1) equation Equation.1 --> equation @ew-Eq_Label 2) section/subsection/chapter/figure/table/ 3) tag equation, eq_5_NMF $$ \begin{equation} \boldsymbol {A_{i \mu}} \approx \boldsymbol A^{\prime}_{i \mu} = (\boldsymbol W \boldsymbol H)_{i \mu} = \sum_{a = 1}^{r} \boldsymbol W_{ia} \boldsymbol H_{a \mu} \tag{} \end{equation} $$ 4) Comments 5) gls 6) figures 7) cites 8) vspace 9) Appendix 10) Some images must be redone in inkscape 1) 1_Task/1_CNMc.svg 11) Allow downloading images multiple output formats as you have seen it once 12) Make sure to mention 1) You are using now a much more powerful tool than a simple pdf or latex (which is already is quite powerful, but clearly not as featurerich as html, css and javascript) --> it was tried to replicate the orignal master thesis pdf --> thus a lot of imporivements which are now possible have been not implemented. However, some features were just to tempting to not implement them. Note, some mistakes which the author made, i.e. spelling and simmilar mistakes were not removed, since it can be considered to be more honest to stick to the original version --> best representation of the master thesis output at that time 2) The reader finds it much easier to get the abbreviations --> thus interactive hover is enabled 3) Maybe some modifications are going to be made. If so, then this shall be highledted lcearly, inshallah (with the premission and help of the allmighty Allah) 13) praise to the ONE, acknowledge, make the one big 14) glossary 15) include pdfs and make sure the order matches with the true pdf 16) list of figures and tables 17) integrate buymeacofee 18) share on other webpages 19) interactive main page 20) left nav bar color 21) interactive main image on top left side 22) contact information 23) money buymeacofee or kofi integration 24) https://animate.style/ add rubberband on headers if clicked 25) Add all licenses -- correct refering 26) small gif that shows the capabilties of yout website 27) Latex writing style looks nice --> make it your own thing 28) loading banner - make sure that the first image is shown and if not the user shall wait for it