Dreamoving / gen_client.py
jiayong's picture
Update gen_client.py
history blame contribute delete
No virus
37.7 kB
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime as Datetime
import gradio as gr
import json
import requests
import threading
import time
import hashlib
from oss_utils import *
from myconfigs import *
from cache_util import RedisCache
scale_depth = 0.7
scale_pose = 0.5
def md5_hash_file(filename):
"""Compute the MD5 hash of the contents of the given file."""
# Create a new MD5 hash object
md5_hash = hashlib.md5()
# Open the file in binary mode and read chunks
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
# Read and update hash string value in blocks of 4K
for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
# Return the hexadecimal digest of the hash
return md5_hash.hexdigest()
def get_dirnames(filePath='', tail=".mp4", reserve_num=-1):
if not os.path.isdir(filePath):
return []
if len(tail) <= 0:
return []
len_tail = len(tail)
lists = os.listdir(filePath)
file_list = []
for i in range(len(lists)):
cur_file = lists[i]
# if os.path.isfile(cur_file):
if len(cur_file) > 4 and cur_file[-len_tail:] == tail:
full_file_path = os.path.join(filePath, cur_file)
sorted_list = sorted(file_list, key=lambda x: os.path.getctime(x))
sorted_list = sorted_list[::-1]
if reserve_num > 0:
for i in range(len(sorted_list)):
if i >= reserve_num:
return sorted_list
def sync_request_local(request_id, data):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
# "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE,
# "X-DashScope-Async": "enable",
# "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable"
url_create_task = ''
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, json input: {data}")
res_ = requests.post(url_create_task, data=data, headers=headers)
res = json.loads(res_.content.decode())
result_video_url = ''
if res['header']['status_name'] == 'Success':
result_video_url = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path']
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {result_video_url}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_video_url}")
return result_video_url
def async_request_and_query(request_id, data):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
# "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE,
# "X-DashScope-Async": "enable",
# "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable"
# 1. async request
url_create_task = 'http://dashscope-scheduler-perf.1656375133437235.cn-beijing.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/v1/task/submit'
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, json input: {data}")
res_ = requests.post(url_create_task, data=data, headers=headers)
# print("res_=", res_)
# print(res_.content)
result_json = json.loads(res_.content.decode("utf-8"))
# 2.async query
is_running = True
running_print_count = 0
res_video_path = None
while is_running:
url_query = 'http://dashscope-scheduler-perf.1656375133437235.cn-beijing.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/v1/task/query-result'
res_ = requests.post(url_query, data=data, headers=headers)
respose_code = res_.status_code
if 200 == respose_code:
res = json.loads(res_.content.decode())
if "SUCCESS" == res['header']['task_status']:
if 200 == res['payload']['output']['error_code']:
res_video_path = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path']
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {res_video_path}")
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_json}')
# raise gr.Error(f'algo error.')
elif "RUNNING" == res['header']['task_status']:
if running_print_count == 0:
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: running..., result: {result_json}')
running_print_count += 1
elif "FAILED" == res['header']['task_status']:
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_json}')
# raise gr.Error(f'query result faild.')
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {result_json}')
# raise gr.Error(f'query result faild.')
print(f'request_id: {request_id}: Fail to query task result: {res_.content}')
# raise gr.Error("Fail to query task result.")
return res_video_path
def async_request_video_generation(request_id, data):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
# "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE,
# "X-DashScope-Async": "enable",
# "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable"
# async request
url_create_task = 'http://dashscope-scheduler-perf.1656375133437235.cn-beijing.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/v1/task/submit'
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, json input: {data}")
res_ = requests.post(url_create_task, data=data, headers=headers)
# print("res_=", res_)
# print(res_.content)
# result_json = json.loads(res_.content.decode("utf-8"))
def async_query_video_generation(request_id, data):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
# "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE,
# "X-DashScope-Async": "enable",
# "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable"
# async query
is_running = True
running_print_count = 0
res_video_path = None
while is_running:
url_query = 'http://dashscope-scheduler-perf.1656375133437235.cn-beijing.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/v1/task/query-result'
res_ = requests.post(url_query, data=data, headers=headers)
respose_code = res_.status_code
if 200 == respose_code:
res = json.loads(res_.content.decode())
if "SUCCESS" == res['header']['task_status']:
if 200 == res['payload']['output']['error_code']:
res_video_path = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path']
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {res_video_path}")
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}')
# raise gr.Error(f'algo error.')
elif "RUNNING" == res['header']['task_status']:
if running_print_count == 0:
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: running..., result: {res}')
running_print_count += 1
elif "FAILED" == res['header']['task_status']:
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}')
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}')
print(f'request_id: {request_id}: Fail to query task result: {res_.content}')
# raise gr.Error("Fail to query task result.")
return res_video_path
def query_video_generation(request_id, data):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
# "Authorization": APP_AUTH_TEXTURE,
# "X-DashScope-Async": "enable",
# "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable"
# async query
is_running = True
running_print_count = 0
res_video_path = None
# while is_running:
url_query = 'http://dashscope-scheduler-perf.1656375133437235.cn-beijing.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/v1/task/query-result'
res_ = requests.post(url_query, data=data, headers=headers)
respose_code = res_.status_code
res = json.loads(res_.content.decode())
if 200 == respose_code:
if "SUCCESS" == res['header']['task_status']:
if 200 == res['payload']['output']['error_code']:
res_video_path = res['payload']['output']['res_video_path']
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Succees, result: {res_video_path}")
return "SUCCESS", res
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}')
return "FAILED", res
elif "RUNNING" == res['header']['task_status']:
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: running..., result: {res}')
return "RUNNING", res
elif "FAILED" == res['header']['task_status']:
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}')
return "FAILED", res
print(f'request_id: {request_id}, request type: video generation, retuen message: Faild, result: {res}')
return "FAILED", res
print(f'request_id: {request_id}: Fail to query task result: {res_.content}')
return "FAILED", res
def sync_request_prompt_caption(request_id, data):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": EAS_AUTH_PROMPT,
# "X-DashScope-Async": "enable",
# "X-DashScope-DataInspection": "enable"
if OSSBucketName == "dreamoving-sgp":
url_create_task = 'http://1096433202046721.ap-southeast-1.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/predict/videogene_supp_caption/api'
url_create_task = 'http://1096433202046721.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com/api/predict/videogene_supp_gu50/api'
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: prompt_caption, json input: {data}")
res_ = requests.post(url_create_task, data=data, headers=headers)
# print(res_)
# print(res_.content)
res = json.loads(res_.content.decode())
prompt_caption = ''
gender = ''
if res['payload']['output']['error_message'] == 'Success':
key = res['payload']['output']['key'] # {"gender":"female","prompt":"Asian woman, 25-35, long black hair, dark brown eyes, average height","style":""}
gender = key['gender']
prompt_caption = key['prompt']
style = key['style']
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: prompt_caption, retuen message: Succees, result: {prompt_caption}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, request type: prompt_caption, retuen message: Faild, result: {prompt_caption}")
return prompt_caption, gender, style
import re
def extract_mp4_filename(input_string):
# Regular expression pattern to match the file name
pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4"
# Extract the MP4 file name
match = re.search(pattern, input_string)
if match:
return match.group()
return None # or you could raise an exception or return an empty string
class HumanGenService:
def __init__(self):
self.oss_service = ossService()
self.all_user_requests = {}
self.all_requests = []
self.all_requests_time = {} # dict: request_id, time
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def signed_oss_path_to_internal(self, signed_oss_path):
sign_internal_oss_path = ''
import re
pattern = r"http.*\.aliyuncs.com"
match = re.search(pattern, signed_oss_path)
if match:
oss_address0 = match.group()
oss_address1 = signed_oss_path[len(oss_address0):]
oss_endpoint_seg = oss_address0[:-len(".aliyuncs.com")]
sign_internal_oss_path = oss_endpoint_seg + '-internal.aliyuncs.com' + oss_address1
print(f'[{request_id}] - [HumanGen] - signed_oss_path_to_internal faild for {signed_oss_path}')
return sign_internal_oss_path
def click_button_prompt(self, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False):
cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' # input infer mode id 'face' and 'clothes'
if model_id is False:
cartoon_recog = 'realhuman'
elif model_id is True:
cartoon_recog = 'cartoon'
if input_mode == 'prompt_mode':
return input_prompt
if cartoon_recog == 'cartoon':
return prompt_template
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, input_mode: {input_mode}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, cartoon_recog: {cartoon_recog}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_image_path: {ref_image_path}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_video_path: {ref_video_path}")
if input_mode == 'template_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman' and (ref_video_path is None or ref_video_path == ''):
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No video input, prompt caption over")
raise gr.Error("No video input!")
# return "请输入视频!"
ref_video_name = ''
user_mode = -1
if input_mode == 'template_mode':
import re
# pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4"
pattern = r"template_.*\.mp4"
# Extract the MP4 file name
match = re.search(pattern, ref_video_path)
if match:
ref_video_name = match.group()
user_mode = 0 # mode 0: image + template video
user_mode = 1 # mode 1: image + upload video
if input_mode == 'prompt_mode':
user_mode = 2 # mode 2: image + prompt
if user_mode == 0 and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman':
return prompt_template
date_string = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
img1_oss_path = ''
vid1_oss_path = ''
if input_mode == 'template_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman':
vid_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path)
vid_extension = os.path.splitext(vid_file_name)[1] # .mp4
vid1_oss_path = self.oss_service.ObjectName + '/Service/' + date_string + '/' + user_id + '/' + request_id + '/' + "ref_video" + vid_extension
is_success1, sign_vid_oss_path = self.oss_service.uploadOssFile(vid1_oss_path, ref_video_path)
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, is_success1={is_success1}, sign_vid_oss_path={sign_vid_oss_path}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, oss upload error for input local image or video. ")
raise gr.Error("oss upload error for input local image or video")
#-----------------------------prompt caption-----------------------------#
# print("sign_img_oss_path: ", sign_img_oss_path)
# print("sign_img_oss_path1: ", sign_img_oss_path)
prompt_caption_data = {}
prompt_caption_data['header'] = {}
prompt_caption_data['header']['request_id'] = request_id
prompt_caption_data['header']['service_id'] = 'test123'
prompt_caption_data['header']['task_id'] = request_id
prompt_caption_data['header']['attributes'] = {}
prompt_caption_data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = 'wanx_lab'
prompt_caption_data['payload'] = {}
prompt_caption_data['payload']['input'] = {}
prompt_caption_data['payload']['input']['work_type'] = 'prompt_caption'
sign_vid_oss_path = self.signed_oss_path_to_internal(sign_vid_oss_path)
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, video internal oss path for caption: {sign_vid_oss_path}")
prompt_caption_data['payload']['input']['key'] = sign_vid_oss_path
prompt_caption_data['payload']['parameters'] = {}
prompt_caption_data['payload']['parameters']['input_type'] = 'reference_video' # id_image,cartoon_id_image,reference_video
prompt_caption_data['payload']['parameters']['input_format'] = 'url' # url,oss_path
prompt_caption_data = json.dumps(prompt_caption_data) # to string
# serving api
prompt_caption_en,__,__ = sync_request_prompt_caption(request_id=request_id, data=prompt_caption_data)
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, prompt caption: {prompt_caption_en}")
#-----------------------------prompt caption-----------------------------#
return prompt_caption_en # prompt_caption_cn
def template_video_2_prompt(self, ref_video_name):
file_name = ref_video_name
ref_ori_video_path = ref_video_name
print("videl filename:%s" % ref_video_name)
input_prompt = ""
if file_name[:len('template_')] == 'template_':
file_name = extract_mp4_filename(file_name)
if file_name not in template_prompts:
raise gr.Error("The input video is not a template!")
input_prompt = template_prompts[file_name]
print("video file not found:%s" % ref_video_name)
return input_prompt
def click_button_func_async(self, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False):
start_time = time.time()
if user_id is None or user_id == '':
user_id = get_random_string()
print(f"[click_button_func_async] generate user_id: {user_id}")
if request_id is None or request_id == '':
request_id = get_random_string()
print(f"[click_button_func_async] generate request_id: {request_id}")
# key by: ref_video_name, digest(ref_image_path), prompt_template, input_prompt,
# scale_depth, scale_pose
#print("ref_image_path:%s ref_video_path:%s" % (ref_image_path, ref_video_path) )
cache_key = None
# if ref_image_path and os.path.exists(ref_image_path):
# digest_ref_image = md5_hash_file(ref_image_path)
# if ref_video_path and os.path.exists(ref_video_path):
# ref_video_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path)
# cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (ref_video_name, digest_ref_image, prompt_template, input_prompt, scale_depth, scale_pose)
# print("cache key:%s" % cache_key)
# relative_oss_path = self.generate_video(cache_key, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template, model_id=model_id)
self.generate_video(cache_key, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template, model_id=model_id)
# oss_path = "oss://vigen-invi/" + relative_oss_path
# style = "video/snapshot,t_1000,f_jpg,w_544,h_768,m_fast"
# params = {'x-oss-process': style}
# _, snapshot_image = self.oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100, params=params)
# _, video_url = self.oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100)
total_time_minutes = (time.time() -start_time) / 60 # minites
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, Total process time: {total_time_minutes:.1f} minutes")
# return video_url, snapshot_image
#@RedisCache(expire=60*60*24*7) # 7 days
def generate_video(self, cache_key, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False):
if user_id in self.all_user_requests and len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) > 0:
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, You still have unfinished tasks!")
raise gr.Error("You still have unfinished tasks!")
# return None
if request_id not in self.all_requests_time:
self.all_requests_time[request_id] = time.time()
if user_id not in self.all_user_requests:
self.all_user_requests[user_id] = []
print(f">>>request_id: {request_id}, user_id: {user_id}, add a new task.")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, start process")
ref_video_name = ''
user_mode = -1
if input_mode == 'template_mode':
import re
# pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4"
pattern = r"template_.*\.mp4"
# Extract the MP4 file name
match = re.search(pattern, ref_video_path)
if match:
ref_video_name = match.group()
user_mode = 0 # mode 0: image + template video
user_mode = 1 # mode 1: image + upload video
if input_mode == 'prompt_mode':
user_mode = 2 # mode 2: image + prompt
cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' # input infer mode id 'face' and 'clothes'
if model_id is False:
cartoon_recog = 'realhuman'
elif model_id is True:
cartoon_recog = 'cartoon'
# try:
# import shutil
# dir_path = "/tmp/gradio"
# shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
# print(f"目录: {dir_path} 删除成功")
# except OSError as e:
# print(f"目录: {dir_path} 删除失败:", e)
date_string = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
img1_oss_path = ''
vid1_oss_path = ''
# ref image
img_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_image_path)
img_extension = os.path.splitext(img_file_name)[1] # 输出:.jpg
img1_oss_path = self.oss_service.ObjectName + '/Service/' + date_string + '/' + user_id + '/' + request_id + '/' + "ref_image" + img_extension
is_success0, sign_img_oss_path = self.oss_service.uploadOssFile(img1_oss_path, ref_image_path)
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, is_success0={is_success0}, sign_img_oss_path={sign_img_oss_path}")
if user_mode == 0 or user_mode == 1:
vid_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path)
vid_extension = os.path.splitext(vid_file_name)[1] # 输出:.mp4
vid1_oss_path = self.oss_service.ObjectName + '/Service/' + date_string + '/' + user_id + '/' + request_id + '/' + "ref_video" + vid_extension
is_success1, sign_vid_oss_path = self.oss_service.uploadOssFile(vid1_oss_path, ref_video_path)
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, is_success1={is_success1}, sign_vid_oss_path={sign_vid_oss_path}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, Data upload faild!")
raise gr.Error("Data upload faild!")
# return None
#-----------------------------motion generation-----------------------------#
data = '{"header":{"request_id":"","service_id":"","task_id":""},"payload":{"input": {"ref_image_path": "", "ref_video_path": "", "ref_video_name": "", "input_prompt": "", "prompt_template": "", "scale_depth": 0.7, "scale_pose": 0.5},"parameters":{}}}'
data = json.loads(data) # string to dict
data['header']['service_id'] = DASHONE_SERVICE_ID
data['header']['request_id'] = request_id
data['header']['task_id'] = request_id
data['header']['attributes'] = {}
data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = user_id
data['payload']['input']['user_id'] = user_id
data['payload']['input']['ref_image_path'] = img1_oss_path # sign_img_oss_path
data['payload']['input']['ref_video_path'] = vid1_oss_path # sign_vid_oss_path
data['payload']['input']['ref_video_name'] = ref_video_name
data['payload']['input']['input_prompt'] = input_prompt
data['payload']['input']['prompt_template'] = prompt_template
data['payload']['input']['scale_depth'] = scale_depth
data['payload']['input']['scale_pose'] = scale_pose
data['payload']['input']['cartoon_recog'] = cartoon_recog
data = json.dumps(data) # to string
# serving api
# sign_oss_path = sync_request_local(request_id=request_id, data=data) # sync
async_request_video_generation(request_id=request_id, data=data) # async
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, async_request_video_generation")
except Exception as e:
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, The video generation task has failed, possibly due to a server connection issue, please try again.")
raise gr.Error("The video generation task has failed, possibly due to a server connection issue, please try again.")
# return None
print(f"=================end request_id: {request_id}")
# return sign_oss_path
def valid_check(self, user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False):
if user_id is None or user_id == '':
user_id = get_random_string()
print(f"[valid_check] generate user_id: {user_id}")
if request_id is None or request_id == '':
request_id = get_random_string()
print(f"[valid_check] generate request_id: {request_id}")
print(f"-----------------request_id: {request_id}, user_id: {user_id}---------------")
if user_id in self.all_user_requests:
if len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) > 0:
# raise gr.Error("Your video is in the process of being generated. Please wait until the process is complete before submitting a new task. Click refresh to get the latest progress updates.")
return "Your video is in the process of being generated. Please wait until the process is complete before submitting a new task. Click refresh to get the latest progress updates."
cartoon_recog = 'realhuman' # input infer mode id 'face' and 'clothes'
if model_id is False:
cartoon_recog = 'realhuman'
elif model_id is True:
cartoon_recog = 'cartoon'
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, input_mode: {input_mode}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_image_path: {ref_image_path}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, ref_video_path: {ref_video_path}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, input_prompt = {input_prompt}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, prompt_template = {prompt_template}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, scale_depth = {scale_depth}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, scale_pose = {scale_pose}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, model_id = {model_id}")
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, style: {cartoon_recog}")
if ref_image_path is None or ref_image_path == '' or (not os.path.exists(ref_image_path)):
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No image input, task over!")
# raise gr.Error("Please input a image!")
return "Please input a image."
if input_mode == 'template_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman' and (prompt_template == '' or prompt_template == [] or prompt_template is None):
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No prompt input, task over!")
# raise gr.Error("Please input a prompt!")
return "Please input a prompt."
if input_mode == 'prompt_mode' and cartoon_recog == 'realhuman' and (input_prompt == '' or input_prompt == [] or input_prompt is None):
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No prompt input, task over!")
# raise gr.Error("Please input a prompt!")
return "Please input a prompt."
if input_mode == 'template_mode' and (ref_video_path is None or ref_video_path == ''):
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, No video input, task over!")
# raise gr.Error("Please input a video!")
return "Please input a video."
ref_video_name = ''
user_mode = -1
if input_mode == 'template_mode':
import re
# pattern = r"template_\d+\.mp4"
pattern = r"template_.*\.mp4"
# Extract the MP4 file name
match = re.search(pattern, ref_video_path)
if match:
ref_video_name = match.group()
user_mode = 0 # mode 0: image + template video
user_mode = 1 # mode 1: image + upload video
if input_mode == 'prompt_mode':
user_mode = 2 # mode 2: image + prompt
print(f"request_id: {request_id}, user_mode = {user_mode} (0: image + template video, 1: image + upload video, 2: image + prompt)")
return ''
def delete_request_id(self, user_id, request_id, lock=True):
if lock:
if request_id in self.all_requests:
if user_id in self.all_user_requests and request_id in self.all_user_requests[user_id]:
if request_id in self.all_requests_time:
del self.all_requests_time[request_id]
if lock:
def get_ranking_location(self, user_id):
if user_id is None or user_id == '':
user_id = get_random_string()
print(f"[get_ranking_location] generate user_id: {user_id}")
process_status = ''
print(f'----------- [get_ranking_location] clean timeout and process over request start ----------- ')
if len(self.all_requests) > 0:
for i in range(min(num_instance_dashone, len(self.all_requests))):
req = self.all_requests[i]
waste_time = 10000
if req in self.all_requests_time:
endt = time.time()
startt = self.all_requests_time[req]
waste_time = (endt - startt)/60
if waste_time > avg_process_time + 1:
uuid = ''
for uid in self.all_user_requests:
if req in self.all_user_requests[uid]:
uuid = uid
print(f'find timeout request: {req}, uuid: {uuid}')
data = '{"header":{"request_id":"","service_id":"","task_id":""},"payload":{"input": {"ref_image_path": "", "ref_video_path": "", "ref_video_name": "", "input_prompt": "", "prompt_template": "", "scale_depth": 0.7, "scale_pose": 0.5},"parameters":{}}}'
data = json.loads(data) # string to dict
data['header']['service_id'] = DASHONE_SERVICE_ID
data['header']['request_id'] = req
data['header']['task_id'] = req
data['header']['attributes'] = {}
data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = uuid
data['payload']['input']['user_id'] = uuid
data = json.dumps(data) # to string
ret_status, ret_json = query_video_generation(request_id=req, data=data)
# print(f'ret_json = {ret_json}')
if ret_status == "SUCCESS" or ret_status == "FAILED":
print(f'query timeout request process over: {req}, uuid: {uuid}')
if req in self.all_requests:
self.all_requests.remove(req) # delete request_id
if req in self.all_requests_time:
del self.all_requests_time[req]
print(f'query timeout request process running: {req}, uuid: {uuid}')
print(f'no timeout request.')
print(f'size of all_requests is empty.')
print(f'----------- [get_ranking_location] clean timeout and process over request end ----------- ')
if user_id not in self.all_user_requests:
return f'You have not request a video generation task.', ''
if len(self.all_user_requests[user_id]) == 0:
return f'You do not have any tasks in progress, queue status.:{len(self.all_requests)}', ''
lenn = len(self.all_user_requests[user_id])
if lenn > 1:
for j in range(lenn - 1):
req = self.all_user_requests[user_id][j]
self.delete_request_id(user_id, req, lock=False) # delete request_id
request_id = self.all_user_requests[user_id][0]
data = '{"header":{"request_id":"","service_id":"","task_id":""},"payload":{"input": {"ref_image_path": "", "ref_video_path": "", "ref_video_name": "", "input_prompt": "", "prompt_template": "", "scale_depth": 0.7, "scale_pose": 0.5},"parameters":{}}}'
data = json.loads(data) # string to dict
data['header']['service_id'] = DASHONE_SERVICE_ID
data['header']['request_id'] = request_id
data['header']['task_id'] = request_id
data['header']['attributes'] = {}
data['header']['attributes']['user_id'] = user_id
data['payload']['input']['user_id'] = user_id
data = json.dumps(data) # to string
ret_status, ret_json = query_video_generation(request_id=request_id, data=data)
# print(f'ret_json = {ret_json}')
if ret_status == "SUCCESS":
req = self.all_user_requests[user_id][0]
self.delete_request_id(user_id, req) # delete request_id
return 'Your video has been successfully generated.', ''
elif ret_status == "FAILED":
req = self.all_user_requests[user_id][0]
self.delete_request_id(user_id, req) # delete request_id
# if ret_json['header']['status_code'] == 200:
# if ret_json['header']['status_code'][]
return 'Your video generation failed, you may try enabling the "Cartoon Video Generation" option.', ''
process_status = 'runing'
tmp_all_requests = self.all_requests.copy()
tmp_all_requests_time = self.all_requests_time.copy()
for i in range(len(tmp_all_requests)):
if tmp_all_requests[i] == request_id:
index = i + 1
endt = time.time()
rest_time_list = []
for k in range(i+1):
reqestid = tmp_all_requests[k]
startt = tmp_all_requests_time[reqestid]
wast_time = endt-startt
rest_time = max(0, avg_process_time * 60 - wast_time)
sorted_time = sorted(rest_time_list, reverse=False)
print(f'rest_time_list: {rest_time_list}')
print(f'sorted_time: {sorted_time}')
process_time = 0
if index <= num_instance_dashone:
process_time = rest_time_list[i]/60
return f'Your video generation task is being processed, please wait for about {process_time:.1f} minutes, click refresh to get the latest progress update.', process_status
rounds_to_wait = index // num_instance_dashone
rounds_to_rest = index % num_instance_dashone - 1
process_time = rounds_to_wait * avg_process_time + sorted_time[rounds_to_rest]/60
return f'There are {index-1} tasks ahead of you in the queue, please wait for about {process_time:.1f} minutes, click refresh to get the latest progress update.', process_status
return f'You do not have any tasks currently being processed.', process_status