COLAB = False # from IPython import get_ipython # type: ignore # ipython = get_ipython(); assert ipython is not None # ipython.run_line_magic("load_ext", "autoreload") # ipython.run_line_magic("autoreload", "2") # Standard imports import os import torch from tqdm import tqdm import as px # Imports for displaying vis in Colab / notebook import webbrowser import http.server import socketserver import threading PORT = 8000 torch.set_grad_enabled(False); # For the most part I'll try to import functions and classes near where they are used # to make it clear where they come from. if torch.backends.mps.is_available(): device = "mps" else: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" print(f"Device: {device}") def display_vis_inline(filename: str, height: int = 850): ''' Displays the HTML files in Colab. Uses global `PORT` variable defined in prev cell, so that each vis has a unique port without having to define a port within the function. ''' if not(COLAB):; else: global PORT def serve(directory): os.chdir(directory) # Create a handler for serving files handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler # Create a socket server with the handler with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), handler) as httpd: print(f"Serving files from {directory} on port {PORT}") httpd.serve_forever() thread = threading.Thread(target=serve, args=("/content",)) thread.start() # output.serve_kernel_port_as_iframe(PORT, path=f"/{filename}", height=height, cache_in_notebook=True) PORT += 1 from datasets import load_dataset from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer from sae_lens import SAE model = HookedTransformer.from_pretrained("gpt2-small", device = device) # the cfg dict is returned alongside the SAE since it may contain useful information for analysing the SAE (eg: instantiating an activation store) # Note that this is not the same as the SAEs config dict, rather it is whatever was in the HF repo, from which we can extract the SAE config dict # We also return the feature sparsities which are stored in HF for convenience. sae, cfg_dict, sparsity = SAE.from_pretrained( release = "gpt2-small-res-jb", # see other options in sae_lens/pretrained_saes.yaml sae_id = "blocks.8.hook_resid_pre", # won't always be a hook point device = device ) from transformer_lens.utils import tokenize_and_concatenate dataset = load_dataset( path = "NeelNanda/pile-10k", split="train", streaming=False, ) token_dataset = tokenize_and_concatenate( dataset= dataset,# type: ignore tokenizer = model.tokenizer, # type: ignore streaming=True, max_length=sae.cfg.context_size, add_bos_token=sae.cfg.prepend_bos, ) sae.eval() # prevents error if we're expecting a dead neuron mask for who grads with torch.no_grad(): # activation store can give us tokens. batch_tokens = token_dataset[:32]["tokens"] _, cache = model.run_with_cache(batch_tokens, prepend_bos=True) # Use the SAE feature_acts = sae.encode(cache[sae.cfg.hook_name]) sae_out = sae.decode(feature_acts) # save some room del cache # ignore the bos token, get the number of features that activated in each token, averaged accross batch and position l0 = (feature_acts[:, 1:] > 0).float().sum(-1).detach() print("average l0", l0.mean().item()) px.histogram(l0.flatten().cpu().numpy()).show() from transformer_lens import utils from functools import partial # next we want to do a reconstruction test. def reconstr_hook(activation, hook, sae_out): return sae_out def zero_abl_hook(activation, hook): return torch.zeros_like(activation) print("Orig", model(batch_tokens, return_type="loss").item()) print( "reconstr", model.run_with_hooks( batch_tokens, fwd_hooks=[ ( sae.cfg.hook_name, partial(reconstr_hook, sae_out=sae_out), ) ], return_type="loss", ).item(), ) print( "Zero", model.run_with_hooks( batch_tokens, return_type="loss", fwd_hooks=[(sae.cfg.hook_name, zero_abl_hook)], ).item(), ) example_prompt = "When John and Mary went to the shops, John gave the bag to" example_answer = " Mary" utils.test_prompt(example_prompt, example_answer, model, prepend_bos=True) logits, cache = model.run_with_cache(example_prompt, prepend_bos=True) tokens = model.to_tokens(example_prompt) sae_out = sae(cache[sae.cfg.hook_name]) def reconstr_hook(activations, hook, sae_out): return sae_out def zero_abl_hook(mlp_out, hook): return torch.zeros_like(mlp_out) hook_name = sae.cfg.hook_name print("Orig", model(tokens, return_type="loss").item()) print( "reconstr", model.run_with_hooks( tokens, fwd_hooks=[ ( hook_name, partial(reconstr_hook, sae_out=sae_out), ) ], return_type="loss", ).item(), ) print( "Zero", model.run_with_hooks( tokens, return_type="loss", fwd_hooks=[(hook_name, zero_abl_hook)], ).item(), ) with model.hooks( fwd_hooks=[ ( hook_name, partial(reconstr_hook, sae_out=sae_out), ) ] ): utils.test_prompt(example_prompt, example_answer, model, prepend_bos=True) from sae_dashboard.sae_vis_data import SaeVisConfig from sae_dashboard.sae_vis_runner import SaeVisRunner test_feature_idx_gpt = list(range(10)) + [14057] feature_vis_config_gpt = SaeVisConfig( hook_point=hook_name, features=test_feature_idx_gpt, minibatch_size_features=64, minibatch_size_tokens=256, verbose=True, device=device, ) visualization_data_gpt = SaeVisRunner(feature_vis_config_gpt).run( encoder=sae, # type: ignore model=model, tokens=token_dataset[:10000]["tokens"], # type: ignore ) # SaeVisData.create( # encoder=sae, # model=model, # type: ignore # tokens=token_dataset[:10000]["tokens"], # type: ignore # cfg=feature_vis_config_gpt, # ) from sae_dashboard.data_writing_fns import save_feature_centric_vis filename = f"demo_feature_dashboards.html" save_feature_centric_vis(sae_vis_data=visualization_data_gpt, filename=filename) from sae_lens.analysis.neuronpedia_integration import get_neuronpedia_quick_list # this function should open neuronpedia_quick_list = get_neuronpedia_quick_list( test_feature_idx_gpt, layer=sae.cfg.hook_layer, model="gpt2-small", dataset="res-jb", name="A quick list we made", ) if COLAB: # If you're on colab, click the link below print(neuronpedia_quick_list)