# Trials {#sec-chap_1_Test} In this work, a tool called \glsfirst{cnmc} is further developed. The overall goal, in very brief terms, is to generate a model, which is able to predict the trajectories of general dynamical systems. The model shall be capable of predicting the trajectories when a model parameter value is changed. Some basics about dynamical systems are covered in subsection [-@sec-subsec_1_1_1_Principles] and in-depth explanations about \gls{cnmc} are given in chapter [-@sec-chap_1_Test]. \newline chapter [-@sec-chap_2_Test] chapter [-@sec-chap_1_Test_2] chapter [-@sec-chap_1_Test_3] chapter [-@sec-chap_1_Intro]\newline Intra reference: [-@sec-chap_1_Intra]\newline Intro reference: [-@sec-chap_1_Intro]\newline chapter [-@sec-chap_1_Abc]\newline ![Data and workflow of the fourth step: Modeling](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jav-ed/Test_1/master/outp.svg){#fig-fig_42} ![Data and workflow of the fourth step: Modeling](https://huggingface.co/spaces/JavedA/master_Thesis/raw/main/Data/3_Figs_Pyth/outp.svg){#fig-fig_42} # Chap Test {#sec-chap_2_Test} Here is some more text # Chap Test_2 {#sec-chap_1_Test_2} Here is some more text # Chap Test_3 {#sec-chap_1_Test_3} Here is some more text Further check [@sec-chap_1_Intro] -- is found now (able to resolve crossref) chapter [-@sec-chap_1_Abc] -- now this becomes the issue (will not be found anymore) {{< lof image.png >}} {{< downloadthis image.png >}}