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Ana Sanchez
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import os
import torch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from import mmread
from torchvision.transforms import Compose
from import Dataset
class CellPainting(Dataset):
def __init__(self, sample_index_file: str, image_directory_path: str = None, molecule_file: str = None, label_matrix_file: str = None,
label_row_index_file: str = None, label_col_index_file: str = None, auxiliary_labels=None,
transforms=None, group_views: bool = False,
subset: float = 1., num_classes: int = None, verbose: bool = False):
""" Read samples from cellpainting dataset."""
self.verbose = verbose
self.molecules = False
self.images = False
assert (os.path.exists(sample_index_file))
# Read sample index
sample_index = pd.read_csv(sample_index_file, sep=",", header=0)
# read auxiliary labels if provided
if auxiliary_labels is not None:
pddata = pd.read_csv(auxiliary_labels, sep=",", header=0)
self.auxiliary_data = pddata.as_matrix()[:, 2:].astype(np.float32)
# threshold
self.auxiliary_data[self.auxiliary_data < 0.75] = -1
self.auxiliary_data[self.auxiliary_data >= 0.75] = 1
self.auxiliary_assays = list(pddata)[2:]
self.n_auxiliary_classes = len(self.auxiliary_assays)
self.auxiliary_smiles = pddata["SMILES"].tolist()
self.n_auxiliary_classes = 0
if image_directory_path:
self.images = True
assert (os.path.exists(image_directory_path))
if group_views:
sample_groups = sample_index.groupby(['PLATE_ID', 'WELL_POSITION'])
sample_keys = list(sample_groups.groups.keys())
sample_index = sample_groups
self.sample_to_smiles = None # TODO
sample_keys = sample_index['SAMPLE_KEY'].tolist()
if auxiliary_labels is not None:
self.sample_to_smiles = dict(zip(sample_index.SAMPLE_KEY, [self.auxiliary_smiles.index(s) for s in sample_index.SMILES]))
self.sample_to_smiles = None
if molecule_file:
self.molecules = True
assert (os.path.exists(molecule_file))
molecule_df = pd.read_hdf(molecule_file, key="df")
#molecule_objs = {index: row.values for index, row in molecule_df.iterrows()}
#keys = list(set(sample_keys) & set(list(molecule_df.index.values)))
mol_keys = list(molecule_df.index.values)
if self.images and self.molecules:
keys = list(set(sample_keys) & set(list(molecule_df.index.values)))
elif self.images:
keys = sample_keys
elif self.molecules:
keys = mol_keys
if len(keys) == 0:
raise Exception("Empty dataset!")
self.log("Found {} samples".format(len(keys)))
if subset != 1.:
sample_keys = sample_keys[:int(len(sample_keys) * subset)]
# Read Label Matrix if specified
if label_matrix_file is not None:
assert (os.path.exists(label_matrix_file))
assert (os.path.exists(label_row_index_file))
assert (os.path.exists(label_col_index_file))
if label_row_index_file is not None and label_col_index_file is not None:
col_index = pd.read_csv(label_col_index_file, sep=",", header=0)
row_index = pd.read_csv(label_row_index_file, sep=",", header=0)
label_matrix = mmread(label_matrix_file).tocsr()
# --
self.label_matrix = label_matrix
self.row_index = row_index
self.col_index = col_index
if group_views:
self.label_dict = dict(
(key, sample_groups.get_group(key).iloc[0].ROW_NR_LABEL_MAT) for key in sample_keys)
self.label_dict = dict(zip(sample_index.SAMPLE_KEY, sample_index.ROW_NR_LABEL_MAT))
self.n_classes = label_matrix.shape[1]
raise Exception("If label is specified index files must be passed!")
self.label_matrix = None
self.row_index = None
self.col_index = None
self.label_dict = None
self.n_classes = num_classes
if auxiliary_labels is not None:
self.n_classes += self.n_auxiliary_classes
# expose everything important
self.data_directory = image_directory_path
self.sample_index = sample_index
if self.molecules:
self.molecule_objs = molecule_df
self.keys = keys
self.n_samples = len(keys)
self.sample_keys = list(keys)
self.group_views = group_views
self.transforms = transforms
# load first sample and check shape
i = 0
sample = self[i][0] if self.molecules else self[i] #getitem returns tuple of img and fp
# while sample["input"] is np.nan and i < len(self):
# sample = self[i][0] if self.molecules else self[i]
# i += 1
# if sample["input"] is not None and not np.nan:
# self.data_shape = sample["input"].shape
# else:
# self.data_shape = "Unknown"
# self.log("Discovered {} samples (subset={}) with shape {}".format(self.n_samples, subset, self.data_shape))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.keys)
## TODO: Clean!
def __getitem__(self, idx):
sample_key = self.keys[idx]
if self.molecules and self.images:
mol = self.molecule_objs.loc[sample_key].values
img = self.read_img(sample_key)
# mol = list(self.molecule_objs.loc[sample_key].values)
return img, mol
elif self.images:
img = self.read_img(sample_key)
return img
elif self.molecules:
mol = self.molecule_objs.loc[sample_key].values
return mol
def shape(self):
return self.data_shape
def num_classes(self):
return self.n_classes
def log(self, message):
if self.verbose:
def read_img(self, key):
if self.group_views:
X = self.load_view_group(key)
filepath = os.path.join(self.data_directory, "{}.npz".format(key))
if os.path.exists(filepath):
X = self.load_view(filepath=filepath)
index = int(np.where(self.sample_index["SAMPLE_KEY"]==key)[0])
#cpd = str(self.sample_index["CPD_NAME"])
#print("ERROR: Missing sample '{}'".format(key))
return dict(input=np.nan, ID=key)
if self.transforms:
X = self.transforms(X)
# get label
if self.label_dict is not None:
label_idx = self.label_dict[key]
y = self.label_matrix[label_idx].toarray()[0].astype(np.float32)
if self.sample_to_smiles is not None and key in self.sample_to_smiles:
y = np.concatenate([y, self.auxiliary_data[self.sample_to_smiles[key], :]])
return dict(input=X, target=y, ID=key)
return dict(input=X, row_id=index, ID=key)
def get_sample_keys(self):
return self.sample_keys.copy()
def load_view(self, filepath):
"""Load all channels for one sample"""
npz = np.load(filepath, allow_pickle=True)
if "sample" in npz:
image = npz["sample"].astype(np.float32)
#image_reshaped = np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1))
# for c in range(image.shape[-1]):
# image[:, :, c] = (image[:, :, c] - image[:, :, c].mean()) / image[:, :, c].std()
# image[:, :, c] = ((image[:, :, c] - image[:, :, c].mean()) / image[:, :, c].std() * 255).astype(np.uint8)
# image = (image - image.mean()) / image.std()
return image
return None
def load_view_group(self, groupkey):
result = np.empty((1040, 2088 - 12, 5), dtype=np.uint8)
viewgroup = self.sample_index.get_group(groupkey)
for i, view in enumerate(viewgroup.sort_values("SITE", ascending=True).iterrows()):
corner = (0 if int(i / 3) == 0 else 520, i % 3 * 692)
filepath = os.path.join(self.data_directory, "{}.npz".format(view[1].SAMPLE_KEY))
v = self.load_view(filepath=filepath)[:, 4:, :]
# for j in range(v.shape[-1]):
# plt.imshow(v[:, :, j])
# plt.savefig("{}-{}-{}-{}.png".format(groupkey[0], groupkey[1], i, j))
result[corner[0]:corner[0] + 520, corner[1]:corner[1] + 692, :] = v
return result