ONNX-Demo / pyserini /resources /index-metadata /index-wikipedia-dpr-20210120-d1b9e6-readme.txt
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727 Bytes
This index was generated on 2021/01/20 at
+ anserini commit d1b9e67928aa60fa557113ace5d209b0c58e994c (2021/01/19).
with the following command:
sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection JsonCollection \
-generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator -threads 22 \
-input wikipedia-dpr-jsonl -index index-wikipedia-dpr-20210120-d1b9e6 -storeRaw -optimize
Note that to reduce index size:
+ positions are not indexed (so no phrase queries)
+ document vectors are not stored (so no query expansion)
However, the raw documents are stored, so they can be fetched and fed to further downstream reranking components.
index-wikipedia-dpr-20210120-d1b9e6.tar.gz MD5 checksum = c28f3a56b2dfcef25bf3bf755c264d04