{"General": {"keywords": ["Visual consistency", "Clear message", "Limited-time offer", "Product focus", "Collage design"], "insights": "A performative ad must have a consistent visual theme that matches the brand's image, as seen through our use of nature imagery and earthy tones. The message should be clear and include a straightforward call to action, such as offering a discount to encourage purchases. It's also effective to create a sense of urgency by promoting a \"limited-time\" offer to spur quicker decision-making from customers. The ad should focus on the product, giving customers a clear view of what they're buying to build trust and interest. Additionally, a collage design can be used to grab attention by providing multiple visual entry points while maintaining a cohesive look."}, "Male": {"keywords": ["Promotional Offer", "Nature Connection", "Minimalist Design", "Product Highlight", "Lifestyle Appeal"], "insights": "A performative ad effectively captures the viewer's attention by incorporating a clear promotional offer, such as a discount or sale, which motivates them to act on a limited-time deal. Additionally, appealing to those who value the outdoors by emphasizing a connection to nature and using related imagery can attract a specific audience. A minimalist design, with a focus on the product and a clutter-free message, conveys quality and the product's benefits. Highlighting the product through clear images or videos ensures the viewer immediately understands the offer. Finally, incorporating lifestyle appeal by showing people enjoying the product in relatable settings can create a desire for the viewer to emulate that experience."}, "Female": {"keywords": ["Nature-Inspired Aesthetics", "Limited-Time Offer", "Product Focus", "Consistent Branding", "Clear Call-to-Action"], "insights": "The marketing team's performative ads incorporate nature-inspired aesthetics with images of plants and earthy tones, appealing to customers' love for natural products. Each ad presents a limited-time offer, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging quick action. The product focus is evident, with high-quality images clearly displaying what is being sold. Consistent branding is achieved through the use of the Juniper Ridge logo and font style, building brand recognition and trust. Lastly, the ads feature a clear call-to-action, with phrases like \"Take 20% off\" and \"For a limited time,\" guiding customers towards taking advantage of the promotion."}}