import pandas as pd import numpy as np import streamlit as st # import glob # import yaml from pathlib import Path from collections import defaultdict import os, time ######################################### # Helpers Functions display_cols = ['image','name', 'color', 'star', 'class', 'speed', 'power', 'attack', 'defense', 'health', 'types', 'source', 'family'] def filter_by_1col_num(df, col_name, query, oper_flag="eq"): ok_flag_list = [] assert col_name in df.columns, "col_name must be valid" for i, val in enumerate(df[col_name]): if oper_flag == 'ge': flag = True if val >= query else False elif oper_flag == 'le': flag = True if val <= query else False else: # default = eq flag = True if val == query else False ok_flag_list.append(flag) assert len(ok_flag_list) == len(df) return np.array(ok_flag_list) def filter_by_1col(df, col_name, query, exact_flag=False): def check_valid_value(query, string, exact_flag=False): if exact_flag: if query.lower() == string.lower(): return True elif query.lower() in string.lower(): return True return False ok_flag_list = [] assert col_name in df.columns, "col_name must be valid" for i, s in enumerate(df[col_name]): if isinstance(s, list): for s2 in s: flag = check_valid_value(query, s2, exact_flag=exact_flag) if flag: break else: flag = check_valid_value(query, s, exact_flag=exact_flag) ok_flag_list.append(flag) assert len(ok_flag_list) == len(df) return np.array(ok_flag_list) def display_image(url, scale=0.5, enable_flag = False): from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image enable_flag = False if display_img_flag != 'Yes' else True # adhoc code, should send this variable properly if enable_flag: # default to False as imgur server seems to refuse our request and cause permanent error # image = # st.image(image.resize(( int(image.width * scale), int(image.height * scale)))) #The problem occur because imgur remove file extension e.g. 'jpg', #so either url is wrong with urlopen or does not know image type if use requests/urllib3 st.image(url) def display_heroes_from_df(df,display_cols=display_cols, show_df=True): vtob = "is" if len(df)<=1 else "are" st.write(f'There {vtob} {len(df)} heroes in the filtered list') if show_df: st.dataframe(df[display_cols], column_config={ "image": st.column_config.ImageColumn("Avatar", help="", # width="medium", # width alone doesnt matter and there is no height option )}, use_container_width=True, # height=128, # this is height of the whold df, not on each line hide_index=True) for i in range(len(df)): st.write(" ") st.write(f"#########################################") st.write(" ") url = df['image'].values[i] display_image(url) st.write(f"***{df['name'].values[i]}*** - {df['speed'].values[i]} - {df['class'].values[i]}") st.write(f'Attack:{df["attack"].values[i]} -- Defence:{df["defense"].values[i]} -- Health:{df["health"].values[i]}') st.write(f"***{df['skill'].values[i]}***" ) st.write("\n**Special Skills**") st.write(df['effects'].values[i]) if df['passives'].values[i] != 0 and df['passives'].values[i] != '0': st.write("\n**Passives**") st.write(df['passives'].values[i]) ######################################### ## Helper function for LB/CB stat analysis def return_costume_list(df0, hero_name): assert hero_name in if hero_name[-2:] == "C3": return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2', 'CB3'] if hero_name[-2:] == "C2": hero_name2 = hero_name[:-1] + "3" if hero_name2 in # if this hero has C3 return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2', 'CB3'] else: return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2'] elif hero_name[-2:] == " C": hero_name2 = hero_name + "2" hero_name3 = hero_name + "3" if hero_name3 in # if this hero has C2 return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2', 'CB3'] elif hero_name2 in # if this hero has C2 return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2'] else: return ['None', 'CB1'] else: hero_name1 = hero_name + " C" hero_name2 = hero_name + " C2" hero_name3 = hero_name + " C3" if hero_name3 in # if this hero has C2 return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2', 'CB3'] elif hero_name2 in # if this hero has C2 return ['None', 'CB1', 'CB2'] elif hero_name1 in # if this hero has C2 return ['None', 'CB1'] else: return ['None'] def get_prefix(lb_choice="None", costume_choice="None"): prefix_1 = "Max level" if lb_choice != 'None': prefix_1 = "Limit Break" prefix_2 = "" if costume_choice != "None": prefix_2 = f" {costume_choice}" # CB1 or CB2 prefix_3 = ":" if lb_choice == 'LB1': prefix_3 = " #1:" elif lb_choice == 'LB2': prefix_3 = " #2:" return prefix_1 + prefix_2 + prefix_3 def return_hero_stat(df0, hero_name, lb_choice="None", costume_choice="None"): assert hero_name in display_cols_0 = ['image', 'name', 'color', 'star', 'class', 'speed',] display_cols_1 = [] # ['power', 'attack', 'defense', 'health', ] --> to be select base one LB/Costume choice display_cols_2 = ['AetherPower', 'source', 'family', 'types', 'skill', 'effects', 'passives'] # 'AetherPower' name is changed since June2024 prefix = get_prefix(lb_choice, costume_choice) display_cols_1.append(f'{prefix} Power') display_cols_1.append(f'{prefix} Attack') display_cols_1.append(f'{prefix} Defense') display_cols_1.append(f'{prefix} Health') display_cols_all = display_cols_0 + display_cols_1 + display_cols_2 df_ret = df0[ == hero_name][display_cols_all] df_ret = df_ret.rename(columns={f'{prefix} Power':'power', f'{prefix} Attack':'attack', f'{prefix} Defense':'defense', f'{prefix} Health':'health'}) return df_ret def return_talent_choice(key="default_key"): talent_list = ['None', 'Sword+20', 'Shield+20', 'Health+20', 'Sword+25', 'Shield+25', 'Health+20 Shield+5','Sword+20 Shield+5','Shield+20 Sword+5'] talent_choice = st.selectbox(label='Approx. Talent (stat are all cruded approximated. Visit for exact calculation.) :', options=talent_list, index=0, key=key) talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 0, 0, 0, 0 if talent_choice == 'Sword+20': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 100, 150, 50, 100 elif talent_choice == 'Shield+20': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 100, 50, 150, 100 elif talent_choice == 'Health+20': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 100, 75, 75, 200 if talent_choice == 'Sword+25': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 125, 300, 50, 200 elif talent_choice == 'Shield+25': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 125, 50, 330, 200 elif talent_choice == 'Health+20 Shield+5': # choose shield-path on 5 master nodes talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 125, 75, 255, 300 elif talent_choice == 'Sword+20 Shield+5': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 125, 150, 230, 200 elif talent_choice == 'Shield+20 Sword+5': talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = 125, 200, 150, 200 return talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health ######################################### ## Load the main file (TODO: caching)= st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.header(f'HeroPlan Explorer') st.write('Powered by : Thanks E&P community for continually update hero data.') df = pd.read_csv('heroes_ep.csv') st.write(f'### Updated: {time.ctime(os.path.getmtime("heroes_ep.csv"))} -- Total heroes in HeroPlan database = {len(df)}') df_extra = pd.read_csv("heroes_ep_extra.csv") all_name_extra = sorted(list(df_extra['name'].values)) ######################################### class_values = ['None'] + list(df['class'].unique()) star_values = ['None'] + list(df['star'].unique()) color_values = ['None'] + list(df['color'].unique()) speed_values = ['None'] + list(df['speed'].unique()) source_values = ['None'] + list(df['source'].unique()) # Contain lot of typo bugs from HeroPlan ######################################### ## Select Main Program with st.sidebar: genre = "Choose how to explore heroes", [":rainbow[Heroes Explorer]", "Team Simulation","***LB/CB Hero Stat*** :movie_camera:"], captions = ["Filter only heroes with certain properties", "Co-powered by Elioty33's DataVault"]) display_img_flag = "Display Avatar in Description", ["Yes", "No"], captions = ["Default", "If problem occur, set to 'no'"] ) ######################################### ## Program 1 if genre == ':rainbow[Heroes Explorer]': col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.header("Standard Filters:") st.write("Tips: filter costume by typing ' C' 'C2' or 'C3' in the Name box.") with st.expander("Filter Options"): name_option = st.text_input(label="Name:", value="") star_option = st.selectbox(label='Star:', options=star_values, index=0) color_option = st.selectbox(label='Color:', options=color_values, index=0) speed_option = st.selectbox(label='Speed:', options=speed_values, index=0) class_option = st.selectbox(label='Class:', options=class_values, index=0) source_option = st.selectbox(label='Origin:', options=source_values, index=0) special_type_option = st.text_input(label="SpecialSkill Category", value="Hit 3") special_text_option = st.text_input(label="SpecialSkill Text", value="Dispel") passive_text_option = st.text_input(label="Passive Text", value="") with col2: st.header("Stat Filters") st.write("Tips: put the **minimum** att/def/hp stat you want to filter heroes") with st.expander("Stat Options"): power_option = st.text_input(label="Power:", value="0") defense_option = st.text_input(label="Defense:", value="0") attack_option = st.text_input(label="Attack:", value="0") health_option = st.text_input(label="Health:", value="0") max_percent_option = st.text_input(label="Max % in Special Skill:", value="0") total_dot_option = st.text_input(label="Total DoT Damage:", value="0") dot_per_turn_option = st.text_input(label="DoT Damage Per Turn:", value="0") with col3: st.header("Sorted By") st.write("Tips: you can also directly click at the column name to sort") sort_option = st.selectbox(label='Sort by', options=display_cols[1:], index=5) # default is power idx_all = [] if name_option != '': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'name', name_option, exact_flag=False)) if star_option != 'None': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'star', star_option, oper_flag="eq")) if speed_option != 'None': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'speed', speed_option, exact_flag=True)) if color_option != 'None': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'color', color_option, exact_flag=False)) if class_option != 'None': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'class', class_option, exact_flag=False)) if source_option != 'None': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'source', source_option, exact_flag=False)) if power_option != "0": power_option = int(power_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'power', power_option, oper_flag="ge")) if defense_option != "0": defense_option = int(defense_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'defense', defense_option, oper_flag="ge")) if attack_option != "0": attack_option = int(attack_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'attack', attack_option, oper_flag="ge")) if health_option != "0": health_option = int(health_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'health', health_option, oper_flag="ge")) if total_dot_option != "0": total_dot_option = int(total_dot_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'total_dot_damage', total_dot_option, oper_flag="ge")) if dot_per_turn_option != "0": dot_per_turn_option = int(dot_per_turn_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'dot_damage_per_turn', dot_per_turn_option, oper_flag="ge")) if max_percent_option != "0": max_percent_option = int(max_percent_option) idx_all.append(filter_by_1col_num(df, 'max_special_percent', max_percent_option, oper_flag="ge")) if special_type_option != '': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'types', special_type_option, exact_flag=False)) if special_text_option != '': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'effects', special_text_option, exact_flag=False)) if passive_text_option != '': idx_all.append(filter_by_1col(df, 'passives', passive_text_option, exact_flag=False)) ######################################### df2 = df[np.all(idx_all,axis=0)] display_heroes_from_df(df2.sort_values(sort_option, ascending=False)) ######################################### ## Program 2 "Team Simulation" elif genre == "Team Simulation": def choose_hero(key="Hero1", default_index=0): name_choice = st.selectbox(label='Hero Name:', options=all_name_extra, index=default_index, key=key+"_name") costume_list = return_costume_list(df_extra, name_choice) costume_choice = st.selectbox(label='Costume:', options=costume_list, index=0, key=key+"_costume") lb_list = ['None', 'LB1', 'LB2'] lb_choice = st.selectbox(label='Limit Break:', options=lb_list, index=0, key=key+"_lb") talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = return_talent_choice(key=key+"_talent") df_ret = return_hero_stat(df_extra, name_choice, lb_choice=lb_choice, costume_choice=costume_choice) df_ret.power.values[0] += talent_tp df_ret.attack.values[0] += talent_attack df_ret.defense.values[0] += talent_defense[0] += talent_health return df_ret def write_short_description(df_hero): url = df_hero['image'].values[0] display_image(url) st.write(f'Power: {df_hero["power"].values[0]}') st.write(f'Attack: {df_hero["attack"].values[0]}') st.write(f'Defense: {df_hero["defense"].values[0]}') st.write(f'Health: {df_hero["health"].values[0]}') st.write(f'Speed: {df_hero["speed"].values[0]}') st.write(f'Class: {df_hero["class"].values[0]}') st.write(f'Types: {df_hero["types"].values[0]}') note_flag = st.checkbox("Displayt Notepad", value=False) nheroes_choice_list = [2,3,4,5] nheroes_choice = st.selectbox(label='Number of Heroes:', options=nheroes_choice_list, index=len(nheroes_choice_list)-1) additional_col = 0 if note_flag: additional_col = 1 col_list = st.columns(nheroes_choice+additional_col) df_hero_list = [] total_power = 0 for ii in range(nheroes_choice): with col_list[ii]: df_hero_list.append(choose_hero(key=f"Hero{ii+1}", default_index=ii)) # 'key' in st.selectbox to differentiate widgets write_short_description(df_hero_list[-1]) total_power += df_hero_list[ii]['power'].values[0] if note_flag: with col_list[-1]: txt = st.text_area("Write your note about team synergy", max_chars=1000, height = 480) df_hero_all5 = pd.concat(df_hero_list) st.write(f'======================') st.write(f'### Total power = {total_power}') st.write(f'======================') display_heroes_from_df(df_hero_all5, display_cols=df_hero_all5.columns[:-2], show_df=True) # display all except special-skill text ######################################### ## Program 3 "Individual Stat" else: st.header("Analyze Hero LB/CB Stat (without Emblem)") st.write("HeroPlan and DataVault are combined here. Thanks ***@Elioty33*** for his DataVault contribution") st.write(f"Currently, there are {len(df_extra)} heroes having both data on HeroPlan and DataVault.") st.write(f"We don't have emblem calculator here, you can go to do the job.") st.write(f"***Heuristically*** Choose Sword-path can increase att 100-150, def 50-100, hp ~100 (reverse att-def for shield path)") st.write(f"Choose HP-path can increase att 50-100, def 50-100, hp ~200") name_values = sorted(list(df_extra['name'].values)) name_choice = st.selectbox(label='Hero Name:', options=name_values, index=0) costume_list = return_costume_list(df_extra, name_choice) costume_choice = st.selectbox(label='Costume:', options=costume_list, index=0) lb_list = ['None', 'LB1', 'LB2'] lb_choice = st.selectbox(label='Limit Break:', options=lb_list, index=0) talent_tp, talent_attack, talent_defense, talent_health = return_talent_choice() df_ret = return_hero_stat(df_extra, name_choice, lb_choice=lb_choice, costume_choice=costume_choice) df_ret.power.values[0] += talent_tp df_ret.attack.values[0] += talent_attack df_ret.defense.values[0] += talent_defense[0] += talent_health display_heroes_from_df(df_ret,display_cols=df_ret.columns[:-2]) # display all except special-skill text