import math import time import torch import numpy as np from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoTokenizer from import TensorDataset, DataLoader, RandomSampler from transformers import AdamW, get_linear_schedule_with_warmup import torch.nn.functional as F from textprocessing import * from utils import * try: from apex import amp APEX_AVAILABLE = True except ModuleNotFoundError: APEX_AVAILABLE = False DEFAULT_DEVICE = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' class BertTextGenerator: def __init__(self, model_version, tokenizer, device=DEFAULT_DEVICE, use_apex=APEX_AVAILABLE, use_fast=True, do_basic_tokenize=True): """ Wrapper of a BERT model from AutoModelForMaskedLM from huggingfaces. This class implements methods to generate text with the BERT module Parameters ---------- model_version : str The name of the BERT model to initialize form AutoModelForMaskedLM device : str Type of pytorch device to adopt. By default is set to DEFAULT_DEVICE that is 'cuda' if cuda is available otherwise is 'cpu' use_apex : boolean Flag to adopt nvidia apex """ self.device = device self.model_version = model_version self.model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_version, output_attentions=True) self.use_apex = use_apex # Move to finetune if use_apex: optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) self.model, optimizer = amp.initialize(self.model, optimizer, opt_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=True, loss_scale="dynamic") self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer, do_lower_case="uncased" in model_version, use_fast=use_fast, do_basic_tokenize=do_basic_tokenize) # added to avoid splitting of unused tokens self.num_attention_masks = len(self.model.base_model.base_model.encoder.layer) self.has_format_tokenizer = False def generate(self, save_to_path=None, n_sentences=100, seed_text="", batch_size=10, max_iter=500, verbose=False, print_every=50, max_len=40, min_len=4, avg_len=20, std_len=4, init_mask_prob=1, generation_method="parallel", masked_portion=1, temperature=1.0, sample=True, top_k=100, burnin=None): ''' Principal method of the class, used to generate sentences. The methodology used to generate a batch of sentences can be decomposed into 3 main points: 1) Initialization: each batch is initialized as a matrix of tokens where each row represent a sentence 2) Selection: for each iteration and for each sentence one or more tokens are selected and masked 3) Sampling: for each iteration BERT is used to compute logits of the masked tokens that are then used to sample new tokens that will replace the masked ones Parameters ============================== (General) ------------------------------ save_to_path: str, default = None path of txt file where to store the sentences generated n_sentences: int, default = 100 total number of sentences to generate seed_text: str, default = "" Initial text used to generate the sentences batch_size: int, default = 10 number of sentences for each batch max_iter: int, default = 300 number of iterations verbose: boolean, default = False print_every:int, default = 50 print a sample from the batch every print_every iteration.Used only if verbose is True (Length of the sentences) ------------------------------ The method can generated sentences with different length. For each batch the len of the sentences in it is sampled from a normal distribution N(avg_len, std_len) and then rounded to the closest int. max_len and min_len are used to clip the length max_len: int, default = 40 maximum length of each sentence min_len: int, default = 4 minimum length of each sentence avg_len: float or int, default = 20 average length of the sentences std_len: float or int, default = 4 standard deviation of the sentences (Initialization) ------------------------------ Each batch is initialized as a matrix of tokens of dimension (batch_size x batch_len + 2), where batch_len is selected as described above. At the beginning of each sentences is added a cls_token and at the end a sep_token. Each other token is selected based on the value of init_mask_prob: - if init_mask_prob == 1 -> each token is [MASK] with probability 1 (the batch is whole [MASK]s) - if init_mask_prob == 0 -> each token is selected as a random token in the tokenizer vocabulary (the batch is init as random sentences) - if init_mask_prob in (0, 1) -> each token is sampled as [MASK] with prob init_mask_prob or with probability (1 - init_mask_prob) as any other token in the tokenizer vocabulary init_mask_prob: float in [0,1], default = 1 probability of the mask token (Selection) ------------------------------ generation_method: str, default = "parallel" method used to select the tokens to replace at each iteration - 'parallel': for each sentence is selected randomly one token or a percentage of tokens based on the value of masked_portion - 'sequential': the tokens are selected sequentially. At iteration i the token in position i % batch_len is selected - 'attention': At the first iteration one token is selected randomly for each sentence. In later iterations for each sentence the token is selected with probabilty distribution based on the attention mask of the token sampled in the previous iteration masked_portion: int or float in [0, 1], default = 1 percentage of tokens to mask for each sentence. Used only if generation_method is 'parallel' (Sampling) ------------------------------ temperature: float, default = 1 temperature for logits ( logits <- logits/temperature) sample: boolean, default = True when sample is True each masked token is replaced sampling randomly according to the corresponding logits top_k: int or None, default = 100 when top_k > 0 each masked token is replaced sampling randomly according to the logits considering only the top_k tokens. If setted to None all the tokens will be considered burnin: int, default = None after burnin iterations the tokens will be chosen determinsitically selecting the one with maximum logit score Returns ------- list a list of sentences (str) already detokenized and cleaned ''' n_batches = math.ceil(n_sentences / batch_size) if burnin is None: burnin = max_iter sentences = [] print('SEED TEXT -------------------------', seed_text) for batch_n in range(n_batches): batch_sentence_len = np.round(np.random.normal(avg_len, std_len)) batch_sentence_len = int(np.clip(batch_sentence_len, min_len, max_len)) # Generate and append batch of sentences sentences += self.generate_batch(seed_text, batch_size, max_iter, verbose=verbose, print_every=print_every, sent_len=batch_sentence_len, init_mask_prob=init_mask_prob, generation_method=generation_method, masked_portion=masked_portion, temperature=temperature, sample=sample, top_k=top_k, burnin=burnin) # Print if verbose if verbose and (batch_n + 1) % print_every == 0: print("Finished batch %d in %.3fs" % (batch_n + 1, time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() # Store results if save_to_path is not None: with open(save_to_path, 'w') as f: for sent in sentences: f.write(sent + '\n') return sentences def generate_batch(self, seed_text, batch_size, max_iter, verbose, print_every, sent_len, init_mask_prob, generation_method, masked_portion, temperature, sample, top_k, burnin): # Init batch seed_text = self.tokenizer.tokenize( self.tokenizer.cls_token + seed_text) # add [CLS] token at the beggining of the seed_text seed_len = len(seed_text) batch = self.get_init_text(seed_text, sent_len, batch_size, init_mask_prob) # Init sampling parameters if generation_method == "parallel": if type(masked_portion) is int: num_mask = masked_portion else: num_mask = int(np.round(sent_len * masked_portion)) list_probs = None elif generation_method == "sequential": list_probs = None num_mask = 1 else: # One probability distribution for each sentence in the batch (initially uniform among all tokens) num_mask = 1 list_probs = [np.full(sent_len, 1.0 / sent_len)] * batch_size counter = np.zeros((batch_size, sent_len)) with torch.no_grad(): for ii in range(max_iter): # 1. Select indices to replace idx_to_replace = self.__select_tokens_to_replace(generation_method, sent_len, batch_size, num_mask, ii, seed_len, list_probs) # 2. Replace with mask self.__replace_tokens(batch, idx_to_replace, tokens=self.tokenizer.mask_token_id) # 3. Sample new tokens out = self.model(batch) logits = out['logits'] if generation_method == 'attention': counter[np.arange(batch_size), idx_to_replace.flatten() - seed_len] += 1 attentions = torch.stack(out['attentions']) list_probs = self.__compute_probs(attentions, batch_size, idx_to_replace, seed_len, counter) sample = False if ii >= burnin else sample idxs = self.generate_step(logits, gen_idx=idx_to_replace, temperature=temperature, sample=sample, top_k=top_k) # 4. Replace tokens self.__replace_tokens(batch, idx_to_replace, tokens=idxs) if verbose and ii % print_every == 0: print_batch(self.tokenizer, batch, 3) return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(batch, skip_special_tokens=True) def get_init_text(self, seed_text, sent_len, batch_size, init_mask_prob): """ Get initial sentence by padding seed_text with either masks or random words to sent_len """ seed_text = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(seed_text) if init_mask_prob == 1: batch = [seed_text + [self.tokenizer.mask_token_id] * sent_len + [self.tokenizer.sep_token_id] for _ in range(batch_size)] elif init_mask_prob == 0: batch = [seed_text + np.random.randint(0, self.tokenizer.vocab_size, sent_len).tolist() + [ self.tokenizer.sep_token_id] for _ in range(batch_size)] else: p = [(1 - init_mask_prob) / (self.tokenizer.vocab_size - 1)] * self.tokenizer.vocab_size p[self.tokenizer.mask_token_id] = init_mask_prob batch = [seed_text + np.random.choice(np.arange(self.tokenizer.vocab_size), sent_len, p=p).tolist() + [ self.tokenizer.sep_token_id] for _ in range(batch_size)] return torch.tensor(batch).to(self.device) def __select_tokens_to_replace(self, generation_method, sent_len, batch_size, num_mask, ii, seed_len, list_probs): if generation_method == "sequential": kk = [[ii % sent_len] for _ in range(batch_size)] elif generation_method == "attention": kk = [np.random.choice(range(sent_len), num_mask, p=p).tolist() for p in list_probs] elif generation_method == 'parallel': # kk = np.random.randint(0, sent_len, (batch_size, num_mask)) x = np.random.randint(0, sent_len) kk = [[x] for _ in range(batch_size)] # elif generation_method == 'parallel original': # x = np.random.randint(0, sent_len) # kk = [[x] for _ in range(batch_size)] return np.array(kk) + seed_len def __replace_tokens(self, batch, idx_to_replace, tokens): rows_idx = np.repeat(range(len(batch)), idx_to_replace.shape[-1]).reshape(idx_to_replace.shape) if type(tokens) is not int: tokens = tokens.reshape(idx_to_replace.shape) batch[rows_idx, idx_to_replace] = tokens def __compute_probs(self, attentions, batch_size, idx, seed_len, counter): ''' compute probabilities from attention masks''' # list_probs = [] # # # attentions has dimension (batch_size, num_attention_masks, sentence_len, sentence_len) # for i in range(batch_size): # average_prob = attentions[i, :, idx[i], :].mean(axis=0).flatten().cpu().numpy() # average_prob = average_prob[seed_len:-1] # avoid seed_text and last token ([SEP]) # average_prob = average_prob / average_prob.sum() # normalize # list_probs.append(average_prob) # # return list_probs avg_attentions = attentions.mean(axis=(0, 2)).cpu().detach().numpy() # mean through encoders and attention masks avg_attentions = avg_attentions[np.arange(batch_size),seed_len:-1,idx.flatten()] # for each sentence extract the # attention corresponding to the # masked token (avoiding special tokens and seed) c = counter + 1 prob = avg_attentions / c return prob / prob.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # def counter_penalization(attention, idx_mask, counter, **kwargs): # a = attention.mean( # axis=(0, 1)).cpu().detach().numpy() # mean over ax0 that is encoders and ax1 that is attention_mask # a = a[1:-1, idx_mask].reshape(-1, 1) # c = np.array(counter) + 1 # prob = a.flatten() / c # prob = prob / sum(prob) # return prob def generate_step(self, out, gen_idx, temperature=1, sample=True, top_k=None): """ Generate a word from from out[gen_idx] args: - out (torch.Tensor): tensor of logits of size batch_size x seq_len x vocab_size - gen_idx (int): location for which to generate for - top_k (int): if >0, only sample from the top k most probable words - sample (Bool): if True, sample from full distribution. Overridden by top_k """ if type(gen_idx) is int: gen_idx = np.array(gen_idx) rows_idx = np.repeat(range(len(out)), gen_idx.shape[-1]).reshape(gen_idx.shape) logits = out[rows_idx, gen_idx] if temperature is not None: logits = logits / temperature if sample: # general sampling if top_k is None: dist = torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical(logits=logits) idx = dist.sample().squeeze(-1) # top_k sampling else: kth_vals, kth_idx = logits.topk(top_k, dim=-1) dist = torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical(logits=kth_vals) idx = kth_idx.gather(dim=-1, index=dist.sample().unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # burnin - deterministic else: idx = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1) return idx def finetune(self, sentences, labels=None, encoded_dict=None, mask_percentage=0.15, epochs=4, batch_size=32, optimizer=AdamW, optimizer_parameters=dict(lr=2e-5, eps=1e-8), scheduler=get_linear_schedule_with_warmup, scheduler_parameters=dict(num_warmup_steps=0), num_tokens_per_class=3 ): if encoded_dict is None: # set encoder if labels is None: self.encoder = Encoder(self.tokenizer) encoded_dict = self.encoder.encode(sentences) else: classes = np.unique(labels) self.encoder = LabelEncoder(self.model, self.tokenizer, classes=classes, num_tokens_per_class=num_tokens_per_class) encoded_dict = self.encoder.encode(sentences, labels) # Retrieve tokenized sentences and attention masks input_ids = encoded_dict['input_ids'] attention_mask = encoded_dict['attention_mask'] dataset = TensorDataset(input_ids, attention_mask) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, sampler=RandomSampler(dataset), batch_size=batch_size) # Setting optimizer and scheduler optimizer = optimizer(self.model.parameters(), **optimizer_parameters) if self.use_apex: self.model, optimizer = amp.initialize(self.model, optimizer, opt_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=True, loss_scale="dynamic") total_steps = len(dataloader) * epochs scheduler = scheduler(optimizer, num_training_steps=total_steps, **scheduler_parameters) # TODO add stats training_stats = [] test_stats = [] total_t0 = time.time() self.model.train() for epoch_i in range(0, epochs): print(f'\n======== Epoch {epoch_i + 1} / {epochs} ========') print('Training...') t0 = time.time() total_train_loss = 0 for step, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if step % 25 == 0 and not step == 0: elapsed = format_time(time.time() - t0) print(' Batch {:>5,} of {:>5,}. Elapsed: {:}.'.format(step, len(dataloader), elapsed)) batch_input = batch[0].to(self.device) batch_attention = batch[1].to(self.device) # 512 to truncate max bert input if len(batch[0]) > 512: batch_input = batch_input[:, :512] batch_attention = batch_attention[:, :512] # Computing number to tokens to mask based on mask_percentage num_sent, num_tokens = batch_input.shape num_tokens_to_mask = int(mask_percentage * num_tokens) # Generating randomly num_tokens_to_mask to mask for each sentence, considering only real tokens # (not [CLS] nor label-tokens that are at the beginning of the sentence) start_id = 1 + num_tokens_per_class # mask only batch_mask_ids = torch.randint(start_id, num_tokens - 1, size=(num_sent, num_tokens_to_mask)) # Each sentence needs to be indexed num_tokens_to_mask times. # This array is of the type [0,0,0 ..., 1,1,1, ..., 2,2,2, ... num_sentences -1] sentence_ids = np.repeat(np.arange(len(batch_input)), num_tokens_to_mask) # Retrieve the original tokens to mask: batch_masked_tokens = batch_input[sentence_ids, batch_mask_ids.flatten()] # Mask the tokens batch_input[sentence_ids, batch_mask_ids.flatten()] = self.tokenizer.mask_token_id # Forward pass self.model.zero_grad() result = self.model(batch_input, attention_mask=batch_attention, return_dict=True) logits = result['logits'] # Retrieve logits only for masked tokens. logits is a tensor of dim [batch_size, num_tokens, len_vocab] # logits = logits[np.concatenate([[i] * batch_mask_ids.shape[1] for i in range(len(batch_mask_ids))], 0), # batch_mask_ids.flatten(), :] logits = logits[sentence_ids, batch_mask_ids.flatten(), :] loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, batch_masked_tokens.flatten()) total_train_loss += loss.item() # Backward pass if self.use_apex: with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() # Clip the norm of the gradients to 1.0. # This is to help prevent the "exploding gradients" problem. torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), 1.0) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() # Restoring masked tokens batch_input[sentence_ids, batch_mask_ids.flatten()] = batch_masked_tokens.flatten() avg_train_loss = total_train_loss / len(dataloader) training_time = format_time(time.time() - t0) print("") print(" Average training loss: {0:.2f}".format(avg_train_loss)) print(" Training epcoh took: {:}".format(training_time)) print("") print("Training complete!") print("Total training took {:} (h:mm:ss)".format(format_time(time.time() - total_t0))) if __name__ == '__main__': # model initialization en_bert_model = BertTextGenerator('bert-base-uncased') # text generation parameters = {'n_sentences': 10, # 1000 'seed_text': "", 'batch_size': 10, # 50 'max_iter': 150, 'init_mask_prob': 1, 'generation_method': "attention", 'masked_portion': 1, 'temperature': 1, 'sample': True, 'top_k': 100, } file_path = None print('\n\n ENGLISH TEXT GENERATION') en_bert_sents = en_bert_model.generate(save_to_path=file_path, **parameters) print("\nEnglish text generated: ") for sent in en_bert_sents: print(f"\t{sent}")