# FROM ubuntu:20.04 # RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ # build-essential \ # ca-certificates \ # curl \ # git \ # libgl1-mesa-glx \ # libglib2.0-0 \ # libsm6 \ # libxext6 \ # libxrender-dev \ # python3-dev \ # python3-pip \ # python3-setuptools \ # python3-wheel \ # sudo \ # unzip \ # vim \ # wget \ # && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # RUN useradd -m huggingface # # RUN wget https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/releases/download/v2.5.24/Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip && \ # # unzip Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip && \ # # rm Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip # RUN mkdir easy-diffusion # # copy the local repo to the container # COPY . /home/huggingface/easy-diffusion # EXPOSE 9000 # # EXPOSE $PORT # RUN chown -R huggingface /home/huggingface/easy-diffusion # RUN chmod -R u+x /home/huggingface/easy-diffusion # USER huggingface # WORKDIR /home/huggingface # CMD [ "easy-diffusion/start.sh" ] FROM we2app/easy-diffusiom EXPOSE 9000