Ahmed_Ben_Bella / app.py
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import os
import gradio as gr
from anthropic import Anthropic
from pypdf import PdfReader
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
# Set up Anthropic API key in HF secrets
# Set up username and password in HF secrets
username = os.getenv('username')
password = os.getenv('password')
# Function to chunk the document
def chunk_text(text, chunk_size=1000, overlap=100):
chunks = []
start = 0
while start < len(text):
end = start + chunk_size
chunk = text[start:end]
start = end - overlap
return chunks
# Function to find the most relevant chunks
def get_relevant_chunks(query, chunks, top_n=3):
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(chunks + [query])
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix[-1], tfidf_matrix[:-1]).flatten()
relevant_indices = cosine_similarities.argsort()[-top_n:][::-1]
return [chunks[i] for i in relevant_indices]
# Function to process multiple PDFs
def process_pdfs(pdf_files):
all_chunks = []
for pdf_file in pdf_files:
reader = PdfReader(pdf_file)
full_text = ''.join(page.extract_text() for page in reader.pages)
chunks = chunk_text(full_text)
return all_chunks
# Add the paths to your desired knowledge base PDFs
reference_documents = ["Louis XIV.pdf"]
text_chunks = process_pdfs(reference_documents)
instructions = os.getenv('INSTRUCTIONS')
def chat_with_assistant(message, history):
# Find relevant chunks based on the user message
relevant_chunks = get_relevant_chunks(message, text_chunks)
context = "\n".join(relevant_chunks)
# Prepare the system message
system_message = f"""You are an impersonator and an educator.
Your role is to adopt the personality, style, psychology, ideas, background, and circumstances of a historical figure.
Your goal is to help students understand the historical figure better through and engaging conversation.
Use the following as context for your answers.
However, use it seamlessly as background knowledge for a lively discussion. Do not provide citations or adopt a Q&A or academic tone.
Always use appropriate language.
Refuse to answer inappropriate questions or questions unrelated to your role and historical figure.
Important: Your knowledge of the world ends at the time of the death of your historical figure.
# Customize instructions as needed
instructions = instructions
system_message += instructions
# Prepare the message array
messages = []
# Add conversation history
for human_msg, ai_msg in history:
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": human_msg})
messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": ai_msg})
# Add the current user message
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": message})
# Create Anthropic client
client = Anthropic(api_key=os.environ["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"])
# Make the API call
response = client.messages.create(
return response.content[0].text.strip()
# CSS for an ISP-looking style
isp_theme = gr.themes.Default().set(
body_background_fill="#F0F8FF", # Light blue background
block_background_fill="#FFFFFF", # White for input blocks
block_title_text_color="#00008B", # Dark blue for text
block_label_background_fill="#FFD700", # Yellow for labels
input_background_fill="#FFFFFF", # White for input fields
button_primary_background_fill="#FF1493", # Pink/Magenta for primary buttons
button_primary_background_fill_hover="#FF69B4", # Lighter pink for hover
button_primary_text_color="#FFFFFF", # White text on buttons
button_secondary_background_fill="#FFD700", # Yellow for secondary buttons
button_secondary_background_fill_hover="#FFA500", # Orange for hover
button_secondary_text_color="#00008B", # Dark blue text for secondary buttons
block_border_color="#00008B", # Dark blue border
# Custom CSS for logo positioning
custom_css = """
#logo-img {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
right: 20px;
width: 100px;
height: auto;
assistant_avatar = os.getenv('AVATAR')
assistant_title = os.getenv('TITLE')
# Gradio interface
iface = gr.ChatInterface(
avatar_images=(None, assistant_avatar)
textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Type your message here...", container=False, scale=7),
description="Chat with a Historical Figure",
undo_btn="Delete Previous",
assistant_logo = os.getenv('LOGO')
# Add logo to the interface
logo_html = '&lt;img id="logo-img" src=assistant_logo alt="Assistant Logo"&gt;'
disclaimer_text = "You are chatting with an AI assistant. Make sure to evaluate the accuracy of its answers."
disclaimer_html = f'&lt;div id="disclaimer-footer"&gt;{disclaimer_text}&lt;/div&gt;'
iface.launch(auth=(username, password))