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posted an update Jan 14
🙋🏻‍♂️Hey there folks ,

i wanted to share with you a really cool new organisation called

In just one week it has gathered almost 150 members !

Check them out if you love anime , SDLX, LORAs and cool datasets.

can we make this one reach 200 members? 🚀

Cool! What's the purpose of the organization?


our target is to pursue LowRes animated waifus and husbandos and be the leading frontrunners of anime related content ( •̀ ω •́ )y

So right now they're gathering cool datasets, soon we'll make and serve some LORAs, then we'll build with these for a little bit more interesting and simple anime applications , actually we already started at least that part :-)

you should check it out, it's a wild and massive community of i think of a quarter million folks on facebook - if you add up all the parts.

actually i should tag @not-lain because i basically take directions from him, perhaps he can say more :-)

@Tonic we just reached 300000 members yerterday on FB 🥳🥳