Update predictions_.json
Browse files- predictions_.json +1192 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@
1 |
2 |
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925b": "308",
3 |
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925c": "136",
4 |
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925d": "88 \u6b21\u64d2\u62b1",
5 |
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925e": "\u56db",
6 |
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925f": "\u9a6c\u91cc\u5965\u00b7\u7231\u8fea",
7 |
"56d6f3500d65d21400198290": "24",
8 |
"56d6f3500d65d21400198291": "\u574e\u514b\u5229",
9 |
"56d6f3500d65d21400198292": "\u56db\u6b21",
10 |
"56d6f3500d65d21400198293": "\u56db\u6b21\u8feb\u4f7f\u6389\u7403\u548c\u56db\u6b21\u62e6\u622a",
11 |
"56d6f3500d65d21400198294": "\u9a6c\u91cc\u5965\u00b7\u7231\u8fea",
12 |
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb59c": "24 \u6b21",
13 |
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb59e": "\u8d3e\u91cc\u5fb7\u00b7\u827e\u4f26",
14 |
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb59f": "308\u5206\uff0c\u5728\u8054\u8d5b\u4e2d\u6392\u540d\u7b2c\u516d\uff0c\u540c\u65f6\u4e5f\u4ee5",
15 |
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb5a0": "24",
16 |
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ab": "\u5339\u5179\u5821\u94a2\u4eba\u961f",
17 |
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ac": "11 \u5206",
18 |
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ad": "\u65b0\u82f1\u683c\u5170\u7231\u56fd\u8005\u961f",
19 |
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ae": "20\u201318",
20 |
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92af": "17 \u79d2",
21 |
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9561": "\u65b0\u82f1\u683c\u5170\u7231\u56fd\u8005\u961f",
22 |
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9562": "11 \u5206",
23 |
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9563": "\u65b0\u82f1\u683c\u5170\u7231\u56fd\u8005\u961f",
24 |
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9564": "17 \u79d2",
25 |
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9565": "\u66fc\u5b81",
26 |
"56d7018a0d65d214001982c2": "\u5339\u5179\u5821\u94a2\u4eba\u961f",
27 |
"56d7018a0d65d214001982c3": "11 \u5206",
28 |
"56d7018a0d65d214001982c5": "\u65b0\u82f1\u683c\u5170\u7231\u56fd\u8005\u961f",
29 |
"56d99f99dc89441400fdb628": "\u5339\u5179\u5821\u94a2\u4eba\u961f",
30 |
"56d99f99dc89441400fdb629": "\u65b0\u82f1\u683c\u5170\u7231\u56fd\u8005\u961f",
31 |
"56d99f99dc89441400fdb62c": "17 \u79d2",
32 |
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92bd": "39 \u5c81\u9ad8\u9f84",
33 |
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92be": "\u7ea6\u7ff0\u00b7\u57c3\u5c14\u7ef4",
34 |
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92bf": "38\u5c81",
35 |
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c0": "",
36 |
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c1": "\u91ce\u9a6c\u961f",
37 |
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9591": "\u91ce\u9a6c\u961f",
38 |
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9592": "\u7ea6\u7ff0\u00b7\u57c3\u5c14\u7ef4",
39 |
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9593": "38\u5c81",
40 |
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9594": "\u7ea6\u7ff0\u00b7\u57c3\u5c14\u7ef4",
41 |
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9595": "\u4e24\u652f",
42 |
"56d704430d65d214001982de": "\u56db\u5206\u536b",
43 |
"56d704430d65d214001982e0": "\u57f9\u987f\u00b7\u66fc\u5b81",
44 |
"56d704430d65d214001982e1": "\u57f9\u987f\u00b7\u66fc\u5b81",
45 |
"56d704430d65d214001982e2": "\u7b2c 33 \u5c4a\u8d85\u7ea7\u7897",
46 |
"56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63e": "\u57f9\u987f\u00b7\u66fc\u5b81",
47 |
"56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63f": "39 \u5c81\u9ad8\u9f84",
48 |
"56d9a0eadc89441400fdb640": "\u7ea6\u7ff0\u00b7\u57c3\u5c14\u7ef4",
49 |
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fd": "\u516d\u6b21",
50 |
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fe": "\u56fd\u6b4c",
51 |
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93ff": "\u516d\u6b21\u683c\u83b1\u7f8e\u5956",
52 |
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9400": "",
53 |
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9401": "",
54 |
"56d20650e7d4791d00902614": "\u5973\u795e\u5361\u5361",
55 |
"56d20650e7d4791d00902615": "",
56 |
"56d7253b0d65d214001983d4": "\u5973\u795e\u5361\u5361",
57 |
"56d7253b0d65d214001983d5": "\u5973\u795e\u5361\u5361",
58 |
"56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c4": "\u5973\u795e\u5361\u5361",
59 |
"56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c5": "\u516d\u6b21",
60 |
"56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c6": "\u5973\u795e\u5361\u5361",
61 |
"56beca913aeaaa14008c946d": "24 \u7801\u7ebf",
62 |
"56beca913aeaaa14008c946e": "\u7c73\u52d2",
63 |
"56beca913aeaaa14008c946f": "\u7ea6\u4ec0\u00b7\u8bfa\u66fc",
64 |
"56beca913aeaaa14008c9470": "\u5b89\u5fb7\u68ee",
65 |
"56beca913aeaaa14008c9471": "\u7801\u7ebf\u4e94\u7801\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\u3002\u5c3d\u7ba1\u6709\u51e0\u540d\u7403\u5458\u51b2\u8fdb\u4eba\u5806\u91cc\u8bd5\u56fe\u91cd\u65b0\u63a5\u7403\uff0c\u4f46\u725b\u987f\u5e76\u6ca1\u6709\u8fd9\u6837\u505a\uff0c\u4ed6\u7f3a\u4e4f\u653b\u51fb\u6027\u7684\u884c\u4e3a\u540e\u6765\u62db\u81f4\u4e86\u4e25\u5389\u7684\u6279\u8bc4\u3002\u4e0e\u6b64\u540c\u65f6\uff0c\u4e39\u4f5b\u7684\u8fdb\u653b\u6709\u4e09\u6b21\u90fd\u88ab\u6321\u5728\u4e86\u7981\u533a\u4e4b\u5916\uff0c\u4f46\u89d2\u536b\u7ea6\u4ec0\u00b7\u8bfa\u66fc\u7684\u62c9\u4eba\u72af\u89c4\u7ed9\u4e86\u91ce\u9a6c\u961f\u65b0\u4e00\u8f6e\u7684\u8fdb\u653b\u673a\u4f1a\u3002\u63a5\u7740\u5b89\u5fb7\u68ee\u5728 2 \u7801\u7ebf\u89e6\u5730\u5f97\u5206\uff0c\u66fc\u5b81\u5c06\u7403\u4f20\u7ed9\u672c\u5c3c\u00b7\u798f\u52d2\u8fdb\u884c\u4e24\u5206\u8f6c\u6362\uff0c\u5e2e\u52a9\u4e39\u4f5b\u5728\u6bd4\u8d5b\u8fd8\u5269",
66 |
"56d726b60d65d214001983ea": "\u7c73\u52d2",
67 |
"56d726b60d65d214001983eb": "\u6c83\u5fb7",
68 |
"56d726b60d65d214001983ec": "\u725b\u987f",
69 |
"56d726b60d65d214001983ed": "\u7ea6\u4ec0\u00b7\u8bfa\u66fc",
70 |
"56d726b60d65d214001983ee": "",
71 |
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb832": "4 \u5206 51 \u79d2",
72 |
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb833": "\u7c73\u52d2",
73 |
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb834": "\u5b89\u5fb7\u68ee",
74 |
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb835": "\u4e09\u6b21\u90fd\u88ab\u6321\u5728\u4e86\u7981\u533a",
75 |
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb836": "\u5b89\u5fb7\u68ee",
76 |
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec5": "Ogr\u00f3d Saski",
77 |
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec6": "\u590f\u5b63\u5267\u9662\u4f4d\u4e8e\u9644\u8fd1\u7684\u8428\u514b\u68ee\u82b1\u56ed\uff08\u6ce2\u5170\u8bed\uff1aOgr\u00f3d Saski\uff09\u4e2d\uff0c\u4ece",
78 |
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec7": "1870 \u5e74\u5230 1939 \u5e74",
79 |
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec8": "\u6469\u6469\u65af",
80 |
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec9": "\u6c83\u4f0a\u5207\u8d6b\u6ce2\u53e4\u65af\u6d1b\u65af\u57fa\u5267\u9662",
81 |
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f32": "\u534e\u6c99\u6ce2\u5170\u4eba\u961f",
82 |
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f33": "1946 \u5e74",
83 |
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f34": "\u4e24\u6b21\u4e16\u754c\u51a0\u519b",
84 |
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f35": "Konwiktorska \u5927\u8857",
85 |
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f36": "\u7531\u4e8e\u7cdf\u7cd5\u7684\u8d22\u52a1\u72b6\u51b5",
86 |
"57338007d058e614000b5bda": "\u591a\u5143\u6587\u5316",
87 |
"57338007d058e614000b5bdb": "56.2%\uff0c\u72b9\u592a\u4eba\u5360",
88 |
"57338007d058e614000b5bdc": "56.2%\uff0c\u72b9\u592a\u4eba\u5360",
89 |
"57338007d058e614000b5bdd": "56.2%\uff0c\u72b9\u592a\u4eba\u5360",
90 |
"57338007d058e614000b5bde": "1944 \u5e74",
91 |
"573380e0d058e614000b5be9": "\u5e02\u9547 (gmina)",
92 |
"573380e0d058e614000b5bea": "\u90e1 (county) \u6216\u53bf (powiat)\u6240\u4eab\u6709\u7684\u6743\u5229",
93 |
"573380e0d058e614000b5beb": "\u6c83\u62c9\u533a (Wola)",
94 |
"5733834ed058e614000b5c26": "1817 \u5e74",
95 |
"5733834ed058e614000b5c27": "\u7b2c\u4e8c\u6b21\u4e16\u754c\u5927\u6218",
96 |
"5733834ed058e614000b5c28": "\u7b2c\u4e8c\u6b21\u4e16\u754c\u5927\u6218",
97 |
"5733834ed058e614000b5c29": "374",
98 |
"5733834ed058e614000b5c2a": "",
99 |
"56dde1d966d3e219004dad8d": "\u7f57\u6d1b \u5927\u519b",
100 |
"56de0daecffd8e1900b4b595": "\u5c06\u4f2f\u7235\u5934\u8854\u6388\u4e88\u4ed6\u4eec\u5f53\u9009\u7684\u9886\u5bfc\u4eba\u94c1\u58c1\u5a01\u5ec9 (William Iron Arm)\u3002\u6b64\u540e\uff0c\u5fb7\u4f26\u6208\u7279\u5bb6\u65cf\u83b7\u5f97\u4e86\u5361\u666e\u963f",
101 |
"56de0daecffd8e1900b4b596": "\u94c1\u58c1\u5a01\u5ec9",
102 |
"56de0f6a4396321400ee257f": "\u585e\u5c14\u67f1\u4eba",
103 |
"56de10b44396321400ee2593": "Afranji",
104 |
"56de10b44396321400ee2594": "\u5965\u8d5b\u5c14 (Oursel)",
105 |
"56de10b44396321400ee2595": "\u571f\u8033\u5176\u519b\u961f",
106 |
"56de49564396321400ee277a": "\u975e\u6d32",
107 |
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb7": "1943 \u5e74 1 \u6708 7 \u65e5",
108 |
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb8": "SI \u78c1\u901a\u91cf\u5bc6\u5ea6\u5355\u4f4d\u547d\u540d\u4e3a\u7279\u65af\u62c9",
109 |
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb9": "\u4e00\u7cfb\u5217\u7ebd\u7ea6\u9152\u5e97",
110 |
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebba": "\u75af\u72c2\u79d1\u5b66\u5bb6",
111 |
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cb": "\u4ed6\u7684\u4e13\u5229",
112 |
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cc": "1943 \u5e74 1 \u6708 7 \u65e5",
113 |
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cd": "\u5c06SI \u78c1\u901a\u91cf\u5bc6\u5ea6\u5355\u4f4d\u547d\u540d\u4e3a\u7279\u65af\u62c9",
114 |
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6ce": "",
115 |
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cf": "\u8868\u73b0\u529b",
116 |
"56dfb5777aa994140058e021": "\u7f57\u4f2f\u7279\u00b7\u83b1\u6069\u548c\u672c\u6770\u660e\u00b7\u5a01\u5c14",
117 |
"56dfb5777aa994140058e022": "\u5e74\uff0c\u5728\u79bb\u5f00\u7231\u8fea\u751f\u7684\u516c\u53f8\u540e\uff0c\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u4e0e\u4e24\u4f4d\u5546\u4eba\u7f57\u4f2f\u7279\u00b7\u83b1\u6069\u548c\u672c\u6770\u660e\u00b7\u5a01\u5c14\u5408\u4f5c\uff0c\u4ed6\u4eec\u540c\u610f\u4ee5\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u7684\u540d\u4e49\u8d44\u52a9\u4e00\u5bb6\u7535\u529b\u7167\u660e\u516c\u53f8\u2014\u2014\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u7535\u529b\u7167\u660e\u4e0e\u5236\u9020\u516c\u53f8\u3002\u8be5\u516c\u53f8",
118 |
"56dfb5777aa994140058e023": "\u5b89\u88c5\u4e86 \u7531\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u8bbe\u8ba1\u7684 \u7535\u5f27\u706f\u7167\u660e\u7cfb\u7edf",
119 |
"56dfb5777aa994140058e024": "\u79bb\u5f00\u7231\u8fea",
120 |
"56dfb5777aa994140058e025": "\u79bb\u5f00\u7231\u8fea",
121 |
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac420": "\u7f57\u4f2f\u7279\u00b7\u83b1\u6069\u548c\u672c\u6770\u660e\u00b7\u5a01\u5c14",
122 |
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac421": "1886 \u5e74",
123 |
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac422": "\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u7535\u529b\u7167\u660e\u4e0e\u5236\u9020\u516c\u53f8",
124 |
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac423": "\u5b89\u88c5\u4e86 \u7531\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u8bbe\u8ba1\u7684 \u7535\u5f27\u706f\u7167\u660e\u7cfb\u7edf",
125 |
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac424": "\u7f57\u4f2f\u7279\u00b7\u83b1\u6069\u548c\u672c\u6770\u660e\u00b7\u5a01\u5c14",
126 |
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e877": "1900 \u5e74",
127 |
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e878": "\u53e4\u5217\u5c14\u83ab\u00b7\u9a6c\u53ef\u5c3c",
128 |
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e879": "1901 \u5e74",
129 |
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87a": "1943",
130 |
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87b": "\u7f8e\u56fd\u6700\u9ad8\u6cd5\u9662",
131 |
"56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b3": "\u5c3d\u7ba1\u7231\u8fea\u751f\u548c\u7279\u65af\u62c9\u5206\u522b",
132 |
"56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b4": "\u7231\u8fea\u751f",
133 |
"56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b5": "",
134 |
"56e1254ae3433e1400422c66": "\u5e74\u53d1\u8868\u7684\u6587\u7ae0\u300a\u7ec8\u7ed3\u6218\u4e89\u7684\u673a\u5668\u300b(A",
135 |
"56e1254ae3433e1400422c67": "\u4e0d\u786e\u5b9a",
136 |
"56e1254ae3433e1400422c68": "",
137 |
"56e16182e3433e1400422e28": "\u8ba1\u7b97\u590d\u6742\u6027\u7406\u8bba",
138 |
"56e16182e3433e1400422e29": "\u56fa\u6709\u96be\u5ea6",
139 |
"56e16182e3433e1400422e2a": "\u8ba1\u7b97\u95ee\u9898\u88ab\u7406\u89e3\u4e3a\u539f\u5219\u4e0a",
140 |
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa0": "\u5b9e\u4f8b",
141 |
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa1": "\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868",
142 |
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa2": "\u5728\u8003\u8651\u8ba1\u7b97\u95ee\u9898\u65f6\uff0c\u95ee\u9898\u5b9e\u4f8b\u662f\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868\u4e0a\u7684\u5b57\u7b26\u4e32\u3002\u901a\u5e38\uff0c\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868\u88ab\u8ba4\u4e3a\u662f\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868\uff08\u5373\uff0c\u96c6\u5408{0,1}\uff09\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5b57\u7b26\u4e32\u662f\u4f4d\u4e32\u3002\u5c31\u50cf\u73b0\u5b9e\u4e16\u754c\u4e2d\u7684\u8ba1\u7b97\u673a\u4e00\u6837\uff0c\u5fc5\u987b\u5bf9\u4f4d\u4e32\u4ee5\u5916\u7684\u6570\u5b66\u5bf9\u8c61\u8fdb\u884c\u9002\u5f53\u7684\u7f16\u7801\u3002\u4f8b\u5982\uff0c\u6574\u6570\u53ef\u4ee5\u7528\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u8bb0\u6570\u6cd5\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u56fe\u5f62\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7\u5176\u90bb\u63a5\u77e9\u9635\u76f4\u63a5\u7f16\u7801\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u901a\u8fc7\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u5bf9\u5176\u90bb\u63a5\u8868\u8fdb\u884c\u7f16\u7801\u3002",
143 |
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa3": "\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u8bb0\u6570\u6cd5",
144 |
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa4": "\u5728\u8003\u8651\u8ba1\u7b97\u95ee\u9898\u65f6\uff0c\u95ee\u9898\u5b9e\u4f8b\u662f\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868\u4e0a\u7684\u5b57\u7b26\u4e32\u3002\u901a\u5e38\uff0c\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868\u88ab\u8ba4\u4e3a\u662f\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u5b57\u6bcd\u8868\uff08\u5373\uff0c\u96c6\u5408{0,1}\uff09\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5b57\u7b26\u4e32\u662f\u4f4d\u4e32\u3002\u5c31\u50cf\u73b0\u5b9e\u4e16\u754c\u4e2d\u7684\u8ba1\u7b97\u673a\u4e00\u6837\uff0c\u5fc5\u987b\u5bf9\u4f4d\u4e32\u4ee5\u5916\u7684\u6570\u5b66\u5bf9\u8c61\u8fdb\u884c\u9002\u5f53\u7684\u7f16\u7801\u3002\u4f8b\u5982\uff0c\u6574\u6570\u53ef\u4ee5\u7528\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u8bb0\u6570\u6cd5\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u56fe\u5f62\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7\u5176\u90bb\u63a5\u77e9\u9635\u76f4\u63a5\u7f16\u7801\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u901a\u8fc7\u4e8c\u8fdb\u5236\u5bf9\u5176\u90bb\u63a5\u8868\u8fdb\u884c\u7f16\u7801\u3002",
145 |
"56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2e": "\u4e09\u5143\u7ec4",
146 |
"56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2f": "\u4e09\u5143\u7ec4",
147 |
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa3": "\u72b6\u6001\u8f6c\u6362\u6216\u6b65\u9aa4\u7684\u603b\u6570",
148 |
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa4": "\u6839\u636e\u95ee\u9898\u7684\u96be\u5ea6",
149 |
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa5": "\u4ee5\u6839\u636e",
150 |
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa6": "\u65f6\u95f4\u548c\u7a7a\u95f4",
151 |
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423210": "P \u2286 NP \u2286 PP \u2286 PSPACE",
152 |
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423211": "P = PSPACE",
153 |
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423212": "P \u548c PSPACE",
154 |
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423214": "RP\u3001BPP\u3001PP\u3001BQP\u3001MA\u3001PH \u7b49\uff0c\u6240\u6709\u8fd9\u4e9b\u590d\u6742\u6027\u7c7b\u90fd\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u5206\u89e3\u4e3a\u4e00\u4e2a\u7c7b\u3002\u8bc1\u660e\u4efb\u4f55\u8fd9\u4e9b\u7c7b\u4e0d\u76f8\u7b49\u90fd\u5c06\u662f\u590d\u6742\u6027\u7406\u8bba\u7684\u91cd\u5927\u7a81\u7834\u3002",
155 |
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb3": "one of the most common",
156 |
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb4": "Most Western countries",
157 |
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb5": "United States",
158 |
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb6": "",
159 |
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb7": "physical pain",
160 |
"56e7788200c9c71400d77180": "trade unions",
161 |
"56e7788200c9c71400d77181": "falling",
162 |
"56e7788200c9c71400d77182": "concern",
163 |
"56e7788200c9c71400d77183": "trade unions",
164 |
"56e7788200c9c71400d77184": "concern",
165 |
"56e7796637bdd419002c3ffd": "each state",
166 |
"56e7796637bdd419002c3ffe": "ten years",
167 |
"56e7796637bdd419002c3fff": "bachelor's degree",
168 |
"56e7796637bdd419002c4000": "charter schools",
169 |
"56e7796637bdd419002c4001": "No Child Left Behind",
170 |
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771a8": "guru",
171 |
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771a9": "extremely high",
172 |
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771aa": "",
173 |
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771ab": "the West",
174 |
"56e77da237bdd419002c403b": "Lama",
175 |
"56e77da237bdd419002c403c": "be reborn",
176 |
"56e77da237bdd419002c403d": "Lama.",
177 |
"56e77da237bdd419002c403e": "many times",
178 |
"56e77da237bdd419002c403f": "phowa and siddhi",
179 |
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17391": "1519",
180 |
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17392": "Students",
181 |
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17393": "early",
182 |
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17394": "1520",
183 |
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17395": "",
184 |
"56f84485aef2371900625f71": "summer of 1521",
185 |
"56f84485aef2371900625f72": "condemned as idolatry",
186 |
"56f84485aef2371900625f73": "gift",
187 |
"56f84485aef2371900625f74": "private confession and absolution",
188 |
"56f84485aef2371900625f75": "break their vows",
189 |
"56f86e91aef2371900626067": "German-language publications,",
190 |
"56f86e91aef2371900626068": "Bible",
191 |
"56f86e91aef2371900626069": "evolution of the German language and literature",
192 |
"56f86e91aef237190062606a": "Lucas Cranach",
193 |
"56f86e91aef237190062606b": "William Tyndale",
194 |
"56f8720eaef237190062608f": "events in his life",
195 |
"56f8720eaef2371900626090": "for Lutheran views",
196 |
"56f8720eaef2371900626091": "Ein neues Lied wir heben an",
197 |
"56f8720eaef2371900626092": "John C. Messenger's",
198 |
"56f8720eaef2371900626093": "Flung to the Heedless Winds",
199 |
"56f8ca289b226e1400dd1007": "his last statement",
200 |
"56f8ca289b226e1400dd1008": "Latin",
201 |
"56f8ca289b226e1400dd1009": "his last statement.",
202 |
"5705f7c875f01819005e77dc": "third",
203 |
"5705f7c875f01819005e77dd": "vast areas",
204 |
"5705f7c875f01819005e77de": "suburban",
205 |
"5705f7c875f01819005e77df": "highways",
206 |
"5705f7c875f01819005e77e0": "international metropolitan",
207 |
"5706074552bb8914006897d4": "Metropolitan Statistical Areas",
208 |
"5706074552bb8914006897d5": "two",
209 |
"5706074552bb8914006897d6": "five million",
210 |
"5706074552bb8914006897d7": "",
211 |
"5706074552bb8914006897d8": "17,786,419,",
212 |
"570610b275f01819005e792a": "Los Angeles International Airport",
213 |
"570610b275f01819005e792b": "passenger volume",
214 |
"570610b275f01819005e792c": "third",
215 |
"570610b275f01819005e792d": "San Diego International Airport",
216 |
"570610b275f01819005e792e": "Van Nuys Airport",
217 |
"5706143575f01819005e7950": "NFL",
218 |
"5706143575f01819005e7951": "NBA",
219 |
"5706143575f01819005e7952": "MLB",
220 |
"5706143575f01819005e7953": "MLB",
221 |
"5706143575f01819005e7954": "",
222 |
"5706149552bb891400689880": "Chivas",
223 |
"5706149552bb891400689881": "two",
224 |
"5706149552bb891400689882": "2014",
225 |
"5706149552bb891400689883": "StubHub Center",
226 |
"5706149552bb891400689884": "2014",
227 |
"570966e0200fba1400367f4f": "DVB-compliant MPEG-2,",
228 |
"570966e0200fba1400367f50": "Dolby Digital",
229 |
"570966e0200fba1400367f51": "MPEG-4",
230 |
"570966e0200fba1400367f52": "OpenTV",
231 |
"570966e0200fba1400367f53": "DVB-S2",
232 |
"570967c4ed30961900e840ba": "1998",
233 |
"570967c4ed30961900e840bb": "Astra 2A",
234 |
"570967c4ed30961900e840bc": "Eutelsat's Eurobird 1",
235 |
"570967c4ed30961900e840bd": "hundreds",
236 |
"570967c4ed30961900e840be": "Eutelsat's Eurobird 1",
237 |
"57096b66200fba1400367fa7": "8 February 2007",
238 |
"57096b66200fba1400367fa8": "March",
239 |
"57096b66200fba1400367fa9": "digital terrestrial",
240 |
"57096b66200fba1400367faa": "Virgin Media",
241 |
"57096b66200fba1400367fab": "English Premier League Football",
242 |
"57097c8fed30961900e841f2": "Welfare Cash Card",
243 |
"57097c8fed30961900e841f3": "",
244 |
"57097c8fed30961900e841f4": "often damaging",
245 |
"57097c8fed30961900e841f5": "Sky TV bills",
246 |
"57097c8fed30961900e841f6": "a man's presence",
247 |
"57097d63ed30961900e841fc": "\u00a330m",
248 |
"57097d63ed30961900e841fd": "no indication",
249 |
"57097d63ed30961900e841fe": "Virgin Media",
250 |
"57097d63ed30961900e841ff": "BSkyB",
251 |
"57097d63ed30961900e84200": "",
252 |
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a3": "Australian Labor Party",
253 |
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a4": "Liberal Party of Australia, the rural-based National Party",
254 |
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a5": "National Party",
255 |
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a6": "The Greens",
256 |
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a7": "Labor",
257 |
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45ccf": "1975",
258 |
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd0": "1855 colonial constitution",
259 |
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd1": "Parliament of Victoria",
260 |
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd2": "\"entrenched\" provisions",
261 |
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd3": "Victoria Constitution Act 1855",
262 |
"570d3468b3d812140066d543": "major car brands",
263 |
"570d3468b3d812140066d544": "2017",
264 |
"570d3468b3d812140066d545": "May 2013",
265 |
"570d3468b3d812140066d546": "Ford",
266 |
"570d3468b3d812140066d547": "Ford",
267 |
"570d47b8b3d812140066d62d": "1,600 mm (5 ft 3 in) broad gauge.",
268 |
"570d47b8b3d812140066d62e": "1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1\u20442 in) standard gauge.",
269 |
"570d47b8b3d812140066d62f": "760 mm (2 ft 6 in) narrow gauge lines",
270 |
"570d47b8b3d812140066d630": "",
271 |
"570d47b8b3d812140066d631": "",
272 |
"570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e13": "1788",
273 |
"570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e14": "New South Wales",
274 |
"570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e15": "New Holland",
275 |
"570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e16": "Sydney",
276 |
"57107d73b654c5140001f91d": "Edict of Fontainebleau",
277 |
"57107d73b654c5140001f91e": "1685",
278 |
"57107d73b654c5140001f91f": "Louis XIV",
279 |
"57107d73b654c5140001f920": "500,000",
280 |
"5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3a": "Virginia",
281 |
"5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3b": "Lower Norfolk County",
282 |
"5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3c": "Manakin Town",
283 |
"5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3d": "390",
284 |
"5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3e": "12 May 1705",
285 |
"57111380a58dae1900cd6bd6": "Jacques Lefevre",
286 |
"57111380a58dae1900cd6bd7": "University of Paris",
287 |
"57111380a58dae1900cd6bd8": "1530",
288 |
"57111380a58dae1900cd6bd9": "William Farel",
289 |
"57111380a58dae1900cd6bda": "Jean Cauvin",
290 |
"57111713a58dae1900cd6c00": "affiliated with other Protestant denominations",
291 |
"57111713a58dae1900cd6c01": "married outside their immediate French communities",
292 |
"57111713a58dae1900cd6c02": "E.I. du Pont,",
293 |
"57111713a58dae1900cd6c03": "well into the nineteenth century",
294 |
"57111713a58dae1900cd6c04": "",
295 |
"57111b95a58dae1900cd6c50": "Frederick William",
296 |
"57111b95a58dae1900cd6c51": "Theodor Fontane",
297 |
"57111b95a58dae1900cd6c52": "Adolf Galland",
298 |
"57111b95a58dae1900cd6c53": "Lothar de Maizi\u00e8re",
299 |
"57111b95a58dae1900cd6c54": "",
300 |
"571144d1a58dae1900cd6d6e": "burning combustible materials",
301 |
"571144d1a58dae1900cd6d6f": "combustion chamber",
302 |
"571144d1a58dae1900cd6d70": "solar",
303 |
"571144d1a58dae1900cd6d71": "burning combustible materials",
304 |
"57114667a58dae1900cd6d80": "steam engine indicator",
305 |
"57114667a58dae1900cd6d81": "1851",
306 |
"57114667a58dae1900cd6d82": "Charles Porter",
307 |
"57114667a58dae1900cd6d83": "Charles Richard",
308 |
"57114667a58dae1900cd6d84": "London Exhibition",
309 |
"57114e8d50c2381900b54a5b": "working fluid",
310 |
"57114e8d50c2381900b54a5c": "565 \u00b0C",
311 |
"57114e8d50c2381900b54a5d": "stainless steel",
312 |
"57114e8d50c2381900b54a5f": "63%",
313 |
"57114e8d50c2381900b54a5e": "30 \u00b0C.",
314 |
"57115bf350c2381900b54a93": "Energiprojekt AB",
315 |
"57115bf350c2381900b54a94": "Sweden",
316 |
"57115bf350c2381900b54a95": "5-cylinder",
317 |
"57115bf350c2381900b54a96": "",
318 |
"57115bf350c2381900b54a97": "27-30%",
319 |
"57115ff82419e314009555c3": "rotating discs",
320 |
"57115ff82419e314009555c4": "drive shaft",
321 |
"57115ff82419e314009555c5": "static discs",
322 |
"57115ff82419e314009555c6": "turbine casing",
323 |
"57115ff82419e314009555c7": "3600 revolutions per minute",
324 |
"571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e2": "1773",
325 |
"571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e3": "1774",
326 |
"571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e4": "his work was published first",
327 |
"571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e5": "Antoine Lavoisier",
328 |
"571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e6": "phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion",
329 |
"571c9348dd7acb1400e4c114": "James Dewar",
330 |
"571c9348dd7acb1400e4c115": "1891",
331 |
"571c9348dd7acb1400e4c116": "1895",
332 |
"571c9348dd7acb1400e4c118": "oxyacetylene welding",
333 |
"571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c132": "Paleoclimatologists",
334 |
"571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c133": "climate",
335 |
"571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c134": "12%",
336 |
"571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c135": "oxygen-18.",
337 |
"571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c136": "lower global temperatures",
338 |
"571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13c": "687 and 760 nm",
339 |
"571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13d": "",
340 |
"571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13e": "a satellite platform",
341 |
"571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13f": "",
342 |
"571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c140": "remote",
343 |
"571cd3b55efbb31900334e03": "oxygen chambers",
344 |
"571cd3b55efbb31900334e04": "carbon monoxide",
345 |
"571cd3b55efbb31900334e05": "anaerobic bacteria",
346 |
"571cd3b55efbb31900334e06": "Decompression sickness",
347 |
"5725bad5271a42140099d0bd": "October 6, 1973",
348 |
"5725bad5271a42140099d0be": "Iran",
349 |
"5725bad5271a42140099d0bf": "fair",
350 |
"5725bad5271a42140099d0c0": "Iran",
351 |
"5725bad5271a42140099d0c1": "renewal of hostilities in the Arab\u2013Israeli conflict",
352 |
"5726241189a1e219009ac2de": "The embargo",
353 |
"5726241189a1e219009ac2df": "automobiles",
354 |
"5726241189a1e219009ac2e0": "Macroeconomic",
355 |
"5726241189a1e219009ac2e1": "Arctic",
356 |
"5726241189a1e219009ac2e2": "",
357 |
"57264d9edd62a815002e80fe": "William E. Simon",
358 |
"57264d9edd62a815002e80ff": "1973",
359 |
"57264d9edd62a815002e8100": "to coordinate the response to the embargo",
360 |
"57264d9edd62a815002e8101": "",
361 |
"572650325951b619008f6fa9": "energy crisis",
362 |
"572650325951b619008f6faa": "market and technology realities",
363 |
"572650325951b619008f6fab": "congresses and presidents",
364 |
"572659535951b619008f703f": "1981",
365 |
"572659535951b619008f7040": "Toyota Corona Mark II",
366 |
"572659535951b619008f7041": "air conditioning",
367 |
"572659535951b619008f7042": "Lexus",
368 |
"5725c604271a42140099d185": "Nicholas E. Golovin",
369 |
"5725c604271a42140099d186": "July 1961",
370 |
"5725c604271a42140099d187": "Manned Spacecraft Center",
371 |
"5725c604271a42140099d188": "Joseph Shea",
372 |
"5725c604271a42140099d189": "Marshall Space Flight Center",
373 |
"5725d79e89a1e219009abf90": "unmanned",
374 |
"5725d79e89a1e219009abf91": "new Apollo spacesuit",
375 |
"5725d79e89a1e219009abf92": "visor helmet",
376 |
"5725d79e89a1e219009abf93": "lunar extravehicular activity (EVA). The traditional visor helmet",
377 |
"5725d79e89a1e219009abf94": "Lunar Module Pilot",
378 |
"5725db4aec44d21400f3d6bd": "altitude chamber",
379 |
"5725db4aec44d21400f3d6be": "Grissom, White, and Chaffee",
380 |
"5725db4aec44d21400f3d6bf": "launch countdown",
381 |
"5725db4aec44d21400f3d6c0": "North American",
382 |
"5725dc1638643c19005ace01": "strange odor in their spacesuits",
383 |
"5725dc1638643c19005ace02": "January 27, 1967",
384 |
"5725dc1638643c19005ace03": "electrical fire",
385 |
"5725dc1638643c19005ace04": "",
386 |
"5725dc1638643c19005ace05": "100% oxygen",
387 |
"5725f39638643c19005acef7": "Nafzger",
388 |
"5725f39638643c19005acef8": "without destroying historical legitimacy",
389 |
"5725f39638643c19005acef9": "kinescope recordings",
390 |
"5725f39638643c19005acefa": "Lowry Digital",
391 |
"5725f39638643c19005acefb": "",
392 |
"5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bb": "with common rules for coal and steel",
393 |
"5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bc": "the Treaty of Rome 1957 and the Maastricht Treaty 1992 (now: TFEU)",
394 |
"5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bd": "1985",
395 |
"5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5be": "not",
396 |
"5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5bf": ", but more complete and formal institutions were established through the Treaty of Rome 1957 and the Maastricht Treaty 1992 (now: TFEU).",
397 |
"57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b0": "common rules for coal and steel, and then atomic energy",
398 |
"57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b1": "1992",
399 |
"57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b2": "1986",
400 |
"57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b3": "1972",
401 |
"57268e2bf1498d1400e8e3b4": "1972 (though Norway did not end up joining), Greece in 1979,",
402 |
"572651f9f1498d1400e8dbee": "the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union",
403 |
"572651f9f1498d1400e8dbef": "cannot initiate legislation against the Commission's wishes,",
404 |
"572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf0": "every five years",
405 |
"572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf1": "a two-thirds majority",
406 |
"572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf2": "the Commission and Council",
407 |
"5726938af1498d1400e8e446": "the Commission",
408 |
"5726938af1498d1400e8e447": "the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union",
409 |
"5726938af1498d1400e8e448": "1979",
410 |
"5726938af1498d1400e8e449": "every five years",
411 |
"5726938af1498d1400e8e44a": "European People's Party",
412 |
"57265e455951b619008f70bb": "EU law",
413 |
"57265e455951b619008f70bc": "because the nationalisation law was from 1962, and the treaty was in force from 1958, Costa had no claim",
414 |
"57265e455951b619008f70bd": "1964 and 1968",
415 |
"5726975c708984140094cb1f": "the European Court of Justice and the highest national courts",
416 |
"5726975c708984140094cb20": "1964",
417 |
"5726975c708984140094cb21": "the Court of Justice",
418 |
"5726a299dd62a815002e8b9e": "None",
419 |
"5726a299dd62a815002e8b9f": "member states",
420 |
"5726a299dd62a815002e8ba0": "1950",
421 |
"5726a299dd62a815002e8ba1": "the European Court of Human Rights.",
422 |
"5726a299dd62a815002e8ba2": "1999",
423 |
"5726a5525951b619008f78dd": "the election of the UK Labour Party to government",
424 |
"5726a5525951b619008f78de": "1997",
425 |
"5726a5525951b619008f78df": "Works Council Directive",
426 |
"5726a5525951b619008f78e0": "1996",
427 |
"5726a5525951b619008f78e1": "workforce consultation in businesses",
428 |
"5725b81b271a42140099d097": "also known in English as Amazonia or the Amazon Jungle",
429 |
"5725b81b271a42140099d098": "5,500,000",
430 |
"5725b81b271a42140099d099": "nine",
431 |
"5725b81b271a42140099d09a": "four",
432 |
"5725b81b271a42140099d09b": "The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests,",
433 |
"5728349dff5b5019007d9efe": "Amazoneregenwoud",
434 |
"5728349dff5b5019007d9eff": "The Amazon rainforest",
435 |
"5728349dff5b5019007d9f00": "Brazil",
436 |
"5728349dff5b5019007d9f01": "over half",
437 |
"5728349dff5b5019007d9f02": "",
438 |
"5729e2316aef0514001550c4": "moist broadleaf forest",
439 |
"5729e2316aef0514001550c5": "7,000,000 square kilometres (2,700,000",
440 |
"5729e2316aef0514001550c6": "nine",
441 |
"5729e2316aef0514001550c7": "Brazil",
442 |
"5729e2316aef0514001550c8": "",
443 |
"5729feaf6aef051400155188": "415,000",
444 |
"5729feaf6aef051400155189": "587,000",
445 |
"5729feaf6aef05140015518a": "pasture for cattle",
446 |
"5729feaf6aef05140015518b": "second-largest global producer",
447 |
"5729feaf6aef05140015518c": "91%",
448 |
"572a005f1d046914007796b7": "soy",
449 |
"572a005f1d046914007796b8": "increased settlement and deforestation",
450 |
"572a005f1d046914007796b9": "8,646 sq mi",
451 |
"572a005f1d046914007796bb": "",
452 |
"572a005f1d046914007796ba": "18%",
453 |
"572a020f6aef051400155198": "biodiversity",
454 |
"572a020f6aef051400155199": "destruction of the forest",
455 |
"572a020f6aef05140015519a": "carbon contained within the vegetation",
456 |
"572a020f6aef05140015519b": "10%",
457 |
"572a020f6aef05140015519c": "1.1 \u00d7 1011",
458 |
"572a0bebaf94a219006aa76f": "2010",
459 |
"572a0bebaf94a219006aa770": "1,160,000",
460 |
"572a0bebaf94a219006aa771": "three epicenters",
461 |
"572a0bebaf94a219006aa772": "2005",
462 |
"572a0bebaf94a219006aa773": "1.5 gigatons",
463 |
"5725bae289a1e219009abd90": "ten times their own weight",
464 |
"5725bae289a1e219009abd91": "100\u2013150",
465 |
"5725bae289a1e219009abd92": "25",
466 |
"5725c337271a42140099d163": "100\u2013150",
467 |
"5725c337271a42140099d164": "tentilla",
468 |
"5725c337271a42140099d165": "ten times their own weight",
469 |
"5725c337271a42140099d166": "tentacles",
470 |
"5725c337271a42140099d167": "stiffened cilia",
471 |
"5726400589a1e219009ac5ee": "ten times their own weight",
472 |
"5726400589a1e219009ac5ef": "tentilla",
473 |
"5726400589a1e219009ac5f0": "stiffened cilia",
474 |
"5726400589a1e219009ac5f1": "colloblasts",
475 |
"5726400589a1e219009ac5f2": "100\u2013150 species",
476 |
"5725c91e38643c19005acceb": "66 million years ago",
477 |
"5725c91e38643c19005accec": "monophyletic",
478 |
"5725c91e38643c19005acced": "515 million years",
479 |
"5725c91e38643c19005accee": "tentacles",
480 |
"5726449f1125e71900ae1928": "515 million years",
481 |
"5726449f1125e71900ae1929": "Cretaceous\u2013Paleogene extinction",
482 |
"5726449f1125e71900ae192a": "monophyletic",
483 |
"5726449f1125e71900ae192b": "tentacles",
484 |
"572648e8dd62a815002e8076": "cilia",
485 |
"572648e8dd62a815002e8077": "method of locomotion",
486 |
"572648e8dd62a815002e8078": "ctenes",
487 |
"572648e8dd62a815002e8079": "\"comb-bearing\",",
488 |
"57268da7f1498d1400e8e39c": "their soft, gelatinous bodies",
489 |
"57268da7f1498d1400e8e39d": ", gelatinous bodies, ctenophores are extremely rare as fossils,",
490 |
"57268da7f1498d1400e8e39e": "mid-Cambrian period.",
491 |
"57268da7f1498d1400e8e39f": "Three",
492 |
"57268da7f1498d1400e8e3a0": "tentacles",
493 |
"57269016708984140094ca41": "Bilateria",
494 |
"57269016708984140094ca42": "Porifera",
495 |
"5725edfe38643c19005ace9f": "Southwest Fresno",
496 |
"5725edfe38643c19005acea0": "southwest",
497 |
"5725edfe38643c19005acea1": "African-American",
498 |
"5725edfe38643c19005acea2": "",
499 |
"5725edfe38643c19005acea3": "West Side",
500 |
"5725f00938643c19005aced7": "M. Theo Kearney,",
501 |
"5725f00938643c19005aced8": "tall palm trees",
502 |
"5725f00938643c19005aced9": "Fresno Street and Thorne Ave",
503 |
"5725f00938643c19005aceda": "Brookhaven",
504 |
"5725f00938643c19005acedb": "The isolated subdivision",
505 |
"5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b1": "68,511",
506 |
"5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b2": "(19.3%)",
507 |
"5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b3": "1,388",
508 |
"5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b4": "111,529",
509 |
"5725f8f5ec44d21400f3d7b5": "3.07.",
510 |
"5725fcbe271a42140099d3ad": "State Route 99",
511 |
"5725fcbe271a42140099d3ae": "Sierra Freeway",
512 |
"5725fcbe271a42140099d3af": "State Route 41",
513 |
"5725fcbe271a42140099d3b0": "west",
514 |
"5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7dd": "Fresno",
515 |
"5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7de": "1950s",
516 |
"5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7df": "State Route 99",
517 |
"5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7e0": "rapidly raising population and traffic in cities along SR 99, as well as the desirability of Federal funding",
518 |
"5726385e271a42140099d797": "complete addressing information",
519 |
"5726385e271a42140099d798": "individually",
520 |
"5726385e271a42140099d799": "destination address, source address, and port numbers",
521 |
"5726385e271a42140099d79a": "the original message/data is reassembled in the correct order, based on the packet sequence number",
522 |
"57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7b": "1969",
523 |
"57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7c": "Two fundamental differences involved the division of functions and tasks between the hosts at the edge of the network and the network core",
524 |
"57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7d": "In the virtual call system, the network guarantees sequenced delivery of data to the host",
525 |
"57263c78ec44d21400f3dc7e": "User Datagram Protocol",
526 |
"57263ea0271a42140099d7c3": "a suite of network protocols created by Digital Equipment Corporation",
527 |
"57263ea0271a42140099d7c4": "connect two PDP-11 minicomputers.",
528 |
"57263ea0271a42140099d7c5": "seven-layer",
529 |
"57263ea0271a42140099d7c6": "",
530 |
"5726414e271a42140099d7e5": "as a means to help the state's educational and economic development.",
531 |
"5726414e271a42140099d7e6": "an interactive host to host connection was made between the IBM mainframe computer systems at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Wayne State",
532 |
"5726414e271a42140099d7e7": "Ethernet attached hosts, and eventually TCP/IP and additional public universities in Michigan join the network",
533 |
"5726472bdd62a815002e8042": "a not-for-profit United States computer networking consortium led by members from the research and education communities, industry, and government.",
534 |
"5726472bdd62a815002e8043": "Qwest",
535 |
"5726472bdd62a815002e8044": "Abilene",
536 |
"5726472bdd62a815002e8045": "Qwest",
537 |
"5726472bdd62a815002e8046": "October, 2007",
538 |
"57264b3edd62a815002e80aa": "the heavens",
539 |
"57264b3edd62a815002e80ab": "king of France",
540 |
"57264b3edd62a815002e80ac": "That the plague was caused by bad air",
541 |
"57264b3edd62a815002e80ad": "Miasma theory",
542 |
"57264f18f1498d1400e8dbae": "genetic branches",
543 |
"57264f18f1498d1400e8dbaf": "Y. pestis",
544 |
"57264f18f1498d1400e8dbb0": "the plague may have entered Europe in two waves",
545 |
"57264f18f1498d1400e8dbb1": "through the port of Marseille around November 1347",
546 |
"57264f18f1498d1400e8dbb2": "1349",
547 |
"5726534d708984140094c26d": "a form of anthrax",
548 |
"5726534d708984140094c26e": "a combination of anthrax and other pandemics",
549 |
"5726534d708984140094c26f": "typhus, smallpox and respiratory infections",
550 |
"5726534d708984140094c270": "a type of \"blood poisoning\"",
551 |
"5726534d708984140094c271": "25",
552 |
"57265642f1498d1400e8dc68": "40,000",
553 |
"57265642f1498d1400e8dc69": "Russia",
554 |
"57265642f1498d1400e8dc6b": "Italian Plague",
555 |
"57265642f1498d1400e8dc6c": "",
556 |
"57265642f1498d1400e8dc6a": "22",
557 |
"5726577f708984140094c301": "1500 and 1850",
558 |
"5726577f708984140094c302": "30 to 50 thousand",
559 |
"5726577f708984140094c303": "until the second quarter of the 19th century",
560 |
"5726577f708984140094c304": "",
561 |
"572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf2": "compresses the most recent era",
562 |
"572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf4": "Quaternary",
563 |
"572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf5": "The Holocene",
564 |
"572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf6": "",
565 |
"572669a9dd62a815002e8416": "The principle of faunal succession",
566 |
"572669a9dd62a815002e8417": "William Smith",
567 |
"572669a9dd62a815002e8418": "complex",
568 |
"572669a9dd62a815002e8419": "organisms",
569 |
"572669a9dd62a815002e841a": "Charles Darwin",
570 |
"57268066708984140094c821": "stratigraphers",
571 |
"57268066708984140094c822": "geophysical",
572 |
"57268066708984140094c823": "well logs",
573 |
"57268066708984140094c824": "computer programs",
574 |
"57268066708984140094c825": "",
575 |
"572683f95951b619008f7525": "Persia",
576 |
"572683f95951b619008f7526": "Abu al-Rayhan al-Biruni",
577 |
"572683f95951b619008f7527": "Shen Kuo",
578 |
"572683f95951b619008f7528": "Ibn Sina",
579 |
"572683f95951b619008f7529": "his observation of fossil animal shells",
580 |
"57268527708984140094c8bf": "James Hutton",
581 |
"57268527708984140094c8c0": "Theory of the Earth",
582 |
"57268527708984140094c8c1": "",
583 |
"57268527708984140094c8c2": "Earth must be much older than had previously been supposed",
584 |
"5726660d5951b619008f71b1": "Pons Aelius",
585 |
"5726660d5951b619008f71b2": "the River Tyne",
586 |
"5726660d5951b619008f71b3": "2,000.",
587 |
"5726660d5951b619008f71b4": "Hadrian's",
588 |
"5726660d5951b619008f71b5": "",
589 |
"572671e55951b619008f72d7": "the Butcher Market",
590 |
"572671e55951b619008f72d8": "1835",
591 |
"572671e55951b619008f72d9": "2000",
592 |
"572671e55951b619008f72da": "a painting",
593 |
"572671e55951b619008f72db": "",
594 |
"5726847f708984140094c8ab": "folk-rock",
595 |
"5726847f708984140094c8ac": "1971",
596 |
"5726847f708984140094c8ad": "Venom",
597 |
"5726847f708984140094c8ae": "Skyclad",
598 |
"5726847f708984140094c8af": "Duran Duran",
599 |
"57268a8fdd62a815002e88ce": "the Tyne and Wear Metro",
600 |
"57268a8fdd62a815002e88cf": "five",
601 |
"57268a8fdd62a815002e88d0": "deep-level",
602 |
"57268a8fdd62a815002e88d1": "A bridge",
603 |
"57268a8fdd62a815002e88d2": "over 37 million",
604 |
"57269698dd62a815002e8a6c": "two",
605 |
"57269698dd62a815002e8a6d": "Newcastle University",
606 |
"57269698dd62a815002e8a6e": "Sunday Times University of the Year award",
607 |
"57269698dd62a815002e8a6f": "polytechnics became new universities",
608 |
"57269698dd62a815002e8a70": "Northumbria University",
609 |
"572685cd5951b619008f7573": "Great Exhibition of 1851",
610 |
"572685cd5951b619008f7574": "Henry Cole",
611 |
"572685cd5951b619008f7575": "Museum of Manufactures",
612 |
"572685cd5951b619008f7576": "Somerset House",
613 |
"572685cd5951b619008f7577": "Gottfried Semper",
614 |
"5726bf325951b619008f7cfd": "more than 70,000",
615 |
"5726bf325951b619008f7cfe": "China, Japan and Korea",
616 |
"5726bf325951b619008f7cff": "The T. T. Tsui Gallery",
617 |
"5726bf325951b619008f7d00": "1991",
618 |
"5726bf325951b619008f7d01": "Ming and Qing",
619 |
"5726e37ef1498d1400e8eed8": "over 14,000",
620 |
"5726e37ef1498d1400e8eed9": "Word and Image",
621 |
"5726e37ef1498d1400e8eeda": "Because everyday clothing from previous eras has not generally survived",
622 |
"5726e37ef1498d1400e8eedb": "1913",
623 |
"5726e37ef1498d1400e8eedc": "1913",
624 |
"5726f1ec708984140094d6aa": "over 5,100",
625 |
"5726f1ec708984140094d6ad": "Bryan Davies",
626 |
"5726f1ec708984140094d6ab": "Horniman Museum",
627 |
"5726f1ec708984140094d6ac": "material to ensure that the instruments remained publicly viewable.",
628 |
"5726f1ec708984140094d6a9": "2010",
629 |
"5726f4a0708984140094d6e9": "1857",
630 |
"5726f4a0708984140094d6ea": "233",
631 |
"5726f4a0708984140094d6eb": "forming a 'A National Gallery of British Art', a role since taken on by Tate Britain;",
632 |
"5726f4a0708984140094d6ec": "The Hay Wain",
633 |
"5726f4a0708984140094d6ed": "British",
634 |
"572734af708984140094dae3": "circle logo",
635 |
"572734af708984140094dae4": "Troika Design Group",
636 |
"572734af708984140094dae5": "black-and-yellow",
637 |
"572734af708984140094dae6": "the dot",
638 |
"572735a15951b619008f86bf": "Pittard Sullivan",
639 |
"572735a15951b619008f86c0": "2015",
640 |
"572735a15951b619008f86c1": "We Love TV",
641 |
"572735a15951b619008f86c2": "the drums of the network's four-note signature in the ending).",
642 |
"57273f9d708984140094db51": "Robert Kintner",
643 |
"57273f9d708984140094db52": "DuMont Television Network",
644 |
"57273f9d708984140094db53": "\"ABC-DuMont\"",
645 |
"57273f9d708984140094db54": "$5 million in cash",
646 |
"572743fb708984140094db93": "1970s",
647 |
"572743fb708984140094db94": "ABC",
648 |
"572743fb708984140094db95": "behavioral and demographic",
649 |
"57276166dd62a815002e9bd8": "90%",
650 |
"57276166dd62a815002e9bd9": "Dynasty",
651 |
"57276166dd62a815002e9bda": "Mork & Mindy",
652 |
"57276166dd62a815002e9bdb": "Alpha Repertory Television Service (ARTS)",
653 |
"5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c34": "the Onggirat",
654 |
"5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c35": "the Merkits",
655 |
"5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c36": "Jamukha, and his protector, Toghrul Khan",
656 |
"5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c37": "Jochi",
657 |
"5726a8d4dd62a815002e8c38": ",",
658 |
"5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6ca": "the traditional Mongolian aristocracy",
659 |
"5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6cb": "Kokochu",
660 |
"5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6cc": "1186",
661 |
"5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6cd": "Battle of Dalan Balzhut",
662 |
"5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6ce": "Qara Khitai",
663 |
"57273455f1498d1400e8f48c": "Edsen Khoroo",
664 |
"57273455f1498d1400e8f48d": "Dongshan Dafo Dian",
665 |
"57273455f1498d1400e8f48e": "Kumbum Monastery or Ta'er Shi near Xining,",
666 |
"57273455f1498d1400e8f48f": "1954",
667 |
"57273455f1498d1400e8f490": "Red Guards",
668 |
"57273dccdd62a815002e99fa": "Sea of Japan",
669 |
"57273dccdd62a815002e99fb": "Caspian Sea",
670 |
"57273dccdd62a815002e99fc": "\u00d6gedei Khan",
671 |
"57273dccdd62a815002e99fd": "1279",
672 |
"572754cd5951b619008f8863": "Hulagu Khan",
673 |
"572754cd5951b619008f8864": "the Mamluks of Egypt",
674 |
"572754cd5951b619008f8865": "Ghazan Khan",
675 |
"572754cd5951b619008f8866": "1237",
676 |
"572754cd5951b619008f8867": ",",
677 |
"5726da89dd62a815002e92b2": "other senior pharmacy technicians",
678 |
"5726da89dd62a815002e92b3": "the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) register",
679 |
"5726da89dd62a815002e92b4": "governing body for pharmacy health care professionals",
680 |
"5726da89dd62a815002e92b5": "health care professional",
681 |
"5726da89dd62a815002e92b6": "manage the pharmacy department and specialised areas in pharmacy practice",
682 |
"5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee04": "botany and chemistry",
683 |
"5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee05": "Muhammad ibn Zakar\u012bya R\u0101zi",
684 |
"5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee06": "Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi",
685 |
"5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee08": "Al-Muwaffaq\u2019s",
686 |
"5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee07": "sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate",
687 |
"5726e08e5951b619008f810f": "pharmacy legislation",
688 |
"5726e08e5951b619008f8110": "within the dispensary compounding/dispensing medications",
689 |
"5726e08e5951b619008f8111": "automation",
690 |
"5726e08e5951b619008f8112": "storage conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc., specified in legislation.",
691 |
"5726e08e5951b619008f8113": "storage conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc.",
692 |
"5726ea985951b619008f8261": "medication regimen review",
693 |
"5726ea985951b619008f8262": "nursing homes",
694 |
"5726ea985951b619008f8263": "Omnicare, Kindred Healthcare and PharMerica",
695 |
"5726ea985951b619008f8264": "medication regimen review (i.e. \"cognitive services\") than on actual dispensing of drugs.",
696 |
"5726ea985951b619008f8265": "medication regimen review",
697 |
"5726f48df1498d1400e8f0da": "separately from physicians",
698 |
"5726f48df1498d1400e8f0db": "only pharmacists",
699 |
"5726f48df1498d1400e8f0dc": "the American Medical Association (AMA)",
700 |
"5726f48df1498d1400e8f0dd": "form business partnerships with physicians or give them \"kickback\" payments",
701 |
"5726f48df1498d1400e8f0de": "form business partnerships with physicians or give them \"kickback\" payments",
702 |
"5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe2": "autoimmune diseases",
703 |
"5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe3": "when the immune system is less active than normal",
704 |
"5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe4": "recurring and life-threatening infections.",
705 |
"5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe5": "genetic disease",
706 |
"5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe6": "Hashimoto's thyroiditis,",
707 |
"5728f2e26aef051400154896": "Immunodeficiency",
708 |
"5728f2e26aef051400154897": "autoimmunity",
709 |
"5728f2e26aef051400154898": "",
710 |
"5728f2e26aef051400154899": "HIV/AIDS",
711 |
"572a03086aef0514001551a2": "Glucocorticoids",
712 |
"572a03086aef0514001551a3": "cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs",
713 |
"572a03086aef0514001551a4": "methotrexate or azathioprine",
714 |
"572a03086aef0514001551a5": "",
715 |
"572a04d51d046914007796cd": "cytotoxic natural killer cells and CTLs (cytotoxic T lymphocytes)",
716 |
"572a04d51d046914007796ce": "cortisol and catecholamines",
717 |
"572a04d51d046914007796cf": "melatonin",
718 |
"572a04d51d046914007796d0": "inflammation",
719 |
"572a07fc6aef0514001551dc": "immunoglobulins and T cell receptors",
720 |
"572a07fc6aef0514001551dd": "the lamprey and hagfish",
721 |
"572a07fc6aef0514001551de": "Variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs)",
722 |
"572a07fc6aef0514001551df": "adaptive immune system",
723 |
"572a0e4b6aef051400155214": "antigenic variation",
724 |
"572a0e4b6aef051400155215": "HIV",
725 |
"572a0e4b6aef051400155216": "Trypanosoma brucei",
726 |
"572a0e4b6aef051400155217": "antigens",
727 |
"5727213c708984140094da35": "Percy Shelley",
728 |
"5727213c708984140094da36": "nonviolent",
729 |
"5727213c708984140094da38": "Satyagraha",
730 |
"5727213c708984140094da39": "Satyagraha was partially influenced and inspired by Shelley's nonviolence in protest and political action.",
731 |
"5727213c708984140094da37": "Henry David Thoreau",
732 |
"5728d63c4b864d1900164f18": "Percy Shelley",
733 |
"5728d63c4b864d1900164f19": "unjust forms of authority",
734 |
"5728d63c4b864d1900164f1a": "nonviolent protest",
735 |
"5728d63c4b864d1900164f1c": "Satyagraha",
736 |
"5728d63c4b864d1900164f1b": "Gandhi",
737 |
"5728202c4b864d19001644ec": "Revolutionary civil disobedience",
738 |
"5728202c4b864d19001644ed": "Hungarians",
739 |
"5728202c4b864d19001644ee": "Ferenc De\u00e1k",
740 |
"5728202c4b864d19001644ef": "Gandhi's",
741 |
"5728202c4b864d19001644f0": "cultural traditions, social customs, religious beliefs",
742 |
"5728e07e3acd2414000e00e9": "Non-revolutionary civil disobedience",
743 |
"5728e07e3acd2414000e00ea": "they are judged \"wrong\" by an individual conscience",
744 |
"5728e07e3acd2414000e00eb": "render certain laws ineffective",
745 |
"5728e07e3acd2414000e00ec": "Revolutionary civil disobedience",
746 |
"5728e07e3acd2414000e00ed": "Gandhi's",
747 |
"57282dfb4b864d1900164668": "for a system to function",
748 |
"57282dfb4b864d1900164669": "king the",
749 |
"57282dfb4b864d190016466a": "padlocking the gates",
750 |
"57282dfb4b864d190016466b": "limited coercion",
751 |
"57282dfb4b864d190016466c": "coercive",
752 |
"5728e715ff5b5019007da914": "refusals to pay taxes",
753 |
"5728e715ff5b5019007da916": "make it more difficult for a system to function",
754 |
"5728e715ff5b5019007da917": "get their issue onto the table",
755 |
"5728e715ff5b5019007da918": "padlocking the gates",
756 |
"5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c5": "punishment",
757 |
"5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c6": "their belief in the validity of the social contract",
758 |
"5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c7": "legitimacy of a particular law",
759 |
"5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c8": "anarchists",
760 |
"5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c9": "",
761 |
"5728eef92ca10214002daab0": "plea bargain",
762 |
"5728eef92ca10214002daab1": "no jail time",
763 |
"5728eef92ca10214002daab2": "solidarity",
764 |
"5728eef92ca10214002daab3": "blind plea",
765 |
"5728eef92ca10214002daab4": "Mohandas Gandhi",
766 |
"57273a465951b619008f86ff": "Construction",
767 |
"57273a465951b619008f8700": "manufacturing",
768 |
"57273a465951b619008f8701": "six to nine percent",
769 |
"57273a465951b619008f8702": "on location for a known client. Construction as an industry comprises six to nine percent of the gross domestic product of developed countries.",
770 |
"57273a465951b619008f8703": "a known client",
771 |
"57273e50dd62a815002e9a02": "a trade magazine for the construction industry",
772 |
"57273e50dd62a815002e9a03": "Engineering News-Record (ENR)",
773 |
"57273e50dd62a815002e9a04": "2014",
774 |
"57273e50dd62a815002e9a05": "",
775 |
"57273f27dd62a815002e9a0a": "building construction, heavy and civil engineering construction, and specialty trade contractors",
776 |
"57273f27dd62a815002e9a0b": "construction service firms (e.g., engineering, architecture) and construction managers",
777 |
"57273f27dd62a815002e9a0c": "The Standard Industrial Classification and the newer North American Industry Classification System",
778 |
"57273f27dd62a815002e9a0d": "construction projects without assuming direct financial responsibility",
779 |
"57274e0d708984140094dbe5": "previously separated specialties",
780 |
"57274e0d708984140094dbe6": "entirely separate companies",
781 |
"57274e0d708984140094dbe7": "\"one-stop shopping\"",
782 |
"57274e0d708984140094dbe8": "",
783 |
"572750e8dd62a815002e9af0": "zoning and building code requirements",
784 |
"572750e8dd62a815002e9af1": "the owner",
785 |
"572750e8dd62a815002e9af2": "the desire to prevent things that are indisputably bad",
786 |
"572750e8dd62a815002e9af3": "things that are a matter of custom or expectation",
787 |
"572750e8dd62a815002e9af4": "An attorney",
788 |
"57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d4": "Erg\u00e4nzungsschulen",
789 |
"57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d5": "vocational",
790 |
"57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d6": "",
791 |
"57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d7": "religious",
792 |
"57274beff1498d1400e8f5e4": "independent schools",
793 |
"57274beff1498d1400e8f5e5": "school leaving certificates",
794 |
"57274beff1498d1400e8f5e6": "30",
795 |
"57274beff1498d1400e8f5e7": "union government",
796 |
"5727515f708984140094dc11": "South African Schools Act",
797 |
"5727515f708984140094dc12": "1996",
798 |
"5727515f708984140094dc13": "independent",
799 |
"5727515f708984140094dc14": "",
800 |
"5727515f708984140094dc15": "nineteenth",
801 |
"57275409708984140094dc35": "government schools formerly reserved for white children",
802 |
"57275409708984140094dc36": "better",
803 |
"57275409708984140094dc37": "government schools formerly reserved for white children",
804 |
"572757bef1498d1400e8f690": "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka",
805 |
"572757bef1498d1400e8f691": "",
806 |
"572757bef1498d1400e8f692": "South",
807 |
"572757bef1498d1400e8f693": "white",
808 |
"572757bef1498d1400e8f694": "African-American",
809 |
"5727aec03acd2414000de991": "Boston",
810 |
"5727aec03acd2414000de992": "Harvard's",
811 |
"5727aec03acd2414000de993": "Charles",
812 |
"5727aec03acd2414000de994": "eleven",
813 |
"5727aec03acd2414000de995": "Harvard Yard",
814 |
"5727cc15ff5b5019007d9576": "Allston",
815 |
"5727cc15ff5b5019007d9577": "John W. Weeks Bridge",
816 |
"5727cc15ff5b5019007d9578": "Longwood Medical and Academic Area",
817 |
"5727d0f73acd2414000ded13": "late 1980s",
818 |
"5727d0f73acd2414000ded14": "Duke Kent-Brown.",
819 |
"5727d0f73acd2414000ded15": "",
820 |
"5727d1c93acd2414000ded3f": "5.3%",
821 |
"5727d1c93acd2414000ded40": "2007",
822 |
"5727d1c93acd2414000ded41": "believed to disadvantage low-income and under-represented minority applicants",
823 |
"5727d1c93acd2414000ded42": "2007 as the program was believed to disadvantage low-income and under-represented minority applicants",
824 |
"5727de862ca10214002d9860": "Ban Ki-moon;",
825 |
"5727de862ca10214002d9861": "Juan Manuel Santos",
826 |
"5727de862ca10214002d9862": "Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda Figueres",
827 |
"5727de862ca10214002d9863": "Benjamin Netanyahu",
828 |
"5727c94bff5b5019007d954a": "Jacksonville",
829 |
"5727c94bff5b5019007d954b": "",
830 |
"5727c94bff5b5019007d954c": "12th",
831 |
"5727c94bff5b5019007d954d": "Duval County",
832 |
"5727c94bff5b5019007d954e": "1968",
833 |
"5727cb4b2ca10214002d9676": "St. Johns River,",
834 |
"5727cb4b2ca10214002d9677": "340 miles",
835 |
"5727cb4b2ca10214002d9678": "Fort Caroline",
836 |
"5727cb4b2ca10214002d9679": "the Timucua",
837 |
"5727cb4b2ca10214002d967a": "Andrew Jackson",
838 |
"57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c26": "Jean Ribault",
839 |
"57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c27": "France",
840 |
"57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c28": "Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s",
841 |
"57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c29": "San Mateo",
842 |
"57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c2a": "Fort Caroline",
843 |
"57281ab63acd2414000df493": "highways",
844 |
"57281ab63acd2414000df494": "non-Hispanic",
845 |
"57281ab63acd2414000df495": "white flight",
846 |
"57281ab63acd2414000df496": "Mayor W. Haydon Burns'",
847 |
"57281ab63acd2414000df497": "World War II",
848 |
"572824f13acd2414000df58f": "Hurricane Dora",
849 |
"572824f13acd2414000df590": "110 mph",
850 |
"572824f13acd2414000df591": "Tropical Storm Beryl",
851 |
"572824f13acd2414000df592": "Saffir-Simpson Scale.",
852 |
"572824f13acd2414000df593": "2008",
853 |
"572a1046af94a219006aa78d": "evidence",
854 |
"572a1046af94a219006aa78e": "limiting aggregate demand",
855 |
"572a1046af94a219006aa78f": "Economist",
856 |
"572a1046af94a219006aa790": "increasing importance of human capital in development",
857 |
"572a1046af94a219006aa791": "limiting aggregate demand.",
858 |
"572a11663f37b31900478693": "1993",
859 |
"572a11663f37b31900478694": "detrimental",
860 |
"572a11663f37b31900478695": "channels through which inequality may affect economic growth",
861 |
"572a11663f37b31900478696": "fertility",
862 |
"572a11663f37b31900478697": "politically and socially unstable",
863 |
"572a13841d0469140077973b": "Kuznets curve hypothesis",
864 |
"572a13841d0469140077973c": "first increases",
865 |
"572a13841d0469140077973d": "Thomas Piketty",
866 |
"572a13841d0469140077973e": "Economist",
867 |
"572a13841d0469140077973f": "wars and \"violent economic and political shocks\"",
868 |
"572a18a4af94a219006aa7df": "1970s",
869 |
"572a18a4af94a219006aa7e0": "reduced consumer demand",
870 |
"572a18a4af94a219006aa7e1": "risen",
871 |
"572a18a4af94a219006aa7e2": "several years",
872 |
"572a18a4af94a219006aa7e3": "",
873 |
"572a1a5c6aef051400155284": "special efforts",
874 |
"572a1a5c6aef051400155285": "existing level of inequality",
875 |
"572a1a5c6aef051400155286": "halve poverty",
876 |
"572a1a5c6aef051400155287": "United Nations",
877 |
"572a1a5c6aef051400155288": "necessary",
878 |
"5727f3193acd2414000df0a5": "rarely",
879 |
"5727f3193acd2414000df0a6": "regenerate when his body is mortally damaged, taking on a new appearance and personality.",
880 |
"5727f3193acd2414000df0a7": "regenerate",
881 |
"5727f3193acd2414000df0a8": "humans",
882 |
"5727f3193acd2414000df0a9": "Time Lord",
883 |
"57280f0d3acd2414000df35b": "An Unearthly Child",
884 |
"57280f0d3acd2414000df35c": "Susan Foreman",
885 |
"57280f0d3acd2414000df35d": "2005",
886 |
"57280f0d3acd2414000df35e": "destroyed",
887 |
"57280f0d3acd2414000df35f": "Smith and Jones",
888 |
"572811434b864d190016438c": "female",
889 |
"572811434b864d190016438d": "Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke) and Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)",
890 |
"572811434b864d190016438e": "The Eleventh Doctor",
891 |
"572811434b864d190016438f": "",
892 |
"572811434b864d1900164390": "Catherine Tate",
893 |
"57281a952ca10214002d9dea": "Dudley Simpson",
894 |
"57281a952ca10214002d9deb": "Planet of Giants",
895 |
"57281a952ca10214002d9dec": "the 1960s and 1970s",
896 |
"57281a952ca10214002d9ded": "The Horns of Nimon",
897 |
"57281a952ca10214002d9dee": "The Horns of Nimon",
898 |
"572828383acd2414000df5c3": "Trevor Martin",
899 |
"572828383acd2414000df5c4": "Doctor Who \u2013 The Ultimate Adventure.",
900 |
"572828383acd2414000df5c5": "The Curse of the Daleks",
901 |
"572828383acd2414000df5c6": "Doctor Who and the Daleks in the Seven Keys to Doomsday",
902 |
"572828383acd2414000df5c7": "David Banks",
903 |
"57284b904b864d19001648e2": "the Main Quadrangles",
904 |
"57284b904b864d19001648e3": "six",
905 |
"57284b904b864d19001648e4": "Cobb, Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, Holabird & Roche, and other architectural firms",
906 |
"57284b904b864d19001648e5": "Magdalen Tower",
907 |
"57284b904b864d19001648e6": "",
908 |
"57284d484b864d1900164900": "the 1940s",
909 |
"57284d484b864d1900164901": "Eero Saarinen",
910 |
"57284d484b864d1900164902": "School of Social Service Administration",
911 |
"57284d484b864d1900164903": "Harris School of Public Policy Studies",
912 |
"57284d484b864d1900164904": "2003",
913 |
"572855973acd2414000df925": "University of Chicago Laboratory Schools",
914 |
"572855973acd2414000df926": "the Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School",
915 |
"572855973acd2414000df927": "four",
916 |
"572855973acd2414000df928": "four public charter schools",
917 |
"572855973acd2414000df929": "the University of Chicago campus",
918 |
"57286951ff5b5019007da20e": "Satya Nadella",
919 |
"57286951ff5b5019007da20f": "Larry Ellison",
920 |
"57286951ff5b5019007da210": "Larry Ellison",
921 |
"57286951ff5b5019007da211": "Jon Corzine",
922 |
"57286951ff5b5019007da212": "James O. McKinsey,",
923 |
"572870b2ff5b5019007da222": "Milton Friedman",
924 |
"572870b2ff5b5019007da223": "George Stigler",
925 |
"572870b2ff5b5019007da224": "Paul Samuelson",
926 |
"572870b2ff5b5019007da225": "Eugene Fama",
927 |
"57286dfa2ca10214002da332": "after 1279",
928 |
"57286dfa2ca10214002da333": "inauspicious typhoon",
929 |
"57286dfa2ca10214002da334": "Annam",
930 |
"57286dfa2ca10214002da335": "Battle of B\u1ea1ch \u0110\u1eb1ng",
931 |
"57286dfa2ca10214002da336": "1288",
932 |
"57286fa83acd2414000df9e5": "Gegeen Khan",
933 |
"57286fa83acd2414000df9e6": "1321 to 1323",
934 |
"57286fa83acd2414000df9e7": "Baiju",
935 |
"57286fa83acd2414000df9e8": "the comprehensive institutions of the Great Yuan",
936 |
"57286fa83acd2414000df9e9": "five",
937 |
"57287d4a2ca10214002da3e4": "Han Chinese, Khitans, Jurchens, Mongols, and Tibetan Buddhists",
938 |
"57287d4a2ca10214002da3e5": "Tang, Song, as well as Khitan Liao and Jurchen Jin dynasties",
939 |
"57287d4a2ca10214002da3e6": "Liu Bingzhong and Yao Shu",
940 |
"57287d4a2ca10214002da3e7": "tripartite",
941 |
"57287d4a2ca10214002da3e8": "civil, military, and censorial offices",
942 |
"572881d34b864d1900164a5a": "Muslim medicine",
943 |
"572881d34b864d1900164a5b": "Jesus the Interpreter",
944 |
"572881d34b864d1900164a5c": "1263",
945 |
"572881d34b864d1900164a5d": "its humoral system",
946 |
"572881d34b864d1900164a5e": "yin-yang and wuxing",
947 |
"5728848cff5b5019007da298": "Frederick W. Mote",
948 |
"5728848cff5b5019007da299": "degrees of privilege",
949 |
"5728848cff5b5019007da29a": "rich and well socially standing",
950 |
"5728848cff5b5019007da29b": "",
951 |
"57290b21af94a219006a9fcf": "low",
952 |
"57290b21af94a219006a9fd0": "public sector corruption",
953 |
"57290b21af94a219006a9fd1": "139th",
954 |
"57290b21af94a219006a9fd2": "a",
955 |
"57290ee2af94a219006a9fff": "28 February 2008",
956 |
"57290ee2af94a219006aa000": "Prime Minister",
957 |
"57290ee2af94a219006aa001": "PNU and ODM camps",
958 |
"57290ee2af94a219006aa002": "each party's strength in Parliament.",
959 |
"57290ee2af94a219006aa003": "end of the current Parliament",
960 |
"572914f46aef051400154a46": "International Criminal Court trial dates",
961 |
"572914f46aef051400154a47": "US President Barack Obama",
962 |
"572914f46aef051400154a48": "China",
963 |
"572914f46aef051400154a49": "July 2015",
964 |
"572920d73f37b31900478055": "agriculture",
965 |
"572920d73f37b31900478056": "up to 30%",
966 |
"572920d73f37b31900478057": "9\u201318.",
967 |
"572920d73f37b31900478058": "poverty, the lack of access to education and weak government institutions",
968 |
"5729281baf94a219006aa11f": "cricket, rallying, football, rugby union and boxing",
969 |
"5729281baf94a219006aa120": "its dominance in middle-distance and long-distance athletics,",
970 |
"5729281baf94a219006aa121": "Kenyan athletes (particularly Kalenjin)",
971 |
"5729281baf94a219006aa122": "Morocco and Ethiopia",
972 |
"57293bc91d0469140077919b": "Hoesung Lee",
973 |
"57293bc91d0469140077919c": "Korean",
974 |
"57293bc91d0469140077919d": "Ismail El Gizouli",
975 |
"57293bc91d0469140077919e": "Bert Bolin",
976 |
"57293bc91d0469140077919f": "February 2015",
977 |
"57293e221d046914007791d5": "substantially increasing the atmospheric concentrations",
978 |
"57293e221d046914007791d6": "additional warming of the Earth's surface.",
979 |
"57293e221d046914007791d7": "over half",
980 |
"57293e221d046914007791d8": "\"business as usual\" (BAU)",
981 |
"57293e221d046914007791d9": "0.3 to 0.6 \u00b0C",
982 |
"572940973f37b319004781a5": "the date",
983 |
"572940973f37b319004781a6": "\"the poor application of well-established IPCC procedures in this instance\".",
984 |
"572940973f37b319004781a7": "the WWF report",
985 |
"572940973f37b319004781a8": ", which has misquoted its own source,",
986 |
"57294209af94a219006aa201": "1999",
987 |
"57294209af94a219006aa202": "Michael E. Mann, Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm K. Hughes",
988 |
"57294209af94a219006aa203": "hockey stick graph",
989 |
"57294209af94a219006aa204": "Jones et al. 1998, Pollack, Huang & Shen 1998, Crowley & Lowery 2000 and Briffa 2000",
990 |
"57294e6b1d04691400779275": "the Montreal Protocol",
991 |
"57294e6b1d04691400779276": "Climate Change",
992 |
"57294e6b1d04691400779277": "states and governments",
993 |
"572957ad1d046914007792d9": "eukaryotic",
994 |
"572957ad1d046914007792da": "around a billion years ago",
995 |
"572957ad1d046914007792db": "two innermost lipid-bilayer membranes",
996 |
"572957ad1d046914007792dc": "phagosomal",
997 |
"572957ad1d046914007792dd": "many of its genes were lost or transferred to the nucleus of the host",
998 |
"5729582b1d046914007792e3": "chloroplast",
999 |
"5729582b1d046914007792e4": "three",
1000 |
"5729582b1d046914007792e5": "red algal chloroplast lineage",
1001 |
"5729582b1d046914007792e6": "green chloroplast lineage",
1002 |
"5729582b1d046914007792e7": "green chloroplast",
1003 |
"572968cf1d046914007793cb": "ctDNA, or cpDNA",
1004 |
"572968cf1d046914007793cc": "the plastome",
1005 |
"572968cf1d046914007793cd": "1962",
1006 |
"572968cf1d046914007793ce": "1986",
1007 |
"572968cf1d046914007793cf": "two Japanese research teams",
1008 |
"57296b151d046914007793f1": "Endosymbiotic gene transfer",
1009 |
"57296b151d046914007793f2": "the lost chloroplast's existence.",
1010 |
"57296b151d046914007793f3": "a red algal derived chloroplast",
1011 |
"57296b151d046914007793f4": "a red algal derived chloroplast",
1012 |
"57296d1b1d0469140077940d": "surrounded by a double membrane",
1013 |
"57296d1b1d0469140077940e": "the product of the host's cell membrane infolding to form a vesicle to surround the ancestral cyanobacterium\u2014which",
1014 |
"57296d1b1d0469140077940f": "",
1015 |
"57296d571d04691400779413": "itself",
1016 |
"57296d571d04691400779414": "composite number",
1017 |
"57296d571d04691400779415": "fundamental theorem of arithmetic",
1018 |
"57296d571d04691400779416": "primes that is unique up to ordering",
1019 |
"57296d571d04691400779417": "because one can include arbitrarily many instances of 1 in any factorization",
1020 |
"57296f293f37b319004783a3": "primality",
1021 |
"57296f293f37b319004783a4": "trial division",
1022 |
"57296f293f37b319004783a5": "Miller\u2013Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small probability of error, and the AKS primality test,",
1023 |
"57296f293f37b319004783a6": "Miller\u2013Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small probability of error, and the AKS primality test,",
1024 |
"57296f293f37b319004783a7": "",
1025 |
"572991943f37b319004784a1": "twin prime conjecture",
1026 |
"572991943f37b319004784a2": "pairs of primes with difference 2",
1027 |
"572991943f37b319004784a3": "Polignac's conjecture",
1028 |
"572991943f37b319004784a4": "n2 + 1",
1029 |
"572991943f37b319004784a5": "Brocard's conjecture",
1030 |
"57299a6f6aef051400155016": "minimality or indecomposability",
1031 |
"57299a6f6aef051400155017": "the smallest subfield",
1032 |
"57299a6f6aef051400155019": "as a connected sum of prime knots",
1033 |
"57299a6f6aef05140015501a": "any object can be, essentially uniquely, decomposed into its prime components",
1034 |
"57299a6f6aef051400155018": "it cannot be written as the knot sum of two nontrivial knots",
1035 |
"5729a26d6aef05140015505a": "gets smaller",
1036 |
"5729a26d6aef05140015505b": "completed (or local) fields",
1037 |
"5729a26d6aef05140015505c": "the absolute value",
1038 |
"5729a26d6aef05140015505d": "",
1039 |
"572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5eb": "Middle Rhine",
1040 |
"572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ec": "Rhine Gorge",
1041 |
"572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ed": "erosion",
1042 |
"572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ee": "the Romantic Rhine",
1043 |
"572ff12e04bcaa1900d76eff": "Middle Rhine",
1044 |
"572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f00": "Rhine Gorge",
1045 |
"572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f02": "castles and vineyards",
1046 |
"572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f03": "the Romantic Rhine",
1047 |
"572ff673b2c2fd1400568669": "Rhine Delta",
1048 |
"572ff673b2c2fd140056866a": "near Millingen aan de Rijn",
1049 |
"572ff673b2c2fd140056866b": "Rhine Delta",
1050 |
"572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e5": "~74,000 (BP = Before Present),",
1051 |
"572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e6": "(~11,600 BP).",
1052 |
"572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e7": "west",
1053 |
"572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e8": "",
1054 |
"572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e9": "English Channel",
1055 |
"572fffb404bcaa1900d76fef": "22,000 years ago",
1056 |
"572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff0": "thaw",
1057 |
"572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff1": "Rhine",
1058 |
"572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff2": "13,000 BP.",
1059 |
"572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff3": "9000 BP",
1060 |
"57300a9a04bcaa1900d77063": "end of World War I",
1061 |
"57300a9a04bcaa1900d77064": "1935",
1062 |
"57300a9a04bcaa1900d77065": "German army",
1063 |
"57300a9a04bcaa1900d77066": "Adolf Hitler's rise to power.",
1064 |
"57300a9a04bcaa1900d77067": "1936",
1065 |
"572fadcbb2c2fd1400568329": "Edinburgh",
1066 |
"572fadcbb2c2fd140056832a": "majority",
1067 |
"572fadcbb2c2fd140056832c": "51.6%",
1068 |
"572fadcbb2c2fd140056832b": "failed",
1069 |
"572fadcbb2c2fd140056832d": "32.9%",
1070 |
"572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf5": "committee",
1071 |
"572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf6": "stronger",
1072 |
"572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf7": "no revising chamber",
1073 |
"572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf8": "principal role",
1074 |
"572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf9": "committee.",
1075 |
"572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d1f": "committee",
1076 |
"572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d20": "large-scale development projects",
1077 |
"572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d21": "Scottish Government.",
1078 |
"572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d22": "Private Bill",
1079 |
"572fcc43b2c2fd140056847d": "Reserved",
1080 |
"572fcc43b2c2fd140056847e": "The Scottish Parliament",
1081 |
"572fcc43b2c2fd140056847f": "Westminster",
1082 |
"572fcc43b2c2fd1400568480": "UK Government ministers",
1083 |
"572fdb17b2c2fd140056851d": "a number of qualifications",
1084 |
"572fdb17b2c2fd140056851e": "1981",
1085 |
"572fdb17b2c2fd140056851f": "over the age of 18",
1086 |
"572fdb17b2c2fd1400568520": "police and the armed forces",
1087 |
"572fdb17b2c2fd1400568521": "",
1088 |
"572ff932a23a5019007fcbd5": "political",
1089 |
"572ff932a23a5019007fcbd6": "Islam",
1090 |
"572ff932a23a5019007fcbd7": "its supporters",
1091 |
"572ff932a23a5019007fcbd8": "",
1092 |
"572ff932a23a5019007fcbd9": "",
1093 |
"572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686ef": "Islamist",
1094 |
"572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f2": "",
1095 |
"572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f0": "shelters, educational assistance, free or low cost medical clinics, housing assistance",
1096 |
"572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f3": "",
1097 |
"572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f1": "avoid prohibitively costly dowry demands",
1098 |
"572ffee1947a6a140053cf14": "law and philosophy",
1099 |
"572ffee1947a6a140053cf15": "All India Muslim League",
1100 |
"572ffee1947a6a140053cf17": "mainstream Indian nationalist and secularist Indian National Congress",
1101 |
"572ffee1947a6a140053cf16": "1908",
1102 |
"572ffee1947a6a140053cf18": "The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam",
1103 |
"57302700a23a5019007fce89": "Islamist",
1104 |
"57302700a23a5019007fce8a": "Hassan al-Turabi.",
1105 |
"57302700a23a5019007fce8b": "National Islamic Front",
1106 |
"57302700a23a5019007fce8c": "money from foreign Islamist banking systems",
1107 |
"57302700a23a5019007fce8d": "",
1108 |
"57302bd0b2c2fd14005689db": "Wahhabi/Salafi jihadist extremist militant",
1109 |
"57302bd0b2c2fd14005689dc": "Sunni Arabs",
1110 |
"57302bd0b2c2fd14005689de": "ten million",
1111 |
"57302bd0b2c2fd14005689df": "recognition",
1112 |
"57302bd0b2c2fd14005689dd": "a caliphate",
1113 |
"573088da069b53140083216b": "Germany",
1114 |
"573088da069b53140083216c": "Britain",
1115 |
"573088da069b53140083216d": "Political",
1116 |
"573088da069b53140083216e": "necessary",
1117 |
"573088da069b53140083216f": "fund",
1118 |
"57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c580": "imaginative geography",
1119 |
"57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c581": "irrational and backward",
1120 |
"57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c582": "inferior",
1121 |
"57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c583": "Orientalism",
1122 |
"57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c584": "rational and progressive",
1123 |
"573093598ab72b1400f9c5ae": "Cultural imperialism",
1124 |
"573093598ab72b1400f9c5af": "soft power",
1125 |
"573093598ab72b1400f9c5b0": "Dallas",
1126 |
"573093598ab72b1400f9c5b1": "Roman",
1127 |
"573093598ab72b1400f9c5b2": "bans",
1128 |
"57309ef18ab72b1400f9c600": "aristocracy",
1129 |
"57309ef18ab72b1400f9c602": "1950s",
1130 |
"57309ef18ab72b1400f9c601": "before World War I",
1131 |
"57309ef18ab72b1400f9c603": "disease",
1132 |
"57309ef18ab72b1400f9c604": "removing its economic foundation",
1133 |
"5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf29": "1830",
1134 |
"5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2a": "after 1850",
1135 |
"5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2d": "French civilization and language as well as Cathol",
1136 |
"5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2b": "North and West Africa",
1137 |
"5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2c": "when Germany started to build her own colonial empire",
1138 |
"57309921396df919000961f6": "mid-18th century",
1139 |
"57309921396df919000961f7": "within the Church of England",
1140 |
"57309921396df919000961f8": "being methodical and exceptionally detailed in their Bible study",
1141 |
"5730b2312461fd1900a9cfad": "Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality (",
1142 |
"5730b2312461fd1900a9cfae": "2012",
1143 |
"5730b2312461fd1900a9cfaf": "Rev. Paul T. Stallsworth,",
1144 |
"5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb3": "temperance movement",
1145 |
"5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb6": "temperance movement.",
1146 |
"5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb4": "The Use of Money",
1147 |
"5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb5": "unfermented grape juice",
1148 |
"5730b9852461fd1900a9cff9": "conscription",
1149 |
"5730b9852461fd1900a9cffa": "",
1150 |
"5730b9852461fd1900a9cffb": "war",
1151 |
"5730d26fb54a4f140068cc94": "John Wesley",
1152 |
"5730d26fb54a4f140068cc95": "pastors",
1153 |
"5730d26fb54a4f140068cc96": "Annual Conference Order of Elders",
1154 |
"5730d26fb54a4f140068cc97": "Annual Conference Order of Elders",
1155 |
"5733d4c8d058e614000b6353": "1756 to the signing of the peace treaty in 1763",
1156 |
"5733d4c8d058e614000b6354": "six years",
1157 |
"5733d4c8d058e614000b6355": "",
1158 |
"5733d4c8d058e614000b6356": "Battle of Jumonville Glen",
1159 |
"5733d68ed058e614000b637f": "20 to 1",
1160 |
"5733d68ed058e614000b6380": "from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in the north, to Georgia in the south",
1161 |
"5733d68ed058e614000b6381": "along the coast",
1162 |
"5733f1784776f41900661575": "40",
1163 |
"5733f1784776f41900661576": "1754",
1164 |
"5733f1784776f41900661577": "1754 they began construction of a small stockaded fort.",
1165 |
"5733f309d058e614000b6648": "surprised the Canadians on May 28",
1166 |
"5733f309d058e614000b6649": "many of the Canadians, including their commanding officer, Joseph Coulon de Jumonville",
1167 |
"5733f309d058e614000b664a": "regain authority over his own people. They had been inclined to support the French, with whom they had long trading relationships",
1168 |
"5733fb7bd058e614000b66ff": "Major General James Abercrombie",
1169 |
"5733fb7bd058e614000b6700": "Major General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm",
1170 |
"5733fb7bd058e614000b6701": "May 18, 1756",
1171 |
"57373d0cc3c5551400e51e85": "Aristotle",
1172 |
"57373d0cc3c5551400e51e86": "Aristotelian cosmology",
1173 |
"57373d0cc3c5551400e51e87": "four",
1174 |
"57373d0cc3c5551400e51e88": "on the ground",
1175 |
"57373d0cc3c5551400e51e89": "unnatural",
1176 |
"5737821cc3c5551400e51f19": "Isaac Newton",
1177 |
"5737821cc3c5551400e51f1a": "20th",
1178 |
"5737821cc3c5551400e51f1b": "unification",
1179 |
"5737821cc3c5551400e51f1c": "self-consistent unification",
1180 |
"57378b141c4567190057449f": "general relativity",
1181 |
"57378b141c456719005744a0": "ballistic trajectory",
1182 |
"57378b141c456719005744a1": "",
1183 |
"57378b141c456719005744a2": "global",
1184 |
"57378c9b1c456719005744a8": "electric current",
1185 |
"57378c9b1c456719005744a9": "unified electromagnetic force",
1186 |
"57378c9b1c456719005744a7": "Lorentz's Law",
1187 |
"57378c9b1c456719005744aa": "electrostatic force",
1188 |
"5737a25ac3c5551400e51f51": "stress tensor",
1189 |
"5737a25ac3c5551400e51f52": "pressure terms",
1190 |
"5737a25ac3c5551400e51f53": "pressure terms",
1191 |
"5737a25ac3c5551400e51f54": "formalism"
1192 |