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posted an update Jun 5
The Coachella of Computer Vision, CVPR, is right around the corner. In anticipation of the conference, I curated a dataset of the papers.

I'll have a technical blog post out tomorrow doing some analysis on the dataset, but I'm so hyped that I wanted to get it out to the community ASAP.

The dataset consists of the following fields:

- An image of the first page of the paper
- title: The title of the paper
- authors_list: The list of authors
- abstract: The abstract of the paper
- arxiv_link: Link to the paper on arXiv
- other_link: Link to the project page, if found
- category_name: The primary category this paper according to [arXiv taxonomy](
- all_categories: All categories this paper falls into, according to arXiv taxonomy
- keywords: Extracted using GPT-4o

Here's how I created the dataset πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Generic code for building this dataset can be found [here](

This dataset was built using the following steps:

- Scrape the CVPR 2024 website for accepted papers
- Use DuckDuckGo to search for a link to the paper's abstract on arXiv
- Use (python wrapper for the arXiv API) to extract the abstract and categories, and download the pdf for each paper
- Use pdf2image to save the image of paper's first page
- Use GPT-4o to extract keywords from the abstract
