import sys import os import json is_test_gradio = False is_wanx_platform = False VERSION = "1.1.9" scale_depth = 0.7 scale_pose = 0.5 DASHONE_SERVICE_ID = os.getenv('DASHONE_SERVICE_ID') OSSAccessKeyId = os.getenv('OSSAccessKeyId') OSSAccessKeySecret = os.getenv('OSSAccessKeySecret') OSSEndpoint = os.getenv('OSSEndpoint') OSSBucketName = os.getenv('OSSBucketName') OSSObjectName = os.getenv('OSSObjectName') EAS_AUTH_CARTOONRECOG = os.getenv('EAS_AUTH_CARTOONRECOG') EAS_AUTH_PROMPT = os.getenv('EAS_AUTH_PROMPT') TRANSLATE_CN_EN = os.getenv('TRANSLATE_CN_EN') num_instance_dashone = 2 avg_process_time = 5 # minutes ref_video_path = 'data/origin_video/video' ref_video_prompt = 'data/origin_video/video_prompts_en.txt' class RESOURCES: logo_img0 = "" logo_img1 = "" logo_img2 = "" logo_dingding = "" logo_wechat = "" examples = { 'examples_images': [ ['./data/img/cfpcgcsg.jpg'], ['./data/img/md_0.png'], ['./data/img/30.jpg'], ['./data/img/mod_2.jpeg'], ['./data/img/hailuo_718746736_RF.jpg'], ['./data/img/mod_3.png'], ['./data/img/mod_13.png'], ['./data/img/hailuo_2238672930_RF.jpg'], ['./data/img/bmy.png'], ], 'template_video': [ 'template_31.mp4', 'template_41.mp4', 'template_51.mp4', 'template_46.mp4', 'template_43.mp4', 'template_38.mp4', 'template_67.mp4', 'template_81.mp4', 'template_100.mp4', ], } template_orign_videos = { 'template_31.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/31.mp4', 'template_38.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/48.mp4', 'template_41.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/41.mp4', 'template_43.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/43.mp4', 'template_46.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/46.mp4', 'template_51.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/51.mp4', 'template_67.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/67.mp4', 'template_81.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/81.mp4', 'template_100.mp4':'./data/origin_video/video/100.mp4', } template_prompts = { "template_31.mp4":'a girl, dancing in the park in autumn, wear long gray t-shirt with long sleeves.', "template_38.mp4":'a man, in Times Square, wearing shirt and suit.', "template_41.mp4":'a girl, in a fairytale town, wearing Santa clause costume, long sleeves, red pants.', "template_43.mp4":'a man, in a fairytale town, wearing Santa clause costume, long sleeves, red pants.', "template_46.mp4":'a girl, smiling, dancing in front of a desk with green plants, wearing long sweater and jeans.', "template_51.mp4":'a girl, standing in central park, wearing a white sweater and jeans.', "template_67.mp4":'there is a woman in a skirt dancing in a fairytale town covered in snow.', "template_81.mp4":'a girl in a white shirt and blue shorts is dancing, in an warm apartment with a fireplace.', "template_100.mp4":'a girl, dancing on a beach next to the ocean, wearing a white dress with long sleeves.', }