Runtime error
Runtime error
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
from scipy.ndimage import label | |
from numba import njit | |
def get_ball_structuring_element(radius): | |
"""Get a ball shape structuring element with specific radius for morphology operation. | |
The radius of ball usually equals to (leaking_gap_size / 2). | |
# Arguments | |
radius: radius of ball shape. | |
# Returns | |
an array of ball structuring element. | |
""" | |
return cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1)) | |
def get_unfilled_point(image): | |
"""Get points belong to unfilled(value==255) area. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. | |
# Returns | |
an array of points. | |
""" | |
y, x = np.where(image == 255) | |
return np.stack((x.astype(int), y.astype(int)), axis=-1) | |
def exclude_area(image, radius): | |
"""Perform erosion on image to exclude points near the boundary. | |
We want to pick part using floodfill from the seed point after dilation. | |
When the seed point is near boundary, it might not stay in the fill, and would | |
not be a valid point for next floodfill operation. So we ignore these points with erosion. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. | |
radius: radius of ball shape. | |
# Returns | |
an image after dilation. | |
""" | |
return cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_ERODE, get_ball_structuring_element(radius), anchor=(-1, -1), iterations=1) | |
def trapped_ball_fill_single(image, seed_point, radius): | |
"""Perform a single trapped ball fill operation. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. the image should consist of white background, black lines and black fills. | |
the white area is unfilled area, and the black area is filled area. | |
seed_point: seed point for trapped-ball fill, a tuple (integer, integer). | |
radius: radius of ball shape. | |
# Returns | |
an image after filling. | |
""" | |
ball = get_ball_structuring_element(radius) | |
pass1 = np.full(image.shape, 255, np.uint8) | |
pass2 = np.full(image.shape, 255, np.uint8) | |
im_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(image) | |
# Floodfill the image | |
mask1 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im_inv, 1, 1, 1, 1, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0) | |
_, pass1, _, _ = cv2.floodFill(pass1, mask1, seed_point, 0, 0, 0, 4) | |
# Perform dilation on image. The fill areas between gaps became disconnected. | |
pass1 = cv2.morphologyEx(pass1, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, ball, anchor=(-1, -1), iterations=1) | |
mask2 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(pass1, 1, 1, 1, 1, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0) | |
# Floodfill with seed point again to select one fill area. | |
_, pass2, _, rect = cv2.floodFill(pass2, mask2, seed_point, 0, 0, 0, 4) | |
# Perform erosion on the fill result leaking-proof fill. | |
pass2 = cv2.morphologyEx(pass2, cv2.MORPH_ERODE, ball, anchor=(-1, -1), iterations=1) | |
return pass2 | |
def trapped_ball_fill_multi(image, radius, method='mean', max_iter=1000): | |
"""Perform multi trapped ball fill operations until all valid areas are filled. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. The image should consist of white background, black lines and black fills. | |
the white area is unfilled area, and the black area is filled area. | |
radius: radius of ball shape. | |
method: method for filtering the fills. | |
'max' is usually with large radius for select large area such as background. | |
max_iter: max iteration number. | |
# Returns | |
an array of fills' points. | |
""" | |
print('trapped-ball ' + str(radius)) | |
unfill_area = image | |
filled_area, filled_area_size, result = [], [], [] | |
for _ in range(max_iter): | |
points = get_unfilled_point(exclude_area(unfill_area, radius)) | |
if not len(points) > 0: | |
break | |
fill = trapped_ball_fill_single(unfill_area, (points[0][0], points[0][1]), radius) | |
unfill_area = cv2.bitwise_and(unfill_area, fill) | |
filled_area.append(np.where(fill == 0)) | |
filled_area_size.append(len(np.where(fill == 0)[0])) | |
filled_area_size = np.asarray(filled_area_size) | |
if method == 'max': | |
area_size_filter = np.max(filled_area_size) | |
elif method == 'median': | |
area_size_filter = np.median(filled_area_size) | |
elif method == 'mean': | |
area_size_filter = np.mean(filled_area_size) | |
else: | |
area_size_filter = 0 | |
result_idx = np.where(filled_area_size >= area_size_filter)[0] | |
for i in result_idx: | |
result.append(filled_area[i]) | |
return result | |
def flood_fill_single(im, seed_point): | |
"""Perform a single flood fill operation. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. the image should consist of white background, black lines and black fills. | |
the white area is unfilled area, and the black area is filled area. | |
seed_point: seed point for trapped-ball fill, a tuple (integer, integer). | |
# Returns | |
an image after filling. | |
""" | |
pass1 = np.full(im.shape, 255, np.uint8) | |
im_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(im) | |
mask1 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im_inv, 1, 1, 1, 1, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0) | |
_, pass1, _, _ = cv2.floodFill(pass1, mask1, seed_point, 0, 0, 0, 4) | |
return pass1 | |
def count_all(labeled_array, all_counts): | |
M = labeled_array.shape[0] | |
N = labeled_array.shape[1] | |
for x in range(M): | |
for y in range(N): | |
i = labeled_array[x, y] - 1 | |
if i > -1: | |
all_counts[i] = all_counts[i] + 1 | |
return | |
def trace_all(labeled_array, xs, ys, cs): | |
M = labeled_array.shape[0] | |
N = labeled_array.shape[1] | |
for x in range(M): | |
for y in range(N): | |
current_label = labeled_array[x, y] - 1 | |
if current_label > -1: | |
current_label_count = cs[current_label] | |
xs[current_label][current_label_count] = x | |
ys[current_label][current_label_count] = y | |
cs[current_label] = current_label_count + 1 | |
return | |
def find_all(labeled_array): | |
hist_size = int(np.max(labeled_array)) | |
if hist_size == 0: | |
return [] | |
all_counts = [0 for _ in range(hist_size)] | |
count_all(labeled_array, all_counts) | |
xs = [np.zeros(shape=(item, ), dtype=np.uint32) for item in all_counts] | |
ys = [np.zeros(shape=(item, ), dtype=np.uint32) for item in all_counts] | |
cs = [0 for item in all_counts] | |
trace_all(labeled_array, xs, ys, cs) | |
filled_area = [] | |
for _ in range(hist_size): | |
filled_area.append((xs[_], ys[_])) | |
return filled_area | |
def flood_fill_multi(image, merge=False): | |
print('floodfill') | |
labeled_array, num_features = label(image / 255) | |
print('floodfill_ok1') | |
filled_area = find_all(labeled_array) | |
print('floodfill_ok2') | |
if merge: | |
new_fill = [] | |
for item in filled_area: | |
if len(item[0]) > 8: | |
new_fill.append(item) | |
return new_fill | |
print('floodfill_ok3') | |
return filled_area | |
def old_flood_fill_multi(image, max_iter=20000): | |
"""Perform multi flood fill operations until all valid areas are filled. | |
This operation will fill all rest areas, which may result large amount of fills. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. the image should contain white background, black lines and black fills. | |
the white area is unfilled area, and the black area is filled area. | |
max_iter: max iteration number. | |
# Returns | |
an array of fills' points. | |
""" | |
print('floodfill') | |
unfill_area = image | |
filled_area = [] | |
for _ in range(max_iter): | |
points = get_unfilled_point(unfill_area) | |
if not len(points) > 0: | |
break | |
fill = flood_fill_single(unfill_area, (points[0][0], points[0][1])) | |
unfill_area = cv2.bitwise_and(unfill_area, fill) | |
filled_area.append(np.where(fill == 0)) | |
return filled_area | |
def mark_fill(image, fills): | |
"""Mark filled areas with 0. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. | |
fills: an array of fills' points. | |
# Returns | |
an image. | |
""" | |
result = image.copy() | |
for fill in fills: | |
result[fill] = 0 | |
return result | |
def build_fill_map(image, fills): | |
"""Make an image(array) with each pixel(element) marked with fills' id. id of line is 0. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. | |
fills: an array of fills' points. | |
# Returns | |
an array. | |
""" | |
result = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], | |
for index, fill in enumerate(fills): | |
if(len(fill[0]) == 0): | |
continue | |
result[fill] = index + 1 | |
return result | |
def show_fill_map(fillmap): | |
"""Mark filled areas with colors. It is useful for visualization. | |
# Arguments | |
image: an image. | |
fills: an array of fills' points. | |
# Returns | |
an image. | |
""" | |
# Generate color for each fill randomly. | |
colors = np.random.randint(0, 255, (np.max(fillmap) + 1, 3)) | |
# Id of line is 0, and its color is black. | |
colors[0] = [0, 0, 0] | |
return colors[fillmap] | |
def get_bounding_rect(points): | |
"""Get a bounding rect of points. | |
# Arguments | |
points: array of points. | |
# Returns | |
rect coord | |
""" | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = np.min(points[1]), np.min(points[0]), np.max(points[1]), np.max(points[0]) | |
return x1, y1, x2, y2 | |
def get_border_bounding_rect(h, w, p1, p2, r): | |
"""Get a valid bounding rect in the image with border of specific size. | |
# Arguments | |
h: image max height. | |
w: image max width. | |
p1: start point of rect. | |
p2: end point of rect. | |
r: border radius. | |
# Returns | |
rect coord | |
""" | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1] | |
x1 = x1 - r if 0 < x1 - r else 0 | |
y1 = y1 - r if 0 < y1 - r else 0 | |
x2 = x2 + r + 1 if x2 + r + 1 < w else w | |
y2 = y2 + r + 1 if y2 + r + 1 < h else h | |
return x1, y1, x2, y2 | |
def get_border_point(points, rect, max_height, max_width): | |
"""Get border points of a fill area | |
# Arguments | |
points: points of fill . | |
rect: bounding rect of fill. | |
max_height: image max height. | |
max_width: image max width. | |
# Returns | |
points , convex shape of points | |
""" | |
# Get a local bounding rect. | |
border_rect = get_border_bounding_rect(max_height, max_width, rect[:2], rect[2:], 2) | |
# Get fill in rect. | |
fill = np.zeros((border_rect[3] - border_rect[1], border_rect[2] - border_rect[0]), np.uint8) | |
# Move points to the rect. | |
fill[(points[0] - border_rect[1], points[1] - border_rect[0])] = 255 | |
# Get shape. | |
_, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(fill, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) | |
# approx_shape = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[0], 0.02 * cv2.arcLength(contours[0], True), True) | |
# Get border pixel. | |
# Structuring element in cross shape is used instead of box to get 4-connected border. | |
cross = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (3, 3)) | |
border_pixel_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(fill, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, cross, anchor=(-1, -1), iterations=1) - fill | |
border_pixel_points = np.where(border_pixel_mask == 255) | |
# Transform points back to fillmap. | |
border_pixel_points = (border_pixel_points[0] + border_rect[1], border_pixel_points[1] + border_rect[0]) | |
return border_pixel_points | |
def merge_fill(fillmap, max_iter=20): | |
"""Merge fill areas. | |
# Arguments | |
fillmap: an image. | |
max_iter: max iteration number. | |
# Returns | |
an image. | |
""" | |
max_height, max_width = fillmap.shape[:2] | |
result = fillmap.copy() | |
for i in range(max_iter): | |
print('merge ' + str(i + 1)) | |
result[np.where(fillmap == 0)] = 0 | |
fill_id = np.unique(result.flatten()) | |
fills = [] | |
for j in fill_id: | |
point = np.where(result == j) | |
fills.append({ | |
'id': j, | |
'point': point, | |
'area': len(point[0]), | |
}) | |
for j, f in enumerate(fills): | |
# ignore lines | |
if f['id'] == 0: | |
continue | |
if f['area'] < 5: | |
result[f['point']] = 0 | |
if len(fill_id) == len(np.unique(result.flatten())): | |
break | |
return result | |
def merge_one(fillmap): | |
result = fillmap.copy() | |
print('merge') | |
result[np.where(fillmap == 0)] = 0 | |
fill_id = np.unique(result.flatten()) | |
fills = [] | |
for j in fill_id: | |
point = np.where(result == j) | |
fills.append({ | |
'id': j, | |
'point': point, | |
'area': len(point[0]), | |
}) | |
for j, f in enumerate(fills): | |
# ignore lines | |
if f['id'] == 0: | |
continue | |
if f['area'] < 5: | |
result[f['point']] = 0 | |
return result | |