import streamlit as st import json from peft import AutoPeftModelForCausalLM from transformers import GenerationConfig, AutoTokenizer import torch import re def process_data_sample(example): # Convert the 'Instruction' dictionary to a JSON string if it's not already a string instruction = json.dumps(example.get("Instruction", {})) if isinstance(example.get("Instruction"), dict) else example.get("Instruction", "No Instruction Provided") processed_example = "You have to generate api developer documentation json object which helps the user to create api documentation. ### Instruction : " + instruction + ". ### Response :" return processed_example def processing_ouput(model_response): pattern = r"### Response :(.*)" # Find the first match match =, model_response, re.DOTALL) # Extract and process the match extracted_response = '' if match: extracted_response = print(extracted_response) original_json_str = extracted_response original_json = json.loads(original_json_str) # New JSON structure new_json = { "Name": "API Name will come here", "Endpoint": original_json["Endpoint"], "Method": original_json["Method"], "Description": original_json["Description"], "Headers": original_json["Headers"], "Request_Body": { # Assuming this information needs to be manually added or transformed "ProductID": "Unique identifier of the product for which the price is to be updated.", "NewPrice": "New price to be set for the specified product." }, "Response_Body": original_json["Response_Body"], "Steps_To_Use": original_json["Steps_To_Use"], "Edge_Cases": { # Assuming this information needs to be manually added or transformed "Invalid_ProductID": "If the specified product ID is invalid, an error message will be returned.", "Negative_Price": "If the new price is negative, an error message will be returned." }, "Exceptions": original_json["Exceptions"], "Usage_Examples": original_json["Usage_Examples"] } # Convert the new JSON object to a string new_json_str = json.dumps(new_json, indent=4) return new_json_str def model_function(input_data): model_response = input_data tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Shubhang999/shu3") inp_str = process_data_sample( { "Instruction": input_data, } ) inputs = tokenizer(inp_str, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") model = AutoPeftModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "Shubhang999/shu3", low_cpu_mem_usage=True, return_dict=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16, device_map="cuda") generation_config = GenerationConfig( do_sample=True, top_k=1, temperature=0.1, max_new_tokens=800, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id ) outputs = model.generate(**inputs, generation_config=generation_config) #print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) processed_ouput = processing_ouput(outputs) return processed_ouput # Streamlit UI code def key_value_input(container, label, key, value, index): col1, col2 = container.columns(2) # Use a simple text_input for keys in Request Body and Response Object if label in ["Request Body", "Response Object"]: key_input = col1.text_input(f"{label} Key {index}", key, key=f"{label}_key_{index}") else: # Existing logic for Request Header with common headers common_headers = [ "Host", "User-Agent", "Accept", "Accept-Language", "Accept-Encoding", "Connection", "Referer", "Cookie", "Authorization", "Cache-Control", "Content-Type","API-Key" ] key_input = col1.selectbox(f"{label} Key {index}", options=[''] + common_headers, index=common_headers.index(key) if key in common_headers else 0, key=f"{label}_key_{index}") value_input = col2.text_input(f"{label} Value {index}", value, key=f"{label}_value_{index}") return key_input, value_input def dynamic_key_value_pairs(label): container = st.container() all_pairs = [] if label not in st.session_state: st.session_state[label] = [{'key': '', 'value': ''}] for i, pair in enumerate(st.session_state[label]): key, value = key_value_input(container, label, pair['key'], pair['value'], i) all_pairs.append((key, value)) if container.button(f"Add more to {label}"): st.session_state[label].append({'key': '', 'value': ''}) return all_pairs # Streamlit UI layout st.title('API Documentation Generator') # Text input for API Endpoint api_endpoint = st.text_input("API Endpoint", "") # Dropdown for API Method api_methods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"] api_method = st.selectbox("API Method", api_methods) # Dynamic key-value pairs for Request Header, Body, and Response Object request_header_pairs = dynamic_key_value_pairs("Request Header") request_body_pairs = dynamic_key_value_pairs("Request Body") response_object_pairs = dynamic_key_value_pairs("Response Object") # Button to Generate Documentation if st.button('Generate Documentation'): request_header = {k: v for k, v in request_header_pairs if k and v} request_body = {k: v for k, v in request_body_pairs if k and v} response_object = {k: v for k, v in response_object_pairs if k and v} user_input = { "API_Endpoint": api_endpoint, "API_Method": api_method, "Request_Object": request_header, "Response_Object": response_object } # Call the model function with the processed input documentation = model_function(user_input) # Display the model output on the UI st.write(documentation)