### Example - region prompt(txt2img / no controlnet) - region 0 ... 1girl, upper body etc - region 1 ... ((car)), street, road,no human etc - background ... town, outdoors etc - ip adapter input for background / region 0 / region 1 - animatediff generate -c config/prompts/region_txt2img.json -W 512 -H 768 -L 32 -C 16 - region 0 mask / region 1 mask / txt2img

- apply different lora for each region. - [abdiel](https://civitai.com/models/159943/abdiel-shin-megami-tensei-v-v) for region 0 - [amanozoko](https://civitai.com/models/159933/amanozoko-shin-megami-tensei-v-v) for region 1 - no lora for background
```json # new lora_map format "lora_map": { # Specify lora as a path relative to /animatediff-cli/data "share/Lora/zs_Abdiel.safetensors": { # setting for abdiel lora "region" : ["0"], # target region. Multiple designations possible "scale" : { # "frame_no" : scale format "0": 0.75 # lora scale. same as prompt_map format. For example, it is possible to set the lora to be used from the 30th frame. } }, "share/Lora/zs_Amanazoko.safetensors": { # setting for amanozako lora "region" : ["1"], # target region "scale" : { "0": 0.75 } } }, ``` - more example [here](https://github.com/s9roll7/animatediff-cli-prompt-travel/issues/147)
- img2img - This can be improved using controlnet, but this sample does not use it. - source / denoising_strength 0.7 / denoising_strength 0.85

- [A command to stylization with region has been added](https://github.com/s9roll7/animatediff-cli-prompt-travel#video-stylization-with-region). - (You can also create json manually without using the stylize command.) - region prompt - Region division into person shapes - source / img2img / txt2img

- source / Region division into person shapes / inpaint

- [A command to stylization with mask has been added](https://github.com/s9roll7/animatediff-cli-prompt-travel#video-stylization-with-mask). - more example [here](https://github.com/s9roll7/animatediff-cli-prompt-travel/issues/111)

- [A command to automate video stylization has been added](https://github.com/s9roll7/animatediff-cli-prompt-travel#video-stylization). - Original / First generation result / Second generation(for upscaling) result - It took 4 minutes to generate the first one and about 5 minutes to generate the second one (on rtx 4090). - more example [here](https://github.com/s9roll7/animatediff-cli-prompt-travel/issues/29)

- controlnet_openpose + controlnet_softedge - input frames for controlnet(0,16,32 frames) - result

- In the latest version, generation can now be controlled more precisely through prompts. - sample 1 ```json "prompt_fixed_ratio": 0.8, "head_prompt": "1girl, wizard, circlet, earrings, jewelry, purple hair,", "prompt_map": { "0": "(standing,full_body),blue_sky, town", "8": "(sitting,full_body),rain, town", "16": "(standing,full_body),blue_sky, woods", "24": "(upper_body), beach", "32": "(upper_body, smile)", "40": "(upper_body, angry)", "48": "(upper_body, smile, from_above)", "56": "(upper_body, angry, from_side)", "64": "(upper_body, smile, from_below)", "72": "(upper_body, angry, from_behind, looking at viewer)", "80": "face,looking at viewer", "88": "face,looking at viewer, closed_eyes", "96": "face,looking at viewer, open eyes, open_mouth", "104": "face,looking at viewer, closed_eyes, closed_mouth", "112": "face,looking at viewer, open eyes,eyes, open_mouth, tongue, smile, laughing", "120": "face,looking at viewer, eating, bowl,chopsticks,holding,food" }, ```

- sample 2 ```json "prompt_fixed_ratio": 1.0, "head_prompt": "1girl, wizard, circlet, earrings, jewelry, purple hair,", "prompt_map": { "0": "", "8": "((fire magic spell, fire background))", "16": "((ice magic spell, ice background))", "24": "((thunder magic spell, thunder background))", "32": "((skull magic spell, skull background))", "40": "((wind magic spell, wind background))", "48": "((stone magic spell, stone background))", "56": "((holy magic spell, holy background))", "64": "((star magic spell, star background))", "72": "((plant magic spell, plant background))", "80": "((meteor magic spell, meteor background))" }, ```