--- license: llama3.1 inference: false --- # DRAGON-LLAMA-3.1-GGUF dragon-llama-3.1-gguf is RAG-instruct trained on top of a Llama-3.1 base model. ### Benchmark Tests Evaluated against the benchmark test: [RAG-Instruct-Benchmark-Tester](https://www.huggingface.co/datasets/llmware/rag_instruct_benchmark_tester) 1 Test Run (temperature=0.0, sample=False) with 1 point for correct answer, 0.5 point for partial correct or blank / NF, 0.0 points for incorrect, and -1 points for hallucinations. --**Accuracy Score**: **94.0** correct out of 100 --Not Found Classification: 70.0% --Boolean: 90.0% --Math/Logic: 72.5% --Complex Questions (1-5): 4 (Above Average - table-reading, causal) --Summarization Quality (1-5): 4 (Above Average) --Hallucinations: No hallucinations but a few instances of drawing on 'background' knowledge. For test run results (and good indicator of target use cases), please see the files ("core_rag_test" and "answer_sheet" in this repo). ### Model Description - **Developed by:** llmware - **Model type:** Phi-2B - **Language(s) (NLP):** English - **License:** Llama-3.1 Community License - **Finetuned from model:** Llama-3.1-Base ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations Any model can provide inaccurate or incomplete information, and should be used in conjunction with appropriate safeguards and fact-checking mechanisms. ## How to Get Started with the Model The fastest way to get started with BLING is through direct import in transformers: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("dragon-llama-3.1-gguf", trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("dragon-llama-3.1-gguf", trust_remote_code=True) Please refer to the generation_test .py files in the Files repository, which includes 200 samples and script to test the model. The **generation_test_llmware_script.py** includes built-in llmware capabilities for fact-checking, as well as easy integration with document parsing and actual retrieval to swap out the test set for RAG workflow consisting of business documents. The dRAGon model was fine-tuned with a simple "\ and \ wrapper", so to get the best results, wrap inference entries as: full_prompt = ": " + my_prompt + "\n" + ":" The BLING model was fine-tuned with closed-context samples, which assume generally that the prompt consists of two sub-parts: 1. Text Passage Context, and 2. Specific question or instruction based on the text passage To get the best results, package "my_prompt" as follows: my_prompt = {{text_passage}} + "\n" + {{question/instruction}} ## Model Card Contact Darren Oberst & llmware team