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{"General": {"keywords": ["Incentive Offer", "High-Quality Imagery", "Consistent Branding", "Product Focus", "Direct Call-to-Action"], "insights": "To create a performative ad that engages potential customers and drives sales, we need to incorporate several key features. First, we should offer a clear and enticing incentive, like a discount on the first order, to motivate purchases. High-quality imagery is essential to grab attention and effectively showcase the product. Consistent branding, including the company's logo and color scheme, is crucial for building brand recognition and trust. The product should be the central focus of the ad to direct the viewer's attention towards what we are selling. Finally, a direct call-to-action like \"Sign Up for 15% Off\" should be included to encourage immediate engagement. By combining these elements, we can create an ad that not only looks great but also converts viewers into customers."}, "Male": {"keywords": ["Incentive offer", "Outdoor appeal", "High-quality imagery", "Consistency", "Bold messaging"], "insights": "Our performative ads are designed to capture attention and motivate action with a clear incentive offer of a 15% discount on the first order for sign-ups. The products are presented with an outdoor appeal, which can attract a male audience interested in nature and outdoor activities. High-quality imagery is used to enhance the perceived value of the product and engage the audience. The ads maintain consistency in style, layout, font, and color scheme, making the brand more recognizable and building trust. Lastly, the messaging is bold and straightforward, allowing the audience to quickly understand the offer, which is effective for capturing the attention of those scrolling through their feed."}, "Female": {"keywords": ["Incentive Promotion", "Aesthetic Visuals", "Clear Call-to-Action", "Product Focus", "Consistent Branding"], "insights": "To create a performative ad, it is crucial to include the following features: an incentive promotion, such as a discount for first-time sign-ups, to drive engagement; aesthetic visuals that showcase the product attractively; a clear call-to-action, making it easy for the audience to understand the next steps; a product focus to aid in decision-making; and consistent branding to build recognition and trust. This combination of features is likely to grab the attention of the audience and encourage them to engage with the ad."}}