from __future__ import annotations import math import pickle import struct import inspect from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, List, Union import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from import tqdm from tokenizer import SmilesTokenizer @dataclass class ModelArgs: dim: int = 4096 n_layers: int = 32 n_heads: int = 32 n_kv_heads: Optional[int] = None vocab_size: int = -1 # defined later by tokenizer multiple_of: int = 256 # make SwiGLU hidden layer size multiple of large power of 2 norm_eps: float = 1e-5 max_seq_len: int = 2048 dropout: float = 0.0 @dataclass class ContextArgs: context_keys: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) context_dims: List[int] = field(default_factory=list) class RMSNorm(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim: int, eps: float): super().__init__() self.eps = eps self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(dim)) def _norm(self, x): return x * torch.rsqrt(x.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True) + self.eps) def forward(self, x): output = self._norm(x.float()).type_as(x) return output * self.weight def precompute_freqs_cis(dim: int, end: int, theta: float = 10000.0): freqs = 1.0 / (theta ** (torch.arange(0, dim, 2)[: (dim // 2)].float() / dim)) t = torch.arange(end, device=freqs.device) # type: ignore freqs = torch.outer(t, freqs).float() # type: ignore freqs_cos = torch.cos(freqs) # real part freqs_sin = torch.sin(freqs) # imaginary part return freqs_cos, freqs_sin def reshape_for_broadcast(freqs_cis: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor): ndim = x.ndim assert 0 <= 1 < ndim assert freqs_cis.shape == (x.shape[1], x.shape[-1]) shape = [d if i == 1 or i == ndim - 1 else 1 for i, d in enumerate(x.shape)] return freqs_cis.view(shape) def apply_rotary_emb( xq: torch.Tensor, xk: torch.Tensor, freqs_cos: torch.Tensor, freqs_sin: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: # reshape xq and xk to match the complex representation xq_r, xq_i = xq.float().reshape(xq.shape[:-1] + (-1, 2)).unbind(-1) xk_r, xk_i = xk.float().reshape(xk.shape[:-1] + (-1, 2)).unbind(-1) # reshape freqs_cos and freqs_sin for broadcasting freqs_cos = reshape_for_broadcast(freqs_cos, xq_r) freqs_sin = reshape_for_broadcast(freqs_sin, xq_r) # apply rotation using real numbers xq_out_r = xq_r * freqs_cos - xq_i * freqs_sin xq_out_i = xq_r * freqs_sin + xq_i * freqs_cos xk_out_r = xk_r * freqs_cos - xk_i * freqs_sin xk_out_i = xk_r * freqs_sin + xk_i * freqs_cos # flatten last two dimensions xq_out = torch.stack([xq_out_r, xq_out_i], dim=-1).flatten(3) xk_out = torch.stack([xk_out_r, xk_out_i], dim=-1).flatten(3) return xq_out.type_as(xq), xk_out.type_as(xk) def repeat_kv(x: torch.Tensor, n_rep: int) -> torch.Tensor: """torch.repeat_interleave(x, dim=2, repeats=n_rep)""" bs, slen, n_kv_heads, head_dim = x.shape if n_rep == 1: return x return ( x[:, :, :, None, :] .expand(bs, slen, n_kv_heads, n_rep, head_dim) .reshape(bs, slen, n_kv_heads * n_rep, head_dim) ) class Attention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args: ModelArgs): super().__init__() self.n_kv_heads = args.n_heads if args.n_kv_heads is None else args.n_kv_heads model_parallel_size = 1 self.n_local_heads = args.n_heads // model_parallel_size self.n_local_kv_heads = self.n_kv_heads // model_parallel_size self.n_rep = self.n_local_heads // self.n_local_kv_heads self.head_dim = args.dim // args.n_heads self.wq = nn.Linear(args.dim, args.n_heads * self.head_dim, bias=False) self.wk = nn.Linear(args.dim, self.n_kv_heads * self.head_dim, bias=False) self.wv = nn.Linear(args.dim, self.n_kv_heads * self.head_dim, bias=False) self.wo = nn.Linear(args.n_heads * self.head_dim, args.dim, bias=False) self.attn_dropout = nn.Dropout(args.dropout) self.resid_dropout = nn.Dropout(args.dropout) self.dropout = args.dropout self.cache_hash = None # use flash attention or a manual implementation? self.flash = hasattr(torch.nn.functional, "scaled_dot_product_attention") if not self.flash: print( "WARNING: using slow attention. Flash Attention requires PyTorch >= 2.0" ) mask = torch.full((1, 1, args.max_seq_len, args.max_seq_len), float("-inf")) mask = torch.triu(mask, diagonal=1) self.register_buffer("mask", mask) def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, freqs_cos: torch.Tensor, freqs_sin: torch.Tensor, ): bsz, seqlen, _ = x.shape # QKV xq, xk, xv = self.wq(x), self.wk(x), self.wv(x) xq = xq.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_heads, self.head_dim) xk = xk.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) xv = xv.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) # RoPE relative positional embeddings xq, xk = apply_rotary_emb(xq, xk, freqs_cos, freqs_sin) # grouped multiquery attention: expand out keys and values xk = repeat_kv(xk, self.n_rep) # (bs, seqlen, n_local_heads, head_dim) xv = repeat_kv(xv, self.n_rep) # (bs, seqlen, n_local_heads, head_dim) # make heads into a batch dimension xq = xq.transpose(1, 2) # (bs, n_local_heads, seqlen, head_dim) xk = xk.transpose(1, 2) xv = xv.transpose(1, 2) # flash implementation if self.flash: output = torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention( xq, xk, xv, attn_mask=None, dropout_p=self.dropout if else 0.0, is_causal=True, ) else: # manual implementation scores = torch.matmul(xq, xk.transpose(2, 3)) / math.sqrt(self.head_dim) assert hasattr(self, "mask") scores = ( scores + self.mask[:, :, :seqlen, :seqlen] ) # (bs, n_local_heads, seqlen, cache_len + seqlen) scores = F.softmax(scores.float(), dim=-1).type_as(xq) scores = self.attn_dropout(scores) output = torch.matmul(scores, xv) # (bs, n_local_heads, seqlen, head_dim) # restore time as batch dimension and concat heads output = output.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(bsz, seqlen, -1) # final projection into the residual stream output = self.wo(output) output = self.resid_dropout(output) return output def forward_with_kvcache( self, x: torch.Tensor, freqs_cos: torch.Tensor, freqs_sin: torch.Tensor, cache_id: int = 1, ): bsz, seqlen, _ = x.shape original_x = x use_cache = self.cache_hash == cache_id if use_cache: x = x[:, -1, :].unsqueeze(1) # only need the last new token # QKV xq, xk, xv = self.wq(x), self.wk(x), self.wv(x) if use_cache: # comp_xq, comp_xk, comp_xv = self.wq(original_x), self.wk(original_x), self.wv(original_x) # comp_xq = comp_xq.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_heads, self.head_dim) # comp_xk = comp_xk.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) # comp_xv = comp_xv.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) # # RoPE relative positional embeddings # comp_xq, comp_xk = apply_rotary_emb(comp_xq, comp_xk, freqs_cos, freqs_sin) self.k_cache = torch.concat([self.k_cache, xk.clone()], dim=1) self.v_cache = torch.concat([self.v_cache, xv.clone()], dim=1) # print("Before positional xk:", torch.all(self.k_cache == self.wk(original_x))) # print("Before positional xv:", torch.all(self.v_cache == self.wv(original_x))) seqlen = self.k_cache.size(1) xk = self.k_cache xv = self.v_cache self.cache_hash = cache_id xq = xq.view(bsz, 1, self.n_local_heads, self.head_dim) xk = xk.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) xv = xv.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) # RoPE relative positional embeddings # xq, xk = apply_rotary_emb(xq, xk[:,-1,:,:].unsqueeze(1), freqs_cos[-1,:].unsqueeze(0), freqs_sin[-1,:].unsqueeze(0)) # reshape xq and xk to match the complex representation xq_r, xq_i = xq.float().reshape(xq.shape[:-1] + (-1, 2)).unbind(-1) xk_r, xk_i = xk.float().reshape(xk.shape[:-1] + (-1, 2)).unbind(-1) # reshape freqs_cos and freqs_sin for broadcasting q_freq_cos = freqs_cos[-1, :].unsqueeze(0) q_freq_sin = freqs_sin[-1, :].unsqueeze(0) freqs_cos_q = reshape_for_broadcast(q_freq_cos, xq_r) freqs_sin_q = reshape_for_broadcast(q_freq_sin, xq_r) freqs_cos_k = reshape_for_broadcast(freqs_cos, xk_r) freqs_sin_k = reshape_for_broadcast(freqs_sin, xk_r) # apply rotation using real numbers xq_out_r = xq_r * freqs_cos_q - xq_i * freqs_sin_q xq_out_i = xq_r * freqs_sin_q + xq_i * freqs_cos_q xk_out_r = xk_r * freqs_cos_k - xk_i * freqs_sin_k xk_out_i = xk_r * freqs_sin_k + xk_i * freqs_cos_k # flatten last two dimensions xq_out = torch.stack([xq_out_r, xq_out_i], dim=-1).flatten(3) xk_out = torch.stack([xk_out_r, xk_out_i], dim=-1).flatten(3) xq, xk = xq_out.type_as(xq), xk_out.type_as(xk) # print(f"Seq len {xk.shape[1]} xq:", torch.allclose(xq , comp_xq[:,-1,:].unsqueeze(1), atol=1e-7), torch.mean(xq - comp_xq[:,-1,:].unsqueeze(1))) # print(f"Seq len {xk.shape[1]} xk:", torch.allclose(xk ,comp_xk, atol=1e-7), torch.mean(xk - comp_xk)) # print(f"Seq len {xk.shape[1]} xv:", torch.allclose(xv , comp_xv, atol=1e-7), torch.mean(xv - comp_xv)) # print("-"*10) # self.old_x = original_x else: self.k_cache = xk self.v_cache = xv self.old_x = x xq = xq.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_heads, self.head_dim) xk = xk.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) xv = xv.view(bsz, seqlen, self.n_local_kv_heads, self.head_dim) self.cache_hash = cache_id # RoPE relative positional embeddings xq, xk = apply_rotary_emb(xq, xk, freqs_cos, freqs_sin) # grouped multiquery attention: expand out keys and values xk = repeat_kv(xk, self.n_rep) # (bs, seqlen, n_local_heads, head_dim) xv = repeat_kv(xv, self.n_rep) # (bs, seqlen, n_local_heads, head_dim) # make heads into a batch dimension xq = xq.transpose(1, 2) # (bs, n_local_heads, seqlen, head_dim) xk = xk.transpose(1, 2) xv = xv.transpose(1, 2) # flash implementation if self.flash: output = torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention( xq, xk, xv, attn_mask=None, dropout_p=self.dropout if else 0.0, # NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT to set is_causal=False, OTHERWISE the KV-Caching just breaks is_causal=False, ) else: # manual implementation scores = torch.matmul(xq, xk.transpose(2, 3)) / math.sqrt(self.head_dim) assert hasattr(self, "mask") scores = ( scores + self.mask[:, :, :seqlen, :seqlen] ) # (bs, n_local_heads, seqlen, cache_len + seqlen) scores = F.softmax(scores.float(), dim=-1).type_as(xq) scores = self.attn_dropout(scores) output = torch.matmul(scores, xv) # (bs, n_local_heads, seqlen, head_dim) # restore time as batch dimension and concat heads # if use_cache: # # original_x[:,-1,:] = output.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(bsz,-1) # # output = original_x # output = torch.concat( [self.out_cache, output.transpose(1, 2).view(bsz,1,-1)], dim=1).contiguous() # self.out_cache = output # else: # output = output.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(bsz, seqlen, -1) # self.out_cache = output # NOTE: only work when fed in one token at a time (e.g. seq = 1) output = output.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(bsz, x.size(1), -1) # final projection into the residual stream output = self.wo(output) output = self.resid_dropout(output) return output class FeedForward(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim: int, hidden_dim: int, multiple_of: int, dropout: float): super().__init__() hidden_dim = int(2 * hidden_dim / 3) hidden_dim = multiple_of * ((hidden_dim + multiple_of - 1) // multiple_of) self.w1 = nn.Linear(dim, hidden_dim, bias=False) self.w2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, dim, bias=False) self.w3 = nn.Linear(dim, hidden_dim, bias=False) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) def forward(self, x): return self.dropout(self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))) class TransformerBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, layer_id: int, args: ModelArgs): super().__init__() self.n_heads = args.n_heads self.dim = args.dim self.head_dim = args.dim // args.n_heads self.attention = Attention(args) self.feed_forward = FeedForward( dim=args.dim, hidden_dim=4 * args.dim, multiple_of=args.multiple_of, dropout=args.dropout, ) self.layer_id = layer_id self.attention_norm = RMSNorm(args.dim, eps=args.norm_eps) self.ffn_norm = RMSNorm(args.dim, eps=args.norm_eps) def forward(self, x, freqs_cos, freqs_sin): h = x + self.attention.forward(self.attention_norm(x), freqs_cos, freqs_sin) out = h + self.feed_forward.forward(self.ffn_norm(h)) return out def forward_with_kvcache(self, x, freqs_cos, freqs_sin, cache_id=1): h = x + self.attention.forward_with_kvcache( self.attention_norm(x), freqs_cos, freqs_sin, cache_id=cache_id ) out = h + self.feed_forward.forward(self.ffn_norm(h)) return out class Transformer(nn.Module): last_loss: Optional[torch.Tensor] def __init__(self, params: ModelArgs, context_params: ContextArgs): super().__init__() self.params = params self.context_params = context_params self.vocab_size = params.vocab_size self.n_layers = params.n_layers self.tok_embeddings = nn.Embedding(params.vocab_size, params.dim) self.frag_embeddings = nn.Embedding(params.vocab_size, params.dim) self.frag_type_embedding = nn.Embedding(1, params.dim) self.context_lookup = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(context_params.context_keys)} self.conditions_type_embeddings = nn.Embedding( len(context_params.context_keys), params.dim ) self.conditions_embeddings_lookup = nn.ModuleDict( { k: nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(dim, params.dim, bias=True), ) for k, dim in zip( context_params.context_keys, context_params.context_dims ) } ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(params.dropout) self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer_id in range(params.n_layers): self.layers.append(TransformerBlock(layer_id, params)) self.norm = RMSNorm(params.dim, eps=params.norm_eps) self.output = nn.Linear(params.dim, params.vocab_size, bias=False) # share the unembedding parameters with the embedding parameters self.tok_embeddings.weight = ( self.output.weight ) # # some useful precompute for the RoPE relative positional embeddings freqs_cos, freqs_sin = precompute_freqs_cis( self.params.dim // self.params.n_heads, self.params.max_seq_len ) self.register_buffer("freqs_cos", freqs_cos, persistent=False) self.register_buffer("freqs_sin", freqs_sin, persistent=False) # init all weights self.apply(self._init_weights) # apply special scaled init to the residual projections, per GPT-2 paper for pn, p in self.named_parameters(): if pn.endswith("w3.weight") or pn.endswith("wo.weight"): torch.nn.init.normal_( p, mean=0.0, std=0.02 / math.sqrt(2 * params.n_layers) ) # Initialize attribute for the loss of the last forward call. This will be set if the forward is called with a targets tensor. self.last_loss = None def _init_weights(self, module): if isinstance(module, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std=0.02) if module.bias is not None: torch.nn.init.zeros_(module.bias) elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std=0.02) def forward( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, targets: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, context: Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = None, fragment: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: bsz, seqlen = tokens.shape device = tokens.device h = self._add_context_to_seq(tokens, context, fragment, bsz, device) context_seq_len = h.shape[1] - seqlen bsz, seqlen, _ = h.shape freqs_cos = self.freqs_cos[:seqlen] freqs_sin = self.freqs_sin[:seqlen] for layer in self.layers: h = layer(h, freqs_cos, freqs_sin) h = self.norm(h) h = h[:, context_seq_len:] if targets is not None: # if we are given some desired targets also calculate the loss logits = self.output(h) tmp_last_loss = F.cross_entropy( logits.reshape(-1, logits.size(-1)), targets.reshape(-1), ignore_index=0, # Ignore Pad Tokens ) # NOTE: This essentially does nothing for the computation, # because we are multiplying the weights by zero. # This *needs* to be done, so that we can train with DDP # As due to the random training process some of the weights are not used in the forward pass # That is unacceptable for the for the c10 backend and the training errors out. # Maybe there is a better fix in the future, see: # ddp_fix = sum(p.sum() for p in self.parameters()) zero_sum = ddp_fix * 0.0 self.last_loss = tmp_last_loss + zero_sum else: # inference-time mini-optimization: only forward the output on the very last position logits = self.output( h[:, [-1], :] ) # note: using list [-1] to preserve the time dim self.last_loss = None return logits def forward_with_kvcache( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, targets: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, context: Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = None, fragment: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cache_id: int = 1, pos_seq_len: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: bsz, seqlen = tokens.shape device = tokens.device h = self._add_context_to_seq(tokens, context, fragment, bsz, device) context_seq_len = h.shape[1] - seqlen bsz, seqlen, _ = h.shape if pos_seq_len is None: pos_seq_len = seqlen else: pos_seq_len = max(seqlen, pos_seq_len + context_seq_len) freqs_cos = self.freqs_cos[:pos_seq_len] freqs_sin = self.freqs_sin[:pos_seq_len] for layer in self.layers: h = layer.forward_with_kvcache(h, freqs_cos, freqs_sin, cache_id=cache_id) h = self.norm(h) h = h[:, context_seq_len:] if targets is not None: # if we are given some desired targets also calculate the loss logits = self.output(h) tmp_last_loss = F.cross_entropy( logits.reshape(-1, logits.size(-1)), targets.reshape(-1), ignore_index=0, # Ignore Pad Tokens ) # NOTE: This essentially does nothing for the computation, # because we are multiplying the weights by zero. # This *needs* to be done, so that we can train with DDP # As due to the random training process some of the weights are not used in the forward pass # That is unacceptable for the for the c10 backend and the training errors out. # Maybe there is a better fix in the future, see: # ddp_fix = sum(p.sum() for p in self.parameters()) zero_sum = ddp_fix * 0.0 self.last_loss = tmp_last_loss + zero_sum else: # inference-time mini-optimization: only forward the output on the very last position logits = self.output( h[:, [-1], :] ) # note: using list [-1] to preserve the time dim self.last_loss = None return logits def _add_context_to_seq(self, tokens, context, fragment, bsz, device): h = self.tok_embeddings(tokens) h = self.dropout(h) if fragment is not None: fragment_type_enc = torch.zeros_like( fragment, dtype=torch.long, device=device ) h = torch.concat( ( self.tok_embeddings(fragment) + self.frag_embeddings(fragment) + self.frag_type_embedding(fragment_type_enc), h, ), dim=1, ) if context is not None and len(context) != 0: # context is a dictionary with key : context_tensor of shape (batch_size, context_dim) type_ids = [] context_vals = [] for emb_key, context_val in context.items(): emb_context_val = self.conditions_embeddings_lookup[emb_key]( context_val.unsqueeze(1).to(device) ).unsqueeze(1) context_vals.append(emb_context_val) type_ids_tensor = torch.tensor( [self.context_lookup[emb_key]], device=device, dtype=torch.long ) type_ids.append(type_ids_tensor) context_types = ( torch.concat(type_ids, dim=0).reshape(-1, 1).expand(-1, bsz).T ) # shape(len(context),batch_size, emb_size) context_types = self.conditions_type_embeddings(context_types) context_vals = torch.concat(context_vals, dim=1).to(device) # SHAPE h = torch.concat([context_vals + context_types, h], dim=1) return h def configure_optimizers(self, weight_decay, learning_rate, betas, device_type): # start with all of the candidate parameters param_dict = {pn: p for pn, p in self.named_parameters()} # filter out those that do not require grad param_dict = {pn: p for pn, p in param_dict.items() if p.requires_grad} # create optim groups. Any parameters that is 2D will be weight decayed, otherwise no. # i.e. all weight tensors in matmuls + embeddings decay, all biases and layernorms don't. decay_params = [p for n, p in param_dict.items() if p.dim() >= 2] nodecay_params = [p for n, p in param_dict.items() if p.dim() < 2] optim_groups = [ {"params": decay_params, "weight_decay": weight_decay}, {"params": nodecay_params, "weight_decay": 0.0}, ] num_decay_params = sum(p.numel() for p in decay_params) num_nodecay_params = sum(p.numel() for p in nodecay_params) print( f"num decayed parameter tensors: {len(decay_params)}, with {num_decay_params:,} parameters" ) print( f"num non-decayed parameter tensors: {len(nodecay_params)}, with {num_nodecay_params:,} parameters" ) # Create AdamW optimizer and use the fused version if it is available fused_available = "fused" in inspect.signature(torch.optim.AdamW).parameters use_fused = fused_available and device_type == "cuda" extra_args = dict(fused=True) if use_fused else dict() optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW( optim_groups, lr=learning_rate, betas=betas, **extra_args ) print(f"using fused AdamW: {use_fused}") return optimizer def estimate_mfu(self, fwdbwd_per_iter, dt): """estimate model flops utilization (MFU) in units of A100 bfloat16 peak FLOPS""" # first estimate the number of flops we do per iteration. # see PaLM paper Appendix B as ref: N = sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters()) cfg = self.params L, H, Q, T = cfg.n_layers, cfg.n_heads, cfg.dim // cfg.n_heads, cfg.max_seq_len flops_per_token = 6 * N + 12 * L * H * Q * T flops_per_fwdbwd = flops_per_token * T flops_per_iter = flops_per_fwdbwd * fwdbwd_per_iter # express our flops throughput as ratio of A100 bfloat16 peak flops flops_achieved = flops_per_iter * (1.0 / dt) # per second flops_promised = 312e12 # A100 GPU bfloat16 peak flops is 312 TFLOPS mfu = flops_achieved / flops_promised return mfu @torch.inference_mode() def generate( self, tokenizer: SmilesTokenizer, context: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None, fragments: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None, max_length: int = 50, num_gen: int = 200, start_smiles: Union[str, None] = None, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Union[int, None] = None, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), cache_kv: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: batch_size = num_gen if start_smiles is not None: tokenized_start_selfie = tokenizer.encode(start_smiles)[ :-1 ] # remove token tokenized_start_selfie = torch.tensor( tokenized_start_selfie, device=device, dtype=torch.long ).view(-1, 1) tokenized_start_selfie = tokenized_start_selfie.repeat(1, batch_size) outputs = tokenized_start_selfie.T else: outputs = ( torch.LongTensor([[tokenizer.cls_token_id] * batch_size]).to(device) ).T # batch_size self.eval() start_len = outputs.shape[1] has_end_idx = np.array([0] * batch_size) cache_id = np.random.randint(0, int(1e10), 1).item() with torch.no_grad(): with tqdm(total=max_length, desc="Generation") as pbar: for i in range(start_len, max_length): # trg_tensor = #torch.LongTensor(outputs).to(model.device) if not cache_kv: logits = self(outputs, context=context, fragment=fragments) else: # logits_ = self(outputs, context=context, fragment=fragments) if i == start_len: # When starting pass the whole input, so that "start_smiles" works, then only the newly generated token, because of the cache func_input = outputs else: func_input = outputs[:, -1].unsqueeze(-1) logits = self.forward_with_kvcache( func_input, context=context, fragment=fragments, cache_id=cache_id, pos_seq_len=outputs.size(-1), ) # raise NotImplementedError("Currently not working / right implemented") # logits = self.forward_with_kvcache(outputs, context=context, fragment=fragments,cache_id = cache_id) logits = logits[:, -1, :] # crop to just the final time step if temperature == 0.0: # "sample" the single most likely index _, logits = torch.topk(logits, k=1, dim=-1) else: # pluck the logits at the final step and scale by desired temperature logits = logits / temperature # optionally crop the logits to only the top k options if top_k is not None: v, _ = torch.topk(logits, min(top_k, logits.size(-1))) logits[logits < v[:, [-1]]] = -float("Inf") probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) idx_next = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1) ended_sentences = idx_next == tokenizer.sep_token_id if torch.count_nonzero(ended_sentences) != 0: indicies = torch.nonzero(ended_sentences) indicies = indicies.cpu().numpy() for end_idx in indicies[:, 0]: if has_end_idx[end_idx] == 0: has_end_idx[end_idx] = i # print(has_end_idx) if all([idx != 0 for idx in has_end_idx]): break # outputs.append(best_guesses) # outputs = torch.row_stack((outputs, idx_next)) outputs =, idx_next), dim=1) pbar.update(1) out_selfies = [] for output, end_idx in zip(outputs.cpu().numpy(), has_end_idx): # Incase of limiting the max_len if end_idx == 0: selfie = [tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(idx) for idx in output[:]] else: selfie = [ tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(idx) for idx in output[:end_idx] ] selfie = "".join(selfie[1:]) out_selfies.append(selfie) # for indicies in outputs: # translated_sentence = [tokenizer.idx_to_tokens[idx] for idx in outputs] # remove start token return out_selfies @staticmethod def load(path, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu")) -> Transformer: data = torch.load(path, map_location=device) newinstace = Transformer(data["model_params"], data["context_params"]) newinstace.load_state_dict(data["state_dict"]) return def save(self, filepath): { "state_dict": self.state_dict(), **dict(model_params=self.params, context_params=self.context_params), }, filepath, ) def getNumberTrainableParams(self) -> int: return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad) def getNumberParams(self) -> int: return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters()) if __name__ == "__main__": m = Transformer( ModelArgs(dim=128, n_layers=8, n_heads=8, vocab_size=512, max_seq_len=1024), context_params=ContextArgs( context_keys=["logp", "sascore", "mol_weight"], context_dims=[1, 1, 1] ), ) seq = torch.ones((128, 50), dtype=torch.long) frag = torch.ones((128, 10), dtype=torch.long) context = { "logp": torch.ones((128,), dtype=torch.float32), # "sascore": torch.ones((128,), dtype=torch.float32), "mol_weight": torch.ones((128,), dtype=torch.float32), } print(m.forward(seq, targets=seq, context=context, fragment=frag))