# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
os.system("pip3 install torch==1.10.1+cpu torchvision==0.11.2+cpu torchaudio==0.10.1+cpu -f "
import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
ner_map = {0: '0',
1: 'B-OSOBA',
2: 'I-OSOBA',
options = {"ents": ["OSOBA",
"colors": {"OSOBA": "lightblue",
"ORGANIZÁCIA": "lightcoral",
"LOKALITA": "lightgreen"}}
ner_pipeline = pipeline(task='ner', model="crabz/slovakbert-ner")
nlp = spacy.blank("sk")
def postprocess(classifications):
entities = []
for i in range(len(classifications)):
if classifications[i]['entity'] != 0:
if ner_map[classifications[i]['entity']][0] == 'B':
j = i + 1
while j < len(classifications) and ner_map[classifications[j]['entity']][0] == 'I':
j += 1
entities.append((ner_map[classifications[i]['entity']].split('-')[1], classifications[i]['start'],
classifications[j - 1]['end']))
while True:
merged = False
to_remove = []
merged_entities = []
for i in range(len(entities)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(entities)):
if entities[i] != entities[j] and entities[i][0] == entities[j][0] and \
(entities[i][2] == entities[j][1] or entities[i][1] == entities[j][2]):
new_start = min(entities[i][1], entities[j][1])
new_end = max(entities[i][2], entities[j][2])
merged_entities.append((entities[i][0], new_start, new_end))
merged = True
if merged:
for ent in to_remove:
entities += merged_entities
if not merged:
return entities
def set_entities(sentence, entities):
doc = nlp(sentence)
ents = []
for label, start, end in entities:
ents.append(doc.char_span(start, end, label))
doc.ents = ents
except TypeError:
return doc
def apply_ner(Sentence: str):
classifications = ner_pipeline(Sentence)
entities = postprocess(classifications)
doc = set_entities(Sentence, entities)
displacy_html = displacy.render(doc, style="ent", options=options)
return displacy_html
intf = gr.Interface(fn=apply_ner, inputs="text", outputs="html", title='Slovak Named Entity Recognition',
examples=[["Laboratóriá Úradu verejného zdravotníctva sekvenovaním potvrdili výskyt ďalších štyroch prípadov variantu omikron na Slovensku."],
["Čaputová opakovane tvrdí, že \"spravodlivosť na Slovensku neplatí vždy pre všetkých rovnako\"."],
["Informácie o týchto veľkolepých plánoch prišli týždeň po tom, ako sa japonský miliardár Jusaku Maezawa vrátil z 12-dňového pobytu na Medzinárodnej vesmírnej stanici (ISS), čím sa stal prvým vesmírnym turistom, ktorý cestoval na ISS za viac ako desať rokov."],
["Minister financií a líder mandátovo najsilnejšieho hnutia OĽaNO Igor Matovič upozorňuje, že následky tretej vlny budú na Slovensku veľmi veľké."],
["Začiatkom roka 2021 sa objavili nezhody medzi Richardom Sulíkom a šéfom hnutia OĽANO Igorom Matovičom, ktoré v istej miere pretrvávajú aj dodnes."]],
description="Named-entity recognition (NER) labels named-entities in unstructured text. This implementation supports three labels: person (OSOBA), organization (ORGANIZÁCIA) and location (LOKALITA). You can try out one of the examples below or type your own sentence. Don't forget to use double quotes (\" \") instead of curved quotes („ “).",
article="This model is a fine-tuned version of gerulata/slovakbert on the Slovak wikiann dataset. "
"It achieves F1 score of 0.9398 on the evaluation set. Note that this also counts background words (no label), so simply labelling all words as background words would yield very high F1. "
"The quote requirements comes from pretrained SlovakBERT and was not introduced by me. More details about the model can be found at crabz/slovakbert-ner.
"Some of the examples where the model makes a mistake are listed below: