antispoof /
Wikidepia's picture
Add demo for spoof detection
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
from PIL import Image
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("models/slim-facelandmark.onnx")
def EuclideanDistance(source_representation, test_representation):
euclidean_distance = source_representation - test_representation
euclidean_distance = np.sum(np.multiply(euclidean_distance, euclidean_distance))
euclidean_distance = np.sqrt(euclidean_distance)
return euclidean_distance
def alignment_procedure(img, left_eye, right_eye):
left_eye_x, left_eye_y = left_eye
right_eye_x, right_eye_y = right_eye
if left_eye_y > right_eye_y:
point_3rd = (right_eye_x, left_eye_y)
direction = -1 # rotate same direction to clock
point_3rd = (left_eye_x, right_eye_y)
direction = 1 # rotate inverse direction of clock
a = EuclideanDistance(np.array(left_eye), np.array(point_3rd))
b = EuclideanDistance(np.array(right_eye), np.array(point_3rd))
c = EuclideanDistance(np.array(right_eye), np.array(left_eye))
if (
b != 0 and c != 0
): # this multiplication causes division by zero in cos_a calculation
cos_a = (b * b + c * c - a * a) / (2 * b * c)
angle = np.arccos(cos_a) # angle in radian
angle = (angle * 180) / math.pi # radian to degree
# -----------------------
# rotate base image
if direction == -1:
angle = 90 - angle
img = Image.fromarray(img)
img = np.array(img.rotate(direction * angle))
# -----------------------
return img # return img anyway
def align_face(image):
inputs = cv2.resize(image, (112, 112))
inputs = cv2.cvtColor(inputs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
inputs = inputs.transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32)
inputs = inputs / 255.0
inputs = np.expand_dims(inputs, axis=0)
landmarks =, {"input": inputs})[0]
pre_landmark = landmarks[0]
pre_landmark = pre_landmark.reshape(-1, 2)
left_eyex, left_eyey = pre_landmark[96]
right_eyex, right_eyey = pre_landmark[97]
img = alignment_procedure(image, (left_eyex, left_eyey), (right_eyex, right_eyey))
return img
if __name__ == "__main__":
img = cv2.imread("obamaface.jpg")
img = align_face(img)
cv2.imshow("img", img)