import io import multiprocessing import os import time import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdf import nltk from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline from distilabel.llms import InferenceEndpointsLLM from distilabel.steps import LoadDataFromDicts, KeepColumns from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration from personas import * # Assuming this contains TextToPersona and other necessary definitions"punkt", quiet=True) PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """\ Generate a single prompt the persona below might ask to an AI assistant: {{ persona }} """ # Get HF_TOKEN from environment variable HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") def process_pdfs(pdf_files): all_data = [] for pdf_file in pdf_files: elements = partition_pdf( full_text = "" for element in elements: full_text += element.text + "\n" all_data.append({"text": full_text.strip()}) return all_data def _run_pipeline(result_queue, pdf_files): data = process_pdfs(pdf_files) with Pipeline(name="personahub-fineweb-edu-text-to-persona") as pipeline: input_batch_size = 10 data_loader = LoadDataFromDicts(data=data) llm = InferenceEndpointsLLM( model_id="meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct", api_key=HF_TOKEN, ) text_to_persona = TextToPersona( llm=llm, input_batch_size=input_batch_size, ) text_gen = TextGeneration( llm=llm, system_prompt="You are an AI assistant expert at simulating user interactions.", template=PROMPT_TEMPLATE, columns="persona", output_mappings={"generation": "instruction"}, num_generations=1, ) response_gen = TextGeneration( llm=llm, system_prompt="You are an AI assistant expert in responding to tasks", output_mappings={"generation": "response"}, ) keep = KeepColumns( columns=["text", "persona", "model_name", "instruction", "response"], input_batch_size=input_batch_size, ) (data_loader >> text_to_persona >> text_gen >> response_gen >> keep) distiset = result_queue.put(distiset) def generate_dataset(pdf_files, progress=gr.Progress()): result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=_run_pipeline, args=(result_queue, pdf_files), ) try: p.start() total_steps = 100 for step in range(total_steps): if not p.is_alive() or p._popen.poll() is not None: break progress( (step + 1) / total_steps, desc="Generating dataset. Don't close this window.", ) time.sleep(2) # Adjust this value based on your needs p.join() except Exception as e: raise gr.Error(f"An error occurred during dataset generation: {str(e)}") distiset = result_queue.get() df = distiset["default"]["train"].to_pandas() progress(1.0, desc="Dataset generation completed") return df def gradio_interface(pdf_files): if HF_TOKEN is None: raise gr.Error( "HF_TOKEN environment variable is not set. Please set it and restart the application." ) df = generate_dataset(pdf_files) return df with gr.Blocks(title="MyPersonas Dataset Generator") as app: gr.Markdown("# MyPersonas Dataset Generator") gr.Markdown("Upload one or more PDFs to generate a persona based SFT dataset.") with gr.Row(): pdf_files = gr.File(label="Upload PDFs", file_count="multiple") with gr.Row(): generate_button = gr.Button("Generate Dataset") output_dataframe = gr.DataFrame( label="Generated Dataset", interactive=False, wrap=True, ) fn=gradio_interface, inputs=[pdf_files], outputs=[output_dataframe], ) if __name__ == "__main__": app.launch()