# Rewritten Code import openai import gradio as gr import time # keep track of responses responses = [] def Question(Ask_Question): # pass the generated text to audio openai.api_key = "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" # Set up the model and prompt model_engine = "text-davinci-003" #prompt = "who is alon musk?" # Generate a response completion = openai.Completion.create( engine=model_engine, prompt=Ask_Question, max_tokens=2056, n=1, stop=None, temperature=0.5,) response = completion.choices[0].text #out_result=resp['message'] # add response to the responses list responses.append(response) return response # Create interface demo = gr.Interface( title='OpenAI ChatGPT Application', fn=Question, inputs="text", outputs="text") # Create a secondary window with history of responses gr.Interface(title="History", fn=lambda: responses, inputs=None, outputs=responses, live=True).launch(share=True) # Launch interface demo.launch(share=true) Check this code to make sure it'll run: chat_history = [ ["User", prompt], ["OpenAI", responses["choices"][0]["text"]] ] # Create the radio blocks window window = RadioBlocks(chat_history) window.launch() # Print out the chat history print("Chat History:") for message in chat_history: print(f"{message[0]}: {message[1]}") # fix chat_history = [ ["User", prompt], ["OpenAI", responses["choices"][0]["text"]] ] # Create the radio blocks window window = gr.Interface(title="History", fn=lambda: chat_history, inputs=None, outputs=chat_history, live=True).launch(share=True) # Print out the chat history print("Chat History:") for message in chat_history: print(f"{message[0]}: {message[1]}")