featur composit imag captur earli month franc thunderstorm pass mountain atlant pyrenees sky surprise pictur apod featur birthday post 1995,red sprite tree,2023-09-18,548,83,0.1025757575757575,09-18,9,2023,18,8,0,1 a33be3f2a96b6c42e32bc5bec39ef6e368ed614d3e3f1a21e87a438188346695,none,star alway creat jet form one sure ga cloud gravit form disk spin fast continu contract protostar theorist hypothes spin reduc expel jets specul coincid known herbigharo hh objects young stellar object seen emit jet sometim spectacular fashion pictur herbigharo young star format recent imag webb space telescop jwst infrar light great detail along two narrow beam particles red shock wave seen outflow impact exist interstellar gas jet hh 211 like chang shape brighten fade next 100000 years research detail star format continues,hh jet form star,2023-09-19,531,83,0.2291666666666666,09-19,9,2023,19,6,1,4 f439fc7516eb3f6772fd65f9ab2a3e4d86e21b51779da53f8a6ba920ac2a3975,none,els might life exist one humanity great outstand questions locat planet extrasolar life might surviv took step forward 2019 discoveri signific amount water vapor atmospher distant exoplanet k218b planet parent star k218 lie 124 light year away toward constel lion leo exoplanet significantli larger massiv earth orbit habit zone home star k218 although red sun shine k218b sky bright similar sun earth sky 2019 discoveri atmospher water made data three space telescopes hubble spitzer kepler note absorpt watervapor color planet move front star 2023 observ webb space telescop infrar light uncov evid molecul includ methane featur illustr imagin exoplanet k218b far right orbit moon center togeth orbit red dwarf star depict lower left,methan discov distant exoplanet,2023-09-20,736,113,0.1912087912087912,09-20,9,2023,20,6,2,4 79c49ffd37f728c2f9e4226cebad0afbdece4b21032c119d0a2790166862fa8c,none,osirisrex spacecraft arm reach touch asteroid 101955 bennu octob 20 2020 care approach small nearearth asteroid surface dub sampl event 30 centimet wide sampl head appear rock closeup record spacecraft imag snap surfac contact 321 million kilomet planet earth one second later spacecraft fire nitrogen ga bottl blow substanti amount bennu regolith sampl head collect loos surfac material now nearli three year later sunday septemb 24 sampl asteroid bennu schedul arriv planet earth sampl return capsul drop osirisrex spacecraft make close flybi earth twenti minut spacecraft fire thruster divert past earth continu orbit nearearth asteroid,bennu,2023-09-21,639,95,-0.0999999999999999,09-21,9,2023,21,8,2,2 a93ec07c8a4ee520da9c2b255e57aa4ba5807b03ab9df998b1eb229487b9b85b,jeff dai,day 12000 larg mirror reflect sunlight solar thermal power plant western edg gobi desert near gansu province china individu mirror panel turn track sun like sunflowers conspir act singl super mirror reflect sunlight toward fix position power station central tower night mirror stand motionless though reflect light countless distant stars cluster nebula milki way beyond scifi night skyscap creat camera fix tripod near edg giant mirror matrix septemb 15 camera combin sequenc digit exposur captur concentr arc celesti star trail night star trail surreal mirror reflection,reflect,2023-09-22,572,86,0.1083333333333333,09-22,9,2023,22,6,0,4 72f96d977a1cf8d07b208b71d67f81da0e1e976f0e22e4f045f3238ef7c4071d,ian griffin,analemma figure8 curv get mark posit sun time day one year make one 4x5 pinhol camera set look north southern new zealand skies shutter briefli open clear day afternoon local time expos glass plate year span septemb 23 2022 septemb 19 2023 two days winter summer solstices shutter open 15 minut main exposur remain open sunset creat sun trail bottom top curve equinox date correspond posit middl curve crossov point course curv invert compar analemma trace northern hemisphere fall begin today autumn equinox northern hemisphere spring equinox south,afternoon analemma,2023-09-23,549,88,0.1003367003367003,09-23,9,2023,23,1,0,1 97d1126ede5bb39733770625bf94b087f82a053102135a1c2750e407e8ff87ee,none,what happen spiral galaxy hundr million year ago ngc 2936 upper two larg galaxi shown bottom like normal spiral galaxi spinning creat star mind business got close massiv ellipt galaxi ngc below took turn sometim dub galaxi icon shape ngc 2936 deflect also distort close gravit interaction behind filament dark interstellar dust bright blue star form nose center spiral appear eye alternatively galaxi pair togeth known arp 142 look like porpois penguin protect egg featur reprocess imag show arp 142 great detail taken recent hubbl space telescope arp 142 lie 300 million light year away toward constel water snake hydra billion year two galaxi like merg one larger galaxy,arp galaxi,2023-09-25,674,109,0.1272727272727272,09-25,9,2023,25,7,2,3 268adcb662eb577e08d9e5f304f9a11e21144416a742dc2054b60b989c460eeb,josep drudi,ridg glow interstellar ga dark dust cloud inhabit turbulent cosmic depth lagoon nebula also known m8 bright star form region 5000 lightyear distant make popular stop telescop tour constel sagittariu toward center milki way galaxy domin telltal red emiss ioniz hydrogen atom recombin strip electrons deep telescop view lagoon central reach 40 lightyear across bright hourglass shape near center frame ga ioniz sculpt energet radiat extrem stellar wind massiv young star,deep lagoon,2023-09-28,468,71,0.1538461538461538,09-28,9,2023,28,4,1,5 30ca2129126d802aab070a6bffd6d71bbee4464d8a187e1a2e6c50638b80c633,none,back asteroid 101955 bennu wide sampl return capsul rest desert planet earth photo taken defens utah test train rang near salt lake citi last sunday septemb 24 drop osirisrex spacecraft capsul look extrem temperatur experienc blister descent earth dens atmosphere osirisrex began journey bennu may 2021 deliv nasa johnson space center houston septemb 25 canist expect contain sampl half pound 250 grams bennu loos pack regolith work new laboratori design osirisrex mission scientist engin complet canist process plan unveil sampl nearearth asteroid broadcast event octob 11,back bennu,2023-09-29,573,86,-0.0186147186147186,09-29,9,2023,29,8,0,2 50225e0548635b1cb34af8bfb2e04259387e01e83525ca90a707b9d9104e3a20,antonio tartarini,northern hemispher dwellers september full moon harvest moon reflect warm hue sunset rise behind tree hill top itali telephoto view septemb 28 fame festival story song harvest moon tradit name full moon nearest autumn equinox accord lore name fit one despit diminish daylight hour grow season drew close farmer could harvest crop light full moon shine dusk dawn harvest moon also known supermoon term becom tradit name full moon near perigee fourth final supermoon 2023,harvest moon,2023-09-30,469,75,0.25,09-30,9,2023,30,2,1,1 36a6da0614466e16126b16c973bad2c55b32d7a81f318473fbcd4309a561493b,maxim,good place see ringoffir eclipse would desert desert rel obscur cloud trees therefor late decemb 2019 group photograph travel unit arab emir rub largest continu sand desert world captur clear imag unusu eclips would pass over ringoffir eclips annular eclips occur moon far enough away ellipt orbit around earth appear small angularly cover entir sun maximum annular eclipse edg sun seen around edg moon moon appear dark spot cover sun particular eclipse knew would peak soon sunrise seek dri barren place turn interest eclips imag actual includ tree foreground because addit sand dunes tree gave surreal background contrast sens scale texture saturday octob 14 new ring fire visibl clear sky thin swath cross north south america,desert eclips,2023-10-01,730,116,0.0323593073593073,10-01,10,2023,1,1,2,1 5a299fab5a4144e85d1f56afef8117f3656c8bcb4933c5a0d19d7e888b46aa7d,nicola,sometim lightn occur near space one lightn type red sprite lightning photograph studi earth past 25 years origin type lightn remain topic research scientist still tri figur red sprite lightn occur all research shown follow power posit cloudtoground lightn strike red sprite may start 100meter ball ioniz air shoot 80km high 10 percent speed light quickli follow group upward streak ioniz balls featur extraordinarili highresolut imag group red sprites imag singl frame last second video taken castl france three week ago sprite quickli vanish sprite visibl even next video frame,sprite lightn high definit,2023-10-02,579,90,0.0372727272727272,10-02,10,2023,2,8,0,4 b0786c7a8b2a35a7c2b5bb0a6ce08fe63994cc317d0b87aa46e2f30442bc413d,abdullah alharbi,nebula look like head nebula known popularli witch head nebula because said nebula shape resembl caricatur witch head exactli how though topic imagin speculation clear ic 2118 50 lightyear across made ga dust point partli erod nearbi star rigel one brighter star constel orion rigel lie bottom featur image blue color witch head nebula caus rigel intens blue starlight dust grain scatter blue light effici red physic process caus earth daytim sky appear blue although scatter planet earth atmospher molecul nitrogen oxygen,ic 2118 witch head nebula,2023-10-04,524,82,0.0714285714285714,10-04,10,2023,4,4,0,5 e252b84b4057b2c73b1f06c22a7b73aa938c752e6aafb32fffdc338779aae314,tunc tezel,track along narrow path shadow new moon race across north central south america octob 14 view shadow path appar size lunar disk quit complet cover sun though instead moon silhouett appear minut total surround fieri ring annular solar eclips dramat known ring fire eclipse strike time laps sequenc may 2012 illustr stage ring fire eclipse eclips start sunset seen icon butt planet earth monument valley remarkably octob 14 ring fire eclips also visibl monument valley begin sunris eastern sky,ring fire monument valley,2023-10-05,491,79,0.1372727272727272,10-05,10,2023,5,2,1,1 59a55132cd9a1438ef2193c16fc64432f433612f0785b25e1ba25561a3bfdd9e,carnegi institut scienc,big universe question among others debat two lead astronom sinc becom known astronomy great debate mani astronom believ milki way galaxi entir universe mani others though believ galaxi one many great debate argument detailed consensu reached answer came three year later detect variat singl spot andromeda nebula shown origin glass discoveri plate digit reproduc here edwin hubbl compar images notic spot varied octob 6 wrote var plate best hubbl knew spot imag variabl star far away m31 realli andromeda galaxi galaxi possibl similar own annot 100 year ago featur imag may pretty variabl spot open window human gaze first time surprisingli vast cosmos,edwin hubbl discov univers,2023-10-06,653,103,0.3133333333333333,10-06,10,2023,6,7,2,4 14b29452610b0f34ecb033ceaea613cbcfd89cd8e9c3c90634979ebfc3e2e345,none,pictur andromeda show star now star be big beauti andromeda galaxy m31 spiral galaxi mere 25 million lightyear away imag data spacebas groundbas observatori combin produc intrigu composit view andromeda wavelength insid outsid normal visibl light visibl light show m31 star now highlight white blue hue imag hubble subaru mayal telescopes infrar light show m31 futur star soon form highlight orang hue imag nasa spitzer space telescope infrar light track enorm lane dust warm stars sweep along andromeda spiral arms dust tracer galaxy vast interstellar gas raw materi futur star formation course new star like form next hundr million year so that well andromeda merg milki way galaxi 5 billion years,futur star andromeda,2023-10-07,699,111,0.1253996003996003,10-07,10,2023,7,7,2,4 de40666953fdef1120b73430976e878e67bdf20a3c69e233da128b58f9a25350,doyl slifer,what front sun closest object airplane visibl sun center caught pure chance next numer cloud earth atmosphere creat seri darken horizont streaks farther earth moon seen larg dark circular bite upper right airplan sun surfac sunspots main sunspot group captur here ar 2192 2014 one largest ever record crackl burst flare sinc came around edg sun week before show solar silhouett unfortun shortlived within second plane flew away within minut cloud drift off within hour partial solar eclips sun moon over fortunately come sun even unexpect align surprisingli frequent perhap one imag saturday new partial solar eclips visibl much north south america apod editor speak houghton michigan thursday octob 12 6 pm,plane clouds moon spots sun,2023-10-08,707,112,0.0752164502164502,10-08,10,2023,8,1,2,1 8b21ccca20dae64bb63d48b5669e51ff91a9ab44d6bfb7f62338cf4aefd875c8,elia chasioti,yes ever seen sunris like this here initi sun appear rise two piec partial eclips 2019 caus photograph describ stun sunris life dark circl near top sun moon dark peak it along way earth atmospher layer unusu warm air sea act like gigant len creat second image normal sunris sunset rare phenomenon atmospher optic known etruscan vase effect featur pictur captur decemb 2019 al observ narrow band earth east abl see full annular solar eclips moon appear complet surround background sun ring fire next solar eclipse also annular eclips wellplac observers occur come saturday apod editor speak houghton michigan thursday octob 12 6 pm,distort sunris eclips,2023-10-09,632,104,0.1166666666666666,10-09,10,2023,9,1,2,1 7c884613e4a943921efb253d6a9db7cb478be8ba9043ec4a7f2e44b4bb22fd60,none,great nebula orion hidden stars unaid eye visibl light appear small fuzzi patch constel orion imag taken webb space telescop representativecolor composit red near infrar light confirm impress detail orion nebula busi neighborhood young stars hot gas dark dust rollov imag show imag repres color near infrared power behind much orion nebula m42 trapezium cluster bright star near nebula center diffus filamentari glow surround bright star mostli heat interstellar dust detail inspect imag show unexpectedli larg number jupitermass binari object pair jupitermass object might give clue star forming whole orion nebula cloud complex includ horsehead nebula slowli dispers next million years apod editor speak houghton michigan thursday octob 12 6 pm,hidden orion webb,2023-10-10,747,111,0.1341666666666667,10-10,10,2023,10,4,2,5 24f6831283d59277ef5719ba9055102c10eb92678154fc549113f9a6b842538b,none,what happen lower arm spiral galaxy supernova last month supernova sn discov observatori later found consist death explos massiv star possibl leav behind black hole spiral galaxi ngc 1097 rel close 45 million light year away visibl small telescop toward southern constel furnac fornax galaxi notabl picturesqu spiral arms also faint jet consist ancient star stream left galact collis possibl small galaxi seen arm lower left featur imag highlight new supernova blink two exposur taken sever month apart find supernova nearbi galaxi import determin scale expans rate entir univers topic current unexpect tension much debate apod editor speak houghton michigan thursday octob 12 6 pm,ngc 1097 spiral galaxi supernova,2023-10-11,683,105,-0.0593073593073593,10-11,10,2023,11,7,2,3 272cbe0288eaf423d8297d7833aaae21dcfd13d12d82317d605e2abbb64e1275,david cruz,mu cephei larg star mclass supergi 1500 time size sun one largest star visibl unaid eye even one largest entir galaxy replac sun fair solar system mu cephei would easili engulf mar jupiter histor known herschel star mu cephei extrem red approxim 2800 lightyear distant supergi seen near edg reddish emiss nebula ic 1396 toward royal northern constel cepheu telescop view much cooler henc redder sun supergiant light redden absorpt scatter due interven dust within milki way wellstudi variabl star understood late phase stellar evolution mu cephei massiv star too destin ultim explod corecollaps supernova,,2023-10-12,604,95,0.1249999999999999,10-12,10,2023,12,6,2,5 6471789d8b1f4c569f3ecac010f8aaa36c9684407f1284e76078bf612718d092,reinhold wittich,gorgeou spiral galaxi messier 33 seem fair share glow hydrogen gas promin member local group galaxies m33 also known triangulum galaxi lie mere 3 million lightyear away galaxy central 30000 lightyear shown sharp galaxi portrait portrait featur m33 reddish ioniz hydrogen cloud hii regions sprawl along loos spiral arm wind toward core m33 giant hii region largest known stellar nurseries site format shortliv massiv stars intens ultraviolet radiat luminous massiv star ioniz surround hydrogen ga ultim produc characterist red glow image broadband data combin narrowband data record hydrogenalpha filter filter transmit light strongest visibl hydrogen emiss line,hydrogen cloud m33,2023-10-13,661,97,0.0805555555555555,10-13,10,2023,13,7,2,5 7abb5685e180fa7e499f75af058d26583585760ecf5b19f93292c81b5c64cd6b,jerri zhang chen zhang,knew everyth question well awar would complet annular eclips sun visibl drive destination lake oregon knew next ringoffir eclips would occur usa 16 years make rare photograph opportunity comfort would appear front eclips silhouette sometim alone sometim together knew annular phase eclips would last minut help mani hour planning could see friend set camera 400 meter away bottom ridge know question would asked know answer album select eclips imag sent apod,eclips ring,2023-10-16,458,71,0.0999999999999999,10-16,10,2023,16,8,0,1 7024a5f6dabfdfee0f848a509b3c954d6dc248f257530386ad58d92831d9fae6,none,big ring that attract attention although big planetform ring around star pd 70 clearli imag quit interesting also planet right insid big disk most although planet pd 70c newli form and interestingly similar size mass jupiter fuzzi patch around planet pd 70c that caus fuzzi patch thought dusti disk form moon never seen before featur imag taken 2021 atacama larg millimet array alma 66 radio telescop high atacama desert northern chile base alma data astronom infer exoplanetari disk radiu similar earth orbit may one day form three moon differ jupiter four,70 planets moon,2023-10-17,559,91,0.0645714285714285,10-17,10,2023,17,8,0,2 10a2134ce7b90321a6683ffc747fa21b944aae819070fcaa7f19f2b78cd266af,jiang wu,big easi miss entir veil nebula span six time diamet full moon dim need binocular see it nebula creat 15000 year ago star constel swan cygnus exploded spectacular explos would appear brighter even venu week known record it pictur western edg stillexpand ga cloud notabl ga filament includ witch broom nebula upper left near bright foreground star 52 cygni fleming triangular wisp formerli known pickering run diagon imag middle rare imag seen featur long exposur across mani color band reflect brown dust run vertic imag left dust like creat cool atmospher massiv stars,dust western veil nebula,2023-10-18,572,93,0.175,10-18,10,2023,18,4,2,5 e859e13bdeb1f5d318ce02b695dc7c97b63d27af087408d6c47e3323948342e4,martin ratcliff,timelaps seri captur octob 14 set sunris view sunset point bryce canyon planet earth cours date new moon caught sun canyon morn skies local temperatur fell moon shadow swept across high altitud scene brilliant morn sunlight becam subdu yellow hue cast reddish rocki landscape timelaps series imag taken 2 minut intervals camera solar filter fix tripod follow phase annular solar eclipse apod album annular solar eclips 2023 octob,sunris sunset point,2023-10-19,429,68,0.2392727272727272,10-19,10,2023,19,1,1,1 7cd2df61b8d7a0cc2a03b479d285fd20344cbd1144c20f6215b1941230d4a331,dan bartlett,galaxi abound sharp telescop imag record octob 12 dark sky june lake california celesti scene span nearli 2 degre within boundari welltrain northern constel cane venatici promin upper left 235 million lightyear distant big beauti spiral galaxi ngc 4258 known messier eyecatch edgeon spiral ngc 4217 right center 60 million lightyear away pass pretti field view comet c2023 h2 discov last april imag data mount lemmon survey comet sport lime green coma though along faint narrow ion tail stretch toward top frame visitor inner solar system present less 7 lightminut away still difficult spot binoculars grow brighter comet c2023 h2 lemmon reach perihelion closest point sun octob 29 perigee closest fair planet novemb 10 transit morn even northern skies,galaxi comet,2023-10-20,752,119,-0.0345238095238095,10-20,10,2023,20,7,2,3 994a3734c03224adb7547ea2daf8ed85e28d75caaf4697217545c4483ab4462f,marcella giulia pace,half way new moon full moon moon first quarter phase that quarter way around moonthli orbit first quarter phase half moon visibl side illumin sunlight moon third quarter phase half way full moon new moon sunlight illumin half visibl lunar disk first third quarter phases terminator shadow line separ lunar night day run middle near terminator long shadow bring lunar crater mountain sharp make quarter phase good time observ moon case miss some quarter phase moon calendar date 2022 found wellplan array telephoto images course observ first quarter moon tonight observ moon night,moon,2023-10-21,579,93,0.1016347687400319,10-21,10,2023,21,2,2,4 8a4b5a129a9fb6e02026c7f300f6957939d3303f4039371726f681a747e7cdf0,yuichi takasakatwan,aurora look like you brave cold watch sky northern canada earli one morn 2013 unusu aurora appeared aurora definit appear shape like what two ghostli possibl record astrophotograph witch goddess dawn pleas feel free suggest halloweenenhanc impressions regardless fantast pareidol interpretations pictur aurora typic green color sure caus scientif commonplac action highenergi particl space interact oxygen earth upper atmosphere imag foreground bottom frozen alexandra falls evergreen tree cross middle help wanted professionalastronom level guest writer assist editor apod,ghost aurora canada,2023-10-22,573,78,0.1111111111111111,10-22,10,2023,22,8,1,1 51a84169e6a3a58756ac0a833a0de2d30ab6c0f284db0008be6837e44075b8d7,none,goe anoth volcano jupiter moon io keep erupting investigate nasa robot juno spacecraft begun seri visit strang moon io size earth moon gravit flex jupit moons io interior get heat surfac becom cover volcanoes featur imag last week flyby pass within 12000 kilomet danger activ world surfac io cover sulfur frozen sulfur dioxide make appear yellow orang brown hoped juno flew volcano erupt faint plume visibl near top featur image studi io volcano plume help human better understand jupiter complex system moons rings aurora interact juno schedul make two flybi io come month almost 10 time closer one decemb anoth februari 2024 help wanted professionalastronom level guest writer assist editor apod,moon io spacecraft juno,2023-10-23,698,111,0.0375,10-23,10,2023,23,8,2,2 7e519b961c14eb156a8ca1c6a32ae5796f7c29838b945113a614a43bc8c329cb,none,danc death two larg galaxi duel cosmic bridg stars gas dust current stretch 75000 lightyear join them bridg strong evid two immens star system pass close experienc violent tide induc mutual gravity evidence faceon spiral galaxi right also known ngc 3808a exhibit mani young blue star cluster produc burst star formation twist edgeon spiral left ngc 3808b seem wrap materi bridg galaxi surround curiou polar ring together system known arp 87 interact drawn billion years repeat close passag ultim creat one merg galaxy although scenario look unusual galact merger thought common arp 87 repres stage inevit process arp 87 danc pair 300 million lightyear distant toward constel lion leo promin edgeon spiral galaxi far left appear distant background galaxi involv ongo merger,arp 87 merg galaxi hubbl,2023-10-24,772,122,-0.0188775510204081,10-24,10,2023,24,7,2,3