import re import base64 import datetime import sys import pickle import gzip import json import time import gradio as gr from ai import * from tricks import * from decompositioner import * from rendering import * import os import glob import shutil splash = glob.glob('ui/web-mobile/splash*')[0] os.remove(splash) shutil.copy('res/splash.png', splash) with open('ui/web-mobile/index.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: page = with open('ui/web-mobile/index.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(page.replace('Cocos Creator | ', '')) def cv2_encode(image: np.ndarray, name): if image is None: return 'null' if '.jpg' in name: _, data = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', image) return 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf8') else: _, data = cv2.imencode('.png', image) return 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf8') def get_request_image(request, name): img = request.get(name) img = re.sub('^data:image/.+;base64,', '', img) img = base64.b64decode(img) img = np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(img, -1) return img def npcache(history, room_id, name, data): rooms = list(filter(lambda _room: _room["id"] == room_id, history)) if len(rooms) == 0: room = { "id": room_id } history.append(room) else: room = rooms[0] room[name] = data def npread(history, room_id, name): rooms = list(filter(lambda _room: _room["id"] == room_id, history)) if len(rooms) == 0: return None else: room = rooms[0] return room.get(name, None) def upload_sketch(json_str, history): request = json.loads(json_str) timenow = time.time() ID ='H%HM%MS%S') room ='%b%dH%HM%MS%S') + 'R' + str(np.random.randint(100, 999)) sketch = from_png_to_jpg(get_request_image(request, 'sketch')) npcache(history, room, 'sketch.original.jpg', sketch) sketch = go_tail(cli_norm(min_resize(sketch, 512))) print('original_sketch saved') s256 = go_vector(go_cal(mk_resize(sketch, 8)))[:, :, 0] print('s256') s512 = go_vector(go_cal(d_resize(sketch, s256.shape, 2.0)))[:, :, 0] print('s512') s1024 = go_vector(go_cal(d_resize(sketch, s256.shape, 4.0)))[:, :, 0] print('s1024') npcache(history, room, 'sketch.s1024.png', s1024) npcache(history, room, 'sketch.s512.png', s512) npcache(history, room, 'sketch.s256.png', s256) print('edge processed') fill = double_fill(s1024, s512, s256) npcache(history, room, 'sketch.fill', fill) print('filled') npcache(history, room, 'sketch.colorization.png', np.min(sketch, axis=2)) print('sketch processed') print(time.time() - timenow) if len(history) > 5: history = history[-5:] return room + '_' + ID, history def request_result(json_str, history): request = json.loads(json_str) timenow = time.time() room = request.get("room") if len(list(filter(lambda _room: _room["id"] == room, history))) == 0: return None, history skipper = str(request.get("skipper")) light_r = float(request.get("r")) light_g = float(request.get("g")) light_b = float(request.get("b")) light_h = float(request.get("h")) light_max = max([light_r, light_g, light_b, light_h]) inv4 = int(request.get("inv4")) print('inv4=' + str(inv4)) light_r = (light_r + 1e-5) / (light_max + 1e-5) light_g = (light_g + 1e-5) / (light_max + 1e-5) light_b = (light_b + 1e-5) / (light_max + 1e-5) light_h *= 600.0 light_d = request.get("d") need_render = int(request.get("need_render")) print([light_r, light_g, light_b, light_d]) ID ='H%HM%MS%S') points = request.get("points") points = json.loads(points) npcache(history, room, 'points.' + ID + '.txt', points) if len(points) > 500: return None, history for _ in range(len(points)): points[_][1] = 1 - points[_][1] fill = npread(history, room, 'sketch.fill') s1024 = npread(history, room, 'sketch.s1024.png') sketch = npread(history, room, 'sketch.colorization.png') print(skipper) if npread(history, room, 'albedo.' + skipper + '.png') is not None: albedo = npread(history, room, 'albedo.' + skipper + '.png') npcache(history, room, 'albedo.' + ID + '.png', albedo) print('albedo readed') else: faceID = int(request.get("faceID")) - 65535 print(faceID) if faceID > -1: print('fake ref') face = from_png_to_jpg(cv2.imread("refs/" + str(faceID + 1) + ".png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)) else: print('get ref') face = from_png_to_jpg(get_request_image(request, 'face')) npcache(history, room, 'face.' + ID + '.jpg', face) face = s_enhance(face) print('request result room = ' + str(room) + ', ID = ' + str(ID)) print('processing painting in ' + room) if inv4 > 0: sketch_1024 = k_resize(sketch, 64) else: sketch_1024 = k_resize(sketch, 48) hints_1024 = ini_hint(sketch_1024) hints_1024 = opreate_normal_hint(hints_1024, points, length=2, skip_sp=True) baby = go_head( sketch=sketch_1024, global_hint=k_resize(face, 14), local_hint=hints_1024 ) npcache(history, room, 'baby.' + ID + '.jpg', baby) print('baby born') composition = d_resize(re_deatlize(deatlize(balance_fill(baby, fill, opreate_normal_hint(ini_hint(s1024), points, length=2, skip_sp=True), s1024)), s1024), sketch.shape) npcache(history, room, 'composition.' + ID + '.jpg', composition) gird = process_overlay(composition, sketch) npcache(history, room, 'gird.' + ID + '.jpg', gird) print('composition saved') if inv4 > 0: albedo = go_render(sketch_1024, d_resize(composition, sketch_1024.shape, 0.5), hints_1024) albedo = go_tail(albedo) albedo = d_resize(re_deatlize(d_resize(albedo, s1024.shape), s1024), sketch.shape) albedo = cv2.cvtColor(albedo, cv2.COLOR_RGB2YUV) albedo[:, :, 0] = go_vgg7(albedo[:, :, 0]) albedo = cv2.cvtColor(albedo, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB) else: albedo = re_deatlize(d_resize(baby, s1024.shape), s1024) albedo = d_resize(albedo, sketch.shape, 0.25) albedo = go_tail(albedo) albedo = go_tail(albedo) albedo = d_resize(albedo, sketch.shape) boundary = sketch.astype(np.float32) boundary = cv2.GaussianBlur(boundary, (0, 0), 1.618) - boundary boundary = boundary.clip(0, 255) albedo = cv2.cvtColor(albedo, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV).astype(np.float32) albedo[:, :, 1] += albedo[:, :, 1] * boundary / 48.0 albedo[:, :, 2] -= boundary albedo = cv2.cvtColor(albedo.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB) npcache(history, room, 'albedo.' + ID + '.png', albedo) print('albedo saved') if need_render == 0: npcache(history, room, 'result.' + ID + '.jpg', albedo) # cv2.imwrite('results/' + room + '.' + ID + '.jpg', albedo) print(time.time() - timenow) return room + '_' + ID, history HSV, YUV, DEL = process_albedo(albedo, composition, sketch) npcache(history, room, 'HSV.' + ID + '.jpg', HSV) npcache(history, room, 'YUV.' + ID + '.jpg', YUV) npcache(history, room, 'DEL.' + ID + '.jpg', DEL) print('HSV YUV DEL') albedo_s1024 = d_resize(albedo, s1024.shape) matting = go_mat(albedo_s1024) matting = np.tile(matting[:, :, None], [1, 1, 3]) matting = shade_fill(matting, fill, opreate_normal_hint(ini_hint(s1024), points, length=2, skip_sp=False), s1024) matting = matting[:, :, 0] depth = np.zeros_like(matting, dtype=np.uint8) + 255 depth[matting < 127] = 127 depth[s1024 < 250] = 0 npcache(history, room, 'depth.' + ID + '.jpg', depth) print('depth saved') normal = go_norm(depth).astype(np.float32) normal = ((normal + 1e-4) / (np.max(normal, axis=2, keepdims=True) + 1e-4) * 255.0).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) normal[matting < 127] = 255 normal = re_deatlize(normal, s1024) normal = d_resize(normal, sketch.shape) npcache(history, room, 'normal.' + ID + '.jpg', normal) print('norm saved') mask = np.zeros_like(matting, dtype=np.uint8) + 255 mask[matting < 127] = 0 mask = d_resize(mask, sketch.shape) mask[mask < 127] = 0 mask[mask > 0] = 255 if int(light_d) == 0: result = small_render(normal, mask, albedo, s1024, r=light_r, g=light_g, b=light_b, h=light_h, left=True, top=True) elif int(light_d) == 1: result = small_render(normal, mask, albedo, s1024, r=light_r, g=light_g, b=light_b, h=light_h, left=False, top=True) elif int(light_d) == 2: result = small_render(normal, mask, albedo, s1024, r=light_r, g=light_g, b=light_b, h=light_h, left=True, top=False) else: result = small_render(normal, mask, albedo, s1024, r=light_r, g=light_g, b=light_b, h=light_h, left=False, top=False) if need_render == 2: npcache(history, room, 'result.' + ID + '.jpg', result) # cv2.imwrite('results/' + room + '.' + ID + '.jpg', result) print(time.time() - timenow) return room + '_' + ID, history print('result saved') preview = np.concatenate([np.tile(sketch[:, :, None], [1, 1, 3]), albedo, result], axis=1) npcache(history, room, 'preview.' + ID + '.jpg', preview) print('preview saved') npcache(history, room, 'result.' + ID + '.jpg', result) # cv2.imwrite('results/' + room + '.' + ID + '.jpg', preview) print(time.time() - timenow) return room + '_' + ID, history def download_result(name, history): room_id, name = name.split('/') rooms = list(filter(lambda _room: _room["id"] == room_id, history)) if len(rooms) == 0: return None else: room = rooms[0] real_name = None for k in room.keys(): if name in k: real_name = k break if real_name is None: return None name = real_name result = room.get(name, None) if 'points' in name: return json.dumps(result) return cv2_encode(result, name) with gr.Blocks() as demo: history = gr.State(value=[]) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): btn_show = gr.Button("Open Style2Paints V4.2"), _js="(_) => open('file/ui/web-mobile/index.html')") with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row(): upload_sketch_json = gr.Textbox(label="upload_sketch(json string)") with gr.Row(): upload_sketch_btn = gr.Button(label="Submit sketch json") with gr.Row(): upload_sketch_result = gr.Textbox(label="Result", interactive=False), [upload_sketch_json, history], [upload_sketch_result, history], api_name="upload_sketch") with gr.Box(): with gr.Row(): request_result_json = gr.Textbox(label="request_result(json string)") with gr.Row(): request_result_btn = gr.Button(label="Submit json of request for result") with gr.Row(): request_result_result = gr.Textbox(label="Result", interactive=False), [request_result_json, history], [request_result_result, history], api_name="request_result") with gr.Box(): with gr.Row(): download_result_json = gr.Textbox(label="download_result(json string)") with gr.Row(): download_result_btn = gr.Button(label="Submit json of download for result") with gr.Row(): download_result_result = gr.Textbox(label="Result", interactive=False), [download_result_json, history], [download_result_result], api_name="download_result") demo.launch()