with gr.Box(visible=os.environ.get("SPACE_ID")): if os.environ.get("SPACE_ID") and str(os.environ.get("IS_SHARED_UI", "") or "") not in ("", "0"): gr.HTML(f"""

Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion Web UI on 🤗 Hugging Face | Checkpoint: theAllysMixIII_v10

Docker setup: 🤗 Hugging Face ➔ carloscar/stable-diffusion-webui-docker | 🐙 GitHub ➔ kalaspuff/stable-diffusion-webui-docker

Duplicate this Space to run it privately without a queue + load additional checkpoints, VAE, LoRA models, etc.  Duplicate Space

""") elif os.environ.get("SPACE_ID"): import torch if not torch.cuda.is_available(): gr.HTML(f"""

Docker setup: 🤗 Hugging Face ➔ carloscar/stable-diffusion-webui-docker | 🐙 GitHub ➔ kalaspuff/stable-diffusion-webui-docker

Load additional checkpoints, VAE, LoRA models, etc. Read more on the README at the GitHub link above.

This Space is currently running on CPU, which may yield very slow results - you can upgrade for a GPU in the Settings tab

""") else: gr.HTML(f"""

Docker setup: 🤗 Hugging Face ➔ carloscar/stable-diffusion-webui-docker | 🐙 GitHub ➔ kalaspuff/stable-diffusion-webui-docker

Load additional checkpoints, VAE, LoRA models, etc. Read more on the README at the GitHub link above.

This Space has GPU enabled - remember to remove the GPU from the space in the Settings tab when you're done.
