JavedA's picture
unable to cross ref for quarto bug V_1
--[[# first-line-indent.lua – First line indentation filter
Copyright: Β© 2021–2023 Contributors
License: MIT – see LICENSE for details
@TODO latex_quote should use options.size (or better, a specific option)
@TODO option for leaving indents after headings (French style)
@TODO smart setting of the post-heading style based on `lang`
@TODO option to leave indent at the beginning of the document
PANDOC_VERSION:must_be_at_least '2.17'
stringify = pandoc.utils.stringify
equals = pandoc.utils.equals
pandoctype = pandoc.utils.type
-- # Options
---@class Options Options map with default values.
---@field format string|nil output format (currently: 'html' or 'latex')
---@field indent boolean whether to use first line indentation globally
---@field set_metadata_variable boolean whether to set the `indent`
-- metadata variable.
---@field set_header_includes boolean whether to provide formatting code in
-- header-includes.
---@field auto_remove_indents boolean whether to automatically remove
-- indents after specific block types.
---@field remove_after table list of strings, Pandoc AST block types
-- after which first-line indents should be automatically removed.
---@field remove_after_class table list of strings, classes of elements
-- after which first-line indents should be automatically removed.
---@field dont_remove_after_class table list of strings, classes of elements
-- after which first-line indents should not be removed. Prevails
-- over remove_after.
---@field size string|nil a CSS / LaTeX specification of the first line
-- indent length
---@field recursive table<string, options> Pandoc Block types to
--- which the filter is recursively applied, with options map.
--- The option `dont_indent_first` controls whether indentation
--- is removed on the first paragraph.
local Options = {
format = nil,
indent = true,
set_metadata_variable = true,
set_header_includes = true,
auto_remove = true,
remove_after = pandoc.List({
remove_after_class = pandoc.List({
dont_remove_after_class = pandoc.List:new(),
size = nil, -- default let LaTeX decide
size_default = '1.5em', -- default value for HTML
recursive = {
Div = {dont_indent_first = false},
BlockQuote = {dont_indent_first = true},
-- # Filter global variables
---@class code map pandoc objects for indent/noindent Raw code.
local code = {
tex = {
indent = pandoc.RawInline('tex', '\\indent '),
noindent = pandoc.RawInline('tex', '\\noindent '),
latex = {
indent = pandoc.RawInline('latex', '\\indent '),
noindent = pandoc.RawInline('latex', '\\noindent '),
html = {
indent = pandoc.RawBlock('html',
'<div class="first-line-indent-after"></div>'),
noindent = pandoc.RawBlock('html',
'<div class="no-first-line-indent-after"></div>'),
---LATEX_QUOTE_ENV: LaTeX's definition of the quote environement
---used to define HeaderIncludes.
---a \setlength{\parindent}{<size>} will be appended
---@type string
local LATEX_QUOTE_ENV = [[\makeatletter
{\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
\itemindent \listparindent
\rightmargin \leftmargin
\parsep \z@ \@plus \p@}%
---@class HeaderIncludes map of functions to produce
---header-includes code given a size parameter (string|nil),
--- either for global or for local indentation markup.
--- optionally wrap the constructed global header markup (e.g. <style> tags).
--- glob = {html : function, latex: function}
--- wrap = {html : function, latex: function}
--- loc = {html : function, latex: function}
HeaderIncludes = {
glob = {
html = function(size)
size = size or Options.size_default
local code = [[ p {
text-indent: SIZE;
-- Javed
-- here you can define th margin to be zero or do not touch it
-- margin: 0;
header p {
text-indent: 0;
margin: 1em 0;
:is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) + p {
text-indent: 0;
li > p, li > div p {
text-indent: 0;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
return code:gsub("SIZE", size)
latex = function(size)
local size_code = size and '\\setlength{\\parindent}{'..size..'}\n'
or ''
return LATEX_QUOTE_ENV .. size_code
wrap = {
html = function(header_str)
return "<style>\n/* first-line indent styles */\n" .. header_str
.. "/* end of first-line indent styles */\n</style>"
latex = function(str) return str end,
loc = {
html = function(size)
size = size or Options.size_default
local code = [[ div.no-first-line-indent-after + p {
text-indent: 0;
div.first-line-indent-after + p {
text-indent: SIZE;
return code:gsub("SIZE", size)
latex = function(_) return '' end,
-- # encapsulate Quarto/Pandoc variants
---format_match: whether format matches a string pattern
---ex: format_match('html5'), format_match('html*')
---in Quarto we try removing non-alphabetical chars
---@param pattern string
---@return boolean
local function format_match(pattern)
return quarto and (quarto.doc.is_format(pattern)
or quarto.doc.is_format(pattern:gsub('%A',''))
or FORMAT:match(pattern)
---add_header_includes: add a block to the document's header-includes
---meta-data field.
---@param meta pandoc.Meta the document's metadata block
---@param blocks pandoc.Blocks list of Pandoc block elements (e.g. RawBlock or Para)
--- to be added to the header-includes of meta
---@return pandoc.Meta meta the modified metadata block
local function add_header_includes(meta, blocks)
-- Pandoc
local function pandoc_add_headinc(meta,blocks)
local header_includes = pandoc.MetaList( { pandoc.MetaBlocks(blocks) })
-- add any exisiting meta['header-includes']
-- it can be MetaInlines, MetaBlocks or MetaList
if meta['header-includes'] then
if pandoctype(meta['header-includes']) == 'List' then
meta['header-includes'] = header_includes
return meta
-- Quarto
local function quarto_add_headinc(blocks)
quarto.doc.include_text('in-header', stringify(blocks))
return quarto and quarto_add_headinc(blocks)
or pandoc_add_headinc(meta,blocks)
-- # Helper functions
-- ensure_list: turns Inlines and Blocks meta values into list
local function ensure_list(elem)
if elem and (pandoctype(elem) == 'Inlines'
or pandoctype(elem) == 'Blocks') then
elem = pandoc.List:new(elem)
return elem
--- classes_include: check if one of an element's class is in a given
-- list. Returns true if match, nil if no match or the element doesn't
-- have classes.
---@param elem table pandoc AST element
---@param classes table pandoc List of strings
local function classes_include(elem,classes)
if elem.classes then
for _,class in ipairs(classes) do
if elem.classes:includes(class) then return true end
--- is_indent_cmd: check if an element is a LaTeX indent command
---@param elem pandoc.Inline
---@return string|nil 'indent', 'noindent' or nil
-- local function is_indent_cmd(elem)
-- return (equals(elem, code.latex.indent)
-- or equals(elem, code.tex.indent)) and 'indent'
-- or (equals(elem, code.latex.noindent)
-- or equals(elem, code.tex.noindent)) and 'noindent'
-- or nil
-- end
local function is_indent_cmd(elem)
return elem.text and (
elem.text:match('^%s*\\indent%s*$') and 'indent'
or elem.text:match('^%s*\\noindent%s*$') and 'noindent'
or nil
-- # Filter functions
--- Add format-specific explicit indent markup to a paragraph.
--- Returns a list of blocks containing a single paragraph
--- or a rawblock followed by a paragraph, depending on format.
---@param type string 'indent' or 'noindent', type of markup to add
---@param elem pandoc.Para
---@return pandoc.Blocks
local function indent_markup(type, elem)
local result = pandoc.List:new()
if not (type == 'indent' or type == 'noindent') then
elseif format_match('latex') then
-- in LaTeX, replace any `\indent` or `\noindent`
-- at the beginning of the paragraph with
-- with the one corresponding to `type`
if elem.content[1] and is_indent_cmd(elem.content[1]) then
elem.content[1] = code.tex[type]
elem.content:insert(1, code.tex[type])
elseif format_match('html') then
result:extend({ code.html[type], elem })
return result
--- process_blocks: process indentations in a list of blocks.
-- Adds output code for explicitly specified first-line indents,
-- automatically removes first-line indents after blocks of the
-- designed types unless otherwise specified.
---@param blocks pandoc.Blocks element (list of blocks)
---@param dont_indent_first boolean whether to indent the first paragraph
local function process_blocks(blocks, dont_indent_first)
dont_indent_first = dont_indent_first or false
-- tag for the first element
local is_first_block = true -- tags the doc's first element
-- tag to trigger indentation auto-removal on the next element
local dont_indent_next_block = false
local result = pandoc.List:new()
for _,elem in pairs(blocks) do
-- Paragraphs: if they have explicit LaTeX indent markup
-- reproduce it in the output format, otherwise
-- remove indentation if needed, provided `auto_remove` is on.
if elem.t == "Para" then
if elem.content[1] and is_indent_cmd(elem.content[1]) then
-- 'indent' or 'noindent' ?
local type = is_indent_cmd(elem.content[1])
result:extend(indent_markup(type, elem))
elseif is_first_block and dont_indent_first then
result:extend(indent_markup('noindent', elem))
elseif dont_indent_next_block and Options.auto_remove then
result:extend(indent_markup('noindent', elem))
dont_indent_next_block = false
-- Non-Paragraphs: check first whether it's an element after
-- which indentation must be removed. Next insert it, applying
-- this function recursively within the element if needed.
if Options.auto_remove then
if Options.remove_after:includes(elem.t) and
not classes_include(elem, Options.dont_remove_after_class) then
dont_indent_next_block = true
elseif elem.classes and
classes_include(elem, Options.remove_after_class) then
dont_indent_next_block = true
dont_indent_next_block = false
-- recursively process the element if needed
if Options.recursive[elem.t] then
local dif = Options.recursive[elem.t].dont_indent_first
elem.content = process_blocks(elem.content, dif)
-- insert
-- ensure `is_first_block` turns to false
-- even if the first block wasn't a paragraph
-- or if it had explicit indent marking
is_first_block = false
return result
--- process_doc: Process indents in the document's body text.
-- Adds output code for explicitly specified first-line indents,
-- automatically removes first-line indents after blocks of the
-- designed types unless otherwise specified.
local function process_doc(doc)
local dont_indent_first = false
-- if no output format, do nothing
if not Options.format then return end
-- if the doc has a title, do not indent first paragraph
if doc.meta.title then
dont_indent_first = true
doc.blocks = process_blocks(doc.blocks, dont_indent_first)
return doc
--- read_user_options: read user options from meta element.
-- in Quarto options may be under format/pdf or format/html
-- the latter override root ones.
local function read_user_options(meta)
local user_options = {}
if meta.indent == false then
Options.indent = false
if meta['first-line-indent'] then
user_options = meta['first-line-indent']
local formats = {'pdf', 'html', 'latex'}
if meta.format then
for format in ipairs(formats) do
if format_match(format) and meta.format[format] then
for k,v in meta.format[format] do
user_options[k] = v
if user_options['set-metadata-variable'] == false then
Options.set_metadata_variable = false
if user_options['set-header-includes'] == false then
Options.set_header_includes = false
-- size
-- @todo using stringify means that LaTeX commands in
-- size are erased. But it ensures that the filter gets
-- a string. Improvement: check that we have a string
-- and throw a warning otherwise
if user_options.size and pandoctype(user_options.size == 'Inlines') then
Options.size = stringify(user_options.size)
if user_options['auto-remove'] == false then
Options.auto_remove = false
-- autoremove elements and classes
-- for elements we only need a whitelist, remove_after
-- for classes we need both a whitelist (remove_after_class)
-- and a blacklist (dont_remove_after_class).
-- first insert user values in `remove_after`, `remove_after_class`
-- and `dont_remove_after_class`.
for optname, metakey in pairs({
remove_after = 'remove-after',
remove_after_class = 'remove-after-class',
dont_remove_after_class = 'dont-remove-after-class',
}) do
local user_value = ensure_list(user_options[metakey])
if user_value and pandoctype(user_value) == 'List' then
for _,item in ipairs(user_value) do
-- then remove blacklisted entries from `remove_after`
-- and `remove_after_class`.
for optname, metakey in pairs({
remove_after = 'dont-remove-after',
remove_after_class = 'dont-remove-after-class'
}) do
local user_value = ensure_list(user_options[metakey])
if user_value and pandoctype(user_value) == 'List' then
-- stringify the list
for i,v in ipairs(user_value) do
user_value[i] = stringify(v)
-- filter to that returns true iff an item isn't blacklisted
local predicate = function (str)
return not(user_value:includes(str))
-- apply the filter to the whitelist
Options[optname] = Options[optname]:filter(predicate)
--- set_meta: insert options in doc's meta
--- Sets `indent` and extends `header-includes` if needed.
---@param meta pandoc.Meta
---@return pandoc.Meta|nil meta nil if no changes
local function set_meta(meta)
local changes = false -- only return if changes are made
local header_code = nil
local format = Options.format
-- set the `indent` metadata variable unless otherwise specified or
-- already set to false
if Options.set_metadata_variable and not(meta.indent == false) then
meta.indent = true
changes = true
-- set the `header-includes` metadata variable
if Options.set_header_includes and Options.indent then
-- do we apply first line indentation globally?
if Options.indent then
header_code = HeaderIncludes.glob[format](Options.size)
-- provide local explicit indentation styles
header_code = header_code .. HeaderIncludes.loc[format](Options.size)
-- wrap the header if needed
header_code = HeaderIncludes.wrap[format](header_code)
-- insert if not empty
if header_code ~= '' then
add_header_includes(meta, { pandoc.RawBlock(format, header_code)})
changes = true
return changes and meta or nil
--- process_metadata: process user options.
-- read user options, set the `indent` metadata variable,
-- add formatting code to `header-includes`.
local function process_metadata(meta)
local changes = false -- only return if changes are made
local header_code = nil
local format = format_match('html') and 'html'
or (format_match('latex') and 'latex')
if not format then
return nil
Options.format = format
read_user_options(meta) -- places values in global `options`
return set_meta(meta)
--- Main code
-- Returns the filters in the desired order of execution
return {
Meta = process_metadata
Pandoc = process_doc