import streamlit as st import numpy as np import plotly.figure_factory as ff import plotly.graph_objects as go import as px import requests import json import pandas as pd import shutil import os from openai import AzureOpenAI import base64 # st.page_link("", label="Home", icon="🏠") # st.page_link("pages/", label="Page 1", icon="1️⃣") # st.page_link("pages/", label="Page 2", icon="2️⃣", disabled=True) ACCOUNT_ID = "act_416207949073936" PAGE_ID = "63257509478" OPENAI_API = os.getenv("OPENAI_API") ACCESS_TOKEN = os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN") BIG_DATASET = None print(ACCESS_TOKEN) ANALYSIS_TYPE = { "OUTCOME_SALES": "ROAS", } API_BASE = '' DEPLOYMENT_NAME = 'vision' API_VERSION = '2023-12-01-preview' # this might change in the future API_URL = f"{API_BASE}openai/deployments/{DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/extensions" client = AzureOpenAI( api_key=OPENAI_API, api_version=API_VERSION, base_url=API_URL, ) def encode_image(image_path): with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode('utf-8') def call_gpt_vision(client, images_path, user_prompt): """Call the GPT4 Vision API to generate tags.""" images_content = [ { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{encode_image(image_path)}", }, } for image_path in images_path ] user_content = [ {"type": "text", "text": user_prompt}, ] user_content += images_content response = model=DEPLOYMENT_NAME, messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": user_content}, ], max_tokens=2000, ) return response def parse_tags_from_content(response): """Parse the tags from the response.""" tags = [] content = response.choices[0].message.content for full_tag in content.split("\n"): splitted_fields = full_tag.split(":") if len(splitted_fields) < 2: continue tag_name = splitted_fields[0] tag_details = ":".join(splitted_fields[1:]) tag_element = {"name": tag_name, "metadata": {"details": tag_details}} tags.append(tag_element) return tags def get_campaigns(account_id): url = f"{account_id}/insights" params = { "date_preset": "last_90d", "fields": "campaign_id,campaign_name,impressions,spend,objective", "level": "campaign", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } return call_graph_api(url, params) def get_adsets(campaign_id): url = f"{campaign_id}/insights" params = { "date_preset": "last_90d", "fields": "adset_id,adset_name,impressions,spend", "level": "adset", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } return call_graph_api(url, params) def get_ads(adset_id): url = f"{adset_id}/insights" params = { "date_preset": "last_90d", "fields": "ad_name,ad_id,impressions,spend,video_play_actions,video_p25_watched_actions,video_p50_watched_actions,video_p75_watched_actions,video_p100_watched_actions,video_play_curve_actions,purchase_roas", "breakdowns": "age,gender", "limit": 1000, "level": "ad", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } return call_graph_api(url, params) def save_image_from_url(url, filename): res = requests.get(url, stream = True) if res.status_code == 200: with open(filename,'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(res.raw, f) return True return False def get_creative_assets(ad_id): # checking if the asset already exists if os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.png') or os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.mp4') or os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.jpg'): return url = f"{ad_id}" params = { "fields": "creative{video_id,id,effective_object_story_id,image_url}", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } creative = call_graph_api(url, params)["creative"] saved = False print("-" * 10) if "video_id" in creative: # download video video_id = creative["video_id"] video_url = f"{video_id}" video_params = { "fields": "source", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } video_source = call_graph_api(video_url, video_params)["source"] ext = video_source.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "mp4" saved = save_image_from_url(video_source, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) elif "image_url" in creative: image_url = creative["image_url"] ext = image_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "png" saved = save_image_from_url(image_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) elif "effective_object_story_id" in creative: object_story_url = creative["effective_object_story_id"] object_story_params = { "fields": "attachments", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, } attachments = call_graph_api(object_story_url, object_story_params)["attachments"] if "media" in attachments: media = attachments["media"] if "source" in media or "video" in media: video_url = media["video"]["source"] ext = video_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "png" saved = save_image_from_url(video_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) elif "image" in media: image_url = media["image"]["src"] ext = image_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "mp4" saved = save_image_from_url(image_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) if not saved: creative_url = f'{creative["id"]}' creative_params = { "fields": "thumbnail_url", "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN, "thumbnail_width": 512, "thumbnail_height": 512, } thumbnail_url = call_graph_api(creative_url, creative_params)["thumbnail_url"] ext = thumbnail_url.split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if len(ext) > 4: ext = "jpg" saved = save_image_from_url(thumbnail_url, os.path.join("assets", f'{ad_id}.{ext}')) def call_graph_api(url, params): base_url = "" response = requests.get(base_url + url, params=params) return json.loads(response.text) def top_n_ads(df, n=5): ad_ids = df.head(n)["ad_id"].values image_paths = [] for ad_id in ad_ids: if os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.png'): image_paths.append(f'assets/{ad_id}.png') elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.mp4'): image_paths.append(f'assets/{ad_id}.mp4') elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad_id}.jpg'): image_paths.append(f'assets/{ad_id}.jpg') return image_paths def perform_analysis(df, objective): # - TS to CTR ratio analysis # - ROAS analysis (I will see the better metric here to use) # - Video drop off analysis if ANALYSIS_TYPE[objective] == "ROAS": # 3 analysis: # general # male # female df_general = df.groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_general = df_general.reset_index() df_general["relative_roas"] = df_general["purchase_roas"] / df_general["spend"] df_general = df_general.sort_values("relative_roas", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_general) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the most performatives ads of the company. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent ROAS. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content general_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} # Groupby ad_id and gender df_male = df[df["gender"] == "male"].groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_male = df_male.reset_index() df_male["relative_roas"] = df_male["purchase_roas"] / df_male["spend"] df_male = df_male.sort_values("relative_roas", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_male) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the most performatives ads published to men. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent ROAS. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content male_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} df_female = df[df["gender"] == "female"].groupby(["ad_id"]).sum() df_female = df_female.reset_index() df_female["relative_roas"] = df_female["purchase_roas"] / df_female["spend"] df_female = df_female.sort_values("relative_roas", ascending=False) image_paths = top_n_ads(df_female) response = call_gpt_vision(client, image_paths, "You are a marketing analyst and your task is to find common features between the most performatives ads published to women. You are given the top 5 most perfomative ads, and we expect you to return 5 keywords and its explanation that defines what makes a good ad that show an excellent ROAS. Return it as a list of 5 concepts and its explanation, using the provided ads as example. Try to use nice categories to describe the features (you can use some names like `minimalist design`, `Clear message`, etc). Also, pay attention if the ads are mostly images or videos, this is important to say. The output MUST contain one concept per line. For each like, follow the structure: :.") image_winner_concepts = parse_tags_from_content(response) response = call_gpt_vision(client, [], f"Following, you have the key features that makes an ad a performative ad. Your task is to group this information and summarize in a nice paragraph that will be presented to the marketing team. Be concise. Features:\n{image_winner_concepts}") insights = response.choices[0].message.content female_output = {"keywords": [concept["name"] for concept in image_winner_concepts], "insights": insights} return { "General": general_output, "Male": male_output, "Female": female_output, } def format_adsets(campaign_id): st_campaigns.empty() adsets = get_adsets(campaign_id) with st_adsets.container(): st.title("Adsets") for adset in adsets["data"]: with st.popover(adset["adset_name"]): st.markdown("**Impressions**: " + str(adset["impressions"])) st.markdown("**Total Spend**: US$" + str(adset["spend"])) st.button( "View Ads", key=adset["adset_name"], on_click=format_ads, kwargs={"adset_id": adset["adset_id"]}, ) def format_ads(adset_id): st_adsets.empty() BIG_DATASET = None ads = get_ads(adset_id) df_ads = pd.DataFrame(ads["data"]) options = ["gender"] #st.multiselect( # "Which breakdowns do you want to see?", ["gender", "age"], ["gender"] # ) df_ads["spend"] = df_ads["spend"].astype(float) df_ads["impressions"] = df_ads["impressions"].astype(float) video_cols = ["video_play_actions","video_p25_watched_actions","video_p50_watched_actions","video_p75_watched_actions","video_p100_watched_actions"] for col in video_cols: if col in df_ads.columns: df_ads[col] = df_ads[col].apply(lambda x: float(x[0].get("value", 0)) if isinstance(x, list) else 0) if "purchase_roas" in df_ads.columns: df_ads["purchase_roas"] = df_ads["purchase_roas"].apply(lambda x: float(x[0].get("value", 0)) if isinstance(x, list) else 0) if BIG_DATASET is None: BIG_DATASET = df_ads else: BIG_DATASET = pd.concat([BIG_DATASET, df_ads]) BIG_DATASET.to_csv("big_dataset.csv") with st_ads.container(): with st.expander("See analysis", expanded=False): analysis = st.empty() for i, ad in enumerate(df_ads["ad_id"].unique()): get_creative_assets(ad) ad_name = df_ads[df_ads["ad_id"] == ad]["ad_name"].values[0] with st.popover(ad_name): tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Creative", "Analytics", "Video Analysis"]) df_tmp = df_ads[df_ads["ad_id"] == ad] with tab2: if len(options) >= 1: label = ["Total impressions"] source = [] target = [] value = [] for option in options: df_g_tmp = df_tmp.groupby(option).sum() df_g_tmp = df_g_tmp.reset_index() for imp, v in df_g_tmp[["impressions", option]].values: label.append(v) source.append(0) target.append(len(label) - 1) value.append(imp) fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Sankey( node=dict( pad=15, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=label, color="blue", ), link=dict( source=source, target=target, value=value ), ) ] ) fig.update_layout(title_text="Basic Sankey Diagram", font_size=10) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if "purchase_roas" in df_tmp.columns: df_roas = df_tmp.groupby(options)[["spend","purchase_roas"]].sum().reset_index().sort_values("purchase_roas", ascending=False) print(df_roas) values = [str(v) for v in df_tmp[options].values] fig = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='ROAS', x=values, y=df_roas["purchase_roas"]), go.Bar(name='Spend', x=values, y=df_roas["spend"]) ]) # Change the bar mode fig.update_layout(barmode='group') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) with tab3: if "video_play_actions" in df_tmp.columns: values = df_ads[["ad_id","video_play_actions","video_p25_watched_actions","video_p50_watched_actions","video_p75_watched_actions","video_p100_watched_actions"]].groupby("ad_id").get_group(ad).sum().values[1:] labels = ["Total video plays","Video plays until 25%","Video plays until 50%","Video plays until 75%","Video plays until 100%"] print(values) if values[0] > 0: st.plotly_chart(create_video_plays_funnel(values, labels), use_container_width=True) with tab1: if os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad}.png'): st.image(f'assets/{ad}.png', caption='Creative', use_column_width=True) elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad}.mp4'):'assets/{ad}.mp4') elif os.path.exists(f'assets/{ad}.jpg'): st.image(f'assets/{ad}.jpg', caption='Creative', use_column_width=True) with analysis.container(): report = perform_analysis(df_tmp, "OUTCOME_SALES") tabs = st.tabs(report.keys()) tabs_names = list(report.keys()) for i, tab in enumerate(tabs): with tab: st.multiselect("", report[tabs_names[i]]["keywords"], report[tabs_names[i]]["keywords"], key=f"{ad}_{i}") st.write(report[tabs_names[i]]["insights"]) def create_video_plays_funnel(funnel_data, funnel_title): fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel( y = funnel_title, x = funnel_data)) return fig if "initiated" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["initiated"] = False if not st.session_state["initiated"]: st_campaigns = st.empty() st_adsets = st.empty() st_ads = st.empty() st.session_state["initiated"] = True with st_campaigns.container(): st.title("Campaigns") print(get_campaigns(ACCOUNT_ID)) for c in (get_campaigns(ACCOUNT_ID))["data"]: with st.popover(c["campaign_name"]): st.markdown("**Impressions**: " + str(c["impressions"])) st.markdown("**Total Spend**: US$" + str(c["spend"])) st.markdown("**Objective**: " + str(c["objective"])) st.button( "View Adsets", key=c["campaign_name"], on_click=format_adsets, kwargs={"campaign_id": c["campaign_id"]}, )