import streamlit as st import numpy as np import plotly.figure_factory as ff import plotly.graph_objects as go import as px import requests import json import pandas as pd import shutil import os from openai import AzureOpenAI import base64 import cv2 from PIL import Image ACCOUNT_ID = "act_416207949073936" PAGE_ID = "63257509478" OPENAI_API = os.getenv("OPENAI_API") ACCESS_TOKEN = os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN") BIG_DATASET = None ANALYSIS_TYPE = { "OUTCOME_SALES": "ROAS", "OUTCOME_AWARENESS": "ENGAGEMENT", "OUTCOME_LEADS": "ENGAGEMENT" } API_BASE = '' DEPLOYMENT_NAME = 'vision' API_VERSION = '2023-12-01-preview' # this might change in the future API_URL = f"{API_BASE}openai/deployments/{DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/extensions" client = AzureOpenAI( api_key=OPENAI_API, api_version=API_VERSION, base_url=API_URL, ) def encode_image(image_path): with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode('utf-8') def call_gpt_vision(client, images_path, user_prompt): """Call the GPT4 Vision API to generate tags.""" images_content = [ { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{encode_image(image_path)}", }, } for image_path in images_path ] user_content = [ {"type": "text", "text": user_prompt}, ] user_content += images_content response = model=DEPLOYMENT_NAME, messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": user_content}, ], max_tokens=2000, ) return response def parse_tags_from_content(response): """Parse the tags from the response.""" tags = [] content = response.choices[0].message.content for full_tag in content.split("\n"): splitted_fields = full_tag.split(":") if len(splitted_fields) < 2: continue tag_name = splitted_fields[0] tag_details = ":".join(splitted_fields[1:]) tag_element = {"name": tag_name, "metadata": {"details": tag_details}} tags.append(tag_element) return tags def get_campaigns(account_id): url = f"{account_id}/insights" params = { "date_preset": "last_90d", "fields": "campaign_id,campaign_name,impressions,spend,objective", "level": "campaign", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } return call_graph_api(url, params) def get_adsets(campaign_id): url = f"{campaign_id}/insights" params = { "date_preset": "last_90d", "fields": "adset_id,adset_name,impressions,spend", "level": "adset", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } return call_graph_api(url, params) def get_ads(adset_id): url = f"{adset_id}/insights" params = { "date_preset": "last_90d", "fields": "ad_name,ad_id,impressions,spend,video_play_actions,video_p25_watched_actions,video_p50_watched_actions,video_p75_watched_actions,video_p100_watched_actions,video_play_curve_actions,purchase_roas,cost_per_action_type,objective", "breakdowns": "age,gender", "limit": 1000, "level": "ad", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } return call_graph_api(url, params) def save_image_from_url(url, filename): res = requests.get(url, stream = True) if res.status_code == 200: with open(filename,'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(res.raw, f) return True return False def extract_specific_frame(video_path, frame_position, output_image): # Open the video file cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) if not cap.isOpened(): print("Error opening video file") return # Get the total number of frames total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # Calculate the frame index based on the position if frame_position == 'middle': frame_index = total_frames // 2 elif frame_position == 'last': frame_index = total_frames - 1 else: # 'first' or any other input defaults to the first frame frame_index = 0 # Set the current frame position cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_index) # Read the frame ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frame = Image.fromarray(frame), "JPEG") else: print(f"Error reading the {frame_position} frame") # Release the video capture object cap.release() def split_video_in_frames(video_path): output_path = video_path.split(".")[0] extract_specific_frame(video_path, 'first', output_path + "_first.jpg") extract_specific_frame(video_path, 'middle', output_path + "_middle.jpg") extract_specific_frame(video_path, 'last', output_path + "_last.jpg") def get_creative_assets(ad_id): # checking if the asset already exists if os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.png') or os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.mp4') or os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.jpg'): return url = f"{ad_id}" params = { "fields": "creative{video_id,id,effective_object_story_id,image_url}", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } creative = call_graph_api(url, params)["creative"] saved = False if "video_id" in creative: # download video video_id = creative["video_id"] video_url = f"{video_id}" video_params = { "fields": "source", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } video_source = call_graph_api(video_url, video_params)["source"] ext = video_source.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "mp4" saved = save_image_from_url(video_source, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) split_video_in_frames(os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) elif "image_url" in creative: image_url = creative["image_url"] ext = image_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "png" saved = save_image_from_url(image_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) elif "effective_object_story_id" in creative: object_story_url = creative["effective_object_story_id"] object_story_params = { "fields": "attachments", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } attachments = call_graph_api(object_story_url, object_story_params)["attachments"] if "media" in attachments: media = attachments["media"] if "source" in media or "video" in media: video_url = media["video"]["source"] ext = video_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "png" saved = save_image_from_url(video_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) split_video_in_frames(os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) elif "image" in media: image_url = media["image"]["src"] ext = image_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "mp4" saved = save_image_from_url(image_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) if not saved: creative_url = f'{creative["id"]}' creative_params = { "fields": "thumbnail_url", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, "thumbnail_width": 512, "thumbnail_height": 512, } thumbnail_url = call_graph_api(creative_url, creative_params)["thumbnail_url"] ext = thumbnail_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "jpg" saved = save_image_from_url(thumbnail_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) def call_graph_api(url, params): base_url = "" response = requests.get(base_url + url, params=params) return json.loads(response.text) def top_n_ads(df, n=5): ad_ids = df.head(n)["ad_id"].values image_paths = [] for ad_id in ad_ids: if os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.png'): image_paths.append(f'assets/{ad_id}.png') elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.mp4'): image_paths.append(f'assets/{ad_id}_first.jpg') elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.jpg'): image_paths.append(f'assets/{ad_id}.jpg') return image_paths def video_dropoff_analysis(df): if "video_play_actions" not in df.columns: return "There is not enough data to generate insights about video dropoff." df_general = df.groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_general = df_general.reset_index() df_general = df_general[df_general["video_play_actions"] > 0] if df_general.shape[0] < 2: return "There is not enough data to generate insights about video dropoff." df_general["p100"] = df_general["video_p100_watched_actions"] / df_general["video_play_actions"] df_general = df_general.sort_values("p100", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_general) image_paths = [path for path in image_paths if path.endswith(".mp4")] response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, f"You are given a set of the most performative videos. Your task is to evaluate and anylise these videos, getting features like type of shoot, lightinig, colors, motion, etc, and generate a paragraph explaning what makes a good video. I will also provide a list of video plays in different stages of the video. The main idea is to understand what makes people spend more time on the video. Please, try to be technical and generate insights that can be use to future videos. Dropoff stages: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. Dataset: {df.head(5)}") return response.choices[0].message.content def performance_analysis(df, objective): # - TS to CTR ratio analysis # - Video drop off analysis if ANALYSIS_TYPE[objective] == "ROAS": df_general = df.groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_general = df_general.reset_index() df_general["relative_roas"] = df_general["purchase_roas"] / df_general["spend"] df_general = df_general.sort_values("relative_roas", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_general) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the most performatives ads of the company. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent ROAS. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content general_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} # Groupby ad_id and gender df_male = df[df["gender"] == "male"].groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_male = df_male.reset_index() df_male["relative_roas"] = df_male["purchase_roas"] / df_male["spend"] df_male = df_male.sort_values("relative_roas", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_male) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the most performatives ads published to men. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent ROAS. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content male_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} df_female = df[df["gender"] == "female"].groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_female = df_female.reset_index() df_female["relative_roas"] = df_female["purchase_roas"] / df_female["spend"] df_female = df_female.sort_values("relative_roas", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_female) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the most performatives ads published to women. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent ROAS. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content female_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} return { "General": general_output, "Male": male_output, "Female": female_output, } elif ANALYSIS_TYPE[objective] == "ENGAGEMENT": df_general = df.groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_general = df_general.reset_index() df_general = df_general.sort_values("cost_per_engagement", ascending=True) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_general) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the ads that presented more engagement. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent engagement. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content general_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} # Groupby ad_id and gender df_male = df[df["gender"] == "male"].groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_male = df_male.reset_index() df_male = df_male.sort_values("cost_per_engagement", ascending=True) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_male) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the ads that presented more engagement from men. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent engagement. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content male_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} df_female = df[df["gender"] == "female"].groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_female = df_female.reset_index() df_female = df_female.sort_values("cost_per_engagement", ascending=True) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_female) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the ads that presented more engagement from women. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent engagement. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content female_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} return { "General": general_output, "Male": male_output, "Female": female_output, } def format_adsets(campaign_id): st_campaigns.empty() adsets = get_adsets(campaign_id) with st_adsets.container(): st.title("Adsets") for adset in adsets["data"]: with st.popover(adset["adset_name"]): st.markdown("**Impressions**: " + str(adset["impressions"])) st.markdown("**Total Spend**: US$" + str(adset["spend"])) st.button( "View Ads", key=adset["adset_name"], on_click=format_ads, kwargs={"adset_id": adset["adset_id"]}, ) def format_ads(adset_id): st_adsets.empty() BIG_DATASET = None ads = get_ads(adset_id) df_ads = pd.DataFrame(ads["data"]) options = ["gender"] #st.multiselect( # "Which breakdowns do you want to see?", ["gender", "age"], ["gender"] # ) df_ads["spend"] = df_ads["spend"].astype(float) df_ads["impressions"] = df_ads["impressions"].astype(float) video_cols = ["video_play_actions","video_p25_watched_actions","video_p50_watched_actions","video_p75_watched_actions","video_p100_watched_actions"] for col in video_cols: if col in df_ads.columns: df_ads[col] = df_ads[col].apply(lambda x: float(x[0].get("value", 0)) if isinstance(x, list) else 0) objective = df_ads["objective"].values[0] def get_engagement(row): if isinstance(row, list): for ac in row: if ac["action_type"] == "post_engagement": return float(ac["value"]) return 0 if "cost_per_action_type" in df_ads.columns: df_ads["cost_per_engagement"] = df_ads["cost_per_action_type"].apply(get_engagement) df_ads = df_ads.sort_values("cost_per_engagement", ascending=True) if "purchase_roas" in df_ads.columns: df_ads["purchase_roas"] = df_ads["purchase_roas"].apply(lambda x: float(x[0].get("value", 0)) if isinstance(x, list) else 0) df_ads["r_purchase_roas"] = df_ads["purchase_roas"] / df_ads["spend"] df_ads = df_ads.sort_values("r_purchase_roas", ascending=False) if BIG_DATASET is None: BIG_DATASET = df_ads else: BIG_DATASET = pd.concat([BIG_DATASET, df_ads]) with st_ads.container(): st.title("Ads") with st.expander("See analysis", expanded=False): analysis = st.empty() for i, ad in enumerate(df_ads["ad_id"].unique()): get_creative_assets(ad) ad_name = df_ads[df_ads["ad_id"] == ad]["ad_name"].values[0] if i < 3: addon = "🏆" else: addon = "" with st.popover(f"{addon} {ad_name}"): tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Creative", "Analytics", "Video Analysis"]) df_tmp = df_ads[df_ads["ad_id"] == ad] with tab2: if len(options) >= 1: label = ["Total impressions"] source = [] target = [] value = [] for option in options: df_g_tmp = df_tmp.groupby(option).sum() df_g_tmp = df_g_tmp.reset_index() for imp, v in df_g_tmp[["impressions", option]].values: label.append(v) source.append(0) target.append(len(label) - 1) value.append(imp) fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Sankey( node=dict( pad=15, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=label, color="blue", ), link=dict( source=source, target=target, value=value ), ) ] ) fig.update_layout(title_text="Basic Sankey Diagram", font_size=10) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if "purchase_roas" in df_tmp.columns: df_roas = df_tmp.groupby(options)[["spend","purchase_roas"]].sum().reset_index().sort_values("purchase_roas", ascending=False) values = [str(v) for v in df_tmp[options].values] fig = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='ROAS', x=values, y=df_roas["purchase_roas"]), go.Bar(name='Spend', x=values, y=df_roas["spend"]) ]) # Change the bar mode fig.update_layout(barmode='group') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) with tab3: if "video_play_actions" in df_tmp.columns: values = df_ads[["ad_id","video_play_actions","video_p25_watched_actions","video_p50_watched_actions","video_p75_watched_actions","video_p100_watched_actions"]].groupby("ad_id").get_group(ad).sum().values[1:] labels = ["Total video plays","Video plays until 25%","Video plays until 50%","Video plays until 75%","Video plays until 100%"] if values[0] > 0: st.plotly_chart(create_video_plays_funnel(values, labels), use_container_width=True) with tab1: if os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad}.png'): st.image(f'assets/{ad}.png', caption='Creative', use_column_width=True) elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad}.mp4'):'assets/{ad}.mp4') elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad}.jpg'): st.image(f'assets/{ad}.jpg', caption='Creative', use_column_width=True) with analysis.container(): v_d, p_a = st.tabs(["Video Dropoff", "Performance Analysis"]) with p_a: if not os.path.exists(f"{adset_id}_performance.json"): report = performance_analysis(df_ads, objective) json.dump(report, open(f"{adset_id}_performance.json", "w")) else: report = json.load(open(f"{adset_id}_performance.json", "r")) tabs = st.tabs(report.keys()) tabs_names = list(report.keys()) for i, tab in enumerate(tabs): with tab: st.multiselect("", report[tabs_names[i]]["keywords"], report[tabs_names[i]]["keywords"], key=f"{ad}_{i}") st.write(report[tabs_names[i]]["insights"]) with v_d: if not os.path.exists(f"{adset_id}_video_dropoff.json"): report = video_dropoff_analysis(df_ads) json.dump(report, open(f"{adset_id}_video_dropoff.json", "w")) else: report = json.load(open(f"{adset_id}_video_dropoff.json", "r")) st.write(report) def create_video_plays_funnel(funnel_data, funnel_title): fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel( y = funnel_title, x = funnel_data)) return fig if "initiated" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["initiated"] = False if not st.session_state["initiated"]: st_campaigns = st.empty() st_adsets = st.empty() st_ads = st.empty() st.session_state["initiated"] = True with st_campaigns.container(): st.title("Campaigns") for c in (get_campaigns(ACCOUNT_ID))["data"]: with st.popover(c["campaign_name"]): st.markdown("**Impressions**: " + str(c["impressions"])) st.markdown("**Total Spend**: US$" + str(c["spend"])) st.markdown("**Objective**: " + str(c["objective"])) st.button( "View Adsets", key=c["campaign_name"], on_click=format_adsets, kwargs={"campaign_id": c["campaign_id"]}, )