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by AI Planet
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.write("AI Planet's ForecastX is a robust and adaptable toolbox crafted to manage multiple time series datasets. It specializes in providing detailed demand forecasts, delivering highly accurate predictions at both the store and product levels. With ForecastX, businesses can significantly reduce the need for ongoing model maintenance and cut down on resource consumption, all while ensuring the delivery of precise and trustworthy demand forecasts. Its comprehensive features make it an ideal solution for various industries, including e-commerce and energy.")
st.header("Key Features")
st.write("1. Efficient and Scalable Demand Forecasting")
st.write("2. Minimized Model Maintenance and Resource Usage for Detailed Forecasting")
st.write("3. What sets ForecastX apart is its use of pre-trained models, which eliminates the need to create individual models for each store and product. Instead, it employs models trained on clusters of stores and products, streamlining operations and conserving valuable time and resources.")
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