import os import sys from datetime import datetime as Datetime import gradio as gr import json import requests import threading import time import hashlib sys.path.append('./') from oss_utils import * from myconfigs import * from cache_util import RedisCache scale_depth = 0.7 scale_pose = 0.5 def md5_hash_file(filename): """Compute the MD5 hash of the contents of the given file.""" # Create a new MD5 hash object md5_hash = hashlib.md5() # Open the file in binary mode and read chunks with open(filename, 'rb') as f: # Read and update hash string value in blocks of 4K for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""): md5_hash.update(byte_block) # Return the hexadecimal digest of the hash return md5_hash.hexdigest() def get_dirnames(filePath='', tail=".mp4", reserve_num=-1): if not os.path.isdir(filePath): return [] if len(tail) <= 0: return [] len_tail = len(tail) lists = os.listdir(filePath) file_list = [] for i in range(len(lists)): cur_file = lists[i] # if os.path.isfile(cur_file): if len(cur_file) > 4 and cur_file[-len_tail:] == tail: full_file_path = os.path.join(filePath, cur_file) file_list.append(full_file_path) sorted_list = sorted(file_list, key=lambda x: os.path.getctime(x)) sorted_list = sorted_list[::-1] if reserve_num > 0: for i in range(len(sorted_list)): if i >= reserve_num: os.remove(sorted_list[i]) return sorted_list def sync_request_local(request_id, data): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", # "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE, # "X-DashScope-Async": "enable", # "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable" } url_create_task = '' print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, json input: {data}") res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) res = json.loads(res_.content.decode()) result_video_url = '' if res['header']['status_name'] == 'Success': result_video_url = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path'] print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {result_video_url}") else: print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_video_url}") return result_video_url def async_request_and_query(request_id, data): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", # "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE, # "X-DashScope-Async": "enable", # "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable" } # 1. async request url_create_task = '' print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, json input: {data}") res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) # print("res_=", res_) # print(res_.content) result_json = json.loads(res_.content.decode("utf-8")) # 2.async query is_running = True running_print_count = 0 res_video_path = None while is_running: url_query = '' res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) respose_code = res_.status_code if 200 == respose_code: res = json.loads(res_.content.decode()) if "SUCCESS" == res['header']['task_status']: if 200 == res['payload']['output']['error_code']: res_video_path = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path'] print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {res_video_path}") break else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_json}') # raise gr.Error(f'algo error.') break elif "RUNNING" == res['header']['task_status']: if running_print_count == 0: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: running..., result: {result_json}') running_print_count += 1 time.sleep(1) elif "FAILED" == res['header']['task_status']: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_json}') # raise gr.Error(f'query result faild.') break else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_json}') # raise gr.Error(f'query result faild.') break else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}: Fail to query task result: {res_.content}') # raise gr.Error("Fail to query task result.") break return res_video_path def async_request_video_generation(request_id, data): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", # "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE, # "X-DashScope-Async": "enable", # "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable" } # async request url_create_task = '' print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, json input: {data}") res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) # print("res_=", res_) # print(res_.content) # result_json = json.loads(res_.content.decode("utf-8")) def async_query_video_generation(request_id, data): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", # "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE, # "X-DashScope-Async": "enable", # "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable" } # async query is_running = True running_print_count = 0 res_video_path = None while is_running: url_query = '' res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) respose_code = res_.status_code if 200 == respose_code: res = json.loads(res_.content.decode()) if "SUCCESS" == res['header']['task_status']: if 200 == res['payload']['output']['error_code']: res_video_path = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path'] print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {res_video_path}") break else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}') # raise gr.Error(f'algo error.') break elif "RUNNING" == res['header']['task_status']: if running_print_count == 0: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: running..., result: {res}') running_print_count += 1 time.sleep(1) elif "FAILED" == res['header']['task_status']: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}') break else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}') break else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}: Fail to query task result: {res_.content}') # raise gr.Error("Fail to query task result.") break return res_video_path def query_video_generation(request_id, data): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", # "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE, # "X-DashScope-Async": "enable", # "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable" } # async query is_running = True running_print_count = 0 res_video_path = None # while is_running: url_query = '' res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) respose_code = res_.status_code res = json.loads(res_.content.decode()) if 200 == respose_code: if "SUCCESS" == res['header']['task_status']: if 200 == res['payload']['output']['error_code']: res_video_path = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path'] print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {res_video_path}") return "SUCCESS", res else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}') return "FAILED", res elif "RUNNING" == res['header']['task_status']: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: running..., result: {res}') return "RUNNING", res elif "FAILED" == res['header']['task_status']: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}') return "FAILED", res else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}') return "FAILED", res else: print(f'request_id: {request_id}: Fail to query task result: {res_.content}') return "FAILED", res def sync_request_prompt_caption(request_id, data): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": EAS_AUTH_PROMPT, # "X-DashScope-Async": "enable", # "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable" } if OSSBucketName == "dreamoving-sgp": url_create_task = '' else: url_create_task = '' print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: prompt_caption, json input: {data}") res_ =, data=data, headers=headers) # print(res_) # print(res_.content) res = json.loads(res_.content.decode()) prompt_caption = '' gender = '' if res['payload']['output']['error_message'] == 'Success': key = res['payload']['output']['key'] # {"gender":"female","prompt":"Asian woman, 25-35, long black hair, dark brown eyes, average height","style":""} gender = key['gender'] prompt_caption = key['prompt'] style = key['style'] print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: prompt_caption, retuen message: Succees, result: {prompt_caption}") else: print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: prompt_caption, retuen message: Faild, result: {prompt_caption}") return prompt_caption, gender, style import re def extract_mp4_filename(input_string): # Regular expression pattern to match the file name pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4" # Extract the MP4 file name match =, input_string) if match: return else: return None # or you could raise an exception or return an empty string class HumanGenService: def __init__(self): self.oss_service = ossService() self.all_user_requests = {} self.all_requests = [] self.all_requests_time = {} # dict: request_id, time self.lock = threading.Lock() def signed_oss_path_to_internal(self, signed_oss_path): sign_internal_oss_path = '' import re pattern = r"http.*\" match =, signed_oss_path) if match: oss_address0 = oss_address1 = signed_oss_path[len(oss_address0):] oss_endpoint_seg = oss_address0[:-len("")] sign_internal_oss_path = oss_endpoint_seg + '' + oss_address1 else: print(f'[{request_id}] - [HumanGen] - signed_oss_path_to_internal faild for {signed_oss_path}') return sign_internal_oss_path def click_button_prompt(self, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False): cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' # input infer mode id 'face' and 'clothes' if model_id is False: cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' elif model_id is True: cartoon_recog = 'cartoon' if input_mode == 'prompt_mode': return input_prompt if cartoon_recog == 'cartoon': return prompt_template print(f"request_id: {request_id}, input_mode: {input_mode}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, cartoon_recog: {cartoon_recog}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_image_path: {ref_image_path}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_video_path: {ref_video_path}") if input_mode == 'template_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman' and (ref_video_path is None or ref_video_path == ''): print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No video input, prompt caption over") raise gr.Error("No video input!") # return "请输入视频!" ref_video_name = '' user_mode = -1 if input_mode == 'template_mode': import re # pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4" pattern = r"template_.*\.mp4" # Extract the MP4 file name match =, ref_video_path) if match: ref_video_name = user_mode = 0 # mode 0: image + template video else: user_mode = 1 # mode 1: image + upload video if input_mode == 'prompt_mode': user_mode = 2 # mode 2: image + prompt if user_mode == 0 and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman': return prompt_template date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') img1_oss_path = '' vid1_oss_path = '' try: if input_mode == 'template_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman': vid_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path) vid_extension = os.path.splitext(vid_file_name)[1] # .mp4 vid1_oss_path = self.oss_service.ObjectName + '/Service/' + date_string + '/' + user_id + '/' + request_id + '/' + "ref_video" + vid_extension is_success1, sign_vid_oss_path = self.oss_service.uploadOssFile(vid1_oss_path, ref_video_path) print(f"request_id: {request_id}, is_success1={is_success1}, sign_vid_oss_path={sign_vid_oss_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"request_id: {request_id}, oss upload error for input local image or video. ") raise gr.Error("oss upload error for input local image or video") #-----------------------------prompt caption-----------------------------# # print("sign_img_oss_path: ", sign_img_oss_path) # print("sign_img_oss_path1: ", sign_img_oss_path) prompt_caption_data = {} prompt_caption_data['header'] = {} prompt_caption_data['header']['request_id'] = request_id prompt_caption_data['header']['service_id'] = 'test123' prompt_caption_data['header']['task_id'] = request_id prompt_caption_data['header']['attributes'] = {} prompt_caption_data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = 'wanx_lab' prompt_caption_data['payload'] = {} prompt_caption_data['payload']['input'] = {} prompt_caption_data['payload']['input']['work_type'] = 'prompt_caption' sign_vid_oss_path = self.signed_oss_path_to_internal(sign_vid_oss_path) print(f"request_id: {request_id}, video internal oss path for caption: {sign_vid_oss_path}") prompt_caption_data['payload']['input']['key'] = sign_vid_oss_path prompt_caption_data['payload']['parameters'] = {} prompt_caption_data['payload']['parameters']['input_type'] = 'reference_video' # id_image,cartoon_id_image,reference_video prompt_caption_data['payload']['parameters']['input_format'] = 'url' # url,oss_path prompt_caption_data = json.dumps(prompt_caption_data) # to string # serving api prompt_caption_en,__,__ = sync_request_prompt_caption(request_id=request_id, data=prompt_caption_data) print(f"request_id: {request_id}, prompt caption: {prompt_caption_en}") #-----------------------------prompt caption-----------------------------# return prompt_caption_en # prompt_caption_cn def template_video_2_prompt(self, ref_video_name): file_name = ref_video_name ref_ori_video_path = ref_video_name print("videl filename:%s" % ref_video_name) input_prompt = "" if file_name[:len('template_')] == 'template_': file_name = extract_mp4_filename(file_name) if file_name not in template_prompts: raise gr.Error("The input video is not a template!") input_prompt = template_prompts[file_name] else: print("video file not found:%s" % ref_video_name) return input_prompt def click_button_func_async(self, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False): start_time = time.time() if user_id is None or user_id == '': user_id = get_random_string() print(f"[click_button_func_async] generate user_id: {user_id}") if request_id is None or request_id == '': request_id = get_random_string() print(f"[click_button_func_async] generate request_id: {request_id}") # key by: ref_video_name, digest(ref_image_path), prompt_template, input_prompt, # scale_depth, scale_pose #print("ref_image_path:%s ref_video_path:%s" % (ref_image_path, ref_video_path) ) cache_key = None # if ref_image_path and os.path.exists(ref_image_path): # digest_ref_image = md5_hash_file(ref_image_path) # if ref_video_path and os.path.exists(ref_video_path): # ref_video_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path) # cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (ref_video_name, digest_ref_image, prompt_template, input_prompt, scale_depth, scale_pose) # print("cache key:%s" % cache_key) # relative_oss_path = self.generate_video(cache_key, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template, model_id=model_id) self.generate_video(cache_key, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template, model_id=model_id) # oss_path = "oss://vigen-invi/" + relative_oss_path # style = "video/snapshot,t_1000,f_jpg,w_544,h_768,m_fast" # params = {'x-oss-process': style} # _, snapshot_image = self.oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100, params=params) # _, video_url = self.oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100) total_time_minutes = (time.time() -start_time) / 60 # minites print(f"request_id: {request_id}, Total process time: {total_time_minutes:.1f} minutes") # return video_url, snapshot_image #@RedisCache(expire=60*60*24*7) # 7 days def generate_video(self, cache_key, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False): self.lock.acquire() if user_id in self.all_user_requests and len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) > 0: print(f"request_id: {request_id}, You still have unfinished tasks!") self.lock.release() raise gr.Error("You still have unfinished tasks!") # return None self.all_requests.append(request_id) if request_id not in self.all_requests_time: self.all_requests_time[request_id] = time.time() if user_id not in self.all_user_requests: self.all_user_requests[user_id] = [] self.all_user_requests[user_id].append(request_id) else: self.all_user_requests[user_id].append(request_id) self.lock.release() print(f">>>request_id: {request_id}, user_id: {user_id}, add a new task.") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, start process") ref_video_name = '' user_mode = -1 if input_mode == 'template_mode': import re # pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4" pattern = r"template_.*\.mp4" # Extract the MP4 file name match =, ref_video_path) if match: ref_video_name = user_mode = 0 # mode 0: image + template video else: user_mode = 1 # mode 1: image + upload video if input_mode == 'prompt_mode': user_mode = 2 # mode 2: image + prompt cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' # input infer mode id 'face' and 'clothes' if model_id is False: cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' elif model_id is True: cartoon_recog = 'cartoon' # try: # import shutil # dir_path = "/tmp/gradio" # shutil.rmtree(dir_path) # print(f"目录: {dir_path} 删除成功") # except OSError as e: # print(f"目录: {dir_path} 删除失败:", e) date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') img1_oss_path = '' vid1_oss_path = '' try: # ref image img_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_image_path) img_extension = os.path.splitext(img_file_name)[1] # 输出:.jpg img1_oss_path = self.oss_service.ObjectName + '/Service/' + date_string + '/' + user_id + '/' + request_id + '/' + "ref_image" + img_extension is_success0, sign_img_oss_path = self.oss_service.uploadOssFile(img1_oss_path, ref_image_path) print(f"request_id: {request_id}, is_success0={is_success0}, sign_img_oss_path={sign_img_oss_path}") if user_mode == 0 or user_mode == 1: vid_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path) vid_extension = os.path.splitext(vid_file_name)[1] # 输出:.mp4 vid1_oss_path = self.oss_service.ObjectName + '/Service/' + date_string + '/' + user_id + '/' + request_id + '/' + "ref_video" + vid_extension is_success1, sign_vid_oss_path = self.oss_service.uploadOssFile(vid1_oss_path, ref_video_path) print(f"request_id: {request_id}, is_success1={is_success1}, sign_vid_oss_path={sign_vid_oss_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"request_id: {request_id}, Data upload faild!") raise gr.Error("Data upload faild!") # return None #-----------------------------motion generation-----------------------------# data = '{"header":{"request_id":"","service_id":"","task_id":""},"payload":{"input": {"ref_image_path": "", "ref_video_path": "", "ref_video_name": "", "input_prompt": "", "prompt_template": "", "scale_depth": 0.7, "scale_pose": 0.5},"parameters":{}}}' data = json.loads(data) # string to dict data['header']['service_id'] = DASHONE_SERVICE_ID data['header']['request_id'] = request_id data['header']['task_id'] = request_id data['header']['attributes'] = {} data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = user_id data['payload']['input']['user_id'] = user_id data['payload']['input']['ref_image_path'] = img1_oss_path # sign_img_oss_path data['payload']['input']['ref_video_path'] = vid1_oss_path # sign_vid_oss_path data['payload']['input']['ref_video_name'] = ref_video_name data['payload']['input']['input_prompt'] = input_prompt data['payload']['input']['prompt_template'] = prompt_template data['payload']['input']['scale_depth'] = scale_depth data['payload']['input']['scale_pose'] = scale_pose data['payload']['input']['cartoon_recog'] = cartoon_recog data = json.dumps(data) # to string # serving api # sign_oss_path = sync_request_local(request_id=request_id, data=data) # sync try: async_request_video_generation(request_id=request_id, data=data) # async print(f"request_id: {request_id}, async_request_video_generation") except Exception as e: print(f"request_id: {request_id}, The video generation task has failed, possibly due to a server connection issue, please try again.") raise gr.Error("The video generation task has failed, possibly due to a server connection issue, please try again.") # return None print(f"=================end request_id: {request_id}") # return sign_oss_path def valid_check(self, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False): if user_id is None or user_id == '': user_id = get_random_string() print(f"[valid_check] generate user_id: {user_id}") if request_id is None or request_id == '': request_id = get_random_string() print(f"[valid_check] generate request_id: {request_id}") print(f"-----------------request_id: {request_id}, user_id: {user_id}---------------") self.lock.acquire() if user_id in self.all_user_requests: if len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) > 0: self.lock.release() # raise gr.Error("Your video is in the process of being generated. Please wait until the process is complete before submitting a new task. Click refresh to get the latest progress updates.") return "Your video is in the process of being generated. Please wait until the process is complete before submitting a new task. Click refresh to get the latest progress updates." self.lock.release() cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' # input infer mode id 'face' and 'clothes' if model_id is False: cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' elif model_id is True: cartoon_recog = 'cartoon' print(f"request_id: {request_id}, input_mode: {input_mode}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_image_path: {ref_image_path}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_video_path: {ref_video_path}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, input_prompt = {input_prompt}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, prompt_template = {prompt_template}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, scale_depth = {scale_depth}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, scale_pose = {scale_pose}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, model_id = {model_id}") print(f"request_id: {request_id}, style: {cartoon_recog}") if ref_image_path is None or ref_image_path == '' or (not os.path.exists(ref_image_path)): print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No image input, task over!") # raise gr.Error("Please input a image!") return "Please input a image." if input_mode == 'template_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman' and (prompt_template == '' or prompt_template == [] or prompt_template is None): print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No prompt input, task over!") # raise gr.Error("Please input a prompt!") return "Please input a prompt." if input_mode == 'prompt_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman' and (input_prompt == '' or input_prompt == [] or input_prompt is None): print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No prompt input, task over!") # raise gr.Error("Please input a prompt!") return "Please input a prompt." if input_mode == 'template_mode' and (ref_video_path is None or ref_video_path == ''): print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No video input, task over!") # raise gr.Error("Please input a video!") return "Please input a video." ref_video_name = '' user_mode = -1 if input_mode == 'template_mode': import re # pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4" pattern = r"template_.*\.mp4" # Extract the MP4 file name match =, ref_video_path) if match: ref_video_name = user_mode = 0 # mode 0: image + template video else: user_mode = 1 # mode 1: image + upload video if input_mode == 'prompt_mode': user_mode = 2 # mode 2: image + prompt print(f"request_id: {request_id}, user_mode = {user_mode} (0: image + template video, 1: image + upload video, 2: image + prompt)") return '' def delete_request_id(self, user_id, request_id, lock=True): if lock: self.lock.acquire() if request_id in self.all_requests: self.all_requests.remove(request_id) if user_id in self.all_user_requests and request_id in self.all_user_requests[user_id]: self.all_user_requests[user_id].remove(request_id) if request_id in self.all_requests_time: del self.all_requests_time[request_id] if lock: self.lock.release() def get_ranking_location(self, user_id): if user_id is None or user_id == '': user_id = get_random_string() print(f"[get_ranking_location] generate user_id: {user_id}") process_status = '' print(f'----------- [get_ranking_location] clean timeout and process over request start ----------- ') if len(self.all_requests) > 0: for i in range(min(num_instance_dashone, len(self.all_requests))): req = self.all_requests[i] waste_time = 10000 if req in self.all_requests_time: endt = time.time() startt = self.all_requests_time[req] waste_time = (endt - startt)/60 if waste_time > avg_process_time + 1: uuid = '' for uid in self.all_user_requests: if req in self.all_user_requests[uid]: uuid = uid break print(f'find timeout request: {req}, uuid: {uuid}') data = '{"header":{"request_id":"","service_id":"","task_id":""},"payload":{"input": {"ref_image_path": "", "ref_video_path": "", "ref_video_name": "", "input_prompt": "", "prompt_template": "", "scale_depth": 0.7, "scale_pose": 0.5},"parameters":{}}}' data = json.loads(data) # string to dict data['header']['service_id'] = DASHONE_SERVICE_ID data['header']['request_id'] = req data['header']['task_id'] = req data['header']['attributes'] = {} data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = uuid data['payload']['input']['user_id'] = uuid data = json.dumps(data) # to string ret_status, ret_json = query_video_generation(request_id=req, data=data) # print(f'ret_json = {ret_json}') if ret_status == "SUCCESS" or ret_status == "FAILED": print(f'query timeout request process over: {req}, uuid: {uuid}') if req in self.all_requests: self.all_requests.remove(req) # delete request_id if req in self.all_requests_time: del self.all_requests_time[req] else: print(f'query timeout request process running: {req}, uuid: {uuid}') break else: print(f'no timeout request.') break else: print(f'size of all_requests is empty.') print(f'----------- [get_ranking_location] clean timeout and process over request end ----------- ') if user_id not in self.all_user_requests: return f'You have not request a video generation task.', '' if len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) == 0: return f'You do not have any tasks in progress, queue status.:{len(self.all_requests)}', '' else: self.lock.acquire() lenn = len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) if lenn > 1: for j in range(lenn - 1): req = self.all_user_requests[user_id][j] self.delete_request_id(user_id, req, lock=False) # delete request_id request_id = self.all_user_requests[user_id][0] self.lock.release() data = '{"header":{"request_id":"","service_id":"","task_id":""},"payload":{"input": {"ref_image_path": "", "ref_video_path": "", "ref_video_name": "", "input_prompt": "", "prompt_template": "", "scale_depth": 0.7, "scale_pose": 0.5},"parameters":{}}}' data = json.loads(data) # string to dict data['header']['service_id'] = DASHONE_SERVICE_ID data['header']['request_id'] = request_id data['header']['task_id'] = request_id data['header']['attributes'] = {} data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = user_id data['payload']['input']['user_id'] = user_id data = json.dumps(data) # to string ret_status, ret_json = query_video_generation(request_id=request_id, data=data) # print(f'ret_json = {ret_json}') if ret_status == "SUCCESS": req = self.all_user_requests[user_id][0] self.delete_request_id(user_id, req) # delete request_id return 'Your video has been successfully generated.', '' elif ret_status == "FAILED": req = self.all_user_requests[user_id][0] self.delete_request_id(user_id, req) # delete request_id # if ret_json['header']['status_code'] == 200: # if ret_json['header']['status_code'][] return 'Your video generation failed, you may try enabling the "Cartoon Video Generation" option.', '' else: process_status = 'runing' self.lock.acquire() tmp_all_requests = self.all_requests.copy() tmp_all_requests_time = self.all_requests_time.copy() self.lock.release() for i in range(len(tmp_all_requests)): if tmp_all_requests[i] == request_id: index = i + 1 endt = time.time() rest_time_list = [] for k in range(i+1): reqestid = tmp_all_requests[k] startt = tmp_all_requests_time[reqestid] wast_time = endt-startt rest_time = max(0, avg_process_time * 60 - wast_time) rest_time_list.append(rest_time) sorted_time = sorted(rest_time_list, reverse=False) print(f'rest_time_list: {rest_time_list}') print(f'sorted_time: {sorted_time}') process_time = 0 if index <= num_instance_dashone: process_time = rest_time_list[i]/60 return f'Your video generation task is being processed, please wait for about {process_time:.1f} minutes, click refresh to get the latest progress update.', process_status else: rounds_to_wait = index // num_instance_dashone rounds_to_rest = index % num_instance_dashone - 1 process_time = rounds_to_wait * avg_process_time + sorted_time[rounds_to_rest]/60 return f'There are {index-1} tasks ahead of you in the queue, please wait for about {process_time:.1f} minutes, click refresh to get the latest progress update.', process_status return f'You do not have any tasks currently being processed.', process_status