import io import os from openai import OpenAI from import StructuredTool, Tool from io import BytesIO import requests import json from io import BytesIO import chainlit as cl def get_image_name(): """ We need to keep track of images we generate, so we can reference them later and display them correctly to our users. """ image_count = cl.user_session.get("image_count") if image_count is None: image_count = 0 else: image_count += 1 cl.user_session.set("image_count", image_count) return f"image-{image_count}" def _generate_image(prompt: str): """ This function is used to generate an image from a text prompt using DALL-E 3. We use the OpenAI API to generate the image, and then store it in our user session so we can reference it later. """ client = OpenAI() response = client.images.generate( model="dall-e-3", prompt=prompt, size="1024x1024", quality="standard", n=1, ) image_payload = requests.get([0].url, stream=True) image_bytes = BytesIO(image_payload.content) print(type(image_bytes)) name = get_image_name() cl.user_session.set(name, image_bytes.getvalue()) cl.user_session.set("generated_image", name) return name def generate_image(prompt: str): image_name = _generate_image(prompt) return f"Here is {image_name}." # this is our tool - which is what allows our agent to generate images in the first place! # the `description` field is of utmost imporance as it is what the LLM "brain" uses to determine # which tool to use for a given input. generate_image_format = '{{"prompt": "prompt"}}' generate_image_tool = Tool.from_function( func=generate_image, name="GenerateImage", description=f"Useful to create an image from a text prompt. Input should be a single string strictly in the following JSON format: {generate_image_format}", return_direct=True, )