import streamlit as st # import base64 import openai from io import BytesIO import requests # import os # from pathlib import Path # from dotenv import load_dotenv # load_dotenv() # Streamlit page setup st.set_page_config(page_title="PromptCanvas™", layout="centered", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed") #Add the image with a specified width image_width = 300 # Set the desired width in pixels st.image('MTSS.ai_Logo.png', width=image_width) st.header('PromptCanvas™ | Images') st.subheader('Image Builder + Alt Text') # Retrieve the OpenAI API Key from secrets openai.api_key = st.secrets["openai_api_key"] # Set the OpenAI API key # Retrieve OpenAI API key from environment variables # openai_api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') # if not openai_api_key: # raise ValueError("OPENAI_API_KEY not set in environment variables") # Set the OpenAI API key # openai.api_key = openai_api_key # def generate_images(prompt): #def generate_images(image_description, num_images): # response = openai.images.generate( # model="dall-e-3", # prompt = prompt, # size="1024x1024", # quality="standard", # n = 1, # ) # image_url =[0].url # return image_url # # Use a unique key for the text area to avoid conflicts with other session_state usages # image_description_prompt = st.text_area("Enter a description for the image you want to generate", key="image_description") # if st.button("Generate Images"): # with st.spinner("Analyzing the image ..."): # # Generate the image and store its URL in session_state # st.session_state['generated_image_url'] = generate_images(image_description_prompt) # # Check if the 'generated_image_url' key exists in session_state and display the image and download button # if 'generated_image_url' in st.session_state and st.session_state['generated_image_url']: # st.image(st.session_state['generated_image_url'], caption="Generated Image") # # Fetch the image from the URL to enable downloading # response = requests.get(st.session_state['generated_image_url']) # if response.status_code == 200: # img_bytes = BytesIO(response.content) # st.download_button( # label="Download Image", # data=img_bytes, # file_name="generated_image.png", # mime="image/png", # type="primary" # ) # st.success('Powered by MTSS GPT. AI can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.') def generate_images(prompt): response = openai.images.generate( model="dall-e-3", prompt=prompt, size="1024x1024", quality="standard", n=1, ) image_url =[0].url return image_url # Input for image description # prompt = st.text_input("Enter a description for the image you want to generate") prompt = st.text_area("Enter a description for the image you want to generate") # Generate Image button if st.button("Generate Image"): generated_image_url = generate_images(prompt) if generated_image_url: # st.image(generated_image_url, caption="Generated Image") # Store the generated image URL in the session state st.session_state['generated_image_url'] = generated_image_url # Display the generated image if it's in the session state if 'generated_image_url' in st.session_state: st.image(st.session_state['generated_image_url'], caption="Generated Image") # Fetch the image to download response = requests.get(st.session_state['generated_image_url']) if response.status_code == 200: # Create a download button and provide the image content as a byte stream st.download_button( label="Download Image", data=response.content, file_name="generated_image.jpg", mime="image/jpeg" ) # Show the following options only if an image has been generated if 'generated_image_url' in st.session_state: # Toggle for showing additional details input show_details = st.toggle("Add details about the image.", value=False) if show_details: # Text input for additional details about the image, shown only if toggle is True additional_details = st.text_area( "The details could include specific information that is important to include in the alt text or reflect why the image is being used:", disabled=not show_details ) # Toggle for modifying the prompt for complex images complex_image = st.toggle("Is this a complex image? ", value=False) if complex_image: # Text input for additional details about the image, shown only if toggle is True complex_image_details = st.caption( "By clicking this toggle, it will inform to create a description that exceeds the 125 character limit. " "Add the description in a placeholder behind the image and 'Description in the content placeholder' in the alt text box. " ) # Analyze Image button # Button to trigger the analysis analyze_button = st.button("Analyze the Image", type="secondary") # Optimized prompt for complex images complex_image_prompt_text = ( "As an expert in image accessibility and alternative text, thoroughly describe the image provided. " "Provide a brief description using not more than 500 characters that convey the essential information conveyed by the image in eight or fewer clear and concise sentences. " "Skip phrases like 'image of' or 'picture of.' " "Your description should form a clear, well-structured, and factual paragraph that avoids bullet points, focusing on creating a seamless narrative." ) # Check if an image has been uploaded, if the API key is available, and if the button has been pressed if analyze_button: with st.spinner("Analyzing the image ..."): # Determine which prompt to use based on the complexity of the image if complex_image: prompt_text = complex_image_prompt_text else: prompt_text = ( "As an expert in image accessibility and alternative text, succinctly describe the image provided in less than 125 characters. " "Provide a brief description using not more than 125 characters that convey the essential information conveyed by the image in three or fewer clear and concise sentences for use as alt text. " "Skip phrases like 'image of' or 'picture of.' " "Your description should form a clear, well-structured, and factual paragraph that avoids bullet points and newlines, focusing on creating a seamless narrative that serves as effective alternative text for accessibility purposes." ) if show_details and additional_details: prompt_text += ( f"\n\nAdditional Context Provided by the User:\n{additional_details}" ) # Create the payload for the completion request messages = [ { "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "text", "text": prompt_text}, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": st.session_state['generated_image_url'], }, ], } ] # Make the request to the OpenAI API try: # Without Stream # response = # model="gpt-4-vision-preview", messages=messages, max_tokens=250, stream=False # ) # Stream the response full_response = "" message_placeholder = st.empty() for completion in model="gpt-4-vision-preview", messages=messages, max_tokens=1200, stream=True ): # Check if there is content to display if completion.choices[0].delta.content is not None: full_response += completion.choices[0].delta.content message_placeholder.markdown(full_response + "▌") # Final update to placeholder after the stream ends message_placeholder.markdown(full_response) # # Display the response in a text area # st.text_area('Response:', value=full_response, height=250, key="response_text_area") st.success('Powered by MTSS GPT. AI can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.') except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") # else: # # Warnings for user action required # if not st.session_state['generated_image_url'] and analyze_button: # st.warning("Please upload an image.")