import streamlit as st import pickle import requests import os movies = pickle.load(open('movies.pkl','rb')) similarity = pickle.load(open('similarity.pkl','rb')) movie_list = movies['title'].values tmdb_api_token = os.environ["TMDB_API_TOKEN"] def poster_fetcher(id): url = "{}?api_key={}".format(id,tmdb_api_token) response = requests.get(url) obj = response.json() return "" + obj['poster_path'] def recommend(movie): movie_names = [] posters = [] movie_index = movies[movies['title']==movie].index[0] distance = similarity[movie_index] movie_list = sorted((list(enumerate(distance))),reverse=True,key=lambda x : x[1])[1:6] for i in movie_list: # movie_id = i[0] movie_names.append(movies.iloc[i[0]].title) posters.append(poster_fetcher(movies.iloc[i[0]].movie_id)) return movie_names,posters st.title("movie recommendation system") selected_movie_name = st.selectbox("select any movie that you like",movie_list) if st.button('recommend'): names,posters = recommend(selected_movie_name) st.title("recommendations:") # for (i,j) in zip(names,posters): # st.write(i) # st.image(j) # col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5) # with col1: # st.text(names[0]) # st.image(posters[0]) # with col1: # st.text(names[1]) # st.image(posters[1]) # with col1: # st.text(names[2]) # st.image(posters[2]) # with col1: # st.text(names[3]) # st.image(posters[3]) # with col1: # st.text(names[4]) # st.image(posters[4]) col = st.columns(len(names))[0] # Use a loop to add images horizontally for (i,j) in zip(names,posters): with col: st.divider() st.text(i) st.image(j) st.divider() st.text('source - TMDB')