import gradio as gr import spaces from chatbot import model_inference, chatbot from voice_chat import respond # Define Gradio theme theme = gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue="sky", secondary_hue="violet", neutral_hue="gray", font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont('orbitron')] ) # Create Gradio blocks for different functionalities # Chat interface block # with gr.Blocks( # # css=""".gradio-container .avatar-container {height: 40px width: 40px !important;} #duplicate-button {margin: auto; color: white; background: #f1a139; border-radius: 100vh; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px;}""", # ) as chat: # gr.HTML("") with gr.Blocks() as chat: gr.HTML("") # Voice chat block with gr.Blocks() as voice: gr.HTML("") with gr.Blocks() as image: gr.HTML("") with gr.Blocks() as instant2: gr.HTML("") with gr.Blocks() as video: gr.Markdown("""More Models are coming""") gr.TabbedInterface([ instant2], ['Instant🎥']) # Main application block with gr.Blocks(theme=theme, title="Welcome to the Future of Fashion") as demo: gr.Markdown("# AI Wardrobe") gr.TabbedInterface([chat, voice, image, video], ['💬 SuperChat - StyleDialogue','🗣 Voice Chat- SilkTalk', '🖼 Image Engine - StyleVision', '🎥 Video Engine - ShowcaseVision']) demo.queue(max_size=300) demo.launch()